Sailers in Prison at Richmond The following ere among the priaoonrs confined in Rich mond. They are regarded by the Confederate Govern ment simply a* citizens, and are confined in the Libby tobacco factory, sow seed as a prison for the sick and wounded, the surgeons and civilians. Then are well, bat occupying as they do a room with hundreds of sick and vr undeo, Ling with them on the same floor, without 4ots or beds, and on short rations (two moal* per day) of bread and meat, express themselves as decidedly uncom fortable: Ralph tt Svletb* sutler 17th Beat. N. Y. Vol. G« Mills, clerk to sutler 17th Begt N. Y. Vol. 08. Gildersleve, clerk to sutler 17th Regt N. Y. YoL 6. 8 Mann, sutler 18th Regt.. Mass. Vol. ‘O. B. Mann, clerk to sutler 18th Regt. Miss Vol. Wra. Phelps, oleik to sutler sth Beat. Mich Vol, "Wrn. Weetawav, Butler sth R en Micb. Vol. 'Tboa. Ward, clerk to sutler 6tb R’-gt. Blsch VoL B. E. Parker, sutler 2d Re«n B I. Vol. J W. 7 ougbUn, sutler id Tt *srt. Jt. L Vol. (Sam l May, clerk to sotler 20th tt w gt. W^b.Tol. W. O, Chapin, Clerk t r sotfer 4th Vt. Vol. G. R. Salisbury, clerk to sorter 4th R*gt. Vt Vol, L. O Parkhuret, cleik to sutler 2d Rest. Vt. Vol. B. B. Fisher, clerk to antler 2c JUgt. Vt. Vol. Wm. Kem, sutler 56th Regt. N.. Y. Vol. CALIFORNIA COTTON BAISING.—The premium ■off' red by the Legislature of Gatifbraia for the btst tHimple of coiton ia-ed in the Stats has earned much in terest lo be manifested iu the growth of that s'aple by farmnrv, and the question Is now being thoroughly >tested, *. ■ FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MOMEY MARKET. PniLADBLPHtA. July 22,1862. Business on the street wasextremely active to-day,and -bullion commands the greater part of the attention of <fhc banking fraternity. At the Board of Brokers gold brought 120. Although there were no bn* ers at this fig ure ou the street, dealers would not cl oho out at any low er rate, whde buyers were plenty at which was * the ruling figure of theday. The supply coming in from the country is enormous, and accounts fo * the favorable specie statements of the bonks of tola and other cities. 'The New York Herald, of to,day, in this regard says: « To* day's bank state neet compares as/olio wa with * that of last Monday; ; * 'Week end’g. Loans. Specie. Circulation, Deposits. •'July 1?, ,$147,967,486 32,098.174 9.212,: 97 127,0*8,055 July 19.. 148 827,428 31.928,609 9,15&80l 129.485,077 ,$829,987 “JTbe decrease of specie is less than was generally®!- • pected, in view of the recent ht-avy shipments of coin. Very little ornone of the gold exported to ffinrope* and shipped to Tennessee, Kentucky, and Louisiana for the purchase of cotton and sugar, has come out of the backs. ‘Theincrease in dfponlts is greater than was anticipated. Money is again flowing hither from the country for em ployment, and unless speculation of trim* kind or other - can he started, the banks will experience difficulty in •employlug their means. The ioaes Increased last week only half- as much as tho deposits ” Old demands were Arm at 8 premium until near the • close, when the great quantity in the msrtet caused a -declineof #i 198, however, instill the rulfog figure. activity was noted in the silver line, with tyate same as yesterday. A telegraphic despatch received *t>y Postmaster Walburn, forbidding the sale ef post oF« Ificeetainpß, save only to those who needed them for use on letters, caused a barter among the “smiU-cUftoga” Ctnen,and many of them looked somewhat dhmal. The •Interruption will onl;/ last until the Ist of August, when the new issue will he ready, and dealers will be able to : get along with the quantity on the market until that time. Stocks were considerably depressed again, and Go vernment securities receded to about the closing figures -of last week. Sixes, 1881, declined l#®2. The ea -fiorsed seven-thirtieths advanced #. Pennsylvania fives - Reclined #. City sixes, new. were Him at 101. The old -advanced #. Pennsylvania coupon fives were steady at ©2, yesterday’s figure. Beading six* s, ’B6, advanced }£ • *7OV#. Long Island Railroad sixes brought 92. Phi ladelphia and Sunbury sevens 90. Susmusbanna Canal tplxes 83#. Pennsylvania Ballroad second mortgage ad •vanced # ; first do # on the bida.SchnrihiU Navi gation sixes, *B2, brought 69. North Pennsylvania Rail •road sixes 74%, with 97 bid for t:-eteos, The share list was inactive. Beading declined #, Camden and Am* ’’boy, dividend off, brought 128. Pennsylvania Railroad : Advanced #. Norristown brought 49#. North Penn sylvania B#. *Minehill 47#—no change. Long Id and J6—no change. Schuylkill Navigation preferred shares Were sold at 14#, same as yesterday’s bid. Passenger railways were in more demand. Baca and Vine was Steady at 11#—a slight advance; Vecond aod Thtrd at <C4; Spruce and Pine advanced to 11#; 40 was bid for Frankford and Southwark; 6C for West Philadelphia; S9.for Green and Goatee; 20 for Girard College. Girard ißank sold for 39#; Consolidation 26: North America 3io, - Drexel A Go, quote:; Mew York exchange.........parol-10 pm. Boston exchange........ parol-10 pm. Baltimore exchange..,,,,,,.. ........ t ,' par® # dis. Conatry fund 5.......................... #® # dis. American g«ld. „.* ,19 #o 20 prem. Old demand-n0te5......... .....7 ka B#orem. V-SlO Treasury n0te5.................«1Q1#«102#. The following Is the coal tonnage of the Sbumokia Yal dey and PottsvUle Railroad Company: Week. Year. Tons. Tons. *3?or tho week ending July 19....6,873 12 311,007 13 €ame time last year,.,...5337 10 105,240 19 Increase, Tbo following is a report of the amount of coal traos iftortod over the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western ’Railroad for the week ending Saturday, July 19: .. Tons cwt. Tons- cwt. •Shipped North... "... B.B*o 04 1614 U 18 « South.,. 17,546 II 39H.329 12 T0ta1*,,,,.26fc86 15 669,771 10 For corresponding time last year: ! Tone. cwt. TonH. cwt. Shipped North.,. 6.-209 01 135,654 00 “ /50uth,20,929 11 480.437 18 Total JDecrease,, 2T,iSB; II The following is the annual report of cod! transported •over the Little Schuylkill Railroad, and during the week •ending July 10,2862: COLLI2RIBS OPERATORS. <lbarles F. Sboener., Lehigh.., . <Jbarlea[F. Shoeuer.. ‘lrt-enwood. Bod aid s on &Oo. »bafcMol. £. Ratcliff. N ewbtrk, . i J. B. Cole,.,Bucbviite.. ■J. B. C01e............ Reevesdaie. George W. Cole.****. Beevesdalt. H. Dinttugar.,Newkhk... S. Bintingar......... 33. East.... OatawlssaOo.i. The following in the quantity of coal transported over Che differc-nt railroads in Schuylkill county for the week •finding Thursday evening lost: LATERAL ROADS. lilount Carbon Rai1r0ad.......... 3Mill Crfok Bo«d. V.'.... .......... Wine Bit! Baitrcad.... Little BchuylkiU Rai1r0ad,........ Schuylkill Valley Rai1r0ad........ The New York Evening Post says: The stock market has come to a stand stilt, both buy* firs and Boilers awaiting further news from Europe. The fid vices by the Abls, published in the morning papers, are In answer to dates from this side ut Juty lftt,an<l till 4he response to the accounts of JulySd are received there •will probably be no special activit* in fancy st icks. Tne dealings to-day are at adecline of %©1 par cant from sbe pi ices of yesterday, with but httl» A pe mhtivo spirit fit the close. Hew York Oeutrel is qmted 92, against S2#©93 yesterday, and other Bhares Bhow a correspond* lag reduotion. After tho Board prices were still lower, Hew York Centralis selling at 91&©91# ; Erie 33# Bock Island <325* } Toledo 46-!g \ Galena ; fillchigm Central 55%, The weakest of the railway tbares Is Michigan Central; salesere made ag low aai)B#, against 60# yesterday. Michigan guarantied closes with sellers at s'-*#. Railroad bonds are quiet and rather lower. Brie Fourths fell l# per cent.; Cleveland ad Toledo Sink ii-g Yuddfi, 1# * filicbiaan Southern Sinking Funds, 1, Terre Haute *ad Alton First, lj Toledo and tpecouds,d. • ■ ( There is continued he&vfries* /ri Gofefnfiient seburi* dies. The sales eariy in the d-»y were at a decline of 1 I»r cent. <m Ihe quotations of yeafc-rdav, and since the 'JBoard still lower prices are established. fTodwr a pres flure to sell, 97 was accepted for the da of 1881, and lot# for 7.30 treasury notes, At the reduction, however, •there is a better inquiry. For 8 per cent, certificates of lindebtedosesfiT# is bid. The foreign exchange market is quite dull for the Bos ton stewner on account of the demand. First-class •t>i!ls en London «ro quoted at 131# a!32. . > The market for silver is very tirm, and at 115 there is «strong demand. We have heard of purchases of. small •change, on country orders, at 115#®U6 per cent. Tbe gold marfaot is without special change.' Nearly all dhe tales have been at 12Qs®r20# for merchantable lots, <and I2o#a»l2(i# ifor doubte eagles. \i the close, there •*re Hellers »t*l2o,wbich is aslinde lower in* sympathy svilh tliedulinessof the exchange market. dPhilfideifftia Stock Exchange Salem, July 22. .{Reported by 8. 33. Slavalakkr. Phila. Exchange.] • * ' FIRST BOAR'D * :ißo>Race Sc Virie.b3. 11# 6000;Pa5s C & P..... 80# 300 d0....i30... 1134 47»08S •6000 City 6a new.... 101 .43 Cousolida 8k.... 25 :i6OQ do KSO.. 97# 5 Cam &\m 8...7126 300 - d 0.......... 97# 2000 Morris C latm... 993^ 6GOUSBs’BI 98# 28FaR..*...; 47 1000 RoarflnK 6a *38... 85 4000 do ’7O ..;.., 97 2000 Long la R 09 bB ;‘92; 6000 Pa coup sVfS\vo. 92 600 Dei R guar bonds 90 2 Norriarown ft... 10 North Pa 8...... 8# 1265 Ameuean 5c01d..120 1000 Phlla & Bun 75.. 90 BOARDS (28 Bank of N Amer;.l29 m m »8 jr 98 X m 64 nj( n« BB BETWEEI ]8 MloehiH II ’«* ■SOO lioog ißlftnd 8.V.. 18 - BECOHI ~101 .'6BO d0.........*. SOO do. -600 d 0.......... 50)00 do. SO Oitard Bank.... 21 Sec & Third 8.. 1 Spr & Pine B b 5 81- do. ...b6wn 39000 Pa hr. ISOoO Sum Oa-aa10e,... 33# 11000 iu U 24 mort.... 99# 6000 <*0...........100 6 Oana & Am R;...126 900.60 Arnold IC 80.119# 33 Bpr& Pine ft..., 11 # 150 Sclmyl Nav prf.. 14# 2800 City Cs new, *5400 do new.... 101 | .6000 Lebanon Yal 75.. 99 % 200 Beading 8. t ,,.. 20, d 0... 27* '.20C0 Long Is Btis.... 92 •SOCK) U S 6s >81....;., 98 ' •3500 d0..98 AFI’ER 400 Schiiyl NavCs’B2: 69 j CLOSING FBI Bid. A*7ccd.\ 3U S6s 57V 98 • tTBTr7 8-10N.102 102* BOARDS, Bid. AtkeA L Island K.,,,, 16- C 10# Leh 01 & N.x-dv .48 -' 49 # LeCi&Navscpi 23 SO N Feimaß..... B#’ 8 % N Paß6a.*;... 74# 75 S pa am..., 97 99 GatawßOon.*. 3# 3# Catawissa Frf.. 10 ;■ 11 ffrh & «w B 40 .... : 11000 North Pa 6a.. CCES—STEaDY. IQPhiladft 65„,,.,97% ■ffhllada to new. ,100% tiPenna 65.......80% heading 8.... ; 27% Sead jnfis’QQMS.lOQtf - .. •Bead bda >70... . 86% 07 Bead mt 6s ’86.. 84% 85 PennaEexdlv._4o% 47 Seo & Third 3t G. 64 64tf ; BaceAVino-aiß lIV Ilk WMa'8..„.60 Wenna 81m6i..103 2snnaE2m os.. 99* 100 IjErißCnlCon.. 42 45 SLvft CM Fref.l2o 123 SlkStock.. 6. KSSjj’raf... .. 14# Blmfra Vtot 67 08# Jr' JJ *» wnw \s : '; fs Sprnce* Pine., 11% 13 Gr & Ota B radar 29 20 V Ob&Walexdir. 36 .. Arcb Stexdiv. 28 24 Tbir & Fifr’oth. 17 19 Sev & N’nth ... .. 8 Girard College.. 20 23 * A .ndelplita Market*. Holdets of A - Inr 22 -® T6nla «' to Btll; sffire firm in their views, and not .Ohio extra family, Itun prise 5,000 bbs, mostly good do on private terms, 65, iaOlndine 1,500 6bls Penna ioo bbls extra **»&!» tma Western at *, and and bakers are moderate w,|; the sales to the retailers Snoloding superfine' at So'.ilhe same range of prices, aOSOof'ff' bbl, as toanallty,, Oiul fancy brands at S 3 26 dO bbl. Corn Meal is Ecatt?i onp sells slowly at on g? w w bb!. "1115 bbls Penna sold Sm* is in fair demand, with 1260150 c for common to 7,000 bn at 140 c for white, ( " cl "^ n f^ O c o o 0 Bt 70s f<k. ““ 4 * 3 , 5 ® -private terms- W* lo ,, ary u„ * nrn red,’ oa Corals film; yellowsells at 60c^bn p ls selling in firmer; market contlnnes firm, with «*•< gales at “mSbere Is very lltf. worthy of. CITY ITEMS. Exhibition of Youthful Patriotism in Mantuayille.—lt is gratifying that among the com pensating effects of the rebellion at the South, Is the de velopment of a genuine, self-sacrificing patriotism at the North. Nor is this confined to any sex or age. Men who have sever been known t© give a dollar from mere motives of love of country, are now opening wide their purses for the benefit of the braves who have been dis abled in the service of oar country; and even little chil dren, in emulation of this growing spirit, are vieing with older ones in these humane and patriotic efforts. The latest case of this kind we have to record, occurred at Mantnavlife, West Philadelphia, last week. Two little girls, one eleven and the other thirteen years of age, con ceived the idea of getting up a fair for the benefit of the sick and wounded soldiers, and were making preparations on a tiny scale to hold it in a yard attached to one of their homes. They bad not proceeded long, however, before they had enlisted enough older persons in their enterprise to render it of sufficient importance to secure the uee of a public room, which was accordingly done, the “fair” having been held on Bridge street above Thirty- eighth street, on the 15th, lflth and 17th instant. The net amount realized from this juvenile undertaking was ninety dollars , which sum, we are requested to state, has bees placed in proper hands to be appropriated for the use of one of our city hospitals. Ail honor to the little heroines for their praiseworthy example in so use ful and noble a field! We hope tbat many little boys and girls who read this will profit by the lesson, and “go and do likewise.” There Is no better way of cultivating nobleness of mind and character in children—whether old or" young—-than by encouraging them in deeds of active benevolence. The.« Excelsior” Hams.—At the present season, of nil others, good Ham is decidedly tho mwt wholesome meat that can be colon. We may also add, that to those experimentally acquainted with the cele brated “Excelsior ” Hams, cured by Messrs. J. H. Michener & Go., Nos. 142 and 144 North Front’ street, there is no meat more delicious. It !a this fact that has mode the “ Excelsior n the ham that is used by'good livers in preference to all others. The admirable style in which Messrs-Michener & Go. prepare these hams is peculiar to themselves. They are richer In flavor, free from unpleasant saltness, and emphatically delicious We know whereof we affirm in saying this much. AH the principal grocers in this city, and sensible dealers everywhere else, we presume, sell the “Excelsior” Hama. 1,946,922 Card Pictures of distinguished persons, historical scenes, statuary, and rare old paintings, have ,become so thoroughly popularised that there is scarcely a well-furnished parlor, among people of taste, without its Photograph Album, filled with cartes de visits and ocher styles of pictures of that size. The supply of this de mand has, in fact, become quite a business. The statis tics of a single house here—that of Mr. F. Gnteknnst, Nos. 704 and 706 Arch street, who is the largest and de cidedly the mest successful producer of the Photographic carte de visite in this country—lf given, would scarcely be credited. Besides being resorted to for sittings, by persons of distinction from abroad and a large propor tion of oar own citizens, his printing department supplies nearly all the leading dealers throughout the Union. At his countets onr readers will find a superb collection of pictures, albums, and whatever else is iocludsd in this peculiar line of business. His elegant galleries are visited by scores of strangers daily, as one of our principal depo sitorics of Art. Pure Scotch: Ales and London Brown 37007, for medicinal purposes, can be had in greatest ex cellence at Mr. 0. H. Mattson’s, dealer in fine family groceries, southwest corner of Arch and Tenth streets. Hiß stock of these liquors, upon competent chemical analysis, has been pronounerd the best, being absolutely free from any deleterious substance; they are henco re ccmmendedas a healthful and invigorating tonic. Gen. Halleck Coming East.— Gen. Hal leck is to be stationed at Washington, where he is to act as commander in-chief of the Federal forces He will not take the field, in person, at preseat, aud while at headquarters, at the seat of Government, he will wear citizens’ dress. While at Washington the general will probably piocure all his garments at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of BockbiU & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Gbestnnt street, above Sixth, an establishment that is patronized by all the wise and the discreet in the land. An Interesting Letter from the Colonel OF tub Five HraDitEo And Ninth P. V.—» Bear Uncle: You, perhaps, have heard of us through the papers. Last May I encamped 1 the boys’ in Rattlesnake Swamp, where I staid until the glorious Fourth, when we got a 1 cor duroy’ completed, so we could march out of it. We lost all of our horses and mules, and had to leave our heavy guns. A contraband, who came to tell ns about the many, I had arrested and sent to Fortress Monroe, as I am particular about the Constitution. Last Saturday I was about making a charge on a squad of rebels, when one of them, who lived about a mile in our rear, sent word that ho wanted agnard to watch his property, which so weakened my force that, whea l made the attack, I was driven back sixteen miles. I have preserved the Constitniion, and only put the war back six months. The boys are cafe and in good spirits. - “P. S.—Get a ‘bullet-proof vest, ’ at Charles Stokes* Clothing Store, under the Continental, and Bend it to me right away. Your nephew, George,” A Meteor.—-A night or two siuce, as the moon waa partially obscured by a light, fleecy cloud, a meteoric ball, very luminous, of aeilvery hue, extremely brilllart, and to the eye somewhat larger in anpearance than JUemoon itself, crossed in close proximity to the moon. At first, it appeared in the shape of a perfect globe, then graduaUy curled itself until it spread into one immense sheet of liquid fire, and formed letters reading nearly as folJows: Buy your summer garments at the Ono-price Mammoth establishment of Granvilie Stokes, ©39 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. f ; 59*091 IS ,•36.320 08 ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Ohoatnnfc eto. J L Kennedy, Now York 3 Palton, Philadelphia J Plfsley W H Barnes, Pittsburg J S Casement, Ohio J Ml Hunt, Cincinnati, 0 L Btlx, Cincinnati, 0 J P Scott, Pittsburg WBMcCiav JasSEurdrake, Cincm, 0 Sirs McCormick, Harrisbg J D Cameron, Harrisburg U C Low Geo W Haldship, Pittsburg WBSK TOTAL, 3,604 12 25,565 06 1.247 16 12,25114 2,433 05 20,938 08 6,632 11 2.561 17 925 11 19,493 14 H B Champion, EoshvHle E P Dwyer, Chicago X H Baker & fam, St Louis Bliss 0 A Baker, St Louie D A Dangler, Cleveland Beoj Newton .New York -• Jacob StBDWQod, Boston Gr Chilioc* Bosfon W H Stewart, New Torfc Master Stewart, New York G W Wright, New York J P Leonard, Boston TP Stearins, Boston Ohaa Fox, Cincinnati, 0 George P Wilkins, Pittsburg W J Sanford, Boston E Greenough Plait, Phiiada F Piatt, Philadelphia J M Taylor, New York B Morris, Washington S 0 Simmons & son, Sid BevChas Seymour, Easton H A Tildon, New York J E Shegogue, Conn 100,634 12 \ WEEK, j TOTAL. Miss Shegogue, Conn G T Wilder, Boston C W Chamberlain*Dayton. T.B A David, Virginia Geo W Solchan, Newark K F Johnson, Connecticut H W Tracy, Pinegrove , Dr. E Kershnar, U 8 N E Colson, New York .. .. John Barnett, New York Cbas N Turnbull, USA Geo H Hall, Maryland Cent Gardner, U S A F W G Lewis, Boston ,| V&VIO; 37,139 19 ,(Ufit»6 09'319.440'10 43.49) 10[75a,9J0 04 [ 6 905 17(100 634 12 | 2,535 10(117,863 00 D II Sweetzor, Boston : 8 Chamberlin, New Haven B B Boot, Hartford Geo Ashmore, Mess . CH Erwin & la, Painted Post W JSeymour. Troy, NY S Ii Talcott, New Haven H W Harding, Wheeling H 0 Hnnt, Boston B S Goodwin, Boston P T Johnson, New York P Gildersteeve, Ne w York W P Stratton Pittsburg A Wolcott, Now York L Jones, Scranton O T James . Oapt J P Gillis, U S N Jacob Vanderpool, N Y Geo B Yanderpofel, NY M Hawly & wf, Baltimore Geo W'Boberts Chas Albright. M Chuuk F C Lowihrop, Trenton W H Strob, Hunch Chunk A W Leisenring, M Chunk J B Graves, Now York N T Spear, New York H Ball, New York E 0 Fisber, New York J M Bichards, New York 0 F Weller, jr, Pennaylvania'L B Sidway, Chicago HI Plat!, New York’ M P Ayers, Illinois Geo Beatty, Toronto E Markß, New York Jag 0 Ludlow, New Jersey S B Irwin, New Jersey W H Chftlefula, Olncin, 0 J J Blair, Now Jersey C Brioton, jr, Chester co Chas T W Copeland, N Y B 8 Chase, Massachusetts • Sidney Webster, Now York Cbas H Merrell, Chicago J Holliday Indiana Mtes Chambers, Indiana Benj Franklin, New York 0 H Bichardson, New York Chas Stewart & w, Ohio Miss H Stewart, Cincin, 0 Miss I Slewart, Cincin. .0 Mast C Stewart, Cincin, 0 J W Loane & da, BaUim’o H N Gambril, Baltimore Thos Polbemns, jr, N York Chas L Baylis, New York - H DnPont, Wilm, Del W McConkey, Penca J A Middleton, Baltimore George Hughes, New York J Franklin, New York A Coolldge, Boston E Mitchell, New York E J Nowlin, New Jersey T Middleton, Baltimore S Dalby, New Jersey W 0 Burns Geo D Cummins & wf, Balfc Dr B Banholow, U 8 N J B Haskeil, Baltimore W H Polk, Tennessee 8 C Kanoga, Illinois C E Grover, Illinois J T Zorn, Bew 1 ork A Itingsland & la. N York 0 Pierce & la, Boston C Summer, Boston / G N Corson, Pennsylvania F H Geofry, Boston Capt K L She'ly, U S A EH Ashcroft, Boston V D Pratt, New York Ii C Gunnell, Washington G H Paine, Washington ; W WhiUnd, Jr, Wash MEKOHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth at., below Arch. W C SatteTJield, Maryland H B McCauley, Virginia D W Magee,Virginia : W CFonntain, Vireinia M Winch, PUtsburg Charles Hillborn, Pa, A F Boynton, Clearfield W. Davis, Vermont W Jennison L G Grier, Pennsylvania H A Foster. Minerva, Ohio 0 B Jones* Pittsburg W H Cnssiday, Pittsburg A Wotie, Bethlehem C S Palmer, Pennsylvania Moses Brunner, Baltimore T B Moody, Wash', D O Capfc A Moore A’JlLeflie, Now Castle . Thos Schnll, Orwlgtfrarg Lieut C Flagg, Hass W W Irwin, JLiwtetown Mr* Adams,lZantaville JH DieGndorfer, Miltin , Mr» H W Jermiscm, Bay City T G Yeomans. Now, York J M Jennison * John Thompson, Pitteburg Samuel Shore, Pittsburg B McCotcheon, Pittsburg G Hampshire, Jeansviile OH Wilson, Scranton 0 D Foster, Wilkeabrrre D L "Rhone. Wilkeabarre J L Willentt, California Nathan Morton, New.Tork Charies J Jbhnson, N Y B B Derrickaon, New York A Leggate, Allegheny, Pa T J Now York . BT Elliott, New York ; Thos H Hudson, Bala ware B W Keynolds, Delaware AMERlCAN—Chestnut street) above Fifth. W Frederick, New York J Eiog, Pennsylvania J B Cox Delaware A M Day - - J K Riley.' IST Jersey J DSimpsan, Pennsylvania W Portia, N Jersey B N Batcbelder, N Hamp B P Moamau, U 8 N Levi Shaw, Virginia G B Denney, Dayfcos, 0 T H Brinton, Chester co . A Drum uond, N Jersey Gapt B W Jones, N Joraey J B Champion Mrs Dr Thomas, W Chester Miss S P Thomas Penna Miss M B Thomas, Penna Miss A C Thomas, Peaaa J B Baines, Lewistown Mr Childs P M StODe, Providence, BI Col 8 Johnson . G W Todd, Maryland GW Cummins, Delaware I Stout, Virginia \V P Fmitb, Baltimore THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. W Dj er, Delaware Ckaa Hillhorn . J Brancber, Ohio S E McGear, New Jersey. Miss Slatingto i D BloKenoa, Slairngton J Brown, New Jersey D Paxtom Gettysburg G E Hoffman, Cresson W B Bowon, New Jersey W 8 Bowen j Jr, New Jersey FL Baker,; Marietta Jeo 11 Cook, Hagerstown * J WoodaWe & tam, Penna B P Ancona, Pottßville *L 0 Dougherty, Minersv’d J Stevens, Connecticut NATIONAL HOTEL—Bace street,above Third. Samuel E Bose, Allentown T V Blnads, Allentown W K Bboads, Allentown , E Babe, Allentown ' D Weitzel, Beading Samuel Gan's, Easton D 8 Bare, Millersville Lewis Hover P Y BremlHnger, Penna . M Brobsfc, CatawEssa Geo Gleim, Lebanon, Pa HDeaslnger, Lebauon co David Knrmany, Lebanon co W B Danbam, Penn* , A 0 Wedekind & la, Lebanon Mrs C A Lobanon H Barr, Mount Joy, Pa , W Shammo, Halifax, Pa • B ABLET SHEAF— Second below Vino. J Anderson*Newtown HLindenbaum J S CadwaUader & son, Pa CP Brooks* Washington . S Betts* Kew Hope BJ Armstrong* Doyteßtovra J 1j Hunt, New Jersey 0 T Soroer, JohaivJUe A Panahower, Bucks co J.W McGafFep, Chicago [ K Marple, Chicago J Iredell, Montgomery co : A T DuffleM. Davisvillo ; J Stackhouse. Attleboro B r P»rle«*. Baltimore J Remmy, NPSS , Mr Knight. NPBB MJ *tr r ott. Montgomery CCnmhv Byberry H O Stuekert. Bucks co Wm Davison, Penna P Jarrctt, Bucks co 2* j \Viley» Hftniiabnten,,l : r J . T S Wotherbee, N Jersey Is* f : r ■’ ' -it igr' IoaVV" MOUNT YEBNOS—Second street, above Arch, vtiDßey, Bristol, Pa ; A Calder, Eauluunck •• Srottii, Atlantic city UP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST MIGHT. STATES UNlON—Market steeet, above Sixth. J Wefemer, Jr Indiana, Pa Geo M Biddle J B Fsbleman, Philadelphia R 0 Gallaher Miffilntewn W Buchanan, Lane co, Pa AW Bents, Carlisle H M White, Lancaster F B Martin, Columbia Jbs Knotwell, Columbia I) Brimmer, Pennsylvania A G Grove, Lycoming co E BBeel, Waßh, Pa T Young, Pennsylvania G Bench, Perry co, Pa R McDivett, Pennsylvania W 8 Picking, York, Pa W M Reynolds, Maryland Jos Richards, Maryland H Wille, Juniata co Mrs Hinkle, Atlantic BLACK BEAR—-Third Btreet, above CallowhilL J F Wefda, Pennsylvania J Horsh, Pennshurg W Hamer, Pennshurg O Harper, Jenkintown J Wagner. Pennsylvania Levi Dumb, MaHen Greek A Packman, Pennsylvania J Strunk, B«cht*l«vUle W T fchefer, Chester co D Bickabnugh, Penna W W Weaver, Penna D Levan, Beading ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. S 8 Handy, Sag Batbor Tboa Francis, New York J W Bond, Burlington, N J Henry Higby, Pittsburg It G Craig, Memphis Mrs J Bmce, Cincinnati, O Btr Houhton, Delaware F B Jones, Boston Dr Sharp, New Jereev J & wf, New York Louis Lelong, Newark, N J Jas Buffias-ton, Pa G W Caldwell, New York T Sayers, New York COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut W Levis, West Chester Jos H Osborne, Chester co Jas B Marrett, Maryland J Murdaugh & !a, Oxford 8 H Wilson & la, Oxford Miss Wilson, Oxford, Pa W W Parker, Mass Nathan D Hays. W Chester E Prizer & la. Doylestown John O Powley, Penna - W Dilwortb, Pennsylvania O H Lewis Albert W Smith, Prov, R I MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. Tbeo Scbocb, Stroudsburg J Bartley, Now Hope M Kenderdine, Pa G Watson, N J James Dean, N J John Patobeu* Wilm. Del 0 W Sheffray. MD.N Haven Mis* M Skinner. Bnffalo J Longshore & wf, Pa Steohen B Ford, Md B L Parsons, N J . A Thompson Tbos Jackson A son,Bead’g E D Jones, Penna BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Oailowhill. Reuben Smith. Lehigh Gap Eliaß Brittoer. Penna Mrs J Hess, Pennsylvania Jonah Bieceb Boston Jm Gaurman, Millergrown Mrs Sfrsrer, Pennsylvania MARINE INTELLIGENCE. wr SEE FOURTH PAGE. ARRIVED, Bark Czarina, Treat, 3 days from Boston, in ballast to I A Bonder & Co. / . : Brig American Union, Bartlett, 10 days from Msntan zm, via Quarantine, in ballast to E A Sender & Co. Left brig Herald, to sail 9th inßt. for Philadelphia. Brig Loango, Evans, 10 days from Havana, vh Qua rantine, with su&ar and segars, to Geo W Bernaudou & Bro. Left barks David Lapnley. for New York, to sail 15tb ifest; Tocony. for Philadelphia, waiting. Brig Catharine Nichols, Tyler, 8 days from Portland, •with mdse to B A Souder & Co. Brig Alipton, Sawyer, 7 days from Bangor, with lum ber to 6 ask ill & Galvin. J?cbr SHpton, Henry, 2 days from Baltimore, with wheat to Jas Barrett & Son. • Pcbr Helen, Carroll, 5 days from Boston, with stone to E A Bonder & Co. Schr Triumph, Watson, 6 days from Boston, with ico to captain. Schr H Laurens, from Salem, In ballot. SchrFanny’ Board man, Matthews, from Boston, in bsli&st to captain. . Steamer Ironsides, Yandeveer, 23 hours from N York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. • below;..' ' K Brig John M Kennedy, from an Eastern port, in bal last* CLEARED. Brig Mary Lowell, Johnson, Boston, . J E Bazley & Co. ■ ■ •• • Brig Fanny Butler, Bartlett, Portland, Tyler, Stone & Co. . ‘ . Schr H Durens, Johnson, Palem, J B Henry. Schr Lizzie Taylor, Corson, Newborn, Tyler, Stone & Co. , Bcbr Fanny Boardman, Matthews, Portsmouth, N H, J B White. Str R Willing. Fultz, Baltimore, A Grove*, Jr.. - Str Bristol, Cbatlea, New York, W P Clyde. Btr Black Diamond. Green, N York, W if Baird & Co, Barge Wanderer, Knowlton, do do. (Gorrospondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) - ' LEWES, Del., July 21. The following vessels passed to sea yesterday: barks Mecdi. for New York, and Helen Maria, for Boston; brig W C Clark, for SoutbfWest Pass, together with the following named schooners: L*dy Suffolk, J B Frank lin, A S Bowers, Myra, Michigan, Island Belle. Beulah, Frank Herbert, Thomas Tull, Cords, Browning, with sutlers stores; John Sparks A J Hor ton, Louisa, Lmac Rich. Garthagena, E 6 Etiiott. W P Bichie, Naiad Queen, J G Babcock, Geo Adams, Gun Bock, E W.Saunders, for Fortress Monroe, with Govern ment i-torea, and several otherß, principally coal laden. The bark Lucy A Nichols, from Havana for New York, arrived at the Breakwater last evening Wind E, Yours, &c, AABON MARSHALL. MEMORANDA Brig Elisa Ann, Herrick* cleared at Boston 21at inst. for Philadelphia. * Schr Cordelia Newkirk, Weaver, hence at Boston 2lst inst. /• Scbr Snow; Flake. Dickerson, cleared at Boston 21st inst for Philadelphia. Schr Reindeer, Davis, hence at Fall Biver 19th inst. Scbrs John. Stockham, Babcock, and Wm. Collyer, Baynor, for Philadelphia, sailed from Salem, 20th inst. SPECIAL NOTICES. A Summer Sfogestion. Br THE BARD OP TOWER HALL. Summer has charms ’midst rural bloom,- Or by the foaming ocean, - But in the city, scarce is room For pleasure or devotion. Chnrcheß an shut and pastors gone, So too each congregation; Amusements drag but slowly on, ’Midst dust and perspiration. But where old Neptune’s torrent swells, And board-bills too are rising, Behold large flocks of dashing belles, With wardrobes quite surprising. For many conquests they prepare, For to these scenes of pleasure . Bwarm beaux, the rich and fair, • : Hope fo secure a tre&sare. And they who entertain that thought For conquest should prepare, Bememborißg that the girls are caught, (As Byron says) by glare. . Then lot tbe lads themselves provide Against the trying hour}> • With riegant costumes supplied Cheaply at Bennett’s Tower. We have the largest assortment of seasonable ready made Clothing in Philadelphia. We buy and sell for cask onl/y> therefore, at the lowest possible prices. TOWER HALL, No. 518 Market street, Philadel phia. BENNETT & 00. Pubify the Blood.—lt is an osta blisbed fact that a very large class of diseases can only be cured by such remedies as will enter Into the blood and circulate with it through every portion of the body) for only by tide means can the remedy be brought into im mediate contact with the disease. To obtain this desira ble end no preparation has ever been bo uniformly buc cesßfttl as X'B. Jayne’s Alterative. Scrofula, Kina’s Evil, Cancer and Cancerous Tumors, White Swellings, Enlargement of the Bones, Chronic Rheumatism and. Gout, Eruptive Diseases of the Skin, Old and Indolent Ulcers, Goitrous Swellings of the Throat, &c., Wo cured with a certainty which has astonished every beholder. It is, besides, one of the most pleasant articles that can be taken into the stomach, operating as a tonic, and re moving Dyspepsia and Nervous Affections, and impart ing a glow of animation and health unequalled by any thing in the wht le Materia Medica. Prepared only ,by Dr. D. JAYNE & SON, 242 Chestnut street, jy2t*mw2fc ' Singer & Co.’s Letter “A” Fa mily SEWING MACHINE, WITH ALL THE RE CENT IMPROVEMENTS, is the best, and ohjupest, and most beautiful, of all Sewing Machines. This Machine wfll sow anything, from the running of a tuck in Tarletan to the making of an Overcoat—anything .from Pilot or Beaver Cloth down to the softest Gaazeor Gossamer Tissue, and is ever ready to do its work to per-. fection. It can fell, bem, bind, gather, tuck, quilt, and has capacity for a great variety of ornamental work. This is sot the only Machine that can fell, hem, bind, and bo forth, but it will do so better than any other Ma chine. The Letter “A” Family Sewing Machine may •be had in a great variety of cabinet cases. The Folding Cbbo which is now becoming so popular, is, as its name implies, one that can be folded into a box or case which, when opened, makes a beautiful, substantial, and spa cious table for fee work to reßt upon. The cases are of every imaginable design—plain as the wood grew in its native foreßt, or as elaborately finished'as arfccan make them. The Branch; Offices are well supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc., of the very quality. Send for a copy of “ Singer & Co.’s Gaiette.” I. M. SINGES & CO., 458 BROADWAY, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, 810 CHESTNUT ST. ' ; ; jyl2-mwftf Batchelor's JLu[B_Dye ! TOT BEST INTOT'WOELD. WILLIAM A. BATOHELOR’S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature— warranted not to Injure the Hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes,' and invigorates the Hair for life- GRAY, BED, or BUSTY HAIB instantly tarns a splendid Black or Brown, leavingthe Hair soft and beau tiful,; Sold by all Druggists, &o. “HGT The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHB LOBj On the four sidescfeach boas. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, . (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond lireet >, my26-ly New York. S.—T.—lBoo—X. Brake’s Plantation Bitters—Ex hausted Nature’s Great Restorer. They: invigorate,: strengthen, and purify the system,-Cure Dyspepsia, Acidity of fee Stomach, Diarrhoea, Ac. A , perfect ap petizer and tonic. They invigorate the body, without stimulating the brain. Thejc are compounded of pure Bt. Croix Bum, Bootß, and Herbß, and are recom mended by ail who use’ them. j. Adapted to old or young, but particularly rcoemmended to the weak and languid. Sold by all Grocers," Druggiots, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H..DRAKE & 00., my3-mwf3m 202 Broadway, New York. One-Price Clothing, of the latest Styles, made in the Best Manner, expreaaly for - RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures, All Goods*.-made to' Order warranted satisfactory. Out ONE-Paioa System is otrictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. seSS-ly JONEB & CO .. 604 MARKET Street. MARRIED TBUITT—JOHNSON.—On the. 22d instant, by Rev. Wm. W. Taylor, Robert W. Truitt to Anna M, Johnson, all of this city. : - \. .* DUBASS—O’NEIEi,—On fee 17th instant, by Rev. Father O’Barau, James Harass to Mary O’Neil, both of Philadelphia. ' , * BBEOBAFT—BAKER.—On the 20th inst., by Al dermanl M. Hager, Nimrod Beecraft to Hannah E. Baker, all of Baltimore, Md. .. • DIED. ' HOLMES —On the l7th inst, Mr. James Holmes, Sr., in the 64th year of his age. The relatives and friends of fee. family, also Chester Lodge, No. 23G, A. Y. M.» and the Order generally, are respectfully invited to attend the fuueral,-from his late residence.' No : 241 Monroe straer, on Thursday after noon, the 24th Inst., at 4 o’clock. Interment at Mac pelah Cemetery. ' JONES —On Saturday morning, 19fe instant, Mary E.» wife of J. W. Jones, in the 25th year of h*r age., Funeral service this aft imoon, at 4 o’clock, from fee N.W comer of. Ninth and Spruce streets. Frieids of the family invited to attend, without further * DEACON.—On Secbnd*day, the 2lst ia«t, Rachel E_ Deacon, wife of Edmund Deacon, and daughter of George Peterson.-v ;:;v. . v ; j ? . . Her relatives and friends are invited to attend'the funeral,'to meet at her father’s residence, No. 602 Nor h Sixth street, on .Fiffe-duy .morning, fee 24th inat-V 0 o’clock To proceed to Laurel Hill 4 : • THE PRESS-PHILA OEOTJT.—Ob the Stßt lust, Itietea Ann, wile of John J. (Irout. in the 31st year or heraei. The relatives audfriends of thjfamity are respectfully invited to attend the femoral, fron the residence of her husband, Richmond street, helcw Lehigh avenne, this (Wednesday) afternoon. 23d ins,, it 1 o’clock, without lnrther notice. To proceed to Ge:«4tttown. • * AGNRW —On the2oth ins)., Mb. Rtizabeth, wife of Michael Agnew, aged 37 years, \ Funeral from her husbacd’sieaidGice, southwest cor ner of Hancock and Master 4reeti, this (Wednesday) morning, at 8# o’clock. I j # ALLEN.—On tbf 20th Inst., fcmmi Waiters, youngest daughter of Eds in and Ann J. Ulen.agod 7 months and 11 days. \ . Funeral from the residence If he: parents. No, 1213 North Thirteenth Btreet, this (Vwdneaiay) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. M * BATT 20th inat, C talklty H, .—On the 40th j ear of his age. Funeral from hie late resides Girard avenue, this (Wedneed at 1 o’clock. * T\yf OU&NIN0 *BTOm—BESSON & UJ SON, Wo. 918 GHESTND Street. Black Mon&Bolino do Laines double widths. Black Tsimaes. Black Sommer Bombazines. Black English Bombazine*. Black Alpacas, bombazine Sigh. . , Black Gros Grain and Pmiltje'Soie Silks, Black Crape Maretz and Baraes. Black Bareee Hernam. , . f Black Silk Gwiadinps. [ , ; Black and WHte Lawn*. Glniftatns v Ad. , jv23 PTsr* CERTAIN FORMS >F BRAIN PRO* Lk3 dncetenaepcife, which, ifndnlgeri, will be ruin o»i« <o health and improvftn<Dfc yPHRENOLOGI lAL DESCRIPTIONS 08* OfIARiOTIS, with' advice, given, day and evening, by JOHJSfL. OAPEN, at 922 CBPSTNUT Street. - f • jv23-4t THE UNITED STAIES SANITARY \yjf commission—Philadelphia AGENCY, No. 1236 OBESTNUT STREET —Th« following recom mendation. by the President of thetnited States, suffi ciently authenticates the Commission'to th* public: M The Sanitary Commisdon is doing a work of great humanity and direct practical value to the nation in this time of its trial. It is entitled to the tratitide and confi dence of the people, and I trust it wilj'ba g%eronsly sao perted. There Is no agency throneh which, voluntary offerings of patriotism can be more of* ctiviiv male. The undersigned will receive, and forward to places where they may be most needed, all bobtrihntions for the sick and wonnded. W, PIATT, Jr., jy23-6t j Superintendent. A REUNION AND MEETING OFT HE UJ? Surviving Members of Gompaiy 0, Biker’s First California Regiment. wns held in Gaiip, near BarrisoaV Landing, Va., July 18,l€82.when the following rosola rione were unanimously approved and adopted;. Whereas, it hath pleased God, in his inimitibfo judg ment, to transfer another of our fe:low. members to the *» abodevbeyoTid the skies,”. - . . ; Resolved, That, while deeply deploring his loss, and silently lamenting ih unisbh with his now afflicted fa mily, (especially his mother, of whom he oiten’con versed, ) his early and premature death ] still, wesuccumb without mnrtmiring to the Divine decree! . > Resolved , That in SAMTJBL G. OLIBT were centred the attributes of the bravq soldier, and the generiu?, liberal impulses of the Brin friend and sociable comparfon. In bis connection with the battlcßOi Ball’s Bluffand Fair Oafcß, (in the latter of which be received his would,) and numerous skirmishes, he was known for judgment and undaunted hrayery, and in camp for bis humaiity and liberal sarrifices for those In sickness or want. \ Resolved, That these proceedings be published in the Philadelphia Inowtrerand Sunday Dispatch, and codes transmitted to bis family and the Morris Institute,! of Kensington, of which he was a member. I It# • Sergeant ALBAN T. PAI-JT, Chairman! / WEST PHILADELPHIA PAS *JES fIS GER RAILWAY 'COMPANY—The Board of Presidents of the City Railway Companies; having givtu permission to the several companies to isane rickets In. packs of. twenty for one dollar, marked good for arils on any city railway, NOTICE is hereby given, that this company will re* ceive any of said tickets, so marked, for a'ride in their ■'cars.' - The ticket?, of thiß company will he sold in packs of . twenty-jive for one dollar, as usual; good for a ride in the cars of the company only, t G. LOMBAERT. Secretary. Philadelphia, July 21, 1862. jv2l-6t FOR RECEIVER OF TAXES* \l3 JAMES C. KEL OH, Of Second ward, subject to nomination of People’s Con vention. ■ OFFICE DF MONONGAHELA NAVI UJ? CATION COMPANY.'—Pittsburg, July 10, 1 1862.—The Board of Directors have this day ordered that a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT , or TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS PER SHARK, b« paid (in current bankable funds) to the or their legal representatives, after the 14th Inst., at the office of the Treasurer, GRANT Street. PITTSBURG. ! jyl2-12t W. B. COPELAND. TrAaarjmr. VOLUNTEERS WANTED EOR 11 CURTIN lIGfIT GUARD,” 109th Regiment P. V.. Cob H. J. STAINBOOK, now in the Arm, of Virginia. .All tbe bounties and pay offered by the United Slates, State, and City, and S 5 extra bounty, by FEBEMAN SOOIT, Recruiting Officer, 626 BACK Street. - ■ - ■ " jy23 3t* J VICTORY ! VICTORY! !—THE noth REGIMEKT. F. V. M., ba ß been epeoiaUy accepted by the War Department for three years or during the war. Captains report immediately. ; Bounty, Rations, Clothing, and. Pay furnished from date of enlistment. - Thie ls the only three-year Regiment authorized by the Secretary of War from this State, and ail patriots desirous of serving our common country muss now come forward. The Regiment will positively march oh or be fore the Ist of September next. D. HEENAN, Colonel Commanding. A. MALSEED, Adjutant. • Per G. H. BABDWELL, Major. Headquarters. 624 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. j«l3 tf pOWERS’ HOTEL, Thi9 popular Hotel has lately been thoroughly rono rated and refurnished, ana now possesses all the reqnl ilteaofa The patronage of Philadslphianß and the travellinf #ublic,’ desiring fee best aooomodations and' moderate charges, is respectfully solicited. je2-8m H. L. POWERS, Proprietor. ... A CARD.—THE UNDERSIGNED, XI. late ot the GIBABDHOUBE, Philadelphia, hafi leased, for a term of years, WILLARD’S HOTEL, in Washington. They take this occasion to return to tbsfcr old friends and customers many thanks for post favors, md beg to assure them that they will be moat happy to tee them in their new quarters. . ... SYKES, CHADWICK, A 00. WARHraoroif. July 16.1863- au23-ly rjr'H/E ,', “EXCELSIOR” HAMS AKE THE BEST W THE WORLD. J. H. MTCBINER & CO-, «ENKBAr, PROVISION DEALERS, And curera of fee celebrated 66 EXCELSIOR” S UGAR. CURED HAMS, Nos. 142 and 144 North FRONT Street, Between Arch ce»3 Race Philadelphia. The justly-celebrated “EXCELSIOR” HAMS.are 'cured by J. H. M. & Co., (in a style peculiar tofeemr selves,) expressly for FAMILY USE; are of delicious flavor) free’from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered for sale. j;22’lm gAL T . 1,800 SACKS “GEORGE DEAK IN’S” FACTORY-FILLED STOVED SALT, JUST RECEIVED TER SHIP “BHATEMUC,”- ANB FOR SALE 11Y ■ C. W. CHUROHMAN. This . Salt is described as being equal to any feat is shipped,. <. r - - .. j>22-3t* - 32 SOUTH’FRONT STREET. CARD TO THE PUBLIC. congress; SPRING WATER DEPOT, 98 CEDAR STREET, An attempt has ,_been made to deceive the’public by persons offering what they cal!; “ Congress Water ” i from fountains, and at the priee of six (6) .cents per glass. The wholesale pricfcpf the ' genuine Congress Water, fit; New York* being about 7% bents per glass, the impoai-; Urn of pretending tq pell, at: "Retail at less than cost, 1 , and without allowance for ; freight, cartage, or , breakage, is apparentbut .their,probable course has been to empty one bottle or,genuine Congress,. Water into a fountain filled with their trash, and thereby ohristenfng its total ; contents. <.. . • • We have never sold Congress Water in fountains, nor in veseelßof Wy, other .description than’ordinary*sized glass bottles.; The cork of every bottle of tba gemiino is branded, ' And. any without ters on the cork is whether from ’’fcran- The following gentlemen oro supplied by ns regularly with genuine Congress Water, In bottles, frosh from tbs Congress Spring: ; • • FBBD’K BROWN, coir. Fifth and Chestnut sfca. .0. S. HUB BE LLi 1410 Ohesttmt street. OH AS. ELLIS & 00., Market street. E. J STEVENS &’CO., Sontinental Hotel. . AMBROSE SMITH, Chestnut street. J.O. TURNPENNY * 00., 941 Spruoe street. THOB. 3. HUSBAND, cor. Third and Spruce sts. ■WYETH Bros., Walnut street. CLARKE & WHITE. je3o-2mif T>EIMER’S rVOKYTYPES FULLY Jllj realize all that is desired in a picture—a beautiful, truthful, and, natural likeness—an imperishable .and valuable ' picture.; Gallery, BKOOND Street* above Green. ' It*; > (P BAY OB DISCOLORED HAIR VX dyed a beautiful Black or Brown, at: the BATH ING saloon, fourth and BitaNcn. j>23 iftr ERESII ARRIVAL OR HAVANA CfOAES. 1 ; ; ,; 50.000 Normandies. ’ . ■ > 00,0(0 Programas, l '20,000. El Globos. . , 10,000 FoncU’s, For sale at old priee?, by G GUaiPSBT, ,■ No. 1341 OHESTJTITT Street,- } Ope dooy above 17. 8} Mint, 4 T. OS T 08. 'MIBL&.ID, CERTIFY JU CAIE Ho. 890, for fire shares of stock of “The American Academy: df.Mus!o.’-V. The finder will return tbe same, as application lias tftenmade for the ißsne of a Certificate in lien thereof, to „V r vnmt O.GBtJGAH, No. 1021 SFRTJQB Street. . jjl2-oW4t* IELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1862. , O’Heal street, below 0 aflerno>n, 23d in«L, “ ABRAHAM LINCOLN.” SOLITARY NOTICES. HOTELS, Nob. if and 19 PARS: BOW, (OPPOSITE TEE ASTOS HOUSE,) NEW YORK. TEEMS 81.60 FEB DAY. FIEST-OLASS HOTEL. NEW YORK Saratoga, July 1, 1862, those words anil let- CONGRESS 0. & w, 'WATER. OOUNTER.PBIT, . tains or bottles, CLARKE & WHITE, Proprietors of Congress Spring, COMMISSION HOUSES. gEAMLESS BAGS. “ LEWISTON” and YOB SALE BY WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., jy2lmwflm ... No. *2O CHESTNUT Street, Batt, in the jyUNNELL AND . ' " m ' GREENE MANUFACTURING CO.’S PRINTS. 400 Canes NEW FALL STYLES. FOB SALE BY WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., jj2l.mwflm No. 220 CHESTNUT Street. JgROWN DRILLS, OF STANDARD QUALITY, fOR SALE BY WELLING, GOFFIN, & GO. jjlO-stnwßt 020 CHESTNUT STREET. jgED-QUILTS, SUITABLE FOR HOSPITAL PURPOSES. 8,000 10-4 WHITE AND BLUE AND WHITE AND SLATE. ALSO, 3-4 and 64 INDIGO BLUE FLANNELS. For sale by FKOTHINGHAM & WELLS, jjio an 34 N. FRONT and 35 LETITIa STBEET, gEmETJiY. HAZARD. & HUTCHINSON, Ho. 113 CHESTNUT STBEET, COMMISSION HIBOHAHTB 10* THI BALI OP . . PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. mb«B-Bn> AMERICAN SILK VELVETS. fJIHE AMERICAN SILK VELVETS. A NEW ARTICLE la Domestic Manufactures, made by JOHN BBOOK. VALLEY CREEK MILLS, The only Velvet Factory in America. . COLLAB, VEST, AND BONNET VELVETS, In a yariety of styles and finalities. For sale at No. 413 COMMERCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, ROBT. NELSON & BRO., SOLE AGENTS, Also, manufacturers of All-Wool Miner's;Flannels, Checks, Ginghams, Ac., &c. jylB-7t « JPOR THE PAETIGOLAR AT TENTION OF THE TRADED AXjTEMTJS & COZENS, NO. 241 CHESTNUT STBEET, SOLIS AGENTS PC* ftEEEN & DA KI ELS’ CELEBRATED IVORY-FINISH SPOOL COTTON, Pronounced one of the best and cheapest Spool Got* tons in the market. A full rapplyonhand. je24-lm# RENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. TjUNE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. J; The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED OUT UP SdIBTS, Which lie makes a speciality in his business. Also, oon ataictly receiving NOVELTIES FOE GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. J. W. SOOTT GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING hTOBE, m.m cHESTinTf street, f&SHf Four doors below the Continental, SEWING MACHIN ES. & WILSON, SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, je!3-3m FHILA.OTCI.raU.; JAY COOKE & CO., HO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, - NEW “5-20” LOAN. The undersigned, as SubscriptiouAgent for the Go vernment, Is prepared to deliver AT ONCE, ON PAYMENT, COUPON BONOS. £BW SIX PEB CENT. UNITED STATES LOAN, AUTHORIZED FEBRUARY 25,1832. Subscriptions received AT PAB, and accrued interest from May 1« 1862. LegaVTender or Par Notes and Checks received for the Bonds-—the Inter eat to date must be paid in Gold. This Loan Is called « 6-20,” having TWENTY years to run, but redeemable at the option of the Government at any time after FIVE years, but is a Six-per cont. Loan. je2s*lm OO CAA THIS AMOUNT WANT l|)4'jtivVi.l!D upon Mortgage, first-class 'Farm near the city. Apply to .E. PETTIT, , jyl2 No.SOfl WALSTUT Street . WATCHES AJND JEWELRY. AMERICAN, ENGLISH, ' SWISS WATCHES, JEWELBY, AND SILVEIiWABB, AT REDUCED PRICES, JOS. H; WATSON, mySo.2m ,386 CHESTNUT SIJBEET. Jfe REMOVAL. J. C. FULLER Having Removed from No. 42 South THIRD Street to No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, 2nd Floor, (Opposite Masonic Temple,) Now offers a Large and Desirable Stock of - GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, BOQEBS & BBOTHEES’ SPOONB AND YOBKB, 1 ■ 'Attn EINE JEWELRY, To which the attention of the trade is invited. »pB(Mta “ AMERICAN WATCH COM ■*£3? PANT.” GOLD AND SILVBK WATCHES. FOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. COMPANY’S SALESROOM, No. 718 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, (opposite Masonic Temple.) I. B. MARTER, Agent. opSO-Sm •yULCANITE RUBBER JE WELRY A beautiful line of GENTLEMEN'S VEST CHAINS, LADIES’ OHA TALAINB CHAINS, THIMBLES, CBOSSBB, STUDS, BUTTONS, 40., Now in Store. J. O. FULLER, No. 718 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, (Opposite Masonid Temple.) ■ ap3Q-Bm ; : •/. ■. ==================== WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. A FRESH ASSORTMENT; at LESS XL THAN FOBMEB FBIOES. FABB 4 BBOTH2B, Impoitera, 324 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. 1 - ; f,': ;POSTAGE STAMP HOLDERS, MA |JL Parchmont. 'The very article Ay on want.. Only, Qhe Cent each, at "UPEAMfe. 403 Uheatnut «tr^ v / y ‘ jy22*3t* t£ PREMIUM” «A” SPOOL COTTON. FINANCIAL. B ANKERS , JAY COOKE, SUBSOBIPTION AGENT, 114 South THIRD Street. PROPOSALS. ABMY CLOTHING AND equi page OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Strm-ifl —Philadelphia, July 22.1862 “PROPOSALS FOB DRUMS AND GARRISON FLAG HALLIARDS." SEPARATE SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed “ Pro posals for Drums" and “Garrison Flag Halliards,” will be received by (he undersigned, at this office, until 12 o’clock M., on FRIDAY, 25th inst , for furnishing and delivering at Ihu Schuylkill Arsenal— 400 Infantry Drums, full size, and 60 Qarrieon Flag uaUiatdH.- All deliveries will be subject to inspection, nod mart conform, in all respects, to the army standard* deposited In this office* Proposals will be received for any part of the above articles. Bidders will state the amount and time of each delivery Tbe right Is reserved ny the Deputy Quarter master General to accept auy part or the whole of a bid offered, or to reject the bids. In whole or in part, aa the intfcrcfet of the Government! In his opinion, may require. . . Gt. U. ORO3BXAK," j*23-3t Deputy Quartermaster General U. S. A. A BMY CLOTHING AND BQUI AX PAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH anil GIBABD Btrert«.___ n July 19, 1862. ~"~PB0P0SALO0K BLAMKE~ fla AMD HvT SBPABATB SEALED PBOPOSAIiS will be received by the Undersigned, at this Office, until lid o’clock fil., ou'TUESuAY* sth day of Angnat next, for furnish ink end delivering at the Schuylkill Arsenal, 75,000 ABMT BLANKEt’S, wool, gray, /srith the letters U. S. is black, 4 inches long, is the centre,) to be 7 feet long, 5 feet 6 inches wide, and to weigh 6 pounds each. Also, _ _ _ 32,000 UNIFORM HATS, (Black Felt,) AIT dellverba will be subject to inspection, aod must conform, in all respects, to the sealed army patterns de posited in Ibis office; a just and rigid companion will be made bitween tbe articles offered and the samples. Proposals will be received for any part of the above articles. Bidders will state the time and amouut of each, delivery, The. Blankets are required to be delivered within 90 days, and the Hats within 60 days, from: date of award of contract. . - . Tbe right is reserved by the Deputy Quartermaster Ge ceral to accept any partner the whole, of a bid offered, or to reject the bids, in whole or in part, as tho interest of the Government, in his opinion, mar require. Each propot-ai must beaignwl by toe individual or firm making it, and be accompanied by .a satisfactory guarantee that tbe bidder will execute, a contract, with good and suffi ciend bond, if his bio be accepted. Proposals, unac companied with satisfactory guarantee will not be con tideied; and contracts; will be awarded only to es tablished manufacturers of or dialer* in the articles, The failure to comply with any one order under the con tract to operate to tbe ioneituro of tbe entire penalty of the bond. Proposals will be. endorsed, “ Proposals for Blankets and Hats,” and addressed to G. H. GROSMAN, jy22-taus Deputy Quartermaster General. A BMI CLOTHING AND EQUI PAGE OFFIOK, TWELFTH AND GHUKD Philadelphia, •‘FROPOSALS FOB TENTS D’ABBI. OB SHELTER TENDS ” ".; SEALED PBOPOSAL*? will be received by the under signed, at this Office, until 32 o’clock on WEDNESDAY, 23d in st., tor furnishing and delivering at the SCHUYL KILL ARSENAL; AOOOO “TENt‘S D'ABIU, OB SHELTER TENTS,” to be made of cotton drill, or linen, complete, with guy lines andlvops; subject to inspection, and must confoim in all respects to the sealed army pat tern dt-posited in this Office. Proposals will be received for any part of the above article. Bidders will state the time and amount of each delivery. The right P reserved by the Deputy Quarter master General to accept any pare or the whole of a bid offered, or to reject the bidg, in whole or in part,'as the interest of tbe Government, in his opinion, may require. Each Proposal most be signed by the individual or firm making it. and bo accompanied by a satisfactory guaran tee that the bidder will execute a coutraet, with good and sufficient bond, if his bid be accepted. Proposals unaccompanied with satisfactory guarantee will not be considered, and contract will be awarded only to established manufacturers of or dealers In the articled Proposals will: be endorsed. “Proposals for Tents D’Abri, or Shelter Tents,” and be addressed to G. H GROSMAN, jy22*2t Dep. Quartermaster General, U. S. A MILITARY GOODS. U S. ARMY DUCK. - 15,000 Yds. 12 oz. 28i Inch. 10,000 do. 10 oz. do. do. 7,500 2 bus. Cotton and Jute Bags. 5,000 YARDS NEGRO REUSEY, BUITABIiE FOB COVERING CANTEENS. 11-4 BATES QUILTS, SUITABLE FOB HOSPIM PURPOSES. For Sale by _ . . D 1 COURSEY & HAMILTON, It* ' ' 23" CHESTNUT Street RM Y GO O£> S. 76 Gross HEAVY TWILLED TAPES, Army Standard, for Tents. 25 Bales HEAVY 28# TWILLS. 100 Coils 6-THREAD MANILLA CORD. .• In store, and for sale low, by "" a. o: ; c^AUFDn€: : :.. Nos. 75 and 77 SOUTH STREET, jy2l-6t • Baltimore. mENT BUTTONS AND SLIPS, U. 3. J- Pattern, mannfactored and for sale by J. P. BEED, southeast corner THIRTEENTH and NOBLE Streets, Philadelphia. . . . ,y9-lm* LEGAL. TO THE ORPHANS* COURT 108 X THE COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of GEORGE W. S»ITH, late of the Bising Son viUege doceaaed. - The Auditor appointed by the Court to au tit, settle and .adjust,the account of Oiarrison Smiih, adminfsJratrix of the estate of said decedent* and to make distribution of the balance in the bauds of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on WEDNESDAY* the sixth day of August, 1862. at 11 o’clock A. M., at; his office,, No. 16 North SEVENTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia.' jySS-wfmfit# -. . . H. B. WARRINER, Auditor. ¥NITED STATES, J3ASTEBN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN PISTRIOT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING; . WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel,: filed in the name of the United States of America, hath decreed all per sons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the Bchooner WINTER : SHRUB, whereof ia master, ...her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, capture as. prize by tbo United States-steamer HUNCHBACK, ana the United States gunboat WHITEHEAD, commanded respectively by acting Lieutenant E B. Colhoun and acting Master 0. A, Troish* to bemonißhed, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed,, (justice so requiring.) ‘You are, therefore, . charged, and Btrictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not,* but that, by publishing these presents in ; at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal Intelligent ccr, you do monish and cite, or cause to be. monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said schooner WINTER SHRUB, and thocargo laden on board thereof, to appear before the Hon. JOHN CADWALADER, the Judge of the said court, at the District Court room,. in the city of Philadelphia, on tire TWENTIETH day after publication-of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on tbo next- court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to jliow, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and : lawful excuse, if any they-have, why the said schooner WINTER: SHRUB, her tackie, ap parel and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchan dise laden on beard thereof, should, not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the Borne, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their mies, or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful priaea; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, Or be unto all persons aforesaid generally, (to the tenor of these presents, it is tdso intima • ted,) that if they shatinot appear'at the time and place above; mentioned, or appear and shall not 'show a rea sonable aiid lawful cause to the contrary, then said Dis trict Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, "and maypronopnee that the, said schooner WINTER BBRUB, her tackle, apparel; and furniture, and the goods, wereß, ardtaerchaodite laden on board thereof, did belong, at the time of tlte.capfcure of the same, totbeenemiesof the United States of Ame rica, and as goods of their'enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be ad judged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Courfcvlmt yotf shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said court, at Philadelphia, this twenty-first day of JULY, A. D. 1862, and in the eighty-seventh year of the Independence of the said' United States. is23-$t . G.B. FO-X,-Clerk DistrictConrt. REFRIGERATOR AND COOLERS refeiSeeX^ A tob.” ; These we, beyond doubt, the most soieufclflo and efficient : ;.. ; kefrig-eratOrs In nee, being WARRANTED to KEEP PROVISIONS LONGER, WITH LESS ICE, ■ THAN ANY OTHEBS. RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Also, a targe sssorfcnent of the most approved WATERCOOLERS. J. S. CLARK, ray23-tf No; ZOOS MARKET Street. pENN’A WORKS, On the Delaware Elver, below. Philadelphia, .. CHESTER. DELAWARE CO.; PENNSYLVANIA. EIANEY, SON, & ARCHBQLD, Engineers and Iron Ship Builders, • MANUFACTURERS OP ALU KINDS OF CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING ENGINES, Iron Veßßelß of ati‘descriptions, Boilers, Water-Tanks, Propellers, &c., Ac. EROS. REAREYj W. B. REANEY. SAMIt, AItCHSOLP* Late of Beaney, Neafie, &Oo», . Late Englneer-in- Penn’a Works, Philad’a* Chief, U; S.'Navy. jy22-ly . ''' •' p; FRANK. : PALipR,::' ' . Surgeon Artist to the Government Institutions, Wash ington. Also, to all of the Medical Colleger and Hos pitals.' The. “PALMER LIMBS,” adopted by the Army and Navy Surgeons. Pamphlets sent gratia Address, B. FRANK. PALMEBf* jy2-6m No. ZB6S-.OHEBTNUT Sfreot, Phllad’a. (YPINING OF A SUMMER. GAR- Xll, ' DH»[.—The TißderSgaed lie*, leave to Inform; ih< Jnbllo that he baa opened for the eeaaon hi* FINK GAB DUN ahd HOTEL, at the toot of COATES Street, oppo site Fnlrmonnt Fork. Families an psj-Hoularir Invited. Ica UreMn, Ottk<», oroeitent Lager Beer of Baltz’s brew »ry, Wines, Ac., always on hand. 'T 1 :... HBNBY FBXOKA,. mrß-to TWISTY-BIYFNTH and TOATKS Bi* t HEW PUBLICATIONS. Major winthrop’s new BOOK.—Edwin Brothertoft. By Major Win throp. J2mo. $l. Uncle Jah<s; Or, The History of a Man whose Boy hood was Spent in the School of Adversity. Illustrated. 18mo. 45 cents. Rose Darling ; Or, The Path of Truth. 30 cents. Tony Starr's Legacy. By the Author of “Win and Wear.” 75 cents. Tbe Boy Friend; Or, All Can Help.” By Aunt Friendly. 30 cents. Harry's Mistakes and Where They Led Him. 30 cents. Plain Words io Young Men. By Rev. J. B. Ripley. 25 cents. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIN N, jy23 $O6 CHESTNUT Street. Agency for ' D. APPLETON & CO., NEW YORK: New American Cyclopedia. Annual Cyclopedia, 1861. Benton's Debates of Congress. Geras from tbe DtUseldorf Gallery. G. P. PUTNAM, NEW YORK * Rebellion Record. Washington Irving's Works. “ “ Life and Letters. Bayard Taykr’s Works. Thomas Hood’s Writinea. Cassell & co v new YORK: Illustrated Family Bible. Popular Natural History. J G. GREGORY, NEW YORK: Cooper’s Worta{Darl«y's illustrations.) BBEI.DON & CO., NEW TORK: DicVens' Works ( Parley's and Gilbert's illustrations.) FRANK MOORE, NEW YORK: American Elrquence. . . Diary of the Revolution. Zenger Club Papers. EDWARD J, SEARS, A M., NEW YORK; National Quarterly Review. CAPT. WILKES, WASHINGTON.: Exploring Fxpedition. . FRBD’K. A. BROWN A CO., BOSTON: Bacon’s WoTks. LITTELL, SON, &CO BOSTON: . Xitteil’s Living Age, in vols. Afftbe Tales from the Living Age. WALKER, WISE, & CO., BOSTON: AH tbelr puhlicotioosaa per list. LITTLE, BROWN, & CO., BOSTON: Richard Grant .White’s edition of Sbakapeare, in 22 volumes JOHN McFARLVN, j) 23-eow 3m 33 South SIXTH Street, Piuladet phia. FRESH SUMMER BOOKS. Victor Hugo’s Buperb French Novel. The literary event of the century. An American translation, just out. Price, 50 cents in paper covers, and $1 cloth bound. AbTEMUS WARD, BIS BOOK. July 19. 1802. The funniest book ever published, All The rich things ofrthe rtnowned “Artemus.” Superbly illuatrated and cloth bound, price SI. (Seventh tboasand.) ‘ THE M.OBGESONS. Mrs. SrODDAET’s remarkably clever new novel, which has air ted y gone into a third edition. Price, 50 cents in paper covers, and SI cloth bound. ORIENTAL HAREMS AND SCENERY. A piquant and fascinating volune of adventures in Turkey by a Frenchwoman. Translated. Price, g 1.26. JOHN DOB AND EIOHABD BOE. A brilliant and satirical novel of Society in New York, by E. S. Gould. One vol . cloth bound. Price, fil. GAME FISH OF THE NORTH. A new and capital book on Fish and Fishing. Illus trated, Cloth bound. Price, $1.25. ' Theee Books are sold by all Booksellers, and will be sent by mail/ree, on receipt of price, by CARLETON, Publisher, j*2-w» tf NEW YORK. PHOTOGRAPHS. A^ATIiFAUTOIIY L picture, always go to BEIMEB’S. There is no such word as fail at his gallery. Colored Photographs realize the expectations of the most critical. Only §l. SE COND Street, above Green. It# TX7AR TIMES.—AII who desire a v ▼ fine portrait should get one now at R TIMER’S, SECOND Street, above Green. His Life e<ze Photo graphs in oil are now being made at war prices; to suit the times. It# p ENERAL HALLEOK.—A very fine \J\ Card Photograph of General Halleck. i MCALLISTER&BRO., jy22-2t 728 CHESTNUT Street. ‘ p ENERAL ZIEQLE. —A very fine CaTd Photograph of General Ziegle. just published, ; McAllister * bbo;, jy22-2t -728 CHESTNUT Street. Madame . clemekt ? s French BOARDING SCHOOL FOB YOUNG LADIES, GFRM>NTOWN, Pa . The Eleventh Session will open on WEDNESDAY, September 10th, 1882. . For particulars, please apply to the Principal. West WALNUTLane, Germantown, Pa. j>23-wfm6tJtW Bristol hoarding school for Girls will : open its Fall seasion on the first second of the ninth month. References: James '"Mott, Philadelphia; Anne Churchman. 908 Franklin street, Philadelphia; O N Peirce, 501 Norih Seventh street, Philidelohta; Henry W. Ridgway. Crops wicks, New Jersey; David J Griscom,. Woodbury, New Jersey. ; For circulars, apply to RUTH ANNA REIROE, Principal, Bristol, Pa. : jy23*2m* MR. WIN THR O P TAPP aN’S - Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, No. 1616 SPRUCE Street, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, September 17tb. • . jyl9-3m; HOLMEBEUBG BEMINAKJ FOR YOUNG LADIES, located on the Bristol Turn pike, 8 miles from Philadelphia and 2 from Tacony. The first term of the scholastic year begins the first MON DAY in September; second, term the Ist day of Feb ruary. \.... A circular, .containing terms, references, &c., can be obtained by'appUcation to the • . . . jy!4-3m* Misses CHAPMAN,-Principals. CIRCULATIWG LIBRARY TXT BROTHERHEAD’S 01 ROU- Yt . LAYING LIBBABY.—AII the NKW English and American Books, including ALL GLASSES of Lite rature. This is tbe ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that arenot REPRINTED here. Terms $6 per year; 6 months S 3; three months or 3 cents per day.: 218 South EIGHTH street: jy7-2ra* WAN T E D—A COMPETENT writer to prepare monlbJy for a firat-clas< pub lication, an article on some subject of utility and interest, requiring diversified research, scientific attainments, and statistical acenracy. Address “Y. K.” 80x2302 Phila delphia Post Office, stating terms. Ji23 2l^- XXTANTED—Assistance in introdu- T T clog a,NEW AND VALDABL® PATBSX. The whole, or any amount of territory, for sale VERY CBEAP j or wili exchange for any kind of negotiable property. Call on or address “PATENTEE,” P.0.80x 80, jj2l-3t* LAMBERTYILLE, N. J. TIIS NEKS WANTED. Two good HANDS will hear cf steady employment and good •wages by inquiring of J. &H. HERRINGTON, . jy2l-4t Johnstown, Pa. WANTED— By ayoungmarried man, ft eitiMition at Salesman in a Wholesale Dry .Goods orCommission House. Several years’ experience. Un doubted reference given. Address '‘Olemtßt,” this office. . jyl9-st‘* WANTED— 2,000 Men along tlie line of the Lehigh Canal, eay 1,500 laborers,'2so car penters, and 350 stene masons. Apply to tho officers of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, at MAUOH OHUNK^'ALLENTOWN, or EASTON, or anywher* along the line o£_the works. jelO-tf TV OUB l I COMMUNICATING XJ Booma to Let, with Board. Also, single ones to Gentlemen, et 234 South EIGHTH Street. jy22- 3t* •DEM OVAL.—M A H L O N ;> K IRK, XU DKNTI3T, has DEMOTED to No. 1602 CHEST NUT. Street. jyS lm* COPAKTJSEKSHIf JYO-* ICES. Dissolution of partner- SHIP.— The Partnership heretofore existing be tween JOSEPH A. COLEMAN and WftL BEVESS is THIS DAY dissolved. WM. SEVENS. pHiLAnELPHiA, July S3y 1862. It* . IVTOTIOB.—On and after this date X. 1 WILLIAM D. ELLIOTT is admitted,to an in terest in ray buaues®, which will be conducted under the style and firm of L. BANNENBAUM & CG. Office, during alterations of store, at No. 59 North SECOND Btreet, LOUIS DANNENB AUff. Philiidelphia, July 1* 1882. ‘ jy2l* 61* INSURANCE COMPANIES. Q.IBABD imi AND MAHIBB INSURANCE COMPANY; OFFIOE 416 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA This company continues to fcake risks en the B«f« elasses of Property at low rates. The public con rely upon its responsibility, and abSß ty to pay losses promptly. Its jdSsbnraemontß for thr benefit of the public, during the last nine yours, e xoeod ® 500,0 00, nod rC'Spectfnlly soliMi Ds Breor in th. fntart. DIEBOSOBB. OBAB. X. DUPONT, SEBBY WALKFB, JOHN fy.GLAGHOBK, JOHN THOBNLKY, O. F. HBAZLITY, ABBAHAM HABT, DAYBt) BOTH, Jr., PJSTEB B. ~HOE, o*H. F. WM. M. SWAIN, FUBMAN SHEPPABD JOSEPH KLAPP, M.B. N. 8. LAWBENOK, WM. O. BTOMAN, JOHN SUPPLIES. THOMAS OBAVBN, PrMMffiti. A. B. GILLSTI, Vl» ProMdcnt. JAB. B. ALYOBD, Sscretary. »*29-« TPAME INSURANCE COMPANY* D No. 40« OHBSTNUT Street. FIRE AND INLAND INSUSANOS. PIBBOTOBB. F. N. Buck, . Ohoß. Biehardeon, Henry Lewie, Jr, Alex. WMlldln, Geo. A. West,, . O. W. Daria, FBANOIB N. BUCI OHABLBS BIOBA: WILLIAMS I. BLANOHi COMMONWEALTH. BIBS INSR A-f BANOB COMPANY, OF TUB STAIN OS PENNSYLYANIA. BIRBOYOBB. B»vH J»yn», M.D., I ChMles H. John M. WMteß, ‘ John K. Wa&er, Sdward 0. Knight, | Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S, Stewart, 1 William Strother*, Seury Lowis, Jr., | Elijah Jones. DAVID JAYNE, M D., President. JOHN K. WHITALL, Vice President KAhPJEL.S. MOOK.Secrotary. ' Office, OoramonvMjdth Building, 013 OHBSTNU3 Street, . ae«-iftf A/TUSQUITO NETS AND NET IIX l-UJG for Bale at No. 4 North Fifth Street. ' JOSErH H. THOMPSON, Agent. Fi S,—-Orders yrowfHT esttsaiefl to. jylo-l2t* LES MISERABLES. EDUCATIONAL., WANTS. BOARDING. REMOVALS. CAPITAL 5800,000. B. B. Woodrnfl, John Kessler, Jr., P.B. Justice, Washington JonM. Ohas. Stokes, John W. BrerwaA, K, President. IEDSON, Vice Bwrident. ABB, Seeretory. [mhl9-Ut amusements, A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS. JUL CAPTAIN W/LLlAtf B* THRILLING SOEKTBd IN THE tIFS OF A YANKEE WHALEMAN, EYEBY EVENING, at 8 o’clock preciwly. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Aftcr&oooaa at 8 o'oSK* Admi«Bion 25 coma. Six Tickets for one dollar. Children 10 cents, PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE TINE ARTS, 1026 CHESTNUT STREET, Is open daily ( Sundays excepted) !Vom d A. M. till 6 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children b&lf price. Shares ef Stock. BSO jpS EXCURSIONS, IMPORTANT TO PLEASURE “SEEKERS. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO MR ANT Ib prepared to issue, during the Summer, tickets at greatly reduced rates aa fellows: PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. COMMUTATION TICKETS For one, three, six, nine, or twelve months, at very low rates, for the accommodation of persons living oat of town, or located on or near the tine of the road daring the summer. From and after July 1, 1862, a BtOl greater reduction has been made on these tickets. COUPON TICKETS For twenty-six trips between apy two points at aboofe two cents per mile. These tickets are Intended for the 086 of families travelling frequently, and are of great ad vantage to persona making occasional trips. SBHOOU TICKETS For one or three months, for the use of scholars at tending school in the city. CLERGYMEN Living on or Dear the line of the road, and having occasion to nse the road frequently In their clerical capacity, are furnished with certificates entitling them to travel at half fare. Applications to be made only to tbe General Superintendent at Altoona. EXCURSION TICKETS Issued at half fare to parties of over forty, good tor any reasonable time. ' EXCURSION TICKETS during the Summer are sold at one half the regular rate for the benefit of those seek ing recreation from business, or in pursuit of health. Iheee tickets are good for ton days, and are issued to CRESBON (top of the Allegheny Mountains), AL TOONA (foot of the mountains), BEDFORD, DOUB-; LING GAP, and EJPBRATA SPRINGS. For time of departure of trains see bills and cards qf the road.; For Through Tickets apply at the office of the Com pany, Southeast comer of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. JAMES COWDEN, Agent. LEWIS L, HOUPT, General Ticket Agent. jyls-t€fil mmmm BU M MEE IXCUEBIONB. NIAGARA FALLS, LAKE ONTARIO, THE THOU SAND ISLANDS, RAPIDS OF ST. LAWRENCES RIVER, MONTREAL, LAKES CHAMPLAIN AND GEORGE, SARATOGA SPRINGS, HUDSON RI VER, WHITE MOUNTAINS, BOSTON, NEW PORT, NKWYOBK, &c. Fare from Philadelphia to Niagara White Mountains, Boston, and return, 542 20 * From Philadelphia to Niagara FaHg, Montreal, Sara toga, Hudson river, New York and return, 830.00, To Niagara Fails »Dd Return. Slo 00. For further particulars and handbills apply at the office of the PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIR a RAILEOAU LINE, corner of BIXTH and CHESTNUT Street*, where a choice of routes may he made to suit the taste o 4 anyone. JOHN S. HILLES, General Agent, Cor. THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL Streets. Philadelphia, July 1, 1862. • jyl»36t S&mmßk ’ west CHesrsE PHILADELPHIA RAIL- ROAD, VIA MEDIA. PLEASANT AND CHEAP AFTERNOON EX- CURSIONS ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, Through the fineßt Country and the most boautifut Scenery in the vicinity of Philadelphia. On TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS of each week unSE' further notice an Extra T rain will leave Weat Chester st 6.55 P. M. for Philadelphia* Passei-gera buying Excursion Tickets can take eithei the2or 4.30 P M Train from Philadelphia, and the or 6.55 T. M. Train from w©gt Ohcßter. BOUND-TRIP TICKETS FROM PHILADELPHIA to all Stations east of West Cheater, good on any of the above Trains, ont or in,may be had onthes&days ONLY, at EXCURSION BATES, good only cn tire days issued. For further information, apply at th« Ticket Office, to the Depot, N. E, corner of EIGHTEENTH and MAR KET Streets. MantDeltgktful Locations ?o* Scmmbs Boaudnki on the Line of the Boad, je2l-fcuwfs tf SEA BATHING. FOB THE SEA. SHO W! - SUMMER AR RANGEMENT.—CAMBBN ANB ATLANTIC RAIB BOAD. Three trains daily to Atlantic City end return, (Stm dayg excepted). Trains leave TTNB-Street Ferry a S follows: Mail Train Express Train. Freight and Accommodation....... BETTTBHINO lieayes, Atlantic Mail Train . .4- 40P.SE. tf . Express Train............. 016 A. IS. “ «* Freight and lB A. K. FARE $l.BO. Bonnet-trip Tickets, good only far ths day and train on which they are issued, $2.50.’ Excur sion Tickets, good for three days, S 3. Fotols are now r FOR CAPE MAY.—Th® steamboat /WBf. KENT, Capt Brett, leaves A BOH-street wharf erer r TUESDAY, THURS- and SATURDAY at 9# o’clock A.U., for OAPB MAT, returning alternate days, teaching each way at Newcastle. .. jyll-lin* FOR SALE ARB TO LET. mo SENT—FACTORY ON WIL JL LOW Street—on the first of September next —No. 124 and 126 Willow street, sooth Bide, west of Front street, east of New Market street; 40 feet by about 53 feet; three. Btories, and cellar under the whole; well lighted j a slate roof; drain from cellar, into Willow street culvert. Has been used several years as a whale bone factory. Apply to JAMES S. MASON & CO.*, 138 and 140 North FBONT Street. j 723 12t* £ T 0 LET— Dwelling No. 24* South* SEYENTBENTH Street. Apply to WETHEBH.L & B BOTHER* No. 47. North SECOND Street. A FOE SALE—CQTTA.GKBy A 3! GEBKLANTOWN.—A new Cottaqe on BfANHEIfif Street, with all the convenieoces of n fußt-clasa city resi dence; good lot; forms *asy. Also, a Neat Cottage at Chestnut Hill, near the-Bail road Depot; very cheap. Alto, a great variety of City Properties. B. F. GLENS', 123 South FOURTH Street, and jy2l 8. W; cor. SEVENTEENTH and GBBEN- -jg TO RENT, WITH OE WITHOUT MIiiFCRNITUBE, Bevara l neat Country Places, with a few acres of ground, convenient to railroad stations near the city. Apply to ■ E. PETTIT, je3o No. 308 WALNUT Street. n 10 E S ALE O®E A P -3C“ CHEAP.”—Perry County FAB*tt* containing 138 acres, 26 woodland, the balance under a high state of > cultivation; first-rate fencing, nicely watered, excellent Improvemests, 16 miles from Harrißhnrg. Price only 56»600. Terms easy. Also, a F3£U IT FABM, near Dover* State of- Dela»- ware, 107 acres. Price only 85,500. Apply to it 20 Si- PETTIT, Ho. 809 WALNUT street. gg| FO B SALE—Baiaware- county; 33 Fans i containing 96 acres o>firgt-rate land, sita-v at© near Marcus Hook, Pbiiadeljvua and Wilmington; Baiiroad. large end substantial? stone improvements, nicely watered, good firnita, &c.„ Price 59,000. Also, a fine Fruit Farm in the State of'Delaware, near Bovor, 134 acres, immediate possession. Price only 87,000. E. PETTIT, Ho, X<VWALNWT-Street Apply to je26*tf ' :m-: to rent—a tssie-stor¥ W BBIQK DWEtimO, ca.RACE Street, one door, above Twcdftli, north sirs©. Root low to a good tenant. Apply to WETBBBUifc &.&SOTHBB, je!2 47 and SECOND Streot. TO RENT—A. TSRSE.STO&F SH.BBXOK DWELLIIjS, on PEfE Street, near, Seventeenth, north side. App&to WEFHSjRILIr &BBOTHEB, 3©12 47 obl 42'iTorth KBCORD Street. a FOB SAKS OB T© LET—Four Houses, on the wsetHide.of ISO AD Street, below. Columbia avenue. * at the iouthwesfc corner oi NINTH and SANSO'dLStreeta. mh26-tf fS&. FOB SALB—--A, first-rats Mont -- gomery-conntr Farm, curtaining S9.acres, wills, largo and substantial; stone napjEovements, on the RidgOj Turnpike, near Kaarisiown. Price only per acre. Apply to E. BET^IX, je26 tf So. 309 W MN-UT Street. TO BiaTHJLEES. ■L I’h6 ESBSII'L’EE? kno-ra anti " PM-CHNIX ” owned cod occupied by 3AML. s Ca*., sit2££ed on between EaOS and YXSSi Straots, Philadelphia, Capacity $OO per dap, i* now offieeed ter sale on reasonable end a£o<«&- mcd’S&a&tarma. 'to in good tunning enter, and ha? sdV -he asadem inyiti*? omenta, An Artoaian welioa the ps-**. •oasa rumiehefi an unffeliins supply of seed, pure *£>r. . Address; 55. LOOM A 00., No, XOl© MASKED Street, Philadelphia. rett2-dtf SAFES, LILLIE’S SAFI BIFOT RSS- KgSiMOTBD to Ho. SI Sottft SEVENTH SfNti, DJ»■ tneFTanblin Institute. The. undersigned, th&akfui for past favors? acyd leterznined to -merit future patronage, h&s secured aai slegant and convenient Btore.and has mowopbs&d 9 large assortment of Lihfc’a Celebrated Wrought Ohffled feon Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (sho caiy strictly 2re and burglar proof safes made.) AkotLS&t't Unequalled Bank Vault, Sate, and Bank locks. Lillie's . Bank Vault Poors and locks will be fcra&baf to order on short notice. This is the strongest, ta«t pro* tected, and cheapest Boer and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is celled to Lillie's Nv? Oabinet Safe, tor Plato, Jewelry, Ao. This Safe is oos seded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet r* ©red for this purpose, and is the only one that ia strict!? are and burglar proof. « Spboial Notioo.—l have now on hand say twenty farrel, Herring, & Co.’s Safes, most of them nearly ee« «nd some forty of other makers, comprising a comps*# wreortment as to slaes* and all lately exchanged for ths*. tew celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold s& '*&•%- •ow prices. Pleaseball and examine. jaSfi-lyif M. O.BADLEB, Agent ■b EVANS & WATSON’S «P’ aUUAMAHIMIB BAKS3. ITOBH, IB SOUTH d'ODKTH STEEET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A Isi-fe Ttriet, s'. ITBB-PH00? SAFES tisrejl c* Mai. HENRY WOOD, Superintendent. 7.30 A. H. 4-.00 P. K. BiOO P. Jt JOHN a. BEYANTj Agent.
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