THE city; The Thermometer. JULY 19,1881. I JULYI9,IBB3. 6A. M. 12 M. 3P. M. 6A. H. I'2 m. 3p. x. 73 81 88 | 82# 79 79 . WIND. BE. BbyW. BSW. 1 St. Z. E SB. JUIY2O, 1861. | TOUT 20, 1862. 6A. H. 12 m. 3r.M.[6 t. M. 12 m. 3?. m. 72 86 88 89% 84# B 8 WIND. •SW. SSW. WbyB. | SB. S. SbyW, Military Matters.—ln order to sti ■.rnulate recruiting, the Committee on Defence, of City Councils, b»v«‘agreed to iep>rt at their next meeting ax ordinance making an appropriation of $760,000, and that <tbe Major be authorised to draw a warrant in the sum of • s7sin favor of each of Philadelphia who shall -enlist. 1 The very liberal bounty proponed ought to operate as »d incentive to enlistments, and four or five regiment* •will probably be filled upio thirdly by the cluseof the imonth The pa> to each volunteer, up>)U being mustered iu» will, under this*arrangement, be SU&, as follow*! -City bounty, $75 5 advi*uc« G..verum»nit, #25: recruiting • bounty, $2; one month’s advat»c« p*y, sl3—slls, in ad • ditlon to vhtch thefamiiies of voluateers will be psovided 'for. ' > 1 ■ If this liberal offer does not secure the necessary nnm •ber of meo, thtn drafting uiuatno*.essadl> be resorted to. ' This ia done tinder our State law ny aicertairilng the .number of persona between eighteen and five years liable to d 6 military duty, ,'i ho>B are divided into clashes, .and the first draft is made from the first class. Uur pre * aeni lows 1n relation to this pubj .ct are very defective, and there will,be difficulty hi pranGloally euforctne tnem. .Any person who is dratted a~4 does not Qeaire to\go is tutU'ed to precurt* a bubniitute. Recruiting for new regimeuts, and to fill up old propresses finely. Senior First Lltuteimuc raygtoy, ■ot Knapp's battery, reached the city on daturdar, hav ing been sent North by General Backs for the purp >re of recruiting a new battery fa Mimtg-iojery cimnly , The ; lieutenant will make hi* headquarters at Nonistowu. This Is the only new battery wbico is b*-ing recriiltea in the State at the present , tim*. Knapp's battery .ren dered distinguished service at Front Royal, at the time of the recent attack on Barks' division in the., valley of ’Virginia, and it was mainly matram«nial in saving the army from total rout and,annihilation. Thai3ihPendB>lvauia Cavalry, now In camp at Bil tlmoro, is now recruiting ia this city. First lieutenant John Roche and First Lieutenant B. McDermott have been detailed for this purpose, and a recruiting station has been opened, Seventh street, ab.»vn Uh«Btnut Oapt. brands Fix Is now retailing a company for 001. 001116* Regiment of Zouaves d'Afrique The Scott Leeion Regiment went into camp, on Friday, near Prankford. The encanpun-nt is called < Oamp : Lackawanna.” The regimeni, it ia expects, will have ■ the full comp'ement of men within a far week*. The following named officers fa 00l fern all’s 28tb pann * ajlvonift Regiment have promoted to supply vacan cies, and have been commissioned hy Gov. pm tin: Captain Robert li. Boditie, of (!ol K> to be major* 2flrs(L, Lieutenant Edward O. Thomas, of Co. C. to be captain.' , ' ~ Second Lieutenant Samuel WVT*slor, of Go 0, to bo " first lieutenant and QU»rterh<astor o f the regiment. Sergeant Stephen fllitcbell, of Co. C, ta be second : lieutenant. Captain Wm. H.Scherr, of Co. IC, who resigned some time ago, in consequence ol severe ilfaess, tiavlngHuw i tecov&ied, has been reappointed dud commissioned, and • will rejoin his company in a iew day». The following are the names of the field and company • officers of a new regiment, entitled the Philadelphia Le -1 sion, which has just been started in this city: Colonel, Thomas B. Florence. Bientenant Colonel, Frank Soguet, Major, W. B. Halfoiaaa , Company A—Captain P. A;. Fitzgerald, First Lie u• tenant H. C. Ryner, second Aiex, Fisher. Company B —Captain J, W Wrtetit, First Lieutenant Hi, Holland, Second LfeurenautF. Gilson, Company C.—Captain W. b. Koebersperger, First Lieutenant John H. Teet, Second Lieutenant Calvin Vjbudwig. , Company B.—Captain J. 8. Claxton, First Lieutenant O. W. Colladay, Second Lieutenaoc Frank J. Gibson. Company 1c —.Captain B 41 B. Shultz, First Lteute >»ant John McFeetexfl, Second Lieutenant James filurt •'land. Company F.—Captain John Mnrrte, First Lieutenant H. Phillips. Second Lieutenant George Jntmaoa Company G.— Capiain Hubert Price, First LLuteoant ■’William F. Lecture. Second Lieutenant Ml Pentouey. ' Company H.—Captain F. Summer*, First Lieutenant ’T. Collins, aut K Hill. Companyl.—-Captain Cletu. A. White, First Lieute •■Siant Wm Kelley, Second Lieutenant 0. J- Ambler. Company K.—Captain William Wnite, Second Lieute •oast James Porter. Our fellow-townsmen,. Captain K. Milford Bard and .Lieutenant Wm. Henry Meore, have beeu commissioned •In. the 12th Regiment New Jersey volunteers by Gov. •Olden, and are now recruiting * company iu Camden, •■Captain Bard served aa a jutant of tue Now Jersey volunteers in the Mexican war. and Lieutenant filiore ?in the three*months service frem that Slate. We are glad to learn that -he sugiiesiions made in The •PfflSS iaet week, with regard to •in* manuer of recruit ing, haye been somewhat observed and carried iato effect. The city is now beginning to asemne the same •«s in the summer or 1861. when the war* tocsin first Bounded after the fall of Fort Bumpier; when thousands vtipon thousands offered theoindvea f„r tbe defence of Ibelr country’s flag. There is something soul-stirring in -the music of the dxum and fifo, and when '*♦ Yaokae Doodle,” “ Hail Columbia,” Ac . are perf »rmed, the blood tingles in the veins of every ptrrloc’s heart, the sinews are stiffened, tbe eyewears adatermi<ied and thrett«*uing aspect, and the love of coumry cmnfo them to enrol in its defence.. If recntiiing officers do not, the fault lies with themselves More energy dnnst be shown in this matter. The Fhebxpp’s Contested Ilection •CABl.—Tbii case was continued on The ipoiat raised the previous :’dav, by the testimony of Mr.' Derry, who bad removed on the Ist of October aud then returned to his former redd wee aud vote! on the xSfb of. October, was argued at Mr. Thayer, re verting to the opinion of the Suptvm* Court iu the case -offi'CtiDg the military vote, couteudau that the judges that no military officers bad the power to create' election districts outside the.Stttte. The iuteatioa of the i framers |o£ the Constitution whs that the voter should vote in the place where he is well known and where hi* - qualificitlons can b© readily ascertained. It was f»r that reason tbatth%£upreroo Oourt held that the act of As sembly allowing Kddierß to vote outvie of the State was The section of (he act of Assembly sow tinder disoHesion provides, in pursuance of the tn tention above reierred to, that a voter removing from hi* •election precinct wiibin ten days before the election shall have the right to return to bis forme? precinct and vote. ' Bln Gowbb contended that tbe decision of the Snomne Court wftsj)used on lire clause of the G<m*tiß>tion which vraa construed to mean that, togiv * the right to vote, a voter must reside in the etuofi'm dwtrtct at ea>t ten days before tkttt{oo« aud farther that >ha vote must be depo sited in the dfstrictwhere the voter resides. Sir. Wharton thought it would be atrauge if the clause . In the Constitution could be conatraed to exclude the vote of soidiersj dud yet inclqde the vote of civii ans. At-the clow of the argument th* court roat-rve its deci «ion» end the counsel were directed to proceed with the rtestimony. V-'■■ i ’ ■ George McCoomb sworn —I live in the Sixth division of the First ward ;on tbo day of election Jived in ifitz *vate>r afreet, above Broad, anCworked at Broad and- South; Aid. Dallas gave mo the ticket; voted for Mr. Xbtnnp«m for sheriff; paid a tax two jears ago; never Baidldidnotparanyjoxes t •• -• ■ Bernard McNally affirmed—l voted at the last elec tion in the First division ofth* Ninth ward; voted for Robert Bwirg J voted between 9 and 10 o’clock. ••• • Orosß-examiced**~l resided at 814 Market street; I heda room in Filbert street; slept in Market street; bad boots in Filbert street, only ns a store-ro .m; h»a lived in Merfiet slreet near three years; voted at Eighth and Gilbert. Mr. Brewster proposed to examine the witness as to ills qualifications as a voter. To inis Mr. Hirst objsoted, •and atated thst his only object was to Blitiw that in a par ticular hour certain voted tor Mr Earing, and. thus demonstrate all others voted for Mr: Thompson. Judge Thompson eald the examination most bo re ■utricted to the fset abettor the vote was dep.stted. ■witness continued.—l looked at my tloket . , George W, Wollaaton affirmed—Vtt'ed at tho last ■election ; voted between nine and ten o'clock; voted in dhe First division of llie ninth ward; voted tor Mr. how offered to prove by Mr. Wo’lastoa that Mr. Speakman, who voted in this precinct, bad declared that his homo was in Delaware coonti . . ■’■ This woe obiecled to on tho ground 'hat it would he a contradiction of the respondent's own witness. Tho couit overruled the inquiry. u . M itneeß—X know that Mr Speakman practices law ra Telaware-caanty; gave him b t-iueßs ro do there t—oor ithree ycaiß ego, but the case never terminated until Do-, cemberlast; bewmained in charge or the case untU he became a witness in it, and thsa I trhd it L Cross-examined.—l had been in Delaware county, at the bar tbore, before the trial; I did go Before tho Oc iober election; X believe that Philadelphia attorneys do mractlce in other counties, i ‘ a ~ , Samuel W. Hess sworn—l reside at Fifteenth and Wine streets ;■ I know a man named Elisha Hmckle,who ktßldes in Thirteenth Btreet, below Vine; did'not notice fcim on last election day. . ■ . . Mr. Brewster Inquired what was Intended to bo 'TanGowen replied that it was to prove that Elisha Eincile was non comyioy. . Mr, Brewßler urgsd that there should have bsen a com rmlttio to decide a lunatic before he could bo..die-. ■ franchised. Thera should be a judicial determination of the Question whether tho man waiot sound mind The court reserved iis decision on this point until to mtorrow (Monday.) Before the adjournment. Judge Imdlow said ho had decided what coai-eo to pursue in this case in regatd to tho vacation. Daring the week he ■had been Bitting, against the advice of his physicians. - He was desirous that there should be no delay on ms ac «ount, and therefore he would continue with tho case itmtil Urn close of next week. After that he would seek fhaiiepote and rest which Mb health demanded. The Stamp, Currency.-—The stamp; •act will furnish relief for oar present wants. Tbree-cout .postage Humps have taken ibe'place of throe-cent pieces. 1, early $5,000 worth were sold at the post office on rri .dny last. With postage stsraos in circulation as a small currency, the motive lor hoarding silver coin will cease,. *r there is no demand tor ita exportation, and there wl l ihe ho profit ta speohlatlng io it whan p istaga stamps will, answer nil its purposes of currency* and when they can : be procured ip unlimited au*otiti*>9 at par. Postage iSteropß are a legal tender for sums lea* th4n iive dol,ar *» atd persons to refuse them in pay met t of debts might •find thtinselres subject to considerable legal trouble to the Post Office De ; partment that he wants more stamps, as there is a great wnsh for them. 1 The Department has, on an average, about five hundred thensand dollars.worth of stamps m ■circulation. Th.y can issue one mil Hon of stamps a tor, .the value of which Is about one hundred thousand dol- , larß. As the stamps are to pass from hand lo haod as ■currency, they will, of course, become disfigured, and, -therefore, It Is thought necessary that some new instru ment for cancelling them shall bo used, to tho end that a strong Impression be made, upon the taoe of toe stamps. Puncturing has been'reoommotded, . but it not well thought of, for the reason that letters frmnently contain .drafts and other valuables. The stampi, other than those •In common use, are described as follows: The five-cent .are chocolate color, willi the head of Jefferson, ths ten cent gteen, with the head o! Washington; the twelve- j .cent black, with like head : the twenty.four Hlac, with name head: (lie thlrtf yellow, with head of Eranklia ,1 s the ninety line, with portrait of Washington as aytmog general. The stamps now in use differ from the old ones ■in the fact that the figures are in the upper comers. Escape of PitisoNEßS from Fort DELAWARE We learn that .the number or rebel prl ,Bonera who eßcaped from Tort -Delaware on the loib, wa» .about tweoty in aJl'r Of these nine or tea were recaptured •and brought baok to the fore. Thosewho oft were ■helped away by secession in tbe.yiomuy or Delaware City* who furnished them with money , and ° JTourof the escaped rebels have been arrested at Harre »de Grace and placed in charge of the guard at that place. ‘They were arrested by Lieutenant Oio ward, of the 4th Delaware • * , A soldier who has been on the island for the last six imonihe states that on no account are visitors allowed ac •cess to the prisoners, who are jcoufined in barracks by tfbemselvefl. Even the officers and soldiers of the garrison -are denied this privilege. No one on tho ial-tnd, except Ttbe commanding officer, officer of the day, officer of the (guard, and the sentries, is allowed to communicate wish *1 em, and then only on duty. .•' _ * Tbe fort fs not of easy access to visitors- Every boat approaching tho Island is bailed, and not allowed to laud until the officer or sergeant of the guard io*pont* it -If dhe visitors have friends or relatives lu.the garrison, they are allowed to communicate with tbem under certain re stricttfinsfbnt on no account aro strangers or exouraion *Jsts allowed on the island. Arbiyat/ of Emigrants.—About ■noon on Batnrday, tho ship Zered, Captain McGkmagle* .arrived et this port frem -Londonderry; Ireland, with -two hundred and firty passengers. The* of a ibetttrolass, and were more substantial looking than the .majority of -:the . emigrants which come to port. r A large ■crowd of people were on the wharf so.,a nfW.tbe arrival ■of the vetsel, end there were many rcenes of recognition. Most of .them are bound for the West, but seme will ra ,raain in the city. / / : Almost Prowned.—About 1 o’clock oa gaturda) morning ilia attention of Officer Martin, of the Sixth w»rd, was attracted by bearing a great oom ,motion In the river at Vine, street wharf. Hmteningto the spot he was time, to rescue am-m from the •wafer v litre he would hive drowned.had not assistance reached him. The rescued gave the name of David B^ctor. Habeas CoEPtrs Case.— On Saturday morning, in the Court of Quarter Sessions, Wm, Bice, claiming to bo a minor, was heard on a writ of habeas corpus, asking to be discharged from his enlistment. His mother testified that he was born iu the year 1845, and that be had enlisted about one year since. At that time she called at the recruiting station, up town, and told the officers that her son was only sixteen years of age. She was told that he would be discharged on the following morning. Instead of being discharged, ho was sent away as a full private in the Slat Begiment Pennsylva nia Volunteers. Bq was in the battle of Fair Oaks, Virginia, and fell wounded, a hall having passed through bis left thigh. He was brought to this city by order of Government, and placed in the military hospital in South 'Street,.near Twenty-fifth. Bis mother having ascertained his where abouts, had a w» it of habeas corpus taken out, directing the medical director lo bring the person of Bice into the court. Judge Allison remarked there was a similar case be fore the Court sometime since, in which-the court re fused to interfere, because the minor at that time could not be discharg: d from his enlistment, because it would endanger his life. If the present applicant to not in dan ger fw-m the wound he received, he might be discharged. The physician testified that the wr-uud was almost healed,-and that ho did not think that the patient was in eny danger from it By the consent of ill parties he was: discharged. ’ Convicted at Last.— It will be re membered by tfce readers ot The Press that between four ondfive yearsagoaman. nauatd H*nry Smith, was ar rested, charged with robbing the Mint. The case creaknl mme attention at the time, but, from questions‘of juris diction, it was sever brought to trial. '- District Attorney Maim Eucceedeo, however, in getting the case up on Sa turday in the Quarter Sessions. Several wituesats were examined, and th 9 evidence elicited was in substance as follows: The defendant, some twenty years since was employed os laborer in the tiiuted States Mint; for good conduct, honesty, and prompti tude, be woe promoted. Early m the year 1857 varbun losses were discovered in the valuation, aud it was very evident that somebody was robbing tbe Mint. Col. Childs arranged a blind In the room so that he could watch the coining at d the milling room, as it was evident the robbery was committed in one of those places. Mr. Childs went out of the Miut, and finally re turned by a private way, when he placed himself la the place he had made, and there be fcept watch He saw Smith go'into the milling room, and whisper something to one of the young ladies who was milling. She turned lier head away as if to look at something, and then Smli b put bis hand into the box and lifted some piece* of un stamped coin. He did this three times, whispering to the young lady each time, to divert her attention. . ■ Col. Childs then called him into a room. Search was made in the presence of Mr. Hall and others, and twenty one pieces were found upon his person—some in his pocket some in his drawers, and some in his shoes and stockings. Ho defence was made, and the defendant was promptly convicted by the jury. State’ Assessments.—The following circular, from the Adjutant General’s office, at Harris burg, was received by the City Commissioners of Phila delphia last week: . vHabbisburg, July 12,1862 —To the Commissioners of Philadelphia: By the eleventh paragraph of the third section of the act of Assembly, entitled ‘-An act for the regulation of the militia of thiß Commonwealth ” ap proved April 21,1858, it is provided that tbe clerk of the commissioners in each city and county shall each year carefully ascertain, from the corrected assessment and military rails, the whole number of persons enrolled a* liable to perform military duty, including all member* of volunteer companies, and shall report the same to the adjutant general on or before the first day of December in each year. As this duty has not been performed by you, tou will, without delay, comply with the require moot of law by making to this department the report which should have been returned on the first day of De cember last. ' . • If tbe proper assessments have not been made and re turned to your office, as is probable from your - omission to report, assessors should be required to do so without delay, that the county commissioners may be thus ena bled to discharge their duty under the act of Assembly 'aforesaid. Very respectfully, , ~ A. li. Bussell, Adjutant General. The city coamissloners have directed that the proper assessments shall be made at once. The assessors will commence operations to d»y. A Philadelphia Minister in Trou- BLE.—We learn that Bev. Mr. Bitting, formerly of this city, who is now pastor of the Baptist Church in Alex andria, Virginia, was lately informed by Colonel Gre gory, the provost marshal of that place, that if he could not pray for the President of the United States and the success of the Federal arms, he: would be compelled to dose his church. The reverend gentleman asked ua«il tbe next morning to consider. the subject, which was granted by Colonel Gregory. Mr. Bitting, iu: company with the mayor of Alexandria, called upon Chteuet Gregory, and informed him that he could not comply with his request. Colonel Gregory replied that he ( Mr. Bit ting) being a Philadelphian and a minister of the Gospel of Cbrißt, and an instructor of the people inrishteous . ness, it was certainly incumbent upon him to lead them in the way which would promote p«oce and good order, and that the only object of the Government was to restore order, and bring back peace to our distracted ccuntry. Mr. Bitting, replied that he bad made it a rule not to interfere with politics, and had endeavored to preach the Gospel, Colonel Gregory informed him tba; politics had nothing to do with the maUer v that the sub ject had resolved itself into the question of a Govern ment or no Government, and that he who was notfer the Government must be against it. Occupying the position which he did, and being from the loyal State of Pennsylvania, he was extremely sorry that he had placed himself in a position which forbid him to pray for the President and thank God.for the success of the Federal arms.; This being the' case, ho must take mili tary possession of the church, which was immediately done by the adjutant. The Two Monitors—The two Mom tors which; are now building near this city are well under ,way, tb&frameworfc of each being nearly up, aud soma of the plates bolted on. "Each vessel will be 200 feet long over all, the keels being 159 feet long—the difference be tween the upper part and the lower being earned by the outer hull, which has an extension of fifteen feet from the bow, made strong with' Iron so as to form a powerful ram, arid twenty-five feet at fho stern,which will protect the lower hnU and the wheel. The tnaia ,hult is the same as in ordinary iron vessels, and is more suitable for sailing than tLe original Monitor. After the completion of the main Imll, timber five feet deep, and tbree'feec wide hr attached to the upper part of the. vessel and on tho",SLUCb a.manner that in any dirangtment of the -.timber there will be no Teabag?: iu tbe main hull. Upon the outside of the limber aie fastened five plates of inch iron, firmly secured, without the use of through bolts— experiments having de monstrated the fact that plates fastened with through bolts werelikely to become loose when the ship was at sea. When iho Monitors are in action there will be tit hleen Inobes of the five feet of armor above water, and ■ before a ball could strike the main built it would have to travel twenty- one feet through the water. The decks : are composed of planks seven Inches thick, upon which are placed two thicknesses of half inch iron plates. There will be one cwpo^-forlqaelrvesael; each will ba" twenty e*w> Co*** in diameter, ntue-ieeirjnsxrj— thick, and carry two fifteen-inch guns. The pilot- houso will be placed on the top of the cupola* and so fixed that the cupola will revolve and the pilot-house reraaim sta tionary- In thisreßpect the arrangement differs from the old Monitor’s pilot-hohee. The pilot-house will he of iion eight inches thick. The ventilation of the vessels will be aco mplished by drawing the air through the. ca pote, aud after it pasaos to every part of the ship ' it wilt pass out at tbe stern. Each of these vessels will have two main ergines, with forty-inch cylinders, two blow ing engines, two turret engines, and two pumping en gines. • Convalescent Solbjees.—During a month past mostrof the eiokond.wonnded soldiers in the Government hospitals in this city have fully recovered, and have been returned to the army. We have no doubt this is the case in other cities, and the acquisition to the Union army must be very large. At the hospital in Fifth street at least two-thirds of the beds are empty which had been occupied a few weeks before, and only>afo*r sol diers, at the present time are confined in their beds.- ; In a few weeks, if we do not receive fre?h patients, some of our hospitals will be emptied. Fears were entertained* a Bhorttime since, that, on account of the crowded con dition of the military hospitals, the soldiers would not receive : as much attention as was requisite, and tb*t a larsenumber of deaths would enßue. But, trough the praiseworthy exertions of our patriotic ladies, the skill of the surgeons In charge, and the healthful condition of on* city, tfcefpoor, sick, way-worn weary, and wounded soldiers find the rest and comfort which is so much needed to recruit their scattered energies, and enable <hem usee more to shoulder arms in dtfenceof our common country. Latino of a Coenee-stone—THs afternoon at four o’clock tbecoraor-stoneof the Wash ington School House will be-laid on the-siteof the old Wharton House, Fifth street below Washington avenue, with appropriate ceremonies. Tho Board of Gootrollar-s and the SchoolDlrectors of the Second section, the Mayor, aud Presidents of Councils, together with the Standing Committee on Schools will be present and take part in the exerciaeß. A staging will be erected from which ad dresses are expected to; be delivered by Mayor Henry and other distinguished gentlemen. The building will be the largest and most appropriately constructed tor school porposej than any other school building in the civ. Every attention is paid to the importatsnbjects of venti lation and ingress ami egress- The structure is to be-65 feet front by 165 feet 8 aches in depth, and will be two stories in height. . ,• Fire and Accident. About four o'clock yesterday afternoon an alarm of fire yaa created by the partial horning of the etable attached to Slathag & Matthewß’ coal j ard, Twelfth and Noble etreeto. The contents, consisting of hay and grain, were considerably damaged by fire and water. Of two horses In the stable at the time, one was burned to deat/s ami the other was rescued badly burned about the head. \ As "the engines were proceeding to the fise a man named James Quin was run over by the America steam engine, at Eleventh and Willow, and had his thigh and aboil fractured. He was taken to a drug store In the vicinity* where Mb injuries were attended to, after which he was removed to his residence in. Eleventh street, below -Bace. .. ." ■■ . . ; Supposed Foul Play.—Yesterday morning, a white woman named Mc.ivoy .was found dead in the yard of a hou&e in Shipoen street, mm Seventh. Her face- and head were very much bruised. *lt is said that two women attacked her. on Saturday • evening, one of them atrikingher on the head with ft porter bottle, causing the iDjurieawbich reamted_ia death. One of the women has been arrested. The iu« quest will be resumed this morning at. ten o’clock, at the Second-district station*houße, when the result of a post mortem examination will be given and new. witnesses examined. The deceased was put out of the house No. 731 Shippen street, on Saturday, for non-payment of rent. The Lost Found —Henry Baker, Cornelius Hewitt/and Lieutenant Smith, of the 116th Begiment P. V., who wore missing since Wednesday latt, aid were supposed to have been drowned, turned up on Saturday morning. It seems that after reaching the Jersey shore a sail-boat was procured, and the whole party went upon an excursion down the river, from which they returned on Saturday. Their safe arrival relieved the anxiety of a large number of ftiends. Out ON Kail —Francis and Bridget Nepert, charged with homicide, in killing Patrick hen, a few days since, near Seventh and Shippen streets, have been admitttd to baU. District Attorney Mann said that be had investigated the facts of the case, and had ci me to the conclusion that the grade of crime was xoanriaughter. They were accordingly admitted to bail, in the sum oi $3,000, to answer at court. Moyamensing Hose House. — The pew and handsome building, now in course of erection, by the Moyamensing Hose Company, is almost up, and the roof will be put on in a fow days. .. .The building is three stories in height, the ftrst story being of cast Iren, the others of pressed brick When finished, the bmldiug will be an ornament to the neighborhood. It is on the : site of the old edifice. A Relic.-— Jn tearing down the north e*n well of the old Wharton mansion, fo make room for the new school-house now in> .course of .erection there, one of the workmen found a soft .brick on which was in scribed, as if having been done with a knife, the. words <.>j. "Wharton, 1740/-’ This may be received asjmma ■facia evidence that --the .'old building was erected ator about that period of time. , B ebel Conscripts. —. The steamer Maesacbmetts arrived at onr. navy yard for repairs on Saturday. She dropped 204 of. the .conscript artny at Fort reliware. The rebels, it. is. said, behaved them- Belvt-a veey wtli. and were treated .with. Christian kina nms, as thetigb tho captors believed in a hereafter. , Found Drowned —The body of an unknown white man was found floating in the Delaware, ycslei day,morning,. near Coates* street wharf. An in* quest was held, and \ virdlrtof. “found .diowoed” ren dered. ; : Fire. —An alarm of fire was created dn Saturday afrernoon, about five o’clock, by.the partial destruction of ihe dwelling house ol Mr. Read, on 3) raok f< rd road, below Richmond street. Tne damage is esti mated at SB,QGO. V,• .. j Slaughtered Canines One hun 3r( (1 and seven dogs wpte. captain il iu tlia street during tlio past week of wliich ninety.nine were.killed. -The others wore redeemed by Os owners. ■■■■■’ ■ - . A Kidnapper Sentenced — In the court of Quarter Besaions Wm H. Nichole, who was convicted tome months ago on the charge of enlisting minors for the regiment of Maryland Home Gaards sta- tioned at Oboßtertown, was sentenced on Saturday to pay tbe costs of prosecution, and to undergo an impri- Bonmmt cf six months. Judge Allison, in passing the sentence, said that there was one fact adduced on the trial which he could not forget, and that was that one of the boys enlisted was almost kidnapped. The mother applied to tbe recruiting station for her son while he wa* there. Some of the parties, acting in conjunction with the defendant, induced tbe mother to go into the back room. While she had her attention thus diverted, tha sou was hurried to a steamboat and taken away. The judge thought that such actien on the part of the de fendant should not go unpunished, and therefore ho passed the sentence as above recorded. This just pa nto moot, it is hoped, will have the effect of putting a stop to such iniquitous proceedings. C I T Y I T B MS. Superior Fresh Saimok of this Season. Mr; G. H. Mattson, dealer in fine family Groceries, Arch aud Tenth streets, haß just received a splendid lot of “Hew” Salmon, both smoked and spiced, put up in \ cauß, to which we invite the attention of our readers. - Tile Stamp Act.—Congress lias passed, and th© President has signed, the act making postage stamps a legal tonder,- There are postage stamps of the value of three, ter, twenty-four, 6ixty, and ninety cents. The stamps for circulation are to be printed on thick papor, and it has been proposed to print upon the back of t ack a fiißt-class notice of the. elegant garments for gentlemen aud youths, mode at the Brown Stone Cloth ing Bali of BocfchiU & Wilson, Hob 603 and 605 Chest nut street, above Sixth. The Secretary of the Treasury and the Postmaster General may not determine upon this arrangement ; but the suggestion is, nevertheless, emi nently wo* thy of consideration. '■ The Great "Want or Cents among our Beta'ileiis “ We learn that the rush is so great at the Mint of sJiopkeepers t provision dealers, and others, that a long line of persons were standing in the hot sun for over two hours, waiting their turn.*’ Wears glad to see that CJongreßs has pasted a tew makiDg postage stamps a legal tender, as it will prevent the necessity for the issue, by corporations, of .“sbioptaiters” for small change. Speaking of the scarcity of cents, however, no man can be considered deficient in sense who buys bis clothing at C'uaklks Stokes’, one-price, under the “Continental.*’ Explanation or the Cap of Liberty.— Tbe explanation of the “Cap of Liberty” is this: After tbe death of Cmsarj the conspirators, who had secured his death, marched out with a cap, as the ensign of liberty, carried before) them ona spear—the cap without a hoad indicating that the tyrant had losthis power. From that fact and for this reason, it has ever since been an emblem of liborty. An emblem of beauty may be seen in a man: who ba? wisely clothed himself in a neat Bait of summer garments, from the Palatial Clothing Emporium of Granville Stokes, Ho. 609 Chestnut street, where the cheapest clothing in the country is manufactured. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. W - SEE FOCBTH PAGE. ABBIYED. Bblp Westmoreland, Lecan, 32 days from Liverpool, with mdse and 23 passengers to John B Penrose. Jane 29th, lat 43 50, long 36 40, spoke bark Columbia, ot "New York, hbund east; J uty 3, lat: 42 04, ioog 46 20, passed ship Bochatnbeau, from Portland for LivorpooJ; July 6, tot4l, long 51, spoke Hamburg ship Humboldt, from N Ycik for Hambmg. Towed up by tag America, • bhip Tuocarora, Duhlevy, 29 days from Liverpool, with irntoe and 127 passengere to Cope Brothers. Towed up by tag America. . Ship Argo, Ballard, 48 dayß from Liverpool, with mdse aud 3 pasaengei sto P Wright & Sons. Towed np by tug Gen. McCitlten. Brig Isadora, Hoad, 15 days from Port Spain, with sogar and molasses to John B Bus. Biig Calmnck, Johnson, from Oienfuegos Ist tost, with sugar and molasses to 8 <te tV Welsh—vessel to J E Baz ie> & Co. Left brig Bomance, Dimfcin, for Philadelphia, loading, to sail in 4 days. BrigOeiiaM Carver, Pendleton, 12 days from Carde nas, in ballast to J E Bazley & Co. Brig Mary C Marriuer, Marriner, 15 days from Ha vana, with sugar and rags to D S Stetson A 00. Brig; uatharine Nickels, Hatch, 6 days from Boston, with ice to captain. fechr Greenland, Heathery from Pernambuco, via Qua rantine, with sugar and bides to J Mason & (Jo fcehr J S Lee, Corgon, S days from Boston, with ice to. captain. fcehr Mail, Kelly, 2 days from Providence, with mdse to Crowell A Collins. fccbr J It Mather, Nickerson, 4 days from Boston, wish mdse to Oioweli & Collins. ccbr Telegraph, Nickerson, 5 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. fcehr 8 L fitevenB t S:Qdley, 5 days from Boston, with mdse to Ciowell A CslJins.. Sachr Statesman; Mitchell, from Hew York, in ballast' to captain. n facnr El Dorado, Cole, from. Hew York, in ballast to captain. hebr Eagle, Newell,from Hew York, with salt to ordar. Schr Caroline, Fox, 3 nays from Hew York, with mdse to D cooper. Schr Frank Lucas, Taylor, 5 days from Norfolk, with shingles, &c. to captain.' . ; j . . - Bchr‘ E W P*rry, Samson, from Harbor Island, NO, with cotton to W 0 Lloyd. \: /' fcehr A Hammond, Higgins, 6 days firom Boston, with mdse to Gcowell dc OuUiiiß. r fcohr -L A Orcuttj Aiwesbury, 8 dayß from Bock-pert, with ice to captain. Schr Mary Johnson, Hiekeraon, 5 dayß from Boston, in ballast to Hoble, CaldweU <£ Co. Schr Smith Tattle, Mayo, 5 days' from Providence, with mdse to G B Kerfoot- hchr Diamond, Townsend, 2 days from Indian Elver, Del, with oats to Jaa L Bewley & <Jo. fccbr Emma, Hunter, 1 day from Now Castle, Del, -with oats to Jas Barratt & fion Steamer Bristol, Cnarles, 24 hours from Haw York, with mdse to W P Clyde. " AX _ Brig Oaimuck, from Gientuegos. ; Brig Loango, Evans, from Havana, with sugar and cigars—all wtii. CLEABBD. Steamship Cambria, Norden, New Orleans, E A Sou der & Co. ...... Ship Frank Boultj-Moiee, Liverpool, P Wright & Sons. Schr Mitchell,' Boston. L Audenried & Co Scbr KlDoreUO, Colo, Boston, do fcchr.Alice, Thompson, Port Boyal, Kilgore & Wilson, fcehr Garnet, Quillen, Snow HiU, captain. ■' fcehr Sary ElaM, fcuuth, Providences D Ogojwr— —“"~ -fct br H W Godfrey, —,-A.^i,’T&fifff6un. gtr O C Alger, Fenton, Alexandria, T Weaster, Jr. Str Ji Willing* Fultx, Baltimore, GroYeßj Jr. fCorrespondenee of the Philadelphia Exchange.) l LEWESoDeI. July 19. Tho bark American . Union, from jflataiizas Bth iast, arrived hero this morning in ballast for orders, and re ports the bark iieliicon as havfug. sailed same day Cor Falmouth, E, with sugar; brigs Ohimborewflo, for Boston, in ballast, and Loch Lomond, for Portland, with sugar. Lett in port barks Stampede, Gipnard, and’ Walter, Si* nions; brigs Prentiss tloobs and R WKing. A large fleet is at »nch».r in our roadstead. Wind E. Yours, &o. AARON MARSHALL. MBJHOEA.NDA. Ship Emily Augusta, Strickland, honoe, arrived at K York yesterday. 1 , ; * ’ • bchr M Powell, Fenton, hence, arrived at New York 19th mtL: _■ - . ...■ - _ ... - Scbrs Admiral, Tresael, Brave, Gaskell, Emma, Smith, and Bicharfl Hill, Smith, cleared at New York Ji9tU tost. Ter philadelpnta. - ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP 10 12 O’OUOOK _hi.SH sismt; CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut ata. Mrs Starkey, Cleveland, O H a Ohaao, Jr, New York Geo E Hathaway, Maas Jußttn Lawyer, Michigan Misb Ottigaa, Boston, Miae Parker,Boston , p NEam, St Louie. , II G Tailor, U S A M B Taylor, New Jersey JEt Wylie, Baltiinore Jas G Bennett, Virginia L,Turnbull, Hlinoie A Stewart, Jr, U S A T D May, Baltimore ij w Brown A la, Ohio - . Jos M Brown Baltimore L X Brown, Baltimore C H Gay, Boston _ Bums W Olaik, Brooklyn Sam! A Walsh, New York J)r Jas M Whittemore, Mass Mra Whittemore, Mass Beni F Horwita, Baltimore O LGrant, Galena, 111 G P Smith, Chicago G L Smith, Chicago J Senter, Lake Superior E Baker, Penna L E Forßyth, St Lotus Mrs J 0 EngUah, Ohio J E Beistor, Lancaster] j Mra W Gregory & son, Oln A H MoGuffy, Oin, O Mlsa A 11 McGuffy, Cm J Arbuckle, Jr, Pittsburg W D Oomegvs, Delaware T A Walteu, Cleveland Rev T AStarkey, Ohio J BOlcoit, Wash,DC Judge Law, Indiana Mrs Law & son, Indiana E Wells A la. Quincy, 111 Miea Wells, Quincy, 111 /■-. Jas Woodruff, Qaiocy, 111 Jas Watsen, Psonsylvania. P t Woodrow, Cin, O Miss Woodrow, Cin, 0 John Sproston, New York O OBnrr A wf, Boston Miss Burr, Boston t Mitß Williemß, Boston Job Olorenahaw, England H O Reamer A la, Penna Lieut J H Armigton, BI Mrs J Bhaw, Jr, Prov, BI Miss S C Whiting O T«7iiu John Beatson, Baltimore Geo H Beatson, Baltimore) A F Eberman, He* York. - E Cooke, Kingston, KT J Holdenburgh,New-York T B Gatos, Virginia - A Hanau & la, Wash, D 0 G Megs A la, New YOlk Jacob VaudeipooLN York Geo B Yanderpool, N York ,W N Hobart A wf, Cin, 0 B W McOleery, U S N L 8 Foster A wf, Now York P S Sanderson, Wash. D C Major J L Lawyer, US A A A Kieckbofcfer,-Wash mat , _ . B H McSiaher, Indiana Col R C Enright, .U S A. H W Dale, Boston- S EDorrenco, Prov, BI N Long* Kehtueky John A Kasson* Wash, DC Count Motcier, I’ariß F Schumacher, Balt more s H Melvin, Springfield, HI S M Gloss, Wash, D 0 ChasE Herring, Wash, D O-WM Moffett, Pittsburg ~ Semi Schriner, Pittsburg"- H B B»od, Terre Haute j Jos W'Bnickerbocker, Hi . Geo O Wiikitts, Pittsburg V A Gilds Aw, New York O ATrippe Aw.Brattleboro T B Page, Covington, Ky N B Stevens Kentucky _ A Woodall, Covingtoi, Ky. Mrs P H Yandeivort, N Y W McGoakoy , Kentucky M Cohen, New York W T Van Brunt, Buffalo J W Emmett G C Cannon,]Naw Albany,lnd MADISON HOUSE—Second Btreet, above Market. George Eastbura, Pa T Hanlon, Princeton, N J J Bacon, New Jersey : :. .Iseac Hickß, Newtown, Pa Wm Nelson A la. Pa Mra Gamby, Now Jersoy Ohaa Boiler, Chellenham A H Boeder, Pennsylvania Wm B Diggs. Baltimore C B White, Baltimore H Beckwith, Utica, M Y THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. 8 Gregg, Piniley, Ohio W H Fries, Wilmtnton, Del H J Frost, Wooster, Ohio S B Lanffer, Harrisburg D McKenna. Slatington .Mias McDowell, Slatiagton 0 SDamani Boston . H Saylor, Soh Haven LJ A Saylor, Soh Haven H 0 Wilt, Tarrytown, Md M Bohm, Pittsburg E H Graham NATIONAL HOTEL—Baco staset, above Third. Wm Ayre U G Steinmelx, Lane co J S Bodder, Pottatown Job Housum, Beading Tboß Serrill” ‘ Mise Chamberlain, Pa Geo-Braijibt, Pottsville EM D Levan, Wmsport E A Mansfield, Toledo, 0 . Jas G Bayard, Obm BARLEY SHEAF—Second Btreet, below Vine. ; H Kane, New Jersey H 8 Beading, Hatboro F 0 Goodman, Montrose J Swartzlander, Pe, J G Thomas, Bocks co 'Wm B Wright, N V B Beimer, New York B W Hill, New. York : J Avail, New Jersey J Tyson, Montgomery co . ra Easiburn, Buckß co W Woolston, Doliogton . Auk "Valentine. Pa Wm Thomas, New York p Callaghsn, New York II McGrath, Now York John Bemmy, N P B B STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth, i? T vtnntch. Baltimore ■ , J Pyle. Cheater co, Pa ; a tlmi oion. Arn" tione co -H M Daudis, Pennsylvania StSlTblrtSTH ■ Peoosylvama Join, Carmany, Good Hope E L Simons, Elmira, N/Y A&1 Goodwin, Clinton co ,W H Peters _ ... G w Hinkle,Jr,Atlantic City Mies B ahettman,Harriab g n at Kellv . ! Jat G McQnatde L S Vail, New York ' A J VVolfaeel, Lewistowa. ThOB E Watt Xatrohe, Pa ; ;: COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut./ J B Lconerd, Chester co W F James,' Baltimore S O Wood OH. Haines, Maryland O N Taylor, Bristol K G Harrison, Penna Stephen G Baker, Penna Edward Springer, Penna - MOUNT VEBNO B—Second street, above Atcb. F Van Ambnrgb, Penna ' Mr Brown, Penna. J S Halligan, Mass ■ ■ John Young,Loudon- B Lecuron, Pariß Aaron Houghton, Indiana Lron Soft, Mass 10 Brownell, Penna ' BLACK'BE AB^yThird street; above Onllowhm. ' 0 McNamee, Barton : W, Boppert, Northampton A Oarwsod, New Jersey BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Oallowliill. Jos Donfeer, Beading F P Belly,or, Philada " T S Leißt-Driugi I’onna . Capt Johu Craig* > irgmia P E - Theo Dalbey, HUnois. THE PRESS-PHILADEPHIA, MONDAY, JULY 21, 1862. MERCHANTS’ H OTBL—Fourth at., below Aroh. J Irvin Steele, Biairsville B T Buff, BUltsviHe Wm H Currey, Michiaan J BroOhead, Lycoming co D. B Stevick, Newberg, Pa P J Nichols, Loug leland . Thos Craig, Carbon W H. Levan, Sch Havea T HoUeulmeh. IlHrois M H Mftuck, Illiuois Cap* Mclntosh, USA Capt D B McKibbln, U S A E H Jack, Allr-gheny A C Cette & wife, PhiU Miss Cette, Philadelphia A'W Taylor, Beaver, Pa Capt F Bund U h A H Barmen, Hertford H 8 tiant en. Hanford Joel fcetoger, Baltimore W Wheeler, Conn N Pattetson, Biairsville, O Geo Sheldon, New Jersey M T Dill, Altoona, Pa J B Fisber, Pbila J Craig H H Durant, Cincinnati E Dixon, Oineinnati 8 B Derricbsoh, Delaware ' F 8 Bicbards, Mmnphis Dr W B Norfolk, Md F Reed. Uaoton, ftlawi Wm &1 Faber, PitUmrg L Wilmarlh, Pittsburg J 8 McKincb, tatawi«sa Dr S O McCormick, Ponna ST. LOT3IS HOTEL—Chestnnt street, above Third. L A .Webster, Delaware Mias A Totratn, Delaware A B Maleroy, USN Lieut R Young, Penna J W Hammond, Louisville Mrs Wilmot ar.d fata, Balt O V Jacobs, Hartford, Ct ON Morris, Cincinnati F T WUediu W’asb, DO W M Wilson, Wash; U C M Bowen, Plymouth SE Adamson, Washington WR Townst-od. N London GJR Harvey, 8 London T R PKtreoD, N Londou G B Tripp, OSH N 8 H Bristol, New Jersey J Carvell, 8t Johns, N B & 8 Blanchard T Cottraaa & son, Ciocin Wm It Potts, Penna W-D Fritbmmh J L Anderson G W Carnes, Jr, Atlanta,Ga C A Daman, Boston AMEBIOAH— CboBUiut street, abovo Fifth' B B. Taylor, Wash, DC G Dtrrickaon, Delaware L fciute), Boston B P Aydelott, Cincinnati D fi Aiedetott, Cincinnati - Mrs O D Boyor. N Y J F Ware. Boston SI Kopp»n, Maryland J H Fait banks, MftS£ . J;B Rodgers, Tounessee T (’hitiuetf-ti & la, H Y " M Casey, Wash. D 0 A H Pnrfell Jdeut \Y R Keim, U 8 A C B M»mi, Baltimore J O Hopkins. Jr, N 3 SPECIAL NOTICES. Purify the Blood.—lt is an esta bliebed fact that a very large class of diseases can only; be cured by such remedies as will enter into the blood and Circulate with it through every portion of the body; for only by this means can the remedy be brought into im mediate contact with the disease. To obtain this desira ble end no preparation has ever been so uniformly suo creslul as Ir. Jayks’s, Alterative. Scrofula, King’s Evil, Cancer and Cancerous Tumors, White S veilings, Enlargement of the Bones, Chronic Bbeumatism and Gout, Eruptive Diseases of the Skin, Old and Indolent Dicers, Goitrous Swellings of the Throat, &c., are cured with a certainty which has astonished every beholder. It is, besides, one of the moat pleasant articles that can be taken into the stomach, operating as a tonic; and re moving Dyspepsia and Nervous Affections, and impart ing a glow of animation and health unequalled by any thing in the wh< le Materia Medica. Prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE & 50N,242 Chestnut street. jy2l*mw2t -: Finger & Co.’s .Letter A ” Fa mily SR WING HAGHINE, ™ITH ALLTHEP.E CENT IMPIOYEMENTB, is the best, and and most beautiful, of all Sswing Machines. This Machine will sew anything, from tbe runuiog’ofa tuck in Tarletari to the making of an Overcoat—anything from Pilot or Beaver Cloth down to the softest Gauze or Gossamer Tissue, and is ever read? to do its work to per fection. It can fell, bem, bind, gather;, tuck, quilt, and has capacity for a great variety .of work. This is sot the only Machine that can fell, hem, bind, and so forth, bnt it will do so better than any other Ma chine The Letter “A ” Family Sewing Machine may be bad in a great variety of cabinet cases. The Folding Case which is now becoming so popular, is, as its name implies, one that can be folded into a box or case which, when opened, makes a beautiful, substantia!,'and spa cions table for the work to rest upon. The coses are of every imaginable design—plain as the wood grew in its native forest, or as elaborately; finished asarfc can make them. The Branch Offices are well supplied with'silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc., of the very best quality. Bend for a copy of “ Sinqeb & Co.’s Gazette.” I. M. SINGBB & CO., 458 BROADWAY, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OmCE, 810 CHESTNUT ST. ' jyl2-rawftf Batchiloe’B Hair Dye! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATOHELOR’S criebrated Hair Dye produces a color not te he distinguished from natura— warranted not to Injure the Hair in the least; remedies the ffi effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GBAY, BED, or BUSTY HAIB instantly tariiß a splendid Black or Brown, leaving tha Hair soft and bcau tifffi. Bold b; all Dnxggists, &c. .* • . . -tor The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHE LOB,-on ite taw side* of each bcm. FAOTOBY, No. 81 BABOIjAY Street, (taU 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street), my2B-ly New York. :■ BXTY YOUR ’ BATHING BOBES ,> - For Ladies and Gentlemen AT SLOAN’S, jyl9.3t# 806 MABKKT Street, Philadelphia. Pkake’s Plantation Bitters—Ex hattstod t? atari. 1 a Groat Restorer, They invigorate; strengthen) and purify the system* Cure Dyspepriaj Acidityof the Btom&ch, Diarrhoea, &c.r A perfect petizer and tonic. They invigorate thd body, without atimulatiDg the brain. They are compounded of pure St. Croir Bnm, Boots, and Herbs,; and are recom mended by all who übb them. Adapted to old or young, but partientarly rcoemmended to the weak and languid. Sold by ail Grocers, Broggfats, Hotels, and __ p. H BBft.EE & 00., my 0-mwfSra~* -; One-Price Clothing, of the latest t iM Srrusa, made in the Beat Manner, express}? r<*~ '»■<>fl 1 “ muT ~-y TAIL - BALKS. LOWEST SoUiig Prices | Plain Figures. All Qooda .made to Order satisfactory. Our ©he-Pjmcb SrsTßar la hered to. AH are thereby treated &&*’''Streets se23-ly JONES * OO -iind-* 1 . r AND CHEAPEST In the Oity, st ill Sinth FOURTH Street. - - CARD PRINTING, be* and cheapest In the Oity, at 111 South FOURTH Street. MftRRiEO. 6TBEET—BiNDOEPK.—On TnesJay ■ evening, let Inst., by Bev. C. Cook, D. TV.. Charles T. Stroctto SaUie A. Bandalsb, all of Philadelphia. . , _ -* EMEBY—GBAOE.~On the ITth inst., by Bov. Henry Darting, D. D„ Jos. E. Emery to M. Matilda Grace, both of this city. -r- ••••• • . - DIED. HcCUSKER —On the I9th inst., Thomas MoCusfcer, son cf James and Ellen McCusker, aged 18. months and , a ' *■""'* * The relatives andfriends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents. No. 28 Washington avenue, this (Monday) af ternoon, at 5 o’clock. I nterment at Union Otmatery. * HOLMES —On the ITUi inst, Mr. James Holmes, Sr., in the 64th year of his ago. _ V Funeral postponed becauee of the absence ot a mem. her of tie ftmuly. . ■ . .... Due notice will be given of the funeral. * , GBEGOBY-—Near HighSetown, N J., on the 18th iustent, Mrs. Mary H. Gregory, aged 78 years. /•., The relaiivfs acd friends ef tbe family are innwii to attend her funeral, from the'reatdeDceof her son. H. D* Gregory, *o. 646 Korth Twelfth street, on Tae*»day af. ternoon. 22d instant, at 3 o’clock, without farther no lice -• ■ ■ NOBMAK—On the 19th inst, Samuel Uorman, in the Tbe relatives friends of the fatnilyvahd the mem bers of Pbil*ntbropic Lodge, I. Or of O.“F , are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late resideoce. No. 641 Franklin street, on Tuesday afternoon, the 224 teat, at 2 o’clock. To proceed to Odd Fellows Oeme i tery. ■■ . JONES -u-On Saturday morning, at 6 o’clock, Mary 8., wife of J. W. Jones, formerly of Cin cinnati. ■; , „ , Due notice wm be given of the funeral. , Oincinnati papers please copy. . . . • * BDGGY —On the 18th inst., Robert Boggy, in the 75ih r< Tbe Itlalivea end friends of tho family are respectfully ioviied to attend the funeral, from his late remdenco, Broad etreet, Chester, Delaware county, without further notice, this day (Monday), 21st iost., at 9 o’clock. Interment at Cathedral Oemotery. _ , .T; BALEY.—On the 17th inst, Mrs. Susan Haley, in the 62d year nt her age. Funeral from her husband's-residence, near Merlon Sr,care, Montgomery county, on Tuesday morning, at 1U • 0 3 c !nck. • ’* ’ ■ fr*- ■: SMITH—On the 18th inst., George S. Smith, in the Ws lateTeaidenoe, No. ,133_ Snath Afreet, below Second, this (Monday) morning, at B STOCKTON— l On the 18th inst, Charles Stockton, Yrom: his late residence. No. 912 North Tenth , street, this : Monday) morning, at 10 olclock. ; * TO ODR CUSTOMERS.— In conse . queues of tlie' great scarcity of change we have adopted the following: : ' ' - ._ , ■■ On all eilver we receive, we allow a premium (at pre sent, ten per ceut ; ) _ . . . - w - • On all silver change we give we charge the same above plan is perfectly just, both to buyer ana seller, and we hope It will prove satisfactory to onreos tornerH. as we wisb to avoid charging any extra profit on our goode, In eider to pay for MOURNING SCORE, , j,"*. No. 918 CriKSTNUT Street. IVAST PHtLADELPIIIA PASiMN-. {OF OKlt BAILAVaY COMPANY %-The Board of presidents of the City Ballway Companies having given permission soveral'companies to Issue tickets in pecks of fwenij/ fer one dollar, marfeed gw&jQT. a nefe fm dnv citv rdilwayf v NOTICE is hereby given, that this company will ctive any of said tickets, ‘bo marked, for, a ndeia their tickets of this company will bo sold In packs of f»cniy./ree for one doller.:as, usual; good for a ride m the cere of the company ™ o ’>' ljosl]!AltßT; oecr6tary . Philadelphia, July 21,1862. I^^ OFFICE OF THE GIRARD COLLEGE RAILWAY- OO SIP ANY, comer of COLUMBIA and-RIDGE Avenues. PurLAnBLPKiA,- July, l4,1881. Theßosrdof Directors of-The Girard College/Pas eenger Railway Oompant" have this day declared a. dividend of - ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE, clear of State lax. payable io the etochholders, or theit legal re or a ten tatives, on demand. WM. o. DijLwni., “,15.61 . . ' : Treasurer. -rs—• OFFICE OF THE WESTPHILADEL DSa PASSENGER railway company, pSS.AMii.PHtA, July 8.1862-The Board of U‘™clor B bf the Oompsny have this day declared; a . DIVI Obi«D OF FOLK PEB CENT, on the capital stockfor the last six months, payable on and after the IBtb Instant. ■ Tho bookß for the transfer of stock will be closed on the9tbinst.,nntUthelBth-inst.. m a ._ , Jy9-wte6t WM MARTIN, Jr., Treasurer. FOR RECEIVER OF TAXES, ffg . ... JAMES, 0. KELCH, A-'J Ofsecond'ward, subjeetto nomination of peopto s Oon venlion. . . , . ■ ■■ " " " —ill” «*=»■ OFFICE OF MONONGAHELA NAVI- Q3^GAUON COMPANY.^-PrarSßOitOj^Jate" Directors iv.*. A "Divideiid of FIVE PEB CENT *or *. »VO DOLLARS AND FIFTY ,CENTS..PER SHARE, be paid (In current bankable- funds) to or their legal repreEeutativee, after the Wth inst., at the offioe of the Treasurer,'GftANT’Streefc, MTTSBURG. ■jyl2.J2t . W. B. COPELAND,Treaenrer.. , 'xiiE united" states sanitary COMMISSION— PHILADELPHIA AGENCY,, iTffll OHEBTNUT Street. The folio sing recom mendation by the President of ttte United; States, sum oiently authenticatee ihe Commission to tl(6 public: “The Sanitary Oommißsioif Is dtung a work of great humanity and direct practical value to the nation in this time of its trial. -' It' Is entitled to the gratitude and con fidence of the people, and! trust it will be generously supported.. There ie no agency through which voluntary «“*&*£ ia^ tl8 “ WNCOLN." ' The urdereigned will receive, and forward to blacea where they may. be - most needed, all conhibutions tor the sick and wounded," and', will. ftwntsti all information to persons applying toflorve as t nursea/dreaiißrs, &0., m the Floating Hospitals of the Commission; or elsewhere. j y 8-12 - W. PIATT, Jr., Superintendent, Isaac Potter, Springfield O.JL* American, Chicago S Hamilton, St Paul •B.—T.— lB6o— X. —~~apai>rmniw ay, New-York. fMP-TH« ONION PACIFIC RAILROAD UIS company. NOTICE OB' MEETING OF COMMISSIONERS. Cormuitmioners,named in the act of the luiity-fcovfcuth Ooogrens of the United States of America, entitled *» An Actio aid in the Construction of a Railroad Mid Tdegraph Line from the Missouri Hirer fo the Pacific Ocean, and to Becnro to the Government the wecftbe same for Postal, Military and other Pur poses,lll pursuance of the provision* of said Act, and of ibo Act of *aid Thirty-seventh Congress, ‘supplementary to and amendatory of said first-n ewtioaod Act, hereby give notice that the first meeting of the Board of Com missioners mentioned in said first-mentioned Act will be held at Bryan Ball, in the City of Chicago, and State of Illinois in the first Tuesday of September next at 12 o’clock at noon. Jan»s Dunning, John M. Wood, Edwin Noyes, Jo seph Eaton, of Maine; Joseph A, Gilmore, Gh&rle* W. Woodman, of New Hampshire ; Henry H. Baxter, George W. CoUatner, Henry Keyes, Thomas H. Caofteld, Of Vermont/ Willi-im n. Swift, Samuel T. Dana, John Bertram, KruDklin S. Stevens, Kdward B, Tinker, 'of Massachusetts ; Waiter S Burgess,.Wfiiiatn P. 810.1-g*t, g*t, Bor jsmiD H. Giieever,.Obarlt-0 Fosiick Fletcher, of Rhode Island/ Augustus Biew.-dbr, Henry P. Haven, Coriitiinß S. BushneH, Henry Haiutnond, of Connecticut; Isaac Sherman, Dtan Richmond, Royal Phelps, Wit lium B. Perry, Henry A, Paddock, Lewis J Btoncliff, Charles A. Setoi, Samutl B Campbell, Alfred E Tilton, John AnderEon, Azartab Boody, Juhn S. Kennedy, H. Carver, Joseph Fit-Id, Beiomnm' F. - Camp,. Orville W.' Childs, Alexantlw J. Bergen, Ben. HotUdry, D. N. Bar ney,S. Be Wl«t Bloodguod, William U. Graut, Thomas W. Olcott. Snmuel B. Buggies, James B .Wilaoo, of New York;. Ephraim Marsh, Charles M ' Darker, of. New Jersey; John, Edgar Thompson, Benjamin Haywood, Joseph H. Scranton, Josrph Harrison, George W. Oa*s,. John H, Biyaut, Daniel J. Moroli, Thomas M. Howe, William F. Johnson, Bobj/rt Flooey, John A. Green E. B. Myre, Charles F. Wells, Junior, of Pennsylvania; Thomas S«au, Ohsuncey "Brorkß, Edward Wilkin?, of Maryland ; Nosh L. Wfigpn, Amasa Stone. Wililaui H. OlemenC 8. L L’Scmmedieu, John Rrough, William Den meon,Jacotv BlicfetuWerfer, of Ohio; Charles Paine,. Thomas A. Morris, David 0- Branhuta, damael Sauna, Jonas Yotaw, Jesse L. Williams, fraac C. Elston, of Indiana; William B Ogden, Charles G. Hammond, Henry Farmim* Amos C. Bahcoofc, W. Seldou GaUy Ne bHUiab Lorenzo Bull, of Illinois; Johu .D. Campbell, B; N. Bice, Charles A- Trownridg*, B inborn Gardner, Charles W< Penny, Charles Ti Gorham, Wi> lh»m BlcCoTmfcll, of Michigan; William Buan, Jr.. John ratlin, Levi Sterling, John Thompson, ElihtiL Philips, Waller B. Mclodre, T. B. Soddard, E JL Brodhend, A. 'H. • Yirgen,'' "of ’ Wisconsin; A D. Seward, Henry A. Swift, Dwight Woodbury, 'John MoUurick, John B. Jones, of Minnesota; William F. Coolbaugh, Lucius H. Langwoitby,. Hugh T. Held, Hoy l Sherman, Lyman Cook, Sr.nmel R. Curtis, Lewis A. Thomas, Plait Smith,' of Iowa; William M McPherson, E, W Weils. Willard P. Hall, Armstrong Beatty, John Corby, of Missouri ; Franklin Gorin, Laban J. Bradford, John T, Levis, of 'Kentucky; W/ H. Grimes, J. C Stone, Chester" Thomaf, John Kerrj Werter R. Davis,Luther O.Ohallfa,- Joßteh Miller, of Kansas ; Gilbert 0. Mbnell, Augustus Kounfz, T. M. fl3arqnettc s rWUiiara H. Taylor, Alvia Sanoderß, of Nebraska; John Evans, of Colorado ; Joi n Atchison, John D. Winters, of the Territory of Nevada ; V. J. Hensley, Peter Donahue, 0. P. Hnofcing ton, T.D. Jadah. James Bailey, James T Bran, Oh tries Bosmer, Charles Marsh, D 0. Mil‘3. Samuel Beil, Louis BicLace, George W. M«we, Chatles McLaughlin, Tlinb-. thy Dame, John R. Robinson, of California; William S. Ladd, A. M. Berry, Benjamin F, Hardiog, of Oregon. Dated July 16, 1«02. ; D'2l tn6t iyr==. PASSENGER RAILWAY NOTICE IL3 At a meeting of the Board of Presidents, held. July 12th,,1862, it was resolved ihateach Road may issue tickets good for a ride on any City Railway, to be sold at the rate of twenty for one dollar. The holder oi any of these tickets, by addingtwocentß, csd obtain an exchange tlctet ; Tickets sold by any Road at a less .rate than twenty for one dollar are good only the Road so is«mng them.' 3318- 3t; HENRY gBOSKE F^Seererary., PHOTOGRAPHS. Emporium op art.—reimbr’s Gallory, the most extensive in the city, has all the advantages of.making pictures of the finest duality and at moderate chmrges. .Colored Photographs'only SI; SECOND Street,., above Green. It* BADE B, IF lOIJ WANT A FINE, JLlf trnthful portrait, go at once to REI&IEB’S. lie is cow executing ,at war -prices his lemons Life-size Oil colored Photographa—a chance rarely met with;: SE COND Stieet, above Gieem It* PROPOSALS DIPUTI OUiRTERMASTER GKE. EBAL’B OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIBASD Bircets;. * pHiLADBLPntA.JuIy2I-it, 1862. - PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until THURSDAY, 24th inat., at 12 o’clock M., to furnish at Philadelphia— Seven Bundrtd Sets of Two horse Ambulance Harness, compute. Two Hundred Sets to bo delivered on or before the Ist of August.,: Two Hundred and Fifty Setß to be delivered on or before the 16th of August. Two Hundred and Fifty Sets to be delivered on or before \ the Ift of September. ; N*» bids will be accepted except from parties in attend ance, and who will immediately give security for the faithful performance or the contract. The United States names the-right to reject any bids that may be deemed unreasonable, Proposals will be endorsed, Proposals for Ambulance Harness,’' and addressed to ■ A. BOTD, Captain and ArsHQ.M.'U. S. Army. NEW P V BLICaTIOWSI, Be gaspabin’s new book America before Europe. Principles and lnie . rests. Ry Count De Gasparla. 12mo. £51.25 The Golden Hour. -; By M. D. Uonway, author of the Rejected Stone. 63 cents! . , ...... ,; , The Flower People, By Mrs; Horace Mann. Hlas tretcd. 63 cents. H \ Toltmbcs 7 and Bof Lockhart’s Life of Scott. 75 cents per volume. For sale by J WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MABTEItf, jjlS 606 CHESTNUT Streit... RETAIL »K¥ eOOBB. SUMMER STOCK. Jw Burini? July and August we will sell Sumaer Dre-B Goods, such as Lawrs, Organding, Bareges, and their fabrics, at yeiy low prices t > eltar the stock. . Tt»e assortments are still fair, and thegoodßxjß-* 1 *- 1 -" season’s purchase. : __^<«ri3'ra'^trQets . ■ OCT-—'t • 'jL m SWISS WATCHES, JEWELRY, A2U> SILYERW'ABE, a T BED U 0 E D P R 1,0 E 3. JOS- H. WATSON, myga-an 336 CHESTNUT STBEBT. REMO V A L . m j. d. fuller _ Haring Bemoved from No- 42 South THIBD Stroet to No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, 2nd Floor, (Opposite Maaonio Temple,) Now offers a Large aiid Desirable Stock of GOLD AND, SILVER WATCHES, BOOEBB Se BBO^HSES 1 SPOONS ANin?i3BK.Si AND ■" -\ , FINE JEWELRY, To which the attention of the trade isinvlted. ■ apBo-8m v ~ jfc « AMERICAN WATCH GOM fany.” ' GOLD AND SILVER WATC H E & . FOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. ; COMPANY’S SALESROOM, No Ti2* CHSSTNUT Street, Second Bloor, ; ' Masonic Temple.) I. B. MARTER, Agent. > npHO'Sm •• •.... •- ' ' ••• • -yiJLCANITE RUBBER JE WELRY & beautiful tine of GENTLEMEN'S VEST CHAINS, LADIES’ OHA talaine chains, thimbles, oeosshb, BTHDB, BUTTONS, &0-, How to Store. ' J. O. FULLER, Bo 712 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, (Opposite Maeoniis Temple.) ap3o-8m ■ ■ " ______ WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c„ A FRESH ASSORTMENT, at LESS TV THAN FOBMEB PRICES, FABB * BBOTHEB, Importers, 824 CHESTNUT Street, Mow 1 ourth ; ' _l—' MILITARY NOTICES. i victory! victory i!—the U6th BEOIMBST, P, V. M., haa been specially accepted by the War Department: for three years or during the war. Captains report immediately. Bounty! Battens, Clothing, and Pay furnished Irom date of enlistment. • . . . . K : This is the only three-year Begtment authorized by the Secretary of War'from this State, and all patriot* ’desirooß of sorting onr common country mast now come forward. ’ The Begiment will poaitiyely march on or be fMethnlst ootej w, commanding, i. MALSEED, Adjutant H V Headnharters, 624 MABKBT Street, Philadelphia. .-iiaa».'tr-■ :r ~ ‘ : refrigerators and coolers The « DR. HAYEB’ REFRIOERA TOE.” v. .. these are, beyond doubt, the moatactentiflo and efficient ; refrigerators . In use, being WARRANTED to KEEP PROVISIONS LONGER, WITH LESS TOE, , THAN. ANT OTHBBS. RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Also, a large assortment of the moat approved , WATER COOLERS. J. S. CLARK, , No. 1006 MABKBT Street. MIT.ITARY GOODS. T~ ENT BUTTONS AND SLIPS, U. 3. Pattern, manufactured and for sale JmjJ. R BBBD, sontheast corner THIBTEENTH and NOBLK Streets, Philadelphia. .. If 9 ' lll1 * TVrOTIHE.— On and after this date IN WIIiM AM’ D. BMjIOTT to admitted to m in terest in my busiwse, which wilt' b . B „S? a , lJ ?,n o ' l m™ theatric and firm of> DAMNBSB ACM A CO._Ofhce. . dnnng attmaUona of •' - - 1562. V. . .. Philadelphia, July LOST.— A Promissory Note, drawn mSEEBLE &FISHBB infavorof 0. W. HBLSE, at three months, troui June IS, for 888.60. AU PO™™ are cautioned against negotiating _tho sarao. aa paFmßnt has been stopped. ' 12 °j eUPEBIOR FURNITURE SELLING © OFF AT HALF FKIOE— Jonny Lied bedsteads, iete-a* tetea, chairs, tables, &c. Gcod-will and fixt ur es for sale. Bent only *10.50 per month;. 114 : Norttr SK 'V3SHTH Street.. ' . . / ■ • . J* 2l "* 1 * tJEIMER’S/TVORYTYPES are; the, of,skilful artists will musxuoo you of Vheir rar6"heanty.; ihs.delicapy of the Ma. perfectly rendered. SECOND St., above Green ■ It TV/fUSQUITO : NETS AND , NET- IyL TING for salo at N 0.4 North Fifth Street. , JOSEPH H. THOMPSON, Agent, p, s Orders promptly attended to. , , jylO-Ut* T SPIES’ HAIRDYEDANDSHAM -1 IPOOBD, in best style, at FOURTH and BRANCH 'jylO’iltS J ‘ ■" ■ • ■■■.■ , . .C‘ ID JEWELRY. COMMISSION HOUSES. jgEAMLESS BAGS. “LEWISTON” and “PREMIUM” “A.” FOB SALE BT . WELLING, COFFIN, & 00., jj’SSl.mwflm No, 220 CHESTNUT Street. JJUMMELL AND' GREENE MANUFACTURING CO.’S '■ 'PRINTS. 400 OftseH HSW FAII STYLES. FOB BALE BY WELLING, COFFIN, & CO , No. 220 CHE9TNUT Street. gED-QUiLTS, SUITABLE FOR HOSPITAL PURPOSES. 8,000 10-4 WHITE AND BLUE AND WHITE AND . _ SLATE. / ALSO, 8-1 and 6-4 INDIGO BLUE FLANNELS. For Bale by FROTHING lIAM & WELLS, jyl6 2m 34N. FBONT and 35 LETIIIA STREET. gHIFLEY, HAZARD. & HIJTOHINSON, No. UR OHEBTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANT* FO* TUB BAUI .0F PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. mbSB-6m 08URMCK COMPANIES. QTRARD FIRE AND MARINS INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE 418 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL *200,000. This company continue* to take risk* en the sir*! classes of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon its responsibility, and abili ty to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the benefit of the public, daring the tost nine years, e zoeed @500.000, and we rospeotfnHr solicit its favor in tho fntnre. DIRECTORS. OHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER, JOHN W.OLAGHOBN, JOHN THOBNLBY, O.F.HEAZLITT, ABRAHAM HART, DAVID BOYD, Jr., PETER S. HOE, of N. T WM. M. SWAIN, FURMAN SHEPPARD JOSEPH KLAPP, M.D. N. S. LAWRENCE, WM: 0. RUDMAN, JOHN SUPPLEE. THOMAS GRAVEN, President A. 8. GILLETT, Vice President. JAS.B. ALVOBD, Secretary. ap23-H ICE COMPANY, itroet. . . "SUAME INSURA JO ; No. 408 CHESTNUT FIBS AND INLj DIRE! NO mSUBANOB. JTORS. E. D. WoodrniT, John Kessler, Jr., P. B. Jnstioe, Washington Jon«, Ohas. Stokes, John w; Everman. JK, President. ; IRDSON, Vice President ABD, Secretary.; [mhlg-iiti F. N. Buck, Ohas. Richardson, Henry Lewie, Jr., Alex. Wiulldin,. Geo.A.Wcst, O.W. Davie, FRANCIS N. BUOJ CHARLES BIOHAi WILLIAMS I, BLANOHI fIOBIMONWEALTH I IRE INiD \J RANGE COMPANY, OF THX STATB 01 PENNSYLVANIA. v DUEEOTOB9. David Jayne, M.D., Charles H. Boyars, JohnM. Whitall, John K.. Walker, Edward 0. Knight, ; Robert Shoemaker, Thomas B. Stewart, William Strother*, Henry Lewis, Jr., Elijah Jones. DAYID JAYNE, M De, President. , JOHN Mv WHITALL, Yloe Prosldent HAMT7EL S. MOON, Secretary. Offlos. Commonwealth BnUdins, 613 OHBSTSt* Street, Philadelphia.. , - . ; sod-Wtf. AMERICAN SILK YELYETS, rpHE AMERICAN SILK VELVETS.. by JOHN BROOK, VALLEY CRKEK. MILLS, The only Velvet Factory in America. COLLAR, VEST, AND BONNET VELVETS, In a variety of styles and finalities. For sale at No. 413 COMMERCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, IIOBT. NELSON & BRO. s SOLE AGENTS. ' Also, manufacturers of All-Wool Minor’s Flannels, Checks,Gtogbamß, Ac., So. jy!B-7t SPOOL COTTON. « 'C’OR THE PARTICULAR AT TENTION OP THE TBADE.” ALTEMUS & COZENS, HO. 'B4l CHESTNUT' STBEKT, SOLS AGENTS. FOR GREEN & DANIELS’ OELEBBATED IVOBY-FINISH SPO OL COTTON, Pronounced one of the best end cheapest Spool Cot tons in the market. A Misapply on hand. jeiM-lm* GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. TjilNE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. 13 imie subscriber would invite attention to bifl IMPBOVB1) OUT UF StfIRTS, Which he makes a speciality in his business. Also, oon “‘“‘hOYELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN’S WEAK. J. W. SOOTT, " GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STOBB, No. 814 CHESTNUT STBEBT, 5a9 tf - Four doors below the Oontmentab_ FINANCIAL,. JAY COOKE & co.. bankers, NO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, NEW ”5-20” LOAN. The undersigned, as Subscription Agent for the Go vernment, ie prepared to deliver at once, on payment, COUPON BONUS. NEW BIXPEB CENT. UNITED STATES LOAN, AUTHORIZED FEBRUARY 26,186 a Subscriptions received AT PAB, and aoernod intorert from May 1,1862. Logffl" Tender or Par Notes and Checks received for the Bonds-tbe Interest to date must be paid in Gold. This Loen is called «6-20,” having TWENTY years to run, hut redeemable at the option of the Government at any time alter FIVE years, but is a Bix-por cent. Doan. JAY COOKE. mn rnn —THIS AMOUNT WAN'fy tJ>/U,OvU. ED npon Mortgage, first-claas Farm D ?yl2 Cltr ’ Apllyto No: 309 WALNUT Street^ REMOVALS. J^EMOVAXj. E. Gr. WHITMAN & Go. CONFECTIONERS, HAVE AND CHEST TO No. 318 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW FOOHTH, NEXT DOOB TO ADAMS & CO.’S EXPBESS. jeSO-Imif Removal.— mahlon kirk. i DENTIST, has BEMOYED to No. lo)2 CHEST NUT Street. ' • ; Iy» Im* riGTTON SAIL DUCK AND CAN* \J' TAB. of all numbers and brands. ~ Baven’s Buck Awnin* Twills, of ail descriptions, fat * Tents, AwxdntfkTnmkß, and Wagon Oarers. ■•- > Also, Taper Maaufactnrera* Brier Felts, from Ito I betridt. TarpanUng, S^J^*^*°v, n ■ 20HB w. IVsßfil&n « vu*i . -■ 1M JOHS3 SJfcJ, pOWERS’ HOTEL, This popular Hotel has lately been thoroughly reno rated and refurnished, and now possesses all tho refjnl dteeofa . The patronage of Philadelphians and the travelling yabUc, desiring the best accomodations and moderate charges, is respectfully solicited. je2-3m H. L. POWERS, Proprietor. Acard.— the undersigned; late of the GIRARD HOU3B, Philadelphia, hav« leased, for a term of years, WILLARD’S HOTEL, in Washington.. They take this occasion to return to their old friends and customers many thanks for past favors, And beg to assure them that they will bo most happy to *ee them in their new quarters. BYKESrOHADWICR, * 00. WAHHWOTOir. JnTv 16.. ;*n23>ly # FOR EALE—CO TT aOl, AT ■iil GERMANTOWN.—A new Cottage on MANHBItt Street, wiib all the conveniences of a first-class city rosi der cti; good lot ; terms *ORy. Also, a Neat Cottage at Chestnut Hill, near the Bail road Depot ; very cheap, Alto, a great variety of City Properties. B. F. GLENN, V „ ‘ 123 South FOORTS Street, and jy2l 8. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GRSEN, pi TO RENT, WITH OR WITHOUT ■aaFUBNITUBE. several neat Country Places, with a few acres of gronnd, convenient to railroad stations near the city. Apply to E. PETTIT, jo3o No. 309 WALNUT Street. ' m FOR SA L E «CHE A P ” iAI“CHEAP.”—Perry County FARM, containing 138 acres, 26 woodland, the balance under a high state of cultivation; first-rate fencing, nicely watered, excellent Improvemests, 16 miles from Harrisburg. Price only @6,600. Terms easy. Albo, ft FBT3IT 3TABH t near Boyer, State of Dela ware, 107 acres. Price only $5,500. Apply to ffSfc FOR SALE—-Delaware-county Farm, containing 9B acres of flrßt-rate laud, situ ate near Marcus Book} Philadelphia and Wilmington Railroad. Large and substantial stone iraprwvementgj nicely watered, good fruits, &o. Price #9,000. Also, a fine Fruit Farm in the State of Delaware, near. Sever, 134 acres, immediate possession. Price only $7,000.': Apply to E. PETTIT, je26-tf No. 309 WALNOT Street. m TO BENT—A THREE-STORF BBIQK DWELLING, on RACE Street, one door above Twelfth, north site. Bent low to a good tenant. Apply to - WETBEBILL & BROTHER, jel2 - 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. m TO RENT—A THRffiE-STOKY ■iiBBIUK DWELLING, on PIKE Street, near Seventeenth, north side. Apply to WETHEBILL <fc BBOTKEB, je!2 47 and 49 North BBCO NJP, Street. A FOR SALE OR TO LET—Foar Houses, on the west tide of BROAD Street, below Columbia avenue. Apply at. the southwest corner ot NINTH and 3ANBOM Streets. mh26-tf fft. FOR SALE—-A first-rate Moat -3C gomery-county Farm, containing 89 acres, with large and substantial atone improvements, on the Bidge Turnpike, near Norristown. Price only $95 per acre. Apply to E. PETCIT, je26 tf No. 309 W ALNUT Street. SAL E JUNCTION RAILROAD COMPANY'S BONDS —The Junction Bailroad Company invites proposals, in writing, for the purchase of the whole or any part of $500,000 First Mortgage Six per Cent. Coupon Bonds. ; The is made to Alexander Henry, E*j., Trustee, and will be due July 1, 1882. It is secured upon the entire Railroad and Property of the . Company - lying on the west side of Schuylkill, between Belmont and Gray ’a Ferry.. Its terms provide for a sinking fund of $15,000 per year, to be invested in these Bonds, or m the - First Mortgage Bonds of- the Pennsylvania' Railroad Company, too Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Com pany, the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Bail road Company, in the Loans of the United States, or of the State of Pennsylvania, at the discretion of the Board' of Directors. The Bonds are for One Thousand Dollars each. Their payment is guarantied by endorsement of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, tho Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad Company, the Philadelphia and Beading Bailroad Company on toe back of each bond,ln toe following words— viz: /-;>■ « Know all men by these presents, that toe Pennsyl vania Bailroad Company, the Philadelphia, Wilming ton, and Baltimore Railroad Company, and toe Phila delphia and Beading Bailroad Company, and each of them, for a valuable consideration to them paid by . the Junction Railroad Company, do hereby (!n pursuance of the power and authority conferred by two acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ap proved respectively on toe twenty-third day of March, A. D. 1861, and toe eleventh day of April, A. D. 1862,. and of every other lawful ; power and authority in them vested,) jointly and severally guarantee to toe lawful holder of the within Bond thejpuuctual payment of the principal and interest thereof, when and as the same shall become due and payable according to the terms of said Bond, or of the terms and covenants of the inden ture of Mortgage therein mentioned and given to secure the same. ‘‘ln witness .whereof, said Companies have, hereunto/ affixed" their: common or corporate. seals respectively, . dniy attested, and hate caused the signatures of their Presidetts, respectively, to be hereunto written: tofe second SjoSag moutli until the whole amount is I tB propoFtalß Triil be addressed to CHARLES SMITH, Treasurer, 22T South FOURTH Street, until MONDAY, J YnAvroimsrf will state the total number or muountof the bondß woutod, and tho price offered per bond of ® 3 SoompWteß«vM to Itself the risfctto acceptor refect the whole or any part of any proposition received, iuccesarol bidders will be notifb d of the aetopropoealßWlthtooneweehtomttoo^^ir Jditjyai Secretary Junction Bstlroad 00. rilO PIBTUJiEES- X Tfco DISTILLERY known Mtti£ ■■■ Ba>a formerly owned ana accnpled by SAKE. BHYTH, j M ., eitnatod on TWENTY-THISD, between BAGS , n a visa Streets, Philadelphia, Capacity 800 bnaheb per'day, to now offered tor sole bn reasonable and accom modating terms. Is in good running order, and has ail Hie modem Improvmnenta. An Artesian wall on the pre mises tomisbe* ah onlatllng snpply of gqod,pnr«lw*.er. Address Z. BOOKS * 00., Ko, 1010 MABKHT abbet. Phlladelpida. feiß-dtl btjbsoeiption agent, 114; South THIBB Street. HOTELS. Nos. IT and 19 DARK BOW, (OPPOSITE IKS ABTOS BOOBS,) NSW YOBK. TERMS 81.60 FEB DAY. FIBST-ODASS HOTEL. EOK SALE AJMII TO LET. B. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT street. SJEWING JttACHIN ES, TUELEELER & WILSON. BEWINS MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, UJjVMINATIN® OliS « T UCIFKR’? OIL WORKS. 1 i iod bbls “ Lucifer” Burning Oil on band. . We guarantee the oU to benon-explosive, to bnrn all the oil in the lamp with a steady, brilliant flame, without crußting the wick, and but slowly. *— ■ wbight 'S t b ?b A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. CONGRESS SPRING ■WATER DEPOT, 98 CEDAR STREET, NEW TOB K Saratoga, July I, 1882. An attempt liM been mode to deceive the public by persons offering what they call <‘Congress Water ” from fountains, and at the price of six (6) cents per glass. The u'fioiesale price of the genuine Congress Water, at New York, being, about 7# cents per glass, the impoßi tirn of pretending to MB at retail at lobs than cost, and. without allowance for freight, cartage, or breakage, is apparent; but their probable course has boon to empty one bottle of genuine Congress Water into a fountain filled with their, trash, and thereby christening its total contents. : - We have bbybb sold Congress Water in tountains, nor in vessels of any ottier description than ordinary* sized glass bottles* - The cork of every bottle of the genuine k | branded^ And any witkoU tera on the cork to C. & W.; ooustehfkit, WATISB. • whether from loan- OLABKE A WHITE, Proprietors of Congress'Spring. The following gentlemen are (supplied by. us regularly with genuine Congress Water, In bottles, freoh from the Oongreaa Spring: , „ . . ‘ FBBD’K BBOWN, cov. Fifth and Chestnut stg. 0 8 HUB BELL, 1410 Chestnut street. CHAS. ELLIS & 00., Market street . - Bi J STEVENS & CO., Continental Hotel. AMBBOSE SMITH, Chestnut street, i . ... J. C. TURNPENNY & 00., Ml Spruce Btroot. THOH. J. HUSBAND, cor. Third and Bprucc sta. WYETH Bros., Walnut street. CLARKE & WHITE. jeSG-Szaif '.. •• • iy|X)UNT MORIAH CEMETERY. Thla ground la located a few yards off the Darby road, about tii© earn© distance from the city as Laurel Hill, aafi la beautifully situated on the highest point of ground foi miles aronud. . . Its 801 l la admirably adapted for the purpose designed, being Ugh and dry. 'The pnblio are lnyited to examine Its claims before puHdisslng elsewhere. General and sectional plans may he examined at the COMPANY'S OFFICE, Ha. 128 SOUTH SIXTH STBEET, Where' any lurther Information will be oheerfnlly at forded by the agont. ; - DESIRABRE LOTS, AT DOW PBIOES, AND ON LIBEBAL TEES Are now In the market, some of them In seotiona inii opened, having hitherto been held in reserve. Onion Hooxa fromBA. kL todP. 2d., and either be fore or alter those hours, at the residence of the under gfgn©d|. NO. 314 NOBTH TENTH STBBET. FREDERICK A. TAN CLEVE, GFNEBAL AGENT. H. B.—Conveyance to and Horn the Oemotorytoi such aa deelre ito parchase. my2o ' gm T) . FRANK. PAIiMER, SOTBeon Arttat to the Government Inßtltntions, Wash. IngtonT Also; to all of the Medical Colleges and Hos- “PALMEB LIMBS,” adopted by thei Army and Navy Surgeons. Pamphlets ““** jy2-6m No. 1609 OHEBTNUT Street, Phtlad’a. riBAMPAGNE.—The original “Gold U Lac ** Champagne, in auKto aadjptotji for (to arriYe) by CHAS. B. OABBTAILS, H®. 136 WAli- NUT and 3lGßANlTEßtreets, - .lens A SBEMBLY BUILDINGS. XX. OAPTiIK THBILMNG SOBHBS. IS 181 Ull OM TANK*® WK AMMAN, - EVERY EVENING* at 8 o’efocfc WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Afternooons at 8»''ollT Admission 25 cenis. Six Tickets for one dollar. Children 10 cents. PENNSYLVANIA. ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, 3025 OH RSTNUT STREET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M.till6 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children half price. Shares of Stock, $3O; jyfl ME. WINTHROP TAPP.IN’B Boarding and Bay School tor Young Ladies, No, 1635 SPRUCE Street, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, September 17 th. jyl9-3ta HOLMEbBURG SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LAOTES, located on the Bristol Turn pike, 8 mites from Philadelphia and 2 from Tacony. The fires term of the scholastic year begins the first MON DAY in September: second term the Ist day of Feb ruary. A circular, containing terms, references, &c., can be obtained by application to the j>l4-3m* Misses CHAPMAN, Principals, WBEOTHBRHEAD>S Cl ROD • DATING LIBRARY.—AII the SEW English and American Books, including ALL GLASSES of Lite rature. This Is the ONLY Library in the country that includes .all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not REPRINTED here. Terms $5 per year: 6 months $3; three months 31.50, or 3 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH street. jy7-2m* IMPORTANT' TO PLEASURE-SEEKERS. THE EENKSTIiTiSIA. BMLBO.VD OOMPiOT Is prepared to issue, during the Summer, tickets ftfc greatly reduced rates as fellows: PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. For one, three, six, nine, or twelve months, at very low rates, for the accommodation of persons living out of town, or located on or near *the line of the road during the summer. From and after July 1, 2862, a atilt greater reduction has been made on these tickets. For twenty-six trips between any two points at about i two cents per mile. These tickets aro intended for fee use of families travelling frequently, and are of great ad- . Vantage to persons making occasional trips. • ; * For one or three months, for the use of scholars at tending achoofin the city. - Living on or near the line of the road, and having occarion to use the road frequently in their clerical capacity, are furnished with certificates entitling them to travel at half fare. Applications to be made only to the General Superintendent at Altoona. Issued at half fare to parties of over forty, good fbc- j any reasonable,time. . . = •*> EXCURSION TICKETS during the Summer are sold : at one half the regular rate for the benefit of those seek- * ing recreation from business or in pursuit of health. Thepe tickets are good for ten days, and are issued to ' CBESSON (top of the Allegheny Mountains), AL- . TO ON A (foot of the monataina), BEDFORD, DOUB LING GAP, and EPHRATA SPRINGS. For time of departure of trains see bills and cards of For Through Tickets apply at the office of the Com pany, Southeast corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET' Streets. JAMB 3 COWDEN, Agent. LEWIS L. HOITPT, General Ticket Agent. jjls-bel DEHGHTFCJL 8 U MM E E* B XOUE SI ONB, NIAGARA FALLS, LAKE ONTARIO, THE THOU SAND ISLANDS, RAPIDS OF ST. RIVER. MONTREAL, LAKES OHAMPLAIN AN3F’ GEORGE, SARATOGA SPRINGS, HUDSON RI VER, WHITE MOUNTAINS, BOSTON, NEW PORT, NE W YORK, <fco. Fare from Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, White Mountains, .Boston, and rofcura, 842 20 From Philadelphia to Niagara Fails, Slontre&l. P' , tega, Hudson river,. New j fo\ , rentes mm be msde to suit the tastes# anv one. JOHN S. HITjT.ES, General Agent, Cor. THIRTEENTH and OAUjOWHILL Street*. Phliariplphia* Jnl? 1. . _ nswm 'Ml' if 08, THE SEA. SHORE!— BOIMEB AB- BaNGESIKXT,—CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC BAIL- Three trains dailv te Atlantic City and return* dayg excepted). Trains leave YIHE-Strest ffom « follows: Mail Train... Express Train... Freight and Accommodation. ■- ... - BETIJRNINCK , w __ leaves, Atlantic Mail Train...., ST u « Express Train ••JiS , 5* « , «« Freight and Accotninodaticm.a 18 A. m* 7ABB 81.80; Bound-trip Tickets, good only for m day and train cn wiich they a/re issued, S2-&0- ifixcnaf* £“■ ttoee §«. ' ; - . ■■ • ABTOt ~- _ .iP"s FOR GAPE MAY.—The steamboat WM KENT, Oapt. BreH, leaves -ABOH-stroet wharf .every TUESDAY, TBHBB - and SATUBDAY at 9 o’clock A. If., for CAPB May', returning alternate days, touching each ;Newcastle. ' ]yll lm *- WEST - CHESTER BATLBOAD TBAINS, via tha PENNSYLVANIA IiiILTtOAD. . .. J,® AYE THE DEPOT, " Corner ELEVENTH and MaBKET Streets, First Train at..;......... 2* Third Train at.-..........'.. l |oo? M. .’Fourth Train at....... *'"545 p M. Fifth Train at.;.... r ' : , LEAVE WEST OHESTEB. ■ At 6.25, 7.45, and 10.5.5 A. M , 3.10 and 4.15 P. M. • ON SUNDAY. , • Heave Philadolphia at 7.30 A. M., and Wcßt Chester ■ delivered at the Freight Station, corner MAB KET and lUNIPBB, hsrore 11.S0 A. M., wOlbede iwed &t West Chester at 2 P. M. . For tickets and fartier Reply to . j A MI3S OOWDEN, Passenger Agent, LEWIS L. HOUPTy General Freight Agent. jy2l tf PHILADELPHIA. -jar—Assistance in introdu cing a NEW AND VALUABLE PATEST. The whole, or any amount of ierntoir, for sale VEKi CHEAP: or will exchange for any kmd of negotiable property. Call “ “ „p, 0 . 8 0% 80, LA3IBEBTYILLK, N. J. TINNERS’ WANTED. Two food HANDS will bear of steady S?„ sooa °t J - & H - HB g,S£^a. TTT ANTED—By ayoung married man, V V a situation at Salesman in a Wholesale Dry Good* or Commission House. Several jeans’ eMonunan Un donhted reference givti). AddreM •• Clom.nt office. ■:. .... ' 3j * mHB FICKLE AND LION SEW- X ISO MACHINE CO., having satisfactorily es tablished the reputation of their Machines, in PhdaM pbia, and desiring to further increase the Onsinejs, win receive propositions from an active party for the said party to be possessed of sufficient means to mnta the business a paying one. The pnvtloge of the state , , given if required. Samples of Machines can be seen at 022 03ESTAXJT street, Philadelphia. ■ Addcras. W. D. BUSSELL, Secretary, jTg-llt 683 BBOAPWAY, New Yorit. those words and let- tains or bottles. TXT ANTED —2,000 Men along the liner VV of the Lehigh Canal, say 1,500 laborers, 250 car penters, and 280 stone masons. Apply to thß °®cersot tho Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, at MADOH. OHHSK, ALLENTOWN, or EASTON, or anyalterf along the line of the norhs. ' jelo-tf_ afe LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT KB BBImOVEB to No. a South SEVENTH Street, in theFraukliu Institute. . . _ The undersigned, thankful for past favor#, and bcmi determined to'merit future patronage, has secured a* elegant and convenient store, and has nowonband* 'S assortment of Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought end , ChiUed Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the rag strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, Ifflafa ■gneouaSled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Lillie's Bank Vault Boors and Locks will be fornlahoS to order on short notice. This is the strongest, best vco~ tooted, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offored. Also. carticHlar attention is called to LiiUo s HmT: OahimtSafe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. This Safe is oo»- to surpaes in style and elegance anything of* ’fared for this purpose, and is the only one that is strictly fire and burglar proof. . . . . SrßCiri. Kories.— l have now on hand say twenty OS Farreli Herring, & Co.’s Safes, most of them neatly n»*i and some forty of other makers, comprising a comptott . assortment as to dues, and all lately exchanged for to* now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at W .low prices. Please call and , nT * ja26-lyif ...... H. 0, SADIiZB, Agent. amusements. educational. CIRCULATING LIBRARY EXCURSIONS, OOimWTATION TICKETS COUPON TICKETS SCHOOL. TICKETS CLEBGTMBN BXCUB9IO2T TICKETS SEABATHING. WASTO. SAFES. BAb EVANS * WATSON’S , JHSB halamanbeb bates. BTOBH, ■ 1* BOOTH FOUBTH STBBET, • PHILADELPHIA, PA. : a large variety of JTBE-PBOOI SAFES always 0» hand •• " ; IOTINA RUOFIN «, HiSCFAOTOKKO BV *B* OSITED STATES BIOTINA HOOPING COMPANT, - No. 9 GOBS BLOCK, ' Corner OBEBN and PITTS Streets, Boston, MMS . This Portable Hoofing Is the only M-Uole evar offered to the pnbiio which is ready prepared to go on the root without ony finishing operation. It is light, aandsaiu, snd easily applied, and can besafely ahdbhoaply t»ata . ported tb any part of the world. It will not Ux'mt flj : 4»fcolor water ruiming lying on . respects, a very desirable artiete - properties adapt it especially *? wjGSrfn* manufactorkfi of vSouB kinds; . and it is offered to th* 1 onblic after a test of four years in all varietiaa of otimafca - and temperature, for covering of roofii, fiat ox pitched, together with cars, steamboats, *O. It la both cheaf and durable. Agents wanted, to whom liberal inducements are offered. Send forawng®* circular, &c.-, with particulars, to U U. a BOOTKa 00., Ho. 0 GOB® BLOOK, Boston." nMm /YPENING W A SUMMER OAR- V/DEN.—The nndersigned begs. leave to inform to* pnbiio that hfiha* opened for the Mason hto FINE GAB BEN and HOTEL, at the toot of COATES Street, oppo site Jabinonnt Park. Famfflea are parHoolatlylnvttrf. lee (Viam, Cakes, excellent Lager Beer of Balts’* Mew toy, Wines, FBIOKA, ajB-Sm TWBNTC-BEVENTE end OOATEfI BS«, ,7.30 JL. Iff. W.A.oQ p. m ~...6.00 P. a.-
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