The Gradual Ennui cipaUon Scheme, Nsw I ork, July 12 —A special despatch to the Post, from Washington, says tbe President to-day scat for tho members of Ooujresa from *.ha border slave States, upon whom he urged his plan of gradual emancipation, and hinted strongly that if it was not accepted, a general emancipation would come under less pleasant circum stances. Fire in New York Harbor. Stew York, July 13.—A fire occurred this morning at Pier No. 30, North river, which destroyed some barges, with cargoes of hay valued at $25,000, Two Millions for Europe. New York, July 12.—The steamship City of Balti more sailed to-day, with two millions in specie, for Liver pool. Departure of the Steamer Anglo Saxon. . Qcebko, July 12.—Thu steamer Anglo Saxon sailed to-day. Among her passengers are 217 troops. Ecparture of the Teutonia. v New Yens, July 12—The steamer Teutonia eailed to day, with IS4 passengers and §554,000 in specie. TH E CITY. The Then ‘mometer* JULY 12, 1831. JULY 12,1862. ' • 6A. m 3r.s 6A. M,*,., 12 at.,,,, 3. p. it, 07 ...77^......80 04...,....80... 84 j WIND. ■ W. hy K..WSW....SW. I SHE.-...WNW....WUW. JULY 13,1861. : I JULY 13,1802. 6a.m. 12 m,: . 3 p.'ji. I 8 a. Ji. 12 m. Br.jr, 69 80X 71 88 83« 88 WNW. NB.liyN. W. S SW.byW. SSW. SBW. How otjb Sick and Wounded are CASED the recent bloody battles before Biohmond the number of sick and wounded in our midst has become so great that the Government, though doing all it can, nmßt necessarily depend upon .private enterprise for asßlslance. .Our city, lias already dona much, but when almost every family in it has some rela tive or friend lying pick and wounded an appeal ef this kind Cflunot pass by unnoticed. Next to the success. of our armies la the field, there is no subject in which the whole community should feel so much interest as in the welfare of the sick and wounded soldiers, who have sa crificed health and risked life and limb in the National cause { who cast themselves, maimed, scat-rod, feeble and prostrated, upc-n the sympathies of those whose gra titude and care it is their right to claim. There are nowin the various hospitals of this city alone hundreds of poor fellows who, a few short months, or, it may be, weeks ego, left thoir homes, sound and stalwart, hopeful and reliant, to do battle for the flag under which they were born, or to which they owed allegiance. They come back to us diseased, mutilated, overwrought in mind and body, donumllng from all in whoso power it may be to aid them every attention that time, thought, and money, can bestow. Much has bcen-done to amelio rate the condition of the sufferers. The State and muni cipal authorities are vieing with each other iu efforts to secure and fit up amiable places for their reception, in ap propriating. needful funds for the maintenance of those places, and the provision of overy convtnience and comfort that can poßiiblybe wanted. The highest medical talent is freely volunteered; private benevolencecomoßto the help, of-private endeavor; and, to a great oxtent, the duty that is owed to,our country’s bravely-nnfortunate de fenders is generously fulfilled. Much, though, even yob remains for the charUabio and kind-hearted to do. The fltld is wide, the harvest, sadly plenteous; and for the work that bos to be porformed, the laborers are still too few. Thousands of pf onto solace themselvos in selfish luxury, without a ihougbt of what is imperatively re tihired of them iu a'crista like the present. Their indiffe rence, let it be hoped, is more the wazt of thought, than* criminal neglect. But there are very many who forget the call, which, on behalf of the country, is hourly made. upon them. It is not to bo expected that they will all turn nurse* or transform their houses into hospitals,but with sympathy and money, and the various means they have at their disposal, they can accomplish a great deal of good, and that at very little cost of trouble or personal annoyance. It is tltiir duty, as far as they can, to lighten the labors of those who, in a purer spirit of eelf-sacri* flee, devote their whole energies and resources lo the Cause; their duty to see that energies and resources thus devoted aro net cramped for lack of bountiful means. . Henry W» Bellows, Saq., president of the National Sa nitary .Commission, at Washington, has published a cir cular, addressed to Hon. Horace Binnoy, president of the branch society ;at Philadelphia, calling urgently for aid for the sick and woundea soldiers. Mr. Bellows says: “This is the crisis and culiniuatlon of the labors of the Sanitary Committee—-tlio proper transportation and care of the victims of the terrible battles, and the more terri ble camp pestiloico of the next three months I’* He asks for Philadelphia to furnish $5,000 per month for the next three months—Now York he thinks will furnish double that amount, and Boston will more than equal it Mr. Blimey suggests that the middle-aged business tnen take up the work of collecting foT the united States Sanitary Commission. The immense number of the wounded, which may be ; looked for every day from the Virginia army, calls for tho most active efforts to pro vide for them. Coniiot eome plan like that suggested bje Sir. Bellows be established In Philadelphia 1 Will some of our. prominitit cUteors take hold of the matter? The president adds: “If I teem exacting now, do me the Justice to remember that I am pleading in behalf of hu inanity, and of your own soldiers.” Becertly ueaily all the benevolent institutions and homes have fitted up apartments iu their buildings for the accommodation of the sick and wounded in case of emergency. Some of these institutions are so small as to he able to accqmiriodate onlytwenly or thirty patients, yet what they can do Is done willingly. The House of Industry, at Seventh and Catharine streets, and numer ous other places of the same kind are filled up with the pick and wpurded. Oj the two hundred and fifty-one “that arrived. at.Yinc-stieet wharf on Thursday evening,.. about seventy of the fever patients were taken to tho. American Mechanics’ Hall, at Foarth and George streets, which has lutcly beea fitted up for a hospital. Many of the citizens and all tho fire companies in the northern sar£ of the city, were on hand at the wnarf with their iiorßca and wagons, and conveyed the soldiers to the dxall, where they received the utmost care and attention from the lady. members of the committee, who have bsen entiring in their energies for the past two weeks to pro •cure the necessary articles of aid and comfort for the poor volunteers. When toe futiher necessary arrangements are com pleted, the bailding will! accommodate about two hun dred, and we can guarantee they will be cared for in the best possible manner. There seems to be a rivalry among our citizens us to who shall care for this de serving class.; It matters not whether the soldier be longs to this city nr State, no difference where ho comes from, he reeeives’the same welcome and is looked to with the same attention. The.present unhappy struggle has brought with it Pome compensation, at least, in developing an amount of patriotism, self-denial,'and devotion to the country and its brave defenders that would not be thought credible if not brought home to every one by every day experi ence, God bless"the ladies! How they have toiled to render the wounded and sick soldiers comfortable; how they have denied themselves delicacies that the feverish, appetites of the sufftroi s in our hospitals should be satis fied J In every good work they have sprung forward nobly, and tho assistance rendered b> them will never be fully appreciated., as it has beerfdone in secret and with out parade. The spirit has been spread to the children, and, as usual, they u\nt into the woYk of procuring ar ticles for the sick and.wounded with a zeal and perse verance known only to youth. Fairs, sma’l ones, it Is true, but none tba les» attractive, have been the medium through which syttematic aid bas been gecored. These fairs are well vorth visiting, as presenting evidences of BUoh good lasts and such a fine appreciation of the beau tiful, in the harmony of colors and the deposition of ar ticles* that would put to sham© persons of older growth. The sums collec ed by these fairs are: not insignificant, and many a .poor soldier’s head has re-ted easier from 1 toe presence of luxuries the resuitof social gatherings. One of the latest and neatest of these fairs is to be held on Wednesday next, at No. 1020 Spring Garden straot. The proceeds are for the sick and wonnded at- tho hos pital Twenty-second and Wood streets. The committee of young ladies'consists of Mary Neff, J, Ches. Lae. Annie Calvary, Annie Neff. Kate Crowell, and Mary Bruastar, Tin so young ladies have for weeks been de voting their energies towards making the fair one that will refioct credit upon themseheras well as ecctmng funds. Already sl* worih of tickets, at 3 coats a piece, Lave been collected. Pretfy well, that, for children. The sum of $314.75 has been forwarded to the ladies of this city by residents of Cheater for the use of the hospitals. The Bekry Homicioe—Tlie trial of this case waa.reaumtd on Saturday byfora Jndges Allison and Thompson. From the evidence elicited on Satur day, it aeema that Sir. Berry, without any expression on his part, was Beset end beaten about the, head and kicked until he was Tendered insensible. He was carried home, wluro hedhd five days afterwards. The testimony by the Commonwealth in this case,was directed towards fixing the identity of the persons who attacked as the de fendants. The two a o Identified by n number of wit nesses as actively engaged in tho attack, but, for the most part* the witnesses identify George. A number of them, however,ldentify William as a participant. All the witnesses, with the exception of one, who identify . George Forepaugh as one of the men.engaged in kicking and boating Berry, describe hia drefi3 as that of light pants and Kossuth hat. He waa’ia his sbittsleeves. Two witnesses heard One of the Forepaugh?, as he passed from the ececo of ihe coLlticr, declare, {l We have killed the—!'* . * Officer Franks, who did not see tho fight, but who saw George Forepaugh and Tic&maa running away,described. George's dress as dark pants and dark Kossuth hat, and About this he was particular. From the testimony it appears that there was a general fight, in which whoever came to assist Mr Berry was knocked down and beaten, and only saved themselves from sharing his fatal tni bv getting out of the way. % Ho witness represented Mr. Berry as offering any re sistance to the attack, or doing anything to provoke his fate. Willl&ffi'Efiher sworn.—t can . identify George Fore jpaugh; he knocked Mr. Berry down; after ho bad done this, he lifted up Mr. Barry's head, looked at it, thsn dropped it, and vs all ed off. At this stage of the proceedings (two o’clock), the court took a recess fin til.three o’clock. On reassembling, the following naratd witerseos wore, called and examined on the part of tho Commonwealth; Anne Wilson, Atpbonzo Len&ire, and Joseph Maun,- Their, evidence was simply a repetition' of. tbait a’ready given, all having witnessed the fight, and all idt-nuiying the prisoners as actors in it. The Commonwealth re&tid.its case here, and Charles W. Brooke, Esq , open/d for the defence. He referred to the fact that all llei. itnesses • for the Commonwealth, except Mr. Franks/ bad testified that George Forepaugh had on light pants and a light Kossuth hat at the time of tbemurder. Mr. Franks had. sworn positively that he had on dark clothes. Too defence would prove that on the day of the murder George Forepaugh had on dark clothes, and that ho invariably dressed in dark clothing. Mr. Brooke also said tool they would prove by the ad mission of tho other defendants, that George Forepaugh did not make tho a< tauk upon Berry. Aa regards Wm. Forepaugh, evidence would be brought to show that dur ing the attach on Hr Berry, he stood at a distance, and took no pari In it whatever. Fight witnesses were then called for the defence. The Sunt and substance of their testimony was that George Forepaugh was in the invariable habit of wearing dark clothes. Adam Forepaugh, the brother of tho defend ants, swore that he gate ail his own cast-os’ clothing to George, and that they were always dark, Hone of these vriineßHca were present during the affray, but one gwore that be saw George about that time, and that his clothing was dark. Hone of tbe witue-seß for the defence made any alia- Mon to tho countctloii of Williafc Forepaugh with the case.. At six o'clock in Urn evening the court adjourned Until 10 o'clock ihteinorning, and Judge Allison cau tioned the jury ngrinsi conversing with any other person Whatever during the rfeet*?. , Death of a Phioabelphian.—-Let tors from New Orteina announce Hie sudden death of James 51. Bencher*. wgert twenty-four years, Bon of the late George F. Bnnk«rt, of this city. This sad event occurred on the 28th * t J use, on board the Baited Stites gunboat Itasca, on wM-h he filled the position of acting chief engineer, \vi«h ero*t credit, though but recently admitted os a third ae-iitaat engineer. By his quiet and gentlemanly demeanor• ho won many friends. A large circle of friends in th : a city will lament his sudden de ynise, and the blow falls with crushing force upon his mother, who b&s Income a widow Since the departure of lier sou from home “ Bepubucan (Jitt Convention.—A bpCoial meeting of tho Republican Oily Convention was held at tho County Court House on Saturday evening. 3>r. Gregg presided. A quorum was not present, and the Convention adjourned, to meet at the same place this ■evening. There vea so;ro confusion at the meeting, in fconseauenco of an aJ»ged irregularity in the call. Mass Meeting op the Pennsylva nia GUARDS.—This d.suing a muss meeting will be liold at Tenth and Nutile streets, by the Pennsylvania Guards, being for the purpose of getting men to rally to tho defence of the bag which ah loyal people revere. Eminent sneakers tare signified their intention to be present on the ocoasinn. Wo hope to aee an enthnaiastio entponrir.g of the pcop e. IteOBTOTINO POE THE REGULAR A.RHY.—Captain P, R. Forney, of the 18th Infantry, tegular army, is now recruiting at Lancaster, Pa. Tne regiment, which will c.rosist of 2,400 men, is within 80 men of being filled. Those who enlist in this regiment Will wait but a short time Wore they are transferred to a field of active service. None but picked men will bo accepted, and these will be well clothed and fed. Chief. Justice Lewis, before leaving this city for Europe, gave orders to his bankers, P. F. Kelly A Co, to transmit the sum of one hundred dollars to the Cooper-Shop VulmUeer Refreshment Saloon and Hospital, which has been accordingly done,■ Naval Affairs.—Tlie navy yard aad ifs vicinity present a very busy appearance at tho present time. Tho Juniata, Powhatan, Jamoatowr, Water Witch, Massachusetts, Mohican, and J. S. Chambers are now in perl, besides the Mouongahela, which was launched on Thursday. Tho keel of the Shenandoah has been laid, and Ibo frame, work will go up immediately. The Bra zilian corvette Parasose is now on tho dry dock receiving repairs. Gum carriage builders, blacksmiths, joiners, buat builder?, and other mechanics are busy ns bees in side the yard. Monstrous cannon arrive daily, dray loads of shell and shot are constantly going inside the wall?, and things generally present a warlike aspect The iron monster New Ironsides, which lies at Seed street wharf, excites general interest, and crowds daily wa;ch her from a respectful distance. No persona, ex cept those who have business on board, are suffered to go on the ship. Her bo finished in a few days, and her engines are already In working condition. They were started for the first time on Thursday, and they worked satisfactorily. The contractors have bound themselves to band her over to the Government on the 15ih inst, and they expect to accomplish it On Saturday morning there were lying at the wharves, hy official account, two steamships : Suwaoce aad New York; nine ships,-viz: Western Ocean, Frank Boult, Tax a, .Ocean, Cheltenham,* Saransk, Emily Augusta, Admiral, and Gray Eagle ; besides nine barks, ten brigs, and thirty schooners. As usual at this , season of the year, there are not many arrivals iu port from foreign ports. It is difficult at this time to procure stevedores for loading cr discharging vessels. The demand forlabor ia the harvest field has attracted a great numb, r of men to the country, v 'f v, .. The fliip Wm. Cummings cleared on Friday for Liver pool, Ukiog out the following cargo: 16,780 buahols wheat, ja bulk; 2,744 bushels corn, in 811 bags: 6,109 barrels hour; 109 casks tallow; 12 casks tallow otl: 112 tUrcesbeef: 62 kegs butter ; IQI casks shsuldcrs, aud 54 hbda bark. ' The gunboat Naugatuck arrived in port on Saturday monung, from; Washington, and came to anchor off Spruce street. After a short stay in the river, she pro ceed td to New York by way of the Delaware and Bari tan Canal. Sho goes North for repairs. Her appear ance in tlio Delaware caused considerable sensation along tho wharves. ... Firemen-Soldiers—A Testimonial, —The members cf tie Thoenuc Hose Company who re-' main at home liars had prepared a beantifully-ongroised card, by way of testimonial to the members of the orga nization who are, or hare been, in the service of the Union in the work of putting down the rebellion. The -inscription upon the card Is as follows: THE PHCKNIX HOSE COMPANY Dedicate this Testimony to their fellow members en gaged in suppressing the Bebebion against the Government. Honorary—Major General George Oadwalader, 11. S. A. Honorary—Colonel Turner G.Moreliead. Honorary—Lieutenant Colonel C. Boss Smith, 104th Regiment P. T., Sixth Penngjlvauia Cavalry. . Honorary—Major W. B. Cameron, Paymaster. U. 8- A. Honorary—Lieutenant John £. Fassitt 23d Begunsnt P. V. . Active—Major J. Ledyard Hodge, Paymaster, U S. A. Active—Dr, B. A. McNeil, Assistant Surgeon 69th Re giment P Y, Active—Assistant Adjutant 'Genera! E. C. Baird McCall’s division, JP.'V. ,* » . Active—Adjutant F.M. Pleis, 108ih Regiment, P, V. Ac.ive—Captain J. J. Neill. 71st Regiment, P. V. Active—Lieutenant A. H. Freeman, Jr.. 6th Infantry, U. S. A. .... ,■■ V .. ;*' Active—Lieutenant E. B. King, Jr., 15th Infantry, U. S. A. ■ . ; . • . ■ Active—Lieutenant A. W. Peabody, 723 Regiment, Active—Lieutenant Theodore 'Wharton, 106th: Regi ment, P.V. Active—Lieutenant P. W. Rodgers, 17th Regiment, Active—Lientenant H. B, Mooney, Ith Pennsylvania Cavalry. Ordei-Iy E: E. Paul,2Bth Regiment, r : Active—Quartermaster Sergeant H.M. Sturdivant, 24tli Regiment, P. V. : The card is encased in a deep and highly ornamented frame, embracing different devices in relief, representing the Union, the army, Ac,, and is altogether a very hand some affair. ; Becrttitino —Although the work of recruiting troops under the new call ef the Government prccrcusea rapidly, yet ft is thought that this business will become much brisker if Governer Curtin succeeds in having the term of enlistment made for one year. The Scott Legion, which has a rendezvous In Chestnut street, • below Sixth, has at present about three hundred men mustered in. Accessions are being made daily. The regiment did not commence to recruit until Monday last, and expect to 50 Into camp, at an eligible spot near Frankford, early next week. Rations are drawn for the men as fast as they are mustered in. The officers are as follows: Colonel, A. H. Tippin; lieutenant colonel, A. H. Reynolds; major, Thomas Hawkeaworfck; adjutant, John Magee; quartermaster, Charles Jones ; captains— Co. A, Wm. Babe; Co. B, T. G. Funstan; Co. C, R. E. Winslow; Co. D, G. W.McLcaru; Co. F, M.S. Davis: Co. G, Warrea L. Young; Co. H, A.Laurilard: Co. I, H. B, Yeager; Co. IC, Oscar F. Betsen. The Sifli PecEsylvania is recruiting to fill the regiment to its original number. This regiment has seen some hard eervico, and at the battle of Winchester lost, in hilled and wounded, over one*third of the-number en gaged, including the colonel—Murray—who fell while gallantly leading & charge. About fifty new recruits, thus far, have been obtained. At least two hundred men are required for the B4lh. The 116th Pennsylvania, a new organization, gander Colonel Dennis Heenan, has about 200 men mustered in. Companies for this regimon’t; are farming at Beading, Lancaster, Pottaviile, and other places in the interior. The PhiJadeipbia Light Guard is a regiment commanded by Colonel Davis. The 16th United States Infantry (Regulars) has opened a. recruiting station on Sixth street, below Chestnut. This regiment is commanded by Brigadier General Porter, who is in the city at present. The 17th Regulars are recruitingin Front street, betew Dock. A station hog been opened for Captain La Mott 3 * company, of the. 10th Regular Infantry. Lieutenant Pierce is in charge of the recruiting, generally, for the regular army j Lis office is in Second street, below Ohest- Dut. Lieutenant 4. J. MeCJloaryis recruiting f>r the 2d Reserve Regiment, at Barr’s, Sixth below Chestnut, and at Muehler’s Sixth above Market street. . Recruit ing in New Jerpoy aieo progresses rapidly, and this State will be able to furnish her full quota, as soon as re* qnired. - Church: Music.—A largo number* of our city cliuiches have. in nso anrlng their services on tic ffabbath niwicsl instruments, which require the services of a number of professed orgsnists or musicians, who command a high salary for this important branch of church warship. The following is a list of some of the principal organists in this olty: PROFESSORS. Barnes’ Church, Presbyterian, O. Everest. Broad and Arch, Baptist, M. H. Cross. Calvary, Presbyterian, P. T. 3. Barley. Clinton atreet, Presbyterian, O.Hemmann. Furness’Church, Unitarian, 0. Jarvis.: - - Grace Chmch, Episcopal, J. A, Geiasei Shields’ Church, Presbyterian, Mr. Warner. St. Augusline’s, Eoman Catholic, Henry Thunder. - St. Clement’s, E aiacopal, J. Q. B. Staudhrid^e. SC Eulie’s, Episcopal, W. H. W. Parley. St. SI art Roman Catholic, A. F. Dos Santos. St. Peter’s, Episcopal, 0. Borhek. St. Stephen’s. Episcopal, W. Finney. Tabernacle, Baptiat, B. C. Cross. Wadsworih’B, Prcshjteriah, J. N. Beck. - ahatbbrs. Atonement, Episcopal, Br. Oressoh. ■ Breed’s Chnrch, Presbyterian, Mr. J. E. Gould. Christ Church, Episcopal, Mr. J: Graff. : Epiphany, Mr. G. F. Jones. Holy Trinity,' ** Mr. L. Radnor. St. Andrew’s, ;.«« ", Mr. J. Redner. St Jamas’, *< Mr. Deacon. St. Paul's, <» Mr. H. Goldsboroagh. Si. Philip’s, “ Mr. Zebiey. St Mark’s, « A Mr. John Welch. . West Arcteatroefc, Presbyterian, Mr.Orawford. Gear’* Church, Independent Ghrialian, Wm. Woodruff. The introduction of musical instruments into the churches of the various denominations is becoming very popular. ■ ■ ■ .- : ■ The Cooper-Shop Hospital.—Sky lights are being p'accd in both hospitals of the Cooper Sbep Yolantrer Refreshment Saloon, and will not only afford more light, but will increase the ventilation of the bniidin. s. These improvements will be finished by Sun day, Yesterday morning, workmen commenced the erection of a bath house upon tho top of the main build ing. The new sanctum will be twelve by ten feet: 1 and will be iiuite an important addition to the hospital, Thera are now fifteen patients under the care of the committee, end twenty more are expected. There are thirty-two beds in the hospital, but accommodations can bo furnished for fifty patients. ■. The ladies who held the grand floral fair at Conceit Ball, a short time since, in aid of this instith. tion, specially fonder their thanks to Mr. Robert G Simpson, one of the members of the Cooper Shop Bsfrosh ment Committee, for the great energy shown by him in disposing of tickets to the amount of 81,339.10. Mr S. worked faithfully in the furtherance of this object, and deserves ell thanks. The ladies also tender their thanks to uumerooF other gentlemen for the. great interest taken by them in tkiß matter. The Volunteer Petition.—The fol lowicg petition has received numerous signatures at nu merous places in the city where it has been left for the purple; To the Senate and Souse of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled ; Tbe undersigned, Eenaible of the obligations of the wboln jeople to cur noble volunteers in the army of liberty and law, . And cf the insufficient provision made for the families Gf deceased soldiers* Ai d rf tie duty of Hie nation to make tfood to those families the help they have lest, through the patriotic sacrifice of their father, husband, sons, or brothers, Bo earnestly entreat that the pension of the, volunteer private* who [may be entirely disabled in the present war, ben>a<!e one dollar a day for life; and if he should die before he has enjoyed the pension ten years, that : it be continued to his family long enough to make the en tire period ten years; And that the game amount be paid, for the term often years, to the fatuily of such as die in ike seroice. Commenced Operations.—The Go teminent ho pitel at Fixtb and Master streets, is now in lull opeiation. There are three large wards above stairs, aid these are supplied with bath rooms and other essen tials to health and comfort.' The beds are very cosy and cemfortable. Br. Goddard is the surgeon in charge. H 9 has a number of professional assistants, and a regular corpß of mims. It is under the care of a committee consisting of thirty- six ladies 5 Mrs. Whitman 13 presi dent, end Mrs. John Biley is secretory. The ladies ar range it so that six oftheir number are iu doily a ten dance in the wards, and they devote themselves to pro moting the comfort of the patients with as much assidui ty and tendernc‘B as though the sufferers were members •of their own family, " ' ■ The new wooden buildings now being erected on the hospital grounds at Chester are rapidly approaching completion. Beds and hospital stores arrive daily by railroad from Philadelphia, and Dr. George K Wood, ; the eurge<- n-in- chief of the hospital, reported it ready for one hundred patients on Saturday. The acting assistant surgeons are Dr. Fassit, of Philadelphia, Drs Flaher and Draper, of Wilmington, and Dr. Harvey, of Chester. Patriotic Young Ladies:—Pour hlghly-intelligent and respectable young ladies of this city bare made arrangements to give a grand fancy fair ft® the irstitute, Broad and Spring Garden streets, the .proceeds of which are for the benefit of the sick and ; wcmdcd soldiers. The exhibition will commence on ;Wednfsd«y ar.d continue for three days. It la'seldom that nn eut* rptiso so extensive as this is undertaken by so fw persons, aad the young ladies in question, In ge'tina up this affair, have deprived themsolves Of many of their customary enjoyments and pleasures, which they .were w nfc to engage in at this season of the year. It. is the obj* cl of the youthful managers to take the proceeds iof'tbo fair end invest it all in clothing, which they design distribuime. with tboir own J ands, to our brave soiilors. This is indeed a praiseworthy, generous, and patriotic movement, aid we commend it to the attention of aU those who ft el an interest in the welfare. and comfort of the many sick tied wourded now in our midst Tickets can be obtained at theprincipal music stores in Chestnut street. Slight Fires.—The iron foundry of Borden A Walker, No. 119 Cravenstreet, near Front and Dace streets, was slightly damaged by fire about ono o’clock on Saturday morning. ;A fro oecu’ red about nine o’clock on Saturday mom ing, at Slid wool-carding works of Henry Wood, Lau rence street, above Thompson. Damage trifling. The .csrjertcr sh*>p of William Terry, in Canal street, below jCrorge, ■ ixteenth ward, was slightly damaged by fire at 'three oMotk on Saturday morning. Charged with Forgery. —A man jcsroed feuumt l S, Greene was before Alderman White, on rSatuiduy nibreiug, on three several charges of forgery: first, for forging the name of McOay & Turner to a re lease cf Hens : second, For forging the name of Campbell & Pbaro to a release of liens: third, for forging the name of-Thrmas Wallace to a releaseof Hens. Bythia meaßp. it is alleged that lie obtained from John Bissau §510., Tho accusal was held in $2,400 for hia appearance at court. . ■ Discovery of a New Comet.—A ci'inci Ihk Leeu discaverefl by Professor Bond, director of the Cbsrrvatori', Cambridge, in the constcllaHon of •■TJrrn Minor.” This now visitor, thoogh extremely fsint and hsroiy visible to Ihe naked eve, is apparently moving nilh almost , nnexompled volodty, having passed over twenty- four degrees of an arc of a great oircls in asoushiTlv direction, and five hours in right ascension towsrds tha ton in twenty-four.hours. . Personal —Brigham Yourg, Jr., the pen of the Prophet of Salt Lake, is now stoppieg at the Continental Hotel. He ia en route for JEurope. A Well-known Character Turned UP John Logup, “ilie man with the military walk*’—a harmlPEs oddity who was well known in the city a few >ears tirce—has been removed from tbo B£ale Lunatic Asylum, at Harrisburg, to the Insane Uepaf tm snt of the Blockley Almbhome. It was generally thought that the unfortunate man was dead, hue he turns up again after a Jjipro of years, having been hopelessly insane during the interim. A Pickpocket Arrested,—Officer Murphy, of the Sixth ward, detected a fellow steallpga pocketboob, containing fourteen dollars, from a country man, in the Farmers’ Market, on Saturday. The follow Tau, but was pursued by tee officer, brought back, and searched. A loaded billy was fonni on bis person, fie was held to answer. : Attempted Robbery.— An linsuc- Cfiefiftil attempt was made at an early hour on Saturday morning to rob the grocery store of Joseph Douglas, at Twenty-third and Meredith streets,,Fifteenth ward. The thieves-were frightened off after having forced one ot the panels of a door and pried off one of the bolts. Fatal Accident.—A lad, named Michael Hogan, aged seven years, while playing on the flat upon the roof of his father’s honee. in Faries’ court, Front street, below Vine, on Friday afternoon, was pre cipitated to the ground, in consoquence of th© breaking of the raffing. He received a fracture of the skull, from the effects of which ho died shortly after the fall. Bun Over.—A boy named John Kil joy was seriously injured, on Saturday afternoon, by being run over by a cart, on Frankford road, above Norris street. He was taken to ins homo in Somerset street. • About ten o’clock, on Saturday night., a barn* belonging, to Heinrich Wohicr, and located on Wistar street, in Germantown, was entirely destroyed by fire. The loss is estimated at S3OO, which is covered by insurance. The Canine War. —During the past week, one hundred and eighty* one dogs were Captured in this city. Of this number only sixteen were redeemed. On Fiiday alternoon, upwards of one hundred and ihirty canines were killed at tho “ pound,” Thirteenth and Buttonwood itreets. Sudden Death —.Joseph Hi Gamble, aeed twenty,-three years, an employee in tbo store of J. T. Way & Co, No. 28 North Third atreet, died suddenly, in the store, at 10 o’clock on Saturday morning. CITY ITEMS. Superior Quality ofßiiixe■'■Wise.—Mr. 0. H. Mattson, dealer in fine family groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has now in Store the best quality of Rhine Wine; also pure old Port, Sherry, and Madeira, for me dicinal purposes, to which we invite the attention of our readers. A Tribute to Ericsson.— • Eric of old, The Viking bold, Swept o’er the sea all uncontrolled ; Now we the Viking’s fame have won, And rule the seas through Eric’s son. Ericsson, who made the Monitor j Dahlgren, who made the cannon; Jenny Lind, who made music; Frederica Bremer, who made domestic fiction that 13 read in thou sands of American homes, and . Hans Christian Powers, tbo celebrated cuttor at Charles Stokes’one-price Cloth ing Store, under the Continental, are Swedes. . Oi.d An® in the Presi dent has been paying a visit to the army of General Mc- Clellan, on the James river. The letter writers in that classic locality describe the appearance of the rail-split-, ter, and tell about his wearing a stove-pipe beaver. But by some strange omission they entirely omit to make any mention of the fact that he also wore a becoming cult from the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bockhill & Wilson, Nob. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, nud where official and citizen, soldier and civilian, adult: and youth* procure the most elegant and comfortable seasonable gnrmentß. - How to get Notes Changed.—-EverybodY Is suffering great inconvenience from the scarcity of small change. Storekeepers begin to feel the trouble of finding change for dollar notes when small sales are made by them. They receive but little silver, and have either to buy it to make change, or to refuse to make sales to those who do not furnish ready money, or to trust them for what they obtain. Those having notes for - a large amount can have them readily changed for any quantity of eummerclothing at the palatial establishment of Granville Stokes, No. 606 Chestnut street, Philadel phia. This is worth knowing. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOURTH PAGE. ARRIVED. Eiig Lauretta* Brown, 8 days from Catenas, with sugar,’mclaeses,'and honey to Stewart, Carson & Co. . Brig Abby Ellen, Gilmoro, 8 days from Port Royal, in baUestto Twells & Co. Scbr Margaiet Powell, Fenton, 1 day from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. Scbr Sameon, Dunning, 1. day from Now York, with mdse to W MBaUd &Co. Scbr Magnolia, Nickerson, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Twells & Co. Schr George L Green, Cobb, 6 days-from Boston, with ice to T E Cahill. ' : ; Scbr Isaac Rich, Crowell, 6 days from Boston, with mdfce to Crowell & Collins. Scbr Cynthia Jane, Beneett, 5 days from Hartford, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. ‘ Scbr E F Lewis, York, 10 days from Portland, with mdse to Baker A Fokom.' Schr G W Eavrley, Bawley, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to captain Schr S P Haw'es, Mason, 5 days from Boston, in bal last to Nftble, Caldwell & Co. Schr Louisa, Kallett, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Coilins. Schr Lady Suffolk* Baker, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Schr Austin, Parsons, 10 days from Key West, in bal last to captain. .... Steamer AHda, Bobinson, 21 hours from-New York, with mdse to W P Olyde. CLEARED. * Bark Helen Maria, Marshall, Boston, F A Bonder & Co. : : Biig Calvert, Fader, Barbados, W Cnmmings & Son -Schr Austin, Parsons, Plymouth, Hammett, Van Da sen* Lochman. Schr Ben, Hickman, Pensacola, Tyler, Btone & Co. Schr Mary, Gox; AlQxanflriayXfQbte, Caldwell* Co. Scbr Pervade, Phillips, Alexandria, do Schr 8 F &&W6B, Mason, Neponset, do Schr Hiawatha, Ingraham, White House, E G Colllngs; Schr G W Rawley, Rawley, Boston, captain. Str New York, Chisholm, Fortress Monroe, E A Sen der «fc uo. Str R Willing, Olaypoole, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr, AT THE LAZARETTO. Brig Hary C Marriner, Marrlner, from Havana, un dergoing Quarantine. MEMORANDA, Steamship Saxon, Matthews, hence, arrived at Boston Ilth test. Brig T W Rowland, From New Orleans for New York, was spoken Tth idst'in tho Straits of Florida. Brig. Forester, Murray, for Philadelphia, cleared at Bath 10th teat. . Sahra Fanny, Mayhew, S H Sharp, Mayhow, Grecian, Thompson* Flyaway, Davis, New Haven, Glover, Helen Mar,;Dow, "W Saulsbury, Hudson, Abbott Lawrence, Stanley* J Grierson, Harding, and Sophia Ann, Smith, hence, arrived at Bo?ton lllh Inst. Schr Warrco’O Nelson/Smith, sailed from Froviilence ICth inst. for PhiJarelphia. Schr Jas Blisa, Providence for PMiadel •phia, at Newport 10th inat. Schr John Lancaster, Willette, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence Jlth iast. \ / Schr Albert Field , Phillips, sailed from Providence llth for ...... Schr Wonder, Noble, hence, arrived at New York 12th iosfc' .v Schr FI Dorado, Cole, cleared at New York I2thinst. for Philadelphia. steamer Irocaides, hence, arrived at New York 12th inet. SPECIAL NOTICES. Bb. D. Jayne’s Alteeatiye.— lt is an established fact that , a very large class, of diseases •on only be cured by such medicines as will enter into the blood and circulates with it through every portion of the body, for only by thia means can tho remedy be brought into immediate contact with the disewei: To obtain this deairable end, no preparation has ever been go uniformly‘successful as Dr. D. JAYNE’S ALTE RATIVE. SCEOFULA, SKIN DISEASES, EEYSIPifiLAS, . GOITRE, : RHEUMATISM, DROPSY, EPILEPSY, &c. cancerous 'Tumors, White Swellings, Gouii Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia; ULCEns, Scald. Head, Btc , .iTO , Have cured by this ALTERATIVE, It is, besides, one of tho most pleasant articles that taken into the stomach, operating as a tonic, and re moving Dyspeptic and Nervous affectkms. Ithasbeea found particularly beneficial in OAHCER AND OAHOEROUS AFFECTIONS of all kinds, coring a majority of the eases in which it has been used, andofttimes after the failure of other remedies. GOITRE OB SWELLED NECK.—In innumerable cases of this disease, in which Jayne’s Alterative has been peTseveringly used,-!! has never been known to fail. All baye been cured who have continued ita üße according to directions. ;• ' DROPSY AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS.-Many physicians, who hare used the Alterative in disewea of ibis nature, consider this a spe&cic, so great has been its success. It acts by i&creasing the powers of digestion, exciting the absorbents into healthy exercise, whereby the watery or' calcareous depositions and all unnatural enlargements are reduced. EPILEPSY, FITS, CONVULSIONS* are usually considered incurable, and yet experience, has proved that the Alterative,- in conjunction with the Sanative PiUs, wiU cure a majority of cases ; it tried, therefore, by all who are . subject to these terrible af flictions. '"'a SCROFULA.—In all theforinsof this disease, whether in that of Ulcerations of the Flesh or Bones, Enlargement cf ihe Joints, Glands, Swellings, Eruptions, Tumors, etc, the Alterative has :been fonnd pre-eminently saocessful. It enters into, and circulates with, the blood, thus de stroying the virns or poisonous principle from which these diseases originate. . SKIN DISEASES, of ail kinds, Scald Head, Tetter, Salt Bfceum* Bing Worm, Boils, Pimples, Blotches, Roughness cf the Skin, etc, are readily cured by the Alterative. ; RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA;—Ia chronio rases, this Alterative, if perßeveringly used,' Is generally successful. In Acute Rheumatism, Jayne’s Liniment should be supplied in connection, according to directions. FEMALE COMPLAINTS.—Itt many affections pe culiar to females, especially when arriving at maturity, or at the 41 change of life,” the Alterative is unsurpassad by any other remedy. In Cholorosis or Retention, Ir regularity and Leucorrhcca, the best results have always followed its administration. . i COMPLICATED AND MIXED DISEASES, NER VOUS AFFECTIONS, DISEASES OF THE HEART, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, Constitutional Diseases, and diseases originating from a depraved or imperfect state of the Blood, are ail cured by Jayne’s Alleraiiye; and.while It Is a fault in many medfeines that, when they are removing the disease they are alio prostrating the patient beyond.recovery, the Alterative hns no snch drawback. While neutralizing the virus Of disease at its very source, it sustains tho strength of the snff. rer. The: union of Disinfectant Tonic, and De~ obstruent properties in this medicine, and the fact that allthese influences are blenfed harmoniously in its ope rations, distinguishing fit from all other similar pre parations. Let the afflicted give it a trial. : ’ Tho ALTERATIVE is prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE * SON, No. ,242 CHESTNUT Street, and is sold by druggists generally. jy!4-mw2t Deaf Made to Hear.— Acoustic Au- - ■riclcp, Cornets, Soniferons, and bver’6o.varieties of Ear •Instruments to assist the bearing, at P. MADEIRA’S ; Ear Instrument Depot, liS South TENTH Street, below Che&mut. jyll-3fc BESS.—PHILADEPHIA, MONDAY, JULY 14, 18Sfc THE Date in o Eobes, in groat variety, for Ladies;' Geutlonen, and Xhildron, at'SLOAS’i, 803 MARKET street. ’ jyJ2-3i* ' JOHN P. SLOAN. Self-Adjusting Patent Clothes- WBINGEB. —SoIe Agency for tho State of Pennsylvania. JOHN A. MUBPHEY, jelS'lm 822 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Singer & Co.’s Letter “A” Fa mily SEWING MACHINE, WITH ALL THE BE. OENT IMPROVEMENTS, ia the best, and oheu'est, and most ee.vdtifcl, of all SBwing Machines. This Machine will sew anything, from . the running of a tuck in Tarietan to the making of an Overcoat—anything from Pilot or Beavor Cloth down to the softest Gauze pr Gossamer Tissue, and iVcver ready to do its work to psi fection. It can fell, biem, bind, gather, tuck, quilt, and has capacity for a great variety of ornamental work. This is not the only Machine that can fell, hem, bind, and so forth, but it will do so better than any other Ma- • chine- Tbo Letter “A ” Family Sewing Machine miy be had in a great variety of cabinet cases. Tbs Folding Case, which is now becoming so popular, is, as its name implies, one th&t can be folded into a box or case which, when opened, makes a beautiful, substantial, and spa cious table for.the work to rest upon. The canes are of every imaginable design—plain as tbe wood grew in its native forest, or as elaborately finished as art can make them. Tho Branch Offices are well supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc., of the very bcu t quality, Send for a copy of i( StSGEit & Oo;*s Gazette.” I. M, SINGER & 00., 458 BROADWAY, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, 810 CHESXNUI ST. : _ ■ jy!2-tf Batchelor’s Hair Dye! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. W ILLIAM A. BATOHELOB’S'celebrated Hair Dyo produces a color not to be distingniabed .from nature warranted not to injure the Hair in the: least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, RED, or BUSTY HAIR inßtantly tarns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau tiful. Sold by all Druggists, &c. ; . Tho Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on tfce four sides ofta chboa. FACTORY, No, 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 238 Broadway and l6 Bond street), my2B-ly : , New York. Drake’s Plantation Bitters—Ex. h&uated Nature’s Great Restorers Theyj strengthen, and purify the aystem, Cure Dyspepsia, Acidity of the Stomaoh, Diarrhoea, &o. A perfect ap petizer and tonic. They, invigorate the body, without stimulating the brain. They are compounded of pure St. Croix Rum, Roots, and Herbs, and are recom? mended by aU who use them, ' Adapted to old ;;or young, but particularly rcoemmended to the weak and languid. Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P, H. DRAKE & CO., my3-mwFßm 202 Broadway, New York. ; One-Prioe Clothing, of the latest Sinrass, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES, LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our ©ns-Pbiob Ststeh is strictly ad heredto. All are thereby treated alike. se32-ly JO3PJ9 & CO.. 604 MARKET Street RUSSEL—EMERY.—On the evening of the 10th inst., by Rev. Dr. Bartine, Mr. Jacob P. Russel to Miss Anna M. Emery, aU of this city- ' GOFF—KEENAN —©n the sth Inst., by the Ret. Dr.. Dncachet, Mr. Edward J. Goff to Miss Maggio J. Kee nan, both of this'citF. * LAPPIN-—WORRELL.—JuIy 10feh,by the Rev. M. D. Kurtz, Mr. John Lappin, formerly of Troy, New York, to Miss Sarah* E., daughter of William B* Worrell, Esq, of this city. & STEEL.—On the 13th Inst., Hoary A. Steel, ia the 521 year of his age. The relatives and friends of the" family are invited to attend the funeral, from his late; residence, No, 932 North Sixth street, on Tuesday afternoon, at 4 o’clock, without further notice. DAVIDSON.—On Wednesday, July 9th, Robert Da .vidsoiij in the 53d year of his age. ; " Funeral from his late residence, Fort Washington, Montgomery county, on Monday, the 14th instant, at 10 o’clock. ' # r FAHNESTOCK—In this city on the morning of July lltb, B. A. Fahneetockj aged 63years. . Funeral from hie late residence, No. 1804 Arch street, on Tuesday, the 15th inst, at 3 o’clock P. M. • FOLKFOP—On the Ilth inst., Mr. John Folkrod, in the 7lBt year of bis age. v Funeral from ffia late residence, Remain Block, Main street, Frenkfovd, this day, tbe 14th: inst., at 2 o’clock. P, M,, without further notice.. -.‘t#* GALLAGHER;—On the 10th inst., Francis Joseph, son of Francis and Cecelia Gallagher, in the 8d year of bis age. •• . HICKS.—On the 11th lost., Elizabeth 8. T. Hicks, daughter of Captain Robert 0. and Sarah Hicks, aged 4 y< ars and 4 months. Tbe relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents, southeast corner of Fourth and Dickerson Btreets, this (Monday) afternoon,lthe 14th inet, at 4 o’clock. To proceed to Whar ton-Btreet Chur ch Ceme tery.- • % ■ SMITH.—On the 11th iostLizzie, daughter of Al fred and Elizabeth Smith, aged 10 months. Funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 408 Spruce street, this (Monday) morning, at 9 o’clock, with out further notice. : x . % YOGELBACET—On the 10th inst., Albert Ulrich, in fant son of H. A. and Elmira Yogribach, aged 4 months and 1 day. ~ -% ■■ WILLIAMS—Of consumption, contracted while on duty with the army in Virginia, Wm. J. Williams, of Co. I, 69ffi Reglmenty Pennsylvania Volunteers. - Funeral from his late residence, No, 1106 Jackson Btreet, below Washington, this (Monday) afternoon, 14th instant, at 2 o’clock. ' * QUMMIR MOURNING GOODS— K 3 BESSON. & BOSS, Mourning'Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street, have received Plain Black Lawns, 12X, 18!(, and 25 cents. Black sed White Lawns, 12kf and 13 cents. : White and Black Lawns, cents . Lupin’s Black Crape Maretz, 25 to 31Jl( cents, \Do. do. Bareges, 18& to 25 cents. ; Do. do. do. : 7-4 wide, cents, ’ : -Do. do. Barege Hernani, 44 cents. White Ruffles of all kinds. Black Grenadine Veils, 75 cents. jyl2 MBai THE REPUBLICAN CITY COK !Ot YENTION will meet at the COUNTY COURT HOUSE, SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, THIS (Monday) EVENING, at eieht o’clock., > ; JAMES TRUMAN, Secretary pro tem.' **&=>i AMEETIJSdOFTHE REPUBLICAN IiSS CLUB of the FOURTEENTH WARD will be held at tbo MECHANICS’ HALL, third story, on TUESDAY EVENING, July 16, atB o’clock. . It* DANIEL W. CLARKE, Secretary. OPFICR OF THE WESTPHILADEL IO PBIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, «|iLADBLriaA, July B,lB62—The Board of Directors, ortbe have, this day declared a DIVIDEND OF FOUR PER CENT, on tho capital stock for the last six months, payable on and after the 18th instant. The books for the transfer of stock will be closed on tbe 9th inet., until the 18th inst. jy9-wto6t . WM MARTIN, Jr, Treasurer. , OFFICE OF MONONGAHELA NAVI GATION COMPANY.-^-Pittsburg, July 10, IS62.—The Board of Directors have. this day ordered that a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT , or TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY GENTS PER SHARE, bo paid (in current bankable funds) to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, after the 14th inat., at the office of the Treasurer, GRANT Street, PITTSBURG. . jy!2-12t W. B. COPEL AND, Treasurer. CRITTENDEN’S PHILADELPHIA IA3 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. - Book-keeping, Penmanship Calculations, &c. Stu dents instructed separately, and can enter at any time, and study atsuch hours as may be most convenient. No vacations. .25 percent, off regular prices. jy!4-3 ? .*' ■ PHILADELPHIA, JULY I2tli, 1562 ILS A meeting of the , IRON TRADE, including Manufacturers, Dealers, &0., of this and other Statea, wiil be held at the rooms of the Philadelphia Board of Trade, No. 505 CHESTNUT Street, phTUESD AY next, July 15th, 1862, at 12 o’clock, noon, for the. purpose of completing the plan in regard t* a reduction of credits from Six to Four Months. Ad interested are invited to attend. ■. " Those unable" to be present can signify their approval of the movement by letter, addressed to either of the undersigned, which may be used at said meeting. MORRIS, TASKER, & .00., Pascal Iron Works and Fairmount Don Works. THOMAS J. POTTS, Swede Iron Company. H. N. BURROUGHS, Portage Iron Works. McCullough & 00., Nortbea-t and Shannon Rolling Mills. : MORRIS, WHEELER, & CO., jyl2-8t , . and others, Philadelphia. OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLERS UJS OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS, FIRST DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, S. E. CORNE& SIXTH AND ADELPHISTREETS.—.PmnAOKLPUiA, Ju1y10,1862.—• At a meeting of the Committee on Property of the Con trc-lkrs of the Publie Schools, held at the Controllerd’ Office, WEDNESDAY, July 9,1862, the following reso lution wm adopted: , Resolved, That no contract for the repairs or painting of the Public School Buildings wiil be acknowledged as properly authorized by the present Committee on Pro perty of the Board of Controllers, unless said contract has been awarded by the former Coinroittee on Property, and proposals for the same duly invited before said award. And that all persons holding any such contracts or orders f*>r work be rrouested to meet tbe committee on MONDAY next, the 14th inst, at 4 o’clock P. M THOMAS POTTER, jvll-3t Chairman Committee on Property OFFICE OF DIAMOND COAL COMPA iLS NY—NOTICE.—At a meeting of tbe Directors, held on the 2d instant, a dividend of FIFTY CENTS per share was declared, payable on and after the 12th instant, at the office of the Company,No. 713 MARKET Street. [jy!Q.6t*j 8. ALTER, Secrotary. ; EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY.— LL3 The SPRING GARDEN BAPTIST CHUROH and CONGREGATION intend making an Excursion to ATLANTIC OIIY, (D. V,) on TUESDAY, the 15th Infct., and invite all their friends to avail themselves of this opportunity to enjoy a dip in Old Ocean, and, at the same time, contribute for the benefit of the Church. Excunion tickets, for adults, $1.25: for children, 63 cente. For tale at the Publication Society, 530 Arch street; E. Turiand, 1632 Ridge Avenuof; J. W. Stout, .523 Market strect: 0. P, Stackhouse, 1025 Spring Gar den street, and William B. Scott, 112 North Front street. Come one, come all. THE LAST BOAT FOB THE EXCURSION LEAVES VINE-STREET WHARF AT 6 O’CLOCK A. M. ? ■• : ;••• • . • ; . •* FOR RECEIVER OF TAXES, U 3 JAMES C. KELOH, Of second ward, subject to nomination of People’s Con* veniioD. jy3-lm* WSrp* OFFICE OF THE GIRARD COLLEGE O PASSENGER. RAILWAY COMPANY,, corner of COLUMBIA and RIDGE avenues. : ' V * pHiLAPELParA, July L 1882. Tbe Transfer Books of the GIRABD COLLEGE PAS SENGER RAILWAY COMPANY wiU be closed till tho 15th mat. WM. S. BLIGHT, j>B 115 . Treasurer. :: ffGP* THE UNITED STATES SANITARY COSMISBION—PHILADELPHIA AGENCY, Iso. 1235 OHESTNUT Street. The following recom ;mendation by the President of the United States suffi iciently authenticates the Commißaion to the ■ 1 “ The Sanitary Commipsion is doing a work of great :humaDity and direct practical value to the nation in this ; time of its trial. It is entitled to the gratitude and cou fidenceof the people, and I trust it will bo generously .supported. There is no egoiicy through which voluntary 'offerings of patriotism can be more effectively made. “ABRAHAM LINCOLN.” , r The urderaigned will receive, and forward to places 'where they-may be most needed, all contributions for the sick and wounded, and wiU furnish ail information to persons applying'to serve as nurseß, dressers, &c., in the Floating Hospitals of the Commission, or elsewhere. ; jjB-12t W. PIATT, Jn., Superintendent. 'rrg- OFFICE OF THE FRANKFORDI 1 13 AND SOUTHWARK PHILADELPHIA 1 .CITY PASSENGER RAIt ROAD COMPANY. } BERKS Street, below Fourth, | PniLAmariiiA, July 3,1862. J i , THE BOARD OF DISECTORS HAVE THIS DAY deefared a DIVIDEND.of FOUR PER CENT, on the rCa-sital Stock, put of tbeearninara of the past six months, payable to the Stockholders or their legal representatives on and afler 15th intt.- The Transfer Books will bo "closed until that time. ’ ; ; jj7-tls CHARLES R. ARBOTT, Secretary. 2&H£«iSa^MW3&ni^^ S—T—lB6o—X. MABKIBB. DIED. PEOPLE'S STAY® COM VEKUOH. THE PEOPLE OS" PENHSYLYAKIA, who detirs cordially to unite in SUSTAINING THE NATTONAL ADMINISTRATION in Its patriotic efforts to auppresa a sectional and unholy rebellion against the UNITY OF THE REPUBLIC, aad who desire to support, by every power of Hie Go vernment, our hundred thousand horolc brethren in arms, braving disease and tho perils of the field to preserve the' Union of onr fathers, are requested to select the number of DELEGATES equal to the Legislative Representation of the State, at such times and in such manner aa will bost respond to the spirit of this call, to meet In STATE CONVENTION, RABEIBBUSO, On THURSDAY, the I7tib day of July next, at 11 o’clock on said day, to NOMINATE CANDIDATES for the offices of AUDITOR GENERAL ■ 'ASD • BURVEYOB GENERAL, and to take such measures : as may be deemed necessary to strengthen the Government in this season of common peril to a common country. - A. K; MaOLUBB, Chairman of the People's State Commutes. 020. W. HAMMBBSLY, > JOHN M. BULIjIVA.N, i Secretaries. MILITARY NOTICES. 8 VICTORY! VICTORY' '—THE BfllfltJi BEGIftJENT, P. Y. M., fans been specially ..Jj[ accepted by tbo War Department for three years or : :during the war. Captains report immediatily. Bounty, Rations, Clothing, and Pay furnished from date of enlistment.. -Tbia is the only three-year Regiment authorized by the Secretary of War from this State, and all patriots desirous of serving out common country must now come forward. The Regiment will positively march on or be fore tho Ist of September next. J>. HEENANj Colonel Commanding. A. MALBEED, Adjutant. Per Q. H. BABDWEDT,, Major. Headquarters, 624 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. jo!3 tf RETAIL DRY ROODS. ry O THE LADIES. TWENTY PER CENT. PREMIUM GOLD AND SILVER GOODS BOUGHT DEBTS PAID. To avcid thedisgrace of using shinpiasters, wo shall, as a practical, reputable mode of obtaining change, AL LOW our customers, fer goods bought at our counters, and bill paid at our desk, ’ 6 cts. for 5 ct. coins. 12 "his. for 10 ct. coins. 30 cts. for 25 ct. coins. 60 cts. for 50 ct. coins. 120 ets. for Dollar coins. §3 00 for Quarter Eagles. <p6,00 for Half Eagles. BANK NOTES 'AND UNITED STATES NOTES AS Our only cars being to bridge oyer £ short unsettled season, and our resources not being liable to any iacon nient drain, we shall adhere to the one-price system; J. G. MAXWELL & SON, STORE AND FACTORY, ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. BIBBONS, LACKS,^TBIMMINQS, SKIKTS, CORSETS, H UR-NETS, ZEPHYRS, SHAWL BOBBER 3, BELTINGS, oto. It pOOD BLACK DKESB BILKS. VST . Heavj-f corded Dresa Silks. Glossy Black Bress Silks. Widows’ Silks, witboot gloss. . EYRIC & li&.NDELI«» EOOaTH and AttOH, P OOD MUSLINS BY THE PIECE. V/T New Tori: Mills Shirliug. Wamsuttas, Williamsville, Whiteroclca, Sheeting, Mualics, first quality. EYBE & LANDELE, FOUBTtC and AEOH. 0.0 OD FLANNELS, TJNSHRINKA- V-n BLlk—Welsh and Saxony-Flannels. BaUard Vale Flan-neb. . ; ‘ Magenta Colored Sackings.' EYRE I'fchA.NDELL, jyl2 . . FOURTH and ARCH. QUMMEE BLANKETS.-11-4 all wool light Summer Blankets, 'Also, Ice Blankets, at a low price, jy7 ; S9ARPLESB BROTHERS. TV/TOSQTJHO NETTING.—B- 4 whites, IVJ- pinks, and bines, In 8 yard pieces, ' M SHA.RPM33 BROTHERS. T3ATHING TOWELS. iJ targe Bordered Sucks and Fringe Towels. :-Bird-eye and Scotch styles Towels.' Stout Huckaback and Coarse Twills. • * .Turkish Bath Towels. Linen colored Doylies, for fruit. Napkins and Table Cloths/ SH4RPLESB BROTHERS, iy 7 , CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. H STEEL & SON, « No. 713 North TENTH St, above COATES, Aro now closing out their entire stock of FANCY SILKS, ' BAREGES, CHALLIES, MOZAMBIQUES, ORGANDIES, JACONET AND CAMBRIC LAWNS, TRAVELLING MIXTURES, and SUMMER DRESS GOODS, - Of all kinds, at EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES. ’ LACE GOODS REDUCED. - $25 Lac© Mantles reduced to 812; : . $2O Lace Mantles reduced to 810. SIS Lace Mantles reduced to SB. • ,sl6 Lace Mantles reduced to. $7. ' . : $l2 Lace Mantles reduced to $5. ■ $lO Lace Mantles reduced to $4. . $8 Laee Poinfces reduced tos3, Sl2 Lace Pointes reduced toSS. . 816 Lace Pointes reduced to $B, . 825 Lace Pointes reduced to 812. SILK COATS AND SACQUES. Closing out UNDER COST PRICES; : Je3o iO2 4 OHE S T NUT STR J 5 & '£, E. M.NEEDLES Invites the special attention of Ladies .who in tend spending the' summer out of town to a very large assortment of MADE-UP GOODS just re- SLEEVES, SETS, HANDKERCHIEFS, <£*c.» in every variety of material. . Also, a large assortment of MUSLINS, suitable for GARIBALDIS, Ac., together with every va riety of WHITE GOODS, LINENS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, HANDKEBCH’FS, VEILS, Ac ...... Just , opened per latest arrivals from, Europe an invoice of very beautiful and entirely new styles PUFFED FBENCH CAMBRIC, for GARIBALDUS, MODE GRENADINE VEILS, and SWISS COLLARETTE RUFFLING for trimming thin Dresses, etc—a new and- very de eirable article. Also, an invoice of PURE WHITE FRENCH PLAID ; organdies; ' jyi 1024 CHESTNUT STREET TAS. K. CAMPBELL & Co.i el 727 OHEBTNOT STBEBX, . - . - OFFER AT • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Very choice Goods of recent importation. -Black Silk: Checked Grenadine, extraqualifcy. Foulard Silks, elegant styles audline quality# Black Silks, best brands. ;' : Brocho Barege, Hemanis and Mozambiques. 8-4 Paris Fil d’Cbevre. Poil d’Chevre, all wooi filling. , Grenadine Veils, in mode and other shades. - WHITE GOODS AND LINENS In great variety, at extremely low prices. TCfEW EMBROIDERIES, WHITE • GOODB, Ao.—Just opened, a general assortment of desirable French and Bcotoh Needle-worked Bandß, Edgings; Insertings, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Sleeves, eto., at very low prices. . /ALSO, A full line of oil descriptions of White Goods for Ladies* wear, of the most approved makes. BBEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRTSON, je4 ■ 1008 CHESTNUT Street. A T 702 ARCH STREET MAY BE AA found Barege Anglaiie Sbawls, v White BaregeSliawls. . Mozambique Shawls. Plaid Bilk Shawls. , Just received and for sale by 3024 - JOHN H. STOKES. T INBN DRILLS. 'Cheap lots Drills for Gents* summer wear, ; -• Auction; lots at 25 } Bl> 38, 4£, and 50 cts. Extra good White Drills, 31, 38, and 50 cfcs, Summer.CasßlmereSj delicate lio© plaido. Fashionable Mixtures and Solid Colors. 8-4 Silk-mixed Coatings, at tbe'right. prices, i. Cloth Goods of every description—a Bne stock. BOVS* READY-MADE OLOTHING. Room in second story devoted to this branch. Sunqjher suite for the,country for boys. Garments made to order with despatch. MANTLE ROOM. Closing out sales of Silk Sacquea. . Closing out sales of Silk Mantles. Closing out Bales of Cloth Cloaks. Closing out . sales, of Thin Sacqnes, . ' Closing out sales of Lace Mantles. ; COOPER & OONABD, ; : Je2B-tf S.B. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. JOHN H. STOKES WILL OPEN tl TO-MORROW MOBKIN3, at 703 ABOEt Street, 10 doz. Gents* Light Lisle Gloves,'at 18 j£, worth 37#, Also, 5 doz. Ladies* Mod© Hose at 13, worth 25. * Also, One piece Black India Silk, without lustre, for mourning and aprons. je24 Aemy clothing ano equi. PAGE OFiilOß, TWELFTH ftod GIIUUD Streets, Philadelphia, July ll» 1S(I2 PItOPGSALS will be received at this Office uatil TUESDAY, )sih iuat., at 12 o’clock M., to furnish, at the Schuylkill Arsenal— 20,000 Uulioed Dark-Blue Todigo Wool-dyed Flannel Backe, or Blcubcs, Army- Standard. 20,000 Canteens (Tin), Army Standard, ag per sample in this Office. Bidders can bid for any number, or tho whole, and must state the time of delivery. Proposals to bo marked, “ Proposals for Flannel Sacks,” or, “ Proposals for Canteens,” and be addressed to G. H. oitosai iN> jy!2 3t' Deputy Q. M. General. Proposals for pa ddle- WHEEB STEAM MAOHINEBY 808 THE UHITBB STATES NaVY. THB NAVY BEPABTHENT will . until the 26th flay of July, j pcplto sealed proposals for the construction of strain machinery for P.-uHllo-whrol StoaiUßrs. Bach steamer will bays one inclined engine of not leas than 160 cubic feet displacement of piston per stroko: the length of the stroke to be about 8 feet 9 inches. The flame to be of yellow pise, .strongly- kseod, bolted, and braced. .. There will be a Sewcll’g surface condenser, in which the condeDßing surface will be composed of drawn brass tubes five eighths inch outside diameter *, tube plates and followers of braßs; total area of .condensing surface 2,600 square feet; capacity of air-pump (consider©* as siugle acting) 26 cubie feet; capacity of clrcalatiug pump (con sidered as single acting) 25 cubic .feet; inlet and outlet pipes to pumps to have a act area of not less than two* thirds of tho pump’s pistons; receiving and delivery valves ofpump3 to have a net area of opening of not less than one and a half time the area of the pumps’ pistons; valve seats of brags; valves of gum. ; The cylinder is to have,brass balance poppsi valves of IT and 18 inches diameter; valve seats of brass. Steam valve to bo arranged wita Stevens’ cut-off. Tho whole valve gear to be finished and arranged for working hooked on back as well as ahead, r The crosabead to be ef wrought iron. and finished. The cranks to be of wrought iron, turned, and p’anod. The shaft to be of wrought iron, turned.; The out-board journal to he 3 feet in length. All cylinder covers, -valve-chest, .and pump bonnets, with their bolts and nuts, and links and connecting rods, to he finished. A plunger feed pump and bilge pumpi of brass, to be provided of 2}£ cubic feet capacity; valves of gum* and to have a net opening of twice the capacity of tho pump. . Tho pumps are to be worked by wrought iron arms, turned and planed, and secured upon a turned wrought iron shaft, which is to be worked from the main cross* head by finished links, and wrought iron levers turned and planed. The paddle wheel is to be overhung, to be of wrought iron, and 26 feet 8 inches in extreme diameter.' Paddies to be twenty-four in number, S foet 9 inches long, and 15 inches wide. There are to bo two Martin boilers, placed opposite to each other, with thq ; firo-room between. Length of boiler 18 feet, width 10 feet 6 inches, height about 9 feofc 8 inches; to contain, five furnaces each; tho furraces to be three feet wide ; length of grates 6 feet 6 inches; total grate surface 195 square feet; total beadng surface not less than 5,000 square feet. Shells, with the excep tion of the bottom, to be ©f 5*16 inch - jplate; bottoms, furnaces, and air-pits of three-eighth inch plate; to bo double rivetted and braced for a hydrostatic test pressure of 60 pounds per eQuaro inch.. ; Each boiler is to have a No. 42 Dimpfel blower blow ing'fntotbe ba-kof theasli pita. All the detail, finish, quality of materials, and work manship, to be first-class, proportioned for a working boiler pressure of 40 pounds per sab&re inch, and con formable to the specifications previously printed by tho Department for paddle-wheel steam, machinery. There .will also ho furnished the tools, duplicate; pieces, instru ments, &c., required by those specifications. . The proposes will state the names of the bidders in full, and of their Burettes; the gross - sum, covering all costs and claims against the Government whatever, on account .of the machinery for which they propose to fur-* nisb it in the vessel, complete and ready for steaming, discriminating between tbe two cases of erecting it in the same port and of transporting and erecting it in another port; and the time, from date of contract, in which they will guaranty to ..complete it in the. vessel ready for steaming, provided the vessel is ready to receive it twen ty-one days earlier if the vessel is at tho same port, and one month earlier if at another port; if not ready, twen ty-one days or one month, according to the case, will be allowed for completion from date of readiness. Tho contract will embrace tho usual conditions, and payments.will bo made in the usual manner as the work progresses. Tbe proposals are to be endorsed Proposals for Paddle-wheel Steam Machinery to distinguish them from otherbusiness letters. ; Tbe Department reserves the right to reject any or all of the proposals made under this advertisement, if, in. its opinion, tbe public interest rewires. ■ No proposals will be . considered except fro n proprie tors of marine engine building establishments. : jyl4-muf6t MILITARY GOODS. fJIETSTT DUCK. 30 Bales 12 oz BUCK, 20 Balsa 10 oz.—-28)J -inch BUCK, ALSO, SO,COO 2,3, and 4 ETJS. LIN EX, Suitable for GOVEESMENT CONTRACTORS EUROPEAN SHIPPERS, For sale by J. O. GRAFFLIN. BALTIMORE BAG FACTORY, Ho. T 5 and Y“ SOUTH STREET, ' Baltimore. 'T.’ LANE WILL CONTINUE;.TO.FUBNISH AEMY CLOTHING AT 418 MARKET STREET, PHIL &DELPHT A, EINANCIAX,. JAY OOOKE & CO., BANKERS, NO 1M SOUTH THIRD STREET, NEW “5-20” LOAN. The unilsrsigned, as Subscription Agent for the Qo- TOtnmeat, is prepared to deliver AT ONCE, ON PAYMENT, COUPON BONDS, NEW SIX TER CENT. UNITED STATES LOAN, AUTHORIZED FEBRUARY 25,1862. Subscriptions received AT PAR, and accrued interest from May 1,18G2. Legal Tender or Par Notes and Checks received for the Bonds—the Interest to date must be paid in Gold. This Loan is called « 5-20,” having TWENTY years to run, but redeemable at the option of the Government at any time after FIVE years, but is ; a Slx-por cent. Loan, JAY COOKE. SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 South THIRD Street (PQ KAA —THIS AMOUNT WANT \j\jm ED upon Mortgage, first-class Farm near the city. Apply to E. PETTIT, jyl2; No. 309 WALNUT Street. . CARD TO THE PUBLIC; - CONGRESS SPRING WATER DEPOT, 08 CEDAR STREET, NK W TO B K Saratoga, Jnly 1, 1882. An attempt baa been made to deoeive the public by persons, offering what they call;« Congress Water” from fountains, and at the price of six (6) cents per glass. Tbo utfioZcsaie price of the genuine Congress Water, at New York, being about 7# cents per glass, the imposi tion of pretending to sell at retail at less than cost, and witbont allowance for freight, cartage, or breakage, is apparent; but their probable course has been to empty one bottle of genuine Congress Water into a fountain filled with their trash, and thereby christening ita total contents. We have never sold Congress Water in tountains, nor in vessels of any other description than ordinary-sized glass bottles. The cork of every bottle of fcho genuine Is branded, And any witliont CONGRESS C. &W. OOOHTEBFEIT, WATEB. tors on iho cork 3s| 1 •' • - tains or bottles. GLABXE & WHITE, Proprietors ol Congress Spring. whether from foun- The following gentlemen are supplied by ns regularly with genuine Congress Water, in bottles, fresh from the Congress Spring: FRED’K BROWN, cot. Fifth and Chestnut ate. O. S. HUBBELL, 1410 Chestnut street. CHAS. ELLIS & 00., Market street. ' E. J STEVENS & CO., Sontinental Hotel. AMBROSE SMITE, Chestnut street. . J. C. TURNPBNN Y & CO., 941 Spruce street. THOS. J. HUSBAND, cor. Third and Spruce sta. ' WYETH Brofl., Walnut Btreet, CLARKE & WHITE. jo2B-2mlf Boy s’, misses 5 , and ohil- DBBN’S ' : CIOTHIHa, IS ENDLESS VARIETY, ' 80. 13T Sonth EIGHTH SSrfHst, myie-Zm Three Door, obo-vo WALNUT. IV/fUSQUITO NETS AND NET IYX TING for sale at No. 4 North Fifth Street. : JOSEPH H. THOMPSON, Agent. P. S.—Orders promptly attended to. jy!o-12t# BE SURE YOU PATRONIZE REI SIER, and you wilisurely get a satisfactory Picture, Ivory tyres by him are the finest pictures of the time.' SECOND Street, above Green. It* ftLARET.— ST. JUIiIEN CLARET, 'LV In cases, of different -vintages, for sale by OHAS. 8. OARSTAIBB, jj2 m -WALNUT and a GRANITE Streets. Tent buttons and slips, tl s. Pattern, manufactured and for sale by J. P. EEED, southeast corner THIRTEENTH and NOBLE Streets, Philadelphia. jy9-lm* Bay rum.—an invoice" op very suaerior BAT BUM, in gnartor casks, just received and for sale by OHAB. 8. CIRSTAIRS, jy2 126 WALNUT and 21 GRANITE Street*. HEW rVULXGATIOm jmF^BLIiBEBT BAECHESTER TOWERS; Author of “Dr, Thome,” etc. Two vola., paper, price 25 cents each vol; cloth, 75 emits complete. Atliony Trollop* t -who has an excellent reputation in Europe, aa a novelist, has written nothing better than “Barchester Towers 5 * Itia a novel full of tbo deepest interest, and yetis by no njeanß one of those ” sensa tion 5 * romances to which a correct j augment very proper ly objects. It is stirring, simple, curious, moral, well written, and whoJJy. unobjectionable in tono and senti ment. Add to this that each volume is not- only printed on fine whitepaper, with large, clear time, but thateach iemadojuiitof a convenient size to drop into tho'ceat pocket, ac<i what could be more luxurious reading for the traveller 1 Published by Also for sale by T. B. Peterson & Bros.* J- B.Lippfn cott & Co., W. P. Hazard, and all Booksellers in this place. Copies of the above book sent by mail, to. any address, free of postage* on receipt of (ho price. jyll-fmw 3t ■TUST PUBLISHED FROM THE V ADVANCE SHEETS, : .; : ■ - By Special Atrangement xvitU tiio Author. SABRE N::hONGUB; BY THE ATITHOKOIf “GBY LIVINGSTON," Etc l< It would be Folly to tieo Bkrootyped pliragoa aVjiit Giis powerful and singular book, with its keen analysis of Lumen motives, and tho marked and peculiar charac ters it introduces to the reader. AH tho personages who move breathe through it are vividly pictured ♦ but Sir Alan Wyyerne and Lady Mildred Vavagsour a'and out in strong Telieffrom the rest. The story i? dearly told, and tbo catastrophe, though unexpected, is in keep ing. Like Guy Livingeton,” it will make a legitimate sensation • but we pronounce IS a better book than * Guy Livingston. l Athenaum Published by Also for sale by T. B. Peterson & Bros , J. B, Lippin colt & Co., W. P. Hazard, and all Bookseller# in this placo. •*: . ■••••■. ' Copies of the above book sent by mail, to any address, free of postage, on receipt©! the price. . j?ll*finw3fc WBROTHERHEAD’S CIRCU .LATING LIBRARY—AU the SEW English and American Books, including ALL CLASSES of Lite rature, This Ib the ONLY Library in the country that includes nil the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that arenot BEPBINTBD hare. Terms $5 per year: 6 months S 3; three months SI-GO, or 3 cents per day. 213 South EIGHTH street. jy7-2m# mRUTHFU£NES3 AND DURA JL BILITY COMB IN ED.—REIMER’S Colored Pho tographs for 551 are conceded by ah to bo unequalled in finish or coloring, and perfect as a likenosa. BEOGtTD Street, above Green. It* ri O AT ONCE TO REIMER’S G-AL~ XX LERY, SECOND Street, above Green The boat Portraits made at war prices, to Bait the times. LiFe btee Oil- colored Photographs. " v It* .A LBUMB FOE WAR VIEWS.— Jla. These Albums are prepared expressly for the Cart! Photograph Views of the War, Groups of Statuary, Land scapes, copies of Fino Paintings, v &c., and are the only Albums suited to this class of Photographs. Ho. SO. Xmt. mor., gilt edg. and clasp, for 20 Port’s, $2 50 51. 30 “ 3 00. 82. « « « 40 "« 350 83. *«• « ** 50 “ 4 00 .64. Tor’Fmor., “twoclaspg, 20 “ 375 65. “ • « tt so « 400 58. «• « . :• (( 40 «. 450 67. « u . t* ", 50 « 600 - 58, *< *■ a pausidoB,2o <* 6,25 69, « “ a «< 30 . « 660 60. a a t ( “ 40 tt g 75 61. a a “ « 50 a 6 00 62. Velvet, gilt moun’g “ 20 “ 675 63. «\ “ « 30 “ 6 00 64. «- 40 «: 825 , - 65. “ « “ - 60 - a 6 .75 66. Turkey, gilt edge, tE oblo’g4to, 60 « 700 67. « “ u 80 a 7 50 68. M a « 100 a 8 00 69. tt tt «pau. sda., 60 « 876 70. « “ “ *« 80 t* 925 71. « “ « t { 100 » 9 75 QUABTO ALBUMS. Best quality. Imitation Morocco, : for 200 Portraits $7 50 Turkey Antique, 200 “ 850 : “ ; « two clasps, 200 • “ 12 50 a a ; . a • pan sides, 200 « 16 50 CHAIN BAGS, ' New Styles and Designs are constantly introduced, Every Album is furnishedwith a Title Page and Index, printed in Gold. SS?"’ Complete Catalogues of Card Portraits ami Photo graph Albums may bo obtained gratis. Published by WM. 8. & ALFRED MABTIEH, je26 ... No. 606 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. /WVER H. WILSON, SAMUEL M. V/ 'ANDEBSON, and EDWABB DS CEBNEA, have! formed a Copartnership, under the name and firm of WILSON, ANDERSON, & CEBNEA,.for the pur pose of transacting a.general Wholesale Dry Goods business, at,416 MABKKT Street. July 1, 1862.. jyl4-3t# "\T OTICE. —Tlie Copartners hip hereto i.l fore existing between the undersigned, under the firm of ritATT & DEATH, has been dissolved by its own limitation, and by mutual consent. D. T. PRATT is alone authorized to collect the out . standing debts,.and. to use the firm name in liquidation. D. T, PS ATT, • J B. B. REATH, . W. G. BOiLIN. J) T. PHATTV ‘ : {SOCCE3SOE TO PEATT 4 REITH,) .. IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN WATCHES, JEWELRY, PLATED WARE, &c. Has removed from N. W. corner Fiftli and Market Bts. to - No. 607 CHESTNUT STRET, Where he offers fer rate a FULL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS pertaining to the WATOH BUSINESS. Dealers are solicited to examine the stock. jys»t3l.- T HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY formed a Copartnerabip under the firm of DAWSON, BBANSON, & CO., for trexsacHog the SILK and FANCY DRY GOODS JOBBING business, at the Northwest comer of MARKET aad FIFTH Streets. T. BUSSELL DAWSON, OELAtiDO BRANSON, JACOB G. BOMGARDNER. Philadelphia, July 1,1862. : jy2l2t# IVTOTICE.—MR. WM. K. HEMP- L\ BILL'S interest in our house ceased on the 3Xst May. * jyl-lm GO PARTNERS HIP .—The un dersigned have thia day formed a Copartnership, un der the name and firm JOKNE3, BEERY, & 3(1. for the transaction of the WHOLE SALE SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS BUSINESS, at *N03.627 MARKET and &24 COMMERCE Streets. GEORGE W. JOHNE3, WILLIAM H. BERRY, WILLIAM H. HURLEY, FRANCIS B. ABBO IT. ; Philadelphia, July Ist, 1862. D I SSOLU T I 0 N OF PART. NERSHIP.—-The Paitasrebip heretofore existing as BUTILH. COOK, & CO.,isthtsday dissolved by limi tation-, and by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be settled by the undersigned. E. G. DUIILH, SAMUEL C. COOK. Philadelphia, June 30, 1862. QAMUEL C. COOK will continue the O AUCTION AND COMMISSION BUSINESS at the old stand, No 124 South FRONT Street, above Walnut. * - - • jyl-12t THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the firm of BIEGEL, BAIRD, <fe CO., is this day dissolved. PETES SIEGER, D. B 1 ERVIN, * JACOB BIEGEL, H. 8. FISTER, WM. S. BAIRD, JOSIAH BIEGEL,. JOHN WIEST. Joke 30. jyl-6w INJOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNER JJy SHIP.—The subscribers hereby give notice that they have entered into a limited partnership, agreeably to the provisions of the several , taws of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania relating to limited partnerships.. That tho name of the firm, under which said partner ship is to be conducted is BIEGEL, WIEST, & ER VIN. ; That the general nature of the business intended to be transacted is the Importing and Jobbing of Dry Goods. That tho names of the General and Special Partners, all of whom reside in the city of Philadelphia, are’ JACOB BIEGEL, General Partner, residing at 527 North Sixth Btreet; JOHN WIEST, General Partner,f residing at 322 New street; D. B.*ERVIN, General Partner, residing at 2615 Girard avenue; HENRY S. FIS7 ER, General Partner, residing at 418 North Third street: JOSIAH BIEGEL, General Partner, residing at 416 North Third street; PETER SlEGER,'Special Partner, residing at 717 North Eighth street; WM. S. BaIRD, Special Partner, residing,at the Continental Hotel. . . . those words and let- That the aggregate amount of the capital contributed by the Special Partners to the . common stock is One Hundred Thousand Dollars, of which Fifty Thousand Dollars in cash has been so contributed by Peter Sieger, Special Partner, and Fiftv Thousand Dollars in oashhaa been so contributed by Wm. S. Baird, Special Partner. That tbe said partnership is to commence on the first day of July, A. D. 1802, and 1b to terminate on the first day or January, 1865. JACOB BIEGEL, V JOHN WIEST, 1 D. B. ERVIN, > General Partners. HENRY S. FISTER,) JOSIAH BIEGEL, j PETER SIEGER,) Soeclal p ar t nBra jyl-6w: WM. S. BAIRD, bpeciaL Partners. Removal. E. Q. WHITMAN & Go, CONFECTIONERS, HATH DEMOTED FROM BKOOND AND CHEST NUT STREETS TO No. 318 CHESTNUT STREET, . BJSLOW FOOBTH, NEXT DOOR TO ADAMS is CO.’S EXPRESS. ’ jeSO-lraif . . ■ ' ■■■■■" T>EMOVAL.—MAHLON KIRK, XI DENTIST, has DEMOTED to No. 1501 CHEST NUT Street. . jyS lrn* PJR A DELICIOUS, HEALTH FUL, and invigorating BATH, go to FOURTH and BRANCH. if TXTOTIGE.—AII persons having claims XX against the Estate of FREDERICK STRING, deceased,will please present them, and those indebted will make payment to " JACOB T. WILLIAMS, Executor,' TULPOHOOKEN Street, Germantown. June 26th, 1862. je39*m6t^ A NOVEL, BY ANTHONY TROLLOPE, DICK Sc FITZGERALD, ' No. IS ANN Street, N. Y. A BRILLIANT NOVEL, PRICE 50 CESTS DICK & FITZGERALD, No. 38 ANN Street, N. Y. CIRCULATING LIBRARY: PHOTOGRAPHS. LIST OF STYLES AND PBIOES. COPARTNERSHIPS. T WELLS & 00.. 118 NORTH WHABVE3. removals. sag* awaa AMUSEMENTS. A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS. JlTjl- - CAPTAIN WIIIIAHS’ , THP.IIjLING 80ENE8 IN THE LIFE OP A TANKS® WHALEMAN, BTBET EVENING, at 6 o’elock precisely. WEDNESDAY and SATtFBDAT Aflomooons at 8 o’e», ' Admission 26 cenla. Six Ticketa for one dollar, Children 30 cents. PERN SYLYANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ABTS, 3025 CHESTNUT STEEET, Ib open dally (Sundays excoptedjr from 0 A. U.CHift F. M. Admission 25 cents. Children half price. Shares of Stock, 830. • - jyo SEA BATHING. FOE THE BEA ES&d&msxzssm BHOB E ! SUiIMEB AB- B ANGEMEK T. —CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC BAU> BO AD. Throe trains daily to Atlantic City and retain, (Sun days excepted). leave YINE-Sfcreet Ferry u fellows: ' Mail Train.... Express Train.... Freight and Accommodation __ RETURNING 7.30 A. 51, ~..4.00 P..H, ....5.00 P, S 9, Leaves, Atlantic Mail Train ~4 40 P. H. « ./> “ Express Train 615 A. M. • ** . Freight and Accommodation.3lB A. H. FARE §1.50- - Bound-trip Tickets, Good only for Gte day and train on which they are issued , $2.50. Excur sion Tickets, good for throe days, $3. Hotels are now open. JOHN G. BRYANT, je!2-tf Agent. r-»ir"V FOR CAPE MAY.—The steamboat WK. KENT, Capt. "Brett, leaves A BOH- street wb arf every TDESD AT, THURS DAY, and SATURDAY at 9 o’clock A. 21., for GAPE HAl', returning alternate days, touching each way at Newcastle. jyll*lin# EXCURSIONS, 3)EHGHTFOL BITMM E TX lIOUESIONS. NIAGARA FALLS, BAKE ONTARIO, THE THOU SAND ISLANDS, RAPIDS OF ST. LAWRENOB RIVER, MONTREAL', LAKES CHAMPLAIN ANB GEORGE, SARATOGA SPRINGS, HUDSON RI VER, WHITE MOUNTAINS, BOSTON, NEW PORT, NEW YORK, &c. Fare from Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, Montreal, White Mountains, Boston, and return, $42 20- . From Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, Montreal, Sara teg a, Hudson river, New York, and return, $30.00. For further particulars and handbills apply at the offio* of the PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAILROAD LINE, corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT- Streets* .where a choice of routes may be made to suit the taato of any one. ’ JOHN S. DILLES, General Agent, Cor. THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL Streets. Philadelphia, July 1. 3862. jyl-36t EDUCATIONAL. HOLMEBEUBG SEMTJSFAB.Y FOR YOUNG LADIES, located on the Bristol Turn pike, B miles from Philadelphia and 2 from Tacony. The first term, of tho ; scbolastic year begins the first MON DAY in September; second term the Ist day of Feb ruary. . A circular, containing terms, references, &c., can be obtained by application to the'’ * Misses CHAPMAN, Principals. WANTS. WANTED— A YOUNG MAN TO . assist at .the hooks. Address “ Box 1909 Post Office,”in own handwriting, and etatiog age. It# TTANOr CAKE BAKER WANTED X? : —One that understands all kinds of Pastry Work* Ice Cream, and is a good Ornamenter. None other need apply. 134 South FIFTEENTH. je!2 2t# A N EXPERIENCED PROOF- XjL'. READER is desirous of being employed, either all or a portion of his time, on a daily or weekly pacer, or in a book office. Would have no objection to read proof at hla own bouse, or prepare works for the press. Ad dress « A. 8.,” at this office. ‘jvll-6fc A GENTLEMAN from tie West, JlJl with available means, and an oxtonsivo acquaint ance with Western Produce and Commission fferchante* wishes to enter into a safe and lucrative business in this city, already established.: Inferences exchanged. Ad dress Box SSB. Philadelphia Po?t Office. jy9-6t# The finkle and lyon sew- ING MACHINE GO., having satisfactorily es tablished the reputation of their Machines, in Philadel phia, and desiring to further increase the business, will receive propositions from an active party for the Agency, said party to bo possessed of sufficient means to make the business a paying one. The privilege of the State given if required. Samples of Machines can be seen at 922 CBE3T£iQT street, Philadelphia. /Address, . W. D. BUSSELL, Secretary, ijB*l2t 533 BROADWAY, New York. WANTED— 2,000 Men along the line of the Lehigh Canal, say 1,500 laborers, 250 car penters, and 250 stone masons. Apply to the officers of the Lehigh Goal and Navigation Company, at MAUOH CHUNK, ALLENTOWN, or EASTON, or anywhere along the line of the works. jelO-tf EOF- HATE AND TO BET. THOR SALE—A NEW MAGIC L AN XJ TERN, 4-inch Lens, complete, with apparatus for making Oxygon Gas, and with 22 Painted Astronomi cal and Photographic Architectural Slides Price $99. Address, Box 1166, Philadelphia P O. jyl4-3t# m VERY CHEAP —HANDSOME residence and Eight acreß of Laud on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. Also, Residence and Nine acres of Land in Roxborongh. WHITEMAN & WILLS, No. I Mercantile Library Building. Jy 9 fit* :m TO RENT, WITH OR WITHOUT Beverat neat Oonatry-Piaceß, with a . few acres of ground, conyenienfc to railroad stations near the city. Apply to E, PETTIT, • jeSO No. 309 WALNUT Street. ® FOS SALE «G HEAP” CHEAP.”—Perry Comity FAB’S, containing 188 acres, 28 woodland,'the balance* under a high state of cnlfciration; first-rate fencing, nicely -watered, excellent improveme&ta, 16 miles from Harrisburg. Price only 86,500. Terms easy. Also, a FECIT FABH, noar Doyer, State of Mo ware, 107 acres. Price only 55,500. . Apply to . E PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT street. fßifr F O it'. SALE—Delaware- county •Sul, Farm, containing 98 acres of first-rate laud, situ ate near Marcus HooK, Pliiladelplna and Wilmington K&ilroad. Large and substantial stone improvements, nicely watered, good fruits, &c. ■. Price 89,000. Also, a fine Fruit Farm in the State of Delaware, near Dover, 134 acres, immediate possession. Price only 87,C00. Apply to E. PETTIT. . je-26-tf - No. 309 WALNUT Street. m TO RENT—A THREE-STORY El BRICK DWELLING, on RACE Street, one door above Twelfth, north ei-ie. Rom iow to a good tenant. Apply to WET EE BIT,L & BROTHER, jsl2 4T and 49 North SECOND Street. TO RENT—A THRSE-BTORY fieii-BRIOK DWELLING, bn PINE Street, near Seventeenth, north aide. Apply to WBTHEBILL & BROTHER, jel2 . 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. |j FOE, SALE OS TO LlT—Four Sal Houses, on the west side of BROAD Street, below Columbia. avenue. Apply at the southwest comer tf NINTH mid SANSOM Streets. mh26-tf ja FOR SALE—A first-rate Mont -3C- gomery-eotmty Farm, .continuing 89 acres, with large and substantial stone improvements, on the Ridge Turnpike, near Norristown. Price only $95 per acre. Apply to E. PETTIT, je26 if No. 309 WALNUT Street SAL E JUNCTION RAILROAD COMPANY’S BONDS.—Tho Junction Railroad Company invites proposals, io writing, for the purchase of the whole or any part of SSOQ,GOO First Mortgage She per Cent. Coupon Bonds. The Mortgage is made to Alexander Henry, E*br Trustee, and will be due July 1,1882. It ia secured upon the entire Railroad.and Property of the Company lying on the west eide of Schuylkill, between Belmont and Gras *8 Ferry.’ Its terms provide for a Bioking fund of £15.000 per year, to be invested in these Bonds, or in tho First Mortgage Bonds of tbe Penueylvaaia Railroad- Company, the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com* pany, tbe Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Rail road Company, in the Loans of the United States, or of the State of Pennsylvania, at the discretion of the Board of Directors. .. The Bonaa are for One Thousand Dollars 6ach. Their payment is guarantied by endorsement of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, the Philadelphia, Wilmington, * aid Baltimore Railroad Company, ihe Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company on the back of each' bond, in the following words—viz: . « Know all men by theße presents, that tha Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, the Philadelphia, Wilming ton, and Baltimore Railroad Company, and the Phila delphia and Beading Railroad Company, and each of tb«n, for a valuable consideration to thun paid by the Junction Rwlroad Company, do hereby (in pursuance of the power and authority conferred by two acts of Assembly-of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ap proved respectively on the twenty-third day of March, A. D. IS6I, and the eleventh day of April, A. D. 1562, and of every other lawful - power and authority in them vested,) jointly and severally guarantee to the lawful holder of tho within: Bond the punctual payment of the principal and interest thereof, when and as the same shall become due and payable according to the terms of said Bond, or of tbe terms and covenants of the inden.*- turo of Mortgage therein mentioned and given to secure the seme. . ' “In witness whereof, said Companies have hereunto affixed their common or corporate seals respectively, duly attested, and hare caused the signatures of their Presidents, respectively, to be hereunto written, second day of June, anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-two (1862).’* Payment for theßonds will be required as followa: The first instalment of 10 per cent, will be payable on. tbo first day of August, and 10 per cent, additional on the first of each succeeding month, until the whole amount la paid. Proposals will be addressed to CHARLES E. .SMITH, Treasurer, 227 South FOURTH Street, until MONDAY* July 21. Each proposalwill state the total number or amount of tbe bonds wauled, and the price offered per bond of $l,OOO. ; The Company reserves to Itself tha right to accept or reject the whole or any part of any proposition received. Successful bidders will be notified of the acceptance of their proposals within one week from the opening of their bids. . JOSEPH LESLEY, jel9-tjy2l Secretary Junction Railroad Co. g FRANK. PALMER, Surg€on Artist to tbe Government Institutions, Wash ington. Also, to all of the Medical Colleges and Hos pitals. The “PALMER LIMBS, s * adopted by the Army and Navy Surgeons. Pamphlets sent gratis. Address, B. FRANK. PALMER, jy2-6m No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street, PhUad’a. j&, “TH DM S ON’S LONDON &b*l| KFCCHENEB We are now macnfacturin* “ THOMSON’S liQNDON KITOHENBB,” or EUBOPEAN BANGE, suitable for large and small fiunfliofl, hotelß, hospitals, and other public institution*, in great variety. Also, Portable Banges, the « Philadel phia Bange,” Gas Ovens, BathßoUers, and Cast-iron Sinks, together witha great varietr of snail and large sized Hot-air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Fire-board Stoves, Bow-down Grates, &c. Wholesale and Betail only at our W&rerooms. NORTH, CHASE, & NOBTH, Ho. 209 North SECOND Street, four doors above Baoe street. tf~IEAMPAGNE .—The original “ Gold Lftc” Champagne, in quarts and pints, for sale (to arrive) by OHAB. S. CABSTAEBS, No. 12Q WAL NUT and 21GBAHITE Streets. je2B /OPENING Off A SUMMER GAR- V-/ DEN.—-The undersigned begs leave to inform th€ public that he has opened for the season his FEKE GAR DEN ana HOTEL, at the toot of COATES Street, oppo site Fainnormfc Park. Families we particularly invited, 100 Oream, Oakes, excellent Lager Beer of Balfcz’s breif* ®ry» Wines, &>., always on hand. ■ HENRY FRICKA, mys-8m TWENTI-SEYIINTH. and GGATES Sts.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers