The Wounded in the Battles of the Pen insula—Arrivals at Washington. Washington, July 5 —Tbe following U a list of tbe wounded end sick that arrived here yesterday, by the steamers, Vanderbilt and Louisiana, from the army of the Potomac: I FBN3TSYL VANIA'RKaiKHNTS. Lieut. J. H Wiimas, 9% shoulder, slight. 3itt)or John Njco, 10% arm, severe. Corporal Wm. J • Hn*ton, 10th, thigh, slight. Forrest Gooctopeed, 83d, shoulder, severe. Chaplain George Qrvar, sick. Sergeant Dennis Carroll, BGtb, arm, sovoro. Frank Blizzard, 03th, arm, slight. Corporal John Carson, sth, neck, severe. John Gibbons, 71st, leg, slight. Corporal ,T. Wartmau, 12th, foot, alight. CoiporslJ.N fiorena, 9% ahouldor, severo. William Calvert, elbow, sevoro. "Benjamin Lace, Ist Rides, bip, slight. Henry Beig. 4th Rifles, slight Sergeant O. L Randall, 72d, thigh, severe. Janies Olver, 03il, neck,’ slight. Michael Sailer, sth, h»ad revere. Wm. Llgbtfoot, 71st, uncle, severe. Sergeant John Wt!y» 01st, arm broken bj a shell. J, B. Swearington, 91li, side, slight Jno, 8. Cox,9th Regular*, leg, severe. Capt. Geo. J- Gallsnpe, Sth Hlfles. leg, severe. Major 8 M. Bally 8% bead, slight. John Oook, 98th, hip, slight. G. 83d hip, severe. Peter BfcOleary, Sth, leg, slight. .Alfred P. Mason, 4tb, shoulder, severe. John QoilJey, 81st Pa Regiment, shoulder, severe. B Hay, 98th, buod, slight, Fenry Kearney, 95th, leg, slight. John Lawrence, 83d, hip, slight. • John Ledhimer. 03d, wrist, severe. George Brown. 621, sick. T 3. 8. Unscn, 834,'arm, severe. O. Davenport, 7tb, arm, alight. John Powers, 72d. hand, slight Corporal Henry Steward. 9th, arm. Jacob Reinhardt, Sth shoulder, severe. Sergeant R. B. Smilley, IsN thigh, slight. Corporal Cortez Bfoon Ist Rifles, foot, Blight Joseph Austin, let Rifles, arm, slight Corpora! Macbeveon. Ist Rifles, hand, slight. Corporal Chas, Mcßride, 81st, neck, Blight. William Lozer, 26th, hand. / Robert Young. Bib, band, slight. W. L. Olley, 62d, flck. 8 T. Kearns, 95th, hand, slight. B. F. Clevenger, 98th, leg. slight. William Elliot 81st, arm, s'ight. Jra Neville. 30% head, severe. John Davis, 93d, Bick. , Jacob Smith, 724, shoulder, slight. John Robinson, Ist, sick. ' N. Kelly. 9IU, aim. slight. Charles Keller, 05% arm, slight. Thomas R. Lonier, 26% arm, slight. Samuel Parker, 94% arm, slight. R. B-Scott. 59>h. hand, elight. James M. Phillip", 6th, hand, slight. £nm!. Brjniog. 4th. arm. slight. Wm. Dougherty. 69th, arm, severe. John Gardner, 10th, sick. John Brsnnlgen, 6th Cav., leg, slight. Geo M. Brown, fith Beg., leg, slight. B. H. Grier, 6th, lo?, severe. Bhtth Forbert. breast, severe. Wm. Taylor, Ist Art., leg, slight. Chas. Gelligber, Ist Bat., arm. severe. J,W-Gerardt, Bth Car , foot, slight. Wm. B. Craige, tOtb Beg,, hack, slight. B L. McßrWle. Blst, leg. slight. Coporftl Henry Williams, 63d, hip, slight. Wm B Houston. 10th, groin, severo. Fred. Lawo, 72d, back, slight. Tlios. Bell, 62d, breast, severe. Wm. F. Owortb, sth Bifle Beg., Iwo fingers amputated. Jas. Asfcey, 6% leg, slightly. J L. Mclstire, 4th Beg., arm, slight. John McDehee, 81st, lirger amputated. H. Miller, 83d, shoulder, alight. James Bushing, 20th thumb, / Benry Feicbtr. stb, arm, slight. S Bftttonle. 9% knee, severe. James H. Drips, 1024, rheumatism. Sergeant J. B. Lucas, Sth. breast, severe. Thomas Hopkins, 83d, side, severe. James Pendergrast, 61st, rheumatism. William S. Vincent, sth, chin, severe. F. M. Kerr, 83d, finger, slight. Henry Lucbenger, 72d, arm. sovoro. Corporal A D. Long, 12% hand, sovoro, Jacob Bicherf, 63d, hand, severe. George Smedley, 4th Cav , hand, severe. Jas. Hess, musician, 95th Reg., back, severo. .Alex. Bngbley, 9% groin, slight. William McOfnskey, 4th. arm, slight, Tbnmaa H. McCormick, 83d, left arm, Blight. Charles O. Hart. 83d. shoulder, severe* John Adams, 83d, arm, slight. John Fink, 53d. arm, slight. James 1$ carmel, 62d, arm, slight John B. Gue, Bth, band, severo. Henry Kidner, lOtb, arm, slight. Francis Langhean. 72d, hand, finger amputated. John Tobiocer. 33d, wrist, severe. Edw. McAler, 95th, tbiab, slight B. M. Butter, Ist, arm. slight Sergeant Joseph F. Dempltr. 96% arm, slight Henry S. Holsear,72d,hand* slight. George Sapp, 63d, head, slight. Martin Murphy 69% sick. / Join Forman, 95th, thigh, slight. F. Belly, 49‘h, hand, slight. Thomas IB Smith, Bfith. rick Thomas H. Kincaid, Ist. baud, slight. Sergeant B. B. SmiUry, Ist Blfles, side, slight. John Bunt, 95th. rick. Wm. F. Drake, 72d, rick. ■ Wm. H. Craig. 10% back, slight. A. L. Curley, 7th. toot, sliaht.• John Ha«k, 3d, thigh slight. Corporal E. A. Pier, lOth Pw.nsTlvania, arm. B- Finnfgan, 2d Pennsylvania, arm. W B. Gibson, 10th Prensvlrauia right arm. J. GeuM, 103 d debilitr. Lieut L. C. Xeiptoger, 93d Ponam Ivania, rheumatism. John Guerk, 9th Pennsylvania, thigh. O. M. Benton, Ist Pennsylvania (Rifle]. hand. John Punberg, *th Pennsylvania, rheumatism. Peter Learby, 69th Pennsylvania, fever. \ William Asp, 2d Pennsylvania, rheumatism. Jaonh Eaelk, sth Pennsylvania, a on, W. K. Smith, 72* Pennsylvania, foot. J.L. Wagner, 77th Pennsylvania, arm. J. L. McQufsan, 10th Pennsylvania, hand, Wm. Thomas, 7th Pennsylvania,’ora. Lieut. Me Quillen, Sth Peunnsylva* ia, gro'n. Capt. A. J. Herron, 4th Pennsylvania, (cavalry) leg. Jno. F. Smith, 71 et Peoua fever, taken prisoner. Lieut. Jtfo, L- H Harrington, Pennsylvania, fever.. 8. B. Beaty, 40th Pennsylvania, right arm, H, N. Baker, 9th Pennevlvauia, left arm. Robert Banarfiifer, 4th Pennsylvania head. , J. 0. Evans. lOih Pennsylvania, wrist. J. B. Cornell 23d Pennsylvania, head* W. Wevitt, 10th Pennsylvania, arm J F. Dempsey, 10th Pennsylvania, shoulder, J. Amesy; K6th Pennsylvania, rheumatism* Lieut. W. 51- Dawson. 64tti Pennuylvaoia. thigh, Corp. N. B. Hayes, 83d PennsUvaula, hip, Thes Ward, 2d Pennsylvania, shoulder and chin. Geo. Boston, 2d Pennsylvania, thigh. H- o’Neifl,2d Pennsylvania, sholftier. W. Hoffman, 13th Pennsylvania, head. O. H. Hot boh r, 10th Pennsylvania, arm. J. H. Wagner. 23d Pennsylvania. arm. F. 0 Miflr,' 83d Pennsylvania, hand. A. Ryan, Bth Perms! Ivania band. J. F. Bell, 26th Pennsylvania, hand. C. Bobost, 62d Pennsylvania Regiment, shot, S. MBher, 98th Pennsylvania, arm. W. Boss, Btb Pennsylvania, head. H. W, Case, Ist Pennsylvania, log. G. Blair, 83d Pennsylvania, ankle. W. Horphey, 81st Pennsylvania, arm, C. WaR, 81st Pennsylvania, breast. W. H. Heinmetz, 71st Pennsylvania, thigh. 8. Mackey, 10th Pennsylvania* arm. / H. Bu% Ist Pennsylvania, bead. P. Ruth, Ist Pennsylvania, Bhoolder. M Millington, lit Pennsylvania, finger. 8. Alloway, 7ist Pennsylvania, shoulder. F. Hughes, Sth Pennsylvania, arm. ,S. Donnelly, 11th Pennsylvania, back. J Brlkhnrri, 63d Pencßvlvawia. hand, H. A. Peddle, 53d Pennsylvania, band. H. LonghJin, 10th Pennsylvania, arm J. 8. GonneUgon, 62d Pen sylvania, aide. E. Briirioner, 624 Pennsylvania, bead. W- H. Clegg, Ist Pennsylvania, band, B. Mnltei zler. 63d Pennsylvania, thumb. J, H. Fox, 83d Pennsylvania, hand. Corp. H-E. Barnard, flat Pennsylvania} shoulder, J. Moore, Ist Pennsylvania, teg. J. Batrienberg. 11th Pennsylvania, foot. G. W. Stocher, 83d Pennsylvania'band. J. W. Cowao, 10th Pennsylvania, arm. H. H, Black, 88d Pennsylvania, mouth. A. H, Allnrn, 83d Pennsylvauia, boad. . Tbos. Hubsod, Slit Pennsylvania, ride. L Kern. 9th Pennsylvania, shoulder. “’’f Banl. Edward*, 7th Pennsylvania, band. G. W. Sbireley, Ist Pennsylvania Rifles, hand. J. A. Johnson* 10th Pennsylvania Boßerves, thigh, M. A. Ntll, 63d Pennsylvania, rioht hip. B. H. Little, 62d Pennstlvania, thigh- . O. J. Sbultezer, Ist Pennsylvania Bererveg, arm. R 8. Bates, 10th Penua Beserves. wound, right arm, G. W. Lang, 71st Pennsylvania, thigh, F Mefer, 23d Pennsrlvaci*. hand. L. Bhriver, 9th Penna - Reserves, shoulder and face. Wm. James, Sth Pennsylvania, shoulder and face. J. Hnntfr, 3d Pennsvlvania, right «nn. Wm. A. Handaly, 26th Pennsylvania, right hand, Wm, Preston, 26th Pennsylranfa. right hand. H. B. Drigttr, 83d Pennsylvania, lefc hand. P. Scheldkker, 2d Pennsylvania b»nd. S. O. Bibarrt* 105th Pennsylvania, left hand. J Shea, 69th Penosy Ivania, left hand, M. Asking, 62d Pennsylvania, sick. ‘ Corporal J, O’Brifn, 62d Pennsylvania, arm. Wm. L Buck, 41st Pennsylvania, rheumatism. J. Foster, 9th Pennsylvania, mouth. F. 'Victor* lOih Pennsylvania, hand.. H. Babcock, 57th Pennsylvania, injured. Charles Hanee, 72d Pvunsylvania, rheumatism. James McQhurcb, Btb Pennsylvania, head. Anthony E. Smith, 85th Penngylvania, thumb* Frank Fore,Jf»h Pennsylvania, arm, Peter Mofees, B*h Pennsylvania, leg. • Corporal A. V. Babcock, 57th Pennsylvania, side. Major WhUrider, 2d Pennsylvania, back. ; - Corporal W. H Foster, Ist New Jeriiey, left hand. J. Sweeney, 3d Pennsylvania, left band. Wm. Davis, 03d Pennsylvania, arm. J. Levins, 9th Pennsylvania, (Reserve,) head. J. Downy, Slei Pennsylvania, band. John M. Dade, Ist Pennsylvnnta (Resorve), wrist. Wm Kenntdy. Pennsylvania, hand. J. McCleary, 4Hi Pennsylvania, ininrod internally. A. FuUou. 4th Pem.gylvania, shoulder, . W. 0. Wilson, orh Pennsylvania, band. O. ffiooder, 9th Pennsylvania, finger. 51. Betzhomer, 62d Pennsylvania, head. J, E. Grobam, 62d Pennsylvania, arm. J. Norms, 62d Pennsyivanie, arm. J. Oognorr, 81st Pennsylvania, arm. J. G. A mex, Slsi Pennsylvania sick. J. N. Dnu’eon. 12th Pennsvlv«nU,( Reserve,) shoulder. F. FawretL 63d h**nd. Eobt. Dili, 63d Pennsylvania,band, A. C. Mon gonM-rv, 1024 Pennsylvania} side. 9 boa. Motley, 62d Pennsvlvania log. J. G. Black, Ist Pennsylvania, (Rifle.) hand. P. Howell lOih Pennsylvania. (ResHrve,) thigh. J. H. Jordon, 62d Pennyyivanla, leg. Joseph Reed, 105 IL Pennsylvania, shoulder* . Morris West, Slat Pei nsylvaoia, I -g. W. Welch, 6th Pentis? Ivania. ankle. S. C. Finley, 831 Pennsylvania, breast. J. 51. Horii. 61st Pennsylvania, side. J. W. Fry, sih PennsylvaniaVß»’S«rvo) t leg. J. Bonilcr. 10:h Now Jersey, both thighs. V. Long, 3J«t ennsjlvania, ahou'der. C. Morrig, 81st Penosi Ivania, noae. B- L Kitten? or, 83d Pennsylvania. P. Fenerqulr, filet Pennsylvarfa, leg, R. Marshall. 10th Pennsylvania, tbfgh. J Knalt, Jst PcnDsylvania Artillery, thigh. J. Bahfw 7th Pennsylvania. l»*g. . M. Kelly, 81st Pennsylvania, thigh. ' R. E. Corsin. s‘.h Pensylvonia, hand. F. Grinder, 4tb Pecnsilva’is, foot. 1 0. Ptmvart, lOtli Pennsylvania, knee, M. Bui ock. S«li Pennsylvania,- breast. Ferpeant 5! Y. D Hagan, Bth Pennsylvania} arm, E. Barnes, 2d Penreylvar.iH, heel -; - HW JBUSBY B. H, Moore, Oth New Jersey aukle, slight, Lewis Tome, sth New Jersey, hand, slight.. Thomas Burns, ltt New Jersey, wrist, severe. John Burjeao, sth New Jersey, sick. . M. ftlcOariy, sth New Jersey, sick. Sergeant John 4dam, sick. Wicheel Sli<*a. sth. nick. Gbaa, BhumforO. stb, hack, slight. ;N. Bncha» an, fith, arm, alight. •Corpoi a\ Wm. OU*ro<na, Bth hand, alight. *o)i?er HeHand, gfhj hand, Rlicht. Van Vant, 3d, debility. ' - .John S. Gudd, 3d, arm, severe. Pi ter Bobegon, Ist; (no casualty appended). PaVph Boltard, let. slight. Peter Laikin, sth. head, slight. Jag, Bm>ati. sth New Jersey, rheumatism. .Jno. 8. Judd, New Jersey, arm. Oorp, G W, Franger, sth N J. Regiment, hand. X> A. Terry, 3d New Jersey, elbow. J. L Baretim.Sd New Jergay, wrist. • J. S, TJiangest, Btb New Jersey, left foot. NEW YORK REGIMENT'S. Lieut. M. Hall, 7lB*y rheumatism. Lieut, J. H. Howard, .72d, fever, ‘Capt, Wm Ackerman, G2d, .wounded, slight. ——LewJs,62d, in faco, severe. — Hem. 62d, in hand, severe. 001. E, G, Mamhall, 13tb, fever. George Ferguson, 14th, shoulder, severe. Lieut J. W. Burns, wrist, severe. Sergeant Samuel Gardiner, 72a. Gasper Wilke. Ist, thigh, severe. It. 0. Merrick, 14th, bruise. Oapt Geo. Buryea, sth, leg. Lieut. P S Harris, 81st. Lieut. T Otlander, 2d. Can*. W. W. Bates, 25tb, C»it. A. n. Trerton, 26th. ■Toll!) Belintt, C6th, band, .avere, jj Yf Tfonip'oii. 16th, hand, two Bogota amputated. Corporal Joseph Grolnirn, 2d, rtonmatUan, Jsmes Kelly, 30th, slight. Thomas Conxtory, 63d. hßnd and Arm, slight. Howry P. Berne, 31st, head and arm, slight. Jamra Crrifbs, 2d. fever. Edward l>?ny, 72d, side, slight. (iorporel Put. McQaw, 72d, arm. Bfivere. Frank Courfonoy. 37% arm, severe. Wniiam Quinn. 40% arm, severe. Sergeant Wm. bfcC’nurtney, shoulder} sevoro. 0. Bonjimiin, 81st, ankiej-riight Mathias Governor, 81st, twin, slight. John Latigbliu, hand, slight. Pat. Fountain, hand, slight. John Armstrong, band, slight. George w. Gitfis, 3d Artillery, head, sovoroly. Pot. O’Cotuinr, 40th, Bick. Crrpcral .T. W. Snidaker, 27th, slight, William Mathews, 18th, sick. , John Farrel, 49th. sick. James Cori‘oD, lOOih. ■John blnlligan, 62d. ’ Corporal L. J. Stevens. 64th, hand, alijht- Oorporal Lewis Dougall. 2d, sick. - George F Haws, 12tb, rick. Richard Delany, 2d, sick. . G. Tt. Coat, 3Sd, arm. alight. Jot n Beeso. ]4th, band, slight. John M&strrson, 32d, bead. 1L Tenner. 61st, head, severo. Charlea Ad-ims, 61st, sick. William BordiP, 41at, rick. John D. Hill, 72d. foot, alight Charles PuUivsn, 18th, hand, slight. Thro. Bandwrll. 38th, band, slight. Corporal Michael Wilbert, 25tb, arm, alight Blicbael HoSTerta. 25th, leg, slight. Anguat Bent 25th. leg. slight. Charles E. Devin, 2d, sick. Gaoran CHiTord, 14th, back severe. J. Biloy, fitb, abdomen. W. H. DfltiiriH. 38tb, leg. Corporal W. T. Williams, Ist Artillery, thigh. W. H. Col berk, Ist Artillery, shoulder, A. Bkilling* 63d. shoulder, severe. Paul B. Clark. 44th, arm, severe. J. E. Cross, 12th, arm, Blight B. T- BuUic. 16tb, breast, severe. J. Salman. Ist, hand, severe. C A. Reed, 36% shoulder, slight. William T. Wood, 10th, fever J. Donr.van, 32d, ride, severe. Thomas Biggins. 69th, hip, severe. Tim. oJBrifn,0 J Brifn, 69tb, baud* severe. , Sergeant James Steward, 36% thigh, slight. Sergeant ,T. G. Barker, 86th, ancle, slight. Salmon, 12% arm, slight. John Hums, 17th, rhenmatism. Thomas Quinlan, 62d, hand, el’ght. Martin Connors, 40th, hand. Blight. Peter Bigler, 31st hand, severe. 51o«b Thomas, Ifiih, slight. James Shields 88th, hand, severo. Karl Ludlow, 7th, leg, Blight. Tim. Dryeell, 88% hand, severe. Chas. Mason, 724, baud, severe. John Nolan, 88% slight. O. G. Stillwell, 64th, elbow, pevere. Jacob Kline, 31st, band, severe. Henry M. Taf. 31ri, thigh, alight. H. Hrzzis, 69fh, hand, slight. . N. 51. Lambert, 27tb, wrist, slight Corp. I. T. Mathias, 14th. slight. A. Crof«, IOOIIu breast severely. David Farrell. 73d, hand, severely. Richard YaJenfioe, 12% foot. Bergt G. Stone, 16th, breast, severe. W. H. Madison, regiment not known, hand, severe. F. 51. Sullivan* 38% hpnd, sovero. ’ Lieut. E. G Northnp, alst, leg, sovere. August Meiiflv*, 13th, elbow, slight Oliver Kidd, 36th. hip, slight Sergt G. W. Bonmns, 44th, arm and side, t Tim. Slock. 38th, consumption. J. H. Jrrwilligier, face, severe. James Coggsarovo, 38tb, leg, slight Corp. B. RUdffPn, 44th, leg, slight. Jno. Carvuv, 34th, finger, slight ' Jno. Costell, 25% ana, slight Tbos. McNn'ty, 37th, arm, slight Jno. Kelly, 4?d. arm, slight. B. Ilanigan, 42d, a*m, slight sllch(i*l Wayland, 36th, broast sovere. Nicholas Sheridan 55th, slight. Charles W. Van Vo art, 18th, knoe, slight R. Higsin% 88% leg, slight. Wm Langley, 39th, shoulder, slight. P. Levis. 37% firgor, (flight. Corporal Jameo Ready, 37th. hand, slight. Charles G. Beau, 13th, shoulder, slight. P Lewis, 37th. finger, slight Jacob Wolf, 55th, bend, severe. sTax Webber. 18th. hand. Wm. Smith, 27tb. side, severe. John Lee, 61st, bend, severe. Wm. Gaines, 25th, bowels, severe* James Brady, 69% thigh, slight Corpora] Jr lm Sullivan; 3lst knee, slight Thomas Gilllespip, 57th, band, slight. Corp. Wm. Evan*, 40% band, severe. G. Bord, 55tb, hernia. James Tarrington, 55tb, side, slight. Pat Foot 13tb, thigh, slight. T. H. Sprague. 10% thigh, severe. Michael Fay, 88th, arm, severe. Thomas Sfarr, 88th, hand, severe. T. J- M. Jewell, 13th, head, slight. ' A. Thayer, 16% shoulder, severe. James Burk. 25% eaT'(vad bick, slight* W. B. McMarray. 10% foot, severe. Lewis M. Legro, 38th, arm, slieht Joseph Hosins, 65th, arm. slight. James Henry. 31st, shoulder, severe. Wm. Williamson* 71st, wrist, slight. Wm. Murphy, 31st, eve, slight. John Coonan, corporal, 16% eve, severe. L. Potter, 16th, shoulder, severe. Michael Wagner, 18th, elbow, slight. H. C. Frazier, 40th, knee, severe, Daniel Me Fay, 36% broast Michael Garvin. 09% leg, severe. John Hatch 69th, breast severe. Lieut 0 W. Mitchell. Ist, bock, severe. Wm. H. Belle, 16% hip, severe. • Adjutant W. M Wallace, Ist. thigh, sovere. Henry Smith, 44th*bowel« and leg, severe. Lieut W.’M Wood, 66th, shoulder, severe. S Sylverts Portor, sergeant, 334, shoulder, slight. W, Kennedy. 16% breast slight. Captain A. w. Shaffer, 44th, shoulder, severe. Jas. Parker, 16th, back, severe. Capt. B. T. Lauahan, 12th. arm, severe. J. McCarthy, 57tb, arm, severe. Elijah Yngau, 16% arm, slight. Henry Merritt, »6th. breast, severe. Corporal John F. Ray, 69th, baud, slight T. James Sibfoo. 73d, sick. Ed. MnUott, 32d, shoulder, slight, Jamos Vaughan, 27th.-hip, severe. ’ David Susee, 96th* sick. Sergeant J. B Tfker, 61st hand, severe. James Mahoney, sth. breast, severe. James Van Wasner. sth, back, severe. . James McGrath. Slat, back, tevere. Sergeant Frsncis Cassidy, 37tb, head, slight. Jacob Oopeuheimer, let, slight. Andrew Utz, Ist, hand, alight. Arvillc Gregory, 18th, arm, slight. Robert Courtney, 18th, .wrist, slight Wno. F. Ovorrcker, 5% sick. Geo. Wcorcp, s4tb» shoulder, severe. Wm. Gehiing, bog’er, Sth Artiflery, leg, slight. G. 0. Owen, 14% neck, slight Wm.B. Wilburn, 33d, hand, slight John Scott, 14th, hand, Blight. Daniel Frictone, Ist severe. G.TTsterman, Ist. shoulder, severe. Corporal J I>. McVerder, 27% slight -John Magee, 88th, slight Sergeant John Sharks, 88th, arm, severe. • Sergeant Pat J k Hagan, 88% hand, slight. Assistant Surgeon Mansfield. 92d, favor. John Tilmwn, 69th, breast, severo. Corporal Henry Smith, 81st, rick. A. F. Young, (Pst, side, severe. E. McGinnes, 63d, sick. C Lewis, 37th. hand, slight. Thomas MeAnara, thigh, slight C. Valentine, 70th, rick. Bergt. J. Brennan, 69% thigh, slight J. Wilson, 101b*, leg, slight John Duncan, 18th, sick. W. O’Donell, 87% hand, slight. Sergt James B. Dyrers, 88th, sick. William Ooibett, 12th, hand, slight. G. Klump, 87tb, hip, slight. Ber&t. William B. Todd, Slat, sick. Thomas H Severns, 73d. sick. George E. Yarnnall, 60th, foot Jsmes Allen, 34th, hand, severe. William Galvin, 2d, sick. John Lockran, arm, slight. Thomas Smith Kron, S2d, leg, slight Thomas Moore. S2d, breast Leroy Wright 12th, rick. John Pemhaules, 2d, riok. M F. Williams, 36% hand slight. E. 0 Briggs, 12tb, breftft. William W. Harrington, 12% baud, riight William K. Gore, 16% Biok. L. W. Beaidsloy, 16th, breast, severe. Hannon Smith. 31st, slight Henry Biker, 71et, sick.V Corporal William Tborber. 87% arm, alight J. B. Firth, 72d, arm, severe. Jemei Sprague, Ist, sick. Isaac Branch, 13th, shoulder, slight, Jacob Elene, 7th. arm, slight Jacob Misner, 7ib, hand, slight. Corporal A Howard, 32d, hand, Blight R. Keating 87th, sick. R H. Perkins, 43d, Blight. Pamnri Brown, 44th, rick. O. Jubbs, Glpt, sick* Sergeant Jobn Robinson, 61st, leg, slightly. Lewis Lanadnen,sth f sick. W. Colwell, 10th, sick. P. Griffin, sth, neck, severe. ‘ F. Sweenj, 12% band, sovere. M. Roach, 12% side, slight. ' Geo. Ransher, 14th, arm. slight. Geo. Scroflord, 14tb, arm, slight Wm. Hygint, 69rh, hand, slight. B. McNally, Ist slight. H. E. cieve, 10th, shoulder, slight. Jaß. Lowry, back, slight. MASSACHnSRTTS RSGIiIENTJS, . Captain Win. Bray, 29th Massachusetts, elbow, Slight. Lieut. Wm. G. Davis, 20% thigh, slight. Lieut. Col. Geo. A. Meacham, 16% arm, slight. Capt. Chas. E. Baud, Ist, fevor, Lieut. J. H. Proctor, Ist, fever. Capt. F H. Ward, Ist, fever. Private J. Coughlin, 9th, arm severe. Sergt. J. P. O’Hara, 9th, ancklc, sovoro, Obas. Lovett, Sth, arm, severe. Wm. E. Bower's, 9th, fever. Chas. O’Neill, 19% wrist, severe. ’ C R.-Blugrity, 30% bead, slight. Jolm A." Jarney, 10th. leg, alight, David Watson. 16% thunb amputated. Thomas Kirk, 36% fever. John Leuviiie, 16% arm, severe. P. McLaughlin fith, hand, slight. . Thos. O’Sulhvan, 16th, hand, two fingers amputated. Gdorge Tucker, 10% back, severe. Dennis CoHins, 9% foot, slight Dauitl O'Couijer, 19% left arm, amputated. Themasßrosbgaie, 22d, thigh, slight... T. A. Goodbm let, leg, slight. George Wheehr, Ist, Soger amputated. Corporal Charles L Brown, 16% shoulder, slight. John W. Soule, 10% shoulder, slight, B. H. 0. Godbrag, 22d, ankle, flight. Patrick Calahan, 11% side, slight. Joseph Bsray. 9fb, arm, severe. Nathan Cairnp, 9% leg, slight. Thomas Gibson, lOtb, loot, severe.: Ccrporal Daniel Mahoney, 29th, hand, slight. Sergeant James Ford. 20th, hand,'slight. James Miller, 22 J , hand, slight. Sergeant Henry Mowry, 221, side, Bfcvere. ; G. T. Blood, 22d, thigh, slight. Philip McKienan. 9th, leg, slieht. Thomas Mahcn. 9% srin, slight.' Sergt. John A, Randle, 22d, Bhoulder, slight.' - Jno. Carry, I6ih hand, Blight. ■ 5 • - ‘ Thomas Gaynor, 9th, back, slight. H. J. Nolen, 22d, hand, alight. D. B. Scalar, 35% hand, s'ight. Chas. E Lord, lllh, horse liick. * Sergt. Dual Walker, 22d, leg, slight. Danl. 0. Sullivan, llth, arm, tevere. * Tbos. Clifford, 9% bowels, slight. Jno. llecrry, 9tb. arm, severe. Rogr'ra, l»?h; Mp; severe. •' A, Ov Burley, 10th, breast, severe. . Jno. Thornton, 9% tbigo, riight. Jss N. Orwood, 19%'sick. Corporal G. A: Browe, 9fD, hand, slight. Cbatles Lyc>na*9% band, severe.’ • ': v '• J. Bay. 2?d, hand, severe. , - Jamra Gallagher, 9% groin, revere. ' - John Morris, 9th, arm am pul a ted. Corporal W A. Emerson, 16% arm, severe, John Kuue, 9th, arm, severe. Richard Maguire, 19% finger amputated. Corporal F. B. Leach, 19th. Charles H. Decie, 10th, head, slight, D P. Heawry, 30th, arm, slight. D. Derry, 19% hood, severe AlbertHeudly, 19th, thigh, slight. r Thomas Trainer. 22d, sick. B. Whitney, 20% rick. B. W. Dufnep,.7th, sick / John Goldman, 0% leg, slight. Edward Oliver, lltb, ancklv, slight. . . J hn’Morritv. 22*s disebarged. Corporal H. Danafer, 10% mouth, severe. John A. Gainey, llth, leg* Slight. v MICIIiaAN REGIMENTS. Idtut. Wm B. Roo, 36tb, fevor. Aflrifttaiit Surgeon A. J. Hobart, diarrheed, chronic. Capt. George 0. Hopper, Ist, side, severe. Capt George W. Grummand, Ist leg, slight. Capt. Wm. A. Throop, foot, alight. . George W. Acres, 4% arm, severe. Charles Walser, 4th, breast, slight -• Corporal Jsmes Black, Ist, knee, slight. Lieut. A. D. Borden, 3d, fever. Maj John D. Fairbanks, 6th, arm and breast, severe. Sorgt. Gen. A. Bolt, Ist, arm, slight. F. Meyghifte, 2d,-bip t slight. . * Wm. lst, finger, severo. John D. Jltclc. debility. Chas Wi ele. 4tb, shoulder, severe. . Melvin IJough ton, fith, haed, severe. O. E. Ford, let, hand, severo - - Geo. Beard, corpiiral, 16% side, slight. gGco. Houseman, 3d, foot, slight, McOlufeltway, sick. Orvin F. C«nvorw, 4th. leg, slight Albort Boyee, 4rh, side, slight. Janifs Seaton, 4% (hifih, slight; A. N Williams, 16th, shOuWor. R. H. CraDston, 4ih, shoultor, slight, Sergt. P- McFarlan,-7% leg, slight D. Eobee, 4lb, hip. severe. J. H. N»gle, Ist, leg, slight, Jehu Fromby, Ist, foot. 7fISCIfiLIiAKEOirS. V. Upp, Ist XJ. 8 ChaMKiura, shot, right shoulder. - A. J. Pmiih. 3d Qlassacbusetts, left shoulder. Corporal J. Harly, 4th U 8. Infantry, left hind, W. Wieku, 6th Vermont, loft arm. 'John Wood, 16th Michigan, (not stated). Colonel B. N. 3d Yermcnt, biliousfovtr. : Surgeon 4th Vermont* chronic diarrbeea. Surgeon Z E. BHbs, Ist Michigan, chruuio diarrhoea. Licul. Col. a. A. Btevens, 3d Michigan, f^ver. Lieut Col. Wheeler, 56th New York, fever. Major Sharp. 56th Bow York, intermittent fever. Sergeant 0. Brooks, 3d New York, shot In nock. D. J. filurpht, 2d New York, injured. Sergeant G. Knapp, 10th Massachusetts, arm. Corpora! M. Hcalv. lOth Majaaohusott)*, head. Lit lit. Crookwr, 42d New York, chronic dyssutory. Corporal L. Bobbins, 61st New York, sick. G. W. Bnow, 96th New York, Fever. J. J. Southard, 18ih Now York, shot in neck. Sergeant J; Noland, 69tb, left log. D. !■ yon, 16th Mrtßfiftchusetts, head, J. H. Scott, 70rh Massachusetts, head. J. H. Morrill. 10th Massachusetts, head, L»eut. G. H. Eggleston, Ist Michigan, head. A. Ingraham, 44ih New York. band. Det-nis Brody. 69th Now York, hand. H. C. Houston.-TOtb, neck. G. M. Broodwril, Ist Art., TJ. S. A . fever. James Connolly, 49th New York, fever. _ Thomas Fremnn, 2d Tnfantry, U. S-A. thigh. James Edwo’dp, fith New York, shot, month. Bergt. J. G. Bnrrcb, 2d Michigan, right shoulder. John Farrell. sth Michigan, hand. Jacob WesN 85th Pennsylvania, thigh. Lieut J. McFadden, 16th Now York, 1e; amputated. L. A. B« o, 14ih New York, shot in hand. ' John L. Morse, Ist Lotig Island, arm. Be**geant Win, Barnes, 34th New Yo> k, arm amputated. Cbss. W. flecker, 4th Michigan, thigh. Major H. M. Robertson, Gen. Barry’s staff, feYer. E. M. Martindale, aid tb Gan. Bflartindale, fever. Corporal Henry Kimball, 6th Vermont, finger ampu tated. John Boyle, 6lh Vermont, arm, slight. A. Hind, 2d Maine, ibigh, slight. F. Bkioner, 14th Infantry, hand, severe. Wm. R. Albert, sth AitOlery, hand amputated. Wm. Troy, 14th Infantry, thigh, slight.- Corporal J. D. Hay. Ist Berdan Rifles, foot, slight.' Thomas Loftus, 14th Infantry, chest, severe. B. Davis, sth Infantry, leg. George. Cook, Gih N. H., arm, slight. John Maygar, 2d Delaware, rheumatism. John Maguire,- Ist Chasseurs, hood, slight. Sergeant Joeeph Hansen, 14th Infantry, head, severe. Michael Stone, 2d N. H., finger. A. Richardson, 20th Indiana hand, thumb amputated. Corporal D. ft. ftprinkor, 20th Ind., baud, ssveie. Sergeant G Zimmerman, sth Artillery, log. Jobn Stone, 2d N. H., severe. Henry Maith n, 14th Infantry, side, severe. , Charles Shelty, 12th Infantry, breast severe. W. J Beiies, Ist Long 1.-land, atoulder, severe. 0. A. Lov'joy, sth New Hampahire, fiuger, sevoro. George Walcott. 4th Infantry, arm, slight, Edgar Bullard, 6ih Vermont, thigh. J: Richardson, 20tb Indiana, shoulder, severo. George W. Johnson. 20th Indiana, shoulder, severe. John Goughian, 12th Infantry, thigh, severe. Albert Hustin 14th Infantry, arm, slight. Edw. Fmbert, 20ih Indiana, sick. . Patrick Doyle, 2d Infantry, leg. John C. Dolan, 14th Infantry, thigh alight. B. Batch, 6th Yormont, sick. Frank McCanna, 2d Rhode Island, sick. C. R J. Killund, 3d Vermont, sick. -- ' Tbos. Maynard, fith Vermont, sick. Adam C. Grodwin. band, severe. J. Littlefield, 6th Maine,^liapd, severe, Tbos. B. Stone, fith Maiuo, side, slight. ‘ Chas. B. Randolph, s»h Maine, finger amputated. Augustus Cushman, sth Maine, arm, severe. Wm. Arga, OthVetmont, arm (.light. Wn». Deveron, fith Maine, band, slight, • Bobt Wright. 14th Tnfantry, head, severe. Corporal M. Dougherty, sth N. Hump., baud, slight. A J. Whittamnre, 6th Maine, sick. , Thos Rentier. 12th Infantry, hip, slight. Michael Cnliihan. 10th Infantry, arm, slight. Webster Fuller, Bfh Illinois Cavalry.. John Tbsumie. 2d A'tiflory, arm, severo. Robert Hart, First Sergeant, Ist Cav., arm. O. Carler, 4ib Vermont, Bick. A. J Ft h, fith, sick. 11. Church, 3d Maine, sick. iTaWhitlp, fith New Hampshire, hand, slight. Walter Hipp, 2d Michigan, Bick. Daniel Sprout Sib Malno. H. ,T. Emory, 2d Maine, shoulder. C. A. Leonard, 20th Massachusetts, thigh. Corporal Ladoughoy, 3d Now York, shot in hip. . Fergeant L. Godwin, fith Maine, leg. E. Burd, IOUt New York, hand. C. Daily, Otto Massachusetts, leg. H. Glover, 2-2 d Massachusetts, arm and leg. Lapnoam, IBih Now York, hand, slight. M.,l6(h Michigan, shot in shoulder. Sergt S. P.'Atkinson, Dt Long Island, ankle and foot. Corporal J Hamilton, 40th New York, baud. Corporal W. B. Hether, 2d Vermont, wound in leg. Jas* Greenow, Ist Duih’d States Artillery, hurt in rids. P- Kelhergb- 69th New York, shot in hand. Edgar Beer, 55th New York, shot in finger. John Nonan, 42d Now York, shot in Unger. Edw, Bex-nett, 44th New York, shot in thigh, slight. Jobn Sullivan, 69th New York, hand. John Oalgerty, 69th New York, thigh. Patrick Cummings, 69th New York, hand. Edward O’Brien, 69th Nsw ; York, hand. John Nolan, 69th New York, shoulder, James Fee, 69th New York, wrist. .. , M. Murray, 69»h New Yoifc, band. - M. Maxwell, Bth New York, thigh. Jacob Lewis, Ist Rhode Island Artillery, foot. Amos Carter, 44th New York, shoulder. A. Hammond, 71st New York. hand. J. Waneu. 2d New York Militia, hand. By Frick, Ist Michigan, finger, p. 0. Daily, 70th New York, shattered hand. Ed. Earner, 16th Massachusetts, do. Michael Corcoran. 101st New Tork, arm. H. Bipspep, lOtb New Tork, knee. Jobn Shameen. 88« b New York, arm Peter Bandell, 55tb New York, heart. Lt. H G. Gcodaue, 18tli New York, month, Lieut. D- 8. Root, 31 Michigan, right arm. Capt A. I. Root, 12 h New York, leg. Lieut C H Davis, Ist Massacunsettr, sick, i Capt John Roberts, 3d New York. hand. Capt. Henry White, 27ih New York, thigh aud arm. 8. B. Beaty. 40th right arm. Geovge A Brambell, 4th Maice, left hand, - James Murphy, 71»t New York, kicked by ahorse* Aaron Tuston, Ist Michigan, eye. M. Smith, 37ih New York, hard. Wm. H-'Evennan, 20th Indiana, fingor. W. Patton. £7tb Now York hand. Lieut. 11. Grooett, Now York Artillery, hand. Darnel Edwards, 7th Pennsylvania, hand. Dennis Sullivan, 2d United States Artillery, leg. Napoleon Bush, sth Vermont, elbow. Robert Lntas, 16»h New York, shoulder. John Boriy. lat/New York, arm. Dauiel Griffin, Ist United States Artillery, hurt, side. John Mitchell, 16th New Tork, woundtd, left arm. G. Bnrgtmdy, 20th Massachusetts, sick. Capt. It. M. Peck, Ist New York, left groin. W. E. LenibArge, 4'.U Michigan, hand and ankle. Lieut. E T. Little, 62d Pennsylvania, thigh. Capt. I, Lynch, 2d United States Infantry, right leg. w. C. Borloy, 27th New York, rheumatism. Bicbaid Duflin, 20th Moseachusstts, leg. E. E. Undt rwood, 6th TJ. 8. Infantry, left fingers. P. Monday, 6%'United States Infantry, rick. A. Arnold, 6\h United States Infantry, head. J. M. Larkit.B, 3d Maine, Uft shonlder, Jas Gill, 3d U. S. Infantry, left haud, shoulder, and face. F. Hartman. 21st New York, right arm. 8. Gurney,l4th Now York, right arm. F, Beane, 2d MaHsachusette, injured. O. Moyer, 2d Maine, shot in head* B. Reger, 65th New York, left leg. A. D. Siraw. slh New Hampshire, in hand. M. Began, 9th ln hand.' Allen Luther, sth New Hampshire, in band. L. 'Worden, lfcth Massachusetts, right hand. Wm. Preßton, 26th Pennsylvania, right hand. F. Johnson, 87th Now York, Bick. J. Strauss, 25th Now York, sick. B. Gauman, 12th New Jersey, shot in mouth, . S. Butler, 2d United States Infantry, knee. H. Sbfrman, 19th Msesacbosetst, hand. D. P. Keif, 2d New Jersey, heed. A. Balder. 7th New Jersey, left foot. Sergeant J, M Dogg, sth Massachusetts, hand. John Gillen, 6th’ N» w Jersey. J. H Sharp, 29th Massachusetts, left hand. J. Droggen, lot New York, sick. John Brown, fith Now York, leg. J. Blythe, 5Ui New York, no casualties mentioned. **Sergeant A. Webstbr, 61st New York, tkigh. C. P. Shepard, Berdan’s Ist New York, side. A. Keyaer, 44th New York, leg. A. A. Languish, 3d New York, hip. ’Wihiem Graham, 12th New York, knee. . P. Smith, 10th Massachusetts, foot. D. Gambridge, Ist Muaeachnsetts, injured. J. Bali, 69th New York, side. J. Bishop. 83d Pennsylvania, sick. - C. Fuller, 9th Massachusetts, arm.’ Henry Low. 4th Michigan, shoulder. George J. Price,l6th Michigan, elbow. Newton Titus, 14th New York, hand and wrist. K. B. Arthou, 3d Michigan, band. Thomas Buchanau, 73d New York, hand. Eergeant S. P. Gross, 2d Maine, lBg. H. Barnard* 100th New York, wrist. A. Chamber, 10th Massachusetts, shonldfr. H. Burnes, 2d New York, diseaso of heart. D. Dell, sth Now Hempi hire, hand. H. Clark, 34th New York, baud. F. Rvwe, Jr, 4th Maine, band. J. M. Servio, 15th Massachusetts, right shoulder, M. Kelly, Ist U, 8. Artillery, knee. . • R. McCormick, Ibl Chasseurs, elbow and hip.. John Llddle, 81st New York, shoulder. G. W. Dick, 2d U. 8. Infantry, rick. Thomas H. Cotporan, 16ch Massachusetts, nose. John E. Donnell, 11th Massachusetts, nose. Gerald Holland, 7th New Jersey, hand.: L. Kliiußchimdh, 7th New Jersey, knee. , C. D. Rstz, Lt Meseachusotts, haud. “Wm. Hinkle, 62d New York, both hands. H. H. Afit, 44th New York, Bide. F. Farr, let New York, it jurod. - D. Sister, Ist New York, aim. Corp. A. Hendrici, 10th Mass, sick, F. Cnrwin, 9tb Maes, rheumatism. B. A. Sawyer, 2U Delaware, liip. J. Morpbey, 63d New York, neck. J. F. Bowen, sth New York, arm. M. Madden, 42d New Yoik, hand. : C. S7tli Now York, hand. H. Gallagher 37th Ntw York, hand. "Wm. A. Bownty, 24 New Hampshire, hand, J. S. SullJvaD, sth New Hampshire, hand, Patrick Herr, 2d New York, side. Sergt. 8. Davis, 25th New York, side. D. McDougbal O. Newport, 1031 Now York, arm. J. M. Hioder, s»h Vermont, arm. Patrick Dunn, 69ih New York, head and hand. J. Newman, 4’li Regulars, under eye. J. C. Leygbt, 2d Vermont, injured. H. H. Cole, Ist Michigan, head. Lieut. Junes, 44th New York, side* Sergeant John Kelley, Ist New Yoik, side. Corporal R Gler, 12th New York, bip. Sergeant J. B. Dickey, 64th New York, back. L. B. Dodge, 61st New York, neck. Corporal F. Mcßeady, 12th Now York, elbow. John 0. Bryan, 14th New York, arm. - W. fudson, Isr Massachnseits, cheek. H. Hennan, 25th New York, hip. J. Fitzgerald, J2th New York, leg. J. F. Borman, 9th Massachusetts, abdomen. Wm. Love,l2tb Now York, arm. James Ot nctll, l-lth Cnitod States Infantry, shoulder. Capt 0. R. Nowlee, 97th New York, fovei. Ohuplain J. R Adams, sth Maine, fever. Tilburn Howe, 15th Maseachnsetts, arm. 0. Durkin, 9th Massachusetts head. F. Canow. 2d New York, kidneys. M/Nolan, 37th New. York, abdomen. G. Mack, 23d New York, rheumatism.- M. Cnlvanngb, 27th tllaino, haud and side. , L, L. Griffin. 2d New York, hand. . F. It. Reid, 84th New York, hand. Corporal J. G. Dorau, 4th Nt w York, fever. ‘ F. JUiiler, 10th Michigan, spine. : ' Anderson Wbtaron. 7th Pe&nsylvania, arm. D. Johns, 14th New York, head. Lieutfianth. D. Edgholy, fith Michigan, shoulder. M. Catty, 12lh Now York, atm. Wm. Moore, 20th New York, head. George Iviosley, 10th Michigan, arm. Lieutenant M. A. Clark, 28tb New York, diarrhoea. M. Cary, 6th United States Infantry,'ankle. J LYParln-, 6th Vermont, finger. E. A\. Carlisle. 6th Vermont, log. J. E. Allen, 3td New York, breast. Sergeant H. HI. Oulfren, 441 h hew York, head. J. B. Meson, 44iU Now York, ankle. J. J. Held, Ist Michigan, injured. W, Verickoo, 9th Massachusetts, shoulder. Fi Hughes, Ist New Jersey, mouth.^ D. Builivan, 9tb filaseachusotts, leg • H. Enbbord, Ist Michigan, hip. C. Foster, 16th New York, head. A; 0. Andrews, 20th Indiana, back. J. Bull, 36ih New York, hip. * E. Mow, 16th New‘York, thigh. ; J. Kelley, 31st New York, hand. E. 1 enon, 16th MasßachuHrits, arm. H. Sheiroan, 2d Maine, side. G. Weisgerber, 65rh Now York, onklo. J. H. Croetman, 14th Now York, thigh. Corporal S. 8. Fuller, fith United States, side. John Feiiell, sth Michigan, finger. C. Church, fith New Hampshire, John T. Wilion, 08th Now York, foot. A. Whoelan, 85th New York, rick. M-fioxton, 40lh New band. J. S. Lat'gsnaid, 3d Ytrmont, hip. M J; Welle. 73d New York, foot. . 33d New York, arm. ‘ Wm. Atlflus, 14th flew York, log. THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JULY 7, 1862. ; H. H. Hatch, 34 Vermont, sick, J. Geffrey, llth Massachusetts, aide. P. Timmins, 691 b New York, arm, W. K:m, lift New York, eyes. > J. RUey, 36th Now York, leg, W. H, ftims, 34ih New York, thigh. M. W. Carroll, 72d New York, hand. W. Ward, 43d Now York, hand. J. Rolls, 7th Michigan, arm. O. Markle, Ist New Jersey, head. It. McNeolv. 27th New York, thigh. H Fales, 4th Mflioe, Hbdotueu. A. Bancker, Sth New York, knee. •G. W. Powhli. 2d Vermont, hip. , G. 8. Burley, 22d Maesacbusetta. hip. Jobn EUswoilh, Ist Maspachusetts, neck. G. Bompold. 7ih Now York, ehouldor. H. Spear, sth Vermont, bip. . 8. B. Wallace, 4ith New York, leg, . F. Spencer, 9th Massachnsete, shoulder. L. E. Koons, 22d Massachusitts, elbow. P. Keyes, let Now York, upper lip. 8. Swind, 18th Now York, Foot. B. J. Traner,3let New York, head and neck. A. Beebee. 7tn Michigan, hand. B. Hill, Ist Ohawenrs, head. W. Fayloy, 66th New York, rheumatism. 6. A - Ccob, 44% Now York, arm. 0. T. Spoucer, fith New Hampshire, arm. , v F. W. O'ark. 10th Mttsfiacbuflette, hand. - J. J. Burdick. 96tli.New York, tapeworm. Lewis Conod, 2d Delaware, thigh. John Bennett, 6th Now Jersey, teg. A.*L. Bartholomew, 3d Vermont, arm. N. Kingsbar, 3d Vermont, hip. M. A. Paddock, 3d Vermont, band. G. C. Covfth 3d Vermont, arm. Corporal W. Hamilton, tt-L United States InUy, hand.. Johu Newman, 42d New York, finger.. Fred. Geieeking, 72d Now York, arm. : A. G. P. Brown, 03d Now York, rheumatism. Joß.McMahr>D,B3dNowYorkvband,- Robert H. Black, 2d New York, atm. . F- J- Gui'd, 4th Vermont, hand. Bichard Coway, 9th shoulder.] Jobn Corr, 9rh Masßachuiolls, brooat. Ed. GflU. 9th Massachusetts, hip. > - M. 0. lUey, 9th Massachusetts, thigh. Pat. Sutter. 37th New York, rhenmatipm. John Johnson, Ist Now York, arm. . Jas. \Y. Dicker, sili Now York, wrist. Geo. 5. Terrance, 8d Excelrior, mouth. Capt G. W. Deltou, 9:h Massachusetts, both thighs. L. Warao, 12th U. 8 Infantry, arm and shoulder. Tims, Peters, 4lh Infantry, elbow. • D. J. Cole, 7th Michigan, h<ao. J. M. Wellman. 2d Now Hampshiro, back. Paml. Crawford,-25th New York, head. T. Breese, sth Michieau, shoulder. W. W. Henry, Ist Michigan, side. Lieut. C. E. Clausen, 10th New York, liver. T. McLaughlin, 4th New Jersey, hand and shoulder. : M. Fennigau. sth United Statos Cavalry, arm. O. F. Bates. 2d United States BegularF, haud. . C. Wayer, 98th New York, hip G F. Allen. 92d New York, erysipiles. 8. Ellis, Gih Vermont, hand. ' J. Grouwend, 4tb Now JerseT, hack. Sergt. E. Banuack, fith New Jersey, eye. ' W. IT. Palm* r. 6Uh New York, hand. J. Qriinn, 57th New York, left baud. W. Folsom, sth WißConsio,'fever. S. Roley, sth New York, arm. > 8. Crofert, 6Ut New York, arm. J. B. Wbliman, I6th Nevr York, shoulder. A Ca&tny, S>7tb New York, ride. • M. Holdritr. 3d Michigan, foot. Capt. H. Bml, 34th U. S. A, leg. G. A. Bramhbll, 4 h Maine, hand. ' E. Kleod, 22d Massachuaftts, head. J. Johnson, 14th New York, baud. « T. Donsrr, 55th New York, foot. F. Brown, 10th Massachusett?, hand. T. Dflrritr, sth New Hampshire), band, . G. Grell, Bth Pennsvlvania, arm. C. Buptaljng, C6th Now York* back. C. Knapp, 2d Maine head. C. Lsauy, 6lst New York, thigh. Sergt. M. Moorary, 14th New York, hand. O. Stewart, lOtb Pennsylvania,, knee. _ P. O.jfoirk,2d New York, rick. J. O. Connor, 22d New York, hand. J. McNally, 37th Now York, hand. *r. Mulligan, 25th New York, foot. M. Lte, : 25th New York, leg,' E Carr, Ist * oug Dlflnd, leg. G. Prentis*. 10th M assachusatts, foot. L. King, 27th Now York, foot. 11. J. Smith. 10th New York, leg. s Sergeant* Major Vaughn, lri; Long Island} leg. C. Mott. 4th Michigan, Bhoolder, R. B Mason, 2d ftlichigaD, shoulder. Jd. Sullivan, 6th United States infantry, baok. J. Stolen, 14(k New York. feet. Corporal 0. A. WaolrufF, 27th Now York,kneo. M. T Clemens, 7ih ftlichigau, left shoulder. F. Pierce, 16th Michigan, hip. 8. Stone. 66th New York, hand. A. Lorimor, 6th United States Infantry, knee, The following is a list of patients reoeived from th Hjgeia hospital at Fortress Monroe, The casualties are not stated : W. Gaff, 2d Pa. Reserve corps. James A. Thompson, 2d Pa. Reserve corp?. ‘William H. Biers, 2d New Jersey, *• Elijah Fields, 12*h New Jersey. - James H. WardeD, 2d New Jersey. . 8. M. Dmm, Bth Pennsylvania. William H. Nuly, 9ih Pennsylvauiaßesorve. J. Buert insth Pennsylvania, left hand. - William Hall, 3d Pennsylvania, left arm. E. M. Thompson,loth Pennsylvania, etbow. 0. W. Shcbort,2o Pennsylvania, chin* M. Savage, fith New Jersey, rboumatism. B. Sand, New Jersey, rheumatism, v > F. H-Brow. 69th Peuneylvania, right arm. Enos Bnsb, sth Pennsylvania, rheumatism. J H.'Bowman, 72<1 Pennsylvania,disease oflungs. J. McAnzmlty, 63d Ponnßylvauia, throat. Lieut 0. Pbipp, 10th Pennsylvania Reserves, thigh. Jacob P. West, 85th Pennsylvania, thigh. Major H M. BohertaoTi, General Barry’s staff, fever. E M Martindale, aid to General Martindale, fever. . Bernard Dugau, 8d New York. John Lank, 4th New York. John Reardon, 14tlv Is fantry. Andrew Pinden, 3d New York. William Walker,-2d Infantry. William F. Delile, 7th Maine. AViliiam Simpson, 32d New York. Fied. Billeman, 32d New York. Patrick o’Go*roan, 2d Infantry. 3 homes Cordock, 14th Infantry. Frank C. Barlow, I2th Infantry. Andrew Doran, 9rh Massachusetts. Wm Mcyre, lOih New York Ira Whittle. sth Now Hampshire. A. Atkins, sth Now York. M. C. Cary, 7th Maine. E. May, 12th Infantry. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. BAM. W. DR OOUBtRY, ) JAMES 0. HAND, } Oomvittsb of thh Uoxrn. J. B. LIPPINOOTT, i LEXTER BAGS . At th* Merchants 3 Btcchmng* 3 Philadelphia, Ship Wm Cummings, Willar * .Liverpool, soon- Ship Frank Boult, Morse Liverpool, soon Bark * homos Dallett, Dili.... ....Lagu tyro, soon Bark L‘Johnson, Johnson..*. .Cape of Good Hopo, soua Brig Mary E Thompson, Havener Barbados, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, July 7, 1862. BUN 81885...........4 39—SUH OBTB. ....7 30 HIGH WATER.. 10 21 Brig- Sea Lark, O’Niel, 10 days from Key W«Bt, via Port Royal, in ballast to J E. Bazley & Co. Bchr Halo, Newman, 4 days from Newburyport, with mdse to Geo B Kerfoot. - Schr Rebecca, 5 days from Stono Inlet, in bal last to captain. Schr T P McColloy, Carter, I day from Camden, Del, with corn to Jas Barratt A Bon. Bchr Tandalia. HiUy&rd, 1 day from Smyrna, Dri, with corn to Jas Barratt A Bon. Bchr Cera, Maaten, 1 day from Brandywine, Del, with flour to B H Lea. Schr Ben, Hickman, 8 days from New York, in ballast to D 8 Btetson A.Oo. Schr D N Richards, Joy, 4 days from New Bedford, In ballast to captaio. • Schr Medora, Chase, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to captain Schr T P Car tor, Mattson, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with oats to Jas Barratt & Son. Echr E L B Wales, Hoffman, from Fortress Monroe. Schr E T Smith, Smith, from Boston. Schr Montevuo, Falkenburg, from Boston. Schr J H B»rtlett, Bocbhill, from Boston. Schr Wm Wallace, Campbell. from. Boston. Schr 0 Merrick, Montgomery, from Boston. Scbr N Holmes, Hewott, from Providence. Bchr 8 B Abhmead, Young, from Norwich. Schr D Morris, Hoover, from Norwich. Schr C 0 frniith, Smith, from Norwich. Schr Hannah Matilda, Price,'from Port Royal. Bcbr A Jennings, Lake, from Lynn Schr B 4 E Steelman, Camp, frow New Haven. Bcbr Isabel, Taylor, from Huntersport. Schr 0 Williams, Golding, from Danversport. Steamtug Gen McClellan, Boyce, 9 hours from Berlin, Md. haviig towed thereto wrecking schr Florence to the assistance of tbe brig John Ohrystal, before reported asbora. The cargo of the J 0 had been got out in good condition, and shipped to Philadelphia. The vessel hod not sustained any injury, and would be got off. Ship New England, Edge, Ship Island, P Wright & Sons. - Bark Old Hickory, Mead, Belfast, Ireland, Barton & Clement - Schr Romp. Stanley, Ameabury Point, 33 A Souder & Co. Schr ELD Woles, Hoffman, Fortress Monroe, Tyler, Stone & Co. Schr J Satterthwaite, Haloy, Boston, Wannemachcr & M&xflold. Scbr Monievue, Falkenburg, Boston, Castner, Stickney A Wellington. Scbr D Morris, Hoover, Norwich, do - Schr 0 Williams, Goldiug, Danversport, ' do Schr J«s H Stroup, Foster, Fall River, do Schr E T Smith, Smith, Boston, J R Blakiston. Scbr R& E Steelman, Camp. Providence, do Schr N Holmes, Hewett, Providenco, B Miluos & Co. Scbr 6 B ABbmead, Young, Norwich, do Schr C 0 Smith, Smith, Norwich, do Schr J H Bartlett, EockhiU, Salem, do Schr H Matilda, Price, Amesbury, L Audenriod & 00. Schr A Jeuulnge, Lake, Lynn, Bancroft, Lewis & Oo.' Sebr Wm Wallace, Campbell, Weymouth, Sinniokson & Golvcr. . ' Scbr.C Merrick, Montgomery, Norfolk, Hammett, Tan Dusen & Locbman. Schr Isabel, Taylor. Pawtuckot, & Bro. Str Vulcan, Morrison, New York, W A Baird & Co. , M OUNT MOBIAH CEMETEKY. This ground Is looatod a few yards off tho Darby road, about the same distance from the city as Laurel Hilt, and is beautifully situated on the highest point of ground for miles around. . „ Its soil Is admirably adapted for the purpose designed being high and dry. The publio are invited to examinf its claims before purchasing elsewhere. Genoral and sectional plans may be examined at the Where any further Information will be oheerfuUy af forded by the agent. * \ DESIBABr,E LOTS, AT LOW PBIO3CS, AND ON LIBERAL TEEMS, Are now in the market, some of them (n sections juri opened, having hitherto been held in reserve. OrFion Hotjhs from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M., and cither be* fore or after those hours, at tho roaldonoc of the under* signed, . No. 314 NORTH TENTH STREET. GENERAL AGENT. N. B Conveyance to and from the Cemetery for Such as desire to purchase. .. myl6*2m /Ot. “THOMSON’S LONDON JEmI KITCHENER ” —We are now manufacturin# “THOMSON'S LONDON KITOHENER, ,, oj EUROPEAN RANGE; suitable for large and small families, hotelß, hospitals, and other publio institutions. In great variety. Also, Portable Ranges, tho “ Philadel phia Range,” Gas Ovens, Bath Boilers, and Cast»ircE Sinks, together, with a great variety of small and large, sized Hot-air Furnacos, Portable Heaters, Fire-board Stoves, Low-down Grates, &o. Wholesale and Retail only at our Warerooms. NOBTH, CHASE, & NORTH, No. 209 North SECOND Street, jefi-Sm four doors above Race street- riOTTON SAIL DUCK AND CAN \J VAB, of all numbers and brands. Raven’s Dock Awning Twills, of all descriptions, lb» Tents, Awnings, Tranks, and Wagon Covers. Also, Paper Manufacturers’ Prior Felts, from Ito S bet wide. Tarpaaling, Belting, Sail Twine, Ao. JOHN W. EVER WAN A 00., 101 JOSHS AUty. ARRIVED. CLEARED. OFFICE, No. 128 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, FREDERICK. A. VAN CLEVE* COPARTJVERSHIPS; "VTOTICB—The Copartner;hip hereto- J_i fore existing between tlio underaigued, uu tor tbo firm of PUATT A HEATH, has been dissolved by its own limitation, and by mutual consent. D. T. PRATT is alone Authorized to collect the out standing debts, and to use the firm uatue iu liquidation. D. T. PRiTT, B. B. BI3ATH, W. G. BILLIN. J) t. prattT (SUCCESSOR TO rnATT & ICEATH,) . IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN WATCHES, JEWELRY, PLATED WARE, &c. Has removed from N. W. calmer Fiftk ancl Market Sts. to No. 607 CHESTNUT STRET, Where he offers for salo a PULL ASSORTMENT OP GOODS pertslniogto the WATCH BUSINESS Dealers are solicited to examine the stock. - . . jys-t3X .A CARD.—We have this day asso- JTX. ciated With us W. L .TIMER SMALL, in the PRODUCE, MILLING, HARDWARE,andGROiUBV Buniupsa. The businopa will still bo continued in the namn of P. A & S SMALL. P. A. & S. SMALL. Yobx, Pa. t July 1, 1862. ■fiISfeOLUTION —The firm of MOR XJ RlB L. HALLOWRLL & CO. U THrS DAY dissolved consent. Tho burinoss will bo tct-. tied by tbe new firm of M; L. HALLOWELL A 00. MORRIS L. HALLOWELL, JAMBS TRACiUATR, JOSHUA L. HALLOWRLL. THOMAB W. SWTSNEY, ENOOn R. HUTCHINSON, WILLIAM P. HALLOWELL, ABRAHAM RITTER; T BUSSBLL DAWSON. Philadslphia, 7th mo. 1,1862. /COPARTNERSHIP. The under- Vy signed have THIS DAY formed a pArtnershio for tho transaction of tbe SILK and FANCY DRY GOODS business, at- No. 616 CHESTNUT Street, undor tho firm of U. li. HALLOWELL ft.oo. MORRIS.L. HALLOWELL, JOSHUA L. HALLOWELL, ENOCH R. HUTOftlN3‘>N, WILLIAM P. HALLOWELL. PHH.AJ>BLPniA, 7th mo. 1, 1862. jy2-6t rpilE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS JL DAY formed a Copartnership under the firm of DAWSON, BRANSON, A CO., for travtmetin* tho SILK and FANCY DRY GOODS JOBBING buslnrae. at the Northwest comer of MARKET and FIFTH. Streets, T- BUSSELL DAWSON, ORLANDO BRANSON, ' JACOB G. BOMGARDNER. PniLioKLPniA, July 1, 1862. jy2-12t# J AMES McPADDEN - has an interest ’in our business from this date. • ■ FARNHAM, KIEKHAM, A CO. JOI.T 1,3862; : - JyL6l* IVTOTIOE.—MR. WM. K. HEMP II HILL’S interest in oar;house ceased on tho Slat T ■JELLS & 00., 118 HORTII WHARVES. May. jyl-lm . —The nn dersigned have this dav fornuvl a Oopartnerabip, un> derthe name and firm BWURY, A;>!0 * for the frauFuctloo of (lie WHOLESALE BILR AND*FANOY DRY GOODS BUSINESS, at Nos. 527 MARKET and t 24 OOMMRRO# Streets.: GEORGE W. JOHNES, WILLIAM H. BKRBY, WILLIAM H. HURLEY, . v FRANCIS B. ABBOTT. Philadelphia, July lßt, 1862. < j/l-12t DISSOLUTION OP PART. NERSHIP.—The Partnership heretofore existing as PFTILH. COOK, A 0(b, is thlsday dissolved by limi tation, and by mutual consent. The business of the firm will bo settlod by the undersigned E. G. DUTILH, SAMUEL 0. OOOK. Pitiladelpiiia, June $O, 1862. SAMUEL C. COOK "will continue the AUCTION AND COMMISSION J-UUNBSS at the old stand, No 124 South FROND Street, above Walnut. . jyl-12t THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing undor tbe firm of BIHGEL, BAIRD, A CO., Irithis day dissolved. PETER SIEGER, D. B. ERVIN, JACOB BIBGEL, H. 8. FISTEU, WM ft. BAIRD, JOSIAH BIBGEL, - JOHN WIEST. Junk 30. • jyl-6vr WTOTICE OP LIMITED PARTNER- X.T SHIP.—Tbe subscribers hereby give notice that they have entered into a limited partnernrhip, agreeably to tbe provisions of the several lav™ of the Comm-jn vrealth ot Pennsylvania relating to limited partnerships. Thai tbe name of the firm under which said partner ship is to be conducted is KIEGEL, WIE3T, & ER VIN.. .. That the general nature or the business intended to be transacted is the Importing and. Jobbing of Dry Goods. That the names of the General and Special Partners, all of whom reside in the city of Phliadelchia, are JACOB RINGED, General Partner, '-residing at 527 North Sixth street; JOHN WIEST, General Partner, residing at 322 Now street; D. B. ERVIN, General Partner, residing at 1515 Girard avenue; HENRY S. FIB 3 EB, General Partner, reading at 416 North Tbird street; JOSIAH ItIEGEL, General Partner, residing at 416 North Third street; PETER- SIEGER, Social Partner t residing at 717 North Eighth street; WM. 3. BaIRD, Special Partner, residing at the Continental Hotel. That the aggregate amount of the capital contributed by-the Special Partners to -the common stock is One Hundred Thousand Dollars,, of which’Fifty Thousand DoUarfi in cash has beeu «o contributed, by Peter Sieger, Special and Fifty Thousand Dollars in oaehhas been ho routiibuted by Wm. S. Baird. Special Partner. Thattbo said partuereliip is ;o commence on the first day of July, A. D/1862, and is to terminate on the first da) of January, 1865. JACOB SIEGEL, ) JOHN WIE9T, I D. B. ERVIN, V General Partners. HENRY S. FIBTEB, f ... JOSIAH BIBGEL. J PETEK SIEGER, > a-a-joj Partners jyl.6vr WM. 8 BAIRD, i bp6CIW rartno ”* ■VTOTICE. —The Copartm rship hereto- JLrii fore existing between OH ABLE 3D. KLINS and EDWABD W. IVINS, is this day dissolved bv mutual consent, the said EDWABD W. IVINS retiring from tbe firm.. The old business will be arranged, and new business conducted at No. 116 WALNUT street, by • J. N. KLINE, Agent. HOTELS. pOWERS' HOTEL, Nob. IT and X 9 PARK HOW, (OPTOBITBTHBASTORHOUBIj) NEW YORK. TERMS 51.60 PER DAT. This popular Hotel has lately been thoroughly reno vated mid refurnished, and now possesses all the read titoeof a FIBST-OLASB JIOTXL. The patronage of Philadelphians and the travelling public, desiring the best acoomodations and moderate ohargee, is respectfully solicited. - jea-3m H. L. POWERS, Proprietor. A CARD.—THE UNDERSIGNED, late of the GIFARD HOUSE, Philadelphia, have leased, for'a term of years, WILLARD’S HOTEL,'- ta Washington. They take this occasion to return to their Old friends and customers many thankt»for post favors, and beg to assure them that they vrlll be most happy to •ee them in their new auarters. SYKES, CHADWICK* A 00. WjLßHTZftvrnv. July 16. 3881. CABINET PURffITURE. fiABINET FURNITURE AND BIL LIABD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, No. 361 South SECOND Street, iu connection with thoir extensive Cabinet Business tat bow mauulocturinc a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, And have now on hand a fall supply, finished with th« UOOBB & CAMPION’S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced, by all who have used them, to be euporior to all others. Tor the quality and finish of these tables the manu laoturers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of theto irorV;- . . • ■• w ■ FIREWORKS. TjURE CRACKERS.—SOO boxes Gold J? Chop No: I Fire Crackers. Oranges and Lemons, in prime order, for sale by - RHODES A WILLIAMS, . jelß No. 107 South WATER Street EXPRESS COMPANIES. fffftmmrfflFf the adams ex* PRESS COMPANY, Office 3S< CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Her* abandtse, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own Uneeor in connection with other Express Companies, tr all tbe princlpal. Townaand Cities of the (Jolted Statec ». S, JANDFGRD, MP Gauersi^RnperirttandettA S. SMITH. F. O’NEILL. STEAM FITTING. SAMUEL BMITH A CO., S'iEAM AND GAS FITTERS AND PLUMBERS, No. 515 CHESTNUT Street, opposite Independence Hall) Philadelphia, aro prepared to Introduce Apparatus for heating Manufactories Storeo, Churches, Greenhouses, Ac., icc., by Steam. • Apparatus for-Soap and Candle Manufactories. Dryfog 3300 ms for Hotels, Dy® Houaea, &c., fitted up in a superior manner. Awning Posts and Frames furnished and put up. ; Water introduced through Galvanized Tubes. • in all its branches Galvanized Tubes for Cemetery Lots. Air kinds of work connected Steam, Water, or Gss. a* Have for sale Valves, Cocks, TubsfyFittings, Ac. Agents for Worthington’s Steam Pumps. jy4.2m ■VIEW CROP OF VANILLA I r BE ANS, at S 9 per pound; also, on hand, tho cheap est Chamois and Split Bkins in the city. , . CAMPBELL & BROTHER, jy2>6t# No. 133 South FRONT Street. OHAMPAGNE. —rThe original “ Gold Lac" Chanipagno, in anarta. and pints, for sale (to arriTC) by CHAB. 8. CARBTAXJJS, No. 128 WAD NUT and 21 GRANITE Sti'eets. ■■ je2B CHAMPAGNE. —An invoice of a Gloria,' 1 in quart* and pints, for firio (to arrive) by OBAS S. CARSTAtRS, No. 120 WALNUT Street, ami 23 GRANITE Street . jo2B GLARET— ST. JULIEN CLARET, In cases* of different vintages, for Bale by . OHAS. S. CARS! AIRS, jy2 126 WALNUT and 21 ORANI CB Streets. BAY' BUM.—AN INVOICE OF very superior BAY BUM, iu quarter casks, just received and for sale by CHAS. S. GABSTATB3, jy2 ' 126 WALNUT and 21 GBAMITE Streets. TN G 0 T COPPER—FEOM THE JL AMYGDALOID MINING COMPANY, of Lake Superior, for sale in lots to suit purchasers, at ■ * GBO. F. WOMRATH'S.’ - je3B-wsSm* 415 ARCH Street. OLIVE OIL* —An invoice of ec Oar stairs’ ” pure Olive Oil just received per Ocean ti&tmmer. For salo by . ' . , CHARLES S. CARSTATRS, jy4 No. 126 WALNUT .nd 21 GRANITE Sts. EAMPHLET PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City,at BIHGW ALT iBROWH’S, U 1 Booth FOURTH *,t FOR HALE AND TO LET. «T 0 RENT, WITH OR.WITHOUT FHHNITDEK, several neat Country Places, with a few ncree of ground, convenient to railroad stations near the city. Apply to E. PETTIT, to 3o H0.30$ WALNUT Street; FOR SALE— 1 lie Goodwill and Fix* t ,urm of a DBINKINO SALOiiN, on one of the greatest thoroughfare* In the citv.' lognire at B F. GLENH’B Beal Estate Mart, 123 South FOORCH Street. je2B-t C§& FOR SALE-—Delaware county, Farm, containing 98 acres of flrst-rate land, situ ate near Marcus Hook, Philadelphia and Wilmington Railroad. Large and substantial stone imnr«vements, nicoly watered, good fruits, &c. Price «B.00f). Also a flno Fruit Farm In the State of Delaware, near Dover, 134 acres. immediateposseeeioh. ; Price only «7,c00 " ' apply to i It. PETTI'*' je26-tf ; ... ,No. 309 WALNUT Sir4t TOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, for A’ merchandise or an unimproved lot of ground, desi rable city Property. .1. WALIOS, jol9 tf 413 WALNOT Street. 4g TO KENT—A THKKIi-S'J'OKY **■ BRICK DWELLING, on B&.OE Street, one door above Twelfth, north hIi»o. Sent low to s good tenant. Apply to WETBEBILL & BROTHER, je!2 47and4&Nortb BSOONP Street.; m TO RENT—A. THREE-BTO a T BRICK DWELLING, on PINE Street, near Seventeenth, north to je!2 WBTHERILL & BROTHER, dT and 49 North BBCOBD Street. gg FOB 'BAJUE OB TO LET—Foor d. Houses, on the west Bide of BROAD Street, below Colombia avenue. Apply at the Boathweet corner of NINTH and SANSOM Streets. mhSS-tf fa FOl SALE “CH E A P ,» 3CL«OHEAP. n —Perry County If ARM, containing 138 acres, 26 woodland, the balance under a high state of cultivation; first-rate fencing, nicely watered, excellent Improvements, 16 mitea from Harrisburg, Price only $6,600. Terms easy. . Also, a FRUIT FARM, near Dover, State of Dela ware, 107 acres. Ihuoe only $5,500. ' Apply to E PETTIT, I*2o, . No. 300 WALNUT street ' FOB SALE—A first-rate Mont -3- gomery-connty Farm, ceotaiuing 89 acres, with Urge and substantial tdone improvements, on the Ridge Tnrnpike, near Norristown. Price only $95 per acre. Apply to b; PETTIT, - je26 if- No. 300 WALNUT Street. SA L B JUNCTION RAILROAD COMPANY’S BONDS.—-The Junction Baiiread Company invites proposals, in writing, for the purchase of the whole or any part of $500,000 First Mortgage Six per Cent. Coupon Bonds. The Mortgage is made to Alexander Henry, Bag., Trustee, and will be due July 1,1882. It Is secured upon the entire Railroad and. Property of the Company lying on the west Side of Schuylkill, between Belmont and Gray’s Ferry. Its terms provide for a sinking fund of *15,000 per year, to be invested in these Bonfa, or in the First Mortgage Bonds of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany, the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Bail rood Company, in the Loans of the United States, or of the State of Pennsylvania, at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The Bonus are for One Thousand Dollars eaah. Their payment is guarantied by endorsement of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, the Philadelphia, Wilmington, aid; Baltimore Railroad Company, the' Philadelphia and Beading Bailroad Company on-the back of each bond, in the followid); words—viz: «. Know men by these presents, that the Pennsyl vania Bailroad Company, the Philadelphia, Wilming ton, and Baltimore Railroad Company, and the Phila delphia and Beading Bailroad Company, and each of them, for a valuable consideration to th*m pud by the Junction Railroad, Company, do hereby (in pursuance of the power and authority conferred by two acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ap proved respectively on the twenty-third day of March, A. D. 1861, and the eleventh day of April, A. 0.1832, and of every other lawful. power and authority in them vested,) jointly and severally guarantee to the lawful bolder of the within Bond the punctual payment of the principal and interest thereof, when and as the game shall become due and payable according to the terms of said Bond, or of the terms and covenants of the inden ture of Mortgage t her etc- mentioned and given to secure the same. .... - - :- , ‘*ld wiiness whereoF, said Companies' have hereunto affixed their common or corporate seals respectively; duly attested, and hare caused the signatures of their President*,. respectively, to be hereunto written, this second day of June, anno Domint eighteen hundred and sixty-two (1862) .»> i ' Payment for the Bonds wifi be reau’red asfollowa: The first instalment of 10 per cent, will be payable on the first day of August, spdlo per cent, additional on the first of each succeeding month until the whole amount fe paid.: Proposals will be addressed to CHARLES E. SMITH, Treasurer, 227 South FOURTH Street, until MONDAY, July 21. . :• Each, proposal will stale the total number or amount of the bonds wanted, and the price offered per bond of *l-000. . • The Company reserves to itself the right to acceptor reject the whole or any part of any proposition received. Successful bidders will be notified of the acceptance of their proposals within one week from the opening of their bids. JOSEPH LESLEY, je!9-tjy2l . Secretary Junction Bailroad Ck>. mo distillebs. The DISTILLERY known as fits “racEisrix^ ui lometly owned and occupied by BAML. BMYTH, *«., dtnated on TWENTY-THIRD, between RAOI and TINE Streets, Philadelphia, Ospaolty 600 buabali per day, is now offered lor sale on reasonable and accom modating terms. Is in good rnnnin* eider, and has all fire modem improvements.. An Artesian woll on the pro misee tarnishes an unfailing supply ot good, pore water. Address Z. LOOKS ft 00., No, 1010 MARKW .Street, Philadelphia. .. fe32-dtf MEDICINAL. TABBANT-a BRFEBYKSOEOT SELTZER APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine has universally re ceived the most favorable recommendations of the , Hxdigal P*ofeB9ioh and the Pubtio as the • most EFPI6IBXT AHD AQRHBABtiI SALINE APERIENT. It may boused with the best effect in. Biliena and Febrile. Diseases, Costiveness, Sick : Headache, Nausea, Loss of .Appetite, Indiges tion, Acidity of the Stomach, /Torpidity ©£ the ffout, ;Rheumatio ; Affections, Gravel, Piles, ANO AIA OOMPLAIHTS WHBU A GENTLE AND COOLING APEBIBNP OB PUB GATIVE IS REQUIRED, .■■'•lt is particularly. adapted to the- wants of Travelers by Sea and Land, Residents in Hot Climate*, Persons of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains el Vessels and Planters will find it % valuable oddities to their Medicine Chests* Bis in the form of a Powder, carefully put up in bottle* to keep in a&y climate, and'merely requires' water' poured upon it to produce a de- Hghtfnlefferveacing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing .throughout the conn* try, and its .steadily insreasingr popularity for a aeries of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable; character, and commend it to the favorable notloe of ae intelligent publio. Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO., No. 878 GBEENWIOH Street, comer Warren at ' HEW YOBS, apSl-ly .. And for sale by Druggist* generally. T>BOWN > a ~" r ““' JD ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, Manufactured only at FREDERICKBBOWBPB DRUG AND CHEMICAL STORE, Northeast comer of, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streeta, PHILADELPHIA. Attention is called to this valuable remedy whiota should be in every family, and for the Army and Navy it is in dispensable, curing affections of the stomach and bowels, and is a certain preventive from the effects of bad water. CAUTION,—To prevent this valuable Essence from being counterfeited, a new Steel Engraving, executed at great cost, wilt be found on the outside of the wrapper, Is order to guard the purchaser against being imposed upon by worthless imitations. And sold by all *reßpectablf Druggists in the United States, feStvfnn-ftn QLTJTEN CAPSULES PURE OOD-LIVER OIL. The repugnance of meat patients to OOD-LIYBB OIX», and the inability of many to take ft at all, has to- SnMfi VWious forms Jof dlsgnis, for Its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession.. Some of them answer to spec! si oases, but more often thelvehiole neutralism the. usttal effect of the Off, proving Quite at unpalatable snd'of lest tierapentlo value. The repng nance, aansea, dto,, to invalids, induced by disgust of tbs Oil, is entirely obviated by too use of onr OAPSTTL3B. OOP-X.rVEB OIL CAPSULEB have been mooh used lately to Bnrope, the experienoe there of toe good're sults from their use to both hospital and.private praettoe, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do tor them, feeling assured their use will result in benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER. 1413 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. N ATTI’S OELEBKATEB ITALIAN ’AV CREAM will positively-remove TAN, FRECKLES, SALLOWNESS, SUNBUBN, PIMPLES, and all erup tions of the face: giving a beautiful healthy glow and rosy color to tne cheeks, so much desired by every one. In short, it PRESERVES THE FRESHNESS OF YOUTH, removing all WRINKLES, and giving a soft, smooth appearance to the face, And a brilliancy to the shin that Is surprising to all. It is an article that is ; INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY LADY. Upward a of 1,000 BOTTLES PER DAY are now sold in Philadelphia alone, and the demand is daily increas ing, Price 25 cents per bottle. Sold by - M. B.S.NATTI& Go., Manufacturers and Proprietors, ; No. 621 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, And by the following agents in Philadelphia: JV B. Casselberry, No 45 N. Eighth street; Andrew Taylor, druggist, cor. of Ninth and Chestnut streets; M. Brad field, N 0.802 Arch street; F. V. Barrett, No. 964 N. Second street; Miss Kocber, Seventh and Coates streets; M.-L. Adams, N. W. cor. ofHarshall and Girard ave nue: and by druggists and dealers in' Fancy Goods ge nerally* . Agents wanted in every town and village of the United States and Canadas. my23-tf Biotina hoofing, », MANUFAOTURUD BV TBF dotted STATES BIOTIHA BpOJIHa oomdaht, No. 9 GORE BLOCK, Corner GBjGEfl and PlTTSStreets, Boston, Slaw. This Portable Boofingisthe only article ever offered to the public which is ready prepared to go on the roof without any finishing operation. It is light, handsome, and easily applied* and can be safely and cheaply trans ported to any part of the world. It -will not taint or dtscoJor water running over, or lying on it, and is, in all respects* a very desirable article. .Its non-conduotinf properties adapt it especially to covering manufactories of various kinds; andit is confidently offer edto. the public after a teat of four years in all varieties of climate and temperature, for covering all kinds of roofs, Sat or pitched, together with cars, steamboats, &o. It is both, cheap and durable. Agents wanted, to whom liberal inducements are offered. Send for sample, circular, &c«, with particulars, to “ U. S. HOOFING 'CO.. No. O GOR® BLOCK. Boston.” - airiti-Ste T^ADTION.—Owing to _the' popularity \J find complete sucSbsb which our PATENT SELF ADJUSTING CLOTHES--WBINGEB has met with, other parties are endeavoring to sell their inferior ma chines, by adopting our name of 11 SELF-ADJUSTING” as a means to deceive the public. We, therefore, give notice that our name will be plainly stamped on each Machine manufactured ,and eoldbyus, ; and none others are genuine. Any one using our trade mark will be dealt with according to law. . Mr. L. 15. SNOW, corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, is our SOLE AGENT for Penn sylvania. *- KALBT, MOBSE, & BOYLEN. , ju24tsel2 TNF OEM A TIO N EOB THE JL PEOPLE.— FBaNKFOKD GENEBM. hews agency. WILLIAM 0. SHEAS© takes this opportunity to In form bis patrons and the public that be is now prepared to"furnish all the leading Philadelphia and New York newspapers, magazines* and periodicals. Agent for the DAILY and WEEKLY PRESS. Sub scribers and others oen have them delivered as soon as leaned at their residences or plaoes of business in Frank* ford or vicinity. _ ieß-lra American roofing slates, FULLY EQUAL to the BEST WELSH SLATES. . T* THOMAS, my»-ly 117 WALNUT Street. SftXES BY AUCTION TOHN B. MYERS & CO.> AUO - HONKERS, Noa. 2»2 and 234 MAMET Street CLOSING SAIiK Of DRY GOODS. 0» THGBSDAY MORNING, , Jnly 30. on 4 months’ credit- About 606 packages French, German, and British Dry Gooda. including about 1 OQOcattona ribbons, juat landed. T7UENESS, BRINLEY.& CO., I 1 . No, 429 MARKET STRESS SALE OF FEES OH DRY GOODS. ; ON TUESDAY MORNING. July 8, at 10 o’clock, by"catalogue,on four month® 5 .credit— - -• : - • 400 lots of fancy and staple French dry goods, com prising a general assortment. , 300-CARTONS TRIMMING AND BONNET BONS, now lauding. ON TUESDAY. MORNING, July 8, at 30 o’clock— -300 cartons extra (juslity ami newest sty 1* ribbons, viz.' Nos 4 and 5 cable cord blue, white, buff, brown, ezuline. pu-pie, and assorted colors poult do sols trim ming ribbons. —l2 to 80 cable cord solid colors poult de sole bonnet ribbons. —l2 to 60 extra quality white do ; * do. I to 20 Lyons black silk velvet ribbons. . BLACK STELLA SHAWLS 5w 12. 4 Paris broche border black Stella shawls. 300 printed border: . do. '' Also, needlework embroidered cellars. SCHOONER YACHT DAWN AT AUCTION. . . - , WEDNESDAY, July 9, at 11 o clock, at Dock Btreet wharf, the re markabh fast sailing and well fitted yt»cht DxWN, in complete order. Can be examined, at Smith’s Island, at any time previous to Bale. An inventory on board PANCOAST & WAIINOOK, AUC TIONEERS, Nob. Sl3 MARKET Street. SALE OF A STOCK OF DM GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, STOCK GOODS, *O., by Catalogue, 6N WEDNESBAI MORNING, July 9, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely. PEILIP FORD & CO., AUCTION- X EEBS, 525 MARKET and 5*22 COMMERCE 9ts. LEGAL. TN THE COURT OF COMMON X PLEA* FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY #F PHILADELPHIA* Estate of GEORGE OH ANGLES, The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ROBERT OHUROHMUf, APBfguee for- the benefit of creditors of GEORGE Cb ANDLEE, .and to report distribution oftba balance in tb« bands of the accountant, will meet ths parties in terested, for the purposes of bis appointment, on TUES DAY, tbe Bth Cay of July, at 12 o’clock M , at the ‘WBTHEBILL SANbOM, above Sixth street, in the fit* pt Philadelphia.- : je27-ftnwst FKO POSALS. Deputy quartermaster GENERAL’S OFFICE Philadelphia, June 30th, 1862. - PROPOSALS will be recei red at this office until TUESDAY, duly 16th next, 12 o’clock M., for the de livery of one thousand sets of six-mule HARNEiS, com plele. to be made according to a sample now in iliig office, of the btat oftk» tanned leather,. and subject to inspection. The *wfcoie to be completed and ready for delivery in iiiißNiity, on or before the 15th day,of August, 3802. A. Bi>YD, ■ je3o-tjy!6 Captain and A. Q. M. SEALED PEOPOSALS ARE IN -1 vited until the l6thdayof JULY, 1862, for supplying the United States Subsistence Department with 6,000 head of BEEF O ATTLE on the Hoof. : ■ 3he Cattle to be deliverer at Washington, D. C., and each animal to average 1,300. pounds gross.' No animal admitted that weighs less than. LOOO pounds gross. Beiters, Stags, and Bulls hot wanted , The first delivery of Cattle to be made on the Ist day of August, or as soon thereafter as the Government may direct. 600 bead of Cattle per week will be required to be' delivered under this contract , A bond with good and sufficient security will be re quired. . No bid will be entertained when put in by contractors who have previously foiled to comply with their contracts in any Department of Government, or where the bidder is not present to respond to his bid. The names of firmß should be stated in full, with the precise address of each member of the firm. Proposals from disloyal parties will not be considered, and an oath of allegiance must accompany each proposi tion.' Ail bide niut be accom'paaied by two gnaraotees. Bids to be directed to Major A. BECKWITH, 0. 8., U. S. A., Washington, D. 0., and endorsed “Proposals for Beef Catile.” Form of Guarantee. We,- -i of tie county of r—, and State of do hereby guarenly that —— is able to Fulfil a contract in accordance, with the terms of his proposition, and that, should bis proposition be accepted, he will at oace enter into a contract ia accordance therewith. Should thecon tract be awarded him we are prepared to become Ids se curities. (This guarantee must be appended to eaoh bid.) The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of'the nearest District Courr, or of the United States District Attorney, GKOCBHIIiSS AMD I*fMJ VISIONS. rjlO FAMILIES EESLDINU ; nr TBS mJEAL’piSTEIGTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply Famines at their country residences with every description of FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, Ao., &o. AUBERT G. ROBERTS. COBNNB ELBTHNMH AND VINK BTB. TTERV CHOICE OOLONG TEA at ? 75 cents per pound; JAMES HOMER & SON, SEVENTH and NOBLE, and '■■■ ' ■■■■■■' SIXTH and WOOD. EINE OLD JAMAICA COFfEE— Freeh roaatecl every Bay. - JAMRS HOMBB & SON. SEVENTH and NOBLE, and jy2 SIXTH and WOOD. r KTEW MACKEREL. 1M 150 Bbls New Large No. 3 Mackerel, s 150 Half Bbls “ « « In store and and for eale by : •; MURPHY & KOON9, jeld-tf *: No. 146 North WHARVES, ■yACKEBBL, HBBBINQ, SHAD, iu. &C-, &c. 2,500 Bbls Maas Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, late*, caught fat fiab, in assorted packages. 2,ooo'Bbla New Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Herring. 2,500 Boxes Lnbec, Bealed* and No. 1 Herring. 150 Bbla New Mess Shad. 250 Boxes Herkimer County Cheese, Ac. In store and for sale by MURPHY & BLOONS, jel4-4f No. 140 North WHABYBB. TJ HOLES & WILLIAMS, No. 107 Xi South WATER Street, offer for sale the following; 75 eases assorted . 100 oases American Pickles, pints and quarts. .68 oases American .Pickles, gallons and half gallons. 60 casee French Brandled Cherries. v 76 cases-French Brandied Peaoheß. • ‘ 40 paaea Lewis A Bros,* Condensed Milk. OQ cftSffi.Bordeaux Olive Oil, in black bottles. 20 cases Virgin OH of Aix, . 50 eases Bacgalupi Oil, pints and quarts. Also, a well-assorted stock Groaaet A Blackwell’s Cele brated English Pickles. je!B CARTER’S CELEBRATED NEW JERSEY SUGAR CURED HAMS, ju«t received. ' V v , ;; , JAMES'HOMER & SON, ie2o Seven th and Nebie and Sixth and Wood ata. SARDINES.— A very superior brand for aide by CHARLES S. OAESTAIBS, ; apB , UM WALNUT and 23 GRANITE Street OLIVE OIL.—An invoice of pure Olive Oil, to arrive per ship Y&adalla j also, ah in voice per Ocean Skinner, fnj §sie by OHAS. 3. OABSTAIRB, je 20 No 126 WALNUT and 21 GRANITE St \ T ATOUK OLIVE 01L.— 463 baskets JLi IjAI OIJK OLIVE Orij, just reedved, and tor gale by J AtJRETSHK & LAVJtBSNIS, 202 and 204 South JBGNT Street. . . CAUTION.—Having soen a spurious article of Oil branded “J. Latour,’’ we caution the public against purchasing the same, as the genuine J. iatour Oil can jo procured only from us. JAREUTCHB £ LAYHBGNE, 902 and 204 South FRONT Street OfcFIUK OF THti PHILADELPHIA AND BEADING RAILROAD GOttPANYf Philadelphia.. Tbe BATES of FREIGHT aud TOLLS on ANTHRA CITE COAL trsnsported. by this Company will be as fol lowßdnripg tbe month of JETLIVIBg2: '■> • .From To fiichm’d To Philada. Port Carbon... $1.78 $1.48 Mount Carb0n.............. ‘1:77 147 Schuylkill Ha-ven........... 1.70 1.40 Auburn..................... 1.60 1.30 Port C1int0n................. 1.55. 1.25 Daring the mouth of AUGUST, ISO 2, the rates will be safollows: • ' . ' : . ■. . '• .■ .. “ : " From . ' Toßichin’d. To PbiUda.' Po7tCarbon ........ 1 SI.PB SI.6S Mount Carb0n.............. 197 1.67 Schuylkill Haven 1.90 1.60 Auburn...,.,,....... 150 Port Clinton.... 1.45 On and after SEPIEaUBEBI,IS62, the rates will be as follows: ,: Port Carb0n................ Mount Carb0n............ Schuylkill Haven............ Auburn .................... Port Clinton. By order of the Board of Manager*. Jf3o Sta W. H. WEBB, Secretary. TTNMED STATES PATENT OE- U WOE, WASHINGTON, Jons 28, 1862: On the petition of JOHN P. HATES, of Philadelphia, Penupylvania, praying for the extension of a patent granted to him January 30tb, 1549, for an improvement in * BAKING APPARATUS, 1 ’ for seven yeardfrointbe expiration of said patent, which takes place on the 30th day of January, 1863 It is ordered that the said petition be beard at the Pa tent Office on MONDAY, the 12th day of January next, at 12 o’clock M.; and all persons are notified to appear and show, cause, if any they have, why said petition oufrbt not to be granted. Persons opcosirg the extension are required to file in tbePatent Office their abjections, specially set forth in writing, at least twenty days before the day of hearing; all testimom filed by either party to be used at the said inaripg must be taken and transmitted in accordance with the rules of the office, which willhc furnished sn ap* plication. The testimony in the case will he closed oh the 29th day of December next, depositions and other papers relied upon as testimony must be filed in the office on or be fore the morning of that day; the arguments, if.any, within ten days thereafter. Ordered,‘also, that this notice be published in the JVa iional Intellfgcncer f 'Waabington, D. 0., and The .Press, Philadelphia, Pa., once a week for three successive weeks; the first of said publications to be at least sixty days previous to the day of hearing! B. P. HOLLOWAY, . je3o-ni3t. , , . Commissioner of Patents ; p, B.—Editors of the above papers will'please copy, and send their bills to the Patent Office, with a paper con taining this notice. T\KAIN PlPE.—Stone Ware Drain JJ Pipe from 2to 12-inch bore. 2-inch bore, 25 c per yard; 3-inch bore, 300 per yard; 4-inch bore, 400 per yard; 5-inch bore, 600 per yard; 6-inch bore, 650 per yard, Every variety of connections, bends, traps, and hoppers. We are now prepared to furnish pipe in any nuantity, and bn liberal terms to dealers and those pur chasing in large quantities. - , J OBNAMENTAbOHIM.NET TOPS.—Vitrified Terra Cotta ChinmeyTops, plain and ornamental designs, war ranted to stand the‘action of coal gas or the weather in any climate. - ■v;-:*:' •»' ' GARDEN YABEB.—A: great variety of ornamental garden Vaaes, in Terra Ootta classical designs, all sizes, mid warranted to Btand the weather. Philadelphia Terra Cotta Works, Office and ■ Ware Booms .1010 CHESTNUT Street, M THOMAS & SOWS, • Hob. 139 and 141 Booth FOURTH BEAL ESTATE SALE—JULY 8. ?I^5 aa> Court Sale—Estate of Paeniri Miller, dec’ll, --STONE DWELLING, and LOT of over 3 arr**, Ridge road, Boxhorough, ward. It is oppo» site the 6th miJe-sione, about IJf miles from the Falls of “ d S! a njile north of Wlasafedckoo station on the Norristown Railroad. Also,by order of ihe Congregation— VALUABLE CJBUBCH EDIFICE andLAttOE LOT. 67 by 80 feet, northwest corner of Eleventh and Wood streets. Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of Susan T-iyter, dec’d, LOT OF GROUND. Eighteenth ward, late K<w»toeton MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 2516 Filbert street, with three three-story brick Dwellings in the rear. One of them fronts on Jones street, and is occupied as a grocery store ami dwelling. TWO THRER.feTOBY BRIOK DWELLINGS, Hoe. 3307 and 1309 North Fifth street, with four three-story bnck brick and twotwo-atory frame Dwellings, forming a court, in the rear. B£e.~ First- class',ow Stand.—Ths VaLTJABLK FIVB- BTOBV BROWS. STONE cTOBB, No. 29 North Third street, I»twt»n Market and Arch. . TWO TBREE-STOKT BKIOK DWELLINGS. Bod m»' street, north of South street. - BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY SEAT 3 acres, with mo deni improvements, Bolmeaburg, in the vicinity or ele gant country residences. Execntors* Saif—Estate of Mary Cornell, deceased.— YeI.UABLE BUSINESS STAND—THREE-STOftY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, Sixth street, near Market, comer of Filbsrl street. Lot 20 feet front Same Estate.—MODEßN THRUE - STORY. BBXOR DWELLING, Eleventh street, No. 1 City Bow, between Race and Vine streets. Clear of all incHrobrattce TP BEE STORY BRICK'DWELLING, south side of Buttonwood street, third house below Eighth street. Immediate possession. - ' • Sale No. 325 Wharton Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MIRROR, IMPERIAL CARPETS, Ac. ON TUESDAY MORNING, Bth inst., at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at No: 325 Whar*' ton street, the superior parlor, dining-room and chamber - furniture, French-plate pier mirror, flue imperial ear pete, Ac. ' :• HOT Mav be examined at 8 o’clock on the momini OH the sale, with catalogues "ly/TOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER ATX AND COMMISSION JIEROHANT, Kuiheewt comar of SIXTH and BACK Streets. ' ONTUEBDAY MORNING Jnl7 8, at 9 o’clock* at Mo Beg Nathans’ Auction. House, Nos. 155 and 157 North Sixth street, adjoining theßoatheaat comer of Sixth an&Bace stroeta, consisting* ■ CLOTHING, HOOKS, PIANOS, FUBSITUBE, PL AT FOBM SCALES, SEGABS, FO WLING-PIfiCBS, TRUNKS, YALISBSS, Ac, Vis!„ floe cloth frock, dress, and business coate, sacks, Garricks, and overcoats; fine caatimere doth, and linos, pants; - floe Bilk, satin, ydenola, marseiltes, cloth, oassi mero, and other vests; summer olothiag; boots, eboes, and gaiters; ladies’ silk, cloth, and other cloaks, basques, and mantillas; silk, cashmere, merino, chintz, and other dresses and dress patterns; silk and other skirte; uader> closing generally; crapn, silk, merino, Stella, broehe, 'woollen plaid, and other shawls; umbrellasatd parasols: blankets, quills, spreads, Bbeotey hiilovr ca?<w, curtains, &c; knives and: forks, fpoons; tailors’ shears; s,fiOG Havana cigars, in lots to suit purchasers: Abbott’s plat form scales, weighs 1,500 fes; two brilliant piano fortes; upright desk; lounges; steieoscupiCv. views and cases; double-barrel fowling.pieces;*travelling trunks and valises; hammocks; carpenters’ and plumbers’ toois and fixtures; hoisting machine* and numerous other ar ticles of dry goods, hardware, cutlery, Ac. BOOKS. * . Handsomely bound Bib’.ee: Americau History; Wil liams* History of the United States, in 2 vola.; .Grier's Dictionary, in German and English, 2 vole: History of France. 2 vote.; Goethe’s Works, *2 vote.; Story on Oon iracts; Chi tty’s Pleadings, 3 vote.; Sains on Dental Sur gery; La Roche on Yellow Fever, 2 vote; Shekapoare’a Works; Blalr’B Bhetoilc; Macaulay’s Essays; Burns* Works; Fuller’s Poem*; Life of Com Stockton, and ns merouaotbers. Also, some waichea and jewelry. *3 r The goods will be open for examination early on the morning of sale. The piano, platform scales, dresses, &c., will be sold first; the clothing, books, Ac., immediately after. The sale will commence precisely at 30 o’clock. BOSTON AND PHELA ■■MMary DBLPBIA STEAMSHIP LlNE—Sailing from each port every ten daps—From Pino-street Wharf on MONDAY, Jult- T. The Steamship SAXON, Matthews, will sail from PM ladelphV for Borton, on MONDAY EVENING. tfaa Tthof Julv, at I o’clock: end from Boston for Phila delphia, on TUESDAY AFTEBNOON, July I, at A o’clock. Insurance one-half that by sail vessels. Freight taken at fair rates. Shippers will please send their bills of Lading with goods. For freight or passage, having flna accommodations, apply to HENBY WTNSOB & 00., jell , 332 SOHTff WHARVES, T ONDON EXHIBITION—RETURN -Li TICKETS TO LONDON AND BACK: .. First-c1a55...;...;...... 8160 Becond-elasa 66. WEEKIY COMMUMCA yioh by steam between new YOKE. AND LIVERPOOL, calling at QUERNS TOWN. (Ireland,) to land and embark pasaangera and despatches. ; The Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steam ship Oompeny’s splendid Olyde-hnilt iron screw steens* ships are Intended to sail ss follows: FEOM NEW FOBS FOB LIVEBPSOL. ETNA Saturday, June 2T, 1562. GLASGOW. .....1 ......Saturday, July 6, 1582. CITY;OF BALTIMOBE......Saturday, July 12,1862. EDINBURGH., Saturday, July 19 1862 And every Saturday throughout tbs year, from PIEB No 44 N B Otbln, to Queenstown, or Liverpool. ....... S7S 80. toLondou, via Liverpool 830 Steerage to Queenstown, or Liverpool...... $3O Do. -to L0nd0n..... 833 Do. Betorntickets, available Tor six months, from ■7 Lira* «••••**>•■«•• a••••< $6B FtiittQgen forwarded to Havre, Faria, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerpat through rates. Oertiflcatea of peesag© Issued from Xdverpooi to Hew York...g. a., £4B Certificate* of passagetesued from Gaeonriown to Hew - 33Q Thee* staamera have superior aocommod&tiouaforpas wngers, aare constructed with water-tight compartments, and carry experienced Surgeons. Sto%p!gfei» or pass***, apt4y at the office ot the Com* 9*&9* ' JOH3T Q. DALI,A|«ns , 111 Walnut street, Philc delpMa In Livarpoos, to WSL.INJtAii. TeworßcJifinsa. Us Gtafow* teffM. IHMAB, 18 Pfatop street. THE BRITISHAND NORTH AMBBIOAB BOYAL MAH, BTIAM- »B©M mew TOBX TO MVBBPOOX \ OdtfiOitbiii {l3B Second Cabin PafiSAge...... 76 FBOM BOBTOH TO LIVBBPCOL. OMetOabhiPaMago..,*.£ll9 Second Cabin Pat»a*e....6o Yfee ships from New York call at Cork Hasboe. -.Sha sfafc firem Boctoji call at BMltox and Cork H*r fecar. •■" • • SOOTIA, Oept JcdHn*. CHINA. Capt Am&enoa. PBBBIA, Gapt Lett, 18IA, Gapt Gook. &&&BU.Gapt. Stone. EBBOPA, OaptJ.Ldtol t AFRICA, Cant ®h*M« GAN ADA, Oapi Mak- A2CEBICA, Gapt Woodlfi. NIAGARA, Gapt. A. Bpif* AIOTftALASIAB, 2hlaavessels ttiff * White light it mast-head; gram os starboard bow; red on port how. OHIKA* Andereon, leaves N.Yorfc, Wednesday, JtjJy 3. ARABIA. Stone, •> . “ Bostoj*j Wednesday, Jnly 9. 860T2A, Jndkina, «* NVY-rk, Wednesday, July 20. BUBOPA,' Moodie *» Boston, Wednesday, July S 3. PEB6IA, Lott, .** N.York, Wednesday, Jaly 80. APBIGA, Shannon, ** Boston, Wednesday,Augusts, Berths not secured until paid tor. An experienced Surgeon on board* - Yhe owners of these ships will not he accountable fog Gold} Silver, Bnffion, Specie, Jewelry, Froounu. Stoaea, or Metals, ciileee bffls o? lading are signed there or, and th’ value thereof therein expressed. For freight or pas sage, apply to B. CUNABB, 4 BOWLING GBBBN, New York B. 0. A J. G.BATES, 108 STATE Street, Boston* r i F sr*b FORNFWYORK~~THIB and swiftsubh LISES—VIA DELAWARE AND BABITAN CANAL. Steamers of the above Lines will leave DAILY* at IS and 5 P.M. . For freight, which will be taken on-accommodating terms, apply to WM. M. BAIBD & CO., my2l-tf . . 132 South DEL AWARE Avenue* - FOE NEW YORK. HfifiraASllW DAILY LIU!, via DeUww* HUT Barit** Canal. June 28, 1862 1.80 1.75 To Philada. |To Blchm’d 55218 Sl.BB 2.17 187 2.10 1.80 : 2 00 1.70 .1.95 - 1.65 S.A.HABBISON, SALES BY AIKJTIOW KAIHAHB’ SAXB_OT_FORFEITED GOODS. SHIPPING. BATES OF PABSAGH THBOUGH FROM FHHiADKUHIA, Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Qoa yauyreceive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., itfw* tug their cargoes in New'York the following day. \ EwJfbte'taken at reasonable rates. WMv P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTB WHABVES, Phiiadolphl*. JAMES HAND, Agent, anl-tf . Pliers ;I4 andlfi EAST BIVBit; ®Tew Torlfc. MACHINERY AND IKON. J. YAUQHAX HXBBIOX, WILLIAM H, M2SSICX, JfOHX JK. <7OPB. QOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, S 3 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS* PHILADELPHIA. MEBRIOK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Lew Pressure Steam Engines* Cor land, liver, and marine service. Borers, Caaometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ao.; Oaet» lugs of aU kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-Frame Boots for Gas Works, Workshops, Bafi road Stations, &o. Betorts and Gas Machinery of the latest mid mastf Improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such M Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Stoss Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, <fco. Sole Agents for N. Biltieux’a Potent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer, and Afi plnwall A Wolsey’a Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. ■ • aus-tf igfspftt PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIMB WOBKB.-HEAfTI ft LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGI NEERS, MAOHINISTS.BOILER-MAKERB, BLACK SMITHS, anfl FOUNDERS, Raving, for many yearn, been in anccesafol operation, and been exclusively en gaged in banding and repairing Marine and River En gines, high and low presßnre, Xronßoilera, Water Tania, Propellers, Ao., &e., reupectfnlly offer their services to the public, os being fnlly prepared *> contract for *n ginee of aB sizes, Marine River, and Stationary, having ■eta of patterns of different dies, are prepared to e» onto orders with Quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the ahorteßt notice, High and Low-pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, 0* the beat Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forgings, of all sizes and kinds; Don and Brass Castings, of Ml descrip tions; BoU Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with ihe above bnainess. Drawings and Specifications for all work done at their establishment} 1 free ef charge) and work guarantied. The subscribers hare ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, &c., &c., for rafa leg heavy er light weights. ' JACOB 0. NJDAIT2, JOHN P.XEVY, BEACH and PALMEB Streets. Tl/TORGAN, ORB, &-CO., STEAM ifJL ENGINE BDILBEES, Iren Founders, an« General Machinists and Boiler Makers No. 1310 OAi» T,nWHTLI» Street. Philadelphia mo THE DISEASED OF ALL JL CLASSES.—AII sub-acute and chronic diseaMC cmied by special guarantee at 1220 WALNUT Street? Philadelphia, and in case of a failure no charge is made* Professor BOLLES, the founder of (his new practtoh vrill superintend the treatment of all cases himnlf. A pamphlet containing a multitude of certificates of those cured, alee letters and complimentary resolutions front medico! men and others will be given to any person free* Lectures are constantly given at 1220, to medical men and others who desire a knowledge of my discovery, is applying Electricity ae a reliable therapeutto agent. Oon ioltation free. ap2B-3m TTTQRMAN & ELY, No. 130 PEGG YY Street, manufacturers of patent TABLE CHILEKY: also, a lately-patenled ™suu- NATION KNIFE, FORK, and adapted for Comp two, for Fishermen, ®ta/on»W JraH Mechanics, Miners, Lumbermen, and ait Werltmen. car- SE dinners. W. *. E.’s Cutlery is warranted to OTthoTeslqS of ENGLISH OABT-BTBEL, and is intended to supersede, by its excellence and cheapness, the inferior Qualities of Ontlory sow in the market, and to which they respectfully torite the ttonttonofft* Hardware dealers generally, mr-fli-wa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers