ny ?mauls DE LIARS JAYVIEII [Written fur TU. Pr. es j Who, indeed, would have thought that it ever could annum That dogmatical England and complaisant France, Who have always known everything undor the Who have always thought first of whatever we've • done ; Who have scarce deigned. our Eagle the slightest Belem— Should fall flat to adore an American Ram? There have always been Rams! Father Adam, we know, Found some Rams in bie garden a long time sec In the raising of Rama Able took much delight; And a Ram waa concerned in the very first fight— And the first Rem afloat, we may farther remark, Wail the Ram which old Noah took into the Ark ! Then, it seems, there were Rams which were tied up in stalls, Driven ont to do battle by butting down walls— Alexander, Memento!, and Sylla, we find, Bad a great many Rams of this desperate kind, And when Titus encamped 'mid Jerusalem's palms, it is said that the Hebrews saw nothing but Rams! After these there °glue It sms not inctiniog to figh ta— Rams rteembling good Joshua's Gibeonitos, 'Which were " drawers of water "—Hydraulic Rams— Quite domestic, and commonly found with their • dams !• . , May such Rams still continue tt. thrive and in- crease With the limitless Ram-ifications of peace ! Thus, we - Ram•blo along through the cycles of Time, Finding history's Rampage is rather sublime !. But the Ram of aIL itams is the Ram of our day, `Which is shaking the world with a Rampant die• may ! Iron—hernessed, steam.drisen, it sweeps o'er the sea— Our American Rem. port !—the shield of 'the Free ! WASIIINOTON, D. O. LETTAR 01.01t1 NEW VoRE. Niw rORK. Junti.23, 1862. Last -wadi, tavern' hnnare sick and wonnded sot d'art), belonging to Pesils)lvania, arrived in this city, ou their borne-rttern from the scat of war. A majority of those men bsye a short furlough, and bare mitifesto4 not a little impatience at the loog delay they have been compelled to =heat the receiviog depots in this city. Tao Now York, the ;.low Rngland, and the Western men are sent home immediately after • their arrival here, but the brave boys from the Keystone State are detained from ante to Ave days, exhausting the precious time of their furlough—diaappoiMing lbe friends who wait anxiously to receive them, and occupying tits ;these needed for fresh arrivals. The Dawel Webeter, the S E. Spaulding, the Commo dore, and tl e Erice:on reached this port last week, each baying a large number of Pennsylvanians on board-Lbut no agent, no committee man, no Pennsylvania man to look after them. Agents of other States directed them to the Park Hospital and the New England Booms, whore they have been well cared for ; bnt they were anxious to Yialt their hornet, and complain bonnie they are kept here day after day, while other men from other States are sent directly to tbmr frieads. On Friday, J. U. itioGnigan, who came here on the Spaulding, died at the hospital, and because thereto no proper record Rept hers, his pool old father, a laborer in Philadelphia, woe three dare in search of hies. Its reached David's island on Friday, Just in time to see him die. He then had to depend on charity for aufticiont means to defray the expenses of taking home .the dead body of the brave soldier who received his death • wound at Fair Oaks. One day last week a Philadelphia gentleman came lime to eearcb for his son. He went from hospital to hospital, but could not find him, al though ho was at &Aloe's island at the time, low with the ti phold fever. The old gentleman started home In despair, then returned again, sod toned chat his boy bad been buried during his absence. His remains were dog' up and taker to Philadelphia. Cases of a similar cha racter are of daily occurrence here. The facts have just reached the ears of the Governor, and be 'smelly indistinct:. The Pennsylvania Society is now orgaulad and lu full operation, and It is hoped mob outrages on hU comity will not o :cur in the future. The State ogent is not alone, if at all, to blame for this. He has more work on Ida hands than half a dozen men can ; but there is iurixrel bet eixt the agent and the committee about tie receiving depot. and the soldiers suffer in consepuot ce of this misundarstandiag. The transport steamer Idation, Captain Phillips, Sr. lived hero this morning from New Orleans. bringing news from that ciiy.to June 20th. The health of the troops continued good, and General Butler bad establithtd a thorough sanitary instant for keeping the streets of the city clean, so that the annual virlt of yellow fever for the present rummer will probably not take place. The sentiment among the people con tinues the same--etrougly rebellions. Captain Phillips desired to procure the services of a gentleman of the city to act as agent for the Harlon' tont no One could be found who had the cotraye to take the oath, the Secessionists so far outnumbering the Unionists. The custom-house being mostly occupied by troops, the southeast corner only is occupied br she officers of the pert for the trans action of their hu in as, which is very light. The Morita. stopped at Key West for it few hours to toile in cool. TM: captured rebel Bteamor Circassian lets Key 'West for Port Royal three home berme the Karior,, ti a a .011Itlienu The Marian t ens t • had General different !tonere it. this city, The following re an extract from a letter today re. ceired by a well known merchant of this city, from his brother in New Orleans. ,The latter Is a Union men-- tire prisident of an inertrance onto, and has no motives but the desire to represent facts: . ' • o NEW ' ORI.IIAIIB, SUDO 10, 1882 * * •• Let me :ever, should peace be restored; yon may safely calculate that the amartat of cotton destioved by fire and Mimi will nearly equal the entire rattail of 'this year. Oar old rdieaieetppt had been unnernalli high, and many crevasses have occurred, and now large nustitit'es of both sugar and cotton lands are submerged, which' will entail the lose of both the crops of sugar and cotton, but perhaps corn may be grown.". Key West dales of Jane 20th state that a United Slates &upbeat reputed a largo bark cm tbe'cnnat of Cuba, Bat nt el e was lazding tier Mat load of Waves. khe wue said to bay.• on board use thousand slaves She was in the oiling tit Rey Won, under churge of a prize crew. They Rural Sleo.ollo in grid on board. The general in command lied arrested Win. Pianey, a armlet tit a manta and Winer Bethel, a lawyer, and confined .them at Yost Taylor. Both or these permit, were Induced to take the oath under penalty of leaving the Island, but have urea fili their influence against this G.YeinuiPnt on evoy occasion. Key West patriotism R(W11115 to bo to sell the Govern ment goods in the tonal exorbitant prices, and then stab It every time they have & ohnirce. The United State, brig Bainbridge" arrived bore this morning, from Key Wear. She Is to undergo a thorough overhauling at the r•avy 5 AVE AL. The 11. E. steam glint •it Adirondack Is ordered to go late cements...Mb on bioaday, the 30th Met., with the tol losing clarets: Commander,Guert Gauaevoort ; acting I astound end executive Offier, James Parker ; acting meatera Thomas 11. Bowan, John 0. Champion, W. Mc- Gloin, Albert M. Keith; surgeon, John Rudenstein, Tf D ; paymaster, James Fulton; chief engineer, A. Henderson; drat assistant engineer, George T, Barry; second assistant do , Lents .7. Allen, Henry ht. noble; Xi led tittle:ant do., Tim mas Crummey, T. M. Slitchell, and Joisph Green ; acting midshipman, G. K. Une ven ; acting minter's ndes, A. F. Haradon, James F. Tbompson, Geo. it Griswold. and W. Knapp, Jr.; acting bottenveln: Louts J. Allen; gunner, James Hutchinson. The number at deaths in Brooklyn during the past week was 74, being 90 less then the previous week. The receipts at the customhonso during the week were $1,b80,000, agniest 884,747.40 during the correa ponding ;Alma hut year, 1501. 2 he Xtila, a Inch call. d for Liverpool to.day,. took out 42,224,902 in specie ; end the Bavaria, which sailed for Hamburg, took out 8725,000. Total, 42,019,402. THE IncaME'S., • Asues.—The market is steady for both kinds; sales of /SO bale.. et E 1 J( for Pots, and 36 for Pauli,. • noon AND MNAL —The market for the low grades of Western sad - State Flour is lees active, and is lower at the close; the decline in exchange, liberal arrivals • and greater firmnene in freights, give buyers tin advantage; trade brends are dull and heavy. The soles are 15,400 bbis., at .64.2564 40 for superfine Stale and Western ; 154.20054 40 for rejected State; $1.70 es 4 76 for extra Stole ; $4.80e4 00 for fancy do. ; 54.706 4.00 for the low 'trades of Western extra; 55.0585.10 for shipping brands of round hoop extra Ohio; and 35.206 6.10 for trade brands. Canadian 11 . 1tittr Is dull and heavy; sales of 850 Ws at 44.7004.00 for the low grades or extra, and VorDB.l.o for trade brandy. . 8 001 berb >t rirroiq in MOdd enpgty, and la quiet. The supply of common brands Is larger; sales of 600 bbls at 115.70e55.75 for inixtd a•rd good superfine Baltimore, and $5.806675 for traoo brands do. Rye Flour Is steady; sales of 175 bbl! at 82.7564. , Vorn Meal is onehangtd • 'Well or 250 bole at $2.65 for Jersey, and $3 for ➢rand.tivine. 011.112‘.- Tae Wheat wuik, t le lower, and Is less active, Influenced by the decline In exchange, and advance in freights., the di annul is mainly fur export. The sales are 111,000 bushels at 37 31.07 for Chicago raring; 813 'l.lO far Alilwantec Oinb ; $llO3l 14 for Anther lowa and Green Bay, closing at the latter rate; 81.0731.09 for If crthwearern Club; 100jbc for Inferior Canadian Club; 15a1 20 br red Western; $1 2031.24, -for Amber Michigan and Indiana; and $1.25 for white In diana. Barley and Barley Hilt are quiet - Oats are essi,-r, and are quiet; sales of Canadian and Western at 40043gc. • .Rye le quiet at 7567f3c for State. Corn. le' lower aed lows heavy, under a further M ystics in treighte..and a docile(' in exchange ; sales' of 411.000 bust:wig at 43e45c for heated, 48061 c for' interior mtxi d , 63N eno for good to prime o'd do., and 645068 c Our Western yellow, and olc for Southern do. PBOYlSlons.—lbo Pork market ie it .111 n the demand fair for the trade; pales of 1,160 bids at 511.26 fur 'Mess, and 10.7b011.67 for Prime. Beef is inactive, at.4l prices are without mach change. Beef Hams are in fair request; sales of 250 bile at $134215. Cut Meats me Amer; eslee of 470 hhde and boxes at 4,3;06,1ic for Hama, the latter for a fancy article, and 3 04c for Shouldora. Lor Jo bettor, at d in demand at 7)j 08),(c ; aides of 2,300 bide and tcs. Secession Not the Will of the South n./OW. we Publish a statement of the votes for and against Secession, tn all the slave States, showing . en aggregate majority for the Union of nearly one hundred atd fifty tboueand. In Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennersee, the vote Is given as cast at the brat dentin, when the people were. in some degree, at liberty to exprees their ea . timents at the polls; and not the vote given at the Fecund' election, when Beceaslon, through tee trr aeon of nu n *Jetted •se 'Unionists, was an ,4 ao cemtikted fact." In all the States the vote as given is that polled et the first Gennep, but In the States south of North,Clarolitta and Tennessee, Illation wee more thoroughly organized then in the more northe n lame States, and through that Thorough oigenizetion, aided by the defection of Governors and Leglihituree, the Union sentiment was riveted, end The elections in all those Ststos—exoept inailputh Oar ,line—held under dome. but tinder ell than olroutusimms and spite of the desperate efforts made by the deeperal+ men at the heed of the transom- Lie cotayiracy, the slave :fates, as a whole, voted for The Union : Nortit...Caroließ "Vir Riots Tont' sue' k nnt•iu , South Ca:Witty . Goorgiu Alubswo Dthsliutippi Lot 'strum ~lnlda 7lolaware 3Coulucky Itheouri Blvirylonti Tots' 638,703% • 450 554 men ere liud a cigar Union majority in tbaillouthern &tees, shim 'ihe • ehelllou tiret ripened, of one •lbandred ; and forty•eeren thousand; and when the Governteent ; Etta into a poiritiou by which it can afford protection to ; the men iu the Ontii who secretly entertain loyal eenti-'-; roevls, nearly ever'• man of throe six hundred and thirty tr•tbtee tbotteur d rttionlata, se shown above, trill Wu op at tra is eat nee of the Stars and Stripes. At rival of the Steamers State of 'Value and Whtildin—More Sick and Wounded. On Saturday morning the steamer State of Blaine sr rivtd Gam White Herne Point, Yirgiuta, which place gm left on Thureday afternoon. She had flee hundrod and nintty-two nick soldiers on boara from General He- Clellan'e army. The groat majority woro suffering from dlar ba•a, and the fevers and ailments Incithut to camp life. Of the whole number hat six. were wounded. One man, named Thomas Woodruff, or do D, 40th Pennsyl vania, died on the passage, and wits 'buried at Fortress 'Monroe. The fact of the arrival of tho boat was not generally known, but the news spread rapidly, and in a very short space of time a considerable crowd had collected ou the 01141 Ruggles, with a squad of police, was promptly on the ground, and did much to keep the crowd in order.• rope wee stretched across the wharf, and none but those having actual business with the sick were allowed to have amen to the vessels, thus giving the most ample room for the transpottation of the sufferers t0'1113143 comfortable quarters. A large number of ladies were in attendance with ro • freehmeate for the tick defenders of the country. Nearly all of them bad fruit and ice crater, which they distri buted In all directions. ' One enthusiastic , lady parcheeed the entice stock in haste of a 6alie vender, and placed it before the soldiers, who sat on the wharf waiting for a conveyance to the hospitals. Some of them brought large umbrellas, time ntfordiog a grateful shelter to the sick men from the rays of the tom. The patients were then distributed among the various army hospitals, the new hospital afEighth and - illarket coming in for a large altars. All who were able to walk to the hospital did's°, others were taken in ambulances, while those who were so ill that they could neither sit nor stand wore carried on stretchers. The following is the medical staff of the State of Maine Dr. Durrett, of Connecticut; Dr. 0. Van Tarter, Q. S. A., and Dr. Stone, of this city. E. E Bedford is hospital 'steward. The following in a list of the sick sod 'Wounded soldiers on board the State of Maine: /ST PENNSYLVANIA .14 e rn.LIERT.—H.. Monson, Go G. 167 pitziNsyLyANg,l Agn(nON't —S. Dickson, Co. K. 167 Plums 1-LwriA CAVALRY.—C. Schleifer, Co. E. an PENNSYI. , 'ANIA MBGINIENT.-40Innel Andres, Co. I; Jelne 'Wells, CO. B; M. McGonagle, Co. A; McGiore, Co. C._ • • 4+ - u YENNSYLVANI.I GAVALRY.—Sergeant .110108 Mc- Cune, Co. E. &111 PENNSYLVANIA BEOI3IENT.—G. A. Richards, Co. A. 670 PENNSYLVANIA Clapper, Co. K; Peter Saulsbury, Co. K. ITH PIM:SYLVANIA ligGimeNT.—Sergent U. S. Pride ricks, Co. D. . STE riNNSYLVANIA GAVALRY.-11. P. Blake, Co. D; P H. Bashes, Co. A; Sergeant De Kaker, Co. 01; hilnei Hagerhie, Co. H. /otll PICINSYLVANIA REOISININT —S. M. Elder, Co. 1E ; H. C. Barnes, Co. K; Sergeant S. McKenzie Co. C ; Alar •h, Co. H; E. (Ohm_ Po. I; C. McKinley, Co. A ; Sergeant S. Lk. Lowry, co. K. llru PENNSYLVANIA BEGlxEs . r.- 7 Wm, Harking, Go. 3. 12T6 PENNSTI.TANIA BECIT3IFINT.—G. B. Taylor, Co. I. IiSTIL PENNSYLVANIA RTICIIHEXT.—WIII. iliirltßY, CO. I. 230 PIXXSYLVANIA. RICGIIIBNT.—John OD. C Richard Murphy, Co. K ; W. lightly, 00. G ; J 1141168 Sproul, 00. B ; 1. Hattuck, Co. G ; Jai. Gallagtur, Co. 0; Charles Bryan t Co K; George Moore, Co 13 ; G. Fool, Co. D ; G. Kline, Co. I ; BeuJ. Lible, Co. I ; Wm. Bicker, Co. I ; L. Lampher. Co. B ; N. El Wagoner, Co. I; David 6peer, Co. K; Ed. Lewis, Co. ; E Lean. Co. T ; G. W.. P7oodhonse, Co. K ; Thos Pratt, Clo. ;G. W. Palmer, Co. II ;W. Buhr Co. :H ;T. L. Way, Co. G ; Joseph flogley, Co. X. ; John Gamble, flo. ; B. Bagley, Co. X ; Robert Sands, 00. I ; Joseph W. Pearson, Co. K ;.John Dobbin, Co. I; J. E. Oa'sorn, Co. I. 25TH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT.—James COlgld, CO K. 49th PENNSYLVANIA REOIMENT.—Thomas Woodhull, Co. D, (dead)•, J. G. Hurl Co. I; A Cornelius, Co. ;W. 0. Ta3lor,_Co. ;J. C. Runes. CO. A; John Hughes. Co. II; R. McClellan, 00. S ; W. McFarland, CO. A; George Miller, Co. A; S D. Wilkinson, Co. B; J. E Borkheliner. Co. G; F. Wain, r, Co. G; W. H. Fultz, Co B ; George Beatty. Co. I. 82d PasssrLYast.S. REGIME: r.—Henry E sriss,.Co. J. B. Adams, teamster; Sergeant Geo. Butt, Co. D; 0. IdoNillers, Co. G ; W. C. King, Co. .1; • Abraham dio clsir, Co. F; Sergeant R Williams, Co. 15`;.0. J. Barnes, band; K. Sheppard, Co. E; E. R, Lelleck, baud. tBG •PBENSYLTANIA. BEGIMENT.—AMOB Chill, Co. 0; W. R. Plimnix, Co. F. Blss PgsgsrLvaxig. }lsn't's:cr.—J. McOlay, Co. F; W. Pryor, Co. F ; R. W. Fairbanks,' Cu. A ; Jobn Dixon, Co. F. • 02n PENNSYLVANIA REGISIENT.—W. J. Giffin), 00. E. Gal) PENNSYLVANIA . REGIMENT.—J. IL Aber, CO. E ; W. T. Black, Co. B; D. E. Young, Co. K. 72D PENNSYLVANIA REGIAIENT.—CIISTINN SWIMMI, CO. Slsr PRNNSYLVANZA RECIYMENT.—J. Montgomery, Co. B ; John Jacobs, Co. C ; Robert Lovejoy, Co. 0; 190. Craig, Co. 0; F. Dougherty, Co. D. 820 .PMSNBILYANIA. REGIIIENT.—Ohas. Mosey, Co. B. 85S11 PIINN3II.VANIS. BEGIIIBNT. W. H. Shuman, Company K; J. B. Crawby, Co. A ; J. H. Mcß wen, Co R ; Benjamin Keefer, OG. K; A . Broome, Co. A; W. D. Ehaw, Co. K H. Taylor, Co. B. 93D PD:CASYLTANI.I. BAGLIIENT.—John Ho*, 00. T; E. Recd, 00. 0; W. Miller, Co. H' D. Sibert, Co. ;E. Tice, Co. 0; 0. Maass, Co. El; L. Yoder, Co. B; G.. W. Stewer,Go. I; George Berger, Co. 11; C. DI. Soballing, Co. I . W.H. Brown, Co. D ; H. Bnglebctb, Co. 0; W. {Volker, Co. C; J. Germany, Co 0! P. Freelloghonten, 00:0; Martin Otto, Co. D. 95T11 PENXEITLYANIA ItROIIIIINT.—Benjamin Key, Co. I; S.l.6vpiiim, Co. G C. Teasher, Co. F; Henry 'Wil son, CO. 0 ; W. W. Keeler, Co. 0; a. H. Smith, Co. B; Sarah B. Bowman, Co. HILO. W. Reese, Co. B; N. A. Roberts, Co. A. 9Grli PD:CNSTLVANIA 8E0131113T.-ICCIIOIII7 Bower, Co. B; August Smith, Co: 0; George Bremen, Co. K; J. Vow/malice, Co. 0; A. Duskie, Co. B; John Leant, Co. B; F. Harris Co. r; Wm Mangos, Co. B; D. blabobner, Co. G ; Sergeant Oh. F. Umbenhauer, Co. 88. ; St rgeant Thos. Tremble, Co. - le r Alex, Rigging, Co. 101sT PINSSYLCANI.I. Reoruseut.B. H. Beasts, Co. ; T. Carosben, Co. A; W M. Torrence, Co.D; T:H. Moore, Co Wm. MIMI, Co F ; Beoj. Morgan; Co. 11; Sergeant 11. B. Horton, Co D ; B. AI. Shaw,Co. A; .1. Z. Over, Co ;J. W. iticiate, Co. S. eral, Co. I ; Peter Cerro, Co. I; E. Morehouse, Co. B; John Eakin, tr&ditement .D.johneen, Co. ; Joseph Donnon, • i2' P RIMY B/01 lE' . 0 i • Citronnorooz—! CO. 11; W. B. unnut...—XiszlUlENT —John Idcllhotten; O. Petzinger, Co. B ; George — sx.67,.-8. 444/2 00. 1; Brink, Co. G; W. T. Bair, Co B. • lo4Tn PENNaYLVANIA BECAIMENT.—B, Clayton, Co. 9; G. W. }Taro. Co. K; Wllltam Rohr, band. 106711 PENNSTLTiNIA. Kehl, Co. G. 106711 PF.NgSYLVANI/ 11XCISINXT.—B. Griswold, Co. H. ler Kw JitIISZY 1181113dieNT.—W 11. Kelly; Co. B; Merles Lippincott, Co 1); Samuel Reaves, Co A; W. H. Hoff. Co. ;D. Drijete, Co. B; W. H. Brown, Co. B; G. W. Murray, Co II; P. Brisk, Co. B. 2u Naw JXRBBY BECIMEEIT.—L, Sheeld, Co. A ; 0. H. Duck, Co. I ; A. Just. Co. R. So 1) en Jeasar REGIMENT.-911011101. Smith, Co. C; W. Cone, Co. 0; P Shivers, Co. B;'Thos. Barran, Co. B; R. Diamond, Co. B; W. Littell, Co. 0; M. G. Belle, 00. ; M. Lawrence. 00.0; H Leiper, Co. B. . 4711 NNW JNSSNT REGIME/4T —J. P. PancoaaL Co: II; Z. Marke t Co. I 1; 0. Deal, Co. H ; G. W. Scott, Co. F; Joseph Conley, Co. II; R. Warner, Co. 11. • - Ill( Raw JCRSST RSGINENT.--Sergeant JO3. MOO odd. Co. I; Sergeant S.R. Connell, Co. K; Thoe. Co K. 81n Rim JERStIr Tomixerr.—Geo. Van Wort, Qo. C; Wm. Etamels, 00. ; E. 1). Swozer, Co. D ; D. Winton, Co. 8 ; Sergeant A. C. SOU, Co. D; John Donnelly, 00. 0; W. J. Coon's, Co. B ; E. Taggart, Ce. Shortly after 7 o'clock in the evening, the oteamer Whllldln came up to the °Sty, sled laid to at the same mime, above Callowhlll strost. The boat bad ono hun ched and sixty meensete on board, meetly nick. Tao ;sock of rcntoval wee quickly done, the volunteer add bring large and willing, and the Rick and wounded were tenderly cared for, and their wants impelled ae well am coda be dove on each abort notice. 'rho medical staff of the Whiltdin arse as follows : Caleb W Horner, surgeon in charge; Win. Sharp and Llostl W. Higon, assistant Burgeons; John A.. Zoirtbur and Wm. B. Brinton, cadets. Tho stramer had on board a number of volunteer lady nurtas, who rendered important service. Taelr names Were as follows: Mrs. C. W. Hoov , r, Mrs Pt P Grier, dpactimou, Mies E. M. Morris, and Mins Sarah Cuyler. . Since the Wit ilidin left Philadelphia, on the Bth of Jane, else bee beta employed in transp:.rtlng patients front White lionso end Yorktown. Dr Romer, whlie return. ins from beadquarkre, was on the train fired into by 3,300 r bel cavalry, killing one and wounding several on the care. Among the wounded was Paymaster Jesse 'P. Woodbury, 11. B. gunboat Chaplin, shot through the chest. Be was. taken in charge by Dr. Horner, and taken on board the Whilidln for treatment. The toldiere an board the Whllldin, as well as those on board the State of Maine, 'meek of the condition of at. Petra at the right of Gen. McGlellon's army. on Thera:l4y last. "The greatest activity was observable in all quer tens. The men were badly engaged In cutting down the trees lining the banks of the Yanumby river, In older to give an unobstructed view of the country. All the transports had been ordered down the rive r nod the gun boats up, in order to assist in shelling the rebels, if they make their' appearance, and a rumor was prevalent among the soldiers that Gen Jackson bad got in the rear of the army, and was about to attack. The soldiers wore io capital spittle, and eager for the light, and confident of their ability to conquer and drive the rebels back,, am), if the order was given, to follow into Richmond. The following le o Bet of she sick and wounded on board the W Dalin : P. Fither, Co. D, 634; P. Colford, 00. D, 26th; C. Hutchinson, Co. 0, 26th ; F. R. Alexander, Co. B, 93d ; Sunnydecker, Co. D, 85th; W. Luddington, Co. 13. 3d; J. W. Dullinger, Co. V, 934 •, John Gibson, Go G. '2.34; A. BehoneY, Co. C, 934; B. 'Dimmick, Co. K, 1.04 th ; A. Crops 0o: 0, 634 ; W. 8. Daniole, Co. R, 034 ; James I lath:, Co. 11, 4th ; Henry 'Walton, Co. D, 5501; Q. ' Belton Co. D, 95th; J. Huber. Co. I, 934 ; W. Mortar, Co. G, 57th; 0: Clark. Co. El, 57th; 3. BICAIRMILS, Co.D, let Al tiller,; W. Hiller, Co B, 49th ; A. K. Detrain, Co. F, 49th ; W. Walton, Co. D, 434 ; G. Martin, Co. D, 43d ;D. Fultz, Co. 0. 49th ;A. Turner, Co. A., ; Walton Lackey, Co. X, 934' S. C. Bose, Co. 8., 49th Sergi,. H. IL Mime, Co. A, 57th; Corporal F. N. Filmes, Co. A, 57th ;A. Oavlise, Ca. 0,3 d; Corporal D. II Uttar, Co. H; 234 ; Holly, 00.11, 63d. Sergt G. Grimes, Co. F, 7th; T. Creme, (Jo. V, 37th; Sergi. Spencer Smith, 1.10. E, 7th; F: Moffitt, Co. 0, TM; Crane, Co. F, 4th; Corp. B. M. Long, Co. B, 9d; Tracey, Co A, 24 ; Sergt. John Vatteen, Co. E, 2d; D. Lamper, Co. E, 2d ; John Gulf, Co " A. 2d Excels ior; John Crowley, • Co. 0, 784 ;G. Carter, Co. r. 4th; 0. N. Merillon , Co. D, sth Excelsior; W. Barrister, Co. 0, 9211; G. Stall, Co. H, 4th ; 0. D. Ballow, Co. D, 34 ; It. Space. Co. G, 7th ; W. Ripley, Co. B, ad ; J. Barrio Co. H, 3d ; S. E. Evans, Co. I, 24 ; P. Malaga. Co. 0, 2d; J. W il son, Co. H, 92d ; F. Walsall, Co. 0, 55th ; G. A.l4pon, On. H. Nth ;• W.G. Barber,-Co: 0, " 334 ; 'H. Mager. 00.1, aid; E:Habbard, Co. I, 834; 0. V. Ab bott, Co. A, 34 ; Janus Corcoran, Co. D, let; J. McOar• lay, Co. D, 8a; Sergt. G. Palmer. Co. H, sth; , N. Sweat, Co B; 4th Cavalry ; John Hyatt, 00. (1, 98th ; J. Trulenger, Co. A, 724. G. S. Wheeler, Co: H, 86th; T. Biglow, Co. I, 43d; P. Durkin Co. B. 93d; G. Mien, Co. B, 434 ; W. Delaney, Co. A;434 ; B. Foley, Co. 71, 434 ; I. T. Lopez, Co. B, 724; IL 'Alexander, CO. B, lethb ; C. H. Sandborn,Co. D, 75d ; T. McDonald, Co. 7, 624; . P. Boyle, Co. 0, 341; G. Taylor, Co. 13, 3d; D. Noloorr. Co. B, 4th; Al. McCarty, Co. El, 4th ; A. B. Barrows, Co. G, 3d; W. Copts, Co. F, 3d; C. Waggon Co. D, let; Sergeant W Devereaux, 00. E, 9th; A. Sullivan. Co. A,84; J. Nicholls, Co. B, 4th; .7. Warner, Co. A, 4th; J. Downey, Co. A, 4th; G. Duffey, Co A, 4th; S.. Bradin, (Jo. A. 2d •, P. McKinney, Co., A, - 4th; O, K, ad ; P. McGowan, Co. Ate, rd; S. Meat, Co. A, 87th ; Northrup, Co: 0, 3d; N. Langdale, Co. G, 87th; J. Martial, Co. 0, 96th ' A. Collin,, Co. 11, let Artillery ; W. Conine Co. E; 49th; A Mesler,"Co. B, 624; B. C. Murphy, Co. K, 38th; P. LVat ren, Co. B, lit Cavalry ; W. H. pleb, Co 77th; J.Nanesnap, Co. B, 93d; G. W. Hance, Co. K. 77th; A. Hun es, CO I", 24 ; Jno. Adehead, Co. A, 4th ; F. Beards- Joy. band, 05th; N. Foughty,.(Jo. B, 424; Eergeant W. Conimiuge, Co. H, 4th; .7. Ouilfryde, Co. (I, 48th. ' J. Dlc(Jaoley, (Jo. Oast ; Comma E. 0. Noison. 00. E, 4th Horn, Co. E, 7th; Mout. Z. Whittaker, Co. 0, 4th. Union. Scansion. 47,260 46,612 100,596 45, 181 67,640 54 151 32 172 41610 35,126 27.412 •27 . 26,000 32,600 57,500 27 600 46,100 25 000 88,040 17,070 20,448 4,200 6.700 12,400 3,600 83,167 46,065 Idesorer, Co. P. 11th; P. Liozey, Co. G, Gth; G. W. Stewart, Co. 0.3(1; Corporal A. B. Collins, Co E, 6th; Sergeant E. Emory, Co. A, 6th: Sergeant G. A. Greeler, Co I, sth; G. - P. Bituatell, Co. K, 11th ; C. P. licitolT, Co. 1:1, sth; Charles Patterson, Co. D, 43th Eel); on, .Co - 0, 39th. F. Anehnrlh 00. H, 20th; B. Johnson, Co. F. 20th; L. B. Frowtll, Co. A, 20th; A. G. Dawson, Co. K, 40th. lIICIIIGAN DI; Morris, CO. I, 6th ; ' Carpenter Co. I, 6th ; Zonal( r, Co. I, 6th ; 0. - Diencornb, Co. A, sth. ...101.800 51 500 87,100 .5,600 • P tawaki, D, 2tl Rhode Wend ;P. A. Flab, Co. r,l 6th wi s‘c usi n • 0. Reed, Co. U, let U. S. Cavalry . ; A.. Pazlro, Co. Z,l2th latantey. • 7 • • , It3toll' BEol3llx7s. . Petrick Howe, Co. E, 4tb ; W. A. Potts, Co - . I. sth; IL P. Leech: CO. E, Gth ; E. D. Ell.s. Co. El 2,1 ; 0.-Do 'rnaPt G, fith ; J. Nicholson. Co C. 10th; Sergeant J. Not um Co. G, NE; G. E. Chase, Co. 11, 2tt ; R. A. Hitch cock: Co. 1, THE CITY. ARRIVAL OF THE WHILLDIN. PEINNgYLVANIA RRnIMVNTS NNW JEURRY RIGIIIIINTS MAINZ IiNGTAIENTS. Vont. G. F. Homan, Co, H. 2d; B. Hadley, - Co. 11, 2d MISOILLANEOO.3 MASSA C 8r9E773 RP:CUM:II'3 E. Jones, Co. r, 36th ; J. Cole. Co. F,llth ; F. McKin ney, Co . R. l9:11 • ; N Dearborn, Co. K , 11 t h • Ohas H. Smith, K, ;G. B. Pellen. Oe. 0, 20th; It. Co F, 22d; B 11. Ward. Co. E. 221; K. (ludo', On. F., 22d ; Lieut. 0. Flagg, On. B. 16th ; P. Kalif, lht. G, 22d ; E. L. Nubbins, Co. B, 29th. DARING'ROBBERY—A FIRE-PROOF BLASTED wrra PO WDEl2.—Some time during Fri day evenleg the stirs of Mr. John N. Bhriver, wholesale fleti dealer, No. 32 North Wharves, win entered by thieves. The deeka in the counting-house were ran- Each of, but nothing was 'ebtvitiel there except Immo rootage stamps. The valuables were ell in a email tire. proof safe. This tide was on rollero, and wan taken out into the store and run about half way no to Water street. 'I here it VMS trend upon the aide, with the doer upper most. The keyhole woe fitted wish gunpowder, and the sato was thus blown open. The rascals seem to have taken every precaution to prevent their operations flout - being observed outside, and also to deaden the sound of the explosion, that the noise might Oct attract attention. Tho 'pat whore the fire-proof was operates upon was a sort of recess, sur rounded by kegs of fish piled tip almost to the ceiling, a lot of hams wale laid along the Minor behind ths doer• on Delaware avenue, and the transom was dosed up by sumo ;ragging, so that the light need by the 'elle We might not be seen by any pertain passing. In the seine manner were the gratings, , .n Water street fixed. The whole inside of .the door of the fireproof was blown off, and the works of the lock so deranged that it could easily be opened. The safe contained about $3O O in ma h. SBCO in paper, check book, &c., all of which were carried off by the natives. . From the appearance of the store, the rascals are-be lieved to have conic in through the store or Masers. Craig• & Co , who occupy the second story of the premiers. The doors sad saindows of Mr. Stirivaes store were all fas tened, and bore no marks of attempts having been made to force th em o p , o f the batches at tne Water-en-est end of the store was fecund open, and beneath it tills kegs were arranged - in such a manner as to form a series of steps. In Ornige t Co.'s store, doge by the hatchway. wee found the check book of Mr. 13Iniver, and also a small tin box, which was used for putting away gold. seventeen cents bad been left to the latter. The thieves stun left behind them a jimmy, a pair of stocklegs, and a paper of gunpowder. The counting house of Craig° ec CO. NOS also ransacked, but the thieves obtained only a few postage stamps and a pipe They went out leaving one of tte donrA opts. This robbery was a most d ming one, and wee conducted went oily that neither the pr.vate watchman in the neighbor hoed nor the policemen on the boat knew anything about the affair. SID FOR THE SICN AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS —Rev..A. G. McAuley, under the direction of the "Christian Commission," leaves for the army of the Potomac early in the week. He takoe with him a large amount of clothing and other things necessary for the sick and wounded, contributed by his congregation sad othdr friends. Any parties in the northern part of the city having garments or other things, requisite for' the comfort of our noble soldiers, - by leaving them at his church, York street, west of Prankford road, in .the (tatty part of the week, will have them forwarded and properly distributed. On Friday afternoon Birefeld'e band gave a serenade to the sick end wounded soldiers at the hospital, Bread and Cherry streets. The soldiers seamed delighted .with the music. A store and office aro about being established in this city to ,give medical relief to United Stites volunteers and their families Attendance in to bo free, and meth- ChM! sill tigr Inn:dolled at cost. Tho institution is to bo founded and supported by the voluntary contributions of those who are interested in the present and future welfare of the United Mates volunteers. Contributions will Lo received and further information gladly given by. application to any of the understood Wm It. Hart, 421 Commerce street; JIIMOS Bower, 229 Arch street; D. Harrison, 211 South Eigntli street; J. T. Jones,.37 Smth Front street (in from '2 to 6 P. 61 ) ; Mrs. Commodore Heed, United States Naval Asylum; bliss Helen Peddle, 1023 Spring Garden street; Harb.sch A Brother, 36 North Eighth street; it. Menai:la, Jr, 604 Franklin street; Jules A F. btaguin, ot. D., 915 Pace street The Penn Belief Association also calls for aid. All assistance in money, or anything . that will prove et use to the sick sod wounded, will be gratefully received and used by Rachel 8. Evans, president, northeast corner of Simi-nth and Tine streets; 114nnatt 1. Jenkins, 937 Franklin street; Anna P. Little, 002 North Sixth street; Ante B Justice. northweA corner Eighth and Parrish streets; Mary 00. Scranton, 1010 Walnut street, and Eroith it Thomas, 20 South Third street. • THE Foirais OF JULY.—The Fourth of .Ihly, notwithstandivg the adverse action of Councils, will be generally celebrated throughout the city. The soldiers of the war of 1812 will assemble at the Supreme Court rooms at ten o'clock in the morning, A grand excursion to Now York bus boon planned. The full excursion train will start for Now York on tbo 8d of July, and return on the iith, 6 b and 7th The f-ro far the round excursion is fixed at 84, and go New York still be 0 gay and happy" ou the Fourth of July, the ex cursion'traln will be liberal', patronized. A fiaerraising will take place during the day et • th) Hefted Slates Hoes Company's house, Buttonwood street atd York avenue, the day being the anniversary of the company. . • Ile members ct the . Washington F team Fire Engine company also intend celebrating the Fourth of • July in an appropriate manner. Among other things, a band will be stationed on the cupola of the engine house, dur ing the evening, and enliven the ncrghborhood with some fine music A displat of fireworks in front of the house will alit talcs place in the evening. Ci.mpany E, 3d Regiment Gray Beeerves, Captain Har vey, intend to raise a magnificent flae over their armory on the Fourth. A ealute of thirty-four suns will befirod on the occasion. After the Cetolllol3iell at the armory are gone through with, the company will proceed to the Point House for target practice. The flag pale, seventy feet ldgb, was raised on Friday evening. DEMAND FOR SMALL CHANGE.—The scarcity of email change &rows entirely out of a apecnln tive movement, as there is but little or no silver going out of the country. The high premium on gold coin has caused an advance in the price of silver, and as a cense eitt. lice halves and (marten of dollars are befog with drawn from circulation. Dimes and half-dimes com mand a premium, end even three-cent pieces, which have never been very popular, are eagerly nought alter. The baniro were glad to get rid of silver quarters , sad smaller coin before the enspeneion of specie psymente, and there woe a superabundance of such money for busi ness purposes This coin in now hoarded, because it will s luing a preminm in the market, and there scsrcity where there should be abundance. • The necessities of tho Government for gold to pay the interest on its loans. the detytrt...for..tho 02.616 Predoll3 natal to pay entries on iniports, and the want of Su:lion for shipping purposes, will keep up the price of the arti cle while the anspsusion of specie payments by the banks - entinnes. Not only is there an active speculation in gold in Ismer.% butthe to oacta are boy log up at a premium tho coupons on the Governtnent loans due on the let of . 7 • 4 '-.1y, , i-Itla of August. As tiiii.r.bnpobb be paid in gold y:0rurzi.,......,Ah0 r hove a Yalu. A b c ,,,,,tv..a.0... r: „ 11081 ITAL A - 060311101ixtuirtri -Tian • managera'of the Episcopal Hospital in this city are about to open (hewed wing' of their new bnilding, - at the re quest of the Government, for the reception of the sink and wounded United States soldiers. Tho buildiog arrange ments bare been pushed forward with rapidity, and will furoith better accommodations...than _other temporary structures. - The Government has leased the American Mechanics' Hall, Fourth street, below Girard avenue, for a military hospital. The building has two large saloons, A contract was signed lately between the agent of the Government and the officers of the German Hospital, by which the grounds and buildings of the latter, at Twen tieth andlforrie streets, aro biased for Government use. RELEASED ON PAROLE —The following Pennyheals prisoners were re/eased by the rebels tram parole, recently, in the Gbene.ndoalt Palley: ' Nighty. fourth. Pennsylvania—Jacob Barr, Co. G; Jar. W. Kelly, Co. E. Forts-sisrh PenosylvaniJacob 'dyers, Co. C; Pa trick Golden, Co. K; Thomas M. Licosbaugh, 00. H; Lester atone, Co. G; lt4ward Bradshaw, Co G; D. B. Pifer, Co ,K.. .Twenty- ninth Pennsylvania —J. D. Bea, Co. C ; Theo dote D Bow, Co. I; Samuel W. Gaylord, Co. H; Bobort G. Wagon, (io. D. One-hundred• and-ten tit Pennsylvania—t. J. Hender son . Co. B ; Martin Wirtz, Co. A ; Jamoa Hicks, Ao. D ; Dixon Hammy, Co. 8.. ARTILLERY DRlLL.—Company 'l3, 'lst Regiment of Artillerg, Capt. Multiage, together with the Ist Equadrou of Cavalry, under the direction of Captain Bavingtor, will parade to-morrow, July let. They will leave the - arsenal, at Broad and Race streets, at two P: M., and, after paeolog over a abort route,proceed to the race course, at Dlamotd Cottage, in Camdn, whore they will be reviewed, at three o'clock, by &layer Henry, the Committee on the Safety and Protection of the City, auil General PlepeonrOu and staff. The review will be fol lowed by a drill of the battery, which • ColiSints of six 10. 'pounder rifled Parrott gune, accompanied by their We al:we, each drawn by four horses. A mounted band, under the direction of Mr. A. Blrgfeid, will accompany the bat . THE LEAGUE-ISLAND NAVY YARD.— Information from influential gentlemen who are in posi tions which enable • them to sneak authoritatively on the subject, !muds ua to think there Is little doubt but that League Island will be accepted by the General Govern ment for the establishment of a first. clam naval station. The advantages offered by this place are so many and so obvious that the offer by the city will scarcely be re jected, while its acceptance will be an incalculable gain both to the city and State. Philadelphia will then have the largest naval depot in the world. • BiErk BALL.— Th ere will be a serifs of fnferealing szames to-morrow, between two nines front Brooklyn, N. Y , and two nines selected from the Ath letic, Olympic, Adriatic, and • Keystone Clubs, of Phils • delphie. Oar players will entertain their gnefts In vocy handsome' style at the Washington Ilouse. The play will fake place at Cameo's Woods to morrow and Wed nesday, commencing each day at 12 o'clock • _ .... GOOD DIOVEMENTS.—A, fairfor the benefit of the widows and orphans of the Union eoldiers wbo.bave fallen in bottle is to be given at Concert Hall Ibis evening and daring the week. It will be a handsome affair. A picnic for the benefit of the wounded entdiera in St. Joseph'e Hospital will be held at Scbal•lkill Heights to•dey. The object is agood one, and the festival should be liberally patronized; MYSTERIOUS liosEERY.—On two dif ferent occasions last week, the Plough Hotel, No. 410 South Second street, was entered by some unknown thief or thieves, and the rooms of the lodgers were thoroughly ransacked. On the occasion of the last robbery . (on Fri day), four hundred and seventy-five dollars were stolen. Thus far ihe thieves have escaped detection.' ROBBING PCO.II JACIC.—On Saturday evening three men, named David Wilson, William Fres!, and Bobert Montgomery, were arrested and taken to the Fi'th-ward statitta house, on the charge of robbing a sailor of sixty dollars, while driving in with him from the races at tzutfolk Park. A fifty-dollar note was found in the station house, where one of the party had spirited it soon after the anat. • E.ENTENCED.-1 n the Criminal U OUr ty. on Saturday, the foMowleg sentences were pronounced:4 William Mal an, larceny, four months _ .. . . G. W. Kern, larceny of pocket-book of William MB% eighteen months. Jelin Pennypacker, attempt to pais a counterfeit note, One year. " • THE CHESTNUT STREET • BRIDGE.— The workmen commenced, on Saturday morning, driving pilee in the middle of the Scbusittill river for the plasma of conptructing the centre pier. That great improve meet. the Cheetnnbetreet bridge, bidslair to' be com pleted before winter. • • UNPAID WATER RENTS.— The penalty of fifteen per cent. will be added after tomorrow, July let, on all unpaid bills for water. routs. Consumers, therefore, must meet their bills to dny if th'ey would avoid the penalty. . • . • SENTENCED.— Peter • Blyler who was indicted before tbe United States I iNtrict Oonrt, at Tren ton, for robbing the Camden goat Witco, plefuted'eupfy to four chergeP, and, boo Wien - sentenced to three years' imprisonment.' • Nzw- Slum- Frfts-Erformz:— A .• • manufacturing ertabllsitment in this city has under con tract a steam ilre•eagine . for Weber ET13(1110 Company NO. 1, of San Francisco. • 'The cost, delivered there, be about $4,000. • • • A • VACIATION . nere was no second_ in Won of the Board Of . Brokers on Saturday, they bating determined that during the summer only one. Board shall be held on Saturdays. ' ' • . IN POET.— The following ships were . . in pail on Saturday tnoinins : We stern.ooeau; TemPots William Cummings, Ocean Scud, New England, Frank Boult, Tata, Ocean, Cheltenbam. • DIJRINO THE MONTH OF JUNE. number Of fires occurred. in this . , city , . diiripg the mouth of June,' but a large majority of. them:Nate of a very trifling oharacter." . . BOATS LosT.---It is estimated that about two hundred boats, need in the navigation of the, Lehigh and connecting commis, were destroyed by the re cent deo 3. THE PRESS.- - PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. JUNE 80. 1862. . GENEROUS SYMPATHY. The ladies or the tit inn Volunteer lefitehment C•on.uitteo de'o re to rt torn tL•eir sineere thanks to the various• nttaonha of the Phileduipids nary yard for the opportunity affo- , 'al them to become the almoners of their noble. ilheratitr. When the institution with which these ladies are con nected was struggling to 'maintain the well-aarnoti rope tette') cit this city, and when, °ping to tho vast Wing of Union voluitleore in transit,. and the bone, expenses in curred In providing refreshments far them, the treasury was almost bankrupt, the officers, masters, and the patri otic medal/tics of the navy yard, canto to their rescue, and donated one day's work entire for their relief, end since have contributed liberally by benefit's and othur. wise. Thee° ladies eultheAvi d the Idea, during the pro gress of the - recent fair, of complimerstinglhem by pro. sooting the commodore, cep.niu, warrant officers, and each department with II large ponnd cake; etch appro. prietely ornamented with its insignia of trade. When the ihreerntations were made, the ladies were re/peeled to dietrthute the cakes among the sick. and wormiled at the vtirioue Government licapita's, which duty has been &initial's' performed, during the latter part of last week, to the no small gratification of the recipients, se they received from the hands or the ladies a slice. Seventeen cakes were dietrittuted,-feell weighing eighteen ponode. BURIAL OF DECEASED F.OLDIERS.— Te following is a list of the names of the Pennsylvania aoldkro who It WC died in the 'serious G.vernment hospi; tole in Now York city, and who havo been Interco) in lot rot non for tho 'purpose in the Cypress Hide Cents. tery : Ohms. H. Donner, 11, 34. John Eichlln, 0, 104th. 'Watson Dnnble. James Dnuningun, H,'621. E. U. Backus. I), 834. 3 • W. /Deckhouse, Cl,lolth Thos. bleCoughel,F, 23d. B. W. Igailwain, R, 106th James Mirk, IS, 61st.. G W. Craig, I, 65th. • 'Ebenezer Damns., Edwin 0 Foster, D, 83d. Jobn O'Brien, 83d. Jamey C. 16$rnam, B, Jobu N. Bowe, K, 85th. John Flemming. E, 631. Oba•.•l'. Warner, F, IG6ch. Andy Eye, K, 6lst.. Should any one, in rending this Ibt, t oe the name of missing soldier friend, and wish to claim the body, lie bas first to cidl on Qaartermeater Tompkins, in SW* street, and give the name and regiment of the decested. The quartermaster, after satisfying himself that the ap• plicant le the proper parson to claim the hody, will refer him to the United States undertsker, who, after proof that all is right, will afford every facility for the re moval of the body. JODGMENTS .ENTERED,—vti Saturday, in the District Court—judges Sharsi•ood, Stroud, and Hare—the following judgments, in . cases which. were on the ersumeint tier, w.we entered: Bilbrough re. Coulter. Cul- to take off non suit abso lute. • Thompon se. The City. Rule for. a now trial dis charged, and judgment for the plaintiff on the point re served. Hokin va. Pattie. Itn'e for a new trisl Macho...gad: Renerteber. VP. °manor. Bute' for a new trial dim • charged. Stratton vs. Morgan. Rule for a new trial discharged Myers vs. Andorran. Rule for anew trial abiolate. • Watson vs. Smith. Buis fora now Iris( discharged. . Hamilton vs. Merman. Milo fora new trial. Pointu reserved; and for julgment non obsternte veredieto Rule discharged, and judgment for the plaintiff on the point reserved. . Ciiy vs. Trustees Case stated. Judgment for de fendants. • • THE TUH.F.—The ,races at Suffolk Park terminated on Saturday with the beat apart o the week. The day was intensely hot, but a pleasant br• era prevented anneal:en. The horses—fdlewild, Ella D., end Deltic Ward—ware brought promptly to the post, the first named being the favorite at SlOO to SW. Idle wild took the lead at the alert. and maintained it to the clone of the heat, the three miles being made in 5.484'. The second heat was a repetition of the first, Dilewint wirming easily in 5 48. ' The rontlner.tal Hotel pronnum—n gold watch, stud ded with diamonds—wee won, after au atnneiog.con test, by J. Warnock's chestnut gelding, in 52 seconds. B e also won the second best in 55 seconds. The distance run' was only a half mile. Thisewill end the racing until September. Trr, • EE IEARITAN AND DELAWARE-BAY RAILROAD.—In n few weeks there will be opened across the State of New Jersey, from Naighn's Point, opposite the navy yard, in ibis elty, to•Portliorimouth, on It al. ,tan Bay, taenty-three miles from -New York, on un broken line of rail, of the narrow (4 feet 8)( inches) gauge, the same as the Camden and Atlantic Ballrosd from Camden to Atlantic City, and-the Now Jersey Cen tral Railroad from Easton to El zsbethport, on Raritan Bay. The now • route between Rafghn's Point arid Port Idonmouth includes a part of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad, main road and branches, from Kaighn's Point to Melon Junction, comprising nearly one-third the whole distance between Raighn's Point and Port Mon mouth. • • „„ BABE . .15ALL.—Ine great tournament w 11 begin on Tuesday, at 12 o'clock, at Oamac'e Woudi, The Brooklyn playa's, accompanied by fifty of their Mende, wia. arrive at the loot of Walnut street this evening. at 6) o'clock, where they will be mat by a large delegation of our players. On their arrival at the Wa•blnron House, Mr. Wm. Whitman, president of the Olympic Ulub, will welcome then' in an appropriate and eloquent spiech. A grand dinner will be given on Wednesday evening, at the Washington House, and on Thursday do strangers will go home. GEN. FREMONT AND DIR. EEWARD.— These gentlemen passed through the c'ty yesterday af ternoon en ronte for New York. They were invited to stop at the Refreshment Saloons, but time did not allow them to do so. Governor Sprague, of Rhode Island, parsed through the city for Washington last evening about 10 o'clock. The ith squadron of Rhode Island Cavalry, commanded by Captain A. C. }Eddy, and num bering ]64 men; went South yesterday afternoon. Host of the members of this corps are college students, from New England. HEALTH . RE.PoRi--The number .of deaths in the city during the week ending June 28th was 273, Of which 181 were adults. and 142 children. The number of deaths compared with the corresponding week of 1861 and of last week was as follows : Wet.k ending June 29, 1881, war* 283: week endlog Jima 14,1802, wan 209. Melee, 160; female?, 123; boys, 70; girlk, 92. ' ADVANCE IN' THE PRICE OF 00AL.— .. Tho late flood in the coal regien-lias very serionsit af; fect‘d the Deice of coal. The mines have been damaged as well as the canals, and the sonEequenco is, the price of cowl has advanced at the mines as much as 51.15 per ton within the last ten days. An advance of baa been made by the dealers in Phconiavilte. It is said that the freshet will probably raise the price of coal $1 a 31.50. I . INQuEsT.—'l he corthiet: ; , held.Lan in tined yesterday on the 'Jammu Brown, who vn drowned near tho ra,onbla bridge on Saturday, while • SLICHT 'FIRM—A slight fire occurred vesterdwy arceresou, In a Eliall stable at Ella and. Amber s-1., in the Nineteenth ward, owned nod occnphd by LOwi e done yorsAitlins. 7 r. D PiuubiLvilLPlELL 130420 , 9 1. sue. w. Di 001M4Y, umss - rrnAND, • . • • LETTER BAGS - • At as Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. ship Ocean Scud, Small Liverpool, soon Brig Tbos,Walter, Johnson ...St Bane, soon Bar Ann carlett, Corlett, 6t Thomas, soon PORT Or PRILADEL.PRIA I Jane 30, 1662. BUN GIBES 4 $5-SIIN SSTS 7 31 HIGH WATER 4 32 ARRltled. Scbr Qulcksteb, Richardson, 4 days from New Ded fora, in batlaat to captain. . Schr A Hammond, Paine, 5 days from White Hones, Ta, in ballast to David Cooper. Bob) Carthagena, Kelly, 4 days from Now )3edford, in ballast to captain. •- Bohr Aid, Endicott, 4 dsys from Portsmouth, NIX, in ballast to L Autenried ,b Co. Behr A Gardnor, Knowles, 6 days from Boston, in bal last to Ts ter, Btone & Co. Behr C A iteekselier, Stubbs. 4 days from Boston, with ice to captain Bohr Triumph, Watson, 0 dare from Boston, with muse to Cros ell & Collins. • Schr 16 II Atwood, Aich, from Boston, via Cheater 1 day, to ballaat to ciptairi. Bohr Andrew Batelle, Collings, 1 day from Little Creek Landing. Da, with corn to Jae L Bewley & Co. Saw Coia, Masten, 1 day from Brandywine, Del, with torn meal to B. DI Lea. Steamer Fanny Garner, Pierce, 24 hours from Now Toxic, with mdse to W P Clyde. Bark Joi Maxwell, Davie. Laituayra,lDallett & Co. Bark B Fountain, Keller, Boston, L Audenried & Brig C Mfiler, Brown, New Bedford, Twelts & Co tchr. Home, Shultz, New Bedford, J E Baxley & Co. Bohr Carthegena. Kelley, New Bedford, W Dickler: Behr B W Tull, Townsend, Ship Island, D 8 Stetson & Co. Schr IValtor Raleigh, Phillips, Yorktown, ' do Bebe Defiance; Harrington, Portland, Sinnickson Glover. . . ' Schr Qtdckatep, lilehardson, Salem, C A Ileckscher & Co, . Schr Submit, Sweet, rraintroe, L Andenried & Co. • Schr W Sima, Mason, Boston,. do ` ; Brim Jl3 Wetdin, Smith, Boston,. do • • Schr W P Crammer, Cranmor,Boston, 'do Behr; AMammond, Paine, Nion, - do Bohr . 0 A Stetson, Cobb, Boston, do &hi Smith Tuttle, Bich, Boston, do Bohr Mary Price, Blizzard, Boston, do -Buhr Corea, Meredith, Lynn, . , do Bchr hi Collins, Shourds, Providence,- do • Schr Naiad Queen, Hulse, Providence, do Bcer Aid, Endicott, Charlestown, Behr Island Belle, Butler, New Bedford, 'do_ Schr Gazelle, Hoffman, Chelsea, do • Eche 0 Angustne, New York, . do liohnO A Greiner, Young. Roxbury, • do . . Bch PJ Scott, Bothtl, fluxbUry, . • - do Schr D P, Matthews, Portsmouth, do Schr BJ Vaughn, Vaughn, Weymouth, do Bahr Ellen, Pitt, Cheater, do. • . Bchr Pocahontas, Berry, Marblehead, do . Bchr S Washburne Thrasher, Dighton, do ' Bchr A eardnor, Knowles, Beaton; Tyler, Stone & Co. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia .Exchtuage.) BEIDGEtOWN, .13hA8A.1)03, Jame 7. The bark Montezuma arid Behr Indne, ficim Philegtel phia, are the only eruericii) remit; la port. The L'ark hlls, from Ptillae elphiLa, arrived '2l4th tilt; and sailed yes terday for a port an Cuba. • ' - Yours, &r. J. O. FORD. (Cocrespondia!e of the Prees.) RE s.DING, June M. The following boats from the Tinton Canal passed into the Schuylkill Cenal tc-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: -.• Jos Coover, arab) to Jrs Coover: Star, do to P Bushotig & Sone; 0 Hoffer, lumber .to J :D Cameron: Farootell, to captain. 'HAVRE DE GB&C IL June 27. The W2cming left hero this moroing with 6 boats io tow, laden and consigned as follows: Boward, wheat to A G Cotten & Co; D W Wagner, wheat to Perot & Co; Peck ' & Berna•d, lumber to Woo tl Lloyd; Col Ellsworth, do to Gaskill & Galvin; Wm 1' Counter, do antikshlnglim to II Croaker & Co: Jam Cook," pig metal to E J Elting & Bro; It It Bridges, lumber to 7) B Taylor; True America'', do to Norcross & Sheets; Capt Porter, do to Malone & Trainer: Chits Davin, do to B Volver ton . Dark Tictorine, Jonee, hence, arrived at Bt John, NB, 24th that - Behr Gun Rock, Parker, for Philadelphia, was at Ponce, PR, 11th hat. Bohr Telegraph, Wilcox, hence, arrived at Mystic, feth that. Schr R . & R Stedman. Camp hence, arrived at New Pleven 26th Mat. Rehr Anna B Reyes, for Philadelphia, mailed fromlfew Haven 26th Met. tcr...llClFEß — r....olt WORKS. • 100 bbt. ' , Lucifer" Burning Oil on band. We guarantee the oil. to be non-explosive, to burn all the oil in the lamp with a steady. brilliant Same without crusting tke wick, and but slowly. • Barrels lined with glass enamel. WRIGHT, SMITH, & PEILItSkLL, fe2l.4f . Office 616 MARKET Street .WORMAN & ELY, No. 130 PEGG V T Street, manufacturers of patent OAST-STEEL TABLE CU'tLEItYi &leo a lately-patented COUBI NATION SNIPE , FORK, 'and SPOON; especially adapted for Camp me, for Fishermen, Sea-faring Mn,e Mechanics, Miners, immberihen, and'an Workmen car rying their. dinners. Cutlery is warranted to be of the best quality of ENGLISH OAST-STEEL, and is intended to supereade,by its eacellinme and 'cheapness, the inferior qualititie of .omiery now in ilia market, and to .which they ,res*Wir Invite the attention of the Hardware dealers sterairflr-... . 4.m7258in TN44O OOPPER--FROM• THE A MYGDALOW !AMINO COMPANY, of Lake fluterLor, for sale in lota to suit puteloutsrs, OSO. F: WO userws, Iola• rasa* '• 416 &Bon street. NA.BINE INTELLIGENCE. CLEAB.ED (Corrt4pondonet of tho MEMORANDA ILLUMiN4TMS .. OLE* LEGAL. TIDE - ENS v5...3,UKEN8..0. U. P. 8., JLI 63, 42.--1111,aN VILLE W LIIKIIOI3, 0.f.n4 4 0t, von hereby noelte role fur Divorce, a vinctao re turnable Julio 21., 1302, sec. reg. personal ser vice of notice having failed throngh elrfetitot's absence in parts unknown. M. J. ALI 0111 NON, io2B.mw4e* attorney for Übellent. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOE: THE CITY AND COUNTY ON - PHILADELPHIA • Edtato of GEORGE CH 'MOLEX. Tito Auditor appointed by tho Conrt to aunt. settle, nod adjust the account or .ROBERT 011 U Atargnee for the benefit or creditors or 01C9ROPI Cif Ael MAE, and to retort distribotibu of the balance in the handed' the.aoconntent, will meat the partial in terested, for the purpoeen of his appointment, on TUEI - AT. the Bth oar of July, at 12 o'clock hi , at the W TB ERILL IF USE, SASSO3I, above Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia. ja2l-finwst UNITED STATEF...E VSZERN Di& TRIOT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO TDE,IHARSHAL OF TliE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in a. certain cause of prize, moved and prosecuteU in the sold Court in the name of the 'United States of America, against the schooner ROWENA, whereof Edward Word is mas ter, her tackle, apparel. and furniture, and the goody, war. a, and merchandise laden on board thereof, cap• tared by the United States' gunboat Pembina, inside of Steno Inlet, South Carolina, as prize, and brought into the port of Philadelphia in the Eastern District ot Peon eylvania, rightly and duly proteediug on the day of the data hereof, upon the libel flied by the Attorney of the United States, on behalf of the said United States, bath decAvd the arrest of the said schooner ROWENA her tackle, apparel. and furniture, and ti e s goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof. NY hereupon, we do hereby empower and strictly com mand you, that you omit not, but that Yon arrest: Or same to be emoted, the said schooner ROWENA, her tackle, apparel, and fundtore, and the goods, wares, and merchandice laden On board thereof, eharesoever you shall dud the same, aad the name so arreated you keep under safe sod secure arr.( st until the farther order of the said District Court, awl that you duly certify to the saki District Court what you shoal do in the premises; to settler with these presents. 'Witness the Honorable JOHN OADWATADER, Judge of the sold Court, at Philadelphia, this twenty:sixth day of JUNE, in the year of our Lord 1862, and in the eighty-sixth year of the Independence of the said United States. je2.6-8t . • G. It. FOX,.Clisit. D. 0. • • • • • MARSHALI3 . -SALL—By.iirtue of. a Writ of Sate, be the Hon. SOWN CADWA.Ltim DEE, Judge of the District Court of the United States,' in and for tho Eastern District of Porinsylienia, in admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold, at nubile solo. to die' hirhest and beet bidder, for cash, at oisa,Lowurt.L ISTREET WHARF', on WEDNESDAY, Suly 0, 1882, at. 12 o'clock fif., the schoonor GUIDE, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and bbr cargo laden on board, consisting of NO bates of cotton, 5 tiorcee of rice, in bags, 400 empty bags, atd a quantity of tobacco. Oast bo 'ex amined on the morning of solo. ' WILidA3I liIIILLW&ItE, 11. 8. hiarehig Eastern District of Penna. , . -7 Pnri.ainzients, Jane 26,1862. jell-St MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale,' by the Ron. JOHN OAD WAX, A.- DER. Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for theEsstera District of Pennsylvania, in admi ralty, to Me directed, will be sold, at piddle sale,•to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at QUEEN-STREET WHARF. on MONDAY, July la, 1852, at it o'clock A. M., the Steamer CUMBRIA, . her . tazkle, apparel, and furniture, and the cam:, laden on board. Thee:ergs will be sold at MICIIRNER'S STORE, No. 142 North FRONT Street, at 12 o'clock M. Cataloguer will be beaked prior to the day of tale. The goods can be ex.- enticed on the morning of sale. WIGLIAM MILLWARD, •U. S. Marshal Eastern District of Penna. • PHILADELPHIA. JUDO 26, 1862 le27.et PROPOSALS.-' R CLOTHING AND EQUI- A P OPPICE, TWELFTH AND GIRARD M A GYE Streets. PITILIDELPHIA, June 21, SEALED PROPOSALS. endorsed •' PROPOSALS FOR HATCHETS, DAV:MET HANDLES, and FELLING AXES," will be received by the woderalemed, at his Office, until 12 o'clocic Id. on TUESDAY, Ist of July nest, for furnishing this Department, dellverahle at the Schuylkill &wool, and subject to Inspection, with five thousand (5,000) of each of the above-narool ar ticles. Bids will be received for the whole or any part of the above article's, and the bidders will state in their bide how soon the same can be delivered at the S:lotyl kill Arsenal, where samples can be teen of those required. G. H. OROS HAN. je2S 3t Deputy Quartermaster General 11. S. A. DEPUTY QUARTE.LIMASTER GICIINIIAL'a orncrs, PIItLADISLPIIIA, Juno 25, 1862, Proposals will be received at this office until TUE 3 DAY next, let Jelly, at 12 o'clock AI., for supplying all the Coal requisite until let October, 1882, for the follow ing liniled,Btates Milttary Hospilahr, situated at ' West Philadelphia, Broad and Cherry streets, Twenty. second and Wood streets, Buttonwood street, neatiPlith, Christian street, TwentyC four tb and South streets, a Fourth and George streets, blxth and Master streets, Bestouville, Germantown, Old German Hospital, (now United States,) Near Chester- Delaware county, or any other Government Hospitals that may be esta blished within the city limits previous to October 1, 1662. The coal to be of the best quality Anthracite, size stove or broken, and in such quantities and at such times as may •be required. 'rho successful bidder or bidders will be required to immediately enter into a contract, with good' security, for the faithful performance of the same. Signed, A. BOYD; j 026-41 Oaptain and Assistant Quartermaster. SEALED PEOPQS AiLS • ARE IN vitcd Patti the 15thday of JULY, 1862, for sulnilying the United States Subsisteses Department with 6,000 head ...tdDEEF CATTLE on the Hoof. s 'ibe Cattle to, be delivered at Washington, D. 0., and each animal to average 1,900 pounds gross. No 'animal admitted 'that weighs lees than 1,000 pounds gross. Heifers. Stags, and dulls not wanted. • The first delivery of Cattle to be made on the Ist day of -- Lngust; or as BOOTS thereafter as the Government natty direst. 000 bead of Cattle per week will be required to be delivered under this contract. A bond with good and 'sufficient security will be re• quirt ti. No bid will be entertained when pnt In by contractore who have previously failed to comply with their contracts in any Department of Government, or where the bidder is not present to respond to his bid. 7 119.M 1 1146 -4- aeach fi rm . . 'Pioneer& from disloyal parties will not- no eoneiderid, and an oath of allegiance must accompeay.m.un-propod. tion. bll bide must be accompanied by two guarantees . . Bids to be directed to Major A. BECK WITH, C. 8., H. B. A., Washington, D. C., and endoreed Propagate for Beef Cattle." \ Form of Guarantee We, —, of tie county of and State of —-. do bereby guaranty that ie able to 1 ulfil a contract in accordance with the tornoe of hie proposition, and that, aboteld bie proposition be accepted, he will at once outer into a contract io accordance therewith. Should the con tract be awarded him we are prepared to become his ea -amities. (thie guarantee must be appended to each bid.) The responeibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the United States Dietrfot Attorney. •:.je2B 14t GROCRRIEISI AND. PROVISIONS ..tro FAMILIES 'RESIDING . . . . RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, 83 heretofore, to annuli Families at their country resideucea with every description of FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, EcO., &o: • ALBERT 0. ROBERTS, .je2l-tt_ 001/Nl6it EL - EV - MTH .I,IID VIDE ST& NEW MACKEREL: 150 Mk .New Largo No. Mackerel. 150 Half BON rr .r In store and and for sale by MURPHY & KOONS, Jel4. tf . No. 146 North WU/CR:TV MACKEBEL, H.ERBING, SHAD, 2,600 aim. Maaa Noe. 1,2, end 3 Mackerel, late oanglit a fleb, in assorted packages. 2,000 Bble N6w Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herring. ' 2.600 Boxes Lubec, Scaled, and No. 1 Herring. 160 Bble New Maas Shad. 250 Boxes Herkimer County Cheese, &o. In store and for sale by MURPHY & KOONS, j 014. ti ' No. 146 North: WHARVES. RHODES . WILLIAMS, N0..107: e' South WATBB Street, offer for sale the following: 75 cases assorted Jellies. 100 Cases American Pickles, pinta and quarts. . 60 cases American Pickles, gallons and half gallons. 60 caeca French Brandied Cherries. 75 cases French Brandied Peaches. 40 cases Lewis & Bros.' Condensed Milk. 60 cases Bordeaux Olive Oil, in black bottles. 20-cases Virgin 011.01Atx. . - 60 came Bacgelapt Oil, plots and quarts.. Also, a well. [weeded stock Croeset & illackiell's Cele brated Bogliab ' • — jaig fIARTER'S.CELEBRATED NEW JIMSBY SIMILE WIRED Hit% Just received. • JAMES TIOMICII dr SON, . le2o Seventh sod Noble and Sixth aud.Wood QA.RD.INES.—A v Iniperior brand k.). for side by sia 146 WATAMT:itaia S 1 GILS.NITRI Street. Oil4ircticie .. :- ',pure ,1 / 4 .." Olive Oil, to arrive "boom in; voice per Ocean Skinner, far sate • • • - • '013A13. 19,1111:11,8TAIRS, • Jo 20 No. US WALNUT and 21 - GBLEIITE St. T ATOUR OLIVE OIL.-463 baskets LAI OUR OLIVE OIL, jut reoelyed, and for male by JATTRETEHE a LAVERGNE, 202 end 204 South FRONT Straat. • , 4 0407TION.—Having Been a spnrlona article of 011 braided "J. Latour," we caution the public against purchasing the same, Se the genuine J. Latour Oil can be procured only fronnis.. JA.ll.ll=olil & mylB-tf ~ 204 Sonah.FRONT Street COAL. COAL. : TEE 1:1 RAE RBIG NE D beg leave to inform their friehds end the public that tboy have removed their LEHIGH 00AL DEPOT. from NOBLE-STREET WHARF, on the Delaware, to theft Yard, northsvio9t. corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, where they intend to keep the beet quality of LEHIGH GOAL, from the most approved mines, at the lowest priers. Your patronage ie respeotiully solicited JOS. WALTON & 00., Of ice,ll2 South SZOOLID Street. Yard. EIffHTH and WILLOW. mhl-id VATTPS OELEBRATED c R zAX will positively remove TAN, rinmaacs, SALLOWNESS, SUNDOEN, PIMPLES, and all amp- Lions of the face ; giving a beaut if ul' healthy glow and rosy color to the cheeks, so much desired by every Otis. In short, it PRESERVES THE FRESHNESS OF YOUTR;rtanoving all WRINKLES, and giving a soft, smooth appearance to the face, and a brilliancy . to the ems that in sue prising to all. It le an article that is - INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY LADE.. Ifpisard of 1,000 BOTTLES PER DAT.are mow sold in Philadelphia alone, and the demand is daily inoreao. lug. Price 25 °ante por bottle. Sold by -• 51. B. 8. NATTI Idannfacturere and Proprietors, • - No. 521 OILESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, And by the following agents in Philadelphia: J. R. GassolberrY, No 46 N. Eighth street; Andrew Taylor, druggist, cor. of ' Ninth and Chestnut streets; X. Brad- Sold, N 0.802 Arch street; F. T. Barrett, No. 984 N. Second street ; Miss Kocher, Seventh and Coates streets; M. L. Adams, N. W. COT. of Marshall and Girard ave nue-, and by druggists and dealers in Panty Goode ire. nerally. . . • Agents wanted in every town . and tillage of the 'United States and Camden: niv9lB-ti AMERICAN ROOFING SLATES,. FULLY EQUAL to the . EST WELSH SLATES. T. THOMAS, my 6-11 111 T WALNUT Btroot. ENSVRAIWZ CONP/LNIES. DELAWARE MerUAlt • SAFETY TNSORANOB oomreanr. INOOEPOBATED BY VIE LBCIIBLinTKE OP d'ENNSYLTANIA, 1186. OFFICE B. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT' stirs PHILADELPHIA. A. IA MITE INSURANOR ON 61313 SILLS, 11 • OA.RGO, To all Parte of the World. FREIGHT, INLA D INKIRS76O3IOI Oa Goods, by Rivers, Canals, Lab's, and Land Oarrisitell to all parts of the Union. , • FLEE INfitiRANOES CM Merchandise generally. Ou Stores, Divellion housellas. ASSETS ON TIIE 001111 P MIT, NOV. 1, ma. rex. 170 it. 3/00,000 United States Five per cent. lasi. 8100,660 09 60,009 113nited States Six por 'conk Tree. eery Notes 43,333 37 513,000 Drilled Stites Seven and Throc. tenths per cent. Truantry Notes 15,990 00 1.00,009 . State of Pennsylvania Five per "" oent. Loan 09,601 21 123,060 Philatielphia Oity Six per ceel. Loan. • 119,9413 17 50,000 State of Tennessee Five per cent. Loan. 64,075 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad. let Mort gage Six per cent. Bonds 60,000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 24 Mort gage Six per cent. Bonds 40,130 II 15,000 000 Shares Stock Germantown Hey Company, principal and interest guarantied by Liar Oity of Phi- • ladelphia. 14,617 Mt 6,000 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Ocantany 1,000 00 Bille receivable for insurances =vie...." 90,730 07 Sonde. and Mortgages 76,000 00 Real Estate 61.843 SI Balance, doe - at Agenclea—Premiums on Marine Policies. LW...meet. and other Debts dna the Company. 13,131 07 &Drip and Stook of sundry . Insnranoe and other Oomyaniee, $11,848--estimated va lue flash on hand—ln Banks ..061,028 03 In Drawer 617 33 IatigOTOBIL William Martin, Samuel B. Stokes, Edmund A. Sender, J. F. Penisten, Theophilns Pan!ding, Ronry Sloan, John B. Penrose, Edward Darlington; John 0. Davis, H. Jones Brooke, Joules Tracusdr, ' Spencer APllvaine, William Eyre, Jr., Thomas 0. Band, James 0. Rend, - . Robert Barton, William 0. Ludwig, Jaceb P. Jones, Joseph H. Seal, • James B. McFarland, Dr. B. M. Huston, Joshua P. Eyre, George G. Leiner, John B. Semple, Pittsburg, Bush Oreig, D. T. Morgan ' Pittsburg, Charles Ilelly, - • A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. • WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS 0. BAND, Vice PreeldeciL • WET LELBllEN.Secretery. isl 4-42 T EEN R.ELLUICE KGTll•Gre' INBURANON DOMPABIR, • • . or reu.ainsi.rxia, . . • • •• . • 0194/03 No. 806 WALNUT 13TRKNT, 121312611 against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY TIAN, et •,... Roses, • Stores, and other buildings, limited • or perpetual, and on Par - niters, • Goods, Wares, and Mop. chandise, in town or • country. OABII OAPITAL, 3231,110.00-1.681113 21317,142.0(1, Which is invested as follows, via : in first mortgage on city property,. worth doable the asnonnt 1101,7 0 8 so Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cont. first mortgage loan, at par 4,000 05 Pennsylvania Railroad Op.'s 0 per cent : se xed mortgage loan, ($80,000) 07,900 GO Ilentinston and Broad Top Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage 10an_4,090 09 Ground rent, first-class!,4ll2 00 ollateral loans, well scoured 3,000 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent Ran 30,000 09 Allegheny Cocnty 13 per bent. Pa. ES. 1011//4. 10,000 03 Commercial Bank stock 4,135 01 fdocbanics' Bank stock 0,512 ail Panneyivenia Railroad Co.'s 5t00k..........5,000 09 The Reliance Nubia] Insurance Co.'s stook. 96,350 0 1 3 The Cciunty Fire Ineuranoe Co.'s stock 1,060 00 The Delaware 131. - 8. Insurance Co.'s stock.. 700 00 Union Mutual Insurance oo.'s scrip ... 380 Oa Bills receivable 14,802 et Book ascounts, accrued interest, &0........ 1,104 of Climb on hand.......... ............... •• • 11.344 64 31817,145 The mutant windy's, oembined with the pecnitriti • Stock Capital, entities the insured to WatiCdVite ffi al P 2041111 of the Company, without liability foe WEANS. Lessee promptly adirwted and paid. DEBXOTOSS. Samuel Birphant, Robert Steen, William Mnaser, Sent. W. Tingley, blarchall J. Johnson Brown. Chariots Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, John itiscsll,Fitteliers. I TINGLii3E, PrenlionL Chan Tingley, William IL Thompson ; Frederick Brown, William Stevenson, - John B. Worrell, -Z. L. Carson, Bobert Toland, G. D. Sosengarten, Charles B. Wood, Runes B. Woodward, CL. O. M. Hrsoabout, Bscretzt- Tobruary 18, 186 L F IRE INSURANCE. MECHANICS' INSURANCE OOMPANT OE PHILADDLPIIIA, No. 138 NORTH SIXTH Strbot, below Race, insure Beildinge, Goods,. and Merchandise generally, from Lose or Damage by Eire. The Company gnoxanty to adjnit all Loewe promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patronage of the public. DIRECTORS. Francis Cooper, Miebaol McHeoy, Edward McGovern, Thomas B. 'McCormick, MaHhew Mc&leer, John Cassidy, Thomas J. Hemphill, Bernard 11. Balsa:am, Michael Cahill, Jamea McCana, William Morgan, James Martin, Jaines Duroas Francis Charles Mire, Thomas Fisher, - - John Bromley, Frauds McManus, Hugh O'Donnell, Bernard RairerW. ' CIS COOPER, Preaident. retar.r. myli-tf MIMEMi FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE LY.—The PittiliElYLvANl& FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1825. CII&STBR PERPE TUAL. No. 510 WALNUT Street, opposite Independ ence Sgnere. - This Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-six years, continues to toga° agAust Loss or Da mage by lire on public or private Boilainga, either per manently or for a limited time. at.n, on ftunitor,t, Stocks of Goods, or Iderebandiss generally, on liberal terms. Thatr - emettet3 together with 5 lune Surplus Fund, is vaned in the meet careful manner. which enables them - to offer to the insured an undortht- . .^1'."±'..-in_the case DrainOTO : . . _ . . . Jonathan Patterson, 1 'Thomas Bobble, Qatitin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, John Devereux, William Idontelius, Thomas Smith. • Isaac Metzlehurst, JONATHAN ATTEASON, President: WILLIAM 0. CROWELL, &attar". . ap6 THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS. F. Ratchford Starr, Mordecai L: Dawson, William McKee, . Gao. H. Stuart, Halbro Frazier,John H. Brown, John M. Atwoo d, B. A. Fahnestock, Beni. T. Tredick, Andrew D. Cash, Henry Wharton, J. L. Errlnger. • - F. RATCHFORD STARS, President. Orreassa W. Coss, Secretary. fold -- INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE 1 STATE OF PENNSIGYANIA—OFFICE Nos.-4 end 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, - North aide of WAD riln Street, between DOCK and THIRD Streets, Mills detsbbt. MCOEPORATED In 1794—0 H &RTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $200,009. PROPERTIES OF. THE 00111PAFT, FEBEVAIY 1,1861, 5507.094 K. MARINE, FIRE, AND INLAND TRANSPORTA TION INSURANCE. DIRECTORS Henry D. Sherrer 4, Charles Idmaleater. William S. Smith, John L'Austin, 'William B. White, George H. Stuart, Edarsrd O. • MINRY D. ' WILLIAN HARPER, Secrete A MERICAN FIRE • INSURANCE Ll COMPANY. . incorpoiated 1810. CHARTER PE aPETII&Is. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. . . Having a large paid-up CaPittil Stock and Burping, in vested in sound and available Securities, continues to insure on Dwellings, Stons, Fu.rnitore, Merchandise, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. AU teases liberally and promptly adiusted. 11,1REOTORS. James IL Campbell, 'Dimond G. Dotilb, Marisa W. Poultney, Israel Monis, Thomas B. Marts, John Welsh, Samuel 0. Morton, Patrick Brady, John T. Lewis, ' TROIA& ALBERT 0. Ti: ORAwlfriME, AA NTH RAMI TEL INSErgA.NOE aOMPANY,'—aithoiLlied .Claiitel $406,000 CHARTER PNRPETUAL. 'Office NO. 311 WALNUT Street,' between Third and Fourth Streets, Philadelphia, This Oomnany,will insure against loss or damage by Fire, en Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise pun... Also, Marine Insnrances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all torte of the Union. DIRECTORS William Esher, D. Luther, Lewis lailenried, Jobn R. Rlakieton, Joseph klaxfleid, WILL WM. F. M. SMITH, secretary EXCHA_NGE INSURANCE COM— PANY—Offiee No. 409:WALNUT -Fire Inaurance on Holum aii4Werchandlee generally, on favorable terms, either Waited-or Perpetual. ' DIREUTORS. . Jeremiah Bonsai!, - Thomas Marsh, John Q. Ginsodo, Chutes Thompson, Edward D. Roberts, James T. Hale, Samuel D. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen Reuben 0. Hale, John J. Griffiths: JEBESIZA BONSALL. President. 'JOHN Q. GINNODO, Vice President. .EV=l3riDoß. Secretary. jaffi EXPRESS COMPMfIIEL MERE THE ADAMS EX PREBi3 COMPANY, Moe MR ONEBTNIIT Street, forward., Peron* Packiotee, Mar. chenille°, Bank Nobs, and Spool., either by Its own !bee or in connection with other Excreta Companion, it all the principal Towne and Cities of the United Staten E. 8. SANDFORD, lOC • • ganaral finimintandirst. CAUTION.—Owing to the popularity and complete mewed which our PATENT SELF ADJUSTING CLOTHES. WRINGER has met with, other parties we endeavoring to Bell their inferior ma chines, by adoptingour name of SELF-ADRISTINGi , as a means to deceite the public. We, therefore; give notice that ear name WHIN) plainly stamped on each Machine manufactured and Bold by no, and none others are genuine. Any ono using our trade mark will be dealt.with according to law. Mr. L. E. SNOW, corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia. is onr SOLE AGENT for Penn. eylvania. HALEY, MOSSE, dt BOYDEN. ,M24te.31.2 RAIN PIPII.---Stone Ware Drain Pipe from 2to 12-inch bore. 2-inch bore, 2&c per yard; 3-inch bore; 300 per yard ; 4-inch bore, 400 per yard; &Inch bore, 500 per yard; 6-inch bore, 050 per yard. Nyery variety of connections, bends, traps, and hoppers. We are now prepared to furnish pipe in any Quantity. and on liberal terms to dealers and those pur chasing in large quantities. • ORNAMENTAL CHINN= TOPS.—Vitrified Terra Cotta Chimney Tops, plain and ornamental designs, war ranted to stand the Elation of • coal gas or the weather in any climate. • . . . GABDEN VA13118.-21, great variety of ornaments' garden Vases, in Terra Ootta classical designs, all idzes, and warranted to stand the weather. , Isdelpbla Terra Gotta Works, Office ,and Wage Boom /010 OHRSTEUT Street, jel7-tf - • B. A. HARBISON. 1 - 01-IN B. MYERS & CO:, AUG.. TIONEERS, Noe . 2'32 and 2a4 SLAZILSIr Street. CLOSING DRY GOODS :MLR or THE BEASOM• THIS OIORNING. Juno 30, cut rourjnontho' orivdn -850 packnges Yr&ch. Gorman, Swim, end Brftish dry goods: SALE OF BOOTS AND StIOES. OLOUING SALE OF THE SEAM ; ON TUESDAY MORNING. July 1, co four matith,' credit -1,000 packages boots and shoes. VURNESS, BRINLEY. & CO., No. 420 MARKET STREET SALE•OF FRED oft DRY GOODS. ON TUESDAY >7d•!6\ING. July 1, at 10 o'clock, by cataloguo, OEI four months credit -400 lots of fancy and staple French dry goods, com prising a general 68001 4 Meta. July ), at )0 o'clock— BO( TIT WWI bonnet and trimming ribbons, conaisLing of cations Nos. 4, a, end 6 cable cord pdult do sale trimrnit g ribbons, white, aheorted colors, agaline blue, and purples. —canons Noe. 12citO ponit de eoie bonnet ribbons, plaid, broche, figured, and plain. cartone Nos WAD extra heavy cablo cord white two plain colors do., of very enpvrlor totality. N. B.—The attention of the Train le militated to the above sale, as it will consist entirely of fresh goofs, 14- calved tier Wetmore Peri•ia and Attnia. BLACK AND WHITE 01.1ECK POIL DE CIIEVRE, PHILIP::FORD & CO., .AUCTION YEWS, 52A-111.ABM,ET and 522 00am:wt. Sta... 61,016 86 BALE or 1,001). eens ROOTS, • siloEs, Thioz •• wage, 40. • • : THIS MORNING. • sBB9, l ne IR June 30, at 10'o'clocn, precisely, a-ill be cold, by Gaga logue, 1,000 cases mans', boys', and youths' calf, kip, and grain boots; patent leather opera 'do.; calf, kip, and enamelled brogans, Congreea gotta, s, Oxford and Scotch ties,. walking shoes, ite.; women'e, mimeo', and oaihiren's calf, kip, goat, kid, enantelkd, and morocco heeled boon! and ilhoes, gaiters, (dippers, booking, do. Also, a lure assortment of firet-class city•mide goods. air Open Tor examination, with catalogues, early on tie morning of sale. CLOSING SALE 010 Tifif. SEtSON-1,000 OASES BOOTS, BLIOXS, BROGANS, .t o. 014 THURSDAY MORNING, July Sd, at 10 o'clock, proclsoly, will be sold, by catalogue, 1,000 oases moll* boya', and youths' calf, Trip, and grain boots; calf and kip brogans, Congress gaiters, Oxford and Scotch ties, watkine, ehoeS,%to., wo men's missee', and oldldren'a calf, kip, goat, kid, morocco heeled boots and shoes ' gaiters, slippers , buskins, %a. Included in elle will be round a large assortment of brat-clam city-made goeda Sr' floods open for oxsirottuittort, with Catalogues, early on the morning of ago. oar Tbis being our lea note of the season, buyers will Sod it to their interest to attend. IICIANCOAST & WARNOCK, AUC .III- TIONEERS,Nos: 213 MARKET Street. LABOR SALE 'OP ABIRItIOAN AND. IMPORTED DBE GOODS, MILIGNBRI GOODS. EMBROIDE RIES, STOCK GOODS, /to., by Oatakunie. ON WiIDNESDAY MORNING, July 2, cotameucbug at 10 o'clock preolarly. FOR SALE •OR EXCHANGE, for merchendlee or an unimproved lot of ground, desi-. ruble city Property. J. WALTON, 3e141-11 413 WaLtIOT Street. is TO RENT-A THRES-STOIIY WM BRICK DWELLING, on RACE Street, one door above Twelfth, north etas. bent low to a good tenant. APPLY to WETBBBILL ric BROTHER, • jel.2 47 and 49 North SEOGif D So*: TO RENT-A. TEIRER43TORI Met MIME. DWELLING, on PINE Streei, neer; Seventeenth, north ride. Apply to WETHERILL & BROTHER, iOl2 47 and 49 North dROONO Street. gek . FOR SALE - Olt TO LET—Four =5ll. Rouses, on the west side of BROAD Street, benow Golutobia avenue. Andy at the southwest corner of NINTH and BANBObI Streets. mh26-tf e l TO LET.—Dwelling House, South east corner of TWNNIT-nEOOND and &SEEN Streets. Keys at itelVe grocery, corner of Twenty-se cond and Mount Vernon Streets. Apply 'to JAMES CRESSON, jeT• . 23 North EV OATLi Street. F OE, SALE "0 RE P," ..11:.i.OREELP."—Perry County PAESI, containing LIS agree, 26 woodland, the balance 'under a high state of cialttvationi first-rate fencing, nicely watered, excellent iroproyemests, 16 mi:es from Harrisburg. Price only 86,500. Terra easy. Also, a FEDI"' FARM, near Dover, State of Dela ware, 107 scree. Price only $5,600. Apply to E PETTIT, MO • 10. 309 WALNUT street. its TWO FARMS FOIL SALE IN Cecil County, Maryland ; one containing 98, the otker 100 Acres, near the Penusylvanie line and a (Mort distance from the Oxford station of the Central Rdiroad, convenient to third's% mills, schools, An.- Situated in the moat thickly settled part of the county. Also a farm at 180 acres near the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad' They will be sold on acomemoda dog terms. Apply to H. H. MITCHELL, jeSt.tnthe9t* ELKTON, Cecil County, Md. esi, • FOR SALE—A first-rate Mont gomery-connty Earns, containing 89 acres, with litre and eubst4ntinl atone improvements. on the Ridge Tarns:eke, near Norristown. Price only SRO per acre. Apply.to - E. PET rIT, je2B if . . • .1 . i0...809 IV aLli UT Street. f ;-„ :'FORIALE OR EXCRAN . OE- A convenient Rouge, with ell the modern itAprote• meats. turrottoded with shade and ornamental twat, No. 96 UNION Street, Boritniton ' N. J. apply to N. P. ttrIDDGETON, je2l.6t 6 North sito.Nr ti:reet. SSA L lA...JUNCTION . - RAILROAD. COMPANY'S BONDS—The Juacticia Railroad _likoopany invites proposals, in writing, for the• parchase per c 4 ;l . nivir any part of 6500,000 rirst Mortgage Big . . The Mortgage le made to Atexandir — lrelityT Zll4 - Truster, and will be due July 1, 1882. It is eecured upon the entire Railroad and Property of the Company lying on the west side of gehayOlll, between Belmont and Gra).e terry. Its terms provide for a stoking fund of .615,000 per year, to be insealed in these Boots, or in the Ph* Mottgage Ronde of the Penneylrenla Railroad Company, the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany, the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Rail road Company, in the Loans of the United States, or of the State of Pennsylvania, at rho dlecrotion of the Board • of Directors. Samuel Grant x Jr., TobMa Wagner, Thomas B. Watteau, Haug G. rnsemenk t . Merles S.lnowisi. George G. Guam • fight.. • • . HEREZED, President. - • .1,29 tf 4 it. Dlif,A President. Elisoretu*;• • fe22-tf Davis Pearson, Peter Sieger, J. E. Baum, Wm. F. Doan, John Ketcham. &M ESHER; President. . DEAR, Vice Proddent. I SALES BY ACUCTION SALE OF 300 CARTONS RIBBONS. .lust landed from bteamere Persia and /Etna ON TUESDAY MORNING, OT=EfS! 3 caeca black and white check poll de chevre. BR AMR AND PRINTED BoRDER3 ETAGE . STELI".4 340 14-4 Perla brocbe border black ntella shawls 300 do . printed do do. • FOR BALD AND TO LET. The Ronda are for One Thousand DoDim each. Their payment ia guarantied by endorsement of the Pennsyl vania Rsilroad Company, the Philadelphia, Wilmington, aid Baltimore . Railroad Company, the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Company on the back of each bond, in the following wortia—viz : " Know all nien by these presents, that the Penns7l - Railroad Company, the Philadelphia, Warning ton, and Baltimore Railroad Company, and the Phila.. delphia and Reading Railroad Company, and each of them. for a valuable consideration to them paid by the Junction Railroad Company, do hereby (in pursuance of the power and authority conferred by two acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Renneilvanta,, ap. . proved reepeotlyalY on the twenty-third day of !Larch, A. D. 1861, and the eleventh day of April, A. 0. 1862, and of every.other lawful power and authority in them vested,) jointly_ and severally guarantee to the lawful bolder of the within Bond the punctual payment of tho. Principal and interest thereof, when and as the same shall become due and payable according to the term, of said Bond; or of the terms and cevenanta of the inden ture of Mortgage therein mentioned and given to sacura the same. "In witness whereof, said Companies have hereunto affixed their common or corporate seals respectively, duly attested, and ba to canted the signatures of their Freaidetts, respectively, to be hereunto written this second day of done, anno Domini eighteen knntiren and sixty-two (1882) " Payment for the Bonds wits be rewired followa The first instalment of 10 per cent. will be payable on the drat day of August, and 10 per cent• additional on the Met of each succeeding month until the whole amount paid. Proonsale will be undressed to CHARTIES R. SMITH, Treasurer, =1 South FOURTH Street, until MONDAY, duly 21. . . Each proposal will Hale the total number or amount of the bonds wanted, and the price offered per bond of $l,OOO. • 'Pao Company reserves to itself the •right to accept or .reject the whole or any part of any preposition received. Sucoosaful bidders will be notifhd of the acceptance of their proposals within one week from the opening of their bide. JOSICI'II LESLEY, jel9•tjy2l Secretary J4nction Railroad Co. MEDicnqAL. TARRANT'S zrawayssonNT • SELTZER APE RIENT . This valuable and popular blediclue has smiverselly re oeived the most favorable recommendations of the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the Public ae the mast EFFICIENT AND AGREEABLE SALINE APERIENT_ It may be need with the best effect is Maus and Febrile Diseases, Costiveiness, Siok Readaohe, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indigo's tion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Rhetunatio Affections, Gravel, Plies; AND ALL ODMPLAINTS WUHAN A GENTLE AND COOLING APERIENT OR PUR GATIVE IS REQUIRED. It U particularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Sea and Land, Reaidenta in Hot Climate", Pomona of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains of Vessels and Planters will find it % valuable addition to their Medicine Cheats. Itja Sn the form of a Powder, carefully put up In bottles to keep in any climate, and merely requires water poured upon it to produce a de lightful offal - cowing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coun try, and Its steadily insreasing popularity for a series of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an intelligent public. Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO., la. 276 CIEESSWISH Street, corner Warren et. • NBW YOBS, aP21•17 And for sale by Druggists generally. B ROWN'S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, Manufactured only at FREDERICK BROWN'S DRUG 41 MD CHEMICAL STORE, Nortbeaat corner dr FIRTH and CHESTNIIT Streets, PEIIADIELPHIA Attention Is called to this valuable remedy which should be In every family, and for the Army and Navy it le hi dbmensable, curing affections of the stomach and bowels, and is a certain preventive from the effects of bad water. CIAIITION.—To prevent this valuable Essence from being counterfeited, a new Steel Engraving, executed at great, cost; will be fonndjin the outside of the wrapper, in order to guard the purchaser against being imposed upon by worthies* Imitations. And sold by all respectable Druggists in the Unite 4 States. fob wfrm-ern G LII M I. OM'f3oi PURE COD-LIVER OIL. The repugnance of most patients to 00D-Ll l 7lllll OIL, and the inability of many to take it at all, has 'a dored various forms lor disguise for its administration that are familiar to the hiedlcal Profeesion. Some of them answer in special moles, but more often thetsehtela neutralizes the vernal effect of the Oil, proving quite as unpalatable and of lees therapeutic value. The repos nemos, nausea, &0., to invalids, induced by disgust of the Oil, le entirely obviated by the use of our OAPllliThlta. OOPS-OWES OIL OAPBUTAB have been mach need bad/ to Europe, the experience there of the goodtre. emits from their 1136 In both hospital and private practice, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf. &lent to warrant oar claiming the virtues we do for them, feeling assured their nee will reimlt In benefft end deserved favor. Prepared by • • ' WYETH & BROTHER, 4042 1412 Pr ALNUT Shred, rtilledetphla SALES BY AUCTION Ik. TH O MA S .& SONS. JAIL* Mon. 149 and 141 Sno1b401111T)1 SW* STOOKS AND REAL NSTATE-TOgS - DAY NEVI rintiphlot cotalogues now randy, conloiniag full dt, eotintions or rat et?. Droner!): to be eoid on 'inexinr, July 3, with a Hat or gales Joly 8 compriaing a (pant v.ria , y valuable proyrrty, by ortoe of Oi;:sone Covr:,exe - nt)re, and °there... REAL ESTATE SALE-JULY 1. Orphans' (levet Sale Estate of John EL C.ltsteart decehrell —BUSINESS STAND —Throe-still. mica Building, Carter street. Cermet' , Career it uov y Serena •od Third end Cheekier and walnut btrostg. MCAT-MODERN . .11RSITITIKOR, Spring Gtrdan et., trt It of Finite.,nib Lot 81)Tnet lront THREI2.OTORY MUCK DW3LVING, No. 2108 Arm mer greet. west of Twemy. first POUR-STORY 011111 K sTontr, Nn. 3 . 3. gotth Frnnt reet aid No. 322 Water circlet, bet‘roal Spruce ever Pine. 2 VALUABLE Lnrs, Johnson st•eet, near Gennantoleurformetly Tart or the estate of the late Ben jamin Chew, I'm. RRAL ESTATX SALE-.TIMY 8 Orphan'' , Court Sala—Ralato of alumni Miller. dee'di —STONE DWELLING. and. LOT of eTer 2 ft. r•e.. Ridge road. itoshorortgli. Twenty. drat ward. It la noryn site she 6th mile -atone. about 1 if miles [rem the Fail. , or Schuylkill, at d % of a mile north of Wissahickon elation: on .the Norristown Named. Also.by order of the Cnagrearation— VALLIABLE 013TT RIM KEIFICE and LA UGC LOT, 87. by 80 feet, northweet corner of Blerwith and Wood' streets. Orphan? Court Sala—Et tote of &wan Taylor, deed.— LOT OP GROUND. Elubtenuth ward, late Kaneineton. - MODERN TIIREN.BTORY BRICK DWICI.LING, No. 1516 Filbert erre, with three three••tory brich Dwellings in the rear. One of them fronts on Jones. 'Street. and is occupied nes arocery Morn nod d woHln z. TWO TITRES-STOEV BRION. DWELLINGS. Nos. 1307 and 13C9 North Fifih. street, :rich four tbrce•etory brick brick and two two-story frame Dwellingi, forming a court, in the rear. peremptory . Bate.—Yiret: class Business fttnnd.—The VeLIIA.BI.II WIVE- STORY DEO Wte • STONE --TORE, No. 29 Forth Third sweet. between Market and Arch. TWO THRER•STOHY BRICK DWELLINGS, Rod man street. rota, of South street. BEnIITIFHL COUNTRY SEAT 3• acme, with mo dern improvements. Holmesburg, in the vicinity of ele gant country residences. • Executors' Salt—Mate of Mary CorneH, deceased-- VALUABLE DU:MEARS STAND.—TBREE•STOSY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING. Sixth Arcot, near Menet, corner of Filbert street. Lot 20 feet front. Soma Estate.—MODEßN THREE'. STORY BRICK DWELLING, Elaveoth street, No. r City Row, between Baco and Vine streets. Clear of all'lnonmbraoco. THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, south side of Battonwood street, third house- below Eighth street. Immediate possession. . Sale No. 434 Market Street. COIINTEII TABLES, SHELVING, BLINDS, ste THIS MORNING, June 80, st 30g o'clock. et No 484 Market street, counter tables, shelving, curtains, blindeote. 17' May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the Bale. Sale No. 617 Arch Scree COACH-MASERS' STOOS, TOOLS, OFFICE FUR NITURE, OAS FIXTURES., &c. OH TWIST:IAT NOSHING. July 1, at 10 o'clock, at No. 617 Arch street, coach makers' stock, benches, tools, hubs, felloea, 2 hoisting machines, office furniture. gas 6xterer, go. Ifir May ho examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the sale, with catalogues MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, sentheast corner of SIXTH and HACH Streets. NATHANS , BALE OF FORFEITED GOODS . .. . . .. ' ON TUESDAY MORNING July 'B, at .9 o'clock, at Hosea Nathan' Auction House, Nos. 155 and 157 North Sixth street, adjoining the sontheast corner of Sixth and Baca streets, consisting, in part. of— OLOTBING, BOOK 9, palms, FURNITURE, PL FORM SCALES, FEGARS, FOWLING-PIECES, TRUNKS, VALISES, &c. 'Viz., tine cloth frock, dress, and hnsiness coats, sacka, Garricks, tied overcoats ;:tine mundmere cloth, and linen pants; tine .11k, satin, valancla, marseillos, cloth, mei mere, led other vests; summer clothing; boots, shoes, and gaiters; ladles' silk, cloth, and otner cloaks, hennas, and mantillas ; silk, cashmere, merino, chintz. ant other dresses and dress patterns; silk and other skirts; under cloinng generally ; crap., silo, merino, stela, br.iche, woollen plaid, and other shawls; nmbreUas atd parasols; blankets, Quilts, spread., sheet!, pillow. capes, cartains • ; knives and forte, ,goons; tailors , ' shears; 5,t04 Ilsvana Magri, In lots to suit purchasers; Abbott's plat m scales, net/0181,500 the; two brilliant toned piano fortes; upright dells' lounges; stereoscopic views and cases; double-barrel fowling- pieces ; travelling trunks and valises; hammocks; carpenters' and plumbers' tools and fixtures; httsting machine, and numerous other ar titles of dry goods, bard vs , re,cotlery, &c. BOOKS. , • Handsomely bond Bib'es; American Rietory ; Wil liams' History of the United Slated, in 2 vols ; Grier's Dictionary, in German and Zey,i6l2. 2 vole; liletory of France. 2 vole ; Gnethe'a Worte, 2 rola.; Story on non trade; Chitty's Pleadings. 3 vote, ; .11DrriS OD Dental Sur gery ;. La Roche on Yellow Fever, 2 'NIA j Shaksposra's Works; Blair's Ebetotio hiscauley's Sways; Boras' Works; Poem.; Life or Corn 'Stockton, and no roerona others. Also, COMB watches and jewelry. ear - The goods wall be open fur examination early on the morning of asle. The piano., slalform 6calea, theesee, &c., will be anld first ; the eletbine. boots, &c.. feeneetatc:y atter: he sale alll commence modesty et 10 o'clock. SHIPPING BOSTON. AND • PHILA-. DELPHIA STNAMSDEP frcm each prat ecez7 ten days—From Pine-mreet Wharf on MONDAY. Jnb 7: The Steamship SAXON, Matthews. will nail from Pht...• ladelphia for. Boston, on AIONDAT "NrEINING. the 7th of July, at 7 o'clock; and from Boston ler Phfla datable', on ITBSD&Y AFTEBNOOIif•Jurf 1, at 4 o'( loth% Insurance one•balf that by mil weasels. rieight taken at fair vitae. Shippers will plane send their bills of Lading wilt goods. For freight or poitage, having floe RecAnynoOgittose, apply to . 113);Ry vriNsou 4 no. ass sou - ra svEtar.vis. ,ONDONIXECIBITION-RETURN .411-1 TICKETS TO - LIMON AND . B&Olt: First-clam N. • fl6O Becoud-slaw • • . ;dm WEEKLY COMMUNICA TION .13S STHAAS BETWV'SK EW TO AND LI9ERPOOS4 QLTRIINS TOWN- artlond,) So laud and onitunit paslengors and •Isa.patelhes. The ari a all a P. 1011015 Ste SM. gap DOD/ MU 3 wenn:o. %Anis-unk Me ars Intended to Ball as follows: FROM maw YORK 'NOR LIirIXRPOO . ETNA Saturday June 27 • ISSI: M=MI CITY OF Saturdai . , July n, 1862. 13)1NBUB4Ef;0.*. Saturday, July 39 2782 Ancl ovary Work,/ Rooozbottt tio. year, from PIER No 44 If _ . maserzg or reszosoz THROUGH BON PEI. MADELFIULL ethic, to Queenstown, or Liverpool BTS Do. to London, yin Liverpool .... • . ..... lawns to Queenstsra, or liverPooi... ........ 855 No. to London. 533 Dc. Itecarn tickets, available for six Bamako! from Liverpool See Parsengera forwarded to Havre, Party, &WA um, Bremen, and Antwerp at through rates. Oerldroates of passage Issued from Limpool to New York Oarlinottol of peasoro IraorA iirro Queort i to New York S3S ThCIIO Steen:ion have =park& accommodations for DM 'prawns, are coaetraetad with compartment and carr7 experienced Siargara For freight, or passage, apply at the otelre of die Oam .Plar, JOELW G. DALE. AVM 111 Walnut ebtot, PalLtdeltaia. In Liverrod, to WM Maui' Tower Thifit`inge. In Gymatra, to WM. LNNAIS, 72.1 Dixon street. st a TER BRITISH AND NORTH AMIEBIOAS BOIL:, MAIL STEAM- TAM NEW YORK TO LIVNEPOOD . Chid Cabin Pasaage 61.30 • Sword Cabin Passage 16 FROM BOSTON TO LIVISPOOL. Uti.ter esblnTansege . $ll.O Second Cabin Paasage dd The 5145.643 w New York oell at Cork Herber. The ships from Balton cell at Halifax and Cork Har . 800 TIA, Capt. „Yadkin& CHINA. Capt. Anderson. BbIIEZA, Capt Lott. MA, Capt. Cook. ARABIA, Can:. J. Stow. EUBOPA, Coat J.Teitek. Alfillthk, Capt. Stem. :... CANADA, Capt. Nair. ANGIBIOA, Capt. Moodie. N LA lAGARA, Capt. A. Br le eIISTBAMAN, Time yeziele carry a clear white light at mast-head ; wean on starboard tea; red on Dort bow. CHINA, Anderson, leaves N.York. Wednesday, July 2. ARABIA. Stone, 6, Boston, Wednesday, July D. SSOTIA, Jndklns, " N.Y..rk, Wednesday, July 10. zusorL, Moodie I. Boston, Wednesday, July 28. PBBSUL, Lott, of N.York, Wednesday, July O. AFRICA, Shannon t , Boston, Wednesday, A ugnat B. Berths not secur ed until paid for. , An experienced Sargeon on board. The owners of thM ships will not bo accountable for Gold. Sayer, Bullion,Spiels, Jewelry, Pre•Sour Stones, or Ifetais, unload bia s of lading are Maned them or, and th t value thsraortherela expreffli. l'or frolabl or m ule, 8114 to - B. 01315A8D, 4 BOWIMP . ^211 1 ,.f .! N. York B. J. & I. G. BATES,. 108 STATE Street, Boeixth. Isa r m FOR NAWYORK—THIS DAY—DESPATCH AND BWIIPTStraI LINES—VIA DELA WARY ANP ItdRITA N CdNAL. Steamers of the above Linea vnll leave DAILY, at 12 and b P. 111. • For freight, which will bo taken on occommodahrill terms, apply to Will. M. BAIRD A - my2l-tf 132 South DELAWARE Avernus. ta r o t FOR NEW YORK. • KEW D6thT LINE, irls Damen est Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Z.vpreee Steanatost Ong. Any receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. 3f., dating tog their cargoes In Now York the following day. Irretibts taken at reasonable ratee. WM. P. OLYD3, Agent, 30.1430DTH WHAILYEe, Philadelphia, JA3138 RAND, Agent, and-tt Planta and 18 EAST EWER, New Yee . BIOTINA 11,00 FIN (1, IIdIitIPILOTIMID 111 TRI UNITED STATES ITIOTIVA ROOFING COM - PANT, No. 0 GORE BLOCS, Oorner GREEN and PITTS Streets, Boston, Mass. This Portable Roofing is the only article ever offered to the public which is ready prepared to go on the roof without any finishing operation. It ie light, handsets*, and easily applied. and can be safely and cheaply trans- Ported to any part of she world. It will not taiit or discolor water running over, or lying emit, and fe, in all respects, a very dafdrable article. Its non-conducting properties adept it especially to covering manufactories of various kinds ; and it is confidently offered to the public after a tes t . of fonr years in all varieties of climate and temperature, for covering all kinds of roars, fiat or pitched, together with cars, stearnboats, dm. It is both cheap and durable. Agents wanted, to whom liberal inducements are offered. Bond for maple, circular, dm. with particulars, to O. 8. ROOFING (10.. No. P 4011,8 BLOOK. Boehm." S 5 3-gm hi BON'S LONDON IiriCEENNII ~— We are now manufacturing .41HOMBOIOS LONDON EITOHRNBIit," or EIIROPRAN • liiNGE; imitable for large and mall families,• hotels, hospitals, and other public institutions, In great. variety. Mao, Portable Rengee, the " Philadel phia Range," , Gas 0•01111, Bath Boners, and Oast-iron Sinks 'togethei with a great variety of small and large sized Not-air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Fire-board Stoves, Low-down Grates, &e. Wholesale and Retail ONLY at our Wareroonia. NORTH, OHALSII, k NORTH, No. 209 North BUONO street, four doom above Baoe street. , - THE DISEABICD OF ALL 014181C8.—All sub acute and chronic disown cured by special guarantee at 1220 WALNUT Street, and in case of • failuretto charge 'anode. Profeeeor BOLLISS, the founder of this new practice, wit/ superintend the treatment of all mum himself tS, pamphlet containing a multitude of oertiticatee of those cored, also_ letters and complimentary resolutions from medical mon and others will be given to any person free. Lectures are constantly given at 1220, to medical men and oilmen who desire a knowledge of my dleo0”17, ht applying Ilectrieity sea reliable therapeutic agent, Clon saltation free. • • aiSe.,3rt rIOTTON - BAD., DUCK AND 'CAN- N., - 44111; Of all numbers sad brands. : • * Bsyso l Duck Awning Twills, of all desorigtiora, foe rents, Awnings, Trunks, end Wagon Covers. -Also, Paper Ittannfactorere Drier Felts, from 1 la i wide. Targanling, Belting, Bell Twine, • JORB W. lIVERMAII A 00 4 1G LUAT. jai 4atttrday,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers