Atlantic Monthly for July. This number will be published this day. It commences the tenth half yearly volume, and its continued success is full evidence of its merit. The programme of the now volume is full of premise. The author of •t Margaret Ilowth" has completed a new story called David Gaunt,"- which will soon appear in this magazine. A pos thumous journal of personal adventure and travel, by the late Theodore Winthrop, entitled " Life In the Open Air," will speedily he published here: the author of " My Garden" in the May number his contributed several sparkling articles—indeed, the 'old hands, including Holmes, Lowell, Agate* Higginson, and others, are booked throngh for inside places." In the present number the most noticeable article is," Chiefly about War-Matters," by, a Peaceable Man—namely, Nathaniel New.: theme. It relates bis journey from Boston to Washington and the seat of war, last March, and to marked with the writer's observation and indivi duality. The editor of the A. M., it would seem, does not "endorse" all of hie gifted contributor's remarks, so he omits not only single paesageti, but sometimes whole pages, where he treats of eminent personages, from the President down! Notwith standing these omissions, Mr. Ilawthorne's narra tive is full of interest, for it is' full of common attliae. Here is his brief description of the Monitor - Going on board. we were surprised at the erteut and convenience of her interior accommodations. There is a epectoue ward-room, nine or ten feet in height, besides a private cabin for the commander, and sleeping accom modations en an ample peels; the whole well lighted and ventilated, though beneuth the surface of the water. ]forward, or aft, (for it is Impossible to tell stern from stem,) the crew are relatively quite es well provided for so Ile officers. It was like finding a. palace, with tall its ceaveniences, under the sett. The inaccessitality, the apparent impregnabi lity, of this submerged iron fortress are most setiefam tory the officers cud crew got down through a little tittle in the deck, hermetically see] themselves, Mid go below; and unlit they toe fit to reappear, there would seem to be no power given to man whereby they can be brought to light. A storm of caouon-shot damages them no more than a handful ef dried peas. We saw the shot markt' made by the great artillery of the .ffierrimao on the outer casing of the iron tower; they were about the breadth and depth of shallow saucers, Blume icaper cophble dents, with so corresponding bulge on the. in terior surface. In fact, the thing looked altogether to 3 safe, though it may not prove quite an agreeable predica ment to be tine boxed up in impenetrable iron, with the prsubillty, one would imagine, of being sent to the bot tom of the sea, and, even there, not drowned, but tallied. Nothieg, however, can exceed the confidence of the offi cers in this new craft. It was plea/taut to see their be nign exultation in her powers of mlooldef, and the delight wilt which they exhibited the circuruvolu tory movement of the tower, the quick thrusting forth of the immense gene to deliver their ponderous missiles, and then the immediate recoil, and the security behind the closed port-boles. Yet even OM will not long be the last and most tenable Improvement in the science of war. Already we hoar of vessels, the armament of which is to act (futilely beneath the surface of the water; so that, with no other eater,"l um moms thou a great bobbling and foaming, and of smoke, arid belch of smothered thunder cut of the t toasty waves, there shall be a deadly fight going on below—sad, by-and. by, a oinking whirl pool, as one of the ships goes down. Well-timed, us well as full of personal informa tion, is Epes Sargent's account of "Ericsson and his Invent iona"—th e only good sketch yet published of a remarkable man and his productions. Mrs. Howe and Dr. Ilolmes severally contribute poetry to this number, and we end a further portion of Professor Agassis's " Methods of Study in Natural History." Bayard Taylor contributes a story of Quaker Life—touchingly told, notwithstanding the bad grammar of "Thee knows," and . 1 Thee's fond," and " What's thee doing," and " Thee has, has thee," and so on. Mr. Hasewell reviews Fronde's vindioation of henry the Eighth, and there is an excellent, practical paper, showing how Taxation, on right principles, will not be a national burden. We omitted to say that the opening ar ticle, by John Weiss, gives many curious specimona of foreign Soldier Poetry. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE Tug, DISCOURSE or ruz Rev. Wg. J. R. TAYLOR, D. D., ON TIIB DHATIT OT Lava DR. GNON.OM W. BETHUSIE. D D., delivered in the Third Re formed Dutch Church of this city, has been pub lished in neat pamphlet form. The text upon whish the sermon is founded is as follows; "Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God ; whose faith follow, con sidering the end of their o.nversation, Jesus Christ, the earns yesterday and to-day, and forever." The discourse which follows is an eloquent and scholarly review of Dr. Bethune's life and labors, with ap propriate comments upon individual points. In memorial sermons of the distinguished dead, Dr. Taylor has long since acquired an enviable name, and the sermon now before us will add new lustre to his reputation in this department of pulpit elo quence. ECCLESIASTICAL UNITY EXPRESSED IN A NHW FORM.—The subject of Union between the various bracobes of the Preeny torian Church has of late been much agiatated, and is resulting in a parallel ism of taste between some of their denominational newspapers that is' remarkable. This week the American Presbyterian (organ of the New School Presbyterian Church, in this city), published at 1334 Chestnut street, and the Banner of the Cove nant (organ of the Reformed Presbyterian Church), published at 104 Jones alley, come to us with the reading matter on three pages of the respective sheets precieely the same in both papers. As the territory of difference is thus narrowed down to a single page entire union between the two is not im probable. TUE SADRATR 500000 OF TIIII FIRST BAPTIST CLUIRCII, WEST PRILADRLPRIA, has just held its anniversary. Mr Charles B. Keen, the superin tendent, in his annual report, stated that the num ber of officers and teachers now engaged in the school is 34; number of 'scholars in the main school, 235; number in the infant school, 101; total, 302. pastor, RtT. J. 11. Castle, received the "of ferings," which amounted to $3OO. The latter aro to be devoted to the completion of their house of worship. A short address was made by the Rev.' James S. Dickerson, of Wilmington, Del.. and editor of the Christian Chronsele, after which a jubilee piece was sung by the children, and the au dience dismissed with a benediotion. TEE POWERS TlakT sa,":nociording to the inter pretation of 54.11 th Carolina ecclesiastics, means the State of South Carolina. To this extreme has the pernicious doctrine of State Rights been engrafted upon the Southern mind. The Presbyterian Sy nod of South Carolina, at a recent tneetingin Abbe villa, passed the following resolutions. The at tempt to doff their spiritual character in avowing treason is commendable, if even it is ridiculous: Resolved, By the ministers and elders compris ing this Spinel, not in their eoolesiastical capacity as a court of Jesus, but in their private capacity as citizens and a convocation of Christian gentle men, that our mistime° is due through the sove reign State to which we belong, and shalt be ren dered to the Government of these Confederate States so long ea South Carolina remains in the number. THE REV. CHARM!!! HOWARD BiALCOII, SOH of Rev. Dr. Malcom of this city, is pastor of the Se cond Baptist Church of Newport, it: 1., and is now recovering from a protraoted and severe illness. He is at present stopping at the residence of his father at Boaborough. DBSTBUCTION or niu WICKED.—From the fol lowing extract from a letter of a Chicago corre spondent of the New Yorktlndependent, it would seem that the doctrine of the ultimate and literal deetruotion of the lost, which has been denounced and preached against as the prince of heresies, is beginning to be regarded with less disfavor. The bir. Flagon referred to is the author of one of the most able and exhaustive works ever written upon thiseontroverted point: "Rev. C. F. Hudson, who holds that the future punishment of the wicked will end in the extinction of their being. and in everlastingloBB, is in this city soling the assortment of books and tracts which he has written on the subject. Re has letters fr,ut several well•known Presbyterian ministers, express ing their confidence in him as a Christian and a minister; and while they dissent from his view on this point, they deem his error insufficient to ex clude him from March or ministerial fellowship. Tie feels encouraged by the ready sale of his writings, and says that he knows quite a number of orthodox ministers who give their assent to his views." LIBERAL BEQUESTS.-14.1111. Mary G. Swayne, late of Cincinnati, Ohio, has bequeathed $5,000 to the American Cokinielation Society, and $lO,OOO to the American Bible Society. As the treasuries of both these institutions are represented as much needing replenishing, these bequests are seasona ble and will be of great service. NEW EDITION OF TIM GREEK TESTAMENT.— Dean Alford having completed his expellent edi tion of the Greek Testament, is now engaged on a New Testament for English readers, in which he will give as nearly as possible the exact sense of the Greek text, according to the best authorities, with copious notes on disputed readings and a popular commentary. The first volume, com prising Matthew, Mark, and Luke, it is expected, will be ready by the end of the year. 'Ray. Onantas A. Goonarou ' who died recently at Hartford, was mutilated with his brother Samuel G., or "Peter Parley," In the preparation of popular juvenile books, and alone wrote several religious and historical works, which were widely sold. He graduated at Yale College in 1812, studied theology. and was settled as pastor of the firet church at Winchester four years, ending in 1820. He was of old and honorable Connecticut ancestry. ARNAOEDDON " BALDWIN, AS & Methodist minister at Nashville, Tenn., is facetiously called, Drays for the war in this wise: "If this war is of bell, be pleased, 0 Lord, to Groh it. If, in Thy wisdom, good is to come of it, Thy will be done Szasintx PRAYER ay A GOOD SOLDIER:—It is Sold of Commodore Foote, that "he prays as if God did everything, and fights as if man did everp, thing." Da. D. C. EDDY, of Boston, has been called to Tabernacle Baptist Church of this city. His lei. eel:dance has not yet transpired. A DASHING PORTRAITURE OF ENGLISU BI- SHOPS —The French appear to be among the Bog lith taking notes, and printing them in Paris jour hale. Here is a specimen paragraph from this Rum on the Benob of Bishops:. , . "The bishops in this ootintry - are as rich as bank ars. They have palaces, lands, - fields, and money, •which they lend to the Sultan at ten per cent. They board up for their wives and children, for they are married and have families, like St. Syne alus, Bishop of Tripoli. Their skis are captains or, colonels, and the revenues of the Church do the )ionors to the ladies. The bishop keope h e pack of bounds for fox•bunting, and be is not the last to fol.' Josr:tbe cher°, end to clear a hedge; for he is above „: alt.& gentleman, and. be loveilsport. The bishops are riob, en j o ying good health, fond of good living, sienna] sportsmen, pxoellent horiemen; (and some-' times. excellent toners). • r . • THE CIT Y. • TILE EITERIFF CONTESTED PLEOTION CASE—When this case was resumed resteritar morning Dlr. llirst arose and stated that there was a matter of seriesis moment in connection with the cute, which re !wired attention. On Thursday, after 'the witness Adams (who testified th'at he voted at the last election for John Thompson, not having paid a tax within two years), bad left the courtroom, he was arrested, on a warrant ivued by Alderman Battler, on the complaint of fiAmuel Daniele, who was it deputy in the late sheriff's office,' charged with illegal voting, and bound over in the sum of MOO. Mr. Meat referred to the act of Assembly, which con ferred the same power on the court In contested election cases as was possessed by the committee of the Legisla ture In such cases, and that the set provided that where an illegal voter tostlfird to his having voted illegally ho ebould not be prownred for having so voted. Mr. Hirst further said that it was due to the court that ttetil the respondent's witnesses were disabused rf this threat that is held oven them of a prosecution if they testified that they hsd voted illegally, the case should not goon. Judge Thompson inquired what motion Dir. Hint pro-- posed making. • Mr. ?Bret replied that his motion was that the cane should be coutiuued until to day, we that the minds of witnemes should be disabused of the throat ha the same means that bad been so industriously employed to circu— late It. Mr. rf Irst further read the report of the arreet and binding over of the leiter:iris as reported, and a`ao the tranecript of the aldermen, showing the proceedings be fore him. Mr. Bind further argued that it was not fair that a witness who was compelled to newer hint under oath, and wee protected by the act of Miserably, should do 10 with the threat before him of being prosecuted im mediately for illegal voting, that their case should not be effected as it was, by the threat of prosecution held over the witnesses, if they declared for whom they voted. Idr Thayer stated that he should consider it improper for him to say a word In this matter were it not for the fact that a motion had been made for a continnance of the mine. On the part of Mr. 'Mermen', he deemed It due to hint to say that he knew nothing of the arrest, and had not patticimited in it, either directly or indi rectly. Be Opposed the continuauce, because, ne to the prosecution, It was entirely a matter between Mr. Adams sod bib proeecntor, and tho contestant's case should not be affected by the conduct of newspapers in reporting matters that were invariably reported. Mr. Hirst shard that, with the permievion of the court, be would examine Mr. Daniels, who bail come into court. Being tiworn, Mr. paniola testided that he resided at .1821 Casten street; during the last few years I hero been Deputy Sheriff under Wm. 11. Kern; I was in court on Thursday ; I left court after it bad adjourned; I wont before Alderman Beitler and obtained a warrant4reatnst Mr. Adams; Mr. Jno. M. Riley went with me ; no one elm; went roue time in the afternoon; I heard Mr. Adam examined ; about thirty or forty lett the conrt with me; I don't know if any particular POMO went with me; I steed on the pavement a while; I got at Alderman Beitler'm somewhere about 4 o'clock; found the alder men in ; after I left here I was at Wm. EL Kern'e office ; alto, In George Moore's office ; froet there tr V. Carroll Breweter's front office; see hint; nowhere else before I went to Alderman Freeman's ; the warrant was finned on my oath ; I stated the facts I beard here in court; Mr. Riley was the only one with me thee ; can't tell what constable went to execute the warrant; six o'clor k was fixed for the bearing; It took place then ; Mr. Adams was brought there by a constable or police officer; he wee bound over; I wee ermined and another one beside; I swore to what he stated in court. William B. McLean was ciao examined. lie is In court he swore about the Genie an I did ; S9OO was de mended; ball wee entered there; it vas first enggented by myself to arrest him; I eugeeeted It to Mr. Harper and to Mr. Hiles; can't remember to any ono Mee; they thought it wee about the beet thine we could do to ar rest him, or any other Illegal voter ; I don't kuovr whether I spoke directly to Mr. Mann about It or not; the hear ing was over in live or ten minutes; I suppose the re ports re put it in the newspapers; there was a reporter present; I don't know who be was; I don't knew wt e • Bier lie was preeent when the warrant was leaned ; I have been here pretty much every day in. attendance on this case, and latendsto stay as loog as it lairs, if I live; I came in here to listen to the evidence. EMIM=IIIM= Answer. I bare my own feelings in the matter. Crom•examined.—hlr. Adams said be thought be could find bin tax receipt; I had no communication with Mr. Thompson on the subject; I told Mr Gilpin after the warrant wee issued ; I saw him at Mr. Kern'a office. Mr. 'Drat then again acdreesed the court in support of hie motion, contending that the effect of the proceeding wan transparent-it wee as ingenious as it woe wicked. It was saying to a witness, take care, Mr. Daniels and err. Riley are in court, and Alderman Iteitter is ready to bind Son over. De contended that the other side should have disdained such an attempt to favor their cause. The ap plication for a continuance should have first come from them. and he asked that as by moans of this contrivance the whole atmosphere of / Philadelphia had been filled, the same means bo mixt to'disahuse it. Mr. Thayer replied to Mr. Hirst, saying that be had aseerted that an illegal voter could not be prosecuted under the laws of Pennsylvania. If that was law, then them witnesses would come into conrt with more confidence in tho result of their testimony ; if it was not law, then they were still liable to prosecution. If there was ens , impropriety in arresting a frannittlent voter, then that could be demons. ratt4l on the trial of the case ; but there was no reason.why this case should be delayed. Judge Thompson stated that they regretted very much that things that occurred outside of the court, and with which the court had nothing to do, should be Introduced to interfere with the case. They regretted very much that things that were published in newspapers should be brought forwerd to interfere with the progress of the case. The simple question was, whether the case should be stopped until the antidote could be spread in the news pagers of to morrow. In his opinion it wan not proper to delay the case for inch a cease. If it should Appear that any witness had been deterred from attending on account of the notice, then the court would remedy it. • Judge Ludlow agreed with Judge Thomann, Fraying that while it wee apparent whet was the object of the ar reisfc yet it had not been established by legal evidence, and at this cane of the case it could not interfere with it. He agreed with .Judge. Thompson, that they could not judicially notice articles in newspapers commenting on the case. Ho fernier held that the case ought to Pro ceed, but that indulgence should be shown If there was difficulty in obtaining testimony during the day. The case proceeded, and John Badgers wag called and sworn. He testified to having voted at the last election at the Seventh division of the Third ward • he voted at Eighth and Catherine. The specification. under which the ;vitt:tees was called, related to the Eighth . diiision of the Third ward, and mr. Gowen stated that itiette a clerical error. Judge Thompson said that the answer was a sworn paper, and an amendment could not be made as a auggesti , n. The witeees was withdrawn. Jecoh M. Wunder, sworn —I voted nt the last election at the lifth division of the Twenty-first ward ; I reside there; resided there cn the day of the election, and for three )ears previous, my name was on tho assessor's list ; I had veld a State and county tax in November, 3800 (produced a receipt) bed paid a tax Maids of one y ear before. Charles Hail sworn, (called according to specification )-1 voted at the last general election in he 'Rath division of the Eleventh ward, at front and Pegg streets; I don't know if my name was on the SS season' list; they took a man that swore for me; my vote was ohattenges ; I had voted three times without being on the ayseesers' lid, for I had lived tun years in the house; I don't re member what the mini said who vomited for me; Ism naturalized; I have my paper.; I wee naturalized in May,1854; my name wet on the assessors' lid three or four years ago; I have a tax receipt; (receipt shown and proved to be a real eetate one ;) I have no other tar re ceipt ; I have paid taxes every year; four or live years ago wten I wanted to vote I paid a half doter ; I voted at the last eleetion ; I voted the whole Republican ticket; Mr Thompson's uemo was on It for sheriff. Croce examination.—l vottcl a printed ticket; I do not reed much Yngtish ; I read nay ticket before I voted it; I can read name in English; I don't.know what other names were on the ticket; I got the ticket from a man on the polls ; I dreg know Mr. Thomman'e 6ret name; the last time I paid hail a dollar to vote wet in 1851. The witness Wee a Garman, and itwai with the utmost difficulty th at ha could In made to understand the . qua/a liens which were put to him. Frank Janey PTV or n —!:tpocificatien 140, Bth divlalon, Tweely.tiret ward. I lire in the Twenty• first ward, Matti' precinct, at Roxborough ; I know George and °Mellon Ring; I have known them a little over n year; they lived at. Roxborongh : they cane there to live in 1880; I have lived there live years; I think ho came there in November, 1860, and the eon came coon after; .Mrs Simms occupied the house before they came. ]tire. Simms recalled. am well aequainted with Mrs. Riog's handwriting ; I have corresponded with ber for yearn;nix I am acm:doted with the handwrititig of ourg Mr. King's aster; I have oome bulginess-letters of Mtn. King's with ,too; both these letters are hers; she con change her handwriting to some extent ; her own name is Ann ; oho algae her letters with the first letter of her Midland's name and then her own name. ?heir Minors hero compared the writing in the letters with the writing in the Bible. The court then adjourned. RAILROAD MATTERS.—The Philadel phia and iris Railroad is being rapidly pushed forward to completion. The whole length of the roof, as finally locatrd, 18228 miles' of this dtetanoe BO milPs are com pleted on the esatern end, from Sunbury, passing through Willionteport and. Lock Raven to Whetham Station, and 66 alike at the western end, from the city of Erie to the borough of Warren. Of the intermediate distance of 342 milts, the whole le graded except about 30 mites in detached portions, none of which present any van/ heavy or difficult work. Tho Company are dosirons of com pleting the western division to the coal Beide of Elk county a. soon as possible, and intend to hare the frank laid to Ridgway, 119 miles from Erie. by the last of. Au gust. . The businees of the completed portion of the western division of this road, sixty-six miles, has greatly exceeded the expectations of the .moot nrdent friends of the enter pries,. It is tonally due. however, ti the immense ship toe of petroleum, so recently developed in Northwest ern Penneylvanla The number or barrels of petroleum carried over this portion of the road, since it has been in running order, but little over two year., wee 21,798 bar rels in 1800, and 13 , 1,977 barrels in 1861. In addition to which, we have the movement for the present year, up to the Ist of June. of over 110,000 barrel., making a general total of 266,723 barrels of oil forwarded in a little over two year'. Redneed to gallons, the quantily is about eleven. minion.. About two.thirds of the above amount has been shipped to Erie, and thence by lake and rail to all parte of the country ; the balance has been shipped to New Yolk via Atlantic and Great Western and Erie roads. At 'tideway the road will reach a very superior quali ty of coal, of a senal.bituminotes character, which will come in competition with what is known as •s Erie coal," and will undoubtedly tend to lessen the price of the letter. It is confidently anticipated by the friend. of ..the work that the whole line will be completed and in `run r log order in one year from this summer, from Erie to Philadelphia. The Erie and North East ROW has sold its interest in the Erie and Pittsburg Rowl for NlOO.OOO in 7 per cent. first mortgage bonds. The Erie and Pittebnrg Road is to be completey to the told fields. The above amount gives about twenty per tent. on the capital stock of the Erie and North East Read. It will be remembered that' the Legislature of Peonsylvania forced this coed to con tribute 9500,000 to the Erie and Pittsburg Railroad as a bonne for an unbroken gauge through Erie. ' THE WZST PHILADELPITIA t• LADIES' 11)," baying been engaged for the pest year in making up clothing and sending it to the variona hospitals in . different parts of the country, now appeal to the public to aid them in their efforts to assist the very large hospi tal just established in their midst. The men are in very great,need, some of them not having a change of clothing, and even now lying in the very garments in which they were wounded. All kinds of underclothing, cotton stock ings, clippers, wrappers, and handkerchiefs are the ar ticles moat needed. The Ladies' Aid wish to supply them es far e• possible with these things, so necessary to their ei taint and. restoration to health. As their treasury is nearly exhausted, donations of money, materials, or old clothing will be thankfully received, and may be sent to the office of Mr. Samuel Field, northwest corner of Front and Walnut streets, to Mr. Henry 0. Townsend, 811 Arch street, or to Mr. Charles B. Keen, 325 Walnut sr reel. Mrs. Samuel Field, president ; hire. Charles B. Keen, secretary. • • , A RIAN,VITARGID WITH HAVING FIVE IVIVRB.—Somo time elm*, a gentleman of ventriloquial accomplishments arrived in New York city, and made an engagement with one of the Bowery theatres as a per former. Before he had a fair opportunity of enlightening that community with the merits of his art; a Warrant wee cued out for his arrest in Philadelphia, and @enema for execution. Detective Wilson thereupon arrested the men and conveyed him to this city, on a charge of having more wives than the law annws It appears that there are in voltam parte of the country no less than dye women 'all of whom claim Min as their huabaud. One of these ,lives In Pittsburg , one in Wheeling, one in Phil lipsburg, and two in Philadelphia. The last lady'whom he married was a widow, of tine city. She is only Rimy two years of age, the rascal being about thirty. She had teen a widow for twerity.nine years, and is possessed, of the pleasant Mlle fortune of $15,000. Finding that her husband had distributed hie affections with too generous a hand, she went before a magistrate and made com plaint—hence his arrest THE TURF.—On Monday next the inviting races at Suffolk Park will commence, and con done fourdays. They will no doubt be very largely , at. tended, as they are forming quite a subject of discussion in sporting...circles.- In the first rave, on Monday, the stakes will. be for three-year old horses, for mile heats, best two in three, for which there are ten entries. The Second race will be a single dash of two miles, free for aU . ages. Five or six are exPented to start. The home are now on exhibition at the Park, and can be reen nt soy time today. , The arrangements for the i.ieltore are complete in their. character ' and free from apy.lting that would displease even the tastif of ladies. THR LADIES' ITEBREW ASSOCIATION FOR'THIE BELIEF OF THE SICK AND WOUND ED SOLDIER3.—A desire to contribute to the relief of the sick and wounded soldiers now in our midst induces marry graceful exhibitions on the mart of all chases ee tie community. Young and old vie with etch other in their offerings of All that money min procure, or gentle herds produce and, not cottent with this, many go yot Nal or. end give the soldiers the genial effects of their sympathetic visits wur PITO!, slaters, and daughter scum dettrtnintd to be as ministering those whom the horrors of war have thrown item oar hand% and their zeal proves their labor to be one of love. There can he, no better way to thew their patriotism than this, attemird, as it is, with so many grateful results A hasty desire to systematize their labors and to ob. tali' all the advantages of co-operation brought together a numerous assemblage of ladies and gentlemen In the vestry room of the Juliann& Street Synegogoe, Osi Thursday evening. Obeerfulnesw and unanimity cheese-. Wind their proceedings, and in a very short time they organized a relief aaaoclation. The sphere in which ths resnits of their labors are to be distributed is, for the uremia. limited to the military hospitals of Philadelphia. The preparation of lint and bandagee,'Red the mann fectdre of the necessary clothing, will engage them motel the demand for thofe articles will have ceased. 'While to the extent of their ability, they will give of their own time and means to the Work now bet we :hem, they will also gladly receive any contributions of money and artiche useful to the soldiers. ALP further informa tion regarding the plans of the association can be obtain ed of the p.esident, M. Goldman, Tao , No. 306 Market Street; Henry Mayer, Mee., No. 430 North Third skeet; IT. Gneseubauser, Sep , No. 132 North Third street; or of the secretary, David B:ern, No. 337 North Second street. • . ASSAULT AND BATTERY CASES.--A Warrant • was leaned on Thursday evening, by Alderman litcPeak, for the arrest of John 111cLaughlln, who re sides on Eleventh street, above Catharine. The alderman placid the warrant in the Lands of Constable Mornay Suttee, who proceeded to the residence of al.cfranghtln, and. after mating known Lis business, was informed by the latter that neither he, the alderman, nor any other man " could take Lim.' The officer wee then obliged to force Win into subutheion, when the wif,. of the prisoner :cede her appearance, armed with a bar tf iron, with which rho inflicted several wounds on the head of the officer, rendering him insensible. lie whe carried to England's drug store, at Tenth and Catharine unreels, .abete his wounds were dressed. The alderman, on learn jus the circumstances, despstehed Deputy (lendable Gilligan. who made the arrest, and the accused was hold to ensurer. On Thursday, as a number of policemen were arresting or driving off a gang of mischievowiboya at Seventeenth and Hamilton streets, they were assaulted by some un known men in a neighboring foundry, who threw bricks and other misailea. The officers, after having disposed of the boys, proceeded to the foundry and demanded to know the parties who threw the bricks, saying at the same time that they (the officals) would arrest them. The guilty ones bad at ithi r the desire nor the courage to gee forward. • MURDEROUS ASSAULT—ATTEMPT TO ROB.—At a late hour on Thursday evening a gentleman named Tutor, while passing along Washington etre t on bin way to the Baltimore depot, wan attacked by four men when near Thirteenth street. He was struck upon the head with a brick and was knocked down, The as eallanta then attempted to rob Mr. Tudor, and quite a deeperete conflict ensued. Mr. T. need his cane pretty freely, and had It broken to pieces. Mr. Hoover, the naval constructor, came me during the struggle, when the cowardly rascals, discovering that asstatanoe was at band, tan off.' Dlr. Tudor was severely injured, and won convoyed to his reeidence on Walnut street. He lost a pair of gold spectaclea in the encounter. He was about starting for Washington at the time of the occurrence. There fe a scarcity of lamps along that oortion of Wa•htogton etreet, and a party of scoundrels assemble there on dark nights to attack persons whom they may suspect of hav ing valuables about them. As Washington street is one of the principal thoroughfares in the sontbern section of the alt,, ft is flute that a few more lamps were placed upon it. that citizens may see whore they era going to and avoid the assaults of ruffisna, THE CORN EXCHANGE AND POST ROADS.—At a meeting of tt e Corn gm:tango Asnoola tion, held yesterday morning. Wm. 0. J. Hoffman pre siding, Mr. Alex. J. Derbyshire submitted the following p eamble and resolution, which, after a few explanatory reruarks, were paned by a unanimous vote: Whereas, A certain bi.l impending before Congress, (Rouse Bill, No. 392.) entitled a «Bill to establish car tels poet roads," the object of which Is to facilitate the speedy completion of several lines .f railway by granting authority to construct certain bridges and to declare the arid routes as poet roads, sod Whereas; The cornrietion of said roads and bridges will greatly improve the commercial and postal tocilltiee of the country, without injury to any other important inlereste : It is hereby Resolved, That the Corn 'Exchange Association of the city of Philadelphia respectfully request that our Bena. Mrs end Representatives in Congress aid the passage of Bald bill, with such amendments as will give a clear 808 u or water-way of two hundred and fifty , feet over the channel of any navigable stream, with an "elevation of not leas than ninety feet above low-water mark as fixed in the decision of the Supreme Court in regard to the Wheeling bridge. RERSONAL.—Tho Fair of the Union Tolunteer Refetehment Saloon, at the foot of Washington greet, was visited by Parson Brownlow on Thursday af ternoon. His errlval was announced by a salute. After be was conducted god introduced to the ladies, and un dergone a severe hand-Blinking, he made a few brief re. marks to the assemblage. lie expressed himself gratified to meet the ladies in doing so noble a work, and told what sufferings ware endured by loyal Tennesseans ;' the atrocities were of such a character that he dare not men tion them in the presence of no many buries and children, but, be would set them forth fully, and in proper manner, in bin forthcoming book. Pie touched on the leaders of the rebellion and their cause, in a etyle and manner which he can claim an pro-eminently original. : -Three cheers were given at the close of his remarks, and Mr. Brownlow was conducted to his carriage, with an armful of bouquets, lavished upon him by his friends. Be looks to be in very delicate health, and his strength is by no means promoted by the caresses and band•shakiog which ere to profusely bestowed by the admiring public. ARREST OF A DISORDERLY SECESH. —An Individual giving the name of William 'Foley was arrested at Penn and South streets on Thursday night upon the charge of disordelly conduct, and was taken to the Second District Station House, where he remained during tbe night. A search of his packets revealed a bundle of bona fide Confederate notes, of the denomina tion of PS, SIO, and $lO. Be had also a document. signed Wm. W. J. Kelly, Postmaster, O. S. N., and approved by J. Rutledge, Oomivandant Naval Station, South Caro line and Georgia This document was an honorable dis charge from the 0. S. steamer ffuntress. He is a yonog men, about 25 years of age.' He re fused to state bow be got to tho city, or to give any de finite infoemation of his condition or prospacta. Subatt fluently it was ascertained that the 's Secesh " was one of a released crew of a prize vessel brought hereby ths United States 'steamer Maemchusetts. The Secretary of -the Nary bad directed the United States marshal to re- Irene all these prisoners. as they could be only a burden to the Government. Foley bad serves a year In the '•Confederacy," and, when coming a•bore, gladly threw off restraint, and determined to get .• drunk." His yearly pay was I artily sufficient to get him more than a dozen thinks. Be was discharged yesterday morning. BAILBOAD ACCIDENT.— As a train of care on the West Jersey Railroad was passing through Stockton. on the way to Woodbury, after a Sunder school excursion, on last Thursday evening, Geo. Foltz, a lad about ten years of age. was caught by the cow catcher. and thrown against the face. sustaining very se rious injury. Great corn Vaint is made against this road on account of the speed at which the cars are run through this town, and but little attention is paid to blowing the whistle at the croesittes. This "evil should be immrdiatel , remedied by the company. While cen suring the conductors for their want of caution. it is but right to add a word of admonition to the children, who frequently subject themselves to injury, if not loss of We, by venturing upon the track in front of the engine while under feel speed. This eccidcnt to young Fultz should be a warning to them. How BAIL IS OBTAINED FOR CRIMI NALS —One of the mysteries of the civil and criminal courts te the bail business. It is something' that out.' eiders cannot understand. In the criminal courts people are enrprieed, after having party arrested for tome great outrage, to see them out 16 an hour afterwards ; and yet nobody .is to blame. For instance: A noted* thief is caught In the act end brought before a magistrate, coun. sat Is employed. not to defend him, but to se modify the case that, bail will be modified in the same proportion. The bail to then procured, who is amply secured, and paid one or two hundred dollars for his,services. When the case comes on, and the defendant do , 11l sot 111 P. peer, he makes a grand powwow, spends twenty-five or fifty dollars to get the thief clear, and it he does, then hel is ail right ; if he fails, he Manatees by some Immo to • neitle nit, waiter for a trifle. Ia one case alone, we know of a professional bondsman, who has made ton ihousaad dollars clear during the'last year. APPEAL FOR FICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS —The managers of the Hospital of the Pro testant Episcopal Church In Philadelphia are about to oxen the, west wing of their new building, at tbo request of the Government, for the reception of sick and wounded United States soldiers. The building arrangements have been pushed forward with rapidity, and will ruttish better accommodations then other temporary structures. But everything else its wanted, and that within sec week. Fund., not Iles than 96,000; 'sheets. three yards in length; pillow eases, counterpanes, blankets, muslin for bandegee, bOalle ebtrte, etc., for four hundred sick sol diers. Those having articles to contribute can vend them to 706 Walnut greet. . CHARGED WITH SWINDLING.—A wo man, named Catheithe'alley, was arrested nn Thurs day afternoon, acid taken before Alderman Welding, upon the charge of having obtained money from the com .missioner for the relief of families of volunteers. Her husband enlisted in one of the volunteer regimen% in October hut, but soon afterwards deserted, anereince then has been engaged an a boatman upon the Schuylkill canal. Mrs. ldcCahey continued to draw the regular weekly stipend LID to Fri , ay In-f, acid bad thus far re ceived $6120. She acknowledged that she knew all the time that her hatband was not in_the service. She wee held to ball to answer at court. RownNa OASES.—Samuel McKinsey, a young man tmployed upon the schooner Julia, Captain Fox. from Nova Footle, and lying at Lombard-street wharf, fell overboard yesterday morning about 1 o'clock. and was drowned. The body wee recovered by the har bor police, about four o'clock. The coroner held an in . guest, and the jury rendered a verdict of accidentally drowned. Yesterday morning a canal boat lying in the Delaware, near Mead-alley 'wharf; was sunk. A man named John Sweeney, Wedging to New Hope, Bucks county, who was in the cabin at the time, was drowned. The body was recovered. au i^euest was hold, and a verdict of accidental drowning rendered. FUNERAL TOLLS ON PUBLIC RIOID. WAYS.-6lr. Simon Gartland has called the attention of Councils to the fact that from 1793 to 1847 the Lancaster TUrnpike was a public highway, and no tails were charged for funerals. By an act of the Ler islatnre, passed April Sth, 1860, it was decreed that no tolls should be demanded for funerals. Mr. Gartland asks for some action which will cause this company to obey the aforesaid act. • NARROW ---- ESOAPEA laborer-cin wharf fell overboard on Thursday between the pi 11/. end the chip New England, lying in the Delaware,. above Race street. A friend leaped overboard to rescue him, and both made a narrow (active from drowning. The mon were intoxicated at the time. FATAL ACCIDENT.--A boy named John McCabe, aged 17 years; employed by Merrick & Pone, was killed yeattrday on board the U. 8. Bloomer Powbatan, now !sing at the navy yard, by the breaking of the hook of a heavy crank of an engine. The hook caught him in tbo broad. Inflicting injuries of which be died la a very Blunt time. The deceased resided at No. 717 Plover etreet. 'FATAL BESULT.—C. E. Cooper, who fell from • window at the Ar ch. street:House on Monday left, died yesterday morning at four o'clock. He belonged to Delaware City, and hie body will be taken to that place for interment. • MEDICAL EXAMINATION.—On the Bth of July n. State medical board will assemble at Harris burg for the examination of candidates for the post of assistant surgeon in Pennsylvania regiments. Taz PORT ROYAL Mmi.—The U. 8. stcamer Massachusetts Is expect& to Ball from this port to Port Royal to-day. Letters to go by her)yill be re cetvCd at the poet cffice mitt' noon of to-day. • , SALE OF PRIZE VEERET.B.—Tno prin. schooner Wave hail been sold for 11400, and the dchooner . Active for 81,(50. . • SLIGHT Last eveni n g, a fire oe-. cum din a building back of No. 52 New 1113rket street, owned by Henry , Simons— A portion of the roof was burned with but little damage, and the department did not go into service. FOUND TIIOwNED.—An 12M1MOVill white men was found in the Delaware yesterday after noonost Afaldin-street wharf. lie bad on bine overalls,. black veal, and bine crow: Au inquest weft held, and a verdict of found drowned rendered. • ' DEPABTURE.---.The Steamer Arago will ve N e i v , y et i, on.moaday mroingfor Port Royal. `. THE PRESS.---PHILADELP)IjA., 1862. Ta NEW POST OFFICE.—Owing to the rickelty condition of the original structures, which weed upon tae ground to be occupied &se new pent office, it is eetermined to sweep the ground clear of the old rakes, and to erect an entirely new and proper edifice. We have no doubt that it will afford very general satis faction to learn that we are not to have a tort of patch work building, leaving in portions of the original Meat tare., as was at first designed. MAD Dos Snor.—Yesterday morn lug a dog showing symptom of rabi.l was allot at Twenty.eecond and Green streets, by a pollee °Meer. PIIILADXLPHIA BOARD OF TRADB. BAN. W. DE CIOUEttEY, JAMNB 0. HAND, ooustlrrim or TES Marra J. B. LIPPINCOTT, LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philactephin. Wromirg, Burton Liverpool, noon Bldg Ocean Boni, Small " Livarpool, noon Brig C H Jordan PORT OF PHILADELPHIA.' June 21, 1819. SUN RISES .4 33-9 OH SETS. ' 780 ORM WATER • .0 47 F.chr Hiawatha, Disney, IL days from Key West, in balleet to Geo B Berfoot. fichr Job!' P4xoo, Oorson, 4 days from P:orldorrx, to ballast to L Au-enried & Schr Bancocto, Hunter, 1 day from Now Castlo, Del, with corn to Jan Barrett & Bon Behr %'m G Andes:aged, Hewett, from Yorktown. Fehr Revenue ' Gandy, from Yorktown. • Behr J Prambes, Somers, from Besteort. Behr Com Tucker, Loud, from New York. Schr o,l:amerce, Miller, from Now York. BNa/our Vulcan, Morrison, 24 hours from Now York, With mdse to W hi Baird a Co. Echr Jonathan Coto, Mchaffey, Middletown, Wanna coacher I Maxfield. Behr Win Pnxon, Corson, Boston, L Andentiod At Co. Bohr J Prambee, Somers, Boston, W H Johns Bohr Revenue. Gandy. Boston, do • Bohr W G Audenricd, Hewitt, Boston, J B %%Ito. Bohr Cashthan, Balatty, Rockland, captain. • Bohr Coin Tucker, Loud, Dorchester Point, John B Dinkiston. Scbr Commerce, Hillier, Danveraport, Oastner, Stick ney dr. Wellington. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES. Del. June 19 The revenue cutter Forward, Capt Nonea, ballet to Newborn, NO: two schooners bound . to Fortress Moaroe, loaded with hay; a three-tnasled °cheaper, and steamer Cecil, are detained by montherly winds. The tug Arne ricals alto in the roadstead. Youte, dm. AARON MARSHALL. 'ship R L Lane Bryer, for New York, entered for ldg at Liverpool 4th inst. Ship Art Union, Thayer, clebrod at Boston 19th inst. for Calcutta. Slap l'eerleei, Ring, at London 7th init. from Maul •main tlhlp John Sydney, Southard, sailed from Cardiff 81st ult. for Ballads. Ship Holyhead, Swanton, hence for Liverpool, was spoken 16th lust. off Cape Hentopsn, with loan of top/all yard: 1p Adelaide 8011, Robertson, for Philadelphia, en tared out at Liverpool 31st ult. Ship 'North American, from New Orleans for LivOt pool, was spoken 6th inst. off Tin togas. Bark Cora, Monroe, cleared at Nair York 19th inst. for Shanghai) Brig Wm J Treat, Park, sailed from Sages Rh tut for Philadelphis. Berk Tirgibia & Estellins, Wilkins, at 9euoa 31st nit from Liverpool. Bark Emily, Bieketeor, for New 'York, was at New Orleans ICall inst. Bark Nazarene, Randers, at Now Orleans 10th mot from kiluatltlan. Brig Samuel Adams, Carver, nOM Key. West, was waitit.g at Sagas 6th inst. - Brig IJumire, Biggins, Bailed. from Cardenas 10th inst. for Philadelphia. Brig Mary /t Thompson, Havener, sailed from Matan zas 12th iost. for Philadelphia. Echi Kate, Walker, Gulliver, for Philadelphia, was at Bitola Oth hist: Bohr Wm P Maniple, Freotby, cleared at New York 19th Met. for Philadelphia. F Webb, Buckingham, henco, arrived at New York 1911, In 4. Behr harsh, Benson, hence, arrived at New Bedford 18th inst. fiche Huntreaß, Ditney, hence for Elttlithary, at New bury Ott 18th lust. . • °chi L & - R Smith, for Wilmington, Del, sailed frOni Providence IStii.inst, and enchored below. . Behr H Dulatusb, Bartlett, cleared at Baltimore 10th inst for Camden, NJ. • r • • . . .Bcbre Thomas Borden, Wrightington, from Fall River,' and W O Nelsen, Smith. from Providence, both for Phi delphia, at Newport 17th inst. hchrs J Griereon, Harding, from Gloucester, Jas Neil son. Burt, and Salmon Washburn, Thrasher, from Taun ton, all for Philadelphia, were at Providence 18th wafting wind. Bahr Althea, Corson, uncertain, waa at Now Orleant 1.1. th met. Behr Elvirs, for Philadelphia, was loaAing at Nevr Or loamt lOth inst. Scbr C A Flectricher c:eared at New Harm 18th Ind for Philadelphia. Bar Wm Bement, for Philo&lpbta, clearod at New Heyen.lBth inst. NEW MACKEREL. 150' Inds Now Large 'No. 3 Mackerel. 150 Half BOle " . ' ln Mare and and for sale by ' .5111RPHY h ICOONS, . N 0.146 North WII.IIIYES • 'ENGLISH DAIRY OREESE.-100 boxes cootie Uglier, Dairy Cheese, suitable for elbipment, in store and for sale by RHODES de WILLIAMS, jelB 107 South WATER Street. MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, &c., stip. 2,500 Bbls Mass Nos. 1, 2. and 3 Mackerel, late cangbtfatflab,ln assorted packages. 2,000 Bbla New Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herring. 2,600 Boxes Lubec, Scaled, and Ito. 1 Herring. 150 Bbla New Mess Shed. • 250 Boxes Herkimer ()aunty Cheese, &e. In store and for sale by • MURPHY & KOONEI, iel4•lf No. 145 North WHARVES. RHODES . sc WILLIAMS, Mi. 107 South WATER Street, offer for sale the following: 75 cases assorted JelSea. 100 cages American Picklea, pints and Quarts. 60 caeca American Pickles, gallons and half galloni. 50 cases Franck Brandied Cherries. 75 cases French Brandied Peaches. 40 cam Lewis & Bros.' Condensed 60 cases Bordeaux Mee Oil, In black bottles. 20 CBB6O Virgil) 011 of Aix. 60 cases BacgaluDi Oil, pints and quarts. Also, a well•. assorted ktock Croeset t Blackwell's Cele brated Engiieh Pickles. • . lista .OAETERII • CELE BR ATED NEW IL/ JERSEY SUGAR CURED HAMS, kilt received. JAMES HOMER & SON, KO Severn' and Noble and Sixtb bud Wood eh' ARDINEB.—A very superior brand S for sale by OFIAIILICS B. OARSTAISEI, _ aD2 128 WALNOT awl 21 GRANITIC. Stmt. NEW CROP OF VANILLA BEANS, at 89 per Pound ; Mao, on hand, the c4~O, and Split Skins in the city. - : 3 \ 10A14PBELL & BROTHER, JOSHitik• • . • • No. lii;i_iionth FRONT Street. OLIVE inioioe . ...vire Olive Oil, to arrive per ship 'Vandalla ; 'also, an In :voice per Ocean Skinner, for sale by 011 AS. 8. OABSTATRB, Jo 20 N 0.126 WALNUT and 21 Gal &NITS, St. T .ATOUR OLIVE OIL.-463 baskets LAII ORR OLIVE OIL, just reoeived, and for sale by JAIIRETGRB A LAVERGNE, 202 and 204 South TRONT Street. CAXITION.—Having semi a etturtoue arttele of Oil branded "J. Latour," we caution the public agalnet purchasing the came, as the genuine J. Latour Oil oaa be procured only from us. - JABBUTOIIII & LAVERGNIP, mvl3-tr 902 and 204..E10etb IfBOVIT FNMA OIL T OIL!!' OIL!!! HULBURT & BRODHEAD, Having opened a General Depot for the Hale of Extra Relined and Lubricating 00AL OILS, would call eke opesial attention of dealers and consumers to their refined ILLIIMINATENG OIL, as it pomace merit beyond anything heretofore offered in this market, being entirely free from that gluey substance and bad odor which characterize that commonly sold in this market, produces no =eke, and is free from all explosive properties. ! l Orders, from City or Country promptly at tended myl9-Im cc TITC IF .11 11?" OIL WORKS. • LI 100 bblii.wimclfer" Burning Oil on band. • We guarantee the oil to be non. explosive, to born, all the oil in the lamp witb a steady, brilliant llama, without crusting Om wick, and but 'Jowly.' Barrels 4ned with glass enamel. WBIGIIT, SMITII, WPIABBA.LL, te2l.-tf Oillce 515 516.1tKET Street. 8 5 BBLS.- .GOOD CARBON OIL, for eale in whole or lota, et No. 415 MIKE NON B treat. • ". •Jellf;Sele G'IAUTION• • • The well-earned reputation of • FAIRBANKS' SCALES Has Induced the makers of Imperfect balances to offer them as IfALIIBANHEI' BOALISB," and pnroheeers have thereby, In many Instances, been enbiected to fraud and Imposition. FAIRBANKS' SOAVES are manufac tured only by the original inventors, B. 8 T. 'FAIR BANKS k GO.; and are adapted to every branch of the business, where a correct and durable &area is required FAIRBANKS it EWING, . General Agents, Isao-11 MABONIO HALL, 715 OHNSTNICIT ST. rpu.E BAIA, MORSE, AND BOY DEN BEEF•ADJUSTING CLOTHES .- WRINGER:. This Wringer has glYentmiyartad eitisractiffile and hi . Warranted to do so in every particular. Before purchasing' call, examine, and try it, at office of JOY, iJOE, ,t'Oca:V; FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. jel2-8m L. B. SNOW. • BIOTI - NA ROOFING, . 1111910PAOITABD DT WIZ .'- 17197.TH1D STATES BIOTINA ROOFING 0091PANYi No. 9 GORE BLOCK, ' • Corner MINIM and PITTS Streets, Boston, Hasa. This Portable Roofing is the only article ever ° k en o to the public which is ready. Irepared to go on 'the roof without any finishing operation. It is tight, eandumm and easily applied. and can be safely and cheaply trans• ported to any part of the world. It will not taint or discolor water running over, or lying no it, and is, in all respects,'a 'very. desirable' article.' Its non-cored noting properties, adapt It especially to covering maunfactories of varioce kinds;' and It' is confidently offered to the public after a test or four years in all. varieties of climate and temperature, for covering all kinds or roofs, fiat or 'Robed, together with cars, stromboete, &e. • It is-both checip and 'durable. , Agents wanted, to whom liberal inducements are offered.. Bend for sample , dirdrattr;44o., with .particulars,. . to if• 11. 9. ItOOPIti(? CO., 'No:9 WEB BLOCS, Boston." spZ43lrt mAIU:NE INTELLIGIICNCE, ARRIVED OLNARED ffiIONEOIUNDA LLLUMINATIN6 01Ls No. 240 ARCH STREET, AND TO LET. FOR S FA) R SALE—The three. story man wELLII4 a. with au yard, No: 112 North Eightteuth strati, above Arch. Apply to ALLEN Se SIM, S E. corner EOUETH pod WALNUT streets, je2o. 3t* secood floor. ett, FOR BALE ..s.—c.ollEAP.”—Perry County FARII, containing 138 aver, 25 woodland, the balance under * high state of cultivation; firat-rate fouciug, nicely watered. excoliont hnprovrmeota, 16 mi:ea from flarrieborg. Price only 1561.00. Terme tarty. . . Also, ',FRUIT rARII, nor Dover, Mete of Dela ware, 107 twee. Price only e 5,500. Apply to R PRVTIT, jl2O No: 309 WALNUT etraeL tOR SALE-TEE STOCK AND IMMURES of a Retail GROURRY and I'.RO9I EIGN STitRE, now doing a good bnehlona APPIP at EICNENITEN2II and 14,1D01i eVENUIC. Oallti. the Preeent proprietor engnacd la other builaole. jeli.3t* • - FOR SALE—:-The Eltocik and good will of a first-dam Itotail Shoe Store, long estab lished and doing a good bash:teas Address " Shoe Store," St this office.' " jelfl-301, VOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, for .0 merchandise or an unimproved lot' 1 groind, deal- tibia city Property jel9•tf CoAL--011 WORKS FOB SALE, within the limits of the city. Any person wishing to employ a Capital to good advantage, will please apply, for full particulars, at No. 127 WALNUT Street. PnILADBLPHIA, July 11, 1862. • Jell-1216t 3TO RENT-A THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, on RAGE Street, one door above Twelfth, north sive. Rant low to a good tenant. Apply to • WIiTHERILL k BROTHER, jell 47 and 49 North SEGOND Street. ITO RENT----& THREE-STORY BRIOK DWELLING, on PINE Street, near Boyenteanth, north ado. Apply to WATHERILL 1t BROTHER, )c7.2 47 and 40 North EBOOND Street. aFOR BALE' OR TO LET—Fo Houses, on the o west alas of BROAD Street, be(o‘a aOltuntds avenue. Apply st the southwest corner et NINTH and SANSOK Streets. mh2B-tf TO LET.—Dwelling House,ASouth east corner of TWENTY-SEOONG and GREEN treeta. Keys at .Relf's grorory, corner, of Twenty•ae. rand and Noma Vernon Streets. Ape& ro JAMES CRESSON, je7 . .tf 23 North FOURTR street. TO RENT---frour Different Country mace., with a low acres of ground, - fine fruits, near railroad stations, and conveulent to the city. ono of which is furnished. Apply to E: PETTIT, jo3 • • No. 809 WALNU r Btreet. ea_ FOR SALE—A desirable Farm, ;AIL 108 scree, near . Downingtown, Chaster county; nicely watered; hydrant water at the house and barn. lrirst-rate stone improvements; all in complete condition ; Eno timber, excellent fruits, Ae. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 809 WALNUT Street. OR. SALK., OR PART EX . CRANGP,Irine FARM, 218 .ACRES, eituato on the Delaware river, 28 miles from the city. Railroad sta tion upon the place. Large stone Mansion, beautifully located, having a view of the surrounding country and river from it. Three tenant's bousne, large town, number of out- buildinv, all in complete order. SVertor fruits of every kind. Apply to B. PRTTIT, jell No. 809 WALNUT Street.' 61 . It OE, SAL E . -FIRST- CL A.SS TANN, containing 85 ACRES, near Doylestown, 88 toilet, Prom the city, in 'Bunke county, large and con. cement improvements, nicely watered, etc. Alto, a num ber of FARMS in Chester and Delaware countiea. Ap ply to E. P tITTIT, jell No. 309 WALNUT Street. QALE . JUNCTION.',.RAILBOAD A-7 COMPANY'S' BONDS —The -Juuctiokiltallroad Company invites proposals, in writing, for the'porchase of the whole or any part of $500,000 First Kertgaso Stg per Cent. Coupon Bonds. The Mortgage is made to Alexander Hoerr, Esq.,' Trustee, end will be due July 1, 1882. It is secured apron the entire Railroad and Property of the Company lying on the west side of Echo' , Ball, between Belmont and Gray's Ferry. Its terms provide for. a stoking rued of 838.000 per I ear, to be invested in these Bonet', or in the Firet Ittortgage Bond, of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, the Philadelphia and. Reading Railroad Com pany, the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Bail road Company, in the Loans of the United Rates, or of the State of Pennsylvania, at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The Bonds are for One Thousand Dollars each. Theit payment ie guarantied by endorsement of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, the Philadelphia, Wilmington, Bud Baltimore Railroad Company, the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Company on the back of each bond, in the following wonie.—viz "'Know all men by three preempts, that the Penney-1- ,mila Railroad Company, the Philadelphia, Wilming ton, and Baltimore Railroad Company, and the: Phila delphia and Beading Railroad Company, and each of them, for a valuable coosideration to them paid by the Junction Railroad Company, do hereby (in plfilmance of the power and authority conferred by two acts of Aseembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ap proved respectively on the twenty-third day of March, A. D.lBBl, and the eleventh day of April, A. D. 1862,. and of every other lawful power and authority in them yeeted,) jointly and severally guarantee to the lawful holder of the within Bond the pnnchial payment of the principal and bitterest thereof, when and as the 8(11118 shall become due and payable according to the terms of raid Bond, or of rho terms and c Tenants of the lotion- . titre of Mortgage therein mentioned and given to secure the tame. •"In witness whereof, eaid Companies bare hereunto affixed their common or corporato seals respectively, duly attested, and .ba GSM Cra the signatures of their 'Preside, te, rtepectireli, to bo hereunto written, thh second day of Juri;rinno - Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-two (1662) Payment for the Bonds will be requ'red as follows: . The first instalment of 10 per cent, will be payable on the first day of August, and 10 per cent. additional on the fit st of each succeeding month until the wholo amonut is paid. - • Proposals will be addressed to CHARLES IL SMITH, Treasurer, 22.7 South FOURTH Street, until MONDAY, July 21. Foch proposal will state the total number or amount of the Londe wanted, end the price offered per bond of 6.1.(00. I be Company reserves to itself the right to accept or reject the whole or any part of any proposition received. • - Sneer-DWI bidders will be notiihd of the acceptance of their proposals withtu one cook from the opening of their bids. JOstcra LESLEY, )019.tjy21 • Secretary Jnncti Railroad Co. PROPOSALS. A EMY CLOTHING AND EQUI ik PAGE OFFICE, PuiLawn:nue, Juno 14, 1862 B OSPITAL BUILDINGS W N ED.—Propssals are invited for the renting to the United States, for Nospitel purposes. LARGE BUILDINGS convenient to Railroad or Water Transportation Routes in the vicinity of Phila delphia' either in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, or Dela ware. Owners or egoota .4 any such buildings, will please send to the office Immediately a description of them, with the location, and the rata of root per annum, and addressed to G. G. °RUSSIAN, jelflf f Deputy Quartermaster Gceeral U. S. A. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUl xx_ PAGE MICR, TW BLETH.auti at.Rl) Sig. i!altepeLe.Tru, Juue 14, 1882 PROPOSALS will Le received at this office. until SATURDAY', 21st ' iost., at 12111.' for stittplYing the Schuylkill Arsenal with PACKING -BOXES,,,in snob elllentities as may be needed, until December Slat, 1882. Tires , will be subject to inspection at the Schuylkill Arse nal; where, samples cod siva may be seen. 'Also, to 'furnish CAP, LETTER; and ROTE PAPER, Isiah, or with•printed headings; ENTELOPES of dire. rent sizes and. printed designations, in such quantities as may be needed at this office, for Mx mouths from let of July next. Sampl , s of each kind may be seen at this office. Alec, 10,000 Canteens and Corks, (army stand ard,) as per semis in this office. Proposals wid be en dmied, proposals for Packing Boxes," or Proposals for Canteens end Corks," or "Proposals for Paper, En velopee, Jto ," and addrewed to G.ll. CROSII AN, jel6-6t Deputy Q. Al. Oen U. B. A. fiITY OR CHABLESTOW.N Mai& SAOIII3SETTS.--Senled Propasah will be received by the Water Commissioners of the City of Ohs:deo:own, until JUNE 30th, for laying, in said City sod on the floe of their Water Works, about 21 mites of CAST-IRON PIPES. Plane of the work tan be aeon, and informa tion concerning said work ho obtained, at the office of the 'Engineer or Water Commissioners, Charlestown. Copies of specifications and contract, and forms of pro posals, will be sent to parties desiring -to make bide for the work. on their making apslication tor the same to the Water Commissioners Bends, -with sureties, will be required from parties contracting. The Commission er!' reserve the right to accept that organist which, under all circumetaines, they .ball consider most favorable to the iutereets of the city, or to reject alt propGsals of fers-d. For Water Commissioners, EDWARD LAWRENCE, Chairman. B. L. STEVENSON, Chief Engineer C. W. W. • CITY OF OHARLESTOWN, MAS SACHUSETTS.—The Water Commissioners of the City of Charteitown will receive prop:sals for making, delivering, and laying on the line of 'their distribution piper, One Hundred and Forty FIRE HYDRANTS. In making proposals for the same, parties must include the Hydrant Pipe, the Band, the 11, dranN Frames, Covets, and all appurtenances connected therewith, ex cepting the branches in main pipes. They must also state the price at which they will lay and connect the Hydrant pipes with the branches in the Mains, and perform all the work incident to placing the Hydrants in perfect or der for use, including delivery and all trenching or other digging. Parties making nroponals 'must accompany them with designs of the style of Hydrant they pewee. These designs must be drawn to scale, to detail, so se to admit of their, being readily understood. The total amount of 4.inch Hydrant Pipe. required is about Eleven Hundred (1;100) feet. Sire of Nozzle 2,4 inch, with sufficient size of Hydrant to admit of increasing diameter of nozzle to 4 Inches, without removal of drant. Proposals will also be received for about One hundred and Sixty STOP COCKS, of the following sizes: 76 of 4.ifich, 66 of 8-ineh, 14 of 8-inch, 2 of 10-inch, 9 of 18- inch, 3of 34-inclt. The proposals for Stop Cocks to in claddevery essential casting pertaining to the same and the delivery of all Cocks or Castings at such places in Charlestown es the 'Engineer may from time to time direct. Designs of the styles proposed for to be presented at same time as bid. Plans of Dis tribution Pipe, showing' positions of Hydrants and Stop Hocks, can be seen at the office of the Engineer or. ater Commissioners. All designs must be sent to the 'Engineer, on or before JUNE 90th, 1862. The Corn miseionera reserve the right to accept or reject any of the proposals offered. For Water Commissioners, EDWABD LAWRENCE. Chairman. 0. STEYSNSON, Chlef Engineer, O. W. W. Jel2.lot NATTPB OBLEBRA.TED ITALIAN CREAM will positively remove TAN, FREOICLICEI, SALLOWNESS, SUNBURN, PIMPLES, and all erup tions of the face ; giving a beautiful healthy glow and rosy color to the 'cheeks, to much 'desired by every one. In short, it PRESERNEB THE FRESHNESS OF YOUTH, removing all WRINKLES, and giving a soft, smooth appearance to the face, and a brilliancy to the akin that is surmising to all: It is an Article that is • INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY LADY. Upwards of 1,000 BOTTLES PER DAY are now sold in Philadelphia alone, and the demand is daily increas: lug: Price 26 cents per bottle. Sold by • • • M. B. B. NATTI Co., - Manufacturers and Proprietors, • • No. 621 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, : And by the following Pistils in PlilladelPhia J. R. Oiseelberry, No 46 .N. Eighth street; Andrew Taylor, druggist, nor. of Ninth and Chestnut streets; M. Brad field, No . 802 -*Arch street; F. V. Barrett, Nu. 984 N. Second street; 141111 Kocher, Seventh and Coate, streets; M. L. Adams, N. W. tax. of Marshall and Girard ave nue ' and' by druggists and dealers in Fancy Goode ge. nerafif. Agents wanted in every town and village of the United States and Cansdas. • • . my 23-11 MANY EFFORTS HAVE BEEN made to preserve the form and features of the dead, without the must mode, ee repugnant to the feel ings, of placing the body in ice: , This %difficulty , bas been overeeme by Good's air-tight PATENT BOXES. Cold air is the medium used—acting as a preservative—in the warmest weather, and for any length of time required. Likewise, bodies may be convoyed hundreds of miles with perfect safety, and in a good state of preservation. JOHN GOOD, Undertaker, Wo. 921 SPRUCE Street. F. It—Lead, Metallic and other coffins, furnished at the shortest notice. Hearses and carriages of the beet quality. Lots, half lots, and single graves, in the different ceme teries; one superior lot in •Mount Morlah Cemetery; one, two; three, or four hundred feet, can be had cheap for oash,vor trade. • . Rs►Ba:ro6B—Dr. SANIIEL JACKSON, 224 South EIGHTH. Street; Dr: J. H. B. McOLNIA, AN. 1029 WALNUT Street. Key9-thstu3at 61 vl.•= AIIRANCEMENTS OF NEW YOBI LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA. DELPIIIA AND TEENTON SAILEOAD CO.'S DINES FROCS pi11b1.1)1CLY111.& TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. . . _ FROM WALAVT-87aNN7 WHARF AND ICZNOZNOTON DBTO* WILL LILAVR AS FOLLOWS-VIZ: tAnda. At 6 A. Id., via Camden and Amboy, 0. sad A. Ac commodation :nu it 6A. N., via Oamden and .Yetaoy MY, (N. 4 .) sh Accommodation. At 8 A. M., lie, lambiKtnn and Jame/ °MY Morning Mall 8 co At 11 A. M., ,via Ronaington and Jorday 01trt Wentern 'Expires 8 00 At 123( Id., via Camden and Amboy, itation 2 26 St 2 P. Id., via Camden and Amboy,end A. 0x- • press 000 At 4 I': or., via Cloteden and Jersey Oity, hirunicug Exyrees 3 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jets°, City, 241 Ohm Ticket 2 21 At 0); P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Bvoning 800 At 11)4 I'. IC, vitiesunieu end Jersey City • South ern Moll.. 8 00 At 5 P. M., via Camden mig Amboy, Aur.onuodo- tion, (Freight and Passenger )-Ist Claw Ticket.. 226 Do. do. 2d Class d 0. ... 169 The 11% P. M. Southern Mail rims daily; a ll others Sundays excepted. W<ON.i 413 W&LNOT.Stree For Water Gate, Stroudsburg, Simonton. Wlikeabarre Montrose, Great Bend, Binghamoton, Syracase, .ko., at 6 A. M. from Walnut- street Wharf, via Delaware, Lackawanna, and 'Western itailrood. • For Manch Chunk. Allentown, Botblehorn. Belvidere, Allston, Lambertville, Flemington, Ac., at 6 A. AI and 2X P. hi., from Walon`.-etreet Wharf ; (the 5 A. M. Line oonnecte 'with train leaving Keeton for Manob Ohunk at 3.20 P. M.) For Mount Roily, at 0 A. H., 2 and 4 P. IS For Fraehold, at 6 A. M., and 2 P. EL WAY LIK•ZB. For Brietol, Trenton, &c., at 6 and U. A. M., 5 and 6.80 P. M. from Reteingten, and 2yj P. M. from Walnut street wharf. For Bristol, and intermediate stations, at 11.3 i, A. ffi. from Kensington Depot. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Burlington, Florence, Dordentown, fto., at 10 A. 11. and 10%, 4, Si 15)4 and 6.30 P. M. Steamboat TBSKTOIS far Borduntown awl interme diate, stations at lig P. 31. from Walnut-street wharf. 'Or For Now York, and Way Lbws leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The oars. run Into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. Fifty Ponnda of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passbagers are prohibited from taking anything tie bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra,' The Oompany limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, Mid will not be liable for any amount beyond 8100, except by special contract. tea-if Nvntr. U. OATZEMEB, Agent. LINES FROM NEW yonK FOR PHILADELPHIA tv.l. MUTE, PROW FOOT OF OORTLAND 13TRZET, At 70 A. M., 12 M., and 6 P. M. via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 A. rd., and 4 and 11P. EL via Jersey City and Kensington. From foot of Barclay shoat at 6 A. K. and 2 P. SI , via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1 North river, at 1 and 5 P. N. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. ye94:f THE PENNSYLVANIA. CENTRAL 'RAILROAD. THE GREAT DOVELB TRACE ROUTE: . • 1862. THE CAPACITY OF THE ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THE GREAT SHORT LINE TO THE WEST. Facilities for the transportation of passengers to and from Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, St. Patd, biantivillo, Memphis, New Orleans, and all other towns to the West, Northwest, and Southwest, are unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Sleeping and smoking cars on ell the trains. THE EXPRESS BUNS DAILY; Mall and .Ifant Line Sundays excepted. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at. 7.15 A. N. Fast Line ~ 11.30 A. EL Through Express ~ 10.30 P. IL Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Phila. at.. 1.30 P. M. Lancaster .. 4.00 P. EL Weet Cheater Accommo'n No. 1,, " .. 8.45 A. M. " No. 2 a ‘ 1 .12.00 noon. Parkeeburg rrir n 6.48 West Cheater paeseggers will take the West Chester Noe. 1 and 2 and Lancaster Accommodation Trains. Passengers for Snabnry, Wiliantsnorr, Ellmixa, Buf falo, Niagara Fails, ac., leaving Philadelphia at e 7.15 A. M. and 10.80 P. EL, go directly through. Tor further information apply at the passenger Sta.. don, S. H. cornet of ELEVENTH and MARKET Shoot!. By this route freights of all descriptions can be for wardod to and from any point ot. the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinoli.Wisconsin, lowa, or Min sonri, by railroad direct, d l 9 7 lki any.port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by etearnern from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania naiirOttd, are, at all times, as fa eorable as are charged by other Railroad Companion. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can rely with confidenne oto lie speedy transit. For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to on ssdress the Agents of the Company. B. B. KINGSTON, Ix., Philadelphia. D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. *LAME dr Co., Chicago. LEECH /t o. 1 Astor House, or No. 1 Sou th •Wililam street, Co., dew York. LEEOH a CO., No. 77 Waohinixti>n street, Boston. ifiLOP.AV7 it KOONS, No. 80 Nomit etreot, ilaltirsore. H. H. HOUSTON, Gaol Freight Agent, Phila. 1.. L. HOUPT, Coal Ticket Agent, Phila. EINDON LEWIS, Gen'l Sun% Altoona. jyl-1f PHILIIDE LPHT.A. AND NOR! RISTOWN RAILROAD. • TINIR TABLE. On and retry Monday, May 26th, 1E162, until [tailor notice. Leave Philaaelphia, 6,7, 8. D, 10, 11, 12, A. DI., 1. 2, 3 10, 4,6, 6X, 0. 8,9 X, 10X, 11X, P. K. Leave Germ.ntown, 6,7, T 36, E., BX, og, 3.133, A. M., 1,2, 8,4, 5,6, 7, 8 9, 10.10, 11, P. AL ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10 A. 81., 2,3, 5,7%, 103,i, P. bl. Leave Germantown. 8.10 A. M., 1,4, 6X, 9%, P. IL CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6,8, 10, 11, A M., 2,4, 5,6, 6, 10X, P. M. Leave Cheattat 11111, 7.10, 7.36, 9.10, 11.10, A. M., 1.40, 3.40, 6.40, 6.40, 7.40,9.50, P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10 A. 11., 2,5, 7X, P. 51, Leave Chestnut hill, 7.60 A. 11., 12.40, 6.10, 9 10, P. 61: • FOR OONSHOBOCREN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6, 9.0b,11.05, A. SI., Ig, 3,4 X, 6.10;8.06, 11X, P. M. Leave 'Norristown, 6,7, 7.50, 9, 11, A. IL, IX, 4X, 6X, P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M , 2X, 4g, P. M. Leave Norristown, 7 A. M.. 1,6, P. M. Leave Philadelphia, 6,9, ILO3, A. hi ,IX, 8, 3X03.10, 8.05.11 M. I'. Al. Leave Matkayunk,ls}i t TX, 8.50, 9X, 11K,, L. 9142, 6,7, P. Id. . . ON SUNDAYS. . Leave Pbiledelqbta, 9 A. 11., 231, 4X, 6, P.. Leave Illanayunk,:rg , NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. NOR BRTRLRID9II, DOYLESTOWN, MAIf 0 H ommNR, HAELETGN. EASTON. WILKES BARRE, Ac. BERING ARRANGEMENT. On and after .MONDAY, MAY • 6, 1552, Patton ger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW eh-nets, Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays extopted,) at follows: At 6.40 A. 51., (Entreat.) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manoli Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, At 2.46 P. DI., (Expreee,) for nettueauru, Newton, be. Tide train rewittee Heaton at 8 P. H., and makes done twurdiotion with the New Jersey Central for Nov )Cork. At 6.06 P. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Ohunk,So At 5 A. N. and 4 P. M., for Dories:torn. it 6 P. In., for Port Washhuiton. The 6.40 A. Id. Express Train makes dose *inflection .with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being she shortest and most desirable route to ell notate in the Lehigh coal region. eye Bethlehem at 540 A. IL, 9.18 A. M., and Lea r. M. Leave Doyle/crown at 7.25 A. N. and B.N P. N. Leave Tort Wasbinigton at 6.90 A. IL ON SUNDAYS—Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 7.45 A. IL Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.45 P. N. Voyiettown for Philadelphia at 630 A. N. Bethlehem for PhilN:lash% at 5 r. Waze to Bethlehem...4sl.sGPare to Mauch Obnnk.s2 50 rare to Easton 1.50 Wilkeebare . 1.50 Through Tickets must procured at the 'Bake! *Mose, at WILLOW Street, or BERES &moot, in order M secure the above rates of fart. - All Passenger Trains (exoept deadly :Trains) oonaezt et Berk, street with the • F iith and Endikstri!eidi and 3a- Deml and Third-streets Passenger llediroalW, ml. Utitea Etter leaving Willow *Ma; •^" • • my 3 PHILADELPHIA. , AND 21,1233k.ft EL.LIDEN. 1882 WINTER:. ARRANGEMENT.' 1882 For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, IMMIRA, and all points in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains leas* Depot of Phila. and Reading R. R., cor. Rreastand Os/s. lossl3B streets, at BA. M., and 3.1 b P. day, 8 =5.0. ElTUldarl. Q(110KE8T SOUTH from Pldladelphla to points in Northern and Western Tennarivania, %Yenta= New York, &G.. ttn. Baggage checked through to Brack), Niagara Falls, or intermediate points. Through Express Freight Train for all poluto alms, leaves daily at 6 P. M. For further information apply to JOHN 3. MLLES, General Agent THIRTEENTH and OALLOWHILL, and `N. W. oor METH and CHESTNUT Streets- saBl4l FAMREOPENING OF THE. BALTIMORE. AND OHIO RAILROAD.—This road, being fully REPAIRED and effectually GUARDED, is new open for the trans portation of pa/Amgen and freight to all points in the GREAT WEST. For through tickete and all other in formation apply at the Company's Office, corner BROAD Street and WASHINGTON Avenue. a aaMM A NDWEST C PHILADELPHIAHE S T E R. On and after ItIONDBY, June 9th, 1802, the &Mini will leave PHILADELPHIA. from the depot, N. E. nor; ner of RIGHTRENTH and MARKET Streets, at 7.45 and 10.30 A. M., and 2, 4.80, and 7 P.M., and on Tues. days and Fridays at 914 P. M.. and will leave West Philadelphia, from THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets; 17 minutes after the starting time from Mali sent!" and Market streets. ON SUNDAYS, Leave WY:BT CIIIIBTiIi at 8 1. AL, and 5.00 P. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.46 A. M., and 4.50 P. M., connect at Pennelton with trains on the Phi ladelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Concord, Kennett, Oxford, dm. LORRY WOOD, EMperintondonL ANlpiewmg W. E 8 T CHESTER RAILROAD Tralne via PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD, leave de,ot, corner ELE VENTH and MARKET Streets, at 8.46 A. M. 12 noon, and ` " 4 E:11. On Sunday a train leave' EtereattraM Market streets. at 7.30 A. N., and .West Chaster. at 4P: MEERTHE 13 - E X PEWS OOMPANY, Ofdos 810 CHISTNOT•BIieet, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mir ohandiee, Bank' Notes, and Break, either :Ds ira ewe tines or In connection with other Ziemer Oriirtriracti, 0/1 the principal Towne and Odes of the United 'Stator S. 8. EIAlfD70111), leis - General gavertntandant., 11 0 ON'S LONDON. RITCHRNRR "—We are now iaaaarsottiiiag .0 Tuomsoire LONDON KITCHENER," or EUROPEAN RANGE, anitalile for large and small families, hotels, hospitals, and other public institutions, in great variety. Also, Portable Ranges, the " Philadel phia Bangs," Gas Ovens, Bath Boilers, and Oast-iron Sinks, together with a great variety of 'small and large sized Hot.air Farnacoe, Portable Heatera, Fire-board Stoves, Low-down Orates; &e. Wholesale and Retail ONLY at our WatetOOMß. • NORTH, CHASE, . NORTH, ‘• • • NO. 2.09 North SECOND Street, le6-3m - • • faro doors abOVe Race street. ; PAMPHLET PRINTING, Best and Cheapest In3he 011 y, st DUKIWALT & BROWN'S ) 111 South romait - sap RAILROAD LINER. lEtta__,FAm 1862. FOR GERMANTOWN 7011 MANAYCINK. li. K. S3IITII, General dnp•rintendent. my26-tf Dept METE and GREEN Stroata .12 ~ ~ ~ /1t f Iv`4 TBAfl YOB PHILADELPTILA. 9. M. FELTON, Preoident P. W. and B. R.. R. (Jo VIA MEDIA StrAIMER - B&W " -.OICMXIIT Lofty° PHILADELPHIA at 8 A 14;14 :;='lllOOW 41.:, )1:111 !"WIN B. MYERS & 00.. AUCTION BMW N 05.232 end 284 KARAT 22n-44. 1862. SAL'S OF PRBNOB DOT Geom. ON LSOND &Y MORNING. Jane 23, on tour months• crodtt— BSO packages French. German, Balm sod British dr/ goods. BALE OP BOOTS AND SkIONS ON TUESDAY MOBBING. Juno '24, on four monilue credit. 1,0 0 0 pactsies boots Rua Omer. GALE OF DIM COOPS ON . T diTBSD.&I! ItIONNDIG, June 20, on four months' creedt,...., 140 rackesev Brltleh, French. wild Amtkaioen dry Goode 63. LE OF OARPIFFINOB ON 71.4.U65D&Y 111.0IININ0, June 56, on tour montlys' nrodit— /00 ;halo vtaTet, Draw6v, ingrain, awl Tara!au oar- Setinrra. mnrAngi. tcc PANCOABT 1 WARNOOK, TIONDERS. No. 21U MARKET Streirt. SALE OF TUE BrOCK AND FIXTURES OF A RESTAURANT, UPON THE PREMISES, 358 NORTH MONS) STREET. TILTS MORNING. iutm 21, commencina at 11 o'clock preciaely, compris ing eating ■r.d liquor bar fixtures, Motors, &C. Ij , ROE BALE OF AIENDIOAN AND MP OBTED 1 BY GOODS, MILLINIDI GOODS, E lIBROIDZ-. BINS, to., by OFltalnirop. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Juno 25th, 1582, commencirg oS 10 o'clock. .. • • STRAW GOODS. ON 'WEDNESDAY, Juin 2511, at 10 o'clock peecisely, • Canoe palm and a Mow Shaker booda, !adios' bonnets, misses' fancy, hats, men's and boys. &c. lipiilLlP FORD ac 00" AOOTIOII AL NEW, an MARKET end 622 °OHM/MOM 5 SALE or 1,000 GASES BOOTS, SIMMS, 880 GANS, &a. ON MONDAY MOBBING. Juno 23, at 10 o'clock, proolsely, will be sob% by cata• baguo, 1,000 CM.a mean', boys', and youths' calf, kip, nod gran, boots; patent leather opera do.; calf, kip, and enamelled brogrms, Congreee gaittetixforl and 'Scotch ties, ties, walking shoes, &c.; women's, M isses', end calf, kip, goat, kid, enamelled, and morocco heeled knots and ehoes, gaitera. slippers, buskins. do. Also, a leo° assortment of lira-clue city-made goodly.. *fir Open for examination, with catalognes, ascii , on tie morning of sale. amai OF 1,000 og i o t t A I I 3 E 7OTB, SHWAS, ANE, ON THURSDAY MORNING, June 26, at 10 o'clock, proofed', will be sold, by catalogue, 1,000 casos men's, boys', and youths' calf, kip, and grain boots; calf and kip brogans, Congress gaiters, Oxford and Scotch ties, , walking ehces, &o.; wo• men's mires', and children's calf, kip, goat, kid, morocco heeled boots and &Joey, gaiters, slippers, ?melting, ho. Included in sale will be found a large absorb:mut of first-oleos city-made goods. wr Goode open for examination, with catalog , * early on the morning of esle. LEGAL. TN THE COURT OF °MINOR' PLIAS FOR THR OITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. [L. B.] Notice is hereby given to all pommy interested in ' the forowing Foetal, that the Honorable the Judges of the Court aforesaid bare sypointed SAtUaDAY, the Nth day of June, L. D. 1882, 'or hearing the HIM% and for came why the tollowi'g ace-lints should not be eilou ed, and in default thereof the eame.will be con firmed, viz: Netate of George W. Barbie, noconnt of Trustee. Do. of F..ll.anan W. Fisher, do. of Aszlgnee. Do. of Jones & Duerr, do. do. Do. of G. Ferdinand Smith, do. do. Do. of Ann. Jane hlorrieon, do. do. Do. of Bute & Smith, 'do. do. Do. • of Thoe. F. Candy et nx, do.. do. Do. of. William G. Crabbe," do. of Trustee. Do. of 4eorge C. Leib, do. of Committee. Do.. of William Penn Gaskill Hall, account of Trus tee. CHARLES D. KNIGHT, 307-14-21.-28 . . Prothonotary. ESTATE OF DEBORAH L. JACK SOS, deceased.—Letters of Administration upon the Estate of DEBORAH L. JACK.BO 'deceased. lota of the city of Philadelphia, having been granted to the undersigned, all pm SODA haring claims npcn the Estate 'topresent them, and those indebted will make payment to A. BEEVES JACKWR, Adm., Stroudsborgh. Penna., or to Ids attorney, LEWIS D. VAIL, snyl7-56t 109 North SIXTH Street. TN THE COURT OF. COMMON PLEAS FOR VIM CITY AND COUNTY OF PFILADELPIRA. MARY BALT.% i i. WILLIAM BALTS, Dooern`ier Term, 1862, No. 25.--Mr You will Omer notice rale granted by the Court to chow canoe. why a divorce a ninon/0 uratrimortli 'should not be decreed, returnable Battuday, Juno 28, 1882, at 10 o'clock, A. PIERCE ARCHER, JR.. jel7-tue4t Attorney for Libellant. "NOTICE I$ H ERE 13 1r GI V E That a Oertflicate, No. 811, for two shares of the capital stock in the Bank of ITermantoarn, in the name of Mary Sexton, has been lost or ttld that an eiplicatirn has been made for a new certificate in lien of the one so lost or mislaid. • ' TIIO2ifA9 TIRIMAY, • jel4•aBt* Administrator of Nary Saxton, deed. MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOAN CADWALL DER, Judge of tho District Court of the Halted States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, In edmi. ratty, to me directed, will be soki, at public sale, to the Myhre. and best bidder, for cash, et cebboyniu.L STREILT WHARF, on WEDNESDAY, July 9 1853, at 12 o'cloct, M., the schooner DIXIE. her tackle. coparel and farnitore, es ehe now Iles at sal4 wharf; a'sl,loo bales of cotton, 24 begs of peanuts, and GO bags of rice, being Tart of the cargo of the above-named restel. The mer chaudise ran be extunioed on the mo.•ninz of 11.1 s, at 161011ENER'S STORE, No. 142 North FRONT Street. WILLIAM MILL WARD, 11. S. Marshal Eastern District of Penna. PnthanEirnia, Juno 16,1662.. je2o.6t T ARRANT'S • EICTERVESONNT SELTZER APERIENT.. . They valuable and popular 'Medicine has universally re• *dyed the moat favorable recommendations of the Di/MAI PROFESSION and the Public 111 the moat EITIOINNT AND AGREIBLBLZ SALINE APERIENT. It may be need with the best effect in Fatima and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indiges tion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Rheumatic Affections, Gravel, Piles, AND ALL COMPLAINTSIIII7I L GENTLE AND COOLING APEnurar 03/ PUR GATIVE IS REQUIRED. It hi particularly adapted to the wenta of Travellers by Elm and,Land, Residents in Hot Climates, Persona of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convaleiscents• Canfaleus of Veseele and Planters will bud it a valuable Sidditimi to their bledleir.e Chests. It Is in the form of a Powder, carefully put up in Dotes' to keep in any climate, and merely requires water poured upon it to produce a de lightful effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coun try, and its steadily instealine popularity for a aortae of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an intelligent public. Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO., No. 275 GREENWICH Street, corner Warren et. NEW YORK, ap2l-ly And for sale by Druggists generally. PURE GEORGIA ARROW ROOT. The special attention of physicians and faro/lies Is ealled to the superiority of this article. It is rapidly supplanting all other kinds, and all those who have need It give it the most decided preference. The following extracts, from certificates in the hands of the manufac turer, "Col. EALLOWES " will show the high estimation in which the Georgia A rrow Root is held by those gen. t/emen of the medical profession who have folly ex amined it. Oil One pound, 62M cents, or two poundal for EL Complete instructions accompany each package, show ing bow to make the most delicious arttcloe for the table. FOB SALE, WHOLESALE AND BETALL, AT ritEDIE Bit( WIT'S DRUG AND OIIRMLOALL STORE, N. N. CUB. of FIFTI3 end 011ESTSIIT Streets, «I have examined and, prepared some Arrow Boot, mannfacturod by Col. Hallowes, of Bt. Mary's, Georgia. Itbas the beat quality of that 'variety of hueula I have met with, being superior to any Bermuda, or other Ar row Boot I have aeon. SABIIIBL JACKSON, M. D., mh24-stuth3tn "'University of Pennsylvania " (DOCTOR A. H. STEVE NS ) "../ late of New York , is now curing all lands Acute and Chronic Diseases, both of Ladles and Gen. Heinen, by the various modes in which he applies ELEOTRO-MAONETISII. He has located himself permanently at leti South PENN square. The location is a Ter,' central one to the car, as well as pleasant to those who choose to take board in the Doctor's family while tie der treatment. References and certificates of cures, from many of the tratclasses in this city and elsewhere, may be examined at the office. • • • •• CONSULTATION AND, ADVICE FREE. Irl4-stotb9m • • • z f.. G LUTEN -4;IAPSULEB • • • PURE OOD-LIVER OIL. The repugnance of most pstbmta to 00D-LIVMS OIL, and the inability of many to take it at all, has in duced various forma of disgalee for Me admlnietratiou that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them answer in special cases, but more often tbetvehlols nentralizeo the need effect of the 011, waving quite as unpalatable and of leas therapeutic value. The repug nance, sannea, ao., to invalids, induord by Inmost of the 011, is entirely obviated bY the use of our OAPSULIS. COD-LIVER OIL OAPSITLES have been touch need Lately in Europe, the exporionoe there of the gooiest. nibs from their lase In both hospital and private practical, laida from the naturally suggested advantages, are ea& Solent to warrant our claiming the virtue." we de fcar them, feeling assured their use will result 1n benefit sad deserved favor. Prepared DY WYETH & BROTHER. 1412 ViALWITT Street. Pb lledetyhla M., and 2 P. MIS. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRA irm SUPPORTERS YOB LADIES, and the only Supporters tinder eminent medical patrolmen. Ls alee and physicians are respectfully requested to call only on Mrs. Bette, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty. Om:amend invalids have been advised by their physicians to use bee lgoidauses. Those only are genuine bearing the United Main oopyrlght, labels on the box, and aignatorea, and the nn the Snaportact. with testirooniaia. ooliktutball . THE 'DISEASED, OF ALL LasEnts.—All sub-acute and chronic diseases wet by special guarantee at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and in case of a failure no charge is made. 'Professor DOLLES, the founder of this new practice, ipat superintend the treatment of all oases himself. A pamphlet containing a multitude of cortitioatea of those cored, else letters and complimentary resolutions from medical men and others wilt be given to any person free. Lecture& are oonatantly given at 1220, to medical men and others who desire a knowledge of my discovery, in applying Blectricity ass reliable therapeutic agent. Oon imitation free. ap26-2m RAIN PlPE.—Stone Ware Drain D from 2to 12,-Inch bore. 2-Inch bore, 25c per yard; 41-inch bore, 30e per yard 4-inch bore, 40e per yard ; 5-inch bore, 50c per yard ; 6-inch bore, 55e per yard. Every variety of connections, bends, traps, and hoppers. We are now prepared to furnish pipe in any Quantity, and on liberal tercas to dealers and those pur chasing in large quantities. °IMAM ENT/a, OIIISINEY TOPS.—Vitri Bad Terra Cotta Chimney Tope, Plain and ornamental designs, war ranted to stand the action or coal gas or the weather in any climate. GARDItIf VASES : —A groat variety of ornaments garden 'Vases, in Terra Ootta classical designs, all sizes, and warranted to stand the weather. . . PhEadelptda ,Terra Ootta. Works, Office and Ware Booms 1010 CHESTNUT Street. jar( -if S. A. HARBISON. SALES BY AUCTIOff MEDICINAL. TRUSSES SALES BI AUCTION • M THOMAS •!r, SONS, ANA.. Hoc no and 141 13nnth VOWITH &nes STOOKS, &c. ON TONbDaY Snoo 24. at 12 o'clock boon, at the Philadelphia Ex— cheep•, will Po iold— 60 shares McKean and KlB Land Improvement Om pant• 1 share Point Breeze Peel Association. $2lO. Delaware Mutual Lesurance Compauy. STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE-1 IT E:;D lY NEX.C. Pamphlet cataterruee now roads', contnittl.m; t , rli se ecriptione of all the property to be gold on Tuvell-, lone 24, of xr, with a Het of Bates le end Bth holy comer ming a greet v. ricf y of valuable property, by order 01 WV:l3lle Court, exc.:more, sod °them BBAL ESTATK SALE-JUNE 21. Orphans' Boort Saie—Eatate of John Smith, timt'4.-_ FOUR. STORT BRICK STORE, HARK E I' STREET, thatlonat and Duthie. Final Estato.-2 lIIREF-S Pony . BRICK DWELL_ IRONNixon street, north of W4Oll. Same Eriate.—Brick 1.11 , 1 Stono DWELLINO3, Cal lottlaill street, auxth of William. Slime Baiste.-3 lLrco•elory Brick DWELLING% Prime strt et, rest of Ninth. Berne Fetste.-2 three•etory Brick DWELLING% Howard street, bur ern iilarket cud CheAtnut and Fif teenth and Sixteenth. Same It tote—LOT. ill , arliold street. 150 by 200 :rat. • Same Estute-5 LOTS, Locust street, Twenty fourth ward. time Efitnte.—LOT, northeast corner of Locust and Fifty-ninth strnete. 6nme 2etete —LOT, southeast corner of Locust and 81x1ieth sued., Twenty- fourth ward.' Paine 7tmate.-2 LOTd. northt ant corner of Pine and Sjxtieth ntrefte, Twenty-fent th ward. Orphans' Court. Sete—Berate of A. Mitchell, dec'd Three- gory Brick OIVELLI.tsG, Spruce street, between Second :Ind Third. Executors Sale—Estate of Mary Cornell, deceased.— Tbtee. Mot y Brisk DWELLING, Tiv.irth street, between Bgefi atid VW>. Cheer of ell inouubbrance. Penis imam —Valuable three-story Erielt STGEE AND DWELLING. Fixth ottani. between Aterlt.t and Arch. It is a yolunble business stand, with a lin ndwniao front Eanio Estee—Modern three story Erick DWELL ING. Eleventh street. No. 1 Oitt Row, between 2,a00 and Vibe streets. fllear of all Incnotbrotco. • • 2 threeeslory Brick DWRIAT SGS, Ncia .1218 and 1221 Quietism et , eet, wee• of Twelfth VALUMILF. BUILDING LOT, Bridge street, out of Tbirtyeecond Weer, Twenty-thneth ward; 60 feet front, 160 feet in depth, thranch to Garden street. REAL ESTATE SkLE-JULY 1 . . . Ornbans' Court Sala Rotate of John M. Ctolartion. deceaaod —IIIISINZSS STAND —Three• etery Brick Iktinfl. Carter street. (tortnerls Carter alley ) lostwoon Second and Third and Chestnut and Walnut atroots. BEAL 'STATE FIALR-TIILY 4 _ . Orphans' flonrt Bale—Estate of Palmy , : Miner. doe d. —STORE DWELLING. and LOT of over 3 area, Ridge road, Itoxborote, Twenty-lira ward. Also by order of The Congregation — VALUAßLE fIBURbII EDIFICE and LA KG E LOT, 87 by 80 feet, northwest corner Eleventh and Wood streets. Sale for eccoont of the United Stat.s. BOXES, LIZEIBICE. BALING, PAP.ER, &c ON ZIONDLY HORNING. June 23, at 10 o'clock, at the U. S. &reenal, near Gray'a Ferry, abont 100 amply boxer, lot baling dotty lot paper, lot old lumber, ,tc. Terms—Caih. Pate No. 739 Serum street. HOUSEEr OLD FURNITURE. OMI.PPITS, &a. ON WEDNESBAI MORNING, 26th inet , at JO o'clocjc, at No• 739 Spruce street. the boniehr Id and kitchen furniture, bedding, carpets. kc. Men, a counter and bbetving. HP May be examined at a o'clock on the morning of the sale. FURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO., No. 429 MARKET STREET SALE OF FRIC3OII DRY GOODS. ON TUESDAY MORNING. June 24, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on four mouthy' credit -400 lots of fancy staple Frencb dry goods, comptLing a general assortment. ' 350 PARIS BLACK LACE popwr BOUBBOUS AND PIOOOLOSIIN IS. For City Retail Trade. ON TUESDAY MORNING. • Paris black lace points, boaraoas, piccoloadais. YeltuArein.a. late=t striae. 50 PIECES LYONS BLSOIC TitYrlrra.S. 50 pieces S4iS4O loch bigb•lastre Paris heavy black 11JOSE8 NATHANB, AUOTIONESS ALL Aim 00111111186 ION MHUOIUMT. maw s. corner or SEX.TH awl SLIM Streets. GREAT EA EGAINS—WATOBES AND JEWELET AT PRIVATE SAVE. —Fine gold and saver lever, lo ping. English, Striae, and French watchos .for less Sum half The usual selling prices. Watches from one donor to one hundred dollars each Gold chains from 40 to 00 cents per dwt. Pianos cheap. TAKE 17:Y11CD The Wheat pcnedblo prieo to loaned on prods It Pane Principal Establisliotent, eoritbsest zeroes Oi 81.rth and race streets. At least eae-air4 woes C,an ti Italy other oatebßehment in this oitP. lIATITANIP PRINCIPAL MONEY NtEr_4IILVSZ- 270,000 TO LOAM In law or email amounta, from one dollar to 'howler:it. on diorama's, gold and silver plato, wainbas, ievreira, raerchandloo, - . clothing, furniture, bedeJng : pianos, sa e goods of every description. LOANS MADE AT THE LOWEET MARKET BATML This oetibllshment bee Into tire eud thief-Troof sera, Sor the sleety of valuable goodn, together with I ptivige, evetehmen on the pratoleae. MSTABLISTIED FOE THI LAST 30 YEAMIL KEIL LARGE LOSES MADE AT TEM, T ,4 PRINCIPAL ESTABLISTINENT." GHABOEB GREATLY REDITOBE. AT PRIVATE SALE. ' One superior brilliant toned piano-forte, with metaßts plate, soft and loud pedals. Price only 390. One very lino toned piano-forte, price only $lO. COAL. C °AL -THE UNDERSIGNED beg leave to Inform their friends and the public iluss they have removed their LEMGII 00AL DEPOT from NOBLE-STEEET WHARF, on the Delaware, to dash* Yard, northw corner of EIGHTH and WTLLOW Streets, where they intend to keep the best onaliti of EAMON COAL% from the most approved mime, at the lowest prices. Your patronage le menet-tinily solicited. . JOE. WALTON & CO., 0111ae,_112 South SEIJOHD Street Yard, EIGHTH and WITJAW. mhl-tf SHIPPING BOSTON AND PHILA.- •TfELPI3 IA STEAMSHIP LlNE—S*iling from tech Dort every ten deye—Yrom Pine•etreet Whirr( on WEDNESDAY, June 24. The Steemehip SAXON, Matthews, will mall froorPhl ladelphia for Sonar, on WEDNESDAY MORNING. the 26th of Jnne, at 10 o'clock. end from Boston for Phila. delebta, on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, June 18th. et 4 co't look. Insurance ona•hslf that by sail Teasels. Frolgitt taken at fair rates. Shiners will please send "their bills of Lading with goods. For freight or psnotgo, baring fine skect‘mmohltiotte. apply to HENRY vrmou. & Jeri 332 SOUTII WEIMPIES. isag m t FOR NEW YORK—THIS DAY-MP/WU AND , SWIFTSDRIII LINES-VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. Stammers of the above Linea will leave DAILY, at and 5 P. M. For freight, which will he taken on accommodating tan's. apply to WM. M. 13.4.11:1) R CO., my2l-tf 132 South DELAWARE Avenue. LONDON EXHIBITION --lIETURO TICKETS TO LONDON AND •BAUE: First-asps ENO. Second-61Am se. ark WEFIKLY COMMUNIOA VOR BY STEAK BETWEEN Mr* YOLK AND LIVBBPOOM, ealllus et QUIEZEB. TOWN, {lreland,) to land and embark pasaenitere ifli The Lirerpwl, Rev York, and Philadelphia &awe ship Osinpsny'e splendid Clyde-built L - on earwig eleave daps are Intended to sail as followa: pfloat prVW YORK FOB Livzspeot, CITY OF BALTIMORE KANGAROO Or Y' OF N7CW YORK— —Saturday, Juno 16,1861. GITY OF WASILINOTON....Saturday, Jane 21 1861. And ovary Bata day throughout to mot, tram ru , ..z . No. 44 V. B. ILATIS OF P/1881101 THROUGH FllOlll FEOEGADZI.P.BIL, Cabin, to Queenstown, or Liverpool. .... . Set Do. to London, via Liverpool ;ft niers& to Queenstown, or 1dv0rp001....... Ettf. Do. to Louden. VCI Do. Ben= tickota, available for Ids mouths, trues Liverpool int Vasser—gers forwarded to Havre, Parts, Hamburg, &inmost, and Antwerp at throunb rates. Oortlficates of peasoge issued from Liverpool to New York ... 0 134 ecridlloatee of pulsate baud from Quaeoatowa to No% York These steamers have superior accommodations for pioneers, are aonstarated with water-tight csmpartmsoU, and carry exporlenezd Einem& lot *Mel; or Smoak% apply at the oHoe cf the OM pany, JOHN G. DALOI, Asect, 111 Walnut street, Philadelrhie, In Liverpool, to WM. 11f113..N. Toler Sahib:tat_ In Glasgow, to WM. 18 Dixon stmt. t _, • . /BOX NEW YOBI TO LIVICRTOOk - - _ Older Cabin Passage Ileoond Cabin Passage fB FROM BOSTON TO Lryzaroali. Chief Cabin Passage JAN Seeond'Oabln Passage gg Tke ships from New York colt it Oork Harbor. The gays frem &eon mil at Raltfax and OWE Mb.. bor. SCOTIA, Copt. Jnakine. 011..U7A. Capt. Anderson. PERM, Gopt. Lott. IsSIA, Capt. Cook. ARABIA, Capt.. J. Stone. EUROPA, Cent. J. Lotted. ASITtICIA, Oayt. Shaerm CANADA, Capt. 'Bair. AMERICA, pent kloodie. I NIAGARA , Capt. A. Bre • - . • ATIBTRA ,A SIAN. Thom weeds carry a clear white tight at moot-natal green on staibeard bow; red on port bow. BCOTIA,-Jiidkins, leaves N.York,'Wednesday, June A. EUROPA, Cook, - -.• Boston, Wednesday, June U. PERSIA, Lott, K N.York, Wedneoday,Jonelg. AFRICA, Shannon, Boston, 'Wednesday, Jane 25. ERMA, Anderson, " N.York, Wednesday, July 1. ARABIA. 'Moodie, .‘ :Restos, Wednesday, July 9. SCOTIA, Jndkins; a N.Ysrk, Wednesday, July 15. Bathsnot seamed until paid for. An eapertenoed Burgeon on board. The owners or them gam will not be alcotmiahlia lit Cold, Silver,Bullion' Specie, Jewelry, Precious Mast, or Metala, uless blllsof.ladloss are Aped therebr, I! r the value thereof peletho taproom & Ter freight m sbll - to 11. CUNARD, HOWLING GRIKN. New York. • X.O. h J. G. BATIQB, 109 STATIC Street. Boston. FOR NEW YORK. aggirLtazw. Dem' , " LIND, via Deleon:re ilia Raritan Oanal. Philadelphia and New York lirpreeti Bteao boat Gots piny receive freight and 'leave daily at 2 P. M., &dim , Ing their oargoea in New York the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. ODYDN, Ageat, NO. H 1301:1TH WHARYDB, Philadelphia. JAMES RAND, Agent, and-ti 'knit 141.0 16 NAST EIYI6E. New Vortt. INFORMATION FOR THE PEOPLE.— YEANKFOED GENERAL NEWS AGENCY. WILLIAIii C, BEIZARD takes this opportunity to in form his patrons and the public that be is now prepared to furnish ail the leedlng Philadelphia and New York newspapers, magazines, and periodicals. Agent for the DAILY and WEEKLY PRESS. Sub scribers and others can have them delivered as soon as issued at their residences or *aces of brudneei in Prank ford or vicinity. " WORMAN & ELY, No. 130 PEGG Street, mannfachwers of patent OAST-STEIL TABLE. CUILERT also, a lately-patented COMBI NATION KNIFE, FORK, and SPOOL eepeelaliy adepted:for Camp use, for Fishermen, Seafaring Men, Mechanics, Miners, Lumbermen, and all Workmen car- Tying their dinners.. W. h. E.'s Cutlery is warranted to be of the beet Quality of ENGLISH CI.E.T.:ST EEL, and is intended to supersede, by its excellence and cheapness, the inferior Qualities of Clattery now to the market, and to which they respectfully invite the attention of the Hardware dealers generally. tny29-9sti A MERICAN ROOFING SLATES, £11 1 1:17,LY EfITJAL to tile BEST WELSH M S O AS, LTE& T. TH 2U Street . Saturday, Nay SI, 11382. Saturday, Juno T, 1861
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers