THE PULPIT. Inaugural Sermon of the Rev. Dr. God dard; at St. Paul's Church. The congregation of St. Prudes (Protestant Episcopal) Church, Third sleeve below Walnut, have been fortunate In resupplelog their pulpit, made vacant by the resigna tion of Dr. Neaten, by calling to the rectorship of that church the Bev Eingeton Goddard, D. D., late of Cin cinnati, Ohio. Abont fourteen years ago, Dr. Goddard came from New York to this city In response to a call from the Chinch of the Atonement, at Seventeenth and Centime streets, where he continued with great accept ance for twelve yours, until, at the urgent appeal pe Chalet Church, Cinching% be left for the latter city, shunt two y ears ago. Hie entrance upon the rectorship of St. Paul'e, at this time, is under the most favorable auspices. This parish, ot.o of the oldest, largest, and moat Influential in this city, was never In a more prows. roue condition than at the preeeut moment. Under the efficient administration of the preceding rector every de partment of the church, and its Khoo! accessories, was thoroughly organized and diaciplined, and we congratu late St. Paul's upon the selection of one of the few men in the mtniatry who are qualified, by nature and prac tice, to step in and continue, with equal efficiency, their whole congregational machinery. Dr. Goddard's' inaugural Sermon at St. Paul's was preached, on ;net Sunday morning, in the presence of a very large congregation, the specious edifice having been comfortably filled in every part. The glutting on the oc casion was admirable, the choir having recently received accessions which will render the music of this church scarcely inferior to that of any other in the city. Dr. Goddard'' text was from - I. Corinthians, iv., 1, to wit: "Let a men so account of ne, as of the ministers of Christ, and (stewards of the mysteries of GM." The Berme? which followed was an able diequisitioe upon the cheracieilatics, duties, and responsibilities of the Christian rulehery, delivered in Dr. Getiderd's pecu liarly earnest and rather rapid style. Ho opened with the remark, thntnever hat there been uttered a nobler senti ment than that of St. Paul; iu which be eeolared, that for him to live was Christ. and to die was gain." Never had there been such a • life of devotion as was exhibited in Paul's life. Yet, unrivalled as was his toputation, it was grace, not the anon, time was ever prominently pre. emitted. Like the kimono light in the lofty lighthouse of Eddystone, it was not the lofty and massive shaft thet shone as a beacon of safety, bat the brawl and faithful light which it upheld Paul was the towering shaft, and the cross of Christ was the light which he held aloft. His own language sae, "God forbid that I should glory in anything save in the cross of Joyce Christ." Paul hal early felt Lime elf celled upon to define the duties of the ministerfal office, on account of the crime, and oorrnp. Mon with which it lied already become nesociaad. It was in view of these circumstances that Paul had tittered the language of the text: "Let a man so account of us, as of the Moistens of Christ, and stewards of tee mys teries of God." To be a metteter wee to be a student of the things of God! nor waste (the preacher) insensible to the respon eibilithe which tbe ineumption of these titles!, " minis • tare' and "steward," imposed. And as be was then and there, formally, for the first time standing up in the mioatof that people, claiming his own right to these titles, it was proper that he should speak somewhat of hie re sponelbilitles and claims. It was not difficult, he said, in a mere chnech view, far him to establish his claim to the titles time assumed. But was this alt that was neceseas y to constitute a man a minister 'I Christ bed rot est the Church in motion and then left it alone. So far from this being the ease, tte contrary was affirmed In every parable. The Church wee but a branch, whilst Christ himself was the vino stock; it wee the building, He the foundation, and the affairs of it Ithelieressed at thin day accerdieg to hie own good pleasure There, as in Pentecosticat lima, were s, the droll of the Spirit's power," that Spirit which was the only vicar of Christ upon earth executing his will until Ile shall spits returnee glory. Tne nevereignty of Christ wee hereby maultestee in the effectual calling of limners, their conversion unto Cod, and the sanctifica tion of the saints. How preposterous it was to /Immo that the Holy epirit exercised me control lit the Church At thilepoita Br. Goddard entered upon an argument of great power nod cleaniess. to demonstrate the absolute and unqualified soeeraignty of God. In spook's g of the ministry it shout! be borne in mind . that " no man taltoth this honor of him-elf." Tho call of God was a pry eqiiietto to the ministry, end ibis call was executed by the Hob Ghoetenne of the divine person, in the adorable pithead. This fact, the preacher main tained, was athertaltied and enetinned, in their branch of the Chinch unieerral, in the preliminary steps to ordina• tion. No one could be set apart for the work of the ministry without evidence of his being called of God. In the next place, to exercise the authority of a stew ard, was to obtain it from the authorized Head; and it was the right of a corgreption to know of their mini leer whether his claims to having received his authority from a prefer source weirs sustained. The sighted discharge of the duties wind) the office involved was the best test in deciding this potion. What those duties were, Wan not difficult or solution, and yet, the church's fall was ttudoubtedly unified/ibis to a misinterpretation on this heed. And, alas ! he continued; that their own blessed church should have, in some of Its members, gone en far as to sanction end advocate a degroo of power in the clergy which cone' be entwined by nothing bettor than unhallowed pretence! God forbid that it should ever be SO in the pulpit in which he then stood; or that that pulpit, with a history so bright, should ever be darkened by error in -the minister, or heterodoxy among the people.. And what was it to preach the Gospel fsithfully 1 It was to teach the Bette so that the prophecies -het tell of Jesus—of Christ's re. deremitur and ne dieter MI power, and of his future glory. Paul's motto, " For I determined toknow nothing ample you but Jthlli Christ, and him ermined," was worthy the neivereal emulation of the Christian ministry. Nor did the preaching of Christ only restrict the minister to a circumscribed theme, es some might suppose. There was, in fact, no truth in the Bible that diet not radiate from the crews It was the power of tide atone that could break the fetters of a man's mental elavery. and let the soul bask in the freedom of God and hie righteousness, till, like the dove with silver Wings and feathers of gold, it roe( higher and higher until it readied arid nestled in the Ark or God. The ministry was a step towards is true state of intel lectuality; for all iccowledge that deserves the name, tthd et the touch of Jeans, wee hut the understanding and declaration of the Word of God—the Word of-God as it came to us proclaiming man as a physical being, pate it to death, and Christ as the author of lannort•dity. preach Christ aright, he said, was not merely to toll of the. great SaCrlfka once made for ein—the knowledge of this was but the heginulug ; it was to make Christ all in all for the soul ; meant him as the author and finisher of the believer's fetal, and the pattern of a Christian's life. To leave Christ out of the pulpit, was to dry up the parings of the believer's joy and hope. As "the fitment ds of the mysteries of God," they were to bear the Gusset seed among the most degraded and out cast of earth, not doubting that where the Lord directed' It would fled a h figment. It was under this husbandry that the wilderema and the desert were yet to "blossom_ as the rose." In the - manalons of the rich this Word would give that pence which gold could not purchase, whilst to the poor it prerented a eiders of future blesaed nese, such as the dreams of avarice had never patntal. Through the nudism of the Gospel, the believer was lifted up to Sinai's top without dread. Its thunders were mellowed into dulcet mites of love, and the Law Was seen es the "school-muter to beteg nes to Christ." In view of all thoe grand results, what a theme hod the miubeer of the Glow I! How noble the dignity of its proclama tion I Let all the honors of the world pats before him in one greed menet, and yet. compared with this, how contemptible did they appear I It was this awful dignity . of the rifles that mate the relations existing between preacher ani people so holy TLe last pint cone:dered was, How this Ministry was to be performed e One of the les -notes to this division of his subject we bed presented in the fact that ire Founder had fallen a martyr told, sr Societe's. The ministry of his heralds, therefore, Omuta be faithful and fearless. The con viction of this truth gave us the secret of Paul's wonder ful fidelity at d tcnrieesnese .under ell hie trials and cuitiee. The Lent lied been the only Judge to whom Paul bowed, cud upon him alone he depended for aid; seed it wee this conviction in the miniature of today that could make them faithful to the people committed to their pebbled charge.. And why need the minister be troubled at the event cf the world, if he hal the militia of CM ist Luther head left us a hereic e example of this honorable fidelity. Be had proceeded its the performance of what be felt to be his duty regardless of the opposition of de vile or men. It must rot be overlooked, however, that the language of Christianity ens the language of love. The preacher dwelt eloquently neon this Mature of the ministerial office, and mod with greet force that a departure from this rule of hive Was a departure from the spirit of the Gospel, which ho mitt stood as the noblest monument of I Mem love end tenderness ever given to guilty man. Original Poetry The stanzas whieh follow were written by a girl, only fifteen years old, whose eduoation, from want of means and opportunity, had been very limited as yet. She lives at Ralston, Lyooming county, Pa. For the meet part, juvenile poetry is only prose rum mad, but here we have reason as well as rhyme and rythm. The young writer evidently has , poetical • expression as well as poetical feeling, and we take leave to advise her not to write too nitwit. It would be friendly in her neighbors to lend her proper books to road, ao as to give her knowledge and judgment. By and bye, we doubt not, she gill have a name—provided she is judiciously in structed now : Longing for Heaven. {roe The Press.] The scent of the early roses Came through the open door; And the jessamine flowers at the window Threw shadows on the floor. . Our little one eat on the oarpet, And hummed a childish tune ; Lost in the dreamy stillness Of an afternoon in Jane, She eat within the doorway, And lifted her fine blue eyes To the distant hazy mountains, And the brilliant summer skies ; • And she watched the white clouds floating, Like the wings of angel• kind, Across the wide vnult's azure, And sighed to be loft behind. She watched them fleeing nnward, She knew not where nor whenee, And her little heart's wild longing Grew childishly intense ; And mho wished for their forms 80 airy, That she might not longer wait, But upward fly and onward, Till she reached the golden gate-- For she thought that beyond the mountain, Where the white clouds seemed to molt, Was the Beautiful Gate of the oily, Where the good "Oar Father" dwelt. And she watched till the baby-wishes Made the pretty blue eyes weep, Till, with golden bead on the doorsill, The little and fell asleep. The shadows grew long and longer, As the sun sank toward the west, And still she lay in the doorway, In calm and quiet rest. Then we lifted the darling gently,. That her sleep we might not break, • But we wept when we saw, as we raised her, That she never more would wake. The earthly, passionate longing i Was still n the bright blue eras; But the wishful, childish spirit Had sought its native skies. The light of the staking sunbeams Fell warm on her golden hair; but the light of a sun Eternal. Made her spirit white and fair: ..-And ever as daylight wanotb, • • Toward tt•e late of the afternoon, 'The forni tbat lay in the doorway, • That annny;day in June, ;Beeroe still to e',eepon the carpet, The.enn on the golden hair, lad the childish wish for Heaven In the blue eves bright and fair. Hetoroti, Lyeoming Co., Pa., April, 1882. A PRAISIMORTHY MOVEMENT.—Yes - Iords) , morning o rn, cling of prominent ladies of thin city Ives held to take into consideration the expediency of es tablishing a temp , rsry home for the children of such of our volutteer vo'dlers au are not able to provide for themselves. Tho cletielli is to take them In charge and give them good care till their fathers return home This is indeed a prat .Worilly move anti deserves the hearty co-operation of our benevolent citizens. Officer Boyd Adams, , eho ha• for several Sears been specially detsilsd the Mayor to look after vagrants. informs us that las could point out T 131111'7011N children of respectable parents,' who ate In aOsolnin want nn account or the heads Or ti, families having g' ne to the var. For such as these an institnilon is greatly needed. The Contrabands in South Carolina The following interesting report on the condition of the contraband megroee in General Iluntorq deport ment bee been handed no for publication : llimexa l s ISLAND, BOOTEE OAROLINA, May 10, 1862. Mn. .—Sin : I received your letter of afar 2d, informing me that the commilteo wished mo for the preteut to act as your agent, and I have sluice that time done as well as I could in filet capacity. I desired Mr* Pierce to take charge of the provisions, and I have MY self atttnded to the twenty-rune boxes of clothing. I wrote as soon as I heard of the arrival of the consign ment, to announce to you its safety, and 1 will now give an account of the eharibution of the clothlnt. I un packs d It all, and repacked sixteen of the boxes for transportation to the plantations on the Leland of St 11e lora, Ladies, .Cocoon, Sc. Port Royal Island is under Mr. frencb's charge, end supplied by ktm. Those boxes bare been mostly sold to the people on account, as they have to little money, and need it for groceries, Isc. But What clothing has been distributed here hes mostly been sold for ready money. and I barn received $154.70 for it in all. A little has been Bold on account, and sortie old people and rehcol chiidren lave received a few gannet:di as gifts. It was not the lnkntlon to make this a place of sole, but only of repacking and distribution ; but so ninny of the negroes walktd many miles to purchase. end wero so eager to do so, that we could notrofuse their importunity. Of course,. this could not be on *cc mint, as tbo amount they would be likely to ear.! contd. only be known to their own superintendents. The nagroos are willing to pay any sums asked, they are so eager to ;owes clothes once mote, and, having beon lately paid off by the cotton agents of last year, most of the work ers have from throe to Live dollars to spend. This will soon be exhausted, and then the system of charging them with goods they receive will allow them to clothe tht melee& and yet not become actual paupers in their own eetimetion. It will also chock inordinate do tuards. The clothing sent was generally of excellent material and judicious melte. Great satiefactlon wise oxpre-sed wherever it has been received; some it was too warm for the season, but the necrosis, rememberiog their need last winter, have bought it for the next, saving that they do not know whether this good fortune will last of plen tiful supplies. I would state, however, tr o general ob jection to the long women's sack, which being of a ehapo• not worn here, are entirely unealeable, except it mate rial for children's clothing. Boys' and men's clothing is much needed, bat women under garments are in large proportion--too much so. There is a population here of three or four thousand or over, and their nerds are many, eepeciall jam now. They cannot be adequately met by boxes as for each plautatinn without great waste of time on the part of the euperintendents. who are already overworeed. Tbo people 1 ave been purchasing at certain storn.rhere, where the rates charged are extortionate, gled to get comforts at any price now that they have n little Money. One of these stores to in our own yard, and an have daily opportunities of seeing the wrong done the poor ; their isnot wince and need lusting them an easy prey. hoes, thi retbre, that a branch store may be established hero or on Ladies' Island, but that it will be in charge of some coo above the tem, talons of trade—ooe having the fall confidence of the aesociations. Sir. French. thinks two stores could not be supported by contributime alone, but that if merchants would seed goods on comm'adon, at low prices, it would be greatly to the advantage of the population, and a wise charity. You have no doubt heard of the (Benny at General Bunter's order to the negro men of these Wands, or rather his requisition for every able-bodied man of are to beer mins. which was felt by us all ; but it is Proving to be agm d and wise movement. The men who went to Hilton Heed In Seder, but passively, have railroad is high spirits, and with cermet will to make good soldiers., Nearly every men who Is fit far the duty, is :loin, votan tarily back to Haft Head in a day or , two, and those remaining promise to do doubts; tasks, So as to secure the crops. The new soldiers seem roomed to cam:esteem, and the others to zeal for "Our Country," as they call I', which they detetmino to manifest by work on ^ Go vernment cotton and corn," to quote themselves. Of cantle the b es of so many steady and able bends will be severely felt by the tuperintendents. but they hope the dope will not suffer much. The people ware afraid the men were being' Reiztd for We in Cuba, an idea which their masters toddled very deeply Into their fairs. But they are now happy and reassured. I hoped to hear from come of the Philadelphia associa tions before sending this hasty report. With thanks for your good wishes for the success of our eudeavors, I tun, very respectfully, T H . F4 CITY. MOVEMENTS OF PRESIDENT BENSON. —From the American Colonization Soelety, of this city, we learn that this eminent man appears to be passing his time very agreeably in L0111:011, where be arrived on the 12th of May. His health hos been much improved, and it to excected that he will coon arrive in thin country. Of unmixed African blood and complexion, Mr. Benson has shown distinguished talents and virtues. Hie per- Waal history is full of interest. Taken by his parents, in 1822, when six years of ate, from Ca abridge, Dorchester county, Maryland, and after hie arrival in Liberia, cap. lucid in the 'early wars of the colony, his life was care fully preserved for several months by the natives in the interior, and restored to hie leanly. To his own energetic loathes and natural ability is he mainly indebted for that education which made him a.enccessful merchant, jurist, and legislator, and nuelitled him for hie present high wad- . lion end commanding influence. The following interesting and gretifying etatoment of President Benson's reception In England in from the pen of Gerard Ralston, Een , formerly an esteemed everchant of Ibis city, but for some years back an honored resident a' London. He says : er I send you the copy of en address engrossed on parch moot, which, being numerously signed, will be presented to Preside nt Benson. Yon have no idea with what cour tesy and kindness this gentleman has been received by the high and low, and all grades of the community in this country. Dinner and evening parties, public meet ings, and invitation., into the country, and alt kinds of hospitable attentions have been showered upon him. Ile is treated with the greatest respect and regard as a negro gentleman of distinction. The President and I walked in the procession for the opening of the Internalional Exhibition. We each had a silver star upon the left breast of our black coats, which is the Liberian uniform. Mr, Benson was the observed of all observers—'the cynosure of ali eyes'—be being a fine man of upwards of six feet, and a negro the ODI9 one of this color In an assembly of forty thousand portions. He was treated with great consideration as Preeident of Liberia" The address is as follows: To his Excellency, Stephen Allen Benson, Governor of SIR: We desire heartily to welcome your Excellency to the shores of England, and to assure you of the great pleasure with wnich we, in common with' many or our 'fellow-countrymen, earnest in tbo : welfare of Liberia, greet you en the repreientative of so interesting and im• portant a state es Met la. We rejoice to COO with what unity and happiness ,the people of Liberia are advancing in the path of civil and religious rrogreee, no ably enacted and tnaintaingd by your Government, which cannot fail to contributrte the national honor of your country, and render Liberia more respected amongst Christian nations. We. believe your. Excellency's visit to this country, upon thin RII/1110/o‘l3 OLCROGD, will tend to strengthen the friendship existing between Great Britain and Liberia, and that each will de rive from the other that benefit which a happy and peaceful alliance is calcnlated to afford. ' We mark, with singular pleasure, the determination of your Government to annihilate the slave trade through out its dominions; a policy which dignifies and onnhiee both its President and its people, and which cannot fail to receive the hearty approval and co operation of every Christian nation throughout the world. We beg to &B eare your Excellency that there are many atisnfich and good friende In this country, who are anxiously watohing the progress cf tbo Liberian Republic, add whose Rio-- - CI rent hopes are that, tinder the guiding hand Of Divine Providence, Liberia may continue to prosper. .We trust that the commercial relations between Libe: ria and England may bo increased. A kind Providence has to dispensed Ills beneficent gifts that all nations tiro benefited by an interchange of their respective products, at d tbus are the manna given (especially in the case of Liberia) of cementing national friendships, and contribu ting to mutual welfare and prosperity. In conclusion, wo wish your Excellency a prosperous and happy sojourn amongst us, and beg that you will be muted of our high esteem and respect. GRAND CODINANDERS K. T. OF PENN SYLYANIA.—The ninth annual conclave Of the Grand Commanders of )(nights Templar of Pennsylvania, was held at Reston, Pa., on Wednesday last. A large num ber of member') and representatives was in attendance. A considerable amount of business was done, and the following officeis were elect:d and installed: R. K. G. o^rummider, E. H. Turner, of Altoona; V. E 0. Commander, J. L. Hutchinsoo, Philadelphia; E O Coco - invitee, William H. Stricklaud, Healing: E. G. Captain General, William Ohntliand, Brownsville• E. G Prelate. J. Clark Hagy, ; E. G S Warden, If. S. Gail win, Williamsport; 1) . . J. Warden, Charles A. Benvart, Harrisburg; E. G. Treasurer, J. WhAtier, Pittsburg; E. G. Recorder, Alfred Oreigh, Wasbiogton; E. G Standard Bearer, G. R. Fox, Towanda; E. G. War der, W. J. Long, Greenebute. The next annual conclave will be held at Greensburg, Waslmoreland county. The martial session of the Grand Council of R. A: 8. Masters of rellllB)lTania was held at the same place on Wednesday. The following were elected and installed officers for the present ear : M. P. G. M., Alfred Creigh • R P. D G. ilI , E. H. Turner ;R.P.G. G. J. M., C. F. Knapp ; R P. G. P. C. of W., T. Funk ; recorder, J. M. Porter, Jr. ; lec turer, T. D. Walhion ; marshal, John Harrold ; R. P. G. sentinel and steward,'Samuel Rock ; R. P. G. 0. of , H. J. Loral:mart ; trsasuter, H. D. Lows. MEDICAL SOCIETY OF TILE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA.—LAST DAY'S PROCEEDINOS.—The Convention ressattabisd yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. A resolution was offered by Dr. barrach, providing for the appointment of a committee to consider the propriety of establishing a daily medical gazette, to report at the nest meeting of the society. Adopted. • - Dr. Emmanntl submitted a series of resolutions', ten dering thanks to the railroad companies for facilities af forded the delegater, to the University of Pennsylvania for the use of the hall, and to the managers of the oeve rat institution's to which the society bad been Invited. Adopted. • Dr. Horton, elected president on Thursday, wav then installed, and made a brie f addrees, returning thanks to the members for the confidence retooled in him. A rosolugon inatniciing the Corresponding Secretary to oten a cot respondence with ather medical eocleties of the 'United Statee, with a view to an interchange of pun 'Wets Ac , was thou adopted. — A vote of thanks to the retiring officers vim passed, and the Stciety then adjourned to assemble again on the second Wednesday of June, 1863. POLICE OASES. The police reports yesterday presented the usual 'cases of petty larceny. In the Second d:etrict three arrest° were made for stripping clotheslines of their loads. The party were named Dabiel Blackburn, Fmeline Starr and Charles Bralle, and were all sent below by Aid. Dallas A darkey giving the name of %arks Riddle•was sr reetkd with a number of army caps in his possession, for which he failed to give a satisfactory answer. He was committed. Jobn Thompson was consigned ti Moyamensing prison charged with being a profeesional thief. faILIYAHY FUNEHAL.—The funeral of the lets Lieutenant Marine C. Moore took aline rester day afternoon. It was largely attended by friends of the family and deceased. He was esteemed by his numerous acquaintances as a brave, fearless, and intrepid senior, gentlemanly in deportment, and of generous and noble Impolees.. He had served during the. three-months cam peign with Colonel (now General) Pattrrsou, and joined. the California Regiment some time before the Mega of Yorktown. FInE]IEN CELEBRATION.—The "mein br re of the Independence Hoaeand Engine Company have determined to celebrate the coming anniversary °Rho in depthdence of the United Slates in a becoming and 'itri olic manlier. Fifty-tix large •Aingricati lws, one for . each of the signers of the Deeloratiorir have been ordered by the ft lends of the company, for the decoration of the hall. After the presentation of the flags, the Declaration of Independence will be read, when speeches will be made by a number of gentlemen. A handsome collatimi .will wind up the pleasures of the day. • A PLEASANT INCIDENT.—During the funeral of Lieut. Horace Lee, which took place on Thurs day, tbodetacinnebt rf Blue Betterves, with their band, which attended it halted at the St. Joseph's Hospital. men rrerented arms end the nand struck up 'Star.' SPergled Banner, Hail (Mumble, and Yankee Doodle. The brim sick wafted in the hospital were highly do. lighted with this treat', and, as the procession marched off, they cried loudly more—more rondo." • EfAxDsomz TzsrumNlALB.--This eve. Dlng, Ik' COCMCF Stop and Union Refreshment Saloons shill each be presented. by the Hope Elm Steam Tire Ingiue Companyorith a handsomely drawn up moir. stop, enclosed In a gilt frame, tendering their 'Adncero thanks to the Isdies and gentlemen connected with en-h institut irn for the sumptuous repeat furnished the mein hers of raid company after the Ste on ChristiAn street wharf,.on the morning of the 16th of May, 1862. SLIGHT FIBES.—A slight .fire occur red at 2332 Ilamittori shed, yeeterday morning ,occa. Eloped by the Inirning.uf a chimney. • A fire lack Vacs on Thuteday evening at No 635 .Ter: nip meet, caused by the bursting of a coat-oil lamp. A boy ineeent wee timid in the arm. • ' • CRicKET.—A grand cricket match to take place to•day, between the first rleveni of the' . ?All U: fled" and "Owes" cricket clubs, at Pair.' mount Park. The wicket:min be plethed et tau o'clock.; • Carr ---- ExPENess.The expenses of the: Roller Comiale.ion 'for the past week were $11.517.14. 1 that of the Defence Cronunittee $BB9 71 ; totil aunt,' $12,498.26. COOP= SIIOP SOLDIER'S HOME.—The bentd of manatiers of the .‘ C'eoper p" Soldier's Home at their last meeting elected se their permanent offi cers: . • • . Prronient—Dr. E. Wallace, 277 South Fourth street. Vice President—Wm. 21. Cooper, 40.3 South Front sheet. Troosurer—Wm. Struthere, 1022 Market street. Recording Socretary— C. L. rascal, 65 South Sixth street. Carreocitiling Ecerelary—O. R. Birch, 1022 Market etrtet Solicitor-11..8. Warriner, 16 North Seventh street. C. L. Pascl resigning, the managers elected E. S. Ball to 611 the vacancy in the board, who was also eteoled recordicg se cretary. The following gentlemen in addition to the above com pose the hoard : • Evan Randolph. lad South Front street. B. Prank Palmer, 1609 Ohoo.triut street. B. W. Pearce, 135 South Water Street. Robt. T. Ring. 607 &sworn street . . Dr. A.. Webb:4er, 1018 Sodth Second street.. D. B. HI. Dolby, 221 German street. Thos. 11. Rice. 936 Arch amt. The object of the organization is to provide a home for disabled soldiers. Subscriptions in aid of the I'l6Mo:ion vsill be remised by any of the managers. THE LATE CAPTAIN FEDST.—Captain Martin Cl. Frost, of Company R, 108th Regiment, P. V., Colonel Morehead, whose dea•b was briefly alluded to yesterday, was gallantly commanding his company, on board in picket duty with delachments from B txter's Fire Zonaves, the California and the 89th Regiments. at the extrctne front of the army before Richmond. T bey were attacked by a superior rebel force on the Bth of June, and etotul up bravely before the mnrderous fire, and only 1,11 back to recover the disputed rifle-pits. Capt.. Frost fell deed on'the field, pierced by several ballets, and his men had only the sad tatisfaction of rseculog his body from the enemy. His figure, tall and.commandiug, * was a prominent mark for the rebel sharpshooters Captain V. use well known in this city, where his widow and children are mourning their sad lone. Re was a native of Ireland, and had, lu early youth, removed to this cbrintry; in whcse behalf ha has now given his life. Ms intelligence, gentle courtosy,And courage in tho field, have endem ed hie memory to a large circle of friends. BASE BALL 'CLUB CONVENTION.— At the commencement of the coming week a convention of delegates from Philndelphia ERN Ball Clubs will be held, to make arrangements for the playing and entertainment. of the two selected Bret nineefrom all the Brooklyn clubs wto are to visit us towards the close of this tenth. It is understood that the Brooklynttes will er ri se on ldenday evening. .On Tuosdar two Melee from our clubs w ill p'ey them, morning and afternoon. The Mobs will dine together' on luesday night, and on 'Wednesday, morning and afternoon, there will to two contests, when the strangers will start for home. There will be a charge of ten or twenty cents admission, to de fray expeneee. 7be greatest excitement is already manifest in base ball-circles. • • PROMOTIONS OF ELM KO'S PIIILADEL NITA CABETS.—Makir George U Bell to be lieutenant colonel; Contain L . Asti as ead to be major ; Adjutant First Lieutenant Albert, }Danko to be captain ; First Lieutenant F. G. Vaux (Company A) to be captain; Cadet Frank Lt wiz it, be lieutenant; Cadet Thomas Sinnickson to be lieutenant; Cadet Charles B. Wilson to be lieutenant; Cadet ()buries tdcalicbael to be lieutenant and acting ad inbant ; Cadet Samuel li. Pow.ll to be lieutenant; Cadet R. Loper Baird to be lieutenant. All thew cadets will paw, next September, an exami nation before they will receive their commiasion. As soon as the regiment guilt be organized, a large additional list of pt °motions din follow. OWNER . WANTED.=—A pair of -BA tannla teapots aro at the Twenty second-ward station. house awaiting an owner. The thief from whom they were taken refuatd to tell whence be had stolen them. Those persons who have lost such cuticles should go to the station-house and bee if they can identify the pro- Perti. • THE DOG-CATCHERS.—Captain Jim Francis, chief of the dog detectives, captured sixty-die dogs Yeeterdap morning, for being unmuzzled, and sent tbem to the dog-pound to be redeemed or slaughtered. PIIILADELPBTA SO.& BD t.F TRADE. GEORGE N. TATHAM, BT NJ. NA BSHALL, COYXITTEE OF TEE KOMI JAMES R. CAMPBELL, . LETTER BAGS • At the Merehatste'Bieduttese, RA iiaiiedAlS: . Ship Wy omirg. Burton " . ... , Liverpool, Won Bark Union, Beard Pernambuco, soon Brig 0 II Jordan _. ' !levant', coon Brig 11 D Buggleo, Yam).— Bahr Fannie, Vance MARINE INTELL43E&C)I. PORT OF • FMILADELMILi t Jane . 14, 1562. KRA RIM - • 4 82--011131 SILTS 7 28 HIGH _WARM .. 4 IS ARRIVED ' Sbip Cheltenham. NVileon, from Sunderland, E, April 17. with coal to Workmen & Co. Brig Julia Ford, Payne, 4 days front Yorktown, 'Fa, in ballast to captain. Behr 8 A Appleton,Teague, 6 days from White House, To. in pallset to A Bowler et Co. , • Behr S P BIWOO, Raymond, 4 lime from New York, with ice to captain. Bahr leen° Barrie, Bickardaon, 3 days from 'Newtown, hid, with lumber to J W Bacon. Satz. George D Fiehor, Will!atos, 1 day from Alilford, Del, with corn to Jae Dural & Son. Mir T P tacColley, Carter, 1 day from Camden, Del, with corn to Jar. Barratt di Eon. Saw Cora, Masten, 1 day from Brandywine, Del, with corn meal to B - bl Lea. Schr OM Wileon, Gandy, from York River. • Bchr W W Marcy, Norton, trom White Rouse. Bohr Robt Corson, high, from White House. Schr J 0 Patterson. Rand, from Boston.' Scbr Mary Anne, Gibbe, from New York. Schr 0 0 Smith, Smith, from Port Morris. C=2MI Brig Alliance, Ricks, Demerara, E A Solider & Co. Scbr Wm Walter, Gowen, St Johns, - do Brig Celestine, Pickett, Boston, do Scbr S P Hawes, Harmon, Boston, Oolwetl & Co. Scbr lifedore Chase, Boston. L Audenried & Co. - Scbr'W W Barton. Boston, do Scbr Iderp•Anna. Gibbs Boston. Sinnickson - & - httover. Scbr R Corson, High, Gibbs, Bancroft, Lewis' ct Scbr United States, Babson, Rockport, Can horn, Woodwonh & Co. tiehr Herald, Knight, Rowbursport, J R White. Beim C M Gardy, Nenpart, Hammett, Van rum & Lachman. . . . Behr J C Pattercon Tiler,-Stone & Co . Behr (.; C eculth, Smith, Norwich, J C Henry. • (ooireepondonee of tho Philadelphia Z'xchange.) LEWES. Del. Jnno 12. The Behr Carrie Hughes from Rio May 2d, with coffee, is here, waitiog orders from New York; echr Damon, with coal for Boston; L Muiford, and seven achoonera loaded with bey for the Government. Wind SW. Yours, Ac. AARON M iRSHALL. lIEMOBANDA Behr Volta, Brdoks, cleared at New York 12th inst. for Philadelphia Bahr Belle, Voshell, for Lelpslc, Dcl, cleared. at Now York 12th inet.. ear Cynthia Jane, Bennett, sailed from Hartford 11th Met. for Philadelphia._ Sebr Wm Wallace, Scull, hoace, arrived at Bootan 12th inst. Behr Jon 9 Lee, Corson, cleorod at Boston 12th inst. for. Philadelphia. • Ear Active, Elmmonds, cleared at Baltimore 12th inst for Philadelphia. Schr .Mary D Cranmer," Cranmer, for 'Philadelphia, tailed from Ealem 10th inst. .fichr Sarah L Simmons, from Baltimore for Beaufort, with two locomotives, and in tow of steamer Thomae Sparks, wawtsken into Hatteras Inlet 9th inat, at 6 P 11, during a severe gale, and that night tilled, hapsized, and loot both locomotives'," Would probably be a total lows. The S L S wee built at Milord, Del, in 1860, 226 tons resistor, rated A 2, and owned In Philadelphia. QANITARY COMMISSION.. P--) The U. S. Sanitary Commission will open an &Doe for the transaction of its local business at 498 Broadway, second floor, on MONDAY, the Seth instant. It proposes to centralize at this office all infirmation that can be obtained from govormental and other source!' &peening the departure and arrival of transport: having sick and wounded troops aboard; to keep a re cord of sick and wounded soldiers arriving at thin port, and of the disposition -made of them. To act as a me; dim of communication among the local aseociations for the relief of tho sick in transit, and to co-operate with the U. - S. military and medical authorities here, in the transportation, reception, and distribution of patients from the army. Medical students, desirous of acting as dressers on the transports in service of the Commission, wilt please re port at this office, enter their mimes and &Meese, refer encee to their medical preeeptore; and the notice they re- Quire when calird to serve. male nurses, volunteering their services on the trans ports, will register their names at this office, with ad dress and reference, and notice required by them. Burgeons and physicians seeking information in regard to the public service, or wishing to volunteer in emer gencies, will apply at this office All persons bevies business with the Commission will apply in person to the Superintendent in charge, between BA. M. and 1/ P. M. The Saliently° Committee of the Sanitary Comminoion will usually meet at the office, be tween S end 4 P. M. daily. The expenses of "the Oomraidslon are very heavy. The r e t te e ra p i u m r A7t e h e ohtai,roscroisttailisnuoptpts r $. 2 . 2 r ,.oo y o in inne ir y girds and the f3nothweet. It in believed that this expen diture has eaved.a thousand lives, at least, in Virginia alone. • Contributions are urgently solicited, and may bo eon to G. T. Strong, 68 Well greet.. The various hoepitals and saidiera , relief associations or this city ate invited. to report before noon of ovory day what number of bade are vacant in their several esta blishments. The following articles of hospital clothing and supplies are urgently wanted by the Commission, sad may be sent to the a Women's Central Association of Belief,"? No. 10, Cooper Institute: CLOTHING. • • . Sheets, 'greatly wanted. • Cotton thirty, screatly wanted. Cotton drawees, greatly wanted. Cotton socks, greatly wanted. Cotton (not woollen) wrappers, wanted 'Flannel bandages, wanted. SUPPLIES. Jellies, tea, spirits, wines, farinaceous food, condensed milk, preserved meats and dessleated vegetables, Boston 'Tuckers, beef extract, ice by the cargo. The prodigious demand of the last month, during which more than a hundred thousand articles of clothing (be• sides other supplies) have been leaned by the Commission to :the sick and wounded, in the army of the Potomac, shine, (and probably a much larger amount to the Weat-' ern and other Departtitents,) has reduced our stock, and although 686 cases have been received at the Washington . depot since April 23d, the demand is much greater than the supply. 'A special regard to the specified iiot in this advertise ment' In besought on the part of those sending supplies. To this is to he added a new and unexpected want— that of cut off miter clothing—costa - paritaloone, vests; is clothe soldiers who have lost or so fouled their forms. es to be unable to leave the hospitalson eters without fresh clothing. New York, May 23, 1882. HENRY W. BELLOWS, Pres't. ' . GEORGE T. STRONG, Truer, 68 win it. THOS. H. NAILE, Ja,, Superintendent of N. Y. Agency of the Commission, my27-tuthslOt • 498 Broadway. . OPENING. OF A SUMMER GAR ARN.—The tmdcreigned ben_ leave to Inform the public that he hag opened for the season hie FINZ GAR DEN and HOTEL; at the loot of COATEB Street, oppo ffile Fairmount Park. •Families are particularly invited. Ice °ream, Oakes, excellent Lager Beer of Baltes brew ery, Wines, so., always on hand. • . • • HENRY MUMS, . TWENTY -SIII7ZNTE and °OATES Ste. N UTS.RiiODEI3 & WILLIAMS;I -- No. 107 South WATER Street, offer for sae the following : • 100 bides Princess Almonds. . . • . 20 .• Lento:ethic .; • . 20 " Sicily 4. •' • • 20 " English Wainuta, • - . -.• . 16 Filberts. • • 160 begs Pea Nuts, -- 10 bales Brasil Note. • . BAISINB. 100 boxes M. B. Raisins. 100 66 Layer 6 S, 150 ball boxes IL B. Bail& S. T 1f 0 111.130 N ' B . LONDON KITCHENEB "—We are now manut‘cturing i.111103180N1 1 LONDON vKITO [HINER," or EUROPEAN RANGE, suitable for large and small families, botels,.hasydtals, and other public institutions, in great variety. Also, Portable Ranges, the . 6, Pfilladel. pi is Range," Gas Ovens, Danl . Boilers, dad Oast-Iron Bias, together with a great variety of small and large *Med Hot-air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Fire-board Stoves, - Low-down Grates, be • Wholesale and Retail ONLY at our Warerooms. v NORTH, CHASE, & NORTH, No. 209 North. 8600 ND Street, • four dem above Race street. - . AMERMAN ROOFING • SLATES,. intritirvitu. to the BEST WELSTI SLATES. T. TEIMILLS. • SIT WALTITIT Stmt. • .4 '4. HIA SATURDAY JUNE 14, 1862 AINS LINEN GOODS.- BeavY round-thread Shirting Linen, suitable for Ledies' wear,.for 26 cents per yard by .160 Piece, 0 6061 price, 40 vette; Union Table Linen,-97,t'i cants per yard; 8.4 Barnelei, all lioon,, 47. mute.; very Soo and heavy, 621( ; Double Fatin Damask, rot "elegant quality, $1; very wide do., $1 26 ; 4 N arklns. mum, for 75 cents Der dog. ; real Barnsley' do., 81 tO, rat a quality; all- Ilnen iluckabacts, 10 'canto per yard ; do. 12X, 16, 20, and 25 cente; Towels, S cents each ; extra qua 12X cents; Ladles' and Gents' Linen Fidlrts. 81.60 per dozen—a great . bargain; Marseilles Quilts, honey comb Quinn, Alleodale Quilts, 'all' very cheap. Pomona in want of Linen or Fundehing Goode of any kind, can be anittd here, at lees nricaJor same quality, than they can bo bought at any other atom. R. D. W. IL PENNELL, 1021 MARKET btrvit; below 'Eleventh. N. B.—A large let of ehecting mud Shirting Also, Mosquito Note, for Soldiers. je9.Bt RI ROCHE BAREGES, all wool, at . 20 cents. Rich styles tine French liarcges. at 31• to 37 cents. Blob styles Silk and Wool Challis., at 50 cents. RIOH STYLIPS SILK GitEICADINES. • 60 nieces plain Mozambinues, double width. Thin dress peals of every description ••• TRIMMING RIBBONS, COLORED EDGES, ALL SHADES. • Just received, a mall lot of Very cheap fancy Silks. 1 lot filmed .Bilks, solid colorawgreens, purples, and modes, at 75 cents: 1 lot Corded Silks, solid colors, Toss, maize, purple, and mode, $l, worth $1.25. Plain brown and mode Silks at 57 cents. Plain brown rind mode Silica at P 112%. • -A large and choice assort neat of Lace Bouruous, Lace Mantles, with Ruffles, Lace Points, ' Fifty per cent. less than cost of importation. a. STEEL & SON, jeihtf No. 718 North.TENTH St , ab. 00&T.133... JAS. B. CA MPBE EL et 00., 727, CHESTNUT STREET, • ' OFFICR WHOLESALE, AND RETAIL, Very choice Goode of recent Importation. Block E ilk Checked Grenadine, extra quality Foulard t like, elegant stiles and fine quality Black Silks.. beet brands. Broche Barege, Hernenks and Idozamblquee. 8-4 Paele•Fil d'Chevre. Poll iFeberre, all wool Grer.adiveNcila, in mode and other ehadee. WHITE GOODS AND :maws In great variety, at extremely low prime. 1024 OR'ESTNIFT STREET Invitee the "special attention" of.. Ladies" who intend "s p ending the .tantoser , 'in the country" at .• IVatering nada," or in "travel /47w." to o 'Very largo ass:armor of ' '.TRIMMED AND MADR-UP GOODS," IN . " SETO, SLISEVES,". &o. In t 6 POINTE, VALES/MENNE, GUIPURE, MALTESE," end other Laces; and in "LINEN, CARDED), AND SWISS," which he has jual opened. ". Meo, in " Valencienne Trimmed" and "Ref- ed Cambria Handkerchiefs," embroidered, to colors;, together with a general assortment of l 4. White Goods, Linens, Laces, EmbreichrieS, Veils, Handkerchiefs," &0., adapted to the re utrements of the present season. A large and varied assortment of "Garibaldi tiluslins," and "Mack and IVhile Figured Nee' for "Sleeves." • All the above of the "Latest Styles," and at, be a Very lowest Prices." . . 1024 ORIIINTNITT RT•U111111T PYRE & LANIMLL, FOURTH and • ULaiing, bare a One assortment of Summer Bluiwls. ' EIRE LANDELL *have the Black 'and Whit* Plaid 811 U for Bonnets and Dreams at $1 per yard/ - _ jag NEW CLOAK STORE ! The N EW , moment to the city. N0..29.130utb NINTH Street, First door above Ohostunt mh26-8m fILOAKS ! CLOAKS ! CLOAKS! \JUIN GEICATZST BARGAINE3 IN THE. OITT . Port tipain; soon ...linrans, soon No. 38 BOUTH NISTA STIfLEBT mll5B-ft VLOA for KEL—If you want the beat value your money, go to the City Cloak Store, 142 . 2fortli NIGHTIE Street, above Cherry.. mh2a-8m CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. '. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT, Of all Cho Nowoat Materials, ' AND CHOICEST PATTERNS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES, myls-2m No. 26 South TENTH Stroo • CLOAKS ! A DIAGEDTIOENT ASSoRTIIBICI. ALL THE NEWEST STYLES raronTzD TEM SEASON, With every new material, made' up and trimmed in the Tery beet manner, at prices that defy all competition, PARIS OLOAK-sToRE,. _ a. CORM AND WALNUT OT B 8-CENT. GRAY GOODS. 8-cent. Brocbe Figuxed bfohairs. lIX-cent Dark Motambiques. • 123 -cent. Original Qualay i.avellas. 12%. cent. Figured Bersgea, reduced froth 87 mita. .. 14,cent. Striped Mozambique, worth 25 cents. `• Neat Fut-Colored Lawns, 12% and lb cents. Large Lote of (Bison Thin Goode. FINE WIDE 810ZAAIBIQUES. • • Gray Double-Width Fine Mozambiones. Black Baregos, eome bargains, 18% to 25 cents. 25. cent. Finest Black Tamartines. BARGAINS IN ALPAOAS. Finest Black Alpacas ever sold, for 25,31, 38,40 cis- Colored Alapacas, good, for 25 costa. DAMASK NAPKINS. $1.60 per dozen. Nest Figures, FastEdgos, worth $2. Finer Grades Napkins, Damask Towels. - Power-Loom and ether Table Linens. • Extra Fine Table Damasks and Clothe. COOPER & OONARD, je7-tf S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. NEW BPRING PAINTS, ST lIIERBTAIAOS, SPRAGUE, s • PAGIFIO, ' ALL TWELVE AND A RALF GENTS. A large lot beet styles and feet colors at 100. COWPERTHWAIT & CO.; addl.& ' N. W. cor. RIGATH and BINEKET fits. BYRE & LANDELL SAVE the Fashionable Black Silk Mantles mado of the boat Taffeta Silks and Paris shapes. jet . EYRE & LANDELL have desirable styles dark Freuch Lawns also, the beet stock of low-priced Lawns. . pa EYES do LANDELL are closing out Spring and Summer Dress Goods at low vices. je2 WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION of my customers and friends to the following Goods, which are fresh and desirable: Black and White Plaid Silks. Organdie Lawns, choice styles. • One lot of Lisle Gauntlets, at 18Xc a pair. ' One lot of Black Silk, $ 1.1234 tke beet I ever had for the money. At jelo-6m NEW EMBROIDERIES; WHITE GOOMEIi oPened.a. general assortment of desirable Wendt and Scotch Neeille•worked Bands, Xdginge,lnsertings, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Sleeves, etc., at very law prices. • ALSO. A full line of all descriptions of White Gooda for Ladles' wear, of the moat approved makes. BP EPPAND, YAN DANLINGEN, & ARRISON, j• 1008 OFUESTNIA Street. fILOAKS, - .PALATOTES AND MAN IJ In want of the above articles will find It to their edvantsto to visit the old established house of Mrs. HENRY, No. SS Not Lb- NINTH Street, below ANON. The latest Perin Styles always on hand at Nice' that seboniab everybody. ant-am C OPARTNERSHIP NOTIOE.The utak reigned bays formed a copartnership, ender the firm of BLA DE, SMITH, & 00., for the pumase of transacting the Domestic Dry Goode Commission /Ind uces, at N05..40 and 42 South FRONT Btrest,-.429 89 pg. TITIA Street. J ARVIS K. AD IC: J. FRAILEY SMITH, Pmt.Anscrnti, June 12, ISe2. TBE COPARTNERSHIP HERE-. to - fore existing between the subscribers, under the .firm of ABBOTT, JOIIKIIS, C CO., is this day dissolved by mutual commit. The bneineAe of the grin will be set tled by Geurge W. Jobnce and William H. Bern', either of whom is authorised to sisal in liguidation. REMISE ABBOTT, GEORGE IV. JOHRES,' WILLIAM H: BERRY, -GEORGE J. GROSS, WILLIAM T. WILV9X. Philadelphia. Jpne 2,1882. je2-121* -. TRUBBEB, SUPPORT LEBB; BEA.OEfi, and other Mechanical APPliarmak of correct construction and easy to the wearer. For sal. And adjustment . at 0. H. NEEDLES' LADIES' STORE, TWELFTH Street, Brat door below Race. Cientlemen requiring Eurture Trusses will call at the Southwest corner TWELFTH and RAM, where 0. B. N. gives attention to this solicialfeatnre eratlit.arnir WS. JAMES BETTS' OELEBRA. ED SUPPORTERS iron LADIES, and the Only Supporters under eminent medical patrouage. La dies and physicians are reepecthillj , requested to call only on Mrs. Betts, at her residence, 1089 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand !wrath% have been advised by their physicians to nee her appliancee. Those only are genuine bearing the United Statee copyright, labels on the box, and signatures, and else on the Supporters. with testimonbsis. isoltiAtithaW TO THE DISEASED OF ALL CLASSES.—AII. sub-acute and chronic , diseases oared by spwial guarantee at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and In ewe of a failure no charge is made. professor BOLL BS, the founder of this new praoticii, Will superintend the treatment of all cases hinsself, A pamphlet - containing a multitude of certiticatee of those eared, also letters and complimentary resolutions from medical men and others will be given to any Nam free. . Lectures are constantly given at 1220, to medical men sod others who desire a knowledge of my discovery, hi asellyiatTleetrkdry as a reliable therapeutic agent.'Clon- MdbafsMtrei.. • ap2d-2to TNT . OPIAN & ELY, No. 130 PEGG . Blreet, manufacturers •of patent OAST-STEEL TABU CU" VERY; sleo, a lately-patented COMBI NATION BNIPB, PORK, and SPOON, esmially adopted for Camp nee, for Fishermen, Sea-faring Men, Nahanies, Miners, Lumbermen, and an Workmen car rying Their dinners. W. A. E.'e Cutlery is warranted to be of the best quality of 'ENGLISH CABT.ST SRL, and is intended to euperside, by Its oraellence and cheapness, the inferior qualities of Cutlery now In the market, and to which they respectfully litvite the attention of the Bard*are dealers generally. inyV-Itn ATOM OLIVE OIL.-463 baskets L LA2 ORR OLIVE OIL, just received, end for tele by • JAURTTOBB & LA.VERGNII, 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. OAIITION.—HavIug seen et eptirletu3 artiste of Oil branded "J. - Latour," we caution the public aualuat purchasing the same, as the genuine J. Latour Oil can be Practiced only from nn. JAREUTORE k LAVERGNE, 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. RETAIL DRY GOODS E. M. NEEDLES IVENS ea CO.'S, No. 23 'SOUTH NINTH STREET. THE LARGEST STOCH, THE BEST ASSORTMENT, THE CHOICEST COLORS, THE FINEST QUALITIES, THE MOST SUPERB TRIMMINGS, Tin; NEWEST STYLES, . THE BEST WORE, AAD DECIDEDLY THE LOWEST PRIOEN, IN THE CITE, ♦T • N-B &•C 0 .' 5,- JOHN. IL . STOKVS', - 702 ARCH. Street COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. TRUSSES LEGAL MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY VIRTUB of a Wilt of Bute, by the Dow Ant OtDWALA DER, Jodgeof the Diable , Court of the United litates,ln and for ihe Enetent blotrictof Pennaylvank,ln to tco directed, will bn Fold, et Public Sale , 'l, the hint ed. and boot' bidder, for atoll, at OAI:I,O4I(LiELL- El RENT WD ARV, on IllUltdll AT, June 19, 1861, at 12 o'clock 81., the nebnoner WAVE, her tackle, non s rel, and furnitino, end the cargo t.ken on board, connot ing of 40 bairn of cotton. WiLtTA IL HILL WARD, 11. B.l4arshel, E D. of Pprianlcaula• PIMA MiLl'lnd Juue 9, 1882 jelo.Bt M • ARtili L'r 4 LE. —BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Sel.,.br the Hon. JORN CAD WALA.- DER, Judge of the Dietrict Courtof the Unitedget dee, in and fortbe lantern Mallet of Pennsylvania, In Alitutralty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public sal.. to the highest and'best bidder, for cash. at CALLOW RILL-STREET WHARF, on THURSDAY, lime 10th, 1882, at 12 o'clock 81., the SeSooner ACTIVE, ber tackle, apparel, and furniture, ite el e now Hoe at said wharf. Alec, at the same time and place will be cold, 103 barrels of pickled Herring. 'WILLIAM MILIAVA.BD. U. S. Horeb& R. D. of Pennsylvania. Pnix.e DELPHI.% June 9.1862 . • jell:I-fit MA R SHAIiS SALE.—By virtue of a Avra e Sale, by ihe Hon TOR bl CAD W &LADES. Judge of the District Court of the Ualted States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsyliania, in admiralty, to toe directed, will be sold at public sale, to the Mabee; and best biddrr, for Casb, at OALLOWH ELL STREET WHARF, ou 'TITEaDAY, June 24, 1862, at 12 o'clock M., 760 barrels Rosin and 25 casks do," the cargo of schoonei I'. A. SAN DE RS. • WILLIAM MILL WARD, 11. S. Meirsbal E. D. of Peanstivania• PESTLADXI.PITIA. June 12 ; 1862. • jel343t MAB SEA L'S ALE.—By virtue rf a Writ of flatle,by Mellon. JOHN Oe.DWALADER, Judge of the Ithdrict Court of the United litotes, to and for the Eaatern District of Pennsylvania, in admiralty, to Ula directed, will be sold at public 'sale, to tho highest and beat bidder, tor cosh, at CALLOW HILL-9 rn ENT WHARF, on 'tUESDAY, June 24, 1862, at 12 o'clock DI:. 060 barrels of kosin, the eargl of the schooner EPA WILLIAM MILLW D. B. fdarlbal E.D. of PeoodYlvania. jell BtPHILADELPHIA. Jane 12, 1862. MARBIIAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of File, by the Hon. JOHN 0 til.)**AL &- DEE, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in ad miralty,-to roe directed, will be sold, at public rale. the highest -nue bast bidder, for' cash, at °ALLOW FULL STREET IVH ARV, on TUESDAY. June 24, 1662, at 12 o'clock M., 220 barrel' of . Pl. ch, 50 casks do , 11,001 Stares, had 116,000 Shingles, the cargo of the schooner FRANCIS DURBITT. WILLI &II MILLW&IrD, .II:; S. Marshal Easton' Disixies of Pewee. PITILADELPII lA. June 12, 1602. jel3 et MARSHAL'S SALE -.By virtue of a Writ of Salc,.br the Ron. Jollei OA.DWAT.A -DE a, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Earern District of Pennerleaubs. in admi ralty, to me • direc:od;will be sold. at public sale, to the highest and best hinder. fur oath, at CAI,I,OW ST BEET WHARF, on TUESDAY, June 24,1362, at 12 o'clock, 51.; 914 barrels of Rosin, 103 casks do., nod 83 barrels of Turpentine, the cargo of the schooner Ca BERT GREEN. - _ WILLIAM MILLWARD, • 11. 8. Mantua linstern District of Penna. PHILADELIIIIX, Juno 12,1332. jel3-6t MARSHAL'S. SALE.-By virtue of a Wilt of Sale r ba the Hon. JOHN CAD WALA.- DER, Judge of the Dletrlet Court of toe Halted &atria, In and for the Eastirn District of l'ennsylvaufs, in admi ralty, to me direct( d, will be sold, at public sale, to the tastiest and hest bidder. for colt, at C&L bOtVlif Lb- SIitEET WHARF, on TUEBI)&Y, June 2-1, 1861, at 12 ock, 31.. 520 barrels of Rusin, and 118 casks do., 101.. barrel.' of Turpentine, and 32,050 (Imaged Cypress Shin• glee, the cargo of the schooner MEM& TA 'ILO Et. WILIAIA.Ef 111 ILL W MILD, S. MaTillusi Eastern Distrldt of Penna. l'nmantLriria, Juno 12,1882. . . jelB.6t UNITED STATES. EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SCT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OT PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: WHEREAS. The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, Sled in the name of the United States of America, huth decreed all persons in general who hate, or pretend to have, any right, title, or (uteri at in the schooner REBECCA, whereof Albert 0. Stone is master, her tackle apparel and furniture, and the good., wares, and merchandise laden on board there. of, captund by the United States steamer lltonrilte under commend Of Capt. Alallaney, to be monished, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten and to the e ff ect hereafter expressed, (justice so requiring ) You aro therefore charged and strictly enjoined and com manded, that you omit not but that, by publishing these presents in at least two of the tinily newspapers printed and published in (lie city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal inteßfgencer, you do monisteand cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in gene ral who have, or pretend to hare, any right, title, or in terest in the said schooner R &SHOO , her tackle, appa rel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, to'appenr before the Hon. JOHN CADWALADEB, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court-room, in the City of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents, if It be a court day, or else on the next court day follow ing, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said schooner REBECCA, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise lad -n on board thereof, should not be pronotuiced to belong, at the lime of the capture of the mune, to the. enemies of the United States. nod as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to, justice shall appertain. And that you duty intimate , or cause to be Intimated, unto all persons Aforesaid, generally; (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above Mentioned, or appear end shall not 'show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and Will proem' to adjudication on the said capture; and may pronounce that the said scheoner ULHEtIOA., her met le, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, walls, end mei chandive laden on board thereof, did belong, at the time of the captiwe of the same, to the enemies of- the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or,-other wise, Witte and !subject to confiscation and condem nation, to be ndjudged• and condemned as lawful prize, the absence, or rather couttunacy, of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that roe duly certify to the said District Court what yen shall. dO in the premises, together with these presents. •• • • Witness the honorable JOHN CADWALADEB, Judge of the said court, at Philadelphia, this twelfth day of JURE, A. D. 3862, and in the eighty-sixth year of the Independence of the said United States. • • je33-3t G. R. FOX, Clerk District Doort,.D. S. UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS, TRiCT OF PF.NNSYLVANIA;.ser. .. • TILE PRESIDENT OF THE 'UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRIET OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: WIIEREAS, The District. Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and dnly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, heti' Elmwood nll persons in general who have, or pretend to hare, any right, title, on interest in the schooner LION, whereof - is - master, ber tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wane, aed merchandhe fatten on exit schooner, captured es prize whilelyins in Pruitgo creek, running into Po. go rivrr, in the State of North Caroline, by the United States steamer Driewate, under command of Lieu tenant P. Queckenbosb,. to na_maniseed_cited and called to judgment, - at the time ens - paml tnderwritten and to the effect hereafter ex pressed', ( inslice so requiring.) You are, therefore; charged And strictly enjoined and commanded , that you omit nc:t, but that, by publishing those presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal intel/igsit car, you do monieh and cite, or cause to bo monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or ipterest in the said schooner LIGN, her tackle, appwel, and furni ture, and the mid goads, wares, and merchandise laden there , to appear before the glen. JO lIN CADWALADER, the Judge of the said court, at the District Court room, in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETII day after publication of these primate, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day follow ing, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then end there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said ecboonor • LION, her tackle, apparel, end fur niture,. and , the pants,' wares, and merchaa laden thereon. ahould' not be pronounced to be long; at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goode of their ene mies or,otherwise, liable end subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned asgood and lawful prizes ; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all - persona aforesaid generally, (to whom, by the tenor of them presents, it is also intima ted,) that If they shall not appear at the time and place above Mentioned, or appear and shall not show a tea: sonnble and lawful cause to the contrary, then said Dis trict Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may 'pronounce that the said schooner LION, her tackle, apparel, and • fitent tnre, and the goods, 'wares, and merchandise laden thereon' did belong, at the time of the capture of the imme, to the enemies of the United States of Ame rica, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and 'subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be ad judged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence, or, rather contumacy, of the persons. so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Court whet Toughen do in the premises, ' together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOAN CADWALADER, Judge of the said court, at Philadelphia, this tenth ' day of JUNE, A. D. 1892, and in the eighty-sixth year of the Independence of the said United States. iel2-3t ; G. 11. FOX, Clerk -District Court. "UNITED STATES, E &STERN MS TRICT OF •DENNSYLVANTA, - 801: • THE 'PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, - TO TDE MAIISITAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, 'HEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed iu the name of the United States of America, bath decreed all persona in general who hnve, or pretend to bare, any right, title, or interest in tweut".eiglit bales of Cotton, and certain other froda.. wares, and merchandise,. consisting of Cirir(Yo sblstlea, jonljer riffle, yellow glue plank, yellow pine board, at il yellow pine sabilink, captures" ,-„.! prise in the sounds of. North Carolina, by the Naval forces or the United Slates. under command of Flag Officer J. C. Bowan, at liewb.rn, on the river Neuse, in said State, to be inonished, cited, anti called to judgment at the tiiuo and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (Justice eo requiring.) You are therefore charged, and strictly enjoined and commanded, . that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the City of Philadelphia, and in the Le gal Intelligencer, you do mulish and cite, or cause to be monistic(' caul cited,. peremptorily, all persons, in. general who hare. or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in INS said twenty. eight bales of Cotton, and certain other geode, wares, and merchandise, con sisting of crimes ebingfes; jlinfpor rails, yet ow Dine plank, yellow pine board, and yellow pine scantling to appear before the Honorable JOHN CADWALA DER, the Judge of tile said Court, at the District Court room, iu the City.of Philadelphia, on the TWEN TIETH day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of ' hearing 'nausea., then and there to show, or allege,' in doe form of law r ..a reasonable and lawful excuse ' if any -I.fier- have, why the said twenty. eight bales of Cotton, and certain other goals. wares, and merchandise, consisting of cypress shingles, juniper rails, pine plank, yellow pine heard; and yellow pine ecantling, should not be pro nounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same. to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies, or 'otherwise, liable and subject, to, condemnation, to be' t,4judged and con-. dennied as good rind lawful prizes: and further to do and receive in this behalf ns to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all Persone' aforesaid 'generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presente IL Izalco intimated,) that if they shall not appear nt the time • and place above mentional, or appear and shall not chow . a reasonable and lawful cause 'to the contrary, then said. District Court cloth 'intend and will procei4 to mthidication on the' said capture, and may pronounce that the said twenty eight bales of Cotton,•tuid certain other goods, wares, and merchandise, consisting of cypress shingles, juniper rails, yellow pine plank, yellow pine board, and yellow pine scantling, did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or other wise, liable and subject to confiscation and conclannit, . tion, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly. certify to the, said District Court what you shall do in the' premises, together with these presents. • Witness the' Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this Leath day of JUNE, A.D. 1862, and hi the eighty-sixth year of the Independence of the said United States: jell-ft O. R. FOX, Clerk District COurt. PAmPiTrAT PRINTING, Beat and Cheapest lathe City, at BINGWALT 1 BBOWN'S 1/1 Booth FOURTH eat son LEGAL. MARSHAL'S S ALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OAD W&- LADED, Judge of the District Uourt of the United Slates. in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public Sale, to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at CALLOW 1-111.14.81REET WHARF, on TaUIMMIX, June 19, 31362, at ]2 o'clock , 235 barrels Turpentine, being past of the cargo of the schooner MID... WILLIt.SI 11111.1,MLIIT). 11. B. Marmial Fl D of Pennsylvania. PHILADELrina v JUDE` 9. 1862. jelo.6t ESTATE OF ALEXAN DER WR Letter teatimentary bevies beiut granted by the Register of Wills to the enbecriberf, all persons having claims 'aislnst, or Indebted to, eald itetete, trlll oaf on GZOBOB 86.11,0 LAY, • 249 North BIXTRIENTEIStreet- JA s um w ßty, l Executors, ' 1417 RACE Street, or their Attorney, BENET 0. THOMPSON, eb2o set N 0.933 ARCH Street. E STATE OP -DE BORAH L. J . 80N, deceseed .=Letters of Administration sten the Estate of DEBORAH L. JACICOUN, deceased, late . of the city of Philadelphia, having been granted to the undersigned. all persona baring claims upon the Estate will present them, and those indebh.d will make payment to A, REEVES JACKiDN, Adm., Strondeborgh, Penna., LEWIS D. VAIL, • • 109 Notth SIXTH Stmt. or to Ms attorney, m737-Nit IN. THE COURT OF COMMON '. PLEAS FOE THE CITY AND COUNTY OR MLA DBLPHIA. [ L. B.] Notice is hereof , given to all persons interested in the blowing Estates; that the Honorable the Judge. of do Court aforesaid have appointed SATUHDAY, the 28th day of June, A. D. 1882, t'or hearing the 8•1130, and for cause why the tollawl^g ace , tints should not be ellowed, and in default thoreof the Mae will he eau. firmed, viz: Ratak, of George W. Baxter, account el Truitee. • Do. of Harman W. Fisher, do. of Assignee.. . Do. of Jones & • Duerr, do. do. Do. of G. Ferdinand Smith, do. do. Do. of Ann Jane Morrison, do- do. Do. of Bute & Smith. do.' do. Do.. of Thos. F. thaaly et ux, do. do. Do., of Witham H. Crabbo, do. of .Trustes. Do. of george C. Leib, do. of Committee. Do. of William Penn Gaskiii Dail, account or True- CHARLES D. KNIGHT, :4 87 4 4 4/.4 3 • Prothonotary. - ILLUMINATING WIG OIL I OIL!! OIL 11 HULBURT & BRODHEAD, No. 240 ARO•H STREET, Having opened a General Depot for the Sale of Ixtra 'Relined and Lubricating COAL OTLS, would call the special attention of dealers and consumers to their relined LLLCHIIIA TING OIL, as It possesses merit beyond anything heretofore offered in this market, being entirely free from that gluey substance and bad odor which characterise that commonly sold in this market, produces no smoke, and is free from all explosive vropertioi. W 1 Orders from city or Country . promptly at tended my 15-lm cc r IJCI.FICR" OIL WORKS. LlOO bbls "Luc Burning Olean '. m& We guarantee the oil to be non. explosive, to burn all the oil in the lamp with a steady, brilliant flame, without crusting tko wick, and but eloWly. Birrals lined with glass enamel.. WBIGIIT, &aura. & PEA RSALL, fe2l-tf Office 615 'BARRET Street. COAL: C°Al4.-THE UNDERSIGNED beg leave to infoire their Mende and the public that they have removed their LEB.IGH GOAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHARF, on the Delaware, to their Yard, northweAl. corner of EIGHTH 'and WILLOW Streets, where they intend to keep the best quality of LEHIGH GOAL, from the most approved mines, at the lowest prices. Your patronage is respectfully ' JOS. WALTON & .00., Office, 112 South SIKIOND Street Yard, 'EIGHTH and WILLOW. • Enbl-11 GROCERIES AND PROMIONS NATIVE /14 . • STRICTLY PUBS MOE OF THII CRAPE-THI MOST DELICIOUS, RICH, AND FRUITY WINES . EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. . AN EX 4 OBLLBNT ASSORTMENT JIMT REOEIVED. ALBERT O. ROBERTS; DEALER IN NINE GROOBRIES, . 1,26-ti OORNER ELEVENTH AND TINT BTB QALT.-2,000 sacks Ground Alum IQ dolt; 21,000 bushels do., do., do.; 4,000 baobab ,Tork's Wand do., In More and for Asia by NEWRY & .ICOONEe. No. Mk NONTEI Oir HA RV RS. QARDINEB.—A very superior brand IL, for sale by CHARLES S. OARSTAIRS, py2 128 WALNUT and 21 GRANITE Street. nitOSSE 86 BLACKWELL',B °ere . . 'LI belied PICKLES and SAUCES, constantly received _ RHODES 0 WILLIAMS, 107 South WATER Street. YITB.-20 BALES LANGUEDOC LTrIONDS: 25 bales SICILY ALMONDS; 100 .bage New African PEANUTS; jugtrecalved end for sale by RHODZS & WILLIAMS, 107 South WATER Street. fiROSSE &• BL A.OKWE JAL'S .E LISII PICKLES.-4, fresh importation of English Pickles and Sauces, just received and ror wale by . EtIODES•dr, 42 • ' . • 107 tbsith-WATEI2 Street. MOUNT MORTAR .010METEB.Y.. Thls gronnd le located a few yarda off the Darby road, about the same distance from the city as Laurel lOU, and fa beautifully eitasted on the highest point of ground for miles around. Its soil is admirably adapted for the purpose designed, being high and dry. The public aro Invited to °Waft, Its claims before purchasing elsewhere. General and sectional plane may be examined at the 1010211(..D.16.1•TXT-511- No. 128 SOIITH SIXTH STREET, Where any further information pill be cheerfully af forded by the agent. DESIRAB' LE LOTS, AT LOW PRICES, AND ON Lnuatem TERMS, Are now in the market, some of them io eectione mast opened, 'having hitherto been held in reserve. Orrion 11011RI3 from 8 A. hi. to 4 P. N., and either fore or after theee hours, at the residence of the under • No. 314 NORTH TENTH STREET. • FREDERICK A. VAN CLEVE, B.—Conveyance to and from the Cemetery for such as desire to purchase. mylb 2m. IVATTPB CELEBRATED ITALIAN /...CESAM will po,ltively remove TAN, razoKLEI, SALLOWNESS, SUNBURN, PIMPLES, and all emo tions of the face ; giving a beautiful healthy glow and rosy color to the cheeks, eo much deeired by every one. In short, it PRESERVES THE FRESHNESS OF YOUTH, removing all WRINKLES, and giving a soft, amooth appearance to the face ; and a brilliancy to tho skin that is surprising to all. It re an article that is INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY LADY trpwarde of 1,000 BOTTLES PER DAY are now sold in Philadelphia alone, and the demand is daily increae. ing. Price 25 cents per bottle. Bold by Di. B. 8. 'BATT' . & Co., Mannfactnrere and Proprietors, NO. 521 CHEBTW UT Stroa, Philadelphia, 'And by the following agents in Philadelphia: J. •11. Cane!berry, No 45 N. Eighth street; Andrew Taylor, drugglet, cor. of Ninth and Chestnut itreeta; 81. Brad field, N 0.802 Arch street; F. N. Barrett, No. 984 N. Second street; !dins Kocher, Seventh and Coate, streets; M. L. Adams, N. W. cor. of Marshall and Girard ave nue; and by dritggista and dealers in Fancy Goods ge nerally. Agents wanted In every town and village of the United 'States aud.Clanadas. B IOTINA ROOFING, BANIIYACTURID BY TB) UNITED STATES BIOTINA BONING. ocarrAtunr, N0..9 GORE BLOCK, Corner GRIMM and PITTS Streets, Boston, Moss. This Portable Roofing is the only article ever offered to the public which is ready prepared to go on tho roof without any finishing operation. It is 'eight, handsome, and 'easily applied, and can be safely-sod cheaply trans ported to any part of the world. It will not taint or disco/or wator running over, or lying on it, and is, in all rospetie, a very desirable article. .Its non-conducting properties adapt it especially to covering manufactoriee of various kinds ; and it is confidently offered to the public after a teat of four years in all varieties of climate and temperatire, for covering all kinds of roofs; flat or pitched, together with cars, steamboats, &o. It is both cheap and durable. Agents wanted, to whom liberal inducements are offered. fiend for sample, circular, &0., with particulars, to t. ROOFING op., No. P GORE BLOOIL.Boaton." ' atat-sai • CYRUS HORNE, lINDE a -- TAKER, No. 23 North ALIMENT Street.—Everything pertaining to funerals furnished with great carc, at tho shortest notice, and on the most liberal terms. Thelateet and most approved Metallic Burial Cases and Lead Coffins, very desirable to persons who have lost their friends in the army, or otherwise, who may wish their bodies conveyed a distance.' my2l-wsBt* N. B.—Undertakers supplied at a liberal discount. MANY EFFORTS AVEg BEEN made' to preserve the form and feitturee of the dead, without the" usual mode, to 'repugnant .to the feel loge; of piecing the body in Ice. This difficulty has been overcome by Good's air-tight PATENT BOXES. Gold air is the medium rsod—acting as a preservative—in the warmest woatber,and for any length of time required. Likewise, bodies may be conveyed brindredisof miles with perfect safety, and In a good date of preservation. • JOHN GOOD, Undertaker, No. 921 SPRUCE Street. N. B—Lead, 3lotallio and other coffins, furnished at the shortest notice. Hearses and carriages of the best Quality. Lots, half lots, and single graves, in the different came tiptoe ; one superior lot In Mount Mortah Cemetery; one, two, three, or four hundred feet, tan be had cheep for cash, or trado. EXPREKNOBS—Dr. SANDE', JACKSON, 224 South EIGHTH Street; Dr. J. H. B. McOLELL AN, 1029 WALSH:7 Street. my9-thetuffm G AR DEN VASES. —Ornamental Terra Gotta Garden Veees, warranted to stand the weather in any climate. There vases ere made in beau tiful designs, and all sizes, from 1 foot to 3 feet high, with a .variety of pedestals ' round and sonars, from 1 foot to 4 feet high. No decorations add so much to the natural beantlee of a Garden, and at so little cost, as a ,few Vasa, filled with flowering plants. Illustrated Cata logues sent by mall on application. 8: A. HARBISON, .aglB-tf 1010 0111CBTlilrf Otreet. fIOTTON SAIL Tarox. 'AND 0- - Na vAB, of all nnmbers and brands. Daven'e Duck Awning Twills, of iAI deeoriptioni, for Tents, Awnings, Trunks, and Wagon Covers. • Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, RosatO feet wide. Tarpauling, Bolting, Bail Twine, do. JOHN W. MI/ERMAN A 00., 01711-tf 102 JON= Alley. JOHN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTION e/ tens, Rea. 232 anS 2E4 MARE= West, 13ALN OF FRENCH DRY QOODS. ON MOND 5,11 MORNING, Joao 38, on boar months' cm:lR M packages Frond', Gonna% Swint, and Brittob dry goods• SAVE OF ROOTS AND BROILS ON TUESDAY MORNING. Juno IT, on four months' credit. i,opo packages boots and shoes. SALE OF DUI GCKIDS ON 'F BUBSDAY 15101 NING, Jnne ID, on roar months' credit 000 peaegee Britten, French, and Arnericandry Goode. SALE OF OARPETINGS. ON. FRIDAY MORNING, • Jane 20, on tour months' credn -800 pieces velvet, Bmseole, Ingram, and Veneden =- peeing., instthige. &a A RMY CLOTHING AND -141137 - AGE 014101 s: TWELVT.II d'SD GIBA.IID STREETS, PHILADELPHIA; June 11, 1862. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until WE D- T ESDAY. 18th inst., at 12 o'clock IL, for furnishing, at the Schuylkill Arsenal, one thousand (1,000) Hospital Tents and Pike, to be of army pattern; the Tents to he made of 28X-inch duck, 12. ounce; the Flies of 283(-inch 10-ounce duck. Also, one thousand (1,000) sets Hospital Tent-poles. Bidders can bid for Tents complete, 9i eluding Poles, or separately for either, or for any portion orthe Tents or Tent. poles. Proposals will be endorsed, " Pro potals for Hot past Tents, " or " Proposals for Hos pital Tont-poles," and addressd to riITY. OF 'CHARLESTOWN BACIIIISETTS.L=SeeItd Prop pals will blirisollited by tte Water Commissioners of the City of Charlestown. until JUNE 30th, for . laying. in raid City acid on the line of their Water Worts, about 21 miles of CAST-IRON PIPER. Plans of the work can be seen, and informs. lion concerning said work be obtained, at the olLce of the Eceinrer or Wider Commissioners, Charlestown. Copies of specl2cations and contract, and forms of pro posals, will be sent to potties desiring to make bids for the work, on their making application ior the same to the Water Commissioners. Bonds, with - Sm eties, will be required frcm parties contracting. The Comtnielion ere T °servo the right to accept that proposal which, ender all circumstances, they shall cossider most favorable to the interests of the city, or to reject all propaeals of fered. Nor Water Commlesionere, ' EDWAED La WEENCE. Chairman. C. L STEVENSON; Chief Engleeer C. W. W jel2-10t CITY OF CHARL.ESTOW.N, 'MAS EAOIIIISETTS.—The Water Commissioners of the City of Charlestown will receive prop-sale for making, dilivcring, and laying on the line of their distribution piper, One Hundred and Forty FIRE HYDRA afT.I. In making prososals for the same, parties must include the Hydrat t Pipe, the Bond, the ll%drant, Frairtia, Covets, sod all appurtenancee connected therewithOsx renting the tunneller in main Veal. They must at:restate the price at which they will lay and connect the Hydrant pipes with the branches in the Haim end perform alt tbe work Junkiest to placing-the Hydrants In petfect or der for use, Including delivery and all trenching or other digging. Parties meting proposals must accompany them with designs of the style of Hydrant they propose. These designs must be drawn to scale, in detail, so as to admit of their being readily understood. Tim total amount. of 4.inch Hydrant Pipe required is about Ileveullundred (1,100) feet. Hee of Nozzle 23i inch, a ith sufficient size of Hydrant to admit of increasing diameter of nozzle to 4 inches, without removal of Brant. Proptards will also be received for shout One hundred and Sixty STOP COCKS, of the following sizes: 76 of 66 of 6-inch, 74 of 8-inch, 2 of 10-iocb, 3 of 16- inch,iof 14-inch. The proposals for Stop Cocks to In clude every essential casting pertaining to the same and the delivery of all Cocks or Castings et . each -places in Charlestown as the Engineer may - from Limo to lime direct- Designs of the styles proposed for to be presented at same time as bid. Plans of Dis tribution. Pipe, showing positions of Hydrants and Stop Cocks, can be seen at the office or the Engineer or Water Commissioners. all.deslgas most he sent to the Engineer, on or before JUNE 30th, 1862. The Coin ihissioners reserve the right to accept er reject any of the pronOrale offered., For Water Commissioners, EDWARD L 4WRESCE, Chairmen. C. L. STEVENSON, Chief Engineer, C. W. W. jel2-10t I)ROPOSALS FOR GUNBOATS NAVY DISMAY/MST, JIIII6 4. 1862. TOE NAVY DE PA RTatENT will, until the 23d day of June, 1862, receive propositi one for the cou et motion and completes quip:tient of double-bowed side-wheel gunboats, rudder at each end, fore. and. aft schooner rigged, the load dranghtof which is not to exceed nix feet, and the speed to be not lees than thirteen knots for ten consecutive hours in smooth water when leaded, cerrying coal for five days' conanmptien at that epee& The engines to be single, and either beam, half beam, or inclined ; the Wheels to be oyes bung, and the guards made as shortfore and aft 113 practicable. The vowel to be built of the beet materials, to be iron strapped, copper butt bolted. and sheathed with twenty four-ounce yellow metal ; . tbe bulwarks to be rifle-proof, atd of plate iron. The armament to be ono pivot gun at each end, weighing six thousand pounds each, and (oar 24. pounder howitzers In broadside. The reesel is to be delivered at a navy yard within four months of date of contract, complete in every respect for naval cruising, and ready for her of sad crew, ex- ChM ing only the armament, ordnance stores, fuel for ma chinery, provisions, and anchor' and cables. To be tit led and supplied iu accordance with naval neves, and the terms and conditions thole meal in naval contracts. Partial proprolrg will oresent their own plans, specili , cations and models. The price 'gated must include the vessel with•macliinery and equipments complete, as above aprcifted. No To °position oil! be considered unless from patties actually engaged In the construction of vessels and .ma c6auts7. je7•aw4t PROPOSALS FOR CAN NO N. PROPOSALS will be received by the War and Navy Departments until' tha 23d day of June,l362. for the fabrication of the following heavy cannon—viz : 1. XV.inch smooth hire, not to exceed 60,000 pomade in aeigbt. 2. Xll•inch rifle, to'be of the tame exterior form sand proportional weights ea the XV-inch smooth b3re gun. The length of the guns over alLare not to vary essentially from standard guns of ssmecalibree—viz: about 16 flat. 8. The ship guns to he constructed with a pronandr.- ranee one- sixteenth of the weight of the 'deco, and to have a cat-cable for an elevating screw. 4. The fortress suns to bave ratchets for elevating, but to he without preponderance, as in the case of the new pottern Columblads 5. The bra gun of each kind to stand a proof of one thousand rounds wish a charge of powder of one fourth the weight c.f.the shot for the XV- inch, and one fourth for the XII-inch. The shot for the X Cr. itich gun to be net lees than 460 pounds in weight, and to have an Initial velocity not less than 1,500 feet ; end for the X rifle not lees than 500 pounds, 'A ith an initial velocity not lees than 1,300 feet. 6. Should the WO guns piss the prescribed proof and inspection, each branch of the service will contract for twenty cf each kind, to be made precisely like the trial Ann in every respect' provided, that each gun etends a woof of one hundred rounds with service charges. 7. Should the trial guns stand the required proof, the Government will pay the expense attending the proof and for the gone. .Sbould they tail to do so, the coste, with the exception of the powder, will fall on the contractor. 8. Ihe price for each gun is to be st4ted, and the pro ponds are to be accompanied by sketches showing the form, dimensions, and eslcnlottd weiett of the gnus, and likewise the mettrial proposed to be used in their Coll ett Intim. 9. The time of completion for inspection of the trial cotopletion of tharetir at‘: •- .1,144 • •.1 for the 10. The Government rescrves the right to r..jact any or all the proporsh if not satisfactory. 11 Proposals should be addtersed to the is Navy De varmint," and be endorsed Proposals for Heavy Dune." EDWIN M. STANTON, • Secretary of War. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy. r jai'-salt • rpo PAPER DIAKERS.—The under shmed will receive Proposals at the offico of the State Printer in Harrisburg until • THURSDAY, the 12th day of June, 1862, to supply the following doscribest sized paper, (maples to accompany pr3pasalk) for the State Printing for one year from July 1, 1862045: Doublo Boyel, fifty sounds to the ream. Double Bold, forty pounds to the ream. - Bach to measure at least twenty-six by forty inches. Aud double-sized Foolscap, to weigh twenty.eight pounds per ream, and MeaSUTO at lout twenty-six by seventeen inches. Samples must accompany bids. • Those making proposals must be prepared to eve Sa tisfactory security. for the faithful performance of the contract; and the right is reserved to reject all bids not satisfactory in price and I =plea. The paper must be furnished in such qusntlties and at such times as required by the Superintendent of State Printing. • T. T. WORTH,. Soporintoodint of State Printing. IEARRISBORO, May 9,1862. ' myl7-ewSt 'UNSEAL AGENT T ARRANT'S zr.TERVESOENT' T . SELZER APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine has unlyereettp lei Delved the most favorable recommendations of the • )lIDrOAI PROP.USSIoN and the Public ae the meet EPPICHIXT AND AGILREA.Ifti SALINE APERIENT. It may be used with the best effect in Buenai and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indiges tion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Rhein:nett° Affections, Gravel, Piles, - AND ALL CONPLALNTEI wnsti - A GRISTLE AND COOLING Arsßizza Os PUB °tenVSI IS REQUIRED. It fe particularly adapted to the manta or Traveller! by Sea and Land, Residents in Hot Climates, Persons Of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains' of Teasels and Planterewill find it n valuable addition to their Medicine Chests. It is In the form of a Powder, carefully nut up In bottles to keep in any climate, and merely require!, water poured upon it to produce a de lightful effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coun try, and its steadily ineressing popularity for a serlei of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valtiable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an intelligent Manufactured only by TARRANT *Br. NO. 276 GREENWICH Street, corner Warren rt. RENY YORK, And for gale by Druggists generally. pIIRE GEORGIA ARROW ROOT. The 'special attention of physicians At families is called to the superiority of this article. It is rapidly supplanting all other kinds, and all those who have need it give it the moot decided preference. The following extracts, from certificates in the hands of the manufac turer, "Col. IiALLOWIS," will show the high estimation in which the Georgia Arrow Root is held by those gen tlemen of the medical profession who have fully eg. andned it. rar Ons pound, &2X cents, or two pounds for el. Complete instructions accompany each package, show ing how to make the most delicious articles for the table. FOR BALE, WROLESALE AND RETAIL, AT , /BED'S. BROWN'S DIMI AND ORICAIICAL STORE, N. R. COB. of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, PHILADELPHIA.' have examined and prepared some Arrow Boot, manufactured by Col. Hallowed, of Bt. Mary's, Georgia. It hap the beet quality of that variety of Weeds I have met with, being ennerior to any Bermuda, or other Ar row Boot I have aeon. • aLIITEN CAPSULES 0I PURE 00D-LIVER OIL. The repugnance of moat patients to OOD-LIVIB 011,, and the inability of many to take it at all, has in duced various forms ,14::t disguise for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Borne of them =ewer in special cases, but more often thelvehlcla neutralizer the urinal effect of the OD, Proving Quite a a mpslatable and of leas therapeutic valve. The repug nance, nausea., 80., to Invalids, induood by disgust of the Oil, Ix entirely obviated by the use of our (JAPSULEE. 00D-LIVEB OIL CAPSULES have boon much mai tritely In Europe, the experienoo there of the goodire 'mho from their nee in both Minas' and private practice, *aide from -the naturally suggested eivantagoa, are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we de for them, feeling assured their use will malt In benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by SALES BY AUCTION PROPOSALS. G. R. OROS:SUN, 'Dints Quartermaster General MEDICINAL BABIUDA JACKSON, H. D., "University of Pennsylvania." nah29-stuth3to WYETH & BROTHER, _ aeo-tt 1411 'WALNUT Street, Phlladelghhi SALES BY :AUCTION 14 THOMAS & SONS, Mate Noe. 130 end 141 Son& 701131 TH Street. 07 - PrIILIO SALES REAL. ESTATE AND STOOK3 AT Tin EEC U 4 NGE EVERY TUESDAY. . . Petnehh4 Cat Manes, co: taining Init dwcriptiona, • P*l. f , Alttr) V yttovione [ft each fah.. FURNITIIRE, at the Auction store, every Thurs day morning. or BEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE.—We have a large amyl:diet rei.l estate at private sale; in cluding every description of city and cotmiry property. Printed lists may be had at the Auction Store. REAL ISTATE BA*LE-J11...E 17 Peremptory SaIe—VALUABLE COIL LANDS— Our sale 17th June will include 7 tracts coal lauds, Brasil Top township. Penna. JONES' HOTEL.—The valuable Drbpertv known as Jones' liotrl, enoth Fide of Chestnut street. between olxiti and Feventli, 58 toot six inclose on Cheetnnt street, 235 fen in depth, and 51 feet 8 Inches oo Ssnsotn etrnet. The bolldlne is font stories high. ard for many yearn kept as a firid-closs bete , . Io one of the brat mitered on Chestnut street, adinininz end ooposlte splendid stores. 7 Trams Broad T• p Coal Lance TIMER-STORY BRICK DWELLING, 1517 Cherry Oren. TBRER-STORIE BRICK DWELLING, 1311 Cos tcv strerc. FOUR-STORY BSI- K BUILDING, llTlltreo Alley. 'DLER-STORY BRICK DWILLTSG, 15&7 Stites street. TIIIIME-STORY TIRICK DWELLING 220 Virginia atrvet . It THREE-STORY BRICK HAVELI;INOS, norek Second greet, Phillip Ati rent, &c. Aho, a tang.' nm , unt..f iitocka. &c. ar Lee Pnnlyh!et Catalognan nawzrady. BEAL ESTATE SALE-JUNE, 24 Orphans' Court Sale—Et.tate of John Sinith, dac'd.— Twir.tvE PLO PERTIRS, including a valuable Market Store. Orphar•s' Court Sae—Tatate of Alm. Afitchell. dec'd. Execntors Sah.—Estate f.f Mary Corm-)I, decesse.d.— TERY.E D WY.L.LIN OS and STORM. • REAL ESTLIT. SALE—JULY 1. Orphans' Co;irt. Salo. !lento of John W. Coteninn, detcescd. REAL ESTATN BALE--3ULY t • Drifting , Court We—llatate of eamut4 Miller, doled Sale N 0.1816 Vine Street . . HANDSOMR 7 URN MEIN R, noOlcoisr, 1 71CLVET O/kRPRTS, be. ON TUESDAY MORNING. Jona 17, at 10 o'clock, by catllogite, at No. 8M Vtue street, the handsome parl-,r, dlning•ronm, and chambee furniture, bookcase, fine velvet carpets, china nod glow- Ware, &e. Akio, the kitchen furniture. 'Execator'a 'able. STOCK OF SUPFRIOR CHAIRS Oh THURSDAY ATORICTNO, At the Auction Store, by older of the Executor's of the late Joseph Snyder. about 75 dozen superior caned and ru•b seat chairs, lounges, settees, rocking chaits, store stools, dc. REP" The entire (deck wait tr.annfactnred As ?Sr. Snyder, expreenly for retail sake, of well- beaaoned materials, and sontyior finieb. Nair May be examined anq time pitvicant to the vale. DoIT.TP FORD & CO., AUCTION BEES, NS MARKET and /022 . COMM/MON Sta. SALE or 1,000 OASES BOOV, SHOE/3, ARO 6A NS, &c. ON MONDAY DIORNTIOG, June 16, at 10 o'clock, precisely, will be sold, by cata logue. 1,000 cases mons' boys', and youths' calf, kip, and groin boots ; calf and brogans, Congress indtera, Oxford ties, walking ,boos, &a.; woolen's, mixes', and 011Si:ran's calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco beefed hoots and oboes, gaiters, olistsars, &c., including a largo assortment or first-clew city. 'made gOoda arir Open for oxamination, with catalagnes, Etatir 'ea the morning of sale. BAILIE. or 1,000 OASFA" Some, SNOW, AND intowais. ON TUUNSDA.Y 31ORNING, June 19, at 19 o'clock, prsolseig, will bo soli, by caUdetrue, 1,100 cases men's, boys', and youtlo' calf. kip, and grain heats: calf end kip brogans, Congress gaiters, o.%V.rd end Scotch ties, women's mwsev, and children's calf, kip. goat, kid, usorneer, and enamelled heeled boots and ohms. gaiters, sonar.', Catkins. &c. Included In gale will be found a large assortmtmt of first-class city-made goods. 11Fr Goode open for examination, with oatalocuse, early on the moraine of age. . 11 \ :SA t asZaTZPIT 87RXIIT SPECIAL SALE nv FRENCH LACE POTNTEI, MAN. TILLAS, AND BOURNDUS—Tnis %EMU§ Imports tlon—For the best City Retail Trade ON TUESDAY MORNING. :Noe l7th, SCO rich, new style, TACO 0 , 041, conxi.ting of -new style rich French lace Pienntonitotg. do do points Echerpe. do • do hournoto. do double nhowli. do mantles. with pelesinee do high cost rea! pasha law points pA_NCOAST & WARNOCK, TIGNEEES. No. 218 MARKET Stmt. LADLE Pos . "TivE sum OF ALIEBITIAIT AND IMPORTED DIFY GOODS, RIBBONS MILLINERY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES. Oro.. by Owtalogne, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Jai:mat, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. STOCK OF 'LAI IRS' Pas Neil FURNISKING GOODS. OK WEDNESDAY, Jane 18, consisting, in part, of real French embroidered drones, night and dreFsing gowns, ekirts, cam, sets, barenoa, cliffs, chemises. liana cambric handkerchiefs, comprising vary rich and high coat goods, imported for beet city sales. • MOSES NATHAN& AUCTIONEER AND 0034775t310N1180R&A2, Northers' corner of SIXTH and NAOS Streak. GREAT BARGATNS = WATGR ES AND JEWELRY ' - AT PRIVATE B.ALE. Floe add and ether lever, le pine. Xnglisb. SVIIIN and French watches -for test t half the usual selling pricer. Watches from one do to one hundred do/Ines each Gold chains trona 40 to cents per dwt. PiRDOB cheap. TAKE NOTICE The highest posalble price is loaned cm pcods at Wane' Principal A'siab/ishmeni, sontheaet carats Blxth and Barn streets. At lesat one-tAird not. Ms. may other establishment to this city. NA.TRANW PRINCIPAL MONEY REPTAPIAN- 260,000 TO LOAF.. In lasgopr small amounts, from ono dolls to Monsen:4g, on diamonds, gold and silver plate, 'Ratchets, /weiri? merchandise, clothing, fora:tures bedding, ;Lanai, gal goals of every description. LOANS MADE AT THE LOWEST MARKET BATHS. Tbi. eetabliabment bait largo fire and thief-woof sefett, foe els safety of valuable goods, together with a private Widahman on the premises. NOTABLIMED FOB THS LAST 80 !TABS. ALL TABU LOANSS NADI AT TM% MI 4 . PEINOIPAL INSTABLISIIMENT." CEUBGES GEBATLY RSPIIMID. SHIPPING „ a mp . FOR NEW YORK-THIS DAY-DESPATCH AND SWIIPTSIIMI LINES-VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. Steamers of the above Lines will leave DAILY, it 12 and b P. M. • • . . For freight, which will be taken on encoo.-."'- 4 •1 4 terms, apply to. Wer. nAiPe , 1 : . lAl _ l3 xwARE Avenue. TOSTON AND — Patia.o.4„. ISO PHIA STEAMSHIP LINE—From PISS - Street, Philadelphia. and LONG Wharf, Boston, &c. The eteamaiip SAXON, Captain Matthewe. will OEM from Philadelphia for Sdaton on SATURDAY, Jane 14, a' 30 o'clock A. M., and from Eaton for Pkuladelphts or MONDAY, Juno 0, at 4 &dock P. M. Inenrance one•balf that by sail yooeSs. treight taken at fair rates. Bhinwrs will please send bills lading with their goods. Tor freight or 'passage (having fine aceonesiodsilowe for passengers), apply to HENRY ViriV3oll it 00, a32SOV gal& THE IIItITISH AND NOBTa AZARBIOAN ROYAL MAIL WAWA- 11111Y8. ruem NEW TONIC TO LTYMB,POOL. • • • Chief Cabin Passage Iris . 9eoond Cabin Passage 111 . I FROM BOSTON TO LITZIWOOL. Chief .Cabin Passage $11.15 Beyond Cabin Passage The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Met NW. bor. SCOTIA, Capt. JndklnL (CHINA. Capt. Anderson. PERSIA, Gapt:Lott. %dtk, OW. Cook. SRABIA, Capt. J. Stone. EUROPA, Cant. J. Loltob. ODTA. E.0.m... 'CANADA, Capt. Muir. AMERICA, Capt. Moodie. 'NIAGARA, Capt. A. Rye AII9TRAL ASIAN. nom vreaele carry a clear whits light at moat-heed . iNaen on starboard bow; red on Dort bow, SCOTIA, Judlcins, leaves N York, Wednesday, June L EUROPA, Cook, i• Boston, Wednesday, June IL 1 PERSIA, Lott, "i N. York, Wednehday, June 18, AFRICA, Shannon, Boston, Wednesday, Jane 25. eltrNA, Andnrson, N.York, Wodnenday, July N. ARABIA. Moodie, " Boston, Wednesday, July 9. SCOTIA, N.T • rk, Wednesday, Judy 16. Berths not secured until paid tor. An experienced Burgeon on board. The owners of those ships vs - R1 not be egooun'zble tag gold, Silver,' Specie, Jewelry, PludOlisi Stating or M.etais, unless bins of lading are signed thereim., wag the value thereof therein expretoel. Tor p apply to B. OTIZABB BOWLING OBEEN. Nay. Tait. N. O. & J . G. B&TICII, 108 STATE Street, Boston. T .ON.DONNXIEELBITION—RETURN Ai %ukase so Lonsos aro BASE: Fliadaaa $l6O. Becclsl des 64). WEEKT,Y COMMITITIOA TION BY STEAM BETWEEN isrow YOP.E. AND umisooL, calling at (panto- TOWN, (Ireland ) ) to laud sad embark peasengere sad deeratehee. The Livened, Rem York, 1.2,6 Philadelphia Stead- Mdp Oeniyany's splendid 017de-built Iron strew FOOSEIC• alas are intended to sail as follows F/1076 NEW YORK vat LPTIORPOOL. CITY OF 8ALT1810RE...... Saturday, May 31, 1342. KANGAROO Saturday, June 7; 1862. CITY OF NEW YORK.-- . Saturday, Jane 14, 1862. CITY OF WASIIINGTON....Soturday, Jane 21,1863. And every Saturday throughout the year, from nu No. 44 N. B. EAT= OF PASSAWS THROUGH YBODI YHILADELYIIIA. Cabin, to Queenstown, or Liverp001...._.......... SDI Do. to London, via Liverpool WM Steerage to Qnoenstown, or LiverpooL.„..., - RV Do. to Londeh ping Do. Return tickets, available for Mx months, front Liverpool ON Yclaterlere forwarded to Havre, Parls, Hanskistrit, Bremen, and Antwerp M through tutee. Ciertilicates of weep issued from Liverpool to Nov York ...•••• St* Gertilicatee of passa g e lensed from Queenstown to Hell York . . . SOS Theee steamers have superior sooommodations for ipso- Minters, are construeted with water-tight compartments, 5r..i carry ergs - Jena:4 Burgeons. roe ired Alt„ or passage, apply at the °Sloe of the Gm- Penr, .10113' G. DAL'S, Agent, 111 Walnut greet, Philadelplite, Is Limp: l ol, 10 Wm. Mimi, Tower Building. In Miaow, to WX. INMAN, 16 Dixon Orme. w r is t FOR NEW YORK. NNW DAILY LINE, via Delaware as" Raritan awed. • Philadelphia and New York Zxpr•3o Steamboat Char puny receive freight and leave dolly at 2 P. Id., dellfeillr- Ing their cargoes In New York the following day. freights taken at re asonab M. le Mee. W P. OLYDIII, Agent, No. 14 SOIITII WHABVIIS, Dtdiadetpldli. JAMES BAND, Agent, • anl-tf Piers 14 and Di NAST lITYRD. New York. EXPRESS COMPANIES. THE ADAMS E%• a Rpm PHEW COMPANY, °Moe EN CHESTNUT Street, forwards Pane* Paokagee, Mar-' chandise, Bank Notes, end BrooClB, either by its own lines or In connection with other Express Cionagardeli, to • IL the principal Towns and Chios of the United. Sham, E. 13. SAM:IIMBMy tato Gaiter& Poeerloteadaet.• TENT -MAKERS' CHEERY TENT— BUTTONS and SLIPS, United States pattern, Aik eels at J. P. HEED'S, Southeast tarots' or THIS.. TEENTA and NOEL& Streets, Phdaastptala. tny2d4m*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers