SPEECH OF SENATOR COWAN, OF PENNSYLVANIA, •• In the U. S. Senate, June 3, 1361, AGAINST .TDE PROPOSED TAX ON COAL. Mr. COWAN I nm Instructed by the Comm!a.° On I'lu►nce, to report an ausentlntrnt to she seventy-drat sec• ou the 86th Inge, striklusi out the seventeenth, eighteenth. end nhietrenth Ilues. to these words : On anthracite coal, except euch se is known In the sre#e as pre cool, fifteen cents Prr ton i on bituminous coal, one-sigh:li of one cent per bushtl.” dad in lien thereof ineerting : *• on ell mineral coal, except such as is known in' tbo trnde as pea coal, three and one bait cents per ton " Thus ameodmout le suggested for several resents; the fleet t f whloh le, that it would be next to Imeowdble t) levy and collect the tax imposed by the bill al it came _ from the Home. lit mike, s great distinction between anthracite mud bituminous 1:1011h1, imposing fifteen cents a ton upon the one, end but three and a bre cents a ton upm the other. Now, it eo hsppeas thet gloat deal of the coal of the Penney Lennie coal fields par takes of the ohmmeter of both of them kinds, baying too much bitumen in it to too called anthracite, and 'Mont half enough to entitle it to the appellation of bituminous. It fe, therefore, known In the trade tut semi• bltutninons coal : and nobody could toll, as the bill now stands,-what tax should bo lovh d upon it. But tiara are able other varie ties besides these, as will be evident from a brief state ment of tboir several characteristics. • Coal may extet In three forms; gelid, as in' anthracite oal, fluid, asID petroleum or rook 011, 'and RIIIOOUI, 31 oarbnreled hydrogen, which is the common Illuminating sus, or it may exist with an or any of these in combina tion. Anthracite ;outsios neither oil nor gai—it is c yke in sits—le found in mountainous nod mm,' thatricti, generally along the line of the grottiest dlatureaoco,and of course whei eit Watt more exposed to the subterranean force causing the °phoned'. This foroe WAS beat. and it teems to have bran so great as to char or cook the ma nna. beds of nntliracite into coke, driving off, by the roasting process, all the oils. gases, or other volatile mat ters originally in combination with therm The semi. bi taminous aired° bare not been subject. d to each a severe . . . ordeal, and the bitumfunua Lave been still leas affected by the unbolting lutco ; indeed, in most ca of the lat.er base beet] Hied tine) equably nod gently that the beds retain a petition Lowly horizontal, and some of them may be trserd above and nearihe surface 1w long din. tenses--in the case of the !Pittsburg seam, hi Western Yennolvauis, for rerbapn one hundred miles. This va riety contains little oil, but It is still rich in- gat, and is used Mutest tvert where in the Middle, Southern, and Western Prates for the manufacture of that article gee which Naas the iJapitel here, I have heard, is mined frtni the Pittsburg seam, iu the county in which I r,side. Cannel told is atill another variety, containing not only pa, but aleo oil, Bud from it the cold ell of commerce h manufactured. It Mims in a clear.blaze, the ammo as a candle 'she') llghttd, whence probably Its Dams. We also Plod iu the Penn") , lentils coal field, as it Is calks, by geologists, but Which extends Into Idarylautl, Virginia, and tddo, 'Mot cavorne of pure gas tapped in boring Wad fur salt water; and, in such case, the gas, In seeking visit from its compression, forces the salt water up to the surface, thus doing the work of the •pump ; ,and alter having performed this service it is se cured Sometimes by a receiver and carried into the, fur nace as fuel to boil down the salt water. I hero corn Salt works of this kual where the gas not on'y pumped tho salt water some tire or Mx hundred feet up b the outface, hut in the furnace bad a heating timer equal to that of three tons of coal daily. Some of these gas caroms, I think, contain gas enough to light the largest cities. Petroleum or coal oil le Another element or perhaps form of cold fond I In the tame field in the fluid acute, from two to els lanedred feet below. the eranwe of the earth, probably coll. mod In great poole t or at least sato- rating the earth COUtid01111;10 arose, parbapa all (nor the field. It le obtained b} burin weds down la:o these subterranean pooh, wi slice it is pumped up mechani cally, or is brought Up by the expansive forgo of the gas, the lime as In the wells of salt water to which I have al luded. A well of thle latter kind le called a nosing well, and come of them have been known to spout forth more than one hundred thousand gllll3llB daily, or more than one hundred barrels an hour. These are the Titans or Grecian mythology, old world forces, first• born of Saturn and (inhale, who have Ratted and !mama the earth everywhere in their early ware with Jupiter. Subdued at teat, however, and icu m lamed since the t arburilit roan era beneath the mountains piled upon them. they are now at last brought out from their long captivity to be flee mighty yet obedient Sitlloi of man in hie Jom an tflbrt to reduce the earth to his dominion. We shall tee directly what some of them are doing far ne. It is enough to say, at this point, that the tax con templated tinder the dance the committee propose to strike out cannot he levied without as arpendment of come kind. The one I otT,r puts all coals upon the same footing, becauee they are ell or nearly equal value at the mouth—say ninety cents to ton, and upon this It is proposed to put three anti a heir cone, or about (our Per cent. ad valorem. which can be levied without dispute and with cirtainty. Then, things are, I think, coacin sive not only of the propriety of a change, but islo of the neceatity for it. • 'But let tut go further, and we shall find additional and still btu neer reasons going not only to show that the re duction proposed ought to be made, but that the tax ought to be abandoned altogether. I believe this is the only product of either the mine or the quern , which it is proposed to subject to a Govern ment burden; the gold of Clidifornia, Oregon, Nov Mexico, Cole: ado, and Georgia ; the copper of Michigan and Wince:Rio the lead of Illinois and Misiourt; the granite of New England, and the marble of Tennessee, are all exempt; so are lime, gypsum, and bricks. No body has thought of taxing any one of them, and yet the geld yield of California alone is three or roue times as 'Reductive as the coal yield of Pennertvents, If eetlinsted at the mines therm lvea Row comes It, then, that cod was tingled our, and enthrecito merle the subj.:et of snob an enormous imposition as that of fifteen cents a ton— equal to Matter, loud two-thins per cent. ad valorem ? Er. President, the coal misers are sa willing as any other class of our citizens to pay their share of theme nue necessary to sustain the Government, but they are not willing to be made an invidious exception to the general principle of the contemplated law. When the ilehrhed products of all other manufacturers are saddled with a Inc of three per cent ad valorem, they know no reason why they should be classed along with tit-an, and made to pay five and a half times as much at their fol- lows. Why are they cloud with maunfacturere at all 1 The question tinted forniehea all the answer which can be given it ; but waiving the absurdity of their position here, they sill agree so the rats fixed in the amendment, protesting, Ism:ever, that It were far better to forego the amount of Avenue derived from It than to embarrass the industry of the country by taxing It at all. If we consider coal u an article of fuel in warming dwelling-houses, it le an art do of prime necessity, which the poor man needs as much ree the rich, and of which he needs far more, because, although individually he may not keepso muny fires going, yet as his house is not so warm, hie clothing so sufficient, and his food so nutri tive Ms fire must be larger ; it Is to bins feed and rai ment, aawelt ns a counter check to the inolemeucy of the season and the weather. According to this bill, we levy a tax upon the lire o, the eoldier'e wife and the soldier's widow for the .benefit of a Government in defends of which the husband of one bee met death. and the other yet awaits it. Ought we now to reader the hrarth they shiver beside In winter more chilly . and desolate stilll Mr. President, in the name or the poor everywhere I protest egalist this impost as unjust and cruel Again: If uu consider the commodity of coal as an article of fuel for the purpose of generating motive power, it will be found to assume an Importance sound, • 1 think, to no other agency in the world. 'oder!, I have no Inanition In asserting that to it modern civlll gation is morn indented tbao to anything else for its wonderful progress In gratifying the wants of the masses of the people everywhere. What Is this civilization? Its simplest definition ie ae work ;" and that Is the measure of the difference be • tween the civilization of the peseta day, and the savage barbarism of ret-t ages Whits bettor iiinstration of It' than the spot whereon We stand—the capital of the nation • h and the Capitol of the Government? A little over a century ego this place was a wilderness, tenanted by idle ' 'and savage men, by idle and savage beasts, covered by an idle and impost uctive flora. How la it now? Covered by a great city, filled with monuments of art, conceived by the brain nail erected by the band of genius ; furnish ing ever/thin( which gratifies human wants or satisfies human entree; beauty, the product of thousands of pare of culture; utility, the odapringof.thousandaof years of toil and Ingenuity—are all bore, instead of har t:Kelm. Tho wild man, the wild fauna, the wild flora, are all gone, and Nature herself has been dominated by industry . the whole hes been changed by work, work slope. Not a elyn of the post hardly has been left, all obliterated by work, until art ry foot square of it la co vered now by hammer nurrke, axe nuirke, chisel mark's, dm Nobody ie idle, men or beast, but all are straggling end tolling ; even the trees are growing to order, ac— cording to the will of their master, civilised and work ing men. And who bee aided him in achieving this ettiptmdons teak more than any other agent 1 In the olden time ho invoked the wind to drive his rattle and waft his ships acme the seam but the wind was capricious and contrail-, sometimes Idle and It' must abide its time. Flo also sought the waterfall but the wetter dried aw.y at the bidding of the son to serve another use. And again It often congealed to clog his wheels in winter jest when he moat needed in aid. He turned to the horse and ex in -vain ; they ate nod drank and grew weary like himeelf with tole and his spirit wee broken and his progress slow. What he wanted arm a force which knew no weariness and never tired ; which never refined his bidding nor neglected ble orders; which In summer's heat or winter's cold was ever subservient and ready; not bursting out of hounds as the floods nor roaring uncontrolled as the wind in storms. This was the invaluable elavo ho sought and which he hoe found in that commodity known to the world as colt. And having found it, he rides steadily. and defiant of the wildest storms across wide oceans; carries enormone burdens up the sides of steep mountains as well as along level plains; site in his mills careless of climate, and Bees them moved by tine blind tiamsonof with the force of a tempest and yet the delfasey and pre. cision of clock work. Any amount of power ire wants he tan have at will nod in this country cheaper than In any other and in mailer compass. Mr. President, there is now at work on the roof of this Capitol, aiding the construction of the great dome which enemousts it, a lime arsine, coneterniug three hotshots of coal per day, worth, perhaps, thirty cents a bushel, and 1 et. air, that little engine nag the strength of twenty horses, and line up to its place all the beery ma terial needed, reedy fur the hand of the workman. And Otte will Serve to illuetrato what coal is doing every where; wherever it heavy weiget is to be lifted, a heavy burden to be canted, it is there, until at lost It will go into intimate pal tearable with men, and furnish as its share of the COIIIIIIOII stock, "power," while they furnieh et skill." But I hear Senators say to me, that in thie case the power la in the steam, and not in the coal---a great cots take, however, for the Rentals only the medium through -which the power .n the v_sibs applied to the machinery. The power itself Is testrienerated by burning the coat; beat and force ore nearly identical, and mutually con vertible into each other. When heat dieappears it evolves itself in force, and when force is expended it re appears as heat. all of which is demonstrable, and in many processes obvious to alt at first sight. Of ono thing all are now unwed : elven any amount of heat, and auy amouotof force may be had from it; and if we have any amount of force We can (Roily have any amount of beat from it. The expansive force of steam le merely the q nantity of heat Mimed' Into It, and any other eubstance as expan sible as water. end as readily condensed, would serve equally well as the medium of force, Toe quaality of work coal Won g to.day is enormous. Take the case of icon for exantp'e ; this metal exits in a rockhound, stubborn ore,) et coal wrens it out pore and molten, toys eta time; tee it it wieide the hammers and turns the rolls which mate it into bare; then it drives all the va riant; lode of machinery used in making spikes, nails, screws, and 'ail the multifarious articles manufactured from that invalnible metal. Bo of lumber; it is now sawn, planed, at d fashioned in a thousand different form ready for else; all done by coal. So, too, in tax -Ile fee bees; coal cards, and spine, and weaves (the true Her cules with a distaff), until sit tha people are clothed, the poorer sort in title country better clothed than the gentry --urope were fifty mere ago, if not better than they t to-day, But, air, it is. perha pa, In the mcane of defence this commodity futreeteee the country, In the way of trees-% variation for min. toms, and muoltioue of war, that It hos the greatest Ohba' to our consideration. ,Oan coy. Man till what It has eared coin the present war by car rying our traps ann stores trim point to point with too . greatest speed at d fecilley 1 now much has It saved he_ i n th e wa y of feed for tired and hungry brigades, if tiny bad been obliged,. as formerly, to march hundreds of Miles on foot, ; or go long voyages in selling vessels I Suppose the hones which mei, to the re cue of the Go vernment and the capital, from Minnesota, Wisconsin. Illinois, and Maine' ' bed been 'obliged to come according to the old methoda; still any manhazard the assertion that the wear and tear of these, boats, and clothes, alone would not have equalled 'the whole cost of Biter present transportation R. It henebeen cheapened by coat, to My nothing of the etelllfonnl7oss In the way of pay, rations, ' forage, wagons, and horses, resulting necessarily from so ldng and tedious a journey 'I Than the great ease and rapidity with which liege bodies of citizen soldiers can be summoned, carried, end concentrated open any given point in case of a threatening emergency. The railroad has now become a most important element in defensive war ,• Indeed, it bids fair to the fu ture to exclude the poeilbility of wars of Mealier' Mei; other, for if. all the people, even of the weakest Stet-,•; can tie gathered together almost instantly to defend the point of attack, they will, of course; be invincible, and able to beat off the neat powerful Invader. Witness., tee, the recent exploits of our heroic steam cagy ; whin giant is it that drives teem with their huge armament up against the current of rapid rivers, against winds and thief!, stopping, them under the gnus of the enemy, and these watneuvrieg them with a skill and precision un tqualled even by the ancient galleys rowed by human strength 1 That tient &gala is coal, or, what is the game thing in this country es yet, wood, regulated in its price by coal. Because, seer eit not for the supply of coal, the wend of the reentry would have been exhausted by this time.. As it now is, however, ibis entlrelremborellnatal its more peaceful competitor. -But besides all this, sir, coal is already faxed by bill In elmoat every chaps and form, end in every 'Prete.. duct into which it enters as an element. It is Wed 'hi; iron and all the various manufactures of Iron tilt) which' Banters largely ; he glass, In paper, in wool; in cotton,' gad indeed avers "hare aimed, and yet, notwithitandifig e all thise'we nod it here specifically burdened beyond, fir beyond; even Miklos of luxury. , lint when before, In any Government, wan it proposed to tax the agencies of industry, its forces, it win le, be can enta, and its water-fade 7 Tittle are the thews and sinews of nations, and -they afield! be left free as their natures are ; cheapen them if you,can by all mean, SO that the largeet product may result from their labors ;- but et.rtly they of all things ought never to hi Made dearer or liquored further from the band of thrift 'mod progress. To tax coal at ell it to me the towns'. a 3, 'going to the laborer In the meriting to tap Lim of a part of his strength for the day. ru that case would he not ear, Mid you nut bettercome in the evening and take your title out of the product of my strength 7 ,To that I will not objeet ; but the force which animates me you most not touch, a! I cannot, nobody can, estimate the effect it may have upon my ability to perform my daily task." So here, if this element of taxation is Milieu to us/n coal at the point proposed, I am not prepared to say what may be the result upon the iminstry of tit.) county generally; at the came time I am Battened that the gabs to the remote from it will be tar more that& overbAlmmyl by the lees to the industry of the people. The bill, too, as if to render the follies of it the more glaring, in the seine section charging sixteen and two-thirds per cent. upon anthlecite, charges neon “diamonds, emeralds, and other jewelry, three per cent. ad ea/Prem." Was .this done in mockery 7 It 'coke liko It, when the widow's fire la taxed more than five and a halt times as much as the jewel in a gintleman's ring. I have said, Mr. President, that I am opposed to any , tax at all upon the article in question, but that I move the amendment as the organ of the committee to which the subject was given In charge. I hope, therefore, that it will be adopted, as one step In the right direction, at hest, if we never take another. ?Or. FOSTER. Allow me to ask the Senator what Will bo the effect of this exception of pea coal ? • Air. COWAN. I will state it as I understand It. In working o coat mine there is necessarily a great deal of woke; much of the coal is broken up so smell that it Is impossible to screen it frotn the slate and of ter earths matter which gets mixed with it. This detritus Is called 64 slack," and Is thrown aside at the mine as worthless, Io the anthracite region, it appears that it •has become, to some extent, an article of comm.n.o. because it will just about Lev transportation. Tho miner gives it to sty ono who will talcs it away, and it is carried to the market and sold to the poor people under the name of pea cost;" we exempt it on that account. Mr. Pewee. And there is "dust coal," as I am In foliated 'I Mr. COWAN. /tinny be eo. lam not famillarenongh with the anthracite trade to say. I would remark, in cencloslou, Mr. President, that those who work these mined are not very well able to en dure nay additional burdens on their trade The bust: nese le by no means either cafe or profitable. because competition has reduced the profits of it quite too low, considering the risks attending it. Bring of such great ntiabt and bulk, - and the cost of carrying it entering so largely into its price, the 'slightest derangement or inter. ruption of it is tco often ruin to those engaged In it. &medians the mune mine will break up severat success ive proprietors before one Is lucky enough to eecuto such a footing for himself as will enable him to meet and to overcome the accidents which constantly bent him. This is especially the case with the trade on the groat West ern riven., where, from very low water, very high water, ice, nsd other casualties of navigation, the riske of the trade ere enough to deter any except the bold and hardy men who engage in it. To demand from them the payment of any rancid-ca ble tax before the trade is accommodat , d to the new con ditions this bill is calculated to bring about in the mar ker, will, no doubt, operate hardly upon them; but if it is anything like their fair shams they are the last men In the country - to n fuse to meet it, when the very existence of the Government is threatened. Theae are often THE CITY. THE FRESHET—GREAT DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY.—The recent hoary freehet heti causal considerable injury to property •in the suburbs of the city. During yeeterday, quite • number of stumps of freer, fence relic, and other pieces of lumber were agent down the Schuylkill, the water of which reached a good height and was very turbulent Within the city limits, however, very little damage has been done thus fir, .ailliongh apprehensions aro felt for the high tide. Seve ral of the wood wharves in . the Sev enth, Eighth, and Twenty-fourth words are overflowed, as - are ate) the meadow, in the latter wards. :Some of the coal wharves in the Fifteenth ward were also sub merged, The Fairmount water works have sustained no injury. There was about four feet ala inches of water upon the dam on Thursday night. Yester day meaning there wag considerable falling off. At Nanayunk all the mills have been compelled to 'sus pend operations. The moat of the machinery and geode which were In the lower stories were removed and there fore the damage sustained was very gllght. , The male situated upon the ricer bank are so follow.: Campbell's, Winpenny'e, Schofield's, Nixon's. Ripka's, Preston's, and two paper mills. At Campbell dt Co 'a dye-hones the vats were webbed out and a considerable quantity of dye - stuff war errimel. Al eleven o'clock on Taaradale night there wee one foot of water upon the turnpike at llama yunk, but yesterday morning the road was in the usual condition. No damage has been done the Norristown Beilread, which for some distance rune in close proximi ty to the river banks. The water in the D laware was very high yesterday, although, as for as we could ascertain, but little damage was done in the city. The mail for New York, at 6A. could not be taken scrod, the river, owing to the great height of the water. The mail ferry boat could not tin until 8 o'clock. The regular ferry boats, though re tarded, made their trips with heir regularity. The loss at some points along the Delaware wee very great, and tbo Orem, come Metal:ice shove the city, were said to have been lined with Teeple fishing for sawed lumber, lege, Sc. In the vicinity of Savage's rebind boards, plank, scant ling 'ratings Re., were stacked up to the value of se reral hunched dollars. Trees covered with green leaves, logs stomps, and trapments of fences pig-pens. sheds, and almost everything that could float were coming down at Intervale during Thursday and yesterday. Several b nits, with no captain or crew on board floated down coming it Is supposed from the Delaware Division of the 'Penn sylvania Canal which was reported to be broken below Reston. Eleven horse', the roof of a boom one or two horde-power,. and a bridge which had crossed a small stream were among the prizes of the flood. To many people this destruction of property appeared to be quite a gain en there were hundreds on the banks and in boats, constantly gathering up all that came within their 'retch. 7n Trenton the Ins; will, In tie aggregate, ha consider able, though no individual will lose much. All the mills were stopped, and some of them suffer some damage, but none to any counklerable extent. The lower stories of 'Wilson's manufactory were flooded to the depth of seve ral feet, end hie dye-house considerably injured, while the liquor in the dye.tubs le all lost. Some pieces of cloth, stretcheil on the frames on the bank of the Awn pink, were ceered, wholly or partially, with water, and ere somewhat damaged. Ills whole loss, however, will net exceed two or three hundred dollars, exclusive of the loan from stoppage of the milt, which is considerable. Cellars of bouees near the river are filled, and some dila nage will be caused by this, but nothing considerable. The water is said to Lev:Pylon so rapidly that there was little opportunity to save anything exposed near the bank, and the damage will be much larger on this ac count The total rise was about fifteen feet In less toan that number of hours. • The houses, mills, &c., along the Schuylkill, in the vicinity of Reading, suffered bud. from the flood. Along the until o river front, gardens have been overflowed; boats have been broken from their mooring •; some were soak; tho pit dug for the new gat-container was filled with water, causing much damage and delay to the com pany ; coal yards were overflovred; isuusli bridges along ibl) canal and river canted off. Among the 'print( sal sufferers along the river front, at Beading, is Benjamin Wise, whore soap faltoeY, boated above the rolling mill, was swept away. hir. lose 18 not less than $1,600. H. S. Gott ,t Co. lost salt, Ac., to the value of same S3OO or $4OO. 0. B. Bickley, beside damage to boats, loses about nine hundred sacks of salt. leant. T. James oses considerable property by the wash ing away of frame ahoy'', Ac. 3. H. Mister angers by the lassof lumber to the value or several hundred dollars. Dlr. Samuel Frees sustains considerable loss in coal, mood, Ac. Samuel Boone loses considerable fn coal and wrod. Beside these there are others who have suffered mme or less, but we have not bean able to get at the par ticulate. The water has not bon near so high etrice the Croat Freshet, and much consternation was canned, for fear the river might rico as high as then. The railroad at Port Clinton is repartsd to hero been vagina away for halt a mile, which will retard the trans portation of coal, &c. The Lehigh wee also very high, and much damage was done by its waters, which it is said will exceed that of 1541. Communication by tolegrarli and railroad is cot off, end not much la Icnown. The damage,to the canal will not, however, bo nearly eo great, owing to the greater provision made for each cases. All the bridges, no far as heard from, have boon cart led away, except the one at Easton. It is supposed that the smaller railroad bridges along the Lehigh river bare been carried away, except the use at Allentown, and the oue at Freemansburg. It is said that at least ten days will trauseire before the freight-ears at that point can be run. It in thought that tbo damage done to the canal will throw a large addi tonal business, for a Il me, on the Neill' Pennsylvania Itallreal. Mr. Samuel Thomas, superintendent of the Thomas Icon Works, lost two boat-loads of Jersey Iron ore, worth about 8600. It is feared teat the Crane Iron Works have suffered badly, the water preventing the use of any blast. But little has been beard from the Lehigh Valley Iron Works, but they cannot stiffer much. Comeitlefable damage was also . Regained at Manch Chunk. The president of the Lehigh Coal and Navigs lion Company has received adespatchfrom that place, in which it is stated that water sixteen inches deep was In the parlor of the Mansion Bowe at gyi o'clock. on Thurs day night. Guard beaks at both dams wora gone. About fifty boats from this placelost, and about thirty boat men drowned. Tho canal was swept away three quarters of 'the - Way from dam to weigh loch. One-half of lock at Packer's dam is gone. One quarter of lock at this place alio gone. All the chides are swept away except pockets at one chute. No communication op or down the river as yet. The company's storehouse and stables were de stroyed. The Mansion House WWI injured. Alt the bridges, as far as heard from, including tura-hole and 'bridge below weigh lock, are gone. The tapirs. to-navi gation in this vicinity is said to ho greater than 18.11.” A second despatch states that the guard bank at State dem is gone, and probably all the empty boats between Easton and blanch Chunk have been lost with meat or tLe men. Ten boatmen wore rescued from tbo island at that place on Thursday morning. The furnaces at Allentown, Catataugna, Hokendagna, and Copley are not materially injured. • The collector on the Delaware Division Canal, at EBBW), telegraphed yesterday morning that the water had fallen very much; that two brisk.' were reported In the five•mile level; also, that the lower natee of the outlet were gono. The bridge over the Swatara, at Mid dletown, has bean carried away, and much damage has been done to property In that vicinity. .The trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, with the malls, came to Philadelphia yesterday by the way or Beading. The Belvidere Delaware Railroad has had several mil's of its track washed away. At Bor!entown 113030 il.mage bits been antlered by the Camden and Amboy Railroad, but the New York trains will probably suffer no detention. PRESENTATION TO THE COOPER- SHOP REFRESHMENT COMMITTEE.—On Thursday even ing a committee of menthere of the Weccacoe Engine Company paid a vialt to the saloon of the Cooper-shop Volunteer Refreshment Committee, and presented thorn a handsome testimonial, in the shape at a complimentary card, written in splendid style, nod enclosed in a large ntnattontal gilt frame. It is a very neat affair, and re fl. eta great credit on the members of the Weccacoo. The following is the hit cription on the card 'Tis tho (burr of our citizens that prompts us to duty." Wacc.tcoE FIRE COMPANY, No. 19. To the Ladies and Gentlemen of the Cooper-shop Ye limiter Refreshment Saloon: The board of directors of the Weecacne Fire Company return yon their sincere thanks for the bountiful supply of refreshments served to . the company during the fire on Cbristian•etrect wharf, on Tnetday, May 13th. Sir. Carroll, on behalf of the committee of the Hrecoa roe, raid that in cam of the death of any member of the •company. all that was desired was that the frame be shrouded in the usual emblem of mourning. hlr. B G. Simpeon reviled that this would b t promptly attended to. Be would further my that in case any. of the ITI4 mbe la of the Weccacoe should be wounded in bat tle, the Cooper• shop Hospital Committee would take charge of them at any time, givin g them the bait medical, attendance and kiodeet nerving. The retnenit'.eo of the Weccecco then vL•lted the other Itt (rests:wilt Saloon, to present a similar cocnpliuontary rein, n for kindneesayincei by that association dining the conflagration already 'alluded to. • THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING AND THE OATAWISSA RAILROADS seem to litre weathered the storm of Wednesday very well. We no clerstaral the trains are running regularly on the former, and that the route through to Williamsport sad the Northwest over the latter will be open to-day. The, Reading in 'running the passenger, and freight train* of the Penneylvenla Railroad by way.of Lebanon ;Valley - Railroad to and from Harrisburg, on tite regular time, ro that there le no suspension of hard, or , trade over Pennsylvania's facori . o, her Central-Railroad: LAUNCH L POSTPONED —ln consequence 'abaci wealber,,The launch of thanewatsamor Norman, which was to have token place thin Dynnlng from ttynnYit abip yard, foot of Heed Area, has been postponed nutitTneiday next. . . .... ...,„. • FALL FROM : J .& W INDOW.—A little pia, aged two years, fell from the window of a boitedia Morris street, belew "Eighth, on Thursday ainwaddoilind was seriously Miami. She wea attended by. Dr.ltawdl rant. I. . . . • 1 AIkiNUAL EXOUIttIiON.---ThEt Beaon d . sra)..l excursion et! the Keystone fleeilßellrOlub will like place on tbilat.h instant to ebeelinit Wove. . 'ETrAmils Ai* this ' miriade, It Fie7ll44 that ttue rtsyeert this city:snOCapelidand, • ' t it' r " • •-•-•'• THE 618 T , REG fIifENT P. V.—''his ' regiment ia reported .by telegraph as from the western pert of the State. Tide is •only partially correct. The regiment wet formed and recruited at Pittsburg. but not . filled, nod after befog in service In the vicinity of Narib logien for .ome mobtba, fire COMParnell were taken from Col. hreill'e 23d Pennsylvania Regiment, belongin4 to Philadelphia, and added to the Met; PO that it will bo even that one half this regimotit are P nil trielphiana Toe reverie show it to have been' composed of as noble and breve a body of patriots se ever went forth to battle. Its gallant commander, Col. 0. 11. Rippoy, had before dietinguished• himself in the blexican war; and in more than one of the bellies of that citapaign he earhethe re putatiou of a soldier or undoubted skill andvi warm He d \ served throughout the threw-mouth, service as Route mot. colonel r f. the 7.11' Pennsylvania Regiment on the uprise Potomac. In such a contest as that of the 31st Hey, at might have been expected from hie previous history, 0.. d. Rinuey met a hero's death while leading his noble band of bravo hearts egainat the enemy. Some Idea of the regiment antlered may be known front the fact that one after another every field officer foil, that two captains were killed, and two wounded. • OUTBAGEUUS ASSAULT.—AbOUt seven o'clock, on Thursday evening, a returned sAdior, named Morrell, was attacked hi his own house in - Penn street, below South, and outrageously beaten by Michael Dougherty and his wife Catharine. Each of the as sailant' was provided with a hickory club, eighteen Inches long and about two inches wide. Moron alleges that they et:reek' him with• too clubs in several places about the heed and body. When Morrell wag taken to the station-house, his bloody appearance was revolting in the extreme. ' ills forehead presented a horrid gash, from which the blood flowed freely. Die lip was out to the chin, and his faro woe otherwise bruised and battered. Dr. Benner dressed the poor fellow's wound', and sewed up rho gashes of the forehead and lips - Dougherty and his wife had a besting yesterday :limit ing. and were sent below. The condition of Morrell was quite critical yesterday morning. His low condition precluded his giving any of the preliminary occurrences, which led to the onslaught. REWARD FOR THE MURDERERS OF BICLIARD Af. BERRY.—The Mayor has Lianed his protlamvtion offering a reward of SAO for the arrest . of the cowardly ruffians who so brutally murdered an un. offending citizen, Mr. B. M. Berry. It is to be hoped that the offer of the reward wilt hove the effect f brio t tog theta nieli to inetice, mid to their justy doom, the scaffold. birch men bore long enough indulged. thsm. solves to insulting unprotected females, and it is now time ttat a terrible example bo made of such ruffians. Mr. .Rertra Only offence was the wearing of decent clothes, and doing the act of a gentleman in interfering to rorome f.male . from the gr sap of a set of cowards If a more disgraceful death than hanging could he devised it would be too honorable fer such men. DROWNINCI OASES.—Yesterday morn ing the body of an ruilmuwri white man was found In the Delaware, at Callowhill• street wharf. Re was howcity built, and had sandy whiskers and hair. Ire was distilled In bluo overalls a/x(I4WD. duck pants, black sitk vest, and black coat. ; In one of the .pockets of•the deceaaed was a bill horn D. J: Kollock, undertaker, for the burial of a child. The bill was made ant in the name of Samuel McPherson. Another drowned wtite man was found at Shippen !street wharf, Delaware. The deceased wore heavy whiskers, partly gray, and bad a black shade over one of his even. He was clad in dark clothes. Inquests were held in both cases, Verdict, found drowned. IDENTIFIED.—TIIO body of the man roithd In the Schuylkill, on Thursday afternoon, has boon identified as that of ()balks I. Themes. He was about twenty-five Years (A age, and resided is the First ward Ito has been 'missing since the beginning of Febrnary last. • el MARSHAL'S . SALE.—The sale of the Cargo of the price echooner Lida ha. been ordered by Judge Cadvalader. • The carko consists of load, coffee, drugs, &e. The judge has also ord,red the sale of the prize sloop Coquette, to take pine.) on the 7th instant. THE DEFENCE OF THE CITY.—The expenditnree of the Committee on Defence nail Protection of the City for the part week were $641. PHILADILPHIA , BOARD CH TRADE. GEORGE N. TATHAM, Bt NJ . BSTIALL, Costuirne 07 TIM MONtlf JAMIE R. CAMPBELL, ' LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Sbip Itolyhead, Cole Liverpool, soon Bark C G Ryerson, Robbins, Belfast, Ireland, soon Bet k Union, Heard Pernambuco soon Bark Amy, Banenond Barbados: aeon Brig Mount Vernon, Pike • • • •1110 de Janeiro, woe Brig 0 11. Jordan Bayous, soon Bar Fannie, Vance Behr Eveline, Yorke t:ciOIM :in lQiio ei: , Nl6) :1 PORT OF PHILADELPHIA...3IOw 7i 1862. BUN BUBB .4 88-411:1111111T . B. 724 HIGH WATER ' • ' • 942 ARRIVED. Mir Lewis Mnlford, Doyle, 6 days from Beaufort. NO, in ballast to Tyler. Stone & CO. OLILABED Berk Cordell*, Roberts, Rio de Janoiro, F A Godwin. Brig Judge Disney, Coombs, Hey West, E A Souder Brig Samuel Small, Haskell, Kennebunk, do Bohr L Mulford, Doyle, Fortress Monroe, Tyler, Stone & Co. Behr H B Belmont, Williams, Boston, L Audenried & Co. Behr C A Heckschr, Stable', Boston, do Ei3MMMM3 (Dorresnondenee of the Philadeiphla Exchange.) LEWES, Del., Juno 6 The bark Old Hickory, from Belfast, and the Sarah - Mills from-, paned in this morningi also, a steamer hating three prizes in tow. Yours, &o. JOHN P. MARSTIALL. MIGMOBANDA. Brig Martha Anna, Chase, from Cardenas, sailed from Newport 4th inst. for PLiledclphia , . with . her cargo of molasses. Bark ICrica, Nasien, hence, arrived at Cork 20th ult. Bark Washington Butcher Collins, from Matanzas, Sailed from Queenstown 28d lift. for Liverpool. Bark Daniel, Staples, for Menton and Philadelphia, was loading at Marseilles 19th ult. Bark Clarence, Armstrong, hence, arrived at Liver pool 23d ult. Burk D C Murray. Van Name, salled'from Key West 28th nit, for Matanzas. Brig G T Ward, Briggs, bends, arrived at Tralee 20th Brig Jacob Dock, Thompson, for Cardenas, sailed from Key West 28th Brid Redwood, Miller. sailed from Newport 4th intik' for Havana, via Philadelphia. Brig 7iheria•, Lecoq, sailed from Marseilles 19th ult. for St Thomas. Schr Diadem, Black, sailed from Newport 4th inst. for Philadelphia. Scbrs Jas Neilson, Burt, from Taunton, arid Mail, Bel ly, from Providence, both for Philadelphia, sailed from Bristol 4th inst. Behr Martha Collins, Shourds, from Providence for Philadelphia, went to sea from Dutch Island Harbor 4th lash:tot. ' Behr bf Tilton, '1 ilton, sailed from Kew West 28th tilt. for Philadelphia. Behr Minerva, Brooks, cleared at New York sth last. for Philadelphia. Schr Frank Herbert, Parker, hence for Boston, at N York sth inst. Schr Rebecca Dexter, Lynch, at Now York sth inst. from New Castle, Del. Selirs Anita Damon, Haskell, and Caroline Grant, Preseoy, hence, arrived at Boat= sth inst. Schr Sylvester Gleaner ! Thompson, nence, arrived at Newburypert 4th lust. Behr Mary D Cranmer, Cranmer, hence, arrived at Sa kin 3d inst. Srhr H W Godfrey, Weeks, sailed from Salem 3d inst. for Philadelphia.. Saw rhos Potter, Rackets, hence, arrived at. Tall River 3d inst. .Schr Wave. hence, arrived at Plymouth let inst. F*A ;4 ' , 4* - I[ll.olo OVA 0 EXPRESS TO ATLANTIC The Philadelphia Local Express Company, Office 26 :South FIFTH street, run two daily lines forwarding Packages. Bagg.ge, and Freight of every description. Goods called for in all parts of the any by leaving orders at our Office. Baggage checked through. je3.6t* THE ADAMS EX PBEBB OOMPANT, Office 11111 ORBSTNTIT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Reit ehandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its ova Lines or in connection with other Express Oompanles, $0 ail the principal Towne and Ohio of the United Stahl 1. S. SANDFORD, feDi General finnerintendant LABOR-SAVING MACHINE. CLOTHES-SAVING DIAOHINE. TIBIN-BALVINO MAORINE. Haley, Norm., &Boyden i e Clothes Wringer eaves labor time, and clothes, and is an improvement whirl drill most certainly be generally adopted. It le self-adjusting, simple, and durable, and is far waterier to every other device for the purpose intended. Over five hundred hove been sold within the last thirty days in this city. Na family should be without one. They are warranted to give perfect satisfaction. • For Bale by L. E. SNOW, at the Office of JOY,M Cl),. & northerat • earner FIFTH and 011109 • streets. Orders freak the Country promptly attended tar.. mO.O -/In • • , • . . . . meragisswo CYRUS HORNE, UNDER TAKER, No. 23 North ELEVENTH Street.—Everything pertaininito funerals furnished with great care, at the shortest notice, and on the moat liberal terms. Thelatest and most approved Metallic Buried Cares and Lead Coffins, very desirable to persons oho have lost their friends in the army, or otherwise, who may wish their bodies conveyed a distance. my2l-welit* N. B.—Undertakers supplied at a liberal discount,. MANY EFFORTS HAVE BEEN made to preserve the form and featuree of the dead, without the usual mode, so repugnant to the feel ings, of placing the body in Ice. 'fhte diflicnity bits been overcome by Oood'e air-tight PATENT BOXES. Cold air is the modhun used—acting as a preservative-41k the warmest weather, and for any length of time required. Likewise, bodies may be conveyed hundreds of miles with perfect safety, and in a good state of preservation. JOHN GOOD, Undertaker, No. 921 SPICUOB Street. N. B—Lead, Metallic and other coffins, furnished at the shortest notice. Hearses and carriages of the best Quality. Lots, half lots, and eingle graves, In tho different ceme teries; ono auperior lot in Mount I&Orlah Cemetery; one, two, three, or four hundred feet, can be bad cheap for cash, or trade. Itzrzeznogs—Dr. SAMUEL JACKSON, 224 Sarah KIOIITII Street; Dr. J. If. B. IffcGljE LL AN. 1029 WALNUT Street. myo-thata3m L.ATTPS CELEBRATED ITALIAN CREAM will positively remove TAN, FRECKLE% SALLOWNESS, SUNBURN, PIMPLES, and all erup tions of the face ; giving a beautiful healthy glow and' rosy color' to the cheeks, fo much desired by tvel7 one. In short, it riasERVICS THE FRESHNESS or YOUTH, removing all WRINKLES, and 'giving a soft, smooth appearance to the face, and a brilliancy tothesekin that is surprising to all. , It is an article that is - INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY LADY.• . . . . •llnwarde of 1,000 BOTTLER PER DAY are now sold in Philadelphia alone, and the demand Is daily Increas ing. Price 25 cents per bottle. Bold by Si.' B. S. NATTI dr Co., Manufacturers and Proprietors,- • No. 621 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, - - And by the following agents in Philadelphia: J. N. Caaaetberry, No 45 N. Eighth street', Andrew Taylor, druggist, cor. of Ninth and Chestnut streets; N. ftrad- Sold, N 0.802 Arch street; F.V. Barrett, O. 984 N. Second street', Elise liocher, Seventh and Goatee streets; N. L. Adams, N. W. cor. of-Marshall and Girard aye.. nue •; and by druggists and dealers in Fancy Goods ite neraily. Agents wanted in ovary town end village of the llnitsd States and Ostudes: • • • ni723-tf OPENING .011 .A . :I3I.IIAMER GA 1- emdlielpied beg' leave to inform gm publio that he beg opened for the season his PINE CAR DEN and HOTEL, at the toot of COATES Street, oppo- site Fairmount Park. Families are particularly Invited. Foe Cream, Cakes, excellent Lager Beer of Baltz's brew ,ay, Wines, do., always on band. HENBY FBICICA. ‘303-lim TWENTY-SEVENTH and COATES AIRS. JAMES BETTS' CELERUA axii-TED SUPPORTERS TOR LADIES, and the only Supporters under eminent medical patronage. La dles and Physicians are reepectfullyvomeated to call only on Mn. Bette, at her reildence, PAO WALNUT.E Philadelphia, (to avoid oonnterfelte.) Thirty tho=l Invalids have been advised by their fhYIIiCIITUP to nee WO applisnoes. Thome only are genuine bowing the UAW Staten copyright, , labeis on-the box, and tlann emt ' WOO on.tba Snprorlays, with Lasasuniida,..e IrrENTIVARtECV4MEM/Y: VENT; ll 'BUTTONS and sups, tfrifieeimatiiire fae 'We at J. P. tzairs,vsouthisat , eoaiLie .; TEL& Prznirretid NOBLE Streets, Plutidelphie!. 02728-** 4 ' ' • . -;:. .. TEE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, IFC2. TARRANT'S SELTZER. APEREENT. • This valuable and popular Medicino had ,unlyeddiftir oeived the moat favorable recommendattood of the MEDIOAL raonfastoN and the Publio as the moat Earn:mum AND AORNNABLI SALINE APERIENT. It may he'need with the beat effect In Bilious , and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Sink Headiche, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indiges tion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gant, Rheumatitt Affections, Gravel, Piles; WIND WILL ClinfiLALll3 PTHIL A GENTLE AND COOLING' APERIENI:OR PUR GATIVE IS REQUIRED. It Is particularly adapted to the wanta of Travellers by ilea and Land, Heekleuts in Hot Climates, Persons 'of Sedentary Debits, Invalids, and Conveleecental Captains of Veesele and Planters will End it > valuable addition to their Medicine Chests. It is in the form of a Powder, carefully put nt; in bottles to keep in any climate, and merely requires water poured upon it to produce a de. • ' llghtful effervescing beverage. Numerous teettmonials, - from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coun try, and its steadily ineroasiug , popularitj fors aeriee of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy , and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an Intelligent pnblio. Manufactured only by . _ _ TARRANT &• CO., • No. 275 GREENWICH Street, corner Warren at. NEW 1(01tX, And for Bale by Druggists generally. PURE GEORGIA. ARROW ROOT. The special attention of physicians and funnies is called to the superiority of this article. It is rapidly supplanting all other kinds, and all those whit Wive need tt give it the moat decided preference. The following extracts, from certificates in the hands of the manufac turer, "Col. HALLOWIIS " will show the high estimation In which the Georgia A rrow Boot la hold by those gen tlemen of the medical profession who have fully ex- Brained it. or . One Taunt!, 62X cents, or two pounds for SI. • Complete instruct - Ana accompany each package, show ing how to make the moat delicious articles for the table. FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, TBED'K BEr WE'S DENG Arlo CHEMICAL 131INIE, N. E. COB. of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Stioeta, PHILADELPHIA. ' 4 I have examined and prepared some Arrow Boot, manufactured by Col. Hallowes, frlaryV Georgia. Ithas.the beet quality of that variety of ,fteculi I have met with, being superior to any Bermuda, or: other Ar row Boot I have men. mh29-etath3m G LITEN OAPS o iT y I3 LE PURE COD-Livkiß OIL. The repugnance of most patients to COD-JAVA& OIL, and the inability of ninny to take It at all, has in duced various forms lot disguise for its administration that are familiar to the, Medical Proferelon. dome of 'them' answer in acacial carters, but more often the,ehlole neutralism the mann, effect of the Oil, 'proving Quite aa unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. The repug nance' nausea, go., to Invalids, induced by disgust of the Oil, is entirely obviated by the use of our OAPSOLEB. 00D-LIVER OIL OAPEWLEIS have been much need lately In Europe, the experience there of the goorPre suite from their Ilse in both hospital and private practice, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we de for them, fording assured their nee will result In benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by- WYETH & BROTHER. aeo-tt 1412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia •-• • '•••••• • - PROPOSALS. • OFFICE 0011011FSARY OF BUB SISTENCE, No-1189 GIRARD Street, •Philadel ptua, June 141862. PROPOSAL* will be received at ibis office until P 2 o'clock 81. on the 10th day of June, 1E62, for furuiabing for the use of the United States army, at such Oulu, and in such quantities at may be required during the month of Jnne, the following Subsistence Stara, viz : 300 Barrels Prime Mess new Pork, in now seed barrels. 200 Barrels 'Satre Nees Beef, in new barrels. 30,000 Pounds Prime Bacon Sides, in tiercee. 1,0(0 Barrel. 'Extra Superfine F.our. • 25,000 Pounds Bard Dread, in barrels. 300 Bushels New White Beaus,in good Flour bar -25,000 Pounds Prime Rice, in barrels 30,000 Pounds Primo Rio Coffee, in barrels. 40 000 Pounds Light Yellow Sager, in barrels. 1,000 Gallon. Vinegar. 2,000 Pounds Adamantine Parallel, full weight, twelves. 6,000 Pounds Gout Hard Soap. 100 Bushels Fine Salt, inbsriels. . . 1,000 Gallons Syrup or Molasses, In barrels. All articles to be of the beet quality, securely packed, and in perfect order for traneportatlon. Bids will include packages, and delivery in the city. "Havana, loon ..Havans, loon geller's name and date of purchase required on ea)11 package. Certificates of inspection of Moat and . Flour will he required, and ne Pork will be Accepted, packed from . 1 Bulk ... Meats." • Samples in boxes distinctly mark. ed, must accompany bids for all articles except meat. Bids from knorn dealers or manufacturers only will be cot eidered, and each bid must be accompanied by the written guarantee of two responsible persons for the faithful performance of the contract. Proposals to be endorsed " Proposals for Subsistence Stores," and directed to F. N. BUOK, ielS bt . Captain and C. S. Vol. Service. DEPUT Y QUARTEEMASTBR G D MUMS OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, Nth Mai,1862. Proposals will be received at this Office nutiI.SATUE DAY, June 7th, 12 o'clock M. ' for the dHivery of (250) Two Hundred and Fifty AltllV AbIBBLANOES, to be delivered in this city on. or bee ore the drat day of July next, anti as much sooner as possible, a pattern - of which can_ be seen on application to this Office. They must be made of the best seasoned material, and will be subject to a moat rigid intpection. Proposals for any num ber lees than two hundred and fifty . will he received. Security for the faithful performance of the contrast will be re anired, the names of whom will be mentioned In the proposals. Bids to be endorsed, t.Prowals for Ambu. lances." and addressed to G. H. °ROSMAN, my27-tje7 Deputy Quartermaster General. PR OPOSAL S FOft PAINTING )OM Or CAPITOL. DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR, Waithlogton, May 29, 1862. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this-De partment until TUESDAY, the 10th day of Juno, at 12 M., for Ouniehtng Materials and executing the PAINT- It 0 - OP TER...IRON WORE: of the new 'Dome of the Limited States Capitol. Drawing. exhibiting every part of the work, and speci fications explaining the manner of executing the , same, may be examined nt the Architect office. in the eolith west room on the attic story of the Can troßnilding of the United States Capitol, every day, Sundays excepted, be tween the hours of 9 A.M. and 4 P. AL jc4•et WALT. J." SMITH, Chief Clerk. TO PAPER MAKERS.—The under signed will receive Proposals at the office of the State Printer in Harrisburg until THURSDAY, the 12th day of June, 1862, to supply the following described sized paper, {samples to accompany pr3posals,) for the State Printing for onv year from July 1,1862, viz: Double Boyal, fifty pounds to the ream. Double Boyal, forty pounds to the ream. Bach to measure at least twenty-Dix by forty inches. And double-sized Foolscap, to weigh twenty.eight pounds per ream, and measure at least twenty. six by seventeen inches. Samples must accompany bids. 'Those making proposals must be prepared to give sa tisfactory security for the faithful performance of the contract ; and the right is reserved to reject all bide not satittectory in price and temples. The paper must be furnished in such quantities and. at tech times as required by the Superintendent of State p r i n ti ng . T. T. WORTH, Superintendent of State Printing. HARRISBURG, May 0, 1882. . - myl7-aviBt rriHE COPARTNERSHIP BERE- A:. toforo existing between the subieribeis, under the firm of ABBOTT, JOHNIIS, &GO., is this day dissolved by mutual content. The business of the firm will be set tled by George W. Johnes and William H. Berry, either of whom is authorleod to Man in liquidation. REDMAN ABBOTT, GEORGE JOHNES, WILLIAM H. BEERY, GEORGE J. GROSS. ' • • - WILLIAM T. WILOOX. Philadelphia. June 2,1862.. • ' . • j02.12tW. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNPR LL is hereby given that the Arm of CHARLES N. SMITH & 00, at the Fairmount ken Works; has. been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be settled and closed by May 10,1862. ' OHABLICS K. SMITH. The liminess Nrlll be continued by the undersigned wider the firm of MORRIS, TAKER, & 00. Office No. 209 South THIRD Street. myl3-1m 110.111tIB, TASKEB, & CO. • AZL 0 Dr- AND DIAMOND (L SATOH) 00AL— Broken,.Egg, and Stove $4.25 per ton. Large Nut 3.75 per ton. llntil July lit, or until advance of tolls, we will allow upon all coal to be delivered north of Arch and east of Eleventh streets, A DISOOUNT OF 25 OMNTB PR TON from these pricen, fa. cash, if paid when the order is given. R. P. GILLINGHAM, my 24-Im* Northeast FRONT and POPLAR Ste. • COAL. -THE. UNDERSIGNED beg leave to inform their Wendel and the public that they have removed their LICHIGH OOLL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHARF, on the Delaware, to their Yard, northwed corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, where they intend to keep the best quality of LEHIGH COAL, from the moat approved mines, at the lowest prices. Your patronage is reepectfully solicited. JOS. WALTON & GO., Office 112 South BEpOND Street. Yard, wow= sad 'WILLOW. rahl-11 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS NATIVE WINES. OTRIOTLY PURE JUNE OF ME GRAPE-TRH MOST DELICIOUS, RICH, AND FRUITY WINES EVER. OFFERED TO THE. PUBLIO. ' ", AN EXOBLIENT ABSORTMENT JUST BIONNIIID ALBERT 0. ROBERTS, DBALZR 1 aria °socialise, sp2A-ti COHN= NINTSWIN-ANN VINE GTO SALT. -2;000 sacks around Alum Solt', 21,000 bnoholo do., do., do.i 4,000 troidieLe Turk's Island do., in store and for sale by 20021 1 HT & KOONS. No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. era; WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED from London direct a large lot Of Chasse and Blackwell's celebrated Pickles. JAMES HOMER & SON& SEVENTH and NOBLE awl SIXTH and WOOD. my2o.tf SSARDINES.--A very auperior brand for male bf CHARLES 8. OKRSTAIRS, sB2, 326 WALNUT and 21 GRANITIC Street. CROSSE: 1. :•BLAOIEWELLe B - ode. ` I IL , bilked B&11 . 019, eoniitantli reeAved BHOD/CS & WIGLIAIni 101 South WATER Street NijTS. -20 BALES- LANGUEDOC ALMONDB; 25 . bales ROILY ALMONDS; 100 bags New Apia= PDANIITS •, lust received and for pale b 7 =ODES & WILLIAMS, "•• 107 South WATER:Street. fIROSSE & BLACKWELL'S .ENG. LTSII'PICELR~ —A fresh traporeatiOn . of E nQ iish Pickles and Sauces, just received and for sale by RHODES d WILLIAMS, 10.7 Smith 'WATER Street. A MERICAN --ROOFING. SLATES, li FULLY EQ14.1. to the BEsi:wELBEI'SIATEB. uT ALIVAAL -0n26-Iy. • .er4vAr. 'MEDICINAL. BZWERVXI3OI6.NT "SAMUEL JACKSON, M. D., , 4 University of Penns, lvania " PROPOSALS 808. ArtIBULMWEIS COPARTNERSHIP ritErxcEs. coAL. MEDICINAL lIELMBOLp'S GEN ()IND PREPARATION. cr HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FL UID EXTRACT BUCERY, ♦ Positive and Bp.cWo UNKIIDT DLSEASEO OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DBOPIROAL SWELLItIGO. , This Medicine increase' the Power of Digestion, sad excitea tha kboorbonte into hoolthy action, by which the Watery or Cale( roue depoef tiona, and all Unnatural in- Ifirgements ere reduced, ae well as l'ain-aLd Inflamma- HELMBOLD'S EXTRAOT BUCHU Hal Cured every awe of DIABICTES in which it his been given /IMITATION OF THE NECK OF THE /MAD- DEE, AND . INFLAMMATION OF THH KIDNEYS Tor these disease* it is indeed a sovereign remedy, and too mock cannot be eaid in its praise. A single dose hi); beentmown to relieve tho moot urgent symptom'. TRY IT, wo beg of you, in ales. cases, and yon will ever give Your enable to lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. MOBBATION Or TUB KIDNEYS AND BL AD DAR, lIHTZNTION OF MUNN, DISBASHIS OF THE PROSTRATE GLAND, STONE Ili THB BLkDDBR, CALCULUS, ORA- VSL 4 DNICIEDUST DDPOSIT, AND XRCUOUB OR MILKY DIBOII6.I[GES AND FOR ENFEEBLED AND DDLIOATE CON STITIITIOHB OF BOTH SEXES, Attended with the following symptoms Indlerposttlon to Bxertion, Lone of Power, Lo of Momory, Weak Nerves, Horror of Mime, Dimness Item, Bain in the Back, Hot Heads, Dryness of ths in, PALLID 00IIIPTI4NANOB, univerw Luittade 4 the Muscular System Dimon of these organs require the aid or a DIUBETIO HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHTJ THII GMT DRUMM kliD BLOOD PUBITIE HE'LMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU DUDES ALL DISEASES Ariming from HABITS OT DISSIPATION, BX.O3LBSES, AND IM • PRIMENCES IN LIFE, Itopatittee of the Blood, &o And itie certain to have the desired effect In Menses for which it is recommend: BTIEDENUE Meet Reopenslble and Reliable Character Will accompany the Medicine " PUYSIOIANS," PLEASE "NOTICE," " ifs make:no c Secret' of Ingredients." HELMBOLD'S EXTRAGT BUCTHU la. niipeled of Bach; Cakes, Juniper Berries, Detect- ad wtthaxed mo by $ competent drnaliat. Prepared rasa, by.E. T. MILXBOLD, Practical and Analytt salchatidd, and Bole Manufacturer of HBLMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS ! ! ANITDAYIT Personally appeared before me,. an Alderman, of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. HELMBOLD, who, being duly morn, Both say hia preparatloini contain no nar cotic, no mercury, or other injurious drugs, but are purely Vegetable. Sworn and subscribed before me this 23d day of No Timber, DM. Aldermiut, 'Ninth street, aboveßace, Phtladolphl lllir Physicians In attendance from 8 A M. to 8 P.M. PRIG& ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE, OR 818 TOR FITD DOLLARS Deli cored to any address, securely packed .from Omer, Adana letten for information, in confidence, to 11. T. HELMBOLD, DEPOT, 104 SOUTH TENTH STREET, (BELOW CIIESTNUT,) PII/LADELPIIIA ODWABN OF 001INTERFEITS AND lINPRINOI PLED DEALERS, / 1r HO iNDHA.VOR TO Reim of 14 their own" and "other" articlee'on the ritation attained HE L OliD"' 13 ONNIIINE PREPARATIONS JUILKBOLD'iI Giulia. Retract Huhn; 011111ilMLIYI5 Genuine Zakfiat Sarnamilla ; BUMBOLDI3 6ennlne Improved Bose-Wash gold My all Druggists Rver7whore. ASS rya HIL*BOLiYB; TAXI NO OTHIBI . 4 11Fr A nt opt the lidviniseneitt iiiiir:pepUctr . It, bad sniAd impoettlon and espeeare; . . . .426 413 t , si wit . TN THE DISTRICT COURT. OF THE UNIrED STATES IN AND FOE'IIII3 EsSTERN DINrRICT AP PENNSYLve.I6IA.: UNITICD ST T ES,.E A STICEN DISTRICT OF PENN- SIMVANIA. SOT. ; TUE PRESIDENT TILT UNITED STATES, TO TUE MATISII AT, OF TILE EASTERN DISTRIO OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States id and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on ,a Libel, tiled in the nine of the United States of America, hada decreed all persaas in general who have or pretend to have, any right, title,' or Interest in too ;hemmed ' , tithe's of Rice. citrgs of the pchooner LYDIA AND KART. captured by the Coital Matte armed balk Reatiesa, Conroy, commaodieg, at prize, end hark Icing .one of the South Atlantic blotdc ading equedran, under command of Irlag.officer S..P. Dn-. pent, to be monlebed, cited, and celled to judgment at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice. so requiring.) You are therefore charged, and strictly enjoined and coannumiled, that you omit not, but that by publishing those presents its at least two of the-daily newapapers printed and Published in the City of Philadelphia, and in the Le gal btaligencer, you do monist). or cite, or calm to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general , who hare, or. pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said . two thoueaed bushels Rice, to appear 'before tile' 'Honorable JOIIN CAD WALA DER, the Judge of the . said Court, at the District • Court nanm,• in the' City of Philadelphin, on the TIYEN TIETIT day after publication of these presents, if it ho a court day, or eleo on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing cannot, then and there to show, or allege, in the form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said two thousand brothels Rico should not be pro nouticed to belong, at the time of the capture the name, to . the enemies of the United States, end as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and con -- destined as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice. shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid generally,( to whom by the tenor of these presents it la also intinated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, 'or 'appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Conrt (loth' intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said two thou sand bushels Rico ilia belong, at the time of the capture of .the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or other- : wise, liable and subject to 'confiscation and condemna- . tics, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the . absence or rather contumacy of the persons so cited and, Intimated In anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do In the premises;together with these presents. Witness the honorable JOUR • CADWALA.DF.R, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this fourth day of JUNE, A.D. 3862, and In the eighty-sixth year of the Independence of the said United States. je6-3t • G. R. FOX, Clerk District Court. INITED STATES; EASTERN DES TRIM OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE 'UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: WHEREAS, The District Conrt of the *United States In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed In the name or the United States of America, bath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any righti title, or interest to twenty-two hundred bushels of Rice, cargo of the schooner JULIA WARDRI. , captured by the United States armed bark Restless, Conroy. commanding, as prize, said bark being one of the South Atlantic block ading squadron ' under the command of Mag. officer S. F. Dupont, to be inonish.tAl, cited, and celled to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the. effect hereafter expressed, (justice so requiring ) You are therefore charged, and strictly enjoined and com manded, that you omit not, but that, by publishing these presents in nt least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Philadelphia, and In the Legal Inteliigencer, you do monist and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persona in gene ral.who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or in terest in the said twenty-two hundred bushels of Rice, to appear before tho lion. JOHN CADWALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at. the District Court-room, In the City of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents, if it be a court days or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in duo form of law, a reasonable and lawful ex cuse, if any they have, why the said twenty-two huadrel bushels of Rice should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the ene mies of the United States, and a. 9 goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cameo to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also Intimatee..l,) that if they shall not Anwar at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend need will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and nosy .pronounce that the said twenty-two hundred bushels of Rice did belong, at the tiros of the capture of the mule, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to 'confiscation and condem nation, to be adjudged and condenined as lawful prize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall'do in the premises, together with these presents. Witnoss the Honorable JOHN OADWALADER, Judge of the said court, at Philadelphia, this fourth day of JUNE, A. IX 1862, and in the eighty-sixth year of We Independence of the said United States. je6-3t G. R. FOX. Clerk District Court. Difficulty of Breathing, 'lreall)llns, Wakefulladle, Flushing in the Body, raptlows of On Pace, 11. T. IIZLKBOLD OHNIaLI37 LEGAL uNITED S rATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT OF 'PENNSYLVANIA, BC7'. THE PRESIDENT OF TILE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, • GREETING:• ' WHEREAS, Tho District Court of the United Statesin and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on u Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, bath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right. title, or interest in the steamer CUMBRIA, whereof tdoreland is master, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, warns, and merchacdtre laden on board thereof, captured as prize by.the United States gunboat Huron, under command of Lieutenant John Downes, one of the South' Atlantic. 'Blockading Squadron,to be monished, cited, and called to judgment, at the ime and place nudetwritten, and to the effect hereafter ex pressed, (justice so requiring.) You are, therefore, charged, and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not; but that, by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published In the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal Intetligen cer, you do 1/10111811 and cite, or cause to be =unshed and cited, peremptorily, all persona In general who have, or pretend to hare, any tight, title, or interest in the said steamer 0U.114R1A., her tackle, apparel, and I urni tore, and the gods, wares, end merchandise laden on board there< f„ to appear before the Hon. JOHN CADWALADEH, the Judge of the said court, at the District Court room, in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in duo form .of law, it reasonable tend lawful excuse, If any they have, why the said steamer 'CU 11BRiA, her tackle, apparel, and fur niture, and the goods, wares, and moraine lite laden thereon. should • not be pronounced to be long, at the time of the capture of the pause, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their ene mies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes ; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justico shall appertain. And that you duly Intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid generally, (to whom, by the tenor of these presents, it is also intima ted,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a rea sonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said Dia bict Court (loth intend and will procotil to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said steamer CUMBRIA, her tackle, apparel, and furni ture, and the goods. wares, and merchandise laden thereon did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the (MCIIIiCH of the United States of Ame rics., and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be ad judged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of the persons so cited and inthnated in anywise notwithstanding, and that yon duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. • Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWAIJADER, Judge of the said court, at Philadelphia, this third day of JUNE, A. D. 1862, and In the elghty-silth year of the Independence of the said United States. G. It. FOX, Clerk District Court. MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of NOP. by the Hon. JOHN CAD WAL A DBE, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold, at public sale, t. the highest and best bidder, for cash, at CALLOWHILL STREET WEARS', on TUESDAY, June 17, at 12 o'clock 31., the sloop COQUETTE, her tackle, apparel,, and furniture, as she now lies at said wharf. WILLIAM MILL WARD, D. S. Marshal Eaatorn District of Perms Philadelphia, Juno Sd, 1592 jel.gb MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OADWA LAVER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Penneylrani% in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public Sale, to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at MICEIR. RIM'S STORE, No. 142 North FRONT Street, on MONDAY, June 16&b, . 1862, at 12 o'clock M., the cargo of the Scboober LIDA, consisting of 160 bags Coffee; 596 pigs Lead ; S rolls of Sheet-lead; 1 box Shoe Thread; 1 box Drugs • 1 box of Preserves • 33 boxes of Cigars. N. I LIT b M I!iiILLW . RD, ICI. S. illarehal. Philadelphia, Jane 2,1862.. je.3.ot MARSHAL'S SALIC.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the IJonorable John Cadirainder, Judge of the District Coati of the 'United States, 10-and for the Eastern District'of Pennsylvania. in admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public side, to the highest and best bidder, for Cash, at BEATY'S WHARF. foot of Warren street, Kensington, on WIDNBBDAT, June 18, 1862, at. 12 o'clock M., the following Machinery : Boiler and SmOke:staok, Safety Valve, Gauge Cook, Stram Pipe and WM-tie, Cylinder, Valve and Rod, Con necting Rod, Cross Read with guides,•Eccentric Rod for valve, Bock Shaft with . bokes, and sneak, oilier articles. Can be examined on the morning of sale. WILLIAM DLILLWARD, II: B. Itinrahal WTI. of Pawn Ivanta, PIIII,6MILPHIA. Jens 6, 1862 jB6-68 ESTATE OB DEBORAH L. JACK BON, deceased.—Letter of Administration upon the Estate of DXBORAII L. JAOKSON, deceased, late of the city of Philadelphia, baying been granted to the wodersistned, all onions balring dolma upon the Ratite will present them, and those indelbtad will mane payment to A. IIrEVIEB TAOS.3ON, Adm., Strendeburgh, Penna., LEWIS D. TAIL, 109 North SIXTII Street. or .to Lfialtorne7, my17.56t ESTATE OF A_LEXANDER Lettere testamentary baying been gra Register of Wills to the enbscriberv, all pen claim against, or indebted to, paid Estate, • GEORGE B&RCL&Y, . 249 North SIXTEENTH Street; 1 Executory, JAMES WRAY, 1417 BACH Street; or their . Attorney, HENRY O. THO ap2A eat - No. 998 Alb TOTloE.—.Certificate of Girard Bank Stock, No. 642, for four shares, dated May 25, :1869; having bt en but ut, application will be made for re. neViii of the same. Di lOUNG. arkyti•tb a Ot WITS.- RHODES , Z 6 • WILLIKAIS, :1:1 . No. 107 South WATER Street, offer for rode the following 100 bales Princess Almonds. 20 " Languedoc 20 81(117 " 20 English Wabuta. 16 " Filberts. 160 bags Pea Ruts. 10 bales Brazil Nuts. 100 boxes M. R. Raisins. 100 Layrr 160 bait' boxes B. Rados BIOTINA' -ROOFING, MAIGTIOTTHIND BY 'TR/ VOTED STATES RIOTINA.ROOPINO COMPANY, • No. 0 GOBI BLOCK, • Oorner GIME% and ' PITTS Streets, Boston, Mass. This Portable Roofing le the only article ever offered. to. the public which is ready prepared to go on the roof without any finlebing 'operation. It is light, handsome; and easily applied- and can be safely sad cheaply trans: ported to any part of the world. It :will not taint or disco/or water running over, or lying on it, and is, in all respects, a very desirable article. Its non-conducting Properties adapt it etweially to covering manufactories of 'Various kinds; and it le confidently offered to the public after a toot of fonr years In all varieties of etiolate and temperature, for "covering all kinds fit roofs, fiat or plfehod, together with cars, steamboats, &a It is both cheap and durable: Agents wanted, to whom liberal inducements aro offered.: Seed for samplo; circular, .90., With particulars, to U.. B. 'ROOFING 00,, No. 0 GORR FILOOR, Roston." n024.3m *. pARIPH47 'PRINTING, Best amt. -s- Misspelt blase My, tit DINGWAIT tt BRO*IOII, 11l &iuth.l.ol;lllTH Amt. - solo . SALES BY AUCTION JOHN it. MYERS &. CO., AUCTION !! MITA Non 232 and 234 MARKIT Street . SALM OF FIVENOrI DRY GOODS ON MONDAY MORNING, Jane 9, on four months' creeß 100 packages Perini), Gorman, Sides, and Dritiah dn . 690.19. BALE OF BOOTS AND riFfOrdl ON TIIESD&T KOBBISG, June 10, on roar montbe' credit. 1,000 packages boot* and eboes. SALE OF DRY GOODS. ON THURSDA Y monNiNG. • Juno 12, on four months' mean— soo pschsges British, Irrsa - oh. and Assecissa d Goods BALE OF OA3PICTIE7II3 ON FRIDAY MORNING, June 13, on four months' 00%- 830 - places salvat, Brussels, Ingrain, and Venetian oar 'tinfia, matting., ao FrilAP FORD It CO., AUCTION szss, 625 BILEILET and 622 4006115Z80X BILE Olt 1,000 6ABRB BOOTS, 11110118, HBO GANS, do ON MONDAY MORNING, Juno 9, at 10 o'clock, precisely, will be sold, by cata logoo, 1,000 mesa memo', boys', and youths' eMf, kip, and grans : boots; calf and kip brogans, Congress gltara, Oxford ties, walking shoot, & c.; women's, misses ', and children's calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and oboes, gaiters, alipporc, de., including a largo aerortmeni of nrst-cuts city•stade goods. KT Open for oxamination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. BALK OF /,000 OABUS BOOTS, ZHOU, AND BROGANS. ON TIITIRSDAT MORNING, Juno 12, at 10 o'clock, precisely, will be sold, bl catalogue, 1,000 name men's, boy?, and youths' calf, kip, and grain booted calf and klp brogans, gaiters, ties, walking shoes, ,to.: women's. mime, and childran'a calf, kip, goat, kid, and moroccc - neelsd boots and ehoes, gaiters, sliprors, buskins. &c. Included in age will be fond a large assortment of first-claw city-made goods. VW" Goode open for examination, with cataminca, earls on the morning of sale. FURNESS, BRINLEY, 00., 429 CHESTNUT &TRENT SALE OF FRENCH AND BRITISH DRY GOODS. ON TUESDAY MORNING, Juno 10, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on 4 months' credit-- 40a lota of fancy and staple imported dry goods. igir Samples at d catalogues early on morning of sale. ESPECIAL :115LE OF 350 oentoNs BONNET AND RIBBONS—Now. Landing. ON TUESDAY MORNING, Jane 10, at 10 o'clock. 350 cartons Noe. 12040 figured and plain posit de sole bonnet ribbons. No. 12 to 60 cable cord, white bonnet ribbons. —4, 5, and 0, cable cord, white, black, blue, buff, and assorted colors, do. PRIN TED AND BROOKE BORDER BLACK STELLA BRAWLS. 500 144 French all wool, brocho border black 'tells shawls. 100 14-4 printed border shawl,. guy,k;cii rustiu LACE POINTS, SLIA.WLS, AND DOUBLE DIANTILL.4.3. 600 Paris rich lace points. do puihu do. do do double shawls, bournone and talmao. BLACK SILK YELVIIT RIBBONS. Celebrated Steamboat Brand. ON TONbll.4.lr, Cartons Nos. IX to 40 extra quality black silk vel vet ribbons, steamboat brand. . Also, 1 case illusion tulle. pANCOAEIT & WARNOCK, -AIJC TIONEEKIL No. 213 MARKET Stmt. SALE OF A STOOK OF READY-NAME MOTU ING, by Catalogue. ON TUESDAY BLOUSING, June 10, commencing at lOo'clock precisely, comprising a large assortment of seasonable clothing for gents' and sontbr' wear. RU' Goode arranged for examination early on morning of sale. LISRGE FOSIIIVE SALE OF 700 LOTS OF AME RICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, RIBBONS, MILLINERY GOODS, InIRROIDERIES, Sc., by Cat*kgne, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Jane 11, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. ' BY HENRY P. WOLBhRI', AUCTIONEER. REMOVED from IZo. 9 South SECOND Street to No. 292 MARKET Street, somh side, above Second Street. REGULAR SALES OP DRY GOODS, mai manias, NOTIONS, do. Every Monday, Wednesday, and PridaY morning, com. rnencing at 10 o'clock, precisely. City and country dealers, am requested to attend these sales. Coneignments reepectfully solicited from monnfaotn- I era, impor fere, commies tomwholesale,find jobbi ng houses, and retailers of ell and every description of merchandise. Entire stocks et goods arrangedelandoold In late to nit the retail trade. Cash advanced on goods. Settlement esoond day fromeale. mylo.lm* DAIIIRT. IT. BtIRDBYT, Auctioneer. BY BUR,DETT,. JONES, AND 00., Store ]O9 WALL Street, New York. ON TUESDAY, JUNK 10 At, 12 o'clock, at the Wall street Salesroom, corner of Front and Wall Streets. COTTON. By order and under the direction of Hiram Barney, Elul LARGE GOVERNMENT SALE OF SE& ISLAND AND GULF coTroei. 7fo bales superior quality SEA ISLAND, of choice brands, all in perfect merchantable order. ALSO, By order and under the direction of Col. D.D. Tompkins, Assistant Quartermaster General. LARGE SALE GULF COTTON. 900 brace fair to middling Gulf Cotton, in perfeet order. Samples may be examined at the Wall• street sales room, by catalogue, on and atter Saturday, 7th instant. The bales of Sea Island can be examined at stores, Ifos. 59, 56, and 58 Wheeler's Stores, Atlantic Dock, Brook lyn. The bake of Gulf Cotton at store No. 58 Atlantic Dock, Wheeler's stores. Purchasers are requested to examine the Gulf and Sea bland Cotton in bales ea above. jes-4t li'Oß NA.LE AM) TO LE'r. Iro DISTILLERS.. Tlo DISTILLEBT Imam W. " PHOENIX," and formerly owned and occupied by @AM, 6.1111rZ14 Teri., situated on TWZNTY-T.IIIRD, between BIWA end VII Btreete, Philadelphla, Oawity 600 bushel' ;or day, is now offered for sale on reawneble and sooom modating terms. le in good running order, and has all the modern Improremeuta. An Artesian well on the ere- MAKS furnisher' an unfailing supply of good, pure water. Address Z. 1,00101 & 00., Ito, 1010 MARK= Strew, Philadelphia. te22-dd ARARE CHANCE FOR OARI. TALISTS.—FOR 'RENT—The LA:ROASTER LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, for a period of three ye ire, together with the machinery, pattetn3, toole, and draw ings. All in good order and reedy for immediate opera tion. Will be renttd low. For particulars apply to ill 0. KLINE, j.5.3t LANCASTER, Pe.us. BUR SALE OR EXOHANGI4. Nal The Subscriber offers to sell on - reasonable terms. or exchange for merchandite, a valuable Store Stead and Dwelling; Stoma now doing a husinesi of 520,000. Said prop. rty is located on the Penunivatila Itallroad, short disiauce from city. For particulars, address J. P.," Press Mike. jes4ittle del: MARKET-STREET STORE.— niti 'The desirable Gtenite-front Store, No .M 5, run ning through to Church alley, to rent, at reduce t rate, by ARMOR Y P. It J. 11. MORELLI, jes-6t* No 916 ARCH Street. aTO RENT—Four Different Country Places, with a few acres of ground, line froths, near railroad Marione and convenient to the city, one of which is furnished. Apply to F.. PAITT/T, jo3 No. 309 WALNUr Street. FOR BALE—A desu able Farm, LX- - 108 acres, near Downingtowc, Cheater county; nicely watered ; hydrant water at the house and barn. Fir3t-rate atone Improvements, all in complete condition; fine timber, excellent fruits, Ac. Apply to - • 11. PETTIT, .ieB • No. 809 WALNUT Street. giFOR SALE OR TO LET—Four Houses, on the west side of BROAD Street, beloW Columbia avenue. Apply at the southwest corner of NINTH and BABSON Streets. mh26-tif is TO LET—A. beautiful COUN .A. TRY-PLACE. of 10 acres, on the west side of FRONT.Street road, above Hart lane, within ten mi nutes' walk of the Frankford and Illonthwark passenger oars. Possession early in April. Apply at the south west corner NINTH and SANSOki, noosed dory. mh23-tf T 0 REN T—A well-furnished BehiLCountry House, of moderate trim The grounds in clude Flower, Fruit, and Vegetable Gardens, an Orchard, a pleneant grove, through which a little brook flows, and pasture grounds for the use of two cows. It is situated • mile and half from Old'York Road Station, North Penn sylvania Railroad. Inquire 1516 LOOILIST Street. . an7-nrset tf . . BL&CH.INERY AIW atori. it/fORGAN,. ORR, & CO., STEAM ALL iNGINIE BUILDERS, Iron • Yonndors; General Idachlnista and Donee MakonyHo. ISIS CIAL. LOWHILL Street, Philadelphlii. • fidlB43, J. •LOOHLH JOHN Z. COPS, WILLI/LK H• EIRRRIOR, HARTLEY MIIIIIIK, SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, YIE'TH AND WASEiIIifiTON STREET% PHIL/DrLPHTA & SONS, ENGLNBERB AND MACHINISTN, Manufacture High and Lew Pressure Steam Raminei, for land, river, and marine service. 'toilet", Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, so.; Out, !ngs of all kinds, either Iron or braes. • Iron-Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Rail road Stations, so. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most improved construction. &very description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ao. Sole Agents for N. Billionz's Pitent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Neemyth's Patent Steam Rammer, and As pitman & Wolaer'a latent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. • - ang-12 WRAP. nted by the eons having Mean on PSON, , 11 Street isa PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORII.S.--NBANIS LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGI NEERS, MACHENISTS,BOLL ER-Id AKERS, BLACK SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many years, been in succeedel operation, and been exclusively en gaged in building and repairing Marine and River En gines, high and low presence, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, &c., dc., respectfully offer their eervloes the public, all being fully prepared to contract for Nu- Ones of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, haring lets of patterns of different, sizes, are prepared to exe cute ordiwe with quick deepatch. Every description or pattern-making made at the shortest notice. Bei g e Hih and Low-pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder rs, of the beet Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forging'', Of ali sizes and kinds; Iron and Brats Castings, of all dew/P -eons 801 l Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. , . Drawings and Speclilcetions for all work done at their establiebrnent, free of charge, and work gtutrantled. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock LOOM for re pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with ebears, blocks, falls, Ac., /to., for rain ing heavy er light weights. JACOB 0. MAFIA • JOHN P. LEVY, BEACH and PALMER Streets. THE DISE ABED - OF ALL 0141381.9.—A1l sub•acnte and &rent° disessee cured by special guarantee at IMO WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and in caste of a %flare no charge is made. •Professor BOLLES, the founder of this new practice, will superintend the treatment of all cases himself 6 pamphlet containing a multitude of certigcates of those cured, also letters and complimentary resolutions from medical men and others win be tevon to any Person free. Lectures are constantly ghren at 1T.20, to medical men sad others who devise a knowledge of my discovery' lit applying Electricity se *reliable therapeutic agent GM imitation free. ap2Vlrn riIIID,TLE AND CLAM SOUP , served 11 cp daily ((Sunday! excepted) 114 JAIKIES PROS -8.101, 808. idAItHET Street. Families supplied serum& NEW YORK. Oollector of the Port SALES BY AucrioN. M THON:AS & - BONS, 4,1 • Nom. 139 issol 141 South rorntla &roe& ' STOOIIB ND' BEAL ESTATE—TUESDA.T NEST Pamphlet catilogues now ready, containing full de. redo:ions of all the property to bo sold or, Tuesday, June 10, with a hint of Wee and Jone 12.17, and 24, comer eine o .rteit r.ricly of valuable property, by ardor of Orpti.ana' Court and others. verpr TiLl SALKe ItthL ESTATE Ati'D STOOK I AT TBR 'SKr iNGE xvistty TUSSDA Y. SW" FliltbilTOßE, at the Auction Store, every Thurs day mrraleg. TEAL ESTATE At PRIVATE SitiE.—We have a large amount of M./ rRt4l.3 at private Man, in dining every &seri otion of city and country property. Printed lists may be bad at the Auction Store. MAL ESTATE SA.LE-JUNE 10 A large Bale by order of °reheat,' •Coert, Executors, and other* . inn dostriptions, m haadlellis, may be Lad at the A ueti , m Boom. For account of whom it may concert 24..haros Jenorsou Building end Baring Fund APO. CiAtiOtt. No. 6,Avithout rearrro. REBEBIPTORY BALIC—FfRST-f7LAS3 PAR H.— Our Bale 19111 Juno will include the valuable farm of Thowas T. Lea, et the six. mito al4na on tho Old S ork road, hettri en (Thelon Hill and Gerinantown, 135 acres, to be divided and roll in separate treats, ono of 35 acres, bending all the building, and improvements. IP" Full dv.ertptione In llihosraphic plane and hand- Mlle. now reedy Ora ses' Court f ale—ltetale of bemnel Tine, dec',l. THRF.B.STORT BRICK DWELLING, Pine street, belueen Tend: and Eleventh. Berne 'Estate —7 OUR BRICK DWELLINGS, Rod man street. cast of Tenth. Orphans' (kart Sale—Entete of John L. Mifflin, dec'd. —2 YOUR STORY BRICK STORRS. Nos. 36. W. 40, and 42 South Front street, between 3Te•ket atd Chestnut. Executor;.' TUREE.STORY BRICE. DWELL ING, N<. 614 Marshall street, nerth of Oreen. DESIRABLE COUNTRY SITE, containing About 10 acres, School4ouso lane, near the Manarunk and Nor ristown Railroad station. . NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, North Fifth street, Kull, of Noble. Had gas introduced, bath, hot and cold water, cooking range, furnace, to. Terms—sl,ooo may riMaia on mortgage. THREE- STOKY BEIDE. STORE AND DWELL ING, northeast corner of Seventh and Jefferson strebts. It it occupied as a grocery store and dwelling, and is a good !amines& stand: Poremptoty Sale.— GROUND-RENT of STS a year, oa a lot Ihr moron strati, Penn District. TWO-STORY BEIGE DWELT•ING, corner of Ger mantown turnpike and Gowan's lane, Blount Airy, Gar• manlown, Twantr,seunnd ward. TIIIIICE-STGRY DEICE. DWELLING, lie. 505 Pine greet, wet of Sixth. BEAL YST&TE SALE-RISE IT . . Peremptory SaIe—TALUARLE COAL LANDS.— Our saielith Jnno will include 7 tracts coal 'antic Broad Top township, Penna. Poll descriptions ready In hand bills. REAL ESTATI: SALE—JCI4E 24. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of John Prnith, dsed.— TWELVE PROPERTIES. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Alm. Mitchell, deed. Stile Igo. XS North Thirteenth Street lIOUSEOLD FURNITURE, BRUSSELS AND IN GRAIN CARPETS, &c. THIS MORNING. Juno 7, at 10 o'clock, at No. 305 North Thirteenth street, above Vine, the parlor, chamber, and kitchen fur niture, &c. sir May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning or the sale. Sale on the Pramlseo—No. 808 Nonh. Broad &root HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, ANDruainc- TURN. BRUSSELS OARPITS, MIRRORS, MR LODEON, Ac. _ _ ON MONDAY MORNING June 9, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 808 North Broad street, the handsome modern four.story brick meteage, with four. atm, bask buildings. Has all the modern rotveniences; gas throughout; 3 batb•rooma, hot and cold water ; furnace, cooldng range, am. Also, a back stable and . coach.bouse in the rear, on Carlisle greet. TIANDBOItIB FIIIINITITRB.—ImmediateIy after the sale of the house will be sold the household funiituro. Also, a two-seated carriage. ST The house will be sold at 10 o'clock, the furniture immediately after. Fall descriptions in handbills. SALE OF INTERESTING AUTOGRAPH LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS, EUROPEAN AND AMERI CAN. ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON. June 30, commencing at 4 o'clock, at the Auction Store, will be bold a choice and valuable collection of autograph letters and documents, American and Eu ropean, comprising eminent statesmen, judge., naval and military oilicere, wen of ecience, art, nod lettere, &c. Also, early colonial governors, generals and statesmen of the Revolution, signers of the Declaration of fade. pendence Alen, rare old bcoka newspapers, portraits, he. ogr 'or particulars see catalogue. Sole No. 1735 Arch Street. HANDSOME FURNITURE, MIRROR, TA ?ESTEE CARPETS, &c. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, llth ir.st , at 10 o'clock, by . catelogne, at No. 1435 Arch street, the handsome carlor, dicing-room, awl chamber runiitnre, fine French-plate mirror, fine velvet carpets. &c. • May D 6 examined at 8 o'clock on the morning a' the sale. IVIOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEBiI AND 001512dI9SIonf ItirllOßAl47. seathesse corner a slava and RACE Stmts. CREAT BA RC, INS—W AVG Et ES ANT/ JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE. - Floe gold and tilver levene le pine. English. Swiss, and French watches for less Mon half the usual selling prices. Watches from one dot/4w to one hundred dollars rack Gold chains from 40 to 60 cants per diet Pianos cheap. TAKE NOTICE The highest possible ;idea le loaned on Roods 14 I*. thane Principal Establishment, southeast corner of Sixth and Hate streets. At least ons-third more *an of any other establishment to this atty. NATHANB' PBINOIPAL MONEY TSTABLE3X- lIKNT. 250,000 TO LOAN, In lenge or small amounts, from one dollar to ibomeads, on diamonds, gold and silver plate, watehoa, Jewelry, merchandise, clothing, furniture, bedding, pianos, oat Roods of every description. LOANS MADE AT THE LOWEST MARKET BATIK, This establishment has large fire and thief-proof Wag, for the eafet; of valuable goods, together with a acivata watchman on the premises. XSTABLISEND FOB TIM LAST 30 YEARS. ALL LARGE LOANS MADE AT "_'BLS, VAS "PRINCIPAL ESTABLIRIIMENT." CRA.RGES. GREATLY REM:FORT. CABINET FURNITURE. (IABINET FITBNITITRE AND Me lia LIAUD 'ABM. MOORE & OAMPION. So. 3l south SECOND street, In oonneceon with their extensive Oshinet Boldness ars cow mannisottuing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, And have now on hand a fell emPPIY, dnithed with the HOORN $ OAMPION'S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced, by all who have mod them, to be superior to all others. Woe tho Quality and finish of these tables the menu hectare", refer to their numertma patrons throughout the Union, who are fecoßlar with the character of their work. fesB.4m SHIPPING sa r st FOR NII,W YORK-THIS DAY-DESPATCH AND SWIXTSHRS LINES-YIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. Steamers of the aLoTe Lines will leaye DAILY, at and i, P. AI. • For freight, which will be taken on accommodstins terms. apply to WM. M. BAIRD S 00., nv2l-tf 132 South VELAWARI: Avenue. gain BOSTON AND PIIILADEb- PELA. STEAMSHIP LINE--From PIERS Street, Philadelphia. and LONG Wharf, Boston, &c. The steamship SAXON. Captain Matthews, will tad from Philadelphia for Boston on SATURDAY, June .14, al 30 o'clock A. M., and from Boston for Philadelphia c. MONDAY, Juno 9, at 4 o'clock P. M. Insurance one•half that by sail vessels. Freight taken at fair rates. Shiners will please send bill, lading with their goads. For freight or passage (having tine accourmodatiews for passengers), apply to HENRY WESSON & 00., 88S SOUTH WHARVES TES BRITISH AND NORTH AMERMAN ROYAL MUM MAX- !ROM NRW YORK TO LIVDEPOOL. Chief Cabin PBMage .D ti • &Mid Cabin Peerage lli IKON BOSTON TO LIYBILPOOL. Chief Cabin. Passage AUK second Cabin Peerage The shim from New York call at Cork Harbor. The ships hem Beaton cab at Rallies and Ocek Kat— bor. bocynA, Oapt. ,Inetbkm 0111 NA. Oapt. Anderson. PERSIA, Oapt. Lott. &SEA, Capt. Oook. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. EUROPA, Gant J. WWI. AFRICA, Ont. Bhaurc. CANADA, °apt Muir. AMERICA, Capt. Moodie.!NIAGARA, Oapt. A. Byr AIISTEtALAS/AN. Theo) teasels carry a dear white light at mat-keof green on starboard bow; zed on port bow. SCOTIA, Judkhui, karat N. York, Wednesday, Jane 4. EUROPA, Cook, " Boston, Wednesday, June IL PERSIA, Lott, •' N.York, Wedneeday, June EL AFRICA, Shannon, " Boston, Wedneeday, Jnne 30. B.IIINA, Anderson, a N.York, Wednesday. July A ARABIA. Moodie, " Boston, Wednesday, July 9. SCOTIA, Judkins, " N.Y • rk, Wednesday, July 10. Berths not secured until paid tor. At, experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of those ebbe will not be accountable ter Gehl, Silver Bullion,Spools, Jewelry, Precious 19to, Or Metals, althea hulls of lading are iditned therefor, IPA the vane thereof therein expretwed. For fret.sht or gut. MO, at 947 to (TOWARD, 4 BOWLING GREEN. New York. E. O. & J. G. SA.TBS, 103 STATE Street. Boston. :LONDON EXHIBITION-RETURN A TIOKETS TO LONDON AND RAOKI__ _ First-claws Seeond-elana dia WEEKLY COI[MUNIOA TION BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW TOME AND IXTERPOOL : calling at QIIKINS TOWN, (IrebnA) to land and tanbark paesongern gairpatohea. The Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Stems ably 001nPallr's eplendld Clyde-built iron acrew demi. gape ere Intended to sail as follower. IRON NSW YORK YOB LIVERPOOL. CITY OF BALTIMORE......Saturday, May 31, 1882. KA N CARO 0 Saturday, June 7, 1882. CITY or NEW YORK.— ...Setnrday, June 14,1884. GITY OF WASHINGION....Batutday, Jane 21, 1882. And every Saturday throughout the FOY, train PM No. 14 N. B. BATAS OP PASSAGX THBOLIGH FROM PHILADDLPHIA. Oahn. to Queenstown, or Liverpool in Do. to London. via Liverpool nal ;steerage to Queenstown, or Do. to London.gra . . Do. Return tickets, svallalote for oix months, from Liverpool Passengers forwarded to Mints firth liOirlbritra. Bremen, sad Antwerp at through mho. Certificates of passage lamed from Liverpool to Ilse York 1144 Certificates of passage issued from Qttaanatowa to Han York Those otherness have superior SOCWOOtOdittiOnO for pat asnaers, are oonstrnoted with water-tight oempartments, and carry experienced Burgeons. Tor freight, or pomace, apply at tbo orlos of the Ocao- I la JOH2f G. DALZ, Agent, • 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia, In Liver - tool, to WM. INMAN, Tower Buildings. In Glasgow, all WM. utea, 18 Dixon stmt. iga ir s a FOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware sal Raritan Cans). Philadelphia and New York Branum Steamboat Cbaa• pany receive freight and leave day at 2 P. M., ddimor- Dig their cargoes in New York the following day. freights taken at reasonable rates. . WM. P. OLYDN, Agent, Mo. ).4 SOUTH WS &BYES, Phtladelllilla JAMBS HAND, Agent, ant-8 . 'Piers 14 end 16 EAST 311718, New Toe. aABDEN VAB ES . -Ornamental Tens Gotta Garden Vases, warranted to stand the weather in any climate. Thew vaeee are made in beau tiful designs, mid all sites, from 1 foot to 3 feet high, with a variety of pedestals, round and squat., f rom 1 foot to 4 feet high. No decorations add so much to the natural beauties of a Garden, and at Ito little cost, as • few Vases filled with flowering plants. Illustrated Cata logues sent by mall on application. B. h.. lIABBIBOIIi t 1010 011EBTNITT Street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers