Jo John Bulls, on the otbet side of the water, on a uset," had the desired effect. The whole hems was silent as If the ATis thousand noisy urchin' In it bad Adetily fallen NMI,. At the close of Mr. Wilhelm' re , rile, be exhibited the contents of the box ; a crown of roe, like that which the Bl,lour was made to wear in ckery. Borne ofjthe children looked disappointed, rlrff, Perham, expected to see a young elephant, or ething else ; but the mass wore awed by the presen ion of the object, and evidently had their thought mix, by the exhibition. he Concluding speaker was the Rev. B, W. Ohl llaw, wee introduced to the audience as "the Sunday 'col missionary from all over the laud." He had been . some weeks past engaged in the great army of deli ,ance in the western part of our country. Tbey had ird or those noble fellows on various occasions, from ions quarters, and he blessed God that they bad heard them to-day at Corinth. [lmmense cheering.] His silence as a chaplain wee narrated at some length. . t this point a lady in the audience sent up a cairlo de tie of Presidont Lincoln, with a request upon the re- Nritten in pencil mark, that the whole assembly, ore clemissing, unite in singing "The Star-spangled .nor." The request wee responded to, or course, the 'once in the meanwhile, amid the waving or hand. cbiefe, the whirl of . uplifted arms, and the waving hate, presenting such a scene of enthusiasm for the 'toils flog as would have made any Secessionist or ewarni Unionist tremolo with vory ohismo. Olfeere re given for the Union, and the friond.ef the Union 1 Sabbath Schools—ez•Gov. Pollock. . i'be benediction was pronounced by the Rey. Mr Wfti t, of Pittsburg. • he gathering at Mr. ellumbers' . chnrch wee similarly )dueltA to the one Om deecribed, the speakers lug been tho Peer. 1. If.. Torrence, W. J. B. Taylor, P., "Felber Abraham" Martin, aid Meters. Provo, • `intou, and Andy M. Spangler, of this city. SERMON COMMEMORATIVE OP TELE LATE REV. BETHUNR.—From an announcement in another umn. it will o lte seen that a sermon to to be preached morrow evening at the First 11,fornied Church, corner Set• and Sprirg Garden arrests, by the ROY. Dr. to Nest, of New York, on the late Dr. George W. De. ere. As Dr. Yen Nett was long intimate with the ject of his discourse, and for some years associated 12 him in the peatorekip of the same church, his por t t of that eminent divine will no doubt be graphic and Mut. The same clergyman will occupy the pulpit of cherub also to. morrow morel ug. PROGRESSIVE YOUNG CLOTHING HOENE— iladelphia has long needed a Clothing establishment in feth the art and elegance of n first-clam merchant-W.- 141 g house should be combined with all the immediate monde of a thorough Ready-mode Oicehing mart This idoratum we have now In succeeeful operation In the ch•taiktd•of Oak Bell" Clothing Baum of Movers. • namaker ,le Brown, on the eouthe tet corner of Mar ' and Sixth streets. Having aimed at catering for the y beet trade of our city and State, they adopted the caution of employing gentlemen in their Cutting de iimunt, of reputation for standing at the head of their iestion. The consmumice is that their garments, .),ready-made and those made to order, are unlver i''y admired for their glace and elegance; and doing ores for cash, with the best facilities at their coin for obtaining the choicest goods on the beet posit 'terms, their prices are greatly below ',Alit our Ott e have been acoultomed to paying in other es lishnieuts for the same CPI•9B of garments. Messrs. nameker & Brown, therefore, deserve the liberal pa- . age they are receiving. Everybody, iu fact, ad:hires fr mode of deallog. Persons wishing clothing should fail to visit the popular w o,tg HALL," at Sixth • El arket. , ZEItstON TO YOUNG MEN.—To-morrow (Sun -) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, the Rev. Jobe C. Bliat will uch n sermon, in the church Broad and dausom eta, to young mon. As a young clergymen himself, I known to, and greatly interested io, the young men or city, we bespeak for Mr. Bales a large audience of class he wishes to reach. • PUBLIC MEETING in behalf of the society the increase of the minh.tey, will be held in St. he's Church, to-morrow (rinudaY) oveninc. Bishop ter la annonnced to preelde, end addresses will be de red by President Eliot, of Trinity College, Hartford, a. Dr. Howe, Leeds, and other's. ARO PtioroanApits Oy CLERHYIIEN.—Mr. Outetunst lute taken, at bin Ppleridld now galleries, s. 704 and 706 Arch street, carter de visire of nearly the more prominent clergymen in Philadelphia, a col ion—most of which are for sale at hie counters—of at attractiveness to our ch nrch people generally. Wo leretand that bin room during the past few days have Ai thronged with delegates in the city attending the LOue religions conventions that have been in mobil. ore is a Bottom of finish, a strength of Ilkeness, and oral artistic appearance about Mr. Gateknnst's plc .. unequalled by any other American photographs. 'HE RUSH AT OANFORD'S.—We heard the nut made yesterday by a gentleman of taste and ta that he would rather wear a eeedy hat six months, y from Philadelphia, than buy a new one anywhere - than at Charles Oakford & Son's, under the Conti tal Bowl, and so because he was in favor of Detre- Org houses that reflected the meat honor upan our city. popularity of Oakford A Sous' establianment'ls pro bud, and they are evidently determined to keep it so, the superb Hate, Cape, G‘mt's Furnishing Goods, a thousand choice articles of taste and comfort for 'denten, %Odell they are selling et tower prices than other house in the trade. ÜBLIU SALE OP COAL OIL.—We invite the clal attention of dealers in, and cot bunters of, Coal I to the sale advertised to take pl,ce at Babe's ware se, North Broad street, on Tueticky morning, inn. 'at JO o'clock. The oil to be ead—in all ono hundred fifty barrels—is the beat refiner{ article in the Ike. POO gallons of the lot being pot up In five-gallon a (with fpfggote) sad cased (five cans In a case), the cinder being in good barrels. The oil will be Bold ter nt whole nr in lots tomtit webasera ; terms to Le e known on the morning of the sale. I WHITMAN dr. Co.'s CONY ECTIONs, Se d sited, below Chestnut, have a name for purity cf !Wilily, and richness of flavor, unennalled by any era in the Union. Their delicious new preparations, retail adapted for the 661111413, are in great favor with 4tiblic, if we may judge from the ovovrda of happy. sl customers that daily throng their store. The i'mure of business upon this old and respectable house 'lnitially increasing, and their removal to more Imo -I,lis pouters will soon become necessary. LEGANT ASSORTMENT OF CANTON I.EATTINGS, CLOTHS, AND OARPBTOMS.-31eAnn. J. F. at E. E. ;No. 519 Chestnut street, opposite the State .ne, have now in store a cuagrificent speortment of tinge of the choiceet delfgns, and clan:ratings of the it desirable styles and qualltlee, welch they me selliog iim, pricer. The advaatasee of purchaelng at this olla me °bikini to all who take petue to examine. ATENT COMBINATION KNIFE AND FORK.— have been shown a very ingen.ou., and, we Amid 1 d, metal patent article in the way of Knife, Fork, -.peon, especially adapted for camp use, or for fisher eu reaming men, mechanic., mmere, lumbermen, , d all workmen carrying oinnere. They are ON, exceedingly convenient, and durable,. and we woo doubt will soon be widely Introduced. They e innufactured by Messrs. {Forman es Ely, No. 130 egatreet. _ FINE LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES.A— -r. 1. B. Mattson, dealer in line grocerlee, Arch and .ntl streets, has constantly on hand a perfectly pure Bch of Brandy; also, Port v 'Sherryi and Madeira Mu, fur medicinal purlieus. TAKE NOTICL—II tile_ very genteel-looking aivaaat of the colored department, (4uppased to be a ot the Continental boys), who tor petratel the follow . on the door.vdep of the world-renowned cravat store, No 800, southwest corner of Eighth and Chestnut •eets, will accept, he can have one choice oat •of 210 ',vane beat style neckties in Ptulladelehia, and the same 'allege once a month for one year—"free gratis for hung;" 'Dick, why will unfermented bread nebbor Cub slat up, Charley—muss de gentlemen buy eo Cil new• style neokties in dip hur store, dot day can't ly new-style bread t" iu yen—l will toll you why unfermented bread won't l—because nobody needs it." TARE NoTrex.—Sale of Fine Clothing to at Grigg & Van Glont'en'e, No 704 Market street. Kht Cliaelmare Bulls as low as $81• Come alai 80e. GENERAL BUTLER CAN KEEP A ITOTEL.—III ,w Orleans, General Butler and suite occupy the St. arks Bold. The main entrance la flanked with brass id-pieces; eoldiere guard the entrance, and bivouac at . foot of 'the grand staircase Stacks of arms have irted the gleams of the potters on the sidewalk, and marble floor of the rotunda Hugs with the sharp click the sabre, while camp equipage mid 'boxes of ummnni tr placetiwhere wore farms. ly piled the. trunks el hat.burtes of tourists soul up-river" merchants. t, indeed, not unlike Is the Contineotal Hotellhf our v-abiding city. Swords, aboulder.strepo, and bullet •,f vests decorate the windows, while untenanted ent ree swing by the sidewalk. This lutt.r is the result of postmodern of the first floor by Charles Stokes, and . suits of Men and Boys' Clothing and Military Goode. 'VARIETY IN VIE ANIMAL CREATION.—Thera ve actually boon ascertained In the animal kingdom out . eixty thousand species of living oreatures. There . 660 steolea of mammalia; of blide, !here are 4,000 toles ; of tlebes, 8,000 species; of reptiles, 700 , and, of cots, 94,000. Besides these, there ore 3,000 epecies of and not lees than SO nr 100 species of aultnol tee, Invisible to the naked eye. There Is, however, but establishment in the country ilke that kept by waffle btokee, the fashioner and clothier, at No. 009 eetnut street, where the but and guest !trimmer gar mte can be obtained, at greatly reduced price& PRESIDENTIAL IDABINET-ItLA lIISG.—T here aro fops and rumors of changes to the Cabinet at Wash • toni The President was a good rail-splutter, and a MIA schoolmaster, a first-class lawyer, a competent •ogreasman ; he is an unimpeachable President, and a nod Cablort-maker. But Mr. Lincoln, with all his ver. :Mt}, does not understood tailoring; he leaves that annortant dety to his liege fallow-citizens, Bockhill & 'llson, who proince the most elegant and substantial niforms for soldiers, and the most faultless writs foie Miens, at their browh-ttone Clothing Hall, ties. 603 :und 605 Chestnut streetostio re Sixth. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. * BEE FOURTH PAGE ERR IY Bark Conrad, Salsbury, from Rio de . Janeiro April 13, in ballast to .1 W Field. Bohr piano, Johnson, 6 days from ThYst.:in, with pots• tons to captain. Oar mart, Rickards, 1 day from Otimden, Del, with , rn to Jas L Bewloy & Co. Steamer Ands, Robinson, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W 1" Clyde. Barge Sbanahse, Gotsohalt, 24 Loony from New York, • Ith miler to W P Clyde. -• CLEARED. • Brig Emma, Baker, Boston, T wet's & Co. haw Pauline and Cornelia, (Butch) tlagedora, Cork, for radon, J 111 Bagley Co. Sam D 8 Sinor. May, Key West, Tyler. Stone k On." Scbr Robert Knowles, Insley; Yorktowu, Va, C 11 Curnruinas. Sir b Willing, Claypool°, Paltlmord, A Grores,Jr. DIEMORANOA. eldp Olty of Bath, Cooper, cleared at New York yes- Ueda) for Melbourne. Bark Vigo, Hayden, henc", arrived at Boston yes terday Balk Zldon, from Camden, Me, for Philadelphia, put back to Rockland 25th inst. ltalty. Bark Hiawatha, Ryder, cleared at New Bedford 29th inst. for Philadelphia. - Behr United States, Babson, for Philadelphia, cleared Oharlottetown, PEl,]9th lost It Bar Oreander, Dean, for Philadelphia, cleared at Charlottetown, PEI, 20th hat Behr° J C Patten, Hand. and Carrie IN Bich, Hardy, hence, arrived at Boston ?Alit inst. Bcbr A Corderj-, Babcock, hence for Beaton, at lintels Island Harbor 27th inst. s e b e All en H Brown, Crowell, from Provldenes for Philadelphia, at Dntch Island Harbor 28th finer. Schr °Horton, Pendleton, hence, 'strived at Rockland Xith inst. • Ba rg gor h b, Benson, and Island Bode, Butter, hence, arrived at New Bedford 29th lost . Behr Sarah (Mark, Griffin, for Philadelphia, sailed from New Bedford 29th inst. Seim J Tinker, McDonald, boner, arrived at Newbary port 27th irmt. eleop Trader, 'Eaton, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York yesterday. hammer Ireneidte, Yanderveer, hence, arrived at New York yteterday. . . ARRIVALS - •AT THE HOTELS lIP TO 12 0 2 CIACK LAST NIGUT CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Obostnut ate. B Sawyer, Boston Bev B R Allen, Boston J W Hunnicutt, Boston Geo S Woodward, Bllissond S T Meherd, Mercer, Pa Thos S Xing Qt w, Pittebu'g John S Baker, Cincinnati Strol B Kort, Oluclannti H W laser, Lancaster Sand Copsinqd R Ale, Ohio Sand A Bridges, Allentown B May, Cincinnati John A Hiestand, LnncesterJ R. Swan, Columbus F D Lerned, klassachusette Roht B Coombs, N Jams hlr Voorhees del, Pt Comfort J J Jonee, Washington, D 0 W N Dickinson, New York Ceo Cornwall, New York Capt Hopyin, Rhode Inland B S Hager, Itlohinond D Sturtevant N B Barry, New York B T Wilson, Mutton °apt Hopkinson, 13 S A Jas L Graham, Pittsburg D O'Neill, Pittsburg J D Noyes. Buffalo Dr Dumont, Newport, B J Lewis, Ohio Mr Bchwodenk 7, New York D Brown, Jr, Wellsburg, Va Saint Stockton & la, N J Chas T Cox & I, New Jersey E Bohlen & I li; New York Jno Stillman Ala, Baltimore P B Sylor & Is, Springfield B Derby, Boston 1.1 Broker, Mastaehuratte C Bedell & la, Brooklyn A S Greene, New 'York Chas Bawle J N Morrison, Now York John Ash, Penns S Shocb, Columbia, Pa P Lippman, .New York W 11 Grinnell, New York R M Blatcbrord, New York W 8 Borland, U 8 A W L Ilelfonstene, Pottsville T Scudder, New York Geo Talcott hw, Hartford J N Thumb, New York W 0 Mande, New Truk .Alonzo V Jones. NY • D Itnlllday, Baltimore lion A X 'McClure, Pa JO Kunkel, Harrisburg Dr G I Beaton & w, Pa Jos 0 Ludlow, 'Newark, NJ P J Dalai t IY, Key Mrs Bobemorhorn & den, NY Mrs W E Menet, Phila J F Shultz, Philadelphia J Hutton, Pennsylvania D L Wicks, New York - A L Holley, New York D B Sexton, Cleveland B L Ferguson. N Y T P Bldridgo A w, New York W U. Taylor, New York T W Atkinson, Maryland N Dion, Mari land L H Ohaudier, Maine John Hodges A wf Capt II CI Cooper, N Jersey Elt Sprague, Baltimore J Janes A wr, Wash, D C J L Tracy, Willi, I) 0 J D Murphy, Pottsville .1 L Thirkield, Ohio MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Tonrth et, bolow Are. J B Proctor, Mom J B Bancroft, Phil& - 1) Itartron, Wharton, Pa J Bartron, Jr, Wharton,ra A Crisman Chas Stratton, Evansburg Mrs Jones. Pittsburg Mrs Brackett, Pittsburg L P Wiltleme, Phil& W P White, Leicester 8 0 Oburcb, Mass 0 (Murat, Wass A Hum pbrey, Clearfield, Pa Mrnest Dietricb, Pittsburg W 8 Haven, Pittsburg Thos White, Indiana, Pa A 11l White, Baltimore AMERlCAN—Chestnut street, above Fifth. Moses Bey, Springfield, Pa F Jacobs, Pennsylvania J R Whitaker, Maryland II M Arnsbnry ' N Y.. R Tinley .t la, Matra Col Davies St la, Mo Mice Anoc Davies, M lemur! W F Spalding & Is,Wash'n Joe Funk & la, Baltimore F Hand, Oape May R S Thompson, Cape May Joe thimphrevs, Maryland Hugh Jackson J II Taylor, New York . D N Wagntr, Bellefonte R T Chidsey, Easton, Pa B Richardson, Brooklyn H A Ohambens, Oat bondale J P Cuningbarn, Delaware John Du Born, Maryland 'II 0 Bond.Newtown, Pa Jag Kidd, south Easton,Pa C Pennell, NOW Jersoy ST. LOUIS HOTEL--Uheacant small, above Third Jas S Vllop, Chester llon J W Houston, Del Ir VHaiden, Washington GII Avery C Schroop, New York J E Crone, Washington W LB:nese Washington D P Newham', Boston B R Lewis,Montrose G Boyce, Wilmington J R Lancaster, Pittsburg Mr Wilson, Penna G Bill, Jr, Georgetown, DC D Newhall, Boston D Potter, N Jersey W R Wilson. New York T S Pearson, Buffalo H Norton, Buffalo TUE UNION—Arch street, above Third J Frost, Wooster, 0 1 / 1 0 Ellie Davie. Boontboro, Did Rev P S Davis, Norristown 3 R Relchel & son, Pa E P Ancona, Reading • J G Reading, New Jersey II llitlebrant, Ohto E H Hughair;•Pennsytnnia MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above 'Barka.. F Barley, Benne W 11 Pease, New York Johnson ' Troy, N J W Cowell, Doylestown Wm Otter,Elatington II If French, Wyoming co Jas P Burroughs, Maryland Jas M Askey, Olearfteld Thep Askey, Clearfield Mrs 1-1 Evans, Deposit, NY H Oarser, New Jersey 4 W H Forster, Now York Moses Bash, Kent co, Del Itobt Deane, Johnsyille J B Wallace, Indiana . D Withrow, Mifflin co 00l Wm Butler, Lewistown J Y Uhadsey, Baratoga,NY Jno Fat ren, is A ch, Doylestown STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sirtli. Jai Dopkins, Baltimore J F Rohrer ' MoVeytown W A Bell.-13 S A Alex Port, Pinney'garde W Weld, Pennsylvania John Sloan, Indiana Jae Pitson, Pennesivania W Weld/or, Princeton Geo II Rumple, Colombia Thos B Watt, Latrobe B C Thomas, Maryland H 0 lipauhliog, Elailru,NY W Axe, Wilmington, Del B lime, Pennsylvania B H Brown, Florence, Pa 0011XEROIAL-81xth street, aim Chestnut. J Kennedy, Jr, Lancaster co W Baldwin. Newark, Del W Beth, 'Newark, Del W T 800, Killerarille, Pa X Pennock, Wilm, Del JT 01cOreary, Maryland 080 0 Kerr, Newark, Del John Witherovr, Fannettabg John 11 Walker, Fannettabg J 0 Pleckinger, Fannottabg J B Coolbangh, Wilkerbarre frConner, Wilkoebarre BLACK BEAR—Third street, above .Callowhill. W Wolf, Danboro' H S (human. Penna A Buckman, Itrecharge/We W. Paff, Yardleyvflle I L Trenton, Yerdlervllle J Haldeman ' Doylestown Jae Tomlinson, llyberry . Joe Drown. Salem - David Thomas, Nana 0 Route, ByhorrY S Fell, Buckingham M Haldeman, Danboro' Jaa Cadwaleder, Doylost'n Benj Beans,.Yardl•yvlle Mrs Beans, Yardlayoille F 'l' Beane, Tani c yellla W R Neal, Tardierrille Mrs Janney, N Jer.ey Thos Mills, Fenn& Semi Cornell, Penns O Clemens, Cheater Valley HAI Fetter, Bethlehem ir T sharer, Penna BALD EAGLE—Third etreet,.ebore Callowhdl A 8 Bbristioe. Bucks co R 8 Funk, Becks co dead Bmith, Evelio co J Faboch,'Moutir co Mre Bearer. Lebanon oo .. Chas Boano,'Ducka co z e pj moths, Bucks oo SPECIAL NOTICES. A SUMMER DITTY. • DT THE BARD OP TOWER HALL The season, take it altogether, Is hot enough, bet is the weather— Besides, this rebel excitation Still keeps ne in a perspiration; And, as the month of June approaches, Although not burned as black as roaches, We blueh withheat, like crabs in kettle, Turned red by contact with hot metal. And more we blush—yea, blush like rubles— To think of those poor Southern booblee-- Our countrymen, we blush to call them— Who force old Uncle Sam to maul them. 'Tie thought by Conning men that often . Strong heat hard substances will soften; And yet the summer's beat imparts No tenderness to traitors' hearts; Their heads, perhaps, are softened more, But they were soft enough bolero. Tho beams of Phcebus seem to fire us, And toast us brown while they inspire us. Bence comes that meet important rule . For bards and other men—w Keep pool?' If you for Clothing cool and nice (pine finality, at lowest price,) To TOWBR BALL BAZAAR will turn you, .Sol may inspire, but cannot burn you. Our assortmsnt of seasonable Itaady-made Clothing is the largest and meet varied in Philadelphia, and com prises aq stiles mid prices of goods, from which every tneto, size, and pocket can bo stilted. Wo have Woo a well-selected stock of Piece G aids, for order work. We buy and sell for cash only, therefore at the low est possible prices TOWER MALL, No. MS MARKET St., Philadelphia. It BENNETT & 00. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! THE BEST IN THE`WORLD. ILLIASI A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature-- warranted not to injure the Hair in the least ; remedies the ill effects of bad dy,s, and invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, lenring the Hair soft and b< au- . Mut. Bold by all Druggists, &o. pT Tbe Oannine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on the four sides of 'each bon. FAGTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Btroet, (Late 2:13 Broadtoay and 18 Bond street), my2B-ly New York. A NEW INVENTION FOE .HOUSEKEEIN EES—PUTNAM'S PATENT OLOTHES WHINGED; —Tide simple but complete labor-eavlng machine nun be managed by a child, without danger of Injuring the Boast curtains or lame. It is now on exhibition, and for We at the Refrigerator St 4 re, corner of DOCK and PEAR Streets. . [m)29-tb&a2t] Z. S. EABSON at 00. LYON'S MAONETIO INSECT POWDER, Tested for nineteen years and growl in favor. It kills and exterminates Roaches, Bed Bags, Ants, Floes, Notbs in Cloths, Fure, and Furniture, Garden Insects, Ac. All genuine bears, the signature of E. Lyon, and is rioipoisonous to persons or domestic animals. Be ware of counterfeits and imitations: Lyon's Powder b ills all insects in a trice, Lyon's Pills are death to rata and mice. Bold everywhere. D. 8. BARNES, my3.etulblm 202 Broadway, New York. ONE-I'l4lOE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST Smse, made In the Bed. Manner, expressly for RE TAIL BALLS. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain rigurec All Goods made to Order warranted entieractory. Our Osa•Palos SYSTSIII IS strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. ge2.2.17 JONES h CO., 604 MARKET Street. MARRIED SWERORY—DIMN.—On the 80th instant, by Alder man White, at btu private office, No. 404 Library rtroot, Mr. Charles Bweet ey to Mini Mary Dunn, both of Phila delphia. DII DOTS—I'ERBINS.—At Bristol, Pa , on Thu•sdnY, the 29th instant. in St. James' Church, by the Rey. W. PerP ins, 'misted by the Rey. J. P. Lundy, of Holmes burg. Mr. Theodore W. Da Bois. of Piemiant Valley, Dutehess county, N. Y., and Miss Mary G. of Bristol. Perkins,* LBSTER—GBEEN.—Fitch mouth 29th, by Friend''. ceremony, Bran Jones Lester to 'Elisabeth, daughter of Joseph Green, all of this city. 111.1GBFS—CbgilIBN8.—On the 99th, by the Rai.. Robt. G. Matlack, Thomas Hughes to Emily IL. Clemens, all of this city. • * • BURBT—DOI7NARGE.—On the 91st of December, by the Rey. George Dritighuret, William Burst to Ellerin Donnahne, both of this city. MYEBS.—DIINBAB —April 17, 1862, by the Be!. James McCaskie, William H. Myers. orderly sergeant 14th Infantry, to Mary Dunbar, of Philadelptia. * Air The marriage published on the 26th instant, be tween George W: Ellis and Henrietta Robinson, was false. no.such marriage baying taken place: * DIED. WILLSON.—At London, England, on the 12th Met., Mary D., wire of Nicholas J. Willson, and daughter of the late Jacob B. Lancaster, or this city. * HARPER Memphis ' Tennessee, on the 24th of April last, of typhoid fever, Br. John 0 Harper, or this city, In the Hit year of his see. CONNELL.—On the 80th Instant, Joseph Rlcha'Azi ism of George and Elizabeth Connell, aged 20 years. Dim notice will be given of the funeral. . * JOHNBTON.—At Eft. LOWE/. Missouri. on the 28th instant, Robert Johntton, brolo r, to the 61at year of his age. Due notice of his funeral will be given. • * PARSON.—On tbe, 2.9 th Instant, Annie, daughter of Enoch B. and Latinle Parson, aged 7 years pad & mouths. The relatives and friends of the family are vespectfnily invited to attend the funeral, from the mental residence. Do 308 Wharton street, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. To proceed to 8t: Dead M. H. Ghttrch for ir.- ttwieni,* . • GRWILER.—On the 25th bitten', him. Sarah Ur wifer, relict of the late George Urwiler, Sr , in her e4th year. Relatives and friends of the family are invit al to attend her funeral from the reeideoce of her envie. law, Mr. Adam Warthman, Dauphin street, east of rrookford road, tlbs (Saturday) alt,rnoon, at o'clock. Funeral to proceed to Glenwood Cemetery. CALEY.—On Fourth day morning (28th inst.), Mary L. Coley, in the 584 year of her age. • The funeral will take place from the residence of her husband, Samuel Coley, No. Ins Seminar street, at 2 o'clock on Seventh d •y afternoon, to which the friends of the family are psrtfcnlsrly invited. NORTH —ln Trenton, on Fourth day morning, (the 28th inst ), liaaraih F., widow of the late Abel North, of Philadelphia. The relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend her funeral from the residence of her mother, Margin et Furman, at No. 107 R. State etreol, Trenton, on Seventh day, sth month Slat, at 2 o'clock in the after roes.. . SECOND MOITENLNG.. POPLINS; VALENCIA% AND' GINGEIAMS —WESSON & SON invite attention to their New Stook of— Second Mourning Gleighams, 15 to 26 cents. St cond Mourning Silk and Wool Poplins, 62g to 75. Second Mourning fink and Wool Valeaciaa, 76 cts. Black and White finest Franck Jacionate, 25 eta. Plain Bleak Onset French Jaconets, 26 eta. Lnpin's Black Zhallies, 44 eta. ~ Lupin's Black Barone, 7-4 wide, 62 j oft • Black Orape Mortis, 26 cis. • Lupin!' Black Tomartioes, 26 eta. • m914-tf (TrREV. KIMOSTOPIIIODDARD, - T. D., vi I pr. ugh In St. Poore Oburoh, I TEIIRD Street. below Waluot. on SUNDAY MORNING, ince 1, et 103( o'clock. Obildren'e church in the afternoon. Lltie CHURCH OW THE. ADVENT. BUT TONWOOD and FIFTH 'Streets—SUNDAY EVENING. B o'clock, meeting in behalf of the religioni wer.te of the Boldtere. Rey Dr. Goddard, Rev. Mr. WatFon, Rev. Blr. Long, awl others, to take part in the services. A collection. 11* THE ARMY COMMITTEE OF . THE T. M. C. A. invite the,co•operatien of the Christian and patriotic citizens in The good work of min istering to the wants of our Soldiers in the Hospital and in the field. A public mostiog in their behalf will be hold TOMORROW EVENING. in the Fourth Pros. brterisn Church, corner TWELFTH and LOYLBARD Rtreetr, at X of 8 o'clock. Addresses by the pastor, Roy. Philip Mowry, Rev, J. 11. Torrence, and by two of the deputation just returned from Yorktown; Rev. George Bringhuret, and Joseph Parker, Eat. The pub. lie are invited. try. REV. JOHN _CHATUBF.RS ON , HELL, Reviewed by Rev. A. 0. TE1016.8, 1 . 0-110 - Itt.W EVENING, LOMBARD St., sb. Fourth.. It* tr_. GERMAN REFORMED CHURCH. RACE arra, near Fourth.—Bev.,JOHN BECK', of Easton. Pennsylvania, will Preach on SUN DAY MORNING, at log o'clock. EVENING, at 8 o'clock. 11.* MTWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERNAILY OB THE ELEVENTH TIAPTISr NABBA.TR bOROOL, will be hold TO-MORROW (June Jet,) at the Church, TWELF3 II Street, between Race and Vine. Exercises to commence at 3 o'clock. The public are cor dially Invited to birpreeent. • 2 00 WORK HORSES WANTED.- - Apply M HAGlint• & S ASSUAN'S Livery eta. Men,' BAY ERY Etreet, below Girard avenue. Blehteenth Ward. . • • • royal-Et* la.- SECOND' • VICITAHIAN . SOCIETY, ..WASHINGTON HALL. SPSING GARDEN Sued, above Elpbth.—Rev. WK. L. CHAFFIN. Sun day, Jose lat.. Berrl me to commence at *Quarter before 11 o'clock 8i.11,i ned 8 o'clock P. N. ltS . . SPIRITIIALISM.—FREE CONFER. EN4333.8 till be held at- SANBOII-9rIITOEV 'NALL every Sandal" at 30M o'clock A. M., and 8 P. M. lash person will be allowed ten minutes to Rive their experience in rotation to Spiritualism. Admission live teats . It* Iffie REV. ABM. R. VAN NEST, JR , D. D., of New Vork, will preach in. the First Reformed Dutch Church, corner of SEVENTH and SP RING GARDEN Streets,. TO-MORROW (Sunday) MORN ING. at 30K . o'clock. And, by special request, in the EVENING, at 8 o'clock, will deliver a discourse in memory of the late Rev. Geo. W. Bethune, I) D. * Tar ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY-4 Stated liDeting of this Society will be held on SATURDAY .EVENING, Mat initant, at 7j o'clock, In the OONT/NENTAL 'HOTEL. Membera are re oneatad lo attend without further notlee. ru}3o-2t - GEORGE YOUgG, Snrelary. (ff. COLUMBUS, PIQUA, AND INDIANA RAILROAD COMBAS Y.—Bondholders assent. ing to the plan of reorganization of said Company are requested to rend their bonds to the office of the uzdeir. signed, No. 243 South SIXTII Etroet, ai speedily at pos sible, to be receiptod for and deposited at the Chemical Bank, New York, in compliance, with said plan and ar. rangement. Office hours 10 to 12 A. M. my29.thstu 3t JOS. T. TLIOSIAS, Trustee. irrNOTICE.—A GENERAL MEETING . of the Stockholders of the UNION CANAL COM PANY, and of the Bondholders of said company, now secured by the lot mortgage, dated the 28d April. 1853, will he hold at the Booms of the Board of Trade: No. 605 CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, the nintlr day of JUNE, 1862, at 11 A. Di., for the purpose of considering sod wring upon the provisions of an net of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. entitled " A further supple anent to the eeveral acts heretofore passed relating to the Union Canal °omen', of Pennsylvania." 'Approved the 10th day of April, A. D. 1882. By order of the Board of Managers. - JAMES PAGE, Preaident. 0. THOMPSON. Secretary. rny2B-tjeo. torOFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL. ROAD OOMPANY, rffILAMILPHIA, April 18,1862. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this day declared a semi-anenal Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State tax, paya ble on and after May 15th, 1882. Powers of Attorney for collection of Dividends can be had on application, at the office of the company. No. 238 Booth THIRD Street. THOS. T. FIRTH, aTill tiol Treasurer. trr PEOPLE'S STATE CONVENTION. TEE PEOPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA, who doairn cordially to unite in SUSTAINING THE NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION in its patriotic efforts to auppress a sectional and unholy rebellion against the . UNITY OF THE REPUBI IC, and who desire to support, by every power of the. Go vernment, our hundred thousand heroic brethren in arms, braving disease and the perils of the field to preserve the Union of our fathers, are requested to select the number of DIELKOATES tonal to the Legislative Representation of the State, at such times and in sneti - mannor es wilt boot respond to the spirit of this call, to meet in STATE CONVENTION, sa HARRISBURG, On TRITIISDAY, the 17th day of July next, at 11 o'clock on said day, to NOMINATE CANDIDATES for the Maces of AUDITOR GENERAL Awn sunvicYou GE NEE AL; and to take such measures as may be doomed necessary to strengthen the Government in this season of common peril te it common country. Chairman of the People's State Committee. ONO. W. HAIIIMERSLY ' Liiecretaries. JOHN M. SULLIVAN, gyOFFICE MONONGAIIELA NAVIGA TION COMPANY, PITTSBURG, May 23, 1868. At a meeting of the Board et Managers of thte Oampa liytheld on the let of May, 3862, the following resolution° were adopted:. Resolved, That coupon bonds of this Company, bear ing date% the brat day of July next, be issnot to the amount of Two 'Hundred Thousand Dollars, in same of One Thousand Dollars each, payable in twee. ty-lice years after the date theteof, bearing interest at the rate of six per centime per annum, pays-, ble semi-annually, id the city of New York. and the said bonds be secured by mortgage of the works and revenues of this Company. to be made to Thomas Bakewell, as trut•tee, for the holders of said honda. Resolved, That the President of this Company be au thorized to precure. to be negotiated, of the mortgage bonds of this Company. this day ordered to be issued, the amount of one hundred and twenty-five thonsand dol lars, for comb, or the ontetsnding bouda of this Com pany, maturing on the first day of January . next, at par. In Retardant* with the foregoing resolutions, SC 8- SCRIPTIONB will be received until three o'clock of the 24th DAY Olt JUNE NEXT, for the above loan. In formation with regard to the character of the Improve ment may be obtained from Joshua Hanna, Eng., of Ben net, Ha, t, & Co Pittsburg; Abraham Gibbons, Err., Coatesville, Cheater county, Pa. - ; and ?deems. Jay, Cook, & Co., Philadelphia, who are authorized to receive trubscriptione for the loan. The Capital Stock of the Company is ...........5126,700 Funded debt, (bondsoutstanding). • • • 182,000 There's no hosting or other debt existing. The works are in active operation and complete repair, and the re ceipte justify expectations of the usual or overuse divi dend for the present year. The works were so far com pleted, and the debts of the Company paid as to enable the 'Managers to declare their brat dividend,' July 7th, 1853, einee which time they have declared fourteen divi dends up to July, 1801—eight yess--amottattrur in the aggregate to fifty-four and one-half per cent., or elx and eighty-one hundredths per cent. per annum. There are 700 bonds in the market better secured than those of this Company, and nose that otter greater inducement, fag investment on to et cnrity and prompt payment of inte rest; which is well known by the holders of the prettoot onktanding bonds. The object of this mortgage is to eonrentrate the bonds of the Company and. wenn the whole.. A preference wilt be given to the present holders .of the beetle maturing January 1et,1863 The Comptuy reserves the right to accept the whole or any portion of the amount subscribed. • my 27. tJe24 iffoOatißeD, President. VENOTICE. -THE. ANNUAL. MEETING of the Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA SA 11. DOCK COMPANY, for the election or five director, and the trenaectinn of other bt13113.1131, will be bald at Nn. 128 N DELAWARE Avenue, (2d floor), on Monday, June 2d, 1862, at 12 o'clock, noon. DOI& WM. DENNIS., Secretary and Treasurer. . ta--'OFFICE LEHIGH COAL AND HAW. OATION COMPANY.--Pumaammita, May 27, A . Dlvidend of TREI PEIt GENT., equal to One dollar sod fifty cents per share ' on the capital stock of the company, has ate day been declared by the Board of Minaret", payable on demand. .my2B-131. EDWIN WALTER, Treasurer. ErrPPMNSYLVANIA ACADEMY or THE FINE ARTS—The annual election for a Presi dent and twelve Directors will be held at the'AoMetur on DIONDAY, the 21 of June, between the hours of 5 and 6 P.M. • 'JOHN T. LEWI6, Secretary. ? adelpbia, May 26, 1682. • . tn727-6t ORY TY PE I 3:---REI.III E It'B Ivory 7 ty pee have a charm and beady. beyond comparison; accurate in Stones,. the drapery and accessories artisti cally colored. SSGOND Street, above Green... . GRAY OR DISCOLORED HAIR dyed &beautiful black or brown at FOURTH sod BRANCH. _ 'my3l-iftf ipois, SHOULDERS. 16 bade. Chenattit'e factions sugar-cored, can yanerd. Kentucky . Hama. 2,000 extra eucar•cnred, oucanyassed,Kentucky amp. 3,300 sugancured, uneanymmed, Ohio Hama. 10,000 pounds Dried Apples. . Leaf Lard, in tin cans, and email kegs.. For mile by LAMBERT TIIOI2AS S. CO., No. 210 North BROAD Street. royBl-3t*" WORMAN & 'ELY, No. 130 PEGG Street, manufacturers of oatent OABT-STECL TABLE LERY; also, a lately-patented COMBI NATION NIFTs, YORK, and SPOON, itspeciallY adopted for Camp use, for Fishermen, Sea-faring Men, Mechanics, Miners, Lumbermen, and oil Workmen car rying their dinners. W. &. E.'e Cutlery is warranted to be of the beat nnality of ENGLISH CAST-BTEIL. and Sa intended to . enperaede, by its excellence andmheapneeth. the inferior qualities of Cutlery now In the market, and. to which they respectfully Invite the attention of the hardware dealers generally-- ; . . iny29-3in MANY EFFORTS HAVE . .BEEN .LT_L made to preserve the form and features of the dead, without the usual mode, ea repugnant to the feel. logs, of placing the body in ice. This difficulty has been overcome by Good's'. air-tight. PATENT BOXES. Cold air le the medium need, -acting as s preservative-1a • thi wit meat weather, and for any length of time required. 11ikevelle, bodies may be conveyed hnodredeof miles with Porftct safely, sad to stood date of preservation. 301111 GOOD, Undertakes, No. 921 SPRUCE Skeet. N. 11—Leadf!detain and other °Ulnae, furnlebad at the ' shorteet notice. Hearses sad carriages of the to... Actuality. I " Lots, half lolly and single graves, In the 'afferent came- Wien ; one importer tot In Mount Mork C emetery; I one, two, three, or four hundred feet, OA be had chomp I for mob, or trade. Introttutiona—Dr. SANDED JACKSON, 224 South ' • EIGHTH Street; Dr. J. H. MoOLELL &N. 1029 WALNUT . Street. m79-tbstuam THE PRESS.--,PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1862. HEADQUARTERS COMPANY 0, RATIONAL GUARD.—Recruits treaty! Int rorsiistely at the Aran/• RA.OB Street, below Sixth. m27-tf RARRANIIS NEP?, Rectal°. lU. S. MARINES.-WANTED-- For the 11. S. Navin, Oorps, for eel service aboard of men.of-wa., SEVERAL 1117611/RED ABLE BODIED Al Ex, between the ages Gf 18 and 36 years. All informaHou that may be required, will be given at the Rendezvous, 8U South Front street, below Spruce, Philadelphia. - JAMES LEWIS, my20.12t ... Captain and Recruiting Officer. ELOQUENT with. grace, truth, . and Monty are BRIMIM'S Colored Photographs, finely Inlithed and in en erU,tic manner. Only SI. BBCOND Street, above Green. it* PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Imported from rata, Berlin, and Vienna, latest etylee and hoprovernente, wholesale and retail. SOHOLZ & J 12Z1.1TeRY, 112 South EIGHTH Stmt. mv9-1m EXEMPLIFIED—that merit will meet its reward, in REIMER'S Colored Photographs. Tbely.fine Qualities of truthfal coloring and finish are fully "immolated by the people. BIGOOND Street, above Green. 11* AMERICAN GOLD WANTED, • At. high prices. oNs,irass COULTIFICATNI3 FOlt szvEN:Arm-Taitawrzwrin AND COUPON BONDS FOR * BALD. DREXEL It Co.. ml6-Im 34 &nth THIRD Street. $5,000, AND $4,000 TO $6 000 ~ /IY - SST on ffiortoogo. Annly to Ai en7 "l' No. 61 North Stre e t. myBo4t • To EUROPEAN. TRAVELLERS.- • Circular Lettere of Credit, available In nil parte of the world, will lie fenced by News. GEORGE PEA BODY &CO of London. Apply to 0. MA.OALTCSTIM 206 Sonth.SIXTE Street. in72440/# TT S. FLAG EMPORIUM, U NATIONAL ENSIGNS, PRESENTATION FLAGS. 80. 4113 .. A80g, Street, ['bone Fol7llltll B°Ys...g.LOTHING F. A. HOYT & BRO'S., B. W. Corner TENTH and aIiEBTNIIT Streets ABBNIIDLT BUILDINGS tattAbsttn-Igt. • FLANNEL OVER-SHIRTS FOR THE ARMY. FINE SHIRTS,, STO O KS, AND • . . . . PE WRAPRS- . Manufactured at O. A. HOFFMAN'S.• - (SUCCESSOR TO W. W. nutrT.) NO. 606 AROI2I STREET. *lir A fall lino of • TIRE, SCARFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, posnuty, AND UNDMROLOTHING.. Always on bawl: . • • ' GEORGE GRANT. MSHIRT MANUFACTORY. igobsertber would Invite attention to bit IMPROVED OUT OF BRUIT% Which — he matte a specialty in his buainees. Also, con stantly receiving ROVELTDIS TOR GENTLEMEN'S WILE. . • J. W. SCOTT, .. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STOBE, hre. 814 CHESTNUT BTERET, tan-ft • ' roar donee below the nnotinented. • A. K. MoOLUILE, vv.FR & WILSON ...REMNG MACHINES, 628 - CHESTNUT STREET; anbliAs PHILADIELPTIZA. SSHUTTLE.I3)4WING MACRINE3, Warranted as good im represented or the money re funded. The best in the market for family use or manu facturing purposes. Sewing-meobine trimmings of ail Mode; Mao. Walcott's Petent Sawing-Machine Scissors for sale at JONES . & CO.'S New Store, No. 8 South EIGHTH Street. lt* ARMY CLOTHING ' AND EQUI TIVELFIII AND GIRARD STRENTS_, Z " PIIILADHLPIIIA May 30, 1062. PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until 12 o'clock M , on Tuesday, 3d of June, to furnish 500 sots Hospital Tont Poles. 500 Wall Tent Poles. Proposals will state the earlieet time they can bo deli vered, as they are wanted as soon as possible. To be endorsed "Proposals for Tent Poles," and addressed to . G. 11. OBOSHAN, Deputy Q. ffi. General 11. 8. A. BY ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE-UNITED STATES, the following con demned ORDNANCE STORES will be cold at Cohn° Auction, on TUESDAY, June" Bd, at the United States. Armory. Springfield, viz: - • 687 Tine for Stocks. 2,994 Butt Plates. • 1,023 Guard r 1 • • 1,292 rr Bowe. 1,763 Swivels. . • 1,820 Triggers. • 86 Trigger Screws. • 20 Guard rr 1,100 Loaf Sight 818011. 169 First Leaf. 311 Second Leaf. • 28 Joint Screws. 28 Unse r . rr • 48 Frout Sights. 1,990 Breach Screws. 1,928 Gores • 166 Vent Screvrs. 7,495 Barrels in various stages. , 1,852 'r poll , ited. 827 .. rifled. . - 1,711 Upper Banda 1,883 Kindle . 4 • • 1,664 Lower 44 537 Band Sp"rings. • 1.230 Lock Plates. 1,269 Magazine' Cover Studs. • • 160 , r Catches. 303 • . Covers. • 1,076 , r Cover Rivets. 168,600 Pounds Coarse Scrap Iron.. • : 264,000 Fine 44 . 4 . 30,100 1, Old Cast. 130 Feeding Springs. . •." , 881 1, " Fingers. ' 982 Main-Spring Swivels. • 187 .‘ Swivel Rivets. *. ' • 3,271 Remmers. " 1,224 Tumblers. 6,126 Bridles. 1.136 Scars. 1,664 Sear-Springs. _ • 1,761 Lock Screws. • .. 4 t 928 Mein Springs 1,410 Side Screw Washer. ' . . 807 Screws. , . 486 Ramrods. • • 167 Bayonet Clasps: • ' • - ' • : 46 Wirers. '.450000 Cadet Filea Barrel,. (worn). , 427 Pistol r , 1 Screw Drop. • . 6 Ratchet Drops. • _ , , 1 Small Iron 60 Powder Barrels. • . 9,164 Bough Stocks. 10,261 Stocks in verions stages. . 187 Barrel, model 1842, rifled. . • " • . • 7 Barnerses (worn). 27.748 Pounds Scrap Cast Steed. • • 60,000 ‘f Milling Chile. 209 " Tools. Bale to commence at 10 i:Pcleck A. Terms Cash AM bills to be paid in Specie or Treasury Notes. A. R. DYER. Captain Commanding.' -U. S. 'AnttentTi May 27th, 1002 .. • 1473014 t MILITARY NOTICES ruoToGßAms. FLIVAPICIAL. NATIONAL FLAGS. 418 ARCH STREET. BUNTING .AND SILK FLAGS, REGIMENTAL STANDARDS, CAVALRY .GUIDONS, EVANS 8c HASSALL, CLOTHING. GENTS' FUENDIIIING GOODS 11ANDFAOTIIBILB OF AND DEALIB IN GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, No. 610 CHESTNUT STREIT.. SEWING MACHINES MATTINGS MATTINGS MAT ANA. MOS ! • 8-4 WHITE, AND ,CHECIEED, 4:4 WHITE AND CHECKED, ' 5-4 WHITE AND CHECKED, 6-4 WHITE AND CHECKED, AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. REEVE 1,. KNIGHT, .• No; 2A2 Utah SECOND Street:, my 27-Im if WeNt elde, neer Byrum • NOTlCE.—Certificate of Girard Bank Stack, No. 642, for tow shares, detail May 26, 1869, having been butat, application will be made for, rev newai of the same. Biala Alibi It UIIZIG:• ., . ....0722-th ilia . RETAIL DRY. GOODS SCARCE GOODE. GRENA DI NE VEILS, MAO, Liao, Blue, Black, Winn, and Groeu CRAPE AND LOVE VEILS, All Sizes NARROW TRAINING RIBBONS, Corded Hdgts, Nos. 4 and F, la all colon M. L. HALLO WELL & • Co.„ ms3l•6t] 333 MARKET STREET GREAT REDUCTION. IN PRICES OF LIGHT, PLAIN, -AND FANCY CLOTH SACQUEI'. 3 , FROM $8 TO $5. . ..". ...• FROM $lO TO ' FROM $l4 TO $B. % These garments are elegant and rich in appearance, as much so as Silk Garments at twice the cost, and are thin enough to : be worn the entire season. eT.. W. :PROCTOR & 00., 920 01032TNLIT S'IT.233T. my3o:tjeB • ." MEN'S AND: BOYS' WEAR. CASEIMERES. . . LIGHT' MIXTURES. BILK MIXTURES. BRIE BLACK CLOTHS. LADIES , CLOAKING& • BLACK BBOADOLOBEES. r BILK iIXED COATINGS. NEW SIELTONS. • COOPER & CONARID, S. E. CORNER NINTH. AND MARKET. nenr-im fILOAKS ! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! vv THAI GIITATEIBT BAEG4IIII . XII MEN am IVENS & 00:'S, 2A SOUTH NINTH STRUM. THE LARGEST STOM THE HEST ASSORTMENT, THE CHOICEST COLORS, THE FINEST QUALITIES, THE MOST SUPERB ralumnras, THE NEWEST STFLES, THE REST WORK, AND DECIDEDL-r nip LOWEST PRICES, IN THE OITY, ♦T 'IVENS & CO.'S, .Nci. 28 60IITH NINTH STREET mh264m ("14! 0A1C13.---if you want the best value 1 1..1 for your money, go to the City Cloak Store, 141 North HIGHTH Street, above Cherry. mh2B-21m CI.LOAKS AND MANTILLAS. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Of all the Nearest Materials, AND 0110IOEST PATTERNS, AT THE LOWEST PRIDES, mylls-2m No. SS South TENTH Street Ct 3 LOAK! A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT or ALL THE NEWEST STYLES IMPORTED THIS SEASON;.. With every new material, made up and trimmed in the very best manner, at prime that defy all competition, AI TRH • PARIS CLOAK STORE, N. I. CORNER EIGHTH AND WALNUT ST& mh.26-9m 1'024 OH•BBTNITT STEM - • M. NEE LES Hee receired by the latest arrirale from Enrope, '" the folloviltur desirable goods, suitable to the re . niretnents of the present season, which he offers at rely low prices: Narrow Guipure and Talenclenne Laces. suitable st for trimming dresses and Garibaldi's; neat linen embroidered Bresilfset Collars and sets; 20 piece a to (a fresh invoice) of puffed Garibaldi muslin •, also, new goods In Pointe, Velenclenne and other laces; 4 a new lot of Valencienne lace trimmed Handker chiefs ; also, milled French Cambric Handkerchiefs embroidered in galore • Magpie (black and white figured) Lace Veils•, Varbes in reakthread, Chan tilly, and points applique; a small 1 nvoico of choice eta lee Paris-made Infants caps., The el:rectal swell ,visit ut of teem durin. the Summer is called to the above, as also to in xtemsive assortment of White Goods and Linens, a adapted to summer wee ; a great variety of plaid, . bird, dotted, figured , and plain tousling, and nets, suitable for Garibaldi's, ke. my 26 1024 011BSTNIIT-lITSBDT 625. NE W SPRING GOODS. 62 5. . 0- SOMERS & SON, CLOTH HOUSE, No. 625 OHESTNIIT STREET, LINIMER JATIIII . B HALL, Have now in store. and are receiving constantly a large and &airship assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, COATINGS, SILX MIXED AND PL tJN. Vesting!, Talton' Trimmings, and ad goods Wasted to MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. PLEASE ()ALL AND EXAMINE. mylam r . .. • TAS.- . R.'OANIREMILL lb .00, wipiaßsera AND RETAIL MILLERS; 727 CHEsTNITT STREET, ' • Have opened this day, • . Bonnet's Black Taffetas. Triple Chain Satin Plaid Colored Taffetas. Detached Figured Camel's Hair Thibot, high testae. Satin Plaid and Printed Marquiliso. • Dapin's beat black Baregee and Bombazines. Bich Plaid Mozambique's. Lupin's best . black, white,. and high colored Chat Organdies and Jeconets, grissaile grounds. Cacbemire Stripe Printed Percales, very rich. Foulard Poplins. Fonlard Batine, &a • TROCHE ENGLIER BEREGES. A Dew and large stack at vary low pOo-i. • sityW•tf SHA.B.PIMIS BROTRZES. AMBIQUES.- . Plain 2dixturee and. Plaid", two yard' wide, far BRABBLESS ,BRO rim as Mantles. mt2tt if CHEAP BAR BEIR RO BE S, Two bundred Floutioed Babas, at one-titird of the importing coat. .my 29 tf SHARPLESS BROTHERS BLEACHED .11IISLINS.- Extra quigiUsi of fibtrtinue, et, much reduced prices. • BQABPLRS3 BENT HESS, my29-tf ' 011ESTNUT & EIGHT Streets. NEW CLOAK STORE! 11 no most &loud assortment In the at Stre ty. No. 29 South NINTH et, tint door above Chestnut mh2B-Sat 103 Ncoa s j u LE D ? P ST oraitisA ß ß E on E , T, STASES LAVENS' MESS TRIMMINGS, do. The Coe E artnership heretofore extsthig between AIIIPMAN LONNZEBTALTER Having been dissolved by mutual consent, the under signed reepectfully informs the patrons and friends of the old firm, and the trade in general, that be has taken all the up-stairs rooms of NO. 108-NOUTH NIGHTII BTBNIIT, -ABOVE A 11011. To continue the manufacturing o all kinds et DRESS, ()LOAN, AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS, IBINGZO, BUTTONS, . TASSELS, 00BD BEAD NETS, • Of all descriptions, acc., ac., And will offer tnducements In price and quality, as well as prompt attendance to orders, in every article apper taining ID hill line. WM'LONNBBSTADTEB, api-2ni.l No. 108 North EIGHTH Streeksb. Arch. SILKQILK: MANTLES AND SACQUES Black Taffeta Mantles. Black Silk Barques. ' Elegant now styles. - Light Cloth Barques. • 'SHEPHERD'S PLAIDS.. New lots, bargains, 13%;181(, and 25 ota. Plaid ifforamblunes, very desirable ! ZINN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. _. Silk Mixed Casgmeros and Coatings. Light colors fancy Oassimereti. 8.4 Mixtures and Melton. Cloth goods for little fellows. BOY'S JAOEETS AND PANTS. • (trkw. DEPARTNIST,,BIIOO II D aroMr.) First-class Beady-made Garments. Style and Fit unexceptionable. Prices very reasonable. Boys tan made to order. COOPER & OONARD, .... • •8. . E. Omer NINTH and MARENT Stmts. I THE ATTENTION of mi customers and friends to the following Goode, which are fresh and desirable : Black and White Plaid Silks; Organdie Lawns, choice styles. Mozambinues, Plain and Plaid. • Neapolitan Mike, for travelling snits. • • • Argentines; Black and Brown; mixed. Mode Tamertines, scarce awl desirable. Black Crape d'Espagnes, from auction. Chen° Detainee, nice assortment at 18X0. 10 dozen Eld-finish Bilk Mores, at 37)4 c. 87 dozen LadieteLineu Handkerchiefs, at 81.032 N per dozen ; a bargain. • Ono lot of Lisle Gauntlets, at 181( a Pair • One lot of Black Silk, SLUM ; the best I ever had for . the money. • • At • - JOHN H. STOKES', m 728.. • . 702 Altell Street. NEW SPRING PRINTS, - °HOKIN STYLIIa • . MEENIMA.CI3I BPRAGIIS,' PACIFIC, ALL TWELVE AND A BALI oilivra, A lino lot beet Lyles and feet colon et 100. 00WPENTIINFAIT 100„ mb.1541 N. W. tor. DIGEPPEr and KARIM Bti. CIAUZE SUMNER BLANKETEL-' The subsoribere hare recelTed an invoice of thee* deetrOla goods, In fine anglify, at lag Nellolo ' • %SHIPP/LED, VAN HABITNOBN,'Ac AMMON, ~ ; 1 1111 101 0.0: 1008 OBIBTOII7T Street. RETAIL DRY GOODS. E. & L., FOURTH AND ARCH, OFFER FOR SALE, NEAT PLAID BILKS, SHEPHERD'S PLAID SILKS, PLAIN COLT POULT DE SOIES, LEATHER COL'D MOHAIR, LAVA COL' D DELAINES, TOURISTS' DRESS GOODS, 5-4 SHEPHERD'S PLAIDS,,NEW, CLOTH SACKS, NEW SHAPE, CLOTHS FOR MAKING} SACKS. spBD-We„ tf 'MBE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND I .4 MICH Sts., are offering a very, large assortment or Travelliog Drees Gouda. • Lava Colored Mohair. Taffeta De Amnerey. - Poplins and Mozambiques. . roy3o-tf g_A NAVY BLUE FLANNEL, RB, O 'Gent& Summer Coate and Snits. Indigo Blue Cloths. Blue Shirt:ng Flannels. Gray Shirting Manuals. BYRE k LANDBL , L, FOURTH and ABB a Streets. pERFECT INDIA PLAID DRESS Shepherd's Plaid Indian. Broken Plaid Indian Black and White Plaid-Poult de Bole. Summer Silks and Foulards. reyao-tt FOURTH and &MAI Streetri. NEW GOODS OPENING DAILY. —Plaid Pm:dards, black, brown, blue, and Mao, Plain brown Poniards, one yard wide. Piques, whito ground and bouquets of Mints colors. ' Wool De Laines, choice shades. Plaid and small figured Wool De 'Gaines, for children. A large assortment of Gine/ants, at 12M, 20, and'2s cents. - Afresh assortment of °batting Mast:: Small figure dark brown alohairs, choice: Shepherd's Plaids, from 18% to 50 cents. Oak and Wool Poplins in groat variety, at JOHN H STOKES', No. 702 ARCH Street. A. 8.--Good black Silks, 137 X, sl, and $1.3.2%. Oall and examine our $i.3.2,4 - ,lack Silks. mh2B LINENS.—I have now one of the obermeat and most desirable tote of Fronting Linens ever offered. Dunbor and Dickson's ntake, very fine, at 373( cents ; ens lot at 50, which is worth, and has been sold, at, 75 ; one lot 82X, and the very finest 75. Richert don's make 'in the heavy' goods, suitable for general family use, in every number, 313(, 37,4, and 45, which - has always brought 50 cents. : Tbe celebrated Golden Max LINEN. at 52X and 75, which is pronounced. by the best judges, to be the hard est to wear out of any linen made. The above goods are really very cheap; having been imported under the old duty, thereby saving 15 por 50 dozen Union Napkins, 75e per dozen; Spot and Damask, all linen. do., at $1.50 ; heavy Buck Towels, $1.50 ; plain brown do., 75 seats per dozen; one lot, 1X yards long, with broad red border, 1B cants Fine Spot . and Damask Table Cloths, all linen, at Able, an excellent savorhnent of hand loom Table Linens. GBANVILLB B. HAINICS O,. MEIMIEM I W IIS.73 Trir I IM IIII FL A I N MOZAMBIQUES' AT 13 Plaid Bor,ambiones at 13 sante, worth 20 cents. Plaid MozambiOnes at 18 coats. Plaid•blorambiques at 25 cents. Plaid Merambiones at 31 cents. - - Plaid litozambiques at BTXE cents. Embroidered Mozainbiques at 50 cants. BCO yards Gray Himalayas at 10 cts.; worth 13 - cts. Gray Sultanas, Gray-Poplins, and Travelling - Press floods of every variety.._ ' 3,000 'YARDS BLACK AND WOOL PLAIDS, All-wool filling, at 20 cents. Brown and Black,Ground Lawns.' Fine French Organdies. BEST 1234 CENT. LAWNS IN THE CITY. 'I Lot Handsome Silk Hebei,. 22 Yards patterns, At $l7, worth $.30: FANCY SILKS, YERY OTTEAP. Jnet received, 2 small IoM of Baroge 'Robes, At $2.50 and 183, worth $8 and $1.2. - My2o-tf No. 713 North TENTH St , ab. 00 ii.TES. FOULARD SILKSFROM NEW YORK AUCTION.. Foulards, now open, at 44 routs. - Mole Grenadine Veils. Brown Grenadine Veils. EYRE LANDBLL, jay 20 . Fourth and Arch manta. 'T - - - -..nvilibts - - -- Aagivi-PoRTERS' PRICES. JL.4I —RICHARDSON'S and DUNBAR IDIOSSON'S celebrated SHIRTING and FRONTING LINENS, re ceived from tne..raannfacturers direct, and guarantied perfect—to which the attention of buyers and the trade generally is respectfully invited. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, aria-rod 1008 OHESTNIIT Street. CLOAKS; PAL/I.'lOl'ES AND DIAN TILIA.S.--Ladies in want of the above articles will And it to their "advantas o to visit the old established holm of hire. HEITItT, No. 33 Nettb NINTH Street; below AROH. The latest Paris SOUR always= hand at Deere that astonish everybody: - - • -. Itirt-3m I 3 Y S', JAMBES', .AND Gimp IU N's lIING, .. • • . ENDLESS VARIETY, 220..137 South EIGHTH &met, m3 , 15.2m "Throe Doors above WALNUT. MILITEIRY GOODS. ARMY GOODS ON HAND DARK AND LIGHT BLUE KERSEY& STANDARD 6.4 AND 8-4 INDIGO WOOL-DEND BLUE FLANNELS. INDIGO BLUE MIXTURES. COTTON DUCH, 10, 12, AND 15-OUNCE. FARNHAM, KIRKH.A.M, & CO., 41128.2 m 224 OBFS'INTT STREET.' WATCHES AND. JEWELRY. OMAS O. GARRETT, - . ; - 712 . CHESTNUT STREET, Her received fresh eta* CiOIXO , - AND SILVER WATCHES; . . FINE PI4TEIIO' WARE Aim • • TABLE CUTLERY, And is mannfacturingagreat variety of SILVER WASH adapted for home we and for presents. " Prompt and particular attention is given to repairing Watches by tlrst•clew workmen. . ap24-thatu2m ANLERIOAN, ENGLISH, i ti & AND • *II SW/TS WATCHES; JEWELRY, AND SILTERWARE,. T • R. NB- Er 0. - E.D Rtai 308. H. WATSOV, mr2o.:An •.• ' 826.0FIESTEUE-STRENT. REMOVAL. .• . • t T., C. FULLER paring Bemared from No. 42 South Tomo StroottC, No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, 2nd Flooi,' . ' (Opposite Masonic Tomplej - • Now offers a Largo and Delicate Stock of GOLDAND . SILVER WATCHES, BOGEBS 3 BiktITIIMBS' SPOONS AND if JNKS, . • FINE .TEW.EtRY,. . . To which ther.atteWOM of 041 ttads ill invited... AMERICAN " WATCH COM PANY." GOLD AND SLY.= W A T S, 808 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: COMPANY'S SALESROOM, No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, lammed floor, . (opposite Maw* Temple.) - • I. B. MARTER, Agent.. apao.3. VULCANITE RUBBER JEWELRY A beautiful line of - GENTLEMEN'S VEST CHAINS, LADIES' ONA TAMAINE CHAINS, TRIOIBLES, CHOSSEG, STUDS, BUTTONS, ao., Nov_ In Store. ' • • • J. O. FIILIMR; No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, neeond Me" (Opposite Maio* Teas le.) • WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. AFRESH ASSORTMENT at LESS THAN WOHNIBB PRIOR& . • • 7133 szaintra,' Importers, 814 OEUISTITOT Wed. ,104110,,Foartli REFRIGERATORS, AND. COOLERS HE , HAYEEO REFRIGERA T TOll.'.' • ; . Thew are, beyond doubt, the most aolentifio and effiolen REFRIGERATORS In use, being.WABILLETED BEEP . PROVISIONS LONGER, ' WITH LESS 'ICE, • : THAN ANY OTHERS. RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PRICES AWN slarPWor#ollt of the moat upped WA.TER 0504:31.,.F 4 R3. ~" S. Otkitir;'" . 1579341 . No. 1008 IdAßAt't Street. ENT-M: REV CHERRY TENT. T BUTTONS ant BLIPS, United Stated pattern. for silo at J. P. JIBED'S, Southeast corner of THIB TMENTEI arid NOBLE Streets, Philadelphia. my2.B.lm* riTURTLE AND OLAM SOUP served 1 iv assirl*kasieiiimori) by J 41.115.8 ?808. 888, we MANX= Street: . , Famlßes suppllo,s4 NUM* 1327741 NEW PUBLIC A TIONS TWO - NEW BOOKS PUBLISHED THIS VAT WILLIE ooLLINs' BooX, THE STOLEN MASK; THE MYSTERIOUS CASH-130i BY WII,KIE COLLINS, PRICE TWENTY-FIVE VENTS - AND THE TWO PRIMA DOW 3, GEORGE AUGUSTUS SALA, PRICE TWENTY-FIVE GENTS Copies of the above will be sent to any one, the of postage, on remitting the price to the publishers, robliehed and for sale by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia,. To. whom all ordero must come addressed VICTOR 111300'S %LA I -11167 a GREAT NOVEL LES MISER AB'LES. The Ammican copyright translation is published and for sale this morning, in two styles—viz: Large octavo, paper covers, price GO cents, and on su perior paper, elegant cloth binding, $l. Iris almost unnecessary for the publisher of this mag nificent work to say anything in it 3 favor. The French feuiltetcnisfs and critics have exhausted every adjective in its praise. 'The fabulous amount of 880,006 le reported as having been paid to the author for the copyright Machinery of the most gigantic charactei has been set at work in Europe to enhance its sale thFte. ... Itgappearance wasfollowed by a furore unparalleled in the literary world: Two enormous editions, of ten thousend copies each, were swept off within the week of its publication, and telegraphic orders arriving from'all parts of-Europe rt =lined unfilled. _ ': --- It is the acknowledged literary event of the century. In -the way of a novel, there's nothing grander in all litera ** Said by bard:sacra eyerywheia t and Bent by mail FREE, on receipt or price, by . CARLETON, Publisher, (Late RUDD & CARLETON.) No. 413 B.ROADWAY, corner Lievenari. attest, N. Y. mBE MASONIC BEORETS RE -L. YEAIBD • RION RD9ON 3 S MONITOR OF FRE E-MABONRY, A complete Guide to the Orions Ceremonies and Routine in Free-Masons' Lodges, Chanters, Encampments, Hie rarchies, ttc., , in all the Degrees, whether Modern, Ancient, Ineffable, Philosophical, or Eftstorical; con+ taining engravings of the &gm, Tokens, and Grips, and descriptions of the Decorations. Drapery, Dress, Re gent?, and Jewels, and likewise the Pass-words and other Secret Words in each Degree. Profusely illustrated with Explanatory Engravings and Plates of the Interior of Lodges. Symbols, &c: BY JAMIE RICHARDSON, A. 141. " A book of 192 pages. Price, 50 cents, bound in gilt ninth. [if sealed up with sealing-ivetc;,and letter postage Any Society of Marna who wish to work in the higher Degrees, or in any Degree whatever, will find this book an invaluable aid to them. Send cash milers to my2l-stuth F. G. 13A.800011, No. 18 Ann Street, N. B 4 AI3Y RUD,E}E, READY ON SATURDAY, MAY 3rst MESSRS. SHELDON & COMPANY, rußLlsnEns, ITEW YORK, Beg to anniounce that, the elegant HOUSEHOLD ;.EDITION OF TES WORKS OF CEA.S. DICKENS Having gassed into their hands, they wilt putilieh the Eighth Issue of the Settee, BARNABY RUDGE, With Illustrations on Steel. from Drawings by DAItLEY & GILBERT. 8 volumes ltinv PAY, ray 3lst. : KW" FOB SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS ATEW-BOOK! NEW BOOK! I.ITiiIC ORRISTA.N .4..813ATH: its History, Autho rity,Duliee. Benefits, and Civil Relations: is Reties of die coursesby Rev. W. L. Rice, D. D., Rev. William Haulm, Rev: 'Harvey D. Donee, Rev. William Adams, D. D., and the Rev. Alexander II Vinton, D. D.; with a.. sketch of the Sabbath. Tetuan, by the secretary of the Now York Sabbath Committee, 12mo .75 eta For sale by • WILLIAM 5 .. & ALFRED KARVER, No: 696 CHESTNUT Street. SPRING MILLINERY. 41A REMOVAL. MISSES O'BRYAN, 924 011ESTNIITStmet, have removed tonal' 'WALNUT Street, threedoore above Ele venth, north ehie,Aind will open PARIS INILLINBRY, for the Sorine on TRIIRoDA.Y. Ands 17. onl24m* WANTS. PARTNER WANTED.—The adver tiger desires a partner with some capital and exneri. ence to Join bimin the Produce and Oommissloo hu•ineas. Address " Omega," at ibis office. my2B-10t* AYOUNG MARRED MAN wishes a Situation in a wholesale establishment, of MI kind; would ha affirm to make himself generally useful. Address B. KENT, 22 North Third Street. .my3.o DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GrE muve; oFrlnz, PIIILADIMPRIA.:III+7 27, 1862. WANTED DIME DIATELY, 800 able•bodied, healthy tam, to yo to Virginia, at la borers. Fay 825 per month, and a ration per day. For farther particulars, apply to A. B. EDS rIS, at 227 South tRONT Street. A. BO VD, my27.Bt Capt. and A. Q. M. dif COUNTRY. HOUSE" WANTED NM • —One large 'and furnielnd ; near 011113TSIIT BILL or GEROUNTOWN preferred. Address 1583 LOOLFST Street. m 7 17-70 aWANTED -L A House with all the modern improvements, having at lewd six chant bare, wiib fixtures for Stove. Limits, BAOB to W LAOSI.. EIGHTH to BROAD. .Bent not over 8300. Fox 1711," 0. .. • rim HALE - AND To-LET. T° D IS T II 44P W • - The DIETILIABY known as tha PHCENIX," and formerly owned and occupied by SAUL. SITYTII, yep., situated on TWZNTY-THIRI), between BAO3I and VINE Streets, Philadelphia, Oapacity 600 bushels per day, is now offered for sale on reasonable and bosom *iodating tern. Ie in good running order, and has aft the modern improvemente. An Artesian well on the pre mises furnishes an unfailing supply of good, pare water. Address Z. LOOKZ B 00., No, 1010 NLAILICIVE Strom, Philadelphia. fe22-dtt FOR SALE—On the most accom-. nialnodating terms, P EYSTOILANII PROP EET Y, con venient to. tbo city .; • god practice given in wealtby neigbborhood. For further particulars, aPoir to E. PE rTtT, tny24-tf • ' No. 809 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE -A DESIRABLE M•wi FARM, containing 124 acne, althea in Delaware count'', Pa., five minatea , walk from railroad station, 18 wilco from the city; first-rate anbatantild atone im provementa; nicely watered; flue shade, &c. Apply to•E. PETSTT, 24-tf 180.909 WALNurr Street. TO EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY—A VALUABLE PAWL of 145 acne, good ha:Midge; situate near railroad stati , m. on the Damson river, New Jersey. , Also, A FRUIT FARM, near foyer, Delaware, 150 earns. Immediate possession. Apply to E. PETTIT, ruy2rltf No. 900 VIALNUr Street. EaFOR SALE OR TO LET—Four Domes, on the wok side of BROAD Street, below Coltanbia avenue. Apply at the sonthweet corner of NINTH and SANSOId Streets. mh26-if IN TO LET—A beautiful COUN ...- TRY-PLACE, of 10 acres, on the wed side of FRONT. Street road, above Hart Pane, within ten mi nutes' walk of she Trankford:and Southwark passenger care. roweetdon early In April. Apply at the south l west corner NINTH and SANSOM, second story. tf d i r k TO LET, A STORE HOUSE; situated in the canto of the businemoart of Nor rietown. It Is fitted nein complete order with. Onneter% Shelving, &c. Suitablelbe the Dry Goode, or almost Roy other klod. of business. • ly to my29.3t* • J. 0111:LDS; Norristown. COOKING. RANGES, FURNACES, &c COOKING - RANGES. ELEVATED. DOIIBLFr*Yier cooKnip. • • RANGE - •T ~ • Thie Range has afforded more sedetegition thew es 7 yei offered to the public.. Alt,NOl,I) & WILSON,. 1010 • . 10.0 OIIBST NOT Street.- WA r 4 A 33 ,PUBSACES, min) T r o u LT - OLTITIVO n rgitrirTlX' ARNOLD & WILSON, VNAMEOD SBATE MANTELS. ALI A larp sesisty OC theco twastiful Mantels at VERY: LQW PRICES. ARNOLD & WILSON, ; , 101.0 oszsvirrstrest.. L OW.- DOWN AND. COMMON • PARLOR 'GRATES, - • . • 808 NAND OR SOFT COAL. Hot•str Registers and Ventilators—a large semortment. ARNOLD & WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. ep23-w.4.2reti viONUMENTB A 1 4 1.11 • G 'a.A V 1 ILL STONES at very rednoad Demo sv WAr5l5 Work. It A. BTEINItLITS4 MUIR Avenue' below' !levant) obla4lntr LARGE LOT Ol' GOAL OIL AT, rusrao sAut 4 i. 160 BARRELS will be ect7o • BPTLEE'S WAREI-1013Sti; • NORTH - 131fOLD4 iftouNfrra, J 1714; 8b; /then! 500" pane of thettboie oir rut up gallon Cann and caFed (live'cans to case), in eithel lent order, either for shipping-or' trade. - The cane nre eapplied with sniggete. The remainder of the Oil hi -in good barrels. The Oirwine'ead fit fatale salt purehavere, with the privilege of taking tEm whoto. .TEPME3 will be made known on the niaenittiof B ''' EDFORD El: Al 4- LEN reepectfnity informs the poblic that !his cele brated and fashionable 'WATERING PLA:CE is now' open and fully prepared for the reception' of visitors, and will be kept open wstil the int of October. Forearm wlehlug . Redford Mineral Water will bo Sao plied at the following vices at the Springs—AS% For a barrel (oak) , 83 00 " belf-barrel 2110 Parties wishing roomaor any information in regard to the glace will address the " Bedford Mineral Borings eninaani,) , my 24-60 _ I. ()RENO HEIGHTS.-51116. 1: SANT:GIVEN reepectfully informs the former pee trona of this beautiful SUMMER RESORT, and the public generally, that the Holm will he opened for the Posen, under her management, on the "nth JUNE. For terms, and any other infhrmation, apply at Mrs, LEVELT'S. 1216 CHESTNUT Street. my24-12tet rutTALNIVT-STREErit THEATRE— V r NINTH and WAL VTST Streets. Sole Leeeee are. M. A. Gari:nttema, LAST APPEARANOR OF 'AIR. 1 1 10BERTS: anirs (SATURDAY) EVENING, May 31, 1182, The performance wBl eommenee with THE ROBBERS.' Oberlea De Moor J. E. Roberta Amelia.., Nis:Rona Cowell To conclude with the dramas entitled the BE/100.1T OF DEATIT: .. . . Jock Junk iii :J4 a: Wright. Diatiette -• • • . - Nies Wood Proone-60, 37k, 16, and 26 cents; Private Boxes, ssand - SS, according to their locale. Doors open at 74' o'clock. To conenenoe stir,- *lty[RS. JOHN DREW'S • .L.I-L ABONt-STREET THEATRE: 7, Acting and Stage Manager '• W. S. FREDERICKS. Business Agent and Treasurer JOS_ D. SITIRPKY. Will re.spen for Summer Season on hLONDAY- E VBS. ING, June 2, on which occasion the celebrated Comedian, - • AIR. F. S.. CKANFRAU, - Will appear as "Jupiter." in the new drama of; Or, the Sacking of Fedex Court Home. - With new scenery, AC •' , - Particulars in hills and future advertisements. - ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. • - CAPTAIN 'WILLIAMS' SOUTESEA 'NSA LING VOYAGE: ,EVENY EVENING. at 8 o'clock. SELEOT MATINEE, SATURDAY AFTERNOON.' at 3 o'clock. No schools admitted on this OCCx.fiioll. Liberal arrangements made for schools on Wednesday - Afternoons. Admission 25 cents. Six Tickets for one dollar. Chit dren 10 emits. • it* TAUGRING. GAS. 4 Dr. COLTON, at the Auggestion and requests(' se , veral prominent citizens, will' have the bettor of giving ONE- EXHIBITION of the LAUGHING GAS for Lad es DIA Cv.k1,0612, . AT CONCERT CALL, ON TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 3, On this occasion TWELVE. GEXTLEILEN and SIX LADIES will again inhale the Gas--the same - care as formerly being exercised it. the selection. The popular TREMAIVE BROTHERS "Rally for the Union,'' reelved...niettiv wi - h w t will sive a brief' and brilliant Concert, closing [the • hearty applause. - Dr. C. has the extrttne pleasure to annon,, - MR. DAVID BENJAMIN . , the " Tyrolean - Vocalist," who created snob a seesatioii at the Last exhibition, bas con wntecl to inhale the gas again on this occasion, end will perfoym ONE while under its; influence, and THREE PIECES *bee not snider its influence. Dr. C. believes be can promise an entertainment stir- passing in interest any he has ref given. - Os MONDAY AFTERNOON, Jerre 2, Dr. C. wid give , an Extibition fur LADIES ONLY. Twenty Ladies will .inhale the Gas. Admission 10 cents. Commencing at 3 o'clock. Toes:ley everdpe, Tickets 25 cents. Children 15: . - Doors open at 7. Commence at 8 o'clock. my 31-3 t ACADF, O 1 Mt:lBTO GAL A. , GOTTSCHALE A.PID BRTGVOLT ITALIAN OPERA AND CONCERT TROUPE? 7jlitrAT"Y2ll3B4 G iIITENc: 2;'t` PI IBS . KELL OGD, Pt AD. WU u is - Alft.• — • First appearance of the celebrated Prima Donna, PLSD. BE LI7S3A Of. Abe Grand Opera, Pails, and the Academy of 'Hugo. .The entertainment of the evening will consist of Dalai zetti's celebrated Opera; LUCIA DI LAPIPIERSIOOR,” With RET4 : OOri. BRIGNOLT, Anorau, and DI in the principal riPlea, end the last act of LA FAVORITA. ARAD. PE LUSSAN in her greatrfde of Leonora. SIG. BRIGITOLB as Fernando. S no BaLthaaar. • L. M. GOTTSCHALK Will play several_ of his choice morcearia between the Musical Director and Cionductor......SlGNOß RDZIO. PRICES OP ADMlSSlON:—Pringletl" Parquet Circle, and. Balcony, One Dollar. Pie 'intro charge for re- Family Circle. 50 cents. Amphitheatre, 25 afgatEl. The sale of seats at the Academy and at Genld's Mao Store will commence on Thurslay; at P In consequence ofithe. lengthof the performance, the curtain will rice precisely at Tg- o'clock; my2l MRS. FRANCES ANNE KEM SLR'S READINGS AT OONONRT HALL. SHAKSFE •R - E SHADINGS. NHS. R RUBLE WILD REND THR FOLLO WINtI OOURSIC Or SATURDAY, 31st• Midinumer Night's • Dream " 'MONDAY, Jona 2d:—"Tbe•Tempeet" WEDNESDAY, Jim , ' 4th Herchsnt or Tattles." ' FRIDAY, Juoe Henry the Fifth." • one Readings will' 8 nrclock F. M. preekelr. except the Saturday Beading, which will be given at 8 o'clock P.M. .Punctuality Is earnestly requested, • The doors will be opened one hone beforetbeßeeffilla. TIOIERTS • . owx DOLLAR RAGA. To be bed of T. BYPIIGII; Sixth and Chestnut fitreeta, and at the Nail on the openiog et the doors. own-a ASSEMBLY BtTIIADINGS. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. EVELIC SALE OF COAL CAS 41TPtirfOrt, BErlttl), epAr, OIL; AT PUBLIC SALE, SUMMER RES(YATS. AMUSE 51.1gt?T'S LTFE ON- THE 00E6IT WAVE INTENSE EXCITRATENT. . TILBILTIIROs BOAT .8011NES, STA3tTLIN(7 INernicTs, GI Anti.) ibLBSE &MOBS OAPT. 80111 ; 11 811 k • WHALING VOYAGE, • A ynyieo made by theCeptsin bimaelf, In Melillo& . to tbe 8,60 D feet.of•Paintiogna real• Whale Boat f. nand. vritb a living crews to illustrate acmes la the Whale. 171allell ETlry evening this weak, at 8 o'clock. Weductally and Saturday afterneons -at 3 o'clock. Admiieioo 25 , cents. Six tickets for $l. Chagnon 10 cents. my2B-4t* - 13111! EN-gSY; VirANIA- AOADEIVIY , OF THZ BINS ARTS. Thirty-ninth Annual lahlr bltlon of Paintings and Seulpture, 1025 CHESTNUT Street. Open from 9 A. H. tilt 5 P. AL; and from I P. M. till 10-P. M. Adraittance2.scents; Season Ticket - J:5O cants. Stockholdere, Artists, and Oontrihntors will. receive their tickettraothe Academy: no admissions without. Open from 9 A. M. till 7 - P.M and from 8 1111-11 *OM SAFES. M, ; LILLIE'S SAPID DEPOT RE!: isvise to No..?a South,SNVENTH Street, new the Franklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and being determined to 'merit future pannuags, has secured elegant and convenient store, and has now on hard a large Desortm.eut of Lillie's Celebrated, Wrought. and Obifled Irdn Fire and Burs* Proof Sagas, (the .only strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Aso, Little's Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locke. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be fnrnishei to order on short node°. This is the strongest, beef pro. tected, antichearest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie's Neel Oaloinot Safe, for Plate,Jewelry, &o. This Safe is con. ceded to surpass In st yle and elegance anything yet et fend for this purpose, and is the only one that is strictly fire and burglar proof. Eirsorat NOTION.—I have now on hand say twenty of Farrel, Herring, & De's Safes, mcietof them,neerly new, :and some forty of other makers, comprisiag. a compte44 assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged for the • now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at very low prices. Please call and examine. ja26-lyif N. 0. fIa,DLIB., Agent. • • EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER HARM STOKE 16 sown roua* tniam, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of FIRE-PROOF BATES ilwsri oat bend BUMMER AR RANGZHEN't —CODER and ATLANTIO RAILROAD—On and after -TUES DAY, June 3,1862. Three trains daily to ...kilantic cud return, (Sundays excepted.) Trains leave VINX.STREET F.D RY as follows: Moil train Ixpress. train Freight and Adcenmislation Dermas Ittentie, Mail train.. .....4.40 P.. M. .u Ex,proes train &lb A. '3l, Freight and Accommodation 3.18 A. 'BL . Fere, sl+Bo. SOUND TRlP‘ThalairS. GOOD °N UT NOR . TRH • DAT AND TRAIN ON win= THEY ADD IS SHZD 52.50 Nseurei on Tickets. good for three deyS. ...... ......53. Hotels ale now open. lc JOHN. G...DIITANy, Agent. , TRUNKS. VALIgES, ly 4 ) a A. P. VOTTON'S,Ifet,92T Street, below Tenth, north bide. lay/JO-Std REBEL NOTES AN I) 134i)STA,(1E STAMPS AT TIALF:PIiIdE —Fearteen &prank Rebel Nabas and Postage•Siompr setit t sslet paid on re ceipt or multi-five con* Trade. BUZ.Plied at 40 centsi: per 100, or $4 per 1,000. Addrsss U. UPHAM', n' 3l °' at * • .403-O)3ASTNT/T. Btzket, Pidl4ldelPhißt nPENING -OF A SUMMER GAR, leiV • 6 t°. lam° tl4 publicthit he hia, opened for the deasoribia FINE 0411. DBN and ROTEIO, at the tort, et (ATES &root. oppd.t. wile Fahmonni Park. Far it are ipardadarly leo Oream, Calms, excelbaat Lager soar of Naltee brew, ary, Priam, &0., always as hapd. ESREY EWE. A., mr.8.9r0 TWENTY. NEVENTH 00ATips am. .ADIES' • TRUSSES, SUPPORT LJ CBS, BEAM, and other Mechanic.") AgV_lenpaa, 1 correct contruction and Oviat to the 'WM NW Nall stA aajnennint at 0. B.NEEDLES' LADIES' STOMA, " 1 4 ELFTM Street, heat , loor below Mace. gintiegaen requiring Bu tare Timm; But cqg at the iontboreet corner TWMLITEr gs 114trgt 1 : 1 5. gives attention to thin CledllitChting. ohl2-athit 7.40 A. M. 4, P. M.. P. M.
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