THE CITY. MEETING OF COUNCILS The Mayor Return,: l'wo Psillss without hid Signature—The Nevi 7rlill House—A Bill to Pity for .5 Exirti tirryiniin" of an etc-Clerk— The Death of an ex-Member of Caudell. SELECT BRANtilit Tii Bo . Cry i. Ku, the Chi tt r. Petitions, Communications., Src. For the DM Olt ut of otinnion incurred in the oroniqg f littll Lffnot t Flirt mud. Kit tn tire Hasid of 1 (.14th, urging the establishment f a imitable hosp•tal for contagious diseases. lilt. eoitimuoieetiou tilt! Chief Engin( IT of dm Water Wore 4, riiinties to the ta rtan:lynx ruppl) of -wntrr 11, Prautilo,l, in the rW4titl third Nerd state.- the prin ,,, Pa! reason is to be lentil in the tart that the niain pipe iris Whinh this late thromh of Ftrukti , r,i entirely &weeds for said Eitriet9 is not softiciel.ll:. /t is a main of twigs. inches ...I, o of Mid mains i f tto, t ri Ilifitnct of Kensington. having lateral CO1111( Cif: hei, pi it. ipn,ly is the Nitadeetith ward, and tio• foie it searlits the Twenty-third ward, much reducing ate ability 1 ,, supply ant point in the bitter ward. Th. population of at 11.0!0, Whi6h number rt gait e about Seu OW gallons of water per day. To hypo') this quantity weribi require a pipe of auonc 19 inettes in tian,i ter, without connections, and boring endieirut momentum derived from the h-ight of the basin to insure the now on writer to the hoghont p ,into in the late burnugh, but at present the main is only 12 inch, eih dinu.erer. As bas been pr-Vionsly stated. it Lee nnmerou.- connections, and the momentum. or hrath is nut reliable be tire Kemal. Aron Deism ie at con eirueitit The trn i nt, or the or eve.. five and a half miles, and, as at present laid, inakes a cir cuit el a coowrn.raiur lan 1.11 •Pt i h n loft. •istriet of - Kensington before tad:4l3g a r irret course to Frankferd. There is a hem, of water of 2S feet at mho highest pica. in Frankfort]. uhinit IP Boar the corner tf Waidiog nod Penn greets. Tino ennininniciation coneindc Jly rooons mending a larger main and raising *be li.eicouttion 0 A Petition was presinieil by Mr. tilsumir, signed by persons doing bus hers iii the tielghlii.irtiood of St, QM; Wt., it, pit ittlitiliB against the many 11110 viiqr .100 3• risen, Veto by the Mayor. A coronericeii,d ar re:: bran the Maior, 're turning the hilt en d, i• x rtattittlet.lll in I eg4rif to the ;”3111 lilt Olg.litallrei In (1,1110 so. ha Fit), -t 11.i...4dt...het , of 1).-cesiber 14.18130, 1i11ti11417.84 the Mayor to is rinse a ,ton tof exceedb g one mini in two bonen lo.,gismi dolisr+ on the credit of the city. Ibe linseend pdtiey, in pursuance of which the hlssor bee snob 41.111.11/11 itv until tho beginning of the month, is lull. justified II) tile 'mirror market -value of the loans 01 the city. It has been castontsry r Couteile. it. the of t ttnetology of their lesislsdon, to authorize or to the nation of the Slay-re—it is pot within their province to direct it, mu At loss to confer the eon er of nu oolug noon n onumuttoe," the veto wit, laid oil the treble. Reports of Committees. Tar ATEGAItI . It vat th.. el,llllll,Ce VIA Water, reported ti resolution to lay vi titer-rive on Albion target, Tenth A gretd to. 11,0 appropriating *3O 000 to finish the mill 1.01 Htt. Wild to pry $14.1_00 for tioieniogaw turtnet)an, ref. r . l.Lc, liltedug, ream rep," a. • r .rtzervluu,rvi-, ,equi , Lag the wort to be arkeu to the lowest tkikif er garo rise to en animated discussion. add was finally rejtetel by the chne.ber. The I ill ae then postponed for the present. The Con:mine. on Railroads reported a resolution in favor of the L`a1.1,,.0r0 11alh had 136.11.11AtiY lacing a track across, btxternth ntrett. to connect their proposed new depot with the one at Broad and Prime streets. The resolution war agr.-t! to. livadithz of Bill* RBA Resoldiionat Au ottlitattee. studious tars t t an Ordinance, rizinu the pot chase of n lot of ground - in the coed ward, for school purposes, at au annual ground rent not exee, tilt p ;.be. Agtv,d to. A reselutiob for the repairing of Miami' stud Tat referred to flip Committee on Highways. ]lilts front COIIIIMOII Council. The bill now Cenkinon Conned relative to lines anti grades in the Fmk' want etas concurred M. Rhe lull s travasi,.g foe the pitting of Tenth street, bee tweet% Germantown rued and Cultlinhia avenue, ITlti agreed to The bill releasing the sureties )f O. C. Stackhonse was concurred in kpbj. A teinalect imam] by C0111(1101) Council 1111killr , an approprixtloll 01 Sr'.oo t.i 0,0 for extra services rendered to the late tier's. Gen. F. Gordon, WAN read. The Cloth stand that, although Mr Gord tn was anoint. ant elk rh. yet le re= eivea the pay of tau chief clerk iu lull, the haler Intl hill Mid to SW. Mr. Fox said that outer these circumstances lie would oppose tie bill. Ile dui but know what extra strvicas he bad tendered After some further discussion, the bill was, on the third ritillo.u. laid o,cr tho Chamber roftisiug to suth, rend the rules. The bill rerorted by the Committee on Waist, appro priating thirry thousand dollars for the now mill-house and fir other purporee, was again celled up, and psssvd The bill authorizing the clothing or (inmate and other streets was agneti to. The des Srk of MI . Bartolet, of the Nineteenth ward, 8131:1C.11TiCed by sir Cannot, who offered a preamble and Isiolutiona end etkiVr of regret at his decease, and thit the Umber anent the dullest, Agrooti to. Mr. Mao Aar • :reread a resolution that a joint special committee on street cleaning be appointed to superintend the work of the present contractor with his machines. Agreed to, The Otomber thou adjourned. COMMON COUNCIL. President W'. J. ERR 111 the 4214ir. 11.cports. et eummittees. The Commime on Finance reported a reeolution trtlr leg that eatblactiou be t-ntt red on the vilietal hoed of 0. C. f_tacl;houtr, oodeutor of outstanding taxee, wuich woe lead and weed in, Also, a n Skalinli to inahe an appropriation to the City CCEOILIiESIOIICO for extra clerk hire. A4reed to The Camino. on Highways reported a resolution an- Ithotizing. the tiovil.g of Tenth str,et. between Colombia aTtnue and Grlll,uniluA n road. Agreei CO. Anniher Veto by the Mayor. A woe rind from the Mayor returning. with out hit approbnte,), n bill to olb.oge the location of tne tit-ve,tb, :11,1 Eleventh oivisions of the Twentieth ward. On The qm-sttoo., the -reit, he sustainer: ? the yea. W6l, 19 said tie- noes 1.5 a 1.0 the trill , utl. 'IL° veto message id the May! r referred to says: 6. Atter due eidisideriction of the election statistics of the; 1 , 41.1 d for the 3 ear 1860 and 1861, and of the toestliols...s.l of It. 5..-tit.c..l divisions, i sass dud_ Lietu•sproye the hill entitled • Au ordinance to change the boundary lit is of the Third, Seventh, and Eleventh divisions of the 1 i entieth ward, to create an additional division in said Ward, and to establish places of voting, in The third Feainn of the act of consolidation pro vides tor toe opportiontuont of the several war& into !sawn diNi.ivna. awl enacts that, if at any el ctiou thtreatter there ,11.11 hr into than 400 vitae polled in say of Lha th,:o k.afied at bait forty days yrovti‘es to toe rest emcees-ding electi at the City Camuclls shall 1.• ortauee the vivacious of the ward tsbetein ouch - rote liar been pulled. and increase the Lumber thereof bectssary t:The itelnBt nunrennte of vote§ Dolled in the yea! ; ,. 44 , 4 I_,,, jc4Awinit i au. prenieh ward is com . reiinizeruent of the wit of consolidation been Eubdtquebti> duly compiled with, thedivitiione of the word gentrully mina bave been re-arranged, and their number itiortinAid At the election a 1861 the greatest number of votes lolled in the Twebtieth ward is estimated at 3,608. and e•nly two of tbo election divider's exhibit any excess over the legislative elh.waece—the First ttiVidioo of 9, and the of 09 raerr, I'VsiPt'ciiYHYt .‘ 'She obligation of Vouncilii is to re-arrange such di 'visions, at least ft 4 ty date previous to the election next succeeding thattn which an excess of votes has beea moon apparent. The vote of 186 is, therefore, toe only basis for re.telnistateet, cmi upon such calculation the and will be nine I.r. elemirm none of 'IN Lich would eon. rev-m - 1 with those proposed in the ac companying ordinance. t• Whilst vonlicile have nnquestionably the power to alter the varlene election dividlotts thrtingnent the My from time to time, write ut retard to the nuniner or Toles xespectively potted theeein, it is a power which should be cob - exercised when clearly demand-4i fur the conve thence ()Utile d, tf a rearrangement is required, it should be ening rebetisive, and with proper ,elation to as t retire ward. iat.d it,- mere ar,b-dlclaioc of n.Leilnu lar districts. by a hich they will be nnueee.igarily in cleaned, to the additional sperm, of every election" Bills is Place An ordinance to pay George F. Gordon $5OO for extra ter - circ as Clerk of Corea ti. Comical was taker u p and passed, a the vote I.eing yeas 19. nays 17. The following is the voce: YEAS—Meesrs. A dstns, A. W., Bower. Baum], Cattail, Cavie, Coady, Freeman, Gates, I arper, Hodgdon Leigh, I,lopineat,ll,,,e, Rub], gmlogon, gi tee, g pence, and Sttrr. NAYS—MeFsra Barger, Briukworth, Creswell, Henry, Hulseman, Ley tr. - Loughlin, Mc(lo,ky, McDonald, Paul, Shern, Smith. Sutton, Wolbort, Wright, and Rert, waideht Dr. SiEs and Mr. PAUL of the Sixteenth ward, thrn drew for the oen and two year term,, the latter drawing for the tUO-5 ear term. Adjourned. .CosT ETTTINct PArT.Ens—lm- CREAEIC OF FOUND bl B.—The average population at the Almshouse during 186 c wan 2.796. To frrd three xanpers the following articles were COILIMUOIi : 3,775 bble. of wheat atd 674 do of r‘ n flour, and 80,740 Ibl. of corn znewl also; 147,1.41 lb, of be.-f. co4tiug a 17,100 01 i »..4 131,486 do. of multoo, coming S 7-17400 Of tea ' 10,403 lbs. ; free. 24 473 •o. ; gunar, 07,400 do ; codfish ,, 32.000 do. ; rice, 28,963 do.; bolter, 30,3.9 do ; barley, 28,600 do.; crackers, 12.548 do ; nroado,, 8.349 do.; ruclaggoi, 10.00 8e11000; vilit , ffar, 5,040 gAlloue, Don't ac, 3,3:8 Logiielo; tobrecu, n. 576 The.; snap, 7,899 do ; kmarcli, 1.708 do ; brand,. 140 gallong; wine, 157}6 do ; witig3Y, 2.763 do ,• and porter, 1.010 dozen ; coal, 3,543 tons; wood. 342 A cords ; nag coostangd. 1,440,100 feet Within the part 'few days the tuurOar of foundlings at the Almshouse hen been largely increased. Noun or those row in the institutioi are over one year old. They are cared for by an experienced matron, who has been iu the Almshouse fur many years The condition of these un fortunates is oh serving of attention. It is stated that for a number of earn about :shay abandoned and deserted infants have tem. annually received at this institution, end of au so receiv..l not more than five are now living over one year of age. The reason for this singular mor tality is often oaken f those having the management of this department of the Alinithouse Inheriting constitu tional dieeaeez, es.noeed to the inclemency of the wea ther, wanting in proper nouri-hment, and frommtly placed under the influence of powerful narcotics before reaching the House. a large mortality lea necessary consequence. Great ns this has been, it has been equalled in other cities and molar other circumstances. During the twenty-one yearn preceding the year 1790, of 19,z71% foundlings received in the Itublin Infirmary, it in stated, cnly forty-five scepaq death. Under a different manage ment, of 2,168 taken into the same house during the year ending Jane 24,185-5, only 486 died. bo &mu tment of our tilrualinuaa mitre ao muabinte• rest among TiElltol a as Mu I - mingling words AN EXTENSIVE SWINDLE—THE BAH REAS IN Taos. 111. E.—Yoterday afternoon Third street tees startled by , seneation, In the shave of so ex tensive owl- die by means of counterfeit notes. A splendidly executed counterfeit note, purporting to bo a *HO issue of the Allegheny Bank of Pittsburg, was paned in large quantities among our usually astute ).rapers. Henri. A. Benson & Son loot 8300; Messrs. Harold, & Co. $100; and P. F. Kelly & Co. $7OO. A man was enhscollenllY arrested at the instance of Ha rold, Williams, & Co., who identified him as the nne who had passed the notes on them in exchange tot gold, The earns man was lceattiled by Rea,' a Co., but not by Bea. •ron & Son. lie have his name an Geo Lynn, from Lynn, Blass. B. wi4 l a , f• a hew ing at two o'clock to-day. be •fore Ald. Beitler. The note is believed to be ono of the Lest executed counterfeits ever issued in this country. We learn find nearly $2500 of the notes were vaned in Wall F tact, Nen York, yesterday. FIRES.-- - Y est( rday afternoon two small firs 9 occurred pis follows : 6k e 64 abov- Tenth , cgruse4 by AA biienin4 of a bed, which 11 Id L.Ydll net the to by a family wuu 0010 moving. Tier bet plac.l the bed in a chimney place Li f"re tiring it and the flames caught to the roof of the -beading. The other fire wail at No. 1031 North second Arent lie damage due wan trifling, BREADSTI7FF.9.—The ship it obert L Lima, for Liverenol. hag saiitd with a carte of 24.898 lambels of wheat, 6,889 bushels of corn, and 2,011 barrels of pour.; also, 652 boxes of bacon, and 114 hogsheads do , 233 tierces of lard, and 152 barrels do., 14 hogsheads of tallow, and 34 of oil, and 50 Hareem of beef. BELD TO is NEWER —Lewis Albertson, charged with having stabbed John B. Smith, Jr., bad a further hearing yr sterd.y morning before Alderman Swift. molar was pit( soot at the hearing No now facts weradevelosed. Albot; , :n was held In 81,000 hail to answer at court. RUNAWAY.—A horse attached to a milk wa€ on ran away from Thirteenth and Market streets Nei/lord's' morel' g. A yuung Mall mend Ewell, trho was in the wagon, WU thIOWII out and conaidtuaYy injured. ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH.—The work en Bt. PAWN Catholic Church, on Chtt.tian titres!, below Tenth, is approaching completion. The new cu. pole has been tinned, nod the work on the outside nearly arthatedi The church will soon be ready for mio. INTERESTINO CASES. Yesterday morning, in the Court of Common Pleai, Judge Ludlow, the c.tre of Stull vs. Stull Wilt again brought up. It is a fi.igavii iFeua to trst the littegton of .11., ownership of $l9, bring a fund lii)W iu court. The only interest tvotebtrg to the Cawe d.-rivf-A st,ee foot that .ho plainnti, in dit.rektor t of the utaxoth, that 11.. wit.) is hia own iawyer bath a ft 01 for his client , collilliCts his own case. Sinn is not n lawyer, but he managed hia eaan well enough en ire t ruler trial to F,aio a yrniiilt, uotwitii - PianaiLt! that lin bac this legal taint or two ininalmr• or the bar in contend with. A new trial wan pranced by the Court on the ground that the verdict W. 1.3 against tilt criamcC vow the number of air. Stuirs 1 , JIM OhDlllollt3 it in creftm d to It tee; but nothing thdprritd, be Will his este singie-handed. The case of Collycr vs. Collyer was also triad. This was a feigned Irene to test whether an a•ssionin, tat of in iereeetu a partnership had nee" fievie 14y the plal.a.iff to defendant, the former cohteueing that no mach payment Lad beets made. The case has been a long-litigated cans, and grows out of the following facts: Plaisitaff and allifneelant, na rartnere,, iina it contract ins em",411.+4 the ma-, m 4 4e, islountssiu, in South Carotins, for the ourroPe of ley jag a railroad track through the salmi Tiro dere/Atilt al leges that his brother. the Plaintiff. to tin that the con tract was hecrnnitrg a losing MIN Worm: to sell eat nil intereet for . en,wll onn,..ild blkA amtinn at a salary 6 under 1, tnothvm. IVAIA accepted, and the. work was carried through, and resulted ia a profit. Tea ph,imtitr alleges flint Ito never MOH nor such assign to-ut. The cane war tried cute lirfore, and the jury wer e this (line they ;planted a verdict fur the defendant. • THE GRAY'S FERRY ARSENAL —Re mai), quirt' has been comieerable trouble at the flatted k:hateti Mecca!, ors ansy'n f",ry roAd. A clvarg, w 43 made sometime smite that leather or an 111G4riOr quality had been used in the mat ufacture of army shoes. Quartet matter ()roman immediately ordered an investi gi,iom of the case, which led to the removal of certain efileetle. Fihce this tithe those hat OPCLi mare or lam di•satistaction and affairs have te.t been work ing as satistect..rily as 1.15 , 1a1. It is said that officers unit acne removed have slate been reinstated ; but we undrremnd that Quartermaster C1'06,11811 will leave not ink that will tarill io 'woman the brat trrksir of the tinVerhuient—hllti nil tlinyn who have in any manner neglected their duties, or not complied with the regulations of e arsenal, wiliaha removed. At the Ie sent [lmo there is Censideranle work on baud at this place, CHESTNUT - STREET BRIDGE. The work on the Chestnut-street nritige is now being pushed rapidly forward. Doge granite niers are iu priced of cones,", lion as t heainui w 11 4 ,43 A +l,lBlt 11.14 to be filled upend part of a wltsrf eximeated it ore for the pester!! abutment. The foundations of the eerier,, abutment occupy a space nearly square. aft,-one feet by forty-four, end the bridge its:AL./id have a sil• Forst] mime of MAI. tan spmre ineetieg and toting on a pier iu the middle of the liver. wit It two approach arches of Ctont> ou each Able, tiftlity fn. t span each. Both of the abutments will be completed during the ensuing BUM-, and the pier in the river wit be - commenced late in the bummer or early in the fall. A LETTER FROM FORT DELAWARE.— We have received a I.tter from one of the inienners of the Independent Light Ar.iMiry, Kari:mi.-a at. Fort 0.14- ware coninaiii, it will he reininunered, arrived at the fort tilt hitt Obriiitmag and have liven Amanita Inure ever eince. The men have greatly improved in drill, and sre in the enjoyment of excellent health Ninner ne mem3era of the company, who tormerly resided in this city and have taatilits here, are very oilstone to pay them a abort visit. Tile company are 14113,) MIXIOUS to be placed on a more active held. ANOTh ER PRIZE —Yest er d morn ing, the ytiae eloey Arcrt, from Port MI, el, orrirod the Davy era. The will 10 charge of Acting. itaareed Nate, Charles V. belly, aid it crew of eix wen. The Terse-] wan captured totbn,blie Niue.. by the United States Wilnie•r Bienvi(111911 lliCcuaul or Georgia She is valued at 158,000. WATER RENTS —The amount of watt r Teats paid at the office f tie Iteaaider float the . I,t of tot he La ol 41iftv, urns 5tU8,438 A IttrY.o sum ie unt.tahaing. After the let ot June. tog par cent. ui be added to the blue of tho:e Who neglect to settle p:evitius to that t line. CARPENTER SHOP BITILNED.—The alarm of fire between twelve and one o'clia; t yesterday morning was canoed by the destruction of a frame car penter chop. belth.git.g to Mr. My.er4, sand 002.00181 1I QS< %Ai The thunee extended to an adjoining a selling hence, the rooror was eve:a-what alacuntted. The fire broke out again at eight iicktik, but no further damage wan done. PRIZE VESSEL CoNDEMNED.—The U. 9. ItiPltiCt Court Use coatirinura the prizo sChoourr British Queen, with the cargo on hoard, awl orderal both to be sold at public Puction The cargo couAsts of 53 base of coffee, and 1,500 bn.lield of eat t. The a.Lle Riff t she pine° ou Monday., the 19th met., at Callowlitil atteet LETTER FROM LANCAsTER, PA. Continuutxou of the rrovvestinge of the General Synod of the Evalleeiietti La. 'heron Church of the United States. [Correspondence of The Press L,\liA~Tft lid ra., Ditty I, /dSZ. Last evening, iu Trinity Church, the anniversary of the Butte Missionary Society was Lehi, at which al d reHee were delivered by Dr. Store, Rev. Myers, of Cali fornia, Rev: Baker, of W aeinugton, and Dr. Kurtz, A. Bundler of life•memeere were made, and between three ar 1.1 tour hundred dollars were raised for the society. The following de,egates to other ecclesiastical bodes in coriespoodeuce with the (inners' Sruod were. bbo.eri, VI.: To the SI nod of the Gorman Reformed Chun, Roy, S. S. Schameker; to the General Assembly of the Pres terian Church, Rev. Samnel Surectier ; to tae Evan gelical Church Union of the Wert, Rev S. W. liarksy ; to the I , orthern Provincial Synod of the Church of the UMW' DrttMtn ) WT. V, F. Welden• Rev. G. Y. Motel and Wiltiant DI. 1141 were elected husteee of the Pastors' Fund. Rev. E. W. Butter and Rev J. A. :3eigi wore elected the representatives of the General Synod in the Lutheran Board of Publication. _ . Iss Lad sleeted the Byrn", Book coma-Jilt., an foil° Isaac Bulger. Marlin Thornier, J . J. COCltraue, Diller littler, 11. B slnnead: b..)taal proceeded to ballot for the time and place of the meeting of the next General Synod. The town of Tont (Pa.) was chosen tie the clue, and the first Tours.. cay (.1 May, 1864. as the tune. At this stage of the proceedings, Rev. Conrad, the resident pastor announced the receipt of a telegraphic despatch in Lancaster, to the birt3et unit Geu. llcaeuaa had gained a great victory over renels un tne Penin- Ftlla, and that the riled army was in lull retreat to Richmond. Also, that Gen. Pope had captured '2,tn rebels in Tennessee. Hitt one acc ,rd the mourners of 81111 all presint, rote to their feet and sang the 1.3 um. ti My country; 'tie of Wm," This ended. led by Dr. Pohlman, all knelt in lira) er, and returned thanks to Almigely God for there nolitinled toner's of approaching d , liver:thee, and for the prospect of a speedy suppres sion of the rebellio n. The Church Extenciort Society held its meeting, Charles A. Morris, Esq., in the coon - , aud reter_e., .v.s."‘no auonai report, hem which it ap pears that the whole fund of the eociety is 811,447. This non has been loaned to needy congregations, in some vat sing from one to five hundred dollars. Balance in the treasury it1.720_ On motion of Dr. [Lasko., it teat resolved that the delinquent churches be eurne,tly re questcd to pay the inter eston their notes, and if possible, the principal, whole orin part. The society elected its etre as follows : President, Charles A. Morris. E vi . PqmpoOtPg v r KIT, Wciltnivri tincord tag Secretary, Poter - P. Keller i Creasurer, Willietn M. Dent; Executive Committee, Menlo Buehler, Isaac Bulger. James Monroe, Dr. al. O. Kreilzer, and Reuben F. Miller. RESOLLITIONS ON THE STATE OF' TII6 COUNTRY. Bev. PRSS/Want, from the General Committee on the Rate of the Country, reporteu the subjoined preamble and resolutions, which, alter some debate ou the third, on emancipation, were adopted ea a wtp.le: IVASVO7s.i, Our beluetcl eouuiry, ~Fuss• having long been favored with a degree of political Red religious freedom, security, and prosperity unexampiel in the history of the world, now finds itseit iavolvod in a bloods war to suppress an armed rebellion against its Government; anti whereas, the Vern of God, which is the sole rule of our Man and practice, required loyal sub j ection to " the powers that he." because they are ordained of God, to be a terror to evil doers, and a praise to those who do well, and at the Inlaid Wale liStliartel that thry whc " n slut the power" shall receive to inenicovea condonmatiou i and Wfttread, we. the representatives of the Evangelical Lutheran Si nods in the United States connected with the General Synod, assembled in Lancaste., , recognize it as our duty to give publiclitx preasiou to our convictions of truth on this ant-jeer, and it, evtry proper way to co-nporate with our fellow-citizens in sustaining the great interests of law and authority, of liberty and righteousness : be it th refore, 1. Resolved, That it is the deliberate judgment of this Synod ti-at the rebellion against the constitutional C. vernmert of this land is most wicked in its inception, tudin.tifiable in its came, unnatural in its character, in human in its prosecution, oppressive in its aims, and de structive in its results to the highest interests of morality k!.11 t Resolved, That In the suppresiion of this rebellion, sod in the maintenance of the Constitution and the Union by the sword, we recognize an unavoidable no ceeeity and a mimed duty winch the Government - owes to the nation at d to the world, and that. therefore, we call upon all our people to lift up holy hands in prayer to the G.ll of battles, without persotal wrath against the evil doers on the one hand, and without 'Matting the righte ou-ness of our cause on the other, that He would give wisdom to the President and his counsellors, and success to tl,e army and navy, that our lovloved land may apeedily be delivered from Houton and anarchy. 3. Resolved, That chile we recognize this unhappy war as a righteous judgment of G-d, visited upon us be. cause t f the individual and national sine of which we Lave been guilty, tee nevertheless regard this rebellion at more immediately the natural result of the coo tie mince and spread of domestic slavery in our /and, and, therefore. hail with unmisgled joy the proposition or our Chief Magistrate, which has received the sane tits of congress, to extend, aid JTOM. the General Go. vernment to any State in which slavery exists, which shall deem fit to initiate a system of constitutional emancipation. 4. Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with all loyal cihyron and Christian patriot. in the rebellious portions of our country, and we cordially invite their co.operation in off,ring united supplications at a Throne of Grace, that God would restore peace to our distracted country, re-establish fraternal relations between all the States, and make our land in all time to come the itayMm of the oppi cooed, and the permanent abode of liberty and reli gion. t. Resolved, That our devout thanks are due to Almighty Goa for the success which has crowned our aims, aid while we praise and magnify his name for the h. Ip and succor he has alrortled to our laud end navel forces, in enabling them to overcome our elm kV, WO xe.g.rd the.o toh-on. of ht 3 divxne &vox- ea cheering indications of the final triumph of our cause. A. committee or five, consieticur of Goya. Prot otern berg, Dr. Pohlman, G. A. Liutner, J. J. Cochran, and IL 11. - Van Dike, was appointed. to proceed to Washing lob, and present the same to President Litiduiel with aa surasees of the heartfelt sympathy of the body to hi, ar &lona and responsible, Once. The Liturgy of the dy nod of Pennsylvania With re ported on by Rev Schmucker, and exciteu considerable di bate, iu which keys_ Krotal. De_ Selmnekee, Stork. Ilev. Valentine, and others participated. No defi nite result was arrived at. Rev. Walden moved that the representatives of the General Synod, iu the Publishing Cowman.° of the Lu theran Board of Publication, be instructed, in the future, to eject for publication no. Lutheran work, on too ground of any 'distinctive Lutheran doctrine or usage therein act forth ; and that the attention of the Board be ("pi cially directed to such works at this time. The mover advocated the passage of the resolution in a speech of contiderable length, On thin emotion for its adoption, tire yens and nays were demanded, but before they were taken a motion for adionromeut was carried. This evening the Historical Society will celobrato its enniverkary. when an address will be delivered, on "'rho Patriarchal Fathers of the Lutheran ihutrch fro a Halle t " Pr.nt M. 7.. Stoeser, of °Fits pbor¢ PUILADELPHIA. BOARD OF TRADE. JOHN E. ADDICKS, THOMAS S. FERHON I COMMITTER OF Till MONTH atadiTEL s. bICHtEIS, LETTER RAG% Al the Merchants' Exchange, Pluitzds/phis. Bark U W Poultney, Johnson Ship Island, soon MARINE INTELLIGENUR. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, May *, 4 52-£lll2l SETS RUN Bum HIGH WATER.. AllErrwth Brig J W Woodruff, Bobinson,.l3 days from Malan- YAP, with sugar and molasses to J efaeon dr Co. Schr Reindeer, Davis, 5 days from Brookhaven, with ice to captain. Ecbr Cornelia, Royer, 3 days from Washington, DO, in 14165 t Li ePpttits. Scbr L B Dryers, Somers, 5 days from Hatteras, by bal last to captain. Seim 'nos Borden Wrightington, 3 days from Fall River, in ballast to CEbeen it Co. gene (Merlon P Stirkuoy. Bowden, d days from Key Et, in ballast to captain. Sac Susan Jane. Bose, 7 dal a from Newborn, NO, nith naval stores to Government Agout. Schr (Halton k Lou bur. Jackootu 1 illy from duirrllll Dot, with corn to Jets G Bo• ley k Co. Saw B C Fithian, Tuft, Iday from Port Deposit, with car to JAB L tle.loy s Co. Extir G Autlvoried, Bwtiett, from Fortnies Mon. , )e. Schr flack Dthinntid, Tout* tr•tut Fortrm Monroe. bar 3 MIS Spar Daum, Mot trooron. Behr Thou roam - , Rackett, trout Itoittuo. Solar P A Sabilerel, SVllioerA. Morn troaroir. Solar Hairier & Soralt, Tice, Irmo H atterise Inlet. OLE Scbr Indus, Stokely, Barendoe, T Wattenta & SOUS. Seta Y A Stiodtre, Sowers, Bostou, limmucruft, Lewis & Co. Seta , J Simrkk Inman, Bnetnn, Tslor atnno et no. tiulir Harriet ,¢ anruh. Tice, llavorne 1010 L. 110 Seht COI notia, Noy re, Shipping l'Aut, et 0 Oettell Andenriod, Bartlett, Provid,.nee,.l It ttlakiston. 1....cht Black Distuon4, Youeg, Newport, du - S.cbr TtIoN Potter, Hackett, Felt Bayer, Gestuur p Stick. noy & ei4tdowon. SAILND The racki-t chip Tuscar,ra, for Liverpool, left. Wad md-oti co , wbart at 8 (J1 . 4:101:8 yuntorilak morning, in tow or lis•.o arm. , c0.0.r. 014 Aety for ArArt.t cabin and otroragi, ira.aohgvio, arid a cargo o.ooponoit of trio I.of itema-13,186 buiihrld cora, 18.081 i do vihrat, 10 finds tobacco, 2,400 tools door. 111 too lard. 100 do ILAWA, 98 Una bath, 88 b,loo rags, and 8 ukg. mho«. ~t~l~c amity Ice nom,"s".+A terany rooming at 8 o'clock, totting in tow , chip J Mor ton, tor binp BY TKLEGIRAPII. (Corrodpontlexic. of Lbw Pwia P.x.eitang.3.) LEW IS, DeL. gay 8 Tba bark Stampede, from New Yora. brig 1. P Sto,T. art ; trout t Hutt prize Active came is Oita b.torthisg, and ate at author in the nomint letd. You., ito. JOHN P. St.LP.gII.4LL. MEMORANDA. Ehip Tempest, Whitt.") , tram Palermo, at Gibraltar 1111, ult, for rinladeiptiia, what bound Zhio Ulinmetultiiii, Junump, from 0101410r' At New York y este' daY The bark Grapeshot, Capt Frisbio, trout Now York Fob 25 for Barbados, boor° reported as Mead ag, was niatitiatit• eilly lost at ait a tea' nays alter hello eg pert. Gnat N GleVer, 0. Me bark Lysander, at 30d4.0a ClOlll eillikia.jges, repea, that., 1,11: paaaage, ea tee 11.1 in lot :39, long O. foil in with tae- we=ek of a weasel atesa.- doette, and the aim n..skiog a COMplate tiroacli over her. tier Jessie WOW el gone, the eahia alai all the upper part of viEltd broken to preset, timid punk/nit of tier Cargo or etorea, consisting of barr, prerlaieue, were coca 11. siting about on the Hee. Thu vessel Wad a coMpitite Witch. All that could be seeu of her Thum wore tue fol. Mang letter,: “peetimt," too remainder hailing beau do- Oro) ed Capt Glover reliiainad Us the wreck for several laarre, for see PM pea., reaceina the craw. Mit hi, (nun) person could be found. NOTICE TO MARINERS NOUSB LIGIIT—ENTIiatiCE OF TUN rig.l3l.ll3.—Officitil iLlOilliglioll ha@ Leal reolyoll at thin ulllue chat, With a rhw of rehtletiug the light at the went out or tie douse Saud mor e readily oietinguishable, it hi the 'Lawman of the Trinity Houle tiorporation of Loudon to cause the House to be ahead from a fixed white light to a revolving Imht of a green color. The alteration will be allele on or aSoni Ole lak of gen iis/Ann next, when further particulars will be published. By oruer. THORNTON A. JENKINS, Secretary. Treasury Department, Office L. It Board, Waglnugtun Ulty, Apra 22. 186'L. ED U uATtolv AL. VILLAGE O.ltEhN 661NIINARY In a beautiful and healthful village, three miles from Media. Pupils received at any time for the sum • mer. Boarding per week 52.25. Thorough course lathe Mathematics, Lanbuages, English Studies, and all the briu.ches usually tau g ht. Boy El i rey ise foe College or Business. REV. J. HERVEY BARTON, A. M. ap24 Im Village Green, Delaware 130., Pa. I_loLMEzsßillal SEMINARY IfOR YOUNG LADIES--The duttes of this School will be resutneti, after the Easter holidays. on the 28th of A viclL. For circulars, references. , address the Aliases OD a Plll N, Principals, Holtuesburg, Pe. ap 18- flat SALE AIND T ° I?II3TILLEII,B. Thy DISTILLERY kvown as the “PFICENIX,“ sad formerly owned and occupied by SMzIL. SWITR, an. ? situated on TWENTY-THIRD, between RAO& and TUC's; Btreias, Philadelphia, Grapneity 5.09 per day, is now offered for sale on reasonable and accom modating terms. Is in good running order, and has all the modern improvements. An Artesian well on the pre- LIAM furnishes an unfailing supply or good, pure wow - . Address Z. LOCKE & 00., No, 1010 ItIAIMIT Street, Philadelphia. feltd-dtt .ELIGANT GERMANTOWN RE. P&L SIDENCE TO LET.---1 he corral odious ntonsion, wttli Iftrige lot, etelde., and coach• bona° and garden, on ultulAT Street, (Linden Place,) within three minutea r witia of Mirth-0,14 Station. This property is beauti -11111) filtrinted, writ tillotivd, AO is replete wish curivuui ences—gas, bath, and %titer closet. &c. A &amble winter and bummer residence. Apply to W. Y. WILST nty7 wfni6iif* Ng, 3 8 North THIRD Street. T 0 T--- A well-furnidied ' Country Rouse, of moderate FiZO. he ground's in clude Flower, Fruit, and Vegetable Gardens, an Orchard, a aloxsant grove, through which a little brook flows, end pasture grounds for the use of two cows. ft is situated a mile and a ball from Old York Road Station, North Penn. Sylvania Railroad. Iniiuiro 16143 LOU US C Street. ap7.ruwf tf I. LE—A new FLY IV El b'EL, suitable for a Bolling Mitt- 16 feet dinmetyr • hub build for 13. inch shaft ; weight, about ten toua pply at "Bridges ater Iron works," FltaiiillFOßl), Twenty third bard, Philanplaia. my6•6t* TO LET—A very desirable three story BICH. HOUSE, with extra ,ice doable three story back buildiag, with ali the exult modern lan praavo iputm, Ranted 1126 Cnllowbill area, The WI is HO fool deep, 10 Carlton street, giving a tine garden, wail graperYi &a To a permanent tenant the rent will be low. Apply to 1t1V31115 Bt WATSON, ioyl-12t to 16 Soath FOURTH arrest. DUB, SALE Olt TO LET--Vour MI Houses, on the west side of AS Street. below Columbia avenue. Apply at the southwest corner of HINTS and SANSON. Streets. natr26.t.f FOR SALE Olt TO LET.—A MA pleasant house in the suburbs of Media, nearly an acre of ground, abundaace of shade and fruit. Rent low. Apply at No. 15. SOUTH FOUR.III sraEgr, PCCOrld story. ..01.6-Ito s ie TO LET—A beautiful 00 TRY-PLACE, of 10 acres, on one wAs, FRONT.Btreet road, above Hart lane, wino!" we nu s 4 innthwerir UNte velliegUrersiTlTanlin: Apply at the ecutn west corner NINTH and SANSOM 9 second story. cnb23. tf gig FOR SALE-A DR - ARABLE Conininmg scree—ifi tmatonr, the, ikab.uce in the highest state of cultivation. [imam on a lino of railroad, live minutes' walk from a station, Cheater county, 18 miles from the city. Largo and first-class improvements, tenant's house, stables, large earn, run ning water, spring•honso, iee.houso, bath, &e Toren easy. apply to E. PE PTIT. is TO EXCHANGE— MONTGO 'sae MERY.COUNTY FARA, containing 80 acres-14 woodlabd, the balance in a good state of cultivation. Good and substantial stone isaprovemsote. For further particulars, apply to E. PETTIC, 10 33 No. 309 WALNUT Street. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES COPARTNERS HlP.—The un dekMghtd him , thin /My h.rtlibd A Conseknershie, under name and stale of FRANKS: HOOLISTA.DTER., for the transaction of a Wholesale Clothing business, at No. 248 MARKET Street. ASHER J: FRANK, ADOLPH F. BOCHSTA.DTER. May 5,18(12. myB 31* L.EIsAL MUNICIPAL CLAIMB.-NOT(CE iR hereby given to the owners of the properties mentioned in the appended memoranda of Municipal liens, that write of Seim Fasciae will be issued thereon in three months from the date, unless the several sums of money specified therein as being due for labor and mate_ net shall be paid to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of May, 1862. WILLIAM M. SMITH, Attcrncy kr Plaintiff, At). 610 WALIJUT Street. February 13th, IS6I. fel4•fl4t The City of Philadelphia to the use of Rhoads and Binckle, vs. John McDowell, Jr. ' owner or reputed own er, or whoever may he owner. Common Venn, Decem ber Term, 1861, No. 217. $66.57, against lot on the east side of Fourth street, 100 feet north of Norris. Same vs. Same. Common Pleas, December Term, 1861, No. 218. &met, against lot on northwest corner of Fourth and .litteklay streets. 4, Same vs. Same. Common Pleas, December Tenn, IE6I, No. 216. $274.13, against lot at the southeast corner of Fourth and Norris streets. Same vs. Stephen Toram.- Common Pleas, December Terre, 3861, No, 220, 1,t50,14, against lot on the east side or Fourth street, 166 feet 1 inch south of Norris. Same vs. Same. Common Pleas, December Term, 1861, No. 219. $316.14, against lot southwest corner of Fourth and Hackley streets. Same vs. Barclay Lippincott. Common Pleas, Decem ber Term, 1861, No. 92.1. -87844, agraleek lot o, the week side of Fourth street. 86 feet north of Norris. VSTATE OF JAMEIS J. RUSH . , DECEASED —The Auditor appointed by the Or phans' Court to audit. Kettle and adjust the acetuut of ELI' ANAN W. REYSER, Executor of the Will of JAMES J. RUSH, deceased, as filed by W. H. Wallace, Administrator of said Elhanan W. Keyser, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in hie hands, willutect the parties intertsted at his (Mice, No. 829 ARCH Street' ou WEDNESDSY, the 14th day of KAY, 1882, at tour o'clock In the afternoon. 2-fnithst EDWARD HOPPER, Auditor. HOTELS. CLIFTON BOUSE, NIAGARA FALLS, (Canada Side.) —This first-class Hotel, fronting the American and Horse-Shoe Falls, will open for the season on THURSDAY, the nth instant_ Parties wishing board by the week can be accommodated with cottages, or rooms in the house, on most MI:MEAL TERMS. Omnibuece meet all trains at Suspension Bridge Station. Fare to Douse, including bridge toll abd battgage, o,ily 25 meta_ JUSLIN t DUNKLEE, Proprietors. Niagara Falls, May 1, 1862. inys.6t STEVENS HOUSE, (LATE DELMONIOOI4,) No. 2b BROADWAY, NSW YORK. Five minutes' walk from Fall River boat landing, Chambers street, sod foot of Cortland street. tolati• am GEO. W. OTnyagLie, Proprietor. A OARD.-THE UNDERSIGNED, hate of the t3InAIAD flOll6ll, Phlladelphta, tin' ~ ..111112i, for • Mimi of peers, WILLA:IIIn TIOTIIIL, -i•Actiltigton May 'tar W.: JLCA/1101. to (*Alin. Zu Ant .( Ad friends and customers many thank" for pad heron, .431.1 bog to assure them that they will be most happy to lea them fu their new olartBirs. OHAAWWIA, WAIIIIIIII/TOll, JCI7 IC, 700 x• an/11.17 8 10 TINA ROOFING, MANUFACTORHD AV TET. UNITED STATES BIOTINA ROOFING COMPANY, No. 9 GORR BLOCK,. Corner GREE N and ?NTS Streets, Boston, Mass This Portable Roofing is the only article ever offered to the public shish icready prepared to go on the roof without any finishing operation. It is light, handsome, and easily applied and can be safely and cheaply trans ported to any part of the world. It will not taint or discolor water running over, or lying on it, and is, in all r "Pectih a very 4i9“lr9blt article. Ito nou - conducting properties adapt it especially to covering manufactories of various kinds ; and it is confidently offered to the public after a test of four years in all varieties of climate and temperature, for covering all kinds of roofs, flat or pitched, together with cars, steamboats, &c. It ld anti durcloge, float! wanted, to whom liberal inducements are offered. Sued for sample, circular, Scc., with particulars, to 11. N. ROOFING CO., No. 9 CONN 131 , 0 , Jt,80ht0u." an24.3m BAY RUN.—A small invoice of Bay Rum, just received, fur eale by 01198 8. 0 kIISTAIRS, ayV 126 WALNUT and 21 GRANITE Street*. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA; FRIDAY. MAY 9, 1862. No. 309 WALNUT Street COM MISSION ROI TN E. WELLING, COFFIN, & MVO OHBOTVUT OTABEWi Agents for the following ruakeg of goods PRINTB. DUNNkLL Kra. C 0..... aIIIMMI MINE 00. LAWNS. DIINNWILL lan*. CIVI. BLEACHED COTTONS. taonsdale, forotdelth ?Ober., Slatormvtlin, clentredele, Jamestown, Blackstone, Dom Bed Mich, Dorchester. Newburyport, Nuuznoeg, Zonnve, Burton, Greene Mfg. Co.'s A. A., B. A., U. A., .11.1(1 other style*. BROWN COTTONS. enrilWds, Trout. Groton, Ashland, Chestnut, Glenville, tleellAlliele and Harmers', JUA.IIEI.-411 , i,ak, IllanshaufAr. DTNMMS AND 'ATTU l'l33.—Gralton, Jowak Gity, Madison, Slatersville, tkisawein, Kilystorm, Choctaw. CANTON FLA NNELS.—Slatersville, ARRWIIIII. AlLLRillAS—Sraith's„ Social Co„. iriOnalials WOOLENS &MY DLIJIII 01.011:10, liumsyß, PLO FLAN NEL& BROAD OLOTlO3.—Plunkotts', Mout= 00., dto. JAKOIDERED.—Gay S SOU, elaxtou's ktiver, Au. IiATTNE'' 8.-11aea liivor, Couveraville bower Val ley, Rope, &tonorOviiio, fionvorao and Hyde., 4) o ,,, v e ri ,* Groh. R. CO., btio.W Mfg. CO. KENTUCKY JEANS.—Rodman, Myetio, Gold nodal. 001NICT PLANNEId 4 ..—WILLIAM9'S Angola, Saw ‘say, Marital, and other 0311011 LONSUALE Naukce4lus and Coloted thurabrioa. PLAIT , LINSNYS, GOTToN ADES, &o. field-em SHIPLEY, HAL tip, eta HUTCH. IN SON, No. 112 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS VOR TU SALE OP PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. mlati Om clk trib Afi D OIL cLurns_ CAN TON i MATTING - S. J. F. & E. B. • ORNE, NO. 519 CHESTNUT STREET, (OPPOSITE STATE Houma Have now open FRESH IMPORTATIONS WHITE, RED CHECKED, And FANCY COLORED CANTON MATTING& ALSO, 800 PS. J 2 CROSSLEY it SON'S ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS E . FROM 671 TO $1 PR. YD., J. F. & E. B. O. RNE, iny2.tia NEW CARPETING. • JAMES H. ORNE, 626 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH. Wo have just received, by late arrivals from Europe, 30110 new gipa choice varieties of CARPETING, eons prislng FRENCH AUBUSON Square Carpets. ENOLISH AXMINSTER'S, by the Yard and in eihtita Carpets. CROSSLEY'S 6-4 and 3-4 wide Velvets. to Tapestry Brussels. te Brussels Carpeting. Mao, a large - variety or UrrtISSLE: 7 4 .4 and other reek... TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, From 57i - o- 1D ei Per Our assortment comprises all the best makes of Three ply and Ingrain Carpeting, which, togothar with a gene ral variety of goods in our line, will be offered at the low. sat possible prices. OIL CLOTH FOR FLOORS, rrom one to eight yards wide, cut to any Size. FRESH MATTINGS. By late arrivals front China we have a full assortment WHITE AND COLORED MATTING( OF ALL WIDTHS. JAMES H. ORNE, appl6 GLEN ECHO MILLS. GERMANTOWN, PA. MOCALLUM & Co, N.ANUFAOTIIIMES, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS SOU UHlitrili - UT E3TREICT. Cl:opposite Independence Hallo CARPETINOB. OIL CLOTHS, &c. We have now on band an extensive 'Melia Carpetlnia, of our own aad other makes, to which we call the atten tion of cash and short-time buyers. FGURTE-STREET CARPET STORE, so. 47 ABOVE CHESTNUT, No. 47. J. T. DELACROIX Invitee attention to hie Spring Importation of CARPETINGS. Gotnyrising every style, of the Newest Patterns and Oceigno, to VICLVET, BRUSSELS, TAPHSTIIV RIME SELS, IMPERIAL TRUZE-PLY, and maws CARPETINGS. VENETIAN and DAMASK STAIR CARPETING'S. SCOTCH RAG and LIST (&lIPETINGS. PLOOR OIL CLOTHS, in every width. COCOA and CAN lON MATTING'S. DOOR-MATS, RUGS, SHEEP SKINS, DRUGGE rs, and CRUMB CLOTHS. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, LOW FOR CASH. • J. T. DELACROIE, mhls-4m 47 Soeth FOURTH Street. SWING WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, mbll-Em PHILADELPHIA. SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINES--- The beet and cheapest for Family or Manufac turing purposes. If not as good as represented, the money will be refunded. For sale at 911 CHESTNUT Street, second atom J. T. JONES & CO. my 3-titw CABINET FURNITURE C ABINET FURNITURE AND BIL LIARD 9ABLM4t MOORE & CAMPION. Ito. 281 South SECOND Strout, In connection with their extensive Cabinet Business arc Cow manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLEB, And have now on hand a full supply, finished with the 10010111 & CADIPIONIS INPROVHD CUSHIONS, which are pronounced, by all who have used them, to be iiisold6E to eh °thee:. For the quality and Amish of thee. table. the mane tackwere tefer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of their work. fo2B-ere DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO, Nortbaud Corner YOURTH and BADE Strada, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND • DEALERS FOREIGN AND DO:IAEST/O WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. /1411XOYALOTIIRMIP.8 OP warn LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, Aa. Aullrairs iron ran ORL.I2IIIAATIID FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and mummy isla,PPlied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. ap29-2m WHITE LEAD, DRY AND IN OlL.—Bed Lead, White Lead, Lltharge, !Moor of Lead, Oil of Vitriol, Cabs -661, Paint Y.d low, Chrome Red, Chrome Yellow, Aqua Fortis, Ma rlette Ara l Epsom Salta, Roehelle Salts, Tartaric Acid, Orange Mineral, Soluble Tart, Sub. Carb. Soda. White Vitriol, Red Precipitate, White Precipitate, Lunar Caustic, Naraotine,*Sulph. Morphine, Morphine, Acetate Morphine, Lac. Balpig., tither Sulphuric, tither Nitric, Sulphate Quinine, Corm. Sublim., Denareotised Optum, Chloride of Soda, Wetherill's Ext. Cincha, Tartar Kinetic, Chloride of Lime, Crude }hoax, Refined Borax, Camphor, Resin C•opavia. W LT El SKILL A BItOTU ER, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, Nos. 47 sad 49 North SECOND Street, iSQS-11' PHILADELPHIA. ICE'r &IL 113R1 600 Db. 625. NEW SPRIlti G GOODS. 625. C_ s( - )m_pais & SON. CLOTH No. 624 CHESTNUT STIHDET, UNDMit JAYNK'B 11A1.1., MINA PAW in store and ma recolving conatantly a large and deldrablo &Rol talent of CLOTHS, CASS , MERE COATINGS, SILK MIXIO. A ND PLIIN. Viatlngs, TOWN , Trionninge, and n 1 geode adardad to MEN AND.I3t WEAR. PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. 101.1n3 . . RAYoAil\i'ry, GOISNEII, vF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STREETS, OFFEB 113 TfE I.A.bitta NARROW BUGLE GIMPS, BLACK SILK LACES, BELT RIBI?ONS ALL COLORS, NARRoW SILK LIMPS, NARROW iannoNs, SPOOL SILK, ALL COLORS. 011 RAP. PARTRIDGE AND CIIINCIIILLA SPLIT ZEPHYR. Quo lot of I.A.l3trci JOl tk.' ttBTP.I.), and all tho load tog colors, at 1 . 6) canto pO, hook -RAPSON'S TRIMMINGS a ZEPHYR sroRE, CORNER EIGLITH AND WITHHiIf np2.3 101 VIM AK S ! 0 LOAKP. ! &KS! NJ TEM GREATEST Beutt6.lNS IN THE CITY IVENS & CO.'S, No. 23 titAITFI THE LARGEST .STOCK, THEIS KS t ASSOR7',IfSNT, THE GlEMaiiiT GOGURS, TEE FINEST QUALITIES, TEE .BIOS e SUPERB TRIMMINGS, TEE NEWEST STYLES, TEE BEST WORE, A Li I) DRUIDEELY THE 'OWE ST rarass, IN THE CITY, IVENS & 6bEITI.I NINTH. STREET. rnh26-3m CI . LvAKB.—Ti you want the best value N.J for your money, go to the ility Cloak Store, WI ortb letairrrn, above (Murry. rek62B-2nl °WAKE! A MACINIPIONNT ASSOBTrdr.NT OF ALL titt NEWEET gYritt..26 thir olik'fB1) TIII9 jtoiitti every new material, made up and trimmed In the very beet manner, at pricee that defy all comlktition, AT TEM PARIS CLOAK STORE, N. E. CORNER EIGHTH AND WALNUT 811 mh26-3m NEW CLOAK STORE Tko most elegant IldmlTlOlent 11l th 6 city. No. i 9 South NINTH Street, First door above Chesitint. mh2B-3m 1024 CHESTNUT STREET E. M. NEEDLES Would call SPECIAL ATTENTION To bit osportEnvot of Whit. Goode and Lloona adapted to the requirement. of tha present season PLAIN, Ptfit/P, o,N1) ST.MPED JACONHTS NULav z•r socnilS, SWIt,SES. FRENCH ~FllidL]NS, PILLOW, SITIVRT I G, AND SHIRTING =iII;M All Teritti, ana .01,-Mt9 in the above YE/CI - LOW RATES. Alen. A Choke AsBortruent GAGE G COES, EN 13 It 0 1 DEFi7E R, HANDK R OEIEFS AND VEILS 1024 CHESTNUT STBERT FINE PLAID SILKS FOR BONNETS. Bieck and White Neat Plaids. Brea-J. at White treat PIAIde Black and White Shepherd's Plana. Lilac, Bine, and Green Plaids. aip2B-ff ETRE & LANDELL. FOURTH. & AROH. NEW BPEINII- PitINTS 3 ono WE STYLES. DISERTMACS, SPRAGUE, PACIFIC, ILL TWELVE AND A HALF CENTS. A large lot best styles and Nat colors at 16c. COWPERTHWAIT & CO., mhlb•tf N. W. car. EtGPTH and MARKET Sta. SILK iNIANTLE6 AND 6A.UQUE3 Black Taffeta Mantles. Black Silk t•acaucs. Elegant ta.w styles. Light Chilli Satoi.u. 8111E1411:RD'8 PLAIDS. New lots, leirgaius, 123, 18K, and 25 ctg. Plaid .11omintlikainis, very doetrabto. ItIEN'S AVD BOYS' WEAR. Silk Mixed Cmailuarea and (loath:me. Light colors fancy Ca4sinnsres. Mixtures at.d Melton& Cloth goods for little follows. BOY'S JACKETS AN I) PANTS (NEW DEPARTMENT, On:COND STORT.) Glad. ROC abo Fit noexceptionablo. Prices very reel , table. Boys' snits tondo to order. COOPER CONARD, - B_-E.c~r..ErRIVTII, ,I M.--1.11.11:RT gtne,Ad.. A DI.SIRABLm sUNINII4iR FLAN- Ls NEL.—The enbscribers have leceived an invoice of 'Tel unehrinkab!e SUMMER FLANNEL., mann fecturt d the Shatrra, traza an ew.ceediagly flaw and oat wool. ktHEHPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, Lt BI4MIK AND WHITE . iiHNICK. SlLKS. — ljavingV.P.Jm, UrclPPZ.lirsAmor, cklEpic Black at d white Check French Silks. Gray colored Cheek French SiLko. Black and White Ind iaSilks. Brown and White India Silke. We also offer the - GREATEST BARGAINS IN FANCY BILKS. frold 50 cents to V. 50. 4,000 yards Plain NoKarubigmia M 25 Ceuta These goods have a very rich lustre, looking very much like silk, and are remarkably cheap, having cost 32 cents to import. 1 case Bari•ges a Chenille, and 1 case Bassos a Braslin at 25 seats, a. at. .th 40. I lot all-silk CILNNADINER at 25 mile worth 62. This is the BAREST lot of Goods IN THIS CITY. 1 lot Mode Veils at 75 cents. H. STEEL & SON, tiD3O No. 713 North TENTH Street,. armee Cokes JA s. 11. CA MPB Et..l .L rim Co., WHOLESALE aND RETAIL DEALERS, 727 CHESTNUT STREEP, BonneVs Black Taffetas. Triple Chain Satin Plaid Colored Taffetas. Detached Figured Caniel'a Hair Thibet, high lustre. Satin Plaid and Printed Maraud's°. Luzlin's best black lino (max and Bombazines. Rich Plaid Iktozatnbiones. LWpill's best black, white, and high colored ChM!. Organdies and Jacouets, grissaile grounds. Cachemire Stripe Printed Percales, very rich. Foulard Poplins, Foulard Vanne, atvc., ,Co. aplS-tf 103 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, SECOND DOOR ABOV ARCH, UP STAIRS LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, &c. The Copartnership heretofore existing between KAUFIVIAN & DONNERWCADTER Having been dissolved by mutual consent, ths under 'Wed respectfully ioforms tho patrons and friends of the old flrm, and the trade in general, that he 'has taken all the up-stairs rt omits of NO. 103 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, ABOVE A BOR. To continuo the manufacturing o all hinds d DRESS, CLOAK, eau FRINGES, BUTTONS, TASSELS, OORD Of all descriptions, Ac., so., And will offer inducements in price andel:WHY, as well •s prompt attendance to orders, In every article apper taining to hie line. WM LONNHRSTADTEH, ep4.2ml No. 10;5 North EIGHTH Street, eh, Arch, NEW G001)8 OPENING DALLY. —Plaid Foulards, black, brown, blue, and lilao. Plain brown Foulards, one yard wide. Pianee, white ground and bouunets of Chintz color". Wool De Lainee, choice shades. Plaid and small figured Wool De Lainee, for children. A large assortment of Giughame, at 123, 20, and 26 cents. A fresh assortment of Cloaking (7lothl, Small figure dark brown ittohairs, choice. Shepherd's Plaids, from 16% to 50 cents. Bilk and Wool Poplins in great variety, at JOHN 11 STOKES', No. 702 ARCH Street. p r —Good black Silks, 87,4 7 1, and lfi.px, Call and examine our t...123i black Silks. mb2B 371 CM. STRIPE FOULARDS 2 from Auction. Small Stripe Foulards. Gray Stripe Foulards, Neat Stripe Foulards. ap2B-tf ICYRF & LAN DIFCLL, FOURTH & ARCH MACHINERY AND IRON. MVILOAN, ORIto & GOy HTEHIVI ENGINE BUILDERS, Iron Bounders, end General Machinists and Boiler Makers, No. 1210 CAL LOWHILL Street. Philadelnhia. ti3lB-17 FENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORRS.—NE &FIE LEVY, PRACTICAL AND. THEORETICAL ENGI NEERS, MACHINISTS,ROILER-HAHERS, BLACK 111,IITRII, and POUNDIfig, yews, been in successful operation, and been exclusively en gaged in building and repairing Marine and River En gines, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, &c.. reepectfolly offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for Bu sh/es of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, having Beta of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to exe cute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern making made at the shortest notice. High and Low-pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the beat Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Roraima' of ail sizes and kinds; Iron and Braes Castings, of all descrip tions; 801 l Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work convected with the above buidpeap. Drawings and Specifications for all work done at their gptiabliehment, free of charge, §R4 work gaaraniied. The 9un.rrih x. hFrve wmple whaitc;lock !nem Tor re. pairs of boat., where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocka, falls, &0., &c., for rais ing heavy or light weight.. JAOO - B 0. EIXAVIR s JOHN P. LEVY, BRACH and PALMIER Strada J. 'VAUGHAN SINRRIDIL, JORX H. 00P4. WILLIAM El• SIMIURICAL, BAWILBY 11111111014 SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STUNTS, PHILADELPHIA. KEPAIICK et, SONS, ANGINEERS' AND bIAONINISTS Manufacture High and Lew Prewar° Eiteam Engines, for hind, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, /to.; Oast• bags of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-Frame Boas for Gas Works, Workehope, mad Magm', ke_ Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and moll Improved construction. Every descrittion of Plantation Machinery, such N Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trans, I/donators, Filters, Pumping Engines, dro, Pole Agent. for N. Milieux'. Patent EllignrlslllBll APP.ratue; Neamyth'e Patent Steam Hammer ' and As pinwall & Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining. Machine. any-ff VrARMONY 8131111,11.31---Per sale in XI bond, by CHAS. S. CAHSTAIES 0010 No. 190 WALNUT 81. and 21 GI/SNITS , /IL MANTILLA TRIMMINGS, BEAD HMS, MEDICINAL T ARRANT'S~ EFFERYBSCHNT t - I;T_"1"Z it. ]1 A Pl 2; EN-r. Thin valuable and popular Mei hag untvereelly re ceived the iseiht theuegible recoutneeehttionn of the MNDICIAL PROVIESSI a n d the PWIlh: ue the MOM EeFIOIILNT AND ADRltellll.e SALINE ENT. It may Ito tined wilt tit. I. ,t eit•.. in I - Mien:Le and F,LrGe Sisk Dominate, Nausea, of Amos Lite, lailikira tion, Acidity of the tit tanapP, Torpidity of the Ligor, (lout, Rheumatic Affections, Gravel, Pilnn, A 1111 Al,l. 0113111/AIXTII WMBMA A GENTLE 4NI) COI/LING or. Puri- GIATivE is ItY.QUIItED. It in pnrticularl) itaxpt..l.l it: I tin witiita of 'l'm',/,' ua Lnnd, n..-IJ—L., h. But lintntitary Invulidn, nod I..UtiViii.lll:ltllll4; i4tptiLig.44 111111 wail dud it 1 Sdii:!AC/L1 to their Median" Chests. It is iA um Ion! in it payday, carefully pit up in hottim to keep iu tiny, non unroll t" ,, purtn Water puirint upon it to produce it di, lightful ufl.trienntitits bertirage. Numerous from prolininioiltil and otbor gentlemen of the highest ntsualux throlOilt9Ut the ciAlit try, aud its steadily lissitausing popularity for s yt dui of years. strongly ty It edie,tuy vnliinbin chnreient, and conituond it to the Invorntdo notice of au intelligent. public. Ithilttli . oolLllA 011/Y I/7 TAIUMNT S CO., ei6 GREENWICH Strbot, cornor Warr(-fl tif W And for MN:I3 by Orngickt. goooral/Y. WO.N.LiERFUL SC.II.NTLFIO DlS covmLii UN I.IIOF U H BOL IfiaJ WALNUT 6`rit.i..}..l', PULL, UELPH L ) INENG (3AREFULLY. Tin+ collOrvout , lantwe,:o lac{ aim Ito , coring MU nick inal nutie , n, g of then' diseases, or ~/eC.. tiniug to cure and showing buc little or tnu evidence of corns, can be woB appreciated by I.llt, after health, by aftentivrl) resilins thin following iu slop oh, of cm - urinates until the ete, retieteo teitt.telnett it. Philadolobis, who were perttestertstly cored by 1"tor. BOLLES, lau WA L ntrrwt, nod nicer tfiniftjlad bneo up as incurable by the mast eminent- une1i....1 mon 9f thin city: Junati Levy, Brunt:Mel Certeureprieb, Bit nib Front Strret. • Edward P. Evane. pregelay of the ill Church, Dye. pepaia of long tannding, Le.ryugitie and Lonlin , go, 14353 [Leanne!) stri.+l. Alt.,:mak4 Adaleo, Inli,mtnatbry Ehrudi:digru, bum. bag°, long 4tanding.l2l2Salery etrwd, Eigidwddh ward, liensibgtc.b. William IL Shaine, Paralysis of the lower (ParaelegY,) m.r! Eyikvpiy, 110 ~.uth TwontieLs, acr...4 !Salley, Laryegiue, DyeyeFeia, and Lumbago, 219 Dinrlket stroet. Thomas Owens, Congestion of the Brain and severe Demon-16am, of the Lungs end Diubetie, American Hotel, Philadelphia. Charlea L. Jones, DymprpEda and Lumbago, 528 Arch James Rumout, Deafness for Kik yogrp, and ringing arid roarmg In lbb head, Vifteenth dtrents. George 0. Predlotorry, Chrome Bronchitis and Catarrh, formerly proprietor of the Girard Comm. - Thomas Barron, severe Diabetic, Row Mils, West Phi. lade] etns. George Grant, Rheumatic Gent, long ataudiug, 333 El [whet street. . . H. T. De Silver, Chronic Yenratgia and Inflammatory Itht.umutigni, 14311 ChtettLut street. O. 11. Cartnich, Chronic Dysponsia and ,Inilannation of the Kidne} I. Chemtrint and Nor tieth mtreetm. 1.1n.h Harrold. Brouchitim and Discame of the Kidneys, 49 Fouth Third orrw. it. P. M. Tupper. ehronin Dygounght, and Kidney Die• nape, 162.2 south Fifth Eite.44. P Greve,,, M. D., lung standing and *wore L nm bago, 216 Pine Mreet. Wei wEiro MO) , anon, consnuiplaon, 1227 Front ntront. timutord ntilltrali, Congretionor the Drain and t;hrouio Dyspomix, lOio l'ulmor Woof Charles L. Cualiney, Paralysis of tho lower limbs (Paraplegy) and Dypeosia, Western Hotel. J. Riehot, Chronic Brooobit," coomipotiou and Con gestion of the brain DIU 1 4.ilywhi!! 41re4, L'aiob Lamb, bronchial Cousuaaptiou of five Talus standing, 7435 Chustunt street. Boy. J. Mallory. Aphunia, Philadelphia. M. M. Loaning, Nervous Prodirotion, Cadbury Ave- RTIO. adilition to the above ewes cured, Prof. O. B. BoLLEt has cured two thousand Chronic and &cute cases within less than three }ears iii Philadelphia, all of which Caere had resisted the treatment of the meet end. Lint nirdiciii nine. l'ltqkbe taxa notice tlatt erur. D. dose not imrerriee any certificates of cures, except those cured in tide city. Prof B. has eetabliEliod bictieelf for life in this city, and his success in treating the sick is a sufficient guarao. tee that he claims I.lotlnns - Lnic nuntntino lease in lain din- OnVnry in the use of Electricity reliable therapeutic agent. N. B.—lt win he well for the dn...aged to recollect that p r of, ff. 1 1 1 0 g ive ! : sNoze, of cantina in Lie pamphlet to fond thew ngaivrt TTll6llll,g their health in toe /loud!, of Chore in this city claim:lug to treat diitehe9 according to his discovery. This caution may areal severe on those using Electricity at hazard, but it in the severity of truth pill actaigco fcr FIiY Eivod of huino•olfr • Gintsuitatiura Fret. is 9 - -000 odsorvis.woot In another column O. H. BOLLES, 1.2.20 WALNUT Street, Phihula B"N'' ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, Manufactured only. at FREDEn.It BILOWN'S DRUG AND Cal E.M.D:IAL STOUR, ef iMegTll[llT gkiaa, PIIIL 9., DEL PITIA. Attention is called to this valuable remedy which stiontd be in every family, and for the Army 30 Navy it is In dispensable, curing affections of the F 3 tow.-11 and bowels, aid is a eartnin preventive front the effects of bad water, CAUTION.—To prevent this valuable Eesenen from being counterfeited, a now Steel Engraving, executed at great cost, wdl be found on the outside of the wrapper, in order to guard the purchaser againet being imposed upon by worthless itnimtions. And sold by all respectable Druggists tu the trotted States. fet.rfra,-Aso GLUTEN CAPSUE LS OP' PURE On -LIVER The reptiglianco of most patients to COD-LAVER and the inability of many to take it at all, has in duced various forms Of disgurite for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of thorn OlacWiYl in special cases, but tour. Orton the -vebiolo neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving quits _ea unpalatable and of lees therapeutic value. Tho repug nance, nausea, d 0,., to invalids, induced by disgust of the ojl, la enurely olrylated by the use of our (JAPSULEB. QOP-111 - vISS UTX. b4sl"tirdiff,* bay., boom muoit need lately in 11.proPe, the experience there of the good re wnitg from tneir nee in both hospital and VeriVate Oractio& seide from the naturally suggested od.enceroe, are -suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we de for them, feeling assured their nes will remit In bandit and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER. raorosALs C OAL. V Written PROPOSALS will be received until the Ineiaet. for the daiaery, 0o ft.% Ndiali cliti,kpf, at WEST POINT, Nrw York, of the following quantified and qualities of. WHITE ASH OOAL--Oledn: COO tone (2,240 it's V . ton) Locust Mountain, Steamboat size. A LEO, Too to as Cl,Zio Itta toe) Egg size. 300 tone (2,240 the 4 ton) Stove size, Of either Beaver Mountain, tincic Mountain, or Beni n-ore vein, W 3 oming, price of each stated separately. °nuba d.liv tW from tbe Wyoming ilibtricte, at the WEST POINT WHARF, from canal boats which receive it at the Minos, without breaking bulk, via the Eekullitill, and Delaware and Raritan Canals. . . . More than the ordinary facilities for unloading will be fun 'Awl. •Tbe Coal to he deliyered between the let of June and 24th of August next. EDWARD C. BOYNTON, Captain am? Quartarinautor Military dcidellEr, Weet l'Oint, New York, Nay .t. Dab:. ni)e-14t GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS N ATIVE WINK 6. STRICTLY PURE JUICE OF TUE . GRAPE-TUE MOST DELICIOUS, RICH, AND FRUITY WINES EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC, AN EYOELLENT AMORTRENT JU RECEIVED ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROOBRIES, ILD26-tr CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STE CROSSE k BLA.CKWELL'S ode. tasted PICKLES and SAUCES, constantly received RTIODES &EMUS, 107 Nonth WATER Strad. CHEAP BUTTER! CHEAP BUT- Tme! only 12 ote. per pound, at No 812 SPRING GARDEN &root. tuh2b-tf NUTS.-20 BALES LANGE.TEthw . -LI ALMONDS; 25 bales bICILY ALMONDS ; .100. bags New ArIICEID PEANUTS ; just received and for sale 1.11.01)&S & WILLIS,ANI 101 South WATER Street, F EA_F LARD.-79 . tierees prime ket i-i fie-rendered Leaf Lard, for Hale by C. O. ISADL & mL2o•tf 103 ARCH Street, 24.1 door above . Front. u BELS. GOOD_ COOKING BUT TER for sale very cbeap at No. 1112 SPRING GAB DEN Street. mh2s-13 (11-IE.EBE.--150 boxes fine ilerkimer 1.1 Coungy Obooso, for sale tly U. O.J. BADDEII & 103 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. ITERY CHOICE WHITE EYE V A.r pou"i fa No- Ria SPRING - GARDEN Street. mhito-if fIAND.LES. Chemical Sperm Candies, for solo by. JAURKTCHE & LAVERGNE, 202 end 204 South FBONT Street- uk6l4 VIN G AR—French White Win. Vinegar, for sale by JA V EUIT9IIN g__l-.AYN4SitiMt mhll - won. aoz and 204 South FRONT titreea SARDINES.—A very superior brand for sale by CHARLES S. CARSTALIRS, sp2 126 WA:rain and 21 GRANITE Street. MESS PORK.-250 bbls Mess Perk, for sale by C. C. SADLIOR & CO., mh2o-tf 109 ARCH Street, 2d door above front. IFYOU WANT GOOD POUND lIIITTNR, go to S. Z- GOTTWALS', No. 815 9P-DING GA TiIDICN Street. m 26-1 l Q k ALT.-2 09 , 0 sacks Ground; Alum 4.1,4 ; , 11.000 da_• Turk'. la.aLa uo., 1.1.1a1 tor halo by MURPHY Jr, KOONS, No. I.U. :NORTH W ARV SS, my 3 URES,B BOLL BUTTER, EGGS, &0., received daily at 8. Z. GOTTWALW, Na. 819 gpRTNO NATIDICII strop!. inh26-11 AE DEN VASES. —Ornamental G Terra Vida Garden Yeses, WOrraukd w awed tha weather in any climate. These vases are mode in boau tiful designs and all sizes, hem 1 foot to 3 feet high, with a variety of pedestals, romid and square from 1 foot to 4 test high. No decoxations add so much to the natural beamtloo of a. 010-alem, and ma so littlo &At, P 4 re* Vases filled with flowering plant& Illustrated liata. lognes sent by mail on application. B. A. HARRISON, aplB-tg 1010 fttriCSITYIUT Street. OPENING OF A 5U51511 1 311 DEN.—Tho 4;oh:reigned huge leave to inform the public that he hes opened tor the salmon his FINIGIAIt- DEN and HOTEL at the tont of COATES Street, ollno• Ott, Faittnoant Park. nullifies are particular)) hcoritell Ice creem, Unicee, excellent tower beer of krtitalb brew ery, Willett, always on hand. HENRY my3.2m TWENTY. SEVENTH and COVIISIS pAMPITLET PRINTING,"Best Cheapen in tits City , Rt VA 3 , IWO WN'S, 111 tioutlt FUIIIIT/1 006 aplo siLii.r.via jc. ... .. .. 0 BeIVIYE RS & ATIOTION ty 1 3 BS, NOB. 222 and 2:31 SA L 1 OF CA EvErri t,t4S, m A rriN , A;r. • W. v.lll L.,.1.3 ,ly to . rp.t.l,, o ,o o n. Ace. TUTS 11,1,YLNIYG, Al 0.3 nth. at 1 it'cluck Dr. by catalnom, cn a Nl dit f.,z3r n ,:th, er,a6rn.c:::g g«:,..-,1 satg.•rtawn+-, hi e 1 3 v .lll be ,lien for ext.m,,et!en, with cattileetv:a, on the morning of nek.. SALIC 0 Cl.O r 1 i NU. "Fli MAU ?Huy 9, on four mourtim' rxe.l4 ulo of oity•mann cistising, for spring and 811:11Pgar Mt, MIF , MNINM)EtWZIERM IRAN E G fl/IG^. irttA `rY ins, L c. TUE , DAY fvIOI;NISU. Nay 13tb. tet n'clovk by catalugno, un foir lfAlt"/ pacluteem bowls, hot.e, br0g17.5, inuyil tat/111 goolln cVn., rinlitining a pitta'? awl at/Inrlnient ui liint.ClAB3 city and rikkgurti !arm:t rail Wl', wiiirh V. in be open ;or txalt iontion early on lIIN rnorlabg (.1 oFe IA? .11.,01?,i. vitutv.3l,Ay Iday IS, r km: nisaittid' lug; pitel,x,ol. FrOilCas, %cal AD ("Oath; 11N E•f18, Bit Ili 1,1 , 2, X , 17 if: 7129 (1117,311 i ITT 131:itJ T. LAIIGE TALK üb' FT.F.NI:II URY GC/Opt!. OF 'III.F. IhIIOITA'fNIN t L a1v,511.8.. 11E,tilitkED & HUTTON On (bur erudtt. MORNING May 0, at 10 &dock, by cotblogriv, or. f•tur montba' cubsbqibg a— - pep. L 11 job. 6 4a7-4 lino blank , 3'..u.. lipvvvo KINN Jncunxtlt , itrinii i ttvlurtfr rtchlin 2,q) ycii AT Uhaino bar [`gel , :.:1! Pe , 4.4,4+8 4 Mai , . ni,z4ailmittets 14,0 tt• 4 att-4 etch brocoo tiudrod bartlg9 11(>011FILl. .2..9 pra 44 theme d, cttptla. . ~ ~ • o:,11 t 1 101 . 0 11 print i d 111W1.03. cll,l S 4 4 plote -- curl F fine to exit, Hoe Itimtday to and laTellas. fnpeti :iht-irtott holid ght..ntri. 21. , 0 Het, Poil6 ktiobti 6164 ftiad Mlle? stylus.. Mel* grog do ritillps, taffidAg, acid fancy silky. THIS HutiNING, M a y 9, on four Mil& credit CHO CA 1tT029 9 ttUNN 1 Ilittitt4tlg, Of 111. atlltel and colors, aid all dila aaa.ron'a portation. I kuteiting MA, aroi,a Fop. 12e40 extra pith In ache fSgured, daitt fralth ft ()chew, canutie, gro3 graiu poult On dojo bonnet ribbt4in Full burn Non. 4, 5. and 6 corded edge ribbon% do di. ro 411 oxtra lt,avy cord Pdgoklo. do do plaid con pti P&pe winto Ahd blaillc do. Alpo, an assortment of coon colored riooono. s.l.&.—Tta aboveart alt fresh good, sad of stitretdoi' quailty, worths the ittipi.tion of al.. trade. LARGE SALE Or euu WV, FRENCH GOODS THIS (rIsIDAY) Dim' `li t tit Iv GA 1111.-I'hr ittteutiou of the Wel° id ropy:stag to Our spiv of COO loth thysey mai stsphi reoeh gothin of 41th inoporltdool of Messrs. tthithard d Hutton, nod others, this ( !Frith.) ) tottroiog, May 91.1 i, tct lb o'idock, on tour month.' credit. onto ',muted a very largo ardortutuut of 11010, ligurro, and Fiala dryno sutra's, gio.itamit-, rittduloick jauoto Finn haregns, black and lu Ora+. drop i eta. oic, NOTICE TO lIKM,ERS IN RIBBONS. N lj}±;ll,44, CM cart... his,. 4a 46 x rin nnprr quAllty pants de goie tritundug nbboua, c napri.log she moat (111111biti 11/.oltllsellt Ui All leg and colon utfeml ut WICiIIPLI llce beiteoD, and just lauded. VA_NIJOAtST & WARNOCK, AUO- J_ TIONEERS. tiu. 213 MARKET citreet. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 251) OASES STRAW ouni.6. - IMIRNI,IU, May 9, commencing at 10 o'clock, precisely. li,cludid will be found, viz— BOP, NETS. A fall and aoaiplt-tom soli-., , raw, lore Lee, sod po oil braid. fitio Belgian it, aw, fancy Lair, alio colored straw bonauts, for' ladies and misses. FANCY 1 - 1AT..3 faLICY 111a4, filogi olittpr& 1111.:tiS' HATS Mols' and Imps' palm, panama, malacca, seuet hats, and fancy hats. "[OOP al I lITP Alse, Ttiu M. , ILNING. At ceremeneenieucement of mai° an invoice of ladias , exrra-anle tare and diamond tied! extra quality stern spring hoop. skirts. DYE STUFFS. inotnirg, at I'.2.o'cli:ek. noon A large lot of dye stun— boilable for notnulacturerfi of woolen goods. M FITZPATRICII & BILOTHEItd, y. 6uc:ionwra doi c1iik.41. 4 141.11 1 ot, alx.rve SALE t-F NANCY liuODS, Elt Atior cry, int.& and pocket cutlery, eilver•plated "Acre, clock 8, N. melte., ie. elry ry, neck ties, patent ttirea,A, yeed`olio,,, pot' teraaorinta en, puttee, &c. Tins (F HID A.Y) MORNING, Nay 6th, at 10 o'clock at the auction store, 604 Oilep,t, put street. NEW YORK. DANIEL H. BURDETT, AUCTIONIBri. BY BURDETT, JUNES; STORE 109 WALI. STREET, NEW YORK. THIa (FRIDAY) ItIOILNING—)I3y D, At 1.) Weit.ek, at A ail-,trk,t sale.rooui, cL7rllqr ''runt rvp! )s - 4 , 1 iotroPt, IJpirni)*l'AT) , *CON7iliN3llll , lT •thALB. Ey order and undar Ihe direcHon or H 1 RAII CARNEY, hrq., Collect..r of the Port LARGE SALE OF SEA JP - LAID COTTON. 600 bales superior l 4 ett bdand Cunan, chains brands, all lu bstlbet nalehantabla unbar. ALSO, GULF COTTON, . . 114 bales Gulf Cotton, in prime order. The Sea Maud cottun luny be examined ie the bake at the Athletic Duch eture No. fidl aid the wunplea may be examined by catalogue on and after Tnetdeyi Mai 6th, at the Walls Street ',Women', where the Kele will tatie place by samples. The Gulf Cotton can be aeon in gale at No. 4 Stone elect Ne•w York. Sill PPIiNG Lpi% .1)0ri EXIiII3IIION-RETUitli TWEEI* TO LONDON AND ISAGIi; First• 01188 Fwcoud-class 86. sistk b WEEKLY COMMUNICA TION EY STEAM BETWEEN 'NEN '4 , 02.1 . : AND LIVERPOOL, calling at QUERNS 'TOWN, (Ireland,) to !and and embark passengers ant 4espatches. The Liverpool, New fork, and Phlladeiphis Steam quip Company's splendid Clyde-built iron screw stem- Mix ere Intended to call as follows . . /MOM TTENY YOTIE. IVA LIVIGIUVOL. CITY OF WASHING.TON ETNA IMEiiViZINEME lIATE2 , ur PABBA3I: THROUGH. FROM_ PRILAMILPIIIA Oabiti, to Queurotown, or Liverpool . fit Do. to London, vim Liverpool ilteeratte to queenetown, or Liverpool. . Sat etw Londen - - - Do. Return tickets, available for Mr months, Item Liverpool SAt Yawn:niers forwarded to Havre, Perla, Rumiant, flrecoon, end Antwerp at through rates. of n a !ahead &am LioAllsls6i 1,5 Ma* 2ork. 14' t'rrrflilostee of passage issued from Queenstown to Het York Sat ni.e3e steamers have superior moorranotlstiorul for pos. toy-ere, two ooruirrnoted with watch - 410f Gemmel:pro, sad mrry experknoed Surgeons. ror *mot, or passage, tipply at the office et She Oen -10/127, JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 111 Walnut Areas, Philiedelpbla, In liITCFPWIt 19 M r ?d, !NA1,A.1.1) Tower mutll4p. In Oiarnow, Sri Wla. 18 Thron street. ili kem THE BRITISH AND DIQUTE MeINBIOAZI 310YAIA 'Bola NEW YORK TO 181YRIEPOOKI. Uhler Cabin Passage 0999114 0 40tu klteeme ~,,,, Lt_rj FROIO. BOSTON . c , ah1i.141)%114 Chief Cabin Passage 810 Second Cabin Passage The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. The ships train Boston call at Halifax and Hark Mit. t.or. HOOTLS, Capt. Judkina. CHINA. Capt. Anderson. Ye Bbin , Gopt. Lott. sSIA., Oast. cook. .911ABLii, Capt. J. Stone. EUROPA, Casa. J. Lolled'. AFRICA, UNA. cbiirs t CANADA, Capt. Muir AMERICA, Capt. Moodie. !NIAGARA, Capt. k. Epr MIST R & ASIAN. ' These vessels carry a clear white light at green on starboard bow; red on port bow. CANADA, McCauley ; leaves Boston, Wednesday , April Se. ryalsiA, N,Tcrh, tVcdorldiw, 2 47 7. Di vatica, mono, - Boston, Wednesday, play 14. 0111 NA, Andareon, N.York, Wednesday, Play 21. NIAGARA, Cook, w Boston, Wednesday, May 25. SCOTIA, Judkine, ee N 1 ork, Wednesday, June 4. EUROPA, Moodie, " Bolden, Wednesday, Juno IL PILUSIA, Loit, N.York, Wednesday, irma-n. Bertha not 'wormed wail paid for. An experienced Burgeon on board. The ownora of theae ships will not be accountable tot Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precdona Or Motals, nnleea Ms of 1001110 are slimed therefor, lit the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or pew Bag& apply le E. OUNAZIO, 0 80WL.11 . 10 GREEN. New Tut. E. 0. & J. G. BATES, 103 STATE Street. 13oatoo. anBOSTON AND PHILADEL PHIA STEAMSHIP LINE—From PIES Street, Philadelphia and LONG Wharf, Boston, dm The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will sat from Boston for Philadelphia on SATURDAY.. Kay 10, a. 4 o'clock P. M. and Goiii adSibLII fob B6San ila FRIDAY, May 1 6, at 10 o'clock A. M. Insurance one. half that by sail vaseele. Freight taken at fair rates. Shippers will please send bills lading with their goods. lopr frvisbt pr passage (haying fine acc01DT045092.! Tvr imams/mp)f PH4 sv HENRY WINSOR a 00. 332 SOUTH WHAliVia. ig agg FOR NEW YOWL NNW DAILY LINN, via Delaware eat tcanuta Caucd Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Heir. Davy receive freight and leave daily at 2.P. M., deliver. Ink Suite agencies in New York the following Sag. freights taken at remonable rates. W ht. P. GLYDE. Agent, N 0.14 SOUTH WHARVES, Phitadobbla. JAMES HAND. Agent, sal-tf Pieta 14 and 15 BAST ItIVNA, Now . York. sl ag& FOIt BALTIMORM, WASHINGTON, D. 0., AND l 01• TRIM 1110NRON, DAILY, isY 3 O'OLOOK P. H., DILTDIORN AND PHILADEIRNIA BTIA3[NIM7 COMPANY, (ERICSSON LINE.) One of the Steamers rf this Coathani 11367011 1 the 1114111 olde of Chestnut-street Wharf daily (Sander!" oseelltolt) at, a o'clock ?, 14„ IVTIVNI in italahnore early weal Zlld nine, era:Otte fm r eceived tr.aa forwarded with all possible deopatoh,, and ,ire reuutrigi to be prepaid through. freight,' of all kinds carried at the lowest ratite. e. GROVMS, Jr., Agent, No. adßimth WH HYTO. BUSINESS NIVIIe ES DR. FINE, PRACTICAL D.RN. TIST for 18 years ' No. 219 VINE Street, above &rand, Inserts tie most hennSfol Teeth of t'te ago, am: anted on flrre Gold, Piatina, Silver, Vrdcanite, 00- ralite, Amber, tic., at prices more reasonable for neat and substantial work than any Dentist in this oily, ?eeth Murat to last for We. No pain in extractini Tooth. Arti.hcial Teeth repaired to suit. No pay until nttisfled all is right. Reference, best fentillos. fa22.ain JVini Wt 11 41 1) rngtigal §.U4TE V ROOFER, THIRD . titreet and GERILIRNTOWN Road, la prepared to pot on any antoluat of ROOFING, oa the moat MODERATE TERNS. Will guaranty to nuke every Building perfectly Water-tight. VP , "Vol.-. promptly ottondo.l to mv7-77 M.EDALS AND COI.NS.—A large A.TX quantity of Medals and Collie for sato alio, one sot of Napoleon's Modals, ono set of Diteeler's Netball of the Vnglish Kings ? and one set of Medals of the Roman ts e , g ,t r e. Apply to WM. H. tiisibcYlCNg, ItI9. WILLIAM Street, tinw Torts, I)Paler in blodalii, Uoinvi nod Paint ings. 001 -/la l i tit THOMAS ar, SONS, • Lios. 13:4 and 141 fmaith Ii I 11/ Ltl L 1 btreeir... VZ7B II{() 1417,; LEA TI :UST A Di: AND ET V.74:4 At Tilt Air- IN. Lave h lae gu alvon:lt reed o 4 tste ss yrivea , tale, including evitry lisimription of cdsy ofid constr., WO rot-e-y. rfdldtdd iigtp toed , Ltd at the Auction !_u.,-,te. lk. ()T I PF rile nlipttlh , r lu biture to lte noI.l thLt W. NO. Pit:tt rti. et, rosy Igt satti.l uc Sr. r •tr.S. wits T.., .-..hinct hrrarixotre i./ 3i•mr. ,irl..r. With [lido 3 aril, No. t :3 NI Ito 4iigtith ritreot. eiblvo I l'u ht lOA —the Ili 11110 in 11111 NOON ht i Hi, .0 /thrill N r but 311 fool Our bide Ou the HMI of mar t nt th.. ractinpipt, Nill In fir,-1,1a...a pro punt hnndidll.. now ready 1.A7tG14.. AND VA I,UAT.}: CHESTNUT St. PR/- PEJO' Y, 1 e.r. IYIU .Itlt n , n.den Jul nda' I, in.tno. Au VX4'l'll4 Ila 14141 M, I a h 11,0, 1,,,t 1u cl• pan amua.maim-*•• :akiZ7. 7 ; Mt May Ctl- Wain on n.ortgne.o • 'I DE J.l ltP.'l 111 SPltltif;S AN F A 101, CarfAhria crunty. rt., .2 11l anre,, With ti,l friotu,, , In inco Lit. e m r Cilia:, in iihnat.:l2,lnfink Orpfint. ~f Aih•,rt u.•rotwi. d —DA:A..6IPM 1, '1 1i 10:1:- .V 1 41 fir tili :-1 I. , KNC:E, r.o 16.6 ntret,t, 61%1.01:1.3h tar nt-I. .t 2U le, t _o .e L,tot,—", I kolibl, 4d4, secured by it lot of grmilitt o—A Y 1,1.1 I) GlOllll4 4.111 t. at $l l lO, 3 lcurwl by it lot at J.; routof Faiis Smut , Estritil.-1111ik.1%-t, CU Ylt It Dili LWE 1.1 tiG, T‘ I IIIIIL / 411141. Prmti II lit tifir L 4 llltiP keit/OP—l' WI/ 111/ 11, DI 0 Luni, N. IL cort u nor, 11,11 Ain...l„, Feat word on "nu t hole—,ttn of A .-11!1:1,?.-,11)ItY Jt Itin .I)W6LI.I.'Sq, ' t 1 4 ' 1 11.1 lIlt" NilicV Elf " , 41: Pt4'YVell Y:'''1‘0111 ullJ ;).1(,--1 , ,,t3te, of .I.lel, —SI ~N I 1)1V 1.1.1 DU AND LOA', orr r three to.rm, , „ray-firnt.tlf 1) riplpify, 1.f3 nuil‘l3 .43,4 Fed, ti, till 11,41 1111%,, 3,el 3 1,I3• lit I .11 Vigi' .ii• MfiyrsIII“1111/14 f,tJt4P — . II I. )1' IS :1, tai "11 OA ST 1N 41 r7l 1 1.1,, ;Ili ill it , , n-lith Third rt., ,-I - , and • 1.1 Irk etiOr, ttitit ,1 4,11- ill, fill M ,, y.trux eil se 1411,1)17e. T 3100 RN T 11131.; E_lsTo 33y H 11W ItI.I.ING, NO, 1 . 4:9 ennUt Titiza etreet, Inn li•, 31111 it In ...1,111 I 11r...6-MIAMI, 314,111.111..14,11112 llt ptottite Cnurt euilt.--flento of !high MoTMix3l.l, dru x. 41, 1 ,1% 41%)±c P1i.1.1111 IA EL:LING. Pit,elod! wt+ury Cuirth Wttni. r C 4.1111 Sta. , --ESI ail. of Enz,beth HaVvrY, dl runmil--1111LEE.ST(MY row.; Mir) ).. t. LL, Nti, No. T 3 north bLvrt{, lPti.W'4oll Mt" /.et nod arch. Sand. 1... v.— SIX I HIIEDEMSAI:LaC 61 - 19I.11•113`, of sib, 1821. :S2ll, 18, IS-14 and Ye ,, r, adl ail 14,11 bt cart d rti,d paw:twat!? 1. 1. 11 .1.N11A61112 111311V.P.I.: URAL 1 1 1:2,4 N. I LIW 48,,,11,ta the mulittrn . ..meats and COUVeIIieIICBA ; 22 4.43 front, Salo 'Atha lute. bANDSOME COUNTRY PLACE AND FARM, 3/ WTI*. %Oh 1,1111111 jnabgion4 nu 11, aie., Do!lmo,' it.,notY, ot north ot tt , lettia, mad About I,Veitid 111110$ from Philhdelphoi. 11. s D 8054 E COUNTRY HIST]) UNCE, Summit. Fir ett, 1:01thr [-welly of tlir Olvvolitic Hill and k Doug 11..u..4, 1111 L ELISHAN'P 1111. 1 14'N-STON.2 13:44Y 1,15(.1.2, No. 241) Log,tn . 4 .4111.141,, toollerli improvetio.nta awl cotivetneuct!.i Lot 21 lea trout. HA NUM:IIF! 11111)10.1 4 I P-EgIDGINIJII, htitir.e.l•llf 11.1 , 1 thin!! the tt•l lan Chttro•h. 11A 1 , . DnOME COUNTRY ILESIbE NOM, Perlownen I.llr r.gokr., C1R.41,11t. /1111. r.r thr wlvAel rewly in luinrnit'3. ffiay 13th, at. 12 o'clock, rut ,at the Philadelphia xchattpe, lii, tern 31ittad 111MMIIICe CEeppar,y, 45 aharve K•enunereland (.lu,sl Conspnuy, H.ore blitrary Silt It, Union !'!lieu, Vine etreet. 1-IANDSC , 3IE ' , URN I • U RE, MIRRORS, nooK . CASE, TA I'EbTRY CAR VE N, dtc. mouttiNG, 9th inst., at 10 o'clock, by eatabdvio, at No 1024 Pibe Phut, :fie fielefi•Oree Huporior dialog tccan 1.0 chamber Ittruivnre, French• plat:, mantel mid ossLl norrove, fha, cMII4, tine tapestry carvetd, chande lit-fli, KO" Mks , bt rxrunineol at A o'olock oa t}l morning M tale dlnini,trat et; snit.—Ninth Ititml, Niti)Ve Brown. Lii.nsW4l itlSirs, 1;414101 11A t,Ol, 60.11jBliA.Y MilittifNG, klay 10, at 10 o'clock, in ;Ninth tit. ret, atmvo Brown ttrcet, by mare of 11:t win.itoetrntorn or John W decline), Iwo hurter;, mule, rrunly ciirrimor, Hullo cart% dounle anti oniglo tiorrico, Cot Innnosoi onngoltn 101 MEO, fire. proof cafe, office furniture, SINGEIV6 11 , u M 10, Til3l4Bd. itS3, FusEi•iti l t,r, 71 DJ IL ti rixincnc i & C. O. 8.11 (;RUAI Mtiltti LNG, 10th Suer., at 12 "'clerk. Lir. No, tc h /...1 . 18 Sibletr's semiO4 , ma blues .dth ail4c.iwil, 120 et arty and Linden 4 NANA DrIA4Ng, 1111 U anti 'hail, Atilli); Store fix &c. MEO, hurerier lire. proof el,tat,lll£4lC by Farrel S Liar flue. office I ni bitute, tlebkm. tkkr May be examibtd tiro oay pri TlOll3 to Nate. SUPERIOR I ItIATU IGE, )1 RIP) mow, .514 12th ink., at 10 wet pi.k, nt ; orth , kreet, by entnlngue, tie entite furniture, finelmenwood 7 unitive, kniult. I.y SS gA;;)1,4., pair Dlate mat Al.• thltruni, hi ti,ftlg carpets, ke. Aldo, lAA 1,1;;.1. , 11 fla" May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. ,-, 1.111J5 Or P 1 AQl , lll"ißliti Zit) T96:44, Vtl T 11:61).11C w 13th tuft , at 103, o'ciook at the onuthwest coma' of FirtPentii and Ville it *tract., will no gold without re. torve , a !alp atotorounut of rusAlueri and ;0041, cott4- pruriog— Largo punching preesoF, Drop pi oFbc,, puhrin s, Jies, Sc cdareid for canteens, owe! pans. camp kottlom, ,to.) iti"" laity be exattlialt.d. by catalogue, can day provtous to to , pHILIP 'OHD ft (JO., AUCTION BERN 636 MARKET end 671 COMMOBOII HALLS Or /,OtrG BOOTY, BIION6, DUO GANS, etc ON M.ONL AY MORNING, Nay 12, at 10 o'clock. precisely, will be sold by Mir logue, I,Otta GslieLti zlitulEo ' Uoytr, UMd youltim' call, kip, sad gran, boots; calf and kip brogans, Congress gaiters, Oxford tios, walking sillier ' Stc.; women's, misses', and cbilcren's calf, kip, goat, kid, nod enatunaeled heeled hot& aid Moms, gaiters, sllppors, a large unto Mont of lirst•oldid nit) made gOunn Sir Open for examination, with catalogues, early on U., morning of sale. Saturday, May 10, 186 j Saturday, May 17, Mit*. USES NATIIANS, AUCT-lONEER Jll. AND 0011AIIS6ION ALIHURAHT, gonthesit corner of SIXTH And RAON Streets. The highest pesslhte price is loaned on goods at die age ' Prinetpai Estabitsitntent, southeast ()pram et §ISSII AIM ntrok.s. ac least one-Clard Mt , . way other eatablislutieut iu this city. DIATRAI4B' PI 1 (Alva. augpar EBTABLVAI DIENT. 160,0110 TO LOAN, In largo or wadi tothoolita, Groltl One dollar to llsoasanda, on diamonds, gold and *silver plate, wstebee, jewelry, merchandise, clothing ; furniture, bedding, piano*, a:24 gdods of entry description. lioAlid Ph 'EHZ LQW,UT NA.ISI4AT Thie esMiAMltment tan Mrs° firo owl thief-proof ouch or thu ordety of valinsttle gouda, Wgothor friths pull* watchmen, tga the pr.mases. /SETA - BUSS:ME YOH THE LAST St) I' NAZE. ALL LARGE INAIIO AtiVE AT TER AT PLIVATE SALA. One superior brilliant toned piana•t'orte, with metallic piatc, eloit Baia 1011 d peaula_ Pile.; only' SOS One very line toned piano-forte, price only 60, AT L.E.Y3 THAN HALF USUAL STORW PRIORY Gold and silver watches of 011311 doScrintiOni from mul dellar to one hundred dollars esoh4 gold claim lisattionv able jowelry, diamonds. &o. COAL. WAAJ..AAA ROBERT R. C3ORSON. m: Roillim_Eva NEW Lill - IMR . COAL WHARF. Na. 959 DR.LA WARN Avenue, above POPLAR Street. ap29,lm* T 4 AMPTON'S SPLENDID SPRING .11 Mountain 1.4110,11 Nut. Ilamptou's Sig eudili stove Ccal. Eamptoh'm Sploudid Egg Coal. YARD—South:lmA coruer FEUNT and POPLAR. no 3."111t* b fip A L.—Lehigh, Locust Mountain, Eagle Vein, Bud Hickory, of Ixet quality, and wen prepared. WK. H. OURTLB, apl'..l-11e* 1517 OALLOWHIL.I. Street. ( G OAL. -TEE uN.1)111.18IGNIID V beg leave to inform their Mende and the public that they have removed their LEUIGII COAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHAM', on the Delaware, to their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW &testa, WhCre than tatted to keel the best Quality of LE2tICIII COAL, from the most approved mines, at the lowest prices. sour patrousgs is respectfully. solicited. JOS. WALTON A 00., 66 - 1 - . 1.111.1 FEB." OIL WORKS. Wt a gitsran l9lsl tee l lhi ll' e ' cii i rZ i be rer' no ll n ux -e: th el ' o g eiv ó e ll , - to .m bur 6 ail " ti the oil in the lamp with a steady, brilliant flame, without crusting the wick, and but slowly. Bbls. lined with vuogni, j3bIITLI, AL PRAT:WALL. Bib MAIIIII/T 91:44. BABRFLS CARBON . OIL FOR Lb , Xr owe, in good barrels, suitable for shipping to the trade, in small lots, at 475 Ultilitd&SOlS ntreet, °ARBON 01. L.-101) bbla. Natrona ‘../ Oil in gore and for sale by WILLIAM M. W I LBON, 208 M A IIK FT titrott TIVIPOPTA NT,! 4!.1.L AliTlliuhr> Vb. k/I,l).lhAtb Sbould be sent by HARNDEN'd EXPRESS, CM UHESTBUT Street. They charge caly HALF BATA" and ■end daily to Baltimore, Waehbottotk, Fortran Mon roe anti all other valeta (moulded by our troupe. . fe44-Bmil. riz ni . THE ADAMS HX mm_milt. PRESS COMPANY, Offtoe 222 fliilroTte U a eltreeti forwards Parcels, Packaged, Mee eneoeLee, dotes, end Apooin, either br lines or in connection with other Express Compania le all the principal Towne end Cities of the United Z. 8. SANDFORD, Oeneral finnerintowlerde 9[lo THE I).I.BEASEI) 01? ALL CL&BSES.-411 sub. 'unto and chronic dlseasoa cured Ly special guarantee at 1L O Mt u r Street, Philadelphia. at 11 in moo ut it tailor() tlfl ohorgu I 7 made, Fracas°, BOILER, tha founder cf fiis atm practice. wit/ superinfoad the triattnant of all canon hiusell pamphlet containing a intillltude of c.rliflcaten of those cured, alto letters and cola plinunitar) rosolutlona from medical nun and others will be given to any poroon free. ZauAtantle at Vali at 1220, to medial man and °that@ who desire a knawladge of my diaoovory, In atadrium Placiricity on a reliable that apautic agent. Con anitation fere. a026-2m '2O CWT. CI - 10ICE WHITE RYE IrLoUit, just received and for sale at. No. Ml 6Y441(4 C444D/4111 Strad. ishae-tt 6A.L.Es3 BY" A iIUTIOri BEAL 861.'E.T v, AT PitIVATE bAL.E. -SAM: 1N PINf.: :..rEtthlT Tlll3 Di V NEAT 11101)E rce4 LA ROE SA L X—AIA ILA n3rAric el 0 .K 6, ON TUh , DAY MORNING, =5l **ie; ticrees Un ILONVAY •IIuNNIN6. TAKE NOTICE ,6 ?MIS CJI VAL Et3T /UM MEN T," MiAtiGNS CiltislAT Y itl 3MJUND. COAL DEALER. ORRICE, ISS WALNUT STREET, DBLOW MICOND, PHILADELPHIA. CMG!. 112 South SBOONID Street. Yard EIGHTH end WILLOW. mhl-tf . ILLUMINATINti OLLS EXPRESS COMPANIES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers