FOREIGNNEWS. ENGLAND_ IT Id SAID That thn yonfederetes are buibilog or M tenet +isnot" eut in bhp - bib eyrie a untidier et ships to tin cu.tioy i d in lbn Amerman war, and as a proof, the al l( giti that the copious and (acme of the privateer Bumpier Lave strived et Southampton trout Gibraltar. We hcpe !hire is DO truth in the Met part or title Care l:DMA, It ie the egiy et mit Guttural:o.MM Preserve for the future, as they base done hitherto, the same neutral altitude Which they hero Tamen from the commencement. Tbry would hot, we know, violate the neutrality witting ly, but Itit may bo remits or be/limits utdco, uudor the circuit stehres, would be Dearly as bad as complicity. Je this mein 1, the American Minister in London, Mr. Adams, has a still greater interest than ourselves, and Itie ainibanto heat to be tam d to the utmost to prevent such a result as the eye to which we have referted.—En voyean Times. AMERICAN agents are making inquiries in England for Iron plates for marine battery purposes. EXP.BaIiakNTS AT 0110EDURY1 ESS.—SinCe the last ea perinients tend with the new wrought-iron smooth-bore Armeireek;' cilia. trials bro. been ,node with th e rams piece of orilriatice to prove its power. During the course of three it tee been tried with BO- pound charge of ponder against a target of three five•iuch plates of sercruglar-iron bolted to6etaer—a meet of wrought-in. - 41, in all, or Meru inchca thick—or. is Brady ha Doadhlo, ur lanes the thickness or the Warrior's orates. Two or three bhots were tired against tots, and each broke all three plates, crushing the tirst, ripping and splitting tile second, and the third in inch a way ao to ehow that even fifteen Inches of metal was au itieufficleat pro eouon ordnance or ;aim eletticripuun at clew rargee. OArTAIN SEMMES, LATE OF THE SUMPTEIL—Among the paseengt is by the Mooltan, which arrived at Southamp lOU to tilt 11th April with lilt Auntrallau tuhii, was Vey' lOW btlllllltlli tip rononsootr of Ulu tioldedntakt war Sumpter, whose timing achievements in the Carib bean Eta hate attracted such Hilientloll. After capturing and dest toy fug almost a fleeter merchant shipping MU Aka tbo Weet holt sad an the South Atlantic, the sStimpttr t seeped to Europe, nod were immediately come Antinied destroy lig Fisterid chipping in the Midst' Chan nel and in the Bay or. Biscay. Captain Svuluitil is a small, thin, lint wiry nm, with a weather-neaten countenance, of a meet deteimineo-lookingcharacter Although not by any meant au old iron, 1111 moutoteoe and Imo: are truirealote. Ile ear very ramous to know whether the Confederate army had fought any great battle alter-re tiring trout 111awiroir, end what progress the Federate made at the month 01 the Mississippi. Amongst his nag gage way an 111.111tItIge trunk. tilted, it was rumored, with eeleel , 41 h btu captured shim Captain Semmes is related to Ma. Jellopoli Davis, the Confederate President. The other alters of the Sumpter were also on board the Ar o olrom They appear very young The Sampler, it is said, Las liten sold at Gibraltar. One et the officers, how sver, to Whim tide statement was mentioned, denies its truth as 10 the sate of list ship i bur, oeyoud this contra diction, and the etatelineht that the Sampler remains at. Gibraltar in chaise et one or two officers, nothing could Le elicited from them, they hem t, of course, very un 11.6111141Cirril,- as to the future movements either of thtmgrivi F ill Hair slap Tug LATE Slit Whitler PKEL.—In a leading article of the '!'tars, it was'stated that the Liberal party forced upon the Drke of Wellington and Sir Robert Peel that concession to the came of Catholic emaucipation •• which Eft Robeit Poi der's' eli he entirely disapproved to the lattai day of ida life " The present Sir Robert Peel writes: tt 1 do not hum upon what authority that state ment is made, lint, on tar from disapproving the measure, Fir !toiler[ Peel has distinctly stated that, in passing Ca thslic emencimaion, he acted on a deep conviction that the noiature um: ut.t Ob 4 conducive to the general wet -fere, t-tit inirrrartvrq twee:eery to avers from the Cbtllll7, end ffstli the interest of institutions connected with the Church, an imminent and increasing danger." Tag London S:pectatGr repeats the rumor, t, which it gave emit-! C) a week ago, that the Irish priesthood has secsisissi orders Gem the Vatican to poetpene every consideration to the ousting of the present Government, trod, et eturte, to the reeloralitni to office of Lord Derby and his friends, who are so pposed to lean to Austria rather than France. RNs f. aunt Memo.lut Puna amounts to 141 . IT appear., trout autheuticated Statistics, ttat in London their are 640 different charitable inentutione, ex cludiog woikheueee, with an aggregate income of £2411,- 167 !—or nearly a pound a head for .the metropolitan -population. Paul. Dta.suocat.'s celebrated picture of "Maria Ail toluene Led to Execution," has been purchased for the enormous HIM GI .1.32,000, by a London brewer. Tun TELTERTON .I:Ad/S.—The celebrated Yelvertoo CIRO it likely to trrueY the Dublin Court of Common "Pleas this tam, probably after the Bader Holidays. Ints. Yelvertuu'r legal advisers have tiled notice of a motion to amend the bill of exceptions taken atter the trial. if leave be granted, the effect will be to somewhat simplify the (Me, by expungtng from the bill ail the ex „cepeioze t& tb...9sotth tatisehkeo. loselica ths Why of the ceremony performed by Pother Mo rnay, at Restrevor, the only subject La. consideration. AT A MEETING of the Royal Dublin Smiety, on the 14th ult.. a paper was read au the quality of the milk aald There were twenty 81111114W1 purchased in tle poorer districts of the city and suburbs and au a ly zed 'The results were satistactory. Water was the may adulteration found by the analysts. There was no chalk, no caleme or sheeps brains- 6, the quality g eneral), epeehttg, Astro/nay lair." le. three did tticts the samples ittaimerd were found to be absolutely pure ' and two of these districts were among the poorest inthe city. A COMMITTEE of privileges of the HOMO of Lords hat agreed to rt.ort. that the clAina of the nigh. lion. Ludas Lout Inchiquin, in the peerage of Ireland, to vote at the election of peers for Ireland as the 13th Baron of Ineinnuin, has been sustained. This is Smith O'Brien'm elder brother TUE whole of the Irish militia are to be celled out for twenty-one days' naming in the couse of this summer. 'lna Lords Commissioners of her Majesty's Treasury have authorized an arrangement by which articles of antiquity found in Ireland may be purchased from their possessors at the full value, and placed fur the public benefit in the 11111.e11134. a the Royal Irish Academy. THE Kerry Port states that Captain O'Connell is about to retire from the representation of Traiee, in con sequence of his having been 4 • provided for." [ fhis is Daniel O'Connell, fourth son of the Liberater. lie has Isplesented TIMM since his elder brother's death, in Deb.] tux national column to the late Daniel O'Connell is now completed, ittAl stands sixty•seven feet high. The statue, winch ie being cxecuTed at Dublin, will be thanked in blow *tree' time. and inaugurated by Mr , Wilma Me, N. F. The column hi Ibe trotted at Ennis. FRANCE. TUE Noniteur care: .• be .I,uroals speak of a iourneY . . of the Emprtor to ktgland and Prussia. We are &litho :l7.nd in declare ihal. up to the, resent, Ma Me.)noty laws not eta' faffliftrmiaigeLL _ follna j_ ti . v. „_brr.k.jitiolistied, and passengert can _ E t J3_14%1A / 4r, and are on the sainel&Y‘suay examine atone, or any kuglish port. 11.1%111711)Ng IN Tin, LOVVRE.-122. the auclext galle ries of the Lt.uvre several additions and changes have been recrial) made. The circular sofa which was in - the middle of the large mauve room has been replaced by the .horizootal palmier; of Dense- fiebald Behme, a Nurem berg artist of the sixttelliff %%vary. Thai Dallatiog is divided into four Forte, turd reprebento as nenly episodes in the Me el David i it is sure °united by a railing, with a ledge to lean on, and alluvia the examination of its com plicated details. Many poisons consider the seat on Which the visitor could repose while admiring "The. Marriagn of Cdflai" was preferable. In the Millen , 6r Apollo has rern plead the bronze group of tt The Titans blruck by Lightbing," Winch was formerly In the dolon de hatutne. It is placed on a round table, style of Louis XIY, on the top 01 which is a beautiful slab of porphyry. In the centre bee b. eu aided the Rape cif . ihout ri o In beat and two magnificent pieces of goldontii 191/1% ornamented with miniatures and pearls. Lastly, at the bottom of the gallery, slims cases have been arranged on each ride of the witdew looking ou the Quay. They con tain very curious specimens i,f goidsmiths' works of the Diddle ages. In that oh the eight is the ehseee of nt. YoteLtian, bishop of Seas, and in one on the left there are coffers, abetted and episcopal crosses, enamels of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, #c. We wayinri dentally tnentit:n that the word " credence " derived into the Net Mel/ creden tz (sideboard), and Artiich is well efirdied In &Bi o ta dre..esa. creme hardly adaptor to the gltati Cases in which these curiosities are exhibited, and which condom, to be called credences in the catalogues Gatignarri's Messenger.. Ina Odeon, Paris bed accepted a comedy by M. .d.r ri,fitt iitrtikaaYe, le _IVoI Scle-a_ St la deacribeu ao VVILIK a powerlul stab.. nn Louie XIV, hie peculiarities, and his courtiers. Tto diatomic ceoeorebip has prohibited its perlormsoce, on the ground of its being filled with political allusions. It is coueidered probable that the authoryilll appeal to the Inromror_ 'IIIZ subject of iron armor for ships, and the best modeof piercing it, in every day occupying public attention more and wore in Paris It is said that at a trial made at Nincennee, on /Monday, with a newly-invented rifle Cap• non, ilko 6,.11 k.avorsoot ir.a plate. twelve Inchon thiGLE. AUSTRIA A "TIMM. LETTER say! " The fever of speculation runs to high here that it has even attacked the fair sex. For scene hint- 1p4.8k., grottoe of females Dave emaempled every day in the neighhorhooi of the Bourse, whilst others, mere timid, remained in the houses near, where they re ceived the visits of their bickers, who came to report the iluctuatious in the market, and receive orders for sale or Inrctittetti." BRIM WILIIRLIt STRINII2, the winner of the late Vi enna chess tournament, has been elected to represent the Austtian clubs at the London General Congress of Chess Play ere. iv Two ENGIICEILASY &We tho Trinis a r n abort 10 leave Titnua for Amorinit, to examine the Ilo vitor shd Alerrintae, end the fortidcationa of the chasm. The Committee on the Navy, under the preeidency of Count lie.hberg, has in the meantime adjourned." RUSSIA. Tee correspondence from 6t. Petersburg, in the Nord contains eon,e important intelligence. The Grand Duke Constantine hie been appointed temporary President of the Commit et the 4triplre during tan absence of Cloud it lotadov, and the c4O/111012CCOtUat - of nis tenure has been the Dismal fora gleatincrpase in the activity °Elite coun cil, which le the laboratmy of the recent great reforms. There is even a question of reconstituting this suPrenla body, which would be converted into a legielitiPe na acruldy, the xracmGeres of which would be Deli nomi nated by the sovereign and half elected by the nobles. Simultaneously with this change the Senate would lose seine of its judicial attributes, and would be reconstituted rather more on the model of the French GOllllOl 01 Otani, It is also expected that the laws rela. ung to the press will be promulgated on the thousandth anniversary of the Russian eapire. The committee en gaged on them is still sitting. The abolition of the pre ventive cem ore appears decided in principle. GREECE LETTEIt from Athens announces an important dis covery for the history of art, which has just been made by Mr. Starch, an Englieh architect, and member of the arclucological coomdmion sent to Greece. Be. searches which Mr Stud. has MIMEO f. 6 lee mews al hie own expense, here brought to light the ancient theatre at Bacchus, upon the southern elope, of the Acropolis. Not withstanding the political perturbation at Athens, this discovery has caused a general sensation. ITALY. RING VicroP. Emma:: a r.L. has caused himself to be pre ceded to Naples by the Marquis de Saline, Prince d'A guile, intendant general of the royal household. The Marquis has just left Turin, charged to make prepara tions for the fiCeAlinnibt Mien of the Ring and of the unmerous auto which is to accompany him. The Ring, in removing his Court to Names for a month, intends to give a series of splendid fetes, to which the most ludo• ential personages in the Neapolitan provinces will be in vited. TUB notntnation of Garibaldi§ nye the Espero of To. Yin. as Genet al•in•Chief of the National Guard of the Kingdom, bat been decided on. This measure is in tended by the Government as a mark of esteem and con &Jenne in the General. ring Twit, UMBDondatt el the_Mee., writin g ee the 11th instant, says: it A bill granting the King's Govern meat credit to the amount of 1,288,0001. todefray the ex penses of the share taken by Italy in the Loudon Exhibi tion, was voted last evening in the HOllB6 of Deputies, /by a majority Of /7/ wind 90, From every Italian MO- Time. also, at the joint expense of town corporation and of the State, a certain number of intelligent clti. zone and manufacturers will vied the London Exhibition, and no prolong their stay as to have leisure to view the manufactories of Manchehter, Sh•Meld t Birmingham. be. The Mate alone contributes a first HIM of 100,000 francs for that porton,. Itis confidently expected here that the Prince of C1.14,f1110 will honor with Lis presooce the opening ot the London Exhibition, and it is oleo hoped that the Palace at 4oeth Remington will be shifted, pro• drably wer to the sewn, by the Prince of Piedmont. Humbert, heir to the throne of Italy, attended by the Marquis Pepoli, the Minister for Agriculture and Com merce." A DIPLOMATIC MISSION to Persia is expected D) Not. from Togrio t.. s aeorc iime. Ic tow bo MccouivauLuti Ul a acientific depotedion, including military gentlemen and a photographer. It is thought likely that this diplomatic traneactior —a mere formal pageantry—well entail au out lay, not of 20, 000 14 but or more than 804,000 Y. 'True Weirfinny Go.—The Newburypprt Herald 'reminds us of facts calculated to diminish indi vidual consequence. A thousand millions of peo ple, eve:e s t. % thirtythe age of ye ars, requires 91,000 to die every day, or one in every second of time, and as many to be born to keep the number good. fall of those born disappear before the seventeenth y ear, or before they some to maturity, as half the bloisoms on a tree will fell worthleti to the ground ; but six in a hundred live to be sixty years old ; hut one in 500 reaches eighty, and but one in 1,1.100 one hundred. TIfE REBEL CAPlTAL.—Seaetsionists in Frede ricksburg ray that the capital of the Southern Confederacy has been temporarily removed to ihmsille, N. C. THE CITY. FLAG PRESENTATION —YoWilk ) , at. trinoon prosebtation of a riginiental Bag to the One. B and. loth ttegi meet (Um tin Light Chumis), 01. if. J. Etainrook, took place at Camp Baker, Nice to' n. Col William B. Bann 'motel:lA the ensign on bag tlf GM cell% Mid HICATiOY P.illocir received it oil neinorertne regiment. cni. htninrouk's regiment bet brrh quartered at Bic, town for several months, awl coil. feline eight hundred men. The Wooing is a complete list of the officers : C0101m1; H. JCStainreth 4616441, C. M. Dania; major, Wm. A. Gray ; adjutant. W. R. Mc- Adam; quartermastrr, James Rosters; surgeon, J. L. Dune ; assistant surgeon. WM. L Rafael' ; closolaiu, Rey. John Mo ; sergeant major, G,orge W. Nio- Wrilidtii tiaartermaster anrarani, Mali% Gallagher commissary itergoint, H. T. Dixon; hospital steward, 'Wilson 11. Pile, Jr.: drum tnejur, Louis Rentz; Ate major, --, Company A—Captain, Geo. E. Seymour; first lieu truant, Wm. - Islas; second lieutenant, Jacot) 0. Boils. Company IL—Catitain, F. LiMig 0/1111hAn first netts tenant, Mont. S. Reed; second lieutenant, John Fits• patrick. Company C—Captain, P. Farron ; first lieu tenant, Walter Dunn; second lieutenant, Warren A. Vphem, , Company P—Captani, John Young, Jr.; firs t Hau te mint, Casper L. Butcher;'second lieutenant, 0. Stud - - nicker. Company E—Captain, James Fa neworth ; first lieu tenant, Hugh Alexander; second lieutenant,— Den. Company F--Captain, Ed ward Switzer; that liantanaat, Lewis W. Ralston: second lieutenant,— Veale. Company o—Captain, F W. Rush ; first lieutenant, Richard Young ; second lieutenant, Henry Montgomery. Cohens , U.-Captain. Edward B. laretiltai lirdt Hau t, mint, Chailes G. Lac mend lit atkoint, AltrEd Richardson. Company I—faptain, Leacock ; first lieutenant, F. A. Nctinineker ; second lieutenant, It F. Hurlbutt. ColllPally li....Cantain, B. 13 Kerr; first lieutenant, -- Nevins; second lieutenant,— Beck. EXTENSIVE CONFLAGRATION. -- I es tcrday morning, about 2 o'clock, a fire broke rat io a one, story tram klitd, located in the rear of the south side ot Bed ford street, between Sixth and Spofford streets, occupied by Mime) Cavanaugh for storing raga. Toe structm e and cornetts were destroyed. The flames communicated to a one. story frame stable immediately adjoining. belonging to Edward Cunningham. which Wad 6 6 0 ,f,aoroyed. A eel of nears was burned, bat a horse wee rescued by the police Some Ira dowse. other buildings on Bedford, Spofford. and Sixth streets were also damaged. They were °wind and occupied as fol lows: S. W. Comer sixth and &Wore, two and a hal etori double. frame, fronting on both streets ; corner portion c•etupied by James Duffy, as a grocery add liquor store and dwelling ; the other porti-at, No. 616 south Sixth itreet, vas occupied by . Margaret thessady, as a coina, glee• and tinware Etore and dweliing; buildinga count durably damned, and stooks of goods and household of recta of 'Arum is drenched with wato , ; Kr. Ditfly'slOse abut $100; no insurance; Mrs. Cassady's stack in sured for $4OO, and furniture for $2OO. in the Franklin hisurance Company ; building belongs to the Colton es tate, arid is also insured In tne Franklin. No. 602 Bedford street, two and a half story frame owned by Colton eoate. and occupied in the front by Mary Quigley, whose huAovid, Thomas Quigley, b, longs to the Eighty-first Regiment I'. V. and the back part by Henrietta Hardy, colored; both occupants lost their household effrets budding issue. din the Franltlin. i4o. 004, two and a klaii".tory trnme vriovgiog to Cotton mate, and occupied by Michael Coroner . and William Anent building badly damaged and furniture nearly all ruined. Noe. 600 and 608, two. story frames owned by Philip Dougherty, and outlined by Edward Cunningham as a rag eetablishmeut And a coldorietuals boarding home. The cola victuals are purcbtoed from beggars and are then retailed out in quantities fur three, five, and six cents. The building was almost entirely destroyed ; not ineured. The furniture of XL Cunningbal was much broken, and iv not insurtd. No. 610, coiner of Spafford street, two-story frame, partially destroyed, owned by Patrick Mullen and occu• pied by a number of colored people • no insurance on. Spofford etrett, below Bedford. two' three-story brick dm thine, owned by Patrick Mullen and occupied by Timothy Leary, white, and JAIL, Bice, colored; band ing slightly damaged; inmitred in the Franklin. The total lees µill not exceed e2 : 000. The fire, ne far as ascertained, win the result of rum, which is sometimes as dangerous as campbene. There aas a great panic among the residents in the neighborhood, canoed by the rapid spread of the flames binong the old frame 'structures. SUIT AGAINST TIIA Non u PENNsYL TAMA RAlLROAD.—Yesterday, in the. District Court, Judge Hare, an action is as brought &gait st the North Perinajlvania Railroad Company by the plaintiffs, children of Metile.v Robinson, to recover damages Por hie death, occasioned. as is alleged. by they careteesness of the Employ eta of the company, in November last. The accident, resulting in tno death of. Hr. Robinson, occurred in the evening, and was nce-teloneri by, the roping in of a ouraber of coal cars from the nue of the railroad to tbe coal yard The deceased wee passing at the time, and such was the velocity with which the cars were driven in, that be was caught and dragged under the wheels of the cars, and received such severe injuries that. J. ath enened. Witnesses testified' that the moles were attached to the cars, and they Were driven into the yard at great speed. bichlurtrie for plaintiff l 'N. P. Henry for de defendant. TsE SUOAIt NAKKET.—The capture of New Orleans has already had its effect in the sugar market, being followed by a decline iu prices. The stock of sugar held by first bands in Philadelphia amounted, on the Ist instant, to 5,825 Ms., of which 5,474. Wide. were Cubs, and MI Porto Woo. There in, however, no Few Orleans sugar on the market. La , ,t year there were, at Skis period, 261 hhde., and in the corresponding period of 1861 856 tines. Owing to the high price of sugar, unusual exertions have been put forth this spring for gig Wioßiltoctiarfo vt umpit sugar, /t it latttayt4 much more than common bat mien produced in many of the countirs of this State. DlanY of the farmers have determined to cultivate this season very extensively the Chinese sugar cane. The war hag put on end to our supplies of sugar from the goast, and it .61 also lot.-vleve nieh its ...lay...rea iu that quarter. As one source of considerable supply is cut off, the demand for it is increased in other quarters and the price accordingly advances. In addition to that, imported sugar will have to bear a much higher tax than formerly to aid the finances of the gtate. Tat will diminish the consumption considerably unless farmers Imply ,hemselves by cultivating the Chinese sugar cane, ...Maiden and sugar 0110 acre of sugar cane, it is said, will peat hundred gallons of molasses. according to the thin in and the - stantremede of the cane will bring %high price, Every part of the plant can be made &fallen - inn IMP& purposes, and is, therefore, valuable. The eultivation of it is no more difficult than that of corn. 10 1 7111 NEWS LITERARY INSTITUTE. —This yining association held Mete third weekly meeting hot Tuesday evening, at 218 North Ninth strzet, Dr. S. N. t audio in the chair. The ordinary course of business having been finished, the editor, D. W. Hunt, read the magazine in which LUMAR4III elb4Uhflt Ai.d humorous articieu were con bibuted by the members; after which, the eub,ect wan debated, «which is the most pleasing to the eye, the workset nature or art V' The programme is alternately changed from week to wtek j wafting one week of mum, declamation. velum= tory enrolees, etc. j the other, nesting movingly given to be answered, reading of magazines, and debate. Next fall, the institute purposes giving a course of public literary entertainments, and the prospects of success so far are van flattering. The members are all active, intelligent young into, from sixteen to thirty. five years, of respectable standing none but Melly moral and respectable parsons will be elected. The society would be pleased to receive ad ditional members. Application for proposals or par ticulars, can be made (d . Ar, /4arglid, president, It 218 North iqinth atrerb any morning Turing the In ea. BURNING OF RAILROAD PROPERTY.— At half past eleven ("clock, ou Tuesday morning, the ono-ctors. Game tool hl nso ad She fro.te irsight wareialise, at Perrymaesville stalion of the Bal timore, Wilmington, and Philadelphia Railroad, were destroyed by fire. There was no freight of consequence in the warehouse. In the tool house, several laborers' nig anti a uuantity of tools used by the track meteors vete either destroyed cr damaged. The loss altogether is estimated at 1.400, rhich is covered by policies of in surance It is thought the fire was caused by sparks falling upon the roof of the warehouse from a freight en gine. The express train from Philadelphia WAS dal asssi one tour at Fernmansville in consequence o f the fire, the }limes bursting across the track in such fury that it was dangerous for the passenger care to yam by. REQUEMS.—g he win of Matthew Jar din, just recorded, contains a bequest of $5O to each of the following named benevolent institutions: The fit Jobn and St Joseph's Orphan Asylums, the St. Vincent de Paul's Home for Friendless Children, and the Semi lan of SL Charles 80t1.611140_ Simnel It. Mitch, recently deceased, has bequeathed the interest of $1 000 to Rev. Jacob Helfenstetn during his life, and, after hie death, $5OO is to be given for tee "chief of the poor of the Market Square Presbyterian (IMO, and 6600 towards DaliMl off the debt of the Ebiti OhUICh Bib% the %term 01 S5OO to the American Bible Society of New York. COAL OIL BURNERS.—One of the ope. stows of the Polite. and Flee Alarm Tel or tbis city, has recently made en improvement on the burners used on coal-oil lamps, by which thel alter may be filled or the wick trimmed without removing the globe. The cone .3 part of the burner is divided into ;y ro tar n, of which works CM the other by 11.100475 of a hinge. The yews holding the globe 75 swung to one side, entirely expneirg the wick, which may be trimmed or lighted withcut removing the glass. The improvement is a na vel one, and not only obviates the necessity of removing the globe teal , titue the lamp requires failing. are q Due avoids all danger of breaking it. A patent has been ap plied for. INCARCERATED —A few days since four i ft li.ol26.Pe tlebti3 Ibrenght to the city from Buoacti county and were locked up in the Eastern Penitentiary. ?heir names ere as follows : Joseph Johnson, from Bris tol, tor riot and assault and battery, and Tobert Ganges, for riot and assault and battery. Sentence, each one ifar, Jane Withatues from Newtown, for larceny_ sentence, one year. Thus r. Dilworth, front Centre Bridge, for shooting his wife. Sentence, eighteen months, and a fine of $2O. SALE OF THE GIRARD HOURS—ThEI Chard Bowie has been sold at anellott for $lO,OOO over sr d above a mortgage of $lOO,OOO. The sale was for ar rears of ground rent. The Girard was first opened in the beginning of 1852, and coot 2175,000 The hous, is 178 felt deep by 10 feet in front About two years am it is said that ff1221:1,200 was offered for the property. The buyer was Ir Cornelius Foram). It Is said that $lO,OOO expended in repairs would make Ibis hotel equal in style and convenience to any in the country DECEASE OF A COUNCILMAN.—Mr. Thos. B. Bartolett, at one time a member of City Coun cils, died on Blonder afternoon at his residence on the Provident road, opposite Vit nna street. Dlr. B. repro tenttd the Nineteenth ward in Select Council for !Wt. earl. Be hoe been in bad health for about two months, end has been confined to his house for several weeks. Ile was much respected by the people of the Nineteenth ward. The deceased was about 68 years of age. TIM FERRY )OAT FOR CARS sengers from Baltimore northward will shortly pass in the care directly from the depot in Woad Arent to Cam den t y means of the ferry• bout John ArtilBoll upon which four tracts have been This boat is 200 feet long, and accommodates fourteen freight care and can terry ten passenger care, although that number will rarely cross at any time. R OIMERY OP A 1, ENATOlL—Vegiera as elfrsncork, a Dam named firackenbaum. alias e. Rico, was committed b' alderman R.itler. on the nth intaisig to too Captelau bvtlOVAli. a member of our State Senate, of a gold watch, at the Merchants' Ilottl ilia. kited.... was arreerett br) Dutective U. it . Fmith. CCIDENT ON THE DELAWARE.—The esnal-boat Owen, Captain Valentine Rowers, toe ed with . Ls.i, and him/ at Ite.rine..lo. stehlea threat, sprung a leak yeeterd sr !limning arid sunk in a few minutes. At the time of the accident fleet Bowers, hie wife, and a colored man were asleep on the boat. They were taken off by barge No. lof the harbor po lies. COMMITTAL OF EiIiOPLIFTERs. Yes tftasy alernoon Eliza Matthews I , lPd Jooephine Harper, COICIIII Shoplifter& whose fitted blia Win, Dimly viand, were committei tor trial by al lertnan Donlon The evidence was of the strongest nature. MUSICAL FUND SOCIETY.—The amount f-A r .ded ny st,o eociacy for trhelAturing the part year 'was one Moused five handed and fortynlue dollars. he (Meet of this organization is to • xtend relief to old zuneiciana and their familia,. The relief it extended ouS cf tbo Saud obtained from the rrmtat of flit WI. CITY WARRANTS —The warrants of It e city Tor 1062 are now being paid off by the CAGY trea rurtr. Those who bold worm :its for BA mutt Nait for Le " goat time conthig." THE LUMBER TRADE.—There has been quite se activity displayed recently in the lumber mar ket. Owing to the many freshets an immense amount of timber has finally found its way to this city. elthouge the uedeu Alla ter flare not teen -Ws I.lAllioi,Li hardwood bnsins.. is gaits active this MASiOrl. flacks county encase in for gluts as large Aare or it A I aro amount bee hire sped fr,ni Point Pleasant and Loin button, to New York. for trantlipment to the Pacide eniut. Thera is no %minivan hard wind in California. and D nowt receive lie .tinnlitql from the East. Thu increased demand is caused by the light stunk nn hand there, and the tecent heavy freshets White oak plank. It re worth $35 per thousand feet, is there retailed at 8150. This price wtml,l eon,ol eeerw.nize were it re.t keewe ,ices she freight tin oar is OM pet. thouaand and that a largo per es Maya hi COMM. damaged on account Of the length of the 'royago nod the heat of the- climate through which it passes. An important CRBO entiptieting the rights of lember men to recover the value of timber seized by other Parties during freshets, has rs cently been decided. The action for damages vas bsought against ao individual for converting to his own me 104 loge, alleged to contain 25,000 feet, valued at 5200, belonging to plaintiffs, ci MAI of i. in inijite . eut comity. The jnry forted from the evb once that the Bowlegs found at the mill by the dee tendon'', by the agent of the plaintiff's, belonged at that time to the plaintiffs, and that they were part of the loge that came down the Stingy ehnunnh river in the Dmitri of May, MO. and that said lags had gone nalitra on the land owned by defendant, and had been purchased there by the agent of the detendatit from certain pew , a claiming to own the *ante, and that said loge were carried by the vessel of the defendant to his mill, for the mirpome of being sawed tip iuto plank, and the defendant when called upon by the agent of plalutitla claimed to own the said logs. The jury rendered a verdict fir Plifutiffdi damages 627.1 83. It appears that by the freshet of May, 1880, theta were boat from the boom iu the du9nnitamre riv”r, togd of five value of about $lO,OOO, the property of dill. rent pa.tiea, and that many other snits are penning in the courts against different parties to recover the value of said loge converted by them m their own use. PHILADELPHIA A. M. B. Z. CONFER -1 CF—VOURTH DaY'S PIiOCEELTEO.3.—The Con ference met yesterday atlli o'clock A. M.., Superintendent Boeß yr, siding, assisted by 3uperintendent Dtellap. Set ipture Windt by the former_ ghttahm and Brayer hY U. IL %Venice. The roll wee called, the rules read, and the journal of the last meeting was read and approved. The Committee on Public Worship. complained of C. J. Carter, for not filling the appointment given him to preach last evening. The brother did not satisfy th 4 Conference as to Ina moo-compliance. After a e piritod discuesion, the Conference passed a vote of censure upon him. Bey. J. J. Clinton, euperintendent of the 'raid rpiscopul district, appeared. and wen invited to a seat OR the platform by Staperiniemient Bose, president of the Coati fnce. W, Time Biddle, and Ths3. Ei, Elarrii, were referred to the committee for examination on Hinieterial Studies. Commihee, S. T. Joins. A. Cole. and I. Gaga° way.< The following remolutione, offered by J. D. B.Ouka, and seconded by S G. G, lden, peened—to wit . _ Received, 'that no person rball be licensed to preach aineinr tie, ii, the C.nferenen.liairiCt, le fill iiti, who d et m.t apart justly, rtadill, and clearly as eat forth in our diEcriline —See page 42. Resolved, further, That any preacher in charge of a circuit or station. mho shall sign a recommendation for any person iu I uinre tojoin the Annual Conf. rence who doe. not read and spear. lordly, readily, and into 11 1 811, 11". obeli he censured by a vote of the Conference, and the person eo presented to the Annual Conference be re jected. The committee returned and reported in reference to T, Biddle. fi A . was, on motion s admitted. into full connection. Adjourned. • THE PHILADELPHIA, • WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD OORYANY.—But one accident has occurred within the pant few in , mthe en Oda road, and not two s as has be en eteted The ac cident alluded to on Monday tact was the one which occurred a week or two bine& at the etation North East. No other accident Las since occurred on the road. We make the correction with phloem*. AN OWNER WANTED.—An owner is wanted for a gold watch and chain which was picked up in 'Third street by a citizen, and which is now in charge of Detcottvo Ihncholemtv, THEIRO .I , ICLAD RioATE.—The new iron-dad war eteamer Ironsides will be launched on Sa turday next, at high water, from CramrOd Bhip perm, Ken aington. THE PROCEEDS.—The fair at Concert Ball, in aid of the rebuilding of St Paul's Catholic Cburch,recerdly destroyed by fire, has yielded nearly $7 000 1 .01. . . . tHJAI4II QF Titei JOHN E. ADDICKS, THOMAS S. FERN ON, COIIMITTEN OF THE MONTH NAMITEL N. bTOKHS, LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Ea:dun:go, Philadelphia. Bark 0 Nit-roulraey, Jobooon 4hip Leland, soon Behr Ind MI 6 Stokely. Barbadoe, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. POET OF PHILADELPHIA, May S, 1862. SUN RISES 4 53--SIIN BETR 7 0 HIGH WATER 0 24 ABBIVZD Bark Cereal, McDonald, 116 days from Messina, with trait, &c. to Becuers Draper. Behr COernine, Baker, 79 days from Rio de Janeiro, with coffee to John Mason & Co. Schr Rancocas, Wright, 1 day front New Castle, Del, with oats to Jos Banat' & Son. steamer Fanny Garner, Pierce, 22 hours from New York 7 with =lee to V 1 Clyde. OLBARND Schr Amy Wooster, Brown, Trinidad, E A Snider & CO. Bar Diargarec Ann, Wileavian Sc John, NB, do . Bebr Joe Tarter) Crowell) beet Cambridge ) Chattier) Btickney & Wellington. ben' Astoria, Bmitn, Bridgeport, Twells & Co. BAILED Ship Bobt L Lane 7 Capt Bryer7 for Liverpool sailed on Tuesday in tow of City Ice Boat- Carso-44.0A ousteels wheat, 6 ; 850 do corn, :4011. oole flour, 1182 boxes bacon, 285 hhdo do, 243 tea lard, 152 Üble do, 14 blabs tallow, 34 do do oil, 50 tee beef, and 25 bble do. i(l * al.silltei 4.1. intasaito.) LEWES, Dbl. May 7 The brig W J Treat, acbre Boston, Lizzie Taylor, J li Young, It E Sidman, Mary Elizabeih, Elizabeth, Alfred b.rtrioae, Mary Compton, flume, .3 12 . Clartlton, Elliott, ajthe "Viltr teSitrartriiaitirt this y our . ; &- o , AARON AtAitl64:l4l,LL. (Correapondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del., May 7, 7 P The alio§ J Norton, for Ship 'good; J V Obooraan, cod doi nand tiondictr t for tidy Went, and Tilo.l Minim, for Littrpool, went to nen dila afternoon. Wind .4. Tours, Sm. JOHN P. AIMISHALL. (Correspondence of the' Press.) READING, Map S The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Sohn) Canal to day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: Pick & isarnard, lumber to Clarkin & Galvin; A 11 Mann and True American, lithe*, ,ao4 rev *Mims, thin: glee to Si orcroon a Allottei 4.)vrititiental, lumber Ana MB le Cornier, ehinglee to 11 liroskey; Uol T Q Bogle, lumber to Vim 0 Lloyd; Enterprise and u M Long, do to Joshua Redo; Alert, gi aiti to Humphreys, Hoffman & Wright; aggie Bell, lumber to M uruzup & Son; Al Elizabeth, limbo to John Craig; DAthlel Voorhees, do to [Alm ti. Lloyd; UN, do to IL Wolverton; Prairie Flower, do to Norcross & Sheets; Wru & F Taylor, flour, &c. to An- Crew Kirkpatrick; Young Henry, oak lumber to Wm Lloyd; Win Fitting, shingles to tioroross A dheets. MII3&4II§.ANDA Ship` Wm Cumminga, Wiliar, remained at Pert Boyle 3d lust, to sail iu 4 days. Ship Saranak, itowland, hence, arrived at Liverpool 20th ult. Shin Marathon_ Feu, hence, seeloed at Landon Mall. Ship Frigate Bird, Thompson, from Kurradme, at Lohdon Bark 1' 0 Alexander, Merryman, cleared at New York 6th inst. for Philadrlphia. Balk Vlahhiugton, White, from Baltimore, at Km de Janeiro 20th Idarch„ Balk Empress Theresa, Watts, sailed from Rio do Ja neiro 21st March for Baltimore. - Brig Baleen' &kir, Ackeriey, hence, arrived at Provi dthce Bth log. lirig Wm lid forge, (Br) Anderson, hence, arrived at BM de Janeiro 19th March. Scbr Fannie, Vance, for Philadelphia, was at Havana 26th ult. &hr Nary Wood, Fitleld, for Philadelphia, WU at Ha vana 29th ult. ear E E Potter, Loper, cleared at New York 6th inst. for Ptilapelphia. &dlr. Ininerva, Jefferson, hence, arrived at Fall River 6th inst. f3clur Commodore, Brawn, nailod tuna rag Rivet sth inkt. for Philadelphia. Bar N 8 bliadoack, Arnold, hence, arrived at Mystic .sth inst. Bohr Sardinia, Ward, cleared at Portsmouth 3d inst. for Philo/1/.11%1e_ Behr Van Buren, Wall, for Philadelphia, wee ready at Newport Pth Met. Bar Ruth Halsey, Peony, at Pawtucket sth Met from Delaware t. ity. Behr .11 AL Brawling, Risley, sailed from Paietriekat 51.11 Seel. fur Philadelphia. hair Pearl, from .Newbicryport for Philadelphia, at Newport sth Met. Schr Fulton, Brown, hence, arrived et Newburyport sth . . Sala Anna Sheppard, Tooker, and War Steed, Smith, hence, arrived at Providence sth inst. Behr Thou Jefferson Kenny, at Salem sth inst. from N York, repent: May 2,4 P M. iliShlima 1 404 Daps Cud, hearing NW about six 101169 i during a very heavy fog. came in contact with a large Rehr steering BE. Tile J T 'Pas ettuck in the larboard bow; had rail and two etatm aeons broken, and all the shrouds of both masts on the larboard side, with several chain plates. carrird away; also lost main topmast and gaff topsail. Damage to the other Athasher unknown. John Blackmon one of her crew, who was on her jibboom, dropped on the T J, and was taken to Salem. lie was unable to give the vessePs name. but states that she hailed from Bridgeton, NJ, the captain's name was Adam v, and that she was from Boa rpr Summed the Eliza dt &bacon, JED UCA'I4.I4JINA.L. THE WE&T CHESTER ACADEMY, at West charter, Pa., within two hours' ride from Philadelphia, will commence the Summar session, of full tile mouths—the seventeenth session under the di rection of its present Principal —on the first of May next. Boys and young men are thoroughly korner.' for College or Inn:anon, Ilight gentle men of tried ability and expenence constitute the coring of instructors. The French, German, and Spanish lan guages are taught by native resident teachers. The De 'eminent of "Military Tactics" lain successful operation, under the of eras of a competent inetruelnr, without. in the least, interfering iith the legitimate objects of the School, while the individual student is not required to connect himself with it. Catalogues containing full Information may be obtained by addreeeing the Principal, War-YAM Jr. WrigitS, A, M. 5 aplo-lbstu-bvli , At West Chester, Pa. pltOF. J. MORGAN RAWLINS, A. N., of Chestnut Level Academy, a boarding school for s:cupg Iskaaes, 6 , ..a1eme0, in she ,illm s e o p Cteec nut Level, Lancaster county, Pa.. can be seen the whole ef next Friday, at the Union Hotel, Arch street. The next session of the Academy will begin the 19th instant. llNFlERToczematerr. J. N. CrOWell, Penn Some, PLiladelDltla; Prof. Coffin, Zenon, Pa.; Rev. L. 0 Rutter, Obeetout Level. my7.2t* CALVARY ACADEMY, GERMAN TO*V, Pricelyel On. receive 1.4 e lie family a few hoarding scholars, where they will enjoy ail the CendOrtg and discipline of borne. They can be prr-pared tither fur butiurreas or to enter any claw, in college.... . Reference—Hight Rev. Rlehop Pater, New ton, I) D. For circulars addrasa B. SHOEMAKER, A. M., Principal, alb2o-tian 2a.* GERMANTOWN. Phila. Vli.LebOß 1711,14,N 6.6MtkialtY In a beautiful and healthful village, three mile* from Media. Pupils received at any time for the sum mer. Boarding per Vis3C/1 $2.25. Thorough course lathe Nothereittics, latustuigus, Nhglish 15tudive, end all the Branches usually taught. Bo) B prepared for College or Business. . . REV. J. HERVEY BARTON, A. M. nr24- • Village Oreen, Delaware Do., Pa T_IOLMEbEtIIiG SEMINARY FOR -A-A- 'YOUNG LADIES —The duties of this School will be resumed, alter the Easter holidays. on the 28th of APRIL. For circulars, references, &c., address the Kisses UR /MIA N. Principals, Holmeebnra, Pa. aullidni* OPIOIINOr OF A SUDDIRL GAR- J zs.—The tindereigned bogs leave to inform the yphlic that bo bee open" for the 11(1611011 hie FINE GIB. and HOTEL, et the tout of (K)ATlcit3 Street. oPtite• site Fairmount Park Fernlike are particularly Invited Ice Crean', Cakes, exeenent Lager Beer of Baltz'a brew try, Wine!, dm, always on babel. HRNRY FRICK a, aKo.S.Sa. TWENTY-62VMM &rut 00/TEd THE PRESS. - PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1862. TO DISTILLERS. Tho PUTMLEST known al the "PHCENIXP and formerly owned and °meted by 81t111. MYTH, Ise., enlisted on TWNNTY.4IIIBD, between BAOII and VINE Streets. Plilladelplila, Ossaelty 800 Mahon Per day, is now offered for sale on reasonable and aorent modating terms. Is in good running order, and has all the modern Improvements. An /Meilen well on the pro iSilnee furnishes an =Dialling supply of good, pare, weber. Address Z. LOCK'S k 00., No, 1010 MANKET Street, Philadelphia. fe22413 LA UREL PILL vENNTEEIN LOT Ff-E. SALE—Enclosed in Section 0, St. John's Lutheran Giound. Apply No. 024 North TWELFTH street int6-3tte F OR b 9 LE-11. new FLYWHEEL , mIIiaLIe for a ld Let diametwri laolr bored tor 12-inch b aft Weil; ht., 11.1 Mot tsu tons Apply at Bridger atc , r lrou Works" FBANKNORID. Twenty (hull d word. Philadelphia. inyB.Bt* FOR BALE—Haullmmo Country ltEtriDE NCR, in DEL !MARE COUNTY, about 8 miles Dem the city, cenveniost of acetate ny the Darby cars ; hnildleg, 40 by 23, three stories high, with observa tory, and contains all thu mmlern convmaiunces. The 10CaTICII 1n high and littililat and Ito ground') are beau& lull) eimout, Will be 110111, *MI tin or more acres of land, at a low figure. Apply to O. P. COLLADA.Y, 13 , } 3t* No. 434 WALNUT Street. GI RMANTOWN.—To RENT— ra••xA n:edinrn•eiztil furnished HOUSE, with etablo, iI nests'. d. for the Smuttier months. Apply eixth house on LINDEN Street, Germautown. olyIS 3t* • TO LET—A very desirable three .= story BRICK 110 USE, with extebilve double three story bark building, with all the extra modern improve meets, situated 1128 Callowlaill street. The lot is 140 feet deep, to Carbon atrial, giving a tine garden, with grown', Am To a permanent tenant the rent will be low- Apply to AW, FOR SALE OR TO LET—Four Wi Homes, on the went nide of BROAD Etrent, below Coratents avenue. Apply at the eenthweet corner of NINTH end SANSOM Streets. mh26-tr FOR SALE OR TO LET.-A IBA pleassnt house in the suburbs of Media, nearly an acre of ground, abundance of shade and fruit. Ront low. Apply at No. 151 SOUTEI FOURTH STREgr, second story ap26-lon go TO LET—A beautiful COUN =do TRY-PLACE, of 10 sere% on tho wont Aida et FRONT• Street road, above Hart lane, within ton ml. mates' walk of the Frankford and Southwark paseenger care. Pueeeseion early in April. Apply at the south west corner NINTII and SANSON., second story. mb23• tf FOR SALE-A DESIRABLE %FARM, containing 80 acres-12 timber, the balance in the highest state ot cultivation. situate oh a line of railroad, five minutes' walk from a station, Chester math le, mike from the city. Large mid tiret-claue Improvements, truant's house, ambits, large barn, run• ning cater, spring -house, ice -house, butt', &c. Terms easy. Apply to E. PE rm. mo No. 309 WALNUT. Street. TO EXCIIA.NGE--MONTGO NERY-COLIN TIC FARM, containing 80 acres-1.1 woodland, the balance in a good state of cultivation. Good and substantial atone improvements. For further particulars, apply to E. PETTIT, nno WA EN ur gtroal COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. COPARTNERSHIP.-The un— dersigned have this day formed a Cop.rtnerattip, under value and style of FRANK & 1100EISTADTER, for the transaction of a Wholesale Clothing husine3s, at 248 MARKET Street. Asuzu,Y, rRANK, IZOLPEI g. BOaIst&DTER. May 5.1802. myB 3t* EE-TATE D OF SOPHIA BitANDT, Laters Testamentary upon the Estatf of MIMI& BRANDT, late of the city of Philadelphia., widow, de ceased, having been granted to the undersigned, by the Realater of Willa for the city and county of Phitede.phia, an persons indebted to aaid Estate are reun•ated to make payment, and those having claims upon the same, present them to CHARLES M. Ll;it ENS, Executor, Mt* N 0,1035 BEACH Street, lI . STATE OF JAMES J. RUSEI, .121 DECEASED —The Auditor appointed by the Or phans' Court to audit. aettle and adjuat the ace-lout of KEYBEE, Executor of the Will of JAMES J. RUSH, deceased, as filed by W. H. Wallace, Administrator of said &Maim W. Keyser, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in his hands, trill meet the parties interested at his Office, No. 820 ARCH Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 14th day of May, 1882, at form &clock in the afternoros. my2-linthtt EDWARD HOPPER, Auditor. ESTATE OF GEORGE BELL, DECEASED. 'Lettere of Admintetration upon tte estate of GEORGE bL, - VVVettica, baring been granted to Off &MAIL' i E P. SAWDON, all persons having claims against the es. tate will present them, and those indebted will make payment to WM. L. MARSHALL, Attorney for Admlnistratrix, sm'lLth,fil* 430 WALNUT Stmt. ESTATE OF JOSEPH G. COX, DECEASED. 'Legere or Administration on the Estite of the above. named decedent having neen granted to the undersigned, by the Register or •••• ills, &c., in and Tor the city and county or Philadelphia, all . persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against the same to present theta, without delay, to SWAN F, COS, No. On North TurrapiENTLl St., or CRADLES E. THOUPdON, No. 1112 WALLACE St., Philadelphia, tnyl.ttifit* Administrators. LONDON EXIIIBITION---R -ETURN N TICKETS TO LONDON AND BACK: . First-class $l6O. Second-01mm 60. i m WEEKLY 00}IMUNIOA TION BY STZADI BZTWEEN -PIM AND LIYZBPOOL, calling at QUKIngI3 TOWN, (Ireland,) to land and embark passengers and despatches. The Liverpool, New York, and PhiWalsh* Sham_ amp Company's splendid Olyde-bnllt Iran screw dem ob*. are intended to sail as follows : FROM NEW YORK FOB LIVNRPOOL. CITY OF WASHINGTON.... Saturday, May 10, 1804 ; ETNA , .... •. , • gatto,T, MO/ 77 /AM I Ana ovary ifetiuuny =ram/pout Sao Icuc am MN No. 44 N. IL fiebtri, to Queenstown, or LiTerjlooi...... aitt Da_ to Landon, via Liverpool rat IMMO to Queenstown, or Liverpool gai Do. to London. apt Do. Return tickets, available for six months, frow Liverpool Vet Peweensers forwarded to Havre, Penis, iliambutt litivewew, sod Anti pat tiwowsl2 rate.- - likaten of passage teemed from Liverpool to See York SHIr aertificatea of senors issued from Queenstown to. Bei York Theme stmarmerm hies 116Y66146, amarecruniarlana ask , vac_ 'sinters, are eonstrected with water-Eght eamparlreeota and carry erywienced eiwiteona. Tor freight, or pageboy apply at the odic* of the (oat- PhDs, JOHN G. DALE, Agent, M Walnut street, Philedeloble, In Liverpool, to WM. INPLU% Tower BuDiMy& In Gin*sow, to WM. INMAN, WPM 18 Dixon Arcot THE BEITINH AND NORTP AMZBIOAN ROYAL Ken riTzum ILIBPS. FROM NEW 'YORK TO LIVERP(X).L. Chief Cabin Puma illlit Seemed Cabin Passage fl FROM BOSTON TO LIPBBPOOL. Chief Cabin Paasage SIM Second Cabin Ponape 22 The ships from New York OW at Cork HUNT, Eno Mips fain Reston sell at Rallfax and OMB AN tor. 1 SCOTIA, (kept. Jndldns. ' CHINA. Capr. Anderson. PERSIA, Gerd. Lott. i. 1314, Capt. Gook. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. BITBOPA, Celt. T. Leitch. AP116.1, 13....... etc.. &MARA, 45,. E .r, near. AMERICA, Capt. Noodle. !NIAGARA, ()apt. A. Byr AIIIRTRILLASIAN. These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-MY green on starboard bow; red on port bow. CANADA.Mellanlay,laterse Bosten,Wednetday, AprISS. PERSIA, Lott, Ai N.York, Wednesday, Bar T. AMERICA, none, . 1 Boston, Wednesday, May 14. CHINA, Anderson, 11 N.York, Wednesday, May 21. NIAGARA, Cook, a Boston, Wednesday, May 24. SCOTIA, Ji.dlina, ... B Yank, Wednesday, Jane & EUROPA, Moodie, 14 Boston, Wednesday, June ii. PERSIA, Lott, .. N.York, Wednesday, June RI. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The ownere of those ships will not be tweesowilde lei Gold, Silver,Bullion,Opoole, Jewelry, Precious Monte, or Nets% uion bill of hiding are Idgned therefor, lid the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or per nue, apply to B. CUNARD, A BOWLING GUNN. New Week, Oa to N. O. & J. G. DATINII, 108 STAVE. Street. Bootee. dir t BOSTON AND PHILADEL PRIA STEAMSHIP LINE—From PINT Strout, Philadelphia_ and LONG Wharf. Boston, dm The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will sail from Boston for Philadelphia on SATURDAY. May 10, a• 4 o'clock P. M., and from Philadelphls for Boston on FRIDAY, May 16, at 10 o'clock A. M. /fleurtmco yea• half that by nail yaw% Freight taken at fair rates. Shippers will please nand bills lading with their goods. For freight or passage (having fine accommodaticaa for passengers), muds to ERNST WINSOR a 00., i. 1.06-11" aM aerritin aPRAILVIIIL FOR NEW YORK. lildr.6ltNEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware see Raritan Canal. rliiitiaaipbla and New York Na - preaa titeanitroat OM. Deny receive freight said leave daily at 2 P. ➢I., Maw. log their cargoes in New York the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rate.. WM. F. CLYDE, Agent, Ne.ll BOMB WHADVDA, PhNedelPidn. JAMES HAND, Agent, sal-tf Piers 14 and 16 NAST BIEVIIII, New York. mastFOß BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON 4 D- 0, AND 101. TNNB3 1110101011, DAILY, • AT 3 O'CLOCK P. M., _ . . . BALTIMORE ANDPHIL PA NY ADELPHIA STRANHOMI OOM, (KBIONSON LINE,) One et the litteanwra .4 - Ude gotapany loam a• maps aide of Otkestont-street Wharf dolly (Sundays esoeplatia at 8 o'clock P. N., and arrives in Baltimore early neat morning. Freights for Washington and Fortress MOWN TOWTIAaua forWerilea rlth ul pvmink deplatoth INN arc required to be mu:lmM through. Freights of an kinds carried at the lowest rates. A. GROVES, Jr., Agent, 1•14.511. 0 No. annth WR A RViri. TV TH DISE MAO) OF ALL CLASSES.—AII enb.acute and chronic &meet cured 'by special guarantee at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and in case of a failure no charge ie made. Professor BOLLES, the founder of this nswirrgstipp i writ supointani the treattmoot or all paces Maud: A pamphlet containing a multitude of certificates of thole cured, Ohm letters and complimentary resolutions from medical men and °there will be given to any person free. Lectures are constantly given at 1220, to medical men and oitewe wbq deelee w knovri—id., of us r s ii rn y ciry applying Electricity aa krellable therapeutic agent. Con. Imitation free. ap26-2m CA". - CHARLES BIRNBAUM Lege belf.TO to tniorm the P 104.110 and hie foro/Or OW imam that be has, in connection with his eon. resumed Baking, at his old established stand, No. 1024 PINE street, between Tenth and ltleventh streets, and respect fully solicits a continuance of former patronage. Bread 44011, AU order. tor /111-4a041 and Rasped .110110 attended to With punctuality and despatch. Philadelphia, April 24, 1862. ap22.12t MEDALS ,AND OQINS,—A large quantity of Medals sod Coins for sale ; else, one set of Napoleon's Modals, one set of Daseierhi Medals of the English Kings, and one set of Medals of the Boman Empire. Apply to WM. U. DRIDGENS, lag WILLI&M Street, New York, Dealer in Modals, Colas, and Paint infs. o; 1 1 1 • FOR SALE AND TO LET. EVANS & WATSON, No 16 Sonth FOURTH Street LEGAL RATER OF FABOAGN THROUGH FROM. FHIGADRLPHILL PROPOSALS COAL. written NN'OfiALB erlil he reeeiTel rift) inotort, for Or ildivriy, nn trio North Whlbrf, lit IYIOT POINT, Nrw York, of the folio vring Quintitled and qualities of WHITE ASH COA 1,-0kill': 600 tons (2.240 lbs V ton) Loma Montitsin, Sitinutboat size, 7,50 I. dl 0.240 D. 4,1 1 ' Egg size. 300 tons (2,240 lbe V too) Stove size, Of either MOTU r Ittouptalo, dock Mountain, or Haiti- II ore vein. W)Cilailia, price of each Nutted nonarately Coal can he etliveretl front the ecbuylkill, Leeign, and Wyomiug dittricts, at the WIiST POINT Wt.!INF, front cabal WON which receive it at the Mittee, without Ineaking hulk, via the echtulkill, and Delaware and • • ' • Noce than the ordinary facilities for unloading will he fun ishrtl. The 4:oal to be delivered between the lit of June aol 24th of August next ADWALW O. BOYNTON, Captain and Quarternialaorlitary Academy, West Point, New York, May ZjanZ mv6.1.41. PROPOSALS lOR SMALL ARMS FOB TUE UNITED SCATE3 szavrec. ORDNANCE OFFICE, Washington, D. C , April 29, 1962. PROPOSALS will be received by this i , epartment until 6 P. M. on the evening of the I.,th of May. Ilea, for manufacturing, in the United Stales fur the,Governunint, within oam year from loss dafo; the folloWing tiari9Oricm Of WIMP, ViZ: Ppringili-Id Billed Muskets, model 1105. Harper's Ferry Rifler ' with sword bayonets and steel scabbards, modellB66. rtroectolowfmt; carbines, for cavalry'. lievolyer Pistols, army size. Sabres for light cavalry. Rom commissioned Officers' Swords, steel scabbards Musician' Swords, Meal Vcatturth, Jur 1111.1 muhkee bayonets. Proposals old state— For muskets and rifles, the price for 20,000 of either. aim the reduction prepoee4, per gun, for each additional 10,000 to 20,(00 For revolvers and carbines, the kind proposed, . and A. pried, tor 5 000, and reduction., per pi.XOl or carbine, for each additional 5.000 to 20,000 For sabres, swords, and scabbards, the price of each of the preccricee patterns to the number of 5,000 each, and also For each additional 5,000 to kO,OOO. All the lire- ulna are to be furnished with the regular appendages, The rifled metiers are to oe in all respecte identicul with that manufactured at the U. 8. Armory, Springfield, illaseachoeetts, anti are to interchange with it, and with each ether, in all their parts. Each or the other kinds of tire•arme man also interchange with one swamp in the rates ntanuur. he materials for these arms must be of the very beat quality, and no malleable iron p•rre will he allowed to be used. All the at tinter , must be subject to the inspection prescribed by the Ordnance Regulations, and must be boxed, ready for transportation, at the expense of the contractors, in such manner as may be directed. In epectione will be made at the factories in lots of not less than 1,000 each. Proposals will state the name of the establishmeut making the off, r, the number and date of this first every, and rate of delivery monthly thereafter. Failure to make a. delivery at a wadded CMII2, or any attempt to introduce malleable iron or other inferior material into the wort, will subject the whole number of arms con tracted for to forfeiture, at the option of the Department. The Depariment reserves t, itself the right to reject my cotafhlor none made through any agent, brof et - , or party, other than the regular manurmiturers. Proposals will be addressed as follows:"General J. W. 111PLICY, Chief of Ordnance, Washington, D. C. ;" and will be endorsed "Proposals for Muskets," or rifles, sabres, &c., as the case may he. myl thaktuit PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING JL THE PAPER FOG THE PUBLIC; PRINTING OFFICN SUFBRIXT,ENDKNT PUBLIC PRINTING. mshiugton, Any 1, lik6l IN PURSUANCE of the provisions of the Seventh suction of the .• Joint Resolution in relation to the Pub lic Printing." approved June 23. 1860, SEALED PRO POSALS will be received at this office until TU hl:sDik Y, the let day of July, 1862. at 16 oleloek 111., for furaiabing the paper that may be required for the public printing for one year, commencing on the let day of December, 1862, and ending en the 30th day of November, 1863. The tub.itintd Hat specidea, as nearly as can be aloe:- tained. the quantity of each hind of paper that will be required 30,0P0 reams flue printing paper, tmealsodered, to mea sure 24 by 38 inches, and to weigh fifty pagoda C.) the 500 sleets. cuss 2. DM° Tema fins printing Dupers colendorea to marmot° 24 by AS Webs% and to weigh fifty fix pounds to the ream of 000 sheets, [Agreeahly to the provisions of the joint retolution aforesaid, samples of the character and quality of the parer required ter the above will be furnished to applicants therefor. This paper is to be put up in quires of twenty -fire sheets each, and in bundles of two reams each each ream to contain 500 perfect sheets. Uniformity in color, thicketed, and weight wilt be required j and no bundle (ex...give pc verapporF) varying over or under five per cent. from the standard weight will be received, and the gross weight will in all cases be required. Hik ing of various thicknesses in the same tomille'to make up the weight will be considered a violation of the contract.] EWE 400 reams superfine pritting paper ' bard-sized and super•calendered, to measure 24 by 32 inches, and to weigh fifty pounds to the ream of 500 sheets. _ . 2,000 regal, 011Perfine a•ap paisg, sized and calenclersd, of such eizes as may required, corresponding in weight wiib paper mei/fairing 19 by 24 Inches, and weighing twenty pounds per ream of 480 sheets. SOO reams superfine plate paper (caloodnrod or On culenclered, as may be required), 19 by ?A inches, and of hull weight prr trim tio may De required. CLASS EL 1. 1,800 reams quarto•post writing paper, 10 by 16 inches 2. 2,000 do. cap do. nby 16% do. 3. 100 do. dewy do. 16 br 20% do. 4. 1,000 do. folio-Yost do. 17 by 21 do_ 5. 100 do. medium do. 18 by 9.3 do. 0. 50 do. royal do. 19 by 24 do. 7. 50 do. super royal do. 20 by 28 d 7. 8. 60 do. imp. rial do. 22% by 31 do. 109 do, double cap do, 16 by 20 4LA66 T. 1. 6,000 reams writing paper, 16 by 26 inches, to weigh - twenty-three poum a per ream. 2. 3,100 reams writing paper, 18 by 26 inches, to weigh twenty-six pounds per ream. 3. 100 reams writing paper, 18 by 22 Mabee, to weigh twenty.four pounds per ream. 4. 340 reams wilting paper, 18 by 18 inches, lo weigh twenty two pounds le cream. 5. 400 reams writing paper, 12 by 18 inches, to weigh twelve aoUuds p , er ream, COMM U!'"Wil e l g ° Ara 7- 5 1 4 a ga on.o°ll7 d. n o v wire.. The, e.... be mass of the nest materials, free from adulteration, finished in the beet manner, cut to a true edge, and securely and aubstantially enveloped. The papers in class 6 are to be white of Inue, b itt flat, co of snob weigtne a,. may be required by this office. Those lit cla,ses 3,4, 5, and 7 are to be white, and of the sizes and weights specified in the schedule. The right is reserved of ordering a greater or less quan tity of' each and every kind contracted for in all rile classes, to be furniebed et eucb dime and in euchonentitiee le the public service may require. Eeath class Will be coneidered separately, and be 'ab ject to a separate contract; but bidders may offer for one or mere of the classes in the same proposal. No proposale will be considered unless accompanied by the enerentee the Milder or hie or their proposal stall be accepted, will enter into an ooligation, with good and sufficient sureties, to furnish the articles proposed. Blank torms for proposals will be furnished at this office, and none will ne taken into consideration unless tubstantially agreeing therewith. All the paper in the several classes must be delivered at the Government Printing office, in Washington city, (except that in class 7, which must be delivered at Bie fain, in the State of New York,) in good order, free of all and every extra charge or expense, and subject to the in spection_ count, weight, and Iii.OHL-Ulbiabitt of the Roper intendant, and be in all respects tailefaciorr. Bidders are required to furnish, with their proposals, samples of not lees than one quire of each of the kinds of Paper bid for, and upon which their proposals may be Needs except in elaseee 1 and 2. The euccatefut bidden sill be requirsd rigidly to conform to their samples. Proposals will be addressed to 1, JOHN D DEFHEKS, So p, rintendent of the Public Printing, Washington," and en , orsed Proposals for Supplying Pap• r." nevi-that GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS NATIVE WINES. STRICTLY PURE JUICE OF THE GRAPE—THE MOST DELICIOUS, RICH, AND FRUITY WINES EVER OFFERED TO THE PORLIC. AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT JUST RECEIVED. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. DEALER IN FINE osoonam, sp26-tt CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STS flltosll M. MIK WELdia eta. N.l WWII PICKLES and SAUCES, constantly received RHODES & WI6LIAMS, 107 South WATER Street. CHEAP BUTTER 1 . CHEAP BUT , TER I only 12 ctn. per pound, at No. Sl2 SPRING GARDEN Street. mk26-tt NUTS. -20 BALES LANGUE DOC ALMONDS: 2f bales RICILY ALMONDS i bags New African PE 4114 UTSI 1 just received and for sale by hHODES & WILLIAMS, mY43 107 South WATER Street. LEAF LARD. 79 tierces prima kat -1.41 ge-rendered Leaf Lard, ter sale by 0.0. BADLEB & 00., 108 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front E, BBLS. GOOD COOKING BUT. for Bale very cheap at No. 612 SPRING CAM DEN Street. mh.215.11 CEESE.-150 boxes fine _Herkimer 4911107 41.49 m, 19r 1149:7 4,, eamaii, Qv mb2o-1: 103 ABOH Street, 2il door above Flat VERY CHOICE WHITE RYE FLOUS. only 2)1( do. por pound. it No. 512 tiaßlinirf Otreet. m0h35.11 CANDLES. Chemical Sperm Candles, for sale by JAMUL% CHle & LAVBEIGNB 7 209 sgid 204 South FRONT Street" mblf VI NEGA R—French White Wine Vinegar, for sale by JAUBJETOICS & LAVZII.ONII I , mhl6 Nee. 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. QARDINES.—A very superior broad for sslo by CHARLIE 8. OARSTAIIIB, sp2 126 WALNUT and 21 GRANITIC Street. MESS PORK.-250 bblp Me Pork ) for sale by 0. 0. BADLER & mb2o-tf 108 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. IF YOU WANT GOOD POUND MITTAR, f se .SVlV*iets• T .0 . 0. 813 SPBI 00 GARDEN Street. uth2s-tf SALT. -2,000 sacks Ground Alum saw ; 21,000 bushels do , do., do. 4,000 bushels do., 1,. .4 - ore and for sato MVAPIIie KOONS, No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. myl 'WEBB ROLL BUTTER, BOGS, &0., received dolly ei Z. GIOTTWALIV. No, tll2 airoalre OABDNIf amt. mblib-tf HOTELS- pLir TON B OUSE, NIAGARA FALLS, (Canada side.) —This first-class Hotel, fronting the American and * Horse-Shoe Falls, will open for the season on THUM:SIM Y, the 15th instant. Parties wishing board by the week can be accommodated wig' csittsgro, or towns in the house, on meat 14 tostiaL TkiliOlß. Ozunibuste meet all trains at Suspensi on Bridge Btation. Fare to HMO% including bridge tall and baggage, only 25 cents, JOPLIN & DUNKLEB, Proprktom. sh. e . r . PAL. td,r ii 1,00, wrg-4 QTEVENS HOUSE, LI (LATE DELAIONICOII,) 26 BROADWAY, NEW. YORK. Five minutes' walk from Fall River boat landing, Chambers street, and foot of Cortland street. ORO. W_ BTRPRRNA, Droplets& A OARD.--THE UNDERSIGNED, IL - i trte of the °HURD HOUSE, Philedelehia, hay Ineed, for a term of JOWL WILLABDIS HOTEL, It WeehMaori. They take We ocoaelon to return to tbili id frieade and madmen nom Menke far part Mere end beg to aware thew that they will be most hen t tee them in their new waisten. Mira, L l BARWiciii a 01, Wauziewsia, inty 16 1 Ott. •nail-ir INSURANCE COMPANIES nEIA.A.WAIt.E MUTUAL SAFItITY TRITTRANCE 0011'reiNi LAWIWO - RATKO BT TIM TiFiTMATII - 1115 yr ZENNSYLVANIA. mak unricE s. E. CORNER THIRD AND WAI.4STIT STBRICTB. PHILADELPHIA, MABIZIE INBUSANQR UN Y/r43151iL15, CARGO,'Do a ports the World. FREIGHT, MLA.. ID INBLIC‘NOSit ttg 00063, Ity Biwa, ['male, ltkro, and TAM Carriages to all partu of the Union. FIRE IN Sis itelttiEB On Nerchandine generally. On Strxe., ASSETS OF TILE COUP - SU/ t ZivV, 10,1, PAIL. 0007. 4/00,000 United States Five net- cent. Loan. 2174.266 00 50,000 bruited Steies Six per oent. Tree sury Notes 40,006 /ff 26,000 United State. Seven and Three tax orat. Tronoury Notts 16.000 GO 100,000 15tats of ?twiny'voids Five per cent. Loan • 50,581 25 128,050 Philadelphia City Six per cent. Loan. 119,435 17 50,000 State of Tennessee Five per neut. LoMt. 5 56 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad. Ist Mort gage Six per cunt. Bonds. 110,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort. gays Six per Gent. Bonds 44,12/3 411 16,090 109 Shams Mock Oormotutown fita Company, principal and 'moron guarantied by the City of Phi. ledelphia 14,557 60 5,000 100 Shares Stuck Penusylvsnia 4411r9w1 Voiripiny 6,000 00 bills resolvable Tor tlisnranoon Ulnae, ... 00,710 OT Bonds and Mortgages 75,000 00 Beal Estate 111,8 N 911 Balances duo at Agencies—Premiums on Marine Policies,, and other Debts due the Company Scrip and Stosk of sundry Insurance and other Companies, 811,843—estimated va tae Osab on hand—in Banks ... In Drawer.. MOBS. limn:lel E. Stokes, J. F. PonistOn, Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer kr Eyelike, Thomas U. Hand, Robert Burton, Janet, P. Jones, JaMOS R. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, John B. Semple, Pittabnrig, D. T. itlvrgen, Pittehirm A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. MABTIN, President. 7. HAND, Vice Preeident wetary. itil4-tt William Martin, Edmund A. /louder, Theophilue Paulding, John E. Penrose, John C. Davis, dames Trannair, William Eyre, Jr., J en.e. William C. Ludwig, Joseph li. Peal, Dr. R. K. Huston, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig; Charles Kelly, WILLIAM THOMAS 0, HFNBF VirbBURN. Sec T HE BELIAN Obi MUTUAL INBUSANUI OOMPANY, OF PHILAMILPIIA, ONFION. No. 806 WALNUT STBNIIT, law! l!gi4loi 1t...401f 4# PAMAQX IBY FIBM I us Flosses, Mores, end ottior Ilirdtoa or perpetual, and on Fumigate, Goods, Wares, and Mer chandise, In town or oonnwr. CASH CA _ - . 231,11 i. i I . NMI _ T,1612,04, Which is invested ea follows, yin t In Aret mortgage on pity property, worth double the amount 0100,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Oo.'e Byer sent. liret Lamm@ loans al ma 5,900 90 remaylvanis liailroubil 0 NT PIA le. . . coed mortgage loan, (630,000) 17,000 00 Rmitingdon and Broad Top Railroad anti Canal Co.'s mortgage loan 6,000 00 Oruro ad rent, first-class ir 402 50 „Wisteria loam! well emoted 2,600 00 Oily of Philadelphia 4 per cent loan 80,000 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Pa. BR. loan. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock 6,116 01 Mechanics' Bank [deck 3,812 60 eaunnyl v a n I f . Railroad Co.'s stook, „ ".. ~,, 4,000 9c The Reliance litmus' Insurance Ctn.'s stock. ao,aw ola The County Fire Insurante Co.'s stock 1,060 00 The Deieware M. 8. Insurance 013.'e eteci.. 700 00 Union Mutual Insurance Cfe.'e ecilp 880 00 Bills receivable 14,802 14 Remete. marred intereet; Re -'3 74104 OS Clu henand 11.aika al The Mutual principle, comblawl with the security of Block Capital, eatithe the fumed to phrttolpale ht the twirls of the Company, without ifailllPj for lereialoll. Lessee promptly adjusted and paid. DIBROTOBB. llamas! Mayhem, Robert Steen, Musser, Benj. W. Timgioy, Marshall Hill, J. Johnson Brown. Jacob T. Buntitap Simith Bowen, John Bissell, Ptttehars. TUMMY, Provident.. Mom Tingley, William BL Thomism, Frederick Brown, William Stovonoon, John B. Worrell, Z. L. Carson, Hobert TOMill M. P. Boaengartoo, Charles B. Wood, Jame! O. Woodward, B. m. HIZOKILIIII, deoretahry February 16. 1561. EXCHANGE INBURA.NON 00M PANY—Office, Ns. 409 WALNUT Street. Are Insurance on Holism And Merchandise ganarialy, Wi Womble tqrPv, ,Per Limiteo or Porpotuni. ro:974kricinsi, Thomas Marsh, Maria! Thompson, James T. lisle, Joshua T. Oxen, JOllll J, (hint& AH BONSALL, PresittlML 61NNODU, Yips Pe iall Jeremiah Bonsai, John Q. Ginßodo, Edward D. Robert, hamnel D. Smedley, MINA IDA . JEBEILI JOHN Q ItzOitato 001, Seeman' .TNBURANCE COIVIVAINTY OB Ting sTATK OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Noe. end 6 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WAIL. NUT Street, between DOPE and THIRD Streets, Phila delphia. 1616011PORATVD In 17114-01LiETIES PERPITUAL. CAPITAL, 16200,000. PROPERTIES OF THE COMPANY, FEBRUARY 1, MEL $507,044.81. VIALUSIN, FIRE, AND IN EW IN . LAND TRANRPOBTA- TION ILANON Dterarons. u•Dry D. assaTem ; ge......i Omni, Jr., 4.3harles Macalestee, Tobias Wagner, William B. Smith, Thomas B. Wattaon, Salm B. Austin, Henry G. 'Framed, William B. Whits, Oharl4, E. 1..46, George H. Stuart, George 0. Gerson, Edward G. Knight. HENRY D. SUEEBEBD, Preedderii. wNno..• UK HAkele. Secretary. irigi-Ir THE ENTEEPEND IGKITE.ABOR OOMPANY OP PHILADHLPHIEL (FLEX INEWHANOP IiXOLUSIVILY.) UOMPANY'S BUILDING, B. W. 00INIIN VOMIT, AND WALNUT STBENTS. DIBBOTOBS. r . Ratchford Edam, Kordiaml L. DaMogi, William McKee, Gee. H. Stuart, Mai. Pri'lak, Joh. EL Browny John M. Atwood, B. A. Paluitatoak, Beni T. Trodiok, Andrew D. Owda, Henry Wharton, J. L. Brringer. F. RA.TORFORD STARS, Pluckiest& ONAZLIIii Oou. Escrow/ talk 'IRE INSURANCE. ,fIEOHANIOB' INSURANCE OIMPANY ON PHILADELPHIA, No. 188 North lit/XTLI Street, beloW llacet Insureßuit' l 4 l P7 l 4994 , l7 Nirctionalee raft rwltr, roar, trot. Los, or Datoolgo oy Piro. /310 iimpannium. rant, to adjust all Lamm promptly, and. thereby hays to merit the man:auto of the public. DIJIWTOILS. William Morgan, preeele Cooper George L. Dougherty, Jame Martin, James Dumas, Matthew McAleer, 73ernarl B..afteriT s Thomas J. Eforophin, Thomas Fisher, Francis McManus, SSA RIBMAILD R FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE- L.Y.—The PENNSYLVANIA MEE INSURANt7I COMPANY. Incorporated 1825. CHANTY& PBS PETUAIt. N 0.610 WALNUT Street, opsoeits Indowed. nee !Wien. Thlo Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-six years, continual to insure against boas or Da snags by Fire, on public or private Buildinga i either Per Manny ar fore limiti4 glut, Alit% lin Fumanti, Pada Of 900 Or i 39 clicASiM . almtetnUY, on Mond Their Capital, together with • large Surplus /and, to invested in the meet careful cameo., which enabler them to offer lo the tutored so undoubted security in the asp vt keee T031.1101 . 01in. Jonathan Patterson, Thome/ iloblay Quinlin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Sr, Alexander Benson, John Devereux, Wi Mo=leilae, ivla.mee Law Hamtaboret, JONATHAN WILLIAM G. 010WILL4 A NTHRAOITE INSURANCE 11 CONTANT. Capital 1400,030 . OHABTZB REII,I4ITUAL.I Mae No. 311 WALNUT Ms* between Third and Fourth Streets, Philadelphia. This (lemming wM lumps Thllllt lode or damns nY VIM on Mnildhial, Janitors, and Merchandise PIM- Also, Wartime Insurances on FANNIN, Cargos*, awl Freights . Inland Insoraaea a all parts or the Union DIRZOTOIIB Davis Peter Sieger, J. E. Baron. Wm. F. Dean, Jobe Ketcham rem 10H111, Added. r. DRAMs Woe Preemie& sea-11 Wu faker, D. Lather, Lewis Andenried, John B. Blakietoa, Joseph ktantiota, WILL W. M. awn, Secrets:7. MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE An. COMPANY. Ineorlonald 11110 °HAMM PIRPMTuAL. N 0.310 WALNUT BMW, Om Thril l Philadelphia. Having a largo paid-op Capital Stook and Bursdas, In vested in mound and available Banbridge, continues to insure on Dwellings, Storm, furniture, bierobandise, TM rem in port end their Owireno, mad *tikes Porwmal fze- FertY. All Losses liberally DIBB w OTOIIB. ad promptly adjuStai. Thomas B. Maria, James B. Ossapbell, John Webb, Edmund G. Dumb, Bawd O. Morton, Markle W. Poulton, Patrick Brady, Waal BOWS. John T. Lewis, THOM. A,l,llllff 0. L. Otawrom AS B. MARA President. Ownlses. re2l-111 BUSINESS NOTICES. IeEPDR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN TIEIT for 18 years, No. 219 'VINE Street, above Second, Emmorim Lho most boorgilflal Tat& of the A4O, mounted on Hue Gold, Matins, Saver, Vulcanite, Co ralite, Amber, so., at prices more reasonable for neat and substantial work than any Dentist in this city_ Teeth Plugged to lest for life. No pain In extracting Tooth. .a.-tlitoi.l Tooth repel= 0,1 to ...IL N. pay mall sationed ell is right. Reference, best families. fe2l-8n J_ (ALIN WEISE., Practical SLATE, el ROOFER, THIRD Street and ORBMANTOWN Road, II preparod to put ou any amount of ROOTING, on the molt MODZBATE TEEM& Will guaranty to make every Building perfectly Water-tight. Mr Orders promptly attended to lOTINA ROORING MANUFACTURED HY TR& UNITED STATES BIOTIN A ROOFING COMPANY, No. 9 GORR BLOCK, 61tnr.44 nod Y.ITTg aura, Roston ! Mason Thie Portable Roofing is the only article ever offered to the public which is ready prepared to go ou the roof without any finishing operation. It is lisrla„ handsome, and easily applied. and can be middy and cheaply trans ported to any park of tiw, w o rld. It will hot Lott! ep discolor water running over, or lying on it, and is in all respects, a very desirable article. Oil con-con ducting Properties adapt it especially to covering manufactories of rations Muds : and it is confidently offered to the noltdio alter a tw.t of four yearil In All VAkleillpi a Almada and temperature, for covering all kinds of roots, fiat or pitched, together with cars. eteamboate, &c. It is both cheap and durable. Agents wanted, to whom liberal indncementti are offered. Send for sample, eirceler, A s ., ...hi s mu-64114re. to it U. S. ROCIPINII CO., No. A OORIC DLO, K. Roston , t ap24-3m 20 CWT. CHOICE WHITE RYE FL01:19,, prod received and for sale et No. 819 dPBiDiG ci&sunai sweet. eati,oco 00 48,10. VT fib HT 41 pion's , a, 1181.7.142 iloa Robert lianigan, Micheal bledec,y, Edward McGovern, Thomas B. McOormlok, John Bromley, Francis falls, daseady, Bernard H. lialmemans, 'Monica Glare, Michael Cahill. 018 000PMB, Preddan¢. A. l / 4 1 . 4.7'ri‘A TOHN 13. MYERS & CO., AUCTION !, xrBo, nno, 242 ma IttiIUEST Owed. SALE OF rts.y Gooiest). TIJIS MORNINO, May 8, or, fon, nronfhx• credo.- 600 garlaage. Hritixt h Pronco, and morir. TA TILT! AND 1 , 60 ft Al o. 0.1 l Itivg,ictt of t,bin +tar ponknt cutlery 16 tto ate-moors ? la. Kull nn u Klock of dry ipmeg, ==== hold B owe or vrirti, tiro mcln, Mama ph - ill. otritim, Vel.etzulu, and Pot carpeto, canton, and cocoa I/Aft-lugs, &C. ON FRIDAY MORNING, Ma) 9tii, at 1 o'clock ;1. , cbely, by catalogue, un a cro ak yl 1 . .. ur u uni het co.l,...cin t z A general a...oriam,ai, v. bit It v.tit to open Kr exLttilutaioti, with catalogue., on. the tournbug of talc. SALLY' OW CLO UN IicH.;DAY may 9, on four moonier croon. Bale of city-made 014;0110g, for spring and summer wear. LARGE rObITIVE WALE f)t , BOOT!. etIVE3, Tit A411(.1.1PL0 14A0g, PM AM GOODS. he. . ON TURSDAY MORNING. - . „ . May 12tli. at 10 ,'dock by catalogue, On four crtdit. 1500 I:A,:lumen boobs, eboes, brogaue, tra vellitip, tag,,, etraw geo,ll, embracing a prime ged frea , Of irnl•CltitC GIL) 111111 Mister!, ro*lli -3-9ctwv, whivb Will be open for examination early 012 1110 morning of male. FURNESS, BRINLEY, 4 00., cal 011/11.11111:1T STREIT_ LAM M! SA LE OF FltiGNI.)ll DRY GOODS OF 'THE IMPOBTATION OF' M Bus , WEAK BiBD . _ is DUTTON. On four moths' credit. ON Pllint4 mrinma, May 0, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on four months' credit, consisting of— is pcs Lupins 0 407.4 fine black drop irete. 150 Feb pointed jaconeta, manufacture of Steinbach, Erechlin & ipc6 bareq,,, tauglake. 30 pcs 4-447.8 4 olale mograeldques 190 pce 44 4 etii-4 rich broche figured barege heonani. 25 6 Ina *44-cache CreBEo de capuft. 160 peg reeuy,ehee eoie Votif,P l,outon Kintod repro 4 4 pint* pinto. cadre Our to extra hue bhuslayas and lairollas. meg 30-inch guild Chace git gttuta. 300 rich Patio priuttd thibat shawls, stella, and other Oly ft 66, black ping da rlh ng. talikaa, and faneY Aka. AliO, uN FRIDAY MORNING, Nay 9, on four mouths' credit-- 600 CARTONS BONNET RIBBONS, Of the choicest Kt tee and «plum and all tide EIBBAOLI'S in.ltortation. Conbliiug 6ho cartons lion. 12040 extra rich brach° figured, plain chew, crochote, cannel°, groi grain pinta de sole bonnet ribbons Fuli lives Nos. 4, 5. and 6 corded edge ribbons. do do 72 to 471 extra heavy cord edge do. do do plaid cot, ed edge white and Mack 00, Mee, all assortment or coon colored ribbons. N.B.—The above are all fresh goode, and of superior quality. worthy the attention of the trade. pANCOAST k WARNOOK, AUG !PIONEERS, NO. 213 MARKET Sinaet. LARGE PORTI.VB BALE OF 250 OASE3 snitew O , (IP.S, by OstaieKne. FaIIMY MOUNTS% May 5, con - mei:Mug at 10 o'clock, precisely, included voll be Intim!, vi 2— BOls NETS. A full and complete aseortment of fashionable amps spLit-eiraw, Ilurence, and petal braid ? line Fehiluil airaw, fancy Lair, nu@ CUilared: straw 601110:KS, for i 031114 and misers. FANCY HATS Ladies', miatien', and cbildren'a fancy hats, of most faeb innable alnipos. MENST HATA Mena' and boys' palm, milldam, malacca, Benet hats, and fancy ham. 1100 P SKIRTS. ON FRIDAY, At mmmencemoccement of @RIK tovoice of lallea' exits-wade tap and lliillll6hd ilea bktt.i. 4,a,gity ntdol spring hoop. ikirta. LYE STUFFS. On Friday, at 12 o'clock, noon. A large lot of dye stuffs, suitable for manufacturers of woolen goods. FITZPATIUM aNXis Auctioneers, 601 0111ESTIS1TT tit., above Sizi.b. endid colleotion of over 500 beateiful apecimeria. A 146. ail of 811,ey gouda, oik THIS (Thuraday) 1110MNING, May f 3, at 10 o'clock. BALES EVERY EVENING, At 7.4 o'clock. et the etore, 604 Cheetnut street of all Coneigumouts solicited. ent-door lodes promptly attended to. NEIV YORK. DANIEL H. BURDETT, AUCTIONEER. BY BURDETT, JONES, Sc CO., STORE 109 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. ntl.O.s.V—May At 12 o'clock, at Wall-street salesroom, Corner Front and Wall streets. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SALE. By order and under the direction of HIRAM BARNEY, eclivetor 91 019 Port SALT OF SEA LsL A ;ILP GOTTVL,L 000 bales superior Foa Island Cotton, choice branch, all in perfect merchantable order. ALSO, GULF COTTON, . . 114 balm Gulf Cotton, in prime order. The Sea II land cotton may be examined in the bales at the Atlantic Dock More it o. 04; and the sample)] may be examined by catalogues on and after Tueeday, May 6th, at the Wall etrest salesitom, where the male will take place by samples. Tbv 9,_ulf Cotton coo in mu In Ingo at No, 4 Stono otrett, roly Tom. MEDICINAL. T ARRANT' S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT. VMS valuable and popular Medicine has universally re ceived th• must hi:ow:4de recommendations of the DlanicsL PROFESSIoN and the Public as the most EMFICIaNT AND AGIL6EABI.7/ SALINE APERIENT. It may be used with the boat effect in Bilious and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Sink Headache, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indiges tion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of tho Liver Gout Illeumaile Affections, Gravel, Piles, AND ALL COMPLAINTS WHERE A GENTLE AND COOLING Apsittitsfr OR PUB ci4IIII.F, It is particularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Sea and Land, Residents in Rot Climates, Persons or Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains of Vessels and Pli.ntere will find it v valuable addition to their Medicine Chests. It is in the form of a Powder, carefully put up In bottles to keep in any climate, and merely requires water poured upon it to produce a de lightful effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional and other g antlantest of the, hi g hest standing throughout Aka cocin try, and its steadily iuereasiog popularity for a eerie,' of years, strongly' guaranty its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an intelligent public. taanufactured etly by TARRANT & CO., No. 278 GREENWIOR Street, corner Warren et. NEW YORK, ap2l•ly And for onto by Druggian genornily. TONDERF UL SCIENTIFIC DIS- V T uovtiay OF PROF. C H. BOLLES, 1220 WALNUT kTRENT, /131/41DELPLI/A. _ uzar U 1 roLlAiwrz.u , veaucrutair. The difference between fact and fiction, of permanently curing the sick and suffering of their diseases, or adver tising to cure and sh.owiug but little or no evidence of cures, can be wull appreciated by the anxious inquirers after health, by attentively reading the following eynop- Ede of certflcates from the most reliable gentlemen in Philadelphia, who were permanently cured by Prof. BOLLES, 1010 WALNUT street, and after they had been given up as incurable by the most eminent medical men of this city Judah Levy, Bronchial Consumption, ON South Front street. . . Edward T. Evans, preacher of the M. E. Church, Dys pepsia of long standing, Laryngitis and Lumbago, /Oa titrwt, glusander Ads4re, Intlammatery Dltonmatiem, Lum bago, long standing,l3l2 3avery street, Eighteenth ward, Kensington. Winiom Shaine, Paralysis of the lower limbs, (Paraplegy„) and Epilepsy, 110 ciouth Twentieth street J. J. 142•110 Lary-again, Tlyspepels, L a mha g e , no y, , Market street. . . Thomas Owens, Congeetion of the Brain and severe Bernori hage of the Lunge and Diabetic, American Hotel, Philadelphia. 61119.ribt. L. ion.. ? fTrepersia. and 1.01213.166512 street. James Nugent, Deafness for six years, and ringing and roaring in the head, Fifteenth and Bedford streets. George G. Presoarry, Chronic Bronchitis and Catarrh, formerly proortetek , or thg Gitai‘d HOLM. Thomas Herron, severe Diabstis, Rose Mink West Phi ladelphia. George Grant, Rheumatic Gout, long standing, 838 Market street. 11, T. De Silver, Chronic Neuralgia and Inflammatory Ittleumationi, /TOO Cheetont street, D. H. Carmicb, Chronic I/Tenons% and Inflammation of the Kidneys, Cheatnnt and Fortieth streets. link& Harrold, Bronchitis and Disease of the Kidneys, 49 eolith Third street. . . . P. id, Teeker, Chronic Dyspepsia; and Kidney Dies miso, 1022 South Fifth street. James P. Groves, Di. D.,long standing and severe Lum bago, 216 Pine Street. 'Edward McMahon, Consumption, 1227 Front street. Stanford Stillwell, Cengeationof the Brain and Chronic byapepala, 1154 d Yaltuer Charles D. CUelThey, Pdralysts of the lower limbs (Paraplegy) and llyopepaia, Western Hotel. J. Ricket, Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation and Con gestion of the Brain, 518 thillowhill street. Caleb Lamb. Bronchial Consumption of five Years standing, 14.35 Chestnut street. Rev. J. Mallory, A phords, Philadelphia. M. M. Lanning, Nervous Prostration, Oadbttry B,—ln addition to the above caves cnred, Prof. 0. SOILED blur cured two thousand Chronic and &cute COMB within lees than three years in Philadelphia, all of which cases had resisted the treatment of the most emi nent medical men. Please take notice that Prof. B. does not advertise any certificates of cures, except those cured in this city. Prof B. has established himself for life in this city, and his success in treating the sick Is a sufficient guaran tee that he claims nothing bat scientific tams In his dis covery in the use of Electricity as a reliable therepeptic agent. N. B.—lt will be wellior the diseased to recollect that Prof B. has given a word of caution in his pamphlet to guard them against trusting their health in the hauds of thoee in this city claiming to treat diseases according to his discovery. ' This caution MID seam severe on thole using Slectriclty at hazard, but it Is the eavOrity of truth and designed for the good of humanity. Consultation Free. Siirliee advertisement in another column. PROM C. 11. BOLLES. spill- if 1220 WALNUT Street. Philada. Ilf, I - RS- JAMES BETTS' CELEBRA LLB_ TED SUPPORTERS FOR LAMES, and the only ettpporture ceder eminent medical patronage. Le lia, and phymieleas are respectfully requested to call only on Mrs. Betts, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia n (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand Invalids have been advised by their Virginians to nee her MilliillooolL Thom only are genuine henries the United States copyright, labels on the box, and eignattwee, and al4on the liainiortere. with teadmonlale. wile-tuthett LUTEN CAPSULES OP PURE COD-LIVER OIL. The repugnance of most patients to 00D-LIVER OIL, and the inability of many to take It at all, hes in duced !aloof forms NI dieodoe for its adminidration that are laminar to the Medical Prtneggion. somo Of them answer In special teem, but more often the - vehicle neutralises the usual Chet of the 011, proving Quite as unpalatable and of lots therapeutic video. The repug -111111001 ORM% Mho W loyallds, In‘Mood Dr Mogul of Mt Oil, le entirely obviated by the nee of our VAPOULEn, COD-LIVER OIL OARBULZB have been much neat lately In Europe, the agporienoe there of the geotrre. maul trorn their nee in both hospital col private practice, RIM from It v Tmtwelly auggouto4 wlvontimoisi (woof, getout to warrant our claiming the virtues we is TOI them, reeling tuwared their use will result in besidt and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH 8e BROTHER. aks-ft 1414 1% eLNILIT knot, Bblladtilutf, lIALItti ins' A ktkTior,„ M THOMAS hr., SONS, AM a Nov. 1311 and 141 Enna' FOURTH Edrest or PUBLIO BALM NEAL REITAT•A AND ATOM! AT THio T,XONANGE ON TUESDAY& REAL INSTATE AT PRIVATI BAIA W, 4 nan9qlli;:if 91659 el wroth inciumng livery description of city and °Quaky Pio party. Printed lists may be had of the Auction Biers. Wilig-13AY 13, D IPVIA iieo4vntths nimb Nag, UHT sale on the mai of May, at the Bac ,Auaes wifi in dude this following first-Main property. Cowllptians In handbills. now reedy. LAUGN AND VA LITABH CHESTNUT ST. vßo wkwiN, t (1.1. 116050k , 1011 owl coss:11 I ,, sose. An Excells ut ton 'none hos saints j '26 feet front, 236 feet in &pas to 14asselooktri I t kelp alattute. sll4lolt may re main On wortgogis TIIN:1010.TTO SPRINGS AND FARM, Csintole cosii,ty, e,4 woo with twit orniturc, liauorr, heroroi, t. 111,13,8 ovumule, dtc ,10 o,in lUL relN- C11111,T14 in hanOtalm blOl tntaloAuae. Sale dtraulute. Crphane omrt bitie—Entee of Albert ut, Watarmata derma.. (1 N DSO 11 g. BMW& RE :DDT:WIN, :so Chohtnist street, west of dixtertailb tinsel. Lilt SO fin Iffhtit. SWIM Istale—A lEA ItLY GROUND ILEST of ES, scented by a lot of- grouud iu redetul street. Sante lstate —A Nall) G , uund Iteut of $l5O, ssoured by a lota nlit,d FAIN 'owl. Hume Minn, THBBB.ii I'DRY BRICIR I/WIGGLING; Te CD ty, rt 0 1 ,11.1 avert, eumlt ul noruae. Same Estate—"lWo IJUt P 3, N. B corner Extetub Hutt Barth OH btl erts, Feet ward Or plutra' Court earit.—)? actor. 01 p4rabaui MI clitll r ecec,-.--THBBBrEITI? WY [JIMA D Wadi IN% N. N. cin nu . r I IntUrtl and tiptucultrectx, butweuti ziooond and Thild, Orpluing' ennrt stale nr F?atattel Miller, dee% —I3IONX. LW i• LLD G AtiU L T, ov.r Curt. 1..0, Pprinial Tr.eulr lirol n pig. OrphaLe' Court li+le—Entate of Jenae Cl Thouley, ilee'd —NEAT DWEL LOG, Nu, 1213 wollh Third etreet. elow Federal, hail g..., Ate ; and a neat three• Fluty hut k tiwtllitat ih t in flax oo 3lny.dunnaing winaina. r`ALL:b V Iltattl-1 REE-STMcli 00 FFIIIII ROAMING RILL, milli darldnury, Warn engine, tlia.t No 1217 limn Third Weny and a brick Moro and dlreil• ing an 11111}lanta:hi nil Malan•. Seth. Elate-- NKR T MODERN THREE-STORY [tail K LW KLI.I NG, No. 1219 south Third btreet, hail colat.i.i.uo34, ate , and a modern Iliree-eLIrY brick dm! ILLO, .3.1 g MT .1 SUPERIOR 605 p WOOD, PUNE'. FOhTE 110INEN11111) RIRIUDIEON, FRE NULL PLATE IS Oi, GAT KIJIAG TABLEi, ISItU.i- SIT $, AND oTIIER V 1 tirEll3. CAI ur Iwo (hitt ntunalug ut thtt A it.:tiati SUIPA. COMVPINt., tuoidoot SOU lots of of I , xesti-lit tecott4-Ituid ftrt.iturr. elermit roeww uud pl4OO. forte, rue. w,xxl mob) , ,Icon, F, Koch plate mirrors, threuwalontb4gatrlletuhldt, will, balls Hutt cuts, china aud glatldwate, btutitel4, nod caw celtrt no, rf.dy. 1961i41 at Noe. 119 and 141 South Fourth Street - 15UPWRIOB FUItI , III.I.IIE, HOSICW9OD PIANO FORTE, FENN - 11 PLATE 310tROKE, BRAAAII,O TABLN, BAIiATELLE TAHL.N, BRUSSELS CAA PETBi SEWING MACHINES, 5.!6. TIIIH 11,1011NING, At 9 o'clock, by et - auk - mei., at the Auction Store, au • Fetter luttiture. oak (Alice fund tire, roaewoo•l piano forte. fine French prate snittora. billiard tabk cornoi-t tw•o bap.atelle tab!. P. t*fs ill:Wit 14 rtiteChiner 7 mftd9 !py t•ivi h.r t e a6.3Qritwo{o of catFete, Ate., removed to the store for convenience of Sale in Union Place, Dine street. DAIiDSOME FORM VIM, ArnilitniSi ZOOS CA.:3l5r, T.% P NnTYY GARrF.L3, ON FUIDAY MORNING, 9th inst., at JO o'clock, by catalugue, at No. 1524 Pine street, the hatidtunie parlor !immure, superior dining loom and chamber furniture, French-plate mantel and btlEli thiPfoa, nun kainxiiry cn.rrtn, BM*, &e. NET May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale dmipiorat r'r 'ale - 11114h nttcol, above Brown, MULE 5, (MISTS, 11,-111NRo5, SC, ON SATLYR 1).1 Y MORNING, Iday 10, at 10 o'cleck, in Ninth street, above Brown hil .4, by older of lho suindobtratore of Jdho W i °gap, deCrared, tWOll o f§elb AIBIC, fdlillif Cbrriape, three cart* ilonbie nue tangle barne,n, cart Mimosa, mbovele, &o. Also, fire• proof bate. office furniture, ri:c. sm;=:E= FINGER'S SE IV DIG D 1 AUtl I NICS, 'C 113 LES. CIE 5.111.3, FlERPRoilfir STORE FIXTER O. SA 'l [ADA Y 111011E1NO, 10th inst., nt 12 o'clock, at N. dl3yi Aroh strset, 2 lis Siegtes sevrilie, with tables attached, 125 CIALITF mat table, 4 patent presses, flag and pole, store, store fixtures, 49, Mee, bUPtOUr Ore•proor gigot, made by Farrel ts Ser. Zings office furniture, deeke. &c. SW" May be the clay pr. vioal to sale. Sue No 3i North Sisteehth street PUPS IT 11111:!, !kg. d‘o. HUPfiltloll. ON MONDAY MOILNINO 12th ink., at 10 o'clock, at , 0,11, rtitteetth, street, by catalogue, the eutite furniture, o'lol.m-wood 7 octave pianoforte, mace by Nt nein, & Schuyler, pair French. plate mantle mirron, btuequia ettetete, Alb, the kitchth furniture. W May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning 01 sale. SALE OF MActinsp4cy f e y)) TQcl,5, ON Tumbpix 111.011.3iltiti, 331 h inst , at 1O) o'clock at the southwest corner of Fifteenth and Filbt rt btreete, will be alld without re serve, a large assortment of machinery and tools, com prising— TArgti punching Wile& prop pl eaeeo, eaurlb e, Wee, so (Well adapted for canteens, mess pans. camp kettles, &c.) Sir May be examined, by cataluaue, the day previous to sale, p MUT FORD at 00., Ruts, 625 biaIIKICT and 622 COMEINBOI Bid OALE OF 1,000 CASKS BOOTS, SHOES, ARP TIBOGANB, THIS MORNING, Nay 8, at 10 o'clock. precisely, wilt be sold, br catalogue, 1,100 cased men's, boys', and yotths , call, kip, and grain boots; calf and kip, brogans, Oon greee gaiters, Welliugton's slippers, toe, am.; women's, Woos', and children's calf, klp goat, kid, and mom= hooks] boon,, shoes ! gallors, slippers, buskins, ,to, Isel'lllo in sale will be found a large and deatrable assortarem of first-slats ally-made goods. ear Goode open for exassMatlt.n, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. SAL' OF MOO OA 31 BOOTS, SHIM, BBO• GANB, ,T.O ON MONDAY MORNING, May 12, at 10 o'clock, procisoly, will be @old by cats• loguo, 1,000 caeca mono', boys', and youths' calf, kip, and lazia .; anti &ha Oxford line, Walking sheep, Am.', women's, missals, and chileren's calf, kip, goat, kid, and onammeled heeled bcots and shoos, gaiters, slippers, Etc., including a large aspnrito*ni of first-ciao, city made lowa Sr Open for exeaninettior wit h tc41.4919111,ffir 91 i~. morning f eaVo. Ai r OBES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, southeast corner of SIXTH end 'SACK Streets. TARN NOTION, The hlgheet poesible price le loaned on gods at adi. team , Principal Estabiis knelt, xoutheast corner et Bizth and 'lace atreete. At least one-third more than et MY other establietunent kt tblß CRY istATIYANS , REINCIPAL IitONNY 119TABLINE— SIENT. 260,000 TO LOAN, In lame or small amounts, from one dollar to thousand*, on diamond*, sold and silver plateovatehat, ;oweir7 i daryuandleot okothiney, /4E4E411 toodaing, "Wm», go* goods of every description, LOANS MADE A T THE LOWEST MARKET BAUM This establishment has large fire and thief-woof raise, for the safety of valuable goods, together with a pivot* ESTADLISEMP FOR THE LAST SO TEAM. , ALL LARGE LuANS MADE •AT TEEI, TWO "PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT! , CHARGES GREATLY REDUCED AT PEIVATE SALE. One superior brilliant toned piano. forte, with. Mehra* plate, soft and loud pedals. Price only $9O. One very fine toned piano-forte, price only $5O. AT rn/YATM 13ALI.Ng AT LESS THAN HALF USUAL STCHCII PAWS* GDM and eilver watches of every description, from Gee dellar to one hundred dollars each, gold chains, fashion able jewelry, diamond& &o. ROBERT R. CORSON. COAL DEALER OFFICE, 133 WALNUT STREET, BLOW WOAD; PrtiLATIMLPIPiI. T N. ROMMEL'S NEW LEHIGH Iv a COAL WEARY', No. 959 DELAWARE Avenue, 99979 1.9n0. TTAMPTON'S SPLENDID BPRING B Mountain Lehigh NuL Hampton's Splendid Stove Coal. Rampotahlti Sigmalid Foe anal. Ylttb—Solitheiat &Whet' FRONT andFOPIAR: mi 8-32t* C 0 A L.—Lehizh Locust Mountain, „, Eagle Voin, and FlLiocory , or Dees .actoory, lowa& n W prepared. M. H. 61111T18, apl2.lm* 15t7 cALLowratz street- COAL.—THE UNDERSIGNED be g lowve to inform their Mid tliat they have removed their Lit Mai 00A,L DS' POT treat NOBLE-STREET WHARF, on the Delaware, to their Yard, northwest corner of monTEI and WILLOW f3treete, where they intend to keep the beet quality of faunal GOAL, from tbn moot IoPPIATIMI miuff, 04 tb WWONS Xuur. yatronege is wort's - MOW cranciAlf% JON. WALTON A 00., . . (Moe, 112 South SEOOND Street. Yard. MONTE and WILLOW,. mbl-11 iLLI.IIb. cc T ,UCIFER" OIL WORKS. -A.J 100 Bbls. 6g Lucifer" Burning OH on hand. Wu guarantee this oil to be non•eiDloalre, to burn all the oil in the lamp with a eteedyi brilliant Mimeo withal' crating the wick, and but slowly. Bbls. lined with glass enamel. WRIGHT, SMITH, & PBABBALL. Office 61.5 MASHIT Steed. I BaltiaLb OAItDON 01.11,F01t 1.1 sale, in good barrels, suitable for shipping; and to the trade, in small lota, at 415 00 51111151101 C Street. 11175-et* t iAnttoN 011,1-100 bblo, Nato/Lt. I— , Oil in store and for WILLIAM M. WILSON, Lrom MARKET Street. Wirn - zaa vonar4%rt/813. TMPORTANT! _a. ALL ARTICLES FOR SOLDIERS Should be sent by ELSBNLENN IaIIPHKSS 801 UHESTNIIT They MANS Only HALF BATIK and send daily to Bsltimore, Washington, rennet boa- roe. and all other points occupied by our tromp. fe24.&00 AZ TIES ADAMS EX—:mvim. PEEN COMPANY, Moe RN okmatviliu v Wtreet, rorweroe Paronle, Packages, Mar .7handise, Bauk Note., mud bpocle, either by IN own. pc! 9r to eepwwtion with other Ewes' Oompaqes, Mi 0 9 l ow", mile. of OA. United IL S. SANDFORD, felt (Unwell anterintandent PURE GEQAOI.4 iIitRQW BOOT, 10.111, ph The special attention Of ygoians and families is called to the euperiorlty of this article. It is rapidly. supplanting all other kinds, and all those who haze need it girt U tbv roped degided pieforunco. The Ulnae, Prom tba bands of the MIIIINSINN turer, .1361. HALLowas," willsbow the high palmed= In which the Georgia Arrow Boot is held by those gen. demon of the medical profession who hare fully ex... mined it eta One pout* 02 owns, or two pounds for 111, Complete intnructione ateerePah) each I , ""ge' sh ° ll. " lug how to make the most delicious articles for the table. FOR BALI, WIIDLESALS AND IitICTALL, T 'MEWS. 888 VIVO DEPH AND CiFiRAWATe DT9.1011 X. E. OUR. of IVITTH and CHESTNUT etreels, PHILADELPHIA. if I hays examined and premite4._ PPM ATI97 ii9Pte mamiteetural by rot Ibillowort, of tit, MRl7'l4 Cieergia. It has the best quality of that variety of fptcula I have (rift with, being tuporior to any Bermuda, or other Ar. row Boot I have sten. o SA 61IIIL JA.ORSON, tit D., Uzliveraity v 1 PiMieStiliniii." ~h 9•rswtl. ui
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers