ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS VF 12 9 T pLOCK IfABT HlftlT. OOMTIKKNTAIi HOTEL —Ninth and Chestnut its. 1) A Finney, Meadville J O Wilson, Pittsburg V Devon* Ohio M Mack, Oincinnaii, 0 Jt Sergrtresßer* Pekin, 111 WmG Fanlcigb, j?t Joaoph V P Merriem. Boston & B Kendrick, Indiana C Kirkpatrick, England John J Thompson, Balt C B Boot* Hartford B 0 Boot* Hartford Vim King, New York Thos W Leonard, N Y C Page. Boston Israel Lombard A wf, Boat Miss Lombard A sis, Boat Cliss II Murray A wf, N J Miflfl Murray* Jersey City J 3 Amory A la, Boston H Uphara Dr A McJ Gregory, Jer City Walter Gregory* Jersey City J II Crossman, Boston Geo Copetaud. Boston J H Scranton, Scranton,Pa 32 11 Brown. Pennsylvania TOM Pa lon, New York CftptP B Forney* California AII Halstead, California Henry I' liill, Ainas J ll Burtia, New York D Hendry. ChM’fig> c J’edtield, Troy, N Y D C Conelly, Montreal W C P Modlycott, England F .1 Steveuron, England E L Woodsido Ala* Balt 31 Carter. England L D Bniyn, New Jersey 3) M Kiiruj»ry» P*-rma Capt J Wittmore, Penua W L Small A In, York, Pft C Taylor, New York J H Adame A wf. New York Miss Adams, New York T C Weeks, Boston T A Jenks, Prov, R I E 0 Abber, Connecticut N Thurston & la* N Y Miss Julia Ireland J Whyle, Jr, New York J T Rhodes, Prov* B I Mrs T Rhodes, JProv* R I Mien 0 A Rhodef, Prov, RI Mlrh T A Rhodes, Prov, RI Miss B Rhodes, Prov. R 1 Frank Matson, Prov, R I J F Tohey A Ih, Prov, RI Jlt Arthur, New York T Johnson A wf, Ohio Mr Brown & la, Boston Com Gibfou, U $ N Riclmrd Park. New Haven Gen H Pover. Hudson E Cowing, Albany J N OlUDtnillgA, Tfehtdli. N J John E Hanford, New York Hon JH Gray* St John.NBJ WNicholaon, St John.Nß BevW Ferris. New York John V Cole, New York N B Royston A lady* Balt A Woods & Wife, Prov.Rl G Bradford, Boston M Pralt, Connecticut F M Maa?, New York ]i H Huntington, New York W S Wfthon, USA G T l-enll* 3»oia I l ** N Armigo, New Mexico A Bradley, Pittsburg Miss Leonard, Boston Miss Hunt, Providence, RI H S Magraw* Lancaster Tj 0 Ackley. New York -John L Fisher. New York John N Ely ,t wf,Baltimore R M Bishop, CinnnnaTi, O Thos GotU-y* Baltimore Jaa Panmiaaell. New York \V A Aden, Delaware Drß L Bmhl. Uapt A II Snyder, USA R P Field, Kentucky Wm Holloway, Kentucky J M Shack*librd,Kentucky R D Moron, USA Theo T* Ecmeycr, N Jersey D D Field, New York 35 Fabreiiiielte, Jr, Paris G W Cooper, New York J Baldemau, Penna 0 H Mason. Portland C Benton, WaCiingtou A Anderson, Temi 11 W Pitkin, Hartford § H Pook, Boston CaptF Fessemlen. I'SA Timothy Davis, Boston Jay Cook, Pliilada <J W Childs, Philada 1 U Walters, Washington J H Noimyer, Baltimore A Slay. W Chester H Crowther, England B R Cltrtpman, Jt*rs**-y City MIRCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth st., below Arch, js H Swanzj.liostnu J Yl Thompson JS P Wilson, Washington co N Peters, Delaware H R Walton, Delaware C R Armstrong, Ohio AY Jones, Burlington* lowa R Hutchinson, T'itfalmrg K Boater. lielhlthum D W 0 BontulU Buthlehom U 8 Fa'rner* Bucks co Mrs M B Posting, Penua 8 E Miller, Green ?priMr G Cooper, Mt Jackson, Pa H Mark, Piketcn, 0 LM Bemau, Ceutreville M Barry, Lancasier D Riblet, Gallon, 0 S B Strait, Miuucsota S M Hamill, New Jersey M H Pool. Gstt 111 D Faster, Peiiu* I Painter, Peuna G L Miller, Easton Lieut C W Chapman, Penna G C Hotchkiss, New York X Kieruan, A B Cramer W 111 Deacon, Mt Holly Samuel McKamy, Espy, Pa Chaeßrocheal, B.'iiilrheni ?N Chittenden, New York 31 Btodbeut, Kartom Pa BARLEY SHEAF—Second street. -Wow Vina. Wm K Carver, Newtown E H leventh worth, N J H Lippencott. Pennsylvania G 8 Levill, Pennsylvania Wm Bradley, Lrmiberville D M Heydrick, Brooklyn S S Illy, Biiiii it> Wm Pehnrose, Penna T T Dmigftu, Bu&tleton C Dubree & dau, Penua D Blair, Hartatille J M Vanderbelt. Hartsville J B Stiuer, Montgomery co A Ely, Bucks co I Taylor, Attleboro J Ely, Bucks co T Ely. Northampton E Hughes, Buckingham W Bow, B itcHs c j h c Parry, Attleboro J> McNair, Bucks co S H Bice, Pennsylvania B T Kugart A In. Hartsville H Rice, Eeci, Pennsylvania Dr Hcllius A la, Penna S Oomly, Byberry J Stackhouse* Ducks co J K Taylor, Attleboro D Atkinson. Bucks™ Mrs R Otto* Eddington J G Yaudpgrift, Eddington Tj Thomaß, Lnmberville T E Pickering, Bucks co J Polk, Hartsville J E Campbell, Bucks co M A Paff, Newtown S T Pafl', Newtcwn J V Taylor, Newtown Miss Torbert, Newtown R Corson, Pennsylvania Dir Torbert. PrmipylvaniA J Kelsey, Bucks co H Watfon, Bucks co C Cornly, By berry ? K FretK, DoyiPfttowu W Davison, Pennsylvania J 1) Scott. New Britain M Reeder, Centrehill S Groff* Chiltenham BLACK Rl'Ali—Third street* above Callowliiil. 31 llaldeman, Dfinboro C Cadwalader, Dauboro H Stein, Fogelsville Mrs Stein, Fogelsville C Bruner, Enston. Pa J Naftyger, Bridgeport, 0 Geo W Wolf, liauboro W PafF, Yardleyville Rorcr* Fc-rtbami'tyii F T Beana, YardleyviUe lli Trexler, Yardleyville Wm R Neal, Yardleyville O Morrison, liuntiijV'loji J Haldenmn, Washington V Bruner, Dcylestcwu C Hoads. Somerton IT Roads. Southampton S A Neald, Yardleyville J 13 Conrad. Beriivilie Chas Fell, Buckingham JUiflfi Fell. IHsChit.filil.fU Mrs G Wolf, Danboro 31 Harding. SmiH.lieM (J B Knight, Soiithfield A RW Knight, Ft-asterville A S Roads, Southampton J R Mort. l':ov:de* co G Clemens, Chester Valley J Reaser. Orrvilte, U ex. LOUIS hotel—Chestnut street, above Third* T J Merton & wf, New Y ork D D Cone, Wash, D C W H Oler, Baltimore W Norton, Wash, D C T Newton* New York Thos Gass, St Louis 3as B G:b oti, New York John Simpson, New* York David Fetter, New Tors H J Lewis, New Y’ork J B Wilkins. Cincinnati It \V Young, Cincinnati J B Archer. N* w Y< rk J D Williamson, N York J Palmer New Y'oik T R Parkhurst. New York John S Davy, Fottisvilie E B Hughes, New Haven AMERICAN H OTEL—Chestnut st., above Fifth G J Baker. Adam-to s *! o YYeath?rby» Baltimore J S Holliugpr. LanrH.*r(»r J Stewart* Ohio J Simpson. Summit Hi 1 E Gaylord, Massachusetts H Hayden. Bost n Dr E D Dayley, USA 3t S Williams. Princeton G T White, Chicago if H Q Mi'.ee. West Chester K Schmidt, New York G LocKharr. peuua J JlcDevitt, New York JII (FSharghnesy, N Y' THE UNIUN Arch street, above Third. !Thcs Foy. 0 - C T Holloway, Ohio J 15 Block. Tieciilrbem Miss L Block, Bethlehom 2dies Long. Bt-thMiviu S S Fleming, Virginia J D Randolph. NewviUe Pa J Hughes, Jttartinsburg, Y r a T S Hughes. Martii -bg, Ya Miss Alice Green, Easton A M Moser, Allentown J WStiers* Adamsville, O Isaac B Dangle. Ohio L Ahdsrgsu Jt Patterson. ACelyb'a, O COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, hoove Chestnut. W H McHenry, Chester co J H McHenry, Chester co Jonah Jackson. Pa 8 J Pyle, Maryland Ii Vfia F. Pik, liar) lniil Timothy Black. Maryland X Pratl, Chester co. Fa Leu} Cox, Cheater co, Pa 3 M Pierce, Chester co, Pa Wm Bringhurat, Wil, Del W C Dickey,CLester co. Pa WH Pool, Cheater co, Pa X Gray, Chester co. Pa STATES ONlun—aiarael street* aoove Sixth. h F Home, Schefistnirg 'NY March, HnntiDßdou 3 Kennedy, Pittc-ton Ji 51 St-.rrett, Mifflintowu C Jones, New York J B Berksireaeer, Pa Geo L PUtt, Harrisburg A J WolfkiU, Lewistown O H Miller, Pa J A Mackey, Maryland J& A Mackey, Maryland MADISON GLt’CbJC—Second afreet, above Market. G N Hamlin, Peur.a W J Hazen, Penna X R Jones, Salem. Pa S Walton, Stroudsburg U Davis. Milf-. r', Dei J W Heasy, Delaware 3 McCall, Phii&Qtriphia Mrs DL Lodi, Hartavilte Iter Dr Steele, dL ington M S Cannon, Deposit, N T J Kirk. Wilmington, Del Mrs A Large, Bucks co Sirs S Huges. Bucks co Mrs E Kirk, Backs co A II Dean. Deposit, New York NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. Mrs J r&vi?, Wilke«ji>arre Miss Lyon, Wilkesbarre H Adainp, Aekland W Clever, Ashland jp Y Breudlingf-r. Bucks co L B Henry, Jersey City J W Daniels. Wa hingt >u W H Bomig, Penna Col D S Henmu ml. LtLanon A Wilhelm, Cornwall Baltimore i> a Watlach, lowa MOUNT YEBNON HOTEL—Second at., at. Arch. Ij Dubree, Job* sville J W Thompson, N York A T Burrows. New York T. A Knsign, Deposit, J? Y W Heani Deposit* NY J Wire* Hawley, Pa X Bates, Dov nsviUe Rev JB. Hurd, DownsviUe G R Diion, Stockport. NY G 8 Pnrdy, Penna G Hoel, Wajne co. Pa G Kimbor, Byberry, Pa £ P Kirtlatid. Honendale. Pa SF£GIAL NOTICES. Othello’s Fiction. BY TIIE BAUD OP TOWER HALL. Gthollo hail courted Br&bautio’s daughter. And thus he reported How ’twas that he caught hor: 1 told her some marvels, Cribbed out of romances, My travels, adventures. And other strange fancies, C f a people most horrid. That frightened beholders. With eye-) in their forehead. And heads under their shoulders.” Now if met: to wear beads In that style were permitted, I fctr that iu wate They could hardly be fitted. But all whose formation Is net so prodigious. Whatever their vocation, Civil. warlike, religious. Will exquisPe fitting At Tower Hall find, Whose teiui9 are inviting, And the salesmen are kind. We have on hand the most extonnivo spring stock of tcady-made Clothing in Philadelphia, comprising all styles and prices of goods, from low grades to the finest. All can be suited in n ady- made garments, but for those Who prefer, we have a choice selection of Piece Goods, •rhich wilt he made up to order in the best manner. We <buy and sell for ca*h only; therefore, at the lowest Dossible prices. TOWER HALL. No. 518 MARKET St., Philadelphia. BENNETT £ q^ T One-Price Clothing, of the latest, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RE TAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in ?lain Figures. All G write made to Order warranted Batißfaclory. Our Oxi:*Piuce System 1b strictly ad tiered to. All are th. reby treated alike. Ue22-ly JOKE . A- CO., 604 MARKET Street. MARIN K INTELLIGENCE. ■T BEX FOURTH PAOE &B&IVBD. Bciir c stetson, iiobm.v)n, from Fortress Slunroe, in PfttlMt to captain. Schr Yaudalia, Cuopor, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with Corn to Ja% L Bewley & Co. Steaaer Beverly, Pierce, 24 hours from New York, frith mdse to W P Clyde Steamer Mars, Kiel r.lj. ’ll hours from New York, with indse to Wm M Baird & Co. Barge Itasca, Williams, 24 boars from New York, with P Clyde. Barge'S Torrance, Filbrink, 24 hours from New York, frith mdse to W p Clyde. CLEARED. Schr Anna Shephard, Tooker, Providence, Sinnickaon ft Glover. Schr D P Hickman, Hagan, Washington, Noble, Cald fyell A Co. Schr Fhft«b§ Nelson, Gann, Washington, A G Cattail ft CO. Schr C Merrick, Montgomery, Salisbury, Hammett, VanDusen A LocLinan. Schr J P Armiiage, Fisher, Baltimore, do Schr Jas Neil eon, Burt, Taunton, CcbrManVl, Tarbox, Saco, Schr Ambition, Wooten, Washington, do Schr Isabel, Taylor. Pawtucket, L Audenried Co. Sir J S Sbriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Str E Chamberlain, Chesstr, Alexandria and Washing ton. T Webster. Jr. SAILED Ship Young Eagle, for Ship Island, and bark White NY mg for Lagunyra, ut 11 A M yesterday, iu tow of C.ty Icc Boat. MEMORANDA. Steamship Kangsru«, MUrhouse, for Liverpool, cleared ftt New York yesterday. Brig Maria Wbe* ler, \VI ecler, for Philadelphia, cleared BtNew York yesterday. Brig Birchard A Torrey, Colton, hence for Portland, Bailed from Newport 24th inst. Schr Frank Heibeit, Parker, hence, arrived at Bos ton 24tb inat. Schr Elizabeth St Helen, Smith, cleared at Boston 24th W. for Philadelphia 1 Scltrh Island Belle* Butler* and L II Endicott. Loads* for l’biladelpbia, and Emetine Haight, for Delaware City, Sftiled from Providence 23d inst. Sciir W A Crocker, Endicott, hence, arrived ftt Bostoß 2ft 11 inst. Schr Carthagena, Kelly, lienee, arrived at New Bed ford 24th inst. Schr Bolivar, French* hence, arrived at New York Kiitfntor, Steamers Ironsides, Yanderveer, and Black Diamond, Green, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. Besson a son continue to sell MOURNING GOODS at low prioo* for Cash, and have just received Lupin's Black GreuadinA Baregt s, £0 cU; Crape Murot/ ami Tamm-itincs, 25 cts; Lupin's Bareges in Shawl aud Dress Widths, at very low prices ; Black Silk Clmllies* 37X cts; Silk Grena dime, 75 cts ] Black and White Fotilands* 50 cts ; Black and White neat striped aud Checked cjJlks* cts ‘ Black Grenadine Bareges, cts: Sliepliord's PUid Mohair Cloths, 15 and 25 cts ■ Gray Cheue Toile du Nord aud Mousselines* cts, As. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, np±2 No. 018 OIIKSTNUT StreoL T G. MAXWELL & SON, • ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT, have now open, at the lowest rath prices in the market* magnificent lines of a great variety of new Spring Goods, of their own Into importation nml manufacture, m well us of careful selections from New York importations. Their Bt-.U aiul Imitation Thread and Guipure Laces, Fancy Buttons, No. 5 Trimming Ribbons, Paris Ornaments for Cloaks and Presses, French Bugle Ti namings, Silk Belt ing, Silk Gimps, Thomson Freres’ Paris Trail Skirts, Spool Silk, new colors, at 2 cents per spool, Fresh Split and Single Zephyr, for summer knitting, Travelling Fans, acd Magic Bullies* are all ottered to the ladies as goods of the most reliable make, and adapted to the require ments of close, discriminating purchasers. The usual liberal allowance to cash buyers. J, G, MAXWELL A SON* Store and Factory, ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT. AMURKAX ACADEMY OF MUSH'. MONDAY EVENING, MAY o, JOHN B. .GOUGH’S Groat Lectuio “LONDON BY NIGHT.” A new lecture, prepared for the occaaioiij and the most attractive of I ho soaeon. 7 ickets 25 cents. Reserved seats 50 ceids, which can lie secured only at the Academy, or at Martian's, 606 Chertunt street. Unreserved seat tickets for sale also at above places* and at the drug stores of D. D. Stackhouse, Eighth and GTeen streets Ziegler & Smith, Second and Grvt-n streets: cs/Vico Wm. Gutager & Pro., 50 North Frcnt street, and at the door the evening of the Lecture. ap2o-ot* nr==» “SPIRITUAL WELFARE OF THE Lk_s SULDJEIiS ” —Tljenextmoctingtoaiain advanc ing iho ulioioiiH interest of the Soldiers and Sailors* and providing them wholesome food for the mind, will be held in the TABKRSACLB M. E. CHURCH, Rev. JO aN A LLEX, Eleventh above JeQeraon,on SABBATH EVENING, April 27th. A brief explanation in regard to the objects of the meeting will be made by Peter B. Sunous, Bsij., on behalf of Hie Army Committee. Addresses will be delivered by the pastor, Rev. John Alleji, Rev. Jilin Chambers, andGex H. Stuart, Ksn. Meeting commencing to 8 o’clock. The public are invited. Seats all free. it# SECOND UNITARIAN SOCIETY, Lk_3 YVASHINGTON HALL, Spring Garden aijov# Eighth street.—Rov. WM. L. CHOFFBR, SUNDAY* April 27. Service? to commence at '4 before 11 o’clock A. M : P. M. It# ARCH-STREET PRESBYTERIAN U 3 GjIURCII.—The Rev. H. S. CARPENTER, of Brooklyn, New York, one of tho ablest diviues of the country* will preach TO-MORROW, at 10# o’ch>:k A. M , and at 7j?, o'clock P. M. It# ii‘£ v . AY 1I LI AYI bTrNS YYIUL 11-5 preach a special sermon, in SALEH M. E. CIiURUH, I.ombard Street, above Thirteenth, TO MORROW AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock. Subject: if Training up Children for G*'d and our Country.’' It# rf~* REV. JOHN E. COOK3IAX, WILL LL3 preach TO MORROW (Snhbath) MORNING, at 10# find EVENING at 7# o’clock, in the ARCH STREET M. E.'CHURCH, nortlieast corner BROAD and AItOIX Streets. Sabbath-school at 2# P. M. It# CHRIST COMING TO JUDGMENT* Lk3 Lecture by Rev. A. C. Thomas TO-MORROW EVENING, at 8 o’clock. Church iu LOMBARD, above Fourth. Inquirers invited. it* SFIRITIALISM.-MRS. A. M. Us 3 SPLNCK, of N. Y., will give her closing lectun s at SANSOM STREET IIALL* on SUNDAY, at A. M .anrt BP. JB.. find on MONDAY' at BP. M. Ad mittance, "* cents. It* THE YOUNG .MEN’S CHRISTIAN LLS ASSOOIATIUN.—The regular monthly meeting of the Yeung Men’s Christian Association will be hold at the rcoms on MONDAY EVENING, April 28th. ll* GT€>. H. STUART, President. fyJOHN B. GOUniDS GREATEST LEU IL? TURF, “HERE AND THERE IN BRITAIN,” wit; be delivered in the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, on TUESDAY’ EVENING* May 6th, at 8 o'clock. Reserved Si ata in the Part]net, Panjuet Circle, Balco ny, and Orchestra, 50 cents, may be had at the dour of ibv ACAL3SMY ami OO6 Chestuut Tickets for the Family Circle 25 cents, for sale at Mar tien’s ami the Tract Houae, 929 Chestnut street. Those who wish to hear tin's thrilling lecture should apply e trly for ticket.*. ap2;i-Gt ’ fill EAT LECTURE—ON TIIE “IN LLS terposition ol God for tbo Salvation of tho Nation in this Cjisis,” by the Rev. J. HYATT SMfTH, TUES DAY’ EVENING, 29th instant, at 8 o’clock, in the Tenth Baptist Church. EIGHTH Street, above Green. Tickets 25 Cer ts : iv be had at tho door. h, B Postponed last week, on account of thowflather. Tickets issued on that occasion will be good For this Lec ture. ap26-3t* OFFICE CAT AA VI $$ A RAILROAD LL3 COMPANY, No. SOS WALNUT Street, Phila delphia. April 25, 1862, notion TO STOCKHOLDERS, —The annual ELEC TION. for President and Directors* will b 9 held on MON DAY’’, the sth day of 1862, at the Office of the Com pany, No. 308 WALNUT Street. The polls wilt be open from 10 o'clock A. M. to 3 o’clock P. M. Thu Transfer Bonks will he closed on Wednesday, the SOIL day of April, and be reopened on Tuesday, tho 6th day of May. 1t62. WILLIAM B. FISHEK, ap2o-30t Treasurer. OFi'lCi: LEHIGII COAL AND XAVI- IkS GATION COMPANY rmLAPBLrwA, April 25, 1862. Tfco stated annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the LEHIGH COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY will he held at the BOARD OF TRADE ROOM, north side of Chestnut Street, above Fifth street, on TUES DAY morsisq, ths 6ft day of May next) at half past ten o’clock: after which an election will be held at the tame place for officers of the Compauy for the ensuing year. Said election to close at two o’clock P. M. of the same day. JAME* COX, ap2t}-3t President. ffiSr* DEPARTMENT OF TIIE REC EIVER U 3 of taxes. Philadelphia, April 25, ISB2. The Tax Duplicates for the present year will be opened for the payment of Taxes on May 1,1862. WM. P.'HAMM, Jt Receiver of Taxes. IVK» OFFICE OF TIIE AMERICAN FIRM lU* INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 310 WALNUT STREET—A general meeting of the Stockholders in the American Fire Insurance Company will be held, agreeably to charter, on MONDAY’, the sth day of May next, at 12 o’clock, M. ' The annual election for Directors will take place imme diate ly thereafter. A. C. L. CRAWFOBB, ap26-siutlnmo Secretary. frW“ UITY CONVENTION LL_3 will in. et at tlie County Court House, SIXTH and UUKSTKUT, THIS (Saturday) EVENING!, April aitli, at 8 o’clock. By order of the President. It* CHAS. HUMPHREYS, Secretary. WS> SOTICE—THE ANNUAL MEETING iLS of (he Sleet and BdbdL. IJeta dF U.. ELMIRA AND WILLIAMSPORT RAILROAD COM PANE will be held at their ollice, No. 308 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, May sth, prox , at 12 o’clock M , in accord ance with the provisions of the charter. The Reports of the Managers and Superintendent, and the Trfeajmr&rh* accounts for the fiscal year, ending March 31st, 1802, wi l bo presented; after which an Election will be duly held for President and six Mana gers for the ensuing year. For information of the Stock and Bondholders, the following extract from the ast of incorporation of tbi3 Company is appended—viz: “ At all elections and in the proceedings of said Com pany, each share of stock shall be entitled to one vote; and any holder of each bond of one hundred dollars and upwards, authorized by the third section of this act, shall be entitled to two votes for each one hundred dol lars of such bond or bonds." By order of the Board of Managers. WM. C. LONGSTBETH, Secretary. Philadelphia, Fourth Month, 24th, 1882. ap2s-3t A LADIES I FAIR, FOR TIIE DENE- FIT of the “ Church of the Immaculate Concep tion,” N. J , is now open, and will continue uutil the third of May. ap2s-Gt* GOLGtrS GREAT LECTURE ON IXS TKMFEBANCK, at the AOADKMY OF MUSIC, 9sf?AWRpAY EVENING, Maylhl, willbaoueof tli« richest oratorical treats that our citizens have ever en joyed It is sparkling with brilliancy of description, vigorous diction, genuine wit and thrilling illustrations. Reserved seats 50 cents; may be secured every day at the Academy of Music, iu Parque'te, Panjuetts Circle, or Balconyj and at Martien’a Bnalt Store. 608 Chestnut street. All other seats 25 cento. To aid thu " Northern Home for Friendless Children.” ap2s-4tr YOUNG MEN OUT OF EMPLOYMENT should prepare themselves for the sphere to which they are treat adapted) and which will contribute most to ibeirintellectual and moral improvemont. PHRE NOLOGY is applied for this, and other purpißu* daily, at 922 CHESTNUT Street, by JOHN L. CAPE N, suc cessor to Fowler, Wells, ,V Co. ap2s-lu rfg 5 * KOUGirS GREAT LECTURE OX LLS TEMPER ANCE, at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, »n SATURDAY EVENING, May 3d. ap24.:)t fjfS* GOOD XEIVS.—TRULY IT MAY BE ILS said that it is an ill wind that don't blow some body good* That although the Anthracite Region is suffering great depression iu eonaeuuence of the suicidal war existing between the various transporting companies, as well as from the general prostration of the country, we are glad to hear that some of our fellow-laborers (the Miners of the Broad Top Region) have plenty of work, and fuil era ploj mwit given to thorn. We understand that they are making very fair wages, and receive their ca-h monthly, and that hundreds cf others could enjoy the same her efits if, instead of run ning from Colliery to Colliery, in Schuylkill and Luzerne Counties, they would visit this prosperous region. Let tho miner) anxious to secure a maintenance for his fmiiil) , place himself in a position by which he can partake of the few good resalts arising from the-mad career of Ji-ff. Pavia A Co. ap24-thstu-Ct* ffS* THE BEAUTIFUL ISTECK PIANOS ! LL3 u» ml vise all to exnmiim those mimthibla ingteu. mento, sold by J.E. GOULD, S. E. coruor of SEVENTH and CHL9TNUT. aplQ.atuthlst* : OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL -113 ROAD COMPANY. Philadelphia, April 18.19*52 The BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this day declared a Btniteannual Dividei d of FOUR PER CENT, on tha Capital Sleek of tlie Company, clear of State tax, paya ble on ami after May loth, 1862. Powers if Attorney for coUeetwn <?f PivH-iii'la can Its bad on application, at the office of the company, No. 239 South THIRD Street. THOS. T, FIRTH, apl7 tjel Treasurer. rrs=> SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA U 3 RAILROAD COMPANY—Office 227 South FOURTH Street.—Pnrx.aDEi.PHiA, April 3d, I3d2.—The Annuat Meeting of the Stockholders of this company, and an election for President and fcix Managers will take place at the office of the Company, on MONDAY, May 6th, at 12 o’clock M. W. H. McILHENNEY, ap4-tMS Secretary. GOODS ON HAND DAIiK AM) LIGHT JiLUE KERSEYS. STANDAKI) 8 4 AND 3-4 INDIGO WOOL.PYED BI.VE I'LAKKEI.S. INDU.O IlLl'E All XT PRES. COT ON DUCK, 10, 14, AND 15-OUNCE. FAKJMIIASI, KIRKHAJI, & CO,, 33-5 CHESTNUT STIiEET. pARD. CHARLES BIRNBAUM bega leave to iDform the Public and his former Cui 4omer«<, H/:vt he h»n, in connection with lne sou, resumed Baking, at his old established stand., Mo. 1024 PINE street* between Tenth and Eleventh streets, and respect ful!) ►elicits a contiuuance of former patronage. Bread daily AH orders for Bread and Uasped Rolls attended to with punctuality atpj Fuflffdvtphja, April 24,ISGS, *p?7-]2t RETAIL DRY ROODS. JJYEE & LANDELL E. & L, FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FODBTII ANU AUOII, SPRING OPENING-. NEW CHINTZES, NEW GINGHAMS, NEW OKGANMES, NEAT PLAID SILKS, SHEPHERD’S PLAIDS, FASH lON ARLE SILKS, BLACK FIGURED SILKS, COLORED POULT DE SOIES, mhlO-mwAetf gPUNG AND SUMMER GOODS. UNDERSHIRTS, HOSIERY. VESTS, AND DRAWERS, For LADIKB’, MEN’S, and CHILDREN’S Wear, of the most approved regular makes, at Low Prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, apl9-s tuth ft 100 S CHESTNUT STREET. CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STREETS, OFFEB TO THE LADLES XAKROtr BUGLE GIMPS, BLACK BILK LACES, BELTRIBBOXS, ALL COLORS, NARROW SILli GIMPS, NARROW RIBBONS, SPOOL SILK, ALL COLORS, CHEAP. I’ARTKIDGE AND CIIimiULLA SPLIT ZEPHYR. One lot of I’ABTBIDGE WORSTED, and all the lead tug colors, at cents tier hank. IIAI’SON S TRIMMINGS & ZEPHYR STORE, CORNER EIGHTH Aj[l> CnEKRY STREETS. up-id-lm SPRING GOO DS, roil MEN AND BOY'S’ WEAR. Melton Ulotlia fur timta. fancy Caßsimoros for Suita. Black Doeskin and Cassimerea. Bhick and colored Broad Gloths. Light Cloths for LAD3K3 SACQUES AND CLOAKS. Wholesale net cash bujerawiil find cheap and desi rable goods in our stock, CUHWKN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, ap£o Pf Above Willow. SILK MANTLES AND SACQUE3. Black Tafleta Mantles. Black Silk 6ac<;ues. Elegant new styles. Light Cloth Sac<ilies. SHEPHERD’S BLAib.^. New lots, bargains, 1 8 ;V, and 25 cts. Plaid Mozainbitiues, very desirable. MEN’S AND BOYS' WEAR. Silk Mixed Caasimerea and Coatings. Light colors fnucy Cussiiasies, 6-4 Mixtures and atellou-i. Cloth goods for little fellows. BOY’S JACKETS AND PANTS (NEW I»EP.WIT.Mi:XT, SKCOSD STiiltV.) 'First*class JReKdy-made Garments. Stylo and Fit uuoxoeptionahlo. I'ricfs very reasonable. Boys’suits made to order. COOPER Sc CONARD, S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET .Streets. SILK STUIPM]) ■ VOLTUUMOES, 14 CTS. PER Y’ABD. Just opened, 2,500 yards, which wo are running at th© above reduced price. Wholesale net casU buyers will find cheap And desirable goods in our stock. CURWEN STODDART Sc BROTHEtt, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, ahova ap26-3t Willow. FI N Jfi P LAID SILKS FOU BONNETS. Black YMiite Noat Piaids. Brown and White Neat Plaids. Black aud White Shepherd’s Plaids. Lilac, Blue, and Green Plaids. It EYRE & LANDELL, Fourth and Arch. Fancy dress silks, so cents. Fancy Drees Silk*, 50 cents. Fancy Dress Silks, cents. Fancy l>ress Silks* 70 could. Fancy Silks, 75 gems. And rich Black bilks, iu ail widths and grades* at greatly reduced prices. Wholesale uet cash buyers will find cheap and desira ble goods in our stock. CUR WEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, ftiul 454 North SECOND StrneL ap26 above Willow. 971 CTS. STRIPE FOULARDS I “ from Auction. Small Stripe Foulards. Gray feiripe Foulards. Neat Stripe Fcularda. It ETBE & LANDELL, Fourth and Arch. STELLA SHAWLS, STELLA SHAWLS. Bro3he»Border Stella Shawls. Palma-Comer Stella Shawls. Printed-Border Steila Shawls. Black-Centre Stella Shawls, Colored-Centre Stella Shawls. All closing at less Thau usual prices. WhcUt&le net cask buy era will fiud cheap and desirable gccds in our stock. CUI’WEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, ap2G above Willow. pOPLINH, POPLINS, POPLINS! _L Black and white Ckeue Poplin 9, 37)£ cts. per yard. Black and white Plaid Poplius, 31 eta. per yard- Black and white Striped Poplins, 31 cts. per yard. Rich Uheue Poplins, 62 % cts. per yard. Rich Striped Poplins. cts. per yard. Silver-mixed PopUu3, 56 cts. per yard. Wholesale net cash buyers will dud cheap and desirable goods in our stock. CURWEN STODDART A BROTHER, 450,452, and 454 North SECOND Street, above 11p26>3t Willow, NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE NEW BOOKS: THE CHURCH IN THE ARMY A now work sasuHnly ftßUPOßriato to ibo BPaaout time, by Rav. Dr. Wra. A. Scott, of San Francisco, California. Price 81.25. A BOOK ABOUT DOCTORS. A volume of rare entertainment. The curiosities and peculiarities of tho Medical profession stt out in a most amusing light. Price SI 50. SPIRIT OF HEBREW POETRY. Isaac Taylor’a magnifioeiit uew contribution to the literature of the Bible, with Dr. Adams’ Biographical Introduction. Price $?2. TEACH US TO PRAT. A series of admirable discourses on the Lord’s Prayer, by Bev. Dr. Cummiug, author of u The Great Tribula tion.” &c. Price SI. THE SUTHERLANDS* The new novel by the author of “ Rutledge.” Nearly thirty thousand of these capital uoveis have been already sold. Price SI 25. *** Any of the books eon; hr mail tree. 4 CAKLETOX, Publisher, (Late RUDD A CARLETON,) No. 413 BROADWAY, corner Lispenard-street, N. Y. apl2*sdiw-tf HUGO’S GREAT NOVEL. LE3 MISERABLE?. For which the European Fubliabera Fay ®30,(W0. Mr. CARLETON (late RUDD & CARLETON) an nounces that he has just received the foreign sheets of this celebrated and eagerly-expected French lictjoßj "Hi publish an American Translation immediately. Two «dit!oiia—one paper and one cloth binding ap23-wa-2t THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER—An abridgement of the Report of Captain A. A. Hum phreys and Lieut. Henry L. Abbot, upon the Physics and. Hydraulics rf tbe Mississippi river, upon the pro tection of the alluvial region agaiuat overflow and upon the deepening of the mouths Prepared by the authors of the Report, assisted by Edwin Hale Abbot, A. M. Illustrated with Maps. (In press ) ap24-3t J. B, LIPPINCOTT & CO. WINES. STRICTLY PURE JUICE OF TEE CRAPE—THE MOST DELICIOUS, RICH, AND FRUITY WINES EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. AM EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT .JUST RECEIVED. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, ap2G.ff CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STS. Lieut, wm. c. Harris.—a very fioe Can! Picture of Lieut. WM. C. HA.ItBIS, author of “ Prison Life at Richmond.” MCALLISTER & BRO.* 729 CHEST2SUT Btreet. Lieut, Charles h. bukd.—a very fine Card Picture of Lieut. CHALLE9 11. BUBD, Fourth Maine Regiment. MCALLISTER A BRO., 728 CHESTNUT Street. r -yr;> FOll NEW YORK— I THIS ■fe«sa» DAY.—DESPATCH LINE, via Dela ware and Raritan ( anal. The steamer “ FIRE BRICK,” Fenton, mAsUr, Id how loading. and will leave this d»r. at 32 M For freight, which will be takeu ou accommodating terms. Apply to % WM. M. BAIRD & CO., 132 south DELAWARE Avenue. QTEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF O CHESTNUT STREET.—WiII be ready on MON DAY morning. Stereoscopic Views of Chestnnt street. MCAILISTBR & DBO.i 738 CHESTNUT Street. TVORYTYPES.—Renner’s Ivorytypes JL excite the admiration of all lovers of the beautiful in art. Head finely modelled; tbe drapery tastefully ar ranged and cellared. SECOND Street! alinve Preen, It* 1 NGRAM’S AMERICAN BANK TEA A WAREHOUSE —lO lbs. of 75c. for 86.50, and 10 lbs. of 62c. for 85. Try them. Remember, 43 SECOND, below Market aLreet. It* mt GREAT SHOW OF CHINESE •■C A zaleaa and the French spotted Pelargoniums at B GIST’S NURSERY. The Darbycarfi wanwl with the* ftl&riwMrtrect cars every half hoar, »p2G*3C THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1862- pi-lOTOGRAPH THE CHEAPEST ASH MKBT IK TIIK MARKET OVEB ONE HUNDRKO DIFFERENT STYLE*. PRICES FROM SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS SAMUEL BOWLES & CO., Manufacture aud Lave on sale, wholesale and retail. The latter being an Autograph Boole and a Photo; graph Book in one, and furnishing a new feature in the Photograph-Album business. The Auto-Photographic Albums are especially adapted to the requirements of first-cl asm trade. Thoir siy.o and shape are groat im provements upon anything of the Album kind yet manu factured, whether foreign or domestic ; aud the peculiar arrangements for Autographs under the pictureg, ;md lor index names, without dofaning the book, tlma pre serving its beauty, and allowing the pictures to bo changed any number of times, together with pattern sheets for both Card and Autograph, make them esion- Hally different from, and much superior to, any others if sued. Our Albums have received the award of highost ex cellence* aud are manufactured from the best of nia torials and by tho most skillful workmen, with the aid of original machinery, which enables the advertisers to offer them at prices from 25 to 30 per cent, below others in tl<« market, ap2s-s St Thou marshallest me the way that I was going.—BEIMEU’S Gallery, SE COND Street, above Green, is the place to get the beet Colored Photographs, executed by competent artists. Only SI. It* " PARSON RROWNLOW.—THIS MORNING we will have ready a fine engraved Card Portrait of PARSON BROWNLOW, Being the only correct likeness that lias yet appeared. Complete Catalogues of our Portraits, comprising nearly ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY CELEBRITIES, may lie obtained gratis. A’eiv Portraits are added daily* PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Complete catalogues of our superior Photograph Al bums. embracing OVER FIFTY VARIETIES, may bo obtained gratis. .sfe**jVew designs and styles are constantly intro duced'. Published by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, ap2s No. 606 CHESTNUT Street. WAR BULLETIN.— Now is the time to get, at war prices, an elaborately finished portrait. BEIMEK’S Life-size Photographs in Oil Colors, at his Gallery, SECOND Street, above Greeu. * PHILADELPHIA PAPER HANGINGS- FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, PAPER HANGINGS AND -WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, Offer to the Trade a LARGE AND ELEGANT AS SOBTMENT OF GOODS, from the cheapest Brown Stock to the Finest Decorations. N. E. COR. EOURTH AND MARKET STREETS. N. B.—Solid Green, Blue, and Buff WINDOW PAPERS of every grade.. ap23-2m WATCHES. QH ARLES FRODSHAM, 81 STKAND. LONDON, WATCHMAKER TO THE QUEEN, Would mindfully annouaco to his American patrons that he has received the GRAND GOLD MEDAL OF HONOR IN PARIS, MEDAL OF HONOR AT THE GREAT LONDON EXHIBITION, and the GRAND RUSSIAN GOLD MEDAL OF THE FIRST ORDER, by command of the Emperor, in token of the superiority and appreciation of his NEW SERIES IMPROVED CHRONOMETER WATCHES. JAS. E. CALDWELL & Co., 822 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Have on hand a splendid assortment, comprising all the sizes In heavy 18-carat Gold Hunting Cases and open face, with index. We recoimueud these unrivalled TIMEKEEPERS with entire confidence j perfect in principle and adjustment, and not affected in the pocket hy any externa] motion— especially adapted to Railroad travellers. Should any watch sold by us prove unsatisfactory the purchase mouey Will U ?£lUt>ii«d. & WILSON 628 CHESTNUT STREET, uhll-fim PHILADELPHIA. ~FERRIS ? 1037 CffißST^ SUT Street, has now open a large and varied as sortment of English, French, and American STB&W BONNETS, together with a full line of STRAW GOODS suitable for Friends' wear, and the latest styles of Misses’ and Children’s Hats and Caps. ap24-12t REMOVAL. JJ? MISSES O’BRYAN, 924 CHESTNUT Street, have removed to 1107 WALNUT Street, three doors above Ele venth, north side, and will open PARIS MILLINERY, ‘for tbe Spring, on THURSDAY, April 17. ap!2-2m* DRUSHEb U AND BLACKSMITHS’ BELLOWS, KEMBLE & VAN HORN, mh2o-3m No. 331 MARKET Street, Pliilada rjlO THE DISEASED OF ALL A CLASSES.—AII sub-acute and chronic diseases cuted by spulM gu&y&hUA &i 1220 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, and in case of a failure no chargo is made. Professor BOLLES, tho founder of this new practice, taill superintend the treatment of all cases himself. A pamphlet containing a multitude of certificates of thoee cured, al«o letters and complimentary resolutions from medical men and others will be giTen to any person Tree. Lectures are constantly given at 1220, to medical men and others who desire a knowledge of my discovery, in applying Electricity as a reliable therapeutic agent. Con sultation free. * ap26-2m Estate of Alexander wray. Letters testamentary having been granted by the Register of Wills to the subscribers, all persons having claims acalnst, or indebted to, said Estate, will call on GEORGE BARCLAY, ) 240 North SIXTEENTH Street: JAMES WRAY, ’ Executors, 1417 RACE Street, J or their Attorney, HENRY C. THOMPSON, np2B 8t No. 933 ARCH Street. THE QUAKER GUN WILL BE Exhibited on anil after FRIDAY, for a few days, the only QUAKER GUN ever brought front MA NASSAS. A great deal ha, been written and aatd about them, but'as few have had an eahepluidly of « e l„ 8 in., it u the intention of the owner to exhibit the one in his poe eeeelon. No. 417 CHESTNUT Street, between Fourth and Fifth, at the “ Old Press Office.” Hours from 9 A. M. till 8 P, 91. Fyou want a first rate CUP OI" TEA, try our celebrated Green and Black. They are equalled by few, excelled by none. Stores SEVENTH and NOBLE) and SIXTH and WOOD ap2B-3t JAMES HOMER A SON. Extra family flour, Tho mas’s Premium Excelsior, Jenny Lind, and ether choice brands of Nlour, by the barret, bag, or retail. JAMBS IlOMEtt & SON, SEVENTH and NOBLE, and SIXTH and WOOD. ap2s*3t Cleanliness strictly ob aerved at the Hair Dyeing and Bathing giloou, FOURTH and BRANCH. aitid-tfit PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS. UPWARDS, PRINTEBS AND BOOK-BINDERS, SPRINGFIELD, Mass., every variety of Ilia AMERICAN PHOTOCIHAT*II ALBUM AUTO-PIIOTOQILAI’IIIO ALBUM, PAPER HANGINGS HOWELL & BOURKE, CORKER OF MANUFACTURERS OF SB WING MACHINES. SEWING MACHINES, SPRING MILLINERY. CLOTHING. poY S ’ CLOTHING AT F. A. HOVT (SC BRO’S.. S. W. Corner TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, ASSKMBr.V BUILDINGS. thAtu-lOt JJEW DEPARTMENT. We will Imvo avraumid on Hecoiul floor, anil OPEN ON SATURDAY, TILE 26TH INST., A SELECT STOCK 130 YS’ CLOTHING. GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER. COOPER & CONARD, Southeast corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. ap24*lm WATCIIES ANII JEWELRY. AMERICAN, ENGLISH, “*BWiss WATCHES, JKWKLRY, AND SILVKRVVAUK, A r R E II C C E II P R I C E s. JOS. H. WATSON, Si.2S-lm 3J(I OHRBTNUT 81UI!I!T. rjVHOMAS C. GARRETT, 712 CHESTNUT STREET, Has received a fresli stock OF GOIJD AND SILVER WATCHES, FINE PLATED WARE AND TABLE CUTLERY, And ismauufacturiag a great variety of SILVER WARE adapted for home use and for presents. Prompt and particular attention is given to repairing Watches by first* class workmen. ap24*4t COOKING RANGES, FURNACES, &c QOOKING^Ia ANDES? " ELEVATED DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING RANGE. This Kangelias afforded more satisfaction than any yet offered to the public. ARNOLD & WILSON, WARM AIR FURNACES, Of the most approved and economical patterns, SUITED TO ALL CLASSES OF BUILDINGS. ARNOLD & WILSON, Enameled slate mantels A large variety ef these beiutifnl Mantels at VERY LOW PRICES. ARNOLD & WILSON, -DOWN AND COMMON GRATES. FOR HARD OR SOFT COAL. Hot* air ltegistera and Ventilators—a large assortment. ARNOLD & WILSON, 1010 CHKSTNUr Street. ap2L'-w4fc2niif DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. gOBERT “SHOEMAKER Northeaat Corner FOURTH and BAOJC Streets. PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND PEALERS FOREIGN AND DOMESXIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. kanurAOTUBERg or WRITE LEAD AND ZINC FAINTS, PUTTY, Ao^ AGKNTfI FOR THX CBtiISBRATBD FRENCH ZINC PAINTS Dealers and consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CA3H ap3s- 2m WHITE LEAH, HEY ANH IN OlL.—Red Lead, White Lead, Litharge, Sugar of Lead, Copperas, Oil of Vitriol, Calonel, Patent Yel low, Chrome Red, Chrome Yellow, Aqua Fortis, Mu riatic Acid, Epeom Salts, Rochelle Salts, Tartaric Acid, Orange Mineral. Soluble Tart. Sub. Carb. Soda. White Vitriol, Red Precipitate, White Precipitate, Lunar Caustic, Narcoline, Sutph. Morpbiue, Morphine, Acetate Morpliiuc, Lac. Sulph., Ether Sulphuric, Ether Nitric, Sulphate Quinine, Corre. Sublim., Denarcotized Opium, Chloiido of Soda, WetberilFs Ext. Oinctia, Tartar Emetic. Chloride of Lime, Crude Rol&m, Rofmod Bom«, Camphor, Resin Copavia. WETHKIULL & BROTHER, Druggißts and Manufacturing Chemists, Nos. 47 and 49 North SECOND Street, PBIfcAPEfcPHU, JaDIES’ DRESS TRIMMINGS. We invite the attuation of buyers to onr large and well-selected Btock of LADIES’ DRESS AND MANTILLA, Together with a good line of STAPLE TRIMMINGS, BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, PRUSSIA BINDINGS, WORSTED SKIRT BRAIDS, GIRDLES, TASSELS, SILK EMBROIDERING BRAID, FANCY SILK BUTTONS,, BELTINGS, BUGLE GIMP AND BUTTONS, VELVET RIBBONS, CHENILLE SILK HEAD BETS, ETC., ETC., ETC. The goods bring of our own manufacture and importa tion, we cau offer them at the very lowest priceß., WM. H. HOBSTMANN & SONS, (nli2s-tuthsalni FIFTH AND CHEERY STS. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. QEORGE GRANT, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN GENTS’ BURNISHING GOODS, No. 610 CHESTNUT STREET. mh2o-3m ■giLANNEL OVER-SHIRTS FOR THE ARMY. FINE SHIRTS, COLLARS, STOCKS, AND W RAPPERS. Manufactured at W. W. KNIGHT’S. NO. 606 ARCH STREET. B 9“ A full line of TUB, BCABFS, OLOYES, BUSPENDIBB, HOSIERY, AND UNDEBCLOTHINO, Always oh hand. mhl 3raif Fine bhirt manufactory. Tbs subscriber would lartto attention to Ui IMPBOVED OUT OF BHIBTS, Which be makes a specialty In his boalneaa. Alio, 008- Mastlr receiving MOYELTIEB FOB GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FUBNISHING STOBE, ZFo. SU CHESTNUT STBEET, iaS-tf Foar door, below tba Continental. HATS AND CAPS. ICCO SPRING STOCK IC£9 IOD4i complete. 10D4i C. H. GARDEN & Co.. Manufacturers of and W holeiate Dealer! In HATS, CAPS, ANH FURS; STRAW GOODS, FANCY BILK AND STRAW BONNETS, Artutclal Flowera, Buchea, Feathers, Ac., No. 800 and 603 MARKET Street, B.W. corner 0 SIXTH Street. a>T A luge and complete stock. The beet term, and the lowoet price#. Cash and prompt “ time buytrt" an paiUcntarlF invited to examine onr stock. mhl-2m an2fi.2t* PLAGS, OF THE FOLLOWING SIZES, 3 FEET, 7 FEET, 10 FEET, and 21 FEET, FOB SALE AT LOW PRICES, BY ALFRED SLADE & CO., *p2s-3t 40 AND 4Q SOUTH FRONT STBEET. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. 1010 CHESTNUT Street, ioio Chest Nut street. & CO.. TRIMMINGS. MEDICINAL. jj EL MB OLD * S OK Nil INK FKISr ABATION . “UIOHLV COXCENTItATKD 1 ’ COMPOUNH FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and Specific I! K H K li V DISEASES OF Til h: BLADDER K IbNKV.S DEOrSIOAL SWELLINGS This Medicine increases the power or Digestion. and excites the Absorbents kto heaTliy action, by which the Watery or Calcerous deposi- tions, and all Unnatural En- largements are reduced, at; well as Pain ami luilamum- HE LMBO L JJ ’ S EXTRACT BUCHU Has curejl every case of DIABETES in which it Jia« bwu given IRRITATION OK THE NECK UK THE BLAD- DKR, AND INFLAMMATION OF TUK KIDNEYS. For thee© diseases it Is Indeed a sovereign vumc'iy, and too muck cannot be.saM in it» praise. A tingle do3e lias been known to relieve tho most urgent symptoms. TltY IT, -we Leg of you, in these cases, and yon will ever give your praise to HKLMJiOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. ULCERATION OF THE KIDNEYS AND BLAD- DER, RETENTION OF URINE, DISEASES OF THE PROSTRATE GLAND, STONE IN THE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRA- VEL, BRICKDUST DEPOSIT, AND MUCUOUS OR MILKY DISCHARGES AND FOR ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON- STITUTIONS OF BOTH SEX ICS, Altmdod with tho following symptoms Indjapo&ition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory* Weak Nerves, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, Dryness of the Skin, PALLID COUJfTEJsANQKi Universal Lassitude of the Muscular Syßtem. Diseases of those organs require the aid of aDIURETIC. HEL 31 HOLD’S ' EXTRACT BUCHU THE GEKAT DIURETIC AND BLOOD PURIFIER. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU CURES ALL DISEASES Arising from HABITS OF DISSIPATION, EXCESSES, AND IM- PRUDENCES IN LIFE, Impuiities of the Biood, Jcc, And it ia certain to have the desired effect in Diseases for which it is recommended. E Y 11) ENC ! ■: Most Responsible and Reliable Character Will accompany the Medicine. ti PHYSICIANS,” PLEASE “ NOTICE,” « Wemake jno e Secret* of Ingredients*” HELM HOLD’S EXTRA6T BUCHU Is composed of Buchu, Cubebs, Juniper Berries, select- e<l with great care by a competent druggist. Prepared iu vacuo, by H. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analyti- cal Chemist, and Sole Manufacturer of HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS!! AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman, of the city of Philadelphia) Hi Ti HKLMBOLD, whoi being duly sworn, doth say hia preparations contain no nar- cotic, no mercury, or other injurious drugs, but are purely vegetable. Sworn and subscribed before mo this 23d day of No- WM. P.UIBBABD, Alderman, vember, 1854. Ninth biroot, abovo Unco, Philadelphia. HQP" Physicians in attendance from 8 A M. to 8 P. M. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE, OR SIX FOR FIVE DOLLARS. Delivered to any address, securely packed from observa- Addresß totters for information) in confidence, to H. T. HELJIBOLD, DEPOT, 104 SOUTH TENTH STREET, (BELOW CHESTNUT;) PHILADELPHIA PE WAKE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPBINCI- PLED DEALERS, WII u. KBimrOß TO Dispoae of ‘‘ their own” anil ” other” article, ou the re- pntatiou attained HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS!! HELMBOLD’S Genuine Extract Buchu; HELMBOLD’S Genuine Extract Sarsaparilla; HELMBOLD’S Genuine Improved Rose-Wash. Bold it,- all Druggists Everywhere. ASK FOB HELMBOLD’S; TAKE NO OTHXB! •y Cot out the Advertisement aud scud for it, and avoid imposition and exposure. tp26-sUt« UIIAVHL, Difficulty of JlroatUing, Trembling, Flushing in tho Body, Eruptions of tho Face, H. T. HELMBODD. CHEMIST. HOUND BENT of this cPUvVs amount FOB SALE, on an improved pro* perty, at a discount. Apply to E. PETTIT, ap2ti No. 309 WALNUT Street. J£AIL SALE! • The Subscriber will offer for sale, at the HAPPQNFIBIiD STATION, On the Camden and Atlantic Railroad, on SATURDAY, May 23, 1562, 1,000 CEDAR BAILS, of a superior quality, In l«u ranging from 100 to 600; and 3.000 FEET OEDAB BIDING, in lota to suit purchasers. Also, at the same time and place, THREE FARM WAGONS, ONE FARM CART, with iron arms; all new, and of the bes manufacture made by Wilson, Oltllds, I Co-, Henry Simons, and Esbb lor & Bro.; and ONE FALLING-TOP BUGGY, In good order. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock P. M., when terms wil be made known by apafitMS c. H- SHINN. -; a/TONUMENTS AND GRAVE ili STONES at very rednoed prices at Marble Workr Of A. HTEIKMM2, RIDGE Afenni, balds llii.Anik Street mhl3-3mif WANTS. WANTEI*— Light, iictirc, diiy-timo, ujontly out door KWFI.OYMENr, Ity » roiin* tnaiihd mmi. Ittjferencett obtainable. Address u Kay,’* office of The Pres.*. ap26»anmr3t# Goon BOILER MAKERS AND FL.ANGK TURNEItrt WANTED.—AppIy to I I*. MOKItIS, TOWNS, * CO., Port Ric-liin.jinl Iron Works, ap24-:it Cor. Million »,„l BICHMOXDStreot,. « UNITED STATES MARINES.— Wanted, for the United Staten Marin a Corps, fos sea service aboard of men-01-wat, SEVERAL HUN DRED ABLE-BODIED MEN, between the agei of eighteen and forty years. Young men from tho coun try nyt less than 6 feet inches high, who shall paw the iiioJlcal examination, and *uhni, will reoriro thret cent* per milp for the distance travelled in coining to th# Betide/voiis. at 311 South FRONT Street, below Sprnoe. Philadelphia, or at IUB MARKET Stroet, Wilmington Delaware. All other information that may r>e re quired wjf ha given. JAMBS LEWIS, Captain, Ap'iiM'it slid UocriiitiiiK irrtlcon TXTANTED—By a yo«Dg Man, having v v some jears’ expe ieic»-in tn** Wliidesale Drug business, a situation an Oleik. Can give tf «)i city ro ferei ce. Address W. H. C., this offioj. up*22-cuth-*3t* DEPUTY QUAItTJfIRMAS SSUL TEB GENERAL’S OFFICE, PiiM.Aiiklpiita, April 3 1862. WANTED IMMEDIATELY —Vessels to load with Cml far Fort Vu. A. BOYD, &p4-tf Captain and A. Q. M. DEPUTY QUARTER.MAS SBS TKlt GKXK&AL’S.'OFFICE, Pi?*i?apki. i‘?iiai Aprils, IWSf. WANTED IMMEDIATELY—'Yosseia to load with Coal for Alexandria, Va. A. BOYD, Bp4-tf Captain and A. Q. M. FOR SALK AJND TO LET. fl A A IRY DESIRABLE COUNTRY Biia RESIDE NUK TO LET for the .sunmur, or longer, ready furnished; situated on Limekiln Tun. pike, L:- tween Washington anti Methodist L'JJie, )}$ miles irom the Germuniov/n, and tho same distance from the North r&hiifi)lYfliiia Iltiilrc-rtl, coritaiuing tfiti ruonwi wirli ,%-ven ueie&of ground; garden ready planted, and abounding in fruit: stable and coach- house, fish-pond, ,v.:., tec For further particulars inouire of NATH ANI EL liltij WN, 33S CHESTNUT Street, or .1. M. AD.'KIM, I>)H North TENTH Street. It TO LKT.— COUNTRY BTOKM ■2M and FORWARDING WAREHOUSE, Lumber and Coal Void; goed railroad siding, Ac., in a lirat rate business locality, and wealthy neighboiliood. Situated on iha Central Penn.-ylvatiia Unilrciid. Fur fn-tuur par ticulars. ajjdf to E. PETTIT, ap-6 SO. WALSU L Stmt STEAMBOAT FOB SALE. STEAMBOAT ‘ tjUASSAICK,” l.engih 1&(J feet, 22 feet beam, and 7j£ feet hold: 170 touy 1 UP&fh c’l.lUi.fe 1 2d fij liliilfeP. 6 feet StioUa. ' STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, mi# and second hand, for sale. Apply t<* C. W. COPELAND, np26-Ntuth 3t No 322 BROADWAY'. FOR SALK—A VALUABJ.K CUES TKK COUSTV FARM. Railroad station upon th» place. Containing 73 acres of prim© valley land, nicely watered, with large and tubstautial stone improvements siiinp-house, ice house, Ac. Two apple orchards, and other fruits. Applv to E. PETTIT, sp-6 No. COO WALNUT Street. |Kj FOR S A LE.— A new und well- Miitlhniehed DWELLING, with modern improvements, No. 1004* GREEN Street; one of the best situated itouws on the street Frlce low, and terms easy. )f not sold by tho lit of May it will be routed. Inuuire of JOHN LYONS, ap26.St&' N. E. comer of .TENTH and RIDGE Av. AvFOK SALE OR TO LET.—A pleufhht house in tho aulmrlia of Mndia* nearly an acre of ground, abundance of shiido and fruit. Rout low. Apply at No. IoS SOUTH FOURTH STREET, second story. »p'26-lui fgSt v EST PHILALELPHIA—TO uiIiLIIENT—HOUSE No. 4 HAMILTON Terrace: a very desirable residence, v ith all the modern conveni ences. Apply to S. A. lIARRfSON, ap2s-3t 1010 CHESTNUT Street. tit HOUSE JO LET, IN GERMAN- Isiiil TOWN, on MAIN Stroet, fourth house above Wal nut lane, and five mintilcV walk of tho depot. Modern improvements, with largo yard, fruit, Ac. Apply to GEORGE WISE, No. 408 MARKET Street. ap2y.3t* INSURANCE COMFANIES. Q1 11ARI) FIRE AN D MAllfx E IKSUIiAXCR comfaXy. OFFICE lid WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL 8200,000. This company continues to take risks on the aafer classes of Property allow rales. The public cun rely upon its responsibility, aud abili ty to pay losses promptly. Its diiburgemeuta for tho benefit of the public, during the last nine years, n xcoed 8 500,000, and we respectfully solicit its favor in the ftitan- DIRECTORS. CHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER, JOHN W.ULAGHORN, JOHN THORNLEY, C f.HKAatm','----- AMiAHAM HArt, DAVID BOYD, Jr., PETERS. HOE, ofX. Y W31.-M. SWAIN, FURMAN SHEPPARD, JOSEPH KLAI’P, 31. D. N. $. LAWRENCE, WH. O. RUDSIAN, JOHN SUPPLEE. THOMAS CRAVEN, President. A. S. GILLETT, Vice President. JAS. B. ALVORD; Secretary SAFES. PjH A NEW VICTORY. THE LATEST. Roiii:sif(ri:G, Columbia co., Pa„ April 13, 1362. Messrs. Evans «£ It r atsot% 1 Philadelphia .* OestLiJiies:—At wy e&vllest oppAHimlty, I hasten M inform you of oue of the most destructive firea Unit has occurred in our town. On the moruiDg of March 29 last our three-and-a-half-story brick and frame store and dwelling was entirely destroyed by fire. It burned with Such ■vteUiiOe ft fid ihUhiity 6f li&&t tbftt it Will t£ti <5? twelve hours before we could reach the Safe. In the meantime, it could be Been glowing with a red heat, but, after securing the Safe from the ruins, on opening it, in the presence of a great many people, all our books, bauk notes, and valuable papers, with which it was closely filled, were discovered in a perfect condition , and, con sidering tbe long and severe exposure, every one admit ted, with glad surprise, the value and triumph of your improved Snlflinauder. Tliii evidence again of the met rit of your Safes will secure for you thousands of friends in our section. I shall very soon require another of your Safes, as my confidence in them is stronger than ever. I remain, very truly, yours, WILSON AGEII, EVANS & WATSON Have always on hand, at their Store, No. 1C South FOURTH Street, below Market, A largo assortment of I'lkk AND BUk^lA^-P&66? SAFES, warranted to stand the most severe test. ap22-tf |gftj AND STILL AKOTHE 11 VICTORY. jj ETIIEHEM, March lid, l§d‘i. Messrs. EVANS & WATSON, Gentlemen: On SATURDAY MORNING last, the 22d inst., the entire Woollen Manufactory belonging to the Estate of LEWIS DOSIEB, deceased, was burnt to the ground. Sometime ago they purchased one of your SAFES, at a Sheriff a Sale, Bomewhere In your city, and placed it in the second story of the factory, where it was Mtp&etd to au intense boat • bo much so that it melted the knob and plate off of it. After the SAFE was in the fire for a number of hours, it was taken from the ruins, cooled off and opened, when the Books, Beeds, Bank Notes, and other Papers—in short everything the SAFE contained —was found in a perfect state of preservation, Yours respectfiilly. apl9-stnth6t FINANCIAL. STATES ONE-YEAR LOAN FOR SALE, COUPON BONDS AND 7 3.10 NOTES BOUGHT AND SOLD, QUARTERMASTERS’ RECEIPTS CASHED, COLLECTED, OB EXCHANGED. Particular aituiitiuu given tv transactions In Govern ment securities. DREXEL & Co., 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET apl7-lm A MBKICAN ACADEMY QV XA. MUSIC. A GRAND BALLAD AND INSTRUMENTAL CON- CERT, In aid of the HOUPK OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD, Will bn given On WEDNESDAY EVENING, April 30, 1862. The following artists will aesist: MRS. lIKNUIKTTK BKUUENR, MISS JOSEPHINE O’CONNELL, MU. T. BISHOP, Mil. A. B. TAYLOR, ai d it powerful std efficient hand, under the direction of Mr. ALEDO. Conductor M THUNDER. Tliv entnd Sttiß-or Pim", '»«?»' «>i» i, kindly Mimihhi-i] by Messrs Umsiiis Bros The Sisters in charge of the House of the G-jjJ Shep herd, desirous of enlarging their Convent, to meet tit t nect usury n-uuiri nifiits of tlm gruoPaml in sreaslng tmm btr of inmates, have adopt*) the above method of raising funds for ilm oUi’-rl. They respi'Clfully appeal to a cha rihibin ruiumujiify fop uj and aiaiit. a i ice. Tickets. 2o cTnt.i. Reserved seats, 50 cents; may be Ricuifd at Mr Gmt.d’s Miiiir ttore, Seventh and Chest nut itiuetp, and at the Academy, uu the morning of tne c. ncert. fifun fJ to 12 (/‘clock. »p2o-2r* Q.BAMD CONCERT AND BALL V-n . UIVKS lIV THE M.KNNKRGiJOU VOCAL SOOIKTY, ON APRIL 28th, 1862. at nir MUSICAL FUND HALL, The Managers beg leave lo atinouheo that Ute above <-nt( itainmerit will be the last one fortius season, and that, in constMmnce, they will endeaver to mako it one of Hit pleasantest and moss recherche .1 11. Camp, 31. Kaiser, P. Ball/., H. Nu«s, W. Wjl hir-llVr, J.D. Fined, V Huiiiberffi R. T Srlmiidb Tickets at $2, admittimt oio gentleman and two ladies, can be prrcurtd ot Meaers. Persets & Steel, Baukers No. 3U South Third hlnet: Mr. .T. H. Ciuup, No 130 North Sevudh fctrcit: Mr. Peter BtUz, No. 502 North Thirl -tieet; Mr. L. Benkerl, No. 716 Chestnut street; 3lr. 3!. Kain-r, No. 306 South Eighth street; Mr. H. T. Schmidt, No. 325 Korlli Tlilrd itrtet, U WALN UT-BTREET THEATRE— NINTH an* WALNUT Street*. dole Lena** M liB. M. A. QA RRETTfIOtt. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING. A PIUL £6. 1362 Tflfi .Alias Charlotte Thompwu. .Mr. Barton HiU. Mr. ,1. S. Wiigtit. Mis* iMmrjn. Mih HtlUr, The Stronger Fraud? Charlotte To •‘Ojidude with tl c drama of I.A Torn I>K NBrthß <’»ptnin BurMnii Mi* JJrkf-f o ?* MM!. Margaret of liurfeumly .Mis* Alice Grey, Pkiobs—so, 3776, and '25 cents; Private 13ox»i. 85 and 83, according to their locale. Doors open at o'clock. To commonon at ?)f» Mrs jokn uiiEW’s AKOV-ftTBRJiIT TUfcATRfc. Acting Stage Manager W. S. FREDERICKS. Business A#ent and Treasurer..... .JOS. D aIUBPHT, JGfjj? PRJSW, JOHN DftßW TO-NIGHT. SATURDAY, APRIL 2«, 13r>3, TUB. KMKKALD ISLE, Willie Reilly To conclude with the Extravaganza of MA/.EI’PA. Jifliorpft (»it!i innv frnhim), ■,.... t,,.,.Vratik l>pty, oiiuska Mrs. C. Henri. OH MONDAY—THE GROVES OK BLARNEY. Seals can be secured for Mr. John Drew’s represent** tions three days in advance. Doors open at 7 o'clock; performance commences at 7)f precisely. SIGNOR PKRELLI'S ORANJ) OOil- I'LIMKXTABY. —The Grand CONCERT, tendered to Signor FKUKLLI, will take place on TUESDAY. April lift, at the MUSICAL FoND HALL. He will b* asriiitnd by his best pupils. Titkiitu, £1 • for sain he L..& A? WiiHitv, Ahdf«, Mid fit tild. U* FONI^BALL. MISS fJURI&TIAKK SCHMIDL VIOLINIST. OXLV TEX TEARS OF AGE, Begs leave to inform hot friends and the pti die g*ae> rally, that she will give a GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, ON SATURDAY EVENING, April 26th. 1862. AT Tint MUSICAL FUND HALL. .The following arti&tfc have kindly volunteered their services* for the o-ccasiou : mbs. hkhiukttk ijkfihkNrr, MR. ADOLPH JU*KGF£LD, MR. CARL WOLFSOTfN, MR. CALL WEBER, MR. CH BROUGH HAfef. C0nduct0r.,,«,,,,«n., > 1111111 > S. BEIIRENfIi TICK KTS,. i. » FIFTY CENTS* To be had at all Uni Music Stores, at thy Continental Ilohl, ar.(i on the evening at the door. Doors open at 7 o’clock. To commence at 3 o’clock, ay 24-31* American academy of mu sic. BENEFIT OF ATTACHES. A GRAND VOCAL CONCERT, Under the ilbeetiou of PROFESSOR FISCHER. ON MONDAY EVEXINO, April 2S* 1%2. Single tickets 25 cents: secured seats 10 cuaU axtra. Box offico open three days in advance—2sth, 20 k. and 2Sih of April from h A. M. to 4 P. 51. • tickets nml secured neat-} can now be Iwl it tin fol lowiDjt places: Mr. .1. Y. Gould! Lea X IViiiiiw, uni Mr. Risley's. Continental Hotel. ap24 th*m ot CONTINENTAL THEATRE, LAST NIGHT POSI r IVBLY Of the great Ijisl: Drama, uuiitlel •i THE MAGARTHY'” OR. THE PEEP O' DAf. With it? uteonalled NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SCENERY, and SPLENDID CAST OF .CHABAC I’ERS. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. On MONDAY NEXT, by .special re piMt* The eieat Entertainment of "UNCLE TUM'B BlN*’ will be revived. Admission 25. 20. and 15 cents. Orchettra 50 cents. (2 J_ RA ND OPENING VT VY 7HB NEW LOWER SALOON, CONCERT HALL. CHKSINUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH, BY Tim CKI.nnRATRD HUTCHINSON FAMILY, FUJI TIMER MIUHTf! UifLYi Commencing THURSDAY, April 24th, and SATURDAY AFTERNOON. On this occasion they will introduce all of their now and popular songs. Tickets 25 cents, or five for SI. Saturday AftflWti, OllUftlt IP cenk wii-Bt OPECIAL NOTICE.—The subscriber would respectfully invite the attention of hLs friende and the public to his new and handsomely filed up LAGER BEER ami CONCERT SALOON 431 CHEST NUT Street. Em»kl & Woi.y’ss Cklehuates Laobk uu draught; fnoiCK Wjneo and Rukut-.sumunt:* generally. A FREE CONCERT EVERY EVENING. Big. Acm.uiDi, Lender. Please give uit a ca”. ap2s-3t G. EI.SAhSEB, 431 Ch*«tnt:: street. BUILDINGS, ~ MORE NOVELTIES. STRIKING VIEWS OF THE MONITOR AND MEBBIMAC. Also, Portrait* of Captain ERICSSON and Lieutenant WORDEN will be shown, in conjunction wUU the Magnificent anti Thrilling Exhibition ot tin SEPOY REBELLION, EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AriKRNOOha. HERR ENGELKE’S ORCHESTRA SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Admission 25 cents. Six tickets, SI. Children, If cents. ap2l*6t STEREOSCOPHCOISS OF THE RE BELLION, for public exhibitions j TiftwfV.f prominent Battles, Incideuta, and 2lea, Full piU'Vd ftp{j Illustrated catalugues sent free, by JAMBS W T . QUEEN & CO., Opticians, apll-ltn No. 924 CHESTNUT Street, PhiUdolpMu. & RUMANIA ORCHESTRA. CARL BENTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at 3B o’cloak P. 01., at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Package ef Eight Tickets. 81: Single Ticket *. '25 eta To be hAd At Andre’s, llOiObostuat street, 3. E. (riuli’s, Seventh and Chestnut, and at thodoorof tVe Hvif 0c23-d PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY 01 THE FINE ARTS is now closed, but will reopen on MONDAY, the 28th ins*. A PLEASANT furnished ROOM, With first-clAa* Accommodations, ou ARCH street. Only a few select boarders taken. Addtess “ VV,” box 1,134, Philadelphia pest ollico. ltr BOARDING.— Threevu- four desirable Booms can be procured for the Summer, ou School li&uiA Lmi*. Fap jutteulAfe, am [f it if A. UW WAL NUT Street. up2S.3t TILLAGE QUEEN SEMINARS T Iu a beautiful and healthful village, three miitw from Media. Pupils received at auy time for the slim mer. Bo&rdiug per week 52.25. Thorough course in the Mathematics, Languages, English Studies, and all the bpauchPA muftlly taught. Bon prepared for College or Business. THE WEfeT CHESTER ACADEMY, at West Chester, P»,, within two hours* ride from Philadelphia, wiii commence the Summer sstsiou, of full five months—the seventeenth session under the di rection. of its present Principal ou the first of May oext. Bojs and young men arm thoroughly prepared for College or business* Eight goutlea men of tried ability and experience constitute the corps of instructors. The French, German, and fipauisk lan guages are taught by native resident teachers. The De partment of “Military Tactics” is in successful operation, under the cfcarte of a competent instructor, without, in the least, interfering with the legitimate objects of the school, while the individual student is not require J to couuect himself with it. J. E. KNAUSS. Catalogues containing full information may be obtained by addressing the Principal, WILLIAM F. WTER3, A. At West Cheater, Pa. aplO-flistu-lni* Holmesbukg seminary for YOUNG LADIES.—'The duties of this School will be resumed, after the Easter holidays, on the 23th of APBIL. For circulars, references, Ac., address the Hisses CHAPMAN; FriiiGinalg; Holmaiburg, Pa. aulSelm* F)R 50 CENTS, ANY PERSON can teach himself to write, with the aid of a Treatise on Penmanship, and two copy hooks for manual exercises, by George J. Baker, Professor of Writing ia the Girard College. Published and for sale by URIAH HUNT & SON, apl7-thsti\6t* 62 NORTH FOURTH Street. IJHE “EXCELSIOR” HAMS J. H. MICHENER & Co., GENUAL PROVISION' DEALERS, And OONH of the celebrated "EXCELSIOR” SUGAR-CURED HAMS. tfpp, 1,2 apd 144 North FRONT Street, Between Arch and Base itreeti, Philadelphia. The justly-celebrated **EXCELSIOR" HAMS are cored by J. H. M. A Co., (in a style peculiar to theaa wlTWi) exprvßilr for FAUUiY USB j are#t delidou flavor; tree from th» nnpleaaant taste and an pronounced .by epicures superior offered *rsale. " »pl-3i»r fTAJHES’ JEmvWSI SUPatfttT- M-t in, BRAva, ukVaGt Mechanidal Appliances, of correctconstruction andansy tothe wearer. For sola and adjustment at 0. B. NXIDLBB* LADHS’STOBB, TWELFTH Street, first door below Race. Gentlemen requiring Rupture Trusses will call at tea Southwest corner fWfitm end BAdl, whwrnO. B. B. glvefl attention to tUa epecialfeatve. nhlraatt AMUSEMENTS. NI.NKTIETJI NIGHT—X.’XETIKTH XtGUT BOARDING. EDUCATIONAL. JIKV. J. IJKJtVKY BAItTON, A. 81' Village Groon, Th<‘ Co , I l * ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. ,J*>2iu Drew,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers