most fitting that the edifice shoutd be opened* for Wester Sunday was always a welcome dap to Catholic hearts. He alluded to the Hying of the corner-stone b y Arch blshop Kenrick, who vm followed by the lamented Bishop Howland* and tho work was now about to be -consummated by Bishop Wood. The spoaker paid a high compliment to Bishop Wood) and said that a builds jug eo colossal was not the work of a year* The pious people of the church had never faltered in coining for ward with their subscriptions, and none could aay that the stupendous labor was commenced too soon. The speaker cleverly took off the doubts of the more* -duloiis who accused the Pope of coining money or taxing European dioceses to build a Cathedral in America. The Catholic people of this country, said he, have plenty of money, and they have built this splendid house* Their devotion to the Church knows no flagging* The speaker then referred to the loyalty of the Catholic population, who had poured from their homes in the North to swell the army of the Union. Ho alluded to the vast resources •of the American Catholics. There were enough grouped at tho corners of the Mr sets to orowd swral stick calked! Als. The speaker paid a terse, trenchant compliment to tho Emerald Isle that was applauded loudly on tho men's side <?f the house. He pointed to the faces upturned, and said that none could distinguish the nativity of each man pro* sent. They were of all climes and modes of mind, citi zens of a common country, and fused by the fire of reli gion into ono devotion to one God. Catholicism, said he, trachea loyftHii for iw p«9pfo lev? their temporal sove reign so well as tho Catholic people love their prints. In* dci-d, said he, we cannot build uuurchea enough to ac commodate our growing membership. The splendid edifice just opened would be a monument through ail tliilA, lA bo fidmUeil by pt-ople ot al] fjUthd. Woruhip would bo celebrated to the Most High within its walls, and it would bo knowu through ages as si testi monial of Catholic genet osity and C-itlwlic ambition. •‘Union,*’ said the speaker, is taught by the word of God, and is particularly an element of tho Catholic •d seirlne. Ho disloyally and Session exists whore there is a strong Catholic element Tha speaker closed by predicting that thechurch would soon be finished, and pledged «iie Credit of the Catholic people to the furtherance of the work. Ho closed amidst great applause, mingled with laugh ter. <erU!» t»]MlcDnui in uliu'h ha iudulged. Father Medrano, of St JoLii'e Church, tden delivered an address. Be quoted from the vesper -ervice, “ This day the Lord has made us; let us all rejoice and be ■glad.” How appropriate, saw he, are -hose words to the and the occasion! The vic’ory of Jrsusover earth, death, and hell, was being celebrated on Easter Sun day by all good Catholics. War tor the moment had stilled, and all Christians were united in pro claiming their gratitude and praise. The address of this speaker was chiefly of a religious character, dWVlliOg particularly upou the sacred reoiutnbruuces of the day. He alluded only incidentally to tbo buil iing, and hoped that it would servo tho purpose of atrengtben ingthe Church. There should t»e un uurraw mindetmess when the glory of God was concerned. Witbiu a year tho temple in w hich they worshipped would be completely fin ished and opunoil with grand It Ueums. RHiurmiiauime, lie hoped. peace would be restart d, the Union revived, nutl the Constitution again be assorted. [\pplau*e.| He wished to see the North and South reunited ; but u-t un til the Government had vindicated itrialf by the triumph of its arms. He pointed to tbedniue aurmouutiug the high altar, and called upon the peoole bv their contribu tions to forward the work. The Lri-U Catholics were free in America, and equal with the people of any denomina tion. Of old they were obliged to c tebrate Sl-t-s stealthi ly and beside ditches, in romou place*. Wherever the American flag waved, however, tiny wore free to wor iitup where and how itft? cko*£, 4u<l node Jared to molest them. [Loud applause.] He closed wi;li a hope for reunion ami victory. The Rev. Jeremiah F. Shanahan rector of the Prepar atory Seminary, made a speech ul aoino length, followed by Itev. Hr. O'Hara, Vicar-General ot the Diocese, who dwelt G fon the arckltectaral of the C*tnedr*l, and stated that in boldness of oerign and beauty of exe cution it was not surpassed by an* r©bg ous edifice in the world. It was cruciform, eoulem»*ic of its religious symbol and its dome stretched toward heaven, like the great dome of the sky, WUeu consecrate-l it would honor alike the Church, Catholic liberality, and tne city. In regard to church extension roe C-th lies differed from otter denominations. The latter raised their edi fices in a few weeks or at most a few > ears. The Catho lics, however, had toiled during centuries upon their re ligiouß bouses* and Borne hod occupied in building more than a century. The speaker announced that the Bishop would pro nounce the pontifical blearing, grauting at tb? same time a plenary indulgence, as the Supreme Pontiff at Rime was probably doing at the same hour. Ho explained the meaning of a plenary indulgence, which was not a for-' s’renfcps for sin ttfc£6um!t!«d, nor a liberty to ejmmifc sin. as had been stated. The Catholic Church, however, did profits to have su preme control of the keys of heaven and hell, and, there fore, ot the freedom and custody of e<>uls. lie read from the altar the pontifical letter, giving the r-quvrtte autho rity to the Bishop, and prescribing tbe nuilo of udminig© •terms the benediction. THE PONTIFICAL BLESSING. At a rignal a great bell, placed at the main entrance, struck, and all the people immediately knelt- The Bishop then road tho pontifical blessing irorn a scroll, hold by the bands of two priests. Be wire his mitre, nod hold in liis left haul a gilded crozier, looking over toe heads of the kneeling priests upon the great concourse of bowed heeds. The scene was impressive beyond precedent, and the rich deep tones of the Bishop A.tJ-J <iu<- euUmuitr to the scene. We do not recollect to have sfen any religious seivice of like magnitude and weirdness, and grand, almost av ful remark. The Bishop then made a speech. statini? that the bless iug be liml rem! ivae se! fe!s Wwei'm. Vus the Messing vf God, dictated by the Roman yon iff. ll© descrioed .the .-Pope beleaguered by the European P.. wars, and these, he said, would vsioly rage against his Holiness. In vain had they endeavored to seduce him to give up his tiust, ai.d accept in return a pension of territory and wealth. The temporal power of the Pope laid the speaker, is necessary to hi a spiritual power. He munt not bo sub ject to any temporal king, and we d-m’e want to ap preach him by taping off our huts to some king’s or duke's servants. We want an independent Pope ! [Ap plause ] Be must not be ir.fiaencri t>y sttyindy— ns bo Trill bo biJlutziced, Iflie yields. Pray for hitn my Trie.uis and peo ple ! Pray that he may never yield nti loch, but main tain his power and bis territory— invincibly fixed upon the rock of Peter. God ble,9 the Pop©! For he upholds our rights and the rights of our people! [Loud and pro : longed applause.] The Bishop concluded by thanking *h© people, priests, and speakers. After which the immense concourse dis persed A collation was given to the pri«ats. architect*, stn dents, reporter?, etc., in ttw Bwhcp’c licnsc, wg ining, after the conclusion of tho c«rruK>m<*». The crowd pre sent i 9 variously estimated at four thousand, five thou sand, and seven thousand. The lowest estimate is pro - bably correct. The work on the ioterior of the cathedral will now go stetwi!)" lorwari, »i..i »<. tools for ft? completion and occupation of tho edifice within a year, A fair wili soon be beld to assi-t the wnr*. it i* computed that the‘did™ trois far cost SI,- 500,000. It will cost seme $500,0 -0 y*-t to adorn and •complete it. It will then be the costliest aed largest csthedial ou the Western ContineLt, aud equal with tlia grandest cathedralejof Ennpp. The members of the Society of St. Vincent do Paul, under the direction of Mr. Charles HcKenue, kept a vast multitude in order during the golem" ceremonies The reporters were greatly indebted to Rep. James <i*Reilly, v- lio gave them every item of inforraatioa, and irovided them with seats upon a neat platform ia a pleasant and commanding part of th« bouse. FINANCIAL ANil COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. Philadelphia, April 19,1803. J3at a moderate Im&laoss was iruDeaciei] At the Stock Beard to-day, and prices show little variation. The liocey market continues to be abundantly sup plied with capital, and firifc class short paper is in de maud, Government certificates lmve afivtuicefii acliinj nowat2j* per fc, The editor cf J'eterson's Detector sends ub the follow, ing description of a new and dangerous abe*ed five •doilar note on the Kittanning Bank. Pa.; Fires altered • vignette, three fen:ales, liberty pole, Ac. 5 Washington and five on right end; female with shield, five above and below, on left end. The PottsYhie Miners' Journal says: “The quantity of coal wot br railioacl tbia week ii 31,985 lb—by wnid 33,203. tons—for the week 68,1v919 tone, against 54,. 115 for the corresponding week last year. Increase 11,012 tons over corresponding week !»«'- j e»r. ;1 -The trade from all the regions for tlie week and year, comwred with lMt year) nuns no tti follows i 1861, 1862. . mo. a WEEK. TOTAL. WEEK TOTAL. DBO. SK, fi,... 01,305 407,67? 3*,0'.7 «>4-Ss£ Bchl. Canal... 22,810 9 ,953 33 203 114.0«2| 2U29 Xi. Yal. R. 8.. 19,583 279,88? 16 728 2 *9,*. 71 430,116 Lehigh Canal. 33,422 16,403 5.0*9 li,*24.<|d 5,154 ,Scranton S’th. 16,352 JB;,*;3 16'4‘ 4.643 Bo North 8,428 0f}«007 CO. &3 10,356 Wyoming SO. 2*Wi 208 •Broad Top.... 5*428 42,328 6,717 97,0f5| 54 677 fibamokin.... 4,742 43,336 5, 89 3i.618;d10,718 *Treverton 16,619 14,6t)7 d 2.012 flb.Mt., H.T .. 9,514 7.306 d. 4,206 Lykens Yal« 12,070 7*028 d 6*042 119,040 1219,197 125,734 1319.611 | 1219,197 j 100.414 The trade continues to show a small increase on the supply of last year. Drexel A Co. quote: 51 ow York exchange Boston exchange Baltimore exchange—.... 'Country fnnds. ‘Gold parOl-lOdia , parol-lOdis. pm»ajf dig. prern. One year certificates.. •Quartermaster certificates... ;inilß x a caftip&ratire statement of the imparls or foreign dry goods at New York for the week ending April 17, and since January 1 • For the week, 1860. 1861. 1862. Entered (it the port.,* tmW $92^.64^1,22^101 Thrown on market.*, 755,va? 67a,-r7* 1,452,041 Since January 1. lEntered at the port... 36,900,245 25,455,315 1*,557,064 Thrown on market.... 25,896 587 18,703,946 Tho receipts 9f gold from Qaliforniaforthe first quarter of this year have been. 96,26M2P': For the same time in 1861 10,141,418 - Decrease. The exports of Bpecie for the first quarter of 1802 i wero» $8,^56,000 Same time in 1861... 1,474,000 Increase The Cincinnati Commercial s says A quiet. splrliL&aa AoiidUiui of things ia shown ia the qnonej market, no eventful changes taking plase in any -department. Exchange is still close, but the bankers allow pre miums in or ly a few eases As matters run it matters •butliitle whether they keep targe balancti to thoir credit in tee East or retain their funds in iheir own vaults, S 3 that the closeness is not a matter of any moment. The Boston Traveller says : The plentiful and constantly increasing abundance of paper currency* both local ana general, has not yet •caused aqy material improvement in business or stocks* •which shows that the margins for the coming rise in .market values have not thus far bos a eucroachod upon, but are still in the future for the benefit of those who may havo been fortunate enough to purchase at low prices what the weak* timid, nud needy holders are dis* posed or compelled to sell; besides, it is said, in the street . circles, that the rime said of •• options ” including bay • ere and sellers, for toirty ani sixty-day contracts, to gether with piedgTfl Stock* that have o*en sold without • consent Of mutual parties, amount TO many thousand shares, and that the necessity of repurchasing for de • Ux,ry, in addition to orders for investment or profit, will goon increase the demand for certain stocks which have been unduly depressed and purposely crowded down ro points altogether out of relative, proportion to a number -of other things that are selling much higher. At Bt. Louis, according to the Democrat of Wednos • day, the money market is ea*y, and without any cheuge •In rates. A more general activity in business suorn* to Mist, induced m part, pert>»|W- by Ihe mild spring -weather, suggesting future prvnpccts for extendiogtrade. We quote rates as follows: BUYING. SELLING. Eastern exchange Jk dis. par. United States demand notes.... par. % pram. .<3 o id 2prunL 3 pram. Missouri Defence Warrant*... .70 cent*. 75 cents. The rates for coin are nominal, and as the quotations from New York, Chicago, and Cincinnati, where the currency is on a par with our own. by the standard of treasury notes* are at 1# ®3 prtmtam—?v demand can not exist here at higher rater, aud, with »u ample sup ply of coin, much greater than the wants of busi ness require, we do not see any reason for the higher quotations. Yentexdfty‘B Chfcag? **?*'■ There is very little Btir in the money market. The dull state of the produce markets in Europe and all over the East has rendered business very dull, an) : there 4s mush less inquiry f» r money. Eastern Ex change is in good demand at % dP* cent and •lb* bankers ara buying at j* ceut. 6toM in ■▼w limited demand at 1# 3? cent, premium selling, mid V cent. buyiDg. Imtkuest os Chicago Bosds.—Thu Utr Comptrol ler, Mr. Ward, announces that the interest due on the let of next July, on sewerage, water, nud muniupat bonds, will be paid at his cflh’.e, in this city, at any time from to-morrow (the IBth iast.), on presentation of the same. The Now York Evening Post of toiday says i The stock market is heavy and lower to-day on the railroad list, while Government securities couth.lie firm, with a steady demand for six per cert, bonds nud certifi cates. The Western shares are dull and neglected, being influenced by the diminished earning* growing oat of ilie stagnant breadßiuffa^nnvemenr. After the Board the market was extremely dull, New York Central 82# »S2# ; Erie 36# ®36#. Illinois Central shares and bonds wer© weak and lower. The stock Bold down to 61, and closes with sellers at that figure. The construction bond* dropped 2 per cent. 9-dliDg at 85, with nior* offered—B4 beincr the best bid. Milwaukee and Prairie Dn Cbion felt to 26 % tp-6. Har lem rose % & ccut., Cleveland and Pittsburg If. Panama is scarce, selling at 121. Pacific Mail is quiet at 104# ®lo4#. There is arise of l<a-l# per cent, in Erie Fourths and Fifths. The Thirds are also firm ai 92# ®93, The border State bond* have d-ollu.J # POP COllt. Tennerstes, kfiwsourls. And Virginias are weak. North Carolinns are # per cent, better. Tho speculation lu Governments eeoms to have shifted for the time from the 6 per cent, bonds to the certificates of indebtedness. The paying of ft part of these certifi. cates 1& cash Hwmi a dnciriilile objactof HpUQIIiUI tion, on the probability of a larcer proportion ot mh payment, ft" the immediate resources of the Government increase. They closo with sales at 97#. The 7.30 notes are quiet at 99# Eouey is in fair dmmid fo-flay tho supply Is largely in excess of ibo derpaud. Gold !b scarcely so weak to-dny, 101#. hid, 101# asked. The foreign exchange market closed dull at 112 for first-class bills. * Tho deposits of United Stateß notes with the Assistant Treasurer on 5 cent, interest are very a.txln to-day. Yesterday they reached SOlO.OOO. and the total of the w;ek will considerably exceed three million dollars. The City of Baltimore* for Liverpool to-day, takes out $416,000 in specie; the for Southampton, g250,M>0, ft&ldbg & iottJ of #GBB,OOD. A. remonstrance is circulating among the bolder.* of Milwaukee and Prairie Dn Chien stock Against the farm mortgage law just passed by tho Legislature of Wiscon sin. This law requires tbo railroads of toe Stit* to pay oil all the old farm mortgages by the appropriation of iwelve per cent. of the grbSS PAAAIpU -AHHUAIIp. Thft Pi airie Du Chien road’s proportion would be somewhere A 'out s9o,ooii annually. This measure is of a piece of tire former legislation of this notorious State Legislature. At the same time, we see in the Milwaukee pipers the following call, looking to the enforcement u nder the new law of thcfann*inortgage claims; “ There will be a mass meeting of the farm mortgagers on all lho railroads in this State) at Milwaukee) on Tues day, the 22d day of April, 1862, at four o'clock P. &I. Important business will come before the meeting. All mongagewi whether members <?f leagues or not, are in- Tited to attend said meeting, “By order of Committee.*’ Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, April 19* {fieported by B. E. Excnauge.J 26 Norristown B. 500 Peun 5s 500 do 100 d 0........ 97 63 do 1000 do 4000 do 1000 d 0........ 50 Sp’ce & Pine 8.1>5 \\% 1 Hazleton G0a1... 43 ft 19 Ches & Walnut B. 30 2QQ Lebigh 33 COCO l’liil A Krie Os. betwee: 2000 Readies 09, J 44.. 95 50 L Island B, 200 City C 5.,.. 12JJ 96* SBWHD IOOOTYestCWBterBs,. 40 20 Arch st It 18 100 Catawisßu B Pref 7J< 100 d 0... 7>j 1000 Penn Coup Ob.. . :100 B3X 'new. 96& AFTER 26 Catawlesaß Pref. 7# CLOSING PBI< Bi<7. Asked. US 6s 3881 937' 94 USTr 7 3*lo N.IOO 100^ Pliilada 63...... 92 \ EGO Penna se>. 200 City 6s. Philada 6s new. 96# 97 Penna 55,....63# 83# Heading H. Head m6s ; 80 ’43 95 95# Bead bds *76.,89 Roodmt 6a ’S6.. 77# 73 Pecnali 45# 45# Penna B 1 m 65.100# 100# Penna R2m 6s 92# 92341 Morris Cnl Con .39 41 Morris OjJ Pr<?f 111 112 Sch Nav Stock. 3 5 Sch Nav Pref. Sch Nav 6b’82.. 62# 63 E1nura8....... 7# 8 Flour is Without any quotable change, bnt the market is duU, and the sales mostly to supply the wants of the trade, who bay sparingly at for superfine, 55.37#® 5.62# for extras* 555.56#®5 75 for family, and 86®6.50 bbl for fancy brands, as in quality. There 13 yery little demand for shipment, and generally at prices below the views of holders j 600 bbls City Mills superfine sold at $5 25 bbl. Rye Flour is firm, with email receipts, and sales at 53.25 bbL Corn Meal is not iiquired for, and Pennsylvania ie doll and nearly nomiual at $2.70 bbl. Wheat—There is mere affering to-day, and ths market dull at previous rates; some 3,660 bus prime Penna. red only having found buyers at 125 c ailoar, at which rate it is freely offered; white ranges at 130® 140 c, aa in quality Rye is in demand, with farther sales of Penns, et 70®71c. Corn ia rather firmer, aud about flit GO bus Southern yellow sold at 5400*3$ c* alloat, Oats continue in good tiamand, with but Tew uffvring* aud 1,000 bus brought 3s#c, in store. Bark.—There is nothing doing in Quercitron, and Ist No 1 is steady but quiet at j&oo.oo W tun. Tsuaers* Bark is acquired for. CoTTOK.rr-Ttw market is firmer, with rather more de mand from manufacturers, and a taw small lots hare been taken at full prices. Ghoceribs.—There is not much doing, bnt a very firm market for nil kinds. Provisions. —There is loss inquiry to-day, and the niAikot jsuuiet! 600 pieces bulk Sides at 5# cents ]b. Lard dull. Whisky. —Thoro is very little doing; bbls are held at 24®24#c, hlids 23c, and drudge at 22c. CITY ITEMS. Lecture by the Rev. J. Hyatt Smith.— The Rev. J. Hyatt Smithj of this city, is announced to deliver Mb lecture on “ The Interposition of God for the Salvation of the Nation in this Crisis,'’ at the Tenth Baptist Church, Eighth street, above Green, on this (Monday) evening. The delivery of this lecture a short time since created ft sensation, and was regarded by those who heard it as one of the most powerful dis courses that the War has yet elicited. The church will, doubtless, be filled to overflowing this evening, and a rich treat may be anticipated. Beautiful Ficxures of two Eminent Friends.— Mr. F. Gutekurnst, the celebrated photo grapher, No. 704 Arch street, has just produced, at hie gallery, and will have for sale at bis counter, exquisite Cartes t ie visile o$ ibe Joeepli Jolui Gar— ney and his ei&ter Elizabeth Fry, two of the most eminent personages that figure in the annals of the So ciety of Friends. Superior. TSAs X 9 MODERATE PRICES.— Mr. O, H, Mattron, dealer in fine groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has in store superior Oolong, anil other po pular teas, at moderate prices; alto the best coffees, of which bis prime Old Government Javaia justly cele brated. Refrigerators and Water-Coolers for the million, at E. 8. Farson A Co.’s manufactory, corner of Dock and Pear streets. ap!9-2t The league commonly known as “ the Holy Alliance ” was formed at Paris, September 26th, 1815, between the Emperors of Bussia and Austria, and the King of Prussia, by which they bound themselvoe, Crood 5 Other ih ingpj io he governed by Ohriailan princi ples in all theirjpolitical transactions. Nothing was men tioned in the compact, however, of the beautiful styles of summer garments gotten up yearly at the mammoth Clothing Emporium of Granvilio Ctuked, No. 609 Chest nut street, neither was any allusion made to the unpre cedented low prices at which said garments are sold. Slavery in the District of Columbia. — There is no ttronger evWwtt of ttw afawbing character of tin civil war than the fact that the abolition of slavery in the Di-trict of Columbia scarcely excites remark. Go rintb, Torklown, the Rappahannock, Fort Pillow, Sa vannab, Richmond, and Norfolk loom up so largely in the mind's spa that the District of Columbia and the change in its peculiar institution are overshadowed. There is one subject, apart from the war, which contin ues to excite attention, and that is the elegance and gene ral superiority of the garments made at the Brown dtona Clothing Ball of Boekhill A Wilson, Nor 603 and 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Like the Fourth of July, Sbakspeare, and some other good things, this is an insti tution that cannot be ignored. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS •97 a ®97 %, . 2&®3dia. OORTINMHTAL HOVEL—Ninth and Chestnut etfl. J McLean, Indianapolis G W McConnell, Indiana Frank S Levin, New York R E Northern, ft Island B W Chandler, Ohio S W Allerton & wf, Chicago Benj Gennseill, York, Pa Bliss Sarah Jay, York, Pa Sami A Walsh, New Yorit £ F Taylor, New Jersey C W Brown & la, Boston J G Blaine A wf, Maine Francis Chase A wf, Maine Miss Laoibard, Blaine Master \V Woart, Maine Wm C Maddock, New York H Lawrence A la,New York B Miller A la, New York _M It Stevenson; New York Wm H Goowr, Montreal /;e TDay, New York Alex Green. USN Pliny Fisk, PottsviUe 31 ft Wendell, Boston Dr Yedder A la, New York Mrs N3l Fox, New York Miss Tiffany, New York W W Fox, New York $3,875,992 W P Rtruiton, Pittsburg D Hardiee W T Eu*tl§, Boflton L P Btoneberg, Buffalo Paymaster Buchanan, U 8 N John Beatson, Baltimore E Norton, Kentucky J A Coffin, Wash H Holloway, Wash G G Hoskins, Buffalo $7,432*090 W Butman, Buffalo j gcott A Lo9k Haven W H Browu, Harrisburg S L Hammer, Hafrißburg Miss Dft BeardeUy, Miss Beardsley, Winsted Mr E Beardsley, Winsted W B Tolle A la, Kentucky J H Gray A wf, New York W H Hopkins, B Island F Bound, Milton B W Brown A la, Hartford Hr Brimmer A la, Boston Mre W 0 Pi£££6tk BiiStcH A T PdlklfiS. BAAtAiI F B Fowler, New York John Perkins, Boston Cyrus Hleltl, Boston K li Greene & wf p Hogland, Indiana Wm Thatcher, Wilm, Del Henry G Gowen W P Baratov, New York E H Perkins, Jr, Hew York F IS BiugbMH, Hew Jersey Henry Ii Bay, Hew Torn ofi Faulkner s li, H u HisflE Faulkner, 9 H Miss A Faulkner) N S F B Nicol & wf. New York Cyrus Tliurlow, Portland II 8 McCombe, Delaware Jno H Bache & la, N York Q K Haswell, How Tork J H Ywriewawr, HlYert J B AlcFadden, rtnaburg J>Y Booth, Boston Moses Hunt, Boston B Bayioa & wf, Boston K P Goodman, Hartford J B Edgar J P Melledge, Boston Mias Melleilge, Boston E I)ri‘litter, Boston das W Smith, Now York C Carroll, iuinols W Mason, So, York Thos Thomas, New York J C Barrage & la, Boston Miss M Curtin, Harrißbnrg W W Curtin, Harrisburg Lieut Whittemo, USA Miles Pratt, Boston W T Heed J J Blair, New Jersey A R Nmminger W Oublmw & in, Pittsburg K Marsh, Jersey City - L W Miltby, Baltimore C Knap, Sow Jersey Mr Wise, New Jersey Jameß Madam, New Jersey T M Mason, Boston E 8 Wadsworth, Chicago D N Tutl'e, Buffalo D W Tattle, Buffalo James How, Brooklyn Miaa How, Brooklyn U N Haleb & la, N V Francis Boyd, Boston Hiss M P Boyd, Boston Thos II Yeatman, Cin, 0 W Lcderle, New York Gov A G Curtin, Penna H Souther, Peuna J L Brown, Boston K P tlowett, New York G A Mllli** Baltimore a ft FerfciuS) M tt J C Lindslßy, Boston . IT J Zuune, Tenuessoe Kdw Bi'ooks, Penua 8 Ames & wf, Boston AHIBIUAB HOTlL—Ubasiunt at., abova Filth. R Boyle Jew ft Taylor Itar Ywk J Carroll, Pennsylvania a Mitchell, lowa city ITY Pennypacker,W Chester Jas F Smith, Beading John E Mann Sc dan, Pa J 0 Sterling, New York J H Edwards, Philadelphia W 8 McCaulley. WU, Del K Steels St dan, Brooklyn D J Layton, Delaware John McK BrA}4on, N ¥ Dec Brnyton, New York Tho* C Del John H Hutue*, Jer Shore BE Wright, York, Pa J H Bradley, lulianapnlil 8 S Newman, Indianapolis P Brady, Pennsylvania M Howard, Wejt Chester 8 Lumsdan, Wisconsin N Drake, Newton, N J FIBBT BOARD. ..44 2808 Penn R Ist ft 1.... 100)4 .. 83# 3000 d 0.... 100# ~ 83# 1000 do ssivn.loo# . S 3 4000 do b 5 wn. LOO# . 82k 1000 Pa Coup 5* 89 . 83% 600 Sch Nav 6s ’B2. b& 62 . 83# 9000 Oily 6a..... .new. 68# . 83# 500 N Penn 6s 69 4000 City 6s 500 do 1000 do 1000 do T BOARDS. 1100000 U S 6a Beg *Bl. 93# | 7000 USOp 6s *Bl.. 94 BQARP, 1 Pennaß.,..<7sP 45 17 do O*P 45# 4 do OAT 45# 50 Lehitzh Scrip..... 37 2000 U 6 0 ct dt ctf. 97# 3 North Penn 7 10 Delaware Div.... 38 BOARDS. 1 13 Morris Canal.... 40# OES—STEADY. Bid. Asked. Elmira R FiT... 16 16# Elmira 7s *73.. 74 74# li Island R ex-d 12# 12# Le’gh Cl & Nav 51 61# Lo Cl & Nav Sep 36# 37# N Penna R G# 7 N Penna B 6b.. 69# 70 N Penna 10a... 86# 84 'lataw R Con.'.. 1# 2 Carawissa Pref. 7# 7# Frk & Sthwk It. 43 45 Soc&Thd-stR. 67# 59 KucH&Yiue si R 8 9# W Phila la R... 63# 54# Spruce 4: Pine.. 11# 11# Green A Coate-. 23 24 Choß A Walnut. 30 31 Arch Street.... 17# 18# 21# 21# 10# 11# Philadelphia Markets. April 19—Evening. VP TO 12 O’CLOCK L4JT HIOHT. H D Hears, Wash MVBOHaNTB’ HOTEL—FourtU below Arab. L Carter, New Jersey J B Proctor, Massachusetts W P Lathrop, Comiticticut X 1 Hutohlwm* Virgi ito Eon H ttecklosß, N Jeney cr»»s Hays, New Jersey Philip Johnson A la. Penn G K enow, Boston Mrs F Johnson, Boston A Roush, Altoooa M Thompson, Altoona B F Sheuk, Lancaster J L Hesetiberry, Dayton, O Chas Mather, Smitnfieid J K Brody* Allentown Ttioa Craigi liohigh co, Ta g <j KoniKomcher, Wash K J C Walker, Phila Chas fl Gerber, Conn 8 O Brown, Brooklyn Chas McFadtleu, Down’n M Rodgers, Pennsylvania E A Cromwell, New York Isaac Blanvelt, Jersey City F £ Tracy, Mansfield, O Mrs J A Eyater A con. Pa Jeniffi F iSeptt, Pulaski E Byera, VifiaeHi Calvin 51 at hews, Pulaski Bliss F Matbows, Pulaski J Ii Spalding, Ohio J 11 Blair, Kentucky 81; Scoggins, Maryland W T Forsytn, Penn Geo P Mettz, Pennsylvania J D McKee, Pittsburg S W Snrdgraas, Penna A M Coburn, Boston L J Taibot & ia, Ohio Geo S Syslar, Chambersb’g Bon John Cessna, Bedford W Bradbury, Boston X? II Showers, Wmspt, Pa EH Gregg, Napoleon J L Miller, AHeutowu 11 Gilbert, Harrisburg A L Woodruff, New York T A Twiuery* New York V G Mathews, Pulatki Addison Imbrie, G’u Castle \V R linker, Pennsylvania C L Bowman, Harrisburg W Kennedy, Pennsylvania KT Fitk* Clarksville* Pa G G Hiiztm, N Castle, Pa Jicob Phiilippi, Puuna Henry Birth, Now York S 11 Wiggins, Indiana J Paul, Cincinnati, O Sami Beatty, Wash, Pa ST. LOUIS ROTBL—Oheßtnnt street, above Third, P II H&iiinsion, New York Tl>o4 St Luulji. Mo S Plant, Washington, B C WO Freeman, New York A Mellish, New Y'ork IV Heuderson, Pa W B Rosenbaum, N J S Brndhnry Mn M Graham A ch* Cuba li Wblte, PennsilrAQia S Stickney A i-iute. HI A Clark, Now York W W Wright A son, Del H Hlurxson. Philadelphia Cl> Sinclair, Philadelphia Thos l*owell, Philadelphia THE UNION—Arch olfMti Third. W J Marl?:, Pottsvillo E Young G Cohen A in, New York J Wildey.A I»,York J Hiatt, Dublin, lndiaua Miss Kate Puuuoybr, N Y Miss A Waiby, New York Bold Parker, New York WP J Painter, Muncy, Pa Mbs 8 A Paitiier, Muncy R H Jack, Titibbiirg S W GiiOi tfcUvfonwine* Q G W Ziegler, Penna F M Wheoler, New York M M White, Cincinnati, O JasPewHr, New I'ork E B Binghara, Now York W Moyenborg, Wash, D C J M Stem, Chicago E W Gray,'Deerfield, O W Ward, Ravcnua, O STATES UNION—HWK6I street, wove sixth, J M Christy, Pa J Ward, Lancaster W Hopkins, Lancaster P Griffin, Baltimore *J C Meyvr,Westmoreland co J C Lightcap. Wayuesburg ft Dttthm* ritteburg J B Lewis, Marion J T Crawford, Pittsburg G W Pink, Mifflin John Funk, Pa J Vandike & wife, Tioga co Miss BeitseU, 'lioga co F McClain, I’a Mr.Bruome Alad>,Burling*n T H Cnuuingham, D 0 \V B Stephens, Ohio Mrs Bradley, Cambria co Vi a Wfrtt, PiU&Vvtrg Jutfii DrwH.jr, Loretto J COBsUw,|Pa ' MOUNT. VERNON HOTEL—Second ft, ab. Aroh. P L llMrrows. Deposit, KY J Rood, Deposit, N Y h lex Grabam, Walton, N Y J-J Merriam, VV'allon, N Y W W Mft»viiie, WnlUm s NY Job 1) Ftmllj Giaibnrot NJ J&9 l urner, Glassuoro, N J Amos Moore, New Jersey MNB Killiun, Hawley, Pa W Morley, Hancock, N Y T Brodbead, Atlantic City Richard M Jordan, N Y John Gainer, Waynesbg, Pa Geo Heller, Bellertowu P O Brien, Dublin NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. B S Levat, Lehigh co, Pa L Irvin, Bloomsburg D Qauck, Allentown T 1) Kramer, Weaversville E Morris, Chester co, Pa J G Snyder, Easton B Van Kirk* fiethlobom A J Scboiloubergon Wash li Appel, Baltimore J Little, Ohio MII S'cheer, Cincinnati, O T J William?, Cincinnati R W Walker, Jonestown S B Johnston, Jonestown H E Miller, Selinsgrove Hon J Heilman, Pa Major John Shaun II W Obmtead, Pa MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. C Smith, Panama, N G Levi Ruth, Penna W 11 stultz, Easton J M Yanarsdalen, Bristol YV F Wntson, YanilejTills Tliob rwa« W II Ewitg, Penna R D Jones., New Jersey J Johnson, Ohio W 9 McCAbe, I>eJaware A J McCabe, Delaware H Evans, Deposit, N Y W T Sniitliers, Dover BALD EAGLE—Third street* above GallowhilL Aaron Frey, Easton Anderson Calvin, Easton SD Mumford . Baht Richard, Penna Jos L Maiming, Bucks co Barclay Browo, Byberry Edw Riegtd, Bellertowu, Fa Capt J C A Haffeditz, Md ClCAft—Third David Bickabaugli, Penna M Gibson, Hamilton, N Y D R Harper, Gluey, Pa *Wmßuppert,Northampton D Davis, Jr BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. 8 GroTe, Pennsylvania 8 B Nicholh New York O FTet7. s Hntboro A J Larue* Bucks S Clinker, Bucks C F Robb, Feuna JIJil). Germantown T Kelsey, Williamsport l S Sineed, Chester, Pa E Croasdale, Bucks S Taylor, Penna Mrs Taylor, Penna Mies Taj lor, Penna J ticotk, Racks P Sherwood, Susquehanna C Bixby, Bradford A Hadley* Bradford M Barton A la. Delaware COMMERCIAL —Sixth street, above Chestnut. J B Mill**, Charles co, Pa R R Harm, Charles co, Pa T Walter, Pa J M Seoplea. Bucks co Jos H S übbs, Pa T Giddings, Mass T F Ewing, Philadelphia Chas S Hinchman, Phila Morgan Hinchman, Phila BSVEKB HOUSE—Third street, above Xtaoe. J Jones, Pennsylvania E Lewis* Pennsylvania Rufus T Yerkefi, Bethlehem MAJKYNE INTELLIGENCE ttr SEE FOURTH PAGE ARRIVED. Bark White Wing, Ealing, from Porto Cabello April 1, with coffee and bides to J DaLlett & Go. Le‘t no Ameri can 17tli iusi, i-t Aff. tong 74 lit, spoke bttUt N fetowers, standing southward. Bchr Bohemia, Clark, 2 days from Chesapeake City, Md, with grain to Christian & Co. Bchr lowa. Hilvtmi. l day from Newport, Del, with mill feed to B M Lea. Bchr Chief. Townsend; 2 days from Indian River* Del* with corn to Ja» L Bewley A Co. Bchr Liberty, Johnson, 2 dAys faom Indian River, Del, with corn to Jos L Bewley & Co. Scßr Vandalia, Ceoper, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with com to Jas L Bewley A Go. BcLr llibrp. Woetors, 4 daps from Greensboro, Md* w ith railroad ties to J W Bacon. CIiEABKS. BrigEllaßeed, Jarman, Havana, G WBernadou Sc Bro. Brig Ah*Ua, KtUp, Salem, Hammett, Van Dnaen St Lochman. Brig Ormus, Crapo, Port Royal, Noble, Hammett St 10. Schr Electric Light, Hutchinson, Boston, Twells St Go. Schr Spray, Price, do do J Apderßon, French, Hartford, W M Baird A Co. Schr W Kennedy) Christy, YTaßhington, Hammett, Van Dueeu A Lochman, Str H L Gaw, Her, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Strßristol, Charles, New York, W P Clyde. BAILED Ship'Westmoreland, Decan, for Liverpool, lert Lombard street wharf at 3 o’clock on Saturday afternoon, in tow of City Ice Boat, with the following cargo: 9(tbbla mdse, 23,573 bushels wheat, 21,202 bushels corn, 32 casks tal low, 647 tcß and 39 bids lard, 30 tea beef, 100 bxs and 122 ice baeen. BT TELEGRAPH. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del., April 20. The barks Ann Augusta, for Glasgow; American, for Fort an Prince} brigs £ aglet and Dunkirk, both for Car denas} Burcbard St Torrey, for Portland, and several schooners, went to sea on Friday evening. Tho bark Deborah Pennell, which has been ashore off this place for several days, has been floated off, and awaits steam to be ♦owed up. Weather stormy, and wind NE. Yours, Ac. JOHN P. MARSHALL. MEMORANDA. Skip Starof the Union, Gorham,cleared at Boßtonl9th inst. tor San Francisco. Bark Andrew Mandersos, Thompson, from Oienfaegoa, at Boston 19th inst. Bark Tacony, Munday, from Messina Feb 9, at New Ti rk 19th inst. Had very heavy weather the entire pas sage. Schra D Cargill. Hawfcipft and fl««lrife Hudson, hence, arrived at New YbirkiSth inst. Schr Exchange, Halleck, at New York 19th inst. from Wilmington, Del. Scbrs J W Dyer, McDuffie, and J S Hayden, Smith, from Portland for Philadelphia, at New York 19th inst. Bchra&J Horton,Elwelli A? flwden,Smith, Evelyn, Crowley, and Lady Lake) White, cleared at New York 19th iL Bt. for Philadelphia Echr Forest King, for Philadelphia, when going down New York Bay on Saturday, without a pilot, went as Ho re on tbs West Bank} would probably come off the next high water. Schrs Charles A Heckscber, Btnbba, Young Teaser, Martin, and Brondfield, Fiak, hence, arrived at Boston 19th inst. Schrs S P Hawes, Mason, H A Weeks. Godfrey. L A Danenbower, Miller, S Y W bimmons, Godfrey, Helen Mar, S U Sharp, May hew, E H. AtW6od» Rich, &bd A Barrett, Cornish, cleared at Boston 19th inst. for Phi ladelphia. Bchr Catharine Wil*. ac, McFadden, hence, arrived at Portland 18th inst. Schr Ocean, Pierce, cleared at Portland 18th iost, for Philadelphia. • - SPECIAL. NOTICES. • fgMDaßm!; OFFICE OF THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, 320 CHESTNUT STREET, PhiljLdilphia, January 27, 1802. The Adams Express Company having enlarged their faoilitieß at WOflhingtoa, V Qn \>r building a Railroad depot, and having ac/inlred additional capacity for transportation, are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages, and Parcels, to Wash ington, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamßtown, Fortress bfcmroe, won «»»•* places south occupied by the army, at greatly reduoed rates. Special agreements made for merchandise in large lota. Sutlers’goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at our office. Bolillws* p&UCSIiI tahStt. at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and receipted for at our depot, 8. K. corner of BROAD and LOCUST BtvuU. JOHN BINGHAM. ja£7-tf Superintendent. One-Price Clothing, ot the Latest BfTLM, made In the Best Manner, expressly for BET AIL (BALKS. LOWEST Selling Price* marked In Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our Oax-PaiOa Ststm is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. ntt-ly JONIB & GO.) OM MASSIT Street. Card Printing, Pest and Cheapest in the City, »t 111 South FOURTH Street CIRCULAR PRINTING) best »a 4 cboapwi ia tin City, at HI South FOURTH Street. MARRIED. HOLLAND—ALEXANDER.—On the 17th Initant. by the Bev. Samuel Durtrarow, Mr. John W. Holland to Mibs Ann E. Alexander, all of this City. DIED. PORTER On Saturday morning, 19th instant, Fred erick W. Porter, in the 71st year of his age. The friends of the family are invited to attend the fu neral from his late residence, in Oonsbohocken, on Tues day next, at 10 A. M. The funeral will proceed to Philadelphia, and thence by the 2jf P. M. boat to Burlington, where the interment will take place. ** BLODGET.—On Saturday, April 12ih, Edward Au gustus, infant son of Lorin and Mary E. Blodget. Also, on Saturday, April 19th, William Alexander, SOU of Lorin and Mary E. Blodget, Aged Q years. ' The funeral of the last named will take place from their residence, 246 sottb Eighth street, at 3 o’clock this (Monday ) afternoon. Interment at Woodlands Cemetery* HENLY.—On the 18th inst., Frank, infant son of Fumy A. and Fresh Henli, aged twv month,, Funeral from me residence of hie parents, 339 Union street, above Second. * TRUEFITT. —On Friday evening, 18th instant, in the 84th (eighty-fourth) year of his age, Henry P. True fiU, Br. The male friends &f the family ara respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence. No. 696 Spruce street, this (Monday) afternoon at 4 (four) o’clock. Interment at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Third street, below Walnut. ** ENGLISH.—On Thursday morning) (he 17th instant) Hannah, wife of Hugh English) in the 69th year of her age. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to at tend htr funeral, from her husband’s residence, Nine teenth and Tioga Btreets, this (Monday) morning, 31st iiiptanl, ill 11 o’clock- ttit KING.—On the 14th instant, Dr. M. F. King, aged 57 years. [Pottsville papers please copy.] Funeral from the residence of his son*in-law, Lewis Segrest, Jr., Otis street, No. 1426. Eighteenth ward, this (Monday) morning, 21st iost., at 6# o’clock. *** THE PKESB.—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APIUL 21, 1862 B Wick* New Jersey D R Roll, Massachusetts J A Van Horn, Washington BROWN.—On the morning of the 18th instant, Wil liam Lewie, eon of KmAuuel D. and Margaret S. Brown, ogid 1$ }cars. 1 lmerfl from the residence of his parents, Vo. 41.1 South Eighteenth street, this (Monday) afternoon, at 4 o’clock. * C ARLVLE.—On the evening of the 17th instant, Mr. William Gariylo, In the 73d year of his ago. FuLer*l from his late residence. No. 223 South Fifth fctref*r, (lua (Monday ) morning, at & o'clock. FOY.—tin the 17th instant, In Wooster* George Foy, aged 78 years lacking 17 days. KLINE.—^On the 18th instant, Abraham Kline* in the 94tli year of his age. Funeral from the residence of hia sou, Mr Wm. O. Khne, No. 1215 Germantown rood, on Tuesday morn* ing, at o’clock, without further notice. ** Weekly Report of Interments. Health Office, April 19, 1862. Deaths and Interments in Jht City of rhilndtlnhitt from the 12rt to the Iff to of April, 1862, .g . i DI3BASSB. § 4s tUSEASEg. 2 §3 3 2 ■< a -< C? Aailmia I 7 Fever Puerperal.... 1 Anemia I 44 Scarlet 19 Apoplexy & 44 Typhoid 6 4 Bums and ?c»Wh. .. 2 Gangrene 1 Cftik'softlff rpiiio. 1 ftomorrliugOn,,,,* 1 Cancer... 1 Hooping Onugh.... Q Stomach.... 1 Inflammation,Brain 1 7 Casualties 1 44 Bronchi 3 1 Croup 4 » Larynx 1 Congestion of Brain. 2 6 44 Lungs 7 16 «» Lnn gt>. 55 44 Perii'ineuiu. 1 Cholera Infantum.. 1 44 Pleura 1 41 Morbus... 1 44 S. & Bowels. 6 1 Oox hlgi*. 1 Inanition... 2 C<nsumpt : on Lungs 49 7 Jaundice 1 Convuiriitns 16 Interne SEiDuauro. 8 Cyanosis ) Marasmus 1 9 Dipthcria 7 Measles b Diarrluea 3 1 Menorrhoa 1 Dropsy 5 1 Nervous Irritation. 1 8rain...... 9 Old Age.,.,.. 4 “ Chest. 2 fulsy,,, 4 “ 8rarr...... ] 2 Rtieumati&m 2 1 Disease of Brain.... 2 l scrofula 1 “ Heart...., 8 2 Small-Pox 2 5 “ 5pine....... 2 Still-Born 10 Drowned 2 Suicide 2 Dywntbryiuimiii 1 tiy Chilianl Debility..*... 14] 6 TabesMoßonterica,. 1 EttUßionon Brain.. 2 Tumors.... 1 Epilepsy... if Tetanus 1 1 Erysipelas 3 1 Ulcerat’n, Stomach.. 1 Fracture 5ku11...,. 1 Unknown .......... 1 u Ohlfili 1 . *—» Faver, Brain 1 Total 148 lIS OP THK ABOVE THERE WERE : Under lyear.... 63.'From 40t050 18 From lto 2.... 27 “ 60 to 60 22 44 St 9 s.•••'«,.m 97 44 60 to 70, 1? t, 23 •• OtQlO 2 ; 5 “ 70 to 80.. 14 44 10 to 15 2 « to 90 5 44 15 to 20 14 44 90 to 1003 44 20 to 30 34 - ** SO to 40 29 Total’ 314 WA2DS. WIRDSi WARDSi First.... 11 Tenth 14 Nineteenth .19 Second 21 Eleventh 12 Twentieth. 19 Third.,,. 9 Twelfth..,..,». 10 Twenty-first 1 Fourth ....18 Thirteenth 9 Twenty-second... 6 Fifth..... Fourteenth.,,. 7 Twenty-third.... 8 Sixth 5 Fifteenth 24 Twenty-fourth... 23 Seventh 13 Sixteenth 12 Twenty-fifth.... 0 Eighth.. 12 Seventeenth....l3 Unknown 19 Ninth 6 Eighteenth..... 16 Total ♦. 314 Deduct deaths from country. 11 Net deaths in city., .303 Nativity.—United States, 231; Foreign, 58; Un known, 25. From the Almshouse, 15; People of Color* 12; from the Country* 11. The number of deaths, compared with the correspond ing week of 1861, and of last week, was as follows: Week ending April 20, 1861 314 Week ending April 12, 1862 286 • Males, 158 ; Females, 156; Boys, 8S; Girls, 78. By order of the Board of Health. WILLIAM READ, Health Officer. MOmtNlflG GOODS, AT Cash PBlCEB,—Clack BcaAaaincij, OSJft 75, an'l S’X £.lB ; All*wool TaiDißßßf 75 cts; All-wool Mousselines, 31V cts; Camels* Hair Bareges, 37# cts; Grape Maretz, 18# cts; Milanai<e Bareges, 18# cts; Silk Cha lios, 3/# cts; Satin Plaid Bareges, 18# cts: Plain Bareges, 12)4, 15, and 18# eta; Silk Grenadines, 75 cts; Gras de Rhinos, 70 cm; Second Mourning Bareges, 12# cts; Black and White neat Check Silks, 62# cts; Black and Por pie All- Wool Moueaelines, 31V cents. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. iyg'i NINIU WARD REPUBLICAN ASSO- citation meet on !UEiDA¥ KVfcNiST'l, 22<i i»Kt., at 8 o’clock P. M., S. W. corner TWELFTH and FILBERT Streets. Business of importance. WM. M. BUTT, President. Attest, A If. HOSKINS Secretary. ap2l-2r# |Ys» ATTRACTIVE LECTURE. Us 3 REV CLEMENT A BUTLER, Late pastor of Trinity Church, Washington, D, C., has consented to repeat his WASHINGTON IN ITS DAY OF PERIL, aJk.thk Hill <,f tt4 SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE, Northeast corner of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streeti : on THURSDAY EVENING, the 24th inst., commencing at eight o'clock. Tickets, 25 cent*; to bn had at the door, or of T B Ptiphj Soutiiwestcor. Sixth and Chestnut streets. Episcopal Rooms, No 708. Walnut stroet. Lindsay & Biakiston, No. 25 South Sixth street aplO* stnth 3t# 44 GREAT WAR LECTURE,”—Rev. yJjf J. HYATT SMITH on the “Interposition of Gou fur the Salvation of the Nation in this Grists, ** lathe Tenth Baptist Church, EIGHTH Street, above Green, MONDAY EVENING, April 2lst, 1862. Tickets 25 cents; to be had at T. B Pugh’s Book Store, Sixth and Chestnut streets, and at the door. aplB«3f* ffssm OFFICE PEKSSYLVAKIA RAIL* U-3 BWP w»w*v- -V. Philadelphia, April io,ao°»* The BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this day declared a semi-annual Divide].d of FOUR PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State tax, paya ble on and after May IStb, 1862. Powers <f Attorney for collection of Dividends can be had on application, at the office of the company. No. 238 South THIRD Street. TBOS. T. FIRTH, sp!7 tjol SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA KAILSVAD COMPANY —Office 227 do nth FOURTH Street. —Philadelphia, April 3d, 1862.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this company, and an election for President and Mx Managers will take place at the office of the Company, on MONDAY, May sth', at 12 o'clock ftl. W. H. UcIIjHENNSY, at4-tMS Secretary. EDUCATIONAL. C ALYAEV ACADEMY, GERMAN TOWN, Phila— The Principal can receive into Mb family a few boarding scholars, where they will enjoy all the comforts and discipline of home. They dan be prepared either for business or to enter any class'in college. Reference—Bight Bev. Bishop Potter, Bev. R. New ton, D D. For circulars address B. SHOEMAKER, A. H., Principal, xntiftktbm 2m# GERMANTOWN, PMfch HOLMESBtTRG SEMINARY POR YOUNG LADIES.—Tho duties of this School will be resumed, after the Easter holidays, on the 28th of AFRIbt Fpf circulars,referencea Ac.j addresstha Misses CBdFIUAN, Principals, Holmvsburg,Pa. aplB-lu** EDUCATION. —Parents or Guardians having sons or wards to educate, on leaving the-r acdrfEß nt the BT LOUISi CHESTNUT Street, wi!t be waited upon by tho Principal ot the Mr. JOY ACA DEMY, LANCASTER COUNTY, to furnish all needful information regarding the School. apl7-4t=* SPRUNG MILUINEKY. FRENCH BONNET FRAMES, jj&T and a choice lot of French Flowers, just opened, hi MORGAN’S, Uo. 408 ARCH Street. N. B.—Several Milliners and Trimmers Wanted. spl9*2t# -*3) REMOVAL. jSr MISf-ES O’B ttYAN, 924 CHESTNUT Street, hay. rr-iuovcd to 1107 WALNUT Street, three doors above Ale venthi Dorth 6ifl6i trad will open PARIS UILLINBBY) for the Spring, on THUBSD AT, April IT, apiz znv* FINANCIAL. •JJNITEI3 STATES ONE-YEAR LOAN FOR SALE. COUPON BONDS AND 7 3.10 NOTES BOUGHT AND SOLD. QUARTERMASTERS’ RECEIPTS CASHED, COLLECTED, OR EXCHANGED. Particular attention given to transactions in Govern- meat securities. DREXEL & Go., 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET aplT-lm IPO OAA OLD MORTGAGE FOR tJ/UjOv Vi SALE, on a valuable farm in Montgo mery county. Also, a nnmbocof flrst-elius city Mort* gages and Ground Bento, of different amounts, at a dis- E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street count Apply to ab7-tf <J» 10 CAA —THIS AMOUNT TO IN t]/ iUjt/vl/, VEST in one or two Securities, as a permanent investment. Apply to K. PBTiTT, mh26 No. 309 WALNUT Street. dCWiMti MACHINES. QEWING MACHINES FOR SALE.— kj Only S6O for an elegant, new, full-cased Wheeler & Wilson 980 Sewing Machine, with henimer, wai ranted one year. Only $35 for a handsome new Shuttle Ma chine, FinkleA Lyon, usual price s7o} fine finish, been used one month. Only $33 for a now 3-stitch Sewing Machine, worth sfo, hezmners complete, at the WIL LIAMS St ORYIS $26 Family Sewing Machine Office, S Ei corner ol EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. THOS. J. BYLES, Agent. Aleo, one new Ladd St Webstar Machine at $2O below cost. aplB-3t# & WILSON SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, m&n-am Philadelphia* AGHICUUTCRAU. SB GRAHAM, EMLEN, & TASS -31 KOBE. 627 MARKET STREET, SOLE AGENTS FOB WOOD’S LITTLE MOWER AXD THE LITTLE GIANT MOWER. Thee. Machine, are nnsurpaMed for lightne.. of draujrbt. t-ffleieney. durability, and cheapnew. apl9-6t* PRICE, <B5. GAB DEN VASES. —Ornamental Terra Gotta Garden Vases, warranted to stand tho weather in any climate. These vases are made in beau tiful designs, and all sizes, from 1 foot to 3 feet high, wi?h a variety of pedestal*, round and IqiiiW, fWB 1 foot to 4 feet high. No decorations add so much to the natural beauties of a Garden, and at so little cost, as a few Yeses filled with flowering plants. Illustrated Cata logues sent by mail on application. I 8* Ai HABBIoONi qp!B-tf 1010 CHESTNUT Street. npRY HOMER & SON’S celebrated J. Gran »nd BMck TEAS. Stores, SEVENTH «nd NOBLE And SIXTH and WOOD. N. B —We ue jurt <c receipt ot a lot of delicious Oolong, of th* new cropi uneqnAl’M In fisror. »plg-3i* Medals >and coins.—a large oumtity of Mtddli nad Ooiu for ulo; StaOt «e» Bet of Nspolcon's bledsli, one set of DANier’s Medsls of tbs English Kings, and on. set of Medib of th. Bomm Empire Apply to WM. H. BRIDGINS, 189 WILLIAM Btreet, New York, Sealer in Mwlnls, Coins, and PAlnt logs. apU-lm RETAIL DRV ROODS. JJYRE & LANDELL E. & L., FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ABOH. SPRING OPENING. NEW CHINTZES, NEW GINGHAMS, NEW ORGANDIES, NEAT PLAID SILKS, SHEPHERD’S PLAIDS, EASE lON ABLE SILKS, BLACK FIGURED SILKS* COLORED POULT DE SOIE3, tnhlO. mwAe tf T R. CASSELBERRY WILL OPSIN • TIII9 MORNING— x \lgo, on Monday and Tu»i day mornings, the following goods, all of which are this wwlf purchased fr .m tho largo French aules ia New York, also from the auction sales of this city: 56 pcs. all-wool high colors small plaid Delaines, at Q£6. These goods Mb fci-ecisely Illy StUttA M llw 20 pieces opened last week, only a greater variety of styles. The above lot comprises all that can be had this sea son. 11 pcs. double width small check Hallcck Plaids, cents. & pcs. double U'ldtli small check Poll d« Clilne, 10 pcs. rich styles figured Delaines, all-wool, spring colors, 44 cents. 1 piece rich styles figured Delaines, all-wool, spring colors, 31JV cents. 2 lots 4-4 Silk Btrlpcd French Valencias, 50c. ; worth 75 cents. 1 lot small blk and white Checks* superb quality SI. 1 lot light plaid and striped silks, 68c tvorth SI. 1 tot Brocade figured Eilks, various colors, 85c. 1 lot do. do. do. do. 75c. 30 pieces rich style Stripe Silks, 37 cents ] coat 05 to import. _ 8 pieces Blue, Brown, and Green Ground Silks, with small white silk check ; the newest style out. Several lota Black Figured Sitka, from 50c. to $1.05. PLAIN BLACK BILKS Good quality plain Black Silks, at 72 centfl. 5 pieces beet $1 Silk in this market. Wide Black Silks for Mantles, heavy, cheap. CLOAKING CLOTHS. Plain Cloaking Cloths, in great variety, very low. 3 duos 11.4 Honey comb Quilts, cheap. 300 Honeycomb Quills that measure 2% yards wide. 25 pieces best Shirting Linens ever sold, at 81 cents, or 20 by piece. SO pieces very superior Shirting Linens, at 37# cents, or 30 by piece. S lots rich L&£6 Curtains, 4 yards ton^. OPEN ON TUESDAY MORNING. Several t ts light c»lor all- wool Delaines, figured, 37ft cents; cost 52# cents to land. 1 lot Block Figured Taffetftß, heavy, $l. 422 yards PARIS FOULARD SILKS, very superior quail*}', ip choice colors and deeiguß, 50 cents 224 ya»ds BARIS PLAID TIL DE CHEVRE, double width, &7# cents. 2 cases 8,355 yards 4*4 Shepherd’s Plaid Cashmeres, cheap. 20 dozen best quality Kid Gloves* 75 cents. NOW OPEN. A large variety of BLACK STELLA SHAWLS, all very much below the usual price, and some with Broche 'Borders, % >ardde6p. Also, Depot for the NEW PATENT SKIRT, con taining eighteen hinges, called the Double«action Flexuiofckirt. J. It. CASSELBERRY’S Mammoth Dry Goods House, 45 North EIGHTH, below ARCH. P. S.—Having procured an additional case of the very desirable IMPORTED GINGHAMS, new de signs. and warranted fast colors, we will sell them at 17 cents, or 14# cents by the niece, to the trade. It J. B. 0. "I AO NORTH EIGHTH STREET. lvt) SECOND DOOB ABOYK ARCH, _ _ DP STUBS LADIES' CHESS TBIUMIA’GS, Ac. The Copartnership heretofore existing between KAUFMAN A LONNERSTADTER Having been dissolved by mutual consent, tbs under aigoed mpectfnllr informs the patrons and friends of the old firm, and the trade in general, that he has taken all the up-stairs noma of NO. 103 NORTH EIGHTH STREET ABOVE ARCH. To continue the manufacturing of all kiuds of DRESS, CLOAK. AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS, FRINGES, BUTTONS, TASSELS, CORD. HEAD NETS' Of all descriptions, Ac., Ac., • And will offer inducements in juice and quality, as well os prompt attendance to orders, in every article apper taining to bis lino. WM. LONNERSTADTER, ap4 -2m] No 103 North EIGHTH Street, ab. Arch. T INENS ATIM. PORTERS S PRICES. J-i —RICHARDSON’S and DUNBAR DIGS SON’S celebrated SHIRTING and FRONTING LINENS, re ceived from the manufacturers direct, and guarantied perfect—to which the attention of buyers and the trade generally is respectfully invited. bDEFrAisD, vast HABLiN'GBN, & Atcrison, apl9-r*tf 10c8 CHESTNUT Street. "VVARSEILLisa COUNTEitr^wiao. XvJL—I have now, direct from the' importer, every size and quality, from $2 up. Some of the patterns are en tirely new s>t>4 prelty. THey Are life ei»t lot I have liad. Allendale Counterpane?, $l. Allendale Counterpanes.- SI. 25. Allebdale Counterpanes, $1.30. Honeycomb 51.50. ttcnvjcvmb Counterpanes, largest mz«, $1.55. Lancaster Counterpanes, heavy, $1 50. GRANVILLE B. HAINES, aplO-tf No. 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. Treasurer. fIBEAP DRY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, AND WINDOW SHADES —V. E. ARCHAMBAULT, N. E. corner ELEVENTH and MARKET htreets, will open this morning, from auction, Ingrain Carpets, 31, 37, 44, 50, 62, and 75p. j llntry and titair Carpets, 19, 23, 51, 3?, 90, and 62c.: Rag and Tarn Carpets, 20 to 31c. ; Floor Oil Cloths, ali wjdthß. at 31, 37, and 50c.: White and Red Check Matting, 20 ami 25c.; Gdt* Bordered Window Shad**, new style#, 50, G 2, 75, and 87#e.; Green and Buff Window Holland, 12 io 31c,; BleaeUrd Shirting? and Fheetingsi from Bto I2#c.; now style naia Dress Goods, 15 to 25c.; Shepherd's Plaids, 12 to 22c. apl9-12t LINEN GOODS.—Just received, a fresh lot of those celebrated hand-loom, half pleached Table Linen; at 50, and ?& cents. These Goods give better satisfaction than any other# of the kind made, and are less than the same quality- have been sold. Bleached Scotch Table Linen at 50; wider and heavier at 62# ; still wider and finer at 75; real Barns ley,2 yardiwlde, at Sl—these are extra heavy ; Brown do. ai 28 cents. Also, a good assortment of Union Table Linen at 37# and 50 cents, wlicli are very serviceable, and wash excellent. I have now tho finest 37# and 50- cent Fronting Linen that can be'kad. Having bought a considerable quantity, I am selling them lower than they ought to be soiii. Richard-wn’s heavy Linens for family use, with which, in point ol v cheapness, I have surpassed some of the largest linen stores, having every number from 37)4 up. Onelotalllineu-fringed Doylies, 75 cent# per dozen: one lot Union Napkin#, 75 cents per dozen; one lot all linen Hucß towls, $l-50; quo lot Blown do., 75 cents; one lot do., i# yards long, with red border, 18# each ; and liner Towels equally cheap. 4 bales at 8, 9,10, and 12# cents. One lot White Brilliants at 12#— very cheap. Half cotton Flannel end fine all-wool Gauze Flannel, for summer wear. Those goods oro about 15 oer cent, less than they are usually sold. GRANVILLE B. HAINES, apl9 tf No. 1013 MARKET St., abovoTenth. riLOAKS, PALATOTES AND MAN- Vy TlLLAS.—Ladies in want of the above articles will And ii to their visit lb© Aid A§tA.Ull4hAd hOtUd of Mrs. HENRY, No. 38 Noith NINTH Street, below ARCH. The lateßt Parlß Styles always on hand at prices that astonish everybody. , ap4-3m ■VTBW CLOAK STORE! JJI The most elegant assortment in the city. Mo. M South NINTH Street, First door above Chestnut. mh26-3m <"ILOAKS.—If you want the beat value fov yonr money, go to the City Cloak Store, 143 North EIGHTH Street, above Cherry. mh2B-3m Muslins at reduced price s. —Having bought a large lot for. ca6h since the re&ht decline, 1 am now selling them much less than they have been sold Good Bleached at 7; finer do. at 8c; vide at 9c, and nearly yard vide at 10c; full yard wide, very heavy, 12Jtc, full yard wide, very fiu9,1234 cents; Ilou&ekeeper, Wamsutta, WiUiamsvHle, and New York Mills now on band ; tl% wide Sheeting 12% ; 1# wide 15 cents, and every width of Sheetings, both bleached and brown. lam confident of being able to sell these less than they can be bought elsewhere. Best Quality Honey Comb Counterpanes, $1,50; largest size Honey Comb Counterpanes,} Fronting Linens, 01 H c 5 Riehardson's <nake, heavy quality,, for family uso, S7Jii KXi SOi and ioe, vrliich is irt Imt J§ P?F S™!.!??? than usual prices; also, a full line or other makes, m lighter Quality. GRANVILLE C. HAINB3, aplT-Ot 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. 10 2 4 CHESTNUT BXBBBX, E. M. NEEDLES. COLLLABS ! COLLARS !! COLLARS !!! Point© Lace, Guipure, Honiton, Valencienne&nd OtbW UoHoih; French Embroidered Collars, AC,, {ill in the latest styles and very cheap. GARIBALDIS 1 GARIBALDIS!! Plaid French Muslins, Plaid Nainsooks, Plaid Cambrics, Black and White Embroidered Nets, and a variety of other materials for Garibaldis. “CHEAT REDUCTION” in E&&1 ThMA A Veils —an entire invoice of Beal Thread Veils at 25 per cent, below the usual rates. 100 Beal Thread Barbes, 65c. to $1.60. 3he 41 especial attention 71 of the public is solici ted to my stock of Linens, Table Damasks, Nap* Sins, Doylies, Towels, and “pillow and Sheeting Linens’ 7 all of which will be offered at very low prices. Broad Bordered Hemstitched Hdkfs., a full line Just opened, beautiful Qualities, from 30c. to $1 etch. aplfctf 10 2 4 CSSSTN V T BTBE K T. /CLOAKS! CLOAKB! CLOAKS! XJ THE OHEATEBT BARGAINS IN THE CITI IVENS & CO.’S, No. 23 SOUTH NINTH STREET. THE LARGEST STOCK, THE BEST ASSORTMENT I THE CHOICEST COLORS, THE FINEST QUALITIES, THE HOST SUPERB TRIMMINGS, THE NEWEST STYLES, THE BEST WORE , AID DECIDEDLY THE LOWEST PRICES* IN THE CITY, AT IVENS A CO. ’ 8, No. 23 SOUTH NINTH STREET. mb26»3m JAS. R. CAMPBELL & Co-, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Have.opened this day, Bonnet’s Black Taffetas. Triple Chain Satin Plaid Colored Taffetas. Detached Figured Camel’s Ilair Thibet, high lustre. g«tia Plaid And Printed Uarqulllie. Lupin’s beet black Bategea and Bombazines. Bich Plaid Mozambitiues. . ... Lupin's best black, white, and high colored Chain, v Organdies and Jaconets, griseelle grounds. Gicfaemire Stripe Printed Forcalea, very rich. Foulard Poplins. Foulard Eatine, Ac., Ac, j riLOAKB! a iiAoHxPiCaNl? ASSORTMENT OP ALIi the nxwebt stylus imported this SEASON, . . „ With every new material, made op and trimmed in tM very bent mAimer, At price* ttart irfl *U wspiStion, AT THU PARIS CLOAK STORE, H. E. CORNER EIOHTH AND WALNUT BTSL mh2d-3m SILKS. STLKS, STLKS. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. 1862. BPRINO - 1862. W. S. STEWART & 00., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, NO. 30C MARKET STREET. Now in store, TOULT DE SOIE, All Shades. BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, la SILKS and OTHER FABRICS. ALSO, A FULL LINK OF CLOAKING CLOTHS; PLAIDS, STRIPES; And desirable PLAIN COLORS. SPRING IMPORTATIONS O 9 MEN AND ROYS’ WEAR, . Including Goods suited for MILITARY PURPOSES. Now in Store, NO. 631 CHESTNUT STREET, And for Sale by DE COUKSEY, LAFOURCADE, & CO. mh2o'lm Y ARD.GILLMORE, & Co, Hoa. SIT CHESTNUT tad 61* JAYNE Streefi. Have now open their SPRING- IMPORTATION of and FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, &0. Bought In Borope, by one of the firm. To which the attention of the trade te particularly !n -wiiU. feOl-OM GOODS AND SILKS. ABRAHAM RITTER. 323 MARKET STREET. DRESS FABRICS, SILKS, HANDKERCHIEFS, CRAVATS, ENGLISH CRIPES, MITTS, CLOVES, Ac. ' ' PLAIN POULT DE SOIE, BLUE, BROWN, GREEN, AND MODE. Aoenos Goose Cheap for Gash. mh2l-tmw-lm gELLING OFF; WHOLESALE STOCK AT RETAIL. BILK VESTINGS, formerly 83 00, now 82.00. MARSEILLES, “ 81.50, now 81.00. OASSIMERKS for men's wear, and ladies' Cloaks, 26 nor cent, under former prictiß, ton to. A. H. GIBBS. mll2B-Im 631 MARKET STREET, Up stair A gIBLEY MOLTEN. & WOODRUFF. IMPOSTERS AND JOBBERS OF BILKS AND FANCY GOODS, No. 531 MARKET STREET, Are DOW opening rod doily receiving a new and ea&iea stock or SILKS. DRESS GOODS. WHITE GOODS and EMBBOIDEBIES, SHAWLS, BIBBON3, GLOVES, MITTS, A 0 They respectfully call the attention of buyers gene rally. mh2s-lm GJEJNTS* FURNISHING GOODS. MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, No. 610 CHESTNUT STBEET. mh2o-3m JiLANNEL OVER-SHIRTS FOR THE ARMY. FINE SHIRTS, COLLARS, STOCKS, AND W R A P P E R S. Manufactured at W. W. KNIGHT’S. NO. 606 ABOH STBEET. tr A full line at TIES, SCARFS, GLOVES, BCSPENDERB, gOSIEBY, AND UNDERCLOTHING, Always o» band. mbs amir Fine shirt manufactory. The subscriber would InTite attention to bis IMFBOYBD OUT OF SHI 818, Which he mattes a ipecialty In his business. Also, eon- FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. S. W. SCOTT, HENTLEMEN'S FURNIRHINQ STOBXi No. 314 CHESTNUT STREET, jaQ-tf fotr doors below the Continental. COMMISSION HOUSES. ■JELLING, COFFIN, & CO., 820 CHBBXHV3P PfREXT, Atenta lor the following makes of goods: PRINTS. DUNNELL MFG. CO GREENE MFG. 00. LAWNS. DUNNELL MFG. 00. BLEACHED COTTONS. Lonsdale, Forestdale, Auburn, Slatersyille, Gentredale, Jamestown, Blackßtoue, Hope, Red Bank, Dorchester, Newbury port, Naumeag, Zouave, Burton, Greene Mf£. Ci.’a A. A., B. A., G. A., and other atrlei. BROWN COTTONS. Bnrnslde, Trent, Groton, Ashland, Chestnut, Glenvllle, Hechanlca' and farmers’. CORSET JEANS.—Glasgow, Manchester. DENIMS AND STRIPES.—Grafton, Jewett City, Madison, Slaterßville, Agawam, Keystone, Choctaw. CANTON FLANNELS.—SlaterevUle, Agawam. BlLEBlAB.—Smith’s, Social Go., Lonsdale do. WOOLENS. ARMT BLUE OLOTHS, KERSEYS, and FLAN MELS, - BBOAD CLOTHS.—Flnnketts', Glenn am Co,, So, CABSIMEBEB.—Gay A Son, Baxton’a River, Ao. SATINETS.—Bass River, Conversvßle, Lower Val ley, Hope, Staffordville, Converse and Hyde, Convene Bros, A Co., Shew Utg. Co. KENTUCKY JEANS.—Rodman, Myrtle, Gold MedaL DOMET FLANNELS WILLIAMS’S Angola, Sax ony, Merino, and other style,: LONSDALE Nankeens and Colored Cambric*. PLAID LINSEYS, OOTTONADES, Ao. [feSS-Sm JJIDGWAY, HEUSSNER, a co.. IMPORTERS OF CLOTHS, DOESKINS, CASSDIERES, AO., AO., OFFER THEIR VERY LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHS, DOESKINS. &C., Of these celebrated Manufacturers: ERCKENS, (Little Ticket;) JOHANMY, SEVERS, & SCHMIDT, (5, * M.,) And many others, at CONSIDERABLY REDUCED FRIGES. No. 206 CHESTNUT STREET. RpS-lm QARPETINGS; OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINGS. WOLFE A CO, COMMISSION MEBOH AN TSi No. 13a CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. A full SMortment of Philadelphia-made Carpet* always in Store. apl-lm CHIPLEY, HAZARD. & HUTCHINSON. No, lIU CBIISTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE BALI OP PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. mbSS-Sm /GOVERNMENT SALE OP CON- V3T PEMNKD HOftSES AND MULE3.—There will be sold at public auction, on THUBSDAY, April 24th, at the Corral, near the Observatory, F and Twenty-third streets, a lot of horses and mules, condemned as unfit for pnblic eery ice. Terms cub; in GoYernment fond* J. J. DAK A, Captain A. Q M. U. S A. MARSHALL & PAGE, Auctioneers. WASHINGTON, April 16,1862. ap2l,-4t NEW PUBLICATIONS TICKNOK & FIELDS publish tnis day, beauties of DE QUINCEY- BEAUTIES SELECTED FROM THE WRITINGS OF THOMAS DJK QUINGEY. 1 YoUSroo, 91-». WITH A FINE PORTRAIT OF THE AUTHOR. Tills volume contains ft “.election of the best passages from li«* writings vf Tlmmae De Qu’ncey, the lk En^linh Opium it in cnifwlPi! by mi intrortiictiiry skorch oi l)n Qtnnr.ej’s Life and Writing*, Jiuil funm a rn.mi val uable and interf sting epitome of his works. Those read er* who lifcve not bad access to the rich stores of li erwry treasure contained in the works of this celebrated writer will be £lad to procure this volume, coiitiiiuhiK jnauy of liia Itst MHEftgca. UNIFOBM WITH TUB HOUSEHOLD WAVEB LKY3. MESSRS. TICKJVOK & FIELDS Have returned the publication of MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. BY J. G. T.OCKHAP.T, This elegant Illustjiatfd Eoitios- of oco of the moat delightful biographical works in any Jangun"**, was com menced in 18_B1. Two Tolmms were then issued. The publication is now resumed, and the work will he issued TPgularly in monthly instalments, of two volumas each, tiLtU CGfiipltU'd. FOUR VOLUMES ABE NOW BEADY. Volumes f» and 6 will be published in May. “ 7 aiid S “ June. “ & (completing the \vo*h) will be published In July The vjj] be much fuller than any other ever published of this moat interesting Memoir, and will cou tain several Biographical Notea not included in the Ed inburgh copy. The work will bo complete IN 9 VOLUMES. 16.v0. SEVENTY-FI7E CENTS PKK VOLUME, ILLUSTRATED WITH FINE STEEL PLATES. tar Tho vo! umea sent to any address, for 75 cent 9 each. 135 WASHINGTON Street,. BOSTON. PHOTOGRAPHS. XTEW CARD PHOTOGRAPHS.— AI JAMES s. FAULK Jk SON li*ve just pii'jliqhe] the NEW CARD PHOTOGRAPH* bek w—ill Twc «ty fire cents each. tew catajognesj with great additions, just ready, gratis , on application, mailed to any address: Jonathan Dymond, Prof. Longfellow, Wm. Allen, Mrs. Longfellow, H. S. Fox, Longfellow's Children, Geerse Fa« t Wendell Phillips, James Pease, John Brown, J. J. Gurney, Horace Greeley, Sami. Gurney, Charles Sunnier, Eh7.a P. Gurney, Lloyd Garrison. Julia K. Clarke, Bobt. Dale Owen, Joeiah Forrtf-r, Geu. Urdhtolit, John Ilodgkin, Mrs. Fremont, Kims Hicks, President Lincoln, Lucretia Mott, Hon. K. M. Stanton, “karlham,” Bishop Chinning Moore, “ West Hill.” “ Battle of Au-deilitz,” t'Tlift Chiba," “The Frown,” “ The Smile,” The Grave of Franklin, Thomas P. Cope, Miss C. M. Sedgwick, Nicholas Biddle, Mrs. Jameson, George Francis Train, Gen. Burnside, “ Done Gone,” «St. Many’s Hall,” Gen. Buell, Gen. Halleck, Parson Brownlow, Gen. Meade, HEW STYLES PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS-the most elegant assortment in this country —at ait prices. Uar American Albums are manufactured exoreasly for our own sales, of especial styhs and uew designs, with a number of improvements over all others. JAMES S. EABLE ,fc SOX, Earths Galleries and Lookine Glais Wareroumi. ftp!9-2t 816 CHESTNUT Street CATHEDRAL OF SAINT PETER AND SAINT I'AUL Will be ready, on TUES DAY HORNING, Phct- graphic Pictures of the interior and exterior of ibe Gathedrail of Saint £eter aud dal at Paul. These yiews will be accompanied by a fall , de scription of the edifice MCALLISTER & BRO., Opticians, 728 OHESTNUT Street. RT. REV. BENJAMM B. SMLTff, 8.».-We publish, THIS MORNING, a very Ou.aruow 0 -,i..i Bfr T* MV . Rumujnin Tl. Smith. IT, ITa'Diein/t' vf Mvm_.L., _ MCALLISTER * BKU., 728 CHKSTSTUT Stro«t. TjiSV. BICHARD NEWTON, D-D, XX A very fine Card Picture of the Rev. Richard New ton, P. I). Rector of SaiLt Paul's Church. Price 25 eta. Mailed free of charge. MCALLISTER & BRO.. R pl9_2t 723 CHESTNUT Street. TJEV. J. A. 8JSI&8, 1». I).—A very XA; fine Card Picture of the Rev. J. A. Setae, D. IX, Pastor of Saint John’s Lutheran Church. Price 25 cents. Mailed free of charge. MCALLISTER & BRCX, PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE.—We have just published a Card Picture of the exterior of the Pennsylvania Hospital for ihelhAflti6. Price 25 cents. Mailed free ef charge. MCALLISTER & 880., aplo-2t 728 OdESTfIUT Stropt. WAR PRICES.—As many cannot In war times affprl t 9 p»y high prices, bei- MXB proioscs To mahe Life-Eize Photographs in °ji at war prices. SECOND Street, above Gr+en. ll* TVORYTYPES.—REIMER’S Ivory- I types are the moat exquisitely beautiful aid life-like picture® ever profluccd in ihe city. tIiAGA SECOND Street, above Cre*n. It* TTEKIFIED. —Bcimcr's Colored Plio- Y togmphs me, in all respects, superior pictures, ar tisiid and natural in color, finish; and annearanco. SECOND Street, above Green lr* mAKKANT’S *“ EFFDUVESOESTT SELTZER APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine has universally re ceived the most favorable recommendations of tho Medical Fhoi'ESSUx and the Public as tho most EFFICIENT AND AGREEABLE SALINE APERIENT. lima, be used with the best effect in BIIiOUS and Febrile Diseases, Cosllveness, Sick Headache, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indiges tion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Rheumatic Affections, Gravel, Piles, AND ALL COMPLAIifTi UMISJtE , A GENTLE AND COOLING AFJERIEIfr OB PUR GATIVE IS REQUIRED. It ia particularly adapted to the wants or Travellers by Sea and Land, Residents in Hot Climates, Persons of Sedentary Habits, liiVAlidS, OonValftßCßnU | GAptftillß of Vessels and Planters will find it % valuable addition to their Medicine Chests. It is in the form of a Powder, carefully put up in bottles to Keep in any climate, and merely reiuirts water poured upon it to produce a de* lightful effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional ami other gentlemen of the highest standing tbronghout the coun try, and its steadily increasing popularity for a series of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to th& fiVAWbls Hdtififi Of An intelligent public. Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO., No. 279 GREENWICH Street, corner Warren st UKW YORK, ap2l ly And for wale by Druggists generally. IJIHE "EXCELSIOR” HAMS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. J. H. MICHENER & Co., GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, And curers of the celebrated " exoelSIOR ” SUGAR-CURED HAMS, Noe. 142 Mid 144 North FRONT Street, Between Areh and Km *' ree(, i Philadelphia. The jnstlr-celebrated “EXCELSIOR” HAMS are cured by J. H. M. A Co., (in a etyle peculiar to them eolvee,) expressly for FAMILY USB] are of delicioua flavor; free from the unpleasant taste or salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior lo Any how dffdPSA for sale. apl -3m BOARDING. PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH BOARD, where there aie no children, at 1207 RACE Street. Wll-to# HOARD WANTED, by a gentle™"] I) i n a plain, neat, respectable, small family, between Third and Eighth and Chestnut and Pine. Any gentle man or widow lady having spare room can addren u Route Agent,” until 12 o’clock, Tuesday, April Ist. pui&ii&ibhia p . cl • mnui T OST OR MISLAID—A daily Pocket I A Diary, or the year of 1881, with some papers. A reused will he paid by returning them to No, 112 BREAD etreet, at Ihe Last Factory. «pl9-2t* Adams express-company win rtceive and forward Goods for Sutlers and Soldiers Is Fortress Monroe, as formerly; _ Freight and Packagoi cannot, for tho present, be conveyed beyond Fortress Monroe, but will have to be called for there. ap!9*3t Extra pared peaches,stoned Cherries, Kew York Pliiiiafi Sf lliO bßStllQftlltV, Ull* pared Peaches, and Dried Apples, very bright, at re* duced prices. JAMES HOMER A SON, SEVENTH and NOBLE and SIXTH and WOOD. aplB-3r* T ADIES’ trusses, suppobt- I 1 kbS, BRACES, and other Mechanical AppManoet cl correct conetrootion and eaey to the wearer. For sale andadjnetnient at O. H. NEEDLES’ LADIES’ STORE, If KLFTH Btmti first door below Race, Gentlemen requiring Buptara Tmeses will call at fetu Southwest coroor TWELFTH and RACE, where 0. H jf. given attention to this upecialfeature. HOB SE RADISH.—Pure Puck Island Hone fiadish, prepared for family uiA, ill Slut and half-pint bottle., for *ale to the trade by RHODES * WILLIAMS, mill 107 Ssuth WATER Street. Theodprt! Parker, The Grave of Theo. Parker, Hr. Caspar Morris, Hr. Mutter, Judge Story. Mrs James Madison, Mary Howitt, PITS. Trollope, Bishop Meade, Gen. McClellan, Com. Poole, ** Riverside,” Bishon Odenhumer, Gen. Orant, Gen. McClernand, Rev. J. A. Betas, D. D., Lieut. Worden. W GIIEUCNUT m&t AMUSEMENTS. American aualtemx of mu 810. IHIS (MONDAY) EVENING, April 21at, MARK HASSLER’g GRAND FOCAL AND ORCHESTRAL CONCERT. coNDUO* Bltg; CARL BEST/., THEODORE THOMAS, and MARK. HAfSLtfiR, Conductor at Piano. Leader in Urchestrn. PROGRAMME! PART FIRST. 1. Overture—“GuiUutmie Tell.” fly (be GRAND ORCHESTRA. 2. Vocal Quartette or Octette—“TUe Bbep herd'd Holiday Song " ,Kreu(zer. YOIOBS 3. Gram! Fantasia for Violoncello—“ Souvenir ile Sulbsp. 1 * Serrate* MR. T. AIIKKND. 4. Aria—«l'relrchutx.” ...... Weber. MADAME CBsIILOTW VA It[AN. 5i Yl»!lnsp||<i—"n 'I limits In in "liHCi# <9! D«iii.iit-riiiwr,”, ~,,. Vieiwtouipst Mr. THEODORE THOMAS 0. Scbubtrl*. liraud Funlit-m, Op. 15. Sympho nicnlly transcribed by ......Llazt. (first lime.) Mr. IVM. M.'toif w ,d feRKAIfP ORCflfilTßAi Itua Cumi’Vfijtjvu embWtfrj) HOTBrftl ot ScbubcA’a must beautiful suugm FART SJCCONb, 1. Overture—“MMaumaierWight’s Drtatu.” „„ _ Mehdelssftbn. GRAND ORCHESTRA. 2. Double Concerto lor two Violoucello3 “Aria and Polacra,” (Ist time hen*)..T>ot7:%uei\ MM. CHADLES SCEIMITZ and T.>, 3. Eiigliali l)uila(l= 4 ‘TliOUar[ BuXiertrttud yt?t wo Far.” Reichardti MADAME CflAft/.OTnJ YAItIAN. 1. Grand Sidos for Piano, | | .*««. Mr.WILLIAM MASU.S. Oi geena and Aiie —Xiunuttit ** Ah t Tnrc© b lui cJio r&ninta.". 4 . .Yordi. MADAME CtiAbLOTTE VAIUaN 6. Violin Solo— «* Le Trnmolo.” Mr TIIKODOJtB THOMAS. 7. Selection—Conjuration el ttunrrtictiim des I'cignardNi ITuui » Los Hngiiminlst” {liy special winest) Maysrlieor. GHAND OIiOHKSTKA. Admission fifty cents. No extra charge for secured seats. Upper Circles 25 oeuts, (eiilniucu bit T-uenat steu-t.) Doers open ut 1. Ccmmeiice ut 8 o’dnok. MR. PEIIELLL’S GBAND AMATEUR COMPLIMENT \ BY concert at TUG MUSICAL FUND HALL, TUESDA r EVENING. .April aaih, 1%2. The vocal parte by tho po pile of Mr. I’KKELLI Conductor; put r Terzetto—Norma, S, B T ». Duetto—Favodta, C. 11,..,., Ballad—Chimney 6wrep, B Turtle—Dun P&smuiily.S. b. 8.... Cavatina—PonnamUulft, B Duetto—Notturnino, S. C At ia—Sicilian Vespers. J 1 Duetto —Itigoletto, B. B Bon.ariza—Favorita, T. M.\ I'erellJ. lj»Uw’— MavourD««tt, J., Quartette —Jiigok-tte, S. 0. T. 8,,,, PART It Duetto—Barbif-rs d» Bivjglfa, S. B,Bosnia!. uciflt di■ 111111111 mllllllll itlllDouizsttli Terzetto— bnrrfzin Borgia, ,T» 8,»,, ( , , * *», Donizetti* Ballad—S*f«B Bong, S,, Rckert. Rou-anza—Ernani, B Verdi, Duetto—Crown Diamonds, S. C Auber! Romance—Are Maria, 0.. * Schubert! Fhiulu-Eri.Mil, 8. T. B. B:, and full ehMiu of ladioaaud gentlemen Verdi Dcors open at a quarter past 7 o’clock. Concert to commence at S o’clock prtcieoly. TU CfAhd PIAB6 FoMfc, ftHbl* 1.? SMnwA? k Sons, U from tlie Wareroom of Messrs. Blusius & Brother, 1006 Chestnut street, and la kindly loaned to Mr. Perelii for this evening. 1 ickets one dollar each. For sale at Andre’s, Loo & Walker’s, and Gonld'n Music Stores. It* American academy of MUSIC. MONDAY EVENING, MAY sth, JOHN 33. GOUGH'S GREAT LECTURE ON “ LONDON By NIOHT.” This in an entirely new lecture, prepared for this occa sion, and promises to be tbe greatest of the season. Tickets, 25 cents. Reserved sBa k s, 50 cents. Viie sale of reserved seAis U*lil t&ke <m 9tie«li.f and Wednesday, April 22d and 23d, at tbe Academy of Music, between 2 and 4 o’clock. After that at Martien’s Book Store, Chestnut, No. 606. For tbe grt ater accom nicdetisß if tb? psW!?i sswifits fur (h« »il» of tickets bftvo Dean opened at D, D Sracknouw’i Dm* Store, Xi&lith and Or.en ; Ziegler 4 Smith, Seffjud andl Green, and Wm. Golager k Brothers, 5J North Frouß street. Pnceeda for a benevolent mirooie. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE— NINTH And WALNOT fitreote. Sole Lessee. MBS. M. A. GABBETTSON - THIS MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 21, 1362. VOW THE BASTES BOhIDAYBL CAMILLE; OrwTHJfi FACE OF A COQUETTI. Catuille Gautier...?. Mi<#Cnariotte Thompson. Aimaiiopnvtti.. Mr. Barton flfll. .. Mr. J. L. Wright. St. Frivole Count de Varvilltj Mftd llabillftrd.. Kichttte Ibices—so, 37#, 75, and 25 cents; Private fioxeflf #5 and S 3, according to their locale. Doors open at 7)4 o'clock. To commence at T#» CONTINENTAL THEATRE. GRAND ATTRACTION. EASTER HOLIDAYB. TO-HICHT, AND EVE BY NIG U.T Until further v, 'b| be presented the entirely fimr three- act IRISH DRAMA! entitled « THE MACARTHYOR, THE PEEP 0* DAY. The Macarthy Mr. J. B. Studler* The Babtip ...... i.... i.i 11 kuui t Ur. 0. Hri*. Nelly Brady ,Misa Jennie Parfcer. MBS. JOHN DBEW’S . ARCH-STREET THEATRE. Acting Stage Manager*' »**ri»r*>Yr s ; FsspKJiigK|. Dußinew Agent and Treasurer,,,,, r JOS, p, muupht. EASTER MONDAY. FOURTH MONTH—RIGHTV-FIPTII NIG HI OF JOHN DREW. JOHN DREW. TO-NIGHT, MONDAY, APRtL 21, 1862; Seventeenth and last time of the drama of GBOHOOKE-NA-BILHOOE, Andy Houlahan, the Foster Brother..,. Mr. John Drew. To conclude with the farce of TEDDY THE TILER. Teddy Mnllowney John Drew* Seals cafe be Secured for Mr. J&Ufl' DWW’fi tiens three days in advance. Doors dpfeti At 7 O’dlOOk $ performance commences at 7)4 precisely. BUILDINGS. MORE NOVELTIES. STRIKING VIEWS OF THP. MONITOR AND MERIUMAC. Also, Portraits of Captnin ERICSSON and Lieutenant will be shown, in conjunction with the Magnificent and Thrilling Exhibition of tho SEPOY REBELLION, EVERY EVSNING THIS WEEK,and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY ASTKRNOOSB. lIERR ENGKLKEbJ ORCHESTRA SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Admission 25 cents. Six tickets, sfl. Children, it cents. ap2l-6t QTEREOSCOPriCONS OF THE RE tO BELLI ON, for public exhibitions; viewsVif all the promiKeLt UJtuias, Inaldwitfl, and Sian. Full pi iced and illustrated catalogues sent free, by JAMES W. QUEEN A 00., Opticians, apll-lm No. 024 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, A GRAND CONCERT OB’ VOOAD AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, for the Relief of the Poor, will be given at the MUSICAL FUND BALL, LOCUST Street, above Eighth, on THURSDAY EVENING, April 24th, 1862. ap2l-dt* /GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. VJ OARL SXNTZ, Oondnctor. PUBLIC BEHBABSALS every SATURDAY, at 3% o’clock P. M„ et the MUSICAL FUND HALL. fKkm ft sm n } WSdto Tickets, 25 oti. To bo had at Andre’S, 1104 Chestnut street, J. B. Gould**, Bdvonth and Chestnut, and at thedoorof the Hall. oc2B-tf PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS is now* dosed, but will reopen on MONDAY, tbe 28th inaf. WANTS. WANTED IMMEDIATELY—ONE HI'KDKSD MALE VOLUNTEER HPBSSSr for Mrvica on the iTnating Hospitals at Yorstowu, These hospitals are intended for the relief or those who may be wounded at tho impending battle at that point. The service of the nurses will be temporary and gratui tous, Able-bodied men, particularly those who have had come »rpertow io the .lit. iti &ieU5lllAll» itt vittd to call at the Philadelphia Depository of the Uhl tod Stateß Sanitary Commission, No. 1235 CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, 21st inst, at 9A. SI., where every information will be given CHARLES J, STILTiEi Clidlrmati of the Committee on tko Depository* WANTED — A young man with a fair UußwUdse of the DRDO IHJSISESSi to go to Franklin Co., Pa.; or someone to buy a lutlliiiterest in a Biore ol DRUG 3 and GROCERIES combined. Capi tal required for latter, about $BOO. Address C., Bos 1066 Philadelphia Tost OUlce. apl9«3t* J UNITED STATES MARINES.— Wanted, for the United States Marine Corps, fa* sea service aboard of mon-of-war, SEVERAL HUH DRED ABLE-BODIED MED, between the ages of eighteen and forty years. Yonn* men from the coun ty, km leu than 8 font 4* InGtios highi who ahull vtM the medical esaMination, and enlist, will receivo thren cents per mile for the distance travelled In coming to tha Rendezvous, at 311 South FRONT Street, below Sprooa. Philadelphia, or at 108 MARKET Street, Wilmington. Pei aware, All ether )B?s>na&f!?B that may be n quirea 'win pp giT«Di ap6-12t and Recruiting Officer. DEPUTY QUARTERMA3- aeg TER GKNER/IL’S OFFICE, TUIIsAPBIsTTMA, April 3, 18*3. ■WANTED IMMEDIATELY—VeweIa to load wttfc Coal for Fort Monroe, Ya. A. BOYD, ap4-tf Captain and A. Q,. M. DEPUTY QUARTERMA'B - TEB GF.NEBAIAS omM, PfIfLADBLPHfA, April 3, 1862. WANTED IMMEDIATELY —Vessels to load with Coal for Alexandria Yftr ht ?9YPu Captain row* At Wt JfOR HALE AMD TO LET. TO RENT = A well-furnifbed HMcountry House, of moderate ilzo. The grounds In* dude Flower, Fruit, and Vegetable Gardens, an Orchard* a pleasant grove, through which a tittle brook flows, Mid pasture grounds for the use of two cows. It Is situated a mile and a half from Old York Hoad Station, North Peon* tylvania BoiirowL ldld LOCUSC Stmt. ap7-mwf tf TO LBT—GERMANTOWN, on EaMAIN Street, near Chnrch lane, now Mill itreet.—. Throe rooms Oral floor' 8 iluwiluSM j bath, hot and eold water: all modem Improvement.* tvont yard and lawn, well shaded. Imiulre at the Cettage back. apl9-3t* TO LET —WHARF AND LARGS _L BIIED, anltable far a seal wharf, on Delaware avenue near Laurel atreet, Eighteenth Ward, Ininlre 0? G. A.AB. A. LINOELL, aplT-et* Nos. no or 1053 N. DELAW ABK Avenue. a TO LET.—Large BOUSE art *1 gremlsea, No. 135 RAGE Street. Would anntm far a Manufactory. B. HAfB, apl2-12t* '2lO North TtUBTEKNTU Sueot. .11. Q THUNDER. .SIMON HASSLKU. .Do Berlot. Mr. PJERELLI. Bellini. .. .Doniz tti. VordU . ...Doidieltl. ......Beilin], ...Oampina. ....Verdi. .... Verdi. .Donizetti. . .Oroncii. , ..Verdi. ap2l«i* i. a i s i j lira. Hmyeri Parry*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers