THE SIXITMT CONDITION OF «EN. CVBTIB’ AKDIYi INTERESTING REPORT OF AN AGENT OF THE WEBIEEH SANIT&BY COMMISSION, Hr. A. V. riftttenbcrß, an agent of the Western gani tary Commission, huß made the following report of his ▼Sait to Gen. Curtis* army. We make the following ex tmu. St. Louis, April 2,1562. To the Western Sanitary Commission : Gbntlbwkn: On Thursday, March 11th, at 5.30 A. M., I left Gt. Louis by the Pacific Railroad, acting tinder your directions, and having in churgo forty boxes of hospital stores, consigned to Brigadier General Curtis* command, in and near Arkansas. I wai furnished with letters to General Curtis by your commission, and an order from Major General H. W. HftHeck, commanding th» department, as follows: HeADQUAUTKKS IIKPARTMBXT OF TUB MISSOUJU, ) Sr. Loins, March 11, 3,80*3, > ToaU Quartermasters and other ojjicers between St, Louis and Sugar Creek, Arkansas : "Son are lioreby directed to furnish every reasonable facility in your newer to forward with all possible de spatch, consistent with safety, the bearer, Mr. a. W. Biatteaburg, and the haspitAl sterns mufor his cam, des tined for the wounded in Ihc late btttleat Sugar Springs. H. W. IIiLLEOKt M*jor General. I arrived at Bella, Missouri, at 4 o'clock P. M. ofthe same day, presented my ordtr to Colonel Boyd, who or the quarforßrnater to furnish traasportutiou for Be* venieen cases, unloading a portion of a train for that purpose. He then furnished me with a horse, and gavo me full assurances that the remuimngtwenty-thrcQ should be forwarded by the first train. Transportation was quite insufficient to meet the enormous demind for subsistence and ammunition from our distant army. * * « ' * * # *’ *' On Sunday morning following I reached Springfield at 10 A. M. 1 proceeded at once to the officer couunaud ing the post, and the quartermaster was ordered co fur* lush transportation by the first train. Tho wounded from the recent battle were coming in, as well asi some rebel pr souets. I visited the pest hoipital, accompanied by Dr. fiber!, who showed mo every attention. There were one hundred sick and wounded, mostly from Pea Ridge. I examined the hospital very carefully, found a part of the men on the iloor, destitute of all comtorta. They had bea* sacks, blankets, and sheets, but not even tin-cups or a tea-pot. They wore, however, very cheer ful. Dr. Bberti a very Mud awl Attentive uurgeou, re quested xne to procure a ward muster and matron. 1 requisition upon your commission for them, as also for a large uuniber of aupplius for the hospital, enough to make all the patients as comfortable as pos sible. The rebel prisoners gave a variety of reasons for their attack upon the Government. Some thought that Mr. Lincoln wantod to make tho “n ggers” equal to them; others, that he wanted to free them all; and again, others admitted that they had beeu deceived by the politicians. One, an Irishman, said, that about the time the war broke out they were alittle tight on the naturalisation papers."' Mis grievance was luily as real ns that of our countrymen. The train with your stores reached Springfield on Wed nesday following, and on Friday were sent forward. Transportation was so insufficient that this delay was unavoidable. Below bpriugfield, where Price’s army was so long en camped, everythfog is laid watfe; blackened ruins show where homes and barns stood; fences have been de stroyed, and every sign of civilization has disappeared. Passing the battle ground at Wilson's Creek, where the immortal Lyon died, and where the rebels were so ter ribly slaughtered by Totten’s battery, I found a sink-hole covered with stones containing the remains of the hilled in that teirible battle. They are not buried, and the re mains can be exposed to view by removing a stone. Ought not tbc brave men who died on that bloody field to be more tenderly cared for by their countrymeu whom they served so well ? Q[ proceeded thence to Crane creek, where Price was re cently encamped* and where a part of his stair was taken. He had not expected the Federal army, was surprised, s\nd retreated all night. The next flay, 25tb, I arrived at Caexville. Here 1 found two large tents aud six build ings, among them the court house, where tho no-quoram Legislature voted the State out of the Union, and the tavtrn, uted as hospitals. The patients were lying on ihe floors, with alittle sti aw under thorn, and with knap* sacks or blankets under their heads, for pillows. They had no comfoita of auy:kiud, no change of clothes, hut were lying in the clo;hea they fought in, still' aud dirty, with blood and soil. Tlnre were four hun dred Federal wounded here. Tbere was a great de fictanc? of miraev, detailed mwi not ftiwwuring tho pur* poee well, being very unwilliug to serve. Their sheets had been torn up for bandages, and until Dr. Otterson reached there with his supplies they werapjori/ furnished with medicines. Stimulants were very much needed to au&ißiii the biuking men, but none were to be hod. There were eo brooms to sweep with, and no mops to wash tho rooms. Tour stores were here turned over to Brigade Surgeon Newman, who opened aud distributed them to the different hospitals. Never was a provision train more joyously greeted by starving men than was this ample supply of hospital fctoros by tbeso sick and sutiering soldiers. On the next day I went forward to ihe army, importing myself to Gen. Curtis, introduced by your letters. 1 found him in an ordinary tent, without furniture, except a stool and a email crots-legged pine table. The floor was covered with straw, and a roll of blankets constituted his bedding. Being iuvit-.d, X diued with hlui upon plain army fare. I then proceeded to Gen. Davis’ position, within one and a half miles i f Elk Horn Tavern, where the heaviest fighting was done; was hospitably enter tained by Lieutenant Colonel Fredericks and Quarter master Crazier, of the late Missouri Ninth, (now ll linoa Fifty-ninth. I visited the oaitle-grouiid, and was filled with artonishmeot when I s»w the strength of the positiins out of which our .gallant little army had driven the great force opposed to it. Be fore leaving St. Louis I had been requested to make in quiry for a young St. Louisian, a rebel, who was sup posed to be killed or wounded. Meeting two rebel sur geons, I asked for any intelligence of him, but could ob tain none. Tho eldtr the two said i* l W« are Texans. One thing I do know,” said he. “we have our hands full; our army nos treated ns most shamefully; they stampeded, and left us here with oar sick and wjunded men, and, I will tell ion, sir, that for two days we had nothing to give our poor fellows but parched corn and vater. Every Federal effifter and man h&4 treated u 4 like gentlemen, and General Gurtis told me that bo long as he had a loaf of bread, ws should have half of it.” This is the field where McCulloch and Mclntosh were killed, while endeavoring to flank the Peoria battery. I visittd, with these surgeon*, the hospital* at Pine- Tille. No provision whatever had bten made by Price, and our scanty supplies had been shared with them. For twenty-five miles around, every house was a rebel hos pital. We also had three Federal hospitals at PiueviUe, but not to exceed forty patients. At this point there was a total absence of stimulants, and men were dying for want of them. Ihe most wretched whisky was worth eight dollars per gallon, and none to be had at tnat. In one place are forty graves of the lowa Third Cavalry. All the dead of both armies -vere buried. return I called on Gen. Curtis, atKeitsville, and promised to urge forward the remaining eupplies, which would be sufficient to meet all immediate want*. They were duly forwarded, and reached ttw m good tuuo. At Cassvflle I found that Dr. McGougin, of lowa* who bad been working very faitufnlly among our Buffering men, and was completely exhausted, had preceded me toward fit. Louis to recruit his tiziergtea. At Springfield I found tdirOintiyen boxes of additional supplies* which had been forwarded to Holla in charge of Hr. Blpley, the secretary of your Commission. I was assured tlmt they would go forward on the following morning* and they were rolled out to load up before licit. It is absolutely necessary to have Bomo means provided for washing the heavy woollen clothes aud blankets of our men. The work is too heavy for women, even if it was practicable for them to be there in sufficient num bers. The men are obliged to live in the clothes, the; fishUn- construction, aud light enough to be easily transported, would -mate rially aid iu maintaining aud restoring the health fiS the men. I am fully ccnTiucwl that no army was (so far an nro. vision for the wounded was concerned) ever sent into the field in such destitute condion as ours, except the one that it fought and conquered. Our preparations were wholly inadequates the enemy had* apparently, made none at all. The labors of your commission are most highly appre ciated, by linth officers and men. But for the prompt* neBS with which yeur supplies were scut forward, for which you are greatly indebted to the corntnandins gene ral, great suffering must have unavoidably occurred. Could the kind and sympathizing men aud women of the loyal fctatfn, who place tkeae abuudaut contributions at pour command, but see and rtaliae tfw thrill of jjy with which they were received by the suffering ones* who have so bravely and gladly shed their blood to restore to us a united nation* and to vindicate the majesty of our trampt 1 d laws, they woulojrejoice that tbey had made the slight sacrifice required 10 achieve so great a good, A& j seek, lam enre. lo ei.abJe y<-u anticipate rather than to supply such wants in future. Maio of these poor sufferers liavo left distant homes and loving friends; have been accustomed to receive the tendemt care and the most watchful sympathy during the slightest indisposition. Now, they meet death and Kiievcma mMinils, a«4 wonting sickncia, in a remote, eemi-hosffli*, and thinly settled country, surrounded generally by comparative strangers. And this great sacrifice is cheerfully made. No ivoid of repining or re srret. did I bear, but everywhere onr gallant men were sustained by an abiding faith that they hail suffered aud ■would die, if must be, iu a most just aud righteous cause. I would kuopPßt that the OommiaUon hd»p a» with the army of Gen. Curtis, iu order to have it fully supplied with hospital stores hereafter, to prevent loss and wast% and to make such reports aud|suggestions as ha properly may as to the sanitary condition of that gallant army. All of which is respectfully submitted by A. W. PLATTENfiUfiG. THE CITY. The Case of Pierce Butler against HON. SIMON CAMEBON.—The above case hsa been in some sort misunderstood Mr. Cameron was not actually arrested, but simply served with a writ, re turnable in May, or, contingently, in November next. Mr. Butler 1 * counsel, Messrs. George M Wharton and St. George Tucker Campbell, obtained tbo writ of tres pass vxet armis , etc., from Prothonotory Snowden, and it was placed in the hands of Sheriff Ewing’s officer, Mr. Helmbold, to be served upon Mr. Cameron. There appears to have been some irregularity in thus making the sheriff's officers executives in the case. At any rate, Mr* ITrimbold waited iu iho neighborhood of the Conti nental Hotel several hours, and dually saw Mr. Cameron come down the main stairway of the house. The Kheriff's officer approached him, but Mr. Cameron was then conversing with Mr. Gil pin, and, apparently for* Keuinx the presence of Hr Helmbold, walked out of the hotel and down Chestnut street. His other companions were Jeremiah Nichols, Samuel Lloyd* and Mr Alligood. At the corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets Mr. Helm bold tapped Mr Cameron on the shoulder, explained his business, and exhibited the writ, Mr. Cameron took It inhishapd, glanced at the margin* and said: “Tell Mr. Butler that I won’t obey hia writ. I am the minister plenipotentiary to Bussia. and will claim my privilege as such.” He handed the paper hark at the same time, but Mr. Helmbold said: «My duty is ended, sir—l cannot take the paper. You will be held ia you? Awn recognisance to appear at the tine specified.” Mr. Cameron then walked unconcernedly away, and moved unconstrained!? about the city during the day. He was in town yesterday, and was called upon by hun ilieds of lii* friends. The charges of the writ are tres pass, assault and battery, and itiagai imprisonment. The general feeling in town seems to be adverse to the complainant in this cate, and, indeed, the people regard the arrest as irregular and absurd. At the same time, the disorderlies who serenaded Mr. Butler with riotous music, on Tuegda? night, are generally condemned. Ab6th&P Af khfe late Inmate* of Fort Lafayette has been ill town since the arrival of Mr. Cam. ron here, threaten ing personal .injury to the ex-Beeretary. It is needless to say that nobody is intimidated and there has been no bloodshed. Tbe Dead at Ball 7 s Blupp Com plaints baring recently been made that the bodies of the soldiers from this State, who fell victims at Ball’s Bluff, lad not received the rites of Christian burial, aud were yet partly exposed in the locality where they were assas sinated. Governor Curtin hu promptly broueht the mat ter to the Attention of Burgeon General Smith In the fol lowing order: Executive Chamber, > Hximifburg* April 15,1862. > [SPECIAL ORDER.] Having learned that tiio bodies of the Pennsylvanians who fell at the battle of Ball’s Bluff, were not properly interred, and that they are new exposed, yon will, with the utmost dispatch, proceed to tbe bat 1* ground and have tbo bodies either buried there, at Washington, or removd into the State fer bwiuli It is Just to tne memory or those hravemen, snd to tbe feelings ol their relations and friends, that their remains should have the rites of Christian burial. ft. G. CURTIN, Governor and Commander-ia-Chief. Surgeon General Smith. Surgeon General Smith has already left this city to ex ecute this order. The Union Gun.—An experimental trial of a newly invented projectile known as the 41 Union Oun 11 has recently Wn made in rne presence of Gover nor Curtin and other S ate officials The barrel of the gun is a trifle larger than that of the Springfield musket, end it mounted on wheels accompanied by limber box, caisson, etc., like an ordinary cannon. It is loaded at She breech, and can be fired twenty times a minute, with an accuracy only equalled byihe Minie rifle. I(B es ftlmated range is a thousand yards, and it throws balls ■wriehine twentv the pound. Altosether. it is a most effective death-deal ng instrument, and in tbe hands of experienced jin*rks*»»*n would 'd-> t*rr*W“ fxecnti'iu among tbe rebel* tar the State el New York I>M parcbMcd tw. or the gani for e*ch or her re* Ktm.nta in the army, end that uegctl.tlun. are now vending to arm the regiment, from this Stats in a elmilar manner. Steam- ttto Destroyed ry Fire.— Yesterday morning, about two o’clock, Tho steam-tug Wide-Awake, Captain William fi Beil, was destroyed by fire. The tug was about 70 tons burden and owned by Messrs Uyilc & Davidson, of Georgetown, 0 C. 8l\« was engaged in towing barges laden with Government provMider between this city and Washington via the Delaware and Chesapeake cans'. Ihe iru/f A wake h'ld just j clumcd with a number of barges t<» be reloaded. She* bod strong fires in her furnace and carried a heavy heed ot steam. As she was roumTng to off William-street wharf, in tho Niuotanth ward, the wood-word in tho boller-hoiise took flit frAftl th£ loUfllA llS&l, ftfld Ilia flames spread very rapidly. Tho alarm was sonnilod, aud the crew at ouco sot to work with the puinpa and base, but were unable to control the flerv element. They then endeavored to run tho boat ashore, l»nt the flames had gained very rapidly, and were now enveloping the Viiot-bonit. The caitun and crew then cut their tow loose, and took to their life-boat. At this time there was a flood-tl«*e, and the boat was inclined to drift up the river. Tho crew kept near her in order to provent a collision with the other shipping, but there was great fear of the bursting of the boiler. To prevent that catastrophe if was necessary to open the Bteant vftlvi*, &fid «ma &ftha cvew nndojtonktha hazards oustask. He went Aboard the burning vessel, raised the valve and joined hie companions without accident. Tho flunioi were then leaping from one p wtion of the boat to another, end in the moonlight pre sented » brilliant sight. In tho meantime tho steam ppe burst owing to th* IhleHee hMt. &lid tllA BMW »Ho hft.l remained nlonpsidn. were obliged to haul off to avoid the orcsping 6tt&m. Efforts wore then made to run the boat ashore, but she was finally abandoned by the crew. Barge An. 2. belonging to the 11 arbor Police, com manded by Li cut. Ihnjnmin Edgar, then came up. The men at oucc boarded tho ill-fated vessel, and succeeded in running her upon the flats opposite Allegheny avenue. There, by ineansof buckots of water, they succeeded in extinguishing tho fire. The boat is not a total loss. The machinery has all bron saved. Tho effects of the cap tain wero paved by the Harbor Police, but the crew lo3t everything Captain Dell and Ids pilot, who is a I‘hiUdel phfan, speak in the highest terms of praise of Ihe Harbor Police, who thus saved his boat, after h« had considered her lost. The Wide Awake was valued at 88,000, anil is insured for $5,000 in the Home Insurance Company of New York. Feast op the Passover.—The Feast of the Passover, the great Jewish festival of the year, which commenced on Monday evening, at six o'clock, is now being obsorved with all due solemnity. It will con tinue eight days, and, under the Mosaic law, the peoplo of tho Jewish faith are permitted to attend to thnir vo cation four days, but ihe fi-si, second, seventh, and eighth are required to be kept holy. Tho occcasion i 4 t; e anniversary of the departure of the children of Israel from Egypt, and of their sufferings for f jrty years in the wilderness During the fast the Israelites are not permit ted to eat leavened bread and bitter herbs, and not to par take of anything that contains leaven. In this city the bread is made for the purpose. In the Bynag' guw, the services are peculiar to the occasion, and of an impres sive character. Most of tho business houses of the Israelites were closed on the first day, and reopened last evening. While Christiana observe the occasion in commemoration ot tho passion and suflerinas ot Christ, the Hebrews celebrate it in commemoration of their de liverance from bondage. At the institution of the Pass over, ovory hou L eholder was requir'd to kill a lamb and sprinkle the blood on the two side-posts and on the upper part of the house, iu which tho flesh of the animal was to bo eaten after having bsea roasted. Tho fb-sb was required to be eaten on the night of the beginning of tho PasßOver, and what was left over was burned the following morn log, 31ie sacrifice of the lamb was a pledge, and by tho twelfth chapter of the book of Exodus, it was assured that all the houses upon which the blood of the lamb was .found should be exempt from plague. The penalty for tho Don-obaarvanco of tho fast ivog the smit ing of the first-born, bolhot man and beaut. Tno Pas-l over was required to be kept throughout their genera tions, and by an ordinance forever. Those old forms and ceremonies, however, are nearly extinct at the pre sent day, though so far as the observance of the feast of unleavened bread is concerned, ic is very generally ob served. Tho history of the unleavened bread was tho haste In which the six hundred thousand Israolitra left tho land of Pharaoh, after tho dtstroying angel parsed over the land, having taken iheir dough from the knead ipg trough before it was leavened, glad to escape a capti vity of four hundred and thirty years. Assault on the High Seas.—Yes terday afternoon, Cliailes Campbell was brought before United States Commisdouer Hoazlctt. on a charge of as sault with intent to kill. Tho prisoner was nrreKfed in LiYawl, wid Mog sent tQ this irort by Consul Du-lloy, arrived here a day or two since in tho ship H. L. Lane. Tho testimony heard was as follows: Win. Bradley sworn —I am a sailmakor hv profession; joined the American ship 7sa6e lla in San Francisco for the voyage to Liverpool, tho prisoner whs a hand on the Isabella ; wo sailed in the month of August ] on the 31st of Decemt/cr, about hnif past seven in tae morning, I was at work aft, lashing the boats; going for ward I saw Campbell fighting with a man named Black; I called out, t( give it to him;” a man named Jackson then came up to me, and we bad a scuflle to gether; feeling my arm drop powerless I went to tho rail and found that 1 had boon stabbed in the la.t shoulder; Campbell then said, u I’ll givo it to you,” and got an axe from the galley with which he attempted to strike me; the mate took the axe away from him and put him in ironß; I didn't see him stab me; we bad had quarrels be fore that time; there was a great deal of liquor on biard; I bad gome in my elicit, but hnd ilrauk none Hint day; on the day I was stabbed we had left Pernambuco; we got our liquor in that city. Daniel Sipley sworn.—Was on the ship Isabella, aud knew Campbell, the prisoner: saw the fight between bim and Slack; Campbell left bis opponent, and attacked Bradley with a knife; he drow the weapon fromtbe sheath of a man named Jackson; ho was half drunk at the time; the wound was in the shoulder, and very deep. Tho prisoner was aont to this country under the 10th article, of tho Ashburton Treaty of 1842 He was fully committed to take his trial, and tho witnesses wero al lowed to chooee between entering bail for tbeir appear ance, or remaining in tho debtors apartment of tho Moyamensing prison. Beligiou s Ceremonies—Holy W eek. —Holy Week being devoted by the Catholic Church, to the wlenin CQtnmeinorfttiQn of the Paaaioa of Christ, the ceremonies of the last four days are umuua'ly solemn and imposing. The Bolemn office of tbe Tenebrce was celebrated yesterday afternoon, and will also be cele brated this and to-morrow afternoons, commencing at 3 o’clock. Tbe Tenelra: consist in the solemn chanting offPsalme, Lmmutotions of the Prophet Joremiafo aod of les<ous taken from the Fathers. This morning, at 9# o'clock, Pontifical High Mass will be celebrated, assisted by most of the clergy of the city. The holy oils, which are to be uaed during the year in the administration of the Sacra ments, are blessed during this Maas. This ceremony is of very ancient institution, and viewed from a Cathe* lie Btand-point, cannot fall to impress the beholder with its peculiar solemnity. After Mass, the Blessed Sacrament Is carried in solemn procession to a richly adorned repository, where it is adored by the faithful until Friday evening, to TTinratn its institution by Chrigt on Uio ovy of hla Pas sion. To-morrow the ceremonies are all intended to com memorate Christ’s death, and the bereavement of the Church thereupon, and are most impressive and heart touching. In the evening, at 7 o'clock, the Devotion of the Way of the Cross commences, followed by a sermon on the Passion and Death of Christ. On Saturday ni?rß~ ing ia celebrated the office which in earlier*ases was nr* served for the night bofor* Baoter morn. The Paschal C&ihUh is bioßAou, me Baptismal Water consecrated, and with joyous cliants are celebrated tho benefits of Christ's Pasßion and his triumph over sin and death. Tha cere monies on to-morrow and Saturday commence at 9 A. M. These ceremonies are fitly concluded by tho Grand Pontifical Mass on Easter Sunday, oue of the most mag nificcnt fnnctfo*** Bmna, —• Military Hospital Regulations. — An order for tbe better regulation of military hospitals and for facilitating the dischargeof soldiers unfit for ser vice, has been issued by the W^ r Department, All gonerai hospitals are placed under the direction of the surgeon general The chief medical officer, to whom tbe charge of all tbe general hospitals in a city may be en trusted, will make out certificates of disability for such men as, in his judgment, should be discharged. The certificates mufct give such medical description of tuo CftBC?i with the degree of disability, as may enable the peusion-officerto decide on any claims to pension which may be based upon them. These certificates are to bo forwarded to the military commander, who is authorized to give discharges, and furnish final statements of pay and clothing due to the soldier. Tbo military commander is instructed to cdtoot atea*. glcrs and send them to their proper stations, or discharge them on certificates of disability, as above, If unfit for service. He will also send such patients as are reported fit for duty to their regiments, unoer proper escort. Con valescent, wounded, or feeble men, capable of acting as ccoks, nurses, and attendants, to bo employed as snch, instead of being discharged. All officers aud enlisted men of volunteers, who are on parole not to serve against the rebels, will be considered on leave of absence until notified of their exchango or discharge. They will im mediately report their address to the Governors of their States, who will be duly informed from the adjutant gene ral’s office as to their exchange.or discharge. The duty of military commander for this city will devolve upon Lieut. Col. H. Brooks, Second Artillery. Articles pop. the Soldiers. — The young ladies of the LoeUSl-fitefifek Gf&mbiar School hare, since the battle of Pittsburg Landing, been busily en gaged in sending little comforts to the sick and wounded soldiers. Sixteen boxes cf Hut have already been sent forward, besides slippers and various other useful articles. TliG ladies of tbo SMiB2 Cflldiß Presbyterian Obarch have commenced making up slippers for the wounded sol diers that are now lying in the different hospitals of the city. Daring the first quarter of the Soldier’s Central Be lief Association, just completed, they have forwarded to MiFtfOApi 0 eoldlfirs 1 wrappers, 2sl pairs of drawers, 200 pairs of socks, 502 shirts, 100 pairs of soldiers* slippers for the wounded, and GO handkerchiefs ; besides a great quantity lemons for the recovering fever patients. Jel lies and other delicacies for these unmurmuring troepa Lave been supplied by this society, This Association is composed of ladies, withoutdietincktoti of r*lI«lous creed, wba-meet on every Friday evening, at Grace Church, corner of Ttvelith and Cherry streels, to make ioto gar ments such goods as are sent to them by our merchants, storekeepers, and others, and to supply the requisitions made on them by the matron of the hospital: Donation!) of money» goods made up or in the piece, or delicacies suited to the wonts of the soldiers* accom panied by the donors’ names, will be received, we learn, by the Bev. Dr. Suddards, at his residence, on Twelfth street, opposite Grace Church, at any time during the week that tbe association may not be in session. Well Marked.— Notice was received by the Mayor yesterday morning that an inuueet had been held by Justice Holton, of Penn’s Grove, Salem county, New Jersey, on the Ilth insr., upon the body of an unknown man, which was found iu the river. The man was apparently about twenty* five years >f age, was five feet six inches in height, of light complexion, with dark-brown hair and sandy whiskers. On his right arm were the letters “J. C.” and « M. E. P..” and a sloop aud a flower. On the left arm, « J.C., W. C., T.C., E. O UJld M. 0.,” all In a. wreath. Alno, ashlp and two men, with the word ** ” beside the vessel. The deceased was clothed in a blue undershirt, covered with a gray woollen shirt, a spotted ganzey, white drilling drawers and blue-cloth pantaloons, and boots nearly new. He also wore a leather belt, with a knife in the titfftth, On the inside of tne beit the name “J. Clarke ” was in scribed. Recruiting.—Since all recruiting for the volunteer service has been stopped, men for the regular army have been more rapidly obtained. The number obtained daily is, however, small. Most of the volunteer officers who wero on recruiting service in this city are still here, having not yet received orders to join their regiments. The one or two regiments now en camped near the city will be filled with men already re- Gmitedi as no more now men can be taken! The shin* ping of Bailors progresses finely. Tbe public property belonging to the volunteer recruiting service will be sold to the best advantage possible, and the proceeds credited to the fund for collecting, drilling, and organizing volun teers. Curious Adventure.—A few even ings since, soon after the physicians and medical cadets at the Broad-street Hospital, had retired to their riuar turs, by some means or oilier, two young students, who l»6d been imbibing freely, made their way past the Benti • sals and proceeded into the sleeping apartments occupied by the medical fraternity. One of these officers was not jet asleep, and observing the intruders opening a safe, prepared to make a spring at them as they passed out. tNrnoiey, unbn.rgter UkeßiooeediM loon convinced mo vratener flint tbey wore drunk, The, went to one and another sleeper, and with arough shake gave the or der, “Get up out of this,” in peremptory tones. One balf-awake cadet, thinking he was sent for, began to obey orders before the facts of the cose came to light. Tho guard ih then cnlledi Md the enlrrite passed the night in the dungeon. Robbery.—Between eight and nine o’clock on Tuesday evening tho dwelling of Mr. Henry McNeil, at Twenty-first and Beeves streets, was enterod and robbed of SSOO in gold and bank note*. Tbo thiovoi effected their entrance by means of tho trap-door, which they reached ihrough an unoccupied building adjoining. The trap was very insecurely fastened, having only one binge and a hook. The robbers ransacked the premises and forced open the bureau drawers, from which they ob tained the money* The family were in the tower part of the house at the time of the robbery. Testing Guns.— Yesterday morning »!x new gun. wrre placod in position now the Colombia fcridgCi lor tbe inruonc of hems: tested, The? h»o been mnnnncmrea at the Bush Hill Works, and .re of eimiler construction lo those tested at the earns piece »few months ago. The trial of their poweri will probsbly ttke ntac? to-dor. A Canal Boat Sunk,—About one o’clock yesterday morning, a canal boat waa found «*u ik oppori e Noblc-Btrcet wharf. Fhe was lyiug near the dock, nrd the upper portion slightly above th» water. The name of the boat was notdlscovered. In consequence of the hull beir g under the water She wee half lood**d with cool, and on bains discovered by tha river and harbor police, was entirely deserted. Where bound, or how pbe met with the casualty. Is at present unknown. The impression is, that the crew came ashore for the night, and hod not properly secured iheir vessel before leaving. Verdict.— ln the case of Dunlap vs. Anderson, an action to recover damages for the alleged s-rhicnon of plaintiff's daughter by defendant—before rent rted—the jury returned a verdict yesterday morn ing for plaintitt for $10,600. Arrival from Venezuela.—Yes terday morning the bark Thomas Ballet arrived at this port, from Pnerto Gabello March 27. She report* that tho Republic was quiet at that date, and that Gen. Paez was at the head ofthe army. t* UILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE, EDMUND A. SOUDER, j GEORGE L. BUZBY, } OoHMlTflibr THi Moin. BDWABD <3. BIDDLE. | LETTER BAGS At the Merchants * Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Westmoreland, Decan Liverpool, soon 6hir Tmcarora, Dunlevy.,* Liverpool, April 26 fillip Fiamy Fetii, Oahn L&nddH, soon Bark Ella, Howes Barbados, soon Bark American, Christian .••...Port Spain, soon Bark Eliza Ann, Cook Bolfast, Ireland, soon Brig Ella Reed, Davis,..,., Ilavaua, soon Brig Delhi, Darnaby, Fort Spain Trinidad- April IT MARINE INTELLIGENCE. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, April IT, 1963, SUN BISKS .6 19—SUN SKTS 6 30 HIGH 41 ARRIVED. Bark Thos Dallelt, Dill, from Puerto Cabello March 27, with coffee, hides, Ac. to Dallett & Son. Left brig Los Amigos, Warner, for New York next day. Left at lagua>ra March 25th, bark White Wing, Ealing, for Puerto Cabtllonoxt dayjbriEYictoiro, (Br) for ThiUdeU phia, sailed Dorn Puerto Cabello March 2G. Passed off Chester brig Alice Maude, from Cardenas for this port. Schr Texas, Orr, 8 dayß from Portland, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Schr Challenge, Hart, 7 days from Rockport, with ico to captain. Schr Baltimore, Dix, 8 days from Tremont, with ice to captain. ULB4RBI). Bark Arethusa. Cooper, Key West, D S Stetson k 00. Brig C Miller, Bremer, Key J E Bazley 4' Co, Brig Mazatlan, Lewis, Cardenas, John Mason & Co. Schr C Dennis, Hooker, Ship Island. D S Stetson k Co. (Correspondence of the Press.) The following boats from the Union Caual parsed into the Sclmilkill Caual to day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: Prairie Flower, coal to G W Landis; Sierra Alta, lum ber to Norcroes k Sheets; Teresa and crisis, gram to Humphreys, Hoffman k Wright; Only Daughter, bricks to J Malsberger. MEMORANDA, Ship John Sidney, Southard, hence, arrived at Belfast, Ireland, 3d iust. Ship Connecticut, Spedden, for Liverpool, sailed from Singapore 12th Ftb. Ship Victoria Reed, Preble, sailed from Akyab 11th Feb for Falmouth. Ship Frigate Bird, Thompson, at St Helena 20tb Feb from Kurracbee. Ship Lion, Cooper, at Rangoon 10th Fob, from Singa pore. Ship Winged Racer, Cummings, at Liverpool 30th ult. from San Francisco. Ship Sarah Palmer, Reed, at Liverpool 29th alfc. from Akyab. Ship Napoleon, Cushing, from Calcutta, at London Ist instant. Bark Samuel Tarbox, Tarbox, at Akyab 11th Feb from Montevideo. Bark Virginia & KstoUina, Wilkins, at Falmouth 31st lilt. IromMaceio. Brig Rolling Wave, Collins, from London for Philadel phia, at Deal Ist, and proceeded. Brig rrince of Wales, Banken, hence, arrived at Kings ton, Ja, 23d ult. Schrs John Ireland. Chase, hence for Boston, and Julia Maria. Eaton, from Providence for FiiiltvMptna, at Now Voik 16th in&t. Schrs Pocahontas, Berry, Ana Garduer, Knowles, Nellie D, Duubam, J Cadwolader, Clayton, Silver Mag net, Perry, E J Scott, Bothell, and J R Mather, Nicker son, hence, at Boston 15th inet. Schr American Eagle, Ramsey, cleared at New Tork ISth ittbt. for Philftd£lfrSli!&. Bark Old Hickory, ilolmes, from Philadelphia, arrived at Belfast, reports:—Feb ,25th, 26th, and 27tn, encoun tered a tremendous gale from the west, in which the ship became unmanageable from the violence of tbe gales and the great height ofthe sea. jibooom, bulwarks, aud every thins on deck; including binnaclo. compasg. Ac, and was finally compelled to make a jettison of part of the cargo. Sinco then experienced variable weather, with strong g&IeB, mostly from the eastward. B*rk Deborah Pennell, (before reported) from Phila delphia, with a cargo of -flour, wheat, Ac, bound to Dub lin, went to eoa 4th inst, but meeting adverse winds a few miles beyond tbe Cape, returned and anchored near (outside) the Delaware Baeokwater, with one anchor. Tbewit.d increased to a gale, when the second anchor was let go, and she rode very heavily to the full length of chains until Wednesday morning al 3 o'clock, when she started her mwriup and drove on John Marshall Shoal, tiie vessel striking very heavily, and springing a leak. Fearing ehe would sink, her chains were slipped, aud she was run on Lewes beach, about 2% miles north of Cape Benlopen. Tbe main and mizzen masts were cut away to keep the vessel's head on. She lies in 10 feet of water, about half a mile from shore. At one time she had three feet of water in her hold. Her pumps can keep her freo. Her cargo is being discharged, and the vessel will be got off in a few days, weather permitting. Tho U 6 ship Shepherd Knapp was spoken 14th inst, la* 36 57. long 74 42 cruising—all well. FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO DISTILLERS. The DISTILLERY known as the “FHCENIX,” and formerly owned and occupied by SAML. SMYTH, Esq., situated on TWENTY-THIRD, between BAO9 and VINE Streets, Philadelphia, Capacity 600 bushels per day, is now offered for sale on reasonable and accom modating terms. Is in good running order* and hag ail the modern Improvements. An Artesian weU on the miseafurnishes an unfailing supply of good, pure water. Address Z. LOOKS k CO., No, 1010 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. fe22-dtf tpj x orrsis xu JjET, GERMAN ®ii TOWN.—A Stone Cottage In the lower part of Ger mantown, commanding a splendid view of the surround ing country, within 150 yards of Turnpike, and three minutes walk of two stations on Steam Railroad. Apply to GEORGE JUNRIN, Esq., southeast comerJ*Tv-» »n 4 WAI-NUT Streets i-thj iIENT—A well-lighted SECOND- J- STOBY BOOM, suitable for a light manufacturing business, or a BiUiard-room, situated on the corner of FOUBTH and FEDERAL Streets, CAMDEN, N. J. Apply to SAMUEL 8033, Corner of FOURTH and PLUM Streets, ap9«l2t# Camden, N. J. F)R SALE—A desirable FARM, near Nerristown, Montgomery county, containing 89 acres of superior land, nicely watered. Large stone Improvements, fine fruits, Ac. Price only $95 per acre. Fpr further partieutanh Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. g* FIRST-CLASS EIGHTH-STREET ■i&Btore and Dwelling to Bent; handsomely fined up, with good b&MM&nfc* did stead* location most oon trol on the street. Goodwill and Fixtures for sale. Ap ply 23 N. Eighth Btreet. mh2fl- Im* TO RENT.—A Neat Small Country •dfc place, with fine fruits and ghade, near Beverly Station and Steamboat Landing. Apply to E PETTIT, aps No. 309 WALNUT Street. * FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— A Desirable FARM, containing 95 Acres of supe rior land, six miles from Market-street Bridge, in Mont gomery. county. Convenient to Railroad and Steamboat Landing. First-class improvements, nicely watered, Ac. For further particulars apply to E. PETTIT, mb2o-tf No. 309 WALNUT Streot. gg FOR SALE OR TO LET—Four *ii Houbob, on the west side of BBOAD Street, below Columbia avenue. Apply at the southwest corner of NINTH and SANSOM Streets. mh26-tf A* TO RENT—A desirable COUN ■EtRY PLAGE, situate an the Philadelphia and Bris tol turnpike, two minutes’ walk from railroad station, and within one mile of steamboat landing; grounds con taining about four acres. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 809 WALNUT Street. mh29 m TO LET—A beautiful GO UN TRY-PLACE, of 10 acre b, on the west side of FRONT- Street road, above Hart lano, within ten mi nutes’ walk of tho Frankford and Southwark passenger cars. Possession early in April. Apply at the south west comer NINTH and SANSOM, second story. »h2S-tf A FOR SALE—A FINE FRUIT —E-FARM, one mile from Railroad Station, near Do ver. Extensive PEACH ORCHARD, just in the prime of bearing, besides a great variety of other fruits, large drapery, Ac. Plain improvements. Immediate pos session. Also, a number of Farms possession of which can be given thto Spring. Apply to E. PETTIT, mh2o-tf No. 309 WALNUT Street FOR SALE, OR PART EXCHANGE—A STEAMBOAT, ma chinery in good new boiler, side wheels, Ac. Will be sold at a B&crifice. Apply to E. PETTITS, No. 309 WALNUT Street GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. gMOKED SALMON. JUST RECEIVED. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, mlilo-tf CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINK BT3. /CROSSE & BLACKWELLS’ ENG vy lifih Fickle, snd Sauce,, quart aud pint buttle,, juat lauding aud for sale by RHODES A WILLIAMS, »p 7 107 South WATER Street. T 3 HOPES & WILLIAMS, NO. 10T II South WATER Street, offer for sale the following: 20 cases Frenchtßrandied Cherries. 40 cases superior Brandled Poaches. 40 cases W.K. Lewis & Bro.’s celebrated condensed Milk. && bbLs. hermetlccdiy-aealed Tomatoes. Imported Bologna Sausage. 60 cases Winslow’s Green Corn and Peas. 30 cases Sardines, of favorite brands. ap7 PHEAP BUTTER! CHEAP BUT VJ TER! only 12 eta. per pound, at No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street mh26-tf LEAF LARD.—79 tierces prime ket tle-restored Le«f fatrili fer aale It U. «. BADLSB ft co., mb2o-tf 103 AROH Street, 2d door above Front. 3 BBLS. GOOD COOKING BUT TER for Bale Ter, cheap at No. 812 SPBINO GAR DEN Street mh2fi-tf pVHEEBE. —ISO boxes fine Herkimer Vy Comity Cheese, for aale bj O. «. SADLER ft 00., mh2o-tf 103 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. Green corn and peas. 60 cases Winslow’s henuelically-eealed Green Corn, 80 “ «« «* Green Peas, 20 bis ** m Fresh Tomatoes, just lauded and for sale by RHODES A WILLIAMS, 107 Sonth WATER Street ■\TERY choice white rye V FLOUR, only S)f eta. per pound, at No. 812 erBIHG CABPBW Bfrwt, ?'tANDLES. Chemical Sperm Candles" \J (or aale by JAURETCHE ft LAVEB3NI, 202 tod 9M South FRONT Street tnhli THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY, APRIL IT, 1862. 0IL! OILII OILII HULBURT k BBODHEAD, Having opened a General Depot Tot the tale ot Extra Refined aud Lubricating GOAL OILS) wqld call the special attention of dealers and eousumrs to their refined ILLUMINATING OIL, as It possases merit beyond anything heretofore offered in this maiut, being entirely free from that gluey substance and bad odor which characterize that commonly sold in this market, produces no smoke, and la free from ail explosive properties. j tBT Orders from Oily or Country jtomptly at tended to. fe2S-2m *f T UCIFER’? OIL WORKS. 100 Bbls. “ Lucifer” Burning til on hand. We guarantee this oil to be to burn all the oil in the lamp with a steady, brilliant lame, without crusting the wick, and bat slowly. Bbb. lined with gloss enamel. WEIGHT, SMITH, & FKIBSaLL. foSl-tf Office 616 MAfiEET StrA4t. /"'IARSON OIL.—IOO bbls. Natrona Oil in storo and for sale by WILLIAM M. WILSON, mM3-tf 208 MARKET Street. HITE LEAD. Red Lead, White Lead, Litharge, Sugar of Lead. Copperas, Gil of Vitriol, Calomel, Patent Yellow, Chrome Bed, Chrome Yellow, Aqua Fortis, Muriatic Add, Epsom Salts, Rochelle Salto, Tartaric Add, Orange Mineral, Soluble Tart. Sub. Garb. Soda, White Vitriol, _Red Precipitate, WBTHEBI Druggists and Mai Nos. 47 and 49 ialB-tf READING, April 15. CABINET FURNITURE AND ML KJ LIARD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, No. 261 South SECOND Street, In connection with their extensive Oabinot Business are now manufacturing a superior ortfoU of BILLIARD TABLES, And have now on hand a full supply, finished with the MOORE & CAMPION'S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced, by all who have used them, to be dsperior to all othsra. For the qnftlity and finish of these tables the manu facturers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of their work. fe26-6m GUPREME COURT,EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. January Term, 1862. No. 26. In Equity. GROVE ts. THE BARCLAY RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY, and others. In pursuance of a decree of the Supreme Court of PeiiD&ylvania iu and for the Eastern district, made iu the above cause, the undersigned will sell At public sale, at tbo I-IxcbAnge, in tho city of Philadelphia, on TUBS— DAY, the 29th day of April* 1862* at 12 o'otooki'noom the following-described estate, property, rights, and fran chises, late belonging to the Barclay Railroad and Coal Company, to wit: No 1. All that tract or body of coal lands situate in the township of Franklin, in tbe county of Bradford, and Siato of ri-imsylyanin, wßtoiMßg altogether 3,416 »;res and allowance, boundni by lands surveyed iu the war rantee names of Andrew Graydon, James Bhoamaker, William Gray, John Graff, Thomas Dundas, James Bid dle, John Barron Jr., Andrew Tybout, Peter Edge, George Edpe, and Samuel Edge. Being composed of six contiguous tracts of land, sur veyed in the warrantee names of James Cox, William Hall, William Govet, Joanna Curry, Aaron Levy, and Jacob Hiltzheimer, of which about 200 acres are im proved laud- On this trtiQi, No. 1. are the Barclay Coal Mines, yielding a superior quality of semi-bit ominous coal, and the works, fixtures, and apparatus for mining eofl!. Also, forty-cue Dwdlllug-Houses, &&d olher build ings, and improvements. No. 2. Also, the Railroad constructed by, and hith erto belonging to, foe said Company, 16 23-100 miles in length, extenaing from the Coal Mines on No. 1 to the Noith Branch Canal at Towanda, in the said county of Bradford, with Inclined Plane, Plane House, and fix tures ; three water-stations, sidings, and lands appurte nant <o the said Railroad, with the right of way, and with all corporate rights, powers, privileges, and immu nities and ftanchieeß heretofore belonging to or ye*ted in the said Company, No. 3. Aleo, all those adjoining Lots or pieces of Labd feitlikte at tbs terminus of said Railroad, ia To wenda aforesaid, bounded by river on the east, Elizabeth street on the north, a lot of Tracy and Moore on the south, and on the west by an alley, Main street, and lots of Job Kirby, J. A. Record, E. Overton. Janus Harris, and Thomas Elliott, containing UX acres, more or less, with a water Basiu, trestle, and fixliiros for Shipping Coal, Engine House, Turn-table, Office, Burn, Lime Kiln, and the improvements thereon. No. 4. Also, another lot or piece of laud, situate at Towanda, aforesaid, on the aforesaid railroad, bounded by Tracy and Moore's lot on Iho north (which it from iot No» 3), by land of Gordon F. Mason on the west aud south, and by the Susquehanna river on the east, containing 10 acres of laud, more or has. The terms of sale will be as follows : Nos. 1 and 2 will be sold together, subject to a first mortgage thereon exe ky tb* said Oompany to Patrick Brady and Isaac R Davis, trnatpaG, for $150,000, with interest Iksews &t 7 per cent, from September Ist, 1857. Noe. 3 a d 4 will be sold separately, and clear of incum brance SSOO will be required to be paid in caslL^U= fl w f a ? money on the coa- S?s»ation~bf the sale by the court- IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Notice is hereby given that QI iRGAAET H.KLYER 80N, widow of said decedent, has filed in said Court her petition, and an appraisement of the personal property which she claims to retain under the act of Assembly of 14th April, 1851, and supplement thereto, aud that the same will be approved by tho Court* unless exceptions ore filed, on FRIDAY, the 2d day of May, 1802, api4«mtb4t* TKOM, for Petitioner. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA SAMUEL LEONARD and ALPHED 0. BAKER, Copartners* as LEONABD A BAKER vs. MAT THIAS BITNEB. Testatum Venditioni Exponas to Cumberland county March Term, 1862. No. 33. H|The Auditor appointed to distribute the proceeds of tho ftale by the Sheriff of Cumberland county, under the above wi it, of all that certain plantation or tract of land situ ate in tbe township .of Silver Spring* and county of Cum berland, containing 100 acres and 120 perches, be the same more or less, being the same tract of land which John H. A. Dunlap and Sarah, his wife* in right of the said Sarah, by deed dated the 11th of March, 1815 k gold and conveyed tbe same to William C. Honser, who with his wife Elizabeth, by deed dated Ist April, 1546, con veyed the same to George Bitner, who with his wife* by deed dated February 9* 1853, conveyed the same to Mat thias Bitner in fee, will attend to the duties of his ap pointment, at bis office, in the city of Philadelphia, south eaet corner EIGHTH &hdLOOUBT 9t?e£te, r 6h FRIDAY afternoon, APRIL 25, A. D. 1862 at 4 o’clock, when and. where all parties are requested to present their claims or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. ap!4-10t DANIEL DOUGHERTY* Auditor. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. HENRY H.B OGLE, surviving Trustee, vs JO3EPH BTPKA. March Term, 1862, No. 203. Allas Levari Facias. The auditor appointed to distribute the proceeds of tho sheriff’s Bale, under the above writ, of: No. i.—All that certain lot of ground, with the build ings aud improvements, used as a factory for woollen goods, thereon orectcd, bounded and described as fol lows : Commencing at tbe southeast corner "of Lawrence {late Apple) street and Canal street, in th? Of Phila delphia, and extending along the south we stwardly side of Canal street 112 feet 1 inch, to the west aide of Leith gow (late Mechanic) street, thence southwardly along the west side of said Leithgow street 151 feet, thence along a line at right angles with said Leithgow street 100 feet, to tho east side of raid Lawrence street, thence north wardly along tbo east side «f said Lawrence etroet 226 feet 11 inches, to the place of beginning. Also, of No. 2 —All that lot of ground, with the build ings and improvements thereon erected, commencing at the southeast corner of said Loitbgow street, and ex tending along tbe southwestwardly side of Canal street lo tbe w£st side of Fourth street, 113 feet and of an luch, thence extending south along the west side of Fourth street 84 feet 5)4 inches, thence westwardly, on a line at right angles with said Fourth street, 106 feet, to said Leithgow street, thence north along the east side of Leithgow street 185 feet, to the place of beginning—will attebd to rite duti&s of hta MONDAY, the 28th day of April, 1802, at 4 o’clock P. M., at his office, 249 South 81XTII Street, Philadelphia, when and where all persons are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. apl6-10t JOHN S. BBtNTON, Auditor. MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a writ or order of sale, by the Hon. JOHN GAD* WAtADEB, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania! in Admiralty! t° undirected, will be soil, tit public sale, to the highest end best bidder, for cash, at CALLOW BILL-STREET WHARF, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL KWi 1862, at }2 o’eJook 51., 663 barrel, Rosin Mid 329 barrels Tar, being a portion of the cargo of the brig HERALD. WILLIAM MILLWABD, U. S- Marshal E. D, pfPenoßylvaEria. Philadelphia, April 11,1862. ap!2-6t Messina oranges and Lemonc, in prime order, just received and for sale' by BHOLiES * WILLIAMS, ap7 idf Boutli WATEB Street. ‘ DRIED APPLES—66 BMkB new Weatera Dried Apple*; 7 bbla near Weatera Dried Apple*. (ad received and lz> .tore- For —I, by MURPHY ft KOONB, |a7-tf Ho. M 6 NORTH WHARVES. | X>AISINS, —300 hoses Layer :i XI) 9M half best. Layer Kißln*; '{ SM boxer M B Bnneh Retain.; 800 half boxes M B Bunch Hew and choice fruit, now landing and for sale hr MUBPHY * KOONB» tal-tf Ho. 140 NORTH WHUHVM DRAIN PIPE.—Vitrified Stoneware Drain Pipe, a cheap and lndeetructible material for drain,, either for private use or foy cily drainage. PRICE LtST. 2 Inch diameter, 23c. per yard. 8 inch 11 soc. “ 4 inch <• 40c. “ 5 Inch ■* 60c. « 6 inch “ 66c. 11 7 inch “ 90e. “ 8 Inch ‘i 91.19 “ 9,10,11. and 12 inch diameter. We warrant thia Pipe to be eanal to any imported, and anperior to any other manufactured in thia eonntry. i S. A. HARRISON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. BAY RUM.—A small invoioe of Bay Bum, just received, for sale by OHAB. 8. OIBSTAIBB, »p 9 120 WALNUT Mid *X GB4HITK Strata. ILLUMINATINO OIL). i NO. *lO ARCH 9TKIE T , DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. >, DRY AND IN White Preclptate, Lunar Gauatiq Narcotine, Sulpb. Morphhe, Morphine, Acetate Morptiae, Lac. Sulpli., Ether Sulphuric, Ether edtrio, Sulphate Quinine, Oorro. Subiim, Denarcotized Opium, Chloride of Soda. Watherill’n ext. Gtach*. Tartar Emetic, Chloride of Lime. Orude Borax, Refined Borax, Camphor, Besin Gopavta. ILL ft BROTHER, umfaoturing Chemists, i North SECOND Street, vmr. A T>WM»TTT A. CABINET FURNITURE. LEGAL. EDWARD HOPPER, CIIABLES W.BERE3FORD, Trustees, <feo. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers. apB tuths9t Estate of NICHOLAS HELVgRSON, fcttftpcd. MARSHAL’S SALES. FRUIT. INSURANCE COMPANIES. Delaware mutual safety OIBUBANO* COMPANY incobpoiiatkd by tub lbihsiiATUß* op .'KNNSYLVANIA, 183fi. OFFICE B. E. CORNER THIRD AND WAIiIHJT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, ) CARGO, - I To Ml part, of tfa. WoiU. FREIGHT, \ INLAND INSURANCES Ob Goodi, by Rivera, Canale, Lakes, and Land to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandiae gonerally. On Stores Owellln* horaflajlfl. ASSETS OP THE OOHPSNY, NOT. 1, MSI, re*. ooa*. §lOO,OOO United States Flyeper cent. Loan. §100.360 00 60.000 United States Six per cent. Trea snry Note 49,906 JT 35,000 United Stfttee Seven and Three tenths per cent. Treasury Notes *6,000 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five pet cent. Loan 60,801 36 133,060 Philadelphia City Six per cent. Loau a. * 119,448 IT 80,000 State of Tenneaaee Five per cent. Loan..i.ooi.aat... 94,074 00 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad. lat Morts gage Six per coni. 80nd5....... 80,000 00 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six por cent. 80nd5,...«•• 40,180 89 10,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guarantied by the Oity Of Phi ladelphia 14,587 50 5,000 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company ...... 8,000 00 Bills receivable for Insurances made.... ~ 90,730 07 Bonds and Mortgages......... 76,000 OO Beal Estate .. 51.963 Bft Balances duo at Agencies—Premiums on Marine Policies, Interest, and other Debts dne the Company 48,13197 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insnranoe and other Companies, 811.848—estimated va lue ...... Cash on hand—ln Banks .......I In Drawer...... DIBKOTOBS. Samuel B. Stokee, J. F. PettlatOU, Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer M’llyalne, Thomas O. Hand, Bobert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, John B. Semple, Pittsburg, I>. T. Morgan, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh IABTIN, President, HAND, Tice President. :etary. jal4»tf William Martin, Edmond A. Souder, Theopliilns Paulding, John B. Perroae, John G. Davis, James Traqnair, William Eyre, Jr., James G. Hand, William 0. Ludwig, Joseph H. Beal, Dr. B. M. Huston, George G. Leiper, Hngb Craig, Charles Kelly, WILLIAM THOMAS 0. HXNBY LYLBDBN, Bee IJIHE RELIANCiS MUTUAL ISBUBAHOI OOttfAHT) or rHii.ADxi.ntUi OFFICE No. 806 WALNUT STREET, IUVM against LOSS OB DAMAOB BT F1B1) OB Houses, Stores, and other buildings, Umitod or perpetual, and on Furniture, Qoods, Wares, and Mer chandise,-in town or country. OASH CAPITAL, *231,110.00—A888T3 0817,142.0#, Which is invested as follows, vie: In trst mortgage on city property, worth doable tbe amount..... Pemaylyaiiia Railroad Oqi’b 6 pec oout, link mortgage loan, hi par......,,,........... 6,000 90 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.’s 0 per cent, se cond mortgage loan, ($30,000)....1T,M0 00 tftntingdon and Broad Top Railroad and Canal Co.’amortgageloan. 4,000 00 diound rent, first-daw.. 1,462 M lateral loans, weil 5ecured......1,609 06 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent 10au........ 80,000 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Pa. 88. loan. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock 1,180 01 Mechanics* Bank stock. 2,812 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.’s 5t0ck.......... 4,000 00 *5 lie Bell an oe Mutual Insurance Co.’a stock. 16,966 66 The County Tire Insurance Co.’s 8t00k..... 1.060 00 The Delowaro M. 8. Co.’s stack. • TOO 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.’s 5crip........ 880 00 Bills receivable.. 14,802 T 4 Book accounts, accrued interest) f,104 0# Cash 6tt U. 644 84 The Mutual principle, combined with the security ol 4 Stock Capital, entitles the insured to participate la the raorirs of the Company, wit Leftsos promptir adjusted ? VJUXG Clem Tingley, William B. Thompson, Frederick Brown, William Stevenson, John B. Worrell, S. L. Carson, Robert Toland, O. D. Boßtuigarten, Charles S. Wood, James 8. Woodward, CXfXi B. M. HivoaiLur, Secretary February 16,1861. Exchange insurance oom- PANY—Office, Ne. 409 WALNUT Street Tire Insurance on House*) end Merchandise (enenittXi on bveMbU tnn, either Limited or PentetoeL DIBIOIOBB. Thomaa Marsh, Charles Thompsoa, James T. Hale, Joshua T. Owes, John J. GrifflthS AH BONSALL, PreeMeni. OKHHOPOi The President W Jereeuah Bomall, John Q. Ginnodo, Edward D. Roberta, Sanrael D. Smedley, Benben 0. Hxle, JEW JOHN Q. *IO*AMr Ooi, Beeretwr. INSURANCE COMPANY OP THE STATB OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFIOI Nob. 4 and 6 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North Bide of WAL NUT Street, between BONN and THXBD Street*: Phil*, delbbla. INOffBPOBATED In ITM—OHABTKB PEBPNTUAU CAPITAL, #200,000. properties or the oohfant, tebxuart 1, 1861, #507,094.61. WA3INE, FIRE, AND INLAND TBANBPOBTA TION INBCBANO*. DIBBOTOBB. Senrr D. Eherreid, gamnel Grant, Jr., Charles Macalester, Tobias Wagner, William 8. Smith, Thomas B. Wattsojs, John B. Austin, Hwirv o. William B. White, Charles 8. Lewis, Qeorgt H. Stuart. George O. Omoß, Edward d KcJjht HENBY D. BHKBBMBD, fnatak WILLIAM HA»Wj| a .B«w“**-” X jaiWTEKPRISB INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (FIB* INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) ooHrisi'SßtiifiiSa, b. w. oobbh foubte AND WALNUT J3TBXETB. DIBXOTOBB. F. Batchford Starr, . Hotdecal L, DftmoOf William McKee, Gee. H. Stuart, Halbro Frazier, Jobs H. Brown, J»hli M. AtWMd, B. A. Fahnestock, Beni T. Tredick, Andrew D. Cash, Hstirj Wharton, J. L. Erringer. F. BATOHFOBD ST ABB, President. WAMJg W. Con. Secretary a Fire insurance, MECHANICS' IN3UBANOB COMPANY ON PHILADELPHIA, No. 133 North SIXTH Street, below Bace, Insure Buildings, Goods, and Merchandise sene rally, from Loaa or Damage by Fire. The Company gua ranty to adjust all Losses promptly, thmhy heps to merit the natronage or the pnbUc. DIBEOTORB. William Morgan, Bobert Flanigan, Francis Cooper, Michael McOeoy, George L. Dougherty, Edward McQoTern, James Martin, Thomas B. MoCormlCt, James Dnross, John Bromley, ’ Matthew McAleer, Francis Falla, Bernard Rafferty, John Oassady, Thomas J. Hemphill, Bernard H. HBlsemunn, Thomas Fishor, Charles Clare, Francis McManna, Michael Cahill. MAiroie WOPIB, Prtflttcot Pnuio SirfiiTTt Secretary. ooH Anthracite insurance COMPANY. Authorized Capital 1400,000 _ OHABTSB PEBPKTUAL.i Office No. dll WALNUT Street* between Third and Foenh Street*, Philadelphia. Thla Company will insure ac&lnet lom or damage by - t Wre, on Buildincs, Furniture, and MerohandiM none- * raUr. Alio, Marine Inraranoes on Vneeli, Cargoes, and frelibk Inland Insurance to all parti of the Union. DIRECTORS. Davis P«tnoit, Peter Sieger, J. E. Boom. Wm. V. Dean* John Keteham. M ESHER, President. DEAH, Vice President e98.1T William laher, P. Luther, Andenried, John B. BUkiftoß* Joseph Btaificacu WILLI WM. ] W. M. tton, Becrjurr. F[RE insurance exclusive iiT.—Tin pbnkstiiTahia mx insubano* COUP ANT. Incorporated 18M. OUASTSB P*ft- PETUAL. No. ilO WALNUT Strut, oppoeite Independ ence Sonare. Thia Company, favorably known to Uw oommnntty for thirty-six years, continues to Insure against lioas or Da mage by lire, on pnUio or private Buildings, either per ■unentlT or (or n United time. Aleo. on VnmltaH, Kecks o( Goods, or Merohandlsa generally, on liberal ■emu. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Pond, h bveated b the most careful monner, which enables to offer to the Insured en undoubted aecsrltt In the oaas OtMI. DIBKJTOBB* Jonathan Patterson, Tbomae Boblna, Quintin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, Jehn Deyereux, William Uoßtoiiu, Tbomaa InasHwlobonti JOHATHAH William O. Oiowill, FATTEBSOBi rmumL cretary. apl AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE A COMPANY. Incorporated mo. OHABTBB PERPETUAL. Mo.SU WALNUT Street, above Tidra. Philadelphia. Haring a Urge paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus, fn vwted in aouid and available Securities, continue* to taunre on Dwelling!, Store*, Pnrnltnre, Merchandise, Vea ■ala in port and their Oujoea, and other Poreonal Pro perty. All Loeeea iiberaiir and promptly adjusted. ~ DIBMOTOBS. Thomaa B. Harts, John Welab, Samnei 0. Morton, Paolck Bradr, John T. Leeds, THOM man 0. L. OktvronD, lAH B. HABIB, President, i, Secretary. fdl-H HOTELS. STEVENS HOUSE, (LATH DELMONICO’S,) No. 25 BBOADWAY, TORE, Tire minutes’ walk from Fall Hirer boat landing, Chamber* stibet, and foot of Cortland street. mh2B-3m GEO. W. STEPHENS, Proprietor. AGAfiD,— THE UNDERSIGNED. late of the QIBABD HOTTBI, Philadelphia, hart laaaod, for n term of rear*, WILIiABD'B HOTEL, b Washington. Thar taka thla oeoarton to return to tbab old Meads and enatomera many tnaeVe (or part favor*. andbef to aarare thorn that thajr will &♦ BMft tusir £ iae Utom In t*elr new narieifa BYKBB, CHADWICK, M 00. Tinmm Jnlr 18, ISO. nnSS-lP Business notices. D». FINE, PRACTICAL DEN •OIBJTIBT for 18 years, No. 218 VINE Street, above Becond, Inaoita the moat beautiful Teeth of the ago. mounted on flm Gold, Piatina, Silver, vnlcuite; Cc^ nlitet A»bfr, Afu «t prim more reaaonnble for nest and oubitaeUal work than any Dentist In this city. Tooth Flngyed t> last for life. No pain In extracting Teeth. Artificial Teeth repaired to suit. No pay until eatlsfled all It right. Beference, best families. f022-Sm i TOHN A. ALLDEBDIGE, U i ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Has renunsd Hie Practice of hie Profeeslon at i SCW CASTLE, DELAWARE. rjs2B-Bm«> ' JOHN WELSH, Practical SLATE U THIB& Street and UUBMAHTOWK Hoad, is pr»ared to put on any amount of BOOFINO, tn the mos'. MODEBATE TERMS. Will guaranty to Oak* every gilding perfectly Water-tight, i sft~ Qrdopiprotnptly attended to. myT-ly .861.098 08 . 617 88 •1,816 80 8809,usa ST 8188,900 00 8817,148 01 thout Liability for XaOSfiML M»G /TOBB. fiaraoei Blspham, Bobert Steen, William Mosser, Benj. W. Tingle?, Marshall Hill, 1. Johnson Brown* Charles L eland, Jacob T. Banting, Smith Bowen, John Biseell, Pittsburg. : TliraiißT, President. James B. Campbell, Edmund Q..Dntilh, Oharlee W. Poultney, Israel Morris. J. TACGHAH XBEMOK, JOHN I. COPE, WILLIAM H* MERRICK, HARTLEY MBRRIOK* COUIWARK FOUNDRY, KJ FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STRUTS, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK A 80NS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Lew Pressure Steam Engines, for land} river* and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; Cast ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Ball road Stations, Ac. Retor+B and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction, Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open' Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, do. Bole Agents for N. Biliienx’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus: Nesmyth’s Patent Steam Hammor, and As ptnwall A Wolsey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Uncblne. auO-tf AY ORGAN, ORE, & CO., STEAM- ItA ENGINE BUILDERS, Ireu Founders, and General Machinists and Boiler Makers, No. 1210 GAL- IjOWHTTiL RtnwL Philadelphia. fal&lv . HARMONY BHEERY—For sale in bond, by OHAS. S. OABSTAIRS. apIO No. 120 WALNUT St. and 21 GRANITE St. RAILROAD LINES. 1862. 1862. ABKANGE4IENTM OP NEW YOBK LINKB. THE CAMDEN AND AMBoT AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TUKNTON RAILBOAD CO.’S DINES FROM PH IT. A DELPHI A -TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. no* WRLHOT-STRRKT WHIRR AHD KKHRIHOTOH DRPOT. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: FIU, At 9 A. Hu YIA Camden and Amboy, 0, and A. Ao* conunodation. *S22 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J.) Accommodation , 2 21 At 9# A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Horning Hail.,, 8 00 At 12itf F. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation 2 U At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex press . 3 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Eveulng Express 8 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Class At 6# F. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Evening Hail 3 00 At 12 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City South ern Mail 8 00 At 6 P. M., via Caoxlon and Amboy, Accommoda tion (Freight and PaafleogerWat Clam Ticket,. 2 3ft Do. do. 2d Class d 0.,., 1 W The 6# P. M. Line runs dally, Sundays excepted. The 12 F. M., Southern Hail runs daily. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, WiikeeDarrs, Houtrosc. Groat Bend, Ac., at 7.10 A. M. from Kensing ton* via Dblawam Lackawatiau and Woatorn Railroad, For Uanch Chunk, Altontown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Baston, Lambertville, Flemington, Ac., at 7.10 A. M. from Kensington Depot, and 2% P. SI. from Walnut atreet wharf; (the 7.10 A. M. Lino connects with train leaving ICanton for Mauch Chunk at 3.35 P. 5f.) For Monnfc HollFi at ft a. Alij 2 and 4 P. tf. For Freehold, at 8 A. M., and 2 P. M. WAY Lli-*SB. For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 7.10 and A. M., and 6, 6.80, and 12 P. M. trom Kensington, and 2)4 P. ML. from Walnut-street wharf. For Bristol, ami intermediate stations, at U)( A.. M. from Kensington Donot „ • „ • For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Boverly, Burlington, Florence, Borden town, Ac., at 12#, 1,4, 6, and 5# P. SI. Steamboat TRENTON for Bordentown and interme diate stations at 2# P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. For New York, and Way Bines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street* above Walnut, half an hour beforo departure. The cars run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited trom taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel* Ail baggage orer fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggogo to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond Sl9O. except by special contract WM.H.GATZMER. PHILADELPHIA, CvCTWILMINOTON, AND DAL TIMOKE RAILROAD* On and after MONDAY, APRIL 7,1862. PASSENGER TRAINS LEA YE PHILADELPHIA : For Baltimore at 3 30 A. H., B.ID A. M., 11.35 A* H. (Express,) »ml ll.UI) P. &I. For Chester 8.10 A. M., 11 35 A. M., 4.15 and 11.00 P. M. For Wilmington at 3.30 A. M., 8.15 A. M., 11.35 A.M., 4.15 and 11.00 P. M. For New Castle at 815 A. M. and 4 15 P. M, For Dover at 8.10 A. M nnd 4.15 F. M. For Milford at 8.18 A. M. For Salisbury at 8.15 A. M. TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA: Leave Baltimore at 8.30 A. M. (Express), 1.05 P. M. (Express), 5.20 and 7 P. M. (Express). Leave Wilmington at 6.55 and 11.33 A. M., 4.15, 8.45, and 0 60 P. ftfl. Leave Salisbury at2.G5 P. M» Leave Milford at 4 55 I*. M. Leave Dover at 9 A. M. and 6.10 P. M. Leave New Castle at 11 A. M. and 8.10 P. M. Leave Chester at7.4S A. H., 12 15, 4.50,and 0.30 P.M. Leave Rultimore for Salisbury and intermediate sta tions *tft;2o and 7 P. M.; for Dover and intermediate stations at 1.05 P- M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 8.45 A. M„ 12 05 and 11.30 P. SI. Leave Wilmington at 4.30 A. SI., 9.25 A. M., 12.35 P. M„ and 12.10 P. RI. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, wiii rtm aa follows Leave Philadelphia for Perry rille and intermediate places at 5.30 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryviilo and intermediate places at 7 10 P. M. Leave Philadelphia for Chester, Wilmington, Stanton, Newark, KlUton, North East, Uawi‘e-de- Orace, and at all stations between aud Baltimore, 12.00 M. Leave Baltimore for Havre de-Grace and intermediate stations at 8.40 A. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate places at 2.W P. M. OS SCSB4TB OKIT: AtS.SOA. M. and 11.00 P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. At 7 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. The 3.80 A. M. train from Philadelphia to Baltimore will rtia daily, Mondays excepted. ap4-Tf Wfil. BTEaRNS, Superintendent. PHILADELPHIA iH.EZ.gSw I mmJt AND BEADING BAILBOAD CO., (Office *227 South FOURTH Street.) (to And After May 1,1861, BftAßon tickets will he Issued by this company for the periods of threo, six, nine, and twelve months, not transferable. Season school-tickets may also be had at 33 per cent, 'discount. ■ These tickets will be sold by the Treasurer at No. 237 gouth FOURTH Street, whero any farther information can be obtained. 3. BBADF&Iii), ap2o-tf Treasurer. BSfn——a PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA R B. LINS. 1803 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1803 Tor WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and all points in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains leave Depot Of Phila. and Beading B. 8., cor. Broad and #al towhill streets, at 8 A. M., and 3.16 P. ftl. daily, except Sundays. QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to points to Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, Ac., Ac. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or intermediate points. Through Express Freight Train for all points above, leaves daily at 6 P. M. Sot farther information apnlr to JOHN S. HILLES, General Agent THIRTEENTH and CALLOW HILL, and N. W. cor. SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. ja3l-tf .RWnPKNfN’f- OP egfilHESp THE liALT iwm AH *> 9310 RAILROAD. —This road, being fully It&PAIRED and effectw* l, y IiUAMiKD. ifl n»w open for the trans portation of patsengei-B aud freight to all points in the GREAT WEST. For through tickets and all ether in formation appl? at the Company's Office, corner BROAD Street and WASHIHGTCJi Ayentie. g. M, FE^TQN, President P. W. and B. R. B. Co. 15S p—MSB WEST CHESTER *w-»AND PHILADELPHIA BAIL- VIA MEDIA, BPBING ARRANGEMENT. On and after Monday, March 10th, 1862, the trains will leave PHILAPELPHIA from the depot, N. E. cor nor or EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at B.OS and 10.30 A. M„ and 2,4.80, and 7 P. M„ and will leave the corner of THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets, 17 minutes after the starting time ffoni idSlitSSttUl and Sdarket streets. ON SUNDAYS, Leave PHILADELPHIA~at 8* a/m., and 2 P. M leave WEST CHESTER at" 8* A. AX ..'and 4.30 P. M The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.05 A. M., and 430 P. M., connect at Pennelton with.trains on tho Phi ladelphio and Baltimore Railroad for Oxford and inter, mediate points. HENRY WOOD, rate* General Superintendent. ggfPffiSM WEST CHESTER faat TBAINS, via PENN BTLVAKIA RAILROAD, leave Jepoi| corner fitE VENTH and MARKET Streets, at 8 A. M., 12.30 noon, an»i 4 P W rv»3-*f PROPOSALS. Army clothing* and equip age OFFICE. Philadelphia, April 12, 1862. PROPOSALS will bo received at this office until 12 o’clock M.ou MONDAY, tlie 21st inst., for furnishing at tbe SchnjlXili Arsenal, Tin; I,SOO Sides Wax Upper leather, to he first-class oak tanned, from slaughter hides, well finished, and to mea sure 14 or more square feet to the side. 1,200 Sides Sole Leather, beet quality oak-tanned, from Buenos Ayres or La Platte Dry Hides, to weigh 14 or more pounds to tho side. All to bo stamped with the name of tho supplier. Bidrimnstbe ondorsod “ Proposals for Leather,” and be directed to G. H GROSMAN, &p!4 Deputy Quartermaster General. DEALER PROPOSALS, ENDORSED 13 « tBOFOSA.Lt> FOR THE ERECTION OF A HOS PITAL,” are invited aßd will be received at the Office of the Quartermaster, 17. 8. Army, Northeast corner of GIB ABD and TWELFTH Streets, until 12 o’clock M., of MONDAY, April 21st, inat , for the erection and com pletion of a tempprwy hospital for the use of the Hailed States, 1o be located upon a lot of ground situate io West Philadelphia, beyond 31111 Creek, between the old Baltimore turnpike and Spruce Btreet continue adjoin ing and west of Forty-second street, being a part of a dairy farm owned by Messrs. Eyre and Fennel, and at present occupied by Wm. Stock bine Detailed plans and full specifications can be seen at Uie office of JOHN McARTHUR Jr., Architect, 505 CHEBTNUT Street, where any information relative to the proposed buildings will bo given. Bach bidder must name the amount of cost for plumb ing and for cooking apparatus, separate from, although in cluded in hia general prap&uU. Each proposal mußt state the shortest time in which it is proposed to complete the entire work, and to be con sidered as a bona fide bid, must, contain also 'satisfactory references and security in the usual form of a bond equal to the whole amount of the contract. O. H. GROSMAN, Bpl4 «7t Deputy Quartermaster General. Deputy quartermaster ge- NEBAL’S OFFICE. Philadelphia, 11th April, 1862. PROPOSALS Will bfi received for it© delivery of sevo ral thousand bushels of OATS, in sacks. For particu lars, apply at this office. A. BO VD, ap!2-3t Captain and A. Q. M.. D. 8. A. MACHINERY AMD IRON. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILBB WORKS NKAFLH A LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGI NEERS, MACHINISTS,BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many year*, been in successful operation, and been exclusively en gaged in building and repairing Marine and Biver En gines, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, Ac., Ac., respectfully offer their services to Che public, as being fully prepared to contract for En gines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to exe cute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low-pressure, Flue, Tabular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the beat TenusylTaaia charcoal iron. Forgings* of all Bison and kinds \ iron and Brass Castings, of all descrip tions; Roll Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and Specifications for all work done at their establishment, free ef charge, and work guarantied. The mbeerilien have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boat*, where they can lie in perfect safety, are provided with shears, blocks, falls, Ac., Ac., lor rais ing heavy or light weights. JACOB O. NKAFIS, JOHN P. LEVY, beach and PALMER Streeti. BALES BY ADUTIM. JliiTm & CO., AUCTION BEKS, Nor. 232 and 234 MARKET Street SALS OK DRY GOODS, Thin Morning, April 17, on four months 7 credit (00 packages British, French, and American/liy goods. LARGE SALE OF CITY*MADE CLOTHING. On Friday Morning, Apr!! ?s, «t 10 oYinrj;, w|i| tf prrpmptnrilp Boiii, nn four mouths’ credit a large and seasonable or faar ionabie ready-made clothing. Hewing machines, Ac., comprising the entire stock of a city establishment de clining bllßlJ ess. SSF" Catalogues curly on morning of sale. SALE OF FRENCH DRY GOODS. On Monday Morning, April 21, on four months* credit— -700 packages French, German, Swiss, and British dry goods. SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES. Ou Tuesday Morning, April 22, on four months’ credit— -1,000 packages boots and shoos. BALE OF CARPETINGS. On Friday Morning, April 26, on Tour mouths l cpwilt— -300 pieces velvet, Brussels, ingrain, and Venetian oar* petiuga, nmttin/'s* Ac T7URNEBB, BRINLEY, & 00., A? 429 CHESTNUT STREET, LARGE SAL 4 OK FRENCH GOODS. On Friday Morning, April 18th. at 10 o*c!> ck, by catalog^,*. 600 packages and lots of fancy and staple French dry goods. FREEES KOKCIILIN’S PRINTED ORGANDIES AND JAUOMCT3. To be sold in entire bales, on four months’ credit. On Friday Morning, April IS, at 10 o'clock, consisting, in part, of— — baJcH Frcrfre Kouch'in’s Paris printed jaconets, “ .« « argundfus. “ *4 cameaux organdies. plain, Fa?in stripe, and plaid organdies. bales phrii solid color jaconets. - solid color brilliants and porcatos. Being the entire balance of the importation, and the last time they will bo offered. ALSO, 150 PIECES RICH PARII PRINTED MOLSLIN DE LaINES, Spring styles, small patterns, and all wool, just landed from ntearner. Also, on Friday momme— PARIS BLACK LACE POINTS, MANTILLAS, AND BOURNOUS. Paris black laco points. “ “ mantillas. u * { bom nous. In the latest etylca axto extra quality, for city traAg PARIS RICH DRESS GOODS. On Friday Morning, 5*4 rich chene Parisienne. Do broebe do. Do clieno mohair. Do Paris printed bareges. Do satin stripe CorinTbieune. Do IrDlawcee and AlhanHjHe eatlnee. Do broebe Rilk grenadines. Do Pans black bareges. 0 cages 0-6 Scotfh printed organdies. BLACK TAFFETAS, J. B. BRAND. 26ff40«inch ell boiled black grog do Rhine*. 2S<zrod-inefa splendid quality black taffetas, coiebcated J. B. bracil. , BONNET RIBBONS. 100 lots new style Nos. 12(230 poult do soio bonnet ribbons. Philip fohji & ou., auction EHR3, 526 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE S*?. BALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, AND BROGANS. This Morning. April 17, at 10 o’clock, precisely, will be sold, bj catalogue, 1,100 cases men’s, boys’, and youths’ calf, ki«! groin I 8B& thick bout.; calf u|)d fcjp, !?r9Kf!B9i (ton gross gaiters, Oxford ties, walking eboea, Ac; women’s, misses’, and children’s calf, kip. goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots, shoes, gaiters, slippers, buskins, Ac. Also, b large and desirable assortment of first-class city-made goods. W CwAs 9i*>B !®r ®¥*“!n»ti9ni wife mMjium, early on the morning of sale. SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BRO GANS, &c On Monday Morning, April 21, at 10 o’clock, precisely, will be sold by cata logue, 1,000 eases mens 1 , boys 1 , and youths l calf, kip, and gram boots; calf and kip brogann, Congress gaiters- Oxford and Scotch tion, Ac.; women’s, misses’, and child* ren’s calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco hooted boots aud shoes, gaiters, slippers, Ac., including a largo assortment of first-clast city made goods *r Goods arranged for examination early qq H)9 morning of sale, with catalogues. PANCOAST k WABNOOK, auc tioneers. No. 213 MARKET Street. LARGE SPECIAL I*ALE OF SI'RAW GOODS, MEN'S STRAW AND PELT HATS, Ac. By catalogue, Ou Friday Morning, April 13, commencing at 10 o’clock, precisely, embra cing a general assortment of first- class goods, for present sales. SUPERIOR FIRE-PROOF SAFE. At private sale, a very superior fire-proof safe. M FITZPATRICK & BROTHERS, • Auctioneers, 604 CHESTNUT St., above Sixth. SALE ON FRIDAY MORNING, April 18, at lb o’clock. FANCY GOODS, Portfolios, porte-monnfties, purses, Ac. STATIONERY. Letter, cap, note, and bill paper, envelopes of all sizes and patterns. Union paper and envelopes) blank booss, steel pens, pencils, penholders, lead pencils, stationery, cases and packages writing inks, Ac. Also, a stock of cutlery, silver-plated ware, Oc, SALES EVERY EVENING, Of Fancy Gcoda Stationery, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Cutlery* Silver-plated War 6) &q> Consignments solicited. Gut-door sales promptly attended to. MEDICINAL. MAniVVVWVVWVVVVVWwvwvv v i V-VVV'sTVYYYYYYVYV'. TXTONDEEFUL SCIENTIFIC DLS YV coveky or prof c. n. boli-es, 1220 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY. : Tb° fiiflftren?® mbMcfiOH, of purmaaeitly curing the sick and snlfertcg of chair diseases, or odver tieing to cure and showing but llttie or no evidence of cures, can be well appreciated by tho anxious inquirers after health, by attentively reading the following synop sis of certificates horn the must reliable gentlemen in Philadelphia, who were permanently cured by Prof. BOLL.ES, UQOIVAL SUT Stmt, ftSd AfUf had been given up as incurable by the mu«t eminent medical men of this city: Jndah Levy, Bronchial Consumption, 814 South Front street. EdwardT. Evane, preacher of the M E. Church, Dys pepsia of long atancliug, Larjcgitia and Lumbago, 1633 Jleimuth street. Alexander Adaire, Inflammatory Bheumatism, Lum bago, longstanding, 1312Savery street, Eighteenth ward, Kensington. William H. Shaine, Paralysis of the lower limt>3, (Paraplegy,) and Epilepsy, 110 South Twentieth street J J. Bailey, Laryngitis, Dyspepsia, and Lumbago, 210 Market street Thomas Owcub, Congestion of tho Brain and Bevere Hemorrhage of the Lungs and Diabetis, American Hotel, Philadelphia. Charles L. Jones, Dyspepsia and Lumbago, 528 Arch street. James Nugent. Deafness for six yearg, and ringing and roaring In ihe head. Fifteenth and Bedford streets. Geotge G. Presberry, Chronic Bronchitis and Catarrh, formerly proprietor of the Girard House. Thomas Harrop, severe Diabetis, Bose Mills, West Phi ladelphia. George Grant, Rheumatic Gout, {png otMH)ill£»j §sv Market street. 11. T. De Si*ver, Chronic Neuralgia and Inflammatory Rheumatism, 1736 Chestnut street. C. H. Carmicb, Chronic Dyspopria and luflammation of the Kidneys, Chestnut and Fortieth streets. jtiiih if**rro)d, Bronchitis »od Disuse of the Kidneya, 48 fomh Third street. S. P. M. Tasker, Chronic Dyspepsia, and Kidney Dis ease, 1622 South Fifth street. Jamet P Grevcs, M. D., long standing and severe Lum bago, 216 Pine street. Edward McMahon, Consumption, 1227 Front street. Stanford Stillwell, Congestion of til© Brain and ChPOfate Dyspepsia, 1526 Palmer street Charles D. Cuebney, Paralysis of the lower limbs (Paraplegy) and Dyspepsia, Western Hotel. J. Bicket, Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation and Con gestion of the Brain, 518 Oallowhill stroet. Caleb Lamb, Bronchial Consumption of five years standing, 1455 Chestnut street. Rev. J. Mallory, Aphonia, Philadelphia. M. M. Banning, Nervous Prostration, Cadbury Ave nue. J. S. Bitter, Catarrhal Consumption, 333 Bichmond street. N. B.—ln addition to the above cates cored, Prof. 8. H. BOLLE& has curod two thousand Chronic and Acute cases within less than three years in Philadelphia, all of which cases bad resisted the treatment of the most emi nent medical men. Please take notice that Prof. B. does not advertise any certificates of cures, except those cured in this city. Prof. B. haß established himself for life in this city, and his success in treating the sick is a sufficient guaran tee that he claims nothing hut scientific lacts in his dis covery in the use of Electricity as a reliable therapeutic agent N. B.—lt will be well for the diseased to recollect that Prof. B. has given a word of caution in his pumpblot to guard them against trusting their health in the hands of those in this city claiming to treat diseases according to his discovery. This caution may seem severe on those using Electricity at hazard} but it is the severity of truth and designed for the good of humanity. Consultation Free. PROF. C. H. BOLLES, apl6>tf 1220 WALNUT Street, Phlloda. Q.LUTEN CAPSULES PURE COD-LIVER OIL. The repugnance of most patients to COD-LIYBB OIL, and the inabiUty of many to take it at all, has in duced various forms Jof disguise for its adaUnjstratiog that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them answer in special cases, but more often the;vehide neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving quite as unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. The repug nance, nausea, Ac., to invalids, induced by disgust of the Olli li entirely obviated by the use or oar CAPSULES. OOD-LITEB OIL CAPSULES Save been much nsed lately in Europe, tbe experience there of the good re. onlta from their nee In both hospital and private practice, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, ore suf- Detent to warrant onr claiming the virtues wo do for them, feeling assured their me will remit In beneflt and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER, 141 Q WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. pURE GEORGIA ARROW ROOT. The special attention of physicians and families is called to the superiority of this article, it is rapidly supplantiDg aU other kinds, and aU those who have nsed it give it the moat decided preference. The following extract!} from certificates in the bauds of the ooaaufac turer, "Col. Hallowes,” will show tbe high estimation in which the Georgia Arrow Boot is held by those gen tlemen of the medical profession who have fully ex amined it. IK7" One pound, cents, or two pounds for SI. Complete instructions accompany each package) show ing bow to make the moat dolicious article, for the table. FOB SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT FBED'H BBC WN'S DRUG and CHEMICAL STOBE, N. S. GOB. or FIFTH and CHESTNUT BtreotJ, PHILADELPHIA. “ I have examined and prepared some Arrow Root, manufactured by Col. Hallowes, of Bt. Mary’s, Georgia. It lias the best duality of that variety of f.vcula I have met with, being superior to any Bermuda, or ether Ar row Boot I have seen. “SAMUEL JACKSON, M. D., mh2o'Stuth3m “ University of Pennsylvania *’ MRS. JAMES BETTS 1 CELEBRA TED 6UPPOBTEBS FOB LADIES, and only Supporters under eminent medical patronage. Li lies and physicians ire respectfully requested to call only on Mrs. Betts, at her residence, 1030 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand Invalids have been advised by their physicians to use hec AppU&neAs. Those only Are geniilne bearing the Untied State* copyright, labels on the box, and signatures, and also on the Supporters, with testimonials, 0010-tuthstf CARD AND GREASE. —SO tioroeg Vrim. Leaf lard) (0 Heroes White Grease, Direct from the West, and in store. For sale by MUBPHY ft KOONS, leT-tf Ho. iu north wnrnn. ITOB SE RADISH.—Pure Puck Island XJL Horse Badish, prepared for family nee, in pint and half-pint bottlee, for eaie to the trade by RHODES ft WILLIAMS, ■w WfffvsfoWAmstmt, «ALBS S'. AOCTIOa, M THOM AS & SONS, . Nos. llitf null 141 Smith KOURTU Street. tar pur t»io bales jikal estate and btouu M? THE EXCHANGE OH TUESDAYS. SEAL ESTATE AT PBIVATE SALS ltiF~ We have a large amount of real estate, at ycltlti sale, Including every description of city and oonntry pro perty. Printed list* may be had at the Auction QtM. NINTH SPRING SALE—APRIL 22. Orphans’ Court Pnrwnptory Sale, on the psemlsM, Chestnut fetrest. Estate of Hemy M. Fuller, Esq , dec'd. ELEGANT RESIDENCE ANU FURNITURE. On Tuesday Moruing, April Mi at 10 o'duck, at lira northeast corner of Chestnut end Sixteenth streets, the elega* t resMehee, 22 iVet front,repli-tc with modern conveniences; also, stable and conch- house. Full descriptions in haudb-Ue Immediately after (he sale of the house will be sold, by catalogue, tie c-1* gant furmluro, mirrors, Ac. TENTH BPBTNfi SALE—APRIL 22. Wjjj inchulu, under uu order «F the Supreme Court of I'i-miHylvania. the tlnc-o following described properties THREE.STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 100 Arc* street. west of Front, IiL'SINKSS STAND, No 211 Wulnut nlreet, wost of Becor.dt DWELLING, No 221 Quarry street, 18 feet Trout, Also, by decree of hhiiki court— TIIK BARCLAY RAILROAD AND COAL COM PANY’S PROPERTY, comprising pevoral thouH»nd acres uf coal hinds, and apparatus for mioiug, and 41 dwiJUiijiß, find other Imiluinga, huiKa, fdiLro&di, Ac. TIIREK.STORY BBICJK DWELLING, Market *t., eari of Thirty sixth, Twenty- fourth ward. THREE-nTOItY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1630 Thom peon street, w*st of FiJto^nth Tfimte«-i SulOi-2 TWO.STORY BltlOK DWELL* INGS, Buttonwood etrec-t, wett of Fourth. Lot 66 foot front. TWO BRICK DWELLINGS, Mrion street, between Thirteenth and BnmiJ. THREE NEAT 610DEBN RESIDENCES, N tn 1624, I"i20, «nd 1528 Brown Htri*ft. > EAT.TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 712 Marrhnll street. Salo at Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. SALK OF CUPKBIOK . FURNMTItK, RngfiWOOß AND MAHOGANY PTaNO FORTES, FRENGH PLATK MATTEL AND PIER MIRRORS, TWO SUPERIOR FIRM PROOF SAFES. BILLIARI* TABLE, BAGATELLE TABLE. BRUSSELS AND. OTHER CARETS, CHINA ANIi GLASSWARE, Ac. Our bale ihia (Thursday) morning, at 9 o'clock, at the Aurtion Store, will comprise, heeidea 500 lots of tiiiperiur furniture, dcgiint rifmvnoii pianrj.forte, luur mahoganr pi *no-fortop, two large aud superior tire*proof chests, line French*piste mantel and pier mirrors, superior bil liard lablr, bagat'.-llu table,china and glassware, Urnssela and other carpets, Ac. ALSO, El'-S'm! roww??'! piwio (nr'ei f >7 Scbcrr, Four Blip*. rior mahogany piann>rorte*. Very large fire-proof chest, made by Farrell fc Herring. Large do do Evans Sc Watson. A fine riflo. Superior sewing machine, made by Stoat. Do do Howe. Do do Martin; Pale No. 017 North Tenth Street ELEGANT FURNITURE, PIxNO, MIRRORS, VEL VET CARPETS, CHANDELIERS, Ac. On Friday Morning, April 18, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at No. 617 North Tenth utreft, hlwve Grchn, thfi uatire inruiture, bib* brnciug a suit of elegant drawing room furniture, covered with *r&eu plush, tupermr rosewood piano-forte, hand gome pier mirrors, superior dining-room fnrnlttira, ele gant rosewood und mahogany chamber furniture, fine mattn-sees, Ac. Also, the kitchen furniture. tST, May be examined at 8 o’clock on the morning of gale. SALE OF THE MEDICAL LIBRARY OF TH» LATE UR. THOMAS HARRIS. On Friday Aiternoon, loth iust., commencing at 4 o’clock, will bo sold, at the Auction Store, tiie valuable medical library of the late Dr. Tliomhf) Harris, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. Also, r nuuibf-r of eurglcal OsF~ For particulars hdo catalogues and books. Sale No. 1702 Green -ttr'-et. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, TAPESTRY CARPETS, FEAIHER BEDS, etc. On Monday Morning, 21etiDfit., at 10 o’c!b<£, at No. 1702 Green street, the superior parlor, riioiug-room, and chamber turuiture, fine taprstr- carpets, feather beds, mattresses, Ac. May be examined the day previous to xaie, with catalc-gufa TV/I OSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER IVI. AND COMMISSION MSBOHAHT, BouthMat corner of BIXTH and RAGE Streets TAK?§ KPTWB. The highest possible price is loaned on goods at JVA than»* Principal Pstabtishment, soutneont corner of Sixth and Race streets. At least oiic-third more than ill any other establishment hi this city. AT PRIVATE SALE. One superior brilliant hint'd piano, forts, with natalUa plate, soft and loud pedals. Brice only $9O. One very fine toned piano-forte, price only 350. NATHANS’ PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISH* MENT. 250, W0 TO LOAN, In large or small amounts, from one dollar to tlioaaaofißt on diamonds, gold and. silver plate, watches, jewelry, merchandise, clothing, furniture, bedding, pianos, a©4 goods of every description. LOANS MADE AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATJfIL This establishment has large firo and thief-proof aafeSf lor the safety o i valuable goods, together with a privaW watchman on the premises. ESTABLISHED FOR THE LAST 30 YEARS. ALL LARGE LOANS MADE AT THIS, THE « PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT.” CHARGES GREATLY REDUCED* AT PRIVATE SALE, AT LESS THAN HALF USUAL STOSS PSIOM& Gold and Bilver watches of every description, from oat dollar to one hundred dollars each, gold oheins, fashion* able jewolry, diamonds* &c. SHIFPIW©. T ON DON EXIIIBIIiON—RETURN J-i TICKETS TO LONDOS AND BACK; First, olasi. §l*o. Second.riass 68. <estim> WEEKLY COMMUNIOA- Swa TION BY STEAM BETWEEN NSW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, calling a* QOSHNB - (Zrela&dt) to laml nod tuaburk poneDgan am! ttespatches. The Liverpool, Hew York, and Philadelphia blew. •hip Company's splendid Clyde-built iron screw steam ships are intended to sail as follows: FROM NSW YOBX YOB LIVERPOOL. CITY OF BALTIMORE..**..SftturdAy. April 19,1M§. R. 1.1 I Saturday, Api ii 2d, isw* And every Saturday throughout the year, from PlZk Ho. 44 N. B. BATES OF PASSAGE THBOUOH FROM PHILADELPHIA* Cabin, to Queenstown, or Liverpool fff Do. to London, Tia Liverpool.. *,*<*.#*»*♦.,,,,, SBt BtMPAft to Queehetowh, or Liverpool.,fto Do. to London. IBS Do. Be turn tickets, available for six months, from Liverpool..,,, ........ Ml Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Hamburg Bremen, and Antwerp at through rates. Certificates of passage ißsned from Liverpool to Haw York .*«*«/•« Certificates of passage issued frost Queenstown to York...*. ess These steamers havo superior accommodations for pas sengers, are constructed with water-tight compartments, Asd carry experienced Surgeons. J’orfcelfht, or m»&, mV/ St t>» PB» if tbt dl» pany, G. D&XjE, Agent, 11l Walnut street, Phil&deifbfe, In IdTerp<x>l» to WM. INMAN, Tower ItnlMlnf. In Glasgow, to WM. INMAN, 18 Diion limit THE BRITISH AND NORTH Sfiaaißb AMKBIOAN BOYAIi MATT. FROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Olile? Cabin Tasskgo,.,,, ~,,,,,,,,, (Becoud Cabin Passage 79 FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage., Second Cabin Passage 09 The ships from New Fork call at Cork Harbor. Tbs sbtpg from Boston nil at Halifax and Oort Katn Dor. PERSIA, C&pi Judkins. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. CANADA, Capt. J. Tnilsfc ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. AMERICA, Capt Muir. AUSTRALASIAN, NIAGARA, Capt Bloodfc, Capt Cook. S3UROPA, Capt, Andf Wtt SCOTIA, CHINA. These vmmoli oarry a clear white light at marl hart green on starboard bow i red on port bow. CHINA, Anderson, u N.York, Wednesday, April 0. NIAGARA, Cook, “ Boston, Wednesday, April If* ASIA, Shannon, “ N.Tork,Wednesday, April 30* CANABAiMcCfIUIOFi « Boston;Wednesday, April 00. PERSIA, Lott 11 N.York, Wednesday, May T. EUKOFA, Stone, «* Boston, Wednesday, May 14* CHINA, Anderson, “ N.York. Wednesday, May2L. NIAGARA, Cook, <( Boston, Wednesday, May 30, SCOTIA, Judkins, “ N York, Wednesday, June 4. Berthi not sunna until paid fay. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be aooonntabft# lev Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious fltoail, or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, Sm the Tslno thereof therein expressed. For freight or M> Me* mplt to >■ OUNABDt « BOWLXHa BUEM, JTtw Jfil*. or to is. 0. ft, j. 0. batm, 103 STATE Street, Boston, BOSTON AND PHILADBL mrr ' PHJA STEAMSHIP LIKE—From POT Street, Philadelphia and LWNG Wharf, Boston, AO, The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will safl from Philadelphia for Boston on FRIDAY, April 20, at 10 o'clock A. H. Insurance one* half that by sail vessels. taken at (air rates, Phippers will pjoww sond bills lading with their good* For freight or passage (having due accommodation# for passengers), apply to HENRY WINSOB A 00., 332 SOUTH WHABVIS. FOR NEW YORK. ■tSHBSbNEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware aof Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Com pany receive freight and leave dally at 2 P.M., dallv«& lug their cargoes in Now York the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 BOUTS WHARVES, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, jml-tf Pleis U abdU BAST RIVER, New VoHL r „ JT- 1 FOR BALTIMORE, mSSmBL Washington, d. 0., and fob- TRESS MONBOX, DAILY, AT 3 O'CLOCK P. M„, Baltimore Ain> PHrciADeLPMIA STfiAMBOAT COMPANY, (ERICSSON LINX.) One of the Steamers *f thU Company loaves the npfSV aide of Ohostnnt-etreet Wharf daily (Sundays excepted,) at 3 o'clock P. M., and arrives in Baltimore early oast b«*r!bs- Freight* for Washington and F&rfeeii Munt received and forwarded with all pouibl* despatch. A*l are reanired to be prepaid through. Freights of all kinds carried at the loweet ratea. A. GROVES, Jr., Agent* Ni)iM Booth WHABTW. fflMrSmf EXPRESS COMPANIES. SOLDIERS Should be oent by UABNDSNM EXPRESS, MV CHESTNUT Street. Tbev charge only HALF BATES, and send daily to Baltimore, Washington, Fortress Mon roe. and all other points occupied byour troops. fe24-flto» Iffiß—b THE ADAMS EX* PRESS COMPANY, Offloe Ot CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels. Paokagea, Mer chandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by ite own lines or in connection with other Express Companies, to ■U Uw principal ToWnl ithd Oitiee of the United Bbwii. 1. S. SANDFOBD, fe!9 ___ General Superintendent. SHEEP AND GOAT SKINS.—A am ell invoice ol Bbaoe and Goat Skini for tale by JAUBBTOHE ft LAYBBONE, feFI 303 end 204 Sooth FRONT Rh-w*. POTTON BAIL DUCK AND CAN \J TAB, or ill numbers and brands* UaWi Back AwnW TwlUi, bt AuulftfcUu, l 6» Tehts, Awnings, Trunks, itad Wlgdtt OoveH. Also, Paper Manufacturers* Drier Felts, from Ito I feet wide. Tarpauling, Belting, Bail Twine, Ac. JOHN W. EVKRHAN A GO., 102 JONICfI All**. REST QUALITY ROOFING SLATS 1_) always on band and for sale at Union Wharf, IMI BEACH Street. Kensington. T. THOMAS, wMj tt-7 VMOTTHmIbfUMihU^
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers