FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE HONKV MARKET. Philadelphia, April 15,1882. United Stated coupon sixes of 1881 sold to-day at J <J\)X wag h4ld fe» the seven and three-tenths per cent, loan, and the certificates of indebtedness sold at 97. Pennsylvania sixes sold at and the five per cents at •1*0; city sixes (old) at 91X, and the new Issue at 987b* Jl&ilroiil a<lva; need to 4!, And Cam den and Amboy stock to 124. Heaver Meadow Jtailroad declined Heading Bailrosd shares sold fit 21/g. The market was in better tone than for some days past. Thenwmpynwilret is There is a fair demand Tor firat'Clans paper at six to hjx and a half per cent. Messrs. Drexel & Co. furnish the following iiuotations: New York exchange • .Par to 1-10 dis. Boston exchange. **.. to 1-10 ** Baltimore exchange —.».... ; uto U 11 Country funds 34 to % u American gold 1)4 to lj£ pre. Quartermasters'certificate 2# to 3 dis. The Hew York Evening Eost t f to-day says: Thfi AtflfiU ISASIf At revlvfed A IJHIe title morning on the announcement of the surrender of Port Pulaski. Prices are } B e>k per cent bettor on the leading stocks, but the business of the board was concluded without any increase of activity, the market remaining very inanimate ex cept for a few Ptookfl whieh lit-© in demand for delivery, such Afl New York Central, Erie and Pacific Brail, these having been somewhat oversold of late. The public continue to stand aloof, the commission houses doing little or no business, nor can any increase of activity from this l.e expected til! the nncer lailllitß which hang over the struggle on the Peninsula are removed. Covermr.entg are steady, and ,‘J cent, better. The sixes of ISSI csoso at Tha 7.‘>o notes are not to tra had iiudor par, nuri tmmii notaa sail very freely at that in the open niA’ktt. After the Boatd there were of Pacific Mail at 101#©102; Missouri*, 49* ; Tennesseea, 55,1 f; Erie Preferred. GI,V- The high-priced divjdt-nd-paying shares ar© scarce and ■qcoted as /oUawb; Buffalo and Scale Xilne, 117 iT ICO Mew Jersey, 120 bid ; I.omi Dock Company, 107 bid, Cleveland, Columbu.-, ami Cincinnati, 114©115; Pana ma, 121©1217 B ‘. Tli© list of railroad bonds is very firm, ami nearly all the leadimz mortcftses am withheld from tiio markot. iludsou firsts rose ro lifi* ; Erie fifths sold at 80. flow Jersey Central firsts arc wanted at 104. There is an improvement of ?V®lper cent, in Border State bonds. Tt-nnessees rose to 5a a 55% ; Mlssouria V>49tf. , Money is very easy to-day at 0 per cent, on rail. First ■class paper Is scarce at 5% ©5 per cent.for Bliort dates. Gold continues very cull, scarcely fluctuating per «©Dt from day to day. The Quotation at the first board was 101* ©lOl Tj. Exchange on XiOudcm U sf■ —with coasidc-rablo l>nai neea terday the demand was very Philadelphia Stock Kx< f Reported by S. E. Slavm PIKST 1 TOO Spruce & Pine It. 10* 1000 City GbK 50.... 01* 1500 do KS O 91 % 400 do K£ O 91* W<) <lO tfeW.«i«ti ‘ ! OJS 27 Cam A Am 8,10t5.124 8 do 124 22 Beading B 21* 28 Beaver Mead lota 52 12 do 51 1000 IT S 6 p e debt *6*. U 7 800 PareeisUrcd 65.. <HI?; 700 do .. 00* 2000 do BKT-vvfcßi 1000 U 8 top 031881 m 10000 no Ki£ SC Boaver Meade w 51 17 do 51 SECOND 14 Beaver Mead R.. 51 ? <jo r>i 5 do 52 1000 Beading 631570.. ST# 5 N American I os.. 163$ i 1000 City 6b Ifew, nil 90? fl j SO Spruce dPlne-f»tR 10j$ j 50 do 10* j CLOSING Plili Bid. Asked. VS 65 1881.... 03-?; 04 USTr 7 3.10 N QU% DU) Philada 6b 91 * 92 riiilada 6b new. 90s; Gfi?£ Pennass 827$ 83* Reading R 21* 21.31 "Beadxn6a'Bo'43 94 95 .Bead Inis ’70..87 * 68 Head mt 6b ’86.. 77 7S Penna 46TJ 47 Penna Rlm6fl. 100* 101 Penna R2m6a 93 93 j DlorrisCnlCon SD 41 Morris CulPref 113* 112 -Sell Nav Btock. S 5 Sch NftY I*ref... 10 11* Sch Kav 6* '32.. 60* 62 Mfflßinnn 7 7 X Philadelphia Markets* The Floor market ia unchanged and anfl iioldera arc free rellcra ar 50.12*©5.25 for BUperfme, which Is rather scarce ; $5.37* «5 62* for extras; $5.50 ®5.87* for family: and sG<a> 4P* l>bl for fancy lqts, according to quality: the receipts, however, continue very light. Bye Flour and Com Meal are also quiet, at $3.25 for the former, and $2 70 4P* bbl for Pennsylvania Meal. %. Wheat.—The market is dull and unsettled; a few small lota hare been sold at I24ari2oc fyr Pennsylvania reds, and 1300140 c for white, as in quality. Bye is steady, with further email receipts and sales of Pennsylvania at 70c. Corn continues in good demand, and all offered, some 4,000 bus Sontb rn yellow, sold at 55c afloat. Oats are more active, and about 7,000 baa Pennsylvania sold at S6Cj * Baur.—There is very little Quercitron offering, andlst No. lis held at s>£ ton. Cotton.—The market isjinactlve and a small business doing at former rates. Grocurik.v and Provisions.— I There is no alteration in either, and a moderate business to note in Sugar and C j>ffea. OdEE9$, —Gloverseed is not much inquired for; 300 bus ’S 11 at $4.75, which is a decline. Some from second hand at II at $5.25 bu?. Whisky is firm at 24c for bfolft trad fScfor drudge, and but little doing. CITY IT EM S. Rev. H. W. Bellows, at Concert Hall, last evening. The announcement that the Bev. H. W. Bellows would d*Uv?r ft “C9iiTerfiftttonftl Lecture” at Conceit Hall last evening, narrating what he saw in a visit to Manassas, within three days after its evacuation, attracted a highly Tespcctable, though not very numerous. audience to that locality at the appointed hour. He opened with an anecdote illustrating the fact that in this ago current subjects lose their interest almost as quickly as they find it, a practical proof of which ho saw In the comparatively little curiosity now evinced on the part of the public to hear this lecture. The latter, he »aid, he had written as an account of his visit to Manas sas, intended for his own private family. And when the idea was first presented to bis mind .to give it in public, lie felt that it was necessary to array it in company drsßa; but thinking that this might not strengthen, but rather impair the strict truthfulness of it, he preferred and had concluded to read the narrative in its original, domestic suit. The Doctor then proceeded to narrate in tolerably fully though not tedious, detail, his visit to the famous battle ground of Manassas. The semi* circular five-mile? fortifications in that vi cinity. he said, on approaching, looked very formidable though, upon closer inaction, this estimate Wftß TWt SlW tamed. The lecturer, however, saw none of the u Qua ker guns” so much talked about; still, be did not doubt that there had been some wooden guns employed by the rebels, in order to mislead ns. Bis own hypothesis was, that the rebels had been amply prepared to fight last fall) »Dd ooatistud eoumiit e ecu Ution of the roads became Buch as to prevent a forward movement of the Federal army, when they gradually withdrew a large part of their guns and forces. In a conversation wsfh a gentleman residing on the flpot, be had been told that the army, during the early part of the winter, at Mauats&e, had numbered about ninety-one thousand uu n, but that as many as fifty-seven j ili6ii£&iid these been away at one time, on fur lough. He knew that these facts would be variously re* ceived by the friend* and critics of General McClellan. The lecturer’*, announcement that he htznself was a “friend” waa received with applause« Be gave sonographic and liarrowing accounts of what he saw on the battle-field, ami adduced the most incon testable proof of the barbarity and inhumanity of our eiiemy. He sav a i.u nber of bodies of Union soldiers that b&d fa6t b£eh burled, which were headless and foot less* these extremities having, there was reason to be lieve, been remove! for the purpose of manufacturing trinkets, of various kimß from the bones, for the gratifi cation of the'rebels. The carcasses were not distin guishable those of a dog, or any other animal, ex cepting by the fragments of clothing. It appeared pretty conclusive to the lecturer that our disaster at Bull Bun was an unfortunate accident, and that, with better mauafeeuuriit aid a knowledge of our - true position, it need not have occurred. His intercourse with the contrabands, as related by the lecturer, was interesting. He thought there was good reason for believing that the blacks in the Border States were much better prepared for freedom at:d taking care ot ‘lienuelve? than they received credit for. HU own experience was, that they were ex ceedingly cautious, thoughtful considerate, and reticent is expressing themselves in the presence of those with Whom they are not well acquainted. In short, they were much more like white pen ole than was usually supposed. His descript’on of the trophy-hunting, by himself anl party, yu in general very similar in its details to those which have been repeatedly published in the newspapers since the evacuation of that rebel stronghold. Interesting Course of Lectures by Pro- lessor I.eitly. At the request of the trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, Jofeplj Leidy, M. D.» Professor of Ana tomy in that institutin'!, has consented to deliver a course of twelve lectures in tho amphitheatre of the Univer sity* on the subjecta of General Natural History* .Com paratiYe Anatomy, and Physiology* for the instruction of the students in the various departments of the insti tution, and our citize. s generally who may feel inclined to attend them. The lectures (the introductory to which was given on yesterday week) will be given regu larly hereafter at 1.20 p. M. on Tuesday or each week. His audience yesterday was quite largo; and among the evidently-interested listeners present we noticed a nutn l>er of well-known physicians, some of our leading druggists, gentlemen eminent in the various fields of science, and a sprinkling of ladies. The lecture was devoted, in a measure, t-> a resume of the previous one, In which the development of all vegetable and ani mat life was traced with scientific minuteness and ac curacy to the organic cell. The illustrations by Frofes- Bor Leidy, of the now well- established fact, that all organ ized bodies, whether in the vegetable or animal kingdom, £re not of spontaneous production,but traceable to a na tural parentage, woe exceedingly interesting, find Were presented in a form at 'T.ce intelligible and attractive to all. The specialities det-igonted at the commencement of his lecture yesterday, to be made the subject of inquiry and illustration, wt re tba following: Shell, (including the hard covering > ot the various custom a;) chitins, {or the hard skin of insects;) bone, cartilage, connective tissue, elastic tissue, muscular tissue, nervous tissue, epithelium, glandular tissue, epidermic tissue, and dental tissue. g Not more than half of there divisions, however, were taken up before the hrnir allotted for the lecture had ex pired, and the remairid, r will, therefore, we presume, be considered at the next. Professor Leidy’s high repnta* ttonM » m»nof sctens? Ms fair to be not only fully sustained, but augmented by this interesting course of mid-day studies. His diagraus, specimens of living and dead vegetable substances, dissected parts of animals, and preserved organs of tl e human body, used in demon titrating to fete audience tb6 tact, embodied in his explain. ftioDS, ore admirably adapted to instruct effectively. His Style of prooentiag scientific subjects, we may also state, is excellent, and we hope that all who can do so with out inconvenience to themselves, will avail themselves of the valuable and (aeoinating information afforded In thia prospective course. eadler to-day— i at the outside figure. Yes slack at 112*. change Sales, April 15* iakkr, Phila. Exchange.] 20 Penna 8.,.. .cash 40, 12 do 47 257 do lots cash 47 1000 Beading Cs 1870. S7# 500 do 1886, 77* 10000Penna5s...sown So 1000 do 83 500 do S 3 10 Consolidation Bk 21* 4 Morris Can pref.ll2 2000 O Sc Am e 9 1889. fill* 42 Lehigh Nav,c»sh 51 1000 Phila & Erie os.. 53,14- BOARDS. 25 Beaver Mead ..1)5 51 32 do 2 dye 51 2100 City 6i* lota 91* 1000 do New 96* BOARD. 59 Spruce & Pine-silt 10* 400 u 51,30 TrcaNoteslOO 200 do 100 25 Beading B 213*16 ! 100 do .*.*«*. 21* 9l* I 20 Penna 8,,, 4 . 40* I 23 Consolidation Bk.. 21 CJSS—STEADY. Bid. Asked. Bltnira B Frf... 15* 16 Elmira 7fl *73.. 73 74* L Island R ex*d 12* 12* Le’gh Cl & Nav 51 51* Le Cl &NavScp 36 36* N Penna B 6* 7 N Penna K 6b, , 67* 06* N Peuna IQs... 83ft 84* •lataw 8C0n... 1* 2 Catawissa Pref. 6* 6^ Frk & Sthwk B. 42* 46 dec & Thd-Bt R. 56* .. HacoiVioe-BtR 5* .. W Phila la 8... 53£ 54* Spruce & Pino.. 10* 11 Green & Coate-. 23 24 »Jhes & Walnut. 30 31 Areli Street... ■lB 18 A Apiul 15—Evening. Pkki.ks and Sai - cks.—Mr. C. 11. Mattaon, dealer in fine groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has con stantly on bend Leat assortment of choice English Pickles, anil every variety of fine Table fiances, which add so much to the gusto and general attractiveness of tLe table. We have tried Mr. Mattson’s Pickles, and prefer them to any others. s Moth-Proof Clothes Chests, made of the best Florida rod cedar, well reasoned, and warranted, at the Refrigerator Manufactory, GOTDOr Of DOC* ftnii Pm Birceiß. E. 8. F.UIBOX Si Co. t A Card.—The attention of the citizens of Philadelphia is cfilled (especially those \vh j have friends in the flron) to !lm n Bullab proof VeaL n the virtues of Which have been ao fully tested, and which has received the recommendation of every military man whose notice baa been catUd to it. It is certainly a true ‘■ Lifu-Pre sm«" to ft soldier iu battle. It is capable of resisting ft bayonet tlimt or a pistol ball, and ft rifle ball at a distance of fhirty-eiyht rods. Parties are invited to examine it at Charles Stokes’ 4l One*Price” Clothing Store, under the Continental Hotel, who is the agent of the putviiTcc in this ciTy, Charles StoKos would inform the ladies and gentlemen of tins city that he hag added to his establishment a Boys’ Clothing Department, where ladies and children can receive all attention in the selec tion of ciothing, which will be found to embrace a great variety in st) le and quality. CHARLES STOKES, No. 824 Chestnut street, under the Continental. TUK ruIXCE OF W ALES AND HIS BETROTHED. —lt is hinted that the British Parliament will aimuid the roj al marriage act, ao that the Prince of Wales mly select a wife among the gentle maidens of England. Lot the Prince select a partner from where ho may, one thiug ia ceitain, it has long since been decided on that his wedding suit shall be manufactured at the renowned Clothing T*niv»cof Grauville Stokes, No. 600 Chestnut fil I l *. iVliei"© Ike tisieat aul cliiap assortment o!' the latest styles of aeasonablo garments aio kept conrtaiitly on hand, or made to order at the sliortist notice. Variety iv tup: Ay dial CiuHTinx!.—T'mnu> have actnahy been Ascertained in the animal kingdom about 60.00 D species of living creatures. There aro 600 species of mammalia; of birds there are 4,000 species, of fights 3XOO species* of reptiles 700* aud af insects 44.000 specie?. Resides these, there are 3,000 species of shell fish, ami not legs than eight? or one hundred species of animalcuhi' invisible to the naked eye. There is but one Drown Stone Clothing Hall, »nd th»t is under tho pro prietorship of Bochhill & Wilson, Nob. 603 and 605 Chubtnut street, above Sixth. AMiVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST RIGHT, CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sta. \V <: Thompson, Lane, l’a II Crnwtlier, England L W Hall, Blair co, Pa E D Kennedy, Phila A J Daniels, Cincinnati P W Keller, Ohio J Mmlara. Bedford co, Pa J Buckmao, Cincinnati G P Reed, <>hio Mrs 7> B Wil?oo, Ohio W BaigtoWi Biiliiinore J B Henry* Dskwam T F cnrpwiter & la, Easton A 0 Hiester, Ilarriaburg E Davmpcrt, New York Lloyd Glovei, Now York T A .Tenki'f", Prov, RI W D Toboy J F Gieene Iliram B|qwii ii s wilier, Athena* r» J C Hager, Lancaator, Pa H Gilbert. Harrisburg S C Gilbert, Harrisburg T M Laimhan, Baltimore E \V French, Maine 1> L Cook, Wrigbtsville, Pa PH Halo, Wetton, A'a J May, Weston, Ya Colonel Gordon, England Captain CrwsmßD} iJugland A J Wiihams, New XOVK W A Hudson, St Louis Mrs Looser, Beading Mrs Linker, Beaming De B B Keim, Harrisburg Geo Smith, Now York Miss M J Bussing, N Y Miss A Vnlientine, NY J Bussing, New York L Lifcoin, Bos-ton W H. Cooper, ATontreal Arthur Gilman, New Yoik 1) Ives Gilman, New York Thos Smith, Hartford, Ct O D Smith, Ct B F Shearman, N Bedford W H Stevens, L Supt-rior H G Bronson, New York TC M Baton, New York John M Moore* New Jersey Jos B Wilson* New Jersey E B Brown & w, New York Miss Lizzie L H Miss Lucy L Hall, N H WH Carter & la. Balt Dr S H Jarvis, Claremt, NH J L Faunell, N Hampshiro Oliver Ditson A la, Boston E Page, Lawrence, Mass Col Lee & la, Boston 31 is 3 Lee, Boston A Domett, Massackuaetts * Job S Blamire, Now I'ork T*F Harra], New Graham & xrf, N York Henry Arnes, St Louis* ‘ It Scudder, St Louis J Chadwick & wf, New York Alex Strong, Boston P Yi' Groot, New York II P Chandler & son, Wash W E Cluindlvr* Washington A E Chamberlaioi Ohio John A Erin ti, Lancaster F Gibert* Harrisburg H Carr, Ohio Chas U Wolf, Cincinnati, O Mrs Paxton, Carlisle Miss Paxton, Carlisle Mrs StepVer;=or), Carlisle J II Holdam. New York Win T Dovej Washiugtan A R Potts, D'ashjggtqfi M a Titcit & in, York Air fflCoßherj VYeat Troy J G Stevens, New York ' G A Shaw, Boston Dr Bellows, New York T F Y Brown, New Jersey J P Hawe*, Boston PB Francis, Brattleboro J W Peabody, Salem, Mass Jlt Sweeney, New York T II Forris. OcdeDsLmrg E B Day, Provident, fi I E AVhitnev, New Haven John N Ely, Baltimore P R Randall, Toronto, C W ColJasW Wall, N Jersey M N Wisewell, N York Geo B Blake, Jr, Boston W H Talbott, Indianapolis F B Day, New York T F finiit* ScmLton Sami A Walsh* New Yjrk Caleb Fegrave, Providence Gardner K Colby, N York J C Hedge, Boston E O Tufts, Boston Dr. Blgidow & la, Boston W Mackenaje, New York A Horton, Bcston M Taft Charles Childs, New York E L Cushman, New York Stephen W Tillon, Boston H E Pardee, New Haven N Country man* Now Haven S M Wier, New Haven Jaa M Woodside, Now Hav B S Moore, Baltimore Geo B Bates, New York O F Thompson A fi‘ Day W B Fietchcr, Prov, B l J H Jone?, jr, Boston Joa Soligman, Now York c»pt Jss ij»wlea“, Delaware A W Leiseming, i’«uu4 Cora Stewort, IT S N l'F Oarhart, Now York Thos Smith, New York MERCHANTS* HOTEL—Fourth st„ below Arch. B F Guy, Washlngton W J Sibley, Washington W Shortlidge, Bellefonte E G Etter, Chambersburg W Eyster, Carlisle D A Fohl. Penna Cdpt C M Donovan, Penna B P Scott, Ohio H T Custer, Ohio T B Hammer, McKco^psrt D(J Alexander, WmijtjufS 'f Q HoWSi CIWYiUe Gso Guyer, Penna W C Van Fries, Penna Geo fcimt, Salem, O Jas A BlcConnel, Ohio W H Cool, Ohio C Bowen, Ohio Olivpr Ttu ker, Ohio D Patterson, Kittanning T J HifVman, Lewistown J BlcLevan, Salem, O J W Piirhcr* Sormraet G W Stewart* Linton* 0 H Park, Ytmugstown, 0 V Lfiner, Beading T H Adams, Virginia A H Olatz, York, Pa H Slaymakir, Lane co Wm D McKuistry, Penna f hag O Smith Maryland J5l Tlowe, Indiana Boht F'Samplu G lfoskinson, Waynesburg L Bitterskarap, St Louis J S Furpti Codftr Spring A S Fursf, Certnr Spring John Bird, Pittsburg P W Taj lor, Al'incbester, 0 J 21 Barrelt, Richmond, O W II Rogers, LaGrango E A Morrison, Penna W H Levan, Schyl Haven J Halo, Newport J 35 Kir.isley, New York Thos Forsyth, Media C 0 Shcfr u In, 11 Clnuih G B liimlcriiiun & In, Fennik Mtb Asa Packer, M Chunk Oliver Tousoy, Indiaimpolia Cbaß Hoge, Mercer co, Pa Tlios Fowler. New Y ork Capt G B Hsssenplug, N C W Wilson, Cleveland, 0 D F Maltby. Waterbury, Ot J Bothchild, lowa S A Pay, Palmira, Mass W F Lang, Pittsburg WgWolf* Centro co D Heas, Centre co AMRRIOAH st.. above Firth. Win B Tucker, Baltimore B S Curtis & la. Halt J F Bohdwd A sis. Oxford Mrs S Garver, Oxford Mir-s Sue Oliver, Oxford HPWbittlessy, CoDijecfltqt A O Gallup, Connecticut J 31 Carpenter, Silem, N J W 1* Johnson K P Bowen, Maryland. Mrs Kaufman, Lancaster M E Dickson, Smyrna Dr Bowen, Nc-w York G A Bobert?, Chester co M r 4 Miluor, Baltimore E Edmonston, Wash, D C Thoa H Boult, Baltimore John W Boult, Baltimore J H Auderfou, Jr, Chicago John F Sutton, Chicago B J Clark, Montreal W Green, ritt3burs A H Lockman, York, Pa PC Barham, Pennsylvania P M Stone, Providence, R I G C Bidwell, New York A 1> Cooke, Lynn, Mass C Tomlinson, Wash, D G Thos G Biinton, New York Chftß ALuoo. Now York T I, Baker, New York T Gonklyn, New York Isaac Brnndliead, Conn G F Coaradt, Baltimore A L Lewis, Delaware B ¥ Fowler, Ohio Theo Sievei b, Ohio A G Shiver, New York D G Litth field, Albany T J Barton, Baltimore ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. E Higgins, Boston M Lane, Wash, D 0 Dr Lindgood, New Jersey Geo Mendel, Wheeling ? B Simpson, Wheeling Mr Baker & la, Penna D W Wliitt ay* New York Madm Desue. New York S Jackson. New York G H Mercer, Baltimore W Chase, New York * E Stone, Massachusetts D W ESIh. Massachusetts F P Wilson, Wmsport A A Lor t, New York J H Lovett Norwich, Conn J Smith* New fustlo, Del H F Gerrish* Boston THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. J T Gefct, Lancaster co John JMcTague, Columbia A K Sy ester, ilageretown 31 H Fellheitner, Penna Job fi Briton* Penna Miaa Beggs* Pittsburg £ J Stauffer, Salem, 0 Ghaa Bmedley, Lane co Ji Frimutront, Beading Miss Alice Green, Easton A W Gochom, Navarre, 0 W Munch, Patnam, O J S McYey, Ohio J B Hay & la, New Jersey W F Ricks, Massillon A K Melony, Ohio M M Lepper A Ward, Altoona J Harper, Maryland 00 MM.ERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. P J Nicholt?, Oxford, Pa E Lord, Camden, Del N P Luff, Felton, Del E M Allen, Maryland P Ff-rgnson, Penna V G StnbbSj York co, Pa N II Gilhsple, Lancaster co J Keeler, Phn-mxrille J b Christie, Maryland J Yannort, Maryland Eli Coulson, Cecil, Md Lloyd Day, Carol! co, Md R H Jones, Unionville. Pa D P Crosby, penna S 11 Meredith, Chester co,ra Y[ yf Embus, CileStfiO, P» John itancaster a Evans, New Castle, Del T Walter, Pem:a J P Coulson, OJtio T Drennen, EJkton, Md J D Sharpless, Chester co Mrs Kidd, Cecil co, Md Mrs Mullen, Lancaster co W D Kli. k, Penna J Shaw, Penna MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. J J English, Laurel, Del G W Caroy, Laurel, Del W M McMahan, Maryland J W Jones, New York A Potter, Hammnntoii D D Muterthorpe, Peuya G 31 sStniii, Lcwlstown G Stratford, Xiewistown W Cieighion, Lewistown C Steruberger, Lewistown C IlonTor, lewistown BF Griswold, New Jersey B ¥ Taj lor, Taylorsville T F Parry, Attleboro Mrs Oanby, Lmnbertville J P Swartz, Virginia T Wtttfcon, Trenton J Bollville, HurtßYille II Harr, 1 itosville, N J NATIONAL HOTEL—Bace street, above Third. JK Sharpleße, Cattawinsa W Parr, Cattawl*sa L M Smilb, Kingston, Pa W B Baum, Troxeltavilie f’fefl S Hiil;ii, Alloiilowii D Graeff, Lebanon K D liAitho’omew. MChuuk H D Pott?, U 3 N A Willit-Im, Cornwall, Pa Jacob Z Plank, Pa Dr J W fllominger ,v la, Pa Miss Kate Glominger, Pa S )»Bril olomew. Pa C B Bodder, S Easton Jsb S Deil Mart'll Docker, Jr, ?a W M liaygs, Fiuegrore J J Wilhelm, Lebanon J 9hope, Pennsylvania S I> PitTsel & da, Minn W Wilson Sc la, Lebanon John Lnzarinis, Ashland B Snyder, Ashland Geo T Pa S H Miller, Btoomsburg J K Gcrrwi, Btwmiburg II W Creary, Light street Miss Dcirrich, Berwick Miss Peterman,Bloomsburg Mbs Able, Orangeville J) 3 Bilton, Bethlehem K B Brown, 3liil?intown Jacob Sponsler, Pei.n O G Gross. New Berlin, Pa £ Wilson, New Berlin, Pa Jonathan Sv&b. Penn BLACK BEAB—Third street, above CallowhiH. S Fritz, Lehigh co, Pa D C'luder, Penna L Stough, Penn a C A Garneirt & la, Penna B Tomlinson, Byberry A Buckman, Penna 8 Ileeelai.d, Somerton T Miles, Milestown Misf) Mill ft, MHc-stowh Mrs Van Sheets, Kutziovra M A Seipel, Penna J Halle, Sumneytown H llcj er, l'enna W Hamer, Penna A Wi.ttif, llerrj>burg Mrs Matlis, Berrysburg J Mat.if, Berrysburg Mra M Holsman, Berrysbg JT Young, Peui.a K Allabaugh, Penna Dr J K Reading *U, Pa J Hersh, Pennsburg OllPht, penna K Mitclmer, Danboro D R CleiiMis, Penna JI S Ludwig, Penna Mrs Ludwig, Penna W W Snyder* Penna A Sin tli, Sumneytown BABLBT BHXAF—Second street, below Ylno, T ’White, Frenchtown, N J G Miller, New York D Blair, Penna C Kerkbride, Bucks J Hibhr, Newtown J K Hoffeson, Penna A J Meyers, Montgomery T Leventhwortb, N Jersey Geo Pickering, Bucks E WUdM&h, Attieb W, Pa J Floweis. Edguwood, Pa V Friece, West Cheater M Paul, Penna F Tayler, Bucks D Jarreit, Montgomery W Corson, Centrevilte, ?a John Smith, Germantown W Merrick, Penna Mr Knight, N P It Mr Palmer, Bucks A Milan, Massillon, 0 B Bette, Pvuna J W Spencer &* ho, Penna AB W Knight, Penna F Kiliman, Piko co Egra Pellett, pike co Ephm Pellett, Pike co H Buckman, Bucks co A C Vsnluvanco, Doylestown 0 Comly, Bybcrry J Richardson, Penna Wm Parrish, Penna MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second at., ab. ArotL Eph Pellt, Hawley, Pa Ezra Pellt, Hawley, Pa H W Sfcouse, Hawley, Pa GB Sutton, Hawley, Pa J Selden, Penna Ben Yancleve, JolmsviUe Itufus Robb, nankins, NY AS Gilkyson, Bucks co, Pa John Wagner, New Jersey H 8 filer ner. Indiana John 8 Atkinson, Hawley, Pa E Simmes W A Torrey* New York S C Pinkerton, Lane QQ,Pa MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SEB FGC&TS PAGB ABBIVBD. Bark Reindeer, Coutts, 20 days from Cienfuegos, with sugar toSftW Welsh—vessel to Tlios A Ncwhali & Soii a . Lett bark Joseph Maxwell refldy to load, aud would sail ill a few days for Philadelphia. The R has been 12 days north of llaiteras, with heavy northerly winds. April 14th, off Cape Henlopen, saw bark Headly, from- Si Jago for Now Yoik. Barb Powhatan, Limt, 4 days from N«w York, In L»t ast to K A Sender A Co. Bark Samuel Moxiey, Jr. Powell, 4 days, from New London, in ballast to caphuD. Brig Breeze, Outerbridge, from Turks Lland 27th ult, with salt to captain, Left no Amnicftn tcmbls in port, t>flr north point of Grand Turk saw brig AG Jattell, Wat* son, hence for Cienfuegos t ; apt Fonlbes, of the bark Elizabeth J, beforo reported abandoned, came passenger in the Breeze. Brig JCaF-tem State, Ackley, 70 days from with Piull to Irasc Jeauea A Co. Biig Urmus, Crapo, 3 days from New Bedford, in bal last to captain. Bchr Reindeer, Davis, 3 days from New York, with mdse to Powers A Weightman. ScLr Evt<rgl>i(]p, Ilari’infitnn. 5 days fruai ln bnllftgt to Bancroft, Lewis & Jo. Schr Clmilcs AtLinsou, Atkins. 1 day from Milton, Del, vuih corn to Jas L Bewiey & 00. Sllsi* S C Fitluaii, Tuft, 1 day fiom Port Deposit, Md, with lrniin to Jus L Bcwloy Si Co. Jfchr 8 A Hammond, Paine, 5 day'B from Bjßtou, with imlte to Tuolls & Co. Schr Biid. Long, 2 days from Indian River, Del, witli corn to J W Bacon. D»rt* Giuiflwav, 3 ihiys from Chon tank Riyor* wiih railromllles to JW Jirtcou Schr Model, Bacon, 4 days from Washington, DC, with irdtc to J W Bacon. CLEARED Jsi Terry, Cardenas, J N Ba/.loy A Co. Prig Birchard A Torrey, Colton, Portland, L Auden jit-d A: Co. Sclir Heroine, Champlin, Fair Haven, Sinnickson A Glnver. gchr Y SI ftrp* Haley* Fortrosa Monroe. Tyler. Stone & Co. Schr Adelaide, Young, do do Schr J Compton, Yates, New Bedfo *d, J B Blakiaton. Schr Corbulo, Willse, Bridgeport, do Schr Elizabeth A, Steelman, Weymouth, NJ, W H Johns. B-hr D Webster,Chappell,Norwich,L Audonried&Co. Schrlvverglade, Fickett, Bobton, Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Bchr Frank Herbert, Foster, Boston, Hammett, Van Dueen A Lochman. Solu? Naiad Queen, Smith, Noru-leh, dA "Schr Win Donnelly. Miller, Washington, do Schr Somerset, Stiller. do do Schr California, King, Baltimore, do Schr Mary A Priscilla, do do Schr Fmuiorn, Conway* Waabingtou, DC* J W Bacon. Str H L Gaw, Her* Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. SAILED Ship Free Trade, Stover, loft in tow of City Ice Boat on Monday morning at 31 o’clock, for Liverpool, with the following cargo: bushels ■wheat, 5752 do COTT), 3600 bbl s flour, 21 cask a bark, 100 tierces beef, 100 bids pork, 594 boxes bacon, 3SO do hams, 228 hbls 98 tierces 1 keg lard, and 120 casks tallow. BT TELBGRAPfIi (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del.. Aril 15, 4 PM. The barks Irma, from Trinidad, and Hamilton, from Havana, came in, and remain at anchor in the road stead, in company with bark Hamilton Gray, from Ply iLoiith. 3-1 rig, loaded ifltli coal, and brig Jacob P^ck t bonud to Key West. Wiad ESK. Yours, Ac. JOHN P. MARSHALL. MEMORANDA. Ship Sfurulng Slur, Foster, for San Francisco, elsared st Now York yesterdav. Brig Alnioic, Hoffses, from Cardenas, via Holmes 1 Hole, at Boston 14tl» insl. fehr Harriet Neal. Houghton, sailed from LnbecBfh inst-t for Philftdriphiftt' Schrtj Flyaway, Davis, V. It Atwood, Rich, George Ii Green, Cobb, Zouave, Foster, M A Shroji3hire, Lander, S H Sharp, Haley, Jas All derdice, Stiles, J A Parsons, Slmw, Harriet Newell, Sherman, Jas Sparks, Inman, Slary Pfttterson, Godfrey* E W mtl* NicKfirgou, »ud W \y Marcy* Lake* hence, arrived at Boston 14ili iußt. * Selins Ann Maria, Eldridge, and K A E Steelman CamiD, cleared at New York yesterday for Philad. Steamers Samson, Dunning, »ni Anthracite* Jones hence, arrived at New York yesterday. grbr HelAn 7 (of Beaten) Pillflbury, from Measln& for Philadelphia, with a cargo of 3810 boxes oranges and le mons, ami 50 tons of brimstone, was abandoned at sea on the 32th March. Capt Piilsbnry, his wife and child, and the officers and crew of the Helen were taken off by Capt Torrey, of ship Marshfield, from Havre, Tvhi?h ftrriYtf at Bath 10th inst. SPECIAL NOTICES. Beaureoaud’s Joke. BY TItE BAUD OF TOWER HALL Before his defeat, That rebel pest, Bold Beaureganli Attempted a jest:— ai I'll water my horse This day, (said he,) In tho muddy riv^r Called Tennessee; Or In one of tho darker Streams that flow Iu tho regions of Pluto* Down below.” This sorry joke Showed the unlucky elf Thought his horse had a soul As well as himself. And tho fact may be That his soul is 60 small, That it might be considered An just ui'iic at all, The rebel General did not, as it appears, visit either of the watering places selected by him. Whether his choice v/as a good one, we will not inauire, but simply remind the reader that ire have on hand the largest stock of Spring Clothing in Philadelphia, which has been chased for cash and iabeingaold for cash crnly, at the lowest possible prices. TOWEB HALL, No. 518 MAR KET £t., rbltn. BISOIJMISXT « V/G. Carpet Sweepers.—Cranes’ patent RUBBER and CARPET SWEEPER, for Bale at the Housekeeper's Furnishing Store, cor. DOCK and PEAB Streets, ii B* $* FAIISQN & GO* The Remedy.— Jumelle’s COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK is the most popular medicine, because it is the best Cough Syrup, the best Blood Purifter, the most potent inv|g3rat<?r, ftfifl (he most soothing and speedy cure for pains in tho lungs and spitting of blood. 'For sale by the proprietor, F. JV MELLE, No. 1525 MARKET Street, and by all Drug gist a. apl2-fsw2t=S= Myprg mm**™ Office of the Adams EXPRESS COMPANY, 320 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia, January 27, 1862. The Adams Express Company having enlarged their facilities at Washington, D 0., by building a "Railroad depot, and having acquired additional capacity for transportation, are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages, and Parcels, to Wash ington, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made for merchandize in large lota. Snil&fe 1 g66ds and army supplies at aatUfaebtry prices, on application at our office. Soldiers 1 parcels taken at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and receipted far at our depot, S. X. corner of BROAD and LOCUST Strata. JOHN BINGHAM, ja27-tf Superintendent. One-Price Clothing, of the Latest Styles, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL BALS9. lowest selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. AU Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our Oss-Paios Ststsk is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. •eSS-lv JONES A 00., 464 MASKS* Street MARRIED. floyd—BßiNGHyߧ!i—9n the 34 iast.i by Bey. M. r>. Kurtz, Mr. David Floyd to Miss Anna M., daugh ter of John 11. Bringhurst, Esq , all of this city. * DIED. AGNEW.—On Tuesday, the loth instant, Bessie L. Agntw. daughter of the Rev. W. G. C'. Agnew. The funeral will take place on Thursday, the 17th inf-t. Interment at Mount Ilolly, N. J. Oars leave the foot of Walnut- street wharf at 6 A M. Her friends and ftcquHintaucea arc invited to see the remains, this ( Wed* nesday) evening, at No 624 South Washington Square.# KEVSEB.—On Tuesday, April 15th, at 12 o'clock, John S. KeyßtT, in the 46th year of his age. The relatives and friends or the family are respectfully jwvited to attend the funeral, from bis late residence, No. 3 file North Eleventh street, on Friday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. Funeral to proceed to Germantown. WALTON.—At bis residence, inHatboro\Montgom9ty county. Pa., on Second-day afternoon. Jacob L. Walton, aged 59 years and 4 days. Hie relatives and friends of the family are respectfully iLvited to attend hia funeral, on Fifth-day, Fourth month, 17th inst., at 10 o’clock A. M , without further notice. ## BOLLEB.—Monday morning, 14th instant, in the 60th year of his age, Henry T. Boiler. The male friends of the family afs PtßPMifttU)' Invited to attend ins funeral, from his late residence, No. 1412 Spruce street, on Thursday morning, at 10 o’clock. ## JUSTICE. —On Second-day afternoon, the 14th inat., George M. Justice, in the 70th year of his age. His friends, and those of tlie family, are invited to at* tend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 554 North Fourth street, on Fifth-day, the 17th inst., at 2 o’clock P. JI., without further notice. Interment at Laurel MIL MERINO.—On the 14th instant, Mrs. Maria Garcia Merino, wife of Felix Merino, in the 731 year of liorage. Trie friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, 1625 Summer street, this (Wednesday) morning, at 9 o’clock. Service at Ca thedral Chapel. Interment at Cathedra] Cemetery. * STEELE.—On Monday morning, the 14th instant, Mrs. iiapntfi $l, Steele, in the Gist year of her axe. The relatives and friends, and tlio3e of the family, are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the re sidence of her brother-in* law, Samuel D. Dan field, Woodland street, No. lfi, West Philadelphia, on Thurs day morning, 17th inst.. at 10 o’clock. Funeral to pro ceed to Newtown, Delawure county. [Weft Chester papers please copy.] ** YOOBHIES.—In this city,' on the morning of the 14th instant, Mr. I. F. Voorbies, in the 06th year of his age. His relatives and friends are invited to attend thefune-, ral, from Ids late residence, Market street, Poltsville, this (Wednesday) afternoon, the 16th inst., at 2 o’clock. # / TUCKEB.—On the 13th instant, George W., only soi of Christopher and Mary Tucker, in the 24th year d bis age. Tho relatives and friends of tlie family are respectful? invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of It* parents, 725 Parrish bU this(Wedrosday) morning, loh inst., at 10 o'clock. To proceed t> o.l\ Cemetery, j* MEBCER.—On the 13th instant, Mrs. Mary, wif/of David Mercer, and daughter of Andrew and Bebtfca Treganna, in the 35th year of her age. j Her relatives and friends are respectfully inviW to attend her funeral, from the residence of her Irashwd, 1132 Otis (late Wood) st, Eighteenth ward, this (>ed neEday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. To proceed to Hanfer etreet Vault. CABVEB.—On the 13th instant, Margaret Ctver* , —\ aged 31 years. -f, Hence of her bod, Jacob Oryer* Funeral from the resi<— - -.<ll, n»»- -■ -/i Ash st„ below Thompson, Eighteenth wars, this Wed nesday ) stlernoon, at 4 o’clock / * THACKARA.—On the 12th instant, UlssMrne Thackara, daughter ot Beni, and Jane Thackaraln the 19th year of her age. . / Funeral from the residence of her parents, to. oil Christian street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, atfo cl k. TV/TOCRNING GOODS, AT iSH iVI PBIOES.—BIack Bombazines, 62#, 75/nd 87# fits* AU-W 661 •E&mteei, 7S 6iS‘ AU-W6&l 31# ctn; Camels’ Hair BaTegeg,37# eta; Cra/Maretz, IS# eta; Milan&ite Bareges, 18# eta; Silk CWi° B > 37# cts; Batin Plaid Bareges, 18# eta; Plain Bw«[i 12#, 15, and 18# cts; Silk Grenadines,7scts; Gro#® Rhinoj, 70 eta; Second Mourning Bareges, 12# ctaßlacfe and Wliite neat'Gheek Silks, 82# ct» • lUack » n <fuppU All- Wool Mouaselines, 31# cents. ! BESSON A SON, Mourninetore, No. 918 CHKSTyT Street OFFICE catawxssa ; \XS COMPANY, No. 308 WALNUTj Philadelphia, / NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS—I Meeting of the Stockholders of the Cornpd on FRIDAY, the 18th day of April, 18# P. M., at the Company’s Office, No.f Street, In tty, city of PhilaJelphia »p!6-0t WM. B. EISB THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1862. |Ug=- NOTICE A MEETING OF TIIE 113 STOCKHOLDERS ofithe BHAMOKIN AND SEAR VALIEV COAL COMAAHV will b. 1.. bl »t the Connting Room of FALlij, LOTHBOP, & CO., No 214 CHESTNUT Street,'on TUESDAT, the 224 instant, at 10 o’clock A. M., toelect five Directors and fer other puv poses connected witli the intereat «f said Company. By order. D. a WHARTON, flPl4-mwf3t Secretaty of the Cori»orators. FTwr* FARMERS 1 WEST FHILAUELI'UIA Us 3 MARKET.—The renters ol Stalls are requested to meet in tho market building* in the louth side of MAIiKET Street* west or Thirty.fliird, on WEDNES DAY and TUITJJSDAY, the 16th md 17th Instant, be tween the hours of 9 and 12 A. ML, ot 3 and 6 P. M., to pay the advance mi their respective stalln, prepArutory to the opening ot the Slarket on Saturday, the 10th Ihftt. .nplA-fit* HELP FOR SOLDIERS A FAIR IN lO Aid of the COOFKR-SHOF REFRESHMENT SALOON AND HOSPITALS FOR TIMS SOLDIERS win be held at Nob, mnl HI OHE3TNUT Street* rj«re L. j, Lory A Co.’s BtoreO commencing Apnl OUi. The building willbe brilliantly illuminated in the eve ning. A band of music will be in attendance, and the galleries will be reserved for pronienaders. Choice refreshments. Admittance 10c. ivr==* BUSINESSKNOWLEDfiE A YOUNG Ukj? man cun gain a more thorough aud practical knowledge of Book-keeping, and the other duties of the Counting Houre, in the ahoit time required forcomolating a course of instruction, At CRITTICNDEN’S Philadel phia Commercial College, thiui by years of ordinal y up. plication to business. aplo-6t# ryr«=» OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIRE LUJ INSURANCE COMPAVY. April Tjl?°3. The Directors hare this day declared a dividend of FIVE DOLLARS per Share for the last six months, which will be paid to the Stockholders, or their legal re presentatives, on and after the 17th instant. flpBi9t* A. 0. L. CRAWFORD. SeiWtAff. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA UOf RAILROAD COMPANY—Office 227 South FOURTH Street. —Philadelphia, April 3d, 18B2.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this company, Alld Aft election for President And Ilx Uanagcra will tatce place at the office of the Company, on MONDAY, May sth, at 12 o’clock M. W. H. McILHENNKY, ap4-tMS Secretary. AVIS AUX LIONS »E LA MODE. I, LSi Mnl P. AkOUIOT a I.*IIOSKKUB U’ISrOK.MBB I.BIS Fkakcais ht sks ktkaxgkus qi:’u. est A\Mt>imD'Hn GEUANT j»k i.a maisox, GRANVILLE STOKES, 609 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. II “uaractis par ea position aux homines de gout, quo gor v 6 lemons porterous teuieuvs mi e&ehel dedistlfae tvon inninritable, et a. des prix a 25 pour cent an desaous do u’iniporte quelle niainon. Ba longue etude et sa pra tique l’out mis en rapport avec les artistes les plus habiles dt Ha partie, taDt h Paris qu‘a Lontlres, et qui lui fourni rona toujours lea plus nonvellea modes et les mieux por« lees de ccb deux pays. Avis a coux uni tiennent a Gtre a I’av&nce des modes. ap4-fw-lm YREft LA Nl> E L L,.' BPBING OPENING. NEW CHINTZES, NEW GINGHAMS, NEW ORGANDIES, NEAT PLAID SILKS, SHEPHERD’S PLAIDS, FASHIONABLE SILKS, BLACK FIGURED SILKS, COLORED POULT DE SOIES, mblO-mw&stf Point* Lace, (Jolpcre, lloniloo, Valeucfenne and oilier Lace Collars; French Embroidered Collars, dec., &U in the latest styles and very cheap. Plaid French Muslins, Plaid Nainsooks, Plaid CambriCß, Black and 'White Embroidered Note, and a variety of other materials for Garibaldis. “GREAT REDUCTION” in Beal Thread Veils—an fntiro invoice of Real Thread Veils at 25 per cent, below the u&ual rates. 1W Rent Thread Barber fide, to SLOT* 3he ** especial attention ’’ of llie public is solid ted to my stock of Linens, Table Damasks, Nap kins. Do? lie?, Towels, and u Pillow and Shooting Linens ” all of which will be offered at verylow prices. Broad Bordered Hemstitched Hdkfe, & full ISiie just opened, beautiful qualities, from 30c. to SI each. . aplG-tf 1024 CHEST fUT sTb¥¥tT TAS. B. CAMPBELL & Oo„ O WIIOLKPALE AND BBTAtt DEAMKS, 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Have opened this day, Bonnet's Black Taffetas. Triple Chain, Satin Plaids Colored Taffetas. Detached Figured CanieVs Hair Thibet, high lustre. Satin Plaid and Printed Maroniliae. Lupin’s heat black Baioges and Bomba/iues. and high colored Chalii, Oriandiea and Jaconets, grigsaile grounds. Cachemire Stripe Printed Percales, Terr rich, Foulard Poplins. Foulard Patine, Ac., Ac, Leather-colored mohair fiit Breeze. &ad Seeks. 5-4 Lava-colored Mohair. Shepherds’ Plaid do. Silvereens for Sacks. Light Colored Sack Cloths. Mellon Cloths, Light Colors. a»l6 EYRE k LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH. Honey- comb quilts for Hotels, Steamers, &c. Quilts of all grades. Linen Napkius and Towel^, Embroidered Curtain Muslins. Russia Crash and Turkish Rubbers. Table Linens, Wholesale and Retail. ap!6 EYRE * LAXDELL, FOURTH & ARCH. Ti/fEh TON CLOTHS FOR GENTS’ XTX SUITS. Spring Style Caasimeres. Fashionable Vestings. Tweeds and Cassimeres for Boys. Fine Black Cloths for Coats. Finest Bl&cks. aplG EYRE A LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH. SPUING CLOAKS. Cloak room contains every new style. Short and medium length Cloaks. Silk man ties, opening every morning. Garments made to order with despatch. CLOTIIS, C iSSINERKS. Fancy Casshneres and Meltons. Casbmarettes and Light Weight Woollens. Goods, for Boys' wear. Fine Black Cloths and Doeskins. Bupeib stock of these goodg at low prices. DRESS GOOD 3. Checks and Plaids for children’s wear. Extra wide Fil-ds-chcvres, for Ladies’ wear. Mohairs, Poplins, Alpscas. Qooa BiftcK siiks and Wool Delainsi Shepherd’s Plaids. Good Hoop Skirts. Cheap auction lots of Dross Goods. COOPER & CONARD, apls Southeast corner NINTH and MARKET* rift TO MILLINERS ANP COUN- J$T TRY MERCHANTS.—The cheapest Bibbonß and Flowers in the city will be found at the New Millinery Emporium, No. 11 North THIRD Street, above MAR KET. Just opened, from auction, 1,000 Roses, at 18 cents per dozen, all colors, worth 37 * rich artificial flowers, from Q* cents a bunch upwards} Bonnet Rib bons, Si, £1.25, SI 50, SI-62, good quality, and 20 per cent, lower than usual. It* A. C. McCUBDY. itfA REMOVAL. JJSj: misses O’BRYAN, 921 CHESTNUT Street, have removed to 1107 WALNUT Street, three doors above Ele venth, north side, and will open PARIS MILLINERY, for the Spring, on THURBD AY, April 17. ap!2-2m* (DO QAA OLD MORTGAGE FOR iPcJjOV/v# SALE, on a valuable farm in Montgo mery county. Also, a number of first-class city Mort gages and Ground Renta, of different amounts, at & dU count Apply to E. PETTIT, mhT-tf No. 309 WALNUT Street fl? 10 KAA —THIS AMOUNT TO IN tj) LUjtfUU* VEST in one or two Sicurittes, a permanent investment. Apply to E. PETTIT, *nh9.ft No. 309 WALNUT Street. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OFFICE. ' ■ | HAISMSavnG,’ April 12,1842. Proposals will be received at thia office until 12 o’clock, noon, SATURDAY, 19th April, 1862, for furnishing ARMY CLOTHING for wounded Pennsylvania Volun- teer, m such Quantities and at such times as the Surgeon General, or Surgeon in charge, may require, viz :|J Great coatg, for mounted men and infantry; uniform coats, undress caps, artillery and cavalry jackets; trowsers for mounted men and infantry, dark blue; do. light blue; blouses, lined and unlined j domet shirts, canton flannel drawers, socks, boots, bootees, and blankets. All to be of army standard, according to sampDs in tills office I the price of oacharliolo to bo stated sepa rately. The clothing will, probably, be required princl pally in Philadelphia, but is to be delivered free of ex- pense at any point in Pennsylvania where it may be The right is reserved of alloting the whole or any part of the above stated articles to the lowest responsible ap!s*2t QUARTERMASTER GENERAL, P. M. OF RARE INTEREST-Those Life- Like and National Pictures. BEIMER’S Life-size Photographs, in Oil Colors, can be had at reduced prices. At SECOND street, above GRIEN. it* TNVOLUNTARY EXCLAMATIONS J- of surprise and delight burst from those who examine the finely-colored Photographs made for $1 at BEI MER’S Gallery) SECOND street) above GREEN. It* £9-CENT TEA—IO lbs for ss—at \)fj INGRAM’S AMERICAN BANK TEA WABE HOU9E, 43 SECOND, below Market. it* JLftOAD rest. TNCOMPARABLE —R EIM ER > S J- Ivorytypes .re, in the opinion of judges, incompara ble. The boail finely modelled, drapery taitafnlly and accurately colored. SECOND street, abore GREEN. * fiilfi, 1862. i Adjourned r wilt be held fat one o’clock n WALNUT PAMPHLET PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City, at RIHGWALT & BROWN’S, U 1 South FOURTH Street. »pi() It Secretary, RETAIL DRY GOODS. E. & L, FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ABCH. 4 CHESTNUT STBE ET E. M. NEEDLES. COLLLABS ! COLLARS! I COLLARS!!! GABIBALDIS! GARIBALDIS!! SPRING MILLINERY. FINANCIAL. R. C. HALE, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETING. JAMES H. ORNE, 62 6 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH. We have just received, by late arrivals from Europe, some new and choico varieties of CARPETING, com pris’ng rVHNCH AUBUSON Square Carpets. ENGLISH AXMINSTERS, by (he Yard and in entire Carpets. CROSSLEY’S G-4 and 3-t wide Velvets. Tapestry Brussels, “ Brussels Carpeting. Also, a large variety of CROSSLKY’S and other makes. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, From 87 k 5. to Si Pei* Yd. Our assortment comprises ail the best makes of Three ply and Ingrain Carpeting, which, together with a gene* ral variety if goods in our line, will be offered at the low est possible prices. OIL CLOTH FOR FLOORS, Prom one to eight yurds wi'iej cut to any Size. FRESH MATTINGS. By late arrivals from China we have a full assortment WHITE AND COLORED MATTINGS OF ALL WIDTHS. •JAMES 11. ORNE, aplO 626 CHESTNUT. QJLEN ECHO MILES. GERMANTOWN, PA. McOALLUM & Co., KAN OFAGTUBBBS, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS *O9 CHESTNUT STREET. (Opposite Independence Hall,, CARPETINGS. OIL CLOTHS, ice. We have now on hand an extensive stock of Carpetings, of tor own and other makes, to which we call the atten tion of cash and short-time buyers. mh7-3m JjIOURTH.STRKKT CARPET STORE, No. 47 ABOVE CHESTNUT, No. 47, J. T. DELACROIX Invites attention to his Spring Importation of CARPETINGS. Comprising every style, of the Newest Patterns and Designs, in VELVET, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUS SELS, IMPERIAL THREE-PLY, and INGRAIN CARPETINGS. VENETIAN and PAM ASK STAIR CARPETINGS. SCOTCH RAG and LIST CARPETINGS. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, in every width. COCOA and CANTON MATTINGS. DOOR-MATS, RUGS, SHEEP SKINS, DRUGGETS, and CRUMB CLOTHS. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LOW FOR CASH. J. T. DELACROIX, m!ls-4m 47 South FOURTH Street. JypW CARPETINGS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE. NO. 619 CHESTNUT STREET, (OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE,) Have received, per steamer Edinburgh, and other late arrivals, their §rmm impqbtatiqn of NEW CARPETINGS: CROSSLEX’S YARD-AND-A-BLILF- WIBE VELVETS, 0-4 MEDALLION DO., ENGLISH BR USSELS, - EXTRA-QUALITY TAPESTRY , BRUSSELS CARPETS, WITH BORDERS, (of new designs, for Halls and Stairs). INGRAIN AND THREE-PLY CARPETINGS, of extra Quality. ALSO, 600 PS. J. CROSSLEY & SON’S TArESTRT BRUSSELS CARPETS, FROM 87£ TO $1 PR. YD.. Together with a comptete assortment of OIL CLOTHS, STAIR AND FLOOR DRUGGETS, BUGS, MATS, AO., All of new, choice selections, and AT MODERATE PRICES. J. F. & E. B. ORNE. mh3-tf OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE. CHINA AND qiIEENSWARE. jgOYD & STROUD, NO. 33 NORTH FOURTH STREET, (Four doors below the Merchftnte* Hotel,) Now offer to country merchants a large stock of CHINA, GLASS, & QUEENSWARE. apU-Im GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. Q.EORGKE GRANT, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN GENTS* FURNISHING GOODS, No. 610 CHESTNUT STREET. mh2d-Sxn JILANNEL OVER-SHIRTS FOR THE ARMY. FINE SHIRTS. COLLARS, STOCKS, AND W R A F P s R 3. Manufactured at W. W. KNIGHT’S. iro. 606 ARCH STREET, 47* A full line of TIES, SCARFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, HOSIERY, AND UNDSROLOTHING, Always on hand. mhs 3mif FNE shirt manufactory. The subscriber would invite attention to Us IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, Which he makes a specialty in his business. Also, con stantly receiving NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORE, ifO. 814 CHESTNUT STREET , lafl-tf Tour doors below the Continental. LEGr-A-L*. TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR A THE CUT AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. HENRY H. B OGLE, surviving Trustee, vs JO3KPH SITKA, March Term, 1802, No. 2U5. Alias Levari Facias. The auditor appointed to distribute the proceeds of the sheriff’s sale, under the above writ, of: / No. I.—All that certain lot of ground, with the build mgs and improvements, used »b a factory for woollen goods, thereon erected, bounded mid (ltacribad &g (Al lows : Commencing at the southeast corner of Lawrence (late Apple) street and Canal atreot, in the city of Phila delphia, and extending along the southwestwardly side of Cbnal street 112 feet 1 inch, to the west side of Leith gow (late Mechanic) thence southwardly s]9og the west side of said Leith go w street 151 feet, thence along »line at right angles with said Leithgow street 100 feet, to the east side of laid Lawrence street, thence north wardly along the east side said Lawrence street 225 feet 11 inches, to the place of beginning. AJg6, 6f-No. 2 —All that lot of ground, with the build ings And improvements thereon erected, commencing at the southeast corner of said Leithgow street and ex tending along the southwestwardly side of Canal street to the west side of Fourth street, 113 feet and of an inch, thepce extending south along the west side of Fourth street 84 feet s*£ inches, thence westwardly, on a line at right angles with said Fourth street, 100 feet, to said Leiihgow street, thence north along the east side of Leithgow street 135 feet, to the place of beginning—wilt attend to the duties of his appointment on MONDAY, ilie 28th day of April, 1862, at \ o'clock P, M„ lit till office, 249 south sixth street, Philadelphia, when and where all persons are required to present their claims, or he debarred from coming in upon said fund. apl6.loi JOHN S. BBINTON, Auditor. JMPORTANT TO CANAL BOATMEN. Parties owning or controlling CANAL BOATS SUITABLE FOR CARRY ING LUMBER, Will please furnish the underßighed with R ATEIj at which they will agree to TRANSPORT thia ARTICLE from WEST PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK, Per thousand feet or ton. At LOW BATES, the quantity would be unlimited. H. H. HOUSTON) aplt-St GENERAL FREIGHT AGENT. QAUTION. The well-earned reputation of FAIRBANKS’ SCALES Hu induced the makers of Imperfect balances to offer them as ** FAIRBANKS 1 SCALES,” and purchasers have thereby« In many instances, been subjected to fraud and Imposition* FAIRBANKS* SCALES are manufac tured only by the original inventors, B, A T. FAIR BANKS A GO*, and are adapted to every branch of the business, where a correct and durable Scales is required. FAIRBANKS & EWING, General Agents, aplO-tf MASONIC HALL, TIS CHESTNUT 3T. COMMISSION HOUSES. COFFIN, & CO*) 220 CHESTNUT STREET, Ag«nta for the following makes of goods: PRINTS. DUNNE lib MFB, G 0..... QUEENS MFQ. 00. LAWNS. PUNNBIiI. MFQ. CO. BLEACHED COTTONS. Lonsdale, Foresblale, Auburn, Slatorsyille, Oentredata, Jamestown, Blackatone, Hope, Rod Bank, Dorchester, N.wlmri'wrt. Naiimeae, Zouave, Burton, Qruens Mf*. Co.'s A. A., B. A., 0. A., and other styles. BROWN COTTONS. BwDQKto) Trent] Groton, Qnestnut, aior.Yiii©, Mechanics’ and Farmers*. CORSET JEANS.—Glasgow, Manchester. DENIMS AND STRIPES.—Grafton, Jewett Oily* PflCadison, StateraTiHe, Apawam, Eoyetone, Clioctaw. CANTON FLANNELS.—Slatersville, Agawam. BlLESlAB.—Smith’s, Social Co., Lonsdale Co. WOOLENS. ARMY BLUE CLOTHS, KEBSEYS, and FLAN NELS. BROAD CLOTHS Plunketts’, Glenham Co., Ao. CABBIMEBES.—Oaj A Bon, Saxton's Biver, Ao. SATINETS.—Bass River, Couvoravilie, Lower Val ley, Hope, StafFordville, Converse and Hyde, Converse Bros. A Co., Shaw Mfg. Co. KENTUCKY JEANS—Rodm&ii, MysU*, flald Mwlal. DOMEX FLANNELS.—WILLIAMS’S Angola, Sax ony, Merino, and other styles: LONBDALE Nankeens and Colored Cambrics. rj.Ajp |.iN§jcy§, GPTTOEAPEB, fe [tm-?® HEUSSNER. & CO., IMPORTERS OF CLOTHS, DOESKINS, CASSIMERES, &CL* &0.4 OFFER THEIR VERY LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHS, DOESKINS, &c, Of these celebrated Manufacturers: ERCKENS, (Little Ticket;) JOHANHY, GEVERS.& SCHMIDT, (S. & M.,) And man; others, at CONSIDERABLY REDUCED PRICES. No. 206 CHESTNUT STREET. QARPETINGS; OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINGS. WOLFE & Op., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 138 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. A foil assortment of Thiladulpbiu-mado Curpeto always in Store. apl-Im gHIPLEY. HAZkKD. & HUTCHINSON, No. 113 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. mhSM.fim DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. SPRING IMPORTATIONS MEN AND BOYS* WEAR, Including Goode Buited for MILITARY PURPOSES. Now in Store, NO. 631 CHESTNUT STREET, And for Sale by DE COURSE Y, LAfOURCADE, & CO, mh2o-lm 1862. SPRINQ - 1862. W. S. STEWART & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, NO. 305 MARKET STREET. We Invite the attention of the trade to a full line of BLACK AND OTHER STAPLE SILKS, As also a great varlaty of NEW BTYLES OP DRESS GOODS, Bonght for cash, and which will be offered on the most ffevorable terms. fe26-3m jpw SPRING GOODS. M. L. HALLOWELL & Co., 333 MARKET and 3T NORTH FOURTH STS., Wholesale Dealers in SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Have open a large variety of freshly-imported SPRING DRESS GOODS, To which, with a handsome assortment of BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, WHITE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, And other goods in their line, they Invite the attention Of eity and country dealers. mh4-tf jyRESS GOODS AND SILKS. ~ ABRAHAM RITTER. 3*23 MARKET STREET. DRESS FABRICS, SILKS, S ANdKe BCHIEFS, CRAVATS, ENGLISH GRIPES, MITTS, GLOVES. Ac. PLAIN POULT DE SOIE, BLUE, BROWN, GREEN, AND MODE. Auction Goods Cheap fop. Cash. mh2l-fmw-lm YARD. & Go., HOB. BIT CHESTNUT and 614 JAYNE Street*. Havo now opou their SPRING IMPORTATION OF SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, &a. Bought In Europe, by one of the firm. To which tbe attention of the trade Is particularly in vited. fe2l-2m JELLING OFF: WHOLESALE STOCK AT RETAIL. BILK VESTINGS, formerly 83.00, now 82.00. MARSEILLES, » 181.50, now Sl.OO. CASSIMEKEB for men’s wear, and ladles’ Cloaks, 25 per cent, under former prices, Ac., Ac. A. H. GIBBS, mh2o.lm 531 MARKET STREET, Up stairs. CIBLEY MOLTEN, & WOODRUFF, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY GOODS, No. 531 MARKET STREET, A et bow opening and daily receiving a new and CHOICE STOCK or SILKS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS and EMBROIDERIES, SHAWLS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, MITTS, Ao They respectfully call the attention of buyera gene rally. roh2s-lm rjvHE : = "EXCELSIOR” HAMS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. J. H. MICHENER & Co., GENERAL PROVISION DEALEBO, And curers or tho celebrated "EXCELSIOR” SUGAR-CURED HAMS, Hoe. 143 and 144 North FRONT Street, Between Arch and Race street!, Philadelphia. The iuetly-celebrated “EXCELSIOR” HAMS are rand by J. H. M. A Co., (in a atyle peculiar to them selves,) expressly for FAMILY USE; are of delicious fiavor; baa from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered for sale. apl-Dm NEW PUBLICATIONS IJIBE BOOK OF THE YEAR ! THE LIFE (WASHINGTON IRViNo. VOL. I SIAO. Office of APPLETON’S NEST CYOLOPF.OIA, 33 South SIXTH Street, (up stairs.) apic-2t JOHN MuPAiil. AN, Agpnt, TRAIN’S GREAT SPEECHES is kkgi.anu, ox “SLAYfiJsY?” »*EMANCIPATION,” AND TUB “PARDONING OK TRAITOR?,” Jutt puMithed in London, Kurland, creating an im lmnso excitement; by Gl-IOHG E FRANCIS TRAIS\ Ot‘ Boston, I *nji«-d sildteG, Author of “Train's Ui icn Speeches,’* deliver***! in kind during the present American War, on the aide and welfare of the American Union, and pub. liahed by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Phikt- If. one livrge ncbbYo volume. Price cents a copy. The above Speeches on “Slavery,” “ICmauuipatirm,*’ and'the “Paidoning of Traitors,” urtt. published i« a a nice octavo pamphlet, paper cover, and sold »t whulesuk* ot 1 rolftit, hy the piihlißhwn. T. B. PE TMESON & BUOIMIKUA ?»(;C CHI\S>TNUT Street, I'nim’lelphia. .Single cop s es, Ten C’enla, or One Dollar a d.jy.uu. Fifty copies for Three Dollars, or Oup Tfmirlrel copies for I’ifß TolJarfi. Addreffi nil onhirs in, itliur'a rnton tn tim puldifibcrß. Tor (piantitits wanted, ami they will muot with immediate attention tf3 r Agents, Pedler.s, mid Canvas ers wanted every where, to engage in the sale of “ Train’s Speeches.” It «4b TIIIfi Ky * NEW BOOKS A IIUOK ABOUT DOCTORS. A volume of rare entertainment. The curiosities anil peculiarities of the Mwlicat profession set out in a moat amusing light. Price SI 50. svinii? of Mkbrkw poetry. Tpaac Taylor’s nmgrrifioent new contribution lo tho literature of the llihle, with Dr. Adams’ Biographical Introduction. Price #2. TEA On US TO I‘ltAYi A series of admirable discourses on the Lord’s Pray* r, by llev. Dr. Cumining, author of “ The Great Tribula tion,” Ac. Price $l. THE SUTHERLANDS. sbe new covii by the author of ** RuXlndge.” JSfOfVriy thirty thousand of these capital novels have been already sold. Price $1 25. TWENTY YEARS ABOUND THE WORLD. A delightful volume of travel and bp John . <3uy Yaeear, of Poughkeepsie, .Y. Prico Any of tho bocks sent hy mail free. CARLETON, Publisher, (Late BUD© ft CAISLETON,! No. 413 BROADWAY', corner Liepenard-stroet, N. Y. apl2»s& NAFlilSi gH ANOTHER VICTORY- PififiADEi.i’MiA, April 7,1862, MESSRS, FAIiRELi HEIIIiISC, * GO., 639 CHEST* NUT STREET. Injustice to you and the public, I would state that the HDRKINti'S rATKNT SAI K I pur- chased of you stood the lire. I had it in U 39 at my Coal Oil Factory, in Haydock which was destroyed by fire on the Slat ult. Idy Boohs, Papers, Money ( aad, in fact, everything it contained, enmo out in perfect con- Altl&ii. &£ t £*g! settled I will call aud aoleet another oue, having perfect confidence in the superior Fire-proof dualities of the HEBBIXC’S SAFE. JOHtj K. WALLACE, Proprietor of the Keystone Goal Oil Works, Kd. -13 K&rd6&U Slr<9ei. DLlledclplila. Tiis SSwrs Sttf? Wfts a Hsrring’a Patent Chnnmion; a large assortment of wliicU cau be soeu at 629 CHESTNUT STREET, Also Dwelling-House Safes, of many stylos, for Plate, Jewelry, and Valuable Papers. Bankers’Sales* liuod with E erring & Fiord 7 * Patent Crystali/cd Iron.-the only metal that cannot he drilled, uud of which we are the sole proprietors. FARREL, HEREINCt.&Co., G 29 CHE3TKUT STKEET, FACTOR* WILLOW Street, above BROAD. ap9-wfm6t LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT RE- SipMOYED (9 Sfutli SSYSSTH Street, neu the Franklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and bein| determined to 'merit future patronage, has secured a& elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand t large assortment of Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought and CfeUied Iron Fire And Burglar Proof Safos, (the ocij flbicily fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, LiUte’i Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie’s Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be furnished to order ou short notice. This is the strongest, best pro tected » and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. _ AlsOj attention is called {9 kjjjff’j Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. This Safe is con ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of fered for this purpose, and is the only one that is striotiy fire and burglar proof. Special Notice.—l have now on hand say twenty o! F@rr«!, Berringi * Hi ’» Safes, moot of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a completl assortment as to sizes, and all latoly exchanged for tlu now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at very low prices. Please call and examine. j»2s-lyif hi. O. SADLER, Agent. ® EVANS A WATSON’S SALAMANDER SAFES. STORE, 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA, A large variety of FIRE-PROOF SAFES always oa hand MEDICINAL WONDKHFUL SCIENTIFIC Dis covery OF PROF. C H. 80LL133, 1*220 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. BEAD THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY. The difference between fact and fiction, of permanently curing the sick and Buffering of their diseases, or adyer to cure aui skowirg bt*t little or no evideqgf flf cures, can be well appreciated by the anxious inquirers after health, by attentively reading the following synop sis of certificates from the most reliable gentlemen in Philadelphia, who were permanently cured by Prof. 80LLE8,1220 WALNUT street, and after thsy badl>«eh given upas incurable by the most eminent medical men of this city: Judah Levy, Bronchial Consumption, 314 South Front street. Edward T. Evans, preacher oFthe M. E. Ghupcfc, Dys pepsia of long standing, Laryngitis and Lumbago, 1633 Uelimith street. Alexander Adaive, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Lum bago, tong standing, 1312 Savery street, Eighteenth ward, Kensington. William ii. Shaine, Paralyßis of the lower limba, (Paraplegy,) and Epilepsy, 110 South Twentieth Btreet J. J. Bailey, Laryngitis, Dyspepsia, and Lumbago, 219 Market street. Thomas Owens, Congestion of the Brain and severe Hfiflmlingv ot the Lunge and Diabetia, American lintel, Philadelphia, Charles L. Jones* Dyspepsia and Lumbago, 528 Arch street. James Nugent, Deafness for six years, and ringing ami roaring iu the head, Fifteenth and Bedford streets. George G. Prsaberm Chronic Bronchitis end Oaturli, formerly proprietor of tho Girard Houso. Thomas Harr op, severe Diahetis, Bose Mills, West Phi ladelpiiia. George Granr, Rheumatic Gout, long standing, 333 Market street. 11. T; Da Silver; Chronic Neuralgia and InllAiiu&i&t&sv Rheumatism, 1730 Chestrut street. C. H. Carmich, Chronic Dyspepsia and Inflammation of the Kidneys, Chestnut and Fortieth streets. llarrold, Bronchitis andDis-aee of the Kidneys, 49 South Third street. §. £. Si. Tasker, Chronic Dyspepsia, and Kidney Dis ease, 162*2 South Fifth street. * Janie* P Greves, M. I>., long standing and severe Luru baeo, 216 Dine street. Edward McMahon, Consumption, 1227 Front street. Sl&iifoi-d BGHwell, Congestion of the Brain and Chronic Dyspepsia, lo£6 Palmer strait Charles D. Cushuey, Paralysis of the lower limbs (Paraplegy) and Dyspepsia, Western Hotel. J. Ricket, Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation aud Con gestion pf th? Drain, 01$ Callowhill street, Caleb Lamb, Bronchial Consumption of five years standing, 1435 Chestnut street. Rev. J. Mallory, Aphonia, I’hiladelphia. M. M. banning, Nervous Prostration, Cadbury Ave nue. J. S. Bitter, Catarrhal Consympljpg, RichllWfid street. N. B.—ln addition to the above cases cured. Prof. C. 11. BOLLEb has cured two thousand Chronic and Acute cases within less tban. three years in Philadelphia, alt of v hich cases had resisted the treatment of the most eml sent medical rani. Please take notice that Prof.' B, docs not advertlso any certificates of cures, except those cured in this city. Prof. B. has establithed himself for life in this city, and his success in treating theßick is a sufficient guaran tee that he claims nothing but scientific facts in his dis covery in the use of Electricity as a reliable therapeutic agent. N. B.—lt will be well for the diseased to recollect that Prof. B. has given a word of caution in his pamphlet to guard them agaiust trusting their health in the hands of those in tliig city churning to treat diseases according to teis discovery* This caution may seem severe ontliDße using Electricity at hazard, but it ib the severity of truth and designed for the good of humanity. Consultation Free. PROF. C. H. BOLLTSS, 1220 WAIiHVT Btre«t, Ptrltidu, mHE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. _L THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. SINGLE COPIES TWO OENTS. BINGLH GOriKS TWO CENTS. Served by careful carriers for TWELVE OENTS A WEEK. TWELVE CENTS A WEEK. Payable to the carrier, or by mail, for one dollar for two months* SEND TOUR ADDRESS. Office of The Isquiheii, 121 South THIRD Street. apll. 3t THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, containing the LATEST NEWS up to daylight from all parts of the World, is sect EYERY MORNI NO BY MAIL for ONE DOLLAR FOR TWO MONTHS, ONE DOLLAR FOR TWO MONTHS, ONE DOLLAR FOR TWO MONTHS, payable in adyanca: Address WILLIAM W. HARDING, INQUIRER BUILDING, ap!4-3t 121 South THIRD Street. mHE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, JL containing the LATEST NEWS up to daylight from all parts of the World, is sent EVERY MORNING BY MAIL for ONE DOLL IR FOB TWO MONTHS) ONE DOLLAR FOB TWO MONTHS) ONE DOLLAR FOR TWO MONTHS) piyfttle in adrance< Address WILLIAM W» HARDING* INQUIRER BUILDING, 131 South THIKD Street. QEIEBRATIOU FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY RESERVE BRIGADE. S.lTVllll.l l r , Al'till. 10, 1882, AT THK ACADEMY OF MUSIC. LKTTEIIS PROCEEDS POP. TOE BENEPIT OP BtUIC AMD WOUNDED VOLUNTEERS. An ORATION will lie delivered by the Rev, KINGSTON Tlio reading of one of T. DUORANAN BRAD'S PA* TKIOTfO POEMS. A MILITARY BAND OF THIRTY PIECES, under the direction of CARL SENS/. A full Prruriinuiie will lie puiilielied on Friday next, TICKETS FIFTY CENTS EACH; can be procured of any member of the Itegiim-nt. aplO.St TXTALNUT-BT±Ufii*3T THEATRE— f f NINTH an 4 WALNUT Streets, Bole Lessee. MBS. M. A. GABRETTSON. RK-KNGAGKMENT OF MISS 0. THOMPSON. Mi'S Charlotte Tlmnippou «h Edith and tfeldia—twre THIS (WJIONfISDAY) BVBNIM&, April t<s, AM* KVKHV KVH>;iN*U IWTJL JTUTIIKI*. HOTrrK. ■Will ho Twfonaed, tlie play in five acts, entitled EDITH AND KKLDIA: Op. The Old T«u»*p nf OliwlBU'&od. KdM, and Zildla. Lord Charlswood, Priors—6o, STJtf, 76, and *2f> ceutu; Private Botea, *6 asd #3, according to their locale. Doom odod at 7 o’clock: To commence at 7#> lyiiS. JOHN PKEW’S JLYA ARCM-BTBEBT THEATRE. Acting Stage Manager . S. FBEDEBIOSS. BTufnou Agent and TroasurentmiJOS. D MUBFHTi ninmr MONTH**i:ifiirT»rm;<tT nioiit of JOHN DREW TO-NIGHT, WEDNESDAY, APRIL Id, 1802, Thirteenth time of the new drama OROHOORE-JNA-BILHOGE, AlUly UollliiLAa, Plater lWolli»r. To be follow*') tiv MOJIK jiI.UNDKRS THAN ONK Lari'}’ Hooligan. In rehearsal—TllE GItoVHS OF BLARNEY Seats can lie secured far Mr. John Drew's Mprewnla ticns three days to advance. Doors open at • o'clock: performance commences at 7% precisely. CONTINENTAL THEATRE. ANOTHER NEW DRAMA!! , A DECT HKD HIT. WEDNESDAY EVENING, April 16, 1862. And until further notice, pill be presented tbs entirety new three* net 1 II 1S U D 11 A M A ! «THE MAOABTHY j” OR, THE VEEP O' D\^f. Tbo Macarlhy Mr. J. B. rtuilley. The Babty Mr. C. Hale. Nolly Brady,,, , Mina Jennie Parker. hUILDiNGS. THE EXHIBITION OF THE DAY. INDIA, ASl> TUB GREAT servy ftKftßhMQlfl Ifvw in Hu FIFTH SUCCESSFUL WEEK. The *« Monitor 1 ’ will be eliown at every performance. HERB ENGELKK’3 ORCHESTRA WEDNESDAY And SATURDAY AFTERNOON And BrUccc'd (jnartelto every oyenirij, Admission 2a cents. Six tickets, $?1, Children, 13 cents. Commence, evening? ut 8 o’clock ; afternoons 3. apli-6t QTEREOSOOPriCOf-'BOFTHfc; IiE BEILION, for public exhibitions; viewstyf all the prominent Battles, Incidents, and Men. Full piiced and illustrated catalogues sent free, by JAM'S S W. QUEEN & 00.» Optioiftti*» apU-lm No. 024 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. C CONCERT HALL. J A DRILL Of t!i? Futtllioif Pf SITNDKRS’OA. DRTg, complimentary to thojr military Instructor, Major G. KCKENDORFF. will tako place on Til ÜBS DAY EVENING, April 17th. Tickets 50 cents. No extra charge for reserved seats. apLlot* GEEMAtfIA OfiGHJfiBT£A. CARL SENT?., Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at 3C o’clock P. M., at the MUSIOAL FUND HALL. Package ef Eight Tickets, ®1; Single TickeU, 20 ct*i. To bo liwl at Audrft’fl, 1104GheBtnnt stroet* J. E. GonirtN. Seventh and Chestnut* and at the door of Ho ]fall* ocwd«U TNSTITUTIQN FOR THE BLIND. JL Exhibition every WEDNESDAY, commencing at half paat 2 o’clock. Ailmistiiuii, TEN GENTS. Store, 11 South EIGHTH Street, npfrivtt PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OS THE FINE ARTS is now closed, but w:!l rsojwo on MONDAY, the 28th iust. apH-ti rtTSSOLUTIQF OF gOI’ARTIGSR: JL/ SHIP FRANCIS E. PATTERSON and RO BERT E. PATTERSON tmve retirid from tli» 4rn if EOBKIIT PATTERfeON &■ CO. The wtii In* conlibiiul by the remaining partneis. H. PATTERSON, W. H. PAI'TMRSs.S/. Philadelphia, April 14,18G*2. apls-‘jt* mHE COPARTNERSHIP HERF- J- toiore existing between J, T. AUDENRIFD * J, Mi ROMMEL, Coal Doalerg; luw THIS DAY u«nti dissolved by mutual consent. Tlia business of thH i.tru firm will be settled at the Coal Office, 420 MELA WARS avenue, above Callowhill street. J. M. ROMMEL. PiilLA i.LLMUA, April Ttb. 1542. apii-4t fTIHE SUBSCRIBER WILL CON- J- tinue tlie Coal business, as heretofore, at the old stand, 420 North DELAWARE avenue, above Callow* hill fitiUifet. U'h&FU h? Will be lihppy to see hie old friooda and as many new ones as will favor him with tholr orders. J. T. AUDEXRIED. Apiil 15. apls-4t FTIHE UNDERSIGNED HAS TAKEN JL the old Buck Mountain wharf, No. 959 DELA* WARE avenue, above Poplar, whore he inteuds to keep constantly on hand the choicest iinalitioi of Lehigh and Fchuylkill Coal, at the lowest market rates. apls-4t* , J. M f ROMMEL. PORT RICHMOND IRON WORKS. —COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—JOHN H. TOWN®, formerly of the firm of Merrick & Towne, has become a member of the firm of 2. F. MORRIS A GO., to take effect from and after the Ist of January, 1662. Isaac P. Morris withdraws frets paitioU**- tion in the conduct of the business. The title of the new firm la I. P. MORRIS, TO WN 8, St 00. ISAAC P. MORRIS, LEWIS TAWS, JOHN J. THOMPSON, fell JOHN H. TOWN®. Saleswoman wanted.— Wanted, a YOUNG LiPY,who is thoroughly ex perienced in the Retail Dry Goods business. Apply to BESSON & SON. apici-3t "YSTANTISD.—A Situation as Book* v i keeper, or ns an Assistant* by one who hflj li.ul considerable experience. Good referauce. Address, 0. H. R , box 1471, Philadelphia Post Oflice. It* A PHYSICIAN, residing five miles ffUlil tl»«S fcifj.*, Mjcht rfetliing from practice altag'i thcr, is desirous of leaving somo worthy practitioner in his most proßperous field of practice. Inquire of H. N. GUERNSEY, 1431 ARCH srreit, betwoon the hours of 3 and 5 P. M. apB-tutf TTTANTED=A ooinplota sot of “ Tks ▼ t Press.** from its commencement' Address Bo* 15G3, Philadelphia post office, stating price, Ac. apl-Bt* « UNITED STATES MARINES.— Wanted, for tho United States Marine Corps, fi>r sea service aboard of rnen-of-war, SEVERAL HUN DRED ABLE-BODIED MEN, between the age* of eighteen and forty years. Young men from the coun try not leas tban 5 feet 4% inches high* who shall paat the SnedJcal examination, su'd enlist, will receive three ctnta per mile for the distance travelled iu corning to the Rendezvous, at 311 South FRONT Street- below Spruce, Philadelphia, or at 108 MARKET Street, Wiluiiogtou, Delaware. All other information that may bo re- Qiiireri will be given: JAMES LEWIS; Captain. ap3-12t and RucruLtinK Officer "\\7ANTED —A Situation as Salesman, IT by a young man, who has been engaged In the Hardware business for fifteen years—part of the time to this city ; has a large and valuable acquaintance in Oils souri, Illinois, and Kentucky. Address box 8013, St. Louis Post Office. apo- 12t* DEPUTY QUAIITEEMAS -9EI TER GMKJU L’B OFFICE; Philadelphia, April 3 1832. WANTED IMMEDIATELY—VesseIs to Inad witb Coal tor Tort Monroe, Ya. A..T3OYD, ap4'tf Captain and A. Q. M DEPUTY QUAIITERMAiU 3El£ TSll GRSEBAL'B OFFICE, Pirn. adkj,phia, April 3, 1832. WANTED IMMEDIATELY— VessoIa to toad wish Coal for Alexandria, Ya. A. BOYD, Captain mid A. Q. M.. rOH HALE AND TO LET. TO BE LET—The Squcihl, Third, and Poll! til Floors of 427 MABKET street, well adapt ed for the Foot and Shoe and Straw business. Apply toM PATTON, 29 South EIGHTEENTH street. apl6-6t* WEST PTIILADELEIIIA COT *l* TAGE FOR SALE, cornor of FORTIETH street (late Till) and VENANGO street, two squares north of Market street; has a large let of ground, hot and cold water, Ac. A large part can remain. Inquire next door. Good stock will be taken iu part payment: aplGiGi* HANDSOME COUNTRY KESI BENCES, 5 to 40 acre**. WniTKMAK * WILLS, No. 1 Mercantile Library Buildings. npl6.3t* COTTAGES AT ATLANTIC filijl. CITY.—For Sale or to Let. four cottages, suitable for family summer residence, situated near the beach. I'or particulars and terms, apply to JOHN STEWARD No, 427 WALNUT Street, Or at the Oflice of the Can-den and Atlantic Land Co., apl2.6t 424 WALNUT Street. 4* TO LET, AT A LOW BENT, ■H far a BOAHDING-lIOUgB—The largo DWEL LING, No. 620 LOCUST Strcot, opposite Washington Square, 27 rooms. Heaters, gas. bath, range, water-clo sets, Ac., in good repair. S. KINGSTON McOAY, apl2-6t* 427 WALNUT Street gi TO LET.=Large HOUSE and ®!M- premises, No. 136 RAGE Street. WouW answer for a Manufactory. It. HAYS, ap!2-12t* 210 North THIRTEENTH Street. "DOARD WANTED, by a gentleman, in a plain, neat, respectable, small family, between Third and Eighth and Chestnut and Fine. Any gentle man or widow lady baying ipare room Gan addrem “ Bonte Agent,” tmtil 12 o’clock, Tuesday, April Ist, Philadelphia F. 0. mh3l FOB HAIR-DYEING, OB A DE LICIOUSBATH, Gentlemen should go to FOURTH and BRANCH. aplO-iftf riHABLES 8. CARSTAIBS, \y iae WALNUT Street, and 21 GBANITE Street, Offefg for sale Cognac and Rochelle Brandies, of different brands. Claret Wine in cades and cases. Madeira Wine in quarters and octaves. Sherry Wine do do Fort and Burgundy Fort In quarters and octaves. All in bonded warehouse. mh2Bstf LADIES’ TRUSSES, SUPPORT BBS, BRACES, and other Mechanical Appliances, of correct construction and easy to the wearer. For sale and adjustment at O. S< NEEDLES* LADIES* STORE* TWELFTH Street, first door below Race. Gentlemen requiring Rupture Trusses will call at the Southwest corner TWELFTH and BAOE, where 0. EL N. gives attention to this specialfeatnre. mhl2- So&tf AMUSISMENTS, UK THK FIRST ANNIVERSARY GODDARD.£i»rM. I'ilhrioib* Tli*-nipson JOHN DREW. Ur. John. Brevr. COPARTNERSHIPS. J. T. AUDKNBIMD. WANTS. BOARDING. Mr. Young. John Drew
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers