THE CITY. Annual Meeting of the Stock- XTOlil>Klts OF THK CATAWIBSA RATLBUAV COM PANY —Yesterday aftertioou tlie auuual meeting of the stockholders of the Catuwissa Railroad was held at the officeof the company, in Walnut street. Hr. Joseph K. 34 068 was called to the chair, and Mr. B. Fisher acted a=i secretary Tbe 6tctrnd annual report wm red! by I. fiatiKiiifi Do rut, Esq., pmridcutof the company. IYe learn that the business of the last year—especially that of tbe last six mouths—has been quite encouraging. Notwithstanding the ieneral prostration of all our iudm tiial resources, consequent upon the sad political trou triea of the country, and the geographical position of tha iced, which did not admit of its being usuil for any of the immense trade aud travel required for (.Jovernmont support, the earnings hare far exceeded the expectations of the board, and enabled them to innke with propriety large expenditures ou the property of the stockholders. I - he uet eariiiugs were limited t » reach the pay of the old company debts made payable by this company. This company has not one dollar of debt outstanding on its own account. The local business of the road is steadily and profitably increasing. The working ex yrenses have been reduced, and the roadway and machinery improved. The receipts were...., Xess rent four other roads Amount net receipts X.ess expemeb of all kinds covering ordinary and extraordinary expenses 197,490 33 The company baa no renewal or construe* tion account open. Set' earnings Disposed of as follows: Amount-paid on charter bonds... .$3,630 00 IHscount and interest,, t ,,,,,,,, , Advertising and reorganization ex* pensee Sundry claims against old compa- ny Receiving Company, Trus- UM Company i Ac,• 11 •«IMt § W C. » . and £. B.» laberaud material debt 1,030 SO Uncollected duty, Gist December.. 2,253 37 Total expenditures for repairs during the year have amounted to $91,114.80. One new bridge lists been built, eleven miles of new cross ties placid iu the road, oue hundred aud ninety tons of new rails, aud corresponding amount of other materials. The repairs to locomotives amounted to 82 f ,093 62, equal to 9 34-100 cents per mile run—and the repairs to cars $58,472.50. The amount of cash payments made by this company since its organization for aud on accoutit of the old company has boon. $28,613 23 Debts of the old company negotiated away.. 9,112 15 Total reduction of old company’s debts 1 et due, labor and material debt, old company, duo 21»t filarcb, 1863 _ 859,359 93 fcuudry claims unacknowledged but estimated.»•* Tptel,,, Xhe OccrewSV." of gross receipts for 1861 compared with the average of the past three years is 14 4-10 per cent., aud the decrease of woiking expenses compared during same period S 9-10 in favor of 1861, which is very favora ble under all the circumstances of general commercial prostration. aiiJ ihe largo expeiJitUrea f<4t* MfIAIM and renewals which is fraukly stated at the outset to be re quisite. . The report gives in detail the operations of the road, alludes in encouraging terms to the future prospects, states iliAt wa bus fiyy bnuii injured oil tbu rOdlSt and concludes i»y thanking all the oDicars for their faith ful services dui iiig the past year. Mr. William 1). Lewis took exception to certain portions of tbe report, in which it was stated that tlio machinery, etc.* ivfru in a ditapitaWA wn&tfoii when handed over by the receiver. He also referred to other matters contained in the report, and concluded by of ferii g a resolution providing for the appointment of a committee of tine to examine into the causes of the de cline of the business of the road, and all matters pertain ing thereto, io££tii6P with the animal report, shah be ro* ft-ired to the committee to make a report at an adjourned meeting two weeks hence. The resolution was adopted. The committee appointed consists of John Welsh. Alex ander McHenry, William P. Chandler, A. J. Drexel, M. W. Woodward, Peter Oliphant, Samuel E. Slaywaker, JJjroa Woodward, and Joseph Slosd, president of the meeting. Mr. F. A. Vandyke then read a concise stateineut of the affairs of tbe road for several years, and spoke of the ex cellent manner in which the present management bad conducted the affairs of tbo wmpanyt The mwtios ttoa adjourm-d. _ A Convention of Bee-Keepers.— We have reccivtd a report of a Bee-keepers’ Convention recently held,and ativliich sows important ViwiusiM wn- DOCItd Willi me science or bee' Keeping urea transactoa. With regard to the winter management of bees, the opinion was generally acquiesced in that when there were plenty of bets aud honey, the combs admitting of free intoK9ffllSHfii? a t ,oll i aiid aa upward passage for the ?ecapO Of the “ damp,” there is no difficulty in wintering them. Ventilation at the bottom as well as at the top of the hive was advocated, and one or more of the members expressed the belief that, in a clime as changeable as this, the better plan was to bury the bees, in this con necticm the subject of food was considered, and a great variety of opinions, resulting from experiments, were advat ced. One member had fed candy, placiDg it on the fr&mfs before the stock of honey was exhaust ed. This he preferred to liquid food. He had also used a sponge saturated with honey, which lie commended 'very highly. Be alao spoke favora bly of feeding rye flour, mixed with syrup into a paste. He had tried the experiment of feeding sweet milk, and the bees took it readily. Another had, in the fall, before the Bowers, fed sugar-syrup to his weak luvefli and it stimulated them to wort mu after the stronger hivee, that were not fed* had ceased to work. He remarked at length upon the use of sweet milk as a diet for bees, and commended it. Another member had fed sorghum sugar and honey, aud it had caused dysen tery. Another had used maple molasses, and deemed it a good article if food. The lUll&ii beA w&l ike of a very interesting discus Eicn, iu which most of the mem* hers paiticipated. Its superiority over the common bee, In almost every particular, was maintained by all who spoke of it. An Interesting Suit.— Yesterday, in the District Court, Judge Sharswood, the case of Hills vs The IT ire Association was brought up. This is an action on a policy of insurance, to recover tor a loss sustained lay the ikatriiction si the stoWe, emuibuses, and Hock of ttie plaintiff. la Yfe»t rnilaaelpMai gome years ago. The plaintiff was the owner of tho Chestnut-street lino of omuibutes running to West Philadelphia, aud the ptables destroyed were Bituate on Mill street. Thefire occurred in the night, and not only wbto the (.mnihuaea burned, but also a large auantity of grain and. many of the horses. Tho defence is, that before the firo occurred, the property had been levied on by the sheriff under an execution, and a clause in the policy provided that in such event i; should cease and become v*id. In reply to this, the plaintiff asserts that before the Actt', fa« iiWii »■■ Ililc n/ nil Lifl pro party io liis eon for a valna'-le consideration. The defendants contend that this assignment was not a bona Jide one. T. C. Brewster for plaintiff; Lex for defendants. The case was not concluded. The Cartridge Factory Explo- SION has thus far resulted in nine deaths, Washington Black, another of the wounded, haring died yjste relay morning The following are the names of the deceased to tli£ fcWMbl UilLlfigi IMwin J. Jackson, aged 25 years. Ysmall Bailey, aged about 60 years. Benjamin F. Whitaker, aged 17 years. Bichard T. Huston, aged 25 years. Boracd L. tiitinexflon, aged 23 years, Jolm H. Mmray* aged 23 years. John Joseph Louge, aged Id yean. Borina Norritt. Washington Black. The grounded at the hospital are as comfortable as can lie expected. Samuel Griffiths, a lad who was badly burned about the breast and hands, is id a dangerous condition, at the residence of his parents, on Passyunk road, above JEteod street. His father belongs to Colonel Gregory’s Regi xu«-nt. Young Griffiths 1 says that the explosion was caused Ly the slipping of the mallet used in forcing the cartrid ges. Be was standing alongside of the man at the time of the accident. Nothicg further could be learned from him, howtytr, us tbs pU> sictan would not permit him to talk in bis low condition. Howard Hospital.—The managers of tbe Howard Hospital and Infirmary for incurables, in Lomlwifl rtru’t, ahoy? Fifteenth, report tbeir receipt. during the past year as ®I>SSO 08, wane Itielr eipendi. tureo tv (re $1,215 <5, leaving a balance of $37.20 in the treasury. 3,735 cases were treated in the same time, which is an increase of 60 per cent, on the previous year. In addition to the above patients! others outride of the in* etltutiou Have icceiycd relief rrom It, or tho patients at the hospital there were 1,398 males, 2,337 females; 2,423 adults, and 1,312 children. Of these, but HtUe more than one-third were Americans. One hundred and eleven surgical operations were performed, and 9,843 prescrip* tionß dispensed. Ttero still remains on -the h9?pj building and its grounds a debt of $3,325, which the managers are desirous of clearing, and with this view they make an earnest appeal to a benevolent public to aid them in their charitable enterprise.- Action to Recover Damages.—Yes ter day, in the District Court, a case to recover damages for injuries sustained by reason of an assault and bat. tery wag tried. It Appears that the defendant was the owner of a spaniel, that one day bit at the plaintiff, tor which the dog received a severe kicking. Defendant not relishmg the treatment hie dog had received, committed the assault and battery on the plaintiff, it is alleged, by knocking him down, and Kicking him to Buch an extent that be was confined to bis house for some weeks. Lucas Hirst appeared for plaintiff, and Longhead for defendant. The New Mill-house.—lt is esti mated that the additional Dumps to be erected at the now mill' house, Fmrmount, will more than double the supply from that place. The mean pumping capacity of the six pumps will be 16,000,000 gallons per day, 4,000,000 gal lons greater than the capacity of the nine pumps ia the old mill-house. When these new pumps are in opera iioaj jDBBt of stoats engine** can fftvppVd fVf tijtj greater part of the year, thus effecting a saving in the expenses of coal, oil, attendance, Ac., much greater than the inteieet of the entire cost of the new mill-house and machinery. Police Statistics.—Tlie number of arrests made by the police force of the city during the month of March was 2,061. This was divided ainons? the several districts as follows: First* 179: Second, 3^9: •third, £45 j iSO j Fifth, 2«7 sixth, 110 T Seventh, 60, Eighth, 80; Ninth, 75: Tenth, 122; Eleventh, 81; Twelfth, 94; Thirteenth, 33; Fourteenth, 27; Fifteenth, 39; Sixteenth, 88; reserve corps, 139; harbor police, 9; and park police, 17. Philadelphia Commerce.— During the past month there were fifty-three arrivals of vessels from foreign ports at our wharves. This is a larger number than have arrived in port, daring the mouth of March.for ft period of ten years. Many of ths that arrived were first-class ships. This does not look like a very serious falling off. Prize Vessels. The prize-sloop JToKlocft hH been poM by tbe United State* Marshall at Dublin eole, ror $3», Her appraised value was 8400. Tbe Britieb prize, schooner Fair Play baa arrived at our navy yard. 6he in loaded with a cargo of fish and lumber, and hßiledlrom St. John, N.B. She was cap tured while attempting to run tbe blockade on the 12th of March, off the r.omt of South Carolina. Building Permits.—The building inspectors issued during the past month, 287 permits for She erection of new buildings. Of this number, 110 were Tor three*Btory dwtllinga; 20 for two«Btory dwellings, And 11 for one<Btory dwellings; 3 lor storehouses; 3 for shops; 6 for stables; 1 for a railroad depot, and 1 for a factory. Recognition of Liberia.—A memo rial baß been frt ely circulated in this city for signatures, covering a request of Congress that the Republic of Libe ria be recogiii/.' <1 by the United States as one of the fil ially of nation*. Larceny. Yesterday aftemorn a colored woman named Rachel Curry was committed by Alderman Beilter io answer the charge of having robbed lieremployer, Mrs. Boag, No. 319SouthSeveuth utreot, of a quantity Of fHhiPKi fur., 4c. She wag arrsnUti 111 Officer Teel, of Second district rgiuv. Larceny.— Yesterday afternoon Maria Daweon, colored was committed by Alderman Deltier to answer Uio charge of stealing a of clothing from pome laciiem raiding back or St Stephen’# Church, m Tenth street, above Chestnut. The arrest was made by Detectives Lamon and Bartholomew. An Old Soldier Gone —This after coon the funeral of Mr. William Delaney, an old soldier of tbe war oi 1812, will take place from his late resi dence, on Sixth street, near Pine. The deceased was 74 years of age. Fire.—The great light seen in the western horizon on Monday night, was caused by the tmmlugof a barn near Springfield, in Delaware county. It is reported that some thirty tons of hay were consumed* Fire* — The tannery of Wm. Fore paugli, at Jefferson avenue end Randolph street, was f-f.c ewbat injured by an accidental fire yesterday morn log. ■ The Contrabands in Philadelphia. —Within the last few weeks, nearly two hundred fugi tive elftvep, or “contraband*,” have reached this city, ninety-seven of whom c.imn nn !ait week in one of the Goveriitpfpt trains, and, having had their food aiy| travelling expenses provided between Harper's Ferry and Broad and Prime streets, they were left at the latter place, v«ry poor bur. very free, acd a good deal discon ceiled, though doubtlets conscious of the new aud Ines timable heritage that had thus been opened up to them. Wt profit Vslvtr the names of the contrabands still remaining in the city, their present quarters, and whero they can be consulted and employed : George Fairfax, wife aud child, 10U Hodman street. bai iel C. Wilkinson aud family, (5), 412 Queen street. Willi* Holley. Allis-on Brent, Daniel C. Stewart, ami Andrew Holly, 90S Catharine street. Richard Reynolds, Joseph Drew, wires and chillren, (10), 422 South Seventh street. Lydia Ann Robinson, Amanda* Dennis, and four chil dren, Seventh street, near Pino. Emily Wilson and child, Pleasant avenue. Henry C. Robinson and wife, Julia Bums, and three children, Lombard street, above Sixth. Winnie Lisles and Townsend Lyles, Harmony street, near Fourth. Virginia Douglas, South street, near Front. UdlUUnd Cwh? fllld Kutie Edwards, Lombard street, near Fourth, „ , Fielding Ford, wife and five children, No. - Prices court. Irene lteynoUld, Emil, Holly end four children, Har mot.y court. _• _ Eliza Jackson, Robert Jackson, Thomas Ross, Louise Boss, and four children. Harmony court. James Ross, Ellen Boss, Catharine Ross, Edgawattt, near Delanco ltcbert Johnson, wife, and four children, Ninth street, below Christian. Francis Ramson, two children, and George Washing ton, No. 1 Knicllu© street. Henry Weaver, wife, and child, Pc wall street. Martha Hall, Jeffrey Madison, and two children, 610 Bay street. Daniel Johnson, wife, and four children, Gillas’ alley. Samuel P. Downs, 720 South street. Jane Madisou, 830 South Front street. Two.pereons at 403 Lombard street. Two persons at 202 Bonsall street. Susan Cassidy, 1016 Oswego street. $297,075 Sfi 59,527 49 219,548 07 22,490 23 Thirty of the above are already employed, most oF them upon farms in Bucks and Cbtnter cimatiea. A Dumber of men aro working aB stevedores, carpet shakeis, draymen, etc. $22,490 03 Sale of Real Estate, Stocks, &c.— Mims, Thomas & Suub sold at the Exchange' yesterday' at 12 o’clock boon, the following stocks and real estate, viz: 100 shares National Anthracite Coal Company, s2s— 2 shares Natatorium and Physical Institute, §6—812. 2 Btuircß Fanners’ and Mechanics’ Land and Building Association, $221 —$442 1 share Philadelphia Library Company— A yearly grouud-Tent of 8132, secured by a brick dwelling, Eighteenth street, above Addison—sl,9oo. A yearly ground-rent of $lO5, secured by a brick dwelling) Pit!? stret, west of Thirteenth—Bl,69o. Building tut, Eighth street, between Rising Sun lane and Venango street, Twenty-third ward; 40 by 100 feet— s7s. 2 three-story brick dwellings, Rodman street, east of Eleventh street. Subject to a yearly ground-rent of »7AQA-gl T Boo_ The property corner of Second andJCatharine streets sold at private sale for $4,800. That adjoining for 84,000. 837,725 38 65,246 91 .8102,072 29 Youthful Runaways. Same' time since two cousins, Miss Anuie Simmers and Miss Marga ret Strougb, aged about ten and fourteen years, respect ively, took a notion iu tlieir beads that they would leave the paternal roof ? iu Chester county. Accordingly they went VO Fottatown, etnid there over night, md next morning took the seven o’clock traia for Philadelphia, and have cot been heard of since. Mr. Simmers went in search of them, but could hear nothing more than that they got off the cars at Green street. The police of this c lty are in af them. The cause of their having ia unknown. Prisoners at Fort Delaware. — There are now 250 prisoners of war confined in Fort Delaware, having been Lroiiglit by EfliSSftll BUtlUfil! through the Chesapeake canal, and landed at the Fort on Sunday. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. THOMAS kijiSfifi, J 8., 1 ISRAEL MORRIS, > Oomuitth of vat MoKTH. JOSEPH C. GRUBB. ) A.t (he jfaerchomt'S* J^hllacbel-phla. Bbip Weßtmoreland, Decan.,.,.. Liverpool, soon Ship Adelaide Bdll, RoberUon Liverpool, soon Bark American, Christian Port Spain, soon Brig John Welsh, Almeida... Barbados, soon galir West Wind, Gilman, Pounee.Pß, goon For Port Koval, Key West, and Ship Isand, — The U S steamer Rhode Island will sail on the 4th inst. from Philadelphia, and carry letters and newspapers to the blockading vessels, Ac, at the above station*. Let ter b«B S will be ki the Letter Office, Phi ladelphia Exchange room, up to 9 A M of the 4th. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OP PHILADELPHIA) April 3, 1903, SUN RISES .....5 44—SUN SET 9 6 24 HIGH WATER * 4 18 ARRIVE?. Schr Bee. Moore, 4 days from Laurel) Pel, with lum ber to Gaskill A Galvin. Schr Ocean Bird, Quillan. 4 dayß from Laurel, Del, with lumber to J W Bacon. Schr Leesburg, Swift, 6 days from Portland, with mdse to Crowell & Coiling. Schr E G Willard, Fareona, 7 days from Portland, with mdse to E A Bonder & Go. Schr J C Patterson, Dole, from Port Royal, in ballast to Tyler, Stone A Co. City Ice Boat, Schelllnger, 6 hours from Bombay Hook, having tOWed thereto ship Frank Flint, for Liverpool, from whence she proceeded at 3PML on Monday. Off Morris Liston’s, at 4 P M, eaw brig Dunkirk, from Ma laga, coming up. Brig 8 G Adams, Carver, Key West, E A Souder A Co. Schr L A R Bmith, Smith, Fortress Monroe, D S Stet son A Co. Schr J C Patterson, Dole, Fortress Monroe, Tyler, S 5»!« ft ?Vi Scbr Samuel B Sharp, (new) OTayhew, Boston, do Schr Americus, Walters. Port Royal, captain. Ship Frank Flink, Tobey, which sailed on Mondayfor Liverpool, took ont tho following cargo: 21,337 biuhels wheat in bulk, 7224 do In bags, 6100 do corn in bags, 5525 bbls Hour, 268 boxes bacon, 143 bbls 189 tes lard, 15 hhds hams, 190 hhds bacon hams, 126 casks tallow, 100 bbls pork, ICO tierces beef, 9 hhds bark. /Correspondence of iLe Philadelphia BxAhattgA.} LEWES, Del, March 31, 7# A M, Two barks, fivo brigs, and several schooners came to the harbr last evening from sea, and remain up to this writing, in company with bark Waltham, from Cadiz, Bchrß Village Queen* Caroline Tor* Sarah Findley, Smith Tuttle, Naomi* Sophia Parker* Emma Amelia* Minneso ta, (before reported ashore) J M Houstou, from Phila delphia for Barbadoes, revenue cutter Ford, and two brigs and several schooners names not ascertained. Ypurßj &c. AARON MARSHALL. (Correspondence of tho Press.) * READING, March 31. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows*. Wm A F Taylor, flour Ac. to II H MoOnS A Son; Tro pic Bird, lumber to E Hiltimore; Baltic, do to Jas Hill; Monitor, flour, Ac. to Humphreys, Hoffman & Wright. PORT OR PHILADELPHIA. List of Foreign and Coastwise Arrivals at the Port of Philadelphia for the month ot March, 1562: DarhSiit,i Min i mi 11,14 ] SctlOOncrS, M■»« nmil^ Ships Barks..../. Brigs. Schooners.. Ships.., mm.......... 131 8rig5..,,,,,, ~,,13 Ettrmßhip..,jii.l Eetcti,.i..»...j mm«» 1 Barks...., G | Schooners 18 Total Bark Cricket, Wingate, cleared at Baltimore 31st ult. for Rio de Janeiro. Bark Arethusa, Cooper, cleared at New York 31st ult. for Philadelphia. £chr* B H Xtetey, Pavi#* M B FvSftF* Gazelle, Huff, hence, arrived at Boston 31st hIL Schr Beulah E Sharp, Jerreil, cleared at Boston 31st ult. for Philadelphia. Schr Flyaway, Davis, for Philadelphia, via N York, sailed from Salem 50ih vU. Schrs Revenue, Gandy, and L Audenried, Bartlett, for Philadelphia, sailed from Fail River 29 th ult. Schr Thos Borden, Wrightington, hence, arrived at Providence 29th ult. Schrs Salmon. Washbarn, Thrasher, and Jas tfelliOß, Burt, from Taunton for Philadelphia, at Newport 28th ult, and sailed again next day. Bchr Lady of tbe Lake, Marshall, from Boston, for Philadelphia, sailed from Newport 29th ult. Schr James Divert?, for Philadelphia, cleared at New Haven 29th ult. Echr Sea Witch, Taylor, hence, arrived at New Bed ford 29th ult. Schrs Richard Thompson, Blackman, Triumph, Wat -BCD* and Warren G Nelson* Smith* for Philadelphia* Bailed from Providence29th ult. Schr Carlton Jayne, Rowland, hence, arrived at Pro vidence 29th ult. Scbrs J Bliss, Hatch, Boston, Brower, F F Randolph, Ririey, and A Downing, Rice, for Philadelphia, cleared *ac ifew V«rk 51»i ult. Schr Daniel Morris, Hoover, cleared at New York 31st ult. for Wilmington, Del. The U S sloop-of-war Constellation, from Portsmouth for the Mediterradean, was spoken 16th ult, lat 3912, long 66 54. MISS MARY E. THROPP REGS to announce to her friends and patrons that she has removed her SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES from 1924 SPRCCE Street, to the more eligible location, 1841 CHESTNUT Street. mh29-6t* rvXFORD FEMALE SEMINARY, V./ Oxford, Chester county, Pa. In a healthful, and easily accessible location, It affords advantages for a thorough and normal education. The course of study includes the Ornamental Branches and most of the solid branches taught in our colleges. The next Session will open MAY 7, i 862. For circulars, ad dress Miss H. BAKER, Principal. mh!3-lm \TIhLAGE GREEN SEMINARY— Y SELECT SCHOOL NEAR MEDIA PA.—Tho rough course In the Languages, Mathematics, English studies, and all the usual branches. Special attention paid to Book-keeping. Fine Philosophical Apparatus and Library. Pupils of all ages taken. Boarding mrwAAk, 82.25. Bev. J. HEBVEY BARTON. A. M. mhfl-lm Tillage Green, Pa. T ABOB-SAYING MACHINE. JJ GIiOTIiES.SAVING MACHINE. TIME-SAVING MACHINE. Haley, Morse k Boyden’s Clothes Wringer saves labor, time and clothes, and is an improvement which will moat certainly be generally adopted. It is self-adjusting, sim ple, and durobie, and ia fair superior to every other de vice for tho purpose intended. Over five hundred have been sold within the last thirty days in this city. No fnriifly should fie witiicnt cno. They nru warranted to give perfect satisfaction. Fop sals by L. E. KNOW, at the Office of JOY, COE, & Co, Northeast corner of FI Mil and CHESINUT Streets. Orders from the Country promptly attended to. apl-lm SCYN, & BENBOW’S SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. Mt. G. H.DBNBOW* of tho above firm* so long known to the American trade, Informs his friends and patrons that, the partnership having expired with Mr. Low, he has taken into partnership his son, HENRY BENBOW, who has .been many years connected with the late firm. &. M. fcenbow having purchased the share of ihe busi ness belonging to Robert Low, Sr, who was the original proprietor of LOW’S BROWN WINDSOR SOAP, Ac., BENBOW A SON will continue the manufacture of that superior article, having had the sole management for several years. Also, of HONEY, GLYCERINE, FANCY SOAPS, POMADES, PERFUMES, BRUSHES, Ac., the quality of which they guarantee equal to any imported into the American market. Buyers visiting England the present year are requested to examine sw BWd« »e 4 pri«x> -‘‘tout incurring the obligation to purehMe. BENBOW & SON. mB-lm IS LITTLE BRITAIN, LONDON. LETTER BAGS CLEARED SAILED FOREIGN. .31 Brigs COASTWISE. ....7 | Sloops... .. .12 j Steamers ...20 j Barges... ..613 j 80at5.... FOREIGN CLEARANCES. MEMORANDA. EDUCATIONAL. FOR SALE AND TO LET. mo DISTILLERS. -L Tho DISTILLERY known RH tho “ FHCENIX” and formerly owned and occupied by BAML. SMITH, Esq., situated on TWENTY-THIRD, between BAGS and VINE Streets, Philadelphia, Capacity 600 bushel* j&t day, is nov offered for sale on reasonable and aooom* modating term*. I* in good running order, and has aff tho modern improvement*. An Artesian well on the pre mise* furnfrbns nn unfailing supply of good, pure water. Address Z. LOCKS A CO., No, 1010 HABKBT Street, Philadelphia. fe23-dtf gjsi TO KENT—Four neat new UOT- MiiLTAGKS, having all modern onvoniences, with large lots of ground, situate on SEVENTEENTH Street, near Westmoreland, two u-iuares from 'l'ioga-street SUtlAft, Germantown Railroad. Apply to E. TAYLOR, apl-bt No. 141 North SIXTH Street. |£Sj FOK SALE-—A Four-ftory House, Bilk with four-st< ry double back Building and Stable, and Coach House, iu renr of same. The whole replete with all the modern conveniences, having three Bath Rooms, Water Cloßeta, Reservoir, Ac. Situated at 805 Nor.h BROAD Street, above Brown, running through to Carlisle Street. . apl- 3t* TO BE LET—A superior WATER POWER, formerly occupied l>y a Saw Mill, with commodious Dwelling, Wharves on Tide water Naviga tion, &c. Apply to J. L. PKNNOOK. mh3l-6l* Holmesburg, Philadelphia. T?OK SALE—Lot, northeast corner X? SECOND Street aud SUSQUEHANNA Avmiue, 250 feet front b> 109 foot deop Apply to I.UKENS A MONTGOMERY, BEACH Street, above Maiden. mb24-12t* • - Foil SALE —A desirable FARM, near Norristown, Montgomery county, containing 89 acres of superior land, nicely watered. Large stone improvements, finofruite, Ac. Priceonly $95 per acre. For fvtrtb?r porliculorii, »pplj- to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. FIRST-CLASS EIGHTH-STREET BHi-Store and Dwelling to Kent * haudsomely fitted up, with good basement; an old stand; location most cen tra] on the street. Goodwill and Fixtures tor sale. Ap ply 23 N. Eighth Street. mh26 ltn* FOR SALE OR TO LET—Four H IfaiiEec, on the WWt Side of BBOAD Street, below Columbia avenue. Apply at the southwest corner ol NINTH and SANSOM Streets. mh26-tf p 10 LEl'-A VERY HE SI- Hiiii-BABLE Tliree-story Brick Dwelling-House, with modern conveniences, situate south side SPRING GABDF.N Street, west of Twelfth. Apply to I. 0. PRICF, Southweit corner BPRING GABDKN and THIRTEENTH Streets. mb2S-6t* f&jL FRUIT TREES. — Best selection tr .lGh.rriaa, Patches. 4bd PlttM*. At Att tra size and quality, most certain-bearing kinds] ft supe rior stock of Ornamental Trees and email fruits. WILLIAM PABKY, mh27-6t* CINNAMINSON, New Jersey. A TO LET—A House on DEWEY’S Em. lane, Germantown, with all the modern conve niences, Coach House and Stable, first-rate Garden, and various kinds of fruit; within five minutes, by a good walk, to tho station. Andy at No. 113 North FOURTH Street. [mhl3-tf] JAMES ORESSON. sg| TO RENT—A desirable COUN -232; TRY PLACE, situate on the Philadelphia and Bris tol turnpike, two minutes 1 walk from railroad itationt and within one mile of steamboat landing; grounds con. taining about four acrcß. Apply to E. PET HP, No. 309 WALNUT Street. mh29 TO LET—A beautiful COUN SEL TBT-PLACE, of 10 acres) on the west side of FRONT Street road, above Hart lane, within ten mi nutes’ walk of the Frankford aud Southwark passenger cars. Poßseseion early in April. Apply at tho south west corner NINTH and SANSOM, second story. mhilStf a 40,000 PEACH TREES, VERY 3E fine, thrifty; 10,000 Silver Leaf Maples, large aud handsome] algo, a targe assortmentof other Fruit, Shade, and Ornamental Trees, for Bale cheap far cash er on time, Catalogue. gratis. CIIAS. p. petsbs, mhlT-lm* Concordville, Delaware county, Pa. ga FOR SALE— A FINE FRUIT <??? mil© from Railroad Station, near Do ver. EXieLeive rBACIi GfiCJIARP, prim® of bearing, besides a great variety of other fruits, large Grapery, &c. Plain improvements. Immediate pos session. Also, a number of Farms possession of which can be given this Spring. Apply to E. PETTIT, nbSO'tf No’. 309 WlLiiiff Street. a FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— Za Desirable FARM, containing 95 Acres of supe rior Iftndi fi* Rlilßß from Market-street Bridga, in Mont gomery county* Convenient to Railroad and Steamboat Landing. First-class improvements, nicely watered, &c. For fmtber particulars apply to E. PETTIT, mh2o-tf No. 309 WALNUT Street. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. PORT RICHMOND IRON WORKS. —COPAHTNEBSHIP NOTICE. JOHN H. TOWNE, formerly of the firm of Merrick A Towns, become . member of Ike ill’m of 1- P. fitOMIIS A GO., to take effect from and after the Ist of January, 186 a. Isaac P. Morris withdraws from active participa tion in the conduct of the business. The title of the new firm is I. P. MOBBIS, TOWNE, A 00 ISAAO F, MORRIS, LEWIS TAWS, JOHN J. THOMPSON, fell JOHN H. TOWNE. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—IS* BAEL MORRIS this day retires from our tan. His sons, THEtfDOBE H. MOBBIS and FBEDEBIOK W. MOBBIS, are admitted m partners; and the busi ness will be continued as heretofore. H9S8I&1 # 99? i Iron tfercbantej 1008 HAMIT Street jnl-tf Philadelphia, Dec. 81,1681. LEGAL. AUDITOR’S NOTlCE.—Distribution of the Estate of JOSEPH RIDGE, late of tbe Township of Tinieum, in the county of Bucks, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Orphans* Court the County of Bucts, iu rhe '.gtare of A’ennsjlvanm, to dis tribute tho balance in the hands ef JOHN N. SQL LIDAY, Administrator of said estate, to and among the heirs thereof, according to law, will meet the parties in terested at his Office, iu tbe Berough of Doylestown, in said Comity, on THURSDAY, the 17th day of April next, at 10 o’clock A. M., aud moke distribution afore said. ELIAS CAKYER, Auditor. March 18, 1862. • mh2Q.\v4t Estate of judith heyliger ? DECEASED.—Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of JUDITH HEYLXGER, Deceased, by the Register of 'Wills for the City and County of Philadelphia, all per sona indebted (o said estate will, therefore, please moke payment, and those having claims present the same to HANNAH M. SHARP, Administrator, mhs-w6t No. 248 UNION Street, Philadelphia. Letters of administration to the Estate of JOHN B, W. HAMILTON, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persona indebted to the estate will please make payment, and those having claims or de m&nda will them without delay, to JOSHUA C. CRAVEN. Administrator, fe26-w6t* 504 MINOR Street. Philadelphia, February 19, 1860 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That writa of scire facias will be issued upon the folio ring claims, at the expiration of three months from the date hereof, unless the same are previously paid to the undersigned, at his office, No. 520 WALNUT Street, In the city of Fhiladelrhta; Tho city of Philadelphia* to the use of Jameß McCios* key, vb. Jameß Stroud, owaer, Ac. D. C.» March T., 1860. No. 3. Claim for $578.16, for curbing and paving in front of a lot of ground on the N. E. corner of Thirty fifth and Aspen streets* Tweety-fonrth ward. Same yb. Thomas Bracken* owner* ac. com, Plena* March T., 1860. No. 19. Claim for 860.90, for curbing and paving in front of a lot ground on the oast side of Thirty-fifth street, Twenty-fourth ward, 155 feet north of {Sycamore street, {STEPHEN BENTON* fvl?-w9m Attonwr for T7'STATE OF JOSEPH A. WEDER, i’l M. I)., Deceased.—Whereas, Letters of Adminis tration. with the will annexedi on the estate of JOSEPH A. WEDER, M. D., deceased, have been granted by the Register of Wills for tho city and county of Philadelphia, to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate will please make payment, and those having claims against the same present them to WM. S. COTTINGEB, Adm’r c. t. a., 134 North TWELFTH Street, Or hia Attorney, J. G. BRINKLE, N. E. cor. of SEVENTH and SANSOM Streets. rnhW-tm* GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, gMOEED SALMON. JUST BECEITED. ALBERT O. ROBERTS. DEALER IN VINE GROCERIES, mhlO-tf CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STB. CHEAP RUTTER! CHEAP BUT TES I only 12 cla, per poancli at No, 812 SPBINQ GARDEN Street. mliM-U Yery choice white rye FLOUR, only 2R eta. per pound, at No. 812 fIPBING Barden Street. mh«-tr 3BBLS. GOOD COOKING BUT TUB for sale wry cheap at No. 812 SPRING GAB DEN Street. mh2s-tf LEAF LARD.—79 tierces prime ket tle-rendered Leaf Lard, for sale by 0. O. BADLEB & GO., mh2o*tf 103 ABOH Street, 2d door above Front. ftHEESE.— 150 boxe§ fine Herkimer County Cheese, for sale by O. e. BADLEB A CO., mh2o-tf 103 ABOH Street, 2d door above Front. A DAMANTINE CANDLES.—A job lot of old Adamantine Candles, in .ton and for .ale by RHODES A WILLIAMS, mhlT 107 South WATER Street HORSE RADlSH.—PureDuoklsland Done Bftdiet), prepared for family to pint and half-pint bottles, for sale to tho trade by RHODES A WILLIAMS, mh!7 107 South WATER Street MESS PORK—2SO bblaMesa Pork, for sale by C. C. SADLEB A GO., mh2o-tf 103 ABOH Street, 2d door above Front. VINEGAR —French White Wine Ylnegur, for m»te b j JAUBETOHE A LAVEBGNE, No*. 202 and 204 South FBONT Street* SALT, SALT.—2O,OOO' Sacks Liver pool ground, S,MA AaKton’a and Uarskall 1 * fine, 50,000 bags Ashton and Star Mills Dairy and Table Salt, for sale in lots, by ALEX. KERB, mh27-6t* 136 SOUTH and 320 NORTH Wharves, /~1 A NDT.ES Chemical Sperm Candles, \J for nle by JAUBXICHK k LAVEBQNB, 909 and 204 goatb FBONT Street. mb!4 IF YOU WANT GOOD POUND BUTTER, goto S. a. OOTTWALS 1 , Me. 812 BPMBO GABDKN StretA mh26-tf Green corn and peas. 60 cases Winslow’s hermetically-sealed Green Corn, SO u It U Green PeM, SO bis <( u Fresh Tomatoes, just landed and for sale by RHODES * WILLIAMS. mhlT 10T South WATER Street* QHEEP AND GW)AT SKINS.—A lnvoice of Sheep and Goat Skins for sale by JAUBETOHE A LAYBBGNE, f«2l 302 and 204 Seuth FRONT Street, THE PRESS. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDA QILI OIL I! OIL 111 HULBUBT & BBODHEAD, NO. *4O ARCH BTSIII, HaTing opened a General Depot for the Sale of Extra Refined and Imbricating GOAL OT»TiB, would call the ipeciai attention of dealers and consumers to tbotr reflued ILLUMINATING OIL* u it possesses merit beyond anything heretofore offered in this market, being entirely free from tbat gluey substance and bad odor which characterize that commonly sold in this market, produce* no smoke, and is free from all expioalre properties. Orders from City or Country promptly at tended to. re2B~2m « T UCIFEB” OIL WORKS. J-J 100 Bblfl. » Lucifer” Burning Oil on hand We guarantee this oil to be non-explr>Bive, to burn all the oil in the lamp with ft steady* brilliant flame* without crusting the wick* and but glowly. Bids. lined with glass enamel. WEIGHT. SMITH, A PEARSALL. fe2l-tf Office 616 MARKET Street. CARBON OIL.—IOO bbls. Natrona Oil in store and for sale by WILLIAM M. WILSON, 208 MaBKET Street. ROBERT SHOEMAKER fit CO^ Northeast Corner FOURTH and BACK Streets, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE OLA 33. KAKUKACrtTEBRS OF WHITE LEAD AND ZINC FAINTS, POTTY, <fco Dealers and consumers supplied at VERT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. 012-2 m LE Bed Lead, White Precipitate, White Lead, Lunar Caaatio, Litharge, Narootine, Sugar of Leadi Bniph. Morphlno, Copperas, Morphine, Oil of Vitriol, • Acetate Morphine, Calomel, Lac. Sulph.y Patent Yellow, Ether Sulphurio, Chrome Bed, Ether Nitric, ohi»M6 Yellow, Sulphate Quinine, Aaua Portia, Oorro. Sublim., Marietta Add, Denarcotized Opiam, Epsom Salts, Chloride of Soda, Bochelle Salta, Wetherill’a ext. Ginoha Tartaric Acidj Tartar Emetio f Orange Mineral, Ohleridevf Lime. Soluble Tart. Crude Borax, Sab. Carb. Soda, Beflned Borax, White Vitriol, Camphor, Bed Precipitate, Resin Coparia. WKTHHBILL ft BROTHER, Druggists ana Mannractming Chemists# Boa. 47 and 49 North SECOND Street, lalß-tf PHILADELPHIA. DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN -SH3®DTIBT for 18 rears, No. 219 TINE Street, above gecgnd) inserts the most beautiful Teeth of the age^ mounted on fine Qoldj Platina, Silver, 'Vulcanite, <Jo ralite, Amber, Ac., at prices more reasonable for neat and substantial work than any Dentist in this city. Teeth Flogged to last for life. No pain in extracting Teeth. Artificial Teeth repaired to suit. No pay until satisfied all is right. Reference, best families. fe22-9m TOHN A. ALLDERDICE, U ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Bee resumed the Practice of his Profession at NEW CASTLE. DELAWARE. |ja2B.3m* TOHN WELSH, Practical SLATE U BOOFKB, Til IKD Street and GERMANTOWN Hoad, is prepared to pot on any amount of ROOFING, 9B most MO DEBATE TERMS. Will guaranty lo make every & uUdfn g perfectly Water-tight. t(W~ Orders promptly attended to. my7-ly /CABINET FURNITURE AND BIL LIABD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, No. SSI South SECOND Street, In connection with their extensive Cabinet Business are now manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, And have now on hand a full supply, finished with the UOOBK & CAMPION’S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced, by all who have used them, to be superior to all others. if or the <DlftUt7Md finish 9f these tables the manu* lewturers refer to their numerous patrons' throughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of their work. toaft-to Q.LUTEN CAPSULES PURE OOI>LrVER OIL. The repugnance of most patients to COD-LIVER OIL, and the inability of many to take it at all, has in duced various forms {of disguise for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession, Some of them answer in special cases* hot more often thelrehioto neutralizes the usual effect or the 03* proving Quite as unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. The repug nance* nausea, Ac., to invalids, induced by disgust of the Oil, is entirely obviated by the use of our CAPSULES. COD-LIYEB OIL CAPSULES have been much need lately in Europe) the experteuee there of tiw b suits from their use in both hospital and private practice, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtue# we do for theni) feeling assured their use will result In benefit and deserved feyvr* Prej»reS by WYETH & BROTHER, de9-tf 1419 Vl ALNUT Street, Philadelphia. /TfiLKCTRICITY, PROPERLY AP / X!i PLIED, TRIUMPHANT. Doctor A. H. / STEVENS, late of No. 1229 Walnut street, Phila- I delpbia, has located himself at No. 1418 South PENN I SQUARE) a few doors weßt of BROAD Street. The I location is a very desirable one ia spring and trammer, I particularly for those who may choose to take board in the Doctor’s family while under treatment. Having had extensive practice in the treatment ef va rious diseases, both of ladies and gentlemen, in this and ether cities, he expects ft large share of patronage from Mb special frfehd*, and from the diseased generally. AH curable cases will be warranted, if desired. CONSUL TATION AND ADVICE FREE. . N. B.—One day in each week will be exclusively de- 1 voted to tho treatment of the respectable and worthy I poor, free of charge. I I Location, No. 1418 South PENN SQUARE, a few § doors west of BROAD Street, Philadelphia ff AH. STEVENS, / mh7»fmw 3m Medical Electrician/ "DHOWS X> ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, fiHHHtfSWtured only at FBEDEBICKBBOWN’S DBU«F AHP CHBWfWAI, Northeast corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Street), Attention is calledio this valuable remedy which should ft? in every family) and for the Army and Navy it is in- QlDpClUftble) curing affections Of the stomach and bowels, and is a certain preventive from the effects of bad water* CAUTION.—To prevent this valuable Essence from being counterfeited, a new Steel Engraving, executed at great cost, will be found on the outside of the wrapper, in order to guard the parch Asdi* &£&lfiSt being impeded USAS by worthless imitations. And sold by all respectable Druggists in the United States. feswfnn-6m TiyrUTTER’S COUGH SYRUP. JJ/JL F- DROWN. COPT-RIGHT SECURED. Prepared only from the Original Prescription of the late PROFESSOR MUTTER. AT FREDERICK BBOWN’B* Northeast comer of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Street! Philadelphia. This Remedy la a safe and simple preparation from the receipt of the late distinguished Professor Mutter, with whom it was a favorite prescription. That he used it in bis extensive practice, insures to the timid a certain proof Of it# pure innoxious elemenio, »nd is those who know his character for skill and careful attention, to prescribe only such remedial agents as should secure restoration without producing subsequent evil, it will be welwmeG M 819*1 gWdi Voder the guidance of a Phjr- Bioian (to whom ita combination will unheutatingl, bo made known), it will always bo found Tory beneficial, and in cases where a medical adviser is not at hand, it may ba need with eafety, according to tho directions, in all cases ofshort or long duration. Tor sale at FBXDKBIOK BBOWN'9, Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of TITTH and CHESTNUT Sts., oclQ-a&w 6m Philadelphia. PENN STEAM ENGINE SHBS& and boiler wobks.-neafi* a LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGI NEERS, MAOniNISTMIOILER-MAKEHS, BLACK. SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many yean* been in successful operation, and been exclusively en gaged in building and repairing Marine and River En gines, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks* Propellers, Ao., Ac., respectfully offer their services to ibepubiic,M fully prepared to e»htr&et for En gines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, having Sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to exe cute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low.rreuure* Flue* Tufcul»n and Cylinder Bviterfi of the best Pennsylvania charcoal Iron. Forgings* of a* gizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all descrip tions: Roll Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other wool connected with the above business. Drawings and Specifications for all work done at tnetr free ef charge* ahd wofk flßtyAMiti. The subscribers have amide wharf-dock room for to pairs of boat*, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, Ac., Ac.,ior rals ing heavy er Ugh* weigh*. a JOHN P. LETT, }»l4-tf BEACH end PALMER Streett. 1. VAOOBAB HBBBIOX, WILLIAM H 4 MBBkiCK, HARTLBT BBRRIOI, UOUTHWAftK FOUNDRY, *3 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STBBBTS, THILAOILPBIA. MKRBICK A SONS, ENGINEERS AND XAVBINISTB, MannfkMura High and Lew rreeenre Bteam finglaw, for land, river, and marine service. ' Boiler*, Oaeometera, Tanke, Iron Boata, 40.; Caat- Inga of all kind*, cither iron or brae*. Iron-Framo Boeb f« work., workshop*, Ban. road Buttons, &o* . . Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and mom Improved construction. M , . M Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sngar, Saw, and Gri« Mill*, Vacnom Pana, Open Steam Tmin*, Befw.tora, FilUr* PomplHS Eugteu, At Sole Agent# for N. BUlUnk’e Patent Sugar BoBln« Avparatne: Neamyth’* Patent Steam Hammer, and A»- pinwnll A ifolaey'* Patent Oentiifugal Sugar DrataJtat Machine. “ 5 - tt - TV/TORGAN, ORR, * CO., BTKAM JVX ENGINE BUILDERS, Iron Yonn4ert, and General Machlniita and Boiler Makma, No. IKS UAL LOWIILLL Street, Philadelphia. fel*-iy ILLUMINATING OILS. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTERS AND BEARERS asxrts roa tbs csr.xsiLA.Tißi> FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. i, DRY AND IN BUSINESS NOTICES. CABINET FURNITURE. MEDICINAL. PHILADELPHIA. MACHINERY AND IKON. JOHN X. OOPS, INSURANCE COMPANIES. Delaware mutuai! safety HJBUBANOE COMPANY- ! IMOOBFOBATED BT THK LK9IBLAZVBS Of rBNNSYLVANIA, 1936. OFFICE 8. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT BTBEETB PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, I f OABQOi } ToaUfftrti«ftb*W«rH< FRBIUHT, S I INLAND INSURANCES Ob Qooda, br Rivera, Canals, Lakes, and Land Oanla|«a to all parts of the Uni oh. FIBIG INSURANCES Ob tf ercliAhdliiw g&b6z < &Uy. Od Btoree. Dwelling houghs. Ac. ASSETS OF THE COMPARE, NOV. 1, 1861. yaa. QOiif. •100,000 United States Five per cent Loan. •100,260 00 £O.OOO United States Six per cent. Trea sury Note* i... 40.006 87 Sd,ooo United States Seven and Three teutbs per cent. Treasury Notes SO,OOO 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five I per cent. Loan i.*« 80,601 20 123,060 Philadelphia City Six per dent 1 L0rn..... 1... 110,448 IT 80,000 State of Tennessee Five per cent Loan .T... 84,076 00 80,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, Ist Mort gage Six per cent Bonds... j... 80,000 00 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mjort gftgsBix perceat. Bonds.,.L«. 48,130 88 16,000 800 Shares Stock Germantown ,0m Company, principal and interest guarantied by the City of Phi ladelphia 14,687 80 8,000 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company .... 8.000 00 Bills receivable for insurances m0de...... 80,730 07 Bonds and Mortgages... 76,000 00 Beal Estate.. ... •{»»•• 81,803 88 Balances due at Agencies—Premioms on Marine Policies, Interest, and . other Debts dee the Company 1... 48,131 87 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance land other Companies, sll,B43—estimated! va lue ..1... 4,088 00 Oaah on hand—ln Banks ..... ..$61,008 08 In Drawer...... 617 88 J 61,816 M directors. I Samuel E. Stokea, J. F. Poniston, Henry Sioan. Edward Darlington, H, Jonea Brooke, Spencer M’lWaine, Thomas O. Hand, Robert Barton, jkfaceb P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, John B. Semple, Pittebnrf, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, Pittsborg. MARTIN, President. J. HAND, Vioe President, cretary. ja!4-tf William Martin, Edmund A, gender, Theophilne Paulding, John B. Penrose, John G. Davis, James Traquair, William Eyre, Jr., Jsmeg <?, Hand, William O. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. B. M. Huston, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, WILLIAM THOMAS < HKNBY LYLBUBN, Se fJTHE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSDKAHOI 08HP1HI, OP rHILUBILSMIA, | OFFICE No. 806 WALNUT BTBBBT, Yiwbt** against LOSS OB DAMAGS BT TIBI) OB fimiKlt Storey »ad oilier bollilngs, limlUA or perpetual, and otf Furniture, Goods* Wares, and Mer chandise. In town or} country. I CASH CAPITAL, >O3I,IIO.OO—ASSETS *817,140.04, Which Is invested as tifi ! In first mortgage on city property, [worth double the amount..., .•••••*•*191,900 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co. T s 9 per cent, first DlOrtfittfiß io&lli StlNirmiiitiiiniiiiiiii ft,MOM Pennsylvania Railroad Co.’s 6 per cent, oond mortgage loan, (830,000)..*.«.[***•• >7,900 90 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad and Canal Co.’s mortgage loan.•••••.•••»••••• 4,000 00 Ground rent, first-c1a55...*..........1..*** 1,403 M W4li SAAtired 1.400 00 City of Philadelphia 8 per cent 10an.80,000 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Pa. BB.jloan. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock.... !**••• 4,186 01 Mechanics’ Bank stock.l|6l2 60 Pennsylvania Co.’s 5t0ck.,,.1 _4 ? 000 00 Tbe Reliance Mutual insurance Co.'e stock. SS f &£6 66 The County Fire Insurance Co.’s 5t001t..1,060 00 The Delaware M. S. Insurance Co.’s stock.. 700 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.’s scrip..J 880 00 Bill* receivab1e.**,..•••••...,••.....<••«•• 14,303 74 Book account* accrued interest! AQuluim 7,101 06 Gfttil on 11*964 96 VWW V«B ■ 1 MlVff *•* «p««* ■■ ■ • *«*«*■ ■■ I""" »- *817,1U M. The Hntnal principle, combined w th the security of a Stock Capital, entities the Insured to. participate la the ysonte of the Company wUkoii Uikl Utp for 169UMM Xieaaei promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS. Bamnel Blspham, Robert Steen, Williaai Momm. Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, J.Johnlaon Obarle([Lelaiid, Jacob ti Bnndofi Smith Bowen, John Bisaell, Fittibui. m TXHHLSY, FreeMent, Clem Tingley, William R. Thompson, V*«diij£k Br&Vfc, William Stevenson, John B. Worrell, X. L. Carson, Bobert Toland, G. D. Bowngartem Charles S. Wood, James B. Woodward, GLXj B. M. Hnioumr, Beeretao February 10,1801. TjIXCHANGE INI J2i PANY—emce, N.. *0 Eire Insurance on Houses, on favorable leimsj either Li * v .!rl/v Jerva4AP.BoDWklli Jobs Q. Ginnodo, Xdward D. Boberts, Bamuel D. Bmedley, Rsnben O. Hale, JBB JOHNQ. Biobabp Ooi, Becretarr. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE X STATE Cl 1 PENHSVLVANXaJ-OPVXOB Hm. 4 md 6 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WAL NUT Street, between DOOK and THIRD Streets, Phila delphia. i INCORPORATED In 1794—CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAHIAIi, SmBW. PROPERTIES OF THE OORT ANT, FEBBUABT 1, 1861, 9607,094.61. KARINE, JIBE, AND INLAND! TRANSPORTA TION INSURANCE. DIKICTOKfL i Henry D. Bhenerd, gunnel Brut, Jr M ChtrlM HftMleiter t T©bi**| Wagner, William 8. Smith, Thomas B. Wattson, John B. Ans tin, Henry !fl. Tfreetnei, William B. White, Charles 8. Lewis, B> flivari, O. Otnoa, Edward 0. Knight. | HXHBT D. SHSBBXBD, Presided. William Hani, Secretary. | jyJ9-tf rjIHK KNTERPBIBK ESBUaXNOX COMP Ain or philadblphia. (TIBS INSUBAHOK BXOLUBIVXLY.) COMPANY’S BUILDING, B. W. OOBNKB FOUBT* walhot btbwxs, DIBKOTOBB. V. Batebford Starr, Mordecai L. Dawson, WllUam McKee, Gee. Kl Stuart, Baibro Frazier, John B. Brown, form M. Atwood, B, a, raimoetock, Beni T. Tredick, Andrew D. Oaatl, Henry Wtarton, J. L. Krrlnger. F. BATCHFOBD SZABB, rresMeof. OUHH W, W«i Secretary re« Fire insurance. MECHANICS’ INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, No. 183 North SIXTH Street, below Bace, Ini ora Bnildinga, flood* had UenbudlM icne. rally, front Lose or Damage by Fire, fTheOompanriiie ranty to adjust all Losses promptly, ana thereby hope to merit the petronepe of the public. I dibbctobs. Robert Flanigan, Michael HcGeoy, William Morgan, Vra&ela o&6&**, George L. Dougherty, Jamee Martin, James Duress, Matthew McAleer, Bernard Baffertr, Thomat J. Hemphill, Thomas fisher, Francis McManus, BIMUU BArmTTi Anthracite insurance COMPANY Authorised OeplUl *400,000 OHABTXB PEEPETDAL.; I OMee So. 811 WALNUT Btreetbetween Third an! fourth Street*. Philadelphia. I This Company will insure indnit lom or damaca by fire, on BoUdlnts, furniture, and Merchandise |tu* rally. | Alto, Marins Inmnnoaa on Teasel* OnnoH, ml IMfhttL Inland Insurance to Ml parti or tha Union. DIBEGTOBS. William Esher, Deris Pearan, D. Lnther, Peter Bleger, ' Lewis Andonricd, J. E. Baum. John B. BlakUton, Win. F. Dean, Joseph Maxfiold, John Ketcham, WILLIAM XSHEB, President. WM. V. DMAs; Yiee President. Wt M, B»ira, Becretary. j »pB-tt F[RE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE LY.—The PENNSYLVANIA ITBB INBUBANOB COMPANY. Incorporated UK. CHABTBB PBB FITUAL. Ho, 110 WALHOT Blrort, OMWite Imkpcoi noe Square* I This Company, favorably known to'the community for thirty-six years, continues to insure against Xkhm or Du* ■aage by lire, on public or private BuiUlnfS, either per* nmently or for a limited time. Also, on Turnlture, or llwAinilii* ftiwiilli 1 , Mt Übifil Capital, together with a targe _ Bnrplnr Bond, h Their - — r -a**. InTMtod in the moat careful moaner, whioh enablea than to offer to the loiared an nndonhted aecnilty in tha mm OflOM. DIBBOTOBO. I ■" Jonathan Patteraon, Thomae BoMne, Qulntln Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr.j Alexander Henson, John Derereux, William Honteliu, Tbomaa Bfflitb. Into Hulebnrat, I JONATHAN PATTEBSOH, Freddtn*. WILLIIK Q. CaowiLL. Secretary. | Ml American fire insurance . COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. OHABTBB PIBPITUAL. Ho.Blo WALNUT BtoMt, abon ThM, Philadelphia. I Bavin* a lar** paid-up Capital mock and Bunina, ln- TMMd In sound and available Secnrltlea, oontinnea to bunn on DwelUnga, Btoree, Fornltnro, If Jed wlfl is port and their Oiygow> ud other Pereonel Pie> aartp. AU Loaaea liberally and promptly adjuated. DIBWnOBS. ] Thomaa B. Marla, Jamea B. Campbell, John 'ffelab, WwMd 9, »*«“», Baamel O. Mortoa, obanej ir, Ponltner, Patrick Brady, larael Morria. John T. liewla. THOMAS B. HABIB, Fraridanb atinr O. b. Onnwpoan. Secretary. MU financial! QIQ cAA —THIS AMOUNT TO IN tBIO.fJvV* VEST in on« or two SecnriUea, an a Mrmraeat lnveetment. Appl? tA IE- PETTIT* „h2B Vo. 300 WALNUT Street jfo. 309 WALn u - (IJQ QAA OLD MORTGAGE FOB ipOjOUU. SALE, on ft valuable farm in Montfo jjUfy AlsOf » number oi Arst-claa* cltp Mort s aft 66 and Ground Bents* of different amounts* at a dia count Apply to ?• PETTIT* mh7-tf Mo. SO9 WALNUT Street The amehican t: COMPANY Have reopened and refitted a BRANCH OFFICE IN WILLARD'S HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. O. This company ia prepared to accommodate the gneeta of thatbouae, and tho public, with every Telegraphic facility. Oemmiuuc&Uon direct with I BALTIMORE. 1 PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, And all Telegraphic Statinne In the loyal Statee. GENERAL OVEICE, Ho. 432 PENNSYLVANIA AYBHUB. W. P. WESTERVELT, mtals*lm Bnperintendent. jMHARLES S. CARBTAIRB, \J 126 WALNUT Street, and 2l' GRANITE Street, Offer. for Bale ! ■■ Cognac and Rochelle Brandies of different brands. i Clsret Wine in casks mid cuni 1 Madeira Wine in quarters and octaves, gberry Wine do dp port and Burgundy Port In quarters and octaves. All in bonded warehouse. | mh2B-tf , APRIL 2, 1862. ■369,196 8T BUBANCB UOM )0 WAIjNUT Street , tfercbendlee (ea««llf| Ntod or Perythtl, WB9, | Thomas Marsh) Charles Thompson) James T. Hale, Joflhna T. Owen, John Ji Griffiths. IE BONSALL, PrssMsnL QINNODO, Vies PmsUsbL I Irfl Edward McGovern, ThomaJs B. McCormick, John Bromley, Francis Falla. John Q/mAj, Uernanl n. Httuomaiui, Charles Glare, Michael Cahill. GIB OOOPBB, President. rrtwr. | wS 'ELEQRAPH RAILROAD fitted* fPHK PENNSYLVANIA CENTEAL J. RAILROAD. TH* 9BKAT DOPPIfI TBAOK. BOOT*. 1862. Mamnm 1862. THE CAPACITY OP THE ROAR IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THE GREAT SHORT LTNK TO THE WEST. Y&iiUUil foB IU U'tUHpori&Uiiu of 4bd from Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, St. Patti, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all other towns In the West, Northwest, and Southwest, are unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Sleeping and smoking cars od att the trains. THE EXPBEBB BUNS DAILY} Mai 1 and F«* Line Sundays excepted. Mail-'Train leaves Philadelphia at...,........ 8.00 A. M. Past Line “ “ .11.30 A. M. Express Train “ 11 ............ 10.30 I*. M. Parkesburg Accommodation leaves Phila. at.. 12,30 Pi M. Harrisburg « *♦ " .. 2.30 p. M. Lancaster *< ** ls *• 4.00 P. Bf. West Chostor passengers will take tho Moil Train, the Parkesbm g Accommodation, and the Lancaster Accom modation. Passengers for oanbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falla, and intermediate points, leavins Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 2.30 P. M„ go directly through. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, S. X. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, By this route freights of all descriptions can he for warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. Th? rotes of freight to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad, are, at all times, as fa vorable as are charged by other Railroad Companies. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can rely with confidence on its speedy transit. For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or feadrew tho Agents of the Company. 6. B. KINGSTON, Jr., Philadelphia, D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. CLARKE & Co., Chicago. LEECH A Co., No. 1 Astor House, or No. 1 South William atroeti New York. LEECH & CO., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. MAGBAW A KOON3, No. 80 North stroet, Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen’i Freight Agent, Phlla. L. L. HOUPT, Gon’l Ticket Agent, Phil a. ENOCH LEWIS. Gen’l Sup’t, Altoona. WEST CHESTER i »n PHILADELPHIA HAIL- VIA MEDIA. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. On And ftfU-r Monday, March 10th, 1882, the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA from the depot, N. E. cor ner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at B.OS and 10.30 A. SI., and 2, 4.30, and 7 P. SI., and will leave the corner of THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets, 17 minuted after the starting time from Eighteenth and Market streets. «N SUNDAYS, Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A.’M., and 2P. M. Leave WEST CHESTER at 8 A. 11., and 4.30 P. M. The trainu leaving Philadelphia at 8.05 A. M.» and 4 SO P. M.j connect at Pennelton with trains on the Phi ladelphia and Baltimore Bailroad for Oxford and inter mediate points. HENRY WOOD, mhB General Superintendent. fSSwaiamßgaaei NORTH PENNSYL VANIA BiILSOAP. FOB BBTHLEBiEM, DOYLESTOWN, MAOOB CHUNK, HAZLETON, EASTON, EOKLSY, Ac. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. Ott aad after MONDAY. NOVEMBER A IMI, Puu leogtt Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays exoepted,) as follows: At 6.40 A. M., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Allentown, KMcb Cbnuk) Hazleton, Ac. At 3.66 Pi (Express,) for Bethlehem, Easton, Ao. This train reachos Easton at 6 F. M., and makes ■ eloeo connection with the New Jersey Central for New York. At S.Q* F. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manota Chunk, Ac. At 0 A. M. and i P. M., fet Deylestewn. At 6 P. H., for Fort Washington. The 6.40 A. M. Express Train makes oloee connection With the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to aU points in fee coal region. TRAINS FOB FHH.AhKLPRIA. Leave Bethlehem at 7.07 A. M., 9.16 A. H., and 6.36 P.U. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. M. and 8.90 P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.60 A. M. ON SUNVAYfrwFhiladeiphiß On fort Washington ■t 9.80 A. 9K. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 4 P. tt, Doyleetown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 2.46 P. M. Fare to | VaretoManotaObonk.S3.66 Fere Id 5a5i&&...... UO l Through Tickets most D* procured at the Ticket Offices, at WILLOW Street, or BERKS Street, in order to seenre the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) oonneot at Bedes street with the Fifth and Sixth streets, and Sa« eond and Third-streets Passenger Railroads, twenty ml nates after leaving Willow street. no 4 ELLIS CLARK, Agent. PHILADELPHIA BgßVggggjSj AND BEADING RAILEOAD PASSENGER TRAINS FOB POTTBVILLE, BEAD ran and HARRISBURG, on and after November 4,1641 MORNING DINES, DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and OALLOW* g jt.T. Streaty, PHILADELPHIA, (PMwngnreafanriM on Thirteenth and on Oallowhill stroke,) at 8 A. M., con necting at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA RAM,ROAD 4.16 F. M. train, running to Pittsburg; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1-60 P. M. train running to Ohuntonborgi Curiae, A?.; »nd the nobtheb^ OINTBAIi FWHUBfteSW bary, So, A1TEBN00& RISES. Leave New Depot, oorner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Oallowhill ate,,) for POTTSVILLE BA&DISDH&G, »4 9.14 P. M., DAILY, connect ing at Harrisburg with the Northern Central Railroad, for Sunhnry, Williamsport, Elmira, Ac. Express Train Erota Stair Tprfe via Easton makes close connection with the Beading Mail and Accommodation Trains, connect* Ihg at Harrisburg with the Pennsylvania Central 3.16 A. M. Train running west For BEADING only, at 4,80 P. M., DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND BEADIKfi BAILBOAD, £gOM FM!LfDHLraiA f Mlltf. rbwnljcviilo.. ..*••■ 4S' Beading M Leban0n.......*... 80 Harri5burg.........113. Denphln .....124 Millersburg. ••••■>• >142 Treverton Junction,iw Banbury 163, Northumberland.... ITI Leirisburg 178 Milton 188 Ha&ey 107 Williamsport 900 jersey 5h0re........M8 Lock Haven........ 236 J"* 3 * 011 2?® Williamsport and Blmlra TrOTiMMtfiiMtMtm Ballrosd. The 8 A. M. and 8.15 P. M. trains oonneotdaUy at Port flUnton. (Sundays excepted,) with the OATAWISSA, WILIiIAmSPOBT, and IBH BAHtBOAB, making goM connection* with Unas to Niagara Falls* Canada, ei... Wugt b&I Sonlliwesl. DEPOT IN PHILADELPHIA: Horner of BBOAB and CALLOW HILL Street*. W. H. MoILHENNIY, Secretary. Oeteber 80.18 U. -CALL AND WIN TEB ABRANGIMENT,— PHILADELPHIA, QBBMANTOWN, and NOBBIB TVWH BAUrffOAP puns TASK, On and after Monday, October 28,1861, nntll farther notloe. YOB QEBMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 0, T, 8, 8,10.06,11,12 A. M.i 1,1, L t, M, 1,8,0,1011, and llli P.M. Leave Germantown, 6, T, 8. BM, BR, HR, Iljf, A M., 1,2, 8,4, 6, 0,1, 8, BW, 11 P. M. ™The SR A. M. train from Germantown stope at Dny'a and Tioga only. OH SUNDAYS. rfaiiwieirUa, A.. M., 0, f, aid 10# P. ML liMTe Qgnitaatowiii 8.10 A. P. U. chestnut iraii baxlboad!' 1m« Philadelphia, «, 9,11, A. M., 8,«, *, 8, and 10* Leave Oheatnnt Hill, LlOi 8,10, lOiIOi AJLilIiKi Bi4fli 1.10, 1.40, and 0.10 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 A. M., 3 and T P. K. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.60 A. BL, 13.40, 6.40, and 9.19 p.M. VOS OONBHOHOOKXH AlfD IfOBBISTOWH. Leave Philadelphia, 9.06, 11.06 A. M.» 8.06, AM. 6.06, and 8.06 P. fit. _ Leave NorrieCown, T, 6,9, 11 A. M», I#, and 9 P.iL OTf BVHPATP- Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 8 P.M. Leave Sorristown, TM A. SI., 6 P. M. FOB BAaSATTOK. Manayunk, 9%, TJ,i *Xi B X) A. M., i, l| Ud 9% r. M. 0N SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 8 and T P. M. Len* TV A. V., IW end BP. H. H. K. SMITH, Owuil Bnperintendent, m'M 4f Depot NINTH and QBBBN Streets. BStwm WEST CHESTER fIfIUKisK£E!!BAII.ROAB TRAINS, PBNN BYLYANIA BAHiBOAD, k»T« depot, oorner XLB VINTH and UABKBT Btreeta, at 8 A. M., 13.80 noon, and < P. M- tooß-tf flg—n—a WINTER IK. BANOBMUNT.—PKILADBL phta, wiLMnaaTOH, and baliuou sail- BO AD. On and After MONDAY, JAN. 8, 1902. BAfIfICNOSR TRAINS lilAVl PHTLADIIigHTA ! Nor BalUmoro it 5.30 A. H>i §.ll A. IL| 11.§§ A M»i (Bxpreee)i end 11.00 P. M. tor Chester At B.U A. M., 11 M A. M., 8.41 end 11.00 P. M. tor WUmlnjtoß 830 A. M., B.lft A. M., UM A. M f O*W lßfl UiW r.M. tor New Oaatle At 8.10 A. M. end A 46 F. M. tor Dorer At 8.16 A. M. And 8.46 F. M. tor Milford at 8.16 A. M. lor gtliDborr rt MS A. Mi _ . TBAIHB FOB FSHiASBIiFHIA; Leave Baltimore at 8.80 A. M. (Bipree.), 1.00 P. H. (Bxprae), 6.20, and 7 P. M. (Expreo.). Leave Wilmington at 7.80 and HAS A- M., 6.16, 8.46, aadOAOP.M. Imt. iUlkbonr at 3.84 P. ML LeaveJUlford at 4.46 P. M- Leeve Dow at 0 A. M. and 6.10 P. H. Leave New Castle at 11 A. M. and 8.10 P. M. Lwn Otaeeter at 8.20 A. M., 12.16, 4.6 a, and 0.80 P. *■ Leave Baltimore ter BaU.burjr and tot»nn«ff aU ittWM 6.20 and T P. M j ter never and Intermediate etaUon* 1.06 P. M- TEAIHa JOB BALTIMOBB: Mn Cheater at 8.44 A. M., IAO6 and liW p -*■ WUningtoß at 4-80 A- M. f 448,A' 84 P. H i and 1110 A. Hi FKIIQUT TBAIWi Trttn n»roi« «•» will ran m follows: Mto Philadelphia for PerrjTilU and fcatenaedlate slaoes at f>lo P« Hi *bMTB Wilmington for PerryTllle nod Intermediate dHH ItTilO Pi IL liMTa Philadelphia for Cheater, WHalngton, Bfanton, NewKrk< Blkton, North Neat, PerrjTtlle, Herre-de- Grftce, and Baltimore at 3.30 P. M. lieare Baltimore for Havre-de-Grace and Intermediate atationa at. 8.46 A. M. Lera Wlteifistia for Philadelphia and ißtermedlaU placea at 2.06 P. M. ON SUNDAYS ONLY: At 8.30 A. M. and 11.00 P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. At 7 from Baltimore to Philadelphia, Tho 9m30 At Mi train from PbftftOelphl* to Stitimon Will rnii dally, Mondays tncepted. aeM-tf S.aL FKLTOH, Fretfdent. PHILADELPHIA fBUWBi AND ELMIRA ft. B. LIMB. 1862 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1802 For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, an* all points in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains learn DCPOt *1 niiltt. Mia BVSding »! B l ««• Bro “> “ J °^7 lowbiU streets* »t 9A* *.» ana f. *•«*> ««•** Sundays. , QUICKEST BOUTS from Philadelphia to points In Northern and Western Penuaylvanle* Western New York, Ac., Ac. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Fall*, or intermediate enlnto. ■ Through Erigui Freight Train for ill point! lbOT#j leevea daily at 6 P. M. For farther information amir to JOHN 8. HILLEB, General Agent. THIRTEENTH and OALLOWBILL, Ml Mr V, «?F, SIXTH and (JHKBTNUT Street*. jaai-tr PHILADELPHIA and beading railroad CO„ (o«en 227 South FOURTH Street.) On and after May 1,1861, aeaeon ticket! will be Uened by this company for the periods of three, all, nine, and twelve months, not transferable. . Season echool-tickele may alto be hi* at S 3 per cent, dteconnt. These tickets -will ho sold hr the Trcaanror at Mo. SOT South FOURTH Street, where buy further information can be obtained. 8. BRADFORD, ap2Q-U Treasurer. JOHN JJ. MYERB & CO., AUCTION- M KERB, Nos. 232 and 234 MARKET Street SALK OF GARDENINGS. On Friday Morning, April 4, on four months' cwdlt— -850 pieces velvet, Brussels, ingrain, and Venetian car* petings, mattings, Ac. TTUBNESS, BJIINLEY, $ CO., J? 42V CHESTNUT STREET. NOTICE—LARGE SALE Of I>BT GOOT>3, FOB CASH, THIS MORNINQ AND TO-MORROW (WKDNESDAT), ciimmnncing »t 10 o’clock Bach day. The Attention of tbc Trrtlo is . tuuuraaiw tills Hay arid to-morrow, which are now arranged, -with cßtHlfgufh, at uur Auction Room, No. 429 Marketstroot. There are about 1,500 lots of very desirable goods, in cluding one of the largest stocks of dry goods ever sold at auction in I’liilftdelpV.m. Also, 500 lots fresh imported goods, for spring sales. Catniogutrw smii namplcH now ready. April 1 and 2, at li) o'clock A largo stock of fancy and staple dry goods, from a lugn jobbing hmian declining busih&gg. Included in our suit* on Tuesday and and Wednesday, April 1 and 2, will be found a very largo assortment of Beaaouable goods, viz.: Philadelphia aud Beading and Lebanon Valley B, JR. H«rti»ra Qmtni BaUrvwL gotibun tnd Bfi. K. H BALES ABCTI9A. BALE OP DRV GOODS. On Thursday Morning, April 3, on four mouths’ credit -600 packages British, French, and American dry goods* SALE OF FRENCH DRY GOODS. On Monday aflarhoou, April 7, ob four months’ credit— -760 packages French, German, Swiss, and British dry ?oodfl. ' PEREMPTORY SALE FOR CASH. On Tuesday and Wednesday Mornings* DOMESTIC GOODS, Bleached and brown shirtings, drilling*, diaper, long fthd t-uukie ftli&fids, JililHliiitiJ, JMUIdIBgS flJUifibly, lianaya, cloths, cftsslmeres, Ilampden and Ktifield CfWßimoren, Buckeye cawiimeres, Mullock jeans, satinets, cottonades, tickings, checks, giDghams, lawns, wool plaids, fancy prints, htllciaa, table cloths, Ac. IMPORTED GOODS. Black nuil fancy silks, umrceilines, vesting, jaconet, cambric, Swiss, and Nainsook muslins 5 bishop Uwna, brilliants, silk nets, linen cambric handkerchiefs) linens, diaper crash, quits, alapacas, prints, ginghams, delaines, red paddings, bareges, canvass, elastic duck, siiiciaa, lißffi gismi/riSßi TOiretn, Burges. cliftllies. lines coatings, linen drills &c. VOTI'ON HOSIERY, GLOVES, SPOOL COTTON, THREAD, Ac. Men's and women’s white, brown, and mixed cotton hose and halt' hose; Betliu gloves, buck gloves and gauntlets, eilk gloves, fillet mitts, lisle gloves and gagnt ltts, kid gloves, merino sbtrts and drawers, Bpooi cotton, patent thread, shirts, velvet, trimming and bonnet rib* tons, Ac. NOTION GOODS. Hair and cloth* s brushes, dolls, (straps, harmonicons, chess boards, boxes, lead pencils, fishing lines, flasks, books and +ycs, ihimLlep, ntedks, Ktiapendera, tidy cot ton, silk twist, carpet bindings, linen tape, leather and carpet bags, shoe laces, buttons, Ac. tST Catalogues be ready and the goods open for exami nation on Tuesday morning, April 1. FRESH GOODS* Included in sale on Tuesday tiuii Wednesday will be found— Loudon prints, ginghams, domestic prints, English printed brilliants, wool plaik dress gools, b'axony drtws cheyre, Paris colored moua tin de luines and challjo. Also, 75 lets supetior poult do soic, bonnet ribbons, colored poult do sole, Ac. PAKCOAST & WARNOUK, AUC- X TIONEEKS, No. 219 MARKET Btreet SA L EOF AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, Ac., by Catalogue, This M&ralaj. April 2, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely. Included will be found— EMBROIDERIES AND LACE GOODS. A full line of late and choice stylesembroideredjaco npt eplisrs Slid §ots, bands, edginjgs, waists, rubes, Ac. Also, lace collara and sets» Paris black lace veils, Ac, LINEN CAMBRIC HDKFB, WHITE GOODS. An invoice of ladies aud gents’ % and % plain and hemstitched lace hdkfs; also, a full line of choice styles and extra quality silk hdkfs. CLOAKS AKD MANTILLAS, Als9, an invoico of ladies and muses' cloth cloaks, silk'and lace mantillas. HOOF-fcKIBTS, NOTIONS, Ac. Also, 100 dozen ladies and misßes’ hoop-skirts, gents and boys’ suspenders, portmouaia, purges, fansy goods, k«al*Jriueß find nets, A&- BONNET RIBBON, FRENCH FLOWERS, Ad. Also, — cartonß new and choice spring styles bonnet liqbons, Paris artificial flowers, bonnet material, nets, blondes, A c. ST6CR. OP TAILORING GOODS, By order of Abeignee. This Morning, A stock of tailoring goods, trimmings, buttons, Ac. Included will be fouud a large assortment of coat, pant, find yeol buttons, LtklJs, InbomlaeS, ioJil, Will tlil, Aft. LARGE SALE OF STRAW GOODS. On Friday Morning, April 4, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, a large and general ansorfinew d straw gwta 9? tww a»d do simile BliftpeSi LARGE POSITIVE SuLE OF READY-MADE CLOTHING. On Monday Morning, April 7i \>r eatalpsiwi '■pwmresßS at 10 9’ clotk P r - Cieely, a full and complete assortment of desirable goods, worthy ot the particular attention of city and country buj era. SUPERIOR FIRE-PROOF SAFE. At pitreto Bale, a Terr enperigr flre-prwf ssfft Philip foul & 00., auction- EBBS, 626 MARKET and 622 COMMERCE Bts. BALE 91* IfOOO CASES BOOTS, SHOES, AND On Thursday Morning, April 3d, at 10 ©’clock, precisely, will be sold, by catalogue, 1,100 cases men’s, boys’, aud youths’ calf, kip, grain, and thick boots; calf aod kip, brogans, Con erees gfiltora, Oxfofcl tiftfi, W&lUlhg Shftftg, &0 • WOmSO-’g, misses’, and children’s calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots, shoes, gaiters, slippers, Balmorals, buskins, Ac. Also, a large and desirable assortment of first-clo3s city-made goods. CfcPTBBWf At commencement of sale an invoice of ready-made cloibing, the balance of a retail stock. Also, an invoice of boots aud shoes, to close a concern, gy Goods open tor examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of salo. _ LB. HOFFIN & CO., AUCTION • SEES, 242 MARKET STREET. Moses nathans, auctioneer and COMMISSION MERCHANT, noutboMt corner of SIXTH and BIOS Streets. TAKE NOTICE. The highest possible prico is loaned on goods at Ha inan, ’ Principal EslablichmenU southeast corner oi Bi»«h mcA !>i shSfete. At least ial-thUfd WH than at any other establishment in this city. AT PBIVATE SALE. One superior brilliant toned piano-forte, with metallic plate, soft and loud pedals, Pries wily SWt One very line toned piano>lone, price only 359. NATHANS’ PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISH' MENT. 250,000 TO LOAN, t„ on smell amouhte. from one dollar to thonaanda, on diamonds, gold and silver plate, watches, jewelry, merchandise, clothing, furniture, bedding, pianos, and goods of every description. LOANS MADE AT THE LOWEST MARKET BATES. ThU establishment has large Are and thief, woof safes, for the safety of valuable goods, together with a privatt watchman on the premises. ESTABLISHED FOB THE LAST 30 YEARS. ALL LARGE LOANS MADE AT THIS, THE tt PRINCIPAL ESTABLISB4ISN2 ” OHABGEB GREATLY REDUCED, AT PRIVATE BALE, JLT LESS THAN HALF USUAL STORE PRICES. Gold and silver watches of every description, from one dollar te one hundred dollars each, gold chains, fashion* able jewelry, diamonds. Ac. FRUIT. fwilKD APPLES.— 66 mebi b«h J J Western Dried Apples; 7 bbls new Western Dried Apples. Just received and In store. For sale by MUBPHT 4 KOONS, iaT-tf Ho. 148 NORTH WHABVEB. RAISINS. —300 boxes Layer Raisins j 800 half boxes Layer Baiainn; SOO boxes M R Hunch Raisins t 800 half boies M R Btwch Raisins. Mew and ehoios fruit, now landing and forsaie by MUBPHY A KOONB, JaT-tf No. 140 NOBTH WHABVEB. KAIIiKOAIi LINES. 1862. Stwaeaß 1862, ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW YORK LINEB. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD OO.’S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YOBS AND WAY PLACES, riOli WALItDT-BTBgKT WHABF ABO EHtSISOTOg SWOT. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIE: fAU. At 8 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Ao conunodation “ Ai 6 A. M.y -ris fiamden i&J J&H67 City, (N. J.) Accommodation.. * *•%••' ® At &X A. M., via Kenaington and Jersey City* Morning Mail ® At 12j( P. M.» via Camden and Amboy, Accommo -2 21 At 2P. M., Tift Camden ftod Amboy» O* And At fix* 8 W At 4 P. M.» via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Express. ®.®® At 4F. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Class fl M At ft# P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City* Evening Mail • 8 At 12 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City. South ern Mail 8 W At V Ft Camden and imUy, Aecommodft tlon* (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket.. 3 3ft ' Do. do. 2d Glass d 0.... 180 The P. M. Line runs dally, Sundays excepted. The 13 F. M., Southern Mail runs duly. . W&t» Gap. Stroudsburg; Scranton* WilfeMbum* Montrose* Great Bend* Ac.* at 7.10 A. M. from Kensing ton* via Delaware* Lackawanna and Western Bailroad. For Mauch Chunk* Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, Lanibertville, Flemington, Ac.* at 7.10 A. M. from Kensington Depot, and 2X P* D'oni Walnut- Btreet wharf: ithe 7.16 A. M. Line AAiife&fiU with fr&itt leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk at 3.36 P. M.) For Monnt Holly* at 6 A. M., 2 and 4 P. M. For Freehold, at 6 A. M.* and 2 F. M. WAT LINES. Iw Prist?!i Trenton, Ac.,.at 7.10 uni A M., and 6, 0,90, and 12 r. M. from Kensington, and P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. For Bristol, and intermediate station., at 11# A. M. from Kensington Depot. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Burlington, Florence, Bordentown, 4c., at 12# 1 1,4,6, *n4 fX ft M. Stoamboat TRENTON for Bordentown and Interme diate stations at P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. mr For New York, and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take tka cars on Fifth street, abovo Walnut, half Uih&tir before departure. The ear* run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run EromUio Pounds of Baggage only allowed «*£. h Paeseagers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing 9PPKV?: AU baggage over Mty pounds to ho pud for taint, ““ig responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount neyond SlOO, except by sperialeontract. WM. H. GATZMER. Agent. Every lady who wishes to be BEAUTIFUL should purchase HUNT’S OOUBT TOILET POWDER. It is need by the Court Beauthlill*WV»*,asa H» the only Powder that wiU not iijure the skin cr mb off, race, ia, £&. »nd •« cents. HUNT’S BLOOM OF BOSES, a beautiful, na tural color for the cheek* or lipa; it wiU not wash off or Injure the akin* and remains durable for years. Price •1. These articles are quite new, and can only he ob- UlneddfnUNT A CO.. 193 South SEVENTH Streak* above WaJ&ut. AU kinds of Fftscy BoftU ftnd Varfi* rnery. fe!9-2m QHOVELB AND SPADES. O dIOIOI BillMU. atiaorionritih, OOBHEB OF BREAD AND QUABBT BTBKETP, jEtiUhne Bet. Arch and Race, and Seoond and Third. Broom corn, handles, twins, 1 la: Brooms, Bnoketa, An, for sale bf G. R. BLAKIBTON, Commlstion M*phM>, ialO-Sm * Banth WATER Stosto T)EBT QUALITY ROOFINQ SLATS Jj always on habl and for aala at Union Whirl, Ml] BEACH Street, Kensington. T. THOMAS, a>y?-Ir *l7 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. BALES B? ACOTI6K. M THOMAS A SONS, • Not. 132 and 141 Booth FOURTH Street. (Formerly Nos. 97 and 02.) STOCKS AMD REAL BBTATE—THIS DAT, Pamphlet catalogues now ready, containing full do* scriptions of all the property to be Bold on Tuesday, lot irst., with a list of sales Bth. 15th, and 22d April, and a large amount of real estate at private sale. PUBLIC 6ALJSB REAL ESTATE AND STOCK! AT THE EXCHANGE ON TUESDAYS. BEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE HAIrB, WBT We have a large amount of real estate at prtvata gala, including ever? description of city tad country pan. party. Printed lists may be had at the Anction Star*. BKaL ESTATE—A PHIL 8. Sale by order of Heirs—LARGE AND SUPERIOR RESIDENCE, No. 723 Arch a’re^t,4l feet front, replete Yitfc rnnilmi miiYfinifincofl, with slfthlft iwrt es&9b-h9UM 01 a beck sirfd in ilie rear Occupied by the late owner, and in first-rate repair. May be examined any day previous to sale. COUNTRY TtKcTDENCE, with stable, ceach-hou*©, and aix uurtM of laud, Dai by plunk road. Peremptory Bftly.r-YAbVABLE RESIDENCE, 2fn. 507 Sfmtii Front street —Jot 22 feet front, 130 feet deep, THREE-STORY TJRICK DWELLING, No, 1802 Given street. Peremptory gale. —RACHEL STRUE FRAME DWELLING, No. S2S Rachel street, between Drown ttjitl Poplar streets Hah: abs itutu. ’ TWO AND. A.HALK.STDRY BRICK DWELLING, No. 850 North Fourth street, with two three-story brick dwellings in the rear. t Sale at Nob. 139 amt 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MAHOGANY PIANO FORTES, FRENCH.!'!;*''! MANTEL AND PIER MIR HOES, FINE OIL PAINTINGS. FIRE* PROOF SAFES, BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS, BEPS AND BEDDING, CHINA AND GLASS* -WARE, Ac. Ob Thursday Morning, At 0 b’tla&k, At fltu Am tiun Store, wijwrtor furnitura. mahogany fine French-plate mantel and plt-r mirrors, fire*proof safe, nutfe by Evans & Watson* Lillie's patent piro-proof safe, iron chest*, beds and bed ding, chirm aril glnuKwurw, Ar*. • • • • COAL. ROBERT R CORSON. GOAL DEALER. OFFICE, 133 WALNUT STREET, BELOW SECOND, PHILADELPHIA. pOAL—THE UNDERSIGNED \J beg leave to inform their friends and the pnblic that they have removed their LEHIGH COAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WIIARF, on the Delaware, to their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHT H and WILLOW Streets* where they intend to keep the best quality of LEHIGH COAL* from the most approved mines* as tba lowest prices. Tour patronage is respectfully solicited, JOS. WALTON & CO., Office, 112 South SECOND Street. Yard, EIGHTH and WILLOW. mhl-tf SEALED PROPOSALS ARE IN VITED till tha lSlh *f iPfilL, 1880, il 14 o’clock M., for supplying the UhltM States StlblUtehW Department with 6,000 head of BEEF CATTLE on the hoof. Tho Cattle to be delivered at Washington city, and each auiniAl to average IiSOO pound! gross weight i uo animal admitted which weighs less than 1,000 pounds gross. The Cattle to be delivered at «nch times and in snob quantities as the Government n ay require. Cattle will be re<juired tinder this contract soon after the contract In dosed. Heifer* and bulls not -waovwl. A bond* wiih good and aaiiafactory security, will be rtquirid. “ • Government reserves to itself the right to pay In Trea sury notes. I*o bid will bo entertained when put iu by contractor! who have previously Tailed to comply with their con* ticcts. or where the bidder is not present to respond to bin bid, aid all bids to be Accompanied by two guaran tees. The names or firms should be stated in fell, with ttu addiees &f all thu members at the firm. Bids to be directed to Majjr A. BECKWITH, 0. 8., U. S. A , Washington, D. C. FORM OF CCAUASTKE. We, —. of the county of and State of ■ ■, and ,of the county of - . and State of - ■ do kt(.-T«by gunrunlco that is ftUe to fulfil ft con tract in accordance with the terms of his proposition, and that should bis proposition be accopttd, he will at once enter into a contract In accordance therewith. Should the contract be awarded to him we are prepared to become hie eecuritieei Title guarantee must heap* petidftd to each hid. apl*l3t TVTOTICE. Proposal from dealers jJM and millers arc invited till the 10th of April, 1962, for FURNISHING HOUR to Ilia Sub. Dejmrtmonk of the game kind which has been received by the U. 8. Go* virument, and known as No. 1 extra. Samples of this F.our may be seen at the Capitol Bakery, in Washington. It is desired to make ft contract Tor 20i000 tarrofei Should) however any pnrson desire to furnish a ion quantity, ho will state the precise number of barrels in his bid. Tho contractor will be required to furnish at the rota of 600 barrels daily, until tho contract is filled. No Flour will bo received which does not come up to the standard at the inspection made just before the pur* chase. The Flour to be delivered at the railroad depot to Washington, or at Boy of the warehouses in Georgetown, D. C. Oon ernmeot rescrvaß ttio riylit to reject aay bi<i fo? any cause. Payments to be made in treasury notes, and the bids to be directed to Major A. BECKWITH, C. 8 , tJ. S. A., Washington, P. C. mb2B-12t shipping. -fjBOSTON AND PHILADEL ggBgfrrHIA STEAMSHIP TOTH-from PINS Strwt,Philadelphia rail LONG Wharf, Boston, fco, The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will safl from Boston for Philadelphia on SATURDAY, April 5, aid from Philadelphia for Boston on FRIDAY Morning, April 11, at 10 A. 21. lamp ulh Alia, half that bp sail vunk. Freight taken at fair rate*. Shippers will please send bills lading with their goodi, For freight or passage (having hne accommodation* for pas6eugers), apply to HENRY WINSOB A OO. t SAS UOTTSH WHABVEfI. WEEKLY COMMUNICA SSHEto TION BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, calling at QUEENS TOWN. (Ireland,) te land and unhark ftnetengen an* despatches. The Liverpool, Hew York, and Philadelphia Steam ehlp Company’s splendid Clyde-built iron screw ateaas shlvs are intended to sail as follows: JJJOH NSW T9SS fob Liverpool. . nor April ®, V*a. etna, Saturday, April 12,180# And every Saturday tbrcaffhOQt ted year, from PUS Ho. 44 N. B. BATES OF PASSAGE THROUGH VRQH PS&LADELPHIA. Gtbln, to Queenstown, or Liverpool jtlf Do. to London, via Liverpool.9M Steerage to Queenstown, or LlvorpooL.|W Do. to London IV Do. Bfitnm ticketm available for nix montfc* Iron Liverp001.....991 Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Hamburg* Bremen, and Antwerp at through rates. Certificates of passage issued from Liverpool to Bow TOPk .::.;:ti:immuuiiiuiiitiin illMi M? (JsrtiflcatM of nasmce lisned from Qneenitown 10 M»n York These ote tuners have snporior accommodations Cor pea scugors, are constructed with w&tor*tl||bt ocmperttaonta* Hidwrrr9WFl<i»9?d, , - ... - yorßoiglrti or pwwngei apply at w 03100 ?* «*> jtaoy, JOSN O. J>AX»SS, Agent, ill Walnut street, Philadelphia, Xn Liverpool, to WM. I2TMAJJ, Tower Bulling! In (Haiiow, to WM. INMAIti 18 Dixon street THE BRITISH AND NORTH S&Ssafei AMEBIOAN BOYAIi MAIL BTBAjr- BHiPB. FBOBI IffiW TTOK W uTTSUTQ9in Chief Cabin Passage mm »n9UV {Second Cabin Passage. ••••»••••*«..•».*«• 71 FBOW BOSTON TO liIYSSFOOX*. (7btof Cfttin Second Cabin rawago, ft Tho ships from Now York cal! at Cork Harbor. The shine from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Mar.' bor, PERSIA, Copt. Judkins. AFRICA, Oapt Bhanncx. Mtd, 9&h ASIA, Oapt. E. O. Lott AMERICA, Oapt Mnlr. ABBTBAIiABIAN. NIAGARA. Oapt MocdM. Oapt Cook. ETJBOPA, Oapt Andsreo*. SCOTIA, CHINA. 9k«u vtuali sufsp a also whits light it masth—d ■reen on starboard bowi red 6h iifl bJB. AMEBIGA, Moodle,leavcsßoBton, Wednesday, April *. CHINA, Anderson, “ N.York, Wednesday, April #. NIAGARA, Cook, 11 Boston, Wednesday, April ML ASIA, ShibftSß, *> N.Yorit,W ivluealay, April 93. CANAfcA, McCauley, “ Boston, WOdMiduy, April9o. PERSIA, Lott, “ N.York, Wednesday, May T. ETJBOPA, Stone, “ Boston, Wednesday, May 14. CHINA, Anderson, •• N.York. Wednesday, May SI. Berths not secured until Mid for. An experienced Snrgeon on hoard. The owners or these ships will not be aooo on table Is* Sold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stosss, or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, aa* the yaine thereof therein expressed. For freight or P*S ■ini snit'ta ‘ I. O(j WARD, ea*y if f 4 boWUNG GBSKtt. Mew York. E. 0. A J. G. BATES, 103 STATE Street Boehm. IMPRESS COMPANIES. SOLDIERS Should be sent by HABNDEN’S EXPRESS, SOT CMKSIKET thlial ifcl* HALT HATES, end send daily U Baltimore, Washington, HSU roe, and all other potato oocnpledby onrtrooae. fa244a> THE ADAMS EX pubbs compaht, vmw w» CHESTNUT Street, forward! Parcel!, Packager, Mer chandise, Bank Note!, and Bpocle, either by its own HfM or in connection pith other Express Companies* ■> aIJ the principal Towns and Cities of the United Staten, I" r~ s. 8. 9A.HDFGRD, felS General Superintendent. _ -IT—a. FOR NEW YORK. pfSEBSaHEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware •>( Bari tan Canale Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Oott pally receive freight and leave daily at 3 P.M., deliver ing their cargoes in New York the following day. Treighte taken at reasonable rate*. ITU, T, CLYDE, A«nt, Ho, H 6DT7XB yr-MABVKS. pini-a-lptlm JAMES HAND, Agent, anl-tf Piers 14 andls EAST BITES, Now York. _ -rc—■> FOB NEW YORK.- Tha JtfSfiHHa Philadelphia Bteam.FiowUer Qnmpanf wUI commence their tmeineM for the aeaaon on MonO»r» 18th inetant. . , . _ . Their eteamera ere now receiving freight at Becon* Pier, above Walnut street. Term* accommodating. Apply to * W. H. BAISD A 00, 244 Booth Delaware Avaanr. - FOR BALTIMORE, ■Bisif WASHINGTON, D. 0., AND VO»- t£ES§ M6HBOE, DAIT.V, A¥ S P. M„ BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA STKRBIiBOMt COMPANY, (ERICSSON LINK.) One «( (he Steamers »f thli CompanylMlM the UMMt aide of OhintohS-etreet Wharf daily (Bundise eifioptalt) at S o’clock P. M., and arrives in Hammer* earir aa*l morning Freights tor Washington and Beninas Maerot received and forwarded with all possible despatch, lot »r*rWßllri»hepr»|ialdilhrongh. ™* w vt « wii ' No. 34 Boath WHABVBS fel4'2m* SHOW OASES. vUU*gl«M r 6«rm»a silver., GryaUi-gUsa, “ “ 11 •***■■• J 11 half German »lT«r. ® m all walnut... ** , *L\U l * WM. H. OBOVIU mhlO.UnU 111 y«rth FOURTH Sirwti Philad>i POTTON SAIL DUCK AND CAN*. \J YAS, of alt niunbwi and brand i- Haven's Duck Awning TwilU,of all deacriptioiia, ter if,,,,,-. Awnlnea, TrOika, and Wagon Corara. AW rr^Manufactursr. 1 Drior Felto, tfwtl to 1 feet wide* Tarpanllng, Belting, Sail Twinß, dt> P JOHN W. KYKKMAN A CO -103 JOWKB Allar. T?BESB ROLL BUTTER, EGGS, &0., X? rec-ived daily »t B. Z. QOTTWAL&'i 81* BPBINQ UABDEN Itraat. mb»-«
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers