Periodicals of the Month. The eighth number, completing the fourth vo lume of the National Quarterly Review, edited by Edward I. Sears, its proprietor, has reached us through Ur. J. McFarlaD, agent for its sale in this State. It contains several articles of great merit and interest, foremost among which we would place a learned and chivalrous “ Vindication of the Celts,’’ a biographical notice of Dr. Arnold, of Kugby, and a powerful protest against the too pre valent mistake, in this country, of over-educating females. Except when intended for school-teach ers, it is waste of time and fatigue of brain to taaflh the dead languages and the abstract sciences to female .pupils. Years are wasted in cramming them ( with all the isms , and then, especially when marriage comes speedily after maturity, young iadies forget all their useleSS know ledge with commendable rapidity. There is an appreciate notice of Wieland, the great Ger man poet, with a true estimate of the worldliness of Goethe. Amepg the practical paper? are these on National Dffenees and Improvements and Now Uses of Coal-gas. The Reviewer is wrong, how ever, in declaring that gas costs very little more in the American, than in the English metropolis. On the oontrnry, tho price in Washington is more than thrice what it is in London. He also under states the price of gas in Philadelphia—it is $2 25 and not $2.13 per 1,000 cubic foot, and ought to bo 75 cents lower. Therb is a good article here show ing that the Union is not a league, but a ‘permanent Government. Every editor has some one hobby: Mr. Sears' the belief that George P. Morris, “ the unpaid laureate of his country,” is a song-writer of such surpassing superiority that only Burns, Moore, and Beranger can bo oompared with him. Kine pages, in the present number, nr? devoted to this glorification. Wo thought that Campbell and lover, Scott aDd Longfellow, and a few others, bad written good songs, but aro now taught other wise. JUacA-tromi's Magazine, received from W. B- Eitber. opens with further chapters of the Ohronl cies of Carlingford, a well-written tale. Bulwer continues his Essays, entitled “ Caxtoniana;” Hill Burton gossips about Club Books, and Alison's Life 'of Lord Castlereagb supplies material for a lauda tory account of Ireland’s most hated foe, in former years. The concluding sixteen pages of this num ber contain numerous specimens, wholly lyrical, by a new Scottish poet, named David Wingate,— given without n syllable of introduction or criti cism. Correctly, too, for Lanarkshire David is a poet, aid not a mere sing-song rhymester. He-ha 3 been a collier since his ninth year, but, for a’ that, he is a poet, made by nature. In “ The Deein’ Pish «r,” and “ Thftt Gloamin’ Langsyne,” he remind ns „f the tenderness of Motherwell, while in his nu merous pieces he resembles Alexander Rodgers, a Scottish poet not much known here, author of that fine, saucy song,“ Behave Yoursel’ before Folks-” Prom T. B. Peterson it Brothers, we have the Atlantic Monthly for April, which we noticed yesterday, also Mrs. S. C. Hall’s new novel, “ Can Wrong be Right,” published by T. 0. H. P. Burn ham. Boston, and Ned Buntline’s new story, published by T- a. Brady, N. Y., entitled " Mor gen ; Knight of the Black Flag.” Mr. J. McFarlaD, who announces the first volume of Washington Irving’s Life anil Correspondence as nearly ready, sends us Mr. Richard B. Kimball’s romance of “ St. Leger,” a beautiful new edition got up wilh li - P. Putnam’s proverbial taste —a good book, and curious now as tho first performance of the auLhorof that business-romance, ‘‘ Under currents of Wall-street,” lately published. Parts Seven and eight of 11 The National Por trait Gallery,” edited by E. A. Duyekinck, give us full lengtbs of Roger Sherman, Chancellor Kent, John J. Audubon, and Daniel Morgan. Fine por traits they are. (Published by Johnson, Fry, & Co., New York.) From W. B Zicber we have the April number of the Eclectic Magazine, edited by W. H. Bid well, with the cream of- all the British periodicals, and a portrait on steel, of the present Queen of Prussia. This completes vol, lv. dT one of the most readable periodicals in this country. The Continental Monthly-, edited by C. G. Leland, deserves more than the mere mention of it that we can make to-day. The few articles which we have read impress us favorably,—these mb the Editor’s Table; the Ante*Noise Disooverer of America, Maccaroni and Canvas; Among the Pines and Sketches of Edinburgh Literati. This last is Tery good, but the author spells Racy rlop(r<lia Briiannica, incorrectly, when he puts it Encyclopedia. Britojiiea. From Mr. J. McFarlan we have No. XIV of the Rebellion Record, edited by Frank Moore, pub lished by G. P. Putnam, and a model of taot, in dustry, and good taste. It contains portraits of Major General Haileck and of the gifted and la mented Theodore Wiuthrop. This is the only cur rent history of the war at all to be relied on, and is most conscientiously compiled. Dramatic and Musical. Mira Annette luce oloses a two- weeks engage ment at Wood’s Theatre, Cincinnati, on Saturday evening. —Mr. J. B. Roberts opened at the National The atre, Cincinnati, on Monday evening, the 24th inst. —Miss Charlotte Thompson opened at the Louis- Tiile Theatre on the Itch inst. She makes her ap« pearance at the Walnut-street Theatre, in this city, on the 7rh of April. —Manager Henderson, of the Pittsburg Theatre, commenced another dramatic season in Wheeling lust week, Mr. Neafie appearing as the star. The business appears to have been reasonably satisfac tory. —Miss Menken closed her engagement at St. Louis on Saturday night. —Miss Julia Duly ended a very successful season at McYickers Theatre, Chicago, on Saturday night. Christy's Minstrels are in the latter city. —Kate Fisher opened at the St. Louis Theatre on Monday night. She trill be followed ab that estab lishment by Couldock, Maggie Mitchell, John Wilkes Booth) and Julia Daly, which takes the season to May 17th. —Gottsehalk, -assisted by MTle Charlotte Patti, Mr. Simpson, and Sig. Marini, was announced to appear at the new opera house, Buffalo, on the 24th and 25th inßtant. —Mien Lucille Western opened at the Holliday street, Baltimore, for four weeks, on last eve ning. At the termination of that engagement she plays four weeks at Washington, and on the sth of June she sails for California. Proin California Miss Western proceeds to Australia) and thence to England. —General Tom Thumb is giving his levees at Smith’s and Ditson’s Hall, Cincinnati. —Waliack still presents the old comedies at his theatre, in New York. —Miss Dora Shaw has been for some weeks trans lating. from the French, a play in three acts, en titled u Camma” —the one in which Bistori came near causing the Parisians to run crazy with admi ration. It will be completed in a law weeks at furthest. Miss shaw will impersonate the principal character. —Cincinnati Commercial. —J. Wilkesßooth, the tragedian, has been playing to crowded houses at Provost’s Theatre, New York, during last week. He continues through this week. Indian Summer. AS REVEALED THROUGH GIGNOUX’S PICTURE. This is the Indian Summer—Nuhire’a tbauksgivlagtime, Which glid* **, with misty eyes and silent tread, Between the frosts of auhimn and tiie winter’s snows: For now the seasons, in their yearly journeying, pause, As if to praise Him who commands their course. The painter truthfully hag read the text Which Mother Earth has stamped up >n her bosom, And, with skilfnl baud, transferred it to his canvas. The trees are stained with colors of al 1 hues: The maple blazes in the morniog sun, the stalwart oak Flaunts crimson dashes midst its leaves of green, The beech flares yellow, and the graceful elm Purples ami flashes in its royal robes. The »tl« shake* out its scarlet berries to the breeze, Ana the wild grape turns its hosted cl us era to the sun. Th& evergreens alone retaui their summer garb : The velvet moss, which cling to those old trunks, Have changed tbe-ir sober grays to rainbow dyes, And the stern rocks, of late to bare and cold. Grown warm and wrapped themselves in lichens gay. A silvery mist infects the atmosphere, Ilangs o’er the shadowy lake, creeps up the stately hills, And, changing to purole as it winds adown the vale, Hovers a moment on the horizon’s bounds, And then pales into nothingness. The mountain sides Are flecked with gleamß of light, and spots of shade: Itert, gotten eunohiue spreads in mellow rays, and there Stretching across its hoary breast, deep shadows lurk. A stream, with many a turn, now lost to sight, And then. a*&in revealed, wit.da through the vale, Shimmt ring in tliy early morning snn. A few white clouds float in the blue expanse, Their forms revealed in the ctear lake beneath, Which bears upon its brimut a hark-canoo* Cnutionuly guidon by a sinewy arm. High in the heavens three eagle* proudly poise, Keeping their mountain eyrie still in view. Although their flight has norne them far away. Upon the cliff which beetles o’er the pool, Two Indiana, peering from (he brink, appear, Clad in the gnndj dress their nature craves: Bribes of bright blue and scarlet, but which blend In happy uuion with the landscape round. Near by a wigwam stands—a tire within Sends out a ruddy glow*—and from its roof, Cone-shaped, a spiral wreath of stunke ascends. Not far away, though deeper in the woods, Another hut, with red-men grouped about, Attracts the eye, and wakens saddened thoughts Of that brave race who onco were masters here, But now, like autumn’s loaves, are dying out. The picture grows in beauty as wo gaze: The atmosphere is thick with purple mist, "Which wraps the mountains in its glowing folds, And drapes the valley* in a Misaful bloom. The eky eecme nearer Heaven than e’er neforej The earth, as if thefearful curse which Ml ou it When our first parents went from Eden forth, Had been removed. Sweet Nature stands revealed In all her primal purity and strength. Ar>d while we gaze, from our full hearts go up Most thankful.prayerg that He has placed us here, Upon so fair, bo grand, ao glorious a sphere. Ni:w York, December IK, 1861. During the gallant action at Valverde, near Fort Craig, on the 21st ultimo, one of the companies nf Ihe Seventh United States Infantry, under Capt. P. IV. L. Ptymptnn, bravely gtond to their arms until over one-half of those who composed tbo body were either killed or wounded. The report relative to the cowardice of the New Mexican troops is more than confirmed by the same source of intelligence. The whole of the Union force in action only num bered seven hundred, with but six guns, while the rebel force exceeded three thousand. Captain Plympton fortunately escaped injury. The Report of Com. Foote’s Mortars —Let ters from Cairo fay that Flag-officer Foote’s mor tari ere heArd plainly there, though they are at least forty miles distant THE CITY. Annual Conference of the M. E. CHURCH —FIFTH I>AY.—C nference reassembled yesterday morning, at nine o'clock* Bishop Morris in the chair. The galleries were well filled with spectators, lielisious services, conducted by Rev. John Ruth The r port of John Whitema«, Esq., treasurer of tho Grmenary F«mJ of tho Phliodvlphm Annual Conference* was read. The annual exhibit of the Western Book Concorn, at Cincinnati, was read, from which we team that Che sub scriptions to periodicals do not fall short this year to any considerable extent. The cash receipt for periodicals aro much better than last year. The of fur boohs and periodicals at Cin cinnati, Chicago, ana St. Lotus, for the year ending Ja nuary 31,1862. is $259,428 23. The Book Concern has done a business amounting to a quarter of a million of dollars, and has kept up its credit unimpaired: The resources amount to $322,777.01 Its liabilities 70,123.93 Net capital Nov. 30, i*0i..... ..<»»• ... 244,163.02 The cate of George Leary, from Kont county, Mary- Jauc, recommended for local deacon’s orders, and laid upon the table on Saturday, was taken up, anil he was elected. The annual examination of tho character of effective ministers waa taken up. The name of each miuiiter called. W hile he retired from the Couferonce room ho Was represented by the presiding elder of the district, and his character passed when there was nothing against him. * THE XOUTH rnn.ADHI.niIA DISTRICT. Ruv. D. W. Barline, P. E.. was represented by sevoral ministers or the district very favorably, and the following ministers of the district wore called and passed: Rev. W. C. Robinson, J. F. Chaplain, W. H. Bris bane, A. Casber. W\ Kenney, M. I>. Kurtz, J. H. Light borne, M. ILSistoy, A. W. Milbey, H E. Gilroy, T. It. Miller, S. W. Thomas, W. Mullen, 11. S. Thompson, R. Greet,Lank. J. S. Willis, W. B. Wood, J. Cunningham, G. Oram* E ; T. Kenney, J. Y. Aahton, Allen John, W. 0. Boid. B. Owen, n. A. Cleveland, W. McCoouibs, 8. Powct>. J. Humphries. S. Townsend, P. J. Cox, L Cum mins, M. A. Day, S. G. llare, G. T. Henlock, 11. F. Jluru, J. B. Quigg, J. M. Hinson, C. I. Thompson, W. T. Mugco, J. B. McCullough, J. P. Durbin, A. Man ship. Rev. Dr* Hodgson, P. E.« roprosented his district aa being in a healthy and prosperous condition. A number of tho churches in the district had been favorod with bigual revivals, as is also true in regard to the X. P. District. Dr. Hodgson made a feeling allusion to a se vere family bereavement which he has recently sustained in the loss of an affectionate and highly accomplished daughter. Death came not as the king of terrors, for th& ehftriMsof Israel were thera before him, aud the eiirth-ptar I ns fled to heaven. During the delivery of the eloquent romarksof Dr. Hodgson, there were but few eyes tbrft were not suffused with tears. Upon the calling of the name of A. Atwood, a charge nfnml.iuiministrution was pifjieutetl, signed “Thomas Steward.” Rev. P. Coombe moved thst the charge be not enter tained. upon tho grounds that the specifications reUte to matters in the administration of the P E. in the Quarter ly Conference, and not to official acts of Mr. Atwood as pastor of the Union Church. Dev. A. Atwood made a statement showing that he lmd acted in tho case as provided for in the discipline of the Church. The statement being sonuwbat personal, Mr. Atwood was called to order, and the motion not to enter tain was carried. The names of the following ministers upon tho district were culled, and their character passed r Revs. A, Atwood, J. H. Alday, P, Coombe, W* \V. Barnes, J. AV. Jackson, G. D..Carrpw, 0. Cook, W. Cooper, J. Thompson, N. Frame, J. Neill. J. ltuth, J. B. Merrill, T. A. Fernley, R. .T. D. Pepper, G. G. Rake straw, \V. W. Dalrymple, I*. 11. Hughes, J. E Merolith, G. Seacock. W. B. Grogg. J. I*. Maddux, J. M. Wheel er, F. Moore, J. C. Gregg. B. J. Caisou, Jrs. Gregg, A. Howard, J. Lame, S. W. Kurtz. O. W. Landreth, H. 51. Johnson, Yi. L. Bcsnoll, A. Longacre. J. 1\ Duhamel presented his resignation aud parch ments. withdrawing from the ministry and membership of the Church. Bis resignation wa« promptly accepted. JtEAiIINO IUSTr.ICT. Rev. T. J. Thompson, P. E., gave an account of the eoncition nf this district. He represented its Interests to he in a better position than was apprehended they would be in consideration of the state of the country. Peace and prosperity prevail all over the country. Tl>e names cf tho following ministers were called and passed : Revs. V. L. Gray, S. Irwiu, J. Castle, J. A. Brindle, J. L. Taft, C. Karsner, C. F. Turner, \V. W. Wythos, 8. Patterson, J. F. Boone, B F. Price, W. M. Ridge- W *v, W Major, J- 0. Neill, JR. Anderaon, J. Shields, J. B. Dennison, V. Gray, and J. A. Watson. The of the Committee on the Bible Cause was m do the older of the day for this morning at 9 o’clock. Notices were given, and tho Conference adjourned to meet at S o'clock, for tho purpose of hearing the mis siotmry sermon. At the close of the proceedings, notice was given of the b’owing up of Fort M&cod, the taking of Beaufort, aud the burning of tbeiVasfteijte, which was received with great applause until stopped by the Bishop. The doxology was sung, and the benediction pronounc ed by iter. J. QT. McFarland. Tli<« Following- hamod Aiid 4ld&V£ Wbrb Ard&ln6d on Sunday: £loer$ —J. E. Kessler, Henry S. Thompson, A. S. Scott, 5 L. Gracey, S. Kirkpatrick, D. George, Richard Holt, Nathan Youug. Deacons. —I. Mast, T. Stevens, D. D. Hudson, N. M, Brown, J. O. Sypherd, T. L. Tomkinson, W. S. Pugh, D. McKee, W. T. Tul! r 0. W Landreth, T. F. Plummer, M. Barnhill, J. Webb, W'. Mathias, T. B. KilliuuH, G. L, Schaffer, J T.Yan Bnrkalow, J. Slichter, Johu Field, 31. Z. Senderling, James McGill, R. Evans, Henry H. Davis, John Frame, Benj. T. String, Samuel Webb, Silas W. Murray, and Adam B Hunter. THE ANNUAL MISSIONARY SERMON. At the appointed hour, the church was well filled with ladies and the members of the Conference. Tho services wore commenced, at three o’clock, by singing, which was followed by a pra) or from the Bov. A. W. McClaskey. At the conclusion of the prayer, another hymu was sung, after which, the Rev. William W. Taylor, who was ap pointed at the last Conference to preach the annual mis sionary sermon, arose and ai nonneed his text from liabakkuk ill* part or stconti vereo; '*o Lord* revive thy work.” c In opening his address, he referred t* the fluctuating and perilous affairs of the country, which had been brought nearly to degradation by the hand of treason. He alluded to tho days of Habakkuk as Having been days of trouble that would compare with taose of the day. And mourned tho txlateuee of such ifahULs iu our once happy countiy. lie referred to the perfidi ous conduci of England in the commencement of the war, and denounced that country as a nest of traitors who wore aiming at the vitals of the United States. Brave men were found everywhere throughout the laod doing battle for freedom and their country. The coun try must be caved—yea, even if it be over the graves nf those who are despoiling it of its lustre—traitors ’ thay can be called by no other or moro fitting name. Money bad been spent; ships were put upon the se* at a great expense: a large aimy, covering many miles of country —and all for freedom. The dißcourso of the speaker was listened to with great attention, and elicited many marks of approbation. A motion was made to the effect that the sermon ahotUd be printed ih pfthipbl&t idfitt. Agreed to. After the benediction had boon pronounc* d, the raeot irg went into an animated discussion upjn the resolution concerning the taking of the oath of allegiance anew to the Government. The meeting was called to order by Bev. Anthony At. wood taking the chair. The majority rtK-lationr, as published iu Tht Press, were then read by Rev. William 0. Robinson. Bev. E. Reed objected to the swearing of allegiance, as he thought that it was unnecessary. He hoped that it would bb stricken out. Be was a Union man; his father was an old Revolutionary patriot- He did not object to swearing when the State authorities desired it, but he thought In this case it was unnecessary.. Bev. Mr, Ayres hoped it would not bo stricken from theieport. Rev. Mr. Butli said he had voted for Mr. Lincoln, but be did not think it necessary to have the United States marshal come to the church. Ho was willing to swear, however, before the Mayor or the marshal if his loyalty was doubted. He thought it was irreverent. Hr. Funon thought tnat tho resolutions wore good enough as they were, and he wanted to have the privi lege of swearing allegiance to the old ship Uuion. Bev. James Neil made a few remarks iu support of the resolutions. Bev. Hr. McLougklin was opposed to the resolution. He could not see why this Conference should swear al legiance. He could sco how necessary it was for the Conference at St. Louis, but lie coulo not see why it was requisite for tho Piiiintb Iphia Conference. It was coercing meu to d-v what they did not want to do. The Bev. Mr. Thomaß said he was in favor of tho reso lutions as reported by the committee. On motion cf the Bev. Mr. Carrol, the meeting ad journed. The subject will bo again discussed to-day. Meeting op the Hoard op Guar diaxs.—The regular stated meeting of the Board of Guardians of the Poor was held yesterday afternoon, President Maris iu the chair. The house census was reported as follows: Whole number in the house ,2,633 Samo time last year. 3,1)49 Decrease 216 Admitted within the last tw*o weeks 132 Births 10 Deaths 25 l)Uclißrgcd §? Eloped 36 Bound ’. © Number ot persons granted lodging 58 Number of persons granted meals ..... 122 A communication was received from the medical board, Covering :i unanimous recommendation for the re-elec tion of J IT, Jarroar as assistant resident physician. Also* a resolution tu the effect that no nnrler-graduata should be allowed to act as a substitute iu the house. Tbo out-door agent reported the collection of 5254.75 for euppoit caees. The steward reported tho collection of $66.70. Several proposals for supplying tho Almshouse with coal were received, and referred to a special committee of live alter being read. They were as follows; Lump. Egg. stove. G. IT. Potts ft Co, Black Deathmmeas3.49s.... $..., R. Kerr, Mint-LiU Gap mines 3 20 A. C. Miller* Co., Velvet-creek mines 3.25 3.25 3.25 B Hecbsher & Co., Black Heathminea 2.75 2.70 2.75 G. W. Puivin, Locust Gap mines 3.13 3.13 3.13 P. Bartholomew, Glendowor mines. , 3.13 2.58 2.98 Davis Peaison & Co., Locust moun- tain mines...... C. F. Norton A Co , Locust mountain Mr. Whitall moved that the assistant visitors be au thorized to draw on tbo gas works for coke when they thall deem the same advisable. Agreed to. Mr. Server offered the following Jtesolveil, That the Hospital Committee shall in no case grant leave of absence to a residont physician for a longer period than two weeks, unless from sickness or other uncontrollable circumstances. Agreed to. Tbo following-named gentlemen were nominated as assii-tatit nsMeiit physicians, ami received the number of votes set opposite their names after tliuir recommenda tions had been read. Mr. Server moved that tho eight selected should decide among themselves, before tho next meeting of tlie Hospital Committee, which of them should serve for six-mouths and which for one year, and, failing to agree, that the committee shall decide for them, and those taking the six mouths term shall be eligible for re flection without a reexamination. Agreed to. J. 11. Jarmar 8 votes E. L. Dubois 3 votes C. L. ltentoD • 9 “ J. W. Burnett. 9 7. K. Black 7 “ J. R. Gibson 0 « F F.M&urey 10 « £ JE. Owens 5 u IT. C. Wood 10 “ P. Middleton 7 “ C. B. Bourdnuin... ,Ift “ McUenry 0 “ It. M. Girvsn. 13 « «. F Terry 4 “ And, on a eetriiul ballot, Dr. Owens was elected. On motkn of Sir. Server, tliu treasurer was directed te> return to each retiring physician his deposit money. Adjournal. The Government Hay-Trade.—A largo number of Philadelphia capit diets are at present located in Baltimore, where they are ongageil iu packing and ehipphie bay to Washington, Fortress Monroe, and other points ou the extreme Southern coast. Large Muantitifs of hnv pass daily through Philadelphia, aud the Chesapeake ami Delaware canal barges and steamers htb taxed to tho utmost to euual the demand. Duiing the last few days a quantity of hay has panned through Norristown on the way to Philadelphia for the army. Several wagons were drawn by four horses, each load containing three tons of. liay. The hay is done up m t ticdles, bo that the loads can be readily haudled. A vast <iuanti,'y of hay that go*B to feed tho horses of the army is front Montgomery county.- Many teams were from the vicinity of the Tiappe, some nine miles above Norristown* Davis Kimble, of FrauUUu township, Chester connty, has a contract for furnishing a large quantity of hay at lterr> ville for the Government. Five hundred tons are to ho delivered by the. Ist of April. He has purebassd about thirty tons from the Hulmar estate, in West Chester : sixty or eighty tons in tho vicinity of Doe Hun * ttmo liriidred too* in *> Grove ” util tt'Jjicimttuwmliipa] flitd large uuantltlea .lsewhere. Another New Counterfeit.—A new contitetft-it $5 note on the Atlantic* Bank of New York has been extensively circulated throughout the city, and a number ot parties have already been arrested ft)P Bussing them. Rebj&min Mills wAataken Into ciistvdy at. Thirteenth and Market streets. He bad passed one, and. fourteen more were found upon his person. John Crawford was arrested for having passed one at Eleventh and Market streets, and ofibred another at Eleventh and Arch streets. Tat Campbell, for a similar ottbuce. was also arrested. Tbo three defendants were all held in $1,666 l»jt by Alderman Uodl-ovr, Mnry Ferry, for japping a note in the Seventeenth ward, and Job P. Evans and Mary Lis wifi*, Tor parsing them in the Eighth waid, were also held to bail. The Hei.tef Fund. —The. Commit flion for the rc-Utf of the families of volunteer* div tributed. during the pajt week, the sum 0F512,256.38. M. E. Conference—Discussion on THE STATE OP THE COUNTRY We vould remind «nr «lerF«l friends of (he Conference, who ore honoring us with their presence in this city, that they are to day about to consider ai,d .vote upon one of the most im portant questions that will come before them. They are in a great meamue the moulders of public opinion, and th- y must beware lost, the substitute For the reports of the Committee on tho StA*o of the Country ilo-s not at tract the conservative members cf the Gonforeucoi bo M to mislead them from the direct queslton, which is em braced manfully and honestly iu the majority report. The vote will douhtleasba taken on each resolution sepa rately, so that the true sense of the Conference may be hud upon tho details of tho subject. Improvements on Windmill Island —The woik of improving Windmill Island is slowly pro gressing. The wharves have been extended and pi inked on the east and weßt fronts, adapted to the unloading and unshipping <ff coal, for which purpose it is now used by tho Schuylkill Navigation Company. The width of the island so occupied, from the cast to tho west wliarr line, is liirec hundred feet. The canal, winch bas been opened from opposite Pine streot nearly to South street, is about ninety feet wide. This canal is intended to obviate the inconvenience to which canul-boats are exposed Iromthe swell on the river when moored at open wharves. The Harmony Engine Company. A member of this organization has informed ns that the apparatus of the company is stilt in service, and located at the Summit House, on the Darby road. The Har mony RSdocifttion refuted to accept of the provisions regulatiug tbe present Fire Department, and tboir ma chine cannot, then fore, use the eity water. They claim, however, to be still active, and will insist upon their share of tho Fire Association dividend. The Courts.— ln tbe court of Nisi Frius—Chief Justice Lowrie.—Motions for new trials were argued yesterday morning. Tha Sitprehie Court, aftaf-Mitetftig a number of judg ments, adjourned unt-I the lSth of April. Iu regard to the case argued before this court, involving the consti tutionality of the act of l&iO allowing soldiers to vote, it is understood that no decision will be rendered until May. Qcaktkii sks#ion'4— Judge Allison.—This court has adjourned uutil Monday next. Fatal Besult.— Daniel McCallister died at the hospital on Sunday night, from injuriea. re ceived on Saturday at a tobacco store at Front aud Bacc streets. McCallister was fmp’oved iu tbe establishment, aud was standing upon a barrel, engaged in adjusting a belt, when be misled bis footing and fo 1 against the bolt- Jbg. Ha was 6&i*Ud 6Ver (h© 6haft several timyy before tho machine could bs stopped. Bis skull was fractured, and one of his thighs broken and an arm dislocated. Co roner Conrad held an inqueft in tho case. Tiie Appointment of Supervisors. —Tho Highway Depurtmont has not yet completed the list of gupervieots for the various districts. For each district three appointments are made, out of which the Mayor selects one The Mayor stales that he will make no selections until July, as, in the opinion of the City Sc-licitor, the pi eseut supervisors bold over a year, having tioi'B appointed last July. Daring Thieves.— The dwelling bouse of Mrs. Mann, at the southwest corner of Twen tieth and Wood streets, was entered by thioves on Satur day night. The bureau drawers were broken open, but no valuables were carried off by the rascal j. The latter ©u tef«d the premised through the trap-door, to which they gained acco.s by means of an unoccupied building ad joining. Departure of a Philadelphia IT. S CONSUL.—Mr. John Massey, an old and esteemed citizen of tlie Tenth ward, depurted yesterday afternoon lor II raao* on the Rio Qraiwlti Del Norte, in the pro* vine© of Chihuahua, Mexico, where he will act as the United States consul. Mr. Massoy will go by the over land route, via Santa Fe. and will bo accompanied by a portion of his family The M. E. Conference Appoint ments Lets intere-.t attends the annual appoint ments, or locations of preachers, this year than usually, owing to the fact that few charges will cliaugo their pas tors*. In other words, tlrs is not the general “moving year.” A few churches will receive new preachers, but most of the Philadelphia congregations expect to sit for another twelvemonth under tlie old ministrations. The Union Resolutions before the M. E. CONFERENCE —To-day has been set apart by tbe Conference for a consideration of tho majority aud minority reports, on the question of pledging the Confer ence and its individual members to the support of the (juvpiurm-nt and tho war. Tho majority report will pro. bat-I}’ be adopted by a large majority. Stolen Blankets. — Detective Levy arrested on Saturday a negro, named Henry Lee, having in Lis possession two Uuited States army blankets, of which ho wan unable to account. One of tae blankets is marked R. J. Sutherland, Co. G. Lee was held for a further hearing on Thursday next. Burglary. —On Friday evening last the house of F. Simpson, No. 23S North Fifth street, was entered by thieves, who n ado a large haul of silverware und vaiunbica. A portion of tho property was recovered yerterday by Detective Levy. The entrance to the premises was effected by prying open a back window shutter. Soldiers’ Aid of St. Mark’s CHURCH.—-The ladies of the society propose sending a box to General Burnside's troops* in a fewoaye, obtain ing delicacies and nourishing food for tbe sick and wounded. Contributions for the box will be grate fully received at tlio school-house, adjoining the church, at any time before Friday. Drowning Case.—About 9 o’oloolc on Sunday eveniDg, a man named John McGoldrich fell out of a boat at Stockham’s wharf, in the Eighteenth ward, and was drowned. His body was recovered yes terday morning, and Coroner Conrad sent for to hold an fnfiuoßt. . . x City Interments. —At a recent meeting of tbe Board ot Health, resolutions were panned ptror gly condemnatory of the bill before theLegißlature, relative to charging fifty certs upon each intormen; in the city. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The 6tock market was steady to-day, with contiuued improvement iu LougleUnd Railroad shares* and firm* cess in all tho investment securities. Reading Railroad advanced a fraction. Bank shares come upon the market very sparingly, and tend upward la price. Passenger Bailway shares are steady. United States coupon sixes of 1881 advanced to 94#, again of#. The Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that tho coupons for interest due on the first day of April will be paid in coin. In the money market, there Is no change to report. OFFICIAL BANK STATEMENT. WEEKLY AVERAGES OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAYES, Philadelphia... North America,. Farm & Mock..! •onunerciaLi. * * Mechanics 1 N. Liberties.... Southwark..... Kensington.... Peun Township Western........ Han & Mech. . Commerce..... Girards, i mi. Tradesmen’s... Consolidation... City Commonw ealtk. Corn Exchange Union Philadelphia... North America. Farm & Mech.. Commercial..,. Mechanics’.... N. Liberties.... Bomhwark..,«. Heuelngion . *• • Penn Township Western Man. «k Mcch... Commerce Girard Tradesmen’s... . Consolidation • • City.. Commonwealth. Corn Exchange. Union The aggregates compare with those of preceding state ments as follows: March 17. March 21. Capital Stock *11,970,190 811,970,690.. Inc. 8500 Loans 28,723,885 28,350,015. .Dec. 373,220 Bpucio ~ Due fin other Bks.< 1,619436 1,7 Due to other Bits... 5,312,876 5,2 Deposit 17,253,401 17,0 Circulation.. 2,632,67*2 2,7 1891. Loaoi. Specie. Sept. 2 28,557,264 6,179,482 Oct. 7 30,499,119 5,383,277 Nov. 4 28,431,735 6,764,779 P ec ?^itimii7i4Q4)§W “ 9..... 31,160,502 7,266,912 “ 16.... 31,140,282 7,354,112 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.25 3.25 335 “ 23 31,060,001 30 30,864,281 Jau. 6,1862.... 31,046,337 «« 13..... 31,145,938 « 20.. 30,601.160 «* 27 ...30,385,606 Feb. 3.........30,385,119 ♦* 10... 29,(74,700 “ 17. 29,388,544 “ 24... 29,280,049 Mar. 3 29,393.356 Tlie following is a statement of the transactions at the Philadelphia Clearing House, for the week onding March 24, aB furnished by the manager, George B. Arnold, £si|. Clearings. Balances. f2,6Ti,6Ul 88 5109,81? (15 2,774,9T0 30 318,980 74 2,804,822 15 206.329 16 2,622,582 68 220,035 11 2,170,082 08 143,639 83 2,634,283 90 378,987 77 Mar. 17. : «i is.,*.* ..... « 19 . “ 20..,. «• 21. 22 810,684,143 05 81,437,140 64 Messrs, Ferre© & Co., bankers, No. 30 South Third street, quote: New York exchange... Boston exchange....... Baltimore exchange... Country fund 5......... American gold; 7 3-10 Treasury notes.. The New York Evening Post of this evening says The stock market is firm, bat far from active. The railroad shares are dull, though prices are a shade higher than on Saturday. The New York roads are firmly heUfc especially Erie and Central. After the Board the market was tamr, with sales of New York Central at 83ft. There was an improvement of ft per cent, in Mil waukee and Prairie du Chien and Cleveland and Pittsburg. Galena remains dull at 69®89ft. Burlington and Quincy fell oirio 63. Hudson stock is stead? at SfiwGOft'. The earnings of this line have increased considerably on account of tho late opening of the Hudson river. In 1861, 1860 and 1859 river navigation opened to early as the lint week iu March. Pacific Mail is firm at 9Gfta9Bft, Panama at 121® 121^. There were no transactions in Erls preferred—B2 V hid, 02ft aßked. ™ There was an advance in Michigan Southern sinking fur-d**, Toledo and \Y abash seconds, and Jlud&on thir a. The most marked improvement was in Missouri and Tennessee sixes—these recovering lft®lft per cent, from thu low points touched Saturday morning North Cttiollnofi field at 70. The Government list is very strong. The coupon sixes of • 1881 sold Ji eely at 94ft, and that bid for more. The registered close at 91ft, eule-t. The fives of 1871 are ft better, selling at 87ft. The 7.30 treasury notes are nin;t<-d 200 hid, 100 ft asked. There is a very Targe business doing at C cent. (Jo vernmenT r truncates. The ryuotation at the board tn-day is97js«93i which was higher than ou Saturday. lathe THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1862. THE MONEY MARKET. Philadelphia, March 24,1862. | 3££diß. Mar. 24. j Mar. 17. f Mar. 24. .Mar. 17. $3,35.5,000 $3,358,000 1,048,0001,050,000 ! 3,437,027 3,5*,005! 601,045' 602.313 ! 4,665,0321,114,7301,116,208 1*776*000! I*B3s*ooo' 238,000; 238,000 1,995,000; 1,915,000- 232,565 233,200 1,613,000; 1,603,000, 361,000 361,000 871,1461 865,880, 231,362. 231,614 662.659] 661,717! 135,210 ( 134,957 862,736 891.703 175,437 j 175,484 1,600,699 1,705,977 408,213 j 375,454 1,257,200 1,225,235 150,960 151.315 666,436! 689,199] 168,670 169,181 2,072,8361 2,111,166- 381,872' 387,178 478,378} 506,027 192,670] 104,120 -■» ' 7n«! Kf? - ■•a! -«o 661,766] 6-12,706- 107,140; 108.608 870,064] 861,147 110,568 118.060 561,802 567,041 75,098! 76,301 638,000 68G,000{ 101,006,' 102,000 485,000 503,000 * 73,00 ft 1 73,000 28,5-S0»015i 28,723.835 5,015,535.5,837,801 DEPOSITS. | OIRODLATIOK. Mar. 24. I March 17. j Mar. 24. !oi|fiß3,ooo @1,791, ] 1,816,389; 1,863,898 392,614 3,219,137' 3,283,GG4; 292,750 1 1,094,000; 1,108,000. 103,000 914,466! 914,439; 99,395 1,113,000 1,163,000; 77,000 638,1901 634,198; 70.690 032, 143,65& 643,104 646,404; 122.298 1,120,420. 1.165,941 i 61,7*5 618,905 j 600,870; 167,520 478,759; 502,155 1 81,405 944,401 991,881; 207,403 •»•>«! dlfi 7K7 7r. 38*.33& 416,787. 75,334 269,536 274,127; 184,683 473,861 467,291 i 103,004 205,042 193,116 112,278 361,000] 346,000] 90,000 23(5,000j 239,000 j 102,000 17,066,207; 17,253,461 2,707,804 5,897,891 6,did,635.. lac. 74,162. .luc. 125i026 210,305.. Dec. 132,511 >66,267.. Dec.187,i94 rU7,504..1uc. 75,132 Circul’u. Deposits. 2,074,048 19,030,712 2,238,739 20,331,970 2,273,063 20,350,941 3,tt3,82& 43,017,331 2,337,499 22,991,033 ■22,936,40 22,187,434 7,167,266 5,493,181 5,683,728 5,692.123 2,113,630 2,011,179 2,145,219 2,162,152 5,733,459 5,921,323 5,884,011 5,923,874 5.649,354 % 1120,756 2,121,146 2,144,398 2,191,457 2,192,512 5,867,680 5,881,108 2,230,605 2,343,493 5,609,730 5.807,891 5,915,635 .28,083i4V9 .QS t 7Q3,935 ,28.860,615 2,575,503 0,692 672 2,707,804 parol-10 dla. .............parol-19 pm. parol-10 dij. di«. lal>; prm. paro# <*»•« open market a lot of $160,000 changed hands on Satur day at 97. It is not generally understood perhaps that tli© buyer pays the accrued interest up to the date of pnrehaso. The Boaid of Brokers havo adopted this rule, the same as with the 720 uotes. A large influx of these certificates is looked for the coming week. About 510,000,000 will be issued to St. Louis, and as much as $35,000.000 to Philadelphia and Boston, and Wall street must ultimately make a marlet for them. Mouey is active at per cent, on flrst*clais se £U?ltiei. No matfriid qb«frinv»k iw the 4vmwid van b© expected while the new Government certificates are coming on the market. Gold is rather firmer, 101 ?£ cash and on sollers option. Exchange opens very dull, the course of tho market de pending to some extent upon the next news from New Orleans. The u'whly bank utalement again shows ah Ihawass in specie and circulation, and a doorcase iu loans and de posits. The specie reserve nominally is over thirty-two millions. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, , March 24,1862. Rkpombd bt B.X. Slayjukkil. Philadelphia Exchange. FIRST BOARD. 30 Morris Canal.... 40 50 Long Island R.. 13 16 do 40 50 do 13 IGCO CAA 6b ’7O .... 91 100 d 0.... 13 JOOO do *63 S 5 100 do b 5 13 IPOO dp Htiftfii? IQOOLprtgUtei'.T.bS 85 22 oataßpref. Gj{ 61 Beaver Meadow .59 K 3000 US Op 6s’Bl 5 do 59% 3000 do 94* 300 US 7 3-10 Tr N. 101) 1000 do . 100 City tts. 100 do 90 200 do 27 Hazleton C0a1.... 43j{ 100 do bo 21# £0 Long Island R... 13 1000 Reading Gs '86... 7S BKTWEKW BUAKDS. 9 Philada Bank. ..107 3500 US Coupfls’Sl.... 91 V 4000 Reading 6m 77# 1000 Phiia & Erie tis.. 80 SECOND BOARD. 25 Penna R,,.,.... 45ft 100 L Island R,..... 13 2 do 45ft 6 Mechauics’ttauk. 23 1000 Schuyl Nav 6a ’72 84 50 Cata R prof. 2 iys 6ft 25 Or A Coates 24 60 Reading It.. .b 5 21 31 20 Man A Mecbfl Bk 22 50 Beaver Meadow.. 69 2000Penna5a....a5wn 83ft 1000 Cl A Ma7s.bswu SO CLOSING PRICES—FIRM.; Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. USOa’Bl 94ft 94ft Elmiraßprf... 15ft I(sft U STr 73-10 N 99ft 100 Elmira 75’73... 73ft 74ft Philada 6 90 60ft Long laid R.... 13 13ft Pbilada 6s new. 96ft 96ft Lehigh Cl A Nav 50 61 Peuna 5a....... 83ft 83ft Le Cl A Navscp 84 85 Beading K 21ft 21 31 N Penua R 7 7ft Read m6s ’BO ’43 95 95ft N Penna R 65.. 67ft 68 fte»d tide 90 90ft K Peuua It iOs. 83ft 84 Bead mt 6a 1886 77ft 78 Cat R Con 2 2ft Penna R....... 45ft 45ft Catawissa prf... 6ft 6ft Penna R Ist m6s lOO FrkASthwkß. 42 47 Penna R 2dm 6b 94 95 Sec A Thd-st R. 54 55 Morris Cnl con.. 40 41 Race A Yine-stß 4ft 5 Morris Cnl prf. .111 112 West Philftß... 53ft 54 Sch Nav Stock.. 4 5 Spruce A Piue.. 10 10ft Sch Nav prf.... 11 lift Green A Coates. 23ft 21 Sch Nav ds *82.. 64 65 Chest A Walnut 30 31 Elmiraß 7ft 8 Arch Street... 18 18ft Philadelphia Markets* The flour market is dull to-day. Sales are mostly on lined to the wants of the trade at prices prying from $5 to $5 25 for euperflno, $5.37ft®5.62ft for extras; $5 65 to ss.B7ft for extra family, and S6a6 60 for fancy brands* according to Quality. There is very little inquiry for shipment, and it is held above the views of buyers. * Rye Hour is insteadr demand : 1000 bbls. sold ut $3.25 bbl. Corn Meal is neglected, and Pennsylva nia is nominal at $2.75 4P bbl. Wheat comes in slowly, and prime lots are wanted at lull rates. About 4,u00 bus rold at 132®134c, cniflfiy At the latter rate, for-prime red Peon >in store, White range j at 140® 150 c. us iu quality. Tlyois selling i"roely on arrival at 70®71c fur Penna. Corn is in demand, and but little oll'eriug, at 54c fur prime Southern yellow afloat. A sale ot white was made at 60c. Oats are dull, with small sales at 35® 3 6c. Sakk continues in demand, with farther small sales of Ist No. 1 ftt $33 50 ton. Cotton.— There is little or nothing doing, and no change to note in price or demand. Gbockuies and Provisions.— I The market for both are quiet, and prices about the same as last quoted. Seeds—fhere is a fair demand lor Cloverseud, and 300®400 busli have been taken at $5®5.37ft, the latter fpr choice lots. ** Whisky U unsettled and lower; bbls are quoted at 24 ©2sc, and Drudge 23c, and the sales limited. Philadelphia Cattle Market, March 21, ’62. The receipts of Beef Cattle reach about 3,400 head this week. Tk& market continues dull. And prices about the same as last quoted. 100 head were shipped to New York, and 50 to Baltimore. The following are the par ticulars of the sales: 19 Kimble A Kirk, Chester county, S7®B. 40 Kennedy! Berks county, s7®B 75, 16 B. C. Baldwin, Chester county, sB©B.oQ. 80 Jrs McFilien, Jr., Ohio, $7®8.75. 60 P. Hathaway, Lancaster county, $7 50®8.50. 45 P. McFillen, Lancaster couuty, $8®8.75. 51 Cochinn A McCall, Lancaster county, $8®8.75. 46 J. Seldumridge, Lancaster county, $8.25®9. 125 Mooney A Smith, Ohio, 57.50®8.75. 24 *han berg A Co., Ohio, s7® 8.60. 34 Fellhimer, Ohio, $7.5O©S 25. 112 B. Chain, Ohio, $7 fit 8. 31 Aull, Ohio, 87®8 50. 66 Fuller A Brothers, Pennsylvania, $7.50®8.50. SO E Mifliin, Ohio, $7.50®8.75. 27 Melas, Lancaster couuty, $7®S.5O. 29 B. F. Huston, Lancaster county, s7\&o®9, 21 D. Blcouey, Pennsylvania-, $7 504i8.50, 83 Knox, Lancaster county, sB©B 50. 23 Woodward, Lancaster county, $7®8.25. 30 J. K aufman, Lancaster couuty, $8®8.75. 33 8. Miller, Lancaster county, $7 75®8.50. ' 60 Hamaker, Lancaster county, s7®9. 20 Kefiner, Pennsylvania, s7®B 26. 10 D. Miller, Pcmtsyirania, $S®B 25, 32 C. Ari-mati. Lancaster county, s7®9. Eighty Cows arrived and sold at the Avenue Drove Yard at from $lB to $3O for springers, and $2O to $4O per head ior cow and calf. The arrivals and sales of Sheep reached 3,300 head this week, selling at trom sto ssftc ft, as to condi tion. 1,560 Hogs sold at the Avenue Drove Yard at from $5.75aG 25 100 lbs, net The arrivals oi fat Hogs at H. G. Imhoff’a Union Diove Yard reached 4,385 head. Still-fed selling at from $5 25 to $5.75; and corn-fed, at from $5.50 to $0.25 V 100 fce, net. rmb&hfihfSlA BOARD OF TBADJfi. THOMAS KIMBER, Jr., l ISRAEL MORRIS, S Oohmittm or thr Month. JOSEPH C. GRUBB. ) LETTER BAGS At the Merchants 1 Exchanges Philadelphia . Ship B&rauak, Rowland...., Liverpool, March 25 Ship Westmoreland, Decan Liverpool, soon Ship Adelaide Biill, Bobertton Liverpool, soon Ship Frank Flint, Colley,••••,.»•.« Liverpool soon Bark American, Christian.. -...•••Pore Spain, soon Bark Azelio, Davis Lagaayra A Porto Cabelio, soon fichr Greenland Heather Pernambuco, soon ficiir West Wind, Gilman. Pounce,Pa, soon ficlir J M Houston, Russell Barbados, soon SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FBOM THE UNITED STATES. BUTPS L.KAT* rOR DAT. Afririi . .;.Now York;. Li vorpnol umm March 26 Caledonia New York.. Glasgow March 29 Karnak New York. .Havana ANassau.Harch 29 Boanoke New York. .Havana March 29 Glasgow New York.. Liverp001........ March 29 Arago New York. .Havre March 29 Bauea New York.. Bremen March 29 ChumpiQPt.», f , • Sew York. .Aspinwall April 1 America Boston.. Liverpool ♦ April 2 C01umbia........ Sew York.. Havana April 3 C of Baltimore.. New York.. Liverpool .April 5 Asia* New York.. Liverpool April 9 Niagara Boston. .Liverpool ...April 16 FBOM EUROPE. SHIPS LEAVE FOR DAT. John 8e11,,....,. .Glasgow.. New York,., March 9 Glasgow,*,*»,». .Liverpool,.New Y0i'1c,,,,, ...Mftrcli 5 America Livei soot. .Boston March 8 Etna.. Liverpool.. New York March 8 g&xonia Southampton. .New York Marcb-12 C of Baltimore.. .Liverpool. .New York March 12 Asia Liverpool.. New York March 15 New York... .Southampton..NewTork...,....March 16 Kangaroo• ••, ,«• Liverpool. .New York.. March 16 Niagara Liverpool. .Boston March 22 Arabia Liverpool. .New York March 29 Canada Liverpool. .Boston April 5 Mar. 17 ! The California Mail Steamers sail from New York ‘ i on tke Ist, 11th and 21st of each month. *229,000 ■' ' ... ' 11 ■' 356,212 MARI WE INTEiiEittEWUE, 291,970 ! 104,000 i port OF PHILADELPHIA, March 2.1, 1863. 101,585 i - - 75,000 i BUN RISES 5 56—SUN SETS. „„6 16 66,075 high WAXES ..........10 39 18U,450 i 117,156 j ARRIVED. 64,150 : Schr C PitliiMi, Tofts, 2 days from Lapidum, Md, 157,335 . with com to K M Lea. 84,985 ; Schr Corn, Masten, 1 day from Brandywine, Del, with 214,411 corn meal to It M Lea. 63,702 j Schr Telegraph, Connor, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with 183,335 I coin to Jab Barratt & Son. 91,084 ' Schr John A Thomas, Hinson, 1 day from Smyrna, 116,662 ; with corn to Jas Barratt & Son. 75,000 ■ Schr Exit,. , 3 days from Federalsbdrg,Md, with 101,000 lumber and railroad tics to J L Bewley & Co. 2,632,672 CLEANED. Ship Argo, Ballard. Liverpool, P Wright A Sons, Brig J Piercet Norton. Key West. D S Stetson A Co. Schr Chas A Heckscher, Stubbs, Boston, Noble, Cald wel & Co. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) BOSTON, March 24. The steamship Saxon arrived here* yesterday, uftd will leave for Philadelphia on Wednesday. Ship Christopher Hall, Freeman, from Hong Kong Oct 20, at New tfork 23d inst. Bark Eliza Young, (Rr) from Europe, was spoken 21st iiiat off Fire Idimili by » New lerk pilot beftt, And or. dered to this port. Bark Cossack, Gray, from Foochow Dec 2, at New York 23d inst. Ship Ocean Monarch, from New York for Liverpool, which foundt rtd at sea, had on board the following cargo: 10,811 hbla flour, 10,891 buuhele wheat, 33 } 774 bushels earn, 191 tea beef, 76 bbls pork, 62,020 lbs tallow, 298,643 do lard, 730,800 do bacon, 7000 do shoulders, and 20 tes 1 tongues. 22,548,463 21,018,610 21,396,014 21,321,510 00,698,398 20,058,098 20,058,893 19,032,585 18,692,182 NOTICE TO MARINERS. 1 Two first order Axed lights will be exhibited from the ' two new light-house towers at Navesink, NJ, on the first ! day of next May. 18.777,300 18,541,190 17,375,771 17,258,401 17,086,267 I Esui.and—East Coast—Revolving Light in Cor j TON Gatwav. —Official information has been received ; at this office that a light vessel has been placed at the • southeast entrance of the Corton Gat way, oft Lowestoft, j in the North Sta. Ibe light is a revolving light, showing a red face three times in a minute, It is elevated 38 feet übyye the level of the sen, and should be seen in clear weather from a distance of about 10 miles. The light* vessel has Corton Fairway painted on her sidos, with a globe at tbo masthead, and lies in 15 fathoms tt low water springs, With Kirkly north mill its breadth open to the southward of St John’s Church, bearing west southerly; liopton Church, on the Bouth s;ilo of Hop ton Gap, NW by N: South Corton buoy, N % ®; South Gor ton spit buoy, Nby W W; and Holm ELbuw buoy NW W» The Stanford light-vessel has removed. Ol'TEtt UOWSIXC LIGIIT-VKSSKL. Also, that in order to render tho outer. Dowsing llgbt ve&sel more distinguishable from other light-vessels in that TtciuSiy, a Ltdf globe* is placed above the uehal globe, at the masthead. Also, that the color of the South Races bank buoy has been changed from white to black and white in vertical altipts. Ail bearings are magnetic. Variation 20 deg 30 min Vc*t in lfefc*2. - By order. THORNTON A: JEXKINS, Secretary. Treasury Department, Office L. H. Board, Washington City, MArch 6, 180*1. COPAIITN ERSHIJP NOTICES. PORT RICHMOND IRON WORKS. —COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.— JOHN Q. TOWN®, formerly of the firm of Herrick A Towae, baa become a member ~of tbe firm of I. P, MORRIS ft CO , to take effect from and after the Ist of January, 1362. Isaac P. Morris withdraws from active p&rticipa tieu in the sandnct of tbe business, The title of the new firm la I. P. MORRIS, TOWN*, ft CO. ISAAC P. MORRIS, I pOPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—IB - v fiAF/L MOBKIS this d»y retires from our Una. ! fils sons. THEODORE H. MOBBIB and FREDERICK W. MORRIS, are admitted as partners; and the bail* ness will be continued as heretofore. MORRIS. WHEELER, * CO., Iron Merchants, 1003 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, Dec. 81,1941. ial-tf 500 N Puuua Bs 94ft 200 Penna Cp 6s. * 99ft 90 28 Bk Peon Town.. 31 42 dchuyl Nay prof. 1031 90 100 Reading B cash 2ljf March 24—Evening. BY TELEGRAPH. MEMORANDA. IiEWIS TAWS, JOHN'J. THOMPSON, JOHN H. TOWNS. EDUCATIONAL. TREEMOUIsT SEMINARY. Norris towni for YOUNG M** it aud BOVd. —The situation is high and healthy, and the grounds contain ten acres. The SUMMER 3EBSICN commences April 8. For circulars, address mhlBtutha-9t JOHN W. LOCH, Principal. PRIVATE TUTOR.—A Graduate of a New England college is desirous t f corre.poading with some gentlemen, with a view to a Private Tutor ship. He has had considerable experience in the Class! is and Mathemutics, having taught them in a private school of his own and in college, and cau furnish the most unex ceptionable testimonials. Address Box 740, HART FORD* Connecticut, mhl9«6t* Oxford feaiale seminary, Oxford, Chester county. Pa. In a heatthful, and easily accessible location, it affords advantages for a thorough and normal education. The course of study includes the Ornamental Branches and ITH/flof the solid Lri*itcli«() Uiiglii In 6UF WllftjjH. TliS next Session will open MAY 7, *.862. For circulars, ad dress Miss H. BAKU"*!, Principal. mbl3-lm VILLAGE GKEJfiN SEMINARY— SELECT SCHOOL NEAR MEDIA PA.—Tho rough £6UPA£ in tha H&tHtthvalica, English studies, and all the usual branches. Special attention paid to Book-keeping. Fine Philosophical Apparatus and Library. Pupils of all agcß taken. Boarditg per week, 82 25. Bev. J. HEKVEY BARTON, A. M. mbB-lm Village Green, Pa. Bordentown female col- LEGE, Bordentown, N. J. This institution Is pleasantly located on the Delaware river, 1 X hour** ride from Philadelphia. Special atten tion is paid to the common and higher branches of Eng hah, and superior advantages are farmaned in vocal and Instrumental music. German and French are taught by natives, and spoken in the family. For catalogues, con taining full particulars, address Bev. JOHN H. BBAKILEY, A. M., ja2fl-2ir»* President. legal: TESTATE OF EMANUEL G. KRO- J_J 31KB, deceased—Letters of Administration to the Estate of EMANUEL G KROMER, uccuii'od, have beeu granted, by the Register of Wills of Philadelphia county, to the subscriber. Ail persons having claims or dt mantis against said estate are roiines'eri to present then), nnd.tbvse indebted will please make payment, to MARGARET A. KltOMKtt, AdiuiniHtnilrix, mhlB-lu6t* No 1835 CO\TRH Street. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR _L THE CITY AND COUNTY OFPHILaDELPHIA. Estuto of JOHN D. HEP PR. deceased. Notice is hereby given that ADELINE lIEPPK, widow of said deetdont, has filed in Raid Court her petition and appraisement o! personal estate, which she elects to retain under the acts of April 14, 1851, and April 8,18--9, and that the same will be approved by said court on FRIDAY, April 4, 1862, unless exceptions are filtd thereto. FREDERICK HEVF.B, nibLJl-ttu-dPfc Attorney for piditleuep. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY. In the matter of the application of JACOB ACUFF, to pay into court the amount of a certain mortgage of a cer tain gristmill and lot of laud, situate in Upper Dublin town ship, in said county, dated April 1,1815, given by George Haage to one George nhelmfrc, to secure ilia payment of a bond bearing even date therewith of $1,600 00, condi tioned for sho pay ment of -55800.00, specie, immediately after the decease of Louis Brooks, or the city of Philadelphia, and ratbarine. bin wife, tor the benefit of heirs of the body of the said Katharine late Catharino Hartman, as tenants in common, which said mortgage is recorded in the IDftArdM*!* cfHee af flantgomfery eouatv, in Morlaige Book No. 12, page GO, and to have satisfaction entered on the record ol said mortgage. March 3, 1862 Upon the petition and affidavit of said JACOB aCUFF being read and filed, the court grant a rule on all parties interested in said matter to aftiear in said court on tho Dili (lay of April, A. D. 1862, .at 10 o’clock A.M.,aud show cauac, if any they have, why the said Jncob A cuff aliould not he purmittwl to pay into court the amount of said mortgage dobt and interest, and, upon the same being done, why the su'd court should not direct that full satisfaction snail be entered upon the re cord of said moitgago. By the court, JARED EVANS, Prothonotary. FHOTIiO.VOTARY*? OFFICE, March 14, 1882- mlilS-tuSt^ marshal s, MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of fttyritof sale.hy the lion. JOHN CADWALA DLR, Judge of the District Court of The United States, in and for the Eastern District ot Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to tho highest and best bidder, for cash, at QUEEN-STREET WHARF, on TUESDAY, April 1, 1*62, GO crates of earthenware, part of the cargo of the ebip-AmeH'w. WILLIAM MILLWaKI). U. S. Marshal E D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, March 21,18G2. mh22-6fc MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a writ or order of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CAD- W ALADEB, Judge of the District Coart of the United Etsteti, in trad fur the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold, at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at CALLOW HILL-STREET WHARF, on WEDNESDAY, April 2d, 1862, at 12 o’clock 31., the brig HERALD, her tackle, apparel, aod furniture, and. the cargo laden on board thereof, consisting of 655 casks and 303 barrels spirits turpentine. WILLIAM fiULLWARD, U. 8. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PinLADKLrjiiA, March 20, 1862. mh2l-6t MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA ] Judge of the District Court of the Doited States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be soli, at public salr, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at QUEEN-STREET WBABF, on TUESDAY 1 , APRIL 1. 1862, at 12o’clock 31., the cargo of the schooner PRINCE ALFRED, con sisting of Coffee, Sugar, Molasße*, Rum, and Salt. WILLIAM HILLWAKD, XT. S Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Pjiiladblpria, March 20,1862. mlrtltft MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue ctf a Writ ol Sale, by the Hon. JOHN CaDWALADEB, Judge of tlie District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public Sate, to the highest and best bidder, for Cash, at QUEEN-STREET WHARF. pH TUESDAY, AfrHl Ist, 1802. at 12 o'clock M., the Schooner PRINCE ALFRED, her tackle, ap parel, and furniture, as she now lies at said wharf. WILLIAM 31 ILL WARD, , U S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PmLAPET.rnTA, March 19, 1862. mh2o-6t FKOPUSALS. Army clothing and EQUI PAGE OFFICE, N. E. corner TWELFTH and CrIBAKD Streets. Philai.elphia, March 21,1562. PROPOSALS. Proposals aro Invited at this office until Slrt Marche at 12 o’cji'rk M.j for funnelling 20,000 tin Canteens, Army Standard, with corks and strings complete. A sample can be seen at this office. Binders will please endorse tlieir communications 44 Proposals for Canteens.” G H. CRO3KAN, mh22 Deputy QuHitrrmaator General. TO CONTRACTORS.—ProposaIs will be received until MARCH 31st, inclusive, at the Engineer’s office, corner of THIRTIETH and MARKET streets. West Philadelphia, for the GRADING and BAL LASTING of two and a quarter miles of the Junction Railroad, between Bridge street and the Columbia Bridge, iu 'West Fbilade) phia, Plans of the work can be seen at the Engheer’s office, And the necessary informa tion obtained, on and after March. 24. mhlo*tmb2o JCJJN A. WILSON. Engineer. BUSINESS JNOTICKS, rf-gg* DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN '*EBES? TIST for 13 years, No. 219 VINE Street, above Second, in Berta thq most beautiful Teeth of tile age, mounted on fine Gold, Fiatiua, Silver, Vulcanite, Co ralite, Amber, Ac., at prices more reasonable for neat and substantial work than any Dentist in this city. Teeth Flagged to last for life. No pain in extracting Teeth. Artificial Teeth repaired to suit. No pay until satisfied all is right. Deference, best families. fe22-3m TORN A. ALLDERDICE, W ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Has resumed the Practice of his Profession at NEW CASTLE, DELAWARE. [ja2B-Bm* TORN WELSH. Practical SLATE y EOOFEK, THIKD Street and GEBMANTOWN Road, is propared to put on any amount of ROOFING, on the inoßt MODERATE TERMS. Will guaranty to make every Building perfectly Water-tight. «ar* Orders promptly attended to. my7-ly CABINET FURNITURE CABINET FURNITURE AND BIL LIABD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, No. 261 South SECOND Street, in connection with their extensive Cabinet Business are now manufacturing a snperior article of BILLIARD TABLES, And have now on hand a full supply, finished with the HOORN A CAMPION’S improved cushions, which are pronounced, by all who have used them, to be superior to all others. For the quality and finish of these tables the manu facturers lefer to their namorous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of their work. fe26-6m FRUIT, DRIED APPLES.—66 sacks no* Western Dried Apples; 7 bbla new Western Dried Andes. Jut rwiTtf te For sale bj MURPHY A KOONB, ]aT-tf No. 146 NORTH WHARVE& RAISINS. —300 boxes Layer Raisins; 800 half boxes Layer Raisins; 800 boxes M B Bunch Raisins; 806 half boze« M. R Btmdh fiAltfttiL New and choice fruit, now landing and for sale by MURPHY A KOONB, jaT-tf No. 140 NORTH WHARVES. JT)W. SON. & BENBO W’S SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. Mz. G. U. BENBOW, of the above firm, so long known to the American trade, informs his friends and patrons that, the partnership having expired with Mr. Low, he has taken into partnership his son, lIENRY BENBOW, who has been many ye&re connected With ihs l&t6 firift. G. 11. Benbow having purchased the share of the busi ness boloncing to R jbart Low, Sr, who was the original proprietor of LOW’S BROWN WINDSOR SOAP, Ac., BENBOW A SON will continue the manufacture of that superior article,' having hud the sole management for several years. Also, of HONEY, GLYCERINE, FANCY BOATS, TOM APES, PERFUMES, BRUSHES, Ac., the Quality of which they guarantee equal to any Imported into the American market. Bujerß visiting England the present year are requested to examine our goods and prices without incurring the obligation to purchase. BENBOW & SON. 12 LITTLE BRITAIN, LONDON. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I. V that application has been made to the Trustees of the Fire Association for the renewal of a POLICY. OF INKURANOE, No. 2732 for $l,OOO, dated Bepttmber 19,1829, and issued iu the name of MARGARET Mc- CULLY, which has been loßt or mislaid. Any informa tion thereof will be received by SAMUEL McCULLY, 8. W. corner of FRONT and MARION Streets, nihll-tuthis 1m ’M'OTICE. —All persona are cautioned 1 v against receiving the semi-annual coupons Nos. 32,317. 82.349, 32,387, 32,338, 32,339, 32,340, 32 341, 8* 342, 32,344, 66,483. 55.484, 55,485, 65,498, 6{>1497, for interest upon the October first three-year United States bonds of .f 100 each, due April ißt, the same liaMD" been stolen, aud payment stopped. They are then-fore uu less. Any information left M the Mayor l ® Office will he thankfully received. mb22-3c* ■\rOTICE. —I -will not be responsible \\ f t . v any debts or obligations whatever, contracted by any p-rty whatever, unless authorised hereto by writing sign'd by me, bearing date after tide SISjS 1862 ' T. FOBPHAM SIMPSON. OHOVELS AND SPADES. O SEOIOI HALFMAH, MiNDr.oioii*. OOTSOTB O# BMAD AND QUABBS gTBMTS, Jal.l-Sm* Bet. Arch (cl Haoe, end Seoond end Third. FOR SALE AND TO LET. m TO LET—A beautiful COUX •w***- TRY-PLACE, of 10 aero*, on the west side of FRONT Street' road, above Hurt lano, within ten mi nutes’ walk of the Frankford and Southwark pii*9ou«jer cars. early in April. Apply at the south* west corner KIN Til anil SANSOM, second story. n>h23 tf FOU SALK—Lot, northeast corner SFCONI* Street and SUHtjHEHANNA Avenue, 250 fret front b> 109 feet deep Apply to I.UKKNS A WONT »OMKItY, BEACH Street, above Maiden. mli24-12t* TO DISTILLERS. The DISTILLERY known as the “PHCENIX,” and formerly owned and occupied by SAML. SMYTH, Ea<i., tltuated on TWENTY-THIRD, lutwoen RACE mi<l VINE Streets, Philadelphia, Capacity 0W bushels per day, is now offered for sale on reasonable and accom modating terms. Is in good running order, and has al! the modern An Artesian well on the pre mises furnishes an unfailing supply of good, pure wator. Address Z. LOCKE A CO., No. 1010 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. fe22*dtf FOR SALE ON EASY TERM- Kill a handsome modem COTTAGE, in the village of Beveiloy, on the Delaware, sixteen thilpr above Phila delphia; is well lucaH-d on high around; the healthiogt in the vicinity of the city. Thu houso tslarge and roomy, with every convenience ; the grounds are an.pie, contain ing Stables, Coach Ilonse, Ac , and are well laid out with fiuit trees, grape vines, Ac., in abundance; wltliiu three minutes wail; of both steamboat and railroad, and ac cessible at almost eveiy hour; cost over $5,000, and will be sold a BBcrifico, Address Bia 1969 l’urit Office. n,hH-ftx» Iot=* TO LET—A House on DEWE V’S ■ill lane, Germantown, with all tho modern convo niences, Coach Hou-e and Stable, first rate Garden, and various kinds of fruit; within five minutes, by a good walk, to tho Btation. Apply at No. 23 North FOURTH Street. pnh!3tf] JAMES OItESSON. Foil SALE—A desirable FARM, near Norristown, Montgomery county, containing 89 acres or superior laud, nicely watered. Large sione improvements, line fruits, &c. Price only $95 per acre. For further particulars, applrto B. PETTI*P, No; 309 WALXU C Street 40 000 PEACH TUBES, VERY -3E fine, thrifty; 10.000 Silver Leaf Maples, large and hand seme; alto, a large assortment of other Fruit, Shade, end Ornamental Trees, for sale cheap for cash or on time. Catalogues gratia. CIIAS. 1\ PE THUS, mh]7-lm* Concordville, Delaware enuntv, Pa. TO RENT TO A GENTLEMAN—A large communicating Parlor and Cnambcr, in a pri vate house on Walnut street, without board. Inquire at the DRI G Store, ELEVENTH and gtrsetoi mhaMf A FOR SALE—A FINE FRUIT one mile from Railroad Station, near Do* ver. Extettive PEACH ORCHARD, just in the prime of bearing, besides a great variety of other innts, large Gi apery, Ac Plaiu improvements. Imimulmto pos seebiou. Also, a number of Pt*m rj pon.iession of which can be given this Spring. Apply to E. PETTIT, mh2o-tf No. 309 WALNtJC Street. A FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— <SCa Desirable FARM, containing 95 Asroß of snpe. riur land, six miles from Market- street Dridg », in Mont gomery county* Convenient to Railroad and Steamboat Lauding. First-Class improvements, nicely watered, Ac. For further particulars apply to E. PEI'TIT, njb2o-tf No. 309 WALNUT Street m A DESIRABLE WEST PHIL\- laiiiL DELPDIA residence for SALE, N E. cor ner ot THIRTY .NINTH (or WILLIAM) Street and SPRUCE; house 40 by 36, with kitchen hack, and all the modern conveniences; lot 100 by 175. with fruit trees, shrubbery, Ac., Ac. Terms easy. Apply to PRESLEY BI.AKTBTON, 25 South HXVH Street, Or to HENRY M. DECHERT, mh?o*6t 209 Smith FIFTH Street. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS gMOKED SALMON. JUST p:CKIVKD, ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, mhlo-tf CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STS. LEAF LARD.—79 tierces prime ket tle»rondered Leaf Lard, for sale by C. C. feADLEB & CO., mb2o-tf 103 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. CHEESE. —150 boxes fine Herkimer County Cheese, lor sale by C. G. SADLER & GO., mh2o*tf 103 ABOn Street, 2d door above Front. Adamantine candles.—a job lot of old Adamantine Candles, in store and for RHODES & WILLIAM?, 107 South WATER Street. HOUSE RADISH.—Pure! uck Island Horse Radish, prepared for family use, in pint and half-pint bottles, for sale to the trade by RHODES A WILLIAMS, mhl7 107 South WATER Street. MESS PORK.—3£.Q'bbls Mess Pork, for Bi.le by ©, *. ftAHLEE A CO., mb2o-tf 103 AltOfi door ill>ovb Front. Wliite Wine Vinegar, for e?ie lv A LAVKRGNK, mhls Nos. 202 *O4 South FRONT Street. Green corn and peas 50 cases Winslow’s hermolically-gealed GroeuCorn, SO 44 44 41 Greeu Peas, 20 bla 44 44 Fresh Tomatoes, just landed and for sale by RHODES ft WILLIAMS, mb!7 107 South WATER Street. MEDICINAL. TTILECTRICITY WILL CURE ALL FORMS fOF DISEASE, when applied by Prof. C. H. BOLLES. 1220 WALSUT Street, Philadelphia, tbe/oHntfer anc! teacher tf mi entire new mode of a»- plsiug Galvanism, Magnetism, Electro*magnetism, and oilier modifications of Electricity, in harmony with his discovery of the polarities of the brain, and * anslioaic relaliois ot the human system. Bead the following: About two years and six months ago I was taken with Inflammatory Rheumatism, am would sometimes have it Bp;tmd, in different part* of njy b.dy, that I woutdhe un able to ui&vjs. H 110 parts affected would su'tl*, and the pain was very Bevere, aud in damp weather would ge nfially be very stiff, and confined mo in the house. I have tried different phytsicians aud personal recommendations to cure the rheumatism without fail, and I also have taken a great many different extracts, and other ruedi cii.ce, and’got but temporary relief. I was persuaded by a friend to try Professor BOLLEb & CO , 1220 WALNUT Street, Electrical Physicians, but thinking at the time it would be like the rest, I felt reluctant about trying it, but a few days after I saw a certificate in The Press, a daily paper of a cure of a chronic case he had made upon a minister of the M. E. Church, 1632 HELMUTS Street; aud I went to see him, and after examination lie said he could cure me. I submitted myself to his treat ment, end the effect was astonishing : no shocks (such sb] expected.) but nil wnarieMMit find agreeable, uurt after ibo fourth application I foil better than I hal for some time, and in the fifth application I was perfectly cured, the whole occupying not quite two weeks Ido heartily recommend any person similarly afflicted, aud believing if any person who has any acute orchrouio affliction would call and see Professor BOLLES & CO., Electrical Physicians. 1220 WALNUT Street, he would relieved of his suffering by their treatment. ALEXANDER ADAIRK, 1312 BAYER Y Street, hih24-3t* Eighteenth ward, Kensington. TO THE DISEASED Otf CLASSES.—AII sub-acute and chronic diseases cured by special guarantee, at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and in case of failure no charge will be made. Professor BOLLES, the FOUNDER of this NEW PRACTICE, will SUPERINTEND the treatment of all cates HIMSELF, A pamphlet containing a multitud) of certificates of those cored, also letters and complimentary resolutions from medical men, will be given to any person free j Lectures are constantly given at 1220 to medical men and others who desiie a knowledge of my discovery iu applying Electric ty as a reliable therapeutic agent. Consultation free. mbSM-et# QLUTEN CAPSULES PURE COD-UVEB OIL. The repugnance of most patients to GOD-LIVER OIL, and the inability of many to take it at all, has in duced various forms Jof disguise for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession. BomA df them answer in special casos, but more often neutralizes the usual effect of tha Oil, proving quite as unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. The repug nance, nausea, Ac., to invalids, induced by disgust oY the Oil, is entirety obviated by the use of our CAPSULES. GOD-LIVER OIL CAPSULES have been much ihed lately in Europe, the experience there of the suits from their use in both hospital and private aside from the naturally suggested ape suf-" fleient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do -for them, feeling assured their use will result in benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER, deD-tt 1413 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. MRS. JAMES BETTS’ CELEBRA TED SUPPOBTEB3 FOB LADIES, Mid tbs anly Supporter, under eminent medical patronage. L(* U?e find physicians are respectful!, reejneatod to can onljr on Mr.. Bette, at her residence, 1039 YTAL NUT Stmt, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand invalids have been advised by their physicians to nee her appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United States copyright, label, on the box, and signatures, and linn on the Hnenortere. with testimonial.. oolft-tnthriT COAL. HAMPTON’S SPLENDID LEHIGH NUT, Hampton’s splendid Stovo Coal, Hampton’s splendid Egg Coal. Yard, southeast cor. FRONT and POPLAII. mhlB-12t^t DOBERT R. CORSON, COAL DEALER. OFFICE, 133 WALNUT STREET, BELOW SECOND, fe27-3m PHILADELPHIA. POAL.— THE UNDERSIGNED bog leave to inform their friends and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH COAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHARF, on the Delaware, to their Yard< northwest corner of SIGHTS ftnd WILLOW Streets, where they intend to keep the best duality of LEHIGH COAL, from the most appioved mines, at the lowest nricea. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JOS. WALTON A CO., Office, 112 South BECOND Street. Yard. EIGHTH aud WILLOW. . mhl-tf EXPRESS CUMFANIES. THifi ADAMS JfiX PRESS COMPANY, Office S2Q CIIEbTN C V Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mer chandise, Bank Notes, and Bpecie, either by its own lines or in connection with other Express Companion to all the principal Towns and Cities of the United State#. E. B. BANDFWRD, fsl9 General Superintendent. pOTTON SAIL DUCK. AND OAN VAB. of all numbers and brands. Duck Awning TwlUs, of all (lMCrlntloiiii Tor Tents, Awnings, Trunk., Mid Wagon Covers. Also, Paper Manufacturer.’ Drier Felt., from 1 to 8 feet wide. Tarpaulins, Belting, Sail Twine, Ac. JOHN W. KVERMAN A 00., myd-tf „ 102 JONES AUey. DKOOMUOKN, HANDLES, TWINE, O ftc.; Brooms, Buckets, Ac., for sale by G. R. BLAEISTON, Commission Merehant, . lalfi-ftm U 2 FUnth WATfR ftiwwt Card printing, best and Ohaapsat In the City, at NINOW AM A BSOWB S. It Senlh THIBD Street. «eV SALES MY AUCTIOW JOHN 15. MYERS & CO„ AVCTIpN. U KKRS, Nor. M 2 And im MARKET Street. SAXE OF BOOTS vNu SHOES. This Morning, March 25, on fonr months* credit— -1,000 pttckHgt's boots »ud shoes. PAL* or UJIT GOODS. On Thursday Morning, March 27, on four month*’ credit— -500 packages British, French, and American dry goods. SALE OP CARPETINGS. On Friday Morning, M&r< h SB, oil ruuf tiionllm’ credit— -360 piece* velvet, Brussels, Ingrain, and Tonetian car* petings, mattlnsH, Ac. SALE OF FRENCH Util GOODS. On Moiidny Morning, March 37 r on four months* credit— -700 packages Pianuh, German, Swiss, and British dry goods. "DHJRJNJfiSS, ÜBINLEY, & CO., X* 429 CHESTNUT STREET. SALK THIS (THK«)AY) M&RaiNO, MARCH S 5, AT 10 O’CLOCK. A CAliD.—Tl*.o attention of purchasers is requested to our sale of ;w>o tots fancy ami elaile imported dry goods* to be sold tliis (Tuesday) morning, March 25, at 10 o clock, by catalogue, For cash, comprising the following dosiiable gnocn. NOTICE TO RETAILERS. In Bale thi« morning 2tt«3t)-lncli heavy Mack Jihdrmb. lift® 38 do do tiros de Rlriuea. Faria plaid aud chine poult de aoie. Saxony drew goods and lawns. Paris de begea jaconets. Mamrillen limits hewing silk. Prvnch naukimte. cottoundv;* drills. BOH NET RIBBONS FILLET MITTS, LINEN « CAMBRIC lIDK FS—For City Trade. Also. carious extra quality plum and figured poult de soic bonnet ribbons. 3vB lots Faria wiper black fillet mitts. carious fine hemstitched linen cambric handkerchiefs. SALE OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS.. This Morning, March 25, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, for cash— -400 lots of fancy and staple dry goods, comprising a general assortment FRENCH NANKINKT3, DRILLS, COTTONAES, &c, Thia Morning, 2 cases super French fancy uaukinets. 1 „ do do stripe do. 1 do do plaid do. 1 do do Indigo blue cottonades, 1 do do fancy pantaloon stuffs. 1 do de fancy linen drills. SAXONY DRESS GOOD 3. Tliis Morning. An invoice or payory plaid and brocbe-figured dress goods. ENGLISH LAWNS, GINGHAMS, BAREGES. fiirWH V-tt new ntyli? Kiifiirnh towns. cases 5*4 plaid Manchester ginghams. cases barege Anglais LYONS BLACK LUSTRINI, GROS DE RHINE!, AND TAFFETAS. 26fit32-iuch high cost black lustrinL 2fi<j7'3U-itich all boiled black gros de Rhinos. —*2osiuo*inch heavy gros de brilliants. PLAID, GANNELLE, AND CHINE POULT DESOIK. For City Trade. 22*inch 6iiper chine poult de soie. do cam clle do. do chine plaid do. 125 LOTS PARIS BLACK FILLET MITTS, For City Trade. Coneisluig of— — black fillet mitts, without fingers. do do half fingers. do do long, without fingers. do do long, with half fingers. Comprising some vary high cost. FANCY SILK. NECK TIES. An invoice of Paris fancy si’k nock tios. SALE OF FANCY AND STAPLE FRENCH DRY GOODS. On Friday Morning, March 23, ut 10 o’clock— -400 lute fancy and staplo Freuch dry goods. PEREMPTORY SALE FOR CASH. * On Tuesday and Wtdnesday Mornings, April 1 and 2, at 10 o'clock— A large stock of fancy ami staple dry goods, from a large jobbing house declininu badness. Catalogues be ready and the goods open for exami nation on Tuesday morning, April 1. MT l'aiiivulars livreaftvr. PANCOAST & WARNOCK, AUC TIONEERS, No. 213 MARKET Street. SALK OF AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES. MILLINERY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, Arc , by Catalogue, On Vt ednesday Morning, March 26, commencing ut 10 o’clock precisely. Included will be found— EMBROIDERIES AND L \CE GOODS. A full line of new spring styles embroidered jaconet, cambric, and mußlin collars and sen, waists, rubes, hands, flouncing, Ac-i Maltese lace collars, black lace veils, laces, edging, arc. LINEN CAMBRIC HDKFS, WHITE GOODS. An invoice of ladies’ 5-8 aod gents’3 4 tape border and hemstitched linen cambric handkerchiefs, from low to very high cost, for the best city sales; linen shirt fronts, Ac. Also, a Ine of plain jaconet, cambric and HBi»fo9K ffiFPltoi f»pe cftecßg, Ja«7i?i RIBBONS, MILLINERY GOODS. Also, choice spring stjJes bonnet and trimming ribbon, Paris artificial fioaeis, crapes, joined blondes, bonnet silks, illusions, Ac. HOOP SKIRTS, FANCI GOODS, Ac. 150 dozen woven tape and tied steel spring hoop skirts: gunts’ and boys 1 suspendery, neck tiaa« head n«ti 4 bead goods, ptirhCß, porto monnaios, necklaces, notions, finfty goods, Ac. FIRST SPECIAL SALE OF STRAW GOODS FOB SPRING OF 1862. On Friday Morning, March 26, commencing at 10 o’clock. BTJPERIOR FIRE-PROOF SAFE. At private sale, a very superior fire-proof safe. LB. HOPPIN & C(X, AUCTION • EERS, 242 MARKET STREET. SALK OF FOREIGN and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS This Mcrnmg, March 25, at 10 o’clock, embracing a desirable assori meut of drefs goods, cinghumg, silks, lawns, Ac , Ac., of late importation, together with v a variety of staple and fancy article?. Philip ford & 00., auction EKBS, 586 MARKET and m UOMMSBCE Stf BALE OF 1,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, AND BuOGANS. On Thursday Morning. March 27th, at 10 o’clock, precisoly, will be sold, by catalogue, 1,100 cases men’s, boys’, aud youths' calf, kip, grain, and tbick boots: calf, kip, and enamelled bro gaiis, Coufirets gaiters, Oxford tteßi Wellrngtoa and Bai* moral boots; women’s, misses’, and children's calf, kip t goat, kid, morocco, and enamelled heeled boots, shoes, gaiters, slippers, buekins, Ac. Also, a large assortment of first-class city-made goods. Goods open tor examination, with catalogues, eai’ly on the moruins; of sale. MOSEB NATHANS, AUCTIONEER ivl AND COMMISSION MERCHANT* southeast corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. NATHANS’ GREAT SALE OF FORFEITED COL- LATERALS. 1,500 LOTS OF FORFEITED GOODS’, Consisting of fine Gold and Silver Watches, Diamonds, Gold Chains, Jewelry, Ac. On Tuesday Morning, April 1, at 9 o’clock, at Moses, Nathans' Auction House, Nos. 155 end 157 North Sixth street, adjoining the southeast comer of Sixth and Race streets, and will consist, in part, of— Splendid tine gold (16 carat) hunting-case, doublo case, and double-bottom EnitlLli patent lever watches, full jGivelkd and plain, of thu mngt approved and best makers; fine gold hunting-case (IS carat) chronometer watches, suitable for Indies or gcnritnien; fine gold (18 carat) magic-case English patent lever watches, o ; 'the most ap proved makers; fine gold (16 ca at) hunting case, dou ble time and independent second watches, of the vVry beet makers j fine gold (18 carat) Uu-itiug-cage audopen facu delaoiud palunt luvor wuruhnu, sumo nf rnpm mags nificent movements; fine gold (18 carat) gold huuiiug cuee and open-rate lepine watches, and otlior fine gold watchen; very fine silver hunting-case, double-case, and ilouble-bolloiu Englidi patent levor watches, of the most approved and best makers; fine silver hunting-case and upprifaco dctnpbed Icrer and ifpiiii? watches i flue gold ami riU’t-r American patent watches; gold-pUted nugic case, limiting-casC. ftfcd open face lever and other watches; silver English, Swiss, find Fieiich watches. DlAMONDS.—Masnificont diamond finger ring, cost $350; nmgnificeut briliinntdiamond breastpin, diamond pins, rings, studs. Ac Fitso gold vctif, fob, nock, ami guard chains; gold and eilvor spectacles; line gold brackets, breastpius, finger rings, f-tnds. sleeve-butions, sets oi fino gold jewelry, gold and silver pencil-cases and pens, medallions, aud nume rous other articles. The goods will be open tor examination on Mon day afternoon, and early on the morning of the sale. TSAAO NATHANS, AUCTIOIVBBR, A THIRD and tPBUCE Streets.—LAßGE BALE OF FORFEITED PLEDGER by order of ABRAHAM NA THANS, Broker, on TUESDAY MORNING, March 25, 1862, at 9% o’clock, consisting of gold and silver patent lever nr.d obtr watches, gold chains, finger-rings, breast pins, medallions, pencil-cases, silver warn, coats, pants, vert*, fihawlg, dressog, guns, pigtolii &c» NOTICE,—AII persons having goods* oh deposit with nu> over the legal length of time will call and redeem the same, otherwise they will be sold on the above day. ABRAHAM NA» THANS, N. W. corner SIXTH aud CALLOIYHILL. mhl4-10t* A, DMINISTRATOR’S sale of PATTERNS AND JIAOHINERT. Will be sold at Auction, on the 26th of March, AT MATTEAWAN. FISHKILL, N. Y., At 10 o’clock A. M. t all the patterns formerly ijolongiug to tbo Mntteawan Company, aud Iho MATTEAAVAN MACHINE AND MANUFACTUR ING COMPANY, Consisting ef a very largo and valuable lot of MILL GEARING, PULLIES AND PILLOW BLOCK PATTERNS, Saw Mills, Dry Dock and Steam Engine Patterns of va rious kinds and sizes, Crano Patterns for hoisting, va rious kinds or LATHES, IRON PLANERS, DRILLS, and nil kinds of Cotton Machinery Patterns, including tlie celebrated self operating Mules, and various other Patterns, too numerous to mention. ’ AtSO, Lots of second-hand shafting—hangers and pullies. Castings for several machinos. Small lot of new and second- baud Cotton Machinery. Lots of small Tools for Lathes, Males, and other work. Several Cranes for hoisting. Locomotive and Flue Boilers, second-hand. Cntiiloguea ciui li9 M ftf H9.PB !«?, Now York, and at Matte a wan, N. Y., after the 23th Inst. Terms mado known at the day of sale. mh2o-5t T. J. B. SCHENCK, Administrator. Every lady who wishes to BK BEAUTIFUL iriionld pnrthfw BUST’S COURT TOILET POWDER. It is used by tlje Court in Europe, and it is the only Powder that will not injure the skin or rub off. Price, 12, 25, And 60 centß. HUNT’S BLOOM OF BOSKS, a beautiful, na tural color for the cheek, or lipa; it will not waeli off or Ixijuro the shin, and remains durable Tor years. Price *l. ThOBO articles are quite new, and “f ab teined «f HUNT St 00., ISS South SKViCNTU Street, abovo Walnut. AU kind, of Fancy Soap, and POrftt mery. Terrapins, oysters stewed AND FRIED, AND CHICKEN BALAB.—lnti »tipD Cards and other notices will ba distributed In oil sorts of the city, with pnnctnalitL The undersigned la at all times prepared to present, for sbe Inspection of Ladter and Gentlemen, a Ust of the things necessary for a large or small entertainment, as the case may be, thereby avoiding all unnecessary profusion and waste; and flatters hlmeeV, that by his long expo* rience is buameas, he will be able at all times to give, as oeretoforSi entire utistaction to all who favor him with their patronage. HENRY JONES, Caterer, No. 260 Bonth TWELFTH Street, above SPRUCE, qal-Op I M ZI°STi^ S T f[>k SOLDIERS Should tie lent by UABNDfiN’d EXPRESS, 007 CHESTNUT Street. They charge only HALF BATES, and send daily to Baltimore, Washington. Fertresß Mon roe. and alt other points occupied by our troops- fflUt-Sm. f ARD AND GREASE.—SO tieroes LJ prime Leaf lard U tiercee White Grease, Direct from the West, and in store. For sale by MURPHY A KOON3, UTatf No. 14* NORTH WHARVES. rVANDLEB. Chemical Sperm Candles. lj for wls by JAUKKICHE A LAVERQNK, m aul 504 South FB0N? Street. mbit BAJjBB BY AUCIIUS. M THOMAS A SQNB, • 1V(ml 189 ud 141 Wonth FOURTH fitra* (Formerly Sm. 47 and 49.) STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE—THIS DAY. Pamphlet catalogues now ready, containing full de«* acriptioDß of all the property to Sue sold <m Tuesday. 25th it afr, with ft Itat itf Biik-B late tfttn and l&th April* by older of Orphans’ Court and Miiw. THE EIGHTH PHILADELPHIA TRADE SALE, BOOKS, STATIONERY, BTEBBOTYP* ELATES, Ac., will commence on WEDNESDAY, 20tA March, at the Auction Rooms, South Fourth*streed. WT Catalogues now ready. *r public sales BEAL estate And stocks AT THE EXCHANGE ON TUESDAYS. BEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BABE. WT We have a largo amount of real estate at private ■ele, including every description of city M country pro perty: Printed lists may be bad at the Auction Otwe. FIFTH oPBING SALE—MARCH 25; OrphunH* Court Sale—Rotate of Savery Minora. AM IKUKDKKMAIIUC OROUND-RKNT efl 808 l» yew. iw.lng mu of n lot of ground west Bide of Tenth street, south of Farrlsh, 16 by 64. *«ia«e._AN IRREDEEMABLE GRDTODp RENT trf «48 a ) oar, hsuing out of a lot wont side of lewis street, 32 by 69. mT Each of the above ground* rents 1b secured by a three-story brick dwelling. VALUABLE LARGE WHARF, WINDMILI. ISLAND, 400 fee! front on the river Delaware, the depot of the Srhnjlhitl Navigation Company, nod op* poeite wharf, Philadelphia. THREE-STORY BKIJK DWELLING, Frankfort road. BROWN STREET.—Three modern three-story Bed dencee, Nos. 1524, 1526, and 1528 Brown stroot, east of Sixteenth- Each house hue the modern conveniences CONTINUATION OF fiALB f)F ELEGANT JAPA NESE AND CHINESE GOOES. 'lbis Corning, Murch 25, commencing at JO o’clock, at the Auction* Store, will bo sold— A general assortment of elegant Japanese and Chinese goods, comprising cuspados or vases, trays, embroidered si teens, work boxes, earil cosei, nels, Inlaid boxes, buckmnnmon bnanls, Japanese desks* sandal-wood, ivory, and magic fans, Ac , Ac. Also, a variety of beautiful shells, from all parts of the world. For further particulars see catalogue aud the goods, which will bo arranged for examination on moriiing of sale. £ale No ibis Forth Sixth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, OVe L MIRROR, VELVET CARPETS, BOOK* 0 :SK, Ac. Tniß Morning, 25th Inst., at 10 o’clock t by catalogue, at No. 1328 North Fixth btret-t, above Ttompson, Iho uupurlor furniture, Fruich plate ovaUmirror, eoareury, b6ok-5&44, fthk U pestry, velvet*carpet, ktteben-furntture, &c, May bo examin*-*! Ht H o’clock ou the morning of sale• Sale No. 916 Nortb Pift anih street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANG, TAPESTRY GAIiJ’E L‘S, Ac. On Wednowlap MorUttg, 26th {octant, at Id o’clock, by cata sgnc, lit No. 914 North Fifteenth street, above Poplar, the superior furni ture, rosewood piano forte by Gale & Co., fine tapestry carpets, Ac. Tlx cabinet furniture was made to order by Moore A Campion, and has ixn-n In usn but a nbort time. J&fty fee examined fit 0 o’clock on iho morning ot sale. Sale No. 715 South Tenth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE BRUSSELS OAK- PETS, Ac. On Wednesday Morning, CCtli inst , at 10 o’clock, at No. 715 South Tenth street, below Sbifipen, iho furniture of u family declinliiij boiue hccpuig, comirri.-iirig suit of rosewood aud brocaielie par lor furniture, cottage furniture, fine English Brussels carpets, Ac. 4SF* May be examined at 8 o’clock on the morning of the sale. Large Sale at Nos. 130 and 141 South Fourth Street. KLKQAKT. BOSfcWMW AND OAK FURNITURE* KOFHWOOO PIANO-FORTES, MIRRORS, FINE OTL PaTNTING4. FINE OITC GLASSWARE, FRENCH CHINA, FIRB-PROO? SAFES, ELEGANT VELVET AND JJRLB3KL3 CARPETS. On Thursday Morning, At 9 o’clock, at the An tion Store, idegtnt rosowood i.Kd ehatt-bAp fiifhltuve, ha^s m* rosewood w*r4- r> bep, elegant rosewood bedstead, superior ext-msiun fa* hies, sccrcearys, bookcases, suit oak librery furniture, 2 rosewood piano-fortes, French-plate oval and pier mir roi-H, fine oil paining uf J. Price Wuthen.l, by W od sidn, artist, French china dinner ware, fine cut glass ware, 2 superior fire-proof sarrs, .made fey Herring, large walnut counting-house desk, fiae velvet and «arre*B, Ac., formirg an attractive assortmeut, worthy the attention of iHdii-H »ml rxhr-m of purchasing. Sale Ko. 3i3 North Nintu Streot. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIi.NO. KIHE EKGBAYIKGS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, Ao, On Friday Morning* 28th ihst., nt 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at Xo. 31.1 North Ninth street, the .(superior parlor, dining-room- and chamber furniture, rosewood piano-t'orte, lineetigraviugs* tapestry carpets, china ami glassware, &c. May be examined at 8 o'clock ou the morning of sale. Sale No 330 North Sixth Street. PICTURE FRANKS. 3URKOK3, E NOR i VINOS. TOOLS, FURNITURE, Ac. . On Friday Morning, 28th Just, at II o'clock, at No. 330 North Sixth street, a stock of picture and photograph frames, pier mirrors, tiigravnigK) funstturv. At.. Exi enter's Sulo—No. 33 rourh Eleventh Street SUPERIOR FURNITUUE, MIRRORS, VELVET CAR?RTS, Ac. On Saturday Morning, 20th hist., at 10 o'clock by catalogue, at No, 33 South Flevtuth atre* t, by order of the executors, thn superior furniture, tine French plate pier mlrrorsi fins volvut and carpcta, &e. KT May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the sale. FINE MADEIRA AND SHERRY WINES, On Saturday, £fhh instant, at 12 o'clock, at the Auction Store, da# Mftdtdi a and &h«*y Wibts. Estate uf IUS Utu Edw&el S. third. (icccast-d. Catalogues ready. SHIPPING WiflJiiKliY UOMMUNICA 3Sasm& tion bt steam between new VOS.iL AMD LIVERPOOL, eUll&f at QUEENS TOWN, (Ireland,) to land and embark passengers and despatches. The Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steam ship Company’s splendid Clyde-built Iron screw steam ships are intended to sail as follows: FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL CITY OF WASHINGTON..Saturday, March 22, 1862. GLASGOW .Saturday, March ISM, CITY OF BALTIMORE....Saturday, April &, 186 A And every Saturday thruoghoQt the year, from PIBB Ho. 44 N. B. RATES or PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA* O&bln, to Queenstown* or Liverpool... Do. to jjOndGQi Tia IjiTOrpOoUaaaaai&iiijasaatsi 080 Steerage to Queonstovm, or Liverpool..oB9 to London. Do. Return tickets, available for six month#, (rose Liverpool ..,**. fM Passengers forwarded to Havre, Pad#, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp at through rates. Certificates of passage issued from Liverpool to New York... ......... M Certificates of passage issued from Queenstown to New York *, 9» These steamers have superior accommodations for pa#* gangers, are constructed with water-tight c-mpartx&eota. and carry experienced Surgeons. For freight, or peeaage, apply at the office of the Oom pany» JOHN 6< DALE, Agent, 111 Walnut strrtt, In Liverpool, to WM. INMA.F, Tower Building*. In Glasgow, to WM. INMAN. IS TW-rrm nfcrwdt TH-BI BKITISH AND -NUKTIi AMERICAN BOYAZ, MAH* OTBAM gH'IPS FROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage..*. ..tUt Second Colin Passage.*.*. ft FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage, Second Cabin Passage,, , • ft TKfl ski pa from Nov York coll at Cork H&rbof. The skips from Boston ceil at Halifax and Cods Str~ bor. PERSIA, Judkins. AYBIOA, Oapt. Shannon ARABIA, Oapt J. Stone. CANADA, Oapt J. Lettcfc AfiJA oapt E. G. Lott AMERICA. Oapt Muir. AUSTRALASIAN. . NIAGARA, Oapt. Oapt Cook. KUROPAi oapt. AriimaL SCOTIA, CHINA. Thoss vessels carry S c!*ar white light at maat-bsM green on starboard bow X red on port bow. CANADA,McCauley,leaves Boston, Wednesday, Mar. 1». AffttlOA, Stone, “ N.York,' Wednesday, April 26. AMKBIGA.-Moodli*, “ Boston, WnlwlWi April 9r ASIA, Con It, » N.York, IVednesdny, April * BIAGAEA, Muir, “ Boston, Wi-lmitr.lny, April 19. Berth, not Recored until paid for. An experienced Burgeon on hoard. The owners of thoeo ship, will not be ncoonntffbta Iff (told, SUver, Bnllion, Specie, Jewelry, Preolona Stones, or Mobile, onto* WU. of lading ere .igaed therefor, KM th> value (hereof therein expreuei. Tor freight« pu> we, apply to K. OUNABB, 4 BOWLING GEEEN. New To* li. C. A J. G. BATES, 103 STATE Street. Boston. _ FOB NEW YOBK. AtebSaSNEW DAILY like, ria Palawan MX Emiuii Canal. Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Com pany receive freight anil loavo daily at 2 P. M., deliver lng their cargoes iu Now York tho following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. Wftl. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WIIABVBS, Philadelphia JAMES HAND, AgSht, anl-tf Piers U—dls EAST ItIVBB, New York. r -ir-y FOR JSEW YORK.- Th* mktu ■HA I lillmli li liln Steam-Propeller J > upam* will commence their business for the season on Mondft 18th instnut. t . , , M i Their steamers are now receiving freight at Bwwi Pier* above Walnut street. Terms accommodating. Apply to W. M. BAIRD A 00., 224 South Delaware Avenna. _ -it—. FOR BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON* D. 0., AND FOB TRESS MONROE, DAILY, AT 3 O’CLOCK P. M., BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMBOAT COMPANY, (ERICSSON LINK.) One of the Steam era it this Company leavoß the np»«r sldVof Chestnut-etreet Wbarf dailr fSonJoru eic«pt*sJJ at. 3 o’clock P. M., and arrives in Baltimore early next morning. Freighta for Washington and Fortress Monroe received and forwarded with ail possible despatch, and are required to bo prepaid throngh. Freights of all kinds carried at the lowest rates. A. GROVES, Jr., Agent, NfcW&nH! WBAgyja. fe!4.2mf CHIMNEY TOPS.—Vitrified Tern Cotta Chimney Tops—ornamental for cottage* and villus, and plum for dwellings and public building*. These tops are indestructible, and not affected by the coal gae. e« tatrn?liv« is Mrf mms, Tit?? w!B bo found cheap, durable, and omamontnli The material being a non*conductor, with a circular shaft on cone shaped top, they will be found a certain cure for defec tive flues or smoky chimneys. 2 feet high 81 75 each. 2 44 6inches high .... 2 25 3 “ high 2 75 S « wiEd-guard........ .3 26 3 44 6 inches wind-guard.,.. 4 00 4 41 wind-guard.. 5 00 For sale by the single top, or wholesale, at 1010 CHESTNUT Street. mhlO CBLF-ADJUSTINQ CLQTHSS jj W RINGER.—This improvement will wring water from any article of the most delicate texture to a bed quill better than by hand, without the least injury, and adjusts itself, so that it is superior to all other wringers and modes of wringing. Purchasers can use thorn one month and, if not satisfied, return them and receive thetr money, For aalo by L> Kt BNOWi at office of JOY» COE, A CO., FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Ladles are particularly invited to call aud see them, fettl-lm TV/TOBOAN, 088, & CO., BTEAM )»I ENGINE BUILDERS, Iron Founder*. ul General M&cbiniito and Boiler Makers) Ke> 1819 9Afr* LOWIIILL Btroot, Philadelphia. «W> SHOW CASES. PUte-glass, German silver, per f00t,..,. Ci7stal»g!*3, u 44 44 •••• m half German silver,,,*•«,, * u all walnut .ii 4 WU. H. GBOVE, mtilO-tapll 111 North rOTiUTH Strait, Pbilad* fTIORTOISJS SB ELL.— a few boxes oi JL TortoUe SLoU for a*l* by JaUBBTGBB & fc/VYKBGNB, r«SI 202 »'l 204 Soum FBOUT 9!x*»* in sat B. A. HARRIBO'N.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers