THE CITY. Filthy Streets. —Numerous com plaintu are made of the filthy condition of the rtmota in most parts of the city. In consequence of llie neglect of the authorities to remove the coal ashes (luring a good part of the winter, the contents of ash-barrels were cap sized into the streets, to add to the universal dirt; and, at this time, collections are made so irregularly that the boxes and barrels standing on the curbstones a o heaped to overflowing, for the wind to wntfer the dust in every •direction, Yesterday afternoon the members of tlie Democratic party of City Councils held a caucus for the purpose of considering the bill recently introduced for creating n new department for cleansing the atroets of the city. The different points of the bill were discussed, but a ma jority of the members were opposed to creating a new department, thinking that the matter should, as hereto fore, rest in the hands of the Chief Commissioner of Highways. The bill, therefore, is virtually killed. The streets, at the present time, are in a most shocking con dition, and unless our City Fathers take some action in 4be matter at an early day, Philadelphia will lo*e her fair f«me for cleanliness. Last year the work of cleansing the streets and removing the ashes were awarihd to contractors, and how the contracts were fulfilled our readers are well acquainted. Each con tractor gave security for the faithful performance of bis work, and in the many cases of neglect not one of the wir?ti€B have been made to snffor. Y* bother the contract .syfitiiu will be adopted thin year or not is uncertain, as •Council* have not yet taken any action In the matter ex cept thut of yesterday, refusing to agree to the uew bill. 'When the ordinance making the annual appropriation •to tie Department of Highways was passed tho item for •cleansing; the streets was stricken unt as it wan then said this work would be confined separate department to lie created. As tbisdepaiimemisuoi likely ever’locome into existence, and as no appropriation has been made, the streets are apt to remain for some time yet in their pretent unhealthy condition. Larceny of Oil.—Yesterday, in the •Court of Quarter Sessions, a man ijaniod A. Noy was •charged w ith the larceny of thirteen barrels of lubrica ting oil, tho property of ltonry Bureau. Arnos Briggs as counsel for the defence. Mr. Boreau testified that he had placed thirty bar els •of oil in the yard of Mr. No>, ou Market street, above Eighth: had taker all aw»,- huj th'rt*“en barrels; on or About the 10th of January, h« went there and Sound bis •oil all gone; he spoke to Mi*. Noy about it, and ho loplieil that he thought witness had taken it all away; on the ■following day the witness- found five barrels of liis oil at the store of E. S. Jones, on Market street, near Seventh ; witness had stored tho oil in Mr Noy’s yard as a Favor. Mr. £ByUeP, k ydbug man, formerly a faimer in Vir ginia, testified that he lives at Beverly and Philadelphia; became acquainted with Mr. Xoy through a Mr. Warner, of Beverly. N. k J, and that Noy sold him the oil in trade for a w.aton ami some whisky, and hu in turn »»ld so mo of it to Warner, Kline, and others • he gave some twenty -cents per gallon for it, and traded it Tor some whisky ; gave tJse whisky to Noy; told Mr Kline that the oil •came from Pittsburg. The jury rendered a verdict of guilty. " Naval Items, — The United States frigate Vermont having be#-n spoken south of Cap* Uen lopen, the steamship *Saxo7i left yesterday to afford relief to the disabled lricate. Tho Saxon took with her from the Philadelphia navy yard the rudder and chains be longing to the Powhatan for the use of the Vermont. The ship Moro Castle , which sailed from this port on Tuesday for London, took out barrels petroleum. The following are the contents of the &un Rolan, which has arrived at this port with the cargo of tii* Cal houn : 500 barrels of powder, 250 sacks of coffee, 50 bar rels of drugs, 500 gallons of castor oil, 500 pounds of -quicksilver, ammunition and Enfield rifles, also a lot of miscellaneous articles. Counterfeit Money. —Yesterday Charles Walter, arrested by Deputy Marshals Jenkins and Shfirbie, was eburged before U. S. Commissioner Beazlett with passing four counterfeit gold dollars on a Mr. Haage, who keeps a bear saloon at >'ifth and Ger mantown road. The offence la alleged to have been committed on Mon day nieht last, when a dance was given at that house The defendant came in with a number of friends, and participated in the festivities of the evening. He drank a number of times, treating his friends, and being iu turn treated by them. In paying for the drinks up stairs and down stairs, ho msspd tho four gold dollnro, which uvre imbscq aentl y found to be counterfeit. The Commissioner held him to answer at the next term of the U. S. District Court. Sword Presentation to a Released PBISONF.B.—Capt Francis J Keffer, of Baber’s Cali fornia Bigituent, who was recently released from con finement in Hijhmoild, Leon presented by his triuuls with a handsome sword in the place of ouo he lost at Bairs Bluff, where he was tak-n prisoner. The presen tation was mado by Oapt. Sickles of the Scott Legion. Capt. Keffei responded happily. The following is the in scription upon the sword: “ Fieseiited to Captain Francis J. KeffVr. Company N, Seventy-first Regiment, P. Y.« iormerly First California Kfgiment, by his friends, March 11th, 1862. “Taken prisoner at Ball’s Bluff October 2.1,1861; sent to Blchmotid (Ya.) Jail as a hostage, November 13,1861; released end exchanged, February 22d, 1862.” Establishment of a Branch Ar- MOftY.—We leara that efforts are being made to secure the establishment of a branch U. S. Armory at Kaighn’a Point, New Jeresy. This point ia accessible in every di rection by river and railroad communication, with a depth of water sufficient to admit to wharfage vessels of tie largest class. At low tide, at the end of the long wharf the water i£ twenty-two feet. This depth wj|J give a tecurity for any vessel that can ascend the Delaware to Philadelphia, and, being directly opposite the navy laid, co nmunication between the two points would be easy, atd liable to very little interruption, even in win ters of heavy ice. Larceny of Watches—Yesterday afternoon Robert Johnson, ao old gray-haired mm, was charged before Alderman Ogla with the larceny of a eilTer watch, vtined at S3O, tho property of John Shiver. Johnson is a watchmaker, doing business at 250 South Front street It is alleged by Shiver that he left the •watch for repairs, and that subsequently Johnson refused to return it to him. The d afen*! ant v.’iis bold iu the sum of ft-KQ to answer the charso It sp.pms to have been Jalmsoii’s habit to pawn the watches left wuh him for re pairs. Be had in this way received 51,30 i from the pawnbroker alone. Subsequent to his arrest a well known pawnbroker gave ilia police three gold watches that had been pledged with dm by Johnson. The Female Missionary Society.— The Forty -fourth annual meeting of tho Female Do mestic Missionary Society was held yesterday afternoon, in the lecture room of the First Presbyterian Chnrcb, ou Washington Square. The exercises were commenced by prayer and singing, after which the annual report was read. Through the efforts of the Kev, Mr. PjertQQ, tll9 tniesloi ary c-F the society* several of the inmates of the Almshouse have been converted. The treasurer’s report was r< ad, The expenses of the society for the past year have been 15404, leaving a balance of $101.55 After an address by Mr. Brown, the meeting adjourned. Professional Thieves and Pice- POCKETS.—Yesterday tho bill authuriziug the arrest oF profutrinnal thieves and burglars, which phased the House of Representatives, at Harrisburg, waa concurred in by ibe Senate. T 1 e bill empowers policemen to arro-t all per SODS who are known to the coinmunity as profee<u»nal thieve., when Been in crowds yt h<f\I»YUIIS in & M3tiClo\l3 manner. It also gives power to tho may nr tn commit them for cimty days, as vagrants, instead of thirty. The bill is a good one, and the next thing that is needed is a house of correction to place these scamps in, where they may have as opportunity of makiug an honest living. Employment eor the Pupils at Gi- BARD COLLEGE —The Board of Managers of ths Gi rard Co llege for Orphans have organized a department of manual labor for the pupils of tin Institution Under this arrangement about twenty pupils are employed a part of each day in mechanical and horticultural iu duitry. The experiment thus fur hai, in the opiuion of the Board, been sufficiently]] to give promise of znnch future good and to urge the directors to extend tho plan until it becomes an integral part of the system or the college. ' The Dinner at the Continental. —The wairant* drawn to day h r the diutier at the Con tinental oti the 22d have not yet been prnionted by the committee or City Councils to the City Controller to countersign. F. C. Brewster, Esq., the legal adviser of the Controller, is cf the opinion that the latter should refuse to countersign the warrant. Mr. B. thinks the Councils of Philadelphia Lave n<> more risht to vote a dinner for themselves or friends out of the public moneys than they have to vote a enU of clothes or a direct sum of money to each member of their body or tho Legisla ture. Sale op Stocks, &c. —James A. Freeman, auctioneer) m \& yesterday, utnooiii HttheEl. charge, the following stocks: 130 shares Lewisburg Gas Company, 50 cents per share; 242 a-.ares Williamsport Water Company, ft 19 per share: 283 shares Lock Haven Gas and Water Company, 62 % cents per shire; 125 flhar* * ltac* and Vine streets, 53.50 per share; 2 bonds •(®SCO each) Hofltonviile, Mantua, and Fairmount Pas senger Railway Company, 5 per cent.: 359 shares Race and Tibs streets, 8250 per share; 6'bonds (3<W each) Seatonville, Mantua, and Fairmount Passenger Railway Company, 5 per cent. Disorderly Conduct. Gustavus Keutzirg was yesterday sent to Moyamensiug for having indulged in the pattime of breaking a window in South Second street while slightly under th& influent 6f Il.jaor. Forhiv defence he said that the proprietor of the Bt>ro was a Secessionist and that the tight of a trtitor made’his blood so that he could not take time to enter the store through the door but plunged at once through the Imlk window'. Gustavos was taken to a cell calling on the American eagle for assistance. Assault and Battery.—Hugh Nor ere*?, the keeper of a restauraut at No. 232NortU Second street, was yesterday charged by bin wife, Josephine Poicross, with beating and abusing her in a shameful manner. Hngh was held by t Iderman Ogle in $5OO to keep the peace. From certain remarks that were drnpped 7 it was divined by tl]9 pjffayrfi ftt the hearing, that the ** green* eyed monster” had something to do with the matter. A Heartless Mother—Margaret Conner waj yesterday commuted to prison for habitual nnd neglect of her fonr children. Shore fiidtd in !i court rilfcfiliSjg off of Hurei etreeti which touches some part of St. Mary street. No more explicit adclrese could be given, as the houses in that locality are not i umbered. The denizens being utiablo to read, to place numbers on tho doors would he a waste of money. Distribution of Food to THE Poor —Over fifteen hundred loaves of bread ami six barrel-* of beef ami pork were distributed to the poor on Tuesday morning at the Union BefrosinnuHt Saloon- The dona tion was made for the benefit of llic poor, and the distri bution was entrusted to the committee of the sa’ooa. The applicants were in sufficient numbers to exhaust the sup ply in a very few hours Paying Pensions.— Yesterday Mr. Ernslus Poulfon, the Uufted States Pension Agent, wax «ngaged in paying tho pensions granted by the Govern ment to old soldiers, widows, and others. Tbeso pen eioDß are teneinlly paid about tho fourth of tho mAuth, but this month there has been a delay, in consequence of no funds having been placed in the hands of the agent. Military Hospitals —Gov. Curtin lias recently depatclied agents to procure anitable build iugß for hospitals along the different lima of Milroid, so that if any Pennsylvanians are wounded on tbe Potomac, they will at once be moved to the State and cared for. A large number of voluuteer surgeons and nurses in this •city are holding themselves in readiness to come forward at once if occasion should demand it. Patriotic —The Bi aril of Delegates of the Fire Association have voted an appropriation of one hundred and twenty.five dollars towards equipping Celonel **eter Fritz, who has taken commaad of a regi ment which is about going into active service. Col. Fritz is an old and active member of the Board of Delegatus. Bobbery of the West Chester POST OFFICE.—The post office at W«bt Chester was robbed several days since, and a large number of letters carried off, among which whs one containing a check on a bank of this city for $9OO. The payment of the same baa been stopped. Signs of Spring.— Tbe pleasant vvea titer of tie past few days is bringing »l»mt many agree able changes. The public squares are being graveled and the trees trimmed preparatory to throwing them open to the public. The different yacht clubs have also taken advantaee of the fine weather, and have had their boats overhauled and repaired, Sevira? races will soon take plate bitumen some of the sailers. Military.—Col. Staunton’s regiment made a parade yesterday afternoon through some of the principal street?, and then pTOceedei to Independence Square, where they stacked arms, and after a few mo menta rest fpP66A&]6d back to ihoir at (Js* mac’s Yi'o da. The regiment is nearly full, numbering about 800 men. St. Patrick’s Day..—Grest preparar 4isxis arc being made by the Irish citizens to celebrate this great day. Lecture on Water.—Last evening, Professor Dalton delivered a lecture on “ Wut«r,” at»tie Eclectic Medical College. The discourse was principally confined to » description of the action of water on Dai mid iron pipes. lie says that where the water cfintains phosphate it has no deletoriona action on lew! pipes Ho recommends the use, however, of galvanized iron' pipes nB perfectly harmless, and spoke of rainwater as being the most wholesome for drinking purposes. In (hit cli mate, on a roof 20x40 ft-et, yon may collect 19,000 gal lons of water annually, or nearly fifty gallons weekly, which would bo sufficient for tho use of almost any fa mily. 11l a conpln of weeks. Ilia Frofrunor will detail tho re sults of luo analysis jif some of the water taken from tho Kensington basin. Government Goods. —The arsenal on Gray’s Ferry road is at the present time completely filled with Gavmmumil goed*. The contracts are fAst expiring, and tho clothing, Ac., as fast ns made up ia being delivered in quantities to the various buildings rented by the Government. The branch arsenals, a? Twenty-first and Spruce and Beach aud Chestnut streets, are well stocked. The Government buildings, at Fifth and Chutnut ataeato. mo lined generally for storing un made goods. The only ready-made clothing taken here are thlrts slid drawers. But comparatively few work men arc now employed at either of these places. A Beautiful and Rare Phenome >'ON —Last evening n spectacle, rare in this latitude, was presented by the appearance «>f what is known as a lunar how. It was seen about 9 o’clock, and presented a sight as beautiful as it is rare. It was composed of alt the varied hues of the rainbow, and Formed a complete circle around llie moon. Thecolors were arranged in the naiqral order of the spectrum, tho violet being inside of the circle, and the red on the outside. The singular sight continued for some time, and attracted considerable attention from the numerous promenader* who wore brought out by the beauty of the night. This phenome non is frequently seen in the tropical latitudes, but it sehlom pays a visit to our climate, at least in such mag nliud? Burt licanti as that of loft sight. Slight Fires.— Tbc alarm of fire, at 6 o’clock last evening, was caused by the partial burning of a stable in Sixth street, below Norris, owned by Clias. Cnrnell Damage about 525. During the alarm, a horse Attached to a coal cart was kno ked dO'YH by the Good-Will Hose steamer in Green street, below Eighth, the driver of which barely escaped with his life. Yesterday afternoon a trilling fire occurred in Coates street, near Twenty-sixth, caused by the burning of ft roof of a email house. Tiie Saunders’ Capets, of Saun ders 1 Institute, Weßt Philadelphia, will he driliod this evening, at Concert Hall, by Major Grondorff and the officers of the battalion. We have so frequently spoken of the proficiency of tVeae cadets, end their merits are so well known, that their relatives and friends who receive tickets, we have no doubt, will ho highly entertained. The tickets are all complimentary, given by the prin cipals, Profs. E. D. and Cortland Saunders, to the friends of the cadets. Among the many institutions of our city for the promotion cf science is tho College of Phar macy. It has been in existence over thirty years, and hns attained a high standard among the profession la this couutry and Europe. Young men who graduate at this collega are fully competent to discharge tho re epoDffibie duties of the dispensing apothecary. Wo ob serve by our advertising columns that the annual com mencement takes place this evening. Professor Bridges will deliver the closing address. Morf. Commencements.— The annual AAftimf-nceirGiii of the University of Pennsylvania takes place this d%y at the Musical Fund Hall. Dr. Joseph Leidy will deliver the valedictory. The number of gra duates will be between 90 and 100. In the evening the commencement of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy will take place nt the‘same 11*11. The valedictory address will be pronounced by. Professor Bridges. The Camden Election.—The result of the municipal election held in Camden on Tuesday shows that Paul C. Budd, the American "Republican can didate tor Mayor, was elected. Uia majority over Oas- Sflilj'i Democrat, will ha about 300, Joseph J. Mam*a ia believed to have been elected City Recorder, and .Tames W. Ayres, City Marshal. They were the Republican ami American candidates. The Republicans also claim a majority in tbc Board of Chosen Freeholders, City Councils, and Board of Education. Flag Presentation. —Yesterday af ternoon, a handsome regimental flag was presented to Col. Frishmuth’s command, tho Curtin Hussars, at th 9 residence of Marshal Milhvnrd, Green street. above Twentieth. Tho presentation was made by Mr. A. V. Zane, and the flog was received by Col. Frishmuth and Rev. Mr. Dossil, the chaplain of the reffimont. Aftor the presentation! a street parade was made by the regi« meat. The High School.—The committee appointed by the Board of Control to investigate certain ’ charges made against the principal of the Central High Reboot, have not yet completed their labors. It is thousht the committee will report at the next stated meetin/Tof the board. All the evidence taken will be presented in pamphlet form for tho use of the members. Commenced Punning.— Yesterday, tbc *t«*amtioat Trenton, which has been thoroughly over hauled, neatly painted, and nawly and beautifully cush ioned, resumed her summer trips between this city and Bristol. The Tax on Gas.— The Federal re ventie from gas. according to the proposed tax in "tin House bill, will bo nearly $1,000,000, The latest returns of gas consumption show that Philadelphia will pay a tax cf about 55108,000. Matters at the Navy Yard.—The Juniata is expected to be ready for launching on Thurs day DPXt. The steam frieate Powhatan ia still nnder gfuus eatenflive repairs ; she will he ready for sea by tho first of April. The receiving-ship /Vtneetort, which has been laying in (lie dock at the yard all wintor, will take her place out in the stream on Saturday. Bomb Fheixs.—About ore hundred bomb shells of different Map, psian through this city dally, from the Government foundry, at Pittsburg. They are taken to the different naval depots East, where they are filled, and are packed on board transports for the use of the blockading squadrons. The Medical Library at the Alms- BOUSE.—The medical library connected with the Alms house Hosp’tal contains 3,500 volumes, many of them old, rare, and very valuable works. Tbo library has been much neglected for a number of years, but is now being placed In good order. Over fifty volumes were added list yean Pocket Picked.—Yesterday* two gen tlemen had their pocket-books stolen, while reading the news from the bulletin board* at Third and Chestnut streets. The two po.ckot-books contained ft!9. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. Philadelphia, March 12,1862. The stock market was firm to-day, notwithstanding te legraphic intelligence from New York of receding prices there, under a general disposition to realize largely. City loans eold at the second hoard at G 734 for the new, and 91 x for the old issue Fennsj lvania Railroad shares ad vanced The money market show* no alteration. The best pa per sells freely at low rates, but there is little of it coming upon the street. The following quotations are furnished us by Messrs. Drexel & Co.: New York exchange par®l-10 dia Boston exchange par«J£ dig. Baltimore exchange dis. Country funds dia. American gold prm. 7 3-10 Treasury notes.,, ....... '%®% dig. Tho Bouse bill u to authorize the purchase of coin, and for other purposes,” as finally passed by the Senate yes terday, authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to dis pose cf any United States bonds or notes for coin, at rates aud upon terms which he deems most advantageous, and to Issue certificates of indebtedness in discharge of checks drawn by disbursing officers. The section making the notes of the old issue a legal tender lias been retained. At the inetancc'of the Secretary of Hie Treasury, the Sen ite added two sections. One authorizing him to de stroy the old notes as they may be retired, and allowing him to exchange defaced ones, will be very acceptable to the public, who have already begun to complain of the very stringent regulations enforced at the mint in the refusal to receive any of the “green-backs” that may have lost a corner in the wear-and-tear of business. The other new section provides that the limitation upon temporary deposits of United SUto§ hotes with any As sistant treasurer or designated depositories, authorized b> tbe Secretary of tho Treasury to receive such depo sits, at five per cent interest, to the amount of $25,000,- 0(0, shall bo so modified ns to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to receive such deposits to an amount not exceeding SSQ,OOQjQQO, * Instructions have been issued to tho collectors of cus toms to receive, in payment of duties, any of the United States treasury notes, of every kind, except the new de mand notes, not yet issued. Navigation on the Delawaro and Raritan Canal will ho returned for the season ep Thursday the 20th instant, without any postponement on accouut of weather. The Now Fork Evening 2>ost of to-day says : The stock market is comparatively quiet to-day, and prices Lave reacted ©>£ per ceut. from tho high points (f yesterday. The transactions continue large, especially In Erie and Iflevcland and Toledo. Buyers seem to he holdi&g off for further nvvro from tho army in Virginia. The touo of the market at the close is steady. * Alter tho Board their was little doing, aud, if any thing, prices are weak. New York Central closes with sales at 83%. There is quite a movement in Milwaukee and Prairie Du Obion common stock. Bales have been made sinco Jim Boaid At 22. Erie preferred was very firui, aud rose to flO#- The enotmous business of Ibis line makes this stock one of the favrrites of the market. Michigan Central continues active at 67# aSS Michigan Southern closes with sales at 24. The gua rantied is quoted The bonds of this com* puny are sparingly offered. Tbo sinking funds am yo& 91, the seconds 72# 073. The most active of the State stocks are Missouri and Tennessee sixes. Mlssouris close at 54, after selling at MX- Government sixes of 18&1 ore firmly held at 93, though they close with seller? fit thfi price. The 7 30 treasury notes are In good demand for invest ment, especially the small denominations, which have «Id as high a* 99^!. Money is active at 7 ceut. on call. The supply, if anything, is rather freer than yesterday. We hear of exceptional business at tfarGjf cent. Tbe banks are getting into an easier position The (JtniHnd-note arrant erne, t works well, aud thin, together wiih tbe liberal absorption of Government stocks, eaa bles the banks to lend more freely on temporary loan. Gold is again lower, selling at 10l}£ . rtnladeiplua Markets- The demand for Flour continues limited, aud the mar ket is dull and unKCttlod; sties include 300 bids good superfine at a price kept private; 600 bbls Western extra family at 55.75 \ 200 bbls Northwestern extra at $5.50, and 100 bbl£~ handsome Lancaster-county do at fti.7s: hales to tho rotaiJers anl bakers rtnge at $5 2305.37 for superfine, »5.50a0 for Western and extra family, and 8625®5 75 for fancy brands, as to quality. Bye Flour is selling, as wanted, at S 3 25. Corn Steal Is un changed, and Pennsylvania is offered at $2.75 bh|. “WnE-AT.—There is sot much offering, but Ihe Heruand is mofarate, and prices rather weak; about 5.000 bus sold at ft1.32A1.33, mostly at the former rate, for good Pennsylvania red, in store, and SI 49® 1.45 for white, ltye Is rather lower] 600 bus Fenusylvauia sold at 730. Corn comes in slowly, but the demaul for It is limited ; further sales of 6,000 bus yoltow Are reported at 53<a>54c, chiefly at the latter rate, afloat. Oats continue neglected mid dull at 37©38c for FeuunyWsDio. Barley Is drm at 87 c for prime New York. Ba me.—Quercitron is scarce, aud first No. 1 sells freely on arrival at 533 50 3? ton. Cotton.—There is very little offering or selling, and the market is firm at tho latest advance. Groceries and Provision.-* —TkWfi ta little or no »)■ teratiou in thu markets for either, and a moderate busi tippr to note at previous rates Skbp.s.—There is a good demand for Cloverseed, and 400 bus have been 1 uken at §4.37# 04.00 bus. Timo thy and Flaxseed are quiet. Wiuskv is dull and drooping; sales of Pennsylvania bbls at c; Ohio do 2G^a27c l and drudge ;\t 24c gotten, Philadelphia Stool March Bcpoxtsd bt B. E. Slavmai FIRST i ICataßpref. ?/Y 50 do T* ft Harrisburg R... ft3^j 40 Norristown B. I>s 47 1000 North Peima Cs.. 68 2000 do 68 600 N Pcnna 105.... 84 800 City 6s New 97 1000 PcnnaCp 6*^... .100 50 Bp & Pine B cash 40^ 1090 Ft-nna 5s 84U BKTWEEJ 30 Arch-st R,..sswn 18j{| 10 do s&wii 18j|| SECOND 50 Ch & W-st..bswn 31 4 Gr A Coafoe ..... 22^ 8 do 22* 3000 US Coup6’*'Bl.. 93 1000 do 93 fcOOQ do 93 1900 I’bilrt & Eric6s... 85> 4 ' 13 Lehigh Nav.,,.,, ftl 16 Girard Col B 17 6 do .......... 17 27 retina it, 40 do 46 20 2d & 3d-«t R 55)4 IWQVcfInCpSP....... 86)$ Hid. Asked. USTr 73-10 N 09 jf 9f»^ I’bilflda 62 Philaoa 6k new. 97)4 97^ P«-i»t*a i p 84 % 85 Readingh***,. 21 44 95 • 97 IhM.l Ihlk 1870.. 90 90)$ Read nit 6k 1886 78 7Rjj Pennft R 46 Pf‘iiu«R l«t.in6j» 99 100 Pki.iir It 2d m 6s 94 Morris Onl coil.. 40 44 Morris Cnl prf. .11l % 112 Sch Nav Stock.. 5 5% Sch Nav prf.... 11* 12 Sch Nav 6k ’82.. 66 06* Elmira B 7# 8 Eltmra R prf... 16 16 New York Stock £3 SECOND 9000 U S 0s ’Bl coup. 92J$ 1 5(00 U 8 5s ’74 coup. 85 3000 V 8 6h ’67.. 93 14(K)6 Louisiana 6a... 70 5(00 do h3O 60)< 4000 Cftlifuruift St 7s. 86)f 8000 Miaaouri 8t 65.. 53 3(00 Illinnifl Whr L’n 88 20(0 N Y Cent 6s 96 1000T1I rpuß Bda.. 95 10(0 Hud River 3d.. 52% 5000 CBIQ 8 p c... 99 1000 TAW 2dm ... 48 6000 do t>3o 4S^ 10C0 Micb Ceil 8a I in. 104 10 Mor Ex Bank.. 76 10 Bk of Crmmerce £7 7000 irner Gold 101 6000 d0......b30.101^ 6000 do slO.lOl^ CITY ITEMS. Mit. Gough’s Lecture this Evening.—Tho first of the only two lectures to be given in Philadelphia thif} ftttton will be dtiliTtsrtd at tho Academy 0* Music this evening. An immense house may be anticipated, and a rich treat. University Commencement^— The annual commencement of the University of Pennsylvania for fonifiring tho Degrco of Medecine will be held at Musi cal Fur.d Ball to-day, at 12 o’clock. The valedictory to tlie graduates will be delivered by Dr. Joseph Leidy, Profeseor of Anatomy. Pure Liquors i-or Medicinal Purposes can always be Imd at the store of Mr* C. 11. Mattson, denier In Fine Groceries, Arch and Tenth streets. His celcbroted Old Brandies, and Port anrl Madeira Wines, Or© rt commended by physicians for invalids, from their genuine character, this being the only kind of liquors which Mr. Mattson sells. Confederate Notes.— Upham 3 No. 403 Chtetnut street, oilers for sale Confederate notes of the denominations of five and ten dollars, being Fac-similes of those now circulating iu rebeldom. A Strong Fuff,— A Lancastor-county critic, in describing the singing of a lady, eaya; “ When she tings fib® of those exquisite ballade, tho entire at* mosphere changes; the walls, and air rain richest melodies; harmony springs from the floor and benches, and ihe audience is held spell-bound in har monious enchantment uhHe music, with its voluptuous swell, rolls from the artist’s lips naturally and seemingly ftlth as little effort as limpid waters bubble from tho bosom of the earth." Suppose that the gifted lady were to ting the praises of the garments made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth l In such a case no thing would prevent the ardent critic from flying off the handle in toto. Astmosomy has added a number of new planets to the solar system What will the next half century accomplish! We may look for etdl greater dis coveries; for the intellect of nan is awake, exploring every mine of knowledge, and searching for useful in. formation in every department of art aud industry. But we chu seercc hope that * l tortured invention ” will pro duce anything in the way of Clothiug equal to the beau tiful spring garments got tip at the magnificent store of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut Btreet, where prices are 25 per cent, below those of other establishment*. SEE FOURTH PAGE. Bohr Aid, Endieott, 5 days from Fortress Monroe, la ballast to captain. Scbr Olivia, l’ox, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with grain to Cbrif-tian ft Go. Tfie City Tee Boat, ScheWnger, arrived yesterday af ternoon from Morris Idaton’a, having towed thereto the ships Tr&DQuebAr and Moro Castle, both for London; from thence they proceeded under canvas. Off lieedy Inland passed brig John Pierce, coining up. Bark Hanson Gregory, Sylvester, Ship Island, Tyler, Stone A Go. Sehr Olive Matilda, Kenny, PdH Spain, Tlioa Waitaon A Sons. Srbr E T Smith, Smith, Bridgeport, Sinnickgon & Glover. Schr Eflort, Doughty, Potomac river, Tylee, Stone & Co. Schr Correlia 1 Noyes, Annapolis, C H CytEinitOgSt Sloop j B Robbins. Thompson* Snow Hill, captAin. Str J S Shriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. The ship Jfißto Boyle, from ■% (probably the Judah Touro, from Liverpool;) brigs Eliza Anu, from Cardo nas, and Golden Lead, from Trinidad, passed in this af tenoon. Ketch Commerce, for Mayaguez, went to sea. Yours, &c. JOHN P. MARSHAL For Port Royal, Kky Wkst, and Ship Island.— Veepplfl for the above eta Hens will feftve this port on Sa turday, 15th iiist, at 9 A M. AH letters and newspapers intended for tbe blockading squadrons will be forwarded, if left at tbe Foreign Letter Office, Philadelphia Ex change, ou or before the above time. Steamship Colmnbia, Adams, for Havana, clear&d at New Yojk yreterday. Ship Oopgrcss, Mahoney, cleared at Liverpool 25th ult for Philadelphia. Ship It L Lane, Bryor, for Philadelphia, entered for loading at Liverpool 26th ult. Bark Thomas Kilham, Dennis, from London fo; Phila delphia. sailed r rom Deal 25th ult. Bark James Lemon, McAulay, hence, arrived at Be’- fast 25th ult, with bulwarks, staunchions, Ac. carried away. Bark Gen Warren, Sparrow, for Philadelphia in three day?, wav at Sagua la Grande 2d insfe* Brig St Mary 5 ; Fandlstou, aliftreii at New York yes terday for Philadelphia Bark Cereal. (Br) Aldurton, for Philadelphia, sailed from Messina 18th ult. Brig Anglo Saxon, Shink, for Philadelphia, was at Medina 22d ult. Schr Itobcjt Gordon, High, cleared atßoston 11th inst. for Wilnnuglon. Del. Schr David Faust, Jackson, from Tort Royal, arrived al New York yesterday. Schr Ben, Hickman, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. Schr J Ponder, Jr, Dorman, at Now York yesterday from Smyrna, Del. Schr Maitha Moore, Beanett, hence, arrived at New TcrK yvftwfar. „ Schr Sophia Godfrey, Russell, at New York yesterday from Greenwich, NJ. Schr Elate. Faccmire, from Bridgeton, NJ, at N York yesterday. Fpecial Notice —The customers of .1. C. MAXWEI.L * SON, Southeast earner CEE3T NUT null EI.KVUM'U Slrecti, are respectfully in formed that, during the funeral services, and as a tribute to the w orth of an eminently faithful assistant, the late Miss E. McARTIIUB, tlicirßtore aud factory will not be opened on the aft< moon of FRIDA Y, 14th inst. mhl3-2t Nearly Three Years Ago, Professor BOX LEB, with bis Aamtauts T arrived iu this city, and established hin aeU at 1220 WALNUT Straoc, and an nounced that hd had made ai important discovery iu the application of Galvanism, Magnetism, Elsctro-M<tgneS ifjjj, and r-thcr modifications of Electricity, for the cure ol all acute and chronic diseases, aud at first we were not much excited, as wo had heard others proclaiming to have made new discoveries iu applying this mighty agent for the cure of disease; but since we have turned our at tention more directly to tbe multitude of cures performed at 12*20 WALNUT Street,by Professor 8., and fiave ex amined the philosophy of his new discovery, we are ready to give our opinion for tbe benefit of the diseawd of body or mind. The discoverer ia a man of original thought and independent cast of mind, and a keen power of ana lysis. There feems to he no confusion or guvss-work in his treatment. He proceeds on simple principles, and according to laws which, if true, must ba Infallible. We have watched his Miecegs carefully for a long time. What he claims as new, true, and important to suffering hu manity, is his discovery of the proper use of ths different modifications of electricity to the different diseased con ditions of tbo human organism, in harmony with its ganglionic relations. We do not undertake to define the science of his discovery, but mostly to notice his almost in* rcdililo cures, some of which are perforino-l In a few minutes; and so certain are his plans or diagnosis that be can warrant, with unerring certafnty, and never fails (as we learn). Wo feel wost tUMlKfttl to him for hftVlng been alilo to lift tbe veil which has covered with darkness and obscurity tho most powerful and subtle Agent in God’s Universe. Wo contemplate soon to see a reform taking place in tbe medical practice of our country, as we iindei stand hundreds of medical men aro being quali fied in this new discovery of Prof. B. We have been so much pleased in finding n doctrino which is connected in all its parts, which in reality undertakes to explain the nature, action, and polarities of electricity in the nervous system, that we have penned this testimonial to Professor BOLLE3 for the public good. mhll-3t# March 12—Evening. WI&HABT’S GBEAT AMERICAN DYSrEFSIA FILL is a positive cure for DYSPEPSIA. I warrant • cure In every case, no matter if of twenty years 1 stand ing, or the money returned. Price SI per box. Sent by mail, free of ebarge, on receipt of the money. Depot, No, 10 North SECOND Street feB-2m Helmbold’s Universally Approve® Bbmbdt.—Compound Extract Buchu cores Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Props?, Weakuess, 40. Bead the advertisement in another column, nofi-ths k Exchange Sales, 12,1862. skb, Philadelphia Exchange. BOARD. 9 City Bank b 3 30 40 do 39 1005 C ft A6a *B9 .... 85 20 Green ft Coates.. '2'l\ 45 Girard Col R .... 17 1 Penna R ....... 46 2000 Phila ft Erie 65.. 65# 2060 US Op fla *Bl 98 2000 Elmira R 7s 74 7sSchuylNftY»«. •< $ BOARDS. 10 Harrisburg 8.... 53# 25 Arch at B 18# 2000 Reading 8» *86.., 78]tf 1000 City 6s New 97£ 5000 do New 97>£ 200 do ft R 91* 3000 Schnyl Nav 6s ’B2 66 3000 Penna 6stransf..loo 4 flftta U pref.,,, ~ ")g 100 N Penna R 7 Q 700 U S 7-30 Tr N.. 99* 1 Morris Cnl Pref..lt2 600 Lehigh Nav 6s ..102 4000 80l ft Del R ba b 5 70 11CES—FIRM. CLOSING PKI Bid. Asked Elmira 7d’73... 73# 74 Long laid 8.... 11V 11 Jf Lehigh Cl ft Nav 51>4 stft Le OI ft Navscp 35 86 N Penna R 1% Tjtf N Penna R6a.. 68 68)j N Penna R 10s. 83 85 Cat R Con 2 2# CatAwissa prf... 7 .if Frk ft Sthwk R. 45 50 Sec ft TLd-st R 55% 55% Race ft 3 4 Went Phila 1t... 63 65 Spruce ft Pine.. 10% 10?4 Green ft Coates. 22*£ 23 Cheat ft WaluHt 31 31 Arch Street.... 18?« 18^ ;change-!ilarch 12 BOARD. I 50 Del ft Hudson.... 100 Erie R 36 100 do b3O 3G£ 200 do 810 35 % 22 do 352/ 50 do 35# 200 Erie R Pr0f....... 61 200 do b6O 61V 11 Hud Riv ft....... 36^ 60 llarluui It 60 Reading K 43 50 Mich S ft N I gt’d 45ft 200 111 Central scrip... 65 % 100 do ........b3O 65ft 40 ClevCol &Cin R..ltoft 800 Olev A Toledc 46 ft 100 do b3O 47ft 100 Mil ft P du Chien. 23ft 10 MftPdu C 2d p.. 57 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ABETTED. CLEARED. BY TELEGRAPH. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES. Del. March 12, P M. NAVAL. MEMORANDA. SPECIAL notices. DTBFErsiA! DYsiMsmA! DYSPEPSIA cured for 81> or #1 returned I DYSPEPSIA cured for *l, or tl returned! D YSPEPBIA enrod for SI, or *1 returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for SI. or #1 returned! L. Q. 0. WISHABT. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY, MARCH 13. 1862. Office of the Adams HrafflfesnczMS' EX PRESS COMPANY, 820 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia, January 27, 1862. The Admits Express Oonpftny hiving enlarged their facilities at Washington, D 0., by building a Railroad depot, and having acquired additional capacity for transportation, are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages, and Parcels, to Wash ington, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made for merchandise in large lots. Sutlers’ goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at our office. Soldiers* parcels taken at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and receipted for at oar depot, 8. E. corner of BROAD and LOCUST Dr. Robertson’s Vegetable Nerv ous Cordial; or, NATURE’S GRAND RESTORATIVE. The great remedy for all Nervous Complaints, Dobili ty 4 rroitration. Lowness of Spirits* Ac. Friue 11. For sale by DYOTT ft CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, jal-thstf Depot for-all Popular Medicines* One-Prior Clothing of the Latest Bttlks, inode in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SAXES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked In Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our Onb-Priox Svstsk is strictly adhered to. AQ are thereby treated alike. f1«22-lv JONES A 00., 004 MARKET Street. M4SON—TIIOMAS On the ll*k instant, by tho Rev. Wm. 11. Fumes.*, Richard S. Mason to Mary, daughter of Charles T. Thomas, all of this city. * PATCHED On Wednesday, March 12th, of catarrh, sgvd 8 mouths, Annth inftwtf dnughtorof Catharine I‘atchel, The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend tho funeral, from the residence of her parents, Po 417 South Twentieth stieet, on Fri day afternoon, March 14th, at 2 o’clock, without further liotke. ** OVERMAN —At Cincinnati, on the 12th instaut, of typhoid lever, in the 21st year >f his age, Lieut. Harry Overman, of Brigadier General Mitchell’s staff, Bun of Win. and Mary Overman, of this city. Due notice will be given of his funeral. ### HEIGHT.—On the 12th instant, BushrodW., infant bod if Homy and Caroline R. Knight, agon 12 days. CA UN A LT.—On Second-day, the 10th instant, at his residence, uear Frieudaville, Pa., Caleb Oauualt, for merly of this city, in the 70tb year of his ago. * DAVIS.—On the 11th instant, Lydia Davis, aged 78. Her friends and are reipectfully invited to at tend her funeral, from her late residence, Radnor, Dela ware county, mi Firat-dw, 18th inst, at ti) o'clock. * WOLBFKT. —On the 11th inatpnt, Josephine, wife of C. J. Woltert, Jr., and daughter of the late Wm. Har rison, Esq Fue< ral services at St. Jude’s Church, Franklin street, above Brown, on Friday, at 3 o’clock P. M * McABTDU.It. —On the lltb insrant, Eliza Jane Mc- Arthur, 20 years and Q months. Funeral from her parents* residence, No 1591 Ship pen street, on Friday afternoon, at 2 o’clock. * Sr WIEDERSUM.—On the 10th instant, Mrs. Eliza, wife of George Wiedersum. Funeral from the residence of her Imsbaud, No. 406 Richmond street, above Columbia avenue, Eighteenth ward, on Friday afternoon, at 2 o’clock. * BOWMAN.—On the 10thinstant, Elizabeth Bowmans aged 32 1 ears and 7 months, daughter of John and fUchol Goodfellow. Funeral from the residence of her father, Haines street, Germantown, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. * WEBSTER. On the 10th instant, AvfchlU&lA Webster, youngest eon of Thomas and Elizabeth Webster, aged 5 years, 6 mouths, 4 dajs. Funeral from the residence of his father, Josephine street, Frankloid, jhis(Thursday)afternoon, at 1 o’clock. BOWLES.— On tbelOth inßt., Mist Anne F. Bowles. Funeral from her late residence, 620 South Second at, below Lombard, tLia (Thursday} merging, at Bft o'clock, ROGERS.—On the 9th mst., James J. Rogers, aged 59 years. Funeral from his late residence. No. 918 S. Fifth street, below Christian, this (Thursday) afternoou, atl o’clock. SHIBE —On tVe loth inst., Rachel Ann, wife of John Shibe, Sr.,»»the 60th year of her age. Funeral from iho residence of her husband, Tulip st., Above Norris, Nineteenth ward, thU (Thursday) after noon, at 1 o’clock. * STEWARD.—On the 10th inst, John Steward, Sr., in the 74th year of his ago. Funeral from bis late residence, No. 147 Poplar street, this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o’clock. * TV/lOUKNING (JOObS, AT VERY XrJ- LOW PBICES—Juet received Black Tamises, 75 cents; Silk Chally, 37ft cents; Bareges, 12ft, 15, and 18ft cents; Crape Maretz, 18ft cents; Garners Hair Bareges, 37ft cents; Tamartines, 18ft cents; Satin Plaid Barege*, ISft cent*; Mous*elines. 25 to 31ft cents; McniHfelines, double width, 56ft aud 62ft cents; Mom .geliwee, two yards wide, SI; Figured Silk Grenadines, 87ft cents; Closay Silka, 70 cents; Second Mmrning Cht-ne Bareg*-s, 12ft cents; Black aud Purple Ail-Wool Mouskrifnee, 31ft cents. CHURCH OF THE INTERCESSOR, 1| j SPRING GARDEN, below Broad.—Prayers ant Lecture, during Lent, every THURSDAY NOON, at 4ft o’clock. Subject for Lecture—Christ’s Temptations and • Stifffrines in their relation to our humanity.” Seats all free at these services. It# rvT» ST. PATRICK’S DAY.-ORATION LL? by tLo very liev. Doctor MOttIARTV, in the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, at 7ft o’clock P. M. Tickets 25 cems efcth to all parts of the house, Stage and Private Boxes excepted. mhi3-4|tr* HIBERNIAN SOCIETY.—THE AN -1Jl_? mial nieetinsr of IliU Society will be held at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL on MONDAY* 17th mat.* at 12 o’clock M., for the election of officers. The annual dinner of the Society will be given at the same hotel at half past 4 o’clock of the same day. mbl3 4t JAMES L. TAYLOR, Secretary. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA —Medical Department.—The commencement tor conferring ihe Degree of Medicine will be held at MU SICAL FUND HALL, on THURSDAY, March 13, at _l2 o’clock M. The Valedictory to the Graduates will be delivers! by Dr. Joseph Leidv, Professor of Anatomy. The public are respectfully invited to attend. R K. ROGERS, M. D., mhl2-2t Dean of tne Medical Faculty. THE ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT LLS of llie PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF PHAR MACY will be held on NEXT THURSDAY EVENING, the DStli inst., at 8 o'clock, at MUSICAL FUND HALL. The Ytdttilctoiy Address will be delivered by Professor BRIDGES. The public is respectful]; invited to at tend. nihil-3t IYT=» GOUGH’S LECTURES AT THE U 3 ACADEMY OF MUSIC.—THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS, March 13th and 14th. Reserved Stats in Parquet, Parquet Circle, aud Balcony, Fifty Ceuta; Cnrewrved Seats in Family Circle and Ampht thcati 0, Twenty-five Oeota; Orchestra Seats, Fifty Ceuta. For sale at the Box Office of the Academy and Martian’s Bookstore, €O6 rheatnut street. Unreserved Seats also at the Tract House, 939 Chestnut street. mhlO- si*rd OFFICE OF THE CATAWISSA RAIL ILf ROAD COMPANY. No. 308 WALNUT Street. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The Annual Meet ing of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on TUESDAY, the first day of April, 1862, at 12 o'clock tioou, at the Company’s office. No. 308 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. Thu Annual Election for President and Directors will be held on MONDAY, the fifth day of May, 1862, at the Company’s office. mhiO-tapl War. R. FISHER, Secretary. THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE IN UJ? BURANCE COMPANY, March 8, 1862. Tho Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIFTEEN DOLLARS PER SfiißE on the Slock of the Company for the last six months, which will be paid to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, after tho 18th instant. WILLIAM G. CROWELL, mhs-tmhl4 Secretary. w>|r» AVIS AUX LIONS BE LA MOBE. LUS Mb. P. Akdbiot a l'bonxeur d’infurmbr lbs FrANCAIK KT LBS BTBANGKKS QU’IL BST AUJOURD’HUI gbrast ns la maison, GRiNVILLE STOKES, 609 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. D guarantis par ?a position anx hommes de gout, que ees vetemene porterons toujonrs un cachet de distinc tion innimitable et a de# prix ft 2$ pour cent an deasous den'lmporta quelle maison. t?a longue 6tnde etsa pra tique Pont mis en rapport avec leg artistes le» plus habiles de sapartie,tant a Paris qu*a Londres, etqui lui fourul rons toujour* lea plua nouvelles modes et les mieox por t£es de ces deux pays. Avis a ceux qui tiennent a etre a l’avance des modes, mhl.lm QHECKS FOR VOUCHERS Forwarded for Conversion into BIX PER CENT, CERTIFICATES AT LOWEST BATES. MONEY ADVANCED, IF DESIRED. ir.lil3-10t DBBXKL A CO. SON, & BENBO W’S SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. Mr. G. IT. BENBOW, of the above firm, so long known to the American trade, ii forms his frauds and patrous that, the'partnership having expired with Mr. Low. he has takcD into partnership his son, ITENRY BENBOW, who has been many years connected with the late firm. G. 11. llenbow having purchased the share of the busi ness belonging to Rjbert Low, Sr, who was the original proprietor of LOW’S BROWN WINDSOR SOAP. Ac., BENBOW & SON will continue the rß&nufftCtttfO ofthftt tuperior article, having had the sole management for several years. Albo, of HONEY,GLYCERINE, FANCY SOAPS, POMADES, PERFUMES, BRUSHES, Ac., the quality of which they guarantee equal to any imported into the American market. Bu) crs visiting England the present year are requested to examine our goods and prices without incurring tho obligation U purchass. F)r wearness, wasting, and every form of Debility, use BAKER & CO.’S COD LIVER OIL. Its use, if fairly tried, will soon restore the tone of the digestive organs, invigorate the Ltajd, give gen oral rotundity to the figure, and add euergy to the mind and nervous system. Its value lias be<*u re markubty evidenced by its wonderful refrtOTntive power* when ordinary tonics had been vainly exhausted. It af foids nourishn tut to the body when no other can be borne, and furnishes the frame with fat in a truly re markable manner. Bottled only by JOHN C. BARER & CO., It* No. 154 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. Oxford female seminary, OxpohI), Chester county. Pa. In a healthful, and easily accessible location, it affords advantages for a thorough and normal education. The course of study includes the Ornamental Branches and most of the solid branches taught in our collegos. The next Session willop**n MAY 7, i 862. For circulars, ad drens Miflß H» BAKER. Principal, inbl3.ini fIONFEDERATE NOTES, of the V_y denominations of #5 and 810, for sale at UPH A tt’A, 403 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Ten 86 aud ton 810 Confederate Notes Bent, post paid, to anv addresson receipt of 81. Trade supplied at 82 per 100, or 816 uer 1,600. Send your orders at once. rahl3*3t* TV/TONUMENTS AND GRAVE IVJ. STONES at very reduced prices at Marble Works of A. STEIN METZ, JUDGE Avenue, below Eleventh Street. mhl3-3mif ASPECIALITY.—Now is the time to get A superior Picture at REIMER’S Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. Life-size Photographs in oil are now made at reduced prices. It* NOW OR NEVER —Get a life-size Photograph in oil of REIMEK; you will ha entirely satisfied with their accuracy and beauty; now only at reduced prices. SECOND, above Green Street. It* THE POPULAR VERDICT—The prevailing opinion expressed by the action of thou sands is that BfilNKK’d Colored Photographs for 81 are the cheapest and beet; a eeweet lik&hei* j inilMn'ly colored. SECOND Street, above Green. It* JOHN BINGHAM, Superintendent. MARRIED DIED. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, March 10,1862. BENBOW & SON, Id LITTLE BRITAIN, LONDON. YARNS, BATTS, AND CARPET CHAINS. H. FRANOISCUS, WHOLESALE DEALER IN YARNS, 433 MARKET and 5 North FIFTH Btreet. PHILADELPHIA. Buyers will find a fall Stock of COTTON, LINEN, AND WOOLLEN CABPET CHAIN, COTTQ N YARN, TWIST, FILLING, WADDING, BATTING, COTTON LAPS, TIE YARNS, TWINES, OANUI.E WICK, COVERLET YARN, BROOM TWINES, SHOE THREADS, GILDING AND SEINE TWINES, BED CORDS, WASH AND PLOUGH LINES, COTTON, lIEMP, AND MANILLA CORDAGE. Also, a full assortment of FLY NETS. Which ho offers at Manufacturers’ LOWEST NET CASH PRICES. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. H. FBANOISGUS. 433 M&IIKET and 5 North FIFTH Street, PHILADELPHIA, WHoLesALe deaeek in WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. Always on hand, a full Stock of TUBS, BUCKETS, CHURNS, MEASURES, BROOMS, WHISKS, FANCY BASKETS, WALL, SCRUB, and SWEEPING BRUSHES, LOOKING-GLASSES and WINDOW PAPER, Mats, Keelers, Flour Buckets, Nest Boxes, WASH BOARDS, BOLLING and CLOTHES PINS. FLOOR and TABLE OIL CLOTHS. SCHOOL, MARKET, and DINNER BASKETS. Sleds, Barrows, Carriages, Hobby Horses, &c., &c. All Goods sold at LOWEST NET CASH PRICES. mlill-2mo MILLINERY GOODS & SPKINO. 1862 _ RIBBONS, MILLINERY, AND STRAW GOODS. ROSENHEIM. BROOKS, & Co., No. 431 MARKET STREET, Have new open—and to which daily additions aremade— their USUAL HANDSOME VARIETY OF RIBBONS. BONNET MATERIALS, FLOWERS, RUCHES STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S HATS, FLATS, SHAKER HOODS, and ALL OTHER ARTICLES IN THE MILLINERY LINE, Which will be offered at the LOWY ST MARKET PRICES. The attention of the trade is respectfully invited. attention given to filling orders. mbl3-2m rjIBOMAS KENNEDY & BRO , 720 cnBSTNUT Street, below Eighth. A Choice Stock of SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, ml)l3.Gn>] AT LOW PRIDES. NEW PUBLICATIONS The official war map.—We willjpublUli immediately A KE'w Ma I 1 OF T«E WVTiIKRX ST4TB3, Compiled from tlio most authentic sources, and the TJiited States Coast Surveys, by the Committee ot» Inland Tra Deportation of the Board of Trade of Philadelphia, and superbly engraved in the fluest style of map-making. The information tor thiß map wan recently obtained by A PERSONAL TOUR THROUGH THE SOOTH, iw well as by the information given by THE Pit RSI DENT Olf EVERT RAILROAD ;tho corrections mako it COM PLETE TO THE PRESENT HOUR; aud it gives so ro centand such valuable facts concerning all the Railroads, that the War Department immediately authorized its pub lication, and distributed ONE THOUSAND COPIES among the Generals and Colonels of the Arm y \ that or tier hiring now been BUppliedi nofurtherdeiiv in issuing the map will occur, and subscribers can now be supplied at the following prices: In sheets, carefu’ly colored, $l. Do .do in a neat case, $1 50. Do mounted on muslin, folded, $2.50. Do on rollers, varnished, $2 50. Beautifully mounted and framed for office übo. S 3. Several weighty reaßOU6for purchasing**HAZAßD’S R/ ilroad and military map of the south ern STATUS lit. It iB the official mapand therefore must be the beßt and moat reliable, which is everything m a map, pailicularlyat this lime when a good map is of such uni- Vf're»l internet, This 1? tho ONLY MAP that has been officially adopted for Government purposes. 2d. The Coast iB bo distinct and accurate; it shows every little island and inlet, and is ae accurate as the largo maps issued by the Coast Survey Office. 3d. It is very cheap. It is 32 by 55 inches, and iB one of the best specimens of map engraving ever done in this country. 4tb- It presents the whole Southern Mates at one view, and the raiironds are so distinctly marked as to show at a glance (he most important strategical point*. WILLIS P. HAZARD, Publisher, mbll-3t 724 CHESTNUT Street. BINNEV’S PAMPHLET.—Writ of Habeas Corpus, and all the Replies, Tin number, for sale at (he Philadelphia Bank Book Store, by JOH'f CAMPBELL. mh!2-2t LEGAL. UNITED STATES, EABTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. SOT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DIS TRICT QST PENNSYLVANIA, [LiSt] Greeting; _ Whereas, The District Court of the United States m and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, fi ! ed iu the name of the United States of America, hath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have* any right, title, or interest In the BChooner BRITISH. QUEEN, whereof ISAIAH DENNIS la mauler, her IncViw, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, taken and seized at sea by the United Stales gunboat MOUNT VERNON, under command of GLEASON, and brought into this port, to be monished, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect here after expressed, (justice 60 requiring!) You are, therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing those presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and pub lished in'the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal In telligencer, you do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited* peremptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or inte roit in the said schooner BRITISH QUEEN; her tackle. apparel, aud furniture,- and the said goods, wares, and merchandise laden oq board thereof, to appear b »fore the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the DISTRICT COURT ROOM, in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH, day after publi cation of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on tho next court day following, betwom the- usual hours ot hearing causes, then nnd there to show, or allege, in Hue form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said schooner BRITISH QUEEN, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, should not be 'pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and, a* goods 9f ttitlr envmiwi er othenrisri llublt and eulyegt to con* detonation, to be adjudged aud condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this be half as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly in timate, or cause to ho intimated, nuto all persons afore said generally, (to whom, by the tenor of these presents, it is also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place abgye meßttonedi or appear and Shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adju dication on tho said capture, and may pronounce that the baidjscliooner BRITISH QUEEN, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, did belong, at the time of the cap ture of the same, to the enemies ef fli« United Stites of America, am!, as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence, or ‘rather contumacy, of tho peraonß so cited and inti mated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do iu the premises, together with these presents. . Withes* the Hvnorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this twelfth day of MARCH, A. D. 1862, aud iu the eighty-sixth year of the Independence of the said United States. n>hl3-3t G. R. FOX, Clerk District Court. TN THE ORPHANS 5 COURT FOR JL THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of DENNIS SWEENY, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust she account of DENNIS H. SWEENY, sur viving Executor of tbelast will and testament of Daunts Sweeny, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance, will meet the parties interested, for the purpo«es of his uppointrmnt, on TUESDAY, the 25th March, 1862, at 4 o’clock P. M., at his office, No. 627 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. SAMUEL C. PERKINS, Alitor. mhl3>thstufit IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PUIIiAOEUVUIi. Estate or SARAII ELIZA and GEORG I ANA MAY. The Auditor Appoiuted by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust (ho first account tf ARMSTRONG VLOHKII FELT, Guardian of Sarah Eliza May and Ceoujiatia May, minor children of (ioorge Edward Muy, deceased, ami to report distribution of the balance, wilt meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on MON DAY, (he 24th March, 1862, at 11 o’clock A M., at his office, No. 627 WALNUT Street, in tho city of Phila delphia Samuel c. perkins, mhl3-thstust Auditor. IS HEREBY dIVfSN i. i that application lias been made to the Trustees of the Fire Association for the renewal of a 1* JLIOY UF INSURANCE, No. 2732 for Cl,ooo, dated Kept-mhor 10, lb'29, auo Issued In the name of MARGARET Mc- CULLY, which has been lost or mislaid. Any informa tion tbeieof will be received by SAMUEL McHULLY, 8. W. corner of FRONT and MARION Streets, mhll-tuttuts lm CD FRRIKB. -Choice Seedless Cherries in 2D lb bagih Yory fine now New York I r iumy just received aud for sale by RHODES A WILLIAMS, tnhlO 107 South WATER Smart. pARBON OIL.—IOO bbls. Natrond Oil in More and for sal. hy WILLIAM M. WILSON, 208 MARKM C Street. RETAIL DRY GOODS. 1862. srECI “ KOIIOE - 1862. NEW LINEN, WHITE GOODS, LACE. EM33ROIDERY STORE. Tiro subscriber hus opened tlio Btorn 4 No* 1024 CHEST* EUT Street, !is a I.AOE, MNEN, WHITE (it)>>l>3, ai.d J)MIittOJDKKY HOUSE. Ho-designs organizing aii establishment where the very best goods of every va riety in ti » above line in »y lie procured at prices much below ilk. usual retail rates, and unite an low as they are trnmli) wholefiftied, UnvlriK for ninny yimrs boeu per* KiniiUy, thoroughly conversant with all the market* of Europe, b<* possesses unusual facilities, and can offer to tlie public very great, inducement* to extend to him a share of it* patronage,. lie refers to the annexed list as boii.g a penial representation of his btock, and respect fully solicits fioin all un Inspection of his goods'. WJJITE GOODS DEPARTMENT. liantea; HUhop ami Victoria Lawns; French Rultling Muslin: TarletauH. white arid colored, and all other articled in White Gjols. Jaconet, Mull. Cambrics, Nainsook, Swiss and French Muslins: plaid, striped, dot trel, ami figuieil Muslins} French and (Skirting Cam brics, Dimities, and Bril* ARTMENT. LINEN DEI Linens; Cloths, Napkins, and .Dovlies; Linen Lawns nnd Gwnbrics, JMraeye Dia pers, Crash, And all other {Towels and Towelling. Shirting, Fronting, Tlousc* wife, Pillow, and Sheeting Linens } French Ridding and Cliemue Linens; Irish, Scotch, and Barnsley Table] LACE DEPARTMENT Vftlencienne, Heal ThreEd. Publtfr, Jilondo* Gnipure, Hon Hon, Maltese* l'omto* and other Laces and Kd^. tugs, by the yard, and also in Colinra, Seta, UoitTures, Capes, Sleeves, Itdkfs, etc., etc Illusions, Nets, etc. VEILS. XtGftl Thread, Caaibiia, lutidGmadluft VUli. Pusher, French, Ma«Frie,j EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT Cambric,Swiss,aiidLinenilnsertingp, Skirts, etc., etc. Cellars, £>&(?, Hdklw, OuiTe,|infanta* Waistd, Robed, etc., Bauds, Kdgingp, | etc. HDKF. DEPARTMENT Ladies’, Gents*, »nd Chil- clear lawn, embroidered, and dren’s corded ami tapebor* other lancy Hdkfti My as* dered, printed, hem-stitched sortment in lidkfs is very and . French Ildkfs; Re- fall and exceedingly cheap, viered, scolloped, tucked,! SPECIALITIES. Will open on MONBAT) the 17th inst, the following extra cheap articles: 300 all-Linen Printed Cambric Dresses at 25, 30, and 35c, worth 50c. 20 dozen all Linen Hemstitched Hdkfe at 15c, Worth 20c. 20 dozen do. do. do. 25a, worth SSe. 200 Ileal Thread Veils, from 862 to 810. 600 FJno French Work Collars from 81 to 52.50, whole sale price 82 to $4. 200 Fine French Work Collars from 30c to SI, whole sale price 40c to 51.60. 100 Fine French Work Bets frem 30c to S 2? wholesale price from 50c to SO. 20 pieces Linen 25c, worth 30c. 50 dozen all Linen Napkins Si, worth 51.50. 20 pieces 7*4 and 8.4 three-fourths Bleached Table Linens, 65c, 70c, and 75c. The above become while with a few washings, and are usually retailed at 75c, 80c, 88c per yard. 40 pieces Linens from 280 to 60c, worth from 35c to 75c, and a variety of other articles in this line very low. EDWARD M. NEEDLES. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. mhlS-tf BLACK SILKS. THOS. W. EVANS & Co., INVITE ATTENTION TO TIIEIR SUPERB ASSORTMENT OF BLACK SILKS. BLACK TAILLK, Be TAFFETTAS, Bo DUCAFE, Bo POULT BE SOI®, Bo MOIRE ANTIQUES, Bo WATERED SILKS, Do FIGURED SILKS, &c. Also, DUST OPENED. A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF NEW SPRING FANCY SILKS. Nv@, 919 nnd 680 CHESTNUT STREET, mhl2*3t TV/TERREMACK , AMERICAN, AND JJX ENGLISH. PRINTS at 12 % cents. Spring Delaines from auction, 12# ds. 300 <loz. Ji C Hifkfs. from auction* 6 to 14 cts. Shepherd’d Plaids of dMirablfa sl^s. Black Wool Delaines, usual good stock. mli!3 COOPER A tiONARD. T INENS BY THE PIECE OR YARD. -1 -i Ballard Vale Flannels, 33 to 75 cts. Linen Diapers* old prices for hast, goods. Shift Fronts, fr**sh lota, 25 to SO eta. Domestics always at lowest market rates, mhl 3 COOPER & CONARD.. CASBIMEREB. b,543 yard*. »ll.wool goods. Boys’ Caesiiuereß in greatest variety* * Men’s Fancy and Black Cassimere?. Black Cloths at the right prices. COOPER & CONARD, m)*l3 Southeast corner NINTH and MARKET. OPENING OF NEW SPRING GOODS, Just received from New York, end will do opened to day, a choice lot of NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS, Also, a large lot of NEW CHINTZES, purchased at very low prices, FOR CASH, which we guaranty to sell at prices that will DEFY COMPETITION. Best English Chintzes, 12j( cents. Best Merriuaac Chintzes, 12# cents. Best American Chintzes, VZ% cents. Bept Cocbeco Chintzes, 12# cents. Beat Pacific Chintzes, 12* cents. Best Sprague Chintzes. 12)4 cents. 8 Cases Good Chintzes, fast colors, 10 cents. 1 Ca. e Good Chintzes, last colors, 9 cents. I Case vard wide Chintzes, new styles, 25 cents. A BANKRUPT STOCK OF WHITE BRILLIANTEB. 1 lot white Brilliauteß, 8 cents, worth 10t 1 lot white Brilliantes, 10 cents, worth 12j£. I lot 4 4 white Brilliantes. 12# cents, worth 15. BARGAINS IN WHITE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. 60 dozen white Liusn Cambric Handkerchiefs, 75 cents ptr dozen. 50 dozen finer quality, tape borders, 91.50 per dozen. Cheap Linen Towels, Doylies, aud Napkins. Cheap lot of heavy Butcher Linens. Cheap Shirting and Frontiog Linens. Hoieycomb Counterpanes, 2)£ yards square, $1.50. 2% yards wide Bleached Sheeting, 28 cents. 2\ yards wide Bleached Staling, 31# cents. 3 yards wide Bleached Sheeting, 37 % cents. 3 cases good Bleached Muslins, 7 cents. 2 cases good Bleached Muslin, 10 cents. 2 cnees Uubleacbed Cotton Flannel, 11 cents. A fall line of Black Silks cheap. New styles Fancy Silks, 50 ceuts and upwards. New Spring Delaines aud Reps. Shepherd Plaids, of every variety. New styles of Spring Dress Goods, of every variety and quality t opening daily. H. STEEL A SON, mbs No. fib North TENTH Street, above Ooattf pALICOES! CALICOES!! - v American Calicoes, at 12#. Manchester Calicoes, at I2)f. Pacific C'alicmw, at 12)j English Co|icnefi t asl2# r Galtcocß, tho best in the market, for 12)f. J. H. STORES’, mh6tf 702 AROH Street pOWPERTHWAIT & CO., V*/ N. W. cor. BIGHTS aud MARKET Streets, Have opened & handsome stock of NEW GOODS, espe cially adapted to the times, consisting of new aud elegant Fabrics, at low rates. Block Silks, very cheap Prints in Immense variety. A large lino of Flannels, Buch as Ballardvale, Saxony, and other celebrated makes. The best twenty-five cent white Flannel in the city. Muslins by the piece, at wholesale prices, mostly purchased be fore the recent rise in domestic anode. f022-tf New house- furnishing GOODS, LINENS, Ac.—The largest assortment 1a the city of Fine Flemish, Irish, and Barnsley Linen Sheetings. Dunbar Dickson’s and Richardson’s Pillow Linens. Golden Fl&x Shirting and Fronting Linens* Table Linens, 1 able Cloths, Napkins, Doylies. Towellings and Towels of ell descriptions, for the bath, chamber, pantry, kitchen, and nursery. Quilts and Blankets, of all sizes, for cribs and beds. Table and Piano Covers, and Materials for covers, bp the yard. Furniture Chintzes, Furniture Coverings, oto. Rich Lace and Muslin Curtains and Curtain Materials. Plain and Gold Bordered Shades, iu all colors. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, A ARRISON, ffelO 1008 CHESTNUT Street. •WIPE SPRING CHINTZES. VV A fine display of English Wide Chintz Prints. French Percales and Chintzes. BriUiam.B, Purples, Caoiayenx. Wide Figured Shirting Prints. mbl2 SHARPLESS BROTHERS. p OODS FOR CHILDREN’S WEAR. \JT Poil de Chevres, bright plaid. Plaid French Dress Joods, new styles. Pnusanias, Miiandoliuas, imelias. Black and White Checked Goods. Ginghams,, Checked Silks. mh!2 Bfl UtFLESS BROS. VERY CHEAP FRENCH BA REGEB.—I,OOO pieces of Milanafs* Bareges. and Plain Bareges. Selling at half the usual prices. SHARPLESS BROS. D)hl2 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets, Naval medical board.—a Board of Medical Officers will convene attbaNaval Asylum, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, March 17,1562, for tbe examination or Candidates for admission into the Urdlcol Corps uf the Navy. Gentlemen desiring pe mission to appear before the Board must make application to the Honorable Secre tory of the Navy, stating their residence, place aud date of birth, accompanied with respectable testimonials of moral character. Applicants must not be less {hap twenty-one nor more than twenty-six j ears of age. No expense is allowed by Government to candidates attending the sessions of the Board, as a successful ex amination is a legal prerequisite for appointment iu the Navy. mhC-ths»u6t HAIR-DI EING ana SHAMPOOING «t tlie Buttling Saloon, FOUBTH and Bit ANoil iWßasaai I>RY-C3OODS JOBBERS, 1862. BPRING - 1862. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. J. R. CAMPBELL & CO., No- 727 CIIE3TNUX STREET, HAVE NOW IS STORE, LINES OF CH >ICE GOODS, TO WHICH THEY INVITE THE ATTENTION OF CASH BCTKJIS. WHITE GOODS—In all lliair Varieties. LINENS—AH iiualitlos and bo st makes. BAMASKS-Sftrtiw mi. PwS» L. C. IIDKFS—ToweIs and Toweling. GINGHAMS—Super, Fancy and Solid Checks. PAWN'S—New and Choice Styles. ORGANDIES, and Paris Printed Jaconets. DRESS GOODS—In very desirable styles. BLACK SlLKS—Choice Brandi*. FLANNELS —Of the best makes, BlEjftllED GOODS—A foil lino. PRlNTS—American and English. CHINTZES, BIIILLIANTEB AND PERCALES TOCETHFB WITH MANY OTHER GOODS, ADAPTED TO FIRST-CLASS TRADE, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE OFFEBKD AT LOW PRICES. (JELLING OPE STOCK or CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, DRIL LINGS, M ARSEILLES, &o. Twenty-five per cent, under formor prices. A. H. GIBBS. feSl-lm No. 531 MARKET Street. WHOLESALE HOUSES AND 5 4- INCH SKY-BLUE KERSEYS. SUPERFINE INDIGO-BLUE SATINETS, BLACK CADET AND OXFORD Do. - - / PRINTED Do, in variety, BLACK AND FANCY MIXED DOESKINS. FANCY CASSIMERES AND MELTONS, IN STORE, AND FOR SALE BY JOSEPH LEA. MO-lf IQS AND 130 CHESTNUT STREET MILITARY GOODS. 1862. SPT!IN& - 1862. WOOD & CARY. (Successors to Lincoln, Wood, & Nichols,) No. T2fl CHESTNUT STREET, Have now in Store a complete stock OP STB AW AND MILLINERY GOODS, SILK BONNETS, STRAW AND PALM LEAF HATS, Ac. To which (bey respectfully invite tho attention of the foimer patrons of the house and the trade generally. tnar!2-2m Brass grommets and eye lets tor Military Blankets and Leggiuga. Maim. factored and for Bale in any quantity at FIFTH anil CO LUMBIA Avenue. [lubK-lm*] E. IVINS. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS OVER-SHIRTS FOR THE ARMY. FINE SHI RTS, COLLARS, STOCKS, AND W R A P P E It S, Manufactured at W W. KNIGHT’S. NO. 606 ARCH STREET. A full line of TIBS, SCARFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, HOSIERY, AND UNDERCLOTHING, Always on hand. mhs 3mif Fine shirt m anufactor r. Tiiy subßcribw Yi'uutd invite attention to ttiu IMPBOYED OUT OF BHI STS, Which he makes a specialty in hie business. Also, oon- Itantly receiving HOYJCLTII3 FOB OBNTLEMBN’3 WEAR. J. W. SCOTT. OENTLEMKN’S FURNISHING STORE. No. 811 CHESTNUT STREET, Ja#-tt Four doors below the Continental. TRIMMINGS rjIO THE LADIES. J. G. MAXWELL, Jr., Has opened the new Store, No. 133 NORTH NINTH STREET, ONB DOOB ABOVE OHERBY, EAST SIDE, FRESH AND COMPLETE STOCK STAPLETRIMMINGS, To which he Invites attention. mh7.fbtuthßst REMOVALS. THE BUSINESS of Tins PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM IS REMOVED 10 No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET. J W. PROCTOR & GO mliB-lm ’ SEvyiNG MACHINES, & WILSON SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, nihil. Sm PHILADELPHIA. lIATS AMO CAPS. ■\ 6at) SPRING STOCK IQ^o' IOU/4. COMPLETE. lOUAIi C. H. GARDEN & Co., Manufacturer* of ami W huleeale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, AND FURS; STRAW GOODS, FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNB TS, Artificial Flowers, Ruches, Feathers, &c., No. 600 and 602 M AUK. IST Street, 8. W. corner of SIXTH Street. JST'A largo and complete Block. The best terms and the-ioweat prices, Qss)\ And prompt u time buyers” are particu ariv Invited to examine our stock. mhl-2m pHIMNEV TOPS.—Vitrified Terra Gotta Chimney Tope—ornamental for cottages and villas, and plain for dwellings aiul puhlio buildings. These tope are indestructible, and not affected by the coal gas, bo destructive to brick and iuortar, They will be found cheap, durable, and ornamental. Tho material being a non-conductor, with a circular shaft on cono> shaped top, they will bo found a cor tain cure for defec tive tines »r smoky chimneys. 2 feet high. .........SI 75 each. 2 u 6 incuts high 2 25 S “ high 2 7& 8 11 wind-guard 3 25 3 “ G inches wind-guard.,,... 4 00 4 “ wind-guard 5 00 For sale by the single top, or wholesale, at 1010 CHESTNUT Street. mliio S, A, HAUIUJOff, T A DIES’ TRUSSES, SUPPORT- I J FBB, BRACKS, and other Mechanical Appliances, of oorroot construction and easy to the wearer. For sale and Biljuftment at O. H. NJCFDLIB* LADIKS’SIORK, TV ILF TH Street, first dior brlnw Rnco. Gent emeu rt'qnirinc Itnpturo irmoeH will €ali at tl»- Poiithweet corner and HA where C N. gives attention to this specialfeature, mUI2 ouiif. AMUSEMENTS. nOTTSCHALK’S LAST (X APPEARANCE-AMERICAN academy on MUSIO -OPJSRA, oottsghalk’s gala night. SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 15, rttOGKA.V.MK OF Tin; Ol'fcltATrC I’MKFOKMANCE. Mr. GOTTSCHALK, Kindly aenstcil by Mr. SANLfftKSON, will play lal. Overture ot Wil!inm TMI, for two pianos, performed by Sat.derwni ami Cottachalk. 20, Gram! March and Finale of Wehor’A celebrated Con cert, “Stuck, 1 ’ performed by Chrttnohalk with Orchestra accompaniment «. <A, ** Murmurs Eoliuns.” / Grand ParaphrAiw or WJ * f It, “The Union.” J Coucert, composed and performed by Gottschalk. To be followed by Bonl/.ctti’s delightful Opera 0 y Miss him;LEY, BRICiNOLI, BUSINI. A«1 riUhloh, *l. No extra charge for reserved Boats, which can be secured to-day, at the Box Office, Aca demy of Miihc. Family Circle, 50 cents. Gallory 25 cents. Opera rotmm-nce at 8. mh*l3 Mrs. john dkew’B AROM-BTREET THEATRE. Acting Stage Manager. W, ft. FREDERICK}. Business Agent and Treasurer .JOS. D. &IUBPHV. 62il NIGHT OF MR, J 6*ll n'" DREW UNABATED ENTHUSIASM. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, 51 ARCH 33, THE COMEDY OF ERRORS. Dronn'o of Ephesus Mr. John Drew. Antiphclus ot Syracuse Sir. Mortimer. J'rrroio of racufif). Mr. Frank Druw» After which HANDY ANDY. Handy And) Mr. John Drew. To-morrow, Dnnetit of Mr. JOHN DREW', ROMANCE AND REALITY. Prices as usual. OOr Reftta encured in Advance without ex'ra choree CONTINENTAL TUHATIiE, J WALNUT STREET. ABOVE EIGHTH. GAY AND HAPPY. CONTINUED TRIUMPHS! HOUSES CROWDED! THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, M-*roh 13, When will bn presented. for the fortv* thir I time, " NObK Tyru OABUL 021 LIFE A MONO THE LOWLY* With jifl magnificent scenery, splendid music, and an perior cast of character*. AdmlßbioD 35 ami 25 cents To commence at 7% o’clock* A GRAND VJh;i,r TDM MATINEE ON SATURDAY TXTALNUT-STREET THEaTRB— V Y NINTH and WALNUT Btreoto. Sole Lessee MBS. M. A. GARBETTfICN. Ht-eLeaßvmc-iit of DAN I‘lf‘E, Together with idfl model troupe of Equestrians. THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 13. 1862, Mfld. TOURNAIRE, in her beautiful act, entitled EORSUNIO; or, THE SEASONS. Tho World-Renowned >.LLA KOYAItA. The preatMit Living Biue-banked Rider JAMES MELa VILLK. THE EDUCATED MULES. Prices —so, 3734,75, and 25 cents; Private Boxes, $5 and S 3, according to their locale. Doors open at Quarter to 7. T” commence at 7jk* Frank darley’s cantata, >, hI ; TH,” will lie prailuced Ijy tho HABMOHIA, MARCH £0' Germania orchestra. CARL SENTZ) Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY aft BJf o’clock P. M., at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. __ Package ef Sight Tickets, ; Stogie Tickets, 26 Ott. To be liad at Andre’s, 1104 Chestnut stroot, J. E. Goold’c. Seventh and GhestnaLandat tbedoornf th* Hall, oodfi-^ mBE CANTATA OF «rTJTH M _L will be performed by the HARMONIC at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, soon. mh!3-Bt* PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OI THE FINE ARTS, 1026 CHESTNUT Street fc open daily, Sundays excepted, from B A. M. till 6 P. m, Admlaedon 25 cente. Chil'lren under twelve years, half price. Shares of Stock, £3O, jyl rpEE HAItMONIA MUSICAL SO - CTKTY .vill fe'ivo ifa second Sniroo on TIITIIISUA.Y, II Alien 20. mills-ot* FOR SALE AND TO LET gh TO LET—A House on DEWEY’S SsiiiL laro, Germantown, with ail tho modern rouve nitLicea, (‘ouch Hou»e and S-.abie, fir«t rate Garden* and various kinds of fruit; within five mlnutas. by a good walk, to the station. Apply at No. 23 North FOURTH Street. [mhl3 tf] JAMK.S OKKSSOX. WANTS, WANTED TO PfJRCHASE—A se cond-hnud engine, with boiler, front Six to Ten liorsc Power: nnut be in g condition, Artdresft B'lX 1811)Philndp]]ihia Postafiict. mhl2-9i« WANTED TO RENT—A Second or Third story room, in the vicinity of Fifth or 41jtth and Market s reets, miitahle for an office Address HOWARD, Press Office, stating rent and loca tion. mJi WANTED. —A Young Man as Sales man in a Wholesale Cloth House; mud have experience in selling with some tvmle. App’ic mt* must state age; salary for tinea > ear-5, and reference) with full name. Andress box s'JsV’ Post Office, nilill* 3t* BOARDING. ASINGI E GENTIEMaN wishes to obtain BOARDING in a rfspcctabie private family. West of Broad Street preferr d. Address 13 jx 1457, Post Uffice. PLEASANT DOAttDING FOR Merchants and Business Men, 251 NINTH, below Locust. tahll<3t* TWO PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH Flr&i-c.lasfl Boarding, at 1417 LiIGUST Street fel4-Im* FtNAmUAL. CMTaAA §53 000; and S >1)00 toLoan wt/jUvl/* on Mortgage. Apply to * CIUS. lIHOAOS, No. 436 WAT.NI7T.Street. nihl3-3t* CM OAA §1,200, §—These sums V * ]VvVi to low on m'lrtKagfi LUKKNS S. MOXTdOMEttV, mhlS-St* 1035 BEACH St, Laur 1 k« b CJO OAA OLD MORTGAGE RHt tJ/O.OVv# SALE, on a valuable farm-in Moitgo mery county. Also, a number of first-class city 4fort gagea and Ground Renta, of different amount** at «fcdls* count. Apply to E. PETTIT, n,h7-tf No. 309 WALNUT Street. SAFES. ||*)r LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT RE- R§!!'moVEF> to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, near the Frank lb; Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, has secured an elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand a large assortment of Lillio's Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Irou Fire and Buratar Proof Safes, (the only strictly fire abd burglar proof saf«a made.) Also, LUiie’i Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, aud Bank Locke. Lillie’B Bank Vault Doors aud Locke will be furnished to order on short notice. Thiß is the strongest, beet pro tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to LUlle'a New Cabinet Sate, for Plate, Jewelry, 4c. Tuia Safa ia con. ceded to surpass in style and elegance any thing yet er fered for this purpose, and is the only one that is strictly fire and burglar proof. Special Notice.—l have now on hand say twenty at Farrel, H erring, & Co’s bates, most of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete aA&yptiuebt mto else#. Mid ail lately for ibc now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at very low prices. Please call and examine. ja2s-lyif M. C. PADLTCB* Agent ISft EVANS A WATSON’S Isili salamander safer STORE, 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of FIRE-PROOF SAFES always on hand. IPJSITRAACR COMhAMKCw pOMMONWEALT V/ RANGE COMPANY, PENNSYLVANIA. DIRECTORS. David Jayne, M. D., Charles H. Rogers, John M. Whit&ll, JsliU 8, Wttlb«fi Edward C. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thomae S. Stewart, William Struthere, Henry Lewis, Jr., Elijah J* uea. DAVID JAYNE, M D., President JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice President SAMUIL S. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building, 613 CHESTNUT Btmti Fhilftdflpbfo. «04. if tT HOTELS. The w. loijis, CHESTNUT STREET, BETWEEN THIRD AND FOOHTII, PHILADELPHIA. The tli>d«-relgri« , d having kneed, Ibr a term of years, this popular house, have the pleasure of announcing to their frteidi*, and the travelling community, that it is now open for the reception of guesls. The h nine, since the first of March last. Ims been entirely renovated and re tilted, in a superior manner ; the apartments are large, well ventilated, aud furnished in modern style. It la centrally located, c&uV£ht£ht te aU tliv Hvpotii and steauiT boat landings, and in the immediate vicinity of the Cus tom House, Post Office, and tho Corn Exchange. gy Connected with the Hotel is aRESTAUIt.VNT for the ucconmcdatinn of those preferring the EUROPE AN PLAN. Prices of rooms from TURKIC TO SEVEN DOLLAR? per week, according to location. Board SI.BO ftp il&y. Tskbl** %i l flote fur naercbftntfl And business men. lrom 1 to 3 l\ 31. UKNKY NKIL, ISA AO L. DBVOK. mtiß-lmif A CARD.—THE UNDERSIGNED, late of the QIBABD lIODBB, Philadelphia, bin leued, fey * tern »r rein. WILIiABD'S UOTISL, U VPMhingtoo. They take thie occanion to return to tbefr bid friend* and customers many thanks for put fayort, tod beg to Manra them that they wUI be moot happy to M» them to their new quarters. BYKEB, CHADWICK, « W. JftilT Id. IBflt, anW.l* 8 UNITED STATES MARINES.— Wanted, immediately, for Uie United States Marina Corps, SEVEN HUNDRED A 4LE-BODIED MEN for sew evT-vlce. between the uses of eighteen and forty yoari. All information that may ha r&inimd will be given at the Rendezvous, 311 South PitONf Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS. Captain. mbs-tf Recruiting officer. i*;a SOLDIERS Should be aunt by UAttNDENU EXPRESS, «0t CHESTNUT Street They charge only HALE HATES, and eeud daily to Baltimore, WashinKton, Fortroaa Mon roe, aud all other point* occupied by our troop*. fos4-Sra* Flags, flags, union flags. India Silk Flans. 2 to 7 foat lona. iFPFTt*! Bunting Flags, D to 1& font, filusliu Fltmp, alUizes Paper Union Lanterns for Illumination. For sale in greatest variety and at lowest prices. W. TILLER. 32 South FOURTH Street. BUBNSIDE QUICKSTEP AND POUT IIOYAL POLKA, M jmrfwngul At thb Walnnt-fstmt Theatre PnbHahrd at MARSH'S Music Store, 1102 OHESTNUT Street. These arc t>eautifnl win positions. Pi ice 25 cents. MUSIC UP STATUS—OV 8 R MAISKII'S Mimic Store, 1102 UUICSTXUT. (private entrance.) TUo gte&teai variety and che-tpost iu the world, consisting of alt publications in the United States/ nihlKU* jSJ» WATCHES.—Our faoilitios for mXal procuring tho BIST WATCHES ■iW,- nhMu-pajwed, and we are aelliug them at very mode* rate prices, Fine watohes repaired by finished work* non, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. FARR * BROTH EH, Importers, fe7-H 824 CHESTNUT Street, below FOURTH. B\ TTEK.—7O Half Fiikins, Htriotlj vhoicr Crggiitu JiuUori rflcvlTrd mid fnr wlo b)T RHODES * WIliUAUiv 107 South WATKUStrwrt. H FIRE INSU OF THUS 8 CATS OT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers