LEXTER FROM NEW YORK. [From Our Correspondent.] New Tori, March 3,1862. The news of the death of General Lander was ru* taored in some, and circulated as a positive fact in others, of our leading hotels about nine o’clock last Slight—two hours, 1 believe, before tbe intelligence the newspaper press offices. It was doubted by some, received with hesitation by others* and regretted F>y ali. The misfortune-mongers took occasion to mix the event up with some reverse of the Union troops in Virginia—by military surprise or a sudden ‘outbreak of the inhabitants—so that to the grief for the Tnan was euperadded a little gloom with respect to our motional prospects. The publication of the true facts of ’the cue by the journals this morning confirmed the Former, but, happily, dispelled the latter feeling. New York grieves for General Lander as one of the •enterprising and undaunted pioneers of our territorial •expansion and intercourse; as a citizen or probity, good faith, and euergetic activity; as a soldier of undaunted •courage and calm judgment, and* perhaps above alt, as the husbaid Of one of her most popular, favorite ac tresses—Miss l>ave»port. The sympathy with this lady, ©o unexpectedly, yet gloriously, widowed, is very uni versal here this moruiug. General Shields' appointment as the successor of Gene ral Lander is approved highly. It is particularly ac ceptable to our Irish soldier friends, aud, indeed, to every cine of our people, whether they have Irish bleed in their veins or not. The Germans of New York are much divided in opinion »s to an object ot hern worship. I don’t think that in *ny one saloon iu New York, is there a-«3wiluger” disposed of without an advocacy or argument, as to the claims ot Sigel, B'enker, D’Utassy, or Fremont, to the -Motional or general adoration of the Teutonic element* 3ndeod* it appears, at some momenta, as if wo s nronld have fe German council for purposes of war canonization Bitting in the city at May Ojust simultaneous with the assemblage of the great convocation called by Pius the iNinth iu Home, with a view of adding a few dozen of ftaiuts, of different degrees of merit* to tlie ancient calen dar. Seriously, I can gee. that some of the more re flecting of the (immnii leaders are getting ashamed Of this course of action; the “ Sigel Committee ” which pnet regularly at Pythagoras Hall bei ig dissolved last Saturday. 3he Ci&rni&n politicians have made a grand endeavor to render the war feeling subservient to their own city interests, and to this end personalities and in* -sHvidualisa:, concerniug and in support of the German Officers, were promulgated, aud supposed with veWn&ace Cnd without scruple iu their circles. It is to be hoped that the dissolution of the “ Sigel Committee’ 1 will bring the practice to an end, and that the Germans of New TV'ork, as of other places, will feel and act only as citi zens of the United States and subjects of tbe whole Union, leaving their officers to gain distinction, or other wise. as they do their duty to the country and the Com tnandenin.chief Tbe Common Council of this city has adjourned sine liie. It is likely the members will not meet for some lew ■days, as it is desirable they should take some “ sound ings 11 in the lobby, ns to the effect which some of the tneaeures, now before the Legislature iu Albany, may fiiave on our municipal interests and their own private affaire. You will have seen that we propose another change In the constitution of the city charter, the build png of a railroad on I!road »ay, and the construction ot lateral lines of mil in almost every one of the side streets: cneof the motions, in fact, reads “for the laying of rails fin every street and avenue in New York.” These are weighty matters for Aldermaiuc debate, as Svgards present income and future position, and so the city fathers have voted themselves a little moment for re flection. The question of the mode of distributing the corporation advtutiting is also befctd both b?&i>«M,es of Abe Council. This matter “pays’' very well—both in chines and puffs—and cannot be neglected. By tbe pre sent arrangement, the advertising is given to a few of fcbe daily papers, with about half a dozen of the weeklies, fio the tune of aeveKty or eighty thousand dollars a year. !The majority of the weeklies here have no circulation Worth noticing, aud yet they draw some six or seven thousand a year each Iromthis “ pap” cup—ln truth, they exist on the fruits of a public beggary. Few read them, Bo that all competition for tbe performance of public •fork is destroyed, by advertising in their columns, Bud the contracts fall into the hands of a fe*r job bers In tbe Boards, who can thus afford to throw c* bone to the hungry proprietors, while they themselves juake a fortune. The demoralized editors tell these Ai tierzcen and Councilnien that they possess aU sorts of in fluence in their wards—lrish, German, Catholic, Know {Nothing, and Episcopal, (from tbe mitre down to the knock's frock.) and that “itmay go” against them if they fio not vote thorn their “ living share” of the public plun der. Thus you §ee the corporation«adfertiBing “ar rangemwtß” are important, and as they must be changed Boon, they are thought worthy consideration by the home Fireside or bar-room store. As a sample of this jobbery, let me tell you that one honest “religious” weekly ad vertised the resolutions cf the corporation, directing the Jfeltt for the Fourth of July last in the beginning of -August of the same year, while another heads a notice From the Commissioners of Taxes, ** Office of the Illinois Central Bailiuati Company*” iu iti issue of March Ist, 3.862. Thuß we progress. To what end ? We have just had news of the arrival of the famous or Infamous privateer JYhsAriHe, Captain Pegram, at Wil mington, N. C.« from Southampton, England. She has Successfully “run” the blockade again, and we feel Rnuchdisappointment at her success. However, we have She consolation—at least so they tell us—that the British •uitboiitiee did not permit her to take out any contraband cargo, and also that she will find it very difficult ever to •* run ” tbe blockade so as to get out a secoud time. If »he has escaped from the hands of Captain Craven, of tbe iTvscarora, she is at least locked up from inflicting pi rate injuries on peaceful traders like the Harvey Jiirch. The ateamßhip from Liverpool, and tho Borus* from Southampton, arrived here between the hours Of six o’clock on Sunday evening aud seven of this F Monday) murnitg. Captains Kennedy And Trautman moth report exceedingly heavy weather all the way flczoßS the Atlantic. Colonel Wood, tbe gallant commander of the New sork Fourteenth Regiment of State Militia, (Brooklyn,) wrtio hat been held captive by the rebels since the battle Of Bull Run, will At.joy A splendid reception from tho Common Council aud citizens of Brooklyu this eveoiDg. Tbe programme of the arrangements is published in •One of the city papers, and the demonstration promises *to be worthy, in every respect, of the man, the occasion, •trad the “ City of Churches.” It will come off “ rain or fcbine,” but I am sorry to say that, at the present mo xnent, the weather ia very unpropititOUS for the SCOHIC effect of the display. A light, drizzling rain set in about six o’clock this morning. Falling on the hard-frozen side-walks, it ren dered them as slippery as glass, so that out-door foco gnotion was a matter both- of difficulty and danger to those who had not practised the art of skating on the Central Park ponds. Towards noon the rain came down gnore heavily, and the thaw being more complete, people amoved about with more As I close, tue day .Bnd streets aro disagreeable as can be, and the people and out of humor. A few telegraphic messages, for business purposes, «rere received in New York last Saturday, from Nash •wille, Tenn., being the first communication of that kind which hag taken place between the two cities since the -*aily part of last eiutuner. It is lo be hoped that the Fact is propitious for the trade of this and future years, #*oth to Now York aud Philadelphia* Cotton Is being lauded here, both from the rebel States fend by reshipment from England. It is thought that the great staple interest, both at home and abroad, will ‘fcide over the crisis until tbe crop is fully liberated from Fbe South, and the “ jennies” of the world set in| mo tion once more. A leading broker in Wall street thinks that we will soon hare one hundred millions of dollar** in exchange, based on the receipt of cottonftom ths South, And it is thought we will soon receive over three hundred thousand bales from Memphis alone. Some persons re gnain doubtful of either eventuality. The speeches of Karl Russell, Bail Derby, Lord Car narvon, and others. In the Parliament Houses of Eng land, have given a “ heavy blow and great discourage gnent” to tbe rebel sympathizers about here; one enttm fuastic old -gentleman, in his despair of foreign aid, expressing the wish that both “ England and France fnay be visited by a bloody revolution.” Charitable ain't $t 7 but a fitting reward for the first countenance render ed by theso Powers to Davis and company. The new 6emi-submerged steam battery Monitor—com gnonly called the Ericsson battery—has just gone down Ahe bay from her temporary berth at the dry dock of the Navy Yard. The Monitor made an attempt to fio to sea, a short distance, a few days since, but was Forced to return on accountof tbe weather. The Monitor fis a formidable-vessel,mouutmg two very heavy guu3, aud From the small mark which she presents, over water, to the guns of an enemy, it wilt be almost impossible to hit fcer except by mere chance. We entertain great hope* of her success, which, if accomplished, will produce Quite a revolution in nur means of naval assault and har |bor In the midst of cur dearth of specie, tbe announcement fin tbe English journals that their people bare five mil lions of dollars’ -worth of gold at sea from Australia, ex cites a little jealousy: just makes our “ teeth water.” jAn up down-town dealer is just now struggling to get fiiome, to Harlem, with twenty-five dollars’ worth of cents about i»m t aud, no doubt, his wife will be well if bis strength colds out to the end of the journey. *That is, providing she is not thinking of making an insu rance on his life, as was lately proposed for some by tho skeleton bill of one of our dolons in Albany. Tbe French gunboat Catinety Commander Fouvre, arrived last night fivm Fortress Monroe. The Catinety an old acquaintance, is one of the most lively little crafts fin the service of hi* Imperial Majesty.' Our city hotels are toltrably well patronized* and a Few agreeable “hops” have taken place. It must be confessed, however, that, both as regards number and Income, we could accommodate a great many more Wealthy travellers and foreigners with much ease. At two o’clock, tbe cotton market was firm, with a gnoderate demaud. Flour was in steady request, but prices had not Altered. Messrs. WtUtenison, Griffith, A Go.* or the Eagle Mills, fiiave -just received a large order from the Government fin Washington tor the supply of coffee for army us*. Since the commencement of the war, the firm has for warded from eighty to ninety thousand pounds of tins Article every week to the capital, and I believe the pre- Aent order is on a vary extended scale. Science, Art, and Literature, Jules 1 Gerßiih the celebrated lion-slayer, i» getting Up an international African society for the purpose of • facilitating the exploration of Algeria to the learned so • • cieties of Europe, and to amateurs of the chase. This •project is about to be put in execution on a grand -£cale. It has received the approbation of the Governor •of Algeria, who ought to contribute to pnrge Africa jpf the Ueog and other wild beagte Which, tospitt '<the exploits of Bombonnel and of Castaing, be« come each year more numerous. Before the French • occupation, the Arabs, in order to deliver them pelves from these inconvenient guests, set fire to .fhe forests, and thus compelled them to quit their re porta. The superintendents of the public domains, who •fake care ofthe African forests, oppose this expensive ■Expedient: but the people of Tunis and Morocco, and all he tribes' bordering on the French colony, continue to -fmrn the forests in order to clear out the wild beasts. Tn consequence they take refuge in the French posses sions, where they are protected from fire—thus greatly increasing the number of lions within the last three or •Four years- One of the conditions required of the Inter national Society of Africa is to capture a great number ofthew wwntfa aUvoiv stock the /arttm dei Plante* fUTiii nmflar collections of natural history. Great cages .•haw been constructed with this design, under the direc tion of Jules Gerard, as well as instruments for captur ing them. The Art Journal , of London, pays a handsome •compliment to our young countryman, Thom, now in 3Paris. It says there are two winter scenes iu the mresent exhibition vtaich are passed as byFrere; ohey are in everything diual to the best by this painter of chubbr cheeksand ‘homely doeda.’ but thelignatare «lld not look like Uie bustling and angular cbaratterH or the French artist.' THe name la J. C. Thom, a pupil or af. Frere, Vho paints like his master in many thingn, Jbut unlike in others—the uulikeness consisting in better £>ack grounds. Photography is playing a prominent part in tho re* scent French military expeditions. In China, thirty piio* stographers went with ih* staff of the commanding gene .iiulr besides those who were organized in each corps. In Aike manner, Gen. 2.urencez has taken a body of photo graphers to Mexico, with instruments of all dimensions. •They embarked about the middle of February, together «with 1 rintiog facilities furnished from the imperial print ing establishment. The applications for admission into <2he corps of photugiaphers which make a part of tho <•**•edition to Mexico were very large. Mftna&y’s mow volume of poemi, just published in <£.« iidon, containssome'stanssason Burns, in which Mm -e. ■; declares that the angels in heaven havo found out ,-‘l . t B U rn° is a g«at poet, and are rejoicing thereat: «»Xba truth, afar off, found at last TUo triumph rung impetuously Thro* all the Crystal Palace vast Of white oterefty” M gimonides, a Greek gentleman residing iu '•Loudon, has excited considerable attention by claiming t£i. 'hanre discovered, in various monasteries ofthe Bast, ,-pj pyri, which«i»e ha* translated, and which form parts of th-New Testament in its very oldest version. —Tha'Faris women are excited about an electric head • c icSS invented for the Empress Eugenie. It is a crown "J uned of globules of glass lighted by electric light, and t with diamonds, rubles, and emeralds. It emits such au effulgence as to liaht up of itself a dark room, aud it «\er put into-genera! use will supersede the necessity of •g:>s jetsor was caudles. Every lady will be her own -e andelier. The-ealee of painting at the exhibition of the Young '.Men's Ant Association of Buffalo, last month, amounted ■’to $4,000. Mr. C. tt. Burns, a young and •promising artist of Philadelphia, bos ltft for the seat o! war as captain's •clerk, on board the gunboat Cayuga . —At theexhibitiuxi gallery of Messrs. Xnoedler, Goupil, -4 Co., on Broadway, there is a choice collection of very admirable works by some of out young American artists; Spanish views by Geo. JT. Hall, and by Colenmn, And five studies of forest ecenary by W. X* Richards of Philadelphia, of such exquisite delicacy of finish and su sn fidelity to nature, that a pre-Baphaelite might hlusu to -examine them. Thty have everything in them to cksut the imagination but the fresh fragrance of the green-wood •venue* they represent. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. Philadelphia, March 3,1362. The Stock market was firm to-day, with light transac tions. .No changes worthy of note have occurred iu prices, excepting an advamco of X * n Pennsylvania Rail road shares, and X* n Minehill Railroad. The Money market is quiet, and unaltered In its fea tures. The Sub-treasurer of the United States in this city has received $1,169,000 on deposit, as a temporary loan at 6 per cent, interest, from individuals and corporations. Of this amount $254,900 was in coin. Those deposits are returnable in tho some currency deposited, with ten days notice, on tho surrender of the certificates and a bill for the amount due, principal and interest. OFFICIAL BANK STATEMENT. WBBELT AVBKAGBS OF THI PHILADELPHIA BANKS. Feb. 24. ; March 3. Feb. 24. $3,932,000 $3,981,000 1,051,000,1,052,000 3,683,266 3,661,933 596,236 599,947 4,705,751! 4,660,8911,13t>,557j1,128,980 1,876,000 1,919,000 240,000} 240,000 1,882,0005 1,918,000' 235,8801 235,133 1,620,000; 1,593,000 3*30,000; 860,000 918,504! 890,365 229,661 229,801 683,991! 682,5Q3. 135,199 746,076 j 766.208 175,422, 175,597 1,712,945! 1,689,839 370,187 j 370,37 b 1,231,250! 1,233,110 152.220 151,710 646,357} 663,139 170,374 169,839 2,105,847' 2,128,211 337,999; 554,p90 498,976} 511,444 200,150, 198,70 S 658,175; 663,651 107,920. 110,484 929,101) 894,035 119,814 602,310 664,337 76,938 75,264 604,000; £54,000 101,000 101,000 423,000 j 436,000 73,000 i 73,000 Philadelphia... North America.. Farm A Mech.. Commercial Mechanics’. • • N. Liberties... Southwark.... Kensington... Penn Township Western Man A Mech •. Commerce...,. Girard Tradesmen’s... Consolidation... City Commonwealth. Corn Exchange Union 29,280,049] 29,39:1,356 5,867,686 5,881,108 DEPOSITS. Feb. 24. (March 3. } Feb. 24. #2,465,000 $2,3G8,000 #221,000}; 1 2,155,393. 2,091,627. 259,6G5 3,570,911 3,446,725 286,295 1,140,000[ 1,173,000 r 105,000 92«4U9; 007,559! 92,490 1,169,000 1,211,000; 77,000 731,453 695,363; 61,890 652,285 637,8(56 93,010 553,200. 582,815! 89.339 1,254,670 1,219,913' 59,435 617,710. 612,515 154,820 474,180 482,412; 80,000 1,021.979. 995.00 a 174,804 457.019, 460,776= 51,520 272,879. 271,921; 169,843 639,455' 522,274= 44,460 207,661, 203,169 111,969 849,000! 364,000! 42,000 217,000' 229,000= 68,000 Philadelphia... North America. Farm A Mech.. Commercial,,,, Mechanics 7 N. Liberties.... Southwark Kensington.... Penn Township Western Man. A Mech... Commerce. Girard Tradesmen’s.. Consolidation City Common w eal th. Corn Exchange. Uni0n....,.,... 18,777,300 18,541.190 2.230,605 TL© aggregates compare with those of preceding state ments as follows: March 3. Feb. 24. Capital Stock $11,970,190 $11,970,190 Loans 29,280,049...1ne..113,307 Bpecie • • •«5,881,108 5,867»680nc.. ~13;*22 Dae fm other Bko., 1,828,083 1,93a,414... Dwj. 107,031 Due to other Bke... 5,218,582 SJQO5 J QO* 1 Q03,.,1nc. 15,186 Deposits,lB,s4l,loo 18,777,300...Dec.230,110 Circulation 2,343,403 2,230,005.. .Inc. 12,888 Loans. Specie. Circurn. Deposits. Jnly 1,1861 23,967,200 6,688,39312,101,312 15,997,943 Aug. 5 24,211,527 8,743,321 2,058,574 15,941,881 28,557,26* 6,179,483 8,074,048 19,080,713 Oct. 7,........80,496,113 a,883,277 2,238,739 29,331,970 Nov. 4 28,431,735 6,764,779 2,273,063 20,350,941 Dec. 2 ...30,048,052 7,404,530 2,243,828 23,047,331 “ 9 31,160,502 7,266,912 2,337,490 22,991,035 “ 16.. 31,140,282 7,354,112 22,926,40 22,187,424 “ 23 31.060,001 7,167,266 2,113,650 22,548,463 <i 30 30,884,281 5,493,18112,011,179 31,048,610 Jon. 6, 1862... .5],04G,33T|a,653,T25|2 t i4a,Z19|21,396,014 .81,145,938 5,692,123 2,162,152 21,324,510 .30,601,160 5,733,459 2,120,756 20,698,396 “ 27 30,385,606 5,821,323 2,121,146 20,058,098 Feb. 3 30,385,119 5,884,011 2,144,398 20,068,893 “ 10 29,574,700 5,923,874 2,191,457 19,032,585 “ 17 29,388,544 5,849,354 2,192,512 18,692,182 “ 24,,,,.,,,,29,280,049 5,867,686 2,230,605 18*777*300 Mar. 3 29,393,356 6,881,108 2,343,493|18,541,190 The following is a statement of the transactions at the Philadelphia Clearing House, for the week ending March 1, as furnished by the manager, George E. Arnold, Esq. Clearings. Balances. Feb. 24 #1.866,151 33 #225,772 97 «- 25 2,433,848 21 286,305 49 “ 26 2,037,272 73 082,017 31 “ 27.,., .2,200.264 26 154,038 78 “ 28 1,996,866 38 173,944 48 Mar. 1 2,347,383 89 156,817 63 810,751,780 SO $1,380,096 66 Messrs. Drexel & Co. quote— New York exchange. , parol-10 die. Boston exchange # prm. Baltimore exchange paro# prm. Country funds dia. American gold 2 ©2# prm. 7 3-10 Treasury notes #©# dis. The New York Evening Post of to-day says : The stock market issteady and moderately active to day. Prices of the active stocks «re wlihont material change, anil will probably remain almost stationary till Borne decisive movements are made on the Potomac. The most active of the railroad shares was Cleveland and Pittsburg, ot which some 5,000 shares changed hands at 20# ©2o?£. There has been a strong speculative de mand for this stock at each session of the board for a week past. Ih* t»aik4t u-fts a sL»de lower at the close, umler ru* mors that General Banks had been defeated on the Poto mac. Prices, on the whole, were steady: New York Central 83# ®B3*^, Heading is # per cent. better, selling at 42#. The two Michigan Southern stocks are firm at an ad vance. The old stock sold at 24 V, the guarantied In state stocks there were n* Urge transaction*. Mfa s.mris were steady at Saturday**; price—s3# ©s3#. Ten nessee were in demand at a rise of 1 per cent, selling at 62 Government stocks arc firm, especially the registered sixes of 1881. Some #65,000 were taken at 03#, buyer thirty days. The coupons aro unchanged —92&.©92&. The fives of 1874 sold , xne r.«u Tmenry notes are in good demand for ,n- Ywelnn.nl. The small Dotes (under 61,000) soli frooly Bt 99#. The demand notes are no longer above par, but are returning to active circulation again. The banks are now receiving and paying them out &b <* current funds.* 1 The exchange market baa scarcely opened for the Boston steamer as yet. The rate on London may be quoted 112#® 113—the latter the geneiftl asking figure tor leading bills. Money is decidedly easier to-day, but the rate on call remains fully 7 per .cent. Tbe banks are lending more freely, and the appearances are that the Hurry growing out of tbe withdrawal of the demand notes wMi have subsided in a few days. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, March 3.1882. Hkpoatbd bt S. E. Slatmakeb. Philadelphia Exchange. FIBST BOABD. 500 Wilm B 80an.... 99* 47 Cata B pref. 7 2000 do 100 1000 Phila & Erie 6b.. 86 472.50 NPalatal Sep. 62* 32 Lehigh Val 8... 55 K-7.50 do 62* 24 Han A Mechs 13k 21 £ SCO U S 7 3-10 Tr N. 99* 8 Penna B 45* 25 Spr & Pine 8.... 10 100 Beading 8,, t ,#5 gift 50 do .......... 10 100 do ........85 21* 500FW1& Sun 7b.... 80 200 __ do .........35 21* 50 Arch-st B 17 K 20 do 46)f 40 do 17 X 8 Norristown R.... 46 10 do ..... Tt% 7 Phita & Tren R.. .119 50 Cata B 2 12 Lehigh Scrip...« 35Jf BETWEEN BOAKDS. 500 W ohesVfl..c43ll 72 12 (Jilbi H 2 279.02 Penna 6 S 3 250 Beading B 21? J 3000 Eluilra R 75...0571 150 do 2174 1000 Penna Coupon 6a 100 100 do SECOND BOAB1). 500 USCp 6s ’Bl 92x 1000 Delaware R mort. 90 1000 City 6s Now 97if 150 Schl Nav 6s ’82.. 68If 400 do Now 97 *4 21 Penna B 45=4 100 do New 97 11 do 45 if 50 Lehigh Zinc 12 10 Mechanics’ 8k... 22% 100 Sp & Pine B . .65 10 5000 Elmira R 75.. ,b 5 71 1000 N Penna 105.... 81 500 Penna 5s 83 1000 do 81 1000 US? 3-10 Tr N. 99 1000 North Penna 65.. 8734 1000 Pa 6s Reg 2 days 100 500 do 67if CLOSING PRICES.—STEADY, Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. VSTr 7 3-10 N 99if 99if Elmira 7s ’73... 70* 71 Jf Phila 6s 9134 92 Long Island R.. 1134 1134 Phiia 6s new... 97jf 9734 Leh Cl & Nay.. 51}f bl% Penna 5s 83 8334 Leli Cl & N Sop 35Jf 36 Reading R.... 21 5-16 21 y, N Penna R 1% 7% B’dgM6e’Bo’4S 95 97 NPenna R 65... 67R 67)4 Beading Bds’7o 90 90R N PeunoßlOs.. SOJIf 81 Bead 5165’86.. 77)4 7834 Catawisaaß Con IJ4 2 Penna R 4534 45if Catawisaa Pref.. 6-g 7 Pa R Ist m 65.. 99Jf 100 Fr * South’k R. 41 Penna R 2dm 6s 9234 93 2d & 3d-sts R... 62)4 .. MorrißClCon.. 41 44 Race & Y-sts R. 3 Morris Cl Pref.lll 111>4 W Phila R 53 55 Sch Nav Stock. 5X 6 Spruce & Pine.. 934 10 Sch Nav Pref... 12J4 12R Green 4 Coates 22# 22 R SchNav6s’B2.. 68 6834 Chest A Walnut 31 3134 Elmiraß 734 T>s Arch Street.... ITJ4 1734 Elmiraß Pref.. 14X 15R Philadelphia Markets. There is no change In Breadstuff*, but the market is dull to-day, owing in some measure to the rain. There is very little demand for Flour, and sales are mostly to bup ply the trade, at 85 for fine - $5 £s®’j 37)4 for common and good superfine; $5.50®0.75 for extras; for iemfiy, and SfO.&OffiT for fancy brands, according to quality. Bye Flour ia dull, and offered at $3 25®3.;j0. Corn Meal ia not inquired for, and Pennsylvania is held at $3. Wheat. —The demand is limited, without alteration iu price; about 8,000 bushels gold at 133a134c for reds, mostly at the former rate in store, and white at 140®145c, the latter for prim® Pennsylvania, By§ is firm, and Pennsylvania is Belling at 74c. Coni is dull, and South ern yellow is offered at 57c, afloat, without sales. Oats— -Ihe demand is limited and small sales are reported at 3*je for Pennsylvania, weight. Barley Is firm; sales of 500 bushels New York at 85c. Bakk is firm, and Ist No. 1 Quercitron is scarce at $33.50 per ton. Cotton—There is very little doing, end no alteration iu price or demand. Groceries asp Provisions. — The markets for both are firm but quiet, and the only sale we hear of iB 200 tibia Western mess beef at $130)13.50 bbl. Seeds are firm, Clover celling on arrival at $4.37)4 a 4.50 for common to prime; 100 bus prime Timothy solo <®o gQ bus. ■Whisky is firm, and on the advance, bbla selling at 27 c; 600 bblß Ohio on private terms, and drudge 24c per gal. Philadelphia Cattle Market, March 3,1863, The receipts of Beef Cattle have fallen off this week, only reaching 1,200 head. The market continues dull, and prices unchanged. The following are the particulars: 50 Lincoln, Lancaster county, #B. 15 Carr, Chester county, sB®S.2d. 10 Scott, Cheater county, 87®8. 55 KflnMe S Kirti ffllWtef county, $7«8,5Q, 20 Kennedy, Chester county, ft7.00en8.50. 114 B. C. Baldwin, Chester county, $7®S. 75 J. McFillen, Jr., Ohio, sB® 8.75. DU p, Hathaway, Cheater county, 57.50at8.50. 71 P. McFillen, Ohio, $7.50®8.75. 26 Cochran & McCall, Chester county, $7.50®8.50. 33 J. Seldomridge, Lancaster county,BB®B.so. 150 Mooney & Smith, Ohio, &&®B.oo. 17 Frank, Wwster county, 57,5«®8.60. 41 H. Chain, Pennsylvania, ST .25®8.25. <0 Aull, Pennsylvania, 87®8 25. 50 Haymaker, Lancaster county, 87®8. 20 Chandler, Chester county, $7.50®8 60. 00 J. Kauffman, Lancaster county, 87®8. 3.‘i Keftner, Pennsylvania, $6®7.50. 20 Kettler, Ohio, so®7. 18 O. Smith, Ohio, $7 aB. 15 Hachtoi) Berks county, 30 II Miller, Lancaster county, $7.50a8.25. 20 Snyder, Pennsylvania, SM>®B. 37 8. Knox, Lancaster county, s7®B 50. 30 J. McClcm, Chester county, 87®8.50. 28 A. Moore, Chester county, 88. About 100 Cows arrived, and sold at the Avenue Drove Yard at from 818 to $35 V bead, as to uualitr. The arrivals and sales of Sheep reached 3,700 head this week, selling at from 4% 10 ft, as to con dition. _ „ . . I,loo'head of Hogs sold at the Avenue Drove Yard at Jrom $5.75 to 86.25 100 tts, net ' The arrivals of fat Hogs at H. Q. Union Drove Ynrd reached 1,722 head, selling at from 85 to 85.50 for ttOMtt, and fs &0®g.50 100 fts, net, for corn-fod, w* cording to duality. Market brisk. New York Stock Exchange—March 3. BOARD. SKCOXD 20CO U S 6b ’6B. .Beg. 93)4 300C0 do 93 X 3099 U bOa'Kl roup. 92Jj 6900 BBSs 1862.80 g 109 3000 Tenn 6b ’80.... 61)4 2i060 Mioeonrl 6b ~... 68 8000 111 War 10an... 86 2000 lod State sb. . .. 78)4 1000 NY 7s 1870... 110)4 9000 NYGbIBO4... 103)4 5009 C B & Cl 8 p c.. 99)4 ICCO Harlejn K2d m. 90)4 1000 Hndß 3d.1.... 84 0010 Hud B Con 8.. 75 20 St Nicholas Bank. 85 20 Chatham Bank... 70)4 10 CumberlM l'ref... 8)4 60 da;...'. 8 Fine Garb Photographs.— As the Carte de Visile has become a ■* popular idea," we may properly advise our readers whore the finest of the.se neat me mentoes are executed. Beyond all ijuestlon this honor is due to our own townsman artist, Mr. F. Gatekunst, whose photographic gallery i» at No. 706 Arch street. Within the days he has added to hi* large col lection of splendid originals superior pictures of Hod. William Wilkins, of Pennsylvania, John Torrey, E*i, Hon. Horace Binney, Bev. J. Wheaton Smith, Professor Henry, of the Smithsonian Institute, and others. Mr. S. Z. Gottwaxs, the enterprising dealer in Flour and Country Produeo, No. 812 Spring Garden streot, in order to meet tho wants of his numerous pa trons, has just opened a new produce store at No. 602 North Second street, where he will have constantly on hand a general assortment of country produce, extra family flour, Ac. During tho short time that Mr. Gott wal* lias been in buaiuess in this city, he has de servedly acquired the reputation of selling the best and choicest brands of family flour and buckwheat meal; while his produce—which he receives fresh from the country daily—is always of the best quality, and as cheap as can be found anywhere. Those who have not already done so should give him an early call, either at his new Atore In BeCAfcd street, or at hU old place Su Spring Garden streot. t BPBOIE. (March 3. Genuine Italian Macaroni.—For tho bene fit of housekeepers we may state that a pure article of Italian Macaroni can bo had at all times at Mr. C. H. Mattson*?, dealer it) floe family grocerte*, Arch and Tenth fillets. As this Is so far superior to the imita tions generally sold, we have thought it worth while to call the aUention of our readers to the subject. “What will become of the Republic Thin interesting lecture, recently delivered at the Smith sonian Institute, Washington, by Charles G. Ames, will be repeated this evening, in the Beading-room of tho Spring Garden Institute. See advertisement. , QttIOULATIOK. ]5231,000 285,884 288,530 107,000 es, m 77,000 54,330 101,465 93,497 60,625 159,050 81,550 185,988 52,696 183,299 53,830 115,009 55,000 72,000 A Saddle for General McClellan.— It is said that a rich saddle and bridle, costing $l,lOO, intended as a gift to General McClellan, is n&w Lfelhg prepared in this city, by order of a number of admirers of that accomplished officer. The saddle cloth is to be of blue, gorgeonely worked with eagles, stars, Ac , in gold There will also be wrought in it an appropriate allusion to the elegant garments for soldiers and civilians made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bockhill & WiißOu, Nos. 603 and 005 Chestnut street, above Sixth, au establishment wliich the General always patronizes. 2,313,493 A Card.—The undersigned respectfully takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and former patrons, that. In connection with his fashionable stock of Military and Citizens' Beady-made Clothing, he will open, on March Ist, 1862, one of tho best-assorted stocks of Boys* Beady-made Clothing ever before offered in this city, all of wliich will be sold at one low, uniform price. A portion of the Store has been furnished for this department exclusively! in good stylo, and particularly private for ladies and children. We cordially invite all to call and examine the Btock before purchasing. All goods sold at 824 Chestnut street, under the Continental Hotel, warranted to give perfect satisfaction. Cloths, Cassimere.s, Testings, always on hand, direct from the best Importing Houses in America. Clothing made to order at short notice, and in the most fashionable styles. Also, will be kept on hand, a large and complete assort ment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, selected from the most fashionable Importing Houses in New York, and will receive our special attention, in order to be ahead of all competitors. Price low, and uniform in all cases. Silk, Alpaca, Cotton, Ging ham, and all other styles, will be found in our Stock at No. 824 Chestnut streot, under the Continental Hotel. Charles Stokes. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sM. W Williams, Perma W Coleman, Pittsburg D D Badger, New Yoik J X Hanford, New York I Seligman, New York Ww Judson Gl * Whitman, Boston F H Whitman, Beaton J Woodruff A wf, Conn J Y Criswell, Harrisburg J J Dull, Harrisburg I) H Cole, Baltimore A Bussell, New Pork F A Babcock B Snyder, Pottsville P Fisk, Pottsville F S Hunter, Beading N Ferguson, Bobesonla ?g J MurphF, New York D Goff, Massachusetts L Goff, Massachusetts G F Sanderson & la, Boston J Hecht, New York Mrs Wm Lewis, Cincinnati M rfi h W Jonas, Cincinnati G N Eckert, Beading B Wills & la, New lork HonT J Yorke, N Jersey J S Kendall, New York J L Carson G Keyes A* la. Boston G O Sanborn, Boston Wm B Low, USA Bev M Ames, Mass SSW W G Steele A la, N Jersey S O Day, New Eork MrsLymanjPerry, Mass Miss Hall, Massachusetts Dr Waylana Mrs Way land Miss Beach MiBS How W H McAllister, Phila C H Moorhead, It Island C & Stuude, St Louis ' J E Bathburp, Elmira J G Bem bill, Harrisburg Mr Brown, Pennsylvania C K McHough, New York Mr. ofi s*-~” Mltozas Yenezeula T B James. Nbw Yor D, Btidtl, Kew York . Dr D«»«»awa & son. N V C P Rundall, New York D L Bose. New Y'ork F S Kkllnnd, New Yerk W H Clarke, Pennsylvania J Gardner, Boston W Crow, StLonis B Bailey, Bath J F McPherson, Warren N Blun, New York J B Weeks, Newark, N J J Lord. New York W Bonlon, New York A V Greene, Maryland T B Fitch, New York Miss C Gwin, Madison S Parrish HUhe Count, Now York P Sherman, New York 8 Draper, New York W Bond, New 1 ork Frank 8 Bond, New York Gen D Tyler, Conn II C S Trumbnll, Hartford Horace Billings, Illinois - Tbo3 D Food, St Louis Capt E Napin, New York S F Jenkins, Boston H Holdrego, New York Gen Percival, Wash, D C Miss Bennett, Wash, D C A J Swanson E R Ward, New- York A C Schafer, Baltimore J P Hawes, Boston D G Bidgclr. Washington J W Edmonds, New York John J Marvin, New York W H Marvin, New York John W Brnff. Baltimore H Shirk, Lancaster co It H Brubaker, Lancaster co J C Kunkel, Harrisburg MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth at., below Arch. W M Lloyd, WiUiamsport B A Knight, Vermont J R Gardner, Ohio J G Miller. Wilkeabarre John McClintcck, USA Devi L Arnold, Pa John Mclntosh, Perry ville C S Palmer, Bucks co Miss Acton A slßter, N J Miss Miller, Salem, N J Mr Davis, Salem, N J D Stratton, Salem, N J John McGovern, Jr, Pa J 0 D Lilly, Indiana N S Faxon, Bustleton J M Sanderson, N Y J B Morgan, Poitsvillo K P Wilhnr, M Chunk Bobt Loctliart, 51 Chunk .1 R Mullen, Illinois John Smith, Pittsburg M G Einstein, Harrisburg Wm Maun, Jr, Virginia J C McCreary, Erie Geo Scott, Catawissa E N Crane, Now Jersey F J Lake, Bosten E J Friel, Boston A Doeblin, Philadelphia David Thomas, Pa Sami Thomas, Pa H II Meacham, N Y David Wagner, Missouri 2 Minekill R. cash 2134 AMERICAN HOTEL—uhesrnnt at., abovs Fifth. Prof J H Woodcock, N Y Jas B Field, Taunton,Mass E J Friel, Boston J G Nokes, Pittsburg J Rutter, West Chester A W Sears, Leavenworth E F Black, Bethlehem Sami Dickey, Oxford, Pa L J Miller, Salem, N J H D Hall, Salem, N J J E Thompson* Salem, If J Jos D Fancost, Salem* N J Wm F Dokee, Baltimore Geo M Bokee, Baltimore Chas Sboener, Tamagna Wm P Lander, New York AII Light, USA Simpson Hillman P Roberts, West Chester N S Rnnsohoff J M Frick, Mercersville D T Crockett, New York Abel Strulton, Camp Curtin Theo P Rynder, CmpCurtin A R Cusbman, New York Thos Deerin, Newark, N J Thos C Ingalls, Newark.NJ Geo Brown, Delaware G F Conradt, Baltimore W H Baggs, Smyrna, Del J H Cotton, Smyrna,*Del d C Barber, Delaware STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. James Hubert, Boston Wm Armstrong, Boston P Wistsr T M Mickey, Penn’a Dr T M Light, Mifflin, Pa B F Shellaberger, Penn’a S R Notestice, l’eun’a W W Keenan, Greensb’g .W Blair, Carlisle W S Davison, Pittsburg I»Ii Armstrong, Newport' Fa j S Sunderland* Fa. Thos E Watt,Latrobe, Pa LH Ogden, Norristown slAno:i 3—Evening. 21000 Am Gild. .stvo. .102 05000 do 030.102)4 25000 do ...102 75 Pac Mail 91 200 Micli 8 & N 1.... 24 156 d, 23)4 100 do L3O 24 75 Mich 8. gtd 48 150 do l>3o 48 150 do 47)4 50 Tit Cen acrip.......64)4 100Clev .t Pitts...63o 20 100 do,MO 20 100 do 1)30 20),' 100 do 20 5 Gal & Chicago 8.. 69 50 Erie Bailway 34)4 50 Ciev A Tol B 45)4 CITY ITEMS. The High Price of Wool.—Wool is now higher than it has been for forty.four years. This is owing to the large demand for army goods, and the ad vanced prices of cotton. It will not soon fall SQ again as it has been of late years, and wo shall be sur prised if the Hocks upon our hills are not greatly in creased. Be this as it may, however, we are informed that Granville Stokes, the Fashioner and Clothier, No. 609 Chestnut street, will aliU continue to dispoßo of, at unprecedented low prices, Ills superior assortment of seasonable garments, of which he keeps constantly on hand a large supply. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO 12 O'OLOOB LJLSf SietlT. MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. Stacy Brown. Browneburg J Hicks, Newtown A Middleton, New Jersey B Janney, Penna Bobt Beans 4 la, Penna Capt IV Croßfl, Boßton Col WuißutUr, Lewistown Geo IV Closson, Pa E J Coope*, New Jersey Wm H Headley, Bristol Thoß D Holmes, New York COMMEBOIAIi—Sixth street, above Chestnut. D Stubbs, East Nottingham B Hodgson, Oxford J E Bamsey, Oxford Lamborne, Penn’a Isaac Slock, Penn'a A B Bicbardson, Del B H Brosius, Cuester co B Pott*, Bridgeport E E Crawford, Wilm, Del J S Kirk. Chester co Goo H Stetson, Pelaivure J Stair NATIONAL HOTEL—Baca atreet, above Third. yj K I sham H Edmonds, Penna John Born, Jr, Sum’t Hall W Y Warner, Bch’l Haven A A llesser, Sch’l Haven Mrs Heichbold, Sch’l Hav’n Miss Itichards, Lebanon D C Sergent, Lebanon II Arndt, Penney lvanja BEYEBE HOUSE—Third street, above Baca. Mrs Barger, New York B Kaufman, Sch’l co II Stump, Pennsylvania M Winters, Trenton A Upton, New Bochelle Louis Sellone, Peuna BARLEY SHEAF—Becond street, below Tine. A Vandegrift, Eddington, Pa T, Andorson A la, Pa Mrs A Walton, Ocntrev, Pa A Bennett,Baltimore ea,Md G W Carver, West Chester Wm McDermon.W Chester Wm Colman, Jenklntown L Graffley, Centrevllle, P* MOUNT VEBNON HOTEL—Second ft., ab. Arch. D Yarengton, Wilkesbarre J Kinsey A la, Pa 988 John Totten, Mt Hope, Pa Geo Webster, Pa John Newman, New York BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowhill. T S Leisenring, Altoona Jos B Tbomilnson, Mo*g co B Bailsman, Allentown E Behrig, Allentown John Neiigh, Allentown Sasal Boyer, Port Clinton THE UNION—Arch atreet, above Third. S H Barber, Lycoming co,Pa C 11 Gest, Baltimore A W Poulson, Baltimore G B Mesaeramith, Ohamb’g II Williams, Port Wayne BLACK BEAK—Third street, above Callowhill. D J Harper, Olney D Davis Samuel Morris Geo RUne, AmityyiUe Pro! E BrueJ, Philadelphia marine intelligence. BKB FOURTH PAGE. abbived. ' Schr Water Witch. Hull, 2 days from Fortress Mon roe, in ballast to Twclls A Co. _ Schr Lucy, Spencer T 1 day from BraudywinOj Del, with com meat to R M Lea. • , Schr Golden Gate, Fleming, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with corn to James L Bewley & Co. Sclir George Washington, Steelman, from New York, in ballast to Tyler, Stone & Co. ' ~ t , Schr Fly, Cheeseman, S days from Port Moms, in bal last to L Audenrled & Co. Schr Samuel Croft, Cooling, 2 days from Chesapeake Citj ? with grain to Christian k Curran. CLEARED. Ship Wm Cummings, Willar, Port Itoyal, U S War Department. i Brig Judge Blaney, Coombs, Key West, Tyler, Stone *SchrC A Greiner, Young, Fortress Monroe, Tyler, George Washington, Steelman, Fortress Monroe, Tiler, Store & Co- Bchr El Dorado, Meekins, Alexandria, Noble, Caldwell Schr Pacific, C'ator, Snow HUU Md, captain. Schr Ella, Packard, Boston, J E Baxley A Co. Schr D N Rickards, Joy, Hatters* Inlet, do. Sloop Greyhound, Wallace, Alexandria, J B Roberts- BTTKLKORAPH. (Correspondence of the Press.) New York, March 3« Arrived—Brig Neptune, from Santos, and schr James Allderdice, from Gienfuegos. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1662. SPECIAL. NOTICES. ISiwEHHKI Office of the Adams IWW-gaBH EXPRESS COMPANY, 820 CHESTNUT STREET, PHiLADBLrnu, January 2T, 1882, The Adams Express Company having enlarged their facilities at Washington, D C., by building a Railroad depot, and having acquired additional capacity for tranuportotlcm, we now prepared to forward Hoavy Express freights, Packages, and Parcels, to Wash ington, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adauistown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made for merchandize in large lots. Butlers’ goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at our office. Soldiers 1 parcels taken at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and receipted fer at our depot, S. E. corner of BROAD and LOCUST Streets. ja27*tf Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia ! DYSPEPSIA cured for SI, or SI returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for SI, or 91 returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for 91, or 91 returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for 81, dr 91 returned! WISHABT’3 GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILL Is a positive cure for DYSPEPSIA. I warrant a cure In every case, no matter if of twenty years' stand ing, or the money returned. Price 91 per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of the money. Depot, No. 10 North SECOND Street. feB*2m L. Q. C. WISnABT. One-Pbice Clothing, of the Latest Bttlib, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. AU Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory* Our Otfs-Paioa Btsthm la strictly adhered to. AU are thereby treated alike. ■022-lr JONES A GO., 604 MARKET Street. Card Printing, Best and Cheapest fa th« City, Bt 34 South THIRD Stroot. OIBCULAB PRINTING. Beat and Oheapot fa th. City, at 34 Ssuth THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest In the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. LESLIE—O’DONNEL.—On the 26th ultimo, at Hay cock, Pa., by the Bev. F. I. Wachter, Mr. James P. Leslie to Hiss Kate O'Donnel, both of Bristol, Pa. * LESHER—HALL —On the 27th ultimo, by tho Rov. George Kempton, Mr. J. Olivor Lesher, of Fraukford, to Mary A, Hall, of Bustleton. # SELLERS.—At Pboenixville, on the morning of the 3d iust, Sarah A., daughter of George .11. and Annie W. Sellers, iu the 4th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, without further notice, on Fourth day afternoon, the sth inst, at 3# o’clock, av Darby. Caniagea will meet the Reading train at Thirteenth and CailowhiU streets, at 1# o'clock P. M. *# FURNESS.—At Wiilard’B Hotel, Washington, D. G., March 3d, George J. Furness, in the thirty-eighth year of bis ago. (Boston papers, please copy.) * PHILLIPS.—At St. Paul, Minnesota, on Sixth-day, 2d mo, Slßt, Pbebe D., daughter of John J. and Mary J. Phillips, in the 903 year ol’her age. ' The relatives and friends of tho family aro invited to attend tho funeral, without further notice, this (Third day) morning, 4th instant, at 11 o’clock, at Longwood, Chester county. Carriages will bo at Fairville Station on the Baltimore Central Railroad to moet the 8# o'clock A. M. train from Philadelphia. * HAWKINS.—On Sunday, 2d instant,of Scarlot fever, Miriam, daughter of Gcoigo W. and Anna L. Hawkins, agtd 3 years and 5 mouths. The relatives and friends are respectfuUy invited to at tend the funeral from her parents’ residence, No. 105 South Twenty-second street, below Chestnut, this (Tues day) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. * KOCHEKBFEKGER —March , 1562, Mam relict of the iate Martin Kochersperger, Sr. The friends of the deceased are invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, No. 538 Christian street, Ibis (Tuesday) the 4tb instant, at lo’clock P. M. * LANE.—On the 28th tilt., after a liugeriug illness, John A., youngest son of Joseph and Sarah A. Lane, in tbe 26th year of his age. Funeral irom the residence of his parents, No. 846 Nvrtli Ninth street, tlxia (Tuesday) moniiim at 10 o’clock. * SIEEL.—On First-day morning, 3d month, 2d instant, Jane Ann, wife of L. H. Steel, and daughter of Samuel and Eliza Leedom, of Delaware county. Funeral from her late residence, No. 940 North Fifth street, on Fourth-day morning, at 10 o’clock. * MABPLE.—On the Ist instant, Enoch Marp’e, in the 60th year of hie age. Funeral from the residence of the family, in Plymouth township, Montgomery co., on Wednesday morning, the sth instant, at 10 o’clock. # WEAVER.—On the Ist instant, Samuel Weaver, in the 23d year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his parents, No. 1340 Hewgon street, on Wednesday AfteeuACh, at 2 o'clock. * Besson & son, mourning STORE, No. 918 CHXSINIJT Street. (Goode re celved January 15tb to 31st.) Black and white striped and check Silks; Shepherd plaid Bilks; black Poult de Soies and Mossy Silks; English Chintzes and De Balmoral Skirts; -Lace and Bivieie Buttles; Lace Sleeves; Crape Collars; Blanket Shawls; Thibet Long Shawls, extra sizes; Tarlatan Bonnet -Ruches; Silk and Cotton Blonde Neck Ruches; Large Crimp English Crapes; Love and Grenadine Veils; Crape Veils; Wide Hemmed Handkerchiefs; Mull and Piping Seta; double-width Black Mousselines, Ac. feT 11 w HORfiCULTUfiAL HAbj4.;^flßn.-Sui>. NER BROAD andJg',*-'rrbpagation by Cut ject for discussicTt. It nn=»POST OFFICE NOTICE.—A supple (Tl? mentor mail for Great Britain, to bedespatched BoBto» p«v atoamer Niagara, will be closed at tlus office this day at 12 o’clock noon. It C. Aa WALBORN, F. M. rv r==» *‘WHAT WILL BECOME OF THE IL§ REPUBLIC”. —Lecture by CHARLES G. AMES, of Illinois. Oyjubt from Washington City ."^9 SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE, northeast comer Broad and Spring Garden Streets, TTESDAY EVE NING, March 4,1862, at eight o’clock. Tickets 25 cents, for sale at the Bookstore of T. B. PUGH, southwest corner of Sixth and Chestnut street#!. mhl-B&tu2t* iye> NOTICE.—A SPECIAL MEETING OF [| ° the Stockholders of the Philadelphia, German* town, and Norristown Railroad Company will be held at room No. 25 Philadelphia Exchftngo, on THURSDAY, the 13th mat., at 1 o’clock F. M., to accent or reject a supplement to the act incorporating said Company, ap proved the Ist day of May, A; D. 1861, and “ An act re lating to the Philadelphia, Germantown, and Norristown Railroad Company,” approved the sth day of February, A. D. 1862. By order of the Board, mhl-Btnth tlO W. S. WILSON, Secretary. ~ t- NOTICE.—THE ADJOURNED MEET II g IKO And Election of the Stockholders of the QUICKSILVER MINING COMPANY will bo hold in the cits'of Philadelphia, at No- 410 WALNUT Street, Boom No. 6, on TUESDAY, March 4,1862, atll o’clock A. M. FRANK S. BOND, feid-tuth tmb4* Secretary. OFFICE CATAWISSA RAILROAD Q 3 COMPANY, No. 308 WALNUT Street, ~ FniLA DELPHI A, V 15 . On ADd'after Feb. Ist, 1862, Mileage Tickets will bo issued at $4O each, giving the holder a right to travel 2,- 000 miles at any lime, between any points, and in No. 1 carß of Passenger Train of the Catawissa Railroad Com pany, Business men and others having occasion to travel fre quently between different points, will find tbj§ ftirftQS?- merit convenient and economical. For said tickets and other information, apply to U. STANLEY GOODWIN, Superintendent, Williamsport, or to WM. R. FISHE ft, Treasurer, fe2o-tbstu-lm No. 308 WALNUT Street, Phila. nr==» POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE. THE 119 Spring Course of Lectures and Practical Demon strations will begin on MONDAY, March 3d, and con tinue four months. Application for admission should be made at the College Building, West PENN SQUARE, from 9to 10 o’clock A. M. ALFRED L. KENNEDY, M. D., Bih3-6t President of Faculty. mo JOHN B. GOUGH’S FIRST AND ONLY 03 LECTURES this winter at the ACADEMY QF MUSIC.—THURSDAY, March 13th, More and At* Mas ters. FRIDAY, March 14th, Street Life in London. Price of admission as follows i Reserved seats in Parquet and Parquet Circle, 50 cents; Orchestra seats, 50 cents; Balcony, Family Circle, and Amphitheatre, 25 cents. The sale of Reserved seats will commence on TUES DAY MORNING, March 4th, at 9 o’clock, at the Box Office of the ACADEMY, and at MARTIE *’B Book Store, 606 CHESTNUT Street mhl-4t* ryr==» AVIS AUX LIONS DE LA MODE. U 3 Mr. F- Andriot a l’honnbor d’informer lbs Fkancaib kt lbs .strangers qu’il bst ac.iAord’hoi GKRANT DE la wXison, GRANVILLE STOKsS, 609 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA; II guarantis par sa position aux homines de gout, que sea vfetemens porterons toujonrs un cachet de distinc tion innimitable Bt a des prix a 25 pour cent au dessous deu’importe quelle maiaon. Sa longue dtnde etsapra* tiqne Tont mis en rapport avec les artistes les plus hahiles de sa parlio, taut a Paxia qu’a Londres, et qui lui fourni rons toujours les plus nouvelles modes et les miens por tees de cea deux payß. Avis a ceux qui tiennent a etre a I’avance des modes, rnhl-lm CITY COpnsSIONERS’ OFFICE, IL3 Pbilwdeiphiai February, TO HOTEL KEEPERS, RESTAURANTS, and others, desirous of selling Liquors by less measure than a quart.—Applicants for License will apply at this Office, as provided by act of Assembly, approved April 20,1858, on the following days, via: let Ward, on Saturday, March let. 2d and 3d Wards, on Monday, March 3d. 4tli Ward, on Tuesday, March4th. 6th Ward, on Wednesday, March sth. 6th Ward, on Thursday, March 6th. 7th and Bth Wards, on Friday, March 7th. 9th and 10th Wards, on Saturday, March Bth. 11th Ward, on Monday, March 10th. 12th and 13th Wards, on Tuesday, March lltli. 14th and 15tli Wards, on Wednesday, March 12th. 16th Ward, on Thursday, March Toth, 17th Ward, on Friday, March 14th. 18th and 19th Wards, Saturday, March 15th. 20th Ward, on Monday, March 17th. 21st and 22d Wards, on Tuesday, March 18th. 23d and 24th Wards, on Wednesday, March 19th* 25th Ward, on Thursday, March 20th. fe26-7t JAMES SHAW, Clerk. TTTAE BULLETIN.—Life-size Photo f V graphs in oil are now being made at BEIMER’S, at war prices, in pursuance of general order, at the gal lery, SECOND Street, above Green. It* TTNION ENVELOPES! UNION U ENVELOPES! UNION ENVELOPES ! OVER 850 DIFFERENT STYLES. Country Storekeepers supplied with twenty-6ve or a million. AT THE VERY LOWEST PBIOES, AT MAGEE’S Union Paper and Envelope Manufactory. No. 316 CHESTNUT Street, Corner of HUDSON Street. BEMEMBEB, 316 CHESTNUT Street, mh4-3t UNLIKELY —That the unprecedent ed popularity received by BEIMER’S Colored Photographs, for SI, would be bestowed upon them, had they not decided merit to claim it. SECOND, above Green street. 'D* A LL WHO WANT GOOD FLOUR A and Buckwheat Meal, should not fail to go to S. Z. GOTTWALS 1 now store, No. 602 North SECOND Street, as hit* celebrated brands of Flour are now used by the best families in the city, and are universally acknowledged to have no superior. mIU-tf KBIMER’S ivorytypes are the creations of skilful artists. 'A glance will con* vine© you of their rare beauty* The delicate tone of the complexion is perfectly rendered. SECOND, above Green. b* Fresh eggs, boll butter, and Poultry, received daily, at the NEW STO&E, No. 502 North SECOND street. mh4»tf Extra family flour, buck wheat Flour. Bye Flonr. and Corn Meal, always on hand, at S. Z. GOTTWALS’, No. 812 SPRING GAB DEN Btreet. mh4-tf tf you want cheap butter, JL Eggs, Cheeeo, So., go to g, Z, GOTTWALS’) Nth 812 SPBInG GARDEN atreet. mh4-tr FRESH POUND BUTTER always on hand at the CHEAP STORE, No. 602 North SECOND Btreet. . mlvl-tf JOHN BINGHAM, Superintendent* MARRIED. DIED. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. SPRING GOODS. M. L. HALLO WELL & 00. 333 MARKET and 2JT NORTH FOURTH STS., Wholesale Dealers iu SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Have open a large of freshly-imported SPRING DRESS GOODS, To which, with a handsome assortment of BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, SHAWLS. MANTILLAS. WHITE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES. And other goods in thoir lino, they Invito the attention of city and country dealers. mh4-tf WHOLESALE HOUSES. AND 54-INCH SKY-BLUE KERSEYS. SUPERFINE INDIGO-BLUE SATINETS, BLACK CADET AND OXFORD Do. PRINTED Do, in variety. BLACK AND FANCY MIXED DOESKJNS, FANCY CASSIMERHS AND MELTONS. IK SMftE, Aim ron sAus ox JOSEPH LEA. fe2o-12t 138 AND 130 CHESTNUT STREET RETAIL DRY GOODS. JR. CASSELBERRY WILL OPEN • TITIS MORNING, from New York, a bankrupt stock of CHINTZES, containing 847 pieces, which will be Bold at the following rates. The stylos are all new; 144 pieces Merrimack Chintzes.]2^ 44 “ Hamilton stripe Gill litres l'l% 31 “ Hamilton purple Chintzes 12)J 12 “ blackandgreenChini7.es.. 12)f 60 “ American Cbintzee 12)£ 149 11 Sprague Cbint7.es 12)f 134 .. Manchester Chintzes 1214 120 tl Hamilton striped and ligured Shirt- ing ChiDtzo§iiiixiti....i 12# 100 (( SchwaWs English Chintzes ,12# Merrimack Chintzes 12# American Chintzes 12# Hamilton Chintzes..... 12# Manchester Chintzes 12# Sprague Chintzes 12# Also, $0 pieces English Furniture Chintzes.... 12 if J. B. OASBEL BERRY’S Mammoth Dry Goods House, 4A North EIGHTH Street, below Arch. P. S.—The above goods will all be sold to dealers by the piece, at 12 cents cash, par funds. It j, B. C. gPRING DRESS GOODS. J. M. HAFLEIGH, niiecESSon to L. J. LEVY & CO., 723 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL OPEN, MONBAT, MARCH 3d, A selection of choice DRESS GOODS* in new fabrics and lato Paris designs, including FRENCH CHINTZES, “ PERCALES, « riQUES, . * SHIRTINGS, cCc. ALSO— CITECK SILKS. NEW STYLES FIGURED SILKS , FLACK TAFFETAS, GROS GRAINS, POULT DE SOIES, AND GROS DE RHINES. ' Just received* per late steamer, BLACK LACS VEILS, POINT LACE COLLARS, POINT LACE SETS. mh3-2t CARPETINGS. CARPETINGS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, NO. 519 CHESTNUT STREET, (OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE,) Have - ~ ~ —*- SPRING IMPORTATION OP NEW CARPETINGS: CROSSLEI’S yard-and-a-halfwide yelyets, 9-4 MEDALLION DO., ENGLISH BRUSSELS , ENTRA-QUALITY TAFESTRY, BRUSSELS CARFETS, WITH BORDERS, (of now designs, for Halls and Stairs). INGRAIN ANB THREE-PLY CARPETINGS, of extra quality. ALSO, 500 PCS. J. CROSSLIY & SON’S TAFESTR Y BE USSXLS CARPETS, FROM 874 TO $1 PR. YD., Together with a complete assortment of OIL CLOTHS, STAIR AND FLOOR DRUGGETS, RUGS, SEATS, Ac., All of new, choice selections, and AT MODERATE PRICES. J. F. & E- B. ORNE. lnh3-tf OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE. lIATS AND CAPS. ICC 9 SPRING STOCK IQfiO 100/W. COMPLETE. _LUUA/. O. H. GARDEN & Co., Manufacturers of and W holesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, AND FURS; STRAW GrOODS, FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, Artificial Flowers, Ruches, Feathers, Ac., No. 600 and 602 MARKET Street, S. W. corner o* SIXTH Street. fry a large and complete stock. The beet terms and the lowest prices. Cash and prompt “ time buyers*' are particularly invited to examine our etock, mbl-ara CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. riLOAKS— Handsome styles of well-made, serviceable gar ments. The best made, the heat fitting, and the best mfcfrrlrts for the price. A large stock from which to select. COOPER A OONABD, dclfi 8. X. cor. NINTH and MARKET. CLOAKS! The Largest, Cheapest, and Best-assorted Stock tntbeclfr* HOUGH M 00., No. 05 South TENTH Street, oelf Opposite Franklin Market FINANCIAL. QOLD AND SILVER AND QUARTERMASTERS’ CERTIFICATES, Bought and aold. 7 3-10 TREASURY NOTES Tarnished at a liberal discount. DEEXEL & GO. fo7ilm QI K non $lO,OOO, $5,000, $3,000, ij) And several other sums to invest upon Mortgage or good improved Ground Kents. Apply to ALFRED FITLEB, Conveyancer, No. 51 North SIXTH Street. Qty aaa —V EE Y DESIRABLE JpWiVVVi LOTS in FBANKFORD, clear of all encumbrance, and Gash, will be given for Ground Renta, Mortgages, or improved city property. Apply to J. H. WATERS, ft2s-tf 110 Booth FOURTH Street. <P I AAA AND s9,ooo,—This amount V Li V Vl7 to LOAN on Mortgage or Ground Bent. Apply to R PETTIT, ja29 No. 309 WALNUT Street fl*Q QAA —A FIRST-CLASS IM u)t)it)vv> proved GROUND BENT uf this anwrnit fcr MOe, at»liberal dlraoaiiA. Apply to ' 1. PETTIT, j4l No. 300 WALNUT Street. 1A BBLS. FRESH ROLL BUTTER 1U for sale at the NEW STORE, No. 502 North SECOND Street to”* " CHEAP PRODUCE! CHEAP PRO DUCE! at the NEW STORE, He. 502 North SECOND Street. FR CHEAP BUTTER, CHEESE, Eggs, Poultry* Ac., go to the NEW STORK, No. 502 North BECOND Street. ”»h*-tf TCTOW, OK NEVER, GET A PIC- I V TUBE worth having- Life-aiae Photogra>he by RKIMER are now made at prices to suit the times. Go to SECOND Stroot, above Green. lt * A BSISTANT QUARTERMASTER’S JnL OFFICE, corner TWENTY-SECOND and G Streets. Washington, February 28, 1862. TWO HUNDRED EXPERIENCED TEAMSTERS eAn obtain hnhiedlAtA AMfcleywent on applieftjion at this Office. Wages $25 per month and a uauy rahon* J. J. DANA, mh3.6t Capt., Asst. Quartermaster D. S. Army. /g, DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN PTTrtT TiaT for ig years, No. 219 VINE Street, above Second, inserts the most beautiful Teeth of tho age* mounted on fine Gold, Pletina, Silver, Vulcanite, Co ralite, Amber, &c., at price® more reasonable for neat and substantial work than any Dentist in this city* Teeth Plugged to last for life. No pain in extracting Teeth. Artificial Teeth repaired to suit. No pay until satisfied all is right. Reference, best families. fe22-4m Jb WATCHES.—Our facilities for Mat procuring the BIST WATOHBB mannfactand arc unsurpassed, and we are selling them at very mode* rate prices. Fine watches repaired by finished work men, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. FABB A BROTHER, Importers, - feT-tf 824 CHESTNUT Street, below FOURTH. BROOMCORN, HANDLES, TWINE, Ac.; Brooms, Backets, Ac,, for sslc hy G. K. BLAKISTON, Commission MeraßMßs . lalO-Sm aa B»nth WATIR Otsasd WHITE FISH.—I4S half bhls. No. I White Fish, for sale by 0.0. SADLBB A CO., Ml HM ARCH Street. fid door above Wrent. PRUNES.— French Prunes, in kega and boxes, in store and for Bale by RHODES A WILLIAMS, f f 2s 10T South WATHB Street. NEW PUBLICATIONS. rpHE EARL’S HEIRS! _L 11Y AUTHOR EAST LYNNE ! mHE EARL’S HEIRS! JL BY AUTHOB EAST LYNNE! The earl’s heirs? BY AUTHOB EAST LYNNE! , mHE EARL’S lIEIBSJ X BY THE AUTHOR OF EABT LYNNE! Is in press, and Mill be published on Wednesday, March 12th, in a large octavo volume of over 200 pages, targe type, double column, and printed on the beet and finest white paper. Price fifty cents a copy, in paper coYer, or l6T(‘Dty*fiVß Ceiitß in cloth. To bo published by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 30tt CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Single copies of 44 The Earl’s Heirs” 'will be Bent at once, Tree of postage, per first mail, on remitting fifty cent* to the publishers, in a letter. THE EARL’S HEIRS; A Ta!o of l>oi»estic Lift}. By Mrs. ELLEN WOOD, author of 44 East Lynne,” 44 The Mystery,” “The CasOe’s Heir,” 44 Dmitmlniry House,” etc., is a new copyright novel, and will bo found, on perusal, to be superior to 44 East Lynne,” and of much more absorbing interest. Booksellers, News Agents, and all others, will please, send on their orders at once for what they want of thta book at first, os it will be ready bo as to send ail ordcca oft hy Saturday, March Bth. THE EARL’S HEIRS! BY AUTHOR EAST LYNNE J mHE EARL’S HEIRS! J_ Will be published by PETERSONS I mHE EARIt’S HEIRS! -L WILL BE'7o* SALE AT No. 306 CHESTNUT STREET. It LIPPINCOTT & CO.’S PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. New and Improved styles, exclusively of our own manu facture, embracing all the various sizes suitable for the POCKET or CENTRE TABLE. ALBUMS FOR THE POCKET. Cloth, gt. edge, with clasp, for 12 Portraits, $0.75 44 44 44 44 24 41 1.10 Morocco 41 11 u 12 “ 90 ♦* « " 44 24 u 1.25 Turkey Mor. gt. ed.« . 44 12 44 1.50 “ *« «• 44 24 *• 2.00 ALBUMS FOR THE CENTRE TABLE. Cloth, gt. edgo, with clasp, for 20 Portraits, $2 00 u .« « u 30 44 2.75 44 44 44 44 40 44 3.13 44 44 44 44 50 “ 3,50 Morocco, ** 44 44 20 44 2.75 “ 44 44 44 30 44 3.50 44 44 44 44 40 “ 383 44 - 44 44 “ 50 44 4.25 Turkey Mor. Ant., with 2 clasps, 44 20 44 4.50 u u <# 44 30 44 4.75 44 44 44 44 40 44 500 a ti « 44 00 44 5.25 Yelvet, gilt mountings, 44 ”£0 ft §«7y u n *« “56 “ 0100 44 44 , 44 “ 50 44 . 0.75 R9"Any of the above Nos. with ornamented tooled edges, $1 extra. 13 Oblong 4to. bound in Turkey Mor. Anti que, two clasps, holding 100 Portraits, $3,75 14 Oblong, 4 to, bound in velvet, gilt mount ings, two clasps, 44 100 44 11.50 Nos. 13 and 14 with ornamented tooled edges, $2 extra. IMPERIAL QUARTO ALBUMS. This superb Album is intended either for the full-size oval Portrait, so popular la 4?ery household, cr for Groups and Landscapes, Cloth, elegant claßp, bolding 20 Portraits, $9.00 « 44 44 30 44 11.00 Turk. Mor. Ant. two olegant massive clasps, 44 20 44 18.00 44 44 44 30 44 20.00 u « * “ 40 44 23.00 44 44 44 50 44 25.00 The attention of the trade, and those who deal in Pho tographic Portraits, is invited to the above Albums. A liberal Discount to Dealers. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 22 aud 24 North FOURTH Street, fe28,mM,4,fi,8.6t Philadelphia. MILITARY GOODS. gKY-BLUE KERSEYS, (27 and 54-INCH.) DARK-BLUE KERSEYS, DARK-BLUE INFANTRY CLOTHS, INDIGO-BLUE CAP CLOTHS, SKY-BLUE CASSIMERES, (New Regulation, lor Officers’ Pants,) WHITE DOMET FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS, 10oz., 120 z., & 15oz. TENT DUCK. All warranted United States Army standard. FOR SALE ST ALFRED SLADE & 00., 40 South FRONT Street, and 39 LETITIA Street, Philadelphia. felB-tmyl AR! WAR!! RICH PRESENTATION SWORDS MANUFACTURED BT T 3 .A . UU •;w * 819 CHESTNUT STREET. A fine Stock of REGULATION SWORDS, SASHES, ana Rjuatib ou uouu. - - PRESCOTT’S NAVY REVOLVERS. Large Stock of Prescott's NAVY 4-inch and 8-incll Revolvers. Superior iu eTery respect to any other PISTOL introduced. „ COMPRISING STRENGTH, GENTILITY, ACTION, and ECONOMY j Or, In other words, containing all the excellencies or COLT’S, SMITH & WESTON’S, and ALLEN A WHEBLOC’S, concentrated in one instrument, thereby making this PISTOL the moat formidable weapon over offered for sale. . Y ALSO, The largest assortment of Cartridges eTer offered in the city of Washington, adapted to all CARTRIDGE PISTOLS. A very fine assortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Imported by Fellows A Co., Na. IT Maiden Lane, New lorki expressly for the Retail Tirade. A very fine assortment or Ladles and Gents DRESSING CASES. G. A. STARKWEATHER, NATIONAL HOTEL, • felSt-lm* WASHINGTON, D. O. Army cap buttons and SLIDES* manufactured at FIFTH Street COLUMDIA Avenue. *. IVINS. fe6-lm* Brass eyelets ! brass EYE LETS 1 for Blankets and leggings. FIFTH Street and COLUMBIA Avenue. E. IVINS, fee-lm* GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, pATENT McClellan ties. PATENT McClellan ties. PATBNT McClellan ties. PATENT McClellan ties, patent McClellan scarfs. PATKNT McClellan scarfs. P ATJSHT McClellan scarfs. at j. a. ESHLKMAN’S ! AT J. A. BSHLIMAN’ S AT J. A. ESHLKMAN’S! AT J. A. E3HLKMAN S AT J. A. ESHLEMAN’S 1 AT J. A. ESHLEMANS ATJ. A. ESHLKMAN’S ! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN’S NORTHWEST CORNER OF SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. THE ONLY CRAVAT STOBS IN PHILADELPHIA. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. THB ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. P. 8. The above articles, being PATENTED* cannot be obtained elsewhere. • •• . . P 8. No. 2. Men's Furnishing Goods, la every variety. F.B. No.fi. PATENT ENAMELLED COLLARS* lO FOR A QUARTER. s, deT-atnthSm ' Fine shirt manufactory. The subscriber would Invite attention to his IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, Which he makes a specialty in his business. Also, con —aSBSS. FOB GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT. ■ GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, jft. Sl4 CHESTNUT STREET, jafi.tf Four doors below the Continental. L£6ALt TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR X THE CUT AND COXjKTT OF PHILADELI’HIA Estate of ANN BBYNAN, deceased. The auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of MART M. BEYNAN, de ceased, w ho was administratrix of said decedent, (as filed by John Brynan, her administrator,) and to report dis tribution of the balance, will meet the parties interested on MONDAY, the 17tli day of March, 1862, at. 4 o’clock P. M., at hiß office, No. 213 South fcIXTH Street, Phi ladelphia. . mht-lutbs&t LEWIS C. CASSIDY, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR X THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of HENRY APPLE, Sr., deceased. Notice is hereby given that the widow of said decedent bag filed in said court hor petition and appraisement* claiming to retain personal property in the said appraise ment mentioned to the value of throe hundred dollars* under the act of Assembly of April 14, 1851, and supple ments thereto, and that the same will be presented for the approval of said court on Friday, March 21st, 1802, unless exceptions are filed thereto. _ JOHN h. SHOEMAKER, mb 4-tuth4t* Attorney for the Petitioner. TN THE ORPHANS’ court for THK CITY AND COT3NTJ OSTHILADELPHIA. Estate of PATRICK CASEY, deceased. Notice is hereby given that MARY CASEY, widow of said decedent, has filed in said Court her petition and ap praisement of personal property, elocted to bo retained by her under act of Assembly of April 14tb, 1851, and the supplement thereto, and that the same will be approved by me Court on FRIDAY, the 7th of March, 1662, un less exceptions thereto are filed. JOHN O’BYKNE, fe2s-tu&fr4t Attorney for Petitioner. THE AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY, Washington, February 26, 1862 The undersigned gives notice to the put lie that the mili tary possession of the Telegraph, taken by order of _lhe President, will make no change whatever in tho conduct of social, private, and commercial bnsinoss by telegraph. The lines and business ronniu in tho hands of the Tele* eranh officers, duly authorized by the War Department. B * E. 8. SANFORD, ja26-6t President of the Amorican Telegraph Company. A KTI-FRICTION metal, Xl. Superior quality, For tale by JAMBS TOCOM, Jr., . DRINKER'S ALLEY, jal3-2m* Bet Front and Second, Race and Arch sta. O BEEBE AND DUTXIR. —JPrimo Herkimer Count? Cheese. Also, Choice Goshen Butter. Constantly received, and for ealeby RHODES & WILLIAMS, 107 South WATEB 3trset. INSURANCE COMPANIES. gTATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE HUMBOLDT FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK, On the 31 st day of December, IRfil CAPITAL STOCK. Capital Stock, all paid in, in cash. ASSET?. Amount of cash on hand... $1,316 87 Amount of cash iu St. Nicholas Bank. 13,190 91 Amount of cash in hands of agents and ia course of transmission .a 4,031 08 Amount of loans on bonds and mortgages, constituting the first lien on real estate, on which thepc Is Has than cue ym’s in- terest due and owing » 168,000 00 United States 7 3-10 treasury notes 5,000 00 New York Stato stocks, par value $24,000, market value 24,500 00 Amount of stocks held by the Company os collateral security for 1 pn> TfiluoftSu.? t‘3o, market value $22 660, amount loaned, 17,467 00 Amount of interest accrued, hut not due 6,u71 38 T 4 LIABILITIES. Ajncunt of claim* frr losmbs which are in unit or contest«d by the Company.. $6,500 00 Amount of losses during the year which have not been nettled 1,100 00 $7,600 00 INCOME. Amount of cash premiums received.... ..... $71,101 60 Amount of interest money received ~ 15,093 82 888,195 51 EXPENDITURES. Aiaouokof losses paid during tiio year $41,430 67 Amount of loaaca paid during the year, which accrued prior to the year ..$6,204 30 Amount at which they were estimated in former statement $0,275 00 Amount paid for reinsurance and return pre- miums 7,036 84 Amount of dividends pfaJd during the year. T . 7 10,000 op Amount of expenses paid during the year, in* eluding commissions and fees paid to tig6nl.<i and officers ot the Company Amount of taxes paid by the Company, £86,772 g; william MULLIGAN, President. ALEX. WILEY, Jr., Secretary. SABINE & DUY, Agents, m. nr south foubth STREET, roh4-tuths3t COMMONWEALTH IIRE INSU KANGS COMPANY, OF THE STATS OF PENNSYLVANIA. DIRECTORS. David Jayne. M. D., Charles H. Rogers, John M. Whitall, John K. Walker, Edward C. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Strothers, Henry Lewis, Jr., Elijah Jrnes. DAVID JAYNE, M P„ President, JOHN M. WHITALL, Tice President. SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building, 613 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. se4iftf FOR MALE AND TO LET. ft TO LET—THE GIRARD HO- AsiOLTEL, on the northeast corner of G-IBABD Avenue and FRANKLIN St., with stables and sheds, mill-fit** mo LET—A Store at Hestonville De- JL pot. Inquire of MATTHEW BILEY, opposite Park Hotel, Hestonville. mh3-3t* ® GERMANTOWN.—Wanted to rent for the Summer, a medium-sized House, at* or near Germautown. One furnished ard with stable attached preferred. Apply' 1 to GEORGE L. CRAWFORD, No. 260 South FOURTH Street. mh3-4t Fir sale—a very handsome lot of 9 acres, at Chelten Hills, near Germftntown, Also, a finely situated Idt of 7 acres, in Bridesburg. Al so, a fine lot of 10 acreß, above Torrisdale. All of which can be bad at good investment prices if applied for soon. Inquire of J. D. BEINBOTH, mk3*3t# * 436 WALNUT Sheet For sale—a finely situ- ATED FARM of about 100 acres, near to Media, on the West Chester Railroad, desirably located and iu good condition, and worthy of attention as a couutry seat, or for division into small sites for cottage im provements. Apply to J. D, RJ&XNQCJIfhet. zaiviViv f aitOX' —A’ Vl> OALEj one of the finest farms iu Delaware county, miles below Darby, containing 176 acres, 40 of which are in valuable timber, the balance arable and in fine cultivation. 3TLi», nMUAttir ia Aa&irahla ab £ Or P 'n,h3.3t* 436 WALNUT Street. TO C A PIT ALIBT B —RARE CHANCE FOR PROFITABLE INVESTMENT.— The undersigned will sell the right of WELSH &CRO ZIEB'S BARREL MACHINERY, for Eastern Penn sylvania. This is acknowledged to be the best machmory for the purpose ever invented. For particulars address GUTHRiE & SILL, mlil-3fWlt 37 FIFTH Street, Pittsburg, Pa. WANTS; vxr ANTED— FIVE HANDS FOR VV packing on one-pound packages. Inquire No. 37 North FRONT Street. ll * WANTED. —A PARTNER, in an already falily established wholesale Drug Busi ness. Address •« Pennsylvania Merchant,” office of The Press, No 417 CHESTNUT Street, Pbila. mhl-3t* TEACHER WANTED.—The Trus tees of the Elkton Academy propose to elect a PRINCIPAL on SATURDAY, the Bth day of March next, until which time applications will be received, with testimonials, in person or by letter. The branches re* quired to be taught are the Latin, Greek, and French Languages, Mathematics, and such other studies as are required in Classical Schools. „ Address. J. T. McCULLOUGH, Secretary, fe26-6t* Elkton, Md. WANTED. —Old Silver, Plate, or Coin bought, in Urge or small auantities, by KBIDER A BIDDLE, Silversmiths, felO-lm* EIGHTH and JAYNE Streets. BOARDING. TWO PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH First-class Boarding* atittT LOCUST Street. feH-lm* COAL. IJOBERT R. CORSON. COAL DEALER. OFFICE, 133 WALNUT STREET, BELOW SECOND, fe27-3m PHILADELPHIA. COAL.— THE UNDERSIGNED beff leave to Inform tlieir frienfls and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH COAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STBEET WHARF, on the Delaware, to their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, where they intend to keep the beßt quality of LEHIGH COAL, from the most approved mines, at the lowest prices. Tour patronage is respectfully solicited. Oftjce, US South SECOND Street* Tard, EIGHTH and WILLOW. tnhl-tf ILLUMINATING OILS. OILI OIL 11 OIL It! HTJLBURT & BRODHEAD, NO. Si o ARCH STREET, HftYiDg opened a General Depot for tho Sale of Extra Refined and Lubricating GOAL OILS, would call th' tjneinl attention of dealers and consumer* to their refined ILLUMINATING OIL, u it possesses mm‘< beyond anything heretofore offered in this market, being entirely free from that glney substance and bad odor which characterize that commonly sold in this market, produce, no Utt&k*, and la free from all explosive properties. Orders from City or Country promptly at tended to. fe2S-2m QOAL OIL I COAL OIL I GEORGE W. WOOTTEN, 38 SOUTH SECOND STREET, AGENT FOB THE NORTH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF COAL OIL, AND RE FINERS OF COAL AND CARBON OILS. WM. T. JOHNSTON, President. oio. oesKNt swrotwr. Alao, Agent for SERBS, JUDSON, A BEERS' Patent Glaea Cone* for Lamp*, and wholesale dealer In Dlth ridge’a Patent Oral (fire-proof) and Eastern Flint-Glam Cbimneys, Lam pa, Ac. Burners to burn Co si Oil without Uhlmneyi. Gash buyers or prompt payers are respectively Invited to examine our stock. jaSQ-Im « T UGIFER” OIL WORKS. 1J 100 BUs. “ Lucifer” Burning Oil on hand. Wo guarantee this oil to bo non«exploBivoi to burn all the oil in the lamp with a steady, brlWant flame, Without crusting the wick, and but, slowly.Bbls lined.with glass enamel. WRIGHT, SMITH, APJBARSALL, • f*2l-tf Office 515 MARKET Street. i A BARRELS GOOD QUALITY ■tU CARBON OIL (non-exploelve) for sale, in lots of arc and ten barrel., at *l5 COMMERCE St. f»2O- 6t* Carbon and coal 0i15.—50,000 GALLONS now in store or delivered in Pittsburg. For Bale by WILLIAM M. WILSON, 20S MARKET Street. Special contracts made with shippers for OUs deli* vexed at the wella or at any Atlantic povv, in f ‘glass lined” barrels. Hair-dyeing in the highest style of the act, at FOURTH ppd. BRANCH. NEW YORK AUCTION SALE. DANIEL H. BURDETT, Auctioneer. T>Y BURDETT, JONES & CO., JIJ STORE 109 WALL Street, New York. On WEDNESDAY, March 5, At 12 o’ctock, at Wheeler's Atlantic Dock, Stores No. 04 Atlantic Dock, Brooklyn. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SALE Of SEA ISLAND COTTON, By order, and under the direction of Hiram Barsoy, Esq., Collector of Ibe Port of New York. SEA ISLAND COTTON. 8.1. COTTON.—2OO bales prime Sea Island Cotton, fa perfect merchantable condition. Catalogues and samples will be ready for examination at our store* 109 WALL Street* three days before the sale. N. B.—The ateamtug Tiger will be at the barge office, Whitehall, at 15 minutes before 12, to convey purcha sers to and from the sale. mhl-tO ...s*>oo,ooo 00 A MEItICAN ACADEMY OF MU- Xx. sic. READING OF MB JAMES E, MURDOCH, VOLUNTEER REFRESHMENT JSAftQQtftit On TIRRSDAV EVENING, March oth. “THE WILD WAGONBRof the ALLXGFIAKTES." A unpublished patriotic po6m of the days of Admission 50 ceuts. No extra charge fur rosorvod scats. Tickets can be procured on Monday and Tuesday, at the Music Store of Mr. J. E. GOULD, 9. F. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, after which tlwy can onfy be had at the office of the ACADEMY, between the hours of 9 and 5 o'clock, mb3-4fc Concert hall, CHRdTNUT STREET, above TWELFTH, GE9RGB CIIJUSTrS MINSTRELS, Comprising FIFTEEN ef the most talented Minstrel pcrJornicrii ! n III? United SIMM, UU<% jtl? Iwnodi.to direction of the great Comedian, 9^GEORGE CHRISTY 5 The acknowledged LEADER of the Ethiopian Drwn»t and the first Minstrel Comedian In the world. THE GREAT STAR TRQUpj$ J will appear as above: Particulars in small bills. Admission 25 cents. Doors open at a quarter to 7, coinmencs at 7 V. n»k4 3t JOHN P. SMITII, Business Agent WALNUT-STREET THEATRE— NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Sole LeflflOfi MBB. M. A. GARBXTTSOV. TO-NIGHT, AND EVERY WIGHT THIS WEEK. The n&ntsuß&Ki uhouiiclS ivlth pleasure an ongago* incut with tho world-renowued PAN RICE, And his talented Company of Equestrians, among whom are the following stars: JAMES KELLYILLE, ALBERT AYfiTAR, F. H. ROSSTUK, and ELLA ZOYAIIA and CHILD, The famed and heafijjful blind Hone EXCELSIOR* Jjl* ami tho COMIC MULES. 24,301 10 4,000 00 Wednesday dnfl Saturday fcfternoon performances at half paßt 2 o’clock. Pbices—so, 37*, 76, att4 & cents; Private Boies, $5 and $3, according to theft foiafe. Doors open at quarter to 7. To oommende at 7 If. mhoifit TLTRS. JOHN DREW’B iU AJtCJI-STREKT THBATMS. Acting Stags Manager W. S. VRBDEBIOKB. Business Agent and Treasurer JOS. D. MURPHY. Wl .. STILL TRIUMPHANT I • Eighth Week. Eighth Week of JOHN DREW. JOHN DREW. TO-NIGHT, AND EVERY NIGHT, THE COMEDY OF ERRORS. Philadelphia. Dromio, of Ephesus. Dromio, of Syracuse, To conclude with THE SERIOUS FAMILY. Oapt. Murphy Maguire. Mr?. OrmebyDelmain. BBT Prices as usual. Curtain rises at % after 7 o’clock. MT Beats secured three days in Advance. mho-St CONTINENTAL THEATBE. TWO WEEKS HOSE GREAT MORAL ENTER! AINSIENT, In Six Acts and Nine Tableaux, entitled ¥NO L E TOM’S CABIN, OR LIFE AMOXG THE LOWLY. 100,000 PERSONS II live already wllcest-inl this gr«?at piece, ami THE DESIRE TO SEE IT Continues undiJiiiuiMiwl. A GRAND MATINEE ON SATURDAY AFTER-/ NOON. mh3.6i LM. GOTTSCHALK.—Ur. GRAtT • hap the honor to announce that* encouraged br the imprem dieted aliened of the recent Concert in this city, and at the ardent solicitations of many musical friends and admirers of Mr. GOTTSCHALK, he has con cluded to give one more GRAND CONCERT In Philadelphia,on MONDAY EVENING, March 10th. On that occasion, Mr. GOTTSCHALK will perform some entirely n< iv and charming Morceaux, never before pi&vod in ihifi city- Mr, COTTSUHaLh will he assist ed by . MI3S HINCKLEY". BRIONOLI, MAXCTSI, SITSINT. Director aud Conductor. MAX MaRETZEK. Tlie wHJ r-nmmunce on Thursday, March __ftiuLU}u>Lti>i>Y . . 4l ■ mhl-4t __ _ ; n rand union ball, It is donor op thk ri W'Tkß?MWsXW^ ies TO BE GIVEN AT THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 4, 1882, UNDER TUB AURPICBS OP Honorable ALEXANDER HENRY. Rrigadhr General F. E. PATEB9ON. Commodore C. J. PENDERGRAST, U. S. N. Commander THOMAS TURNER, U. S. N. Major JACOB ZEILIN, U. S. M. Captain WILLIAM 8. OGDEN, U. S. N. Lieutenant FAIRFAX* U. S»N» ~ FmnuAii Rogvre, Jatoea I», vi&sbcrb, Wm. Camac, Thomas Sparks, J. W. Grigg, Isaac 8. Waterman* >Vsn. B. Angier, dement O. Barclay* Wm. B. Harrison, R. M. Hooper, Edward Sbippen, Jameß D. Smith* A. Murray Stuart, W. S. Vaux, 0, Dayis* ptianeWitiioms, Wm.n.Kern, Josiah Randall, Wharton Chancellor, E. S. Whalen, Jr , George Moore, Richard A. Lewis, William Mann, J. William Small, Alexander Heron, Robert E. Randall, Cornelias Valborn, S. E. Stokes* Edward A. Menoh, P. S. Hutohinßon, John Rice, s. J* Megarge, A G.Gaw, R. J Hemphill; Henry R. Cogshall, 8. Morris Adams, Wm. J. Reed, John Thornier, Lewis Bitting, J.B. Craig, James Freeborn, A. J. Bucknor,. jr. A. Godwin, I>r. A. de Lippe, Thctnas O. Neill, R. V. Shannon, J. Conklin, Henry Neil, James 11, Qnif, I .11- T> P.« Slli-er, And other Artis giustod citizens. Master of Ceremonies M HLABKO* Assisted by a number of well-known Gentlemen. _ The Music under the directi m of the HASSLE* BBOTHEBS. . . The Academy on this occasion will bo most gorgeously decorated and illuminated. Family Tickets, admitting a gentleman and ladies...... JJ Ticket admitting a lady and gentleman 3 00 Gentleman’s Ticket •**••••• 200 Subscription Book open daily at the Academy of ani sic and at the Continental Hotel. The music tor Promenade will commence at 8 o’clock. Panciog at 9 o’clock, . . _ Carriages will set down heads south; take up head* north. 1 his rule will be strictly enforced. , , _ The Wardrobe Rooms will he placed In the hands of obliging and experienced persons. fe24,2fi,27mh1,3,4-6t Assembly buildings, tenth and CHESTKUT DAVIS’ PANORAMA. ON AMERICA AND TBS GREAT REBELLIOITt Fourteen thousand fist or canvas and oue hundred and two ecenee. Open EVERY NIGHT and on Wednesdap and Saturday afternoons, for Ladies and Children. fe2T-12t* Germania orchestra. OARIi SENTE, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at W o’clock P. M., at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Package ef Eight Tickets, #1; Single TicketSjM ota. To bo had at Andre’s, 1104 Chestnut street, J. X. Go aid’s, Berenth and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hall. ooM ■ PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Of THE FINE ABTB, 10M CHESTNUT Street, R open dally, Bondsye exoeptod, from 9A. M..till 6P. a. Admission 36 cents. Children under twelve yea** Uiir price, Sheree of Stock. WO. ptRAB-APPLE CIDER,} - OLD CURRANT WINE , OCR USUAL SUPPLY, JUST ‘RECEIVED. ALBERT O, ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, jaR-tf Corner of ELEVENTH and VINE Bte. IV/TACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, J.VJ- SALMON, Ac,—3,000 bbls, Mess Nos, 1,8, and B MACKEREL, large, medium, and small, m assorted packages of choice, late-caught fat fish. 6,000 bbls. New Halifax, Eaßtport, and Labrador Her rings, of choice nuahtles. 6,000 boxee extra new scaled Herrings. 8,000 boxes extra new No. 1 Herrings. 4,000 boxes large Magdaline Herrings. 260 bbls. Mackinac White Fish. 60 bbls. new Economy Mbbs Shad. 25 bbls. new Halifax Salmon. 1,000 auintals Grand Bank Codfish. 600 boxes Herkimer County Cheese. In store and landing, for sals by MURPHY k KOONS, nos No. 146 North WHARVES. RBs LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT RE ISPMOVEf) to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, near tneFranklinlnstitute. . . , The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and being determined to'merit future patronage, has secured an elegant and convenient store, and has now oo hand a large assurtraent of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and drilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (Cw .opbr pt?i?tly fir? wd biirglor proof i&feS Iliad?,) Lltiivi Unequalled Bank Yault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie's Bank Vault Poors and Locks will ba furnished to order on short notice. This is the strongeßty.best pro* tected, and cheapest Boor and Lock yet offeredi Also, particular attention is called to LtfUe’a Now Cabinet Safe, for Plato, Jewelry, Ac. Thiaihfe ia eon* ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet if* fered Tor tbis purpose, and is the only ono-that is itricur fire aud burglar proof* Special Notice.— l have now on headway twenty of Parcel, Herring, A Go 's Safes, most of U«w» and some forty of other makers, coccpaising a complete assortment ae to sizes, and all lately exchanged for the now celebrated Lillie Safe, They will be sold at very low prices. Please call aud examlae. jttis-ljif H. C. SAAU&, Agent. ■Bta EVANS & WATSON’S SBM SALAMANDER SAFES, STORE, 16 SOUTH F CURVE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of EJBJt-BROOIf SAFES ajway* <m hand. ’ SOLDIERS Should be sent by HARNDEN’d EXPRESS, SOT CHESTNUT Street, Thar charge only HALF BATES, and Bend doily to Baltimore, Washington* Fortress Mon* roe, and att other points ocoupiod by oni: troops > fe2i»OPiw riIRCULAR PRINTING, BEST V/ ml Cbeepeet in the Oily, EWfiVAbT S BBOWVB, M South THOU) Shat wm AMUSEMENTS- FOR THE IIBXKFrt OF TTIB SUIUSOT Berent)>six, by MR. T. BUCHANAN READ, John Drew* Mr. Frank Drew. ......John Draw. .Mrs. John Drew groceries. SAFES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers