THE LATE STOBJL—The storm which pro Walled on Friday night and during the better (or worse) portion of Saturday, although drearier and -dhenaller then. any other storm that has vatted 11362, did leas in Ow way of damage than reason .able people bed expected. Between ten and eleven o'clock on Friday night, a gale struok the ship Wyoraing, lying at Walnut ..ntreet wharf, with considerable violence; where upon her stern cable parted, and she swung around with suspicious intentions. Fortunately, however, -on!" of her fenders striking the pier below pre. Tented any more serious collision. A new cable lira got out, and the vessel, being secured tem. oe hauledback to her drat position after • ' In the Twentyfourth ward the wind was equally • demonstrative. A - number of signs, some of them rather heavy, were torn from their fastenings, and •sarrled around promiscuously for a while. -In the Delaware, the tide rose to an unwonted :height, as though swelling with indignation at the `turn of mUnioipal affairs, but nothing serious came :of it. In the'Scbuylkill, the water rose to within :st foot of the wharf-tops; more then this, it bare on 'its turgid bosom countless salmi of ice, just of eon. tvenient size for handling. So, at several points on :the weal aide of the river, ice-slides wore let down 'into the water, and crowds of men, all mailed up, ;gathered the floating cakes with hooka, gleaning a Tith -harvest. We saw several cart•loads of the w redeemed" ice piled up on several of the wharves tbelow the Wire Bridge. FIRE AND ACCIDENTS.—About a quarter of ,31 o'clock on Saturday evening, a fire occurred on the south side of Willow street, above Thirteenth, in the three-story store building known as the Tl'eg_g's Run Steam Works, owned by estate of Peter A. Browne, deceased. Thebuilding was partially co .impied by Thomas Schofield, carder and gamier of wool and shoddy, and who was engaged in prepar ing yarn for army kerseys. One room was also cc .eupied by Joseph Bailey, manufacturer of fancy work tables. A one-story frame attachment was no -onpied by .1. P. Reed, turner, engaged in making tent buttons, slips, and flag poles. The flames originated accidentally in the drying- TOM; extending to the third story of the smith „portion of the building, and doing considerable damage. The loss to the-building and fixed ma ohinery is about $1,500, which is fully a overed by - insurance in the State of Pennsylvania Company. Mr. Bailey's loss is $4OO, with no Insurance. Tic loss of Mr. Reed, principally by water, will reach about $5OO, fully insured in the Royal. The ma ,ehinery belonging to Mr. Schofield was damaged to the amount of $3OO, which is insured fully in the same Company. The firemen were soon on the spot, and the dames speedily extinguished. O. the evening of the 19th of October, 1860, this lading and contents were damaged by fire to the amount of $20,000. In the year 1851, two small tees 'occurred in the building—one originating in the shaving hole near the, femme, and the other in the drying room. About ten days since, a small dire also occurred in the drying room. While the Hope Steam Engine Company was pro ,ceeding to the fire, when turning the corner at , Sixth and Pine streets, the wood-cart accidentally .came into collision with the steamer of the South wark Hose Company. The wood-cart of the Ilotick was turned completely over, with the engineer tin der. He was dragged a short distance under the cart, and was badly injured. The tongue of the William Penn Hose was also _Slacken while proceeding to the fire. BEPETTTION OF A VAN COTT SWINDLE.—A. day or two since, a man dressed in the garb of a soldier called at the residence of Mr. Howarth, in the tautens part of the First ward, some distance below the navy yard, and stated that a son of his {Mr. H.) belonging to Baxter's Fire Zouaves was Trilled In battle with fifteen others; and their bodies 'would be at the Baltimore depot that night or next 'morning. The story gained currency, and many ,persona were thrown into the most intense excite ment and sorrow. The fellow who put this report - Into circulation said that be was deputed to see that the bodies of his slain comrades ware properly delivered to the relatives All he bad to pay was only two dollars, as freight on each body. This -sum was handed to him by Mr. Howarth, and the swindler agreed to meet Mr. H. at the depot, to 'hand the body over to him. He has not since been 'seen. AeornEscrar, FIRE.—On Saturday morning, libout 5 o'clock, .a fire occurred in the building at 1ie..^403 north Front street, owned by Mr Samuel Stevenson, and occupied as a tenant house by several families. The Ant floor on the front was occupied as a shop by an old woman, named Mary • Ann Reed. The flames originated in this apart ment, from a spark from a candle in the hands of a little grandson of Mrs. Reed, who bad been sent by her into the shop to obtain some medicine. The boy was not aware he had set fire to the place, and the flames were not discovered until about an hour afterwards, by the family who occupied the second story. This family were nearly suffocated by the dense smoke, and made a narrow escape with their 'lives. The shop, with all its contents, was entirely /destroyed. Mrs. Reed's loss is about 550, upon wbioh there is no insurance. . WANTED A GUABDIA.II.—A lad giving the name of Levy Carroll, aged about sixteen years, called upon ex-blarshat John 8. Keyser last week and asked him to become hie guardian as he wished to join the Union army. Mr. Keyser questioned the lad as to where be came from, and the youngater, who was dressed in reddish lihsey woolsey jacket and trowsers, said that he had neither father nor mother ; that ho lived in Monroe county; Pennsylvania, and desired to enter the army, but could not do so unless he had a guardian. Dir. Keyser toolitthe lad before Judge Allison, and, after a brief examination, the proper document was drawn up by his honor, and the ox.marshal at once found himself the legalrepresentative of the youth. Therearsbal took him home, and will treat him as Lie own child. In the meantime, it is probable that he will make further inquiry respecting the pre vious character, position, and career of the young stranger. If all is right, the army will speedily have the addition of a member who can handle a rifle, it is said, with extraotdinary precision. TEE NEW POST OFFICE AND COURT HOUSE. —The following bill was reported last week by the Senate Committee on Post Offices in relation to the Government property Immediately west of the Custom House : "A bill to repair and complete the Post Office and Court louse an Philadplpiva. "That the Postmaster General be, and is hereby, iautborized and empowered to carry into effect the provisions heretofore made by law for refitting and preparing, in the city of Philadelphia, the building now owned by the United States on Chestnut street, -for the use of a Post Office, and the holding of the - United States Court in said city : Provided, never 4tkeless, that the whole expense of said alteration and improvement shall not exceed in cost the un expended balance heretofore appropriated by him for that purpose." This act repeals the former ono, which appointed *commission, consisting of the Postmaster General, Attorney General, and Secretary of the Treasury, to superintend the alterations, and places the entire control of the subject in the bands of the Postmas ter 'General. The bill was reported to the Senate 'toy Mr. Collamer. THE BIRTHDAY OF SCOTIA'S BARD.—The 103 d anniversary of the birth of 'Robert Burns, the immortal poet of Scotland, was celebrated on Sa turday evening, by the Burns Association, at the Et. Louis Hotel. There were no speeches on the occasion, but each toast was responded to with a song. The following is a list of the toasts : -1. "The Memory of Robert Burns, The Pride of f3cotlend, The Poet of the World." (Mr. Mclntyre.) 4.llantheßobin." 2. Auld Scotia, Land of the Broom and the Hea ther." (Mr. Bobb.) "Scots who bee." -3. "The land we live in, and all Reconstituted Aldine iitlea." (Mr. White.) "Star Spangled Banner." Cho sus by the company. 4. "The Queen of Great Britain. Endeared to her people by all the virtues that adorn her sex.. We arm liatthiga with her In her recent bereavement." "God Save the Queen," by Messrs. Bobb, Mclntyre, and White. .5. "Burns associations throughout the world. They 'honor themselves by perpetuating the memory of no luxes nobleman. moat, plenty o' data°, Wt' Leann[ to wear them a' your days; A great big haggis, a muckle apane, A laughla' tittle when matter's dune." (Mr. Gardner.) "The De'll's Awe wi. the Exciee 8. " The lanes, sweet creature', We canna deo without ye." (Mr. Mclntyre.) "Green Grow the Bushes, 0." Alkaat aItaART OF All OLD MILITARY ODaLtn- ZATIOIL—The Philadelphia Grape organization .celebrated its twenty-ninth anniversary at the house of Lieutenant Clark, on last Friday evening, There are usually forty-five or fifty persons present upon similar occasions, but at the recent celebra tion only nineteen memberi attended ; nearly all the others being absent at the seat of war. Out of this nineteen, two only had not served the country during the rebellion, ono of these being unable to leave, and the other not fitted for active service. Two others were present at the anniversary, being on furlough, and out of the remaining fifteen, a third expects to join the army very soon. All the line officers ore either in service or about to take the field, and nearly all the members of the com pany hold commissions from the Government. Al. ter paying a tribute to the memory of the noble departed, the few Grays who were present at the anniversary enjoyed the occasion with toasts, songs, he., and many anecdotes were narrated of the last campaign. AN ALLEGED Horst Trans.—Before Alder. man Beltler, on Saturday, a young man, named Charles Thompson, was charged with the larceny of two valuable coats from the La Pierre House. The accused is believed to have been engaged in opei fatlnget seveml hotels, where be has been hoarding for a few days. His baggage was found at his last boarding-house, and searched. No clothing was found; but numerous pairs of gloves end stockings, sad about a dozen pairs of spectacles, fell into the hands of the police. Thompson was committed, in default of $1,400 bail,-for a further hearing to-mor row afternoon, at 2 o'clock. He is a man of pre possesing appearance, and very gentlemanly in h•a manners. He represents himself as a naval °lnner, and wawa a vest with brass buttons. Tnaliforrriuna.—Among the vessels come pAte the Stone Fleet is the - old ship Montezuma, mauls that will recall to the memory of many of opt Mims a noble packet ship, with the full lengt h statue of an Indian chief for a figure - head. T his mell.known vessel was built for the Liverpool packet line of the Messrs. Cope, probably p a rty-ilve years ago, and abe did good' service for the firm while she woo la their employ. She has recently been engaged in the whaling business, and sailing oat of the port of New London, and has lately tinned up In the South - as one of the Stone Fleet, aid it thilast Recounts of her the mahogany and ibird's•eye maple of her cabin had been removed, sat Itur spars and rigging out away, before sinking herefi cad battered hull. Tam Harr GBAND Amt.—For the Febru ary teem of the criminal court 'the following grand trry has been drawn: Elias D. Baugh, grooer ; Aohmt Booth, menufnott; James Gorey, gen tian= ; John Cunningham - - farmer ; Henry De Boer, dealer; Geot lia l 0 4 . 86 14kineon, clerk; James coachmen ; Dubois, bottler • Henry ,7 innkeeper; rends Pout, farmer ;'Oharles B. illeddimg,..tooperi: John Washy, grocer; Philip clerk; Lewis Capps, confectioner; WM* A. Herring, latopnak ,er • John Hoyle, ma , Janwelobrison, cigar - Maker ; William Key, ,_ Levis, broker; John Slitter,' lima Pearson; farmer ; 'Henry Cutter, Sam oniuil.noviert ;, a Maier; John West, own hant. '- • • - ElotiobiExiatirkuoThe examina, tan fit applasna for adakelon to the central High Aileheel been on Width the 3d dey of Febre. LINSK The steuesaint ,eandidstea wilt be ad- Touday; )Amu 11th. AU the eeo ttb)eaiGt pa bettatAblitos for eiot Oa trouble* in the WO, , • DEATH OF A PROMO* YOLTHO MAN.-0/1 Friday evening, Henry Clay West, aged twenty years, eon of George F. West, residing at the cor ner of Third and Christian streets, died suddenly. He was walking across the street, near Third and Carpenter, when he felt something arise in his throat. There was no pain accompanying it. He .coughed up a large quantity of blood. Several persons went to his assistance, and he died shortly after reaching his home. He was an estimable young man, of much promise. Nearly all Mr. West's children have died just about the time of their maturity. In this, his last sudden bereave ment, he has the sympathy of a wide-spread circle of friends. Salting the Streets. EDITOR OF PnEss : As the question in reference to salting the streets is the subject of much discus sion, I would respectfully suggest whether mach of the complaint in regard to it might not be recce died by the railroad companies having an opening under the rails at each of the crossings, and keep ing them open, so as to have a free passage for the slush, without so much inconvenience to foot pas sengers. It does not seem to me that it would bo asking too mush to require this of them, and that they should have some ono go over their respective roads, whose duty it should be to keep the crossings free, either in this or some other manner. . Yours respectfully, Philada, Jan. 25, 1862. A SODSORIDER. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. TEE MONEY MARKET. PIIILADBLPHIA, Jattuary 25, 1882. The activity in storks continues, under the increasing orders for purchase of sound securities for investment, and the usual rush of speculators upon a rising market. We annex a comparison of tho prices of the leadingstocke at the close of last week and to-day: Jan. M. Jan. 25 . 2936 84 renn'a fives City sixes, old. do new Penn'a Railroad do let "nor bonds. do 2d do .... Reading Railroad do do bonda 1886... Camden and Amboy Railroad Long Wand North Penn'a do 65.... do 10s Mine Rill Railroad Beaver Meadow Railroad lIIMES Catatvissa Prof Lthigb Navigation.. Schuylkill Nay Prsf. do do bonds Little Schuylkill Railroad...—. 10 10% American Gold 103 The money market is easy and favors speculation, though any business paper not of the best-known and ap proved names, is very difficult to sell. It is expected that several others of 4 the city banks will issue small notes this week. Those of the Manufac turers' and Mechanics', Penn Township, and Girard Banks meet with great favor, as specimens of art. It is desirable that a general issue of small bills by our own banks should be made at once, to prevent a deluge of the miserable shinplasters from other States, which has always heretofore followed upon • suspension of specie payments. • • The following quotations are furnished ue by Messrs. Drexel dc Co.; New York exchange, Boston exchange. Baltimore exchange pares% w American gold 23,:ce1g prui. Tho Pottsville Miners' Journal of to-day says: The quantity of coal by railroad this week Is 20,040 against 18,781 tons for the corresponding week last year, The demand ;or White Ash Chestnut Coal is quite brisk, and prices havo advanced. But little Chestnut Coal is made in the winter season, and as the demand at this time is principally for Lnmp, and Steamboat sizes for the nee of the Government, there is a less quantity than usual made at present. The trade sums up as follows, compared with las! so far se we have received the returns 1861. 1862. INC. A Wasec I TOTAL. WEER.' TOTAL. DRO. - ---- 1 P. & R. R.... 18,701 185,003 20,040 196,610 11,616 L. Va l . R. R.. 13,947 101,827 11,076 91,657 4 10,170 Scranton S'th. 12,295 33,592 13,052 36,263 2,011 Do North 3139 9,124 4,801 12,930 3,806 . Broad T0p.... .. . 4,483 .... 10,035 6,652 Shamokin.... 2,783 7,310 1,238 4,656 d 2,654 1 Troverton- - 897 3,245 778 2,8501 d 386 6h. Ht., H.T. 601 1,273 196 726 f d 546 Lykone Tal ~ 435 1,015 396 1,409 394 - - - 53,281 346,812 52,477 357,154 52,477 346,873 , 807, 10,282 We understendthe Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad Company propose shortening their road about three and a half miles from the Mahanoy or Ash land Begin, by the cdoptlon of a self-noting inclined plane on this side of lb) Broad Mountain, by which the descending loaded coal care will draw the empty ones up. This will obviate the use of the most expensive portion of their road for heavy transportation, and will con siderably teems the crst of transportation. The pro posed improvement, we learn, will cost about $40,000. The annual report of the Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad Company shows that their financial condition at the close of the fiscal year, November 80,1164 was us follows: Construction account Telegraph line ' 10,913 72 Personal property 20,318 58 Balance of personal accounts 22,717 35 Assets In hands or Receiver - 171,704 80 03,848,324 11 800,000 00 1,180,000 00 1,100,000 00 - 703,120 43 146,000 00 10,500 00 123,017 27 334,052 68 Capital 5t0ck...... .. First mortgage bonds Second do. do. 1 bird do. , do. Funded debt bonds... Riverline bonds Incomebonds Dividend bonds Bills payable The company still propose to secure 40 per cont. of the principal sod interest of the bills payable, and 30 per cent, of the principal and interest of the Income and divi dend bonds still outstanding. Of the indebtedness of the classes named, and which Ivan embraced in `he proposition made a year since, amounting at that time to 83.010,189.39, there has been taken up by the company $2,220,315.27, arid $703,120.43 new bonds and certificates Issued therefor. Tho receiver's hooka show the earnings for the last year to have increased $04,303, in comparison with the year previous. We annex a comparative statement of the imports of foreign dry goods at the port of New York for the woolt ending January 23 and Rifles January 1; FOR TUC WEEK. 1800. 1861. 1862. Entered at the post. 01.642,810 02,619,041 8455,036 Thrown on market,... 2,003,911 ' 1,859,645 796,144 SINCE JANUARY crony. Entered at the port.. , .$7,401,534 $7,850,692 $2,180,301 Thrown on market.... 7,447,905 3,889,710 2,948,172 The New York World save the banks are gaining in specie, and note bold about $27,000,000, and the common. clal deposits aro nearly $102,000,000, or about $1,000,000 increase since last Saturday, while the loans aro $82,. 000,000, or about $1,500,000 less compared with Saturday. The banks have Increased their epode since January 2 $6,000,000, and the business community have increased their deposit line in the Lanka $13,000,000 during the same period. They are both prudently increasing their reserves. The New Yotk Evening Post of to-day rays The week doses extremely Quiet on the Stock Exchange. Tho absence of trustworthy advicos from Oeneral Burn. side's expedition, and furthernews from Europe now due, checks business in the speculative stocks, and the trans. actions are mostly among the operators of the Board. The commission houses, ace doing little or nothing, ant. alders standing aloof. The doubt hanging over the financial plans of-Congress Is also not without Its infln. ence In narrowing the business of the Board, and the fluctuations to prices do not exceed Mar% per cont.-from session to IMBIIiOII. The strongest of the speculative list is Michigan Cen tral, which is In demand In view of the declaration of a dividend of 3 or 3g per cent. The directors era in session After the Board the market was a shinle weaker, and stocks were supplied more freely at the quotations. New :York Central closes with sellers at 83;(; Brie, 187 sn BIN ; Toledo, 377,1 Bock Island, 54%. Government stocks are very quiet, but are not proceed on the roatkot. The eittes of 1881 are unchanged-89 for Registered end 89% for Coupons. The fives of 1871 and 1874 are 3 *ll better, selling at 80. there is less pressure of 7.80 'trommry notes on the market today. The entering of them on the Board books will, in a few days, give them a more settled value. At the money brokers offices the clean notes aro saleable at 2 coat. discount, the endorsed at 11401 V' cent; but the Board makes no distinction. Money is In fair demand at 6 per cent, with con siderable business at OK and 6,4 per cont. Primo paper is very , scarce and w gilt.edge" finds buyers at 0%06 per cent. Gold Is lower to-day. The recent rapid advance has brought sellers to realize the profit. There aro rnner ens lots coming In from the country for sale at 1030103 X per cent., and speculators have reduced their buying rates. The closing rate m 103. Wo hear of ono bank In the interior, with a capital of $400,000, having on hand for a rise over that amount in geld. Some banks are making a handsome dividend on their speculations In gold. The foreign exchange market is dull and nominally lower, business being generally deferred for the Africa, on Wednesday next. The nominal quotation for &si nless bills on London is I.lBXmill4x. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, January 28, 1862. EIROITZD IT B. E. BLATMAXIIR, Ph il adelphia 'Exchange, /MT BOARD. 60 Penns R......b5 40% 28 Oata It pref..— 5% 16 do wish 40% 78 do lota 5% 14 do cash 40X 1 Norristown 1L... 45 20 do .asma 40% 5000 Penns R Ist mt.. 100 60 Elmira B 7 10 Green Jc Goatee It 18 10 do ...... .... 13 1000 Penna 6a 84 10 Corn kaelfge Ilk 20X 6 Cain dt Mob R.. 119 400 City AL—New B 5 97N 4 do 119 200 do ....New e 5 97X 100 Reading. s 6 19% 100 do ...New a 5 07% 60 do b 5 19% 1000 do 1,9 01% 100 do 35 19% 700 City 6. IC 9134 100 do 05 19% 600 do • 9134 59 do ....1909 400 -do• • ...... 0134 30 N Pennalt 1 m3ep 01 1100 do • 91% 80 do ...... ... , 613 200 do 913 f 100 Long Island R... 10X 800 do 91% 9 Beaver Meadow.. 60 2000 do ...New e 6 97 - BETWEEN ____ _ 1000 Penns 5 500 an ~ 800 City 89.. 400 do .. 400 do .. NO &buil Nay 6 250 do 5 100 do Prof.. 123 25 do b 5 12m 84 81 91% 91% 01 u 'aibogb 10 Elmira It PIA., 33 8 Benno B 4031 1 do 403( 10 do 40% 40 do 40% 7 Bk of N America.lo9 107 N Pennaß 1 mBcp 62 680 do 02 800 City 13e New 97 300 . do ...Now oto 97 260 Poona Coupon 6400 x 1600 Si Fenno 6s3dys. 66 88 Elmira R . 90 Cola R Pref 5 60 Reading R ~ , ..19 69 50 do .'„..2dy5.19 69 28 Lehigh Na/ Scrip 86 60 do 86 60 do 16 69 do ao 50 Green & Coates. 18 60 Op & Pine-ate R . 8 DO Manf & Mesh Bk 20, 4 1 100 Long Island R... 10 4 °ARDS. • 1000 do - 01.4 600 do 91X NO do X 8 O. ° 01X 500 Penns Coupon 430100 X A 97811 920 Bchu.yl Net 60 'B2. 07 . 19 Penn. 40% GES—PIRIII. Red. •IL Elmira B Pre. /3 13% Elmin le '78... 68 70 Long Island B. 10X 107 Leh CI di Nay.. 51% 52 Geh 01 b E Ocry 88 86) N Penne 8...,, 7X 8 M Penn. M Be.. 80 66% N Penn. 10e... 80 .. mosrxi Bid. de. PbILQ. 91x • 91x 91 91X Phis a new... 97 97x POWIII is 84J( 86 R0dbe11...19 69 ,x Beading MI '7O 87 19 90 1N4111908048 fax Pomo 2 40 awl X a IL. 74x 76% % 40 Plena B Min 161 90)4 X Morris 01 Con.. 38 42 Bente a Prel.loB 110 Ostenlama Oen I.x 2 Catawba% Prof.. ISX 6X Fr & Bouth'k B. 30 38 2d &SA sts 11.8. 48 60 Wrhila 61 62 Bprnoe & Finn, 8X 0 Green A; Coati; 18 - 18,1( Chest & Walnut 30 32 Arch 0tr0t.... 14 16 lob Nad den, 67 70 deb drat hod de 74 .. deli lisy 156xk. 5 5% deb N44-Pr01... 12% 12% )11m14111. 7% nOtra.—Thero is s fair demand for the bettor grades. Bale, comprise 1,600 bbls common and good extra—part Lancaster county—at 85.5005 65, mostly at 85.62 X, and 1,000 We good extra family at $5.87,4®641 3 ' bbl, at which rates holders generally are free sellers, and the market firm. The sales to the trade are, to a limited ex tent, within the range of $.5.2505.37% for superfine $6.5005.02)4 for extras, $5.75e0 for family, and $0.25 00.75 07 bbl for fancy brands, as in quality. Rye Flour and Corn Meal aro but little inquired for, and dull at $3.75 for the former, and $3 for Pennsylvania Meal. WIINAT.—There is a steady demand, and 5,000 bushels had been disposed of at 1320135 cents for red, mostly at the latter rate for prima Pennsylvania in store ; • white ranges at 140 to 150 cents as in quality. Rye is anted, and Pennsylvania sells at 73 Cents. Cora comes in slowly, but the market is dull at previous quotations, and a few email lots only have been disposal of at 57,40/58 coats in the cars and in store, at which rates there aro mere Sellers than buyers. Oats are unchanged, with further sales or 2,000 bushels Pennsylvania at 383 cents in store. Barley and Malt remain quiet. BAltt.—There is no change In Quercifron; and first - No. lis scarce, and wanted at $32 ton. CorroN.—The market is at a stand-still, owing to the firmness of holders. GRODERIDS AND PROVISIONS.—There is very little doing, and no change to note in either. Satins.—The market fs steady, with further sales of Cloverseed at $4.5004.623 411 bushel. WHISKY is dull today, at 25c for Ohio bbls, and 23X c for drudge. New York Stock Exchange—January 25. BOARD. _ FIRST 6000 159 6s '74, Cp.... 80 2000 11 9 50 '7l, Cp..— 79X 500 Ohio 138 '6O 031 1000111 0 Reg 8i15..., 79 2000111 Coup '66 80 7000 d0...........81 3000 North Carolina Os 61 1000 Missouri 92% 1090hi0x,ixtoU&83 1000 Cal St is 80 8000 do 80,11 1000 Georgia St 6e.... 67 4000 Brooklyn W Lu. 99 1000 19 It 2d m ex'64.,101X 6000 ButNY&E lat. 76 9000 Hud B 3d mtg.... 85 2000 Mich 0 8 old 1.... 98 1000 Mich SS P 84X 1000 Chi & N W Ist... 411 1000 Tol & Wab 24 m. 43X 1000 blob 0 8s let m.. 99 3000 Gal & Chi lot m.. 103 1000 Cloy drTSFd.... 82 20 Am Nxchango Bk.. 79X 30000 Am G01d...b30.103% 9000 do ...... ....103% 35000 do 530.103,X 9000 do. ..... ....103X 0000 do a 30.103 0900 do 530.103 X 5000 do ...... ....1 03 Pac 11iai1 S 08X 60 do .010 08% 150 do 00% 60 do 515 98X 60 do 98X 100 do .e3O 98 80,1 f mg 91X 97 367 40% .100 100 88% 903 18% 19% 73 75% 118 119 /03( , 10% 6% 7,1 ex Bog 76 80 47 46X CITY ITEMS. MONTHLY MEETING OF THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSDOIATION.—The regular monthly meeting of the 'Young Men's Christian Association will ho held at their rooms, Chestnut street, above Tenth, on this (Monday) evening. We understand that a full attend ence of tho members is anxiously desired. Ltartrax ON Plexunts.—By an advertise ment, in another column, It will be seen that a lecture will be delivered, in Concert Hall, on Thursday evening, January 20th, by Dr. James 01. Sommerville, on " Pie tures—their Origin and Influence." The proceeds of the lecture are to be devoted for the benefit of the Kingaes. sing tfospital Aid Society—n good canoe—and no hero no doubt it will be a good lecture. Everybody ought to bear it. .Darebl-10 die .parel-10 die NOTICE TO CONSIIMPTITES.—Owing to the bean , storm on the Sound on Friday night, it was Im possiblo for Dr. Schenck to got home from Boston to see patients on Saturday, and thereby disappointed a great many. lie will be at his office Mo. 39 North Sixth street, all day to-day, (Monday, Jan. 2i,) and will give advice, or examine lungs with hie Hemp!remoter, free of charge. Persons coming from a distance on Saturday and dis appointed. will be examined free with the Bespirometer at any other time they may call. FINE TEAS AND COFFEE AT FAIR PRICES.— Our own experience is that the choicest Teas and Coffees for the price can be bought at Mr. C. U. Mattson's, dealer in flue Groceries, Arch and Tenth streets. His prime Old Government Java Coffee and delicious Oolong and other Tens are very superior, TIIE REDUCTION OF SALAIIIES.—AffiIy Offi cers objecting to Sherman's bill reducing salaries aro requesting Congress to tax them to the full amount of the reduction, and more too, but beg that the laws regu lating their Par be not again disturbed. The salaries of all officers, both in the employ of the Government and of private institutions, are being cut down. Groat re ductions have also recently taken place In tho price of all articles of trade, dc., among which we notice the un precedented low figures at which the elegant styles of garments are manufactured at the Mammoth Clothing Emporium of Granville Stokes,No. 600 Chestnut street, (one door above Harnden's Express Offload are being disposed of. AMERICAN OYSTERS IN FRANCE.—A FreIICII paper has the following: 6, 111. Caste has succeeded in transporting to Havre, from Baltimore and other places in North America, and acclimating two new species of oyster, of a very delicious hind. The same attempt is to be made to other ports of France. Tho Americans excel in other matters besides oysters. They possess, In Phila delphia, at Nos. SOS and 005 Chestnut street, above Sixth; the Brown Stone Clothing nail• of Bockhlll Wilson, where the most elegant garments for soldiers and civilians to be found in the world are manufactured," $8,172,130 97 $8,412,914 39 PROVIDENCE AND PRIVATEERS.—n is wall knouts that at Nassau, New Providence, "rebel pri vateers are given even• facility to coal and refit, tshilo not as much as a Union gunboat in admitted inside the harbor." With reference to this, we have always on deretood that pirates trust greatly in a supposed Provi dence that watches over them. Now Providence must be that particular Providence, we suspect; at least we hardly think that Old Providence has any favorable in tentions towards rebel privateers. One providential thing for the South was, flat Stokes's "One Price" Clothing Store, under the "Continental," sold only for cash, thus preventing any indebtedness to that house to add to the weight that will ultimately ss break the camel's hack." $6,412,914 39 ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Cheatnrit eta. H Jacoby, Pottsville G T Hengstonberg, N I Albert Piet, New York J C Jackson, New York Sae S Davenport & ta, N Y Jno E Seymour & to, N Y John P Verret, Robt Morris, Washington Bowe, Boston Mrs Howe, Boston ON Cotting, Boston Miss Coifing, Boston Miss Thayer, Roxbury W A Wheeler, N York tame S Eugle, Peona Geo W Pomeroy, Penne 3 B Baskin, New York Ohas Blanford, New York Dr W F Jackson, Allow John T Giles New York S Sheldon la, New York Mrs .J E Sheldon, N York Mien M M Sheldon, N York Chas L Frost, New York Chas Parker, Connecticut W A Foket, Connecticut Elliott Sesrige, Connecticut D It Wright, Connecticut Ilutchls, Boston C C Ilutchts, tt son, N it J L Boggs A eon, N Jersey L Wood, Now York H Malone, Formal% arils F Bleasdell, Now York L Berman, Penna II C Sparks, New York Latudep, Reading E White, Davenport J J Corlea, Now York Limit DI Merlon & In, N Y B B Wentvrorth, Illinois • N Cheney, New York W B Storrs, Buffalo Br J Cheseborough, lowa A Cheseborough, Ohio P Tillinghast, New York J Lansing, Now York A H Blivester, Boston J k Hickok, Burlington DI Remington, Now York Q Porter, Connecticut Dire Cross & da, New York Mrs E Houle, NOW York Joe Lincoln, Ponna J Y Howard, New York DI Wilson, Hartford H B Conklin, Now York N Kingsbury, Hartford C B Bringbam, Boston H K Flagler t Now York, Hou W H Seward & I, Wash Count Do Paris Mfatettl illtte 31 Greene & le . . Geo 111. Alexander, Wash G G Passara4 Wash II Neill Mr Marin & la, It Island 0 Wendell, Washington C Hager, Lancaster W Colman Capt Barrett, U S A A A Semmes, U 8 N MI Itinzesheimer, N York Mrs Smith, Boston W Dehon, Boston Ralph Haut, Boston Chas B Peet,'New York Dr E Bentley & la, N York G A Benson, Maine Saml P Benson, Maine Paul Greeley, New York Broadbent, Baltimore 0 Unger, New Yotk Chas W Hall, Indianapolis litre B Lewis, Watertown Dr F 13 A Lewis, 13 8 N N SI Smith, Waterton n A Mayer, Cincinnatti, 0 W Fox, Pottsville Mrs Moore, Baltimore It 0 McComb, Delaware It 0 Peck, U S A T F Wright, U S A T G Joselin, Baltimore J Lod, Chester co, Pa elms Augustus, Baltimore Mr Fuller, Masrachusolts Wm G Means, Boston Win A Means. Boston Geo Arms, Mich Wm F Stewart, Baltimore A L Mason, Boston B 0 Mifflin, Boston J C Warren, Boston L L Arms, Michigan .7 T Kerby, Canada J Dunham, Boston 0 A Denny, New York A I' Woodruff, Now York Lieut M J Byrne, Fenno Count do Grass U S Mrs G Alexander, St Louis 0 B Sanford, dew York .1 .0 Wadsworth & en, Boston J L Walfish, Providence M A Acborn, Rockland Col .1 McLeod Murplur,li Y Lieut T Lecher, New York Miss A E Smith, Wash'ton T D Johnston, Baltimore L 0 Baker, Washington E Berry, Massachusetts H A (3onant, U G IV Younghairu .1 F White, Lexington, Ky Mrs S G Penny, New York II $ Bennett, New York W M Bennett H H Albertion,Penna Miss Jones, Baltimore AMERICAN HOTKL—Obestont et., fAovo Fifth It Parkhurst ct, la, N Y T Felton, Now York 0 Lovett, New York It W Provost, Behuvlkill co T Thompson, Connecticut J P Dougcbten, Delaware J Johnston T P ltynder, Lock Haven 11 0 Flamini, Delaware Capt 0 II Winne, Poona E Makarge G Eunice], Baltimore T J Barton Baltimore 10 A Baker, Philtula W Treat, Maine T B Jackson, New York II P Liebenan, New York X C Spowell, Now York 3 K Minter, Moss 3 5 Hamm, Poison A W Fellows, Penne D - MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth st., below Arch. Norris Peters, Delaware II R Walton, Delaware Ho,, C M Donoven,Harriabg Limit L Lorain, II S A. D F Towner, Baltimore Col W N Bicketts, Ye John Fraser, Now York Gen S D Sturgis, U S A J N Philips, New Castle Capt J N Coyne, New York II W Foster, Boston L Cache, Welishoro, Pa J C Whitaker, Elklatsd, Pa Chas Scranton, Cictord,N J II It Idtingr, Watervihe,N Y A Armstrong; Maryland Wm H Armstrong, lad S N Bradley, Connecticut , A Brest, Pottsville 0 McKibbin, Jr,Porrysvilio Geo Coring, Et Louts F B Gattulle Cap P B Wilton,CmpPetteran Lt T Fassett, Chip Pat toren Capt Steele, Camp Patterson STALCIIIB HOTEL—Cheetuut at., above Third. B R Brlnckle, Now Jersey H Nelson, New slereos , Dr J II Clark & son, Newark W B Rosenbaum, N Joreoy A McConomy, Lancaster H W Applegate, ICentuckY James blofr, Penns Thoa Roberta, Ponna John Tobin, Nana 0 A Millard, N M Camp, Elmira, N Y M Moulthrop, Conn Wta Gronough, Conn W ll Crump New Jamey A Hines, Maryland Capt J D Brown, U S A A Elmer, Ashileld, Mese THE UNION—Arch erred, aboyo Third. — 1 J ohaenbers, Cincinnati, 0 T Strotwoll, Cincinnati, 0 E E Deitleman, Pittsburg TllOll 8 Dobbs, NOW Jolley J H Dlitchell, Danville P." COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. TLoo Connert, New York E Johnson, Pennsylvania N . Vanderslice, Lewistown A Perkins, 'Kingstown B P Shams, Doylestown C 8 Howard, Pennsylvania Band B Benjamin, N oeraey John 11 Galbraith, Penns W Wilson, Berke co, PO Thus 11 Dunn, New Jersey Thos R Beaty, Virginia S Damming, Mauch Chunk 'Los 11 Nona, Penne W Pusey, Chester co, En D Boer, Chester co, Pa J Jones, Elkview, Ea Jesse Swann, Del co, Pa STATES llNlGN—ffierket street, above Rath. W Burton, Pittsburg ~T Wise, Pittsburg Kauffman & to, Lane E B Hoover & la, Lanc D Coakley, Baltimoro J J Platt, 17 S A G Crone, Harrisburg Luther Reese, Harrisburg Ell Hoyt, Harrisburg John Hoyt, Harrisburg W A Fosket, Connecticut John Boggs & alto Joa Elder, Pittsburg W H Watt, Latrobe, Pa T E Watt, Latrobe, Pa J Sanford, Harrisburg W L Fetter, Wash, V C THE PRESS. -PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1862. Philadelphia Markets JANUARY 25—Evening. 200 Cie,- 1, ToL ... 530 38 lc 750 do 377 100 do 33 5 Chi &R 1 R 55 100 do .630 553 150 do 55% 200 do b3O 55 100 do 520 55 60 0 B & Quincy—. 62 15 N T Central...... 83% 200 do e6O 83% 50 do 530 83% 450 do 83% 65 Erie R • ab 50 do 510 35 60 dO ig/ii 32 Erio /t Pref 57 X 300 do 57 % 34 Und River R..... 38% 10 Cal& Chi.... .. ... 68 WO Reading R.... 530 39% 100 Mich Central 8... 55 150 do 547‘ 100 do b3O 55 400 do 54% 100 do e3O 64% 250 Midi" 90 & N 1.530 21 250 do 207; 2251Slich El & It I G... 40% 50 Panama R... 510.113 ilOO do .... .. ...)...113 100111Centralscrlp 530 62% 110500e30 03% 1330 62 do do 6 do. 02 100 Clev & Pittabg IL. 15% ,100 do 16 VP TO 12 O'OLOOX LAST NIGHT. BARLEY SHEAF—Beoond street, below Vine. L B Labor, liarrieburg J Biloeinaker ‘ Fenno E J Bunting, Bristol A A, Anson, N York W H Duell, 22d N Y Vole J J Letborman, Dauv, Pa Sorgt .J Whlte,llllth PaYola J hi Boileau, Davisville Chas White, Bucks co Geo Lear, Bucks co A T Duffield, Davlevitlo J 8 Wickman, Car verev, Pa Mr Dyer Doylestown A Allen, N J MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second at., ab. Arch. J Bender d; In, Bordontown Jos It Boar, Berke co Saml Witeman, Bucks co J E Edwards, Pittsburg Mr Wright, Kentucky W Robinson, Pittsburg O,K Johnson, Alex, Va Miss S Woodruff, NJ Bliss Mottle Woodruff, N J MII Williamson, Forma W Justine, Washington, to 0 NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. .Tohn W Royer, Pottsville Jos Gormley, Easton S E Ancona, Reading John Wrist John B Weist Wm T Jamea, Menton% Joe Riehards,-Coltunbla D St Tice, Lebanon J DL Waller, Philadelphia H 0 Kirtland & tvf, 0011 n It Moore, Danville D Richards, Danville It If Van Dusan, Wash'n Mrs M Williams, N Jersey REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. A Putnam, Trenton, N J A Nark, Connecticut John Dow, Jersey Shore C Rockwood, Connecticut ti Taft, Connecticut B Whitney, Trenton, N J Robt Newton, Bucks co MADISON HOUSE—f3ocond street, above. Markot. J T Mundy, Williamsport L Mundy, Towanda F B Allan, Chicago B Lovy, Now York T II Bedloc, Atlantic City BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowhill. 0 B Stougtoo, West Chester 0 Terrell A' lady, N Jersey MARINE INTELLIGENCE LT SEE /TOTMTH PAGE ABBrVED Mfg Rebecca Sheppard, Somers, 32 days from Havre, In ballast to John R Penrose. Schr E W Perry, Adams, 9daya from Roy West, in ballast to captain. CLEARED. Scbr Jane N Baker, Ilenderaon, Key West, James S Chambers. Behr Martha Moore, Bennett, Fortress Monroe, Tyler, Stone & Co. Str H L Caw, Her, Baltimore, A. Groves, Jr. EirrIECCIE3 (Correepondenee of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del., Jan. 25, hf The ship Azzan, from Bristol, Tog, for New York, is at the harbor. We hear of no damage by the Into heavy gale. Wind N. Jan '26, 7 P gf.—The brig Thomas Walter, for King ston, In, together with a fleet of schooners, wont to sea this afternoon. Wind W. Yours, &c., JOHN P. MARSHALL MEMORANDA . . Bark Oak, nyder, cleared at Boston 24th inst. for Phi ladelphia. Bark Ahuno, Godfrey, cleared at New York 25th inst. for Philadelphia. &lir Electric Light, Hutchinson, cleared at Now York 25th inst. for Philadelphia. NOTICE TO BIARINLIIS . _ GAY HEAD LIGIIT—A correspondent at West 'n iny, under date of 21st inst, informs us that it is stated by rellaplo authority that there is trouble at Gay Head Light, that it is very dim, and once went out entirely, and that a vessel came near going ashore in consequence of the dimness of the light—New Bedford Mercury, 24th, SPECIAL NOTICES. aggaMita OFFICE OF THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, 320 CHESTNUT STREET, rIIILADELPHIA, January $7, 1862. The Adams Express Company having enlarged their facilities at Washington, D 0., by building a Railroad depot, and having acquired addiVonal capacity for transportation, are now prepared to forward Heavy ExpresB freights, Packages, and Parcels, to Wash ington, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made for merchandise in large lots. Butlers' goods and army suppiles at satisfactory prices, on application at our office. Soldiers' parcels taken at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and rocoipted for at our depot, S. T. corner of BROAD and LOCUST Streets. JOHN BINGHAM, ja2i•lf Superintendent. THE CLASS in the Science and Art of Practical i'hrenology will meet on MONDAY Evening, January 27, at 73 o'clock, at 922 CHESTNUT Street. First lecture free; after which, persons desiring can procure tickets ter the course. Examinations' at the roorne daily by J. L. OATEN. ja25.2t ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OP THE LATEST Srrnss, made lathe Beet Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Sontag Prices marked In Plain Figures. AU Goods made to Order warranted satidac tory. Our One-Palos SYSTEIf to strictly adhered to. All aro thereby treated alike. se=-1y JONES 8c CO., 604 MARKET Street. UrrrAm's lima DYE, ONLY 38 CENTS A Box.—Bottles larger Clan Cho Dollar Dyes. Colors in. atantanoonsly, and wilt not wadi out. Try it. Sold only at UPHAM'S, 310 CHESTNUT Stroet. no2f.wfm3in DR. ROBERTSON'S GOUT AND RHEU MATIC DROPS—Tho only reliable remedy for Itheuma- Ham, Gout, Sc. Price S.l. For sale by DYOTT S 00., No. 232 North SECOND Street, Depot for all Popular Modicalog. CARD PAINTING, BEST AND CHEAPEST la the Olty, at 84 South THIRD Street. . MARRIED LAMB—NESPEY.--On the 10th Instant, by the Rey. M. li, Slaty, Dir. William Lamb to Hiss Nary E. Kegley, tat M tbls city. * SIIOEMAKER—WISTER.—On the 10th Instant, by Rev. E. 11. Gilroy, Mr. Charles B. Shoemaker to Miss Nary Willer, all of this city. dt LIPPEN—SIBLEY.—On the 16th instant, by Rider J. Perry Hall, Sir. Henry Lippen, of Wissahickon Hall, Twsnty.first ward, to 111193 Eliza Sibley, of Lower Me. Hon township, Montgomery county. YOUNG—STRUBLE.—On ths 2h instant, by John G. 'Wilson, V. D. M., Mr. William Young to Miss Eliza beth Struble, both of this city. tk DIED MENSING.—On Sunday, the Nth, Mise Merin Mou sing. The friends or the [omits , aro respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her brother, Wm. D. Mensina, at the Odd Fellows' Cemetery, on Wednesiday morning, at 10 o'clock, without further notice. *** BELL. —On the evening of the 26th instant, Mary Acker, daughter of John and Martha 8011, la the Mr year of her age. The friends of the family are Invitel to attend the funeral, from 1135 Lombard street, on Tuesday atter. noon, at o'clock. LINDERMAN.—On Friday, the 24th instant, Clara, trifeof A. B. Linderman. The friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, No. 828 N. Seventh street, this (Monday) morning. To proceed to Mauch Chunk, via N. P. R. It. tk RAINES.—On the 221 instant, Richard M. Haines, in the 24th year of his ego. Funeral from his late residence, Whltemarsb, Mont gomery county, this (Monday) morning, at 10 o'clock. WEST.—Suddenly, on the 234 instant, Henry Clay West, iu the 20th y ear of his age, the eldest mirth lug sou of George G. and Martha West. Funeral from the residence of his father, northeast corner of Third and Christian streets, But; (Monday) af ternoon, at 2 o'clock. BARNES.—On the 23d instant, Rachel A., daughter of Robert Barnes. Funeral front the reeldence of her father, village of Fox Chase, Tv enty-third ward, on Tuesday morning, nt 10 o'clock. DULL —On the 23d instant, Harriet, daughter of Christian and the late Susan Dull, and granddaughter of the Into Jacob Llchtpl, aged 20 years. Funerti from the residence of her father, No. 1331 Front street, below Master, on Tuesday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. SNYDBII.—On the 24th Instant, Merviula llattleld, daughter of Garrett and Hannah Sat der, in the 10th year of her ago, Funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 1131 Parrish street, tide (Monday) afternoon, at '2 o'clock. W STEINMAN.—On the 24th Instant, Mrs. Mary Stein man, relict of the late John Stohn r umn, In tho 79th year of her age. Funeral from the residenco of her Mr. A Test, on North Third street, above Oxford, this (Mon day) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. , LINDSEY —On the 24th instant, Sylvester Lindsey, in the 67th year of his age. Funeral from his into residente, 1413 Fitzwater street, thht (Monday) morning, at 0 o'clock. tw MOFFAT.—On the 24th instant, Archibald Moffat, in the 43d year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his brother-in-law, Ho bert Atkins, No. 'lO3O Pine street, this (Monday) morn. il)g, at 10 o'clock. at NIOE.—Ou the lad Instant, Marl', wife of Wm. Nice, in the D3d year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, Miles town, Twenty. second ward, this (Monday) morning, at 10 o'clock. ik 01.111T.—Ou tho 24th Instant, Lewitt Ourt, Sr., aged 72 yeara. Funeral from hie lath residence, No. 138 Juniper street, this (Monday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. REYNOLDS.—On the 21th inst., Mrs. inn Reynolds, wile of the Into Patrick .Ruynolds, in tha 57th year of her ago, Ftiaaral from her late residence, Centre street, Ger mantawn, !bin (➢fondny) morning, at 8 o'clock. tk Weekly Report of Intermen lISALTYI OFFICE, .711111111ry 25 Interments in the Oily of l'hiladelphia from to the 25th of January, 1562. ,T, 0 DisEABEB. 4.• ....' D 183.18119. ..! i 5 -. . .v 4 du 44 i g Asthma 1 1 Fracture of Arm— , 1 Apoplexy 6 1 Fever, Scarlet 15 Carbuncle, Nock ... 1 " Typhoid.... 4 4 " Stomach.. 2 Frosted Feet 1 Casualties.. 1 1 (lout 1 Croup.... . 9 Hemorrhage. , 1 Congestion of Drain. 2 limping Cough.... 3 Lungs. 1 Inflammation, Brain 2 3 Compresplon, Drain. 1 " Bronchi.... 2 2 Consumpt'n, Lungs. 21 4 4, Larynx..... 1 Convulsions 11 n Lungs 7 12 Puerperal 2 1 n S. ,k Bowels. 2 Diptheria.... ....... 0 Inanition 1 Diarrhoea.— ...... 3 Mania-a-pot u...... 2 Dropsy 2 3 Blarasmus 1 4 " Abdominal.. 1 Measles 7 n Dt.tin 2 Old Ago 3 Disease of Heart.— 2 2 Scrofula ....... .... 2 " Spine .. 2 Small-P0x....,.... 4 10 'Kidneys,— .. 1 Still-Born IL " Lunge 1 Ulceration, Bowels. 1 Dysentery ..... ..... 1 -- Debility 3 6 Total .... ....... . 83 118 Effusion on Brain.. 1 OF THE ABOVE THERE WERE; Under 1 year 54 From 40 to 60 .. 20 From Ito 2 18 " 60 to 60 14 4 ' 2to 5 42 n 50 to 70 ...... —.. 9 " sto 10 ...... .... 10 " 70 to 80 9 4 'a 10 to 15, ....... ~ . I 80 t o p 0 4 " 15 to 20 6 I " 99 to 100 1 " 20 to 30 ...... ..._ 10 " alto 40 1S Total 0 21 WARDS. I WARDS. WARDS. " n Tenth .. 4 Nineteenth 19 Eleventh 4 Twentieth 8 Twelfth 3 Twenty-first.... 4 Thirteenth...... 0 Twenty-second.. 2 Fourteenth.... 7 Twenty-third... 5 Fifteenth ...... 20 Twenty-fourth-11 Sixteenth 7 Ta euty-fifth.... 1 Seventeenth—. 8 Unknown . 9 E4gbteenth..... 7 -- Ent ...... Second.." ....15 Third,,,....... 6 Sixth 6 Seventh ...... ..20 Eighth 14, Ninth 4 Total ' 221 NATIVITY.. .45111[0 Staten, 171; Foreign, 391 Un— known, 11. From the Almshouse, 7 ; People of Color, 101 from the Country, 8. The number of deaths,compared with the rurrespond. fug week of 1861, and olast week, was as follows: Week ending Jan. 26, 1881. ......... .....282 Week ending Jnn. 18, 1882 274 ?dales, 114 •; Females, 107 ; B o ra, 761 Girls, 63. By order of the Board of flealth. WILLIAM BEAD, lientth Officer. .110 t ESSON & SON, MOURNING -R-J , STORE, No. 918 011989 NUT Street, have adopt ed the .OASIII SYSTEM," both in buying and selling, thus enabling them to purchase and sell their goods at the lowest possible prices. GOODS RECEIVED JANUARY 14th to 18th. Black and White Pln Check and Striped Silks. Gray and Black English Chintzes, 121; cents. Black and Purple Plaid Velour Reps, 373 cents. Black Blanket Long Shawls, $7 q Square, $3.50. Bahnoriti Skirts, foil size, $2.50, Black Parnmatta Cloths, 05, 31M, 37,14, and 50 cents. Black Lamb's Wool Hose, MX cents. lal2 KrTHE HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIE TY, with n powerful clients - of 100 select voices, nt the 'MUSICAL FUND HALL, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, January 20, in aid of the UNION VOLUN TEER AND COOPER-SHOP ItF,EREStIMENT SA LOONS. • ja27-2t* la. HAMLET WILL BE READ AND ANALYZED, at the ASSEMBLY BUILDING, TUESDAY EVENING, January 28, at 8 o'clock, By ron's tl Manfred " will be compared with Shakepeare's play. Tlckete 25 ceutg. ja27-21.8. S. M. CLEVELAND TrGRAND UNION CONCERT, UNDER the auaylces of CHOSEN FRIENDS LODGE, No, 100, I. 0. of 0. F., in aid of the UNION 'VOLUN TEER AND OUOPER•StiOr REFRESHMENT SA LOONS, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, January 25, at MUSICAL FUND HALL. 3a272it. KrINSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF YENNEIYVANIA. . _ 3&1;11.&PN 25, Int The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held on MONDA Y, Robroary 3, 1852, at the Company's Of fice, Nos. 4 awl 5 EXCHANGE 13UILDING, at 12 o'clock, noon. WILLIAM HARPER, ja27-tfe3 Secretary. ErrTHE tiERAIANIA ORCHESTRA, (CARL RENTZ, Leader,) hae been engaged for the GRAND UNION CONCERT, at the MUSICAL FUND 'HALL, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, *Mutt ttry 20. ja2T-2t* arMEETING or TUE BOARD OF TRADE.—A Stated Meeting of the members of the Board of Trade will be held at their Eocne, 605 CHESTNUT Street, THIS (Monday) EVENING, Jan. 27th, at 7;4 o'clock. LOGIN BLODGET, it Secretary. fIyAT A MEETING OF TILE PEOPLE'S ASSOCIATION OF THE EIGHTEENTH WARD, held January 23, 1882, the following Preamble and Resolutionµ as adopted, and ordered to be printed: Whereas, At a meeting called by the Republican Central Club of the city of Philadelphia, held on Tues. day Es ening, January 14, 1862, for the purpose of elect tog Delegates to a Convention to form rules for the go. vernment of the Republican party, those nssembled for that purpose took it upon themselves, without a call for that purpose being published, to organize tho meeting as one People's Association of the Ward": andwhereas such action being illegal under the laws of that Amnia.. lion, a meeting can only be called through tho public press: Therefore, be it Resolved, That the People's Association of the EMI.- teen th Ward hereby denounce and repudialt the action o f the so-called mecting of the Association ac being un authorized and in opposition to the Vieltti and feelings of this Association. ANDREW ZANE. Jo., Nice President. It* Attest—Wm, STlttitZK, Secretary DT. A MEETING OF TILE STOCKUOLD. ,EllB OF THE DELAWARE COUNTY RAIL ROAD COMPANY will bo hold on SATURDAY, the Sth day of February next, at 3 o'clock P. M., at tho ofilce of James Miller, MARKET Street, above 'rill street, West Philadelphia, to elect a President and Di rectors for the current year, and to attend to any other business that may be presented. in27-fo7 A. L. BONNAFFON, Secretary. cry. HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY.— The members are requested to be punctual in their attendance at REHEARSAL, on TUESDAY next, 28th inst., at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, nt half peg 2 o'clock. Members of former years are inylte lto participate a Ith no. . . Concert in aid of "TEE VOLUNTEER REFRESH MENT SALOONS" on the 29th. By order of D. W. C. MOORE, ja27.2191 President. rry. THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF PHISADEL PRIA.—The regular monthly meeting will be held next MONDAY Evening, January 27, at 7% o'clock, at the rooms on CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth. ,The members of the Association, and the friends of young men generally, are urged to attend. • ja25.2t GEORGE 11. STUART, President. pa. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING of the CORN EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION will he held on TUEnDAT EVENING next, January 28, at 'TX o'clock. The Annual Report of the 'Huard of Ma. nagers wdll ho read, and an election for officers to nerve for the ensuing year will take place. ja2s 31 GEORGE COON:MAN, Secretary. orCENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL.—TIIE IGxaminat,on of Applicants for nemisslon Into the Central High School will commence on MONDAY, Feb ruary 3d, at 9 A. 31. Candidates must be at lens( 13 years of age, residents of the city of Philadelphia, and, for at least ono year, they must have been pupils in the Public Schools of the city. The order of emunination will be as !Mows: 310NPAY, February 3 Mensuration and Ortho graphy. TUESDAY,,Febretary 4—Principles of Arithmetic. WEDNESDAY, February s—Practical Arithmetic. THURSDAY, February o—Grammar and Parsing. FRIDAY, February 7—Constitutton of the United States and Defining. Tho now Close mill ho admitted on TUESDAY, Febru. at y 11. N. 11. MAGUIRE, Ja25.6t Principal. TIT. LECTURE AT CONCERT HALL, THURSDAY, January 30, 1002, by JA KS U. SOMMERVILLE, U. D. Subject: "Pictures—Their Origin and Influence." For the benefit of the Kingses sing Hot -vital All Society. Tickets to ho had at the prin cipal book stores. ja23-7t* gfrNOTICE—TILE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA AND SAVANNAH STEAM NAVIGATION COM PANY for the election of five Managers, and the transac tion of other busints.s, alit ho held In room No. 30, Mer chants, E.'schange, Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, Fel,- tilary 4th, 1862, at half pact Bolen o'clock P. M. WU. DENNIS, Secretary and Treasurer. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the OCEAN STEAM. NOVIGATION COMPANY, for the election of five Directors, and the trausaction of other bueinece, will be held in room No. 20, Merchants' Exchange, Philadel phia, on TUESDAY, February 4th, 1802, at 12 o'clock noon. \%M. DENNIS, ja2l-12t Secretary midi Treasurer. SOUTHERN DISPENSARY, INSTI TUTED AUGUST, 1818, This Institution it now In active operation, having been, to tome oxtent, limited in Its charities for want of a suitable building to accommodate patients and transact its business. The disadvantages from this cause, under which it was obliged to labor, have been, within a short period, successfully overcome. A substantial and con venient edifice, with ample accommodations for all its Purposes, has been erected on a lot of ground belonging to the Dispensary, on Shlppen, above Third street, at a coat of nearly $lO,OOO, all of which hes been paid, leaving the entire property clear and file from every inctun brance, except a email ground-rent charge of twenty dol lars per annum, thug placing the Institution upon a per nutrient basis, with Increased facilities for carrying ma the benevolent designs of its founders, aided by the Übe- . flinty of ins Mends. The number of patients under Its care during the past Year has been 2,6:34, being nu increase of 817 over the year preceding. Ot this number, 016 of minor surgery and dentistry, including vaccination, have been treated ; 734 prescrihril 'or at the regular clinics, held twice a week at the Dispensary, besides ITI requiring immediate attention Ott othi r days. The annual meeting of the contributors sees held on the 7th day of January, 1869, at which the tenoning Managers were duly elected : James Carshalre, James N. Stone, Roc. J. C. Clay, D. D , Charles Norris, George Norton, Esq., John McCollom, John Thomson, Robert Clerk, David Lewis, John Casimir, Henry Wharton, Esq., Peter Williamson. And at a meeting of the Managers, held on the 14th instant, Janice Caratalrs was elected President. Peter Williamson 0 Secretary. John Thomson,Treasurer. PHYSICIANS. Are. Duncan Williamson, I Drs. Themes S. Reid, S. Weir Mitchell, William Notson. RESIDENT PHYSICIAN AND APOTHECARY. Dr. W. Morrow Notson. By direction of the Board, JAMES CARSTAIRS, President. PETER WILLIAMSON, secretary. gt2.5-2t* (TrTHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Comorntota of TUE CONTINENTAL ROTEL COMPANY, for the Election of Pm Managers and the transaction of other business, gill bo held on MON DAY, January 27th, 1862, at 12 o'clock DI, nt tho MOTEL. J. SERGEANT PRICE, je2o•Gt Secretary. [ErOFFICE PENNSYLVANIA EtAIL• ROAD CO.—PHIL ADELPIII Jan. 11, 1862. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The annual Meet ing of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, tho third day of February, 1862, at 10 o'clock A. M., at tho SANSOM-STREET The annual Election for Directors will bo hold on MONDAY, the third day of March, 1862, at the Office of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. Dy order of the 'Board. jal3-tfe3 EDMUND SMITH, Secretary. orOFFICE OF THE WEST PHILADEL FIifA,PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, 14, 1?62. The Board of Directors of tho Company have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the Cool tai Stork for the last six months, payablo on and after the 24th instant. Tho Hooka for tho Transfor of Stock will be closed on the 15th instant, until the 24th instant. 145-mmOR WM. MARTIN, Jo., Treasurer. orPHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 13, 1563. —Tho annual meeting of the Stockholders of the UNION CANAL COMPANY, of Pennsylvania, will be hold et No. 228 WALNUT Street, (Farquhar bullding,o on TUESDAY, February 4th, next, at 11 o'clock A. 11) pl4-tfo4 0. TUOMPSON, Boonton,. Eig.• OFFICE OF THE NED "ORE. AND MIDDLE COALFIELD RAILROAD AND COAL (JORDAN Y.--The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Company 'al be held at their Office, No. 204 South FOURTH Street, on MONDAY, February 31, 180, at II o'clock A. H., for 4101 purpose of circling FIVE DI RECTORS, to serve for the ensuing your, and the trans. action of such other business so may be brought before them. HENRY ROBINSON, Secretary. JllllllAry 18,1862. htl3.tfe3 SPECIAL NOTICE.-PHILA.- DELPIIIA OADETS.—AII tho moinbers of this Corps have to assemble this and next week, on every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and TUURSDAY, at 4 o'clock P. M. Becrutta accorded and drilled daily, from 4 until 0 O'clock P. H. By order of Major G. BALL. ja27•3la ALBERT IMAM), Adjutant. ALL WHO CONTEMPLATE sitting ror 'Pictured should go at once to REIMER'S, SECOND Btroor, above Crean. His Colorod Photo- Craplie, for al, mill pledge In every partleular. 1t WATCHES, FRENCH TIKE PIECES, and MUSICAL BOXES repaired, by Suptrlor Workmen, at LEWIS LADOMUS & CO.'S, No. 802 CIIESTNTJT 'Street, Phila. Pir All work warranted. PRIZE MONEY PAID TO OFFI CBES and MEN of the Ran Jacinto, Cons[cita tion, Bart, Mohican, Mystic, Brooklyn, Sumter, and Other vessele. ALBERT POTTS' Army and Navy Agency, N. IC. corner of THIRD and WILLOW Streotn. ja22.lni* ARMY AND NAVY PAY COL LECTED.—AIso, arrears of pay for resigned, discharged, supernumerary, and deceased ofileers—Doun t, ymoney—Census money—Contractors' pay—Disehar gee — . Extra pay—Land warranta—Pensions—PrNe money— Recruiting Expenses State I'ay Subsistence and Transportation, procured by ALBERT POTTS' Army and Navy Agency, N. E. corner of THIRD and WILLOW Streets. ja22-Im* SHOV.ELS AND SPADES. GEORGE ISALEMAII, MANUFACTURER, CORNER OF DREAD AND QUARRY STREETS, )413.3m* Dot. Arch and Race, and Second and Thlrd. TTANGING VASES. Ornamental Flower Pots. Parlor Vases for Growing Flowers. Baskets for Jardiniere. Pedestals with Vase for Flowers. Antique Vases for Mantels. Vases Renaissance for Parlor. Rustle and Terra Gotta Vf143135. Lava Flower Pota and Vases. Garden Vases and Pedestals. Brackets for Busts and Figures. With a great variety of articles eultable for Ohrlst• mae presents, for sale retail and to the trade. Warerooms 1010 011ESTIIIIT Street, Philadelphia. dell S. A. LIARILLSON. FINANCIAL. NEW NATIONAL LOAN. OFFICE OF JAY COOKER GO., BANNERS, No. 114 8017TH TINED BTHEIIT, S The 7 0-10 per cent Treasury Notes of all denomina tions, of the sooond Issue of Fifty Millions, dated Octo ber let, are now ready to deliver to purchasers, at the office of J. COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, de2B.lm 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD. 7 3-10 TREASURY NOTES BOUGHT AND SOLD. QUARTERHASTERS' CERTIFICATES DEALT IN. 3n2.1m • DREXEL & CO. $lO,OOO TO INVEST IN IRRE DEEMABLE GROUND Itt NTS. Apply to J. 11. WARTS% ja2l 110 South FOURTH' Street. $3300 -A FIRST-CLASS DI . proved GROUND ERNI of this amount for sae, at a liberal discount. Apply to B. PETTIT, No. 30 WALNUT Stet COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES NOTICE.—The Copartnership here tofore existing between the subscribers under the firm of SAIIIIETCHE & CABSTAISS, is THIS DAY dissolved by mutual consent. M. JAURETCISE, CHAS. S. OARSTAIRS, MOTETAS (JAMMU& PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 2 3, 1R62. 1:124.3t CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! CLOAKS! WATER PROOF CLOTH CLOAKS, in endless variety; LIGHT AND DARK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every shade; BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every quality; BLACK SILK-VELVET 'CLOAKS, EVERY NEW STYLE, EVERY NEW MATERIAL; THE LARGEST STOOK , AND THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES IN THE OITY IVENS, oolb No. 23 South NINTH Street. GREAT BARGAINS IN LADIES' °LOAN% To dome out, At the AEOH•STREET CLOAK AND MANTILLA STORE, N. W. corner TENTH and ARCH Sta. anal-em JACOB HonsrALL. ri . LOAKF3- Ilandsome styles of well-made, serviceable gai moote. The best made, the belt fitting, and the best materials for the price. A large stock from which to select. COOPER & COWARD, dolt R. E. cor. MIMI/ and MARKET. fIL 0 AK B! V The Largest, Cheapest, and Best•assorted &ea In the city. HOUGH dr 00,, No, 25 South TSINTII Street, oda °Dynan.° Pz•anklln Market. EXPRESS COMPANIES. ARMY EXPRESS CO., 337 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA This company having establishod an agency in this city, is prepared to forward ALL KINDS OF GOODS TO BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON, ALEXANDRIA, ANNAPOLIS, FORTRESS MONROE, NEWPORT NEWS, PORT ROYAL, TILE GOUTIIIIIN BLOCKADING GGUADIION TO NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND EASTERN CITIES Heavy Goode should bo delivered at DEPOT, cornor of BROAD and PRIME Streets, before FOUR O'CLOCK P. ➢L., where our Clerk will give a Bill of Lading. SMALL PARCELS SHOIILD BE LEFT AT OFFICE, 337 CIIESTIWT STREET FREIGHT AT VERY LOW BATES DELIVERED IN WASHINGTON. ply!" DAVIS, BELDEN, 80 CO.. . DIANAGERS. PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN NEW YOR', 33 BROAD- D. GREENE, SUPERINTENDENT OF THE COMPANYY 1n,20 mufl3t UNITED STATES ARMY AND NAVY BMW AGENCY AND ONDIP EX- TC DIANUFACTURSIIS, tdEROTIANTS, and "IN VENTORS, and those wishing to forward Packages to rho Carnes of the Army, or Naval Stations of the Coast or Gull: . . Having secured especial privileges for visiting all the departments both of the Army and Navy, and all the camps of the various military stations, and the naval posts of the Cott and Gulf, for the purpose of introducing and selling to the Departments, Military Storekeepers, Commisearles, Quartermasters, Sutlers, Officers and Sol diers, and also to Naval Agents and Paymasters of the Navy, all.artleles required for the use, convenience, com fort, and necessity, both of the Army and Navy, we have organized the above-entitled AGENCY AND CAMP EXPRESS, with its headquarters in the city of Wash ington. Under this nrrangoment—entirely complete, and extending through all the departments both of the Army and Navy,—wo can oiler unequalled facilities to Mer chants, Manufacturers, and Inventors, in readiness of Bale, saving of time, and the many expenses unavoidable through the usual tedious channels of sale to the De partments, Camps, aw Naval Stations. Those wishing to avail themselves ofthe benefits of this thorough and extensively-organized system of agency, can do so by forwarding samples of their goods to our address by express, and prices end explanations by letter. All packages for camp delivery marked to our address, Washington, I). C. All goods inventions, wares, or merchandise, of whatever nature, ordered by this Agency, will ho paid for on delivery. Letters of inquiry will meet with prompt attend ion. Agents well referred, with snsa it means, can find pro fitable employment in this organization. A few are wanted. Office No. 211 PENNSYLVANIA Avenue, op posit° Willard's Motel, Washington, D. 0. REFERENCES: GEortas Lew, New 'York. ERASTUS CORNING, Albany MOSES H. GRINsuI..L, . 6 NORTH &CH SE, rhumb. BiIIFLIN it BROS., . 6 J. B. TAGGART, 6 . AnAale EarßEBs, . 6 AI.IIX. Ou.IIMINGS, 66 Hon. Ebony WlLso.v, Massachusetts. Baum A. Co., Bankers, Washington, D.O. Ja7.4l' JOHNSON, SWEETLAND, & CO. . 40 . 6 ., THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, (Mice 820 011E8TM:a Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Merchandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or In connection with other Express Companies, to al 'the principal Ton= and Oltles of the United Sletee Z. B. SANDFORD, Zeta General Sneerlntendent. COMMISSION HOUSES. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, ND. 11* 0117STITUT STIMICT, 00IIIM/EIBION lIINBOHANTIII VOA TIM BALM OW PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. 5029-0 m MILITARY GOODS ARMY TENTS-200 .for sale by jal3-12If FROTHINGLIATS .4 WELLS ()MOE OF THE MAYOR OF THE V CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, JANUARY '2241,.1862. Whereas, 301 IN CONNNLLY, a resident of Phila delphia, was murdered on the evening of Wednesday, the Bth instant, In the vicinity of Biddle and Twenty-fourth streets, in the Fifteenth ward, by a person or screens hitherto undetected, be it known that a ren and of Flvr, HUNDRED DOLLARS will be paid to or among those parties who shall give at this office information which will lend to the arrest and conviction of the murderer or mur derers. ALEXANDER HENRY, Mayor of Philadelphia ja23.thenle BOSTON AND PHILA DELPHIA STEAMSHIP LINE—SAIL• ING FROM EACH PORT EVERY TEN DAYS—From PINE•STREET WHARF, Philadelphia, and LONG) WHARF, Rotor'. Tho now steamer SAXON, 1,100 tons, Captain MAT VIEWS. WU pall from Philadelphia on WEDNESDAY morning, February 6, at 10 o'clock. Freight taken at fair rates. Insuranco one-half that by sail vessels. Shippers are requested to send sills of Lading and slip receipts with their goods. For Freight or Passage (having fins accommodations) apply to HENRY WINSOR & 00. in27-tf 332 SOUTH WHARVES. EYE AND EAR.—DR. JONES, of N. Y., will Practice at HERR'S HOTEL, HAR RISBURG, Pa., from the 20th JANUARY till the 10th FEBRUARY, 1862. Dr. JONES cures all curable diseases of the EAR and EYE, and performs all operations for the restoration of Sight and Hearing. Dr. JONES straightens Cragged Eyes in one minute. Dr. JONES inserts Artificial Eyes (to renvo and appear natural) without pain, no matter whether the Eye be partly or entirely out. Dr. JONES introduces artificial Ear Drums, which Im prove the hearing Immediately. Dr. JONES has had the benefit of a Medical Education in the Medical Colleges, Hospitals, and E) o and Ear In stitutions of America and Europe. His Diplomas hang in his Office. ja22,l2t* A OPPENHEIMER, MEROHAN .I.Ie DIRE BROKER In all branohos °tirade, and manufacturer of every deeeriptlon of Army Goode, No. 48 South THIRD Street, wolf side, second story, Phila delphia. del7 tf JOLLIVET, 1314 CHESTNUT u • Street, wilt have a Second Opening thle Season, of Wreaths and Read Dresses, at greatly roluced prices, and hopes the Ladles will favor him with their patronage es heretofore. Also, au assortment of French Corsets. ja23-4t* VrACHINISTS', BLACKSMITHS', and other TOOLS bought and Bold by . . . ALEX. PEEVES, N. E. cor. SOUTH and PENN Sts ja.2.6tr iptROOMCORN, HANDLES, TWINE, -LA &c.; Broome, Backots, /to., for gala by G. It, lILAKISTON, Commioston Morob 1a.1.0.3m 22 South WATER Rt.Ph CHOICE CUBA HONEY, in tierces oral bbla. ; also, prime Porto Rico and Ouba Mum). Tad° Bugor for sale by PHILIP nEiLty. & co., i021..01* No. 7 North WATER Street. /NSITRANCE COMPANIES. IAME INSUR Ho. 406 CHESTNUT FIRE AND INLA DIRE i kNCE COMPANY, Street. L.ND INSURANCE. ____OTORS. F. N. Buck, E. D. Woodruff, Chas. Richardson, John Kessler, Jr., Bears Lewis, Jr., P. 8. Justice, Ales. WhiSUM, . Washington Tone!, Gee. A. West, Chas. Stokes, 0. W. Davis, John W. Everman. FRANCIS N. BtTOK, President. CHARLES RICHARDSON, Vice President. WILLIADIS I. BLANCIIARD, Secretary. VAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CITESTNTIT Street. . • PAILADHLKIIA, January 27, 1862: The following statement of the FAME INSURANCE COMPANY of their condition on the .31st day of De cember, 1801, Ispubllshed in accordance with an Act of Assembly. CAPlTAL—Authorized and subscribed ~.. $lOO,OOO 00 Amount paid in 61,890 00 . _ . .. Ronda and Mortgagee , 339,825 00 Demand Loans on collaterals..... 11,431.50 Philadelphia City 65 8,180 00 Beal Estate 2,00000 Interest accrued 2,092 48 Rllls Receivable 1,167 98 'Miami, due from Agents, &c 2,208 12 Cush on band 1,590 02 Instalments on Stocal not called In, I and for which the Stockholders aro individually liable 38,110 00 RECEIPTS FOR 1861. Premiums on Fire Risks, amount• lug to 51,234X1.00 510,2.33 10 Premiums on Inland Risks, amounting to $50,199.00. Interest on Securities, $14,18.1 53 DIBBIIESEZTENTS. Fire Losses 63,578 OA Commissions 839 94 Expenses, rent, advertising, &c... 2,283 44 Salaries 2,750 00 Dividends, January and July. 3,713 25 6907,458p6 WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. - FUME - 'INSURANCE COMPANY. .1: OFFICE No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. Amount at risk PiticAnzt.rnie, January 8,1862. Ate meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fame Insurance Company, held this day, a semi-annual Divi dend of Three per cent was declared, payable on and after the first day of February, 1862. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. COMMONWEAL NANCE COMPAN PENNSYLVANIA. H FIRE OHO; or THIN Mal ON DIRECTORS. David Jayne, M. D., Charles H. Rogers, John M. Whiten, John K. Walker, Edward 0. Knight, Robert Shoemaker Thomas S. Stewart, William Shmthers: Henry Lewis, Jr., Stephen Coulter. DAVID JAY IL, M. D., President. JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice Presided. SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. °Mee, Commonwealth Building, 015 ORESTIMIT Street, Philadelphia. sei-if ft REMOVALS. HOWARD & HAMDEN EXPRESS. REMOVED TO 607 CHESTNUT STREET, NEXT DOOR TO GRANVELLE STOKES. FREIGHT, MONEY, forwarded to all pants NORTH, SOUTH, • • EAST, and WEST. Having opened an Office in WASHINGTON, we shall Five special attention to freight for that City and vicinity. January 7, 1882. p. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO. HAVE ..11—D• REMOVED 'l'o4oB MAREET Street. jal-lm DRUGS AND CHEMICALS ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO.. ortheast Corner FOURTH and RACE Street'', PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FOREIfiN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS, SIANDFACTURERS Or SMITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS; PUTTY, As AGENTS TOR TER CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and mourners supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH, 0c81.3m WHITE LEA OIL , DRY AND IN White Precipitate, Lunar Caustic, Narcoline, Sulph. Morphine, Morphine, Acetate Morphine, Lac. Sulph., Ether Sulphuric, Ether Nitric, Sulphate Quinine, Corro. Sublim., Denarcotized Opium, Chloilde of Soda, WetherilPs ext. Cincha Tartar Emetic, Chloride of Lime: Crude Borax, Iteiined Borax, Camphor, Resin Copavia. LL A BROTHER, nufacturing Chemists, North SECOND Street, PHILADELPHIA. Red Lead, White Lead, Litharge, Sugar of Lead, Copperas, Oil of Vitriol, Calomel, Patent Yellow, Chrome Red, Chrome Yellow, Aqua Fortis, Muriatio Acid, Epsom Salts, Rochelle Salta, Tartaric Acid, Orange Mineral, Soluble Tart. Sub. Carb. Soda, White Vitriol, Bed Precipitate,WElTEßl Druggists and Ma Nos. 47 and 49 LOOKING GLASSES JAMES S. EARLE & SON, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS LOOKING GLASSES. OM PAINTINGS, FINE ENGRAVINGS, PICTURE AND PORTRAIT FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CARTE-DE-VISITE PORTRAITS, EARLE'S GALLERIES, 810 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ILLUMINATING OILS 50BARRELS GOOD QUALITY NON-EXPLOSIVE CARBON OIL, in tote of five and ten barrels, for sale at 415 COMMERCE Street 1a25-3t* OIL! OIL!! OIL!!! HULBURT & BRODHEAD, NO. 240 ARCH STREET, • Having opened a General Depot for the Salo of Extra Refined and Lubricating COAL OILS, would call the special attention of dealers and consumers to their refined ILLUMINATING OIL, as it possesses merit beyond anything heretofore offered in this market, being entirely free from that gluey substance and bad odor vJ4ch characterio that commonly sold In this market . , produces no smoke, and le free from all explosive properties. fPfr Orders from City or Country promptly at tended to. jals•Ln pORTLAND KEROSENE 0 I E. We are now prepared to suPPI7 Dde STANDARD LGLIDDINAVEND OIL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCKE & CO., Rosa Aosiwn, 1010 MARKET STREET, esll-0m Philadelphia. A NTI -FRICTION METAL, Superior Quality, For pale by JAMES YOCOM, Jn., DRINKER'S ALLEY, jal3-2u* Bet. Front and Second, Bane and Arch ate. DRIED APPLES.-66 sacks new Weetetn Dried Apples . , 7 bbla new Westerti Dried Apples. Just received and to store For solo b St y MURPHY KOONS, ja7-tt N 0.115 NORTH WIIADVDS. SHOULDERS. -1,500 pieces city smoked Shoulders; also, 79 hhds. Shoulders In dry salt, for sale by C. C. SADLER & CO., jag 103 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front DRIED FRUIT-NEW YORK STATE APPLES ; Western do choice now half Peaches, do. quarters, and mixed Peaches, Plums, Blackberries, in store, andfor sale by RHODES & WILLIAMS. M25-Stit 107 South NA'ATER. Street. " ' • tit iA`z, AT WAR PRICES, of Lootring.filasses, 'Engravings, and fine FiRMOS, at GEO. F. RENHERT'S, No. 82/ ARCH Street. .aigr§mr.,PFr- E. S. EA.RLEY, SURNIBRING UNDMIITAYAB, Bontliweat corner of Tltbllll. opd eiteurt Streets, n019k3u0115 NEW YORK AUCTION SALE. BY BURDETT, JONES, & 00 0 . Store 10 , Y WALL 00eet, New York. ON WEDNESDAY, FEB. 5, At 12 o'clock, at Wheeler's Stores, Atlantic Dock; (No. 54 Atlantic Dock,) D. S. GOVERNMENT SALE OF COTTON, By order end under the direction of Hiram Barney, Eso , Collector of thn' Port of Now York. BSA ISLAND COTTON. • . 175 bales superior rn, afity of 8051 /1511111 d Cotton, in per. feet merchantable order. Samples per catalogno can be amp at our office on and after Monday, 27th January, ilbtil day of sale. ja24-iinvettn St AMUSEMEIWrS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF LAST NIGHT OF THE OPERA. MONDAY EVENING, Janata's , 21, 1862, Verdi's celebrated and favorite Opera; LA TRAVIATA Miss CLARA LOUISE KELLOGG as- Violetta, In which character she achieved a brilliant SUCCealt last week. in New York and Brooklyn, and has been I.dgitily eulo gized by the entire New York prese. BRIGNOLI (in hie favorite role) Its Alfredo. IdANOUSI (his first appearance) as Gerniont. 11/111ILI as the Baron. Conductor CARL ANCITUTZ. Box Office open to-day for the sale of tickets. GOTTSCHALK has arrived, and, will [shortly sneer in a series of Concerts. .1a95 e10i,205 10 WALNUT -STREET THEATRE NINTH and WALNUT Street& Bole Lome MRS. M. A. GARRETTEVEL MR. AND MRS. BARNEY WILLIAMS. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, January 21, The performance will commence with UNCLE PATS CABIN. Mickey Malone Mr. Barney William, Widow Casey Mrs. Barney William. To be followed by PATIENCE AND PERSEVERANCE. Patience Pepperpoch Mrs. Barney William. To conclude with TEDDY, TH Vateem-60, 6 Th, 11; aged No mate; Psivat•Emiai $6 and SS. Doors open at quarter to 7. TO comence at TM. $13,114 OT CONT IN E THEATIIII. TILE GREA2''XI7-19PC THE 3BASON't HOUSES CROWDED NIGHTLY THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, Jan. 27,1882, Will be presented, the great Drams of E . NCLE TOM'S CABIN; Or, Life among the Lowly. In 8 Acte, 9 Tableaux, and 32 Scenes. No Theatrical Performance will be given in con nection with this entertainment. Admission lb and nets. Orchestra Chains 50 contd. Doors open beforeli,to commence}( past 7. MRS. JOHN DREW'S AROH-STRSJIIT, THEATE R. Acting and Stage Manager W. E. vazDaßicaut. Iluednein Agent and Treasurer JOS. I:), MERPIIII. THIRTEENTH NIGHT OF JOHN DREW, TO-NIGHT, (Monday,) January 270862, ST. PAI MOWS EVE. Major O'Dogherty.. Frederick the Great.... ...... Blitz To conclude with MORE BLIIND/S8 TWOS ONE. Larry Hooligan John Drew Er' Prices as usual. Kr Curtain risea at M after 7 o'clock. oia - Seats secured three days In advance. MUSICAL FUND HALL. MASTER I. RICE, ELEVEN TEARS OLDS PUPIL OF CARL WOLFSOHN, Respectfully informs his friends and the public in gene ral that be will give a GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, ON TUESDAY EVENING, Jan. 2811,, AT MUSICAL FUND HALL. The following artists have kindly volunteered their services for this occasion: AMIE BERTHA JOHANNSEN, MB. ADOLPH BIRGFELD, MB. CARL WOLFSOHN, MM. SIMON HASSLER., Mg. CHARLES 8011MITZ. TICKETS FIFTY CENTS. To be bad at the principal Music Stores, of the Gam+ mittee, and in the eveling at the Door. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Concert to commence at S. ja24.4tss GRAND VOCAL CONCERT-By the United Vocal Musical Assoclationsof Phila delphia, for the BENEFIT of the GERMAN HOSPI TAL, of Philadelphia, on MONDAY EVENING, Jan. 27, at 8 o'clock, at the NATIONAL GUARDS' HALL. To be followed by a BALL, Which sill be opened at 10 o'clock. .... . /fir licketa, admitting one gentleman and two Wien to the Concert and Ball, $1; to be had of the Manage r& and at tho Hall. 1a23-4t JIEMPLE OF WONDER/3- Z. TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. In big New, Popular, and Amusing Entertanwalle EVERY EVENING, commencing at hat Dart T o'clock and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY ASTIR. NOON'S at 3. Grand Combination of Attraction; Thanmatnrgfoat Psycological Experiments, Magical Dews, Boas, Ventriloquial Oddities, Comicalities, and Boa Mots, and the Pleasing Exhibition of the Learned oa. nary Birds. Admission 2Z cents; Children 13 cents GEIMANIA. ORCRESTRA. CARL BENTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, al 1,14 o'clock P. M., at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Package of Eight Tickets, SI; Single Tickets, el& To be had at Andre's,llo4 Chestnut street, J. E. Gotdd'a, Seventh and Chestnut, and at thedoor of the Rail. os*- P ENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Olf THE FINE ARTS, 1028 CHESTNUT Strerit, ft open daily, ticndaye excepted, from 9 A. M. till 6 P. IL Admistf on 25 cents. Children under twalTo y half price. Shares of Stock. NO. EDUCATIONAL lc? Tlect . BIJCSCHOOL lIMAN giWLL OPEN HER JUL?. se tor rls I n the third of Febria. any. No. 1030 SPRING GARDEN Street. ift23-12tte. NVANTE D—A second-hand. SW. Sonery Steam Sogine, of from CO to 70.Hoese Power. Affilrees, stating parttculara, "Box 1155 Port Office." de2l-13 UNITED STATES MARINES.- Wanted, imutediately,for the United States Maxine Carps, FIVE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED JAEN for sea service, between the ages of eighteen nul, forty years. Alf information that may be required wilt be given at the Rendezvous, 311 South FRONT Street, below Spruce. JARES LEWIS, Captain, ialB.l2t Recruiting Otbcer. • YOR SALE AND TO LET. FIRST-CLASS STEAM FORGE, FOR SALE. Will bo sold, at public mile, at 2 o'clock P. If.. on TUESDAY, the fourth day of February, 1862, at the public house of W. L. Dell ORISON, In the city of Read ing, the property known as the READING STRATI( FORGE, in said city. Said Forge is substantially built, and completely equipped wets all the modern improvements, including aseven-ton. Nasmyth brume& and three Eirk steam hammers, each with heating furnaces and boilers attached. A tyre bending machine and oven, three puddling furnaces, lave blacksmith's forges, two thirty-ton cranes, one largest-class boring mid, slotting machine, turning lathe, and sixty-horse engine. Maio building, 300 by 100 feet, with skeet Iron roof, a carpentershop, and brick office, wills fire proof, Ac., on the premises, w hick contain over 2.)j acres. Said Forge is most conveniently located for business, ad joining the Reading Railroad, and so connected therewith that locomotives can take away and deliver cars of iron, coal, and other freight, without cost for hauling. Shutt% run outside the building, by which coal, scrap iron, Sm., can be dumped does to each furnace, without extra cost for hauling or labor. This Forge is capable of executing the heaviest work, having forged and fiuished the main shafts of the " Adriatic," (believed to be the largest ever made,) besides complete sets of Impinge for numerous steamships for Government and others. The city of Read ing presents peculiar advantages for the successful opera tion of such a forge. It Is within 58 milis of Philadelphia, connected therewith by the Reading Railroad, and the Schuylkill (160 ton) canal, 120 miles by rail direct from New' York, 138 from Baltimore, 54 from Harrisburg, and 34 from the Schuylkill coal region, whence the best an thracite coal can be placed at the furnace doors for alma 512.25 per ton, Reading is situated in cam of the flocg agricultural districts of remiss wails, has a population of 25,000, and is noted for its general health and the purity of its water. As Barka county contains more furnaces than any other in the United States, iron of every description can he procured by the forge at the lowest prices. Title clear of all incambrance Posses sion Os en immediately, and terms wade easy, to suit purchasers. The Forge is in complete order, and is fur nished with every necessary tool and appurtenance to, commence work immediately on taking possession. It is a property well w orth the attention of those engaged in the above business. For any further information, apply to 11. 11. bitHILENBERG, Cashier of the Farmers' Bank of Remitter, Pa. ja27-ifel pa- TO BENT A Desirable HOUSE, kkanear BROAD and WALNUT. All modern conve niences. Reserving Office. Furniture for sale, if de. aired. Apply to . E. PETTIT, 1a81•if 1423 WALNUT Street. diFOR SALE OR EXCHANG.E- A large Store and Dwelling on MARKET Street, mit a prominent corner, and suitable far a liquor Mare. Ap ply to J. 11. WATERS, tf 110 Smith FOURTH Street. 11OR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR Improved Property, Forty Acres of GROUND, in the Twenty-second Ward, fronting on the Itlount Airy Turn pike and the County-line Road. Clear of all encunt. brace. Apply to I'OR SALE AND EXCHANGE-- A large number or Farms in the adjoining Coun ties, States Of Delaware, Maryland, New York, and New Jersey, averaging from 10 to 200 acres of land. Those wishing to exchange or purchase would do well to call and examine my Register of Farms. Apply to jal•tf E. PETTIT. No. 809 WALNUT Street. VARM FOB SALE.—A FARM; in excellent state of cultivallon, containing fifty-out acres, Ohm of which are woodland,) pleasantly nit - naked In Limerick township, Montgomery county, two and a half miles from the Limerick station, on the Beading Railroad, Is offered for sale. Price—Five thousand dol. lace (S 6,000). Apply on the promisee. SAMUEL H. GRAF?. ma FOR SALE—A Desirable FARM, containing 95 acres of superior land, near Sandy Bun Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, with first. class Stone buildings. Principal part of the purchase. money can remain at 5 per cent. Apply to E. PETTIT, Jai No. 309 WALNUT Street. PIJ.II,TATE'S SAFE DEPOT Rl movzri to No. 21 Booth SEVENTH Street, am ranklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and bean determined to merit future patronage, has second ma elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand a large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wroctqht sad Mika Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Bales, (tae mar strictly fire and burglar proof setae made.) ALIN IdII Vi Lineonaliod Bank Vault, Bale, and Bank Locks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be ftentsdaSt to order on short notice. This is the strongest, best tested, and and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Meet particular attention is called to Lillie" 1a Cabinet Bare, for Plate, Jewelry, ko. This Bate is esam ceded to corneas In style and elegance anything yet ot. fered for this purpose, and Is tho only ono that ta Adair fire and burglar proof Braotsx Noeton.—l have now on hand say twenty Farrel, Herring, k Co.'s Bees, moat of them nearl7 DIM and some forty of other makers, comprising a ootaphia assortment as to slam and all lately exchanged for es now celebrated Lulls Safe. They will be sold at MI low prices Please cell and examine. ia26-brif ht. 0. BADLSB. Akest. 'ADIES OR GENTLEMEN can havo _ILI their Hair dyed a apiondid Black, or a boantittil Brown, at FOURTH. and BRANCH. ja2s-ittf M 1,000 pieces sugar cured. " Oity-ataoked Hama [or sale by 0. 0. SADLER & as 103 ARCH Street, 2d door atom Freut. ....John Drew. ...John Gilbert. ...Frank Drew- SIGNOR BLITZ WANTS. J. H. WATERS, 110 South FOURTH Street. SAFES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers