v i a r ;► 0 11DA'8 VTOTHISPE. Itnlirtrithias rnpgy the clock haNetrlielf thr V46'041011 where, htiqoblehli;medlilllo may bbh . On the wled,OW hasgAiltereif thb tgoltilgro like dew; ' I can see 'whore the ntboil.lAaina steal treathltnaly, through; It is Cold, but not windy—how dreary and damp It Must bo for our soldiers, exposed in tho camp! l'hough I know It IA wanner cud halMier there. Tet t I shrink from the thought of the Chilling night air; Vollhe peter was used to the hardeldps or man When itt. home, for ,ablehted and cherished him then And 1,9'0 ft at Could tend to hie comfort I saw, Voiltilieeined like to child tilt ho went to the war! Ifs In ts6nty„ I know; and boys younger that' ita , In the finite, &lig by, every'day can Soo; And thord stronger end prouder, by for, I hare tust, ml! I Porer hire Seen .d yotiog eoldlrr, no yet, With w _ wont a mien, or so lofty a brow—. ow,ttny the owl the wind roust hen darkened It now! few he will hare changed, Afton ha comes front the wlll 4 , his Leant shiOngout tho sweet seines of his month; ,• , • , • • • And the bromine bout', tho womanly grace, Will bo brained from the delicate lines of hit face, Where, of late, only eldfdllood's'eoft beinty I VIM, For ho, seemed like a child, till ho wont to the war I Ile Moire so gentle, and ready to yield— And oo frank, there was nothing kept back Or concealed Ile Nrtui 'dicey!' do sparkling with laughter and joy, I thought he could newer cotton being ahoy; Dut gbdit toimided the cannon for battle, and when RoeOlhe rattling cry otour Hatton for mon, Froin the dreani l loviing mood of his boyhood ha passed From hit path, Igo light tonere of pleasure Ito east; And root., toady to stand In the Pmileue wan, Not the tremulous boy, but the resolute man; And I gazed on him sadly, with trembling and awe; Ile was only b child till ho went to tho war I • Thera are tonnes that era humbler and Baler than outs Them are ;tare that aro barer of beauty and 'lowers i There are those that nfuet suitor for fire and for bread, ltrleg only to Kerma and wish they wore dead I must try awl be pullout—l must net repine— But what heart Is more lonely, more anxious than Mine 1 Or what hearth can be...darker than mine seems to be, Novi the riot; of theflrodladat Is all I can ese T — . Whelp my darling, inbeanty, no lately I saw— .. Ife was' only a Cbllolll he went to the war I SERVE YOUR FLAG! Brlct OF " WHIFFS ntog NY INERRSCHAMI." The rebel cannon opened upon tho defiant walla; bravo Anderson, with Ms little handful of men, gallantly responded; the telegraph, In the confused end heel style in which tt always muddies every. thing It takes hold of, filled the air with inconsis. tent and impossible rumors '• . the proud flag wee wrapped in the smoke and flames of the burning tort; and, as a culmination of the first act of the world's greatest drams, the ominous words, "sort Sumpter surrendered!" dashed along the when, thrilling tho , great heart of the nation, firing the blood of • onihuslastio, ambitious youth; quickening the steady pales armature manhood; starting afresh the singgish current in the value of the old man, who had lived long under that bright banner, and now for the first time saw it trailing at the foot of treason. What followed then bee already been written in the records of the time, pe well as In the memory of all that witnessed It. !rho Ilene anger of In sulted loyalty; the grand uprising of an outraged people In its sublime passion the spontaneous of fering of lives, fortune, and sacred honor upon the altar of patriotism, have been obronieled, and passed Into history. °hullo Marsh eat at Ida littla table, his books spread before him, his etudygown wrapped about him, his pipe lit, his smoking•oap jauntily probed upon the book of his head. IN had trimmed hie lamp, and sat down to prepare for to-morrow's recitation ; but the wild oxoltemont caused by the President's call for seventy.fivo thousand men was abroad f and made study Impossible. After seve ral futile attempts to colleothie shattered thoughts, and concentrate them upon what old Cicero hid to say in disparagement of Mark 'Antony, ho closed the lexicon with a slam, refilled his pipe, moved his ober around by the window and eat down to think about it. And out there upon the nampna, that lay qulotly sleeping In the moonlight, there arose a vision of the lecguered fort, the starving garrison, tile elrolo of batteries growing up around it, the cowardly ettaok, the ilnol capitulation and lowering of the flog. 'There appoared a vision of the auto and terrible retribution; the marshaled hosts advancing with firm, determined tread, bear ing boforo them that starry emblem, that the or• deal of battle might purify it of the gain left thou, by treason's foul hand. Trough the open window oamo the sound of the drum and fife, stirring, as no other musio can, the Lighting blood that came to him from Rovoiutionary circa; and, throwing his emohing nap out of the window, by way of emphasis, he mistimed t "By Jove.!" (students have a habit of swearing by the mythological deities; It smacks of the soholarly,) "I'm going !!! Knocking theashos out of his pipe, bo went to bed to dream of drums and irumpots, banners and braes buttons, gunpowder, grime, and gallant deeds; and through ail, a fair face looked down on him, with smiles of pride and encourage ment The neat zooming he enlisted, and then tele graphed home to ask his father's consent. The only' answer was Go!" And he went. Ills mottle' woe dead, his father and sister, and the owner of these twit, atarry eyes that smiled on him to his dream, lived far away; and there wore none but his college Montle to bid him good-bye when the day for bin departure came, and ho was ready to shirt, leaving, not without a lingering re gret, the old dog-eared books, the study-gown and rmoking-oap , of all his testifies taking with him only his dear old meerschaum. No wonder that he was client end thoughtful, na the long train slowly :moved off, amid the cheering of the men, the waving of snowy bandkerohiefe, and the tear ful farewells of loved ones, For with all his eager noes and enthusiasm, be had thought well of the step he was taking, the personal risk, and the pos sible duration of the war. Ile know, too, that there were dear once at home, who.would think of turn often; a aleter, who would catch all the dying rumors, and bewilder her little head with masked batteries and rooonnoissanoesin Borah of tidings of him; a father, whose sympathies would be more than over enlisted, now that his only sou r Ilia company was attached to a regiment, and they went Into camp, Fortunately, their colonel was not a mere splendor of gold laoo and orimson mob; ho was a mon of military education, earnest in the cause, and determined to make soldiers of hie men, Be Charlie mon tasted the sweets of a soldier's life, the herd bread, and harder board to sleep on, the woolen shirt and ponderous brogan; and tho old VISIOhe of graduation, and literary re nown, that Immo to him in his little chamber, as he sat among his books, gave way to dreams of glorious deeds In battle, the thunder of cannon, and the clashing of swords. And letters came from home, from slater Carrie, full of anxious In quiries as to his health, and questions about hew ho looked, bow he liked it, etc. ; ending with a wicked little joke about Fannie B—, And hor flirtation with a lieutenant of the Home Guard, In reply, be told her that she might posse, bar soul in pence in regard to his health, for he was it er'n a hued owl ;" he deroribed his uniform, voluminous In trouser and scanty In coat-tail; at tempted a mildly jocose remark in reference to Fannie's flirtation, and made a melancholy fallaro, Beside the manual of arms, the culinary manual was taught, and ono day Charlie woe taking a les son in diehmaehing, when a merry ripple of laughter enured bin] to look up from his task. Wo his surprise, ha saw the paternal Marsh blandly mailing on bum, with slater Carrie on big arm, con vulsed with girlish laughter at Charlio'a awkward energy. The old gentleman afterward made the aoquaintanoo of the colonel, and while they wore dimming tho war•nerve, Charlie was busy answer ing Carrie's many questions, telling her all about those two chevrons on his arms, and endeavoring to impress hor with the dignity and responsibility sustained by the third corporal. And then the package was opened, end the toilet-ease and needle book brought out; and the cakes, confectionery, jellies, and other delicacies so well adapted to the frail sternal' of a soldier. Last of all came a little aomething wrapped in tissue paper. Here's something," told Carrie, "that Fannie sent you to remember her by. You haven't for gotten Fannie?" As If those violet oyes worn not always haunting hlm—on guard, washing dishes, drilling, everywhere. "But why don't you look at it, say it's pretty, And send her your compliments?" Just then the drum beat. 44 Timis for dress•parade !" exclaimed Charlie, and he rushed into hie tont to equip himself. Some of hie meas./unto said Choy sow him quickly press something to hie tips, end then as quickly drop it into ono of the populous pockets of his trousers. Tho next Morning, a little iosetto appeared upon his .breast, and it took no much of his attention during •drill that the captain throatenod to order him to wear it on Ids hook. Very few were tho worde or advice that hie fa ther pvo him as ho was about to return home. "Berri yira Atte' A mist otinlo boforo his eyes, and ho said no more. And Charlie went back to his drilling and dish• washing. Captain, I don't think I am well enough to go on guard to,day.'' irWhy, buy, you never complained borer°. Wbat's the mattot?" "Nothing tattoo; I guess. I woo in the rain last night, and Tight cold. Bitty Reed tem token 'Mk on bte post, find I tolloved law." .4 Weil o go to the hespitat, ,, , • •. nibs' *au sold Ina light tenor but thorn' wast aloud upon Also captain's brow whoa he turnod away ; for 1 1 0 was somewhat skilled In physic, and Charlitiiitlualled hoe and bright eye didlfot Agit him at all, The rest to 'soon told. llkarllell die• enact wpa. lvltat the loomed otill,ptiuro•pnotrmortia, and Its hand Was lad upon him with over-tighten ing grssp, In vain did tho good old doctor ox , haust his ; in vain did rough hands, but hoods' warm sslth wonianlyteularness, minister to' every Want. It woe.; m[0E14101)0111 about toro months after 'onlISICd, when' ho• upon his so(, rational lei Ifie Net BUIS in Many days,' Beckoning to bla side Ws attendapt—.lllllt Reed, wbo had eiieroely 101 l him eineo bb had bOeitlakeii slok—he whispered faintly . ii Ting' resette." • ' ' • It was plaMl in hls hand, and he looked at It'for ' a long Dm is eilenae, As be gated upon it, its , colors seemed to oall to his mind the proud emblem of OUT countre!l glory, and ho repeated may thnos, almost Inaudibly, the sluing Does of Drake's im nprtal poem : Forever float that standard sheet I Where breathe, tho roe but falls before nil with Freedom'', moll beneath our feet, And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us!" Then, turning Ws eyes upriarcle, ea though ho &Bid the ellkon !haling of its omblazoood ho said diatinotlp : Bono yoni. PAO" They were hie last words. With solemn stop and slow the sad procession fol lowed him to ihe grave they had made for blot on der Wok of the. beautiful river, where the soft plashing of the ripples upon the boa* and the low sobbing Of the winds through trees, would sound hie regtitem. ,Gently they lovrered him Into the ground, the guard of honor fired the funeral Faints, and he wee left among the pale sleepers. Only a few atoms of duet transferred from the earth's surfaeo Into rte bosom, that is all ; and the great would moves onutdoseding. And yet of Charlie Marsh, no less than of the Martyred Ellsworth, of Winthrop, Lyon, and Baker, there is written above the golden rooord " DIRD FOR. RIR COUNTRY." Reeder, young man, despair not booouso you are unknown to faine ; beeaure your nanie is not upon tho tongues of men. The fate of ClNarlto Borah may bo yours; It may be mlno. But though yours or mine "Inay not be One of tho few Immortal names That wore not Lora to Wei" yot lot us stand up bravely in tho ranks, doubting Dot, earnest in purpose, over ' tourourbering poor Charlie's dying. injunction: " SERV& YOUR FLLU!" (Knickerbocker Comments of the English Press A COLD•BLOODND ARTICLE FROM TDB DEBBY OR R4B--RECOORITION OF THE BURLS BROOM LIMED. Front the London ilternlng "braider Doe.23th—Lord Dertoon Organ.] Wo think it inoumbent on the British Govern. mcnt and people to oonalder very seriously the position in which it will eland for the future towards the Northern and Southern sections of the Into United Mates. Whether or not the reply that we expect next week shall bring with it the certainty of war with the Northern Itepubilo, it Is equally Important to shapo our %purse with wariness, and to take care that our hesitation or ovorimoottilous. I:102i do net expose us to the ohanoo of an ignomini ous; checkmate from the statesmen with whom we cannot hope to maintain very cordial, relations for some time to come. A feeling of distrust, al• most of dislike, to this ooantry, props out iu every sentence of Mr. Seward's despatehes; and those who best undoestand the men who now take tho lead in the council of Washington assure us that there is only too much reason to suppose that, whatever their present attitude, they are likely to seize upon the first opportunity that pennants itself of doing os an injury with comparative impunity to themselvei. We are very !lorry that this hostilo feeling ehould be suspeotod. Wo are not aware that we kayo in any ,way wrongod these Americana, or Justified their hostility. But Nolen as thoro Wets a want sl cordiality on their part, they must excuse us if we recommend that all precautions should bo taken to prevent them from overreaching us. The question now before us is simply this, Shall we re. cognize) thoiodopendenoo of the Uonfed orate States ? We think that this question equally presses for an answer Whether or not wo have to go to war with the North. If the answer to . Lord John Russell's demands should ho ono of peace, the question of the ad visabillty of recognition Is not the less entitled to grave consideration. There, aro arguments which may bo urged for our adoption of one courao or the other. In favor of suspending our nation it may be said that the North, especially if it makes amends for the Trent outrage, has a strong deice to our kqmpathy in its great troubles; that to recognize the South would be to weaken the bawls of the Federate, and to throw our weight unfairly into the smiles of the revolted provinces. It may he represented to us that it is impolitio to take open cognizance of a State that, after all, may enjoy but en ephemeral existeueo; that it were, at all events, wise to wait until the inspoo anglify of tho conquest of the South shall be more conclusively doutonstrated. And vet we must admit that a pretty strong sate routine made out for an immediate recognition. of the Con. federate Government, even whilst we are on peaceful terms with the North. When Lord Russell, as early as in Juno lost, declined to make any prowls° that he would not recognize the South, lie had, doubtless, in view the uniform predicts of title country to recognize nil do facto Governments. A Power that has sue manfully maintained itself for nearly a twolvo 'month against the stupendous efforts that have born made to erueh lt, is as much, and more a Govern ment de facto then was the Government of the Greek nation when recognized by Ma Great Po were in 1826, or the Republics of South Amorien, whose, Independence was admitted long beer° Spain bad given up t h e, hnpo of suktluing them; or that of Belgium, when It revolted from Holland. The re cent example of tho Kingdom of Italy, recognized by England utmost before it Was formed, allows clearly what rule on this subjeot we bare chosen to adopt in Europe. We spay eonoittdo our precedents by quoting the example of 'Washington against it self. On Juno iS. 1819, Mr. Clayton spoke of the recent Hungarian revolution in the following terms; " If it shill appear that Hungary is ablo to maintain the independence she bee obtained, we desire to be the very first to congratulate her," Mr. Boehm accepted tho fact of the) Provisional Government in France in 1818 the instant that ho heard it had been proclaimed. ...It was right and proper," ho observed, writing to the inimotor in Paris, on March .31 of that year, " that tho minister pleni potentiary and envoy extraordinary of tho United States should be the first to recognize, as far as his powers extended, the Provisional Clovern• meat of tho French Republic." Thus all prece dent 1.27 .Evrope, and certainly the practice of the Federal Government itself, appears to war rant as in an immedeate recognetion of the in. dependent Confederate States. The American legist, Wheaton, lays down most explicitly the right of recognition as possessed by She foreign State; so that it cannot bo oonatrued, as Mr. 80. Third erroneously supposed, Into an act of war ngainst the opponents of the State recognised, Certainly we are loft to our free choice, and aro not bound to do it unless we please. If we wino sure that by the not of recognition we could dis courage the continuance of a soar wield all im partial men stow afloat to he a hopeless and ob jectless,thertfore minded and crud ; if we could turn the tido of a torrent of revengeful pastion, Which, in the endeavor to glut its revenge,, is in venting such wanton schemes of injury and tor. tura as never before were heard of except among savages; If we would servo the interests of hu manity and hasten the return of peace to a die. traded continent—then, we should say, let us loss no limo In exercising what would bo something more than a right—a duty. More Cotton in England Now than at the Same Period Last Year. Wrote the London Star, Dec. 28.1 The planters of the Confodorato States have made an egregious blunder in supposing that, by retaining their cotton, they could porn England into en Interposition in their favor. So far as thoy are concerned, cotton is no king. It is not like Tokay, or Johannisberg wino to lbo produced only on ono given spot of the oarih'e Burrito°. Tho de monstration of this, as a fact, is duo to the revolt of the Southern States; and the continuenoo of the blockade, or of whatever other obstrolo exists to the exportation of Sea Island cotton, will make the fact au extonsi‘m and permanent one, When this blookado was established, and it be came certain that our usual supplies of this—the more important of the raw Intonate used in our manufactories—would be stopped, moot of as wore really afraid to look at the carm; lonoes in the face. We shared somewhat in the illusion of the planters, who felt sure our industry would be destroyed If we did not interfere. Nobody In this country, Indeed, thought of breaking the blockade oxeopt a few pot. eons whose last thoughts would he for the proteation and safety of our manulaeturing intercede and now, nine months after the work of Secession be gan, althouh the polloy of the South hes concurred with the objects of the North in prohibiting the ex• port trade of the former, we, in - England, tind our selves as well off, nearly, for cotton as llyoar ago— that in to say, we have now as large a stook of the article on bend as we had this time twolventonths. A return width we printed yesterday, shows, itt (hid, that on the 20th of thss month there was ac. molly a larger nod of Cotton at Liverpool than on the 20th of .Deeember, 1860. Our real end enduring interest, therefore, on. ours with our clear duty in retpeoting the deoreo of the Pedoral Government - which closes the ports of the South. It, is really fur our Interest that this embargo should continuo for some time longer, for It will necessitate our getting cotton elsewhere, nod not from ono country only, but from several, Tho change will, no doubt, be necompanied by mite suffering, but all great changes aro thus moor- POW, even when genorally most bonotcent in their Datum Mr. President Davis may threaten us with a diversion of the capital and labor of the South into other channels than the cultivation of Cotton, but wo now know too much to be affected by that tomes. Wo sea that by suffering a little telmixtritrY pitiehieg, we can ultimately get cotton enotigh olsowhoro, and from oountrics not mita minated by slavery, and which will not be able to ittetllZlO the airs and insolence of people‘who think they have got a monopoly of an article of nooossity to the rest of the world. The Eruption of Vesuvius. The Naples correspondent of the Laudon Ti,ues describes a visit ho paid to. Tone del Greco on the 12th. I , The piece has," ho says, "become what Pompeii wee after the earthquake; two and twonty thousand persons had boot) driven from their dwell ings in a night, while all the aigna of recent life and of hurried escape mot ono at ovary glance. "TM train stopped on the Naples side of the city, I for,' said the lospeotor, there aro !moral clefts In the rood, and the vibration of the carriages might bring down more horses' Bo dismounting, we walked along the rail, through the Btrada Ma. Tinfli every houso in which had flumes from top to bottom, and, before amending, went down to the sea, which, at a few feet from the beach, was boil ing furiously. Fortunately, I was accompanied by the rector of the olty, who pointed out In detail what wne most remarkable. ' fho sea bee retired,' he said, t full 20 palms, end we oonaidor this as a had symptom, and an Indication of yet greater disasters. Theso hugo Nolte wore covered on Hun day log, and now they are exposed, and are 'aloft to, the bottom; as if by aomo mighty moolmoloal powers' ' They Ore all composed of hard flintdiko Which flowed down in 1794, overwhelming the •.father.of the present oily. Through the subterranean openings 'which had been Made by the earthquake tho water from the mountain was pouring Into the son, and though the tetoperathro wits not much increased, it had an arid flaver Oloso by,. we want into ruined house,' to oxemino a welt widah bad been cleft by the earthquake; and: through 'which the springs were pouring down wit i innota violence,ll9 this ear, not the eye, told tie. • form del Clroeo le torraood on the incline of the mountain, and you enter ono Parallel street from another by it series of stop. Other Efreete run at right angles to theso, and lead from tiro sea up to the higher parts of VOSUViIIi. Let us ascend' the Strada Ripe,' which had large litruro throughout. and turning off to the left pass down filo Htrada Fontana. Lt , it ti tailed thoM the 'fountain ,whioh is there, and whigh bee now risen seVerel feet it ono extremity of it the water wee in a state of bailing agi •.tation' not,'lr think, from ' the-afoot of heat so moll as from the twinge which hell opened beneath. I. tested this . Water, whioh was porfootly flavorless, like boiled water; but there wee nothing more decided In its °hitt-actor. • EverY Ileum in this street was 'ln a ruined state ; workmen wore knocking holes in the fapedob at the top of some 'of them, In which to plan the ends of poles -that were to be their props ; others had fallen in a 'mans of dibrii, and several loom out down' n finely • that sections of thew remained, exhibiting the in tutor.-'Thus 1 saw, tottering on the extremity, a bed, neatly folded down, and which had evidently not been slept In ; the chairs wore ranged round. the side of the rooMthit heti been saved, and a gridiron, tomatoes, kitchen utensils of all kinds, hung against the walls of this, the sootion of the second floor of the ruined 'building. What au eseepa for the inhabitants t I retrace my steps, end again amend, and, mounting a range of stops, enter on another terrace, milled the Slrada Santo Croce. All the houseshore promoted a similar ap. pearenee. 'Yo milked in the middle of the street, for who could tell but that ono of the oripplos might fall upon ue, Right and left wore cross targets in the same condition, and in them several houses had fallen a WWI of rubbish. I aI O PP O d be. fore ono large hoots in particular, the shell of which was remaining inttiot, while the interior had fallen in, and the same mason work prolooted through the open door. Just outside, the street been thrown up by the volatudo action, And aerator was formed ten palms in diameter. I stood on the edge and looked down, and saw that the goologioal formetion was all of lava, the old lava of 1704, split 'slender by a mysterious and irresistible power, and that the actual city was built on the city of the dead. Nine times line Torre del Greco boon de atroyed, and yet, with a porsietenoo whioh appears like folly, the inhabitants have returned, and re• built, end suffered, and have been swallowed up." - The °Pie Journal of Naples publishes the latest report of M. Palmieri, director of the obser vatory of that city, containing an account of the decline of the present eruption up to the 17th. He states that, although Mount Veauvius has nearly subsided into its usual quiet state, yet a quantity of carbonic acid is still evolved from the soil of Torre del Orem, leading to the belief that all the crevices opened there communtoate with'a out sub terranean receptacle of that gas, extending far un der the sea, where numerous bubbles are seen to rise, and the death of n large number of fish has beep merited in oonsequenee. This time the map lion had not been' announced by the diseppearanao of water from the wells, but, on the contrary, by the opening of new springs strongly acidulated with corbonio mid, which has also tainted the water of several wells, which, at the' same time, has risen to a higher level in them, Dot the most singular phenomenon mentioned by M. Pal !uteri le, that the soil bas risen nine-eighths of a metre above the level of the eon; and vino° this rising has taken place above the old lava of 1704, the latter has been broken and cracked in various directions,which has caused the fall of many edifiers buil t it. The true cause of the receding of the sea, so often mentioned by authors, and not credited, as no cause could bo assigned for it, is now fully explained; it is not the son that re• oedee, but the mil that rises. "It ' now remains to ho seen," says M. Palmieri, " whether this rising will go down again; and I would, therefore, recom mend the lend owners of Torre del Greco not to set about rebuilding their houses just yet." The era tors continue to emit sulphurous hydrochloric' acid, and also a certain quantity of mipburetted hydro. gen. Among the sublimation may be mentioned a largo amount of sulphur, the usual chlorides of iron, anti a little epeoular iron ore. The Times' correspondent, writing from Naples on the 2let, says: The mountain has been in a state of greater or lees agitation all the week; but on Tuesday we had another eruption, equal in magnificence to any I have yet witnessed. It was beginning when I despatohed my lest letter; as, however, the day wore on It increased in power. and the came wonderful and beautiful (Amite which I have already described, were again observable. At every ehot that was fired by the merintain there rose a cloud of ashes in the. form of a pine tree, which flied o ff to the south as another shot was fired and another oloud arose. As the heavy-laden clouds escaped beyond, the power which had ex. pelted them, and as the aqueous vapor woe condensed, we could sea at. Intervale Mowers, nay, storms, of ashes falling like avalanches on lend and sea, and still the black, gor geous masses rolled on towards Capri, oh• touring the coast whioh Hoe opposite to Naples. Thunder and lightning, or the roaring of Vesuvius, and eleetrio lights, wore frequent incidents In this awful mono; the latter, shot up from the mouth of the crater to the summit of the dark cone, play ed about lie evolutioes, and revelled, as It wore, in the Hoene° of freedom—the daylight could not ob• mere lie brilliancy. Towardssunsot we marked that effect of color which is only to bo seen in Southern latitudes, for then the mass of dark cloud which hung over Veauvius and the entire bay was lit up with the most delicate roseate tints. Then Dame on gray eve and darker night, rendered still more so by the electric; fliedies whioh continued to donee above Vesuvius. On the next morning I wont down to Torreageln. Alas ! It le a oity on orutohos ; many cripples hey° fallen, and many are falling. Pro fessor Palmieri, the great Vesuvian authority, con firms the report of the elevation of the soil, end " hopes that the proprietors will not rebuild until the dep ression , which may be expected, has taken place." Yet, with a fatuity which appears like madness, the people are with difficulty hold bank from returning to their perilous dwellings. It is the feet that General Della Marmora has been compelled to station soldiers titers to pro. vent such folly. From nil le,h, gather, the moun tain wee spilt from top to bottom, the fissure reach ing far into (boson. Inn few words I will show this. There aro eleven orators above Torre del Greco, all emitting sulphurous vapors, and the largest is front 70 to 80 feet deep and 100 feet wide, From this point on the Bth inst., after heavy rumblings, and heaving of the surfaeo, the ground was split open, and a fiery Deere was made almost to the outskirts of the city, through which the same unseen power passed, opening the streets, and laying bare mum parts of tho former buried town, and then running in io the sea. All this is evident to limeys, You sea the fissures in all directions, and walk daintily at t lune lost you fall In, or lest some raokoty building inny come down, Yesterday the Exmouth, which went out to try its Armstronge, returned by Terre del Green, and made the eirouit of a whirlpool, now formed, which must be about 300 foot in diameter. It was boil ing violently, and emitted a strong sulphurous odor. A boat 30 feet in length was lot down and sent into the centre of the whirlpool, when it was turned rapidly round by lice voloanio forms beneath. The ;sounding gave 23 fathoms of water, and the plummet brought up sand and sulphur. Prom a part of the circumference a tail, so to nail it, about 60 feet in width, runs away in the direction of Sorrento, end is of a beautiful ligbt-groon color. All the water hero was tepid, had a etroug sulphur ous smell, and many fish have been destroyed. The precise elevation of the well on which Torre stands is 1.12 metre, and I may observe that the gases which aro emitted on land are stronger than those at sea, so much so that one was killed on Wednes day, and several of my friends nearly fainted from pausing near them. It is ueuecoesery to say that the principal element developed is carbonic sold gas. PIIILAUICLPICIA BOARD OF TltAtili. EDMUND A. BOUDKR, °NORGE L. BLIZBY, Commie or it Ha 'Mom EDWARD V. 'DIDDLE. LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philaaelphte 614 'Borneo, nerd London, Boon Bola Trojan, Bliourds IThrbafloos, soon SAILING OF TILE OCEAN STEADIER& FROM MR UNITED STATES. Mitril LEAFS VOR DAY. Bohemian Poi tland—Lirorpool lan 18 Bremen .Now York..Dromen Jan 18 Harmonla Now Yotk..Southampton Jan 18 Kaagntoo Now York „Lire:Tool Jan 18 John 801 l Now York ..Glangoor lan 21 °Motor ..... ....New York..Hingston, Ja Jan 21 Canada Boston..Lirertmol Jan 22 SOXODID .. ! .. ....New York —Hamburg Jan 25 C of Meinchestor.New York ..Lieerpool ....... —Jail 95 Hibernian Portland..l,lverpool Jan 21 Africa New York ..Lirorpoot Jan 29 Harnett Now York.. Nassau Fob 4 Europe Boston .Liverpool ...... ....Fob 5 oof Washirglon,Now York ..Liverpoot Fob 8 Baratta New York..liantborg Feb 8 Glargow Now York..Liroirool ..........Feb 10 America New York ..Livorpool Feb 12 New York .......Now York..Drernon ....Fob 15 FROM EUROPE. OMR LHAYI3 000 DAY, John Bell ..... ....(ilasgow..Now York .. . ... ....Doc 21 liencroonia..„Bouthompton..Now York Deo 28 oof Id ancheatorairerpool..Now York ...... ....Jan 1 Hibernian Liverpool..Fortiand.... Jan 2 /arks ...... ~...Llvorpool,.Now York Jan 4 Glasgow ~..14verpool..New York , ....Jan 8 UMW El usJon.....olasitow..Now York ...... —Jan 11 Europa I iverpool—llosion .. . ...... ..... Jan 11 Bavaria Southampton —Now York Jan 15 America . . ... ....LI rorpoul..Now York Jan 18 Now York....lioutharapten—New York ...... ....Jan 22 Teutonic, Southampton.,Now York ...... .... Jan 25 Borneria Soinhamplon..Now York ...... ....Fob 8 . 0.11 , The California 1111.11 Bleameresaii from Now York on Kr, let. 11th and 21st dutch month. MARINE INTELLIGENCE PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 17, 1862. BEN RIBS 7 201 SUN BETE 6 1 111012 WATER .4 10 The ship Samuel Locke, Swee(ger, for Liverpool, sallol yeaterdny mornlog In low of tog Americo. She takes out the Wowing cargo: 21.003 bnabels Ghent, 4219 bble floor, 170 Logs elavereectl, 0 Wads bock, 60 tierces bed, 205 cocks inflow, 339 We, 627 tiorcce, nod 74 kegt lord, 107 bexes boon. BY IBLEGRAKI (Correepondence of Thu Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del., Jan. 10 'file following verrole remain at the Breakwater thlo turning: Blips John Maim. and Charter Oak, from Now York; Frank from Liverpool; and bark Sharaton, fr, en Rio de Janoiro, • . . JOlll4 P. MARSHALL Your?, &0., ?JBAIORANDA Stearashipa John Hell, Scott, Ilopt, and strati sand ,, , wero Its Ong cotton at Liverpool 4th inst. for Now York. Brig Wm II Parks, hicAlty, berm, 20th nit. for Bath, woe spoken and boarded 10th Met, In lot 83 20, long 55 20, by tho J Walien, at Now York. Captain Wahl , report ed haring been blown from Ow Cod to the southward of tho Gulf Stream; bad lost all her head tolls, and was leak ing. hind lost part of (lack load, and was going Into Ber mmln to reroir. Brig Baron do Castlne, Sanders, hence, at Gloucester, EPA previous to 3,1 Brig Jacob Dockahompeon, hence, at Havana 23t1h unit, and remained 7th Mat. Brig 0 A White, front, soiled from Havana Mir inst. for Cardt nits. Brig Tiheilae, Lew], M Cienfuegos 2d insioni Iron' Ltatot). Brig Elk Dm le, bocce, at Ifavnnn 20th nit, and !Outlined 7th Inst. 111-10 don Antonio, eIIOIV. at Olentuegoo Ist inet.from APOnwall. Behr Fannie, Vance, for Philadelphia, remained at 110. vona Till Intl. riche blow Jersey, YI)111101111111, hence, remained at Ha rang 9lh inat, Behr Ann 8 Cannon, Nowell, hence, arrived at Malan von let inst. Helm Joe B Lee, ()mon, et Clionftitgoe Ist inst. from Two achoopers—tbo Amorican 'Eagle( Capt MAN, of Philadelphia, awl the A J Willie, end Warren, of Ilidtt roore—n era seized at Annapolis on Saturday, on a chug° of vloltiting the of stet law of Om State, awl condemned to Lc told. [Per stmmthip A rnbl a.] pool-81(1 aJ lost, Weirder, Lowber, awl ComPro !nine, Coulklnr, Now York, Tol—Ar ad, 110ebel , e, from Now York; ins portal, from Dt,lllo.rdre. Nd 2d, Elwell Trnln, Nlckoreor, (from London) Now Wk. }Jail—Off IFt. bat, Carrwno, Smol4, from Now Yolk for lawaikto. Alietitt, from New York for I m 110341,111, vat! of cargo Olrotrn oVilb.lllll. nio.gott SOII SOroßil. 011leaple. Now rwl" 2711, olt, Wanderer. N York. or In,,Warren, New York. Llopozi—At 18th alt, Corte, hello, Now York, frl 4. uE§ , S,7IT44PETRWA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 47, 1,G2 FORNEY'E3 "WAR PRESS." The Intense interest ororywhero felt In the mighty con• tut In which the Attntee and Floats of the Nation are exttaged, ON TRH POTOMAO, IN WESTRIIN VIRGINIA, IN KRNTUOKY, IN MISSOURI, ON TUN BHA 00ABT, and elsewhere, and the orbiting demand for a Weekly Janine( that will furnish a full and aieurato account of the thrilling events of this exciting and over-memorable period, acceptable alike to Soldiers In Camp, to Peaceful Firceidoi, to those who wish to obtain the latest, war news, and to theeo who desire to preeerve In a convenient form, for future reference, a cored History of the Great Rebellten, has Induced me to mimeo°, on SATURDAY.NOV.I6.IB6I. the publication of a GREAT WAR PAPER, (In' lion of the present lune of the Iredely Pres:,) to be called ti FGRNSN'iti WAR PRESS:. It will be printed In euporlor idyl°, on a largo quarto sheet of eight pave, and each number will prosont tho following ATTRAOTIY} Y)IatUREB, viz A BEAUTIFUL. ENGRAVING, Illustrating an event of tho War, or a MAP of some lo oallty whore important operations aro in contemplation; A RECORD OF THE LATEST WAR NEWS from all parte of the country, received during each week by Malt and by Telegraph, from numerous SPECIAL 001111E6PONDENTS, and all other reliable serums of Infommtion THE LETTERS OF "OCCASIONAL," whose epistles from Washington during the last three years have been singularly correct in their statements and predictions, and whose comments upon public affairs have been copied and road with deep Interest through. out the whale country; A THRILLING SKETCH OR TALE, illustrative or the remand° incidents connected with the War; OLEANINGS FROM THE MOH TREASURES OF WAR•WIT AND WAR•POETRY, that are elicited by the mighty events now transpiring; AIILE EDITORIALS ON TILE GREAT QUESTIONS Of THIS DAY; TIM LATEST LOOAL AND 014NDRAL NEWS; A SUMMARY OE RELIGIOUS INTELLIGEROE IMPORTANT ARTIOLES rHOM. PIEBT•OLABB ACCURATE MARKET REPORTS, Including the Cattle Alarkoteof Philadelphia, New York, and other places, the Manor. Market, and Reports of the Price. of Produce and Merchandise, Efforts will constantly be made to Introduce such 110 W features 141 will render the n WAR PRESE , one of the most popular and attractive Journals of the country, If, contrary to general expectations, the war should be sad• denly brought to a close, Its coltunns will be filled with article that will prove deeply interesting to Its readers. One cony, one yeti. Three copies, ont year 0 00 Five capful, ono year.... , 8 00 Ten °Mee, ono year i... 12 00 Larger Clubs will be charged at the came rate, {hue: 20 coplem will coat 824; 50 copies will coat 800; and 100 coke, 8120. Wo also offer the following EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS! To every Subscriber remitting us 82 wo will forward by mall a 11rat•rate, new, large COLORED lif&P of the Southern States', whloh gives the moat useful and coin. preliensise view of tho Beat of War, and descriptlone of the Important !ocotillo of the &Mb, that hoe pot boon published. Tie retell price la fifty mite, and it is well worth double that sum. Wo wilt also forward ono copy of this Mop to any per. fan who Bonds us a club of throo t of five, or of ton sub. scribers. Any moon Reuding us a dub of twenty eubscrlbers, accompanied aith 824, will bo entitled to on extra copy (for the getter of the clubj and also to a copy of the above-mentional Map. In order to further atlmulatelad exertion to ex. tend the circulation of the a WAR PTIEBB," we offer the following liberal premium!: ONB HUNDRED DOLLABB IN OMNI I wtll bo prctented to the poroon or persona who may pro- cure the largest Hat of subscrlboro by the let of April. 1802 to the form forwarding tho second Witham! numbor by tho emu period, and to the porno forwarding tho third largest uumber up to that limo. The conditions of the foregoing premiums require. all subscriptions to be paid in miranco for ONE TEAII, at the rates published ohm. and other loyal citizens, ore earnestly soliellod to &Salt in extending tho circulation of the WAR PRESS.' Thoy may Teat awalral that they will thoraby nut only seem to subscribers a Ilrat.rate Journal, WA our which will be on earned champion of the slgorons prosecution of the war and the restoration of the Unton. • SPEOIINIEN 001418 will ba furplaboi to {hobo who requeetthem. &arealldloms may commence at any Um.. Teruo ALWAYS OABI.I, in advance. All Lelttre to bo addrosod to JOHN W. FORNEY * iiPRESS"OIIIco, 417 WIRATNUT MEET. GLUTEN CAPSULES ov PURE 00D-LIVER OIL• The repugnance of most pullonts to COD-LIVER OIL, and the Inability of many to take It at all, has In. tinned TAIIOIIII forma of dlagulso for Ito adrululatrotlon that aro familiar to Cm Medical Protonion. Boma of them answer to spacial CHAOS, but more often the vehicle neutralises Ilia usual effect of the Oil, proving quite as unpalatable and of leas therapoullo WINO, Thu roping. nonce, naueea, &0., to Invalid., Induced by disgust of tie Oil, to entirely obviated by tiro use of our CAPSULES. COD-LIVER OIL OAPSULPIB havo boon much used lately In Europe, the experience there of the good re sults from their use In both hospital and private practice, aeldo from tba naturally suggested advantage., are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for them, feeling assured their use will result In benefit sad deserved favor. Prepared by W YETH & BROTH ER. QPERIVIA.TORRHEA.-ONE TO SIX Boxes of ;, WINOLIEBTER'I3 SPEOIFIO NIL" will permanently curd any CM of 30111111111 Weakness, or ita mulling lin rat c n c y, laowavor aggravatod, and whether roccutly developed or of long Blanding. "NY 0 Wove It to be as near a specific as any medi cine can be. We have cared many mum cases with from 81K TO TEN DOBEB. Pilo° $l.l per box; slx boxes for $6. Bent by mall, Bold only by S. 0:1111 , 11AM, 310 CIIIIIBTNUT Skeet, solo sant for Plillndelplils. Trado supplied. no27.altnem CONSUMPTION. WINCHESTER'S genuine preparation of Dn. J. F. 01113R011ILL'8 HYPOPHOSPIIITEB OF LIMN AND BOA, A. Specific Bemedy for the Otatmout of The groat success which has attended the um of the Ilyporboaphitos is cresting a very general intiniry, not only among the medical profoasion i but also among the thousands who aro aufferlng from Pulmonary Disease. In all Nerrona or Scrofulous Complaints, Debility, Loss of VITAL Tomtit, Dyseopsla, Indigestion, and Runk) Nlrcakneosom, it Is a sororolga and Inyalunbto re medy. ' , rico $l, or .Ix bottles for st, atth full directions. Circulars may bo obtained by all Ineulrore. Bold whole nip and rota% by . B. 0. UPHAM, 810 CHESTNUT Streot, 8010 ngont for Philadelphia, Trade suppliod, uo27.wfsam MACKEItEL, HERRING, SHAD, SALMON, ho.-8000 bble bless Non. 1,2, and AtAOKERICL, large, medium, and email, to astorkd p lekages of choce, lato•caught, fat flab. 6;000 We. Now Halifax, Eastport, and Labrador Her.. ri age, o'olloloo qualitleo. 0,000 bo=os extra now scaled Herrinia 8, 8,000 box extra now Nu. 1 Herring.. 000 boxes es large Marianna Herrings. 260 bid,. blacklnac MOM Flub. 60 We. now Economy Mane BliaL 26 bbla. now Halifax Salmon. 1,000 quintals Grand Dank Gix 600 bores If orkimor Oonnty Cheese. In store and landing, for ealo by MURPHY & 1100103, nob No, 148 NORTH WHARVES. RAISINS 300 boxes Layer Raisins; 8.00 half boxes Lnyor Itatelne; 800 boxes DI It Match Mello; 800 half boxes 151 Bunch New and choice fruit, now landing and for 8010 by MURPHY it KOOlll, jn'MY No. 140 NORM WHARVES. APPLES.-60 sacks Dow Western Dried Apples; 7 bbls new Western Dried 'Apples, Just received end In store For sale by MUMMY & KOONS, je-If N 0.144 NORTH LARD AND GREASD.-50 tioroes prime Leaf !argil 60 tierces White Grease, Direct, from the West, and In store. For sale by MUMMY & KOONS, la7-tf N 0.1413 NORTH WHARVES. H 0 U J. D 75 it 8 --1,509 pious (qtr. KJ smoked Shoulders I also, 70 hhds. 8 1 1001 , lers IndrY Of, for sale by • U. U. SADLER A; CO., jn9 703 ARCH Street, 2,1 floor ah.wo Front. kM S .-1,000 pieces sugar 'cured .i.,1011,y-smokod llama for gala by 0. 0, SADLER 4 , (9., 103 AROII Etroct, 24 door obovo k'rnitt. GUNNY BAGS-60 BALMS FOR solo by JAVIIRTOII & OA RSTAIBB, tin 27 707 Bonlh FRONT Street CiARD PRINTING, BEI 8 T AND chatwa In rho City, at WNW ALT RA BROWN 8, M=Sili= .rIIRCIJLAIt PR INT IN -, (31118 T N.-/ and Ohmtpont 111 tho UV, 4t lIINUWALT AWAY NIS, 84 tiOulli TIIIRD 814'444. 14420 Intent Min to all Donotalnattoria; PIIIITEIIO I TERMS: FIFTY DOLLARS TWENTY•6IVE DOLLARS ALL POSIDIABTERB, PIIILADELPITIA DIEDICINAL 1412 WALNUT Btroet, PhileAelphia MVIMVO"MtM "D. KEITH, M. D." Amor, Jour. of Mod. Science. CONSIIIIIYTION friattRANCE COMPANIES. TIELAWARE MUTUAL -SAFETY JLZ. Bil RA N OOMPANY, PHILADRIRITIA, Incorporated by the Legislature of Penuaylvantn,ll336 Offlco, tolifbestA comer of TULIN) and WALNUT Streota, Philadelphia. INBLIIIANON On Yee.le, (largo, To fill parts of the world Freight, INLAND INAUR Ann On Goods, by Rivers, Canals, Laken, and Land Carriages to all oarto or thn Union. FIRE INOURANONO Oa Merchandise generally. On• gores, Dwelling hounex, ?Ito. ABBEI% OF THE COMPANY, Nominal' 1,1801. PAR. 008?. 0/00,000 United Slates Flropor cent. Loan. 8100,250 00 60,000 United [bates 131 x, per cent. Tres. miry Notre 25,000 'United States Soren and Throe. tenths per cent. Treasury Notes 26,000 00 100,000 State 'of Pennsylvania Five per rent bean 59,601 26 120,050 Philadelphia City Six per cent. Loan 119,446 IT 80,000 State of Tennessee Five per cent. Load 24,076 00 20,000 Penneyiyania Railroad, let Mort gage Six per cent. Bonds 20,000 00 50,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2,1 Mort. gage 810 per coot. Bonds 15,000 8001311 am (Rock Germantown Gas Company , prin el pal and interest guarantied by tho City of PM. Indelphle 14,531 60 5,009 100 Nimes Stock Pennsylvania Railroad (lompany 6,000 00 Bill. receivable for insurances made...... 90,730 07 Bonds and Mortgages 76,000 00 Peal Estate 51,803 86 Balances due at Agencles—Premiums on Marino Policies, 'utmost, and other Bate due the Bonin:Um 43,131 07 Scrip and BMA ot sundry Insurance and other ComOilaler, 611,843—estimated va lue. Clash on hand—ln Banks . In Drawer ...$51,093 03 ... 511 33 t TORS, Samuel E. Stokes, J. F. Poniston, Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer M'lloalno, Thomas U. Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Joues, James B. MoVarland, Joshua P. John B. Semple, Pittsburg, D. T. Morgan, Pitiaburg, A. N. 'Berger, Pittsburg. MARTIN, President. I. HAND, Tice President, rotary. Ja14.0 William Draftln, Edmund A. Bondr, Them&llus Paulding, John IL Penrose, John O. Davis, James Triqualr, William Eyro, James 0. Band. Wllllamo. Ludwig, Joseph IL Beal, Dr. R, M. Ruston, George G. Lolpor, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, WILLIAM THOBIAB 0 MINRYI LYI,I3URN, Bee THE RELIANUEI MUTUAL INBURANCR COMPANY. OP PUILAWILPUIA, OFFICE No. 806 WALNUT BTBRIST, Insure' against LOBS OR DAMAGI4 BY Rouses, Stores, and other buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Mer chandise, In town or country. CASH CAPITAL, 8231,110.00--ABBET6I 017,142.04, Which Is Inreeted as follows, via: In Aret mortgage on city property, worth double the amount 11102,900 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cant. first mortgage loan, as par 6,000 00 Pennsylvania Rallroml Co.'s 6 per cent, se cond mortgage loan, (83%000) 11,00 00 Iluntingdon and Broad mon Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage loan 4,000 00 Ground roe, first-clam 2,662 60 Alateral loans, well scoured 2,600 00 City of Philadelphia 43 per cent loan 80,01/0 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Pa. RB. loan. 10,000 00 Commercial Rank stock 6,186 01 elechanta Bank stock 9,819 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Co,'e Mock 4,000 00 The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co.'s stock, 26,800 00 The County Piro Insurance Co.'s Flock 1.010 00 Tho Dolewaro M. B. Insurance tio.'s stock,. 700 00 Onion 8801011 Inenrone° Co.'s &orb 880 00 Bills receivable I 14,802 74 Book accounts, accrued Inter ko ... 1,104'06 Oasis on hand '11,644 04 g 817,142 04 The Mutual principle, combluel with tho t;eourlty of a Stock Capital, entitles the lamed to participate In M. Ilion Ts of the Company, without liability for LOsUaii. Loma promptly adjusted and paid, DIIIENOBB. Nom Tingley, William 11. Thompson, Frederick Brown, William Bterenson, John 11. Worrell, R. L. Carlson, Robert Toland, 0.1). Rosongarton, (Marko 8. Wood, Jamoe B. Woodward, Samuel Bleyham, Robert Steen, William ?dinner, Betel. W. Tingley, Morahan 11111, J. Johneon Brown, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Buntlug, Health Bowan, John Blew% Plttelitirg, T 1 110141 Y, Tree!dont. ULM B. M. LltKoastiw, floorotar lrobruery le, IBM. VIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE LY.—The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCIE UOMPANY. Incorporated ISM. CHARTER PER PETUAL, N 0.610 WALNUT EitrooL opposite Indepand. oco Nom. This Cowpony, favorably known to the °clamantly for thirty-ex years, continues to Insuro against Loss or Da mage by Fire, on online or private Buildings, either per manently or for aHod time, Also, on torolture, stooks of (tools, or kferchandloo generally, on Ilbers3 mom. noir Capital, together with a largo Burping Nand, h Inveated In tho most careful monnor, which onatrion them to offer to tho loured an andoubtad seourity In the ease ct lou. Dinh:OTC/U. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas lietdra, (Waft Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, John Devereux, William SionteSus, Thomas Smith. base llazleberst, JONATIIAN PATTSISION, President. O. Canwirm., Secretary. apt N T II 0 I T ' T H It A _ INBURANOI3 li 00h1PANY, Anthorkod Capital 1400,000 UHARTER PERPETUAL., Office No, 811 'WALNUT Street, between Third end Fourth Streets, Vhiladolphia, This OompanY will insure against loss or dernige by Fire, on DuWings, Furniture, end lilerebaudite gone. reify. Also,, Merino insurance' on Vessels, (forgoes and Freight*. Inland Insoraucetc! all parte of tho Union. DIREOTORP. Joseph litainald, John Itstchani, John B. Blakision, Win. F. Denn, J. E. Baum, ESHER, President. DEAR, Vice President. ~a.a Jaeob Ishor, D. Lather, L. Andearled, Wale Pearson, Peter dipper, JAOOli WM. V, W. M. Burnt, Booretery, FIRE INSURANOR. MEOHANIOB' !MURANO' OOMPANT PHILADELPHIA, No. 1868 North SIXTH Btroot, below Race, Ineuro Buildings, Goods, and iderohandise gene. rally, from Loss or Datnage by Fire. The Company gua ranty to adjust all Lease promptly, and thereby beim to Met the eatronago of tho public. DIRECTORS. Robert Flanigan, Michael McGeoy, Edward McGovorn, Thomas D. !McCormick, Tobn Bromley, Francis Falls, John DassedY t Bernard 11.1111180 Mann, Charles Olaro, Michael (1411111. 018 COOPER, President. rotary. oe2 William Morgan, Viands Cooper, Coup L. Donigherti t Lames Marlin, James Duross Matthew Meipor i Bernard Ban - arty. Thomas J. Hemp 'Manse Fisher, Viands McManus, FBA USIWIRD • INSURANCE COAINANY ON Tffn BTATN OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Noe. 4 and 6 EXCHANGE BUILDINNS, North We of WAL NUT Stroot, between and THIRD Streets, Ms. Noble. INCORPORATED In 1793—OHASTEE PERPITILLL. CAPITAL E 200,000. . . . . PROPERTIES OF THE COMPANY, FEBRUARY 1, 1881, $607,094.01. KARINE, FIRE, AND INLAND TRANSPORTA TION INSURANOR DIAZOTOBB. Henry D. Eherrerd, Samuel Grant, Jr., (Marled Placaleder, Tobias Wagner, D. gmllh, Thomas D. Watt/ion, John D. tallith], Derry O. Freeman; William B. White, Obarlea B. Lewis, Ocorgo IL otuartl George 0. Canon, Edward . Knight. HENRY D. BIIZIIBRD, Preetdent. WILLIAM HAIRPIN. Secretary, 17204 T HE ENTERPRIELIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (FIRE BU I LDIN G , 6 . COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. 1:1011ITER YOUBTII AND WALNUT STRICETS. DIRECTORS. F. Ratchford Starr, Mordecai L. Dawson, William McKee, Goo. It. Stuart, Ilalbro Frazier, John IL Drown, John N. Atwood, B. A. Fahuogiock, Bonj T. Tredick, Andrew D. °Rah, Henry Wharton, J. L. Erringer. F. RATCHFORD STARR, President. OSAALIIB W. (loin. Smotarr folio A MEItIOAN FIRE INSURANOE COMPANY, Incorporatod 1810. 011AUTBH PEOPHTUAL. NO.BlO WALNUT Street, above Yblrd, PhiladollllB. Daring a large pold-up Capital Stook and Supine, in vented In sound and avulloblo Soonrlllm, continuos to insure on Dwellings, Storm, Furniture, Marchandlnts Vea wle In port and theft Carver, and other Pelona/ Poo party. All Laura liberally and promptly adjusted. DIIINOTOBS. ;Innios IL Campbell, Namund 0. Duoll4 Uharlea W. Poultno7 l leraol Morrie. Thomas It. Marts, John Webb, Bamuol O. Moton, rairtch Brady, John T. Lowish THOM; Amman 0. L. OnAwtoan, AR B. HABIB, President. Becretary. feitSktf SURANOI 00K- TIXOITANGE 11 J. 2.11 PANY--01130, No. al litre Inetuanco troupe, On favorable term, eltbor LI 109 WALNUT [Drool. ; and Merchandise genotaU7, Amited or Perpetual. ITORS. Jeremiah Donna% Thomas Marsh, John Q. Oinnodo, Charles Thompoca, Xdward D. Roberts, Jamoe 7'. Hale, Samuel U. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen, Bonbon 0, Halo, John .1. Griffith.. JXIIIIAU H BONSALL, PrealdenL JOHN Q. OINNODO, The Prealdent. i49 l lalts 001, Secretary, 141 PENN MUTUAL LIFE 'NFU '. RANCE COMPANY, Q. 921 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. CRAFTER PERPETUAL. ALL THE PROFITS DIVIDED AMONG TI - 111 IN. OOHED. Insure Lives for short tormsor forthe whole term of Life; grant Aunutles and Endowments; purchase Life Into. reels In Real Estate, and make all contracts depontllng on the centingenclea of DM They act as Executory, Administrators, Aesignees, Truetoos, and Guardians. ASSETS Or THE COMPANY, January 1,1801, Mortgages, ground rents, roal estate .. ".. "9822,981 97 mato etato. stocks, Treasury notes, loans of Stato of Pennsylvania, city of Philadel phia, Ito 208,795 84 Premium notes, loons or collateral" AU.. 2717,691 68 Pennsylvania, North Pennsylvania Hall. mit!, rod County e per cent, bonds 105,802 60 Ronk, Insurance, railroad, canal cloaks, Ao. 07,047 49 Cash on band, agents' balances, do., dio".. 88,200 16 • 01,011,188 01 DANIEL L. MILLIIII, President. LIAMUEL N. OTOKEO, Vico Proollool. /On W. DIMON Sccratory, MERILAPINB, OYSTERS tiIIIWED xx AND FRIED, AND mum= BALAD.—Ind. teflon Cards and other notices will bo dietributod In all parts of the city, with pudotuallty. Tlio underaigned le at all limo trooarod to proton!, fay the Inspection et Ladles sad Gentlemen, a list of the things necessary fora largo or email entertainment, as the Case may be, thereby avoiding all unnecessary profusion and waate i and flatters himself, that by hie long onto demo la human, ho will tio able at all limos to give, as heretofore, entire eatlefaction to all who favor biro with their patronage. IFERRY JONES, enterer, No. p.&O Routh TWELFTH Stmt. above URDU. eel-em BG, ILL. I-IFIAD PRINTING BB 8 T and 611P5prat in Iho ally, et lIIIRIVIALT & supwßil l &t gaud THIRD &Clod. uu2Q RAILROAD LINES. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. TEE ORIIAT DOUBLE TlteoH. ROUTV - - - • 1862. ifftery7M 0462, THE CAPACITY OF TDB ROAD Di NOW EQUAL 10 ANY IN THE COUNTRY, THE OREAT SHORT LINE TO THE WEST Facilities fur thu transportallin of passengers to and from Pittsburg, Uloclnnati, Ithicago, St Louis, Sc. Paul, Nashville, Memphis, Now Orleans. and all other towns In Go West, Northweat, and Southwest, aro unsurpassed for spend and comfort by ray other route. Sleeping and amoping cure un all the trains. . . . . TILE EXPRESS RUNS DAILY; Mall and Past Line Sundays excepted. Hall Train leaves Philadelphia at............ 8.00 A. M. Fast Lino "u 11.30 A. H. Extern Train If ... .. P. M. Pasktisburg Accommodation 1am5...... nt..19.30 P. H. Harrisburg IN P. H. Lancaster n 4,00 P. H. West Cheater passengers ntil take the Mall Valli, the Parhesburg Accommodation, nail the Lancaster Accom. modation. Passeogers for tionbury, WUUnmoved, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, end intermediate points, leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 2.30 I'. Al., go directly through. ror further Informatten apply at (hp Pageorpror Sta tion, S. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Street'. By this route freights of all descriptions can be for. ,carded to arid from any point on tiro linilrowl. of Ohlo, Kentucky, Indians, Illinois, Wi.consio, lowa, or Itia. inert, by railroad direct, or to any port on rho navlga. blo rivers of the West, by eteantore from Pittsburg. Tho rates of freight to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad, urn, at all ilmoa, an fa. yorablo an aro charged by other Railroad °or/marlins. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can rely with confidence on pa wady Goma. For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or address the /WIWI of the Company. S.- B. KINGSTON, in., PhiMachado. D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. CLARKE & Co., Chicago. LEECII dt No. 1 Astor 'House. or No. 1 South street, Co., Now York. LEKOR & 00., N 0.77 Waehlngtou street, Boston. DIAGRAM tr KOONS, No SO North street, Baltimore. 11. ii. 1101JSTON, Goal Freight Agent, Pinta, L. L. HOUPT, God Ticket Agent, Phila. RIIOOII LEWIS, Goal kIuVII ARAM* 1880,128 87 1861.kromrs41- ,, ---7. 1861, AREANHEIAENT OF NEW YORK LINER. THE OAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00.'0 LINER FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLAOES. PROM WALMOS-STIIIIM WHARF AND IDDIAINCITOD MO*, WILL LEAVE AS YOI,LOWO.--VIE; 1621 21 a A. M. yin Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Av. commodation 82 20 At 0 A. 11., yin Oamdon and Jolley Olty, (N. J. Accommodation). 2 Sig MIN A.M., via Kennington and JereeyoitYMolin tog Mall 800 At 12x P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommo. da on 2 26 At 2 P. Id, via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex- num 00 At P. XI via Camden and Janney efts, Evening 8 Exprosn 8 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jenny OUT, 24 OM! Ticket 2 26 At 67{ P. 61., TN Kensington and Janney (llty, Eva. rang Kan 800 At 12 P. Id, via Kensington and ferseyoity, Booth ern ITO 600 At 6 P. 111, via Oamden and Amboy, Annan:mods- tion, (Freight end Peseenger)-114 Olakir Tiiirt., 2 26 Do. do. 24 Olate Ticket,. 160 The 6j4 P. M. Melt Line runs Anil?, Sunders excepted. The l 2 P. M Southern Igen rune dells: .. For Water asp, Stroudebnrg, !Scranton, Wilkosberre, Idontroso, Great Bend, leo., at 7.10 A.M. from Kensing ton. via Delaware. Lackawanna, end Western B. B. for Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem ' Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Vicinington, Ac., at 7.10 A. M : and 8 P. M. from Kensington Depot; (the 7.10 A. M. One connects with train tearing Easton for Numb °hunk at 8.86 P. 13.) For Mount Holly at 6 A. M. 2 and 4Y. M For Freehold of 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. WAY LINEB. For Bristol, Trenton, dc., at 7.10 and 9X A. M., and 8,6, I.eo, and l 8 P DI., from Kensington. For Palmyra, Riverton, Balancer, tioverlYs Burling ton Flo rence, Bordontown go at 123, 1,4, 6, and 6X or For New York and Way Linos leaving Hanging. ton Depot, take the cars, ou Fifth atreot, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run into the depot, and on arrival of ouch train run from the depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage, only, allowed each Paason. tor. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggago over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company WM% their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not bo hello for any amount beyond 8100, en. oept by epochal contract. WM. H. OA.TZBUCB, Agent. a sit t ,i,1,.. NORTHRAILRO PEINNB— VANIA AD. FOR BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, M A OOH MUNE, HWINTE AZLETR ,A ON. RRAR BAR OEMERTON. &O '. RLEY. Sro. ' THREE THROUGH TRAINS, On And after MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, ISM, Pas• imago; Trains will !rum FRONT and WILLOW Strasta, Phitadolnhla, daily, (Sundays excertod,) u follows: At 0.40 A. M. (Expross,) for Betblohom, Allentown, Manch L'hank, Hazleton, &o. At 2.46 P. ht., (Er.pross,) for Bethlalom, Easton, &d. This tram roaches Easton at 0 P. M., and makoa a close connoction with the Now Jersey Central for Now York, At LOA P. M,, for 0 etbloloin, Allentown, blanch 1, nnk, du.. At 0 A. M. and 4 P. 111„ lor Doylestown Ate P. M. l for Fort N. saMogto... The 0.90 A, M. Express Train matron close connection isilh the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to all points In the Leldgh coal region. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem et 7.07 A. N., 9.13 A. N., and 6.99 P. M. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. ltt. and 3.5:0 P. N. Leave Fort Waahlngton at 6.00 A. N. ON BUNDAYB—Phtladelphla tot Fort Weshlogton at 9.30 a, U. Philadelphia tor Doylestown at 4 P. IL Doylestown for Philadelphia at I A. M. Fort Washlegion for Philadelphia at 2.45 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem...4ll.6o I t Fare to Mauch 0hunk.112.450 Fare to Reston 1.60 Through Tickets man e procured at the Ttekot Officee, at WILLOW Street, or DESKS Street, In order to secure the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains (except Bandar Trains) (mined at neths strain with the 'Fifth and Sixth mtreets, aud Be. wad and Thlrd•etrwta Pasaonior Ualtroade, twenty mi nutes after leaving Willow street. RoamWINTER A It- BANOMMENT.-PPIILADBL. MIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMOIIII WAD. On end eater MONDAY, JAN, 0, 1002 PASSENGER. TRAINS LEANS PIIII.ADSLPIIIA Jro Baltimore et SA A. M,, 8.16 A. H., 1186 A. IL, (Express). tad 11.00 P. 111. Tor Olteetor a 8.16 A. Et, 11.85 A. 5t., 8.45 tad 1101 P. 61. For WllollogtOo et 8.80 A. 61., 8.16 A. M., 11.811 A. M. ; 345 aoo 11.00 P. 81. For Now thtstlo nt 8.16 A. M. and 8.45 P. M. For Dover at 8.15 A. 51. and 8.46 P. M. For Milford at 8.16 A. M. For flallabury at 8.16 A. M. TRAINS YOR PHILADELPHIA: Leave Baltimore at Rao A. M. (Bxereea), 1.06 P. M. (Expires), 6.20, and 7 P. M. (Byrum). Leave Wilmington at 7.80 and 1138 A. M., 4.16, 8 45, and 9.60 P. M. Leave Sallebury at 2.96 P. M. Leave Milford at 4.66 P. M. Leave Dover of 9 A. M. and CIO P. M. Leave New Cavite at 11 A. M. and 8.10 P. M. Leave Mester at 8.20 A. M., 12.15, 4.60, and 9.20 P. 61. Leave Bel Imoro far Sat Satlebor y end In truneMata atatlart P 16.20 and 7 P. M; for Dover and Intermoilate station! 1.05 P. M. • 'MAINS .6011 1ALT11110.1116: Leave Ohostor at 8.46 A. M., 12.06 luta 11.30 P. M. Loovo Wilmington at 4.80 A. M., 9.26 A. M., 12,86 P M., and 12 10 4. M. ➢'IIEIOIIT TUAIII, with ruasetgor Oar nttwohod, will run as follows' Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and Intermediate pl wee at 6,10 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and Intormediata places at 7.10 P. M. Leath Philadelphia for Chester, Wlhoingtou, titration, Newark, Elkton, North East, Perryville, Ilavre.do- Grath, and Baltimore at E3O P. K. Loavo Baltimoro for LI rivro.dm Grano and intermediate aiitions at 8.45 A. ti. LOT° Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermodiato places at 2.05 I'. M. ON SUNDAYS ONLY 1 At 0.00 A. M. nod lime I'. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. At T from Baltimore to Philadelphia. no 3.,80 A. M. train from Philadelphia to Dalthnoro will run daily, Mondays ercepttd. ee2B4f B. H. WELTON, Proddent. PHILADELPHIA aringmAND READING ItAILROA PASSENGER TRAINS YOB POTTSVILLE, READD INO, and BARBI/MUM, on and after November 4, 1881 MORNING LINES, DAILY, OiundaYa excepted.) Leave Now Dopot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW. HILL Streets ' PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thlrteonthend on Oallowlilll attests ' ) nt 8 A. M. oor. nectisg at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 4.10 P. M. train, running to Pittsburg; the OUSIDERLAND VALLEY 1.60 P. M. train running to Ohambersburg, Carlisle, &o.; and the NORTHERN ONNTRAL RAILROAD 1.201°. M.train runningto Bun • bury, &o. A ETERNOON boars Now Depot, corner of BROAD and ORLLOWe HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Oallowhill eta,,) for POTTBVILLI and BABRIBIIIIIIO, at 8.18 P. IL, DAILY, tonneote log at Ilarrlaborg with the Northern control Railroad, for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, dm. Express Train from Now York via Easton makes close connoctlon with the Reading Mail and Accommodation Trains, connect ing at Harrisburg with the Pennsylvania Dented 8.16 A. M. Train running west. For READING only, at 4,80 P. M., DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) DIBTANOES VIA PHILADEL PHOAD. IA AND BEADING RAILR iROXPEILADILVIIIA, To Phomixvlllo 28 lending 158 Lebanon 88 Harrisburg 112 Dauphin 124 Millersburg 142 Troverten Junclion.l6B Sunbury 152 17011118.mb0r1and....171 Lowlaburg 178 billion 188 blunor 197 VillWamgport 209 Jersoy Shore 228 Lock [lsm 236 Ralston 23811 Williamsport and Elmira Troy 281 Railroad. Elmira NT The BA. N. and 8.16 P. . trainsoonneoldally at Pod 011nton, (Bewley' excepted,) with the CIATAW JIMA, WILLIABIBPORT, and ERIE RAILROAD, milky dose connections with lines to Nlatleta Penh Oanadlii the West and Southwest. DEPOT IN PIIILADELPHIA i Oorner of BROAD and OALLOWIIILL Streets. W. IL fIoILIINNENY, &oratory. October 80.1861. Ar t imm FALL. AND %VIN- T E 11. ARRANGEMENT.— PIMADELPIIIA GERMANTOWN, and NORRIS TOWN uAnnoeb. TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, October 28,1861, nntll farther notice. . . . 808 GERMANTOWN Leave Plillailelphla, 0, 7 0 0,10.06 11,17 A. 14., 1,2, 8,4, 8, 6, 7,8, 9,101(, and 11% P. Learn Germantown, 0,7, 7) a, eg, ng, A. 61., 1, 2, 8, 4, 6,0, 7,8, oti, 11 P. 71.0 11K A.ll, train from Germantown stops at Day'a and Tloga only. . . Leave Philadelphia, 9.05 A. U., 2, Y and 10X P. M. LOYD GermantownNU, T HILL BAIL 1, LOAD. and 9N P. M. 011103 T . . - Leave Philadelphia, e i 9,11, A. N., 2,4, 0,8, and 10,14 Y. Id. Leavo Chestnut 11111, 7.10,8.10,10.10, A. 11., 12,40, 8.40, 1.40, 7.40, and 9.10 P. IL ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 A. bI" 2 set 7 P. M. Loavo Chestnut Illy, 7.50 A. M., 5.40, and 9.10 P. M. FOR CONBHOMOOKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Loam Philadolidda, 016 9.05, 11.06 A. M., IX, 9.06, 414, 6.05, and 8.06 P. M. Leave Norristown, 7,9, 9, 11 A. M. IN, 4)1, and 0 P.M ON SUNDAYS. Loavo Philadelphia, 9 A. N., 3 P. N. Leave Norristown, FOB DIANAYUNK, Leave Philadelphia, ON, 9, 11 A. hr., Im, 8.05, 4g, 0.05, and 9.05 P. N, Leave btanayunk, OK, rg, BM, BM, rig A. M., 9,6, and eg P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. At., 8 and Y P. At Leave Manayunk, 77 A. 51., 5% and BP. K. 11, g, WITH, amoral Superintendent, oc2B Uopot NINTH and GUNN &mt.% ELLTB CLARK, Agent. Phllfidelphia and Bowlful' and Lobanou Valloy B. B fforthorn Oontral Railroad. Banbury and Erie R. II ON BONDAYO HALES WV AUCTION VURNEBB, BRINLEY, do 00., . N. 429 MARKIIT ATMS? 131.1 . . t 71118 (6R11 , A1) , JA,NUAItY 17. A CARD --Mt. attention of purchasers to vorioestod to our rale of dry YOO4I , this (Friday) morning, January 17, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, for club, com. prising n dittrable comtment for valiant Wm. NOTICE TO EF,TAILERS. In sato Ills morning -- 0.4 Faris colored merinos. MOllBllll do Mita and poplink Persian do lollies, silk figured poplins. -- Mout e figured rep!, broths thawis. —Bleck instrinoe, gr a do nines, Wool shil la, drawers, gloves end hosiery, fancy neck tile, grcs de Itillno cra% ate, tic. log allk, ko. Mon, 1,000 BALMORAL 81CIIrrp, Just landed Conabling Of an-irool, Bilk stripe, mod silk embroidered, for the lon city trade, CL070 , 4 ,.0A581A93111gi, V.F:BTytti . l, &c, 40 nieces 7.4 old vi 00l Wolq of England Melton elottm 10 ;dec. o 7.1 aid wool indigo blue cloths. CO pieces heavy wool Eculcb cassinneres, 30 Item lane, plaid 00 plena eon a In avg brown satinets. Fancy glib velvet vrrtlngr, tabby relvrto, ka. NOTICE TO DEALERS IN RIIIBUNS. This Morning CO lots Ncs. 40'30 cable cord solid colorml posit do aide bonnet ribbons. BALE OF FRENCH DRY GOODS. This fitorulug, Jarinary 17, M 10 o'clock, by catalogue, for a sh— ag) lots of fancy and staple French dry goods. ear Samples and catalogues early on morning of eale. 6.4 WEST OF ENGLAND MELTONS AND INDIG TILDE CLOT M. This Morning. 00 pieces 0-4 Wert or England bfoltms cloth, all wool. 0.4 West of England indigo blue cloths. 00 'pieces new style Scotch tweeds. SEWING SILK AND SILK TWIST. 4 taus blue.tdack Italian sowing Mk. I coot I otdon atlk 101st, Mk ROOM MODS DELAINZS, POPLINS, Sc, 6.4 Purls colon,' mothicos 6.4 mono do taints. 100 glecea brocha figured MSc ststbs toplu.s block me do Rhino's and NEW STYLE BALIIORAL SKIRTS. For thy best City Trade. A law assottinent of new style assorted Balmoral skirls, mama's. Nod for Ihe London trade. Also, rich embroidered .110 Balninrals.' PARASOL FRAMES. 1 case fOO parasol italllPS. pANCOABT & WARNOCK, AUG TIONEEIIB, No. 213 2.131.1K11T Street. LABOIi BIICIAL SALE ON HTADY4I.A.DE CLOTHING. . On Monday Mornings January. 20, at oak GTOOIII 213 &tartlet street, by cata logue, costuming at 10 o'clock precisely, a large and desirable Mock of seasonable ready•ndule clothing, bust. nese, dress, end frock conta, for gents and youths, gents' pants and veils, to which the attention of the trade Is Wilted. E B. HOPPIN & CO., AUOVON .L.J. ZERS, 242 MARKET STREET. (HINER/Ll, SALE OE FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, DRESS GOODS,IRIHAIINGS. Ae. On Thursday Morning. Tanuar,.23, at 10 o'clock, comprising a general assort ment of scasonabla goods, adapted to present retail Wei, to sehich the attention of the trade Is Inelted. Er floods. arranged for examination early on the morning of sato, with catalogues. PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTION- Noe. &26 DIAMEBT end 62i 001M1111103 Streets MUSEB NATHANS, AUOTIONE ER .L.U. AND COMMISSION MEROHAIIT. sontheaet corner or SIXTH and MOD !Drente. NA.THANS' PRINOIPAL MONEY EBTABLIBH• 250,000 TO LOAN,' In largo or small amounts, from one dotter to thousands, on diamonds, poll and silver plate, smatehea, joweiry, merchandise, clothing, furniture, bedding, pianos, and goods of every description. LOANd MADE A THE LO WEST MARKET RATER. This eatablishmeta has large lire and thief-proof ages, tor the safety of valuable geode, together with a pirate. ha let TUBB 011 the premised. EbTATILIAIIED FOB THE LABT 80 TEAM, ALL LAEGELOANB MADE AT THE "PnINOIPAL EBTIDLISIISIENT." CIIAIMEd 011EAT4T REDUOED. M=3MMI AT LESS TIIAN HALF USUAL STORE PRICES. Gel 4 seil silver watches of every ileseriptloo, from ono dellor to one holland dollars each, cold chains. fashion able jewelry, illsiountle, Sm. MARSHAL'S SALES SALE.—By virtue of a .IN.JL writ of sale, by Ito lion. JOEIN OADWALA. DER, Judge of the District Court of the COW States, In end for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad • intralty, to me dltocted old ho mold at Pablic dale, to the highest and boot bldder, for coati, at QUEIFIN•dtroot wharf, on TUESDAY, January 21, 1862, at 12 o'clock, )1., part of the carroof the Steamer SALVOR conai9l - Ing Of 60 bap of dooolgo4 %ri t e, 1111,1,1A)1 U. 0 Manual E. 1). of Peon's. PHILADELPHIA, January 10,1882. jsll-61 MARSHAL'S BALNI.—By virtue of n writ of gale, by the Hon. JOHN OA DIY AlleA. DEN, Judge of the District Court or the United States, In oud for the Ititatorri Dlstrtot of vennsyleargu, In Au. wireity, to me directed, will ho sold, at ymblio sale, to the highest and boat bidder, for (lash, at the:kSEItOIIAN fB' EXCHANGE, on MONDAY, January 271 h, 1822, at 12 o'clock M, tho *lvo sixteenths part of the Schooner ELLA, her tackle ' apparel, and furniture. Being the interest therein of I. IA 71 H. NO W LE, an inhabi tant of that part of the State of Virginia lying east of the Allegheny Mountains Tuonstel Is now lying at House's wharf, Biannual. WILLIAM MILT.W &RD, U. 8. Marshal E. IL of Pam's. PHILADELPHIA, Januery 19, 1961 jAl6.6t MARSITAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a 11.11. Writ of Sale, by the lion. JUAN OADWALADEH, Judge of the District Court of tho United :Wm In and to tho Eastern Distract of Ponnsylvania, In Admiralty, to um di, coted, will be sold at Public Bale, to tho high est and beet bidder, for Cash, nt QUR MELT FIEJIT WHARF, on TUESDAY, January 28th, 1862, at 11 o'clock M., the Schooner NUN ALFRED, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now lies at cold whirl'. WILLIAM MLLLWARD, U. 8. !timbal E. D. of Pennayicunla. PHILAMILVIIIA, January 13, 1862. Je14.01 MARSHAL'S SALT:.—By virtuo of a Writ 01 Sale,by the lion. JUAN UAOWALADER, Jodgo of the Markt Court of the United St/ItOS In and for the Eastern Dlstriet of Penneyhanfa, in Admiralty, to tne directed, will be sold, at YOU Sale, to the highest and bat bidder, for Cash, at the STORE, Northwest corner of LOhlltAltlt and SOUTH DEN...WARD A revue . nn THURSDAY, January 23, 1862, at 12 o'clock hl., the cargo of the Schooner FANNY LEN, consisting of 144 tierces orrice, 30 half.tlerces., 263 bags of rice, and 293 boxes of manufactured tobacco. WILLIAM MIELWARD, IL S. tfisrebAl E. P. of Pornmlennlrt. ifintlfiry 13, WU. lo:4•Bt MACHINERY AND IRON. da PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS.—PIEAFIRtis LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEWIETIOA_L ENCL. NEERB, ISTS, BOIL Ell-MAKERS, BL ACJK. SMITHS, end FOUNDERS, hating, for many non, been in successful operation, and boon exclusively en gaged in building and repairing Marine and River Itm glues, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks. Bropelbetia he., &0., respectfully offer their tondo*. k the public, as being tally yroyaral to contract for In aloes at al sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, hints sets of pattorus of diffetvnt rites, are prepared to ex. onto orders with quick dispatch. Every deacription, Pattern making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, Fin°, Tubular, and Cylinder Bogert, b! We best Pennsylvania charcoal Iron. Forgings, of a) rites Bad kind.; Inns and Brass Castings, of all de icrlptious Turuhts, Pcrow Cutting, and all °Out work connected with the above. tinniness.. Drawings and Sp6cifi,ations for all work dono at their establiehment, freo of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have amplo wharf•dock room for rs rain of boats, where thoy can lie tu porfoct wady, on/ ore provided with shears, blocks, falls, &0., 6a, ea tahlug hoary or light weights. JAl.lOb 0. NEAR, JOHN P. LEVY, loll•tt BEdAlll. and PALMER 'Aunts. a. YAUOIUM MAIRICM, AKIN S. COM WILLIAM H. IdIIRRIOW. MAIIVIAIT MIAMI= SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, TIVTLI AND WASHINGTON BTBIIIIIII4 THILADIITZTITA. EIEREIOK. AV 80103, ENGINEERS! AND AIADDINIETI, klannfacinrolgh and Low Pressure Steam M for laud, river, and marine sondes. Boilers, liasometors, Tenho, Iron Boats, Bo.; Ma. togs of all kinds, either Iron or brans. Iron-Frame floors for Qaa Works, Workshops, Be& road Stations, 80 . Retorts and Gaa flaohlnery of the latoat and ma improved construction. Entry description of Plantation Machinery", snob a Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steen Trains, Defocators, Filters, Pumping Engines, ,ko. Sete Agerta for N. 11111lena's Patent Sugar BOlitni Apparatus • tioamytb's Paton 'Steam liarnmsr, and As pinwall B Wolsey's Patent ()outfits's. 8.0. Drbinixit aria-tt RAILROAD LINES. AND W YIITLAD EST ELPD CHESTIA RAIL. ER ROAD. VIA MEDIA. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, Nov. 25,1901, the trains ma leave PHILADItI,PfIIA, from the Depot, N. E. cornet EIGIITRYNTIt end MARKET Strode, at 8.30 S.M.' 8, 4.16, and 6.46 P. 61.,• and will leave the corner of TIIIIITY-FIRST end MARKET Streets, (Wed Phila. delphle,) at 17 mlnutos after the darting time from thi Dooot. ON SUNDAYS. Leave PEITI,ADELPH4A at 8 A. M. and a P. M. Leave West Cheater at 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. The Trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.30 A. M. and 41$ P. 111. connect at Penneiton with Trains on the Phila. delphla and Baltimore Central Railroad for Ooncord, Kennett, Oxford, ho., ha. FINNEY WOOD, n 02.44 finporintendont PHILADELPHIA 2. • AND BEADING BAILBOAD 00., (Office 221 Borah Fourth groat.) PIIILADILPHIA Awn 97, IHOL SEASON TIOKETB On and after May 1, 1861, wason tickets will be issued by thle company for the periods of three, Ma, doe, and twelve months, not transferable. Bermn Bobcat-tit:We may use be bad at 83 per ma. discount. Those titkete will be sold by the Treasurer at No. UT South FOURTH Street, where any farther information an be obtained. 8. BRADFORD, turftbtf Troamarer. W art II IORM P. A IL E B S O T A D T ° R T S ! T P N R . SYLVANIA RAILROAD, leave dopot, tor nor ELI. VENTR and bIABRIT Streets, ate A. 81. 1.4.80 two% and 4 P. N. unl.lf g ar g a FOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware eal qnrittn, Philedelelde and New York Express Steamboat How 000 receive freight end leave dallr,at 3 P. Id., deans• ins noir cargoes In Now York the following dept. Yrefebte taken a e W n M I P a Y DE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, g ri i.jf Piero 111 and le VAST SWIM, New Tot. ma r al p . FOR NEW YORK. Th 4 Philadelphia Steam Propeller Oompdal will oommenco their bosineas for the season on Blonde."' 18th instant Their linemen are now recelvlns height at Bacot Pier above Walnut oared. Terme aeoonamcdatlng. ADPI7 to W. 111. BAUM di OD., Ina Bonth Tklaware Away.. iva) LEAD-8 barrels just received `I.J per schooner Amelia, for We by JAURETORB & OARSTAIRS, tn . / 202 and 203 South FRONT Eltriket QUALITY ROOFING SLATE always on hand and for safe of Union ;n141481 8111011 Moat, Remington, T. TFIODIAB, UT WA hod, 1.1111.4•103.1 c•Sh.LIF.B. , Bir AUCTlOrl';•,',,,'..:,:l AI THOMAS • & 80N8, • ate. . 139 sto South votrient atm* (Formerly Noe. Of and 611.) . . , . . E I'IMLIO SALE'S REAL ESTATr A ND STOOK AT THE EXOOANGE ON TIOESOATE. REAL MATS AT EMATZ BALI, - . . . Mir We We a large ILMOURt or r4l'd ostata at Win este, inoltuling cm) , dc,scrlyilon of city matt mantel "co oartr. Printed Ws they be bed et the Auction Rio.* BANK AND OTHER STOOKS—JANUARY 21. Also, 41 shares Kensington Bank. 6 shores American Academy of Music. 1 share Ai:aplenty Of the Fine Arta. . . 1 share In the Mercantile Library Conipany. Also, for account of whom it may concern— */ shares Philadelphia Mutual Reel 11.-atry Association, 32 shares Philadelphia Fire and Life Insurance Co. 1 share Philadelphia Library Company. Pow 140.160, fourth from the chance), Church of the Atonement. 'VALUABLE STOCKS AND LOANS ADDITIONAL. Executor's Sale—Estate of l'apt. Simeon Toby, deed. Pew No. 101, east state, Third Presbyterian Church, Bev. Dr, Brainerd. 5.8.000 Lehigh Navigation 6 per cent. Loan, 1010. 52.000 city of Cincinnati Coupon 6g, e 3,, 00 spire of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Loan. 81,000 Pennsylvania Ballroed tat Mortgage Coupon Bond. P 5,000 Chesapeake and Dela, ears Canal Loan. $5.600 City of Philadelphia (Common Goan.) 100 share. Frankforri and Bristol Turnpike ComPan7. 60 shares Northern Dank of Kentucky. 20 shares Franklin Fire Insurance Company. 350 shares North American Insurance Company. Ailmintatrater'a Sale—Estate of Rachel Tob), dee'd. eLsoo I'llilatielphis City 6 per cent. Common Loan. 8600 Stale of Penneilvaula 6 per cent. Loan. ICE AL ESTATE AND 8 DJUKS —JAN 0 ART 21. 3 his sale will include several Estatea by order of ex• e ciders, asslknees, and others, xis : Zsecutor's Peremptory 8010--Fetate of W W. Moore, FOUR BRICK STORRS AND DWELLING 3, N. W. corner of Fecoort and ipruco atre.fa. elea of sa Ineumbraoce. Bale sbeoint e. $9,000 may remain. Executor's Peremptory Eale--Natate or J. Btratton, TEAT DVELLINO, No. 801 Marsball street. with Bark DuWhigs. Clear of Incerubrauce. Bale absolute. BRICK DWELLING, N 0.1343 Parrish street, Clear of lucumbrance. Alro Mgignee's Pet loryBale. Nft TIMBER AND COAL LANDS—he &liftable title or J. Hunslcker in perm Tracts, (MOO A. res,) in Con, tro awl Clearfield cons ties, Pa.., near PAinipaosseg. RT Bale absolute. *7 - Full particulars of the above Estates rawly lu Bale et Nos. 139 and 141 South fourth Street. SUYERIOR FURNITURE, If BENOH•PLATE MB. ROBB, PIANO-FORTES, BEDS AND BEDDING, ORIN& AND OLABBWAItE, BRUSSELS AND OTHER °MORT& dto On Thursday Morning At 0 o'clock, et the Auction Store, the superior feral. furniture, plano.fortes, mirrors, Brussels and attics. car pets. *a., from familia§ declining housekeeplog, removed to the store for oonvenionco of sale. IP Catalogues ready the day previous to arde. Annuli Selo No. 521 Walnut Street. XLEOANT CABINET FURNITURE—STOCK. 07 . . . . . . GNORON J. 11ENKELS. On Friday Mandril. 24111 inst., at 10 o'clock, by catalogue ' at the Ware tOODIP, No. 624 Walnut street , the stock of . elegant rose wood, walnut, mahogany, and oak draWing.room, parlor, dluing.romo, library, and chamber furniture, manufac tured and finished In the beat manner aryl win the beet nuteriele, by Mr. Menkels, exgress& for his private ender, and warranted In arery respect. lir The furniture le now arranged, mid may be exa mined any day prothus to sale. Full particular.; in catalogues three days previous to sale. 811IPPIriG. gita WEEKLY COMMUNIOd- TION BY STEAM BETWEEN NNW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, calling at QUEENS TOWN, (Iroland,l to laud and embark mongers am despatcher!. The Liverpool, Row York, and Mlle&iptda Steam ship Company's aptendi4 01ydo.bullt Iron screw Owe. Wise saw Intended to sail so follows: FROM NEW YORE. FOR LIVERPOOL. KANGAROO Saturday, Jan. 15, 1882. OITY OF WANCIRSTER.... Saturday, Jan. 25, 1802. GLASGOW Saturday, Frb. 1, 1801 And every Saturday throughout the Tsar, t root Plll2l No. 41 N. R. RATES OF PASSAGE TBROUGII FROM FRILADILFILLA. Cabin, to Queenstown, or Liverpool . $7) Do. to London, CA Liverpool 110 Steerage to Queenstown, or Liverpool. in Do. to LondonWM Do. Return tickets, available for all months, from Liverpool See Fassengers forwarded to Harm Parts, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp at through rates. Certificates of passage Issued from Liverpool to Bine York 140 Certificatee of passage issued from Queenstown to Nn York Mit Thew steamers have superior accommodations for gaa. tenger., are constructed with watertight atomism% and carry experfencul Burgeons. for freight, or passage, Rapt; at the aka of the (km. puny, PAN 0 DALE Agent, 1.1.1 Walnut street, Philidelphlk In Liverpool, to WIC INIIAN, Tower Hui Minn In Glasgow, to WM. INMAN, la Nixon MN& .LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK, AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP 00hIPANY. NOTICE TO BABBItIiGRItS. By order of the Secretary of State, all imesengbrif leaving the Bolted States are required to procure pur ports beforegolng on board the steamer. noo4l JDHN G. DATA, Agent. d m& THE BRITISH AND NORTH aibtrallOAN ROYAL MAIL MAN- 811IPS. PASSPORTS.—AU persons fearing the United Metal will mantra to have PASSPORTS from the authorities, of their respective countries, countersigned by the Seeretery of State at Washington, or by the Passport Agent al port of embarkation. PRON. NEW YORE 'TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Passage TS FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage ono Second Cabin Passage 0) The ships from New York call al Owls Harbor. The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Oak Mr bor. PERSIA, Capt. Judkins. t A WRICIA, (Apt Sharma_ ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. CANADA, Capt. J. Lotto:L. ce q ,t, B. 0, Lolt AMERICA, Capt. Noddy, AUSTRALASIAN, NIAGARA, Capt. Rooms. Copt Cook. EUROPA, (rapt. Anderson. SCOTIA, (now building.) These vessel, carry a clear white light at mast-bead ; COCA on starboard bow: red on port bow. AEERICA, Stone, leaves N. Vort,Wednesdar. Jan. /- NIAGARA, Noodle, tt Boston, Wednesday, ha. S. ASIA, LOU,. w N. York, Wednesday', lan 141. CANADA, Muir, s Boston, Wodnesdayolan 21. AFRICA, Shannon, N.York, Wedneeday, Jan. XL Berths not secured until paid for. 0. An experienced Surgeon cue board. The owners of their. Win will not be accountable** Gold, Silver Bullion,Specie, Jewelry, Precious &ORA or Metals, aides, bilof lading are signed therefor, aid the value thereof therein expresso'. Tor freight or w eek% app/ to outunn, mkt-tf 4 BOWLING Gusset. New Teta EXPRESS COMPANIES. . „ K am THE ADAMS PI X PERM COMPANY, Offloo 820 OHS/SWOT &root, forwards Parcels, Packages, Moran/Ilse, Hank Notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or In connection trite other Itxproseoompluales, to al Me principal To and Oilier of the United Stake! D. B. SANDFORD, Amend Bormint.ndeet. MOTELS. A. OARD.-THE UNDERSIGNED, WA of the 1119ARD 1101 AI, Plilledeinhie. 114111 leased, for • term of Foam WILLA.BWB Minh la Washington. They take this occasion to return to Mir old Woods and customers many thanks for oast favors, and beg to assure them that they will be met. happy to see them in their new wieder.. BYRES, ORADWIUK, a 00. W APRIIIOTOR, July 16.1861. BOOR AND JOB PRINTING. "THE PRESS" BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. No. 417 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. The attention of the Business Community Is re epeotfully Invited to the New Book end Job Ptlat• lag Office of Tee PRESS, which hiu been fitted up with New Material, in the moat Complete Manner, and le now prepared to exeoute, in e eatishieter, Btyle, every variety of Printing. POSTERS, HANDBILLS, DRUGGISTS' LABELS, DEEDS, BONDS, MORTGAGES, CERTIFICATES, PAPER BOOKS, CHECKS, DRAFTS, BILL HEADS, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADINGB, BALL TICKETS & PROGRAMMERS, BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CARDS, ETO., ETO., ETO. BINHOHANTO, MANIIIrAOTURZES, KIOHANII2Ik LAWYERS, AUCITIONICEII4 PDBILIO OTHIOERS, BANK% BUG- ROAD AND INSIIRANOR COMPANIIEB, Eva., Will be en:oiled with any desoription of Printano required, at Short Notice and 0 the moat Mu feeble Termr. Is 3 -18 CIRCULARS. NOTES, RECEIPTS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers