To the Stockholders of the Philadelphia aid Reading Railroad Company. The managers submit the following report of the re• Ohba and expenditures for the year ending November IA 1661, with the Treaaurer's general balance sheet ex• hibiting the financial "condition of the company at that data: (Bore Jo given o long statement, In great detail, which are condom* og follows')' rrom travel, 868,651, equal to 141,451 through passengers $ 838,964 69 From merchandise, 824,958 tons 406,821 22 36`rom coal, 3,609,535 tons 2,111,023 89 From United States Mail and other moms. _ RITSSIMS. Tyanepcdtedlon. 844,563 98 !Roadway 246,473 85 Rorawbacks, allowances, and all other charges 191,095 62 1,282,133 43 Net profit for the year 01,023,705 30 Nutenest on bonded debt .$704,830 00 sends and mortanaes, Teal ' estate 35,532 00 574030 00 Renewal Fund. VI Cants Per 100 tone on 421,. 692 1 898 tons transported one nano during' 12 montna ending November 30, 1801. 210795 84 051,165 81 Dividend Fund for the year, told& has been &epos.' of as followa : 'Sinking Funds 5150,000 00 _State Tax on Capital for 180.. 15,922. 25 30 , ivIdendo n Preferred Stock for 1801 108,620 00 Accrued Interest for 1861 on reserved &Mende. Preferred Stock 24,065 43 299,010 66 Valance of Dividend Fund, 1861 dd balance of Reserved nind t 1860.. Total Boerved Fund At the commencement of the season It was hoped to maintain the same atrangementa and prices as had been &cured for the pros hum ) ear, The great development of the civil war calmed such ;disturbance In all bualnees arrangements that a lase In 'tonnage; both in cool and merchandise, necessarily en 'Fined. This was the inevitable consequence of the dis turbed Mate of our country, and its extent will be seen in tho following hiatement of the comparative results of thin and the preceding Sear: g 2, g PF. a P a. t 74 - 4 , :i g To - .t. i-1 z. -- it E. 12, = W.Mig. : a l : 4 ' !* • ;- ,41 -Ig - .5 ° - : i • el t i e,? ;4 zrot ...2.1.. Ir. ... . , rr.o .z fli tim % n --al. t ,- .• --, -.T. -.. u 2stflr. fis t,2 c-4r. nr, , al : - 403ftig .1..2-0 . ~1 Ev.E;tf 3 4 te %.4 24 - E->s _ ~.,... " m r 0 P.P' Z "k 5 B So lo Tro II a FE g 11,F, § 0 v , .. , - .2 5.4 g . 7, ; . ..... -.... .....•tto t iq.... a I it - 2 ., ga tg 1-Is.'' - 9 - s - , F . 4 , t „ i „'"' ia i ~.4 E. 0 ..,, 0 -3, , r. ee 3..2g 0 h. t ' .4 5i 8 ~... ,-L . . .• 0 0 0 0 0 el The receipts and expenses for each, per passenger and per ton, -1111. Va been as follows, viz: 1860. 1881 Cost. itemive. st. Rd, Per passenger,s.l 28 $2 67 5- d lO $1 3 C0 4 6-10 $2 41 eceiv 3.e10 Rho, per-ton, 38 139 9-10 70 2-10 125 4-10 coal, " 408-101 24 9-10 41 128 2.10 The gain in the number of paasengers carried arldea chiofly from the transportation of soldiers. The es pense of transporting miscellaneous marabou. &se per ton, for each of the last ton years, has been as follows: Year embraced in report of January, 1853, cents 109.62 per ton. 1854, 105.50 1855, 105 61 1856, 108.00 1857, .35.09 1858, 99.13 1859, 95.51 1800, 74.73 1801, 63.00 1802, 70 28 'The small cost of 53'ecnte per ton met down for the year 'embraced In the report of January, 1801, arises from the fact that Broad Top cent in the commencement of that trade wee classed with ruerchandlee. It is now placed with the other coal From ads coffee, viewing the year embraced in tho in vert of January, 1581, as unsuitable for corapsriaon, it will be teen that the present year exhibits a reduction in Toot of this item of GA per cent. as compared to the year 'embraced in - the report ot - January,l6oo, and a reduction , of 40 per cent as compared to the cost of the eight pre ceding years• The result of the leoe's bushy M, as condensed front transportation and income account, may be stated thus: Grow receipts $2,005,818 73 Peanut working exprnses, Including re newel fund Prate or receipts over cost or working tho road $1,41.2 7 905 46 Froth which deduct interest on bonded dolt. 5T04,834 00 )Sonde sad mortgages 16,012 00 Leaning for net profit or dividend fund— .. This bits been credited as follows: Binking funds. $160.00000 state tax on Carla 35,928 25 iDtridond an proferred stork.... 105,625 00 afx4rvied iniereet en preTions preforral stock, di ldenC s not paid... Valance carried to reserve fund, 1861 amount to credit Of reserved fund, 1800, per report November 30, .1000 9/25,004,88 Out of whirl bas beim paid aUndry drawbacks on traffic (or 1860, Total reserved rod After deducting all expenses, including renewal fund end interest on the bonds. the net profile are 18672,539.45, which Is equal to 5 82-100 per cent, on all the outatand. ing stoat, common and preferred, or to 7 per cent. on the gereftrred and 5 04-205 per cent. on the common stock. The operations of the transportation department are fitated in detail le the annexed report of the General &L- W:intendant, and the tabular statements which eooom. piny it. The report of the Enatoear fully exhlbite the condition of the roadway department. The charges to construction or capital account, during lihe year, have been • Tor real &ditto at Willow•etrcet wharf, and at Woad and Oanautili! streets 13/04,700 00 Woe locomotive engines and Care, OEIIII6 pay went ammo due according to the lessee of '7lO coal care 120 merchandise care 200 coal care for Broad Top trade 87,014 50 2 care built... 1,564 76 12 truck care b0ught.......... 1,350 00 1,04,0 curs. Tntal coat, 201,219 23 Nor Lebanon Valley Ilranch, land damages and second tract 84,608 32 For Schuylkill and Suswebanna and Al lentown Built oad stock . By these payments, the rolling stock of tho company lea been increased 3,050 cars. This subject was referred loin the last retorh bet the payments have been made during the past fiscal year. • There remained on this ac count to be paid $31.800, on the settlement of which the company will receive fifty-three additional cars. This will fulfil all the obligations of the company under the car ats. The mercbandhe cars that have been acquired by the company were those included In en arrangement made in 2886 with the Catawissa and Williamsport end Elmira 3lailroad Companies for the lease of ono hundred and dereletY-nine merchandise care, valued at 8 3 9, 9 0 0 , for five years. PrOVIOU4 to the termination of the lease, notice was Risen t., the other companies interested of our desire to pay off the principal at its maturity and become the owners of Rot' ears. 873,1500 has been paid, and the title winked to this company exclusively to one hun dred and thirty-live of them. The remainder will be paid 1111 it becomes due, and she care become the pro serty of the company. The demand for Dread Top coal having largely In- Created dieing the year, one hundred eight-wheeled Mral care, In addition to the three hundred referred to in the teat annual report, have been added to the number excitisively devoted lo that trade—the coot of which was defrayed jointly by tile Pennsylvania Railroad and by this company. The lessees of the old depot building, at the corner of Mood and Cherry streets, not being able to comply with the' terms of their lease, surrendered the pra ndial.' and they has e been let to the tinned States, for a military hospital, for ono year or the wee, at their option. The traninartatlen of live stock, chiefly for the New York. unwind, via Allentown and Easton, has reached 116,411 tons—au increase of 284 per cent. over last year. The net profits on the Lebanon Volley branch during the met year Mee torn equal to the interest (7 per cent )l enthe bonds issued for its construction, and 6 per cont. Do the natuninder of lis cost. During the pest veer the Beard of Managers decided thu the true interest of the company, and that of the Miners in Schtrylkili county, would be promoted by se goring, by levee or purchase, the control of some or the Sanwa railroads lumina from the main lice of the road to Ow Mei taken .The effect of Ohio, ft was belieyof, would be to Introduce a more efficient administration, rand to gednee the charges for tell and transportation ' and thus effect a reduction in the cost of ;Lacing coal attblowater 04 Philadelphia. For this purpose leases have been concluded with the toads leading by Mill creak over the Breed Mountain Inni the second cool field at Ashland, with mme branches 11l the Schuylkill and Mahnooy vallere. - jekThe Only portion of the line which is unfinished is about three miles near Ashland, upon which the grading is alopleted and the rails are now being laid. It will all 14 rod/ for traffic nn the opening of navigation next V'tithe exercise of the general authority given to _loarttof lifenagets, at Limiest annual meeting, a ma. jority of stock bas been purchased in the Allentown Rell. mud, 1111 d in the Schuylkill and thelnebunna Railroad. au road of the latter company leads from Auburn, on the line of the Wading Railroad, 88 miles from Ptilladel nloditotityille, at the met end of the Pennsylvania Coramirir'ihridge across the Saannehannariver, la distance of 64 miles. The road is entirely free from !loafing debt, and is subject to one mortgage of 41 81 , 00 0 046 pee cent. interest. This Mechem, entirely obviates the necessity of the construction of an extension of the Lebanon Valley road to Dauphin, estimated to cost about $200,000, and which ems authorized to be mode , by the stockholders at their lannual meeting in January, 1860. , The cost of Moe ptuchmes was $611,685.88, of which 681,865.83 was paid in cash, and the bondii.of the company, dated July 1, 111161, have been Issued for the balance, 8435,000, bearing 8 Per Dent. Interest, redeemable In years, with a sink. hag fund attached of 10 per cent. per annum. It le be. ilart4 that these =rebates and urangsments will prove post Odvantagenus to the lots:sets of the company. - The dividend earn, d - of 7 per cent. on the preferred Pte* for the put Year has been declared, payable in cash, en the 16th Instant. ' - . . One hundred and thirteen thousand three hundred dol l** of the bonds a the company hays been pnrchos d daring the year Of these. 853,800 hare been chanted to theithsklng fond and (*welled; the-remainder, $39,600, rest of the boads due , In 1860, had been that en. donator defaced that the holders objected on that at. pout to extending-them. They were, therefote, our 'Aired by the company, and the bonded dobt to that ox tent diretalsbee. . ties arrears - of 'dividends dna noon the preferred lincilia"lellP wee leaned, payable December 31, 188; Iploslitas ta1312,02. With accrued Interest. M ;nay he Mt/Bab/e t If the revenues of the company current year. permit it. to _anticipate the pay- . ownt atm / sselb on favorable terms. . Tim opflny' Indio - ate II 132 the last annuid report, of hairline - .130 Illorniale payable, eml nontininß the transactions of " thattartaattacseh4eyments, has been strictly adhered to Motet the Nat Year. Lacesse Imi.been• applied to the redemption or lb um and Wtiengthaning Its pistititni."! Doesefarther paytwats oflhls character rem:isle' to be `Made liMbre I return tai cash *Mends on the common itotil .........6. ol4lleeilateriolnedba with an assurance of safety ° OsiWWOfSttli , Mr:Whitney felt it bit duty to eiMitireielWthe:istelfideacy of the, com pany, to girl, IMEMOidelteltfo private Wake, , =' L 2.soklionnotoollo remain In the,Board, and has given'to' ladioVie benefit, of bis assistance. 111.11mItb,pmviousty oneof;the mantarere, "MOO hie dead. Mr. S. D. Steele maimed the Oki at lee president and became the chief engineer of the company. It has not been thought necessary to fill the came of vice president. Although their positions have been changed, the com pany has had the benefit of the assistance of both these gentlemen. By order of the Board of Managers. OHABLES N. BMITII, President. Philadelphia, January 11, 1802. At the Annual meeting of the stockholders of the Phi ladelphia and Beading Beilr md Company, held January 13 1862, the following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That the Report of the Board of 3faaagere this day presented mid read, be, and the Wile is hereby, approved, accepted, and adopted. Resolved, That the Board of 'Managers be, and they are hereby, authorized, at their discretion, to carry into effect any of the measures bravest:din their report, and if, to their opinion needful, to enter into any contractser agreements for that purpose. Resolved, That the Dowd of Monegoro he, and they are hereby, authorized to enter into ouch contracts with reopect to connecting roads as they may deem advisable. Resolved, That tee powers and authorities conferred upon and granted to the Board of Managers, by the re aolulicne at the hoot annual meeting, be, and the seine ate hereby, continued. Resolved, That a vote of thanks be, and the same is hereby, presented to the President and Board of Mana gers, for the very efficient and entlefactory manner in which the affairs of the road have been conducted during the past year. e 2,905,838 73 CITY ITEMS. Dr. E. H. Chapin at Concert Hall Last 072,539 40 Last evening concluded one of the most successful courses of public lectures ever given in Philadelphia. Nine years have elapsed since an organization, com posed of a few prominent gentlemen In this city, who felt the need of cultivating a popular taste for lec tures of real literary merit, was formed, and appealed to oar 01117055 for support. This, to their credit, has been generously accorded from that day to this. Not that any vast RUMS have been realized by thlsfateeo39 s tte some erroneously imagine, On the contrary, several of the courses—not excepting, we believe, the present, Is hich has been singularly popular—have done little mere than pay expenses. This is owing to the commendable liberality with whirls the People's Literary Institute— the organization hero referred to—get up their pro grammes, the total expense incurred for a single Course, for bell, lecture fees, posters, miscellaneous printing, ad vertising, et cetera, amounting to little loss than two thousand dollars, 5373,919 18 406,822 62 $780,742 40 Iliad the object been money, it le a fair inference that the People's Literary Institute, annual lectures, like nu merous other enterprises which their success has provoked, ould have tailed, and been given up long ago. There were circumstances which gave to the course, which clrsed last evening at Conceit Mill, a peculiar interest. The previous series had met with some little disturb ance, and even official interference, and the public were anxious to see what the new state of things now existing In our country would bring forth on the lecture board. The result has been already chronicled. Many of the sense neon who figured In former sinuses, and were no. sparingly denounced for uttering the same sentiments which are new greeted with almost universal applause, have appeared end been enthusiastically received this season. The same change, in fast, which has thrown open the Snsitheonlan Listitute at Washington to (the formerly contraband ultraists in that quarter) Greeley, Phillips, Cheever, and Beecher, has been 'witnessed In enutervative Philadelphia, and throughout the whole loyal north. my ;• Pi! or; Win Dr. Chapin's lecture, last evening, had for its subject, t•Tris PEOPLE." Mr. J. W. White, Secretary of the "Institute," (whose happy, off-band speeches have on several occasions this season covered him with credit, and bee❑'of signal service to their organization,) in intro ducing the lecturer, referred to the incidents of the pre sent course, and acknowledged the obligations under which they had been placed by the audience by their generous support. Re also congratulated his hearers, rather facetiously, we must admit, that, "resisting the temptations of notoriety, they had avoided political el troiets and heretici3, and brought forward none but con servative, orthodox men !" [Great laughter and ap plause.] Mr. NV hito also stated that the lecture recently given In that ho3l,by Bayard Taylor, Esl., for the benefit of the two Volunteer Refreshment Saloons in this city, had netted the sum of 3243.75 for three establishments, which bad been duly appropriated. " Make way t make way for the representatives of the people I" once cried a pompous official In moldrig Ids way through a crowd. "Make way yourself for me aro the people themselves," responded the crowd." This was the anecdote with Which the lecturer opened ; boo over, that had those respondents been called upon on the spot for the proof they might have been puzzled fora reply. "The people" was, he said, one of the commonest phrases, but very imperfectly malersteml. As a palpa ble, fungible/act, such a thing as the people he assumed nught not exist a proposition which the lecturer pro ceeded to illuminate with a degree of subtle philosophy, which was hardly appreciated by every moo, women, and child who beard hint. Re did, however, employ a number of comic expressions, and "aide hits," sufficient to punctuate his remarks with laughter, and so formed no unacceptable introduction to the good things which w ere to follow. lie then proceeded to considerthe people" In their IVO and practice, under these three heads: First, the people as a ammo of power; second, as a tribunal of Judgment, and third, as a sovereignty of the future. The pincer of the people came out, ho said, in what .wo tell national character. The leading minds of a nation weze, therefore, never more than the adequate measure of its power. When a nation was struck with come common danger then it was that the germs of greatness wen, multiplied and suddenly developed. In illustrating the imperislza. tic character of a nation so bug ao it remains sound at the core, Dr. Chapin summoned to his aid a Succession of characteristic and original, and we may say, startling figures of speech, which evidently struck the heart of his audience, and were received with a perfect storm of ap plause. 1,492,933 27 $872,539 48 298,619 68 $373,919 78 it st mild not, he said, be denied that a beautiful laud. scope was an interesting spectacle; nor would it be de nted that the interest ot ouch oconeo was greatly aug mented when they became aesociatecl with human efforts and sacrifices. Both° firmer Potomac had recently at tained en interest which It never could have known had not there the blood of noble mortyre to liberty been mingled with the (7111111011 of an autumn sunset. While ho did not mean to flatter the people, any more than he would nutter bunion nature. he felt at liberty, nevertheless, to vindicate them, The ground-tier of the people wore not to be despised. lie did not wish to withhold due honor to real rank where It existed, but the lowest he held deserved some. thing better at our bands than contempt; for he remain bend that Oio Klngllest One of ull had been born low &lin in society, and bad concerted with the pelvic. 406,622 62 $780,742 40 Ito neat considered to what extent "the people" might be regarded as a tribunal of judgment. This NS as first reviewed in Its relation to literature. Tho lec turer held that the statistics of any ono of our popular Lee libraries would show that the reading of the masses compares favorably in character with that of the more select classes. The Bible was most read by the _people, and that not merely because it was the erntodiment of the Christian's faith, but because with in sacred pages there was the richest and grand est repository* of Met ature and wisdom The motto too sepal{ vox Da was not always true, though son—e times it was true that the voice of the people Is the voice of Cod. Some very humorous illustrations were cited by the lecturer under this head, among which, his alltision to what has been said about King Cotton created con siderable hiughter. .6140,250 00 . 68,100 00 817,885 23 8964,566 91 It was a mistake to infer that truth was always, or ovon ever first revealed to great messes of people. As the rays of the morning first touched some lonely, Isolated peak, so truth the touched some solitary mind, from which it permeated others, and finally won its way away down into the hearts of many. Truth was not to be found in the nose of the enthusiastic multitude. To hoar Its voice, it nee necessary to place the ear low down and keep very btlll, and then in all things the pulsations of truth might be detected. Finally, the people were con ddered as "a sovereignty of the future." In this divhiou a coMparlson was drawn between the present and past ages. It was true that the almost universal diffusion of knowledge had tended somewhat to produce a degree of superficiality, but he saw no cause for regret In this. Thwas surely bettor to have the masses tolerably Informed than to bare a few very learned mon, and all the rest ignorant. Ile did not approve of ono man having his bread HO thickly buttered that all the rest It ore obliged to go without. Ho would rather eee every men's bread buttered, if even it was thinly spread. (Laughter.) His conclusion was devoted to the developing expo 'grime through which our country is now passing. With regard to us as a nation, the language of another was gutted, that Asia wee the continent of germs, Europe the continent of diffusion, while, America was the continent of results, whore the harvest of the ages was yet to be reaped. To all mankind had gone forth the decree Of God, "say to the people that they go forward!" This the Apiaries,' people were doing in a majesty which without the perils of this war they could never have known. Ills closing tribute to the flag, and the future which awaits it, In the hands of the loyal, brave mon, who have so gallantly gone forth to defend it, was a more sublime flight of ora tory than pen can depict: At the class of the lecture, the audience, which was one of the largest of the season, signified their approval of it with prolonged and hearty applause. A GREAT CHANCE FOR TILE LAD/Es TO PRO num; IiaIIOAINB.—WO Invite attention to the attractive announcement of Mr. John A, Mullen, In another cements of our paper to-day. The remnants of the immense Clock of White Goods, LitCPS, and Embroideries, of the firm of Price, Perris, Co , aro now offered by Mr. Mul len, at the store No. 2024 Chestnut street, at an immense Fact Ifice, and will be throughout the whole of this week, and during this week wily. The groat bargains which ibis house has been giving to the pabllc for some months past here made the name of Price, Ferris, b Co., a Popu lar household word, in almost every fannly where goods of the class they sell are used. The large additional re dnetions now made for the „wennl week will, doubtless, fill their store to overflowing with customers from this time until the closing day, Saturday, the 18th instant. We may state, in conclusion, that, immense as have boon their sales, their stock' atill embraces an elegant assort ment of desirable goods, as may be seen by reference to their advertisement. LEbTrtItES TO lIE GIYEN. Off Thursday evening next, at the Spring Garden Institute, northeast corner of Broad and Spring 'Darden streets, a lecture hill be delivered by Mr. William Lloyd Garrison, on "The War and Its Belations." mr. Park Benjamin aunounceo—or somehodY an nounces it for him that ho viii "soon" deliver a lectnre In Philadelphia, on the "Briy/te dy,fo of the lyar." A spicy effusion may therefore he anticipated, 'alien it tomes. Trim PENSACOLA AT SEA.—Tho steam man of-war Pensacola, which the rebels felt sere of being able to capture before she could get to sea, ran the block ade of the Potonlee on Saturday Tho rebel hattoriee blazed away at the noble ship as she Ploughed her way through the water ; but none of their shot or shell struck. ' She kept the stars and stripes floating proudly from her ; molt-head as the passed along, and jest as ahe got oppo site the beefiest of the batteries she flung to the breeze a banner, upon which was inscribed in letters of gold, The beet and mast elegant suits for &Minn and civilians are those made at the Brown Stone Clothing Ball of Bodkin/ & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 606 Chestnut street, aboye • Sixth, Philedelphiar Maee MACKEREL, SMOKED SALMON, and ta bre irocertee in every variety, and of the choicest gunk tyt can be had at Lir. C. H ritaltson'a, dealer in flue ; family groceries, corner of Arch and Tenth streets. His men mackerel, In small packages to molt constunors, are the Attest we have ever tried. Evening A REAL BLANKET AT LAST!—Among the incidents at the White House on New Year's day, was the presentation of an Indian blanket to Mrs. Lincoln by Major Arny, the 11. S. Indian Agent for the Territory of New blexico. The article, which was made of Wool, xcited the greatest astonishment lemons the.,militarY officers present, nearly all of whom asserted that it was the only woollen blanket seen by them since the com mencement of the Ivan The Secretary of War line or dered a pair exactly similar to it, to order that it may not hmeafter be said that there nover were any woollen blan kets In the army of the Union. For this timely nod Praiseworthy act the Secretary ought to be promoted with a now woollen orercoat, from Charles Stokes' «One Price," uudertbo Continental. TIME Is SWEET, says an old proverb, and ho who owes money generally wants to got 119 much time and 'value for It as possible. Hence, we advise altwho with to get the full value of their money In the purchase of denting to repair at once to the Fashionable Temple of Granville Blokes, No. BOP Chestnut, whore the most superior winter garments in the city are manufactured, and gold at greatly reduced pikes, la order to keep pace With the temporary dullness of the time. Lot those Who wish bargains call ut the Mammoth Emparitina,No. ÜBB Chestnut street, before purchasing elms here. NEW GOODS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS, comprisin g a g eneral assortment of Housekeeping arti cles, with many new improvements and inventions for Housekeepers' use. Also, a number of fancy articles, suitable for Holiday presents. Sellin g at reduced prices, to suit the times, by E. S. PARSON At 00., ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS &MN Corner of DOOR an d PEAR Streets. UP TO 12 O'OLOOS LAST 1110/IT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut eta. W P Case, Kentucky Geo P Abbey, New York Chas lamer, Is or lock J D Osborne, Loulsville,Ky M Jackson, Bnltlinore Limit G K Brad r, U 9 A Glt Giddings, U 9 A Thos 11 Robinson, N York Wm 1I Perry A la, Maid° A K Hay, Now York Thos N Dull, Neu York J It Harris, New York 0 A Nicolls, Beading W H K Newman, N Y R G Dun, New Yolk B L Sim th, New York A EMS th, Jr, New York E 11/ Banks, Now York Jos E Wane, New Jersey A 0 Mester, Harrisburg D Greene, New York Gen A S Jones & la, N Y D Wallace, Pittsburg 11 II Wells, Albany Copt F Orne, Pa II Camp, Now York R Ii Chapin A sn,New York W T Clough, Neu ark 1' Williams, Muth, D C John T Hoffman & wf,N Y Jolm N Porneroi A In, Yt N P Maack, New York Miss Haney, New Ira rk Minx R Haney, Now York Capt H W Johnson ,t la,N Y 'Miss Orion old, New York Mrs Lon Man, New York John G Belson, Now York Wm J Niles Ala f, Boston MEN Anna II Niles, Boston Denj F Hot rile, Baltimore I) D Badger, New York A Paktum, Near York Henry Warner, Boston Chas E 13) ere, Ashland D J P Mann, New York J D Alvord, A la, Conn C R Barnard di In, Conn Wm Smith, York, PA J A Crockett, Newark, NJ Sand Pallet son, DI Chunk 11 1' Wilbur, Bethlehem John Al Moore, Now Jersey H 11 Albertson, PA Yelland, Baltimore Bedford Sharpe, Maryland F C Latrobe d la, Baltimore Miss Swaim, Dahl:nor° Mies Lirzie Swaim, Dalt Miss James, Baltimore Miss McKim, Baltimore- Mr Wetherell, Baltimore N T Baldwin, Connecticut J H Adams, Connecticut Clots N Scott, Moss Beane, Now York E A Coarsen, Now York Mrs Phillips, Annapolis Miss Lamer, Annapolis E 111 Morgan, New York J B Hitchcock, N II J 1' Higginer, New York B Cooper, U fa A H D Maxwell, Easton, Pa Wm 11 Rockatellow, N Y Chat P Schuyler, N Y 0 H Iluiverl, New York H Cohen, Cincinnati J 6f Fieke t nf, Now York Joe Seligman, New York H Q K Colef, New York J F Judd & wf, Hartford D Woodraff, New York W A Corblere, New York P V Kellogg, lltice, N Y Chas Hastings, New York Geo Dickerson, Now York J 111 Reed, Now York Jno R Russell, Now York El A. Beckman, New York Andrew Comstock, N Y E 6 Alluutt, Baltimore R W Russell, New York E Stapleton, New York N Wyant, New York R W Jamison & la . .. . . P Lippman, Newark 311' Seymour, Now York H Phrirer, Baltimore J P Pitch & la, New York Bobt L blench, Harrleburg R L Haloes, Worcester 11l Parrish. Penne Jae 13 Young, Now York W .11 Bobbins & In, N Y W Pattisou & la . . Rnt "F Ladd, New York T Gardner, Now York March, New York J Gault, New York E B Eldred, New York Phtnnoy Flak, Pottsville Geo B Rouen & wf, Frilled Cli Waterburr, N York E Snow, Now York A W Larsenring. LSI Chunk A E Beach, Now York M Courtrieht, New York John B Foley, Baltimore Gnat H 0 Ryerson, N J Benj S Budd, AI D, N York Chas E Findley, N York John .1 Drake et et, N York Dire Livingston, N York Thos J Davis, New York P W Sannderaon, N York Andrew Learner, N York WII Coles, New York A W Gill, New York T Walden, New York A McKenzie, New York A B James de. vet, N York Nis D G Fan aged t & eon T Buttertlard N York Mrs Butterfield, N York W W Melchor ' Boston J T Fargo, Buffalo G W Harwood, N York Thos Scolill, Now York MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth at., below Arch. JR. Llndouy, Pittsburg E Parraly, NOW York Dr A 13 Boileau, New Jersey S J Berger, ut p a w Wrn Chapman, Bath Jacob G Getz, Lancaster A.l Glossbrenner. York, Pa 1' Coaster, Erie M Barry, Lancaster James Jenkins, Penua J A Erney, York, Pa Sarni Able, Easton J MCCOlerri, jr, Lancaster Jared K theater, Lancaster L zchnebley & to, Philad It It Chalfant, Pittsburg Chas Barre, Pittsburg J L Bruen & lady, Brooklyn 11 Lester, New York Edw Doster,Bothiehern Dodd Clark, Hazleton H Parson, Troy, Pa Wm N Peters, Pa A Lyman, Dallas . • D A Derew, Eneton Dr E Weiluee, fueling J F Dar, Pittsburg J L Allen, Alerylaml P Brown, Connecticut Wm Drown, Connecticut AmERIOAN HOTlVls—Ubossnut eta above Fifth II 0 Hobarts, New York W C Goodman, Now York Bided Goodman, New York Jos Campbell, New York E A Packer, New York C cl Merritt, New York Saml T Ellie, Wobb, D 0 J W Clements, Wash, D Jan 0 Held, llaldmero 0 A Ehntwo, Baltimore .1 S Wheeler & 6011, Delow'e P It Weitzel, Mauch Chunk W Sharpe, Summit 11111 J 11 Jones, Summit Hill 11 Multaugb, Summit Hill N T Footer. Mauch Chunk T J Dorian A svf, Penns Miss it H Dorlan, Palma R White, Salisbury, Md C H Brinton, Penna Grout Weidman, Lebanon II A Glover, gamy! co, Pa J E You Doran, New Yolk H Sinnickson, New Jersey A C Palmer, Er o York C Bart, Schuylkill Haven II 11 Watley, New Jersey Peter Draoey, Now Jersey N A Boynton. New York Beni F Morris, Staten IsVil J T Henze), Woodside, Pa II Fitzsimons, NYilkosbarre D 3 McCann, Penult J M Frick, blinersTille Hided Sharpe, Eckloy, Pa C Campbell & wi, N York J Van Piper, Brooklyn A Hosier, Now York W St Mime, New York S Penmen ell & In, Delaware L II Mowry,-Massachusetts IS Sayer, 'Bethlehem A 11 Alston, Nimarki N BT. LOMB HOTEL—Mend St, above Third. Joel() P Laniard, New York Mrs Kerrell, Cheater co Ide, Troy, Now York D Woolman, Chester co A S Final!, Perna Peter Crowley, lioaton Win S mama Boston N Taylor, Warren, Pa John 'Handley, reranton, Pa Jacob 11 Porterman, N Y A Wiriteiv, Now York J W airman, Delaware A Lumley, Wesh, D C J T Moore, Delaware • • Chad Fey, NeW York Chas Tobrintr, Wash Miss Si Rh:hoer, Pehon. THE UNION—Arch area, above 'Third. W II MoCuteheo", Pa Rev S T Smith, Virginia J Ii Pchindel & la, Pa E E Boitlonian, Pa Z L Eisner, Pittsburg Cline Ziegenfuss, Pa Jobn Zlegenfuss, Jr, Pa Minion! Yessler, Maryland Kaufman, Beading lard J Etalier, Maryland P Dewey, Pennsylvania II F Docile, Reading, Samuel 'Warner, New Jersey J Lair, Now A Collins, Lancaster co, Pa A L Lee, Gordon, Pa NATIONAL HOTEL—ltaco street, above Third. AJ S Bower?, Allentotn C 'Wrath'', Scranton F S Arrowttnith, Easton J G Snyder, Easton W C Downs, Havana Jail Gordon, Now York 0 B Thompson, %Venation M 0 Sloan, Bloomsburg IV 11 'Koons, Bloomsburg 0 11Garber,Itass J llagenbuch, Allentown Datil Troxell, Allentown F B Shutters, Reading J C Steiner, Philada Thos Heard, Germantown .1 Kauffman, Bawling Sand Jny, Trenton Col T ft Good, Allentown Jon W Boyer, Pottstown B F Swartz, Lebanon E L yandling, Chester E G Purdy, Penna Chas 75 Burch, Philauelobla COMMERCIAL—Shah street, above Chestnut. L B Anderson, ?doryland W Thompson, Corn getn,DO J W Anderson, N York M 1 fltzn sr, IS York 3 W Simons, N York S Howard, N Jersey ' II C Stump, Maryland B F Broan, Oxford J 8 Khk, Chester co, Po 0 holster, Marylou,' D E Taylor, \Milani, Del W 'Woodward, %Vila), Del E E Kerns, Cheater co, Pa W 8 Baker, Del co, Pa Nast R Baker, Del co, Pa E Potts, Bridgeport, Pa T Marna, Elkton, MA A G Tula, Elkton, Mil N Chambers, Elkton, SW C K Clarke.Pottstown J Tilton, Penna S D Chandler, Chest co, Pa J 0 Lyiile, Cliestrr co, Pa W 0 Drenning, jr, Penna. L II Bhuler, Cheater co, Pa J Guy, Downingtown A Ronnie, Chester co, Pa D Remble, Cheater co, Pa C Phillips, Chester so, Pa BTATEB UNlON—Market street, above Bixtb. J Seeger, Baltimore A Viol Mill, Lewistown J Miller, Lane co. Pa B Herr, Columbia A ,/ Wollkill, Lewistown L B Jackson, Penult G Tlainee, Laac co, Pa 811 Uainoo, Maryland N Itoynolds, Illar)land A Long, Lewistown W Nesbitt, Indiana, Pa BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. Aug Yandegrift, Eddlngton J 8 Large, Centreville A Gregg, Bustleton W E Campbell, °miff'lle S Chambers, Davlsvillo N D Maul°, Davisville J bi Bottle'', Dayleville E M Bullion, Daviaviile G W Bollieu, Huntingdon J Edwards, Davlavtllo II Morris, Willow Grove Eli Smedley, Chester co Geo Smith, New 'York J Felker, Stroudsburg B Bland, Hollertown J B Terry, Lahaska, Pa GI Bullion, Davisville C Fidel!, Now Jersey Will 11 Meyers, Pa T Worrell & la; Delaware 0 Lovett, Morrievllle 13 Hawk, llforrleville D M Lovett, Morrisville Frank Edwards, Pa Joseph Connanl, Pa E B Flack, New Jersey B Galloway, New Jersey MADISON Etolloll—Second etreot, above 'Market, J D Rees, New York S BrMen, Brownsbarg E Ynntucew, Lambertville L A Hart, Washington Jae Menem Pennsylvania B B Antrim & la, Juleetown W W West &la, Stroudsburg 0 C SwartN‘ood, Stroudeb'g John Felkin, Stroudsburg S Rickert, Stroudeburg Lt Jl3 Johnson,; la, 11S A BLAME BEAR—Third street, above Oallowhill. John Finnan, Newtown Edwin Finnan, Newtown Kinsey Fianna, Newtown Aug Mmes., Newtown Oeo Boberls, Newtown Ohm Vlimer, Newtown D F Brendle, Bethlehem D E Richards, Easton MARINE INTELLIGENCE MT BEE FOURTH. PAGE IkIIRPTED Ship Wm Cummings, Wi lar, 60 days from Livorpool, with mdso to Wm Cummings L Son. Bork Irma, Wortinger, 9 days from Inagua, with salt to Francis Tete. Loft brig Triad, Brown, loading salt for an eastern port. Left at Mmacalbo Deo 20, bark Clt San!, from St ') homes, walling cargo. Bark Imperador, Power, from Pernambuco Dec 8, with sugar to Lewis et Damon. Loft bark Lightning, Daniels, loading for Rio, to sail in 2 days; echr L A Johnson, from Ncer York, would load at an outport fer Europa. Brig Volant, from Now York, touched off the port, and sailed Nor 24 for River Plato. Ship Franklin, Freeman, from Went Coast of Mexico for Hamburg, touched at the port to procure mmlicine, the captain belug sick but improving, and salted Dec 4 for destination. 'The Inmerador encoun tered heavy westerly gales from Dec 26 to Jan 8; was 13 days between Bermuda and the Capes of tto Delaware. . Bark Bea Engle, RenneY, 13 days from Inagua, with ROO bushels gait to Thos 'Mattson 11 Sone. On the 11th bud, off the Capes of Virginia, during a heavy NW gale, collided with schr Truro, of Boston, from St Domingo for New York, with logwoodi ono man succeeded in getting on board Dm SE. The last soon of the Truro oho was ap parently in a sinking condition, but on account of the gale were unable to hoop her in sight. The bark lost bow sprtt and all attached, Bork Hamilton, Jarman, 26 days (rem Cienfuegos, with sugar and toolasheg to U W llernadou & Bro. - - Brig Wen tg Dodge, Anderson, from Itio do Janeiro 2.2 d Nov, with coif( o to John Mason & Co. —vessel to J Z Begley. Selo. Mary Standish ' Atwood, 19 days from Cienfuegos with sugar, are. to 13 StW Welsh. Pclir Francio Edward, Adams, 13 days from Carbarion, with sugar owl molasses to John Mason & Co. CLEARED Schr 0 P Stichney, Beaton, Ship inland, Tyler, Stone ct Cv. Behr Ellen, Leland, New York, D Cooper. Fria . Daniel Morrie, Hoover, Norwich, R it Powell. Ear Mary Fletcher, Crosby, New York, W P CI3 do. Bloomer R Willing, Claypool°, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr Steamtu f g Pacific, Menu, Baltimore captain. BY TBLEGRAPIT. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del.. Jan. 13 The ship Oliver Moses, for Liverpool, gunboat Jar L David, and brig J W Woodruff, for Ponce, PR, aunt to FOR to-day. Bark Meaco, for Laguayra, wont to sea on Sunday. A Olio from Now York le at anchor at the Break ti a ter Wind N. Yours, &c., JOHN P. HANSHALL. • MEMORANDA. Bark Sunrise, (Br) Moller, cleared at Now York yos• telthry for Cork. Brig Chattanooga, Pry, from Pernambuco Dec 1, ar rived at Baltimoru yesterday. Pcbr Kendrick Fish, Wall, sailed from Portsmouth 10th iwt. for Phlladetnbia, Bohr Barak, Benson, sailed from New Bedford 11th ihrt. for Now York. THE PRESS. -PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1862. SPECIAL NOTICES. Du. J. IL SCHENCK IN WASIUNCITON. —.On WEDNESDAY, the lEth instant, Dr. SCHENCK will be professionally at hie Agent's, S. B. WAITE'S, Corner SEVENTH Street and LOUISIANA Avenue. On THURSDAY, the 16th, in Baltimore, at hie usual place. On SATURDAY, the 18th, at his PRINCIPAL OFFICE, No. 39 North SIXTH Street, PluladelPhia. On MONDAY, the 20th, in Now York. On TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY, the 21st, 224, and 23d, in Boston, and back home again on SATURDAY, 25th. 'Where, In each place, he will ho happy to 800 per sona c o mplaining with diseases of the LUNGQ, COUGHS, COLDS, LIVER COMPLAINT, or DYSPEPSIA. Ho glees advice free of charge, but when ho makes a thorough examination with his RESPIROISETER his fee la S 3. Soldiers wishing an examination will be charged Si each. The Doctor also makes examinations without the RESPIROMETER ulthout charge. j014.3t* TOLIII6.It—LANGI3OTH.--At Yost Chester, Puma., on the 2d haat., by the Rev, J. 81. Crowell, of Philadel- Phia assisted by the Bey. Wiliam B. Moore, of West CreAcr, Henry Tolman to Kate B. Langboth, of Phila delphia. 8811 . 111—BURR,—April 18, 1881, by Rev James Q. Cluthbert, Charles Boss Smith, to Joeephine Barr, all of thls city. CLEMENTS-811TOBELL.—On the let December, 1881, by Rev. W. 0. Johnstone, of Konsiagton Presbyto thin Church, Qtr. James Clemente and Miss Sarah A Mitchell. tk BRAbY—LAMB.—On tho 6th Ink., by the Roy. P. J. BlinkinFop, St. Joeorbto Catholic Church, ftlichnO 8. Brady, J. I'., Houston county, blinneaota, to bliss Mary Lamb, of Philadelphia. WO ODN UTT.—On the evening of the 13th lust., Wil ham Woodnult, in thu 70th yottr of his ago. Due notice yvilt be given of the funeral. . . RORN —On the 12th inst., at his residence in Flour town, Ittoutgowory county, Roney Horn, in the 76th year of his age. Ms relatives anal wale friends are respectfully invited to attend Me funeral front lit. John's Lutheran (March, Race street, above Fifth Street, Philo telphia, on Thurs day the 16th inst. Funeral services at the uhurch 11)t o'clock precisely. Tuternient at the Woodlands Ceme tery. * BIORGAN.—On tle morning of the 11th instant, Han nah Griflitts, relict of the late 7 lianas W. Morgan, aged 68 yearn. Funeral this (Tuesday) morning, at 10 o'clock. * DOW' LIZiG.—On the 12th lost., Catharine Dealing, aged 34 years. Funeral from her late residence. No. 1604 Sawn street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. HA 011,1 ET.—On the llth inst., Hrs. Elizabeth, wife of Thonitts ri unmet, In the 38th year of her ago. Funeral ,from the residence of bet husband, No. 438 Thompson street, Eighteenth ward, no Wednesday after noon, at 2 o'clock. JiFFRIEB.—On the 12th inst., Thomas Jeffries, In the 37th year of hia age. Funeral from Ms late residence, 317 North Fourth Street, this (Tuesday ) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. tK lIINTIIS.—On the 10th inst., Elizabeth Mantes, lathe 91st year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, N 0.23 Gray's alley, on Wednesday, at 1 o'clock. At a meeting of tho Board of Directors of the Fame Insurance Company, held this day, a semi-annual Divi dend of Three per cent was declared, payable on and after the trot day of February, ISM ialtfehl WAIS. I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. Funeral this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o'cloclr. ABlll3llRNER.—Suntlay evening, 12th Inst., Holm Eyre, daughter of Algernon S., and Snlliu litaltiston Ash burner. MOURNING STORE,Dec.23. —DESSON & SON, No. 918 ORESTNUT STREET, offer for silo to-day, for cash-- Block and White English Chintzes, 12% to 15c. do do &mantic do 12%c. do Purple do do 12%c. Gray and Block English do 12x c. Plain Black do do 12%c. Black and tridte imported De Laines, 12% to 14 cents. do Purple do do 18X c. Second Mourning Mono Mohalre, 12% coots. Black Rops Amdahl, 26 cents. d 024 A LECTURE ON SPURGEON, OF London, and thu opening of his capacious Taber nacle, will be delivered by Bev. J. W. BONHAM, who ims recently returned from Emope, in the SALISOItf- STREET BAPTIST CHUILOIL below Ninth, THIS (Tuesday) E VENING, at quarter before 8. Admission El cents; children 10 cents FREDLA ICH DOUGLASS WILL DE. LIVER the THIRD LECTURE of the COUCH°, for the PHILADELPHIA LIBRARY COMPANY, on TUESDAY EVENING, January 13, (to commence at 8 o'clock,) nt NATIONAL HALL, MARKET St., above Twelfth. Subject—" Thu War." Ticketv, 23 cents, for ale b> T. B. Pugh, corner Sixth and Chestnut ate DV riG- REPUBLICAN WARD DIEE'PINGS, FOR TILE puerosE OF ELECTING OWE OATES TO A CITY CONVENT LON.—To porsuAnco of a resolution pentad by the CENTRAL REPUBLI CAN CLUB, at it, Annual Electing, on the 26th day of November, 1881, the Republicans of Philadelphia aro re melded to mot in their re.pectivo Wards, on the tiE• GOND ITTEeDAY EVENING (WO) OF JANUARY 1862, at 7)4 o'clock, at the places hereinnfter motioned, to Elect THREE (2) uEL.EG AT ES, to represent their reapectivo Wards hi Convention, to meet on Cho 16th day of Jennat y, at 73 o'clock, P. ill , at tim COUNTY COURT DOUSE, to frame Rules for the government of 11011, publican party.. Flynt Witt d—Land Itaird'a. Eleventh and Federal. Second Ward—Southwark Engine llotme, Third, altar° 'ashington. Third Ward—enßine Bull, 7568. Eleventh. Fourth Ward—Gartipber'e, Filth, below BhlPPell Fifth Word—ldeCtilly'f, S. W. cornor Second and Lombard. Sixth Word—teeclea, Cherry, nbove Third. Seventh Ward—Pettereon'n Nineteenth Bud South. Eighth Ward—Philadelpan Engine House, Seven teentb, below Chestnut. DintL Ward—S. W. corner Filbert and Tenth Tenth Ward—Columbia House, Brood, above Arab. Eleventh Ward—Alm) Lukens', Third and Willey. Txeltth Waal—ltater, twin Hetet, :ran 'North Fourth. Thirteenth Ward—S. E. corner Bluth .and. Spring Gordco. rourteenth Ward—N. E. corner Ridge avenue and ()reef], Fifteenth Ward—SlMl, Nineteenth and North. Sixteenth Waal-1301Pa head lintel, Float and Pop tar. Eeventoenth }yard—precinct House, B. E. corner Front and Tlnhtor. Eighteenth V ard—Day's Ha% corner Richmond and Marlborough. Nineteenth Ward—John Dom's, corner Amber awl Twentieth Waril--South Penn Hose House, Tenth, below Ihompson. Twenty-drat Ward—Temperance "fall,Lai - mut* Twenly-aecond Ward—Town 11il11, Germantown. FOTICE.—The Annual Mooting of the Stockholders of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Company will be held at their °Moo, No. «58 South THIRD Street, on TUESDAY, the 14th day or January, 1852, at 11 A. M., when an Election will be held for a President nod twelve Directors, to servo for enty.filth %Vard—Clearfleld House, Frankford road I the ! evening year. P AERTSEN and Clearfield Teeny-third Ward—Walton's, corner Oxford and Frankton', (Frankford.) Twenty-fourth Vard—Willinnt Penn Hotel, Market, above Thirty-00'M . By order of thoExecotivo Comtnitteo. It* A. M. WALKINSFIAW,Seo'y TrPHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office 221 South FOURTH Street. At an Election held this day by the Stockholders of this Company, the following gentlemen were unanimous ly Elected officers for the enacting Sear : ErrOFFICE OF THE FAIRMOUNT AND ARCIFEITREET CITY PASSENGER RAIL 'WAY COMPANY. PUILADELPHIA, Jan. 1.3,1812. At the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, held thin, day, the following-named portions were unanimously re-elected to servo [or the ensuing year: • - - PRESIDENT, CUAS. B. DUNGAN. DIRECTORS, Jos. M. IOARDEZA, FREDERICK PAIRTUORNE, D. T. PRATT. ISRAEL PETERSON, RICHARD PETERSON. jal4-tatlia3t JNO. T. LANGE, Secretary Iff. OFFICE OF THE GIRARD COLLEGE. PANSENGUE RAILWAY CO., Corner of CO. LUMBIA and BADGE Avenues, . . At a meeting et Stockholders of the GIRARD GOT, LI:GE PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, hold THIS DAY, the following gentlemen wore elected as officers for the ensuing Sear; PRESiDENT, E, B. ED W ARDS. vinEorons, CHAS, THOMSON-JONES ' JOHN LAMBERT, WM. 8. GRANT. 'HENRY cnosKEY, ANDREW A, MILER. SECRETARY AND TREASURER, jal4.ot 'WILLIAM 8.131.1011 T. Tr. OFFICE OF THE NORTH PENN., SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, January )11, 1E62. At a meeting of the Storhboldera of the North Penn. sylvarda Railroad, held TRIG DAY, the following gem Heinen wore elected to serve for the current year. 111E131PE00. FRANKLIN A. COSILY. DIEUICTOES. JOHN DROCIL, JOHN JORDAN, Jo., ALGERNON S. ROBERTS, J. GILLINGHAM FELL, S. MORRIS WALLA, WILLIAM C. LUDWIG, ELLWOOD SHANNON, EDWARD C. KNIGHT, WILLIAM L. HIRST, ALFRED HUNT, AT A MEETING OF THE STOCK. 11_4 HOLDERS of the GIRARD F. and M. IN SURANCE COMPANY, held at their Ofllee, No. 416 WALNUT Street, TUESDAY, the Tth instant, the fol lowing gentlemen wore elected Officers Owl hlrectora for the emitting year : DIRROTONS. Charles J. Dom( ' Del., I P. 8. Hoe,N. Y., Furman Sheppard, Wm. M. walu, John W. (Danboro, Jer. Walker, Wm. O. Rudman, Dr. Joseph Klapp, N. 8. Lawrence, David RDA Jr., 0 F. Ileazlett, John Therniey, A. Hart, John Bup(dee, A. B. GILLETT, Vicorresidont. JAS. B. ALVOED, Socretnrs. jnl4•hdm•6t tcrOFFICE OF THE MAILANOY AND 13110 AD MOUNTAIN RAILROAD COMPANY, No. 258 Sonth TIMED Street, January 13, 1862. At the election for °Metre of the Radiancy and 'Dead Mountain Railroad Company, held TIM DAY, the fol. loulng gentlemen a ere elected Provident and Directora for the miming y ear : Acrd Patterson, John Brock, John Gibbon, Davis Pearson, J. Patton Steele, Joseph S. Lewis, jcl4-tutbs-30‘ ors. OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE TEAL INSURANCE COMPANY, 08' PHI. LADELPISIA, JAKUJUIT 11, 1862. The Directors have title day declared a Dividend of SIX PER CENT. on the capital stock of the company, end on the certificates of profits outstanding, for the year ending December 31st, 1861, without deduction for State Tax, payable in cash to the Stockholders, on and otter the 16th inst. . . Also, a Dividend of EIGHT PER CENT., payable pro rata on the capital stock and premiums earned, oat of the profile of the company for the pm. ending December 31st, 1801, for which cm tificates of profits, bearing lute. rest. will bo delivered to the stockholders, and to the in sured entitled to receive the same under the provisions of the charter, on and after the 23d Mot No certificate will be issued for any teed sum than ten dollars, nor for any fractional part of one dollar. Barns less than ten dollars, nod not lets than one dollar, aro credited to the Insured on the books of the Company, and if, within any period of ten years, the said crenita amount to ten dollars, certificates therefor will he issued, Certificates of profits are liable, Nun ity with the cap. tal Mock, for the losses tual engagements of the Compa ny, and may he converted into capital gook at any time, at the option of the holder. 11. U. lIINCIIMAN, jal4..tutbslOt Secretary. MARRIED DIED PIIMADELPHIA, Jan. 13, 1862 CHARLES E. BMITIL MA NAOOOB, ASA. WHITNEY, B. M. FELTON, H. PRATT MoKEAN, WM. SELLERS, JOHN li. POWN, A. E. BORIE. IRE 481.. ft, SAMUEL BR ADFOUD. 88011STANr, WM. H. MoILLIENNY PEUGADRLPFRA, JflD• 13,1862 AS CRAVSN, President PnESIDINT, ABM P. BROCK, DIItEOTORS. John Bancroft, F. B. Knercher, Sionry 0. Gibson, John 11. Towne, George 0. Potts, Charles E. Smith, R. S. BROCK, Secretary grPHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 13, 18620 —The amulet meetiog of tho Stockholders of Cho UNION CANAL COMPANY, of Pennsylvania, will h) held at No. 228 WALNUT Street, (Farquhar building, on TUESDAY, February 4th, next, at 11 o'clock A. 31 jal4.tfc4 0. 'II4OhIPSON, Secretary. [KrOFFICE OF TIME MINE HILL AND SCHUYLKILL 33 AVEN RAILROAD COM PANY, PHILADELPHIA, let Mo., 13, 1882. At a meeting of the I3oard of Managers, held 11th last . a Semi-annual Dividend a as declared of FOUR ANO A HALF per cent., (eine! to Two Dollars and Twenty-five Conte per share ' ) out of the profit,' of the Company's bu einem, payable to the Stociiholdera or their legal repro mutative. on or after the 20th itit, The Transfer Book will be elese;l until the 22d lost. jul4 C. 20 WILLIAM DIDDLE, PecrelarY THE FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF , rnr; CONTRIBUTORS OF 3`llE WIJIAAN'S HOSPITAL OF PHILADELPHIA Will be held at the liostntal Building, North COLLEGE Avenue, and TWENTY-SECOND Street, on THURSDAY, January Rh at 3 o'clock I', 11. E. F. HALLOWAF, jal4-2t* Secretary. UTWILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON WILL Lecture, on o The Wnr and its Relations '' at the String Om deli Institute, northeast corner of 1316A1l and SPRING OAItDEN Streets, TIIULtSDAY EVEN, ING, 16th instant. at a qu titer of 8 o'clock; doors open quarter of 7. Tickets 23 cents; to be had of the Lecture Committee anti at the hall. jal3.4t* DT. TILE ANNUAL MEETING= OF STOCK. holders of the .131ARPIIALL SAVINGS TLITION, of Philadelphia, will be held on tho EVEN. INC. of the 14th instont, at the USUAL PI, WE, at which time an ELECTION FOR OFFICERS will take place. Moot at 7 o'clock. ja13..2t5 W. DU LEVICK, Secretary. cram OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL. ROAD CO —PittcAosr.rnt t, Jan. 11, 1802. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The Annual Meet lug of tho Stockholders of this Company will be held en MONDAY. the third day of February, 1002, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at the SANSOM-STREET Ham, Tito amino! Election for Directors will ha hold on MONDAY, the third day or March, 1803, at the °nice of the Compnny, No. 238 South TRIED Street. Ity order of the Bond. jeld-tfea , EDMUND SMITH, Secretary. ErrFREIGHT STATION. PENNSYLVA. NIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Comer Tina. ThNNTU aud MARKET Streets. PUILADELPIIII, Jan PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD .CDSIPAiiY, - - NOTICE.--As the authorities controlling tho Bail. roads on Broad street, Market street, Dock sheet, and It ashing,ton(or Prime) street, prohibit tho nolo:0111g of cars on fho main track, it heroines necessary for this Connelly PH, liver at West Philadelphia all such freight as Lumber, Staves,Hoop-poles, Shingles, Shooks, &c., rule will he olsorviel in Daum, Coal Ott, Rock Otl, Petroleum., crude or refined. ar riving from the West, will also ho delivered at Wrist Philadelphia, instead of the Thirteenth and Market. DUMB DOM, as heretofore Parties receiving either of the above articles of freight can arrange uith tho Company for the use of Cars to private ripots or sidings in the city, at the convenience of the Colnpaity S. B. KINGSTON, Jo., jell-St Freight Agent Ponn'a R. Co. 1- , G OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MU. TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILA. 'IA./PHIS , Jon. 8,1882, TM Anneal Meeting of the Stackbolgers of this Com pany will be bold, in pursuance of the Charter, at the (Once, No. 308 WALNUT Street, at 12 o'clock M. on MONDAY, the 3d day of February next. And an Election for Twenty Directors, to serve tor the ensuing year, nlll ho held at the ammo place, on the day named, between 12 o'clock M. and 2 o'clock P. M. ja9.llatutfe3 13. M. lIINCIINIAN. SU'S% pa*FAIIIE INSURANCE COMPANY, Office No. 40b CHESTNUT Street. rntLADHLYnift, Sanitary 6, 1862. Tr. A. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA City Passenger Railway Company, 2too CHEST- N UT Street—January 6, 1802.—The Board of Directors have THIS DAY declared a Lir'dem/ of ONE DOLLAR and NIFTY CENTS per mbar° on the Capital Stock from tho earnings for the pact six mouth,. payable to the Stockholders or their legal representatives on and after the lath inet. The transfer books will be closed until the lath inst. 3a7-10E 'WIC W. COLKET, Secretary poIdrPHILADELPHIA, DECEMBER 20th, 1861.—Tho Annual Ideating of the Stock ersof the LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY will ho held at their Office, No. 230 South 'IIIRD Street, on MONDAY, the 20m day of January, A. D. 1862, at 11 o'clock A. 01., when no Election will ho held for seven Directors, for thu ensuing year. The transfer book of the Company will he closed for fifteen days previous to the day of election. dell-I ja2o JOS. C. COPPUCK, SocrotarY. 1:m OFFICE OF THE FRANKFORD AND SOUTHWARK PHILADELPHIA CITY PAS SLNGER RAILROAD COMPANY, BRIMS (late Chatham) Street, below Fourth. PloLADuLrniA, January 2, 1802. The Board of Directors itaN o this day declared u divi dend of Three and Ono-half Per Cont. on tho Capital Stock, out of the earnings for the past six mouths, paya. blo to the stockholders or their legal representatives on and after the 15th lust. The trenefer bootie w ill be clooed until tho 15th tag ja3•tls 011 AS. B. ABBOTT, SeetutarY ayAPPEAL FOR THE SUFFERING POOR.—llundrcds in our city are none authoring from cold, hunger, mid oldiness. That lOatilSolllo and appalling disease, smali.pox, ores ails largely nt present among the destituto. "THE HOME 151P.SIONAITY SOCIETY OF TEE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA" ifllDeals moat earnestly to the public to furnish the aid necessary to enabio Ito agents to relieve this want and distress. 7 his Society has been laboring among the poor of tints community for twenty-via years, and many thousands whom it has aided by its timely assist into and counsel can ten tify of its efficiency and success in this very important work. During the last seven years it Inns taut to aux' homes in the country no less titan eight hundred and four children—the ollspring, mostly, of drunken p .I , lo—and needy all of them have done snail. Donations of money, hour , nor small, may bo sent to the Treasurer, Mr. THOS. T. MASON, No. 434 HATC HET Siren t. Donations of fuel, food, and clothing bill be very ac ce•ptnble et lhia time, and may be sent to the Office, No. 42 North FIFTH Street, or they will ee called for on a note being tuldressed to Mr. 30115 P. A IMISOS, same place. GEORGE 11. STUAItT, Preadent. ]SAAO M. SMITH, Pico President. R. N. IfORPLICK, Secretary. ErrOFFICE OF TILE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, 304 WALNUT St. PIIILADEI.I . IIIA, January 20602. .The Annual bleeting of the Stockholders of this Corn 'Davy mill take place nt their °dice, 804 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, Olth Inst., at 12 o'clock 11..; and at tho saran time an election will ho held for thirteen Directors for the ensuing year. WILLIAM B. HILL, is342o* Actuary. arOFFICE lIUNTINGDON ANDZEIROAD TOP MOUNTAIN RAILROAD CO. DRORMIERIi '2Bth, 1861, dc27.13tja74 TILE ANNUAL BIEETING OF THE Stockhohlera of tho FARMERS' WESTERN ble RIZET COMP: NY \VIII be held at the WESTERN MARKET HOTEL, No 2121) MARKET street, on FRI DAY, the 17th instant at 8 o'clock P. Al., to elect oNcora for the easuing year. J. W. SIDIEB, TR • jot-03t* Secretary. ccr. PIIILADEI.I . IIIA AND It EA DI NG RAIL ROAD 00AIPANY, Moo 227 South FOURTH Street, PUMA DEL£3II.I, Janniiry 1562. DIVIDEND NOTIOE—A dividend of seven per cent. on the Preferral Stock of tills Fompany has been declared, payable on the 25th Instant, freo from Stato tax, Stockholders on the books of the New York Agency will be paid at the Farman' Loon and Tract Company, Stockholders on the books of the Roston Agency will ho paid at the office of Messrs. J. E Thayer A Brother. jog-tl5 S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. MILITARY NOTICES. WANTED—For the Lancer Regiment, now in Washington, a tow YOUNG 11EN. Apply at tho Wettern Itotel, No, 626 DtAItKF.T &root. jal3.3tit WANTED—For the Reghnent of Lancers, Colonel Rush, now In Washington, a few YOUNG MEN, from 21 to 27 Scars of age, awl not leas than 5 foot 7. Apply at the Western Betel, No. 826 111ARgET Street. 3.113-301= UNITED STATES MARINES.- Wonted, immediately, for tho Unites! States Marine Corps, THREE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED MEN for sea service, between the ages of eighteen and forty years. All Information that may be required will be given at the Rendezvous, 311 South FRONT Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, le3-12t Reernitlng Officer, STATIONERY WILLIAM MANN, STATIONER AND BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTURER, BURNT OUT LAST NIGHT, AT No. 43 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, IS NOW,READY TO BROW CUSTOMERS A FULL STOCK OF PERFECT GOODS IN HIS LINE R AT No. 85 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Foltr doors nbovo Its old Wm. JANUARY 7, 1362. Jalo-13t NILITARY GLASSES OFFICBRS' GLASSES. FIELD MARINE. A full supply of the above (Dams have been this day received from Perim. They are of very great power, having GRADUATED SIGHTS, And 28 Linon. For onto by BAILEY & CO., 819 CHESTNUT STREET FINAPICIA.L. NEW NATIONAL LOAN. OFFICE or JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS, No. 114 Boum THIRD STARR; 5 The 7 3-10 per coot Treasury Notes or all denomina tions, of the second Issue of Fifty Millions, dated Octo ber let, are now ready to deliver to purchasers, at the office of t.T. COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTII THIRD STREET GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD. 7 3.10 TREASURY NOTES BOUGHT AND SOLD. QUARTERMASTERS' CERTIFICATES DEALT IN. ja2•lm DREXEL & CO. $3.73 00 -A FIRST-CLASS 151- proved GROUND RENT of this amount for sale, at a liberal discount. Apply to EMIMM!FiSMI GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO THE LADIES. POSITIVELY YOU THIS WEEK ONLY THE REMNANTS PRICE, FERRIS, & Co.'s WILL DE OFFERED, AT A GREAT REDECTIOY, At do Store, N 0.1024 CHESTNUT St., REMNANTS REMNANTS REMNANTS RYZINANTS REMNANTS REMNANTS ODDS AND ENDS in Towels and Napkins. ODDS AND "ENDS in Ladies' and Gents' Linen Handker chlefa, of all kinds. ODDS AND ENDS in Polnto Bace, and 'Poi nto Antal inno, Ito nl. ton, Maltese, Yalonclonne, and Enibrol. dered Collars, Bats, Handkerchiefs, Capes, Colffuroa, Darbec, &c, ODDS AND ENDS in Magic: Ruffles, Infant's' Embroidered Waists and Robes, and a groat variety of other articles, comprising a general assortmont of LINENS, Ladies should avail thomseiven of this last opportunity of buying theso Goods at loss than half their value as this Stoto will positively doss on Saturday next, JOHN A. MULLEN, REDUCTION. THOS. W. EVANS 80 Co. ABE NOW CLOSING OUT THE BALANCE OF THEIR WINTER STOCK OF CLOAKS AND DRESS GOODS, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Jal4.3t 818 end 820 CHESTNUT Street. WHITE GOODS, FOR LADIES' WEAR, HOSIERY, VESTS, &O.—Ml descrips Voris and beat makes Cambric, Inconel, French, India, Swiss, Mull, Book, and English Mostins, French Linen Cambria, Lawns, Dimities, Tarlatans, lialnsooks, and Organdies. Also, Cotton and Merino Hosiery, Vests, Ac., of the most approved regular makes SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, Je ARRISON, 1013-3 t No. 1008 CHESTNUT Street. ALMORAL SKIRTS.--The subsori- Jur berg have received an invoice of Rao Balmoral Shirte, of low price. SHEPPARD, TAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, jell-It No. 1003 CFIESTNUT Street. FROSTED BEAVERS. One Cage of Frosted Beavers. Black Mixtures. Brown do. Superior quality for Cloaks. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, jag CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Strnets BALMORA.L SKIRTS. A large lot. Bright and dark colors, Woollen tops, fell size, At low prices. SfIMtPLESS BROTHERS, jag CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets MEN'S WEAR—BUYS' WEAR. 50 to 75. cont Munn Cassimcres. Satinets, &c. el Cassimeres ; best In the market. smo Caaaltnerea best in the market. $1.25 Casalmeres •, beat ever sold for the money Black Cloths fcr Ladles' Wear. 13roadclotha for Men's Wear. Borne Bargaina in our Cloth Stock. 'Mors' attention is invited. COOPER. & CONARD, jag 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET CLOAKS AND SHAWLS Reduced in Price. Good Stock of Cloaks. Blanket Long Shawls Cheap. • Black Thibet Shawls Cheep. Black Blanket Square Shawls for Sl. Broche Shoals at half price. COOPER & CONABD, in 9 S. E. corner NINTH and DIARKE C Ste PYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH, open today, n frr eh assortment of Double-faced Black Figured Silks. Solid Colored Brown Figured Silks. Blues, Modes, Green, and Purple Silks. Dag EYRE & LANDELL keep the very Iseavlost Plain Black Drosa Boary-bordered Stout Black Silks. Witlow's Silks, without gloaa. Bich Plain Silks, for city trail°. jaB S2.SOBALMORAL SKIRTS, full elzo. Delmore's Wholento. Delmorel jab EYRE LANDFILL. FLANNELS. -A LARGE ASSORT ISIFMT OF Itallard•ale FLANNELS, all widths, Deacbdalo and Saxony FLANNELS, Shaker and 'Welsh FLANNELS, at very low pricee. GREAT BARGAINS IN BLANKETS. We are closing out one entire stock of Vino all Wool BLANKETS, Fine. Rochdale BLANKETS, Heavy Cumborland BLANKETS, Cradlo and Crib BLANKETS, at last winter's prices. AMERICAN, FRENCII, AND SCOTCH BLANKET SIIAWLS—aII grades, at low prices. Heavy 131ack Moira Antiques at 50 cents, worth 81. Super Mock Notre Antiques at 0.2.4 coals, worth $1.25 WINTER DRESS GOODS OF EVERY VARIETY STEEL & SON, ja7 No. US North TENTH Street, above Coates. MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of 8010, by the eon. JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the District Court of the United atates, in and Par the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to mo directed, will be sold at Public Bale, to tho high. oat and beet bidder, for Cash, at QUEELf•STREP.T VIIARY, on TUESDAY, January 28th, DIM at . 12 o'clock AL, tholkhoonor PRINuE ALFRED, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as oho now lies at said wharf, Aymmut MILLIVARD, U. B. Marshal E. D. of PeollsYlvaala. PHILADI2I.IIIIA, Janunryl3, 1861 MARSHAL'S SALE.--By virtue of a e..T.P. Wilt of Sale, by the Hon, JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the, District Court of the United States, in and fur the Eastern District of Penney Wants, in Admiralty, to me directed, u Hi be sold, at Public Sole, to the highest and bout bidder, for Cash, at the STORE, tiorthweat corner of LOMBARD and SOUTH DELAWARE Avenue. on 'III.IIItBDAY, January 23, 1802, at 12 o'clock M., tho cargo of the Schooner FANNY LEE, consisting of 144 tierces of rice, 36 half-tierces, 203 bags of rice, end 293 boxes of manufactured tobacco. WILLIAM MILLWARD VINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED OUT OF BUMS, Which ho makes a specialty in Ms business. Also, con stantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, „ • GENTLEMEN'S FORE MI INC STORE, gs No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, Four doors below the Continental. • IT. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. A NTI -FRICTION METAL, ITM PADMPIIIA. January 18 , 1882. jol4-0t Superior quality, H OWARD & HARNDEN EXPRESS. REMOVED TO 607 CHESTNUT STREET, NEXT DOOR TO • GRANVILLE STOKES. FREIGHT, MONEY, &a., forwarded to an points NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, awl WEST. Having opened an Offico in WASHINGTON, we shall give special attention to freight for that City and vicinity. January 7, 1862. 307.1 m ACROMATIC, ARMY TENTS-200 for sale by ja13.121f FROTIIINTMATI A: WELLS NOTICE —Application will be made to the Board of Directors of the Mercantile Library for reneltal of Certificate of Share of Stock No. 3,810, same haling been lost or mislaid. iel4•St* WE WOULD REMIND ALL WHO intend getting, Phobgraphs to go to BERIEWS • SECOND Street, above Oreen. His Colored Photographs roe $1 cannot be excelled. itt RETAIL DRY GOODS LAST CHANCE: OF CUT GOODS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, of Jaconetg, Oambrics, owl Muth of lininsooke, and all other White goods oilAnous, lllrdsoyes, Tublo Damask's of, and all kinds of Linen Goods of Valonnienne, and Blonde Lacea. of Cambric and Salsa Edgings, Inserting% and Flouncinga WIIITE GOODS, LACES, AND EM.BROIDERIE9 MARSHAL'S SALES. NEW PUBLICATIONS Dook of Broad and truquestionsblo Genius."— London Spect{ttor. TOW READY. TEE NEW AND POWERFUL NOVEL, THE SEVEN SONS OF MAMMON! EY GEORGE AUGUSTUS SALA, Author of " A Journey Due North," Sce THREE ENGLISH VOLS. (which sell for 57.50) IN ONE Svo, Paper, pace 50 cents sin Cloth, 75 cents. This is undoubtedly the best of Saia's compositions. The interest of the story (say the London Review) never tinge for an instant; the eh:neaten are perfect in their developments from the first sperm to the last, and the observations scattered through the b pek reflect credit upon the author, both as a man of thought and sound, hearty, genuine feeling. indeed, s trange tole, and not even Dickens or Thackeray ever made a more decided hit than Mr. Sala has here made. lie has sent his arrow right into the white, and achieved for himself a reputation which none of his previous works, good as they are, had prepared us for. It rant:swab the hose novels ever palellehed."—Bos ton Traveller. For sale by all Booksellers, and sent by mall, postage free, on receipt of the price. BOSTON: Published by T. 0. H. P. BURNHAM, It 143 WASHINGTON Street. SAFEGUARD ENVELOPES. Just publiMed, SAFEGUARD ENVELOPES, bull and elite, admirably adapted to prevent miscarriage 01 lettere and relieve the dead letter office; useful to the buelness man, the soldier, and every corre9pendeut. For sale by the stationers generally, and wholesale by JOHN P. CHARLTON, Static ners' Warehouse, 32 South FOURTH Street. m14,31* eI . HOICE CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. 1.1 A new copy from the original painting of T. Bu chanan "Read, Eta of PROF. LONGFELLOW'S CHILDREN, In Cr.rd tam, for the Album. . . , Also, Photographs of Darloy's colobratod painting of THE COURTSHIP OF MILES STANDISH. Also, WHITTIER'S "BAREFOOT BOY," and Niro H. F. GOULD'S I‘,.LITTLIC MATCH GIRL," Unwelllop Pictures, puirteil by 0. Simla. Also, the Popular Pictures of BARRY'S RECTOR'S WARD," LONGFELLOW'S "HIAWATHA'S WOOING," LONGFELLOW'S "EVANGELINE," GLUM'S "BEATRICE CENCI," BARRY'S "MAUD MULLER." WO Al 11l pay Fifty Dollars for information that shall lead to the conviction of any pennon copying our valua ble copy-right works. We have a great variety of popular subjects, including ALL distinguished parsons, American and Foreign, of which we will send a list If desired. Price ' 25 cents each, post-nald. PHOTOOKs PR ALBUMS —We manufacture fifty styles, of improved patterns, from very low prices to the finest. These see claim to be the hest and cheapest In the market. J. E. TILTO2t It CO., jal4-tuths3t Boston. H OLIDAY BOOKS MID PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM BELLING AT VERY I.OIV PRICER. W. G. PERRY', Bookseller. da7.0.1m S. W. Corner 'FOURTH and RACE DIARIES FOR 1862. GREATEST VARIETY, AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES BUY OF THE PUBLISHER. WILLIAM G. PERRY, Publisher, B. W. Corner FOURTH and RAO& COPARTNERSHIPS. "I fIISSOLIJTION.—The firm of JONES Az CUMMINS is this day dissolved by limitation. Either party is authorized to sign the name of the firm in settlement of their busine ss. ENOS ?L JONES, DENBY IC. 013.111DIINGS. Philadelphia, Dec. 31, 1861. ial3.3t* 1 - ) IE: SO U TION. —The Copartnership 1! formerly existing between the undersigned, under the Sao of VANDEBVEER, ARCHER. & CO., wnsdis• solved Dec. 31, 1861, by limitation. The business will be settled by B. F. ARCHER and F. B. BEEVES,. at No. 45 North WATER Street. D. P. VANDERVEEB, B. F. LEONE% F. B. BEETE3. Philadelphia, January 10, 1802. COPARTNERSHIP NOTlCE,—Theundersigue4 have this day formed a Copartnership; under the firm of AIICHER & REEVES, for transaction of a WHOLE SALE GROCERY business, at the old stand, No. 46 North 'WATER Street and No. 46 North. DE LAW ARE Avenue. BENJ 111 , 17. ARCHER, FRANCIS 11- REEVES. Philadelphia, Jan. 10, 1862. lal3-tt MBE INTEREST OF MR. IL BUR,- JAM, and his signature by procuration, ceases TIM DAY in our buidness. JOHN VOGT dr CO. PlAladOphia, December 31,1801. ja13.3150 T"COPARTNERSHIP HERE- Solon) existing between the subscrigors, under the name and firm of S. Silberman It Co , is this they dis solved by mutual consent. The Minks of the late firm will be settled by S. SIL BERMAN, who will continue the bueineee under the aces flew, at the old stand, No. 13 North FOURTH St. S. SILBERMAN, 111TZIItGER. Philadelphia, Jan. 11, 1862. jell 3t* COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The V undersigned have this day formed a copartnership, under the name of L. IL irorrix & co., to transact the General Auction and Commission business at No. 242 MARKET Street. L. IL - fr_ _ERa.IIIi_CO9PER. Philadelphia, January 11, 1862 Ja11.31 nOPARTNERSEIP MEL MORRIS thin day retiree from our firm. Ills soon, THEODORE H. MORRIS and FREDERICK W. MORRIS, are admitted au partnere ; and the be3l - will ho continued no heretofore. MORRIS, WMINLER, & CO., Iron 151erchants, 1608 MARKET Street. Philadelphia, Dec. 31, 1801. WANTS A N ENTRY CLERK, WHO IS A cr. Good Peurnatu Quick at Figures, and has soma know/cc/goof Bookkeeping, desires a setnation as Entry Clerk or Assistant Bookkeeper. Address "Entry Clerk," Press Mks. jel4-21* WANTED -BY A YOUNG MAN, a Situation as SALESMAN In a Retail fiat Store; Is thoroughly acquainted with the business, having an experience of to twelve years. Can Influence considerable first.class trade, and give satisfactory refer. tines. Address Box No. 1402, Philadelphia Poit Office. jalls3t* NVANTED.—The Military Hospitals at Washington are in urgent need of Bed Sacks, (of ticking ' ) Sheets, and Wrappera. Any of those ar ticles left at the Depository of the United States Sanitary Commission, No. 1235 CHESTNUT Street, will be at once forwarded to Waehington. jatl.thetult* "VVAN TED—A second-hand Sta tionery Steam Engine, of from 60 to 70-brat Power. Address, !stating particulars, "Box 1135 Post Othce." do2l•tf $4,00 0 -TO INVEST IN A GOOD City Mortgage. Apply to E TAYLOR, jal4-34 No. 141 North SIXTH Street. REMOVALS ItEDIOVAL.—The undersigned has removed from No.B North THIRD &toot to No. ,26 CHESTNUT Street, there he will continue the job bing of Millinery Goode, no heretofore. ➢EBNHEIDI, Philadelphia, Jon 2, 1862. ja6.6t TOBN WOOD & CO., BILL BROKERS, Have Removed from 16 to 134 South THIRD Street 144 314 r R A. FAHNESTOCK & CO. HAVE REMOVED TO 908 MARKET Stmt. jal-lm GROCEPpIES. --- CRAB-APPLE CIDER, OLD CURRANT WINE, OUR USUAL SUPPLY, JEST RECEIVED .ALBERT a ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GINWERIEJ, jnB•tf Cornor of ELEVENTit and VINE Sts For sale by JAMES YOOOM, DRINKER'S ALLEY, jal3-2m* Bet. Front and Second, Race and Arch ets G EORGE HALFMAN, SHOVEL AND SPADE ILINUFACTURBR, CORNER. OF BREAD AND QUARRY STREETS, jal343rn* Bet. Arch and Race, and Second and Third. 'poll SALE-30 bbls. SOUR KEOUT, beet quality put tip for army purposes. Apply to C. A. WILDMAN, 425 MARKET street. jas-Bt* BROOMCORN, HANDLES, TWINE, &C.; Brooms, Buckets, &c., for sale by G. B. BLAKISTON, Commission Merchant, ialo.3m South WATER Street. PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT WAR PRICES, of Looki g-Hlassos, Engravings, and flno Frames, at GF.O. F. BENKEHT'S, No. 82$ ARCH Street. LARD AND GREASE.-50 tiorceg prime' Leaf lard; 60 tierces White Grease ; Direct from the West, and MURPHY KOONS, ia7-tf No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. OUR FIRST CITIZENS PATRON ISE the epiendid Bair-Cutting and Bathing Sa loon, FOURTH and BRANCH Streets. isoll-tf-tf AM S .-1,000 pieces sugar cured Clty •smoked Earns for sale by 0. 0. SADLER & 00., ja9 103 ARCH Street, 24 door above Front. morPon•••• E. S. EARLEY, FURNISHING UNDERTAKE% Southwest corner of TENTH and OREEN Streets, nolO-Bmifit Pialedelnhte. aRAY OR DISCOLORED HAIR NA Dyed a beautiful Black or Brown, at FOURTH and BRANCH. al3.lltr (4 BAGS-60 BALES FOR SA !tale by JAIIRETOR R OARSTAIRS, RN Booth FRONT &reek AMUSEMENTS. WALNUT -STREET THEATRZ-- Kuvrn sad WALNUT Streets. Sole Lessee WES. M. A. GABBX71150111: THIS (TUESDAY) HYMNING. January 14, Tbo performance will commence with MINDY MiGIIIBE. Shandy lag - afro Mr. Barney Williams giTo be renewed by the Comedy of LAW FOI3LADIES. In which Mrs. Berney Williams will appear ill ft" character& To conclude with TAB IRISH TIGER. Paddy Ryan— .... ... . Mr. Berner Williams. Parose--60, 873 w, 76, .and 25 cents; Private Ram* $5 and 88. Doom open at quarter to 7. To commence M IM. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH-STREET THEATRII. Acting and Stage Manager W. 8. BsmBaßioluk. Bashmas Agent and Tressnrer.. . . JOEL D. maws/ GLORIOUS SUCOESS—CROWDED HOUSES. SECOND NIGHT OF JOHN DREW. TUESDAY EVENING, January 14, 1862, THE IRISH AMBASSADOR. Sir Patrick O'Plenlne John Drew. To be followed by TILE IRISH EMIGRANT O'Brian, the Emigrant.... Pronioue to the Comedy, Tau moßlirtiG CALL. 139" Prices as moat. ice' Curtain rises at X after 7 o'clock. asr Seats Bemired three days in advance. CONTINENTAL THEATRE WALNUT Sireet, above Eighth, ANOTHER EXCITING NOVELTY. Written expressly for this Theatre, abounding with THRILLING EFFECTS AND INCIDE,ITS. THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, Tau. 14, 1862. Will be presented, for tho first time, the new Eques— trian National Drama of THE WAR FOR THE UNION! Mr. Whitby's magnificent stud of horses will appear. The performance will commence with /113 r U. S. - lEllt Admission 15 and 23 cents. To commence X peat 7, SECOND ANNUAL CONCERT OP 711 E JUNIOR RAMO VIA SOCIETY AT HANDEL AND DIAYDR HALL, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 14, 1862. . TICKETS, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Can be bad at Leo & Walker's and J. E. Gonldhs Music stores, and at the Hall. Doors open at 7 o'clock. To commence at 8 o'clock. ial3-2t* MUSICAL -FUND HALL. MR. SIMON HASSLER Respectfully informs hit Friends, and the Public in ge neral, that he will give his FIRST GRAND CONCERT, (Since his Residence in Philadelphia,) On THURSDAY EFINING, January 16,1362, AT 311381 0 AL tiUND HALL. The following Artists have kindly consented to give their valuable Assistance on this occasion: Wine BERTHA JOILINNSEN, Mr. T. BISHOP, Air. CARL WOLESOITY, ' Mr. CHARLES SCHMITZ. A CARD. Mr. HASSLER states, with pride, that the Principal Resident Muskians have, In a truly professional eget, nobly volunteered their services, to enable him to form a FOWERFUL ORCHESTRA, In order to produce the Two Grand Overtures! in a style worthy of the Compo sers and the appreciation of a Philadelphia Public. bIMON HASSLER Conductor. CARL BENTZ Leader. MICHAEL D. CROSS will preside at the........ . F1aw. Tickets ENTS. To be had, with prog rammes , at the Principal Matto Storer, at Continental Hotel, of the Committee, and to the Evening at the Door. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Con certto commence at 8. MEMPLE •OF WONDERS TENTH-I- and CHESTNUT Btreeta. siaziori BLITZ In Ida new, Popular, and Amusing Entertainments, EYERY EVENING, commenting at half put T o'clock. and on 'WEBNESD4Y and SaTUBDAY AFT&B -1100.103 at 3. Grand Combination of Attraction, Thanmaturgical Illusions, Mycological Experiments, Magical Deco tiona, 'Ventriloquial Oddities, Comics. Mies, sod Bon Mote, and the Pleasing Exhibition of the Learned Oa naryßirds. Admission 25 cents ; Children la cents. jaB-tf G ERMANLei ORGRESTRA. CARL BENTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at FM o'cloek P. Di., at the MUSICAL FUND It N.LL. Package el Eight Tickets, $1; Stogie Tickets, 26 oka To be bad at Andre's, 1104 Chestnut street, T. B. Goad% Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Mill odic PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Or TIE FLEE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT street. * opon Sundaye oxcep!od, from 8 A. EL till 5 P. IL Admission 25 cents. Children ander twelve yea* half price. Shares of Stock. 830. - fel BOARDING. 1110 LET—With or without board, to 1 a eingle gentleman,* bed room and sitting recur, or bed roam only, in WALNUT Street, between Tenth and Broad. Address, for further particulars, X. T. Z,," Press of f ice, Chestnut street. 2'OR SALE AND TO LET. mo LET.—Large Basement in Build ing, Northwest Corner TIIIP.TEENTII and R 5.0.13, 'atilt Gas and Range, at $6O per annum. ltsS TO LET-A LARGE STORE 141 MUSA situate is the centre of the business part of the borough of NORRISTOWN. It is at present, and has for the last ten years been, occupied as a Dry Goods Stars. Possepslon on the let APrii, or sooner. if de.- sired. Apply to JACOB CHILDS, Norristown. jal4.6t* 02 , DESIRABLE PINE-STREET RESIDENCES to EXCHANGE for firat.clam Merchnndleo. Apply to J. H. WaTEII.3, jal 110 South FOTHITEI Street J 1 A W.ELL-BUILT FOUR.- Ma STORIED Blues. STORE AND DWELLING, located on MARKET Street, will be EXCHANat'D for good Building Lots in the Twentieth word. Apply CO J. H. WATERS, ja7 NO South FOURTH Street. eFOR. SALE OR. EXCHANGE x handsome few-storied DWELLING, cla TESTS Street, near Chestunt. A Farm, mall houses, or good Stocks Will be tr.hanin payment. APPIY to - J.-H. WATERS, joT 110 South FOURTH Street. ga, FOR SALE—A FARM of 20 Aura, in :he town of WRYbIOISTII, N. 3.. to &x -i:Lang° for Fern:lure. Apply to J. IL WATERS, Ja7 110 South FOURTH Street. VOR SALE AND EXCHANGE— J.: A large somber or Farms in the adjoining Conn. ties, States of Delam are, INam land, Now York, and New Jersey, averaging from 10 to 200 acres of land. Thom wishing to exchange or purchase would do well to call and examine my Register or Farms. Apply to tal.-tt E. PET at, No. 3Q9 W 11.1.. NUT Street. H 1 P TIMBER FOR &ILE.- KJ Several Tracts of NVIIIT2-OAK Ti6t131311. LAND in Dorchester County, Mar) land, convenient to ne,vigma. Me water. For particulars apply to JAS. T. liael:ffaLM3gii,, Elkton, 1114 de2s-im T'ARM FOR SALE.—A FARM, in excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-ouo acres, (nine of which are woodland,) pleasantly situated In Limerick township, Montgomery county, two and a half nines from the Limerick station, on the Reading Railroad, is offered for sale. Yrice--Five thousand do lars (e 5,000). Apply on the premisas. nolO-tf SAMUEL M. Guam sa, FOR SALE—A. Desirable FARM - , containing 95 acres of superior land, near Sandy Bun Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, with first class Stone buildings. Principal pare of the purchare money can remain at 5 per cent. Apply to E. PETTIT, jal N 0.109 WALNUT Street. vizits ;MEM Aim , $ :41 DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by tho Legislature of Pennsylvania. 1835 Office, southeast corner of THIRD and WALNUT Streota, Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCE On "Veagole, Cargo, To all parts of the world rreight, INLAND INSt RANGES OH Goods, by Rivers, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carringea to ail verts of the Union. FIRE INSTIBANCEB • On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Firellin,g honaze, Aro. ASSETS OF TIM COMPANY, NUMMI I,ISM. PAR. COST. 5100,000 United States Fivepor cent. Loan. $190,2.50 00,000 - United States Six per cent. Trea sury Notes 25,900 United State. Seven and Three tenths per cont. Treasury Melee 25,000 00 100,090 State of Pennsylvania Me per rent. Lean 12.3,000 Philadelphia City Six per cent. Loan. 119,448 17 30,000 State of Tennessee Five per cont. Loan . 20,990 Pennsylvania Railroad, Ist Mort gage Six per cent Bonds 20,000 00 6 0 1000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 23 Mort gage Six per cent. Bonds 46,130 83 16,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guarantied by the City of Phi ladelphia 0,000 109 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company receivable for insurances made...... Bonds and Mortgages Deal state Balances due at Agencies—Premituns on marine Policies., Interact, and other Debts due the Company 43,131 WI Scrip and Steak of sundry Insurance and other Companies, sll,l343—estimated va lue • Caelt on hand—ln Banks In Drawer ITORS. Samuel E. Stokes, J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer M'llvaine, Thomas O. Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland. Joshua P. Eyre, John B. Semple, Pittsburg. D. T. Morgan, Pittsburg. A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. ARTIN, President. _ . HAND, Vice President. rotary. Jal4-tf William Martin, Edmund A. Souder, Theophilus Paulding, John B. Penrose, John C. Davis, James Traquair, William Eyre, Jr., James C. Hand. William C. Ludwig, Joseph IL seal, Dr. E. M. Huston, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig, Charles Belly, WILLIAM T.IIOIIIA.EI C BENET LYLBURN, Sec COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSII RANCE COMPANY, OF TSUI STATI ON VAIMBILVANIA. DIRSOTOBB. Daeid jam, Ar. D., Charles H. Bogen, 3otat H. Whiten, Joint E. Walker, Edward C. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Struthers, Henry Lewis, Jr., Stephen &Alter. DAVID JAYNE, H. D., President. JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice President. SAMMY+ B. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Dosmin, 818 osizgravt t3treet, Philadelphia. ae44 FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 400 OHISTNICIT Stria /IRE ,AND INLAND nietratatos. DIBICTOILB. George W. Day of Day di Mat'ult. Samuel Wright a Wright Bros. & Go. D. R. Rtrner _I , Delia & Barney. Heim Lewis, Jr Lewis Broang Ock 0. Richardson.. , 4 J. 0. Howe & 00. Jno. W. Eyerrnan....... 1, J. W. Beeman L 130, Goo. A. W05t..... u West & F. S. Martin Savage, Martin, & 00. 0. Wilson Darts. Attorney-at-law. I. D. Woodruff of Sibley, Molten, & Jno. Header, Jr . N 0.1713 Gratin street. GEORGE W. DAY, RreeMettg, FRANI/IS N. DUCK, Viollgis&L 'PiTLILIAMS I. DLANOIiABD, Secretary. jaSINIM John Drew. 49,996 ST 24,076 00 14,661 60 5,000 00 90,730 07 75,000 00 51,033 36 $5l, 09 8 03 , 017 33 51,615 36 8989,126 BT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers