AR Anwar - nous TRIO.—Ong Sunday, three liada were paced in charge of Lieutenant Fuller, of the First district police. They gay.• their names as John Donnelly, James Thornton, and Walter Baxter. Their SOB range from nine to eleven years. The youths be. long to - Providence, Rhode Island, and came to this city •on a tram which brought a body of troops from that place. 'The adventurous youngsters will be sent home to their •parents. A Gstrivr Miarang.—The officers of the Eccond police district wish it particularly understood that the colored man, George Valentine, viho died on 'Saturday at the hospital, was not stabbed at Eighth and Shippen streets. or in the Second district s as has been stated by some of our cotemporaries. A FALL.—William Aslem, aged forty-two wears, had his right leg injured yesterday morning, ' , caused by falling on the ice at Crescentrille, Twenty _aze...nd ward. Ha uqui taklui to !ha hentitaL New York Bank Statement New TOMDee, 30,—Tho bank atotomont for the wok - ending on Saturday tummies— A decrease of loam $1,027,912 A decrease of specie 7,455,657 A decrease of circulation 119,898 A deacon of deposits 8,424,003 9n Saturday evening the Lanka did not hold much over 1,000;000 in specie. 74831 Y of the banks paid out specie as usual to-day, ...while the others are paying out small sums to customers. There in but little 4cumd, however, for it. Arrangements hare teen made for MI adyanco of spool° lin the banks to pay a portion of the latate debt and in terest thereon, due on January 1. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. PLEILIATJMETLIIA, bocembur 30 ) 1001. The prominent event of the day in th 3 monetary .world was the suspension of specie payments by the 'banks of all the. lerge citlee, IQn6 ferclece all classes of busibess Met, mid by theta received With Savor and commendation. This step, in view of tho dis position recently manifested to withdraw deposits in :specie, and have them placed in bank vaults as 4. spe icial" deposits, and the prospect or a heavy drain nailer -orders from abroad to sal stocks and remit the proceeds to Europe, was judicious. No effect wan produced upon stOCliii h the 611UPtilgieni anti the Orgfcc that follinVisd the atthouncoMetit of the siippOSPd settlement of the MEI - and Slidell case was sustained. The Philadelphia Stock Board adjourned its regular sesolone for the day upon the announcement of the death :is one of itt raerainre, Mr, 43. E. D'lnvititer& Beading Bailroad shares sold privately at 1734' ; Pennsylvania • ailroad shares at 3TX ; and State lives at MI. The iarket was unsteady, under telegraphic advicee from tl,ve York, where a heavy advance Wile.. fein.rtea in the morning, followed by a fall s and subsequently by a par tied recovery. We hear on all sides an expression of the opinion that -the rhii.lelphis. hanks Avoid ovall themselves or the privilege acc.rded to them by the Legislature, and save Ais from being flooded with the bills of all kinds of outside =banks, by issuing small notes themselves. By following 01A this tr..c„--;,--41c./2, they ..ill SA - creme- time benefit , themselves and save the community from much less. If we are to have small notes in circulation, let them ny all means be the notes of our own city banks, which we know rot - net - Wog obtput, The money market appears to be in no way affected by :the suspension of specie payments. It continues stag autat and quiet as ever. OFFICIAL BANE !STATEMENT. WEEKLY AVERAGES Or TER PMLADELPHIA BANES. Dee. 30. Dec. 33.. Dee. 30. 1 Dec. 23 84,187,00044,176,000 875,00G1,149,000 3,369,226 3,509,368 598,079 824,557 5,154,797 5,054,223 L0n5.,13.5 1,919,000 1,988,000 251,000 370,000 2,043,000 2,074,000 . 245,894' 320,253 I 1,602,090' 1,017,000 354,000! 363,000 1,009,630; 1,022,757: 212,974! 261,819 701,008! 309,310 108,030 1115,190 805,288, /136,527 149,540 167,457 1,629,545; 1,587,854 : 384,333 134,872 1,242,4901 1,270,700 150,000' 165,000 776,770! 798,640, 180,239 172,168 0 465,052 2,505,381; 212,42 t, 3/7,027 610,025! 300,793' 132,270 232,220 1370,7271 047,932: 89,005' 124,773 884,904' 926,243 i 121,464 132,470 571,8791 579,0111 100,965 : 100,113 0501 518,0001 100,000 1'5,080 .1, 04,0061 82,000 73,000 30,864,28: '131,060,60115,492,181 7,107,266 Philadelphia.. North America Earm_Atioloch_ Commercial.... Mechanics' N. Liberties 'Southwark.. Konningum___ - Penn Township, Western........ Man & %Lech. Commerce.— Girard_ Tradesenen4i resolidation.. . Corn EB. ... DEPOSITS. BASES. Dec. 30.1 Dec. 23.1 Dec. 30. '52,687,000 $2,826,0006221,0001 ath einen,' 1,636,011' 2,265,266' 2011,660 i tir pcb..l 0 1,349,217 4,619,394: 228,6451 f 1,189,000 . 1,325,000; 104,000 Mechanics'.... 1.209,000 1,322,236' 121,700 1. Liberties.... 1 1;401,000. 1,333,000; 80,0001 5300 - mark 759,235 842,216' 60,4651 ffensington.... 654,303 120,195: 133,8501 Penn Township , 612,026, 631,299' 70,362 Western. .. .. —.l 1,124.674' 1,155,3611 91,68,e Man. it Mech... 758,295; 791,675 68,5101 /Commerce.— 1 .610,536, 675 1 59 Si 55015 leirard ; 14160,060. 11.121,314, /24,030 Tradesmen's.— 1 545,880 516,290' 69,995 : -1.160,2P0, 389,413' 108,330 .... 1 -539,631 ; 570,108; 56,187 3E1,923 381,473 59 350 aoe* 7.0 - li4OOG - 100 U 272,000 i 204,000: 72,000 'Commonwealth. i Corn Exchange. 9Jrnen.-... 1.84 • T0ta1........21,048,1310 22t48.4632.011,1791 The aggregates compare with those of preceding WeOILS yes follows: Dec. 30. Dec. 23. -Capital Et-ock $11,970,150 811,970,150 20,8P1,981 21,060,001_ Dee_ 105,79.0 specie 6,493,181 1,167,266. Dec. 1,664,085 Due fm other Bks 1,465,412 1,274,78:1..Dec. 190,630 Otte to other Bke... 3,586,253 3,643,645.. Dec. 63,312 Deposits 21,049,610 22,548,463.Dec.1,499,853 9.011,11 , 9 0,119,a0_.13,..109 7 111 •Circrirn.l Deposits. 2,101,312115,997,943 2,058,574 15,941,861 2,074,048 19,030,712 5,114439 19,3-11,147 2,148,965 16,976,017 12,202,773 16,498,788 12,194,491116,314,113 2,233,7391:A331,970 3,240,73/120,939,931 2,250,365121,100,095 1 2,434,042 20,326,329 12,273,063 20,350,941 12,837,484 20,032,613 2,234.594 22,260,001 12,243,828 23,047,331 12,337,499 22,9/1,035 2 2, 3 20, 4 9132, 18 7, 42 4 14,1100,00'23,045,400j 2,011,179121,018,610 ie transactions at the Specie. 6,688,393 6,743,41 Loans. fuly 1 .2.3,967,20* Aug. 5 24,211,527 28,557,264 0... ...... .29,999. 41 10 27,871,497 23 27,459,4721 rc 30 26,713,917 Oct. 7 30,499,119 14 00,381,151 29,705,244 28 28 805,509 Nov. 4.........28,431,735 11.........27,871,443 18 `,93e,7941 as 2 :10,498,431' Dee. 2 30,048,052 Q .31,160,5021 6,179,4821, 4,617,576 1,046,346 4,697,284 5,222,612 5083,277 ‘47,1-1440•70 6,375,750 6,554,68.3 6,764,779 6,917,769 I 10.38,059' s 7, 87,198 ;7,404,530 17,266,912 7,354,112 11,10 T, NO 5,493,151 ..16 31,140,282 ,31.060,001 4, 30 30,864,261 The following is a statement of ill Philadelphia Clearing House, for th, .01 as furnished by thenamager, ttcoi Clesrie 82,782,57£ 2,30n , n0 2,78,0'J 2,276,11 2,341,89 .10• .• al 2T, " 2. $12,423,334 18 8907,804 93 'The State of Ohio has paid during the year a660 - ,000 of the principal of the State debt, ending November 16, 1861. This was paid by taxation from the sinking fund. 'The war debt is 41,212,039.45—m0ney advanced by the :State, and to be refunded by the Government. The following is a comparative statement of the con dition of the Danko of New York city, December 21st and December 2Sth : Dcc. ZS. Dcc 21. L0an0......5154,756,3113 N. 55,784,230 Dec-1,027,912 :Specie 29,357,712 36,813,369 Dec ..7,555,657 ,Cironlation.. 8,439,463 8,559,361 Dec.. 119,898 Depetite,.., 116,41'1,931 124,597,531 Dec. .E 4425, 1 3Q3 The Tea• York Evening Post of says: Wall street wears a new face this morning. The ad justment of the Mason and Slidell controversy, followed .by a suspension of specie payments by the banks, has proditotqf a marked Attest in Wall Street_ The istwk exchange is rampant, and prices of the speculative shares .are 2 per cent., and in some cases 5 per cent., higher. 'There was great excitement on all the active stocks when called, the transactions being largest in New York Cen 4Tal an.l ..trfr. After the extravagant effervescence early in the day, :the stock market since is fiat, sod prices are eeljitis cent., aid in some cases 2g cle' ce.W. below the highest grointatouched at the Board. Me.e• York Central shade the Hoard is 7914 e 5791.1 • Erie 31g ; do. preferred 62,X css4;'Pacific Mail 93)4 The foreign exchange market is at a standstill this morning, pending the rise in the value of gold. The pre- II on gold will, in a great measure, regulate the rate s.f cxchuu6v-, and lu +he present uni.ettloa stale of !Lines among the bullion dealers it is difficult to ante the rate on London. Some of the leading drawers name 112, but, as yet, no business of moment has been accom plished. The Seers NIT of the Treasury has directed the As. Aslant Treasurer of this port, and inetruetions of a like nature have probably been forwarded to the Govern- Inept officers at other prominent points, to suspend spe cie pa. on all claims save the principal and inte rest of Um yohite of _t.i.os.r-y_ Public; creditors, with the exceptions named, are now paid in United States demand notes. The 'Assistant Treasurer, at the same time, ceases to reder-rn these noire, but ircelyes all denominations, whether payable at New York or elsewhere, in payment of debts due the Government. We hear of some jarring among the banks this morn ing, several of the leading institutions refusing, to step auto the line of suspension. The Chemical, City, and American, and one or two others arc pitying specie to clay whenever demanded, but whether this course is omit kia serious inroads upon their reserves we are linable to ascertain. The Chemical, it will ho remembered, main. bellied cusses payments in IVI, and in 185th and HOMO curiosity is manifested whether the present effort will be equally successful. We hear as we go to press that the dissentients to the bank suspension of Saturday evening aro getting new al. Use, eererul other large hanks being about ready to try -their strength for some time yet. The Bank of Coin. amerce, Mercantile, Leather Manufacturers', City, Che mical, and America are (we believe) paying specie. Ti lt ', t w o girpmenced business this morning with 11a3,112,11 - 7, of specie In nor Tonits Tim wendity state ment, Which is given below, scarcely gives a correct idea of the condition of the banks to-they. The movement will, of course, undergo very rapid mictemtious within a few dayo_ The following, are the resolutions passed at the bank meeting on Saturday evening: . Respired, That it is eicpedient for the banks of New York to suspend specie payments, and we hereby agree to de //esolr...d. That the Secretary of the Treasury be re quested to draw for another 10 cent ,to be applied to the payment of the interest on the Gorernmentdabt due January Ist, and his drafts drawn in favor of the State The Government will pay, !Al the 24 of January, the interest on the public debt in gobl, the banks having re sponded to a fmther call of 53,500,and on the now rawled stock, on condition that it be so applied by the Secretary of the Tyre carry-. rhiladelphaa 4flarkets The Fiour market is more active to-day, and holders generally are not so anxious to sell ; about 4,000 bbla Love been disposed of at $4.5044.62 for extras; $4.7536 for extra family, according to brand. To the trade the sales are limited at $5.313'a5. a 0 for super; $5.50a5.75 for extras; $.5.7506.25 fur family, and $6.50 to $7 for fancy brands, as to quality. Rye Flour is selling in a email way at 414 ir UM. Corn pleat is quict, and l'utins, is offered at S 3 4IY bbl. WilEAT.—The receipts are light, and the market le firmer, with sales - of 600 but at *1.3(41,411 for Mr to prime Nana red in store; 61.35 for Southern do; and *1.3801.45 for white, as to quality. Rye is selling in lots as wanted at 70073 e for l'enna Corn is unchanged, latt dull, and about 5,0661.,„ yellow sold at fdlailloe far new, as to condition, and Mr lor old. Oats continue dull and neglected at 38a39c, the latter for Penna. Bess. There is Ivry little oft - prior , n or gelling, and Ist No. 1 Quercitron is firmly held at s3oqrr ton Corroti.—There is no change in price or demand, and 3 limited l.nyinont doing in the wny of nsdo,,_ Gliticiillll4s Alit/ ritlMSlOss- - ThC market for both Quiet, and pill's of the farmer article firm. BEEns.—There is very little demand for Cloverseed, and prim, range at $404.25 ir bushel. Timothy is m aimed, A Kale of Flaxseed woe mado at 62:16 tirho, which is an advance. WHISK.Y.—The demand !MR been more active, and large • miss of Ohio Ma are rep ,rtisi at 20c—now hum ihitther. Ilrudgo hi worth DX Halo if gallon. Fin JBESEX-CUREP HAMei LAME rS74I4SEP Tonzuns, AND DRIED llnme, all or-tho best quality, can now be had at the store of Mr. C. H. Mattson, dealer in fine groceries, Arch and Tenth etreetb. He has n,w also asuperior line of choice articles for the table, not kept - by grocers generally, that our readers will especially ap• date during the holiday season. THE MONTH OF LECENIBER•—In the begin of DocernLer, appa r ent ihno„ as Indicated by the sun, is in advance of mean time, as indicated by a good clock set to mean time. Their difference is the equation of time. On the 24th of December, apparent time and ween rime agree, or the ell:id - ion of ti n e on That day be conies Zero. After the nth of December, clocks are in advance of apparent time, until the 10th of February, when they are about 14X minutes in advance. This is about - Wept - nod when the warm and comfortable gar ments manufactm ed at the Mammoth Clothing Baimar of Granville Stokes, 609 Chestnut, are much sought after—. both on account of their cheapness and durability. MASON AND SLIDELL IN TOWN.—It was ru mored yesterday that the great given up were in town, and that they were concealed at the British Consulate. Upon inuttiring we learned tint the Wiry was not corrects and we congratulate our fellow-citizens that the illustri ous unhanged have not and will not dare to pollute the streets of the city which contains the Hall of Independ. onen. and the Brown Stone Clothing Mill of Roeithill St Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. OUR TRIP TO BARNEGAT• Though Barnegat boasts no great man WLo paints, or speaks, or writes, Whoever threads her channel can Descry sonic Shining Lights; Lind there we lay three days, I ween, sails or oars! The only "Game that we had seen Was euchre or all-fours. SPECIE OIROULITION_ 8233,000 232,480 251,420 115,000 121 090 78,000 09,350 133,125 68,759 113,955 78,055 48,865 120,275 69,a46 114,240 59,130 61,060 10,000 71,000 In Manahawkin Swamp, we heard Tlmt one with gun or snare Might capture bear; but some averred The Swamp was bare of bear. We tore our troweers, and bare-skin We had enough t on shore, A Wench might flourish on thew panda Of Stokes's " one price " store. Charles Stokes, under the Continental, first-class WELCOME DIVISION, No. 29, Sons of Tem perance, intend to distribute their annual gift to the poor on the morning of January 1,1562, from their Hall, corner of Prankford road and York street, Nineteenth ward, commencing at sg o'clock. 3,960 pounds o bread, together with meat, &c., will be di4tributed. !12,113,630 ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS CONT/TDSZITA.J4 HOTEL—Ninth and VhcatauG Geo W Quinlan), New York II L Emery, Albany C llBB Emery, Albany C J Abercrombie, N York W Cheney, Connecticut .1 W Clayton,Wash, D C Bev J AZdinonde, N York J W Edinstie, New York J F Ferry, Week E Brandon, New York Coo C Hathewity, Pittsburg 8 H Stafford, Newp't Nome L W Crosman, Lynn, Mass W Thompson, New York Chas Jackson, jr, Boston Thos Keech, New Terk • Geo II Bender, Easton J Eckert, Bending, rit S A Allen, New Jereey S S Wharton, Huntingdon lion T Jones Yorke, N J C G McLeran Sz la, Wash Francis Burns, Baltimore W F Burns, Baltimore C II Tyson, Pottsville Geo de 11 Kelm, Pottsville Wm - Kirk, Brooklyn J Clerk & le, Now Jersey Jelin Wolfe, New York A G Bininger, New York Matter j Ilininger, N York Dr S A Fisk, Mass A J Filet], Jersey City John Baird, New York DI) Badger, New YOrk J II Allen, New York Jlt Lincoln J, lode, Boston J Living ton_ Stroudsburg W A Vitzligh, New York Mrs Dolby, Baltimore F W 'Kellogg, Michigan Chas E Weihered,Baltimore A L Word, Indianapolis II M North, Columbia James hyon, Pennsylvania L Nicolovins & lady, N Y A hl Kerr, Gutetuttpr A C Hem Laucastor e week ending Dec. rga B. 11rno10, En.; 10. Balances. 8 93 8267.806 15 .2 61 160,195 59 10 00 224044 40 3 40 191,960 45 2 69 124,991 90 . . B I! Herr, , Lancaster F P Wood ti lady, Buffalo S Magraw, Lancaster John L Dawson, Brownville Mies Dawson, Brownville Mrs Italy, Harrisburg Miss B Ross, Harrisburg Thos 8 Blair, Pittsburg air Mates c lady, Winsport kiss skates, Wrosport Hon 11 B Wright & lady, Pa Hon W C Reynolds & da,Pa P Pettebone, Pennsylvania .1 W Killinger, Lebanon E K Manbeck, Pennsylvania S B Sanford, New York W C Maddock, New Jersey M Courtright, New York Geo Scoville, Chicago A S nrighb, New York F 8 Kirtland, New York It Morrison, jr, Indiana A W Leieenring, X Chunk H A Purdie, Massachusetts J G Shaw, New York Jas F Wonman, New York J Wendell, jr, Boston F Baker, New York Waterto M Ottethi & Delp, ReAkett Mrs Marguand, Boston Mrs O'Sullivan, Boston Geo T Davis, Massachusetts E Pancost, Rochester Wni N Sege, Rochester Ohas Davies, New York JR Mutiny, New York Peter Parker, Wash, D C DI l Leon, New York *ao V Thomas, Jr ? N Y Jas Young, Middletown J R Eby, Harrisburg Prof B W Weir, W Point H G Sturtevant & la, Bost Jas Ban/mond, New York B Tranchot & la, N Y Miss Rachel Tranchot, N Y Miss V Tranchot, N Y Pli Deyo brOkltilirl J asßf Copperooll, N V N Stern, New York G W Norris, Baltimore W W Wright, Penni' B B Grubb, Burlington, NJ X Hopkine, Mass 31IlliCIIANT,T HOTEL-I , omin greet, al,, Market W N Wrath, Baltimore A Dubois & dam New York D Tyler, Clearfield J hi Stonobraker, Penna F Senor, Harrisburg John J Beeman, Ohio Chas L Green, Pittsburg E Dealer, Bethlehem J W Gibbs, nillade - 101W So X ilamhlh Hew Jersey lion P Johnson & w, Easton S Oliver & In, Easton T Tidwell, Easton Francis Amory, Boston Ward Fuller, Hartford P Gossler, Erie J 8 Africa, Huntingdon L Atkinson, fliilada . . Pr E Wallßee, - Reading P F illeltherger, Bastonni M S Natttrelb, Ilarriiburg John McGovern, Jr, Penna P Lusk, Harrisburg John 1' Julian, Indiana T McCaudlish, Newville W A Packer & la, Penna John 11 °lrvin, Lancaster co Mrs Hanna Jo Brady, Pennsylvania W Goff :Arnow, tycoming co W Scott, Barclay, Pa It L Baldwin, Bradford G W Morgan, Pottsville Cart W C Shurlock, S Lt Jlt Caughoy, Pr Royal ,T A Ryster, Ghanthersburg 011 Jildwin, Caibondalo 611 Aldridße, rliiith N Moro, Delaware AktEItICAN HOTEL—Oneatnat et., above Fiftb. W C Gould, Chicago G T Harvey, Pa Jae F giaith, Reedits , . F G Stiehtsr C sof, Pa Miss Louisa Stiehter, Pa A McCormick, Oxford, Pa S T Louden, Philadelphia Thos L Ogden, Woodbury Ceti F Seymour, New York John It Stine, Hanover, Pa Was De /tree, Pennsylvania C W Niel Is, West Chester ghapean, commit 111)1 Wee M ghaleaspeae, Del F A Roche ell, Conn ll N Dallas, Washington E McKenzie, New Yerk 0 8 Bond, Ohio Mrs A M Baxter & eh, 0 S Fleming & la, Walsh Jam "Kelly, NOW York ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. D B Mowry, Boston Oeo K Brown, Philadelphia L F Shepard, Delaware J Now York W Clark W Lee Spahr, New Tork A J Fullmer di; wife, ➢lo Miss Fullmer, - Missouri I SReed,jr, New Jersey Z Hayes, jr, Louisville,Ky N E Hayes, Louisville, By Mrs GC Gibbon,Wasbington Jas Geddes, jr, Lewisburg J V. lio.cke-ell s U S Navy A A Bourgeois, New York J P Betrieb, Easton F D lletricL, Easton Mrs G Lamson A dan, N Y A Emith, Baltimore T J Pritaing,er A. lady K Striker, Now York DEG'S - MIFF:Ii :145—tivening;. Philadelphia Cattle Market, Dec.3o. 1801. The receipts are rather larger than last week, reaching about 1,400 head. The market is unchanged, and prices about the Baum as last quoted. The following are the particulars of the sales : 33 I. Abrahams, Lancaster con7ity, $7BB. 50 'McQuaid d: Carr, Ohio, $BB9. 35 Scott, Chester county. 6708. 47 Kimble lc Kirk, Chester county, $788.50. 10 honorer, Cheater county, 67.otiareaS. 28 B. C. Baldwin, Chester county, $888.50. 125 James 31cFillen, Jr., Chester county, $788.50. 27 P. Hathaway, Chester county, 67.5008.50. 54 P. Mention, Chester county, $7BB 50. 70 Gorman a Drawl, New Jer s ey, 07 ott 00. 20 J. Beldomridge, Ohio, $7BB. 130 Mooney dt Smith, Ohio, $788.50. 67 Frank, Chester county, 6708. 35 Fellhimer, Ohio, $8.2589 90 H. Chain, Pennsylvania, $7OB. no Aulb Ohio, $080,50. 94 B. Keeley, Chester county, $788.25. 28 F. Rcitenbansh, Ohio, $7OB. 43 Fuller & Bros., Pennsylvania, 8687. 61 Chandler, Cheater county, $768.25. 27 B. Million, Ohio, $6518. 39 Stood, Ohio, 6708. 23 N. Werntz, Lancaster county, $788.25. 43 D. Kimble, Ohio, 6703.75. 1S A_ Crlat, Ohio. $7 58_ 32 W. lialock, New Jersey, 6707.50. About 100 Cows arrived, and sold at the Avenue Drove Yard at from $2O to $33 for Springers, and $25a038 for Cow and Calf. The arrivals and sales of Sheen reached 2,000 head this Week, at front 4 to 4Mc 4fr lb, as to condition. 2,500 head of Hogs sold at the Avenue Drove Yard, at from $4.7585.375 qv 100 lbs net, as to qual ty. The arrivals of Hogs at H. G. Imhoff". Union Drove Yard reached 3,230 head, selling at front g4,70'0,25 vi 100 MS Bet. - Market brisk, and on the advance. CITY ITEMS, REV. ALFRED TAYLOR'S LECTURE AT CO:f... omer lIALL, TIIIS EVENINCL—WO would aglin invite attention to the anleitilidly illustrated lecture on ‘qn mid Arend Mitalent," to he given at Concert Hall this evening, for the benefit of the Young Men's Chris tian Association of this city. Tho plan of the lecture, which will be found in the advertisement, foreshadows Itti scone and character. The arrangements for render ing this entertainment at once pleasing, instructive, and intensely interesting to all who are at all interested in Scripture history are on the grandest scale, as Mr, Taylor, who is thoroughly competent Is do Ristide to his theme, will enrich his verbal descriptions by the addition of magnificent oxy.hydro-photic views of the different places in Palestine of which he is to speak. We hope to 810 Concert Han Crollooll to overflowing. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE.—We have been re quested to state that the lectures and practical instruc tions nt this institution, on West Fon *ittarel will be resumed on Thursday, January 2d, at Idllo o'cloelt BARGAINS AT OAKFORON.—Messrs. Charles Oakford & Sous, under the Continental Hotel, are now riffling - oft their triagruificriit stock of Ledive' rare, Gouts' Furnishing Goods, Pariamatle Ladies' Shoes, Hats for Children and Misses, flue Military Goods, and Gentle men's Hats and Caps at a great reduction front the usual pdcee, in anticipative of the viva* of the season. this is the place, and now is the time to buy elegant goods from this elegant stock cheap. TIT TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. A C Merritt, Salem, N.l Chas A Kimble, N Ell Stokes, Treetop, N J II W C Routelle, Bethlehem Wlt .46.-.A'er, Pittatieg 3 B Mittens, Reading It A,latee, Boston A G Gee, Gordon Mrs J Miller, Gordon E N. Heideman, Gettysburg Jobe Bigler ' Point Pleagant, Jea J Turhune, Nowark,NJ Ii Grabschlel, Boston COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. .1 W Boyce, New York Amos Spencer. ItLirylawl Iktr srt ity en Angel KARIM., Chester co CIISAtnr so 0 Philliez, Chnatee C 9 Nee York M Pennock, Wain, Del W T Degree, Bucks co Chas Leopold, Peuna W S Hobart, Vottstown E Potts, Bridgeport gaml II 0.414, 01,eAkk So N CilianduArn, Elkton, Mil WF .t Honey, Elkton, Md, Et D Chandler, Jennervige . 1 . 1 Brower, Bloomsburg W McHenry, Oxford G'W 'Lefever, Chester co Jesse W Fell, Illinois Sawyer, Unioinillo lI D 111 Moward, hI lieglize, J Bliirk. Chester co 6 3 benipyon, Merle/p.m' E B Johnson, Elkton, ➢ltl STATES TlNTON—Market street, shove Sixth. J Welt:kill, Lewistown Alf Gibbony, Deihra Centro Jas Willman, Centro E D Humphrey, Penne, T J Houston ' Penua D Fulton, Maryland J Myer, Jr, Coatesville J McWiniama, Ccutesville David Neff, Reading S Jmmie.,u J It Linn, Juniata ea 11 Bray, W Chester T It North, Mellistervillo IS W Jones, Chester co D B Jenkins, Camp Me- W Bell, Camp Mcßeynolds Reynolds BARLEY 13LLEAk--kiaconct atront, teelow Vino. J Stec}chow_e, Pa Win Magrega.., 8 0- ton G R Night, Wrightitown S 1t Hughes, New leraay hlrl - laghee,New Jersey 311z,a Graham, Pervlsylvania I'axeon & lA, Newtown Master Prank Pax:ion, Pa Mra Jos S ICly, Newtown Mra C Willard, Newtown \V Nankirk & Bro, Pa Geo W Carver, W Cheater C II Robert.', Newtown .1 Faelz, Hatboro II Jr Whlt6 hi, Newtown :fits Anderson, Newtown A R Reese, New Jersey Win Wright, New York BElrtitio ilblll7Blt—litird sheet, above awe. Sarni W Pennypacker, Pa sand rout°, Phila. 6 Whin., Phila JO9 Whimlva, Mt Clair, Pa Henry Thom, Trovertui BLACK BEAR—Vitra Street, above Oallowla. I L Trexle , , Yardleyville S A Neeld & eon, Yardleyv N White, Yardleyville D R Harper, Olney G W Hartzel, N Texas, Pa J It Buckman Wrightst'n Nrs Buckman, Wrightatown T Willard, Buckingham L Nelson, Bensalem Capt N Erdman, C Valley J Diestand, Norristown J Sonar, Carlisle O P Shutt, Bucks co Mrs Shutt, Bucks co Loran, Pricetown BALD PAGLlt—Third street., 5.604,1, CalimekilL Dr N F llallman, Stan), Pa A Neff, Lehigh co, Pa Miss E Neff, Lehigh co, Pa Jno T Berger, Quakertown Jno S Moyer, Pelona Win Beans, Bucks co, Pa Bewart, Lebanon, Pa Benj Beans, Bucks co, Pa Payin Lovett, Duchn cu rrter Drown, /0,114' w JILCOb Ztop, Penne' MADISON ROUSE—Second street, above Market. J N Stockton, Pa J C Foster, Nnw Jersey J Petchen, Winn, Del W H Barnes M la, Pa J C Woofing. Nan• Hope John Thompson, New York Amos Snyder, Chester co. Pa MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—SecR4 !Mt 04t Anti, C CAIIMIP, Boston J L Comm, Boston L Sprsgue, Boston J Brown C Leedom, liatboro T Johnson, Chester co J Bramberry . (:host co B F BAIA, Chester to J Thompson, New York NATIONAL HOTEL—Ravi, street, above Third. H Miller, Harrisburg Thos Walsh, New York Suml Addams, Milton, l'a Wm Freymillor, Pittsburg 9 A Hover. Albothavu N Wetzel. Pottsville Jan J Thompson, imgorno en MARINE INTELLIGENCE. wir ARRIVED Steamship Kennebec, Garton, 24 hours from New _York, with mire to Janice AlMordicc, Ott' Lieton'a taw Durk Azelia, to Pernambuco, at anchor; ship Crimea, for Loudon, was off Pelawaro City, Roing down; bark Cont ad, for Bahia, was at anchor off New Castle. Behr Grectdand, Heather, 22 days from Havana, with fruit, Cc. to Irene k Co, • .• • grid. • C Cray, Rio, 1 day from New (ladle, Del, with wheat to James Barratt & Sou. Behr Delaware, Denby, - 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with Oats to James Darratt g Son. • Schr I?inmond State, Mill. I day from Milford, Del l With corn to Jun% L Bewley 41' Co. CLEARED Bark Hero, Condey, Cork and a market, E A Bonder & Co. Se - be Johti WilMoll, HWY, MUMMY& J Stt'atit . & Co. Steamer It Willing, Claypoole, Baltimore, A Groves,Jr. MEMORANDA Ship Rowena, Edwards, cleared at New York 29th inet tor London, Bark Rebecca Goddard, Hurd, Bailed from Gibraltar bth inst for Marseilles. Brig T B Mattson, Mundy, cleared at New York 28th lust for Logiutyra. ..sch r ATM. MASVA", Wh en}on , GICI4 - ca BOBIOU 2011, inst for Philadelphia. Sehr Laura Frances, Higgins, from Rockland, cleared at Boston 29th hist for Philadelphia SPECIAL NOTICES. CARD.—One of the editors of TILE Paws baying been so kind RN to make favorable notice in that valuable journal of an improrement in hats lately invented by, and patented to nie, I take the li berty of republishins his remarks, as they lye a fair de scription of said improvements, and add reliable testi mony as to its utility and the comfort it affords. W. F. WARBURTON, Hatter. i'iiIIRVIITON'i3 "NEW BCIENTIFIC SST,—Mr. Warr button, fashionable better, AU. 4Jll Unestuut street, has brougt.t out his elegant new winter styles, with his pa tent flexible band, supplying complete ventilation to the bead, and preventing the grease from striking through neon the Mind_ 111 , means of this light inner motidie band, which adjusts itself naturally to the forehead, the hat is made thoroughly comfortable—more so than any other hat we have ever worn. Gentlemen making pre sents, either to 'themselves, or to their friends, will act eileoly in giving this hat the preference over all others. del"-t£ ONE - PRICE CLOTHING OF THE LATEST Prittsiti„ male in the Hest !drainer, orriressily far RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices :narked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted aatidac tory. Our ONE-Pater: SYSTEM is strictly adhered to. All ore thereby tronted ae22-ly JONES A; CO., 604 MARKET Street. NEW GOODS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS, o..sprlsl. g H. general a.firortmead of 71011.06,17Ar1a arti cles, with many new improvements ana inventions for Housekeepers' use. Also, a number of fancy articles, suitable for Holiday presents. Selling Lat reduced prices, to suit the stenos, by E. E. ransom. delti•tf Corner of DOCK and PEAR Streets. MARRIED. BROOKS—LOLLER.—On the 26th instant, by Rev. T. IL Kennard, Mr. William F. Brooks to Mrs Mary Loiter, both of this city. HARLAN—ROLPII—On the 25th instant, by the Bey. G. D. Carrow, Mr, Ellis Harlan, formerly of Alit. gheny City, to Miss Emma S. Ralph, danghter of the late Thomas P. Rola, of Philadelphia. DIED. LAWRENCE.—Atthine, New Jersey, on the alth instant, Henry H. Lawrence, in the 71st year of his age. Notice of funeral Lext issue. RICHARDSON.—On the 11th instant, after a short intim, et Neeean, Bahannia, John Richardson, of Phila. delphiii, in his 67th year. COLLINS.—On the morning of the 28th inst., Mary Collins. Funeral from her late residence, 1125 Milton street, between Christian and Carpenter. on Wednesday, at 1 o'clock. a* JEPPRA.3.—On the 26th inst., Daniel Jeffras, in the 82d year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 1020 North Fourth streets above Poplar, on Wednesday afternoon, at 1 o'clock 111141,1 AN—On Sunday, the 20th instant, Solomon C. Hinman in the 834 year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his son, D. B. Hinman, near West Masters Penns.; on Wednesday afternoon; at 1 o'clock. SS* D'INVILLIENS.—On Sunday, the 2.9 th iustant, Chas. E D'lnvilliers, aged 43 years. Funeral from his late residence, N0.1311' Spring Gar den aired, on Wednesday imorning , at 10 o'clock, 14 lIEDENBERG.—On the 28th instant, Mary Ellen, uife of C. J. Hedenberg, aged 40 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the residence of her husband, southeast corner Thirtr.second and Hamilton streets, (Mantua.) this (Tuesday) morning, at 10 o'clock A. - 111". To proceed to Woodland Cemetery. —igeddenhz_ on Ssmilam_ Elm. Trllfant, of congestion of the brain, Annie P, eldest child t i William and Elizabeth ill. 14cLean t aged 2 years and "i" months. Funeral to proceed to Laurel Hilt, from the residence of her parents, SU North Broad street, on this (Tuesday) morning, the 3lst instant, at 10 o'clock. * KLONEGAB.—On the 28th instant, Philip H. Mune gar, printer, in the 21th year of Its age, The relatives and friends of the family, also Philadel phia Typographical Society, Typographical Union, No. 2, Mount Vernon Council, No. 41, 0. U. A. M, and the Order in general, are respectfully invited to ationd his funeral, from lilt late residence, No. 1212 Woodbine street, (Federal, above Sixth,) this (Tuesday) afternoon, alst instant, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Pkilanthropic Ce metery. KENNEDY,—On the 21th instant, William D. Hen, nedy, in the 70th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his son, S. 8. Kennedy, No. 1259 North Fifteenth street, this (Tuesday) morning, 31st instant, at 9 o'clock. PHILADELPHIA TYPOGRAPHICAL gOCIETY.—The mem bers are respectfully invited to attpnd the funeral of their late fellow•-member, PHILIP If. KLONEGAIt, from his late residence, No. 1212 Woodbine street, on Tuesday af ternoon, 11A Instant, M o , eloek_ By order, WM. H. JONES, Secretary. MOURNING STORE,Dec.23. _raNgoN it gOIT, We. RR OffESTNUT STREET, offer for sale to-day, for cash— Black and White English Chintzes, 1235 to 15c. do do Atlantic do 123¢ c. do Purple do do 12)4c. Cray end Slack English a. PIN e- Plain Black do do 12Xc. Black and white imported De Dairies, 1235 t 0,14 cents. do Purple do do 18,4 c. Second Mourning Chene Mobairs, 12% canto. Dinar Reps Angl.ll, 26 ZAraCii- daft cirrWATCH-MEETING.—REV. DR. SMILEY will preach in Bedding M. E. Church, SIXTEENTH and COATE& at 9 o'clock THIS EVE. NINO. All are invited. Itit 12x. OFFICE OF THE UNION MUTHAL INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, Dec. ao, 1661,—The annual meeting of the Scripholdere of the Union MOM Insurance Company of Poiladel phia will be held at the office of the Company on MO N. DAY, January 13, 1862, at 12 o'clock M., at which time an election will be held for eight Directors, to serve for the ensuing three years, JOSEPH COLLISOH, de3l-tuthk6t Secretary. nyUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA— DEPAILTRENT OF ARTS —The Second Term of the College year will open on TIIURSD AT, the 2d d ei to: Ailic&A.t , at the University, for examination, on that day, at half past 10 o'clock A. DI. Tuition for each Term, Thirty Dollars. GEORGE ALLEN, tle3/-3t Sectetary of the Faculty of Arts. • THE ANNUAL STATED MEETING' IOF THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THE NORTH ERN DISPENSARY OF \PHILADELPHIA. and an PICCUOTI fPf tWeiVe Managers, will be held at the Hall of the Institution, on TUT;bDAY, January '7, between the bourn of 2 and 4 P. N. deal. tja7it JOHN KESSLER, Jr., Secretary. IXPOLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, WEST PENN 941i.i...1111—The Leciure. a;,.1 Readied hittruction will be remitted on THURgDAY, January . 2d, at 9 o'clock A. M. ALFRED L. KENNEDY, H. D., t1e30.4t • Preaideut of Faculty, tryPHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR PRO VOTING AGRICULTURE.—Stated Meeting at Room, 326 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, Jan. lst, at 11 o'clock A. M. Annual Contribution due. [30.3t NOTICE.— THE COUPONS DUE JANUARY 1, 1882, of the Registered Mortgage Bonds of the Elmira and Williamsport Railroad Com pany, will be paid on presentation at the Office of the Pennsylvania Company far Insurance on 111V0a and Granting Annuities, No. 204 WALNUT Street, on and after. the 2d proximo. By order of the Board of Managers. !UM. 0. LONCSTRETII, Treasurer. Philadelphia, 12th 3110, 28,1861. d2O-2t OFFICE OF ANTHRACITE INSIU. MIME COMPANY, No. 311 WALNUT OTDEET, PHILADELPHIA. The Annual Election for TEN DIRECTORS will be held at this office on MONDAY, January 6, 1862, ho pes en the hours of 10 and 12 A. 31. de3o-61 WM. M. SMITH, Secretary. NOTICE -THE 'UNDERSIGNED have lids day entered into a CO-PAR ['NED SHIP, under tiro name awl style of ADAM WARTIIT MAN & CO., for the transaction of the Provision, Slaughtering, and Pork-racking liminess. ADAM WARTHMAN, ADAM 11. WARTIIMANI AjiTHONY M. WARTIIMAN, Pm LA Dia.ror.t, Da. .., 114.f13. $5 BOUNTY PER MAN WILL be gl , ren foi , TWEIVIN-111V.P. WIMPY MIEN, for un accepted regiment. Address 11.11XILY RING GOLD, Philadelphia Pest Office. Edc3o-3tit MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Wile, by the Hon. PHILEMON DICKER, SON, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the District of New Jeraey, In Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale to the highest and beat 'Aim-, tar caah, at SOMPHR , POINT, oa THURSDAY, January 16, 1862, at 1 o'clock P. R.., the three-thirty seconds of an unfinished vessel, not yet launched or named, lying at *VEERS' POINT, an Great Egg liar- Mr, in paid District, being the intend el A, IL celc Ji Co, residents and inhabitants of tile 3tate vi Flot N illa. BE lAJAII 'DEACO, V. 5. Metalled District of New Jersey. Dated December SO, 1881. Jegl-Dif tjitlg* ROF. F. LE BARBIER GIVES P ioetructioo in the French and Spanish Languages, either in &boole or in Privisto Tlsmilive, Apply to No. 30 NINTH Street, cornor of Filbert street, at ntro. Splint's. de3l-4t* T HERE IS NO ABATEMENT IN the demand for those meritorious pictures $1 Colored Photographs. Those who wisii thorn gli9uld go at 9,4c9 §treet t shore Green. I.t* THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1861 TAE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. LARGE PREMIUMS. Hitherto, we have never offered any one a premium for helping to extend the circulation of Tux Ttuntrax. We have printed the cheapest newspaper, considering the out lay by which it it produced, that was over issued In tiny country, selling it for little more than the c not of the white paper ; have employed no ngents to canvass for subserb LAPEL mid have allowed no compensation (beyond A CM of our paper) to any of the thousands of generous friends who have annually taken care that the number of copies of our several issues circulated in their respective neigh- Lethetuin should be at least maintained, and if male increabed. We have been sparing even of verb%l thank° to those friends, but have none the leas reahzed the full ness of our obligation for their earnest, unselfish, pains taking, persistent efforts, We propose for the present season only—ln view of ti e k hardness of the times, and the fact that we are i 0 buy white paper pcalt)l4§f Mttf4r titan we have hitherto done, or 6% it6ilt , to do after the close of the War—to make some small acknowledgment—not so much a recant• pense as a slight testimonial—to those friends wto shall Eiee fit to exert themselves to obtain subscriptions (whether ekiginals or renewals) to our Weekly and Semi-Weekly editions. We do not know that wo could offer anything of similar value more generally acceptable and useful than a Gold Pen of the hest quality and finish. We propose, therefore, to f9rwerd d.,,ips• the frwp months ensuing, shall send ne subscriptions and payments for Tun TRIBUNE, as follows: For $l2 Eleven Copies Weekly Tribune, ad. dressed to each subscriber, and Puns and Cases to value of $1 00 For qflfd t Elm!) C)9PiPP N cltly Tritninr, to one address, and rens or Pons and Cases to value of 1 00 For $2O, .Twenty-one Copies Weekly Tribune, to one address, and Pens or Pens and C ases to value of 3 00 For $lO, Paety Ceplea Weekly Telbuae, tb one address, and Pens or Pens and Called to value of 8 00 For $5O, Fifty Copies Weekly Tribune, to one ad dress, and Pens or Pens and Cases to value of 10 00 For $BO, Eighty Copies Weekly Tribune, lo one ad dress, and Pens or Pens and Cases to value of 18 00 For $lOO, One Hundred Copies Weekly Trib/ne to 6344 addYaas, sad Peas ox' Paae Cases to value of 25 00 $1 20 each will be required in all cases where the Paper is to be addressed to each subscriber. For 511 25, Five Copies Semi-Weekly Tribune, ' and Pens or Pens and Cases to value of 200 For $2O 00, Eleven Copies Semi-Weekly Tribune, N.! to one address, and Pens or Pens and Cases to value of 4 00 For $4O 00, Twenty Copies Semi-Weekly Tribune, to one address, and Pens or Pens and cams to value of 10 00 For $6O 00, Thirty Copies demi-Weekly Tribune to one address, and Pens or T ens and Cases to vaiiteof 17 00 For $lOO 00, Fifty Copies Bemi.Weekly Tribune, to one address, and Pena or Pens and Cases to value of ,-20 00 52 25 each will be required in all vases where the Pa per is to be addressed to each subscriber, The Pena will be of the manufacture of A. Morton, whose make we are using., and we know them to be the best made. They will be furnished at the manufacturer's lowest prices. To choose as to the style and Quality of Pena or Pens and Cases wanted for premiums, our friends are referred to the manufacturer's price list in TOE nu nuse. See advertisement headed „ The Pen is Mightier than the sword," and be particular and specify the num. her and quality of the Pens or Pene and Cases preferred. Specimen Copies of Tun Tainr:a sent when romeated. When Drafts can be obtained, it is much safer than to remit Bank Bills, The name of the Post Office and State should in all cases be plainly written. Payment always in advance. Address THE TRIBUNE, N 0.144 NASSAU street, New York: deSlatilittlV DICKENS' CHRISTMAS STOGY. This Day Ready, in one volume, price 25 cents TOM TIDDLER'S GROUND , a Christmas Budget, by Charles Dickette. Printed from the advance ahrets. RUTLEDGE'S NEW NOVELS. THE SIITHERLANDS. By tne author of Rutledge. 121.0. New style vellum cloth. Price $1.25. Extraordinary as was the popularity of her former ...ill amiatala it, as the best critics have pronounced it beautifully written. DICKENS' CHRISTMAS STORIES A new edition, complete in 2 volumes, beautifully printed on laid paper, and illustrated by Derley. $1.50. UNDINE AND SI.NTRAAL From the Gorman of Yourink. 11no, cloth, 75 colds. Antique, red edge. Si. Solferino cloth, gilt edge, $1.25. A new and — beautiful edition of these highly itnagina tire creations and exquisitely pure romances, which Sir Wallas Scott declared the moat beautiful millions of fro tion ever created, and partly upon which he founded one of his beet novels and moat lively characters. SIR THOMAS BROWNE'S' WORKS. The select works of Sir Thomas Browne, comprising hie Urn Burial, Religia Medici. aria others. Very beauti fully printed. 12mo, antique, $1.50. DE TOCUEVILLE'S MEMOIRS AND LETTERS. Memoirs, Letters, and Remains of M. Alexis De Toe author of " Democracy in Auserics." 2 vols. 12e e_ 6t6.60. TRAGEDY 01' ERRORg," by Iloilo(' et "Records of an Obscure Man." 16mo. 75. cents. HUNTING THE GORILLA, a Tale.of the Wilds of Africa, by R. H. Ballantyne. Illustrated 12Yrro. Cloth, ELS& THE STORESLEY SECRET ; or,. how the Pig paid the Rent, by_author of "Heir of Redcdyffe." 18trto. 50 cents. YOUNG BEN FRANKLIN ; or, the Bight Road through Life, a Boy's book on a Res own. subject, by Henry Mayhew. Illustrated. 75 cents. DAIRIES FOR 1862, in great variety. - - PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, new and very pretty styles, for 75 cents; morocco, $1;. thicker,. $1.26; mo. rooso, For sale, with all the New Books, by WILLIS , P. BAIfARD, a Tor fly 1T.2.9r NUT Ascot.. below EIGHTH. HYMNS AND MEDIT.ATIONg, -L.L. By . PRIM' .......50 CENTS riibiillll94 flßd Avr Pale by the PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BOOE. SOCIETY, ~1 i 1 The devotional toirit and sweet pootivid rovvor of then hymns will commend them to every devout mind.—,A''te Fork Observer. This is another beautiful little volume, which. will prvve ve:yaceppiatple in the approachistuseason- Its conttnts are richly worthy the tasteful dress in which. the publishers have issued them.—Christian Witness and ACIVOSater Boston. Hymns we can scarcely call them—the meditative, in trospective tendency is quite too strong; but poetry they really are, and, to thoughtful, cultivated Christians,. mint prove as attractive aamany of the rich devotional pieces 'which, from time to-time, are rendered from. the German into our tongue.—American Presbyterian, Philadelphia. 41.25-3 t TH E AMERICAN SUNDAY- ~~(~1~~ 3'3Hi~~F.'Y~ilaY~'Y~ill'l~YM~Y:lt~l~l~);l'~A~iiFw HOOKS SUITABLE FOR SUNDAYMIIOOII N. B.—Store open in the Evening daring the Troll. iloWlyfirt% HOLIDAY BOOKS AND PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS SELLING AT VERT LOW PRICE& W. G. PERRY, Bookseller, de2o-bn S. W. Corner FOURTH and RACE ROOKS ? LAW AND DIESCELT4A -4., zus9us, now mad vid, lematd, veld, and us changed, at the PH/LEIDELPHIA-BANS BOOR STORE, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Thom having Books to seu, if at a distance, will state their names, elms, binding% dates, prices, and conditions. WANTED—Books printed by Benjamin Franklin, as well as early Books printed in and upon America. Autograph Letters and Portraits purchased. Pamphlet Lawe of Pennsylvania for sale, Waimea, in pram sent tree. Libraries apt Praised by ire26•tfi JOHN CIADIPBELL. UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANLA_ SUIt THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, Greeting: WitsitXXS4 The District Court of tho United States in and for theleatern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, hath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, Litte r a interest in - 100 Impel coffee, SVO pigs of teal, 5 roils et sheet lead, 1 box of oboe thread, 1 box of drugs, 1 box pre serves, and 33 boxes of cigars, the cargo of , the sloop LIDA, captured as prize of war by the United States ship SEMINOLE, and brought into this port by the ELLE N P. STEWART, to be monishedsotted, and Merl tojudg• went, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so requiring.) You are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing then presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and pub lisl in the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal. In felligencer, you do munish and cite, or cause to be ruonislied and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general i,ia1,A,41 Is kw& any eight, Ana, or inte rest in the gold 160 bogs of coffee, t 33 pigs of lead, f rolls of sheet lend, 1 box of shoe thread, 1 box of drugs, 1 box of preserves, and 33 boxes of cigars, to appear b 'fore the Higjoyable OH N CA D WALA DE , '„-the Judge of the said Court, at tho DLTriticT ROOM . , in the. city of rhiladelphia,on the TWENTIETH day after publi cation of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on lilt Hint mut day following, betweqn the usual hours of hearing Causes, then nod there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they l e ivyt, Why JCS) bags of cane, 590 pigs of lead, ti rolls ox sho d i r il u d gs, no l t Loa i; : iti bo a3 x ti b l o io x e m tl o n f ea c d 4. l u.s b , sheet lead, same, to the enemies of the 'United States, and, as goods I) P r rOTO T l C it ni ed to belong, at me time of the capture of the of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to con demnation, to be inlindgeg and condemned as good and lawful prizes end further to do awl receive in this be half as to justice shall nonortain. Mid that ion duly in timate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons afore said generally, (to whom, by the tenor of these presents, it is also intimated,) tha t they shall nut appear at thu MPS anti elan Rime mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary. then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adju dication on the said capture. and may pronounce that 09 sop Ito begs of coffee, 595 pigs had, 5 rolls of shoot lead, 1 box shoe thread, I box drugs, i boa preserves, and aa boxes cigars, did lodong, at the time of the cap ! ture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of Aniorien, anti as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation awl condemnation, to ; be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the persons so cited and inti mated in anywise notwithstanding, anti that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these preSeida- Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWAL ADE R, Judge of the slid Court, at Philadelphia, this twenty ' eighth day of DECEMBER, A. 11. 1561, and in the eighty-sixth year of the Independence of the said United States. de3l-3t G. R. vox., Clerk District Court. NEW PUBLICATIONS To wilt VRIENDS, WEEKLY TRIBUNE. SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE SCHOOL UNION, PUBLISHES A LARGE VARIETY OP LIBR&AIES FAMILY READING, AND HOLIDAY GIFTS. RETAIL DRY GOODS. FINE CLOAKS, TO CLOSE OUT THE STOCK OF THE PARIS MAN TILLA, CLOAK, AND FUtt EMPORIUM, 705 MIBOTriIUT STREET, PREVIOUS TO REMOVAL SYNOPSIS OF REDUCTIONS. FROSTED BEAVER CLOAKS, Vim VII to E2o—From St! to gl7_ Fitnsrmn BRATRA CLOAKM, From 618 to 614—From $lO to $7.50 PILOWN DEtti , IIT OR afalliff VfoOTTI From SIB to 514—From 510 to 812. BLACK SEALSKIN OR OTTER CLOTH CLOAKS, Front 4/8 to fl4—From 518 VELVET CLOTH CL JAKE, from $3O to s22—From $35 to $2B. FM BLACK BEAVER CLOARRp ?CCP'. t 4,,17---Vrvin 435 votrah VINE BLACK BRAVER CLOAKS, From $25 to—From $2O to $lB FINE BLACK MAYER CLOAKS, From $l6 to sl2—From $l2 to $9 FANCY BEAVKA CLOAKS, From $4O to s3o—Front $3O to 4p22 FANCY COLORED BEAVER CLOAKS, From $24 to slB—Front $lB to M5l) liron IBLYKT CLOAKS, From *Mt to NO—From 370 to 855 DER FUR DEPARTMENT. Which is replete with every desirable style and descrip tion, will be open to inspection at prices corresponding to the general reduction , particularisation, among such nn infinity of qualities, being, if not impossible, at all events, unsatisfactory. de3l-lm REMNANTS FOR SALE AT A GREAT SACRIFICE, DURING MONDAY AND TUESDAY, AT No. 726 CHESTNUT STREET. PRICE, FERRIS, & Co. de;3o-2t TEE HOLIDAY GIFT STORE, NO. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET, !'o: {h Salo of LACES, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, AND WHITE GOODS, Will roma::: open only for a FEW DAYS LONGER. Those wishing to purchase anything in that way should avail themselves ot an opportunity which seldom offers of buying tho cboiccat goods at twines FAB BELOW THEIR USUAL RETAIL VALUE POINTE LACE COSLARS, SETS, HAMMER- VIIITiVoSI CCU. POINTE APPLIQUE 44 44 44 44 44 44 MONITOR 64 II 66 46 It II VALENOIENNE ti LE IL it LL LL MALTESE . II 64 66 66 If FRENCH EMBROIDERED 4c a 44 44 44 LACES, EDGINGS, INSEBTINGS, FLOUNCING'S, CAPES, COIFFURES, BARGES, VEILS, IN GREAT VARIETY. LADIES' HEMSTITCHED, CORDED BORDERED, EMBROIDERED. RETERE, ➢fOUENINO, LOBED BORDERED, AND OTHER HANDKER CHIEFS. DENTDI DIEMBTITOHED, P.D.INtED , DOD.IIP.DED, CORDED BORDERED, AND OTHER lIANDNER- CHIEFS. CHILDREN'S CORDED, REBUKED, AIM. PRINTED HANDKERCHIEFS. SHIRTING LINENS. PILLOW tAistit DIRDEYE ti LINEN LAWNS. LINEN CAISEHTLICg. And a cothplete assortment of LINENS AND WHITE GOODS; All of wWeb, for A FEW DAYS LONGER, ONLY, War:, DZ OfTERED A GREAT BARGAIN, AT TUE GREAT HOLIDAY GIFT STORE, NO. 3021 CHESTNUT STREET JOHN A. MULLEN. dAll_l2,l VD' --Br.ikkIKETS. LARGE aTZE. Welsh Flannels, Unshrtnkable. - Stant Canton Flannels, English_ Mullins by the piece, all grades. EYRE .4 LANDELL, de2S FORUM & ARCH. G 0 0. D WARM WOOLLEN SHAWLS. Large Size Long Shawls. Fine Scotch Long Shawls. Gents' Shawls, extra sire. MAN d LATITIELLI de2S FOURTH and ARM BALI ORAL SKIRTS, NEW AS SORTMENT. Balmorals, full size. Balmorals, Plain colors. Balmorals, gay colors. ETRE 6; LANDELL, eZ3 romrtt and Andm. "HOLIDAY DRESS GOOD& The following geode are deeirOblefor Christmas Gifts Low priced ITeLaines and Callum& Wide English and French Chintzes. Brilliant Figures new American De "Labia& Pressing Gown Stuffs of Gay Cashmeres. French Figured Do babies and Fancy thaaami. Plain Poplins and Rich Styles of Epinglines. Plaid Flannels, Bright Brodie Dress Goods. Blankets, Table and Piano Caters, Quilts. hid Gloves, Warm Silk and CIA. %MTh Embroidered Collars and Lace Goods. Sine Handkerchiefo, French LineriCambrio Hdkfe. Black Silk Cravats, Scarfs, and Neck 71 , 13}1. Plain and Fancy Silks, Rich Black Silks. /Sway' Shawls, Broglie ll4virb2 P.Mxvie , SHARPLESS BRotirlintS, dela CHESTNUT and RIGHTH Streets. OLIDAY PRESENTS. Detainee, at 1810 cent; ; Calicoes, 12.1 i cents. Black and fancy Silk Handkerchiefs. Neck-Ties, Gloves, Gents' Shawle. Misses' and Ladies' Shawls in variety. Nice assortment of Drees Goods. - Balmoral Skirts ca great variety.. at J. H. STOKES', 702 ARCH Street. N. B.—On hand, Jack-straws and Solitaires, made by and sold for an invalid. They are nice games as well as aessenta, and any one would confer a favor by 'lambast. ing the same. del2-tf HEAVY CLOAKINGS. Brown and Black Sealskin, 76c to $1.50. Clionn heavy Coating and Blonkinn rine Black Cloths and Beavers. Goad stock Cassimeres at old prices. 0001.ZII & CONABD, den S. B cor. NINTH and MARKET TT OUSE FURNISHING- DRY GOODS.--SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, at AItRISO2I, Importers and Dealers in Limon, and House Furnishing Dry Goode, etc. Have now on band a full assortment of Linen Meeting ) Table Cloths, Napkins, Table, Diaper Towelling, etc., etc., Imported under the. old tariff, or bought a great sac rifice. N,ll,—Fire Der cent. allowed on nurthasee as above._ if paid for on delivery. no2lat WELL CONTINUE TO SELL UN - TIL JANUARY Ist, our entire Mock of Dlin'zinlii - o as tt: 91 , 1 Will open THIS PAT a large stock of all Wool Flan nels. Our 25 cent White Flannels are the beat in the city. Very handsome neat styles DeLaines at le.Xc hand some dark grounds, all WOOl, at 51 and 55 cents. COWPERTHWAIT Ot 00., deb-11 N. W. corner EIGHTH and MARKET. PLOAK 4 4.= V Handsome styles of well-made, serviceable gar ments. The best made, the best fitting, and the best materials for the price. A largo stock from which to Detect, COOPER & CONARD, drl4 S. E. cot. DTILITAI and 3t4IVEGET ARMY SUPPLIES OFFICX OF TITS COMMISSARY OF SITTISISYNNOEg No. 1139 GIRARD STREET, Philadelphia, December 28, 1861. Proposals will be received at this office untif the YOUP.TII DAY at JANUARY, 1862., fur furniang for the use of the United-States army, at such times and in much quantity AS may be required during the month of January, the following subsibtence stores—Viz ; 600 barrels prime mess new Pork. 1,500 barrels extra superfine Flour. 200 bushels first quality new wltite Scans, in good flour barrels. 16 1 000 pounds prime Rice,. in good Hour barrels. 30,000 ponndsa prime Rio Cufeee, in barrel, 2,000 gallons Vinegar. 2,000 pounds best quality Adamantine Candles, full weight, twelves. r 2,000 pounds good hard Soap, full weight. 200 imbheld good dean, dry tina Salt, in good tight barrels. SOO gallonsgood Molasses or Syrup. Samples in boxes distinctly marked to accompany pro posals for all articles except meat. All of the articles to cf the beat qualify ' securely pact:eel, and ht perfect or der for transportation. Seller's name and date of purchase required on each package. Certificates of inspection of meat and flour will be reinilred l . Bib frpro }Mow!" dealers or manufac turers only will be COUBiliCall, and seen bid must latl ac companied by the written guatantee of responsible per sons for the faithful performance of the contract. Proposals to be endorsed " Proposals for Subsistence Stores," aiid dlessted to Captain F. N. BUCK, Commissary of Subsistence, United States Volunteers. NOTICE. --Deed of Lot 1, Division 0, Section 3, in the U. A. M. and 11. D. of A. Ceme tery, baying been lost or mislaid, notice is hereby given that application will be made to the company for a new deed. WM_ K. 110PKIN8. de2B-3t* OLD LEAP-8 barrels just received per schooner Assails, for Belo by JAUBETCHE & no 7 702 and 204 Bonth FRONT Street HOLIDAY GOODS HOLIDAY PBESENTS. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE REDUCED P RICES. JOB. WATSON', de7-Rtuthlm 326 CHESTNUT STREET HOLIDAY PRESENTS. THOMAS C. GARRETT. 712 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE MASONIC HALL, TITTLAPELIIIIAI Has just received an assortment of LADIES' GOLD 'WATCHES, Ur she newest styles ! and of eery superior quality, cm well as thorn adapted to men's and boy? wear. Re is manufacturing extensively a groat variety of . USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES OF SILVER, And was special attention to getting up thingg itultablo for BRIDAL &ND HOLIDAY PRESENTS PLATED WARE Got up under the proprietor's own Inspection: in a groat variety of styles. Will be warranted HEAVILY PLATED with pure silver, in a way to insure its wear ing writ. Much of his JEWELRY Im manufactured on the premixem, and hie at it will be found to comprise a great variety of &Atonable goods, from the smallest articles to SETS OF DIAMONDS. Thom are afford' for otdo at PRIDES ADAPTED TO THE TIMES, And gemene are invited to call and examine them dc3-tutho /m HOLIDAY GOODS FOR HOLI DAY PRESENTS. What would make a more useful present than A HANDSOME DEEM, A HANDSOME SHAWL, or A HANDSOME CLOAK 'I Just received from New York, a large assortment of Now Goods, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, 1 LOT MOIRE ANTIQUES, at 50e., An enormous loss to the importer. Beautiful Fancy Silks for the Ehlidays. 1 lot handsome Velvet Flounced Robes, at less than the coat of importation, 1 lot double-width Printed Otiehmeree Mit, never before sold less than 50c. CHOICE DRESS GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Newest and most desirable styles of CLOAKS AND SWOONS. 500 pieces Merrimack and English Chintzes at 1.2,tic., worth 13)0.. in first bands. CHEAP BLANKETS AND FLANNELS. New Fancy Caseimeres and Rich Velvet Yestings at low prices. IL STEEL it BON, tielti No. 715 North TENTH Street. above Goatee. TO OFFICERS OF TIM ARMY AND NATY. Fleece take notice, that we have a line imortment of Regulation Hats, Caps, Embroideries, fine Swords and Sabres,. Sashes, Belts, sword Knots, Canteens, kc., Military Goode of every deeerintion will be found at :his eetobliehment. OFIARLES OAKFORD it SONS, Sion. eae and SW CITESTIVIIf Street, del9-12t Continental Hotel. FOR THE .H.OLIDAYSI GENTS' FITIMISEING GOODS 07 EVERY DENRIPTION; Consisting of DRESSING BORES, SHAWLS, MERINO. AND SILK SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, LLQUILLY EYED I DEOGRIP7IO2I, STOCKSi TIES, Ac., are. CHARLES &AKFORD & SONS. de19.12t HOLIDAY PRESENTS 01' INTRINSIC VALUE. SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON & SON w.nta i,„41t4 ageatal atteliesti !kale way lard tsa sortment of PLAIN AND FANCY SILVER WARE-, Messuferilued by them exclusively for HOLIDAY GIFTS, Comprising many new and original designs, of the. HIGHEST STIATILP.I3 OF SILVER. Owing to our greatly Increased reuniting, by the In, troduetion of new and improved machinery, the nubile will find many etylea not to be found at any other °stab- Minima hi 4119 country, EXPORTERS AND. DEALERS] IN ENVFL/S/1, FRENCH, AMERICAN PLATED WARES. S. W. COR. FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS. CHRI/STMAS AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS. JOHN W. THOMAS, 405 AND 407 FORTH SECOND STREET, Would invite attention to the large and varied mood grout he hue now open of 04 , ,X113. suitable for CffRIS TMAS _PILESRNTST, OOMFZIHL?(G PLAIN AND FIGURED REPS AND POPLINS, SILKS, MERINOES, SHAWLS, AND His usual stock of STAPLE AND FITENISHING GOODS, MEN AND BUYS' WEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, .kc Persons desirous of presenting their friends with some thing useful aad dnralde will find it to their advantage to call. de2o-9t HOLIDAY GIFTS_ ___ • PENES TO SUIT THE TIMES, AT A,R K'S $1 STORE, No. 602 OFIESTNITT STREET. OILTER-I'LATXP WARE, JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, in great variety. New and beautiful styles re circa daily, and sold much below the weal prices. CLARK'S 9£ , 1 STORE. deS-Im 602 CHESTNUT STREET. CHIIITMAS PRE*ENTS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT FRENCH AND AMERICAN BRONZES, if4SROELAIN LANTERN; FLEXIBLE DEOP-LIGHTS. All ppitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, Combining art with utility, WARNER, MISKEY, & MERRILL, de2o-7.06 CTIESTITUT Street_ CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!' LADIES' FURS, OF TILE CHOICEST KINDS. Very superior Dark Siberian .9anirrel Sable, Mink Sable; - &V" , All or which will be sold at tho very lowest prices. ?SETS at et. e, o, l and fB._ CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, del9-12t Nos. 826 awl 828 CHESTNUT Street. HOLIDAY HAT. We Will open our now style of hat, for the approaching holidays, on Saturday next. del9-12t CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS. LADIES , SHOES. Wo aro clueing out our LAMES' SHOES, Below cost. They are the beet in the city. 12t CHARLES OAKEORD & SONS HANGING VASES. Ornamental Flower Pots. Parlor Vases for Crowing Flowers. eekete for Jardluleie. Pedestals with Vase for Flowers. Antique Vases for Mantels. Vases Renaissance for Parlor. Rustic and Terra Cotta Vases. Lava Plower Pots and Vases. Garden Vases and Pedestals. Brackets for Bunts and Figures. great variety of articles imitable for Christ mas preseute, for sale retail and to the trade. Wareroome 1010 OLIESTNTJT three; Philadelphia. dell B. A. HARRISON. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT WAR priceB, at GEO. F. RENKERT'S, No. 828 ARCH 46, HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! We now offer a large and beautiful stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCIIII3, FINE GOLD JEWELRY; SILVER WARE, AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, Selected exproomly for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. All goods warranted to be as represented. STAUFFER tt HARLEY, drlß.l2t 622 MARKET Street. Philadelphia. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. CLOAKS ! CLOAKS! GOOD STYLES. BEST MATERTALs. LOWEST PRICES. COOPER & CONARD. IL E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. dsl4.stnthlm CLOAKS ! C LOAKS I MAGNIFICENT FRENCH SILK PLUSH CLOAKS JUST RECEIVED PER LAST STEAMER. FROSTED BEAVER CLOAKS In endless variety. Also, the largest and best assorted stock of SEAL SKIN CLOAKS In t h e City. EVERY NEW STYLE; EVERY NEW MATERIAL. Tbo Tory best work, at PRICES THAT ASTONISH EVERY ONE. IVENS% d9•lm NO, 23 SOUTH NINTH STREET. PLOA.KS ! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! N.,./ WATER PROOF CLOTH CLOAKS, in maim variety LIGHT AND DARK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every xhade BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every quality; 'MACK faILIK-VP.LVPIT 4.!LOAKI, EVERY NEW STYLE, EVERY NEW MATERIAL; THE LARGEST STOCK LCD TEE MOAT 1/1146114.4TADL0 PRICES IN THE WTI' IVENS, ocl6 No. 23 Synth NINTH Street. Olt 0 AK S! V The Largent Chottpost, - and Dest•tteeorted Clout tho clty. HOUGH & CO., -No. 26 Sooth TENTH Street, oclf ODDOffito Franinn liffirket. MHZ ARCH-STREET CLOAK AND 1 MANTILLA STORE. NEW FALL CLOAKS. WATER.PROOY TWEED CLOAK& BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS. EVERY NOVELTY AT MODERATE PRICES JACOB HORSFALL, mBl-6m N. W. comer TENTH and ARCH Ste cm:11171E1G. - pi H. ELDRIDGE, Agt,. 2 E. FASHIONABLE CLOTHIER, Fernery at Eighth and Chestnut Streets, Hem taken the atom, No. 626 MARKET STREET, Where he is Nepal's, to furnish Aga old friends and the public in general with C Tll II BEADY MADE .Yll MADE Te• 01V IN THE BEST STYLE, AT MONNATA MOO, Avila bnye and selleexclueively FOB GASH, de7-Im If 74', NEW NATIONAL LOAN. opium: W JAY COORIP. A. CO , 11A.1 4 11aP1I.C; No. 114 SOUTH' THIRD STREE..^.,• The 7 0-307er sent Treasury /ti;stec vY all How, of the second hone of Fifty ail dnied.ecto4 ber let, are nor ;needy to deliver to yarchamerai. the office of BUBSORIPTICi3• AGENT, '1 ~u _ t GENTS' FURNISHING GODS• PATENT McCLELLAN TIES. PAIMNT McCLELLAN TIES. PATMT AIeCLELLAN TIES_ PATB IsIeCLELLAN TIES. PATENT McCLELLAN SCARPS. PATENT MoCLELLAN SCARFS. PATENT McCLELLAN SCAIt:FR. , 4 1'f i s Y,fy3t i AT J. A. IBUITIMPB AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S f AT J. _at ESHLMAN'S AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S V AT J. A- ESHLEMAN'S NORTHWEST CORNER OF SEYENTIE AND , ClinllNtlT. SEVENTH AND CHER'NUT. SEVENTH AND CHEEKTNUT. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PIEUADELPRIA TAE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADF.LPHIA THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PII,ILIDELPHLA P. B. The above articluev being PATENTED, cannot be obtained elsewhere. P. S. En. 2. Men's Furnishing Goode, irsevery variety. P.B. N 0.3. - PATENT EXAMELLETh COLLAGS, 10 FOR A QUARTER. der-Outlaw PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. ' We are now prepared to imply this STANDARD lI.LIIMINATRIO 0/7.. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRIORS. Ti. LOOSE On diN, &r>s atiosam 1010 NARK= STREET, Patinaelphlen eLaAms FitEtsi - i - hi — INCED MEAT. The enbeeriber begs leave to * lnform, the nubile that he Is again prepared to offer hie :111184 celebrated NE PLUS ULTRA MINCED MEAT, 'ln large or small quantitien. Mans through De spatch Poet will be punctually Mewled , so. JOSHUA. WRIGHT, SPRING GARDEN and FRANKLIN Street', tol3-2m Philadelphia. TSB BALTIMORE GAS-RURNINO FIRE-PLACE HEATER. Sometimes called the "Latrobe Stove," is the bee stove for it - anoint tho room in which it Wind* and alit Noma above. Oall and look at theta. ARNOLD dt WILSON, ocS•3mif No. 1020 OHESTNIIT Street. pLATE MANTEL 3. a..., These beautifully enamelled MANTELS, so d 6 eidedly preferable to any others, are manufactured bins, and sold at PRIMES TO SUIT TILE TIMES. ARNOLD & WILSON. or-5-3nolf No. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. B LANK ACCOUNT BOOKS, IN EVERY VARIETY, AND OF THE BEST STOCK, SELLING AT LOW PRICES. Bus at the Mittatfadtetw. W. C. PERRY, BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTURER, de2o-1m S. W. Corner FOURTH and RACE. Boos BINDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED IN THE BEST MANNER, AT VERY LOW PRICES, it W. R. PERIVIng, 1100KIIINDER, de2o Im B. W. Corner FOURTH and,BACR. D IARIES FOR 1802. GREATEST VARIETY, AND AT THE LOWEST.' PRICES. BUT OF THE PUBLISHER. WILLIAM G. PERRY, Publisher, 4v20-isn S. W. FOURTH Mul RAM. THE NATIONAL HOSPITALS.- A DEPOSITORY of Vie United States Sanitary CoMMitSiOn" ie now open lit No, 123 G QUO/71 7 7 Street, Plllllidelphift. Contributions received for the Hospitals, and for Sick and Wounded Soldiers. dell-4w BADS ! BEADS! READS !-OPyg tal, Chalk Opal, Baby, TGrapoise, t oid, Sth - enr, Wax, Satin, Jet, and all other colors and varieties of Beads fur fiala luw by w. T7jLLNR t Importer, 1130.06 as a.. 41, tiouttiql HAIR DYED A BEAUTIFUL Black or Brown, u 5 MTEMINST'S, FOURTH and lIRA.NOII. tit* if If rp RUSSES! Elf/AGES ! ! SUP ...L. PORTERS!!! C. a NIZEDLUS, 5. W. coiner 'AC'. TWIELOIII gtreato, Phila., Practical Adjastee of Traits. and Mechanical UDR emcee, has constantly on bawl a large and varied stock of elegant French 'lames, awl a complete assortment of beet American. Finglish AmoFican B nPrrters and . Belts, Shoulda Brace& Suenoneorlcot gYrifilivo groat variety, French Pessaries, &c. Ladies' Daeartment conducted by Ladies, TWELLIS Street, first door below Race. n 02- 800., • A QUARIUMS,. FERN CASKS, A yariety 91 Psh aud Plante, N 0.144 NortU,SIXTX Mat. dd-tvia morpormr, E. S. EARLE:f FURNISHING UNDICRTALIZER, 15outhweet corner of TZITTEI an , !. QS ik Philshololoida. uOl9-3mif CID PRINTING, BEST AND CTolook In the MY. al RINOWALT k BROW!. S Si South THIRD Street, tio2o IIOLIDAY GOODS FINANCIAL. AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUER° -PitOAD AND LOGUST *TBEETS, Lange(' and Manager J M. NIXON. THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, DECEMBER 31, The Beautiful aria Fascinating C lIIIAS LA. FLOSS DE SEYILLA. The 6rigilthl Farce of MY WIFE'S SECOND FLOOR. Catiohnung with t}.• Rrillinnt and f3or,•;ifnl Drama of CHIPPEWA ; OR, COLUMBIA'S TRIUMPH. WEftNEHDAY, NEW YEAR,. Two Growl Perfurtnanet•s, Afternoon at :lu'eloffrk.;ll( :It hull put T. EDWIN Po MtEt4T In Lie world•renow•nrxl clioroctor of SPARTACUR. in THE GLADIATOR. Gr in somplionce with ninlt of Ilia pnhlir, I D. WIN YOBltigfr Will shortly' foatats , :ir hls great Shakstala as personation of KIN( LEA 11, dna notice' of w Mel, will be given. THURSDAY, January 2, first benefit of SENORITA. &MAR In PL114.440.1a. BA TURI , A V Aft.rnoon, January 4, II11;2, l.on”fit of THE VOLCNTFAR AND COOPER•SHOP WC FREMMENT SALOONS. snore oven at 7; Commence at half it 7 Prk., NEW YEAR'S EXHIBITION BY TIIE es/welitlly for the YOUNG. A line selection of Music will be given. h.ltriltirion cctit-ti Viiiittren 1111 , 11:1 /0 lima half . price, beautiful articles for rate as preselik, IWALNUT-STREET THEATRZ-- NINTH sue WALNUT eiDreett Buie Lessee" .... M. A. GAIIRETTSOII. TBIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, December el, AND NEW YEAR NIGHT, Will br rutin - null the Dram» ig TUE DEAD HEART Robert Landry Mr. Edwin Al!Milli. Cattivri net 1/uval Mims A. Gray. ritlivllll to tile Pll l lll l ll ir irtla yr E=M= Tom Dribbloil Mr. Hem*. Pelona-60, 27X, 76, and 25 canto Private Bolin, ir,s and itts. Doom open at onartor to 7. To commence at 'rho. WIIEATLEY'S CONTINENTAL THEATRE—WALNUT Street, above EIGHTH. LAST WEEK OF THE SEASON! GRAND FENT" VITIES FOIE VIE NEW YURI DOLMA YS! To-nhsht, for the fifth time, the Grand Equestrian Spectacoler Drama, TIM FORTY THIEVES. To conclude with THE SOUTHERN REBELLION BY SEA AND LAtii, A grand New Year's Matinee TO-MORROW, at 2 o'clock, 0 hen will he preaetired the great Oriental Spec tacular Romance, BETE BEARD, W,41. JWNW, T T ATRE.- MRS. TIIA YIKIUS lIHNKFIT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2d, When will he performed the Drama TitE DEA D lIF.ADT, Knd A POPULAR COMEDY. MU. JOHN DR EW'S' ARCH-STREET THEATRE. Acting and Stage Manager W. S. FREDERIOES BusineesAgent and Treseur ONn er 1 .. JOS. D. MURPHY. ttEC CROWDED frOtStg 1 GREA'I 4 SUCCESS i To•xiGHT Arm EVERY NIGHT, Shokspeuro'g Grand Pageant of ftLOVE'S LADOIt LOST," With its Gorilevitv Smarr, Coattikitl, Mnichtnety, end Mt A& GLOIIIOUA CAST. The Last Stems, The, Culebrate4 Watteau Pielnre, A RIIIILET OF itCAL WATE.II. NM° 3.:Xtra Chargo for It..•served &tar,' 10110SITIVEL7 LAST WEEK OF mAitrint's Tilresw.rM OF blYlNer WUNPERiff 1008 tall'iriTiitiTi aliure Tenth, The great Ferocious, 'Soracions, FrAtiligent BLACK SEA-LION, symbling in the water and reposing out of It. The tnya- Sri/018141d Pnich tallied. WIILI 115 IT i int FVesting, l'iletlier Man ar Monkey or trybrid. And those paradoxes of Nature 711 E ALBIIICi FAMILY, Afrirna with w)lite hflir anti kin and rink 01 . 01 i Bar" To De Ken at all Munn - root V A. 81) to 10 r. M. Admiiaion, Mi cents; Children,.ls cents. de3o-tf TEMPLE OF WONDERS -1 4%1,4 MIEgTSIIIT- Bir.vtd,-118LIZAT WEER--1-I:XTI:AORDINARY ATTBACTIOIi. SIGNOR BLITZ Perfor7vnice EVERY AFTERNOON and EVENINtIi 3 and 7g o'clock, and THREE E II 'mug Olt 51 - .1.7vg 11-A_ 51,, S'and' I N., illuntratlng the niyHterieo and poworo of ancient,' and modem Magic, Happy Ecenes: in Veutriloquiasa„. the Voice I:1 various positions, and Learned Censer Birds. Adini aloft 9.7eanbx ! Children 13 amid. th,27-11 G ERMAtaA ORCHESTRA... RENTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC REIMARSALS every SATURDAY, at 5,11( 9 , cio.k. D. M., 111101 VAL DB/ir , Package of Die* Tickets, V Tickets,-26 eta. To be had at Andloisi 1104 Chestnut street, J. R. Gould% Eleventh and Cheetuct, and at the door of tke Hall. 00211-U pENNSYLVANIA. ACADEMY OF IL THE FINE Kau 1021 CHESTNUT Street§ own daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M. till 6 P. Z. Admission 26 cow* Children under twelve yew, half price. Shares of Stock. 1330. WANTS. A SITUATION AS GOVERNESS; orCOMPANTOI4 a LADY. Address, for three days, ...Sincerity," Pros: Office. it*" APARTNER, WANTED, with , a Capital of 6"31000f,to juin the Advertiser in an establiiheti RAG liusiaess,•whoee knowledge of inanufac. turis.g. extensive. Address Press Mace. tle3l:3t4r WANTED.--urie ativertiser, at pre-- onkt connected with , the-sutlership of a regimen% wiehee fa. procure a- PAWNER., hat pig from $2, 0 00' to $5,000 2spital, for tho' lairposo of donling in NUT- Dlll4l STORES, in thoeito of Washington_ Plena iuls , dress ig Auptin," Ilegioset4; P. V., D. C. _Decerabeu lEn vrAN TED—A: second-hand . YT Otoom Boginv, - - of from GO to To-non:to Addzess, .otatlng - particulars, " Box 1155 I'M do2l-tf T^54 1 ,1171 1 11, 1.4.431D,WA RE TRADE"' situation. where•the agove nm0n . 43. 41 2 /5 ` 1 .:!:'7`....!..!ANTED•••41.• loan or as an inwetenent. The , n4Teriiser has had thirteen , years' experienze in the bminess. Please address A. 8.,'-' Box 40, Freetown, Mess. de23.l2t* QALBSMAN WILL BE OPEN FOR , an ENGAmmtvr, Jammu let. A Salesman who Beth; Seventy Thotuatd dollars of Dry Goode to firstgilasa IMP PBRIMIVRAX&dames given! Address MOHADD, Petit eke: del-Thi*' BOARE4NG. 0 LET—With OD without board, to -h. a single gentleman, a. he 4 room anti fatting room. or bed room only, .in WALWAT- Street, between Tenth and Brood. Address for further particulars, Wit YL 7..," Press office, Chestnut ittwet. SELECT FIUiINCII AND ENGLISH BOARDING HOUSE, N. 33 South SIXTEENTH Street; -.ear Cheariiik. TeriitA &a-1m FOR SALE AND TO LET. 0 4 FOR fiksr R—A FARM of 677 ACBF.2,.first rate fiand,..9 miler; from Philadelphia, . with suitable Buildings, Spring Water, Fruit, &e. Price *5,01:10. Aleo seTeralkuher. FAR Ad for sale near Noe. . rintown, Apply Iv Tit l ..lTF4i; dedbat* Norristown. SiIaRES. LILLLE'S SAFE DEPOT EL NOVEL to No. 21 Beath SEVENTH Street, koler. ranktin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and Whig_ determined to merit Intim patronage, hail enured Cie elegant and convenient stare, and has now on hant.ol large assortment of Celebrated Wrougtit..astli Chilled' Iron Wm and Beirghir Proof Safes, (the„cam i strictly fire and bmgar proof safes made.) Mad; =IOW trnelualled.Dank Vanity 00a, and ;40 Locks. Bala Tents Thaws and Wolin will he ftwaigegi, to order on shorirrotlce, This is the strongest, beet lisim tested, and ahionastllear and Lock yet offered.' Also, particular Mintatlon is called to Llllta's .rtsap. Oabinet.Bafe, Jewelry, tCc, ante Onf4-P4.4M4 ceded to 61113016 In Mars and elegance buy stdogoratest fared for this is is the only one that Is ntrfairr fire and burglar Noah Stmatat. Norrns.—l have now on hand aay.twenly.all Farrel, Hcseng, k Ga.'s Safes, most of thorn magi" new, 5w,de....1,r4- o f o =aor msk a Wiiif,glaii# a ,aaftgAslig. assortment as to fdnoal and all land/ eachatalad now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at Mr/ low prices. Please call and examine. 1524-2yit M. 0. sADLEB I , ales& INSURIkNCE COMPANIES. fIiMIXONWEALTH FIE IlialN (../ RANCE COMPANY, OF THE HAUL 01 PIINNSYLVANU. DIRECTORS. David Jayne, M. D., Charles H. Rogers, John M. WI WI, John ll_ Walker._ Edward C. Knight, Robrgt. Slioeleaker. Thomas B. Stewart, Wirlaza.Stauthers, Berea Lewes, Jr., Btelog,Coultor. *AVID JAY E, M. D., ,Preald* .7911 . 0 r wurrA4A, Tivs , kr* , 4 4 1 9 -0 , eAnstrxi, S. MOON, Secrete - o. Oftlee, Cusamouwealth Mating. 613 OHThaTEIIIII Street,' Phitudelphia. FADDI lIIBURAX+IA (3O Y, No. 2D,M,0NE.W1N431) 31004, FIRE AND INL.I.hTO IN,SURICAtM DilragAli, GOMM W, Day. otAgy ezzatiam San Wright 4 "Weiibl, Bnel, pt(itk• D.B. Elmo , •••••DAEin A. Won, Deem Lewis, Jr ' , I• I , AWIA Bros. AO*. C. Itoharditon . It.J. , 0. Rew &jilt.. .10.1, W. It veritst......., 1, J, - • W. ntertAlgt A 00. deo. A. West ...... , I.Weet. A. Pol*s. M. N. Martin ......... ".Savage, Martin. A On. 0. Wilson Davie. Altarnowatas.W. Vi„ D. Wo.d.rail' of..giblor, llialtsS.. Jit Weedrilt... ;we. Meader, Jr.. 1'70.17.134m0 Artolt. GUM MI W. DA.N.,Diseadeut. NDANCIS IL SNOW,. Vice-Preriditilk wrimetis I. BZANCHADD, Se.cotioti. IsSil- ti. TAUW,I! Oli E S ' 4 ' .4 a-' 1111133 - 7 - 2 AZAD • 1114,W.LP1111 11411,-, ROAD, YL% DIEPJAI cijukroinAp, Excursion Minas .w:4 l I*. st,io iretweou PW.441(4/1414 and West Careeter, ocod. from, '4owonaubec 24, jf.C4 9414 Jamul' riq, Fart) for,4llp Eo.ux.4 Trip OtoUlinr. tle23-64, MUM* WOUD, 50pc:.144,w4901. aliMtiq 4 "ms' Witass COMPANY, SPF."3.PAL NOTICE. PNlniere ure raintubok to sord /wavy Fr.44slit.te. the EXIMILS.4 DEPOT, seiAliepet corner tti194. 14 . excl. 1.0045. T. Streets, wlic- 7 0 . receipt& will be 11 . 0 r , OA v e.*Narcelpi 11.0 um:; psieltegt&t,tity east be. rem:ma tit. to Ctwstnitt-street Offixo. ADAMS' Ie,XPW, 32r e nCIIEBTX171` Street. darl l /141 OVITON-3,000 b4ins in,siaga and 64 side, Dy WM. Mi. catEINER, de2741 w4ATNuT Streit. uAIR kf -DYEIN . D ON E IN 11 1 1. most artistic 54)4 a f t VOLTIM/ and WRAITCII. d. 28, If A . RDIISCO 0114 00. - CA,ABON 0111-I,WA bbis, to arrive. looz Joao in iota by noltraorkts in Wit city. SHOliat t 4 CO,, 4142-10 t 2fi South DELAWAItE Avenue, T3ILL-/II4D VRINTINGI BEST and Mood In the 011 Y, at AINSIWEt a ii 0 111 3.110 W ICS. 31 South THIIIII
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