THE CITY. "111"172"Ir4.1".71/T17"NM37=11=w1 AIIIIBEIBEN TB THIB EVENING AIIRRTCAN A 0 A navy or Music —Broad and Loonst etreeto—l. Metamora." Wage:TY-NV% tionwtenteekt Tonivea— area atm, kinldh.—"The Southern Rebellion by Sea and Land"—" The Cataract.of the Ganged." AnOn-erattaT TRaeTast—Arch sitTeet. alwve Birth.— " The Soldier's Daughter Gullluame Toll "—" Don Juan." WALNUT-STRNIT Teuerni—Nintli and Wainnt al.— " A 31 easage from the Sea "-- ,6 Bob - Nettles "--, State Secrets." TEMPLE OE WOMMIEE:--N_ X. comer Tenth ea Mott nut streetg.—Signor Blitz's Entortainment. A Scene at Adams' Express. Yesterday ushered in Christmas wdek. with its prepa salient for denflinets mid bridals, she ming vrolocitings, the opening of shows, and the preaching of sermons. This is the week to which the children have been looking forward rime lad Millings, Tlit reCnii eTet7 Voce sling t hrlstmes, and the few Denniestliatare soared them by uncles and grandmothers go a great ways toward lighting up their world and setting the scenes to suit them Alan! for the urchins that are urchins no more, but have grown up to man's estate, and will pass next Tues day evening in mounting guard on the shores of the Po tomac, A cold Christmas eve for them ? and if the Star of Bethlehem shine as of old, it will not fail to DriuntleCX recollections of the urchin's time, when the stocking was nailed to the chimney side and a toy masket swung next morning at the shoulder of the volunteer. At that time he was hello soldier and a drummer. When lie went to see Signor Blitz, or the show-piece of the " Buccaneer of the Bloody Boots." or took Christmas dinner with grand mother and his cousins, whom the old lady Write,' of Christmas ,30, down to the period of her decease, ho hid rapturous ideas of becoming a general some day and Conquering the world very much in the manner of Napo li:4,n. Ile lin& that to govern one must first servo, how. ever, and hie military expeidende thug far eensista of a blue overcoat and a faded cap, with a cOldsky and plenty of walking.. Thin soitlitT of whom we speak is a representative II and different in no degree from the eon of any Northern mother. Imagine kim, therefore, mothers and sisters, pacing thus under a cold sky, on the soil of the penhhiOn, Ads Mind gees back to the old fireside in Philatielptifi, Mid he MOP wearily at the Mount Of their festivity and his privation. Patriotism is apt to decline very much on a beautiful eihristmas, especially when there is no roast goose on the camp ground, but plenty Of foul play in the neighborhood. In tinier, he wishes that some good soul at home, bearing in mind his sell-sacrifice for their safety and the honor of his flag, would Feud him a nice box of cakes, tobacco, a turkey, and a Minn bottle wiffeiut a label. To show that the mothers and sisters have anticipated the requests of the volunteers, it is only neceueary to visit the Office Adtuns' Express, in Chestnut street, below Fourth. The business of that establishment during the pest week has been prodigious. From morning until night women and mon may be seen rushing to the coun ters to deposit, and see forwarded, boxes, bundles, and parcels of every am - diatom Oa tSatarda7 wo cownea ni ten o'clock not less than eighty women, who poured in and out perpetually, tugging, pressing, pulling. and talk ing, =Ail the place seemed a bedlam. Bern was a miniature wettoe, 6.< 11 .6 a clan with one hand and holding a pine box, thirty inches Dy twenty four, marked "Augustus Souibbles, Camp illetamora, Mot Regiment P. V." The little woman is Tory nervous, and bus an eye singe to the dos. .6t) to ,use anxious that the child shall witness the whole operation, inas much as the child is somehow or other concerned in the nuttier. She in her nest letter: " Pear littk. Poole went dome With me to the office." And from the fact that little "Sue" so went, the turkey and the home-made wine will taste much better to Augustus gouildales_ Another swum), with high cheek bones and Art abun dance of elbows, that are forever gettng into somebody's ribs or eyes, reaches a Lox over the heads of a half dozen little women. that grow at once indignant and say in undertone that n Some folks Win! got no politeness or they would wait for their turn." The clerk so think likewise, and sale very firmly, Madam, you must wait. I attend to lon in a minute " The larto woman looks once into his oyes., flald goes into an extersition o the laziness of clerks at large, and the necessity of their being retorted to their emeloyers for ineohnce. She !Mlle on the toes of a ,null entity, by way of revenge, anct looks daggers at a weazen.f.tced accountant, who ventures to turn around from his books. But, for all that, there is one to whom elm has been always land—her boy, whose nano • is written upon the ch t ig ili ag_bog—ii Baru Brock ' Camp fjpeucer. - Ms ginia." some of these women have walked from remote parte of the city with these boxes in their hands, too frugal to pay the car-fare. How many men would be so self sacrificing The rush will be gr, ater than ever to-day and to-morrow, and the little that is be.towed in this way will gladden the soldiers heart, /et all who hove friends, relatives, countrymen, who love the volunteer and his cause, send something to the brave fellows In camp. Give them a Christmas! THE - MANUFACTURE OF Oub - rowDEß.—This is a subject to which consrderable interest, if not im portance, may now attach. Tuere are not half a dozen powder-en fie in the loyal States, and the tenure of any gingle one of them nun a la Aerial existence is a sub. led t f fearful uncertainty—a truth which the residents of Wilmington will 'vouch for. All the sunruwder now being manufactured in the United States is a triplicate compound, composed of in gredients in the following Dronditious: charcoal 115 parts; saltpetre 75 parte ; sulphur 12.5 parts. For the beet powder the charcoal is obtained from willow-wood, which is placed in au iron retort, heated to redness. The charring of the wood too mach must he occur tingly oeoided, sod the temperature of the r.-tort is not allowed to exceed 500 degrees. Th.. charcoal consumed in all o? the English Gorernment powder-mills is obtained from tie Tim stltpetre, if crude, requires to be refined by dm saving in water_ The solution to strained, and by era. rotating the nitrate of potash crystallizes. The crystals are rrinowsi, and, after being tedisadved in water, are ready for use. The sulphur is airo required to be freefrom impurities. The rolls are coeseuuentl) twill, whin the impurities floating lirinn the surface are skimmed off. After be coming fetid, the sulphur is next reduced to a pulvere meat state and bolted—the saltpetre and charcoal separately sharing a similar destiny. The ingredients ere next weighed, and sifted into a trough filled with relmiring tam when they are well mixed. Their thorough incorporation is not unattended with dan g er, and the operation is therefore carried on in en isolated bunting . . Two Le wry cast-iron rollers, each I weight, revolve upon the exterior of its upright shaft resting upon a cast-iron bed. The whole is enclosed it, a cylindrical wooden frame. between which and the rollers the three iouredieots, aggregating not user fifty pounds, are placed. The rollers are then caused to rvvohe. Ole Inr.redi.nte Lion kept moist by wiatac. At the expiration of four or fire hours the incorporation is complete. The powder, when being taken out. forms itself into lumps, which are broken up between wooden rollers. To eeduee it to a fine MUD. it is placed beneath the copper I,latea of a hrdrauli. prowl, non tohjected to prebeure of 120 pounds to the square foot which flattens it out into thin sheets. Three sheeta are generally made about half an inch in thickneaa. gins PelltiOr the powder sofficientiv nYplostve, it is gra. wattled, by Lving bioken up with a Wil(APllAllet, and pas,ed tlir..unh two parallel sieves of vellum, having a reciprocal motion. If to 10 , sited for ~ s o rting" our pest-, the powder is next glazed. The glazing is effected i. tlsbing it, in nuantitios of about. 100 nonnda, In a cylindlical wooden vessel, lined with woollen, which makes one revolution per seclnd. The final process is the drying, whirl] is accomplished at a temperature of 140 degrees or less, by geom. Th. powder is now ready ve ...evi 7 e4 sad packed ( . 05 tihifiArdll464l..ti_ If planed in casks or Imps. these ere never fastened with nails, hut hooped together. It is an evidence of the good qua lity of the powder, that, when buroad upon paper, it bittOltens it but little. /i 0 poor to ot-ro.l In our city or Aralo, in any largo ttriantitiea, except in the Slato arenah tho Logiolature having pronounced its vett, to that effect, while store keepers even, who may not sell over twenty pounds of the article in a year, are required to take out a license. TLo r.irizet of gunpowder from the united Suttee hnd averaged over 2,010,000 I ourodh annually for a number of years pant, but, of cvur , e, it has altogether ceased of late. if AMWAY) iliTELLlfluinE.—The stockhold. ere addle Tyrone and Clearfield railroad, notwithstand ing the depressed state of busi.iess and trade of alt kinds, have dete,,nined to commence operations on this road and push it on to a speedy completion. Tneylar. , raised the sem ro.,espy to hi,Alire the Pucc4aftti neeoreeligh melt of the project without fu ther interruptions. Suc cess to the enterprise. The twenty-seventh annual ' , port of the Cumberland Valley Railroad, ',blob brings vp the entire business to Oct_ 1. haejust been inns& The following epitome. which w . extr.of front the Pre sident's teeort. exhibits the earnings and expenses of the read for 18150-'6l. _ . . The revenue from tolls this year has been.... 5249, TM 49 %VIAL{ that of S'Al.s . 189..1372 57 Showing an increme of The ordinary expenee, of this year were While those of last year were Showing an increase of The Share of receipt from the Franklin Rail road i- Ault the expenditureA were Showing a profit of. The whole amount of receipts from the Frank lin Railroad being 42,03 t 08 The sinking fund of the uompany am .cants to 11).3.07 92 tt. s the unilsUill and oxtraordhary dt:mghts which, in eantNitience of the KrAts amber of Unit d States troop., ned the atIVIII at of atores ant the munitions nece,sary for their snpnort and equip ment, :ern• made upon this thoroughfare, it is a source of F rattocutleo to the enverument, mat aratalath a t 0 the mmattlelatmt, to know that these demands were, in every mw, met with promptness avd alacrity. Lieutenant Weaver, recently an enuloyee of the Canal Popartnn nt i Penns3lysnin Inultond flompan: , was pre y:n.l with it nwend by the employee,' of the - compsny, at tho taro of T. T. Wiernan, engineer and enaerintendont, on TianreAsv evening last, ninny IS the officers of the regiment and citizens cement. STATI9TIC.9 OF BUT f Ett.eFOW people have „" a the iinntenpe quantity of butter that is artily d from the revere' stations along the line of the Pen -sllvania Railroad in the interior of the State to the e.,tern market. The following is the quantity sh , ppel i.-.. 0. .I.4marywrsk, <LIAe?! the 1iattif4111.126421.11A 7 to the 14th lust September. Octnher... - N °comber cznibor (co the 14th tnoi.) Total butter shipped in 3K months 13,995 ,4 NV!: estimate that each keg contains, upon an average, fifty-six pounds of butter (each keg and contents is manitantvu at awy-two pounini), Thin, by simple mul tiplication, gives us a product of coven hundred and eighty-three thousand, seven hundred and twonty (7 P.7`20 i) pounds as the net amount of the butter thus tillipped SEEDING J'REBENTS TO THE SOLDIERS.—Tho office of Adams' Express Company is daily thronged with persons who are desirous of P-rwarding packages con taining presents to such - or thcir fringe ea are at the seat 01. Wan Saturday was a particularly buoy day, tie it was the !Meet period at which articles could bo received with any certainty of reaching thme fur whom they are intended before Christmas. Thi tal packages were of all shapes and sizes, anti the contents were as carted as their out• ward appearance. They all contained somethif g useful or dainty lo contribute to the soldiers' comfort, and to gladden their heatts with the reflection that, although nbgent, they are not forgotten at this festive ateidoll We wouid State that all boxes &alined for the xnldtere 13,1iNt be of material, convenient tor handling, and securely fastened. It is, n °rower, ekolnto'y necessary for the name of the soldier, the number of his company wad resto,,at, and tho-iocatiMi- li.8:11.4-4 lit dig/Inel letters, with marking ink, upon the Lox. It will not answer to write the address upon a card or upon piper of ray desci ;mien, or to tie nr nail it in any 'manner. The charges far transporting, packages to soldiers must all be paid in advance. All 11w camps are accessible. ta the agents of the company, and all possible despatch used in forwarding goods. ARRESTED.—On Saturday afternoon, John Poulinlob, visional. wag Wore Ibi •tnon Rollin upon the (barge of stealing from a stole, Thiel and t reh Strews, a vnlunbie 1100 coat and severs' pieces of cloth. The robbers , vas commit .srl w voral ds. Rt.., and through the energy of Detectives 13 unarm and Levy a large Por tion o the stolen goods nas reeovored and a description thief obtained. Randolph was artrAe I by 01- r J hn Lindsay, and was committed in default of .91,600 for a further hearing. VITIOMION AT THE Dranttitrast- ArcsEmAt..— Two New INIrRV.4.—The ltrideshiwg arsenal is unfor tunate. On Saturday afternoon it was the locale of ano ther explosion. It ie gratifying to ba ibis to state, lmw ova, that manly WWI placed kerb ridscombos thereby, It appears that owing to the great amount of work now on hand at that establishment it has been found miffs. nary to erect temporary buildings withig the arsenal en closure. The building in which the explosion took place is Of frame, end is la only-four feet by eighteen in di menNiens. Ii wag Wit in the tiptoed, posultrio manner consistent with strength. seven or eight men were in this building a little before four o'clock in the afternoon driving "fuses" with the new machine which arrivel from Washington a mouth since, We append a desccip non etrt It in aunt nye feet high, and in the main consists of a vertical screw, stetulied and directed by a shoulder, through which it passes. At its upper end it fits into a horizontal brass disc, about two feet in 1111'11113- ton Four handles are disposed around the rim of the Give at equidistant points. about eighteen inches bisi‘ra the lower extremity of the screw a revolvable bed-plate is placed. Upon this two vertical brass cylinders aro placed, which receive the paper rase covers. The machine is operated by two persons, as follows: One it them Owen himself ineoedlo - el; th , t bee-place, and, placing a paper fuss cover within one of the cylinder& pours into it a charge of two or three l i scruples of powder. Ills assistant then causes the brass Iliac to Moho by means of the handles, end the screw &Vending upon a Btu - fable elect punch, the tatter FOURI the charge. r When the proper pressure is reached, a signal bell is struck, and the revolution of the disc checked by a spring. A second charge is then inserted, and the pro cess repeated. The greatest pressers attalasabto at .or one lintels 426 pounds. It nos while this operation was being performed that a fitse, in the bands of a boy named Keller, took fire, and communicated to a largo tiumitity that were in boxes in the return Three meet, which -e-e fatly ts-oritet In The Press a few weeks since, are somewhat like "chasers," being composed of sulphur and meal powder, and they scattered in every direction. The men in the building at the time fled for their lives, end no at - I - kW damage would prot.elly . have Ise-en, but fur rho explosion of a half barrel of meal powder that was in an adjoining room. The consequence was that the trams building was blown to atoms Tho loss will probably amount to live hundreddollars. A morn pitmen Winiam 'Cooney, a resilient of iSraios bmg, was struck in tl e leg awl somewhat injured. The lad Heller was pretty badly cut on the body and legs, and s. %eral of the men had their hands burned. No blame can be attached to any one on account of the 'lnci dent. It is an MUMS unknown occurrence for is fuse to take fire from friction. Lieutenant Treadwell, who has charge of the arsenal, had the wounded men conveyed to their homes and cared for by a physician. lie to formed us that he was in the fuse room a few moments l,erore the exploe a, took place, aaul that ecer,llA, in good order at that time. It is almost miraculous that the accident had DO more serious consequences. The fusee are intended for the shells for the three-inch guns now being manufactured at Phionixville About fifty of them can he. Meet o ec Sap TLa - fuse-driving machine is badly shattered. MILITARY. MATTERS.—The five regiments of infantry and tyro of cavalry, now forming in this city, aro foot appronching completion. The onter from th. Governer, limiting the time for enlistments to the 16th of January, at which time "consolidating" will bo c nu tnenced, has had a good effect. Tho decision at Wash ingtom that a soldier's pay commences with the day of enlistment, 0100 Looonolol. Th. Kellettel Guard aro nearly fall, and all the men are picked. Everything calGulato, to add to the comfort of the men has been secured by Colonel Lyle, who is determined there shall be no grumbling in the regiment. Colonels GIONSITY, 3tsUnton, nod Jones ore al., progroaAng wfth their respective regiments. Colonel Gregory is expect ing ore era to march daily. The regiment of Irish Dra goons, in camp at Frankford, is recruiting rapidly under the influence of the warlike newarrtna England. Colonel Covo.l.r Ilmi, o oi,t II hearty full, the PlMlntild coming from the country rapidly. Col. John 11. Taggart, commanding the Forte-first Pennsylvania Regiment, having been arrested on a series of charges, it affords us pleasure to state that his an ion ~ thopieiniaeit laa 1,6411 AlWAilia. by a court martial and approved by General McClellan. The report states that the charges were vexatious and frivolous. The Olden Legion, under the command of Colonel Win. Bryan, now eucampid at Beverly, N. J., will leave for ikt.etoinsivn on nurAny- foot. .19,,re, s 4menk nnfek bers about 900 n en. . . During tho past week, the Cooper Shop Refreshment Seleon has been the recipient of donations, amounting tO ver !pun variow; asseciatioms and individuals. IMPROVEMENT IN ItIFLES. —A gentleman, whose name is familiar to many of the readers of The Press, has been experimenting with an improved ritle A 1114114 the peat Milliner, and has thrown a ball the dis• tance of a mile with sufficient force and accuracy to do execution. The penetration of the prry-ctile is immense. At 35 yards distance from the target a ball has been driven through a hemlock log 14 inches thick, and oao inch and a half of sessimtd white pine plank, in addition, the ball pasting across the grain of the wood. At a distance or 200 2:aids from the target the all has been driven through 15 inches of white-pino blocks, passing through in line with the grain. 7'.cetecl a 4 Prism mealy are in the ordnance depart moot to try the'r penstration, the prekals froth this rifle will pass through from 18 to 20 one-inch sea-owed white pine boards set j3S inches apart. The range and penetration can be increased, as the charge of powder may be augmented as long no the operator can stand the recoil of the piece, a feature not possessed by the Minis rifle, in which the ball strips the grooves, and loses Its accut acs, when the charge of powder is beyond a certain limit. The projectile employed to produce the results flinh 0011 113 LY, 411CM 1 f in Weight, with a charge of lOU der °neon= the weight of the Dail, To throw toe projectile 1,400 yards but a very slight elevation of the piece is necessary. The rifle is loaded at the muzzle, with as much facility as the - Enfield. Its weight is but TX rounds_ _The improvement consititi in a change of both the ball and the barrel. THE COLORED POPULdTION.—AL the head of this eines in point of wealth stands Stephen Smith, for no-ity sten.l,-. limber lioluasi,ls, a nisei of great bush lea tact .and financial ability, and is re puted to be worth over $300,000. He is now an exten sive real estate owner, the principal part of which is located in the city of Philadelphia. Tho next in order Art , liIC LetrA of Joat.plz lire As a. pony barber, and at the time of his death was w .rth 886,000 The late James Prosser left property valued at $40,000. He for a number of years kept the p inci pal restaurant on Market street. The success of these men a`rords obiindont c rd.-,.re of the.h- Bt.el-11r,g-worth. a... 1.1 areal business capacities. Thomas Dorsey, the caterer, is estimated to be worth $12,000 to $16,000. C. H Jones and Henry Gordon, both public caterers, aud William Winters, a restaurateur, are each worth several thou. tenon of 4911,4rp Thee.. , rartlee oft commencr4 feu in the humble capac ty of private waiters, and have, by their industry, frugality, and economy, raised themselves to their present positions. Emigration to Hayti still con tinues. On Saturday another party, consisting of twenty co lored persons, left to seek their fortunes in that country. It is estimived by those who have opportunity of judging that there aro present in this city at least two bundled contrabands, most of whom are lying around Mose, getting a /IN-ins- fie 6e.{ they r.. . audve mea.- auras have yet been taken to benefit their condition. DESERTEM—On Saturday, the prisoners' dock in the Court of Quarter Sessions was crowded with soldiers, all of whom, with one exception, belonged to Colonel Staunton's regiment, now forming in this city. They had been art ested on charges of desertion and mu. tiny, and have been confined in Ittoyamerwing prison for some time past. An Officer appeared and taJii charge of the men, anti marched them to thoir camp, Moro to be dealt with according to the articles of war. Another soldier, gi‘ing the name of Kelly, and belonging to the Sixty-third Regiment New York State Volunteers, was in the dock. Be wee arrested on the 7th inst., after the resiment to which he belonged had passed through the city on its way South. Nis arrest was made upon an or (let by the Colonel to secure all men without passes, and bold them until an officer should be despatched to pick Atraggibes_ Two weeks have passed, during which time Kelly has been in prison, and no officer has appeared. The ques tion with the Court was wh+t disposition to make of his case. The District Attorney suggested that the Go vernment should place an agent in this city to look after these cases. Kelly will bo held for the present. THE CANALS.—Navigation on the Lehigh Canal ceased at the close of last week, and the water has heea season off- Th. , .toerago of bualneas on this strdat Wglywsy will throw a large number of persona out of employment. Most of them, however, have doubtless laid up something for the winter. The latter portion of the boating season has been very brisk, considering the static of but.ll-.418 goucrally_ Our fetnaths of Friday, r lather to the management of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, were not intended to convoy any intimation of disloyalty on the part of the Board of Managers. On the contrary, it imull be diffi cult IV find a MOM io r .l boar of Berates:nen in tsur, corpo ration. - A NOTOR/OVB GAN a or THIEVES.—Some time since a colored Man was arrested near Pennington vide, Chester county, on a charge of stealing grain from Audrey Steward's warehouse, near that place Since his confinement ho gave information which implicates several others in the same transaction, among whom were Elias Levison and William Bear, of the "Gap Gang" notoriety. On searching the house. a L041,a1, thirty bushels of wheal and eight bushels of cloverseod were found secreted in the cellar, but Levison was nowhere to he fond. A few days ago he was beard of in this city, and Mr. Steward, accompanied by another gentleman,. lent i.ennizietowv-111, tw.woh Arise difficulty, they found that ho had hired his services to a soldier company which was en camped near the city. By the aid of an officer be was arrested and lodged in prison, where he remained n clan and woe then brou g ht tr> Woe{ Meat., Pal. Ile lied a hearing before Esquire Whitehead, where he talked about the robbery in a very unconcerned manner, as though he tbougut it was a mere mutter of business. Bear has left the neighborhood, but a strict watch is be -4.15 ke r k fo,r him. nlncr no, isrdon Cis. Ma beet Miatetk, which took place about a year ago, he has been pretend ing to he very good, attending church very regularly, and some time ago seemed anxious to become a mem ber. ANNUAL REPORT OF TUE INSTITUTION FOR TILE BLIND.—At a meeting of the institution ou Thurs day, the twenty-ninth annual report of the managers was read. The no mbar of inmates is 175—an increase of 10 over the name period lan year. Poring me year 23 wire received, 11 discharged, and 2 died. Of the pupils, Pennsylvania furnished 153, New Jersey 13, Delaware 5, d other States 6. Twenty-two of the above COa tribute, wboilf or in part, townr 4 l4 their own support. IO addition to these, there 'aro ea - day etho'are, wit', re side with their parents or guardians. Of the goods manufactured by the nude inmates, there were 33,505 brushce, valued at $7,451.14; 26,261 brooms and 143 vhjalo, yalged at .1.1 ; 108.01 ; 720 yards of carpet, at $180.13, and fia door mate, matting a total of $12,120.07. The females made up articles princi pally of beads and knitting, which were valued at. $1,038.25. The receipts of the past year were btu $3 1 5,807.13, whilst the expenditures amounted to 843,012. Tim diditdency, to a great extent, was made tip by a balance of about $B,OOO, which remained over the treasury from the pre vious year. The receipts of the exhibition and contort on Wedheedny afternoons are appropriated to the gradu ates of the institution, nu an outfit Mach of them re. cones of this fond from 850 to 8100. After the reading of the 'croft, the officers were elected for the en:u:ng year. 61,10 92 90,24; 05 65,851 49 24,395 56 16.810 34 12;00 09 SUIT AGAINST A RAILROAD COMPANY .-011 Saturday, in the Court of Nisi Pring, the jury in the eltio of Ann Quigley againet the Philadelphia, Norristown, and Germantown - Railroad Company rendered a verdict for the company. The snit was brought to recover de ...sass Di:. the death of a Will of the plaintiff, who WWI run over by a train of ears on the 4th of July, Igso. The boy - ran immediately in front of the engine to pick up a fire-cracker that had been thrown on the track. and the driving-vheels of the locomotive passed ever his lege, crippllop hirn_ Heath moulted in sannzt a yottP, bat from the injuries received at the time of the accident was not certain. 1,157 kegs 5;292 5,988 « 1,5 , ..8 IL A LAUGHABLE YEBDICT.—iII the Ctie , of Lane Schofield, charged, in the Court of Quarter bed* alone, with publishing a libel reflecting upon the charac ter of James M. Gineon, an assistant I , olllllliSfil. ner of Highways at the time of publication, the inn' on Satur day mornina retuned a verdict of Guilty—James - Gibson to Pay the costs." This novel verdict took every. body by surprise; and, after Judge Allison had explained to the jury that where they convicted a defendint they had nothing to do with the costs, Mr. Cassidy, COllllBOl for 7ilr. Schofield, Reid he desired the verdict, fie run:lore - 1, to he recorded. He did not think the court had the power to separate the parts of a verdict. Mr. Schofield, the defendant, NM allowed to go at liberty for the pre sent. gITIIF. FAIRER FAMILY IN THOLISLIC.--A 11.1 W days Inc,s Josiah MINT and hie wife Mitchel. whit re cently robbed Osiden's factory, Norristown, of six dozen hnit Jackets, were arre dad at Roxhorough, by the police officers of Manny unit, on a chorus of steeling some braes mountingg fit Get diatrict. After n abort detention there, they were handed over to the Norristown withorities, and are now safely hedged in jail. also, at the same time. Stephen Clay, who robbed his father in Norristown of 4r.1- Pen to th.•ee hanartal &Mar, vrae..,ido Taken by the officers, soil has been committed for trial. A. LARGE. DAY'S WORK.—Last Wednesday, nt the Yawl of Mrsere, Tyler, Stone, S Co., Hr. J 11. . . . Bothermel i the snperintemlent, loaded 1.4.00 tong of coal in nine hour', which is the largest day's work that has heen done for several }Tare from any one wharf at Port Richmond. ..A.Rtylltllltt STEAM tllt Uhl WI BUM—Menses. Harlan, Ilolliugswmth, & Co., of Wilmington, are hay irg the heel of another Rtemner laid in their ship-) ar foot of West street. • 005 T OF THE Two FORT: 57 - 111 V VObt of Fart litla ware. for conntinctiort and rep tit", 03 1 914 of Fort Mtn], 4182,899. A WATI. t xriA Poon--Tha nnmher of our poor residing In tenement houses in this city is comparatively small. These halsitations are 'whiny confined to such localities as Bedford, Baker, and Seal ford streets. In this respect we mistreat favorably with 'New Yorhr MT if qi said 01 , 0 MOT" ate hcm,ies 1 7 es. hundreds, through nhich, after they are nice built, it is impossible ever afterwards to pass a current of pure air that in cellars, FiX fret below the ground, there are 27,000 people who make their abode, cook, eat, sleep, hive to gether in In ow tmalcitufte, yr:chola the neeknese or the ant—that there are many single blocks containing nearly twice the number of families residing on the whole Fifth arcane—single blocks that contain as many families as Would inhaldt a continuous row of dwellings, similar to Were en Fifth OVeIMV, tl., r 1. length, In soma of these tenant houses of that city the ceilings are so low as not to allow persons to stand erect, and there is one 1115(1 which the rapacious landlord has had loon structed to held over twenty families. Some of the worst this vinY, Pont for their entire value every year. Can WO wonder that in the last fifty years the ratio of death; arising from merely domiciliary causes has increased in many instances to an enormous extent 1 It is unnecessary that we should refer to the and Mine that horn find vorune. as the cubist C ie one that is presented almost dally to our hate in the police reports. It is gratifying then fn he elan to state that title fearful degradation is slowly yielding to reformatory influences. t=ic a ev F sotestloo of Oho Voao g tleatral lloate Mission it has accomplished much good in this un promising field of labor. A neat mission house has been built, where religious services are held, and whore Sun day and day- schools are conducted with great success. 1.1.1.. h shy cases of slelthess or Infirmity are ilinenvorad, the missionary notifies the committee, who visit once or twice a week, as cirenotatames require. This committee is usually formed of ladies, and to the honor of humanity be it recorded. that even among the vicious luta criminal the ars sessis.l with, the most neefound defere n ce_ The day school at the Mission House contains thrile departments, all under the charge of compelent teach ers, who have acquired suctr g infinenee over the children that they areas obedient aeThe pupils of other localities. No Children are admitted to the ears of the Mission who Can remain in the public schools. Lack of clothing would prevent the great majority of them from applying for admission, and this want cannot he supplied. Many of them labor at various callings, and therefore caanot attend solkoleot r, a olaelty to slam' in Pira tic schools. A number of former pupils of the schools are now useful members of society. . . It is the custom of the Bedford-Knot Mission to pro vide its pupils with a dinner upon every Christmas day. .1 hemann F er,.. ore wow preperi.r? CM , this event., and 1:10- Unit the donations of all suitable artictes. Contributions may be sent to the missionary, Rev. Jeremiah Beckwith (successor to Rev. B. T. Sowell, who is now a chaplain in the army), at the Mission House, 810 Radford givost . . . In spite of all these benevolent efforts, them is Still much destitution in the city. We gee by the statement of the Board of Guardians of the Poor, that each month of the present year exhibits an increase of paupers at the almshouse. over the game months of last year. The in crease for November wait 219.. In this connection, it may ha of interest to state that the following are the principal soup societies of the city: Kensington—Shackamaxon Street. Dioymouning—Northweat corm of Eightb gn4 Mar riot strprlm. Northern—Northeast corner of Fourth and rotors streets, abovo Brown. • Philedelabia—Gri,com street, below• Spruce. Knuth --ihillfTlllll , lotryt, 1 1 ,) , *. w glren. spring Garden-Buttonwood strereti Lintwenn Thar teenth and Broad. Western Soup Houso Serenteenth and Sausom streets. None of these societies hare as yet commenced active operations, but are now preparing for rho winter cam paign. Before aid is extended to applicants, their names and residences must be furnished the managers, who ap point a person to inouire into the worth of their charac- THE DESTRUCTION OF T. rAti.'s LillURCII.:••• ItHrOIIT OF THE FIRE MAMMAL—Fire Marshal Black - - burn Las aderessed the following letter to Bishop Wood, Of this DRUM', with reference to the recent 4c"44119.0.9u of 6t. l'aul's Uhurcb by fire: lily PHAR Sin: Permit me, In common with every other right-minded citizen, to mingle my regret with your own, for the mishap which resulted in the burning of St. Paul's Boman Catholic Church, in the Third ward, on the afternoon of Tuesday, November 'nth, 1661; and, at the SHIM time, to express my sincere sympathy with its large, respectable and worthy congregation. ire the saf loss they have sustained in the demolition of a favorite temple. where they mot to worship Almighty God—a 1111. cred edifice that was, at once, an ornament to the popu lous and arilty neighborhood in which it was located, and one of the handsomest architectural structures de voted to the Christian religion in our beautiful and loved metropolis. Aware that this unfortunate disaster has createl marked public sensation, and knowing that everything in relation to it is of the deepest interest to the parish ioners of the church, as the officer selectee by the Mayor to make prompt and diligent inquiries into all the facts' and circumstances attending the occtirrencii of every fire in the city of Philadelphia, I have deemed it to be my duty to communicate to you the result of my examination into the cause of this conflagration. Iu my endeavors in listertnin the erioin of the fire.l have proceeded calmly and caritimis,y, but actively and perseveringly, and, if I know my own heart, I have been fair and impartial. While unduly swayed by none of the rumors and clamors of the hour, I have nevertheless listened attentively and patiently to every report and whisper that was calculated, even in the slightest degree, to shed any ray f light upon the Case. In relation to the fire, which is the subject of this coin munication,_ after a thorough and patient investigation, I have arrived at the following COTlCladiallti; First. The lire was not the wont of an incendiary. Second. The conflagration was accidental. Third. The disaster was the result of a defect in the flue of the main heater. The testimony entirely disproves the current reports that the lire began in the bell-tower, and owed its origin either to malevolence or carelessness. Smoke was seen issuing from the building for fully half an hour before the flames reached the belfry. When first observed by persona in the adjacent houses, and by mople passing in the streets, It was supposed to proceed from a foul chim ney, and excited no apprehension for some time. The fire originated in the northwestern corner of the edifice, between the ceiling and the roof, and near the flue CiSht.mtitsiz with the Inducted furules. The nexteu and two boys were engaged in sweeping the church at the time, and although the fire was slow.y raging in the cockloft directly over their heads, they were utterly un conscious of its existence, until a citizen came into the Lending freni the street, and informed thaw of the den_ stet.. At that moment, and for several minutes after wards, no fire was visible anywhere, but the smoke could be distinctly observed, and the roaring and crackling of the flames were plainly perceptible to the ear. El a oat 11 heesll • ha ' aL,4 the ualast gancy Vo , (NOM _ fire, either wilfully or recklessly, in the locality where it commenced. This place was a dark and almost hermeti cally sealed cavern between the regular or outside roof and the false e r inside roof. The Are was, In my opinion, evidently caused by a defect in the furnace flue which was surrounded by wood work. The objection to this theory is, that the confla gration happened on Tuesday, and there had been no fire in the building, according to the statement of the sexton, sinoe the kiweedli,ii Rid , ,lay.. T 1 a gat/4'41 LiAtilltA that he kindled fire in the main furnace, for' the first time this season, on Saturday evening, and kept it going all Satur day night, Sunday, and Sunday evening—allowing it to die out by Monday morning I bee. be doubt that while the fitimene fire was in full Oast, a Fortner, of the woodwork in close proximity to the flue, ignited, and the fire, from its confined situation and the leek or draught, smouldered until Tuesday, when a strong wind front the northwest, which prevailed that day, mnetratine the erevicea of the building, accelerated Its slow progress and suddenly fanned it into flame. The hot-air furnace is aeloora altogether safe, even when the utmost scientific care and greatest mechanical skill are beetowed upon its construction, and its intro dveileie into any building is alwAyi. tendiglit with asses or lees danger. If the furnace itself is secure, and the flues are built of sufficient capacity for carrying off the smoke and heat, the latter are continually liable to be come defective from the action of coal gases on the cement of their masonry. flow weed is affected by am commit operation of caloric is now well known. The process of dcsiecatien will go on for hours, days, weeks, mot the, and even years, and finally end in spontaneous combustion. It has been clearly established that, by lobk sepesara la heat, timber is lotineht to such a eon'. &firm that it will take fire without the application of a light or epark. Allow LE., in conclusion, to express the hope that the church of St Paul may soon rise, Phoenix-like, from its i isbes,' all eke belyyhtat and purer from the fiery ordeal through which it has passed. 'Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ALEXANDER W. llt.s.citacair, Fire Marshal. TUE GRAIN ELEVATOIt.—The Phoenix Iron tompany has just finished and aro now shippieg the iron roof for the Pennsylvania granary building, at Prime etrcet wharf. The hulloing is 490 feet leas, to feet -Ade l there are thirty circular rafters, made of seven-inch-girder iron, weighing sixty pounds per yard, 16,ii feet apart, each curved 88 feet long. There iu laPternrigming through the whole length Of the building, 10 feet wide. The frame for supplying the conveyer running over twenty-three of the rafters, at en elevation of 15 feet above the columns. It is a splendid work, all coupled together meth strong iron bolts, stays, centre loops, purlin fastenings, braces, tangle and double ekewlmoke, &a., every piece 1114.1iie Lo wther in the most perfect manner. ROBBERY.—Some time on Friday afternoon the dwelling pflr, George W. Sheppard, No. no North Seventeenth street, was entered oy prying open a bases window. The thieves carried off several silk dr ssea, a number of gentleman's shirts, and about seventy pounds of flour. At the time of the robbery, the family of Mr. Elelppard were absent from the house. FUGITIVE FROM JUSTlCE.—Detectives SWIM'S and Levy arre,ted on Saturday a light mulatto named John Shultz ' who broke jail at Laucaater, where he wal calcium for burglary. Ha will be taken back toolay. ATTEMPT To PICK POCKETS.—A young man named Barney lif.clllienny was arrested on Saturday by 'Detective's Levy and lowers upon the charge of attempt ing to pI , K a Indy'. pocket. lla was Lela to answer kay - Alderman Driller. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. PHILADELPHIA, December 21,1881 Thb- brt.bk bb.rhet tbob firm bs_ilay, and the astirths of Yesterday was pretty well maintained. The news by the America at Ilalifax, to the effect that the exciteme t at in England over the Treat affair still continued, was more Axen offbt br the goud hewn from the war at ho its_ iSoniewhere in the neighborhood of two thousand shares of Reading Railroad stock were sold during the day at 163 to 16x, this market closing at 16%• Pennsylvania Railroad mock was woakoTj scllists at ilth' in small lots. The first mortgage hoods were steady tv 95x. Phila delphia city sixes sold at 62% for the old, and 88 for the new issue. The money marliel is Vbaracttrized Uy excesetve Hess. °all-loans, on good collateral, are more freely made to-day, and the animation and improved feeling 'Shown at the Stock Board are &little reciprocated among iii4ShPY- Mesa aro indications of a bettor state of things, and the excess of capital on band, beyond the demands of trade, will lead to renewed ease in the money market as the sickly fright produced by the war like news from llorvre bi. 355 haaltlifal tr d manly confidence in the future. The Miner's Journal says of the coal trade : The quantity sent by railroad this week is 38,309 08-- by canal, 6,003 02--for the week, 41, 'QI 10 tom, agaiuot 33,983 tons for the corresponding week last yoar. This week's report will e`lovr the shipments by the eanale f. .r this year. The decrease in the onPiY of ;41- tbracite Ilia year will exceed 600,000 tone. The trade sums up this week and for the season, compared with last year, as follows : _ ...- *rm.! TOTAL. WHEN., TOTAL. 1 ; --i- 1---1. P. & R. B. R.. 1,878,15ei 1,460,839 & . buy' ftoa.l.. '2,710 1,350,1791 2,0031,182.870 : L. Val. B. R.. ...... ' 730,6421 [ 743,672:, Lehigh OMR!" .. ... 1,091,032 1,604 994,705'4 Semi - awl S'th .1 16,761. 806,674 1h,288 . 801,148.'i Do. North 4,334' 241,497 5.0401 260,2511 Ph. coal co., , I 101,5 , 16 I 9 , 29.651. Del. & It. C10..1 ..... 409,566 I 22,04.1.1 Wyoming S'th, . 377,2771 1 253,7571 Do. North! 6106653,214 PrVid T0p.... 13,44 2 184,3671 7.149. 261,812 81161114 Am , ~. , I *OO 3 doLy:II 1,957 2.1%949 1 44,465 Troverton...., I 83,123 , Bh. Mt. U. T j 94,3311 1 63,404, Lykeils Val. "1 I 71,251 i 72,2431 30,990 8.371,306; ;7,801,639' I --, 56P.0571 The New York Evening Post or to•day says. The Stock 'Exchange early in the day had a buoyant apveartmee, the relief in money felt at the CiOell? of Waf flers yesterday, together with the favorable ad vices fram rotennte and DijoHntj, bringing forward new buy ors. 'ibis I lun) iincy wan immcdiatriy Our" , cni by a dowuw.l.l , l turn in prices on the receipt of the America's new=, \lllicit is regarded as unf.tvorable, inasmuch as it reports uhatement of the Mason and ilidell excitement in Miglithil, tier ;ioplioN of the Government from the extrrnie positien rind nFimmen nn the -nt.leet. The trinket after the board was weak. New York Ceaual itiAialti,k, Pacific Alai tik,tioBo6. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 16C1. Manny' in a HIM hitroinp again in FIEIMA 111111.1i0P11 tn-thty nt 6,t‘et7 per cent. The news by the AMBtitel, (*nag to unArttli. the market. Exeldume on London closed drill at 110%. The Assistant Treasmer hits made another call upon the Larks for, nialtito !to third Inekaltheat on the new Hulled Slat, s filleted stock. This is payable on Monday. and will kaye 9:43,000,000 undrawn on this account. Accorditm to the understanding, with Mr. Mese, when in New York, ti n • banks have the privilege Of ming' in demand notes and 1:10.10.011113 treasury ulnae. There is ten per tent. still dun on the ascend lifts , mil lions 7.30 treasurs notes; but Mr. Chain does nut call this at present, because, perhaps, the six per cent. turn year treasury notes would be employed largely by the banks in aliment The olserations of ihe United Stabs mi it are now nar rowed down to a small compass, and likely to remain no for some time to come. The returns at the New York assay office, this week, were 96450,000—leaving only about Siamoo in gold, and MOON in silver awaitinm reeoiniyte. The weekly bank statement of Monday will be looked fnr with considerable interest, 11,4 the specie reserve b 8131113 to lie Buffering a materiel depletion. The average is now pont IF9§,N9A9, Nptin§t which the Iteglid9llllalßilfer kiln tatleo nostahooll en the new fended stock, The new issue of Croton Water stock, amounting to $250,000, redeemable in 1883, was yesterday awarded to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund at par. in ordi nary thus, thin kind of stock is taken at a fair premium. We annex a comparative }Antoniont of the imports of foreign dry goods and general morchandi4e at the port of New York for the week ending December 19, and since January 1! TOR TliN WPM, 181,D, 1800, 1601, nt tiio p0rt....5F04 - z,zz9 a1a77 4 19i a344,T51 Thrown on mm•ket.... 2,2111,647 583,517 631,635 SINCR SANITARY FIRST. Entered at the p0rt.5107,724,992 $98,465,190 542,761,359 Throsl/1 on {Mirka, ./QVYTT,§42 44 1 114•Q0Q 45,9010/ The !lesion Commercial Dunelin announces the follow ing dividends: Washington Mills, Lawrence, a dividend of three par cot., pa) nble to holders of Ouch at the elo4o of 1 )11011o4 , 0 on the 14111 inst. Organised in 19)g, tilting the place of the Hay State Mills, which failed in 1857—present capital :$1,650,000. This is the first dividend. Middlesex Mills, Lowell, a semi-annual dividend of live Der cent., the emu am the Met, pueblo /5111 Met, Com menced in 1830.-mike woollen goods—capital 411.1alt),009. Hamilton Manufacturing Company, Lowell, six per cent., payable 23d inst. to holders of 1911,. Commenced in ]s2s—make cotton goods—capital $1,200,000. Appleton Company, Lowell, 0 per cent., Pavn ll l9 2:34 'nowt to Worm of 19th. Conunonnod in 1828—making sheetings and shirinas—capital $600,000. Naunikeag Steam Cotton Company, Salem, divide 4 per cent. Jatmary Ito holders of 14th instant. Commenced in 1819—cotton goods. lichury oiilin, Amentoiry, iltassarhosetss, 19 per cent., payable January I—a very fat dividend for six mound., considering the war times. Capital $710,000 woollen goods. Salmon Falls Manufacturing Company, Salmon Falls, 26, ILI divitln 4 Inv cent payable Pith inatnni. 4Vaaa meneed in 1822—capital 51,000,000—cotton flanuels, drills, etc. Boston and Worcester Railroad 4 per cent., payable to holders Dec. 18. Boston and Lowell Railroad O 3 per per Ago , . of Ploo—to holdoe4 Doe. 18. Boston and Maine Railroad 3 per cent., to holder. Dec. 20. Providence and Worcester Rallrovll 2 per did., to holders Dee. 22. Providence and Worcester Railroad." per cent., to holders Dec. 18—each payable January Ist. dividends are all semi-innualanos. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, December 21,1881. REPORTED BY S. X. BL AAAAA RR, Philadelphia Exchange 5 Penna it 50 d 0... 25 do b5..36% 6000 d0...C&P.... 82g 10 do UN 2000 do. Cit P oov ctf 81% 6 do.. Sox 600 do .now 88 10 do b 5 36% 600 do _now 88 50 Reading R b 5.. 16% -3 W Phila it 50% 60 do b 5.. 10% 7 6th & 6th-9t R.. 37 ' 50 do /ON forn cm4q Am qa '§T $,? 50 do 10% 16 cam AAm 11., ,1113 BETWEEN BOARDS. —.bs 38%138 Penna 11......24ye 86% ....b5 36%115 Beading R....3dys 16% 6SUOteito 10 N Lib 30 J 500 Oity 6s It G & 1 . ... 82 2000 Penna it let m 054' 500 do .... —now 88 1000 do 45 1 2000 Read 6e '86.55wa 73 1000 do 95% 1000 do_ • 73 104..0 do . . ..... 95% 10 roona B. 6 d 0... CLOSING P Bid. Ask MIA So 823 83 Phila Oa tIZA - Oa Phila 8s new... 87x 88 Pasha be 77 78 Reading R avodiPs 1. 3 d4 "10 80 . Ei'dgln 08'00'43 ?2jfj 0i Read hI 6e'80.. 73 73N Penna. B. 36X 36X Pence 112dm 03 83 84 Norrio CI Con.. moms oI rrei.ior los Bth NM 68132 Bch Nav Imp 0€ Bch Nay stock §ch xa. Pref Tho Flour market is unchanged, the demand toe} for illipiampt and home vac [mina- very small erde. Include about 700 Ws in lots at $5.75 far extra, and $0 ctir bbl for family. To the trade, prices range at $5.2566 a 64 SVr common and good superfine $5.62,3 a 0.25 for ex tra and extra family, and 56.50a7 for fancy Draws, as in quality. RYE Fr.onte is scarce and selling at $4 cicv bbl. CORN MEAL is also scarce, and a further salo of 300 labia Penna. Meal is reported at S 3 IP LW. WnEsr.—The offerings are light to-day and the mar ket is dull; about 2,000 bush prima Penna. red sold at 135 c, in store, and 3,000 bush white at 145 e, for prime Southern, afloat. rtra 1 alai7 - and Pennsylvania is selling In lots at ".3¢i a ".3¢i Mc, chiefly at the former rate. • CORN 18 cowing in more freely; Bales reach 8,000 bush at 56m60c for new yellow, afloat, an to condition; 62 for old and now mixed, and 640650 for old, in store and OATS are dull and lower, with sales of 6,000 rush at 40c for Pennsylvania, in store, and 39c for Delaware, afloat. BARLEY AND MALT are quiet, and the former scarce. Patin it meetly nith fuetnet - seies o M‘ds 4* . t .ttv, i. at NO tfr ton. COTTON.—The market is quiet. and prices about the same; the demand, however, is limited. 080CERIES AND PitoYisioss.—There in 110 1:10W fea ture, and very little doing in the way of IRMOS. SERDS.—The demand for Cloverseed continues limited, and small bales only are reported at 54.00 4Pr bu. Flax• styli is wanted at $2lO 4P . bu. WIIISKY is dull bids sell 1ir114 . 0 Ut 16;10 New York Stock 5000 V S fie 'Bl reg.. 87 20600 U 8 Os '6l coup. 60X 11000 U S Os '74 coup. 50,( 20000 Missouri St 65.. 39 2000 du 3.9.( 18000 d 0...... .blO 39,h 1000 Cal St To 10)0 7000 do 76 10000 N Y 4: en Os.. 010 91 6009 NCB pclstni F (: bde....510 93 2000 CB 5 - .o.llapcb 6436 1000 Mich So 9 F Sae 77 2000 11l Cen A bonds 1500 C&NWSFbds 80 20000 Ch & N W Ist in. 37 1000 Cu Cl kir/tube 70 25 Uniou Batik.... 82 10 Amer Ex Bank. 80 5 do 79% 20 Market Bank... 80 ie di,' 030 87 85 do ... 88% 100 hi Y Ceu B. .elO 77,1( 100 do 010 77% 400 (10.., AAA -113 77 if 1500 do 77X 160 do blO 773 i 300 do 1)35 771{ 100 do 1)10 77.1; 100 do. 010 77.1' 10 Trie ttailiy..l)lo 27X 50 do 1)30 27 34 100 do 1)10 27% 270 do 27X 170 8. ...... .. . . 27K 200 do 140 2731 airk PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS.—NEARLIIR LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL NEER& 01133118% BOIL& B- ZdASERIII BWPIHB, and FOUNDERS, baling, for many mini been in successful operatloni and .been exclusively M. gaged In building and repairing Marine and River %t -enets, high said low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, dm, roepectfully Mier their service. k the public, as being fully prepared to contract for MP ginee of all sizee, Marine, River, and Stationary, havi* sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to ewe cute orders with quick despatch. Every description Pi Pattom making made at the Pherteeleeti9e. High and Low Pressure, Me l Tuludar, and tiylitator Denere, of the beet Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forging's, of dues and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all ob. ecriptions ,801 l Turning, Strew Cutting, and all Mar work connected with the above business, Drawings and specinustions for all work done at establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied. The subecribers have ample wharf dock room for ra• pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, alai are provided with Mom bleekel faui, fie., 4ton ter raising !levy or light weigh% JACOB 0. EXAM, JOHN P. LEVY, BEACH and PALMIER Streets. 417,317 172,809 113,030 d 06,327 d C,,526 18,754 71,888 1207,678 123,520 270 77,445 30,511 1 33,66 g ; 411,927 992 311,447 . T.E01,049 1 '120,9901 I 8,401 i (LLD LEAD-8 barrels just received 'V' per schooner Amalia, for sale by J URETCHIG R CARSTA IRS, neT 202 and 204 Snnth FRONT Siti•nAt. 11133 T BOARD. 3694 1800 Cty Gs K. 13 0 CLP 82% NS SOO K 3 O C&P.. 82% IDES-STEADY Bid. Ask. Elmira P. Pre!. 84 94 Elmira 70 '7O". Long Island B. 94 104 Leh Cl & Nay.. 48 48% Leh Cl & N Scrp 32 334 N Parma 4,4 5 P.rmo t5 1 5a.. 53 06 N Penna. 10a ... 70 78 Carawissa Pref.. 3%. 44 Frkfd & Southli 37 2d& 3d ate B.S. 47,i( ilitoviTrao emu " W Phila R clog 51% Spruce & Pine.. Bh . 8% Green & Goatee 15% 18% 'Cheat & Walnut 30 .. 16% 1634 10 11 Philadelphia Markets. Dzeminsit 21—Evening ,ng slowly at 206220 Me, and 'xchange—Dec. 21. 100 Erie RaIPy...BOO 27 350 do 100 - do ~ ** ..blO 50 do blO 27g 100 do 810 27 100 do al5 27 300 Erie Rairr Pr.„ 48g 00 du 510 46x -100 Bud Riv R.... 030 35g 100 du 351( 100 Harlem R....... 10% 25 do ...... /1 50 do ia 11 50 Harlem B Pref.. 27 100 Reading 11 33 225 Mich Can 8.."n0 45 100 do 45 125 do blO 44 50 do .. 44% 100 do US 15 300 do 413 i 200. .... 4-1 h 100 51 aet . /Tx 200 do 11% 5 MS dcNIGSEk.. 38 50 do elO 31314 100 do .. . . .. 38% 10 Panama .. 110 X 50 do hl3llO 10 Cle Col &Cm 11 . 101,1( 2475 (Rev fic To' R.... 30 MU do 830 30 ato do 030 30X 100 do .. .. . 90S1 .21.7 Chi & . 46 200 d0............45% 600 do 45% 50 do b3O 46 50 do b 10.46% 50 do 015 46 50 do el 5 45% SO Chß& R._ 59.% I 03 MiIkPDuC R.. 18 50 Penn Coat Cu., ! To 30 }tome & Wht 35 156 Pike NI $S C 0... Mx 260 do 86% 75 do .030 8636 100 do. Eio 88%; MACHINERY AND IRON. 4r. Juitif IL 4364.11, ' WILLIAM R. MZEIMOIC HARTLEY MiWag, SOUTHWARY: FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTBENTIIII MUMMA. lIIMICK 5 MONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture Sigh and Low Pressure Steam MeArkuia for land, river, and marine service. Mailers, Gasometers, Tanks. Iron boats, km; Ili& Ingo of all kinds, either iron or brass. !' Iron-Yrame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshoys, - Mdir road Stations, Am Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and goal Every description of Plantation Machinery, gig& as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pane, Open Steil Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Se. Solo Agents for N. Eillieux's Patent Sugar Bain*" ADparbtue NOOIIOIIOI PsWnt t3iffu.P gammory and 4 4 . folswall 8 Wolsey's rites llontrilngst Mutsu Dratufsis Machine. attliAt BUSINESS NOTIC pItACTICAL AND ANALYTIOAL CDEMISTEY.—The Laboratory of the subscribeis Is open daily, from 9 A. M. to 8 P. N., for Analyses Of Oran. animus, Wotan, &o. Also, for the Instruction of Students in Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology. Opinions given in Chemical questions. Special Instruction in MEDIOAL UHEMISTIT. - JAMES 0. BOOTH, T8.05_ 11_ GARRETT. J. REESE, M. D., oc4-En No.lo OHANT Street, Tenth, below Market. VEIN WELSH ? Practical SLATE tI sacra's, Tarsi, street end ettikleSTOWll Bead prepared to put on any amount of 800 PING, o the moat MODERATE TERMS. Will guaranty to make every Building perfectly Water-tight opir Orders promptly attended to. a EVANB 4i WATSON'S sewaderwine sArii STORE, i lii bOUTH FQIIIITH STBZETt rtiLGADlSTantiet) re, AL taw variety of nsz-rßoor SLIM alwayv an hand. (IOTTON BAIL DUCK aad (lAN AJ VAN, of on number, and brands. RPITEM'S Duck Awning chinT ,Of all deanritalonn• for Tents, Awnings, Tvnnke, Wgon Covers. AL., Mamilutepure Drier Feu ftolllioll (set wide. Tarp/Luling, Belting, MB Tame, /0. JOHN W. HVERMAN 1 00., 100 JOWltal Agar: CIRCULAR P R INT ING, REST and Cheapest in the City, at ILINGWAVr & Tatnu W. A 4 izniitt, THIRD StraM RILL- HEAD PRINTING, BE 8 T .1 • end Chonripat in the oily, at BINCIWALT ISBOWICO, 84 south TIMID Street. ao2o RETAIL DRY GOODS. HOLIDAY DuESS GOODS. The following goods ere doeirable for Christmas Gifts Low twice.] DoLaines and Calk:nos. Willi , English and French (Minims. Brilliant Figures new American lie Laines, preotinp Gown Stuffs of Gay llaqhmertis. French Figuriii Dn 'mine, mat Fence Plain 'Poplins and Rich Styles of Eninglines. Plaid Flannels, Bright Broche Dross Goods. Blankets, Table dial Piano Covers, (iloyes, Warm Silk and Cloth Gloves. 11111111171 and liars Quo4a Silk Handl:err:ldd , , Fr, nch Linen Cambric Ildkfe. Black Silk Cravats, Scarfs, and Neck Ties. Mill and Fancy Silks, Rich Black Silks. Blanket Shawls, Brodie Marino Shawls. RR% delB. f/HRSTNITT and EIGHTH d,reete._ TfI'OLEON BLUE FRENCEI A.l MEltilp, . _ P _ ark Brown Iderinoca. Garnet Blue and Green Reps. ?!lageuta Figured Merinues. EYRE & GANDELL, FOURTH and ABC/Li. A LL-WOOL FIGURED DE .C 1 LAMES. Ma g enta Fi g ured Do Ultima. Polka Soot Do WM. Itemre Printed Do balm. NYRE x LANDIgLL, delB FOURTH and ARCH. GARNET BLUE AND G EE N REPS. All-Wool Fine Reps. Rich Printod Reps. Elolferino Figured Reps. 11 1 /lIR h LANDELL, FOURdit & ARCH HOLIDAY PRESENTS. pelailich at, 1S max, Calicoes, 12, cents. Dina and tansy 01115 Flandkrrchlcfs, Neck-Tics, Gloves, Gents' Shawls. Misses' and Lodi s' Shawls in variety. Nice assortment of Dress Goode. Dalineral OkiTts iu great variety, at J. 111 OTO/CriVil 702 ASCU Street. N. 13.—nn band, Tack-straws and Solitaires, made by and sold for an invalid. They are nice games as well aa presents, and any on, would confer a favor by purchas irK AM *ism., HEAVY CLO A KINGS. Brown ai.d - Blank Sealskin, 75e to $1.50. cbaap heavy Coatings and Makings FILIO Blank tiltittin and tit 111171 - 01 Good stock Caestuieree at old prices. COOPER & CONARD, S. E car. NINTH and MARKET. HOUSE FURNISHING DLLY GOODS.—SIIEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, di ADDISON, Importers and Dealers In Linen, and House Furnishing Dry Geode, etc. Bare now on hand a full saeortment Linn flncylinse Table Clothe ' b elating, Table, Diaper Towelling, uio., etc., imported under the old tariff, or bought a great sac- N.B.—Five per cent. allowed on purchases as above, If raid for on delivery. no1:711 NVILL CONTINUE TO SELL UN TIL JANUARY let, our entire stock of BLANKETS at the old price!. Will Aran THIS DAY a largo stock of all Wool Than. nets. Onr 25 cent White Flannels are the boat In the city. Very handsome neat styles DeLainea at 1810; hand- BOMB dark grounds, all Wool, at 31 and 37 cents. CO WANILTN WAIT it COol des-tf N. W. corner NTONTR and MARliliT. LEGAL. ESTATE OF GEO. W. FAKNUIII, DECEASED. Letters of Administration upon the Estate of GEORGE W. ilegemed, baying been granted to the undersigned by the - Register of wine, fur the city And county oh Philadelphia, all persons indebted to said Estate will please wake payment, and those having claims present then, to JAMES EDWARD F S.R.NU ill. Admin istrator, Nn, Ott 3outh FRONT Stmt.. deg titOt NOTICE .-LETTERS TESTA. DIENTARY to the Estate of LEWIS B. TAY LOR, deceased, baring been granted to the undersigned, aii persons °Wm,: a g .irist Est3lA4 Al-4 i'.6- 1/ nosh d to present them for settlement, and those in dented to make payment to GI.7OIIGE W. TAYLOR, SAMUEL L CREUTZBORG, 1.41,0 hr. n. TAIT TONT ? de9•mOtW B. F. cor. of FIFTH awl NIA Sta SHERIFF'S SALES. p m . FIEBIFF'S bALE.—By virtue of a 1.-.1 writ of leyttri facies, to me directed, will be expund to public sale, et the hotel of Ortlip b Brother, in the vil lage of NEWARK, in White Clay Creek Hundred, New Castle counts . , Delaware, on TUESDAY, pooled= 241 instatt, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described real estate; viz: All that certain tract or parcel of land situate in White Ctay Creek and Pencader Hundred, in New Castle county, and Mate Of Delaware, described as follows, to wit; Be ginning at a corner-stone in the middle of the public road between Newark and Coocbe's mill, it being a corner of laud of George Rumen, thence by a line of said land along the middle ot said road south five dogreee, east 24 perches to a corner of the said James 0. Martin's tarsi, thence by the raid land south 86 and three-quarters degrees, west 4 perches end a quarter of a perch to a poet, another corner of said Martin's land, thence still by the same south 15 perches and two-tenths of a perch to the northwestern Mir Of itic rbitisoeipide l Wilmington, and F3a3cialorc> Rail road, thence by the said side of the railroad south 71 and a quarter degreee, we-t 132 perches and three-quarters of a perch to a cc./ ner of land of Thomas Bradley, thence pith a line of that land north 10 degrees, west 78 perches and tv, o-teninslo a corner-stone, Thence by the "N.lllll, south 86 dement', west 49 and a half perches to a corner- Slone in a line of land ot Andrew Kerr, thence by that line north live degrees, west 80 perches and six-tenths to a Min, a corner of laud formerly of Philip Lewis, de cement by that land tenth of degos-r, ?mil 00 mi nutes, east 86 perches to a stone, thence north 88 and a half degrees, east 13 porches and two-tenths to a corner stone, thence still by the mama land, north nine degrees, west 37 perches to a atone, a corner of land formally of Alexander Annorson, deceased, thence by a lino or that land north 12 di:frees, east 24 pooches to a stone, a corner of land late of A ndri wK Russell deceased, thence oy t uat land south 80 and a half degrees, east 31 and a half perches to a mrner stone tie nee by the same north 10 and a pelf deArcre, neat 46 to a comer scone in a RtSe of land fennerly of Philip Lewis, deceased, thence that line south 06 and a half degrees, cast 130 porcine. and seven-tenths of a perch to a corner stone in the middle of the aforesaid public road, thence along the aolddlo of ...Ad „--4 7 a boaa3ary P r ocher lAnd of the said Andrew K. Bursa, aeceasetl, south 7 degrees, west 32 perches to a corner stone, thence by another line of said est mentioned land south 87 degreee, east 36 and eight tenths perches to a corner sassafras tree, in a line of land of the o f or o s ald C o oped. Runnel', thanes by that 1111 A south 4 degrees and forty-fire minutes, east 78 perches to a corner, formerly a maple tree, now within the limits of the aforesaid railroad, and thence with another line of said Russell"-, land north .89 and a half degrees, west 94 perrhre to the place of Lesirminia, eoravdaing - within acid bounds two hundred and sixty-one acres and two rods, more or lees. seized and taken in execution tie the property orTh.tuas txecntor, and Charlotte Martin. executrix of Janie Martin, Sr., dOcemed, charlotte atarti4, wi4ow of the said James S. Martin,Sr., deceased, and surviving mortgagor and terre-tenate and to be sold by ATI B. MOORE, Sheriff. !Merlin! Office, New Castle, Dec. 5, 1841. etiectioh of 6.i.:oltAlikki. Aka ethers fa par ticularly called to the above described prooerty. It is situated on the border of the thrifty, beautiful, and prosperous village of Newark, Delaware • it is in a high stele of cultivation, and highly improved• having upon it co-tb r end hs,rdsonle n.a.nslon house, aao.,d farm lt.w.tat„ and several tecard houses, barn, carriage house, and all convenient out-buildings—on the line of the P., W. and R, Railroad, in a highly moral and intelligent neigh borhood, convenient to churches. schools, and mills, wed le In erPry- respect a. desirable 6i444it3, Ad 60. 5 ,4 t 45, a Fretalrman of refined taste and wealth. deli-trawtde24 SBERIFFT 8;%L1 1 1.—By virtue of - a writ of ler. facial. to me directed, krill be expend to public sale, at the Hotel of Hi tlip & Brother, In the Wage of Newark, in White Clay Creek Hundred, New Castle county, Delaware, on TUESDAY, December 24th l stn, si 1 o'clock P. M, the fallowing described RE AL ES'I ATE, viz All that lot, piece, or parcel of land lying and situate in 'Pencader Hundred, county of New Ca:tie, and State of Delaware, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stake on the east side of the road leading from Newark to Coocho'd Bridge, and running and bounded by the P., W., and Daltintoro Baur tad to another point on the south aide of the railroad, thence a southerly, course to a stake in a lino of Jas. S. Martin's laud. thence eagerly to a stone in the wan road afore said, thence by and with Wit roast to plavo 91 Inginniqg containing within the atoroaitia bounds ono acre pad three roods of land, be the same more or less. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Thal. M. Martin and Charlotte Martin, executor and executrix of Jas. B. Martin, Br., deceased, Charlotte Martini widow of the said James S. Martin, Sr., deemed, and suffering mortgagor, and three tenants, and to be sold by LEVI B. IIIOCEE, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, New Castle, December 6, 1861. . tf, aoove property is situated within a mile of the beautiful fillsgr of f swerh, iS has 6 e.n improved and beautified at a considerable expense, hav ing upon it a large double three-story brick building, adapted to the purpose of a first-,lava hotel, boarding bowie, or boardingichrdi for tbelf!tter 9` which purposes it vas ionn(iny ung. Tile grounds arc handsomely laid out and improved, and possess aliteouisite and conve nient out buildings. It is seldom that such an opportu nity and desirable investment offers. deli-fmwtde24 WINES AIND LIQUORS. PURE PORT WINE. DUQUE DO PORTO WINE. BOTTLED IN PORTUGAL IN 1820. Phreietans and invalids in want of a reliable article of pure Port Wine can be supplied by inquiring for the above wine at CANTWELL & KENNER'S, Pautharigt earner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. HENN EF.SY , VINE-YARD PRO prima's, Waiter, Trieoebe & Co, Marett, Pinot, Mot other approved brand* of MOOSAO itti.A.R.l5V, for tale, in bond and from store, by CANTWELL & KEPNER, Boutheaet corner GERMANToWN Avenue and MASTER Street. STUART'S PAISLEY MALT Buchanan's Coal IlaWhiski, Old TOM Gin, Old London Gin, London Oorititti ti7n, tivtdou'e In bond and store. CANTWELL & ILEFVEB, Southeast corner GIGIINANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. ZOUAV'E CHAMPAGNE.—A new brand—an excellent article. Imported and for sale at It price to snit the times, by CANT WELL & E6F PER corner of GERMANTOWN Avenue and MAnTER street. RUDESHEIMER-BERG, LAUBEN UEIMEB) and tiOcIUIRMER WINE, in easel Of one Gown Wince 'multi warrantee pure. Imported and for sale low Dv OANTWELL & KEFFEIL tomb saed corner GERMANTOWN Menne and MASTER Street. VIIIIYIERMAWS DM CATAWBA WlNE.—This approved brand of Oincuinati wine, the best article ont for "cobblers," for Nile pure, bot tled and in eaves, by OA NTWELL d HEFFEIL south east corner GERMANTOWN AUDIO Aral MASTED strut. ee24•6m ROCHELLE BRANDIES.—PeII evoi sin, A. &Agnate, and Alex. Baguette, in half-pipet., antavag, far gale, in bond, ha JAUSETCIII k IAIIaTAIIM, 202 and 201 South PROST Street. ang2-tf COGNAC BRANDY.—Pinet, Castil- Trico , ch, do CO., ali.l4Vhb Al nb r Man ger .and Hennessy Brandy, for sale in bond by JAU BETCHE & CABSTADIS, 202 and 204 South MONT Street. 0c22-tf BORDEAUX BRANDY.-46 Pack agee J. J. Dupuy Brandy, in bond, for eale by the eote agents, JAURETCHE & CA,RSITAIRB, 202 and !&M titonth FRONT Street. oc2J-tf TIOTELS. AOARD.—THE UNDERSIGNED. Late 91 tile Qtß ELME, Philadelphia ! hart leased, fora term of years, WTitlatnft'a EIOTSP, Washington. They take this occaeiou to return to their old Weeds and customers many thanks for past favors, sad beg to assure them that they will be most happy to ippe pinm in their new InaFtere. 45111.110V102., 1c dd. Watilintetaii July 18,1801. eniB3-17 COMMISSION HOUSES. FROTHINGIIAM Sc WELLS, U SOUTH FRONT AND 30 LBTIT/A OTUNEITI OFFER FOR MALI BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS, BIIIRTINGS, DRILLS, JRANS, SILECIAS, CANTON FLANNELS, MASSACHUSETTS, GREAT FALLS LACONIA, LYMAN, EVERETT, DWIGHT, LOWELL, CABOT, irowifin, crucorfiu, ana HAMPDEN, BARTLET MILLS LIKEWISE, A FULL ABBOUTDININT OF SHAWLS, BEAVER CLOTHS, TRICOTS, CASSIMERES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS, BLANKETS, AND ARMY GOODS, es JEOM THE WAIIIIINQTQN (Lon P.4.T 07411 1 1) LEI) ()THEE Mum. uei.3rn QHIPLEY, HAZARD, & kJ HUTCHINSON, No. 112 OHESTNUT STREET, IMBI.P3SION M BOHANTEI KM VII 11.1111 PHILADELPHIA-MADE -em C+OODS. ito MILITAXV GUI IDS ANDREWb' ORIGINAL CAMP, OR TRAVELLING BED TRUNK. For Rule by W. A. ANDREWS. nol6-2m No. 012 CHESTNUT Stmt. (POIAit Applied for) ARMY CON TRACTORS AND SUTLERS wrruxn WITH BRUSHES et We lowest ratea Always on hand, a large itoel of CAVALRY BRUSHES, Government standard; WAGON BRUSHES. Government standard; And every Deeeriaton of Snorkel required for the Army . gEMBLE ife VAN HORN, oelti-A 321 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. ARMY FLANNELS. WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., 116 CHESTNUT STREET, axe prepared to make contracts, for immediate delivery, at WHITE DOMET FLANNELS, AND ALL WIJOIs INDIGO BLUE FLANNELS, A Government standard. 001-tf CADET MUSKETS AND EQUIP— IIIENTP.—We have just made to order a lot of su perior MUSKETS suitable for Philadelphia Cadets. They aro light and neat. such as oficrt P4lf9nt woald wish to place in the Banda or [Mir NOUN affording nealthiut oz ercise without being so heavy as to itunre the spine. Also, CADET EQUIPMENTS made to Mask() pat tern. PHILIP WILSON & CO., nn30.1 rn 432 0111 BTNATT fitrett, DRUGS AND cnEiniuALs. IIOBERT StIOEMAKER & CO.. Northeast Clymer FOURTH and RAGE t3tre,ogh PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS ? IMPORTERS AND DEALERS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. pIEANIIPACTURERS OF WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAIN* PUtTY, &ci AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. larA/-341 I UST IU per " Annie Kim VP ball," from Liverpool, Mender, Weaver, & Man. Imre preparations: 25 the Extract Atonttt. in 1 11 tars, 25 the 1R xtraet Hyoscryami, in 1 lb jars. 50 be Extract Belladonna, in 1 &jar& 100 fbs Extract Taraxaci, in 1 tb jars. geD R m Yin fis cochid, in I tb bottles. 100 the 01 tincond ituct.,in lib beetle& 600 the Calomel, in 1 lb bottles. 500 the pit illydrarg., in lib tare. Wlt'r tIERILL & 8R01112.1t, mbP 47 end 4P 'enrol 31bfum0 Strews LOU KIN 1.4 GLASSES, IMMENSE REDUCTION LOOKING GLASSES. OIL PAINT/NOB, lINGRAVINGEI, PICTURE AND PHOTOGRAPH risalno. JAMES S. EAItLE & SON, 1116 CHESTNUT STREET' ennonuoe the reduction a lib per cent. in the prices of all he - Manufactured stock of Looking Gleams j skfth fn dagravingn, Picture and Photograpo Framoe, OU Paint ka. The largest and met elegfint itwilLetlP 4 1 . the :onntry. Aram, opportunity ta now offered to make pure threes hi this line For Oath, at remarkably Low Prime EALRLE'S GALLERIES, 111 18 1./MOT - NUT e4trl4et. GAOL E ALES. MATERIAL'S FOR MINCE PIES. outs it .1.4 , YEA it A ZSIN'S, SULTANA AND SEEDLESS RAISINS, CITRON; CURRANTS, SPICES, SIFEE r CIDER, irIiVES, ex. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINII MMUS, do6•tf Corner of ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. Ai_lB`!"Lm'olin,E4,Lo.)..B. EtwoliEbi.RMloNeeGN2o.ll 2, &Si IaOIIICREL, large, medusa, and small, in assorted sokases of choice, late-eanght, fat fish. 6,000 bbls. New Halifax, Eastport, and Labrador Her. lngs, of choice qualities. 0,000 boxes extra new scaled herrings. 8,000 boxes extra new No. 1 Herrings. 11,000 boxes large Idagdaline Herrings. E6O bbls. Mackinac Whitt Fish. 60 bbla. new - Economy Melte Elhai. 26 bbls. new Halifax Salmon, 1,000 quintals Grand Dana 0001150. 600 boxes Herkimer Comity Cheese. In store and landing, for sale by MURPHYd KOONS, en 6 NO, 14d NORTE 1111 A flYlPfl CABINET FUJIN [TIT RE. n Al$llll7 FURNITURE AND BIL LIARD TABLE& MOORE & CAMPION, No. 281 E)onth BIGOOND Street, conneetiob with their eitotioive ()ablaut 131111119111 1 :too mannfleturnat a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, ind have now on baud a full supply, finished with the iioollll .11 CAMPION'S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, Adds are pronouuued, by all Whe ilaye heed them, to be superior to all othern. trot the oiality and firdsh of these Tablee the menu p,cturera refer to their numerous patrons throughout the gnion, who are familiar with the character of their work. an2s.firri FitEbH MINCED MEAT_ The e h heerther hsgs leave to Inform the public that flu is again propane to etrer bin jninly coleircisva NE PLUS ULTRA MINCED MEAT, In large or small quantities. Orders through De spatch Pout will he punctually attended to, JOSHUA WRIGHT, SPRING GARDISN and FIIBNICLIN Streets, 0018.2 m Philadelphia. SPRING 43-ARDEN FRUIT AND PRODUCE STORE STIi.L AREAD.—The sub scriber takes this method to inform Ws patrons, and the Italie generally, that ha has removed his Fruit and Pro! duce Store to No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street, where he is now prepared to keep up a full supply of Apples, Potatoes, Saeet Potatoer, Cranberries, Nuts of all kinds, Dried Fruits (both Foreign and Domestic), Butter, Eggs, Po-..liry, Ate, Ac. Able, _EXTRA. FAMILY FLOUR, Buckwheat Plour, and Corn Neel. All of which he will sell its low SS can be bought anywhere in the city. Bring thankful for past favors, to those who have to liberally patronized him heretofore, the subscriber moat zeepvcstuilr .011,lie a ebiAliVellike.e of their yettronags, and invites all other:, to give him a call, at his new place, where he has superior facilities for supplying all with everything in his line, on the most reasonable terms. My motto is : "To live and let live; quick sales, and eioon profits) ) Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. B. Z. GOTTWALS, 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. STECAM-geOURING AND TALlitni- ING done at the shortest notice. HENRY B. BASCOM, 137 SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. ff. BASCOM'S plan for the times is to recommend ennui to bring shirk old 010tt...8 to kin., oral have them made new. Also, their Clothe, and have them Buildup. ably made up. dolo-ly LAMY SHADE MANUFACTORY OF V. (MARRS, Boutheast corner of NINTH and ARCH Streets, . Wholesale Establishment. Roan Store, opposite., No. 831 ARCH Street, For CATEVOIIit , I3CP of Lady eastomers, who will find there the most suitable article for a Chrlstrtuul present. no2S-tdeSl GUNNY BAGS-60 BALES FOR oat. by JAURKTOH & lOARSTAIRBI n 029 202 Routh FRONT Stmt. A IiDEFCO Oa. CO. CA.RI3ON OIL-1.000 tails. to arrive. For solo in lot& by nth ells- SEIORER & 00. 4 dol2-luk* 28 South DELAWARE AVonue, SALO $Y A17417/11,11, FURNESS, BRINLEY, A; CO ., No. 429 MARKET crfnuirr SAT.F. UY lAt I , olVrk! El AND IlliV CLIOII4. On Friday M ons jug, Deietobor 27, at I 0 o'clock, C 114119 by catalogue -too I,.tw of faney and utapto imported dry G9tt Is. Nil^ bumph. and catalogue], tardy on mornyng .if node. ^ • . M. IL SMITII, AUCTI()NEEIt, 503 CHESTNUT Stroet. above Sixth. BEAUTIFUL .110LIDAY WWI VALUABLE AMY fATALill , Altb 0.411 U 4. ( i Monday and Tuesday At 7 o'clock, without riria - vii for mall, 1,000 lots of the moat choice and valoalito coilevtion of hooka over offend to the public, richly- hound and lientitiftilly illna trutntl, iimitahl. for t h e holiday., hotel! the Shwa Luitlati nod Anieriean Ahhotehird ialithin 'Waverly Novels, Irvingen Wert, Inirtan, Waverly Oallery, Laves of the Poeta, C o urt of Napoleon, Women of Beauty, Parable', of Lord, 11,41 It NF. PAN COAST, AUCTIONKEit, • Succoanor to It. Roott. 0111CSTNEIT ltltlli .!410Y GOODS, OHL NA WAk.V., Ae. ' This Morning. December 23. at 10 o'clock, a general assortment of rich ponds, &F.., in loft to suit plirchaa ors. beguiled will lin French (ane. tea Nag, pariiin and rieh chino VIM& Bohemian glassware, fine wax dolls, German toys, games, &c., being a very large and minsindly attractive assort ment of Hee mid desirable goods, well worthy special attention of pureinoierc 1114 - Goods arranged for examination early oil Morning of Halo. PC7 - NVill be a rranged for examination early on morn ing of Halo. HALF OF AfYi Mirk:4;i ANDlttatil) DUN GOODS, E BROIOERI ES, RI Eli ONS, MILLI NERY GOODS, NOTIONS, /to., by eattlogite. • On Tnoaday Morning, December 24, cognmonning at 10 o'clock pterlogly, EMDIG/ GIB Brno, /in invoice of very rich enibr, iderins for linlidny consisting in port of sets, collars, handkerchiefs, waint4, rubes, &c., Bc._ ➢IILEINEIIY GOODS litoi Immirt ribbon a, tronnut mairrinini FrcncU tloirna black and fancy featlwrs, ,Y c. PEILFIDIERY. COLOGNE, Ace. Also, an invoice of fine perfumery, extracti, colognol, Fon:adi a. Four iit,giunv (Mang, ORRIIINTLIWIT MiIEIC Alpo, ladies', gents', tool child, en's hosiery and gloves; zephyr knit nublos, hoods, scarts, sentass ; notions, stuck goods, hoop ekirte, &c. FURS. FURS. FURS. LARGE SALE OF LADIES' FANCY FURS, ROBES, &c. On Thunelay 'Morning, December 20, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. B. B.OPPIN, AUCTIONEER. I 4. 42 MARK ET STREET. AT FE VATS SALE An inveiceuf •` 01 , 1141von," or Japanese Loather, suits* Ide for hook-binders' use; a very fine imitation of Rllstlia leather, the first importation of the kind Into this country FITZPATRICK it, 8R06.. ' .111VI• AUCITIONEICRII, 604 CHESTNTTT Street. above Sixth. CIIRISTMA6 AND NEW-YEAR. PRNSENTS Sale oYory eyonipir., at 7 o'clock, of a splendid assort- Mont of fancy goof's, bilTer.piatcil ware, clocks, watches, jewelry, cutlery, fancy stationery, annuals, gift books, illustrated works, in elegant Linings, juveni'.e books, Are. Also fine albums, portfolios, work-boxes, Ace. Also, a fine collection of foreign sea shells, and an immense Tarim, vitancy uc , a4. every a.,,,0ri5t.10., PRIVATE SALE. During the day, at average auction prices. Consignments aclicitud for eirhur public or private to unit the convenience of coneictiere. dur Out-door sales promptly attended to. Chum moderate MEDICINAL DR. VERNON PIERPOINT, MIMIRER Or TITE ROYAL COLLEGE - OF PHYSICIANS, ENGLAND, Anther of "Skin Disemee end their Remedies," and tiDineesse of the Rectum)? Day be consulted at WA Residence, 1012 WALNUT ErTBEETI rIIIhAPELrg.I.4., !'ROY O'CLOOK A. M. TILL 8 O'OLOCK P. At, OR R # ,. .FrpI?iTMF!T7T, htia been gbeciaiir stleoggful iii his tromment of 149 following dieoaeee: SKIN DISEASES of Every Nature, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, and DISEASES of the EEC lIISI. n025-tf GLUTEN CAPSULES of PURE COD-LIVER OIL. The repugnance of moat patients to con-LIVER OIL, end the mammy - of rossny to taLe it t adl ? has in duced varione forms of disguise for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them answer in special cases, but mere often the vehicle neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving quite as unpeleteMe and of kw, therapetzlic ',due. Tl.o eaidia- Dance, nausea, &c., to hp:slime induced by disgust of the Oil, is entire•y obviated by the use of our CAPSULES. COD-LIYEIt OIL CAPSULES have boon much used lately in Europe, the experience there of the good re- Bunn from their use in both t,vopltat iced prisms aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for them, reeling assured their use will result in benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER, de94.1 1412 Al ALNLIT Street, Philadelphia. CONSUMP TION. WINCHESTER'S genuine preparation of DR. .T. F. CIiTTROITILL'S BYT'OPHOSPEIITES OF LIME AND SODA, A gr....M., 11.,4a - ,ly. foi 41., 4, 4ittiumit. of COggrtri"rl43l4. The great success which has attended the use of the Ilypophospbites is creating a very general inquiry, not only among the medical profession, but also nab thottsaads who &rattail - tying from PulMOuary Disease. In all Nervous 'or Scrofulous Complaints, Debility, Los. of VITAL POWER, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and Female WeakneeseN it is a sovereign and invaluable re aw,4. Price $l, or six bottles for LkS, with full directions. Cirmlars may be obtained by all inquirers. Sold whole sale 'and retail, by. S. C. UPHA)tf,• alo CaI.F. , 3TitUT Street, Bole agent for Philadelphia. Trade supplied n027-ufrn3m SPERM &TORII HEA.—ON kl TO SIX Boxeo of wiriuriEn sa'd orEOIVIC MA." will permanently cure any case of Seminal Weakness, or its resulting. inipcvency, however aggravated, and whether recently developed or of long standing. READ TIIE TEST/N9NT, . . We btliovo it to by as near G specific at any medi cine can he. We Imre cured many severe cases with from bIE TO TEN DOSE& "B. KEITH, DI. D." Amor, Jour, of 40, Science , _ Price $1 per box; six boxes tor fozi. *eta ur Luau. Sold only by S. C. - UPHAM, 310 CLIESTNUT Street, sole anent for Philadelphia. Trade ennrilled. n027-uftn3m FOR SALE AND TO LET R EXCHANGE A FINE laa /Erna, ro.orkir.tit, on the Ea.-ere ille,re of 1 451 , 9 laud, consisting of Griot, Saw, and Carding &fine, Wheel wright Shop, Blacksmith Shop, Store, &c compriaing a whole village, with about ao acre, of ground superior water power—no equal in the country ; bringing a rental. of 51,600 116. r mums. Apply to J. 11. 'WATERS, 1111 South FOURTH. Street. di FOR SALE—A LARGE FAC iimve.stv uutumm. eo,v6ghg.a. let of sr amid 1.00 feet by 350 tees , baying , throe trouts,. with allure Stearn Engine, and all in complete order, aituaVin the ce).itre of the city. Will biS solo at a great sacrifice. No money required. Part can remain on the pro clam ' and the balauce will be ts.},en eats MkSt.dttV• 10151 V 61 J. WITERS, deG-tf 110 South FOURTH Street. FQR SALE.-TWO COTTAGE S ? •built iu Italian style ! beautifully eitiontni vn PNA INGTON Street, near by the Paasonger Railroad, West Philodelphis • Large lots, &c. Also, two beautifully si tuated in Maylandrille, near the Darby p,,,o , eugor 'Railroad, Either of which will be told Yory 9111 1 4 DIOR naaonable tenni. ADM to E. PRTTIT, n No. 309 WALNUT Street. FARM 1'1)R SALI4I.—A VARin, in excellent Mate of cultivation, cottainieg iitty-one acres, (nine of which are woodland)) pleasantly situated in Limerick township, Montgomery county, two and a half miles front the Limerick station. ou tho Reading Railroad, is offered for dale. Price—Frye thousand dol inra f65,001n. Apply.on thy Meese& nole•tt ea.atvax. a. atiA.Pr. T .. TO EXCHANGE—VaIuabIe farm of 64 acres of first. rate Lind, situate-near Quaker- Ststisa, IkTsstl; Pes.a;.ylvaniA. Railroad, good water; well fruited, with good and subKtautial %tone, tiutseove. ruents, ac. Apply to E. PICTTIT, No. :..9a9 WAL gUT Street. d 43 ea FOR SALE—WEST LOGAN• ilza SQUARE PROPERTY.—Four-story Brown Stone. Dwelling, with extensive back buildipp. For further particulars, apply to E. PETTIT, n 023 049 SY4I4NYT Street. ea TO EXCHANGE—A desirable - -.I.:•FARM, situate near West Chester, and one mile fr 4 m Railroad Station, containing Mk am ea or excellent land; with goad improvements. MO Svily 01004). Also, Farms of every description for sole on ressonom Irma Apply to E. P ETT IT, del 3 No. 309 , WALNUT Street. PUBLIC SALES—The bllowing valuable property, in Montgomery county, will be offered at public sale ' on MONDAY, December 24, ISSI, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the Montgomery Mouse ' NORRIS TOWN : A first-class FA d.M, containing 120 acme of tend, i 2 acre. of..hi. h Is woodland, ceneisting Of fine black and white-oak timber, the remainder being arable land, in a high state of cultivation, fronting on the Ridge turnpike, about 3 miles northwest of Norristown. and on three other public roads. The improvements are a large anti cotermaion , gtotrit M.A.VAILINI a eory IfUICA And substantial Barm.which cost upwards of SA,OI/11 1 M hoild ; Spring-house, Older-house and Press, and other conve nient out buildings; water conveniences very snootier; apply orchard and other fruit trees. Nec, enjoining the oho-re, the follotelnd Peetell4Y—eirA TWO S CLAM FAOTORIVP., known as the- LL Clio ton Factories," now in policemanl operation, and fronting en the Township-line road, one mile from the. Schuylkill landing calculated for the manufacture of tither cotton or woollen sonde, with faellitiea for dyeing and drying. and all other conveniences, and one 28.-hares-Powar Engine, two 40-inch Boilers, 34 feet long, mu) two 38-Inch mud Boilers, 24 feet !Ong, with heaters, pipes, and all the necessary connections. Also, with the Factory pre. r eek TIIIRTEEN BTOINF. ANL AWN. FRANC DWRLLINGS, for the workmen, gad ONE BRIUK MANSION HOUSE, with, wood and spring., house, Ac.; frame barn, carpenter shop, wagon-house,. hose carriage and hose, with double-acting forcing, Ac. Th e F,coteey r.V6t0149 ambrarea 10 ILAVINtiIt ground. For further particulate. away to JAM E& S. YOUNG, 420 MARK= Street, Philadelphia, or IP. B. MARKLEY BOYER, NOUPASTOWN, Pa. dvl9-09* $2,50 0 _ Old Mortgage for this . amount for sale at a discount, For further varticulare aunty to E. PETTIT, No. 308 WAL NUT Street. del3 15 .1 . OPPENHEIMER, AGENT AND MANUFACTEREE Of all kinds of - ARffiY 690i , 5• A fine lino of Fain - plea on howl. Advance 6 mute. Contracts filled at d guarauiced. Terms lilts.TAl. Ottiee and Sample Roomy Northecial corner FIFTH. and 'Si'. delti./Yd SALES BY AUCTIO:f, M• THOMAS & SONS, e Nos. no and 141 South FOURTH Etroet. (Formerly NoP. 67 and 69.) TUDLIU SAtiES ttli:AL ESTATE AND BTf AT THE EXCHANGE, EVERY TUESDAY. at IS o'clock noon, during the bu.ineßs eOlll5Oll. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALI. liiP - We Lemmas lerara amerint 1,14 eretete et rive, ade i Including every description or city nod country pro perty, printed Mite may be had at the. Auction Wee STOCKS AND HEAL EST AT E--T Fg4DA Y NEXT Puutthlet outilitil/11141 now rwttiv. euttlitiiiitue full dtmariv.- tham of all the property to he sold on Tue!eiey next, Mt by 11111.1 . Or ailmintNtr,torn and where. STOOKA, kc. Qn Tunrmlnii PcCmithfx 241 nt 12 o'clock no(ns at tile naiaataptaa Exchat shares American Academt of Alma, with tleket. 2 ahnrea Academy of tho Fine Arte. 1. !Mare Ocean Stpaniship Company. short I,,rulimiy, alum , blercantile Library Company. TENIII /ALL ISA LE-ItECEM EMI 24 inrindo tlin fullowiniz viz.: • vv.w TtiliWt•-O'4)4V ISWIILL /N(;, tgo. 24139 Wailarn ntrvet, papered and pavored thrimglicill, and hay all the modern conva•uienrea. posvnision. Tormi—s3,o oo may rem a in °IR MIME Mt llJ'll t Trlllllo , -0.801it4 LEMUR 14 10 14LLING. Vo. 84 North Seventeenth, north of wiltlism, area; ban the nualern 00111 , 1 Lot J 8 feet front. 'renni _JE.2,400 flay rvinain 01l NEAT 8101)EEN TIM E K•ST 4 IItY IthISI DYNCIC No. 1027 Vihu !thLhe,yez.. Tenth and Eleventh alreete ; lemze has I,:tth, ten-- nswe, s'e. Lot 20 feet front. 'forma—s•:,soo may re main un iiiii rtgag,. TWO VALI:ABU! BUSINESS I.OOATIONS.—Tho Tavern unit Dwidlitia krUIWII tt din a pitte i tir j. Ijc,tum . 7? No. 21) Eolith Profit tittert, Imlotr Walfint, 39 DAL front. 40 feet 9 . }4 inch,m to Witter ptreet. TAVERN AND DVi known no Ilto ti Wood rnon'o Motel," No.:00 Booth Fmnt street, adjoining the 0-1 , 115 g tf UM& tik4l4_ SIXTH LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE 111b4 1131', Dro,raber 23, Ikt. 12 o'clock, at Om Anctinn Store— /11\ E Obi) NINES, IMMO! fiS, &ra From lit moat rual importation or Alogrimi. tiarrl§, Hoyt, & Co- rolinnuiAing that brunch of their Itaitte4a, rook prising, Ono ohi brandira, Port wine, St. 01.01 X rura, pooh hramly, Jamaica spirit, Hungarian Putt, Bohlen obi Ili narl gin. &c. - trr orrn nt vim AII CtiflTl T.opmn tww hours previous to the sale, with catalognea. SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS AND LAW BOOKS, FROM A LIBRARY. Inds Rom,hig, December 23, Ri Om Auction a 1,316:0)11t)ir mia collaneuua and law bunks, from a library SG"' For partimilare tee cataleguem end the hooks, which will be really on Monday morning. 11,FUANT ThIdli6TRATFat WORM. SUITABLE you BIM INT IRAS NTS. Aim), at 8 o'clock, will he sold, an aAgortment„. of ate gant piroo ial and illtn,trated Looks, enitabLe fur proiout,. Sale at Noe. IS9 and 141 South Fourth Street . . . . dist-H - 41W' ViiiiNITVAX, FIVAROU4IOATU Hth - ROBS, PIANO-FORTES, REDS AND BEDDING, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. DRusesidi AND OTHER CARPETS. &o . On nth - witty Ilfort!huh . . At o'cloch, of tip Auction Store, 41w superior fiu-ni farniture, piano-fortes, mirrors, - Brussels and other car pets, &c., from famines declining hommheeping, removed to the store for convenience of eale. Ilir Catalogues ready tho day previous to sale AT PRIVATE SALE Sharee Mercantile Library. jt. 31E8 A. FREEMAN, AUCTION ERR, 422 WALNUT Strout, tthovo Nnarth. Stile on ti.e prernisem SPLENDID MARBLE MANSION ANT SUPERIOR FURNITURE, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF VIER- TkMint AND ARCH iiThEET6, On Tilinglay Morning, December 24, 1861, at 11 o'clock, will lit sold at public sale on Hie premigeg— All that valuable property. marble mansion bailie and bit of amnia at the ouuthwout corner of Thirteenth and Arch fi treks FA feet frol t and 127 feet deep, to Cuthbert street. The building was desitnied and erected by T know' Walter. It is huilt.f the same material us the ()Irani College. Large parlors, with painted ceiling statuary teams', tuatdd mid Wee ltlierJr4, built in the well.; circular at:Lira-ay library and draw ing4osm on first floor. The property was built without regard n. cosi, and is one of the finest Marliklll3 in the city, with every modernimprovement and convenience., 11011gElIOLD IotiRAUT kR, MKEIALLION CARL. I ,I kINTiNGS, STATI.T.IIII7, L. On tine muse ninny, :tt 10 o'clock, by catalogue, will be Bold, reeerve, the entire eh cant furniture. 07- Ylay be examinn4, with catalogues, to-thty 10111 LIT FORD & AUCTION EERS,.I Noe. 526 BlABlirr and 622 OOMMILIiaII Stmts. y..Ancr ~ s tr I,ixo Claps rtoorea, E.licihr. AND csBOGANB. QI Thyr. ,at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold, by aii talopei I,ooa cases men's ? boys, and youths' calf, Up, grain, and thick heroin, OTOFO4IIII dry 7TN`iliTiBll;l t.)""Ang women's, misses', and children', goat, calf, and kip boots. Alqo, city. made goods and women's and 121iS6011' Bal moral bouts 000111 (men for examination early on the morning of gals, With Catalocrilogi LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, TIK.OGANS. On Thuraday Morning be mad, ht. ca talogue, 1,0045 cases mom's, boys', and youths' calf, kip, grain, thick and cavalry boots, brogans, Wellington boots, women's ; miseee, and chiidren's calf, kip, goat, kid, mo rocco, anti llalmo,vl boots and time:. Also, a desirable inKortfneat of nr.t-.loos eliT-made good, NW" Open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. MUSES NATHAN'S. AUCTIONEER AND tiONALIMitaI Zaki2X,CIAANT. erouchaeost tomer of SIXTH sod UM3I. - ; Ftreetta EILTRANS' GREAT SALE OF FORFEITED COL- LATERALS. trykajt 4mo Lola voILYPITP.D 0.001194. On Tuesday Morning' December 24, at 9 o'clock, at Noses Nether& Auction HOMY, Non. 158 and 157 North Sixth etreet, adjoining the Sotitheast corner of Sixth and Race streets, and will comprise Vvia owl Oliver lFptei , es r Id 1.16a10e, Dts monns, Jewelry, tee., viz.: Fine 18-carat gold patent lever watches, extra full jewelled, in h tinting OMB, double eases, and double bottom, of lie neat approved and best makers; fine 18-carat gold skies full jewelled, in heavy Mak cases, and of the very best makers ; sp'entltd hunting case chronometer watches, in heavy 18-carat cones, suita ble for lailleaer gentlemen ; ti ua 18-carat gold escapement patent lever lephie watchoe, of the most approved silver hunting-emu and unnt.fasit escapement lever and leptint watches; Fdighsh, fialiA, and FNMA watches; magnificent cluster diamond finger-ring, bril liants of the first water, cost SUM; magnificient diamond creel Cl,', briiiiftlati of the first water, cost $550; diamond tinge. s h eds, and sinic.atnna breaet.piut; fina fold T CAI fah, neck, and chatelaine chains; magnificent mosaic and gold bracelet, coat $BO ; fine gold bracelets, sate of jewelry, breast-pins, and earrings; fine gold finger ringe, scarf piny, studs and sleeve-button=, pencil-caws, and, an chart, every variety of latreirr_ tlealere, private purchasers, and others ate ignited to attend the tale. illg" Open for examination early on morning of sale. CM'ARTII ERSHIr NOT IC/Bili fIOPAETNERSHIP N O T I C E.- JOHN F. BODINE retires from our firm, awl lan ceases from tibt dau. LIT'I LE, 91101 C ES, k 00. deflo-3t* PNCEMIIHIt 19, 1861 OTI C E 18 HEREBY GIVEN, Shat the PartmTenip ievt-044, tho undersigned, under the tirm of CANTWELL de REEFER. was dissolved on the Seventh day of Novem ber, A. I). ram, by mutual consent. AU debts awing to jJ l y trAd Partnership are to he received by the said JearE6 li. GAZiTNYttI , amt JOILI 0. trading ai CANTWELL dr REEFER, and all demands on the said partnership are to be presented to them for payment. WILLIAM C. PATTERSON, pip R. CANTWELL, novll•mw&flit JOl5lll C. kEFFEII, MARSHAL'S SALES MARSHATIS SALE.—By virtue of a writ of vale, by the lion. JOHN' CIADWALA.- lEE, Judge of the District •Coirt of the United States, in and fur the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad • FrafiliY, to tort dirrinind, will ho sold at Patio data, to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at QUEEN. inlet v,har., on DIONDAY, December 30, 1861, at 12 o'clock, 31., the one•fottrth part of the Schooner . LIME," bar tackle, apparel, and furniture, MS sbe now This at above• vitmed. wharf. WILLIAM MILI/WARD, U. 9 Manna] E. D. of FOWL PHILADELPHIA, PeCOMber 1861. del9-0t MA.BSBAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ Li- t.L4 a<4._ Jags tun a - A_Litnim. Jud g i of the District Court of the Untied States itt And for the Eastora District of Pennsylvania, hi Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and bent bidder, for cash, at 31E:111-%Iley Wharf, on T HMIS- St. 3. ,afy n at Id &Clack 111., tho &timer "st'SAM 3Ala," her titekle, iittWal, and furniture, as she now lice at said wh Wl arf. LLIAM MILL WA RD, S. Martzltsil E. D. of Poun'a. Dew.sittialt 14. Leel. de 10.6 t SKATERS' II EA DQU ART 10.18.—W e have lust received a full stock of superior SKATES a the lAN et int t tvrt.N. LADIES' SKATES., lIISPAS , SI kTPA, GENT'S. 6K N F IT.S t PATENT SK ATES, STEEL SKATES, ROOKER SKATES, DV9fP SEATS. ~satPeoievery variety. Cart MushetH and - blquipments, Cricket and nage Bill Implements, Camp CON, Army Chests, Guile, Ciatola, Itiflee t &c. PHILIP WILSON & no: 30-1 m 4112 CIIESTNITT reAL _ OFFENIiF , INIEII, MERCRAN. DIS EI DROtiEti in idi branches of trade, and un.toofucturer of e very description ut Arni Good! du. 48 South THIRD ttritti wv§i rci , te, Second story? AFULL AND SPLENDID AS BORTMENT of Scarfs, Tira, fllAvos, and Ceuta' i'mni..i.kos Savi I:ekalml io.l far gala. ANN variety of Travelling Shuts. .1. r.V.tiCOTT, 814 Oil EST.. NUT Street, below Continental Hotel. na.30.11 TBE NATIONAL lIOSPITALS. ffEriIKITOILY of 11 Taa Pistol BMW tianitsl7 o how open &i No. 1230 - CHESTNUT Street, PFlladdahia. Contribution , . received for tha nosaitald, and for Sitk and Wounded Sadiera. au ( ! TERRAPINS, OYhTERS STEWND AND If WIND, AND CHICKEN SALAD.—lavi letioa Canto and other notices will be distributed is eN win of the Mir, with punctuality. The maim/signal is at ail-vb..a prepay...l+a 1d `a*, fan the Inspect:4m of Ladies sad Gentlemen list of the things necoaaary for a large or email entertiiinmentoas the case may he, thereby avoldisg en unneceseery a-Atha= Kid waste; end fhilltfe hiAwelf, that by hie luau expo. rience is Basillessi ho wittily elate as 4; :ways swo.., heretofons, entire satisfaction to all who favor him with their sahthafte. MINN"! JONES, Catwer, No. RAO South TWMI I 7II Street, above EIPIWCIIII. °claim EXPRESS COMPANIES. wowThE ADAMS EXPRESS OM?AIiT, Marahandiae, Sankt Street, forwards Bancl6, Packages, Now, and Spoo*either by Ito own Lissa or In connoodora wits other 'Expraea Companies, to al title poinatral Tema Yd ORIN of Ow VOW MN L L6arDIPOSIN 1616 Geoerek Streertntoodent. , FOR NRW YORK. 0111N . BW DAILY LINZ, vla Mows= 16113 Raritan Canal. Phibasiphis and New Turk Esprede Stow:Mod Oww. 'any reeeice freight and hem doily at 2 P. 11.01e4lage. tug iSayir ce.i.giska Nam VIA the fallowing drat Eraights taken at censorable rates. WM. P. OLTDII, Agent, No. 14 SOME! WHARVES, Philadelpldia. JAMES HAND, Agent, ma-u Viers 14 and it UAW? uvula. New TN& sa g t FOR NEW WM.. The Philadelphia Steam Propeller Owe will common,* their business for tit WM* on goppolay. VOth Their +earners are now raheieloz hallitt It MOMS Pier ploys Walnut street. Tams acooramodatini , Apply to W. M. RAM & 00.. Sbotti Damara 118:1111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers