FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. PHILADELPHIA. December 16, 1661 The war-like news from England published in this morning's papers created a strong sensation in com mercial circles, suspended a few business operations that were in course of negotiation, and caused a very small panic at the Stock Board. the speculative stocks felt Its effects most severely, Beading Railroad shares de• dining to 16, and the others meeting with no sales. Holders of investment securities, however, were not dis posed to yield to any heavy decline, and the transactions -4' the de Y were sort' tight. At the ono more was a better feeling, and wo would not be surprised to see a reaction to morrow. In the money market little was done, as much from the bonrcity of Ai - A-070w payer 113 110111thetrust arising out of apprehensions of war with Endatul OFFICIAL BANK STATEMENT. Dec. 16. r Doc. 9. ; Dec. 16 if 4,14000 84,160,0001,181,0001,100,000 ; 3,414,687 3,414,317 928,550; 988,732 f 5,241,844 5,260,7741,530,223 1,560,716 . 1,097,000 . 2,011,000 345,000' 335,000 2,141,000 i 2,Q05,090 2524101 283,620 1,015,0001,065,000; 342,000, 333,000 990,322: 1,022,087 328,252. 318,203 785,796 1 781,831' 203,251, 212,697 857,7371 865,668, 154,2011 177,397 1.519,031. 1,575,357 1,524,:e8 ifoovivi MO' 130,812 821,540, 815,340' 200,961! 1117,329 2,534,769; 2,512,271 , 363,585 365,833 619,325! 628,907 1C2,686 1 146,036 639,3141 638,034 131,690 110,211 014,5,9,51 016,955 .i6,,56.3 124,375 573,826', 578,1411 101,299' 10'2,814 503,0001 .612,000, 108,000 1 147,000 496,000 499,005' 81,000 61,000 rautulelphia North Amorica Farm & Mech. Con mercial-.. Dlectottrire s N.., outliv. ark I iierwington Penn Township Western Winn S.- Commerce Girard.... Tradesmen's Consolidation... _- Commonte ealilk. Corn Exchang: Union F 21,140441', 41,V:0,003,7051 1 1u ii:4`51914 EMI= Dec. 26 . I pee. 9. Dec, 855,000 $2; 7 95,900 $256,000 2,380,947, 2,484,271, 219,014 4,938,538 5,090,481; 278,540 1,314,000 1,364,000 121,000 1.276,775 1,08,805' 144,144 1,328,000 1,281,000. 81,000 835,453 808,088! 63,740 695,984 067,051; 135,576 641,489 625,286; 69,838 1,110,103 1,13-1,013, 133,0601 =Jaz, bi 3,100 74.073 734,331 714,143, 48,725 1,476,120, 1,456,517, 136,110 524,006 550,687; 61,190 401,126 384836' 118,475 554,419 569,733! 86,3141 373,655 374,518, 64,930 333,000 . 370,00,11 70,000 298,000, 290,000: 72,000 Philadelphia ... North America. , Farm d: Mech.. Commercial. ... Meehuhio& - N. Liberties.... Southmark-- Keheiheton....' Pena Tow nshi • 'ann. Commerce."... Girard Tradesmen's.. Consolidation Conneenw calth Com Exchange Union.. 0,926,402 99,901.015 '9,187,4941 The aerregates compare with those of prec Dee. 18. Dec. 9. Capital Stu& ausomno gn,mtte 81,140,282 21,100,502. D Specie 7,354,112 7,266,912_1u Due fn, other Bke . 1,382,567 1,418,497..0, Due to other 3,677,969 3,625,010..10 D 01 9 ,1410 !Et 08,41.0 —0.2,991,093..150 eireulatiou 2,187,421 2,237,499..0, Loans. Specie. .23,967,203 \ 6,938,393 1 .2:4,211,527:6,743,321 .93,557,26.1 1 6,170,492 .28,328,49615,617,370 27,571,497`5,046,346 • ....27,459,47214,697,284 July 1.. Aug. 5.. Se A!_ ..2 Li g.. ‘, 16.. 50 26,71:,917 Oct. 7 :30,499,119 1114 30,281,157 ..... 29,705411 " 2S 28 805,509 Nov. 4 9 8,431,735 11...-__.._41,871 " 18. .... 27,629.704 25 30,499,431 Dec. 2 .30,048,052 •' l .:11.160,502 6i . '111140,289! 4' U 1 957 8,943.ti03 8,396,750 11,654 683 6,764,770' t1.01i.9614 1 04, 804. t 7,487, 108 7 ktl4 53) 7.266,A121 EERIE The f...11cr.-ing is a statement of the transactions at the Philadelphia Clearing Rowe, for the week ending Dec. 14, as famished by tbe manager, George E. Arnold, 'Esq. : 11..1a,, Dee. 11 $2.56 , 3,595 78 $167,913 65 H 10 2,401,114 67 236,732 30 cc 11 2,4 - 31,691. 96 360,635 93 4 $ 12 2,230,343 07 134,239 03 13. 24601,357 73. 113,735 63 " 46 2,111,463 79 349,021 97 $14.927,0t14 00 $1,172,410 56 The New York Evening Post says: WAIL etroat ie veey sikelted over 46e foreism news by the Eurepn. Stocks opened before the board at a heavy decline—as much as 7 and 8 per cent. in some - descries t our. The pressure to sell, however, was not so great an at rellain periods of the Secs-if:ion mania of last win ter, mai the flaws of the nnaerbstly brnnen by tilt. lad ihnt prices of many of the State bonds and railroad elites were low previews to tile receipt of the English new. For instance: Tennessee and Missonri sine, drerpeil only 3) per cent, while a fall of 10 per cent wunt,t Lace Lett. Ino.lera.te they rated at 50 . Or 80 instead of 41 and 44. Nell; 'York Central before the Board sold freely at 76 and afters :ode wait down to 75X, finally eking ex cited at inN, a fall of 2,14: per cent. front the beet price of Stattoibi._ Priedlc and Panama were among the sensitive of tie !ht. Lspetially the former, the price of which is go verned almost entirely by the excited fe-os of holderS. Most f the sales in Facilic Mail were at 80. and Pana. Ma /06. These stocks stood on Saturday at 88 and 111% respectively. The market after the Board was better. New York Central rallied to 76%, Pac fle.Ma I to 81%. Since the Board 3.l.issouris sold at 38, alichigari Cen tral 437.,i, Bock Island '4TI MiliVid Central Onis Erie F re-a trra There was tittle done in Government stocks, and prices are quite nominal. The 5s of )874 sold at SD, the regis tered Gs at 17 and 88. The coepana are 87.ads1. These price,, it mill be aeon, are from to 3 per cent bblew Stittutlrtr's,„ uldel, Joe., than =night have keen tessoctsd, es the price of Government bonds of late has beer ler; firmly maintained. h iis dill-nit to say at the present writing what effect the news may have on the money market. That already P- to be expected, The nail fiefitio.s of the sudden fall in stocks, and the rise in fo reign exchange, are so wide-spread and parplexiug, that it is not espy to calculate what course the market will take at a juncture when calm and deliberate judgment is le the b1e1.0.4 aegre... &axe et may he drawn, however, born the fact that the dele s gation of bank effieers in Washington will be met by Mr. Chase in a spirit of deference and aCCOtattal .atirn. in order the mon- seedily to prepare a feasible was of meeting the wants 0i the Goyerpment,wren to an absolute departure 'Dom his tu mamma of Monda‘ MM. The etri , ct of the English advice.; is very marked on foreign exchange, and early in the day it was impossible to find a rate tor bills on London. As we go to press, DY. ever, Then seems to be KIM disposition among the treeing Marrs to fix a rate for htlances. Some of thi bankers are willingto sell at 11034 for odd Small some, of say three. four, and five thousand pounds; but no out side] able amounts would he drawn at this rate. On Paris the leading banker asks 611.3( at 60 days, and 50731 at Asia. In the uncertainty which linage over the action of the uuderwrdets on the insurance of gold, doers is no deter mining n hat atneral selling rate will be fixed on by banters f.r bills on London. There are some who pre dict to 11.1. and 115, tint this deprnaa greatly upon 11:e rate of insurance. In tin:es of peace the usual insurance is % per cent., and the best that can be ex peetee fret,: the miderwritt:rs in the present aspect of af fairs is I al << per cent. rnuadelphut stock F.Kehtinge Sales, December 16, 1861. 1100t1t toalip. 50 Reeding R 16X 2 llarrieborg R.... 52 100 do 16N 1 do ...... .... 52 100 d“ . 10N 10 do 53 50 4 , ‘ , . 16h 6 do., 02 50Atv /0 7 - 4 11100 G .5 - , iamb R'oo. 0131 50 do 15 31 500 Poona Coup 6e... 146 60 do, ... bs&int-16 31 20 Sec dr, Third R... , i7X 50 do 16 311 SECOND SCO Lehigb N P'S Are 4 Third 1t... 41) 4 , 100 do 100 5 do 47N 1000 .........•100 15 do 47% Mechanics Bank. 20 5000 Fauna It 95% 500 Srli ylli Be 176_ , 00— 7.0 500 do 54% 500 do 'BB.. 73 CLOSING PRICES—STEADY. Bid. Ask. Phila 8a 83 81 runn Oa 00 54 Phil& 60 new... 87% 88% Penne 56 77% 78 Beading 16 16.. y Reading 'TO 81 02% M 04130'46 91 83 Bend M 6x'86.. 73 73% Penni' B Si 37 Penna 11 211 mde 833 i 84% Morrie Cl Con.. 34 36 hforz-le tlt Prst,26o Bob NOV 60'82.. 01 63 Bch Nom Imp 60 .. 74 Bch NaT stock. 3 5 Bch Nov Pref... 10 11 Pheadelphia Cattle Market, Dec. 18, 1861. Tl, receipts of Beef Cattle juts fallen off, only reach ing tihout 1,400 head. The inarbet is rather better, and priers unchanged. The following are the nartleulare of he Enlea : 31 'McQuaid Jr Carr, Ohio, $7.50013. 30 tacott, Maryland, s7dB. 05 IC ituble St Kith, Chodse comity, Wag_ 11 1 Bennedy, Cheater county, 81 , 43.25. 83 B. C. Baldwin, Cheater coimty,Bo3 05. 00 Janata McFillon, Jr., Cheater canary WesB.2s. 50 I'. Hathaway, Cheater county, 5.7zii.23. • an divero - tcro< , rszity? 50 Cochran & McCall, Chester councy, cDS. 17 .T...eldoniridge, Cheater comity, $.7653. 115 Mooney .h Smith, Ohio, $70 . 8...5. f. l l/ k:clanoborg &Co Cheater county, $7Ol. 91 W. Ahaaa;alee, eheatar .sy, 00 crank, Chester eounty, 40 Fellidener, Ohio, sTith. 75 11.4.1.ttirt, Pennsylvania, $46,07.50. 10 hi. Carson, Cheater counts, $l aB. 11_1 1 / 4 :today. CheAer enmity, R -.7.2g_ 41 roller & Bro., Western, it.datl- 9 Chandler, Chester county. P7OB 30 1.. Flank, Chester county - , 4 6 0 7 - '2O Dialers, Chester county, Sl'arS. fal lhaal, 01.ealek LO_ Claud, Cheater county, $1.78e8.35. 17 J. Miller, Ohio, s7aB. h 7 J. Vorlter, Ohio, S6a7. al D. Kimble, Cheater count , S74S. liallifMnn. Ohio. 111i_150917.50_ About 70 C 01413 arrived, and sold at til4 Avenue Drove Yard at from $lB to $45 4' head, as to quality. The arrivals of Sheep reached about 3,000 head this week. selling at from 7 to 8c 4' lb, net, as LI condition 11_000 ash] at the Avenue Yard., $4.560 5 ?# 100 Dl, net. 1 he to rivals of fat Hoge at 11. G. Imboff'a Union Drove Yard rt ached 0,356 head, selling at prices lunging from $4.50 to $5 lIP'IOO The net, according to quality. Philadelphia Markets. The Breadatutts market was somewhat excited to-day the forehpa r.ews, and eilippernare disia.ed operate to any extent ; about 3,000 bbls Flour sold at $5.75 for Ohio and Pennsylvania extra, and $6 bbl for extra family, mostly of the latter, at which rates ere -,err j odes to the t.ode t.-ova $5.37% to $5.50 for superfine, $5.75 to $6.23 for extras, and 56.:10 to ST for fancy brandy, as to quality. Rya Flour and Corn Meal are quiet ; the termer is worth $4 tve.nta Stee.l44.olk LAI Wm:sr.—The receipts and sales are moderate, and prices ihm. Some 8,000 bushels have beendisposed of at si.4o fur prime Pennsylvania red, in store; $1.42 for 139Ntlieffi dot OW4I and *1,4501,00 for white, the latter or rime lielawaro. Ityr Is firm, and 1 4 - 400 bushels Paden told at 76c. Corn is better, and old Yellow very .carre at 608 , 137 c in store; new ranges at 51.05 Tc as to condition. Oats are in steady demand, about 2,000 bug uthern fold at 40e. and 34600 but Fannin at ile in ue. Bang ig scarce and wanted; and 25 Mel+ Ist No. 1 aerritron sold at 1130 ajo' ton, wbidi is au advance. Comm.—There is very little selling, but the market is 10Yililt and firm. GmdlitltlAS AND rnovisioNs.—There is not much do g, in the former, owing to the 'digh views of holders. Of le latter, the following sales are reported by a packer; 10 kg Lard at 9c, cash; 203 nig mess Pork at $l3; and 10 ten Italia Haat on BliArato terms. .9 , 1 , 1 , DA. —Thew+ is a steady demand for Clover and 600 ss e:dd 75 4' bu. Nothing doing in Mho,. kinds. NY Kr is unchanged' 3di tibia Ohio sold at 2./X r, held higher; Pennsylvania barrels at 2+9c; and main. 01 10). 1 . m2oc. 4fr gallon, 1 BPEOLR eine ULATION 4 4249,000 222,464 299,410 12.4000 12,49.0 85,000 69,015 143,840 74,889 133 4 210 74,240 50,365 134,935 66,059 114,165 04,41 62,125 81,000 60,000 lug weeks 20,20 57, - 2.40 ec. 35,550 .c. 52, , 59 c. eo 60,075 1 Deposits. 1.5,997,342 115,9 1061 10,040, - 12 18,32e,937 10,976,017 " 101.313 2,058 574 ,0 12,111,439 2,148,155 OEM EMI 16,344,113 AB VS 97,1 20,929,931 21,109,0:5 '30,:3^6,:329 40,350,911 211 1:191,P 1 19 591,1 1 '22,260,001 33,017,3:31 22,991,035 2,19-1,491 0 9.'33,.7'.'9 2,249,741 2,240,36 a 231.542 2, , 273,063 .427 _DU •226,422 2,234,594 •2,243,523 2,337,4+9 MEE BOARD Bid. Ark. Elmira B 4% Emma n 1761. V 11% Elmira 76'73... 62 64 Long LOand R. 9% 10 Leh CI d Nair.. 48% 46% Leh CI & N ecru 313 i 8336 N Penns . 0 9% N . Penns R 68.. 54% 56% N Penna 106 ... 70 78 Catiiviima Pref. 4 4% Frkfd & South R 37 n id 4,44 41% 47% W Phlla R 50% Spruce 8 Pine.. 8 8% Green Sr. Coates 16,E 163 i ICheet k Walnut ;(1 DECEMBER 16—Evening xchange—Dec. 16. SOO linemen Pref.... 26 50 Rudman Riv R.... 31A 10 do 13,4 525 do 34 50 do 34% 10 Nov & Wor R..... 35 400 .10,0,4 11....... ... . 53 100 do 31X 200 du 31 25 Mich Con IL 45% 50 do 45 260 do 44 050 do 43% 200 do 1,10 03% 220 do 43 10 111 &NI R. 16 111 d 0,,,.,,,,.... ZOO do 11IN 50 HS& NIGS.... 36 50 do 37 1400 do 46% 160 do 5115!„ 40 Panama It 109 [125 do 108 20 11l Con R Scrip... 56:1 25 do 56% 410 do 57 400 do 100 Clev & Pitt.; .. 12 67 Clo Cola Cin 8...100 100 (Sal & Chi R 67 25 do . 66 10 do 67 100 do 67J 50 d 0.... s 5 67% 750 Cloy 0 Tol 20 11150 . 25%, 200 dO ..... . ...610 29% 100 do 830 29 250 Chi & R R...opg 46% 1250 do ...... ...opg 461 g 450 do {grni 100 ao ..Pac 1.0.1 250 do wte, 40% 250 do opg 46% New York Stock 5000 U S 6s 'Bl...reg 88 0000..... 87 5000 U S 55;74-coup 89 1000 Tenn 66 '9O 40% 7000 do 40,i‘ 5000 Missouri St 65.. 39 1008 Jo ...... • fiB 1:000 do 1000 ...... 37% 10f0 do 37% 20000 do b3O 37% 144 1 /9 do ...... &.. 31 MOO California Is.— 30 :4 10000 N Y Celt R 65.. 91 2000 Mich Cen 8 p c 1 in d F cony tids. flog 2090 N Is lit MO CIL t 1.1 in. 1)3% 1000 do . . . . 38 2000 Clev I SF b. 7734 50 310clIgnied ilk.. • • 90 109 Canton CQ 9X 0 Del Und CI Co.. 82 - ,. 1 4 . 100 Pacific M S 5....; 80% 56 do 79% 665 do So 70 Milli r du C 2d Dt . 17% DO do 17 840 N Y Cent R. 755( 350 do .....slO 75A, 200 do 100 09 do 78% 450 do 76 100 do .........145 75% 50 do al5 75% DO do 816 76 350 Erie Railway"... 27 926 do 26% 50 do 26% 200 de 26% 100 do 110 26% 'too - Erie 3ttailway 400 do 46% 50 do ....L3O 46% 270 do 47 125 Harlem R 10 54 650 10% 50 do . .....slO 46;6 100 Chi B .411 53 156 CITY ITEMS, PHILADELPHIA BAPTIST INSTITUTE LECTURES. —The first lecture of the new series before the Philadel phia tarti.t institute is announced to take place this evening, at the Baptist church, Eighth street, above Green. The lecturer will be the Rev. A. IL Danforth; his euhiect, as Goa in indict." Having been for several warp a resident of India, he spanks feat‘ eheer 'ration. The lecture, which, by those who hare heard it elsewhere, is spoken of in the highest terms, will begiven free of charge. BEAUTIFUL GOODS FOR LADIES AND GENTLE MIN.—Nowhere in Philadelphia will our citizens find so magnificent and varied a stock from which to select use ful and beautiful gilts for Christmas, for all ages and sexes, as at Messrs, Charles Oakford 6t Sone, under the Continental Hotel. They have a thousand exquisite novelties not to be met with elsewhere, being the largest importers and manufacturers in their line in this coun try. Their superb Ilats rig chi/4mi Ladies' Paris 1.511m5; Gents' Furnishing Goods; fine Military articles for Officers in the Army and Navy ; Hats and Caps for Gentlemen, and Ladies' Fancy Furs—are the theme of universal conversation in fashionable circles. Their Pricey, moreover, aro uanauraiy -moderate. PURE OLD LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL P UR rosEs.—Mr. C. M. Mattson, dealet in line groceries, krell nt.d Tenth SIMLA, ar tizle of pore old Brandy for medicinal purposes. Also, Port and 'Madeira Wines of the most rare and approved brands. As Mr. 'Mattson only soils liquors for the above Dureeqep, the patio may rely upon eltettyd getting a genuine article at his store. LECTURE.---By request of the many admirers of the Bev, R. A. Carden, he will repeat his lecture on —A-scrich, The War and roridgri orenlug, at MK Diet seven o'clock, at Concert llall. Those who • i desire a rich ntellectual treat should be present on this FOR CHRISTRAS.—E. W. Carr yl & CO., NO. 715 Chestnut street, Masonic Hall, have a tine assort ment of all kinds of Plated Ware, fine Table Cutlery, Ja- Mud Tea Trays and Walters, Willow IVark.=stande, etc., all of the best quality and reasonable prices. REBELLION AND RETRIBUTION—CHARLESTON tx Arnim , l--Should the details of the great conflagration true, iv the ,24 of tiharieston, it will stem hoer insecure is life anti property in that hot-bed of treason. Now those who have long been the oppressed Neill be come the oppressors, and, hov , ever much we would die liko to sea a slave insurrection, oar sympathies are blunted when we think of the valuable and loyal men that have been shot down in the present war, for which South Carolina is largely responsible. How different the aspect of things in the loyal cities! Our yeasts Mies to their beds N,lth a perfect sense of security ; trade nou rishes; the advertising columns of the newspapers are a good index of our prosperity, and conspicuous among them is the advertiaament of Chariot etalteg.. l Clothing Store, under the " Continental." THE BURNINCI OF CHARLESTON.—" Those whom the gods would destroy - they first make mad," the old says, Charleston, 0, C., is exemplifying the maxim. They burn their own cotton, and accident, or some more active and mischievous acency, destroys their town, and turns it to ashes. Speaking of ashes eoggeers each - cloth, mid to that favor seceseie bids fair to come at last, while the North spoils broadcloth, from the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill Re Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. This Tot:atlas estahlliddireut turus out the most elegant, the most comfortable, and the most substan for soldiers and civilians to be found in the country. WINTER CLOTIILNG—Best manufacture alI The TO/9114111.1.i Ulth. log Emporium of Granville Stokes, 609 Chestnut street. Seasonable garments, of the best material and ma mfao.. titre, constantly on band and for sale at sacrificing prices, Call and east before tutrelmeing ARRIVALS AT TILE HOTELS yr TO 12 O'CLOCK ran mum. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut eta J N B Reynolds, Boston C 0 Simpson, Bo t ivqi 3i Itan,ll,on , ! dew-r.or Ser,ghswe,•N Jersey Howland Cox, New Jersey W Mackenzie, New York J C Ludlow, Newark, N J J C Johnson wf, Newark J H Harrison & wf, Nen ark J A Harper, New York C McCauley, Wash, D C H H Williams, Indiana DI Yates, ti S N .11 Haldeman, 11 Shirk, Lancaster co, Pa J F Coyle, Wash, D C C L Tilden, Boston J T Langstoff, Scranton Miss Robbins, Scranton, Pa J W Fuller, Catasauqua P D Luther, Beading J D Hill aZ wf, Buffalo D March Now York C Avihry I. In. Utica. N Y Mrs M W Foster, - Utica - Mrs Bissell, Utica, N Y Coot B I Pond, New York R 0 Crinanliss, New York M C Riggs, New York J C Buckhurst. New York C "McWhorter, New York S A Stevens, New York 111 Einar, Yhila D D Barlow, New York w witgurt New Turk lion T J Yorke, II Jaw Geo Matthews, Boston T J Carpenter, Prov, It I W A Hinkel, Boston Eft Baghutt, Boston A North, New York John A Massey, N York D « Guy, Princeton, W J W Al-c R4hwayi NJ Levi rer,,on 0; wti Val D Atwood di w 1 Wig Lieut dr Harwood d wife C C K Pratt, Harrisburg B P Lunt, Portland W Cowell, Harrisburg Ckt tireneman, Lancaster A H Brighton, Lebanon A P Pettis, Fen York Tld James & wt', YQrk Mies Jeoo-e, 'weer Xeris Judge tinntingtOn, Indiana A C Lamson, New York 3lrs B II Lawson, N York P S ls‘ mis, Buffalo W E Johnson S wI, Chicago bent S Loyd, New York EtlLlger, New York Atlorwood, New York Ei G Word, Bostoß 9' Ira-yoke-, brookina A Nron, Drooklyn C Haddon Brooklyn John Rider, New York E D Griswald, New York H L Pierce, Boston D Chambers, Wash, D C Mr Danforth, New York H Fairbanks, Vermont J H Baldwin, New York 3 3 Ph.ic., New Je ey Jos Seliwnau, Men - Torii Stephen Wyatt, New York Ralston Skinner, Wash. DC Chas Watson, New York A W Barlow .5; wt, TolAo, 0 MB Spahr, York, Pa Theo Renner ' New York R N Peterson, New York W J Ohio 0 If Aide., .Alber.,- S 4oyfikirar l New Yolk Chas 'Barr, New York Vt P Frost, New York W lli Richards, New York R Hines, Cumberland, Ohio John R Willis, New YOrk John B Kunst, New York CR St George, New Yolk Mr Berry and lady 0 :lien York Ww duinurlruid, New York Wilson R Bod, Maryland Ii G Vickery, Baltimore AI Middleton New York R W Hooper, Boston D Fahnee'ock, Baltimore J If Stone, Mass . . J B Kendall. New York J WSDNDDI Now York cre zininatal i New - Tork Wetley emith & la, ti York 11 Baldwin, jr, Wanhington W A Gopher, New York T B Bryant & wf, Chicago T B nrvey & wt, Chicago i L Bunion, Wilm'ton, Del DI C Tobin, Calibrniii AMERICAN HOTEL—Oheetnut it.. above TM. R Bariow, New York R B Matthias, Pottsville W It Lewis, Baltimore Joe F Hodgson, Washinton Cad 'W Lover 1.7 S A W II Wikoff, Trenton June Pralie, TiiiNtin Dania 1 lioniiis9 Jr, Pa J Ie Plinth= & la, lad Mien Flinthein, Md Wm Flinthem & 1a,3111 R "termed)* & la, N Y S Silver, Delaware Geo E Harrison, Mil 4 1 ! r a II a. ii iP. ri gt 41 P Uemler6lii, Princeton Ald Dutcher, Princeton a It Miller, PruicetOn G J Runkle, Princeton DI Thomson, Princeton Wlt 3lerral, Princeton Il E Stout, Heading J F W Deininger, Reading Alex Waugh, IT S N - Iletsin, IcTi‘i ,, B Pcpwit ,Im F Smith, liviitlin7 m ll.utee, Peiaware II Ii Rename], Jerge - y Shore J L Messina, Winsport John S Angle, Philo. 3 E Watson Bedford, Conn Miss E 1!" Watson,Conn It Sharp, Eatley, Pe J .1 O'Donolme, Nw York T Ponoylui, Nuw York II Itukch Dior York ri Int - ejoy, New TorK J B Field, Taunton, Ban J F Drowi,e, New York Amos Davis, Easton J C Carel, Pelona T Lewis, Mama 11 II Basin, Springfield Z Case, New York J T 1151 maul, Now Jersey W W Tselludy, Dolawarg ,t; T Polk, Delaware J W Stamm, Maryland E L Williams,iarOand 3 II Wilkiarm, Maryland It J Curtis, Baltimore 1) Marvin, Franklin 3 Cain, Franklin 3 M Fox, Delaware IT; Jiiiiionn, Isllcyliiii4 J Miler, New York J L Danes, New York 11. I.' Leslie, Maryland S Dow, Massachusetts Col S 11. Jenkins, Delaware AIERCRANTS' 110TF-L--Yourth street, below Arch. T W Wiliam?, NCIF AHOY he Perlin, Now York oit Augliinbunell, retina li Snarler, Cannon, 0 W D Cooper, Pittsburg D F Cooper, Pittsburg 3 L Riglinnyer, Reading L 1 Freeman, Nevi , York N .1 .'with, Allentown C McFarland, W Chester ti I, lmrriPgtmi, Colin Y M Patrick, Yireinim .1 Mannar), Virginia II liellyi l'utio - ille E lile, Newburgh 1 Li Larriums 8 M Field Thus Moore, Pittsburg O Atkinson, New York Dr Sua,sovott, Penna. .1 A E,ister. Chambersburs Pr E Wallace, Ilmong 0, Taunton 0 Toasty, 'lndianapolis Wrii Mr f,ean, Bhippeusburg 3 1$ Taylor, Maryland 8 V Bitter, Ohio W A Shannon, Wash, D C COMMERCIAL lIOTELe.Sixth street. above Chestnut. John Btedigcry Elkton, MI Amos Kimble, Cheater co A II Sluanntker, W Cheater 1.7 V Penny packer, Pa .1 G Irwin, Chester co, Pa Joe Pearson, Ilordontown Mrs 'Young d da l Lane co Davia Kengde, Cheater ce pheur, Clo'e rc^7 Pa. John H Graham, beta ware Z. Darlington, W Cheater Worrell, Columbia, Pa Ales Jackson, Maryland Mast Jackson, Maryland C Ii Haines, Maryland Y Potts, pridgepral, Pa Thom Crawford, Chester co L Crow!, Pennsylvania .11.4 Pw Oherhalla<, Pa P Kcley, Remikhfr. W H Vanderfonl,Haryland W McClelland, Maryland E It Lamborn, W Cheater D Hames,Cheater county, Pa 11.T.A.T1D3 llNlON—Markak aar ea t above 91.5a6. E R Black, Pennsylvania W McVey, Pennsylvania J 8 Marcy & la, New York J Crawford, Pittsburg Jas Purcell, Now York Peter Huffy, New York 11 M White, Lancaster W S Milligan, N J Lwacco,Tani T 7 Rony su.. ra Mrs Pr - Huber, Lancaster 11 Leatuan, Lancaster 'Henry Sultzback, Lane co W Gruver, Pa Thus Orr, Pennsylvania John J Luwin, A G litnithry, Cheater co J G Davis, Pittsburg RATIONAL HOTEL—Rice area. shore Third. A Sherk, Lebanon. T Y Lyon, Reading E n Lucas, Allentown J H Yohe, Eaidon 11- e i der, Raftioo it ri , J,..k1,,, , , 1,[..,. W Chit:kering, Mass Aaron Cummings, Mass J 13 Jenkins, Massachusetts M S French, Mass E 1.. Ancona, Reading Mrs Watson, Reading J IMI Royer, Potoorino 1.1 Hazel, Cressona H. Cl-,,,.., 8.....i.....vi110 r H. .9..1,1,1t,, , i, Jr, IleaJll.6l IdOMIT VERNON HOTEL-Second et, O. Arch. It Lyon, Connecticut 0 II Collins, Connecticut J Arms, Connecticut J Smith, New JordeY Chits Admits Dunn on (mum, wt , w JermaY L Thant S T Colburn, Califon& C .1 Morrie, Boston G Hook, Malmo E. ChI , FRIIIRII, teams IC II Columns, Boston F W burtlttt, Boton JOB 8 Pon lOW ST. LOUIS HOTEL--Chestnut street, above Third 0 Kirtland, Connecticut Nlt Braley, Michigan a L Wrlreth, New York C J lo brincr John M Eisoar, Wash Ii K Haag, Milton Col W G Murray, Pa • .1 M Kepi:wart, Pa Mrs Harrel, Chester co, Pa John Bilyn. Pa Lieuti M Hall, Wash, D C It Coulcor, Wash, D C John It rincbon, Zielr, York A. Winters, New York J N Baial, Philadelphia. WIN UNION—Arch street, above Third. D L 'Eshleman, l't Carbon J S Wallace, Lane co W H hirob. DI Chunk J L Stenheaultsu Ceo Su cony, Roston W 9 Sharp & la, N Jersey S itturrom, Moutg co W Kaufman, Reading. J Pomeroy, Juniata J X Royer & la, Lancaster J .11Inlion, Penult D Eppley, Harrisburg W.L Carter k ell. Mai% Mrs SA. Rualnman. Plata A G Retnikter, Allentown Mig.4 Longstreth, N Jersey W A Hammer, Cressona, Pa MADISON DOUSE—Second street, above Dlsiclsoc„ C Buckman, Ducks co W Ii Mnualage, N T Janney, New Jersey W Tam, Delaware J Silvers, New Jersey W 1) Large, Pa S Baker, Pennsylvania J Burson, New Jersey w clo±Wol BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. Robt Holloway, New Jersey S J Lanronce & la, N J Chas Torbert. Bucks Mr Robins, Philadelphia J T giantism. Day,044,-,w, Ausnistua Yandegrilt, Pa BLACK BEAR—Third btreet, above Caßowhill. Wm B Wagoner, Pn Heury Copley, Hamburg Cuas Plt.-1 7 Hurteerille A Crubsrunu, D J herder, Olney MARINE INTELLIGENCE. for - OLE PVII/STPL PAGE. ARRIVED Ketch Commerce. Barnet, from Pernambuco Nov 15, with 5400 huge sugar to John Mason& vo. No date, in Ink Al the :stout 366 or 100 tone, white bottom and black bends, fluatifig oven with the water's edge. Seim C Newkirk, Somers, 4 days from Salem, in ballast to Tyler, Stone, k Co. Ache Mali, Relly, 4 thiya from Pro - Ode:loc i with m d ao to Crowell k Collins. Fehr Gee It Fisher, Stevens, 1 day front Milford, Del, with wheat and rye re .1045 1 . Bewley & Co. • i'Wor lilirio, F4a, / gni iron Noma, Dol, with grain to Christian :t Curran. Schr John 'Whitby, Henderson, "I day from Port Penn, Del, with grain to Christian & Curran. Str Fanny Garner, Spencer, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde. - . 11.rRe Mary - JG euroline, A.tlamt, 21 houre. from /few York, with mdse to V. P Clyde. CLEARED Ship Congreoe, Mahoney, Liverpool, A It McHenry c 9, twAn . Naiad Queen, Hulse, N Haven, R Man PowolL Sclw T Lake, Doughty, New London, do. Bela H P Simmons, Godfrey, N London, .1 R Blakiston Schr Realeag, Souders, Fort Monroe, Tyler, Stone, & Co. Srr it L ease, her, Baltimore, A Groyee, Jr. Str /ante, Robinson, New York, W P Clyde. SAILED. Ship Lancaster, Decan t for Liverpool, went to sea at 218611 ststatil:c4- MEMORANDA. Mr Jacob Marshall, pilot, reports the bark Clarence, for London, and brig Ann Lovett, for Port Spain, passed to eta at 5 P 111 ; Sunday_ Passcd. off itombny Hook. at 10 A M, on Monday, bark Jane Anderson, for Cork, sail ing down; also, gunboat Kittanning. The gunboat Itasca, from a trial trip to the Breakwater, was off Chester, bound up, and worked very satisfactorily. SPECIAL NOTICES. ONE-PMOE CLOTUING 3 OF TELE LATEST MIELE% male in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goode made to Order warranted satisfao= tory. Our Otis-Pares Bravo' is strictly adlutr4 to, ore 'thereby tremod alike. 8e22-ly JONES & CO.. .604 MARKET Street. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.—This (tele bramti and perrect UAW, /DVS Is the .131 Sr /A TIM WORLD. All others are mere.imitations of this Great Original, which has gained such extensive Patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. BATGEI . 4- 408 - Z LIQIIID /IA/16 DYE ILIATANTLY produces a splendid Black or natural Brown, without staining the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects at bad Dyes, invigorating the Hair for life. Sold by all Drogguts and Yerfumois.. Whololale by FAHNESTOCK & CO. and DYOTT ffi 00., Philadel phia mhl-13 DR ROBERTSON'S VEGETABLE DYER_ vous CORDIAL; or, 7.....Wf:4 NATURE'S GRAND RESTORATIVE. The Great Remedy for all Neurons Complaints, Debi- PrOgElfiollt Lowness of Spirite, to. Price SL For gale by 41?-%*, DYOTT 3 00, No. 232 North SECOND Street, n022-ftrilm Depot for all Popular Medicine!! DIED. HURN.—At EaMon, Pa., on Monday, December 16, Muria, wife of Rev. 11. F. Rum. Funeral at Elkton, Maryland, on That:May mst, The -Mond. or tne furrii/y ore iny3ted to attend. DALL.—At Camdtm N. J., on Friday, the lath Inst., Mrs. Phebe Hall, aged 76 years. Funeral from the residence of her son, Dr. Caffinan, Fluersixville, on Wednesday, the 16th inat., MQ'clock A. M. To proceed tv Div rust (great . Talley, %letter county. WORK.—On the evening of the 14th, Battle, infant daughter of Samuel and Amanda Work, aged 2 years.l Funeral frcm the residence of her parents, No. 112 Pine street, this (Tuesday) afterhooi,, i,t S o'clock. MACNEILL.—On the 15th inst., Malcolm A. Mae- Dein, Jr. The male friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from the residence of hie parents, No. 310 South Yin Bind, ou Wednesday next 18th intt ; at 2 o'eloelt F, N. The Mende of the deceased among the Alumni of the High School are particularly invited to attend. ** JAM E.S.—On Saturday morning, 14th inst., Miss Ent. ma James, daughter of John 0. and Elizabeth James, in the 21st year of her age. the rehstive, sod frjeado of the IMMO - are remmtrully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her “trents, No. 504 North Foiarth street, this (Tuesday) morning, 17th inst., at 10 o'clock. POON.—On tl,e pm lost, Hugh Doon, aged 21 years, Funeral from the residence of his mother, Xre. Jane Poen, Bedford street, below Broad, this (Tuesday) after noon, at 1 o'clock. GETTZ.—On the 15th - bifilt, Margaret W., eldest daughter of Edward aid Sarah Louisa crettz, age y °are ana 3 n.autne. Funeral from the residence of her parents, Buck road, below Passyunk, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock HEWITT.—On the 14th inst., Sarah A. Hewitt, wife of Alexander Tiewitt. • Funeral from leer Ifkfn 1 , 6.24ida1% 6A, Main fitrmt, Kunheimi, Germantown, this (Tuesday) morning, at 10 o'clock. KOLTES.—On the 14th inst., Clara, infant daughter of Col. John A. and Paulina Koltes, aged 14 in-Anchs. Funeral from her parents' residence, No. 711 Third street, kelow Brown, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 1 o clock. it - • • LEE.—On the 13th inat Franklin Lee, in the 76th year of hie one. Funeral from hie late residence, Third and Batton. wood streets, on Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. * MOURNING STORE.--BES SON & SON, No. 918 CHESTNUT STREET, oiter for attle for Black Reps Anglais, 25 cents to 37)f cents. all wool "Velour Ottomans, $l. do do Reps 87h . cents to $l. do do Epinglines . B7K cents to $l. 1. de, Morlooo,, 1S cozate to tipl, do do, Coalmen:ll,7s cents. • Pettit de Sole or Mourning Silk, $l. Thibet Long Shawls, $5.50 to $8.50. and white imported Do Laines, .1.2 X cents. lend Mourning tdx cents. Jai DTAT A MEETING OF THE PHILA DELPHIA. SKATING CLUB AND HIM ANS SOCIETY, held at the Washington House, on Wedose- An- night leer, tile 44/ening named gentlemen Were elected officers' . President, FRANKLIN PEALE Vice President - - 11/VDIAD W. SLADDLIOIENT, Treasurer, JAMES SULLENDER. Sorrento , ' EDWARD D. YATES Corresponding ok : retort. WASHINGTON L. GERHON. Executive Committee, ALEXANDER E. HARVEY, IYDI, F, YANHOOK. THODIAS V. YARKEII, SAMUEL SIXES. EDWARD D. YATES. Board of Surgeons, DR. WM, U. TAqitT, IL 'MINTON. Dll. JOHN K. KANE, DR. CHAS. S. BOKER, DR. THOS. G. MORTON. DR. B. HOWARD RAND, DR_ LOUIS. I'AgAIVT, DR. ()HAS. S. WIIRTS, DE. J. It. SLACK. Attest—EDWARD D. YATES, Secretary °TN - E.—APPLICATION WILL BE 11.3 made to the Board of Directors, Mercantile Lira ry Company, for renewal of CERTIFICATE of one share or stock No. 01, same haying been lost or mislaid. GEO_ It_ EARLE, del7lti-3t* Poe Thomas Mule, deceased. ry - • THE REV. R. A. CARDEN WILL Uk_3 Lecture THIS (Tuanday) EVENING, at o'clock. Subject- 14 Amyl Icfli Tll5 Will HMI Foreign Butionar at tioncert 11611, riIOTTI - fth at the close of the Leetme. The Rev. C. D. Coq,per, the Rev. B. Wat son, and other clergymen will be present. Tickets 25 cente, to he had at the door. BAPTIST lIIISTh TUTE.—The First Lecture of the Sea•on, - before this Institute, will be delivered on TB EnD Y (THIS) EVENING, at the Baptist Church, EIGtiTII street, above Green at quarter before 8 o'clock, by Rev. A. 11. D.ANPI3II!aI. gt,14.-rt—aaod. Ir. India." Mr. 15. i speak of things of which he has had personal knowledge and observation during several years' residence in India. The Waic are invited. It HEADQUARTERS, HARRISBURG Elilloli.:oNGESElt AI'S 0 FFICE, Unfounded rumors of extraordinary sickness in Camp Curtin baying been widely circulated, I certify that the sick now in camp are only two per cent. of the troop& and that there iw nothing of an unnanl or gerioutt ebaraeter. The health of this Cutup la closely watched by Surgeons of undoubted ability, who have everything they require promptly furnished to them by the State. t HENRY If. SUITLI, M. D., • delo , 2t boron General of Penna. THE STATED MEETING AND DIS• PLAY for December will be held at UONOERT BALL oil ICEBDAY EVENING neat, Instant, at 8 o'clock. A. w. 421101IsQ$, cir/O-a Boy. Setirotnry-, THE TWENTY-SIXTH PENNSYL YANIA ANTI-SLA vERy FAIR will be opened iu the ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, on TUESDAY EN-H -ifi/4d bee. 1 - clt nod Will cot/Dune dm - B , S th°lhs" following days. Admission Fee, 15 cents; Season Tickets, 50 cents; Children half price. dele.St tryOFFICE OF THE DIAMOND COAL COMPANY—NOTICE—The Annual Election for Seven Directors, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the odice of the Company, No. 713 Market street, on WEDNESDAY, January Bth, 1862, between the hours of 12 end 1 o'clock r, M. delo-tianli* EDWARD PEACE, President PEOPLE'S LITERARY INSTITUTE —The seventh Lecture of the Connie will bo de limo on TIIVIISLAY EVENING, Dec. 19th, ut OuN- ClirbT VALET flut, Lecture quarter before eight o'clock. Tickets 25 cents, at T. B. Push's, Sixth and Chestnut streets.. gy. COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE 4.501t , ..N V C , l.` 1 1.11! gii , ArfE PRNIMYL NANIA-ofliee. Commonwealth Building, No. Old Cheet. nut etreet, ItAILAIDSLPISIA, Dec. 9th, 1864. A wilding of th# a{44holders of the coototoN WEALTH 111517EATICE Mato or l'entantrania, will be held at the Oflico of the Company, on DIONDAY, January oth, 18b2, at 10 o'clock A. M. An Election for Ten Directors, to eerve the ensuing year, will be held at the wane place, and on the eau tin: bourn of 12 and 2 P. U. SADICEL S. Itloo re N, Sectary. dele-tutbs tisr4 AOPPR.NIIIIIMER MRIIOIIAN - • Bibb'. BROKER in all branches of trade, and manufacturer or every deacriptinn of Army Goods, No. 48 south TULUD Street, west Mat; second story. Philp. delpitiot (Iv/Mf THE PRESS.-PRTLADELEHIA.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1861. TIBEFUL PRESENTS. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. WRAPPERS, SCARFS, Nos. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. del7-3t ATTRACTIVE TO LADIES! CARL PETERS & Co., N. E. DODNE/I ONESTNITT AND TENTH BM Have this day received their last invoice of FRENCH CLOAKS, And are now enabled to olTor to the Ladies the LATEST NOVELTIES OF PARISIAN FASHIONS IN ALL VARIETIES. An early CALL is solicited - by CARL PETERS & 045., N. E. CORNER TENTH AND CIIESTNUT. ael7-2t 2 Ai T M. HAFLEIGH, e." • LISi SUCCESSOR TO L. J. LEVY & CU., 723 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL OFFER, TO-DAY, (MONDAY,) leru, AND DURING THE HOLIDAYS, STOO6 OF WINTER DRESS GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ALSO, GREAT BARGAINS IN ::;•• LINEN CAMBRIC HDKFS• 1.5 EMB'D CC can EVERY VARIETY OF LACE GOODS AND VEILS, JUST RECEIVED, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OE BALM - ORALS, OF SCOTCH MAHUFACTVAH, CLOAKS ! CLOAKS I MAGNIFICENT- • FRENCH SILK PLUSH CLOAKS JUST RECEIVED PER LAST STEAMER. FROSTED DEAVER CLOAKS In endless variety. Also, the largest and best assorted stock of SEAL SKIN CLOAKS In the City. EVERY NEW STYLE ; EVERY NEW MATERIAL. The very heat work, at PRICES THAT ASTONISH EVERY ONE. IVENS', da.lre NO. 23 SOUTH NINTH STREET. ARTICLES SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. THREAD LADE TEM. FRENCH EMBROIDERIES, of all kinds LINEN TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS VELVET CLOAKS AND DASQIIES, at #lO and fli.s No. 726 CHESTNUT STREET des-tf PATENT MCCLELLAN TIES PATENT McCLELLAN TIES. MEET MCCLELLAN TIES. PATENT NcOLELLAN PATENT McCLELLAN SCARFS. PATENT McCLELLAN SCARFS. PATENT McCLELLAN SCARFS. AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S! AT J. A. ESIILEMAN'S4 AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. ESIELE N'S! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. EsIILEMAN'S! NORTHWEST CORNER OP SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. TIIE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA_ THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. P. S. The above articles, being PATENTED, cannot be obtained eleewhere. P. S. N 0.2. Men's Furnishing Goods, in every variety. Pr 311h3. rATtiriT ARAJURGLiDD GO/ULM:SU; 10 FOR A QUARTE R. del-strith3in UNITED STATES MARINES.— WANTED, Lntele_thilkin for the United Stntvii Ma" rine Gores, Tlitthei nuriuituu ADVE.IIOI/1150 NEN, for sea service, between the ages of eighteen and forty years. AD information that may be required Rill be given at the Rendezvous, 311 South Fuotur Street, bolow Spruce, JAMES LNWIS, Captain, Recruiting Officer. HEADQUARTERS CURTIN LIGHT GUARD REGIMENT, P. V., No. 533 01129TNUT St AnGthiqe.edisy the liseaeaae, and accepted by the Federal Government. Comfortable quarters provided in Philadelphia. Pay, Ration, and Uniform se 60011 as enrolled. By order of COL. H. J. STAINROOK. W. R. MAC ADAM. Mutant- Aell•6tik LBNGUAGE.-P It O F. GERARD having resigned hie position at the Cen tral Dish School, often hie services to Schools and Fri. Tate Felonies, ae an inetruetor in the above language. Schools and Families will be waited upon in the morn loge. and Gentlemen easy receive lessons at his study No. err PRUNE Street. *7 For further particulars apply at his roehlonos No. D 22 IVALIUT Street, or at his entity No. ON PRUNE . Street. N. B. Particular attention will be paid to converaa lion in French.. del7-St* THE NATIONAL HOSPITALS.- A mtrosrraur or "The UntitA Stated Sanitat7 Commission" is now open at, Ito. 1733 011ESTERT Street, Philadrlpbta. r.addlvdd tkd Iloeo 1. , »a.! Pod- Oldk and Wounded Soldiers. itert-4w NOTIO,R-FOURTEEN BOXES, J.." marked "Mixed Yegetablem, 11, 8, Sub. Dept, wisumg,p,,, 1,, c2,,' were pinkest upon the Leitch near ieuwick Island, and will be sold to defray expenses, ,te., maess claimed and cost paid. I • JAMES BURCII, Wir_oekniamee. Did', Permitter 4, MI, dol6.Btt RETAIL DRY GOODS. THOS. W. EVANS & Co. ARE NOW OFFERING A LARGE 'VARIETY OF GOODS SUITABLE NOR EMBRACING SILKS, CLOAKS, EMBROIDERIES, lIDKFS., AN ASSORTMENT OF ARTICLES FOR CRAVATS, GLOVES, I.a ALL AT REDUCED PR DOES. VALENCIENNE LIM VALENCIENNE COLLARS TALENCIENNE BETTS POINT LACE AND COLLARS LINEN CAMBRIC RANDIEBRCHIRFS PRICE, FERRIS, & Co, GENTS' FunNISHING GOODS. ➢IILITARY NOTICES. nomp AY GOODS. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. IrratiSCAN, STANDARD SILVER WARE, Ac., and a general as sorlxnent of rich and tasteful articles, suitable for HOLI DAY IMISENTg. A call implies no obligation to purchase All goods warranted as represented CHEISTMAg PI IFSLINTS i9elii>attaif, at and much below COT. to elkom hes:Mm after the Holidays : MAGIC LANTERNS, and all }Linde of DIEoHANIGAL TOYS GLOVES, &a store 4turvo for Bale, HOLIDAY •BOOKS OF OUR OW.N PUBLICATION.--Deforo buying elaemltere, call and examine our F plendbl n9wWilly BOA • I. Et ICUur, DOL.Yi rose tluted paper, and vignette engraving. 11. FRUITS AND FLOWERS OF PALESTINE. 111. CITY OF TILE GREAT KING. IV. PALESTINE, PAST AND PRESENT. V. SKELETON HOER. Also, Juvenile Books., Photographs Albums, &e., CHALI:EN St SON, Publishers, Booksellers, and Stationers, , ?el7-6t 1308 CHESTNUT Street. BOOKS FOR PRESENTS ILLUS TRATE') WORKS, and all NEW BOOKS ! Every new Book issued will always be found for sale as coon as published, at retail or wholesale, at lowest put, l!Bbere prltea, M the chropeat place in the world to buy 73vviso of any hind at an, wall Is at I% B. PETERSON & BROTHERS', It No. 306 CHESTNUT Street. CILDREN'S BOOKS OF ALL from a - Primer to the most eXpensivo. The largest stock of Children's Books, in this country, and at the lowebt prices, will ho foutni for sale, at retail or wholeaale, at T. B. TERSON & BROTHERS', It No, Ng GI3FSTNUT Street. ALBUMS ! ANNUALS ! GIP BOOKS! ILLUSTRATED WORKS! BIBLES! and all kinds of Books whatever and the largest asso- Milts titthe Ghent/eat prim will rt , ho found for ado at T. B. PETERSON to BROTHERS', It No. 306 CHESTNUT Street. GIFT BOOKS FOR PRESENTS ! of all vr 41P3' kind% Thu cheapest place in Ins world to buy Books for pro- Bents, of any kind at all' is at T. B PETERSON & BROTHERS', No. SOS CHESTNUT Street. 105 , Call in and examine oar stock. it VERLEY NOVELS FOR FIVE Y DOLLARS! PETEIt , ONS' are now selling the Waverley Novels, complete and entire, bound in rine large octavo volomeq, for Vi -0 Doll Are. t.!ltail price Is BiKlit Dollars. We base also, other editions•, from 55 to 5100 a set. Call in at T. B PETERSON Lt BROTHERS', It No. 306 OLIN :FIN - UT Street. DICKENS' WORKS DICKENS' worKs!! Complete and entire sets of Charles Dickens' Works, will be found for sale at very low rates, at T, Pt rFatilii3ON tci fillOTHElib"l 300 CHESTNUT Street. lii Publishers of the only complete editions of Dick ens' Works. HOLIDAY G 0 01)S FOR ROL 1 DA.V What would make a more useful present than A HANDSOME DRESS, A HANDSOME SHAWL, or A HANDSOME CLOAK I Seal received trum Men lorx l a Large 1455711/1/Wat Of New Goode, suitable for MOLIDA Y PRESENTS. 1 LOT MOIRE ANTIQUES, at 50e., An enormous loss to the importer. PeircliPal Pacer giiies for toe ' 1 lot lutrabforne 'Velvet Flounced Robes, at less than the cost of importation. I. lot double-width Printed Cashmeres 37 . X . c., never before sold less than 80c. eh 01M Isle k 0.5 Coor's OF EVERY OESOWPT/Or.l. Newest and most desirable styles of CLOAKS AND SACQUES. 100 pieces Meri knack and English Chintzes at 12,4 c., worth 13;4 c. in first bands. OItVIAP MAI:HET§ PLAilirEi.o, Nee: Fancy Caasinieree and Rich Velvet lettings at low prices. H. STEEL & SON, del6 No. 713 North TENTH Street, above Coates. CHRISTMAS BOOK CLUB-1861. FIRST YEAR. GIBBONS' DECLINE AND FALL, 6 sole $7 50 MILMAN'S LATIN CHRISTIANITY, 8 v 015... 12 00 MAUAITIA AY'S ESSAYS, 6vols SITAKSTgARE, COOPER'S NOVELS,TharIosAg Edition, 32 cola.. 43 00 Dr. R. 6BELTON MACKENZIE'S WORKS, Ori ginal rind Edited, (including the Nodes diribro siana.,) 14 wig 16 25 BUCKLE'S CIVHAZATION, TOt! 5 00 LOSS - HG'S FIELD BOOK. B 00 A 01.178 of 12 is forming for the above works, each member to be supplied .at 25 per cent. discount. Each member may take one or mere of the works as it suits him, or }is tllay elibetitute any other work or works for those named above. The hat will close in the let of January, 1862, after which no names will be recotvedfor supply at the above discount. Apply to JOHN Me FARLAN, Office of Appleton's Nvyyr VyciupivUiitt Of unseen e/NTII Mott, Octond floor. Booksellers bare an opportunity of buying at lower rates than the usual prices twice a year by means of Trade Sales, and the publishers are content with the lower rates obtained in view of the quantities that are tiltroched off." Why should Bet the i,u6110 have, e. simi lar opportunity at least as often If this attE.mpt by means of clubbing, to supply theBESTEDITIONS of standard works at low prices, meets with patronage and supeort, it will be continued semi-aupually. del 4. stutha CHRISTMAS IS COMING, And we are assured that many who read The frOso arc already cousiaoring WHAT TO PRESENT TO THEM GENTLEMAN PRZENDIL We would suggest the following: Either A FINE WRAPPER, MUFFLER, SCARF, TIE, or GLOVES. Or. if they have friends IN THE ARMY, what could be more scomtable to our noble volunteers and Mears. than GOOD FLANNEL SHIRTS, OR HEAVY TlNT•grOLOTlttilet THE PLACE TO BUY THEM IS AT W. W. sNr.anrs GENTS' FURNISHING STORE, No. 606 AB.CR STREET. N. B. FINE SHIRTS ready *Rd& dud made to or er, at , • 81.60, AND UPWARDS. n027-f 1m • CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Bldg:mud Boards, Portible Jesks, TOO Bigt/03 in great Tariety, Puff Boxes, China, Glass, Metal, &c. Papirr Mache Goods, Cabal and Travelling Bags, Odor Boxes, colored glass and gilt, Faniy Gilt Articles, Gen's Drubbing Gam, Purls, Wallets, and Cigar Cases, Boris and Baskets of Perfumery, Fanci Articles generally. loperted and for sale at low prices, by D, JENN, dll-10t t NO. 26 SOUTH FOURTH WritEET GOO3S FOR PRESENTS NOW OPENING AT REIIIICEI) ° PRICES. FRENCI EMBROIDERED lIDKFS., SETS,COLLARS, SLEEVES, &C. Alec- - LAIES', GENTS', And CHILDREN'S Mill stitched andVorded Bordered lIDICFS., with plain, and colored bordo, in new styles, and SILK lIDIUS..irk great TAT/Mq ALSO, 300 FINE idMASK TABLE CLOTHS,,.. in a great vanty of now and Ovine patterns. - LAO& YARD EXTRA 17SATY and WIDE LINEN SHEETINGS.,, 250 DOZEN 'I 7 AI_,E NAPKINS, bass 0110 tall gas dawn ! ALSO, Large assotiient, ot EMBROIZtEREA HAW AND TABLE CONFERS, LACE 41) MUSLIN CURTAINS, GOLD-BORDRRED SHADES, GIL Ti'ORNICES, 7...4SSELS, RANDS, de. EPHOLNERY and CURTAIN lIIATERL4LS, Sc. RHEMRD, VAN HARLINGEN, d ARRIMN, de12.12t 1005 CUEST'NET Street. (I,llltl3ThiliS HOL I I)AY 5,-- h E I Et Tit Would suggeet to hit tattoos, tint ihP public aerelly. to cell ilt 0116.7 at hie gallt•cy, SEIJON D Street, above Greta], Were bb caeca, at reduced mice% lapel cues for (oiThrOt) tvt floc. Cloloccd Photwirapba—DAW It*" eonAL, SOLID GOLD JEWELRY Ct.` I~U3SI+:LT., 22 NORTH SIXTH STREET POLYORAMAS 4 P;TEREOSCOPES KALI•UDOSCOPES, MAGNETIC TOYS, OPERA GLASSES, C. -T. AMSLER, 11rTitilaaff 635 CHESTNUT STREET HOLIDAY I'RES EN TS. THOMAS C. GARRETT, Unit AA received an annortment of LADIES' COLD WATCHES, Of the newetg kyles, and of very superior quality, aawell as Ilium adapted to men's and boys' wear. lonouroctoriog- rat.-noivoiy o errent - rarloty of ÜbEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES OF SILVER, And Oyes special aliention to getting up things suitable for BRIDAL AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS. PLATED WARE Got up under the proprietor'a own inapection. in a great -variety of etylee, Will Do warrantoa PLATED with pure Over, in a way to inmate its wear ing well. Much of hie la manufactured on the premises, and hia stock will he found to comprise a great variety of fashionable goods, ff4Ul 010 oulalloot orticlen to /11003COPIA These are offered for sale at PRICES ADAPTED TO THE TIMES, Ana ooraona aro milted to call and examtne them de3-tuthe lm HOLIDAY PEES ;NT$, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, AT REDUCED PRICES. JOS. H. WATSON, de7-stuffilm 3'26 CHESTNUT STREET. dorMaks Bt USEFUL PRESENTS FOB THE SEASON. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS STEREOSCOPES, MAGIC LANTERNS, PICTURES OF TILE REBELLION FOR TUE MA GIC LANTERN, DIATILEINIATICAL DRAWING. INBTRUMENTS, AIR MIPS; ELEOTRI. CAL MACHINES, MAGNETS, OPERA GLASSES, SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES, MICROSCOPES, And Every Article to tbg Mathematical and Optical line, For Onle at iicubooßblo rrices, by JAMES W. QUEEN & Co., II IDAY CONIfIACTIONE Fine French and Plain CONFECTIONERY. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS. ALSO, FANCY LOXES AND OTHER ARTICLES Suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. W. A. ALEXANDER, de14.1'44 ARM Street, HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Del:tines, at 18% cents; Calicoes, 12g cents. Black and fancy Silk Handkrrchiefs. .NOrk.inta; Chivas, Gents' Simuda.. Misses' and Millis' Shawls in variety. Nice assortment of Dress Goods. Balmoral Skirts in great variety, at J. If. STOKES', 102 AB.OI-1 Streek N.ll.—Pn hand, Jack-straws and Solitaires, made by And sold for an invalid. They aro nice games as well as presents, and auy one would confer a favor by rtrehas ieg the tome. dol2-tf HOLIDAY GIFTS. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, AT CLARK'S S 1 STORE, No. 602 CHESTNUT STREET. 'l7 PIEPER—MATED WARP., JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, in great variety. New and beautiful styles re ceived daily, and sold much below the usual prices. CLARK'S Si STORE. de3-Im 602 CHESTNUT STREET. HOLIDAY CONFECTIONERY. THE FINEST QUALITY OF CONFECTION ERY, IN GREAT YARIETY, Prepared expressly for the CHB ISTMAS Ira I.ID AYS - FROM THE PUREST MATEILIAL'A, At Wholesale and Retail, by J. J. liICHAR DSON. No. 126 MARKET STREET. 41.1 4 .4 Mikokiment of belt, co - v.4.1141y on hand. dO-t24 .... 900 lg Cld GENTLEMEN'S 'WRAPPERS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. The house of R. C. s WALBORN & StreeCo., No. 5 and 7 North SIXTH Now presents a PRINORLY STOOK at the z r.corul and comfortable articles of apparel for Gentlemen. LADIES SHOPPING. FOR PRESENTS Should beer this in mind. They have them in every style of material, and AT ALE PRIM. Their stock of FURNISHING GOODS, also, com prises many neat and suitable articles as. PRESENTS FOR GENTLEMEN. del3-1.2t HAN GIN G VASES,. Ornamental Flower Pots. Parlor Vases for Growing Flowers. Baskets for Jardiniere. Pedestals with Vase for Flowers. Antique Vases for Mantel Vases Remittance for Parlor. Rustic and 'Terra Cotta Vases. Lava Flower Pots and Vases. Garden Vases and Pedestals. Drottoto for Beets and Figures. With a great twisty of articles suitable for Christ mas presents, for 8111/6 retail and to the trade. Warerooms 101$ CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. dell . 8. A. HARRISON. CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! COOPER & CONARD, S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. del4•etuthlm WINTER CLOAKS IA SABLE CLOTHS, 4 , FROSTED BEAVERS, SEALSKIN CLOTHS, BLACK BEAVERS, LYONS VELVETS; A Absoirrianziro AT MODERATE PRIOES AT , 11 PARIS CLOAK 'EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STRHET tT, W. PROCTOR & CO. nom.ti CLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! WATER PROOF CLOTH CLOAKS ! - ewilow -var.oty - LIGHT AND DARK CLOTH CLOAKS% VIE. 1100 REASONABLE r 5.1025-1.11 VIE OM. IVENS, °cif. No. 23 South NINTH• Street. CL 0 AK S! Tim Mulct - 4 Viacapecto mad liast.natorted in the city, ITHE ARCH-STREET CLOAK AND 1 MANTILLA STORE. NEW BALL CLOAKS. WATER-PBOOF TWEET) OXMAN% _ BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS. WIRY NOTNLTY ATBLOOK.TI MOM& JACOB HOBSEAIL2 an31.15m F. W. cortex TENTH sad ARCH Ste E ELDRIDGE. Agt., FASHIONABLE CLOTHIER, Fenserly at. Eighth Axel Chestnut Streets, ilt4 tlOwn 1319rc, No. 628 MARKET STRUT, Where he is prepared to furnish his old friends and the public in general with READY : MADE OR MADE TO "ORDER, IN TRY. BEST STYLE, AT MODERATE PRiore., As.l 111 iaZi.a.i:ar DOR DA.311- Ae7-lin if itSLEEPER'S LONG B3TA IPtleht-d Stargurackw7 0 , Light y o wl f ff rykeitijio. 1. DRELL Afi,*eo admirably adapted for piremmation. 1002 MARKET etreet, one door above Tenth street, thil4a4l* .A.TALBUTT'S ALE - VAtilikTß.....The old and popular Establishment ' , No.. 23 STRAW BERRY Street, below Market, having. been thoroughly renovated and Unproved, Is REOPEN:IIb to the public by the undeieittned. who invitee the setronalw of nil hie old Mende and the community as tae e. He &MUNI, them that at ALLBUTT'S AlkE VAXLTS they wilt alwave Ind The... Vent Aim NW!. Best Ales, Who Rust %nudist. ThLlll-st RolLhatit. The Rent Witt, The Boat Wines, The Beet *Annan or aA kinds. 1/7" OLD ENO O 1 .b.ITISOLP , S DAILY, at TEN o'clock. delU (it STEPHEN ALLBUTT_ HOLIDAY GOODS 712 CHESTNUT STREET, OrrObrni 1111 NASTAIU Wadi, PHILADELPHIA, JEWELRY SETS OF DIAMONDS. IN EVE "LY VARIETY, CARTES D'VISITE FOIL TEE SAME CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. GOOD STYLES. REST LOWEST PRIDES • of every shade ; BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every qualify BLAc 04 - bri-T - 444TIGT VLOARS, EVERY NEW STYLE,, EVERY NEW MATERIAL; THE LARGEST STOCK AND HOUGH & CO., No. 2E) South TENTH Street. Oppouita Franklin Market. CtoaWIN G. CLOTHING, AUCTION NOTICE. AUCTION .SALE OF CA RPETI.NC4S, DAILY & BROTI EEC No. 020 CHESTRIUT STREET',, Will offer at PulAc Sale, on t7FTH - PAY (T/IVRSPAY) the lUth ODA.; A large assortment of CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS ; DRUG. GETS, MATE, RUGS, &c. To chew up their hoinegi. • Sale to commence at 10 'o'clock. The goods will be arranged far examination the clay prtrvicai, and win ho offered in quantities to suit per chasers. The especial attention of Housekeepers is in 'Med. 11017.3 t T. DIIIOII & OM NEW PUBLICATIONS. HAZARM BOOKSTORE, A SUPEIII3 STOCK or ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, PHOTOORAPiI ALBUMS, BIBLES AND PRAYER BOOKS, CHILDREN'S BOOKS, &0., Elegantly Bound and Illustrated; AMBROTYPE PICTURES AND CARTES DE VISITE. I.IIOTOGIIAPH3, Me now diPidayed OR our Countare and forming o.n nnc riTalled display of (2110 ICE ROOKS for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, AT MODERATE PRICES_ HAZARD'S del2-12t 7 " c I III4.I7iVT STREET, FOR SALE AT THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BOOK SOCIETY, 1224 CHESTNUT Street; Philudelphin MMM=I An increarxd stook of Books suitable for CLERGY MEN, FANDLY LI - DRAMA% SUNDAY SCHOOL LIBRARIES., and HOLIDAY PRESENTS. 0 . 2 1 Y Plitivn of the SSINIAII.7IVE 'PR arpai , IsVVli. Bound flexible, ribbon edge, F:•:1.513„ . bIINIAATHE PRAYER Boox. Bevelled boards, very elegant, V._ MINIAIIIRE PRAYER ROOK. Turkei morrocco, 32m0. PRAYER BOOK. Arabesque, red, or black, 90 cents. 82mo. PRAYER BOOK. Roan limp 50 cents. 66 64 Imitation, 75 It Tar_ tre..r_ teun " Ribbon edge, NAO. The above 3fitno. PRAYER BOOK is printed in the largest type for neat-size book to be Lund hi the conc.- try. It is , particularly well adapted for the use of CIIILDREN. - A very handsome new edition of CHURCH SERVICE. CD SERVIuE. Turkey morrocco, Imitation, 1.50 RACHEL W_ ORREIK. A and enlar ff ed cdition. Price 40 cent,. SEMION COVERS of different eizen. P:UOTOGIIe Pll ALIIUMS. PHOTOGRAPH A LBI2 MU, all sizes. OARS DE TISTII. II aC Ma 64! th 6 Ercf.iCOPAL BISHOPS and CLERGYMEN. AIR,' a supply of new SUNDAY SCHOOL ROOKS, SUNDAY SCHOOL REWARD CARDS, Se., &c. EMS=I BOORS FOR PRESENTS. ALL TEE Dian• BOOKS ILEUM VED de SOON AS PUBLISHED. 'Lop Store of the Society will be kept open during the eVening till altar Christmas. to Rivet Riming 1 .4,thatst Teachers an opportunity to select Books.for, their claseea at their leisure. det4 7t ROOKS, LAW AND MISCELLA NEOU.S. to mid .51d, eota, ...I ..- .changed, at the PIRLADELPISIA.-12ANS. BOOK STORE, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Those having Books to sell, if at a distance, will state their names, sizes , _ bindings, dates ? sditianA. 10 , 166.„ and 'WANTED—books printed by Benjamin Franklin, as well as early Books printed in and upon Ainerica. Autograph Letters and Portraits purchased. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for sale. Catalogues, in press, sent free. Libraries an. aysisad he f Fe 2-4-149 iorrts BAMPBEL'i.. FOREIGN READING ROOMS, 1323 CHESTNUT Street, corner. of :WWI' NIR. OPEN EVERY DAY and EVENING for LADIES mod GENTLEMP.3I. Froth 11 A. SI. ,n+l2 P. SI. ex - clueivcly for Ladies- All the principal French, German, and English Illus trated and Literary Periodicals are regularly received every two weeks. Galignani's Messenger and Journa/ des Debuts by every mail from Europe. Terms of single subscription per annum, so; three months, $2.50; one month, Si. Family subscription -per annum, $10; three months, $3.60. Vo" Orders for foreign Books and Periodicals forwarded by every steamer. P. LEYFOTADT, Foreign pooneellor, no2o-1 m 1323 CHESTNUT. INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY I OF NEW YORK; AssiTs .EIGIIT MILLIONS-OP DOLLARS The premiums paid to this Company are an VESTIYLIAMT, NOT A.• 151E211 EXPENDITURE, As an the profits belong M the Insiired,; and may b ap— plied i-a „zt „Yt., ,ztz. REDUCTION GE PREMkUMS, ADDING TO - THE SUM% INeUREDi This Company will purchase its-policies after two•'premiums have beettpaid,.so theta policy is equal to a bank note to the extent of its poesent calh yittge t . teairai mamas raca. year.. The rates of premium are lower , most comps niest.yet the•dividends have been greater. Polices are•iseued t premiums ma witiohtease after !Iv*. GI IBS: years. Pemphlets , giving names of, Tlzeiees,.and other infor— mation, may he had, free of. oxpeners on appllcation t .by. tetter.or.otherwigki to F. _BA.TCHFORD , STARR, Agent; 400 IYAtaIf,TIVOTABETi PIIILADELPIM PHILA DE L 1117141 REYE RENC ES, THOMAS ROBINS, I JI I H-N, NYk_ 3 4ii, 14, ti, i. , 40,1 - Viiii, tiliOvAiri n tiTUAKA. GEORGE M. STROUD,. E;.S. WIIEIEN, JOHN B. MYERS, il. I? rsur. Li LEANING, i .10SDP H. I'ATTERSON,. WM. C. GEER W IG,:. JOHN M..ATWOoD,, ARTHUR U. COftslth, THOMAo: U. iIrWTHIZ, THWAAA WIYTdOIS. WILLI A DI MCKEE, WILLIAM S. BOYD: de.44-it6t 11 FIRE Or TIEN STAiii ON C OMMONWEAL nftricz COMM PrE424BICLVANIA. DIZIDGTORS. • David Jayne, M. D. Charles H. Rogers, John M. Whitollt John Walken_ Etwern C. lintglit, Robert Shoentakte, Thomas S. Stewart, William Struthers, Henry Lewis, Jr., Stephen Coal: r. DA:v.17344a D, M. D., Presicleatt. 11911.1.1. Mt WE/TALL' Vico ittglitioSi thaffiVEL B, DlOD2ll.Bwaretam Office, Commonwealth building, 618 CANS6I6/13.1 4 Street. Philadelphia. sso4f ff FAME INSURANCE ccan, No, 400 ortrtSirtOT ITEM Aids/ INLAND INSI7RAMMIL DIRECTORS. George W. Day of Day & flatlar.3. 6010041 " Wright &ca. itt D. D. mirmy" a .. " Dayla Bi Itvicievb Henn Bros: - .3 0. Richardson . J. 0. Rowe & Gra. Jno. W. Ev0zman........ "J. W. Ecn.nnata 00. Geo. A.Weat...... g , West 03 /Nbcat, Mania w..... r. S. Mania B. " ravage, lamina di 00. 0. Wilson Dada. Attornoy..l44toa. E. D. Wciglivall. of Sibley, lUDs .% & WOillirlia. Jno. KersCon. Jr N 0.1713 Groom street. GEORGIr. Wt NA L. Progidont. ritAriV/13 N. ThilunkiTtotwThrtelmat WILLIAMS 1. BLANCHARD. Saortaary. ja.2341R R& CO.'S IaitIEXCELLND a II COla LIVVit Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, &camas, do. ThysiCiftligh In preacribiss it, have (in the tordiseouisis of many of the profession) a guarantee oi unadoenees in which, all the of of the invaluable Medicine is retained. Travalids it% wenn& by the them:m..lola, loss T,W.hieotts and more really, retained tc, their beneftt than. =tun manufactured 6011/AClAnkds sold 3.3 Cod Liver Oil.. Sold; wholesale and radaik,hy then Proprietors and by Oity Apothecaries. JOHN C. BAKER di CO., tialamif 154 Wastik TRIAD stew! -- -- DEPART 11LE NT. OF PUBLIC WHARVW—AbLD LANDINGS. Bau..ken.raik, December 'l3OBBl. NOTICE —The Wharf at tUfz,64. f Ohsatkist atra,t, oh the !liver Dela:rare ' will. leas...llor a term of ono, or three years,. to. th e hiAtest mat best bidder, at t'4: Merchants' 4:eh:Awe, or. % . I.IIDRSDAY, 20 th lust., at.A. o'clock nocii.. N. T. BAROLTX., dal4-2.firt T'II `,INODEL HAIR-CUTTING • SA.- . To (hid city Ls at.FOUST)/ and BrANCII. del4,iftf A QUARIUMS; FORN CAS, S' A variety of nal and Plante, No. 144 Nowth , SIXTU Street. d2-Im* BEST QUALITY 110014140 t3LATV always en had and for silo at Vafon Whgaf, 141 WWII greet. Kennington. T. TRObIAIL . arierar Ilf VW itT.WITIP 11l vAIL TAl.Rahhhads lIAMPTON'S SPLENDID LEUIUU NUT. Hampton's splendid Stew; Coal. Hampton's splendid 'E. , . r. rsnA, 1 - 111'11 - Vitolvt.nad rerzakz. 010.-1?;141 AMUSEMEnTS. ANERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC , --BROAD /t.tat LOCUST Streets. LetIEIOU and Manager J NTXO2i TIIIS EVENINfIi CPUMA.Y), Dot. 17, THE BEA CUISAS Will mike her appearance tw,new Spanish Dantw, supported by szNou xrrifs,lf-go, AA" THE. FULL SPANISH ()iriS•lll7 DALT, ET. TIIR1:E STERLING FARCES' Ir." DRAMATIC) COMPANY— Ln j" Vt -' `. VTINPTO "EL OLE," ' EL OLEO" LEYIL SEVIJIM FLOOR j" "8019 N'i.:ASTT,ES." TO-MORROW NIOMT • EDWIN FoilltEsT J ACM OAL ti PRVCES OF ADMlSSlON.—Pargurlf • PhAt6trZniat min Ilateeny, GO cents, /in extra char , , , e , ' fur Rintin'tad :,'sir, Privity Ifoxofh with admidgiorrillr Mot la. erns n. Family Circle rind Amplitlndir,Fil; 26 cents; trE):Del SECURED FOUR DAYS IN ADVANOI4 I ; Doutrnlien nt 7 •, Onnimence nt half wwt7. CR.V.iSII MATINEE EVERY s.IT .a"Z. 11/NUT-blither TilEAT11111.;- , NINTH and WALNUT Streets. • Sole LOKSOO MRS. M. A. GA RIXIMSISN DF E DWI N ADA lf!: THIS (T F.31 1 / 1 1) EVENING. mnISAY 17, Will be prrir.KFnrd Malmeari . rA Tragedy, elAtted lIAML ..T HamletMr Eolwi • Ghost Hr. John 151w7tiltmgl: O. PI R9Ph .. .. —?r , :frr,tlrtiattal ..... siilirt.oll l Yoo . 'Ng Mllllllllll Gullllllllllllll ou ititd SISTERLY AF F ECT I 41N. liosalie De "Valmont ...... MisB Alice Placide PRIcEs-60, 37%, 76, awl 2a www; Private Deems, $o and $3. INOOIIS. Ite, T. To 0011121.1tICAI MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCII•STREET THEATRE. Acting and MAP Manager W, 3, FLOMWWI - and 'Maumee JOS. D. 11/lIRPITY. ' BENEFIT OR MRS. JOHN DREW. THIS (.I IiEBDAY) EVENING, December 17, The perform:thee will commelice with the Comedy of LOLL tilLigil. Conktanee Uri, John area - Lydia Mt* Alexina Mabee Baker hir William Foie !lore Kr..leliti Gilbert To conclude uith the immliehle •+uamdietta of . . . _ . Ludy Fedixree Mies Mary Woth. Poore opus ut before 7 ; curial' will rise at 7 pre chitty. No extra charge for reserved seats. WHEATLEY iS CONTINENTAL 'MAT= —WALNUT Street, above EIGHTS. FIRST BENEFIT OF MR. WM. WHEATLEY, On which occasion Le ii gratified in being able to an nounce that MR. J. di. CLARKE Rae kindly volunttyyyd Idu and TIMOTHY TOUDLE4. Previous to which, the Petite Comedy, A ROLAND FOR AN MAYER. To conclude wit}, the gorgeous Equestrian Spectacle, - TH VATABAGT OF THE GANGES( /%oErthitliUll 20 0111115 cents, MUSICAL b UND HALL. GRAND CONORRT4 BY THE PUPILS OF THE INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND, In nid of the COOPED ItEfitESMIENT VOLUNTEER. FUND, ON TIIENDAY EVENING, Ilee“nilpli , 17 A fine selection of Solos, Orchestral nieces, Rid Cho ruses, Will be given Conductor i'ICNETS TWENTY-FIVE, CENTS, to be had at VA! institutim, Olorr, lich it South fll Btrac4 and at the dour, To Conlltlence at a quarter before S o'clock. del4-3t pno - F. ITIRA?,.I CORSON'S STU— mils IN ENOLI.3II WIDOW, LITIMLIII2I7 ART AND I:Rinl:L:4ff. Plofet.sor 11111:01 CORSON will, by request, repeat a number of his Afternoon Lectures hi the Evening, at Lrypoldes Foreign Reading Rootm4, No. 1323 CfliCdT- N T 014; CollllllolWilift ut 1 1 1 -1 8 1 80 P to 8 ti - eloelt- The Leann on Coleridge's ANCIENT MARINER. it which it 4 my,tical or mnlerenrrent of meaning is set forth, will be delivered on TUESDAY EVENING next, Deembtr Tiek~,ts 45 at.hta, 1,31 a.t Mr. L 1 1'1'1 3 0f...61"g r:4-eign 11006 tort, MAGIC LANTERN PICTURES OF THE filißELLlON—Represklitinh.all rl,O prm. neni gcenee, Riir.,llsClLlellts, .114 iilC - MeTIVI 1 0 tilt: Fur sale by JAMES W. 44U HEN & 921 0 11E67N UT Street. A Descriptive List furnished gratis, and sent by mail free, on application. no9l-11n TEMPLE OF WONDERS, TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. BIGNBIt BLITZ, THE GREAT MAGICIAN 1,1411 VENTRILOQUIST, in hie new and constantly-varied periorraatrne,,-, V.VIVILY 253!K11.4 or, ovilunt.poinE ay and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 3—Riiietrating she aatoniehing and intereeing Myrna ries c f Ancient and Modern Magic, entertaining Ventri loquial Deatonttrarinue, in which the voice will ammo &B A JA, LMAIIIIVIS t4A'AS.II3Y IYIRD,q, Admigsio., 25 cente q children, 13 cents. noll3-11 CiERMAN IA ORCHESTRA. VAIIL SE.IT%, CimthigtOn lIEHEAIi3tIII3 every bATtfIiDAY, at Ikx o'clock Y. M , as the MUSICAL FUND II ILL. Pueksge ,sf Eight Tickets, $l.; Silt& Tickets, 2t, cts. To be hod at Ar.di e's, 1104 Chestnut street, J. 1. tlottld`e, tienfitil 140 Clhutiniti and at the door of fie Hall. wadi pENNSTINANIA ACADEMY OF L 'rrn FINE ARTS, 1025 CLIESTNVT Street, k OpelN daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M. till a P. 1114 Adinieehin 26 cede. Children wider twelve you% tiolf prim 61aaree of stock. Drl WANTS. WANTED - }MRS TO POST AND SETTLE Intricate 9ccuttntA to arljn4t Writing to do, of any . Mud. Apply at No. v. Sou th Tit lUD Street, op ataira. deg-tufw9tt good MAN, to work r at the Oyster-box, at 111 South ELEVENTH del4 WANTED -A COMPETENT VNITS CLUItle. Attd.trees, with reference, stating salary expected, w A B C," Bulletin Office. del4-3t* Q r ALESMAN WILL BE WEN FOR 14.77 an ENGAGE= ST, January lat. A Salesmen who sells Eleventy Thousand dollars of Dry Goode to Rret.olass near Pennsylvania trade. Reference given. Address RICHARD,. Press office. W- ANTED—BY A YOUNG- MAN,. a situation as Clerk, or employment in any bu-, guess capacity. He has a general knowledge of business. and can give the moat satisfactory reference. Address! HOPPER, Mr 13141.0. aasll-14144. .• FOR SALE AND . TO LET. A 'X O. RENT, STORE, No. S NORTH THIRIY . ST. Apply to TUGS. MILLER, 42 NORTH THIRD STREET. EM12133 TO EXOHANG.E—YaIuabIe farm of 84 acres of first-rate land, situate near Q‘iikker town Station, North Peuneybunia Railroad, go. ,d water, well fruited, with good sad substantial stone improve meota.. ADDIT to X: PETTIT; No_ Mg 1 teat!JUT Street. TO EXCHANGE—A d .esirable StVAßrit, situate near Went Cheater, N nd one mite from Itnilroad Rattan, aontnininn amen „ wi 11...4- go4d irtibroteitisids. Price only I 6,500, Alice Farms every description for sale on yens enable term.. Apply to E. P •ETTIT, del3 N 0.309 WALV UT Street. $2,500014 Mortgage for this • antouni rile at discount. For further hartictilars apply to.N. PETTIT, N 0.309 WAL NUT !Street. dela BIIiFARDING. rft> LET-In* or with' mt board, to a single gentioman,a bed room and s itti ng mom . or bed room only, in WALNUT Ste et, between Tenth and Broad. Address, for farther Pi whenlars, "X. Y. 72.," Press office, Cheetnue . 4-re V....ELECT 'FRENCH D ENGLISH KJ' BOARDING HOUSE, No. 3 3 f South S/XTEENTH Street, near Clie.tout. To►nte mod/ sate. de2.lm Otkifiricr YILIT STAVING FUND-UZi iITED SPAM AO TRUST 00111PANY, corm i t Ulan and OREM INTEREST RIVE PLR ON ovr. S. E. CT AWFORD, Pretrident, JANES R. LIUNTER, Seca :buy and Treaanrer. Office bows,- !min Rik lcultil I q`cbck, ooFrepor us} i 54.04 11l my andeolloa ID q Degbdature. F EEL -.1-1 Mil iCED MEAT eascribor begs Is %ve to inform the public that., he is again prepared to ofS , r his justly celebrated NE PIiJS ULT . !' MINCED MEAT; tiwiv of Num) lT antitioe. Order 9 through Da... spatsh• Post wiN be POW tushy attended to. JOSHTIA WRIGHT, spraNa GARRY and FRANKLIN Street' ? rniiadairca.: S _ LATE lANTELS. These beautif! illy enamelled BILANTKLE4 e.a do. cidtgY Veitlshie Y / 01/7 Otter& are manufactured :At thus EiVie PRICB 3 TO WIT THE TIMES. ARNOLD & WILSON,- 9p#4 mif Na 1010 OFIERTNITT T' BA . LTIBIORE GAS-BULMNG FIRE - PLACE HEATER. El el:mimeo called Lie " /AMON) Store," Itae Dui stove for wr .rming room in 'Which it 5te.:44,!tr.d . ..td00 . rooms aka e. Chtlaaad look at them. ARNOLD &VIM SON, No, 1010 ILIHESTIBIT Simla ccO4int i CAS D AIkINTING, 23 E,s T: AND Cb . etty,est !a,the City, at RINGWA.I.3 b BILOWii 8. 24 Snuo..h TH:RD RfreNl4. no2o • DAMPALET PRINT , IrN. , Atibia , ovettir Ober desoription of Pniotfpg, of ikok Nnporior kibitrity, at aka moot reasoc*liirAtegy ac RING. WALT 809wW4, Primary 34 South -*Tr Fs*vnt. waft. rri ~ 0 1/01tE EVERV ---- PHOTOGRAPH AN,II _A,MIIFIXT,P,r4; GALLTAY; XU. 606 ARCH !WHILST; AHOTH EVATH,, Opponlie dm Arciotrerot TheaLA. se26am PHILARELPHIA, ARDESCO O,it C0..--.l3Artttsps oiL-4,000 bb:,. to wive. Igor sale 'lttlcto by sole agootli io this city. SP.P.HER drl2-1110 `.- 1 44 with PNI4WARt Artmile. TAT - AM-WO OE' -I.IL Skeleton LAvtot, and ; BlecipeVllor,k,m.elet:witse the: French convex PTA gim% ea, ta,stAil rammer, ak. CTOROV.l l ,llVViciturP r ig., w wit Ai. dl,1 7 04.1. 1. vA4111.4,1;1LE . 044,1 k FiNGAA,VIAGS,, v. that ht•re bean deface 4 cavbe remenuted • and frttneti, neatiy maor.Napon, 1112:1;trautl, SO iahat *vr4wt., 517,14.-irkr avNNY JAMAS OM NA pale by JAI:MI 11)H & CAILITATBEI. n 022 IN Beath IiiRCINT &hank .scar E. S. RARLgY, FURNISHING UNDERTANNat ran of TENTII Wank uoubrioliror Mr. A. R. TAYLOR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers