from capture by foes without. Ry agreement between s named, ...en es wee effected, for SWAT Pura 2117tieb, by Michigan and Ohio, and by Missouri and lowa, their boundaries could be SO changed as to render the capital more remote than at present from the influence of State Governments which hare arrayed themselves tire, baton aFainat She Federal authority, To flit end, the ilindfe of Virginia might be so altered as to make her boundaries consist of the Bine Ridge on the east, and Tefinsylvania on the north, leaving these on the south and west-as at present. By thin arrapper ut t two Gosh- kieaoftier; hum (Mit-glinny nod Washington] would lie transferred -to the jurisdiction of Virginia. All that por tion of Virginia which lice between the Blue Ridge and Chesapeake bay could then he added to Maryland, whits that port on i the peninsula between the waters of the Choutpeakemed the _UAW?, kohl t, land and Virginia, could be incorporated into the St:ito of -Delaware. A reference to the map wilt show that these are great natural boundaries, which, for all time to come, would serve to mark the limits of these States. To make the proteotion of the email] complete, In 0.,0-pideration pideration of the large accession of territory which Mary land mould receive under this arrangement proposed, it would be necessary that that State should consent so to modify her CotisthUtiell as to thlth the basis of her re lireSemationlo her white Muntlation_ In this connection, it WOW he the bad of otlitaom to TPRIIIIVK to the District of Columbia that portion ~f its original I nit' , e I, lelthy get of f`em.,treAtt ce , ret,Ami to the mote of . It is already a grm•e unestion, what shall be thine with now Shan who :we abandoned by their owners on the advance of our truois into Southern territory, as at Sean fort district in South Carolina 7 The number left within our control at that point is very considerable. and similar cases mdtsbly occur, What shall he dons with them T Can we :mord to send them forward to their masters, to he by thein armed against we, or used in pro ducing supplies to sustain the rebellion 1 Their labor away be useful to us. Withhold from the onenry it lessens Ms ROMP; y rctvigt‘cF, nod Within:Mint them has no toll. army to indiwe the horrors of insurrection even in the rebel conormiliticit. They constitute a military re source, and being such, that they should not be turned over to the enemy is ton plain to discuss. Why deprive him of supplies by a blaellade, and VelithiMily give him mew to pr„ inee our plies T The disposition to be rondo of the slaves of rebels after the close of the war can be safely left to the wi-- idom and lottthghtm of Congress. The representatives of the people will unquestionably secure to the loyal slave imide" every b 7 which they Ate entitled whiff tilt commvonon Of QC GOllillfTi MACON CAMERON. Secretary of War. To the Preside , t of the Vutted States. Jl/1811SAGT OF THE EXPORT OF . 111 E NECK& TARE OF THE NAVY The duties of the navy during the past summer have been threefold. To guard the insurgent ports and a coast dine of nearly. three thousand miles ito protect our ma ritime r011::111,CP .111 d cruise in lawsuit of piratical vet eels sect out by the Confederates; and to take part in combincd naval and military expeditious against North und bouth Carolina. and the ports of the infected dis bide_ The repert of the Serratepyef the g ee de tailed information of the manner in which theso arduous duties have been performed. Vessels have been sunk in Ocracoke Inlet, on the worth Carolina coast, and others are about to be sunk in the harbors of Obaritsldn and batillitnaili thac• Lunar, (1 and fifty.three yeasts, of various Chess, bare been captured since the institution of the block ade, mostof them in attempting to run the blockade. The naval expeditions were, it semis, planned after receiving the reports of a board. of carers, who &libe ral4J the polviz to be attacked soil sired. The board consisted of Captains J. F. Dupont and Charles B. Davis, of the navy ; Major John C. Barnard, of the army, and Prc.fex:sor Alexander Bache, of the coast sur vey. The it`tcretary I snorts that Flag Officer A_ 11_ Fe.et4, of the nary, hall organized an efficient tultial force in the auxiliary to the army. Of privateer", the report states that 4, such of these cruisers us eluded the blockade and capture were soon 'wrecked, beached, or ennk, with thy exception of one, the titcemer Santo - yr, »man by some fatality, was Permitted to pass the lirouidyn, then blockading one of the passes Of the lttbeieeipyt, cad after a brief and feeble chase by the latter was allowed to proceed on her piratical voyage. .&n investigation of this whole occurrence has been or lievaa-nyßt, the Secretary fully sustains the act cf Captain 'Wilkes in cantuting Mason and Slidell. lie says priraLly „ The prompt mid decigive action of Cant. Wilkes on able occasion merited and received the emphatic approval of the Department ; and if a too generous forbearance vas exhibited by him in not capturing the vessel wnich lied these rebel emissaries on board, it way, in view of the special circumstances ; and of its patrjotij mottyes ; be e.v.ccacd. ism it roast by no ascent be permitted to con etituto a precedent hereafter for the treatment of any case of similar infraction of neutral obligation by foreign Vessels enyagrd in commerce or the carrying trade.” There were, on the 4th of March last, in commiSSloll tad at the sercl.,- of the Ltecretary of the only vessels, currying- Old give, and 7,600 men. There are, So-da), in commission, 264 vessels, carrying 2,357 gnus, and over z 2,000 men ! This is an immense work to do in little more ti nu eight months. Besides this. there will be niftily, vary gliartiy, fifty-two ne w Aeume:-.: 7 w rounarly adapted to coast- g uard duty," three of which are iron clad. The Secretor; advises the creation of more grades in the lima/ service, as likely to add to the efficiency- of the vork, by making the rewards mare fre,eet. Also, he recounnetids a ride that officers be retired with a suffi cient allowance, atter forty-five years' service. T wenty fire acting lieutenants, four hundred and thirty-three acting masters, and two hundred and nine masters' meta hair been unDOinted, in order to haw- sake;-3 enough for the al largely Mei-eased navy. There have also been acting engineers and surveyors appointed. The Secretary asks Congress to faster- the Naval School to such a degree that at least double the usual Winter of cadets may no ingtrneted. on the shindy question the Secretary says nothing, but the folkos log, ton the employment of fugitives," Still show that he proposes to protect loyal men, and ar rest insurgehts, a about asking if they be black or white. Jae sags: In the coaal.ViiSe and blockading duties of the navy it has been not nareeuent that fugitives from insurrec tionary places have sought our ships for refuge and pro tection, az.d -vat commanders have applied to me fur instruction as to the proper gieposition which &mid mod- tctulteS, Oly answer has been that, if insurgents, I hey shonld be handed over to the custody the Guyernment but if, on the contrary, they were free front any voluntary participation in the rebellion and sought the shelter and protection of our _Cos. ther•solid'fur aad cin• -played in some useful manner, and might be enlisted to serve on our public vessels or in our navy 'ards, receiving .sages for their labor. if such employ ment could no: he furnished to all by the navy, they SW& ta T i 14' Of be tonna for them in the public service, they shouid be allowed to pro,ted freely and peaceably, without re- Oraint, to seek a livelihood ill any loyal torsion of the country. This I have considered to be the whol e re- Mired dub in the Frwlliues, afoul. uneslidlkee. The naval estimates for the year ending June 1843, :amount to 514 ; 625,00 ; and besides this, the Secretary reports a deficit of Fe - 18,530,000 needed Inc current ex penses to pay for vessels purchased, and for moor spry alterations TO in fitting them for naval purposes; , for the pro cheer of additional vessels, and for the con :struction and conipletiou of twenty iron-clad vessels. ;Effect of the Wor upon the Position and Prospects of the West. • itCorre.;t.iniea;a of The Press ] BiILIVAUKEE, Nov. 27, 1851 War is a great modifier. Many as are the evils it engenders. ii 1121.13 its 4.slllreligh.fiofii. If there is much of bloodshed, there is, by the same process. annals purification of the body politic. A few months ago and the whole country was divided into fierce political factions, denying each to the other all political virtues. Now the body politic is a unit in expression, if not wholly so in feelings. Political lines are mainly blotted out, and the nation has been brought, to know that, despite the fierce in. ereetive of the past, the masses of all parties are honest, if they are at times unwisely demonstrative. The "logic of events" /o.§ tnllAt 110 to repos A Measure of confidence in the virtues of one another. This is, of itself, a great gain, and it is much to be hoped that the denunciatory habits of the past are laid aside forever. Faith in one another should be the peculiar characteristic of our future politi cal discussions. There would bo no end to the catalogue were we to attempt to enumerate all the changes that the war will bring about. Let us 'notice a few only of those which are likely to take titlem in the greet Mieeinippi valley—this Riese garden of the world. The currency of the West was, until recently, based chiefly upon the stocks of the Southern States, taken by the State authorities under the unwise system that has prevailed here, in security for the I.4suea of the boobs. As the rebellion proved almost wholly fatal to the con vertibility of the stocks, so, as a necessary conse quence, it has proved fatal to the existence of the 'hanks themselvt a. Most of them have been *god sip, and the [docks sold for what they would bring in the New York market. The immediate loss was great; the suffering also. The result, however, is. that it has purified the currency, and rapidly the wholo country is lee6Valitig from the stunning blow, and entering again upon an era of prosperity - anequelled, we believe, in all her former history. Chicago would hardly, at the present moment, be recognized as the same place, in a business point of view, that it was a year ago. A moderate revival of business was. perhaps, to have been expected. under any circumstances, but it has been precipi tated and itern..esely enlarged by the contingencies Of the war. talifeeget is now the commercial outlet for a much larger area of country than it was be fore New Orleans and other Southern ports were closed. Many of these changes will be somewhat permanent in their nature. It will be many years before the commerce of the West will flow again in its former channels, if it ever does. The deepening the Illinois Canal connecting Lake Michigan with the Mississippi river is likely to be immediately effected, as a work of national Importance. 'The edltivation of cotton and tobacco is likely to be largely stimulated at all points throughout the Weet where these products of the sod will grow. The subject of the cultivation of Cotton in bouthern Illinois is now attractingmuch Attention. There aro believed to be at least -5,000,000 of acres adapted for the growth of cotton, and it is certain, if seed of the proper kind can be obtained, that a considerable effort will be made to test the 'BMW thoroughly during the eneitieg season. Stranger things have happened than that Southern Illinois should become essentially a cot ton and tobacco growing country. The most important benefit, however, which the West is to experieneo as the result of the war 19 the re-establishment of an immigration alto ge titer unparalleled is its past history. The social and in dustrial demoralization of the South will be so treat from the present excesses, and the laevitOlg Creates which the - war has already and will here after produce, that Virgo numbers of those who had taken up their residence there, permanently as they supposed, will find it convenient, if, indeed, they are not obliged, in sheer self.defenee, to leave there. The bulk of this emigration will be determined whietl7 to the great free West. Already many cases of this kind are well established. As now advised, Bentham Illinuis is likely to he somewhat favored by this elan of emigrants. We trust that it may be so, and that the cultivation of cotton by free labor sney be exemplified in that, for this purpose, favor ed locality. The numerous failures, also, that have taken pines among the commercial sud tualaufac taring °lasses of the East will determine large num bers of those enterprising and energetic men to seek mew homes and to found now fortunes in the teeming West. There tins never occurred. in tho past hie;nry at the CQUidry Inv groat commercial oriaic shit!' f o Lea not reacted in this manner upon th is sectionl the country. Tho evidences of this are multiplied upon every bard. There are few or no colossal fortune. in the West; there are no broad distinc tions between wealth and pillYerty, betrinun the rich u the poor. Thcre is no such thing, es yet. as hereditary wealth; these are the concomitants of a dense pwpdlation anti of many generations of :Iran- Snulatium. Such is not yet the fate of the West, 'while the vast amount of yet unappeopriatod s a guarantee that it shall be many generations before it shall become so. That the stream of foreign immigration hm heron Parawfrbat , Cheiiktti ) is readily admitted, but there la abu.ndant reason to expect that it is temporary in its nature. The immediate future of Europe is by no means assuring; war is imminent in many parts of the continent, and except for the disasters wrbiols now dieteeet, while they disgrace our own gand, the-eyes of the beleaguered populations of the Old World would bo turned inquiringly towards ns. fihould ;the jurisdiction of the General Government Ito permananUy reasserted, as it is oertain to be ere along. the grease. of foreign immigration will again pet in upon ns with redoubled force. Notwith litandimg the present disturbed condition of this continent; the great battle of nationalities is let to !be fought among the discordant ela sticate of the Old World. There is every reason to believe that the death of Louis Napoleon will be the signal , for;an uprising - of impatient nationalities upon Abe -continent of Europe that would surpass, . , In extent, tho political disturbances of the QQASNIate and the Empire of the elder Napoleon. Those rapidlyapproaching events will herald, if they aro not preceded by an unprecedented emigration to this country. Our political difficulties, despite the interested carping of foreign writers, are ephe meral in their very nature, and the sim ple fact of their repression by the Government will forever establish the superiority of our country as CM asylum for the oppressed of other nations. This westward flow of population is duo to providential causes, inevitable in their nature, if we may judge of it in the light of post history—and that it will OPtillllt till at lent the circle is complete, we mutt believe. The ereat stream has its tidal current backward we know. but it is only to gather force for its subsequent recurrence—" Westward the star of empire takes its way." CITY ITEMS, Sox=cticists TuAT INTICRENTS THE Our lady reltderswill be ri:iniced to learn that their °Ufa 'serifs sinvping rpsrrt--.11 ,, ; tru. EiTs sod LoiielrJ, at Fourth anti Arch streets—presents, this tinaiini, nny anal attrarOollB to pereOna wishing to purchase (iitriatuuta Presents of a valuable and substantial character. Their entire stock of dress goods—entbracitur some of the choicest and most desirable articled as will he seen from Their announcement this morning, in another column has bren reduced in piee, in anticipation of the ap proaching holidays. We need hardly add, to those who are familiar with the high character of this old and re spectable bouoe l that an annortncemont or this hind from them means something. We advise all our Iniy readers to give them a tall, as they are surd to be rewarded in doing so. `Mx. Truirzwes READrrius.—Mr. Whitney's (the celebrated dramatic eloeutionist,) illustrations of Eu ropean and American Senatorial Oombata, at Musical Fund Hall, tact evening, was a signal SIUTPRSI. In the art of imitating the grant px,,eve, Mr. Whitney is unequalled. 116 second and, we believe, only remaining entertainment, in this city, will be given, at the name hall, this (Wednesday) evening. No one who hag a facto foe really good tatling Azaila f!l to I, r him. CONFECTIONERY NYE TilE HOLIDAYS.—MOSCrS. E. G. Whitman h Co., SeCond street, belff are preparing to nutko the season a happy one in every well-regulated household. Their preparations for the holidays in the way of delicious confectionery, rich. pure, and varied, are unsurpassed by any others in the world, and hundreds of our CitiZOßil are already indulging in them, thus making the happy Christmas season a thing of weeks instead of days. This is sensible. We will only say, in conclusion, that these gentlemen have this eeneen sur-passeii themselves in the richnose, Vninistri and elegance of their Christmas preparations. It is, of course, needless to add that, in doing this, they tare sur passed everybody elec. A Dust SCE:TE 41 . 1 . OAEFORDS'.—The de. pressed state of the mercury yesterday was signalized at Messrs. Chas. Oakford & gone', under the Continental Ho tel, by a perfect outpouring of the very elite of our city, 1010 /16 not +Midi Or for either ladies' Fancy Furs; ladies' French Shoes; Children's flats; Gents' Furnishing Goods, or Ilats and Caps. All Meet , departments yesterday were crowded with buyers—epending their twiny, wo mar sty, eo ilia very Lest advantage, as the reputation of this old house for selling tke best goods for the prices charged is pro. verbisd. CIIRISTMAR Is COMMO.-11TOArl not 1J , 9 by the calendar that Christmas is approaching, as that fact is more elcquently announced by the magnificent stock of fruits and coufictionery of Mr. A.L. yanont, at has bewontut new store, Chestnut street, second door below Ninth, and the crowds of delighted customers with which the latter is daily thronged. We have already stated specifically the reasons why Mr. Vansant's con feciloa ore the finest end pores( manufactured. FINE GROCERIES FOR TILE HOLIDAYS.— Those of our readers who have not yet made the £101113,111- lance of the tine opcery wtolAidhinent of Air. C. - Mattson, corner of Areh and Tenth streets, should not foil to do so now. The choicest articles in the grocery line can always there be 'had fresh, prime, and season able. Ills delicious preserved Summer fruits' DR gttnict, log gent-rat intuition, LONG IVINTER EVENINGS AND How TO MAKE THEM CHEEREWL.—Light alone can (Repel the gloom of titirkr.boV, awl the light to use, in preference to all °Mara, whether frank considerations of safely, convenience, or economy, is the celebrated Waters 5: Co. Kerosene. Oil Lamp, manufactured and sold at their Light Emporium, No- P 5 Eighth greet, corner of Filbert: Their stock of lamps is literally endle.; in variety, both in sizes and materials. ESHLEMAN'S PATENT CRAVATS, Seventh and emstuut ply6t4g, .oh6i,tt sala acorn 67- Aft crwypv wearing humanity. They are the most beautiful articles fur the Neck ever invented, and beingpatented, they can only be obtained at headquarters. Trtr DriLY BOT-CANTO SECOND• Lize for the 'tally boy gave nary weep, Knowing full well that his promise he'd keep, Arid make her his little wife—so this was her nogg woul- tor 1 bully boy I go right along r The bully boy went, as every one knows, To make 8 bold mark wherever he goes, And ill war, im pew, it mulling presents, IN will show his good bide itiet ids good sense— By procuring his suits at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rocklin' Wilson, Nos. 603 and CO5 Chestnut street, above Sixth, where the garments tame are 4e g aat ts re spect to cut and finish, and proof against rents. THE PRESIDENT'S MESOU.C.E.—The tucaaago of President Lincoln was sent into Congress yesterday. The document, nl,ioh NvilLirc Aland in another column, is an able one, and was prepared with great care and pre cision. The message was anxiously waited for by the people of this city, who, in receiving it, appeared some what disappointed, as no Minden wan made to the elakiint styles of winter garments that are manufactured and sold at sacrificing prices at the Palatial Clothing Emporium of Granville Stokes, 609 Chestnut street. The OLDIASiOn was undoubtedly a mistake. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE ATTAcK,, BY TUB BARD OF TOWER HALL Kate Kimble kept A vicious poodle, M% kit her WWI The young Fita Boodle. For she, in truth, Disliked the youth, And slyly made her dog attack him. The cross-grained cur Stuck like a bur To Boodle's pants, and much did rack him The cloth was rent; 81, tyleee'Ll event! For Fitz did wear An ill.miule pair, Which saucy Rate Could never bear; And hence her hate For young Fitz Boodle. But, to repair 2. Wrongs done by poodle, Vl6. six-light to Tawert ll.zn px-oceellea., And bought the article he needed. They fit so snug that all came right— Kate loved, and poodle would not bite. Th 6 1.4.1-.§6ki &iikortrrteni Pllffikknabla and ger viceable Clothing in Philadelphia on hand, and being sold at reduced prices. An tastes and pockets can be suited. Military uniforms made to order in the best manner, at the iihortest notiee. Call and alumina. TOSiER HALL,NO. 518 Market street, Philadelphia. It & CO. truxmax's Gomrourin SYRUP OF DoMt—For the cure of Coughs, as a blood purifier, as a wholesome Rectifier and Invigorator, is the most reliable remedy now offered to the public. For sale by the £ro prieloi a 1 .1525 3IAIII T Street, and at Ott brats-- DR. ROBERTSON'S GOUT AND RHEU— MATIC DROPS--The only reliable naiads for Rhonala. tisro, Gout, &c. Price $l. For sale by DYOTT dr, CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, n023-swlm Depotfor all Popular Medicines. UprrAat's HAIR DYE, ONLY 38 CENTS A Box.—Bottles larger than the Dollar Dyes. Colors in stabtantousirt aad Kill 119.t801d only out, Try it. Boi 001 y at ITITAISI'S, 310 CHESTNUT Street. n027-wfm3m HAMBLETON'S HAIR, STAIN.—ThQ moot reliable article hi no for coloring the Hair and Whiskers a natural black or brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Does not fade or wash out. Depot, 228 SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia. no3o-ot' BATCHELOR'S HAM DYE.—This eele brated and perfect HAIR DYE is the BEST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere Imitations of this Great Original, which has gained each oatoniove Patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. RATOHE LOB'S LIQUID HAIR DYE INSTANTLY produces a splendid Black or natural Brown, without staining the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad Dyes, invigorating the Hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FARNEBTOCH A CO. and DYOTT d 00., Philadel phia ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST &maul, made in the Beet Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. ell Goode made co Order warrantee baUsrso tary. Our Osz-Pains SYSTBI( is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. se22-ly JONES & CO.. 004 MAIM= Street. MARRIED. WATSON—KNOX.—Nov. 28, Heatonville ' Phila., by. itev. J. Pleas:olden Du Hamel, Salto J. Watson, Wayne county, Pa., to Robert Morris Knox, of this city. * KRA . ' TOX__BTOII.V—D.,;. 14, :.t 11::, 4 6wctiecboto', N. J., by ti.' Itev. U. IL Soyder, Emanuel Stratton, of the above place, and Salle Story, of Atlantic City, N. J. dk WALKER—WILLIA:IIS.—Dee. 21, by his llonor, Mayer Henry, John Walker, of Doylestown, Bucks co., to YALU CPllefuld ,r trppoc Providence, Mrditgomory co. ik DIED ORUM.—On the 2 ,1 iost.t Nro, Natant, wife of Chaes L. ornni, in thy 44th year of her ago. The friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 8243 North Fifth street, on Thursday morninx, nth instant, at 10 To proceed MO iriret M church, Raines street, uermantown. WOLFE.—On Monday, December 2d, Belle, daughter of E. D. and M. L. Wolfe, aged 17 years. The friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral, from her father'e resl4oncy, 101() Arch areal . , on Tharaaar, 111 instant, at 1 o'clock M., without further notice. ** OWEN.—On the 241 inst., Evan T. Owen, in the 80th year of his age, and, for the last thirty-four yoars, Su perintendent of the Mutual Family Cemetery. 'rho refitting So friende of the flintily, the President and Directors of the Mutual Family Cemetery, and the members generally, are invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, N 0.1131 South Tenth street, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. ** HENRY—On the Mammal: a Tuesday-, 5.1 inst., of typhoid fever, James Henry, Jr., of this city, in the zn i year of his age. Internet from the residence of his parents. Particu lars in future notice. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA; WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1861. X IRRSTI7.I).—Cin the :loth Mr.. FMArt Hicroted, wife of George W. Kiersted, in the nil year of her age. Funeral from tho residence of her brother, Mr. Daniel Jones, t 44 Carpenter street, this (Wednesday) aftorooon, fit 2 o'clock. GILLIIF.RRY —On the WI ult., Mrs. Catherine berry, aged 64 yearn. Funeral from her late residence, No. 226 Front street, above Race, this (Wednesday) morning, at 9 o'clock. * STRaPLING.—On the 29th ult., George F. Straining, In the 2911, year of his am., rimers' from his late residence, Green street, below Thomas, Frankfort, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. 6110YER.—On Tim lot, Emma, daughter of Rachel and the late tlayer Blinyer, in her 18th year, Funeral from the residence of nor bruther-in law, J osep h La u fmty, Eat., No. 724 Buttonwood street, on Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock. so CROW LEY..—On the 24. mst., Bartholomew Crowley, SOn t'f Charlea an 4 Elizabeth Vrewlcyl in the 4th year of Ilia age. Funeral from the residence or his father, No. 7 LoYtea Court, between Phomix and Master streets, Kensington, on Thursday afternoon, 3 o'ciork... • 'Mar)" Allll Ditantough, ao t ta c i l .t ): :No o i 21, m Quin:gni aged 1 your end a months. Funeral front tho residence of her parental, inntlleatit rorncr ..f ^ nn.• i•••• tnnt ONForl tttrp,•t,r, ov TlntrAl,ty al ternoolt, at 1 o'clock. 4 1f of LWAIN--0. fin, Zit InyGuq, Dinry Anns win; Of Itiebard L. Mel twain, and daughter of ,lames and Ann Seertee. Funeral front the residence of her lather, 314 Girard avenue between &every and Marlborough streets, on arterm•-n, at 2 o'clock. MOURNING STORE.-BES SON ,ML SON, No, 918 CHESTNUT STREET, ow— ha- Itlncli Reps Angkis 25 cents to 37% cents. t , all Ni 001 'Velour Ottomans, $l. ttdo du Rees KM cents to $l. • do do Eninglines Six cents to $l. it do F'rolich Illetinotii, 75 emits to SI. " do do Cm:Mores 75 coots. fl Pouit de Sole or Mourning Silk, $l. Thibet Loug Shawls, $5.50 to $6.50. and %Odle imported De Dailies, 1.234 etude. Suenud 'Mourning Chen° Mehairs, 12)ce te. de4 DTTHE UNDER:HU ED WILL BEGIN on FRIDAY Ii'VENLING, December Otb, • A SERIES OF STVDIES OF SIIARSFRIM4 DIA§TERPIEUESI TO OF COPTINVIIP Orikiri A WEEK, Timotrart TIM 'PRINCIPAL COMEDIES AND TnIGEDIEs. Two el enings trill be given to the analysis of each Play, involving the discussion of its Characters—in them selves alill ill their 11111t11111 relations-1M textual dillictik tier, and Ito mural eiguilicame, The opinions of the beat commentators will be given •, but that they may aid and not hinder independent investigation, they will be subjected to tie rigid criticism as though they were not protected by the shadows of (Pat tl._afileSt iluwt of the tharac. tore arrtrts] nt ne runner iiiustrated by Dramatic Readings of the principal rMcs; and it is hoped that by these combined means the provident half-formed or-ill formed nations of Shaltspere's ideal world will be cor rected and clearly defined. The studies are hat 6.4tici... for the scholar alone, but familiar, though thorough, expositions for the reading public. They will, therefore, be held at CONCERT lIALL. Tbebour for beginning will be, every evening, half past EeTem Tickets 25 cents, dtwl-Bt SAMUEL M. CliltlrltlAND. orAN ENTERTAINMENT WILL BE given at CONCERT HALL, on TlialtSDAY EYENING, the sth inst., by r..,t . ,..rt00tzu . A, Th 9 'non gmistatt ,, B, a—lst—i 9 ,11 ..c0..65cl pingurti, DOOM 6HPII at 7 o'clock. tickets 25 cents. de4.2t irrCHURCH OF THE INTERCESSOR, STRING GARDEN, below Broad Street.—The 'flattiliegiving Sermon, breached on Thureility Met by the Rector, will, by rattiest, be repeated (P. V•) THIS (wedeeaday) EVENING, at 7,34 o'clock. The members of this parish are respectfully invited, especially all those who have been confirmed in this church since its organi 2aiion in 1 858. SttaaMii will be accommodated with r ate, lt* 07. THE LADIES OF THE SECOND UNI TAMAN IIOCIETi will hold a FAIR at the A SSEMBY BULPINGti, Tenth and Chostnnt streets, tar the silo of useful anti fancy articles, commencing TINS 'EVENING, and continuing four days and even ingE, and will be happy to see their fnends. rior EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN SE NATORIAL 001411/ATS.—Mr. WRIT t•thre, at MUSICAL POND BALL, TUESDAY and WED NESDAY Erecings, December 3 and 4, at 8 o'clock. "Lord Brougham and George Canning," "Webster and Rayne," " Clay aed Randolph," " Skirl and Lord Lyndhurst'," if Shakeneare an the Passions," PA THETICAL WAR BALLADS?, etc. Admission 25 cents. Tickets at the Continental Rotel, Ball, etc. no3o-4t* BEriEtittLEPiT ASSOCIA. the onmuil meeting of the Society, 'timid Tuesday, October 15th, the following gentlemen were elected officers and managers for the ensuing year: PRESIDENT SAMUEL 11. SEAK.4S*, VICE TBENVENTt,7 RICHARD D. WOOD. J. FISHER LEANING TitEASUREII, EDMUND WILCOX, 404 CHESTNUT Street. .A F SCATATI L. MONTGOMERY BOND. RECORDING SECRETARY, JOHN 11. ATWOOD. MAN.A.OERS. D. Twrigt, M. W. naidlVilt, S. Morris Wain, W. M. Collins, Jos H. Dulles. Thcmas Latimer, John Aehuret, John Bohlen, Thomas A. Budd, William Purvm, .Vahultal Locke, Arthur G. Coffin, Charles Rhoads, Benjamin Orne, Richard Wood, John W. Claghorn, Marko S. Wurta, M. D., Thomas Watteau, Abram R. Perkins. At a Ouhaennent meeting of the Board of Iffsnamsep, afr. JOHN 'HICKS was reappointed Agent, and Messrs. S. C. COOPER and THOMAS EVANS Collectors. It is well known that this Society is not a mere alms. giving agency, but a moral-suasion institution as well, which strives to remove PilllPfliffil by leading tho poor to hat ito of - industry and good morals. In punning this work, its visitors necessarily meet with poverty in every condition, and especially among such of the poor as do not beg-upon the stre.te. -In view or the sufferhui to be ap prehended the coming winter, the Society nalq mention to the otootor*, who are now making their annual calls. The Managers have made arrangements fora larger supply- or fuel than usual. upon terms more favorable than at any previous season and must look to the public to ealtriblite ilbei-any to enalio them to supply the extra demand which is likely to arise. Persons preferring to contribute directly can hand subscriptions to the Agent, at the office, Northwest corner of SEVENTH and SAN SOM, or to EDMUND WILCOX, Esu., - Treasurer, No. 404 CHESTNUT Street. SAHUEL H. PERKINS, President. JOHN IT ATWOOD, Secretary. 13023-13AW9t NEW FIRMS AND CHANGES. 1862. Merchanw and rtadiv TuDtittitiong RIPON wish BLANK BOOKS Of all aims, made of tha best LINEN PAPERS, And warranted durable. AMERICAN AND • FOREIGN STATIONERY in great variety. LETTER NOTE 1 and BILL PAPERg TRIPLE-EXTRA GOLD PENS. LETTER PRESS and LITHOGRAPH PRINTING. Vcrll4, . P. MURPHY & SON, PRACTICAL BLANK-ROOK MANUFACTURERS, COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERS ? PRINTERS, AND LITHOGRAPHERS, 339 CHESTNUT STREET. dea.w&a2m COLLECTION AND AGENCY.- BILLS, 11017 SE RENTS, d:c., collected, and bankable funds paid over promptly. s_ E. cOHEN, 712 CHESTNUT Street. Bills of Grocers, Hardware Merchants, Dry Goods Dealers, &c., collected at a rate per centum on amount collected; or for a specific aunt. according to the number of billet or by the month tie year, Wit special terms. Ground rents, interest money, bills for societies, companies, and public institutions, physicians, tailors, traders, butchers, bakers, mechanics', d:c., bills collected on similar terms. Houses rented and rents collected. ACP Iteferenees furniehed p if required. S. E. COHEN, Collector, Real Estate, General anti Special Agent, 712 CHESTNUT Street. Orders by - Dail or Despatch attended to. ltit A DJO uxN E D CONBTAB bE'S SALE: Toba sold at public •endue, on WED NESDAY, December 4, at 11 o'clock A. M., rear of No. IEO North Fourth street— *tflHll EngiriQ awl Mtn, Paint DIM and rixtnree. 1 Putty Mill and fixtures. Lot of Paint liege, half hogsheads, barrels, 1 platform scale, 3. small scale, shafting and gearing, 1 stove, gain • tity of sheet tin, &c., &c. Me-trained for .r.01:14 and to be soh! t,y W. WALTON, 00116 table. Philadelphia, December 3, 1861. 11* PORT WARDENS' OFFICE, 119 WALNUT S6rHt Take notice that an application has been made by TLIOIVIAS REANEY, Eat., to the Board of Port Wardens for license to extend two piers in the river Damara at CilmetaY, in nc edanan with a Dilan an din In this office, and such license mill be granted accordingly, unless valid objections are filed against the same in this office before the 9th inst. CHARLES S. WAYNE, Master Warden, NOTICE. _The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the name Of S. FREEDLEY & CO., is THIS DAY dissolved by mutual consent. WILLIAM PILLgEII. NVII/ continue the business in his own anal., awl is authorized to Nettle the affairs of the late firm. SAMUEL FREEDLEY. WILLIAM FRASER. PinLAnty.t.pniA, Not'. O,IBAI. de4-wf.dcw-ii*- ENGRAVINGS , PHOTOGRAntS 7 and Paintings framed in Oval or Square Franiea t of wary variety, at very low priced, at GEOIME F. PRINZ/ITT, No. fin ASCII Bt, dat-iflf OASTILE SOAP."-2,200 Boxes mottled and white, each a superior article, for sale by TITAIN d McKEONE, de4.6t* 22 Smth DELAWARE Avenue. 1 WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. TN °Run TO REDUCE OUR large etock of WATCHES JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, and MUSICAL BOXES, we are now, in ac cordance with the times, offering them at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Win as gantisman intsuding to *saialui.e for their own wear, will find et our Betabliatunent an article that can be IMPLICITLY RELIED ON for time, and at a price MUCH LOWER than ever Wore asked. Particular attention lagiven to repairing San Watehaa. Clocks, and Musical Bona, by tikifful workmen. FARR BROTHER, Importers, oe2B-2mlr 824 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. "E A FOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware WI Barites OansL Madelehis and Few York Ilishressitteentboat PIIST receive froigbl end ig,TP Ogr 61 8A No dolt r ins their cargoes In New York the tenoning dam /Weights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, NO. 14 11011T11 WHABVIIO, Philadelphia. JAMNB HAND, Agent, , Am 14 and 16 EAST BM% New Pork s i dat FOR NEW YORK. Tho Plabootptda steam Propeller Oblllleall win anninenoe the 4 kdos= for the NM= on woodarr lath Manta Their stoma are my freight ite blow liar above Walnut Anat. Tacos acoolontrolatlns. Alt* to - w_ . I Bin Wan DI I O 9I I I.A.LVINNIbIti &noel F ORNEY'S "WAR PRESS. " The intense interest everywhere felt in the mighty con test in which the Armies and Fleets of tho Nation are eagaged, ON MN 48TOMAO, IN WESTERN VIRGINIA, IN KENTUCKY, IN MISSOURI; ON VIE Or!. COAST, and elsewhere, and the existing demand for a Weekly Journal that will furnish a full and accurate account of the thrilling event& of this °Rafting. and 4.043*-41541114MA111A period, acceptable alike to Soldiers in Camp, to Peaceful Firesides, to those who wish to obtain the latest war newt, nut to those who doqin to pruorrre in a cnnvoniant form, !Ur future ruttiratimi, a. comet History of Ms Great Rebellion, has induced me to commence, on SATURDAY.NOV.I6,IB6I, the publication of a GREAT WAli PAPER, (iii lieu Or the present issue of the 'Weekly Press,) to be celled FORNEY'S WAR PRESS." It will be printed in superior style, on IL largo quarto Rheat of eight pagee, and each number vent preform the rvuowing ATTiAOTIYE YEATUB.ES, viz : A BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING; Illustrating an event of the War, or a MAP of some to cality where important operations aro in contemplation; A ItAcOAP OF THE LATEST WAR NEWS from all parts of the country, received during each week by Mall and by Telegraph, from numerous SPACIAL CORRESPONDENTS ) and all other reliable tnnicosl of infollnatiOn THE LETTERS OF “OCCASIONAL," whoa, eisintleo from Washington during the lilt three years have been singularly correct in their statements and predictions, an 9 whose comments upon public affairs have been copied and read with deep interest through Oizt the, irikole oousary A THRILLING SKETCH OR TALE, illitairatiiht of tim romantic incidents connected with the War; GLEANINGS FROM THE RICH TREASURES OF WAR-WIT A/SD WAR-POETRY, that are elicited by the mighty events now transpiring;. ABLE EDITORIALS ON THE GREAT QUESTIONS OF THE DAY; THE LATEST LOCAL AND ollitiLit g.twk A SUMMARY OE RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE, interesting to all Denominations; IMPORTANT ARTIOLVA iROM PMEt-igetett WRITES:3 One copy, one year.......... Three copies, one year PO. 9119 yVtire •11 15 00 Ten copies, one year.... Larger Clubs will be charged at the same rate, thus: 20 copies will coO 824 00 copies will coat $00; and 100 copieg, 8120. We also offer,the following EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS! To e-t,r r gutacriter remitting us we will forward by mail a first-rate, new, large COLORED MAP of the Southern States, which girea the most useful and Com. prehensive view of the Seat of War, and descriptions of the illirtAILIA Ltaallkla of the South, that ha, r at he at' published. Its retail price is fifty cents, and it is well worth double that sum. We will also forward one copy of this Map to any per. eon who sends us a club of three; of five, or of tan nub- Any person sending us a club of twenty subscribers, accompanied with Sal, will be entitled to an extra oolYy (for the getter of the club,) and oleo to a asp of the abore-mentioned Map. In order to further etimulete individual exertion to ex tend the circulation of the ( 6 WAR PRESS," we offer the Litwin& lil , e premh=s will be presented to the mom Or porsone who may cure the largest list of subscribers by the Ist of April, 1882; 41.1 second ideloot unuaktor Pr the Ewe period, and tv thv pvivvti for the third largest Ruffner up to that time. The conditions of the foregoing premiums require all ImbScriptions to be paid in advance for ONE YEAS, at *hi 'ales priblhAsit Ebn - and other loyal citizens, aro earnestly solicited to midst in extending the circulation of the ItWAll PHESILI They may rest assured that they will thereby not only secure to subscribers a first-rate journal, but one which will be an earnest champion of the vigorous prosecution of the war and the restoration of the Union. SPECIMEN COPIES will be furnished to those who request them. Subscriptions may commence at any time. Tormi ALWAYS CASH, in advance. j All Letters to be addressed to JOHN W. FORNEY, 131£.0 7 419 CITEMITT biliEfort COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY, OF TIEN STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. DIRECTOR& David Jayne, X. D., Mules H. Rogers, John M. Whitall, . John K. Walker, Edward C. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thelma S. Stewart, William Strathera, &MI PON% Jr,, 6ttphen Unita, .4% DAVID JA 1..N.5, rd. p., President. JOHN K. WHITALH; Vice President. SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. 011iees Commonwealth Building, 613 OUESTNIPM Street, Philadelphia. ue6.if if FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 400 CHESTNUT stmt. FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIBBOTOP.B. Georew..... Dab:: ~,,, Poi 4 Ilatlaell. &paamol _ riglat Wright Bros. & 00. D. B. Birney Davis Birney. Henry Lewis, Jr 44 Lewis Bros. & 00. 0. Richardson.. 0. Howe & Co. Juo. W. 'Warman.— si J. W. Foreman di Co. 00. A. West Wasp k Yobs& F. 8. Martin ~ Savage, Martin, & 00. 0. Wilson Davie.. Attorney-at-law. R. D. Woodruff of Sibley, Molten, & Wooden& hie. Kessler, Jr.. No. 1718 Green street. GEOININ W. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Tke-PreidiMM. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. 9a28401 A NTRRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY_ = Anthapisod easilal *lOO,OOO OH ARUM PERPETUAL:, Mee We. 811 WALNUT Street, between Third and tonrth Streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage by l ire, on BullguPl 7,414.4Fet - 14.P.141611 saw Mao,. Marina Insurance. on 'kneels, °argot% and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIEMOTOIIB. Joseph Mangold, John Itatelvvai, - - John B. Blaklaton, Wm. F. Dean, J. IC. Baum. 3.&0011 EBHBI3, Praddpat. 1 1 ': 1 4, 7, Yivarovident. neortaars. Jacob Saber, D.'Ltithar, L. Andenried, Davis Pearson, Peter Sieger, QAVING FUND—U.IIIAD STATES to TRUST 00/grAtils *War WIRD and OHUT. SIVT Streets. INTERIM TM: PEE CENT. E. It• PIELAWNADI "Frogidish Migss g, LIVNTEIin "svcritaty and Troamor. Office hours, from 10 until a o'clock. This company is not joined in any application to ISt Legislature. Decethber 3, 1861 SILVER'S AIR-TIGHT GAS BURN ER, FOR THE PARLOR, pg 11413- UM, ANT OVVIsK, IN AW , And made In the inoet, approved Manner, of the bat imported Rase% Iron, with PATENTED CLAY CYLIN DRUB, of which we have the exclusive eam. NORTH. OHARR, h NORTH. 61.2.2mif No. 209 North BROOM) %treat. a• NORTH, CHASE, & NORTH'S CELEBRATED COOKING STOVES, thuhecomming, with Doubts-14MM Tort on& all the Latest improvements. Manufactured and sold at 9/2-2mif No. 209 North SECOND Street THOSN/Vl5 CELEBRATED LONDON " trfir.l.ZN/ 0 7" The beat, moat durable, and coirpi;;:_ent arrange ment for Cooking; having the beet faciaies for an tit,un dant supply of Hot Water, Boasting, taking, Slowing. Broiling, /40, For RO I O! A Tarll3l4 Bina, of our 91T manufacture. NORTH,CH AIM, & NORTH , No. 20 North SECOND Street, 012-2inif Philadelphia. Pe:P.LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT RS MOVED to No. 2J. South SEVENTH Street, NMI ranklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and being 409rEnititil tp murk future Mikan/go, hill elegant nil conronlent store ' and ball 110 W 011 hind large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the cab strictly fire and burglar proof pates made.) Also, Lintal Unequalled Bank Vault, Bade, and DNA beg% 11... A. Vault Doors and Locks will be fumbles 'to order on abort notice. This is the strongest, Bed Prit touted, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillle's IiIV Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, 49, This 1449 41 QM. coded to marinas In style and elegance anything yet fared for this purpose, sad la the only tom that la IWO, ore and burglar proof. Bysou.s. Doman.—l have now on hand say tersely al Earring, & Co.'s Bates, most of them nearly narW t forts of makers, comprising a aorotaela assortment as to sixes, and an lately exchanged for Of now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at Will low prices. Please call and examine. he26-lytf M. C. serum Meat IVIPS. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRA TED SUPPORTERS FOR Lamm, and the only Supporters under eminent medical patronage. La. dies and phyidclane are respectfully requested to call only on Kee. ROW at her reatdatLes, 10.411 WA.LHIPT Philadelpida, (to avoid eounterfelts.) Thirty thousand Invalids have been advised by their pity/dolma to use her appliances. Those only see genuine bearing the United Mates eoprright, labels en the box, and aignatume. ant Wm wet flunertara via taitimonlia onlidahall TERMS: ONE lIIINDRRD DOLLARS IN CASE FIFTY DOLLARS TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS AIL POSTMASTMIS, PHILADELPHIA INSURANCE COMP/WE4I SAVING FUNDS. STOVES AND RANGES SAFES. RETAIL DRY GOODS. R AFsoN'S, CORNER OF EIGHTH AND DITERRY STREETS, Hove 'noshed down their stock of SOFA CUSHIONS AND CHAIR SEATS Tb tu.broooaeoiod LOW PRIOES. Mao, their stock of DRESS TRIMMINGS to half tho former prices. VELVET BUTINSIM PO it crai-1 pra; vytiFirt, ZEPHYR WORSTED wErmiEn AT THE COUNTER. being a great advantage to buyers. A small lot of PARTRIDGE WORSTED AT 12w, CENT§ P&B OUNCE. RAPSON'S, de4.4t Corner of EIOIITII and CHERRY Sta. FOR TWO MONTHS LONGER orrlir TWO MONTHS LONGER ONLY! TWO MONTHS LONGER ONLY! TWO 310NT118 LONGER ONLY ! LZ Co., "Still continuo to offer Until. WHOLESALE STOCK AT RETAIL. Ladies whiling anything in Laces, Enlbroiderios i m ums, or Whitt, Cloitag, do welt to coat ,tt 726 CHESTNUT STREET. VELVET CLOAKS TO BE BOLD AT LESS THAN THE COST OF _ MATERIAL ! Point Alencon Collars and Sets, Point 'Venice Collars and Sets, Valoneinnnt OtAlea-i and Set., Thectul Lace Cellars and Sets, French Embroidered Collars and Sets, trimmed with Valencia Lace—very Choice Style. 4 C b a o p w e p s , m C a o t ft r fi rr i c o , Bar:iee, and Bert n re dk s i e n r all the tosvBievriyiih . all =Tullio in our lion, whieh Will be offered at TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. BELOW THEIR USUAL 'RETAIL VALUE. !EWO MONTHS LOITHER OMLV! No. 720 CHESTNUT STREET no3o-lm ES. 7 ItE LANDELL. FOURTH AND ARCH. 17. HAVE REDUCED FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. CHRISTMAS PR ESENTS. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. RICH DARK SILKS. SCARLET SCARFS. BEST GLOVES ONLY. LYONS 4-4 VELVETS. RICHEST FIG 'D REPS. MAGENTA. DELAINES. MAGENTA MERINOES. REPS FOR GORE DRESSES. FASHIONABLE SHAWLS. del-mwslm ....12 00 WHOLESALE STOCK M. L. HALLOWELL & CO., R 7 NORTH FOURTH STREET, MATE CONCLUDED TO OFFER AT RETAIL THEIR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, CONSISTING OF BLACK DRESS SILKS. QS AT TARIPTi, SILK VELVETS, BOMBAZINES, TAMISE ALPACAS, &o. Aiat PRINTED MERINOS, MOUSSELINE% POPLINS, REP% - VELOURS, &a. WOOLLEN PLAIDS, - PRINTED FLANNELS, &c ALSO, =NIA ERMERVE STVGS Or SHAWLS, OF ye:woos DESCRIPTIONS, MANTLES, &ci s ArabL. n And will sell by the Single Piece their stock of WHITE GOODS. CONSISTING OP LINENS, MULLS, JACONETS, CAMBRIOS, • NAIRSOORS, ac., 4c. ocl4-mart3u BLACK CLOTHS FOB CLOAKS AND COATS, FROM $1 TO $5 PER YARD. CASSIMERES FOB NN 'S AND BOYS' WEAR. . COOPER & CONARD, R. R. coxner NINTII and itARRET Otreath nol4.fmw-1m NEW AND CHEAP DRESS GOODS. Jut recoired from New York; Dlugentn ram Bens at lac, worth ale. Rich Plaid Reps at lie, worth 37;0. Extra fine Plaid Reps at 37%c, worth 50c. Beautiful Plaid Ottoman Reps at 50c. SCARLET AND SOLFERINO gliugfc• gum, New styles and fine qualities of Printed all-wool Delainos at 37Xc, worth 62c. WINTER DRESS GOODS, Of every variety, at very low prices. PLAIN AND FANCY SILKS, _ Much leis than the usual market prices; LADIES' CLOAKS AND SACQUES, Of the newest styles. 'Woollen Blanket Shawls, all grades, very cheap. Blankets and Flannels at the old prices. H. STEEL & SON, ilsit na Data TENTH SPRING -SKIRTS AT REDUCED PRICES.—The improved style of Steel Spring Skirts for Ladies and Mieeef3, just received by SHnPkArtb, - *Air ruatrarfeNrfi b 6 ARIVLSONI no3o 1005 CHESTNUT Street. REEN OTTOMAN REPS FOR Gored Dressee. /nue Wyman Raw. Brown Ottoman Rem Purple Modes &c., &c. Richest Printed ' Reps. EYBE & LANDELL. n 025 and SCARLET LONG AND SHORT SCARFS. Scarlet Searle $2. !Mallet Reaela Scarlet Scarfs $3. Scarlet Scarfs $5 and $B. 11023 EYRE dr LANDELL. EBRIIIIO CLOTH FOR CLOAKS. Black Beaver Clothe. Black Ribbed Sea!akin. Black Cloth Cloaks. no2S EYRIt h L*NDELL .14OPTILAR SHAWLS _A. Large and full assortments of the following Winter Shawls Long and Square Scotch Blankets. Fine American, of all stiles. Black and White WNW, and Browne. Children's Long and Square Blankets. Fine Stones, Scotch borders. Broche, from low to extra fine. Black Quatro§ Broths Chains Lain°. Light Gray and Dappled Berlin, Friends' Shawls, of all kinds. CLOAKING CLOTHS. Water Proofs, EveSante, Aqua Scutum. Spangled and Frosted Bowers. Meek Beavers and 81.11,EPLESS BROTHERS, nolS CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets GENTLEMEN, TAKE NOTICE.— WM open tide tooralog— A full line of Merino Shirts and Drawers. A. nice +l.iu‘Ortmeni; eent'r, A full line of Cotton and — blerino Hose. A nice assortment of heavy Cassimerea. Two lots el lino Fronoh Black Olathe. Thirty doz. L. C. Hdkfe, from Auction. Twelve doz. Suspenders from Auction. Striped Clothe for Shirts. Twilled Flannels, White, Red, and Gray. GIQTQII grot lit . JOHN H. STOKES, nolB 702 ARCH Street. WILL OPEN THIS DAY AN IM- Menge dock of all wool Do Lames, tbB balaues of a largo Importation. consisting of 1 lot neat figured dark grounds, at 31 coots, usual'," sold at 52,i cents. 1 lot chintz colors, at 37 cents, usually at 75 centa. 1 lot, yard wide, Plaids, at 12) cents. COWY•kleintwArr lig 00., nott-tf N. W. corner EIGHTH and 51,53515 T. HOIYBE FURNISHING DRY GOODS.—RIPT,PPARD, VAN HARLINGEN ? & mulygoit, i mporters ::ad De4slorm in Linen, end Rona° Purnisitingpry 0.x.r1f., etc. Hare now on hand a full assorbgeht of Linen Sheeting, Table Cloths, Haskins, Table, Diaper Towelling, etc., etc, imported under the old tariff, or boughea groat sac rifice. N.H.—Five per cant Allulied on purchuatie AS tilJOvel if paid for on &Ryon , . nontf LADIES' BLACK CLOTHS. )1130; hemry 4Tercoatinge, awn nue Drew Cloths. COOPER & CONARD, nal NINTH and MARKET Streets PLANNELF— , -V Yard wide, flue white extra at 38 saute. Shaker Flannels, warranted genuine. COOPER h OONARD, net NINTH sad MARKET dtreeta WVl2lOl' CE656131.81LE5-1 1 Of every grade and style, from 62c to $1.50 per yard. Black Cassimeres, some extra line lots. COOPER & OONARD, no 7 MTH sn4 MABUST Otrovier. DRESS GOODS. Reps, Merinoes, Poptine, Detainee, it& Black Poplins„ Merinoee, Debanes, Bombazine's. /to COOPER it CONARD, cal VIMTII. ILLISZT. eILOAKS— !‘j BeadY Dude " nu t:loP 3 Vrik CIONARD, eoT NIETWO.4 lILLURET Eltre•ots. PARIS-MADD AT RETAIL. 333 MARKET STREET, NEW PUBLICATIONS JUST PUBLISHED, MACLEOD'S SURG - ERY OF THE CRIMEAN WAR. NOTES ON TILE SURGERY OF TILE WAR IN TIM CRIMEA, with Iteniarki4 on the Treatment of Ounelint 'WOMAN. By ov,,ncit IL O. hisci.non, M. P., F. R. C. S.„ Surgeon to the General Hospital in Camp before Sebastopol, Lecturer on Military sly y in Aielerrion'h tinivertiity,lC etc., etc. One Vol. 12.1n0. 91.60. SCOEVARY OF CONTENTS. Chop. History and Physical Obararters of tho Crintta. Tho Cluthoog tho Suicuinig dttritia 41.. occuplition by the Alnee. The Nativ,e3 awl their DiKVIISPH. Chap. I.l.—Drainage of the emnp. Water Supply. Laetriues. Food. Cooking. FllOl. Clothing. hou 011111`p ,, rntnhinnl 4111 f) !In.! li/XACC:I . • • • the Sick. 'Nursing, male and female. Transport Chap. 11.1.—The Campaign in Bulgaria and ite ellhete on the ialtisequent health of the troops. The BiAeit.4eB hich itprenrell there' and duriii the Finnic March, an . , . „ welt Ile utterwurtl In the intnipbetbre Sehagtonol. Clp. IV.—Distinction between Surgery AN in acticad in the - Army and Civil Life. Soldiers as Patients, and the character of the Injuries to which they ate liable. enure Peculinri4e§ WtniMid find 111}ilrrIt go@it dwing the 'war. Chap. Y.—The Peenliarities" of Gunshot Wounds and their General Treatment. Chap. VI —Tlm use of Chloroform in the Crimea. Primary and Secondary Hemorrhage from Gunshot WOMidg. Totaling. Carms4 , ll6. bite. Chap. Vll.—lninries of the Head. Chap. VIII. Woundsof the Pace and chest. Chap. IX.—Gunshot Wounds of the Abdomen and Bladder. S Z- -- t‘n!f?r o ll - 114 r r crnro at Silt) lixtronittir+s, Chap. XL—Gonatiot Wounda of Joints. Excision of Jointe r eta., ate. Chap. Ml.—Amputation. Rtfr F 9.1 DOOktitllerm generally, or will ha gala bY DLO, post-paid, on receipt of the Price. Ly the Pub lisher& J. B. LIPPINCOT I it Co. DD and DA North POUR= Street. THE NEW A.ND " FAS UNAT ING" ENGLISLI NOVEL, FOR BETTER, FOR WORSE ; "TEMPLE EAR" AND "TALES OF THE DAY." My original 50-cent edition reduced to 26 cents, making it the cheapen wont or fiction ever published In America. The course pursued by the rival publishers °Mils work leaves me no alternative but to adopt the above method in order to successfully compete with them, -- M c Is minted from the itcraotYpe plates of 44 .tates of the Pay," in which magazine it is just com pleted, and is in accordance with the original design of the publishers, who announced it, together with &aces new book, "Seven Sons of Mammon," (which I am about to iseut,) is 41.0 U Peldlehere' 6rcular" e1,44L months ago, whereas the other party only announced theirs in this only official medium in the last number, and after my edition was ready for the market. The great literary merit of this book, and the exceed ing low price at which it is offered. minuet fall lA, an itilManSit dsmtwmd fer its While thet Vfli_ euperiori'y Dr my edition, in point of mechanical execution and ap pearance, will be obvious to all. Bear in mind, also, chat my edition is complete. to-.ent edttton retleicc4 to neva Cy /LTC cents. Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of the price. T. 0. H. P. BURNHAM,. PUBLISHER, 142 WASHING-TOR Street, Boston HOLIDAY GOODS, HOLIDAY GIFTS. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, AT CLAIIK'B 1 STORE, SILYER•PLATED WARE, JEWELRY BM FANCY GOODS, in great variety. New and beautiful styles re ceived daily, and sold much below the usual prices. CLARK'S 81 STORE, 602 CHESTNUT STREET CHRISTMAS IS COMING, And we are assured test luny whe reed The are already considering WHAT TO PRESENT TO Tuna LEMAN - FRIENDS. We would suggest the following: i:7, c Either A FINE WRAPPER, MUFFLER tJVtucr; - PLR, or GLOVES. Or. if they have friends IN THE ARMY, what could be more acceptable to our noble Volunteers and Officers, than sy , GOOD FLANNEL SHIRTS, OR HEAVY UNDERCLOTHING THE PLACE TO BUY THEM IS AT W. W. KNIGHT'S GENTS' FURNISHING STORE, No. 605 ARCH STREET. N. B. FINE SHIRTS ready made and made to or er, at 81.50, AND UPWARDS. n027-if lm CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. WINTER CLOAKS SABLE CLOTHS, FROSTED BEAVERS, SEALSKIN CLOTHS, MACH BEAVERS, LYONS VELVETS; A LARGE ASSORTIKERT, MODERATE PRIOES, AT TIM PARIS CLOAK RAIPORTHM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET J. W. PROCTOR & Co. nol4-tf CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! CLOAKS! W.A.T.EI?..PRopy CLOTH CLOAKS, in endless variety ,- LIGHT AND DARK CLOTH CLOAKS, Qf OYBTy ebado BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, e f every quality ; BLACK SILK-VELVET 'CLOAKS, -EVERY NEW STYLE, EV-ERY NEW MATESIALI TUB LAlsditax &MOUS. AND THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES IN THE CITY IVENS, ociS No. 23 South NINTH Street. -- L 0 A K _ ! 1 1-1 'The Lergest;theapeat, end Beet.eneerted Meng in the city. EIOUGH k CO., _NO. 215 South TENTH Street, ocl6 OnDogite Franklin Market. NEW CLOAK STORE! The most Elegant assortment in the city. Ne.. 29 ganth NINTH, cc.l6-2m Viret door above Chestnut TIME ARCH-STREET CLOAK AND 1 MANTILLA STORE. MEW FALL CLOAKS. WATER-PROOF TWEED CLOW). BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS. EVERY NOVELTY AT MODERATE PRICES. JACOB HORSPALL, an3l.6ia N. W. earner TENTH and AEON Ws VERNON PIERPOINT, .1/ lIIEXIIER OF THE 114TAII V9LLEGE QF PUTON/A,NS, ENGLAND, Author of “Skin. Diseases and their Remedies," end 14 Diseases of the Rectm" Noy be Cenanited at his Residence, 101 S. WALNUT STREET, PRILADELPIILA, FROM 10 O'CLOOR A. M. TILL 8 o'cLoot P. N., on BY APPOIN'IMENT Dr. PIERPOINT hos been especially ftllCAB9ftli in him treatment of tho following dimusos: SKIN DISEASES of EMI Nature, NEUBALGIA, lIHEIIMATISM, PT§PEIVIA, end PRINASB9 et the 31E01111th n 02.64 SPRING GARDEN FRUIT AND PRODUCE STORE STILL AHEAD.—The sub scriber takes this method to inform his patrons, and the ➢utrlic gentialln that lit has removed hit EMU 111111 Pro. ante Store to /ie. 512 SPRING GARDEN Street, where he is now prepared to keep up a full supply of Apples, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries, Nuts of all kinds, Dried Fruits (both Foreign and Domestic), Butter, Eggs, Pflultrr,•.,tc, ,t c. Mee, EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, buckwheat Flour, and Corn Neal. All of which he will sell as low as can be bought anywhere in the city. . . Being thankful for past favors, to those who have so litieraUr natronined him heretofore, the subscriber most fooPfcfrillif of their patronage, and invites all others to give him a call, at his new place, where he has superior facilities for supplying all with everything in his line, on the moot reasonable terms. My motto is : "To live and let Eve; quick sales, and small profits." Please give Ins a call before purchasing elsewhere. S. E. GOTTWALS, de4-tf 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. PICTURES OF PERSONS SHOULD he Meted to imitate the original in COropieten. heir, and eyed. BETINEWS Photographs for $I are co bored in that 'style, SECOND, above Green stmt. Gte LATEST STYLE OF HAIR-CUT TING done at FOURTH and BRANCH. WANTS. A PERSON WITH SUFFICIENT capital who wiahf, for a good position 41 isal - ler it, the army will pliquie address J., C. it C 0.," box Ma Philadelphia Port Itflice. It A N ACTIVE, wiLLINci- LAP, about 16 yearm old, wititial a titillation. Addettig •"George," Press office. Bost city reforencoa given. QALESMAN WILL BE OPEN FOR L.3wn itzr , GrAtiRVIFINT, January' Ist. A 811iPAlTIfIll who ediN Seventy Thowiand dollars of Dry Goods to first-class near Pennsylvania trade. Reference given. Address RICHARD, Press office. deS•Lut ATANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN, a aitn:aion as Clerk, or employment in any lin. ainees capacity. Ile lias a general knualedge of b i ueie, and can give The moat satiefactnry rPferunca. Address J, HOPPE liltioirg Mattel Onloo_ TO MERCHANT TAILORS.—Want- J-. rd a competent CUTTER to take sole charge of a business already established. Must be of good tuldress, a frrenre required, end melt have n few hundred deflate. Decentber Ud, at No. N North THIRD Street, Pltilmiel plan. nc:3o-4t* et WANTED—A FARM, within ten r twelve miles of Philadelphia, for which the best Quality of improved city property will be given in ex change. Apply to F. PHTTIT, No, 098 `4ALdIWT . 15treet, FOR SALE AND TO LET. CVAL 1 MID, LEASE AND FIX TURES, for tallo, aitnate on BROAD Street. Best location in the city and will be eotd cheap. Call at 2005 GREEN Street, between 1 and 2 o'clock P. M. de4-4t* in FOR SALE — The STORE and kw/441Thu, 10, Ttemit easy. Apply to ALLEN .17 SIMS, S. E. eon FOURTH. and WALNUT Streets, second floor. dot Atir tffi KENT 01IMP=Madium. sum liOnseN, 1011" find 1019 PINE Street, In gn./ repair and pleasantly situated. Apply 111 Nerd. SIXTH Street. ltd FOR SALE—TWO COTTAGOS, mt - built in Dalian style, beautifully situated on LEX INGTON Street, near by the Passenger Railroad, West Philadelphia; large lots, &c. Also, two beautifully si tuated in Maylandville, near the Darby r.4IIOVIIKOT it :k aa. ithLri or r nioi Tail us eviti run , low, on the poet reasonable term. Apply to E. PETTIT, n,23 No: 309 WALNrT Street. 0f FOR SALE-WEST LOGAN _ kziiAltE PROPERTY.—I r our-Aory Brown Stone Dwelling, with extensive back buildings. For further particulars, apply to E. PETTIT, n 023 No. 309 WALNUT Street. iFOR SALE -- VALUAI3LE FARM and MILL PROPERTY—Farm containing -90 ACRES of superior LAND, situate twelve miles north of the city, near Fort Washington station, North renn'a Railroad. Fire-clam improvements. Apply to IIiTT4TI ocSO No. 309 WALNUT Street. To EXCHANGE—DeIaware County Farm? containing 75 acre/ of ouwriQr IfllKl, dilute nine eniies from tho city, One mile from railroad atationt nicely watered, - with excellent stone buildings, fins fruits, Sec. Also, a number of farms to exchange for City Pro perty. Apply to E. PETTIT, - nol6 No. 30 WALNUT Street. FARM FOR SALVI.—A FARM, in excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-one acree, (nine of which are woodland,) pleasantly situated 111 hinnrisk tOWniihil, Montgomery county, two and a 'half miles trim the Limerick station, on the Reading Railroad, is offered for sale. Price—Five thousand dol • furs ($5,000). Apply on the premises. nol6-tf SAMUEL IL GRAFF. T "O 'CHANGE' Cheap belaware State Fruit and Grain Farm containing 156 acres or laud, situate within one mile of railr.oad station, Delaware Railroad. Also, Montgomery county farm, containing as acres, eighteen milts above the city: For further para. culars apply to E. PETTIT, nol6 No. 2110 WALN KT Street. FOR SALE—Valuable Farm, contain -12 log 180 term; 111 !WPM tif ters.sistit W66dland, thn balance in a high State of cultivation, nicely watered with amino and running streams, situate 8 miles from Doylestown depot, and 2X miles from Lambertville sta tion and Delaware river, Ducks county. Plain and sub etantitil atone improvement/I; good outsbuildings, and every variety of fruits. Price only KM Der acre,' Amy terms. Apply to E. PETTIT, oelg No. 309 WALNUT Street. NIAGARA FALLS WATER. POW. EH.-CAPITALISTS AND HANIMACTII HERS. This immense water power is now ready for im mediate occupation, together with one hundred acres of land, embracing one quarter of the village, on which to locate mills and manufaMai46r,. _ . . The etipttlailons for price of power wit! be one half that at Lowell, Mase., and the quantity Is almost Should the demand warrant It, the American Fall can easily be stopped and its groat volume dtmlien7.4,l thiou g h. the bank below Its prebent site, for mill purposee, under a head and fall of 200 feet. The title ie perfect and the property uninctunbered. For further information apply to N. W. Day or A. P. FloYds Niagara Palls 1 Alexander Hay. No. 1208 Vine moot, Philadelphia; lion. T. A. Jencites, Providence, B. I.; D. Theater, Boston; or the owner, HORACE H, DAY, No. in Liberty street. NEW Yomt, September 2. 1861. so4•wfrm3m BOARDING. rflo LET—With or without board, to a single gentimp, n Deli room nad sitting room, or Ucd room way, in WALNUT &met, between Tenth and Broad, Address, for further particulars, X. Y. Z.,'• Press °nice, Chestnut ,tree[. 4-tf _ 747 " r IrßETircal Atilt ENGLLSIT N., ow:far - INC, H 0131",, 2i o, 3u 01114411 street, near Chestnut. Terms moderate. de2.lm MARSHAL'S SALE. ivrARSHA_L'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE JAL. of a Writ of Ssle, by the Hon. John Cadwalader, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Ewtern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, tome directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and beet bidder, for Cash, at DUTILH, COOK. ih CO.'S AUCTION STORE, No. 124 South FRONT Street, on TUSSDAY, December 17, 1861, at 12 o'clock M., 3,000 bags of coffee, be the same more or less, being the cargo of the bark HEACO. Samples can be seen at the auction store and at the stores of BUTCHER $c BRO., Nos. 148 e nd 148 North FRONT giroei. WILLIAM MILLWARD, 11. S. Marshal, E. D. of Pennsylvania. PUILADELPHIA, December 3, 1861. de4.6t MARSHA L'S SALE-BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Sale-, by the Hon John Cadwalader, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and hest bidder, for Tashi nt MEAD ALLEY WHARF, on MONDAY, December 16, 1861, nt 12 o'clock M., the cargo of the schooner HARMONY, consisting of 300bar reit] of fish, be the same more or less. WILLIAM MILLWARD, V. 5, /Inaba], E, D, of Fumy PHILADELPHIA, December 3,1861. de4.6t FINANCIAL. NATIONAL LOAN. The tuedereiped are prePall4 p 4911T9t the Dein and Three-tenths Treasury Notes upon payment DREXEL & CO., Bankers, MILITARY GOODS. WOOLLEN YARN ARMY 1-2 HOSE. FANCY 'WOOLLEN HOOPS, NU- BIAS, SONTAGS, &o. THOS. MELLOR - & CO., 40 AND 42 }TORTE THIRD STRRIT no2B-tf 12**( 34 DUCH ' ARMY STANDARD. FOR SALE litY ALFRED SLADE & Co.. $9 LETITIA .oa .0 6 , SiAM Fltoxir ZTILIVEI'. n026-12t A RMY SOCKl3,44iit by the Blind , , awltT; Fate in the gore, IsTo. 11 South EIGHTH, at the Institution, TWENTIETH and RACE it;:reeta. de4-3t CADET MUSKETS AND EQUIP MENTS.—Wn have just made to order a lot of on- ItHglt.M woltelote tor Phiitairiphia Cadets, They are light and neat, such as every parent would wish to place in the hands of ,their eons, affording healthful ex ercise without being so heavy as to itunre the spine. Also, CADET EQUIPMENTS made to lllasko pat tern. PHILIP WHAM: .4- CO., b026-int 481 CHEEPITIrr *treet, SHIPPERS OF EXPRESS FREIGHTS, Send your Goods, Blow, Sc., for points in NORTHERN; EASTERN, and WESTERN STATES, and CANADAS. via HOWARD & CO.'S EXPRESS, .9.4 S CHESTNUT STREET. Low rates and Quick time. de:: 6t* ST. PHILIP'S CHURCH. —A beauti- Cul picture of the Interior of St. Philip'e Church, for cod photograph alburati, prim % EZll(3_ if GAMMA Sc MO., dr2.24if 728 CHESTNUT Street. - pojsHoP BOWMAN..—A very fine CAMS tI 25 cents. MeALLISTER & URO., del-3tif 728 CHESTNUT Street. VIEWS ON THE CATAWISSA.— Witereentopic Yinwrt or ecoreOry on ( - Ito VatilWitiSth just publimhrd. McALLISTEat 3 BRO, de2-3tif 723 CHESTNUT Street. Q " b A iw T e It E istt l iv i ed EA e; lull )4 eio U ck " oi su ll pt il ior b r . KA. W TE: of the latest patterns. LADIES' SKATES, MISSES' SKATES, GENT'S SKATES, PATENT SKATES, STEEL SKATES, ROCKER SKATES, LUMP SKATES. Skates of every 'variety. Cadet Muskets and Eoniptnents, Cricket and Base Ball Implements, Camp Cots, Army Chests, Guns, Pistols, Rifles, Ac. PHILIP WILSON A Co., no3o-lm 432 CHESTNUT Street. HAMPTON'S SPLENDID LEHIGH liampton's splendid Stove Coal. Hampton's splendid Egg Coal. Verd i soutoesst corner titan anti POttatit, 410/.,ot* 24 a&ittk AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF mum —BROAD AND IJOUILST Streets. Lemma° and Manager J. M. NIXON THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, Dec. 4. ?t . ;COND FORREST MDT' TGE GREATEST LIVING TRAGEDIAN. MR. EDWIN FOR REST • Will make his second alnalarance hi live years, and, irs couseqta uce Of TILK IMMENSV, FURORE Appopd.rutn , 4lrvPrl 1113 great mat- Lion of HAMLET, HAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARK. IFAMLIT 1 WM' FO4WNOT, Nuu.uurtkl 14 , a full uhd b..W.•rlnl br.muric cvnipinr, SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TG-MORROW (THURSDAY) EVENING, The beautiful, fascinating, and renowned Spanish Danunwin, igannvda ISAILEL IS MU, ettllM4, Front the Royal Opera, Madrid, and the Principal Ea t...peat% (perm if , dieti, who has recently created a Per fect in Dalton And New Yuri:, will make hew epAND SIGNOR X JAI I NES , . Ahil N graml SPANISH COICP.g DU BALLET PRICES OF A DAlLiSlON.—Parquet. Panitiet and Balmy, oetits. Nu extra charge far Roearvad. Irate. Privat. Bose, ' nith admindirom for Eight per !MIN ;TO , Fitluilf Mil and Attinhitioutyr, til:llT5 FOUR DAYS IN AD VANDM. Poor; open Ct 7 ; Conaut•ncr at half past 7. FORREST NIGHTS. itIONDAY,WIIDNESDAY, FRIDAY and SA.TUILDA.Y. MRS. JOHN DREW 3 S ARCH-STREET THEATRE. Anting and Stage _Manager W. S. FREDERICKS. Engin OM Agent and Treaaurer, JOS. D. MURPHY. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, De ember 4th and sth OR LOVE vs. POLICY. The Ditcheea Dowager Prince Maximilian.... To meta& With AUNT (lIIARLOTT Vg MAID If nratio Hr. Scalen e CHANGE OP TIMR.-1)00r13 open at 1j before 7; curtain will rise at 7,4" precisely. No extra charm for reserved assts. WALNTJT-STREET THEATRE NINTH and WALNUT Stream. Bole Lessee MRS. M. A. GARRETTIM Liw Night kat three Rig by, THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENItia, Do:ember 4, OUR AMERICAN' COI. 7 *IN, Asa Trencbard Mr, J. S. Clarke Florence Mrs. A. Cowell. To be followed by SMASHINGTON'S COAT. J. Smashingtoll Mr. J. S. Clarke. 808 NETTLES; Or, THE MODEL SCHOOL. Waddilove, a Fat Day Mr. J. S. Marko. PRIC"— ' SO 7 37 h) 76) and 24 Ontii Priyata Bona/ $5 Irma $3. Poore open at ON; Performance to commence at 'Tx. WHEATLEY'S CONTINENTAL v r TILEATRE—WALNI7T Street, ahem EIVIITS• ae,mo ha,re piretAT witticiiimil the KIMIA EQUESTRIAN SPECTACULAR DRAMA! The excitement increasing nightly ! THIS EVENING. AND EVERY EVENING, Will tie performed the Grand Heeteru Equestrian Specs EkrEntl„ Tllll CATARACT OF 'riff: GANGES! Or, THE RAJAH'S DAUGHTER! Commencing with FAMILY JARS. Grand Matinee on Saturday nest at 2 o'clock. An°H=STREET THEATRE. SPECIAL CARD. BENEFIT OF JOHN GILBERT. ON FRIDAY EVENING ) , Dpcpml!gr, stb, lan PAAau r ith — n FARCE, TEE " BUSY-BODY, "DELICATE GROUND," anti "UNCLE JOHN." Box Book now oven FOURTH ANNUAL EXHlBirtioN OF PROFS. HILLEBRAND & LEWIS' GYMNASTIC INSTITUTE, TIIV/G. , PAY EVENING. Divan lmr kb, 1861; AT THE - MUSICAL FUND HALL. Extensive and costly preparations bave been mute to reniirr th most qilrtictiye tntertninment of the de. that has tier been prnhentott to tlio pine. Till pertoinioncee, exclukvely by the meinbeni of the Insti tute, will combine all of their Prize Figures, upon the follox Lint apparatus; RHOLE BAR, RINGS, HORSE, LADDERS, DUMB-BELLS, PARALLEL BAR§ t. RtAff l l4 . l if‘o, A grand Durlesque upon and Exposition of HERMANN, in his Prestidigitatorial tricks. The whole to conclude with Triumphs of Skill and Agility, in the shape of Acre belie YAntg. and PI-Pitieldal Clreeple ? .. The entire , nvr - C.ldes tinder the ininiediate direction of PEOF. LEWIS. Tickets 9.5 cents. Performances to commence at TM o'clock. de3-3t cICHILLEWS 6i SONG OF THE 13ELL." Music by nomminG. THE HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY will per. four thin hesutiful Composition on TUESDAY EVE NING, December Nth, at MUSICAL FUND H&Ilb1 nasiA,tl 14 . . _ Preceding tile "thintata," the Society - will giye a utla eetatnemm Entertainment, and among other Selection." will be the It of Praise," by nendelssulin. The Directors have been at great expense in preparing for Hitt Inturtainment, and to taalti. Is within of 611, IMO tUt the Tickets at 25 centa ; and they may he had at all eats Music Stores , and the following ofthers or the Society: E. A. Kelley, 16 Bank street; A. W. Ran& Sixth street, near Cherry; C. B. Barrett, Eleventh awl Ridge anima: and D. W. C. Mame, A Mtge atamt. . . _ Boon of the Poem to be had of the Hall, on the eve- Ding of the Concert. Price 10 cents. Couct.rt to twain at 8 o'clock WOLFSOHN & THOMAS'S PABST AT TIM ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, Corner TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Sttheeritstisasi (for The series) will be received at the principal 311191 C Stores. Single tickets $l, or tickota ad mitting 3 . persons $2; can be had on the evening at the door. de2-t2t MAGIC LANTERN PLCTURES OF THE REBELLlON—Representing all the promi nent Scenes, Enaagements, and Incidents to thle date. For sale by JAMES W. QUEEN & 00., 924 CHESTNUT Street. A Descriptive List furnished gratis, and sent by sail free, on application. TEMPLE OF WONDERS, TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. SIGNOR BLITZ, THE GREAT MAGIOIAN AND VENTRILOQUIST, in his new and senstantly-essisi performances, EVERY EVENING, cotnmenoing at N I , and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 3—illustrating the astonishing and intereeting Dyes ries of Ancient and Modern Magic, entertaining Ventrl- Pvinonetrtnione. in which the voice will ammo and drhgilt, and tilt LEAIiNED CANARY BIRDS. Admission, 25 cents; children, 13 cents. nol&tf CARL WOLFSOHN AND THEO -14._./ DORS THOMASI BERIEB OF SIS CLAM!- CAL SOIREES.—Third Season. Subscriptions will ba received at the Principal Music Stores, where. Pro grammes and full particulars can be seen nor' lm aERMANIA ORCHESTAA, VA CARL 6NNTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, itt D o'cloek P. K., at the MUSICAL FUND H ILL. Package et Eight Tickets, $I Single Tickets, 25 ob. To be had at Andre's,llo4 Chestnut street, J. E. Gould% 13twonth and Obadnut and at thadosraf the lIaIL asfig-1! P ENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE TINE ARTS, 1925 CHESTNUT Street, IA open daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M. till 5 P. IL Adanalion 25 canto. Chihim maim Wallas yaw% half price. Sham of Stock. SRO. INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND.- Exhibition on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, at half mat 3 o?olovic. Admigalon, TEN OWL. fleota. U South EIGHTH Street. 003-wif MILITARY NOTICES. 11 IRISH BRIGAD E.—Reomits wanted to 1111 up a company of the SECOND REGI MENT, IRISH BRIGADE. Par, rations, uni forms, and comfortable quarters on signing the roll. Apple at 14 Smith EIGHTH Stsest, As LOOM opposite the Muskat Fund Hall, or at the CENTRAL DEPOT, LEDGER Place. M. REILLY, Captain. G. trMALEY, First Lieutenant. WM. AIREILLT, 2d Lieutenant. no3o-31 i'UNITED STATES MARINES.- Wanted immediately for the tubed States Marina Clorpa, THREE. lIIIEDBED ABLE-BODIED DIM for eta afflict', between the ages of eighteen and, thirty-five years. All information that may be mewed will be given at the Rendezvous, 311 South PROM' Street, below Spruce. TAXES LEWIS, Complain, FOgrniting n027-12t IHEADQUARTERS CURTIN LIGHT GUARD REGIMENT, P. 'V., No. an SANSOM Street Authorized by the (I , overner. and " (1 1 0 4 by the Fs larel Qournmont, Comfortable 'Panel - a Prefided in Philadelphia. Pay. Ration* and Uniform as soon as enrolled. By order of COL. H. J. STATNROOK. W. R. MAC ADAM, Adjutant. w153-1.1.1* 13•111100 SLATE MANTELS. These beautifully enamelled MANTELS, so de cided l y preferable to any others, are manufactured by tua, and sold at PEWEE TO SUIT THE TIMES. ARNOLD ec WILSON. oc6-3mif No.lolo CHNSTNIIT Street. THE BALTIMORE GAS-BURNING FIRE-PLACE HEATER. Sometimes called the " Latrobe Steye s " hi the boa stove for warming the r99La. jn WWII it stands, and alio rooms ai/trit). Qtla ai c /90 . 4ryt them, ARNOLD & WILSON, oeb-Smif No. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. iptAliEß & CO.'S 'UNEXCELLED -ILA COD LTI - ER 01L—The most illfproYed remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Scrofula, &C. Physicians, in prescribing it, have (in the testimonials of many of the profession) a gitaran tee of genuineness in which all the efficacy of the invaluable medicine is retained. Invalids are assured, by the evidence of thousandik that it ie lee. nauseous and more readily retained to their benefit than m any manufactured eomponnda sold as Cod Liver Oil. Sold, wholesale and retail, by the Proprietors and by City Apothecaries. JOHN C. BAKER dr CO. no2o-Imif 154 North THIRD Street. TRUSSES ! BRACES ! ! SUP PORTERS!!! C. 11. NEEDLES, S. W. corner RACE and TWELFJ!H Streets, Phila., Practical Adjuster of Trussel 8114 plerpanlcal A ppli-• itncee, .* COnatekllVY oR Wald a large pea vulva sincic of elegant French Trusties, and a complete assortment of beet American. English and American Supporters and Belts Shonlder Bras, Stipansories. Syringes in great variety, mi ty, French P'eittarias, TWELPfit Street, first door below Race. n027-iliam CHILDREN'S. OVERCOATS AND zErtaxs 9i99P0--Tbe meet beautiful wort. meet, and at the lownit Fottcve in the city, at the Central Chilitren'g Clothing Store, No. 2 North 111011T11 Street, above Market. n029.6t* A FUEL AND SPLENDID AS. SORTMENT of &arta, Ties, Gloves, and Gents' FurnishiSE Goods jolt received -and for sale. Also, • variety of Travelling Shirts. J. W.SCOTT, 814 CHEST NUT Street, below Continental Hotel. n03041' AQUARIUMS, FERN OASES, A. variety of Nish and Plante, NO. 114 North SIXTH Street. d2.l.nitr THEODORE AVERS' PHOTOGRAPH AND AMBROTYPE GALLERY, NO. 606 ARCH STRENT, AMOY'S axles, 9PP9ldtti tin Arch-Knot Thntrth uo wu n rumaanuiriti4. ..'lra. John Drew Mr. L. R. Showell.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers