duty. During the laat quarter he had visited nu merous localities in this city where the Bible was distributed. He found one family who had not had a Bible in their house for four years. Numerous other cases of a similar character were cited, targe numbers of Bibles hurra been dUtrlbutod on board the receiving ship Princeton , The society this year have employed two women to sell and distri bute Bibles. They have now been engaged eight months, During the last yaar there have been dis tributed 2G,333 Bibles and Testaments, making the total number distributed since the organization of the socie'y 104,343 Bibles and 181,000 Testaments. Jtev* John F. Chaplain then addressed the meet ing. 110 said there were tests to driscriminato Christians. True Christians will communicate the good they have to their destitute brethren- No man can httYt? the love of God in him who does not lore his brother. Every one who possesses a Bible has n treasure, which should be as much cherished and loved as at the time when these books were few and iwt possefsed by ninnyi The Bible gives him spiritual food. It is the light of the world. Kow. we have this light, and if we are true Chris tians how can we keep it from those around us? IVe should go still more earnestly to work, for, ns the Saviour says, “It is more blessed to give than lo receive.* 7 After singing the hymn, “ G relit God of nations, now to thee Our hymn of gr/UUu/L. we ; With huinblo heart ami bending knee We offer Thee our song of praise,” Her. George H. Fisher was introduced. 110 was nlWfiVB randy te spiAh & word In faror of the Bible and the Master. Why is it that we can, at this day, meet together and read this blessed book without being molested? It is from the liberty gunrnnLloil to us by our noble Constitution. Go to the South ern portion of our own land and we would not be allowed to thus distribute the Word of God. Not many years since, the sacred Siriptures were pro hibited to those in lower stations of life for fear it might do them an injury. Now, all are allowed to enjoy that blessing. The spreading of the Bible must produce its effects. Therefore, we should do cur duty, and scatter abroad this precious work. lien. James Pollock was introduced. It had now be en almost a quarter of a century since the institution of the Philadelphia Bible Society. He WWld aris, during what period of the world's history science and art bad been so rapidly advanced as during the last twenty-five years? And why all Ibis ? Poes accident accomplish it ? It was brought About by the distribution of the truth of God. liook at the present unhappy state of our country, and why is it ? Has the Bible been read and sent lo all points of it ? No. The author of that Book as the God of freedom and liberty, ar*d it has been excluded. He believed that when this controversy had passed away, the precious fruit of the free Bible would be given lo all the inhabitants of the land. Let us unite as agents for its circulation, und w c Trill receive our reward. Another hymn was then sung by the audience, during which a collection was takon up. Rev. Richard A. Carden was the last speaker after which the Doxology was sung and benediction pronounced. The audience were then dismissed. I'XIO.N SERVICES AT THE FIRST REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH According to their time-honored custom, the three Reformed Butch Churches of this city held their Thanksgiving jointly yesterday, in the church at the comer of Seventh and Spring Garden stress Ihosenn oilman this occasion haying been preached hj Rev. Br. Taylor, pastor of the Third Church of that denomination, at Tenth and Filbert streets. Br. Taylor was assisted in the service by the Rev. 3>r. Fh-hvr. of XJtfca, who is now temporarily offi ciating ill the pulpit of the Second Reformed Butch Church of this city, recently made vacant by the resignation of Ifoy, Dr. Berg; Recent Fires in Philadelphia. Fire Marshal Blackburn has issued a partial re port. making mention of a number <?f firCs sdb3e« <juent to the iattcr part Of October. A majority of the fire 3 referred to were of a trifling character, but some few were highly de structive, and of these the Marshal has made pro minent mention. Oa the SOth of October the most destructive and disastrous single conflagration that has occurred in the city’ since the date of the ap pointment of the fire marshal—a period of four yoflTP and five months—happened at a large manufac turing establishment on the corner of Twelfth street and Washington avenue, known as Craig's Mills. The buildings—some of them five and §(5 stories high—occupied an area of ground nearly a quarter of a rquare in extent, and they were filled with an immense amount of valuable machinery, besides a heavy srock of gmterial and finished goods. Th* works were turning out flannel cloth, shirts, drawers, haversacks, and knapsacks for the army, and between two and three hundred hands were employed on these eo» track?. The total damage does not fall much short of $5100.000. less than one-half of which sum was covered by insurance, thus leaving a clear loss of more than $50,000 to s&y nothing of the tempo rary stoppage of work on articles so urgently de manded at this time by the soldiers of the Union causfiK and. what is still more sad, the throwing,out pf employment of bo many needy operative juri the commencement of winter. The sufferers by this conflagration were the heirs of ’the estate of Beth Craig, deceased; JbhnFrazier, JihnandWil .son V.'att, William Dunlap, Joseph M. Davw, F.i ward M(.‘Clean. Cary & Barr, Mills A Booth, Myers Ackley, and George Campbell. The insurance companies which sustained losses were the State of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia Fir© and Life, Girard, Commonwealth, Manufacturers 4 , and one or two others in this city; and the Royal of Liverpool, Fulton, Lorrillard and Manhattan of New York, jEtaa of Hartford, Conn., and the Springfield, Mas. 3 . No one of these companies, however, had a larger risk than $5,000. A thorough investigation into the origin of the file sIIOW e& that the disaster was the result of gro33 carelessness on the part of ignorant and reckless employees. The flames burst out suddenly before the eyes of tto YiothuicDi in one of the among a lot of several thousand muslin haversacks, freshly painted and varnished, and which had been hung in too close proximity to a steam-pipe that pissed through the apartment. In the preparation of the coating of the haversacks, as a substitute for tur pentine, the contractor used benzine, which, in its tendency to ignition, is almost as hazardous as guu pQTrder. At an early hour on the morning of the 14th of November, the large iron works of Messrs. Ridg way A Co . corner of Clinton and Ash mead streets, Germantown, vr«r4j vrfao irero en* gaged iu the manufacture of bayonets for the United states Government, were totally destroyed by fire. Loss about $12,000 ,* insured for 000 in the Mutual losuranee Company of Germantown. Rumor attributed this fire to some rebel incendiary, but an examination by the fire marshal satisfied him that there was no evidence tfhftteYSr of design. On the contrary, all the circumstances went to estab lish the fact that the cause of the conflagration was accidental. On the morning of the sth of November, the OS* itaVlishmeutof H. Fughe, manufacturer Of leather [for the linings of military hats and caps, in Miller street. Second ward, was burned out. The build- ings occupied bulwged to the Search estate. There was a lolal loss, by Si© fire, of about $2,500. The reai estate was not insured. Mr. Pughe had a po licy on his stock, machinery, and fixtures, in the Commonwealth Loss to that company, $l,OOO. The mi.-kap was a case of sudden ignition in a dry ng*room, the result of hurry and the neglect of rare in too regulation of the fires. The finishing i*at of varnish on the skins, wUttfli WCT© dried in 1 vens by heat passing through sheet-iron pipes, ras prepared with benzine, as a substitute for tur lecline. On sruudoy morning, November 24, fire was dU overed in the large old four and a half story brick uilding, No. 905 Market street, in the e3tablUh lent of Messrs. Warden & Co,, who have contracts :om the Government for manufacturing horse equipments and infantry accoutrements. The fire figinated, at a late hour of the uight, in a heap of Aversncks. belonging to Joseph M. Davis, and vhick had been sent to this factory to be strapped, fhe coating of the haversacks which had been re cently varnished, contained benzine. They were temporarily Stored in a szq&U 9IOSO 00 in In the attic, and the pile heating, spontaneous Otnbcstlon ensued. The premises sustained only rifling injury by the fire, but considerable damage T&9 <loue bv waW, especially to a large and vulua- le stock of hardware in the store of Pemberton ;mith on the first floor. The loss of Warden <& !o. ie covered by a policy in the Northern ABill> ante of London. Mr. Smith has on his stock an iu aranee of $B,OOO, $4,000 in the Reliance and 4,000 in the Fire Association. The Fire Marshal, in the course of late investi st'ion?, has been convinced * that haversacks and Ctupsacks. made of duck or muslin, or any kind of aen or cotton fabric, when coated with paint, com bed of lampblack and linseed oil, hafljjy and mixed, aud then glazed with varnish, in ■rich benzine is an ingredient, when packed tightly ■ ' boxes for transportation, or closely piled in ■&}>s iu manufactories, are constantly liable to Kfi fife from ppentsnooue combustion. Benzine, ms well known to all underwriters, is a component ■rt of petroleum, or coal oil in its crude state, as it ftnes from the earth. In refining coal oil for Rnring or lighting purposes, the benzine, Aich is highly explosive, is got rid of by the Hwess of distillation. From being, as it was ■ first considered, a refuse substance, it is ■? fast becoming aq important article of tr-ide- manufacturing and mechanical arts, it ■ been found an admirable substitute for tur- Htine, and, owing to the scarcity and high price Hthc latter article, since the blockade of t||e Hth Carol ins. ports, benzine, from its compara* cheapness—and, indeed, from the almost ab- necessity of the case—is fast taking its place. a handsome and durable paint, and on Hkl and other Bolid surfaces is harmless ‘ bu( Huigredient in the doatlngs or vegetable textile He rial. it is, at all times, more or less danger- H It is very volatile, and, at u certain tem- rapidly assumes a gaseous form. Where such as knapsacks, haversacks, Ac.,freshly Heid with varnish m&<U with it, are undergoing of drying, especially by the heat of or steam-pipes, the whole surrounding at- becomes filled with benzine gas: aad let ensue from any cause whatever, at U lime, thfe aparbuente will bv VOTOIOpCtI ID K with the rapidity of lightning. The recent frequent burning of manufacturing establishments, where Government orders were be ing filled, in different parts of the loyal section of the Union, has created some alarm in the public mind. Many people lmve had misgivings of treach ery being at work, and certain sensation newspaper paragraphs have induced the belief that rebel in cendiaries were applying the torch. The Fire Mar* shal cannot speak for other cities and towns, but ft* far as Philadelphia is concerned, ho is gratified to state that out of about one dofiCH business plftOQS doing Government work, that have been either de stroyed or damaged by fire, since last spring, there was not a particlo of testimony obtained to prove that a solitary concern w«s designedly fired. Stadjiixa Affair,—Yesterday afternoon an altercation took place between a party of colored n on, in a low den at Seventh and Baker streets, du ring which one of them, named Kulan, was soverely stabbed in the right breast, lie was taken to the hospital. A man. who had also been stabbed, was arrested upon the charge of cutting Kulan. Charged with Swimming.—A man who, for many venrsi was an importer of wines and liquors, on” Front street, was arrested on Wednes day, by Betectivo Taggart, on the charge of swind ling. His method of operation was as follows : A short time ago he opened an account in the Manu facturers and Mechanics’ Bank, under a false name. In a few days he deposited a check on the Kensing ton Bank for $2OO. and then drew against it to the amount of $l3O or thereabouts. Ilis chock was signed with his real name. The check, on being presented at the Kensington Bank, wag pronounGcd WMthleiw, he having no aveounfc ]Q tfilftt iDStltUtiOU. The prisoner was committed, in default of $l,OOO, by Alderman Beitlcr. Arrest of Colored Pickpockets Tas terdny afternoon, four well-known colored thieves— Joe Kirby, Pete Keys, Josh Beal, and Luke Sulli van—were arrested, at Eighth and Chestnut, by Detectives Carlin and Henderson Xhc priaoUQM w’ere all engaged around one woman, in trying to pick ber pocket. It is supposed that Kirby is the same individual who served a term of imprisonment in the penitentiary, about four years since, for a similar offence. This jg the only cnso, since thou, In which colored pickpockets have figured. The prisoners will have a hearing to-day. Railroad Matters.—James O. Clark, Esq., for the past two ysars the superintendent of the Northern Central Railroad, has tendered his resig nation to the company, to take effect on the first proximo. Mr. Du Barre, of the Fort "Wayne and Chicago Railroad, and Gen. A. L. Itoumfort, for merly superintendent on the Pennsylvania Rail road, Jiro spoken t£ alike successors of Mr. Clark. The company is meanwhile contemplating an in crease of its transportation facilities, and five new and powerful locomotives are building in this city for the use of the read. Disease Amoxg Hogs. —The disease known, as the “ hog cholera” is now prevailing among the porkers in our adjoining counties to an extent never before known. It is singularly fatal in its effects, very few jmimAld surviving lb? attacks, What makes the disease the more destructive ia the fact of its being infectious; so that when one of a lot of hogs is attacked, all thereat are almost certain to contract it unless speedily removed fo another pOU. Military Presestatiox.— On Wednesday a number of gentlemen presented to Captain B. Fullmer, of Company K. of Cborman's Regiment of Mounted gjfle Rangers, at Cropper’s Hotel, a handsome sword, belt, and sash. Colonel Layeoek made the presentation speech. Eight More Regimexts.—Governor Curtin has reported eight more regiment?, mostly of this city, ready for service, and who await marching orders. Slight Fire—Yesterday morning, a slight fire wcniml at No. 1 ill d Filbert street, aausect the burning of a fire-board. Damage trifling. Flax Cotton At the last of Ihe Rhode Island Society for the encouragement of Domestic Industry’, held at Providence, the judges appointed to examine the specimens of flax cotton made ths following report x “ The undersigned committee, appointed to ex amine the flax cotton offered for premium at the fair held in this city, on the lltli day of September tasti respectfully represent that tlay h ave care fully inspected all the samples that were contri buted on that occasion, and having in view the terms on which the premiums were offered—viz : ‘Fit for use on cotton machinery, 7 and ‘accompa nied with a statement of its culture, production, and preparation, including the cost of the various processes, 7 they are of opinion that none of the contributors are entitled to the premiums so of fered. u lt however, due to the enterprising man who represented Mr. Stephen Randall’s pro cess for breaking the flax, to say that flax, as pre pared by them for working with wool, is, in the judgment of the committee, much more valuable than cotton in'all fabrics In which cotton Is now mixed with wool, and in some kind of goods ap pears to be desirable as a partial substitute for wool itself. 11 Feeling a warm faforest in the substitution of flaar for COU9D, they hare investigated the subject more thoroughly than was required, simply to discharge the duties for which they were selected, and are led to believe that the for ultimate success to© strong to allow the investigation to rest here. “ Therefore, they hope that the society will de vise some plan whereby this investigation may be continued, until the question whether or not flax can be used am an economical substitute for cotton on cotton machinery, is practically settled. “Charles Jackson, Zachariah Parker, George Kil burn, S. IV. Mowry, Albert Waterman, Stephen Waterman, Robert S. Burroughs 7 The committee Kiel ou the flSth of October, when the foregoing report was accepted, and the follow ing vote was passed: “ Voted. That the judges bo requested to con tinue their labors and investigations until a satis factory result of the pwiAkiaablliiy- 0 f fl aas cotton aa a fibre for manufacturing purposes is obtained, or its impracticability proved. 77 The chairman of the committee was at the same time authorized to appoint a committee raise such funds as may be required for the contemplated action of the judges. 77 Subsequently, the chair man announced that the several members of the committee on flax culture were appointed members of the proposed committee to raise funds. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET* Philadelphia, November 28,1861. There was no meeting of the Stock Board to-day, and no business transacted at the banks or in tlio discount koufleg* Tluuikgaiving DnvbMbg ufikyerjaliy observed. According to Hallett A Co.’s New York Circular, the amount of precious metals in the United States has inert-used eighty-two millions within the year, namely: foity millions from abroad, (in exce§§ of shipments*) and forty-two miuionefroni Calif: rnla and the Pacific coast, on freight, and in the hands of passengers. As the California yield is one of the great metallic products of the country, there is uo good reason why it should not titi export&d tb& sam* as »ny »&«r »wrj»iua result of do mestic labor. The Canton (Illinois) Register states that a contract Ims been closed for the completion of a road from Yates city, through Farmington and Canton to L^Wo«. T work lias hPOn CCffihiCnced upon it. This lino will in clude a portion of the Jacksonville and Savannah road— from Yateg to a point four miles south to Canton—ami from that point to LewistGll, ft portion of th© Pccria a«d Hannibal road, The road is expected to W open to Lewiston by the first of May next, and should the weather prove favorab'e, to Canton before midwinter. The Buffalo Courier learns that “one day last week AD mporbmt c&ntpait was between the New York and Fri© Railroad and Buffalo, New York and Erie Bail road, by which the former has the use of the latter road (from here to Corniox} from the first of December for one year. The New York and .Erie is to ruu nil its pas senger and, we presume, u forgl? Sliaro Of iti freight fi-ain*, aft**- the fin*t pruxirooi Into this city instead of into Dunkirk. The passenger trains will be run so as to make exactly the same time as the New York Central, so that some lively competition may be expected,*’ At Chicago, the Tribute says: “ Notwithstanding til© beUicopinit ton* zf th© G*n«Ai»n pr****, vivere‘are orders iu tide city from Canada for 7 3-10 per cent. Treasury notes. To-day Solomon Sturges & Son sold several thousand dollars worth at pur to Canacian?. “The scarcity of eastern exchange at Chicago con tinucsj and the market \a firm at cent, premiiun. As the bankers, however, were paying V per cent freely themselves for all they could get, they sold very spa ringly, and only to their depositors. Outsiders had to go on the street, and, in some instances, pay % per cent. Gold is firm ut £ per cent* premium buying, and cent, filing* , At Milwaukee, according to the Sentinel, the feverish demand for specie and exchange, which existed for some time previous to the recent action of the Bankers* Asso ciation, h&5. lii « sreat snbsMed, ftUfi tUO DAIIKB are ftlso iu a bettor condition to meet (he legitimate wants of their customers from the maturing of produce bills dis counted thirty and sixty days since. We, however, still ijuub' vsvbnngc linn at 1 per cent, premium, and sales a* that figure are limited to mercantile customers. The in cessant drain of specie has also diminished to a consider able extent, and seme of the bunks yesterday took over the counters fully ns much as they paid out—bi ii lng at lj£ and selling at 2 p<sr cent, premium. The St- Louis Democrat of November 23 says: “Exchange wag steady at five per cent, premium for Missouri current funds, and gold six to sey?U per GCQtu 'though the- ilmum*! for ehU-r %>«=* > V ry onmlh Thor© is ftOttiidliing doing in nncnrrent money, and the rates of discount are unite too various for quotation, as it would occupy too large a space in our columns. The Cincinnati Gazette of November 25 sftya; u Vbcrte a for money on Saturday, and the supply with all the bouses was abundant. The rates of interest are, however, without change, ruling at 10® 12 per cent. The demand for exchange was moderate at % per cent. The disbursement to HMI)' Contractors dUfciio? the latter part of the week llftVC been IflrgO, OX* cecding half a million of dollars, most of which has gone into bank. Gold was dull, and the demand light. We quote Kcw York:.. Horton Philadelphia. Gold CITY ITEMS, Thanksgiving-day Celebration.—Yester day was celebrated very generally by 0;# siftSSDSi During the Jay there " urf » K*-u»a turn-out of the mill* tary. uml the streets were thronged with people, as were also our churches and various places of aum&enient. Chestnut street, iu the afternoon, was filled with its gay prwirimdtTSi many of whom, wo notic&J, W wlscljr ClotllLHl iLomfii.-lVcs in handsome and fashionable fall and winter ?wts from the Palatial Clothing Store of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street. Mr. Stokes has jnat laid in, at bis manijwth 6 npuriUilL OM Of tliO fin<* chvapvni, mul most varied assortments of fall and winter garments that can bo produced. Those who wish bar gains should pay him a visit. The Battle at Fort Piorehs.—The sews from Florida Is not very copious or satisfactory, and we must wait for an arrival from the licet before wo can have the details of the battle, Wo can assert with* per fect confidence, however, that the Brown StOllC ClOthillS iiHii of Rochhill & Wilson* Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, enjoys the reputation of turning out the most elegant suits for civilians, and the most unex ceptionable uniforms for soldiers, that are made in the Fine Teas at Moderate Prices.— Mr. C. H. Mattson, dealer in fine Groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has now on hand a superior article of Oolong, and afl tiip other olioiooßt vAfUtUn, wMch, fc»r lh« bene fit of those who indulge in this delicious popular bsvoraga, we may state, he is selling at very moderate prices. BARLEY SHEA?—Second street, below Tine. John Mooney. Wyoming q<j T F HItCICOCk; XVyominff«& Jif York HI Itt McGitUloy, N Haven J Woolman, New York Wm McCalsiner, Philada G LWilson & la, Hartford Emma Kennedy, Bucks co H E Wigley, Germantown Alfred Horner, Camden Miss B Miller, Boston T N KobiDBOD, N P BR J CBryiuii, HairißiOTlton, If J j F FinX, Easton E L Flint, Easton J R Yanhart, Doyleatmvn John Schenck, Trenton Geo Henry, Hammonton,NJ COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth at; above OhsatnuA J Gutise* Pennsylvania J Eachus, Chester co, Pa Lew is Hillman, AVIlm, Del Jos B Thomas, Maryland A H fiauman, Pennsylvania N Brooke, Pennsylvania IVm C Pugh, Pennsylvania Benj Poster, West Chester J J Bailey, West Chester J Bender A la, Jersey Mr Taloott Springfield Mie* New York Bulling. Selling. pttf % prem. par X prem. par X prem • X prem. prem. A PATES TOE THE CAMP AND FIREBLDE. FORNEY’S WAR PRESS. CONTENTS 1 OF NO. 3. FOB SATIKDAY, NO- YEMBKR 30. ENGRAVINGS.—Spirited portraits of Commmlnrn S. F. Dupont and General Thomas W. Sherman. Also, a caricature of the Capture of Mason and Slidell. avar sketches.—" Tho Faithful Sentinel, 1 ’ by Ewex—“Night Duty Around the Lines—“On Picket Guard; or, Cupturiug a Secessionist,” by Roger Star buck. WAR POETRY.—“The Situation”—A Welcome to Capt. Wilkes—The Land of tile Free, by John Holland —Trust in God, by Benjamin C. Truman—The Song of the Sword. EIHTOIiIALS.—The Latest War News—invasion of Mexico—The End of Cotton—Foreign Affairs. THE “LETTERS FROM OCCASIONAL.”—The Achievements of the Navy—The Presidents Message and Department -TUfl Future of tho City of Washington—Late Southern News—The Message of Jefferson Davis The “Mountain Empire” of the South. SPECIAL DESPATCHES FROM THE CAPITAL. Review of tho lingula**—Afl'» lira in Mexico—lmportant Postal Reform—From the Upper Potomac—Winter Quarter* —Aimupolic—Clothing to be sent to the Pri soners of War at the South—Movements of the Army— The Penns) Iviuiia Reserves—The Message of Jeff Davhj— Ll«rt*te»mut jiiwerti, or tin* Navy—tuc Fortieth ronn* sylvama Regiment—Deaths of Pennsylvania Soldiers— The Grand Review—Army Appointments—The Army Beef Contracts—\Vh;tt Shall be Done with the Army 1— Northern Fiumurfi iu Kuetuvu ViMlnU—MJllUrr Brwgo Across the Potomac —Additions to General McClellftu’fl Staff, See. FROM TUB SOUTH.—Tho Message of Jeff Davis to tho Rebel 06M»w* : Comment* ot tho Southern Press— The Capture of Mason and Slidell—The East Tennessee Insurrection —The Defences of New Orleans, and how the City could bo taken—The Price of Provisions m Atlftntoi Gib —All Interesting Letter from Richmond— The Reported Resignation of Beauregard—lmportant from Fort Pickens, &c. FROM KENTUCKY.—The Campaign as it now Stands in Kentucky—Where will the First Battle be Fotlght!—Pennsylvania to Kentucky—The Battle at Piketou—Affairs at Paducah, Ac. FROM MISSOURI.—GeneraI Price Recrosses tbo Osage—Burning of Warsaw—Division of Price’s Army Marching into Kansas—Difficulty in Exchange Of Prisoner*, JtC. MISCELLANEOUS. —The Eastern Shore Expedi tion—American Affairs in Englaud—Capture of Mason aud Slidell: Hon. Edward Everett’s Address, &C. WAR WIT. I.oc-M. INTKI.T.IC.KSCK—FINANCIAL AX’D COMMKXOt.U. Nkws—Wekki.v Kkvikiv oy thk Blakkbts—Cattle Makkkt, &c. Single copies for talc at the Counter of The Fres&. VitßM*:—One-copy, one year, ®3 ; Throe copies, one year, £o; Five copies, one year, $B. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Chestnut and Ninth strootg; Jtt» Delaware D A Finney N K Ilawkiue, New* York B Rathbone Mr James, New Jersey D Wilniot, Towandn, Pa H II Forsyth, Chicago II J Myers, Adams co, Pa C Knight, Baltimore WAV Handley, Halifax, NS H F Coffin. USX E K Gibson, Boston I O Dame.-, jSootOIJ K LHWg, U S N R P Woods, Maryland F Brooks, Boston Mr Gyonslii & 2 da, Toronto R Pomeroy & da, Pittsfield VV Genish, Utah Territory II C Sibley, New York Mies E Dickinson, Pluia K If Johnson, U SN W Scott, Ohio WU Kincaid- BiH s W s J Kincaid, Pittsburg S Cftte, Boston L W Wright, New York G W Wright, New York O Washburn, Boston P S Henkins, Boston P Siddoii, New York Col Eddin A dft P Harvey, Boston Mrs Ilorvey, Boston Mrs Moore, Boston John Russell, Newark, N J S W Torrey, New York T S Clarke, Pittsburg A T Taylor, Pittsburg J AI Long, Lancaster Mr Duncan, New York J J Chapman* England Tho* Rockett, Ezighutd m <j Peabody, England T E Keller, Now York Mrs C C Upham, Wash, DC C Howland, New Bedford S Bassett, Massachusetts \V N Saw? er, Jr. Mass F B Fay, Massachusetts D S Smith, MD, & la, N Y C D Murray & la, N York H J L?rin?' St Louis J 0 H»r*h A wf, iwua N Dauehy & wf, Conti C II Griffin & la, New York N Stratton & wf, New York G W Simons, New York Alex Small, York, Pcima N F Burhnm, York, Pa A Wilson, York, Penna . A Posey, York, Peuna J M Nixon, New York J J{ Bingham, Boston J Crooks* 8l Louis G W Briuton ABI Sufhido & la, Reading C H Matlaml, New York R Bates, Washington E J Chamberlain, Boston H T Fames, Chicago W C Churchill, New York J II Smith A la, Wash, DC C B Dclaberger A wf, N Y M Clark, Northampton L HammOlld, Mllfifl 11 How«, 7 Chicago H MulliKen, Boston J Gideon, New York Jos S Cleneay, New York JW B Clt-ncay, Cincinnati II D Riel, New* York Hoti S Hooper & fain, Bost Geo Wilsou, Englnml J M Whittemore, Boston A S Milciiefi fdUh WftSU E N Tniler, J* T York <5 L r,nonncldi BogtOH F Livihgrion, New York Geo B Upton, Jr, Boston Chas F Mudgo & wf, Boston Lieut H N Arnold, U SN Airs Arnold & son Mrs Kelly, New York 1. Bayard, N*>vYork E E Mitchell, New Ypyh £t Mitchl'll* Now Yen'll II & ILgraw, r.micrtltvr C Wlliteiey, Baltimore A B Bancus, New York Jas P Viel, Princeton F Cobb & la, Rockland, Me W M Shuster, Washington Gen Burnside, USA Mr King, Providence, R I Mr Cook, New York v B Hiiriings* R Island L C Raker, Woeh, t> o John M Y'OUUg, Canada R H Stephens, Canada R D Armstrong, Baltimore MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, briQW AfChi J JlarL, Wllm, i>ei n Peters, Wilm, Del W J Kennedy, New Jersey W Robeitson, Ohio Jas Irwin, Clearfield J J Young, Indiana, Pa P M Oslerhout, Pa ThosM Walker, Erie, Pa D C Kready &. w, Lancaster Geo Cooper, Mt Jackson L Morrell, Princeton, jf J CM Riley* Bridsetou, N J W wiightijr’ie JI M Mitchell St la, Balt Miss A McCVma, Baltimore 5 S Grove, Baltimore Geo M Pallas,'Jr, Phila W J Clark, Southington F M Shoemaker, Pa G AI Reynolds, Luzerne co John Wilton, Maryland J W Davies, Baltimore* M Malone, Lancastor P Conu'Ai-, Toledo. A * C«pt Wr U TreiCliPl, Pa CaptJ Wright,Camp Meigs WII Schultz,'Lock Haveu Hon Asa Packer, M Chunk Miss Packer, Maucli Chunk J P Salmon & ia, Penna E M Brigham, New York Geo W Coles, Middlet’n, Ct N B Pratt, Comwcticut F C Kline, Mftiich Chuah c:> Seitton, Unioutoffn, Ta TH Turner, Philadelphia AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut at.* above Fifth. J T Raymond, New Jersey T H Kemp, Jp, Maryland Win A Redden. Maryland § Wallace, white Haven W B Sheldon, New 1 ork M R Nichols, Pcttsville Gen G C Wynkoop, Pottsv’e S Cunniughaui, Blairsville W L Gill, Lancaster, Pa D Sharp, Vermont J Kennedy, Ricbmord, Va SO- Walker, Now York M Gleason, Delaware g B Me&llor ft la, NaulUCk^l Afi Tondyine, Maryland C H Wailes, Maryland M N Lindsey,-Maryland J If Jones, Nova Scotia Lt John J Barber, USA AG Wing, Buffalo ' G T Harvey and la, Penna ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third, T L Robins, Baltimore J D Muir, Balt J Schotlen, Philadelphia Mr Houston, Delaware CVH Johnson A wf, Del M G Garibaldi, New York Alex De Wolowskl, N York Madam Wolowski, N York F ttiintoni M’ilkesbnrra R M xvihhu, v*w York John E Barker* New York D M Taylor A aon, Md THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. E E Beitleman, Pittsburg Mm M Kaufman, Reading Fleming Phillips Phila olaa n«Ueabow. «a j McGovern & wf, Penna P S McTague & la, Penna BLACK BEAR—Third street, above CallowhlU, Jacob Cooper* Cooperaburg A Heller, Easton, Pa Geo Adams, LfflidingTilto D BPftr. Oliay, P*nn» i> jr, cmeji Tenna A H Geruftht, Berks co Jeremiah Mengel, Berks co P W Mengel, Penna Richard Robb, L Haven Jno Moss, Tamaquu Juaßambo, Canada NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. J W Rhoads, Allentown A R Roberson, Reading M Forsyth, New Jersey >V H Trescott, Penna John W Royer, Maryland J L Ling, Phila J G Snyder* Easton D 0 A Gl&riu, N J W B Dunham* N J E B Moore, Norristown C F Kopitzsth, Pottsville STATES UNlON—Market street, &b?Y? Si&tht P p il.lI, voris jas d Hamilton, Penna Jos Hamilton, Penna C Drake, Crawford, Pa J H Blystone, Crawford, Pa Geo K Scholl, Penna Win Anderson, Penna W A Johnson, Oxford, Pa Levi L Engle A wf, Pu MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market Mrs Malviu, Stroudsburg Col W Butler, Lewistown P West, Pennsylvania MOUNT YERNON HOTEL—Second st„ ab* Arch. T Cook, Baltimore W B Meiker, New York C Waineu right, Penna W T Morrison, Penna BALD EAGLE—Third street abava OallowkllL C T Rodgers, Pennsylvania P A Fritchey, Penna J Lowright, Buck! co, Pa Lieut JG H Marquette, Va BEYEBE HOUSE—Third street above BftC6* W U iiibbd-ri. New York John c Bchropp, Fauna T Stewart, Phila Jos Whitaker, Mt Clair MARINE INTELLIGENCE, gT SEE FOURTH PAGE. BT TELEGRAPH. (Correspondence of the Press.) New York, NdV 28. Arrived, ship Endymlon, from Liverpool; bark Erne* line, from London; brigs Atlantic, from Barbadoes; P Sanchez Dolz, from Rio de Janeiro; schrs E D Horton, from Jamaica; M E Pierce, from Cardenas. Also arrived, ship Regnlus, from Havre; barks Laura Rum, from Havana; Return* from Bristol' Iris, Dub don; Brothers, from Gicnftiegos; brig Scotland, from Bar- Ladoes; eclir Johu Strout, from Sagua. MEMORANDA. Brig Speedaway, Atherton, hence, arrived at Portland Sfitliinsti _ Schr T Lake, Doughty, cleared at Boston 27st inst, for Philadelphia. Schrs Allan Downing, Rice, C M Wilson, Smith, K & Daly, Stevens, and Warren C Nelson, Smith, hence, ar rived at Providence 27th itlßti sri»r YoKfti DrooKa* React* arrived Rt Newport 27th instant. • Schr JW ’ AVellington, Oibßon, from Boston for Phila delphia, sailed from Newport 27th inst. Schr John C Brooks,Graffam, cleared as PffrtliiniiSlth iIUL for Phlladelphin. Schrs S L Crocker, Presbrey, and B 8 Dean, Cook, Taunton for Philadelphia, sailed from Newport 27th inst. Sclir Tbos Bonlen, Wrightington, at Full Diver 27th Inst, from Albany. Schr Clirtluiflehi, Kelly, sailed from New Bedford 27th last, for Pliiladi-lphia. Schr A S Simpson, Chum, hence, arrived at Gloucester 24th inst. Schr Ellen Sawyer, Tracy, hence for Halifax, arrived at Gloucester 25th inst. Card Printing, Best and Cheapest In the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Be# GtlO&peit In Uli City, at 3« South THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Best and Cheapest U th« City, at 34 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and eyeri Uiffr (teiorin* Uoa vrpriatingi of the molt superior Quality, al the most reasonable rates, at RINGWALT & BROWN’S, DrexelTi Building, 34 South THIRD Street. deXO-tf THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 89, 1861. E J Stone. Boston Mrs Laubo, Boston SPECIAL. NOTICES. gjg&jsaa Special Attention is called M • 11 1 to tho unproeedwiled ImldCehiAnU those about purchasing Pianoa ami Mriinleons. Large temporary being made to mo by tlie manufac turers in consequence of reduced wages, rent of manu factory, and all that goes to make up tho cost of pro duction, tho full Venejli is proffered to buycrsj and a call must satisfy all that now is tho time. Can sell ajirst class Piano at $226. Give mo a call. no4-lm J- E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut ets. Pn Bobertson’s Veoetable Ner vofs Coriuai, ; or, NATURE’S GRAND RESTORATIVE. The Great Remedy for all Nervous Coinphtiiits, Debi lity, ProstHilidii, L owness of Spirits, Ac. Price tjfrl. For sale by DYOTT it CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, no22*ftulm Depot for all Popular Medicines. UrnAJi’s Hair Dye, only 38 Ce.yts A BOX.—Bottles larger than the Dollar Dyes. Colors in stantaneously, and will not wash out. Try it. Sotd only at UPIIAM’S, 310 CHESTNUT Street. no27«wfml3jn One-Price Clothing, op the Latest Styles, made in thoßo3t Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Gooda mods te Or.W w*rr.vzri«4 eati«f*w to»y. Our Onk-Pbicb System is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. ae22-ly JONES * CO., 6W MARKET Street. Batchelor’s Hair Dye.— This aele brated and perfect HAIR DYE is tho BEST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere imitations of this Great Original, which has gained ftush exttffißlTO Patronage iff ail parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. BATCHE LOR'S LIQUID HAIR DYE instantly produces a splendid Black or natural Brown, without staining the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects Of bad Dye 9, invigorating the Hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNESTOCK & GO. and DYOTT A CO., Philadel phia mhl-tf MARRIED. WOELPPER—KUGLER.—On tho morning of the 19th instant, by tho Rov. .To?. A. Seiss, David A. Woolp ycr to Belle J. Harris, daughter of the late Dr. Kugler, ail of this city. # PAYJ2—HKRI>EriSON.*»On tho 10th iustout, W the Her, Mr. Murray, Samuel H. Davis, of this city, to Miss Fannie Henderson, of Paulshoro', N. J. * DIED. BARD—On the morning of .the 2711 i instant. Conrad lirtid, agctl 0 years. Funeral from the residence of his grandmother, Ann Ilinkle, 811'Wood street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. * CONWAY.—On the 27th justant, Rosanna, wife of Patrick Conway, agtd SO years. Funeral from tlie residence of her husband, corner of Wood and Coral street, this (Frilay) afternoon, at r o’clock. * DAVlDSON.—Suddenly, on the 27t,h instant, William Davidson, aged 55 years. Funvrol from iiis late residence, ThOIDOS Street, Frank ford, this (Friday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. # HOUGHTON.—On the 27th instant, Mary M. K Houghton, wife of Dr, Charles W. Houghton, in’the 21st year of ht-r age. Funeral from tho reahlAftCA of herlmsbami, corner of Frankfoid road aud York street, this day, (Frida)*,) at 1 o’clock 1\ M. * Mourning store, jf?, 913 CHESTNUT STREET. BESSON & SON have lately received Black Beaver Cloth Cloaks, Gray Water-proof Cioakg, Black Thibet Long Shawls, extra sizes; Shepherd Plaid Long and Square Shawls, Crape and Grenadine Collars and Sleeves, Jouvin’s Black Kj4 Glovefl, Alexandre’s Black, Lead, and i*urj>ic Kj«a aioTcs; Fleecy Silk Gloves and Gaunt lets, Black Centre Broche Scarfs, Black all wool Velour Ottomans and Reps, SI a yard; Black Reps Anglais, 25 cents a j ard : Grenadine Veils, Ac. no 4 tAircr riERFOKT, LKS Fairfax Counts', Yn. At a minting belli by the members of Company K, Tbiril llrgiment, I*. 11. V. Corps, Nov. 20th, ISGI, the following prenmbli* ami resolutions Were adopted! Whereas, it has pleased the AU-wiso Creator,'in the dispensation of His providence, to remove from our midst our beloved comrade, JOSEPH BAKU: therefore, be it, and it is hereby, Resolved, That in the’dentil of Joseph Barr the Com pany has lost ft faithful friend, a. ;xTid aoltlior, one whom we have always loved and highly esteemed. Resolved* That we sympathize with the family of our deceased friend, and for consolation commend them to the God of Mercies. Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed (Q carry out thu wishes *f u><-Company, wiiicii Ilia body bp scut to hlf! native City, (Philadelphia)) for bu rial; the expenses to be defrayed by his farmer com rades, the members of Company K. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family ; also V? published in T/lC .PMSSlatul DliiUiUL phjHi Zw^wfrtTi COMMITTEE. Private JAMES BROOKS, « GEORGE MORGAN, “ CHARLES MORGAN* i OHARLks HAFOLDi “ DAVID STACKHOUSE JPJEOribJE’S LITERARY INSTITUTE. Us.jf —A Lecture for the benefit of the VOLUNTEER KKt'RKSHMEST SAL9QNS uill tie delivered OH QIUU3IVA V Kveniujc, December 5, nt CONCERT HAL b, by BAYAItI) TAYLOR, Esq. Subject: “The Ameri can People Considered Socially and Politically.” Lec ture quarter before eight o'clock. Tickets 25 cents,' at T. B. PUGH’S, SIXTH and CHK3TNOT BtrcetS. Tick* Otß to tli£ regular course will HOC AdHUt tO tlil9 ICCtlirO. D029-4tif^ rwr9 ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY.—The 113th «t Anniversary will be celebrated on SATURDAY EVENING, noth inst„ fit the ST. LOUIS HOTEL. A Busin*** Irivethii? Ivin take place - at 0, and. Supper at 7 o'clock. Members and subscribers will please attend without farther notice. ' Scotsmen, or their descendants, wishing to participate in the celebration, are requested to leave their names at the St Louis ao2{>-2t GEORGE YOUNG, Secretary. THE WORLD'S FAIR OF 186-2. IJI je Persons desirous of sending articles for exhibition at the World’s Fair opening at LONDON May 1,1862, are informed that aprlicatfon mnst be mode through th* agvut uuhis city, ami tlio articles accepted lilust be sent to New York before January 1, next. The agent for this city is Dr A. L. ELWYN, as sisted by L„ BLODGET, Secretary of the Board of Trade, at whose office, 505 CHESTNUT Street* ftDßli* *Aii©i»s from manufacturers and inventors are iuvited. n027-6t DIVIDEND OFFICE LEHIGH COAL \ys AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, Philadel phia, NbY. ■&, 186 L—A Dividend of THBBE PER cbnt , equal to one dollar and fifty cents per share on the capital stock of Hie Company, lias this day been de clare! by the Board of Managers, payable on demand. n027-6t EDWIN WALTER, Treasurer. THE PHILADELPHIA BAKK, Philadelphia, November 25, 1861. At the Annual Election, held on the 18th inst., the fol lowing gentlemen were duly elected Directors of this Bank : Thomas Robins, Joshua Longstreth. Samuel IVeUlu M&tshall Hill, Edward S. Clarke, J. O. Pell, Frederick Lennig, L. R. ABhurst, Augustus Heaton, Richard Wood, J. L. Erringer, Jas, L. Claghoru, S. W. DeCours^y, Afcd A* ameellnp of the Board Of Directors* Held THIS BAY, THOMAS ROBINS, Esci., was unanimously re elected President n026-4t rv-sf=* PHILADELPHIA EXOHISGE GftM ILJf PANY, iHOVemtter 25, 1801.—4. meeting of the Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE COMPANY will be held on MONDAY next, December 2, at 12 o’clock, at the EXCHANGE, (Room No. 30, third floor,) for the pnrpgse Of electing lliUB JiianftgflM. i<» tor rite ensuing year* and for the transaction of other business. n025-6t WM. S. GRANT, Secretary. OFFICE PENNSYLVAPrU RAILROAD lL_3 COMPANY, PKix.A.&sx.riTtA| October 10) 1001*— The Board of Directors have this day declared a saml animal dividend of THREE PER CENT, on the capital stock of the Company, clear of State tax, payable cm and after November IS, 1861. PowergiOf*Attorney fai eollectUh of dULUuJs c*n be had on application ftt the office of the Company, No. 238 Booth THIRD Street. ocl7-tdel THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. rv» OFFICE QT THE BOARD OF UJS health, snr, corner sixth and sax- BOM STREETO. Philadelphia, November 26,1861. Notice to capuiins of vessels arriving at the Port of Philadelphia is hereby given that every gfiip or YtißSPli arriving at the Pori of phnaaeipiun/Bimll be visited by the Port Physician previously to her being hauled to any wharf within the city or district aforesaid, or Windmill Island And every captain or other person so hauling such ship or VP8Bf»l to anv U’hflrf AS aforewdd, atmll, for eieji and every offence, forfeit and pay the sum of two hun dred (Wlari*, to be sued for and recovered as herein pro vided, unless it shall be made to appear by such captain or other person tbat there was ftt the time imminent danger of the Vf flUCll SIIID Or vessel, OF of lk4 p«U eengerH or crew thereof* By order of the Board of Health. n027-St WILLIAM REED, Health Officer. TTTHO WOULD HAVE A PLAIN ▼ t picture when they can get ft Colored Photograph for SI, at REIMER'S Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green 1 It# Teachers, scholars, pa- RENTS, aud every one connected with our Public Schools, should read the great Educational story, “Teacher ami Scholar,in Fitzgerald’s City Item, of this week, News agents will apply early. It* pHILDREN’S OVERCOATS AND \*J ZEPHYR GooD3—The most beautiful assort ment, and at the lowest prices in the city, nt the Central GliildwiTe Clothing Stores No. ! i North eighth sir^t, flVovt* HlurKt?!. no2d-6t* ■jl/TARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a XtX writ of sale, by the Hon. John Cadvralader, Judge of the District Court of tbs Untied States in nni for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me di rected, will be sold, at Public Sale, to the highest and best biddor, for Cash, at the MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, at 12 o’clock M, T the oue»fourtli part of tha ship MA.RA.TH6j?, her tackle, appHtel, and furniture, being the Interest Ihereiu of WILLIAM KNOX, a resident and inhabitant of the State of Louisiana. The ship is now lying at Race street wharf. WILLIAM MILLWARD, u. s. Marshal E..P. of Penn’a. Philadelphia, Nov. 28, 1861. n029-6t TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR X THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIILADEL TBU. Estate of CHRISTIANA MEEKER, deceased. The undersigned appointed by the C'urt to audit, set tle, and adjust the account of JOHN C. FARR, K»i., and trustee but estate of CHRISTIANA MEEKER, de ceased, and to make distribution of {fee talftDW) her'by gives notice that he wUI meet the parties In interest on TUESDAY, December 10,1861, at 4 P, M., at his office, southeast corner of SIXTH and WALNUT Streets, Phi ladelphia. D. W. O’BRTEN, no2D-ftmvst Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR JL THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. „ Estate of HANNAH L. CRESSON, deceas^. The undontiaiioil appalalihl W h»u &»«« to nudit* scnio, and adjust the account of STANLEY C. FLAG, adminis trator of HANNAH L. CRESSON, deceased, aud to make distribution of the balance, hereby gives notice that he wiU meet the parties in interest on MONDAY, December 9,1861* at 4 Pi M-, at tils office, southeast comer Sixth and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. no29*fmwSt D. W. O’BRIEN, Auditor, French plate looking GLASSES) ill ItOMfIYOOd, Gilt, av Walnut frames, at prices to suit the times, at GEO. F. BENKERT’S, No. 826 ARCH Street. n027-iftf fJTHEODORE EVERS’ PHOTOGRAPH AND AMBROTYPE GALLERY, NO. 606 ARCH STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, Oppoettd the Arch-street Theatre, !9g<?-lm if PHILADELPHIA. Beautiful black and BROWN HAIR-DYEING done at FOURTH and BRANCH. ua2l-iftf B. COMEGYS, Cashier. RET All, DRY GOODS. IjTHOS. W. EVANS & CO. HAVE JUST OPENED A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT F FROSTED JBEAVEK CLOTH CLOAKS. WITH A FULL STOCK OF CLOTH AND VELVET DO. OF THE LATEST PARIS STYLES. JUST RECEIVED ONE CASE VELVET CLOTHS SUPERIOR QUALITY. Nos. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. uo2B>3t ... ‘ HOSIERY. THOS. W. EVANS & Co. Would invite attention to their LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF ENGLISH HOSIERY, IN LADIES, GEJfTS, AND CHILDREN'S SIZES, OF TDK MOST APPROVED MAKES, IKOU'DIKC A FULL ASSORTMENT OF THE celebrated BALBRIGGAN HOSIERY, FOB SALE AT VEUT REASONABLE PRICES. 818 and. 820 Chestnut St. 8028-3 t OLE SALE STOCK AT RETAIL. M. L. HALLOWELL & Co., 333 MARKET STREET, 27 NORTH FOURTH STREET, HAVE CONCLUDED TO OFFER AT RETAIL THEIR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS* cossisti.no of BLACK DRESS SILKS. IN CREAT VARIETY-, SILK VELVETS, bombazines, TAMISE ALPACAS, Ac, PLAIN AND PRINTED MERINOS, HOUSSELines, POPLINS, REPS, VELOURS, Ac. WOOLLEN PLAIPSi PRINTED FLANNELS, Ac ALSO, THEIR IMMENSE STOCK OF SHAWLS. OF VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS, CLOAKS, MANTLES. &c., EMBEOIDEfiIES, ANB L. c. HRJSFS. And will sell by the Single Piece their stock of WHITE GOODS. consisting or LINENS, MULLS, JACOXETS, CAMBRICS, NAINSOOKS, &c., &c. ocl4-mwf2m gLAGK CLOTHS FOR CLOAK SAND COATS, FROM 81 TO So PER YARD. CASSIMERES FOR MEN’S AND BOYS’ WSABi COOPER & CONARD, S. E. comer NINTH and MARKET Streets. noUifinvr.lm HOLIDAY GOODS. QHEISTM AS'lS^’ccailWG^ And we are assured that many who read The Press arc already considering WHAT to present TO THEIR GENTLEMAN FRIENDS. We would suggest the following: Either A FINE WRAPPER, MUFFLER, SCARF, TIE, or GLOVES. On if they have friends IK THE 43$SYt Ifllftt COUfd t>o iriAM rvvw Tvintitoora anti utlicsrs, than GOOD FLANNEL SHIRTS, OR HEAVY UNDERCLOTHING? THE PLACE TO BUY THEM IS AT W. W. KNIGHT'S GENTS’ FURNISHING STOKE, No. 606 ARCH STREET. Ni B; FINE SHI3MPS Warty Tjiadc and m&tiV W"* dir, at $1.50, AND UPWARDS. no27*if tf CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. J\ADIES’ CLOAKS. We unite THE LADIES to examine our NEWLY-RECEIVED ASSORTMENT RUSSIAN PROMENADE JACKETS. CARL PETERS & CO., Northeast Corner TENTH and Stfii bofif-Gi OJLOAKS IS SABLE CLOTHS, FROSTED BEAVERS, sealskin cloths, BLACK BEAVERS, LYONS VELVETS; A Large ASSORTBENT, AT MODERATE PRICES, AT THE PARIS CLOAK EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. J. W. PROCTOR & Go. nol4-tf riLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! V WATER PROOF CLOTH CLOAKS, In endless variety: LIGHT AND DARK CLOTH CLOAKS. 6f *¥«*? aUd* : ' BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every quality: BLACK 6ILK-VELVET CLOAKS, EVERY NEW STYLE. EVERT NEW MATERIAL-. THE LARGEST STOCK 1 AMD THE MOST SEASONABLE PRICES IN THE CITT IVENS, ocls No. 23 South NINTH Stmt CLOAKS! The Largest, Cheapest, and Best-assorted Stock in the city. HOUGH ft CO„ Ho. &S South TENTH Street, Opposite Franklin Market. New oloak store! The most Elegant assortment in the city. No. 29 South NINTH Sfcwt, 90l$-2m First door above Chestnut. mHE ARCH-STREET CLOAK AND X MANTILLA STORE. HSWTALL CLOAKS: TTATEH-rBOOr TW»*D CLOAKS. BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS. ■VSBY HOYKLTT AT HODKBATI PRICES. JACOB HORSFALL, anSl-ftn H. V, «ni« TBfiTH AfiGH St. KEIW.IL DRY GOODS, T>LANKETB, FLANNELS, MOUS- Jl> DKLAINKS, CIIINTBKS, AND MUSLINS.— V. K. AKCIIAMBAULT, N. E. corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets will ojxn thin morning, large fli/.e Heavy Blanket*, from $3 to i? 8; White, Hod, nnd Gray Flannels, from I*2 to 31 Fancy flllill FlilllllOlSi only 31c -worth 60c.-, rich Fall rtyln Delnitma, 12, 18, 20, and 22c.; ChintwH, 3D and 11c.; Blenched and Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, 7 to 31 cts.; now stylo Plaid Dress Goods, only 25c., worth 50c ; ladtos 1 and tmHBPR* Blanket Shawl#, from $1 to $B. Cheap Carpets, Oil Ciotlw* and 'Window' Slmdos. »io2s-t39 pKEEN OTTOMAN HEPS FOlt V-fl Gored Drosses. Blue Ottoman Heps. Brown Otton;nj| HvP9i Purple Modes, fi'P., Ac. Richest Fruited ileps. EYRE & LANDELL. m>23 FOURTH and AUDIT Streets. SC A It L E T LONG AND SHORT SCARFS. Scarlet Scarfs £2. Scarlet Scarfs #2.50. Scarlet Scarfs #3. Scarlet Scarfr S 5 mid #B. n 023 EYBE & landell. TTSKIMO CLOTH FOR CLOAKS. J-J Black Beaver Cloths. Black Ribbed Sealskin. Black Cloth Clyft}frh !.<»as BTKK ft TjANDELIj. Popular shawls— Inn-go and full assortments of the following Winter Shawls: lyong and Square Scotch B/aiiketd. Fine American, of all styles. Black and White Checks and Browns. Children’s Long and Square Blankets. Fine Stellafl, Scotch bordtirß; Droche, t'jrom IQW tO UXIHI flllfl. Black Centred Brocho Chaine Laine. Light Gray and Dappled Berlin. Friends’Shawls, of all kinds. CLOAKING CLOTHS. Water Profcffi, Ropflhmis, A<ju» scutum. Spangled and Frosted Beavers. Black Beavers and Tricots. SIIARPLESS BROTHERS, n 035 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. Bargains in dress goods. NEW AND CHOICE DRESS GOODS AT EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES. Rich Silk Plaid and Printed Rnps. Plain Reps and Velours de Epinglo. VERY CHEAP BLACK SILKS* BUh Printed Magenta ClOtllb. Rich Brintvd Morinocs to #1.25. Rich Printed all wool Delaines from 31 to 75c. 3,000 yards Mohair Brocades at 14c, worth 25c. 2,800 yards Printed Delaines at 13c, worth 18e. A choice assortment of Blanket SflflVtlfc t NEW STVlks OF WINTER CLOAKS of Beaver, Tricot, and Water-Proof Cloths, Handsome Velvet Vestings and Cassimeres. H. STEEL & SON, nofi No. 713 North TENTH Street, above Coates. Gentlemen, take NOTICE.— Will open this morning— A full line of Merino Shirts and Drawers. A nice assortment of Gent’s Mauds. A full Hue of Cotton and Merino Ilpse. A Uico assortment of heavy Cassmierea, Two lots of fine French Black Cloths. Thirty doz. L. C. Hdkfs, from Auction. Twelve dog. Suspenders from Auction. Striped Cloths for §hirtBi Twilled Flannels, White, Red, anl Gray, Gloves in great variety at JOHN H. STOKES, nolB 702 ARCH Street. TWILL OPEN THIS DAY JIN IM f Y nierise stock of all wool De Lames, tlio balance of a large importation, consisting of 1 lot neat figured dark grounds, at 31 cents, usually gold at 62% cents. 1 lot chintz colors, at 37 ceiife, usually at 75 Cont§. 1 lot, yard-wide, TlnjUjf, nt 13# CdltS. COWPERTHWAIT & CO., no9-tf N. W. corner EIGHTH and MARKET. House furnishing d lit GOODS.—SHEPPARD, VAX HARLINGEN, A ARRISON, Importers and Dealers lu Linen, and House FurnishingjDry Goods, etc. Have now on hand a full assortment of Linen Sheeting, Table Cloths, Fnphins, TfiblOi Hiitpw Towelling, etc., etc., imported under the old tariff, or bought a great sac rifice. N.B.—Five per cent, allowed on purchases as above, if paid for on delivery. no27tf LADIES' BLACK CLOTHS. Men’s heavy Overcoatings. Men’s fine Dress Cloths. COOPER & CONARD, no 7 NINTH and MARKET Streets. TPLANNELS— J} Yard wide, finewhite extra at 38 cents. Shaker Flannels, warranted genuine. COOPER * CONABD, noT NINTH and MARKET muti. Fancy cassimekes- Of every grade and style, from 62c to 81.50 per yard, Black Caeaimeres, some extra fine lots. COOPER A OONABD, noT NINTH and MARKET Streets. Dkess goods. Repp, Merinoes, Poplins, Delaines, Ac. Blttuk FoplitiSi Morinooß, Doloiuu. BomUinif, Ac. COOPER A CONARD, no 7 NINTH and MARKET. CLOAKS— Ready made or buuU 4a orJ®r. COOPER & CONARD, no 7 NINTH and MARKET Streets. MILITARY COOPS. OO £. L. E N "yarn" FOK ARMY 1-2 HOSE, FANCY WOOLLEN HOODS, NU BIAS, SONTAGS.-ic. THOS' MELLOR & CO., 40 AND 48 NORTH THIRD STREET. no2B-tf 12-°z duck, ARMY STANDARD. FOB SALE BY ALFRED SLADE & Co., 55 ti:xiTiA and 50 SOUTH FROST STREET. iio26-I2t QOTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOB TENTS, FOR SALK BT mjiv-am FROTHIM9HAM A WELLS. MILITARY NOTICES. RMIMENT of lancers. RECRUITS WANTED. A few Young Men of GOOD CHARACTER' fcj fill va cancies iu the PHILADELPHIA LIGHT CAVALRY, No 3linorn need apply, TWO DOLLARS BOUNTY will be paid to any one-who will bring an accepted rejrujf, Uriieh muetereJ into Fjftt fOfit fifYPIl 18Cb.63 IS tll9 lowest height now accepted in-this Regiment, which GENERAL McCLELLAN Has selected as A REGIMENT OF LANCERS. Apply At oflce-at the Bemleavous, 426 MARKET STREET. n027-4t* jj ATTENTION .'—TEN MORE MEN |j| wanted to fill up Company B, Capt. A. H. BON JIrMAN, attached to Col. E. M. GREGORY’S Regi — mcnt, now under mareliiug orders, Headquarters NINTH and CHESTNUT. noST-iR* SW AN T E D—TEN MEN FOR Company G» Ninety-First Regitneßt, Culonel 11 M. GREGORY. Apply at the GIRAI?£> HOUSE* or* GAMP CHASE, in the ROSVI, n027-St* E. G. SKLLKRS* Captain. « WANTED—TWELVE GOOD Men for Company I ? Col. GRLGOJtT’S’ IfcgimfHlt* now ni CAMb CHASE, l>*rby Bomb Will leftVO for the seat of war in a few days. Apply* at headquarters, GIRAKI) HOUSE. n027-3t* JOHN P. CARIE, Captain. II ALMOST READY TO MOVE— ■ Coloi.fl K. M. GBEGOBY'S NIBKTY-FIRST ill JtKfiIMENT, Headi|u»rtcra GIBAKD HOUSE, en . comped at Camp CHASE, DAUBY Boad, one and a lialf miles from Market street, to more to tho seat of war in a Tew days. Only a few more good inei) to com. plots t lie I‘egtßieot. IioST-at* u UNITED STATES MARINES.— H Wonted immediately for the Unhed States Marine JU Corps, THREE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED MEN for 8r» service* between the age# of *Uhieen and thirty-five years. AH information that may be re-mired will be siren nt the Rendezvous, 311 South FRONT Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, Bfcniiting Officor, n027-12t II HEADQUARTERS 0 UIITIN H LIGHT GUAKD REGIMENT, P. V., No. 801 ill SANSOM Street Authorised by the Governor, and accepted by the Federal Government, Coillfortllhl# <liiarhrs jirwldtsl is i*i.n«adpni«. ray* Rations, und Uniform as soon aa enrolled. By order of COL. U. J. STAINROOK. W. R. MACADAM, Adjutant. n026-ut* /COLONEL RICHARD H. RUSH.— Now ready, a very fine Card Photograph of Col. Richard H. Kush. MCALLISTER & RftO.» ’ m>2S-3t 728 CHESTNUT Street. Bill- head printing, best and Cheapest in the. city, at BINGwALT A BROWN’S, 34 South THIRD Street. no2o OARD PRINTING, BEST AND OhJApeot In the City, at IUNGYVALT * BHVWH S, SI South THIRD Street. no** Gunny bags—6o v bales for Bale by JAURXTCII A OARSTA.IRS, D 022 !»a !Uilth PROMT Street. E. S. EARLEY, FUBKISHIKQ UNDERTAKER, Sonthweat comyr Of TENTH anil QflEgJf Street* nol94miW FMiadelplua. KIEW PUBLICATIONS. Books, law and miscella neous, new end old, bought, aold, nod «x -changed, at the PHILADELPHIA-BANK BOOK STOKE, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance pnrcbaeed. Those haring Books to sell, if fit i distance, will stats tb-L- umim, sizes, bindings, dates, editions, prices, and conditions. WANTED—Books printed by Benjamin Franklin, as well as early Books printed in and upon America. Autograph Letters and Portraits purchased. Pamphlet Laws oi Pennsylvania tor sale. Catalogues, jn press, sent free. Libraries ap praised bv rf»26-tfl JOHN CAMPBELL. T7IOREIGN READING ROOMS, JP J 323 CHESTNUT Street, corner „f JUNIPER. OPEN EVERY DAT and EVENING f., r LADIES Olid (JENTLEMEN. Prom 11 A. M. until '£ 1\ M, ox clurivdy for L»dh>a All the principal French, German, nnd English Illus trated and Literary IVrtoiUcalu »ro regularly received every two week#. (Jolignani's Messenger a.tnl Journal dett Debuts by every fruhl KlimiWi Terutfc of Mjjgiu hniiscriptiuj* pi?i annum, SQ; throo month!*, 82.50; »ue month, #l. Family fuihscriptiou par annum, 810; tlirce nionHis, #3.50. Orders fnrforeign Books anil Periodical* forwarded l»y every steamer. F« LKTrOLDTt Fnrnisn BimkaGllar, m»2O-Im 1323 CHESTNUT. WANTS. WANTED DY AN ACTIVE 3011112 man, a llmrougli u Hitu ntion in a mercantile or manufacturing eHtaldishmioit. Address* “ 11. W., n kliik olliee. no2f>-.'»t* A YOUNG MAN WANTS A g£- THAI DIN as Clerk or ll«lit l*ort«*r; wouM make himself generally useful. Unexceittionnlda referenoa given, or cash .security, if ie»miri:d. Address »»<). C., n ofiice of thin payer. Jio27-wf2i* tf-Kflft TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE. ij )O\J\J I UK ENS'AND’ MONTGOMERY, Conveyancers, louij ukacii rtt., Eighteenth ward. §g£ WANTED—A FARM, within ton 3Cor twelve miles of Philadelphia, for which the be*t quality of improved city property will he given in ox change. Apply to E. PETTIT, oc3o No. 309 WALNUT Stroof, FOR SALE AMD TO LET. rpHEATRE OR MUS IC HALL JL LEASE FOlt SALE, newly fitted up jjj fi|ipf*rior ityloi bn tlio jiMmlMa, S<>u<* K e-20 oiikstnut Mront. limntreuf Mr. JONES, at hotel, from 10 A. M. till 3 P. M-, for two days. n027-3t# TO LET- Thu convenient HOUSE, No. 511 PlNßetr«-t-co„- tnining two parlor?, (lining room, kitchen, four chambers, anil two garret roonn*, all in complete order. Rent low. Inquint at No. 538 Pine street, nearly opposite. iio27-wfmut^ FOR SALE,—TWO COTTAGES, built in Italian style, beautifully situated on LEX INGTON Street, near hy the Passenger Railroad, West Philedclpliiß ; large lots, Ac. Also, two beautifully si tuated in Maylandville. near l|jg Drtrhy PABIOUaUJ llhilfoad. HUlic-r of M-iitdi.wtn d© sum very low, on the mo?t reasonable terms. Apply to E. PETTIT, n*28...; No. 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE—WEST LOGAN fiuIIL StjUAUE PDOPERTV.—Four-story Brown Stono Dwelling, with extensive hick buildiiigs. For further particulars, apply to K. PETTIT, 11023 No. 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SAL E— VALUABLE BMPAisii »j,d mill riSOPKKTY—farm containing 90 ACRES of superior LAND, situate twelve miles north of the city, near Fort Washington station, North Peim’a Railroad. First-class improvements. Apply to E. PETTIT, oc30; No. 300 WALNUT Sb-eet. fTIO EXCHANGE—DeIaware County _l_ Farm, containing 75 acres of superior land, situate nine miles from the city, one mile from railroad statical} nicely watered* with excellent wuin*?*, fine tm\ w, Ac. Also, a number of farms to exchange for City Pro perty. Apply to E. PETTIT, 11016 No. 309 WALNUT Street. TDARM FOR SALE.—A FARM, in J- excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-one acres, (nine of which ar* woodland,) pleasantly situated in Limerick township, Montgomery county, two nnd .a half miles from tin* Limerick station, on the Reading Railroad, is offered for sa]o, FriGC—FIVO thousand doL - laM Apply on the premises, ttolfl-tf SAMUEL H. GRAFF. mO EXCHANGE—Cheap Delaware State Fruit and Grain Farm, containing 156 acrosof lamli ftitnate wftliin onomilo of Miiw>ad !>eiawAr« Railroad. Also, Montgomery county farm, containi»g9s acres, eighteen miles above the city. For further parti culars apply to E. PETTIT, uol6 No. 309 WALNUT Street. F>lt BALE— Valuable Farm, contain ing 130 acres; 30 acres of excellent Woodland, the balance in a high Htate of cultivation, nicely watered with springs and running streams, situate 6 miles from Poyle&towu depot; and 2J£ miles Fesm LAmberivUl© »**- tiOD and Delaware rivef, Bucks county. Plain and sub stantial stone improvements; good out-buildings, and every variety of fruits. Price only 575 per acre; easy terms. Apply to E. PETTIT, se!9 Kg. 309 WJJLNUT Striek T7OR SALE—One of FAIRBANKS -C (2,500 lbs) PLATFORM SCALES, nearly new; one SUGAR-MILL, nearly new. Also, a lot of superior ShriTiDft snitiihlii for a. IVholosalo A P pl>-»t lio. I2i North FRONT Street. no2o-wfm6t* TVTIAGARA FALLS WATER POW IA ER.—CAPITALISTS AND MANUFACTU RERS. this immenae water power is now ready for im mediate occupation, together with one hundred acres of laud, embracing one quarter of the village, on which to locate mill* and maisufoc-torie*. The stipulations for price of power will bo one half that at Lowell, Mass., and the quantity is almost un ■ united Should the demand warrant if, tho American Fall can easily be stopped and its great volume discharged through the bank below its present site, for mill purposes, under « head and fall of 200 leet. The title is perfect and the property unincumbered. For'further information mute to M. w. bay or /w, ?», Floyds JfnigMft Fails} Alexander Hay, No. 1208 Vine Btreet, Philadelphia; Hon. T. A. Jenckeß, Providence, B. I.; D. Thaxter, Boston; or the owner, HORACE H. DAY, No. 91 Liberty street. N&Tt Tor.Ki September % 1861. ui~wfßnSm BOARDING. SPRUCE STREET—Rooms for \JOTjI families or single gentlemen, with board. n026-Ot* GROCERIES. fJIO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. Wo sre prepared, an to snpply- famine* their Country Residences with every description of FINS GROCERIES, TEAS, fto., *O. ALBERT G, ROBERTS* CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE SBKETS, mrlB Ti/TAOKEREL, HERRING, SHAP, JjrJL SALMON, Ac—Aooo bvu Plow XTQfI, 1,2, and 5' lACKEREL, large, medium* and ftinall, in assorted' eckages of choice, late-caught, fat fish. 6,000 bbls. New Halifax, Eastport, and Labrador Her tngß, of choice qualities-. 8,000 boxes extra new 8,000 boxes extra hew No. 1 Herrings, 8,000 boxes large Magdaline Herrings* 350 bbls. Mackinac White Fish. 60 bbls. new Economy Mess Shad. 25 bblii new Halifax galman. 2iooo quintals Grand Dank Codfish. 600 boxes Herkimer County Cheesy In store and landing, for sale by MUBPHY ft KOOKS, uo6 |?9r 140 HOBTH WHARTBg. FRGFOSALS. A RMY SUPPLIES.—OFFICE OF A TU4S Actiko OOMMISiABT OF SUBSIST ENCE, No. 1139 GIRARD STREET, Philadelphia, November 22,1861 Proposals will be received at this office until 12 o’clock, M., on the 30tti. day of NOVEMBER,.far fiifj nilhinu for the uae *£ Ui« United urniyi fti hucH times flUd 111 Stidh uuanildee as may be requiretli.durtng the month of December,.the following Subsistence stores, viz.*. 139,000 pounds first quality Smoked Bacon Sides, packed in tiebt tieroum of ab<sut 80ftTw»ndi-«ach. 2,000 barrels “ Extra Superfine ” Flour. 60,000 pounds first quality Pilot Bread,, in- good flour barrels. 350 bushels first quality new white-Beans, in good dry bj»rri*lfr. iso u«sntis first quality split Peas,.in.good dry bar rels. 10,000 pounds primo Rico, in good flour barrels. 30,000 pounds prime Rio Coffee,.in barrels. 42,000 pounds light yellow sugar, iubarr^jlh 2,000 giiliotsr. VluotfJ.y-- 2,500 pounds best* quality Adamantine* Candle?* full weight, oue-fourth sixes aud three-fourths twelves. 10,000 pounds good hard Soap,.full weight. 250 bushels good, clean, dnvflue-Suit, In good, tight barrels. 260 gallons good Molnsses, or Syrup,, in barrels. Samples, in boxes- distinctly marked,, to accompany proposals for all articles except meat.. Ajl.of tho articles W be of the best quality*, geeuuely pacluul,.ahd in perfect order for iruusportation. Bida- will. Include packages and delivery in the city. Seller’s name and date of purchaso- required on each package. Certificates of inspection of. the Meat aul Flour will be required. Bids from known «h*9]era for Ilia* miftteHir.-r# only «1U be. coi.rfidereU v ft mV ClKll bid IHUStbQ flccoinpaiupilby the written guarantee of two responsi ble persons for the faithful performance of the contract. Proposals to be endorsed “ Proposals- for Subsistence stoves,” and directed to CaptAin C. W. THOMAS, 1123»6t if A. Q. M. »nd-A. c. s., y, e, A. INSURANCE COMPANIES. Fame insurance company, Ho. 404 CHESTNUT Stmt FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE DIRJW7GB3. George W. Day... of Day ft Matl&ck. Samuel Wright “ Weigh! Eros. & Go* D. B. BiFsey “-Daviaft Biroey. Henry Lewis, Jr “»Lewis Bros, ft Go. G. Richardson Jv 0. Howe ft Go. Jno. Vf. Bverman....... “-Jv W. Bverman ft 00. Geo. A. We5t.,*....*... *‘-Weot ft Fobes. F: S. Martin U-S*Y*ge, Martin, ft 09, O. Wfison Davis AMomey-at-law. B.D. Woodruff......*. ofSsbley, Molten, ft WocdmK Jno. Kessler, Jr. No. 1713 Green street. GKO&dX W. DAY, President. FRANCIS If, BUCK* YiGO-FMflUml WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. ja3B*tftf SAYING FUNDS. CAVING FUND—UNITED.STATES O TIIUBT CGMFANY, comer THlBUivad OHRST NUT Streets. INTKBKST JIT* PSR OIiNT. S. B. CRAWFO33, Prestdemt, JAMBS K. HUNTER, giyuMsUw .fai 'JtUiSiir. ' Office Route, from 10 until S o’clock. This comyaar is aot joined in any application to tfe Legislstnre. QLATE MANTELS. These beautifully euftn*»Uodr MANTELS, ftp. dp cidedb preferable to any oth«a* ara manufactured by oa, and sUd at PRICKS TO S V%a THE TIMES. ahnold & Wilson, ocS-3mif Ka.. 1010 CHKSTNU* Street. rjTHE BALTIMORE GAS-BURNING YIHE-PLACE HEATER. Sometimes called the “ Lahrobe Stove,” ij the beat stove for wanning the room in which It stands, and also rooms above. CaU and look at them. ' . ~ AKKOLD ft WILSON, ocd'Snuf No. 10X0 CHESTNUT Street. POSTAGE STAMPS.—Twenty-four cent, twelve-cent, and ten-cont STAMPS for sa(s fit fivo por cent Apply fttsi orfica. uoa.tt AMUSEIHEm OF MUSIC.— MANAGER AND LESSEE JAS. M. NIXON. WILI, ,} fES 0H MOUPAI KVENINO NEXT, December 24, with Mr. EDWIN FORREST, AS HAMLET, 1118 FIRST APPEARANCE IN FIVE YEARS, Who will be supported by » full end efficient DRAMATIC COMPANY. BOX-OFFICE will bo open on FRIDAY and SATUR DAY, from 9 A. M. to S,P. M., for the sale of RE. SERVED SEATS for tlio first four rerfonnanom. nSg-tf PHILADELPHIA ACADEMY OP A MUSIC.— LESSEE AND MANAGER Tin* JUft»iti>«']jn.*nt takes muclj pleasure is finnoimGinff to tlm ij,l l i.l»u ; in^r.} l i*i,iia«i<*]pniH 1 -t)je firat Appearance of mmfskllk isahklla cit^as, Vn-mifiTf Jhm.Hcnse from the principal Opera IJouaos of Kurope, nuil lately of the Academy of Mimic, of Boston. She will make her dehut on TL KSDA Y KYBtfltffl. I)r Ci tt v m cAmk-a.oi, with unwimtic. peiTi>rmmict*s, by the full and elllcient Jh-aiuHiK Oomjmny. Full particulars hen-nfter. FUND HA'LL. GRAND VOCAL AXI> CONG E U T. t Tut tlm the VOLI’KTEKII SALOONS, Und/M- tii- pf fin* Joint Gamniittinw. this (1 REUA T)■ Vi YEN IN Cr* - NOV. When the following iH'tJflftiltahiMl artintes will appear MADAME YALLKJIY ffOMEZ, Prima Thmrift Absolut;*. of Hie Opera House of London, P#He, iiini fit, l’stwtilmripJior fu st Mswaratiisi) in i'hiiudi'lphiii. SIGNOR FKKDKRICO RIDOLFI, (•I!to first appearance here.) SIGNOR GIROLAMO GARIBALDI, (His lirst appearance ip city,) Mr. JOUK FRAZER, the c-h-WaVc-.! Engifair Tenor. M. ALEXANDER WOl.OWSJfrfi The renowned Phuitot—his first appearance'in’ Concert* A nd MISS ANNIE* LONSDALE. The celebrated Comedienne and klocuti<mtot r \vho- will ri'Cltti tliu pfjcm U “Tliv, Vr,!unWr ; n Wife.” CONDUCTOR AdmtostYin 50 cents. Tickets on anto at sill the Music Stores ami principal Hotels,-uP the Volunteer Kefroah inent Saloons, and nt the IlaH day ami evening. TV/TRS. JOHN DREW'S 111 ARCH-STREET THEATRE. Acting and Stage Manager.... ...W. S.-FRED-EBIOKB. Bußincfw Agent and Treasurer JO9. D. MURPHY. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING,.November 25,' j'AUiirNj;, Paulliuc. Mtoa Charlotte Tliompaon. Gabrieli*. ...Mia* Emma Taylor. Count Horace tie Beurevnl ~Mh Jj. It; Shewoll. SKETCHES’IN INDIA. Lady Scragga Mias Mary Welto. Sir Matthew Sqi'ggri,,,,,, , uuu Mr. JrtUll GHhii-t. Tom Tape, > . Mr. Fl'ilttk DA»W: .Chasck or Time.—‘Doors own 7 \ curtain will rise at 7# precisely. No extra charge for reserved scats. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE— NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Solo Loanee MRS. M; A. GARBETTSON, THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING* November 2?,’ BENEFIT OF MR. J’. S. CLAJ}ftK. Tlie perfftHiHdic- Vlil commence with THE OCTOROON. Salem Scndder Zoo TOODLK.S! ;v ;■*ttnll?Tn J.StGlarkß; RICHARD m, Pichßril, King of England .Mr. J. S. Clarke. I’kices—so, 37#, 75, and 25 cents*, Private Bozee, So and £3. Doors open at 6#; Performance to commence at 7#» WHEATLEYS CONTINENTAL THEATRE. • UNBOUNDED ENTHUSIASM ! CROWDS! CROWDS!- CROWDS! TO-NIGHT «Tia LYI'JUY NIGHT-, will be the Gdiyuous* EttStl'l'H E-lU^triitt Spectacle, THE CATARACT OF THE GANGES! THE CATARACT OF THE 1 GANGES ! THE CATARACT OF'THI* \ O, THE RA JAII'S-DAUGHTER! To commence with “JENNV UND.” Assembly building, WAUGH'S ITALT k. MONDAY EVENING, ami KYKItY EVENING •DUHING THE WEEK, A SPLENDID PANORAMA Of the most interesting scones in NOJtTIJKDN*, (JKNTJtAL AND SOUTHIN’ ITALYi THE (SKAVI) IMTHEDKaL at JULAIL Together U’ith Scones of greatint-rest in tho AMERICAN WAH, With tnsnj* views illustrating tho heroic struggle of oiirdpv6tftl soldiers. Grantj Jlstiiiu- on Tliaiiksnivisn Biy, ■ Mian KH.eln,? at 3 «»’9iocKt Also, nn SatunhtV afternoon. Admission 25 ctH. Children 15 etfc ly/TAGIC LANTERN PICTURES OF iYJL THE IlEßEiLlON*®ltopß‘9e!itiiig-hU tk© ?rond nnit gcfMi’??i Ensiigomeuts, tuul to tU* A»t*. For salt* by JAMES \V. QITKKN & CO., 924 CHESTNUT Street. A Descriptive List furnished gratis, and sent by mail free ? on np}*ljc;-.}j(>j|, ' nagl-lM Temple of wonders, tenth and CHESTNUT Streets. SIGNOR BLITZ, THE CHEAT MAGICIAN AND YENTHILOQUIST* in his ii6w uud- phiwti\»Uy--viM-l«d EVERY EVENING; cotthueiioing at and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, at 3—illustrating the astonishing and Myste ries tf Ancient and Modern Magic,.entertaining Veatri loquial Demonstrations, in which \}ft reice Wiil Affltl9B f and dtHfii.k w*<* canary BIRDS/ Admission, 25 cents; children, 18-coats. no!8-tf' fIARL WOLFSOHN AND THEO DOKE THOMAS' SEBIES OF SIX CLASSI CAL SOllij-JlvS,—Tliinl Si'iisnu. Kiiliacrnsti.o'iA ki-SM-b. receirwi iU the rnncipßl Music Stftrfes, When. Pro grammes mid full pHrticulars etui he seen nos Xm fNERMANIA ORCHESTRA. VJT CARL SENTZ, Conductor, PUBLIC REHEARSALS «W fr '&Af*7»DAT| atg* gloloek P. M., at the MUSICAL fund HALL. Package et* Eight Tickets, SI; Single Tickets,- 25 Cta. To be had at Andre's, 1104 Chestnut street, J. E. Gould's, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hall. oc2B«ff PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OR THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT Street, to open daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M. till 6 P. M* Admission 25 cents. Children tWtiTO 70iAj half Shares of Stock. 830. j/l m FINANCIAL. Ration al 'Sn. The undersigned are prepared to deliver the acd Tlirc-e-tentha Treasury Kotes upon payment. DIiKXKL & CO., Bankers, tioß-im 34 Sftnm THIRD SEreat j WATCHES, JEWELRY, &a. TN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR X large stock of WATCHES JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, and MUSICAL BOXES, wo are now, in ao cordnnco with the times; offering them at GB.EATL* REDUCED PRICES. Ladies or gentlemen intending to purchase a Watch' for their own wear, will find at our Establishment an. article that can be IMPLICITLY RELIED ON foe time, agg fit A price MUCH LOWER than over b&fAt^ Particular attention is given to rep&iricgJlne Watchee,. Clocks, and Musical Boxes, by skilful workmen. FARR ft oc23»2roif 324 CHESTNUT belflVf Fourthi SAFES. B LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT RM MOVED to No. 21 g*«ik SEVENTH pw , anklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and Mof, determined to merit future patronage, baa seemed aa 41 elegant and convenient store, and baa- now- on hand .ft ; large assortmegl of Lillie’fl Celebrfitfld WtotlftM UjLj ayifd iron Fire and Burglar Proof BafiMr (thi efcly strictly fire and burglar proof safes mada*) Abo, LUtta’ft « Unequalled Bank Yanlt, Safe, and B&uk Locks. Lillie’s Bank Yanlt Doors and Looks will be funUsMk* to order on short notice. This U the Strongest* bait M* ud x>oor and Lock-yet otesred* Also, particular attention is called' to Lillto’S HftMw Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, ftc. This Safe ls ooft ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yefeqt-. fered for this purpose, and is the only one that fire and burslar w>6l gpamaL KorJoa I b.™ now on band »y twent, at Farrtl, Herring. & Co.’s Safes, most of them nearly naift and eome forty of other mftkerSvContprising a comiM'S' tLSsoriment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged fbr lha nowjflftrßM llllifl Safe, ThsyariU ba asld U«M* ion yriees, riease call and exanune. jaSS-lyif SI. 0. BADLKK, Agent. STOVES AND RANGER. A ' sILVER’S AIR-TIGHT GA3- £521 BURNER, FOR THE PARLOR, DININO BOOM, AND OFFI«Ej_ IH ALL SIZES, , _ _ Ami made in tne most approvod manner, or tap dam Imported Russia Iron, with PATENTED CLAY CYLIN DERS. of w hich wo have the .exclusive sale. NORTH 1 , CHASE, A NORTH, No. 209 North SECOND Strept, o!2-2mif \A. NORTH, CHASE, & NORTH-8 Jjj CELEBRATED COOKING-STOVES,- Gag- consuming, with Double-plated Tops, and iU the latest improvement^, and sold at No. 209. No. Ui BKCOND Street o!2-2mif A THOMSON’S CELEBRATED Ejl LONDON uKimoHEKEfi, 1 ' The heat, moat durable, and convenient arrange meut for Cooking; having the best facilities for an abuty-, dant supply of Hot Water, Rowting, Baking, StoviWj,. Broiling, &C. Tot- snle, in various sizes, of. our manufacture. NOBTIIi CHASBi ii NQBXHi. Ifo. 209 »ortli SBCONP Street, Philadelphia. o!2-2mif TR U S-S E S-! RRACES-!! SUP-. POr+TEIiS!!! 0. H, sJfißbi.ES,. g. W. eerier RACK a*d TWELFTH-Streets, Phila., Practical Adjuster c>s Trusses and Mechanical? Appli ances, ha* constantly g» hand a 1 ar<?>and varie&atock of eleuant >V*-nch Trust**, and a complete of i.fßt A Ejifijjfcrti and Amurioau Supptriorfl tad iMtp } siionwer VRitwß) SusponsorhH, Syrpijjit iAQM&t vari*.it!fi French Perries, Ac. Lines’ BepartiUjtiut conducted by LudicSv'Stt KLKTH Street, first door hviow Race. tio27-if3m. TEMKIJR & CO.’S. J&A COR LI T -IR OIL—Tl> jiu?»t ftpri’£7od rornedy for Cough.*, Colds* BroncliitK Sc.rpfwla, &A* Pitysiciapa, in, proscribing it, have (in tl** teathuouktl?*of, wapy of thp. profession), a guarantee of ftCKHinrtfHHi in Yftiich all thlk i*cncy of W snVntuablyMW'Aicniv teifiiaSßefl, are nssur-jby the evidence of tl£UkU4)d9, that It is lesti naneeoiuanrt more rewtil? retailed, to,their.benß&fr.thaa niuuy manufactured c.vm rounds Cod 'Liver ©*h Sold*.-wholesale a:*!- retail, K* Uifl. Fropfiotorfl Apdr 1/J City B(AKKR lV Ct/i) n£ >S&-liiilf iifiK.'O.rUi.TlUß^Stroot. -.Jfk FOR NEW YORK ■SB*™ DASLY LltfK, Tis PtfOTST* Hi BuitAD CAf-.il. Philadel jMa ap4 Hew York Kxprws BAropiboat VCm - pany recekre freight arid lure daily At 4 ft M., Mllfi. log their cargoes is New York the following day*. Freights taker, at reasonable rata* WMt F- CfclPßi Amnfc Ko. m sovtk vha*t»B, waiaasmi*. JAMSB HAND, Agent, Anl-tf Piers 14 and 15 EASY MVEB, New Tort. -JP-J, FOR NEW YORK. Th* SUmb fropeilPT C9DPH9 wUI commence their business for the season ob MoQdlf t 18th instant Their Btoamars are now receiving freight at fl afoul Fter eboTe Walnut street Tflrma icoommflrttfcini. . to W. U. BAIED & 00., 194 South PataTire Afqom* .M». M. NIXON. ...Prof, THUNDER, Mr. J. S. Clarke. ... ..Mr.-i. Anna €oweU.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers