Railroad Intelligence. —The Pennsylva nia Coal Company have it in contemplation to extend their railroad, from its intersection with the Delaware anil Hudson CAnal, at Hawley, Wayne county, to the New York and Erie Railroad; at Lnokawaxon. The road, if thus extended for twenty mileß down the Lackn waxen river, would doubtless he a locomotive road, and afford facilities for passenger travel. This would be a great accommodation to the citizens of that comity. It would also probably revive the effort to get an extension of the improvement to Honesdale, M'e learn that arrangements have been made to construct a plank-road from Titusville to Union Station, on the Sunbury and Erie Kailroad. The pro posed improvement will be thirty-seven miles long, and will cost §>loo,ooo. A charter was obtained from the last Assembly. TnE West Chester Regiment.— The Nine ty-sovontb, under the command of Col. Henry I». One#, will arrive here to*day, and bo entertained at the Volun teer Refreshment Saloon. They number one thousand mem of the yeomanry of Chester county, many of them Quakers. ___ We announce with regret the sudden death of David Grat/, Esq., a highly-esteemed gentleman of tins city. While out gunning, Mr. Grutz, whose health liAit been drlicnte for some tim»j broko a blood«resseb which caused liis death. Personal.—Commander Charles Stedman, U. S. N\, who commanded the Bienville in the gallant attack at Port Royal, and brought the official reports of lh._. a Ich.iy 4«» Washington, stacked ILU city yesterday on n brief visit to his family. He proceeds hence to New Yorl: to join his ship, which will return immediately to IVit Royal. Contract ron a Perry Boat, —Mr, Mftvick, one of ilu* Curve-tors of the Camden and Amboy Bailroad, smd neiw a resident of Camden, has entered into a con tract with the Government to furnish immediately a powerful steam ferry-boat, to be used on the Potomac, at Georgetown. It will supersede the old-fashioned rope terry at that point. New National Loan.—Thirty-six tliou- Mt>il three hundred dollars were received yesterday in fiid>scrijitions by Messrs. Jay Cooke & Co. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. FHii.AnEi.pntA, November 15,1861. A ]t:ll4kil reaction In the AtrVli iiitLrket to-day followed 4he recent rise. Beading Bailroad fell off a fraction, aud tlse fancy stocks were heavy and dull. Pennsylvania 'fives receded to 78*1. For other investment securities price* are well maintained. Tn the money market there is no variation from the eruditions shown for months past, excepting, perhaps, a slightly increased disposition to operate on the part of -capitalists since the reported successes at Beaufort and Piketon The subscriptions to the national loan are again on the inert ;w, and if no more such follies as that which led to the Ball's Bluff disaster seizes on our generals the tier ires win iitoLai*!- rnalh me same aggregates that were daily reported previous to that blunder. Tli£ flllllWPiptlofi* lo the f.flfl per ccnl. loan in Balti auore art* reported at oue million of dollars. There is much conuncnt in moneyed circles upon the proposed loan to be made by the city to meet the interest upon the loans falling due on the first of next January, -Thut there can be no worse system than tho compound ing Of interest by the municipal government, is uni versally admitted, but in some quarters the proposed loan is defended as an exceptional case growing out of the war, and to be looked upon as a part of the sacrifices incident thereto. It is feared that if the necessary loan is :znade a permanent one, the price of city loans, both old tmd now, will fall, and that to avoid such a depreciation •of credit, w ise policy would dictate a temporary loan and lAJiiAtloh for next year. It Is belter to look at the case fairly, and to make the necessary preparations to meet it, instead of increasing the burden by shutting our eyes to its magnitude, ami postponing the day of settlement. The authraette coal "brought down by the Beading Bailroad this week, amounted to 34,392 tons; same week ‘last } car 43,313 tons. The bituminous coal, not yet re ported, trill he about 1,500 tons. The Schuylkill Canal has brought down 32,332 tons; mw Yttk.lttl >Wi •£0,123. The inspections of Flour and Meal in Philadelphia; during the week ending Bov. 14,1861, were as follows: Barrels of Superfine 22,931 do Fine 78 drt Middlings 2 do Bye 255 do Corn Meat 509 do Coudeiuned 140 The fuHowfi.g Is# til? UniOUllt Of COM SblppWl OV(T tllS and Broad Top Mountain Railroad, for the •week ending Wednesday, Bov. 13,1561, and since Jan. 3f*t, 1301: Week. Previously. Total. Tons. Tons. Tone. .2,027 224,763 226,795 .4,353 159,093 163,446 Bpprensp The New York Evening Post of to-day says There i.- extraordinary animation on the Stock Ex change, v ith a further important advance in the specu lative shares. The transactions in New York Central, Erie, and Bock Island were verv large, New York Central sold largely at 81#©81?g, Closing at 81 «*s!#. Galena advanced to 74. It is semi-officially announced that the eompauy will shortly declare a five per cent, dividend, if not h larger amount. Eric common stork opened at 3k and suddenly rose to ZXli ffSin;. Ths iwefemd slock touched 41. HudbOn Rivet W&s heavy at 40*, y , and is freely sold on sellers’ option. Th^bears are resisting this stock, be • cause of the winter arrangement of the Harlem iioad with the- People's Dine, by which they suppose the busi ness of the Hudson Bond will be considerably curtailed * during tho winter months. The bond list showed no important change. Tennes : sees are in good demand at 45#, influenced by the up rising of the Unionists of East Tennessee. Missouris w ere weak, and dropped off to 45i,\ Louisianas were -firm, with 60 bid, 62 asked. Th? fif.4 Terre JLiute unci Alton, find the Belleville and Illinoistown bonds now rale at 73 . «75, the seconds at 33®35, carrying large arrears of in* tercst. In August, 1860, the firsts were* current at 525?54, the seconds at-Goe6s. a decided rise In all The Isaacs Vfthe Northern .State ln>ud=. The heavy blow at The rebellion at once brings forward new buyers, as the amount of future issues are favorably influenced thereby. The sices of Illinois were heavy a few days ago at 80, they are now in demand at S 3. Californios rose 1 e©»t.,'ohlos I#®2. Georgia sixes jumped to 60, a rise of 3®4 per cent, on previous sales. In fact there is scarcely a security on the list, however neglected a fortnight or so ago,'but wliat is quickened with new life by the events of the pil'd week. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, November 15, 1861. SKroiTin bt a X. Slatxaxbk, Philadelphia Xxohange. FIRST BdAftD- 100 Reading R 1S* S ' 50 do.— .. 13*5 .50 do 18# 1 do.— .tSi 8 ' 200 rennn &i TO 400 do 78& 2000 Fennn I*. 2d in, 53.54 1000 do 2dm....53.54 •1000 do 2dm 84 betwee* i 8 horrl>town B 44 ?£ 3 do.. 44? g ■ BOARD. 1000 Sun & Erie 7h .. .7*5 mw Gtty Sfi,KSO.ftl,66# 10 Green A Coates 8.10 25 do do 10 tIGES—FIRM. SECOND - 6 Sec & Third R 47 10 d 0........ ~,,,,47 O do ~,.,,47 02 d 0.,.,, b 5.47 CLOSING PR] Bid. Ask. Plulafis- 86# 86ft 'Piiliadeir 86# 86# £*hila6ej»c-w... 94# 95 'Penna&s**..... 78 79 heading 8.... 18#18 3-16 Reading Bis *7O 63 S 4 f£t’dgM63*So , 43 92# M Bead OI 63 *BO.. 74# .. Penna 65# 38# ■Penna B2d m 6s 84 84# •Morris Cl Con.. SI 39 Morris a Pref.loB 110 «ch Nat B3J4 83#} ♦Sell Nav Imp 6s 70 74 fleh Nav Stock. 4 5 Belt Nav Pref... 10# 11# : Elmira R. 4# 5 new York Slock ] yissT 1000USfe 'Bl, Reg.. 84#' tflOOOrSsB’74Cp... 66 4000 do 85# 1000 Ohio State 6s T 6O. 91# ICOOlil Can Beg, 'B. 80 90G0 111 Cpu -62 83 SOOO 1 !1 Cp Lds t ’B9 83 1000JMCp We, 70,, $3 0000 Micrh os, ’78,... 82# 1000 Mich S 8 w b,.. 82 17000 Tenn St Gs ’90.. 45# 200Q0 do IflO. 45# 3000 G'*orgia St 65.., 09 IOOGtI Missouri Gi.blO 45# 5000 do 45# 16000 do 45# 6000 dc» 45# 5000 do b3O 45# 14000 do 45# 2000 Mis* Of, ias to II A St .T R 48^ 1000 C:il Si 7s 82# 45000 do 82 1000 If'kln C W Ln.. 97 2000 Erie Ist m1?....102# 1000 Erie B 4th m... 77 1000 HadßC4tn..,, 77 1000 Mich C 6s 01d... 92 3000 Mich C Ss l>t m 95# 4000 CBtQSpc.. 93# 2000 Midi S Ist mtg. 81# 6000 Mich So 2d mAs 00# 1000 111 Cent K Ws . 88# 2000 I>. L ii W B Ist 07 10 Rank of America. 96# 10 do 97 20 American Ex Bk. 85 In Part: Bunk 95 39 80l & Bud Cl Co.. 85 10 Canton (’o 10# 25 Pacific M5....530 97 26 do 97# 25 do *3O 97 ft 175 *li> 98 13S do .. 98# 100 do s3O 98 60 do *3O 97# 60 do 97# IWNYCeutB,,,bIO 81 500 do blO 81# 635 do. 81 50 do slO 81 204 do 81# 350 do l>3 Sl# 08 CW * ft (f Yin>s GO Mil A I* du C..b30 23 17 Mil & PdnClstl*. 79 7 do 80 I 25 do 2 pref 65# 650 Clev A T01ed0.... 68.# 150 do slO 38 2UU do 1»10 38# The Naval Signal System.—The system of iwv«i signals* by mwuw of Magi by d«y and lights by night, was carried to perfection in the recent expedition b* Beaufort. Words, sentences, ideas were conveyed as readily as in print, and no difficulty whatever was ex perienced. It is gftid that, by way of experiment, one of the fleet fignuiied a question to tho TFfl&twA The flag ship at once signalled buek that the best garments for either soldiers or civilians were those made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 665 Chestnut street, abovo Sixth, Philadelphia* No truer seutiment w as ever uttered. The Abmy Vote Counted. —Yesterday tho return judges finished their labors of counting up tlje army vote. At times great excitement and confusion prevailed during tlie proceedings; but finally matters were peacefully settled, aud, when the hour of adjourn ment arrived, they passed a resolution unanimously de claring that tho best-mode and iaod superior fall and winter garments in the city are sold at the Fashionable Clothing Emporium of Granville Stoke?, 609 Chestnut, which establishment each of the return judges de termined to visit and purchase for themselvsg complete suite. We might add, that all the choice stock of clothing pt 609 Chestnut is being sold at greatly reduced prices, and Is warranted in every particular. 9 Penmt B, stock.. .38# 1 do do 38# 1 do do 38# 200 City 6s, new 95 11 Lehigh Nav 50# 26NorthPenuftB... 20 do b 5. 5# 5 do 5# 20 Cam A Am 124 BOAftDS. |5 Philadelphia Bank 91 Bid. Ask. Elmira B |*y§( t $ IQ Elmira 7s ’73... 02 05 Long Island B. 10# 30# LehCl A Nav.. 50# 51 Leh Cl & N Scrp 34# 35 N Peuna B 5 6# 2i T ?«anaßGSn 56 fiS N Penna 10s.. ~D 8 70 Catawlssa Pref. 4# 4# Frkfd & South B 35 2d A3d sts 8.3. 46# 47# RoceAVine-stsß 3 W PhllA R ££ d £1 Bpruco A Pine.. 8 Green & Coates 16 16 # Chest &Wal 30 icnange—Nov. 15 lOABD. 12 Erie B Pref. 60# 162 do 60# 450 do 81 50 do bOO 61# 500 Erie E Ass'd Sep.. 76 120 Hudson RLv 8.... 41 500 do 40# ■HO don.in..nB3o 40.5i' 10 do 40*6 150 do 40. 7 a 50 do 310 40,V 100 d 0.... 1)80 41 100 Harlem B. 13. 7 s 50 da 13# 500 Beading Tt 36 o Panama R 120 100 Harlem B Pref b3O 34# 50 do 34# 250 410 34# 100 i11).........b30 34& 370 Mich Central..,,, 34 250 d 0..,. 54 290. do 58# 50 do 53 # 150 do slO 53# 50 Mich 8 Jfc N 1.. M 10ft 24 M»cl» S £ N I G., 41 100 do 41# 25 111 Cent Scrip 64# 100 d 0...,. 64# 100 Clove A Pittsburg. 12# I<W ...... 12 ?■ 83 do 13# 200 do 32# 9 Clev Col A Cin... 9S # 195 Gul & Chi R 73# 100 d 0,....... ,b6O 72# 100 dn 73# IflO do 74 200 do 73 U 50 do *2O 73# 300 d 0... M 0 73# 390 49.11....11VW T 1 160 Chi 4315. H... 100 do 57 7 .i 100 do 57# 50 do s3O 57# ■bK> do 53 50 do JbuO 58# 600 do 58 # 50 do g3O 58# 1000 do -58# J 350 Erie R 34 100 do blO 34# mo aii -200 do 34 V 100 do 34# 100 do *3O 34# 300 do blfl W# 550 do 34# 650 da blO 3t« CITY ITEMS, More About the Store Trade. The < xtraordinary sale of the celebrated economizing Gas-burning Cook Stove, of Mr. J. S. Clark, at his ware rooms, No. 1008 Market street, will warrant another brief allusion to its merits. It will be remembered that this is the stove which has the advantageous peculiarity of consuming only one ton of cool in six months, lie learn that the statement of this fact on a former occasion was received with some surprise: but w© are now able to state i|u»t stilt more surprise lias been excited in persons wL6 have Holiupd by aMurl w?p6rifiv*hl that ilils esti mate, small as it is, is rather above than below the mark. Considering, also, that the capacity of these stoves for cocking is ample for the largest families, it is no wonder tint!, notwithstanding the times, their sale should be very extensive. So great, in fuct, has boon the demand for them that Mr. Clark has been obliged within the last few weeks to employ an extra force of hands in their manu facture. As his capacity for making this stove alone has hitherto been at tlie rate of about one hundred per week, some idea may ho formed of the rnpifliti’ with which they are selling. As this is really one of the genuine improve ments of the day, and its durability and comparative cheapness are no less in its favor than its remarkable fuel-saving qualities, we advise our readers to call and exuniine It by all moans before jmrcb&£»lfi§ ARP iiUifti?- Nor must we conclude this subject without a passing allusion to Mr. Clark*? world-renowned S.lver's Air tight Gas-consuming Bailor Stove, with his celebrated I'atcnl Baker. JMoro this Inst named addition, this stove, improved ns it was by Mr. Clark in several other important particular*, was a great favorite with the pub lic : but the Patent Baker has made it the »e plus ultra artkle in its Hue. The “Baker” referred to is serluinly a most ingenious affair, and has achieved the very thing that has long been wanted, namely, the entire avoidance of dust. By the use of this admirable new patent of Mr. Clark's invention, not ono particle of dust can possibly escape into the room. The fact, also, that fire will last in tins stoy e forty-fight kmtrti if ncwsfifiryi without re* plenishing coal, is an evidence that Us coil-con-mming power is very small, not exceeding one ton per wiuter. Besides the improvement above named, there are other points about this Parlor Stove of Mr. Clark’s manufac ture tliatroconuiieud It to popular favor. It Is neat and ormumntal in appearance. The handsome bronzed Fenders with which it is supplied adds much to its rich ness, finish, and convenience. Several other points intelligent renders will discoyey ay4 appreciate in uniiniiig for themselves. We may add, iu conclusion,'that only the best quality of Russia sheet-iron is used by Mr. Clark in-manufac turing— warranted to be such—and hence his stoves have obtained mi enviable reputation for strength nnil dura* bility. One thing Mr. Clark’s patrons may especially rely upon: They are sure to get full value for their money. Misrepresentation is not tolerated in his estab lishment. No better proof of this need be required than the fact that, although Mr. Clark’s is one of the oldest £l6oc liptie.es in Philadelphia, his trade is larger to-ljfty, bv a very large per centugo, than it has ever been here tofore. This fact is, of course, largely attributable to the reputation for probity and honor in business achieved by his straightforward mode of dealing with hid cus tomers. Tit acts foe Soldiers,— An interesting meet ing under the auspices of the Tract Society of the M. E. Church will bo held fa-monw afternoon in National Hall. Perhaps no denomination of Christians have more men in the field than the Methodist. A large proportion of the army chaplains are also of this denomination. As a consequence, the demand on her Tract Society is liolVy. From the character of the speakers and the ob ject, there will no doubt be a large meeting at National Hall to-morrow afternoon. Fine Artistic Confectionery,—Messrs. E. G. Whitman A Co., the well-known confectioners, Se cond street below Chestnut, have given to this depart ment of our manufactures a dignity unknown to it be fore. These gentlemen are already bringing out their fir>t instalments of Holiday preparations, and they are the finest, jnuyst, richest, and most beautiful thut wo have ever examined. Nearly all the confectioners of note throughout the country are supplied by this firm. Our citizens should beat this in mind in making their purchases ami go to headquarters. Their courteous and gentleman! y manner towards* their customers IS remarked by everybody. Witters'& Co.’s Celebrated Kerosene Oil Damps are rapidly taking the place of every Other dpepriptimi af portable light. They l,u.ve them m every style, from the plainest to the most gorgeous and orna mental. Their depot for the sale of these beautiful lamps, No. 35 north Eighth street, corner of Filbert, is daily thronged with customers. Iu am judgment, no other portable. lights should be used than those here referred to. As Messrs. Witters & Co. sell at retail as well as wholesale, persons can save money in buying from first bauds. Ladies* Shoes.—An establishment- for the sale of Ladies’ Shoes of a .line quality has long been needed in Philadelphia. Messrs. Charles Oakford & Sons, under the Continental Hotel, Imvu supplied thin Wttut in the moat princely’ liianuer. No Indy ' should think of wcariug any other than the graceful Shoes im porled by this firm. Their stock of Ladies’ Furs, Chil dren's Hats, and Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods is also very superior, aud they are selling at prices astonishingly (me. Desirable Improvement. —We invite atten tion to the advertisement of Mr. B. H. Weeks, in ano ther column, of <* Coal Oil Lamps without Chimneys.” The inventor of this new lamp is'Mr. Emil Trittin, of this city. Tl>e necessity existing in ordinary coal lamps for the attachment of a chimuey is in this entirely obviated, making the lamp more simple, safe, less liable to break, and of course, less expensive. Mr. Weeks has the burn ers and lamps in all sires, wholesale Htftil, 111 hid yrarvrooms, No. IG North Second street. Good Bitteb.—Mr. C. 11. Mattson, dealer in fine groceries, Arcii and Tenth streets, has now on hand the celebrated ie Trout Serins” Butter, which his patrons have prized so much at other seasons. He sells it in forty-pound firkins. It is fully equal to the best pound butter, and is sold at a much less price. Lambs wool and Merino shirts nnd drawers. Winchester & Co., 706 Chestnut street. Cardigan Jackets in large variety. Win chester & Co., 706 Chestnut street. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS OP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Chestnut aud Ninth streets Bon U M Rico & In, Minn E S Mclivaine, Trenton D Talker, New York W Bristol, New Haven A McAlister* New Haven E X Pierce, New Haven r F rniUfhill, Now \ r *u»k U ILUe, H C Kingsley, New Haven H W Walton. Kentncky G B Peiry E L Dove, Boston M E Beck, New York E L Tyler, Pennsylvania Hon 31 S Latham. Cal Jwd-r» Munson, C:tl A N Fullerton, <?hK9g[9 Col YM\U & dflU, USA j w picDougnii, California Y Blanchard & wf. Wash Com Lwy, USX J S Beeinun, New Y’ork Miss 0 Ball, New York If Iv Pope, Boston W 11 Dodge, New York H L Gordon & la, Wash J Gray A- In, Boston T N McCullough, Ohio 5 S Hughes, HllnuU J Homo Si wf, Pi»tsbu?» J Tepond, Illinois W F Tucker, Chicago A T Watson, New York D llorton Capt Harwood, Washington Com Gillis, Washington R B Bradley, Erie A King, Erie 31 Br Parker & In, N Y' F MontmolHn, .Tr, Ky .1 31 Mitfiiolllii, IveJiiucky 6 L Heckman, XewYork Bfr Whitney, New Jersey C Lippencott, New Jersey N Dikeman, Jr, Waterbary C W Bryant, Brooklyn J 31 Bohinson, Baltimore Bfr Lebor T W Shannon, Boston W Smith & la Bliss Lebor .t sister R Heller, Cin, Ohio 31 Patiiiinn, S«v Vorls vv Brand, New York W D Spalding, Washington O B Kingsland, Penna W J Breed, Boston J W Killinger, Lebanon B Baldwin, New Y’ork Cbas Albright, 31 Chunk J P Howard, New Y’ork L A Bigelow, Boston F I’liillißß, Nou' Toelt E C Fisher* New York J Q Henry* Boston D T Willet?, New York E J* Bltulge, Boston J H 1 ackey,'Boston Jonas Smith, New Y’ovk O M Pettit, New York W T Carroll', Wash, D C Bliss C Carroll, Wash, D C R t> Blidgley, New York Mr Robbins, llAvtfor«\ 3!t* Hm4W - Vbo* M k«w y^.k A Price, New Y*rk 1) Miller, Baltimore Lieut Hammond, Mass B Saunders, Boston Lieut W Glcrton, New York Mr Davidson & la, Montreal D G Btetzerott, Washington 31rs Foley, South Carolina L W Hall* Peinwylvimia 31in8 Ylsvry Hall, Pa T R Lovett, WiLshington Aug Smith, New York M Ylaas, Now Yovk Geo D Morgan, N Y Capt Rogers, USA Lieut Hardcastle, U S A J Cai’other*, New Y’ork C Sntw, New York G Nirboleon, New York B N«W York J M i’iiribury, xj s a JR Pierson, Novi' Jersey C N Lockwood, New Jersey J 3r Pendleton, New Y’ork A3l Hitchcock, New Y’ork L C Campbell, Wash, D C R N Headley, New York R3l Harrington, N York F S Perkins, New York Jas Otis, Boston J M Kirkpatrick* Pittsburg 31G Hulbert, New York T H Harkell* V S N J W Dimirk, New York H Van Brunt, U S N Capt J Lawless, Wilmington 31 Runyon, New Jersey J C Evans & la, Buffalo J S Sloper, New Y’ork N Kingsley, Hartford Mr K«*rsha\v t Pbilad<-lpl ia G R Pith, New York MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. R 1 Tamili & la, Pa O G Potts, New Jersey 1> P Gfvin, Huntingdon 31 G Einstein, Harrisburg Jos Boudy, New Wrk \V H Deane, Indiana JV McCremly, New Jerst y C S PfllimTi BllCliß COi Fa K I'Mlmcr, llucUs - u 1C P COTtrlgUt* 31 CllUllU W Acbrc, West Greenville A Wolln, Beth]eh<*m W L Cannon, Delaware Lloyd Lowndes, Clarksb’g W Hanna, Ohio W Cooch, Delaware In- E Wallace, Reading E llnine. New York H Weeks, Salem, Ohio W WflPh Plttahlire \v 6 h Sully. Pittsburg JosCrampton* New Y’ork D H Neiman, Easton Chas P Jadwin, Pa J J Kennedy,Clmmbersburg 3iaj J Glair/,, Easton John Gordon, Indiana John Paisly, Pittsburg W Winiam, Pittsburg .T S Gibbons, WaslVD, DC Juhn A LCQIOD, Pft AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut st., above Fifth. P H HearnP. Delaware H K W<*>r. New Jersey Isaac O Bai nes, Boston Jas F Smith, Reading 51 Jonp>, I'lijlmJt-iphia Ca**t ll Mnmvood J II * .'raiie, WasbinsrTon, D C W Now Y’ork Jas Mclver, New Yoik Isaiah Faxon, Boston Cant Cbas E Foster, USA J Skirvine, Wash, D C A Kirkland, Boston T Msisrath, Boston y Jacob, CheebT co, Pn A 31 Wills, Now Jewry ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. Jo* duo, New Y’ork Geo A Puttersoii, N Y Kmil Dunbar, Pennsylvania 0»1 K Ftsrnui & la, N Y" •1 fiurhn tvv, Chin B J Rmc*r* Ohio fi W Knnigln*in», Virginia 31 F McCullough. N Y A G Connurticut Eli Cov.en, Leesport. I'a Thus .< Snmwalt, Baltimore Blast J J Siiinwaß, Balt Mast Jus II Aruest, Balt Thus II Quintard. Balt I) Davidson, Chicago 31 Hendricks, Boston E H’BrowntniuPhihuDlbhlA V. A.laiiU, PldlndelpbU THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. Jas Stoekwell, Oliio A T. <3.»e, Gordon, O J T Hiitchi-r, Ohio Mrs 7, gmidi, BiistOH STATES UNlON—Sixth street, above Market. H Smith, New Y’ork Jas Slullivan, Penna II C Dcrn. Altoona J Eldi-r, Wilke.usburg W 11 Wrtti. Lflhw.be A 11 Lo,.s*tr*.-ri. ? r. ,r.m A 3L«rtin, Mavtown, Pa F rtultzbacli, Y’ork co John Maxwell J B Lavender, New York WII Russell, Huntingdon C C Talhuan, Phitada J X Crawfoni, Pittsburg S II Jenkins, Delaware <-o Jnepph Gill, Bumuvlutudib JW It.hmi.R- VuUo,* *». B R M atson, New York Cbas Burrell, Now York MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. IJI fairchil'l, New York ,T {, l-’ivirclliltli New Turk .111.. IMiriliiM O rti, N Y i; 11l 111 yrcuctttowH tv JJ SlHter, Krenclitorvu <■ Jt Swuli, I\v, Lninhcrville Jno Tiickor, Norristown Jt ltullors i In, N J A H ]tc«ler, IViineylvnnia Clias Gitnluer * la, N Y C C -Mmray, New York COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth at., above Chestnut. T H Wav, Wilmington, Del R T Ogilen, Delaware eo Wni .Tolinson, Maryland Win U Eder, ELktou, Md M Tayloy. fuclvti ?0 J njxYillt i* Harvey,lTroy, If T E W Harney, Wilinington A Sliemtan, Wilmimmni. DelC If Ilrun u.iLaiicashT .1 W Woodn, Syracuse, N Y R E Smith, T’cnna M R Mellenry*, Cließterco J Brooke, Jr, Delaware co THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callowhill. II SCopc, Sellerslovm II 8 Borer, Olney Amos Bowers, Bucks co Oliver Shutf, Doylostown Sigmond Hogelnnri, Fa W Kddows, Moreland John R Hcddt-mnn, J’a E Bonds, ftwierton Sami Slmtt, Doyle*towu Kvsn Woodward, Pa F Roads, Pennsylvania Casper Roads, Pa B V Tomlinson, I’a Simon Lefferts, .Smthainp n D P Nelson, Middleton Han ison Woodward, Pa Jos Whitall, Northampton V T Beans, Yantloy vilte Anthony Kuo, Middletown Time Willard, Pa Jacob K Hill, Knrlville Amo* Sridle, Reading Geo Clemens,Chester Valley Clms Roads, Somerton NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. lIJ Srhwcnk, Washington if Hartman, Hanover John Foreman, J Snnth, IMtsiovrn E Connelly, Pottstown J C Stantou, Schyl Ha von Geo W Stronc, Pennft Wm Weiler, New Jersey F Sullivan, Norristown K D Johnson, Norristown Jrs Long, Norristown W A Bean, Montour co T W Wngnor, Mtiutour co DT Goucor, Montour co A Niflilt-r, Selina M F Median Scliil Haven Thoß Coleman, Lancaster John Boyer, Norrislowu J W Bitting, Rending MOUNT YERNON HOTEL—Second Bt. k ab. Arch, n W Shouse, Hawley J E F.ldred, V S A G I,ceky, Nnv York J 6 Dormii V S N A K Totter, Boston C Ktlott, Boston H Ragland, Boston Louis lhibree, Pa Chas i)ay, Maine REYERK HOUSE—Third street, above Race. T Jl TnwhiMul, Whsk 0 L^wl^lowi. J Stauffer, Sclnnlkill Haven C B Rupp, Washington CCII Guldie, Allentown K M Gouldie, Belhlehein A K Ambler, Massachusetts BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowhill, Mrs Hanning, Berks eo Wm B Semple, Easton B Brown, Ryberrv, Pa B W Smith, Bucks co B Beans, Bucks co J Fenstermacher, Plamfi’d marine intelligence. 10- SEE FOURTH PAGE, ARRIVED. Steamship Delaware, Connor, 20 hours from New York, with mdse, Ac, to Jas Allderdiee. sohr Dnacfl, Bayard, 1 day from Christiana, Del, with grain to Christian A Curran. Sclir John Whitby, Henderson, 1 day from Odessa, Bel, with grain to Christian & Curran. Steame r Mars, Nichols, 24 hours from New York, with nidef te >Vm m Pffird A Co, Steamer Fannie Gamer, Spencer, 22 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde. CLEARED. Schr Althea, Corson, Agpimvall, Tyler, Stone & Co. Str .T 8 Shriven Dennis Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. 6tr Beverly, Tierce, New York, W P Clyde. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Bel., Nov 14. The schr Randolph, from Christiana for New York, with hoops for the United States cooperage, loft the Breakwater this morning. The brigs BlooniPr, for De lncrnrn, Avon, for St Thomas, and some ton or twelve schooners, laden with coal, passed to sea this forenoon. Wind northwest. Yours, Ac. A. MARSHALL. MEMORANDA. Steamship Boston, Johnson, hence, arrived at N York yesterday. Steamship Champion, Wilson, from Aspinvall, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamship City of New York, Petrie, far Liverpool) cleared at New York yesterday, • Steamship Edinburgh, Hierhonse, from Liverpool, ar rived at New York yesterday. Ship Wm Cummings, WiUar, for Philadelphia, entered out at Liverpool 29th ult. Ship E F Wiik'tts, Hfnfltrwn, holier, remained at Shangbae Sept 3d, unc. Ship Uncle Joe, Pinkham, from Liverpool, arrived at Naples 25tli ult. BarkE H Yarrington, Jordan, hence, arrived at Mar seilles 2GIL ult. Bark Alexander McNeill; Somers, from Landau far Philadelphia, passed the Wight 26th ult. Brig Rebecca Sheppard, Somers, hence, arrived at Queenstown 30th ult. Schr B B Steelman, Scull, hence, arrived at Provi dence I4th inst. Sclirs Gmion, Rabbins. Yalta, Braahs, and Evergreen, Potter, sailed fiom Providence 14th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Golden Reed, Bishop, at Newport 15th inst. from Delaware City. Schr Frances H Alien, Allen, hence, arrived at New port 13th inst. Buhr Albert Field) Phillips, liouoe for Taunton, at Dighton loth inst. Schr Isaac Yan Zantj Berge, cfeared at New York yesterday for Wilmington* Bel. Schr I Rich, Crowell, from Boston, arrived at N Yytk yesterday. L S transport Loilffi IICIICC, aniYVd at NOW York yesterday. - Steaopr Novelty, Shaw, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. Hoxo Kong, Sept 12—Since 22d ult. we have had nu msrous arrivals from nil ports, hut as the departures have been on ft large BCidfi the amount of tonnage in harbor i* not greater than it was at Unit date. The scarcity of British tonnage is a very remarkable feature, there not being twenty ships under that flag in harbor, and of these it is doubtful if there be more than four or five dis engaged. Of United States ships arc there aVplltftS Dlftn}') but Iu consequence of a report of a Confederate privateer actually fitting out at Shanghae, lliere is nn indisposition to ship under that flag, although it has been placed be yond doubt that the report in question was utterly uu true. SPECIAL NOTICES. The Soldier’s Luck. ’ . 11V THE BARD Of TOWEfI H.U.in Tune— il Anhl Lang Syne.” A gallant captain, young and brave, Was bound for Southern plains: One of those high-souled, handsome boy-: That Pennsylvania Trains \ But ere he went, a suit he bought, With gold embroidcrel all, Of rich and tasteful uniform, At Bennett's Tower Hall. He, bravely fighting, was hemmed in By the rebellious crew, His slaughtered hoTse beneath him lav, Ilis sword was snapped in two. The traitors suangely spared his life, Rut kept him in their thrall; To them he seemed a man of note, — In clothe* from Tower Hall. A WiitwH? lady saw his grief The captain as he pined,— Although of Southern blood, her heart To Union was inclined. It wai« not strange tins lovely dame, With taste refined, should fall In love with such a form, equipped In clothes from Tower Hall.'- They leaped In Hie field The rebels well lie paid ; Then with his bride a wedding trip To Philadelphia made. Though blessed with lovo and glory both. It was his wish to call And buy himself another suit At Bennett’s Tower Hall. Out stock or Fashionable Clothing id imMualUd la Philadelphia, and is being sold at reduced prices. All tastes and pockets can be suited. Army aud Navy Uni forms made to order at the shortest notice. Tower Hall, No. 518 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. gxzgm Special Attention is called fTTTI f to the unprecedented inducements offered to those about Durcbaslng Pianot anil Mulodeons. Lw2& temporary reductions being made to me by the manufac turers in consequence of reduced wages, rent of manu factory, and all that goes to make up the cost of pro duction, tlie/itff benefit is proffered to buyers, and a call must satisfy aii that note is the time. Can sell & first class Pisno at $?225. Give nie a call. zio4-lm J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut sts. Da. RoßEa!rsoN ? s Vegetable Ner voirs Cokuial j or, NATURE’S GRAND RESTORATIVE. The great Remedy for all Nervous Complaints, Debi lity, Prostration, Lowneg? 9f Spirits* &Y, Price @li For sale by DTOTT & CO.,’ No. 252 North SECOND Street, oc!7-thslm Depot for all Popular Medicines. IliiLjuion/is Urm'EKBALLr ArriioYED Resikdt.—Compound Extract Buchu cures Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, Ac. Bead the advertisement in another column. no6-tlis Kerb’s China Hall, Chestnut street, opposite the State House. SELLING OFF. The entire stock or china and Glass Qf the above esta blishment is now selling off at cost, and below cost, to close the business of the late firm of W3I. J. KERR & Co. SALES FOR CASH ONLY. 0c24-thstu-lm One-Price Clothing, op the Latest Sttles, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our o££-pAtCtt Svstsk la eiricily adhered io. All are thereby treated alike. ce22-ly JONES A GO., 604 MARKET Street. Batchelor’s Hair Dye.—This cele tjutwt on! Mrfeel hair DYE is His BEST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere Imitations of ibis Great Original, which has gained such extensive Patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. BATCHE LOR’S LIQUID HAIR DYR ihstahtlt produces a SpUndld Black or natural Brown, without etabung the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad Dyes, invigorating the Hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNKgTQSfi ft CQ. ftnd DYOTT ft 00., Philadel. pbia mhl-tf MARRIED: huhn—nkwland,—OflTimredfty evening* Nqy. H* tlie First Independent Church, by tIIOKcV. John Chambers, Mr. Samuel P, Huhu and Miss Emiua W. Newhmd, second daughter of Mr. Francis Newlund, all of Philadelphia. * HICKEY —TODD.—On the 14th instant, by the Rev, Wm. M. iluteway, Mr. Wnu Hickuy to Ml** Mary D, Todd, all of Wilmington. * REKYK—CAUSLAKE.—On the I4th instant, in the presence of Mayor Henry, Charles W. Reeve to Kezinu B. Oarslnke, both of Burlington ciuinty, N. J. * DIED. ' IIAKKISON.—Ou Friday, lolli iusUut, Mrs. Lydia Harrison, widow of the late John Harrison, E«i., agetl S 4 years. . • The relatives anil friends of tho family are invited to attend ll&t' funeral, (without further notice,J from her late residence, on the Fruukford road, on Monday next, at 10 o’clock. ** HKSBEB. —About the Ist of October, of congestive chills, at llilUlwo, Jefferson county, Mo., Alfred F. HcFi'cr, fdrmrrly iff this city, ngnl43 year?!. * GRATZ.—-Suddenly, on the evening of the UtU mat., David Gratz, in the 45th year of his age. The male relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, without further notice, from his bits residence, No. 1399 Locust rfrcct, on Sunday next, the 37th iuftaiit, nt2 o’clock i‘. it. * SELKIRK.—On the I3tU instant, Mary C. Selkirk, eldest daughter of Jcimmi C. nnd the Into John G. S °Funei ftl from tlie residence of her mother, No. 1702 Aim street, below Locust, this Joy, idth inat. BORDEN.—On the lath Instant, Mary Lagoru Luff, the adopted daughter of Ktlward P. Borden. n Funeral from the resilience of her father, No. 333 Smith Fifth stmt* this (Saturday) morning, at 9 o’clock. tlie 13th instant* Cuthariuo Adauu, in the Ttith year of her age. w . , ' Funeral front the iesidenco of her son-iti-law, Mont gomery avenue,^above Richmond street, on Sunday after noon, nt 2 o’clock. ~ . * BY'BAM.—On tlie 12th instant| Samuel Byram, in the fifth war of Ida : age. Funeral from his late residence, Good lutent Mills, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o’clock, - CALAHAN.—On the 13th instant,, Hugh Calahan, aged 75 years. Funeral from the residence of Mr! Tliomai Mnrtuu nOi 728 FiTWvnter *trrftj this (Saturday) morning, at j# o’clock. ’ ■* DICKITART. —On tlie 13th instant, Arnold, son of Jo seph and KatePickburdt, in theOtli year of his age. # CURTIS.—On the 12th iiujtant, Thomas Curtis, aged 2C years, Funeral from the residence of his Bister, Mrs. Jane Patterson. No 1713 Lombard street, this (Saturday) mornlnpr, «l §_!£ o’clock. * HANLY.—On the 14th instant, John Hnnly, aged 54 years. Funeral from his late residence, No. 911 South Twelfth street, below Christian, this (Saturday) inorn »ug, at 9 o’clock. * MCLAUGHLIN—On the 12tu instant, Charles Me- Lnngblin, aged 35 years. Funeral from his late residence, No. 511 Catharine street, above Fifth, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * MALONK.—On the 14th instant, Charles, son of Ber nard and Sarah Malone, aged 4 years and 7 months. Funeral from the residence of his parents. Woo I street, abenu Amber, this (Saturday) afternoon,- at 3 o’clock. Mourning store, No. 9is CHESTNUT STREET. BESSON & 80N have lately received Blacfc Braver tfiotli Cloak b, Gray Water-proof Cloaßp, black Thibet Long Shawls, extra Shepherd Plaid Long and Square Shawls, Crape and Grenadine Collars and Sleeves, Jouvin’s Black Kid Gloves, Alexandre’s Black, Lead, ami Purple Kid Gloves; Fleecy Silk Gloves and Gaunt lets, Black Centre Broche Scarfs, Black all wool Velour Ottoman? and Reps, $1 a y«nl; Black li v »s AngiaU 25 cents a yard' Grenadine Veils, Ac. no 4 «y=» BISHOP WHITE PRAYER-BOOK SOCIETY.—The Twenty-eighth Anniversary of the BISHOP WHITE PRAYER-BOOK SOCIETY will ha held in tha CHURCH OF THE HALY TRINITY, on Rittenliouse Square, on SUNDAY EVENING, the 17th Inrinnt, at 7)£ o’clock. The annual report of the Board of Managers will be read, and a sermon preached by the Rev. G. B. CUM MINS, B. D., of Baltimore. A collecflon will be made in aid of the society. It# JAMF.S M. AEUTSKN, Secretary. REV. ALFRED COOKIWAN, OF KEW UJS YORK, will preach TO-MORROW (Sabbath) MORNING, at 30>£ o’clock, in the UNION M. E. CHURCH, of which he urn pastor, on FOURTH Street, below' ARCH. After the sermon a collection will he taken to aid the “ Home Missionary Society” in its mission to sick and suffering humanity. THOIfAS T. MASON, It* Chairman Committee on Public Meetings. ry-— — REV. i.. C. RIATIiACK) CHArbAIA y. j of the Eighth Illinois Cavalry Regiment, will preach TO-MORROW (Sabbath) EVENING, at 7 o’clock, in the UNION M. E. CHURCH, FOURTH Street, below ARCH. The seats are all free. It* LUCIVS C. OTATLACK, CHAP UJ3 LAIN in the United States Army, will preach in the GREEN STREET M. E. Church, SABBATH morn ing at 10# o’clock. Rev. ALFRED COOKMAN in the evening at 7 o'clock. ■ ryr3s=- Notice.—the rev. dr. itfOßßi- Usj SON, of the Lodiana Mission, iu Northern India, will preach TO-MORROW (Sabbath) AFTERNOON, at 3)£ o'clock, in Rev. Dr. Wylie’s Church, BROAD Street below Spruce. The public are invited. It# THE REV. BISHOP SCOTT, D. D., jji'jc will preach in Hedding M. K, Church, SIX TEENTH and COATES, TO-MORROW, at A. M., and Rev. CURTIS F. TURNER at 7 P. M. All are cordially invited. It# |y==» PEOPLE'S LITERARY INSTITUTE. LLS —Tbc Fourth Lecture of the course will'be de livered on THURSDAY EVENING, November 21st, at CONCERT HALL, by Roy. E. 11. CHAPIN, D. D Subject—“ The Elements of National Life.” Lecture, quarter before eight o’clock. Tickets, 2-> cents, at T. B. Pugh’s, Sixth and Chcrinut strata. if nA THE ANNIVERSARY OF “THE lO YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN BROTHER HOOD,” of Union M. E. Church, will be held in the Church, FOURTH, below Arch, on TUESDAY EVE KING, November 19,1861. y*lU b&lMiYCfed by Iter. ALFRED COOKMAN and’ others. Tickers can be had, gratuitously, at the Methodist Book Store, 56 North Fourth street, or of any ot the members. nol6-fctu2i# SECOND REFORMED DUTCH CIu kob, SfiVESTH Street, above Brown.— Rev. M. B. GRIER (Associate Editor of The Presby terian) will preach on SABBATH MORNING, at 10)f o’clock; Rev. WM. P. BREED in the EVENING, at 7)s oVlnck. It* THE JliwlsH tabernacle and |_L5 ITS FURNITURE IN THEIR TYPICAL TEACHINGS.—The Second Sermon in the course on this subject will be preached iu ST. PAUL’S CHURCH, THIRD, below Walnut, TO-MORROW EVENING. Service at half past 7. It* SPIRITUALISM.—AIRS. F. O. HY -113 BER, of Vermont, an inspirational medium, - will extemporize songs a&d lecture at SANSOM-STREET HALL, on SUNDAY, at A. M. and 7# P. M. Ad- mission Five cents. OF THE INTERCESSOR— [yj? SPRING GARDEN, below Broad street.—Key’d M. A. Be W. HOWE, D. P„ Rector of St. Luke’s, will (D.V.) preach in the EVENING at 7 % o’clock. The Rector will preach at A. M. Strangers are wel come j they will please ask the sesfaft far fSfttSr ltft rv«» TRACTS FOR THE SOLDIERS.—AN L l 3 interesting TRACT 3IEETING will be held TO MORROW AFTERNOON, at 3 o’clock, in NATIONAL HALL, MARKET, near TWELFTH, under the ait suicps of tho Fhiladolpliifl Couforeni'o Traet Soeifcty of the M. E. Church. Bishop Scott, Rev. L. C. Muthtck, chaplain in the army: Rev. G. D. Carrow, Rev. John F. CLuplain, A. M., Thomas T. Tasker, Esq., aud Rev. A. Mansliip will participate. The services will .be Inter spersed with singing appropriate to tlio occasion. A col lection will ho token to aid thU *.6<d6tj ; hi sending Lmbte into the army. Christians and patriots are invited. It* fy*» OUR BRAVE VOLUNTEERS.—“ Men Lk3 of Israel, help.” There is work for all. Chris tian Men and - Women of every denomination are invited to co-opeinto. Pennsylvania has 100,000 men in Gl<? field. The Army Committee of the Yonug Men’s Chris tian Association fire supplying them to the extent of their ability with the Army Hymn Book and other religious reading. The NINTH of the series of Meetings to aid and encourage them in this good work will be held TO MORROW EVENING, Nov. 17, in Rev. Dr. Dale’s Church* RACK Street, between Fifteenth and SlktHhlK streets, at 7, £ o'clock. Rev. Dr. Dale, Rev. Dr. Malln, Rev. Benjamin Watson, C. C. Lathrop, Ksq , and George 11. Stunrt, Esq., will address the meeting. It* r y==» NOTICE. —iAnK OF PEWSYLVA- Uss NIA, Philadelphia , November 14,1801. The Assignees of the BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA hereby give notice to, and require all holders of the notes of said Bank, who have not received any dividend there on, to present the same, and receive the Dividend award ed by the Aiiditor* tit their office, NOi 407 LIBRARY Street, between the hours of 10 A. M. aud 3 F. M. W. C. PATTERSON, W. L. SAVAGE, nols-6t J. D. TAYLOR. erriUE or the delaiyare mu- ITYAL SAFETY' INSURANCE 00., PfllLi. DELntiA, November 13,1861. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Ca3fe Dividend c«f TEN PER CENT, on the Capital Stock, and SIX PER CENT, interest or the Scrip o&tke Com pany, payable an and after the 96th Instant. They have also declared a Scrip Dividend of TWEN TY’-FIVE PER CENT, on the Earned Premiums for the year ending October 31, 1861, Certificates for which will be issued to the parties entitled to the same, on and after the 30th instant. No Certificates of profits issued under nol4-6t HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary, ANNIVERSARY OF THE MERC4N* LLS TILE BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION OF PHI LADELPHIA.—The Twentieth Anniversary of the Association will bo celebrated at tlie jIiUSICAIi FUND HALL, on THURSDAY EVENING, 21st Inst., at 7# o’clock. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. Wm. Bacon Stevens, D. D., and Rev. J. Wheaton Smith. Qi vhffitrft Miller the direction of Prof* Hasslor ; cards of admission may be lmd gratuitously upon ap plication at No. 739 hlarket Btreet, No. 503 Market street, or 36 North Third street. nol2-t2l WM. C. LUDWIG, President. |Y=« EXCHARGE BARK OF FITTSBURG, |JJS Pittsburg, Nov. 5,1801. BENNETT i CO. The Directors of this bank have declared a dividend of FOUR per cent, out of the earnings of the last six mouths. Eastern Stockholders, or their representatives, will be paid ou or after the IStli itiiliul al the \V«sUru Sank of Pltfliui»lpliia. ' no7-10t H. M. HURRAY, Cashier. 'WESTERN BANK OF PHILADA. tkS Philadelphia, November 5,1861. Tl.£ Blroifors of tins Sank hare this day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT., payable on aotl after the 35th inst. G. M. TROUTMAN, ocG-lOt Cashier. iy*a COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYIi- LLf VANIA. Philadelphia. November 5,1861. The Bonrd of directors have this day declared a semi* annual dividend of TWO AND ONE-HALF PER CENT., payable on and after FRIDAY, 15th inst-, dear of State tax. S. C. PALMKg, oce-iot Cashier. FARMERS 1 AND MECHANICS’BANK. UJj —Philadelphia, October 4,1861.—The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking House, on Monday, \\w tftu tf November next, between tnc iiomtb vr? o'clock a. and 9 o'clock r» ai>, and on TUESDAY, the 6th day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o'clock P. M.» agreeably to the Charter. ocs-dtn!B W. RUSHTON, Jr., Cashier. ryr=* MECHANICS* BANK. Philadelphia, Oct. 7,1861, A General Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will bo held on TUESDAY, November -sth, at 12 o’clock M. » xiie Aumi#i Election for Directors will be held on. MONDAY, November 18th, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 X*. M. J. WIEGAND, Jr., ocS-wsm tm>lB Cushier. i%a HANK OF COMMERCE) IJI jS Philadelphia, October .7,1861. The annual election for Directors will be held at the Baukiiig House on MONDAY, the 18th day of November nex, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. fit. and 2 o'clock P. M. The annual meeting of Stockholders will be held at the sanjo place on TUESDAY, the sth day of November next, at 12 o’clock M. J. A. LEWIS, Cashier. ocS-tiitlis tnolS »» COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENKSYL [j.S VANIA. I’iiiladelphia, Oct. 12, 1861. The Anmiiil Election for Directors will bo hold at tlia Banking House on Monday, November 18tb, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. The Annual Meeting ot the Stockholders will be held at the same place, on TUESDAY, November stb, at 12 o’clock M. S. O. PALMER, ocls*tuthstTiolB Oasliier. tYs 3 * GIRARD BANK, LL§ Philadelphia, October 8,1861. The annual election for Directors will bo held at the Banking House on MONDAY, November 18, between* tlie lioups of 10 A.M.andQP.31. , ~ , A general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same place on TUESDAY, November 5, at 12 o’clock M. W. L. SCHAFFER, Cashier. ocS-tuths tnolS WESTERN BANR 6P LL§ PBIA, October 3,lBCl.—Tl»e ANNUAL MEET ING of the stockholders of this Bank will be held at the Banking House on TUESDAY, the 6th day of Novem ber next, at 12 o’dock M. •And the ANNUAL ELECTION fyr PIBECTOBS will be held at this Bank on MONDAY, the 18th day of November next, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and 2o’clock P. M. G. M. TBOUTMAN, oc3.tlißttNlB C»3hier. rv*=» CITY COMMISSIONERS’ OFFICE— [j. NOTICE.—The Board of City Oommlss'oiwrs will hear AppraU from the Assessment of Real ami Personal Property, us itturusd by the Assessors of the ditiefeut Wards, for the Triennial Assessment of 1862, on the fol lowing days: Wards. ls*’t. ... Monday, 21 2d.... Tuesday, “ 22 3d .... «« 23 4th....Thmt>d&y, “ 24 6th... .Friday, «* 26 6th. ... Monday, h 28; Ttli....Tuesday, « 29 Bth....Wednesday, “ 30 flth....Thursday, “ 31 10th... .Friday, Nov. 1 is!! I - Mn,uUii ’ Ocl6*tnolB no OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD [j. 9 COMPANY, PuiLAOELFHIAj October i§oi> — The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of THREE PER CENT, on the capital stock of the Company, clear of State tax, payable on end after November 15,1861. PowerB*of*Atti)rney for collection of divideudu oanbe had on application at the office of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. ocl7»tdel TITOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. m. HYACINTHS* TULIPS, CROCUS, X LILIES, JONQUILS, KAnOISSL’S, amt all otl.er bulbs for full planting or forcing during the winter, at H. A. DKEER'B Seed Warehouse, 327 CHESTNCT Street. It* XT'ALU ABLE OLD ENGrjftA.YINGS, T that have been torn or defaced, con be remounted and framed neatly and cheaply, for presentation, at BENK.ERT*S, 820 ARCH Street. nolGdftf 13th. ...Tuesday, Nov, 0 14th..,. Wednesday, 14 6 15th.... Thursday, 44 7 lSli \ ** Fri,lay ’ “ 8 18tlu... Monday, 11 IQth....Tuesday, “ 12 20th.... Wednesday, “ 13 215 t... .Thursday, u 14 “l5 ««;(.. Monday, “« JAMES SHAW, Clerk. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1861. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. QOOPER ftCONARE CLOTH CLOAKS. FROM SO TO $2O, In tlipir LARGE ROOM, SECOND BTORV, uoTtMlis-Im S. E. cor. NINTH »nd MARKET Sts. riLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! L/ WATER PROOF CLOTH CLOAKS, in endless variety; LIGUT AND PABK GLOTU CLOAKS, of every shade: BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every quality: BLACK SILK-YKLVET CLOAKS, KVKRY NEW STYLE, EVERY NEW MATERIAL • THfi LArgest stock 1 AND THE MOST. REASONABLE PRICES IN THE CITY. IVENS, OCIS No. 23 South NINTH Street. /CLOAKS: The Largest, Cheapest, and Best-assorted Stock In the city. HOUGH A 00., No. 25 South TENTH Street, Opposite Franklin Market. ■YTEW CLOAK STOKE! A-v The most Elegant assortment in the city. No. 29 South NINTH Street, ocls-2m First door above Gheatnut. rpHETARCH-STREET CLOAK AND X MANTILLA STORE. NEW FALL CLOAKS. WATER-PROOF TWEED CLOAKS BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS. EVERY NOVELTY at moderate micss. JACOB HORSFALL, an3l-6m N. W. corner TENTH and ARCH Sts MILLINERY GOODS. QtTY BONNET STORE. SEASONABLE GOODS SEASONABLE PRICES- SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES. Ladles’ and Misses’ Bonnets, Cbildrcn’a Turbans, Caps, Ac., the best and most fashionable, and at the low est prices. Bonnets made over, or bleached, and re trimmed; Millinery Goods in quantities to suit. BEA YER, felt and PLUSH Goods for Children. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, ocl6-tf NO. 725 CHESTNUT STREET. J£EN NEDY’S FRENCH FLOWERS. FEATHERS. AND GENERAL MILLINERS GOODS. No. 729 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH. ocs-3m MRS. M. S. BISHOP, 1016 CHESTNUT Street, will open a splendid assort ment of Paris Millinery, on THURSDAY, Nov. 7. oc6-12t MISSES O’BRYAN, Jjs* 914 CHESTNUT STREET, Will njen Paris Millinery lor the Yi'inter, on THURS. RAT, Not. 7,1801. nos-12t* FINANCIAL. Rational loan. The hvc prepared, to deliver the Seven and Three-tenths Treasury NotC3 upon payment. DRF.XEL & CO., Bankers, gix PER CENT. TREASURY NOTES Are received at par for Subscriptions to the NEW NATIONAL LOAN, ef T 3-19 per ffnti TREASURY NOTES, which ar now ready for delivery at Office of JAY COOKE. Subscription Agent, ocSS-lm iii Sonth THIRD Street. JJE-W NATIONAL LOAN. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE & Co.. BANKERS. NO. 1U SOUTH THIRD STREET. Pursuant to Infractions from the Secretary of the the Subscription Book to the NEW NA TIONAfeXOAN of treasury Notes, bearing interest at the rate of seven and tliree-tentiis per cent, per auuuin, will remain open at my office! NO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, until further notice, from 8 A. M. until 5 P. M.» and on Mondays till 9 P. M. These notes will be of tbe denomination of FIFTY DOLLARSyONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUN DRED DOLLAF9, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and FIVE THOUSAND PQl&AltSi ftnfl an all dated 19th of August) 1861) payable in gold in three years, or con vertible into a twenty years six per cent, loan, at the option of the holder. Each Treasury Note has interest coupons attached, which can be cut off and collected in gold ftt the Mint M'ery six months, and at ihe> rate of one cent, per day on each Fifty Dollars. Any explanations required by subscribers will be cheerfully made. THE NOTES ARE DELIVERED UPON PAY MENT OP SUBSCRIPTIONS. Payment of subscriptions may be made in GOLD or CHECKS, or NOTES OF ANY OF OUR CITY BANKS. J A Y COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 0c22-30t No. 114 SOUTH THIRD Street. MILITARY GOODS. gKY-BLUE KERSEYS FOR SALK. Five to Ten Thousand yards SKY-BLUE KERSEYS Per week, ill the unfinished state, AS THEY COME FROM THE LOOM. 11, ROBINSON & Co., nol6-2t# 132 South FKOXT Street. DREWS’ ORIGINAL CAMP,OB TRAVELLING BED TRUNK. (P&Uui ipplieJ for) For sale W W- A. ANDREWS, iml6-2m No. 613 CHESTNUT Street. QOTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOB TENTS, FOB SALS BY ayglM gROTHPTGHAM M WBLL9. MILITARY NOTICES. ’’’SjjT REGIMENT QF LANCERS, RECRUITS WANTED. •A > 11 • A few young men of GOOD CHAR ACTE Jl to fill vti* cancies in the PHILADELPHIA LIGHT CAVALRY. No Minors need apply* TWO DOLLARS BOUNTY will be paid to any ono who will bring an accepted re cruit, when mustered into service. Fivo foot seven inches is the lowest height now accepted in this ltogi ginient, whioh G EKE RA Ij McC LEL L A K Qns selocUJ ns A REGIMENT-OF LANCERS. Apply at once at the Rendezvous, 727 MARKET STREET. no!6-3t* 8 UNITED STATES MARINES.— Wanted immediately for the United States Marine Corps THREE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED MEN, for sea service, between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five years. AH information that may bo minircd will be given at the Rendezvous, 311 South FRONT Street, below Sprite*. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, Itecniiting Oftieer XJOME-MADE SOAR II BAFONIFIKR, manufactured by PENNSYL VANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. One pound makes, from kitchen grease, eight itonuils of hard .soap, or nearly a barrel of soft soap, lVy it; it is easier done than making bread, nolG-it* HE COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS for 81. nt BEIMEK'S Gulh-rr, SKUOND Street, above GREEN, are mode aud colored by persons ot tact and skin. It* HAIR-DYEING, for LADIES and GEXTLEMKN, artistically done, at FOURTH and BRANCH. nol6-iftf COGNAC BRANDY.—Pinet. CastiL \_J lon, Bisauit, Trieoche, ft Co., Sauvin Atnk, dan ger and Ileimeiey Brandy, for sale in hand by JA.C KETCHE ft CARSTAIRS, 302 and 201 South FRONT Street. ocS2.t( 31 South THIRD Street. RETAIL DRV GOODS. jtrENCH WINTER CLOAKS. Jußt Received, another assortment of PARIS MADE LADIES’ PALETOTS. CAEL PETEKS & CO., N. K. Corner CHBSTNI-T mid TENTH Sts. nolG-Ct CLOAKS IN SABLE CLOTHS, FROSTED HEAVERS, SEALSKIN CLOTHS. BLACK BEAVERS, LYONS VELVETS; A LARGE ASSORTMENT, AT MODERATE PRICES. AT TUK PARIS CLOAK EMPORIUM, .706 CHESTNUT STREET, J. W. PROCTOR & Co. no!4-lf LADIES’ CHOICE FURS. WARRANTED WELL SEASONED VERY REASONABLE PUTCKS, PARIS CLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM, 70S CHESTNUT STREET. J. W. PROCTOR & Co. nol4-lm J M. HAFLEIGII. (Successor to) L. J. LEVY’ & Co., 733 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH, Las now opona clinics ami desirable stnfU of WINTER DRESS GOODS. To which additions are made daily, Having fUCt with great success in the sale of CLOAKS, particular atten tion will be paid to that department. ON MONDAY, lltli IJfSTANT, will be offered One case good quality PLAID SILKS . ■ . 5<3 «< Lot # REPS . . . 62# «< . . . . 75 « “ « » . . . . 100 «»*»«« . . . 1 12 noll-6t ELANNELS ! FLANNELS !—I have now on bund ouoof Mid tbtMv>sl iisoft nients in the city. All wool White, 25: heavier do., 28: full yard wide, 31#, worth 37#: tine Ballard Vale, (which will not shrink,) 31# ; full yard wide do., 37# — never sold less than 50; finer do., 50, and the finest at 62# —-always sold for 87# : one bale very superior all wool Bed wt So» fiiif do»t 31#* and tho finest 37# i yard wide- Bed, BT# ; heavy twilled Red 31#. and the very heaviest, 37# ;'h»avy Gray, twilled, 37#, and the very best, 44: all wool plain Gray, 28—which is a bargain: heavy dark blue, 37# ; White donet 12#, worth 14# : finer do., 15, and very heavy do., 25. Also, tbe cele brated Slmkor FlamiuUifuUyftrd wido and heavy, wai«- ranted not to shrink: the heaviest Canton Flannel in the market for 12# colored do. 11# by the piece, and as good a stock of Unbleached Muslins as can be found in tho city, at prices that cannot bo undersold. Having bought these cheap for cash, I am selling {hog ypyj* jQWi A liberal allowance will be made to benevolent societies. GRANVILLE.B. HAINES, no!6-tf No. 1013 MARKET St., above Tenth. Muslins, canton flannels, WOOLLEN FLANNELS, CHINTZES, ALL AT OLD PRICES.—V. K. ARCIIAMBAULT, N. E. corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, will opm, this morning, a full line of Bleached and Brown Shirt ings and Sheetings, from Cto 12# cts.: Canton Flannels, from 11 to l*2#c.- White and Colored Flannels, 13 to 50c.; Mcrrliiinc Chintzes, 10c ; rich style Chintzon, 6. 8. OnndlOc.; Crimson French Merino, only 37# c., worth gl: rich plaid Dress Goods, 12, 18, 22, ami 25c.; Blan kets and Comfortables, Cheap Carpets, Oil Cloths, and Window Shades. nolG-tf POPULAR SHAWLS- J 7 Large and full assortments of the following Winter fcliawls: Long and Square Scotch Blankets. Fine American, of all styles. Black and White Checks and Browns. Long and Squaro Blankets, Fine Stellas, Scotch borders. Broche, from low to extra fine. Black Centres Broche Chaine Inline. Light Gray and Dappled Berlin. Friends* Shawls, of all kinds. CLOAKING. CLOTHS. Water Proofs, Repellants, Aqua Scutum. Spangled and Frosted Beavers. Black Beavers and Tricots. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, no!s CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. Bargains in dress goods. NEW ANl> CHOICE DRESS GOODS ' AT EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES. Rich Silk Plaid and Printed Reps. ‘Plain Bops and Velours do Ppmslo. VERY CHEAP BLACK SILKS. Rich Printed MagentA Cloths. Rich Printed Merinoes 87 % c to $1.25. Rich Printed nil wool Delaines from 31 to 75c. 3,000 yards Mohair Brocades at 14c, worth 25c. 2,800 J'APds Printed Helfunes at 15c, worih 15c. A choice assortment of Blanket Shawls, NEW STYLES OF WINTER CLOAKS of Beaver, Tricot, add Water-Proof Cloths, Handsome Velvet Vestings and Cassimercs. H. STEEL & SON, nod No. 915 North TENtb Street, above Coates. Dry goods reduced,—bar gains. One lot Satin Fraconia, oltfc; usual price, 50c. One lot Printed Oiwlimm, e * usual B£J£c. One lot Plaid Valencia, 37^cj usual price, 6‘2)£c. One lot Printed Reps, 37 c; usual price, 6"2 % c. One lot Plain Reps, 31#u; usual price, 37j£c. One lot Figured Cashmeres, scarlet ground, 75c* worth $1.25. One lot T>e LnineF, 22c*. usual price, 25C. One lot Gents' L. C. Handkerchiefs, 25c | usual price, 37tfc. One lot Ladies’ L. C. Handkerchiefs, 12#c: very cheap. JOHN 11. STOKES, mrt 702 ARCH Stroat. TpALL—IB6I. JO SPLENDID GOODS, CHEAP FOR CASH, SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, •the Cheapest ever Offered. Thirty Per CeDt. under Regular Prices. SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. Great Variety. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. Most of our Muslii)§ gtill OLD PRICES Flannels, Cloths, and Cassinieres. Linens of our own Importation. Blankets, all sizes. Balmoral Skirts, Ac., Ac. A the Old Established Store of THOBNLEY ft OHISM, •620 N. E. cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. Eoyal ribbed merinoes for the Gored WAlkini.Drugi. Richest rriiitod Reps. Magenta Figured lie Lames. Bright Printed Merinoes. EYRE & LANDELL, noli fourth and Arch atrccta. THINE STOCK OF SHAWLS AND Jj CLOAKS. Fashionable Black Cloaks. Broche Long §s 49i Shepherd's Plaid Wool Shawls. EYRE & LANDELL, uol 1 Fourth and Arch streets. YYTILL OPEN THIS DAY A N IM- V V niense stock of ail wool De Laineß, tho balance of a large importation, coushdmg of 1 lot neat figured dark grounds, at 31 cents, usually sold at G2)£ cents. 1 lot chintz colors, at 37 cents, usually at 75 cent 3. 1 lot, yard wide. Plaids, at V 2% cents. COWPEiITHWAIT A 00., no9-tf N. W. corner EIGHTH and MARKET. Fancy cassimeres- Of every grade and style, from G2c to 51.50 per yard. Black Cassimeres, some extra fine lots. COOPER & COWARD, no 7 NINTH and MARKET Streets. LADIES’ BLACK CLOTHS. Men's heavy Overcoatings. Men’s fins Dress Olathe. COOPER k CONARD, no 7 NINTH and MARKET Streets. FLANNELS— Yard wiilo, line white extra at SB rents. Shaker Flannels, warrantwl genuine. COOPER * UONARD, mil NINTH and MARKET streets. Dress goods. Repp, Merinoes, Poplins, Delaines, Black Poplins, Merinoes, Delaines, Bombazines, &c. COOPER & CONARD, uo 7 NINTH and MARKET. UILOAKS Ready made or made to order. COOPER & CONARD, no 7 NINTH and MARKET Streets. Embroidered piano and TADiiB COVERS—.Inst opened, a lars*? assort ment of choice styles, in all colors SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, A ARRISON, no!4-rpCt 1008 CHESTNUT Street. TTNION ENVELOPES! U UNION ENVELOPES! UNION ENVELOPES! That will go through the Post Oflu-n. OYER 350 DIFFERENT STYLES. Country Shopkeepers supplied with Twentv-five or a Million, At the VERY LOWEST PRICES, AT MAGEE'S UNION PAPER and ENVELOPE MANUFACTORY, N,>. SIG CHESTNUT Street, Corner of HUDSON Street. Corner of HUDSON Street. REMEMBER 316. REMEMBER, 31G CHESTNUT Street. KT Cut lliis out mul piinte it up in u place. nolG-'.it QLATE MANTELS. These beautifully enamelled MANTELS, so de cidedly preferable io any odien, are numufactwcd by us, and sold at TRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ARNOLD & WILSON, oc».3niif No. 1010 CHESTNUT Street rjYHE BALTIMORE GAS-BURNING FIRE-PLACE HEATER. Sometimee called the •* Latrobir Stove," i» Vug beat stove for warming the room in which it stands, and also rooms above, oil nadlook at them. ARNOLD ft WILSON, ocs-3mif No-1010 CHESTNUT Street. NEW PUBLICATIONS. PUBLISHED THIS DAY. MCCLELLAN'S UNITED STATES CAVALRY. U'UGUr.ATIONP AMI INSTRUCT TONS FOR THE UIELI, SERVICE <>K THE V. S. C'AY.X I.JIV IN TIM 1 1 . 01 1 \l Al!. U, Gkuksk H, {licUi.Ki.i-Aif. Hin jor General U. S. Army. To which is added, tin- Basi* of Instruction for the U. S. Cavalry, from the authorized Tactics, iii' luiling the form ation of regiments and hquadrous tbe duties and of olfif-erF, lewons lit the training and use of the horse— Uliudratcd by muuerom diagrams, with the signal* and cwllfj tiow in use; al.<«», instruction:* W officer* and noii conuniMuonod officers on outpost? and patrol duty. With a drill for tin? use of cavalry a« skirmishers, moused and dismounted* 1 ud. 12mo. Fully illustrated. #1.50. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., ao!6-4t S 3 ft ml 24 North FOURTH Stri-et. /CHOICE ENGLISH BOOKS AT V> REIIUCEII RATES. The subscribers now offer their large and well-se lected ftss'irtinent of English and French - Books at greatly i(duct'd prices for cuslu iu order to reduce their fiimk prior to the Ist of January. Their collection comprises the host editions of tho standard English authors, together with a large and valuable ttock of Scientific and Miscellaneous Litera ture in every Department of Science and Art. English and French engraving j H g n . H f variety. 1 I'vtniivd cataingues furnished gratis on application, or mailed to any address. McKLHOY & CO , Importers of English Books, A'c., no!2-Ct No. 27 South SIXTH St., M>. Chentnut. "ROOKS, LAW AND MISCELLA- J_> NKOUS, new and old, bought, Bold, and ox. changed, at the PHILADELPHIA-BANK BOOR STORE, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street Libraries at a distance purchased. Those having Books to sell, if at a distance, will state their names, sizes, bindings, dates, Adltloris, prlcfes, and eon diUons. VVAUfUb—Books printed by Benjamin FraukJin, as well as early Books printed in and upon America. Autograph Letters and Portraits purchased. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for sale. Catalogues, in press, sent free. Libraries ftp yraisart by ffegfi-tf } JOHN QA MPBBLIi, AND RELIABLE, WANTED— BY A YOUNG MAN, § Situation nsCLOKiiir fmiiliiymont in mu' business capacity. Hus a general know ledge of business, and can give the most satisfactory relereiice, Address ,1. HOPPER. Blood’s Despatch Office. m»10-12t* WANTED— A SITUATION in a Wholesale or Retail Grocery gfoyf, fijp ft YflUllg Muii who has hmi four years’ experience in one Of UlO best family grocery stores iu tho country. Address “ißox 21, M Germantown. nol4-3i* WANTED —An expert and careful MAP MOUNTER, who is Acoustebi&i Ij large work find can bring good recommendation*. Please ad dress H. F. WALLING, No. 358 PEAIIL Street, New York. no9-7t# WANTED —A FARM, within teg «*XLor tweive Tniiea c*r ruiimieipina, for which the best quality of improved city property will ho given in ex change. Apply to E. PETTIT, ocSO No. 309 WALNUT Street. BOARDING. —A family residing in Chestnut street, nenr Nineteenth, have three second or third-story room-, with every convenience, to miti tvilli Board) to norioni with uniaceutionablo refops enres. Address ‘ Comfort,” this office. no 9 sfutli6t# First-class boarding, with Single and Communicating Booms, So. 1117 LO CUST Sireet. oc2l-lm# TO LET, WITH STEAM POWER, IIOOM on second floor, 57 by 00 feet, lighted on tho youth nr.il imi. Al=u. ARMY LASTS L-r sale, at 112 BREAD .Street. nolC-3t if* TO EXCHANGE—DeIaware County Farm, containing 75 acres of ’superior land, situate nine from the city, one mile frpjjj niflrwitd statioih nicely -watered, wKh MUHC lUlfidingA) fine frilif^) Ac. Aler», a number of farms to exchange fur City Pro pertv. Apply to E. PETTIT, nulG No. 309 WALNUT Street. Farm for sale.—a farm, j q excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-one acres, nine of which are woodland, pleasantly situated in Limerick township, Montgomery county, two and a half miles from the Limerick station, on the Reading Riijjroad, j§ offered for enlo. PriccwFivp thousand did lavs (sjfy.ouo). Apply on the premides. nolO-tl SAMUEL If. GRAFF. mO EXCHANGE Cheap Delaware JL Rate. Fruit mul Grain Fam», contniningloOucresof laud) ritimte within oimmile of railroad sturion, Delaware Railroad. Also, Montgomery county farm, cimtaiiii.*.glir» acre. 1 *, eighteen miles above the city. For further parti culars apply to E. PETTIT, nolO No. 309 WALNUT Street. TO LET—The elegant double MM. Ecsiik'iiCft, No. 1118 CHESTNUT Stiwt, with stable and coach-house in the rear, on Sansornstreet. APl>lv to M. THOMAS A SONS, n0!5,16,19,21 Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH St. P)R SALE—A first.rate Farm, build ingg, of every desirable kind, neat and spacious, with running spring-water, fruits: very commanding view of Schuylkill river and valley. & FOB SAL E VALUABLE BMfARM and MILL PROPERTY—Farm containing 90 ACHES of superior LAND, situate twelve miles north of the city, Dear Fort Washington station, North reim’g Railroad. firsUolass iinwavomantfl. Aaalp i& E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. TO RENT—STORE No. 20 BANK PtrtTti Apply nn tho ProntiiM or nt GST WAL» Kl'T Street. Immediate possession. Rent low to a good tenant, fixtures for sale. lit)l‘2-tut]istitse F)R SALE—Valuable Earn, contain- Ing 130 acres j 30 acres of excellent Woodland, the balance in a high slate of cultivation, nicely watered with springs and running streams, situate 6 miles from Doylestovn depot, and 2% miles from Lambertville sta tion and Delaware river, Bucks county. Plain and sub stantial stone improvements j good out-buildings, and every variety of fruits, Price ggjy POT ftCrfiS MBT terms. Apply to E« PETTIT, eel 9 No. 309 WALNUT Street. -VTOTICE. —An Examination of Candi -1 v dates for Certificates of iiualiiication as Assistant Teachers in (lie Grammar, Secondary, ami Primary Schools or the First School District of Pennsylvania, will be held nt the Mount Vernon School House* Catlitu Tine street, above Third, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY , 21st and 22d iiist. The examination will commence on Thursday, at 2 o’clock P. M. No applicant will be examined under Beventeen years of ago. By order of tho Committee on Qualilieatlon of Teachers of liie Board of Couti oilers. The west Chester academy, at West Chester, Pa., within two hours' ride from Philadelphia, by the Pennsylvania Central, or by the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad, via Media. The Winter Term, of full five mouths, commences on tliv let of KOYEMDERi a Military TactiesV will be introduced ns a regular department of the system of in struction, to those Mho desire to avail themselves of its advantages, at a moderate charge. Eight tried and experienced Teachers assist the Prin cipal in the duties of the school. WAI. F- WYEIIS, A. if., oflB-lm Principal. Philosophical instruments, SCHOOL APPARATUS for CLASS ILLUSTRA TIONS, Globes, Dro-wino InstaiMeuta, Aa., ic., u«J« and for sale by JAMES W. QUEEN k CO., 024 CHESTNUT Street. Priced and Illustrated Catalogue, of 88 page#, fur nished gratia, and sent by mail free, on application. •fjg-gro , SILVER’S AIR-TIGHT GAS- LjS BUHUKIi, FOR TUB f siiLoit, dininG ROOM, AND OFFICE, And made in the meet approved manner, of the best Imported Russia Iron, with PATENTED CLAY CYLIN DERS, of we lmve the fxdnsive aale. NORTH, CHASE, ft NORTn, o!2-2mif No. 209 Nortli SECOND Street. rfW NORTH, CHASE, & NORTH’S CELEBRATED COOKING STOVES, Gfis vOTimiming* with Doiibletplaied Topa t and all the latest improvements. Manufactured and sold at 012-2mif No. 209 North SECOND Street. THOMSON’S CELEBRATED Sjf LONDON iiHITOIIKNKRi” UJI? Tho lii‘«t, moat durable, and convenient arrange, zuent for Cooking; having the best facilities for an abun dant supply of Hot Water, Roasting, Raking, Stewing, Broiling, ftc. For sale, in various sizes, of our own manufacture. NORTH, CHASE, ft NORTH, No, 209 North SECOND Street, 012-2mif Pliiladolpliia. I?JL>W. N. HALLO WE LL. L COAL DEALER, The best Schuylkill, Lehigh, anil Locust Mountain Coal constantly on hand. Order# by Dispatch recejyf prompt attention. oclS'liß JIAMILY COAL. WM. C. SHINN & BRO, Have constantly on hand a large supply of Spring and Buck Mountain, Lehigh, and Locust Mountain and Ash land Schuylkill FAMILY COAL, all siana, at prices to suit the times. Send your orders to OlHce, No. 222 WALNUTISiroet j or to the Yard, comer of SWANSON and FRINK Streets Entire satitifaGtton guanrntied. oc!7-im if T£Q FAMILIES RESIDING IN TBS We are prepared, as heiatafore, to supply famß*M w their Country Residences wish every description of JjTRESH MINCED MEAT. Th© Hubf-cilti-r ltvAfa IfiftV? ihfoyßV public ihni he U again prepared to otter hU jitstly cdoWated NE PLUS ULTRA MINCED MEAT, In large or ?ni»il! quantities.. Otdors tlllOUgll Dtn. sualch Yu&t will ho punetnulU tiUeialetl tn. JOSHUA WRIGHT. SFIiINO GARDEN and FRANKLIN Strcwk n013»2m Pbilaililplvia. TBE CELEBRATED BALLAD, en tiilwl SIREN OF I'ARIS, which R to ■*> Per formed next week, at When.ley’s Uontinental Theatre, will bo published and for sale at MARSH’S Music Store, 1102 CHESTNUT Street. Price 25 (-eut< nols-3t* PIIDDB.—New clarified Champagne V-J Cider, of extra uuality, hy tlio hngshead or liarrel For sale l.v KMll, MATIUKU, «06-12tif Nos. TM, and 121 LOSIttAUH St. WANTS. BOARDING. FOK SALE AND TO LET. Apply to EDUCATIONAL. GEORGE W. VAUGHAN, Chairman. STOVES AND RANGES. IN ALL SIZES, COAL. OFFICE, 133 WALNUT St., below Second. GROCERIES. BUBAL DISTRICTS. FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, Ao., &0. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE SHEETS. tsaylS _ FUND HALL. MISS CARLUTTA PATTf. The public art respectfully informal that MISS CARLOTTA PATTf, i be celebrated Cantnfrice, w ill give OM CIIAKII OI’KBATIC (JOKliii*,- „ in Philadelphia. On MOM>AV EVENING, Nouuiber 18, !W*l. On tins occasion Miss PATTI nill be supported by # Mind. AMALIA sTItAKOsCII, Slg. CENTEMKRJ, 4lie eminent iJaripnie, HENItV BAKHKUSON*, The young American Pianist# Director anti Conductor. CAUL SCHREINER. 1. Komanzu—f due J'osCHri, Sig. C'ENTEiIEKI. 'l. u Alt iimti I'i!*,** Le I’ropUelc Mmc. AMALIA STKAKOSCII. o. firnuil I'iiutuHiH—l*i«in»Solo, St-mirmnMe Ito.-wn? lIIIMiV gANUKRSOMi 4. Ariii riMin Elurc— of Night).. ..Mozart 3Hi» CAKLOTTA PATTI. •">. Duetto—L\\din Donizetti Muic.mtAKOSrH and Nig. I'KNTEMEItI. C. Mm-yh du Sac:e t (I’mpliKte),..Meyerbeer . . rit UT Hi 7. T>uetto—l/Klipir (rAjiiori* 8. “ Within h MiU* of KiHnlioro* Town,*’.. .Srntch Ballad Mine. AMALIA STUAKOSCII. 9. A ria—t’i» Daily in Mbst-Jn-ra.,.... Si"* CENTK3IKKI 10. Mmr. f'OTitiig'B Okhriitoil Feho Sou". 11. Polka du Concert—(.'nliiftoseil and |wrforme:l by HENKV SANI>KfISOS. 12. Duetto—Safl'o - MM PATTI and Nmv. £TJiAKO&CH Admission to all parts of the Ilall GO coat*. Scats can be secured, without extra charge, at J. K. Gould's, and Tickets obtained at ail the principal Music Stores and at tin* Continental Hotel. nolC-2t Doors o)>en at 7 o’clock; to frmmf nev n\ 8> American academy of MUSTC. THIS EVENING, SATURDAY, Nov. 10th. POSITIVELY LAST N/GHT I'OfHM'IVKLY LAST NIGHT OK THE GREAT PRESTIDIGITATEUR! HERRMANN. Admission, 50 cent*: Reserved Seats, 25 cepta extra; Amphitheatre, 25 centt: Colored' Gallery, 25 canta. Doors open at 7 ft. Common?? g, TO-DAY, SATURDAY, November 16th, TWO PERFORMANCES. GRAND MATINEE at 3. FAREWELL NIGHT at 8. TO-DAY, SATURDAY, at 3 o'tloek I*. M„ HKMtM AKK v.ii K iv e i.w ’ LAST PRESTIDICIITATOniAL MAT INK E LAST FRKSTIDIGITATOUIAL MATINEE Admission 50 cents. No Reserved Seats. Children 25 cents. Children 25 cents. fTHGfAL NoHCli.t=On this nonasiiiiii Uiopp will Im no reserved war?, nod ladies and children cm visit tin* Academy without escort. Hence, to facilitate ingress, and prevent crowding at the Box Office, the following additional ticket offices will be opened, where admin-don tickets can hr obtained—viz: The Continental, Laffcrre House* St. I.auToneo, American. WtulitagteH Hotts*. »i>J St. liinii.d lititf ls; nt the Music Stoic- of Leo A* Walker, J. E. Gould, Marslcf, Schmidt* * and Schumacher's Piano Forte Warerooinn. N. B.—Children’s tieUet can only ho obtained at the Academy Box Office. The sale of Matinee tickets com hupiu'wi on Friday muPh'.By. MRS. JOHN DREW’S ABCtl-STREET THEATRE. Acting and Stage Manager W. S. FBEDSBIOSB. gasißwAgfatand TreasurerinmiJOSi Dt MURPHY. Tins (SATURDAY) EVENING, November ie, Will be presented, for the first lime in America, the new comedy, by Tom Taylor, entitled Mont-©. Mi Indian Ayah. Trlrs, Colonel MrOiiiihuxn Dr. SnnmlerßMeHivet..*.. Mn.ior Sronilmof - Tlip pL*rforjnftncv to cimiiwurf nitli TilK BOBBER'S WIPE. CnAKGE of Time -Doors open ut # before 7 ; curtain will rw »t 7tfprMistlj-. No extra charge for reserved scats. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE— NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Bole Lessee MRS. M. A. GARRBTTSON. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING* NovwnljHr 16; The entcrUMimicntfi will cmnmenco with OUR AMERICAN COUSIN. A*n Trenchnrd ....Mr. J. S. Clarks Lord Dundreary ...Mr. Rimcoiiih The jn-rtV»rnuii»LM. will conclude wilh the mrlo-dnuiifi of JONATHAN MADrOJH); Or* Tin* Munler lit Hu* Kcwrisifln Inn. Caleb Sorumn idue Mr. j. S. Clarko Ann Bradford. *. Atir*sCrey Prices—6o, 37#, 75, and 25 cents; Private Boxes, Ssa«d S 3. Poore open at 7; Performance to commence at 7#i WHEATLEY'S CONTINENTAL THEATRE. GREAT SATUJtPAV NIGHT RILL. Thr Last AppMinnwotif tho THluntmi Twiaie Aituuh,, Mr.E.L.DAVENPORT and Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. WALLACE, Jr. TO-NIGHT, DAMON AND PYTHIAS. Damon. Mr E. L. Davenport; Pvthias, Mr J. W, Wallai’k, Jim U.-rnmm, Mrs.-I. W. Walhtck, ,»r, Tn funchiJiMvitii GUV MANNERINti. Pnndic Dlmmitit* Mr. J. W. Wulluck; Mog MemUio-i, Mrs. J. W. W.dlack. On Ml NDAY next THE SIREN OP PARIS. "VTATIONAL HALL MARKET, i.l ,UJOYK TWELFTH STKEKT. SIX 01IAK1I COMIHXATIfItf CONCERTS! EVERY EYEMXU OK .NEXT WEEK, (At n’dnc-k,) by LAIJOOOUA, THE INDIAN SOX'GSTRESS, In liutinit co-stunif, wlio will Bing a number of very l>‘ , i , ntlf!il mid IntcrwitJii? INI>I,NN SENTIMENTAL iiml SAdiED SONGS. Ami recite* from Longfellow’s HIAWATHA, WOOING OK MINNE-HA-HA, DEATH OF MINNE-HA-HA, Assisted by iH>vi*rsd eminent amateur singers. Also* re* citiitfnn by Do Si Mi LANDISi ' PROGRAMME VARIED EACH EVENING. Single tickets: 25 cents—or, Six for One Dollar; Chil dren, 10 rents. Sabbath Schools at less rates. ncl6-7t JOHN BEESON, Indian Missionary.' niiYMPIC MUSIC HALL= U RACE STREET, EELONV THIRD. WJL RO3SITEB, tforriatowD, The management have great pleasure in announcing ait engagement with the celebrated CHARLEY GARDNER, ■* tlm original Hop Light Lno t from the Arntriokn Hubs Hall, iiroiiiiway, New York, will uppear.on Saturday Evening, November 16th. BAM LONG, tlie great Comic Singer from the Broadway Music Hall, New York, will appear on Wednesday Evening, Novem- ' her Tilth; EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION! Will appear every evening, the following GREAT ARTISTS: Mr. TONY PASTOR, MOXS. PAUL BRILLIANT, WO6& VELARDE, Mr. TIM NORTON, Mr DENNY GALLAGHER, and EhHre lUlfet bS TWENTY LADIES! THE ORRIN FAMILY, Every variety of Entertainment will be given in thi» Establishment. Prices of admission 20 and 10 cents. noll-6t Assembly buildings, every RIGHT, and on Wednesday and Saturday after nootiß. WAUGH’S Magnificent Fainting# of tlie TOUR OF ITALIA, together with new and STARULIKU gdfiNES OP THE AMERICAN WAR, With Portraits of all the Generals, and many other War Scenes illustrating the Heroic Struggles of our devoted Soldiers for tho perpetuity of the Union. Admittance, 2g 9f»tg, Children l ls centßi POHtflt riABL WOLFSOHN AND THEO \y DORE THOMAS’ SERIES OF SIX CI.ASSt- CAL SOIREES.—Tith’d Season. Subscriptions will b# received at tlie Principal Music Stores, where Pro gfahihies »i»d full pavllculars can he seen nos lm /GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. \X CAT?L SEifTZ, Comlnctor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at 3 % V'clofk p, M , fitthf NVSJCAL FUND Ii ILL. package of Eight Tickers, St; Single Tickets, 2o CM. To he had at Andre’s, 1104 Chestnut street, J. K. Gould’s, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hail. oc2IMI r The prestidigitateur. The mujsnl&cetit Jewelry, Gold Crown, QrdOrVp. Decorations, Medals, Ac., presented to HERMANN By foreign Monarchs and Potentates will be at CALDWELL & CO.’S, 822 CHESTNUT Street, OOi tlit day of his first appearance at tlie Academy of ffluaton Viz; Ociober ooth, And the supefbi Shawl given him by the Queen of Spain at EVANS At CO.’S, 818 CHESTNUT Street, ou tlie f?%me day oc2l-tf* Temple of wonders, n- e. comer of ¥£Nth aad CHESTNUT Streets. SIGNOR BLITZ w3l appear at the above placa, lit his now and extraordinary ontertainments, EViRBX EVENING. coiwneneMg at and WEDNESDAY andl SATURDAY AFTERNOON’S, at 3—consisting. OIT Changes, Tramanutatians, SalutitutlAim, Secret Mam pa lAtinns, Ocular Deeeptidna, and Necromantic Illusion#, and astonishing puwers of Ventriloquism, every variety of voice. Also, tlie Learned Canary Bird#. Admission, 23 cents; cUklrep, 13 ceuta. ocig-lmj* TUT AGIO LANTERN PICTURES OP IVJL THE REBELLlON—Representing all the proinl nent Scenes, Engagements, and Incidents to this data. For sale by JAMES W. QUEEN A GO., 924 CHESTNUT’ Street. A Descriptive List tarnished gratis and sent by maflj free, on application. selB-&n PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Q9> THE FINS ARTS, 1026 CHESTNUT Street, I# open daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M. till 6 P. M. Admission 25 cents, XO&tt 7Mtl| hsdf price. Shares of Stork, jfl TN ORDER TO REDUCE. OUR. 1 large stock of WATCHES JEWELRY, SILVEIt WARE, and MUiICAL ROXIJIJ, »f 9 DVWi in AC. portiaitce 'vi-x«n tije tinted, offering tlmw ut URNATLY' BEDUCSD FRICF..S. Ladies or gentlemen intending to purchase a. Watclv for their own wear, will find nk our Establishment aiu article tuat can be IMPLICIT! 1 ‘ .HLIKD ON' for limp, ftud at a pvifift MUCH LRf - than over haforo. ftslted. . • Particular attention Is givenAn i. talrins fine-WatcheSs Clotks, and Musical Boxes, li-y skiltu] workmen. FARR & BROTHER, Importera, 0c23-2»lf 324 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. lm W \SIIINGTUN, ALEXANDRIA,. AND GEORGE TOWN, Kv Lino Raiboml to for tLe a.Wve-uame.l -will i>i. v\h! ftf th<* "fill* Pflto Sri 1 ** 0 !) Uw» Myi.unil fcmrnnlml vit7i hii In be prepaid, nai the name u»d iu full. w .. Vrciitfil 3") per 100 pciaide. through. V> « Hsnmsj* ton, when in of IJDOO pound** ;«.<!* twt*r. This lit thft im.l us Is \*»^ tween Philadelphia and Washirntfon. » GiIOYKSv >)U.> Aaeut, N-j. 3A Wharves . _ FOJi NKW YORK. ■BSzSSIXnKW DAILY via Delaware SftL Barito Canal. _ Philadelphia and Now Yorß Yxjreas Bteamboa>Ooo« «nas receive freiftihaad lMßft <tt>r at a P. M.. JjjWwr-y auroes Nil? Yoafe folio-wing duga, Vrelahia take* aLraaaol»M# rates. ». CLYDE, A mat, No. U 60UYH WUABVBS, PtjPalftMk. JAKES HAND, Agent, inl.tf Film 14 and 19 KABT BLIYBRi Now Vul _ -tr-V FOR HEW SORKL. Tfc* Steam fomjnf . theb VostudW for OH iloaSa T. will Iftb instflisti Uieii n*Mn»n *t» non ratatiiiig bright at Mootf Pi«r aboY* Walnut »tre«t. Terms aooouunodattn* &>ply to W. M. BAIRD A 00- 1M South Delaware Swann* POSTAGK STAMPS—Twonty-four c<*nt, tvtlve.cent, and ten-nmt STAMPS for brl* at five vet (li'icoimt. Apply at The iVv*s offac*, noS-tt! AMUSEMENTS* PBGRAMMK PAiiT i. Mir* PATTI ;u,.» Si-'. rKNIEMKR! Miss CAHLOTTA PATTI. VP AT Tin: HILLS. ■Mis** Thompson ;; Ml'S- John IlFOlf .Mr. John Gilbert Mr. L. H. SluwU WATCHES, JEWELS*, &c„ 1 V 4 A SHIN i JTON* , AT 0 Jit. nol4-t<hfcl* Meyerbeer Donizetti
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