Admitted to the Coopkr-shop Military Hospitil.—PriTßte George Shannon, of the Sixth New Hampshire Regiment, was admitted to the awe hospi tal yesterday, fiiffaring from a alight indisposition. Privates Charles A. Tuttle, 01. the Eighth Connecticut Regiment, Company A, and Gordon Street, of tlie Twen ty-seventh Massachusetts Regiment, were ad iiitted on the previous day. Also, William Flemming, Company B, Xigfrth Connecticut Regiment. Kone of these cises are serious, and the patients will he releaaed in a day or two. David Lake, of the Eighth Connecticut Regiment, ad mitted yesterday, is lying serioudv ill with Intermittent ■fever. George G. Wentworth, Company D, Fifth New Hampshire, admitted yesterday, is-suffering from the effects of a cold, contracted en route for this city. He be able to join his company in a day or two. * Alto gether, there were seven inmates in the above institution sst evening. In connection with this subject, we me>- st»te that the Covefnwent has leased the extensire carriage manufac tory of Mr. William Dunlap, at the corner of Fifth anti Rnttomvood streets, to bo converted into a hospital for Die use of the soldiers. Letter from Col. Morphy's Regiment. Keah Seneca. Md., October 29, 1881. Reas Brother ; I did not receive or read with interest yours of the —of —; hut I ana watting for it. I have seen a great deal since my last, in which I spoke of heavy firing at 11 o’clock, Monday morn ing. lou have since heard what it was in the papers. Well, that Bight we marched from our camp at Darnestown, passed through Poolcsville at eleven o’clock, (eight miles*.) and there we met the wounded and crippled soldiers of the Fifteenth Massachusetts, and saw the house in which General baker lay dead. Our blood was up, and on double-quick we pushed forward sis miles, down to Conrad s Ferry, from whence we crossed to an island hnlf way between the two shores. But orders came for us to land and push on to Ed wards’ Ferry, six miles more. At this time it was raining very hard, and the roads were in awful condition. However, we managed after some trouble to reach said place. Our troops were going over in scows, and we lay there on the edge of the river waiting our turn. Ah i my boy, [here was excitement. Teams were ranged along the roads; messen gers dashed up and down. Zouaves in groups were looking earnestly across the riTcr, where our troops were drawn up in line of battle. At last, orders came to us. They were issued an account of our gray uniform, which is rather Sceesh, and ordered us not to cross, but go further down the Fotomac. and detach our companies as pickets at the various fords, And here we are, with a bat tery, and sixteen cavalry as messengers, Ac. But mow. (for what I do not know.) our division has re crossed. and are coming down the river near our position. Well, we’ll wait and see. While we lny at the ferry I saw a Sccesh lieutenant, Who hailed originally from Utica, Sew York. He didn’t £eem to look very chivalroos, for he had an awful red nose, which seemed to say, *‘my boss loves whisky.” And, I forgot to Bay that nlong the whole route to ihe Potomac, we 3not squads of soldiers, who had been in Mouduy*s fight, and who were in many cases bootless, and without coat, gun, Ac. Some were without clothing Of any kind, with blankets around them, and walk ing through the mud in bare feet. They had swum the river, pursued by rebel balls. Do you call that fun, my boy? I don't, for it ; s «l| one sided. Mother’s letter will tell you about some of the wounded men. Our blue etothiug will he here to-day, the order having been is sued fer delivery in Washington. Our wagons have been gone for them since yesterday. Then, xny boy- if our division crosses again, they cannot order us bach. “Dont give up the ship.” by thunder, if they whip us fifty times. If I should happen to be “wiped out” it is all right, only dont forget sometimes to think of your little brother. I have no fear of death, for it must come; it is only a question of time. So, then, I say again, rrcttT, let tho issue be victory or defeat. If we wait until spring they will be harder to whip, or else there will be a compromise. With what result ? Their recogniiion, and mayhap (God forbid) the American flag disgraced. They have trampled our emblem in the dust, and wo stesr wipe out that galling disgrace. Well, good day, my boy ;my time is nearly up, and I must finish. Yours, A. E. It. New York Stock 30GOrS6.= ’Bl, re s .. 84 -5000 U S f.B ’74 Cp... 84 7000 I h CRouWL H y 92 500 Ohio State fls ’6O 90 5000 do 90 3000 Tenn 6s ’9O 42 ■- ■6OOO ....... 42 7000 Virginia 6s 47 -3000 Mb* GA l*e tv 11 A St JR 48 3000 Louisiana 65.... §9% 5010 Mieli SB\vb,,, 80% -2000 Mich C 8s latm. 94% 1000 do 94 -dUOOMIchC 8501 d... 92 2000 Midi So 2<lm As 60 1000 GVhtnß fids** 78 mu Chi A* N W Ist t» 393/ 2000 Gh! A Chic lstm 99 100 Pacific M S Co blO 97% 50 d 0,.., g3O 97% 50 d 0..... s6O 97 00 do.. opg 97% f»£o K Y Cen E , 79 350 d 0... wife 50 do 78$ 50 do s!5 7S' 7 , 300 do l»3 78% 190 Erie li 3.3% 250 - do. 33 100 do.WO 32% aw dIL 32 ?c 50 bS6 S 3 100 Erie E Pref.,.s3o 56% 60 Hudson Kiv K.... 39% 50 d 0... s6O oSv 300 d0.,......,560 38% 60 do gls 39 100 do b3O 39% 160 do 39% 00 d 0,39% s Mich Central..,.. 4oV 90 do. 48 60 do b3O 48 400 Harlem R , 12% 100 Midi S & N I .alO 18% 25 d 0..... 19 W do 18 % 100 Panama E ,11S 25 111 Cunt R 62% ioo esv 50 Gal A Chi K. . J*3o G 9% 10 do 69% 150 Clev k T01ed0.... 36% *2OO d 0....... 36% *2OO d 0.... blO 36% 110 Chi AfS I B 61% SOOBAQuinfc.,,, (H 50 do 1)10 64% 150 do 64% 50 MU k P Dit Chien 20% 5 N Jersey Ceu It ..113 10 dr> ...114 50 New Jersey R ...115 52 Cin Ham ADR.. 63 New Fork Markets—Yesterday. Ashes are-Quiet at 55.31 for Pote and Pearls. Bueadstcffs.—The market for State t»iul Western Ylouf is heavy, and prices are again 6c lower, with a smaU business tlrt d clinth Tlio sales arc 12*500 bids at 55.50er5.5u for superfine State; $5.6506.75 for extra State {,50,506*5.55 for snperfine Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, lowa, Ac., and for extra do, including ship ping brands of round-hoop Ohio at §5.90® 5.95, and trade brands uf do at 56.10a6.U0. Southern Flour is quiet and unchanged* sale* of 600 Lids at 5C.80ee6.40 It Rr»mtywinc;'sG.2oo7.3o for Gporgetou n. Ckit&dian Flour is heavy and declining, w‘th sales of SOObtte at 55.55«5.60 for superfine, and 55.7-J®7.50 for <Le range* of extra brands. Rye Flour ia quiet and steady, with sales at $3a4,10 lur iho r.Migp of fine and sup&rßho. Coro Meal is unchanged ] we quote Jersey at<2> 2.85, Brandywine 63.25®3.30, puncheons 515.50. Wheat opened /irmly at yesterday’s prices, but the iZVrsi'uV news exercised a depressing influence, and the usniket gave way, closing heavily at a decline of 1c per Un^hel; there is an active demand lor sliipmeut at the and wo notice of 100,000 OnshelS ftV 22 for Milwaukee Club, 51,20®1,27 for amber lowa, $1 30®1.33 for winter red \Vesteru, $1.22ai1.24 for Canada Club. 4 Jlje re firm at 78®Flc. 'Barley is rteady ; sales 3,209 bus Canada West at 79c. ■fiat' dull at 89®40c for Jersey, Delaware, aud Peun iylviinia j for State, Western, and CanodlaU, Com is heavy and easier, with a lair biuinesß for ship* Dieist and llie home trade ; sales 85,<JuU ous ut 62a64c’fur good to prime mixed 'Western. . PnovijiioNS.—Pork is uniet and unchanged; tin sales are 250 bids at 515<325.75 for mess, nod $9.75 for prime Set f ia Inactive, with «tles of 125 bbld at ,$5»5.50 for country mess* @40)4.50 for country prime, $9.25011.53 for repacked Western, and $12.75®13.5U for extra mess. Prime mess Beef is nominal. Beef Hams arc iiuiet at $36e17. Bacon is steady. Gut Meats are dull at 5c for Hants; and 4& for Shoulders. Lard is quiet and steady, with sales of 150 tiocces audbbls, at S.&‘ff'O&C. Lime.—Rockland is umet mid unchanged: common is lUoletl kt €O, and lump ai 90. . Oil. Meal is firm, and celling at SI-GO for State and lVe>tern. iNhiiiO.—There is a fair demand, but the dock is now* .own to a very low point, and prices •till favor the seller*, ales lon Manila ai G7j£fl>si.3s, cash. CAyaf-Ui! The biArhefc Is qnfei and unchanged Die urines* has been quite moderate since our last at lGsrlSc jr Adamantine, and 28®3Sc for Sperm. / I)VEH'tion.<.—There is a moderate inquiry for Ing oods. \\ ilhout change in price; stales 182 tons of Port u Prince at &16, and4o tons Jacmel at 15.75. Jamaica muutcd at $15.74. Tbure is litie or nothin" doiny in uriic- red wood. Infix.—There is less doing In Scotch pig, but the mar :ct retains its flmmess; there are now no lots afloat And lone known to he on the way *. the sales include 200 tons, rout yard, at $22.50®25, 6 mor. CITY ITEMS. Introductory Lecture of Professor Cor son. Wo hod yeeimlay afternoon, at 4 o’clock, at Concert Mail, The experiment of a c toy lecture, the lecturer being Professor Hiram Corson; his *ubj. ct, ‘‘Studies in Eng lish Poetry, Literary Art, and Criticism.” The audi ence, thou-rh not large, was select, and evidently appre ciative. The lecture was introductory to a course on the MiUViT, tlif purpose of it being, as stated hr the b-ciurer, to pet forth principles by which he would be guided in those which were to fullow. Mapping out the ■minus fields of criticism, ho said, that from Coleridge on<l Schlaeel might bo dated a new era in the critical Vriinjis upon Slmkspeurf. it means of adding to the stnafc of pnotie knau-iAdge tfiiild be discouruged, as daily intercourse with the great lifters of song was one of the most potent safeguards uamst the vicious effects of the more trivial emanations irpithe press of the day. tc:ul i*«-try to moiit advantage the reader ought n /t to Jtempt analysis, but rather to place himself passive ly hder the influence of his author. Itwis thus that ihfVnotionnl appeals could alone be made effective, to iheteadcr. 3V Loxley Hall cf Tennyson was singled out to itln?- tipffthe principle he wished to enforce in this particu lar. /The first reading of that groat poem might impress tlirvivailer with its sensuous phase merely, whilst a third, or more readings were re mired to realize alllts depth and beauty. Every true poem was a piece of ittieuial music. The of imagination and ordiuary ?hkjki:i£i the ItrtmcriHud, wtretlio mune* the former x-higlmt, In fact, tho latter intensified. Tie final stage at which wo arrive in the study of a pvai poem was, to make the features of it typical of tornn which do not strictly belting to it; jet this effect tbs j> m» means accidental j it was a subtil* emanation f c-Jii tSit- of the pod iudneuciiiK the reader's COn cept.tyiF. iuliar distinctions existing be'Wr-on the popular xnindjif the polished though frivolous Trench, the mat t ItliigliHli, and the philosophical Germans, were fondly and very h&ppll y Jrawii by the lecturer. The jdi-advantages of cultivating one element of onr 1 naturr-fto the neglect of others were also well presented. ' It wasilie aim and function of art to correct such irre gularity of development and culture. Tho most gigantic intdlMf. stored with tho abundance of human knowl edge, mless gifted with emotional capacity, was, at best, but a one-sided creature—a being out of tune. Another subject intimately connected with the intelli gent Etndj tif poetic and dramatic literature, was meal cultuic. The music of poetry was clearly and tersely' defined by the lecturer, With most minds the sikat stu dy of poetry whs impossible. The .-tyle in which the lecture was written, as well as the Trimmer in which it was read, was in harmony with the nature and dignity of hi* elegant theme, and wo may pruuiisu of u snccfiflwmh t,f library treats in the lectures which he is to deliver in future upon this subject in this city. Military Goons at Oakfords’ Some of onr rorders may nut I>u nwnre /.f tho fact t||,t liiimr of t!ir thoicrst military articles produced in this country nro nmimfactHim! nml sold l,y Messrs. Charles Oakfonl A- Sons, under tin. Continental Hotel. Their aui«rt> open ipr of T.adies* Furs has also t skim tlie community hy snr prisr, „o for its great ric!mt-BH and variety, than for Ah*- o. b.yi Ut 'tiy 2?rhi* ut vk Licit they are Belling. art- evidently determined ti» carry off the palm In this deportment. The ship Emily Augusta, for Liverpool; schre Coer nim., for Bio Janeiro, aixl Willie*, for an eastern port, went to sea last evening. The bark Joseph Fish, from Cardonas; Br. echra Victor, for St. Kitts; A. Cornelia, and several others, went into the breakwater. I hear there are three schooners ashore outside the Cape, but have not yet learned the particulars. Wind W. f Yours, 4c. TIIOS B. HUGHES. Ship Sewali, Delano, lienee, arrived at London 24th ultimo. Ship Eastern State, from Shields for Philadelphia, was seen 18th ult, lat 13 25 N, long 38 40 \V. Ship Trebi/ond, Pearson, sailed from Londonderry ISth ult. for Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Poole, and Tcnawanda, Julius, for Philadelphia, entered out at Liverpool 23d ult. Ship Alexander, Merrill, for Philadelphia, sailed from Deal 24th ult. Ship Dreadnought, SatmieU, sailed from Liverpool 22d ult. for New York. Bark Bayard, Thorden, sailed from Larne 22J ult. for Philadelphia. Bark Savannah, Stetson, henco [for London, at Deal 25th nit, and proceeded. Bark Brooksby, Christal, lienee, arrived at Belfast 22(1 lilt. Bark Amy, Hammond, hence, arrived at Glasgow 23d nit. Bark Old Hickory, Holmes, hence, was discharging at the Quay, Havre, 2*2d ult. Schrs Julia Smith and Louisa Frazier, hence, were at Curacoa 20th ult, diechg. [change—Nov. 5. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS CONTINENTAL HOTEL—-Chestnut and Ninth Streets. T B Bryan, Silver Spring,Pa J O Wilson, Pittsburg, Pa R B Wigtou, Huntingdon Wlt Brown, Pittsburg w Vihou, Massachusetts J E Gramiss, New York Y " rk Jt StciKitwr, renna " M Ham, Fall Itiver 011 Il.nes, Knit Kiver 3 E Joiice, Maryland g Burrell, Jllßrankeo J Hist, Easton H W Froalloy, U S A S A Alien, Eew Jersey J Grabam, Xew York C Moore A la, Halt J Beck, New York IVm Goodwill, l’liila W Cowell & fa, Harrisburg Hon T Jones, Ynrke, NJ U Jameson, Ohio M C Frvecolt & la, K J Mrs Siianglor, New York Mrs Goodman, Chicago B Schleslnger, Boston J II sheafe, Boston Geo H l>efera, Boston r N Skillings, Boston L II Nowman, U S N J G Worthington, Cin, 0 Mrs Worthington, Ohio Miss E Worthington, Ohio IV Porter, Mass W J Whitney, Boston 0 Horwitz, Baltimore 3t N Moalc, Baltimore 33 3* Horwit?;, Baltimore Wll Smith, 11 ash, D 0 M!■ - lliric, Easton Miss lloberts, Easton T C I’ielils, New York Hon AII Boeder, Easton J F Lee, Baltimore J S Thompson & la, N J Mrs Chas Garrison, N J Miss H G Thompson, NJ. T J Laiudin, Baltimore W C Bockefellow, New Yorkl’S Bcoyes, l’boenixville W M P .drioek, N J A Price, New York .3 xyilde, j r , New York N Brown, New York J Gillet, Now Y nrk L W OMlet, New York T J Carpenter, I‘rov, El JII Batrell, Prov, R I S Shoeh, Columbia J P Pennell, New York W J Manly, Kentucky IV C Booth, New York M E Cook, Buffalo J Hamilton, Pa IV Kaneen, Erie, Pa Mrs A K McClure, Pa J3l Kelly & nf, Scranton S N Chittomlrtij NY M filndavyll A* la AliB4 Biatkw^U Col E Wilmot, England W E Davay, Jersey City C Althof k la, New York SF R Coddinglon, N Y S 1W Strong, Cleveland ‘ H A Evaun, New York J L Brigham, Boston M L Ward, New Jersey C Krmichot, New York J C Torrey, jf e >v York Y M BicUardej New York JII Kirkpatrick, N J G L Spencer .1’ 2 dau, N P Mrs Conmr, N P Jos Selymcn, New York R Sutton, Wosli, D C Tlios Groom, Boßton ?liss Groom, Boston H Bliss & la, Brooklyn 11 A McCurdy, New York H E Browne. Baltimore G Pose, Wash, D C Lieut EKII ilcox. Mass JosM Signer,USA Gen G Gndwaiadcr, IMiila T W Laws, Maine Ell Bauch, Camp Curtin H Williams, Camp Curtin D M Mitchell, USA MLP Thompson, Cin, O W Stagg, St Louis Jas M Hume, Indianapolis Mrs 1* Hoagland, Ft Wayno S C Evans, Indiana J Burnee, New York H Tacoutos, Now York F Bidgeley, V S K Miss Bliss, Brooklyn v P Dorman, Now York J L Brumley, New York B Uilman, New York D Woodruff, Now York John Taylor, Montreal M A Meyer, Chicago J J Laws & la, Maryland T A Randall, R I J 51 Ferreira, New York C K Hawke*. New York C A Maynard, New York B Valentine A: la, Bellofonte A KautZj U S N ■ J ¥ Webb, M r ash, 1) C Colonel Tcrfom* USA * Miss A H Sykes, \Yaah,D C F G Sykes, Wash, D O W Scott, New York K J Hawley, New York J M Wilson k la, U S A Mr Mutlsuiy, New York A II Byington, Conu W M Roberts & la Mr Cook, New York A C Dunham, Hartford J A McCool, USA J Burgees, New York George Meakin, England M Montzcr, Pittsburg W T Grant, Suubury, Pa IB Dangler, Ohio A Wc<t, Navarre, 0 L Schilling, Salem, Ohio Mrs C II Low, Pittsburg M Ermvine, Pittsburg Mrs Spang, Beading Mi«i gpilli?, RMdlfi? Mone La Ti wrno, X V Miss K Francis, New York John T Jakes, Delaware M S Van Barkaiin & 1, Mag’a W McGonigal &1, Magnolia C Conwoll, Delaware Miss C Coiiweil, Delaware Miss Richardson, Delaware J Stockstill, Dayton, Ohio L W Sanford, Boston W M Kaufiuan, Beading J 1 S plila 0 Dobson, PottsvlDo l)r E J Groom, Penna Goo Dean, Penna J McFarland, Peima J Crce & su» HuntingJ’uco Dr E W Muues, N J C Decker, New Jersey L A McCord, St Louis J Gittiiiger, Maryland 3l Snodgrass, l k kila W Bvrger, Ohio MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. Nathan Beck, Peuna H W Crotzcr, Lewisburg M Malone, Penna A E Beardslee, Chicago W Maher, BiairsviUe D E Conrad, Peuna A JI Ecker, Wash, Pa G L Carrington, Conn D Scnrry, Jr, Carbondale E Dosler, Bethlcliem K Miller, Penna Bon C B Buckalew .t la, Pa N T Keneaatcr, New York Hon P Lott, California J C Wells, Kingston, Pa G Atkinson, New York P Sharkey, Mauch Chunk M Barry, Lancaster J C Bates, Durand, 111 R Blakeslec, New York J Wright, Camp Meigs, Pa Jim P Whaling, Milwaukee W Davenport, Boston PO Hm-tough, New York J> Ripley," New York John R Sharp, Pittsburg Mrs E L Clark, Pittsburg C McKibben, jr, Phiioda T Jshani, Washington, D C R Cummins, Camp Picrpont W A Hallenback & la, N Y G E Hersh, York, Pa L A Judkins, Bridgeport W McLean* Siuppensburg G J McLean, Shipponsburg J Bu.ton, Ohio T Bttr?hinell, Hnllidayiibrg W liurt hineH, Itolliilaystivg Hon J Schludle, Ponna Jus M Thompson, Potter’s Mills STATES UNlON—Sixth street, above Market. Thos D Dobb, New York R J Daily, New York H Eirhultz, Downinstown PII Riley, Wjlming, Del "W S Snyder. Pennsylvania John Hooh4ug]| 1 poimft Geo M Klinr, Lancaster, Pa S Dcakers & wf, Pittsburg Thos McCauluy, Altoona A J Sander.-ion, Lancaster Miss M Sanderson, LaiicastrW B Mnndonhall, Coatcsvl C N Sproul, Chester co Jas Sproul, Clir-stcr co Bobt C Sproul, Cliester co II Kauffelt, Wrightaville J M Smiley, Perry co, Pa AY II Reitzel, Lancaster Geo Marietta, Pa \V P 111‘illton, LfthCHJISi 1 P W B Brii.lon, Chester Vai C Sinitlif*rf>, DelauarO W R Chapman, New York It ll Winilrr, New York Wni Tam, Delaware B M Crawford, JMan land T 3 Jlegoar, Smyrna, Del S Uatls, Smyrna, Del Dr L TrtftUf&Ulf Beading W H Chapman, Baltimore J G Ciiley, NcV' Hampsliire jr W Olive]', X Ihimpsliire ,\ J| Kycrnmil, fefolt Sliss J Parker, Phila Miss Maggie Parker, J'hila A Brummcl, New* York L Brinson, Penna 'l' V.* l'o‘t.'viJ!e N V, yiurris.m, Poft-jville J lk.ibcr, Pi nna 1' E .Metzger, Hanover, Pn Jas MeNab, New* York S N Sommers, Conn B K IH-ach, Maryland H' P Lee, Wash. D C Alt SuihL ci>, Po J T Walsh, New YorfC T C Trebrin, Oiiio J S Wheeler, Newark, N Y^j MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. M. B Blount, New York S Stokes & wf, Stroudsburg JeH.w Cunifcrt, Pa j ua potter, Jr, Lcwistown U I) t an Horn, P»l I’ Watln-rald, Milwaukee John 11 Aiidw*floj». B'i>L>n IV Oroi,-, Boston J V Shoemaker, Scranton M Shaw, Luhaska J M Rawlins, Lane co, Pa S Brown, Browuaburg John KoMtes, Dover, Del A V Barbour, Pa R:uhc*i* 3liller & son, Pa Tima C PliHUps A la, Pa Jas A Van Horn, Pa F Whitlock, N J R Willard H L Willaj d BLACK BEAR—Thin! street, above Callowhtli. II C BergptrfHsur, Penna Cha< Finney, Hartsville Chaa Harper, Jenkintown H S Borer, Olnoy W Ifamer, Peunahurg J G Apjielj Sancoiij Pa Tliftii Steeifei, Aihtnl»%m John ICuppert, iiortham’n Mrs Buppert, Northampfon Joim Luckeiw, Bucks co Thos F Snyder, Allento vn Jolm Ilereli, Peuusbiirg Jacob Deal, Pentm Isaac TnmUn.son, Byberry J D Getty, Eaat Hanover Sirs Harper, Jcukintown Jritac t*]*aiz, Jacob Moyer, StoiiersvlUe C Oilier, Turburtsville Jolth Vaim r d*lulcn, Pa BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Galtowhill. Cha? Lancaster, Enston B Ilartzell A- s<>ti, Penna 7. II Long, Carbon co, Pa G Peter, Lebco, Pa >V Y ]>rof«ger, Lcliigh co, l*a T S Ltisenring, Altoonn, Pa lift Brown, co B 8 Peters, Diiuitiuu co W’ II Lotidenhftcli, Pa Jocob Fackler, Dauphin co Mrs Winkleblerk, Pa David Williams, DanielsvV K H Williams, Montg’y co Dried Meats.—Mr. G. Ha Mattson, dealer in fine groceries, Arch afid Tenth streets, has now in store a superior lot of dried beef, beef tongues of the largest «v/.e, and the best Quality of hams. All tho best articles in the grocery line can always hero bo had. An Line of New for THE Neck liAs just Lcen brought out by Mr. J. A. Esblo mnn, Seventh ami Chestnut streets, for fail and whiter. All gentlemen of taste should call on Eshlenianandmako the acquaintance of his very elcgnut and unique stock of articles for tlieir exclusive wear. General Scott j.v New Touk.— General Scott, the ncro of Dundy’s Lime and Mexico, and ster ling patriot of the lYar 0fJ561, has gone To New York to make it a permanent reßidcnee. The old warrior has been heard to say that, although Gotham suits him very well as a place of residence, ho always turns lovingly to Philadelphia whenever he desires to procure either a civilian suit or a military uniform. Tho only wear for him is thnf which comes from the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockliill A Wilson, Noa. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. This linn has won for itself as high a reputation for military clothing since the breaking out of the Avar as it before enjoyed for civilian suits. The Naval Expedition.—Everybody is speculating about the naval expedition, its destination, and the probability of Its reaching lhm‘4 In of the storm. So far, speculation has failed to reach any certain fact about the destination, ond tho only thing known with certainty is, that the best, cheapest, and most superior foil and winter garments in the city are to be found at the fashionable mammoth clothing establish ment of Grmivillo etches, 609 Chestnut. Mr. StAlied has now on hand some of tho finest and most durable ma terial in the market, which ho can turn into clothing at the shortest notice. An extensive stock of ready-made military and civic garments also constantly on hand. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOURTH PAGE. ARRIVED. Selir Ann S Cannon, Newell, 4 days from Newbury port, in ballast to Noble, Hanunett, & Caldwell. Schr "White Squall, Sharp, 6 days from Boston, with xmfce to captain. Schr Chris. Loescn Laws, 5 days from Boston, in bal last to captain. Schr Elate. Smith, 2 days from Chesapeake City, with grain to Christian & Curran. Schr Olivia, Fox. 1 day from Odessa, Del, with grain to Christian it Curran. Schr Yandalia, Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with oats, to Jae X. Bewley A Co. Sehr Tiiomiy R llugllUtt, Beckwith, 2 day 8 from Easton, Md, with wheat to .1 L Bewley & Co- Srlir Georgians, Marshall, 1 day from Lewes, Del, with com to J L Bewley «fc Co. Steamer Sarah, Jones, 23 hours from Now York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. Steamer Beverlj, Pierce, 24 hours from Now York, with mdse to W P Clyde. CLEARED. Schr Fannie, Vance, Havana, D S Stetson & Co. Schr "White Squall, Sharp, Boston, captain. Suhr Ann S Cannon, Nowell, Newburyport, Noble. Bammctt, k Caldwell. Str li L Gaw, Hcrj Baltimore* A Jr. £chi- P:.nn}- G.-irucr, Spvucer, New York, W 1* Clyde. Str Putnam, Canfield, Albany, D McCarthy. Barge Bcnj Franklin, Burnside, do do (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange,) CAPE ISLAND, NJ, Nov 5,1861. MEMORANDA. UP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. THE UNION—Arch street, above Third* IT Hoi*ea, St Joseph COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth at., above Chestnut. P M Bare, Mt Union, Pa GT Leonard, Locust Grove J WBryun, Burlington W A Fraker, Penna D perkstresser, Penna P J Nichols, Oxford, Pa Jflcob linker, Chester co Reuben Baker, Chester co A Jfode, Co»tefivUlct 5t Rooney* Schuylkill co K A Ilawos, Maryland T C Fitzgerald, Peuna Isaac Slack, Pennsylvania Milhir Co.v, Pennsylvania J Manifold, York co Mrs K Slcwolia, York, Pa AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut at.* above Fifth. J « llollingCT* Lancaster T A ClmmUer & la* Del THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6. 1861. REVERB HOUSE—Third street, above Kmw> Jnmea Boyce, Stroudsburg Chae Hauser, Towanda Milton Stern, Palmyra Samuel Fulls, Mile Creek J L Siatsman, Unaware, 0 Robt GinelL ABhlaml D L Gable, Beiks co John Leland Hiram Parker, Pottsville NATIONAL HOTEL—Raw strati above Third- W S Wells A- In. WilkeahurreT V Uhoudfl, AlUntrtwn J Bonder Ala, Bordentown M B Stein, Wm9tport John MclMjcrpon, Jteadville J Rothchild, \\ CBtport D D Iloupt, Milford A B Itemmcl, Pcnna John Arndt, Mt Joy S N Ely, Mt Joy F Brondlingor, Nw Ilanover John P Orth, 1 tunameiKi n J A Williams, Sfontg co Philip F McCaully, Pa Jolm H Wallace, Hatfield F A Whitaker, Hazleton \Ym Weller, PhlllipßLurg, NJ ' . BARLEY SllEAF—Second etreei, below Vine. Job Cminurd A sifter, Pa Jacob Belvillo, Pa A Daimhower A* wf, Warwick S C' Ilarvey, Pennsylvania T B Linton, Newtown J T Schofield, YardleyviUo D Menick, Bucks co, Pa Mr Ely Ala, Solebury SBTajlor, Pennsylvania Mr Jarrett J C Walton, Now Jersey S T .Taimey, Newtown Giles fiftfliertlivnit, Bucks co W Baviit«on, P* Thus W Slack, IVnnuylvimift Jog Cumird, Pa MOUNT VEIiNON HOTEL—Second ab. Arch. Geo W Townsend, N Y John Straus, Philadelphia O Huid A: la, Connecticut J L Hunt T G Reynolds k la, Pa ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third, Gll Uastowell, New York I. J Sibley, Nvw York G S Woolery, New Jersey W B Konnibauin, N J T 11 Fonda, Waish, DC JO Patton & la, Philo J A Woodbury, Boston J F Stone, Boston S Thompson, Now York A Schally, New York SPECIAL NOTICES. Medoba and Orlando. UY THK BAIXD OF TOWER HALI. Heartstruck Mcdora deeply sigliod When at Orlando's open door A youthful messenger she spied; A coat from Tower nail hr bore. « Bless’d coat,” she said, “that may unblamed Enfold Orlando’s matchless form l By thee the privilege is claimed To shelter him from cold and storm. it VY'ith loving pride he’ll view the© o’er, Ami elosfly fold thee to his heart; I know 7 t would bo a trial sow If lie were forced from thee to part. “ Yet not a jealous pang obtrudes Upon my fond, confiding breast; Oli, let us shun those angry feuds Which oft disturb the lover’s rest. «I am content, dear coat, with thee Orlando’s ardent love to share, And only wish that thou with me 3n faith and duty may’st compare. “ I doubt it not—thou wilt endure. And with unfading lustre shine, While in my breast affection pure Shall keep its consecrated shrine.” Our assortment of Seasonable Clothing, that <s will cndtfrf,” is unequalled in Philadelphia. Army aflft iftvry Uniforms made to order at the shortest notice. An examination solicited. Tower Hall, No. 518 MAR KET Street, Philadelphia. BENNETT k CO. Special Attention is called nTf? f to the unprecedented inducements offered to those about purchasing Pianos and Melodonns.. Large temporary reductions being made to me by the manufac turers in consequence of reduced wages, rent of manu factory, and all that goes to make up the cost of pro duction, the full benefit is proffered to buyers, and a call must satisFy nil that now is the time. Can sell a firs t class Piano at $225. Give me a call. noi-ira J, Ih GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut sts. Dr. Robertson’s Gout and Rhed matic Dnors—The only reliable remedy for Rheuma tism, Gout, Ac. Price $l. Forsdeby DYOTT k CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, gc2i-mwlm Depot for all Popular Medicines. Elegant China and Glass ware— at auction. ELEGANT CHINA AND GLASSWARE, AT AUCTION. A large variety of rich French and English China, Glassware, Parian, and Decorated Vases, Ac., will bo offered AT PUBLIC SALE, AT TIIF. CHINA HALL, CHESTNUT Street, apposite the Stnto House, on WED NESDAY' MORNING, November 6, at 10 o’clock, com prising Dinner, Tea, and Dessert sets, Toilet sets, Vases, Hanging Baskets, a great variety of rich cut and en graved Glassware, &c. Goods will be arranged and cata logues ready on Monday. no2-4t* Batchelor’s Haer Dye. — This oele bra ted and perfect HAIR DYE is the BEST IN THE WORLD, All others are mere imitations of this Great Original, which has gained such extensive Patronage In all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. BATCHE LOR’S LIQUID HAIR DYE instantly produces a splendid Black or natural Broun, without staining the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad Dyes, invigorating the Hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNESTOCK A CO. and DYOTT & CO., Philadel phia mhl-tf One-Price Clothing, of the Latest Styles, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOCUST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our Onk-Price System is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. se22-lv JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street MARRIED: CONNOR—HOPKINS.—On Monday, October 7, by Rev. W. Walton, Mr. Orlando P. Connor to Miss Jose phine Hopkins, both of Philadelphia. # STEPHENS—DARR.—On the 31st ult., by the Rev. S. Santman, of Barren Hill, Mr. Wm. Stephens to Miss Louisa Darr, eldest daughter of John C. Darr, Eeq,, both tf this city. *. DIED: ADAIR.—On the 4tk instant, Sophie 11. Adair, In the 19th year of her age, and Annie 11. Adair, on the stli instant, in the 22d year of her age. daughters of gey, Robert and lailtarinc Adair. Dno notice of the funeral will be given. * MORGAN.—On the sth ilistant, Charlotte M. Morgan. Her relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, southwest comer Second and Pearl streets, Camden, Now Jersey, on Thursday* itlrinstnnt, at 2 o'clock P. M. FISHER.—At his residence, at Wakefield, on the 4th instant, Thomas Rodman Fisher, iii the 58th year b&hU age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, on Fifth-day, 7th instant, to meat at Ws lato residence, at ll o’clock, and proceed to lmurel Hill. ** STROUD.—On the 4th instant, Lieutenant Colonel Simpson R. Stroud, of the Sixth Regiment of New Jersey Volunteers, in tho 32d year of his age. His male friends are iuvited to attend bis funeral, from bis late residence, corner of Second and Pearl streets, Camden, N. J., on Thursday morning, at 10 o’clock. HIGGINS.—At liis residence, in Daylestown, Pa., on the 2d instant, Jonathan M. lllggins. Funeral this (Wednesday,) 6th iust., at 2P. M. # QUICK.—On tho 2d instant, Charles L. L. Quick, in the 30th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 659 Broad street, above Wallace, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock OTIS.—On the 3d Mr, Bnsß, Otis» in the 77th year of htp age. Funeral from his late residence, 805 Spring Garden street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. * OWENS.—On the 3d instant, Rebecca Owens, in the 85th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her son-in-law, Samuel Lilian No. 615 Logan street, this (Wednesday) morning, at 10 o’clock. ’ * DENTON.—On tho 3d instant, Susan 8., wife of Capt. John L» Dunton, in the 5413 i year of her Age. Funeral from her late residence, No. 1329 Mount Ver non street, on Thursday afternoon, at 1 o’clock. : * 1/tAliD.—On Hie 4tli Instant, Charles X., son of Eleanor and Amelia Izard, aged 14 years. Funeral from tho. residence of his parents, No. 644 Carpenteref., this (Wednesday) afternoon, at3o’clock. KELLY.—On the 4th instant, Mrs. Mary, wife of John Kelly, in the 28th year of her ase. Funeral from the residence of her Imsbanrti Oormnn. town road, below Diamond street, this (Wednesday) morning, at %% o’clock. ' * KOPP.—On the 4th inslant, John Kopp, aged 45 years and 2 months. Funeral front his late residence, No. 514 Penn street, on Thursday afternoon, at I o’clock. * LONG.—On the 4th instant, Willtam Long) ia tlw 53d year of his age* Funeral from his late residence, Tventy-first and Cuthbert streets, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clk. McBRII'K.—On the 4th instant, Margaret Jlclride, In the 62d year of her age. Funeral from tho residence of her brother, William Mcßride, Locust street, between Thirty-sixth And Thirty- Beveutb, this (Wednesday) morning, at lb o'clock. * HAIG —Ou the 4th instant, Mrs. Mary R., widow of the late Robert Haig, aged 66 years. Funeral from the residence of her nephew, Mr. Thomas Haig, Fourth street, above Foplur, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * HAYES.—After a lingering illness, Sophia Hayes, aged 28 ycarr*. Funeral from her late residence, No. 112 Vine street, this (\t ednesday) morning, at 9 o’clock. * MEXDIIAM.—On tlie 4tli instant, Win. Mend ham, in the 61 at year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, Unity street, Fraak ford, this (Wednesday) afternoon, nt 2 o’clock. * Mourning store, no. 9is CHESTNUT STREET. BESSON & SON have lately received Black Beaver Cloth Cloaks, Gray Water-proof Cloaks, Black Thibet Lone Shawl*, extra sizes: Shepherd l’laid Long and Square Slmwl*, Cnipo and Granadino Collars aud Slooveg, Jouvin’s Black KM Gloves, Alexandre’s Black, Lead, and Purple Kid Gloves: Fleecy Silk Gloves aud Gaunt lets, Black Centre Broclifc ScaiTs, Black all wool Velour Ottomans and Reps, $1 a yard; Block Reps Anglais, 25 cents a yard; Grenadine Veils, Ac. no 4 THE PHILADELPHIA DANK. IkS Philadelphia, November 6,^'1861. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT, for the last six mouths, payable on demand. B. B. COMKGYS, oc6-3t Cashier, bank of philada. LL3 Philadelphia, November 5* 1861. Tlie Directors of this Bank have this day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT., payable ou and after the 35th inst. • 0* M. TROUTMAN, | otC-lOt Cashier, BANK OF (;oMjlleruje:« lk3 - PiiiLA&Jtl.rHiA, November 5, 1861. . 11k- Directors have this day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT., payable on demand. bc6«6t J. A. LEWIS, Cashier. SOUTHWARK HANK. Ik3 Philadelphia, November 5,18fi1. Tlie Directors have declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT , payable on and after THURSDAY, 7th inst. ocl»-6t F. r. STEEL, Casliier. tO.MMEKCIAL BANK Of PJEN.VSYL- VANIA. Philadelphia* November 5,1861. The Board of Directors have this day declared ft semi annual dividend of TWO AND ONE-IIALF PER CENT., payable ou and after FRIDAY, 15th inst., clear of State tax. S. C. PALMER, oc6-10t Cashier. nTP FARMERS’ A!VJ» MECHANICS’ [JoT BANK. PiritAPEi.rni.v, November f>,lBOJ, The Directors have this day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT., payable on demand. lioO-Ct W. RUSHTUN, Jr., Cashier. HANK op pkkn Townrsmr. ILj Nov. 5, 1861. The Director!* hove tins duy declared it dividond of THREE PKlt CENT. on tho capital stock for tbe last six months, Payable on demnud, clear of State tax. iioO-wluiGt JAMES RUSSELL, Cashier. orni’ls FJEWNSVLVANIA RAl£i> [IJJ ROAD COMPANY, Piiii.AbfiUdii.i, November 2, 1801. NOTICK TO STOCKHOLDERS.—A special meeting of the Stockholders of the Petmaylvania Railroad Com pany will he held In this city on TUESDAY, the 12th day of November, 1861. at 11 o’clock A. M., at the SAN - SOM-STREET HALL, for ttlV purpose of tfikiug Ittfo coiihideratfon » proponed contract with, and a leaso of th* ron«l of, the Miilmlelpliln nod Erie Railroad Oom ]•»!]}-. By order of the Board: nc4-0t , EDMUND SMITH, Secretary. rf=* the annual meeting of stock -113 HOLDERS OF THE MANUFACTURERS’ AND MECHANICS’ SAVING AND LOAN COM PANY will lie held nt their office, SIXTH and COM MERCE Streets, on THURSDAY next, 7th Inttant, to elect Directors for the ensuing year. JAMES T. CARTER, President. November 2, 1861. no2*&t^ rfS=- PEOPLE’S LITER AllV INSTITUTE.— IJof The Second Lecture of the Course will be deli vered on THURSDAY KVENINQ, November 7th, at CONCERT HALL, by Hon. CHARLES SUMNER. Subject, •« The Rebellion—lts Origin and Mainspring.” Lecture quarter before 8 o'clock. Tickets ‘25 cents, nt T. B. PUGH’S, SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, no2-5t rt> OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, PinLADKLPifIA, October 15, 1661. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of THREE PER GENT, oil the capital stock of the Company, clear of State tax, payable ou aud after November 15,1861. Powere-of-Attorney for collection of dividends can be had on application at the offico of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. 6e17-blel THOS. T. FIRTH, Trsaanr^r. r/sx CITY COMMISSIONERS* OFFICE.— ILS NOTICE.—The tionrri of City Commissioners will hear Appeals from the Assessment of Real and Personal Property, ns returned hy the Assessors of tho different Wards, for tho Trienuial Assessment of 1862, on the fol lowing days: Wimlfi. I 15t..,. Monday, Oct 21 j 2d.... Tuesday, *« 22; 3d....WednLpday, u 23! 4th.... Thursday, “ 24 6th,.. .Friday, “ 261 6th. ...Monday, 28 7th,...Tuesd(iy, « 29; 811 Wednesday, U 30j 9th.... Thursday, .** Bl| 10th.... Friday, Not. lj Monday, “ 4 oc!6-tnolB rr?» FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS I BANK* U 3 PHILADELPHIA, October 4,1861.—The animal election for Directors will bo held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 18th day of November next, between the hours of 9 o’clock A. M. and 3 o’clock P. M., and on TUESDAY, the ftth day i>F November next, a genera! meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o’clock P, M., agreeably to the Charter. ocs*dtn!B W. RUSHTON, Jr., Cashier. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL [US ROAD company.—a special meeting ot the Stockholders of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company will be held at the office of the Company, No. 324 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, 13th Novom her, nt 11 o’clock A. M., for the purpose of considering and acting finally on the contract of lease with the Penn eyivania Railroad Company, agreed to by the managers of the two Companies, W. EDIT'D. SPOFFORD, Secretary. Philadelphia, 23d Oct., 1861. 0c23-wstNl3 ry=* CONSOLIDATION BANK, PHILA- U 3 DELPHIA, October 8, 1861—The ANNUAL ELECTION fjr DIRECTORS will be held at the Bank ing House pn MQNPAYi November 18th, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. HI. A general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same place on TUESDAY, November 6th, at 12 o’clock M. JOS, N. PEIRSOL, oc9-wf tnolB Cashier. MECHANICS’ BANK, LLS Phil vrklpmia, Oat- 7,1881. A General Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held on TUESDAY, November sth, at 12 o’clock M. The Annual Election for Directors will bo held on MONDAY, November 18th, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. J. WIEGAND, Jr., ocB-wsm tnolB Cashier. KENSINGTON DANK, U 3 Philadelphia, October 5,1861, The Annual Meeting of Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, November 5,15C1, at 12 o’clock noon. oc7-imvftnos An Election for Directors will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 18th day of November next, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P, M. oc7-mwftnoiB c. T. YERKES, Casin'or. rry* SUI/THWAKK BANK, U 3 Philadelphia, October 4,1861. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 18th day of Novem ber next, between the lioutb of 10 o’clock A. M. and-2 o’clock P.M. A General Meeting of the Stockholders will bo held at tho same place on TUESDAY, tho sth day of November next, at 12 o’clock H. ocs-imvftnolB F. P. STEEL, Cashier. HOUSE OF REFUGE.—APPLICA- U 3 TIONS for the situations of Matron and Assistant Matron of the Colored Department of the House of Refuge will be received until the stl\ of November, by the subscriber. JaMES J. BARCLA Y, o<2B-mwf3t N 0.3 ATHBNAiUM BUILDING. rica PHILADELPHIA STEAM-TUG COM -113 PANY—NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That application has been made to the above Company for the payment of certificate No. 162, issued March 26, 1857, for six shares, first instabuent of s3o—tho samn having been lost or mislaid. , J. B, LIPPINCUTT & CO. ocoo-wA.B4t* FINANCIAL. Ration al loan. The iimlersumcd aro prepared to deliver tits Seven and Three-tenths Treasury Notes upon payment. DREXEL & CO., Bankers, gIX PER CENT. TREASURY NOTES Are received at par for Subscriptions to the NEW NATIONAL LOAN, of T 3-10 per cent. TREASURY NOTES, which are now rcudy for deliver)' at Office of JAY COOKE. Subscription Agent, 0c23-lm 114 South THIRD Street. NATIONAL LOAN. OFFICB OF JAY COOKE & Co.. BANKEBS. NO. 114 (SOWS THIRD STREET. Pursuant to intrusions from the Secretary of the Treasury, the Subscription Book to the NEW NA TIONAL LOAN of Treasury Notes, bearing interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent, per annum, will remain open ftt my office, NO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, . until further notice, from 8 A. H.-nnti! 3 I\ M., and nn Mondays till 9 P. M. '~ These notes will b© of the denomination of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FCYE HUN DRED DOLLAFS, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and FIYE THOUSAND DOLLARS,- and are all dated 19th of August, 1861, payable in gold in tliree years, or con vertible into a twenty years six per cent. loan, at the option of the holder. Each Treasury Note has Interest coupons attached, which can he cut off and collected in gold at the Mint every six montlis, and at the rate of one cent, per day on each Fifty Dollars. Any explanations required by subscribers .will be cheerfully made. THE NOTES ARE DELIVERED UPON PAY MENT OF SUBSCRIPTIONS. Payment of subscriptions may be made in GOLD or CHECKS, or NOTES OF ANY OF OUR CITY BANKS. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 0c22-30t No. 114 SOUTH THIRD Street. EEUAL. TTNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS- U TBICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. SOT, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OP THE EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA! Greeting: a Whereas, The District Court of the Uiited States, Id and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, hath decreed alt persons in general who have, or pretond to have, any right, title, or iuterost in the Brig ARIEL, whereof Captain TEM PLETON is Master, her tackle, apparel, and furni ture, and the cargo laden on board thereof, captured as a Prize by the United States ship GEH&BOK, under command of EDWARD CAVKNDY, Acting Master, and" brought into this port, to be monished, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed (justice so requiring). You are therefore charged, aud strictly enjoined end commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed aud published in the City of Phila delphia, and in the Legal you do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who haye t or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said Brig ARIEL, her" tackle, npparol, and furniture, and-the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, to appear be fore the Honorable JOHN CAD W ALADE ft, the Judgo of the suid Court, at the DISTRICT COURT ROOM, in the City of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH DAY after publication of these presents, if it be a Court day, or else on the next Court day following, between the usual hciiM of hearing causes, then mid there to show, or allege, in duo torni of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why tho said Brig ARIEL, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, mul the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, should not bo pronounced to belong, at the time of tho capture of tho same, to tho enemies of the Un’tad fr tates, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to bo adjudged auo con demned as good and lawful prizes 5 and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom by tho tenor of these presents it is also intimated,) that if thoy shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable aud lawful cause to the contrary, then shid District Court doth intend aud will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounce tlmt the said Brig ARIEL, her tackle, ap parel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, aud tnercium difu; laden on hoard thereof did belong, at tho time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable aud subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the persons so cited and intimated ill ftttywitie iiVtY'itkri»»ding : and tlmt you duly certify tn iheriitfl DMi-let Court what yon elinll do iu the pro n.jihßi ttietither with these presents. WiS the Honorable JOHN OADWALABER, Juilep ni* <li<‘ Court, ut this Fourth duy Of A. I>. 18]H, anil in the eighty-sixth y-*r Of .1,0 ladopctfew* oi “‘“l Snort lLdO.ilt 0. K. FOX, ui.A »«V*« **««' TESTATE OF JAMES MAYaL*« J-J DECEASED,—AII persons having claims against) or are indebted to the above estate, will pleaee present ert pay the unme to ALEX. MAYBIN, Administrator, JlO6-W' At* 17 BANK Sfceut. LOW PRICE FINE SHADES.— Any person can buy conunou Shades cheap, but to get fine Window Shades at low prices, go to W. IIENttY BATTEN’S new store, 1408 CHESTNUT Street, It* W HENRY PATTEN’S NEW • Window Shade, Curtain, and Upholstery Store, 1408 CHESTNUT Street. Nona but superior workmen employed. Older* utfemled to with promptness. it* fnllE CHEAPEST upholstery ESTABLISHMENT, W. lIENBY BATTEN’S, 140 S CHESTNUT Street. New anil old work douo at prices to suit tlio times. It# TOSEPH THOMPSON, No. 4 U North FIFTH Street, General AtO'iH ami Com* iimsiim Merchant for the sule of Produce and Manufac tured Cocklp. Conslirmnents solicited FAWCETT’S HAIR CUTTING SA-> LOON. Fawcett’s Vigj and Toupees. Fawcett’s (tcnuinc Hnfr Tonic. 802 CHESTNUT Street, up 6tairs. Wards. 13th.... Tuesday, Nov. 6 14th.... Wednesday, 6 15tli. ...Thursday, •* 7 Friday, « 8 18th.... Monday, u 11 19th. ...Tuesday, •* 12 20th,,., Wednesday, “ 13 2lBt..,,Thursday, •« 14 ..Friday, " IS lm\ ..Monday, «U JAMES BIIAW, Clerk. 34 South THIRD Street. RETAIL dry goods. FIR TWO ’months LONGER ONLY! TWO MONTHS LONGER ONLY! TWO MONTH* LONGER ONLY! TWO MONTHS LONGER ONLY! FRIGE, FERRIS, & CO., V ill continue to ofTcr their WHOLESALE .STOCK AT RETAIL. Ladies wishing anything in Laces, Embroideries, Linens, or White Goods, would do well to call at 726 CHESTNUT STREET. FAIUS-MAPK VELVET CLOAKS, TO RE SOLD AT LESS THAN THE COST OF MATKISIAL! Pohit-Alencoti Collars mid Sets, Point-Venice Collars and Sets, Valcnciemie Collars and Sets, Thread Lace Collars and Sets, Frcnrh Embroidered Collars and Sets, trimmed with Valencia Luce, very choice style. Huiullccrci.iefe, Oupcr, Coiffures* Barbes* aud Berthes in all tho above nmtoriHl.-. Together with nil tho norolties in our line, which will be offered at TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. BELOW THEIR USUAL RETAIL VALUE. TWO MONTHS LONGER ONLY! S«. 13 0 CHESTNUT 0 T It K E T nofi. lm ALB STOCK AT RETAIL. M. L. HALLO WELL & Co.. 333 MARKET STISEET, AND 37 NORTH FOURTH STREET, HAVE CONOhUI»ED TO OFFER AT RETAIL TIIEIR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS. CONSISTING OF BLACK DRESS SILKS, IS CRfiAT VAntKTV, SILK VELVETS, BOMBAZINES, TAMISE ALPACAS, &c. PLAIN ANT) PRINTED MERINOS, MOUSSELINES, POPLINS, REPS, VELOURS, *c. WOOLLEN I’LAIDS, PRINTED FLANNELS, is ALSO, THEIR IMMENSE STOCK 0E SHAWLS, OF YABIOUB DESCKIFTIOXS, CLOAKS. MANTLES. &c, EMBROIDERIES, AND L. C. HDKFS. And will Bell by the Single Piece their stock of WHITE GOODS. OOKSISTISO OF LINENS, HULLS,' JACONETS, CAMBRICS, NAINSOOKS, Ac., A-c. ocl4-mwf2m E. & L, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AN© ARCH, ' FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, Have their USUAL show of Goods for FALL. 1861. FALL SILKS, FALL SHAWLS. FALL CLOTHS.' FALL POPLINS, FALL DELAINES, FALL MERINOES. FALL DRESS GOODS, FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. GOODS AT WHOLESALE. GOODS AT RETAIL ocl2-Bmwlm TYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ■ I i ARCIT, have all tlieir New York Auction purchases arranged for tale. Marie Xoufre Blue Merinoes. Heavy Corded Wain Reps. Magnificent Printed Rep?. Solferino Printed I>e Laines. SoJferino Printed Merinoes. All-Wool Figured Merinoes. Lupin’s Sobering De Laines. Lupin’s Black Bombazine, low. New Dress Goods, by steamer, nos ■piCH PRINTED POPLINS— J-v New designs in fine qualities, Large lot yard wide, 37K cents. no 2 SHARPLESS BROTHERS. PLAIN EPINGLINES— All dark colors, desir&bU shades. Various qualities Bibbed Poplins. no 2 SHARPLESS BROTHERS. WINTER SHAWLS— Long Blanket Shawls, in checks. New fancy designs, fine goods. baQ SJIARPLESS BBOTHSRS. pLOAKING CLOTHS— Water-proof Frosted Beavers, Ribbed Tricots, plain Beavers. • SHARPLESS BROTHERS, HO2 CHESTNUT And EIGHTH &reeta, Flannel and blanketware- HOUSE. Extra Heavy Canton Flannels and Domestic^pislins. “ English and Aniericau Blanscts for Beds aiwl Cribs. ** Real Welsh and Shaker Flannels. . “ Swanskin and Patent Flannels. “ Balardvale and Washington Flannels. At th* lowest cash prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN A ARRISON, no2-6tif IWB CHESTNUT Street. Dry gooes reduced.—bar- GAIKS. One lot Satin Fraconin, 31#c; usual price, 50c. One lot Printed Cashmere, 37)£c; usual price, 62# c. One Jot Plaid Valencia, 37#cj usual price, 62#c. One lot Printed Reps, 37#c: usual price, 62#c, One lot Plain Reps, j u&Uftl price, OT#C. One lot Figured Cashmeres, scarlet ground, 75c; worth $1.25. One lot He Laincs, 22c; usual price, 25c. One lot Gents’ L. C. Handkerchiefs, 25c; usual price, 37# c. One lot Ladies* L. C- Handkerchiefs, 12#c; very cheap. JOHjir H. STOKES, nol 702 ARCH Street. BLANKETS! BLANKETS! BLANKETS 1 14-4 Cumbetland Blankets, 12-4 Rockdale Bivins do. 11-4 Rockdale Swiss. 10-4 Rockdale Swiss. 11-4 Holland. 11-4 Casco. Wo iiivite the attention, of buyers to our stock of Blankets, all of which will l>f> sold #1 very low rates. COWPBBTHWAIT & CO., oc2B-tf N. W. corner EIGHTH and MARKET, TOALL—IB6I. X? SPLENDID GOODS. CHEAP FOR CASH, SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, The Cheapest ever Offered. Tlilrty Per Cent, under Regular Prices. SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. Great Variety. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. Most of our Muslins still at OLD PRICES Flannels, Cloths, and Cassimeres. Linens of our own Importation. Blankets, all sizes. Balmoral Skirts, Ac.', Ac. A the Old Established Store of TH9BNLEY ft CHISM, ■620 N. E. ear. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. fILOAKING CLOTHS. V*/ Waterproofs and Repellents. Plain Colors Cloakings. Fine and Medium Black Cloths. Also, Cassimeres, Satinets, Vestings, Boys 1 Wear, fte, COOPER ft CONARD, se2o B. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET. "VTEW SHAWLS! NEW SHAWLS!! i.l Now arranged for sAle in our SHAWL AND CLOAK BOOM, A large assortment of NEW FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS AND CLOAKS. Black Stella Shawls, very cheap. Fine Long and Square. Waterloo Blanket Shawls. Middlesex Blanket Shawls. French Blanket Sliawls. Small Check Blanket Shawls. Brown and White Mixed. Black and White Mixed. Wator-pxoof Cloth Cloaks. 25 per cent, under regular prices. NEW SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. H. STEEL ft SON, OCIQ Ne. 713 Notflli TENTH Street, above Coates. QHAWLS. U Blanket Shawl.. Misses 1 Shawls. Black Tliibet Shawls. Gents* Travelling Mauds. COOPER ft CONARD, 8. E. corner NINTH aud MARKET. SPRING SKIRTS—THE LATEST STYLE.—Just received the new Spring Skirt, of improved, in 18, 20, 25, 30, 35 springs, at reduced prices. SHEPIMIiD, VAN HARLINGEN, * ARRISON, oclg-rptr 1003 CHESTNUT Street. LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK, ANI> PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. By order of tlio Secretary of State, all passengers having the United States are required to procure puss . ' -fore going on hoard the steamer. noiiSF JOHN G. DALE, Agent. mol On SILVER-LEAVED Si rOPLAR TKiifcS.-'A ».»? stock for mlo by MAHLON MOORE, Nnfsefyjuan, MorriSViUe, i Bucks county, Pa. This beautiful tree Is oho of the most dealrrhlo for planting near the sea shore. uut-ot* VOiTIIAVE THF CODoK OP JL your eyes, hair, «ud general complexion riipTP* sented in the colored Photographs for sl# at REIMER’S Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. A* THE MODEL iiair-citttivg SALOON in this city is at FOURTH aud BRANCH no6-iftf George p. benkert, lookiNs- GLASS mid Photograph Frame Manufacturer, iSfi ARCH Street. nul-iftf QUTLERB, ATTENTION!—In stove U and constantly receiving, a full assortment *)f Hosiery, white and mixed Merino Shirts and Drawee, Glove* and Gauntlet*. Also, Co nba imd Brushes, P^hij pMU'ils, Pocket lukßtanlß, ami a variety cf fancy artielm suitable for Cninp sales, which will lu» sold cheap fu* cash JOHN ZKBLRV, Ju„ \ Importer and Dealer in Hosiery, Gloves, mul Fancy Good?, No. 17 North FOURTH St. oc3o-wfmt3t* . CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. OF fall and w inter cloaks. TIE “UNION CLOAK AND MANTILLA STORK," 1380 CHESTNUT Street, Third Door below Juniper, HAVE NOW OPEN The Finest Assortment of BLACK AND COLORED BEAVER CLOAKS In this City. New Goods received from our Wnrerooma every morning. WALTER RITCHIE* oci2-M»w-lm Proprietors WINTER CLOAKS AT POPULAR PRICES. J. W. PROCTOR & Co. WILL OPEN THIS MORNING A large collection of B,LACK BEAVER -CLOAKS, Ranging from $8 to $l6. STYLISH AND FASHIONABLE, And particularly worthy the attention of economical purchasers. PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FUR EMPO RIUM, 70S CHESTNUT STREET, ocai-tr PHILADELPHIA. riLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! \J WATER TROOF CLOTH CLOAKS, in endless variety; LIGHT AND DARK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every shade: BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every duality • BLACK SILK-VELVET CLOAKS, EVERY NEW STYLE. EVERY NEW MATERIAL; THE LARGEST STOCK AND THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES IN THE CITY. IVEKS, No. 08 South NINTH Street. Cl 0 A K S ! The Largest, Cheapest, and Best-assorted Stock in the city. HOUGH & CO., Ho. as South TENTH Street, Opposite Franklin Market. "VTEW CLOAK STORE! XI The most Elegant assortment in the city. No. 29 South NINTH Street, oc!s-2m First door above Chestnut. fTIHE ARCH-STREET CLOAK AND J- MANTILLA STORE. NEW FALL CLOAKS. WATER-PROOF TWEED CLOAKS. BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS. EVERY NOVELTY AT MODERATE PRICES. JACOB HORSFALL, anSl-Bm N. W. comer TENTH and ARCH StS MILLINERY GOODS. QLTY BONNET STORE. SEASONABLE GOODS SEASONABLE PRICES. SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES. Ladies’ and Misses’ Bonnets, Children’s Turbans, Caps, Ac., the best and most fashionable, and at the low est prices. Bonnets made over, or bleached, and re trimmed; Millinery Goods in Quantities to suit. BEAa YEB, KELT and FLUSH Goods for Children. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, HO. 725 CHESTNUT STREET. KENNEDY’S FRENCH FLOWERS. FEATHERS, AND GENERAL MILLINERY GOODS. No. 729 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIOII7H. -ocs-3m rig MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS. ROSENHEIM, BROOKS, & Co, 431 MARKET STREET, Invite the attention of MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS To their well* assorted stock of BIBBONS, BONNET SILKS, VELVETS, FLOWERS, STRAW GOODS* ftnd every other article in their line. A superior brand of BLACK VELVET RIBBONS eel3-2m Always on hand. MRS. M. A. KINJSKAB, 1208 CHESTNUT Street, will open Winter Hats on THURSDAY, the 7th, aud without further notice will be happy to see her customers and the ladies generally. no6-wfm 3t# i MBS, M. S. BISHOP, 101® CHESTNUT Street, will open a splendid mcntofParis Millinery, on THURSDAY,-Now.7. oc6-12t MISSES O’BRYAN, JJBT 914 CHESTNUT STREET, IViil open Paris Millinery for the winter, on THURS DAY, Nov. T, 1661. uoo-12t# MERCHANT TAILORS. jjT^rrSoMPsoNT TAILOR, N. E. COR. SEVENTH and WALNUT STS. CIRCULAR My customers, and the public generally,, are respect fully informed that my selections of fabrics and facili ties for filling orders this season are quite equal to those of any former one. I therefore take this convenient method of cordially inviting my old patrons, together with all gentlemen of taste and dressi to give my es« tablislunent an early visit. N. B.—All kitids of Military Uniforms made at the shortest notice. oc9-lm GENTS’ EXTRNiSHING GOODS. Fine shirt manufactory.— J. W. SCOTT, 814 CHESTNUT Street, a few doors below the « Continental. 1 * The attention of the Wholesale Dealers is invited to. hip IMPROVED GUT OF BHIKTS, of mperioF lit, mako, and material, ea hand and made in order at shortewt notice. MILITARY GOODS. QOTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOR TENTS, FOB SALE BY mjM-iftf yROTHINGHAM A WELLS. SAFES. Bn LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT RE KSiMOYKD to No. 21 South SEVENTH Strut, UK the Franklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and brim determined to merit future patronage, has secured OB elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand I large assortment of Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the only strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, LUlto’t Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. LUlie*s Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be famished to order on ihoit notice. This la the strongest* hast jwv tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered.' Also, particular attention Is called to Lillie's He* Cabinet Safe, for Plato, Jewelry, ftc. This Safe is oon* ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of fered for this purpose, and is the only one that ifl strictly fire and burglar proof. \ firgoiAk Notiob.—l have now on hand say twenty « Farrel, Herriug, ft Co.’s Safes, most of them nearly saw, and some forty of other makers, comprising a cotagiete assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged fertbt now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at van tow prices. Please call and examine. ja2s-lyif M. C. SADLER. Agent.. pORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. We are now prepared to supply Udi BTANDARD ILLUMINATING OIL At GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z . LOOSE & CO., Sole Agents, 1010 MARKET STREET, atO.gin Philadelphia. JOSEPH OIL.LOTT’S STEEL RE NS, Will open on MONJ>AY, October 28, fresh supplies ef No. 303-104, and other POPULAR STYLES. HENRY OWEN, Agent, 91 JOHN STREET, oc29.Gtif Now York. J3HOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Manufactured by McKNIGrHT fij RUTTEB, Book Bindery, 724 CHESTNUT Street, over Ha- zartl’fl Hook Store. AVe are manufacturing the above beautiful Albums, nnd liavojust finished ft lot, snporior in style, finish, aiul durability to any in the market, The attention of thO trade, and all interested, are invited, and a liberal dis count made to dealers. All styles of tine and ornamental Book-Binding done in ft superior manner. McKNIRHT A ItUTTEIt, 724 CHESTNUT Street, PARTICULAR ATTENTION pTiD to liadies’ Hutr-Cuttlng tmd SHampooin#, at rOIBTH aid BUAKCH. uotJ-HK WAtiTTS. WANTED— A first-class Book-keep er, not less flmn thirty years of w, for two months, address “IKON,” at this Office, with name and reference. noO-I{t* CaNVASSEIIS WANTED FOR lUhtorj of the War.” Mule ami female. 38 South FIFTH Street. noB-3t* piIILD- N ÜBSE WANTED —Apply yj at No. 1007 VINE Street. nnS-3t# 0% WANTED—A FARM, within ten twel'e miles of l'iiiiatle]phin, for wiiicti tlie best nmility of improved city property will lie given ill ex change. Apply to jr„ petTIT, oc3o No. 300 WALNUT Street. BOARDING, PRIVATE D( )AI! 1 > INti’wfT h KIKE BOOMS, ill u desiruhle lueatiun. se “AKfiH STIIEET, 1 ’ lUood'a HLp ntuh. noe-lR^ BOARDING. —Desirable and hand fioinely-funijfihed rooms, in a central part of the city, can he obtained on moderate terms. References exchanged. Address **A. B. C.,” Press Office. oc2B-12t# First class boarding, with Single and Communicating Rooms, No. 1417 LO CUST Street. nn2l-Im* FOR MALE AWD TO LET. A FOR SALE —VALUABLE SBirAItM anil MILL PROPERTY—Farm containing 90 ACRES of superior LAND, situate twelve miles north of the city, near Fort Washington station, North Feiin’a Railroad. First-class improvements. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. # TO LET—A THRE E-STO ft ¥ Dwelling Hoiihp, with a good Cooking-Range, hot and cold water, and all the modern conveniences. Ap- P»y on the premises, No. 1228 MARSHALL Street. ocl7-tf ... FJR SALE—Valuable Farm, contain ing 130 acres; 30 acres of excellent Woodland, the balance in a high Btate of cultivation, nicely watered vdth springs mid running fitrcnnifl, Bituate 6 miles from Doylestown depot, and 214 miles from Lambertville sta tion and Delaware fiver, Bucks county. Plain and sub stantial stone improvements; good out-buildings, and every variety of fruits. Price only 375 per acre; easy terms. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 300 WALNUT Street. TVTIAGARA FALLS WATER POW -Lx ER—CAPITALISTS AND MANUFACTU BEIiS. This immense water power is now ready for im mediate occupation, together with one hundred acres of land, embracing one nuarter of the village, ou which v> locate milk and manufactories. The stipulntlona for price of power will be one half that At Lowell, Hast!., and the quantity is almost TO* ! united Should the demand warrant it, the American Fall can easily be stopped and its great volume discharged through the bank below' its present site, for mill purposes, under a head and fall of 200 feet. The title is [wricct R»<l f]ie properly nnipcumWed. For further information apply to ft. W. Day or A. P. Floyd, Niagara Falls: Alexander Hay, No. 1208 Vine street, Philadelphia; Hon. T. A. Jenckes, Providence, B. I.; D. Thaxter, Boston; or the owner, HORACE IT. DAY, No. 91 Liberty Htrcot. New York, September 2,1861. 804-wfrm3m REMOVALS. rfffg* DR. DU BOUCBET, DEN %o!!r ro TIST, has REMOVED to 1533 ARCH Street. oclO-lm* WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. J TN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR J_ large stock of WATCHES JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, and MUSICAL BOXES, we are now, in ac cordance with the limes, offering them at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, Ladies or gentlemen intending to pnrdi&se a Watch for their own wear, will find at onr Establishment an article tlmt can be IMPLICITLY RELIED ON for time, and at a price MUCH LOWER tlmn ever before ashed. particular attention is given to repairing fine Watches, Clocks, and Musical Boxes, by skilful workmen. FARR BROTHER, Importers' c23*2n»r 324 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. DRUGS AND CIIEMICALS. d6berF¥hoemalbk & co„ Northeast Corner FOURTH and RACE Street?,- PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPOKTIvRS AM) DEALERS ns FOK KIC K AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS, jrAXpFACTURBBS OF WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, &o. AOENTS FOB Th 4 CEEEBBATED FRENCH ZINC FAINTS. HfftTwa and consumers supplied, at- VERY LOW PRICES FOR- CASH. oeSMf JUST RECEIVED, per “ Anme Kim bally” from Liverpool, Slander, Weaver, & Mau dor’a preperatitura i 26 fts Extract Aconitf, In 1 ft jars. 26 fts Extract Hyoscryami, in 1 ft jars, 60 ft» Extract Belladonna, in 1 lb jars; 100 3btr Extract Taraxaci, in 1 ft jars. 50 Sis Vin Ral Colcbici, in 1 ft bottles. 100 fts Of. Snccini Beet., in Ift bottles. 600 ft. Cateßieli )D 1 ft tiottlou, 600 Bra Pit Hydrarg., in lib jars. WETHERILL & BROTHER, mhB 47 and 49 North SECOND StrcsL GROCERIES. rpt> FAMILIES RESIDING IN TUS BUBAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply families at theif OltunW? jRagl&U&B With fev*r f description of FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &0., ha. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, OOBNKR ELEVENTH AND VINE SHEETS. mj-18 MARSHAL’S SALES. TV/lASSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue- c£ -If t a-writ of by the Hon. John Cadwalsvler,. judge of Hie IMfrinlei Court of lhe United Staten. in «iiyi for tin? Eastern riUtrlot of Pennsylvania, In Admiralty, to me direeLed, tviilbe-suit!, at public sale, to the htghesff and best bidder, fur rash, at the MERCHANTS* EJC~ CHANGE, on WEDNESDAY, November 13,: A* IK. Is6l> At 12 o-’vlock M., Hie one-eighth part of- Hie fichoone? JANE If. BAKER, her tackle, apparel, and* furniture,-being «die interest therein of A. J. Howell, a r<e«- felddSit Ah<l luhaLUa&t of the State of North Carolina. The said schooner is now lying at LandelUs .wharf, fk-*fc. wharf above-the screw doek. WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania* PniAADBLYaii, Nov. 2,1861. u.-vLOt PROPOSALS. Army clothing and PAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH AND GIRARD STREETS, PiIii.ADKI.PHtA, 2d Nov,, are-invited unt-U WKPNKBDAY, tlio 6th instiJlt,. for farntehiug material and making 3,000 TENTS I>*ABRE, a Frewt-h pattern for army pickets, according ; to -sumpie, which can be seen at the Schuylkill Arsenal. G. 11. CROSIEAN, no4-st Deputy Quartermaster General. SAVING FUNDS. SAVING FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANT, comer THIRD nl OHKST NUT Streets. INTEREST FIVE CENT. S. B. CBAWFOS»D, President JAH2B E. HUNT3B, Secretary ary! Treasurer. Office hours, from. 30 until 8 o’clock. This company is not joined In any application to tb- Legielature. « MILITARY NOTICES, TMPOB T ANT—BELIABLS? JL Lloyd’s- $lOO,OOO Stec-1-plate Topographical Map of Virginia, lire feet square, worith ¥2O, only si. • Lloyd’s groat Military Ma# of the fifteen Southern Stater, tiv\> feet square, urico 30- cants. Maps sent anywhere by- mail. Bis profits allowed agents. B. >\ STEPHENS, Agent, no6-2t* 600 CII KSTNt'T Street. S MILITARY MEN, TAKE No tice .'—a Cuptuiiic}’, »uJ First tup} Sv-CQiui Wettt truancy, wauled 1 for the Tenth ConvpMiy of n HogU ment already m the field, l’loaso answer 8.. L.. ik> through lllood’a Dispatch, with view nfcombinatioiv. kt-'ft JU - ILSMAKINES!—Wantediuune- H diutcly for the V. S. Miuine Coarps, 300 tvl>le-l*oiUod i|[ men, for sea and land Rcrvico; a 1 so a fow oruanotmit dnnaaiers and lifers. All iunrmalion that may bo required will ho given at tho Rendezvous, lill South FRONT Street, ridladelphia, 0c26-12t COL. KUSH’S CAVALRY. . Jfffi A few good men wanted to fill up Company K to the maximum number. Apply at the Camp, Second-street road, above Niceto wn lane. no4-3t* HOWARD ELLIS, Captain. INSTRUCTION IN HORSE jH&I ilANSHir.—The undersigned respectfully MfZoauLbcgs to inform the public that his BIDING SCHOOL, DUGAN Street, below Spruce, between Fif teenth and Sixteenth streets, has been reoponod for tho season. Ladies and gentlemen who desire to becomo skilful rulers will realize the superior advantages «Wived trem ivfll-tl'iliiH-il liorsofi nntl mi attentive teaolmri at tin* above establishment. Instructions given in SWORD AND LANCE EXER CISER for Cavalry 5 the Manual of the Sabre aud Lance, and in all miittersospecUny lipp'd iit : lo MILITARY HORSEMANSHIP. FnrTicnlur attention given to TRAINING upon the most approved Hyslcius, jcmglish, French, rt]i4 German spoken. For the acfotnliioditllon Of those unable to attend duiing tho day, an EVENING CLASS will be waited upon, from 6 to 8 o’clock. Attached to his School will be found excellent Stabling, under tlic superintendence of Mr. G. FREE, favorably known for his superior Saddle and Driving Horses. The best care bestowed on Livery Horses. oc2B-12t# EUGENE DE KIEFFKR. TVTO MORE HARPER’S FERRY JLI FLOUR—But our arrungenienfa arc now. com plete for procuring equally good brands from St. Loute, Missouri, and EMcott Mills, Maryland, of which we invite a trial. Aten, MOUNTAIN BUCKWHEAT MEAL, of superior quality, by the pound or half barrel, for sale at lowest cash prices. AW/M.VN a zehndkr, ®o4-12t roiucTll and S’INK Streets. pilDEß.—New clarified Champagne VV Ciilev, «f extra tlm liogslieail or barrel For role l.v EMIIj MATHIEV, noWSHf Ni-P, ] -°i 7-j-i "!l'l I'j4 LU.UIiAHI) st, MRS. 8. J. PARKER, FORMERLY Miss ‘Williamson, of Ninth street, having re-es tablished her former tmsUiesa of FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING, would bo happy to seo her former customers at MRS. BISHOP’S MILLINKKY ESTA BLISHMENT, 101 G CHESTNUT Street, where die will liuve constantly the latest London and Piu-is fashions. Hit old friends will find her having competent mil taste ftiUadies to assist her in pleasing them as heretofore. nob-Ct* SIGNOR BLITZ Will Appear at the above place, in his new and extraordinary entertainments, EVERY EVENlNG,commencing! at 7«,-and WEDNESDAY ah® SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, at 3-consisting- of Changes, Transmutations, Substitutions,- Secret' Manipu latkms, Ocular Deceptions, and Necromantic Illusions, and iir-ftmirtiing powers of Ventriloquism,- IlinMTAtlny MQ-ry Variety of voice. Al»o, the Learned Canary Binlp) AdmisHiim, 25 cents*, children, 13 cents. ncl9«lm* A/fAGIC LANTERN PICTURES OF JjJL THE REBELLlON—Representing all the proml nent Scene* Engagements, and Incidents to tills data For sale by JAMES W. QUEEN & 00., 924 CHESTNUT Street A Descriptive list famished gratis and sent by man, free, on application. aelB-2ni - PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT Street, k open daily, Sundays exempted, from 0 A. M. tilt 6 P. M. Si seat), CliiMren nudtr twelve yMi% balf price. Sbaree of Stock. $3O, jyl TNSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND.— X. Exhibition ou WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, at half past 3 o’clock- Admission, TEN Cents. Store, U South EIGHTH Street. oC9#wtf SILVER’S AIR-TIGHT GAS ggjt BIIRNBR, S'Ofl THE PAItLOBi DINING. -CHt ROOM, ASB OFFI«B, And made in the most appsoyed manner, of the beet imported Russia lieu, wmiPAYKNTED CLAY CYLIN DERS, of which wo-have the e-xchaive sale. NORTH,. CHASE, A NORTH, No. 20& North SECOND Stroet. A NOKffl, CHASE, &NORTH?B* £|S| CEL3BRATEB* COOKING. STOVES, Gas* consitawng, with B«i*bte-plated Tops, and all the latest iniprovixnetitße Hiumfftcture'l and eokl-at- No. SOS'North SECOND Street. -THOMSON’S CELEBRATED £2| L3NDO2T “‘S3TCHENEB,” The best*. most durable* and convenient arrange ment for Cnokingphaving the best-facilities for an abun. dftnt supply of 2lt>t Water,. Dosating, 5-aking, Stewing, Broiling. Ac. For- sale* in, various of our own* nmuufncturo. NOBTH> CHASE}, A NORTH* I?£> WT N. HALLO WE L.lI • L< COAL, DEALER, The hist Schuylkill* Lehtgli*. and Lcoi#t mountain Coni constantly on h&sJ. OnteH-Ly IMpatch receive prompt attention. oc!9-ltn JPAMILY GOAL. WM. C. @HINN * BRO. Haw constantly- sm hand a- largo sonply of Spring.uufc Buik.Mountain, Lehigh* and Locust Mountain and Alii*, lend-Schuylkill FAMILY at priced-to bh£* the times. . Send your nn'tiie. to. Office* No. 223- WAlt N UTlStreet; or to the Yard\.wirner of SWANSON ud PRIME Stroetg. Entire satisfaction guarantied. „ atW-lMtt CL ATE MANTELS. These beautifully enamelled MANTELS** cidedly preftrable to any o'Aeis* are jnauufacturidihfcus* and sold atr 2-SICES TO SUIT TISR TIMES. ARNOLD. & WILSON. oci' No. 1010 CHESTNUSStwirt. Captain J, O. CASH, Recruiting Ollicer.'ZT NOTICE TO SHIPPERS mmskL op goods to Washington. GIBBONS 1 WAGON EXPRESS, connecting at Bal timore with Ericsson Line. Through in thirty hours. The only line Hint Insures prompt delivery. For fur ther particulars apply at the oittco of the Ericsson Line. nol-st# ? NOTICE TO SHIPPERS «Si£Scria OF FREIGHT. TO WASHINGTON* B. C.. BY ERICSSON LIN* TO BALTIMORE* AND FROM THENCE BY BAIL- ' On ami after this date nil freights far Washington bj tills route will be r*jufr?4 to V? tfWMSIb ftßfl no package will lie received unless marked with nasi*. andjleethmtlon iu full. FUKfCfUIS OF ALL KlNDS reeetved and forwidvd daily. A. GKOTKS, Jr., Agent, N«>. 3i South WHAQYSS. —-I FOR NEW YORK. ■BaiffiHBKEW DAILY LINK, via Delaware ul PHILADELPHIA AND AMSShK WASHINGTON EXPRESS STIA*. BOAT COMPANY. „ „ New Hue direct for Alexandria Washington, ant Georgetown. Through In 38 hours. Steamer PHILADELPHIA, Captain THOB. BASH. Steamer JEROME, Captain JEROME, Will leaya Philadelphia fieri WEDNESDAY andGA, TUKDAY, at U o’clock M., connecting with all Una* a* those ports, ana returning, leaye Washington, Oeorga town, and Alexandria eyery TUESDAY and SATIS DAT, for Philadelphia. W. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. U SOUTH 'WHARVES, Philadelphia, MORGAN $ BHINEUART, Agents, Toot of G street, Washington. FOR InEW YORK. Tk» Steam Propeller Oompaa) will commence their bnaineße for the eeeeon on HonAifi 18th instant. AMUSEMENTS. AM E RICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. UETIMANN, THE GBEATPRESTItyIOIT^TEUB, TIIIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, NovemUr e, TJIIS(WEDNESDAY) EVENING, Nove.«U>r t>, liUbt Night frf tin* Initmiiirttl Programme. Lnut Night of On* Inaugural Programme. Last Night of ilio Inaugural Proirnunm#, TOOTOItKOW (THUJISDAY) EVENING, TO-NGItKOW (TUriJSOAV) EVENING, FIJIST NIGHT OF THE COMIC PROGRAMME, FIRST NIGHT OF THE Com 10 PROGRAMME, Cmuprliini! Twelve New and Suriwina Trick... During the intern), of Hermann 1 * nd'oramm-c, cucli evening. A GRAND CONCERT By the GERMANIA ORCHESTRA, Admifipion. E«*w-rv(*«l Fi-iits. Atupliitlwtttrc*.. I’olurwl Gftllcry Hoorb rtf 7,1*. Comhiojiec* rtf i! Sn-utft swontl for iinv rvrniog lit advance. On SA’ITMfAY, Nov. 9, TWO PERFORMANCES. Mutinee ;it 3 nVlw'fc. Evi-niiu? Ht 8, On SATURDAY, ut 3 o'clock V. M., lIKI'MAKN will (tlvf liis FIIiST PItKSTininiTATOHIAL MATINBK. KlliST I'llimTllHOlT A'l'lilllAl, MATIN'KE, Ell.’ST lMtKb’r IT)l('rITATOI!J All M.VTJtKKK. Ailniihnimi !i0 cmiß No lu-sorvo Swits. 50 ci'iita. Nn lli-scrvi-Sfrtti-. f'liiJii'Hi 20 cent.l. rhiMicn 20 cunts. Children 25 cunts. Children il cuts. noi TY7 ALNUT-STR^ YV NINTH and WALNUT Strocta. Sole Lessee MRS. M. A. GARRETTSON THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, November 6, The entertainments Milt commence with KICK OF THE WOODS ; On, THE JIBBKNAINOSAY. iiMvWfli Mr, joSKrii rjivrrou wm’giuuin sis characters The prniinft'rt entertninment will conclude with the Laughable Farce of THE POST OF HONOR. Cobus Yerkes. Prices—SO, , 75, and 25 centßj Private Boxes, £5 ami S 3. Doors open at. 7; Performance to commence at 7 if. MRS. JOHN DREW’S ARCD-STREET THEATRE. Acting and Stage Manager W. S. FREDERICKS. Business Agent and Treasurer JOS. D. MURPHY. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, November 6, Will be presented the new Sensational Piny entitled THE HOUSE ON THE BRIDGE OF NOTRE DAME. ¥rmt <Jc u« Qnnlß } i T _, _ Zamhnro ) <Mra,John Drew* Count de Toruueroliea Mr. John Gilbert. The performance will conclude each evenin'* with a FAVORITE COMEDIETTA. Fricks—7s,so, 37jf, 25, and 15 cents. Change of Time. —Doors open at % before 7: curtain MillriFe at 73( precistly. No extra charge for reserved seats. WHEATLEY’S CONTINENTAL THEATRE—WALNUT STREET., ABOVE EIGHTH. TIJIRI) NIGHT of the cngßg’ment of Mr. K. L, DAVivNPUHTi mid Mfc. Aiid Mrs. J. W. \Y,\T/JkH'Hj Jr*l who pill appear THIS KVKSSIfICr in TWO SPLENDID MKCKS. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, November 6, DAMON AND PYTHIAS*. Damon..... Mr« », L* Davenport Pythia5............... Mr. Jamc* W. Wullack Jlormion ..Mrs. J. »*, WilUucb To conclude with the imutieal drnuu uf BLACK-EYED SUSAN. William ..Mr. E.L. Davenport . Notice.—The public nrc respectfully iufurmea that the SIREN OF PARIS Will he repeater] on .FRIDA Y EVENING. riARL WOLFSOIIN AND TBEO- V_y DORK THOMAS’ 3KI{TKS OF PIN ChA&SI* CAL Sojwmi. SuWe-lptlons vill be received at the Principal Sty-res, where Pro* gt ninnies nnd full particulars ’can be scon- nos lm Assembly buildings, comer of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. WAUGH’S ITALIA— EVERY NIGHT, and Wednes day and Satnrdai afternoons. Also, flew Fterttoscopic Yivirpr A, W, Fcnno vil?f??aatniTu both pxlilbffsons- Admittance, 25 eta.; Children, 15 ets. Doors open at 7; commence at a Quarter to 9. Mutineer, doors open at 2; to commence at 3 o'clock. nol-0t T>UINS OF PiESTtIM, IN MOSAIC, JLXi BY RINALDI, OF ROME. THE FIfIEST WORK OF ART Ever imported into the United States Now open For In spection to the citizens of Philadelphia at the estahlish inent of BAILEY & CO., 819 CHESTNUT St. oc3o-tf a RUMANIA ORCHESTRA. CARL BENTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at 3J* o’clock P. M., at tin? MUSICAL FUND JFV&&. Package of Eight TicßctP, ft l; Single Tickets, 25 OtM. To be had at Andie’s, 1104 Chestnut street, J. E. Gould’s, Seventh and Chc-elnutyaiui at the door of the llalb oc2B-tf THE PIiESTIUIGITATEUB. The magnificent? Jewelry, Gold Crown,- Orders, Decorations, Medals, Ac., presented to H K.Jfc M A N N By foreign lloniivciu fltwl Potentates ‘will b& exluMtei at CALDWELL A CO.’S, 822 CHESTNUT Street, on the day of his first appearance at the Academy of M-weiC— viz: WEDNESDAY, October 30th. And the superb Shawl given him by the Queen of Spain at EVANS" A CO.’S, 818 CHESTNUT Street, on the s-tme day oc2F-tf Temple of wonders, n. e. corner of TENTH and CHESTNUT Stsaeta. STOVES AND RANGES. IN ALL SIZES, o!2-2uiif 012-2mif No. 20» North SECOND Street, Philadelphia. 012-2ntif COAL. OFF'SCE, 133 WALNUT St.,.below'Second. rpBE Baltimoregas-burnin® LIKE-PLACE HEATER Sometimes caU*& the “ Stove*.' 1 is. tibft. k#st Bto-ve for wnrtmag the room in which it sadatis* and- i&oma above. CaU-andlnsk at them. &RNOLD £ WIL3OH*. ocs-Smif No. 1010 CUSSXNET Steeet. Books, law and miscblla NEOUS, new and old* bought, sold* and ex changed, at the PHILADELPHIA-RANK BQUBfr STORE* No. 419 CHESTNUT Street l&avM*WWm distance purchased. Those haring Books to sell* if at distance* wHI state thoir names* sizes, hin&ings, dates. editions, price#, and conditions* WANTED —fipofe? printed by Benjamin Franklin, as wdl as early Beaks printed in and npon America* Autograph Letters and Portraits purchased. Pamphiot Laws of Pennsylvania for sale. Catalogues, in press, sent free. Libraries praisAd by ITOUt-tf) JOHN CAMPBELL. 110 AB TO WASHINGTON, Raritan Canal, Philadelrhia and Hew York Express Steamboat Oca jany receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., deliver ing their cargoes In New York the following days. Freights taken at reasonable rates. Wit. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia JAMES HAND, Agent, snl-tf Piers 14 and 18 EAST RIVER, New York. 'Their steamers are now receiving freight it Oeeont Pier above Walnut street. Terms accommodating. Apply to W. H. BMBD ft 00., mhU SM South Delaware Arenqtj 5O cento. .25 cent* extra. 25 ctHjtß. 23 coutg. Mr. Bower*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers