The money market is without ohmage. Call leans range from 5a6 per cent., principally at 5. At 6 per tent. there is an excessive supply. Exchange on London is flat, with little or no de mend at 107.1a108 for first-clusabills. The few trans actions in francs are at 5.30. The following is a oomparative statement of th e imports of foreign dry goods and general manliest dist) at New York for the week ending September 27, and since January 1 : For the week. 1859. 1860. 1861. Dry goods. $1.809,305 .93 3,92 E, GOlel ALCM lin i ;4' , 3,205,314 2,2 15,260 51.3,106 Total for the week.. 5,069,963 4,067,565 817,031 Previously reported .187,918,729 177,313,622 97,073,789 Since Jan, 1 192,088,691 16.1,411,187 07,920,829 Philadelphia Stuck Exchange Sales, September 30, 1661. 17ORTED DT S. E. SL Yelaalta, Philadelphia Exchange FIRST BOARD 2000 City . G 89% 400 do Now... 89 . 56 2600 do ... 600 do N ow., . 10)4 300 do Now... 1500 do Now... 89 . % 20 Poona B 27% 20 do 17,% 2 do 17% 10 do 37% 16 do ...... :17?„ 12 Mioobill It It ET,WEE-' 100 City New Rn , 1300 I New I;:ts S 4 0 Batik of Reidy. t W 40 ao .115 70 SECOND 500 Beading Gs '56... 71 1000 do '7O 83 1000 do '56 71 4 Beaver Meadow. 55,t6 21 retala B 37f, 4 du . 87% 1000 'ream K2,dtut as. 86 100 City 65 B c't CLOS' Isi G P RICES—ST EADY Hi:4l. Ask. nh Nal' Prof__ 11 Elutira K...... 5 oltunro. tc tint. 78 '73... 55 65 Long Island B. 83‘ Lob Cl & Nay.. 48X 49 Leh CI & N Sera 323 ii 33 N Penna 5 . ,14 N NIIIIIII K Eni.. 5534 N Ponna R 10e... 73 Catanissa Pref. 434 53i 2d &3d ate R. 3. 40% .. Naoo&Tino atsit 3 .. US '81...... Yhila 81 lilt WT. 83 5314 Phils 6e R u 83 88;c i nails 6s N " S )34 90 Penns be 15 T 6 Beading B 172 i 17N Beading Bds '7O 83 83m lErdg, bps 'BO '43 .. 90 Read 11 6.00.. 18,k: 11 Pound B 37:3 373 i Penns Balm 63 86 863 i Morris Cl Con.. 35 .. Norris Cl Prof .10.1 105% Bch Nay 613'82.... 6336 Bch Nay Imp 68 75 80h Nav Stock. 4 634 Srornce Pine. S 1117hAontit k WEL). 2fi _ _ Philadelphia Markets. The Flour market is firm and inactive to-day ; holders ask 65.32,1 i e 5.25 for superfine, the latter for standard brands, which are rather scarce; sales a imo bbla arc reported at 5.; , ..5in0 . 5.6234 for extras, the latter for Lan caster county, and .5; - i.63i to $6 for family, including 300 Ws choice at the latter figures. The trade are buy ing moderately at the above rates for superfine and extras, and from , 1 , 6.2 Z. to $7.2.5 for fancy brands, as to viedity. Rye Flnur is selling in a small way the latter for fresh ground, which is scarce. Corn Meal is not inquired for, and Pennsylvania is held at $2.81,v bid. Wntar.—The offerings are light and the demand good at higher price, , ., about 0,000 bushels sold at tt1.'2,24 , 12-1 Toe AVeAera and fed in store, and $l.OO 1.38 for white, the latter for prime. Southern is scarce and ,quoted at Rye continues in demand at GOc lot Feumq hania. Corn meets with a moderate de mand, and about 4,000 bushels yellow - sold at afloat. Oats nr, Unchanged 6,000 bushels sold at mht:ile for Southern in the ears and afloat, and 31;ie for Penn sylvania. BAns COlllt'S ill Slowly, and Ist No.l Quercilma iU .wanted at S2S.I ton. CuTtox.—Th, Imirlit•lt is dull with a ',shines: doing. GROCERIES inarkeV• an , firmer, among the e•ale, td the latter are2,so bbls. Mees Pork at 51‘1.75; BO mut,. ,:at Shot:taut, at 4S , iia; 100 tierat, Lard, 9,tic V Ib, all caelt, WIIISSiIItY is lulu; bbla. Ohio sold at 20..7, now held 'higher: and drmlg , at lOc per gallon. Philadelphia Cattle iliarket. SEPTEMBER 30, 1861. Receipts - of Beef cattle are - very large this week, reach ing about 2,000 Themarket continues -very and prices fully 25 cents the 100 Itis lower. The follow ing are the particulars of the sales: 33 Isaac Abrahams, Ohio, ..5708. 38 John Saia]t—Ohio, $7. SO McQuaid C Carr, Ohio, 57a8.25. 102 Kimble 3 Kiri:, Chester county, VeS.5O. BO Konnrsly, r_o,ter comrty, $74 - 09. 35 D. C. Dahtwin, Chester county, Q. 708. 150 James Mcl'ilieu, Jr., Ohio, tslats. 69 P. Hatiuma2., Cl:otter county, $808.25. 705 P. Ohio and Chester county, $7 esS. 92 Cochran & Cheater cou n ty, $703.2.5. 100 Mooney C1,,---4-er county, $6.66,26,50, 35 Mnunbent cCu Ohio, $7005 80. 190 Clifton & Prank, Ohir, t3-7wB. 7G Yelliiimer. ;.; Nirwin, Ohio, sio& -37 11. Chain, StieB.2s. Si Rothchild, Ohio, 5.745. 3S IL Nealt*, Chester county, SieS. 37 F. Richenbatidi, Ohio, -2.708. 84 Fuller Wes., Pennsylvania, 5708. 87 Chandler 3 Alexander, Pennsylvania, $0.50a3.25. 72 N. Werntz, Ohio, ,57ct3.25. 31 J. Scott dr Company, Maryland, 5T.5003.25. 20 MeClane, Chester county, $7OB. 15 Martial Se Company, Chester county, $707.56, 17 Owen Suddli, Ohiu, Slag. 3 - 10 ifideston, t.:13 , 4 , 7. 00 Owen Scullrr, Priiwylvania, $087.50. 36 Davis liindde, Chester county. $608.55 .25 Reitenbaugh, Cheater county, War& 27 'Loonier &Duffey, Ohio, $705. About 40 head of Cows arrived, and sold at the ATRIUM'. Drove Ym.l at ft4,IA 50. to till:15 per hood, .. n plitiity. The arrivals ntlreeu reached about 9,00 u head, this 'week, selling at re. on OZ. to 7e. tIY Th. net, as to condi _ _ 1978 bead of Ifogs sold at H. G. Imhoff's Union Drava Yard at from E44.t.0 to .S 5 for otill-fed, and $5 to 55 50 t:t 100 Jim net, for corn-fed Hogs, as to quality. xe,htUige—& - ipt. 30. New York Mock 2000 r S 6s 1867.... 90 2000 U S 6s 'Bl reg.. 9U3y 1000 U S "81, , ou.. 91 5000 do 91 9000 U S Ss 14, con.. 11000 do 81 U S Os '62 reg.. 95% 3000 'Treas 12 p 15500 Treas pc 2 y 983.; 21000 do ...... s:3 08,4; 5000 Virgiulao , 120901 Car St _ ,56 15000 Missouri 42S 20000 do. .. 42N 10000 42 5000 do ...... 42?; 1000 N I Cen .... 1000 Ii u 4 Ir. 1,1 mtg.. 103 16000 Mich C S hit in. 98 6000 do 01 , 1 00 5000 do 8f4% 10000 CD&QBu r•-• 9234 I 1000 Chi & N W 14N 3000 D L It ltt. 90 1000 L Erit. W 67 1000 Aid: Ch s.>Q3i. 15 Dlanbittlau 135..115 6 Bk of Couuneree 79 42 AmExchaPaellk 81 10 Hanover 11k.... 67 150 Chi & It 1 R.... 453 ii 100 do 45341 62 M & P th;e1:1 p 72 25 Harlem H 10.4 ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS VP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. COMTNENTAL HOTEL—Chestnut and Ninth Streets E Fithian, U S N V s Hunter, Reading H Joy, Geo P Smith, Phila D D Badger, Nex York G It Petrie, Near York F Raven, Jr; 81 ,- .ten Cllpt Putnam, 11 S. D G Thy, I<cw York W Teel, Washington Non T Jonrt Yorke, N J 11 ti Perrine, Dayton, 0 Nl' Sawyer, l'ittihnrg E Baker, Penun Jur, E Danford, NtIN York M E Wilson A: wf, W Y Chas V Lora k le, 3Tainn .1 Seotswond, Dt•lawa.n. ' Liss E WiHim, Delaware Gl3 Perry, Buenos Ayres 4as H Benbury, Baltimore Jno II Reiss "m H RockateDow, N Y Hon S P ,:base . D Rouse, Peoria P Bentz & la, York, Pa Miss E C Griffith, York, Pa Robt Maxwell, Liverpool Geo McCall, Glasgow Wm Lacy, Jr, Birmingham S A Lewis, New York Mr Daimon, New Yock Mr Snow, New York Mrs Wester & son, Lane Geo El Steedwell ~ z la, N I' W P Patterson, Pottsville Mon L Bartholenn•w, Penn: M E Richards, Pottsville J N Barman, Pottsville H D Manley, U S N Capt J J Carmen, 1i N E W Coffin, Lane co Chas II Mullin Carli4e Capt N Ellmaker, Lane Mies Nettie Chase, 31,slia II L Manning, N V Bon II D Marwen, Easton J Turner, New York Timid Law, England C II Adams, Miner*ville.Pit -GI D Boners & la. N,w York E A Whettmore, N York -J C Cook, New York T Moss, New York J M Davis, U S A Mr Plumb, II SA E E Hooker, Rahway Jno Woodruff, Rahway Miss M Lazenby' e . , Phila. J C White &d«n, N York J E Wright & in, Loni,ville ,V W Herbert, Louisville J W Donohoe, Wesb, D C J J Abraham, Dalanaire W Dner, New York H L I.lofiAtOrl, 804011 ...I C Winter, Boston S Weeks, Dattimoev J Fenno, Maine It Tripp, Massachusetts C P Pennington, Mass Jtrlge Wayne, Wash, ii C C Brinton, Jr, Penns Mrs Wayne, Wash, I) C Mrs Culler, Wash, D c Mr Cuyler, Wash, D C N li. Lee, 31.9.1 , aC1L11 etts Mr Weed, Albany T 1/Dwyer, Chicapo F., 5 Band, Lowell, Mass -J N Moffat, Nese York T Conley, KilnniVi Perry Fuller, Eters:is G W Gail, Baltimore E Goodwin, New York I' B Dorr, New York Mr Brownell, liarthwd P Townsend, New York It K White, New York L Duhain, Jr, New York J E MeCary, New Y ,, rk W Crowley, Troy, N y D Van Nortrand, N Y E Jessup, Baltimore W 9 Rayner, Baltimore 3 C Bennett, St LOlll,l W D Barrett, Baltimore. I) E Avery, New York ,Gen W Cooke, New Jersey It Bergstresser, Illinois F Wipperman, St Paid B Callender, Boston Ii S McComb, Delaware G W Brewer, Penna Dr Shoemaker, Lazaretto, Pa MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth Street, below Arch J B Holmes, P 4.1,;,, irania Jas Caldwell, Indiana: Mrs B Bidet. Ettitinwre Mies Emma Ferrie, Balt Jno Ernie, Baltimore Win Finley, Phihula C L Green, Pittsburg Jno Mclntosh, Balt .. Jno .1 Pomeroy, Delaware Jos M !Imbue, Mt Holly C M Erbeu, Lancaster G B White, Pittiburic lion K L Blood, l'enna It B Yernam, N York M T Huebener, l'..ntia Alt Frisbie ' Wash, l'l';,S W Murphey, Pittsburg I Gregg, ir, Pittsburg J J Moore, Dill-Lute, Pa S Pettelbach, IlagerAown .1 D Geesaman, tihippentt'g It McGrann, Lauctist"r J Reilly, LADC:44 I / 1 . '7' McCandlisb, Newvik , "11 limon,tlork, l'a 8 3 Donnelly, Princeton JiTimmits, Farryvillo E Gortner, Indiana G IC Dolt, New York W S HaVOZI, Pittsburg .I, Smehermer, New York J 0 Arme, Now York B N Miller, PittsLto ..,: L S C'oryell, New iI 9 P . " S W Bowers, Nor, Yurk 31 Y Shindy!, Penita A Miller, .1 K Ili..Kti.r, Lanett I.r W A Cox. ShippcnAntro . C McMichael, Penny D Rupp, York, Pa ' AMERICAN HOTEL—Cheetnnt it., above Fifth Van Rinischer,Washington J T Rich, Washingno TSop, Illinois L B Perine, Chica MtllMl=l Wm Harris, Jr, Cleo A Ford & la, Maryland C H Stone, U S N Jos Negee, Nor} taw! B C Prettyman, i,mwar. +Geo P Lovett, Jr, P , nioi II J Collins, .7 Frantz, Lane co, Pa A D Buehler,;-: D Allewelt, Hanover, Pa Jno R Ptinn, Thinf,vor, Pa J Myers, Gaar,vi , r, PA M E Abbott, Carbon co, Pa Chines, Easton Ii F Nutting, New York Jae Walker &dao,Wisconsin A 8 rotter, Providence, RI Jae A Eelley, D C Jan Cross, b , D.Nv York BR Griffith, Jr, Baltimore Lieut 11. L R Shreevo, GSA Vent A ileuling.F, I: S A ,j 1 C Shepard, Now York Geo R Lovett, Nvir York C Duah, Rimini, ti Y W L Lefferls, Utica, N Y STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Sixth. S Bathbone, Lancaster, Pa Liaac Witmer,_ Lane ea - oret, Jr, Lancaster co S Rutter, Lancaster ro Minstar, Penna. J Griffith, Indiana co. Pit 8013, Jr, Marlianicalig P Paxeon, Philadelphia low, Shelby, Ohio J Weamer„ Jr, Indiana, Pa grkeE, St Louie Geo Brindle, Curnberrd co uniata co, Pa J B Metzler Penna in, Cuutberlittul J Kyle, Jacitoonville, Pa 10 Minebill R 47 . 4' 10 du 17 10 do 5 do _ 47 1 do 474 1 I do . 474 4 do . 4134 3 do . 47): . ; 2 do . 17%* 21 N Penna R ...4'l ys.. 5 20 do ....2dys. 1 3 RPluding R 17% BOARDS 1000 Penna R 24 mt.. 2001) do 2d mt.. SO 1000 Ileatliog Od '80... 7/ BOARD 500 City 6f; New SON 400 do $3 200 do ...... 8:61 •2 NfechanicA Bank.. 20 10 do ...... 20 40 .lo 20 10 L.:high Scrip 10 do b 5 32% Md. Ark W Phila Rex d 51 SEPTEMBHR 30—Evening. 20 Pm Mail SS Co.. BSS 10 du OS 20 do ..... .... STK 250 do SSA 50 do eOO Kg 50 do 510 874 20 do s 5 SSA 50 do sm ssg 200 do .e SsA 100 do b 5 BS , ,' 150 Erie R 43 0234 50 do 210 9 15 f 100 do 630 25.'4 100 N Y Cen R.... b 3 7334 500 do blO 73A. 400 do. ....... .... 73S 100 do 510 73)1 5 d 0.... 73;4 50 do mu 7.3., 110 do. 23 iii',i 100 Iludsoti R....... :13 . :4 100 Reading R....... 343{ 100 do ....... .... tI4A 100 Mich Ctn R.... 41;4 100 111 Central scp.seki 0534 . 100 do bEi 00 500 do s4O 05v 50 Gal & Chi R.. ...v 69)4 100 do c 1.5 69% ou d. ~ : _t 60 2 i 100 do ~ :1 1914 100 Clay Se Tol R.... 20n 40 do LSO 20234 G D Emerson, L Snix.rior E J Fux, Easton Morrivon, Ohio T W Seabream,'M.:Miry S P Howard, New York JAM F Smith, Roviimf MICM=S ET: LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, stove Thirn. Dr Bombaugh A S Small, Bucks 4,\a, Pa John Ferguson, New CostlP EA As •ws, Peoria, 11l John Doherty, Schlk Haven S C Wood, Blass Sutra Haberutayer, S J C It Peirce tt family H. Paul. Loudon, England .1 11 Crone, Worr.ster, M 3 A L - Fleury, rellllll. It ttrlWll, Fall niter H Hamill, New Jersey J linsbrook a in, t I S S Bailey, 1:_ , I Louis Jac S Smith, vew York Jos Ii Arrest, Phila e Seiner, New York A P Pilton, Torkprton It Mar•wil, Baltimore II .1 Addison, New Jersey UNITED STATES HOTEL— Eleventh and Market Sta. J L R(eh(' nigingdro, Pa ,1 Sle iry, Baltimore B Clarke, Midget), Wig M Con% Ingham Penna G e o Seldonwidge, Lane co (apt T II a A V G Smith, I: S A G Z !lemon. California 30Ini Todd, Chester co Charlos Wood, N James Mullin, Carlisle. Pa .1 It Sl'want, Pittabar. COMMERCIAL HlY.CEiL—nistlt ntreets above 13beannt lt Armstrong, Penis ylvanin Backwater, Penn. J,,),1, Penne. 11 Bry ant, Ohio Al Pennock, Wilmington, 111 W Portcr, Rochiwter, N Y \ Pancom+t, Delaware co Misz4 11 S , .afer, N Middleton, Philala P T Physick, Cecil, NH Ni, 3 Montgomery, Penna John Wi•itlol... Newark, 1/1 1`,‘ , 14. - It, ~,, r.wt. t.:, P Buckles, M ilwihatu, 1, noX ,, IWY P Skinner, Roxbury, Pa Mli Skinnsr, U bury, Pa John Rearigh, Penna D Darallart, Afaryland S A Bowers, Newyiue, ra c c ll.tward, Maryland N Beldin, New York J P,itey, Reading THE UNION—Arch area. above Third. 11$ Eberly, Lane, Pa A W Berry, °idol Hiram Hitebner, Ponna II R. Edinoazia, rattaville A II Satch, Ohio P Epplvy, llarrisharg ,T Minor, Wayiirebarc, R SneveleF, Parma. B F Cronise, Maryland E Spaualer, Maryland A Mostellar, Maryland F Pimburg %V II Woad, Dude°. City N Shianyr, IntEnna NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, nboyo Third. W E Shollenberger,llarrisbg W K Seaman, llarrigburg T Y Rhotubs Allentown John T !. llent.own John S Marsh,Lewisburg,Pa W Y Lyon, Beading A Kreider, Annyiße, Pa Mrs W L Bardivell, Pa Master Bardwell, Pa John W Rover, Pou6ville llonsmu, Btulin AMU?: Yllllllg, NOW JoNoy S Faster, Minerzville S P Rinanl, cat - wigs:. 3.lizis 31 Barkley, Bloonmbg J R 11.,er, Bloomsburg 11lreEnnna WAteon,Winsnort Mis 6 C Eves,Montoursiille REVERE ITOUSE—Third eta eet, above Baca. W Pennypauker, Mt Clair Jos Whitaker, ML Clair OR+ Fiusel, lag:, Pa Pami idarmi,Mhbilobvirg,Pa Geo Mareb, Minersyille, Pa 11 M Spayd, Milton, Pa 1 Stump, Stourbburg F Merpi, Millleburg, Pa GOO Muutz, Middleburg, Pa Wm Buyer, Kautz, Pa BLACK MAR—Third street, above Callowhill. Cho:, Beidelman, Pa FIT Weidner, Kontztown Jacob S Ceo W FoericF, Ooopere` - V A Gatrueill 1,e1;14111 co, Pa ItouEnutt, Ehereridoirp; J Selwll, Snaineytown Jacob Dans, Donglasvillo BALD EAGLE—Third street. above Callowhill. -V Hoffman, Allentown 0 F Huber, Allentown F J Slough, Fogelsvillo II M - Miss filinesville 'Miss Trued, ICliuexcilio II Teel, Eutaus, Pu T S Isisenring, Pittsburg MOUNT 'VERNON ROT EL—Second Rt., ah. Arch V Livingston, Bucks co, Pa W Bachc, Bucks co, Pa L Flamm, Peum‘ylvania W Williams, limy ticrk 11 P Tripple • Mr Christman, Norristown. 3.1 W ilson, ONfOrit, Pa T Morrison, Wash. D C NISN CollillF t Mar) land J Pratt, Dover, Del L J Sn,itiy Philadelphia hIAKINE" INTELLIGENCE. Oar' SEE FOURTH. PAGE BY TF.I.HGRAPTI. (Corrcapondence of the Press.) New York, Sept 30 Arrired, bark Geesternumic, from Bremen. MEMORANDA Stvarnotdp Kensington; Baker, hence, arrived at Bos ton yesterday, Schr Swan (11r) Rourke, (late Sholnut) from Black River, Ja, arrived at New York yesterday. Schre Annie Magee, Wheaton, J C Baxter, price, J Cadwalader, Clayton. and White Squall, Sh erp, cleared at Boston 28th ult. for Philadelphia. Schr J B Austin, Davig. and ll Frinl, Eayli h, eletirod at Bogton 28th ult. for PluloAelphio. Schr Lucy L Sharp, McEhs ee, hence, arrived at Sa lem 28th ult. Skim S B Wheeler, McGlaughlin, cleared at Salem 2Sth tilt. for Philadelphia. Schr Julia Ann, Wall, hence, arrived at Portsmouth 27th 13,1 t. Seim Amelia° Renveg, LnkF, benee 7 arrived at Provi dence f.tSth ult. In the severe blow of Friday - night had ilyingjib blown to pieces. Sehr Panthea, Clark, sailed from Providence 28th nit for Chiladelphia. Sehrs Hortensia, Ireland, from Newburyport for Phi ladelphia, and Win Gregory, Bucklin, front Rockland for do, at 'Newport 21111 Sehr David Y. Wolfe,, hence. arrived or Pro vidence 28th nit, Schr Grecian, Abbott, hence, arrived at Sullivan 20th ultimo. Sehr Michigan, Marshall, hence, arrired at Portland 27th tilt. Sehrs Ida Howard, Jones, and Van Buren, Call, hence, arrived at Portsmouth 2(ith gchr Itinek Rird, Weaver, cleared at Salem Tith Mt. for Philadelphia. Schrs John E Dailey, Hart, and Fred Reed, MeCalmon, hence, arrived at Portland 7th Mt. Steamers Sarah, Jones, Black Diamond, Allen, and Ironsilies, Vandervecr, hence, arrived at New York yes terday, Sant 27—The Deamer Jdt•rr•} Mae, Loveland, kern New York for Wzoihinnten City, witn not - eminent stores, sprung a leak when off Winter Quarter ❑tis morn ing. during a gale from SE, and put hack to the Dela ware Breakwater; finding the h•nk to increase, ran on the barren aide of the Breakwater, and is iuU of water. SPECIAL NOTICES. ONE—PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST STYLES, made in the Best Manner, expressly tar RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figure& All Gouda made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our ONE-PRICE SYSTEM is tIiTiCUY adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. 5 e22-13, JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.—This cele brated and perfect HAIR DYE is the BEST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere imitations of this Great Original, which has gained such extensive Patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. BATCHE LOR'S LIQUID HAIR DYE INSTANTLY produces a splendid Pia* CT P 5411114 Brown, without staining the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad Dyes, invigorating the Hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FABNISTOCK & CO. and DYOTT CO., Philadel phia, nalt/-11 CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CHEAPEST in the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. MARRIED : L/PriNCOTT—ELL—In Brownebore, on the 25th ult., by Eov. H. E. Spayd, Mr. David Lippincott, of Nockarnixon township, to Miss Mary Anna Ely, of Buck ingham township, Bucks county. * TBEGO—BENNETT.—Do the 23d ult., by Rev. E. W. Rutter, Mr. William Wallace Trego to Miss Sallie Bennett, both of New Bore, Bnek,i county_ WEIRIT—TATE.—On the 28th ult. by Res , E. W. Stutter, Mr. William W. Wright to Miss Sttartuua Tate, all of this city. DIED RING.—On the 30th ult., Hannah Isadore, daughter of Day - i.l and Mary Ring, in the oth year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her parents, church at., 31anayunk, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock.** PRICITETT.—On the ercningof the 27th ult., Charles Frichett, aged OS years. The relatives and friends and those of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, AVM the red, deuce of his slater, Lto. ra.l4 f3prlng Garden street, this (Tuesday) morning., the let met., at 11 o'clock, without luttlwr notice. tk JOIINSTON—On the 24th ult., Mr. William E. John ston, eon of Williato and Margaret Johnston, aged 23 rears—returned Volunteer of Company K, Col. Moro. head's Regiment. The relatives and friends of the family, also Ponnsyls 11111 in Grove, N 0.% IT. A. 0. 1 . 1., are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his father, No. 7 South Thirteenth street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. tls. 24th tilt_ at Norristown, Pa., Mary. ',orris Moore, wife of E, li, Moore, in the 26th year of her age. TAYLOR.—On the morning of the 29th ult., Nathan Taylor, in the 40th year of his age. The friends of the family are invited to attend hie fn= neral, from his late residence, ISIS Arch street, on Wed nesday next, at 2 o'clock P. M. To proceed to Lancet *m:* MALSEED.—On the 28th ult., Mr. John Birdseed, Aged 75 years. Funeral from his late residence, No. 848 South Se. cowl street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 &clack. * CARROLL.—On the 09th uit., Jahn Carroll, aged 50 years. Funeral from his late resitlenee, liestonville, Twenty fimrth ward, this (Tuesday) afternoon, :o'4 o'clock. *. 1 AIIIIAN1).—On the '_'Bth ult., Stephen Farrand, in the 59th rear of Ilia age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 1921 Filbert street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. LITTLE.--On the 29th nit., John Paisley Little, aged 13 years. Funeral from the residence of his father, David Lit tle, No. 1103 l'assyunk road, below ‘Vashington avenue, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 'clock. Ml DDLETON.—On the 28th ult., Magdalen S., wife of Jetliah Middleton. . . . Funeral front Friends' Meeting House, corner Fourth and Green streets, this (Third -day) morning at 10 o'clic. IttintltlS,—Ott the 28th ett , Mit. l'llfebe, yin of John Morris, and daughter of the late Caleb Whitehead. Funeral from the residence of her brother-in-law, Thos. Wins. No. - 428 Catharine street, this (Tuesday) after -110.11, at 2 o'clock. 1111 iTT.—On the 28th nit., Samuel C. Mott, aged 30 years. Funeral from Lie late residence, No. 231 North Twelfth street, thin (Tuesday) alhn•uuon, at 9 n'elmik. WILRINSON.—fiii the 2St Alderman Anthony Wilkinson, aged 47 years. Funeral from his late residence, corner of Aramingo street and Trenton avenue, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. G OOD ,S BLACK SILKS AT OLD Black Gros do "Rhinos, $l. do. Poult de Soles, $l. do. Gros Grainer, extra totalities. do. Gros Gran:altos. do. Gros do Espsames, $1.1235. do. Gros des Indes. do. Gros d'Ecosso and Ottomans. do. &mitres and Venetieoneß, &c. BESSON ,t; SON, Mounting Store, ml2-tf No. 918 CHESTNUT Street PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR. PROMOTING AGRICULTURE.—Stated meet ing at Room 320 WALNUT Street, TO-MORROW (Wed nte.lay) morning at 11 o'clock. Subject of discussion: "The best time for Gathering Root Crops." oel-2t (KrFIFTEENTH WARD.—A meeting of the People's Association of the Fifteenth Ward will he held THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, at their Hall, southeast corner of NINETEENTH and NORTH Streets, at 73 o'clock. Win. D. Kelley. Ableromo John Thompson, Goa. A. oaf:3-, Eei., John Dolman, i.l,:j„ tool others vial be present and address the meeting. Ity order of DAVID . metuNEY, President. JNO. W. SHEPHERD, &cr,,t,,,,y, lt* arNOTICE.—THE STOCKHOLDERS, Noteholders, and Botta110111(013, of the RACE and VINE Streets Passenger Railway are requested to meet on TUESDAY, October 1,1801, at 101:; o'clock. in room Ko. 30, MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE - 800.2 t RECRUITS WANTED FOR COM PANY N, CABIF,RON DRAGOONS, now in aPtive M•rvice in Virginia. Four s.-r•:.eants •Nitil SOVI!ll lllt , ll each, eight corporals nil h lour /um each, at ECM ROTEL, SECOND, mto* Lieut. A. P. SCHONEDIAN. 50 GOOD MEN WANTED TO fill up COL. BIRNEY'S REGIMENT immediately. Apply at 602 ARCH. Street. CAPT. LOUIS AILLEBBAND, JOHN W. CROSBY, or] -3t Rf.cruitlng Officers. CLARET. —lOO Casks Claret ex- ship David, from llordoaux, for sale in bonded wart l boosp by JAUUETCIIE sr CAI:STAIRS, 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. PORT WINE.-111 Quarters and 43 oetaven Perttuller Port, for gale front Cmitom House sloree by JAURETCHE d CAESTAIIIS, 202 and 204 Ebutti FRONT Street. oel-tf POLITICAL. PEOPLE'S UNION TICKET. PRESIDENT .117DGE. COURT of COMMON PLEAS OSWALD THOMPSON ASSOCIATE JUDGE COURT OF COMMON FLEAS. JOSEPH ALLISON PRESIDENT JETIME OF THE DISTRICT COURT. • GEORGE SHARSWOOD ASSOCIATE JUDDES OF THE DISTRICT COL RT. J. I. CLARK HARE, GEORGE ➢f. STRoUD C C : 2':"1: I 0 sumurp, Alderman JOHN THOMPSON REGISTER OF WILLS. SAMUEL LLOYD. CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT WILLIAM C. STEVENSON. CITY OFFICERS CITY TREASURER. HENRY BUMM. CITY COMMISSIONER. PERTLES Situ. STATE OFFICERS. SENATOR. THIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT MAIILON 11. DICKINSON. ASSEMBLY. Ist district—WlLLlAM FOSTER. 2.1 " WILLIAM IL REDMAN. Sri " E. C. BONSALL. 4th it JOSEPH G. ROSEI4HIARTES , sth " JO6ErII MOORE, JR. 6th ti HARMAN BAUTHL 7th " THOMAS COCHRAN. Bth " WILLIAM L. DENNIS. 9th " HENRY C. FRITZ. 10th t JOHN_ SAILF.H. 11th u ISAAC A. SHEFPA.F.D. 12th " RICHARD WILDEY. 13th " GEORGE. DE HAVEN, JR. 14th " SAMUEL BINGHAM. 15th " WILLIAM. F. SMITH. 16th , 4 THOMAS DIORSON. 17th et CHARtEIi F. ABBOTT. 824-inthstoB MILITARY NOTICES. THE SCOTCH RlFLES.—Wanted, immediately, good, intelligent MEN, for the Masse Company (to 1111 up). who Ore 11JW lif tieliro aervice in the army of the Potomac. Pay and rations from date of enlistment. Apply at Headquar , ers, M RACE Street. to Captain JOHN ORR FINNIE, who has Leen detailed by order of Major General BANK s. J. OHS FINNTE, - J. M. TAYLOR, Condy Recruiting Officer. Orderly Sergeant. se3B-60S iHEADQUARTERS TWENTY EIGHTH REGIMENT P. Y., Colonel JOHN W GEARY. The fifteenth and last company of this Iteg.iment requires a Tow more good men to complete it. - Mu l tiro mns-tere.l in nnl pald from enrolment. The Regiment has already obtained a vide-spread re putation. This is the onTy opportunity that will be offered to out siders to come in. The Beerniting Office will Le - open for a few days, at corner of FOURTH and LIBRARY Strocts (iinid floor). ASHTON S. TOURISON, Captain, WM. J. DIACKET, First Liout. seln at 9 k' SAMUEL GOODMAN, Sonond Moat iU. S. MARINES.—Wanted imme diately for the U. S. Marine ClOrpN 300 able-bodied men, for Ma and land service; also a Tow competent drummers and &era All information that may be required will be given at the Itendozvouq, 311 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. . . COMPANY K, PHILADELPHIA Mtn' cAYALRY, COL. R. H. RUSH. This Company is recruiting at 403 CHESTNUT STREET. se2s-E4* HOWARD ELLIS, Captain . )0 . , COLONEL RTJSk-i'S REGIM.ENT OF LIGHT CAVALRY, Now nearing completion, and Encamped, with HORSES AND EQUIPBIENTS, Oa NONTII SECOND-STREET ROAD, Has great attractions for activo Young Men. BUGLERS Will receive A BOUNTY OF TEN DOLLARS, And good Musicians are wanted for the !-- REGIMENTAL MOUNTED BAND. Apply at the principal liondezrous, 633 MARKET STREET. se2s-6e* AU. S. ARMY-WANTED DI MEDIATELY, for the SIXTH REGIMENT IL S. CAVALRY, REGULAR SERVICE, a few more able-bodied men, between the ages of twenty one and thirty-live. Pay ranges from $l4 to $23 per month, according to the rank of the soldier. Each man will be furnished with a good horse and equipments, am ple clothing and subsistence. Quarters, fuel, and medical attendance free of charge. The pay of each soldier COM moucea as soon as hots enlisted. By an act lately passed , the term of enlistment is changed from five to THREE YEARS, and every soldier who serves that time is entitled to $lOO BOUNTY from the Government. Attention is drawn to the fact that the Government has wisely commenced to promote Dobliers from the ranks. Advancement is, therefore, open to all For further particulars, apply at the Recruiting Office, GIRARD ROUSE. LIEUT. F. DODGE, Sixth Cavalry, Recruiting Officer FINANCIAL. SEVEN AND THREE-TENTHS PER CINT TREASURY NOTES 113=3 bo furnished to subscribers to the NEW NATIONAL LOAN Upon receipt of the amount desired, with iaterost added from the 19TH OP AUGUST, At the rate of ono cent per day on each Fifty Dollars The interest is payable semi-annually at the Mint, on preelnitation of the nurtured Coupons. JAY GOOSE & Co., 114 SOUTII THIRD STREET, SEVEN AND THREE-TENTHS PER CENT. TREASURY NOTES. SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS TO THE NEW NATIONAL LOAN WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Those Win) desire to participate in its bencfite . should apply at once to the undersigned, the appointed Agents for the Government. All sums received from PIETY DOLLARS upwards. The office hours during the subscription for the Loan will be till 5 P. M., except on Monday evening, when it will remain open till 9 o'clock P. M. JAY COOKE & Co., se2G-ER No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. NEW NATIONAL LOAN. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE & Co., BANKRRS, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET Pursuant to instructions from the Secretary of the Tic;;-"ley, Stlio , ceipth•tt iteok to the NEW NA TIONAL LOAN of Treasury Notes bearing interest et the rate of seven and three-tenths per cont. per annum, will 'mein open at my ofliee, No. 114 SOUTH 'rump STREET, Until further notice, from 8 A. M. till 5 I'. M., and on Monday till 9 I'. M. These notes will Le or the denomination of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS-, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, ONE THOUSAND DOL LARS, and FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and are all dated I.9th of August, 1861, payable in gold iu three years, or convertible into a twenty-year six per cent. luau, at the option of the holder. Each Treasury Note 1143 in. terea. coupons attached, 'tibial can Le cut off and col lected in gold at the Mint every mix mouths, and at the rate of one cent per day on-each Fifty Dollars. Any explanations required by the subscribers will be cheerfully made, and they will, by the plan adopted, be caved from any trouble of wilting letters, the under. signed reporting each subscription to the Treasury De partment, from whence the Treasury Notes will be sent to each subscriber as soon as possible. Payment of subscriptions may be made in GOLD or WINCES, OR NOTES OF ANY OF OUR OITT JAY COOK _E, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 61.243-121' No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1831. UNION FOR THE SAKE OF THE UNION, TDB; CIT.EIENB' UNION CONVENTION. completed their lahorm, now re4pretfolly pregent to tho citizens of Philadelphia the following candidates fur tho of:tic:Pato be filled at the ikpproitchillg Ceneral Election: POMMON COUNCIL. - Sillllllo S. earth, • ' C. S. Tink, Edward D. Brooks, , e oorge Mitchell, John B. Hoffman. ; Edward S. Quin. ' But ton J.ltiollock. Winton M. Raird, Richard R. Montgomery. ' I. Barton Smith. John W. Leigh, Henry McCrea. , Alexander 1,. Hodgson, Alexander J. Harper. James A. Freeman: Samuel J. Cromwell, home Sulger. Wilson Rem John L. Shoemaker. • Wm. C. Richardson, Henry Budd. Charles B. Trego, Samuel E. Slaymaker. - Thomas Potter, Mordecai E. Moore, Wm. V. Lippincott. VS' Pr. J. T. Knorr, .t.y; A: R. Paul. T. James I'. Sutton, Michael Keenan. William liumm, Thomas J. Dullish]. Edward K. Tyson, Pr. John Pr Curren, John MilseutaM Georpo W. Simons. . Wm. Henry, • P. J. - McLean. Wm. A. Simpson. "*. Jabez Gates. - Watson Conley, Rudolph Adams , . Samuel W. Cotten, William Stokes. btth wartl.l David P.. Thootkot. These nominations have been made with as little re gard to party polities as possible. The Judicial candi dates-are the experienced, able, awl honest Judges who 'were elected by the people to their present positions ten years ago. It was the unanimous opinion of the Con vention that the purity mid efficiency' of the Judiciary can only be maintained lip a distinct separation of the office froni thu funtega Of political parties; and that it would, therefore, be inexpedient, and hostile bi the pub lic interests, to relative from the bench, without cause, those who are acknowledged as 1010 CitiZMIS, and have proved competent and pure in the administration ofjust tice. For these realons the Convention unanimously agreed to recommenl to their fellow-citizens the re election of the present Judges. all the nominees for the other offices are believed to be entitled to the confidence, and worthy to receive the votes of the people. The candidates for Sheriff, Register of Wills, Clerk of the Orphans' Court, City Treasurer; and City C*onunissioner, were all nominated without a suggestion or hint from either of them, that either of them desired office. They were selected from a large number of Bailiff SllnVeted to the Convention hr our fel. low.citizens, solely with reference to their loyalty, ho nesty, and capacity. Their election by the people will be the first important step towards purifying some of those othres of the corruption and dishonesty for which they are notorious. The practice of extorting illegal b.f. , fr. in every citizen who enters them on im.iness, for which afire lees are parable, has Leconte SO oppressive nail offevske to the public so to ,h-mind the refrple only can give, by breaking down party lines, and electing honest men to such positions, who will re bent the abuse. Such all opportunity is now presented. Our candidates are publicly pledged to do so, and they are men who will neither forget nor violate their pledges. They know that we are earnest in our determination to pm Mid 1., Atidi feitielii, and they will help ns do it. ie this work, we must have the cooperation of our fellow-citizens of -till parties. There is nothing that should divide us now; we all stand on the same princi ples—all, at least, who are loyal to the flag of our coun try--e. he, are ready to defend it against all its enemies, Mal lend it again, and uphold it in ita full glory in the rebellious States, where it has been insulted and tram pled upon. Our servants, all of them, mast be loyal and HONEST as well as loyal. Unfortunately, there are many men among us who declare themselves for the Government, for the war and its vigorous prosecution, whose patri otism never goes beyond party lines and is kept alive by the hope of PUBLIC PLUNDER. If we intend to protest and preserve the institutions of our country we must take care that such persons do not get control of them through our blind adherence to party nominations, or the in fluence and patronage of public offices. It is well known that for some years past nearly all our repret.entatives to the State Legislature, nominated and elected throllat the machinery of party polities, hero SO disgraced and dishonored our city by their venality, in capacity, and bad conduct that Philadelphia bas lost all her good influence in the legislation of the rOMITIOrk: wealth, although ranch of it is vitally important to her welfare and prosperity. Laws are proposed, relating to corporations and classes of citizens engaged in particular avocations, for the sole purpose of extorting money from those whose interests they may affect. The bites and distress among the industrious poor and others of our city, through fraudulent savings in stitutions and insurance companies, are results of bud and corrupt legislation. All citizens are alike interested in putting an end to such serious calami ties, and restoring the lnBneuee of our great metropolis, through honest and capable representatives in the legis lative halls of the State. We believe that our candidates for these important positions conic up to the standard of LOYALTY, HONESTY, and CAPACITY. dome Of them were nominated very much against their own wishes, and, although fully approving the objects of the Convention and the principles of std action, they hare expressed their unwillingness to accept the nomination. But the Convention has not excused then ' because,while so many thousands of our citizens, friends, and kidred, are in the field, offering their lives in support of our Govern ment and institutions, we think that no man in civil life lies a right to refuse any public service for which he is (Maned, and to which lie may be called by the votes of the people. We earnestly invoke every loyal citizen to unite in sup port of the principles of public policy above indicated, and briefly expressed in the following declaration, approved by all the candidates of the Convention: I. That the Government of the United States must be earnestly sustained by all citizens, in all its 1110.1411SAS foe the supprcs+sio., of treason and rebellion:, that our national existence depends on si vigorous and determined prosecu tion of the war against those who are in arms against it; that the war must be carried on without encouraging our enemies, at home and abroad, to hope for peace on any terms short of the absolute submission of all rebels and traitors to the Constitution and laws; and that, in order to accomplish these objects successfully and speedily, all loyal citizens should now unite in obliterating the party lines which have heretofore divided them, and stand, with one accord, under the flag of our country. 11. The public welfare demands, that the servants of the people Fhall not only be loyal to the Federal Govern meld, but meal to, thud SePliphlodsly exact in, the per formance of their duties; that all frauds and peculation of men in public office shall be discountenanced and pun ished that those whose compensation is derived from the fees of their offices, shall neither charge nor receive, di rectly or through their subordinates., or otherwise, any oilier or larger fees than are allowed by law; and that public officers within the limits of their respective spheres shall be firm, fearless, and vigilant, in protecting citizens from all illegal exactions in these respects. _ Capt..T. O. CASH, Recruiting Officer TIT. That, as all public offices are created for, - they must be subordinated to, the public good; and official pa tronage should not be used for partisan purposes, or to promote the private ailvantage of Hines whit h644.01k / IV. That every eanclitiatt for office must rely on his individual merits and capacity for his election by the people ; and efforts to gain support from any quarter by bribes, bargains, favors, or promises - of favors of any description, must be regarded as evidence of dishonesty anti corruption, which unfits and disqualifies hint fur any position of public trust. We respeeffully submit the proceedings of the ean- Vention to our fellow-citizens, for ratification at the pills. `Shill• our bravo soldiers stand shoulder to shoul der under the insulted flag of the nation, forgetful of party spirit in their strong love of our country, and all ready to mingle their life's blood on her battle fields, for the support of our Government and the security of our homes, We can eo nothing" less than imitate their noble example, and brook our party idols, for the sake of TUE INttW. PITILADELPUIA CITIZENS" UNION CANDIDATE FOR ASSEMBUY—ROBERT I'. DE SILVER, Sixtoontit DiAlio, Plitlaae hia. Independent of - Party Politica. In favor of supporting the Government and the Constitution above all partisan considerations and political chic:wary. POLITICAL. TO THE CITIZENS OF PITILADELPIETA President Juslg,..—Hsu. OSWALD TITO NI PSON. At.sociate is Hon. JOSEPH ALLISON. DISTRICT cotIO: PreSidellt Judge—Hon. GEORGIE RILA uswoon. A , Aviitte 11°11.3. I. CLARK HARE, 5 Hon. GEOROE Al. STitOUD. Sheriff—MArrrosil JOHN lIIOt.II , SuN, Rrgistrr of WiIk—FRANCIS .F. %VOLGA MUTH. Om* 131 ibli Orrinna Conrt-.211111. C. STEVENSON. City Trimsnrs.r—..TAlll ES S. RIDDLE. Contlizierjimer—VjeWlN PROALT,A. Senator of Oar LON It. DIOKiII.SON AUBEMIII,I% lbtlteins:;,, e bt a ti ve DiArict—Thontm T. Tnslcer, Sr. 2AI 66 is Thomas F. St , fra.rt. 4th a .1. 111sirrns Rog! , ..!•21yi Gift 7th 11 801 st 131 h 10th 11th 11 Eg 13th 13th u 14 16 01 15111 i< 16th 11 111 11 1t " Thomas Cochran. " Algernon S. Roberta. " henry C. Fritz. " Joseph W. Martin. " -Isaac A. Sheppard. " Richard Wildey. " Gomm. Da 1111.1'1411, Jr " Samuel Bingham. " George W. Wolf. Robert P. Deidtver. " Charles F. Abbot. SEI.ECP COrliClL. Ito WARD—Jahn Dolman. 9.1 Armstrong. 9th " John CJAsin. 7th " Wm. A. Ingham. 9th " John Price Wotherill. 11th " Fidel Fisher. 18th It Wnt. H. Bacon, thTiS. 11Th " Andrew Meßeide. 19th 4 t William Leaf, .Ist " Wm. 1.. McDowell. 221 " Wm 11'. Smedley. 29th " 1)r. C. Campbell Cooper. Ist ward 3 , 1 ward 4th 1; and fAli ward gilt ward ward 9th ward 9th ward latlt ward 11th ward 12th ward 13th ward 14th maid 15th want 16th ward 17th •card 18Th ward 19th ward 20th wart 21st ward 22d ward 22d ward 24th ward By order of the Convention, A. J. DERBYSHIRE, ROA 9t President 110 THE VOTERS OF THE THIRD ASSEMBLY DTSTRTCT.—Tfaving been declared by the COMMITTEE OF GENERAL SUPERIN TENDENCE OF THE PEOPLE'S UNION PARTY, as their regularly nominated candidate for State Legisla ture, I respectfully FOileit the votes of my fellow-citleens of the district, plialgitig myself, if elected, to use all honorable means for the support at the National Adult ulAretleo, and the public generally. Respectfully yours, se2o-Bt* • EDMUND C. RONSALL. PUBLIC MEETING. CITIZENS' 'UNION CONVENTION. At it !iti tWII". of the ConVention it 'vas re&dvtal that the citiv.mis of Philadelphia, of all political parties, svlo aro favorable to the action of this Convention, tl.llll vigorous support of the Federal Government in all its lIIMMIITS for the suppression of Treason and Rebellion, be invited to assemble at Concert Hall, on THURSDAY ;EVMS LNG, the ad of October, and that the Hon. Ed- Ward Everett. of MA§sltelinscii;; 41 1 4 114 n. Paniel S. Dickinson, of New Yolk; Hon. E. D. Baker, of Oregon the /111..hattl Shrrei a t, of Ohio i and the Hon. Joseph Holt, of Kentucky, be invited to attend and address the said meeting. A. J. ORRISYSHI Prvsiderd. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER), 1861. information having been sent to the Mayor, by Quar termaster General MEI OS, U. S. A., that there is now need of a large supply of WOOLLEN SOCKS for the Army, with the riatnest that contributions shall he duly form anted to Washington, the Mayor feela assured that the patriotic IYINIICH of Philadelphia will hasten to-pro vide, in Otis respect, liberally for the comfort and health of those to whom they owe the safety of their homes and the maintenance of their Government. All Wonl h •n Sorks lift itt this office will lie diApoio‘4l of Iterordit:g to !i:r donor, JAM/id 3. 31ONTGOI1EI1Y, mayors., mamma GLASS, GLASS, SHADES, SHADES, Of all deseriptinna. Iu Great Variety. HARTELL & LETCHWORTH, (Haig WAroloewe, oel-10t No. 13 North FIFTH Street OLIVE OIL.-175 Baskets Fresh Olive Oil, jmit rerrivetl per bark August, for Rain by JAURNTCIIIi & (;ARSTAIRS, 202 awl 204 South FRONT Strevl. HIDES AND GOAT SKINS.—An in roire per mcbooner Seaman's Pride, from St. Bart, for Fain by^ JAVRETCHE & CARSTAIRS, 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. vet-tt RETAIL DRY GOODS. 300 pAllt 8 TWILLED ARTY BLANKETS, weight lbs., to be closed out at $1.51.1p0r pair. OURAVEN STODDART & BROTHER, 454. 1 , 4442, and 454 North gELJONU Street, eel-2t above C°WPERTHWAIT & CO., N. W. corner EIGHTH and MARKET Sts. FLANNELS! FLANNELS!! FLANNELS!!! Opera Flannels, all colors and shadol, Opla.ft Flanuchi, figured and {Anil. and 4.4 halardvale Flannels. eavy 4-4 Skirting do. Dom , Twilled Red and Gray Flannels. The heel '25 cent White Flannels In the city. ocl.-if EMBROIDERIES AN D GOODS AT VERY LOW MCI:4.-ons "ducts pre,ehts many advenhome to the ladies; the Unrolls are new and aelected fur the beet city retail trade ; the quali ties nod styles are snnerior to Meet, 4 , 41i1 by Wholesale Houses, :ma the pi iceA nre quite f 0 sow. A discount of five per cent. We alse fns Nish. EP PM), iN G EN, AHMSOV 5e94.-•^ J0U. , 3 ( .LlE:frN`,Te Street iLe - W uti 6 E-1.? L - EELS AT OLD PRICES.—ReeI Welch, Shaker, Ballard Vale, Colored a n d Plaid FIMITIVIS. SIIEI'PEILD, VAN HARLINGEN, ARRISON, se24-rp aNOR CHESTNUT Street. FANCY GOODS. FANCY GOODS, DTITJGGIST,s' ARTICLES. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FRENCIT, ENGLTSH, AND AMERICAN PER , FUMERY. TOILET AND SHAVING SOAPS. BRUSHES AND COMBS, of ail deocriptionc POCKET FLASKS ANT) DRINKING CUPS. VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS. CHAMOIS SPLIT, AND PLAST/Lit Off.lNEf. POWDER PUFFS AND BOXES. PATENT LINT, &a., &o. OFFERED TO TIIE TRADE AT LOW PRICES W. D GLENN, IMPORTER, Ho. Q. 6 Sonth FOURTH Strent MILITARY GOODS. ARMY WOOLLENS_ WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Are prepared to darer on contract 3-4 and 6-4 dark and sky blue CLOTHS AND KERSEYS. Eon-am A RMY OR NAVY • BLUE SATINETS. 5,000 or 6,000 Yards Indigo Blue Satinet, ouch ea Is used in the United States Navy. - For sale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, 3$ LETITIA Strout, and artl4-2m 34 FRONT Street. COTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOR TENTS, FOR SALE BY my22-iftf FREYFRINGRAM R WELLS. 1/000,000 TENT BUTTONS, U. S. pattern, for sale by J. P. REED, Turner, southeast corner of THIRTEENTD and NO BLE Streets. Philadelphia. se7-Imik PROPOSALS. HEADQUARTERS OF THE U. S. MARINE CARPS QUARTERMASTER'S OFPIQg, Withhinff,tou, September !j . .S, 1861 SEALED PROPOSALS, for each class separately, will be received at this Mike until 12 o'clock 11. of WED NESDAY, 20tli of November next, for furnishing to the United States Marine Corps, during the year 1862, the following impplies, to be delivered at the Office of the As sistant Quartermaster of the Corps, Philadelphia, Penn free or expense to the United States, in such onaptities as may from time to time be ordered, viz j CLASS NO. 1. 14,000 yards of Sky Blue Kersey, all wool, free from hair, 14 inches wide, to weigh 22 ounces to the yard, (indigo wool dyed.) 6,000 yards Dark Blue Kersey ; all wool, free from hair, 54 inches wide, to weigh 22 ounces to the yard, (indigo wool-dyed.) 8,000 yards Park Bine Twilled Cloth, all wool, for uni f,,rm coats, (indigo wool-dyed,) 54 inches wide, to weigh '22 ounces per ard. 150 yards of Scarlet Cloth, all wool, (cochineal -dyed,) 54- inches wide, to weigh 16 ounces per yard. CL Se No. 0. 8,000 yards of 6-4 Dark Blue Flannel for over-sacks, all wool, (indigo wool-dyed,) 54 inches wide, to weigh 13 ounces per yard. 10,000 yards of 3.4 Dark Blue Flannel for shirts, all wool, (indigo wool-dyed,) 27 inches wide, to weigh 6M ounces per yard. - - ],200 (tray 13111089 all wool, to weigh 4 pounds each, with letters 'U_ S. _MY in black - i - four inches long in the centre; to be 7 feet long and E. feet wide, and free from grease. 6,000 pairs of Woollen Socks, three sizes, properly made of good fleece wool, with double and twisted yarn, to weigh three pounds per dozen pair, free front greats. CLAR.S No. S. 6,000 yards White Linen for pants, 80 inches wide, to weigh 13 ounces per yard. 10,000 yards White Linen for shirts, 80 inches wide, to weigh 11 ounces per yam. 16,000 yards Canton Flannel for Drawers, 27 inches wide, to weigh 7 ounces per yards CLASB No. 4. 1,000 Uniform Cape, complete (except Pompons.) 1,500 Pompons red worsted, ball-shaped, 5 inches in circumference. 3,000 Fatigue Caps, (with covers,) to be made of blue cloth, indigo wool-dyed. 20:104 stovhs, CLAS.9 No. 5. 000 gross Coat Bottom (Eagle.) 400 gross Jacket Buttons (Eagle.) 100 gross Vest Buttons (Eagle.) 1,500 pairs Yellow Metal Crescents and Scale Straps. 250 sets Epaulette Bullion for sergeants and corpora:.. 2,000 gets Epaulette Bullion fur privates. 50 Red Worsted Sashes. 2,500 yards - of Yellow Binding. 2,500 yards of Red Cord. 100 Swords for sergeants. 50 Swords for musicians. 50 Drums, (tenor,) complete. 50 Drum SLILIg4. 200 Batter Drum Heads. 50 Snare Drum Heads. 100 Drum Cords. 100 sets of Drum Snares. 100 Boxwood B" Fifes. Cuss No. 6. 10,000 pairs Army Boots, (infantry pattern.) C 1,4166 No. T. 3,200 Cartridge Boxes, 1,200 Bayonet Scabbards. 1,200 Percussion Cap Pouches. 1,200 Cartridge. Box Belts. 1,200 Bayonet Belts. 1,200 W.let Belts. 1,200 Waist Plates. 1,200 Breast Plates. 250 Sword Frogs. CLASS No. 8 1.200 Knapsacks. 600 Haversacks. 600 Canteens. 600 lausket • CLASS No: 9. For making and trimming the following articles, viz: Watch coats; sergeants', corporals', musicians' and privatcA' uniform and fatigue coats; woollen and linen tqtikt,l linea starts i drawersg flannel sacks; and red and blue jackets for boys. The above-mentioned articles must conform, in all re spects, to the sealed standard patterns in the office of the Quartermaster Marine Corps, Marine Barracks, Wash ington, D. C. ; Assistant Quartermaster, office Marine Corps, 1220 Spruce street, Philadelphia; and at the Marine Stittioue, Itee..ffiyo, New Yeeh, ...a Boston, Massachusetts. where they can be examined. And whenever the articles named above, or any por tion of them, shall be considered as not fully conforming to samples, they will be rejected, and the contractor will be bound to furnish others of the required kind at once, or the quartermaster will supply the deficiency at the ex pei se of the contractor. Payment Will he made ope.n the accepted delivery of the whele quantity, which may from time to time be or dered, withholding ten per cent. from the payment of ac count rendered under first order, until second order is tilled, and ten per cent. front account rendered under second order until third order is filled, and so on until contract is complete: . Each proposal must be accompanied by the following guarantee; Form of Guarantee. The undersigned, —, of in the State of —, and —, of in the State of —, hereby guaranty that ht case the foregoing bid of for Empplies, a, above described, be accepted, he or they will, within ten days after the receipt of the contrast at the pest "like mauled, execute the contract for the same with good and sufficient securities; and in case the said - -- shall fail to enter into contract, as aforesaid, we guaranty to make good the difference between the offer of the said -- and that which may be accepted. A B, Guaranter. 11, Guarantor. E F, Witness, —, 1861. I thereby certify that the above-named are known to me as mon of property, and able to make good their guarantee. G. E. TO be signed by the toiled States District Judge, United Stows District Attorney, or Co!Lector. - No proposal will Ito considered unless accompanied by the above guarantee. Newspapers authorized to publish the above will send the paper containing the first insertion to this Office for examination. The bidder's place of business, or manufacturing estab lishment, must be specially stated in the proposal. The above hot of articles is heliaTod to no about the Quantity of each article that will be required during the year ; lint the Quartermaster reserves the right of order should the interest of the jug a greater or less gUlullitYi service it. Proposals to be VT 'horsed On the envelope «Proposals for Supptios for Marine Corps for 1802," and addressed to Major WM. B. SLACK, Quartermaster M. C., Washington, D. C. 0r1,8,150.2 MERRARTINS, OYSTERS STEWED AND. FRIED, AN]) CHICKEN SALAD.—lnvi till ion VOribt aini other nuticeri will bet dixtributtal in all parts of the city, with punctuality, The undersigned is at all times prepareetto present, for the inspection of Ladies and Gentlemen, a list of the things necessary fur a large or small entertainment, as the ease may be, thereby avonlh g all unnecessary profusion anti N‘aSti , : Rea Battvt, hiui elt, Gist by his tong expe rience In liusinase, be trip he able at all Hum to give, n§ heretofore, entire eatithiction to all who favor him with their patronage. HENRY JONES, Caterer, - No. 250 South TWELFTH Street, above SPRUCE. K EROSENE CHIMNEYS, ALL Sim, Specie lota, plain and fancy ehapel, French pattern and plain Urns, Sample Bottles, Show Globes, Tinctures and Salt Mouths, together with a general ageortment of Druggists' and Confectioners' Ware. The Trade are especially invited to call and gee our New Patented Nursing Bottle. HARTELL & LETCHWORTH, Glass Warehouse, No. 13 North RUTH Street. IAR TIMES AND WAR PRICES. , 1 7 —Colored PHOTOGRAPHS for SI. REIMER'S QaGeri, SECOND fltrcet, abore GrBEEN. lt* IMPORI ERN AND JOBBERS. 1861. rf FALL SEASON. W. S. STEWART & 00., Importers and Jobbers or SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, NO. 305 MARKET STREET. uyers will find in our stock a full assortnilmt of DLAOR AND OTHER STAPLE SILKS, Tugethur midi a variety of NNW AND TASTY DRESS GOODS. .lust revolved, also, a large invoire 'of MANTILLA CLOTHS AND CLOAKING, In Blacks, Plaids , awl Plain Colors, DLACK AND DROWN* ALL-WOOL REPELLA.NTS PNc.o.:6ing the for nlitatning we ore 1 . 110 , 10 to Offt't Our biork on the moot farorablo nyty-Goons JoßßElis. FROTH - INGHAM & WELLS, 34 SOFTIE FRONT AND 33 LETITIA, STREET, OFFER FOR SALE BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS, ! SHIRTINGS, DRILLS, JEAXS, SILECIA.S, CANTON FLANNELS, MZEM MASSACHUSETTS; 0 IIEAT PALLS, LACONIA, L YMAN, EVERETT, DWIGHT, LOWELL, COT, I PSW CII TOO PEE, and HAMPDEN, -5;1 BARTLET LII P.W[SF A FULL ASSORTMENT OF SHAWLS, BEAVER CLOTHS, TRICOTS, CASSIMERES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS, BLANKETS, AND ARMY GOODS, FROM THE WASHINGTON (LATE BAY STATE,) AND OTHER MILLS. ocl-3m FALL- 1861. BOYD & STROTJI). No. 32 NORTH FOURTH STREET, IL% vr: NOW TUEIR USUAL LARGE STOCK ON HAND, To which they invite the attention of CASH BUYERS. - 1861. F G 1861. 0 F. FALL 0 H S. RIEGEL, BAIRD, _Be CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GO-ODS, NO. 47 NORTH THIRD SRFET, PHILADELPHIA. Prompt-paying merchants are respectfully invited to examine our large and carefully-se lected stock of desirable goods, which will be sold at prices to suit the times. se2B-2m JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & CO, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, Nos.. 259 and 241 North THIRD Street, above Race, Have now open their usual LARGE -AND COMPLETE .STOCK OP FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, ;f:t• Among which will be found a general assortment of PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. - SASH BUYERS SPECIALLY -INVITED. pcl7-2m THOMAS MELLOR & CO., Noe. 40 and 42 NORTH THIRD Streat, HOSIERY HOUSE, LINEN IMPORTERS and WIRT-FRONT MANUFACTURERS. Importatione direct from the Manufactories. sell-2m yARD,GILLMORE, Sc Co., Nos. 617 CHESTNUT and 614 JAYNE Streets, Have now in store a full and well stock of FALL AND WINTER SILK. GOODS DRESS GOODS, GLOVES, SHAWLS, &c. With their visual assortment of WRITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, &c., to which they inYite the attention of buyers, se7.lm 1861. TO CASH BUYERS. 1861. H. C. LAUGHLIN & Co., No. 303 MARKET STREET, Are receiving daily, from the PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK AUCTIONS, a general assortment of MERCHANDISE, bought for CASH. CASH BUYERS are especial) , invited to call and ex amine our Stock. seb-tf 1 8 61 FALL GOODS.IB6I , FRESH ASSORTMENT. • DALE, ROSS, & CO., 521 HARM STREET, Have received, and are now opening, a fresh stock of FALL Sc WINTER GOODS which will be sold low for CASH and on short credits. OW Buyers are respectfully invited to call and ex amine our stock. au3lan GROLERIES. iro FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply fautßieg if their Country Residences with every description of RINE GROCERIES, TEAS, Ac., ALBERT C. ROBERTS, CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE SHEETS. mylB MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, SALMON, Ac.-3 000 Ws Mess Noe. 1,2, and 3 OACKEREL, large, medium and email, in minuted aclogee of choice, late-caugh t, fat fish. 6,000 bble. New Halifax, Eastport, and Labrador Her. loge, of choice qualities. 8,000 boxes extra now scaled lierrings. 8,000 boxes extra new No. 1 Herrings. 5,000 boxes large MagdalitteMerriuse. 250 bble. Mackinac White Fish. 50 Ws. new Economy bless Shad. bblv, now Halifax Salmon, 1,000 onintale Grand Bank Coddab. 600 boxes Herkimer County Cheese. In store and landing, for nate by DIORPHY & KOONS, nos No. 146 NORTH 'WHARVES. UNION ENVELOPES UNION ENVELOPES! UNION ENVELOPES! That will szo through the Post Office. OYER 350 DIFFERENT STYLES. Country Storekeepers supplied With Twenty-five or a Million, At the VERY LOWEST PRICES, At DIAGEE'S UNION PAPER and ENVELOPE MANUFACTORY, No. 316 CHESTNUT Street, Corner of HUDSON Street. Comer of iii DSON Stre.4. REMEMBER 316, REMEMBER 316 CHESTNUT Street. se2B-3t BOOK BINDING. Magazines, Illustrated rapers, and Periodicals of ovary description, bound neatly and at 'REDUCED PRICES. N. B.—MUSIC bound strongly, and with great care. SAMUEL MOOI&E az SON, JAYNE Street, between Eighth and Ninth and Mar ket and Chestnut. se4-lm PORTLAND KEROSENE O I L. We are now prepared to supply this STANDARD ILLUMINATING OIL is GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCKE It CO., SOLE AGENTS, 1010 HAREET STREET, seZ-eat Philswielphits. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. ENGLISH WATER-PROOF CLOAKS. (A QUA SCUTUM.) • BLACK-MIXED CLOAKS, GRAY-MIXED CLOAKS, BROWN-MIXED CLOAKS, CLARET-MI•XE!) CLOAKS, OPEN:LW+ EVERY MORNING J. W. PROCTOR & Co., 708 CHESTNUT STREET. W2l-1m cynrs, , E, SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, No. 112 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION M XONANTS FOR THE BALE 01 PHILADELPHIA-MADE G 0 0 D S. COPARTNERSHIPS ?TICIE PARTNERSI-lIP heretofore ex.- * iPtirg botv-en 'DANIEL NEALE! aial J. EL Mo. QUILLEN, in Ost! pi^tctice t>f Dottistry, lots ~x.piretll.3 Ilinitatinn and mutual adreem>•ut. DANIEL NEALL, having. aAsiohltNi with hint F. M. DIXON, mill continue at 827 ARCH. Stn»•q and J. Mc:QUILLEN has ront.reti to 1112 ARCH Str....t. Piiii..tovi.l.lll.., OM_ 1, IRAI. LEGAL TN:...t THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF PHILADELPHIA. JOHN MAGID, vs. Alias Subrena in VirotCf, r; MARY C. 31AGG. To 31.taf C. 31.tnn You are notified that said Coat Lace WWI tea a Kale to e6uw came 1 , 10 - a Lteerea of J) vorre should Tint be !mule diesolving bombe of many between you and your hu,band, returnable, on SATURDAY, October 12, 1931, at 10 o'clock A. 141: of said day, in the Cuninion Plena Court Room. - A, V. PA 15015, nelAnlb4t* Attorney for Lila-Ma-at 910 THE HEIRS AND thiGAL Representatives of HENRY LACEY, late of the township of fliffirm Hunks county,- rfenonsod: Take notice that an inquest will ho' held all the . late dwelling liouw of HENRY LICEY, deceased, in the township of county of -Ruda, itrilfe!iitid, on WEDNESDAY, th# 911 day of Odoher, e 4 lA'o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to reline and diff,i , cortain Real Estate of said deceaecd to and among his heirs and legal representatives, if the :cline can he loito with.....A•prejtalice to or spoiling the whole thereof; otherwise, Vl' vain° and appraise the same according to law, at which' time and place you are requested to atfend it you think prover. J. T. ST NI MD'S; Sheriff. SISICItIFVg OFFICE, Doylestown, October 14., rk,ll. 1861. ocl-triat BUCKS COUNTY,- ss.- THE COMMONWEALTH OF PF,NNSYtu /L, . Y.-USIA TO THE SHMIFF.OF SAID CO C\:_ TY, GREETING: We command you that you atta7b ISAAC VAN HORN . and JAMES D. STRYKER, am-living Trust , es of the New Dupe Lecture Room, late e 5 your county, by all and singular their geods and chotcels, lands, and tette ment:=, in 7Lose handai nr poobession Aonver the same may he, so that they be and !wimp I,,,niee 450 ComE of Cerra mon Pleae, te' be holden at YL'OWN, in and for said county,, en the NINTH DAY 9d SEPTEMBER NEXT, them to answer. ANDREW J. lIEAUMONT and JOHN - BEAUMONT, EKetmtpra- of the last will and testament of DORA nu N. BEAU.MVNT, deceased, of a eke of treepass the case, etc. Aral muntnon a!I pet 6MIS in whose hands or pinnuNidon the odd geed:, or any or thmirmity bn at] trachea, so that th,vy and evory of thorn le. and appear before the said ai the day and place, hereinbefore mentioned, to a ns,,n what shall be ohjeetaii,F„,,inst them and abide the judgment of the Court therei. and have you then and there thil.; writ. Witness DANIEL M.. SMYSER, Esquire. President of our Court, at Doyle:down, aforesaid, ents-m -toodood Itty Of Aug:l4, in your or our Lord (721 - thou sand td 1 t Irundrotl anti , siXty-one. SAMUEL B. THATCHER, Protitorktary. A true and atteged coil. J. T. SIMPSON, Slitrriff. S/IF:RIFF'S OFFICE, De -- i'lestown• ocl-tut:it yfislITED STATES, EASTERN !Li TRICT OF PENNRYLTAN lA. - SGT. THE _PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATEF, TO THE MARSHAL 01 THE EASTERN TRIM OF PENNSYLVANIA, • • - Greeting: Whereas, The District Court of the United States ht and for the Eastern District of FellllsYiVallia, riglitlf 4pl ,holy procestllng on a libel, the Hanle of the United States of America, bath decreed all persons ire general who have, or pretend to Isis, any right, title, or interest in the Schooner o FAIR:WIND," whereof JO 1111. E. W YAW is Mester, her tackle, apparel, and fueniture,, and the goads, wares, and merchandhe laden on board Onireof, captured as a prize by the Visited Slates steamer Quaktr City, under ..!011,11.1.11a o. 0. 5. 01.055011, and brought into this port to be mouished, cited, and callel to judgment, at the time and place undermittem: and to the effect hereafter expressed, ()lattice so requiring ) You are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and com manded, that _cud omit nut, but that hy publishing- thes,o Pregelltlt ill lit least two of the daily newspapers printed anti published in the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal- In fell *neer, you do monist, and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general mho hay,, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said Schooner, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and tuercaandise laden or, board thereof, to appear before the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER4 the Juidge of this said Court, sit the DISTRICT COURT ROOM, in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these pre sents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing Caine., then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the '°d ll &tic-min her tlitidet apparel, ma fumitnre k and the goods, wares, and merchandise should not be pro nounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the. United States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and sub. It et to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and re oeve in this behalf as to justice shall imperial t, And that you Only intimate, cur cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom hy the tenor of these presents it is also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court cloth intend and Will roceed tuV4dication ott ttW said Capture, and May pronounce that the said Schooner FAIRWIND„" her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board said Schooner, did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as good.; of their efleinje,l, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation stud cuts denOlUttOlip to be adjildgtd told cpudonned aslawful prim, the absence or rather contumacy oi the poisons so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Court wind you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. 'Witness the HonorableJOHN DADWALADER, Judge of the said Court, et Philadelphia, this Twenty,,eyeath day of September. A. D. 1861, and in the eighty-sixth year of the Independence of the said United States. oci-3t 'G. R. FOX, Clerk District Cove. MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE-BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. John Ottawalader, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public Sale ' to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at the CHANGE, on THURSDAY, October tete, 1851, at 1.2 &deck M.; the oneodx.teenth taut of the Sehounee JOHN S. LEE, her tackle, awn% furniture, being the interest of ANDREW J. 1101 A ELL, a resident and in habitant of the State of North Carolina, in the said Schooner, now lying at House's wharf, Richmond. WILLIAM MI.LLWARD, U. S. Marshal, E. D. of rena'a. Pita EL lITTA • Pepternb er 60, lak. ocl-at MABSEIAL'S SALE-BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon John Colwalader, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to ine direetv,l 7 will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at the PHILADELPHIA EX • CHANGE, on THURSDAY, October 10th, 1861, at 12 o'clock Bt., one certain small BAG OF GOLD METAL, marked V IVI u Bas. Gold Charlotte Mint. WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal, E. D. of Pennsylvania, Zeptruilirc 00, - OM. utd•M MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY VIET UE of a Writ of Sale, by the Ilon. John Cadwalader, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for Cash, at the pHILADEL,NHA. EXCUAINGE, on TIIUMSDAY, October 10, 1801, at 12 o'clock Al., the one•third part of the Schooner EAGLC, her tackle, apparel and furniture, being the interest of Richard H. RIDDICK, a resident and inhabitant of the State of Virginia, in said vessel, now lying at pier xo. 17, Richmond. WILLIAM iIIILLWARD, S. Marshal, E. D. of Peuusylvania. PEI LADI PH lA, SertenlbOr 39, /SOL 0c1.3t MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. John Cadwalader, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to toe directed, will be sold, at Public Sale, to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at the PtiILAD ' ELPHIA EX CHANGE, on 'PHUItgDAY, October 10, ISOI, at 111 o'clock M., the one-sixtrenth part of the Schooner G. W. HYNSON, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, being the interest of George Harris, a resident of the State of North Carolina, in said vessel. WILLIAM MILLWARD, S, Mara F., D. of Penusyh•ania. PHILADELPHIA, September 30, 18111. eel-It MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Sale, by the Men. John Crulwalader, Judge of the District Court of the United Statue, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to hit. directed, hill be sold, at Public Talc, to the highest and beat hiller, for rash, at the PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE, on THURSDAY,. October 10, DM, at 12 o'clock M., the one-sixteenth part of the Schooner EMMA AMELIA, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, being the interest of Henry Bingham, John J. Kelly, and Daniel H. Baldwin, residents and inhabitantsef the state of Georgie, hi said TVliNit WILLIAM MILLWAUD, S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, September 30,1801. oel -3t IAR SEAL'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. John Cadwahuler, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the blastrra District of Pennsylvania, In Aflutiralty, to MC directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at the PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE, on THURSDAY, October 10th, 1801, at 12 &clod:, mew, the into-sixteenth part of the aeltnener Alt lESTES, her taehle, apparel, and furnitore, bring Oki interest therein of MYERS "ALYEItS, a resident of the State of Virginia, WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. Mileatetl,ll. D. of Pemmy trot& PlliLA lIA I, NI I A, September 30, 186]. ocl-3t, MARSHAL'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. John Cadwalader, Judge of the District Court of the United Rotas, in and fop the Eagilt•iia I , lstOtt of Penns; hauls, in Adtaieally, to me directed, will be sold,at .' Idale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at the Pllll , ADEL l'l I.IA EX CHANGE, on THURSDAY, October 10111,1861, at ra o'clock N., the one-sixteenth part of the schooner BUG. BOWES, C., her tackle, apparel, and furniture, being the interest of IiEDEA li REIS, a resident and in luthitant uf the State of North Carolina, in ;said yeasol, now lying at William-streeWt wharf, Rielinitind. WILLIAM MILLWAXD, U. S. Marshal, E. P. of Pennsylvania. 110mA September 30, 1861. 0u1.3t MARSHAL'S SALE—BY VIRTUR of a Writ of Sale, by the MU. Johlt thelWalader, _lodge of the District Court of the United States, in sad for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to toe directed, will be sold, at Public Cale to the Wheat and best bidder, for each, at the PHILAI;ELPHI&E.L. CHANGE, on THURSDAY, October 10th, lattl. at 1.4 n., the ono-eighth Tut of the hark IHISIASAHI HALLETT, her tackle, apparel and furniture, being the interest of ANDREW J. DWELL, a resident and ins habitant of the State of North Carolina, in said vessel. WILLIAM MILLWARD, D. S. Marshal, E. D. of Poiutsyleattia. rfIitADEI.PHIA, Septentpr 50,1861, 044 k AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACALEMY OF isitLmo. ORAN V tiheatED AND MISCEI,I,ANEUUS CONCERT, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 3, 186.1 Thu lulluw ins artiata aim] amataurs alslat ' Bltulanu. BERTHA 11111 A NNSEN, :Alas DENDIETTA SR A W, Iffi;a4 Dliam CAROLINE INICCAUVREY, Mi. ERNEST Mr. IN CNA, Mr. (I, ItutheoE, Mr. AA MIN IL TAYLOIL. A FULL CIIORUS AND LPFIs.q.EINit uIi.“I.IISS - FRA, And 010 (hand OrefaillifY much enliugA.4l ,j Iwt Cotio t. Directarr—ll. G. 'THUNDER and S. It Ell S. Overton to er WiSlitun TOL" Qllllrtrite From "Moss iu Egiito;" Sdos by Motlame .ri,luuuisr•n, 3liss fienristt4 Shim, miss Linde Miss 31.cCatfrey, Mr. Nr(lett Petrim-, find Mr. A arm. IL. Taylor. To NV .1311.11 WA. ! •! tl \Vont,' 1.3 L. .)ici'ooday. blank; 11.) lielay Le. Thunder. I'lkt OnANI) IVAIt 14.15 . 1 WhiCh will Lc Cl V ' etl with StAQi by .111atlatim 11.1th..d 1 - ~ ,n vn, Miss Caroline Alc , Affrey, rrest Nrrieg, and M.r Lai Ull ILTa)bir. Tickets, 25 cents, ‘+ltich will admit twrsonti to every Po llen 01 the hutire, em.r.itt the Pe: iii antl Pitninet Th. - stile of 11re Hrser• vi•tl Funk will 1 . 1,1nt qt AviPnly., bl J. E. i1 4 =111 , 1 1, i, severitli Intl Cllsstitut ,treet., on WEIN , ' E6DA YA. N. 171 it. 50 F.•nts in I'rosrt•niunt cr . r. ts Doors opetaitt seven Celuck. Cwicert commence; at eight. eel -at WHEATLEY'S CONTINENTAL Tmwrnm—wALNuT sTI:gYfT, ()Yr. NIGIITH LAST NIGHTS Of the great Shakspertrial. ipectacular Phry, THE TEMPEST; _ On, Tun ENCHANTED ISLAND ! The Lan Scene, R(ni OR THE ABODE Or }KIEL IN TIIE ENCHANTFEI FOREST, The must tunrttifteent ever produced !7} America. -N ) v M ALA-STREET THEATRE NINTH. rad WALNUT Streetk - $l, A, GNAIIIITTEIaIi. THIS (TUESIi2II) I7YE MPG, th,to'lr The peribrilialice wl4 A.% ILI, =II Ain rk Mayberry .........:....31r. PETER It Y 1 4 .09 31ed. Crosby 'l'lit CA It 0 N It ICTING.I To emielude with t 1 la oblotho hiree or A QUIET 9k1411. Y. VT , Varnaby Bil.Me • Mr. BOWERS Ali1111:55I011—Ilread Circifirfile.,• Parquet, (Sial:trel emits, 50e.); Family Giddie r 2.5 c.; Private B4ii. ea, E.& and 513 Single Seats in Valitcgitra anti Privailie Boxes;4sc.; Upper Boxes, 25c. lhofitti spen at 7; Performance Urstintnence at 7%. 11 . 1t3.- JO A ljlS: . DREW'a ftwm, Acting and Bly.tge Afiinager W. S:•711EDRIIJOIEIL Business Amt. and Treaanror .103', , P. MURPHY. The perforrpnce will commence With THIS (TZESGAY) EVENING, Cyzittiterr 1, JEANNETTE i neTretin Dr La Trtemtfkgwr . Jeannette Prijol_, CIIAILLOTTIC ..r7I44}MPERM Madame Flavigna • Mrs: EVYWEALL Marietti, • • • Mrs. CH ARUM IJEN . Claude Marie (le erttin)..............Mr. MCIIIIIMMI. Thome'Mr. L. R. 5.M44111.14 • . Placid° Emulien Mr. ittiflll Au4nchr • - . ~, , , Mr, FRANIOiItiIW PRICES--75,50, 37.?..(4.2%, and 15 coots. No extra charge for reserori sc ats. ASSEMBLY BVILDI.NGS—TE U. and CHESTNUT Strt•eta.—MONDAY evening,. Er.eptenkla.r 30, ISt 1, and ev7r , ,evenh.g. during the wt 6.4,.. ninnOitlit iletteNi iflinriaenlents and in. creinwil Mucha - ideal Effects th. Hoene:an: the GREAT SOUTII ERN lairElmos, and gurgeziii..r ninhanical exhibition ur the ..MUSSIAN WAR. Adult 15c., Children, 10c., Reserved Sent., 25e. se3o-Et' MAGIC LANTERN PICTURES Off THE HEBELLlON—ltuttolatating all the proud: Heat 9eteeat 7 Etidagete,,A,. 7 anti thin liatr., For u sle by JAMES Vi; IXTCEN 9114 tAIEBINUT Street- A Desrriptive List furnished grass 1111@ st-iit by melt, free, on applirntien. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY •OP THE FINE ARTS, 10.25 Clif`-'iTN UT ,Strut, k open daily, Sore:lays excepted, from 8 i,l till 6P. N. Atholeahm 25 cents. Children 'mier twelve year', half price. Shama of Stock, WANTS WANTED- A VESS'EI, OF THE rowtoity of filost FY,IO tv laOU 1.16 k, .Yra voyage to tin W,ht Apply to oel .fAirftETCHE Ce_II.FTAIRS. WANTED—A Pupil who ewld re ceitin inetrwstion in all tho lir:lnchon of. an , English Education by rwtolering Some assistance it. teachin, ,, 7 AMAY EL(4lwO , l, on OgLI!It A.Teaue, north from Noble street,. below Sixth street, bet Noon .ht hours of t :mil 4, on the atternoous of Um Ist, 31, r rhl 84 of Truth month, Thal.. cA..l3t* WANTED—An Experienced 3ales than iu the linsiery find Notion p4l•diii.4s,..who aciinalititst with Sfotttgomery, Chester, and Cetawarei comity trade. Address'' Itox 1209 Pit WANTED—A good Girl to act as Waiter in a Dining Room. Apply at the 'Revere .11, - 41-7e, THIRD above Race ntrert. se3o-2t* it EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEI4P- Ell is open for an engagement. Salary in accord ance with the times. Undoubted reference as to charac ter and ability. Address u Business," Box 2280 6 Office. sell-Im*• T. 4 I IIIPLOYERS WANTING YOUNG 't MCII, kc., are invited iuldress the "Employment Committee," at the Items et' the Young Men's Christian Logoriation. 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT street. apg-nat FOR SALE AND TO LET. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT Apply 1816 SPILL:CE Street. ocl-6t* TO LET—A Dwelling House on F 4u4 Rittenhcnse street, west of Green street, German- U.Ave. Rent e3OO. Mee, a pleasant and convenient dwelling on East Walnut lane. keely WILMA NI H. BACON, 335 MARKET Street. FOR SALE OR TO RENT—A modern built new MILL, 154 feet long by BO wide, with water power sufficient for fon t , s et s woo ll en ma , chinery, nnd ample tenements ibr workmen. Also, a GRIST MILL and FARM attached, known as the Good Intent property, near Blackwoodtown, N. J. The property is in good order, and roady for machinery. In quire of oel-M* LIVERMORE. COOPER, A: CO. von BALE, FREIGHT, OR CHART TER.—'Cho superior Baltimoreibuilt bark A. A. Drebert, G. I Hewitt, muster, 338 tons register, now in blew York. Apply to JAURETCHE t WARSTAIRS, eel 202 and 204 .oath FRONT fit INSURANCE COMPANIES. COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY, Or •THE STATE 01 FENNSILYAZILL DIRECTORS, David Jayne, H. D., Charles H. Rogers, John M. Whitall, John K. Walker, Edward C. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Simplon], Henry Lewis, Jr., Stephen Coulter. DAVID JAYNE, K. D., President. JOHN M WHITA.LL, Vies Peealdetit. SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. Office, Conunenwealth Building, 613 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Strait FIRE •AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. George W. Day of Day & Matlack. Samuel Wright " Wright Bros. & 00. D. B. Birucy ii Davie & Birney. Henry Lewis, Jr It Lewis Broa. & CO, C. Itivliavileon.. Y. C. Howe & Co. Jno. W Everman.,..... tt J. W. Everrnan. & Geo. A. West tt West & F. S. Martin . v. Savage, Martin, & Co. C. Wilson Davie. Attorney-at-law.. E. D. Woodruff of Sibley, Molten, & Woodruff Jut.. Newsier, Jr.. No. 17/5 Green etrect, GEORGE W. DAY, President, FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice•PrelM/eL WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. ja.23.ffet SAVING FUNDS. SAVING FUND-UNITED STATEII, 4 TRUST COMPANY§ corner TRIED and CHRIST.. NUT Streets. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. S.R. CRAWFORD, Preeident, JAMES H. RUETER, Secretary and Treasurer. Office boors, from 10 until 3 o'clock. This company is not joined in any application to begisiature. SAFES LILLIE'S SAFE.. DEPOT. Rlrr- MOVED to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, now. t n Franklin Institute. The umlereigned, thankful foe past favor'', and busing determined to merit future patronage, has secured NEIL. elegant and convenient etore,.and has now on hand. e large assortment of Lillie's .Celebrated Wrought anid .. Chilled Iron Firo and Burglar Proof Safes,(the only . strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) m, LiUlert Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. LIMO. Bank Vault Poore and Lochs will be furniaiseis to order on short notice. This is the strongest, beat pro tee ted, and cheapest Poor and Lock .yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillia's Ne Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. This Safe is con ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet at.. fared for this purpose, and is the only nue that II midis, fire and burglar-proof. SPKOIAL .have now on hand.sayi twenty et. Farrel, llerring, & Co.'e Safes, most of them near', now., and some forty of other makers, comprising a rainDletl., assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged for Sl*, now celebrated Lillie Safe. They wilt be sold at v icy prices, Pledge call and examine. ju2fplyif 111. C. 8/I.DDIE/1, APELL & AIM, FOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware anti Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Express. Steamboat, , pany receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. 114 deIIPRA ing their cargoes in Now York thw foLt.; , o , lagilays. Freights taken at reasonable P ratea. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTIL WRARYRR, Phiilalelpht JANES lIAN-D, Agehti anl -tf Pier: 14 and 15 EAST RIVER, New York. NILLAPELPHIA /MY WAffIIFiGTON XL?RISS SUM& BOAT OODIPAN Y. New lino direct for Alexandria, Washingt4ll) a4*. Georgetown. Through in 3(1 hours. Steamer PHILADELIaPHIA, "CaOain THOS. HOW ! , Steamer JIIROME, Captain JERwitg. Will leave Philo&!ilia °Teri VaiIINtSTAT 'sod EL., 'rURDA Y, at 12 Welock M., crane/AMR with all those ports, sold returning, /E 4 Fe WrlbiliSton.Geor_att , town, and Alexpoldria every TUESDAY and S plug, , DAY, for Philadelphia. W. P. CLIME, AgePt, Wa.I4..SOUTITL vnAitvxs, Philiulelyteta, MORGAN 4 RIiIti . RILMT, Agra& Bout of C 9, Waahingt*Al a dr at FOX NtIN YOBX. 'As phihwhiphis sthipb propeller °.= m will comence their business' Utll the 808,11011 On MO 18th instant. Their stentnern aro now maim; freight ea Booms Pier above waimit street. Terme accorbloodating. Arab , to W. M. BAIRD et 00., tee Muth Tlonlaarsiro Avenue WIPER-PHOSPHATE OF 1 4 1.5.113, K, SO tofu in store sad fox Bale, In lots to atilt pur chasers,br A.III.ItA6TWIUK, 521 VIN IC Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Best utici ciumpegt in the City, at 34 Smith THIRD IWO.
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