Our National finances. rimauel Hallett & Co.’b European and American circular for the last steamer discourses fully upon our national finances, and our ability to pay tlio debts created for war purposes. ThU circular will be read with great interest on both rides of the Atlantic. We quote it in full; The great theme, at the present time, of foreign ers, particularly Englishmen, is the vast debt the United States are contracting to put down the re bellion. debt of $500,000,000 is not one-fifth so large in proportion to their means, and not greater in pro portion to their population rfann our pooplc have twice contracted and twice paid. Upon t&o Adop tion of the Constitution, tbo debt assumed was $80,000,000. The population of the country was 3 900,000. This suui exceeded $2O per head. At that time the wealth of the country, and its means for the payment of taxes, did not equal a tenth of those at present possessed by our people. It had been exhausted by long wars which had desolated nearly eTery portion of H. It was without com merce and without manufactures, whilo at that time there was hardly *uiy demand in foreign coun tries for products of its agriculture. It was pre vious to the use of steam or of labor-saving ma chines, or of any considerable division of labor on which all wealth is bused. The population were widely scattorod* without internal commerce, and were almost solely engrossod in providing for their daily wants. The expenses and revenues of Go vernment were on a corresponding scale. The total expenses of the United States for the first fourteen years after the formation of the Government, exclu sive of payments of interest on tho national debt, were $53,373,478, and the yearly average $3,812,301 which is about one-third ot tho annual expendi tures of the city of New York. This small sum taxed tho industries of tho country much more severely than ten times the amount, in ratio to the population, would at the present day. Yet the debt was gradually reduced till it was only $45,- 000,006 at the commencement of the war of 1812, when 5t was swelled to $127,000,000 ia 1816. The population of the country at that time being about 8,500,000, the rate per head was $l5. Notwith standing the impoverished condition of the country, the payment of the debt wjis immediately com menced and fully consummated in 1835. A national debt not exceeding per head those twice contracted and paid by our people is no cause for alarm. But since the creation and pay ment of these, the wealth ot' our people has in creased probably in tenfold greater ratio than that of their population. Tho valuation of all the property in the several States, for taxation in 1850. equalled $5,989,152,771; in 1860, $11,296,306,942 an increase of nearly 100 per cent.; the increase of population in the same time whs 35 per cent. The *acre&3e of the former hu* been in threefold ratio to the latter, from the effect of the new agencies that man is constantly summoning to his aid. The locomotive engines in tbo United States are now performing the labor of 50,000,000 horses. The machinery brought into use since 1816 in this coun try, is equal to the labor of 500.000.000 men. In effcotthe productive capacity nnd wealth of the country have increased as if the population of the country had gone up to hundreds of millions instead of 31,500.000. This statement strikingly illustrates cur increased means, and is fully confirmed by the extent of the internal commerce of the country, which is almost entirely the result of the application of steam to locomotion, and which has been almost wholly cre ated eince 1816. The louuttgo carried by the rail roads <.*f the State of M*frsuchusette for IfcoO was 3,716.720 tons, worth, at the very low valuation of -$lOO per ton, $371 ; 672.600. The tonnage of the Erie Canal and the Eric aid New York Central Itailronds. for 1860, was 6,767,730 tons, worth at least §670,773,600 —making an internal commerce for the two States alone exceeding $1,000,000,- DOO in value, nearly the whole of which has'been drciitcu siuce the opening of the Erie Canal in IS2-1. other portions of the country show a still greater relative progress, as their public works have not only been constructed, but their population sup plied, within the last foriy years. There are bow in the United States 31,500 miles of railroad, that have CLSt $1,250,000,000. «-i*d 5,131 mites of cannh that have cost §2,000,000,000. The loyal States have 23,600 miles of railroad, costi/ig $950,000,000, and 5.000 miles of canal, coaling §200,000,000. If tho annual value of the trade of the public works of New York and Massachusetts, with a mileage of 5,100 miles, is equal to $l.Ol-0-000.000. that of the remainder of the loyal B'u'cs, with a railroad and cnnnl milcage of 23,000 milt?-*, must surely amount to a sum twice as large, or $2,000,000,000. The subject can here b« only generally referred to, but enough has been shown to dispel all fears of our ability to sustain burdens no larger, in ratio to our population, than those twice assumed and twice discharged. Bui the ability of a country to bear a heavy taxation, does not so much depend upon iu permanent or accumulated wealth as upon the productiveness of its industries. Great Britain, the country to which we are accustomed to refer in di.-cus.ii3g this and kindred subjects, derives only a small portion of its revenue from taxes on pro perty. Of the taxes of ali kinds collected for 1860. amounting to £70,809.977. land and assessed taxes produced only £3,241.107; leaving £67,563,570 raised upon consumption, chiefly of luxuries. Of this sum the customs produced £23.396.395; ex cise. £20,070.000; stamp.- ,£5.267.25S : post office, £3.o70.OO0; income tax, £3.012.935. * * In the United titutes we have, since the war of 1812, had only two sources of national in come—customs and lauds. The income from the latter ha.? never paid the cos*, of their management and the annuitiea to the variuus tribes of Indians from whom they were purchased Customs dut es in England are less tbau one third of the revenues. We have only to adopt the example of that country to swell ours to five times then- ordinary amounts. The economy of our Government has kept our ex penditures to one sixth of lho>e of Great Britain. We can raise an equal sum with a similar system. and n larger one—as labor, which pays tho reve nues of both countries, is vastly more productive in the United States than thni country. That our people will no? teadily submit to any burden? necessary to put down tho rebellion is a most unwarrantable assumption. Tho economic working of their institutions, with tho marvellous material progress under them, has caused them to be regarded by an affectiru which people of other countries cannot appreciate. In England the an nual taxes for the support of ihc National Govern ment exceed twelve dollars per head. In this country they have averagmi loss than two dollars per head Upon the return »>f pence they will not probably exceed $100,000,000. This sum will not call for more than thre«? do-htrs per head. A rato ?cr head equal to that paid by (ho people of New ork for municipal and Stale purposes, would pro’ •ducc $150,000,000 ; or a *-qu.-il to that assessed Upon tho taxable property of the city, $2-30,000.000 —&£aiuii exceeding considerably twice the probable Expenditure of the Federal Government upon a peace footing. For such expenditures we have the customs reve nue, estimated to produce $58.000.000; a direct lax of $20,000,000. and an income tax of 3 per cent, on ali incomes over $BOO annually. These sources should produce very nearly the amount required, without resorting to excise or stamps, or other in ternal taxes. The increased burdens will hardly be perceptible. The rapid increase of our popula tion daily lightens previous burdens. The increase for the past decade wan equal to 809,000 yearly. For the next it will «*xo«-od 1.000,000, proving moil fully the remark of 4 Ge Emperor of Russia in bis Isiic letter to our President. That the movement ■of the United States is upon the ascending scale. "When their resources and future are fully appre ciated, we can predict a pric« for their securities which chall place them on a level with those of the .most stable European Governments, and far higher lhnn their previous customary range. CITY ITEMS. Treason vs. Loyalty.—We have already notin g the and the sending to Fort Lafayette of M-verai persons engaged in business in this city, who toavr been sending supplies to the rebels. There are others engaged in the same tutamous work, hut tlie an* ihoiiik-i have their eyes upon them. In view of the of ihese mercenaries, how refreshing it is to turn to bright examples of loyal faithfulness as is exhibited at tlie Brown Stone ulothing Hall of Rockliill A Wslv>n, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, v.here troop*, of skilful workmen are employed in getting op elegant, comfortable, and substantial uniforms li>r the of the Union l Clothing tor tub South.—An extensive utock of army and navy garments are now being manu factured at the palatial Clothing Emporium of Granville Stokes 009 Chestnut street, all of which, we arc iu foJiui-d from good authority, is to be sent South—on tlie Lacks of our volunteers who have enrolled the in selves tmder the old stars and stripes Every garment made at this establishment is of the best material, and calcu lated t-i ctand well the climate for which it Is intended. A great reduction in prices has recently takon place at this Msarmoth Emporium, No. 609 Chestnut street. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO 12 o’clock last night. t 'O NTINI-STAL HOTEL—tlin-sinnt and Ninth Street*. .S il i.iiwrence, reuna A V tVimton, CiuoimmU EHIImtU Hr Jones II S Oarlick, Cineinnati L I! l’aine. Chicago J 11 Scrimion, Scranton, Ta O A Koljert*. Fremont, 0 flir.j i'irh, ronsyllle H KunotUU A la, N r l.oiring, Boston S A Eldridge, Boston J P Howard, New York 0 Horwitz, Baltimore 1, ]»4.vf.r.aey* Cincinnati Mrs A S Nicholson ic child, $ Wru r, Watertown, NY Washington, 3> 0 IT Cros'ainan A \vf, Boston H C Matthews, Cincinnati «i T La:-e, Lancaster J M Loin*, Lancaster A Morgan Geo F Pettinos A la, Cal Mhs (*S.:«|.lin* Boston J M Valentine, New York John Bir.ck A la* N J James AY Smith, New York C P liimbidl, Maine H Tiff, Boston j F Terr;., Burton C P Pennington. Boston 4 1 JJ i h.vihourno Goo II Merwin A la, i Miio .1 K i’.nv, Boston T 1* Merriuro, Boston .1 Klnuigsey, Boston i>r It V K Mold foul x la, Chus 15 Hone, Bouton Newburg II N ‘ boat.' k In, Boston H Uenrce, Cincinnati Jno B Foley ic la, Danville 11 M Castle, Lafayette, liid John II Gore, California l>r C 6 De iinw, N Y A Gartman, York, Pa Mra King, Harrisburg .1 B King, Harrisburg John II Cannon, Louisville John ttiurinftn»Ohio <xvo M SimoniMJii & wf, N Y 1) Krownuau, Michigan Mrs Viols &el id, New York 41 B Crandall, New York JJ Laphum, Rhode Island F Uriel], New York 1> 11 Porter, Bridgept, Coun O 11 l.aekoy, U 8 N E .1 Brooks TJ Lnm'lin, Baltimore L W Williams, Baltimore 4K Shoenbergur, Cin, O Miss Sallie Bhocnberger, U Miss T. Thornberji, Ciu, O L SaltunatalL, Boston Col E Backus, USA Mrs Backus O M WrighL Wash, D C W M Chase, New York SJI fchooinaker* Baltimore II L Gaw, Philadelphia W M Shuster, Wash, D C Cupt Blunt & la, VS A Aug Miller, New York The# Holcomb, Delaware Wm Jo-cup, Montrose T Henry, Wash, D C M J Alter, Georgetown, DC Ilev C Churchill, Halifax II Arihni, Wash, D C Mrs W E Hooper Then Hooper A la WO Porter, Bridgept, Ct »S Culuutuu, New York J C Colton, Buffalo .Poh Jsl«mfc, Now York <■ B Crockett, Boston E M Shield, Cincinnati Wm Hancock & !h, Danv The* Drew, New York 11 P Smith, Philadelphia J A Ferran, Delaware A Oppenheiiner, Mexico V M Wiles', Pennsylvania K Uromberff, New York W P Dole x 111, Wash, DC II W Putnam & la, Ohio W H .lordan, York, Pa J Stair, York, Pa John H nil, New York Mrs Myers & child, N Y C Hedgv, Brooklyn, N Y AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut Bt.« above Fifth* James E Black, Delaware A Aldrick, Massachusetts 1’ A Lyon, New York S S Jrick, Now Jersey AEI well, M D, New Jersey .1 B Champion, Phiiada W A Cook, Delaware G Smith. Philadelphia Isaac 0 Barnes* Boston Geo Darmott, Boston J W Taft* Worcester Capt F. E Lewis, W Che« Yi Horner, Burlington N J J B Heritage, Maryland It Buckley, Washington, D C N T Daniels, Illinois W N Brice, Maryland K <J Himes, Shippen?biirg UNITED STATES HOTEL—Eleventh and Market Sts. D Fuller, Pennsylvania Capt Thornton Smith, USA A ViUom Jr, Cincinnati C Ramsay, New York E Chub, lowa City K JaeUson, Ohio E C PattMAOD, Canton, O Sanu Black* Downingtown n Mullii.4 Carlisle M Kettlnger, California Sami A Kuhns, California Jew Smith, Altoona 1* Y Kftna*a s Harrisburg W C Wagoner, nunU'gdou n J McAfee, Pittsburg Miss AnnieC Wflwu, Pa .100 Phiteraou, Lancaster co Miss D Child, Pa .f T W.-rihington, Pa JB Aikin, Pmadeiphii MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth Street, below Arcli. J A MonGrompry, Pft DC Aniiornon, Frankfort.O Sflml P Kemble,Webster.Va John \V Bartlett, Virginia E 1? Morris, Greene eo, Pa GO Lemley, Greene co, Pa O W Garrard, Ohio If Roman, Pennsylvania J B I>ob>ns, Illinois John Foster, Centro co, Pa Peter Wilson, Centro co» Fu W G Duncan, Centre co,Pa A Jacolv, Brownsville Sami Tsott, Blair co, Pa John iStmw» Jr, rfttrtnrg Fanil Bartlett, Ohio M M Mftbplc, Philadelphia Jj*col> W<4Wor, Ohio S B llalubird, Maryland It 8f Mbdiuott, Unioniown E C Emmons, Tlliiuas Oh:«s Gray, Delaware R \t Deriekson, USA JT Newcomer, Pa Cupt Gpo R Bonnard, Pa J W Gilchrist, Pa TIV limit i wf, Indiana 811 Henderson & wf, N Y T l*baiu, Now York AquiUa done?, Indianapolis Aquilla Jones, Jr, Indiana Elisha Jonos Jolm Cooper, fJnlonviHo, O Thott HuniostCT, llaltiinoro Mr* A AWv, M»,U-r thun Aher, ritisbv Mi** Baum A her, Pittsburg .T Y StOYick, Shipper,fiburg G W Cruft, 81iip|jcnsburs E Kierimu, Peuua 6T. LOUIS llOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. II Haniill, New Jersey W TI Swart wont, N»*w York John Lotlirop, Boston N Delano, Charh stowu V 0 Rosenbaum, Miuuaa J Wilnon, Philadelphia t-has W Cook, New York II Kano, Ireland John McClosky, Ireland J II Seymour, Ilrtger.*down S P Jarvis, Connecticut Mrs Eliza D Jarvis, Conn R L White, New York David Kindig & la, Lanc'tr D F Bandall, Hartford, Ct F L O’Shea, Pittsburg H Rogers, Maine G II Woodruff, Nmv York John McKav, Now York L C Wheat, New York N Belrien, New York Capt F Zarrwiier, Maryl’d Madam fcarracher, &M K Higgins, Boston TIIE UNION—Arch street, above Third. IT ,T Stauffer, Salem, O J Tj Collins Ohio AW Beery, Ohio Jas W Baxter, Pittsburg D 8 Co«ier, Danbury, Conn Jno Hutchison, Allegheny Mi-s S Dover J Barrick, Ohio Wm Roller, Greeuford, O ’ Geo Lieure, Alton, 111 Jncvb ScuviU, Minvrpyille Louis Knipping, New York COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. J D Wiley, York co Fonlk Jones, York co J R Johnson, Bristol D Scott, Maryland W C Prilner, Pcnua John A Busea, Penua Y A Churcliman, Ihdaware Jas Valentine, Delaware Caleb Churchman, Del Louis It Hell, Delaware A R Merer, N<'\Yftfki Pel J Pevor, YT ClieMrr M ronnock, Wilm, Pal z Lamborii, P«uua E Fotts, Bijilgcporb Pcnna STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Sixth. J Schilling, Ohio * J Munson, Penna \Y Shimp, Lewislown A Patterson A la, Penn a C B Williams, New York R Q. Clifton, New York K Dunlap, ruoli. Pa R Kerliiiger, York, P« Jos Balding, Tcnna H S Book, Lancaster eo.Pa Mr Uroninger & wf, Juniata Geo M Bret/., Carlisle, Pa R Cunningham, Chester co, Pa NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. F Y BTcmllinger, Pa E Van Dine, Troy, Pa A W Curnsev, Troy, Pa X J Hull, Union co, Pa Win S Wi«*l, Alloj.tokvn Wm Wilcr, Phi iipabur^ RII Linvillo. LiuioflHtor O U Davis, M&advillo BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Cnllowhill, A Calvin, Easton Wm H Bush, Bethlehem G Y Frodcneck, Bethlehem Capt Jubu Craig, Penna Wm Schweitzer, Berks co Albert T Doster, Bethteh'm T Price, Lebanon co, Pa Mrs Price, Lebanon co, Pa Mrs Heisey, Lebanon co, Pa Miss Htttacy, Leb'll CO, I’ft T S Philoda BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. Tbo* S Gathers N J Dr Stiles, New Jersey E Fritz, Doylpptown J Vanhorn A la, Yardloyv Mi** Vsmhorn, Yardleyville 8 R Huselton, N J Dean Dawson, Phila A K Savage, Phila MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second st., ab. Arch. D W Steams, Wayne co, Pa W L Gilbert, Fciuitt C H liccdom, llnthoni Hin»m Reading, Hntboro REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. Wm Gratz, Schuylkill Haven J P Smith, Port Carbon CUirs Kamon, Rending E Wilton, New Berlin, Pa R Swineford, New Berlin, Pa BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callowliill. JlWcihl, HolfuerburjC Chas ll«rper» Jpnkintown Mrs C Harper. Jenkintewn Wilson H Gllhurt, Coatesve MARINE INTELLIGENCE, see fourth page. MEMORANDA. Sclir J L Redner, Coidery, at Boston 25th inst. from Georgetown, DC. « Sclirs A Townsend, Townsend, Sephia Ann, Smitli, Abigail Haley, Haley, Robert Gilfillan, Smith, J B Aus tin, Davis, Malilnn Betts, Endicott, L & R Smith, Smith, Mary H Banks, Cannon, W G Bartlett, Connelly, Alloa Downing, Rice, Polly Price, Adams, Lizzie Maul, Hale}', Little Beulah, Hanson, E Smith, Smith, Sarah, Cullen, Alert. Champion, J SI Va.jice. und Village Queeuj ltul«e, lienee, arrived at Boston 25th inst. Sehrs Spray, Baker, an«l J H Wainwright, Ludlam, cleared at Boston 25th inst. for Philadelphia. Sclir Mary Nutt, Richards, hence, arrived at Provi dence 24th inst. Schr Dolphin, Kelly, from Dennis for Philadelphia, sld from Providence 24th inst. Sclir .T#lm Walker, Griffith, sailed from Providence 24th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Emily, Thoihpson, sailed from Pawtucket 24th iufct.for Philadelphia. Scbr Richard Hill, Smith, sailed from Providenco 25th inst. for Philadelphia. Sclir Win Gregory, Bucklin, from Camden for Phila delphia, at Rockland 21st inst. Schr Ada Ames, Ames, sailed from Rockland 20lh inst. for Philadelphia. Sol»r Joseph Long, Gilchrist, cleared al Portland 24th In*!, for Philadelphia. Schr S L Crocker, Presbrcy, hence, arrived at Tuim t'.’Ti 24th inst. Bark James Andrews, Captain Seth Burt, formerly n whaler from New Bedford, now hailing from New Or leans, from MnmtHlnn, Mexico, with a cargo of maho gany for Liverpool, put into Edgnrtown on Tuesday in a leaky condition, and short of water. She was seized l>y tlit‘ Collector of tl«vt port, ami ia livid to aw%*it orders from headquarters. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notice is hereby given, that on or soon after the Ist of October, tlie Nun and Gan Buoys occupying stations in Boston Bay will bo removed for tho wiuter, and spar buoys, of corresponding numbers and colors, substituted. Bv order of the Lighthouse Board. E. A. LONG, Clerk to L, H. Inspector, Second District. Boston, Sept 20, 1361. SPECIAL NOTICES. One-Price Clothing, op the Latest Bttles, made in tbe Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. Alt Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our One-Price System is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. se22-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street Batchelor’s Hair Dye.— This cole brated and perfect HAIR DYE is the BEST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere imitations of this Great Original, which lias gained such extensive Patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. BATCHE LOR’S LIQUID HAIR DYE instantly produces a splendid Black or natural Brown, without staining the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad Dyes, invigorating the Hair for life. Bold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNESTOCK & CO. and DYOTT A CO.,'Philadel phia mhl-tl Card Printing, Best and Cheapest In tlie City, at Si South THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City, at S 4 South TIIIRR Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in tha City, at 34 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other descrip tion of Printing, of the most superior quality, at the most reasonable rates,at RINGW ALT ABRO'WN'S, DrexelPa Building, 34 South THIRD Street. delO-tf MARRIED: IIINCKLF —MALEY.—On the 30th of October, 1860* by the Key. D. YY. Bartine, William llincklo to Mi>s Emma Malev, all of riiiladrlphia. NORTON—S TROUP.—On the 24th hist., by Kev. M. I». Kurtz, Mr. Charles P. Norton to Mis-; Anna C. Stroup, both of Camden, N. J. -*• SNYDER—SMILEY.—On the 20th inst., by Rev. Samuel Durborrow, Mr. T. J. Snyder to Miss Mary A. Smiley, all of this city. ‘ : O’NEILL—OSLEIt. —On the 15th in-t.. by Aldermau Hay, Mr. Daniel O’Neill to Miss Annie A. Osier, both of this city. _ . * - SPAY’D—GROVES. —On the sth Inst., by Rev. T. Y. Ashton, Mr. William H. Spayrt to MissYlurguret Groves, l*orh of this city. *- DIED: HARPER.—On tlm 25th iust., Hugh aged 5G y*>yrs. Ills male friends and relatives are respectfully invited to utteiul ids funovill, from the rosidet.ee of his brother in-law, Mr. Fort Ihrie, No. 1332 Fruukliu street, on Sa-- tiirday afternoon, at 3 o’clock, HOPKINS. —On thu 24th lust., Martha, wife of Mosey Hopkins, in the 66th year of her.age. Funeral from the residence of her Oak street, above Thirty-sixth, this (Friday) afternoon, nt 2 o’clock. . * MADDEN.—On the 24th instant, Mrs. Mary Madden, in the 40th year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, in Mary street, above Seventh, this (Friday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * REPP.—On the 24th instant, Mrs. Elizabeth Repp, wifi* of Mr. Lewis Repp, aged 35 years. Funeral from her husband’s residence, 1309 Coates street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. # - BARCLAY.—On the 25th lust., Joseph Barclay, in the 47th year of his age. - Funeral from his Uto. residence, No. 1126 Marlbo rough street, on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o’clock. * CARR.—On the 25th inst., Thos. Henry, son of Thos. and Susan Carr, aged 11 months. Funeral from tho residence of his parents, No. 974 North Front street* this (Friday) afternoon, nt 3 a'ch-ek. DAVIS.—On tho 24th inst., CStharinc, wile of John Davis, aged 49 years. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 1434 North Tenth street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 3o’clock. FRAY’.—On the 25th inst., Dominick Fray. Funeral from bis hate residence, No. 1230 Warnock st., above Girard avenue, this (Friday) afternoon, at 1 6’elk. GREEN.—On the 25th inst., John Green, only son of John and Margaret Green, aged 7 years and 10 mouths. Funeral from the residence of his parents, No. 1331 Mariner street, below Carpenter, this (Friday) afternoon, «t3j£ o'clock. * HAY'S.—Suddenly, on the 25th inst., Mr. Henry Hays, printer, in the 40th year of his ago. HERRIOTT.—On the 25th inst., William 8., son of J. Y. Herriott, M. D., in the 21at vwtr id his age. Funeral from the residence of his grandfather, Joseph Direr, No. 920 Filbert street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. # HOUGHTON.—On the 24th inst., Luther Houghton, Bged 74 years. Funeral from his late residence, No. 1625 Lombard st.» this (Friday) morning, at 10 o’clock. * LETTS. —On the 25th inst., Mrs. Harriet Lntts, in the 5Wh year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Robert D. Sherrard, No. 1108 Germantown road, this (Friday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * MYERS.—On the 26th inst., Harry Mf<;r.s, son of Ja cob and Maria Myers, in tho 3d year uf hi* age. Funeral from tlie residence of his pinouts, Sixth streot, abf*ve Dauphin, this (Friday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. * POLK.—On tho 24th inst, Margaret, daughter of Margaret and the lute Charles Polk* aged 19 years. Funeral from her mother’s residence, No. 1113 Par rish street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. # Good black silks at old PKICES. Black Gros de Rhine*, SI. do. Poult de Soios, SI. do. Gros Graines, extra Qiialilio*. do. Gros Grainettes. do. Gros de L'Bpugnes, $1.12 sj'. do. Groa des ludta. (10. Gros d’Ecosse and Ottoman*, do. Armnres and Venetiennes, Ac. BESSON A SON, Mourning Store, »e!2-tf No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA TYPOGRAPHICAL [LjP SOCIETY.—TIie members of tho Society aro respectfully invited to attend the funeral of their late fel low-member, HENItY HAYS, from bin late residence, IIAVERFOBD Street, third door below Thirty-fourth street, Mantua, on SATURDAY’ afternoon, 28th inst., at 2 o’clock. Funeral to proceed to Monument Cemetery. By order, «e27-2t , WM. 11. JONES, Secretary. jy—» CARD.—HLASKO’S CADETS MEET 1i.5 MONDAY and THURSDAY. Instruction in Dancing will commence the 15th of October, nud in Gym nastics tho Ist of November. For particulars, please apply at 219 South BROAD. ee27-St* MAHANOY RAILROAD COM- j LL3 PANY— Office 407 Library Strket, Pluladel- j phi».—The Sixth (6lh) instalment on the Stock of thU : Company will be payable on the Ist October next, at the i Company’s office. ARCHIBALD McINTIRE, ! sclO-xnlv.t&cl Treasurer. [ GIRARD COLLEGU.—THE DIRECT IL3- ors of the Girard College give notice that they nro prepared to bind out, in the State of Pennsylvania, THIRTY ORPHANS, in accordance with tho will of Stephen Girard, to suitable occupations, nuch as Agricul ture, Navigation, Arts, Mechanical Trades, and Manu factures. The master will be mniirod to teach lus ap prentice his respective art, and to furnish him with suit able board and lodging in Li.s own place of resideua*, (except where, for special reasons, the apprentice may be allowed to board elsewhere.) Tho muster ivLH bo allowed to take each orphan on trial for a term not ex ceeding one mouth, and the apprentice, when bound, will be furnished by tho Institution with a suitable outfit. Persons desirous of obtaining an apprentice can apply at the College, between the hours of 3 and 5 P. M., or, if not citizens of Philadelphia, con address the ur-der- Fisrned in writing, giving name, residence, occupation, niifl rofm-nor, tht laurr, uhcnuvrr pußsibU l , to 00 resi dents of Philadelphia. lIENRY W. AREY, fc2s- fit Secretary of Girard College. PHILADELPHIA AND READING IL? RAILROAD COMPANY, Office 227 South FOURTH Street.—PntLADEtrniA, tk-pt. 20, 1861. To avoid detention, tlio Holders of Coupons of this Company, due on the Ist proximo, «re requested to leave them »t this Office on or before Uie 30th lust., when r««*ipts will l»o given and checks will he ready for de livery on tho Ist proximo, in exchange for said receipts. se2l-too S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, LL? law department. « ? ? is wlh commenco on MON* DA i, the oot-h instant. The Introductnrv Ipcturo will bo delivered by the Hon. GEORGE SHARSWOOD, at S o'clock P. M. or that day, in tho usual lecture-room. Bl7«dts3o OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA, lk3 GERMANTOWN, AND NORRISTOWN RAIL ROAD COMPANY, Skptkmbhu 10, 1801. Tho Board of Mamignt'K, at their mooting of tho 12tli Imtunt, dcclurod a dividend of THREE PER GENT, on ilits capita] Mock, for tho six nmntliH vmllnq tho 3QUt in- Btaut, pit) able on and after tho first any or October noxt. Transfers will not bo made for ten days after tho 20th instant. W. 8. WILSON, aelO-inwftnril Treasurer. MILITARY NOTICES. SCOL. I) H. BIENEY’S ZOUAVE REGIMENT, IN CAMP AT WASHINGTON, I). C.—A few recruits wanted to fill up Companies'P and K. Able-bodied men, of sober habits, ou appli cation, will be enrolled, sworn in, and supplied with a good suit of dark-blue army cloth Zouave uniform, and forwarded daily to lleadauarter« ol' the Ite-riiucnt, ut. Cftittp Gifthani, Wanhinuton, D. C. Boerniiing offices are at CO2 ARCH Street, second sto ry, south side, and southwest corner of NINTH and WALNUT Streets. By order. 301 IN ELY, Major Third Battalion. Capt. J. W. Orosbt, 1 Lieut. E. A. Howard, > Recruiting Officers. Lieut. Alfred Molan, j ao^G-tC SU. S. MARINES.—Wanted inline diately for tho U. 8. Marine Corps, 300 able-bodied men, for sea and land service; also a few competent drummers and lifers. All information that may bo required will bo given at tho Rendezvous, 311 South FRONT Streot, Philadelphia. U THE WALLACE REGIMENT Hof infantry, 001. e. e. wallick com- Hr mauding. Headquarters, Government Buildings. CHESTNUT Street, below Fifth. Patriotic young men wanted to be mustered in a first class Regiment, and go into camp, under pay and rations, at once. Companies to have full camp uud garrison equipage immediately. Officers meet daily (up stairs) at Headquarter;?, at s}» A. M. 5023-4t* STWO LIEUTENANTS WILL BE mustered into immediate Kcrvlco in General LOOK WOOD’S BRIGADE, now stationed at Cambridge, Md., and getting ready for transport service. se2s-5t Major R. ANDREWS, Wilmington, Del. 11 BEAT QU ALTERS TWENTF- R EIGHTH BEGIMEHT P. V,, Colonel JOHN W. JU GEARY. The- fifteenth and last company of this Regiment requires a few more good men to complete it. Men are mustered in and paid from enrolment. The Regiment has already obtained a wide-spread re putation. This is the only opportunity that will be offered to out- Bid ore ro eomo iu. The Recruiting Office will be open for a few days, at corner of FOURTH and LIBRARY Streets (first liuor). ASHTON S. TOUIIISON, Captain. WM. J. MACKEY, First Lieut. se2s-Dt*- SAMUEL GOODMAN, Second Lieut. SI COMPANY K, PHILADELPHIA LIGHT CAVALRY. COL. E. H. RUSH. This Company is recruiting at 403 CHESTNUT STREET. se23-Gt* HOWARD ELLIS, Captain. NJI COLONEL RUSH’S ' * 1 *■' REGIMENT OP LIGHT CAVALRY. Now nearing completion, and Encamped, with HOUSES AND EQUIPMENTS, ON NORTH SECOND.STREET ROAD, Has groat attractions for active Young Men. bug Lints Will receive A BOUNT Y OF TEN DOLLARS, And good Musirianß are wanted for the REGIMENTAL MOUNTED BAND. Apply at the principal Rendezvous 833 MARKET STREET. m>S5-Gl* SA WANTED—A Captain with jSS&h some men to join a Dragoon Regiment now iu active sex'vice at WushiugtO'i. Address “Lieutenant,” 619 North TWELFTH Street, stating number of men, Ao. 5026-3t# "fcA U. S. ARMY—WANTED IM- Jfibl MEDIATELY, for the SIXTH REGIMENT u. S. CAVALRY, REGULAR SERVICE, a few more ablo-bodUd men, between tho tises of twenty one and thirty-live. Pay ranges from $l4 to $23 per month, according to the rank of the soldier. .Each man will be furnished with u good horse and equipments, am ple clothing niul subsistence. Quarters, fuel, and medical attendance free of charge. The pay of oach soldier com mences us soon ns be is enlisted. By an act lately passed, the term of enlistment is changed from five to THREE YEARS, and every soldier W ho serves that time is entitled to $lOO BOUNTY from the Government. Attention ir? drawn to the fact that the Government lias widely commenced to promote soldiers from the ranks. Advancement is, therefore, open to nil. For further particulars, apply at the Recruiting Office, GIRARD HOUSE. LIEUT. F. DODGE, sl4-tf Sixth Cavalry, Recruiting Officer. ■ FINANCIAL. gEYEN AND -THREE-TENTHS PER CENT. TREASURY NOTES. SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS TO THE NEW NATIONAL LOAN WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Those who desire to participate in its benefits should apply at once to the undersigned, the appointed Agents for the Government. AU gums received from FIFTY' DOLLARS upwards. The office hours during tho subscription for tho Loan will be till 5 P. M., except on Monday evening, when it will remain open till 9 o'clock P. M. JAY COOKE & Co., se2B So. 11l SOUTH THIRD STREET. "national loan. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE & Co., BASKEKS, Ki.. 114 SOUTH TllU<l> STRKKT Pursuant to instructions from the Secretary of the Treasury, the Subscription Rook to the NEW NA TIONAL LOAN of Treusniy Notes, bearing interest at the rate of seven and three-toiitlis per cent, per uuuurn, will ltmaiu open at my office, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Until further-notice, from 8 A. M. till 5 P. M., and on Monday till 9 P. M. These notes will bo of the denomination of FIFTY dollars, one hundred dollars, five HUNDRED DOLLARS, ONE THOUSAND DOL LARS. r»nd FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and aro all <LiUd 19th of Augnr-t, 1801, payable in gold in three years,or convertible into n twenty-year six percent, loan, at the option of the holder. Each Treasury Note has hi t-rest coupons attached, which can be cut off and col lected in gold at the Mint every’ six months, and at the rate of one cent per day on each Fifty Dollars. .Any.explanations rciiuircd by the subscribers will bo cheerfully made, aud they will, by tho plan adopted, bo paved from any trouble of writing letters, the under signed reporting each subscription to the Treasury De partment, from-whence the Treasury Notes will bo sent to each subscriber as soon as possible. Payment of subscriptions may bo mado in GOLD or CHECKS, OR NOTES OF ANY OF OUR CITY BANKS. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, Bt-26-12t No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. TT IS BECAUSE YOU WANT J_ good colored Photographs for 81, you resort to REIMER’S Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. It* By virtue of a writ of Sale by the Hon. JOBS CADWAIADER, Jud H e of the District Court of tho United States, in and for tho Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in admiralty, to mo diiccted, will be sold at public sale to tho highest and best bidder, for cash, at QUEEN-Stroet wharf, on TUES DAY’, October Blh, 1801, at 12 o’clock M., the ship AMELIA, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she uow ies at said wharf. 1 From her register the ship AMELIA measures 572 { ong . WILLIAM HILLWARD, U. B. Marshal, E. D. of Pennsylvania. Phila.i Sept. 24,1861. se2s-3t NEW YORK ANP PHILAPEL PHIA SYBUPS in Hbdßn Tea., and Bbls., part of Tory choice quality. New Orleans and Cuba Sugar, also strictly choice Porto Kico do., Cut Loaf and other refined Sugars. “Primrose lbs.”do. «5b, m and William H. Grant’s 5s “ Own Brand” Tobacco. An assortment of prime and medium Coffees of various kinds. Also Porto Kico and Muscovado Molassesi in store and for sale by PHILIP BEII.Y & CO., Ko. 7 North WATER Street. 8021-Bt* MAKSHAL’S SALE.—By rirtuo of «IV_L a -writ of sale by tho Hon. John Cadwalader, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in admiralty, to mo directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at CATHABINE-Street Wharf, on THURSDAY, October 3d, 1861, at 12 o’clock M., the one-fourth part of the Schooner ALICE, registered in the same of C. F, Bolance, WILLIAM MILLIARD, United States Marshal* Philadelphia, September 21, 1861. se23«6t rnALLOW—THE HIGHEST PRICE A paid for Counter Tallow and Soap Grease, by GRKADY A KEEFE, Noe. iU and 421 South FOCBTH Street, Philadelphia. 0e23-Gt THE PBESS.—PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. 1861. P BorosALS FOR RATIONS FOR I«6‘J. proposals will be rcceivi-d at thin rilin' tmiU ilia OOtli dny oi DGTORFR iipxl, at 12 o’clock M. t for fur nhhing rations to Iho U. Mnrineßi at thelulluwiu" Sta tions, during the year 1862, viz: Each ration’lu coimwl ur Ihn-C <]lMr!f*rn ol* 0 pOlliifJ Q\' inrss porK» or luirm), or onnanil r rourth poiimK of frwfli or salt beef : twenty.two ouneeH of bread, made of extra Hupertine flour, or in lieu thereof twenty-two ouneeH of extra Fuperline flour, or one pound of hard bread, nt the option of tho Government; and at tho rate of eiulit quarts of best white beans, or in lieu thereof tuu pouuds of vice; ton pounds of good coffee, or in lieu thereof one am! a hajf pound* uf tea; fifteen pounds of good New Orleans sugar; four quarts of vinegar; one pound of sperm candles,' or one and a fourth pounds ot' adamantine randies, nr one and a half pounds of good hard dipped tallow' caudles ; four pounds of good, hard, hmwn map; two uuarUof salt; und one hun dred and fifty-six pounds of |*otatoes to each hundred liltioilß. Thu intrruased allt»wanoc of four UIITICOK of fIOUF or lirnad, suui tho nllmeanCA of potatoes, nbore provided, will cease at the termination of tho present IriHiirrection, and the taliou bo, as provided by law and regulations, on the Ist of J uly, 1801. The beeF shall be delivered on the order of llie com manding officer of each station, either in bulk or by the single ration, and shall consist of the best und most choice pieces of the carcass ; the pork to bo No. 1 prime mesa pork, and the groceries to be of the best quality of Kinds named, All Hubjvvt to Inspection. All bhla mubl be Accompanied by the following gua rantee : Form of Guarantee. Tho undersigned, —, of , in the .State of —— ,nn4 ..of • ■■ ■ -tin the Stntcnf —, hereby guarnnty that, in ease tho foregoing bid of — , fur rations, as above described, lie accepted, ho or thny will, within tun day* aft-e th«- of the von truct at tho Post Office named, execute tlie contract for the some, with good and sufficient sureties; and, in case tho said shall fail to enter into contract, as aforesaid, we guaranty to make good the difference bo tween the offer of the said and that which may b« accepted. I hereby certify that the above-named are known to mo as men of property, and able to make good their guarantee (To be signed by the United States District Judge, United Slates District Attorney, or Collector.) No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by the above gtMMlMtft', (lunvapapcifi authorized to publish tlio above will send the paper containing tho first insertion to this office for examination.) Proposals to bo endorsed, “Proposals Tor Rations for 1802,” and addressed to the undersigned. W. B. SLACK, se27-f4t Major and Quartermaster. Capt. J. C. CASH, Hamming Ofliaar. COFFIN, & CO., Offer, by the Package, the following Makes and Descrip* tionsof Goods: BLEACHED COTTONS. Bay Mill, Lonsdale, Hope, Blackstone, Greene Mfg. Co., Bod Bank, Mariposa, Jamestown, Slatersvillo, Belvidere, Centrcdale, #c, BROWN COTTONS. Frcdonia, Ohio, Groton, Silver Spring, Glenvilie, Eagle, Mechanics' and Farmers’ Union, Ac. Flannels, Linseys, Kentucky Jeans, Nankeens, Tickings, Colored Cambrics, Printed Cloakings, &c. au9fmw3m FLANNELS AKGOLA, MERINO. SAXONY, Kto. VARIOUS WIDTHS AND QUALITIES. For sale by WELLING-, COFFITS, & Co. au9-fmw3m SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, No. IX3 CHESTNUT STREET, OOM MISSION M BCUIKIB FOB THB BAI.H OB PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. mh2 ■gXOURTH-STREET I am now offering my stock of ENGLISH CARPETINGS. Lnported expressly for City Retail Sales, at Prices LESS THAN PRESENT COST OF IMPORTATION. J. T. DELACROIX. Q.LEN ECHO MILLS, GEBMAXTOFYN, PA. McCALLUM & Co.. MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS. 509 CHESTNUT STREET. C A R PE TINGS, OIL CLOTHS, Ac. FYo havo now on hand an extensive stock of Carpet ings of our own and other makes, to which wo call the attention of cash and short time bnvers. sell-2m ■JJEW CARPE TINGS. J. F. & E. B. OENE, No. 519 CHESTNUT STREET—OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE, Are now opening, from Curiom Honse Stores, their FALL IMPORTATIONS NEW CARPETINGS 1,000 pieces J. CROSSLET & SONS’ TAPESTRY CARPETS, from 87i GTS. TO $1 PER YD I 6-4 TAPESTRY VELVET: FRENCH AUBUSSON: FINE AXMINSTER: ROYAL WILTON: EXTRA ENGLISH BRUSSELS; HENDERSON A C 0. 4 s VENETIAN j ENGLISH INGRAIN CARPETS; ALL OF NEW CHOICE STYLES. AND HAVING BEEN INVOICED BEFORE THE LATE ADVANCE IN THE TARIFF, Will be sold at MODERATE PRICES. eu29-2m WOOLLENS. Arc prepared to deliver on contract 3-4 and 6-4 dark and Bky blue CLOTHS AND KERSEYS. 8011-3 m OR NAVY BLUE SATINETS. 1,000 or 6,000 Yards Indigo Blue Satinet, such a* Is need in the United States Navy. For sale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, 35 LETITIA Street, and aul4-2m 34 FRONT Street (jOTTON DUCK. BUITABLE FOR TENTS, FOB SALS BT ayM-iftf FROTHINQHAM b FYKLLB. i nnn non tent buttons, u. s. liVvvjvvv pattern, for sale by J. P. REED, Turner, southeast corner of THIRTEENTH end NO* BLE Streets, Philadelphia. stf-lm* QUPER- PHOSPHATE OF LIME.— i 30 tons in store and for sale, in lots to suit pur chasers, by A. M. BASTFYICK, l e24-6t* 211 VINE Street. PROPOSALS. QILIKft'KMASTFII'S OFFICE* V. S. Maiunv: Coup.t, W vshixutox, Si*i>temb«*r 25. 1801 PortKmoutli, New Hampshire; Cliarleftlnwn, MaKxachii^etts; Brooklyn, Long Iriand, New York; Philadelphia, IU-niiyylvnum; M’ashingtnn, District of Columbia. COMMISSION HOUSES. No. 116 CHESTNUT STREET, PRINTS. DUKNELL MFG. CO. GREENE MFC. CO. CORSET JEANS.—Glasgow, Manchester. PKNIM9 AND STRIPES.—Grafton, Jewett City, Madison, Slatersvillo, Agawam, Keystone, Choctaw. CANTON FLANNELS.—SlatersviUe, Agawam, Shep- pard's. . SILESIAS.—Smith's, Lonsdale, Diamond Hill. WOOLENS. ARMY BLUE CLOTHS AND KERSEYS, BROAD CLOTHS.—Bottomley’s, Pomeroy’s, Glenham Company. CASSIMERES AND DOESKlNS.—Greenfield, Gay’s, Stearns*. SATINETS.—Bass River, Crystal Springs, Convors ville, Hope, Staffordville, Converse and Hyde, Con verse Brothers, Bridgewater. CARPETINGS. CARPET STORE, No. 47, ABOYE CHESTNUT, EMBHACING eyeky variety and style. MILITARY GOODS. WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., 116 CHESTNUT STREET, AoitICIILTURAI,. QAA BAGS PRIME NEW CROP t)VV TIMOTHY SEED, for sale by so2l-6t* ROGERS 4 GF.9T A MMONIATED SUPER-PHOS XX PHATE OF LIME, warranted pur< ground bone and fine bone. Bono duet manufactured and for. salo by ROGERS A GEST, se2l-6t# No. 133 MARKET Street. RETAIL DRY GOODS. jje’wlF axjTgooos.” THOS. W. EVANS & Co. las it:: .vtttsiio.N' to thf.:?. CHOICE AND YAKIED ASSORTMENT DK SHAWLS, SILKS, CLOAKS, DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVLS, HOSIF.UY, &c. This Stock Is principHlly of T. W. E. Jt Co.’s own direct importation, selected with great rare, for their RETAIL TRADE, .AND TXSCRPAPSED FOR TASTE, STYLE,.AND REASONABLE PRICES. 818 and Bilo CHESTNUT STREET. Be2s’3t txtholesale stock, at RE- Vt tail. OJ'ENISCi OF NOVELTIES IS LACE GOODS AND EMBEOIDEIiIES. A. 8., Guarantor. C, D„ Giutriintor, PRICE, FERRIS, & Co., will open on MONDAY, (ho 23d iustaut, novelties ia LACE, anil EMBROIDERIES, as follows: New Point Aloncon Laco Collars and sets from $2 to $25. Do. Applique and Valencienuo do. do. $1 to $l5. Do. Honiton do. do. 50c to $3. Do. Maltese do. do. 15c to $3. Dp, French Kmbrd Cambric find Swiss da. 60c to $lO. Do. Heal .thread-lace Yells do. do. 82.50 to 825 Do. Cambria and Pusher do. do. do. $1 to 93 A largo lot of French Cambric, Valencionno Lace trimmed Handkerchiefs, new styles, from 82 tu $lO. A lot of Ruffled Chemise Yokes, 2G cts. each. Magic Ruffling, very cheap. Lot of Pino Apple Handkerchiefs, 25 cts. each. How Flouncing*, Bands, iutanls’ JRvbw, Edging* lu etrtings, etc., etc., etc. Also, novelties in Sleeves, French Handkerchief*, Valenciennes, and other Lace?. „ Our stock of Linen Haudkercliiefs, white goods, &c., will be much improved by numerous additions, all of which will be offered for cash fully 25 por cent, below ordinary retail prices. PRICE. FERRIS. & CO.. Embroideries and white GOODS AT VEIIY LOW BRICES.—Onr stock presents many advantages to the ladies; the Goods are new and selected for the best city retail trade: the quali ties and styles two superior to those sold by Wholesale Houses, and the prices are quite as low. A discount of fire per cent, we also allow for cash. gHUPPHUD, VAN UAHtilS'GfcSV* Alt BISON, se24-tfrp 1008 CHESTNUT Street. T?LA3SNEL WAEEHOUSE—FLAN- Jj NELS AT OLD PRICES.—ReaI Welch, Shaker, Ballard Vale, Colored and Plaid Flannel?. SHKPPERD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, E[‘24-m Lf 1008 CHJBSTVUT TX7ILLIAMSVILLE, WAMSUTTA, T v Penn, Bates, Amoskeag, and Bellows Falls BLEACHED MUSLINS. V. E. AROHAMBAI7LT, Northeast corner ELEVENTH and MARKET'Streets, will open thin morning yard-wide bleached Muslins at 8,9, 10, 13, and cents; Shirting width MubliiiH at 6, 7,8, 9, uud 10 rents: heavy and lino Shoot ing and rillow-cas© Mutiny from 10 lo 31 cents; fine white Flannels 12, 18, 25, 31, and 37 cents; heavy bleached and brown Canton Flannels 10, 11, and 12)i cent*; cheap Towelling and Table Linens; now-style fall Delaines and Chintzes; SbepherJ‘s Plaids at Cl cents; rich fall Poplins at 50 cents. "Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods and Carpet store, Northeast corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. selB*l2t POWPERTHWAIT & 00., \J N. W. corner EIGIITII and MARKET St 3. Have just received 1 bale of Gray Twilled Flannels. 1 box heavy unbleached Canton Flannel at 10c. 200 ps. new autumn-style Prints at 10c. Balmoral Skirts, latest styles and colorings. A handsome lot of printed Goburgs, 1 yd. wide, at 31c. A very cheap Jot Damask Table Liuens. Our 25 cent White Flannels are tho best in tho city. selS-tf TpYBE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND lli ARCII Streets, are opening their usual assortiuont Rich Fall Dress Silks. Figurw French Poplins. All-woe! Rich Fall Delaines. Printed French Merinoey. Woolen Foulards, new Fabrics. Fall Shawls, now Designs. Fine grades of Black Dress Silks. New Goods, opening Daily. EYRE & LANDELL, ae 17 FOURTH and ARCH Streets. FAIiX. —1861. SPLENDID GOODS. CHEAP FOR CASH, SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, The Cheapest ever Offered. . Thirty Per Cent, under Regular Prices. SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. Great Variety. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. Most of our Muslins still at OLD PRICES Flannels, Cloth?, and Caedimcrcii Linens of our own Importation. Blankets, all sizes. Balmoral Skirts, Ac , Ac. At the Old Established Store of THORNLBY A OHISM, ge2o N. E. cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. WATER-PROOF CLOAKS. Also, most approved shape* for Fall Wear of Plain Cloth Cloaks. Striped Cloth Cloaks. Black Cloth Cloaks. Orders filled with’ our accustomed promptness. Largo stock of Cloths from which to select. COOPER & CONABD, se2o S. E. corner NINTH & MARKET. QEAWLS. lO Blanket Shawls. Misses’, Shawls. Black Thibet Shawls. Gents’ TrHvellmcr Maruds. COOPER A OUNAED, bc-20 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. WATER- PEOOF CLOTH CLOAKS, BLACK MIXED. Repellaut Cloths, Broun Mixed. Repelinnt Cloths, Gipsy Hoods. Light Cloths, for Fall Dusters. EYRE & LANDELL, ae 17 FOURTH and ARCH Streets. riLOAKING CLOTHS Waterproofs and Ropcllanta. Plain <Jol -rs Ckiafiiiiga. Pine find Medium Black Oiotlis. Also, Caesimurcs, Satinets, Vestings, Boys' Wear, &c, COOPEK & CONARD, so2o 8. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET. Linens, house- furnishing GOODS, FLANNELS, DOMESTIC MUSLINS, Ac.—The largest assortment in the city, at lowest prices SBEPPABD, YAN HABLINGEN, * AERISON, se7if 1008 CHESTNUT Street. Autumn dress goods. SHARPLESS BROTHERS have oponed a hand some STOCK of GOODS, Specially adapted to the lime?, Consisting of NEW FABRICS at LOW BATES. Plain and Figured Black Silks, Rich plain colored Poult do Soies, French Merinos, very cheap, Paris* Fancy Cashmeres and Be Lalnes, Velours, Droguete, R<*f>3, Ottomans, Black Be Laines, Merinos, Bombazines, New Styles Fine Blanket Shawls, Brocho and new Fancy Shawls, French and English wide Chintzes, Calicos in immense variety, New Goods in Men’s wear, Boys* Cassimeres and Coatings. b©l7 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. -VTEW PALL DRESS GOODS. Xi New Styles of Fall Silks* Very Cheap Black Silks. Good Black Silks at 75, SI, and 87^c. Rich Printed Merinoes and Cashmeres* Rich All-Weol Reps, all colors. Black and White AU-Wool Pluids. New Fall Delaines. Beautiful Mohair Brocades at 18#c. Cheap Stella Shawls. Stella Shawls of all grades and qualities. BALMORAL SKIRTS, Largest sizes, and best colorings and styles At $2, worth £3. Cheap Canton Flannels and Muslins. New Goods opening dally. 11. STEEL & SON. 8014 tf No. 713 N. TENTH St., above COATES. The arch-street cloak and MANTILLA STOBE. NEW FALL CLOAKS. WATEB-PROPF TWEED CLOAKS. BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS. EVERY NOVELTY AT MODERATE PEIOES, JACOB lIOBSFALL, au3l-Gm N. W. corner TENTH and ARCH Stg Autumn dry goods, I will open this morning the following desirable goods• One Lot of Dark Wool Do Laino. One Lot of Dark Cotton and Wool Do Laine. One Lot of Mohair Poplins. One I»ofc of Bodies* Cloths. One Lot of English Calicoes, at JOHN H. STOKES*, an3o 702 ARCH Street. ■\TOTICE TO LADIES. Will open this morning, from a bankrupt aalo, the following goods, which are decided bargans: One Lot of Plaid Muslins at IS#, worth 28. One Lot of Plaid Muslins at 25, worth 37^. One Lot of Ladies’ L. Cambric Handkerchiefs, 12# One Lot of Ladies 1 L. Cambric Handkerchiefs, 15. One Lot of Gents* L. Cambric Handkerchiefs, 25. One Lot of Dark Linen at 25, worth 37#, at JOHN H. STOKES*, au3o 702 ARCH Street. English canton flannels— Both single .nd double napped, at old prices. gUEPPABD, VAN HABLINGEN, A ABBISON, 807-if 1008 CHESTNUT Street. Hardware and cutlery, cheap for Cash and short Credit, by MOORE HENBKEY, 427 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. eelG-lm NAILS! NAILS! NAlLS!—HAR rteburg Nail Depot, 509 COMMERCE St. Tho best Nails manufactured fur S2XS, co4h. All siiton, W. W. KNIGHT & SON A 00. JUST RECEIVED, per “ Annie Kim ball,” from Liverpool, Hander, Weaver, A Man. ler’a preparation.: 28 lba. Extract Aconltl, In 1 lb. fare. 20 lbs. Extract Hyoscyanil, In 116. jar*. 00 16b. Extract Belladonna, In 116. jar*. 100 \be. Extract Taraxacl, in 1 lb. jar*. BO lba. Yin Bal Colchici, In 1 lb. bottles. 100 lbs. 01. Succlnl Beet., in 1 lb. bottle*. 000 lb*. Calomel, in 1 lb. bottles. 600 lb*. PU Hydrarg., In l ib. jara. WKTHERILL A BROTHEB, mh3 AT and 40 North SECOND Street. NO. 726 CHESTNUT STREET. HARDWARE. DRUGS CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, jg N G lilS H WATER-I’ROOF O .L OAKS. (Agi’AfeCL-TL'M.) BLACK-MIXED CLOAKS, GRAY-MIXED CLOAKS, BKOWN-MIXKD CLOAKS, CLAKET-MIXED CLOAKS, OPENIN9 EVE K Y MO II NINO J. W. PKOQTOII & CO., 708 CHESTNUT STREET. RC*2l*3m IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS. 1861 FALL SEASON. W. S. STEWART & CO., Importers and Jobbers of SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, NO. 305 MARKET 6TBEET. Buyers are invited to call and examine n fresh stock of NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS, Bought exclusively for cash, and which we will offer on the most favorable terms. Our stock comprises, in addition to BLACK,AND OTHER STAPLE SILK?, A variety of Seasonable DRESS GOODS, IN NEW AND APPROVED STYLES, adapted to City Sales. ue24 DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. JAMES KENT, SANTEE, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP DRY GOODS, Nos. 239 and 241 North THIRD Street, above Race, Have sow open their usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Among which will bo found a general assortment ol PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. Wy CASH BUYERS SPECIALLY INVITED. Bel7-2in IJIHOMAS MELLOR & CO., Nos. 40 ami 43 NORTH THIRD Strcot, HOSIERY HOUSE, LINEN IMPORTERS and SHIRT-FRONT MANUFACTURERS. Importations direct from the Manufactories. sell-2w YARD. GILLMOEE, & Co.. Kos. OIT CHESTNUT 011(1 014 JATNE Streets, Have now in store a full and well-assorted stock of FALL AND WINTER SILK GOODS DRESS GOODS, GLOVES, SHAWLS, Ac. With their usual assortment of WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, Ac., to which they invite the attention of buyers. se7-lm 1861 TOCASHBUYERS -1861 H C. LAUG-HLIN & Co., Ko. 303 MARKET STREET, Are receiving daily, from tho PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK AUCTIONS, a general assortment of MERCHANDISE, bought for CASH. CASH BUYERS ore especially invited to call and ex amine our Stock* seo-tf 1861. FALL GOOr>s lB6l FRESH ASSORTMENT. DALE, ROSS, & CO., 621 MARKET STREET, Have received, and are now opening, a fresh stock of FAIXt & WINTER GOODS Which will he Hold low for CASII and on short credits. H 9“ Buyers aro respectfully invited to call and ex amine our stock. au3l-2m GROCERIES. rjlO FAMILIES RESIDINgIn THE BUBAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply families al their Country Residences with every description of FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, Ao., &a. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE SHEETS. my!B Mackerel, herring, shad, SALMON, Ac. —3 000 bbls Mess Nos. 1,2, and 3 MACKEREL, large, medium, and small, in assorted packages of choice, late-caught, fat fish. 6,000 btils. New Halifax, Lamport, and Labrador Her rings of choice qualities. 6,000 boxes extra new scaled Herrings. 8,000 boxes extra new No. 1 Herrings. 8,000 boxes large Magdaline Herrings. 250 bbla. Mackinac White Fish. 60 bbls. new Economy Mess Shad. 25 bbls. new Halifax 6almon. 1,000 quintals Grand Bank Codfish. 600 boxeß Herkimer County Cheese. Tn store and landing, for dale by MURPHY M KOON3, nes No. 140 NORTH WUABVES. f'IHEESE.— 195 boxes fine Herkimer \y County Cheeso on consignmo it. For sale by C. C. SADLER & CO., 103 ARCH Street, second door above Front. se2G-3t LARD. —55 tierces prime Leaf Lard, for sale by C. C. SADLEK & CO., 103 ARCH Street, second door above Front. 8026-3 t INSURANCE COMPANIES. Life insurance.—The girard INSURANCE, ANNUITY, and TRUST COM PANY, of Philadelphia. OFFICE, 408 CHESTNUT STREET. CAPITAL, 8300,000, PAID Ul». CHARTER TERPETUAL. Continue to insure lives on the most reasonable terms. Tho premiums may bo paid yearly, half yearly, or quarterly. The Company declare a bonus of pro fits, periodically, to the insurances for whole life. Four bonuses have been declared, of which tho following are a few examples from tho Register * Tolley. Sum in- Bonuses or ad-; sured. ditions. No. 80 82,500 8887 50 No. 132 3.G00 1,050 OO No. 109 1,000 406 00 No. 303 5,000 1,875 00 Pamphlets, containing rates and explanations, forms of applications, and further information, can be had at the office. THOMAS ItIDGWAY, President. John F. James, Actuary. eelO-mwiOtif# COMMONWEAL' RANGE COMPANY PENNSYLVANIA, DIRECTORS. David Jayne, M. D., Charles H. Rogers, John M. Whitall, John K. Walker, Edward C. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Struthers, Henry Lewis, Jr., Stephen Coulter. DAVID JAYNE, M. D., President JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice President SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building, 013 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, . BOi-tf Fame insurance company, No. 408 CHESTNUT Street FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. George W. Day of Day A Matlock. Samuel Wright “ Wright Bros. A Co. D, B, Birney.“ Paris A Birney* Henry Lewis, Jr..,.,« 44 Lewis Bros. A Co. C. Richardson. 44 J, C. Howe A Co. Jno. W. Everman 44 J. W. Evennan A Co. Geo. A. West u Wost A Fobos. F. 8. Martin 44 Savage, Martin, A Co. C. Wilson Davis Attorney-at-law. E. I>. Woodruff. of Sibley, Molten, A Woodruff Jno. Kessler, Jr... No. 1713 Green street. GEORGE W. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice-President WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. ia33-l» SAVING FUNDS. SAVING FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST* NUT Street.. INTEREST FIVE PEB CENT. S. B. CRAWFORD, President, . JAMES K. HUNTER, Secretary and Treaaurer. Office hour., from 10 until 3 o'clock. This company la not joined tn any application to thl Legislature. . - - pORTL AND KEROSENE OIL. We a re now prepared to supply this STANDARD ILLUMINATING OIL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCKE fc CO., Sole Agents, 1010 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia, Amount Policy and Bonuses, to be in creased by fu ture additions. §3,387 50 4,050 OO 1,400 00 6,875 00 IIH FIRE INSU OF THE STATE OF WANTS. ■VUANTED.—A 7eeond-hand FIRE- T» I‘KOOF, of Brans A Watson’s make, Address 11 Safe,” this r,nic<*. a«.-24-6t* "VX7ANTED—By ;tn intelligent Lad, a » » SITVATION in'n Dry Goods Housi*. "'here be onn learn the buritlvM. Addicts *» Philip,” otHce of this paper. fieliMt* WANTED —A situation as an assist art teacher in a private school, by a young indy well qusdilk-il tt- t* in li the iniur.r brum J/i-Yjj.h education. Address “Mnry,”ollin-..r 77, .• ’ nm-m* An experienced book-keep- ER is i.pru for an eniraj/ement. Rnhtry in once with the turns. Undoubted reference 0- t*» rliarar ter anil ability. Address 14 Business, ’’ Bux 2280, Philadelphia Pont Oflire, Employers wanting young Mon, Ac., arc invited to address tho “Employment Committee,” at tho ItooruH of the Young Men’s Christian Association, 1909 and 1011 CHESTNUT street. apB-6m BOARDING, Private bo abding.—fine ROOMS, fit moderate prices, may bn had for the winter, at the A2LIBONE HOUSE, N. W. corner THIRTY-NINTH and WALNUT, West Pltiladel plim. ati2B-lra I’OK MALE AND TO LET. HOUSE TO RENT—WANTED Bill admail fondly 1«» occupy a House in the neighbor hood of VINE and SIXTH SUvets, Tim rent'willin' paid r*y a single person, wh«.» will on-iipy two rooms, and board with tho family. Unforonres rnjnlred. Address 44 lb” Blood’** DiHpiiteh. so2T-3t^ $$ TO LET—A Modern-built Throe^ Sill ntory ilOrsK, with all the improvement'-. Ri>ni rcilnml 10 s3Bo* Jpply to Ho. 1010 VINE Street .. w27-dt* gjjtj F O K S A L Jv HOUSE 1003 GREEN STREET FOR SALE, A very desirable resilience, with side yard •, cue of the most pli iisant locations in the* city. lieiuire on tho pre- mises between tho hours of 2 and 4 P. M, Dry goods for sale.—v/owiit sell the balance of our stock and good will on very favorable terms to any one wishing to do a short time jobbing trade. This is a favornblo opening. Our bußincfß for wvernl years has been nearly a million; tho store we occupy can be had on very favorable terms, anil ih the beat lighted and one of the best locations *»n the Btiec*t for gfoernl trade. FRANCIS LASHKR & Co., 235 MARKET Street and 24 CHURCH Alley. se2J-12l* 0i FOR SALE.—A modem-built coun- BUI try residence and a property in the city, both do- Hirabiy locate*.!, with all the modern improvements, will be sold at a low rate lor cash, or Government loansj-which will be taken at an advance of five pee cent. Persona desirous of making n good invcfdnmnt can ob tam the necessary partinilaraby injuring; atH. S; Tarr3 Marble Yard, No. 710 (»IiEKN St., Philn. R023-tit F)R SALE—Valuable Farm, contain ing 130 acres; 30 acres of excellent Woodland, the balance in u high state of cultivation, nicely watered with springs and running streams, situate (5 miles from Doylestevn depot, and 2)g miles from Lainbcrtvillo sta tion and Delaware river, Bucks county, Plain ftlld rfttb- Btantial Mono improvements; good out-buddings, and every variety of fruits. Trice only #75 per acre; easy terms. Apply to E. PETTIT, - No. 509 WALNUT Street. FOB SALE—Beautiful Country Place, near the Willow Grove, 15 miles north of tho city, containing Qii acres of l»n*l, modem improTi-inetitr, beautifully shaded, all kinds of fruits, Ac. Apply to E. PETTIT, »15» No. 309 WALNUT Street; mTO LET.—A DWELLING ■fiLHOrSE, THIRTEENTH Street, above Arch, with all tho modern conveniences. Rent moderate. Apply tc WETHERILL & BROTHER, ftn3 41 North SECOND Street. TO BENT LOW—Furnished or un- B&iLfurnished, for six months, or longer, if desired, a large aud 'convenient HOUSE, No. 1735 Arch street Apply to A. P. and J. H. MORRIS, 916 ARCH Street. je!9-tf.. : A ephrata mountain Kiat SrRINGS AT PUBLIC SALE. ON SATURDAY, the 28th day of September next, tho undersigned, Executors oF the will of Joseph Konig jnuchsr, deceased, in execution of tho directions of said will., will sell by public vendue, on the promises, the fol lowing described Real Estate, late of said deceased—to wit: The well-known and popular watering place, Known as «‘THF. EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS ” In the-county of Lancaster, State of Pennsylvania, 13 miles northeast from Lancaster, 18 miles southwest from Reading, and on the Downingtown, Ephrata, and Har risburg Turnpike r0ad,.59 miles west of Philadelphia, 33 miles ea.-t of Harrisburg, and 31 miles north of the Bird in-2land Station, ou the Pennsylvania Railroad. The property consists of 77fi ACRES OF LAND, Port of it excellent fanning land, and part mountain land, covered with iluo chestnut and otlu-r timber, with numerous (springs of the purest water, which are con ducted to Douches and Baths. The Buildings aro ex tensive, aud capable of entertaining 500 visitors. This watering place .ind summer resort has, every sea son since Us commencement, been well patronized, at times to’its full capacity, and this year baa its full pro portion in comparison with similar places. The Columbia and Iteading Railroad, now being COn etrncted, passes within K of a mile of the Springs, and when completed Will make “The Ephrata Mountain Springs 11 the most convenient of access of all tho fashion able watering places. Possession and a good title will be given on tho first day of April next, or immediately if desired, Sale will begin at 1 o’clock of said dav. ADAM KONIGMACnEIt, WM. CARPENTER, »nO9-fst Executors. TO RBN T—Large Communicating Furnished ROOMS, for Gentlemen, (withoutboard), in a private family, on WALNUT Street, west of Tenth. Apply to Drug Store, N. E. corner of Eleventh and Walnut streets. au2o-tf Niagara falls water pow er.—capitalists AND MANUFACTU REKS. This immense water power is now ready fur im mediate occupation, together with one hundred acres of land, emWucius one •jumUrvf the Village, OU Which tO locate mills and manufactories. The stipulations for price of power will bo one half tbat at Lowell, Mass., and tho quantity is almost un limited Should the demand warrant it, the American Fall can easily be stopped uml its great volume* discharged through the bank below its present site, for mill purposes, under a head and full of 200 teet. The title is perfect and tho property unincumbered. For further information apply to N. \V. Day or A. P. Floyd, Niagara Falls; Alexander Hay, No. 1208 Vino street, Philadelphia; Hon. T. A. Jonekos, Providence, R. I.; D. Thaxter, Boston; or the owner, HORACE IT. DAY, No. 91 Liberty street. New York, September 2,1861. eel-wfrmom WHEREAS, THE LINDELL HO TEL COMPANY' by its Deed, dated tho first day of December, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, and recoided in the Recorder’s Office of St. Louis county, in Book No. 234, at Page 202, and also by its other deed, dated the said first day of December, 1859, recorded in Book No. 230, Page 336, confirmatory of and supplemen tal to snid first deed, did convpv unto WILLIAM M. MORRISON, EDWARD BREDELL, and FRANKLIN A. DICK, tho following-dcarribcd real estate, situated in Blork No. 126, of the City of St. Louis, and described as follows: First , A Lot or parcel of land fronting two hundred and seventy-one feet on Washington avenue, bv one hun dred and fifty feet in depth, and bounded south by Wash ington avenue, east by Sixth street, north by the north line of tho field lot confirmed to Joseph Taillon, and known as Survey No. 1508, and west by Seventh street. Second , A certain Lot or piece of *rround, situate in Bftid Block, containing about seventy foot, bo tho same more or less, on Sixth street, by one hundred and Uurty five feet deep on Green street, bo tho same more or less; being Lot known and designated on tho plat of tho lots laid out and made an addition to tho town of St. Louis, by William Christy, as Lot No. 37, bounded on the west by No. 38, as laid out by Christy, on the north by Green street, on the east by Sixth street, and on tho south by tho Lot herein first described • which said conveyances were made to said MORRISON, BREDELL, and DICK, in trust, to secure the payment of certain bonds therein describedi amounting to four hundred thousand dollars; being eight hundred bonds of five hundred dollars each, payable in ten years from tho first day of Decombor, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, to PETER LINDELL or bearer, with ten per cent, interest, payable semi-an nually from that date, all payable at the Bank of Com merce, in New York; and whereas, among other things, it was provided in Baid Deeds that if the interest upon said bonds, or any part thereof, should bocomo due aud remain unpaid for thirty days after tho maturity thereof, that then, by reason of such derault, tho said bonds shall forthwith become duo and payable)* uotwitliaiandlng said bonds may not appear on their face to bo due: and whereas said LINDELL HOTEL COMPANY hoe, it is believed, negotiated, sold, and pledged six hundred and sixteen of said bonds, amounting to three hundred aud eight thousand dollars, upon all of which the semi-an nual interest, becoming due on tho first day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty one, has been due for moro than thirty days, aud is still unpaid, although some or all of it has been demanded * Now, therefore, we, WILLIAM M. MORRISON, ED WARD BREDELL, and FRANKLIN A. DICK, Trus tees as aforesaid, at tho request of many of the indi viduals aud corporations holding said bonds, and in ac cordance with the provisions of said Deeds, will, on thet wenty-second day of October, eighteen hun dred and sixty-one, and between the hours of eleven o’clock in the forenoon and five o’clock in tho afternoon of that day, at the east front door of the Court House, in tho CITY OF ST. LOUIS, Missouri, proceed to sell tho above-described premises and property, for cash, at Pub lic Vendue, to tho highest bidder, in order to pay the holders of said bonds tho amounts duo thereon, and any amounts or charge® that may be payable under the pro visions of eaid deeds, together with tike expenses of the Trust. IVM. M. MORRISON, ) EDWARD BREDELL, > Trustees. se4-dtoc22 FRANKLIN A. DICK,} NEW PUBLICATIONS. Books, law and miscella NEOUS, new and old, bought, sold, and ex changed, at the PHILADELPHIA-RANK BOOK BTOBE, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Those having Books to sell, if at a distance, will state their names, sizes, bindings, dates, editions, prices, and conditions. WANTED—Books printed by Benjamin Franklin, as well as early Books printed in and upon America. Autograph Letters and Portraits purchased. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for sale. Catalogues, in press, sent free. Libraries ap« praised by [fe2s-tf] JOHN CAMPBELL. gOOK BINDING. Magazines, Illustrated. Papers, aud every description, bound neatly and at REDUCED FBIOE3. N. B.—MUSIC bound strongly, aud with great care. SAMUEL MOOBS & SON, JAYNE Street* between Eighth and Ninth anil Mar ket and Chestnut. et4-lm XpFOKTANT. jVSend all Money and Packages of Merclian / disc for places in tho Eastern States, New f York, and Canada, by HARNDEN’S EX PRESS, No. 248 Cheataut street. They collect Notes, Drafts, &c., and Bills, with or without Goods. Their Express Is j the oldest in tho United States. j Express Charges on a single case, M or small lot of Goods, are less than by any other conveyance, solo-2m^^^ POTTON BAIL DUCK and CAN \J VAB, ot all Dumber, and brand*. Baven’a Duck Awning TwlUb, of all description*, for TsnU, Awning*. Trunks, bud Wagon Cover*. Also, Paper Hanoiattorer.' Drier Volts, from Ito S feet wide. Tarptu'jing, Bolting, Sail Twins, Ac. JOHK W. XYKRMAN A CO., tnyl-tf iW JOHIS Alley, TXTALNUT-STKEET theatre— T T NINTH anil WALNI'T Sir iota. Sole Lwin jibs. W. A. GAIinKTT3O3. THIS (1 KfDAY) EVE NINO. September I^, Tin; MAIiItLK HI. IS TIT. ISa)ilmH MmVJH* jlam> 4 » To tc followed with A QUIET FAMILY. Mr. Barnab.v Bibb? To conclude with tl\o fuacr of ST .WE SECRETS. ADMISSION—Dress Circle, &oc,; 57• (BocumlfU 4 fttff,fioc.)! Fwnily Circle, 250. • PHvbie Box er, #6 arid £3; Single Seattr In Orchestra arid Private Boxes, 75c.; Upper Boxes? 205. Door# open at 7; Perforirfitice to commence at 7X. IV/IRS. JOHN DREW’S -LVJL Ar.ui-PTr.LBT theatre. Aolill!! A *A piss.. il.,„„ a .r,W- 8. rKUDEItIOHa. BusinefiH Agent and Treasurer, .JOS. D. MURPHT. THfS a imjAY) SJoptember 27, Tho piTfoVinanr;*! will corimieuco v.*:th JKANNKTTK:* ir tT , < LuCtvtiii D • T.a Mnr*t»gne. Juuiujollh Prlj«l (.'HAULOTn’W THOMPSON Madame FliirisTi*ul tw h STONKaLT* *?, ari V tt A : -•••'•••M,M,Mrr,riIA'HLES HHNRI Uaudr Mwnv (le«:rc*inj MOHTJMHK Rouw'l... Mr, L. it, SHKWELL Plarale Uan'lun. >tr. IUINKt Audorlm Mr. KHANK DRRW* PRICES~»S,SO, Sio, and 15 cents. Pvl7-1m ;V: No extra chargo for reserved seats. TT7REATLE*Y’S CONTIIfIBNTAL V? TIIKATBE—V/J6I.NUT ST It GET, ABOYS EIGHTH. WEEK Of tlio great SliakHfw'irten -Jpeotacular - THE TEMPEST? On, Thk ExciiifWßD Inland ! The Last Scene, PROSPEROUS VISION, OR THE AEODJ* OF ARIEL IN TIIK NNC'ifAiYTNI) FORKtIT, Tlio bloat UiftghlfiOeht OVol‘ bfOtftltfcd ih AtikoHefe.* Assembly building—Comt* of f'HESTNLTnnfI TENTH-StrovtH. SI’LESDIa REOPENING of Saidlersoii’s Great Storecptico* SOLTHKHN. REBELLION, tho RUSSIAN WAR, af t#*l* it rlo-ic <if one w.-ik for r\triisi-M ;ilt«riitii»» atxi in>- proYol nnrlmniittt uffoctf. GriitiCwng and amitnins fol 1 Mil. Admission 15 e<-nU. ChUdren -10 cents. Gal lery 10 fhfi. feo23-6t Magic lantern pictures op THE REBELLlON—Representing all the promi nent Scenes, Engagements, and Incidents to this date. For sale by JAMES W. QUEEN & GO., 924 CIIEdTNUT Street A DeseriptiVA Lisi furiilebcd free, on application. fccl3“lm P~ ENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT Street, U open dally, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M.Uill 6 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children under twelve Twn» half price. Shares of Stock, 350. jyl Rm LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT RE MOVED to No. 21 South SEYENTH Street, near the Franklin Institute. Tho undersigned, thankful for past favors, and- betafl determined to merit fnturo patronage, has secured aa elegant and* convenient store, and has now on hand a Urge assortment of Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought Mxl ChUUxl iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safas, (tbd 'OQlf Btrictiy firo and burglar proof safes made.) Also, UWi Unequalled E?tnk Vault, Safe, und Bunk Locks. LUMo’s Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be furnished to order on short notice. This is the strongest, beßi'pnv tec ted, and cheapest Door and Lock yot offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie’s New Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. Tliia Safe is coa* ceded to surpass in style t\nd elngnucc anything yot ©f fyrcJ for thin piirpofie, and in tbe only ono that U Btrictlp fire and burglar pt'cef. 6»*sciaxj' Nonca.—l have now on hand say twenty of Farrel, Herring, & Co.’e Safes, most of them nearly new,' and somo forty of other makers, comparing a complete aseortmont as to skies, and all lately exchanged for tb« now celebrated Lillie Safa. They will he sold at very tow priccß. Please call and examine. j&M-lylf M. C. .“ADLER, Agent, r , r f r»» h FOR NEW YORK. DAILY LINE, via Delaware Mat Baritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Ootß pany receive freight-and leave doily at 2 P. M., delivcr iwg tbeir cargoes in NbW York tho following days* Freights taken at reaaunatrte rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, anl-tf Piers 34- and 35 EAST RIVER, New York. rr *Tr"> PHILADELPHIA AND WASHIITGTON EXPRESS STEAM BOAT COMPANY, Now lino direct for Alexandria, Washington, aaJ Georgetown. Through in £t> hours. Steamer PHILADELPHIA, Captain THOS. HAND, Steamer JEROME, Captain JEROME, Will leave Philadelphia every WEDNESDAY and SA TURDAY, at 12 o’clock Li., connecting with all lines *] those ports, and returning, leave Washington, Georga* town, and Alexandria every TUESDAY and SATUR DAY, for Philadulphia. W. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 ‘SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. MORGAN * RHINEHART, Agents, jy34-ift Foot of G street, Washington r >IT"> FOR r«EW YORK. Th* r hilAd el pill a Steam Propeller Company vrill commence their business for the season on Monday* 13th instant. Their ele&mera are cow receiving freight at Secootf Pier aboTe Walnut street Terms nwonimodutlng. A|>i>ly to W. M. BAIKD A 00., 224 Ronth Delaware Avenn* RAILROAD LINES. WEST CHESTBB ■PHBaMPHiBAjuu>4» TRAtirs Ti» t-Bsm- SVLVANIA RAILROAD, leave depot, corner ISZiSE VENTH and MARKET Streete, at 8.15 A. M.. 12 noon, 2.30 P. M., and 4 P. M. On Sunday* leave Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M., and West Cheater at 4 P. M'. jy3Q-tf RS ■, cpnawnra -.3 SPRING AR gASGEMEST PMTT.ADKI.- PHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMORE RAIL BO AD. On and after MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1861, PASSENGEB TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA: For Baltimore at 8.18 A. M., 11.38 A. M., (Ejcpreas), and 10.50 P. SI. For Chester at 8:16 A. M., 11.35 A. M., 1.15 and 1086 P. M. For Wilmington at 8-.15 A. M., 11.35 A. M., 4.15 and 10.501’. M. For Now Castle at 8,15 A. 51, and 4.15 P, 51. For Dover at-8:15 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Milford at 8;15 A. M. For Salisbury at 8.15 A. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: Lcavo Baltimore at 8.30 A. M. (Express), 10,15 A. M* and 4.45 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 6.50 and 11.33 A. M., 1.50 and S P.M. Leave Salisbury at 1.40 P. M. Leave Milford at 4- P. M. Leave Dover at 9.05 A. M. and 6.20 P. M. Leave New Castle at 11 A. M. and 7.20 P. M. Leave Choeter at 7.40 A. M., 12.15, 2.25, asd 9,40 P. JMf* Leave Baltimore for Dover and intermediate fit&tfobl at 10.15 A. M. Beavo Baltimore for Salisbury and intermediate stations at 4.45 A. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE: Learo Chester at 6.46 A. M., 12.05 and 11.20 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 9.35 A. M., 12.35 P. M., and'l2 A. M. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached,] will run as follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at 5.50 P. M. Leavo Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate placcß atT.lo P* Hl* Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and lnlermßdiata places at 5 P. M, Leave Havro-de-Graco Tor Baltimore and intermediate Stations &t 6.15 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Grace aud intermediate stations at 6 P. M. ON SUNDAYS ONLY: At 10.50 from Pkilwlolphin to Baltimore. At 4.45 from Battimoio to Philadelphia. S. 51. FELTON, President. ELMIRA ROUTE.— BgaßgyffaTgaß-PHyiiAPygLPHTA AND ELMI- RA RAILROAD. QUICKEST ROUTE to T&maaua, Gat&wissa, Rupert, WUkcabarre, Scranton, Danville, Milton, Williamsport, Troy, Ralston, Canton, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester, Cleveland, Detroit, Toledo, Cliicag?, &C Louis, Milwaukee, and all points North and West. Passenger trains will leave the new Depot of the Phl- LuLolphia an<l Bc&diug Railroad, corner B&OA& And CALLOWHIXL Streets, (Passengers entrance, oa Cal lowliiil street,) daily, (Sundays excepted), for above points, as follows: DAY EXPRESS. 8.00,A.M. NIGHT EXPRESS 3.15 PtM. Tho 8.00 A. M. train connects at Rupert, for WUkee bam, Pittaon, Scranton, and all stations on tba LACK AWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. The above trains make direct connections at Elmira with the (rains of the New York and Erie, Canandaigua aud Niagara Foils, and Buffalo, New York- And Eri«j and Now York Central Railroads, from all points North and West, and tho Canadas. Baggage checked to Elmira, Buffalo, and- Buspensioo Bridge, and all intermediate points. Tickets can bo procured at the Philadelphia and El mira Railroad Line’s Ticket Office, northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, aud at the Passenger Depot, corner THIRTEENTH AND CALLOWHILL. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave tho Philadelphia and Reading. Dapot, Broad and Callowhill streets daily, (Sundays excepted), for all points West and North, at o P. M. Freights must bo delivered befora 3-7. M. to Insnra their go in? the some day. For further information Apply At Freight Depot, THIRTEENTH and UALLOWJKILL*.or to G. T, LEONARD, Agent, Northwest corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, ap!9-tf. Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA ■CjRtSfiSSa AND BEADING BAILBOAS GO., (Offico 227 South Fourth stroot.) pßiLAnEuraiA, April 27,189 L On and after May I,lB6l,.season tickets will be Lussi by this company for the periods of three, six, nine, ant twelve months, not transferable. Season school-tickets may also be had at 33 per oe&t. discount. __ These tickets will be sold by the Treasurer at No. tIV South FOURTH Street, where any further lnformattoi can bo obtained. S. BRADFORD, ap2o-tf Treasurer. BOOK AND JOB «ijiHiTii ss” BOOK AND JOB PEINTfcNiJ. ESTABLISHMENT. No. 417 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA Sold. Ilronze, and Colored, lUlntlng oxeauM (■ • Superior Mbuuot. HEBCHAKTS. MANVYACTCBEBS, HEOHANKM, LAWTBBS, AUCTIONEEES, PUBLIO OFFICSBS, BANKS. BAIL- B&AD AND IKSUBANOK COMPANIES, KlO., Will b, supplied irith any description of Frint*-g roquirsd. at Short Notice and on tbo most Rub. flouM* Tenn*. ja3o-tf Best quality roofing slath Always on and Tor ul* at Union YThirf. UR BEACH Street, Kensington. T. THOMAS, BkjT.lT SIT WALNUT Stmt, PUlaMaM* A M If BEIHENTS. Mr. ¥.. ADAM 3 ■ Mm. AK.VA COWELL ..MK ( ALICE GRHT Mr. liO\VJ'.R3 SAFES. SEASON TICKETS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers