Found Drowned The body of an unknown man was found floating in the Delawaro, opposite the Kensington screw dock. From the appearance of the body it must have been in the water for some time. The man had on a black corded coat, gray pants, colored calico shirt, and low shoes. The body is about five feet seven inches long. Coroner Conrad held an inquest on Saturday, and the jury rendered n verdict in accordance with the facts ns above stated. * Pan. \tut,t*ittA Hat Market.—There lias fceon no apparent change in the prices of bay and straw since Inst quotations. Three hundred loads of tbc former were sold for 50 and 00 cents per cwt. for the mixed qualities, and from 70 to R 0 cents for the extra. Eighty loads of straw were disposed of at from 50 to 60 cenls per cwt. Highway Robbery.—Four men, named James Bussell, Victor Collet, John Morris, and -Henrv Albertson attacked a man on Friday after noon at Fourth and Stanley streets, Tho man was thrown down, and while one held him the other rifled his pockets, tnking all the money they could find. The robbers were arrested, and after a hear ing on Saturday morning were committed. Mestfret> In.—A cavalry company, from Bethlehem, commanded by Captain W. E. Dostor, reached this city on Saturday, and wore immedi ately mustered into the service of the United States. They are attached to Col. Harlan's regiment, and proceeded at once to the encampment at Heaton vilie. Mustered Oct.— The First City Troop, Cap iasn Jniaor, 'were mustered out of service on Satur •clav afternoon. The company rnado a dress parade previous to the oercmoiw. and made n much finer appettrnneo in their dark-blue jackets, trimmed with orange, than they did in the blue blouses which they wore* on the day of their arrival from the seat of war. BaxtttU.s Zouave*. —This regiment lias rc -ceived mustering orders, and will be mustered in in the course of the week, when the men will bo -clothed and sent to camp. This will, no doubt, be a fine regiment, and tinder Col. Baxter will be able to give a good account of itself. Col'j3iki> Camp Meeting.—A colored camp meeting is now being held near Media, on the line of the West Chester road. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. ! Sepuj-me Court at Nisi Pnirs—Justice ‘Thompson.—The eourt was in session for n short lime on Saturday morning, and a decree was en tered in the case of Partington & Richard. It was •ordered that the copartnership heretofore existing between the complainant and defendant be dissolved 'from this date, and a receiver was appointed to wind up the affairs of the firm. Quarter Sessions—Judge Ludlow.—The I’OJU’ihi! of fi habeas corpus ease was the only thing Of iatfJT-t tlmt occurred on Saturday morning. The writ was issued to obtain the release of a miuor who had enlisted in Col. Baker's regiment, and was served or. that officer as he was passing through the ■city. Col. Baker appeared in court, and made re turn that neither at the time of the issuing of the writ, nor since, bus the lad been Within the jllTlS ■diction of tho court. He nW stated that the boy v,ii* unable to discharge the duties of a soldier, hut 2uid been refractory and disobedient, and when he y ieidcd obedience he would be discharged. Terrible Storm at Chicago, The Chicago Post, of Tuesday, says A regular northeaster, such as usual!v comes in September* visited this region night before last, and •continued throughout yesterday. It was accom panied by a drenching rain which flooded the city in every direction. At six o'clock yesterday morn ing, the streets bore the appearance of canals, the .sewers and gutters being inadequate to carry off the va:-t quantity of water that fell during the night. The course of the wind drove the lake into the river, and caused the latter to rise above the server outlet--;. The consequence was that nearly fill tilt* k -]qw basements ■' in the city wore flooded. All along South Water street, considerable damage resulted from this cause. The <• high base ments” —those erected upon the last established grade—escaped inundation, n fact which demon strate the practicability and wisdom of the u hi"h grade.” ° In the lower parts of the city, toward Bridgeport and Ringgold place, the surface presented a lake of water, which the inhabitants were compelled to na vigate on planks, or wade in water up to their knee:-. The lIuTo schooner Ellen Pile. Thomas Boyd UlUfilC- and owner, went ashore about daylight, be tween one and two miles north of Gros Point, and thiriecnwniles north of this port. The bottom at that point is rocky, and it was believed the schooner would go to pieces. The crew succeeded in getting a Hue from tho vessel to the Shore. aiul tllUi saved themselves from tho wroek. The IPUn Pile left IhU port last Friday, bound for Kalamazoo, for lumber. She has been on the hike ever since, the adverse wind preventing her li’yjn reaching her destination. £he ft email vessel, about 75 tons measurer" inciii. and worlh about $5,000. She was insured. A large brig was discovered at daylight, at an «£:W about ivro anile* TJ. N. E Of till' light: tootii-c- presented no signal, but CuptillU Prill ilivinC: suppO'ii!g:-lie would desire to be brought in, stalled for her with the tug McQn<-c;>. This fid little steamship rode over the great waves m gaUant style and was quickly alongside the brig. The captain of the latter, fearing that he might strike the bar, decided to remain where ho was until the sea went down. lie had both anchors out, Rfld having thrown overhoard a portion of hU deck-load, was riding in comparative case. His cargo was lumber, from Orecri Buy. The Alc.Qneen accordingly returned, no other vessel being in sight. S»he had not reached the harbor, however, when the G-wertt showed a signal of distress, and the T , lc / p:c:7t went back and got a line from the One anchor was hauled up when the line parted. unfl'Oapt. Prindiville was compelled to re turn for a -sU-mgcr line. Having obtained one. he wear or? a third time, find brought the vessel 111. Kto was found to be leaking badly, but had sus tained no oilier damage. At this time another vessel was in sight, about t?r. mile? to the southeast, with a signal in her rig ging. Immediately upon getting the Cron era. su fe in w'jri. the M'-Qifeon started after tho distant ves sel? It proved to be the Helen Kent, of this port, with a cargo of wood. She had received no damage, but was So far to leeward that she must have gone jiMnyre toward Michigan City, had not the jlfc- Qi'cr.'r go.ic- to Iter assistance. In bringing her in, thelhjc, a three-inch hempen hawser, was parted 2io less than four times—in fact was broke all to pieces, and nr hist- the McQueen was compelled to leave her {off the lower end of Lake Park) and icotnc in after a new line. C'apl Prindivilk* say- he has never known so great a sea on Lake Michigan since the great storm <-flSv7. Any vessel less powerful than tho JUr- Qifffn could r.ot liuyc stvwd it. The waves fro* queuilv dashed completely over her. and two or three times .-love in the pilot-house window. Cm. If of the Eighth Infantry, has been allowed to accept the colonelcy of a volunteer I'Cg'mrnt. by the .Secretory uf War. He !'.i- been onTv in the army six years, and was breveted the month h? entered it. He is a Vermonter, a grad un > of West Point, and very fortunate in re ceiving promotions. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE 3IOSET MARKET. rjIJLAIUiLPIIIA- AllgllStlj, ISDI. NoHihig jk**,v can lie told about the stock market. .Dtitlnc" coaihuics to be it? chief characteristic, ami the expectations formed by znany people of an active too’. ement in stocks consequent upon the sa tisf:»e:"vy or range-merit of tlie large Government ! c .aiv,. 11v >- by no mean? realized, Prices tO-llfty yrcrc a ;r'ib* lower fur several of the stocks and ihoLigli the business was very light. people look for an effect from the Xtnsinehil operations of the Secretary of the Treasury in bu.ihitv’' circle? before the Fiock market will be ihm-bv kiSuciiccil to any extent. The money paid iuiO the ’ifCM Uvy by the banks will be speedily dis bursed by ihe Government, and the many millions tf» he thv.- ’-»:vul out at short intervals will find their wav b:r.k again to the bank vaults through the of Viuincs?. while setting in motion lhe wheel' of trade in all the Northern States. I Thcit* I-::othing extravagant in the belief that we rdiah lunc n fair bu;ine.-s this fall, notwithstanding tile war—u bndiß’-s. in fuel, that In a groat degree %vill the \ ;-rv consequence of the war and its ex end'd ure-' Our Ijirmcrs w ill get paying prices for ihcir vow large crops, and be enabled to pay for ihok -‘inter supplies. Those have yet i<. ).-■ ’»i: c-:-'i h~etl by c-onnfry storekeepers in of the country, the stocks Of gynd> di the hands of reniihws being everywhere iK»torh‘u*d/ light. Immense expenditure? for mnriy. iiitlch-- 01 manufacture needed for army purposes will yr.O money in circulation in all the large citic K , aryl *rive u new impetus to trade which cannot fuU tu k btnh iifitiiliv null profitable. Ilisawoll ibat the ti-ade and business of England iiK-rcM-c ! Keudily and greatly during the whole period of ber war? with Nnpoleon. and notwith standing !icr enormous expenditures, and we have little doa'-’t that the present war will develop the trade and u)»rmf:,<-turo3 of our Xortbern Slates in an imM'p.jpdontod degree,. At Cincinnati the Money market is very quiet, wi-h a liberal supply of capital and a moderate de mand far loan?. The bulk of the paper put upon Hie market finds takers at 10 to 12 per cent.. and that nervousness which hu.i been eo general every where in linantiitl elides. is beginning to disai)- 'S be following is the business of the Philadelphia ami Pleading Railroad Company for the month of Jtilv : 3861. ISGO. KiTikV‘3 rsv.iM cf>N>; §213.381 n §237,780 23 4 * im'i -•hniulis.C... 2G.G30 59 41,787 15 t. 4. umvcl, Xe 40,975 11 35,229 85 voadv.ny, flimip ht:-, fuir.l, unci nil si.\ for the mouth 152.380 03 4i ' 4: for previous 7 mob. 74(),tK»l 03 Tola! }:•-•! for S month?. 892, GU1 11 879,491 83 The Pu'U-i ille Miners' Journal sums up the eoai trade for the week as follows: WEEK.’ TOTAL. \ "WEEK. i‘. * 1!. FT. IF.. 39.3513,233,382 26,817 1,031,472201,!)10 Sclnul Canal..; 38.912 788.115 32,1211 035,822:152,323 1.. Tsl. r. K..' 15,190 197,390 11,505 495,970(111,414 Tii !(i2li Omal.. 35,432 000,859 28,743 510,984'489,885 •Pcrm.ttm 5311. 21,210 403,295 21,007 521,495: 20,290 Do. t-orth: 5,315 123.001 4,921 152,184 29,480 Pa. Coal rv, ' 331.720 815,7514 5,978 X>c-1. ill. C 0..: 12,091' 254,257 22,901 370,942122,675 k S’:k 1 180,225 111,147,109,078 Do. Nortl, ■ 22,212 30,618' 8,436 Bn.*; T-i, : i,oio 1U.167 0,008. 139,1:18, 25,271,o'kii : 5,530 9,222 120,083 11,551 ’rivv,.lt.ii 2.231' 58.237 1,008 511,520'491,9ir Sll. Mt. H. T-. 2.437: 5.7.01 i 2.106 47,109 4 7,903 LjCcok Val. ti 2,133: 37,912) 1,984 47,889 9,950 784,3754,893,370104,5541,566,551 !164,554.4,566,551 j 19,821 326,825 'l'tio loss for the waek is 19.381 tons. The Lehigh loses 10,f!04 tons compared with the corresponding week Inst yenr. The loss and gain from the different anthracite regions for this year, sums up as follows: Loss. Gain. {.clmvlkil! 354,30*2 Lihiili 91,279 Wjoiniiii,* Shamokui Making the total loss of anthracite sent to market this year, compared with the last, 332,325 tons. Schuylkill county loses 354,332 tons, which is 22,007 tons grenter than the whole loss sustained by the trade so far this year. The New York Evening Post sums up the stock and monetary transactions of to-day as follows: The stock market is very inactive again to-day. For several days past there has been a great ub- Bence of outside orders, and it requires but littlo effort on tho part of the Rears to mark down prices. The sales are mostly on sellers* option, thoro being no large amounts of cash stock offering. New York Central doses at 73.}, Galena 64JaC43, Toledo 28|a2fiL Rook Island 3S}a3BL Pennsylvania Coal is quoted 76£a77, ex-diridend. Delaware and Hudson ii offered at 85, 82 hid. The Southern State stocks are dull and lower. Mhsouris and Tenuessees are each quoted at 43a 43J. Louisianas sold at 64. Virginias fell off l per cent. There was a sale of Now York State sevens of 187# at 107, which is by far the highest price State security on the list. Government bonds are steady at 88 for register ed, and SSiaSSi for coupons, iho fives are firm at SOjaSll. The 0 per cent, notes sold at the Board at Q7£a9S. We have been shown to-day a bond of the State of Virginia for $l,OOO, dated Ist October, 1860, iden tical with tlie regular Virginia sixes, so far as the body of the bond is concerned, except that it is made payable in Richmond. The sheet of coupons attached, however, is printed in red, while the old is in blind*. This bond has just been forwarded from the West, where it has, doubtless, been put in circula tion, and, so far as we know, is the first issue of the rebel authorities. These bonds will, of course, find no circulation here, us they hear all the marks of a spurious issue. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, August 17, ISOI. Reported ay 8. E. Bi.ay.makk!;, Philadelphia Exchange. 50 Reading K.bsnu IS ’ 3 GreenA-Coates Rl4 100 d 0.... 18 1500 Penna 5? 77# 35 d 0... 18 100 do.i 50 d 0.... 55. .17 35-16 5000 Gam * Am 6.s ’BO 81 100 «!t. .37 lii-IO 50 Wiisll'tim (iiui.ltfi 20 4000 _ db.-..<K U 4.. 20£pnicc * Pine R, 8 The Flour market continues firm, ami tho only salt* we hoar of is 3,000 l.»bls Western family at £5.25. The trade an* buying to a moderate’extent at from 84.25 to 31.75 for spring and wither Wheat, pupirrlitiu; s?4.S7?£a:>.l:2»£ fur .around do; $4,7505,50 for extras per bid for extra family and fancy brand.-:, ns In rjuulity. Kye Fleur i> dull at $3 pet* hid, (Aim Meal continues scarce; at 8*2.75. and Brandywine at $3 per bid. Wheat.—There is a good demand at fully former rates, and not so much offering; sales of 5,000 bus are reported at llSal2oe for Western and Pennsylvania reds, J3Siil22e for prime Soul hern do, and 13/>c for fair white the latter afloat. Bye selU at 56c for old and 52c for new iVnitsMvnnki. Corn is fintreo, with further wdea of 1.800 bus VuivtrsvlYivmn at 53c in store. and 54c for Dela ware afloat. Oats i»r«* nut so plenty and prices are lc lover, with sales of 3,000 bus new Southern at 29n3Qc, in store and afloat. Baiik.—The demand for Quercitron has fallen off, and Ist No 1 i.- iiniet at $2B per tun. Oottpx continues Very firm, the high view* of holders limiting operation-;. CiaiCKJiTßS.—There is a moderate business doing in Snjinv at full rates. PltOYlSluXs*.—There is no new feAhirciu the market, and no wiles are reported. . Whi.-xy is selling in lots as wanted at ISaiS# for bids and per golltm I'm* druilsje. Retv York Stock Exchange.—Aug. 17. 5000 VS 6s 1562.... . 05 I 5 K Y Central x-tli 73 V - 2000 V S 0.-‘SI Be?.. S 8 ;2i)o do ......s4 73)^ 6000 I' SGs 'Bl fp.. 8S?jl 50 do p&e 73 lx 22000 TivstsO p c 2dy. Ene Bailwav 25k 2000 KYSt 7s ’70.. .107 13 00 do 25^ 2Swo Teiiu State 05... ;ITS HtivUonlUv R,,.. 33 * 10000 do ...5-10 lOO vUi !fls 33 28000 do 43 50 Harlem Railroad. 10 6000 Virginia 6s 65 375 lil Central Sep... 63 3000 do 200 do sGO t>3 5000 do ...slo 54 200 Harlem E prof... 25 16000 >’ Car 6s 66 100 Beading B 35 % 35000 MsVouriStOe.. 43;.'?370 Mieh Cent K 4IV 30000 do 43,y 370 3lieh Cent B 41 k 88000 do 43 ICO flu ’ s:;u 41V ?<Ka) uo ~ ,?10 40 100 Melt S&N I « .-*3O *2B 3000 3liss Cs iss to JI 50 do 28 &St R 47 350 do 28'. 13000 Louisiana 64 5 Clov Col & fin... 04 0000 CalitbrJda St 7s. 76 100 Gal A Chicago bUO 64 UOOO Cityos’S7,.,... OS 100 do .....s3O 64}< ' 3000 Hud B fbd 70 100 do .....s3O 64 .-•-7000. Mich 8 2d mtg.. GO?j.: 40 <lo 64 f. 60 111 C 8.Jn15..-.. Sfljli J 5OO do 64^ 1000 do ...... 83 7 jj :V>oo Clcv Sc T01ed0,,.. 2S>f ICO Mftid.aUau 8k.31f» 400 do 3»30 k 2B& 40 renna <V>ah... 77 300 do 28^ 360 Parilie 31 S x-tli 71 200 do ......s3O 2SK f.O do 703- 50 Chi &HI R 3S« 125 CM V, &.Q 8... 55)4 :400 do 38^ 10 JliUd'duCivhi il 14,U |25 do 33 Fr.ot n, Ac.—A umderato dematid prevails for Western sui.l met »t Tlu* close pn'VCS Of till* ItlWgl’dlleS JiTe UUjer; the luedium a»jd bvt-ter brands are hi fair IV <JUi>t at full prices. Tla- flies''ihithidi* 31,400 bbls (chii-ny the better brands) at $4.50a4.55 for Superfine State and Western, $4.60a 4.50 fur llic low trades of Western extra, fur extra State, Bl.Uo.if>.Uo fur fancy do, 85.15a5.25 for ship •phig''. brandsitf lound-huup extra Ohio, aiul 85.30nG.35 for trade brand.-do. Canadian Flour is dull and lower: sales of 350 bids at 54.C5a7.50 l'«*v extras. Southern Flour is firmly hold, mid new Is in fair de- DUiiul: of 1.000 t>bls at for mixt*»l to plant fitipertine Baltimore, &e.. and S5.S5jiC.5O Tor the bettc*r .evades. Rve Flour is iu fair demand; sales of 160 bids at $2.25 0.50. . Corn Meal is uniet at 52.50a2.75 for Jersey, and 83.3.5 a 0.20 h*r Brandy wine. Gkais.—There is n>> important change to noth*e in tho. Wheat market. Brime .is iu limited supply,'and some transactions hare been made in dub to arrive. : The iiuiuiry for milliiis is moderate. The sales em brace C 3-400 hu- ac 3O0:illle foe Chicago Spring; esl.Ooa lJChw Milwiitukw Club. for amber Town and Milwaukee—tho latter pri'.-f ,f«n\3S.UUO bus to nrriyr; 81.33a3.34 for Jladnc sjtrijigBl.2Sai.3o for red winter Western; $?1.30a1.32 for white f -anadlaji; -53.31a3.32 for wliite M estern, and $1.40 for white Kyntnekv. Oats are firm and in fair demand for the trade at 321< a34e for State and Wo.-lrrii- and 27:v2'.»c fi»r Gaimdian. Rye is tinner and in fair demand. ITime is scarce. Sales of Western at 51a52e. and State at 65c. Coin is unchanged. The demand is les* uctirvs and U chiefly for thv tnute. Sales of 03.000 bus at 43a44c for healed, 45a4Se for Eastern niixed. 'jttaal f,»r diippiii" mixed, the latter nn extreme price, pud r?3e lV*v yellow .Western. rifovisfinx.”. —The market for Pork U dull and heavy ; Niks 625 hbl> at s*):> former*. !?10 liu* .prime, 815.0Galy.7i> for clear, and 515.75 for uninspected Vto. 4 Beef j.« <jUiet t sale? of 75 bids ufc 510n11.25 fur repacked liivs*. fH-alo lor extra. **” Beef hauw are steady • sale-?of 25 bids at $l4. Cntmeats are uuleT ’ sales of 50 pkcjr at for dry paired Shoulders and 4 ( , .<aoe for pickhsl, and saGc for Unnrs Lard is iinirt: sales of 300 U-s ami bids at 7#a9,Vc, tho former price fur gut and soft eity. Butter Li s-tendy at llaldj.Cc for fair to choice Statu Oml Ohm. Cb*-<*.-<- i- Onel Psi7i.Cc f.u- State, ami 4»or f*r Oht(7. General McClellan** Ekforms,—General McCl-dlan has intituled great reforms' in thearmy at ■\\*asliii!iito!u but none has given more satisfaction'than tin- <>iH- all thv officers under lits cunuuuud, who through PliihwK*U«h;a* to buy their military clothes at Gram Ule Stokes*. GOO Chestnut street. The summer and fall stock of this Ikuisc* is usually largo, and is selling at the lowe-d cadi prices. At the same time, a splendid gift is giw-n with each purchase. Garments and Gam.entky.—MlionSirYVstl terßaMah was {uE-ddngjotiriseavuller. he made his for turn-by adrtdMy <•<-nvt-i’tinir his ch*:»k into a oai-jx*t for Omen Ellyabeth. In tlio pre.-oiif wav, no snl.lioc need ti» adv:mo<‘ himself much if lie only resembles u pi lifted ;; Guy ” in appearance. To be lilted out w:Ui a liniKlromc and denddo uniform, it will be necessary for him b> proi-mv it at an odahli-limc-nt where tin* requisite and honesty are to be found. In short, at the Jliuini stone ojuthiii.-r Ill'll nf JiucUhill A W ilsnu, Nos. 00u insd Gl-5 CiicrtnuT street* above Sixth. F. Bk«w.V'U Esuibccis 'of (RiseKß AXD CIW- I.KK.v Mixarat:.—We cannot do the public a greater ser vice at this season than to rah their attenl ion to the above valuable remedies, which should be in 'the hands of every family, while sn. person about b.-travel should IoAVO the city without llu-iii. Every officer mid soldier fehwutd a b--dtle, :is it lnim«-di:U<-Jy restores when overcome from fatigue or exposure to the sun, and is iudisp-cnsahle. •• . ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS COXTIXKXTAL nOTKti—Xintli nml Chestnut. T J Tlnck, Jr. Ihiltiniorc Mrs lvorr, AV L* Chnm’.liT. Jno A AVrisor. York, Pa ,T„lin II Small,'Yolk. Pa M Hamilton, Fwit Wayne II 51 AVilliams. Port AVavne II A Prink, rhiliulelphiu J .1 Thompson, St Louis K M'l, Xew Jersey P C Jlainh-rvilli 1 - Loitisvilio A' VVfijikfr, Illinoi^ Jurist l AYuoton. lli-law,u\- Caul !i Cuiuullj USES Joint P Huvhii I'vmm Air lioss, Poima Jamas iStrnny, Penna A J Hall A la, Boston A P PurtiT, I- S A J A l.i'ilfielJ, Klniirn AY It Barr, llulTalo .1 ti Cnnratl, Cliii-iyi) J Kirkpatrirk. V S A P 11 Smith & la, Illinois II Cl l'ant, AVash, DC II AV Latham, AVasli, i) C K AVhitney J II Allan, C'anaila John Bnshar. Natv York Jos B Brown, Nnv York l.t rli I'iTittiUl. UISM 11 IVKsli living, USN 11 51 tYaterson, Tennessee A Smith A ill- Naw York T H Taber, Boston George J Punn-ss, Phila T) f! AVooil. Baltimore 51 Klinefelter, Arkansas B H JTnlforih Jlnntvo.,e, Pa B F Pleasants A la, D C AVtn B.vlee. Jr, X Jersey C Konp, Xetv Y'ork A llaklwin, Mew York A M Bradshaw, Sow York GAV Shaw. Ohio 1.1. Tilth®, Vermont JX H AYnstfall. Yew York B Van Alstihe, Y«w lOlk 1) SfcTtoiailcl Titos II Gage, I\ oreostor >: P Keeilhant. New Y’ork Win F Ketehai.t, New York Kl. Cantwell, AVashinston G Barton, Srv York AV II Ch int nl, Ciiiriiiiiati T Lough, Colinnlms, 0 All- II Hiteheoek, Ihtglatul Air W Kllis, I.ontlott I. Grinnell. Xew lleilfonl K Thornton, Jr, X Bedford A P Goodwin, Xow Y'ork C H Biglow, Xetv Y'ork (‘ Preston, Indiana G- It Preston, Illinois G Mayer. Xew York Y AY Thomas & la, Cal .Ino A* Ilicshiud. fsHnoflittCv ljr-nj S<‘\vull 7 lb>st«ia 230,080 81 314,800 25 1:37,000 78 147,011 05 167,194 CO 712,397 23 ]) JJ Smith. Xc\r York L L Jhiknr, t'ahfornin B V (’simp, l\Tw Yul'k lion ,T B JliU-kiii, New York JIT llolcoiiih, Belliw:ire L l'eiriiio, Xcw jersey j, 1» Griffith, Now York V Stii-.-;. Jr. ?lHAS(ic)iUsotU K L Yiell, New York H H BurneU, Bidtimmu Jus A duckiioii, T Bdwauls, St Joseph M 3l«rk. Tinclniiati, O A M'olf, Cinciimsiti, 0 Mr.- J II Dickfv-nj). Oin, 0 A >3 Trury, Cinciimsiti, 0 11 S Kreoniun. Cimdinmti, O.IX Kcin, Cincinnati, 0 W V,m Wvck. New York T S Bupp, New York. j 1861. ISC. & TOTAL. DKC. <l VT Nitile & In, New York Mr* J MeCuw, Kentucky ■\Vm JlcChw, K. ntuchv .1 F Thojnpr«>n, Kentucky A V Ihihh, N llnmp.diiro 31 M Ihvmemy, Cin, 0 S Tftl'ftl’, New York Mrs Archibald Forsyth, N Y Clt ITunt, Springfield, 111 Miss Hunt, Springfield, 111 If BjilihiT} Now York <’ Brinton, Pennsylvania Potor McCJoo, Milwiuikr-o J P Lewis, XVlioolins Win McCoy, 'WJniding T, V Goo«l, AVlioeling J H Davis, Pittsburg J XVliihlumil, Newark, N J A M’ornor, Now York Muj Larnod, USA, j lj Hall, Cincinnati Iter A <’ Currie, Cov’n, Ky AmoH Bmlnax, >Yaslh P C dns A UnU'et 1 , MjlwttUkCfi Dr H V Nelson, V B N M C HnwUim*, US N 131 i ivrry & la. New York R H Gr<vn, Tilly Cullo.go M I. Leopold, Cincinnati, 0 Hon A K McClure, Clmm’g II C Klder, Indittiia G A Niecolls & hi, Keadiug Mrs TI A Muhlenberg, Bo’g Mast II A Muhlenberg B’g li B V hito, U S N BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowliiil. P Fch'dciuiaeher, Allentown Lovi Klick, Allentowu T s Lpiscnriug, Poniia rilisT BOAItD. 3s j 500 (itj os, New Gas S, S 3 1 100 do 8T C Teiina It. 9 d 0.... Philadelphia Markets. ArousT 17—Keening. FIT.ST IUiAKO. Netv York Markets of Saturday. CITY ITEMS. n- 10 IS O’CI.OCK LAST KIGIIT. MEISCHANT'S HOTEL—Fourth direct, below Arch. James F Orton, V S A Capt ,T H Ilowinan, Penna Daairt Ilartdoch, Indiana H G Hodge, Indiana Wm Kentucky JI. Cartels, hliwUaon, Ky II S Itueknor, LouisvV, Ky H huu, Loulyvitle, Ky 8.1 Hodge, Louisville, Ky XV II Konininc ft la, N Y J C .Synimos, New York 8 M Bicker, Atlantic City Clins A Locher, Atlantic Cy 8 N Bradley, New Y'ork L C Slmff, Canton, Oldo W V. Hosier, HeslonviUe J It Fisher, Piiilada B N Stiller, I’tttsliurg JE Seott, Buffalo H Hakes, Illinois E l 1 STiiler A \vf, Aliaotie C Capt G E SleCahe, Penna Hon J Hchimlol, lVnna. S J Turner. lVnna , KII Willimnsun A Ift, Ii J Mrs Mitchidl A.’ win, Oluo S II Hjwludi. I*m»uu RJDarragh, BnUtmcwc Thnp lim e. Tittsburg Col 31 H Williams, lVnna C Wiiiiamß, I‘itteburg H I* Callow, Pittsburg . 101,735 11,531 445,011 113,280 113.236 ST. LOb'3S HOTEL—Chestnut Htrcet, above Third. A Turner A* wf, Wlurling Goo V Jones, Baltimore Jl Brink, Baltimore J 1> Edson, Ohio H Cutornum, Pliila ,T A Dumont, Phila Capt Jno J SjK'rry A W Frick, Germantown c f Couffor, Now Tork H E Weeks, Hartford, Con Col 11 Hoi'iudiom A wf, Mo M Matthews, New Turk Albert Story, Wash, DC K Vf Collins, Jr, W:tth It 3’Ycken, New York F L Williams, New York L H liayheh!, Dover, Del Dr Whiyple, New Jersey Clayton Wihler, Delaware R Brown, Cincinnati T Gaiss St Louis Jos H A fn», St Louis A Dexter, V 8 N O Puroy, Phila Win Klein, Boston Jos C Crawford, Fhila AMERICAN HOTEL—C'llOrtltUt fit,, ft!»VO Fifth. >Vm Jl Stevenson, N Jersey J W Wilkinson, Pliila J R Shelly, Phila R S Williams, Phila A II Wimbish & In, Ala J M Humphreys, Va S H Baker, Ponun H P M Torbet, W Chester W Lnckey, West Chester T M Ilnrvey, Wuahlngtou K Paddoek, Conn Lewis Marier T Lewis, Conn A C Ilanling, Dlinois G F Hnrdinff, Illinois Hr McKnight, Penna S White, Biiltiinove 1* A Colder, Troy, N TC THF. UNION —Arch street, above Third.. F W Swan, N Jersey Wm M Applebach, Indiana Jos Ochres, Sr, Indiana S T Bowen, Indiana Albert B Torrence, P 0 Sharjdess, Ohio D J Calligun Peoria, 111 Wni A Holliday, Jr, Inil Wm Bryan, Lycoming co Thoa Ileynolds, Penna E Marshall, New Jersey F Clunu, New Jersey JI J Frost, Wooster, O F B Wallace, PuttsviHo Iter J J Elsegood & la- Pa Geo A Jenkn & la, Penna Gen Y Sflluu, Yintnn, lowa Capt A W Adams, Md Jjjeut Wm L Caudle, Mass W Lippe, Philft H Edwards, Kentucky Miss 0 M Edwards. Ky Wm Cf Johnson, Indiana !► N Minshall, Indiuuu STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. Miss Green, Delaware E Pollock, Harrisburg Wm S Conklin, Harrisburg Jfts Emery, Lima, Ohio David Shepard, New Jersey L B Marshall, Altoona, Pa John Holland, Columbus, O Benj Sauciers, York, Pit J O Collett. Atlantic City L B Ovennyc-r, Bending D L TAlbcrti Heading K J Brown. Mitllin B Sautton, Wartiincfton, DC S Rogers, Lycoming co T S Fisher, Newport News llobt Irvine, Carlisle, Pa T E Watt, Pittsburg J L Milligan, Delaware S J Mansfield, Philadelphia H P Dunbar, Pittsburg A J Wolfkioh Pennsylvania A C Egerion, Penna S Grone, Harrisburg W li l’rothen, Indiana co COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth street, above Chostuut. E W Iliekfi, Ponnsylvjuua E C Leseur* Now York H c Feger, I’ottstown W II Warner, Philuda Job Posey, Columbia, Pa C’ J Ihisoy, Madeira, Pa W Porter, Bochester, NY' W H lluddleson, Pentia A B Sloanakor, Philadelphia Geo Blythe & lit. Penna John Dusan, West Chester J Speakman & la, renna Lieut T K Bnggs, Md REVERE HOUSE—Thin! street, above Knee. JitK'Noft"FAvo. Wuisporfc C W Morgan, PottsviJle. John Addison, Reading Geo Smith, Jersey Shore II A Bevgmann, Jr, Pliila G Benner, Phila Chas Comly, Chamberabuvg Jno B Seigle, Atlantic City John A Jones, York, Pa J> J Bogar, Penna J Klop. Berks co H Bucher, Penna Lieut K Tundder, USA Jno M Moilly, Betlilehem H Hesser, Schuylkill Haven ; NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. J W William*, Phila . W Morgan & hi, Virginia G F Kattrnhnrn, New Tork A 0 Dflzevill, New York T P Quin A h«, Pliila , E P Ancona, Norristown J Haldemftn, Tamuiiua: MOUNT YEItXON HOTEL—Second sf., ah. Art h. A Culdfri Tyrone. •?» A Summerfield, New York M H Williamson, New York W H Kenney, Easton Sl> Ladd, MiUviUe : J Furst, Allentown S McFatc. "Washiuston Wm L Gilbert, W«4dn.ston AY c liKiHlciihteh* Pliila R II Montgoiuory, Md BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine.- OSD JFnaen, Poima AV'm Busier,-Penna E Siner, I’hila J F Heritage, Fort Wash .Tbs Hill, Penna James Thornton, Byberry Jacob J Smith, Penna Jus Watson. Burks co ..BLACK-BEAR—Third street, above Callowhilf. W Ruppert, Byberry : .Tac.ib S EbHug, Auburn PitII.ADKLPH TA BOARD OP TRADE. GKO, N. TATHAM, ) Til. FROTIIFN (i U AM. > COMMITTEE of the Moxxn. WM. L. EKHN. ) LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange> Philadelphia Ship Tuscarora, Dunlevy. Liverpool, soon Siiip Westmoreland, Derai1............. .Liverpool, soon hark Mnrtba Ann McNeil, rromers London, SOOll Bark Nugget, fßr) Brouiilmv Barbiidoes, soon Brig Mary K Milliken, Norden Mafiin/.ns, soon PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Aug, 19, IStil SUN RISES 5 20 J SUN SETS. HIGH WATER, Steamship Delaware, Johnson, from New York, via Cape May, 7 hours, with mdse and passengers to James Alidcrdiee. Off the Brown saw a ship at anchor, sup yhsod to be the Lancaster. Oil livedy Island passed brig tsau Antouio, Collins, from New York, coming up. Bark Savannah was off'Quarantine. Bria llejiry Leeds, Smith, S days from Rockland, with stone to on plain. Brig-Eli'/abeth "Walts, Bryatii. G uays from Key West, in bnflast to J W & J F gchr Frederick Warren, C'oombs, 32 days from Orlnnd, Mo, with spars to Y» A Sonder & Co. On the morning of the 15th inst. saw a vessel with signals of distress flying, and, though a very heavy sea was running at the time, bore down, mul found the vessel to be the srhe General Horsey, foundered, with all hands in the rigging, whom v. e succeeded in taking off mul brought to Philadelphia. Thesehr General Mersey, Captain Sprague, sailed from Philadelphia Aug 7, for St John. NB, with coal, flour, and com meal, and on the 14th, in lat !>S 40, long i 4 4S» cncumitcml a terrific gnlo, during wlilob tho f-chf foun dered. On the evening of tho i4Uu with sigimls of ilifi tresS flyjjsg. spoke” fielir Fair Wind, from New York, lvotuul to 3ialtiinore } but she passed by without tlie least attempt at giving assistance. Sehr Yeuloo, Classen, 22 days from St Thomas, in bal last to captain. - Sclir Henry May, Ilbover, 6 days from Boston, with ice to Kwmedy. Stairs A Co. Schr Northern Light,Hall, 10 days from Vinal Haven, with stone to captain. Jrehr Mer-M'jigtT, JTfitr, 0 days from Portland, With UuUe to "Von Hum, Woodworth A t\». *St-!ir Geovgiana. i’arker, 1 day from Lewes, with grain to Jas L Bewley x Co. Achr Diamwid .State, Still. 1 day from Milford, with grain to Jas L Bewley A Co. Schr Smith Tuttle, Mayo, 5 days from Frovinectowu, with mdse to Geo B Kerfoot. Scbr Paulino, Brown, 4 days from Now York, with mdse to David Cooper. fck-hr ,ium> c iMUerfron, Hand, 7 days froDi Boston, ill hnlhu-t to E It Sawyer .t Co. Schr Planter, Fowler, 1 day from Leiiwic, Del, with grain to Jos E Palmer. fcidir Tiger, Goldthwait, from Saco, in ballast to cap tain. Sclir M 1> Cranmer, Cranmor, from Portsmouth. Sehr Slavy Ella, Talpey, from Portsmouth. Schr Austin, Par.-on, from Plyiuoutli. iechr Jonas frpiirk.-, Inman, from Now York. Matilda, Prior-, from Bo^On. Selir D S Merchon, Allen, from Boston. Schr C Shaw, Shaw, from Boston. Schr J II WaimvWghf, Ludlum, front Boston. Schr Jos Porter, Yates, from Boston. Schr S II "William-, Small, from Boston. Tug J F Starr. Maul!, ft hour? from Delaware Break water. Came up light. Olf Beedy Island passed bark • Savnmuih. from Havana, in ballast; off Delawuro City, passed brig Henry Leeds, from liocklamL CLTiAIUIP. Steamship Boston, Cvooker, Now Yurx, J Alldordjoo. Brig Experhucut, Itogers, Kingaton, Ja, K A Sunder A Co. Schr Augusta. (P.r) Jforion, St Biivts, I Jeancs & Co. Schr J It Williams, Small, Dover, Nuble, Hammett Sc C'ahlweH. Schr Jolm Wilson. Hardy. Washington, do Svhv Streamlet, Siokc I ', WnsiiinsTon, do Sebi* Slavy 1* Sbtv.-n.L, Jleed, Was)iin;;t"M, do Srhr Al 1> Crstimier. Crajjiiev, Salisbury, >*!iu DUcC*:i. Nnilon .1- <'<»• ' Sehv Jonas Sparks, Inman- Providence. N Smrtevaut A' I'o. Srhr Anslin, Par.-on. Plymouth, do Schr M Standisli, Atwood, Billon. do Sd.r Charlolte Slmw, Shaw, Bwi-loi). .} B Blaki-toji. Schr IliumnU Matilda. lTiro, Bostuii, d<» Sf-br 1' s Meivhon, Alien. 80.-ton. T*yl« r, Stone & Co. Schr J Porter : 'Yates. Button, Sinniekson A (Hover. Sclsr Lavinia Sane, Kctehanij Staten Dland. It Jlaro I’owoll. - Sriu* J H WaUiwright, I.udiani. Salem. V, B Sawyer & Co. Sclir a! C Peterson, Hand. 'lh»ton. do Sehr Mary Ella. Talp'-y. i’or'Miiouili, L Audojiriod & Co. Schr M:o-y 11 Cs'rumU, BOShUn l'lO Schr D -hmes. Talnm. lirnh.»•••'... <{., Selir G A Hayden. .Smith, Tamuon. ti>> Sehr Liz/ie W D>er, McDuHie, Purtbmd. Van Horn. Woi-dworth k Co. Sehr Amelia. Kockbill. Providence*, Cahtner, Sliekuer & Wellington.. Schr Kagle. Taylor, Nantucket, J B White. Sclir Somerset, Miller, AVa.-biugtoM, Penn Gas Coal C>». Srhv D«rt, CmUvim. Choptank Kiver, W Bnrnn. Sclir Nm-th lb.c-jflc. Lh.jd, JI (Jri emvh*h, Btilucri iX b*o. . Schr J V Wellington, fliipman, Boston, captain. SeJir Chntham, Smith, Provincetown. eaphiiu. Str(’ C Alges-,'Fenton. Alexandria, tleoj-g«*tt-wn, and Washington, Thos W eb.-ter, Jr. SU J S Shtiver, Deimi.-. Baltimore, A C-rove-i. Jr. /Correrpoiideiit-e of the Philadelphia Exchange.) 1 LEWKS, IH, All?, 10. Aft the mentionevl in my last rejxn-t went to a0«l afternoon. Then* are several in t*ig!it cumiug in from "veil. Among the number arc four brigs, deeply laden. Wind SE, with iuiUcutiouv of a storm. Your?, A-c. A. MARSHALL. Ship Stephen Baldwin. 635 hms, built in Now Jersey in ISOT, wan advv-rlined tor tialc at Lim'puuiai insl. Balk Ellen JloW-lßoh, OavcU-ncr. home, via JCingakm, Ja, at Savanna la Mar M in?t, for New York same day. Brig A J W Applegarth, Grove*, lienee, at Falmouth, Ja, 20th uU. jli*|<r Ella Heed, Davis, from Sagua. arrived at New York 17th inst. Was 4 days northof the Delaware, with heavy NK winds. , . , „ _ . , Sclir Ann Caroline, Bacon, hence for Salem, arriTed at Now York 17th inst. Sclir. Charles II Holler, Allen, cleared at Now York 17t)» inst. for Philadelphia. Schr George & Arthur. Stubbs, hence, at Kingston, Ja, 28th ult. , Sclir V F Randolph, Milller, hence, arrived at Provi dence Ifith in:-!. Schrs C A Stetson, lEicli, licncn for Provincrtown, and Helen Mar, Tutliill, Lviu ttocHltiud for PbiludelpUiit, at New York Iftih inst. Srhr N B T Thompson, Conover, hence, arrived at N Bedford K»th inst. Sclir* Joseph Turner, Crowell, lienee for Gloucester, and Lillie Sunders, Jones, from Fall. River for Dekiwuro City, sailed from Newport 14th a lDtli inst. Xotioo Is Iteifl«y given to navigators that the “Com mercial Code of Signals fur the use of all Nations.” and finger*’ Aim-iinm Edition uml Flags, with tho Hriiirfn Vocabulary, have been placed on hoard of the United States lighthouse mid buoy tenders, light voxels oceupy ing seaward stations, mul ut the sea-coant lighthouses along tlie Florida ltcefc, from hoggerheud Key, Tortgu gas, to Jupiter Inlet, incUtsive. Masters of vessels and others desiring to communicate with any of the above-named vessels or lighthouses by signal, may do so if they have a set of these signal books ami lings on board By order. TUOItSTON A. JESKIXs 5 , Secretary Trunaury Dopurtiuout, Oflioo T ( , 11, Uuuixl, Wiißliingtun Oily, July, ISM. Batchelor’s Hair Dye.— This cele brntcd ami perfect HAIR DYE is tlio BEST IN THE WORM). All others are mere imitations of this Great Original, Avliicli has Rained such extensive Patronage in all parts of tlie globe. Tho genuine W. A. BA'I'LMIE LOIt’S DIQUID HA lit DYE ixhvaxtly produces a splendid Black or natural Brown, without titaintag tho Skin or injuring tho Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad Dyes, invigorating the Hair for life. Sold by All Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAIINEMTOCIt it CO* nnd DKOIT A Cl)., Philadel phia. inUI-tt THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1861. W R Harrison, Pliila MARINE INTELLIGENCE ARRIVED, MEMORANDA NOTICE TO MARINERS'. SPECIAL NOTICES. F. Brown’s Essence of Jamaica Gisgxh. f, BROWN’S CHOI.KIi.V MIXTURE. THE AROMATIC STOMACH BELT, OR SOLCIER’S LIFE I’HESKItVEH ' STYPTIC CO T TON', ron Tmrnodifltoly Stopping (lit* FKnv of Bioo.l f.ont WoUiuU, Artci-u-w, io.-, ftx, Attontion if cullcil lu ilip nLoVO rauodios as Siildo to tho Army and Nnvy. For Mir l.y ERE DERICK BROWN', N. E. corner of CHESTNUT uml FTFTH Sti’nds, pulS-ni s tit I'im.AUKi.riu.i. One-Prick Ceotiuno, of tiif. Latest Styles, made in the Must Manner, expressly for KFT.VTTj SALKS. LOWKST Selling Prieea marked in Plain Figxircfi. All Goods made to Order wajTantwl satisfac tory. Our One-Prick System is strictly Adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. wSS-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. Grover & Baker’s Celebrated NOISELESS FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. The Best in Use for Fnmiiy Sewing. No. 700 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. MARRIED: KNIGHT—PINCKNEY,—On the instant, by the Rev. T. K. Connul, William A. Knight to Miss Saltie Pinckney, all of Germantown. * RICHARDSON—KIRKPATRICK.—On the 15th in stunt, i»y ti»fv Jtc*v. F. Brton Eagnn, Marcus G. IL Hi chnnison, of North Carolina, to daughter of the late .Tames Kirkpatrick, of Mantua. # SPACEMAN—EIjI.IOTT.—On the 15th instant, by tlu* Rev, J. Pinkney Hammond, the Rev. Henry S. Spark man to Anna C. Davies, daughter of the late Charles Kl liut. # DIED: BULLITT.—On the 36th instant, Susan D., daughter °f Joha.O- aiul Tlir-nw L. UuMirt, «g<«d 17 niUlllhS. /INGHOFFEIt.—On ibc*36th at Gamp nail, Mount Clair, Baltimore, Charles E. Drintzlnghof fer, Jr.> in the 24th yehv of his age. Funeral from the residence of his ■parents, No. 922 Wallace street, on Tuesday morning, at U o’clock. GAW.—On the 37th instant, Mr. William P. flaw, in the C3d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 802 North Eighth street, at 4 o’clock this (Monday) uf* ternoon. JACOBS.—On th£ 16th instant, John Jacoby in the 54th year of his age. The relatives aiul friemU of the family, also the mem bers of Frankliu Lodge No. 5, I. O. O. F., are respect fully invited to attend his funeral, from his late resi dence, No. 928 Lawrence, above Poplar street, this (Monday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Odd lYliows* Cemetery. iNeur Y'ork and Baltimore papers pleas* copy.] * IICIIARD3ON.—OiI tlio JTth jlldtilut, Mr* Jumos lti chunlxm, aged 65 years. llis remains will be taken from Mr. W. 11. Moore I *, corner Fifth and Arch, this (Monday) evening, 10th instant, at o’clock. To proceed to the Pennsylvania Railroad depot, and from thence to Pittsburg, Pa., for interment. His relatives and friends are requested to attend with out further notice. * [New York and Delaware papers please copy.] #• KNORH.—Off tho IGth instant, at 1-Yankfurd, Mrs. Jane Knorr, widow of the late Peter Knorr. Funeral from the resilience of Isaac Shullcross, Sellers street, between Main and Franklin streets, Frankford, this .(Monday) afternoon at 2 o’clock. * ELLISON.—On the 17th instant, Thomas Ellison, wit of Robert and Margnret Ellison, aged 30 years. Funeral from the residence of his parents, in tho fiist court on Ninth street, below Christian, this (Moilday) morning* at 8M o’clock. # - O’DONNELL.—On the 170 t inslant, Edward O’Don nell, son of Henry and Catharine O’Donnell, aged I year, 2months, and 8 days. Funeral from the residence of his parents, Cope street, above Locust, west of Twenty-third. * SLOAN. —On the 17th instant, Thomas LLudsy, son of George and Isabella Sloan, aged 31 months and 31 days. Funeral from the residence of his parents, imriheusd comer of Fourth and German streets, this (Monday) af ternoon, at 2 o'clock. SIIERAVICIC.—On the 16th instant, Joseph OampWll, Bon of John and Margaret A. &hcdwk-k, aged 18 years. Funeral from Ids father’s residence, S, 3*l. corner of Thirty-second and Baring streets. Wig Philadelphia, this (Monday) afternoon, at o'clock. * TORAM.—On the HUh instant, .Stephen Toram. Funeral from his late residence, S. K. corner of Eigh teenth mid Wood streets, thi> (Monday) momihg, at o’clock. : X 5 Weekly Report ol’ Interments. Hkalth Oppiok, August 17, 1861. til the Gita of Philadelphia f j'odi llu 10/.V to the nth of August* 1881. Jill x\~\ DISEASES. DISEASES. Uemorriwgo | 2 -«* BowcLri 1 « Lung.*.. - 1 Hooping Cougli |lnflammation Brain 2 j <4 Co!on ..... jj Bruneiii... 1 *1 i; Liver...;. j j « Lungs j (i Peritoneum -\ j ts Bowels 6 ! ... . 1 Insanity ... 1 : fnanitivm.......... 1 Icterus 2 ! .1aundice........... 1 Mania-ft-Potiil |Marasmus......... 1 i Measles. yielanosis..-';. 3 OM Age 5 Palsy 2 Übt-mnailMii.l ; * 4 Heart.. 5cr0fu1a............ i •Softening of Brain.. ; 1 Small P0x......... 3 i 1 Still 3»0rn... ■...;;. j Anemia.*.......... Cancer “ Face * { Re<*timi t: Stomach Casualties Croup Congestion, Brain.. Lungs. Cliolora Tufoutuiu, . Morbup.’... Collnpsus Cramps.. Consumplioti. J.ungsj Coneursion Bruin.-;. Convulsions Cyanosis Diptheriu j Dinrrho-a | Dropsy I ** Jiriiin ! ‘i Chest i Heart Disease of Bruii].... Heart.... Li ver <- Lungs.... Dr0wned........... Dysentery Debi1ity............ Eczema Effusion on Brain.. Fever, Bilious “ ScaHM..... « Typhoid or THE jSuspension......... 1 Tum0r5............. " ! Ulceration of the S Bowels ..! 1 1 <■ Throat..; j Unknown I i i T0ta1.... iOVK T TIE RE WERE I l:V2j From 40 to 00. 54} 50 to 60. 42 “ GOto 70. 18! “ 70 to 80. 6 j “ 80 to 00. . 9! « OOtoltH). . 2Sj “100 to 110. Under 1 year, From Ito 2,, 4i 2to 5.. 5 to 10.. 10 to 15., ss 15 to 20.. “ 20 to 30.. « SO t040.'. T0ta1.... WARD.?. I WARDS. ! WARDS Fir5t....... "1 Tenth..V 1-tj Nineteenth 29 Second 26 Eleventh 13} Twentieth 22 Third.,........ TjTwoJt'th........ Oj Twenty-first.... 5 F0urth.........14 Thirteenth...... 9| Twenty-second..lo Fifth 11l Fourteenth.. 12 { Twenty-tin n 1... fl Sixth.- 8 Fifteenth .14 j Twenty-fourth.. 33 5eventh........22 Sixteenth......l4; Unknown 22 Kiyhth . 8 Seventeenth....29} Ninth !2jKi"hteonth IS; T0ta1,,,,, ~077 Nativity.— United States* 307 * Foreign, 47; Un known, 23. From the Almshouse, 17; People of Color, 14 } from the Country, 9. The number of death?, compared with the correspond iug weeks of 1860, and of last week, was as follows: /Week cndiny Any. ISth, 1860, was 281 Week eiidiii!? Ana. 10ih. 1861, wa5,,,,, ,428 •Ma1e?,.194; Females, 180} Hoys, 125} Uirlj>, 133. By order of the Board of Health. WILLIAM READ, Health Officer. •jl/TOURNTNH STORE, BESSON & IV± SO', 918 CHESTNUT Street, arc now selling Black crape maretz, at 25 and 31 coats. Black barege.-. at. 25 and 311/ cents. Black 7-4 villi' bareges, f>o and 02}.( Fveoud-moitvnius poplins, 20 cents. Gray mixed lavellas 12;._»c. Gray mottled modenas, l'J’ic. Gray mixed wide nmdotimis, 3Spj c. ■Black anil white printed grenadine bareges, 30< ; . Shepherd plaid real grenadine barege- - , fiUr. Black awl white Paris organdies. 20c. jyl THR BEMOCRATH! tilTIZKKft' OF LLi? the Second Division of the l-’ifth Ward are IV (liiested to assemble at the house of CHARLES Mo- GKATII. LOMBARD Street, above Second. THIS EVENING, at o'clock. Fnnctmd attendance is roijuo.-ued. It POST OFFICE. PHILADELPHIA, At’GUST 19, ISO], NOTICE.—Tiic public is hereby unfilled that the now UNITED STATUS POSTAGE STAMP* are now ready and for sale at tliis office. Thi»>e having any of the OLD ISSUE are re.juesicl to call and have liiem ex changed fur T>i n . new one of the same denomination, within SI X PAYS from the date of thw mdi«-u. ns after date they will not be ivcoiritiml in payment of postage at this office. Tlie new Stamps are of the denomination of ONE. TUUKE, FIVE. TEN. TWKtjYK, TYVENTY-KOUR. TiyilTY, and NiXlvll' CENTS. c. A. WALBURX, P. M. POST OFFICE, PmLADUhPHIA LLS Avuv»r NOTICE.—Tn accordance with instructions from the Post Office Department, tlie public are hereby noiilh-d that the jK-riod iixed for tlie redemption of the 1>L1) EN VELOPES having expired. Letters deposited in this office under rover of the old isMic will tmr he forwarded to their desstiuatioii, but K,*ui to th»' Dead Letter Office Ut Washington. C. A. WALBOItN, Postmaster. POLITIC! Alt KOTin:s. TTOIV SWKIUFI’V ' JJ JOSEPH J], THOMPSON. of the Tnili’i*nits 1 1*n. w a «i». The Union, one and inseparable. No North, no South, lU> East, and no We.-i: but one and indivisible uuW-Bt# The union. FOP RF.GISTER OF WILLS. win. m. greiner, Subject to no Party ruless, nu"l0-3lr* MILITARY ISOTILES, it u. 8. MAEINES.—WANTED iui- R mediately, for the U. S. Marino Corps, 500 üble \|? hodii'd men, for sea and land service. Also, a few competent /Drummers and Fffera* All iiifonillltiOH that ijiuv ha l'Ciiuii’od will bo given at RciuWztou*, Oil tf. FROST Street, Philadelphia. W. STOKES BOYD. First Lioitteiinut, Roeruittug Officer. ll THREE-YEARS MEN. RE- Pu FRUITS AND VOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR 3J2 THE REGULAR ARMY. Term of services, three year#, Pay, frit) to s2o per month. You imvo now tin opportunity to enlist and servo under graduates of West Point. For full pedicular?; apply at 800 CHESTNUT Street, Corner of Eighth, on >lairs. Captain JOHN V. UAUGIIEY, nuS-121 Fifteenth Infantry Recruiting Officer. V*A NEW REGIMENT.—PIIILA ffin t>i:li‘iita li&jit cavat.ry, ynjijl COL. ItIPIIAKD henry rush. AeceptA hy the War Department for ITJm'c- Years or PRINCIPAL RENDEZVOUS, 833 MARKET Street. This Regiment oJVers to active young men who desire at owe to go to duty peculiar advantages. Tlie muster ing will he hy companies. The orders from the Wnr De partment have already boon received to supply each com pany, as soon as mustered, with uniform, arms amt ciinipments, subsistence, ami horses, horse equipments ujul rnritge, end at once go into ramp near this city for iHvacttcp ami AviH ilm-hig the formation of the* BegimciiTi The pay is us folluWft per nmuth l Sergeant Major, Sr‘i3 ; Quartermaster Sergeant, #23; Chief Bugler, 523; First Sergeant, 822: Sergeant, 19 j Corporal, 816; Bugler, : Farrier and Blacksmith, 81" ; Private, 814. The anut? will he dimply tlie Sabre ami largo-sized Re volver. The uniform will be Dark-Blno Jacket anil Cap, and Skv-Blue Punts, all trimmed witTl Yellow Braid. The Colonel, M011A1U) HENRY RUSH, is a West Point gvndiuuv, mul nn pxpt»riimead army officer* • All tlu* olh*r oftWrs are,without cxcentluii, selected for their known litness for their positions. Young men between the ages or 18 and 28, able-bodied, of light build, and over 5 feet 6 inches high, who wish to join this Regiment, cun apply at the Principal Rendez vous No. 833 MARKET STREET. The restriction afj to age does not apply to Buglers or to old of the huumteii fjcrvicc. All minor* mint produce iho wi»t|eQ consent of their parent or guardian. aulo-12t NEW PUBLICATIONS. IT FOIt THE BEST* NEARLY READY, DICKKX&' “ CHEAT EXPECTATION” ILLUSTRATED BY DATSI.r.V, Two volumes, at 7f*c. each, Orders received at the of APPLETON'S gy- CI.OPEDJA, 33 South SIXTH Strict. JOHN MefAKLAN, AGENT: «uH>-mw2t The new hooks of the sea sox. HAEPEK & BROTHERS. FIiANCLJ.V Squad-E, New Yo«.v, ruWish this Pny DAVIS’ CARTHAGE. CARTHAGE ANI> HER REMAINS: Being an ac couut of the Kxcuvatioiuj and liescarchcs on the Site ef Ihe Phceniciau Metropolis in Africa anil other adja cent Places. Conducted .under the Auspices of Her Majesty’s Government. By Dr. N. Davis, F. B. G, i?. I'rofusely Illustrated with Map?, Wood-cuts, Cbromo- Lithographs, Ac., Ac. Bvo, Muslin. $2.00. Dr. Davis's name will he quoted for ages to come in every dtecu&'iwi about Carthage.— MackwwiVs Maya.' sine. Tiie old city of DMoi tmfl the aujacont territory of that but little known) African rcpuhllci I in* again in the nincnlar resurrection now going on; ami in thw volliine jl\st issv.eil the reader is enabled, by means of the lelter-press and of the numerous steel engravings, chro mo-lithographs, acqualints, anil wood-cuts, to derive a faithful idea of the interesting sport mens rif. ancient art which Dr. Davis has rescued from the sand}' obliviou of the desert.—Aeu* York Everting t’ost. Dr. Davis hero gives to the world a book containing much more than the narrative of his adventures in the work of pxcavntion. To him belongs the honor of tho first reproduction of valuable Carthaginian remains. The illustrations to the work are capita!.— Uiobe, Dr. Davis’ excavations on Carthage brought rich treasures to light—mosaics, fragments of figures, coins, and numerous Punic inscriptions.— Mornintj Post. I>r. Davis has done* his work well.— Aihtnwim. There can bo hut one opinion as to-the consummate, ability with wliich Dr. Davis accomplished hi* most m- ciitcinHfif- and the exceeding value of hu dis coveripfi.—spectator. This narrative cannot fail to attract a large share of public attention. It is profusely and admirably illus trated. Much nnuwcment and instruction is to be derived from it. Scholars owe a considerably debt of grulitudo t" Dr. Davis for liis exertions.— Critic. SEASONS WITH THE SEA-UORSKS; SPORTING ADVENTURES IN THE NORTHERN SEAS. P,Y JAMKSi LAMOIfT, ESQ., F. ti. S. V.'it’n Klip mid nuiwruus niiistrntiu'i*. Svo, Mu.un, SI.T-j, Tins is the most interesting and exciting volume de scriptive of Arctic sporting that we have met with for some time. The plan followed by the author and his companion, Lord David Kennedy, was one which U not vorv often adopted. They hired a small whaling sloop, ■with s« ciunpi.-tv m-w, «tmi every thin- re'luUitC ful* 11 reason inThe Spic/bergen water.-, and leaving their ninaU er yaelit to cruise about with such orders ai vrouM ena ble them to join her ns they pleased, they proceeded at once to tlw home of the walrus ami the seal. The au thor enters con amove into the subject, and describe* the .perils ami the pleasures of chasing the seal, the walrus, the polar bear. Hie reindeer, aiul the white whale in tho icy solitudes of the North with all the zeal of a true spovUman.— Critic. This handsome volume is eminently attractive. It is full of perils and hair-breadth’scapes. In point of in terest it may bear comparison with tho narrative of Gor don ITnumhigs.—BelfiS Life. A very ph-wwint, enurrsniumg narrative.— Literary Gazette. li is vivid account of the sports.'of the North. Enter taining, thoughtful, and spirit-stirring.— tipeclitlor. IIARI'ER AND BROTHERS lLyve lately I‘iil-lisluil : FRAMLEV PARSONAGE. A Novel. By ANTHONY Tuoli.oi’k. Author of ;i Doctor Tlmmo,’’ “ Tlu* Ber f.iains,” u The Three Clerks,” :: The Wi-st 'lndies and the Spanish Main,” Orley Farm,” &c. With Illus trations by Mjj.i.ais, 32m0, Muslin, £l. '« Fnunley Bivrsonage,” that captivating talc.—Athcn cnura. DU ('IIATLTjU’S EQT'ATORIAL AFRICA. Explo ; rations ami Adventures in Kiiuatiirial Africa: with IlC coiint.- <4 tlu* Miiinn-w and Customs of the I’eoplo, and of the Chase of the Gorilla, the Croekodlle, Leo [>ard, Elephant, ITippotunms, and other Animals. By I*aui. 8.-nr (Ti.Mi.i.t:. With numerous Illustration.-'. Svn, 31»!.-hii, .S 3. (Uniform with Livinffstune, iiarih. AuiX Jinrion.) A DAY’S RTIiK. A Life's Romance. By Cu.uti.r;s Level!, Author of .Charles O'Malley,” ‘*GuraM ‘‘The Martins of (To’ Martin,” Jiaii •rici* e Tit , riuiy«” of Tht-iii/* He. 3vo. Ihipor, dO exists. ST LAS MARN UR, the M eaver of Ravcloc. By Gkoiick Eliot, Author of t; Adam Beile.” “TlteMi!! on the Floss,” ainl ii Scenes of Clerical Life.” l'imo, Muslin, 75 cents; Baper, 00 cents. TRUMPS. A Novel. By Gi:o. .Ww. (Trtis. Illus trated hy llopi'ix. 32jik>, Mu-lin, .SI 50. THE WITS AND BEAUX OF SOCIETY. ByOr.icH witl I’ AYnAHTO-V. Antboivof “The Queens of £*u<‘ JIU.-r .-su'-M t, f if. UlsuttNi; Uiul JAMKS Ool>- w in, and engraved by the Diorlwrs i Muslin, SI i>o HISTORY OF THE UNITED NETHERLANDS : from tin* Death of William tlu? Silent to the Ssynod of ])oj l. ’Willi a full View of the Kngli.-h-Duteh Strug gle u,eniii?t Spain; find of the Origin ami destruction nf iln-Spanish Armada. l»y ,lcmx Lornnor Motley, LL.D., I). C. L., Corresponding Member nf the Insti tute of I’nimr, Author of "• The Kbc of the Hutch Now Edition. 2 vol< Svo, Mirdill, gi’ Sheep, S 4 50 ; Half Calf, 80. PRIMARY ORJECT LESSONS for a Graduated Course of Development. A Manual for Teacher* and Parents, with Lc.-soils tor the Proper Training of the Faculties of Children. By X. A. Calkins. Illustra tions. 12mo, Muslin, 83. WILSON’S READERS. A Series of School and Family lh n.h*r>: l>cMi<ned to (t-neb the Art of RiHUllng ill UlO most Simple. Netuval, an«l I’raetieal Way; embracing in their Flan the whole range of Natural History and the Physical Seino-os; aiming at the highest decree of Usefulness, and Splendidly Illustrated. Consisting of a Primer and Seven Readers. By Maucius Wile son. The Primer, and First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth. Readers now ready. Prices 1-3, 26, 36, 50, 00 cents, and 81. fity IIAitPKR & Brother will send cither of the above Works by Mail, postage free (for any distance in the United Stales under 3,000 miles), on receipt of the price. It Books, law and miscella- NEUL'S. iiesv and old, bought, sold, anil ex changed, ui' the PI 11L A DEL PI l tA- II ,\ XK BUOK store,'No. 410 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance pimOuiswl. Those having Books to i?e‘|. if at a distance, will stale their names, sizes, bindings, dates, editions, prices, and conditions. WANTED—Books printed hy Benjamin Franklin, as well as early Books printed in and upon America. Autograph Letters and Portraits purchased. Pamphlet Laws of-Pomisyivaniu for sale. Uiitahurnes, in press, sent free. Libraries ap praised hy ”[IV2S-tfj JOHN C.VMPBELI'... PROPOSALS. -gLANK ROOKS FOR THE ARMY, Ai:my Ci.OTinxn and Kquitark Oi- rioi:, l rMii.Ai)t:i.rni'.. Airnu-l l"»t!i. ISGI. \ Sealed proposals are invited, mid will In-received at this office until 3*2 o'clock >f, of Monday, the 1 went) * sixth of this month. .August, fot'-furi.i-hiug, by contruvt, tin* following Blank Books for t!i«- use of the Army, de liverable at the United States Arsenal, on the Seloiyl kill, viz: 3LO Ki-ginieiital General Order Bool;-, "zaires each, 300 MU Oixler Books, 3 dviires caeh. 300 • - Letter Books. 3 uuires eaelt. i>i:o ; .l)escri|>ti\o jiooks, 5 quires each. 3(il) (l Index Books, 3 quires earn. r.CGO fV.nipany Order Books, 3 «pitre «»aci». 3000 \ *■ t'hdhins Aceuunt Books-3uuiri>B tawdi. 3CUO Descriptive Books, 1 ouir.* eacb. ;*,OOO if'"' Morning Repoi-t Books. 1 <iii!i‘e eaeli. 2000 I'osl Order Books, 2 .juires eaHn 2000 *• Morning Report Books. 2 iiuive.-. 20UO “ Letter Books. 2 nuires each. 3000 iJ Guard Report Books. 2 quires each. It is distinctly understood that tlie uuiro is to be twmity-fcoir she<*t-=- Siunples of the above Books may ho seen At H»L oPb e. and all tho lluoks must etmform strictly tlu.-r«to, la pa per, binding. &v. Proposals must he made for each description of Book eC-paiatcly, stutiiig the price at which each will he fm-- ni>hed. _ . Bidders will state, also, the shortest time in wliicU tlioy will make deliveries of one-fourth of. the number adver tised, ami i»»r soon they trnu deliver the mimitider in oumil pi'uportions. Thc nnumfacturerV estabUshmout ov dealer s place of httsinoss must he distinctly stated in tho proposal, together with the names, address, and responsibility of two persons proposed as sureties. The sureties will guaranty that ti contract shall be entered into within ten diws after the acceptance of said bid or proposal. Contracts will ho awarded to the lowest responsible bidder fur each description of Book, not less tlnm one lourtlj of the imwt'cr rtilvi-rtisiil for. _ Vroposnls will tio oiiiloi'soil “ Proposals for Uliuik Books for lUi* Army, :1 ami la l mklivssrtl to fuloncl CIIAItkKS THOMAS, milO-iirafCt A. Q. M. GciiT U. ft. Army. 3IXI.ITABY GOODS. OR NAYY BLUE SATINETS. 3,000 or 6,000 Yards Indigo Blue Satinet, such as is: used ill tho United SUlU‘s NUY) . For sale by .■FROTIHKGIIAM & WELT.S, 33 LETITI.Y Street, atul anbl-Sm 34 FRONT Street. Q a tto n iJucJk, HTITABLE FOR TENTS. l’(>n SALK HY mv22-;fif MIOTHINtiiIASt &■ WKI.LS. Mackerel, herring, shad, SAI.MOK, ire.— 3,000 bbte. Me** Nos. 1,2, amt 3 MACKKHKN, huge, medium, and small, in assorted naokuges’of chuirr, late-nmjdit, fat fish. 6,000 bids. New Halifax, Ka-tport, and Labrador Her. rliijM, of cludcctnmlithw, . 0,000 lioxos extra now widcd Herrins*. 3,000 hoses extra new No. 1 Herring. 3,000 boxen large Mitgrialine Herring*. 280 bbls*. Mmkinnc White Kish. 50 bblis. new Economy Mess Shad, 25 bids, new Halifax Salmon. 1,000 quintals Grand llank Codfish. $OO boxes Herkimer Count)' Cheese. Iu store and laiulm*. for Bale by, ML’fllMlY & TvOOS'V uoS No. 110 NOttTU WUAttVKS. IMPORTERS AND TOBBKRS. IMPORTERS OF WOOLLENS, AND soj.k agknt:-, fob BUDENAHL’S DOESKINS, CLOTHS, &c . , Ko. MARKET STREET, COMMISSION HOUSES, COFFIN, & CO., No. 116 CHESTNUT STREET Offer. li>' tlio T'ftCknire, th* following Maker au-J Ocscr<p< tiou.3 of GpoOij; PRINTS. DONNELL MFC. CO. GUKKNF. Mi'G. CO. BLEACHED COTTONS. Bay Mill. Lonsdale, Hope, Biackstoiio, GrocncMfg. Co., Red BimKi Dliuiixwt, Jame-toWn, ille, llt-lvkh-re, Ceutrcda 1 .?, Ac. BROWN COTTONS. Fredonia, Ohio, Groton, Silver Spring, GlciivlUe, Kagie. Mechanics' and Farmers' Union. Ac. CORSET JEANS.—Glasgow, Manchester. -DENIMS AND STltirES.—Grafton, Jewett City, Madison, SlatersriHo, Agawam. Keystone, Choota-.v. CANTON FLANNELS.—SIater.-vi!L-, Agawam, Shep pard'.-. fclLESlAS.—Smith’?, T.onsdale, Diamond Hill. WOOLENS. BROAD CLOTHS.—Bottomley 's, Pomeroy'a, Glen'anm Company. : (.'•A>?dMERES ANO DOESKlNS.—Greenfield, Gay's. Stearns. SATINETS.—Bass River, Cry»tal Springs, Convers villp, Hope, StalVordville, Converse* and Ilyde, Con verge Brothers Bridgewater. / f .ALSO. •' C'oWi-J CaiuV'i n.--, I'riiit'j‘l .Cloaking?, >Vr. aiiOfinwom JAMS' FLANNELS ANGOLA. MEIiIN‘O, SAXONV, Ere VAKIOfi? W.IDTfJS ANT) QrAUTn:-. Tor sale by WEI .LING, COFFIN, & Co. auD-finwCm CHLIPLEY, HAZARD. & O HUTCHINSON, K«. 113 DKE.-TNUT PTItEKT, C o>l MISSIOK HER OITA N T S fop. the Salk of PHILADELPHIA - MADE HOODS. 11i1i22-Gm RETAIL DRY GOODS. pRICE, FERRIS, & CO., Until further notice-; will continue t-j oftVr their ‘VVhvlC sale. Stock 01 \" WHITE HOODS, USES?,' I.ACES, AND EMISK.O.IDKSIES, AT RETAIL, AI Hit ii- Wholesale Store. Km. 533 M.UTKET STREET Kxlraonliiu.i'v iwtiu-raieiits will 1"‘ nß't.n.l to tlios.’ wishing to pui’i’iiitM* unythhiif in ihoir lint* 1 UK LAsil, PRICE, FERRIS, & Co. nub-lSt _ IAUSLINS STILL AT OLD PRICES. 1 _Nut\viih-tai»liiig tlie advance in price of Cot- UNiiT.F.ACHKD SHIRTINO old prices. BLEACHED PIIIRTJNd MUSLINS At the 01*1 Prior*-. SHEETING AND PILLOW-CASK MUSLINS At the Old Price-*. ble \ cifi: d : an n unble a<;i it:i> cotton FLANNELS, A till Domc-ftic Goods of--all kimi.-. AT THE Ol.l> PRICKS. New styles of T ill N TS at B.h • S. In, and l-bj • In order to insure more 11A1*ID SALKS, and lo clof'C? oiu* Mode in’season. we have made STILL KUKTIIKK REDUCTION'S. In price* of nil our Summer Dre?.- K. STHI‘.li * snx t ]y"o. 713 North TEX Til Street, above Coates. ytiglC-tf HEAP HEY OOOOS^TlJjirua■ Tindi iti:ni’CTVo>' in mtmmkii stock, m order to insure sales :unl lvali/.e C.\su. l-’inc Cliintz colortil t'nrts Orjiumlii*. I>o. do. Psivirf Jaconet*. Mnlumirtylo do. ifo. Park Broun lawns, 12i.{ cphK Silk (’halites, Han-iics, Ihuvge Anglais, (fray Cuotls, ropliji.s 51ons iii* Jutim*, At. Pluck Tnmsu-line t’rape do Kspaijs, Ar. Foulard Silk 4 * and Milanese, <Sc. ■White floods in variety. A fine line of plain Swiss Muslin*, I*2,‘£ to 00 cents, pluck Pace ?dantles. Pc»mnou> and I’uint.s. lihirk ami CWored Stella Shawls. . A very cheap lot of I.lnen t'amlinc Tfdkfs. A «l stuck of Flannels and Dome-ait.- Guods ae.;tho lowest market rate*, fi»r ctt*h only. CIIAIiLKS ADAMS & SOX, EIGHTH anti AIICII Streets Dtiy goods at ttfk lowest MAEKET HAT KS. Burescs, UliaUies, and TnnKTtines cheap, Madonnas, VopHus, Mohairs, Alpioni-. l>lrtin JJroAvn an*l Tun <■*«>!<*v<-»i Siihr. Kico JKsnrtim'iif ut‘ JUuck Silks. Small Figured SUke. Blur, (liven. and Lilac Plaid Silk-. . Tiarjrer Plaids. very cheap. Men and Boys 5 Wear, nice ami cheap; House Fiiniisiiiw; (lauds. 200 pail* CicjitV .Su-pemU-rs at Go cents, worrls Si. A derided haruniu. ’ Alsu. Fifty do/.e.u Out.'* Linen (.'ainbvie ILmdker cliiflV, p,e SO per dozen, very cheap, af JOiCMf.. STOKES’, auG 70« AUt : H Sircct. rt Q/?T —MEMORABLE YE:VR ! : J.OO-L ON 1)15Y dOOOS! Yl'jßY LOIY VKKF.S! STU.n MOKE REDUCED! TIIORNLEY £ CHTSJI. K. conifr F-ICilTir ttiul -SPKINC GARDEN*, W'aiU Awl hsivu reduced Tin;ik vuo'Ks, VERY LOW. .INDEED. Fsim:y Silks a lUtlc ovtr half prior. S'im* Mvloji'itf l>ro-.' C-rkls at Imlf prior-. I.< UV Ttlanltar- Pointos Kti.sw*nivs, &r. : voiy olio.vp. JijiicU Silks, rlioopfsi in PliilsitU-hjlii:*. A grout v;ii ii-tv ut'Orav riPmls. A wry liii'gf stork of JMuo.'fSy UoniK A very kirgo stork ofT.inrn Ufunts. Cloths. <'si>j-u«i‘Vos t A:*-’.. &r. K. Ik—Tliis i- a KAKK HJANi'K h» go* goods jm.. I’-uolly i'lio»m. THIM!XLI*,) UHIS3I. X. K. ooriur KICKTH umt SPRING GAUDKX. X. Vu— Front tltisdalr. July I‘, Tmiis ;; Cush un Ijo* sy i?AY "S HIE TIX G’ FLA X XELS.. Plain and Twi.'lvd Grttyt - . riamiuiu Twilled Sciu’li iiiitl TwiHuil Army Fancy French S-hutihU Flannel*. White VnyiMi and Aiiioriran S!tir(uiv KUuuu'b Mixtures and hiiTiL Ci*]i>rs Shirting i-UvmyH-G - SH.WtPJ.KSSUKOXIIKKS, iiuVi OiniSTNCT and EHIUTI,! StiveK Fancy tiiiv dress-goo ns A icw lots r«‘im«inisiy. of— Smmner Dress Goods, Jhi Bareges and Greimdinus* Poplins, Barege Anglais, At vein low prices, to dost* the stool'. - . SIIARPLKSS BBOTHKKS, mild .Sfj-crtr=, EYIVE k LANDELL,' FOURTH and ARCH, arc now opening. lor Vail Sales— Black Stellas,, low grades. Black SlrHas, medium grades. Block Sfolhis, line grades. fiulu Jui mg, for r«oflv trade— r XWwvYs. SilUy, at (Mil rvie.'R Full stock of Muslins. .ShauJs of all grades, Brown nndßluc* Plaid Silks. Full stock of t*h'Pb' jhlks. aulj : Ho USM-FU Fv A I Sill li\ G PRY GOOBs, of uvoi'y£vi|'{*on, 6hcnp for c« :ii. COOPKU & C'ONAUIb ft „7 p, ft. r.;.v. NINTH ami MAIUvKT. riLOTITS, CASSIMERRS, VEST -IXOS. comprising ji hue PtO'-k, at low rates, of nicies ami lioy.-i* wear. COOPER & CONABD, {\o7 S. K. comer NINTH & MARK KT. Q CENT EE LAINES AND BA. O DECKS. ami t? 0 full length barege robes. Summer dress goods at half price. Black dress goods, a Hue assortment. coopkk & cox Ann. au ; s. K. corner NINTH ami MARKET ENTIRE MANTILLA STOCK Ticilnci'il 40 JUT I'l'iit., 11l itoo.; liiintmns In ilusirrs mill Imre mnnlli>s. Lest liwli skirlSi light slim*', anil lvlialiliv OOUI'KU & OOX.UIl). 7 S. i;. c-inici-XIXTIf SJIAHKKT SAFES. pm LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT RE ti to No. 21 South SEVENTH .Street, near the Franklin Insiilul**. ‘Hie undcrsiiaird, thankful for past favors, and being (Udi'vniiLCi! to merit future patronage, has seeurod an elegant and convenient store, and Las now on hand it Junta assortment of Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought ami .drilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the only strictly tire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, Lillie's Vhvuunlled Hank .Vault, Safe, and Bank Bocks. Lillie's Bank Vault Boors uud Locks will be furnished to order on short notice. This is the strongest, best pro •tveb-dj and cheapest Bran* and Lode yet unbred. Al.-io, particular Ath-ntlon Is called to Lillie's New Cabinet Safe, fov Plate, Jewelry, v Vc, This Safe is con* ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of fered for this pni'inw, and is the only out* that Is strictly fire and burglar proof. Special Notice.—l have now on hand fifty twenty of Barrel, Herring, & Co.’s Safes, mot of them nearly new, arid sente forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment fl 9 to «iy.ey, and «U lately exebangnl fop the new ceM/rared Lillie tiftfii. They urUi be : sold M Hm'V low prices. Pleftso call anvl c.Nftluine. pttvlyit HI. V. SAL*USU, \&'A\. WANT E I).—The advertisor is a PRACTICAL PRINTER—han been the pro prietor of a daily and weekly newspaper, and is of Memly and industrious linbilw. Ho de-urea a SITUA TION a- local or assistant editor, bookkeeper, etc. Is a good accountant, and for a young man only '!'> has bad more than axerane share of bushic.-s and poHlienl e\pe l ienc'-, w<H fitting 8111 l tO JIMDAgO tliO fiJlfUlCiUl Mid iOCftl matter* of any olUcv, AddrCM HENRY SPRAGUE, nnlO-4-t Concord, New Hampshire. Em ployers wantino younu Men, Ac., an* invited to nddn-.-s tin* Employment Uomniitfce,” at the lloma* <»f tlie V*.ung Men’n Christian Association, lOOP nml 1011 UHESTNi:T street. upS-Om FORSALi: AND TO LET. /$& TO LET—A Duelling, eorner of mMnTNTH and CATHARINE with all tin* modern improvements. Imjuirc lUOti I’URJS’I l AN* Street. ' m A RAPE OPPORTUNITY ! HiiIKJOIITir-STJIKKT DliY GOODS STOKE, with large DWELLING, to Rent, One of the hcHf-loc/tteil and JUtcd-up Stores on the ntrraf. For particulars, ap ply to e, AVlilitTiKYi Uoim*rancei» aul9-6t% IR4 H*/uth KOUJiTU Street. m TUK «FKTBII)6E BUILDING-” ElltTO LET !—To let, for one or more years, the f; Fet ridge Building," N«»s. 809 and 811 t'hestunt etn-i-t, for merly occupied by L. J. Le\y & Uo. The building is built of brown fttone, four stories bigli, lire-preot, DO by 17fi fer*t. This fslal.H-lmient Ih cmir-idcrM thf* liand-omPHt dc voled to enimin ri ial purpnw‘s in the United Shdo.s. «_nd UtC good Will uf t).<* iiiunt-nse trade fouucrly transacted tllOle Valuable. Apply tu w. I’KMRROKK fetridge, JOO West FtiURTKKNTH Street. New York. N. B.— The present fixture belong to the estahlish ment. . - HUI2-mwA*mtjf TO LET.—A DWELLING LHIIOUSI-:, THIUTKKNTIt Street, above ,\ n *h, w itli all the mcwlern coiivei»i« irce.«. Ji-'-r■ t moderate,' Apply tO WKTiJEJtILL A imOTHKK, #ii3 47 Kortli SECOND sim.t. |g TO RENT LOW—Furnished or mi- KutiLfurnished, for six months, or longer, if desired, a large ami convenient HOI\SK, No. 1730 Arch street. Apply to A. P. and J. H. MORRIS, DIO ARCII Street. jelD-lf ®A AAR $2,000 GROUND RENTS, yTiv vVi well soeui'wj f?*r S« r uOOOand to lean on Moitgagc. Appl) tu N. U. & T. P. POTTS, Attorneys-at-Law, 017SPUING OAiiLKN Street. aulG-oS* Removal.— james h. castle litis removed his OHlce b> N>.. TOP LOCUST SII'CCTi first doc" (dioVt 1 Wiidiiugtoii Sunwro. iin7-li>t* StTMMEK KIiSORT.S. QUA RATHING AT CAPE MAY.— lO -.The CENTRE HOUSE is still open, with choice necommedationa for 'visitors. The table at this-favorite Hc-iisc is miMinmvyed. Th«* prjoo of I'oiiid hu» fn-eu n-» diiC'--!, and fi- accominodiiti* gilests, it Will ln» kept <ip,*n till the fir-r of October. JEREMIAH MEGIIAY, aulT-ob* Centre House. EACLH Hp'JM'iu ATijAXTIC CITY, is now open with a T.AUGK'ADDITION AV ROOM?. Bonrd sr rcr week: Batliing dres-e-. iuelude.l. nulo-lm ENTUCIvTWuSE ? “ ATLANTIC CITY. V. J. Thi> rontfoilalile aral eonvanient new h<>iw», ln-utcd on. Kejitncky avenue, /tppnsite"the Surf Hou-eV lias been 'lifted up for visiter* thi* season. - - F. k P. (‘UJGI.EY, Proprietors. N. B.—Huvsc-s and Carrmg*’S to Hire. je*i4-2m (TIENTI! AH HOUSE, - ’ \V ATL.WTIf 1 CITY. X. J. M. LAWI.OTI. ITopnidor. The fibov" new hoU.w is oik-u for Boarders. Rooms t*i|U:«l «n any m, tlie beach.-well-ventilau-d. high cc-i’iag.-, <sc(\ Servant- attentive and polite. Approximate to sh<i R.ilhiiig ground.-'. je*24-2m FEANKf.IN^HOIIHET ATI.AN'TTC CITY, N. J.- JSY MARY MAGUIRE. This Tlotv-e fronts the surf, and po'>».»xses tin* finest Bathing G:-s-.iukls on tin.- b.-ach. fit»aixlincc SB.DO ivl* v.-rf-jv : "i=-I.AO pi-r Gay, Single lilcill 50 cents. Jirdhiitg inoliab-J tW \v«-,-My bo«rd«Ts only, /CONSTITUTION HOUvSk/ ATT. ANT l C- C-1 TY , N* *. J., (Opposite the National,) JAMES';.!. BARR. (of che vM < 5 lobe,) Isjjp' Tlie ch licovt brands of liquors and C'igar.s t<» be fbuitd <*n tlie Islaiel. ji.*2U2m COLUMBIA HOUSE, \J ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. EDWARD T)OYT.E, Proprietor. This llou-r i- in the -.immediate vicinity of the Sm*f lloiim-. and vvirhln half a suuart 1 * of the best Bathing (:cunini—. ,->n tu-- i.<-;ii-u. TL<- in-<.|»rD-tt..r »iu every ef fort tu make his guests, comfort Able. Toi-ni-. jt*24-'2m CTAR HOTEL, IO (Neavlv opposite tin- fruited Stated-Hotel:) ATJ.ANTIC CITY. N. .1. SAMUEL ADAMS, Proprietor. _ r . MUSLIN'S AT TUB fiy* Boarders accommodated on the mo-t v«M>«inat*l. term. s , SEA BATHING* BRIGANTINE HOUSE..-- BRUSANTISK JIIiACIL N : .T, : Now open for the soa>*.»n. The Bathing, Gun ning. and YaHifinir being very .-up**rioiY vill a: riir ink-tHn arrival of train?, Isi»aul per wv-.-k So. I*. 0. Atlantic City.: iiviviMmi,. l'ropriotov. WHITE HOUSE, Lov/er Piui Of 31 AS.S.VCTfrSBTT. ; i, Avenue, ATLANTIC iTTY.' This iion-e is located immediately on the Beach, ami presents every nr.eonihioda.tiim for Visitors. Terms 17.0i.7u0. IViLLIAM AVHITBHOVSH, .ii‘2l>-2in Proprietor. X ATLANTIC’ CITY, N. ( T. A SPLKNBTB' NKW.IIOVjsE. - /- N. fVii'iiei* i*l AlianlU - and Massachusetts Avenues, Now open Tor the reception of Buai'iiers The IvOuiiis and Table of '• Tllll AI.IIAMBUA* - * »*U‘e unsurpassed by any on the Island. There is a spneion* Ice Cream and Befivsment Saloon attached to the Bouse. " Term.- Moderate.- C. DLBGLj? a s. j. vocng, je27-2m '-Proprietors. riONGEE^HALL“^*~ \J ATLANTfO CITV, N. J. This Ifimso. situated :it Atlantic City, will l»e opened on the '-’bill ilimi 1 , with every accommodation fur visitors. Tljc’.House fronts the beach T2O feet, giving a splendnl view of the u-eaii, and is near the Fishing and tailing point. L\V pains will K 1 spared'to secure the Comfort and convenience of guests, Jjoardmg reduced to $lO jvr week. ji‘24-tscl THOMAS' <*. GATtTVfiTT. iriiiT~H6r.SE' cottage, at- I.ANTIO CITY, the nearest liouso to tV*safest part of flic beadi. is fiiuv open for the .Season. TBBMS'MODNKATK. - NO LKM'OIiS SOLD OX TIIK.TJIKMIPES; . JON AIL B OOTTON, je24-?m I'ropvieti'V. QEA SI D.E 110 IJ81'L ATT,ANTIC kJ ( ITY. .!. A N7.IV riIIVATK IUIAIL l) IX«J -1U) lT S i: : bcmiti fully siitmted at the foot of t'eunsyivmria Avenue. Xow o}H*n ibr vi-itoi> for the season. . ,ie24-2iU Taaimaxy iiorsEV north oa- BOL IN A AVENTJ’. near the lA’pol. ATLANTIC (TTY. The. suWeiiLyr {nkfs pleasuiv in htfonninff hi« form/r pati\ili> arid Ih? public Dint he luv roujvmtl ihe sdm.vo House, wliere he will he lmppy to pluiuo all who may favor, him with a call. .ie’JU-'im F.T.FASCTj’RAYEIL PriipiTi'li^'. TA SHIY(«I’OA 1101 :SK ? ATlvi-X -?T Til- < ITY. X. J. : This ,lh..«:s.- iV«»!«ts the •'Mirf, rtilvl has the finest ‘SaUlill'J fiHimul on the Beiieh. Itoaid p,*i- \vet-!c. *>o. ibwlnog Dresses included .for weekly lu.ardern old;*. Btriird per dm . .'*o. Single meals X»e. jc24-‘Jm JOHN ROTUEinrAMj Ih.vprietov. SEA DATIIING .—“ Tiio rinroiKloii/’ (formerly Virginia lion.-v.) VILTIINiA AVLXriI, ATLANTIC Cm . is how oim-u fur the ■••».ennuuo'Uuii'iii <.f Boarder-'. Thi- House L- situated inmv'diateU- on ihr Beach, and from Wen room nflVirris i\ turn view of We. [.K-ii-l-tlmj d'KTflvlNS* X.IL Q E A-BATHIX (; .—NAT TONAL HALL, Cave rsi.ANO, C'aiw« ?tay. X. TJ:e pro prietor of tin*'above-named' esteddishniont would respertfitlly inlnrui the thousands of Uu**st:< that have ' herdofore \ isiti*ii r Ids Ikul-c. Unit, in imW io lnret tlie pressme of Ihe tinifw. he lt!»s, fop the present b:i:i*cci-:i> <::iakhh;> tor Bißiviera m KJGJtT iH.H.h.YJiS PKB AVMKIs. CiiiLffYU under 12 years of aiii* and-servants piii-o. Supi’-rior acciuii modathois, and ample roiun For 2l«> pers«sns. ilefers to •>. Van Court, 21" Arch street, I'hilariclphitt, je2l-2m AAIIUX HAK ItKTSOX, Broprietov. SEA - RATHING—THE UNITED yTAXEy HOTKL, ATL.\XVit;, x. Is now open for visitors. This is tin* largest and best-fuvm.died lhi t.-l on the Island, uud being'convenient rn the hOMCh, and surrounded by extensive and well-shaded grounds, is a desirable house for families.'- Tt is lighted with gas, and well supplied with jmro water. The (iermania So ciety will l'orm.-h the music for the season. Tin? cars Plop at the door of the Hotel for the convenience of gue.-ts. JKJUCMIAU ?fcKiTHiINT jc 20-If Droprh-for, TV7HITE SULPHUR AND CHALY VV BK.m: si'iUTiCs, Tlicse Springs are in Cuniborlaml county. Pa., tlm-ty mile? west of llarrl'l'iiv/rt on Ihe Cmnhcriiind Viilh'y Bailrmul, and tire now open for The reception of visitors. Board from five to eiuht dollars, hceovding lu rooms, i’locure your lluvugh tickets at the l’eiinsjlvaiua llail rond Ufl:ce, at a mlttced price. $4 thruuah. Call on B. Jamiev. Jr., il* Co., OU-) Market streer, for information. Cards, .ve. COYLF, AIITi, & BF.AMETL lh’oprietoM. QU3I3JEH BOARDING, ATLANTIC lO (TTY. S. J. ASHLAND HOI.'SK, Corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and the Biiiln.miL At lantic Avenue, For the reception of permanent or transient hoarders. j024-2m JOHN S. STOKKS, Fame insurance company, No. 406 Cl HIST'S FT Slieci. VIUK AND INLAND INSL'BANCK. DtRKCTOUS. George W. Day of Day ,fc Jfatlack. Samuel M'rJstht “ B right Bios. & <'"• T>. lb Birney « Davis & Birney. Henry Lewis, Jr...... 44 Lewis Bros.& <o. C. ItielumLsim « J. C. Howe A* to. •Tno. AY. Lvennim 4i J. B. & to. Uru. A. West “ West A Jobes. Y. S. .Merlin “ Suveg'*, Martin, & Co. C, Wilson Baviss Attorney-at-law. K I>. AVoodrutf. of Sibley, Molten, &A\ uouruft. J m». Kessler, Jr JJ°* 1 ‘ l3 ( heen street. GKO ROE AY. DAY, President. VBANCIS N. IH'CK, Vice-President. AYIT.T.TAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. ia2U-iftf QIWING FUND—UNITED STATES TItL'ST CO3IPANV, corner THlltD nml CUESX KVT Streets. INTEICKST FIVE PF.Tt PF.KT. ~ s. it. CRAAvronn, JAMBS Ki lIUKTKIL SucreUiry and Treasurer. Omcp liuinv, lVoin 10 until 2 o’clock. - t Tins comnimy i-no! joined in any application to the Legislature. WANTS. REMOVALS. Al-o, Carrie, BY DAVID iSCATTETIOOOD. DOLBT.ING f»A P. IS NOW OPEN INSURANCE COIIEANIES. Saying funds. AMITSEMEWT^ TVfcDONOUOII’h OJAMHO TITKA.- J-»x ti-.k, hack ktukkt, hklow thikb, •niK OM.y THEATKK OPEN IN TlfK UITY. < v 'titii!u:d ai,a Couinlrto Succe.s* of the t.rant Comedy ACti‘i*2l*,| MISS ttKSIK I.ONSPAT.E, ANP TIIK NKW COMPANY. ..? ,OIVKM ,; 'i'>MPKP MOHTLV. fel-.f ON l> ViKKli UK THE SCMMEI! SEAKON. a'HIS (MIiNI)AY) EVEN INC, Aiurnst l'ltli, THREE IiHKAT PIECES. THE MOMKNTOCS (JEEftTIOV CAPTAIN CHA-it;,OTTE, A ItOl'Cll DIAMOND. Acimissinn— Piminette, '■!."> rent*. Faintly Circle. 15 cent*. Private ltox Seat*, 50 een<u. Assembly buildings—last WEEK JU T OXE.—COMPLETE AND UNHX AMJ’LKD SUCCESS.—Every night thin week. Day exhibition on SATVKPAY A FTKIiNOCtX, at U o'clock- St<-nn;j»tiron of the SOUTHEHN* KKHELLION—Fifty Yi< \>^_i„ c |,i,lins the great Hattie at HullV Hun, Vft., lSuirh- Jit Spi-hitfiicM, Missouri, with Portraits of all tlwj Oenerals. Tr> |.c followed hy Sanderson's great repre sentation of the JUSS/AN" WAJt. Admission,23 cents; children, 15 cents. Coloml people, 25 cents. aulO-Ot Pennsylvania academy of TJIK FINK AU'IV, low CHESTNUT Street, u open dally, Sundays excepted. from 0 A. jU. till 6 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children under twelve years, linlf price. Shares of Stork, $1)0. jyl EXCURSIONS. Immmmm FOll 'the benefit or A MISSION' SMHMTII SC’HOOJ—An EXmiSIOX to ATLANTIC CITY, WEDNESDAY, ACOVST 21st. Tickets, SI 25. Chil dren half price. For wile at W. 8. AA. MartienY, 60$ Chestnut street; Ksier k Saflbrd’s, liroad and Filbert: and at the whan on the morning of tin* excursion. Last boat leaves the wharf at 6 o'clock. aulQ-St* REGULAR LINE AND KXOl’ttSlOXS.—Steamer CO IIAXSKY leave* hrnt J»i« r A lli'H Stiret, fiYK- IiY 3WOIININU* at 7)4 o'clock, (exeojtf f vr Chaster, l’uuHßßi'ovo. Xmv Castle, IMware City, Tort J>ek»\vnr<y and Salem, leave Salem «t 1% :niil V.irt at 2 o’clock, Yarc fur the Excursion Stage* for Bridgeton anil Odessa meet this line. itKYISOLD leave* A KCH-Street wharf daily, at 2 o’clock, for all lauiliugs named above excapfc Fort Delaware. auC-T2t# Young me.\ :, s ciiuistian as sonATlON*.*—Second F.vnn-,d..j, f v ,, At I< A«*fTl9 01*11, August 2T» IHOI. Social .Meeting pc 4 o'clock, in the PIIKSBYTKiitAS OilL'ui.'H, under the patronngo nf n number of minister.-, who will eus- Ci-inpuny the Association. Ikait h-ines Yinc-Mm-t toharf at G.«O A. M., return ing at &.*l5 I*. M. Tickets One Dollar and Fifty Cents. Children halt price, For nde at the principal Bookstores, amt tin* lioom:? c-f the Arron'iUiyn. HIIJ2-M* EDUCATIONAL. I DEPARTMENT^ CONNECTION* WITH TDK MODEL SCHOOL. TKKNTON, >\ .I.— I Term-opens SKI’TKMUKtt 21, mi. Jn view of the present condition and prospects of our country, which are tun weil unih'rstnnd (o comment h<-w-. and at ihr urgent isoileitiitluii of many ritlzriis, it Jins hi'-ri determined To esinl-li-h a MILITARY I>B PAHIMENT in connection with the Model School, which, while securing io its cadef- all the advantages hitherto offered hy that school, shall supeiadd the per. feeti-m ol‘ drill, the precisionnf discipline, anil to a rojj wderahh* extent the special application of scientific prin ciple* required to constitute the thorough soldier. The plan keep? prominently in view tin- mom! training of the pupil, I'mier nil r-rcmir-diipees th<* Dible will b# d tie eouidard or truth and duty. All that tends to develop and strengthen tho upright, generous, and amiable qualities of our nature, and t* depress and weaken its evil tendencies, will be constantly resorti-d to li*r that purpose. A reeulai-anti syslematic physical training is ermtem . plated, which, in eonm-dion with the littrlbvtiirtl and Moral. u so essential to limn in every department of life. In fm-Hin'.ince of these views the department ■will f>» '•rgmiku-d and cmidnircd nmler rhn spoeift] Fti|KTVfc/i>u of Dr. yCMNFK V.Y.’FBn, w> long ami well known in connection with the Normal SthnoU with the Co-opera tion and fi.s.-i.itanc t* of the Priucipal and Professors of tli® iu>ri(ution. The course of study will ho suhstfmtiulJy the same a* that already pursued in the school, preparing the pupil for college or commercial life. There will also he special exercises for thoso win de» .she them in the application of mathematical and mecha nical principles to fortifications, suunur>, siegti opera tions. Ac. The drill In the School of the Mobile,-, the Mammt of Anus nuil theKvolution? by jyqtutu, Cumpauyi iiattalion. V vc„ will be miiiired of all. ; To injure umi'unmty, a trill hereafter be pre sjcrdivd. OKSEUAT, EEGUT.ATIOSS. TERMS Or ADMISSION*.—I. Candidates must mt be less than ten nnr more than seventeen yours of age. 2. They must be able to read fluently ami Write legi bly.'.' b\ They iniL-t ho able to operate with frec-lom {« tt*» ftimhuuejital rules of Arithmetic.’ 4. They must pos-ess a general acquaintance with too Cleoeraphy of this country. u. Such Imuks ns »re now in the Text Book Library of the School will he supplied to such of the cadets as dosir® them free of extra charge. G. For the ordinary Fngiisli branches, to wit; Head ing and Tauriith.n, LVmii*nship r ßook-Keeping, Menial and I’meticid Arithmetic. drammur and L'.i}t»po-iti->ii f Drsnlprive liroiirnjihy, Alguid'U hud Practical Cbxmifr- U\>, fr'io i * r>juartiT. T. For any nf the foregoing, with Ancient and Mo derji T.:ti>cfii2es. ;he Higher Kngiisii branches. Civil, To pographical. and Military Kwrineeriui:, per rjtjartei*. H. Tin* tuifii'ii will he reiiiured, without exception, m advance. fi. Candidates far ndnussfon will ho recejvo.l only ou the KKl'l’VlSs 1 CttKDITIOSi that thev o-re to ronform fcT'fUCTLY; PKUMFTLY, and niKirUFULLY, to aft the rules e.-tablished Ihr the iliseiidtiio and of The tlppiirnuenr. A?i further infoiiimtiun will ho fund-died on apptlcu- .30 cent-?. nith-ii, by letter or otherwise, to WM. F. P3IKT.PS*. Principal j-rute Normal-t'clmol. Or Hit. SI'MXKB 0. WKliB. Jtefer to Prof. .TOJTX HAJi'l 1 , Kditor of fimiihti/ Ti'wjes. IMiihidc-lphia. nulD-niH-f-bt'tF W-;SLK V AN FEJIALE'cdLLKOKi." VI 1 NCiTOX, DiII.AWAKE, Tin* next of this Institution wtll begin o« MONDAY, rlio I'd of ,VO|)tclhfHT, It pOi-r i c*M , s ihe herl finalities foe thorough hutntcUoo in a eumislete eoie.-su of s\»Hd and ovr.mncnud sludies. fcoiperiur aceomiuodatious for boiudern. For full information. adtlre<s auHMsul ' JOHN Prcsidoiit. A G A DEMY OF THE PROTEST ANT EPISCOPAL CliL HCli, Locust and Juni- ptr stri-fts. Tim Autiimruil ?usjs|r.n will open on MONDAY, Scn» twubM' 2d, at b oYliick A. 51. ApplicatJon.s fur mlmiHsion may Le imulo at the Aca demy on and after Auaurd 28th, between tim hours of 19 mul 12 o’clock in rhe umriung. flulO-imvf Dn IVTISS MA'RY E. THIIOPP will ro .i-T-L open her IWv.ubn’iC mill Day School for Young Tin ilit-s, flt HVJ4 SL*Jil.(lK Philsi-lvlpliin, eu MON* DAT,- gpjjtPttiWr iHh. Circular?-, contumiiur full infor umliol), In In* hail nil llliJiUi-lltiotl., aul!- k ilt(Vtl& TM ISS~O¥(jrWS WILL IIEOPEX _LY_I_ her School fur Girls, in tin* Spring O'nnlon Insti tute, on tin* Northeast corner of UItOAD. ami SI’UING GAUDEN Streets, on Ninth month (SKi’TKMiliutt) 2d. Charge for tuition, Ton Dollars for live months. The college op «t. james* WASHINGTON FOFNTY, iMAKALAND, The next Amiu.-il Session of the Collecy, umi of tlui Grammar Srhool, will open regularly on the lust WED-. NESDAY (the -stJi) of September, Address the Iter. Dw KKKFUOX, liector, Ac., fulloin* of St. James I*. 0., Wary land, IUi'HJ-mwl'Jfc I KYTjT(>"EEMAinrCOLLEGE, tfitHKniAMCtflilJiGi l\lj~-This ill>titi!ii<»n. clvirfcensd wslli mil rolli\!2iuii' powers, will oi>wi its next >,*.ssmn «n 'VYKIINKSDAY. September 4. wiUvufull corpsef cflirienn ami exycrieneeil Teachers. The attention of ivaivuU having liatnjhtrr* In nlueutr is r>«.| tfully called to till* institution. For f’uTnlosues rivi'ja full information us to terms*. &c.. uililrosn A. 14. President. e.ulT-sluthGt 5 # riHESTA\ r T-SIRKKT FF3LA.LB \J SK^UNA.UY.—MDs TIDNVKVemt MGs JHI.r.AYK will reopen thoir Ihamlini' , Day S<-!m»o| or. WEDNES DAY, September ID sit 1015 OIIKSTNI'T Street, VluloiUlphin. * nulG-lni JL IIATIU.MIOh IbY.aiev. (EKO. HAND, A, M., I*riu o,l'iunil;, srliui'D in a iU'lfulitful u»uutt‘y locutiuiu CUHVf‘JI».‘)lt hi Ht- i-Sly, Duties resumed Sej*n mlur 0. Fur eireul: the lTimijml. T>C>AJ.:i)IMi yOFIOOP, near Media, X> UK I, A WASH ('OCX TV, !*».. r.jr Twrf/f Hoy*. Deepens . Srpteitol'er P. aullMm*- FJMI K PUT Y ATE SCHOOL FOR JL DOT?, ill TltO Fliililili'lpliiU tity rndltutr. North east rcmier of f'iIKSTATT EDrIITEMNTU Streets, will reopen MDNDAY* ScpVmibrr -.1801. aul-Vim* L. HI'KItDWS, Principal. P EOIUi I’i'IXOVN 'COL.UiOE7i>Zc.,’ VTT Auguat, 18G1. Tb* exercises of tlr/s TiistiriiiioU will 1m» imt)UPd OU the t:r*t LiONDAV tu S«*ptrjniH**, 'Finns per annum, fo? ll*i:ii*ii timl TutuVu. poyiiiilr half yearly, in tut* vniiti'. For further THwticoliUv; ap\dy to the P resident, nu'l4-v; (Amlpi OKOCEKIHSr rpb KEsibiNU TjTtuh HVKATj IHSTTUCTS. We are prepared, os heretofore, to supply families at ihoir Country Residences wiili every description of VINK GttOCKKIEIS TEAS, &o„ Ac. ALBERT O, BOBERTS, COEN El! KLKVKNTU AND VINK SHEETS. mylS WEST CHESTER Er.3BKSANI> 1' II IK AD EI. 1' 111 A. IIAIUIOAD VIA 3IEDIA. GKUVK StmiSso AT KKDTSON 31. E. CUCRCIT, XKAIt XKWTOX’S ST AT f OX. Trains leave tlie .-tarion, corner of Tenth unit Jlnrlcet streets, sit 7.4") and 10.00 A. M.» 4.13 anil li.3tf 1». K. J.rnvf XnstiMi'.s Station for I’lulatloU'hia, ftt 11.13 A iM.. 2.43, 5J4 nn«l S 1». M. l’arc for the Jtouinl Trij*. Twrnb'-fiv^'out^^ General tfupi'rimamlet. „TT> h . Foil XW YOIIK. JfeirSffiiSiSvr\v D.UTjV LINK, via Di'hiwm* iw<l itaiitan Canal. _ . ... . . „ lMiiluiU-Irliia anil Aew Aovk Express Stonmnoat Com pany riM-t-ivo i'lvialit anti leave tl.ti!y at '2 I*. 51., ili'Kver iint their citrnups in Xtnv York tho fullowluK days. I'reiniits taken at reasimahle rates. "M. t‘, <'I,YPK, Asi-nt, Si'. 14 SOUTH AVIIAIIA'KS, I'l.lliutlllitila. JAMES HAND, A s ent, an!-if I'it‘vs U anti 15 HAST ItIVKIt, Nnvjfort. - ■ ~nr» » PUI I.AHKMMIiA AND MASIII-Wi'UX KXI'JtESS STEAM BOAT COMI'AXY. Kcw line dimt for Alexandria, Mushiugton, ami fSeorudown. Thvounh in Iltf hours. Steaniei* riULADKUUIIA, Captain TIIOS. If AND* Steamer JKKOMK, Captain JKKOMH, Vlll'lcavo Philadelphia every 'WEDXKMUV Mil £A TVHDA V, tit 1- i»M«rh M,. connntinj? with nil line* at i>ortf=, ami leave Washington, George loyvu. awl Alexandria, every IT-ESPAY and SATCMI -I»AY, for Philadelphia. I*. C’IjYDK, Agent. No. 14 SOVTII WIIAKYKS, Philadelphia, MOllO AN * ltlllNKllAltT, A Rent*, , Foot of G street, Washington. - ..IT-"FOli XKW YORK.—The I&WMILLi Philadelphia Steam Prnpollor OomiMiny Will foUUUODCO their biwlnoss for the season on Slouday, ldth instant. . . . . , _ Thoir steamers are now receiving freight at Becom* Pier ntiove Wnlnul street. Timia ApplyAo 2*24 South Delaware Avcouo. OTtoPOating depart. JYL MKVf wM bo reopened on TUESDAY* the 20th of Awjrost,' «t 20* South' TWKLVTII Street, with aU tiro delicacies of the season. *qlT-‘A* JOJItf'W. itomxs, A. M., iinlfMmS uv, address imls-6t* SMC.. ATTL'UU'J, A. M. JOHN KAIU.Y,S. J.
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