The ZrFAVEs.—The following is a list of the tmoera of B!r&*y’s Z>n-*vo Regimen*. lata Twenty-third Regiment, P V : Colonel—D irid B Erney Colonel CburlfS Wilhelm. Qa*it trma^ter —M ; k Anthony. Adjitotrt—J ha E Collins Cfcapltrin—Rev j F Jsanteon BrrgcJint —J Adame Quartermaster tiergeam—T W Jones Company ***r es.o?—W Shipman Sargeoo—Samuel W tf ross Lender B^nd—T Hermann. Dram Mri «-—Gas Elmore. Captaice—GHaim. £ii>:eb?iMt, GV/*da, frwynn, Hoffman, Wilson, Wallace, Grautjllo, Ksyaw. Palmer Toie regiment g A ea iw'o camp on Tuesday, and its officers have secured the grounds used by the Blanker regiment, for its encampment, on the beoond afeet turnpike wdl bo equipped, rationed, and pro vided tor as rapidly iis >h»y are mastered in. It properly seconded. Colonel iiimoy will doabtless make this a crack regiment, and worthy of the Sta~Q Li*-u f euant Colon*’ Wilhelm. Ute of the High teenih B-gimen* P V , Colonel Lewis, has accepted the position of iieu*«minr colocei is the Z wave regiment, and or Culouai Bimey, and is hard At Work aiding in the formation nod organisa tion of the new Twefity third. Colonel Wilhelm isaaold sn»i experienced offi cer Ha has served ia the Prussian army. It has been erroneously statfcd that bat onecom pany of Z >u»ve3 exists is car city. Several mem* cars cuoaeoted with the Z mavea inform ns that there are foar companies, z uuiberiog nearly one hundred men each, in addiSo'* to L-no joining Col liroev’s reg’ment The and officered are A, B. C, D ; these four comprise th* battalion, aod a finer looking or better drilled tody of young ni"o are not to be found in oar City. Company B Limits s>zjig* nnd Reger, have hid. for a number of mouths, Capt De Witt, a pirfrcfion in the Z >uavc drill, as their Instructor, aid the corps are, r.s a body, unequalled in their nnvemeurß The officers and ir,on of the other three companies are fit to take the field at any ’time. Col. Taggart’s Regiment,—The Twelfth Regiment of t-ie Peons*ivaota Reserve Corp< his opened recruiting 3*atti>Bß in this e|ry, fid up t l -e companies to 101 mru eanij. This regiment is under tho command of Co! Jsan H. Taggart, a Philadelphian, and a capable officer- As the regi mer.t is now at Camp Curtin, with marching or ders, it presents a favorable opportunity to volun teers anxious to get away. Ofloof the recruiting ttatfons is at the Washington Engine House, Ele venth and Lombard streets. Custom House APPOINTMENTS.—We learn that fllf Joseph 31. assistant appraiser, has made the subjoined appointments: Clerks—Edward Walter, James Moßinley, fl. L. Hail and. Examiners—Charier Aii'ler, Edward Pleaeants, George W Hacker. Packers—Samuel Stackhouse* Richard Skate, J L Wilhelm, Jos Knerr, Daniel Cox, Alexander Campbell Messenger—E! ward C Miller. Pbotoinq Cases*—A child, named WTOaa Weauor, living in Carrol street, above the Reudtng Railroad depot, fed into a kettle o: w&ier, y*s?«r day af'emoos, and w»s drowned A boy, named John Horner, was drownsd while barbing it- ihe De>w ire, opposite Gorgaa* wharf, ia the E.gk teen & ward His body was recovered cos ve>«d to the resiJerc* of his parents, in Belgrade street, above Savory Col. James Miller’s (Thirty-eighth) Regi. meat is now ciust-eriiig in companies. C«»l Miller is fully competent for the Gomnwmi It will be remembered that he served with General Scott in Mexico, and was tbeheFo r.f Griepul; XhU ia a duo regnneus, cimposed of picked me a Capt Joh* Alexander was, with his company, mastered into the service os the 6*h ia§'. Capt A. Stiles, attaobed to the ab’>ve regimen;:, will raoeive a few more men at No 224 South Float street. Major Stees, late of Col. Korponay’s regi me! c. has opened a recruiting station at 1131 Vme street The M> jor has the reputation of being one of -hi* best driU«d mm in the service He whs tne odgtß&tor and rill of tho famous Spring Garden Miuie R flu Company, attached io Coloocl Baker’? Rpg.mM.t Bis cuajpacy will ba known as the BeXinn Guards. A Seresadb. —The compliment of a sere nade w.s paid to Mr Postmaster Walborn, at bis residence on Xqesday night The Pennsjlvania Cornet Bond vas engaged for th. occasion, and a number of excellent airs rrere p!a;ed in fine stjle The serenade was gotten np bf the carriers in the Office in honor of the oaifi m&tion of Mr Walborn by the Ssnate Mr. W made a neat speech to the party. An Ixpostos.—A man has been swindling oltiiMja by collecting coder the pre'ecoe that it was in aid of the Military Hospital in this city. Ihose who desire to contribute to thia ex cellent institution should send their donations di reot to headquarters, or to the medical director, southeast corner of Broad and Sprues streets. Drowsed Bony Recovered,—The body Of a man named Michael Marrsy, who was drowned in the Delaware, on Tuesday last, by falling over board from a vessel, was lonnd near Race-street wharf yesterday morning. Coroner Conrad held aninqmst. A Smash Up —Yesterday morning a large freignt can ran off the track, at Third and Duok streets, and struck a telegraph pole and broke it in twain. Fortunately, no one was hurt. The Whe.cabi.uts ot Geß Wise. [From the Wheeling Inte ligencer of Wednesday.! By -ha arrival of a gentleman yesterday from the Einawha country, we have further ac counts of the dningt ef Wise in that region. The account which we receive is in eonfirmation of all previous news that wa have had abont the infamies and outrages which Wise commit ted while in the Valley. For cool and wanton atrooity in robbery, theft, and destination of pro perty hi? eareer has no parallel in modern times For weeks previous to his hnrried and preoipitate retreat he kept hie guerillas cons>antly attorning and maranding the eountiea ef K.nawha and Jsokson, seizing ail the oattle and horses of Colon Das, and pretending to bny them of the Dt. uotoa men, bat never paying anything re anybody. These Cattle and horses he sent on to the East until there are very few good horses left in the connties named Other oounties fared bat litt'e better. Be burned nearly every bridge in the Valley, exoept the fine suspension bridge aorofs Elk river, whioh he or dered out down and fired. Bis order was partially prevented by the vigilance of some of the oitisens. The bridge, however, was so weakened as to render it useless He burned two fine steamboats after he was compelled to abandon them, and it is said, al hongh onr informant will not vonoh for Ole truth, of his own personal knowledge, that one of these boats contained the bodies of several that were iilltd and wonnded ill the tragedy by which his troops fired into esoh other, in mistake, is their retreat. Many of the more moderate of the Secessionrsta are as bi'ter towards Wise as the Union men. Many talk abont sheeting him—even some that were in his army Many of bis follow ers and adherents have left the country, now that he haß gone; others are ready to swear allegiance, while ethers ask to be let alone. They say rhat this wanton destruction of property Is more than they bargained for. Many honorable and worthy men have been oarried off to iiichmond for ex pressing Uoion sentiments, some of whom have large families dependirg on them tor snsteaance. A great amount of suffering mast be the result. The most violent of the rabble Becetsionists have ?;one with Wise’s army, and many of their fcmi -I*B are in a distressed and destitute condition. All hands are sek to death of secession. It has been a torriblo thing to them. Tho new Govern ment of the dta'e, -tlthough locked open with con siderable distrust by some, will eventually ba sus tained by a large rnajori >y. Vuiatusera THBIR PHYSICAL CONDITION, BSSIGItAVIOffS, Ac Xfl® tOllf>W«&j£ goWoral Grrlar, Just issuad froua ths AdjaautfJaneral’d.offiiJo, touohaa threa import ant points: War Department, Adibt'nt Genrrai’s Ofvice.J Washington, AnrustS.lssi. { 1 Hareafter, when Vuiuateers are to be tuusiatcd into the service of the United states, they will, at the same time, be minutely examined by the surgeon and assistant surgeon of the regiment, to osier tain whether they have the physical qua lification* necessary for the military aetvioe. And in case ao y individual shall be discharged wi.h in three months efior entering the service, for a disability which existed at that time, he shall receive neither pay nor allowances, exoent subsistence and transportation to his home. The certificate given by the surgeon will, in all cases, state whether the disability Misted ptlor to the date or muster or was contracted after It Minors also who may be discharged either by the oivil authority or upon the personal application of pa rents or friends, will be discharged without pay or allowance. II Cites of resignation by volunteer officers have become so numerous thst it calls lor iu ere-sed vigilance on the part: f Brgimental, Bri gade, and Du artmunt Cdtfctßinder*, through whom the resignation must pats for final action at D pertinent Headqu irttrs, who will see before ap proving it, that a clear statement of the causes which led to the resignation is given If accepted, and the individual be disoha-ged, the resignation will beforwaTdeti to th s'.ffite 111 P«tAiwaph three ot general orders, No. 45, from this < ffite. dated July 19 1861, which pio hiiii'S volunteers who do not speak the £ tglish language from being mustered into service, is not intended to apply to regiments nr oompanDs of foreign nationality, in which men and officers spek the same toi.gue, but to prevent the rniistment Into regiments or o< mpanies, whose officers speak the English language only, of men not understand ing it, and to induce such persons to enlist under officers whose laagurge th~y do understand. Tie Steamer “Sumpter” tailing Coal. Captain Havens of ths brig Eea Banning, ossof tho Sumpter prizsa, which urrived at Now 'iv»k, reports being chased by two suspicious ves sel, one heavily armed, and the o har with her fttka fi'iad wi'h men The most important pGr tio of his statement is, that while in Uieniucgosa Beish brig arrivud there seeking freight. The caplin remarked tha-just before he left Kingston, Jfcuaica, a boat’s crew arrived there and re po-ed that they belonged to an English steam er, and that she had been disabled and wa out of ooal, and that they required twihundred tons of that article She was lying at (Iron Cayman. 0 sing ro the faot that siaae the California steamers soldi in stop at Kingston, there bast large quantity of oosls accumulated, and the ownra of. it will willing l ? sell it to any customer; theybad no difficulty iu obtaining the quantity re quird, and a aalionner was immediately chartered and me hundred tons were sent off before the cap tain eft ihe port. As soon as she discharged it, she would remrn for the remainder It is rap posed ihat ibe steamer in question was the Con federate steamer Sumpter, and that she would sail to oat out a Califo-nia steamer, with specie on board, as roan as the was cooled. Tho Island Of Grand Cayman is only about 300 miles in tho west ward of the track of the steamers, and no batter place ooald bo (elected for her rendezvous Death or Father Maoan.—Father Magan, the respeetd ana able pur tor ot St Michael’! fCathnSic) Church in this city, expired, after a brief illness, on Sunday last Ihi remains were vial tea by a iarge number of people at ibe church os Monday evening, and tbe funeral icrvice at the same place on luosuay momir g brougb-'together an immense assemblage. The deceased was taken to Chieoito on Tuesday evening’s train £<i inter ment The virtues of tbe lather are related as many, and his death is widely mourned,— Galena Genrter, August 1. A Dishandi’d Volunteer. [From the New York Suudar Mercury.J Washicoro.v. Ang 1, 1861. Eddtturs or thb r today Mbrkahy: b j-ra is porib in fast a- d the sloegnu of v.r will tun aizea b» heard. M-cicliia is rvarteia lilt' a beftver and it seems otteriy Imptiesahul we should ever bo rknnked a seokind rime as wo was at Bail Ran. No more Gicralissmore of tie Macdoili sryle, as ma-ohes or.o ley inter wot the French calls « cool tie es ct, sot ou purpose for am. and expecks to oarrv hull sttc'ra of maskt] huttrir.s at the pint oi the bagonet. No more of that kinder milleata-y fenammyiionsaßoeugra'ila es an army on itssn.k oess jist when thirty tho jrrnd ircah troops is makin a s dlj to give it jest?. No more marnhtn outer camp sir gia to* Ma a.leis Him, to com b»< k on me jump, oryin pteesvy 1 pe.-scom the Bg Bethel and Bu i Ran ellle of sailin io is pi l’d ‘ ut, and that shiftless fellers, as nose no more clout plantiin an aitaak than a Digger !■ jon doos abont I theonmfnrta of clcne linen, won’i herearter bo j aloud to lead brave ridgymems inter cross fires whar ihoy are eartin to git it hot and heavy, and kin nnther injure the fo nor save they re own bukin. General Macleilin has never tried bis hand at fitin on a grand rcale, bat when he doos I gess re bellyin ’ll h?v to kmk tho beam. He p-ers to livo party much ia the saddls, and ns far as or erg* e is cons»m«i w* a rogiar hose Tlrars no kwes'.in ba! wot he's prepirin for a grand «r,n, bat svirrdy hr.e yet dove inter bis desints His bed kwarrers is leterally beEeeohed by Bpesbil euri'yspondet.ts, but they get no inkling of h s plans for the New York daylies. Traps hea been laid for him, in the wav of sham pain cappers and seich, bat even over hia wine Mumm’s the word with the now Commander. Oas to Richmond or enoy whartelss, is likely to mske ab >ut the same imprei 'hin onto him aa opery mowsiok mougUt onto a Mi3Bicsinpy oat fish It is wispered hear that Ginral Scott resostly gin the President and his Cabbyuet n paaoe of his EQit cl is I'rlaahin !o Iho war poaossof saTta/n r.ooss psperB. Not r.s he keers for thar fire in tho rare. He nose no setch ward as kwail ami on*y feels eon temp for tho i;a nuiMns ns m-ses gnme of kio gray harsa Bat blevin sc the gra:a ases may suf fer from the oioakinsof the war onokets of the press, nnd rhat mobiles the Presedent hsrkimr to em more’n he or ter, tneLeftenant Grnrol has been blowin of em np, they say afore honest O d i.oe and all bis fi.hil ndvisers Report ses aa be droased Sissplf w the Prose eat as full cm: " Bit I Wish 1C BO whether the 'Triboo'll or me is to oondaok the remanederof this carapain. 1 don’t care tor Greeley’s tkwosh battrees, sir. I've too much self respeok to reply to popguns; but I want toonderstand wotber the poltysee of the war de partment is to be governd by his cnbjestins; bo kase if it is sir, you kin take my commisshin and lite year meershsm with it sir. Ef the pen ia mitier’u tt-e sord, lot pea aad-ink stjrre fiiV tbar own batiles sir; they ehnnt conlibny t 0 malts a handle of me—no sir, no sir! Then tbars tho New York Timer, sir, with a nediior as waa oc the mtnoyo dterin the Italyun war and oney wants elbo room to tcahe a remarkabnl lesder. lie’s got his plans sir, and wants all the Suthern sor.ports taken by a coo de mam But abav oil sir thsrs Thario Weed, the iUastrus State-keeper promises a tkerm rhats to tnske up for al! my errorc, and oarry nil the enemy’s strong perrushins, j ir, as eesy r.scarry in a State eleokehib Ef yon w'uot a new Lefrenaot Giorai sir, you kin take yonr pick of there three gnoi kwi-1 ktrees They nil n mom than Wu fi id Scott sir; for be didnt no enaff to resine hio offi. ray (her than his judgement sir ” Semh is the lntgaidge skri'oed to the old hero, but wether he pircbr it os strong as tha is prt dourful. Howstver you hev it as I bed it and mebbee as the eggsackative bed it ico Ermy w.-.ys I hop so, for he’s bon a blamed cite too mut.-h biassed in milentary n aitprs by froihy ergotisis, aDd its time be throo iff the yoke Ef I see him afore I close this epis-ol lie ux him ef the old Gin ral raily did droo a bead on him as aforesed Thars nuthin fresh ia tho way of aff iirs. So tnr tho raskilly privatears, by thnr deckP irus manoovers has bsffeid the vigilaals of tho Dopniimonc. Consideiin ibe heavy sailin o our orr.ysir:; hutitiu these bncltynesrs is s kindei lottery in wnicu rbais very few prizes. Mebbee it the pints allreddy keroh-d was tnrked ue, it would enonrridge the knavy to greater efforts." To make np for tho want of stirrin events in this viceiniry, the tellsgraft ia all the time rassiu snwr onto us Yesterday we bad a story trout Western Vaginny about a fire at Balltown, that peered to be as bully for ns aa B til Kan was for the rebtis. The dispatch stated that ic eras a big thing. - Ginred Tyler heving llokt Wise and his son likewise Bat onfortnirl; the litenin lied like thander. To day its gain the rounds that Leo bes got M wether eye onto Banks, and means ro compel him to decamp from hts oamp on rhe Potumiok, to mor reroraexday. Let him try icon and he’ll go fits. Banks hen just been reinferat Hi h the new arafts from the North, and is ready to pay off the foes of the Union with the same kinder ouin as the British got from his ansisters at Banker Hill. I venter to predick that ef Lee crosses iatOl Merry land .bar’ll be mcornin ai Richmond Sam thinks asßjwerygaard willattaot Washington; but lino afeetd he’s toe bashfnll. Tho “red legged devils” is all fired anshas to ronoo thar ackwaicranee with his Virginny oavilry. 2 hey say they unhessed more’n a hundred of em at Ball Ran, but ef iho black cusses will oney cum to Arlinron kites they’ll mount ’em agon with the gratest of piee’iur. Tho • ffor of Wrato. child te lend on* Govern ment 250 milynss to oarry on the war, is the ex citin tiopio of converasahis at Willards te day. Toe army contractors lick thar hpa at the prcspeck Ot tfcsr Shear of the plunder, but menny thinks the story’ll turn oat a bad ?g-, and that them as bievos it is conntin ohickees afoie tb-r hatcht. I understand that Kornil Billy Wilson has riten a pnvit letter io me President, axin to hev his ridg>meni transferd from Peccecoaler to some whars whar thsvs butter pick cos The boys, it peers, is pinin arter them goola watches nnd dub- Me ognls as Billy told ’em on They com plane that at Santy Rosy, instead ot Inoksurea’tin on mob dellykisses, they git nothin bo: sun strokes and sandflies Hoses also as thar a rpilin for a fite, and ef they dont hev a ohnaet to plug the rebiis party soon, they’ll be obligated to git np a ping mass amoi g tharselvoe and destroy wan another jest for reereaahis. _ The temperatoor here to ssy is 98 dooiaes of Fa rinheat fo the shade, and ererj’tbiug in the way of vegetashin iB burnt up exoept ten maJlicß and broowsedge 'trhsoh is tne pnnoypal jirouni-feii of the silo in this lurtile deestrioh Aoeorden tu report, haabandrj is at a standsritl in tnenny parte ot Vir gtnny, the rebii men hnxin left tha buzz -ma of tear tam&lees to jins thar Iruthsrs ic at mo and the Union men hexin fied bekase the; pre ford savin tha; neck to savin thar crops. Orfai state ot thing!, isn’t It? Bat sstch is the amlittes of civil ngrT Its not eenywajs onpossifoe that aiojs this chias to hand annaihor tarn up nti> hev task placesaia trhars. Hoppin that the tssoo of the next skriiu medge msy be the revarse of Bail Run, and that jE Pluvious TJaum msy sua rain trinmfant ovor treeson, I remain, years, alters, A Dishasdcd Volustkbii. F-^S. —I seen the illuetrus Aba seast tho abav teas indicted, and he sed arier roedin it, that my varahin of Genrai hcott’s remarks was ray titer too muoh on the load. He ses it mast be tskin cum granny setlus, tha wot on airth he means by that llt be skalpt if Ico By his parmisbin I send yon his last oaacondrum ana the anser—as foilers: How doos the letter-X ofiaok the statoor of idiots? Answer —The letter I affcokfl tho s’atoor ef idiots this way; it makes all teals tali fools. Amszte smart, isn't it, and remarkabnliy karaoteristiok ? P. B. Sekind —I hain’t got that staff applnt ment yet. A Moaern xtau Keasi, THE DISHES AND THE CHIT-CHAT “ Hadji,” the Eastern correspondent of the Bos ton Traveller, writes this account of a feast among tho Arabs; '•lt. is not to he sapposed that the readers of the Traveller are altogether of the stumer sex. T. will, therefore, place before its lady read ;rs a t-jtf of the dishes and some of the chit chat of an Arab feast 1 lately attended. “A* my sister and myself were passing through tha bazaars the other day, we wore accosted by the venerable head of a large household, and, a! most by force, taken into his house. Ho did no’ tell ns a feast was going on, but as scon as we cn te;ed ths court we knew it by the number of slip pers, shoes, and slogs before the doors of the diSe rent chambers. Our crinolined selves wi n difficul ty found room to bit down on entering the principal apartment, and played sad havua among nu a my of narghilenes standing before the guests We were immediately the subject of oonversaiim carried on in so low a tune that they imagined we could not hear them, and urier awhile ihey were jo bold as to ask ms why I wore a veil wuioh aid not hide my taco Then came ths ouffee, and sherbet, and sweetmeats, the latter In great varie ty, and the lady who presides was nut satisfied unt.l I had tasted of each. And now, having accom plished this ordeal, I examined ths gay oi,atuuiei of the ladies, and iheir cunnteuacces, too, wonder ing how they could be happy without books to read, and passing away iheir existence listening to the soft bubbling of their narghilenes I can’t say their eustumes were pretty, ter tae immense ocarse Arab pins confining bunches of flowers on the topi and sides of tueir heads, vf'MliS ME3picu. ouc us tho fi wens tntmseives; some of their j mk eis. el dark cloth, were sewed with white thread and the nearness of their appearance was rataer interfered with, from tbe faot that tneir under skirts were much too short for their outer robes of thin flowered muslin Ah! toil Occidental reader, your notions ot taste would indeed rcooivo a shock could you behold some ol your Ori itial sisters, in wooso drees there is but too ovident au tSun to Copy Brack’s s-.yle, ana so tneir elfin is never suo ccssiul their appearance is alien ludicrous I nave actually seen a prinoees. Iroin Mount Lebanon, who, after remaining in Beirut awhile, adopted hoops, and this lady oalied on me once with crinoline iu a most dilapidated state, which, instead ot giviaghor r.ibo an expansive and round appearance, the ti oken steei caused to projeot hero aua mere in points ana angles Her mays were also a failure, uud tho poor lady had made ua her roho, f:om Pails, with imitation fi-.-uaces the wrong way. Her uesd was ooVered with pearls and diamonds, t>u the effuse vi these was spoiled by an inier-MXtaio ol tawed Fiencb fl wets. “As this wili curve ui; a dercriptieu of the drees of most ol ice 1-aies at the least, I will now turn to the Daby. What baby ? Why, me iutie bluish baby, a mon h old, up there in the corner ot >hc rouu, in houor o- whoso birth the least was given ; this being one of the customs of the country. The-e ibe little martyr lay in u narrow cradle or facias, tic construction, on a hard little pink cession, iis head -ra a narti pillow—in short, every tiling done to make it unoouiiortablc. I say ‘martyr,’ became it cell'd move no part of us body but its hone, lor bands of doth tigbtiy strained it 10 the cradle, being wound firmly over the ohild and around ths Oracle. Vv c wore, utter a while, summoned to the up per part ol '.he court, where a table was spread with, first, pounded boiled rice sweetened, and a variety of mts Byroad over it, green almonds, pis tuebio, nuts, s&obie, iiuta ceiled the * b&rry of the tiintid,’ and a transparent jmsuy twiiusd into diff* rent shapes and colored pink. Auerwards 1 eavr rhe process of cooking them, Vriuok was by pouring the water Uke sheets of puiitJ'j’imo bulling zoritch, ibo letter being cheaper than oiivo oil. As it imiu podt-ible to give Arab dishes a name, or discover of what they are made, I shall not enter upon the task, but oslp add that it required 10 little amia bility on tho part of the guests to submit to one oereiuou; considered indispensable by tbe lady of the house, tio determined was she that euah guest fchould do justice to the i&ie, ik&t »he held iu her h&oda p, large wooden spoon with which she would herself fosd each one who did not with Ef ficient induatiy diminish the contents of the bowl placed beto.o her. Tufj hospitable lady dia not once take a sta : , but stood on du*y the whole urn - , an *ha l mercy on none; for although the most \e nemenc protestations wo:e made against hor poi tecuiiooa, with thoorj that enough had been eaten, oefiiut she would not, but oontiaued the use ot Eur instrument of cruelty with the cuoßt unmwouul periiBtency, until the countenance of each iudioated tue gre&ieei dutreea, and ehowed that the inter mii& was rebelling against this uuDAttual mode of procedure. Unable to endure any longer th» per- Beenuons of the wooden *poon, we left maoh ejoner than our Arab friends, and were not sorry when we found ourteiTes at home. 1 ' Alleged Check Forgery—The Accused Parties brought prom Philadelphia —A few weeks since, William Jsokson, a native of E-g -land, twenty fire yearn of age, and Louis P Ifor taulr, a German cleik deposited a iheok for $2ll 21 in the Mariner’s Savings Bank, corner or -o scbd avopco aid Sevvoth street, and eiibeoqu-ntly drew ont $165 of the amount thus deposited. It is now charged that, althcngh the check is genu inn. it boars a forged endorsement, and the bank officer tank the neoerasTy 8U,..r o spprohond ibe pe petrarors of the felony. The matter was placed in the hands of De tective E der, who, ascertaining that Jackson nnd liertault had gone’ to Philadelphia, tele- CYRpbid to Officers Taggart and Smith ot that oi'y, request), g that they should arrest the sa-pocted parties This was dose, and the prisoners arrived in this city Wednesday night, in oharge of the Philadelphia offioers The accused parties are de tained to await an examination before Justice Os born The check in question is in possession of t'M Stcretary i f the bank, non’ absent from the city. On his return the investigation will be pro ceeded with, llert&nlt is said to be the principal in tho idltged forgery —N Y Express of last evening. Heavy Ba- teiueb Forwarded to Fremont. —ThoFUabnrg Chronicle f It j 8 i An unusually itouvy .-Liif-niem of ordnanue and ordnance stores was muon from tho United .Staten Arsenal bore a day or two ago It was ciui-i.c:'-rv; fo MajcrGenorcl Pibrnoa', commanding tho de partment of the West, at St Louis, and consisted of the foliowioe p : -’ n ”S of heavy artillery, the whole weighing 501,967 pounds: E’ghts*n 32 ;.<>uu(ter iron gone, eighteen 24 pounder iron guns, eighteen 32 pounder barbette guns, carnages, snd calss ira; eighteen 24 plunder do do , implements and tqaiptnents complete; One thousand 32 puntider shot ; one thousand 24 pounder ebot; nipo'y 32 ponndercanister; ninety 21-p-uodef cnitteter; nicety 32 pounder grope s sods; nicety 24-pounder grupe stands; one tbon esnd 32 p 'undcr gun cartridges, for shot; one thousat u 24 pounder gun cartridges, for shot; one hundred and eighty 24 pounder gun cartridges, for grape and oen-gter; one hundred and eighty 32- poneder do do Another order for ten thousand sets of infantry aoaontientente has sisc fcsen receivod from tha Ge coral, oca the hands of the arssaal are ff’licg it now with ail th* rapidity in Bveides the above, the arscnsl anthotitios have received u requisition for a large number oi how tztrs and siege carriages, wi h implements and equipments, oolnmbiad pluiforms, pin tel crosses, traverse cir cles, Ac , to bo forwarded to New York with the least possible delay. The amount of war material drawn from the arsenal thus iar has been enor mous. bat the stores still on hand are very large, and win doubtless be found equal to any domgKc.p that may be made upon tbcm for montbs to come. A Desperate Woman.—The Poughkeepsie (NY) Eagle toys that a 'newly married couple iiving in the eastern part of the town gft into a family quarrel ou Tnetday af ercofu last, whiob ran so high that the woman finally became exaspe rated and threatened to commit sufoide Fail oi the intent to dostr- y herself, she started forth- Rod Mill pond and throw hotself in She was not to got rid of this wotid so eutiiy, however, for bet barbr-sU, who bad foiloacd, rescued bcr. In nu wise daunted, she gaTO him a sonud piece of bet mind for his trouble, and plunged in again This was repeated two or three times, bat with no butter success New York markets Yesterday Ashes are steady and in good demand at $5 25 for pots, and $5 37i for pearls Bkhaustcffs —Tbs rna-ket for State and West em Flour is buoyant, and prices arc again 5‘ higher, with a fair denisnd for export Tha sates -re 12 600 bills at $4 25 4 3(1 for tnneifiae State ; $4 45 4 55 for extra 8 ate ; $4 20-5 30 for superfine M'-'higHh, Itdiitia, Ohio, luau, &■; and $4 40 • 5.65 for extra do, irftiod'nir shippiog brands o< icutd-h'op Ohio, at ssaa 05, and trade brands of do at $5 10 6 10. Southern Fl-.ur is firm nod in moderate demand ; the sales an- 900 bhis a’ $5-5 30 for sun«rfine Bal timore; $5 50 625 for ex’ra do;. $6 6 10 for Braa-sy wine; $5 6<l 7 25 for Georgetown ; $7.9 for Potarsbury oity ; $7 9 for It chmoad oity Canadian Floor is firmer, and in fair rtqnost, with e»l*« ’ f 450 bbts at $4 25 4 30 for snpoifins. and $4 75 7 50 for rai- gv ot extra bri-oos Rye Fionr tain medarab* demand at $2 3053 90 for the range of fico ad runerfino ftnrn Meal is stssd”; «o quota Jersey at $2 80s 2 85; Brsndywine $3 10j3 15; pneoheons. $l5 Wheat is again 1:2- better, with a continued sm-11 supply; there is a fair irquiry for shipment, and we notice salrs -f 140 000 bushels at 80 98 for Cbio»c:> tipring; 93 $lO5 lor Milwrnkee Club; “od $l 03 for RdOtna Bpring ; $1 23 for white Canada. By t 13 Steady ht 46a58 for VTsktarn and 60^63 for State Babuey is dull and nominal O.ta ar* fi'tn and seiiiog nominally at 27-31 c for J-rsey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania; 3H 331 for Western and State; and 25-23 t for Canauian. Corn is firm, with a continued active demand for exoort and the homo consumption; solos o! 175 000 bus at 40; 460 for new mixed Western. Tea —There is only a moderate j ibbing trad* going on, bet the market is firm, and prices are well sustained.' Tallow is steady at BJi for nrimo country; 84 ■ J>r city; and Bjfe for Butchers’ Association. ’ Fruit.—Foreign dried is quiet and firm, with sslra of 50 bhis Currants at 6f, net ossh; small lots of R tisins at $1 50sl 60 for bunch, and $2 50 for layer, cud 500 boxes French Lemons at $6 7 now held at $S Domestic dried attracts more atten tion. ana 5f has been refused for State Apples. Hops—i'he demand is limited, and tn* market is verv quiet: sales 40 bales at 18_23t for 1860, and 10-124 tor 1859 Oils — Linreed is firmer, and sailing at 57a580 for j ibbing lots Grade Bperm is quiet, w-tfc salon of 150 bb'S at ®1 25 Crude Whale onminuss fo demand, and wo note farther sales of 700 bbfs at 40c Provisions Porbis'dall and in favor of the buy er ; the sates are 200 bbls at $l5 50 for mess, and $lO 50 for prime. Beef in firm and in moderate r-qaest, with sates of 450 bbls at $5 550 for country mess. $44 50 for country prime. $9 .11 25 for repacked .Western, and Sl2 50a13 121 f. r extra mess Prime mes> beef is doll, and race is nothing doing Beef h-ms are quiet at $141!5 for Western. Bacon fo dull Cat meats are quiet, with sales of 50 casks at sii6c for hams, and 41 5. for shonlders. Lard is firm hut quiet, with sales of 150 tierces and bbls at for No. 1 to prime Western. new Yorß Stock Jfcxchange—Aug, 8. riRST BOARD. IOtHJ V S6s ’Blrer S 7«! 5 "e-roe-ilitau Bk 8i 1»« do sm fi Park Bk .92 S"HO do —-.88 I fi Pacific Mai. S._ 74W 80WU8fia’81crUi>„,,_88 ' 1 u uo (397351 Heu do 87» 195 N Y Oent it p«0.76H 110-OTr Vr_ 9« 10J do ..pko7ssi .000 11 Oac bds’fill.... 80 : -«0 co pr. 76 1100 111 • ’oup bd, ’79— 81 900 (io opacfja' 1040 Tenn 0, ’9o tea 3i)o£rie Hail read 33 8'««) do. 4-i 1(0 do— 26% 44000 do- ~_.4024! £0 Hod Kiv R_„ ..sag WHO do .. ..sS.4Si£ ICO Heading It i'29 1400.1 Virginia St fis-- 54 (,90 do ....... tWl.lti fiuOd ao_ . .b3O.SLS£ so (d-ieh 'on it ~ 45 50 nneorttia Stfii.._. tttbi te do'".'. „4itef ]oi4MNCarolina6a..*9 !]oi) Vlmhs kNI G._ 99 IfOtiO do 69«| 10 Panama it... 1075 f 300 do >3068 10 do to? i7iHio Missouri State 6s 4. ISOOGaI AChio R. 6334 90nO do 43H 104 do ~30.63 400 "r!o6! Il B&8 J. .4i?f| 60 do— ... 6354 IWO do 4- 6fiCle& tom. 29 400 Lom-i»naBt6s-. 63 Irfi) do ........ *9hi 10000 Pt 7s ...—.7754. 60 d 0... >6O 79 9000 do .-.7’ I'o do b6O-93f two Had .. 1 m . 1(231 SSO Clii fc R 1 K 4'Si fil'SHlC'-n hda.. 9J I 47 do.. 40 POO «1 hCeJ S K Fbd 74 60 Chi Bfc Quin 8.. .»ssi im Cal & c t.-t in .sr I CITY ITEMS. Important to thb Militahy —Single volunteers, sq aus of volunTrors, companies, bittaliors, regi ments, briradea divisions of volunteers, in short, of »o’dierswho desire to be fitted oat with uniforms, o&n procure them iu the briefest time possible bj applying at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of flee*- h b A Wilson, bos. 60S And 606 Cheatnu street. Above This firm throws iotc the mijirarj department of t.ieir bu iness all their > kill, and the experience ol m&nv years in tbe clothing bus ness. Tbeumfoana got upbj them are elegant, eomfortabld T and Bnb&tantial. Heseetees—A hrgs number of the rebel soidieTs dajlj come over to rhe Union army. Thedesert o.- sof late have increas dto an aUrmirg extent, and it is said they are mainlv caused b'a desire on the part of the men to g*t in order that they may purchase new and durable suits at the renownea one pnoe ijilt Cloth ing *rstf»blißhment of Granville Rtok-s 6 9 ChestDut street,. Every purchaser is presented with a gift of use and value. This is sufficient to cause a whole army to cleat n. KRIVALS AT" THE PRINCIPAL" HOTELS. nr to 12 o’otooi kabt »iqht. CONTINEN S’AL HOTEL-Ninth and Chestnat, -lames C Hunt, Jersey W F' V Kay r *i icago H D vuiore* narrishunr Jos Plummsp & PitUV W WCornin.. W-isco.-fllfa TA ' esmeth oia,o P Po und Cmoi c&ti. o M H»njpto> k. lady K A Coicazo ff R Co Kshn 1 Hon i wen i-ovejoy. Jilt n-B Col n. D Baker Wm Ftejn lda N« w l'ork P J I-u Bois- New York J **«■-ith. New Yoik 2 s ear- Boston H evoorr C S i»ewHaven Miss m tn. Wash.DC H Mo Lean P PeUb rv Boston W C rni h. Verm nt J B Oui«n & -wf JereeT city t » ennard Ma saotiusettß WeliGuvenj. Ha risknr? MiwKu.v Hy.UamsDurs A 0 Smif's Har isbur* P K FendaU, UBMC Wxah Tving *liau merslougb. Minois a Taft Cincinnati, O W>. ‘■till-ell. New York Jrhn ti rda > ewY rt rV t A Coding. New Vo k Addington Venabl 8 Oxford R J Young. Midd etown X> J Young, I»udd:etovra C‘ pt W Oimton U • Harr.fion, *ew Haven Jos S Jonss Boston W P New Vork 'j bos P hieh Bos r *n F Boston Hon 8 P Cfaase, Waah’ton vUaCh *e Washington HO *VnU Hoo Pa<menter Hutton - h>o Burr, Jr. Boston P esoo’t Barber. • oston W n ' da-k, bosom OH par,, osion h 1 itohheld, J H Anderson J H IVi'-.d u-x, New York fhoa a 1) ivis. N>w Jerrer Lynfoid L&rdnor. USN Geo Wo*n Br«r, Ne«f YtirK Aif UO •« B .Itilß >re ««r T i.D f Jonn MaV p. ster, N* John Mrs Whi*a 1 Sl d v. P -mia W D Poster* Millville lir. l oeroak'r* lazaretto Geo Diehl. d - Hioe, ivetf r* H Atuea, New > ork W Franco FW6 i.owib Boston Ciias B.rnum, N<*w York F j rimbley, 14j/,Sy CiiH* Fridman, York J % i nin*er w Pratt. onoctiout J rßeii'r, Harrisburf V H Berghaus,. arripburg «eo Kopjte New Yore 5 O «-<>berta» New York J M»c*a-land, Wh*fcmit*n Mm*M cfapnnd W*»X Joe (VI W *ht an. Boaum E T Wilt-o i, Bnst a T C Amo y Boston J> hn F Pra*, Bost.m W D l av-Og , WMh.DC W -a? t labor. Kentucky Sami Clay, Jr, Kmuokf H J Ker«. Wash,!) -t W a Base* Baltimore J Jun-ata co, Pa BStrouae fcaml Hatch, Boston 8 Crody, Boston .JtoVFfr.-Fwtii strict. below Arsh J Chaniber’am. New Jera a y J Ki'kpa*rick, Pi taburg J J- Dumont. Men.pms, aon *• Bur ho'ouicw Omo Hon R U Hosier Fa E M clirocki Fi> Richard Kear, > a WJ Mui'a'a, Pa Phi ip -w.?ers. lowt Joi n a Jel y Coljamps . orb rt PK Abbot & sis, Fashm Uft on, l*«»ttavillo Airs Myh- rs ?«ew iorU Israel mintor. Pi J WiJriJ wford. Fa „ J ** irvm .«haron. Pa A W Irv.u. Nh-vrin.Pa MCTr ut,*han'n,Pa C 0 Trout, Muron, P& Ojj Green I itisburg B A Cfaaoe Fall Kiver H. KBoyr Sc la, 4*i-il.da M V ; eimett, New Hope DrSß'«w& a to bruns J * Ajdrew.i, ew Yoric H < itlefi d.'Vewerryport *’PMiller Atla to‘ ity in J oi.klii, Easton, a F "Warburg N*wYo*k. John Moore, LeUwuro uapt Gams n. Wash. 0 0 j IC Morgan, Jersey City PCLartough.NewYo.k THE UNiON-AraM aifrfet. above If rim H B Rurjee, New Jemsy J T Robinson, New Jersey J F Balnock, N Brunswick J V Foster, xxewark. N J Ad owark, i> J J w Pomeroy. i'luUd J Y Hall, Newark. ’* J Mibb C Linwood Ohm unworn!. Ohio Jos ■ ; Book. I'iti.bure N I nmpbell. I‘ittsbu g i‘ J Patterson. Pitlehuru He.bort 1 lionise baa on R G Mendenhal . Wash H. Men- O hvl. Wash T Wo in n Rieglesvillc .1 coml , Pennmivanta C Carroll, * li o J i ereh & lsdv.Brthlehfin ,(I'ut H deman. Ales • HonCW Pitinan.PoLtßviheGco ij I hil&a , Ch. Hiitnbrithc Pem a H ct■-( Fiost. Wouaie.-. 0 •J- i> Wiid-r, ISeW York V Monteouierj, Ba t. Md H L Ruioman, Halt, aid Wm Bjslire, Pittsburg EH Myers. Piltsbiirg G iW oage, Alie t heny uit, j. H Green, t‘a 67. LOO IB HOVK.!,—UH4,awi street, above Third, B G R< berts, i’hila Julia R Stover, Hellefonte lioac Potter, Penua F fcinest New York r, i< rn. it rheppard R Kien.l us. Mas aolnuett, J w K ng„tou, Penua h New Yo< s L New York J e Hutohenaon. JN York Jonn ttart. New Jersey U Allen, Now Jersey hi H Rood, W Minimum THE PRESS.-—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1861. Steamship Kensington. Baker, 48 houra from Boston, with mdse ana pissencers to Henry Winsor. £chr Evelina ( BrJ Kf-l-y. 3 d*ys frum Cat Island, with pine apples and b-inanss to Je/im t. loattergood A Co. tour Packet, Buokson idaylrotn Leipsio, Del, with corn and wheat to Jo* E Palmer, rchr G a stetson* BichvStays fromProvinoetown, with md*e to l»eo B Kerioot. -ebr Coernine. Willetts, from Key West July 13. via Alligator Reef Sd.h, with logwood and mahoyany from the wreck o. Br bark l lm'ux to Baker A Folsom. Solir A Hammond. Htune,6 dajs from Boston* with mdse to Crow !• & Cullin" . ' . _ . Sobr Cfmprooiso Andrews, 1 dar from Delaware Ci y, with grain to Christian A Cur au. Mary, Henar.c»« >n, 1 day trom Odessa, Del, with wheat and uats t«» Jas L Bewley A Co Bohr Annie Viraen. Cnambers 24 from Lewes, Dei. wiih n d«e io Jas L Haw ey & 00. :ohr P'ariuer Deiuty, I day from Milford* Del, with corn to Jas barratt A Schr Delaware. Denby, 1 day from Smyrna, Do), with vat* to Ja* L Uewley * Qo Bohr Vaucaii i. Co per. 1 day from Smyrna. Del. with cals to Jas L Bow icy A Co. „ _ . fcohrL»*wiBCla k, Strecher, from Cooper’s Point, Sotir AlllvDoe Ireland, trom Am-sDuiy, D :U Fienoti, stiles Irom Provid-noe. Bfobr Emma L Day, Hackney, irom Absecom. isieauier Antbraoite, Jones, 24 hours irom New York, with mdse to Wm R 1 Band A Co ■' Bteamor New y ork. Hunter* 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm P Clyde, Steauishiu Boston, Orooxer. New York, J AUderdioe. &our -fcliza & Liutharme, Bnii&rd, Harbor lsi&nd, I tclTr F Young* Faokw)* Portland* G Btooktium. tcnr Wm Garrison, (nawj coisun. Portland. L Au* ilenned 6s Go. :eiir Lewiß 'lark- Strecher, Lynn* J R Blakiston. ‘ohr ULctuoa, Xi elatd Q.umo», Tyler, etoue A Go, Sclir D to renchifiiyies«Providenoe,ni/bie, Ham rcett A -.aldwell. , „ . _ . _ Bohr Emma L Day* Hackney. Hyanms.Hewett & Co. 6chr M. J Yardley* Hooper- 6ali burj, Md, j W Lacon bohr Elizabeili Am, French, enow Hul, Md, captain* Ftr « Wjliir-R, Claypoo.e Butimroe. A Groves, Jr. StrN«w York, Huuter, New kora, W P Clyde. (Correepozidenoe of The Tress.) HAVRE D£ GRaGE. Aug. 7. Four boats left here this mornint, laden and con' signed aa lohows: ... , „ , Jas arratt. Jr. with ground ba:k and oats to Poplar street whari; Maid of tne Mist, railroad iron to Lav.d neeveo & noobomy* bails to J ik Uo» Hull At Davie, bitumiiiCUfieoai to Delawake City. Ti os Canfield. Vermont J G Kurils, biensn ROTKlo—Chwrtom* at*** *■**«* R H Cummins. I s’awarfl Geo Martin, Allegh’y City G Brnti.n, Jr W Fo -lows,-Car ■•on «o Mi**J rtnn'on r oo Baml Dickey & la, OxtorJ Mifts tT Oxford - H C Bond, lftooay. Fa W H ia n Fa ... H-m*. -ir. Pa niVnVoaiiy >ew Vofi W JL» Garbott. flow York J«P mWuNtw v ork Jolm - oßors ew York O L GaMicer. W»w York » H-JUw ba. Jersey Miore T R M'sreaves > as ton Jab *■ Biaok, Deltwara F Ha [UiMouri . >ort D f Jkton, Maryland j? C Bibo. Balt'm ro S Purn* 1 iieinware FA*-U'ti* Delaware Mi«% Cr-wforJ. Delaware Mi»s Miller, Delawaie rakin J S Graham Geo W junksoo. PhiU Geo tl Wnnley, Pm!a r. Bmttb, Philade ptiia STTATtiS maiffio* itreot, abore Sixth Win n Walker, ewistowa .i F ’"oTe* Ph ladelphin A Kirk. M-tryl nd J PRmith. ’ hiUdeiph a ** j B •"'nester fQ Lirut J W ?)eat. J Goo Brunner, hitadelphia Jacob eal). Pliilarte litna JW h vnns. Ch> ad-* phia John H Mines. Pit M>arg J S Campball, Pittsburg Wm Jones. « sston . rtdiho pfon, • elaware AW anderaon Pamsb'g W L Taber. Wash. DC H Pnw* e, Lancaster Geo • Boyer, Bnoaa er B F Wiciceraham-ra E C Jeff ries & ’a, l>ei co HH B *amoro, N Y w Forest * ennayivania W Dobbins, Lasoasterco H . aUsbacli k ia, Lancoo COMMERCIAL ROTEIr-SiKtb st.. above AG M Prev at. Tr«ntnu >IF Pomeroy. PoJtavjJle J I) Wii^y % h Bottom Pa R Wiiny, P ach Bot’m,Fa I'* Peirao •. Che«ter co- Pa J Stifiw. Phi adeipni* R T»eFhßfidel bia Mrs iti « Joly, i yrnnfl»r& W Ga«rth'. p. Ponnrv W. -» ri i-.»**^***WrCV (j D Hrtines i)«>vc’rVDt { P J N ioholß. /- xfo d moB 8 bv*n. Ox «rrf s m ob©s, Pi cemxvjiJe P LtndetMikie, liniouvil'e L J K>rJc, l.«.noabter oc NATIONAL—Raoo street, above "hird. J Ubncig F R Gilbert. ftTillerabure KG< ul* l , Wibisuißport J Re«n, N G T Hubert. p enna P Ulrer. Uh eravii e Jos Knrcli,' W Bi kel Pouaville J s Bonne. Luzerne co, Pa J L Boge and. Buo v scO,Pa Henr* ‘ eiß P tsvill* C Mutte**. Putotovn K H Tliomia. PoltavUie \V >• Voutc, Potioville REVERK HOi/cic—Third street, above ilaoo> r whi w«*h,do OHKnauss. S p «mull- Wil iainsriort A * Ayer, habii*lkii*eo T Pa. Jfretni ih Pratz, rcasona JJ. Barrett, Phila P A Gook, Phila BA’-O KAGLE HOTEL—’i'mrd et.» above Cnllowhill. A B Bertolt - ‘Tyleraport A T 1 Bethlehem P Repse New Jersey J Ja*o, Delawa e. * hio VrsJago Delaware,Chio J Albu-oitn S Bo er. Letrgh oo B Beck, Peadmg E Griffiih, Montg 00, Pa BLACK BSAR ftOTEL—'Third et». aboTO GaHowh llt J Yardltr-villo W P MilloriJLjTiiiivU'o h German- Weisenburg Lieut J HWo'th g W VoH, siUentown Pamt H "cmes. Cooperßb’g A Knawe, ’ BDGKemi, Pa B selig, Lehigh ooanty JS P Herb. Kradmg Chas wiland, Allentown BARLEY Seoond street, below Vine. J Beans Maryland W MoCa'ter, Trenton E *'ahway, N J D-m J’rf'sser, O.uakertown ES- tlandv, UA N >-U, o ema-.-b la HhM Palmer. UucltS J T Puok« CO Jones King bnßtol.Pa Dr Bradsnaw Pa r* Brow", Pennsylvania fitephea taylor, wewtown W Stavely, Pennsylvania MOUNT VERNON—’Jeoond street, above Aroh. Geo Dix *Vr Griswold New York O l, Ball, New Jersey A R : oan Del ooanty Miss M a WaiUiy. NY C J Walters, Pa PHILADELPHIA IJOARD OF TRADE, GKO. N TATHAM, ) l*H FRO* BINGHAM,? Commutes of tbb Month. WM. L. BERN. S . . LRTTKR ftAGft v.v ~Lec f&’jithariigXt ib*p Tunoarora, Oun'OTy-^ — ..LitemooLgoor. "'hip Lanoaster, D-oan - --Liverpool, soon } bu /Aary E NLiKiken, Nordea - - Matansas, toon ohr James J Dar. parrow B rbndoes soon YHt, STEAMERS, FROM THE UNITED .STATE*. SEIPO feEAVX tO* New Vork-Hamburg —Aug 10 Jof B-titimore.- New York I iverpool Aug 10 Horuui'i New - or*._Haji.burg iO Norwegian ttuebeo^Liherpool—— .Aur ib Africa - B ew Vorg-Liverpool Aug 14 Kangaroo-. New YorX.-i iverpool-^...—^.AUgiT Fuium Abr i? -uropa B« Bt''n..Liverpool—...» Aug 21 Em* New Aug 24 p»reia.-wv-T- New 2O Canada FROM EBROPE BHIP3' i'iIUVU i»JL7t Teutonia—..Southampton-New York———. July 21 aangaroo LiverpooUNew York July 24 .Boston- y 27 <t a , i.ivarpnni Nfltir Persia York— Aug a Boueiman Liverp ioL.Q,ue'.eo.«~— us iJ td'unurgh... Lve pool—A‘e« York.. 7 roman Soutnaniwion. -New York Aug S Nova lieotiaa Liverpool Q<jebeo~—Aug 4 —• Antwerp-N«w r'ork Iv Canaoa Livor^ol—Hoaton ...... .Aur O <ava*ia -New York-...,—-, -uc J 4 North American l6 Asia Liver w 001... New York—,.-.-~Auftl7 Vork-..—-.Aug tx The California Mail Steamers *aii ?rom New Yora ibe Ut, 11th, and 21et of each month, The Havana Steamers leave New x ork on tr<« 2a >H* 12th. Hth. and 27th <»* each njonth- MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Aog. 9. t&d 1U« RISKS.- -.6 8 -BUR SETS HIGH WATER— ARR‘ VKJD BELOW, „ Brig Kmmsi Bak«r* irom Boston, on Wilmington Greek. 52.rA.aKO- iTTiLnesarE. (i.iorrespondenoe of the Press. hiw i obi. AurS. Arrived, ship American Congress, London; brig Andress, from New Castle; brig Gilbert Meredith, Irani LOfcho.n. Boston, Aug *. Arrived, bng M W Bodge, from Havana, MEMORANDA- Shiv Marathon,Vandyke, at Cagliari ISth u'.t. lrom lsland Queen. Bolitno. at Malta 13th ult. from ? hip Joshua M&uran, Miliikon, hence, arrived at Ha- uit Bark A l Harvey, Miller, at Cardenas Ist mat from P ava . ta ‘Bark Washington Butoher, Collmo, sailed from Gar dena* SOtn ult. " . bark Marian, Fowler,sailed from Havana 3lat alt, for boston. .. ' ~ x _ t ri g Be ta, Johnson, sailed from Havana 2d mst. for Philadelphia, „ „ . Brig j m Houston, Russell, a»il6d from Cienfuegos 19 h ult. for Ptulaaelpnia. t . . x _, Brig Cornelia, (Hutch; froogen, iienoe* arrived at Ha vana 23d ulc. _ Rn.s Wm Dresser, Ha f ch- and Marcus. Crockett, Providence for Philadelphia, arrived at Newport s.hinst‘ Brig H. Leeds, Smith, sailed from Rookl&nd 31st ult. for Reweu's Isle, to load for Piulaoelpma BriftCS Woo t-r« i oro, iieooeiarnvodaf BathCthms'a Hng Wm Mo Gilverv. Baraman- tor Puiladelplua, sailed from Cardenas 19;h ult—sinoe captured by a yri 'rig*John Baloh, Bojle. hence, arrived at Havana 29th ult. oris Ella Reed, Davis, sailed from Havana23d ult. for Kelly, sailed from Havana 2d inst. for Phi »delpbi&. „ , ' - ohr i r&usif, Correr, from Rio de Janeiro, arrived at N-w Yon, jesteroaj. , , Babr M Placer ribzaard. cleared at New York job terdaj lor Wilm ngton. Del , _ Scnr A Tirroil, mgsins, cleared at Boston 7th mat. for Philadelphia. . . _ . Aot>r C b Carstairs bef re reported ashore on Ram foru Is.and. was tovred i.fl on Mo. daj. yctr M. nmouth, Anderson, hence, arrived at Provi ueLoe 7 ti mat „ cohis D « Meatman. Gcull. a n d Wm L Barton, Hand, saiico from Piovidei.ce7 h inßt. lor Phii'delpuia o<h r Jvna Warren, Luzior, honce, arrivod at New portfttn Lit. . , , , , ic:.r kl j Pickup, Pickup, hence, arrived at Nowpurt 6th inst. >ohr Alayt a Suaan, for Philadelphia, suled from Newpoit 6th Inst, , • lt . ion> Ada Ames, Ames, benoe, arrived at Rooklaud Ist lust *ohr H Staples- Gibb 3, sailed from New Bedford 7th inst. for Philadelphia. w Botirs tJ W Fr e. Phillies, end Moore, Black, iience. arrived at >ewbur>port Bth iiist*. ■ ijuuro Wm w bla oj, Nortun. aouiua Ann. Smith, and P ideiia. Wheatdn, oieirid at Boston 7ih icst fur Phi adeipliia. yci.r a hamiiton, Davis, at Now \ork7th met* from ssndj Hill, too .... Bo»ira John Hoffman and Matt a Caroline, oleared at New Raven 6th lust, for Philadelphia. M Sobr Jocatnam Cone, from Fall River for Philadelphia. 6th cat, Sehr K W Beutoa, Tailor,hence, arrived atProvi dei.oa 6th inst. *i>.op Be'-a of Cape Ann, Green, henoe, arrived at Qloucnstei 6th met fcie.kiiier uoooord Norman, cleared at New York yes tei(Uj for Philadelphia u Sieauer Barm. Jones, benoe, arrived At New rork yesterday. — -•-——— — JSJfc'EOiAkjLi OTIOE-8, But Your Bathing Bobes for Ladies, Gents, and Children,at SLOAN’S, au7-3i* 80ti MARKET Street, Phils, SOFFERBRS WITH DISEASES OF THE BLAD dsh, Kidiiiiy.. Gravelt Dropsy, WoakDen, As., read the adveitieement in anotlier ooutmn, headed “ Heirn boid’s Genuine Frepatations.” tf CviH DU»ku«v iii’ THi: LaTEJJ xTirsa, made in tits best manner, eiprctgly for i£H TAIN BALES. LOWEST aslling prise, marked la J ia:n Figurea. All goods made to order yrarrantad utislaetory. Oar ONE-PRICE cyatem in atrisGyxd .eredto. Allure thereby treated alike. Kll lt JONES fc 00.. 604 MARSET Street. HAtfCHiiLoiyft JaAiR ova.—'Jims celabrt.ted and perfeot Hair Dye is <A. 6<el in the woriii. All others as& Laar* imit&ticas of this {iioat original, which has extensive patronage in all parts of the globe, The genuine VT. A, Batchelor’s Liuuid Hair Dye produces a spiondid black or natural brc*mx, without staining the skin or iuiuriuE the hair, tad will ranted!/ it* Hi tffws ef dyM, invigorating the hair for life. Sold by all Druggists au4 Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNESTOCK & CO., DYGTO & Ga.FkiisielDhi*. jaiU-tf (iaDVaB & Baeßß’B OBI.HS?.AT3i- NOIBELESS FAMILY BEWINB MACKIKK?. Vie Beet in tfre lor Family Betring. Dabd Paissnra, «sst and Cheapest jm tk* City, at .14 Beatk THIRD Ctroet. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, BeatandOheagaet in the City, at 34 Bonth THIRD Street. OIKOVLAB PRINTING, DeM and O.eeeeiit in the City, .t S 4 lentil THIRD Strut PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other deurie Don of Printing, ef the moat niperior vitality, at the meat reawnable rate., at RINBWALT A BROWN’S, Hrexel’e Heildutg, 34 Sentk TJtIKB Street, deU-tf HA.RRIRO BOYLE—WILSON,—On the Bth instant, bv the Rev. W. H..Rriaba»ie, Mi r hos M horieof P duo&h*Ky.« and ,/ <ißa l izzie *. Wilson of s h'h deiphi **AYMOV—Y.—On tne6th insta. t, ar the residence e«rtl,*- « nde’a 'a'her- bj tJj© it©v, F. ft tll« Rev, «'** r-iysnu tn Vl%ry Lo.'d. da; «hlf»r i f John Jtly Esq , all of Nu w V ork city * fificLRLUND.—Hie re’ntivps au’t of Gao. w. MoLelland a e respectfully inviird to attend bi* funeral, from hie Ute re«i<i< noA 8 8 'r-h st eet, r*n Rataroa- JOtti i-ialant at 3 VcUok. Fu eral a rvice at tie Aicn-street Churan at four o’cock- pucctu iilj. ** BU V!G ■ RDNE ' <to the Bth instant., Mrs. Marguret Fumganlner. m the 63d vetrof her ««e. The relaMves nnd frie <h ol the fa-m*lv are respeot fu ly invited to attend the tunerai, from the reside* oe of ns sun m law, James t-iohmoml stre*i, belotr Lehigh avenue, o'* Saturday afternonn 10th instmt,at 1 o’elcuk. Io preoeed to Hoxborough Ceme terr. ** Uft K fi FR —°n the6Ui instant. Edwin W.. voungrst ton of Fdwm W, »iul a, v. Esther* aged 18 years, 2 months, and 6 d-iya. Funeral from the reaideno* of hie grnndfathT. william Bramh'e, Daibr ro"d- below Walnut street, west PUil.adelshia* this (Friday) aUernoon* at 4 o’olor-k * T the 6th in'fant* C arleo, son of George W* and El zi 1 ox. ag -d 3 yoara and 7 mor ihs. Funeral rhe o* bis parents. Bring lnirst street, Germa&toyrn, this (Friday ) afiemooD, Pta o’clock * F YLE.—Ob the Oth inulant, MissAlico Payle. in the 79ih year of hor age. Funeral from the residence of Mr. Hiram C Vander gn t, at Bustle ton. Twenty-third ward, this (Frida?) ati2Vt. « BRADY—tho 6th mstaut. Patrick Brady,in the 4'th year of his age—a native ol the Gonnty Caven, lrriatid. Funeral from his late reeidflime, oonrt, DillwTn street. Uttween Gal owhiU and W How and 4 bird and Fourth thi° < Friday >morning,at9o’olook. * C^HTER*—On the 7th iustant Graoe Carter, aged 3 months. Fuupral this ( Friday 'morning 9oVook. from the resident)* oi h*r parents, JVo 6 Disiriot place, tenth s*re*t, above Vm*» * &.V N 8 tFe'Jowihiu N, J,» on the morninr of the 7th ms ant Raima d'lighter of raomsl B and hlisa A.rvans in the 6Mi year ofne age. rwne« ,, »l fr«m her parents* lesidenoe. 1017 G'een street thisiFr'darlßDArnoon-Oti ii B‘ant, , 't4o'clnok ip VI i N —On the 7tn matanr, Matt J;. d‘-uniter of Jacob and Har*-i -t hipmin- in the 22d year of her aze, Funeral from her Liberia residence "live street, He'ow Hroad.thia (Friday)morning, tne 9thinstant, at 90’clook. * ilfl OURNTTO RTORK, & SOM CHESTNUT novielltnc R!a«k ompe niarsrz at 25 and ceuta. Black b-ireKea. at 25 and Sltf oenK. Blaok7-4 wide bareges. GO and BVA cent*. Beooud-moununi popli-s. 25 oentf, Gray miseH iaveilas, 12Kc. Gray mottled raodenns. !2>40. Gray mix*d wide madonnas, 183^0. Black and whit-- printed grenadine bareges, life. Shepherd plaid real rranadm** bareges, Bdc, Biaokand white Paris organdies.2sa. Jrl fys** POST OFFICSi, PHILADELFHrA, f 7 Aususc 8- >661. N* w WTYLE OK GOVERWIWKNT RT4MP FT) is now rendr. and fo" saU «t this office } xchsneeßWll b* nnde of the newstyle f rsti eouivalent a»« rt unt of th • old js*ue during « period of FIVE da»-« from rh% o l ' this notioe. **fter whch no under cover of the old issue wi \ be sent from thisortii©, C. A. W*LBORN, a«9 fit ' Postmaster. •y-s» THE COOPMI-ShOP VOLUNTEER l y COVfWirT N, at the of wjiiiam M. Coo*»«r, F*q., Ctsego (l*»te Church i st'6«t. he'ow Washington aven e. that “ppev's, dio r ot d b’ actual are never made in vain ueon the benevolaaed of ,-ur OitiZPns. we, co- fidentof th*« ♦rue p-i*riot.'sm and oha- T'-ty of whstwe hav» undertaken, hold>y make our. ap peal for the perpetuation of this establishment. Fitnated as our room is we are daily and n*ghtl» surrounded by laree bodies of men an rote for the seat of lebellion. Those nm are filled with na triotirm, bravery. enthußihsm—m fact, everything requisite to m r ke good so'dieiH except bßtar.tial bodily refreshment. 1 hat is ho done? *ro they tj passthrrugn aselgsh oit as huagr? and unrefresh°d a* they enured it? I hough they can have'-ur tune and-ereriii* s stil as we Have refresh d half '>f the rs wh > have pa sod through the first of May, the substantial portion of the benefi s onferred n us’ fat* outeid a cort ibutious ■ ill you not aid us. those who have dear ones at 'he seat of war. and those who p-tfion al consideration exempt love or country? Bs§id?s rpmeThet th<t words of Him who said “ Fo who fiiveth a oup of water in my name, giveth it time.” CoTitribut’ons of monvr, and nrovisnns of any do se uptown,such as o ffee su ar, &o.,wiil be received thankfully at any of tho places designated below or oon.miinications left at the said places w.l' b»* answered by the Committee sending t<> any pl&oc in the city for the cort. iturnons charitably bestowed COMMITTEE F -R RECEIVING CONTRIBUTIONS. WILLIAM M COOP R. aDaM M SIMP -ON 9 Oueen t treot. AsTWUK ft. SIMPSON, sectional Dry Book, Chris tian-street wharf. C- V. Fop is* street. H NhY PI r KCi . 812 outh Front street WM M. MAUi L,3Su Catharines-eet. WM H. PENM 28 South W harve*. G- O. M. FLI K, Hi ' orth Front snoot. EBEN C. JaY fc, 242 liesnut*irr«t. W. * t PALMER. U -tnil 13 Water streot. CAPT. H. CAIN, 17 Rook place. L. B. M. DO LB v, a!2 German BtrePt. KOBiß'' H, |l ALFY Hold Boater. 212 Dock al. C *p. JONKB at the ontinontal HnteL THOMAS Prt’Bidont of Bank of North America. WM -TRUTHER 1 ?, firm of J. Struthera & Son. 1023 Market street. . J'JhN B. M YT r°. 232 Market Htrest F, H DRbX Xt, 31 South l'nird street. ••DWaR Lt* vLRLi'G.Dfi outh Front street. CAPT. R. J. H ppm V 320 Ree*! street. HIR'M H W^-88-1216 Moysmensing avenue. FU2I» r KICK & HjbRATY.B. W. corner Queen and Swanson. i P.t ward «. HALLtCorn Exchange Bank, aufimw&lr 3t* IKSt'BANCK COMPANY OF THE j. 9 PTA«BO B PENNSYLVANIA, August ft, 18 1. The D*rector* havoth , sd , <v dec ared •w 'rlV-DLN D oM(l P**‘R CENT., or TWELVE DOLLARS per snare pv&be'o the Stockholder*, or their legal Re presem&uvcs, on demand. auS IQt WILLIAM HARPER. Secretary. |Yy» OFFICE MORRIS CANAL ANDOANK LJS ING CO , Jshsky •n Y- July S 3. 188». iJIVIDEND NuTlCt*..—The Board of .-ireotors have < eolared, from the eamines of tho Canal, e semi-annual Hvtdend of FIVK P» R CENT, upon the Preferred f took, pp.yahle on and al v er the Bth daj of Augu*t next* at toe Office of 'he Company, at Jeisey Ci-y. or to Btockholde>fl in and near Philadelphia, at the office of E. W CUrk &. Co , there. The transfer- B 'oks will be closed from the 25th iußt. to the 6th of autust. jytfi I*o 6' L N. Secretary. rr*r* NOTICE—TO THE INHABITANTS OF isj DAILY ot W »• hKLY PRESS can be h-d «t the counter of ni» stern, or served at your houses regularly, at an ear ▼ h^nr, W.C. &HKARD, jylB-lm* Ageut for The Press , in Prankford, OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA LLS AND DARBY COMP NY. PuiUDRLPniA, July IS. 1861. The Board of Directors havo tbis day declared a Di vidend of TW»*N Y-F V- C..NTB per share on the Capital tiloct of th s Comimnr, outstanding this d&y, i»iyat>leon and afier the 2S binsc,at tha Office of tue Treasurer, No »3 ; Walnut street. For the of tne Stockholders, tho Trea surer will beat the Depot corner of Darby avenue and Fo p ty ninth street (opposite the Gray’s Ferr» road.) between 3X ar d 6 /. M . on tho 27tu inst., prepared t» pay the above. Tra-sier Books will ba closed until the 3fitb wst« TUGS, WPaRK-S. Secretary and Treasurer, jvlß’lm No. 1 'I WALNUT street. NOTHIE TEST! MON I A h l'l FAVOS Ol' SCHENCK’S PULMONIC SYRUP, From B Gentleman of Higk Piaiidinz, and Weil known bj the - i’rea,” of New Verk • ity. New York • M an h 29.1861. Dr.J.H Schbnoic— Dear Sir: Ihnvoaiwa«ethought, since taking tour f'yruji,\d the year 18<9 tl>atlou«ht tA-i-ake an r cfe owied&ement froyouofth** baii^fijial tfffCtft f rP6flV**d from tbft earns. (O th t anotlier i viLg wimeu muht be adoeo 101 ha number that fern the goodly throng whoso voices sneak in praise of the in d-oine that in s resio ou them to h A abh and proloi>c cd tneir exieteuo*. The mn»i> y that »e have p*i-i f r your o ed ci ie »e ooUFeq'iei.c'i when compared la the great. g* odand henim- power d ; ri e<l trom tbo us* of ic; ana it is & poor re r urn,in mr ea imation wlipu you o« l» retftin t e moLB) for the go«Kl i one. I would goturther—' w ild B:>y > d siret p omuigatea t u'h —animportan truth to tho xorM. thit Dt. j*cheark has in r«a!n* discovered a mouicmft. ihe of which net with mae-cM f fleet on the d seued and worn out porticos of our hodie<». and more particularly on tfce Farts directly atfected, f.»r wmct\ t,b* m**icice in p- cu ar ! y 'idivted. I desirft walk lorih au I prooiaim. that from sickness aad J was restored to heal h b» me nse of that for the benefit of other suff3re r s, who nro gr >min< out a »'ißerab!e existenoe, m gnorai.oo of tr e potent oharm near &r. ImnO. i wish to asfaemoDt—a voluntary Bta‘on--ctir of rov condition sufferings, ex e rietice, and views Teepactimr r.h* Krette^t»nn purest medioineof the ag *—i>chenck y x Pulmonic Syrup My hrst ruplpassnt leeliug of - complaint in my was occasioned by s l eep*ng several montns. during the sum mer season, on the fl >or with tne he< do< the b d near the the p >s tio ■ like the between deoks- fa ship -with a wind sail u 11 tinz the area wt-h fresh ai*. lexppr encod a t'glrness «cr a 3 ir-y t heat thv was at times very I'lstr&R* ne ; m d when atte* with a cough I could not anything. I often tried various remedies, but they aif\>rdeu me no more '/oilef than atu-i.blerof odd wster. a»id that was very ■ itclo. Thi* w s dante ths »cw iB*4 I ooutinUCd tO be troubled moreur lass w.thihecomoUint un'il -b® yc r 1846, wm n I c a severo cold bf e eeui g seven weeks in a be-nre I wsb ful'> aware of tne badefTsiFstuenfroin i ro u :, ed m inftanama t'on of client an ’af er bleedinc and b<iste*itig and pur-in« with calom*t 1 was ag in as well a-»rual- But t» k»ng co*d soon again, brought on a relaose of ase* oonuary form of the comoluiub. watch aesumed more aggravated features. 1 coulo go a o <nd and atiecd to m) business, but the torture a; d wi*err 1-udu ed<*n xny ‘eft bre st the of disease. w%* agor.iziug at timei. f wrull c.rocn and writhe wh lo sit-ins m my ordinary rocupation l ike a snako implied by h runtor’s spear. But ii wa- ot no - vail, .he piin the. spot, tne ago- y was Ihe»e ) tried «n issue; whne y. ran the vis. ase aeeratd to abate in its intensity, and I fan oivd it would err » p tho irtnrualsore* Vainih-m ht - As r he issue dried up- the returned- and wuh •it my despair. C« n umpiion wi'h nli its horrors stared me in the face, and it seemed to me th»t all relief wns o osi d 1 tried vanouß a hut no-h ns would netp me. At last, I whs 'uduoe » to read * P'.mnblot and dumb man *a*e tne Pulmonic Syr'D. ai-d it s-omed tp '.ne- ftllfir perufiin it thr,U rowora oI px'.b t o co befoio me. laattliu day of my oppression was over, and that tor money only money aioie—l oou’d be reli- v<d of a disease I could no 1 , shave off by any ordtrar* con mou method. It seemed th«t if I coni only raise the urea’ hulknf pli'egra in 11 y chest. 1 would b oared 0 Here was the difliou ty. i cuu'd no« raisaany hing n, any means. Inthesorins ot 1 49 I first used the Syrnp. i bought abotr>eand ua d it up aud another, and another, until Ih> d taken s.x bottles when the phlegm aod mat er began to loeatua d come up, ereailv to wit relit»l U n id v-'drtn«Sjrvi> into me daily, ai d f.he ph ogm and matter iticrcas-’n i* quantiry, until Ibe oanit* a'a med It seemed that the Hyrnp had sapped tbeiiundat-onnfabusem-CAofc ‘Truptiou.aud hntit was forcing it upwards r pidly through the 01, If chan nel that could omit it ' continued tora tear and onuer totakeihe a»d improved in hea ! th last. The horrid 1 m« ohsat lefr me and I gradually spat lea* and loss. I ielt that I was o red—that I wa* a new nm —'h'OUßh me healing ii flueuoe "i SeAewcfc'a Palm nicSyr-p 1 took *n a»* ahoutfii botrl a s, and tne SSU expended in ihe pun hase of the m?d cine wasno tiimK the >ears o ! comfort a d happ'nesß I have enjoyed sinoe The mo icn.e is oti'ap at any price, a- d no pecuniary con- delation should deter people fnm usins «t who lequire it. 1 have reco mend-d it. 10 eeve-aloasß*; ana -ll who have so used it have been grea'l* relieved cad our <1 Ibelievnitisa m dioi* e tout should oe more widel knosn ai ri apDre- through'ho ecKthand 1 read'.h of the ptoialW »nuie United Btat*s where Consumption car rieuoff its thousand*—where the you ga' dfau the strong »i.dw***k, uccumb to its sc ursine effects. Hut ) believe at thf* sime tha ‘‘'here is a tiinol'T everything ” and that if penp'e who are s'okly,and threateneil with Consumption, would tnks timely ward ing. *nd pro lire this med oi* e in. re. son, «ln.t many valuable liv s migbi besav« d 'haf&reiinw,>*sitwero, immolated at tuo shnne of prejudice ignora u", and biito ry becomint the oark aio* Idj n t believe that a person in 'he very lan' stag-* of 1 minum non who is tau-nn* for breath wi'ht-ee*eBfixcdwiththe**deat.h -Btare ” and'he ‘ deHtn-ra'tle” in the ihroat. caube saved hy «ny human p war; a<dus »h s is not the a-e of m raole* p rforineuisireotif y the iiun<l of God, th* victims must die; iw 1 do believe tha miraoles are sti * perfoimeu on me eartn iiidireotlybyood—byuu man ttgencjnnd that, 1 persons woolly given up by phy*ioianaas ircurai le would tbiok and act for ibem- BH ves aud 1 ok hbroad in toe world and seowiattlie world 0 »i.tains that ili-n atm there tney w uld s«»e tui gain the light of truth and powfr t ndingtothe mira< ulous prw»-ervation of rheir bofli 3 Torn di -»use. But the world is sd 'ull of i*» p -aoion ot every kind and shade, that pS'iple are slow 10 benoie nnd many liaisons HC’ually die because the? d » not like to vio late the rule of irx ir lives, wherein they cons der everything tad—everyth!'g a h* in ug—evory king fnbuh us unless ei.d » Btd and rec-»n mended by s mu paritcul r peiaou entertainin'* the shius views as their own. In conclusion 1 would say. that if persona tuffaring from ilow-uiupuon, in its different staso*, wnl p i cure Pulmo* io >yrup they will frevect tic further inroid ot 'he insidious mon*ier rom pursuing them unto -ea h- They will realize the tru n thxt* prevention is be ter ihan cu r e.” for many oau be pieven'ed fr>-ni h ving Oorisump'ioo, who oanuot he cur«d w-en death is sue to claim ihemasltisown. iou struly. eR'PP^u No, 162 Went FlFrEENl'HfiSeoL NtwVork. ])r J H. cm be fo*nd at ills Office. No. North SIXTH Mreet, Phil' dclpi.ia. on FkIDaY and SA » URD aY of o ioh w ek, to tive aovicc. He treats uo disa so but those of rli* 1 ul.ks, Liver* and and iimk?a no ■ hamcs for iiuvcc. or or examining i.unes in the ordinaryw y.orAßphyaicKns tenerallt ro; but tor a then ugh tx-ii.-ination with the bespiroiußter he charges ih<ee dolors, and wishes evt ry one that ha* a couch, pam in the side orrhuul der-1«i«*l troubled with cos iveness ordia rheet, sal low complexion, ioaßof low spirits, restless nes«at nights ornuj othoroisesse lending to Consump tion) to o&llon hint, as above, and get nis advice IS of Hr. SCmEN K r - Meriiowes am lor sale* wholesale and retail- at li s I'nnoipat • flics- No.-9 North BlXi'H street, Philadelphia) and by Druggists and DenWa everywhere - ■ Piloe of the PULMONIC BYRUP and S* 1 A-W BED TUNIC eaah ONE DOuLAK par bottle, or sir bottles for FIVE DOLLARS. Mandrake Pills Twenty five otats per box, au»3t COMMISSION HOUSES. COFFIN, & CO., No. ()« CHESTNUT STREET, (fler by the Package the following Makes and De scriptions of Goode: .PRINTS. JJUNMKLL MFO. CO. GRSFN MFO. CO. BLEACHED COTTONS. Bar Mia, t.or.edale. Hopei Bi okßtoQe, Green Mfg» Oo T , Bed Bank* Mariposa, Jamestown, Slatersville, Belvidere. Centredale, &o BROWN COTTONS. Fredonia.Ohio, G»oton. Si'verSprin i, GlenYiUe, Eagle, Mechanic’s ami Farmers Union* Ac. CuR-SET JEANS—Glasgow, Mnnoheßter. AND Jew*U Hty, raadison, Slatersville, Agawam, Keystone, Ohootaw. FLANNELb— SlatersTille, Agawam, Shephard’s BILIBIAB—Smith’s, Lonsdale, Diamond Hill. WOOLLENS. BJtUAD Pomeroy’*, (jl cu . £am, OaSMM ERKB AND DOESKINS - Greeuiield, Qay'o, Stearns*. SATIN * Tfc’—Bfisg River. Crystal Springe Oonvers ville« Hope, St'ffordvjoe, Converse and n?<ie, Converse Brothers, Bridgewater. A I*o, Flannels, Linaajg, Kentucky Jeans, Nanke««B» MokiUKir, Colored Cambrics rrmtedCJ.oakine*. &o. an 9 rmw3m WILLIAMS’ FLANNELS ANGOLO, MERINO, SAXONY, BTC. VARIOUS WIDTHS At»D QUALITIES- Kor sale by WELLING, COFFIN, & CO fmw PRICE, FERRIS, & Co., farther notice, will continue to ofler their wholesale e*ook of WHITE GOODS, linens, LACES, and emskoidekies, AT RETAIL, At their wholesale store. NO. 5*5 MARKET Kitreordmary Hduoem«nta will be offered to those wishing to purchase aQ* thine tn their liuw soa cash* PRICE, FERRIS, & Co. avillSt - * Di\ G.ODS AT 'IHLLOWEiU' M.iR- K-T RATFS. Bar- see. Cfculliae. Tame-tine., O hoao. BLaaonaab. , Mnhai » Alnaoa, Plain Br w . and 'an Cot-red i at. ne nl "f Biaok Silks. Small Figured frks Biue- Green, and ; ilco Plaid Silks. i araer • Uids, vjj cheap. M*n and Bo s Wea . ■ ■ca and oboap. House Fur. i hinr Goods \»0O mi.b G.-n s* suspenders at 63 oenta, worth el. Ad’oided bargain. Also, Fift. do*>n wonts’ Linen Camb'ic Handker omels, at 86 p u r dozen, ver j oheap. at _ JOHK H STOKES’, . anS Toil *KOH Street, PJI.OTHS, UASMMRRES, VESTINGS, t oomprisini a fine stock at'ow rates oi men’s and boys wear ■ ooper *. ,o mu. .007 a E. oorner ftin'H ftud MARKET. BUBDIT UK LaINKS AWD BAREGES. and $3 full length barege robes. Summer dress goods at hair p, ioe. Biaok urB63 goods, a fin-, assortment. , _ „ COOPER St COWARD. au7 B.E. eor. NINTH and nt ARK El'. Entire m&ntili.a s».ock Reduced 40 per cent. to close it. B ireains m dmt?rs and lac l * mantles Best hoop skirts, right shape, and roliabie. „ o‘jOF h-tt a r* D. aa7 x. E- mtrsis *n4 \i abhk?. HiUSF-FUKNIVBIMG DRY GOODS, of ever, description, cheap for oa»li. COOPER A fIONARD au7 3. E. nor.NINTH and MARKET. MANTIIAjA store. Vbc most splendid SILK MANTLES in the sity. HOUGH & CO., jeß-Im !U SOUTH TEiYTg gILK MANTILLAS. In erery new style, the riehsst unalities oyer seen, at the elegant New Store, 9* SORTS TENTH STREET. HOUGH & CO. jet-Urn B&OWN HILK3, bELBUT SHADE*, ORDERED. GoM Brown Poult de Boies. Gord B u« **oulc tie eoiee, Good Silks for City Pales. EY*E A LA.NDELL, auZ-tf FOURTH ana ARCH, (2.00 m STOCK OE STAPLE DRY A GOODS. C-molete sesortmentof Muslins. Comp'ete ass >rtmenti,f Flan -is. Complete Stock ol Eouseh .'d Goods. PYRK A ' A-“DELL, ana-tf FOURTH and A»CH. BLAIKiII KS AT NET CASH PRICES. Good Black Grode Phines. O"od B »"k Crode alsaandcri Good Hlaok Grode Imperial. Good Black Gr de Grain 91. Good Biaok Neat Figured *ilka. EYRE & LaNDELL, au2-tf FOURTH and ARCH. GOOD?- STILL FURTHER REDUCTION IN SUMMER STOCK* in order to insure sales and realize Cash. Fine Chintz oolored Paris Organdies. Do do. Pans Jaconets. Medium st>!e do. do. Dark Brown Lawns. iSH Bilk Ch&l'ies* Bareges. Barege Anglais. Cray Goods, Pop l ins, Moum de nines. Ac Black Tamartine Crape de Fsoang, Ac. Foulard *ilks and vifanese, to. 'White GooJb in variety. A fine line of plain Swibb M ueUfiS, 13 ft to N Otl. Black Late Mantles. ttournouaand Faints. Bia/ k and Colored Stella Shawls A very cheap lot <f Linen Cambric Hdkf*. A good stock oi Flannels and Domestio Goods at the lowest market rates, Jor cash only. CHAR ..Eg ADAMS A SON, jy3o*tf EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. BLaUK FIGURED SILKS. A'mail Lot Ju.t Received. Small figure, at TSoenta. SHa R LKBS BROTH! E RS, 1,28 CHPSTKUfand HlgWfH Rh-Mt.- OIORINA ROBBS. A Verr desirable Coloring, in New Goods. Measuring 16 to 18 tarda. rrioca. SI to SI 50. j Tafl 3b AafLKSB BROTHERS, ENGLISH B‘.H!G S. Mixtures and Printed Figures. In Fine Qualities, at very Low Pnoes. Frenoh aud English Biregen 8 4 wide. jj26 BROTHERS, 1©i?l —memorable YEAR! ! XOvPAs hard on dry goods i VERY LOW PRICES I STILL MORE REDUCED! THORNLKY A CHISM, N. K oor. FIG J i’H and SPRING GARDEN, Want to sell their stock cUan off. And have consequently REDUCED TttEltt PRICES, VERY LOW, INDEED. Fanoy Silks a little over half prloe. Some Btvlea of prioe. Lace Mantles, Pointes. Funnies Ac., very cheap* Black rsilka, the cheapest in Philadelphia, A great variety of Gray Gooes. Lawns, Ao.» Ac. A very lar*e stock of i*om*stio Goods. A vert Large stock of Linen Goods. Cloths, Cnsrimeres* Vestings. Ac.. Ao, N. B.—This is a KARL CHAN JB »o get goods un usually cheap. A «*-HISM, N. K. Cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GAp DEN. N. B—From this date, July 9th, Terms “Cash on Delivery.” iy9 SUKMsR, STOOK OF DRESS ' -OODS AT PRiot.? according to the TiiaKS.-ropima, Bateses. Silk ChnlUea. half »rioe t iJh&Uie Delaines rv duded from 26 to 12K0.; Spring Chintzes reduoed from 13Kto8o. Special attention is requested to our stock of Organ dies and Jaconet Lawns, whioh we 'ire bound to close out at a low figure. CHARLLS ADAMS A SON, jeSO BIGH VH and ARCH Streets, Bargains ! b \mAim ! i GREAT SACRIFICES. EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS offered in toe balance of our Stock of ° SUMMER DRESS GOODS, now olosingout GREATLY UNDER COST PRICES. Bargains is Lace Mantles, Bourn«us. Pomtes. Bargains in trilk Coats, Basques a-d Mantles. BARGAINS IN FANCY SILKS. BARGAIN ! IN BLACK SILKS. 60c. Mohair Grenadines for 36c. 150. Delaines, new styles, for 83. 500. Organdie l awns for IBKo. UK9. Lawns, fine quality, lor 80, jyl No. 7< II North TENTH SUrccL above Crates. AB/tNhKUFI' IMFOtiTEKS *TnoK of Samples of Linen Cambrio Handkerchiefs, in bem-stitohea. sheer-corded-and embroidered from 10 oents to 6S cents eaob; a great bargain purchased a sacrifice for cash, and to be sold in the same way only. CHARLES AD'M* A SON. leap EIGHTH and ARCH. Streets. i-AOE VJSILb. —A choice lot X juat purchased from a bankrupt importer, and for sale at half price at „ CHARLES ADAMS A SON, jeao EIGHTH and ARC** Streets. FtfENOH liAOfl POIMTb, BuUßNuua, AND MANTLES —A larg«* stock to be sold at less than wholesale prices. We cannot be undersold in these goods. CHARLES ADAMS A SON, jeao EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. A/JOe QUITO NETTING, all colors; Tarle lv.A tan, all colors* for oovering glasses; Plaid and s™, whol.»le if r l oe.. ADAMg & 1030 KtOHTH »nH Alt OH Ktreee,. NOXlvi.! i i-T* On niul alter tun date THORNLEY A CIUSM will offer EVKB.Y BOBSIBIiE IWDUCEMEJf'i TO CASH PURCHASERS OF DRY GOODS 1 . Being determined to noises ihttr Stock they will ties Good Bargains!! Beautiful Fancy Silks for 76 oents, worth 91.13 Heavy Rioh Fanor Silks for fl, well worth #IA . Grenadine and Barege Goods, about one nail thru value. Cray Mixed Goods, in every variety«from 8 cents per ’’fl&Tffl&fc EIOH AMD IiBS'tfKOHS, VEKY CHEAP. Meat Bl&ok Brocade Silks, double faced, Ac.. Ac. De Lainea, Caliooes, Catwimeres, Cloths, vestings, *tinenst J Muslins, Flannels, Omits, Covers* Ao,, A«* SHaVtL AND CLOAK-ROOM EXHIBITION. French Laoe Mantles, Pomtes, Shawls, Eugenes. Cambria Laoe Mantles, Chantula Laoe Goods, Ae. Ws ‘L«teA°« blß ' MIJbITAKR fiOUUES, u ■! HKi E- l E IRB ME S. REUROITB o and v luntkehs wanted for the he lll UL>R ARVtY Term of service, ihres Par. to $25 per mouth. You ua d now an op portunitj toetliataud»Brv6 under graduates of West For full partmui&rs, apply at 800 CHESTNUT St., corner of tigitih, up stairs. * up a<n JOHN V. HAUGSEY, saB-12t Fifteanth infantry Reoru.tms Offioer. SW^ioThiij —A iinished drummer and filer for the United States frigate Potomac Als •. 600 able bodied menf- r the Uniteu Ma es marine corps f*»r sea and land sei vice, immediately. Ap ply at Rendezvous, No. Hit o. FRONT Street. V J Ist Lieutenant W. oTOKEB BOYD, jy9o-m Recruiang Offoer. |J THK 4 ’ MoULELLAN KBiriM^T, 5 ’ ■ named in honor of our gallant towosnian, General TIJ George B Mo(?lelIan- ia n..w organized.and unoer maruhing orders in two weolts. One more eon pany will be ueoepted, by applying immediately ip hendiiiiir terß No 228 omh FIIDNT Street. The following is a list oi field and stafi offioers: tenaitOolone^V^wfaNSDN. 42krw?m«ter, WM. BHAfeKEY, frurseon* h. B. LIN TON* Ania’t Surgeon, FHIEIP LEIDY. Jr. v.&Ttatf.' *« B(UINE«D H f ’USE, OGLAW.RB GAP. a r«w Boarilers wiU be reoeived »t tbis v ouse lor the rera.i ndor of ,e. s.iu->b, at .he lowpnc. of per sal lot TROMAB BRODHEAD. KSEt BATH'NQ. U-\KB INLAND, OIPE r- MAY) N' J—DELAWARE HOUSE i« now open forth,'eason. Terms 88 per week. IjH-lm jAiWf.S MECRAY. Fiopnetor. ttEA Br) THING, « RIG AN TIN K BOUHt., „ , fIHIGANTINE HBAOH.N. i. Now open for thr season. The Bathinz, Fishint- Gunning, and Yaoht'.aß bnine very aupeuor. Boats will await <uests at the mV. on of trains Board P" week 88. F, 0. Addrees Atlantio C‘.tr. -7. n. sr-tiTK, jye-gm Proprietor WHITE HOUSE, Lower end of MASBACHUSKTTS Avenue, , . ATLANTIC ClTi’. Ahia house is located immediately on the Beaob, and presents every .accommodation for Visitor*. Term* moderate. -WILLIAM WKITtHOUSh, jelff-gm Proprietor, “TBS ALHAMBRA,” ATLANTIC M. CITY. N. J. A SPLRNDII) NKW HOUIK. fl. £-» Corner or Atlantic and M&wachUAfttW Avenue*, Now open for the reception of Boarders* The Rooms and Table of *• iHE ALHAMBRA ” are unsurpaseed by any on the Island. , There is a spacious loe Cream and Refreshment 3a~ loon atiaohed to the House. Terms Moderate. f _ 0, DUBOIS * «. J. YOU*G, je37->m Proprietors, r]ommms hall, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. This spaoieus Bouse, situated at Atlantic City, will pe opened on the Wth June, with every accommodation lor visitors. Ihe Bouse fronts the beach 120 feet, riving a splendid view of the and is near the Fishing fhVnnmte No t *auwMriu \j o spared toseoare the ooiflfort ftad oonvonieaofl of meets THOM A* C, GARRETT. F IGHT HOUSJB OOTTAGS, ATLANTIC . CITY, the nearest House to the safest part of the beach, is now open for U,e Season. TERMS MOD HI ATE* WO LiaUORS SOLD ON THE PREMISES. JONAH WOOTTON. je34 8m Proprietor. ttBASIDE HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N? N. i. BY DAVID fIOATTEHQOOD. A NEW PRIVATE BOAR ING-HOUSK, besnU fully situated at the foot of Pennsylvania Avenue Now open for visitors for the season, je34-3m CE A BATHING.The Clarendon,’’ vin,' f "L'B, B , r Al Y l .W i,lia House,) VIRGINIA AVENUE, ATL AN TIC CI ry, is now open lor the accommodation oi Boarders. h<s House is situated immediately on *he Beach, and from every room affords a fine view of the sea. f eil-lml JAMEH J EWKINB. M. D. TABaMA33Y HOUSai, NUETH OAKO MNA AVENUE, Near the Depot, ATLANTIC The subscriber takes pleasure iu informing his former patrons and the pub io that he has reopened the above House, he will be happy to please all who may favor him with a call. je24 Sm ELIAS CLEAVER, Proprietor. WASH-KuTON HOUSE, ATLANTIC v v city, N. J.—This House fronts the Surf, and h»s the finest Bathing Ground on the Beach. Board per week, $6 80. Bathing -rosses moluded for weesly boarders only. Board per day. $l 80- Single meals ft eent-. JOHN BGTstLtfHAM, Jos4«2in Pi cprietor. IT ENTUCKY HOUSE, “* , ' , ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ihis comfortable and convenient new hoase- located onKentuoky avenue, opposite the Burt House, has been fitted up for visitors this season. M „ F. A P, iUIGLKY, Proprietors. N. B.—Horses and Carnages to Hire. je34*2m HOUSE, AJ -ATLANTIC CITY, N.J., M. Proprietor. The above new house is open for Boarders. Rooms equal to any on beach, well ventilated, high oeil ings. &c fiorvanfs attentive and polite. Approximate to the Bathing grounds. jaS4-am HOUSE, ATLAhTIU OITV, BY MARY MAGUIRE. This House fronts the surf, and possesses the finest Bathing G ounds on the beach- Boarding SBAQ per week; $l.BO per day. Single meal ft cents. B&thinc Dre.-wes included for weekly boarders only, i 624 2in p()NBTi TUTCON a l H« >USE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., fOpposite the National,) JAMES J. BARR, <oftb Old Globe,; Proprietor. he choicest brands of Liattors and Cigars to be found on the Island. JeB4-2>n f* 0 b UMBIA HO USE, A tlantic flit j> V/ N. J. EDWARD DOYLE, Proprietor. This Bouse is in the immediate vioinity of the Surf Hou*c.acd within half a square of the best Bathing Grounds on the beach. The proprietor will use every effort to make his guests comfortable. Terms reason able. iett 3m «TA& HOTEL, (Nearly opposite the United States Hoteii) ATLANTIC CJTY, N. J. SAMUEL ADAMS, Proprietor. Dinner.——_..—— —....—. BO cents. Also, Carriages to hire. %3T Boarders aooommodated on the most reasonable tmrm*. JW4 1m WiiA-BATHISG.—N ATI JNAL BALL, Cs-Pii Island, Cape May N. J.—The propnetor of the above-named finely located establishment would respectfully inform the thousands of Guesrs that have heretofore visited his house- thatMn order to meet the pressure of the times, he has, for the present season, REDUCED HIS CHARGES for Boarue s to *IGHT DOLLAR# PER WEEK. Children under u years oi age and servants half pries. Superior accommodations, and ample room for SoO persons. Refers to J. Van Court, 34S Arch street, Philadelphia, Je2l-2m AARON GA RRETBON,Proprietor. WHITE SULPHUR ASH CHALY BEATE SPRINGS, DOUBLING GAP. These Springs are in Cumberland Pa., thirty mites west of Harrisburg on the Cumberland Valley Railroad, and a-enow open for the reoeptionoi visitors. Board from five to eight dollars, according to. rooms. Procure your through tiok*ts at the Pennsylvania Rail forinW*i«,«rd.dok.iß| AHi(i fc KKAMEJIi jeJ6-2m ft Proprietors. COLUMBIA HOUSE, Cape Island, N. J. This celebrated house will be opened for the re ception of guest* on June 38.1861. , , The situation of this house is one of the most beauti ful on the Island, commanding an unobstructed view of the ocean. . , • _ . . . , A band of music has been engaged exolusiveir for this house for too season. .. A large number oi bath houses are connected, with the establishment, Good stabling for homes attaohed to the premi es. Applications for rooms or other particulars will meet with prompt attention bj addressing the subscriber, JAS. H. LALRD, Proprietor. . IoU-Sm cape Island. Ji, 3. KEA-B iThl^G.—The UNITED STATES V. BOTEL, ATLANTIC. N J., is, now open for visitors. This is the largest and iiest-furnished Hotel on the island, and being convenient to the beach and surrounded by extensive and well shaded grounds, is a desirable House for families. It is lighted with gas and well supplied with pure water. The Germania Society will Furnish the music for the season. The cars stop at the door of the Hotel for the convenience of greets. JEREMIAH McKIBBIN, jeHKf Proprietor. SEA BATHING. —United States Hotel, Long Branch. N. J.* will open for the reception of visitors, June 10.1861; with the enlargement of dining room. parlor, additional rooms, Ao-.since last season. Address B. A* SHOEMaKiIS. Proprietor. Jy9>lm* CJUMMEK BOARDING, ATLANTIO *3 CITY. N J., ASHLAND HOUSE, Corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and the Railroad, Atlantic Avenue, IS HOW OPXtt For the reoeotion of permanent or transient boaTlers. je34 3m JOHN B. bTOKjJH. S OHOOLEY’S MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, NEW JERSEY. The 44 HEATH HOUSE” will be opened for ihe re ception of Company June 16th having been exten iveiy refitted and improved sinoe the last Season; afloruing additional comforts to visitors) anu increasing tneao- cf the place. As a healthy, pieaaant, fml fashionable place ot Sum mer resort. “ S-hoolet’a Mountain” hae but fewequsls, and is surpassed by none- It is reached by a uleaunt railroad ride, and only seven hours Lorn Philadelphia. Leave Philadelphia in the 11 o’clock train for New York, reach Jersey City at 3 o’olook, thenoe by Moms and Essex Hailroad to the Mountain. Returning Jeave the Mountain at 6A. M. and IP. M.. arnvi-g m Phila delphia a l l and 8 o’clock P. M. Kooms can now be en gaged. Charges moderate. D. A* CROWELL, ie27-fnnwlBt* Proprietor. Books, law and miscellaneous. new and old, bought, >oid, and ©xonangQd; at PHILABELPHIi BAOIIi BOOK STORE. No. CHEST jn UT Street. Libranee at a diatahbe purchued. Those having Books to sell, if at a distance, will state their names, sizes, bindings, dates, editions- prices, and conditions. WANTED—Books printed by Benja min Franklin, as well as early Books printed in and upon America. Autograph Letters and Portraits pur ehaaed. Tamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for *aJe. Cats IN THE OoUrtr OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA DELFWII'L t AM ROSS vs. MARTHA ROS 3. June Perm, 1861 *o. 6 Hvorc*. Madam- Youwi'l pleaseno’ice arnle grantedm the above case* to show oaune why a Divorce a r%»culo matrimonii should m>t be deereed. Returnable on fieDiember 16 851-at lOo’o ouk A. M. This nublioitmn is tn-ttia an aooouat of your abunoei flnamaoiaultol pßisiinilserviei. .„ . A > HUMr.-O I '. Attorney for '.lbßltant. To Wartha Ross- Ksspomlent. au2 f.fcm-4t*l B ILTTEKS TEf-TAMF.NTARY UP N -i THE •■•SPATE cf BRIDGET KELLEY* late of the City of Philadelphia, deceased* having been granted by the Resister of wjl's to the undere gned, ail persons having ol&i uie or demands aeaiuat the eeia* e ol said de cedet.r.,are delay, and those n ieb a thoroto to make payment to Patrick m<? u Fxecu^r. aud-i-S 1 : Nos. IUI or 192 s Race st * rhilada. Removal— jambs h. cattle has removed hisOffiee to No. To>l LOCUST Street, first door ob.-vo * asuingt -n Squrro. zu7-12t* GR k a T KftSDrfOIION. - LEHIbH Hasleton) CGA L, of a»upenur uualitj, Egg and Stov * sizes at $1 on per tun. Nut size •* 8 60 4 ” Wiri be sold at the, e rates until the Ist of Ootoher, if delive ed a*r, ol enth and nor h ul Arch streets To have advantage of this great reduction in price, each order must be acoompanieu with the itAsn. R. P, GILL NGfaftM. au3-12t* Ns E. FRONT and POPLAR Btreets. rD »NOGatJK, 23 SOUTH WAT&R • Street offers for sale to cash buyers* at the low est market pricer, 4 00(1 bpls rf Steam Refined Whits und Ydlow Sugars and Syrups of various grades; %l«o, prime Java* Santos* and Rto Coffee. anB St* BI HOP BOWM N.—A very fine Card- Photograph of the l*te Fight Reverend SAMUEL KOWMaN, D. D , Assistant Bishop of the Diocese oi Pennsylvania. Price 26 oents. mail free of ohvae. BROTHERS, au7-8t 728 CHESiNUT Street. POSTAGE STAMPS.—24“ct., 12 ct., 10 ot,. 6 ot.* and 6 ot. STAMPS for sale at this office. Excepting the s ct. stomps, they will bs sola at a aw wnt nf fit* >Mi I’A-tr RBMEWBE '■ the charges aro only $l for CO-.OR HD FHOrOGRACHS. whileAmlirntjnes are at all prices, at Jt-LIMER’S Gallery, Second sire- t. above Green. _*r _ SKI;;-.'-. — A small invoioe of Hides, Sheep, »n«l tSu»t Biiu», Jv«t v ?ii fJom tl‘« WMt 'Ti Sl*»,sorqtl» *y JAitSfcKCR* l - OAR-BKAIaK. V 0» WWOWW I» r CLAKET WINE—In casks and cases sf brsnds «f St> JuDsn, Marrsu. Saat-Brio* JOB PRINTI NQ ES TABLISHM E N T . NO. 417 CHESTNUT STREET, HRaosTs* N JEW F IiBJLIC AT lUftti (,KUA<-. REMOVAJ.S. COAL. BOOK AND AMUSEMENTS. Mod iNOUGH’S OLYMPIC THE A TRE. OFENLNG OF ' r HE »UMMER RFAFON! Nwnr nnin UKl> 'Y EVENING, AUsunllO. NEW COMPANY! NEW PIECES ! Enganemeni of the great Co-nedr sotreu, MISS ai»ME LONSDALE, And reeppearano. of _ hK. J E. v cPONOUGH. Gra-.t Palnoiio War Addr-u. New '.omedy, Melo bnfe I*’ 1 *’ ' rQf *’ tlmsink, and Dancing, bee .mall A SSkWBi.V Bi.i i ,i>|aia.-.—CMPL'-’i'E , ' ANO UNEXAMPLEP SI’LOEBB.-E»err night tttisw46k- Lay exmbitioQ on SatuiUay aUerno m atß unlock. Btere r Pticon of tne BOUTifKIIv RKB L « lfty . Yiews-inoludms the great Hattie at Bull's Run. Va.. Battle at Ca.'thate, Missouri, with Forfaits of all the Generals *o be followed ••y*an deraon's great reprsseiittttion of the RU NiAN War. with the fall of Pehasropni Admission, ftoents: rhll drea.lg. Colored people. 36 cams. au6 6t P'iNNBYIVAN£A AC DKMY OF THh fink arts, mas CHoRTNU? fftreet. is open daily, Sundays exoepted, from 9A. M. till IP. M. , Admission 93 Cento. Children under twelve yean half price. BhareiofBtook,sft. ;*1 WANTS. it/lILLINESi - A young and respectahla “L” 3 marioso lady) In ea»y on*oomitano*s wm is a stranger in the mty. tsdesirr.xi* ol ob»Aioi»’S a ihoronrh krowiedce of the trade in all Its branches, and for a good opp >r*uatty to do so, in a fiftolass s tablisHrnent ali >eral premium w II be paid immediately, with name and lesidenoe. “W X Y Z” __ au9 4t • WANTKU-—a lady, tho .■* roughlv qual fird and well bred, to track, m the interior of the State. Mate qua ifioationa- references, and torras a d where an iu erv *»w oan be, on luesdaror Wcdn-sdar n*xt. Addrers P'ircival,' 1 Girard Bank, Third at-eet b low chestnut, a 9 it* qjILVEtt Wanted —* id silver bought -fc!l.OTk’j. B ,!!* r R eor 'l*l*l' quantities. » y KRIOF.O A BID DLL, EIGHTH and JAYNb!, upstairs. sn6 st* Wanted io axoh Pennsvlvama Railroad Sunbury and Erie, and other bonds for a oitv residence, in a good locality. Address “ Trade.” office of Tkt Prut, stating locality and prio* of the proo«rty Jvl9 tf WAM.ING YOUAG ~f. S®a. ??•-, ifi intitod in aUilice. the Eunlar *#ht Oomraittse,”. »t the Rnom. of the Yount Men 1 , Asseeietion, 1009 nnd IOIJ OHEStnF# Street. »»,-«■ BOARDING. O'IAFDING 't fo 522 WALNUT Street, npnosite thets'e of rrdep.ndeno« ‘■'u isre. jravinif been refi'iert nnd newlr rn'nianeai is now wadr for the aaoommenetiiin of Bakrdste, A few rteksst einzle end - oiihle rooms now ysonnt. auT 3t" FOR SALE ANI> TO LET. • FOR SALE—On reasonable terms, the new Resideroe, oonrainins -'I the modern im provement,, No. 30' North B : XPEKNTH Street. epplvtOA LEN A DIMS Sonteeut oorner Ft UR t‘H and W- LNUT Urorts.second floor- suS-St” : fO RE>JT.—' he very desirable Ft're, * v O 421 OVTW BOWS ..well sdeptad for he h»'9»sra bu«in«.| Will be rii rd low. Apotj to St. PAT lON, .9 South .1 tueenthsL ant It 2**>r sa b or rxcba gb for GOOD IMPRWBp CITY F \" M and C U TRY SEAT. i<> Susquehanna noun t». per>n’a .one mile I 'om the State line: contain* about 130 *ores—9o under oulfivat>on- the *alanoe d'eirablt fine-groath t'mber Th ■ improvement* *r- oommodi nui nd well arranged There i* a beautiful aoia<l < eke, about m le in 1 ngth. h undinr the on one aide, fiordnu fine boating aid Gibing. he viewe from ti e Hon e and vio nty are very fine, water abun dant and rxo»llent. ;q t,ne olima*e aa healthy M any in the «. nited States. For particular", apply to J 0. RRI(KRO-r<(, No. 436 WALNUT Street mm TO ‘BT -A DWELLING U J >UHT3 ■ thihtbfnth ffeet above /roll street.with all the modem convenience*. Kent moderate A pair to WJSTMKBILL * BFOIHER. au3 . 47 North *F.CO -Oftreet 8 TO RKNT—HADD 'NFIELD, N. J. —A commodious BUCK BOUSE* o*ntr*U? lo cated on the main street* "addonfiefd; has all th» onra bns and conveniences of a complete Count™ Bouse, nature of J. E, PEYTON* Jt37 lm* agg WALNUT Street, Phila. • THW ADVEJRTISfitt WOttM) JJKK to eurehue a moderate tigged di*r residence,. in a good neighborhood, for which he would give desirable six and seven per cent, bonds. Address u Bonds,” office of Tkt Prtss. Jjtf-tf mm TO KENT LOW—Furnished or un- BSfurnnhed, for auc month*, or longer, if Heaired. a large and convenient HOUSE, No 178, Arab atreet. Applr to A. P. and J. H. MORRIS, 9i6 AR<Ji Street. je 12 tf AM OHEBTNUT-BTRKST HOUSE And Sp STpHE tcyreat.-The ii«ir»ble buiinMi loo&tion. lias OHEstNUT Street, with dwetlma nttaohea. APBil a. *3l r :BßA'i'E*yT street. aptl FOR SALS I .—A Very Desirable GRnruD SENT of $2B per annum. Applj at 320 WAL- N U'f Street, offioa Wo 2, np ataire. an 3 Statute* fpo RjSjVX—A very desirable STORE. " on the Ninth-atreet front of “ The Continental Hotel.” The Store at Ninth and Sanaom atreet* cape eiallr adapted for a Sauk,* and Kaunm* Maker. Applr to JOHN RICE. f*i-tf Sonthweat NINTH and HANSOM street*. For exchange.—a mows tuaot of need unimproved fane land in the Btel.- of New Jera*r, oonvenieat to the oitr, will i>*e»mj.r,i«« r»r a itr^>ropBTtr Applr at Ne. 132 FEDERAf- '-'rre : PERSONAL. WM. S. HELVERSON, UNDER. TAKER, ha« withdrawn from the eld firm, and ie now at the northeaat corner ofST. JOHN and COAA'hH Street*. J>M lm* MILITARY GOODS, QOTTON DUGK. SUITABLE NOB TENTS, r** BAJb* *y rKOTHINGHAM A WELLS. B r2S-i tf B ATBiT rEWS. ATTHWriUH TO ■ t OFFICERS AMD SOLDIERS OP THE ABMV. —We ere now nmntifaotimne Military "him of Ml de- oattioularlj a very fire Frenqh rl-nnel shut foroffioar*, $o„ which we cider for tale, m lane or ania'l Qnsntitiee. at very ow pi ices. \* e have ai*o on hMid a ep'e did attok of white l inen hoeom thiria, $3O per dozen whioh we wil* sell a: $lB. M. & 8. JSTEhNBt *-Gfc,tt & C".. 14 Baf»K teat. U. 8. Military fchUt Manufactory. GROCSKIBh vpo TAMIUKS RESIDING W- TH* RURAL DMTEIOTB. wt re prepared, u heretofore, to supnlj finliluai then Veiatry Residence* with evert deseriphon *f TINB «RO«ERIK«, TEAS, fce., fce, ALBERT G. ROBERTS. CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STREETS. myli piJRE PORT WINE. FOR BAfcK S, O. H. MATTSON. ARGB AND TENTH BTHEETB. INSURANCE COMPANIES. CTAMR INSURANCE COMPACT, JP No, 400 CHE67K VS ini'* , FIRE AND JNLSND IHSDhANCy, PIMCVOXS. Mona W. Dm. - —of Da, A Matlaek. Samuel Wrieht “ Wnrht Bros A P* S. fl. Uimer *■ Dana A Ulrnsy. . •nn Lewis, Jr—- “ Lewia Broe ft Ce. C, Rmbardson. “ J. C.Jowi A Us. Samuel T. Bodine.. -Fres’t Wjomict Canai AtuF 1 . Jno. W.Evermsn—of J. W. Evernum A o*. flee, A. Weat “ Wut ft Fobes. V. S. Martin—.. “ Savage. Martin, A G» O. Wilson llnws. A!terney-at-J aw, X, C. Woodruff- of Sibley, Molten, A in., Xoaaler, Jr- No, ins Green street. 9EOEGE W. DAY, Frandani. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice .Frs.jK.oiit. WIXJkIAMB I. BLANCHARD, heeretar*. inSS-ifa SAVING FUNDS. BAVLNU FUfiiWJM‘d!ID tffAffiaS O TRUST COMPANY, wur TJKHL& tni 'Sw HVT Streeta. _ INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. B. R. CRAWFORD, Fietidroi. JAMES R. JIRNTER, Boor Otari and Treasurer. OSes boare, from 10 until 0 o'clock. This Company it not fair.aJ r, rr.r uvv''»M a ~ ,v Aarjtlat." BAFKIS Bhlhhi&S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No. SI South SEVENTH Street, near tk« Lin Inxtitute. „ Vbe undermined, thankful for vast fa von* and being determined to merit future patronage, has Moved as elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand a Large assortment of Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, {fine oclf Ktriotly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, Lil lie’s unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Looks. Lillie’s Bank Vault Doors and Looks will be furnish** to order on short notioe. This is the strongest, best protected, and cheapest Dour and Look ret offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie’s Me* Cabinet Bale for Plate, Jewelry, Ao. This S*fe if eon »edeU %o t/i »fcyle and oiegorioe anything ret o? fared for this purpose, and U the onlr one that is strips ly Are and burglar proof. ApeculL Nones.—l have now on hand ear twenty f t Parrel, Herring, k Co.*9 Safes, most of them nearly new, and some fort? of other makers, comprising c •ompleto assortment as to snes t and all lately ex changed for the now Celebrated LiUie Safe. They wil ts sold at re it low prises. Please Mil and examine. SU»-lTif 3 U. C. iIADfcP-ft* A root _ JT. FOK NEW YOBK. JBSbSSBE NEW D AILY LINE via Delaware and Runtau Canal. _ Philadelphia and Now York Express Steamboat Com pany receive freight and leave daHv atfP. M. t de livering their cargo** in «ew York the following days. Freights taken at reasonable rates r 8 WM P UJ YDE, Agent No. 1* SOUTH WHARVES Philadelphia. JAMES HAND. Agent, Piers 14 and 14 EAST RIVER, flew York. aul-tf . r PHILADELPHIA AMD EXPRESS STEAM BOvT iSoMP*NY. , w , A New line, direct for Alexandria, Washington, and Georgetown. r i brough in M boars Steamer PHILADELPHIA. Captain THOR. HAND, Steamer JKKOME, Captain JEROME, Will leave Philadelphia every w t DNKSDAY and SA TURDAY, at IS o’oiook M», oonaeotmg with all lines at those ports, and returning, leave Washington, Georgetown, apd Alexandria every TUESDAY and SATURDAY, &, K No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Piilsde.plua, MORGAN ft RHINEHARTVasents, jylt-iftf Foot of G itrect. Washington. - BBQITLAK LINE AND ■BGBHHIdaiIy excursions.—Staumer CO Hal.-EY leave, «r to low AM CH StrMt. EVE RY MORNTnG.'at 7M o’oiook, (ezoevt Hund»i,) lor Chute.. PehfcMTOve, New Castle. Delaware Citi. Fort Delaware, and Salem. Returning, leave Salem at U4and Fort *t 2 o’oiook. Fare tor tho Excursion....———— M cent,. Stakes lor Bridgeton and Odessa meet this line, av'Steamer RKYBOID leave. ARCH-Street wharf daily, at J o’oiook, for all landings named above ex oopt Fort Delaware. and Ut* rou new liu&K. i'na FkUadslpkla Bteau Frspaliar CempMl will aammenaa tkair basuiau far tke seasem sn Mon.iir ‘Uratumer. aranewrcaainnt freiiki at Seeaa Fisr above Wain.l street. Terms aesenuaedaUkk. Agplite kll _ W Jt.BAJRN ft W.. mkll nt Sslik Delaware Aveias
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers