Ctrl's ov Princk Napoleoh.—"We lounoed the arrival of Prince Napoleon, I, soma days ago, the particulars of his i visit to this country is doubtless one of aloae, and has nothing to do with the pre and the interests of his empire herein. - Prinoe is a rational sort of man is evl by his disregard of formality and his aror the harpies who wonld drive him msd > "Y ling their aunts and country cousin* to rooms, at breakfast time. That o is dear from the obaraoter of lnB P‘ ot ‘®“ o has given to our institutions, in ail 0 aes ’the management by surprise, and regard in their everyday aspeot, and not in holiday trim. That he is sago is evi hia dislike to F ablio functionaries, pub and windy orators. Ho has been dri ’New York and Philadelphia like any tlomau who wishes to spy out the land, avoids the “ toadies” of tho Ropublio, . hard-fisted, great-hearted oommoners upon him from iheir oheery homes. not doubt that, la his throa-weeksl tout, oo more that Is pleaßant, suggestive, and tie, than tho young heir to the throne of fotod by prodigals and crowded by oltl the expense of comfort and pleasure, dnoe is provided with splendid apartments, issrs. Ward, of the La Pierre Honse. He Mona. D® Forest, the French consul* on hfa here, and was joined, we believe, by the minister from Washington, ince, with these gontlemon nod hie nt» mite, seven in ail, sat np till a !»t« hour saday night, and arranged a programme Jr yesterday. morning they rambled out in citizens ie Mint, and witnessed the operation of One or two of the officers met them, and et of ooins was investigated at some the party. The operations here, of coarse, ttle novelty to the party, as the process in France is materially the same, tbo pretty working girls in the bnrnish fonned a staple of remark by the party, iy spoke rapidly, and in French, little leaned from their conversation, A num- lonfeotion stores were reviewed by the id they walked leisurely and unrecognised the lower floor ef the Continental Hotel, iven o’olook two oarrisgeß, attached to the rre establishment, came to the door of the and the whole part; took seats and rode to Falrmonnt, b; way of Oherr; Hill latter place they asked many questions, escorted by two of the inspectors through corridors, They listened with almost avidity to Borne Btories of orime and ig, and appeared to be engrossed with the t of separate confinement and its relative [Carriages then drove to the Water Works, fairmount Park, thenoe up Girard avenue to lllege, and the Prinoe drove twice around Sidings, apparently delighted with the mag it Corinthian columns, and the broad, beauti touncia Perhaps he planted a tree on the jin imitation of Prinoe Albert Edward, who med this work last year. i ferriage proceeded from the aollege ont the avenue to Laurel Hill, where the party dia led and looked'through the grounds at the nabs and statuary They then proceeded a llataace up the Wlasabiokon turnpike, and feed by way of Qermantown road to Broad K' and thence to the hotel, whiah they led at six o’clock, a little wet front the heavy ||r of the afternoon. The birth-plaoe of Da- Ipttenhonse was pointed out on the way. At Mid’elook the royal party dined, and last eve- Imey strolled out open Chestnut street, pre ug their privacy in every oase. r reporters found it hard tc keep in their ? and were compelled to fall back upon the nnioatlveneas of the driver of the ohalse and gentlemanly persons in the hotel, for the re acoounts which they reoeived. Prince will not leave tho city betore this ig, and will probably remain in town until lay morning. If wo may credit the state- Iwe have heard, he has been muoh pleased [he oity, and, above all, with the splendid fell of the oity and the fine hills upon the rlklll and the Wissahiekon. We believe that | visit the navy yard to-day. He will not on the way to Washington. Wval or a Pekb Brio.—The brig Ui -340 tone barden, and loaded with naval wed tobaoco, was brought into this p»rt, yes- Imorning, and anohored at the Navy Yard, tiled from Beaufort, N. 0., and was said to * to Liverpool. She was oaptnred off Cape on the 16th of July, by the United States it. Lawrence, and a prise orew put on dor command of E B. Hardy, master. Lawrence fired three shots before the brig ■ The Herald left Hampton Hoads the July, and Cape Henry the 28th, Off Capa ' the 28ih. eaw fonr large steamera bonnd appeared to have troops on board. Saw tie, Union, and Quaker City, as they ig one of Hampton Hoads. On the samo a large side-wheeled steamer, bonod tdged from her bnild tbat the was Ea ime day saw a steam propeller, herma riggod. After looking at the Herald she id stood to the eastward. of Th&ejs-months Yowotesbs.— morning about five o'clock, the First giment, Colonel H. J. Jaokson, passed >nr oity on their way Fast. Their ap indieated hard service, which the regt -9 had since leaving home. They somber and file, bat intend, on reaching home, iatoiy reorganize the regiment, increase ir to one thousand men, and re enter the ■ three years. The regiment took break 'aehiDg-on avenuo, prepared by the re t committee. This regiment passed ibis oity abont three months ago; they taipaiiy done guard duty on Meridian it the Long bridge, Washington, w York Twelfth Regiment reached the their return home yesterday morning, like all the rest who have gone through, til worn. Niro LEON VIStTS THE PeNlTEN 'rinoe napoleon, accompanied by the mister at Washington, the French consul ity, and several gentlemen of his suite, •ona in ali, paid a visit yesterday to the ’entienttary :ty proceeded in an open baronohe, and a to the institution, where they were re r Dr. Jones, and Hon. Biohard Yanx, on tno Board of Inspectors, itinguistaed gentlemen examined the insti alt its parts, Inquired into its working, jed a desire to thoroughly understand its l its operation finally left the prison apparently much , with their visit, and were driven over to College. fmos of Vaobasts. — The offisers id by the Mayor for the purpose of olear ireets of beggars and vagrants, yesterday i following report of arrests for the month: lys, 12; white girls, IS; colored boys,4; girls, 2; white men, 11; white women, 18; men, 5 ; colored women, 2 Total for the 10 Twenty five of these prisoners were >0 various charitable institutions of the inty three were oommitted to prison, balance were reprimanded and warned ogranoy From this report it will be hat great benefit onr charity hospitals are isse hard times. Officers Tait and Boyd rgs of the beggars and vagrants, and > done a goad work by clearing the oity mblio peats. Farads. —About six o’clock yes ifternoon, Colonel Owen’s Twenty-fourth it of Pennsylvania Volunteers formed on Ireet, right resting on Chestnut. About were in the ranks. They proceeded up root to Buttonwood, down Buttonwood to , and there received the Lieutenant Colo jy then marched to the residence of Bri -lon oral Miles, in Franklin street near General Miles appeared in front of his re md made an address, in which he oompli lolonel Owen, the officers and men ot the inrth Regiment A patriotic reply was lolonet Owen, who was loudly applauded nd by the large crowd assembled, m ttten formed in line, and marched number of streets. ;n Assaulted.' —A volunteer in Capt. impuny of 3eoond Weat Philadelphia b violently assaulted yesterday afternoon ly of returned volunteers, who beat him that hts life is despaired of. Two of the were arrested by the oomrades of the lunteer, who turned out with muskets in the rasoals. The prisoners were looked taring. of the Board of Traob.—Yos jtnoon a meeting of the Board of Trade . to hear an address on maritime com ;he add real waa to have been delivered jet Baldwin Mr. Blodget, the seoie td that, in oonßtqnenoe of the slim at he thought beat toat the meeting should for Borne other day On motion of Wm. b, Bsq., the meeting adjourned to meet kj Dex i at noon. Reoimen®. — W 8 desire to call the at 1 nor returned volunteers, who iter® with their offioers. to the Washington at Itlieommanded by a T f'* r ®° ,® r “y who served as adjutant in the Crfmoan tie of Inkerman, 8i»go of 8eba8topol), for years in the British army. Xhi» regl dcr the valued officer, Col. Fred. Harvey, an honor to onr otty. ,tso Case.—Charles Starr, a returned •, on Wednesday night, stubbed, snotber , noose in Bedford street, Starr fonnd the an tquivooal situation with liM(BttniJ ice the stabbing- Tbe wound i* seno*B. s arrested, and held to await tbe leinH imics of the wounded man. ;t Paradk. —A portion of the Gymnast paraded through our principal streets yes vorning They went through many fine ' during their match. Occasionally they ,'ead out their ranks into a cruciform .'hoy attracted a good deal of attention mt street. , General McClellan.—This young, ~ffioer is imrodnuod nightly, by means of eoprtoon, to tb# audtcnceo at the on,nor of tnd Chestnut streets, Large illtimiDe’ed ipbs of Washington, Soon, Eremobt, But tle, Anderson, and Ellsworth, besides new war soenea. ara nightly shown. REBOM. —Hi* Lukena, who was from a carriage a fswiiajs mnoe.dted at denae, Wallace street, below Twelfth, jea morclng :s Fire.—A dwelling-honse in Amori below Oxford, waliiigbtly damaged by rday afternoon. t Proceedings of City Councils- The regular stated meeting of both branohea of ; Councils waa held yesterday afternoon. , BELE CT BRANCH, Xa BO. Curtail, president, in theobair. The usual petitions and communications, &0., were received and referred to tho proper commit, tees: from the Hood Intent Hose Company, ashing for an additional appropriation; from oitiiens, re monstrating against the blowing of whistles by locomotives; from Oapt. Collis, asking aid in the formation of a Zouave aompany. A communication was reoeived from Col. Peter Lyle, stating that he would parade his regiment on Saturday afternoon, and extended an invitation to Councils and the Mayor to be present on the occa sion and review the regiment. The committee to verify the cash accounts of the City Treasurer reported as lollows: City Fund.. ~...$45,179 40 Trust Fund 77,049 60 Mr. Fu"t. from tho Commtcteo on Dofenae and Proteotlon of the City, reported an ordinance oon stltuting the staff of the commander of the Home Guard. The staff is to be organised as follows : There shall be one assistant adjutant goneral, one military seoretary, one assistant inspector gene ral, one chief engineer, one assistant quarter master general, one assistant paymaster general, one assistant commissary goneral, one judge advo cate, eaoh with the rank of major; one assistant military seoretary, four aids-de-camp, two assist ant engineers, one paymaster, one commissary, one ordnance officer, three quartermasters, eaoh with the rank of oaptaln; one assistant surgeon gene ral and medical dir so tor, five surgeons, eaoh with tbe rank of major; five assistant surgeons, eaoh with tho rank of captain; two chaplains. All are to be appointed by the commander of tho Home Guard. 1 he ordinance was agreed to. Mr. Fox arose in plaoo and desired to know who ther any of the heads of departments jnst eieoted had filed their securities. , The President stated that this had not yet been done. , Mr. Fox thought that the laws should be en forced The law requires the ssoutity to bo en tered atonoe. This bad been negleoted in former oases, and the oity was the loser. The disonsaion was further continued, but no action token on tbe subjeot. Tbe ordinance relative to the paving of footways was postponed. Mr. Fox offered a resolution that the Committee on Finance be authorized to take such steps as will seonre the execution and filing of bonds, with Satis factory surety from the bonds of departments eieoted during the month of July, said surety to be subject to tho approval of Councils, at their next meeting. Agreed to • • Mr.-Fox also offered an ordinance compelling the heads of departments to.file their securities within thirty days after their eleotion, otherwise tho said ' effices shall be deemed vaoaDt; provided, how ever, that this does not affect the officers sleeted in duly, 1861, if they shall furnish their seourity on or before the next meeting of Connoils. The ordinance was debated at length, and was passed finally. Mr. Davis offered a resolution directing the Committee on Finance to take suoh steps as will seonre the execution and filing of bonds by Messrs Clark, Magran, A Co., for tho faithful perform ance of the work of constructing a bridge over the Schuylkill at Chestnut street wharf Agreed to. The resolution from Common Council accepting tho invitation of Colonel Lyle was oonourred in. The bill to change the place of voting in the Filth preoinot of the Twenty-fourth ward was also concurred in. The bill from Common Council providing for tho payment of Jacob Adler and others was oonourred Thera being no business before the Chamber, a recess for halfan hour was taken. Tbe Chamber, upon re assembling, adjourned until the second Thursday in September. COMMON COUNCIL. A communication was reoeived from tho Chief Engineer of the Water Workß, in answer to the resolution of the Hoard of Health relative to tho condition of water supplied by the Delaware Water Works. He recommends tho construction of a pair some ninety foot further in the river, bayond tho end of the wharf, leaving a space open, thus forming a sluioe-way for tho passage of water of a much superior character to that which is now ob tained. Additional distributing mains are also required. The communication was referred to a committee. . Colonel Peter Lyle presented an invitation to Oounoils to review the Nineteenth Regiment on Chestnut street, in, front of the Custom House, at six o’clock on Saturday afternoon next, previous* to their being mustered out of service. Mr. Hacker offered a resolution accepting the invitation, and requesting the Mayor to be pre sent on tho occasion, whioh was agreed to. Ooun oils will assemble at the Cnstom Hofise at half past five o’clock in tbe afternoon. A communication was reoeivad from residents in the vicinity of Ninth and Montgomery streets, complaining of the blowing of steam-whistles in thatlooallty. Referred to committee. A resolution from Beleot Council, dispensing with their meetings until the second Thursday in September, was presented. Mr Hacker moved to amend by inserting the last Thursday in August, as It was desirable that the loan bill should bo passed as soon as possible. The amendment was not agreed to. On the original resolution from Seleot Council, relative to tho recess, no quorum voted. A motion was then made to adjourn ; which was not agreed to by a vote of nays 38, to ayes 10. The question was again taken on the resolution from Beleot Council, and it was finally agreed to by a vote of ayes 30, to nays 25 The ordinance from Select Counoil, constituting the staff of the Home Guard, was called up. Mr C. Miller moved that tho ordinance be re ferred to the Committee on Health Mr. Leigh considered that the weather was too warm to consider the subject now, and moved its postponement until the next mooting. Mr. Hacker was sorry to see that the matter was treated with so much levity, when the Home Guard might, j in a short time, bo called upon to render efficient service, and before their organiza tion oould be perfected it was necessary the ordi nance should be adopted. It is understood that the officers aro to receive no salaries. The motion to postpone was lpßt, and the ordi nance was concurred in. Tbe ordinance appropriating $9O to pay George S. Bethel, an arobiteot, for famish jng a plan for a school-house in the Twenty-third ward, was con curred In A resolution to lay water pipes in Amber street, Wagner street, from Fourth to Fifth in tho Ninth ward; Lehigh avenne, and other streets, mas agreed to;' The ordinance from Select Council, appropria ting $2,000,000 for the families of the volunteers, was agreed to. Also, the resolution appointing a special committee, consisting of the presidents of both Ohamhers, the heads of the various standing committees, and the Mayor, to devise each mea sures, and forward such memorials to the general Government, as may bo deemed expedient to pro rate the establishment of the Philadelphia Navy Yard as a first class naval station, by the enlarge ment of its ares, increase of its machinery, Ac., was agreed to. The ordinanoe appropriating $1,208 to pay bills for paving in the Twenty-third ward wss called np. The second item of $B7l, for fnrnishiDg a certain sohool house, was stricken out, and the ordinanoe was agreed to. Mr. Cattbl offered a resolution changing the Fifth product house in the Twenty-fourth ward to tho house of finooh Cloud, at Forty-first and Hanover streets. Agreed to The ordinanoe from Select Council appropriating $295.75 to pay the expenses of repairing the court room of the Quarter Sessions, the flag raising on the 221 of February, and for other purposes, was concurred in Mr Backer oalled up the ordinance appropria ting $2,376 67 to pay the claims of Jacob Adler, John W Boileau, and others, for indexing certain mortgage boohs, by order of the Court of Common Fleas. Mr-Andrew Miller said be had learned that one dollar and a half per psge was oharged for in dexing these books The price paid clerks for tbiß work, when he was Booorder of Deeds, was but fifty cents per page, and the snrplns, hepre sumed, would fail into the bands of the late Re corder. He never raisrd money in this manner when aotinginhiscffioialoapaoity. The Committee on Finance reduced the price to one dollar and a quarter when they had the subjeot under con sideration Mr Haoker said the committee had carefully considered the matter, and he oonld scarcely re alise that the various persons named in the ordi nance, to whom special appropriations were made for indexing the books, would refund to the Re corder. Mr. Freeman thought if the city were expected to pay a bill, they should certainly have the pri vilege of ordering tho work to be done. The Re corder of Deeds should have advised Council of the matter before the work was begun. He thought 75 cents per page was a liberal compensation, and feit confident that he could index twenty pages per 8 &r. Andrew Miller gave a statement of prices for recording deeds, indexing, &0., and repeated his assertion that he had paid but fifty oents a page for Indexing such as that under consideration. This amount he paid out of the fees of bis office, and never made out a bill against the city for that kind of work. Alter some further debate, Mr Freeman moved to recommit the ordinanoe to the Committee on Finsnce. 'to • report an ordinance paying for the work at the rate of fifty oents a page Mr Leigh said he was certain that the amount asked for was entirely for the use of the clerks, and that the late Recorder would not be guilty of grind ing down hia employees. . _ Mr. Lvnd hoped the motion of Mr. Freeman would not prevail The work had been well done by the olerks, at the request of tho judges of the court. The writing had been done with a great deal of difficulty. It was not merecopying- A single mistake of a number or a letter m a name might involve a loss Of tens of thousands of dollars to our oitisoßS. The parties who made the copies did so frem old books which were almost ob literated, and the utmost care and attention bad been rtquiied. He trusted the ordinance would ; be adopted, as the olerks had waited a long time for their compensation. • The ordinance was finally adopted. A resolution authorizing the paving of Franklin s Howard, Mulrovia, and other streets, waa agreed i •' .. • ■ A resolution to open Olneyroad, from Rook ran to the North Penneylvania railroad, was not agreed A bill authorising the revision of grades on Swaneon street, from Christian street to Washing ton avenue, was presented by Mr. Cattel, and agreed to. An ordinance relative to sureties of offioers in the city of Philadelphia, from Select Council, was oononrred in; also, one in reference to the sureties of Messrs. Clark and McGrau, for the faithful per formance of their duty in the oonstruction of the Chestnut-street bridge. After some farther business of minor importance, the Ohsmber adjourned. Colonel Chantey's Regiment.—Company B Thirtieth Regiment, Colonel Chantry, passed no Chestnut street to their headquarters in the Government Building, yesterday afternoon ar rayed in their new uniform. Their uniform is of a eray color, made in the same style and of the same material as that worn by Colonel Geary's re Sment which left a few days ago Ihe oompany lad. a fine appearance, and marched with much precision. cot. BALLn!R’s of com panies E, K, and B- oi the Twenty first numbering over 100 men, aMO j a i duty from Washington, having been ® n . ,j 6r there. The entire oemmand of cot. uamer arrived home. - ' Company C - Gray Reserves.— Captain Charles M Prevost will visit Atlantic City to day at the invitation of Mr.-*Brodhead, president on he road, and will drill oh the beach. They will oo accompanied by Beck’s band. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. Philadelphia, Angus, 1,1861. There is no ohange at the Block Board in State and oity bonds, and very litde fluoluation io any stooks or bonds known to havo actual value. Camden and Amboy Railroad shares and bonds aro to be excepted from this general statement, Iho stock having receded to 110, and tho six-por-a<nt. bonds of 1875 to 84 Beading Railroad sixes sold at 73 tor the bonds of 1886, and the stock wavered between 18 and 18 j. The tonnage of tho Hazleton Railroad Company, for tho season thus far in 1861, is 358,758 tons, against 357,341 tons in tho same time in IS6O ; an increase of 1,617 tons. In some of the Western cities tbe dealers aro already advertising thoir willingness to sell goods at thoir regular prioos, receiving payment in United States treasury notes at par; and the intention to make all possiblo use of the popular issue of this security, both as currency and for the investment of savings, is very general all through tho North. Tho groat question that the Confederates have been asking themselves, in view of the prepara tions of the North for war, is, “ Can Linooin get money?” A negative answer has'almost always followed this question la the South, though hero and there a waiter, dither better' informed or bolder than his fellows, has ventured to tell his readers tho truth. Tho New Orleans True Delta bar shown more sense, perhaps, than any other of these outspoken papers, and on tho 24*h of July, in; a .well-written artiolo on the question stated, the editor reminds his readers that ho has, from the beginning, shown the folly of Confederate reliance upon the oo operation of Franoa and England; that he has ad vised planters to retain their cotton in their own sheds, Instead of sending it to Now Orleans, where it oannot be sold at any prioe, or pledging it to a Government which has not tho power to export a halo, nor anything bat unguarantied paper pro mises to glVe for it.. And that now, “in reference to tho latest deception attempted to be practised upon thorn, that which represents Linooin as un able to obtain money,” Ao , he commends his views to Southern consideration and reflection, and then proceeds to show that Lincoln can get money. He proves the faot, though the process of reasoning will be at once novel and am using to our "readers. . “ Every man at all familiar with the operations of trade and finance will recollect how, in Decem ber, January, and February last the banking in stitutions of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and other important Northern cities, affecting ; to re gard the Secession movement as a mere passing ebullition, undertook to aid one another in the adoption of a general plan for the extension of the Individual credit of thoir oustoraers, then for tho first time being imperilled by the fail ure of remittances from tho South, whoso in debtedness to that Section of the country was heavy. This movement, whioh, at the time, we prononuoed as certain _ to end in the ruin of both the banks and their customers, was lustily applauded there and bote by the ohrbnio advocates of every credit swindle; but mark tho oonsiquenoeß; instead of inducing, as they should have done, the jndioious curtailment of individual liability as speedily as circumstances would allow, the bank resolution stimulated busi ness and blinded the publie, wbo usually repose faith in Bnoh unreliable guides, to tho fearful chasm towards which, with railroad apeed,. they wore rapidly running, and into which no earthly power oould prevent _their precipi tation. Tho consequence was, individual liability, instead of diminishing, waß increased under the insane expectation that the usual heavy spring business with the South would set all to rights, when to their dismay, tho contrary, as we had predicted, took plaoo: their merchants were rained beyond hope of resurrection, and the vaults of tho banks were glutted with millions upon millions of promissory notes absolutely worthless to their holders, and destructive to these .institutions. Soaroely a bank in any of the oitieß we have named can now be regarded as solvent in consequence of the conduct we aro explaining. How, then, our readers will naturally ask, can Linooin hope to raise money or oiroulate Federal treasury notes if affairs be as we represent them ? We will endeavor to show. Tho banks, finding their principal resources, in faot almost thoir entire oapltal, thus invested in bills receivable, which neither the makers nor endorsers can, under ordinary circumstances , ever hope to pay, have brought themsolveß to be lieve that >n Lincoln’s scheme of raising four hun dred millions of dollars, not by taxation, direct or indirect, but mainly by an issue of treasury notes to be circulated as currency, they see the means of their own extrication. Every tyro in flnanoe knows the effect upon a country of a sudden ex pansion of Its paper currency; how for the time being money—-that is, the rags so-oalied-—ia plen tiful, trade brisk, employment for every one plentifnl, and a good time generally all round. When this inflation takes the Bliape of an issue of absolutely worthless treasury notes., to the extent of three or foor hundred millions of dol lars, every one will at once peroelve the effect in an immediate enormous advance in the price of everything, stupendous speculations, and geae ral extravagance. This effect none know better than Northern bank men, and as they are, as we have shown, at this moment upon tho horns oi a dilemma—in faot. oscillating between irretrieva ble and inevitable bankruptcy or the hope of ex trication through the operation of shin-plastering by Lincoln upon the enormous scale proposed, their hearty approval of the Federal scheme for raising the wind for prosecuting the war is ex plained. Mr. Belmont, the nephew of our ex- Senator, John Slidoll, and the representative in the North of the great Jew- money-shavers, the Rothschilds, is understood to approve Lincoln’s financial project, the success' oi which is life or death, financially, to the gentleman; and he is also engaged, it is said, to proceed to Europe to negotiate some hundred millions or so of loans for the Abolition Administration, by way of ballasting the mountain of paper money “honest Old Abe” will, by November next, have put in circulation. The approval, therefore, of the Abolition budget for raising the ways and means for tho proseontion of tlio war, by tho financiers of Wall street, has in this explanation its. true solu tion. Tbe truth is, thoir support of Linooin is tho only ohanoe they have to save themselves from financial perdition, and while they mnst see and understand that, in the end, general—aye, univer sal rain, mast follow, suoh suioidal expedients, they, each for himself, fancy they will be smart enough to get from under. Linooin, then—for the present, at least—will encounter no serions opposi tion to anything he proposes, and it will be inex cusable fatuity for any one connected with the ad ministration of Southern affairs to proceed upon any other calculation.” Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, ' August 1, MSI ■ Reported bt £s. E. SLaYMasBU* Merchants’ Eiahehge, FIRST BOARD. BQ Reading R..,,—..18 [ lOCam &Atnb R—.. 11054 60 do. .b6wn1834l 6 do.-..- bB 11034 80 do -I*o4, do —HO 50 do —.— ..1834 8 do—- ——. -110 VkO Read Ss 1844 ’Bos—9o 8 - do— 110 1 Lehigh Sonp.—- Ss?a 8 do —*J|g 1 Philadelphia Bank,96 do ~IJO U 7 do ....... 95 lOMinehiUß— -1000 Oh & Bel Can 6b tfi 66 9 do—. —555 s 1000 Penaaßlm— 96 1600 Long island. 6a—— 7934 SECOND BOARD. 1000 Penna R 2dm--—-£«54 600 Reading » 6s 1886-73 .600 do 1886—.73 600 do 1686 73 1000 Fenna R 1 m 2dy5,..96 2000 do lra2djs.-96 ICOO do lm—- .96 . CLOSING PRI j&id Asked. Fiiila 6b. ~ .int ott 8*34 88 % Phila 6h R.int off Sak 8834 PhiiaSanewinofflftjii 97- Penna 65... 73 7834 &e&d R- 181-16 18 3 16 Read bds’7o.-- 83 « Read mt 6s *BO *438954 9u)4 ; lean ml tti ’B6—. 7254 73 *enna R....... 575? 38 *enna R 3d mt 6s 8654 87 Morris Can eon .35 39 Morris Can Pfd 107 - ~ 67 H Soh N»t imp 6fl- 73 80 SohNavßk—. 6 6 Philadelphia Markets. August I—Evening. The Flour market oontinues inactive, and with out any alteration to note, either in price _or de jß&od* the retailers and bakers being tao only buyers at $4a4.75 for Western and Pennsylvania superfiao, the latter for late Inspeoted; ss*s 121 for fresh ground do, $4 SOaS 50 for extra and extra family, and $5 75a6 50 per bbl for fancy brands, according to quality and freshness. The reoeipts are light, and the market generally dull. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are not inquired after; the former is offered at $3, and the latter at $2,621 for Pennsylvania Meal. Wheat. —There is more offering, and the de mand is rather better to-day; sales include about 5,000 bushels at $110«1.13 for good and prime' Pennsylvania and Southern red, mostly at the latter rate, afloat, and $117a1,20 for white. Ryeoomes in slowly andoldPenna commands 580. Corn is scarce and firm, with small roccip’E, and sales of yellow at 51a53c, according to condition Oats are more aotive and pricesiare better;- about 6 000 bna sold at 31532 c for Jersey and Delaware afloat, and 300 in the_ oars. A sale of now Oats was made at 27c to arrive. Bark—Quercitron is wanted, and Bella at $23 on arrival for Ist No 1. Cotton is firm, but quiet at previous quotations. Gbogbhies —* Farther small sales of Sugar and Coffee are reported at full prices. PnovisioNS —The demand for ail kinds is limit ed. and prices without any quotable change . Whisky is scarce, and on the advance; barrels soiling at 18»20c ; no drudge or hhdß hero. See'w.'lCOtk SIOCK 15000 U 8 6« ’Bl ooup_.-86S£ JUDO US 6.'65- 8»i woo u s e» ’7i ooup .—aj 3(8.0 Tr'y 63? t 2 Yr- 9654 230110 Term St 6b 90-....-43 SvOO Vir St 65.-...-.516 **J4 3000 N Car Stdn.i s6«l 8000 d s‘,ri *OOO Missouri St 6s j* 8 >«o ao 09)91 do —— ~,-rv ,5> * 1000 Mo Os iss to H * StJliß- ISSS^hc^otbo:.^ rowo^>3^fo JUGO Clo & Tol tt F bd*.T4 . 6 Metrcp’n Bank. . * Siyl 60« Y Cant Rp&o7SM 60 Jo 260 - do.-■ -■ »-P«.070/»* Steamship North Star, Jones, cleared at New York yesterday f°r Aapinwall. , Steamship Airma,Shannon, from Liverpool, arrived atNew York. yesterday. •• • ■ KT ■■■■.: Ship Dreadnought. Samuels, for New York, sailed from Liverpool 19th uit. Bark Daniel, Smith, hence for Marseilles, passed by Gibraltar fitb uit. . Bne George Amos, Nichols, henoe, arrived at Boston 51 Br^eVTrenton, Atherton, and Altavela, Reed, hence, arrived at Portland 30th utt. - . __ | sohr Frowesa, Jacuaway, hence, arrived at Boston New York Markets—Yesterday. Uiftuit, ■ „ „ .. .. _ • . ~ n A fttatn v\ n » r —i- , nMll l ftahrs Mahion Betts. Jbndicoit, and Beuj L Berry, Fhoußj &g.— and Sta Flour are in less j Tc-gaver, cleared at Bouton 31st uSt. for Philadelphia, active demand, but pncM oltnippinß brands are i Kc^r ,* op i-jolmes. MoFlwee, cleared at Boston3lat ttl? l'ha«sT4 a ßLbrage 12 BJO b6l» ?»^chw^Hornet “Hedy, J C Brook,, GraHara,fAnn, "Western extra, 22Jj®4 w i®* ‘*t** £tate, but 11 g g arn .h, Benson, and Oarthagena. Kelly,sailed obietly at,44 28 js4 35®4 fid lor mDCy do, $4 r r ®Jr hew Bedford 3isi uit for FhilacU-lpiiia. shipping branda oi rtiund hoop extra Ohio, and $6,100 - 1 y p Reeves, Carman, henoe, arrived at Glouce -6.2y for trade brai dado. • f ®.oo,h«lr Canadian r loar is heavy, espMially the lov trades. fit g^ ITB A ,bert Magee. Kennedy, and Grace Watson, Common are i/i f*ir buppu , the sales are 870 f N f_°' “ OR , uchct, armed at Wew fiaveh 30th nit bblsat af4 2Offi7 60f»rexira. _ n »w i tohpae, Cook, at N York Slot uit* from Havana. Bouihorn F our is lu loir demena. particularly new. gjjji Silver Star. t.o hne.oiH&red at Baltimore 31st uit and wim u oaer&te receipts the njaiKet i a firy, \ the • B°ST'rv i.neiro and a market sales include tt.GQu b h at a,'i x<s<l h to vi£ 0 i ■ * 0 J o mS NaiVagansettjfill? Wm H Sheldon, Collins, C superfine Baltimore, «o.,6anu sfBQ©Bey| of die better MoKlwee, JBatterthwaite. Maloy,Fidelia' Rye Flour U steady ; sales of 300 bbls at $ 2 /tat & “■ Corn Meal is unchanged ; the oemiund i a moderate; David Smith. Douglass, J C Patterson, Hand, ealos oi suo phi* at s2.Bw©2 86 for Jersey, and $286 for -Donecca Knight, iSnrticou P BoU-e, iloioe, F Adwards, Fajrf * ml U? t™™. ®‘'°!l.„ annn'i «„ i _> M*.hoock- Sarah A Boice, Boice. John Tilton. Kdwaid*, 4 The in\S?.™ p E£ e s,if f ‘fsf°&endar#on,H.r eimnmns,Ketohum.AMammond, FnT«Kid" ESS r Ji‘u%«D bS. l \\ UI T 7«W; Es»£«<e™.,<*«**,«&>.*» THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1861. This Bbst Clothing in thh CtTY.—Those in want of clothing should repair immediately to the Mammoth Gift Establishment of Granville Stokes, 609 Chestnut street, where they will be sure to receive an elegant and durable garment not (o be surpassed by any other establishment in the oitj. A splendid varie ty of summer clothing is now selling at this establish ment, at one-half the prioe asked else where, besides obtaining a cheap article, each sale is accompanied with a gift ofuse', value, and beauty. Call and see for yourself. • The Wbathbh and tub 6oiDtßßß.~rThe roatt' ing weather we have at present bears heavily upon the soldiers who are in active service, 'light, or badly fitting garments, which chafe and worry their wearers, are worse than the Minie balls of the enemy. A proper TBgard for the comfort of the gallant volunteer should prompt those who hold influential positions to obtain for him garments made of comfortable material, easy fittingAnd calculated for service. Just such clothing, in fact, as that made by Rockhill A Wilson, at they- Brown Stone Clothing Hall, Nos. 603 and 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth. This firm have directed much at tention to the making of military : uniforms, and they have so systematized their business that a department of fi r st-claßB military clothing has been established by themwi l hout interference with their oiher business Unlimited numbers of uniforms are now turned out by them, all of the very best materials, and unexceptiona ble m resoeettocut,oomfort,and workmanship. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, CONTiNSNTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut, Thns A Wulme.Phiittdelphia F F Betts, NewJ'rssy it Wa.ffe, New Je-aey Tboa H JDavie, New Jersey Chas H T Co lls, Pa E T Blaokman, Fa I. N Jones. Jersey Shore wm H Calvert. liineinMti H P Cooke, Ohio Wm S Plurner, Pa . C B Giffin, Newark, O Gazz&Jn Gano, C.noinnati W A Had. Cincinnati, O H a Newhuid, Da rnit MoreanHFnell.h-Jfash Cjrm Taft. Providenoe Jae Wheelook, New York R H Aokenburg. « York P Stevens. Bns-on H.J FarrmsWorth. Buffalo H A B.nson. Burton „ , 'VI %}i». New York Lieut W H Pitt, New York John Meily, Lebanon H B Leman, tanonster W c Huahre.St Lnun n j Williams, New York J M Oavies, New York Wm M Kvarts, New York 8 Draper, New York Wm HHendrickson&Bn.N J Thosflonch, PottavHle Eji Lawrence- New York R W Burke, Boston M M Whi-e &1. Cincinnati Mrs Hawley, N Jersey . W A Davis, Louisville BHThomson, New York JW Gilbert, New York W Oilion. New York AJ* Hnller,Vew York S Bradford, Jr, New York K C Hawkins. New York H H Porter, New York R D Russel, New York Dr Dumont, Newport. RI C H Da t *n, Boston Rev Dr Patton, Canada Lieut Cambre on? P # I'opeland. New York P A Oliver, ft Hamilton 8 L Whitney & la, Mich 0 B.lly- J*\ Wash, DC F Dutr *n, Baltimore H W Crnthers & da. Va, OB .Coventry & la, NY W B Coventry, New York H i homson Kentuoky W PBnM. New York Mrs F a emith, Wash NWGoertnT J 'P Amos, Mass MajMaroy USA WEHooper, BiUimore P Kerbey, California r J Warren, tt Louis Wm E * i hngbost, N Y J Spooner, Savannah H Len'z & la. Ohio W,H Davis, t>nci«.nati J Cuitis, New York C Kuhn, New York R. Memphis J> K>nnedr. Boxbury C<ipt B Borden B H. Cneever* RI . Col f L Mortimer, USA S Beimngroa, £ew York S Neal, Baltimore K K Oonahn, Phila MERCHANTS’ HOTKJ.—Fourin meet. b.low Arts, A R Barrow, Ohio J E Williams, Phila ,>jnj J Cummings, Snyder oo J E Hulbert, Ohio Muillin, . hio - JosCtsrk,.Maryland S F Ottreil. Philadelphia geo A Smitn, fa ■ Geo Bright, Pottsville Geo H Kline, Mansfield, 0 Chae A ladeler, Baltimore Maj W 8 Wallace, U S A E I) Wallace, USA C A Deriokson. Meadville Job neriolißOii. IWeadville Jacob Hoffman, Carlisle Jas F McNeal, Perry 00, Pa W Pettit, Indiana Ira Fowler, New York C MoKibbin, Jr, I lula H Latimer, York co l’a, JB P Miller £ wf, N J Jay Gould, Gouldsboro : : AMERICAN HOTEL —Chestnut street, abore Fiw,. B G Hall, New York Geo G Hatch, KUiabure 'l’hoi Wilson. Plula - Jas A Boyle, New York Major Bos wiok. New York CaptW Raynor, N York 1) Rait. New York, JM Trapp, Williamsport J H Bywords, Baltimore H W Sherrer, Easton Co! John Holmes, Wash.uC G Spencer, Jr Mineraville •Mrs bpencer, Minersvilie J Bhellenberser, Miner,!' w 0 Wilson,Newa k Wm Spencer, Minersvilie Mirs McLeod, Wash,JDC Capt Cnas Arrowsmith F A Baker W R Franklin Illinois John Donaldson, Tamaonn T L Fosi er & sn.M Chunk J Lamenting lit da, M. Chunk O p Starke, New York J Norton, New Jereer R P James. Baltimore Jas Williams. New York W HCunningham, Balt W Knabe, Baltimore Mr»T Street, Baltimore J Rennie. New York Dr HtU, Canada Louis Ailyn, New York • B*. LORIS HOVEL—Chestnut street, above Thira, Mde la Bonne, New York J J Dehaven. Phila R H Alison, Penna I John Russell, Phila John Dohertr, Kch Haven N Curtis, Ken'uckr. N.P Kelly, Virginia H D Yeager, Virginia J Pennypaoker, W Chester Mr De. Witt, Delaware A fcmieli- New York F J Alison, Penna Wm Wiikene. Baltimore Geo W Knox. Phila John D Vk atson, Phila W H -iwign. NR E Potts, Phils, ■ - F L Fries, Baltimore T Montrose, Newark, N J THE UNION—AMh street, above .ttnlM. Geo Wiggan, Tamasua’ Colß RatcUff, T&mmina E Baher, Illinois O F Stadiger, Phila H IS Boon, Penna JHHimee,Penna B Payne, New York G L Carter. New York G Ditlman, Chambersbnrg STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. JHDevers.USA J R Findley, US A ■' John MoPterson, Clearfield JFThpmp.on, New Yoik R Andrews. New York John Maxwell, Penoa J M Chris’*. Virginia ,H Dickinson, Lano co, Pa W Dnpps. Midway Pa John Ellis, Delaware W M Reynolds, Maryland COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth at..above Chestnut. W A Atwood, Chest 00. Pa E Fritz, Books op, Pa Theo 8 i.one,CoateevHle S<W Pomeroy, Roxbnry A A Pomerov, Roxbnry P*Wld Bo.itt, Elkton IWBabb. West Ches er LGGriflith, Penna Isaao Bei-tolet. Reading F W Sanderson. Del U C Weldin, Wilm, l)el Morton Fennoofc, Del A D Barlan, Coatesville JohnVandersboe. Pa RWLevis, Westchester Marshall Yeatman. Del F Moßparran, Lane 00, Pa A GM Prevr at. Trenton Cart Chas Arrowewith, Pa FA Baker, Philadelphia REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. Jno WMoffly, Philadelphia HMSpayd, Baltimore O Major Baltimore ■ „ ohss Birch, Lancaster, Pa W W Flaherty & la, Phila Jesse ATilge, Philaoa. U Bast, Schuylkill Haven Jos Whitakßr. Mt Clair Samuel Miller, Baltimore Wm Blair Baltimore F W Back, Baltimore Miss Kate Saylor, Kohl Hav A * Rosser, Sohuyl Haven M H Bowman, Palmyra GW Morgan, Pottav lie JG Rowland, Philadelphia 0 Bowman, Philadelphia MOUNT VERNON HOTEL-seoond *t„ above Aroli. B Redwood, Penna JsmesM Kennedy A Miller Miss Franklin, Easton J Markley & 1, Montgbm oo N Marple & lYMontg oo Mr Larkene & 1, Ohio JEI B Hough, Penna J H Bogart:us, Penna PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. GEO. N. TATHAM, ) „ TH. FRO J BINGHAM,S Cohhixibb of Tim Month, WM. L. KERN, ' 1 ■ _____ 1000 C & Amb 65.1875~.54 2 iMeohanios’ 8k,....20>4 200 City 6s R.— 8834 1200 do——'-88J4 2000 do —.b3wn 8834 7 Cam 6c Am R_UQ [CEB-DULL, JSid . Asktd SchNavPrfd-*..i2J4 J 3 Mmira H Bref~~ 9>4 10 Elm7s*;3..— - 62 Long island Jt—♦ 954 10 LehCV&N. 4934 4954 Lob Cl * N 5«0~5534 3534 North Penna R -5 6 N JPenna R 105.—75 77 Catawissa R »TOf 5 634 Frank A So R- ,-35 40 2d * 3d-sts R 3- .41 44 W Phila Rexd -61., 63 Spraoe * Pme.-754 834 Green * Coates—l 4 15 ixcaangc—Aug. 1. lOAP-D 6000 Hud H 3d m b.....„80 6uFaoMSiCo—_.7i& 100 Bending 31-™- eIOSSId 60 iVlioh Ho & N 1 g s3B 100 do L.2BM 100 . do 28» 100 All oh Gen ft 4;G£ 200111 Ceil Hue ...63 100 d0.,..„„»1063 IUO do. ....... C3,'i 100 do _63« 160 „ , do.—. 160 Gal & Ohio R__ .62¥ 60 do , K2M 300 do .t>3o (ilAe 300 do__;:::_e2% 100 Clev & Tol ft. 27? i SUO do 87* 100 do—-~_i3o 27J£ 200 do_ „..2 7X 100 do— ,810 27% SOO do__... .bl 0»« 700 Chi & ft I R_ 40 60 - d 0.... „..39& 10 Warren ft„„ 74 Rye is inactive, and prices are nominal: 47®4?e for Western, and 62>£®6So for State. Oatß are in bo. ter saonlr, and lower; sales of Ca nadian at 28>£®28o, and western and State at 31«320. tom is in good supply, and prices are a siade e-.sier. An active demand prevails at the reduction, chiefly for OXpOlt. The Bates are. 163 000 bus at 37®40c for heated. 41eM4c for hasro n m!scon,4so for shipping do, choice do at 43>£ and 45®47#c for Western jei;ow. Provisions —The market forpors is more active and firmer; ihe advance is bvsed upon the reduced stock. Ihe mtncuon is 11,000 bbls: sales of 1.376 bbls at 515 76©t6for mess; $lO flOffllu 75 for prime, j B*ef is firm; stock reduced 14 000 bbU ; sales of 276 bbls at 53.600T10.76 for repacked mess ; 511.60® 12.60 for extra. £oef Hama are quiet at ®H 60® 16 Cut Meats are quiet at 4%®50 for shoulders, and 534® OX for hams. Lard is quiet, but firm ; sales of 575 pkgß at 83£®9,M0. Putter and Cheese unchanged. Ashes— I'he market is steady and in fair demand. Wo quote pots at 56 26. and pearls at 56.573-S. CITY ITEMS. CP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST JSIOHT. asAKiPTB .orrJsixJsitJKSicK PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 8, ISSt SUN RISES--—... .5 1 SUN SETS.,, ~—,B 59 HIGH WATER - i 10 51 AHKIYED. Br brig Herald, (prize) of Windsor, NS, from Bean fort, NO, with tobacco and naval stores, bound to Li verpool—was captured 2tst nit. while attempting to run the blockade, by the U 8 frigate St Lawrenoe. A prize orew was plaesd bn board, who brought her to this port. Sohr L S Levering, Corson, S days trom New Yors, m balKstto N Sturtevant fc Co. Schr Joseph Turner, Crowell, 3 days from New York, in ballast to captain. ■ Sohr OUvia, Fox, l day from Odessa, Del, with grain to Christian & Curran. . Sohr Willard Saulsbury, Hudson. S days from Boston, in ballast to N Siurtevant A Co. . .. . Sohr Jesse Williamson, Jr, Wmsmore, from Boston, in ballast to Smniok.on A Glove’. , , SolirW P Phillips, Smith, from Boston, in ballast to °lichr I H N Farnham, Bacon, ? days from Boston, with ice to captain. . •• , „ , _ Sohr Young Amenoa, Tuft, 1 day from Port Deposit, with wheat to Jas L Bewler fc Co. „ : . 6ohr Vandalia Cooper. l day from Sassafras Hirer, wlthoorntoJasLßewley&Co. : _ r ... SohrM.a*y,HendriclLM>n I day from Odessa, Del, with wheat and oats to Jas L -dewley A Co* r'chr T P MoColley, Carter, 1 day from Camden, Del, with wheat to Jas Barratt dc Son. Sohr Eugene. Boston* irom Poston. Sohr F r sandolph. Miller, from Bofiton. Schr Eliza Williams, Twlor, from Boston. Bohr Adelaide, Younic. from Salem. Sohr 0 F Hawley. Buckley, from Danvers Steamer Auda, Robinson, 24 hours from riewYork, with mdse to Wm P Clyde. Steamer Bristol, Alien, 24 hours from new York, with mdse, ftc,to WJP Clyde. • - steamer f'arah, Jones, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm M Batrd Sc. Co.. _ - steamer VPaahington, Whildm, 8 hours,from Capa Mar, with passengers to captain. At P o’oloek jester- I day mormor, below the Ledge, saw the bark White Wins, hence for Laguayra, going down. CfcEAJLED.- Btoamnhip Delaware, Jonnaon, New York, Jnji AU iB Bng Canima. Pinkham, Boaton, J E Bailej. Soar ' luooo. Boston Boston, w Stuiterant & Co. Bohr W Bau abury, Hudson, Boston. t o Sonr Li S Levering, uorson, Boston, • do Sohr H A Weeks, aodtrex, Boston, do Sohr Mountain Eagle, Ames, Kookland, do Bohr EuojAntaa, Knowltou, Hoosland, do . Sohr a V W Stmmoi.s, Godfrey, Boston, . do Sohr E Williams. Taj lor, Boston. Jj Audenried £b Co. &ohr WHMaUler, Colby. Boston, Noble, Hammett & C fi l obr e R L Tay, Shepherd, Boston. „ do , . feonrJ Williamson, Jr, Winsmore, Boston, Sinmokson *BohrAcie!side, Yount, Newburyport, J RBiakiatoa. Sohr Hannah Matilda. Price, Boston, do bohrE W Godfrey,Weeks,Charlestown, do Schr O F Hawley, Buckley, Danvers, Castner, Stick- F K^Katdoiph, Miller, Providence. I) J Sawyer, bchr South Wind, Holmes, Baltimore T Webster, Jr. Sehr Thos E French, Newell, Baverhill, Tyler, Stone & BohrE W Benton, Taylor, Providence, ■ do;' botir P A Sanders, Somers. Boston, Reppher & Bro. Sohr W L Audenrieu, Hewitt, Boston, E R Sawyer & Sehr Mary PatteTson, Somers, Boston, do • Sohr T U Hubbard, Williams, Portland. C A Keok ' sober & Co- Steamer Bristol, Allen, New Clyde. Str Vulcan. Morrison, New York. W ftl Baird * Co.. Str H iiOaw.lJer, Baltimore. A Groves. Jr. (Correspondence of The Press.) HAVRE BE GRACE. July 31. Eleven boats left here* this mornine, laden and con siened as follows: • Henry F Bui ell, lumber to M Trump. Son & Co; Frances, do to Noroross A Sheets; T E Stephenson, do to 8 Boiton to Co; Merchant’s Friend, do, and E& W H Lippmcutt. lumber and staves to H Groskej; Mount Vernon, anthracite coal to New York; Quaker City, C J Brubaker,C R Buckalew.and Experiments, anthra cite ooal to Delaware City. MEMORANDA , r PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. B „ . r,. m S i i Y and Coastwise Arrivals at the Port of 'Philadelphia for the month of July, 1861: FOREIGN. 4l Brigs.—- 8 ! Schooners Ships.* ~~ „ w ., Barts COASTWfSE. .. 1 Slciopa....-*<2 ll Steamers-. —— p* „ 21 BarsQS —— •. .A* 7lB BGatßr-. .-......... 1«S Harks— Brigs .......... SohoonerH...,,, Total _ SPECIAL NOTIOEsT Boy Your .Battting Kobbs, for Ladies, Gents, and Childten.at SLOAN’S, 806 MARKET St,., Phiitt. - anl-3t* SUFFHHSRS WITH DISHASRS OF THE Bl.AI)- dkr, Kidnejj, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, Ac., read the advertiaoment in another column, headed “Helre hold’o Genuine Preparations.” jyd-mwf tf Otta i'aio* Clothing of th«i Laths 1 ? SVM.RS. made in the beat manner, expressly fer *B STAIL SALES, LOWEST salline »rioe« marked in Plain Flinres. All toods made to order warranted satisfnotory, o*r ONJt-PJUOE system i> itristly ad hered to. All are therebr treated alike. eiSt-lr JONES & 00.. 604 MARKET Street. Batch si,oa’s Hair uyh. —This celebrated and perfeot Hair Die i« l* t bssl m tit world. All other* ate mere imitations of this ereat oritmifl, wliioh has pained such extensive patronate in all parts of the rlobe. The genuine W. A. Batchelor** Liatnd Hair Dya instantly prcduoes a splendid blaok or natural brown, without stiunint the skin or iniurinr the hair, and wii! rsrnidv ti< ill tjftiii tf had dytt, inviforatint the hair far life. Sold by all Drugcitd* and Perfsmers, Wholesale by PaHKESTOC* t (10., i» VOW* * CO.. Philadsiphia, . wbl -tf ... Gbovbb 8s Bakbb’S Cslbbratbn NOISELESS FAMILY SEWINS MACHINES Ww Beat in Vh for Family Sewing. bakkued. FRIES—PORCH.—At Philadelphia, on the 80th ult., by the Rev. J. F, Berg, Mr. Pamael F. Pries, of Phila delphia* to Mias AlarihaT. Poroh.of Fißlervllle, I*. J. [WeitNfiwJeTae* papers pleat© * _Dh.N FE ft—D r.KFER.—On the 80th ult.» in Camden, N.J., by Daniels. Caner, Fsq , Mr. John Denfer to Mrs, Sarah Denier, all of Camden, flf.J. * DIED. ELLIOTT.—At Hamden, N. J., August I.ISU. fsrae. Elliott, only son of Bev. Richard 8. and Mary 3) James, aged 1 year and 1 week. Funeral from Ms lather’s residence* Wo. «28 North Feonnd street* Camden on Saturday, at 3 o’clock, without further notice. ** 6EIBBK —On the.3oth ultimo, Eliza Blanche, wife of Edward C, Geisee.aged 23 years., • • Funeral from Philipps Church. Vine street, above Franklin, this (Friday) morning, at 11 o’lock. * b»*TB ERBU&Y.—On »he 29 h ultimo, Caroline,wife of Samuel Mtherbury, and daughter of omarda and the late James Lechler. in »he 22a of her age* Funeral Irom the residence of her husband, rear of 932 St. John street above .Poplar, this (Friday) afternoon, &t2o , c‘' ek. ■ ■.» SAMUEL.—On the3oth ultimo, John Samuel, 8r ,in the 74th yearof his a&e. • r Funeral from his Ute reside nee* No. 10S5 Beach street, Kensington this f Friday 1 afternoon, at 3 o’olock. * BCUi.L.—Outhe 30th ultimo, Captain Joseph Scull, in the 34-h rearof his age. CALDWELL—On th*3lst ultimo, Mrs, Ellen Cald well, widow of the late John Caldwell, in the 52d year of her age. Funeral from her late residence. No. 514 South Twelithstreet, this (Friday) morning, at 9 o’clock, * TIRN£.Y.—On the 3uth ultimo* John Tirney, aged .69 years.. Funeral from his late residence, Hamilton street, between Twenty fourth and Tucnty-fifth, this {Fn daylinornimr, at Bo’olock. w wITWORTfI —On the 37th ultimo, at East Pales tine, Columbia county, Ohio, John David Whitworth, in the 77th « ear of his age. JM AKTIN-—On the 30th ultimo, Frederick F., son of Jaoob and Mar’ha War*m, aged lOyearsa ddiaonths. Funeral from No. 7i6 Plover Btreet. below Washing* ton av*— ■ • —« »—* jn avenue, this (Friday) morning, at 9 o’clock. * PiI.KTNGTON—On the 3»st ultimo* Mn. Sarah Pitkmgton, widow of the late Abr&hamPilkington, aged 70 ears. Funeral from the residence of her aon-m-law, John Biliflioy, Penn street* Manayunfc* this (Friday) after noon at 2 o’clock. * PRINIZ —On the SOth ultimo, JohnH. Prints:, need 74 years. Funeral from the residence of liia nephevr, Henry B. Railing, .bo. 344 South Second street, this (Friday) moaning, at 8 o’clock. * STINSON—On the 31st ultimo, Jane Stinson, aged 22 years Funeral from the residence of her brother. John Stinson, No. 719 South Fourth street, this (Friday) af ternoon- at 3 o’clock. n ' i.LKIN tON.—OntheSQthultimo, Elizabeth,daugh ter of John and Elizabeth G. Elkinton, in the 4th year of her age. Funeral from No. 469 North Eighth street, this (Fri do,T ) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. * HUGHES—On the 30rh ultimo, Mrs. Sailie Ann Hughes, wife of Mr. James Hughes, in the 63d year of her age- ■ . .. Funeral from the residence of her husband* No. 432 Steven street, Camden, N. J.,on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o’ctack. * MAECOkM.—On theSlst ultimo, in Williarasburgh. N.'V., Captain William Malcolm, aged 84 years and 8 months. . * 'II'OIZRNIHG STORE, .'BESSON & SON, .JA 918,CHESTNUT Street, are now selling Black crape maretx. at 25 and 31# cents. Black bareges, at 25 and 81# cents, Blaok 7-4 wide bareges, 60 and 62J4 cent*. 6eeond>mmirninz poplins, 25 cents. Gray mixed lavellas, 12Xo< Gray mottled modenas, 12>*c, Gray mixed wide madonnas, 13S£e, Black and white printed grenadine baregei, 10a. Shepherd plaid real grenadine bareges, fifio. Black and white Pans organdies, 280, W* V OLUMTEER ,*JS COMMITTEE, TOOT OF WASHINGTON HtRE KT.—The Passage of Volunteers throush the city, and the expectation of,others, ■will require more funds than we have at our disposal The committee will feel thankful for any Contributions in Provisions or Money left with the following gentlemen, who have kindly volunteered to aid us: FIELD A HaRDIE, 633 Market street. J. C. HAND & CO.. 6l4and 616 Market street. Dr.EOST N EBINGER., Sw. oor. eeciondand Mary. JB. 8. BP OWN. 610 South street. NAVOHY.& CO.,Front ans Reed. ‘ JOHN K AIDER. W. K. cor-Second and Walnut. ALEX. SBEAVES, M 6 N. Fifth and 8:8 S. Fourth. MKRRIoK t SONS, Southwark Foundry. MORRIS, TASKER&J 0„ Third and Walnut. Dr. E. WARD. 941 South Seoond street. THOS. C. HAN'I, Delaware Mutual Insurance Co, PAUL J.FIELD. 747 sou-h Second. ■ , . J NO. WILLI AMS, Willing's adey and 924 Catharine. O, M.SANDGRAM 4c 8ii0.,2;0 S. Delaware avenue, 8. SHAW, 1133 Girard avenue THOS, W. Daily. Ml North Seventh. OEO.W MARTIN, 126 South Seoond, . E. A. SOTJDER, s Dook-stieet Wharf. J. H. BAXTER. 622 South Second. MYERS. CLAGHORN, & CO., 252 and 234 Market. BUC« AN AN & COURTNEY, 164 South Third. SAMUEL S. MOON, Commonwealth Insurance Co.. Sixth and Chestnut. _ - , _ W. L. BURKHaRDT.M North Front. J. G& J.H. SMITH, West Philadelphia. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, N. E. Cor. Eleventh and V HENRY DIBTON, 67 and 69 Laurel rtreet. JOHN F. 4c E. B. ORNE. 6,9 Cn.estnut. Dr. WM. H. BTU RGKN, U. S. Mint, Chestnut street. Dr. A. L. KENNEDY, Market street and West jAe. , ’s. U M ASON 4fc CO., 133 and 140 North Front. : Dr SMALL, 223? Callowhill street. WASHINGTON JONES, at Isaac P. Morris’Rich mond Foundry. ■ ' . D K. ASHTON. No. 919 Aroh street, BENJAMIN 3CHMAUX.No. 602 N, Second street. A RAD BARROWS, Chairman, No 1909 South FRONT Street. OFFICE MORRIS CANAL AND BANK- Lj| IN6 CO., Jeksky GttY, July 53,1851.. “DIVIDEND NOTICK.—The Board of mreotora have declared, from the earnings of the Canal, a semi-annual Dividend of FIVE PhJt CENT. upon the Preferred Stock, parable on and after the 6th day of August next, at the Office of the Company, at Jersey City, or to Stockholders in and near Philadelphia, at the office of E. W. Clark Sc Co., there. The Transfer Books will he closed from the 25th inst. to the 6th of August jy2s tAuts* L. N. COM PIT, Seoretarr. NOTICE—TO THE INHABITANTS OP UJ FRAN KFORD—That the DAILY or WEEKLY PRESS can be h**dat the counter of my store* or served at your houses regularly, at as early hour, _ W, C» SHKARD, jylB-lm* : Axent for Thu Press, ia Fraakford. ry«» OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA l ls AND DARBY RAILROAD COMPANY. , ■ . Phil*dbl?hia, July 13,1881. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Di vidend of TW KN T Y-FIV L CENTS per share on the Capita! Stock'of th's Company, outstanding this day, payable on and alter the 2Cthmst»atthe Office of trie Treasurer, No- »2t Walnut street. _ For the oonvenienoe of tne Stockholders, the Trea surer wilt be at the Depot, comer of Darby avenue and mat., prepared to pay the above. • x Traneler Books will be closed until the 26th met, TEOS. SPARKS, Secretary and Treasurer, jyl6-lm No. I*l WALNUT Street. The union, the constitution, AMD THE DAWS. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE The NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE is pab ished every TUESDAY and FRIDAY. Contents of No. 1,688. [July 30.; I„LBAOIBS ARTICLES: The Latest War News; Now York to the Rescue; What Shall be Done? Two Witnesses; * sst Point; The , Reaeon; Editorial Paragraphs. lI—THE KETTLE AT BULL. BUN *. Incidents oftheFight; AdditionaiListof Casualties. * ITI-FROM EUROPE. IV FROM CALIFORNIA: Summary of the Latest News by Pony Express. V..LATEBT *>WB ,hECEIVED BY, TELE GKAFH: Ohio Politics; lowa Politics; Tne New Mexico Mail; From Bt. Louis. VI-THk WaR FOR THE UNION : The Attack on Manassas. VII-THE CIVIL WAR IN AMERICA: By Wil liam H, Bussell. VIII.-A STRONG ARTICLE ON THE WAR; From the pen of Benjamin Kurtz, D. 0, IX-OUR TROQPi ON THE KANAWHA: The Rattle of Bcaray ; How a Parcel of our Officers were Captured. X-THE SUPPRESSION OF THE REBELLION. XC-A PROCLAMATION TO THE PEOPLE OF RHODE ISLAND. XII..PROGRESS OF THE WAR: Our Killed and Wounded; Beauregard Not at Leesburg: The Attack on the Rebel Batteries r The Presi dent’s Deference to ‘*en; Scott; Fresh Troops f-om Indiana and I'lmois ; Prisons, s Escaped from Man>seas; 280 of-our Wounded taken there: 32 of them havelDied ; Death of *olone Corcoran; of the Mxty-ninth ; Resentment against the Zouaves; The Rebels Keiuse to Bury Them. X£II..THIRTY~SbVENTH COVG*FBS-EXyRA SESSION: Proceedings in the Senate and House of Representatives. ; XIV-'J HE SILVER CORD : By Shirley Brooks XV- CHESTER TOWARi: By Anthony Trol lope XVI— *HE CROPS. XVII-CENBUJ STATISTICS OP MINNESOTA. XVIII -SLAVERS ON THEIR WAY HOME WITH ■ negroes. XIX. .FROM THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. XX...NEWS SUMMARY. xxt.J’fciisQNAL. xiii-cm" mews. XXIII..MIBCISLLAHEOII:'. 'XXIV .MARRIAGES AND URATES. XXV .COMMERCIAL. MATTERS: Full' KepoirU of the Stock, Money, Cotton, Gram, and Cattle Markets, specially Reported ior the New York Tribune. Ti'&tffc— °ne Copj for one year, $3, '*'wo Copies one vfiar. fSff- Five Copies one jear, $11.25. Ten Copies, to one address* $2O. For a Gleb of Twenty* we send an Extra Copy. _ For a Club of Forty, wo send The Daily Tribune gratis. Addreaß THE TRIBUNE, Now Yolk 'i'HK H- v. DAILY T-RI bUNE. 30 perannum THB N.Y. WEEKLY TRIBUNE, *2 per annum. For Club Terms, see The Tbieune of onj Date. It Psrmit mb to call took AT TENTION to the Life-B-ze Pliotographß m Oi» that are made direct from living ueisonß or from small Tlajmerrßot;PßB or n mbrotj pea, or inetnimonTa, ana wmst he i.ihtnesepß, when.- made -*t. RKIMEK.S aSfeLERV * SECOND street, above Green It ESTATJB OF SAMHEI," a. ' tPAKK*V Deoessed. Letters testamentary c. t. a. to this estate have been crantea hr the Register of Wills to thenndarsigoed. All nersopß indebted to, or havmsr claims agai*st» said estate, will present No, 70S WaLN U'f Street. jeSfl-tli 61 8 WASHINGTON LEGION—THIS RE GIMENT being accepted, and orders reel iveil to muster ml)j companies, i the atten tion of good men, (three Volunteers pre ferred,) and i iTicera with men. It.h*t tlie staff i§ compoied of thorongnly eom p eBl°.? ta ry men, who aim to make this she ni* Bw e *i ) i l,a Regi ment. Recruiting btauon, s*B MARKET St. Ht\ff Headquarters, tst. Loum Hotel. it* „(1 § ATTENTION !—The undersigned having been authorized to ra*w 8. Regiment of In fantry. for the War, has deputeu the following offi cers to enlist men fortheßegiment. A. BBSMAW, ATbeiter Halle. Nortii Third street, below Green, and at Fried Denzel’s. NorthTl ijid f r * E ’ above Beaver. JU.UUS o-WALD, At A. Miller’s, m Gajpwm ) street, borsch & *ohi’s,43l CaHowhiUstreet, A.BaUe'.,C W? orthTh,rt.t f «. At F. Baltz’s, «7 Worth Third iitrest. John Kluropr’a, 220'lallowhlll «treet. MAX SAOHH» At Mr. Holde’s, Southwest corner Fourth amt Jeffer son Streets. ~rrxr*PDl} FRED. WINTER* At W, Watnor’a.lM Wort^Thirr 1 . above Willows*,, At 344 Margaretta street. 4M Juliana street. 720 Vine street. SOHOI> ,, ■ At Mr. Wanner's. Be Kalb H "Wl. Paasrunk mail, KUD, SCHWARZ. ma*' 1 wo jy.ll 8t Ij WANT ED—A finished drummer and H filer for the United States Alan. I I 500 able-bodied men for the. United States marine “*• corps, for sea and laud service,-!iminemately, Ap ply at Kendezrous, no. 311 . ' let UiemenantW. STOKES J10Y1). jy3o-12t Recruiting Officer. tTHK “ McULELLAN KEGIMENT,” named in honor of onr gallant townsman, General George B. MoClellan, is now organised, and under marching orders in two weeks- One more company will be accepted, by applying immediately to headquar ters. No 226 ronth FRONT Street. The following is a bet ol field and staff oflioers: „ Quartermaster, WM-BHAiIKJ*.y, PKIU i’ LEiBY, Jn. s ldL ATTE TION! HOME GUARDS Jsg&i AND RESERVES !-ACTIYE SERVICE 1— JjLbZjs*. A number of gentlemen, conceiving the im portaiiceof the Cavalry service-ate. lorming a Com pany, to be attached to a Regiment of Cavalry ac cepted hr the Governor, and desre a- tew more intelli gent men to make up their complement. Horses and equipments furnished. A‘he Company go into service immediately. ApplyatfcheLawOmce»No.4l9 WAL NUT street, second story, front room. au2-2f r .■-’SA , LINCOLN CAVALRY.—AH JHrn members give at Head- Quarters. FIFTH andWALiNU r streets, on r 1 THURSDAY muster. __ ■„ JOHN FITZWATh.iI, Captain. , WM. H. BOYD, Captain, jys3-26 WANTED-FOE THE THfKD jX&Zft Hegiment U. S. Cavalry, able-bodied men of < tv good morale, between the ages of 18 and 85 years, 10 serve for 8 years. Pay from $l2 to ■ S' 2l per month, with board, clothing, and medical attendance A minor will not be enlisted without the consent of parents or guardians. Ken aooustomed to horses and riders Apply at principal Kendezvous, Ho. 115 South EIGHTH street. Jy2<-13f* Brown silks, sel sot shade* ORDERED, ; Good Brown Poult de Boies. Good Bate Poult de Boies. Good Silkß for City Psles. EYK.E & DANDELL, FOURTH-and-ABCS* Good stock, of staple dry GOODS. • Complete assortment of Muslins. Comp'ete assortment of Flan Complete Stock oi iiouaehald Goods. iiYRC & bANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH. Black silks at net cash pkices. Good Blaok Grotto Fliinaa. Good. B &ok Grode Aleiander.. Good Black Grode Imperial. Good Black Gr< da Grain ®L Good Black Nfiat-Fijnired silks. JEYRK & LANBBLU FOURTH and ARCH. Wfce mo»t iplendW SILK MANTiKB in the oitr. gILK MANTILLAS, In every n6w style, the rioheat qualities ever seen at the elerant New Store, a* SOUTH: TEN'iTH STRKiJt. HOUGH&CO. jes-lm r<HEAPDRY GOODS- STILL FURTHER REDUCTION IN SUMMER STOCK, in order to insure sales and realize C*.sn. Fine Chintz colored Paris Organdies. Do. do. Parrs Jaconets. Medium style do. >-■ do. Dark Brown Dawna, 12&oentR, Silk Chailiee, Bareges, Barege Anglais. Gray Goods, Poulins, Mods de i aines, 630. Black Tamartine Crape de Espang, *c. Foulard Silks and Milanese, &o. White Goods m variety. A Gne line of piam Swiss Muslins, 12% to &8 cut. Black Lace Mantles, Bouroons and Points. Black and Colored Stella Shawls. A very cheap lot of Linen Cambric Hdkfg. A good stoofcof Flannels and Domestic Good* at the . lowest market rates, lor cash only. CHARLES ADAMS & SON, EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. REFRESHMENT MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR. , .fl. Cashmarettaa, Tweeds, Cottonsdes, Linen Drills, Satteens, Corduroys, 75 cent fine all-wool Casstmeres. e Black and fancy Casas meres, ' • „ COOFJteK A COWAitil. - • frlS a. K. o*rner NINTH and MARIUS*. F LUKINA ROKJSS. Very desirable Colorings in Hew Goods, Measuring 10 to 18 jards, rrioes, $1 to $169. • jygg SRARFLRSS BRCKgJHLKBfi, ENGLISH BaKIGHS, l-d Mixture* and Printed Figure*. In Fine Qualiti**, at very Low Prices. j,2S rrßnohallllEng SfeilFilß. CLOSING QUT SALE DRESS GOODS. Balance of our stock Summer Dress Goods, at merely nominal prices* to close them* Bareges and Barege Hobos, Uss than halfyrict. Fine itook Black Dress Goods, extra cheap. COOFHK & CUNaRD, fcrlS S.lS.eor. NINTH and MARXiu*. G*RINOH LACE PGINTB& L shawls, Mantles, and Bornous, xedueed to one~hal.f their value. Black Silk Mantles* Cloth do. Summer Dusters. A fine stock* cheap* • ’ COOPER Jc CONARD S. E, oor. NINTH and MARKET. N. B.—Best Hoop Skirts, 17 to 40springa. jylS 1 fiftl —MEMORABLE YEAR H AOUJ-e HARD ON DRY GOODS i VERY LOW PRICES! , STILL MORE REDUCED ! THORNLEY * CHISM, N. E. cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN, Want toaell their stock clean off, ■m And have consequently REDUCED THEIR PRICES,, m ■ VERY DOW, INDEED. Fancy Silk's a little over half price. Boms at,lea of Dree* Good* at half price. Lace Mantle*, Pointea, Eugenie* So., very cheap, Black Silks, the eheapeet in Philadelphia, A great variety of Gray Gooes, JLawns, Ao.. Ac. A very large stock of JJomestio Goods. A very large, stock of Linen Goods. Cloths, Oassimores, vestings. Ac.. «e. , N.B-—'This is a RARE J3HANCE to got gootlß un usually cheap. THORNLEY & CHISM. N. E. uor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. N. B.—From this date, July 9th, Terms “Cash on Delivery.” ■ ■ ■ U» STILL GREATER REDUCTION IN DRY GOODS.—Beat quality of Ginghams for 200. Nice assortment of Dress Goods froml2>f to 25. Delaines and Challie Uelames reduced from »to Ladieß’ Cloths, plain, plaid, and striped, at a low figure. Men and Boys’ Wear, much reduoed* Lawns in great variety from 8 to 37Kc. . Furnishing Goods, at the lowest market prices. Shetland Aawle, from 81 to jg.gr jy9 Tiia ARCH Street. SUMMER STOCK. OF DRESS «OODB AT FRIGES ACCORDING TO THE TIMBS.-Poplms, Bareges,SilkChailies,halfprice: ChallieDclaineere duced from 38 to 13X0.: Sprint Ciuntse, reduoed from B Speoial* attention is re,uested to onr stock of Organ die, and Jaoonet towns, whiohwe are bound to close ontata tow figure. (gIARLESADAMS* SON^ Bargains ! bargains n GREAT SACRIFICES. EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS offered in the balance of onr Stock of SUMMER DRESS GOODS, now olo "($fe; 0 /Ji'.LY UNDER COST FRICKS, 9aTgam«m Laos Mantles, BournoUs, Pointes. BARGAIN* IN BLACK SILKS. 800. Mohair Grenadines for 350, 160. Detainee, new styles, for Ba, 60o< Organdie Lawns for 18Xo* . 13*0, £awne, fine eual.tr, tor Ba_ fc 30M , jyß No. Ti 3 North TENTH Street, above Coates. A BANKRUPT IMPORTER’S STOCK xK. of Samples of Linen Cambrio Handkerohiefsj in hem-stitohea, iheer-oorded. and embroidered, from 10 cents to 63 cents each; a great bargain, purchased a eacnfioe for O a,h,andtobe^d, o*^^ooll. ie»' EIGHTH and ARCH Street,. IJIEINOH LAGE VEILS.—A choice lot L j alt purchased from a bankrupt importer, end for eale at half F ri «« »* Aiu , K g aDAMS A SON. jeSO KTQtfTK&nd ARCH Streets, LAOE POINTS, BOUKNOUS, A* AND MANTLES -A large stockto_be sold atles, than wholesale prioes. We cannot bo undersold in thesegoods. C ifoHTH MdAKCRSUMIs. M U!:QUITO NETTING, all colors; Tarle iTJ uin. aU colors, for covering glasses: Plaid and Swiss Muslins at * SON, je» EIGHTH and ABOH Streets, C3MALL-PLAID SILKS. k 3 Blue and White French Silks. . B n k rSs4SwW. B nf'Bilk.. B G?oSS and white French Silks. “ purple and White French Silks. 60 do*. Hdkfs. at 91.80 per do*. „. (r 80 do*. White Silk Gloves, MC; U« r n Many goods reduoed very low, to ax ( i.s 70S ARCH Street. tJOTIUI f *-ORNLFY !l * <! !:WRM^»oite f POSSIBIiK f«DUCKMEk* uASH rdKohASERS .pi'i, S’foci rue. o £fii ,1 Being determined lo udvet Stock they unit ti *i <J toautifuf FanoVSiike lot« e* D we* wort? 1 *! a ’’ fag 1 * && fiftheu T Graj Mixed Goods, in evett •’ .« «*«» pet r %tfetmtis, ricbano s .;very *•- Frerieh LaeeMantle»rTointes, SUawis,Eugenes. C^nbnatooeMantlMjCheat, 11a Lace Goods,lks. Black Silk Coat, Man^ v *o. b .n S rj.trie. rS. ' "' - •*' '• ' lI—TM i-ti-it 1 MILITAR* NOTICES. .Captain JOHN SAVAGE, Third Cavalrj Keonutme Officer. JRETACL BKY GOOOS IW MANTILLA STORE. HOUGH & CO., 2* SOUTH TENTH SZRUKT. 'Laos BIGOTED SILKS. * A Small Lot Just Received* Small figures 8.r.7C cents. BHaRkL£BS BAO-yHEKfI, « CTIRSTNUT&ndiSIgHTH S treated DISSOLUTION Vho limited partner |L;: I existing between the iubsoribtrs, hotetofore existing xlUj , lloHiu ,. fi jhF unaer the style for the piupose of carrying FIeUD, A FAKlßllt shoe business m the city ot on the wholesale hoot and " ld mutual consent. Philadelphia, is tlu. day disw KBt t |ed hy pamu9 i M . DSffiMd‘“wi'neM oStoand. and coals this Ist of Au gust, A. D. JB6l. ' n oihLINGHSST. IL. 8.1 • ( T, m £r‘S M-Duffleld, Att’y, [L. B.J GenerMF-uer. U Special Partner, JAMfcS ABBOTT, jU.8.l all3-f« EXCURSIONS Young men’s Christian asso ciation EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC OI TY , TUESDAY, AUOUBT (i. lfSfil. 4 o’clock, in the PRKBBYTKIUAN CRUHCEIi under the patronage of the following minia te Bf most of whom wul participate: Jtev. Messrs. Keanard, J. Hiatt Smith, Prisham A. Atwood, ». P. Henson. W. ,3 Jt. Taj lor, Ch mbera, Aewion, Kranth, J, Lejlmrn, D. D.iT.Bininard.D. X), and others. Leave Vine- street wharf at 6 n’otock A M ,retnrnine at 6 35 P.M. . 6 Tickets 81.50, or, including Dinner at the United States Hotel, ®2.03, to be had at the principal Book stores, and at the /looms of the Association. jySl-Bt* rpo NIAGARA FALLS AND BACK for ®i». i EXCURSION TICKETS WILT. BB SOLD HAIXiY ’i’KKGUSHOUT THB-SJSABO«r rrnoM I'ElLAßKlil'h’lA 'i'O THE PAULS OF MAGAKA, AND RETURN* FOR »VEIiVE DOLLARS, Via Philadelphia and Reading# and Catawissa. Elmira! and Buffalo Railroads, affording the opportunity to VISIT AND VIEW THK FALLS OF NIAGARA, AT THK MOST TRIFLING COST. TICKETS good for snvjsn sirs imm mu, Ac commodations throughout are !■ ITIHT ciiase, and the Scenery along the route is unonnaUed. For information as to hours of starting, tea., apply a I*. & £„ Through-Tioket Office, N. W. Corner SIXTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS , JI. D. MEAIiS, General Agent, > G. T. LEONARD, Ticket Agent. Jyl«-Jm S UM.MEja H.KS OKT 8. BP H R AT A MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA - The rates of HOARDING, at this beautiful resort, will he reduoed, from and after She first of August, to EIGHT DOLLARS per week. . a. n. SLAYMAfCER,- Ephiata P. Q„ Lancaster co.> Pa. fißA'-BATHIKG, OAPE INLAND,- CAPE MAY, I*. /.—DELAWARE HOUSE U open for the Season; Terms* SB per week, - iyl6-lm* JAMES MECRAYi Proprietor. SEA BATHING, ; ' : BRIGANTINE BOUBC, . . BRIGANTINE BEACH, N. J. Now open for the season. The :B&thing» Fishing, Gunning, andYachtmg being Tory superior. Boats will await guests at tbe inlet on arrival of trains. Board per week #S. P. 0. Address. Atlantic City. H, D. SMITH, WHITE HOUSE, Lower end of MASSACHUSETTS Avenue, . ATLANTIC CITY. This house is iooated Immediatelr on the Ueaoh, end presents everj accommodation for Visitors. Terms moderate. WILLIAM WHITJSHOUSE, jaHS-im \ Proprietor. OEA-BATOINfi, SAILING, AND FISH *3 IM A‘nju?Tic lotsi:. WATCH HlLl(, . - . Near Stoningtofc, Cotm. ■ TJub celebrated watering-place Hotel, where tlie facilities for Bathing, Sailing, Fishing, and the enjoy ment of the best quality of sea food, are superior to any other in the United States, will be opened on the JOth of June, 1861. 0. S. SPBNCKR, j023-lm ■ . - • Proprietor. «rp H »•' ALBA&SBEA » ATLANTIC CITY* N. J. A SPLENDID HEW HOUSE, S.E. Comer of Atlantic and M&ssAcbusotts Avenues, tw open for the reoeption of Boarders. e Rooms and Table of '• THE ALHAMBRA” are unsurpassed byany on the Island. There is % spacious loe Cream and Refreshment Sa loon attached to the House. Terms Moderate. _ C. DUBOIS A 2.J, YOTJ*G, je37-2m Proprietor*. HAJLL, \ ATLANTIC CITY. li. I. This spacious House, situated at Atlantic City, mil be opened on the 29th June, with every accommodation for visitors. The House fronts the l>eaeh 120 feet, erring a splendid view of the ocean, and is near the Fishing and Sailtßg point. No pains will be spared to secure the comfort and convenience of guests. je24-tsel THOMAS C. GARRETT, T IGHT HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, the nearest House to the safest part of the hoaoh, is norr open for the Season. ' TERMS MOBKHATK. WO HQ.TORS MOLD OK THE PP.EMMK3. JONAH WOOTTON. Proprietor. gEASIDE HOUSE* ATLANTIC CITY, BY DAVTD BCATTERGOOI). A NEW PRIVATE BOARDING-HOUSE, fcaauti lully situated at the foot of Pennsylvania Avenue- Now open for vleltora for the season. ja24-2m SEA BATHING.—“ The Clarendon,” (formerly VirriniaHouse,) VIRGINIA AVENUE, ATLANTIC CITY, isnow open lor the accommodation of Boarders. This House is situated immediately on the Beach, and from every room affords a fine view of the sea... ne24-3m] JAMES JENKINS, M. P, rp AM MANY HOUSE, NORTH OARO LINA AVENUE, Near the Deeot, ATLANTIC e'sutj sort her taken pleasure in Informing his former patrons and the publio that he hae reopened the above Mouse, where he will be happy to please all who may favor him with a oall, ■ . jest Sm ELIAS CLEAVER, Proprietor. ‘WASHINGTON HOUSE, ATLANTIC v » CITY, N, J;—'This House fronts the Surf, and lias the finest Bathing Ground on the Beaoh. BoaTdper week, 38.50. Bathing ureases Inomded for weekly boarders only, Board per day, «}•»- Single meals, 50 cents. JOHN ROTHERHAM. je24-2m Pioprietor. TYENTUOKY house, JDL . ATLANTIC CITY, N, J. This comfortable and convenient now house, Inflated on Kentucky avenue, opposite the Surf House, has oeeu fitted up for vieitors this season. F. & T. Q.UIGLEY, Proprietors, N. B.—Horses and Carriages to Hire. jo2i-gm £JKNTRAL HOUSE, ."ATLANTIC Cri’Y.U. J., M. XiAWLOR, Proprietor. tfiie above new house is open for Boarders. Room* equal to any on the beach* well ventiJatea, hifh ceu mgs. &e. Servants attentive and polite. Approximate to the Bathing grounds. jeJ4-2m Franklin house, Atlantic city, N.J. BY MARY MAGUIRE. ' . , 'Jlua llOuse fronts the surf, and possesses the finest Bathing Grounds on the beach. Boarding $8«oO per •week; 31.60 per day, Binglemeal fiO cents. Bathine Dresses included for weekly boarders only. • Je24-2m -: .' :•■■■■ ■ HOUSE, ■\J ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., (Opposite the National,) James j. barr, , (oftii Old Globe,) ! Proprietor. xti© choicest brands of: liquors and Clears to be found on the Island. : - - - jggi-2ni C COLUMBIA HOUSE, Atlantic City, J N. J., EDWARD. DOYLE, Prov.rietor. . This House is m the immediate vicinity ot the sun House, aEd within half a square of the best Bathing Grounds on the beach. The proprietor will use every effort to make his guests comfortable. Terms reason ■ able. ie24-2pq OTAR hotel, >3 Unit^Sate. Koto!,] SAMUKL ADAMS, Proprietor. • • —-«- BO oaaii, Alao t Camases to hire. ul gy Boarders accommodated on the moat reaggnaDic terms. - j834-Bm_ «SA-yATKim—NATP ?NAL HA L L S 3 Cape Island, Cap# Ms,. N. J.-The proprietor of the above-named finely located establishment would respectfully inform the thousands of Guests that have heretofore visited his house* that* in order to meet.tho pressure of the times, he has, for the present season* REDUCED HIS CHARGES for Boarders to LIGHT DOLLARS PER WEEK. Children under Ujeare ot age and servants halfpriee. Superior accommodations, and ample room for 200 persons. «... Refere to J. Van Court, 243 nroh street, Philadelphia. je3l-2m AARON GARRETBQN, Proprietor. eOHOOLSY’S MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, O NEW JERSEY. The “ HEATH HOUSE” will be opened for the re ception of Company June 15th. having been extenavvljr refitted and improved since the laet Season; affording additional comforts to visitors, and increasing the de "asa heal end fashionabieiplooc_ofHum mer resort, Sohoolay’s Mountain** has but few equals, and is surpassed by none. It is reached by a pleasant railroad ride, and only seven hours from Philadelphia, Leave Philadelphia in the 11 o'clock tram for Slew York, reach Jersey,City,at S o’clock, thence by Morns and Essex Railroad to the Mountain. Jtoturmng.leave the Mountain at 6 A. M. and 1 P.fiL. arriving m Phila delphia a* I and Bo*olock P- M. Fooma <jan now be en caged, Charges moderate.- . D, A. CROWELL, * je27-lrmwlBt* Proprietor, WHITJE SULPHUR AMD CHALY BEATE SPRINGS, DOUBLING GAP. ' ' Vbead Springs are In Cumberland ooanty, ra.» thirty miles west ofK&rrisburg.. on the Cumberland Valley Railroad, and a* e now open for the reception ot visitors. Board from five to eight dollars, according to. rooms. Procure jour through ticket? at the Ponnsy fvama Rail »tront, lor information, fc , EAMEE , Proprietors* jeZQ-am* COLUMBIA BOOSE, Capo Tslsnd, N. J. This celebrated house will bo opened for the re ception of guest* on June 38,1861. ni.B-n.th.MH -the situation of this house is one of!the: most beauti ful on the Island, oommandinr an unobstructed view oi < band'of music has been encaged exolusiYelr ior this house for the season. ■ . . , A large number of bath houses sts conneoted with the establishment. Good stabling for horses attaohed 1 ApplStmns for rooms or other particulars will meet with prompt attention by addressing the subscriber. JAS. H. Proprietor, Jell4m Capelsland.«. J. fXSESSON SPRINGS, CAMBRIA 00., V/j?A.--This delightful and popular place of summer resort* located directly on the I meof die PenwJJJsPJJV It&ilroad. on the summit of the Allegheny raountains, twenty-three hundred feet above the levefpf theocean. mllH opon for ™»t» the 50th ® ?£f L^d lemon the *rcmn,dr have heea treatlj improved and beiutified, .roadenns Cresson oao of and attractive plaoca m the Stoifc«- in« turmmre is >eirtt thoroughly renovated, Ihe seeker of gI&JJJJJJ 4 and the sufferer from heat or disease* Tamf»wi tions here* in a first-class liivery Stable,-Billisurd Tables. Tenpin Alleys, Baths, *o., together with the purest air and water, and “^*^^ lfioflnt -* noim * tain scenery to bo found m the oountry. ■ • • Tickets eood for the round trip from 1 hi iadclphta, #7,60; from Pittebnrg. $3.00* , For farther information, addrew m Crassou Sprints, Cambria Co.. Pa, SEA-BAI'IUKS— The UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC. N. J., 1. now own lot riiitora. This the. lanert and best; furain itd Ro nn thalsland* and being convenient to the beaph and rerronided b* T “ tanat/l and well .haded trounda, I. a desirable House lor lairuUea, It is lighted with fas and "well supplied with pure .wafer. The Germania Soeletr will furnish tfiemusiofor the season, Sirs slop at the of ruest*. JKHKMIAH McKIHHIK, iJKtf * Proprietor. OEA BATHING—United States Hotel, >3 Lons Branch. H.J., will o»eu for the reception visitors, Juno 10,1861; with the enlartemeiit ol dinme jyfl-un.* -••■■■■■■■ -,■•••■ —_ —— bITMMER BOAK I) IWG, ATLANTIC A tJJLiitit! Avenue* I'or the roMstioc orseimanent gfgToijM' }ft94-2m ■ • ' 1— —- RER'i’SOnLBR’S L4GEB \J SAIjOON AND OFFICE, No. 409 C BRkWeKy'ToV 98* Worth ; SEVENTH SlreiV pj,i larieiptuft. jIM-lm S&IRH.--A boirU invotcttof Hides. Sheep s.q<j <l«u skim, {>*i reooiTßi fiitaitlie Vf *gt in «IM, to ea> Sit JAifRKITSeS 8. CA BKVAI *#. RO-i GbARET WINE—In • casks and cases .ft- th« hran*. of St, Juli.n,Mufuii Haat-Bri«n rtaittMi MWRHROHEkOAIUTAIA* ■■.■■ •*'■■■■ ‘ ■ ■ ' : Wo. M 9 le.,k Vto»» Bxm: QUALITY ROOFIHG. SLATE *l - »»< ter set* tl Vitei Wk»rJ, 1.4*1 MA«B *W»»I, KMagttex, *, WHOM AH. . ti» w*aii*T yyAh'- UT-STRERT THEATiI eaANU OMi,mNG FOft posiweiy three The grsatest Comedian of the &so, E AIR. J. 3, CLaRKfL In a reifies of his lßU*hter-p;ovokmit Com. dies! MRS. ALEXINAFISHER BAKFR, fh" B teeS of Al?. TO fAKERl tko W,U!le ° ad " EVoKon"™Timeswholes*{>* M r Ue THBRKsß',and Mr.■ WM. WOOD. Boxßook open on FIUDaY at 9A, M. . - O.H,AND MDSIOAL FESTIVAL. SECOND Y. the 3d of AuglWt, B* The made through Home of the main streets of the city* and pro ceed 10 the place Splendid Fireworks and Illumina tjon in the evening. Tickets, admittin* one lentle n?r™ n i, d m tw f la(llo ?; s *ot3., including twotiokeu[tor Kefreihmente. [irl |) r . <}. A We,TZiiEfi. JVJILLEK'3 WINTER GARDEN, JBiehth an<l TS2 Vlrus Street, between Seventh and a t(AN.DVOOALA N B INSTRUMENTAL OOKCEim AL FRESCO. WlthnishtlTeh™J iV ,- EIIY EVENING, FREE, thfimost Programme, ani supported by tne most eminent Seim™ and Voosli.te in the city. Pnvatn ORCHESTRA. gentiomlnT) ea for Jjadlea (on| r Fhea moortodbr , BS; IM>INGS. STOPEN onS^nja«n^n 1 It h arfntS ek S t ?™ r MiSri 134 Bul V» Run, vl.\ Battle ? 0 t T» -i h r, f,BfVri ™SJ ’ W L“ Portraits of ail the Gene rals. o pejouDwed i,y fianilereon'u rreat representa .tion of. the KXT BIA N WAR. with the fall of Sebas topol. Adnuaaion, 25c6ntBj children, 3S> Colored peo ple, zocenta. j? 2» et DJSHNBTtjANU ACADEMY OF THIS r- a lf m GnfcSTNTJT Street, i* open daily, Sandaw excepted, from 9 A. M. till 6 P. M. Admission 35 Cento. ChilnTen under twelve year*, half pnoe. Share* of Stock. 830. „ Jyl WAFTED TO 3JXCHAHGE— Forth Railroad Sunburysnd Erie, and ocher bonds for a oitr residenoe, in a good locality. Address „ *2 ceof Tfi * Prsts* statinc looalitT and pnoe of the property. jyl9 tf pMPJuOYSKS WAFTING YOONG -B—i Men» kp.j are invited to address the ** Employ ment .Committee, at the Rooms of the Young Men's Christian Am Delation, loos an* .1011 CREBTNVW sireet. . . ’ . anS-Siu dEg TO RENT—DWELLING, AND HH.SCHOOL-ROOMS attaohod-No. 13I0e PARRISH street jy3l-6t* FOR SALIC ASH TO LET. Proprietor- S fO LEX A HOUSE, No. 719 WALLACE Street, at a Reduced Rent, to a toed Tenant. Inquire North THIRD Street Key at House between 9 and II o’clo.lc. jySl 3t* «TO RENT—HADD SNFIBLD, N. J. «»Acommodious BRICK HOUSE, centrally lo cated on the main street, Waddonfiold-, has all the com forts and conveniences of a complete Houb. Inauire of J. B. FK¥TON« jy27 Im* 932 WALWTJT Street, Phiia. @THB ADVERTISER WOULD LIKE to purchase a moderate sized oity residence, in a good neighborhood, ior which be would give desirable six and seven per cent, bonds. Address "Bonds,” office of The Press. lyM-tt m GERMANTOWN.—TG LET (for the ffiS. season or year) a pleasant Kesidonce, near Shoe maker Lane stations ten.Tooms; well shaded. JS, McCALLa, 18 Booth SRCOKP street. jjfrlmV ® TO-SENT- LOW—Furnished or un furnmhed, for six months, or longer, if desired, a large and convenient ROUsA. No 1735 Aroh stgeet, Apply to A. P. and J. H. MOB.RIB, iUS ARCH Street. 3» HJf m CHESTNUT-STREET HOUSE and JHL STORE to rent,—The desirable business location, 1833 CHESTNUT Street,with dwelling attached. Apply at 431 OKBSTNUT Street. , - : apll . essa**. WM. 3. HELVERBON, UNDEK s®* BSSra * TAKER, has withdrawn from the old firm, nnd is now at the northeast comer of ST. JOHN and COATES Stream. HHI.ITAJKX GOODS. OOTTON DUCK, SUITABLE rUB TENTS, KjSI-l « /fH> FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE ItHKAL DISTRICTS, s » re prepared, a* heretofore, to supply families at their Beintry Residences with erery desoriptien ef FINE « ROVES IKS, TEAS, fc«„ &M. ALBERT O. ROBERTS. CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STREETS. aqr33 • • ■ • • pUSE PORT WINE. o. ' H, MATTSON. arch and tenth streets. AND BEST FRUIT JABS. NO CEMENT IB USED, AND NO EXPOSED SUR FACE OF GUM TO TAINT THE FRUIT. -THEY ARB THE MOST SIMPLE IN OPERA TION, RELIABLE IN RESULT, AND EABILY PROVED. POTTER & BODINE, Solo Manufacturers and Proprietors, 106 CHESTNUT STREET, Also, Manufacturers of Plain and Fane, Wine and Liuuor Dottles, Drusgists’ and Crockery Dealers Green glass Wara j)18 wfnUm.. INSURANCE COMPANIES, Bj«AM@ INSURANCE COMPANY. IT- • •• NC.4S9 Clf-EgTAUr Stieait FIRE AND INLAND nis-seyoaa. . mnel.Wrirli “WritM Bros * - * i£/Lewie7jF-^":: T\Dodiw7. te TfXF 15 -: “M& **‘ -I? S. Martin— - “ -’-Saw S ywoodn™”- •'•rf siblof,“aip)t;'n, A . j«.lMl*rfc_-No-«u3Greco*treei. ■ f,, *.**“ ier 'aEOßGE W. DAY, President. . •> FRANCIS N. J3U»’k, Vioe Prwidenf. srn.ipiar.ia BLANCH/. ?< r>. deortair. lag-fit) KiAYIKG jfL'Nl'- lim'rED STaT®: & 3 RUST UOy. l'AflY, arruer '?«(E » ORHT* w HER CENT.; lw-enr.JJ.Oi r g H CRAW PORfi, I'rrraiu:*., JAfrLEB Jt. BUNTiiX, Secretary aud fcrewwt*?* Oflce Bouts, from 10 naill 3 o’clock. ■ Whi« Company ic not jerned m any aspUeaßie*-, oJa * » LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT REMOYIO to No, « South SEVENTH street, mm-«w tt“d« r«tale& thonkfal tet past taToni, and h;i* 4«terrai«3 to num ftttarepatroaase, has eeoureo 5." JS S oonvemont ttoto, and hw not, on hand s aJortraentof Uiltie’i Celafirared Wronibt and ®odl?™ F'-o and Bor;lar >roof Bate., I&J ■tnatw are and burdar proof *afea made.) Abe, I» ?i*»? Sank Vault, Safe, and Bank juook*. ? Allied Bank Vault Doors and Dock* will be fu?n\BhJ* ioorder'oo abort notice. TB*« is £he_ctronßCit, beet- Sotooted, and cheapest poor and Look r*t offered, ? A!*o. nartioular attention t» called to Lilue’* Hr* aitbinct Safe for Plato, Jewelry, &c« Thi# Sai© « r SSL*: to surpass in style and elesance anythinp jst.c* • fared for thi* purpose, and. i* tbe one *hft! i* *tn>« {▼fireand burylarproof. •■■■■..,; . Syicial, Stoness.—l StAVe noyr on itand ?*T Farrel, Herimt. A Oo.VGafei,-mcsl ai them pear * new, o and wmo forty of other m&kcrc. I ** *• ,jr~* FOR NBW FORK. NEW DAILY LINE via Delaware and K f )ffie??hia'and New York Express steambo« Com pany receive height .and leave dad? hverliiK their cargoes m New York the following oay® FteiA«» “ ko " at ron Sr’Sf' J p oifYBK. Awnt, k *.,!« SOUTH WaRVES. F^lPkia. JAM E 3 HAN D« Ase n « ?ian U add ! s EAST H FVER. Now Yorlc. aul-ti PHILADELPHIA. AND jyg§|jggy WASH IHUTOH EXPRESS STEAM BOAT w l direaV'to Atoaii.lrm. Washington, sad §SSSn«?TIS IE A Bel PHII A vcwuin THOS.HAKD, SPA hay al ls o’o.ook M„ «onneottnE with ail line* to Ph.^al^ ; 01tYDK( Agen _ jSOUTH WHARVES, ThUadalpW, MORGAN A. RHINEHAR*IV/nnta, Foot of G street, Washington. it S GULAK LINE AND JbBHBmOMLV EXOUiIeiONS r -Bteamer CO - HAneiiY leavesTurU F er below A&CHStreet.-EY'Er RY MORNING, at 7K o’clock, {except Bjusday.) for Cheater— JPennsgrove, New Castle, Delaware City. Port Delaware,atidSalem, Heturnmg, leave Salem at Itfand Fort at 2 o’clock'; . FareloTthe Excursion-. BO oenU. Stages ior Bridgeton and Odessa meet this line. ? Bteamer RiSYBOjuD leaveß ARCH-Street wharf daily* at 2 o’cloolt.'-for all landings named above ex cept Fort Delaware. jy23-12t» PluliUeiijiua Steam rroselUr tioicitm willooßuneneo their butinem ter Ike eescscaii ULonitj IStUIIWt. " ■■••■.•-■ :■'■■■ theirSteemer* ate n* w»ime « £•» , Pier above W elnmt etreet. • Wen** eeeeemieiMißr. Aesir te v w. M. JlAshje it . X** tit Si* s t UIIAUH BRANDY.—One barrel pure -* -■ «■'» A HU SE3IENT 8. WANTS EDUCATIONAL. C. E. PANCOAST. TENTH and MELON. PERSONAL. to* raljc Sr PROTHINGHAM & WELLS- GROCERIES. KOK SALE Bf PATENT (BAKER’S PATENT.) BAV«t<U FTIBDS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers