~;rilguit OF GENERAL PATTEILHON TO COL. litcintour —When Cowed Ikillees I,:owy-ray. li,•gii.elent of Porineyll'arda Voinn locE wired in this city nu Monday night, they lunrchtql to the repitlenee of 0.,ner21 Patterson, t yotr late oommender, at Thirteenth end Locust errs'g. end there halted. General Patterson I ;..pieli out in lull uciform, noeompanted by 001. Frank Patterson and other military celebrities, and made the following remarha: Ca Saltier, °pore, and Men of Oar Twenty- R, l erment : You are welcome home! I thick oat ex end to you. on behalf of your (oriole lateen.; of Pniladelohiri, an honest, heartfelt wel :got You have done your duty, and you hiiiVo dune it nobly Indeed, year diseipllne, Redirected by your excellent colonel, has excited my admire d and proved. beyond a doubt, that American troops are the most efficient in the world. F Atiset 1 Bow sneers have been thrown upon the army of the Shenandoah, but we did our duty there. We "'ire continually threatened with what General Seal t dislikes an much, a fire in the rear from the rebels in etfarylaud. The aroh-traitor king at gichuacad, Jeff Devia, boasted that all the Southern p i nny treated wee an open field and a lair fight. Well, my comrades, you know there were plenty of open fields before us when we (tressed the Poto mar, and the enemy ran before us then. He made a stand at aeineeville, where he had plenty of eon fields but be could not stand oar charges Yi'l met him again at Falling Waters, but he w outd not show strong battle When we arrived et hisrtinshurg we found it a strong plane, with pleat) of stone walls, but the enemy had deserted it. No stand was made either at Big Spring ; and at Bunker Hill, where the enemy wee certainly going to give battle, we could not And him at all. lapplenee J People may sneer at the Irish and Getaxiaa sob diere AS much es they Moose, but they are not amid to fight 1 f Removed cheering. Throe cheers were given for the Sixty-ninth I had at Martinsburg about eleven thousand men and Fir guns. saving reconnoitred the enemy, I found his tore. to be about forty thousand man and sixty-eight guns. I telegraphed for reinforcements, which ware sons to me, and / moved from Martins burg with about erventreh thousand men and twerity.six guns. At Winchester the rebels were strongly entrenched, with numerous eavthwerks and rifle pits, and had some eixty.eight pieoes of heavy ordnance mountea in various oommandleg positions, and they had felled trees) over all of the route If I had attacked him there with my force. I wield probably have been =meowed in dislodging him from hia stronghold, and many of the breve men .whom I new see before tae would have been under the sod to-night. A.ppl sue J I then marched upon Charlestown Under the eireamstalmee, I did the beet I scold, and you, men, did your whole duty, and merle my appro bation. Again permit me to bid you welcome . Three cheers wore then given for General Pat terson, and three more for Colonel Bellies ; the band play et the Star-spangled Banner, and the regiment passed in review of General Patterson. A RITURNISD ReoitinNT Aectr sal Bithey, the commander of the reorganised Twenty-third Regiment, (PeiWOW' Light Guards), yesterday morning received the, following despatch from Wash ugtort WAR DEPART/MT, .1013' 21, Cob D B Butner, Pnit.inel..litti: Your regi ment 1144 been stn:opted hy , the D•tpartment. A dju. tent einem] Thomas will detail mustering oitoer with instrnetions to muster in your regimaoc by ampaniet, Telegraph him that your regiment bas been aceepted with this understanding, and aJlt him to issue order° immediarely to muster the Dy order of the See rotary of War. JAMIR LTAILII7, Jr, Chief Clerk War Deportment. The Twenty third Regiment, Colonel Dare, re.. lamed home In the early part of last week, after to ring performed very Reduces ditties in Blery. ;and end Virginia. Colonel Birney was the Lien. truatt Colonel of the old regiment, end the regt. u'•ert reorganised with .hat gentleman for co py ca t t3 , x hundred of the old regiment have joined the sew orgNicisction, and the regiment is now full, the two &Ink companies holoir tiymnasi Zinaves. :them are fully five hundred fireman in the rank, of the regiment - which consist.: of 1,010 men, ex eluive of the officers. Birroy finds himself mooh embarrassed In sonorqueuee of the failure of the• Government oiroers to master out of servlce Gm old regiment Until ibis is done, the men belongiog to it c.tonot *es mu.dered Into a flew organisation This east 1 -, g the Government nearly a thousand dollars a Jay, ea the pay of the men goes ov nt,til thee are moceted out. Betides this. the men are suffering 1,,r0 the want of money. many of them b ing on ti dsetiluto of means The Seventeenth Rote msot is alto to the same situation, end the Go :rumor' t is !Dearth g a heavy loss in conalloonce tf the f dlo ro of its capers to master the regiment el: of service. MELTING OP DEPOarrunfil OP TIM NATIONAL Sap I' FUND —Lea' evet:tog a tueetteg Of tue d• p of the Ne3Ohltl Safety Fowl was tmid at 11.11.tary Halt, for the purpose of receiving the report of a committee appointed at a previous mostir gto report a permanent organization. The amortise reported the following : Tao uotierrigu'd, depositors in and creditors of the " National Safety Trait and Insuranoe Coin tom" beret y sweat to Orrailizs as en assooiation, for toe purpose of guarding our interests and reel. tatnit our rove:tare o aka+, and to that end we prepaeo to elect at,Oti• next tneettug to be Milled icy the Committee on brganizitlon, ens presidint a.:(3 B•Oretartea, (one to keep the minutes in the iglish and one in the German lab age,) and also a board of managers, consisting of stix mem &art ef which the president Is to be 'batmen. salt hosed to have In charge all the business of this seceded a, including the employer:taut of counsel sod the prosecution of our elating by due course of law civil or etitninel, as the oiroametances may metre it ; prortded, that Paid board shall not be authorised to moire eny thontribc hone toward de. freeing Incidents! expenses in our behalf. or con s's:iv any arrargements for the settlement of our tt +tea. without drat obtaining our aonsent• and approval. /no above report was adopted. In addition to the above, the oommittee made the following statement: Mr Pr. Sohneyer, who trprettanted himsalf as befog interested to a large amount in the National Trust Company, sad as a.- 4 .,leted with depositors whose claim, amount to tan 000, was placed on the committee on the atrenitn of these representations. Altholgh he agreed to the report of the committee in every pertioniar, he immediately afterwards published a notice in the daily pepere, calling on the depositors to acs him at his residence on matters of interest to thaw; took ooeasion there to throw suepielon on the iota and endeavors of your committee, and in vite .1 the depositors to sign a paper, of wkioh the following is a literal eery : the undersigned, depositors of the Its. dotal Safety Baring Pond do hereby resolve and area to unite together for the purpose of enforcing our rights at the hands of the directors by due operas of civil and criminal law, and for this pur pose authorize Fr Bohneyer (!) to take snob steps as may be necessary, and Fr. Bohneyer hereby pledges btrassif to require no money from deport. tire for the purpose or thesepreeeedinge until the money is procured from the Saving Tend." le oratragnenee of this unwarrantable. got:duet, and his entte to become the sole authorised agent if the depositors, your committee hereby disclaim all further connection with him and his sets, re specting the National Safety Trust Company, as they are entirely at a loss to conjecture in wkoae interest Mr. Fr Schnapsr is eating The above was read in German to the depositors. and the meeting adjourned, to meet at the call of the chairman. SsAmint's &CHM FUND.—A meeting of the depuftl tore of the Seamon'e Saving Rand was held Mt evening et lifilitely Kill, to hear a report of oommittee. ft trio iononooed that the assigooes 4tl agreed to pay fora nes oent. on the deposits. Mattes Virnarza GLILDES.—The summer coolerLs at this o.ot and pleasant plaoe of resort tr.tinue to attract drowds of those who love good mute elrquently discoursed by sole performers, wkilst hutalglng their doles fest-menu, where Na ture and art combine to resider all the visitors thoroughly comfortable. Herr Plummer, the Ef fector of the Germania, and leader of this este blt,hment, has produced an entirely now operatic and classical repert•tre this week, including some A' the choicest morasses from the new opera of '• The Le Pardon de Piomel," which has notlet irtras performed in this °snotty, and of 'blob we had previously only had the bolero at the Academy. Vert Z egier, the contrabass° soloist, combiner set th of the strength of ' Dragonetti, with the de• /oely of Bottesioi. lle is a trna artist, whilst n•htuld; has Corr equals on the acme. 9ALE or STOOKS AND ELUL ESTATE,—The HOvil,g real estate and stockg were Sold by Z. T: 1114 , 7. ck)Elf, yesterday, at the Exohange Ilinety.three shlree Citnolnaati City Pasaenger Rllrocd Company, $2 per glare. liars -twa shires Passtnger Railroad Company et liocinualt, $1 per,shure. Eighty shires Camden and Atlantic) Railroad 70•111,4Tiv, $5 par Ohara -5g40 Ci.l4rrttre Mutual Inimrance Company sorip, la L , er cent Delaware wharf, lot and buildings, SIMI2BOII ereot, anf Davis` I.nding, Bubjeot to a ground tent of $4OO a year. $l5 000, The stores Na. us Walnut street and No. 920 fiirard avenue, were withdrawn, and will be hsld tt private sate. SPECULATING IN WILLISIVE.—The proposition o,,r.g•eee to piece an excise duty upon demesne liquors nee led the holders of whieky in this city to withdraw their smoke from market To-dey there not a barrel for eale. The nominal price is 21 tents per gallon, but the holders are sanguine of getting 25 cent& In Oinoinuatl the Price le l3}; Fit ',outs, 13o•, at Obleago, 131 0 ; New Yank 17 3 ; and in Baltimore, trie. This state of th.oge hart &Moeda a good opportunity for a prate elr operation in this staple" article. Anstriarin.--& young man, named Thomp ion, wt a DRS for some tiro• pan been going around obtsinirg board, end robbing the boarders, was error ed rm Monday, on a *Amiga of the laroeny of h watch from a fellow-boarder. at 1914 Hallowhlll ?treat. Alderman Hibbard ootomirtao Thommin, in drfoult of $9OO bail, to answer the charge at REKANDEn.—Officera Lemon and Bartholu mp,: Itb Monday, arrested a wen natuo4 Andrew Pxlmer, oho broke out of Troottvo jail on the 15,h I DV. here he wee imprisoned and aentenoed to a tenn of Eve yenTe on the oharge of burglary. Yerierday ho nee cent ba.k to the proper autho- Four ELLBWORTIIIUtIEtta thiee ' nine-inch az.d ouc braes howitzars, to addition to bar t 'meat, Over Jim hundred trained tea= a, ;row the nevi yard are detailed to work ttrm, ender Commodore 6hubrlok. Their flagon hi,' CI teen Aupplied. C ID EN T —YeStArdisy morning, about 10 t... 1 niteed David 111ortlden, keel or whl'od riding en the flont pleihtm or a u E gills atraet oar, tall off I.bovaJeff.r. P.' a:raar end h al hhth feet badly erutbed by the papHing over them A Pits,ancLeurA Vicrcia.--Among the killed al Pr. us km was Isaac Mows. a mem to of 'IT , "Psytor Boss, of ibis pity. Elo was a }ttsl . 4 nine United St.iteo Marinas. and had his Levi Clio., ; goy a osirtsiti hall daring the Radon. .A. 3111170 or arTtsEns opposed to the sys. '1 I'm of Pei'll u DOWIIIMI/ODI wt , l he held at noes t ; a n T r " , the biernhauts' Eciehenge. The pall for the meoi n l i published In :another column, Is Mined by so of our most prominent rad fain- Natal milieu , ‘ i Stearn D --It H.cr. John H. Eimelte v a or olt.r. now nof of the Twentieth ward; fell deed ot elo reoideno orthweit corner of Broad otAeot ood Filvord 1110 ii, yeeterday - reereing: The' do *tow was &dewed in lite, sad weevils wealthr. ==il RETURN OF COL. OVEN'sI REOTLIENT.—in at ticip tt ion ct the arrival of the 'nett regiment un der oommand of o , loned Joshua Owen, of this oily, an i1q11301130 crowd of people assembled at the lie:Masora depot at P.O early hour last evening 'fan train whit detained, however, and it was not until after midnight thst they reaotted Philadel• phis The crowd was still on the ground, and re eased the returned volunteers with the most en thusiastic demonstrations of applause. The real. scent paraded over a loos route ARRITIL or TROOP9.—The Eighth Nana. obuiecta ttegiment arrived et Weettmgton-strea wharf at four o'clock yeaterday afternoon, nod proceeded to New York hat evening. At mtdnight the hLxth Musachustata Regiment was also expect ed from the seat of vier. The nag of Trice from Jolt Davis to PreBLdont Lincoln. The following is the letter accompanying the tin of trams whion came to President Lincoln : Rtcuucutu, July 6, 1861. To Abraham Lincoln, Pres:tient and (Joni rtan.d4r in• Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States : SIR : Having learned that the schooner Sayan.- nah, a private armed vessel in the service and Galling under a oommission issued by authority of the Confederate States of America, had been cap tured by one of the wimple forming the blockading sqnsdren off Charleston harbor, I directed a propo sition to be made to the officer commanding that squadron for an exchange of the officers and craw or the Savannah for prisoners of war held by this Government '' according to number and rank." To this proposition, made on the 19th nit., Cant Mere.; the other in command of the blockading squadron, made answer on the same day that " the prisoners (referred to) are not on board of any of the vessels under my command." it now appears, by statements made without eon tradfetion by newspapers published in New York, that the prisoner' above mentioned were conveyed to that city, and have there hien treated, not as prisoners of war, but as criminals; that they have boon put to irons, °maned in jail, brought before the courts of justice on charges of piracy and trey son,and it ie even rumored that they have been Roth ally convicted of the offences charged. for no other reason than that they bore arms in defence of the rights of It& Government, and under the autho rity of its oomminsion. 1 eonld not without grave discourtesy have made the newspaper statements above referred to the sobj tot of this communication if the threat of treating as pirates the anima of this Confederacy. armed for its service on the high seas, bad not been eoulained to your proclamation of the of April last Thatpreolamation, however, eat= to etrird snfitelent lastilloation for'colnidering these pub lished statements as not devoid of probability. It is the desire of this Government so to conduct the war now existing as to mitigate its horrors as far as may be possible; and, with this; intent, its treatment of the prisoners captured. by its forties has been marked by the greatest humanity and teniermy coneistent with publie obligation, Some have been permitted to return home on parole others to remain at large under similar oondition within this Confederacy, and all have been fur- Dialled with rations for their subsi,tenee, ouch as are allowed to our own troops. It is only sines the ROM/ has been received of the treatment of the prisoners taken on the Savannah that I have been compelled to withdraw these indutgenoles, and to hold the prisoners taken by us in Watt con finement A jolt regard to humanity and to the hotter of this thavernment now requires me to state ex pllottly, that, painful as will be the necessity. aal• Government will deal out to the prisoners Odd be it the same treatment and the seine fete as shall be cxporisneed by those captured on the Savan leak ; and if driven to the terrible neoessity of re taliation by,your execulon of any of the oilletra or the crew of the Betranitaft, that retaliation will be extended so tar es shall be requisite to secure the rAindontactit of a practice unknown to the warfare of civilised man ; and no barharouS as to disgraoe the nation which shall be guilty of itattsparnting it. With this view, and because it may not have reached you, I new renew the proposition made to the commencer of the blockading rqoadron, to ex change for the prisoners taken on the Savannah, en equal number of those now held by us:accord log to rank. I am, Sir, yours. 4 0 Javreasex DAVIS, President, and Commander to Chief of the Army sod Navy of the Confederate States 041anol Taylor, the bearer of the fig, made a report at the same time, in which he says he do limed the letter le General McDowell, who de livered It to 0 , 33.3tal acott. After reading it, General Scott handed the letter to President Lin cola, and told Colocal Taylor that the President would reply to it as soon es pohible. The Deceased lisle) Commanders The Charleston Me•eury has a column in mourn ing, out of rerpsot to the memory of the following oomtauciers, wh.► fell at the battle of Manassas We make the following extracts from its =onerous obituaries: GT.7IIIItAL DZIINATID General 800, deaceeded from an old Carolina family of gentleman, was shout thirty five years of age, and leavre a will, w and an infant eon. tie entered West Point a cadet in 184 ; wiu , br.irot second tisnienant, Third Infanta, in 1545 Daring the Mexican war he served with merited distinction, winning two brevets before the Mote of the war—that of drat lien:enant. " for gal lant aid meritorious conduct in the battle of Cerra fiord°, on the ]Bth April, 1847," in which he w.a wounded, and teat of captain. in the etormlog of Ob•pultepeo, on the ISt of September, 1847. ' for gallant and meritorious conduct " Since 1848 he acted as adjc rant, and rose to a lull first lieutenant:l' , In March, ISil. His achtevemente, since that time, in ware amongst the Indians, were snob as to attract towards him the attention of his State, and in his dying hand, on the field i n which be fell, he grasped the sword 'Fatah South Carolina had taken pride in presenting him Few men of his age had attracted more attention In his profession, and such wait his reputation, that President Davie at once raising him from the rank of °Wain, appointed him a brigadier general in the Provisional army. •OL. YRANCIS S. SAIRTOIS In the death of this distinguished gentleman has lost one of her. most gitted sous, and the Bonth a patriot whom we can never coats to deplore Col. Bartow was a young man, we would sup pose scarcely over forty years of age. Yet he has been for eeveral years in the front rank in poli tics and at the forum of his native State. His was one of the commanding minds of hie eection. Colonel Bartow left Georgia in command of the Oglethorpe Light Infantry, a noble oompany of houng men, composed of the flower of the State, aving resigned from the Confederate Congress for the purpose of taking the field. He was soon promoted to the coloneloy of one of the Georgia regiments. Ile eerved under General Johnson. LIIII7T2XANT COLONNI. ISIBILTAIKIN J. JOHNSON Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin J. Johnson, the second in command of the Hampton Legion, fe a native of the town of Beanfort,Bouth Carolina, and was about forty five years of age at the period of his death. Htc brothers reside in this State—two of whom are clergymen of the Episcopal Church— one. the Rev. Rionard Johnson, being the chaplain of Hampton's Legion. Colonel Johnson was eclacatid at Wllliamelsurgh, Va., and otimmentie4 life as a planter; but after wards studied law with Colonel DeTrevino, and came to the bar of Beaufort, where he practised a few years. Daring his residence in Beaufort he commanded the Twelfth Regiment of Infantry, and was highly esteemed as an officer. In 1838, when barely eligible in years, he was elected a member of the House of Representative. from 81 Helena parish, where he served many years, until he was transferred to the Senate by the same constituency. Commencement of Franklin and Mara shell College. • teenwspendeasse of The 1 ress.l Lancessau, July 26, 1861. I was very glad to learn that L bad arrived here just in time for the Ootatneneement of Franklin and Marshall Coileps, and shall make a few brie' comments upon the speakers and exercises in general Salutatory-" The Greek Die "—S. P. RARER The ora ti on was well cemeoived, well written, but was somewhat marred by an unnatural de livery. The theme was Pinder. Mardz. of Freedons.--. G Bows/ sm. This spirited speech was suited to the times, and wee well received. Tito gentlemen has a pleasant delivery, end combines the elements of a fine style in his composition. Ile retired amid the enliven hug !Igraine of "The Star-Spangled Banner," and a volley of bectinets. An excellent effort: Wrongs of Poland.—.T. ERALTBR. A grecefut effort, but lacking_spirit in composi tion and delivery. Bviened a knowledge ot his,ory. Material World —W. F. P. Davis. A scientifio theme, but not treated scientifically enough Displayed little thought. It was merely a definition of botany, zoology, and the other natural &derma. Our Ramos Germ:lsm—A. a EBERLY. The subject is not a we'd one. The speaker might have made a better ff,rt by choosing a lees familiar theme. As a writer, he has considerable energy. Crede Colors.—W. 0 CILIMIR, Spirited, but lacked purity of delivery and Om. position. Certain expressions in thte oration were objectionable to the refined ear. . Ruins of Ottles.—Eisteur U Hnisastarr. An old subject. The speaker travelled the beaten road—Baftylon anti Nineveh. Right of Revolution. An ezeelieu; effort. Evinced thought and argu mentative powers We advise this gentleMau to make law his torefessim. Sword and Plough —L. 0. Sump A well written • eration, delivered in rather too natural a manner. This gentleman will, by study, become an acceptable writer and speaker. Mount Vernon —S LI GUILFORD Neatly written, anti inellued towards the beauti ful, butt like " The Wrongs of Poland," lacked es erg)! of delivery and composition Too muoh of the deeoriptive, not enough of the path Ale Chums of Philosophy it a deraen. This oration eviatedt deep thought and carefal study, ,and was a fine c ffort. The prejudices against philosophy were scattered, Whilst its true utility was shown In an able manner. AFTMRROIitt. Salutatory.—" Steed by the right " seemed to be this speaker's theme, though it was net an. nuanced. The oration was well delivered, but dealt in supernciel things The Grave —LI ii. W thasnuate. A grave spetesh. well written. This gentlemen may become a writer, but not a speaker. His production . was marred in its delivery by a Ger man accent that is not pleasant. The subject was not a suitable one. Ilfetanethon--A. German oration —F Fox. We were on talc toe about this oration, when a young men at our side informed us that tt e gen tleman wag It German This considerably damp. aped our admiration of his beantif ut and perfect German Tim substance of the oration was, how ever, very vett Athanosetee and his Tames —T F florrustrat A lofty *liaises and j telly hatfdled. Evinced went reseeteh into the prinoinles of the Re former. The speaker was rewarded with beauti fui f r ifiaietoYy —A. 0 Rartetatare 'this gentleman, as it app. tired to us, was alma to fuddle in reproaehlui Iva:wove to the trustees of the litetitation for tome act net pleasing to hire B o Wes, however. promptly Silenced," though tba pleasant order of the day ended to a disgtaesful Mese of confusion. The orators of the day were.biessra Bowman and Snyder. These gentlemen will be beard of hereafter, the former me the lawyer and politician; the letter et the philosopher or theologian, unless they , nilstak• their +Milieu's'. We were pleased thatexadaat R. L LEG ALL IrST 2, It: CPI C.E. DthiftlbT COUitT—Judgto SharMood and Stroud —William U. Dobson J Co vs. Theodore Reardsle ). The Distriat Court met in the tinpreme Court Room yesterday, to dispose of the above ease, which was a rule upon the plaintiffs to show cause why the execution should not be set aside, and the judgment stricken from the record. As the ease presents a point that is novel in praotice, and of coneiderable interest to business mon, we give a brief synopsis of the facts. The delendant, who keens a retail trimming store, hid been in the habit of purchesing goods of the plaintiffs, and Riving his lames in the usual form therefor On the 13 h of Jane last he called at alai:Wee store, to renew a note, and the plaintiffs handed him a note to sign preolsely similar In the body thereof to the notes which he had heretofore signed. The defendant signed it under the impression that it was an ordinary promissory note. At the expira tion of the thirty days which the note had to run, he was,astenished at Ending his store and furni ture levied upon by the sher,ff, no immediately retained Biward M. Paxson, E: q., as oatmeal, who, upon examination. ascertained that the note bad been tiled in the effbe of the Prothonotary of the iDistriet Ceurt, a judgment entered thereon, and an execution issued. An inspeotion of the note disclosed the feat that in the left-hand corner thereof, not over, but opposite, the signature of the defendant, and not in the body of the note, were pripted, in very small type, the following words: " also confess pedement fnr the above amount, and we've the benefit of oil laws exempting p7o pony from levy and sale on execution," Below we g i ve a copy of the note, preserving the form as far as our narrow columns will permit : $219 88. Pirratmt.Put a., Sone IS, 1881. daps after .late 1 pr nose to pax to the order of W m. U. tlobeon & Co. tet 0 hundred and twentr-nine 8 2 -100 OoPare, trithout defatottaton, for 'mine received, e. , eo oonfees jodgmont for the above aotount, waive the ben , fit of all latex exempting' P7opertt from levy aLd sale on eaeoutton. E3EA1t_1)111,13.V... The defendant immediately obtained a rale from Judge Ilar• at chambers to set aside the execution and strike the judgment from the record. ' This rule the court disposed of yesterday. The only witness examined on the pert of the defendant was the book-keeper of plaintiffs, who was presont when defendant gave the note. Ile said it WWI signed en other notes Vrerenigned,ltild that the - plait:ll.lln did not call his attention to the confession of knin lomat and waiver of the exemption laws printed in the corner. Mr. Paxson, who argued tbe ease on the part of di.. defendant, raised the following points : RtrJt. That the defendant bad tot, in point of foot. signed the confession of judgment, for the reason that It was not in the body of the note sad over his signature. Seeor.d. That the , printing of the confesrion of judoment in one corner of the note, in small type, In the manner it had been done in this ease, was prima facae evidence of an intent to mislead and deceive the defendant, by obtaining his signature to a paper of the legal effect of which he had no knowledge, and that the burden of proof of show. trig that the defendant in snob a ease did know what he was signing should be oast upon the plaintiff Third. That the waiver of the exemption laws was without consideration. O. W. Davis, Etti ,:who appeared for, the plain• tiffs, offered in evidence an ex,ontlou feinted against the same defendant some weeks prior to the ob. twining of the Judgment In this case, and argued that, as the defendant was a man of Intelligence, he must be presumed to hove known what he signed that notes were in constant use among the brokers of Third street, with a part thereof printed in the same manner as the confession of judgment In this ogee was printed. Oae of the notes referred to by lie Davis was immediately sent for and pro duced in court, when it was found that all of it was in the time stud type, and all regularly printed over the signature, as in the case of ordinary pro missory notes The court, after argument, made the rule abso lute, setting aside the execution and striking the judgment from the record. It appeared in evidenoe that Mr. Dobson bee other notes of a similar nature signed by his debt ors. The decision in this ease will no doubt inte rest some of them. A NEW &nom, bones.—The work of erect. trig a new 60D401 house, at Twenty sixth and Co.ites streets, has been commenced The build ing, which is to be of Trenton stone, will have n front of 10d feet on Conine street, and a depth of 74 feet. running back to North street. The rnilding will coat, without the Reboot furniture, $15,000, CITY ITEMS. Ova Naar PILNODYLVAECUL ttltGaN66lTB —The now regiments which will go South fr..m patinsylvarna . will doub..;eas bo the b sit uniiormed men in the ser vice. in a infer his tom the fact that Hockhill & Wil son have established a great al il . tery Clo lung depot at toeir Brown hto e tooth n; Hall, 60S and 605 Cnesinut street. above Kai It. and that. they are fill ng terra contracts fot on.forms. There reel ta pr fear that en• gement turn -c out ty t is celebrated firm will bed fiat nt In respect to material. ant, or work matiship. The firm t amed have undoubted skill and experience whtie their w 11-earned Minim ss rep. ta to is a guar- nty tha whatever.thuy undertate to do will be faithfully performed. CLorTiragi . aT RXDUCSD PRIOIIO.—In order to mate room for a new and extrusive, stack of fall etc"' hmg, Oranvil e stoli , e. No 602 Chestnut street, Is now e leg tut and fashionable slimmer garments at greatly- rvdeeed prices—muah lowar th n can be ob tamed elsewhere. This clothing is al• of a tinge. tor quality. and warranted. Wan eauh sale a gift of use and ceauty is presented. Call and examine before Purchasing elsewli- re. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS; D 7 TO 12 O'CLOCX LAST masa. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. mhos Braswell. Jr. Pitt.bg F H Traoy New York J Heirehm4n. Usyton Mrs Dr eloDermot. Day'n Simon Gebharr. B. Hock's.. Naples A , telsalerle Chtaaar, Klima I) K•orieh. Plata Dr Wig King & da. W Cries C Hesettiue, U 8 A Dr Dumont, ewport.ft 1 Wm 11 Grego ton, Boston • J (longue. St bolos D • b'e, lit r maim Geo W Ford. Ft Louis 8 R Currie. Keokuk Wm I) Wee_y. Indianevolie Chas U Morgan, Indiana Cage P B Dodge. N y Roger Conant. rirookn TO Conant . New York B Aso) /c Pa. New Mork Roe 1., . no Ikikelank.w,Md Mrs Von Kapff & ch. Batt Mir• 11 I X , P•on, Baltimore Aleargr Warion, Batt Matter D Wheon. Balt Miss Gibson, Baltimore Aitieredielo, Mothie, Ala N L Moore, Proladelehia Fug Liit, Wh•reling W G Case, Columbia. Pa M B B Imhall. New Jeremy F W Howe. Pro', ir I .1 B Ang•ooT ProV, R I Mrs E Frost. Ne er York M (Ihrhoff & Baltimore Mast J Mahar, Baltimore c F Beni man, New Yore E P Wilbur, _Bethlehem Mrs e. D Baker, West, D C Mr. F Catty, West, D C air. A M Shultz. Wash, D C Hon T Jgnee Yo ke. N J V Et Stone, U New 1) W Kith:thew. York sey Newmann, York It R Cooke, New RS Wood. Ballwin CA,pt Jones. 0 8 M AS. stronger, et Paul It Linn dy, Roxbury Mrs R rattageon, New York G Wh •Ir land. 0/413 F Urinate. M reeaohuseta N N W lhame„l/ r M D Townsend. Boston Mrs 1 .: .1) TeWeeeed rib oh, Mira A noon:hs, Wash. DC Was Sigma, D C Mrs D eller, i.ormeotiout E 'lller, Pennsylvania Jam T Ames. "i'n..anotoneetta 6 W Thorp New York A F Woodall. Ken unky 0 D Robb, Nacre T C Dwane, Piew York F Mai ahem, Utica. N Y J A Moe U g Dr Ganelou. Po. bead. Me E - Ps 11'n, Philadelehrt K H Hal. Inc ianasolit 1 C humes. Ciumunati, U M.Shipley. Cincinnati, 0 Miss 1, laylo.•. ("anomie! Be i#lsberg.eauta Fe IJR Brown, New 1/0- k P cave & wt. N erne, Dr AX- winner. os J P arrd,')•rte Han te Chas 0 efi. Terre Haute T R Gamey. New York I -Leeson, Boston tt F Fleeter t, Cincinnati N N Haste m. flew Jersey J Brown, Corm—trout W A Roll. Cincinnati. 0 A C New.Yorg B Strarton,W ash. C a Fatr.,•lexand ia. Va H W r.TILOT. , LOull I G I) Ayres, Brooklyn P Maraeleo, Sew York Itioharason, Cinnionati P E Agates, Baltimore .11 Matthews. swarm, N Y I. Andrew.. Washington F Wrobingtoa V N And mon. We hingtou 'r J Foss, Boston Jor B Moore. Boston G W F:enost.. inerintiati 3 O J o Foam. Cincinnati, 0 Maj W Wall/610.0 8 A ED Wallace. M • DT .3 McD•rmotiAlhio B tt Rockers Binghamton .)" B box. (321108‘0 Mies M. Reeves, Proae Mrs A el Prevost, Philp Moo C Brinek-r. New York W 771115. sew York Y kddy, Delaware 1 i nt Col .1 Porter, Va mist I( lon/ammo, Cin, 0 H Certrad, Baltimore W if. Wagon A de, York 14R1G1A...1 ft)l3' latlT.M.—/trarta =root. ninny arc:. W R Dunham. Penne R 8 Bowen, Piit•bur= Geo luster. Chan, bersbg E T F••et• r, MI, ~hunk • James Healey. retina F D . bailer. Si Lotus AMA main, _Loupe' le W L. Martin. Albaui JIIIIIRPILatie. Phil delphis 'l' leham. Washington It 1., I•ham, clew York E Harems. New J ereey J D Vuti, daltimn•e A Ilemivingway, Belt Room G Runt, Baltimore Mies M Keari.es. Wash Beni Or flee. Peb. , 6 I Laths Hampshire. Pa Jule haw...rth, Penn♦ Hon Aea taaker. Panne W D Shepherd, Washington Aug Waterman. r York PAw B. is °yin, Maas - Geu lii Wadttams. Conn D.l Dais ead E Sp rawls, Geo W GraYs 153/11011341 G tirahrook. Taunton DOTEL-7C4tormx: atraes..obdwe Fink Et BOA, Philtultlpbia. B C Bond, liewtowri F zoo , ratt. Wash. D C d A KeOey, tonne not. 0 .Vhci 8 Yxthey, W (.heater S D cornittook. New York.. Ceo eksafto.,__ Chas tomer...pew, Se9ford tt V drank. New York J 7E'giliotc, Maryland V H etoce Jos K Riley k ut.,11 Papier Husk& Maryland J Readiug. Jag aht rennaioranla Ma: hoener. Tamaqua. &me r mare o 'Price, t Rainier. Miueravd.o C F Lamer, Reading Goo W s Wm. Rettdirig Jas ElRmdron, Heading W t Hammond, kialtirnore r Kay mono, Bat.ithore G H Rid r Mary land Col C iihfiruoton. re J M Curtis, Delaware GLotland, velarware I.IG AlldrOWA, Amiaware . bovia 14 4 .11051.--Ulleigrat esmlt. isbove Thin! J Johnson. Foram Nil' 14 Walter. Chester Val Chi, Fr cht, H.lthnore Mr. Fretcht. Sa tlmore JR F re.se, 'trent n. N 3 rtriffith Morns Aew York "has L van sink. h York Geo zi Lome. Mount Roily Win Adam's. eitiorntsti. E . Frame hew York It LHa demror. At lentie C Mr. H Leeman & ch. N A Grlhort. ilammontOn rJ Isl Trout, I Naaluncton, RO tiart C anritton, Maryland THE UNICA—Ante mewl. above Taira, C Gaiter. Penns B Fi Green. nee J 11 'Walton. Beaton Jun * Web ter. Phil& B Van Kirk ec k, tiethle'm fi Deata. PitUto.m, NJ Bt.qt-h, 1 hooseter L B Pbeett hhija Mtge liatruagie, rtuhs it re Ws. Ir:r 8 W *stokes, n J 1 !Stevie's, Coneeetiont STATEit UNlON—Market street. above Gixtb. R Wallace. Phi!Adel:lbis J., N Postl.thirsit. Pa, Geo w Werntz, Wa.ricsbit 1. V Wilasqt. Midland, LYouig. Ha rintwrg W l'euLta. J,s h'mtna n Mdfles co.Pa Jes C o...sie.en, ,a32 0 ' 00 pop+, o. rasrset co,Pa A M Wh.te, L- nasstsr 1' It lor r. Lraisset.r VT i f. (qr. Lano . star Bea, Detawsre • 8 C Orot a, r a•r<sburg Jos E '<ler. Pittenora Wa't• Pttt.+ourg I boa B. Law, ktoot.a nos Pm, Onester OD, Pa BA it L EY siI.PAF Second street. below 'N'ine. W i ttnaltert Penns U meroer, wt. Cc 2 oh. Pa M iinot s p.,rt T , w el in Davis, R oss oo Flt .s rwt n Rusks -. o meo. Boobs eo Chas Ki brut,. Ven.iss. mrrie, Wiifow Grove .1 I. Perry. t labor° B W Plino.on. Penne • el•her ' Pgbritrs James P.ena. John redoo. ..nnte en B tin • re. montromeri es) $ Gtilinenem Rusks on R B Jones, Dolmesourn Wue FAR., Do) leatuwn COnikIERCIAL 4.l.‘—raxtri abate Chestnut. M gammon& Delaware Geo F Neer lend, Rockland E Davis W li Onddlenou. Pa John ("tarpon's Wilm. Del C Patton. Maryland et Garirnston Md ts Mo cliems, MarYland T G roder, Itlaryond John W Dino W °hes ~r rmn, 1 " veneer. Al ry , and John W nkinner. Pannier( Jeeee ed Jones. Fetran.b's J Haines, t,antrastet no 'Minor. A v•awaie !RACE BEAR HOTEL Third et... above Cullowiull Wieund, A litnlolat laa Welter..F•ezletto . wn ouriP 4i uer...limtiutuwu. W }linter Pfnria F Butz. it ending Juhu tiorsh. Gen K. , t.e. P , "ttLIEL Jacob K tarluilie Jos •A intuit. Purina H on J o hn Hies , und Va Chun FILIWY itteob Buyer, ttonerzva3e bl()11;21' ArK8.71012 BUlol2.l..—r.ereee et_ &her, Aroh. NI 'Pe Smi th . Petilla Mire W etbeei. rbtla B „, Rai/.id lau burg Mt tit Hardisix Rao' aoe . e eb t ‘r & 2 eh. thi El .1 qftldrr .on Penne .1 B. Biddle Melatio.+Merj o. Mr 4. hmettnan, Nertietewn .-Ain.oriet, Pi , .k• .assn strew. riiinr. Third: P W den error.. Dayton. 0 Jam Morgan,..rayr, n.rr s ghert. E. , nun Ow. Ferry. r ao J nn M Rum. t 3, kn. it Pa Goo W 'nat. en. H Armors J s • , herk N.nn. !vans d B Arrant. Yrunny Penni& TZ H urph, , Yoric co, Pa 11.01.7 S '.—Third street, above Rs** Bang Lo ins Penns -. CC R Galata, A Pentown 13 poost ion J By nAs -Mein John John D Gans Chemberebt %meg W Pamueis. Reads Il L G a b , l . Fe rm a Pent awrenoe.t.hatnakin A Woo.rnan, Dauphin ea 'las Whitaker. Mt Clair '.BALD EAGLE NOTB.E.--Tturd it.. above Callowhill it linear. Bethlehem A Gabriel. Allentown .1 B ao..ra A it Be•ee New' ismer A El Be-ley, Bethlehem F -Adamg, Baltimore John.BClynierartersoora =. J ,eoebEaufaiaa. ream 'Stephen Alethiee retina y e• FILE PR ESS.-PI IILADEI2IIIA,:, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1861.. New York Stock Exchange—Jill,' 30 . PIUS BOARD. Ifloo Ua es 'Bl rep.......-86.V1 26 lim• FlOnrCad•--- . 111 ° 5 300 4 54 . 74. , 000.......794 250 Yontho NIA CO. II 6000 re} 6 p 02 Year..963,‘,100 70 )1.00 do ...--. 965 s ' at do 0.70 1 1 1110 00.... 60 dd--....._,...6 3 0. 701 1 /0010 Teen 6s 20. 60 Hudson BIT A.— SS% 9104 Virginia 30 0 „ lob 4 %1 6a'7B --BO SO 3'w lit 016 bas '79__9o 1326 Y Central 1..-o 7511 2691 lieors , ft tn. 61. --.67 160 OM Os 6s p b in Ga _.. 65 10 0 , dm 76 61000 it assouri :Moto 66-4 1 11 60 do_._.- --- 76 6061 -- ,a3O 44.5( .00 do—. Plca 9000 do ... 60 do 76 WO 310 6a is IC& J_46 4 1 Si) 60s) do 360 . 76% IS. 0 I.ouimana at ft... 67 3.1) d 0..., .90 71137 9001 Cal St 7a ..._76 1100 lllCen R Body-• 6 30 .644 9610 N r'NfOIIES 61.... ea% SOO • 2000Gelh Chi I 484.1 1 0 .90 do.- ... 5 9 1%0 ()el i.wo6c.W Ist el 120 Cle Col k. Cin 94 „ 36 •lerohsn g' ilk— 9) 15 do ..... •• •_ 60 Union Honk . 60 Gal & Chi R.... 810.61 100 Ilk of Comineroa...79% S 0 do . . -._ 0.61 Hanover dank _ 70 25 Cleve.& 'Nolen° R,..17 60 Canton 1114 100 do ---..-- 253 C 250 90: 430 d 0.... . 90, 6 M do • _•- 9% 10 1 1 Chi k. R 3914 12 Del a Stud CI C0....86 25 71, Erie Rai wad— .24 190 39 New York Markets Yesterday Agnes are unchanged. with sales of 25 bble at $5.25 for Po s. and 445.3750 05 50 for Pearls. Miff DWI CIP• — . the market for State end Wes'cra Flour •• hortyy and p ices hare receded So 4' bb;. with lege aotivity at the decline. The sate. are B+oo Mile at 8404 05 for superfine Mate; 3455 m 135 for extra Stale; 83.880+.05 for en • perfi as htiohigan, Indiana. Ohio lima, so; and 84150 435 tor extra do, includins chipping brands of round noon Ohio ,at 64.900 e. and tradelbrands of do at WOO •116 10 Southern Flour is qinet and without material °binge; sales 800 lints at 86=5 00 or en iodine Baltimore ; 0+1.15 for extra no; 8805.10 for Brandywine; :26.6130 87 23 for Georgetown.; .5709 for Petersburg city. mid $702 fir Richmond city. Canadian k tour if unchanged, with sales of 350 We at 03 9004 for eupei fine. eau $4750750 for the range or extra brands. Rye ti tur in quiet, with small sales at 82.4002 81 for the ran g• of fine and sueerfrae. Corn M eat is steady ; we quote Jersey at 82.75 W 2 435 ; Bfand Sei no. •305.10; ponotieons. alb Wheat is leas aoilve sou nllllll , en firm; sales 5000( bushels Iv 931 nor Chioaso string.; Alfa for Rama spring. and %6eo9° for sii•wentee °lab R. e is quiet at 450400 for Western. and 810S40 for North river. Barley is nominal at 520580. Oats are very dull at v7e310 for Jamey, Delaware. and l'ennerlvatiia; 370330 for Western and .Stsue, and 050280 for C marlin n. . • Corn is in lair demand for .export, without essential •iriarion In armies lee SO 00 ha het, at 340400 for new mixed Western. and 460485 for .Western) show. enovisiorts.—Pork is firmer. wi h a moderate in quit ; miles are 200 bbls at 11660 for mess and V 0.3754 0 10.5) for prime. Bert is quiet and stead,- witn infitng sales at $505 ad for country mess Lam 4.5) to , costar, prim.; 82m10 50 for ?emoted West ern. end Ulf 50014 so for extra mere. Pratte mres Beef is dull and nominal Peer Banns are ,fi,m and in moder ate re qwet at $1401476 for Western. Cut. Meats are dal et sseem tor Hams and 4}4®50 fo Bhoulder- milts BO aim dry sated ms. Lard I s tr.let an d steady w if thles of 49 tieroes and bbla at etteg for Sin I t primo settle-r , n erea Western. Nir RI MU' quiet and unohanted, with sales of 100 bbls as lie. PRTIADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. GEO. N. TATRAM. Tsit Wm. L. B FRO ERN RINGRAM. Cozarurralt or THE MONTI( . LETTER. HAIM At the Merchants' EsSatscres, Mini Tuscarora, nunievy-- sass chip Lanolister. Liverpool, soon Wyk M& rnret. Quip and RIO. soon Mark nontdns.o.itsAher• .Landon, soon Bark White Wink. ra• Mat INALRINE s'INTEJUP/GENOZ. f-911.7 ff DiI6&BXLPIELIA., Jily.3l. nal SUN RISES__. -.4 E6- 902 (: 1!8179 . FLIG - • Brie Celestma, Fioket, from Boston, in ballast to J R Blot igloo. (soh.. Ann ft Cannon, Novell, from Medford, In ballast to P. Ft awser & Co. Behr J ho F Urenob. Henderson, from NewbtuTport. Beer Gszelle. Snow. from. Newborr port. Behr Leo Crowell. fr , m Providence Pans Homes. Hewitt from Providence. Behr monmou.h Anderson. from Provi.mnee. Behr Jon, F bought,. Leeds. from HaratiobrOrt. ton. Steamer PM lad -"his CI Fier:, de 0,33 hours from Wasbint - with mdse w P Mesmer Washinston. Whildin. 7 hour , from Cape Ma. with passengers to any'ain. Passed below Reed Island Brush brig Eirr‘ld (.0m Hampton Rmds. ton es:led to be a prize: • tr Morris Listou's passed cpanieh sour ralmetto. 11 , ..m New Yo,k. CLEARED. Steamship Boston. itrowter. New.Yorh. J Allderdioe. Queen Esther, ( lir) Card, Port Spain, A E Outer brides. Brie C (es•ins. Fickott. Roston, J R Blakiston. Bohr Mamie, Baxter, Boston, Noble, Hammett & en , a Bohr Z'nn. Fi ids. Vremhinftmn, do doiir .1 6110.1, Main, St John. NB. E A Bonder & Co. Bonr Ann S Cannon, Nowell. Chelsea, B B. Sawyer & Co. Bahr J F Crouch. Henderson. New London, Costner, Stink ray & We•hcg'on. B hr Inc. Crowell..Provi anon. Repplier & Bro. Prihr N Holmes. Hewtt. Providenoe. s ortilier & BM. Boor Monmouth. Anderson, rrovtdence. Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Bohr J P Doughty. Leeds, Harwiehoort, 24 Brune va.q. & Co. 5,3k.r Gazelle. SIOW. Weymon , h, 1 • A udrn qed & Co. Ittr H ()aw. fler. Italnrhore. A Grrves.Jr Str New York, Hunter, New York. W P Clyde. OorzenDondenoe of the Phitexielohja F4xobellee.l The 'hie John Carr.r. for Quit' ports bark Cot red. for Pernamtooo. and brig' Pelhi for Poet au Y an-e. are nnw t..aea from the Breakwater. The U 8 steamer Vixen. from the'ayes et Virtuus, bound to Jt York. to at •to harbor. Wind .SYY. Yours. A. MARSHALL. (Correetiondenee of The Press.) HAVltts DE DR 4CE. July IS. Fifteen boats left bete this =cuisine. laden and non elected se ("elbow= C l C der awl Lydia Ann, lumber to Norcross & •hen:e; Wm F 4 :nutlet and Mat• is. Kogan, do to Henry Drost.e.,;.l t; rrawford. do to. Wilmoneton. Deg; Ft Miasmic do to as em. NJ; A J Sheets. b•rumioue coal to Yaw Yo'e; F . ; C Ciramtn. itsa'asobe. Tl , omarr , rreas, cud A 8 Valentine bituminous coal. end Unit.d Rta ea. Prowler. Dr n f 3 &serer, and Agricola, anthomite coal to Delaware City. (Correspoudenoe of tbe Press.] RA DING. Jaly 29. The following boats from the Union Caned passed into the Sehuylkill Canal to day. bound to Philadelplua, la den and consigned as follows: Wm Kalbaoly, light to oavtain Eleanore. bttuminous coa. to 11 A & . Taylor; Benj Mooney. uijß iron to Ca been & Co; I B Blsowell. boards, and hi..l hlttolteit, lum tier to C Twit:tinge; American Eagle, lumber ro John a Mings• & o to Humphreys, Hoffman & Wright: Mary. light to captain. MEMORANDA. Ship Calliope. Goodwin, sailed from Liverpool 16th last 7U/ Quettyo. Ship Arampto, Casein, for Madras. sailed from Li verpool 13th inst. Nark C Y C. Pitch. hence, arrived at Jersey 11th inst. Barg Nathaniel Cogswell, Hamlin, at Newport lain lust from hub in. Brig David tr. Caroliae, henesoailed from Quash'. town 1.9 , h inst. for Plymouth. Brig Wiayaw. Wyman, hazing. arrived at Salem nth 'pedant Brig Anglo Bn%oll. Dodge. for Philadelphia, was ready at Rotterdam 16:h inst. Brig Abbott Lear/600e, Faller, hence. arrived at Boa ton 23th met Brig California, Cam, berme, arrived at Bristol 29th instant. Mans Westover. Eldridge. Excelsior. Riley. A Cor dery. Baboook, Atlan Pawning. Bios. Maggie Van Du • sen. Meson. Isabel Alberto. Tooker. and Mahlon Betts, Endicott. hence. arrived at Boston 29E6 inst. 3ohr E J bmith, hence. was in the bay. below Boston. Mk mat. Bohr Mary H Banks, Cannon, oleared at Boston 29th inst. for thiladelphia. Bohr 8 L I:rooker. Presbrey. from Taunton for Flit ledolphia. coiled f 'cum Newport 22. h inst. re , r florace Maples, blithe, hence, arrived at New Bent .rd 29th init. Boars ft A Tay tor, Doke.. Samuel N Smith. Ligoorob, and Allianoe. irelaad, sailed from Newburvport .7th met. for Poilealeliiiia. Bohr J R Lee - Corson. sailed from Bordeaux 13 h Inst. for Phitedeleca. Bohm H B Weston, Long. Triumph. Artie, H P moms. Ketchum. P k dwardr. Bannock, vastitt Bharp. Haley. .1 R Myers. Co b. Matahgas, Bl.ke, Jane .0 Patterson. Hand. R G holden , Neal. Sylvia. Bathe way. Buena V.ata, Roby. Oaten Dave, Veazin. Sebum oa Knight, Erdioott, and J Crawford, Smith, tienoe, at tioston 29 11 lout. Bohr; riaratoga. Adams, Wm Wallace, POUII. Louisa Flener. Steelman, M Bhicdler . Yates, for Philadel phia, and A foe Lee, Corson, for Wilmington, Del, old at Boston 29th inst. Bohr Beaman. Norris, cleared at Baltimore 29th Met. for re ream hue°. Behr. I fonder. Jr. Dorman. it A Wood, Creamer, and Woad, Baker, sailed from 21a.lam 28th inst. for Philadelphia. our Geo Roffman. Bennett, sailed from Fall River 27th MS , . , or Philadelphia. Boor 'rhos Borden. Wrightington. from Fall River for Philadelphia, at Newport Bth lasi, arid sailed again the 28th. ramp. A M Aldridge, Bateman. sailed from Providence 27th Met for Phiisaelehiai eichr Lady Lase, White, beam), arrived at Providence 28th mac Bahr R P King. Leeds, sailed from Providence 28th inst. for Phihtde phis. • riteumer Sarah. Jonas, hence, arrived at New York yeaterr ay teamer Concord. Not man. cleared at New York yea - teiday for Philadelphia. NOTICE TO 61A_RINERB. Notice is hereby 'AVM that the Pi hook Rip Light Vessel will return...her eta. ion off the Pollock RID ShOai on or about the 31 of AIIT.OIIt. At the same time the Handkerchief Lista Vass& will be withdrawn from the Paadkeromer Shoals. and the Re ief substituted Toe artier Is sohonner rigged, with a red bait at the foremast head. hull painted red, with Relict in white leitent on each ode he will show ever, night, from sunset to sunrise, one fixed light of the native' color. By erder of the Lighthouse Board. .1. A WIN•LOW. Coin D. 8,N., Lighthouse inspector. Second Duitnot. Boston. July V. 1861. SPECIAL NOTICES. SIIFIPSIMILE WITH DISEASES OF THE BLAD awn, Kidnep, Gravel, Drover, Weakness , &c. , read the advertimament io smother whim. headed " Helm bedd's Genuine Preparations." litmwf If :iefe PAM Curia:me cm - Tll4 Lyn.,l n.zymtc, made in the best manner, expreanty for RE MLE4I. LOWEBT aetlfa= prices marked to /nom Eisele,. AU goods =ado to order warrantee ettirtuttory. Chir ONE-PRICE system u stnctly M atted to. AU eye thereby treated alike. 314*-17 /OREN Is CO.. 604 MA ALE 7 ihrool Bateau Loa's ISLtre irre.—Ttue celebrated and perfect llair Dye is :Mr err: in tfis world. All others are mere imitations of this great original, whioh has gained Berth extensive patronage In all parts of the globe. Ths genuine W. A. klatohelor's Liquid Ran Die instant/1r produces a splendid blank or natural brown, withost etaining the skin or !Waring the hair, and will rensady as 111 slows of Nod dyes, Invigorotlits the hair for life. Sold by all Prima - Leta and Porfamen. Wholesale by FAILICESICKIX. St CO., It YOWL' es 00., Philadelphia, vr hl-tf GROVER & ONLBERATZIL NOISELESS FAMILY SEWINO MACHINES in. Best In Ur* for Family Siming• o.i. Vita CtR •;:anr:rn• nrrp.e liviotoltta one AZT[JASD'PHSuTtirO, MAST .4.ND CNILAPIFST FH the City. et 34 3..01. TIER!) Stro,i BILLAIRAD PRINTING. Rest andehostmt the City.lit34 South THIRD Street. RIRDVLAS PS 1h1712113. Rest sad I :theseeet 1► Vas tY. Si a tortr 11311R1) 9traot PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every otherdesnny- IWO af prating, of tht most sueenor quality. at the somrl remenneMe tato*.Rt 4.If2SWALT fe. PROW t4'll. f4Alltine 24 12 **** 1114 llt D fttreeg. 4471. e COLEhIAfr—DU PONT.—O4 Tne/d.ty morning. the ZOth ins ant. in -t. J,•ha ("lurch. Brandywinn vi lase. Osten.a by tip, Rev. t.har as trmeit r e nay. Leis ll too • 'olentan to Far ny E.. dauittier or the late elenut J. flu • rVialt I Z—N 1 07 1 13074 RY.—On thn 7/h instant. by the Rev. ear. Phenn.ril. Will am ttWtittZ. to Mary t . Wincogontery. *II k _f th eat. Si ft+- St* 113.—(ht tn.. 7th instant, by the Rev. M-. nhe nerd, Churl's/ H. 144111 to t !mug thuetr, nit of this Mgr. • lAnAV.—nn the 2:olii init•nt, Margaret etoeSdals 'Fagan daughter of N tth rn and Anna f , iliigan aged ge .nearris v N El —On the tilth instant. Mrs. Isabella Evans, ill i l l i er 84tri • f a n% and throve of the family are invited to at tend her funeral. from the reel , ' enne or her son, How- Var v utT, n ia 1"or'iollooT.41 I th nterment z ia ll .t!o w s. : d r D i l e d r on Chnrob. GR.T.—On the 38th instant, at his late r-sidenne Reokleantown. Butting ton county. N. . 1., John Wright, the 7.11 year of his age. Hos relatives end Wands of the family are respeot fatly Invited to attatU r in flutern.l from NO. =I Met street4ebove Fifth, day, the Est 'latest, 'at 11 ARRIVED. July 29. MARRILED 111 b le. o'o'ook, without further notice. Interment at Ronald son'e Cemetery. eNNU -On the 29h instant. Mrs. Charlotte hivere Hannnin. in the 870 Year or her W t.-ones.' from the tesidenee Col, w Whim Brad ford. Fifteenth wrset, balvW Spruce, thus( WedueeuelY) afternoon, at 3 o'nlook. Ca fit Pit 1441..-911 the 29th inetant, Annie B camp- NI 1. &mentor of Jamas Campbell, late of Bummer • UM. Movi , te. [raised. Funeral from the widenee of her tithe - . No. 315 N. Seven , h street on , tiursdly morn .at ie o`olook BURTON-On the 19th tnatant, Theodore Julioe Inn of Captain William and ductal B. Burton. aged 7 mouths. W F h u a n r o to r u tti a f t r r o e, from et the residence of his parents. No. 348 th i s ( Wantsday) ufterimon. at 3 o'clock. AM FR.-0a l Margaretta,vtif be 79 , 11 instant, e of R. emmer 32 years of awe. Dlftv tat.P.-On the 29th instant, William Dunlap, autd 31 yeam- Funera. fain his late residence, N, 1521 Fitzwater sheet on Thursda • afternoon, at 10 . EC AR U I'.-On the 18tu instant. Margaret A. Fok hardt dmichrer of tvilltarn F. and Anna Eekhardt, aped 13 'ears and 1 month. _Funsrat from the re,tdenoe of her aunt, No. 929 New 1, 14. ke. street, Chi/ €4. y. • Etr -on the 19th instant, Mrs. Wilhelmina Er vin. in her 50th year. FPI 2:4 310.• 4 .-On the 29th instant. William Fats simons in the 324 year of hie age. Funeral from his late reevtenoo. No. 413 8. Eleventh street this i Wednesd y) of ernoon. at 3 °look. • . MITER .-•a the 25th instant. Will a Venetian, sou • of Jacob and Ha-riot P. Foster. .red 3 yea's. Funeralnom the residence of his tweets, No. 1121 N. Fourth street, Utis (Wednesday) afternoon, at 8 • c c tRRNAI4.-On the 29th instant, Sarah, wife of Michael Moltetnan. aged Be sears. Funeral ham the r sidemen of her husband. No. 2138 Smote treet,this (Wednesday) afternonn. at 1 o'cl'ii." M 4 Rif UN kr.-On the 29th instant, Isaac Markle,. aged 85 rears. Fa• eral from the residency of his son, No. 111 Dena flare Dnke) street, title (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 le(41101I. • Atct.AUGIILTN—On the 29th instant, Margaret Mo- Leughlin, aged 86 •earil. Fuee•al from her late reaulenoe, No 1911 Wilcox street, tnis ( Wednesday) afternoon at 8 o'olook • M ft.-13u the 29th Instant. Mrs. Mary Mill:r. to the Itsth year of her ate. Funeral from her late textile/nee. 604 Pine street, ..F.n Th day inn nine:. et 9 clunk. MuORF.-On the 29th Instant, MATT. daughter. of Robert and Alice Moore, aced 18 mantes. Funeral from the residence vf her parents. No. 4 C. , uti tiling place. New Marker st•eet above Vine, ttjis W dnesda• 1 aft ernoon, at Once o'clock. RI A t•.-On the 27th instant. Joel H. Elate, in the 81sty ear of his nee. 11118.-Un the 29th instant. Robert W.. snn of Silsbee. d Helen Ir. Rue, Ned S years, 10 months, and 14 die. Funeral from the reWdenceof his paten's. Net 2 Har r son's row, one milehelow Bndesburg, this (Wednes• day) atiertm tn. at 2 o , al ak • WILIAAMR.-- I .n the 20th instant, Elizabeth Wil liams. in rhe9Bth year of her age. Funeral from he reside ce of her eon 12 2 Hanover street this t Wednesday) afternoon, at 3'o'o lock. • to IT- I -GTO 4.—On ihe 28ta insi ant, Ellen, wife of 1101511 Withington, Eir . aged Ile year.. Fume el from the residence of her husband. No. 18.22 1 awrence (late apple) street, this tWsdnesday) after -00 n. itt 2 o'clock. OURI.ING.-A t Germantown, on the 29th instant. ('erharine A., wife of Benjamin 8. Burling, aged 67 urt rule ing. eral on Fifth day morning,at 9 o'clock, from 1716 Wallace stree . , 111011RNINO STOR Fr, BEitir , Ons & 601.4, +-cm. 996 CH KSTNUT Rtreet. are now gelling Black Grape mtrerz at 26 rind WU cents. Blink b %tea es. at 36 and 3l' cows. Black 7-4 wide baregos. 60 and 693 i cents. Second-mouruin. popli. a. 95 cents. Gra', mixed litvellaa, Md. Eire,y mottled modenaa. mis.d wide madonna., 195(e. filatig and white printed grenadine busses. Mo. Shepherd plaid real grenadm. ha , eges,lloo. Mimic and whits Paris orgapdiet.26o. IT/ rfrA. DIENTING 01 0 ' Oill"Ze11115 -WHO are onnored to 'he system of pa tisan n• mina twins Iteterofore purened• and ••re in avor of • tenting capable and honest men to office. will he held at the Mr , FICHAP.T ' I•XCH•NON., on TRURBDCY, the Fl ART DRY OF AUGUST. at 12 o'clock. noon. to take 'neve •es 5 r making pr••cer nominations for the offices to be h led in Go' ,, ber next Howe I & Brothers. John B. "yere. John Wel h. Richard R smith, • Charles vlanalester, W Ittam F. Mi. keys Arthur G. Coffin, Thomas • }Ladle, 8 A. Mercer rhade Gibbous, Henry J. withal:tut, John C. hay s, James Payard, Pan el Done hefty, 4 Jame W Pee, Thomas Rabies, r., t tiin it, F. ,:. Knight, F F•aley. Georg" retv, Hen, c. Lea. John B Kennel', Jahn F. Frazer, B 1, 41 homy, Hent•y C. Carer. 1.3 Watsrman, A. D Clan, Fer•l J. Grrer. Lin d P. rnith, J. W Van Beaton, Lewis H. h mmer. John B Budd. Pearson ya.,d, /tit K. P. 0.. Gears a Read, Chariel W Wins, - - I.'D. Rodney, Thos H. Moore. 01,1411 qr W. Morris, Edward A rrnekreeg, Benjamin Orne, A It Chanar, s, Charles Platt. Jneep , I. 8h Wen, .Th•tma. tewerdson, Jr., Po''srt Pearusa• sin-s M. Lowman', B G Fotterell. I Joules H. Coxe, Fobert P. Detesting, liven • Foodnlon, Win J Mo•ne. J.ID Perg act, }•pnra in tasks, Jr., H. H Coates. J. P. Steiner. - - C:H Fisher. W 1.. of hi , man, John H. Packard, Fdwtn M. I swot. I', 'Spencer 'Willer, Morton MoMicrnael, • Allis Ytionhll. James Miller, James M. I'rborn,l ;layette! T. Canby, 1. Weir Michel. P. P. Morris, • Wm. C. Hanle. John Linden,. Won A. tionnehnrd, John Lambert. ' Thoineut T. Butcher, James B. k ng land, W. al. •I',lthrnian, oonuel P. • iteinni. Retry D Therre.d. John I'. James, Thomas It alerts, B. Ii Corn>sy•, ilex G Ge.w. Lucas • . Burke, 8...u.em Soon'', A. J. Artelo- Ydward 1 1 ' Gay. Henry 8 Loarber, J t.. F,mro.ve. tidner G t'ivher, Genre •-•. Bok.r. Fitment Agnew, b wen P. Little, -George G. !Amer. 1331-2 t . s:l7ft oiricr -orprcv OF THE FENN PYLV ar.l- 1 I: RIN • (tom PA.o A. Vir; COB it.R BROAD ANO VI NB {VTR PETS. All venting hiving claims asoinet the Pennsylvania Farina llotnpany • or holding Bre ot Tickets issue.) by it are Yellt/P8 ed to or 'sent he same for payment to the undensigned. on or. brnio toe FIRBC DAY tIF AU GUR .iarxt unable-11day the taws or the OomnanY mil , hi oloaed finally acaordtng to law. j126-11t F.O l /7 kw° B. FE KRIS, Bioritary [rfrOFFICE MORRIS CANAL ARID BANK ING CO , J 111824. ny. July 23. 0361. VIDEI69 ritlTlCe..—The liaard of eireotors have die "area. from r no earnings of the Canal, a semi-annual Idv.dend of FIVF. Pr It cENT. upon the Pteteryed ~toot. payable ..n and sf . er the 6th day of A rign.t next. at the Orme of the Company. at ..leisny Ci‘y• or to Eitoholotra in and near Fhitadolihie, at the of of E. W : Clsrk & Co.. there. The rren.fer 0 .oks will be closed from the 25th inst. to the 6th of august. jyll6.t 4.11'6" I. N. COvDIT, Peoretari. cic i r s NOTIUE—TO THE INHABITANTS OF FJRArt KFORn—Tbat ake DAILY or W r LY eau be d .tt the oaonterof mr store, or served at your tiotuke regularly, at an ear • 'war. W. C. BiIEA RD, Jrlß-tte Arent for 27.8 Press, in r rauktord. Ord. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND DARBY lISILSOAD COMP (iN Y. rUIL•DICLPHIA, July 13.1861. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Di videgtd of VW r N r Y.FIY is Ce.PITS per share on the Capital Stook of th s Company. outstanding this day, Eayableon and after the 25'h Dist at the Office of the Treasiver. Mo. i 4 t W &lout street. For the convenience- of tt,e (stockholders, the Trea surer wilt be at the Depot corner of Darby avenue end Poety.ninth street (opposite the Gra,'s Perry rood between 33 t and 6 P. hi.. on SATURDAY, the 27th Inst., prepared to pay the above. Trahmer Books will be closed until the ESth Inst. THOS. ((TARES, emoretari and Treasurer, iylll-1m No. Ivl WALNUT Street. arOFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE cOllrA.r4Y, No. 4116 ca-avrn UT (-treat PIIILSISLPItIe, Jai, 1.1861. At 6 meeting of the Board of Directors held this day, a dividend of THREE PER CENT. was declared on the capital, payable on the first day of August next. iv* lm W. t. BLANCHARD Remetary• .)111,1 - .CAItY. NOTICES. REGTME POF AVON AL GUARDF. The fiends of th;e Reeinust,dterwedto nu ci nutlet pate in . he e.ort. noon the Moa . n:4r, w meet at tne r - TIO - A L GUARDS' RA4I.. R &Teat. bAlwr SIX CH, THIS (W ednesday) AFTERNOuN, at 23 O r OkOk ;nt.Otunity. By order of Chief Marshal, Ego. E. ADLER. John Rill, G•oree Collins, Jacob nompert, homes Bartleott, Edwin A. Rode', Andrew J.-Roiman, Aide. It BEaDQUARTEIN Ht ME GUABD, CITY . OP ?flit , DgLPIIIA:11117 3). 1861. SPECIAL ußnbit. No 41— .n escort. to eon tat of 'he First end Feoond Regiments of Itifen , ty of the t ine. and nampantea a. C end it of the Gr r man Meg, will rnael 0-MOHNOW AFTeltrattoN, to reo•tve the Nineteenth Reahnent of the Penneylaa nie Vo nnteere, Colonel Peter Ly le, on ite return Lout Doti ve service. The escort will be formed on Broad street, north of Primo street. o'a ace P. S. Band al•ster 1I R°- FELD will report to the commanoing Officer of the ehocot with two Bends of ritual°, each of fonrteeu pieces for duty with the esoort. *. J..PIg&PONTON. It Bus. Gen. Corn. Home Guard. . 1 AT T YIN TTO IN !--The undersigned hvetng been authorized to raise a. Redolent of in f miry for the War. has deputed the following offi cers to smut men for the Hegirnent: a. tigkINIAN. _ Arbeiter Biqa. !forth Third sr rest- below Green, and at Fried Rencas. c or h 7 hl d ntr et, above Beaver. 11.1L.U1 0 WALT). • - At A. Miller's, 6 6 Ca lowhill street. boosoh is oat's, 4Stirallowhill street. • A. Haile's, 607 North third street F. BULI INGER. At F. 401 No•th Tbirn street. • John K.awyp's.2fo allowhill street. MAX 6110 DR, At Mr. Dotde's, Southwert corner Fourth and leder son streets. • PRFD. WINTER. At W. Weimar's, 610 !forth Third, above Willow at. A- BAUER, At 114 Margaretta. street. 418 Jolene street. 73n Vine street. A. 80110 PP, At Mr. Wannoin l)e Kalb H tel. Veursynnk rood. KUD. meti WO Z. tit F. K. conies', 303 Borth Third. above Arch at. July 30,15131. HENRY SuHLEN, jy3l St WANTED—A finished drummer and i fifer for the United States filgate Potomac. Ali i. SOO able bodied men f r the United ota ee marine nom f it BM and i&T d lerViCe. imraeuultely. Ap ply at R.rIdeZ•EMS, NO. :it I ii PstON I: Ntrosit. Ist loonienant SV.tiTOKES BuYD. WO : I ft . Recruiting Officer. 110:ADQUAlatRs FIRE DEPART ME‘IT ZOTJAVIVA, No. 40W 'WALNUT Street. /. ire Compaires desirous of oonseotr , s theme wes with the regirosst will lurnisti a head members on or b3fore kr ,•14DAy, An i ma 3d tue regitn.nt has hero ce•vted. and will be made up from the r ire De panmai.t ex° naively. WO 2E^ COL. D. W. C. BAXTER. TIN bdoULELLAN RE(4)MENT," named In honor of onr.gal'ent towiraman. General George B La mar oreantagd.and under marohing orders in two weeks 0,.e more con grimy will be aocepted. by applying immediately To headguar tern Na 216 ou•ti Fit , fNT Street. The following is a bat of fie.d and mutt office/a: o.lon-t. JAU.IS ZIEGLER. Li utenant Colonel, 8. JuaNfloN, ra or. J.. J PC:O 1 :jutant. B. C. B OGEES. quartermaater, Wm. 1611.A.RXEY, nrae.in, n. S. LP [lva. Ansm't tnrgeon, PHILIP LEIDY, JR. .41t4 LINCOLN OA VA LET .—A 11 members give puneirml attenda- es. at Head e ovum,. FIF tit and Wri i.e.1.1 • 'treats. on .111.311.8 DAY MORNIN4 for me er. JOHN Fll ZWA I. krt, CAPOiln• WM. B. BOYD. Captain. bel-St - WAW) ED-- Putt THE THIRD . Reg' r ant. 11. R. Cavalry. able-b , diod men of Rood morals, turtarerra the ages r.f t 8 and 36 y woe. r., lIPTVIS for 0 years- Pay from en to .911 p-r month. with boqd olothirrg. and medico. , attendance. min.'r win not be enlieted wit. out the oon-ent or parours or guardroom. h en nooneromed to horsesand riders preferred. App'y at prinoip..l ttendezvoms. No. tIGATEL lomat. tttptainJ')UN SAVAGE. 1014-12t* Third Cavalry Reorniting Offloer. I F' YOU WANT THE OIIEAPEBT AND in HES'. get Colored Pho , ographe for 41. at fillf.rt'a Gail, ry, noC(rIVD street above OR 81114. It IN To E ORPEIANN) 00IIRT FOR TDB CITY Ar.n? cny,l7,y, OF PHILADKt,IitA. i.etate of JOUR KIDD. de c eased NoTrc et la n e•ebt stvett. that she widow of the said decedent has fi din the Orphans' COU.t her ;Petal and -ppratennteet of the pate sal estate elected to be retatned he her under the ant of II h end .psil 8 1869 a d th a t tit.. -Una wt ll he approved by the Court 4.11 FR{ t-Y. aI:GU 41' 16 it. un.ese o..pt.oes are filed thereto. al R. i`totty, A. bat wtr.44l, Fru. r e st .cner. 8t)I r'd •T 4: j, lIN 10.., and t.UpOlO Ft. V LOP rig. all d Grant at, lea. the I•triteet c• ileorinn in the Orated •te . lur it aat one cent erten Yr•ti *en order Crow 16 up in Sto, he a'v.ve pritte. .10.1 rave ved. varieties of 4 ea .10D Luvelopee Irmo teri.yl nu. Vire•nioi and lleu colt, &o. Coiled tor. will fine it to to ir advantrote to ••tde. dawn tr..m Ott II(L r • •- A. al L.L.hdt. 25 n ti 41 root. rt..Y NOW Domani received deity. 'hear supplied jpl3 lm 13 , YE N 4 : .1a a a .4110.1 new and old. bought. sold and exchanged , at the PRILADE4Y4IIA- Bac. t{ .130 . 0 X. zreOlur ti 419 Vitts..TVN UT direet. Libtartice at a distance' ariared. Frame hawyng Books to sail, at a distanae l' wit state Gait natnec, sizes, bindings deuis edltio'r arses, and OcAuitionk• NVAISTED — I+.2ks Ti nice) Frankhn. as well as early aooks n printed in an! eLoa p s h . autograph Lactern and_fortlatts par tat Laws of 25101Ylvania for sato Cata ktice. preesiaent tripe. wortnibreslit ia , .- • • - • ' • M=2!!: RETAIL DRY GOODS REMOVAL or PRICE, FERRIS, & Co. EXPL AN &TION We have for the present removed our Stool: to our Wbol. sale Sttuid, No. 54 !WARIEST Street, where. on and after 1.40,41/A Y. the 29th instant. we will be pre pared to offer it for sale at Retail until we osn procu - e another Sums in a Suitable location for retaiiing• We dean it due to ourselves, in explanation of our euddon removal, to state that we wore sub tenants only at rio. CIIMITNUT Street, and having underatOod, a few days sines, that the parties of whom we leased were in arrears for rent to the owner of the store, and that legally our stuck Gould bo dint - rained upon for these arrears of the original tenants, we deemed it Prudent to remove our stock to avoid its probable seizure for a debt not our own. PRICE, FERRIS. & CO., 1f73-6t nLsOK FIGURED bILKS. I A Small Lot Jurt Reoeived. Smelt neuron ht Th °eau. 1044E31 BROZtailt3, ifs REITti U r and MOUTH Sheets. F imttlNA R'JiiL i. very &Nimble coloring* in New Goode, Met:wain to to IS lards. 10 el 60. feu Sh nag PL bee BKOTRER73, ENOLI:111 B.alit.oll S. Mixtures mad Printed Figurer/. 111 1116 Qtmlittee. nt very Low Proms, rencdt and Engluoh &venni, 8 4 wide: P 26 • 811.11.1tPLeitie BIiOTIMRB NEW MANTILLA STORE. The most splendid 81LR IVIANTLEtt th the city. HOUGH & 00., JeB-2M • 25 EOVTB TStiTR 13.11t81e.f. SILK MANTILLAS, • In every new stile, the Tiehest qualities ever nen, at the elegant New &ore, shs 50EITIC nthrirs arraEzit. • 86 . 0 O •, V.HEAP DRY GOODE- . STILE. rORTHICA IL/ REDUCTION IN SIMMER STOOL In order to !arum MINI and TOtliZO Fine Chintz colored Pante Qrgandtes. ' Do - Pane Jaownela. pnactnm 'toe dn. do. Dark Brown Lawn,. 4% eon's. • Silk Chalnec Baroteo. Berets daightis, On; Goode, Poplins. Mon. de • eines, &a. Black Tertotrtme Unmade Miming, &o. Foulard eilke and t•tinniie. &o. White Goods in variety. AA fine line or plain S wiss M ualitu, lfig ford ate. Blank Lane M noting. tiournous and Pointe. Blso k and Colored Stella ttill.V/111 A Yen , °beep lot ..f Linen Cambric Bdkfe. A toed stock 01 Flannels and Dumeotio Condo at the lowest market rates, lOr cask only. CHAR i.Ett ADAMS & SON, hfid-ti EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. HEN'S AND ROYS' WEAR. Caehmarotton, Twede, Connioden, Linen Drina. fiateens, Corduroys. ri cent fine an -wool clasalmores. Bloot and fanny Cruseimeren. CuLeon a CON A PD. (Irsfnor NINTH and moi for C LOSING OUT SALE DR,DSS GOODS. Balance of 'our stook Rummer Drees Goods, merely ermine/ p.iter. fo olose teem. Hareger and Before Robes. loss Mau UV price Fine MOCK Bleak Dream Goode, extra cheep. COu.PEtt & litirtoßD, Iy'l3 H. E. eor. re/NTH and 111-ARKE'II. FELE OH tdi OE .poiN T EEL Rawl& Mantles. and %moue. e•eduo d to one-haV their tHalte. ei*Ok Silk Mantles. Cloth do. Bummer Dui:tent— eti oh.ee. COOPER & t3ONARp B. E. OOT. Nl'r"'B Niand MARKET. N.B.—Best Hoop eldrta. 17 to 40 springs i7IS IWYSA LANDELL AR.€ OPNINING A-3 111.ilisIC !MRS.—Blacklk6, fine grade. Bina Silks tor city este!, Bleak Silks whole ale. Black Silks. 9t to 36 inahen wide. in-4jYRE &- LAND &;I.L, FOURTH and A RCFI. are tolling all their Summer Goods tow, to close them. Frunmer Allks. Indira and French. De- k French Organdy Lawns Bares° and Lawn e obeli by the yard. ['cubie and ranst 'ilk Orenedmee. RYKE & .Lv4DELL HAVE FOR BIT RI NIG DRvBBES All-wool Bine Flannels. All-wool Plaid Flannair. Good assortment of Towelinga.: Summer Quil:s wholesale. 1710-tf 1861 • MEMORABLE YEAR! ! HARD ON DRY GOODS! VERY LOW PRICES! PILL MORE REDUCED! THORNLEY & CHIBM. _ N. E. cor. t•IG. 4 t'Ft and SPRING GARDEN ,, Want toiled their stook et.an off. And hare consequent! REDUCED THEIR PRI C ES. • 'V Eav L INDEED. PancyBilks a iitt'e over hall price. Some strles'of Dross G.ons at half price. Lace Mantles.Pointes. hntonies &a.. vet, cheap. Elsa rinks. the oheaoast in Philadelphia. A great variety of Gray Goons. Limon, iko., to. A very !arra stook o( T korn-otio Goode. m A Von Is stock o Linen Goode. Clothe, C.l•litleMell. CIO ups. too.. &a. S.—This is a AARk. CHAN•iE it) get goods tut tyranny cheap. TIORNLEY & PHISM. Pi. E. Cor. EIGHTH and •PRING GAo DEN. N. B.—From this date, July 9th, Terms "Cash on DPliverv." Cift.CATtR REDUOTION IN DRY GOODS.—Bee , quality of Ginghnms far Mc. flies amortment of Drees 6000 C from MK ' to 25. Del tines end Challis ',entities reduced from 26 to 123:. Ladies' Cloths, plain, plaid, and striped, at a low Acura. Men and Boys' Wear. much reduced. Lawns in great variety from a to aVio. Partisan:lg Goods,. at the lowest market prices. Shetland Shawls, from en to ea JO at HN H. EITOKEEP, . . J 79 7e2 ARCH. Street. SIIMMNR STOOK OF DREG FOODS AT PRIoRt? ACCORDING TO TEE TlME .— Poplins. Bareces. Cuallies. half price ; Challle Deleines te. dueled from 26 to URAL ; Chintzes redaced from 1234 to 80. !special attention is requested to ocr stook of ()men thes and Jaoonot Lawns. which we ore bound to Mose out at e low figure. CHARLKS ADAMS& SON, Je2o Klett VII and A NCH Streets. B . A3GAISS! B &ROAR; ! ! GREAT BA.CRIFICES. EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS • offered in tae balance of DRE SSk of EMMEN 'WOOS, now closing nut GREATLY UNDER COAT PRICES. Pertains in Laos Mantles, Bournous, Pontes. Barra= iu flak Coots. oar sure a-d Manliest. 'JAR GAINS IN FANCY 51.LKA. BARGA I Ns IN BLACK BILES, • 600. Mohair Grenadines for Mo. lao. Detainee. new styles, for St. 200. Organdie l.awns for EDO. 12360. Lawns, fine quality, for So. • H. STEEL k BON, iTtl No. 713 North TENTH Street, above Costae • ABANKsurir IMPORTER'S bTOOK of Samples of Linen Cambrio Handkerchiefs. to hem-stitohed, sheer-corded, and embroidered. from• 10 cents to 63 cents each ; a great bargain. purchased a sacrifice for cash, and to be sold in the same way only. - CRA R1.V.8 DeMS & 80N. • ien3 F.lollTl3..and ARCH Streets. WRENCH LAOS VIBILS..--A choice lot 0- Jut pnrohsaed from s'bantrunt importer, and for tt half price t OD I RLxB ADAMS ta SO4. ia2o EIGHTH and. ARC. Bt,eete, rRENOEI LAOS PoINTB, B017.E.NOII3; Alt D MANTLES Fargo stook to be sold at less than wholesale prices. We cannot be nndereold in these goods; CHARLES ADAMS tt SOIf. Elrifall and ARCH. Streets. MEM.QOITO NETTING, all colors ; Tule- CA tan, all colors. for covering glasses; Plaid and Swiss ?Maas, at vraoletale_pricee. CHARLES ADAMIk_le BON, jai) ' MUSTS and AR . Streets. SMALL -PLAID SILKS. • Blue and White Frenoh Inßo, • Black and White Fran°lr Biks. Brown and White Frewh Silks. Green and White Preneh Silks. kurple and Wt.lo FreDOil stilts. BO dos. lidt& a Size per doz. 60 doz. White Silk Gloves, 260. per pair. Manicoode reduced Ter; low, to oloee out, at JOHN IL Pa 702 ARCHStreet.. NOTICE I I On and after this date "nrograxy & =am will offer EVERY POSSIBLE IBDUCEMIOII2 TO CASH PIIROBASERS OF DRY 4900 DC Being determined to redws stair Stock they will ries Deed Bargeiss !! Beantifiel Fancy Silks for 75 °eat', worth . elm limn .11.1 oh Fano) Silks for V. well worth .1.25. Otenisiine and Barone Goode. about one half their value. Gray Mixed Goods, in every variety, from 5 omits her yard to 60 oents. BLACK asILN6, RI CH BEA ANDP, LUETROVE, V VERY C peat Bleak Brocade Silks, doable faced, Icia,its. tle Laines, Callooes, Ormumeree, Clothr, An.LPrlllS''relViltcrrmA &e. irilcLlkolxidir Fienoh Lane Mantles, Pointer. Shawls, Eocene*. Cambria Lam Mantles, Chanti ll a Laoe &coda, At. Blest Silk Coats. Mantles, 5t0.. In every style. At 'WEIORNLRY 0015111z._ S. E. ters e ; rairdrinf 11 nre.tsca 4:WE yttpr INSURANCE. COMPANIES, pliant INBURANOE GOIAPANI, • rats Azurbitrief=llBl!".. " groom W. Day . -..0f Day & Matlack. one Wright " Wright Dreg & D. D. " DavlF & Dlrn e eery Lewis Jr.___ is Lewis Bros & CO.Uo 0. " J. C. Howe & (Se. Samuel 7/. Preel_Wyoming Canal .aVi Sao. W. Erernuaa—or 1. W.krermaa & Co taco. A. Wart-- " West & Fobec. X. X. " aavaore. Martin, as oc. 0. Wilson Dana.- --Attorney-at-lair. X. D. Woodruff— ....ef , aiblay, Molten. h Weolra Jas. Unger. -No. Ma etreett street, efixoxiiiE i l AY,Pnapident. PLANO!. N. UCH - . Vice Prealdeet, Wrieia-AME I. BLANOHA D. Elesretarr. IaXII-4111 SAYING FUNDS. , RAVING YU:it—UNIT= STATES 13U1ST °OXFAM' berem lad CrEEint -1 All i ttreets. EILF.J3I7 FIVE rE , l. OENT. a. IL CRAWFORD, PreddAtt. JAMES I. 1311r111E8., Iteereary And Trimmer. Moe hours. from 10 twill 3 o ' clock. This 00m0,u17 ti net 'Ant/ lb /MT symusstma t.e Umlaut to. LATEST AND BEST PIITENT FRUIT JARS, (BAKER'S PATENT.) NV CEMENT 18 USEL), AND NO EXPosp.o mut- FACE OF GUM TO TAINT THE. FRUIT. THEY ARE TILE MOST SIMPLE IN OPERA TION, RELIABLE IN RESULT, AND EASILY PROVED. POTTER & BODINE. Bole Mannfabturers and Proprietors, 1043 CHESTNUT STREET. Also, Manufacturers of Plain and Pam Wine and Liquor Bottles, Drama.' and Crockery Dealers' Green Glass Ware. 1, m wfliara W04113Y.;-600 ealo by_ wd4 isrartri=ehlanigft- - - • VOrTNG OiATION Ex , o.l3.ltlnib.N ABEO- - ' r ATLANTi - 0 TUESDAY; AUGUax Social ett ruc o!clock, 1n the s K CHURCH. under the p ttonae e of the foi.‘:4;4-, to a. moat of whom vAll partici p tte ~ .!!1 A Di Rev. Messrs. Koana.d,Mat 89011. Prieb" , in• Atwood L. I'. Daemon. W. 3. It. Taylor. Ch ft err on, Nrauth, J. Ley burn. D. .D., T. Blaina)d , Leat a Vine-street wharf at 6 o'clock A AL, returning .at 6 35 P.& tinges $t go. rir, iroluding Dinner at the United Stales Hotel, t. 2. al. to 143 had at the prineap.l stores, and at th, Kearns of tie AkiMilltloll. T" NIAGARA PALLS AND BACK FOR 61.2. EXCURSION TICKETS WILL. BR BOLE DAILY THROUGHOUT THE SEASON, 'PROM PHILADELPHIA TO THE FALLS OF NIAGARA, AND.RLTURN, FOE TWELVE DQLLARI3, Via Philadelphia. and Readmg. and Catairlass, Elmira, and 'lento Railroads, affording the onnortuoltY to VISIT AND VIEW TEE FALLS OF NIAGARA, AT THE MOST TRIFLING COST. TICKETS good. for SEVEN DAYS FROM MATZ. Ac co m odati ons throughout are FIRST chase, and the Scenery Meng the route la unequalled. For information as to houre ()flawing, tge., aunty a, P. 4r. Through-Tioket.pltioe, N. W. Corner surß. AND -CHES'iTrUT STREETS H. D. MEARS. General Agent. G. T. LEONARD, Ticket Agent. i716-Ira 31J1t1,111E.R 6kitt3Oß'f*li. P RRA TA MOUNTAIN SPRINGP. LANOANTER . 00111;77, PENTIFYLVArith The rates of i•-0 &It DI NG., at this t eautlful resent. said be reduced, from and alter the first of August, to wean . ()ULLARS per week. Rr,AV'exAfrelt, Ephrata P. 0., Lancaster co.. Pa.!! E& - BATEtilie ()AFT, IsIL-AND °APE MAY, N. 3.—DELetWARI3 BOIJ3E. is now oiwn for the *enema, Terme- $1 per week. jy.l6-imw. • • .1 Pie rsIECRAY. -Proprietor. goat B.ATELINU - • Y "' " BaIeAVTTNR 11(11.734, BRIGANTINE 13P,ACH L N. J. Now open for the season. The Bathing, Platting, Grinning, and Yachting being very ruperior. - Boats will await guests at the inlet on arrival of trains. Board per, week $B. P. 0. Address, Atififille City. ' D. srdlTt, j Y 3 - 2nl Procrietor• ATILIT`E HOUSE • • Lower and of MASBAO.I3I3SPaTS Avenuts, _ AWLAPiTIC CITY. This house is located iinmediste:y on the Beach, and present's every zr.ocouiroodation for Visitors. Terms naxiorste. - - scrE..r.rk..)loUSE, je2e--2ra Proprietor. ,SEA-R& KING,SAILING ANT; FISH- A't 1, ANTIC Ito ir WATON. HILL, Near litonington, Conn. Thin celebrated watcring-place Hotel, 'where the facilities for Bathing. sailing, Fishing, and toe enjoy ment of the heat quality of sea fll.or, are superior to any other in th e United. Staten, will be opened on the 20th of lune:1861. 0.8. SPENC KR. je215 7 1m - Proprietor. “ ripß E At.R.ANIBItk,” ATLANTIC CITY. N. .I. A SPLENDID NEW ROME, 13. E. Corner of Atlanta:l and Maseaohneette Avenues. Nov open for the reception of Boarders. The Rooms and 'Table of '• I LIE ALHAMBRA" are unsurpassed by any on the There le a muleious Ice Cream and Refreshment Sa loon attached to the House. Terme Moderate. C. DUBOIS & .J. YOU' 6. Propriotora. REDLOWS 110 TEL, AT.I4/A-NTIO UITY N. J.—At the terminus of the railroad. on the loft, boYmed _the &mot. 'Ph s Mouse is now open for Hoard er!! and 17/1111110Za V1111:0111, and offers soaommodations equal to any Hotel in Atlantto City. Chutges moderate. Children ant seramts half pries. ISCr Parties keep their Boats anti the oars a- rive in front of the 11 -ha 3.1-1 m CONGRESS BALL, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. This epttoluus Hoene, intusted et Minutia City, will be opened on the 29th June. with every accommodation for visitors. The House fronts the beach MI feet. rtving a splendid view of the ocean. and is near the Fishing end smiles point. No pities will be spared to eecure the comfort and convenience of swats. .04t-tsei THOM A. 5 O. GARRETT. f IOUT ROI - MN OOTTAGE, ATLt:NTTO A-4 CITY. the nearest Haase to the safest gout of the beeoh, is now open for Ile Beeson. TERMS MOD R ATI.% 140 LIQUORS SOLD ON THE PREMISES. JONAH WOOTTON. 1e.24 Sin Proorietor. ABIDE auoils; ATLANTIC OITY, Ps- 7 N. J. UY DAVID Re.A7rERGOOD. A NEW PRIVATE BOAR. ING-11.01.1!3E, beauti fully intuatetl at the foot of Pennsylvania Arenuo now mum for visitors for the eaaeon. 0324-2 m EA BATHING.—i I The Clarendon," K- 7 (formerly Virginia House,/ VIRGI NI A A VENUF, ATLANTIC CI fY, !snow open for the aSoommittlation of Boarders. 1 hie Ronne it vomited immediate yon the &mob, and Pam every room affoidn a htle view of the aim.. I .e.24-2ml .11 1 ,111. ti J Etta RIN3. M. D. 'IW4MANY HOITSE, 1.40%12 . V LINA. AWENIJR, Near the Depot,AMANT.IO CITY. • The subscriber Cagnn Tileazure in informing his former Patrons and the pubic that he hem reopened tbe above donae.where he wtll be happy to plcitee all rho may favor him with a oall. je 4 em EL 1# s CLEAVFIt, Proprietor. ABRINGTUN HIJUHE, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.—This Haire fronts the Hurt, and h, or the finest !halting Ground on tae Heaoh. Borvd pAr week, 81.3 ISO. Bachinc oilmen irolud.d for vrPeklr hoarders only. Board per day. 81 50. Hint le meets bd cent.. JOHN Itlatib.elleM. je24-2at . P. opnetor. KENTUCKY HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N 3. This comfortable and convenient caw house located on Kentucky avenue. opposlre the surf House, has bean fitted uy for visitors thus seerm. F. & P. QUIGLEY, Proprietors. N. B.—Norsos and Carriere! to Hire. Je24-2m CENTP.AL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., M. LAWLOR, Proprietor. The above new hones ie open for [SOFITdera. RO(MIS equal to any on t•.e beach, well ventilated, high cell tags, igo. "'Servants attentive and polite. Approximate to the Bathing gronnde. . ja.l4-4m PRANICLIN SOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, X'n. J. BY MARY MAGI BIRM. Mae House fronts the earl; and potbellies the finest week;G•ounde on the beach. Boarding SBA per sl.co per day. dibble peal ao cents. Bathing Drreses included for weekly boarders only. Ja24 2m CUN ST I TUT lONA t. !ÜBE , ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. (Opposite the !Colonel.) J_Salf.B J. BAltlts (ofcti Old Globe,) ' • Proprietor. war The ohoieest brand,' of Liquors and Oir.are to be found on the !Mend. -1.44-2 m J01,13.1d81A lit Atlantic Oity, N. J. iLDWA ft D DOYLE. Proprietor. This Douse la in the immediate vicinity of the Surf House, and within half a square of the beat Bathing Grounds on the beach. The proprietor will use every effort to make his anima oomfortable. Terme reason able. icsta at STAR HOTIII,, ademi, opposite the United Stettin Hotel.) CITY. N. J. SAMUEL DArtie, Proynetor. Dinner.--. --..--. ---.60 cents. Carriiree to hire. teW Bowden nocernmodated on the most rea3e Je24nsble rms. -2m Sal 4 A.- N_—li ATI - ;NAL Li ALL, 1,7 CAPIL I !SIAM% Clispo Mal f 4. J.—The proprietor of the above-named finaly toasted astedishment would respeotfuily inform the thousands 01 - Guers that have heretofore visaed hie house. that. in order to meet the pressure of the times. he has, for the present t otaaori, REDUCIip HlB for •arue ato /GUT DOLLAR)) 'PER W KEK. Children under 12 rearm of age and eervanta half price. r-uperoar accommodations, and ample roor for 21)U perso na. wrens to J. Jan Court. NS arch street. Phihuielphis.. Je2l.Zra AARON G a K RETPON, Proprietor. SOHOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, r4Ew JERSEY. The "HEATH HOUSE" will be opened for the re ception of Company June ILth having been extpn-iveiy refitted and improved since the last Nezuson ; affording additional oornfori3 to vir.itore, and inoreceing the de eirablenrat of the Placid. be a healthy. pleasant, rod fashionable place of Sum mer resort, &Donley 's Mountain' has but few equals, and es surpassed by none f h o ur s eanhed Ph il ad e l p hia . . tailioad ride, and oniy seven from Leave Philadelphia in the li o'clock train for Nevi York, roach Jersey City at 3 o'olooit, thence by Morris and Beaux Railroad to the Mountain. ii.eturnlng leave the Mountain at d -A - . M. and I P. M.. arrivii.g in Phila delphia a , lane So'olook P.M. P 00rus can now be en eat•d. Chances moderate. D. A. CHO WELL. • je27-frmwltt• Proprietor_ . - El ITN 8131. PRUE AND 0.11,31 - v BnATE SPRINGS, LT BOUBLIPIO GAP. These Marines are in Cnmberiand onnnty, Ps. thirty miles west of Rarrisburk on th e Cumbe rl and Valley Railroad, and a.° now open for thviroeptionot Board from five to nicht dollars. according, to. rooms. Procure your through iroknte at tee Pennsylvania Rail road oMos, at a re hoed prioe th• ()ugh. Call on B. 8. Janney. Jr.. & Co.. 804 Market street, tot information. cards. COYLE., AEU,. & ILBAMBR, 14110-1 m• Proprietors. H OWLAND'S HOTEL. -- SEA BATESNO, LONG B.RatriCIII, rt..l The anbouriber will open hla hotel for She RECEPTION OF VIEITORn on !Saturday, Inns 15. 1951. zra.ll-2m • 8„, IlOWLAND..Prorrieto,.. COLUMBIA EIOUSE, pipe Island. N. J. This celebrated bowie will be opened for the re °option of guests on June es. MI. he sittiniaon of this house is one of the most beauti ful on the Island, commanding en unobstructed view of the ocean. A band of music , hes been engaged exolueivelv for this house for V.e se n. A large number of bath houses ere oonneeted with the establoihment. Good stabling for horses attached to the premoes. pil cations for rooms or other particulars will meet with prompt attention bunddressins the anbsonber. A.E. A. LAIRD, Proprietor. 1011-IMi Cape Wend. It. J. CRBSISION SPRIVOS, OAMBRIA. Cf ),, PA.—This delightful and popular Maoe of summer resort. located directly on the line of tho p:•aneylvataa Railroad. on the summit of the alit-Lens mountains, twenty -three hundt-d feet ahove the level of the oriesro will be open for [nests the Inth of JUN ti• Since lost season the grounds have been greet', imoroaad and beautified, rendering Cresson one of the most romantic snd attractive 01e0..s in the filtate. The furniture is being thorouguly renovated. The seeker of plesurare. and the sufferer from heat or disease, will End attrac tions here, in s first-alarm Livery Stable, Btltiard Tables, 'Tenpin Alleys. Baths, Jae., together with the puteet atr and foundd the most magnificent mono min soeneri to be in the coiontry. Ttokete good for the round trip from Philadelphia. ; from YittAborg, sound For further information. addresa G. W. min,Lirt, t:rea6oll Springs. Cambria 4:0" Ph, VgillA-B &TOP o.—The UNITBIf STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC. N J. is now open for Nlisitors. Tti , s is the largest end n eat fit rnished Hotel on the Island, and being oonveroent to the oexob , yud surrounded by extensive and well theded grounds, g a s destrnble down for [...unties It Is lighted wah and well supplied with pure we.ter. • The Germania flooiety illTtliali the music 1.. r the season. The airs Eton at the door of tilt , il k t z i f x sown.. . TO Dilator tf SSA BA TRIM3.—.-Uulted States Dotel, Long Branoh. N J...wi1l one, for the r.ottition of visitors. June 10, 1861: with the eninrsement of Moine room I,arior. a -datonet o. ,st nee I- st fens/on. AQdress B. diii)KMAKrAt P,oprielor. Jyli• irst• QUM MER . J.. ASHL BO ARDAND IN G,US ATLA.NTJO )0 CITY. N HOE. Corn's . of Pennsylvania Avenue end the Railroad. Atlantic AVollite. Is NOW oPIIS For tho oo ption of oOrmationt or transient Win 'm dom .1.10 JOH N 8. rror. EN. p ICAOH BILANDIN . -;-Ons barrel Efieszianiirt Ig o. Iry 41. O. • . . AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. - Gite ED MIL , TA RY. GYM ' , JAR I'TC. AND MUSICAL, Erist PI k.T.al 'S rviF.NT. On THIIRRDAY EV s al' G. au; met Ist, 33d1 Per which occasion the foilow.ne 11, via,* have kindly mot,ONTE V: NED THEIR RERV.IDEM s Etre. JOHN D lEW, aims .r, EN s I s*TTA FoITAW., A YO(T/NG t.....DY AMATEUR. Mr. G. W. Ha.dt- LWOO_ A D Messrs. V.l, n Eft and . ILLWEI Rs tot, And th..• M:tE gNEkCGOR, Pkts,l:rteut, ttrchsatrai :under pr. OUNNINGTON, to tliet. l Z.':.'n encased. As th u is o Eriter , taitimeat will be devoted e E c k. o .ir l i kti f t An' zatiAVES," For part ewe: a-- ,ti IA 't ' - ' ' Tickets. tto al , peril . t.,•,,,T;Y13 REGIMENT. • eeured Seats in Fe n ~ t",:"..es, 37 r nt • , t.; ,, 5t50,......._ 25 Gent& , tt s t.eitate. and Ha octal , . 1731 2t* el.' • %r ANL! MI -^ OGLIEFIFtELDn F P TIIE erv,l,Nr Ir T '8 OF OUR VOLUNEEhs.,.„. L AT and elifD Y. the let an 2d at 1, g of '',3,",„....1"ritir, efter the Parade of the tht ad lonia I3BflAy - 12b Pieces, In ut,ifortm) Classical and mental and Vt.. 43.1 ?arm manees from It tilt 4 o'n..t.X‘ BALL A t 4% TILL, 6 0 01 OCR. OoNC hPc. BA Ll.OOB h • 'nee, and other Enter- tammouth to conclude the End day. On the moond say, Entirely Neer ?metonyms of CuNC "-KT AN 0 BAIA, *OW. The Fes ival to conclude with Brilliant Plreworb and S leaded Illuortnati.m. Strict order writ he Ir , pt up by an efficient force. Ms Garr Cotripaniec.joi.ta , K Lb.:Far - ace or in body, will have Free Admission ; a St, t Saari of attar Comp ones t-frets. admitting one Gentleman and two Lad' en, for 25 °ruts. can he had at the Music etwes o. J. E. Gould ee Ws er, Che‘tt ut street ; a* the nsel.sh•td otearnboat, and at the gates of the place 3.' 31 2..* 'Are tor. G. A. Wilt Zit hIN. aa I.)o,NoUtilnl O.IAIII THE6IIII, RACE Slieet, above Soomid. OPENING OF l'H U hIFR REASON. Tr URdD AY EVEPqN 0, A nguEt let. - Engagemcmt of the brilliant Comedy At net, MISS N N tk; t.O ettal,E, With a full and EIPLENDIN *VAR i.CAPANY. NEW COMPANY, NEV. Pt OEI. NEW comE 111E1. NEW PARTIES, ritim norws, NEW DA.CYCEI. Tha only Theatre open, and the most perfectly venti lated in tne city. Annisenax.--Parquette, 26 ciente ; Family Circle, 25 CCM tB. llo.re oven et half pnAt ; noremenne nt tt 'clock. A :14rtt. .Y Ili: I .1)1 llP,tN zs BOLTS NOVELTY.—Ewery night tine week. Bel extrilmtion on Saw day alter,o.,n at 3 o , elnew. were oetteon of um ++OOTHT RNREB LEA° V—Pift, VitiWZ tnoirdtog the great Battle at Buirs Ken, Va.. Battle at Ca thar.e, Missouri. with ort site of a I the Gene rals. . .1, be followed J manderson's great repr•seota tine of the RU iQAN P7a.tt. with the fall of Feriae opoi admission, Mounts; childred. 25. Cotored.eso ale • 25 sews. jy29 et u,LEIVei Wi.NT.EY. GARDEN, 7211 and 724 VINE Street, between Seventh and Eighth. ti.EAND VOCAL AND INFP.R.UMENTAL .CONCERTI AL FREtat'n. v RY EVE,NIVG. PR wE. With nightly change of programme, and supported by the moat etionen , Soloists and VooaliPts in the city. I , Re ND curl i Qit SESTIL-. _ - Private Ha conic?, for Ladies (only when eimerted by gentlemen. j 211 dt INSTITUTION FUR Tfig _BLIND -Ex. bibitions every WEDNRSD A - ,TERAVOON. SefeotPd picot!!! Vocal ova Inotrumenta.). Admiellien,TEN o.elesTS. Controtexing at half gent , s .look. tTokcit, It Sonth EIGHTH !street. pni KNNSYLTAN EA A 0;2.D &MY THS AL FIN RI AnTS, 3 025 C33l5FTNtri ntreet, is open daily. Sundays excepted, from 9A. M till 6P. M. Admianton td3 Cows. Chdoren under twelve yearn, half orme. Bharat; of &oak, 890. Jyl WAN S WANTED—A SI CUATION as (- room or Co'ohtn+n• by an experienced man City reference given. .address "J. L." at this aloe. ti,• WANTED TO r orth • • Pennsylvania Railroad Sunbury and Pyle, and ocher bonds for a nth residence. in a good locality. Address " Trace." office of The Pr.is stating loonAlty and prio^ of the pyn..rty. )719 If 114 1 . 041").st: VY BA.N 'UN tx kU U Men, &c., ar e invited to address t'oe" Etx_tple.T meat Slommitt6o, , et the Rooms of the roans men s Ohnsiaar_ A:ambition. 1009 end 1011 CRESITRVIF !fleet. avaAkoi .CDUCA.TIONAL ogi T R T DWELLM G. •AND iff.T. 80E00 L-ROOMS attaoliedr-No.l O. P WON t,et. j)3 6t* FOR SALE AND TO LET. LBT— A. HaUSIC, No. 719 in-wAt.t., CR Street. at a Beddow' Rent to a road Tenant. !Pout e 3 A North TRIAD circa K• 7 at Roues between g and 21 o'olo k. kW Se . - Ttl .RANT—BA U.D N FIELD, N. J. • • MI--A comma:lions BUCK Fr °WM. comma, to. . exited on the main greet." addnofie e ; has all Or ooin loin; and cenveniencee of a cOlnyteltl9 Country_ House. 'newt's of J. K. Poi v iro.v. j j .7l 1m- 2.22 WAL.P.III' Street. Phila. e r g TIIK ADVORTIS4R. W 0131,0 LIKE 121-1 to purchase a moderate sized ei , r residence. i• • good neigh) orhooo. !or whieh he would give desirable sox •and sew o per cent. bonds. edam's *. Bndi," °floe or The Plel , ll. jil9-tf mahketMANTOW N.-70 LET (for the seised , or es.") a pleasant Residence. near Rho's, maser Lane Staii , m• tau rooms ; shaded. E. a1cCd.1.0... la Smith ; -I. CON LI • treat. J)4l TU• . LAJW—Furritsbed or.ttn nniafnrai,hed. for ISLX MODUIAS Or longer. if eeelred, a !size and convenient atiUdtl i No nu Aron street. Apply to A. P. and 3. X. ORM. 9/6 AR , Street je I 9 tf 02 litrilltlT-tiTlG.ial: LtuU Ig and WEL 3TOFLE to Term—The desirable business location, • 2.1:2 Cli:EB THEM btreet.with dwelling attached. hold; ' at 431 OR Wrris 4.treir. • aril frit Itar."..lT—A very desirable STORE, midi:awl-street front of " Continental Piarel." Tne Btoro at Plinth and !unser:, streets gaye st tlly Adarond for a iSiLeVik and BA:asset. Maker. kinty to JOHN PUCE, ros-rr E-authwast PONS% anti MANFOM Miens. PO MOBANGE.--A 010 ! TRAO'r of ,cod tuuras.:cores ans land in tie State ornery Ppwsy, cosveniran Os at;. Intl b CX a blik LS d Se r eciwr+'yrftY• ASt.I7 st pia, -1.3 ?ii7MtLI.L. NtrNt. PERSONAL. ego s , WM. 8. FIELVEREON, EINDIGR TAKSB, has withdrawn from the , IS firm, sod is now at she northeast corner of sr. JOH sa d COATaII Streets.itsi Nth rrAs.ir 44 00 MS. coTToN . . SUIT4II.LIC POP 'PEPTI, . . • . Ca• ii.CLt •r riccnim iswf? ~' ~.3it".~13 TO FA MTLITS 11,1.1:.'-kWATNE1 11 4 1 TAE RVRAL DIISFRICTIS; too 3* srenaroa. as heretofore, to inapplt amities at thou Country Residences wlth every destorivtton of • FMB ISRGIW.T.itA, VEX:4 &e., &lc ALBERT. C. ROBERTS,' CORNZ;I. sLEvmmera £tW Nims NTAZATIL Up, PORT WIN.E. •Aqm stale ST MATTSON,. AROR AND TENTB STREETS. 8&1Z8. BASX DEPOT RAMIOVID to No. 21 Breath BEVY:NTH etreet.near the Win Institute. llhe underairried, thankful for oat: favors, and no= determined to wont future patronage. haa &soured an stegant and oonvement sum!, and hoar now on hand large aesortauent of Ltthe's Celebrated Wrought ant Chilled iron 'tic nod !tattler Proof Safes, the enly atnetly Gre and burglar proof safes mei,4e.) Also, 1.11- Ue's Inequalied Bank Vents, Safe, and Hank Loeb". Lillie's Bank Vault Doom and Looks will be furnished to order on abort notioe. Tbia is the strongest. beet eroteoted. and ononpeet Door and Look yet offered. alto, particular attention it called to lAlbe's Now Tablnet Safe for ?lam. Jevelry, ere. Thle Mate iieon aede4 to eurpc.sc in otyle and elegance anythinF yet of fered for this purpose, and is the on., one that Ls etriaf -17 and burglar prom, einciat. Nor have now on nand trey twenty Si Farrel, Herring,: r, o.'e Urea, roost of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, *amending a complete assortment as to chicly, end all lately ex, chaned for the new Celeb ra ted Late tt'afe. Whey will in sold at ..nr: tow pri,4Bß. Plroosa saki and examine. late-btf M. C. RATILF.R. &monk iigirlut PHILADELPHIA AND WARRINGTON EXPRESS STEAM= BO OuitiP.NY. New lin., direct for Alexandna, Waglungten, and Georgetown. 's brough in Pe dome S.eamer P la. Captain THOS. BAND. Siemer J natOM eve r yn .3 EROMH. Will leave Philadelphin W . Dlt ESDAY and SA -11.111.DA Y. a• 12 n'a..icik M.. eonneating with all lip,. at OM porta, and returning. leave Weatungton. lieorletOßTl• and oXsodrill ever) TUESDAY and bATURDAY, for Philsoelphia. W, P. CLYDE, Agent. No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES . Philane , ptua. MORGAN & RHINEHART. • gene'. 1714.4111 Feet of 13 street. Wageington. RE 0131, AR LINE AND DAILY EXCUR‘lONS.—SteatrieL_CO nr.ct.Y iesves Snit P er below A PCH Street. EV KY IHOHNING. at o'clock, (avant Sunday,/ &- Forter. Pentogrowe, New Capita. Delawa_re t Delaware. and salsa, Returnirur. leave =OM at and Fort ai 2 o'clock. Fare ior the Exoursion .. KO cents. Stag error Brids SUM and Odessa inset this line. WO - &darner Kb:Yl3O,l) leaves ARCH-Street wharf daily, at 2 .'cloak. for all landings named above ex cept FOTt Delaware. lragt Lite alga&rtg; w Lam. __ Tit s pkimdblvio. Meth, rrarelter C•113911A7 OCOniaCer€ 4 . lileiT bininece for tha season SD Monesi lEgs Mat. WllO/ 814111NOTI Mall &fit 1111181Nitt ttellgrA 114 elelll I'ler sboalnut uttett. onaa v• W AWL," W. IC B.lkLa 11. 4 =el=:U=Sl tSTI AN it gIiTBORLIDIVB L BEI , R. PAI..oON AND OFFICE. No- 40b CFr r UT &rpm. BR' EDS. No. 9 North • BEVENTSStn.. Philadelp,us. )43 ize ct., 12 cc., 10 oe.. 6 04 , and 3 ot. !STAMPS for sale at for Dam t.:2oeptt aj thn 3 at. *tamp.. they Will bis sold at a dui .. lent of five, oar bent 174-11 N - ITEE SLUM' MAFCTFACTORY.-4. Z. 0039. h3l CHIS:IIRNII7 !Moot, a fgy o,cmits valew the •• Coutinostal, Olottgigioq of Who , 00l• goo Aro .• Looios4 to 'rt. 6 . TUVSP CVO' or/ plc o• orl *tier ft •••••••••‘• SICI —k small in'roioe of Mass, Bhoop, !at4iirmtiortvrrldr).:4ogrrvii. OIV as uli,.—Pure" Olive rail in white gimps bottlen hurt roost void Der . _.rer ewe by .1 A VSETYPITE tricßls7A WS. ••11 rano %nark PROPM CI:AA:4a WLNE—In oasis and caw gibs aranit. vt ac ar frit alci i .iws ja us. maw WO 41 JAY CA Ns. • Nadi ( LW axon. m Y 2 -w tT C. S. P•Ncos-T. TENTH and mistort.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers