I ., o pea Dungan, do., shot through the brain ; Tompkins, Gannon shot to the jaw; Bolen Wade , ntneket ball through the groin. Wound oi end left behind, Thomas C. Dear., grape•shot be e,hdomen, supposed to be dead Wounded sad with the regiment, Joshua G. Abbe, William B 'hen. •mpany a —None killed Wounded and left behind, John Morrison', with a serious wound to ins groin ; Geo W, Green, wound in the shoul der , John G Cobb, wound In the loon, now at the A lexandria Hospital Wounded and with the re „irnent, A usury Borbler, Robert Welch, Jr. ! las ing, George W. Smith Com pany I —Killed. Samuel S. Bond, of New. i, o rAtt New York. Wounded end left behind, Joe W R Mould, of Montgomery, New York. IN °coded and wi h the regiment, James Figert, of N e wburgh, New York. );eir,thaer Corps—filisslng, James Gillet. The following additional wounded were re/458d at the Georgetown Hospital to day. s i xty ninth New York—Wm Durkfri Company A; Corporal Pattlok Darphy, Company ; Patriot coilahan, Company D; Joseph Canton, Company j; [faith Fisher. Company D. Thlety•third New ,York Volunteers—Abraham per, Company B.• Lafayette nekton, Company 0; Tr i o is Copeland , B • ' New York Seventy ninth—James Abbott, Coin poey A ; John L. Miller, Company ; Don't Mo. Loohla, Company F James Kelly, Company I ; J o mes Meta, Company I; John McGrew, Company 1; John Scott, Company I; Wm Simpson, Cam po., I; Thomas ]l;. Slater, Company H. Second Wistonsin-0 Denting, Company K; J. .13 Whitney, Company K ; .3 •El Hyde, Comp. 0. First Meesiohusetts—F. Bender. Company K; Weasel Maloney, Company D ; John Sullivan, Company II; John Daly, Company I; John Stott, Company B. Second Wiseoniin—Sergeant Joseph Roberts, CompanTE First Maaaaohnsetti—Jostma Potions, Company Second Maine—F. R. MaKsen. Company C. FOURICRENTiI br&W YORK REGIMONT. Colonel A. M. Wood, wounded and mining; gorgeon James M. Howlson, missing; Assistant dargeon W F. 81/111)1, =Wing, Non-Oommii mooed Staff—Color Sergeant P. P. Head, wound ed and missing. Killed —Martin Frank, J. Keeling, J. Murray, Rohl Simmons, all of Company - A. J. Brown, Company O. C. O. Soheli, R Boon, W. P. Wade, p J. - Katiobseffer, A. Coakley, 0 Bowe, Company E. Charles Kelly, John Fay, Henry Mentatter, Brunt Seidel, Simon H. Blob srdsou. Timothy Oldullivan, Company F John Gillen, Edward Ennis, Thos MoOlnakey, Edward Began, Corporal. John W Lee. Lewis Franols, ()moony I. Sidney Burr, Company K. Wounded—Company A, Capt B Jordan, Corporal G. ft Rios, Privates A Fltspatriok, F Morrow, A. Lannon, H. Bogert; Company B, Sergeant J. J Bradshaw, William Duxon, 0 E gadeln, Thennag Abbott, William M Kane; Comp my 0, JAMealKoiner, Ilia° Snyder, George Mimeo; .Company D, Captain 0 F. Bridwin, Flat LieutenentJ A Jonee,_FrivateE M Hicks; Company B; Privates - K. H Owen, J Kannery, 1. ii. Perry Jr, ; Company F, Privates John Mo a %bey, S. Jones, Charles Sari, Alfred LeOlerk, Richard Morrow;'Company G, Privates John ailminle7l Eioliken De Wolf, William Kennon, Al. toed Ponta; °mum 11, Privates 'Thomas W. MoOarty, John F. Rhonda. John Smith, bidden' Hampton, Georg, Racy, John Glannen, Rickard T Cole r Company I, James McGeehan and H. Wlnstanley. In the Beoond Maine none were killed. • Wounded—Emory, itoettiger, Com any-H,dn the side; Mat Wollenweaker, Company 0, dangerously le the aide;'Wm. Marks, Ocmpany A, Moot In the leg Among the mining are the following offners Lino. J. Galley, Theo It Salter, H. A G oode cough, Jr , and O. Bawled. Many of the privates may yet turn up, and the publication of their names rill °reit* uuneosaaary Chinese among their friends The First Masasehuretts were not in the second tight, except a few companise u skirmisbes, and to cover tne artillery in the second division Lloutenent Gill; Company I, killed. The Seventy first Regiment now estimate their loss in killed, wounded and missing at forty They go home to-morrow, bat the greater number will probably come back under Colonel Martin . Of the Maine fore* engaged in the battle at Bull Run bridge only thirty are missing, and more will likely turn up yet. They watt over Iltt hundred strong. The logs of the Fire ZDII&Vell is now estimated et two bandred all told. The remainder are as fall of fight as ever.. The following Ignited States marines, of the de taebtnent of three hundred and sixty, were killed on Sunday : Lieutenant Hitchcock, of Vermont; ?Arita Clegg, Harris, Enka, Lane, More, Per and Ward. Wounded and Missiog—Corporall Steiner, Pre rates Stewart, Bowers, Stemmata, and Bradford Wounded at Hospital—Mtjsr Zeilin, Lieutenant Bale, and tin others slightly. Out of this form only nineteen men bad been in the service more then three montbs, yet they fought like veterans. The following deaths have not been reported : Lieutenants Wm. Clark and L Byrd, Company F, Fourth Maine. Chaplain and John W. Mines, of Bath, Second Malta. Dr Allen, B•oond Maine, and Dr. Barker, of the Fifth, were taken prisoners. The following wounded are is the general hos. pital : Belonging to the Second Vermont, Noah Blood, Company 0; William Joao., Company 0 John Petohin, Company K; John MoOartney and Jahn McKean, Company B; John Streets and B. Mo3linea ' Company Z ; D. B. Pember, Company ; B A. Marsh, Company I; John Btreader, Company K. The wounded in the Third brigade hospital are.: Stmuel Wahmafeky, Company t.i, Third Mains: 0-orga Chamberlain, ditto; B. Baldwin, &reload Vermont; G. M Alpe!, Fifth Maine ; James Naughton, Fourth Maine: Samuel Lamy, Company D, Basond Vermont; all doing well. Opening of the West Jersey Railroad to Bridgeton. At eleven o'clock yesterday morning the grit passenger train and locomotive paned over the nee arm of the West Jersey Railroad, through the societies Of Camden, aloneester, Salem, and Cum berland. About three hundred esoursioniete— members of the prim, railroad others, landhold. ere, eta.—passed down in the ears, and at least fif teen hundred joined them in return. laßetween Bridgeton and Philadelphia there ■re ten stopplogpleoes, four of which lie upon the new extension of the road From Glassboro to Mill rills, a town in Cumberland county, ten miles from Bridgeton and forty from Glassboro, trains have been running since October, 1860 The lat ter road is intended to have its . ultimate southern terminus at Cape May City. Between Glauber° and Woodbury, in Giouceater county, the distance, ten mils* Was travelled by stages, Ind °ailed "The Isthmus! Ia April, 1861, however, this gap was made •up by the advance of the West Jersey road. The line from Woodbury to Camden was opened in April, 1857. Thus slowly, but certainly, these iron bands have been led into West and heath Jersey, to open up new territories to our markets and our Merchants. The Camden and Amboy Railroad lias been largely interested In the com pletion of the new road, and some of its heavy stockholders have bought up large treats of land le Salem and Cumberland counties. It is intended to build a branch railroad from Pitteville, twenty=, fie miles below Camden, to Salem, by way of Dare town and Allowaystan ; distance, Anent Indies , In the surveying and selentiOn of thee. several routes to Weat Jersey there appear. to have been commendable deference paid to the personal into ests of stockholders. A single read, properly lo• oiled, would hay. engrossed the entire trade sf this Nation. But the hitllville and Bridgeton roads an but twelve milu or lets apart at their farthest points, arid the Arat roa4, we understand, has been a losing concern to all partial but specu lators. The Bridgeton road rums through a coantry generally flat and candy, more or leas surrounded by stunted (orate and swamps, until, a few miles from Bridgeton, we enter upon a bandaome extent of meadows and woodland, well watered by the Cobanauy and its tributaries. The candy loam here reeeivea a due mixture of olisy, and is capable of a high degree of eoltitation. The cornfields were generally promising, and there were great atretoh eS of potato land—the ',rope, we were told, being more than usually lavish. We doubt that any road, of the same length, could hive been conotruoted so well at a cost ee trilling The heaviest grade 1, sixty feet to the mile, bat there are places where the natural regi men of the soil is neither elevated nor depressed a whit Indeed, there is a stretch of eigh , ten miles without a single cane rwamps and fonds hove been filled up with sand to allow the laying of the rails, and there are but OLII or two bridges. All the towns but Glassboro and Bridgeton are mail, Lod there are riot likely to be maurscaetories aeon the road, if we wept those of the tingle ar ticle of glees. At Bridgeton, Reeves, Buck, t Co. bare ■ very old and extendve nail factory. Here, however, sloop andlehotner navigation will Dome into competition with the railroad, ■s the Cohan key is capable of admitting heavy draught weeseir. The people along the line seemed to be more then usually primitive in their appeareree. They came down to the statirna when the ears arrived, with drums beating, and carrying wreaths and lowers. These they bang upon the locomotive, which made no ireignifieant representation of Birnam wood come to Donoinane," when we ar rived at the terminno. We noticed that the hones attached to the team were all likely brutes, and In the verdancy eharae teristie of the people, there were yet unmistakable Indications of Intelligence and independence. The fiag of the Union waved at Ike orotr•roade, the rohoel-bottiee were frequent, and many easy homes sad lithe/Maid 121/11310011 pre In sight of the ey ing train. The rails are evenly-laid, and the riding is ttneurpasud for uniform gentleness. The Wert Jersey Company have no stook as yet. Cart have been ordered from the Bordentown works, but for the present the rolling rtoek will be that of the Camden and Amboy Company. The opening of the road bas been somewbat premature, although the corporation can readily attend to the whole trade upon the line. The directors of the road :B. A. Stevens, J 0. Stevens, J. McKnight,. J. R. Mick'., J. W Bayard, It T. Stevens, B. A. Whitney, T. J. Yorke, G hi Ward, David Porter, B. J. Mulford, and J. 0. Seward. ?be ctEleiro are President, Corn. Robert F. Btoaktoa ; treasurer and seorttari,Jadge T. Jones Yolks ; general merit, /Willard Bbippen; oubier, D. 0. Waleb We nottoed upo n the train the following repro. l 'ibtatives of eorporationt : Freehold and Jame! bong Railroad. Genital Diala ; Mount 8011, Ralli to4ll, Charles limiter ; Csuidet and Amboy, R. a Ilan Russell; Valley, John nutehin• son ; ifllltllle Railroad, T R. Whitney ; Salem Railroad, W. F. Ream ; Delaware and Raritan Canal, R W. 0. Clemens. • The exerunf az:train *caudated of twelve ears. the dieter/ Sloarteassl7 pointed cat thil'iror Wresting objects upon the way, and at Bridgeton all were ushered into a new frame depot, drapel with tags, where, down the platform, ruts bounti ful table, at which more than athatuand persons were taking refreshments. We improved the time to stroll through Bridgeton, a town of six thousand inhabitants, divided by the creek, so that it lies in two townships Deerfield and Hopewell. Mostof the derailing' are of frame. The hotel' are numerous, and one or two of them oreditable. The town eon. tains two or three newspaper Aloes. The court house Is of brisk, having a clock in the steeple. In the very old Presbyterian Church-yard, founded in 1747, lie the remains of General Ebeneser Elmer, a soldier of the Revolution and of the late war, and .a distinguished oitisen of New Jersey. Mrs. Sarah Smith, said to be of the royal family of Sweden, is also buried tiers. The Methodist Spiel:opal March was founded in 1807. The folk hereabout were all loyal in the Revolu tionary War, and they have sent a volunteer com pany (company F, Now Jersey Third) to the present war. The county is oalled from the Duke of Cum berland, so named by Governor Belcher. Prior to 1747, it was a part of Salem county. Cobanzey creek in nailed from an ancient savage baited 00- hanstek A .steamboat comes up to Bridgeton, twenty mile., through a very Crooked creek. . There are deer and bears in the forest. of this °Putty, and good ducking and fishing in the swamps. The rail road has stimulated improvements already, al was evidenoed in the presence of carpenter at all the church roofs, and a great number of railroad beaks. The stores have a business trim, and the women wera pretty, but sunburnt.' The population oame out with great noises to see tbe earn;'and the im pressions we formed of Blidgeton, in general, were favorable to enterprise, the comfort, and the ap• pearincie of its Inhabitants. Oar dinner, eaten in quietude at the hotel, contributed to enlarge our admiration of the piece., The country environing the road Is far superior to that adjacent to the Camden and Atlantic line, and when opened to Claps Kay the ride will be interesting and agree able Bridgeton is sixty miles from Trenton, eight tilted from tho Delaware, and seventeen from Salem Specohu of the usual character on snob moutons were made at the depot by Judge York's, Luolue Qointius Curd= Rimer, Dr. B.- S. Maelren xis, Samuel J Bayard, Thomas Fitzgerald, Esq , and others. TH - E - CITY. PARTICULARS RELATIVE* TO TIER DEATEI OF EDWARD W. ,EATRIC —We yesterday alluded to the faet that a member of the Twenty third Regi ment of Pennsylvania Volunteers hod been at taoked while paesing through Baltimore, and fatallY injured. The Baltimore American, of yes terday, give. the following account of the affair : About eight o'clook yesterday, shortly before the departure of the train containing 'Colonel Dare's Penneyleant& Regiment from the President street Depot, three ortbe members of that regiment got in eat, enormities: at the corner of Buten" avenue and Eden street, with Jewel Manly, a notorious , ohaiacter, who formerly resided in that motion of the city, but on account of an °thole against the law, had been obliged to run away to Philadelphia, where, to the breaking out of the war, be imitate r in. Colonel Lyle's Regiment of National .Guards Worts passed between several of the soldiers and Manly, when the latter drew - out a revolver and deliberetely dlieharged one of:the barrels, the ball entering the left breast, below the nipple, of one of the soldiers named Edward W. Davao, belonging to Compaay IC, gaming his death in a few minutes . The moment that the shot was fired Manly made his comae along Bank street to Broadway, levee to the Ferry wharf, where he embarked in a row boat, and was conveyed over to Locust Point. Be passed on to the gismo of Col. Lyles regiment. where, shortly after, 01Beers.Tayman, Short, and Spotlit*, of the Eastern-district; f olio°, appeared and took him Into onitody. Colonel Lyle being apprised of the murder, and of Manly's partiolpa lion in it, ordered Captain Thorpe, to whose coos parry_ Manly belonged, aud the rrementsi quarter master, to accompany the police officers with . Manly, to Fort idolienty, where he was pieced in °enticement • The body l it Bayne was removed to the oars, where Coroner Eiparklin summoned • jury of in quest, which, after viewing the body, sojourned to use Bastern-distriet polio. station The names of tbisee eompostng tbr jury are H. A. Booth, fore man ; D G Outlet W. H. Vieggerton, Thomas 0. Elliot, Jobe B. T auter, T. H Hooper, Wm J. Engle, Joseph Bostwick, James Dukes, William (Setback, Thomas J. Trott, G. Baldwin, and Wm. Calder The jury met in the upper story of the station, and had a number of witnesses before them Having exolnded all the reporters, we are unable to give the testimony in full, but, so far as apper tained, two of the witnesses testified that Bayne struck Manly first, and drew a revolver on bim Two other witnesses testified that Manly shot him without any provocation The jury rendered a verdict that death was clawed by a pistol shot wound, at the hands of James Manly As soon as the verdict was ren dered, about noon, Jostle, Griffin Issued a war rant, whlob being placed in the hands of Captain James and officer Pedussi, they proceeded to Fort 'McHenry, where Major Morris delivered Manly up to their custody. Ho was removed to the Eastern Pollee Station, where Julies Griffin committed him to jail to await the action of the Grand Jury of the Criminal Court It was alleged by Manly that he acted inself-defenoe, and his statement Is corroborated by other persons of a reliable charac ter, who assert that the soldiers abused him greatly arid drew knives and pistols on him before be fired. The difficulty originated through his taunting them with cowardiee, in returning home at this parriou• tar time. Manly had been imprisoned in the penitentiary previonsty, for an assault with intent to kill on George Konig, but was pardoned out . Bayne was twenty.eight years of age, and it Is stated leaves a wife and several children in Phila delphia. The body was taken to Philadelphia in the 9 45 train. Shortly liter the shooting of young Bayne hie brother-in law, Jame Smith, who was with him at the time of the affray, ereated,conaiderable trouble wbile'ln the oars, rendering it necessary for Cap tain Gwynn, of the Seine regiment, to apply to °Moor Arnett, of the Middle district polioe, in order to eject him from the oars The captain, on his reaching the platform, pushed Smith off, and then followed him to Exeter street, while oMoer Arnett bad him in custody. Smith abused and oared the Captain in un mothered terms, reproaching him for cowardice On previous occasions. This language was more than the captain could bear, and he struck Smith several times. On the latter attempting to return the blow the Captain drew a revolver, and while the police officer bad hold of Smith he discharged one of the barrels, the ball gracing the elbow joint of the left arm of Arnett and struck on the ground, without doing any damage Smith was taken to the Middle Police Station, where he was detained until the afternoon and them discharged. lie re turned to Philadelphia by the 4 45 train . The affair was scarcely over before two more of the came regiment discharged the contents of their muskets into the open air A captain of one of the companies reprimanded them in strong language for their misconduct, and struck one of them seve ral times Mr Bayne WWI well known in the lower part of the oily, and enjoyed the esteem of a large circle of aoquaintanoes • His assailant, Manly, is well known in Philadelphia as Bit Manly, and has repeatedly ergaged is serious riots. GTAINAAT Zonaus.—Two companies of the Zottaves have already been morn in. These companies contain one hundred men mush, ■nd they are to be attaohed to the regiment of Cot. Bir ney as skirmishers There is mach misunderstanding ooneernieg them' Philadelphil Zottave oompanies. The on nal Z 'nave organisation of the ohm, under-com mand of Capt Hillebrand, and which formed so prominent a feature of the Home Guard parade on the 414 of July, remains in the city for the present. It has been the =miens of the oompanies which have gone into active service, and it forme a school for the aequ 'Mon of the drill and training of the Gymnast ZJuavirs. The companies undergo a moral as well as a physical training Bach man, on j•inlng the present organisation, pledges him self to refrain from intoxicating drink., and from associating with bad oharaeters. They undergo a training somewhat similar to that pursued by pu gilists, and they are put In the beat possible condi tion 'of health and strength. At the same time, these athletes are made proficient in military drill The parent company pledge themselves to furnish trained recruits to supply the places of all who are sink or wounded in the rank, of the oom panics they put in settee service. The uniforwi of the Gymnast Zeit:Laves L neat, and It 14 to made as to allow the most perfect freedom of natuardar mot•on. /1110711X3. GEI.IIOIIIIOIIINWT.—A new Ger man regiment has jest been raised in the most quiet and unobtrusive meaner, by an experienced soldier named Colonel Schemmelplennig, of our oily. The mutter roll comprises 1,040 men ' most of whom have seen service, and will go into the deld like veterans They are now ready - for lin: . medlars servioe, and have been aocepted by the Seerstery of War : They have, for some time, been under vigorous drill, and are auger to meet the foe. Such patriot'', 'dictum, is worthy of all praise, and we have no doubt but that the Colonel will, Hee the gallant iliniteln, oarnmeed his regi ment with such brilliancy as to win renown on the llnt deld where they may meet the enemy. Itzint TOR. Scavica.—At a special meeting of Company B, &COD@ Regiment Roe Reserves, held 013 ineeday at their armory, corner of Eighth and Cello whill streets, on their return from escort ing the gray Reserves home from camp, the fol lowing preamble and resolutions were ttnewirannely, sowed : Whereas, the war in which our emit try le now engaged bee emu:led en aspect !lightly diseetrotui to our army ; and whereas we feel It necessary for every true imerteett to e:prate himself in reference to hie will anti ability to assist his email in these trying times : Therefore, Resolva, That Company B, of the &mond Reg!• ment Reserve Brigade, P M., bold themselves in needle WS to berets their Government at any time it may require them for special active duty. Tau TwanTY-stoats 111,GEKUT.—The Zlith Regiment, P V., one thousand Wong will take leave of us this morning for the valley of the Shenandoah, by way of klarper's Ferry. Colonel Geary, the ooromandlng °Meer, has so endeared himself by his former ears to his native State, that much interest will be taken in his departure and that of his oommand. The regiment, we bear, will march frem the depot, at Fourth and Chatham WNW, down to Sixth, and down Sixth to Chest nut, down Chestnut ta Third, down Third to Wal nut, and then to the Baltimore depot Tnn . IMII/Erailltd OCT OP SIRPIOI.-001012151 regiment or returned 'nineteen will be =tutored out of service on Haturdey The interest ing osreinony will take place at the State Arsenal, litaumnroh and filbert streets. The =en are etlll quartered at the -mutual- Yesterday ..orowds of Mein/int besieged the doors, and clamored for ad mittance' while the neighborhood at th e building was in rihigh state et brute with the refs:mei sot. titers and their friends, who ire making a holiday of the event. COL, FATTIRIIOIIOB RIOLYIENT.—The Gray Reserve+, will meet M tbeir armories this morning', at mil o'olock, to node. Colonel Pattenan'e mgt• matt, returning from Washington. The line will be formed on Broad and Bproce meets, at 61 o'clock, and will proceed to, the Baltimore depot ractenwes mimeo% was apeoted blast grWlig• DEXOORATIO DZLEOATE ELECTIONS.—The Democratic, Uity Exeoutive Commute., at • resent Meeting, agreed upon the following as the rules for the ectalog eleotione for the fall campaign : Resolved, By the Democra is Olty Executive Committee, That the Democratic "atlases residing in snob election division in the several wards in the city or Philadelphia, are recommended to meet at the pleeee przeleed for holding elections, on the fourth Monday of August text, and elect one por tion to serve an judge, two persons to 'erre as in steotott' and three persons to serve as members of the Executive Committee, In and for said election division, for on. year from the day of their elea , lon. The Democratic oldsens residing in each election division shall oleo, at the same time and place, elect one delegate to represent said division In 4 : county," one in " tatty,' one in "jodlelal," three In " ward," two in " representative," and (In the Third Senatorial district oafs() one in " Senato• rial " Convention The tickets voted shall be headed on the outside respeotively , " o ffic ers of election," " executive committee,' "county delegate,"• "city dele gate," " jadialal delegate," " ward delegates," " representative delegates," and ' 4 t3enatorial " delegate The election of all the foregoing delegates shall he oontinoted by the officers of election', elected in the several election divisions, on the 4th Monday of August last, or their proper successor' ; and shell be held, bUtt as to the enrolment of voters, the time of opening and closing the polls, the plaoe of electron, the• method of organisation of the several conventions, and, in all other respects not herein mentioned, In strict conformity with the rules adopted for the government of the_De mooratio party, July 9, 1858 In acoordarce with Rule 224, it is hereby or dered that the "pity delegates," shall meet in Olt y Oonvention, on the Tuesday next succeeding their eleotlon at 10 o'clock, A. M., a. Bensons street Rail, Fifth ward, and after bing duly organised, prowled to nominate eandidates in the usual order. It is also farther ordered, that the Representa tive Convention of the Seventh r Representative Chariot shall meet at ths houseorJaeob Pier; No 443 north Muth Street, above Noble, instead of the place heretofore designated. Iwo:ram—The coroner commenced an in quest on the body of 'Mary hi. Amon, the little girl who died at the hospital from the eeketsof a wound received by , the di/charge of a toy cannon. It was testified to that the deceased MAD silting in front of her father'ir house, in. Nsunater's court, near Tenth sod Aroh streets, with:an infant in her lap. In the yard of one of the houses fronting on Tenth street there were two lads, one sixteen, the other about ,nineteen years, amusing themselves with a small cannon, which they fired twice with out any damage being done. At the third fire, the slug with which the cannon was loaded passed through the fence and struck the girl in the left breast, passing through the lung,' sad so far through the , body that it was extracted at the back 7he girl uttered a meant .and let the in font drop from her 'arms. She soon fell to the ground, and was assisted into the house by some neighbors Her father was at'home, and as soon as he heard of the injury to the girl, he leaped the fence into the yard from which the firing had come, and found there one young man, the other baring din. appeared It was then denied that there had been any firing in the yard, bdt afterwards, when the lads alleged to have been aormerned in the IS-ing were arrested, and taken before Alderman Hib bard, 026 of them edinitted that the, other had loaded and fired the cannon 'Both of, them are now, uoder bonds to appear at court. - The chorea ter of the wound was testified Why Dr- John Ash urst, who made the post-mortem examinstitin He said that it was undoubtedly the cause of death. In the absence of one of the•material witnesses, the investigation was continued over until= today, at eleven o'clock, &RIM Or ♦ COONTiIi/EITZR-81/11,01r 01 BrGIUR Momxr.—A man, jiving the name of James Perry. was arrived at Ohestnnt.street wharf, by Deputy Marshals Jenkins and Bohn,ler, on Tuts day, having just arrived from New York with about $4,000 in counterfeit coin and notes in his possession. The prisoner has long been known as a notorious codbterfel'er. He manufactures the bogus money in New York, and disposes of it to parties residing in Philadelphia, Hatimore, and other planes, whore it is pawed. When arrested, he was on his way to Baltimore. The money wee in a small valise, and consisted of counterfeit two and a halt gold pieces, one dollar gold pieces, half dollars. and quarter dollars. The cola was well made, and, unlike most bogus coin, ee of a god weight The notes consisted of SiS on the Meohantos' Bank, of New Haven, Conn ; 103 on Wyoming Bank, of Wilkesbarre Pa ; St on the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank. of Camden, N. J , and Is on the W kite River Bank, of Vermont. The notes were very well executed. Yesterday morn lag the prisoner had a hearing before the United States pkmmissioner, and was eocomitted, in de fault or $3,000 ball, to answer the charge of manu facturing bogus money. THE CIIIPTIWA GualltDe .lirdnivirr, Under Col. James Miller. who reoeived honorable men tion from Generals Scott and QUittnan for his prowess at the storming of Chepultepeo, has re °dyed mustering orders, and will be mustered in. to day. The regiment is ordered to be ready to move on the 6th of August. A few able bled men are wanted to All up the oomponies, and we advise those who want to connect themselves with a crack regiment, and be sworn in end uniformed to day, to go at once to the rendervons, No. 318 Chestnut street. Ftaer LETTICE BY TBM OVERLAND MAll.—We were shown last evening, by it C. Walborn, , Postmaster, thelirst letter neared in this pity by the overland mail under the new arrangement of a dilly mail to and from California It was post marked ' , Ban Francisco, July 2, 18451," on whiob day the mail left that city, and reached here yes terday, being twentytwo days on the route, Al - much doubt had been eipressed whether the mail could be taken overland In the came time that it was by the steamers under the late arrangement, this arrival pats nob o doubt at rest " BADLY ButtrrEn.—Ak. man named William liaekenbridge bad his hands very badly burned, on Tuesday night, by the explosion of a fluid lamp, in Sepviva street, above Norris, Nineteenth ward. The unfortunate man was Ailing the lamp while burning AERVFAL OF Moa.s•YoLusrssss,—Last eve ning about Olitt bundled men of Cul 'Lewis' regi mens arrived at the Baltimore depot. They were received with /Gad sheers by the crowd. The sol diers qntetly left for their respective homes A CAVALRY REGIREbIT TO BE RAISED.—We understand that the becretary of War has autho rised General Josiah Harlan to raise a- re meat of light cavalry, to be fatly equipped by the Go vernment and put into service Gen Harlan is an old veteran, and the testimonials of his service in the Hut Indira are, in the highest degree. cre ditable to him as a military man. He is a Phila delphian, and we are glad to hear that be bee consented to give his experience in these trouble some times E/CHITH Winn Homit Gas/in.—At an eiee, tion, to till VlOTatleiCill in the Eighth. ward Home board, Company D, Besoud Regiment, the follow ing gentlemen were elected : First lieutenant, William C. Oook ; eeoood iientenant, William LI - Radford ; third lieutenant, A. 'llleasgureau. This company drills •on the spacious ground* on Locust street, welt of the Academy of Made, flo rae* B Fry being their captain. Anarreb or THE TWaLrrn Miatiekurartsirrre Reetwase —Colonel • Webster's Twelfth (Kass.) Regiment, from Boston. were expected to ertive at two o'cicok ibis morning, at the loot of Washing ton etreet wheel. At a late hour last evening can non were firtd by the °Miens in the neighborhood. At the time we left, A supper had been prepared for the men by the Volunteer Refresbment Com mittee LARCENY Or A TlLUNK.—Yesterday after noon Wm and Ann Lee, colored. were before Alderman Ogle upon the charge of stealing a bunk from the Baltimore depot. The trunk contained clothing and other article, to the value of about seventy five dollars, most of which were recovered by Detective Somers The prisoners were both committed to await a trial. Rusawar.—The horse of Mr. Isaac Lukens, a will known citizen of Spring Garden, took fright in the neighborhood of Kiev/nth and Wallace streets on Tuesday afternoon, and, dash log at a fearful rate down the street, threw him from his carriage, seriously irjuring him Mr Lukens was carried to his residence in Wanton street, near Twelfth, in an insensible condition, and be is now lying in a spry critical state. Fiss.—Between eight and nine o'clock yes terday morning, a Are broke out in a dwelling in Juatioe's oourt, running out of 8t John Street, be low Buttonwood. The A■met were eoliked to the roof, hot the othen.portions of the building were dranobed with water SMOOT Fras.—Yesterday afternoon a sligbt fire occurred at No 3t.3 Grown street, owned by the burniog of the root of a dwelling,-owned and occupied by Wm. H. Euitk. 1, EGA ,fN,TEIL.I,II4zr4CII. TEA CLoTaisil Pa.UD oAse to Tile SOPRANO 00UAT —AitoUtteNT TO QoAIIN oP,OSISTIOSIAAJE SUPREMA COULT OP PENNSYLVANIA—Chief Justioe Lowrie, and Juitioes Woodward, Thomp• eon, and dtrorg —The Supreme Court wet„Tenet. day malting, pursuant to adjournment, at Harris burg. in order to bear the argumeit of °an ise! in the famous Volunteer fraud ease of The Common wealth vs Yrowenbeld, Neal, et al. The ease comes up on motion to quash the writ of oertitrari issued by his Honor Chief Justice Lowrie, to the Court of Quarter Session. of Alle gheny county. The defendants were indioted by the Grand Jury of that county, for conspiracy, Ao Upon their application, on spoolsl cease shown the Chief Justiee allowed a writ of certiorari to remove the record to this court. The present mo. don to quash was speoially allowed by the court, and the reasons assigned by the ornate! for the Commonwealth, Messrs John H. Miller, J. B. Hampton and M Swartsweidetr, are Y. The Supreme Court has no jurisdiction to try a criminal case in Allegheny county. 2 The Supreme Court has no power to issue a writ of certiorari to remove a criminal ease from the Quarter Sessions of Allegheny county before trial. 3 The Supreme Court hu no authority to inn. venire for the trial of a criminal eau to the oouoty of Allegheny. As to the first, it Is contended that the act of 24th of February, 1805, prohibits the Supreme Court from trying tunes of fact in bane, except at courts of Nbd Prins, to be held in the oily of Phila delphia, and a number of authorities are cited in support; one of which, the cue of Commonwealth vs. Smith, is quoted as follows : " The Supreme Court has ao authority to try an issue of fact in any part of the State exoept the twenty of Phila delphia; and therefore it cannot, In the Western district, entertain a motion for leave to lila an in formation to the nature of a .rit of quo warrant°, because an errue of fort may arise opt of it "- As to the ssoond, it is said that the power of the court to lune writs of certiorari before or after Anal jalgment, and their revisory power, a/ also i to eourts of Interior jurisdiction, to au if ell have exoeeded that ju n sdtction, is not questioned ; bat the Dower of the court to do this before trial, if the tbfut be to try in the Supreme Ocurt, Is denied As to the third proposition, it ia alleged that, if the osurt his any power to lune a venire In any oasts, civil or criminal, it must be made returna ble, 111 other propose, to the Supreme Court at Nisi, Prins, at Philadelphia The omacluding portion of the argument for the Commonwealth is aslalloirs :."Let us sappcse that reach of the sixty six_ minds* in the State have the lame Tight to'mend tie recurral of criminal THE PRESS.-PHILADKUPHIA,Y THURSDAY; JULY 25, 1861.. causes to the Bapteme Court for trial; and that • proper ground may be had for the lime of the oertiorart by the tellavit of the defendants and thevertilicate of their *mese', as In this sate, let ring forth simply that one of the judge. of the Quarter Sessions was unreasonably prepdleed against the defendants and their (muse. and it needs not Judge Lewis (Com. vs. fdaoltle, • Legal. I 668) to prediet the 600dingof the Supreme Court with screws whiob 0011141 never he tried, and the cont./peat violation of that ininnetion of the Con siltnttun which requires that justice be adminis tered II Mout delay." F. Carroll Brewster, of this elty, appeared for the defendant, and Charles K Neal and Judge libeler, of Pittsburg, for the Messrs. Froweneela. The following opinions, In oases argued et Bar risburg, were alto delivered: By Lowrie, 0 J Minton's Appeal. From Orphans' Court of Adams county. Deorse *Chemed at costs of the appellant Buivoly vs. The Commonwealth. Brror to Com mon Pfau of Bedford. Judgment reversed and new trial awarded. Shoemaker vs King Error to Common Pleas or Dauphin. Judgment reversal, and lodgment for the defendant below Leib; vs Wilson. Error to Common Pleas of Cumberland. Judgment affirmed Cooper vs Platt Error to Common Pleas of Lanoaster. Judgment revemd, and judgment for defendants below on the oaaa stated. By Woodward, J Robert Breen° ye. B. Tyler et Cs. Error to Common nem of BahnytkUl. Judgment reversed, and vsnsre jams de sTovo awarded. Jacob Fiuk vs Rebecca Gorman Error to Common Pleas of Lebanon. Judgment affirmed. The Bagerston Bank is The London Boeing Fund. Error to Common Pleas of Franklin. Judgment affirmed . Brannon vs MoGrath. -Error to Common Pleas of Franklin. Judgment affirmed. Pennsylvania Railroad Company vs. Charles Hughes. Error to Common Pleas of Blair county. Judgment reversed, and venire faeias de esot!o awarded • Blewett Colemai. Error to Common Pleas of Lebanon county. Judgment reversed, and ve nire facia: de novo awarded. By Thompson. J. Coulter vs. 13 , 1 by. Error to Distriot Court of Philadelphia. Judgment affirmed. Mary klauter's Appeal. Ovmmon Pleas of Books county. Decree of Common Pleas, dismissing bill, reversed, and the same Is ordered to be reinstated, with dim:Mons to proceed according to equity lima:Ales therein, and that the appellees pay the costs of the appeal Blop's Ezeoutors vs. Mats ,t Gaul. Error to Common Pleas of Barks Two climes. Judgment reversed. Beet Penngir►nla Railroad VII. F. M. Roister. Error to Common Pleas of Berks. Judgment re wired, and venire d 4 novo awarded. Welaand vs. Weller.. Appeal frem Orphans, Court of Somerset. Deoree reversed at the coats of the appellee, and his petition is dismissed at his costs By Strong, J. Klopp vs Wbitmoyer, et al Error to Common Pleas of Lebanon oonnty. Judgment reversed, and a venire de fIOVO •warded . Hollenstein's Appeal Orphans' Court of Berke. Appeal dismissed with costs Kuts's Appeal Appeal from Oomrcon.Pleas of Berks. Decree reversed. and it le ordered that the appellant be allowed In the distribution the sum of $4OB 31, and It is ordered that the oasts of this court be paid by the appellees . Raster vu Bitting Appeal from Common Pleas of Berke. Decree *armed with omits Mast's Appeal. Orphans' Coott of Berks. De• ores 'firmed Miller'. Appeal. Orphans' Court of . Beike. oree of Orphans' Court Led, Ao Potts,. Brooke A Balkley. Brror to Common•• Pleas of Berke Judginent reversed, and venire) de 110V0 awarded. Haldeman vs Haldeman. Judgment affirmed., Swope k Earns vs George Ross I CO. Error to . ' Common Pleu of Somerset. Judgment affirmed Boehm:kw:Lys. DUZIOSI6 et ■l. Error to Common Pleas of Blair Entity Judgment reversed and judgment entered in the cue flitted for the plain uff, and sgainst the defendants for an undivided moiety of the treat of land described in the writ. Bedford's Appeal 0 Thane Court of Lancaster County. Decree reversed, ao. Baylor TS. n. Commonwealth. Error in Com mon Pleas of York county. Judgment armed Qtlawrit.H. •Stasions—inage time of the Court, is now 000upied solely by the bearing of writs of habeas corps/4 In oases of mi nors who have enlisted In the volunteer regiments without the consent of their parents. William Scott, a private In Captain Burns' oom psny, Colonel Murphy's regiment, was discharged on a writ of Aabeas corpus. The petition of his mother alleges that he was under the age of seventeen years, and bad enlisted without her consent The mother testified that her eon would not be asienteen years old until •August, arid that she wee not aware be had enlisted until he returned home one,day with hie uniform on He was then quite tick, and she would not allow him to return. Afterwards corporal's guard 011266 in and took him in custody. She further stated that she was very angry on learning that he had enlisted, and was going to whip him for it, but he begged so hard to be let off that he maned without receiving any punish ment. Capt. Barns testified that when mustered in by the mustering m►for the boy stated that he wee over the age of eighteen years, and had the consent of his parents. as The °Moors complain very bitterly oLthe decep tion. thus practised upon them. Recruit, are taken, furnished with a uniform and underclothing, and for some time fed and kept at their expense, wh , n these write ate served at the instance of the pa rents, and the young men discharged In the pre sent ease, yoangSeott had been with them shoe the Bth of this month. Judge Allison'direeted that hie uniform be takei from him and his discharge would then be made. In the case of William A. lieldriok, before re ported, a young man who bad enlisted In Colonel March's regiment, Judge Allison decided yester daymorning that.under the cireem stances as de veloped by the testimony, the court could take no action in the matter. The young man had been enlisted by his father himself, in a company of which be expeoted to be captain. By some moans the expsetations of the father, of becoming captain, were not verified, and he then wished to withdraw hie son. The re turn to the wilt set forth that he was held as a volunteer in Colonel March's regiment, and es a deserter from the forces of the United States Letter from Virginia. Patriot from • letter dated Charlestown, July 20, 1861 : "The army thought that it was march ing on Winchester, but a council of war was held, and decided otherwise. The General (Patterson) will not march his men up to their (the enemy's) entrenchments and breastworks, to be killed like sheep. There is another thing that stopped him : The time of the three-months men will be up in a day or so, and they say that ' they will lay down their arms, no matter what part of the country they are in.' The General went to each regiment, in person, and addressed it in feeling terms; asked them, as Pennsylvanians, to stay with him a week, or at most ten days ; two thirds have refused, in all the regiments, with a few exoeptions. The reason they give is that their officers have not treated them right, and that they have been sadly negledted in their rations, &a Some of the real, manta, and parts of others, have gone home, an(/' we are in a bad 6x, within sixteen miles of Win-, chaster; a bad, and treacherous enemy in front, with a force of not less than thirty-five thousand men and forty pieces of artillery. At no one time ras our column been * stronger than a xteen thou sand men and eighteen pieces cf artillery. An other great advantage they have is, we are in their (smutty, and they know all the roads. Gin Patterson told me, last night, that he would hold this plum, if he only had dye hundred men lett., and would leave but dead body here sooner than retreat. lam sorry to say that all the regiments that want to go home are Pennsylvanians; regi ments from other States have coma np and volun teered to stay ten days over their time." M . New York Stock FIRST =OO 1./ 8 Is rat.. --101 is 00 U es 411005 p.- 30 0 do ..... 1911" 3000 I.l' 8 Ils 74 coop Si 1000 r'r IS of Plcs..lol rn Cry I • of Year_ 9-1( '1)0 do.--. I Wu) aninety Pt Os —77 12100 Tenn at 64 801 do— 4‘24' 1,400 Vir Pt El -6000 do .-..—.-17 483( WOO do-- --- ..:A WOO N 's— 66 Carolina /Cno d 0..... 7 00 Missouri . - 87.. 2v00(1 43 3'o 0 d 0.—....... XIX SU) 4310 ornu do-- LILO% 30,4 as telt ft 8 J _4OX, 1001 do 4$ /110 , 0 Lonicana art $7 3M d 0.... —.1,132,64 'MC Cokt et re 2 00 Wklyn Wet'r Ln..99.4 7000 c ris n bds 'll ... 1000 Erie R Cos bs 71 16 • earie do '1111.36 iro , o La CALM) , Lril lOW C&N W8Pb3324 ei 1111 !Ochry° itaa do 9) to Dal & Bad Cana1....56 I rata° Marl is - •30723{ 173 do— ...--- 1 0 Chi &. 1 co .--114 $5lll do • So do._- 42% $0 do ----. b 10.4.14 100 do. • Si XSI 00 60 flatiron MT L..... be 160 do__—:-...116X CITY ITEMS. • VOLUNTItiIt 1321tT1011.-1311M torsi McDowell, on 'a ease made. has dr °Wed (bat the time of service of tbe volunteer. date from the time when they were sworn In by the War r eeartmect. tome of the three-months regiments will, therefore, .h•ve to serve about four months. The °chiral has alto decided that the best and most durable olothlng, either military or civic, oen be obtained at the mammoth gift depot of Granville Stokes, 609 Chestnut street. °tits of nee and value are given to buyers at this establishment. it.gralltrnob pillar/Jae —lf all the dleasteri to the American army one be repaired es readily el some of the department, of supplies eau be refurnished, we need have bat little fear of the speedy retrieval of the late disgrace. la* the matter of military olothing, for instance, we have art tatabhehmeut in this city which has almost unlimited !militias, and which turns out uniforms of the beat materiel. out, and workmanship, in any Quantities, and within the briefest pos.tble time. W• allude to the Brien) atone Clothing Hall of Rock hill it Wilson. Noe 609 and OW Chestnut street. above Meth. This establishroam hes become the great mili tary clothing depm of the loyal Stares THE Pit ILI itt " OB PRI-N TIN 43 ,ESTABLISHMENT, CEMATNVI` xchange---July 24. .311). 665 le. Y. Central R.,.....763i AO do.-- rib:" 14 60 do— onli 7634' 14 do— .___:.s6o 76 100 do -- ...... DM 7634 MO do ... -MO 764. 1100 do__ . ---763( 1 10 Eno it olizood-- .2634 MO co .-..-. 36 1.13 do— .... - ...1414 60 do.-- WO AO' 100 do .....-. 11 , 14 3.0 d./ _ .. -;:....... AWN 00 Harlem R— • .......11* 100 Modem R prif.......17 MO do--.....-- V. 14 200 do-- .....--..-271i 70 Del. t... k Woe R.-70 100 Reading R....._.. - .....371( 6.0 d0.—.....'..-_- 37 100 do --..bow SI 1.0 Mich Cen X. --sly 44 Oil d 0.........— 45 100 de r _ . .. ._ 441 C iud Ithoh 15 ,PI Cli.-._.4)t 000 Kolb 8 & N 1 Guar.el Sloodo -- .._1 , 04 601 do . 110) 00 -.-...... ....Alit 3oti i 10 Panama R.___.... VOX 18 0 111 Cen A 3 0•—••• 156 4 1360 do.-....-......_.. 00 101 cm—. . aliareti 1 0 Cleve & P1it5b....... 0 IMO Of. & Chi. .111:........et al d 0..... ...- 4,03 100 d.)-..'...i.0110 Mg 010 4o ....:..c:..... 630 111) oo _....., . . ~-. EISK 76 Clove & ToGIOR-74N 1.60 d.0...................3034 (MO d0.......:,,-......60 I MO do -.:,...-. . 4 43C MO Oo —...;.... ,030 19X 1010 do -............7.3.8, Illi d 0.... .73u 30 800 lit ♦l4 0 NO. 427 STREET.' PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. GEO. N. TATIIAm. TR FRO►HIIGILAM4 COMMIS' 07 ?HZ MONIX. WM 'L. REHR. LETTISH BAG* 4: as Meschasiat' Hzehangs, Philnde/rrhia. !Rug Barania. Rowtatid 5 , 11, TUNCArnrII. Oatiteir idaorpool. wou Prig Qaaert Esther, ( Pr) Card.... : .__ Tort loath. *oat MARINE. INTELLIGENCE roily OF PHILADELPHIA. July SH/, HH. ir t yl e ill cv BK A l rwit - 53 3 N METE AItRIVED. Steamship Boston, Crocker. PO hours from New Yors, via Cape May. with mdse. and pa/veneers to Jamee Al derdice. OF the Braturrwine saw a bark at anchor; of Luton's. saw brig col —, with toes of fore topsail, coming up; Fr ship Pavid, for New York. in tow of ter Kate. imps down; off Delaware City. passed ship John Carver. in tow of Inc America, Ship Lenoaster. Dewar, spdare from Liverpool. with mdse to John ft Fenton*. Towed up by tugs JL. Pussy and J P 8-arr. Bark Aohilles. Gallagher, X day' from New York, In ballast to 'rhos Richardson & Co. Brig Resolute. Ayer. II dens from New York, to bal last to Van Horn, Woodworth rt.Cp noir s sa . Pry. Phillips. 7 days from Grand Turk, Tf. with IWO bushes *Mt to farto It Kerfoot. Brig Loa- Ca MU- 'Mal Calais for Zaas„ Cub , . went through tb flotnr . 4 l . ft iro l li t etrd. day from Camden. Del, with 'lora to .1 L Bewley A Co, Behr ''..q..oonork. Barnes, 0 days from Boston, In bal. las to N tstortevant & Co. Behr 8 A dome- Soto°, from Boston, In ballast to Ban erort. Lewis & Co. Meier Mary e.lirs. Case, from Oreenpurt, in ballast to 31noiotion A Glover, Sara L H hadtoott. Leeds, from Newport, in ballast to J tc.wbite. - Bohr lona K Plater. Willett'. from Gloucester, la bal last to N • tortorsot & Co. • bob , Treasurer, Fisher, from Boston. Rohr TS J Pickup, Pioenti, from New York. Steamer Mars. 94 hours from New York, with oldie to W NI Baird & Co. Steamer Tawny. Ely 94 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. • Steamer Bristol. *lion. 24 boors from New York, with Incise. o. to W P Clyde. • D. 011SAJLE Ship David, ( Fr) Baivi,, via New York, 8 & W Welsh. Bohr Bwan, ( Br) shelnat, Kingston, Jam, A 13 Outer bridge. +kora Trojan; Shourols, Kee Went. Tyler. Stone & Co, Behr slorame So plea, Chtibe, New Bedford. Noble. Hammett & ualdwoil Bohr I 4 Ty ler. Ogden.. Dighton. G Tomlinson Bohr Isabel, Taylor, Dusbury. Alan, L audenried & Co. Bohr Mary Ellen. Case,- ereeneort.'"Binnlokken Glover. klohr L A Fodtoott, Leeds, Newport. J R White Bohr J R Plater. Willett*. Elostco. Ir Stertersot & Co. Bohr Pequotnook. deans, Boston. do . bob, A.leerthine. Boeton:3 It Illskteton. Ptr Philndelehts Hann. Waskangton. DC. 9V P Clyde. • Btr New York. Hunter. New York. W P Clyde. Btr.B fibnyor, Donnie, 1:161111110fe. - A Groves. Jr. (Corre.oondenoe of the ItEADL2I O 3. Jai, 23. • ' The following boats from the Union Minima ensued into the Schuylkill Canal to dsv, bound to Philadelphia. la den and enneivued se follows: _ . . . Ge , l Mstiloo, umber to Bolton & Cbrixtinan; g na p in LOCCIO. 40 to G W Hiokmsb; Burner & Foust,artim. &o. oeptain; Catheirlue Elisabeth, pig itoo to Cabotin & Co. PdBMORANDA. BM* Penn, Doane. halloo for 8t John, NB, was spo ken 11/st mat. off A Ineonat Bark Wmahington Pa!ober. Collins. alliod front Ha vana about lbh last. for Cardenas. Brig 2 Thurston. Lampher, honoe, was at Batbadoem 4th inst ror at Thomas. Bohr Jetta. anon, hence. arrived at Queenstown pr• atone to 13th inst. Boers Pawn. Mayhew. Mary Raley. Haley. and B Shan Sharp. benne. arrived at B.mt. n 23d it at. gob r liembess. Blackman. °nand at Boston VW inst. for PhliNdelaihm. Bahr I, 1. titian. McElwee, cleared at Boston tad Mat for Maurice River. NJ. Bohr Pinta. abandon. beams, arrived at New London 22d inst. sche Vermillion, Avery, hermit, anivad at Provt daneel9d tn.t. Bohr Ida. Wormwood, bona% arrived at Keotteboak port h ,n•t. Bahr. VE ar,t, Brooke. sailed from flew Bedford SU MIL for klaladelaa's Bahr K td,,LIEr, ford, cleared at Belem led tut. for 1 144 6 1 4 r iel if hi l . Wood, dreamer, hence, arrived at Belem IrEL Bohr Buena 'Fists, Phillips. from Providence for Phi ladelphia. et Mew York lisd 'net. Hobo polo, Fields, cleared at Baltimore ISI inst. for Philade,phsa.. Bohm I P Cake. Endicott and I Jones, Corson,oleared at New Vo k led it st. for Philadelph.s. Bohn Angel. 1..n0e. and Vo f.om BlPPlean for Po.ladeleh a. at mew Bedford 2:14 not. Some Burrows C, Clark H A Hogan. ROlreto, NV B rrie't, P4lloollf. )easee Williamson. Jr. Fi r iPsmore. and A W••• a. Caere,. henoe, arrived at Boston ltd R W Dillna, Mart,. F F Randolph, Al War, Jas M Harea, Th. mpeon. ilr_nadfield Fisk. Ann', hi 00•• • Sit.ffman. and anI&DIVOn. Yang dder, 0166 Ted at Boston 2t4 'net, tn. i'bilade phis. Sohn t-ha , ter, Oak, Batlar, 8 A Taylor, Dukes, J W Woolaton. Oarris"o, and drotto, Perkins. hence, ar rived at 've ••••bur, port 22 1 lost Bahr Tbnings lin•don, WrlghtingiOn, bOOOll, arrived at Fall River 21 I last . . . Boor. L liTOOker, "'real:trey. hewn, arrived at Digh ton Itgd inst. Bohr,. Geo L Greet], Cobb. Pon Boston for Philadel phia; A l'irreq. floraino. end Mountain k:arle. Arne., from do for do; rbilodelpina. Etwe,l, from Glom:wrier for do; A Col , r, Itarriontn. from Winterport for do; LUOY Amen. Koowtton,_ from Salem for do; and 8 T fiarroloo, arm*. from Pairtnoket for do, at Newport U 1 mat. agasiner Novelty. !haw. cleaned at New York yester day for Philadelphia. brig Andrew Paters. Ursa°. from Philadelphia for Havana. with lose of fore aod main topmeta an.l math boom, and petting book to Near York for repair., was @Dolma, al:Mowed on the Vat mat, by a Now Yort YAMS boat. ?MICR TO MARINERS. The Phu BIICI raced to mark t han's Rocaratem pmarily nom. the mou , h or ;he Xerneheo Rigor. has been removed. and the danger is now mark... by a third c.aas Run rnny. NY atter of the Lighthouse Board. otietg t...b.8 Nl. 2' , .fINPUL.L. Lighthouse Inspeoot r, Prat Distriet. Portland. July U. nsit. . ARRIVALS AT THB PRINCIPAL HOTELS, - or v:1 12 o'cLooi ir.Asr Maze. CONTINENTAL ROTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. T F Crier & bro. Md B Mann, Jr, Bellefonte Bellefonte F Newisomb,Louisville itami Si Lawrsnoe. r eons Vsnar • R Moors it I. Dam , Dr CF I earn's. N Jersey Ilion Brown, Ulsveiernd Cisestone, oe'awassi•--2Dis Bokanok,'ls yotk M L )(rayon, Newyork .it 8 chime, Sortoe H B Keeler , New York . .5 0 Marry. New York Ataoy. Concord, Mesa 'rhos relnucl. Cincinnati Lewis, &umoved, Oinoin A W Cimsbeli, Whreeling O W Norton, Wheeling A Yratt. msrshial. Mioh W L Nroboll, Newburg `` NY H Loring. Bowel A A ater. Parr.stiour . Andrew Drmith. Wash rhea UNorthroo, Brooklyn A it Driveller, Barton F tine & I. New York J• Beach, Lou i svil l e J D P e e d Pi tab irg W • DOT... G Frick,Potts tile Geo 8 delrien & w,Pitubg 8 H !Darr. U B A T I Larodin. Baltimore C yelohebode oastnn, 0 J P riorod Urt A A-Yots. Illsronni, New - York H K Furniss, 1/ A Ciimmatg & is Utah Jilii7ll . lsflor. New York • H Mai sh • Jersey C ty Ge • T Vmary,Cciumbes,o A John • Haslet. New York 8 Wltukoff mmo A R Clark, New York B D Bii ns. England • Boma. la. New York J Patlrmson. r ngland .H rrangle Whesiins. M W-rsoe. Sproisdeld 11. B La, gdon. new York J Y McCreary. M Chunk J Baidem on, Pardoners J &mob Lewis. New Yo•k OW I octwood. New York • Thecurson. ew Jersey H 0 Rodger.. Bingbamerou I E oarrinsoc.flintkamsit'n Jilin I. Aisles, ohs H B Newcomb. Prov. it 1. W K Clare hew York Chas Dairies New York A-Peck. Jr, sm. Newark Rota Bherrard. Ohio 8 D Masser. sosion 0 8 Fawns. New York .1 Carew, Massachusetts 5 At Buckingham, Conn a W Bonwiek, Ohio F.RCBANTIV 101.EL.—.Vorrut week. below Arab. Copt A F Garrison, Mo Thos T Collier, Danville r Blood. Brookville R W Deriokson.l4 d A Al !taloa°. aver W Etarve li i i Att'o City Charles hictFadd-n PPaimon aileron, Pa Chas Norm . hew York 3., Li, e..ln ew Yore Armstrong. Cantioa E Booker. Prov..rt r. W Camercm on C C MoCiel.and, L. Maven Col .W w Rankin Lit. Book Mont C 4 wean. Mo M Bathed & v.f. N W IC' , ebbs ea .1 A bal., B,,sroh K C0 , y.11 York Chan Co t., BOW VOTk flo J Canoe. Bedford 1 1 -pie. C.mbna W F Kline, Pencarivania 3it raw ord & s, Pa B • adeon, Pearl's Mon W Miler, Clearfield 'I: L Morris, Ohio astealcum HOT mb—Unerrnat mein. atom, Fall. J A Campbell, New York W D Moore. finerrove B Burnham, M t hon.( 1. F Ch aprran, roans H Chapm n. M Monk Limit C n Ur.-rme bee, DC Übe, C Buell ahmer. .1 r fdlnersmhe Wen.x New J reel' ti *clue, Jr. urawri le, 0 J 0 Carnansh & .s. le , orana It Yonne. raltimo e C Werner. New York T H Woodworth, in, 0 r r.trUle HOTEL—Okesures sweet. eoove Third. Delftware J Me, demon. New Jr•rael 8 6srrets n. Pottsville J r Robin on & Is. ?has J Tomes. tealne W H•dden, J Cle lAnd, bew York B Franck°, el t.ouis W F hirer, Pt I Oats ). Vey, .yak & is. ?I York D b.trer; rew Jersey J L Sharp. New Jersey r.r. Dine. Whaetrurt, Vs M truss. New York F Corot, Now Yorkl D ssney. hew Yo.k THE UNIONAren sorest. above Tette 6 J ind. Mess , Bon. 0 J L Stephenson. Philo. 15 W Oppe. New York A 'a ("radon. Mew York Natal awn., otk( Jona P Manor II eadiug •D o Ann°. ea. Potuavillo k u Nothrook. Poona Rota N Nouse/4N J John Dunawortho J CX)8118 RAOUL ROTBar" Math et. > above Menlo I, C PillatOet New Joni'', Jai t• All , o, New Jamey A IS: veto°, 1.1 8 N 1 , C em,th w L JOuire Norilatowa J been, hornetown J W Elmer. hew 'Yu, k J Lellwee. Llliton. Md JuChr•mv- WWII, Del Wm vixen, V um, Bel H I ayor. Wain, I el 18 razor. Movleatown J B Baker, Cheater 00. Ps STATES V taloll—adsrast mast, above tiiitn. J Can e 7• New York R B Jameson & L Carlisle W Timinplion J 1 .1 Yownall, Leueiater Ileandere, se add 'etown J R noon 0 VIM.. Yitteburg A Wotfict I. Lewistown h Deere°. -mynas. Del tL '1 ownseno Peens ' R ctepeeneon. Coatesville it W b ammo, Coeteevale J3l en may. Cp Coleman David bed; Reading RATIONAL 110T54—rusoo ea-not. %Dove Thtrd. 'bollard Meer, JoOaatown R A Brawn. Tamelaa J L ehark. Lobszon..Ya • it 2i Dnnean. W P.IKVEIIN 11008.1S—:Tura street. above Rasa. J A 13 , eitenback, Pa TT D Jonas, vatasaasaik AI J Mulch Jersey anon Goa T Mae. Gettlaoura M alumna IV mL GIITIII. Marietta Alf Hair, tan'il Mayan Y.. Kalaubeat, Pa BALD EAGLE ROTEL—Tetra at, above Calervkall. X Labiate. Senna J T Berger, Qtregertown Rikse. it, New lersoy t) • a ri.se, Now Jer.ey C w .Knoroec, beau mead T Leiseertna Yea.seerg X Omer, Bateliaaem • Jo• hietor. FORD& Joe Brenda, litoualtsberg • . BLACK BRAR ROTEL—Third it.. *bows CMllowntll Wm Plait. Poets no; Pa Bozos Pill, Buotinstam YU Bechtel. nr•hmt•illa 1, H ozohuilvillz P A Wax/3in Kutztown — BARLEY tHrAF—Booond street, bokm Vine. Wm M *Carter. Trenton WA' Lloyd. Buo/e so .1 Rib*. 14 wortovrt M P Jarrett, bucks oo tqutth Honor, Fol. Obese W F Bookon. leans Esiono W Rewor MOUNT YR KNOX BOTHIN--C•oond ot.abot• Ara B E Hayward, Philo B A norson, Boa'on H Tier. pew pnrt. if Y tl MBearer, Nr DU& John H. Thomaa. ?emu-- 1,- Hasa, !leaden*, 0 Mr. Cari,Sie. new /OM/ R F nibbird , A ew York SPEC AL NOTICES. Gitil laic CLOTHING Or TILT LATILVT Cirrus, made in the beat manner, anomaly for RE TAIL HALM. LOWES7 asillnt nrioes marked In Plata Fist/ea. All good/ made to order Irarnantei dattataotery. Our 0141C-PRIOE system is 'Wetly ad lered to. Ail are thereby treated alike, 4406-ty JONES 6 M.. 604 MARINI ormert.. BASCH:MOWS BASIL I.l7l.—Thee celebrated ant perfeot Hair Dye is Ohs but is Os world. All others ere mere imitations of this great original, whioh lugs gained 'soh extessrre patronage in all Parts of as globe. the gm:dna W. A. Batohelor's Liquid Hair •pye flutes:lv prodnoes a splendid bleak or natural brown, 'without staining the shin or inuring the hair, and will refewly $l4 ill ortects of sod dyes. lostitorattos the hair for life. 601 d by blillmiturte and Perfumers. Wkolarat• by FAULNEETOOK i 00.. SWOT" i 00.. Pkibilelphis. mai- la OARD Pkurate, Jima Allll Onßaver ut um Oita. at 14 loath TKIRD *treat 1111.1.-HHAD PRII 1 TI1(0, Dent siadOltiossmisk in the City. st 34 &nth THIRD Eltreat. 47111(1 1 01.1411 pitmans. Bosuns Kkaapiart is OW ‘4 *oath MARRIED. Lyriroti-IhULBOLtAND —oo the 11th inetett, et the baron of pt. Fbe dip de Men, b, the her. n. Cant r John H. 1,) Deb to knot Ilddr, A. ddialholli9d, bo b of thleoltr. h Bbit—COIINWELL.—Jane 21, FAL b 7 J , bn 0, Wilton, V. D. M. Mt Wm. /labor to Min Feany Cornwell. both tt DIED. varr ro ittia. sod initfat, Mr, George e hie irt . 1 14 12 r i l atradref%Int r et Whi74=l , n d o otr n t . .. n a t t i lon ini t, a ri n o ;. tattr o v o t i k oo . place at Laurel NAL h R e mi t . pxt r icm; FERRIS, lic Co -, trotted to NO. 807 ORFATNtIT STREET t poi. eyed '4 years RA WLITitiON.--On the Sig itul kth t ; A i n 6' t l , (ll 6 Tt t!e rit : Tlll e al ß atY'W) s altell i kre.: lr'i.k: 8 841 14 \ 0 0v o ti t un w e h to ite ß, o E s LAZ Li t a b e e n ir e. lar , ao ge e r . a ß it O d L v Ell iti tL yi ß - . at li te i r s gr s t l h a si tt fa i n s e l ll d . tfrorlemadtruti are l t vi el e P td e li tru o• ll . Y l32B lii , i s rest, on Friday, st OA. M. To 'tooled to 1 . 11 ;,7 1 Nth. YE RGER.—On this morning of the 94th intent, Harr* defies, at prices which must make it to the intermit of V. only eon of Jacob A. and Julia A. Yerter,.aared 20 e very oh o who may want anything in their line tosive ititahlf. them 4 *all. as they will save, at least 26 per oent. of the Fine ai from the residence if his patriotic. No. 14 usual post by so doing. .. ; . . Wayhe street. below Walieee, above Ninth, this (Thor' - -- _ JilkuiJNE.gls. CAMBRICS,__MI I I.I,B NA INBOORS, day ) m right, at le &Meek. _ DERIUOKBO.II.—On the aro Indent,- John, son 'of John and the late Martha Dertiokson, aged it month, s "l; aRLETANES 8170188b13 PRF t ean MUS LI NS Off ffiLLAN FES, ' quitaa.' Fiu RAI/ NWlS'lttl; OR BASQUES, h,MIIROJ_D D 1 , 1011:111, FLOUR and 14 days. In D r litisitieVtlifthheerl/gdeit.ll4ant. hits, Sarah .r. Denials, ' NlNGG3,l2.c4otttlitikeltsB.,vfiAL&NNVenbrifirrnEN.llAgri DrpropiTgaivri Funeral from her late residence, 512 North Thirteenth ' ACEI. VElL s rl ds _ftlATA . o r L A L N L LI Q K A lly w ri p lE si chol_ street, on Friday afternoon: at Bo'clook. " . - DIX Dana , AB. GUCRA A B cE. AND ONRER 65 1) ,e tl a ULL.— On the 234 instant, Samuel flute% aged' ter b G h K N 08,NE.,123,_TAN O B, NE.,123,_TAN LE . CLOTHB. NAPKINS, TA- Funeral from the residence of Mr. John L. Cramer.. ,TO AND TOWELINGS. No. 12b3 Palmer. street, above Girard avenue, this r . N. B.—A few (shame real thread and Cambria Lase i ltit ° hlruit it int. at eltminihts*lli f refutes. at about half pride. ( T a b ti n t r sd A si v I ,., e 6 ft_e ru t4 o t e h „ , N.J.. Mary F. Gooses. relict of F. F. ()reeves, • 2r- i Alma lot o trimmed and pl ate val lave h , riot underolooveA. merly of Phliadmphia, in the 44th year of her age. EP ON 1- SERGER.—On the 29d meant George Rap- . ALL, VERY , CHEAP. 4 * beautiful styles . e andkerohiefs. son Kroneberger son or Louis end Deborah. Krone- " - better. aged 3 years 2 Months and 8 dere. Foment/ from the res , denoe of his parents, No: TS s PRICE FERRIS, & CO., North 'Xwelfth street, this' (Thursday) afternoon, at 4 - 321-1 m • MOT CHESTNUT STRER . F. realm*. . . MOWER.— On the 23d instant, Sylvester' IC.. son of Andrew and Eliza Mower, 8480 5 years Find 4 mouths Funeral from the remidenon of his parents. Goodwin street, Rising Sun, Ms (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o'otook. R ENTZ.—On the 29d instant, Caroline R01'12411'3 the 28th rent of her age. - Funeral fro the residence .of . her father,Mr. Fre derick Rents, tvo. lee Thompson street, this (Thursday) afternoon =giro oelorsk. . * is PO iTid.. tee 22d instant, Thomas Smith, Sen.,lll the nth year of her ate. ' - ' Funeral from his tateresidenoe . No 711 North Ninth, street. the (Thursday) afternoon. at 8 o'clock. sir CIL 4.--ttuddenly , on .the 22d instant, Adam Stull, in the 71st year of his age. Funeral frt m Ws late remdenoti, 1D37 Bettontirdod street. this ( Tingled sy 1 afternoon, let 3woloos. * it U s(ti)rs —tin the hid isstarit. at Providence. R 1.. Mgt mtr. Mary Rush, widow of the late Thomas Sturges. of this WALLACE —On the 724 blatant. Mrs. Elizabeth, wire of R. A. Wallace. , ' Funeral from the residence of her husband, Seven geenth street, above South, this iThursdal) afternoon, 9.t 8 o'olook. _ _ , .. 'WATT° 01 .—,04- the 221 instant, Reran Watton, wife tf John Oration. in the 40th year of her sign. Funeral Irvin her hushand's reelitence. white's °Mitt, Rre street. east of Broad street, thie (Thursday/morn- 2.6110VRN MG} - BTOR 10, BESt.4O/4 & SON, 918 CBI MTN UT Ruse, are now stenln.g pack orape mayors at ga and 8E cents. bsretea. at 26 and 5111 canny •- Black 74 wide Waken, 60 and PS °ants. Becond-mournin. popli , 3,28 0011414 • • Gray mixed lavellaa, 123 in. • Gray mottled modenas. Gray mixed wide madonna/,18%0. Black and white printed grenadine battles, 106. Shepherd plaid real grenad , riPhoveges.69a. Slack and white Paris organdies, 260. 171 OFFICE MORRIS CANALA ND DANK TNO 00V . Jul, 1811 i. • :97)Erm 7.74iTior..—Thu Board of oirsetont have drolared. from the earnings of the canal, a semi-annual Pitodend of FIVN Pr R CENT. upon • the Preferred Brook. stvrahle on and of er the 6th day of settrot next. at tne tffioe of the Company. at Jersey Ci y. • onto Etoeitholos At in sod near Philadelt. his., at tee ofEee of E. vw Cl.th k. Co.. there. The rrant fur B .oki roll be olosed from the 26th inst. to Or. 6th of 3nrast. jos t. • o'6". • L N. CONDIT. / Peoretsyy. rY . uTIE E—TiLt THE INHABITANTS OF Ili FRAN KFORO—Thst ?he DAILY Or Wo-EKLY. can he det the counter or MT eters, or st your limos regularly, at an ear hour. - W. 0, RHEA RJP. . Arent for 'The Pelts, in Fraticford. 11: WESTERN BANK OF- PHILADEL PHIA. July 13. meeting or the B•ard nt Tltreetont, held this day, Mr. C. N. WN.Yew/U.4Di wee appointed ,Alialstant Caehter of this Bank. Jill BA • G.M. "TROUTMAN, Cashier. ran OFFICE OF THE PIIILADFLPHIA AND DARBY SA ILIMAD t 7031 V.; NY. PAlL4DeLeffte, /lily 13 MIL . The Hoare of I:greeters have this day declared • Di vidend of Flier N Y-FiVe. CellTB per Awe on the Capital Stook of th s Company. ontautedins this day. Tarable on and after the 2 6 h Jost at the Whoa of toe y_essurer. No .2. 'Walnut street. For the convenience of toe Stockholders, the Tree sorer will be at the Depot corner of Darby_ovenne and Forty ninth street (opposite the Orae's Fen• rout,) between 8% aid 8 E, bi. ! on SATURDAY, the 37t1, - tht.. prepared to pay the above. Trs...sier Book. will he closed until the 16th mat. THOSI. ePARKeI. Seeretor. and Treasurer. Iva. 1.41 tWALtaIT sweet. ' OFFICE OF THE WEST PHILADEL PHIA PABBIIIIGE9 ILWAY r COMP •N Y, corner ot RAVNEFOR I) Road end LoGATir Strut. Twenty-fourth ward. ((Aloe boars from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.) PETLADILPETe. July 9.1861. The Board of 'Directors of the O..mpany have thus day drolared Mvidend of FOUR nor mouthy capital stook o be unison,' for the lut .11 P 37 sble on and after the tat inst. The books for the transfer of stook will be closed on the 19th lost until the nth. irti-thskturts Wm. MAR rm. Jo., Treasurer. ly"Wlv OFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 408 OH • ETNUT o treat Pan.snsirets. July 11.1101. At lt meeting of the Board of Direotovs held this dal. a dividend of TERS.E riot CENT. wee declared on the capital. Payable on the filet daT 0( August next. he lm W. BLANCHARD. Seeretavi ErrWE HAVE EMPLOYED HELP FROM THE PROTESTANT EXCHANGR,Southwest oorner SECON D and NEW Streets. and take pleasure In recommend ins it to the public as an institution math needed in our city. for its *are In selecting the best men, women, and children as to character and quail- Seaton': B. ADDICRS, MO Race street. E. M. SELLERS Qteen and Tulpehooken streets. 11,11 Dr. PANCOA , ILI2 Mount Vernon street. JAB. RICV.aRDIII. IMP Mount Vernon street. 411180. FR 'EWAN. SO North Eleventh street. 1.0, OLI ER, See North Sixth street. R. S. BOW SR, 't kit,ml Germantown avenue. T. WILSON, 210 North Front street. - • T. McG CORK ,421Sonth Front street. • M_ M. WHITE.= Marshall street. W.C. C. SOLER. 432 Market street. W. R. RICRIDSOIS, 418 Market street, And over one nudred andfifty more, to whom •re foresee will he itan at the Mlles. inyllo-lim MILITARY NOTICES. lORDERED TO MA.ROR IN SEVEN DAYS. WANTED—For C.I. 4:tHat NT HY'S Regiment.. a fait oompeny of 161 men, or a Cnotajn. with BO men a Fuel Luutenant with 4), a Second Lieutenant with 30. and a Sergeant with Hi. 4;olonel CHANTEY. _- J126.11t* No. 19 South THIRTEENTH FL ?hits' TO ARMS !-:—TOLUNTZEREI WHO vistrto En to e cdve service. Join the ,. hirheth Reef ment. P V.. under the command of era. GEL STAY. Government &Minas. Cilhet /CUT btreet. be tween Poeeh and Fifth streets • JyIS WANT ICD.-25 good Men, to fill up a* company of eolonel Chentry's Regiment. to be =livered THIS,DAY. Government Huiidiegg, ~.11E5TN UT Stret. below Fif,h street. ir 33 4t* iTO ARMB N !—VOLUTBERS WHO wish to so in native service, join the Thirtieth Re gi ment. P. V., ander the Comm, . dof rol. Can NTRY, Government Buildings. CHESTNUT Street,. be- Mese Fourth and Fifth streets. lrl2l•4t• 111 WMITE.D.-25 good Men, 'o 1111 up a Com pews of Col. Chantr• • Regiment. to be MIL t'red THIS DAY. Government Buildings, CR toil' NUT hi-eel, below Fifth street. jr33 it* )47 WANT ED—FOE THE THIRD Regiment U. A. Cavalry. able-bnlied men of Rood morels, between the ages of 18 and Se serve fore yea's. Pay from 1111.2 to 'SP p.r month, with board °lathing. and • medical attendateu A minor wilt not be enlisted witr.ont the content. of parents or - goardtans. Nen accustomed to horses and riders preferred. A pp'y at pnuoipsl kandezvoat lie South .EIGISTR carrot. Captain sqnrc feaVA ne, • . /Mr • . Third Cavalry Recurring OSleer. LEGAL R • EBECOA A. ERWIN, Aw.ignee, .vg. ANTHONY H MILLER. C. P. Vend. Fs.. !tine Term. 1861. No 21 85Mb vs 8/016. C. P. Vend. Hip JugeTerm 1661. ho 27 • I The Audi tor appoibted b I the Court to diatnba to the proceeds or sale by the Oben Ef. wider the shove writs, of the foltowiog real estate. its : *ll that certain lot or piece at ground with the three story brink m e or tenement thereon err oted, situate on. viereen l ite of Twelfth street, at the dist ace of sixtr-fottefeet soutoward from the south side of Thompson et • et, - in the 431;1 of Philadelphia, oontaining to front or breadt2 00 raid Twelfth tweet sixteen feet. an.. extending tu length or dept eastward of that width, et right a, glee with weld' jwiilith ety7F eighty-tare e feet to a f or foot wid- alley let4in . northward into atita Thompson etteet. 13 nnded mart ward and southward by ground now or late .:f Thu., se Bova. eastward by sail alley' and westward b• estd-Ti-elfth street ; being the same eremites which Thomas Dug •n. deoeserd. by indenture bearing gate the aleeentri dal of Ileeembee. 11362. re tweed in D ed Bonk T No . 67 page $3B. rimmed unto the said Anthony H. hillier in . fee, resorting thereont a certain year!! Srewed rent, or sum of $4O, parable h 'lf yr , irly. on ire Ara arvs of the months of January and July, in every year, unto the said Thomas Dugan. hog he re aid assigns. Also. alt that oer sin of or piece of sround. with the three-story brunt megatons or tenement thereon erect ed. situate on the east aide of '1 weifrh rarest. at the distance 01 Porky-eight feet southward from the wrath cue of Thompson street, in tha oity of roladelphus. it • s icing. n front or bread h on stud Twelfth street • xtern test, Ana extending in length or dispen east ward of that width, at right sus's* with 584, Twelfth street, ciente three feet toe four-foot wk., ether legaing northward into sold 1 hot:at/son street Bounded north ',AM and southward by coond now or late of Thorns. began; eastward by sate (oar f ot•Wid• alley ; and a estwird by 1 weifth street aforesaid; being the same premises whioh the • n.-mas interim, deriessen. indenture dated the tlevcnth oar of Deoeuitter. 1611 recorded in Deed Boot T. H., No 67 page an, F rat.ted to the said * nthony Miller in fee, reserving thereon' a enitata MAO, vowed rent or sum of $ll4O a. able half oo the firms days or the tbonthe of January and July. in every year, to the said Thomas Dilate, his heir. and ensigns. wit, bola a first n soling at his officio, No, 700 WAL NUT Ntreet, in the oity of Phtiadeiphis. on OND •Y. the ISh day of August, Mt. at o'oloot P. M., whoa sod wh re al , patties intereeted are required to aprenr anti make proof of their claims, or be debarred from char at in said rant. EO. WALH .I)2S thlto4i • • Auditor. lORANORRY IN TOE OIROUIT •A-COUTFoR wo P s'ER COUNTY , MIT Term. most. to wit I inls /10.1141. WILLIAM J. CLARICE vo. JOHN WARD and CATHARINE WARD. The °bleat of this suit is to procure a decree for the sale of certain mortgaged enemies in_ % °rooster sounty. which were, on the tenth day of February , in the year eighteen hundred and sixty. mortgaged by James Ward to the immolating& The bill watts that , on the tenth day of Febr u ary , in the year wxi.teen ' leund red and sixty. the said James conveyed certain reel astate. which is particle ar ty oworibed in th e a / hilt and in I its accompany g exhibit. unto the swd illiam. by way of mortgage. to seems the velment of the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars. with interest from the thirtie b day of Seneary. eighteen hundred and sixty,. whieh wee then due and °anus from the said James to the said William. on the thirtieth day of January. eighteen hundred end sixty-one; that the said James hessian, lied Intestate. end without leaving any per sonal estate in the lITIF of Maryland. and leaving sable petratht-thw, John .Ward and Catbsnue Ward. who are maws, and reside out of the btntill of Maryland. It is Itherenvon edjudgod and ordered that the complainant, by ca, sines copy of thtertice to be inserted in some newspaper published at hiladelphie. ones to me th uf three successive weeks fore the fifteenth Oa. of Au gust. glee notice to the said absent oefendants of the obleot end sobstenoe of the bill. and warn them to ite mise in this Cann.. on or be'ore the gist day of °amber nrnt, to aoatrisr the premises. and. show omega. if any they have, why a dune* ought notnip fee as proved. W n. T etalufth. True copy—Test. WhL B. T 31/d01413, (nark. 1711-that ESTATE OF BEATON SMITH, DE- E ABED. NOTE() tt Is hereby given, that letters of administra— tion on the estate of BKATON SMITti. lane of the nay of Philadelphia, deoesaed. have been granted to the aoderstgited All poreons, therefore, haying claims or demands against the said estate, are requestest to make them known to the administrator without delft,. P. FRAZER smiTa,_Administrator, feta. thet West Chester, ESTATE OF ISADIUSL' A. EPAR.BI3 ) Deceased. Letters testamentary a. t. a. to thin estate bees been granted by the Register of Wilk to the uneert.bgnea. ell gereoes Indebted to. or baying claims ssaisat, mud estate, will present them ,'without delay. to Adm. T. A.. Jele..tb et leo. 702 WALNUT Street. VENATE OF GEORGE BARTON, de. .a.e eased —Letters Testemsutary upon the Estate of (.303/10 et 8/ital./N. deoesseii. tia.thq been granted es the Register of Willa to the undenlenea. all mimes MOM thereto will please make p yment, and those bases eNutue or dominoe eitetialt the sale Oetutear. requested to make known tee ssme, without delay, to MANY drieTlDlo, ' lilt SOT ?terse. 0T to tior Attorney, 13DA-D. A. L _SLET. '..bg ma,* us) fleoth YON tt Street.- • EPHxATA MOUNTAIN SPILINCMI LAx : The rate. Q 9 0 elDtr4 1 - : T trat this P t E eti l tßl L Llt be ?Niue- d. hum and otter toe fins of Angola, to ttIOLIT ut4.1..A1t8 her week. e 1114Aylki cAtßit. NOWA P. 0., Laa.iner 00., Pao TrYOU WANT GOOD PHOTOGRAPIIB,, Temort to where skill tad the beat arrangements aye oorobtord—to ItEttallge. rl Photographic Gallery. E n.- Mp{lED Etreet, above Ureeo, ohs o 4a raw ajo oral for colored. Photograph'', Mule AT' brotrpee are rads at 11l prioesi • h 4 ARTAIL. DRY GOODS NEW MANTILLA STORE Mao most olendid BILE MANTLE!! In the oN7 H01:14111 & 00., 9f SOUTH TENTH B /RISE?. SILK 'M ANTILLAS. It every new style, the rioheet qualities ever am, at the elerant New thorn; Ea SOUTH TENTH STREET. gee ft HOUGH .67 CO. CHEAP DRY' GOODR- STILL PURTHILR NEDUOTION IN ISUM!ifER lITOCK, in Mtn; to Minos sales and realise CARR. Fine Minis oolored Paris Organdies. • Do. - do. Paris Jauoneta. Medium stt le dn. do. Dark Brown Lawn,. J,Dietinfe. 41Ik Chillies, Barflies. Barege Anglaie, Gray Goods, Pros. Mon. de .l MUNI, ilce. lack ar Temer tin n e d Crane de Ew ,k ing, e. onld silks a variety ese, White G ood, in variety. line lne or plain Swigs Marline, 1234 to Mote, Btook Lave M walrus, Boorman, sod l'ointe. Black and Colored Stella Shawls A very cheap lot. Linen Cambrio Bdkre. A good stimk 19111100111 and Dumentio Good. at the lowest market rates, for castle:llY. b9O t[ '• ' CB* 14. ES ADAMS .k 80N, EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. caahmirette,,Tvp•ds. cotrou• des. Linen Drills . Batteena. Corduroys. 76 cent fine ell-wool Casunoteres. Biwa and Camay Quitman's. otno.•. Ar. aortA VD. 1723 S. E. earner !TINTS and MARKET LAJSING OUT SALE DRIC6BGOODB. • &dames of our stook Pummer Dress Goods, at merely ' , settee/Prim:oo oloke them. Bares'''. sod Bere■e eobes, I.as than Aajf prick Flos stook Black Dress Goods, extra. cheep. COuPkat MUOY.ARD. )113 8. E. tar. NINTH and ?.Wt ET.. FuzNott LACE'POINT€B. ' Stu la. Mantles. and ttornoos. ado° d to ene-hotr their rains. alrok Silk IVlaotlea. Om do. • Boomer lamer& A floe 'vat, ch.so. COOPER & 002 , 1.4 RD IN .11 and itIe.ELKET. N.B.—Best Moos i 5. E. nor. N ekirts.lT to 40 sPrings• g(INUId &H. DEF.S 4 I GOODS. taßrill farther Redaction ?noes of Dftsg (roods o Clore Bummer Ageormerts. artf Goods. • wag and r rgandi -a—Cl2 warm— roses and ()maul i flea—Woo/ma. camans— r onlangtannner Ford.rda—hammer bawls—Ms:4lsc aRKI N A RrLtl3B BROTILEIUS i /YU N WI. and '81611371 Streets LINON DIAPERS —A full line of v,arious dualities of Feotch Dispel's, 18 inoli to X -inch. Also—nuotabsok and Towellinas. nilaß BRIMIVERB. 0 1 1PitTNUe and EIGHTH Streets. FYtkE & L.ANDBLL ARV OPENING 81,AI'K 8/LXB.-131sok !WO grade. Sisk Bilks tor sill. . • Bleak Bilks woolsmtle. Black Bilks, 22 to 3 inches wide. MLA. YR& & LAND CC L L, FOURTH and A RCM, are !telling all their Bummer Goods low, to elate them. FIIIDMOT Sae. Judi+ and Frenoh. Da. k Preneli Ortandr Lawn.. Baru. end Lawn b obee by the yard. Double and Twist PIM Orenedmea. p YRE & LANDELL RAVE FOR BATBMG DRwI9BEB AU-wool Blue Flannels. 11-wool Plate Flame's. Good somnolent of Toweling. Summer Quil:s. wholesale. iylo-tf 11861 —MEMORABLE TEAR!! • HARD ON DRY GOODS! VERY LOW PRICES ! THORNLEY & CH IS !M M A, MORE REDUCED! N. E. oor. PAO TA and SPRING GARDEN, Want to sell their stook chum. qff, And have consequently REDUCED THEIR PRCE, VERY LOW, INDEED. Rainey Bilks a little over half prioe. me striae of Dress Goods at half prim • Mantles. Pointe,. 'knee nies &0.. very cheap. Black hilt', the cheapest in Ptuladelphls. A great variety of Gray Goods, Lawns, Ac., Ac. A very huge stook of noni.stio Goods. A vary large stook of Linen Goods. Cloths, Cnsdmeres. Vesting.. &0.. Re. N. D.—This is a neßs oitAty:F. o get_soods nn usually cheap. TRORNLEY A rHIBM, N. E. Cor. EIGHTH and •PRIPIO OAP DEf(. N. 11.—From this date, July 9th, Terms " Cash on Delivery." - lyg RtILL GREATAR REDUCTION IN DRY 00008.—Ber quality of Gingham' fer 200. 121oe assortment of Drees Goads from ng to 26. Deliti nes end Challis Defamed reduced from M to mi. ladies' Cloths. pinto, plaid. and striped. at a low Men and Boys' Wear. muoh reduced. Lawns In great varlet from 8 to .87220. Furnishing Garde. at the iovert market prioes. Shetland Shawls, from 8l to $l2 at JOHN H. STOKES'. Ttrl ARCH. Street, 414.*Genitit t BARGAINS ! ! % 11 : 4F . GREAT B ACRIEf CRIS, HXTRAORDIfdARY INDUCEMENTS offered in the balance of our Stock of _ SUMMER DRESS GOODS, now closing _ont GREATLY UNDER COST PRICER. Pivoting in Lace Mantles, Bonnions, Pointe*. Bargain' in Silk Coats. SatAues a-d Mandeb. net ROAMS IN FANCY BILKS, BARGAIN. IN BLACK BILKS. Mo. Mohair Grenadines for 950. 153. Dalai net. new et, les, _for Si. 500 Organdie Lawns for Ingo. 11Ko. Lawns, Sue quality, tur So. R. STEEL & RON. iYS No. 713 North TENTH Street. above Coates SUdiMEK STOOK OF DRESS i4OODS AT PRICE ACCORDING TO THE TlMER.—Ponlins, Harare., Bilk HUMP,. half prom; Challis Helaine. re ano*d from xi to 12)io.; dynng Chintzes reduced from 12 to to. apoolalattermon fa requeatad to our !Kock of Oman dies and Jaoonet Lawns. which we ,re bound to close out at a low figure, ORA HL d &Ha MS & 80N. 18.1) Elfin/ It and ARCH Streets- ABANKRUP IMPORTER'S STOOKof Samples of Linen L'arnbrio Handkerchiefs, in hem-stnohed. sheer. corded. and embroidered. from 10 oenta to 51 cents each; a great bargain sandman' a saonfioe for cash, mid to be sold in the same way only. CAARLeA AD*Dtd & SON. JeSO . EIGH.TH andAßCli Streets. {WRENCH LACE VEILS.—A choice lot just parohas•d front a bankrupt Importer, and for sate at mill prioe at CHARLES ADAMS & SON, jai° EIGHTH and ARC II 80sets. FNOH LA 014 PoLN TS, BUD RN 0 US, ANS MANTLES —Altar. stook to be so'd at less than wholesale prices: We• cannot be undersold in 'these goods. CHARLIO ADAMS & esor4. Jelti EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. MM. Q trITO NETTING, all colors ; Tarla tan. aU colors , for oovoring glasses; Plaid and Swigs Muslim at wholesale_pnoes. CH•RLE4 ADAMS Pc SON, . JAM IsIGIFITH and ALlV7llBtrnetst. SMALL -PLAID BILKS. Bine and White Frenoh Bleak and White French Silk,. Brown end White French Milks. Green and White Freaoh titles k aisle and White Frenohlks. PO dos. Bdlrte. at $llO Per doz en doz. White Bilk Gloves. 26e per pair. Many goods redacted very. km, 00/16 out, at JOHN 19. STOKES', 70,1 ARCH street. SPECIAL NOTIOI 1 On amlaiber thu date INOINLEY & C 661 will oral ly EVERY roaapLy., IBDUCEMY, SO CAM FineBABEEN OF DRY GOODS! Being. determined to radius tick Stock they will ties Good Murcia: ! ! .Beatittful Fewer Bilks for fa cents, worth SLII Heavy Rich Fancy Bilks EarIII, well worth dim. Grenadine end Blinn Goods, about one half their value. G r ey mixed Goods, In every variety, from! *onto per r &Ili to 00 coats. BLACK JULYS. LICH CH AND LUSTROUS, VERY Neat Black Brocade Bilks, double faced, &o" De Lobes, Calicoes, Camaimerem, Cloths, Vostings, & tineti,_Plustirim, rinnela._grults, Covers. 41Pliay 1111.• BRAWL AP? d OAK-ROOM EXHIBITION. ranch Lace an as, Pointes, illuswhe, Eugene,. French Lsoo antlea, ehantilla Lace Goods, &e, 'lack Bilk Coats Mantles, Oro.. in every style, At 1100.11111.-EY & A. E. farvar 10 )111,11 rs sr ILAN NEW mu NEW PUBLICATIONS. nOOKI3, LAW AND MISOELLAPIEOI7B, new and old, bought., sold. end exchanged, et the PIiiLAJDEI,PHIA-13.a.NiC BOWE STOKE, No. 419 010115Tte UT Street. Libtanee at a diatanoe natal:tweed. These baling Aeolis to. nett, if at 'a (thaw*, will Caw their names, tizea_, eindAnsa,datea, aditt o eita. p yie es, and eanclitiona. WANTED—Doak* Printed ry 1511h4S chin Franklin. ea won 'am sayl7 Beaks sainted la and aepoon erie r t io tet i logrrit_ better' and _Portman vat pprtyriiirria [or sale. Cats regtail Veva, sent fro*. l ou r dwiipazei... - GROCERIES. T o PAMMUS EJODING IN THZ EIRAL METRIC= wo TS prepared, as heretofore. to .arty familia a Weir Country Iteeideuse• with every description of ' 71118 TROGICILEa, TRAIL to., t.. ALBERT 0: ROBERTS, Wilms ELEVENTH AND VINE STREETS. WEI • ' PURE ,PORT WINE. FOX BA JO BY • 0. H. MATTSON, Amok AjfiD.WINTE STREET& : 100 14 1W UNION, PA . . Coral°. and Beoeulon Envelope' Ad am* 8: H. Z .B M b, CO. h=+ - h" PATRIOTIO, T.1N10..0, and COMIC! lIIIVvLop En t gi n d . fr i rent styles. the !IMMt ooLeotten in the United or,te. for sv at one cent each. You oat order from to o'p ro MO, at the wove Vildn• Jnvt, tet t e wed, vartouotof ooP,oz,n tuvelopes iron* M aryi,ucwi,stpia. And Ken uott. &o. Collo° tors will tied tt tostlp ir advantage to vrdst darer% fount CH A Rt., hc A. Jr. ..A ANN xtreet. y. Pew dewing received distil. Trade supplied. 10:34m 200 °ASKS DNITED VINEYARD PRO PR.InTORS 0921FANT (Chorus eait=, etitlfl lu.—lastreoegeed per •• Ocean . I dr r 7Fi '' rem Bordeaux. MX eaves 112 bottlee each/ very iinpDLD Bildt/VDT (bottledln orns.) of the above well known and favorite brand, the sret twporta don Cato the united Mates under the now tantr. to. wow& we bec to call the attention or the trade. Sam. plea coin toe seen at oar office. For sale o bontr the ealwagetits. J. 1114 all lie &mut E XCURS lONS TO NIAGARA FALLS AND HAZE FOR Siz. IRMIMPERAIMINAPPON EXCURSION TICKETS WILL en sow, DAILY THROUGHOUT TEE SHAWN, PILON 4 PRUALDELPRIA. TO THE FAGGS OF NLAGARA. AND RETURN. FOR TWELVE DOLLARS. Via Philadelphia and Reading. and Catawista, Elmira, and Buffalo Railroads, affording the opportunity to VISIT AND VIEW THE - FALLS OF NIAGARA. AT THE MOST TRIFLING COST. TICKETS good for emit nail snort nun. Ac commodations throughout are 'num mass, and the Scenery mirror the route to unequalled. For inPrmation ae to hours of starting. Re.. apply a F. & E., Through-Ticket Oggee, _ N. W. Corner SIXTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS H. D. MEARS, General Agent. G. T. LEONARD, Ticket Agent, AinvsznigriTs. GRAND LSAP.ING FIAT, 13:= 4VENUE B.RLDGE. PROFESSOR PARSLOE Will !rite front the GIRARD AVENUE BRIDGE A DI3TANGE OF SIXTY FEET, INTO TILE RIVER BOILUYLEILL, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, AT 4 O'CLOCK. Titer In t ot e Ri ver. t e Prefiter wilowin to its 'tavern shore, whore he wilt be glad to meet any who desire it itruattoue in - THE ART OP SWIMMING, Persons desiring to witne•s therfeare of the Professor. CIO reach the eirerd avenue B inns br thit-ng•ny north and smith oad. sad tithing an ezohan.e to for they Chrism-avenue Road. the ours whiph evole the Bridges. . 306-2 t A MAIM EILY Bill tAmNos. -IL III! TE. WEER OF TOR GREAT SOUTHERN Ri BELT lON. Together with fit.NriElteOls's t•GL G EBAL I/totemic Illustrations of the RUSSIAN Wit Ft, ANt at t Go, Ott' BE ft 3.BTOPOL, Wait life like !mita tons of Batttea, 'mesa. Bombardments itkviss. Conßs , grattrms, and Toreson a t with Gigantic Tableaux or the nglish French, 'lturkish, and giussiau Genamis Admission 23 cents. t hitd.'en 23 we M.. Doors overt at 7g. To etimmenas ar tGif po TN.NbY:,VAIsIAA AOeARK.MY UP. Tat PIMP, ARIM., 1025 011. 1 M1TN27 Rtreet. is open daily, Sundays exoepted, from 4 A. M. till S Admission :15 Cents Chdoren under twelve. P.M.e ars, lialf ones. Shares of Stoat .1120. WANTS. 00 5 1,500, 81,000, . and .$4OOlO 9 9 LOAN ON moNTOARE Also. good Aleournies for onto N. R & T. P. porno, • ♦ ttorn.y. at Law. No. 617 EIPRINii GARO-.P. Street.. _ _ IttTED bi vila 7 lUN so t room or Co•ebattit. by an rieervereed mar City reference liven: Address '" J. J.." at ttne 1716 6b• WANTED—In exchange :for Heaters and Yaws. a riven' , g with an the modern ipllttovr mentamce th from axed to ZAMldonant. dd yr 1111 ox 114 City Nut Offioe, Phila.." • Jy2S 3t' VIT AN TED —I mpro ved City Property in e v ad v rer - °1 1 n r i r e ° , r e eiF d okoTof 11 ,1 4 e gve rd r a l 011` WANTED TO XXOEt t NOE -- r orth Pennerlyania Railroad Benbury and Fre, and ocher boodi fora airy reeidenoe. in ■ good locality. .addreu "'fret's. ' office of 17ir Pr.ss stating localarr and PKG. Of the curer Try j?.19 if TEe 011.11.11. W AN'S - W anted, A MALE TEA CHER. to take charge of Mae Grammar Solmot in this nit... eatery $476 for Term, commencing first Monday of Feature bar next to ono- Mee ten mopths. None but a litut•obuis'l earshot need anvil.. Anp &oats will b. exammed by the county ton twrintendt nt. turtle Bigh-bchnol Higdon this City. ou the 30th inst., oommenomg at g o'clock . • fA • SAMUEL FREER. Chairman Oraininat Eehool Committ.e. READIKO, July 20. jy3o et' 1j DIPLOYERS WAN'I'INti YOUNG Men, ho., ere invited to address the" Itincloy ment Committee," at the Rooms of the Young Mee, Chnstian Association. 1009 and 1011 CHEFITNIFT sheet, sirS-lha FOR SALE AND TO LET. ta, C OUNTRY II BSI DENOE TO I FIE_ Jim A coramodfona BRIqK MANS' ON, with two eel al land and stable, beantifu , iy eitneted• on the heel e l'elaw ye, in the boron. A or Bri.tor. Inan.re CYRVb PRINCE, in the vicinity. or of PE:LACIS puR Ql6 , vet MARKEr Street, Pnlietteivhie• i 3.14 wfin Sc• . aft THE ADVERTISER WOULD LIKE mi to porobsee a moderato sized city residence- 1d a good neightorhood. for wtoeh be would give desirable lox sod item a per cent. bonds. Adores' •* Bondo," ofßee of ma Press. • • 1,78-tf" II KANT° YY I'4 O LET (far the season or year) a pleasant Rendenoe, near Shoo maker Lane Station; ton rooms ; shaded. K. Itlceett.l.n, IP. Booth SECOND •treeL j•gr 1 m• • MS TO .10S.NT LOW—Furnished or un- Xlillfurrushod, for irtz montha t or longer. if desired, a large and oouVenient HOUBk,, No 1736 Arch street. A 9917 to P. end J. H. 9tORRIS. Re. 6 ALOE Street. if 19 tf 011111VOIDT-BTka.MT HU USX and mi. STORE t rent,—The desirable business looeitio lan CHESTNUT Street.with dwelling attached. AVM at 431 CRESTOUT street apil VRENT—A very desirable STOKB, on the Ninth-met front of "The Continental Hotel." The Store at Bina and Eaturom streets asp* - gaily adapted for a BADDIAL and BAXAMIII to JOB:. C biter itself' AP,. Li-tr Southwest MIMI and sarisom Stream. VOR EXOLLediU.ii.—A UtiUlu]; MAOT of good ummereved farm land to the Stets of new Jersey, ooneenient to the atty. will be s zrr ett,.. AVIAT et He. 11 FEDRILAI. PERSONAL: • W.M. B. -BELITBBtON, TAR F.F , has wittdrava tb• old firm and se now at 'be northeast apmar of iST...lOti. as COAN Atrreta. • • • .1,14 lie LrITASIII .4100Dae COTTON DUOS. : SUIT.,BLE POR TENTS, • 'ex suds s's TROMINiallAkt A WELLS. i7ll-1 It INSURANCE COMPACMES. FAMII nistriceNor OOMPANY, No. 406 DB IStkewil FULL AND INLAND 1061414.610}.. 3111CTOIR. George W. Day—___of Dar & Matlask. Na mu el Wright " Wnght Bros lc Se. B. Bircey—.—:• Davis & Blrney. earl Lewis, Jr— Lewis Byte & Ce. Riohenison. " J. C. Bowe & Cs. Samuel T. Bodine. -Pros't Wyoming Csael Gewse7. /no. EvermanL-of J. W. Evergreen k Oe. Geo. West_.__... " West & Lobes. 6. Martin--... .` Basalt., Martin, & Go. O. Wilson pens-..-... Attorney-at law. R. D. Woodra.ff—...of Bibles, Molten, & Wwlargl. lee. Lawler, J r-,—.No grease street. GEORGE W.'DAY, President. F1414c.1$ BUCK. Vise pireariecia, 1..8LA7i CB A It D. Beere tarv. 84 1 1.V1NG.. FUNDS. • MATING ' Mtn 1.7 TRUB7CO3 YANY. earner THAD amOl.OlllXl - RAW C FIVE rElt HAIN 8 R. CFORD.Pividillm% .fAMEI R. HUNTER., Beoretary and Tympana'. Moe hours. from 10 antll 8 o'olook. This Company is not folrold in +WY aPylksthol In the Lae lallitll.o. lag SAFES. N',ELLIE'S - SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No. 9I South BEVENTR Street, near taw ein Institute. The enders:trued, thankful for past favors ' and being determined to went thrum patronage. has secured si elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand a Large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burger Proof Safes, th e opt, aknetly fire and banter proof safes made.) leo, Lil lie's Teegnal led Bank Vault, Safe. and Bank irs. Lillie's Bank Vault. Door, and Locks will be furnished to order on short notice. This is the strong_est, best protected, and cheapest Door end Look ',storeyed. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie's' Net Cabinet Safe for Plate. Jewelry, &o. This Rafe is con. ifediol to surpass in style and elegance earthing yet of fend for this samosa, and is the only one that is striol ly fire and burglar proof. SPILCIAL he's now on head say twenty' Farrel, Herring, & Co.'. Safes, most of them nearly new, and some fort, of other makers, oompruang a somislete assortment as to Bliss and all Wed, MS. @hanged for the now Celebrated Lillie Safe. Whey will be sold at Teri low prices. Please oar aid emenunis. faXi-ln I f M. C. RADLER. Arent. sa ir ici t Vir PHILADRI,PHIA AND ASHINOTON ' EX - PRESS STEAM tio oyear•flY. • New line, threat for Alelandne, Wasbragron. and Georgetown. 's hrtrosti h Is pouts B.earner PHILADhLPHIA, Certain Tilos. BAND. dreamer eNI lg 110. Captain Will leave Philatleloble seen W r DM ERDA Y and SA 'URI/ AY, a. Ltd.:it:mg M.. oonneoting aub an lines at those ports, and - rewriting. Isere Washington. tieorgetown....end, aleranorm ovary TUESLIAI and SATURDAY, for l'hilsoelnent. • W. p. CLYDE, Agent. No. 14 SOUTH Vi H A It Vt,a4. pktiliwer plus. 6dOite&e4 & RBlTikaiticr. 1y24-Inf . Foot of 8 street. Washington. • REGULAR' LINE AND DAPS EXCCIBION&-Bteatner wnoh lewirea ant ar below A VCR threat, ftY, MORNING. at 7)4 9!olook, (except Sunday.) or Igheeter. Penn/woes. New Cattle. Delaware City. Fort Delaware. and Salem. Retunung. leave Salem at Ojand Fort at= o'olook. Fare for the EXMIMIOII.... 10 fitee for Bridinton and Odeltill wet tbia Steamer, ii.Y.130/41. leaves ARCH-Street yrbarf daily, at o'olook. for all Luidutts tamed showex cept nrt Delaware. . his itt• „lig & you NEW you. —TES Yhtladeletla Steam Propeller 0 013 .3 Mar trill eammenee their business for the season ea filormay lath mat. heir Steamers are 244 retturior freir kg 04 61403 ‘ Pier above Walnut street. • Terms sas•ambilbutia% ' • • i iV.V/I•!XTI • Gil, 58.111 es.—A &mall triToice of Rides, Sheep, arid 800 alazoollP reeeilred dram the Wert fit /los. o. for Nolo by ji, Ke,WCFIF ar CAKtilrAiLig.goti ii,•• It" 1.1, OAVA tAL..—eare . onve Lai in white glass bottle* Jae reolvadr hark Jart, R gor sato by Aux re E S A GALT Al 'eVPUnle wintaL BILANDIU - 4-L;Ons barrel pare is. I,l4l:ll4erai. kr e. e. Wue,o4oo lbe.la ode by ied Wit'";4l4,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers