NOTES ON THE REBELLION 't pb ea a r tla . ally that they both are good Union men at The two marines now on board of the Cuba aro also Northern men, and were compelled to Join the Svmpter. Midshipman ilodgins to represented by these men to be a " green horn," and not capa ble of taking charge of a prise, or, as one of the men said, of a long boat. The crew of the brig Cuba ovulated of Captain Strout, mate, and four seamen. She lo on her way to this port, and may be ex peoted here on Monday. NEWSPAPER PACTS AND OPINIONS. RIMEL ACCOUNT OP TIM BATTIM AT RICA 1101MTAIN The Richmond Whig has the following: th— litonnuree, July t a sad femme to oom- I muntoeste to you a state of affairs in Northwestern Virginia that at first sight may appear die/Wrong, but which upon closer examination sheds many a ray of satisfaottem and encouragement to our future o t ire.r—sadateetion that our late ill sueoess has lost to our State that portion whiett should never have been defended, and encouragement from the fact that our gallant boys fight with so much one oess against a thousand odds. Camp Garnett is situated in a gorge jest beyond the peas that rues between Utah and another mountain. The low slope of this latter mountain retreats from the wimp, and consequently does not nomusand it, but the more perpendicular elope of Rich mountain is adjacent to the position, . and, upon it there is an eminence that is considered the very key to Camp Garnett. On Tueaday last, Colonel Pegraar, knowing the importance of this point, detached three companies, ( . 13nokingham Lee Guard, Rookbridge Guard, and Pryer Itifite,) and one gun from the Lynohbnrg Artillery, to se -11111.0 the position at all hazards. They gained the height, and about ten o'clock had built.the breast• work to the height of two , logs; meanwhile, the enemy, guided by the Union mountaineers, had, by /quads and oompanlea, readied a point beyond the breastworks, and a little more elevated. Immediately they oorameneed an attack upon our unfinished breastwork from the distance of fif teen hundred yards. They advanced, and fired with fibula rifiertlncesaantly. No execution, how ever, was done with these arms. Oar lose was at shorter Ministries from the deadly fire of our bro. they Virginians. 'Approaching within five hundred yards, they began to feel the fatal shots' from our boys. At this, and shorter distances, they were mowed down like wheat before the blade. At every volley from us they fell book in confusion, but their overwhelming numbers pressed forward until they dieoharged their 'pieces in our very foots; then we thought retreat better than a fool hardy death, 'laid each One sought eaftityt inflight I down the other'side of the mountain.' The whole force of the enemy was said to have been eight thousand. Three thousand advanced to the attaok, while the rest were held in reserve. Part of the reserve occupied Rich Mountain, while part descended the mountain, crossed the pass, and occupied the aide of the other mountain, not far from this read—thus being on both aides of the road, in order, I suppose, to out off Col. Pegram, if be ebould attempt a retreat to Beverly. Our whole force in the engagement wan two hundred and fifty. We held the enemy in cheek with this little handful for an hour and a half. Leonidas, with his three hundred Spartans, could have done no • more. Our loss was, ooesiderieg all the oiroUrn- Mamma, comparatively small—sixty will oover the whole. The Buokingham Lee . Guard suffered most severely, having thirty men, together with Captain Irving and Lieut. Boyd, killed. Capt. Curry, of the Rookbridge Guard, and Capt. An derson, of the Lynobburg Artillery, were also among the killed. Four hundred of the enemy fined a merited doom in death. The battle began at half past one, and ended at three. At sunset, report says thaeool. P. led Six eatupanice out from his camp, up Rich Mountain, to retake his position, but, mistiming his way, he missed his mark, and told his men to save them selves as best thoy could—he would return and bring out the regiment. In this latter attempt he was taken pi-honer.' Many of his men cut through the enemy, and came up with ear regiment on its retreat. This is the last welnoir of the affair. Now for the movements of our (the 44th) regi ment. That, morning•(the Iltb) we resumed our march at Beverly from Staunton to Laurel Hill, and bad advanced live mita, when 'Col. Scott re (mired a dispatch front Cel Pegram, urgently beg ging for assistance. Ccl: S. faced about, marched back to Beverly, and took if road almost at right angles for Riots Mountain. Within three miles of Rich Mountain be heard'the Bring, and advanced at quick time to the roans of action. Arriving there at three o'clock -when the firing had almost ceased, he halted in.the mountain path.. And upon hid six hundred nocensolous man, the reserve of the enemy were looking - down from each mountain. They meat have mistaken us for friends, or our destruotion would have been certain. Col. S. was/not aware of the proximity of -he enemy until' he Cent forward a scout (Ltpford. of Flovanna),fo reconnoitre: This snout being shot, ho immediately ordered a-retreat. Sending on the baggage train, he returned' to Beverly. Here he baited an hour, and resumed his march towards Cheat Mountain. After two nights and a day's march we reached Greenbrier river, at which plum (Saturday mornieg) I left the camp, on ape- Mal detail, for Richmond; TAB AAR'S PROM THE NORTAWAST. The Richmond Enquirer of the 17th Bays : We learn from a gentleman who left Beverly on Friday, at ten o'nlock, that the enemy entered that place shortly after he left. We learn from him also that we were somewhat mistaken in our amount of the fight at Rich Mountain. The facts are as follows: Oar picket guard,. consisting of the following oompanles : The Upabur Greys, Captain Higginbotham ; Buckingham Lee Guard, Captain Irving; Captain Curry's company from Rookbridge rllardy Blues, Captain Mullen, and one other, company, and Captain Delaniel's artil lery company', with one of their pieces, were at tacked near the top of Riots Mountain by a detach ment of the enemy, numbering some 5,000 men: Onr entire force 'engaged did not exceed 350 men, but they fought gallantly, and although the enemy had such neavy odda satanic va, our gallant little band repulsed them three times, and killed a large number of them. The oonduot of 'Captain Delaniel on this occasion is thus reported by sur s living members of the Coddle Grays: After his whole company were killed or driven from their :-gun, and be wounded, he fired the piece three times, and after being attacked by the enemy with their bayonets, he shot two of them with hie re volver. -The forces - remaining in - the lordliest doe evacuated their position during the night, and nearly all of them esoaped. Our entire toes io killed, and wounded, and prisoners will not ex celled 200. Gen. Garnett commenced his retreat. from his position at Laurel Hill, on Friday night, in the di• section of Beverly, and advanced to within three miles of that place, when,linding ,the road block aded, be conntermarohed and took the road lead ing to St. George, in Tooker county, which he bad passed. The enemy was in pursuit of him, and bad encamped near the St. George road, and when deneral •Garnett readied .that point, and turned" ff in the direction of St. George, they attacked him in his -rear and out up his army in a' terrible manner, killing him in the action, Nothing fur ther has been heard from General Gareett's forces, hut it is presumed they made their escape with considerable loss in killed and wounded, and stores and munitions of NMI. Enough is known, how ever, to state that our forces have been routed from the northwest, and the enemy are la .pos eOMICM. A PROCLAMATION Or GEN. Wllll The following ia a copy 'of a proclamation of Oen. Nile° to the people of the Kanawha army PAOCLANATION July 6, 1861. To the true and loyal citizens of Virginia on all the Ohio border, and more particularly to those of Jack/S*ll county, I would earnestly apposite come to the defence of the Commonwealth, invaded and in/oiled as she is by a ruthlesa and unnatural enemy. None need be afraid that they will be held sooonntable for past opinions, votes, or nets, under the delusions which have been practiced upon the Northwestern people, if they will now return to their petriotio duty, and acknowledge their albs glance to Virginia and bar Confederate States, aa their true and lawful sovereigns. You were Union men, so was I, and we held a right to be so until oppression and invasion and war drove us to the assertion of a second independence. The sovereign state proolaimed it by her Convention, and by a majority of more than 100,000 votes at the polls. She has seceded from the old and, established a new Coofederaoy. She -has commanded, and we must obey her voloe. I come to execute her com mands, to bold out the olive branch to her true and peaceful citizens, to repel invasion from abroad, and subdue treason only at home. Come to the call of the country which owes you protection as her native eons Bader A. Wise, Brigadier Geaeral, The Pirates of the Sumpter. TRH CRI7IBZ OP THAT VIBBIL-STATEHRHT OP TWO PRISONERS. I From the A. Y. Commercial of thaurday.) We have obtained the following additional thulare in relation to the piratos brought to this port by the Costa Rsca this morning. As coon as tho Costa !Uses arrived at her dock, rtt Brooklyn, the two captured privateeremen were taken in a email boat, and conveyed to the 'office of the harbor pollee; from thenoe they wore turn ed over to the ouetody of the United Btatee mar shal. Our reporter immediately obtained an Interview with them, gleaning the following facts : On the 30th of Jane. the Sumpter sailed from New Orleans. She crossed the bar at about noon, and was immediately phased by the Brooklyn, which, at the time of the discovery of the escape of the rebel steamer, was pursuing a sailing vessel at the Emit pass. The obese tor the Sumpter lasted until about Ave o'oloak P. hi., when the Broollyn turned around, giving up the pursuit as truitleva. The Sumpter , is a very faat vessel;' being propelled by a screw, and le. bark rigged. She carries four medium thirty.two pounders, and one sixty eight pounder 43 a pivot gun. Her small arm list IS very fine, and is composed of Sharp's, Minie, end Enfield rifles, with a large list of Colt's navy revolvers. Her crew numbers about one hundred and twenty souls. She is commanded by Captain Semmes, - formerly of the United States navy. On the 31 of July the Sumpter took her - Arse prize, the ship Golden Rocket. This Teasel was burnt. On the 4th they captured the brig Mathias, and in a few hours after the brig Cuba was - liaised. These two vessels were taken in tow agent and the Tennis beaded for the port of Cienfuegos. Early in the morning the tow Hue to the brig Cuba parted, and daredrise master, Midshipman Hodgins, was towed intoto wait outside until the Machias was towed into Dort, when'the steamer would return aid tow the Cuba in. Ao - noon as the Sumpter was cut of eight the prise crew, consisting of two seamen and two ma tines, who were armed wile outlaages and navy re volvers, told the crew of the brig they did not care where they went with the brig so that they would aft again meet the'Sumpeer . . • • - To confirm the truth of their statement they took off their arms, laid down in the,foreoastie and went to sleep. The crew of the Cuba then took their arms, put irons on all of Them and headed the vets eel for Cape Antonio. On the Bth instant, they fell in with the brig Costa Rita, bound to New York, and transferred the two prisoners to her, leaving on board, still in irons, the prize master and the two marines. These men say that they were forced to join the privateer or starve.. They would have been impressed into the military soy vioe if they bad remained ashore, and being 'sailors they did not fancy tht kind of life, aod of al the evils they ,ohose the a least. They also, Oats l that. over one half of the crew of the Sumpter are Northern men, many of them having' families in this city, and that when an opporttmity offers they too will desert They say the officers of the Sumpter are a ve desperate set of men, and if compelled to fight they woaid rather blow their vessel 'up than surrender. They are eontinually threatening the orew if they misbehave that they will hang them.'-The prisoners here state that they feared nothing on the way to t its port more than a recapture by the privateers, at they would then be hang tike doge. The crew of the Sumpter , Ia composed of men of all nationali tits, all white men with the exception of the taw," body servant, who it a colored MM. . The prisoners brought here gave thlur names and nativitles as' follows: Beefy Spence, a native of England, is aged SS yesn. Joan Davidson, a Elootehman, aged twenty fire. Bich there men are dressed in blue navy clothes. Bpenoe Ja . pvidently in much 'tumble in reference to his 'altnatitin whtle'pevideon protests most em i7,•• Gen. ratterson'S Command. The grand army under Gen. Pattersen, moving as the centre of the advanoing forces, consists of three divisionS, eight brigades. tiventy.eight regi ments, a siege train and companies of cavalry, ar tillery, and infantry. The Fourth Regiment of Conneotiottt is divided Into two battalions, and is doing guard duty at Hagerstown and Williamsport. The Third and Fourth Regiments of Wisconsin Volunteers are doubtless stationed near lingers. town. The First Regiment of Maryland Volun teers is guarding the canal between Marper's Ferry and Witliamsport. The Fifth Regiment of the Pennsylvania Reserve eons has advanced in the same direction, and the Kane *Rifle Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve carps, is guarding the New Creek bridge and Piedmont COMMANDER OF DEPARTMENT. MAJOR OSSISTIAL 'RODENT PATTER/NM. FIRST DIVISION... Major General George Cadwalader. . FIRST BRIG,SMI Aoting Brigadier General, Col. George H. Thomas U. S. A. Ssoond Regiment United States. cavalry, 500 strong, Captain Johnson. Philadelphia City Troop, Captain James. Sixth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Col. J. Nagle. T wenty- reit Regiment PennsylvaniaToltinteers, Col. J. F. Ballier. Twenty-third Regiment Penneylabile Volun teers, Col. C. P. Dare. One company United States infantry, Capt. --. One company Independent Rangers, Capt. W. McMullen. One company Rhode Island f lattery,* Capt. J A. Tempkina. One company United Btates light battery,l Capt D. D. Perkins. * The armament of this company consists of Oix rifled cannon, carrying a fourteen pound shot. t This company has six six-pounder cannon. TUIRD BRIGADS. Brigadier General D Williams Seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Col W. EL Irwin. Bighth.Regiment Pennsylvania Volanteors, Col A. U. Tenth Regiment Pennsylvania. Volunteers, Col S. A. Meredith. Twentieth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Col. A. U. Grey Ono company United States artillery, Capt. FOURTH BRIGADE. . /toting Brigadier General, Col. 11 C. Longneoker. Ninth Regiment Pennsylvanit. Volunteers, Lieut. Col. W. 11. Lisugban; Thirteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Cot. T. A. Rowley. Bixteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, 001- T. A. Ziegler. 8/EGE THASIC Major Commanding, Abner Doubleday, U. S. A. First Regiment United states Artillery,.Co. Capt. —. First Regiment United States Artillery, Co. —, °apt:- —. lITORNOTH or AANAItaNT. One eight-inch howitzer. Two twenty•four pounder guns; One thirty-pounder rifled cannon. • SECOND DIVISION. Main General William H. Keim. UCOND SHRUM .! • Brigadier General, George C. Wynkoop. Shit Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Cotone S. Yehe. tieeond Regiment ninthly!reale Volunteers, Co F S. Stambaugh. Tbird Regiment Pennsylranis Volunteers, Co J. P. Minter ' FIFTH BRIGADE. Brigadier General, James S. Nenley. Fourteenth Regimen% Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel J. IV. Johnston. Fifteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Vohinteera, Oolonel R. A. Oakford. Twenty .fourth Regiment Pennsylvania Voisin Leers, Colonel J. T. Owens. SIXTH BRIGADE.' Brigadier General, Colonel J J. Abercrombie. Eleventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer. Colonel P. Jarrett. First Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, Colonel J. C. Stark weather. Elsveroh Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Colonel L. -Wallace. THIRD DIVISION. Major General, O.V. Sandford WEVENTII BRIGADE. Acting Brigadior General, Colonel Stone, United States Army First Regiment New Hempenlre Volunteers, Col M. W. Tappan. Ninth Regiment New York State Militia, COl. G W. Stiles. Twenty-fifth Regiment Penneylvania Volunteers Cot. H. L. Cake. One. company Distrlot Columbia Volunteers, Oapt Seventeenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers (artillery), Col. F E. Patterson. Battery of the Ninth Regiment New fork State Militia,Oapt. T. 13. Bunting... . SIGH TH BRIGADE Aoting Brigadier Elentral,troi : Daniel Butterdeld of Now. York, Fifth Regiment New. York. State Militia, Lien Col. L Barger. , • : Twelfth Ito-gill:bent Now Yprk State Militia, Lien Col. W. G. Ward. • - Nineteenth 'Regiment New York Volunteers, Major Ladlie. Twenty eighth Regiment New York Volatteerti, Col. D. Donnelly. Second 'llditsstiohusetts Regiment, Colonel G. Gordon. Address of Edward Everett. ZVER2TT'B 6 rcr,en wt .. TUC aeaveHn C6lr 112ACEMENT DIZITZIC The -following is the speeoh of Bdward Everett, delivered at the Commencement dinner in Cam bridge, Maissachnretts„ on IVednesday "Mr. President : Having, like my venerable predecessor, Josiah Quincy, who bee jast taken Ilia' seat, oscasignally tilled the field of polities, and like him found it an extremely unsatisfactory cul ture, I have, on former. 00O28101:18 like this, been honored with a place at your table. Bat descend ed to day to these lower seats, to enjoy the company of my brethren of the 'class of 1811, to whcm you have kindly alluded, I might have hoped to escape the diatinctiou of being called upon for a speech, and to enjoy instead the comfort of a gratified listener. I feel, too, air, that I shall but respond to the emotions of our fellow-students all round the ball, if I say, that tfie appalling catastrophe which has so recently clouded the social atmosphere of Cambridge, followed as it has been, in the setae family . circle, with the loss of st . liberal benefactor and friend, one of the most intelligent and public spirited of our citizens, twice fitly decorated with the complimentary honors of the university, is an event well oaloislated to cheek for a mment the decent festivity of the atiadem , e board, and to teach us that we constantly tread upon the verge of unseen oalamities, that turn thelight and joy of loveliness of life into heart-rending agony, and sor rows that defy all human consolation. I must not, hoWever, in yielding to thoughts like these; ferbCar my acknowledgments to you and my fellow.atu• dents for your kind notice ' • nor omit to assure you that, amid, all the -varied scenes of a somewhat changeful life, there is no place where I feel more entirely at home than within the walls of old Har vard ; no music that sooi hes my ear like the plau dits whioh she graoionsly bestows on her dutiful children. - " I have also another pleasing duty to perform on this occasion„ on behalf of my brethren of the class of 1811, whiob, as you have kindly remem bered, celebrates this pier the fiftieth anniversary. of its graduation. It devolves on me, as the youngest of their number, to perform the duty, as incumbent as it is pleasing, as we ovine together on this our jubilee, of assuring - you that our respect and affection for our Alma Mater, in,stead of ;being impaired by time, have increased with every year Siena we were dismissed from her immediate pre some. Most heartily do we rejoice that in return ing to her verterablefialls, after half a century, we find her in the enjoyment of a degree of prosperity beyond the most sanguine expectations that eould have been entertained in 1811—her endowments five-fold inoreated her thientifio and literary esta blishments multiplied and augmented more than in the whole preceding period of her existence;. her number of undergraduates doubled; her stan dard of soholarehip greatly elevated; her Faculty adorned with names of her own ohildren and those whom she has been proud to adopr, which would bear a oomparison with those of any place of edu cation in the world ; while she is sending forth "from time to time alumni, who cat only sustain her own character, but do no discredit s to the Science and literature of the age We, sir, as individuals, are advancing in years; our ranks, as a class, are thinning, but Alma Mater, we rejoice to know; is incressirg her numbers and her intellectual trea sures, and, renewing her youth with every MO. °telling lustruse. Eat° perpetua ! ” Abd, air, it wi th out irjustice to the genera tions which, for the . two preceding centuries, have gone, we -may claim for the relents, and literature of the last fifty years a variety or culti vation and a rapidity of progress in the United States unknown to any former period since .the first settlenient of the °continent, ithink.that the sons of Harvard', Without arrogating for her merethan her just share of the credit which belongs* collectively to the Ainerican seminaries for. this remit, and without everlooking the merits of.many distinguiedied'self taught men, may claim 'that she has contributed her full proportion to the leieritifio and literitiyaohlevernentent the feat half military-. Excelling -them all, as she 'does in ake:—ln6st - of them by a long interval---olieerfallynokuOwledg leg among .our slater colleges and uaiversitiesiny,. among some of thiyouegest of them, institutions which, for the talents and learning of the men= here of their biennial, and the standard of scholar ship, may take rank with their elders; our eout-ger sisters, I am sere, will readily admit that Harvard still mover, with the same graoe and dignity as when in her earliest: prime, verso; ineessu yaturt• dea, without a spot upon.her gar ment or a furrow on her cheek. ' 4 - Indeed, of native original literature there AU scarce anything in the country sixty years ago... do not, of course, mean that there ever was a le. : riod in the teat century when the chair which you sir, so ably and gracefully fill, was not worthily : occupied; never a time when there were not ao compliabed men, in all the 'professions, who ocoa sionally. made very, euenessfuL sometimes _very. brilliant, literary efforee; but scarcely cinch a thing as a volume in the highest Walks of scienoe, litera ture, or taste, had appeared on . -this side of the Atlantio. What a different state of thins we have lived to see at the present time, when; in eirery department of.neeftll and .oinecuental.aeierica and . literature, we are able to boast—speaking pow for Harvard alone,-but by no means intending to-limit' the—of many names the admitted peers of the moat distinguished of their European eontemporariee ; some that-will stand on the list of the few which belong, not to any one country or period, but to therrepublio 01 letters and all time. The time would fall me for an exhaustive enumeration, . but may.we not, as eons of Harvard, reflect with honest pride,,thatnut of eight - oapital wheats of history:Who have appeared in the United States within the half century. taking thein in the order' of their published works‘4rving, Brierks, Baneroft,'Priesootr, Hildreth; Palfrey, God wiri,:and Motley--eaoli with his ebtirasliiindo eacellencea; , all of. distinguished merit, some of classic renown; Six have been sent forth from these halls; and that five are living, at this day -7-ales ! that I nittetnar only five—to lay their .green well earned laurels at the feet.of their. Alma Mater. Is there a university in the old world or the n_eir which oan exhibit a longer list of :brighter names, ii4inY ; one dgpartuient of literature, within a half ee tikley. since the revival.ol 1. . ' • -1, Conaider; too, that these; . ottilellow iirc not all like the great hlatoTipts of the triittV States, writers who have excelled, as might have been ezpeoted on domeatio themes. One of them, our admirable, beloved, lamented Prescott, has treated the brightest periods, the grandest °twee tereo.the most famous events in the Spa ash annals, withla beauty of style, a fulness of researoh, and a weight of authority, which no natiio Spanish his torian has surpassed, if any has. equalled • while our noble Motley, who delights us with hie oom pany to•day, has elevated the history of the Netherlands to a light and beauty, not ranted upon it by any of his pradeoessors, though a Benti voglio and a Grotina are amonethem ; nay, who has delineated the most illustrious sovereign that ever filled the throne of England; and the most Momen tous and romantic" event in bar history, with Ms orimination, an acuteness, a graphic charm, a creative power that turns tie dead past into .a living presenes—Whiah oasts all former historians of that period into the shads. Yes, and he has done something else . . In his admirable communl• cations to the London Times; he has placed before the muoh-misinformed British pultr'its 'the true °ha raster of the great events now passing' before us ; and bee shown us that, if our beloved aouutry must have its Oatitinarian war, her Sanwa is ready, to, narrate, in its true odor, its momentous tale. And let me exhort my friend to gird himself for the , task, not 'unworthy of his accomplished pen. Pus: tority most not be misled as' to the Moving cause . of this unnatural war. He has done enough for Alva and Parma, for Philip and Elflabdth, • " • Enough is done for Priam'eriiye t ' sime I . " Let him now devote hie rare:powers to rescu ing from misrepresentation epoch in the history of hie nativelatid; .- . And let him bear in mind, as he engages in'the task, that there is on earth no tribunal actsolemn, no magia-. tract' so austere, no court co terrible, as that'whiolt . drags gull ty.. factious, to the bar of, public opinion, which strips cff the - thin dlegitilie .of ambitions demagogues, and .which dooms the traitors that aim a parricidal •bleirr - at -Ws:country's heart, to that historical infamy, ooliPared with which; in the apprehension'. of every generous spitit;"•ttiti pillory is a post of honor and the rack a bed of roses. ' OFFICMIL. A R Y 817 Pip LIBB. . . OFFICE OF ARMY OLOTO'ING AND FOIIIPSOS, Corner of lsoword and' Mercier streets, SEALED PROPOSALS' lire invited, and -will be re oeive4 at this office until 12 o'clock IC, an MON.DI y, the 29th day of July Instant, when they.will be public y .. opened. for furnishing by contract the :following tarials for. Army clothing deliverab:l3 yet such: place or places In the city of New York as may hereafter, be de-; smutted. in quantities as.requirtsd; Viz •.:.- • 29,010 yards cloth, dark blue, tiodigo:.wool . dredi).l4, caps. 54 inohes wide, to weigh 14 —.. ounces per yard,. 67E000 y arda cloth, dark blue. lindigo wool deed& twilled. 56 inches wide, to weigh 21 ounces per yard, 767 000 yards kersey..dark 'blue. (indigo wool dyed,,) . twilled. 64 MOOCH wide, to weigh 22 ounces per yard. 700,000 yards kersey. sky blue, (Indigo wool dyed,)24 , . inches ;Wide, to weigh 22 ounces per laid.. . - 6.000 yards sky blue fat:4pr cloth.. • . - 400 yards best quality. bin ok alpaca:: 700AI0 yards flannel, dlrk• blue. (indigo wool dy ed.) Si inches wide. to weigh 10 ounces per yard. . 267.000 yards . flannel. cotton and wool, d a rk blue, (in digo dyed.) to weigh 6% ounces per yard: 1,725.000 yards flannel: w hits .• (cotton ; and wool,) - 31 inches wide, to weigh 63( ounces per yard. : 1,425,000 yards Canton flannel, 27 inohes wide; to weigh. 7 ounce.' per ,ard. . 314.0110 yardit 'eotton•drilhng, unbleached; 27 inches wide, to weigh t% ounces yer i ard. • MOOG yeids cotton drilling, unbleached, 26 inohes wide. to weigh 8 OUll^es per yard. 60,000 yards brown BolLand,36.inohee wide, best qua htv. 06,000 yards cotton muslin, unbleaohed..36 • inches wide. 59 000 yards black &lisle. 36 inohes wide, best quality. 150 000 yards canvas Mining. 31 000 yards buckram. 40 inches wide, beat quality. 904,000 sheets-wadding. cotton; 120,000 pieces tape (6 yards), white. 34 inch wide. --- silk twist. beet quality. per pound.' • ' sewing silk. best quality, per pound. - 7 000 Linen thread, W. B. No. 80 and' No.' 40, per pound. 69 000 linen thread. blue, No. 81 and 40. per pound. • 4,000 linen thread, assorted color', Nos, 35 and 40, per pound.: 64 BCO spools cotton. 6 970 guise hooka and eyes. • • • 23.660 gross coat buttons, best quality. 16,570 gross vest buttons, best quality. Sel 360 grope shirt buttons, best auality. 38.550 gross suspender buttons, beet quality. 106% paste board.' . . 100.000 yard,, cotton cord. . . - • WO 000 army, blan•eta, wool: gray, (with the letters U. 8. in black, 4 inotipUl long. in UM centre.) to be 7 feet long, and 5 feet 6 inches wide, toweigh pounds each. 80,000 pairs of half stockings . grey. Seizes. properly made of good fleece woo..with double and twiated yarn, to weigh 3 pounds per dozen pairs. - 8121.000 pairs bootee; • 200000, black felt hats. best quality,Madiof Bootch and L. nalish coney and Russia hare. 200,000 hat cords, worsted, blue, .1-14 Inch diameter,' with a tassel at each end, two inohes long. MAO blank estrieh feathers, 12 inches long. 200,000 brass eagles. MO 000 brass bugles. • 1,400 gross buokies. foi neck stooks. leather, for nook stooke. —vizor leather , for caps. leather. for chin t trate for me. 74.000 skins morocco. 1.40 J gross brass slides for caps. 900 pairs N. C. d brans scales.. • • &MO Dahl sergeants' brass aoslea. • - . 129,000 pairs oorporals'Aind privates' braes scales. AU the: above mentioned articles must conform in eeery respect to the sewed standard patterns in this office, where they may be °mule ed. and additional in formation received cioneerning them As it is desirable that the articles be doniestio fabri cations, bids from menu f• °curers or regular dealers will be preferred. which must be made. for and conform to such articles only, in auality .and description. es are required by the advertisement and the wimples in this otime. but contracts snit be awarded to the lowest re sponsible bidder who shall furnish satisfactory ereouri- • ties for the faithful performance thereof. • . . manufacturers' establishment or dealers' place of besiness inert be distinctly. stated in' the proposal. together w th the names. addrees, and responsibility of two persons proposed as sureties:. The enrollee -will su treaty teat a contrast shall be entered Into within t• ra oars aft- r the aooes'anee of -said hid or proposal. - eroposeds will be received for the whole or say part of each kind of the article; advertised for. . - The privilege is reserved by and , for the United fits tee of rejecting any . srocossC.that may, be deemed exta . vagaet. • Deliveries to commence within twenty days after the acoeptarme of the prdpesals: and one third of tse city contracted for mitst be delivered within two menthe from sold dateibl acceptance, and the remainder in monthly proportion...within • four mouttur of-said dia.,' of acceptance, or 'sooner if practicable. Bidders vat, nevem helesm-state in their propagate the ma t t. at an ., sibs.' time tn.winett the quantities bid for can' be deli vered by them. Alt articles will be _subject to initheotion by sworn thapeotors, appointed sby authority Of the United c is to be distnot T understood that contrasts are not transferable withoutthe consent of the procer au•hort ty, and that any sale. assignment, or transfer. without each .consent having'-been ' obtained (except under a process of low) wit be regarded as an abandonment of th. contract; and Ott - contractor and his or theinauretie• will be held reopened, e for all ices or -tamage'to the United e bites which msrarise therefrom.- -, Yayments wail be made on Plush delivery, should Con gives have mach an'approprimion to Meet them. ores.. soon tnereafter as an aporopriaton snail .be made for that parpo.e.., Ten pe , -; cent of the amount of each de livery wilt be retained until the ~ ontrant shall b+,.oom nliited, which will be forfeited' to the United' States in came of defalcation on the part of the Contraotor .fui filling- the coni tact. Paring of motto/Ms and guarantee will 'be furnished upon , a polication tu.this °Moe, and none will be con sidered that do not &conform t hereto. ' _Proposals will be endorsed. .• • Proposals' Pir Furnish inn Materials for Army Clothing," and be addressed; Major D.f11.-v11 , 41.01.4.- Quartermaster WS. Army - Box 3298 Post 'iMee. ARMY SUPPLIKB. . OSTICE OT AItXY , CLOTIIING AND EQUIPAGE. Corner of Rowsid'aed Mercer Streets. Ptzw Yost, July. 9. 1881 SEALED PROPOSAL'S Ale invited, and wilt .be re oeived at this 'Aloe until the first of .Aurttt next. for making braontract the, following Arm Clothing, to be made of matermls furnished by the Government, the artistes to be delivered . at' the. U. 8. Depot of Army Clothing and 'Equipage in this oily. That is to say: 2 D 000 infantry foregs caps.- '2OO 000 infantry um form coats. 400.000 blue flannel sank costa, 030 007 trowsers. MO WO flannel shirts: 800 000 drawers. 200 000 greatcoats, 200,030 leather stooks. The above articles must be as well made in every re spent as' the sealed patterns in this :Aloe. where they may, be examined. ,All articles made under contracts herein itivited - will be received tinder rigid inspection, made-by sworn Inspectors, appointed by authority of the United States. . Proposal Will be preferred for each kind of garment separately ; and for moderate, not entail quantities of each. Bidders will statelhe quantities they will con tract for. and the Shortest • periods within which deli veries wilt he made. Baoh bidder. in his proposals. will distinctly at. to him Place of bagmen, and the names. aadrese. and re •sPonsibility of two persons proposed as sureties for the material delivered and the emelt: of: the. work re quired ; • and he will also elate the , shortest periods within which delivery will beniade. —Bids for clothing will be accepted only, tram tailors in extentive ttusinese, or dealers in. clothing accustomed to employ many operatives in that line.. It is to distinctly underetood that contracts are not transferable without the consent of the proper authori ty, and that any sale, assignment, or transter, without. such consent, (except under a proness of law,) will be regarded as an abandonment. for which the contractor and his sureties will be held responsible. • Delivery of clothing is to commence ten days after the material shall have been issued. and the whole con tracted for is to hi promptly delivered according to the ierme of each contest:it .• 'Payment will be made on the deliver! of one-half of the amount of any article contracted for, provided ap propriations for that purpose be made .by CongressMit one-tenth or• the amount due for each delivery shall bed retained till the contract is completed ; and the sum retained shall be forfeited to the b n tad Stites in case of defalcation or non fulfillment by- the con tractor. Forms ot proposa l s and guarantee will be formatted on application to this • office ; and nil proposil will be ne de re d that does not conform thereto. . • " Proposals will be endorsed: " Proposals for Manu facturing army supplies," mid will l e addressed to Major D. H. VINTON. Quartermtster U. 8. Army. N. F., Box 31108 Yost" °thee. .A.RMY SUPPLIES:- 071:CE OF AIIMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE, Corner of Howard and Mercier 'Streets, Nam Yong., July 8,1861. SEALED ritorouLs are invited and will be re ceived at this office until )2 o'clock M., on MON DAY, the 29th day of:Julvisistat t:when tbey.will be publicly. opened, for furnishing - •by (merrier the following tents for the nee of the army, deliverable at suoli place or places In the city of iew York as may be hereafter de iEnated. in quantities as re gutted. . . Proposals should sts'e the pricesof. tents complete. deliverable at GOV of the depots of the Quartermaster's department, exclusive of the teat poles and tent pins, witott•will be the rubject of separate mamas; • Large supplies will be needed, and the puroheees will 'be matte ;from the' lowest restmnsib e bidders, at . the time it.becemes necessary to give the orders. ' The prices per tent should ,be stated. naming the places at whioh the bidder offers to deliver. The following apeoifications will be strictly adhered to t '_ L. TENT, - /4 feet tens.,l3 feet wide, l}-feet high, with a wall 4,4' feet; and having on'oue enda iatottei. 50 es to admit of twcrer more mote being joined and thrown into one, with a oontinuoue covering or roof. • . 11.03eITA ENT rix, n feat 10 , inohes lomr-14,feet wide. • - • TNNT, ' • feet king, 9feet wide, 9 feet high. 4 feet wall. WALL TENT FLY. - - 18 feet long, a feet wide. TENT, 18 feet diameter. IS feet high. SERVANTS' TENT. 6 feet 10 Inches lone.? feet wide. 7,feet 1 inch high-, • ' Thatenre and " flies" are to tie made of cotton duok, - oC the following weight and dimensions. via: For Hospital 't ',tit— an mobs' wills, and 213‘ ounces per yard. For Hospital Tent t*.ly-i-• • • - . - • ...• • 90 inches Wide. arid lb% ounces per yard. - For Wall and &May • eat— . - - . 7 13% inches wide. and 15 ounces liar yard. :A Esthe above-mentioned-Art.lmeg -must cupfur,m. every to the sealed standard patienhatin•thie office , where the. may be examined, end additional in- IlorrnLori received concerning them. 'fabsit is dessrab e that the artistes be of domeatto rication,f bids from mon uNot ousts aud regular dem ere will be preferred, which null be mace for,and con lorru._to!eneh ertiolee on , y, in quality and desorietion, -ea, required by the advertisement and the tomtits* in title office- but contracts will be awarded to the low ess.responeible bidcer, urho.shsll furnish satisiactorY, securities for ihe.faithlul pertoi immune thereof. 1 he manufacturer's establishment or dealer's plane .of buarties. in , et be distinctly stated in the propomi, • together with the names, address. and responsibility of two.persons proposed as,securities... 'file;suretiet will .77:ra b- r da s a n .py t oo r a t ite ba r t t a an o w on o t e rr ta t n e c k e s o ll f be s,w en b te id re o o r into - within -,.;,,Proposala will be received fur all of the articles sage, rately ;end for our Portion of each. . of rejectin v g ilege is reserved by and'frir the United any proposal' that may be damned extra Va - -- s All 'articles be suhjeat to limpet:dim' by iiesym "Vectors. appointed by.authority of the United States:, • Isis mattnotlY unaeretood that contracts are not transferable without the oonseit of the proper an - ,tho , ity. and that any sale, assignment, or ti angler. .without-such. consent having been obtained, (except tinder a process_ of,,law.ortilthe regarded as an aban-: demount of the contract; sod the oi•ntrentor and his or their /11.0111 b held rmrpors•.ble fur all loss or dsir.4%e to the. United &Attew...hteh may after) there -I'mm; _...Triymentri will be made on each delivery, should Con verse make an appropriation to tor at them, or as scan thereafter as at , appropriation made .for that Purpose.-en per uent.:of the amonet of, were will he rtained until-the contract shall be completed. .whiith teat* torteited'to the UlDited States in (sae of de t on falcat on the pal tof the contractor in luld.liag the !dootrao. A ForMs of .proposalszandikparanty, 11.4 e furnished applicatten, to_this as..artd Done sail be con: re sided that do trot so" form' t areto.. Yrop gels Wlll'he'enenrsed, " Propagate lailregnigh - -; mg Artar - Terresi" and•be - aldreeeecl-- • . 'lolr.,joi. D.' H..VINTON. • ^ h • - Cishartermaater , V. S. Arne #/54 OP B ePost• itir;;4i aez. . THE. PRESS.-- 1 '...... ' .'' '. :?! 7. ''' i I ... ' ,MVP*Irk . 4 1 , ... [ M-,41.1; .r 0 6 1 - 4 If :_,.: THEY GO RIGIIT-T-0 THE SPOT. INSTANT RELIEF! ruErnr YOUR BREATH! STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE! SPALPING-'S THROAT CONEaTiONS GOOD FOR OLRRGYBIRDt; - GOOD FOR LROTIIRRR.9OO GOOD FOR PIIBLIO''SPRARRRG,'. : El . GOOD FOR SINGER S "" 1 . , • GOOD FOR 00178IIMPT/VBS SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. LADIES ARE:DlCLlGgrilifiirrs . . SPALDING'S. THROAT, CONTBOTIONS SPALDING'S THROAT CONP.EOTIONS; They relieve a Cough instantly. , They clear the Throat. They give strength and volume to the Voice. .j They Impart a delicious aroma to the Breath. They aie delightful to the Taste. . . •• " They, are made of simple herbs, an&eitnisot - harif any One. • • 1. 14 , 11 4 every one who hoz a Cough! !N.& Meshy iirofO l e%•!er a Ban Breath, or anydillionlty of thetbroat, to ge t e, piokage of My Throat Confections. Tier Will relieve yonm.l4ly, and,yon 7111alrree " they go right tOn_the . spot!! You will-4a thOeMakfii useidi and pleasant while Valielling . orTio4oiAllito meetings, for stilling your cough or allaying tidret. - If You lair one package. I am safe in saying that you Will, trier after Warde oonsider them indispensable. 'Yonwill find them at the Drugglatie and Dealers in Mediainee. . PBIOE :TWENTY-FIVE . is on eso4 . others.are kialtake will be seat by mail, pievaid. cit Clint& **' • * *** • " HENRY 'Q.. 'SPALDING, No. 48 ORDAIIAM . 44 NEW YORK. .OEPHALIC3 PILLS SIGH H_EADACIIE. •NERVO.US HEADACHE s • CRIBtALLAILINDES 01 BY Ike ye of these Pills the periodical attalypi of Ner vosa et SieleHtedsiNiiritif be zireveited andiftaken st the oeinmenoexnent of an eittaok iminsitiato relief front. Pain and itch:nem will be obtained. They ibldom faillin removing the Nausea atat Sok arar to whioh lemolete are so' Thei aot gently on the bowels, removing frostivessgs. For.Lirsrary Men, &rudders, Detliate Females, and - all'irersons of 'Oratory Atteitf,,they.are.Yehuttoltaa a Lois:its, improving the!isoiisits, iivinl teas aiidvrii to the. digestive organs, and restoring the natatal alai; tioitY,and'strength: tksirnolit ristoitAll ‘ThO4:4FREALIO FILLS are the month of long inveett cation .'aid:osfortaly oendtlettlefexiiertioelifoi; hr t been inpae,_many-yearp, JiFingwhiph time they have ereventerl — and 'relieved - et Yea atnednt.,of pain ,and =aerie: :,from . 111i1/044 system or froiii:e derange:Al staiii of tt(e - iir utirra,t_, • They are entirely Vegetable in tOttifigiejit„ ;tea. ail /may be • taken at all timee *with' affect sosser vrltiteat making alai change artier, lad JAI tradable tails renddra it mil to adithritter t*.* if ' • ;- • BEWARN OF OOMM81'Skr11! . 1170.gnitin kno ids - nhirn e Noun S. inlitig : lea liiDrecrbits ant all ether Piitore i s NIX will be seal by nitil preratt a reaiot e tii PMOE. OEN-113. or,ions dealt be alum! FEE?MiI O. RIPALDINC4. : • 40 CEA/Ult XIMSZT, RISW YORK • . "rein ttr .Ifsaticistir; Ya. IlepWi Looomptiok the obipot for which they were e, cu.: Cure of headache in &lilts form. _Wm the Ezainiten, Nerfillk, TA. Thar have been tested in more Quin a ikessanS smog, with entire success., • • . /rows tht..Vitetocrert; st. efietait c Mime. . you are, or have been: troubled with the headsone, send for a box, [Cephalic Pi Is,) ao.that 7oa may hare thorn in case of an attack. , • ' ' From the Advertise .Previdenet. R. i.r.' The Cephalic Pinnate said to be a iemaikably ,five remedy for the headache, and. one of tho very beet for that yen freantint complaint whioh has veer been Frew tke•Weatme gazette, Chit Arts /it, We heartily' eiedizatildtelabs, and kis unrivalled Cephalic hike • . . • Yr oirk t ike Kifigo,4rTiggiedisorriliteewhei We ere nee that pe gefferincsitk alibi/A.4,WD; who try them, will • • to Om., _ • .• .7Pritios S. Seniilumi Pith. And4tr,-Ifetir Try them ! you that are afflicted. and we are Imre that your teetimony can ho added to the already nurnercie hat that has renew+ benefite that no other Iced! a tau ➢rodnee. Prose t►rbr. Loris posstrtst, ', The immense den:Lend for thsi artisle Pills rapidly moroasinz. • Pram lA. Gestotte, Deetspert. /mg, Mr. Spalding would not 00/11100t 4L-nsme will p ar bole Le did not Azov to pone= real merit, . prerkifmaat, The teatirriony in their feiror 'atrium. fronttlit aeltt lihrrec table queirtors. /Yam the Iffewiert. Z. 2. Etvkalis Pills are taking the 0 1 `Pirt all Math • Prove bliiiivivwciail BIM tii:ieetetaiNieg; gititt to be vary ettamiolifili tit k adsO . Okada 14 • ArTIPIR 1.14 el evileuer,eisi' irk ka.ruenity . etr A ilncle b•rtle .2210.11007, aIIIE rill mere tea these tkeir sett ausilie."lll • , SPAUDING'I3 f'/W*IMD:111•611 I BFALDINGPB mr4RED (twat ariumnicill.nitkeiLiiicinam • • " • NAVE- EKE Pi#SCRII! • • : - : !• sconomy!. il:l:. s :•;7:f.Vs r s. Mir” A aliren 7rcrixmaivittAiss.. 4 "liii • acoidents wilffharipeni even well-regtdateit , families, it is vety have some cheap an( . soneen i ce s way ter repairing Furniture, Tors, Crooke, • BP.ILLDERGPS PREPARED SLUE vacate all midi Pinergenoles." and no household' ,tom afford to do ayithort it. It is always ready,and as, ge. the stioking " - Z: • • " Rar..FVL IR EVERY R 01118.8." • 4. A. B.—A Brash aeoompanies, utak bottle. , sews. address, •••‘•••- .••- •-•.• • ,• . • .tt).7t ' ••• t - t t; t! • HENRY --0; XO. =Nil NEW yoiti. ..AJNOBliabz!, tiltPnEchlitd; iOrions are at tom oti to Patin ;OW OD Slit fIIZUMPOOftIf ppb110: Imitations: Or tai risraitEAKemns:A*tilitidoeinti*sit persons to sidmbifirre Ofelit4n6lirictiiii' that th o fall nazis; `dare• •4 i ' LD/WO AVIPARED 01.,UA NAL lii,esabOVadolfrWrieseri all Others pan swindling coastizadirrdlr•M.A 'A A:Pak-4 MBDIUM S!OP::TOUR COUGH GENTLInfEtt 01.141 T clupwCN OEM. rcrs. =EINE. (WU HEADACHE I THE sEELIANPE • MUTUAL 11113URANOI .00MPAZilf, .. sr PICLADAILYXI4... .• , -' -: • - • 'lrvig, Mo. 111 WAidifit liTß)Erit •• . laws. araltat lOU Olt. DitnillE 'BY, Fars *a lenses, Stores, suit otter' hullitingi, lisaited Sr cerpetutth_ and • en 'Figmiturs, itood l s, .W 41.1611,• aloe •.011.4., - .6militise, in town or 1 1 1 4611 0!,1 rif.itl., .201.110 'A i SSEIB. V III, / 11 14 * ~ . Which Ilitiveeted es fol airs...frit: at :Jot mortgages on 'ea.,' 0t. 0 0 441 1, ',Otte _. _ ___• _. 4ouble the amounts,..-..4:.•.............,...-L.-41110,1110 10 Psimsylvan is Rellrbhd• 90.'6 .6 Oar impt. first , . . mortstsgo loan, at gitg.z....:-.—. —..— LOX 00 Periesiltania Rto.lgo o 4l k3 0 .'1 6 ';t, se- .... ooze/ mortgage load; (1160,00 P- ' " 17,900 00 . Kuntinrdo_p t.nd Broad Top sYntlroa d suit Oralal t o. 's mortgage loan .4........; -- /AO 09 . rest, lirat , .oltms.._:_. —..' ...... —L... • 1,443 10 collateral loans,.welt *soured :-....!.::.......:: 1 ,eGo oil uity of• Philadelphia 6 per cent. 10ak.....-: 60,000 00 ' Allagbasg Coisotyi6 per . oeSt. fa. its... Lo an.,' 10,mi 00 Ctoramermal Bank stook* —__...—.•.—. 6,166 01 Mechanics' Bank etook...' - 0,61 1 6 0 renatfflrania.lo4Lilgood Co.'s stobk..... ...-- .:-...' ' 4,000 GO The Aelianoa- Mutual Insurimoe Co.'s stouh 11,00 00 heCounty:Fire - Insurance Cog's stook -. 1,060 00 . Delaware . nr. B ..lrtinara n oe,Co.'s stook- , MO 00 pion Inntuallnsnranob Co.'s sopu-t........... • 630 so ills receivable— . • .J,..;_,... men 74 i he k accounts, ttoortied interest, &0.:............... 7./04 66 Real on h5nd.4...... --...—.—. ..............—. 11,644 64 .. • • • • .. $817,141 04 intsMtanal urinal : pie, cOmbined with the security 'or. ailtook - Capital, entitlos the insured to participate in tee loners of the Company, withou t nobility for lotus. Agues promptly adjusted and Pad, • DIRICTORB: Clam Thill o py, . Samuel Stephan; Wilhelm rtzgoomoion, Robert:Steen', •." • ' .':. aderlak•Brown, • William Masser,;: it.. • William Stevenson. Baal. W. Tirleg.,.t.'Z '• •It • "John - Worrell, • Messina' lit I, R. Is Carson;,. . ' J. Johnson rOWI. • . Robert. Toland,:. : , Charles Leland. '. v• • G. D. ftosensarten; ' Jacob T. palatial •• ..gharles 0i: Woo d,. . Smith Bowen • James S.;WitiOdwatd.. - - . Smith Bowen L :.: :. ....„_ C L: TIP CILEY, resident. B. At: 11/NO/IMAR: N.loomtary. ; . • ~ • Fewoarrje; lac - ''' ren -1 =171 4 .171E. OCIAttP E ANT . ''''' . • ~ : . 0, '•PHILADELPIIA:' ' - (FIRE IRARRAIfOR Exiat l vannu.Y.) womE4Wrir, - .8,11.1).tive.' a': w..ackgima NOVRTH !Ali WALNur 5TR.1378..- . • • — .la.lrEC WOK*: .11'; , .... ftRAMMoItDIMAILS, ' • MOIDIVAI kinkiNtriltki rsraAm Moist ' , t• .:• ' * so. El. areslev;..t. -. • -11.usso Fsazzitz, .'' Joss' A . litcrete....'. " ... , Joao M. 4 .. .tw00n, •'. • B. A. PAA'Ativir9alC. :: :' „ azsnS . ."IRODICA ) .. . . triirlk°"ll'.: ''. 1"1"rr W 7t l .I? d itaa ' R._ _..' . ''' rirxi , iiiiiiii.. , i ........: 0.. weer taro ;;:: . • : : .. ;141 pEIRC izrz,...44statiwom. OQMPANY --, No: 921 CittBT . rivir Street ; Philadelphia. ALL CHARTER--PXRPEUAL.-- NICE' PROFITS:DIVIDED .TNE. R .• • :Or short terms or fot the fl help terni of life ; graistAnpuides and Endelnlients ; purchase Life Interests. In Real Estate, and: make all contracts de pending on ithe qoutitgenoies of . li* ' Ther act as - Executors, Administrators, Assignees,' Fres tpeo t , and Guardians. v. ; • Aaß s oF TILE-ComPAR Y. 'January 1.1861. Mortgages; ground rents, real estate-- .$3214,981 97 Waited States stooks, Tramcar notog;joeps • - Btoto . of TenuarlvaniO, , of 'PURI.' dbol,Dbl6, 748,71/1 34 rremturn notes, loans on collotolals, Ito. • 317,594 68 Pennsylvania, North Ponagylvsagia Rail roads. and County= per oent:bonds..--- 106,803 60 ,Bank, innurstoo, railroad, canal BtOOkil lte. 67,647 49 - Cook on hand, agents' batwing, tco., &o.— 38406 14 • . . .'' 41,071 ' 123 Of • , '•• - • DAR TE% .f.i. MILLER.; Prostdent i i . i,; .. .ki tr _UEL E; 15T011.815. Yule President, CI fl IVOR. flearetary.: ~. . nilitt-tt TL—AWARE-:MUTUAL • BA_VETY IN MAAR= COALPARY; YE ILADELPIIIA: nuomporatod by the Jorialataio of Porinaylvanis, ffel. liStoo B. owner of TEAR ond.WAILFMT • ..PHILADITPHIA. • MAMIE . Inintartili. Wargo, P all parts*: IP World. .Frolckt, • „ • •• - • • LAND IaBD/LANOBB' •- 411 Poo by am Canals. • Mk.s, and 'Ludt *ar it o E at i Wi a lltigagl i i i DE•r•ltindls• generally. On • Ppm% Pwolllas Roues, &s. • • AIiETII OF VIE COMIVIJ. • • Notessibl4looo.: 8100400 Ignited /States dve .oent.lpin-41100,100 00 1%000 Nutted Mates six cent 'I Magary • -v Notee, (with *octet* InterectL__. 111,40 ti 100,100 Pennan t istste Ave fs . sent. or,gro oe 21,0A0 • do. six do. de. 21,94.3 00 MAO I'M talelnkla °lts six' cost: Lose. 1 ta,202 10,000 Tennessee Mate Ave -cent; loan_ 04,000 00 00400 rennsylvalus Emir suor2gage - mix 11. Gent:spends • • LIAO 00 10,000 6CO shares; stenk:Gettasntown Gag Company, interegt ,' pitgoipal . srarenteed •br the utty:ot rhillt delotua • • - 11.800 DO 11,200 100 shares • Fennsykingua 12.altnaad Comnany_— • • 1,900 00 1,000 280 cares tveytk Ye road Conrcany ' 100 00 .1,000 BO ahares'ehitadalphiatUe...Boa2ttnd Steam 'Pris•Complaavr: • • IMO Oil PIO II shares Fhiladelchta ant - EaTre-te- Ogees Stearn 'sow-boat COUM&ICIT. ISO 00 1100,2 shares': Philadelphia" Exchange ' - " _ • • —; • • LOX 1 skiing Continental 11.oteI.Ce.— . 1111:15. • Re66,7Xicer. . lost 1110,836...14. Market ea1:4150/14 71 =la recieirelne, for uulefen?!* 1714 W a. Bonds and $4.600 ea. Reel estate •—.1.1 ." " ' - ; ; IlOimoes die ewes , — PoBme,iime en : „. 4 tine Pellet • Itits d el ta dlil " •- 1 tee CORI • ." • . RiAtati *trip IltltiA iu niliOnlPtlttrailleil letiver 474 WI • •• • ' 14111111; limb ea kain ..33,1171 LI It erswer—..— all X - E ytj.tifinsKarts, A. Tkooptii[vi rNallliFfe Yenrcao 7, „ J. 0. Jame* Tutqualr - • Dr. R. M.*Ealitaa.` r. C. lislpF, azk, Cratca , .._ _ evgatrit' . • - '1•11.1 • ' WHOB. 0 iLETIAT Jeniarvicrt... lax - 11‘suRatioz-::Ex oLusultaf - u-4.7 urnia.peancenVA ` ruat FIRE )I BSVEANCIf t a Wii - itt ° "97l,lllr i T l = a t A il l . 1. , T l: L itrati fide Square. . t ~ ii This Oompany,' favorably kniiiinito the tiOmmunitY.` for thirty-six years, continues to insure against lou dr ti damage by Fire, on public oronvate Buildings, either) permanent) ,or.tor a li mited tunes Also.'on'F • ' l . stocks -o .. or Merchandise generally; On` terms. •-# .•.r.oLu u; Their' Omuta. together iritii a large &alas 1 2 5041iii.f invested in the most careful mamieror ioh. thawto onar to the Inured an undoab me tir In' the ease of leas. .ta • q 3iff.i)vo. , Sr' " -:, v7t-1 f:.!.:;,..., I Jonathan Patterson. . ggiaa:PLahlakaray Qyantin Campbell, Thomas Itobin. - ,".' Aloxander Benson, Dismal' Ilmith',.4l.;,- '" , °, William Montelins, John Brratei96 = •,,; • • Thomas smith. .tt ~ ,,:::-.: JONATHAN PATEERSONa galltalgt— WII.LIULY . ChoDixt./., Seera . . ....i:c. • ..:.: . . PS SU RAN OE 00 AI P A l 4(tbtXtlit ' TA . FE OF rEiIIiZYLVAITIA74 , II.Z : AND - M4V.i `ll.lll_E 1243141.4.A0Y: lAct. 4 AAD:11:-EXONAlllia 111111L6 Dlll6B. - F 11 i ,lilts ' e bartered in lni—Canital 820040-- • . , auk. vain. , 4434,7011 Tr•- -1.•:, t , .. t...• 't • t .•" . ..rt r,•.-',-, •4:. All Invcoted in reng_4 - - anAliiirAilatlo. mosantio•--40‘n-' tin** to inane on vasislo.Lan j•uargoe• • , 11Ailtinn; *tests of Bler•inr.dua&•Ain nooril-inktnise ,f: - - - - DLX:JEOTOItii;:;. t I •:••••• -- 'll -- -.- -• Ears D. !Ike/Tort. filers* li . . ISiiinr — i; :.;. :: • i l e V i rz i o: I= .; ~ eval l lreat,ar t + , ...... -,-- Winilla B .l l initki - ' s Theta itilefiiii...7. latiL L •Bal i ti t : ,S- :V 7 - 1131 -- ''' , 2I , IIOMULN .'.• „..,.. , ••• IkaabbiriTe' :.' •.- „......._* ••• .......- lIP qt y r lredisak. 1 " MM. L'AI M MA '••)UOSTIP .1%.:i ..7 ::%!•15.11-$l%. • Fil :- ' ,= triattkiikrtillillolaNlC43', lieslimfavE aohipANY.;:f -Pkll Vil,C.11.1):; 135 North 81.rili fltreetpbelew'itene. guild:. ince, lboods, and.: l 4erehandbtez.ginerallY i • ' • load sib dantar,e by Fire. .e sortrotto• nzirinteie:to - , &drat 111.1' Itteitarprrononny, and tkarebYquene te . nuartt..tke, nators.- - ant ef tke public ..1.... , .. , : . •':. iv • . Wll4lil Witalls . Robert irlitr", .Franom Cooper, Michael bLo yi ..; &gorge L. neeckerty. Edward•biti ' verni'.....' ' James Martin, , Thomas I).lllecepideltl. • Junes Dareoe,. ear • Jelin ti)irjay, , .,. ~, . .' Franc Frabli."'_.' "" • L a t g l alt i ljtitT i ! John Casand_y; ... .' • • - 4 Ihemaa J. lientpaill, Bernard R. - Wakayama.: • . komee richer, t - -.. - : , 4 !. Marlon Clare; • rani: Kolitonu r • • ••••••••••:Michael Cahill. , • , , ~ •-' f' .t., ".... ~.n FRartata-COOPES,'.reaidenti''' .talt*AilkjiAlPF.E2.7Y4 , B.4oretarr. • •-••- eetta-bf '5 , . . .. . AMERICAN FIRE INSUEANOR . :OI -. 11(00iPOILATED 121:10 (MASTER :„.1.3.1t,- r . pritiski,. 1 , Ais" 310 WAIXI7II etreet r above Third, i'hiliefiiitli4 1 iiiiria Carte paid-nr:Caylital Stook, and ;Surplus, in monad andiavailahle&corities,oontinues be or. Dwellings 'Bteres;Piumitnre, Merchandises , gazebo in pert Nue their car soes;and other person/hi. t=tedg property. Allis:sea liberally end promotlY,adi listed, . Ithci.4. Maim, 1 ' John T. i.“; 21 1 ,;.. :•• • . • John Wllsk, ' James IL Cgaphall; b , ' - 'llaineel . Morton. Edmond G, Dubai. - Patrick' ilk!, Chu. W. F 0 4 14,7 0 .: ...,- le l3..Priasig4 . Al lil EAT C. 3. 0 9 599 1 11.10 : leoretarr ' • ILA AL 1 4 1111BACIITZ ;INSURANCE "IX)ISIPA - -. 4 - 2 NY —Attkortziml espitil. F"),009 7 4 quays! PUPEtIII.. , • 1••1 7 1 '.111.11.0 GPI. , • . oe 6:113. W AIA III T -J IMIMM1 11 017,011: 'lndra, MI4 Firartk a inlet; rldiadelpM*;:t t••• ' • • Irma Clo_mpany, Will isuneril admit lw lir lialigii.l7 Mr*. en BaUdniii. ritrEtattalainett, g 1 . 11.- rgl rll . ", 116 - 7131 ‘ • /71111fIliilaill " Ml Yolmei•Aglalljl,_ll4B frinskts. Wald buirai r m:&ildralli, li 0 Ingag/0 - . L l ' l' 'gab Eskeri . ,. e ^ .. 7 .l6 .o l 9Piltifitinik ':' I .‘ r tker... , • J• 14.12 Kets t ,..... r nam. _•• • s Anclamlei. n. , - . I .11*.0 1...1,1 i wit. PJiWa .. , ,1 Ini iitsr. ' 'J. E. lisi • " : - . • .. • •-: , ' JAISOA WIER aresideit. . ..... .. WM.Y. DEAL Ties Trimad• a% W. LIMB% iftirotaxi. snail ": 1 . XIALI).NOV:INEURANPIP; COMPANY BONNE Ni.o9 AVAlZEo4:otreet. •••••1440iLiiiiX0/4 44,7E444e5, sal Me rohamilat" vire» tenam: sakettlimite4 or Pin ' • .)11suitti., ',lrdomsallrardi; - . • • • 1990449-3:- gluirles•Thoptissa. ..jtabg4o l ; • Jame' 7. Hale.: • • • . ;• • Jorhag. T. Owen. - a %Role •• - • .-Johat.L•eritattisi: •• • • .. , *olillift BONLUaIii•PW.%•• . , JOHN Q.. GIN tlODO,,sysiir 00R. 8150retan', • , ( 1 i! • t pHILARELLiPHIS TZIEII,Sr4.I,CI,Dr-A' . .. . r . 21 WORKS, Olen and Ware-]looms /010 ORES7Xllllltreet. Ornamental 0/limner Top& •- • - 'garden VAIUMI and statuary.... KnOrstuttio Flooring .1tle:. I.rokiteotunal.Organients. enttiating and smoke Final. ridge Tile and Sanitary War n. teem-treated Drain Pipe. -, ester l'ire, warranted tentage!' • - tTr Etige h a e n s ij a iag l7 llt e igirguh 'lk ~ t v Illstrated Ca aggro gent .Ant,na.i: :r:,:_ ail as lADPll•4tion DI 111 d V-1 ZIA 11.747 gt) • , i.,,,,A. tail olif .814,84, 1 ..... .L .. . BIiiOKEIRELi; HIRRING;; SEIL&Di-.1 •KON, &e.--3,000 bbis. MOSS flee. I, L sail.iqg i tg. " ee e t;t m e-l i e r i nx t a tl Itir, ! I ,l ll.alls °..7 l flYP ll ! .., . .... 1 ,-0 tibia. New atattrax. Eletvert, and labtantti I 0*4.:. Of ehoiee quantal. U ..-+, - - - •• • •,.• z t boxes extra:new sealed Ihrrinte. ..- boxes extra new fio.l jlerAnge. AIM boxes lary,e•MagOini.llernngs. ' , .. • • !Nobble. blaelodnae White , nelt. , .: ; , . 10 bble. new &Quoin) , Mena ilium!: . ' , • , Si bbls. new Halifax Salmon. " 4 ' , ' ' ' - 1.000 Quintal, grand:Ban it Goklak.' ;'• ', ': • , SOO boxes Xeriamer-eoanty Oat,wal .... --.. : ..- ..----: In stare trl,lanillng.feralva r , • /let 0,9•19?4*... • ...414'..0 ITer WACAXD Ailii:4444oljialiatip: a. from faltierbool; ltandiii; Niteavie, dl ; Maaduis 2S Ibs..l9Atraol riti,l9.l.llbianti.ll`l. - , MS Ds maraca yosoyaial,LA x & pm,. • _. 50 Ills Extract uadoanawn 1 biarst •193 Ds Extras; tourist, 191191ars. • 60' Ds Virt.ltal Colshioi;pLlJlt•bottleit.-- -.---• — 190•Ibs 01. animist Root.. at 1 lb bottles. ?. 509 Ds (Salome'. to I & bottica. ' . . ' WI Ds Lii it stlrtm ~111 111 jam. ' • . •• ... WETHERILD .9. BROTH - EL. , ' )1. _.:sittl .. 47 and 49 North 516COND Street.'' EMT QUALITY . BAX)YINU SLATE aI ALP-1r an luitimplLeate 11 , .. 1rArikut i Ilfl stron. gireol:il=§ apr " " -.- " P Hi LAD Ili Ikayl'A' AND,RBADINO.RAILRO&D . . - . 5 for POTTSVILLE READ raligir nit. BURG , on and after Slay '2O, UAL .. . I /6(3 LI ki.S, DA.11. 0 .7 1 45urty1.ex04014,. liirgreVin t ftit r iliEiraik t , .(r4ls u n i n i n l l3 l ;• - en: tranoes on Thixteentii_and.on.Gallpwaill stracts.,)4l2. A. M., connecting at ttarrisbiarg with the PENN, VANIA RAILIWA.DI:.P.2I. emit; gillininr. t q . rm.-. berg : the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1,06 r. M. train II UStlielet to. • and the I r ' u 4(3r4iti o ßTl Ch q s fil i gt r i kAILRO/D 1 1. M. train rennin tb annobri. So. , L _ ° ' : • • , AFTERNOON LIVES. • • • tines New Depot. corner of BROAD and CALLOW BILL Streets. PEULADELPHIA, (Peeeenger . .. en trenoes on thirteenth cud on Cellowhill: greeted for ° POTTSVILLE and : RAARISBORO. at-11l P. M.. ...DAILY, oonneoting At H. arnsbliDl with the Northern Central:Railroad. for nnbury, Willlamsart, , Eirraira. so.; lor READIN 0 on l y, at 6 .P. M.. DAI , (Sundays . . . .. 1 ItIriMISS VIA PRILADELPRIA AND READ • LNG RAILROAD. ..- Pima PRILA.DILPIIIS., Miles, To ' trentx-rille--. ra. --.--- •. - - • . • •- —• . . eliding ---:-...-*-*-- a ban0n—......'......-- el •' , - g*Lehnrg_.—.......lia . I a9atiin-4.t.14:-.lli • , iliersburg...:.ll4l2 1 ir ( v-ertonJtinatl . r 1 bury--::..,.... ...---. I orthtunbarntadi/ / • 1,ewi5hugg........4.4..1 Milton ...•.:::`,.:4z—. : • (minor -- ' .........117 '., .Wiiiiitingaii.rt —. 30 • , Jereer Bhcrra.l r ~. -Raitegr::-.4.....—na • 111011-::.:o.--4--2381 • • . ray - • **" . ,........:.20 'Williamsport and Elmira mira:.......«.... •287 ' 7 ' 'Railroad. ..• . The irs. M. and SIB P.7-Nl., trains connect daily_st Fort . Onnton, mujoi.lB4B exoepted,)•with the CATAWISSA. WILLIAM&FORT, and ERIE RAILROAD, makipt close oonneotiOns with line," to Niagara Falls, Canada, theliVest and aenthweat. .:, • • . .D POP /nr-PIULADELPIIIAi . Corner of BROAD and ALLOW/ELILL screls_ta t :.......,_ y, , setThistary. _.... , .W. 11.111.01 1 AUKILIVE May sii. lasi,a . -....J .... •• .. ~" .. mrso-tr ARRANUE ER T. IPININIKLEN L-..'rritratlELPßlA, GERMANTOWN, AND NORRIBTOW/t itAILR.OAD.• On and afterlionday, Mar 15,1851. " : .• • .. • • • GERM.ANTOWN. • ••• Leave Pluladelptua,• 6,7, 8,0, 10,12; Iriti.H.; 2; p.p.: 545. 4, 6,6.0417, 8,9, lON. and 1 1N P. M. ••• Leave Germantown 6, 520;9, 10,22,42 A. 1124 LI 8,4 j, 74, 0,..1 , 0 F. hi. The 8.18 .2“.01.• and 8.30 r. Trainii stop o f Herman teAll °WY'. auriDiya. • - Leave Phllidelplus, 9.06 A . M., BN, 6, 7 N, and 10$ . M. r • Leave Gejl i nzp r o RD - Vatt m a:2llPA and 03i P. M. Leave Philadelphia, 5,8, 10,12 A. MA I, 305. 4, 5,11, 9, are Chestnut Hill, 7.10 8 8.40, 9.40, 11.50 A. M.,1•40, , Ldp. 7.1 J O 8.40. and 20.)1; M. • : . T h e BA. and 5.35 h.M.Fir il l Make no stops on the 'lllermantown road. t.:::.:: • • • • - . . • ON erutniiis. • " ' Leave PhiladelphlewiLoil A.•At. c 3M, 5, and 73( P. 51 . Leave Chestnut Hill, 1.80 A. M.. 11.10.:6.10, and-1.111 • - F CoilfiliOliOaKEii ANi ORRiei OWN . Leave Philadelphia. 5.50, - 734,' 9.00. 11.86 1.85, 5.05, 115, 1115, S; and 1.155 M.' Leave riorriatoWn, 9,7, Snit, /1"A, M., 135, SM, 504. and 91.1 P. . pa - - 11. • • Leave PhiLsdalphia. 9 AA.t tt N.. 5 and SP. M. Leave Norristown, 73(41. M. 1 and SP. M. • • ; I,POR MAN AY UNK. • • : Leave Philadelphia. 5.50, 7M, 9.06 , 11.05 A.M., - 1.05, 2.03,3.06, 4)8,8)8;8, and 11X P. 112. Leave Manayvinki 1135..73i, 8.861934,11'1A. M., 2,3 X, 6, 7. and 10 P.M.', •• ;., ' :.'ON:1410DNY12::: •• • Leave Philadelphia., A. M..8:6 and 714.1";_91,.. Leave Manazank w. MA.•AL, 654; and 9'?. - 914.4 N.,oeneral,flopkrlptendenr.)- )1. 1 ,3 817.;- . N.134T14. gild. GREED' attain:o4- N,103 n SNOW II On, _ !Small E. !Static. F. PsaistanlTF. Et Rewar ariZrn H. Jayvee Ilantotr . a Tittilatut 0: • -ttebtZt Bureq l 6-N4lti rt ri a4 aiek u lk maim p. t • JONA. gabaltiPliNiMarg. 4 11 .A.L.N41NrCiA,L•yar NA ND. YIN: A • ratan. -aolftsat LIVANS • &<-WATSON'S! , : .. sA_LemARAVsArEs. o . II 7 Vr i t S t • 4. if r uFtmw j Antur, _ At m nistow - mr - Zowigrn .12rj. OAD LIAE MCI - . . • Philadelihf end Ree d i t and Lebenon Vadley.R: It.; • .tiorta Central auxbitry awl ktrie • • • • ••• •••••.,_ ••••••••• •• T HE PIiNNSYLVANA:I6/ANTAAI •- • p_ottio it tp l i * • toe bi fNA :DO.O L Tifict/T22. • 861' '-:IITEINPAP!wiTI' . 1 • r. .18ffll_. THE CAPACITY OF TWO "top DS NOW ERATAIs . TO ANY 121 , 111 E. uNTRY:' THREE THROI.I3E , P,AISB LAGER . TRAINS • BETWEEN: -PHILADELPHIA AND - PITTSBURG , . • Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains , ' from Boston, New York. and all ants East, and in the Union Depot at Pittaburg, with Through•Traine and from ah points in the West, northwest. and Southwest' —thus fornishing.faallities-for tthe transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by et/err route. predlrattd Fast Lines. rah'to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conductors. All Through Fassenger Trains provided with' Long Patent Brake—speed :under Terfeot , control of the *engineer, thus adding =mato the safety of travelling._ Smoking Cars are ettaohed to each Train ; Wood retro Sleeping-Care to Esprees and /Fein' Trains. The EXPRI.'3B RUNS pAthy : Mail and Fast Line,: Sun days bar gain leaves N. Line - net e A. ;, ExpT_pino Train leaves " _ " .1 • • HOB P. M. WAY: TRAINS LEAVE MS FOLLOWS: qm - epurg Aortorrodation; via Columbia, 2.80 P. M, UOl tail DIA 4.60 F. M. Parkesbnrg ' • , . at 6.40 P: M. - ; • Weft Chester, " No 1. at 8.16 A. M. • • No. 8. at 111.08 P. M. • West Cheater Passengers willotake• the West Chestier. Nos. 1 and BArrisburr accommodation and Columbia; Trams: • ' ••. . ' „Pammngers for-S7V Wllliimmiort, Elmira; But ralo;risagara•Faivir :Intermediate points, leaving' , Philadelphia at LIR" . opfl 11.30 P. M., go directly through.. 1 .4.c. • Tigkets Wester brrobtained • at-the !offing of the Cortipany ,Thliadelphliti.New ..York,..:Bostoni or ,Baltimore ; and Tickets Eastward at end , of the impor tant Railroad °Moen in the-West.; also on board an of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio rtir . Fere always as low, and time axis utak. as b 7 alaY other Route, For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The completion of the Western oonneonons of the Pentlybrania Railroad toOhicago, make this the //INEPT LINE. BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE --- 7- - 7 --- — tilihrf Vitirr, _-- _ 111fe eorineetion of tracks by the rtaurosa Bridge a% Pittablirg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantages readi- ITAPPgeOlated br ShiPPers of Freight,. and the Travel ling-yobbo. Merohtints and Shippers entrusting the transPerPt {ion off their Freight to this Company, can rely With ,00nktlenoe.on its speedy transit. TILL - RATES OF. FREIGHT to and from any point in the West by }he - Pennsylvania Railroad - aro at al/ wpm or firliteteible „es . ors ciarrod b y pair Rat:read e ftgpow i iii . . r . X •.;...... ' . - 111r - Bepartieelegle mark packages " via Fennail vania - For Freight Coritratitg or Shipping Directions, applY to, or4address - either of the following Agents or the Cernitni: • : D. A, Stewart; Fittstnirg: )1. S. , l'ieree a Co., Zo.norrille. o._; .1t J. lohnoon, NlP ley, O.; R . McNeely, Maysville / Ity._; Ur - ns, by & (iron per, Portamoh, O.; Paddook. &...cti.,-...leffetsonville. iottoul.:. H. w • brown & Co., .Cineinnatt, O.; Athena et bbertillOinoinnatii 0..;' , 1t. C, Meldrum, Ma , droon, tdles.D.;Moore,, Louisville, Ey. ; P. 13..0"Diley & 4, VISIZTIi !V, . Ind.; N.. W. Graham & Co., Cairo, .1 ]l.! aria ' abetter' a Glita,St. Loris. blo.•,__John ; Earrio, Nashville, Tenn.; Barns ;Et' Hunt, ftlevA p s, oltenz.; Clarke & Cu., Chioago, 111. W. B. N. l(oonts, Alton, ILL' or to Freight Agents o f /111.401141 at different volute fthe• West.- • - • • it. KINGSTON, Jr. ,, _Philadelphia. . . GRAW & 1C00N13, 4 110 North * irtreet, Baltimore; • CH & C0..1 Astor Bonne, Or i S. 'William at., N. Y 'BEIM & C0.a10.71 State street, Boston. . cr.: , . : 1t.ja.....4005T0N, Gen!' Freight. Agent, - Philo,. ( y-. ,x.. i.PCP7, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Phila. i -,., •• , E...b.8n L WIS. ilien'l Buret Altoona. Pa. - , Ja&-ir ; .1861.. Mpg , -16 . 1. 81/MMER ARRA.NORMEIMYORIt u rffIi. ir r .:41211,20_ OAM.D.EN AND AMBOY _MA .t.tfp TRENTOI4 RA OAD-_(2_o ,, ~ t .... 0 ,id.. PluM PRILAJOSDP.II 1111) MEW ~,,_...,1 ~, YORK Alp WAY PA,AC • - . .nolli Illraztitrr-ar. 'truss inn sysitsmanox ,111.55 '' • Will I.SAVE Ai 2 7 01,L0WN1, VIZ : 1- - . ,- - x; ?AXE. • Al 2 A. M., via fusion and Alabey, O. and A. A Cl tleaolsti•n ~..............---.:-.*---13 If Al 2 A. 1 via Camden '&24"JaraY• • oisf. (X. J.) 1 . Assosustedahon—....— - I SI 'MA A. Si.,, via Camden and Jeres7 Sity, Minting 1 . Ataii_... . ........-,........-.-: -..........--......:--.....-- 200 'At 11% A:46. trOtßasolitiiten . and Jenny • City, . . Western ..mprese. —___-..--..:-:......----. 3 DO At um P. M..,vta Ottladea_and.Aetbsy.,Asseatme ' - ..flattisit.-.:-.;-...:.......--..r . .1........:_,._._.-.....:-_-::...._......_ 5 15 ,','' 42 P. M., Via - Camden and Anahoy, 0. - andA....,71-- ..:...:-. - -f—:-....-. , -;-: : -.._ a Du ; Ai .- I,2ll 4 B nAntltemidl4eramatty, PA,- , - 590 s li m s .P - I;r l OnXitrat and lemor City, st , I. . --:. ..„•-• 2 2s 1 It sr. M.. Via Osanden' and J•nsey My. Evonint - I "Mail •. ---- sfe At,. M., via Camden aterlireey'OltVillosik . ern all- 3 -_.-..._-- ..... ---.X'.-- 500 ' At i P. 2d., nip . Oesidtts42. ~.and Jersay,OLty, jkx Clan Tteket...L....-.-.4..:....:.,.,....4,' At 1P.a... tlargeen essi 4 useerltr t -, , tie3 i (Freigat sad Pasaencer) , Ass ip t o , ale. - ,tle. . . 241 T 1 . ' .. Vas . r Irvin law lityrda.,;-ir c k. T , , . -, ern Mail. date - Mari eioldatadX: l r- , _ , 0 .-', O '-:' ''f* '',..•t,' F.;. Wat e r Ill&trieltrrattlabille Firaliftritall ........t . . 'Montrose, *teat nont,'- feet . 2 * 2 .d. Lro ......r.rllf.l ' Xis Dolawarelisilfeiwatriatindl_ esterrn ‘-' ' - For Maush O benk, APostorra,-PmtliNtijots - Kasten, basabernittle,'• 7 FiLisingtint,', at .14E4 1 % P. M. rrons roOington 4 l2o t., 'Otte Ms A: . ima eanneett you tus:leaviair ~ . . yeit-Brauck ;Ohtnk at 1.111-/CMO , x , • • .. ~, .:, .!-' • . ~ . , per Meant Rally'ilit Said . 1 . ,Fer,inesield,st2 A. 21 and 2 . t' - ,'' • -- , . . .., -, .-,,....wingjarg 2. .- C.: .. -•..-. - Fir Briisou irrialtam;:_aftw . armestfle. iNifjad.bX Y . M. Irani ' t atzeet wharf:. exatiagsen,• and 7:, ".. 1s,;: eiMitt-'. `. ,almilsrerton, Dolan's, Bover*.'‘.l2nrlimr - t..a en Mamie!, t rdentewa..l,c, at DM: ';',' 2 •VfiStads Steamboat Trenton, for .g * ordentown and laterreedie Choi* at t}i" P.M W : from aanut-street wharf. , . Mirn - or - Plew - Yorkend Way - . Lines leamaKentytok , repot; take-the omit, on Fmk street,' above', yealunt t au" an.hour berm - departure. 'Who • oars ran - 111;4,th 1 ;. 'jot and on arrival of.ettob,train, tun. from the 4509 .".'.1?.. Pounds:of Baggage; only allowed eaoh, - Passen, 5.. Pawnor, sre'ottatinited front taring - alarthintar , gage No proirwcaring apparel basins* ov er, . y ponnite 16 Ply pald , for e x tra. - -The Company.. li mit Asir rmbidbilit74or . basessifteOzte lloilanper patina; and Will not be Liable for any smiting bin pii. : ll9qc, p?.. 7. : mt . by speeial eentraot, "- • • • • ._- ..,,..: , . ': inhN - 1 ,WM. 2 1 :1 1 1 1 Atz.MEL-Arer.t...' ...... • • - ... . ...;- p.6ea4'PRR AD. FOR • BETH—prt 716, HO fifA ,HHH.NR, HA ' 6 tY 14 w a L. ir , WiIdIESIVIRE ..k.e. • ••• ,_ THREE Xif 4 triim RAINIL ..: it- • . On and after klOrt DAY. MA BI L IMKIe F Trainsiri I I lame P,Etorrs and Yr W4treltnlZ. L dolphin, daily. (Sundays exceetett). anionows : At 6.40 A. M., (Exoress) for Bethlehem, - ABortnalrnt Marsh Chunk. Restettet, T ipticeoborte..&*..... - ' ~ • - At 2.11 P. M., tExplatt 1, orliottllokom. won, &a.- ; This train reaches Easton ate P. M. and makes slot* eonnoebon met* flew Janney Central -for flow York. ~ At la! P. 111 ...,1 0 r:,Minkbeilizt. Alliallown , Mecek Clank, ma. ' n •,•••-...* • i ,:':a ~•• c , -, ).1 .At 9 A. M.,and Cy. M,,fol;VeTlealgalr4 i . ' . - At MAO A. M. amid& F. IL, for Fort Waslungton. , :',7 • The 6.40 A, -m., _Entire= tram makes *lore conneodert with the Lehigh .Velley; Re.iiroad at Bethlehem: below the shortest• and most desirable route to WiLiceebarra, ant to allßoints 111 Om Aehigh ooal_rwon b . . -.. ^..- TRAINS! FOX fitIILABEI..I9I . Irllave ISetklettom St IA A. M.. IA A. M ., and IA 1' X . .- .n , _ riat-.4....., ..- . Irealnli Doylootomo, At MB A 4k ,Sl/1 P. M. - lea 1r • Fort Wilanington at A, N. and 9.30 .M. O H , XIFADATIL.-20.114.11 11 9149- Botitlettein at 9 A M. • ; Fidladelphia for Doylestown at 9 - 1% - ii. * - -- Dorlortown for Philedelrie at 6.40 A. M. hi - • Bethlehem for lladelp at SY.N. • - , , Fare to Bethlehem-01 20 I are to M_anoh Ohenk,o2 60 Fills to - Bastou 160 I Fare to wilkesbarre- 610 • Throng* 'Vtoltem_must be procured nil the Tiiiket °Roes, at W1L1.. , Street, or BERTH fitreet. in order to secure, the above rates of fare. , - All Passenger Trains ( elooptitutader Trains) =meet at Berks Street ' with Fifth and ninth-streets, and reload and Thito-streets Passenger itailroads, twenty mutates attar 1•1011121 WAIOW_Ake•t; _' • - • -. . . • -J .- ,•-• 4 ' - fikikla ° , wax. Arent. • ' • . a'. 10410 i AMMAN g*: I '. NV .-I.I4II4DELAWA,,, ALI .IY rj k ai • : . Oxx..II.AELAOAu.I‘. •On tad' y 0 I• • , APR1.1.016,186_1„_.... PAIMENOsit rut • • . 1. •PHUsst.LBLF.ILLArr For - iialtimoro tat 15.11 A. M., 1146 A. M., (Exereeuht and. 10,10 P. M.' , ' , , F Y.i c, Clhestsr , at 1,11 A. NG, IL3III. M.. AM and - tO.lO , . , Far WlLlalnzten at Sal A:::14., = BIG ,6.11 , 41.111 aid for II evr, Outs 'at' o.lo,,C,W,niet dill P. It. sr Dover -a_411.11 A: : styliplill,Y.K. • . For Milforirit SAI Ak ~ ..;;;,..3. 4 1ft '•. ' . ' • • Par Salisbury 11.11:46 I a r .... 1 , : --•-.. . ~... .. • Ailaveltaltttacyaatl.l4 _ ..', ' fa A.M. r and tAt ...11L . _- . .., • - ' y : • - 61 1 1 "?,;(4.llo4l'l.ll A. IL, 3.1, awl 8 ni• ,-, I . . • ~... - . . , In iii y. typiary d t al r '24lp l .,llE•l4l;; • avii vig et cair - A. - I.6,i'itiiiy. N. k _. /I' ye NanyClantle dt 8.141 . A.M.:4IIDP -11% ~... Ital. r i >ceiva cliaatery at 7:40 A. M., 1L 1 4. 2 -ff,eik;. , , , ?;_."' A . • , • .. ....Leave balnyaors far datiaortl7 all. ."'".•"•• r' MM at ADA. Id. • . - '..- + witiUlle FOR BALTIMORE, : ".Attava Okeater at &ea A.,14..12.011 and 11.20 r:Pi.. . - NW!, :Vltitabuton at LA" A: m.;' 12.20, P." AL, sad 111, ritraiour TRAIN, tiliti'Palcanter , Oar &flashed, '. I . 1 , I ntl run se follow.: •-. • • . - . • Mare Pknautsluiti a for Porryvilie and intermediate Piles' at 6.110 X.m. ' -' . :- - Mayo VlllianoLten far Perryville Sid iatanasiUsta lases at 7,,U1 P. m. .• • • - '. dates Wilailn ton for Pkuletehaust mai sataryaa Cate plaoe. St I . 83, O- ~, leave NATI* a7Grayip *Bahian" antatamed ate stati Baltimore „1/Li,..1 1. - % __,,,j: __,— 4 ,..;,..:... a ' • 1 LOST• for mamprel•-11 1 / 1 1151P - illil awrimmirm, Ma 111N101:10 1114 . 1,p,, , 1AL '• •- ^ .• - ?,,:,...: * :•:•.• • r • • -1 I, r . ;ei , slin - icyri:...,,--... o inxinenakdalianday, May 19, 386lotntiktaiIor ie.-. liete..'r.W.o,lrHAlNl 101 l yua an sundaydr. , .. ~, ~ : Leannt 'Philadelphia for Haltlmore ana . :o2 A. ,S. and 30.60 P. m. aed 7 --... 4ii I,_ ca ' allg a i timers for Phil ‘ adelPhis "tp 4. 11a,, ; ka4 7 mai: t .. 1. M. F)11.101f. heat/aut. . taLics . 7. PANUOAST. AIIOTIONEER, • Bac v.•• amor to Scott. Ir. 431 COLI3IIII`IIIT t. 11X,OF A . STOCK, 600D8, - 1 5 0 . T )ffe7itc• • .Op .WedneNdar Mornter. • :July' 2d: cielnitieneing et• 10.1 clock nreeitely. • Unfurled:will be found a general sAtorimniit of drew. Wrinteree aed children's hoaier.r- and. glajlr.rteel Forma hooped oviite.'oembe. notion.. ko. USES NATIIANS, A Ero T lON E /NAL APID COMMIBIION - NIERCHANIt, aouttliarl corner of SIXTH and RAoE.Btreeda. AT PRIVATE SALI, AT PRICE". TO SUIT THE TIMES. The following articles will be sold for less than half the usual selling price : • . - Fine geld hunting ease, donb'e-ease, and donble,bot torn English patent lever watcher' , of the most approved and best makers; fine, sold double-time kntlish. patent lever. watches; ..Independent-seconds,watches; fine gold hontlngLease aril open-face escapement' lever and lupine watches; horizontal and dupex watches , silver hunting-ease, double- mice, .and double-bottom English patent - lever. escapement lever, and latime• watches, of the- most approved pinker.- douL' ble -ogee aniii open-face ellvermatohes ; silver. Atu'artier. silver guhrtier and ihngle-ettse watches ; t i ne gold-vest; neck.' foe, and guard chains diamond , finger- rlngs,and breast-pins; gets of fine ol d -' gjuvrPlry ; *gold breast-Plua, ear-ings, fi nger-rings,. bracelets,,peneiPoases,'.ponsi andjewelry of every description ;•gung, pistols, ' musical instrUiriente, piano -fortes , and arUeles . MONEY To . Money advanced , liberally, for. any. length' of time" agreed upon. on -gold and giver, plate, diamonds. watOlme,Jeweirr, fowitzts-pieces,llll3lliMi Instruments, dry goods, clothing, grooories, hardware, cutlery fur-, ;inure, hedding, fancy . articles,- and on ail articles of vain°. CIONSI.GNMENLS AND CIITIDOOK 3ALEB CITED.• Liberal gash advineea made on a all itiolea oonstraied Sot tale. rereensi attentmri allout-door 68)431. ;TSAA - 0 kIATIIANS; AUCTIONEER; N. E: AL wiener of THIRD and BPRUCH Streets. , LARGE RILE OF FoistrKETEn PIADOEu By order of a brahem Nathans. 'broker. :On Tuesday , Morning:. • Icily 93, 3991 i at 93( o'olook, op:misting of gold .and , silver patent lever:arid . other watehr a. rold ohains, fiager-rlegs; breast- vine,rmdallions. panel! ones. ver ware, coatis, pante. yesta, shawls, dye:aka:l,lo4r, aseorderme, pistols. piano. ..NOTICE.—nit persons having eoods on deposit with Me over the legal langth'of time will oall and redeem the same, otherwise theywill be sold on the above day. ABRAHAM NATH ANS. Broker, • 't 'N.W. corner of BIXT.IIand . CALLO • .iflti•3ot* ruawAss, BRINLE & VO., _ . . 4q9 „ KKRT STLEVIt PHILIP FORD ';•t - TOO:; AItOIIOVOIER% No. 130 MAXXE7 etroat 'and .101 MC1101:11t. MEDMIKAL.. E 1 ,1.121R PROPYLAMINE, • • - ,11.;41 • • • ". The New Resellylor • :r• 1 JILIMITMATISM. UMns the pert _y ear ve`...hdve itliredneeditithelto- - . ) the pleplioal.profeentcha of this Isoilatrr Crystaiiirkkt Chtetsde of:Preay/owtme., U tt• ' , REMEDY POR RHEUMATISM: . . and .Ml.‘l3lt riitibited frOm . •,towity oorproes. both from ltultimane of the highest mambos . and from gattlentit.the . , fitoB7 FLATT.BALDIG. , .TESTI.M.O.tiIALIS • of its real value in the:treatment Of, this painful arid obstinate disease. we are induced to present at to' the nublio in a form READY' FOIL Ihiblltl)l6.Tß USE. whiotkwe hope will commend itself to those' who are ; suffering with this afflicting oomplaint, and to the me .dioat practitioner who may feel disposed to last the powers of this valuable remedy. IR 'PROPYLAMIN.E,, , in - the form above . keti of, has recently been extazunvely experimented with in the . • PENNSYLVANIA NOSPITA.L.. .•. and with MARKED SUCCEB3 (as will appear from par pdblished aooourtte:m.tbe me hioal iortrooug.)' •-• • ' slTlt is oarefolly , put up randy for immediate 'use, +pith - Toll directions. and =wt.. obtained from , all 'the . 1=040,1476 00Ati_Pei - bottle, atubßot W i 1101e155.113 of , - BIJ '•:••• • f. • LLOOK - fr. RE SHAW, • Dnazglata and hLumfisoturiracChommti. ' buintob ha. • • .I:ATTER M.R. . GEO. L. CROLL ; %K 2 "Afito fOr. Dr. SCHENCK'S 'Medioines . a. onn.riowzr.. Deuphin.Co.; Pa.. JuneS. /BC: HrJ.• H. SCHENCK; Philadelphia. Pa. _ ' • Sala Eta 'HerawitlYl mend%you a cart:inmate of one. o oar m o st respeotable ottizems,' who has been using Jourmedioines, and is now restored to health. I think ite vindication would affect the sales in.this neighbor 'hood. if you see proper to use it, do so, or direct me . .1-• Mr:Rammer is an old,reliable.well-respeoted. =din lauentle.l citizen. His word mould not be doubted by any one who knows him. and at present is the Chief Burgess of Alia town. Mr. -Ramsey is himself .a good advertieement. as he speaks for and recommends it more highly then the certificate mentions. Younctruly, GEO. L. CROLL. M7DDLISTOWN. Dauphin- Co., Pa., Julie 10, 1861. :Mit. 'GEO. L. °ROLL. Agent. • DEkit era t In my men. Illness, which was from neglected cold on my, brawn and langs. and whioh walk in a fair way of hurrying me to my grave. I was dr, much abated by the seventy of the couch that I could nor lie down nr obtain any rest, and this continued [or two weeks. When I heard at Dr. Boherioles Putmonto and Bea-Weed Tonto. I immediately commenced the use of them, and. after using two 'or- three bottleil of Syrup. I a perceptible ohmage: - The cough wan muoh easier, and mould rest much better. After using :two bottlecol Tonto and ten of by Met I have been te etered 'to health, which enables me to say I have full confidenoe IS Its effioacy if taken to time, and most cor dially recommend its nee to the affitoted, Itespeotfally yours, • B. J. RAMEY. • • • I ROF. WOPIPS ; RESTORATIVI CORDIAL BLOOD -RENOVATOR - • 1, Is precisely what Ite name. indiisates, for, whit 'pleasant to the taste: It isrevivifying, exhilarating, .and strenethening - to the vital yowls& It also re vivifies, reinstates, and renews the- blood in all • original purity, and 'thus restore. -and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It to th only preparation ever offered to the world in a popular f o rm , so as to be within the reach of all. So chem. - ally and skilfully combined as to be the most powerful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted as to act in perfect accordance with the laws ai . , eA- Sure, and lonics. soothe his weakest stomas*, and tone up the digestive organs. and allay alt. - nerve and other irritation. ,It is also perfectly exhilara ting in its effeets, and yet it _ is never followed by laeeitade or dePreasioni Of spirits. It is composed entirely of vegetables, and those thoroughly oom binine powerfully tonio and soothing properties, and consequently can never injure. • &fob a remedy long been felt to be a . deliderataM in the medical world, both I , : .i ii so the thoroughly. skilled in mednial .ience,- and - by all who have suffered feats de' Nifty for it needs no medical skill or knowledge even to see that debility follows all attacks of dis ease - and lays, the unguarded system, open to the attacks of many 'of- the• most dangerous to which oor humanity is constantly liable. SuctWfor ex ample, a. the following : Consumption, Bronchitis, Indigestion; Dyspepsia,. Lata of-Appetite --Faint nexa, Nervous Irritability, .Neuralgie, Pipitation of the Heart, MelanohoLy. Rypoehondr , Night Sweats, Languor, Giddiness, and that clues o enemy sao -fearfully -fetalX nattended to in-time, called Femals;Weakassses and irregularities. Also: Liver Derangements or.Tormdity: and Liver Cool-- plaints, Dmeasestif theXidneys; Scalding or In: continence of the Urine, or any general derange ; mentof the Urinary. Organs, Pain in.the Back,Side, and betweei the Shoulders; predisposition to slight (kilda; Hatikipg and Continued Cough, Emecistron, Difficulty in Breathing, and, indeed. we might elm ' merate many more s ti l l but we•have apace only to say, it will not .only cure the debility following Chills and Fever but nrevent - all attacks. arising ; trom -M iasmaticlnfluential', and cure tne mesas' 'at once, if already. .attacked. and as it ante directly andperaistently-upon,-the biliary system, arousing theldver to action, promoting, in feat, all the ax- I oretions and secretions of the system, it will infel • ibly prevent any deleterious consequences follow . ing upon change:of climate -and water ; hence all travellers should have. a bottle with them, and all ; should take a table-spoonful at least before eating. As it prevents costiveness, strengthens the diges tive organs, it should be in the hands of all persons ofnedentary habi ts: students, - ministers, Literati men ; and all ladies not-accustomed to much out • door exercise should always use it. If they.vrill. • they will - find an agmeable, , elessant, and efficient remedy against those ills which rob them of their beauty; for beauty cannot exist' without health. end health cannot exist while the above irregular - 1- racontimm.. Then, again, the Cordial is aperfeet other's Rehef.• Taken& month or two before the j. trial, she will pairs the dreadful period with perfect ease and safety. There is no mistake about it, this Cordial is all we etaimfor it. Mothers, try it ! .Atta to you we appeal to detect the illness or decline, not only of your daughters, before it be too late, but also your sons and husbands , for while the former, from false delicacy, often .go .down to le - premature grave rather than let their condition be known in time, the latter are often so-mixed ug nth the excitement of -business that if it were not m you they, too, would travel in the same down ward path, until too late to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we .nfidently appeal, for 'we are sure your never- Luling &Section will unerringly Eoint you to Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator, as the remedy- which should be always on hand in . time of need. 0; J: WOOD, Proprietor, 444 J3road - nay, New York. and 114 Market "street, St. Louis, o.; and sold by all good Druggists. Price, One Dollar per Bottle. Min this city by B. A. FAHNESTOCK fr. CO.. Nog, and 9 North FIFTH Street; HASSARD it. CO.. W.ELFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and DYOTT )4 - 232 North SECOND Street.. mta-rnarr4-mons.W tf_ • RAILKOAD ;.LNES. _.... . WEST CHESTER •, •RAMFLOAD . TR AI NS vie 114 BY VANIA-RALL.ROAD,' 'leave depot, corner VENTM and MARKET47treets, - at 8.15 A . 114., 11 voo "; 2 .90 Y. M., and 4 F. M... , .... OaoSunday, leave Philadelp hia at 7.30 A. M.. and West ;Chester at-4 P. M. - • •,' '. • - •• 7790-tf . . ..011181TBA A1gt.1. 7 -cPRILIDELYRIA . ,RALLROAD, • • • • • Yid litEna ' • • ‘: • SUMMER ARRAN GBartKPM. .0n and after MONDAY „Nine 9, 1 881 . the trains will 'leave P.HILADELPHIA, , from the Depot, N. E. ammo; of ElGliThENTHand MAII.ICIa Atteets,f at 7:45 an 10.90. A . M, and 9, 4.15 , 6 M. and 10-P. AI., and will lease the Station, corner of THIRTY - FIRST and MARKET Streets, ( West •Philadelplys_,) at 8.05 and 10.48 A. M., and 1.15. LSO 8.15. and 10.16 M. Lease.PELVI PRIA at BA. M. and P. M. •• ase W • pears C ER ate A. At. and SP. M.- - • Mraine leamiag"Philadelphia and West Chester at TA; A. AL mad 4.19 P. M: connect at Pennelton wi•h Trains on :the .Philadelphis and Baltimore Central for Oxford and intermediate points. .• • • MENEM , WOOD; . General An rinteadest. , mytf-tf artiggOWlCt rt . OnO.B.—OHMTBE ,YIALLEZNAILROAD.—PAN akiNG_RT. !')/R AMR FOR DOWNIII eTOWNA ND IN .WERM-RDLAWFASTATIfiIIt.--rOiland after Noy. 601. Ma,. the I.Famsenger, a. , for DOWNINGTOWN will start fro the new assentor Depot of the Fhila delykia and Reading Railroad Company, earner - of BROAD and OALJAJWAILIi 'Streets, (oexienger en t...Datalaatawit lasi.. at ea AY/BANDON TRAM for Downinittowe loaves at RIO P. rt D A rm ' , Rse e teye exeepted). , • ' • By orde. of the Board of ManagersMaiiet • kit and IsedlitsNo_licout Commy. • MottAKNNY4Abersiary. • •"'""••• PHILADELPHIA.AIM tßADtria RAILROAD co., ga.l3-784:4(th °" eetJ Pau,AtottrmaA,'A ril Iff, 1861 y SEASON TIOICETS. • • On ' And after May 1.1861:lesson tiokets will be nutted by this oompany for the penods of , three, rut, nine, and ,twelve months,. not transferable. Season sehool-tiokets may also be had at SS per sent. duleonnt. - - These tiokets will be sold by the Treranarer at (o. 927 . South FOUATH'llintet, where any further information` oan be obtained. • rtRADFORD,,* - • apta-tf i • 'treasurer. . ii i .... , •r . ,-. ..- . jr,LldliLit 119171%.-- - , • • , , IDJK/MDEIIIIILA: AND Eal.-- cc : X 101% to Tantaaaa, Cialawlasa, Da rt, w l ik. l a tr?r u r . 4 ila i rttptatnelt ra irtVatongraitill a=rar Palla,aogk•ater, OlerelL l 'a,Weiroi . 4 Toledo, Crae, li..‘e ' - Nilwaii.k,e, and all pciata ertk sad Yamenzar train, willies'', iluartew•Det4te Ike YU-- rAi i itlv a ttu u r n,„ 9, ii rcii,d ;utzl ny rti p ca d_ ).,,,kin irtre id dally (Itadays essagollp , f u r akevek Mats safe wa: - , • •. - • ~ • . - DAY EkiLL::.::.....— . - —3,60 4. I hit _......-3.16 P. 24. .• , ...... , no IA: al. - traiii•onteett at kaport, for 4,11.1 ma: 'an* - • turat • illeAantont and • all itationn on - the wilt, *lna D, 4 auv.tte 3t.K.Lpgge. ; Ike abdryo trains inajtO, rt " KI .. ink with the trains or th e Pew, ot and Erie, Caoandarzna and Ntarara" Peal". anillalfaloiNew York arid Erie, and New York Clon Illailroau, front all point% Pieria and Wog, are 10 an. itrri . . • Baggage el to Elmira, ; Danis, awl ,Illsaksialea JriVid iLteremaiate,Rolula.:, • - ' • - - • k.. i ate east „i•reetrel :at the l'illii4eleita and JISI- Iroa4 La r Ws *lake& Ones. aortliwoat nornor. of TX arid Oil i LW! . WY 15 trots& d E TIV nate r t. e, ire I.',Cilit'PßEfil • Parr , • Irma vo ~ ..• ItTraims• - - ix:,the aWf.eairkla arid Reading Dolga. rye.[ anA, kill A t m limusti . T . ifyitiz *as.* ...11';W::1111; " F ib Tti ftt ,ia- 43 ' !rf ae: a rledv il er g et balers : •,I1 r.x. i tio !awe L a j p"L=% o - ~,rx.tgal Ni. f . e 1r Isweassurkt ar- il l si• ts . , . _ , ~ . iiii, T. N•rtkesprier, fey =AN N wet AIIFT tines. ---__ - Biri P I F B . B .P 9 M4 N 9 IB • ..- ' •. —'"m "" till ..6.1) • 'IMP .-01.6401110 CIILESIM UT Btreeto ~ S ... a ... • At. - - OW 5 .. RlEgt ferviiiiiikaces. reajelutdiserk If etsei. .1 Epee,. eir bite earn :ilium er. - ii•FL2l5n wltk Aaiun' , real Clettroc.te. alls :. WirAll sat at al et SALT Itattricazt - . 1 'w . 7 , Mil 4 le a " 4 = 3 / MT}lomAs & B(c latild M3 • lbs. 13D and 141 south FOTIRTII street (Formerly Noe.", and 02.) BTOORR AND BEAI. ESTATE-30th JULY OARD.—We shall hold a large Bale on TO Kan Bah .net . including Mercer's eatate, by oye rr 0 14, phane Cc n rt. . Also. without reserve. Stocks, loans, Ste. ruinAc a ALFAS REAL EBTATR_AND ISTOCK4 AT THE EXCHANGE EVERY TUESDAY, at S o'olook, noon, during the butineas Network. la July to r i l Angina, only occasional sales. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE, yeir We have a large amount of real estate at prry otn sale. including every description 'of city and costar property. Printed lista may be hod at the 'mutton stnrat. .PSREMPToRv SALE--qTOCKS. On Tuesday, July so, At 12 o'clock. noon. at the . 'change, wm, ),,, in id without reserve, fo• account of wh.m it may conc,s 92 shares Stock Cinoinnati Passenger Railroad C o 92 .. .. Pamienger Raitroad Co. of Cinoinusli. A;eo. without reae , ve, for other accounts. SO shares Camden and atlantic flathead Ca. And without reserve, by order of eutectic, 430 shares North Branch Canal Co PHANS' COURT tHtLE-30th JULY 'VALUABLE D PLa.W ARE WHARF & BUF' • Our sale 3nth tost.urill Include tee Eatate of Mercer, aleceeeed—Laree Wharf, Leta? d "river Delaware and deraunoa street, adjoining per';r, and Mar the terminus of the Feminine( ' i t a pert'; • AS9IGvEE'B BAYS. NALUABLS WA UN Vr STARRT STORK". • Also; the 'valuable three story brick store, Iv, th Walnut street. 21 feet 9 inches front and 81 feet deep finiehed In best mem:ter. And a first- rate business num' . • VALUABLE toTOR.F. Art D 11W ELLIDIG. ' '"Also. the valuable three More brick Wire and duel ing. with three story bark beildinee, Nn. 918 Otrerl avenue, occupied as a dry , geode store, and an exoillent LARGE SALE or LTVERTOOI, WARE-01. PORTED PER SHAPPERSIS. This siornins. 7!d fast.. at 10 o'clock at the au ction 'atcre, ihs 00 tents of, twenty' orates Liverpool ware, 000 ,,,, nnt of tureeas,:sexetab!e dishes. bakers. pieties curs 4.iite bowls, pitchers, teaDo.s. RA W4lB. AO., ibrIIIMC tl dEm e. m. hle assortment.. to which we invite the st,s ntion of housekeepers. /whet keenens. dealers. and others. ' . • Sale Broad ants tspruce • treeta. Niler B.OUSEROLO FORM Mitt:. CITANDE 1,17,8.5, 01.1, ciArrae, SCHOOL DESKS. k.c ' . On Tuea4is.s.ale4i 9 r, ~ . .2'zia i„„b in e.. at 70 o'olooko e, st'tne fee, northme.t eonie , of Broad and iNoiloe ;manta the neat' Ircusehold finti: lure.. A leo, „fi c ,•ol dints and furniture. I , ll o %ft: t r et e o ap o d lop u k ten o . n u t a ile monartiot go. Also m . t a h y e be tito ex he a nL the mile. Sale at Noe. ISe and ;_ 4 / Month FSurlh etteet t r ai D BED9Di BUPERIOR FUitisITURE, r P ,R_VE II -PLierli MIR. BORA. PIAISO-FORTEs. 1, , .' BRUSSELS AND OTHER CA.RP I •734 Ac. i, On Thareday Ittorn:y•g• — At 9 o'olook. at the Auction :gore, 40 ; 13 e 2 rtment of egoellent geoond-band furniture, itiegal:' IT)11 P ° fc.FtP, , ftne mirrors, carpets. beds and.beddl/nr .k, _ .:*""IIM he.,, declining housekeeping, removed to ti." 6 wre la converuenoe of mile. Executor's Sale—No.3l6 North NINTH 3trero. riEAT lIOUSEIiuLD On Friday Moretti's. 36th Mit, at l 0 n'o'oalc, at N 0.316 North Ninth street, b order of therExenutors of °Wean Leeds, dessassd, the household and kitchen furniture. o'cloc Mir May be examined on the morning of the sale, at 8 k. FITZ?ATRICK • THMEEBB. 604 CHESTNUT St,, &bone 6,lth • • SAGES EVERY EVENIG, . At 734 o'clock, of all and every description of tssiot nd merchandise. . . Spiv:tat dey sales to astir consignors. 667"0ut- door sales promptly &needed tn. AT ktil.V of SALE, The stank and fixtures' of a Wholeisal and and atationery store. pom 1,000 Beams Commercial Note-paper, 60 cents o t , ream. 1,500 Reams of good white Ruled Letter-paper, cents pimp:lain. . 1 000 Reams super Bath Post Letter-paper, 31 coots per 1203 Ream s super Bath Post Letter -81 per ream. paper, g i lt edo. ado ..fteania Foolscap-paper, white. ruled. 6'7 per ream. 100003 - Fine White Envelopes, self - sealing from 73 to BE3O per thousand.,Pine Buff and Canary Envelopes, self settles, from 60 cents to $ l. OO per thousand. UNION PAPERS A II D ENVELOPER, 100 VO Union Envelopes. Resorted stylee. (nos (*lino at 31.1 J per thowand, or 16 cents p-r hundred. 100 COO Union Envelopes, assorted sty lea, (two eulen,i at 32 ao per thousand, or 21 dents per hundred. 1,000 gross etipenor Steel Pens. 29c , ros poi From Also. &general asa:r men tof stationery ninth fond in a first class stationery establishment. elss &hole to he soli. at a great sacrifice. in"order to close Me stock of a Wholesale and Retail Stationer declining ',mitosis. of - Lateral cash advances on cm.eigtmeota. for either • burn nr arms* sale Mg! lif 11: qO,O PENN STEAM ENGINiANI) BOILER WORXI3.--=-UAPIE & LEVY. PRACTICAL 'AN 1) THEORETICAL, ENGINEER& bIACEINIBIII. BOILER-MAKERS, !IL AMISH LTR4, and FOUNDERR, having. for manr ream. been in successful operation, and been exclusive:l engaged in building and repairing Marine and River i;clineir, flab and tow pressure. Iron Boats, Water Tanks.Proseneni. to.. ho.. respectfully offer their 'services to the Otlie, as being fully prepared to contract for Engines nt _pines, Marine, River, and Stationary, hiving gee e. patterns of di ff erent eines, are prepared to execute or .aera w i t h qu i c k de.pateh. Every descripbon tit Pattern_ -making - made at the -ehorteat notice. High and Low Pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the beet Penneytvania charcoal iron. Forceps, of all /nue and kinds; Iron and Braes Outings. of ell descriptioca: Roll Turning. Screw Cutting. and all other work 0011- fleeted with the above business. • D r aw i n gs on PpeciSeations for all work done at their establiehment. subscri b ers have charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock toom for re. pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, iks, to,, for raising heavy or light weights. COB C. IfFAFIE, JOHN P. LEVY, BEACR and PALMER Streets J. VAUGHAN MERRICK, 01111 1. COPE. WILLIAM R. MERRICK, IfARTLET SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pleasure Steam Engines, for lard. river. and marine service. ' Rollers. Gisaometer. Tanks, Iron Boats, &e.; Out ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gee Works, Workshoya, Rail road Station, &c. ..Retorts and Gee Machinery of the latest and moat improved construotion. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist hlilte. Vsouum Pens. Open Steam Trains, Decimators, Filters, Pumping Engine.. ELR. Bole Agents for N. Rillieu's Patent Sugar Boiling • Apparatus ; N esmytlea Patent Steam Rain mer. and Air- Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine: Pon - POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 951 'BiIA(,IT Street, Kensington. PbAndrlyine.—W u,- LIAM .Ff. TIERS informs hie friend, that. haeinc per °based the entire stook of PAtterne at the above rotm dry. he to now prepared to repel .e orders ler Rolling. Grist. and Saw- ii) Castings. Soap. (Sietmeal, and Rouse. Work, Gearing. Canting' mode from Rever beratory,, or Cupola Furnace. , in -dry or green sand, of loam. trot. SHIP PIN - WYNala OOMMEINIOATIoN BY STEAM . BETWEEN NEW TORT r. AND LIVERPOOL, nailing at QUEENSTOWN (fre e land,) to land and embark passengers and despatches. The Liverpool, New Yore, and Philadelphia steam tp, ship Company's spier:dui Clyde-bnilt. Iron WOW Mena ships, are intended to sail es follows: PROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL. 111 EDINBURGH Saturday, mu tt CITY OF WABRINGTON, Saturday. July rt GLASGOW, Baturdar, August 3 end every Saturday throughout the year, from F: }J. O 40.44 &. Y. O RATES OF FABERGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. Cabin, to Queenstown Of Liverpool-- B Do. to London, via Liverpool_____..---- pC Steerage to Queenstown, or Liverpool-- Do. to Loudon, 31 e Do. ketnra tickets. erailable for six mopttt, from Liverpool., -- IC Passengers forwarded to Aare, raris,R=Mrt. Bremen, and Antwerp, et through rates. Certificates or passage named from Liverpool to ass York.--- lie Certificates of passage issued from Queenstown to New York— chews steamers hive truperioravoommodarmas for Passengers, are eohstruhted with watertight ourvelt manta, and carry experienced Saner:Pas. For fr ei g ht , or passage , <V at the office et the Co l " Dann JOHN G. DALE Agent, ijA Walnut street. Philede:phis. ill Liverpool, to W AI.II4MAN. 'lower Buildings. In *Lwow, to W.M. INMAN. Is Dixon ,Idelia TEE AND 1101110 MADE MO' • SUPS. nom nsw toil to AMATeII& Chief Cabin Passage ---GIP Second Cabta Yuma— Pions !DEMON TO uncross. Thief Cabin Pazuraga RBI Second Cabin Passage— . The ships from New York call at Cork Eur. The ships from Boston *all at Ratfaz and Curt Aar bor. FER 2I /R , Cast. /interim AFRICA, Cart. annexes. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. CANADA, CAPt. J.Leirch. ARIA Capt. E. G. Lott. AMERICA, Capt. Bock . ol• AwriEALALLIAN, NIAGARA. apt. need* Copt. Cook. EUROPA, Capt. Anderres. SCOTIA, (now buildrett.) These 'vessels carry a clear white light Si mot heal • • green on starboard bow ; red on port Pow. . 1 3 AFKQA, Shannon,leaven N. York, Wednesdny, n r • lgliktOrli , Anderson," Boston. Wedneenny. Jet, , p. PERSIA; judktns, " -N. Ycrt.wednesdav , CANADA. Moodie, " Boeton, WA ,111,, d" • j°l ‘ n. ASIA. Lott, " N.York, Wednesday. 101 l ARABIA, Stone, " Boston, Wedneeday , Ant. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The Timers of these slogs will not be secnsutahle fr, oold,thlver; Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious SlC:et er Metals, unless bills of lading are fl,:cod therefor. sr.l the value thereof therein expreneed. For freotit . 7 S SOS. ts maid h. CUNARD.. Bawling Green. New y or. BUSIKESIS CARDS• -jOHN WELSH, PRAOTICAL 3LATX Road, THIRD Street and GERNIANTW O to prepared to put on any amount of floofing../ the moat moderate tonne. Wit guaranty to OOP Seery building perfectly water-tigh Orders preetet • &Standoff •to.: • JOHN ELLIOTT, WINES and LiQuoits. • 3/7 and 319 WALnu7 iStreet.(tAgq" .rral, between Third and Fe.ortn, north . Ede.' Pr .3 Iphia. .N. B.—Fine Old Wninktes 51•57• kr!. fßatorlduchedin 38 ( 11.) 01, • peareoN & NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDERS. proll.S/B and 091 MINOR Stzco. Datw•en blarkat and Cbernust Pitas PHILADELPHIA. JAMES PAWRION. • IrD-IY' JAR. S. FICAC_ti,I7I FILE ELANIMAOTORY, tall NEW STREET. Files and Rautx of every . descriptive. bill r o il 11111autY, made to order, at am above establika WHOLESALE and lETALL• at laanalnotater's prices. towattittz demo la a importer sewer. J. a. amiTa• PIECZEIA AXILLA Silag e or , Led G llTTA lee' Dress Pretectore—n ante ra l '''' from all damWllslla DY perspirhttili. pet INDIA R BOVA e ve ry every desentllo we d , t , 4‘ Peeking, Bose. and artiole Fee Annie Rubber i. olthe beet motorist . Goods se. Loa CARR, TO MOT THE. TIM DB. at the Gtent_., Rubber nor., a n dREB I E q ui pm en ts .U 1? t above north - aide. Army Diary gv, lehh-1m • • linity .FUIN SHIRT MANUFAOTORY.—J. "„ eCOTt all crEfxrul Wee', a rve re w „ Fr the " ventinectal: he ettentioll — OF Ws is Invitee t.: kott LbWROVLD CV 111111113 strior thesAieskik rad ststerlet.• Awe •• •t• . or • iorterot ,00tf., !11-11E PRESid" BOOIK N D .JOB PRINTING .'-ESTABLIsHiviE NT, • NO. 417 CHESTNUT STREET PRILADELP III.4. The attentiossof the Business Cotnintiriti ie respectfully invited to the Nevr Book on a : Job Printing Office of cf Tan Pasts," a-1)Jc; 'been fitted up with New Material, in the 'moaCcomplete 'tanner, and is now P"P hr J ed . ( 11a .to,extioute,tu a satisfactory style eve*' 15 '" ety OffAiiittig.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers