'l' U E f: ; V. roE MOIL or WiLLUX STETLA.R. -In our Soti:a of this aged counterfeiter, we neglected to mention 601.110 details of interest relative to his former lite When known in this city, thirty yew or 311011 ago, tie WAS the proprietor of the Old Rotterdam lon, Third street, above Rate. He lived • reputable life until his business threw him Into connection with a number of cone Wean ars, He began by purolusaing counterfeit money, ri ming, and finally manufacturing it. He W 4.9 detected, and served a short prieou terns, ge went to work agate, as soon as released, and, devoting mach attention and Ingenuity to kis be Neon; trade, auoaeeded la bringing to the market s superior quality of counterfeit money. He mixed Pounded glass with the lino to give the metal the true ring, and managed his battery so well that the exact actor and hue were given to the pieces. They were, likewise, exeellently milled, and bad, whaVe uncommon with bad specie, the full weight. of the pieces taken-from Btetlar on Monday, all were found by Commissioner Heeled to be of over weight. The fame of Htetlar's money passed among the hundreds of counterfeiters, and his coin received thirty and even fifty per oent. for his "queer." He did not"pass the money himself, but realised s good hying by 'disposing of it to dealers or ShOVeni He bad been married a long time before, and the deoesse of his wife left 'him fire 'Andrei), all of whom are DOW cut In the world straggling with tartans, some residing, we believe, at Lanoaster, lio was again arrested and non►ioted in 1852, and sentenced to.taght years in the"pastern Pent tentisry.. Daring hie oonfineuttat some attention au paid t* him` by the viaitore, who saw in him elements of metal:tem and perseverance. Rh knowledge of 'chemistry was said to be very good A work on ottemistry, by the way, was found in his valise when arrested, with a very old and Anger wort Bible. After release he endeavored, ineffectually, to live rightemiely, and'hired himself io a firmer, somewhere to the, Interior. Being an old man, however, with eionetitutien impaired by loot confinement, he found timeelf unable to perform the bard duties of his vocation He eame to 'town, and meeting itiohard Vann, g q , in the street—who bad known him in prieen —begged to be sent, to the almshouse lie wee not upon the right traok, but had not the heart to keep up, feeling too bitterly the struggle that most be made to tench integrity 'again. lie took poison, at an , obscure town in Pennsylvania, but fate would not let him die. A stomsch.plimp and the deafer's reelnicced him The old influences again Seised upon him ; he rented a house in Jaok ion street; construoted his mouldqi, net his batteties, and was "detested and committed, as stated yes ierday., In person, Stotler is very tall—perhaps six feet rao—with greet hobos, and stooping figure. tie looked, at the hearing,.nOt unlike a n stag', Ywn tee," • with eje a little wandering, but fall of laded Are, and innate ihreerdneca thlt confinement had, perhaps, demented His hair was thin, and of an Iron gray, and be had sharp, attenuated jaws sad (truism. An old man, without friends, worn down by solitary confinement, with ten years in reverelon—kdeath in the aellHhe yet maintained the attitude of .'a stoic, and - seemed to look far oft', while the story of his crimes was rehearsing, as If recognising en inflexible fate in the affairs of his career, and a oareleasness as "to the life that is, tad the death that II to come. We forgot to mention that Dateetires Taggart, Una H. Smith, and BIM. Franklin planned and atrial out Ibis arrost, without any aasistanee dtreotiou whatimever. To them be all the CITitAP SCrotliza Ritsmangs.—The crisis has wide a 'narked ohange in the item of real estate, AS regards both the sale and the rent of property. We tear of a general alteration of rents, in many cues voluntarily reduced by the owner. This extends to dwellings, stores, hotels, and manufac- Oriel in this oily, and summer cottages, die., in the adjaeent districts and villages. A leading real estate agent gave us an opporiu el7 to examine his books yesterday, and we made note of some marked changes, of whioh we print the following: A house in 'North , Eleventh street, three story sod garret, back buildings, twelve rooms, usual rent $650, now redwood to $3OO A house and two•acre lot of ground on Darby Railroad, four miles from town, two story and stele, double parlor, broad hail, balcony windows, scoots, eight rooms. billiard table. stables, and gsrden,•with porch front and rear, termer!, $3OO for four months, now reduced to $l6O, with leave to occupy until the lit of January. A hotel in the Eleventh ward, good stand, bar, refectory, capacity, twenty boarders, formerly tenting for $BOO, now redaoedlo $300., Cottage at Germantown, fi sh pond; carriage nivel, lawn, garden, stables, hot and cold water, fsetteen rooms, formerly let at 111.000, now re. lured to $4OO ; or for sale at 112 000, cost $16.000. This condition of real estate indicates, to a great snot, the eondition of business in general. It Lim shows that oltieens are uniformly lavleh In the Wootton of dwellings. In times of oasis the luxu ries of life are usually out off before the neeessa• roes. and one of the first matters demanding re trstehroent is,real estate. There are many.who now. live as comfortably in two hundred and .fifty and three.hundred dollar homes as . ; six months ago, in dwellings costing three times that amount. At the same time, there ire speculators 'Who pleading- the general reduc tion of rents as an street of the oriels, now endeavor to rid themselves of certain houses" and wretch edly built properties, at more than their worth. lo selecting residences at the reduced rates, let :Dose shabby ittorments be avoided. Nair BainOss.--Tho -Pennsylvania Railroad bridge, which is to cress the Schuylkill near the bolted Statism Arsenal, is nearly ready for trans. tortation to this city from Altoona, where it being eonstrueted. It is of wrought and east.iron, tad built upon:the trues prinolple. The upper cord lad posts are of oaai.iron, and the lower cord is of wrought Iron. It will be strengthened by rods of 'relight 1 on, running diagonally between the torts. There Is to be but a tingle track upon it. When completed, ft will be one of the most sub• outdid and handsome bridges over the tiobtryl. The falls of fichaylkill bridge, which was to tare been erected a year ago, bat not rise to the dignity of a span, in oonsequenoe of the failure Oche oontraotor to comply with hie avec:dent, to l'kely now to be completed in about six weeks, the fru span having been put in plsoe, and the others Reins framed and ready for raisins The people A this 'potion of the city have coffered mash in !orentenee in oonseqnenoe of the delay in the x , :nruotion of the bridge RecovlnT or $12,000 WONTII OP COUNTER rII? Norse.—Deputy Marshal Jenkins a few days we started for New York in &carob of a notorious tcooterfeiter. He got into Brooklyn, and was torching a hones where he supposed hie man was %wetted, when he discovered about $12,000 worth t counterfeit notes ; also, •qttantity of note-piper, itkl, mid., and presses, showing clearly that in nit house the bogus taper was manufactured. The totsy was brought to this city, and placed in the node of the United States Marshal. It consists of own *Trott twOO, to the value of. $lO,OOO, on the Onion Bank of Weymouth and Braintree, Mess., 111 d bogus tens, to the value of $2 000, on the /union Bank, of New Jersey. Officer Jenkins melted a man named Cole, whom he found in the• tom. RECOVERY OP A. DROWNED BODY.—Tbo body Oat unknown man was found floating in the Dab pre opposite 'Chestnut creel, at an early hour iwterdsy morning. The remains appear to have own in the water for a number of days. The de. :used wu about five feet six Sachem in height. He rote long dark hair and side whiskers He was finteelly dressed in dark (Vodkas. A fire-proof Ely and 1 valuable articles were found in the pockets. Among the contents of the latter was . Quarterly ticket on the Pennsylvania Railroad 4 illieen Philadelphia and Libertyville. i 6 wu adorned "P. Fay." Coroner Conrad he an In twat in the case, and took charge of the 166dy. Tar JOns TarQtrs.—The John 2inick3 still Ass embedded in the nand &bane Richmond, on Lae Jersey shore. One pump has been pat in posi tion and another will be boosted to day, when the lliitatlon of pumping will be commenced, and by Digbtfall, it is thought, .she will be emptied otos).- wr and landed'high and dry. litir timbers have 14115 very mach twisted, and she ie so effectually **Ade(' as to be of little use without very extensive repairs. Seamus ACOinixT.—On Monday night, be tween eleven and twelve o'oloak; • men named Michael Mullen, about forty•flve years of age. et- Litteted to jump from a freight oar, at Twenty. kid and Market streets, but trip ped and fell ben the embankment there, seriously Injuring kortelf internally, although no bones were bra kbo He wen picked up In an insensible condition tea conveyed to his residence at Ninth sad Beath create. BLICRT FIELL—A. Slight tire oceiirred on Hare street, wut of Twenty-fourth, about half.' Pat 9 o'olook yesterday morning, untied by the 'marling of a bed, let on fire by the children re "jag in the house, who were playing with %stones The flames were confined to the bed, 4 4 extinguished with but little trouble by the Wihbora LAICZNY.--On Monday afternoon a man *zed Martin Maguire was arresud at Mount WY, charged with the larceny or farming tamale ; Mauna. Slifer and McCallum. Alderman gag 13 °410110*d Martin to answer th e charge al rt, , OTaz Gazais leiaa:—The flag referred to is :of Thursday's hale was not donated JO Edwin Del a * but purchased by him from Evans Fourth street, above Chestnut. Mr. 14 5/ °ailed upon us and desired the eorreetion. To him we are Indairted for the faots of the battle et listnesville, narrated In The Pre,., on the 6th .I ROITICULTURAL SOolliTY.—Lent evening the 'itular m ont hl y display of fruits and vegetables., The liortloultare Society, took place at Con -3" LW' Offing to the inoloistorioy of the was !aar the attandanos was rather stnalt. The dis , of fruits, ito although slim, was vary at ttilative. , CUURcill REOPZX RD.—Last Sunday• the M. Church in iloimegbarg, Dr. H. Townsend, t ik nt, wag reopened, and in the morning the pa*. Preemhad; in the afternoon Rev. G. Fetber, 411 4 io the evening Rev. D Idol:Fortino. The rlb hag been tkoreasbly renovated , and the hole Interior Weaned and painted . 11 ).—A: boy - named Job n Stllllvan fell .14 pi, - -Int at blob street wharf:lett evening, and Ito drowned. The body was recovered a shod Otos afterward by Offioer Smith, and taken to the ! Illitt ' l3o o of his parents. The ooroner will_hold an 'Noon to-day. 81.1 oar Fixate—Last evening an alarm of 1_ . 11 ilao °Milled at No. 812 Lombard street by iho ""nun g of a wbxdow.ourtais. • - , , Military Matters. AB POEVIGID .TO SR ORDSB3I) OFY It to understood that the Commonwealth Artil lery. Captain James X hlontgomery, now iltationed at Port have received orders to join the eon:mend of General Itioo/ellan, in Western V9r. ginie This company is composed of PhHada! phiane of high respeetability. Captain Mont gemer,y is the seeempllthed elerk of Mayor Henry. He le a see of 001. John O. Montgomery, wall known in Philadelphia. but for several years a resident of the city of Now. York The Common wealth Artillery was Nat to Fort Delaware upon the breaking out of she war, sat at ■ time when that pelt wu entirely negieoted. The oompany has been on duty there ever einem The. Anille rusts will doubtleei render a good account of them- selves in their new and enlarged Geld of 'potion. P1133/12171710X. A large assemblage gathered at Wharton.etreet M. E Church on Monday afternoon, to witness the donation, by the generoue and patriotic ladle' con• tirsated with the church, to Company E, Captain Sykes, of the Jackson Regiment, of a number of aeoemsaries, consisting of havelooks, towels, under 'lair% etc Rev,. bl. D. ()arrow made a feeling and natriotio addreas on the pressentation of the article., in behalf of the generous ladies. It was replied to. in behalf of the company, by Mr B F. Sewell. The choir sang the Bear Spangled Banner and other patriotic airs. The ladies appeared much gratified at doing so muoli good, and the men Were grateful to think so many comforts were be llowed, upon them by the ladle.. A DllotBlolr. The Committee on City Property have decided that the " National Defendant," Captain George F Gordon, were entitled to the use of Spring Gar den Hall, for drill purposes; they having a priority of right. This deoision settles a dispute between the Defenders and certain companies of Home Guards, both parties claiming possession of the apartment. • - any To CARP. The.arilllery company of Captain Chapman Bid dle left this oily for Ohadd's Ford yesterday mor ning. They will go Into o►mp there for twelve days, ae we have already stated The company looked well ring R=SCL rwaseszAl Yeeterday morniog, about, five,o'olook, the five rebel prisoners brought to this 'oity on Monday evening left in a steamer from drott-itmet in eharge of Lieut. , BleFarland and guard, for Fort Delaware. run JAOIVIOX lIIICMCENT, Under the Aommand of Col. John IC Murphy, hive gone into eatep,at Hestonville. A portion of the , regiment atilt remains at the Government buildings, Obeatnnt street, below Fifth. raj Entrr 'zoom) azolmivir . • This regiment, better known tis Col. Morehead's, wilt 'son return honie to Philadelphia. A portion of the baggage of the min:tent has already reached the city by express. As we have already staled, the regiment will re enter the Berrie* for three ye ire or the war. LITOR DAIRY'S LIGHT ARTILLIMY. The squadron of flying artWery, whioh arrived from •Furl Pickens, on Sunday, attached to the Third Regiment of Regular' - Artillery, under com mand of Major (breves lieutenant colonel) Barry, U A., lauded at Washlngtori-street wharf, yes tardily morning, and were furnished with food and drink by the Refreshment Committee This is one of the ficeet batteries to the army, and °manses 126 sturdy privates, 40 horses, and - 12 pieces of ord-' niece. They passed right through, after the re• past, 'f .1. Washington. Mr. Frenois kielivaine exhibited, yesterday morning - a Seoession 'which was taken at lisinearlile by; Capt. Mokallin, and sent on to his Mende in this silty as a remsmbranee It is a pretty, well got up specimen of a Confederate rag. GYMNAIT .ZOUAvja The report oiroulated in some - of the papers, to the affect that this floe eimpeny of young men, now about to eater upon active service, were at the German festival, at Eogel Sc Wolff's farm, on Monday, is tetally false, and was originally indited by some one unfriendly to the organisation. The Gymnast Ziunves have but recently adopted the series of morel and temperance resolationa passed and recommended by Ellsworth's Ohioago Zottaves. COLON 11:. APART'S nzazumwr: Company D, Col Geary's regiment, Capt. Geo. D. Hammer, bare a reoruiting station at 602 Arott street. The company have been furnished with their entire ont-fit, but went some few men to all up their complement to 100 men The regiment has received the patent Enfield ride, with sword bayonet. Men wishing to join this company will be mustered in at once, and receive their clothing, if application be made before ten o'olook this morning—to march to Camp Coleman at once LEGAL INTELLIG.cr4CE. Qtriltrtit Sersazons—Judge Allison.—john Beteel, who was put on trill, charged with keep. lug a disordetly house, was convicted His daugh ters were then pat on trial, charged with commit ting an assault and battery on Mr. Roberts, the prosecutor in the disorderry-hense Dose, and Mr. Roberts wee also tried on a similar charge. These cross bills were not conoluded on Monday at the hour of adjournment, and were resumed yesterday morning. The jury had not agreed on a verdiot When we closed our report James Orr and John Gallagher were charged With oommitting an assault and battery upon Policeman Maley. The prosecutor stated that while on his beat, at one o'clock in the morning, De notioed at Fifteenth and Federal abreeta a great light, and, upon going to the spot, he found it wac caused by a 'barrel, which had been set in the street and fired. The defendants and others were grouped around, "making epeeohewAllte men,". scoop:Ong to this officer, and he demanded that the fire should be put out This the party de clined to comply with; and the officer wee told to clear out, that he bad no business at the nisei). The officer then attempted to,overturn the barrel, and was then assaulted by both defendants, and had some of hie teeth knocked out, and was other wise maltreated. On orossezamlnatlon the officer admitted that, the party were engaged in burning an effigy of Jeff. .D.tvis, and he ooneidered that Oafs was a vio lation of the law, and be stopped the fan. There was considerable amusement created by Some of the witnesses, who wire Irish, and neigh bors of the defendants, and disposed to give a favorable coloring to their doings. One of them oould give no testimony at all, being too dumb en• grossrd by bis own affairs; and he would persist to telling the jury that he bad three sons hunting Jeff Davis, &a. Governor Kicks. BALI MORN, July 16, P. lif.--Governiir Woks was persuaded go-night He trade a brief speeob, strong for the Union, and expressed his unaltera ble devotion to the Constitution. He was convinced that Maryland's only safety was in the Union. THE LATE SULTAN of Turkey .was a hard boy, acoording to general report, and over fond of the ladies. They led hlm snob. a Me of ex pense and magpies°, that he had to drink to drown his oar.: So 4, women and wine—the tout is di vine," finally brought him down, shattered his nerves, and at last turned his toes gracefully up for him. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money !kiarket. PRILADELFNIA, July 18,-1861 Stocks were still more strong and active to-day. Reading Railroad shares advanced tol9* Nearly all the railroad securities were better. City 81203 are steady, and State fives in'clemand. The New York Post of this afternoon says The stook market opened extraordinarily buoy ant, and s farther large advance took place in. nearly all the aotive steaks ; but at the close there is a sharp reaction, under a rumor that the Federal troops in Missouri had suffered a deeded reverse. This rumor is,. perhaps, the story of a Memphis paper alluded to in the tslegraphio news from Louisville In the morning papers. The Weakness at the close is increased by the pressure to sell on the part of the apecalatore, who have bought largely of late. The transactions in Western Mocks were very large, es tally in Galena, Toledo, and Rock Island Minot. Central was Influenced by the im provement of it per cent. repotted from the other side, the stock- still being 4.5 per cent. above the London quotation. Peolflo Mall was Arm at 74d; Panama at 110. For Cleveland, Columbia, and Olneinnati, 02S, ex dividend, is bid. For Oblong*, Burlington, and Quietly sixty-two' was paid, which is an advance of tour par neat. on the last vale. Early in the day there was a strong demand for Government sixes of 1881 at 88488 i, but at the aloes sides were made at 88r. Treasury notes are very firm and better. There are few offering. The Border State bonds are Irregular; some descriptions higher,. others utatertally-lowen. Missouri/ rose to 43i, Tenneturees to 40, ' North Carolina. fell dr to OM Louisianan to 58. Money Is easy on call at 5 per cent , with more doing this week in this way. Prime paper is wanted at 8,7 per cent. The offerings outside of bank of A No 1 DIIII4I are very light. The Louisville Courier of July 10 rays :, " Yesterday evening °Moors Kirby and Tiller arrested a counterfeiter by the name of John gun. ley. Tee °Moors reoelved Information that - this man, who peddles bleating and patent , mediolnes, was engaged is making counterfeit ooln, and they started on his traok, ending him on Market street, between Elanook and Clay, where they also found moulds and dies for manufacturing oottnterfeit dimes and quarters, also a large amount of bur glar: tools. This man, no doubt, belongs to a gang of counterfeiters and thieves as a large amount of letters was found la his poaiession, show ing that be was pretty largely engaged in the business." . . Pkiltidelpkin Stock Exchrtiage‘ Bales, July lg. Ilea. . IKTOZTICD IT a. E. EU* TM AIL ta, Ate whim tit' Faehanso. PI iil3ll HOARD 1 80'0 R•a4;ng 64 '44'B3s. 30% 138 Ceityrisa6A prf.kvta 6 IWO d0......_. '7O —... 81 ROO Yeas& as God dawn 83 11.1017 . d0.......'70...... 00% IWO do ..rawn 81 bOO do 70.._., 3.734 3180 do_—. -.Fawn 83 2010 do-.... 10 83% 0000 do . a6wit OS 1 100 t do —.'7o. b 4. Bsf, 4 Prank &Booth A— 33 1003 d0..-..'43'@ox. 90 6000 City 80 new ---- —ld 100.3 d0—....46.. 06. 72 10d do—new _pa 100 do--.'36.. bd. 72 2 /dorm CI pref.—MX 2 Com & Am kr 2d0..116 4 do. ---............773% I 6 do 7dva../16 S Polon R----- IfiX 3.0 !oh hew pref.lota nui 1 Norristown 1L.... . 48X 32d & Ild-at ft— 38 23 do— —. 4814 it do 38 14 ilatmabarg AL— poi I do --...- 83 'WO North Fenno 10a... 73% 0 do .... NS IWO Lataigh Val Isa yam 4 do 34 3001 Moran Cl Oond.tok NI 4 de _ 38 6,0 Italtah 6a - -.111 2 Beaver &endow A 67% NA Reac e s it.7.3,;i 5 , 19% go lent island (Ls —.— 18 - BETWBE ad Bch Ithiv prof—••t•S• 13341 Um do LS% SBOONLI WO Can'," new -96 X 2:Xt .. 96,54 101X1 PDX 6.0 do new Sex 18 341 h 3d-et ft,.h.swa )3 do —__ , 28 21 do— —.---, 93 11 ' do.. „ 44 1099 Cam&Azi;l . 3l:ii.. sow do _.-- . so POEM& 4 do .---.—. 39 (3,14131.14• rs 44, 4,4.4 flits ft Lint 0167 rni, r e ....utAr li T iw Y7119X 9 Q 1 1144)d 1 b '7o: &Xi dat 4'69'41 19 9 0 zdt. & 72 711 i a ss 'X3X csd ai" tei q. 49. Clan m Yid 1 41 1 X .1 of oS mitt , 6 L • Pnfl ,ISM 19 Corms —The market is firm but Inactive, and a small business only to note. GROCORIIIa There is more doing in Sugar and Coffee ; sates include 700,hltde of the !oilier at hi bil for Cube. and SOO bags Bt. -Domingo Coffee,at Ins, all on time. , Pnovfarotra remain insotive, and the sales mostly (maned to mall lots. Bacon Hams and Shoulders at steady rates. WHIAST moves off more•freely at ,16a16t0 for bbla ; hhda are searoe at 16a _ New York Stock xrichange--/nly 16. • 2000 U 8 64 81 rag - 5.514 1 00 ;Erie Railroad -.- .210 1060 do. 4 15100 11 864 031 - oag..:- 'OO .' •do.- , ..........140.2thi ace) do . .-1.8524 65 Rnd Rik . R . R- .37 tort U 9 at Irice.-.8t.. tau de .- -- ....-..... 3 tia' 11100 l'ey 8 p n 2 sear-911 N 1110 Her Ra , lroao .- . .11 20,4 Uhio 68 WI . ~....91,'A 110 Liar RailrOad 9 y5e..27 10-0 Kai ky State 6s .. 76 ..to do - -...„ 24 112 , 00 Ind State ifs-. -.7614 . 60 aeadms Railroad-88 asoart enct re '9O---: 54,4 200 do.- .1............ w '..cam da .441 i 100 a 0-.., „. -tali 61,11 Virginia Rt Ss. -.4.614 2 Stoningloa It6l l lroadd't 18000 Yet 62 Irboade....x4ll- - 50 fdrok Utn Raldroad.4sX _ 7001 Georgia State 6...70 110 do- ...........0 , 148 315100 MiaSOUTI State 58_433‘ co 0 0.............100 46 4tO d0..... , --..... 4314 50 do -..,.. Al 410121 do-. .4.114 250 Minh P, t NI R R.... 80123 do ~........210 43'4 '26 Muth 13 & N 1 Guar.3o/5 - 5000 . do-. -.NO 4 X 200 Cluoago & Rl. 8.R...4"3i 8050 Mods Is H&Bc J 52 200 d0......-.-.....4310.41 4000 v.ottisi.ns fa- 58 dO-........... 41 300 321 dt de 7a - ...76X 100 do - -.-.610,4 2 /000 _.. do -...... -' l 6lf 100 ' d 0.............. MO 42X -5000 04 Y 8c 74 10.--- 10 . . :KO d0............b60 42 2000 Mio Con 84 lit nit 95 d0,..-..- . 4'31 9 00111 Can RR b0n06..92 ‘5 , 3„ do ! ...81 . 0.4134: , 16.0 Chi & 01 Nir let .. wg to cxionto„,,S &71 , 2,.....11 3 -. wco Clan k Tot Bl'be 73 1 21111 01 8, 1 t Sony-- In t 8012) N J Con lit mtg -105 100' - - -IP 1230 Oily 158 303.- -...914 1 do -1 24 NO( &ON Y c.'B6 6. :.. ...93 lop do.-..--...1130.691‘. ** 1 , CO y Con ban '76' .105 1410 do.- - .e 12,4 65tx , sdoo Erns .th n 115,100.73 250 do ......-.- .00 ark co 0 rce RR bd. '7l 67 360 d0........-..___...693, BA !Rai Riv lac. ir.t.1.105 . 50 dn....-. - -.69 1900 Hod ft' 3d intr...•3o 90 d 0..........- ..-6-li. 30 Veroh2B4B' Bark .-..85 ' 100 do . -.820..88* 13 Rank 01 Atnsrina.. l lii' 350 Gal. &. did. 111..- 43.64.4 6 R's of Rtate or N. Y. 75 440 d 0......... - .5611 35 Bank of Commerop.73 too eo-....1)10.8514' /0 Me rovvo imp tianlr.S9 tee do--.....-- 1.30.881; II Park Bonk SO' .11 do_._. .__x3.66 200 Paci fi c Mail 8.-.53J.7i 550 d 0.....- 1 ....5.66 1 160 do ..76 ce ' 00........0 er% 2,) do ...... , --- .74% ;BO . do-- .-.. : --55.56.1‘ -160 - do-. - ..7414 450 Cleve. 3r Toledo 11...30 ' . lOO ' d 0.... 130.74 X 36) do-....,.....- 75 N. Y. Central it.....473t 260 . do- --..140.. ; 5 91 1650 do.:.. -...-;.......787 60 d0..._.... _...t,60,4 180 00.......---.100.7ak 1 , 0 d0......--.1 . 60.3d_ 50 do. -.-.......130.77% 302 do ---..- ...11916" 230 do--..-..... ..78.143.0 d 0........ 470:261(, 61 do.-.......;.-- 230.7/X 300 d0.'.....--:-' ' 2 -2 , Gi" 1 100 N d0.:.-. --. gl5 TS OM do --..........1 7 /0 211 i 100 do -..--_......830.78 AlO do-.-. 2302318 101Pananut 1t.....--- ini Asnis are in demand. and gelling at $.5 331% for Pots. and 8676 for Pearls. Bien Derumm.--The market for elate and Wanton:, Flour is firmer 'sad 6o hatter, with mare business doing. The sales. are la OW bhia, at 86.7603 90 for superfice Butte; $41604 lb fo extra State ; 835103 60 for super fine Mmbigen Indians,, Ohio lowa. &0., and 8405.30 kw extra d • . ineluding shipping brands of round hoop Ohio at $4 65e4 60. sod trade hr ndn of de. at 84.9066 tinuthern Ylntir is ti•-t mod unchanged, with snug of iro tibia at 84 9505 30 for superfine Baltimore. 86 ade 676 for extra do, $6 Ocid.4o •or Brandywine, y 710760 for fleorgetown $7.6109 for Petersburg City. and $730 09 for Richmond Cur, canedlan Pllir is more steady din moderate re quest, with seer of 600 btds at 813.4503 60 for superfine, and $407 for the range of extra brands. Rye Plour 1• must, with small sales at 82.5003 15 for the range of Roe and superfine. Corn Meal i. unooanged ; we quote !erase at a 2.7 . 6 83 80..Brand•vr ne 83, punoheons 015015.26 Wheat is le2o higher, With a good export demand at the improvement - fries 100,000 bush at Plc for good Chum. o spring , $l.OBOllO for winter red Western. 900940 for MiIUMU I ee c1ub,930930 for amber lowa, and 960 for Minnesota. • . • • • •• . Rye is ta , et at 4.6*60a for Western, acd 67t6688 rOF State; salsa 7 000 hos yr astern at 460. 3 ?arle7 la dull at 6.0010. Oata eta firm at 260300 for Jersey, Palawara• and Pat 300310 for estate, and 26033 e for Western and Cana duto. Gore le dull Led drooping. with sales of 33,030 bag 113 40044 c for ew mixed Western - • .W ataxy is quiet. with sales of 310 Kids at 160. Plitovistoirs.-1 begs use been a little more activity Ili' Mem York bat prtoes favor the buyer; the molars ere 1.3'0 bbis at 8166414 for mess, and 810 for prime. Beef is on et •with sates of 100 btils at 41606 40 for o,catry -mess; 8404.61 f,,r co. mime ; 88010 10 for reoseked Wee.err, and $lO 60011 60 for extra mug. Prmo mess hoar is quiet. and n thing doing. Beef Hatay are dull at 310 60014 for Istate and Western. Bacon Is nominai. ( A , ' Meats are gqiet, with sales so casks der salted nem. ai 60. Lard is nem cud ar moderate demon'. with Wee of= tee and Dol• at 8e693. and 3'o kegs at glio. Butter end Cheese mie Jess views but tear& is not much dinar. UNION Err victors,' AND LNITSR PAPBII.—Mr; Maass. N 0.316 Chestnut street. bee the finest assort ment of" Union "envelopes and note paper in the oily. elittediarlrtheie ;Kreuter derloes, and le by far the largest manufacturer of them in the country. lies selling immense quantities of them. 'Tax Tantpr ox faux —The proposed reduction of duties on iron in the new tariff,/ rt . /er of Saaratui Chase has caused considerable talk. Ogle thing certain, this wi•l not in 'he least interfere with the cheap prices &Wm for clothing at the -one-price military and °brio clothing establishment of Orewnlle Strikes. 609 Chest nut street. Mr. St. kes is now selling off his eateneive stook of summer garments at greatly reduoid prices, and with each sale uresente a useful sift. Tax tdmirsivr CLOTHING DOPOT.--Rookbill Wilson's Brown Stone Clothing Hall appears to be the leading house for the manufacturing of military cloth ing. in the upper stories they have some twenty cutters employed, and about seven hundred headman, mutant ly engaged In meringue the work. Over three thousand coats were made up by this firm in ten days, for the State. besides full suite for several companteWof Home Guards, and for °Meers of the army and navy. The kication of this well-known establishment DI /Tog. 60$ and 805 Chestnut street. above Sixth. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, CONTINNNTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut.' Josiah H Carter, Boson D A Bsind, Illinois , J-11 Morn'ily, Pittsburt N Holmes. Pittsburg • John fi 11.111111111 Pittabmc Alms 0 14 Jogai, Ohio. . ' Miss J Isldole. Z eessi to r•ero de B Kenn. Pottsville , D ?mating Pr. la Viratma Drshoe Johnson Ohio ... Jos IBlliott, 8 eubenrille, 0 W Moon-• . 4 MIO ... Roht . 11PITATd. Jr, Ohto John G W.tte, Al Y ...- U Jameson. Ohio M n Wheeler Jr, ChM • C. 'T J Lao d n. Partin:lore C W Hurnriohouse. Bea l',. Geo M (3118.4, - Baum re W C Fawn, in A P nipple. New York W M Peyton* Is. Phil& K I D , Fmalbers Baltimore J H Tesdorff. Baltimore It - B.rhop, r mailman el of Penn Ohio N B Hutton, New . York 3 B root retry Si Chunk B 1 , Palmer. Philo. C K Robinson A' Is. Mich Mr Part Mks & la, N Y Wm Brans, New York A B Shaw. Now York I,Groasmonu, New York Israel ereoner, New York e B Warner. New York W 3 ••termour Troy. II Y Luther C Carter. et Y J B Peptone, Flushing ' NYCO Hanulton, New York) (loot T L Robiosion. N York J Crouse, Ilyrsontm, N Y J J Cronse. Syracuse. N Y E Crouse. syraoure, N Y C 0 Simpson. New York J N Kirk & la Al Clair Dr A Small, York, Pa 4 . 0 nurseark. Ps Chas (1 etewart G Nixon, New Jersey W L Corse. Penns L Glover, New York .1 Carron. Lake in parlor J H Bcrleigh. Maine J A oilion t Messanausetta J N Hedge. Merreachusetts y as W gr rn gh, e ew Yore it Busted, Detroit 0 W Kirkland. Illinois W J gbomson. lie* York C B Welling- Philadelphia C Chars, Bostm Jail* Pots, hl.Chuok Hon T Jones Yorke. N J D It Clymer. RtPdl/2t A I. Holley, New York P D florin. New York C Lewis, New Y ork C 8 Farwell. (Throw P wadaworth. hicago F. lid Haines & wl; rthloago A A Morse, hew York iiR Stevens New York C P Striokney, New York WPoor. Cinoitnatk U Alex MoUonold, Cm, 0 'U r pbraids & '6,•N fork 8 Brown, Wash, D C J el !baser. Cincinnati. U B 8 /Lags. Portomdmth, 0 C J Elorknoll, New Haven W hl • hat... New York cast A f 3 Miller, Wash (3 8 Er, New Yort Geo A bAott.• Odarsochtuietts 3 0 'born, ittualchusetts L t.alon, Massachusetts J Wiley. Jr. Mass rf 1 , Littlefield Mass W 8 emit. Baia W hi Stewart, Indiana .J Pol c ey. Harrisburg br D Parker. New acopahire F PI enact, Baltimore W C McCall, New Jersey if B err, New Jersoy 0 M Whittaker, N J B Hammitt, Pbtia-elphia D L Cohn. New York et Higgingon. Boson (rCabot. Boston .1 U Sturtevant Boston H Pondiot, tilswa•k F H Badger: New York 8 Bradly, New York B T Burton, New Yo•k - • Chas Harrill. thaiton Mr Tamen & w'S C on Miss Gill & sis, Baltimore J L K•ng,'lgoringfi Id C K Bingham, New York J Brown.' Pennsylvania inn Bo der & le W 0 Crum. Colombia. 8•1147W5, New Yo , k C 'W Brown, Pis u Bellman. Baltimore Miss Selman, Baltimore J hisoonkey. W Chester B Thomas, Jr, Baltimore • AmsaicAn HOTBL—Oneatnuf meet. above PHU. L p _Eipholtz, Downlogna I C Bndd . MD. Delwara W,M. Bull - C_ltaTmond, Dew I,o*. JR Riley ec la. Nisi less t. Num.,. Balt 2. , W H Hampton. Boston 01 Htepliena...Latastet W. r pay• be, Lauccattr g Toppso n ew W•R rdibs. Poulin RA ono Pd e ri . : F Payne. New York B C Bar r a- ortaira mni Cleo Lear. Doylestown J M Cowell. Doylestown M • ardley. Ooyles own T 0 Denney. B B B.sh. Maryland H K Bishop, Maryland W U Wilson New Jerseyisle J H Humes, Jer'y Ch'e WI Mugs/. New York H altilford, Hew Jersey J W Water. U e A 2t B al a* Bto l, N York WJ Peiarbridie, Baltimore C P Mummer Tantsula P Atwood, liVin'erpOrt 1. iltich. Winterport T Wallace, Delaware I B Wood, Conn SIERCHAffirfP 13011155,r—Foortli atrial. below Arek A 0 Farley, Pittsburg. Pawl Mitchell. Clearfield Dent rummy, beuem, II J )J Berger. Penns Wm Chapman. i eons r h, w & la, N Brunswick Hon I 5 aim , dith, Penn& If McCulloch Ft Worms T It Fakir Peoria I went Milton Jr, T Swank r, Milton EP of illertsia, Atlantic Clt Jos Brownlee Erie E Howard Woos Cr, 0 P 5 Turner übio Ilittn. 5 Price. rd Chunk W H Levering, Lafayette A Bordner. Detroit Win A Baooo. I °trait J L .W illcutt California Levi L witicutt, Boston T N Curiuinitheos Pi • York Is Polak. Wslorbory 0 .11 Eslegy,w de vee, CL 5 Booiduran. Coral E B W ard & 211 7111. UlitrOlt Writ NI oLeon.:Bl2)Dpoosbg w T Valentine, Bellefonte P )3 %%loon Selie,on e BT. LOUR HOTEL-41hosunts moan. aoovo Third. W E Pinter, New Jersey John Towers. New Yolk Chas Wlisnou. Jr, Penns, Chits G Allen, Havana E A ntonio, Barium Mmes. Nam Jamey 1 Mutters, Lis ouville Teas H Lanisld, Vermont PV it Van Riuron, N Jet James Goose. New Yolk Col J P Pink•lrneyer, N Y D Ohio Mni.Dinght. Ctoomootioot W M Vette. New York W•Jories. Mariland 0 Clinton. Massaohnsatta Geo abolition. New Jersey Geo Boott, Phile,t elphis W R Rill, lowa BOARDS. MO Ass= Ist 93 IJOA.RD. -)9 Pecos 33 - 18 do . 600 Lon, lahtod q..Y 7.3,‘ 141) do.. 7 IWO Cant t Atuts . /1 44. di . 1000 d 0.., 81 800 Phds 11))1) 7.--- 73 Nti rah }VB4 CT 600 Lobighea---101 9U du —lO7 30/1 dO.-- 9 Nor natown a9N • 1Ol:8--P1 it IC • - Bid,4ib.O. Mouth R Pref,_ 9 10 li*tint Is 'U. .14 • 60' I r 10)4 81 . 11 4. la?) 61g North Penna g° R. N Es lt (10., .06 ' 7 ?I Poona R 100_70i 71 cootavisua Rore 0 (It Freak So ,_ 30 ad 14-als R 004 Ptl Ila •Xd, ..1 , agel & Pule, t 9 a Comae:ism Philadelphia Markets. July 16—Everting There Is no change in Breadstuff's, end but little demand for Flour to day, either for export or home use, the North trade buying moderately at $4 MS mixed Western superfine; 25.4 75 for extra end extra family do; $4 50.4 75 for standtrd Western and PODDIJIVatia superfine; $4 75.5 75 for extra and extra focally do; and $6.6 50 per bbl for factoy lots, as in enality. The only sales for ebtnment are 800 bids Broad•etreet Mills extra, and 200 bids family. on terms kept private. Rye Flour sod Oorn Iffeel are not !centred ter, and nearly nomi nal, at $3 25 to: the former, and $2 032*4.715 per bbl. for the latter. Gasis.—The receipts of Wheat are light, the market steady, and the demand moderate ; sales. comprise 5 000 bushels, mostly new Southern reds, at 11041120, la the oars and afloat, and white at 1151118 a ; a sale of old Maryland red was made at 1183 afloat; old Western and Penn* redo are quoted at 110a1133, and but little offering or sell. tog; no Spring Wheat arriving. Rye Ii steady at 570 for Penns, and the sales light.• Corn , is also steady, with small sales of yellow at 62453 c, in store. Oita are firmer, and Penns are held at 29a; a sale of 2 400 bush el, poor quality Southern was made at 270 ; primes are worth 283 afloat. BARK —Qatacitrou is unsettled andlower, Wlth small receipts and salsa of Ist Na,l at $2742/3 pan ton. Tauber's-Bark contlaues dull. New York N.arkets--Yeoterday CITY ITEMS. II! To 12 o'crs.oox Lksi Mani•. THE UNION—Area Won't.. above Thins. W Getwines, Penns 1 D "arson, Phil* Dr W Funk. Waynesboro fi BCleaver. V*lawars Joyhtns Com),,Che stunt /ND Geo Sweeny, Easton . Forester. Onto 7f .p.obertson, Maryland .11 J Bridgman. New York RATIONAL ROTILL--Anoe street. above 1100 rt. 11 Yen fri rk,Be• Menem him 3 Mortim^r. fa B Ruffin. Penne Irene' U man, Wmenort Oierelsnd.Ohie 0 W Warren born .LOwn Ati Piobthorn• Resanti Jae Maura k Le. manna .1 R Clever. Ashland 4_ HYoaudi t .1 ft Be awitZ, rittlitiarg y 14, enullOROT, Penos Sed..afeb Irish. Pn Untie I Henry 0.1. i rortrmile B Bartholomew, Pena% mourn 'minor RUTHL—Heeond et...above A A Millet, slew Jereel Jae Ken_nekly, Penna., .. H tte:. Pettus Z Holt, -ownine. Ketruusat , !...:... M Wslliasnaon Penne 0 A elms.. . . .. Wm Bata's,. Altoona r Anian. Ger York • . . roflitainolue. tenni. Geo Ealseln , Yenta MoPato, Pence A Lambert. dew Jentel Hallowell. Holmestrurg NEVEIB NOUSE—Mord street, above Rosie 0 W Morgan, Pottsville W - Jones. Labors, Pa T,W Burrsaw & dati,len'n Mrs W Jonas, üburn, Pa 0 !Ay. orwJers'y 'John Genatt. Manor antes Johnson, Manoy •- - BLACK BEAR HOTEL-Third at.. above CallawhiN Jo' :Penna. "latiob rabalroar, Pima& W Hamar. POLI alba rg A Buolrmatti, al.). Perh . a Qg &t rot.JautintL,wa J eft,. I B Rorer, 017SY aaan. Peap a Jacob Cresa, Pian& • fqiy mitrrnie , Dr H na f ru i l rg ari l i" Aakanaleerenas isoOgrtPnna THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1861. STATES UXlON—Market street. above Sfxl.b. W Orr. Penns C M Stanley J M Campbell, Altoona AB Ctinning,Ltam, Yantis. Sanibel A &Mel. Yana& Lewis homy. Chas 00, Fa john M Maaune. Papal* Thos E Watt. Latrobe. a 1 , ! 4 40 briesa Fort warm, T titevebson. 11 e• Jon.. 10.DolaTava Miss V Lyman, !Jett re W L• Boy ork co, Ps • COMMERCIAL HOTEL— Chestnut at.. above kith. tflews. West Cheater. Pa Wm Lama. W Cheater._ pa Shaw, Pb 'tad% A' a Prevost, Tiootaft. 3 Taylor. Keats on. P 4 R Rounelp Cheater oe. P J 14. Keeton. leatore )1'• E:1 ma. Cueater 00. Pa F Wilmetee, bet C estes, Bprdent .are, g kid Attu Wirst , lbeater .011:0,08* Chrster It Woodward. Chador 00 Chu Johnson. bew York BALD EAGLE HOTE.L—Alurd at-, above Doillow ICotßa. DullstwineßriliteY.BetAl.them W lisudeobusb, Weisportit' Lelsenring. Pittaburg 0 Eisnuwell, Penns NV Reed, Jr. Wometsdorf PHILADEIMILIA BOARD OF 'EJLAJDE. 9EO. N. TA E TR M A . M W. R O EH JNORA E. Oeitacwrza or Ism Metres At Oa Merchants' Ezekarw, Philissletahia. &up darsuak, RQIIr land .---ly Se alma Taaoarons, Donevy— SOOLI Berk Rig larame, - Gleason —. —Havana, gook Hack Roanoke. Thom e.eon de Janeiro, soon floor kt. J J (denser, Xobi 011011.. badoss, soon sone t,lara. Barrett... 2 .... Port Spain. soon Bohr lt A Ileoksohar.littiblis...— Biwa. soon MARINE EEITIMLIGENCZ. roar OF PILILLIOILLFILIA, July 17, 1661. 8144 A - - grIL 4 _ 46 IS UN SETS ARRTVED. , Bark Roanoke. Thompson, a days from New York. with a' Wes to Levant's & Bro. brit Quest' timber, 14 Miss from East Harlon, TI. With Silt to A S 1i Ooterbridts. tont laoato Tort's. Mayo./Idays flora Wellfleet, with Indio to Get, B Berrat. . . . . . Bohr Jag Batten !matte, 11-lisloy, 5 data from Boston. in bellaq co N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr 3yloester Neuter, Thompson, 4. (Isla from Balti more. in "album to captain. to o Bohr Vermait tn: lon.,Avery, from New. York, with mdse apta t. Bohr D D Martin. Martin, front Now'York, with mdee to 1) Cooper. • • • Schr Yeomans, (Br) Hillis.? days from Eleuthera. with pine apples to Isms° Jean°. & Co. Boor Logue*, Hallett, 6 d - Ay s from Boston, with rode* ' to Crowelf Bohr Jets. Wthtemion. Jr, Winemore, 6 days from Bolton, in Wiest toSinnickson & Glover Bohr .11 E Weston. 5 days from Boston, in bal last to n statumnut it Co. Behr Gee Roffman, Dennett.4 days from Fell /Dyer. in halloo to captain. Bohr Emma. dmith, 4 data from Lynn, in ballast to Noble, Hammett it *AhrOPOIL Bohr Ivy, Random'', 6. d•tys froiii,Boaton, ballast to noble. Hammett 6r. Bohr W A Dubois. Olayri, 5 days from Chatham, in bal Net to N Sturteva - ..t & Co. • Bohr J W McKee. mennejt, 6 days from Boston- in btllast to N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr H Staves, Gibbs, 4 days from New Bedford, in ballast to eaotlin. Bohr Pauline. Brown, 2 days from New York, with mass to David Cooper. • Bohr Tel . Hosers t dip; from Ifarwlohport, with mdee to Crowed & Cu ~ ltps. Bohr It-o. Crows.l. from Providenos, in ballast to No ble. Hammett it titOdweil Bohr Amos Fatkonburg. Wilbert. from Boston, in btl teat to Noble, Hammett it Caldwell Boor Merin A Wood, Baker. from Salem. in ballast to C A Eleckaoher & Co. Bohr E W Perry. Sampson. from Nantnobet, in bal last to Costner- 03iaktiey & Wetlintama. dtsiontog- F starr. Maui. 10 tomtit from Delaware Breakwater, haying s wed up.bark Coorad, from New, York. Repine the Bark 'rhea Dollen. for t &scam. Hamilton, for Ha..ans. I R Darla. for Key West and if, Foster. for Salem. passed to sea at 9 A 11l on Sunday. Posted t• 11 the Brown bark Roanoke, from New York; off toe Ledge a deeply-laden fir brig; aim aB' Delaware • Cal s Br eohr, sopmsed to be from Naimoli. N P. Steamer Bisok Diamond Allen, 24-hours from New York with mdse to W hi Saud it Co. • • ..—_. Steamship Bolton. Cioceter. New York, J Allderdioe. anis Venus. Deese St Jeep, NB, P Wright do Sees. - Uric N P Stewart. Cain. Key West. l'yler. Stone te Co Brig Winysw. W7131/111, balen. N Sturtevant a. Co. Bohr Ina, Crowell, Promdetme, Nome, Hammett Caldwell._ Bobr A Pallenburf. 'Wilbert. Providence, do Boer Emma. Owl*, Dover. NEt. do Rohr Ivr. Henderson. Bo•ton do Bobr W 0 be!tlett, Cormelly, ' Bniton, CO tobr Vermillion. Avery, iroviaence. L Andenned ken. Pehr B L Berry. Weaver. Weymouth. do Behr Yankee Boy,Bisley, Hartford. do nenr M Wand ßaker. Solent, 0 A Heakeeher & Co. Bohr r W Perry. Sampson, Boxbury, Curtner, Stick any & Wellinsvm. Bohr Lady naffolk. Baker. Boston, . do Bohr C r ritiekney. Perry orton. - do ' Bohr hilver Magnet.. Ifoston.N Sturtevant &Co Scar Nr.tth Maysi.rteuro. gm • Bohr 8 Cosner, Thompson. Gloveland, , do - Bahr B Borihner. Ironic Boston, do Boor if 8 rmson. Long- Patton. do BohrJ W MoK•e. Monooil. rrovidenoe, do robr :4' A butoin. Mayo. Orleans. do Bohr Isaac Mon, Crowell. Boston, do Bohr Jesse WiUtamsoa. it, Wialinarer &MUM. sin- Olorar. Bohr W Wattage , Scull. Boston. L Rothermel & Co. Mtr Mew York. Hunter, New York. W Yclyde. Btr H LGaw.ller, Baltimore. A afoVell.JT. (Correspondenee of The Frees.) HAVRE DE (MACS. July' 13. Eleven boats left here thin morning, laden and con- ! signed as [oboes: Lewis Hortord. light to Humphrey. Hainan & Wright; oonorny,_bark to Peterson 4 0..; n YDu ren wheat to A 0 Cattail & Co. and inmber to M Trump. lion & Co; Franoes, lumber to Norcross tr. Sheers; Wm H Young. di) to WHallagtOn, Del; Basking & Nerd and Antenna. anthracite coal to teew York; ?Sarah With. Two Meters. 61 J Link. and A J Whitney', do to Delaware City. 14—Twelse ' , oats left bare this morning. viz: T Glentwor.h, train. bark, and staves to hirot tc Dro; T Rathmel, lumber tea R Woiverton; John Cane stow: • glee, staves. &c. to Cadwatader & 0. ; Faith anthracite coal to New York: Magma Foremen J 13 Wingate, W 0 Brubaker. Dr DO dteever. Dauphin, Advanee..lndga - Begins. and Dr 1, 8 Filbert, do to Detaware City. (Correspondetose of the Prem.) ' Itif.ABING. Jrily The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to-day. bound to Philadelphia, i den sad onps,cned as fotiows: D A Albright and d E Seebohi. Inmber to Josh Kee renningmn & ltarm,n. oat lumber to Oeo Adams; J Humes. shingles to Wm C.Llord; S B Bally, boa & to John Gram; tieti WLehman. antaraoite coal to H 1 . Burroughs; Two Sisters , plc iron colas Itoeland; Jonas ' & At gold , lumber to MIMI Bolton & CO. . • --. SIRMORAND A. Steamship Ken.iucton, Baker, sailed from Boston lath inst. for Ith.latleirhis. Shiv rdmn d Kaye. Steele. hence, arrived at Liver pool yreci••aa V.4lti toll. ions 11spOno„ Havener, cleared at London 2 1 inst. for Cardiff's:id Hong Kepi. Dbip botden _trete. wanlett. cleared at New York Yee terday for Ban Fninoimo Ship Siam. Rice. from Jarvis Islands, Feb 20. arrived at New ork resterdsv. Bark Pd !ammo's. Wayne, from Glasgow, arrived at I New York yesterday. Bark Pa ram. Lovett. hence, arrived at Queenstown 30th alt. Bart Ably, Hammond, sailed from Ardroesan 29th alt. for Boston 1 Bark U W Fonithey,Baralue, sailed from Falmoat h I Ist poet. for London. . . _ Bark ()aorta Pearl, Cook, hence, arrived at Glasgow 39th ult. Olive, nullified, called from Providence 14th join, toy valledelphia. Brig Ca!Houma, Comm. from Bristol for Delaware City- Ivo ;led from Newport ltia met fohr N 8 r Thompeon, Conover, hence, arrived at Bolton Mil Inst. . . tours Mar, & Elizabeth, Reed. and Lnther Cbild, Kelly oleared Barton 15th ii et for entlartelpbna &Ars Diadem, Black. 6 w Cuniminya. Wei •ott, and Gnu Carron, rratt. sailed how Providence tich inst. for Phandelptda. Sours J V Wattclin, Smith. Mary D Cramer, rran mar and Rhodolla Blew, Peterson. hence, arrived at aalom 15th first rrrrlrni Celle 'Henry Crosby. Nye. and Selena Helen, Baker, salad from Newport 14th teat for Phila.:lB4Am, Bohr Monterey, Craig, at Fall River. loth Mot. from Delaware they. Fehr M l Oarßele. Roder. cleated at New York yes terd yy for Georgetown. Bohm. Caroline Pall. lirerson, and A 'Beath, Rrart, cleared at Boston 15th inst for Philadelphia. Bohr Y ugene, ranter. neared at Boston lath inst. for Philadelphia Steamer Borah, Jones henna. arrived at New York Yeot-ropy. SPECIAL, NOTICES. ( DMA PRIOR CLOTHING OP TUN LATHP2 trywas, made in the test manner, exerasely for PAIL rALEN. LOWEST selling prices marked In Plain FirUM& AU goods made to order warranted tatufaotory, our ON -PRIGS rrstem v lariat:7 ai sered to. AU are thereby trailed alike. •Ass-ty lONISE & CO.. 604 MAI KEW Street. BATIMILOII 7 B HAIR DYll.—Thus celebrated and perfect Bair Dye is Ms best Ws the owlet. All others are mere imitations of this great mistral, whloh has gained mob extensive patronage wan parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Bachelor's Liquid Eses )y. fiwiresity praincee a splendid black or naturel brown, without staining the skin or injuring the hair, and will rwitsdy the its erects et' bed des:. Inviteluting the hair for life. Bold by all Druggists end Perfumer. Wholesale by PLILNEWSOCK & CO., DYO9II . & 00.. Plulattelptilit. rekl-tf SUPREMO'S WITH 1)1138ABEE OF THH SLAD nut, Kidney*, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, /to., reed the advertisement in another column. headed " Helm bold'. Genuine ?reparations." Jr t-rawf tf IiELOVIR & Balsa's OTLZBILATXD IFDLOELEBB IBEWINO MACRIXES. Vee Beat in Vu for Family Sewing. Us. 73* ginCtiirre lllVetreet. FYIWOW*. s Tv 'BIEFEPHBRD—ORTA.—Con June 8,1861, by Rem. B.A. Fle!schot.a, Mr William W. Sammerci to Mlle Lohlss. Oath, both of this city. DIED. LEBO 8.--Phaddenly. oit the 14th Instant, John Leech. In the tlnh year of hos sae. The relatives and fuseds of the farmbr, WI, Harmon, Lodge, 'Do. 63, A. Y. M. s-Pr•doaia nesmornent;Ney 36. sod Rinlstsains Lodge. No 509. 1.0. of u. F.. and the BeneiSoint loctipt7 of rasobalyilla are respect!: invited to ahead hleaneral, tr..zp . hor late CM denro, R bring . Bun Hotel. rhy roPtl Klnwerestak on Wednesday. the 37th instant, at 2 o'olook. without far ther otice. I/0 AN.—On the. 14th instant, Barnet W..arife of 'Thomas Dolan, and daughter of Frederick flelmbold, hut., in the flat Tear of her eye. The relati yes and friend, of the fatory are Invited to attend her tuner •I. vithoat further notioe. from the restaenee of her hurband. No. Ott Notch ellaineeoth• street, this Wed eaday.) morning. &LI o`o ock. Funeral an rvone at the at. inatataa Chapel. interment at the Yr ar.dlands 1.14.14 Y.-013 the 15th Instant, Robert Lesley, in , the COth year of his sae. The reottleas and friends of the family are remnant fitly inv.ted to Atte , d the funeral. frouthis late ran dine*, No. 014 Marshall street, above Breen. this ( Wed o. *day) afternoon. the 17th instant, at 3u'o•ook. without for her not ma To proceed to Le urea MB Cemetery.. • HILL—Oa the 11th instant, Charles Nelson. son of Charles and Martha Bill agsd 4 years ands months Funeral from the reamehoe of ble parents, AO. 1220 shreokaraison street eb ve (+nerd sees ue.(Bighteenelt ward f ttus ( Wednesday ) afternoon. at 3 o t idook. M ILL - R..—At feanafunk. on the 14th instant, Abra ham Miller, in the 74th Yuma hie as.. ' Funerat from his rate restd.enoe, Washington(Monot Vernon) •treet.this r wedoesday I afteenottri.•lll 11(PLLY.-1M the 11th instant, Bridget, wile of the late James Kelly. Funeral from her late residence, rito.lBM Buttonwood street. above Itisteenth. this ( Wednesday Imoratug, ate o'clock. JOHIVRON.—On the 13th inst.. Francis Cross, eon of L. M. Johnson and Anna his wife. JuNba.—ln Pottayli , e. on th• id instant, Jemitrat wile of E. W. Jones, late of Philadeiplua. la the 40th 2 I t r iAtOt s l l . l on the lath instant, Mrs. Ann L a / a bseil. ae years. Funeral front the residence of Mrs. Catharine Pteven son northwest corner of 'I hirteenth aid Market ea'. onvplisuaday mtareenth at 4 o'clock. • Alllorl.—tin the 13:11 ftirsholis B. Walton, in the Seth • •ar of his lase. Funeral 'from! his late reardinee. on Froat.strest bridge, Dear Frankford. thla ( W ednesday) &Ramona, at 3 o'clock. Y llteot,R.—On the 15th inst.. Joseph Singerly. senor Kd e wa; d !Susannah B. Y anger. In the 3d year of his a g . • .017CHAVIAN..—On the 14!)) Instant. Geonre W.. son of William Intl Ellen Buchanan, in the 11th year or tag 1 10 . unwed from the raider oe * f his parents. No. 1729 otel street, this f_ Wed neadayi afternoon at 2 utoloss. CAeKEY.—re t Fraokfuid. on. the 14th Instant. John CaliksY, ip the 08 h year of his age. Funeral iron, his late reindenoe. In Paul at-Set. below- Church. this( Wednesday/ afternoon, at, o'olmak. COREY —On •the 14th Instant. Mary Anna, infa n t daagliter of Charles A. and Anna Corey, agedl year..lo months at.dSldais DAB 8.--On the 9th Instant. In Bridgeton township, N a tha n 15. tare, late of P htladelehla, in rue .9th year of els age. t.t.Y.—tin the 14th instant. John F., eldest son of and earah Cony. In the Met year of b $ gm. Fitments from the restdenoc of tini father, Bast Vin cent wash's. Custer county, Pa,. tha ( Wednelday) af.•f1104,11. a. w &0 0 1,. ar oK ANNE —On the 14th suet.. AndrewMoKtfane, In the 41st year of his see. .•Fatiererl from his tate residence. northeast corner of ..Eleventh and Master Streets, this ( Vi r Odaol(l4Y)Stor . ll- hat 9 o'clock. / Z.-70e the 14th Ica, John H. Wets. son of chi late tieorge and usthanne ese.z„ ic the WM 1 ear of ass. Rowing front the mediate of hie brother-In-law.; Jonathan Yertiret i fie. 1311 910)•rnewsb ir avenue.ge hanklaY afternoon, at 8 o'clock. LETTER BARB _ - Tl 4 10 17 OhItAILXD MARRIED. RED DY.—Da tho Ath instant, SIM. Bridget Reddri eg± , d. 50 yearionte of el lobes' Roddy. Yuneml Rum the residen S p ru c e . r husband. ein. 309 South Front. street. .telow this( Wedneadtr) afternoon. at 1 o'otoot. ,111101TRI;114G STORE, BESSOM EON, IT.A. 918 CHMilTri UT 'treat are nom ser..inz Blank drape miters at 311 and but cents. 1/14olr bongos: at 2/3 and 81. orws. ISlook 74 wide barep.a• mead 63K cants d-moarnint popli• a, aa raynalios latrallas,l2s4q. Gray mottled modanna. 1230. • Gnu mad vide madonnsaima. rok and whit,- printed greosdinek WS. bepberd plaid real leek and Ishits - Paris ilorandias. tyl ErTHE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE.—The Members are seawalls requested to attend the d Meeljny,_to he held at the nail of the Institute, on THU aIIDAY EVK'IRO. 18th inst. ' at 8 o'olook. TVA Constitution of the aooietr. rut amen ded at the last two meetings. has been engross's& and w,ll be read for approval by the members. IL-Jll7-te WILIAM% HAMILTON, Aotuarl. TWESTERN BANK OF PHMADEL. PH lA, July 13.185 t. a meetaur of the etrd Direotors, held Out der, Mr. C. N. WE.YeIANDs VUappointe dAssistant Cashier of this Bank,. We let G. bf. TROUTMAN. Clothier. orOFFICE OF THE PHILADKLPHIA AND DARBY IIAILROAD COM P mNY. PHIL sDat.PIDA, July 13. 1831. be Board of _Dlractors have this day declared a Di vidend of rvv-ri 4 y-v!V.. CI,PITS per share on the Capital Stook of th a Company. ontstandine this day. tpasablenn and after the 23. h Mit , at the Office of tne Treatnrer, No .2. Walnut street. • Fonthe onnvenienne of Ice Etockhnldem, the Tree alcrervill be at the Depot corner ..f Darby avenue and Fo-t1 ninth street ropy:omits' the Gray's, Ferry road.) between IN, and 8 P. M.. on SATURDAY, the 27th Mat—prepared to pay the above. • Tratatler Books will be closed until the 35th mot. • r TBOS. aPARICd. eeoreme- and Trimmer, JYIP-Im Pto 1 3 Vir A UNIT , ' •Or•ot. VrOFFICE DV THE FHA NEFO RD AND _li'/UTLIWA RE Pill IA U. L.P ELI A CI Y t'Olift RAILWAY COMPANY, BERKS (late Chatham) Street. below Frouth Put. AnztrurtA. July 11.18 g. The Board o r Direotors have th.s day declared a Disiderld of TWO AKE/ ONE-RALF PII2. CENT. from the earnings or the yoga ex mouths, payable to the Ntilookholder., or their legal representatives, on and after 1. a 314 valiant Trot ranger Books will be Wowed until:2d lust .Iylt. b OBAi. R. an 401 T, :.eoretarY• Tr4I7TIg T AFL A VMFII "E Io. P. PIIILADILTUTA. Jul, 1 1861. A t a nimeting of the Hoard of Dirs.:awe held tbie daT. a dividfind of THREE PER CENT. tram deolared on the ortni .. I, Datable n the f met day of Augoet next. Jr: im . W. L BLANCH AR D Peoretarir frr , merlon OF 191113 WEST PELILaDEL PEIA. VABRIO 2 _OIIRR R• t LWAY COMP' Nl', offlmer. at. RkVgRFORD Road end Locieri tit . reet. T'wenty-fontth ward. cornea hours from 0 A. id. to 311 sa. - y 'PHILADELPHIA.JUIit. The thmrd of Threottirs or the t7empnoy have this day declared, doridend , of FOUR per cent. on the capital stook o' .he oomotiay for the last six months. payable on and atter the 25-h init. The tmoke fo, the transfer of stook will be cloned on the 11th inxt until the 15(b. irlt-tbsictutas WM. MAltrlN.is.,Treneurer. ErrE HAVE EMPLOYED Hemp FROM 7'38 PROTESTANT EXCHANGE,Southwest oorner 'SECOND and NEW Streets. and A take pleasure in recommending it to the public ea an 'blution much needed to our 'city, for It, care in ae eoting the beat glen, women, end children as to character and dumb-. Emationa „• 7. ADDICICH,63O Race street. E. M. Sala. E RS. G•een and Tulpehooken streets. JULTANNA R A NDQIPH. 1784 Chestnut street. EDWIN EIRE PA PR CR. ro Ah street. Dr. PAN COAST,_ 1133 cunt Vernon street. JAS. R [UR tiRLIM. MO Mount Vernon street. GEO. FREEMAN. eg7 North Eleventh street. P.O. OLIVER. 860 North Stith street. E. R. DOW kR, hird.and Germantown avenue. T. WILSON, SP/North Front street. T. McGill RE on :South Front street. M. M. W TITTh, MIS Marshall street. W. O. BORER al Market street. W. B. RIOBAADSON. 418 Market meet, lima over one hundree and fitly more, to whom re ference. will iven et the nine.. MILITARY NOTtURS. _ A. -WANTED—FOR THE TH(RD Reg Pnent U. 3...Cavalri. able-bodied men of good morale, betareen,the sane of 18 and 35 serve fors yews. Per from 812 to all'pir month, with bo trd clothing. and medical attendance. A minor wilt not be enliattd.withoot the oontent of parents Olt guardians. &tea atioustonted •to horse, and riders preferred. A pp'y pnnoiti ltendezvous, No. 115 Bouth EIGHTH btre et. Captain .191114 A kVA 1 4E, hl7-]2t• Cavalry Recruiting Meer. iN OTIOE.—T he • Commit' eea appointed try the veirions Companies of Roma G tilted!, R . Graph PP18790 Blues te.o,frivorab:e to the forma tion of it:Regiment to ' be o ffered , to the General Ga.: vernment, for - AO riVE BRRVICE, wall please meet RAIN f 1111 D I EVENIG 0.. X r. Jolt 18th ,at Ba -8K ti. R8 z.1 V , , ,. N. r cor N ner l of Eighth and Callow hin Iltieetg, at 8 o'clock. B 9 order of the Committee. )flB-3r . ...,, WM. 011AVIKAN, Jr., Seoretarl. UN D STATES 0 AVALRY.- WANTRD—For the Third Regiment. IL S. Cavalry —able-bodied; unmarried men, of good character any moralsi.between the ages of 113 and SS years. to serve fora years. Pay !tom U to 21 collars per month, with olotbiog. board, and medical attendance. Men actonstomen to horses and riders preferred; a minor will not be en'tsted without the consent of parents or guardian. appjy at PriampW Rendezvous. No. t 1 .boatb MGR FIE P treatise JOHN /MITA off. bit•Sw' Cast. ad Rat; U. N. Cali. Reafg Officer. AILITAIIit.::O 0 OD /I UNION GOODS. FLAGS. BUNTINGS. &c., &c., .4T REDUCED PRICES. W.H. IliißSlitiNiL& SONS, FIRMS and CRERILY Etzeatd. COTTON ~pucir,; SUITA.B.LB FOR TENTS, PCI SALII y. .)y: t~ e sr 01-1 II 141M..PURIAICATIONS. . T HE.... BOOK, - THREE DOLLARS. , REBELLION RECORD PerJul7-30 cents. UPRIBING OF A GREAT PhOPLE-76 °mtg. -JOHN .1130FARLAN. 33 13. filX cFr Pt. Cenvaiesers went..d. 1717-2 t MAJOR OENICRALI fiIcOLZbLAN. card photegrephs of Major General-310Clellan. Prios2sounts. Now ready. IdcALLISI'EF & BROTEIRE. iyl7-3t .. • -798 o.ll.lsBTNUT , Btrest. ICE0t)158; LAM AND SIII3OELL'ANKOUB, T-T new i rd old, bought, sold, and exchanged, at the PHILAP M LA- BANK . BOOK BTOILB, 419 1111 - EA TN T iltreet.'..l.4breries at a diatanoe puirohaeed. Those having Books to sell if v at a distance,will state their names, rises bindtriga dates, editions, prices, and 00unit - ions. WANTED —1 printed t 1 Beam . min Franklin, as we ll as earl y Boo ks printad in and , upon America. Autograph Letters and.Fortralts rntr .e . Pamphlet lawn of Pennsylvania for sale. Cats leraira. to prem. sent flea. Ml:trance appraisgid by .*: .gOMMRR COMPLAINT OR CHOLERA. I • - 7 IN FANTII.IIL-;The: sofferinri of the little ones from this disease may b& at once relieved by JAYNE'S CA6 llielNAT V g BALSAM. It calms the action and &Atm the irritation of the atomenh end speeds and a permanent cure. Bold at 242 CIUtB fie UT tweet. jyll-St if ATEST . . AND BEST • P4TENTL • • • FRU TT 'JARS', • (BAKER'S PATENT.) - - • NO CEMENT 18 USED, AND NO EXPOSED SUR FA.CE OF OUK TO TAINT TEE YRUIT. TREY ARK' THE' MOST. SIMPLE IN OPERA TION, RELIABLE' IN" RESULT; AND EASILY PROVED. •., . . POTTEA. Si -BODINE, . •liansfici fi torimi and ProprOkm., 106 CHESTNUT STREET. Also, Manufacturati'briliti lilieFanay Wins' And ..Ligpor BotUss, Dziggißle sAlic rock•ry Dealers' Olsen '.olaas Ware. • . 10 .7 • - JAD•irisam TO NlAGAltil;'',ATiLir , AND BACK FOR $1.2. aims EXCURSION. , TICKETS • WILL 81i.501.1r DAILY TnOyeaoUT . THE :SEASON. saoet PHILADELPHIA. TO THE-FALLS _OP. NIAGARA, AND. RUT LISH. FOR 7WP...L*E DOLLARS, Vla Philadelphia and Reading. and Estates'. Elmira, and Ennio Ratlroads, affording the opportunity to AND. VIEW THE FALLS OF NIAGARA, AT TEE MOST TRIPLING COST. TICKETS goof for isvaiir DATA raoat Taal. Ac commodations throsgbout are 7/1112 CLASS, and the 19oenery along the route to unequalled.) For luforuustion au to hour. orstarting, &c., apply at P. & R„ Through:Moket Offloa,, N. W. Corner SIXTH AND DRESTNUT STREETS. E. D. MEARS, General Agent. G. T. LIfONARD. Ticket • J,16-1m APICTURE IS A BALPti TO Ous Sor row when loved ones ere gone away. The oharges ire Doll 81 for Colored Photographs. rimbrorirlh are made eta, I erloes et RELe2IIIVB GALLJS&Y . ,bo•COND m reet.ahove Orson. : It* SOMltillt IS UPON US—And all the dia. Mall tn.:adorn to the eesion may now be rapaoteil. DteenterP• th at , ' mt. Chole , a tdorboe. and ad 80n4.1 a rectums are like), to prevail. and -rp. II o .nee witch et:4onm. -Vet theta and all Cinder n oomiatnto mar' Pe BALSAM. ourodD. It by D. JA V IP< OA kitIVAT/Vlt BALSAM. Prepared &INS EIBINTNU Lyn Stir E NEW 020 - tilluti I P SAE D,:•L ydwn at' Bletnnatale. Wamuited ot. Ole very beet gur att i , l a stare and for Bah.. arhotpiAls LAoN eoa a a s nd re t ail.by Implemoßd Dtg Wl-rebotNe.Nos.*l nod 3 0 00th 14 , X cy otreot. SAN'S TOUR OHILD/xEN ! Nave Your Children from the too often fatal ono!, Of Ruin peer elowptint,by using et °ow. JAYI4 - 'el iAll lid !NA TI %re tin .A4l. i . ..? a plranatil. tertian. and ule re med•. and should kept on bend by every rearfal mother. i•old itt 242 CH tttiT IV CT sleet. j. 17 3t if Irjr4luN 14:;1 1 7BLOP.1103 AT UPHAM'S, 310 011137 UT ERnset. jest assortment in the tun fin Arraim i =mhor thrhapas;s. INDlCtlour Stomagr; and all Bowel Alliattoa s=areintatovid b JAYNE'4 (MAK I rLVAs.SALAA Tim mom certainty and ease Urn ear other oreparatton rg offered to the pubde. (i t a trial. Eoia at II o. =I 0 nEsTr4 j yr-St tf RETAIL. DRY- 'GOODS• L. HALLOWELL . Bc-00 1 1 ,Lkt 1 31.ARKEI STREET, AIS 0X.,0504 01lit AT RETAIL. thole. stook . of GRENADINES, TISSUES, BAREGES, BAREGE ANGLAIS, ORGANDIES, JAOONETS, ' LAWNS, BRILLIANTS, ORGANDY ROBES, eta., IMMENSE SACRIFICE. 43-mwfat MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAK. - caphEn4rett.s., Tir•mu. notton‘des. Linen Drill.. Hatteens. Corduroys. ." 76 cent gine all-wool (1666 n mores. BAWL and fancy Cessimeree. c.,m4 rl. K h. COPULA D. X719'11. E. csattar NINTH and MARXIST: fI,LOSING OUT SALE DRESS GOODS.: Bals , oe of our stook Gummier Dread Goads, at merely *mane/ p•ices °lose them. Mirages and Barer° Robes. Ns Mars hejf prise. Fine stook Black Dress Goode, extra cheep. COGPErr a.. LaileaßD.. 103 S. E. nor. NUITH and MARKET. FRENCH Or POINT EEL Shawl!. Pflase e letean d d io l3? ) z e ox v va tug; Blrok Silk Mentkee. Oote, do. summer buster'. A he* rt-et. oli•ftp. • csoorza & Q9N A RD. • N.B.—Best HoopBlkiilr .eor.N to O 4 6 o tinde M IEY/T, SClBllacit toursi GOOD 8.• _ , tstill farther Redaction t Proses of Dr( es ; tioods . . . 0 Clots. Sommer Assortment/. • '. . key Goods—TravellingGoods. • - arias and tlrsandt.s—Chtoszes•— • ~ reran and Greandines--Broones. .. • . .. • -.; Cahoon,— rnoltna—Summer Bilk.. . ~, Fontarde--.turnmer r hawls—Alan ties. -• B.IIARI'L.E.BB BROTHIMS, jyll 0141.77 NUT and EIGHTS/ Streets. LINEN DIAPER 8 —A full line of 'various i tau azzgar n it d oli ro D , !:cs , 18 'non to X-mott. R rLEIB I. BROT HERS. _l7ll CRFSTNU I and ElOHTH.Stroete.' P YRE A AR LANDZLL . OPENING " • RLAilit BlLKS.—Blaek Silky, fine grade. ' Bleak Silks for city mites. • Black Silks wholesaler ' ' Bleak Silks, ZI to 36 Inches wide.' & LANDFILL; FOURTH and 1 1-:4 1 AP Os, ere gelling all their Summer Goods low, to oboe them. Emmet' silks. Indis and Frenoh. • ps,k Freneh Organdy Lawns. Barney and Lawn tones by the yard. Double and Ewalt 'ilk Grenadines. LANDELL HAVE FOR BATIENG DRRBBEB All-wool Ulna Flannels. A 11-wool Plaid Flannels. - ' Good assortment of Toweling'. Bummer (Italic wholesale. /YlO-tf M 6 ] —MEMORABLE YEAR I ! i_. GARD ON DRY GOODS i• .P VERY LOWRICICB ! 81161.. MORE REDUCED: THORNLBY & CRISM, • N. S. tor .FIG.l'eR and SPRING GARDEN, Want to sell . their 'took cl4ira off, . And have onsequan REDUCED Ti/EIR PR IC ES. • VF. KY LPI, INDEED, Family Silk s ..r. Orem Goode et Will prloe. a little over half, price. • . . 7......1.. AC. MentleN.Polotee. Yam, mem • /co.. very 01te111... Black Silk', the cheapest in Philadelphln. . A great variety of Gra Goal". La &o., nus, 0.. kg... A very lame stook of om-stio Goode. A very large stook of Linen Goods. , Piloths,Vonsimeres. Vesting& Re.. Re. . 8.--This is/ a HARE CRA.PftIE 'o get _goods un usually obeap. • THoREL EY & oRISM., N. R. Cor. EIGHTH and "IP.RIIe 0 GAN I,IIK. N. B.—F rom this date, July 9th, Terms " Cash nn Deliver*. iy 9 . pita PARIS-PRI N T E D CHINTZ-00- LORED ORGANDIES REDUCED TO HALF PRICE. Richest stile imported, SIX° ; usual pries 760. Medium _ 11; - . 62, ; Fine Paris Saoonets.3s ; usual _ 10; 31. Fine assortment do, 1234 ote. /3%1'01.4 helm htripe, ho.. &c.. all reduced to n Worth 37,V, PranedEarege Allem 12) nts. The abore comprises tome of the hanAsomest roods In the market. CHARLES_ ADAMS 130 N. be.tf EIGHTH and ARCS Streets. STILL GREAT ER REDUCTION IN DRY gooDs.—Ber epality'of Glam. frir 20e. • aaeortment Ot DIME (3001311 TOM 173 L to 16. Detainee end Chailie °champs re need from 26 to WC /Adieu' Cloths, plain, plaid , and 'tripod.' at a low firly, Men SO Bon' Wear. womb redneed. Lawlor in erPat variety from 8 to Snie. Fri raiehink Goode. at the lowePt market prices.. Shetland Shawls, from el toStil at JURNDi STOKES', irB • 708 ARCH Street: BARGAINS ! BA.RGAINS ! ! -E-AF 'GARAI' SACRIFICER. EXTRAORDINARY' INDUCEMENTS offered in tee balane a of ony fi took of . HUMMEADRMS gii.N)DS, now olosligcalt GREATLY UNDER COST PRLops. Panama in Laos Mantles, Boarooue, rotates. Lierganui in Pilk.Coate. ealviire 4.-d 66 amass. -- - .. - . riARUAINB UI I. ANCY EIII•Kri. BA RO &INN IN BLACK SILKS. 600. Mohair Grenadines for 260. . . Mo. DelaiD4ll. new *tying, (or B3. 600. Organdie ?awn* for 100. . . WO. Lawns, fine quality, ter So. . STEEL & EON, bit. 410..7.13 North TENTH Street. above Ceates. ,pgicrE; FEaras. &Co., , - NO. 807 CHESTNUT STREET, Pall continue to RETAIL-their ler' *WHOLESALE STIICK of Whits Goods. Linens. Laces. and Embroi deries. at price. which must metre it to the interest of every one who may want anything in their line to give them a mill. as they will save at least 26 per cent: of the usual cost by so doing. JA_CONETS. CAMERIC4 ' MITLIP NAINsOOKS, TAHLETANEL SWISS? FRENCH kIUSLINS, ERTLiIANTEIL QUIZ S. FIGURED SWIEtswO FOR DA UEs. b; NM ROID'D SKIRTS. FLOUN CINGS. )1) INGB, ALE/. Volt. 114NDS. INsERT. BQ tti INGs, COL &Rs. vaLEIVIENNE AND ()Tarp. LACFA, VE LS Alf ITIi. HANDKERCHIEFS OF ALL KINGS , Slip wilco, _Pit LOW AND SHIRT ING LINENS.' ADL,v .CLonm, NA mules, TA IRA DAMA-ER. PUCKABAcit AND OTHER TOWELS AND 'TOWELINGS. - N. 13.—A few ohome-real thread and Cambria Lace Pointe', at about half price. A new lot of trimmed and plain net undersleeves. 44 0 beautiful styles Val. lace handkerchiefs. ALL VERY CHEAP. PRICE. FERRIS, de CO., ili-im , • . NO7 CHESTNUT STREET. NEW MANT3i:LI444..STORE. The most eeleatiklElLlC MANTLE!, in the efts. • 1391j42113 00, Jethim . Eli EOUTEL TENTH STREET. MANTILLAS Ii way sew style, the rioheet qualities ever seen, at the elegant New Store, Of SOUTH TENTH STREET. gee , HOUGH & CO. QUISESIVIC STOOK OF DRESS GOODS :AT N- 3 PRICEfiI ACCORDING VOIHE TlMES.—?oplins, &maces, Silk ermines. ball' prior. ; Challie Detainee re duoed froorra to 11360. ; Bpnng Chintzes reduoed from LIN to flo.: Speoial attention iz requested to our stook of Organ dies and Jecionet-Lnyugtider sre bound to close out eta low fi gure. 0 ADAMS & SON; 140. • • -E V 'and ARCH Streets. ABANKRUPT. IMPORTEtI3 Jo TOOK of tiarailiaraf Linea Cambria Haridierobiefa, in hem-stitehed. sheer-ontded, and embroidered. from 10 cents to 63 'cants each ; great bargain. purchased a sacrifice for cash, and to be H old in the same way oall. CHAR KS &DANIS & SON. 10.10 .' Elf/ TH. and'ARCH Streets.' 11.4 11 REN3H LAOS VELLB.-A dhoice; lot a.".. purubasPd front a bankrupt importer. and for West naa priori at CA&Rttiril ADAMS lc SON, J.fot.IOFITH and ARC. thrombi. .. FIRENOH LAOS PLANTS, BUIIRNOUB, R.. ' AND MANTLED —A largo. stook to be sold allege than wholesale gnaw. We cannot be undersold in these goods. CHARLES ADAMS fr. SON. Jeff) EIGHTH end ARCH Streets. MUEQUITO NETTING, all colors ,• Tarle ma tan. all colors. for oovering glazes, ; Raid and Swiss Rtnonna at wholosalgriota. OH 14..4 ADAMS it SO. 140 • •N 1 TR and AR N CH Streets. • RMALL-PLAID SILKS. 51.nnikndWhits F» tt • BILO and White .renAtt 81404 brown n anti and w hits rregon Stlke. • Ehne r reaon 81% 34 knrple and Mute irrenoh 5 pti 51=7 'OO r. fio dot. ~dlFfs at $1 DO per • • • 4 r " u P" ,ve ." JB5 7; . 09 St—et. SPECIAL NOTICE I I naieslSßl BVE DU SafteVue i m % date SYVtrIZ " B efay . ' TO CAM( Ptritoßessßa OF DRY GOODO I DMus_ determined to ridsce their Sloth they will Oil Good Barattito !! ~ - rWil l Fancy Bilks for Ta oenti, erortiLie ear Ri oh FsnQY 811 k. orl 111, well worth111:411, - ,••- Grenadine tend Baru. Goods , about op half their Tadao. • Grey Mixed doivis, In every variety, from 8 conniver yard to fkiteettat • _ , BLACK-BILKS, RIO ylfF LUBTROITB, vErcy . , • ;goat Wool Brooade gine " , don . tile —. Mod . L ic . ;, ' ' Eta,' De Leine., Calicoes, Cammerel, Clotho. Ye/tinge, . & tizipoulditell ail. Quate,Oovr &,. fr,i. Sao w L Afi 40111 -ROOM lu/ rrioxi f rena l, Leas ant ea, Donee, tkoawio, none': azabne Leoe hlentloa Ohontilis • Leo. Goods, fts. , lleak et Oodits blentir La. in even , 4116. arirtOßN/4 i it baulart ~ , .m. f. sonar Klemm a. ariums •Aillsllllii. ...-• tusocalitras. tra NIMUJIIS =BIDING IN THS WHEAL DIE7EIO7B. Wsi re pripared, u heretorore, to iran4 femilin et Hum Cknutry Eastdenoea with eery description of FIoZOI Z.LI s, TEAL &ow &a. ALBERT O. ROBER.7I7* CORNER ELEVENTH AND. VINE BTREETe. aria RUBE PORT WINE. FOX SALK BY • • C. H. MATTSON. _ ARM . AND .TENTH STREETS. DIAARIKE t AND DYSIENTKRY:—The most violent &Kooks or theme oomelatnte are al ways prompt]. matxlead by. Dr. L. J 101%15.'8 CARKI PATI Vb nAL,AM. Li e quiet. gale, and oerta m In Its tuition. and Is in all masons Jest Snob a remedy as evil" tamp should Le Repotted lipti at fate weave of 'the ear . Prepared at No. 25$ 0.111,8Th14 Street.. - Jyll-34 If TLLII.NIP DRILLS, ' SALE 'll3l • D. LANDESTIFT it. BUN. lt". • oe. 91 and k 3 South SIXTH. street. Uholers Morbue, slid Cramps . 01.Ary~~dil7 gad al e ft e e t :l 4 , I T( a p u r r ylipt , by the ant when Inn, &tucked. .110-3 t SIMMER RESORTS. 4EA BATHING, - • n. _BRIG ariTTNR BOIJBe:, ' BRIGANTINE lIKACIIJI. J. Now Oen ( of the ceases . The Bathing , Fishing. Gcnaing t uid Yachting being vory rupenor. Boate will await Plena at the inlet on arrival of trains,' Board Der week 98. P. 0. Addreas, Atlantic City. H. D. eIdITH, Proprietor. wriITE ItousF" Lower end of diAIi3ACHu B ETT B Avenue. ATLANTI 01TY. This hones is located inamedletelyin the Beach , and t e ifi n s Fd r e y ra a rrf au gtai l ler Witi t .trifOUlHS. Proprietor. SEA-BATfilNti, SALLING, AND FISH- Ma. ATLANTIC 7101188, WATCR HILL, Near Stonitigtori, Conn. This celebrated watering-place hotel, where the ittOilltiell for Bathing. tailing. Fishing, and toe onlo7- meet of the beet quality of sea foe), are euperior to any other in the United States, will be op ened on the 1861 90th of June ,1861. . 0. S. 81' 'PIC 88, le2lWm Proprietor. ►-•••H ALEIAMBRA," ATLANTIC) CITY, N. J. .A SPLENDID NEW HOWIE, B. F. Corner of Atlantic and Massachusetts A.11511110E4 Now OPell for the reception of Boarders. The Rooms and Table of "fIX. ALHAMBRA " are unsurpassed by any on the Island. There se a esamoue toe Cream and Refreshment Sa loon attaohed to the House. Terms Moderate. C. DUSOIA Fr. S. .1. YOUNG, lerr-2m Proprietors. BEDLOE2B HOTEL, ATLANTIC) tarr N. J.—A t tho terminus of the railroad. on the left, beyond the derot. This Bones is now open for Board era and Transient Visitirs. and offers tesommodatione equal to any Betel in At antic fifty. Charges moderate. Children attl servants half price. IXT Parties shored keep their seats until the oars a , rive in front of the tudel. CONGRESS HALL, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. This Spacious Howie. Wasted at Atlantic City, will be opened on the 29th June , with every accommodation for visitora. The House fronts the beach 129 feet. diving a splexidid view of the ocean, and is near the Fishing and Bailing point. No . pains will be spared to secure then zuomfort and aonveeno9 of(' g nests. JB24.teel TH 112A4 0. GARRETT. ItGnt.IIOIJSE OOTI'A#R, AMA NTIO CITY. the nearest House to the safest part of the beach, is now orm for Ile Season. TEu SOLD OD ,it ATE. NO LIQUORSON THE PagMISRS. JONAH WOOTTON. Jet! am Proprietor. SEASIDE HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. BY DAVID SCATTERGOOD. A NEW. PRIVATE BOARPING-HOUSE, beauti flthi eithattel et the foot of Yennaylvants Avenue sow open for visitors for the seaeon. Je24-2m SSE A BATHING. " The Claiendon," comedy Viryinia Rouse.) VIRGINIA AVENUE, .ATL ANTIC CITY, le now open for the aooommodation of Bearden,. 'ibis House is situated immediately me the Benoh, and from every room allorda a fine view of the Bea. f thiit-sm) JAMES JENKINS, M.D. TAIMIANY HOUSE, NORTH CARO LINA AVENUE, Near the Depot, ATLANTIC CITY. The subscriber take■ pleasure in informing hie former patrons and the pob'io that he has reopened the above House, where he will be happy to please all who may favor him with a oall. Je34 Snit ELIAB CLEAVER, Proprietor. SMMER BOARDING, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., ASHLAND HOUSE, Corner of Pennsylvania - Avenue and the Railroad, Atiantio Avenue, In now OPEN For the reception of permanent or tneleet bonrdem. jell 2m JO HN B. STOKES. WASH I NGTON HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—This-House fronts the Bad. and hes the finest Bathing Grcrund on the Beaoh. Board per week. Bethins . Ureues included for weekly boarders only. Board per de.r. VISO. Binsie meals. 40 cent,. • JO H.f4 ROTEMPRAhI. je24-2m Pt oprtetor. KENTUCKY HOUSE,, ATLANTIC CITY, N J. :Tali comfortable and convenient new home boated on Kenn:AT avenue. onpoeite the Surf Home, hue been fitted un for visitors this seance. F. & QUIGLEY. Proprieton. N. B.—Ziorgee mod Carriages to Hire. Je24-2uu VENTRAL HOUSE, . ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., M. LAWLOR, Proprietor. The above new Lowe is open (or Boarder,. Rooms equal to an) o on the beach, well ventilated. high ceil ings &o. rvants attentive and polite. Approximate to too Bath ing grounds. Jett-2nl FRANKLIN MOUSE, ATLAttTIO OITY, N.J. BY MARY MAGUIRR. This Hones fronts the surf, PilldrQueurox the finest Bathing Grounds on the beach. Bo4rding $O.OO per week; $l.OO per day. trinzle meal 1% cents. Bathinc Dresses included for Weekly boarders only. 1e74 2m poNsTITIITIONAL HOURE, `L. , ATLANTIC CIT , Y, N.J.. (OppoMitES . tril ARK, egtocal.) • J (o tit , Old Globe.) Proprietor. ._ scr The choicest brands,. LA./cora and Cigars to be 'found on the Island. 3e24-2m CIO landßlA HOUSE, Atlantic City, N. J. EDWARD DOYLE. Proprietor. This House is in the immediate vicinity of the Surf Ilona), and within half a square of the beat Bathing @rounds on the beach. The proprietor will use every effort to make hie guests oomfortable. Terme. reason able. 3814 Sai STAR HOTZb, f Nearly opposite the United Blatee Hotel.) ATIAINITICTi. V. J. /SAMUEL ADAM, Yroprtetor. Dinner.- - omits. Alec, carriages to hire. ST Boarder. accommodated on the [nod reasoristble SEA..BATHING.-N&TIONAL H ALL, Calm IsLratn, Cape May. N. J.—The proprietor of the above-named finely located establishment would respectfully inform the thousands 91 Gums that have heretofore visited his house, that. In order to meet the pressure of the times- be has, for the present beneetn, REOLICED RIR CHARGER for Titxtrorr a to VIGRT DOLLARS PER WEER. Children under 12 years 01 age and servants half - price. Ruperior accommodations, and ample room for MO persons. - Refers to J. Van Court, 243 rah street " Philadelphia. Je.ll-2m AARON GA RRETBO V, Proprietor. WHITE SULPHUR AND OHALY • • BEATS SPRINGS. DOUBLING xx GAP. These Springs are in Cumberland aeunty, Pa.. thirtY tulles west of Harrisburg on the Cumberland Vallev Railroad,and we now open for tbe reception ol visitors. Board from five to eight dollars. atmording to rooms. Procure your through tickets at toe Penney lvania Rail road Office, at a reduced price 84 th•ongh. Cell on B. 8. Janney, Jr., & Co., 6105 Market street, for information, cards. &o. COYLE. ARL, h REAMER, • le3o-am. Proprietors.. SURF HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY. This HOTEL. w.th ite Bret-class accommodations for over 400 guests, will be opened on the 11th of June. Situated within nary yard' of the Ocean, at a point where the bathing is the beet and safest on the coast and remarkable for an unusually dri and neuith• atmos phere, the SURF 9OUBIt will be fonnd one of the most attractive places 01 IMMO , resort near Philadelphia. The table will be most bberall• supolled. The house is lighted with gee and plentifully supplied 'lab good cistern water. . A line band of amide and the serrioes of several fast-earl ng Yachts have been engaged, and on the pre mise& are Billiard Tables Bowl ng Alleys, and a mat eient number of Bath Homes, The Fishing, Gunn= , and Bailing st o ptlntic Citi r oannot be Sri All train. at the 81.1 HOUB Id, to=id take ni gr aDrilltrmation. ariPir at ABIILAND 1100911, Street, Phdadelptua, or address the Subscriber at the sarf Howe . • elli-86t H. 8. BENSON. Proprietor. HOWLAND'S HOTEL.,:- aEs BATHING, LONG BRANCH, N. J. The eabserlher willeven hie hotel for the RECEPTION OF yierrom on Satardaz, Rine 14 7861. mrti-tm H. HOWLAND, Proprietor. CONORMS BALL; : • CAPE MAY CAPE ISLAND, N.J. 'nu; well-known first:ohiss Hotel wilt be opened for the rooapbon of guests on THURSDAY. June 20. hoard, 32 per day, orW pelt 'week. EST a 1110MPSON. . Propnetom VOLITMBIA•HOUSE, (hipo Island, N. J. This celebrated house will be opened for the re ojtion of guest. on June 2S. 1136 L he situation of this house is one of the most beauti on the'laland. commanding an unobstruoted view of the ocean. A band of , music has been engaged exclusively for this house forte season. A large number of bath houses are oonneoted with the establishment. Good stabling for horses attached to the promo es. . Applioations for rooms or other parboulara will meet with prompt attention br_addnarsing the subson ter. JAB. R. LAIRD, Proprietor. jell-!m Cape Island. N. J. *TIRES:3ON SPRINGS, OAMBRIA 00., 'kJ PA.—This delightful and popular pPioe of rummer resort. looated direotly on the line of the Pennsylvszus Railroad. on the summit of the Allegheny mountain'', tiventy-three hundred feet above the level of the ocean. will be open for mate the 10th of -TUN R. eines" teat season the grounds have been ri gr ro eatir improved.and be/int:ted, rendering Cresson one of the most mantio and attractive places' in the State. The furniture is being thorougnly renovated. Theweeker of pimiento; and entferfrom heat or dease, gonnpp grefi Livery will Billiard d Aleyslegra, o..togetle; with the pur t sir en water, ead the most munthoent moon tali 110ene Vbe found in the country. Tickets for the round trip from Pluladelptua. 1 I 7,80 from ttebnrg, • For further informatlou, address Ao4.lbris °mum Botha.. Cambria Co.. Pa. • 1Z ITTATI ROUSE, • • AR, DELAWARE WATER OAP. W 3 &vonte place le now open. ereeenttns mereased attraction., for the season. Zoard redueed to salt the times Lease Keislngton Depot at 7 o'oldok A. M., and at nye at the Oap o , olook P.•M. R-vdstassa.—Franktin Peale. Morton Moidiohael. Louts A. Oodey; Samuel C. Heaszer, mid Charles Bsoker. L. W. BRORAFAI). j~n-1m REA-B &THING.—The UNITED STATES BO BL, ATLANTIC. le now open for visitors. Th's le the largest and hest-furnished Hotel on the Island. and bettor convenient to the beach and dtirrounded by extensive and weL shaded grounds. Is a esirable House for faradiee.. It is lighted with gas and well supplied with pure eater. The Gernstain society will furnish the musio for the season. The ogre stop at the door of the Hotel kr the irtervenience of guests. McKIBUIN, /e>o-tf . . Provrietor. COLUMBIA HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND, N. oonsideration or the times, the prose of ? Id*.hD or the present season. at th , i popular Hotel, an been rtduaed to 111251_per weok, or per Pep. 'iPi24lt Jets; LAI HD. frornetor. SSEABATBIfiG.—Iinited states Hotel, Long Branch. N.J., Intl open for the reoeption of Visitors. June 10. 1881 ; with the enlargement of dining room. parlor. &editions' rooms, a. 0., _since lest pease°. Address B. A. ISISUBBLAKs.II., Proprietor. jpg-Itn•. MANSION HOUSE, MT. ()ARBON, echaylkill ooctotr, Pa.. now open for viattors. For terms. &gayly on tho Drama's. 1e24 lee M. if KAD. - EIPHRATA.MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, PENN/SYLVANIA. LANCIASTER This oelebrated Water lace vill open for visi tors on the lid day of .TUYI . with ail the attractions of former seasons. tlituated on mountain 1300 feet above tide-water. ovell i okins the riobest aprlon tura], gartntry an the wort. the air eerfootly ders t proverbially bealaylre. and drY.st all times. Ten- There are ample aooommodations for Oa visitors— km traded walks through the forest to the various .rings and tourer. houses on the plow:Luau et* to me obeetvetort.ut . the top oil whloe le teeellteG to 0 eye one or .briest and most extensive patio 78Sato 11111171 to baron. A good livery kept on s the Owe. beattuf drives around hot and cold mei tri e t,a d band t Kulia (11.' 1 t Atirrnt ° e Pow nir alleys au as, with the latest logroved tables , Large t E=y ea satteohed to e'ettlV:theontlbrth.ict':eith. too. Y elfi be supplied t be ..phim.delphi. and Beltunore Markets. as nor the nob gorriogtural country around. tiarelnl nlyte t raroe ve ir e i r connected with the establishment for some ye w ,. with the late yooprietor, the undersigned assures the old patrons or the place and the ppm* generallJ that it will be oonduoted, in every depart ment in its former popular way. v u ) tor . to the Spnzga will take the can to Lama/- ter. thence 13 miles staging over:pleasant roads and la rc niy betextkl goonntry. Throufh tio)teta Issued e annoy lvania Railroad ofiloe, hi..EVbitTE end ET Streets Philadelphia. or further ,plr i lag Or oironly the prorate refers to J .to ,octyper• MED and varg "Mitt =i'? tu'hidelpfiM,7,sl,Teal°. ' 1 9" 9 lariele if fa. SUMMER RESORTS. SBAIIIING, CAPE I'LAND, OAPZ •••.7 MAY, N. J.—DEL Aw &RE 1101:15E 110V 1 open for the fteason. Terme 88per 'week. yI6 JAM. r.bi NI KC RAY. Proprietor. CITY HOTEI,, CAPE ISLAND, N. J.— This old established Bummer Hotel has passpd into new hands this ores•ut %anion. and has bean n.wiy turnwhed and refit od. and will in • mondwated as flit. Ms house. French and Bnaniah spo ken .. I euns. a day. /0-WIM3;. st)HOOLEY'S MOtNNTAI SPR*(3B, NEW JERSEY. The " REATE ROMP" will be owned for •he re caption of Company June nth having' been ezt-n-ivety refitted and 'removed since the lest Season ; affording additional comforU to visitors, and ineresaing the 41. - nimbleness, of the place. as a healthy, pleasant, , nd fashionable place of Smu ttier resort, " Sohooley 'a Monntain" has bat few equals; and is acrpaesed by none It is reached by a pleasant railroad ride, and only seven hours from Philadelphia. Leave Phits.delphts in the Il o'clock train for New York, reach Jersey City at S o'clock, thence by Morris and Essex Railroad to the mountain. eteturningjeave the Mountain at 6 A. M. and 1 P. M.. arriving in Phila delphia a' I and 8 o'olook P. M. Room. can now be en gaged. Charees.mcderate. D. A. CROW ELLi• je27-Irmwlet* Proprietor. BRIGGS HOUSE, CHICAGO, The undersigned respectfully announce to their friends. patrons. and the. travelling public generatir, that owing to the stringenny of the timea. they have reduced the price of board to TWO DOLLARS per day. Thankful for the patronage so liberally . bestowed on them, they respectfully ask .for a continuance of the same, alumnus their patrons that the " BRIGGS" will be conducted on the same liberal plan that has heretofore characterized their eatablrshment. WM. F. TUCKER & .00. .1617-Ica BALES BY Aut.-rims IiTTUATREIL BROIL, AU(- M° TiONZJIMI, 604 0N8871117T Bt, above elicik: . . . SALM EVRRY EVRMING. At 73i o'olook, of all and evcry description or wsies and meronandme r• . o-e. al dtty sates to rut' oonsignos.. War Oat-door sales promptly attended to. Al rAIV %Ts se ur.., The stnok anti fixturee of a wholesale and retail warty , • d stritionom store. 1'0:0 Reams Cotnttercnal Note-eapei..6o oents 'per • am. . , 1,600 Rums of good white Rulea Letter - PaPtir.. 9o •ti , tt per re•rn. I NO them/I,lloer Bath Poet Lettar•paper, 9) cents er 'eem 2te) Reams super Bath Poet Letter-paper, gilt &Ike. : I eel. ream. Goo Reams Foolsoan-payer, wbite. ruled, $1 per ner. 101.1 003 F•ne White Envelopes, self-sealing, from 70 'news V. al PO per Thousand. zoo COO ',Fine Buff and Canary Envelopes, seilf-sealliig, (rim 00 cents to $ igio per thousand. UraUN PAPE act A • 1.) ENVELOPES, 100 WO Union knvelopes. nionited styles (one oolor,) at 81.6. per bum and. or 16 cents ip , r hand rr d 100 Union velopes. ss.orted st , les. t two colors,/ at el so per thousand. or BP•o•ints per hundred. 1,1,00 g oAs superior dteel Pene. 20 cen ■ per gross. dle 1 0 . 01 go ne r I ass •r' went of stationerr tuns 1.1 found In a first class stationery establishment. th , whole to be sod ats great saor• Bee •in order to close the slook of a Whol.s Ile and Retail Btationerdeobnins ,business Libra( cash advao•eas on closets, meets • for either publto or private sale. • jll7-6t - - . 1 NBTITIITIONIPOR Tin BLIND -Ex . - -IL dilations elan, 'WEDNITZDAY ArTERNOOIf. gai•otad woes VOWLI toin Instrumental. /Uranium', TEN CENTS. Commemaing at half peat 900 look. t.TOIIII, 11 South EIGHTH' 'trona. ASSEMBLY BUILDINI-1÷: . - ..FrOBTR 1178FIC! MONDAY, July 16, and EV6II y NIG F 1 r This week, Metn'ficent Views of Intereving Lo^allries to Furoee; Ciiontte Viet , ' of Civil Cot iliot ; Start lag Hewes.-- la•loos of Roulette War. mak , or the largest end most interesting xhibition ever offered to the yeti a --.- m.oalOO Weems : Children 1.11 cents. Gallery (eXeresall for colored 'people* 25 ; • pizN6YLTANLA AOADEMY t,E Tag IL PINE; ARTE. 1025 eItERTNII7 *treat, is open Sti rid aye exoepted, from 9 A. M tall e P M. Admission Chilaren under twelve poste, half, moo. Shotr.o or Moot/. S. JYI WANTED Three second-hand slide LATH En. which will awing not less than even ty-erix inches, clear of shears. and turn not legs than twelve feet lid4reas Box Mg Phihdelphis pest Moe. stating Particulars and prices. trll2-5.* VMPLOYERS . WANTINO YOUNG -ALA Men, &0., are invited to address the" Employ ment Committee," at the Room* of the One Men's Ohnetian nasociation. /000 and 1011 ORKBTilli, Street, • • • ne-ihn FOR SALE AND TO LET. NTO LlNT—The' Brick Dwelling, No. 11T ELFRETH'S AL,I.BY. north of Arch at.. east of Fecund .treat. cot fainter 8 roema. pia. good Van'. OellAr..t 0., with aide flotranee• in e'lleet. or. or. being newir painted and oagerad tercet h •ut. Nn per- ISM aged &ppwhn wish t anderlet the pretel•ea. Ap- pfy 619 VIl c, 7 street 9tot2 A M. 1r1721 A B dLiPt. - Fog ne tatook and Fixtures of a Boot and Fhoe store, doint• a paying trade. Ibis is 11 very Aare o lines for any one ;sighing to go into bus Dees.- Fa Isf4o , or 2 snap for selling out. Address '' Carlisle," Priy ufnee. Phikdelplua 3716-gt• GEILMANTOW N.---10 LET (fur the serums oriesy) a pleasant Residence . near Shoe maker Lane Station ten rooms; well shaded . facCat.l. • .1.• , South MICAS'S' • t•eet. Me To RENT LOW—Furnished or Illa 1111Lfurnithed, for Inn months or longer. if desired; a lane and oonvenient HOUSE, no IMO Aron street. Apply to A. P. and J . MOBILO, 9es A Rog street.POP tf GEitunTNUT-STIOAT 110IISB and Mll-STORE rent.—The desirable bnelneen location, 17117 csEATNu'r titreetontb. dwelling attached. APPLY at 431 allftaTNUT Rtrert. ken fl RENT- - -A very desirable STORE, -IL on the Ninth-street front of " The Continental 'Sack" The Store at Ninth end Ransom streets ono st MI, adapted for a SA-ODLE and Reacess Maker. Art to • ;JOHN RICE."'" fe6- Southwest NINTH and Sa.NSOM Streets. p? RRXORANGE.--A OHOIO TRACT of good =improved farm land in the State of blew Jersey, convenient to the air", will be 'exchanged fer gap property rf . Apply at Die. 114 I/EMMA/. street. odM• PLEASANT ROOM I , WITH BOARD, for married or single gentlemen. Terms mo l d . 810 ARCH 0,7 . .01.. Jyll St* COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. NOM:M.—The Partnership heretofore existine between James : goon and Davis Nimble. tradint under the firm of FiletiTT & Nt tettiL IC is t tes dew dissolved by mutual consent The business of the firm will be settled by the aubaortbers. JAMBI! "COTT, ill6-3t . D AtVfB Int BLS. DI4ROLUTION PAB.ThiBarsHIP.— The partnership heretofore tartar:mg b.tweea SAMUEL n..r nom PsON and BnMUEL F. JENKII I I, tinder the firm of ream esos it:Qin/we. la this day diasulwd by mutual consent. The business of the late firm will be amtled and wound n i g . by Pamael D. Pet Thompson, at the store, No. 604 ah ntreet. SAMS:rills B. nOM PeON,, SAMUEL E. /anti NS. rhilads.. June 7th,11861, tf DtaBULDTI IN. The copartnership t i e T e. o r,, re mib g i s ti n g hempen the a.denicned. under the firm of J P. 8 CHIN ER & CO., is thm der ciseolved, by mutual coconut. The banana will be set. ied at the old snood. N... 9 SANK and No.I.IIBI'RAW BERRY Btreeto, Prudelphin, • P. aT Isllq ER. R NoIB F. WOLGAMUTH, HENRY VOLIALF,II. Phiiada..l ily I, 1861 fIOPARTNERSHTP FORMED.—The tm de.signedhave this day entered into oopertnerstup, under the firm W of OLGAINUTH It. RALEIGH. Being enteessors to the late firm or J. H. ISTEINF.It & Co.. ,we wal eorttinueAhe business in the saws branohea au herecofore a _ . t the same place, 2 , 10. -it • BANK. Street and IsTRAWBBRttY Btreet • ' FRAIOIB F. wOLG..MUTIN. - = 211AUR/GE RALEIGIL Phihicbs" Jdt.l. Mt. INSURANCE COMPANIES. IA INgIIRLDTOZ 00111PANY, " - No. 406,CIFEE7NIP3 Strain FERE AND INLAND LaRIIELANCE. . DrIXOTO2.II. Saone W. De .__.___.o[ Day & MatLae& ' . itamnei Wnght, Wright Bros & Si, D. E. Rimer —......... " pia A 131rneJ. Iffsgry . Levris, Jr—. " 311 Bros A Oa. 44. Rionertison—!-- "J. Qll.- owe tr.. Co. ' • • •.. : Samuel T Bodine.-- Freer joining °anal esseir... Jno. W. Le —o J. W. Event= A Us. Geo. .k. est—.... " West & 'Fobea. R. 3. Kerlatt.—...—..." Igivrage, hkertin. & Oa. • O. Wilson Dama--..Attorney.7st-lew. E: D. W.c5idrnE,........0t Sibley, Molten, A Wet Aral: JAL Reasbar. Jr.....___No. Ins Green Attract. • GEORGE W. DAY President. • • ri.,..Nors N. BUCK, Vtoe President. . WII.I.I.SMat I. BL A NeTTI A !tn. PAfterAts.r, iftwati RAVING YUND.--lINITED MATZO TRIJII7 COLEPANY. owner THIRD sad OghllV jag* rElt. gEmr. _ oRAWFORD, Precidivrt• es B. ELlNTKlL.lsearelary and Wreasuer. hour* from le until 11 °Walk. • Ckmany 13 tot felted It my emplisstion I. fad. - LT LTC'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED = to In No. tnte 91 . South SEVENTH Street. near the kiln ti The undersigned, thankfal for part favors, and being determined to went future patronage, has moused as elegant end oonseniext store, and hem now on hand it large Assorting of lalbe's Celtect _Wrought d Chilled Iron ire and bucker roof Bade' , j ithe tay 'tacitly fire an burglar proof sa fes made.) iinedita/ led Bank Vault, Bafe. and Bank Locks, Lillie's Bank Fault Doors and Looks will be furntshed to order on short notice. Tfus is the strongest. best- Protected, and cheapest Door and Look' yet onered. Also, partioular attention is called to Litho; Dew Cabinet Safe for Plate,,JeweJry, & o, This safe is oar eado u to servant in style and eeganoe anything yet nr fared for this purpose, and is the only one that ut mtria - 1, fire and burglar proof. Special. fto•rioz.-1 have t on hand gay twenty of Farrel, Herring, Oo t 's S aes , most of them , nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comstulln • somplete assortment as to sixes, and all lately ex changed for the now Celebrated Laltie Bele. They will be sold at Very low prices. Please callantenatal/vs. fain-trifat. C. /IA OLKIR. Arent. r II t. ropnetor. FOB ZaW YOILK. titan Pan ram DAILY LIVE. via Delaware and 11111r111116 Pbiisaeelp and Dew York Express itteswhosiea =rill receive freight on and after A Y.Mona 2 1 , 4 t, and leers daily at P. rd., delivering tk ear- WI In New York the following days. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLY_D_,E Agin% ix.. 14 SOUTH WEAfttr.Ks. Pluladelphla. Pier* 14 and jA Ie M EAW B SU - Wi ca tteW York. s ar on g FOR NEW YORK.. THE philmielphis itteassi Propellor ComPflal will anemone. their besmear; for Mei season on !denim ni4)4Tl eir etempuin arA o'W - Titipllgillg 171403 at Saisa4 pi e r aborp,Wilamt Terme ereocimziorlattierk:. els . ,l • ...Pa , . a . , UNION PAPtfriT'MAGEB'S!-lINION PAPER _AT 211 AGES: UNION shinrßLoppo .o•T MAOvE'B! Mil QbEtITNUP rueet.aboveThird. 312 OFLPIITNUT Street. above Third. bulreiteesors a d others supplied. is very la holTsal n. and To tal'. at the lowrst IP IA! AR: New t Lionel,' niters, pi G orWli xN La . Street. corner °Mud- - I % Three re, Three One Siz e Chestnut. j, In At CMidl UABEB UNITED VINEYARD . pRo 40Lyty pjap.TORR 00h1 PANT (Geonge Bauman. hianag4Tr.) 000 N .u.—Juat reoetved per ocean Skim mer," from R.rdennx. too ewe (12 bottle, &sob Yin/ fine - OLD J3ttAltDY ( bottled in Cognac) of tee above well known and favorite brand. the first irrperta ' tion into the United sautes under the new tend; to ehioh we oak to cell the attention of the credo. own- • pies can be Been at our Otfioe. For sale on bontlS, the a sole gents. ' J. IL LFSLIE Jvh-lm . tit! sirens it altrlsT Invest. WOAD -500 lbs. for silo by WEITILIt 19111 es wa s, 49 sal 49 /tertian, AM SICMEN'rs. WANTS. BOARDING. SAVING SAFES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers