dir...N0". 0 • Military Matters. Or THZ IKSItCIIANT TROOP. 1 h.,. fine body of men made their first street pa lid yesterday afternoon. Along the route of er ainn the men in ~u line reoeived the plaudits of 1 0sandr of spectators, who seemed to be highly *ise. <pa with the imposmg display made by the .ssipsliY• • The meal were drawn up in line on Katie street, mi r Broad, and were invited to partake of a rio ptuous repast whieh had been prepared for t hem by Blob pr Magee. Beg , a gentleman of long pailttsry experience. Estrin done fall jamtlos to t he edibles set before them. the men responded, tbr , , ,pgb their officers, thanking the gentleman for the kiodneas be bad shown them. Torso's lEZZITUCKY MUREX? OP MORT CAVALRY. pia regiment is rapidly forming, and will bo 'pestered iato service within the next few daye. ile tag aompoped of lieetuelcians, New Jersoymen, l e e Yorkers, Pennsylvanians, with a few front ilrginis and North Carolina, a Union regiment Ia defense of the Union, ite moral erect wilt be felt throughout the country. Could the North and South assemble In camp, as a part of this regi• mo tto at Camp Peyton, the same harmony and w olf/good feeling that exists' there would pre rail throughout the Union. We have an earnest Jeoire to nee this regiment, composed as it is, of gantleruen repreeenting those various States, visipped and made ready for setvioe. We feel swami that neither the Government nor Ken lu cky will have any cause to regret the formation of this regiment ; but, on the Contrary, if brought i o ta sotion, new lauds will be acquired for each. ttYNHear ZOIIATIa. This oompany, recently accepted by 001. Birney, it intended to sot as loonier' far his ; regiment, aj is composed of some of the'best young men in cur city, both morally and pbysioally, who will T oler good a.ooonat of themselves if an opportu pity offers. There are several more companies of z 3 oaves formed and are rapidly drilling in order to enter ihe service when progolent. Oompany B drill at Eighth and CaCoe/hill streets, and have for drill matter Oapt De Witt, one of the original Chicano Z.)0111'88, commanded by the late Colonel lillovorth A few young 112012 are wanted for Com. piny A. They expeot to be in Virginia in three netts TAN CALIFORNIA FLAG A number of companies have soma forward and olaimad that they were entitled to the flag sent from California to be given to the first company that left Poiladelphle for Washington, and the matter has been referred to a oommittee for deci sion. TIM CIIIPPWIYA GUARDS ReCIIIMIT. The Secretary of War has accepted this regiment for three years' service or f or t h e war c ap t a i n dames Miller, who served under. and reoeived honorable mention from, General Quitman in the Malone war, hes been elected colonel of the regi• mot in place of Colonel Wet P Seymour. Orders for mustering the men into terries aro now in the hands ofiColon et Miller, and the regiment le ordered to go at once into camp This will be a crack regi ment, and will be thoroughly appointed. The uni form is to be of cadet gray cloth, trimmed with black, and is now being made up under the super vision of the Alfieri of the regiment. A few more men are wanted to fill up the companies, and we would advise all who desire to enlist under oompe tent offloars to enrol themselves with the Chippewa Guards . For the present, their headquarters are at the College of Medicine, South Filth street, be low Walnut. Samuel Bell, Jr. a member of the Oily Troop, bts sent to Philade lphia a trophy from Hafneeville, In the shape of a oap of the onptain of a rifle oom• ploy The map is similar in shape to that worn by our rolunteera. The material is fine blue cloth, with a broad band of green velvet along the 14wer edge of the crown it is surmounted with a plume of green and black feathers Upon the front is a wreath wrought wath gold thread, in the centre of wblah is a bugle, and the letters " B. B. G ," which stands for 44 Borkely Border Guard." Above this arrangement is another wreath, which oontaina a gilt spread eagle and fnarteen stare. Tho buttons upon the sides are the United +States nary pattern. We also noticed a number of trophies pinked up of the came batil*.field, by G. la Evans, and sent tr Mr. Evans, the proprietor of the gift.book sore. They consist of a cap of the above desorip. eon, a bed.qutlt, knapsack, and cartridge box. Tney are placed in a conspicuous position in the book store, and yesterday attracted a pod deal of siltation. 111 JACKSON HIGIUNNT, COL, JOLT K. NVIIPKY. Three more oompanies of this fine body of men flotupanies I, S, and D) have been mustered into the service of the United States by Mejor Ruff This makes the regiment complete, with the single ixseption of Oompany AL, which will be sworn in oa Mooday morning, at 7 e'clook. The quarter muter has the orders for tents. aceoutrements, and stint, and the colonel has already received march• 12g orders Some of the oompanies are encamped at Hestonville, and some at Camden. COLORIL BRADT'S P.BGEMISRT The headquarters of this fine regiment, No. 515 North Second street, bare been reopened for the the immediate enlistment of one hundred and fifty more men, to be attached to Col. Brady's First Ar tillery Regiment, now stationed at Camp Curtin, Harrisburg. The soldiers' of this regiment have both the advantage of a beautifal and healthful ottnp, and also in being under the eontimand of a anicitor who fought with distinetion through the 51szioan war. Good blacksmiths, farriers, buglers, and armorers will receive special care from Col. Brady. An Emeute Among the Garibaldi Re- CAPTAIN TARLTSO. WITII SIXTY SEVIN Or NIS COMPANY (so. 7). RRVOLT—LOAD TRIVIA ARMS SOD MARCH TO WASLIINOTON TO SIIRERNIDIR TO figNSRAI. SCOTT OR ORNSRAL ALNSPISLD, AND DARAND A CODET MARTIAL I Prom the Washington Beer of last evening.] for some time past there has been a disagree moot about rations, pay, duty, so., between Capt. Tait& and Colonel Matey, the'oommander of his regiment, the Oaribeldians. Yesterday, he end two other captains, and eight lieutenants, :ivied a paper, asking Colonel TJtateey and the Lieutenant Colonel to resign, and to leave the +Major in command of the regiment The Lieu tenant Colonel refused to permit it to be presented to Colonel 11. The seventh company refusal, with the Italian company (first), to drill yesterday afternoon, in consequence. Colonel litany then ordered Captain Tekatin to give up his sword, and go under arrest. He refused, and ordered his men to load and resist his arrest. This they did. Subsequently he marched his company to Washington, mussing the bridge at 10 P. di , and bivouacking in the public grounds near the end of the bridge. General Mansfield hearing of the affair through a message from Captain Takatah, sent a squadron —companies G and U of 21 United States cavalry, and a company of United States infantry—to ar rest the whole party, which was assoompliehed at midnight On the appearance of the United States cavalry and infantry, Captain Takata' waked his men, formed them in line, and order ing them to lay down their arms, stepped forward end delivered np his - sword, a prisoner They were immediately marched to the Treasury build• leg, the quarters of the 21 cavalry. where they are now held prisoners, awaiting General Seott's or ders. The lieutenants of Oapt. Takatah's company, and thirty of the non oommissioned offleera and men, remained in the oamp, refusing to join in the revolt. FOREIGN ITEMS OM** **DWI/10 hu 11**D ODOM= ced in the British colony of Queensland, Oceanioa, with e good prospect of suooess. Manx of the English convicts transported within the lut ten years to Western Australia have be. come reputable and wealthy men. h o me are pros. perou farmers—some trustworthy and opulent merchants—and one owns twenty thousand sores of land, with several thousand sheep. Mining operations are carried on by them with extensive capital and success, and the discovery of large treats of timber has opened a new branch of indus try, of which the tioltet•of leave" men have eagerly availed themselves. Three hundred eon virus were sent out there from Great Britain last year, and a thousand would not have overstocked the settlement , within the same time AT Lastarn Miobael Angelo has received juetioe ea a poet M. Lumen Roland has published in Pule the first translation of hie poetry that bas been mid* Among the rest there are some son• nets and madrigals of great beauty. Tag great Italian dramatist, Giovanni SAWA* Dliccolint, is very ill at Florence. A yew gunpowder has been discovered which has more effialenoy than the old, and all theidean• liners of gun cotton. Its composition is twenty eight rata of ferrooranicte of potassium, cane sugar twenty three parts, and oblorate of potash forty. nth., Its explosive gases are twice in volume to those of common gunpowder. voitAN ru6gpsox, the American boat builder, who constructs a oemplete gunboat of one hundred tons by steam, in five hours from the time the keel is laid, has introduced the Bonner ar.d Spudding system of advertising into Ei3gland. The London 814? lately socommodated his advertisements with a whole side of its issue. A SPIRITIST) alma.' in the Opinion Nationale advises the ultramontanes not to be too elated at any little lumen they rosy seem to have aehieved in the late election of members to the Countsll of Prance, ballot-atuffing by the guardians of popular expression being quite as well understood in that country se in the Sixth ward, and at Oxford Crossings. "We all know," says the writer, " that the voters' urn is nothing bat a Stone pot 'Covered with pasteboard, and tied with pack- thread, Into whiob the ballots fall, glued together by the press with whose stamps they are still wet, and.virgin of thumbmarks or Creases." Wit learn from the Marseilles papers that eleven young ostriohes, hatched in the grounds of M Pas t* at Mouredon, hive just been placed in the Zoologiost Girders of the former silty. The Wirt h Won lasted nearly forty days, and out of thirteen eggs nroloced eleven young. This result is hailed with all the more delight by Brettoh naturalists, because, hitherto, through the Ili-advised selection by the maternal bird of situations for her nest, alt hrevious attempts to mature ostrich eggs in France ave failed. We suppose that the present happy mother mast have been bolding a °oncel of icon „bation with Monsieur Michelet, A aOLDllrit In the Scotch rosileer Guards lately Bled ci fatigue on a march of eighteen miles, from Kte lls i o d to Guilford, on the way to the Camp of Aldershott. • Two other men in the same corps tainted from exhaustion. An investigation of the matter disclosed that the poor fellows, with all their comrades, had been obliged by their officers to wear two pain of breeches apiece, ” in order to lighten their toads," and that although a number of service wagons acoompanied the march, they were left perfectly empty, while the average weight of each man's accoutrements was seventy pounds. Os Thursday, June 9,0, the question of "Es s ays end Reviews ". again came up in the Convocation of Canterbury, upon Archdeacon Dantean's report that that brochure was ecaleslastically actionable. Denison himself moved to proceed to a Synodical lodgment of it. The motion brought forth,nume tons amendments, which were declared irregular ,• cod a succeeding one, proposed and seoonded severallyileithe Archdesoons of btafford aid Sa rum, to the *not that, though there were sufficient groneds for the judgment,- it was inexpedient to revive that bid engine of ecolesiastical intolerance in the present oiroacustanoes of the Church, after tong debate, was laid over by adjournment of the body. Tat Montteur states that aver) carious book, f great Interest at the present crisis in Papal his tory, has jut been reproduced by the Dentu Pub lishing Home. This is the " Monits &scrota" of the Company of Josne—being .none other than the seeret and infamous instructions of the Jesuit Or der, circulated among the members in inenuciriPt form In 1661—with the Latin and `French text printed in parallel columns. Important ftom Fort Pickens THE Raman ADMIRAL AND TUN IILoCKADD-1111,1 LANDING CF WILSON'S 2 0 11 AYES—CONDITION OP THS PRDRRAL AND RRRIIL reacts [Correstondenoe of the Now York Times.] FORT FICKINS, Friday, JUDO 28, 18131 I wrote To yen, some days ago, to the effect that Admiral Milne, of the British navy, the oommand er in ohlef of bar Britaiinio klejesl's naval forties In North America, was giving especial atten• tion to our blockade. The news is confirmed. A British ateam•frigate has arrived here from Us; vans, and is now swinging fr , m a pair of anchors in the b•rtb occupied by the Subsets The officer to command of the former vessel Makes no sore of his mission. ft is, he says, to see that the rights or Englieh commerce are pro tected; and that the blockade must be such as will prevent " the entrance or departure of any craft to or from any harbor of the south, coaster, ocean, trade, or tender " This will be strange in telligent,e to the mei3rity of the Tomes' readers. The treaty of Paris has not laid down any rules by which we may know what is, and what is not an tffotive blockade. Admiral Milne makes up for the deficiency. Here is hie definition, as fur nished to one of his subordinate commanders : I. No port is bicokaded effosiently if any vessel can enter or depart from it unknown to, or in spite of, the guarding men Aot-war. 2 An efficient blockade necessitates the com plete cutting off of all maritime ingress or egress, except in regard to harbor Wands having no out- , let to the sea, save under the guns of the fleet. S The escape of the third vessel from the block ading rquadron signellses the invalidity of the blookade. If her Britannia Majesty wishes to keep the letter of this law la force, should it be broken from any eau°, she must send ant bigger and better men-of-war than 'any Of hers at present in the waters of North' America. I give you the pro gramme exactly as it was made out, and you can see its absurdity on its face What does it mean by " Maud harbors having no outlet exoept under the guns of the fleet'?" There are " island har bors' at several of the Southern ports which could keep the rebels to provisions for months. We have out them off in more pistol's than one. Will our British cousins insist that a proper block ading fleet should wink at grub souls to camps on the mainland from adjiining islands? The. Admiralty of England, I understand, est/01111ml ; a proper blockade law during the existenoe of some South Amerloan troubles a few years ago. It pro• vided merely for the successful cutting off of ocean traffic, and paid nothing whatever about coasting, " island /whorl," and the like It appears that thts thing willed international law is just as England wishes to make it, where she has any say," at all events. Captain McKean does not believe that there is any reanimate authority for the dant tion given by Milne. The Admiral had in his i possession a dopy of Captain Adams' letter issued on the 19:11 of May, from the frigate Sabina, and I learn he sent a duplicate of it to England When her Majesty's slip anchored she ran up the American flag and fired twenty-one guns, which we immediately returned She then fired thirteen in deference to the Commodore, which was answered by the flag ship. An exchange of visits between the respective officer. imme diately took place, and to see the manner in which wine and good-fellowship went around In the ward-rooms, would convince any honest man that there is more deceit in the Anglo , Barton character than we have been in the habit of thinking of. A very funny inoiderat occur red daring the firing of the salutes. I sup pose you are aware that the first thing a foreign man of war does, when 'eluting& friendly nation, is to send aloft its ensign. So our star-spangled banner was hoisted to the foretop of the Brtton, when being saluted, and the oiroutostance caused the mcst magnificent confusion in the rebel camp on shore. What could it be? The Union Jack at the peak and the stars and stripes at the fore of a man-of-war biasing away at Pickens? Was it a sow fledged Confederate vessel sucoessful. ly pebbling us under false pzetenoas? Every telescope and opera-glass In camp was brought. to bear upon the ships, and I hoar that the gar risons of Moline and Barrancas were sutotroned to quarters Officers from the different posts were seen hurriedly riding to and from General Bragg's quarters, and Bragg is reported ro have command ed " a general fall in on the Warrington road." For over seven or eight hours the hoax was work ing dire trouble and uneasiness on shore, and no one but the rebels know whether the fear of Yan kee power, occasioned that day, has subsided yet. So far, then, Renshaw's moonlight humbug has been repaid with a vengeance. Twenty four hours ago our reinforoomenta were comfortably camped on Roses. lon probably know more about them than Ido "Billy Wilson's re giment" got inside the lights on the 24th, and is now on hoses Island As I write there is a bat talion drill going on, and it looks queer enough to one who has been thirty years a regular. What the new comers lack in elegance, however, they make up in raueole. Their advent here was a grand affair. and was as noisy as you can imagine Cheers do not describe the extraordinary roars with which every one of our vessels, and subsequently our selves, were greeted. I sincerely doubt whether so many " tigers " were ever before heard in Ptort da. Is it any wonder, then, that the regi ment should be the lions of the hour? The de barkation was something whose like I never hope to look upon auto "Three cheers for Harry Brown—tiger " " Three cheers for Billy Wilson ' —tiger." "Three cheers for General Scott—ti ger ' "Three ohms for Old Abe—tiger." three cheers for Mr. Stemmer—tiger." " Three groans for Old Brag g — tiger " " Three groans for Jiff Davis—tiger." "bay, old bandy-lege, ding down that fowling-pima." "Hold on there, Naito.- eye, them's my groceries." " Pull that d—e nig ger overboard ;" and a thousand other ingetoribe. ' ble phrases greeted my ear from the orowd, as the Vanderbilt hauled near to let them land. The two moat trying months in the year are approaching ne. Crisp fashion, Bragg places more reliance in " Generals July and August" than on his satellites. Ile is wise. But we will survive, I know, and survive to rapture Pensacola. We have now a pretty moderate sick list, considering the locality and the oiroum• stances; and scurvy, which ?causally appeared to have a design on no. is going away. Nevertheless, the .hekt is intolerable. There aro times when a damp cloth, pressed tightly to the walls, will ac tually i emit smoke Drilling in the son has been abolished, and I regret to tee Mr. Wilson's men forced to endure it. Several invalids belonging to the regiment, and to our force have given way be fore the scorching influences of .a Floridian inn, and many of them will be sent home in the Vatuler hitt. We sent a few to the States in the frigate Sa bine, whose cfsoers and men we miss sadly. The summer clothes of the troops, as swath of them as we had, at taut, have been served out, end this fact will go far to neutralize the dreadful sufferings we cedere from the weather. Last evening the light rifled .guns were placed In position to do considera ble damage to the rebels; the mortars are properly placed, too, and our labors grow leas as the work ap proaches completion I told you of the arrival' of this ordnance betore, an there is co use in again describing it at length. I have been requested not to be very definite in speaking of the bear ing of our batteries, as the Now York papers reach the enemy pretty regularly. But I may state that we have made Fort Ptekenaimpregoablet; arid those officers of the United States army now in the loyal State' who remember what its condition was on the first of the New Year will admit teat there has been co idle time spent here. On the Ist of April .even Ingraham entertained the Idea that Plokeea oould be reduced and taken. There is not a man in Warrington to day that feels his own position secure, and dope not know ours to be as safe as the commander of Gibraltar's The latest news from shore is dated butt evening. I obtained it easily. It amounts to this: The rebels have completed their four new batteries, and have them well fitted with guns. This makes about eighteen they have in all, including Mo Rae and Barrancas. Wherever columblads Caine from—several have been mounted on Barrancas instead of the common guns heretofore Nested there. I receive, from several sources, as• suranoe that the Secessionists really stand in need of the necessaries of bite, and have narrated accounts to that effect before. But I do think they are exaggerated—for this reason : that the Alaba. ma railroad is open, and surely, if there are any provisions in the so-ealled Confederate titates, troops would not be permitted to starveiu Florida Besides, to tell the truth, our own food Is not so good that we can afford to despise atilt pork and bad biscuit The singular outlet at the upper and of the bay, through which the rebels are said to receive a great many little things, has been reconnoitred with partial success Hence forward the visits of that indefatigable little steamer to the Confederate camp will below atd far between. There are now about 5,000 or 8 000 soldiers attached to Bragg's oommand. The navy yard is divested of everything calculated to burn that could be removed. A company of Atlanta mechanics gernson the premises, and go outside ocoasionally to assist In •• sapping and mining " on the road to fdoßae, which is better for tified than many suppose. 1 understand that the artillerists who came from Louisiana are rifling several of the guns mounted near the old navy yard water tanks. There are now plainly aft i• hie to the practised Looker-on, fourteen 32 pound pieces bordering the wharves at the navy-yard. They are well situated, stud could seriously atm iy a lauding party in open boats 'the battery at the south end of Warrington N said to be admirably constructed, and manned by rood gunners. It is in this neighborhood that Lieut. Slemmer's old quarters at Serrations, the Fort Dermas (which I see nearly all the New York journals con founding with Barrancas) and Barrancas Rodent t, are located. To the •' Empire State of the South," as some of our friends(?) are calling Alabama, the protection of this position is confided. They say teat they ean keep their posts forever. I should not be surprised it many of them remained there until the Day of Judgment. The Vanderbilt and another steamer will leave here in a few days. Let me close by recapitulating our oondttion. We have about 2,000 man, of all. aorta, available here. Bragg has some 6000. /tot we have Pick ens, and Bragg hadn't, and never will have, while grass grows (everywhere bat on Roses) and water runs TODD. 61x O'CLOCK P. M.—l bear that Gen. Bragg has sent a requisition to Richmond for 4 000 troops; that he expresses the fear that nothing but a vigor one attack on Pickens oan save Florida; and that be anticipates a landing of our troops. This may be false; but it may also be true. Whether we mean to land or not, Is not the question ; but It is absolutely neoeasary that we be strong enough to do it, if we feel tnolined that way. Roses Island is sixty miles long, or thereabouts, and can be at tsoked far array out of the range cf Pickens. Let Mr. Cameron look to it, that we are not only made impregnable, but all-powerful. Delay is danger ous now. T. British Reinforcements for Canada. In the House of Commons, the 24th of Jane, Lord Palmerston made the following speech In re ply to Bir J. Ferguson, who ridiculed the -idea of sending reinforcements to Canada : Lord Petwarterow. I must say that I am some what surprised at some of the arguments used by the honorable and gallant member, especially con sidering his military experience. I should not have expected those losinustione against the army which have come from the mouth of the honorable and gallant member. (Hear 1 I entertain no snob ap prehensions, and think those imputations on the British soldier are entirely undeserved. (Cheers The honorable member has asked questions which h e beg answered in a subsequent part of his speech. In one part of bit speech he spoke of the large expedition of these men, and In another part he treated the force as small, utterly insignifloant, and wholly insuflioient. IA blob of the two state ' =tent/ sloes he intend to abide by? Does he consider the force momentous, or very small, insignificant, and insufficient for its purpose? I Hear, hear.) He also says there are two motives for which this force is despatched— either to guard against attack from the Ame ricium, or interfere in the suppression of dia.- turbans*: in Canada He has given a reply to all theme supposition'. He has told us there is no ap prehension of an attack from the Americana; that the Government have pledged the country to nen trolley ; and he hes paid an elccinent and well-de- Paired ?smear's) to the I,yalay w hi c h ° hul as through every part of tho worth American 0010- nits. I concur in all those assertion'. Undoubt• &ill, los have no reason to suppose that the North ern States of 4merico-71107dd COMMig such an act of folly as to add another contest to that in which they are at present engaged. [Hear, bear ] Her al.iseety's Government have professed, in the molt solemn meaner, their determination to abstain (rem taking any part in the contest now going on between the Northern and Southern States. [Sear, hear . 1 We rely on the people of Canada, on the loyalty of all the races there—a loyalty manifested in the most striking manner during the visit of the Prince of Wales—and, therefore, none of theme are the occasions for sending out a large lore& But it is the ordinary pewits of all Go vernments,-in'alt parts of the world, +when war breaks out, to strengthen, to some degree, the military force in that part of the territory which is proxamare and near. This ie a laudable pro -caution, the neglect of which would be blameable I on our parte, and that we have not gone beyond that ordinary degree of precaution is proved by the manner in wbioh the honorable and gallant ofroer designated this force as a small one. For a military men to talk of three thousand men as being a large lone, as he did in another pert of his speech, was an exaggeration which I should not have expeoted from an officer of the honorable end gallant member's experience. If, then, we have only sent out a small force, which, acoording to his statement only, was necessary, because he complained that the garrisons of Quebec and Mon treal were brought down too low; and, therefore, we have only Sent out what was necessary to rein force thrive garrisons, the question is, were tbssY sent out at the proper time, and in the proper manner. The honorable end gallant member said it was necessary to send them out; that you cannot leave the guillemots in winter as they have been ; that the troops cannot be eent out in winter, that they must be sent out in summer. But we are sending them out in summer. if Hear, hear. J have heard on former occasions complaints med• that troops are sent out in insumoient transports, and that they have been detained long on the pas sage, and that therefore the GOverhment were blameable. Bat the complaint of the honorable and gallant member is, that we are sending them out in one of the fasten vessels, Arai with perfect comfort, and without any of the inconvenieneee that are the result of going in small and numer• one vessels, and, therefore ' we have abridged the time of passage as much as we possibly could to enable them to arrive at their destination with the least possible iretniVelltiellOS really should have thought that a military em car would have given us credit instead of cen sure under such ciroumetanoes. [Gear, hear I have only to .say that Weal we have done in diestss no intention of our lading any part 'Whatever in the war between those whom I mav call our relattves is: lice United Slaw. [Bear, hear ] We have no suspicion whatever Of the un doubted aid true loyalty of her Majestrs mobjsots in the North American provisoes: We send out the troops merely for this preeautionary move. went in a country bordering on the diraurbanoea of a npighboring one • and we train that when they get there they wil t manifest that loyalty for which the gallant and honorable member gives them credit. [Cheers I Sir J 'Ferguson explained What he had said was, that tae force was too small for guarding the frontier, though large enough for reinforcing the garrisons Mr. Disraeli wee not one of thews who thought that discussions on these subjects should be en couraged, and he should not have risen but for some remarks which had fallen from the aoble lord of an. ingenious diameter. The poitcy of tba operation was what bad to be considered. If these dieturbanoes had not taken.place in the United States, would these troops have been sent? Were they sent to guard the frontiers, or to in crease the garrisons? a those questions no reply had been given, and he oduld only say that he' viewed the atop with great anxiety, and without approba tion. The despatch of these troops might hereafter occupy a larger share of history than the noble lord seemed to suppose. It might be possible thet if the disturbanoes in America spread, there might be eats of outrage on our Canadian frontier; but wore not the Canadians a large and gallant people, trained to aims and adequate to the occasion? They would not require them three thousand troops; and sending them might lead them to think that it was neoessary for them themselves to come forward _and defend then homes. It was. clear that, irrespective of the disturbances in Aine• ricaa no increase in the garrieon was necessary, end therefore this step must be viewed as lie sot of policy in oenzequenae t f the disturbances in the United !States. Ile could not think that such was a wise policy Such a force could never prevent an invasion of Canada, gallant as they were, and what, therefore, must be the effect? It had the ap• pears:toe of a hostile act, and it ought to be ODDhi dered what its effect would be on the public mind in the United States. It was alersr that although tee pritsoiple of non-intervention was a sound one, yet we ought to abstain from any act which would lead the Americans to think that suspicion see to their intention prevailed in the minds of the English Government When'the noble lord spoke of the means whioh science had plaaed at our command to convey troops across the Atlantic, he should re , member that, wader such c ircumstances, its strength was increased , and he should pause be fore any display , of force until the actual necessity arose. He thought it would have been better to husband our strength, and act in that spirit of co lonial policy which had on previous 000aaione been enunciated by the Government, and which the people approved. [Cheers.] LEtiAL IN FELLIGENCE Q lIARTEB. Sasszons--Jodge Allison.—Jacob Esher was charged with malicious mischief, but on the trial it appeared that the *beige grew out of the feat that the defendant bad brogan a door in a house owned by himself The prosecution was then abandoned. The case of Pricer and Darlington, publishers of the Bucks County Intelligencer, charged with libel, was Axed for yesterday, bat owing to the absence of a witness for the Commonwealth, it was postponed until this morning. The prosecution is instituted by Decry Bleak, who complains that the defendants published him as a Seoeseionist, who bad bean roug hly handled in Philadelphia for avowing such sant meats. Si ata, change is so aurae at firashillle, Ten nessee, that bills for 25 and 50 cents are now Is. trued. New York Stock 7090 II B 119 '7l Tee.-- 863.4 noon 1.1 fi fie '6l enuy_. 963; 3000 19 F 81 7. 70—....10.14 0309 Ohio 61 1861)..- 89 1180 111 C 17121) Irds '79,- 79 8000 Ind Buil, 15...—. 76 10000 'lama Bt. 64 'SO .sco 894 'pow 89% 1000 do-- 3.14 9000 do— NS 3944 6000 do— ...61D 5 9 / 4 6000 do.-- ....e4 000 Virginia 68. d 49 MO IS Carolina 65,,510 P 33; 6 00 do— —4lO 5316 ' 10 CO Miesouti Bc 6a r 0 30130 do—.._._.. 41334 60E0 do—_. -..53 6000 do 4 X 7000 403; 10960 do.--..-- 4076 i• 001 do_.._ 4.14 61.00 do— ..-- 404 1000 do.-- -430 40 Ws California St 7a._76 Si! 2eo) }knob Isn W Ln.. 98 680 N Y Central lt 7s 9634 3080 F.:Tie It bd. 1971_ 56 3000 Fri- bds '6B-- 66 3.00 Hudson It cotv._ 63 8000 10106 C 8s bds. old 99 )600 Cht N W 80 60 , 0 Chi 9c. N 24.. _. 33 11130 I. 9 ile k W lltm Ru 96 Bank of Cona•eroe 73 64 Am .0 xoh Bank 75 lIROok 22000 U 31 61 rag.— 86%1 10 00 11 8 64 '81 poop „ . 86% 9990 U 6$ '61.. - 88% 16.000 'rreas 6 p o 2 yre.- 9614 WOO ?do 6. 1. 11. & J. 4914 6000 Lou mians 64._ : ... 55 20000 Catiforats 9975 7434 sol o Virginia 81 64 .515 49 30 , 41 do I 8 0 000 Tenn 6.2 40. X 80 - 0 d 40k I 3009 do-- 4034 13010 do— 41 60 0 d0........,416 404 000 14 Carolina 64..0351 200 J LaC it MIL G 13 60 Continental Bank- 65 6 Del & Had Canal.- 114134 100 onmher land pref. prof.._ 4l,V. Paca floid 70 103511 Y Centred 74% 10 71% 100 t o —AS 7818 100 do____ blO 7474: 70 Erie Itaalroad 35 11 ao.-.-.... 22% 60 Hudson River R._ 32' 60 . do_ la) HarlenCß-- 30 200 mil in; R..-- 5514 50 Mich gPc 4 R..... 13 95 Miob 8 N I 0.... 274 66 -- 77% 15 Panama R— -110 I co do.. 100% 450 111 Cent . 1r 84-745 280 a 67 5 460 Clay , . 6 7 % 460 Gal & Chi ... 61 50 do.- 01% 400 Clev & Toledo -25 100 .: 'l4l do- ...—.192) 24% 850 Op— -.--- 24 600 93t' )ao chioßso &R 1... 35 9 7 , 0 - 359. 9:0 do— —;;30 50 25s 09 66% 280 3538 It do-- 95 / 6 " 100 b6O 354 nOOO Mirdiouri St 644.-,. 4044 1100 do--_..470 40. 6100 do als 40 Woo do 40 01 PeLotfio AI 8. -430 59 115 N Y Central 1L.... 71 IMO Reading 10) Galen% & Chi 1t.... 54 lio do— —415 573 i 750 . r 61 1149 Clev 25 200 do 25 100 d0...__.._b20 2i 100 do ' 650 25K 60 Ch!eago & R I R.- 3.5,% New York Markets—Yesterday FLearl, b o.—The inquiry for Western and State Fleur is swore, and the market is without much obelus. but with lees liberal arrivals rir better feelins I) , evened at the close. The demand is chiefly for ex port. Tbe sales include 31.30 e tilde at 81600375 for super fine Wesiern SS 6.5e8 80 for do Stare. w 2.2004 25 for the, low vados et extra Western . 811 060440 fur extra Porte. 34 5004 76 for 'hipping brands of round-hoop extra Ohio. and 34.:silic6 76 for trade brands do. Canadian flour to to moderate request and Steady. Chnide lax rras are firmly nelu ; sales of 600 übis at Ster 7.60 for extras. southern Your is rather firm and in fair demand. The receipts are light; antes 1 700 Utile at 3606 76 tor mizrd to good superfine Baltimore, fee., and 36 80e 8 6e for extras. Rye Flour is steady. We quote *2 tiles 3 80. - Corn 33.51 is stead) ; sate. of Jersey at 82.73 and Marsh', Cs'orio in store at 82 90 runtime:ie.-I'Be Park market is firmer. with More inquiry; sale. of 800. tibia at $ l 4 760i4.67K for mese and 110e10.12X for prune. beet' is • utiohatited, and that. la a fair demand. 'The sake a.a aro are at 184* 010 50 for recant ed (Reel, and 810 f0ici,..62% for ex Ta. ef Hams air , quiet at 812014. eat meats are quiet; pale* of 63 Wide at kitektot for Bhohlders, and Matax(o for Hama. Lard is steady ; sales of 250 pkg. 80.1109 e. But er and S.heene are utehanged. ASTll4.—The market is madly for Pots at 85.56 X. and Pearls 8562 X. Cos set vile market is extremely quiet; small sales of Rio at 11010. COTTOBI —Trio market to quiet. but prices have ad vsnosd. We quote ()Aiwa') at 120. middling Upiands and Gaffs at MX elas - ci. MOLASSID.-- hole Is no demand, and prices ere ma term to u.oh.nged. NAVAL &meas.—l-folders. of crude Turpentine ono • tiouq firm at tia; spiri.e do le in limited request at Um 117}go. Common h oein is In more active demand. and prices have advanced the market closing firmly at the advance ; he sales smbrace 11,a-0 bids at 82 Meg 67,%. The bettor gr ades ate inactive. end prices are witSout e•eent.al varyipon.. In Ter or Pitch there is nothing doing. and awes are entirely nominal. tliar.-1 he market Is quiet 'or ail desoriptions. and takes are t. ommal.y unchanged. ion.—The market a istset end prices area shade aeiar Wegeoteatsa.2tea lOtt lbs. as to g aMity. WHISKY — 4 be lupe , . -a good and the Market heavy 1 . tes'or SOD bbts $' 11 COl~O in ordinary to rood II 07 PRODYCJI:( RV per rroanoe I•xobongis.) —Juis 9-44M4 bbls fluor. 881 - do whisk." 041 do 40711 - meal. 95,378 bue whost, U 519 do corn. 9 68t do ()his, 13 588 no I. 1 000 do mat, 178 nkg■ ashes. 191 do pork, 56 do cut meats. 7d,, kegs lard. 692 ■scke oil otk e. NEW YORK CATTLE MARKET, July. 9.—The market for Veer Cattle is again lower. ann it he. been up-hilt cork to sell at heave limes to drovers. The surely. is excessive ;3 MO heed have been Yard ed at Al lerton'nosi limb is far beiyuLd tne 000 , UMPtive wants of this city nurinv the hot weather. The quntatinns of this n: veins were 6 to 80, some very Jew at Mt et 83.60 for extra tine quality. Droves of good kilrns steers, suited for ordinary re tailing, sod at 7%07,, conic, the average of all sales not OW, 7 cents. he scorching hest of the sun com pered brokers end buiehers to frequently seek shelter to door.; the d accusers of corvine drinks wet, the only persons actively and proGtabl ' enzaged. The Cattle likewise ' , uttered severely from the heat, and were not abie to Stine the ete.nel yoking Incid•ntel to their bane gold and driven to the shambles. Drove.. feel decidedly blue• and grumb'e very much aliout tits low prices. come few or them expressed their deter mination not to show themselves this way again in some time. It will be, from ell appearances, a difficult matter to soli vac the stook hem green. hutch-nil rosy that th•Y hnd bush:ear dolt ; the hotel, are nut buy ins as usual. and 'opts neneretly seem to have diminished their wants for beef Theplenty of vegetables , and genercl ewes- Eton in all kinds of meat. sec aided in +wincing pricey. CITY ITEMS. Lsarvra Orry.—A large number of our citizens are leaving the oar, and seeking the coel sir and comforts of the various watering places. But these comforts cannot be nrtherly enjoyed except the re cipients furnish themselves with the elegant, fashion able, and durable smite of Grenville Stokes, rlo. 609 Cliertnut street, and obtain a rUt with every article ntirehszed. Tad MILITARY Otairrnins k Wilson's Brown Stone Clothing hall arises , ' to be the leading house for the manufacturing of military eloth tng. in the tipper stories they have some twenty cutters employed, and about seven hundred bends are constant ly engaged in making up the work. Over three thonsand Goats were made up by this firm in ten days, for the state, besides full suits for several companies of Homer Guards, and for *Moors of the army and navy. The lociaticm of this well-known establishment is Nos. SOS and MX CROSIATA WOOL. above etztk. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHL&I WEDNESDAY; JULY 10, 1.861. But C W Pou%nes. Frague. from Cienfuegos for Fal mouth, was sporen nth ult. Ist 4t, long U. Brigs I W Driekn. Drlsko. and Whriaw. Wyman, fr.tu Providence for Fhlutdeiphia, galled from Newport 6th • _ . Mohr Monmouth, Henderson, hence, arrived at Pro vio.one Sth ime t. i'ahr * Larkin. Luther, cleared at Bristol 4th inst. for Delaware City. Pohr Canova. from Fall River for Philadelphia, at Newport 7th inst. Bohm ktoulee. Thatoher. and R Whlilden, Neil, hellos, arrived at Portsmouth 5.h inst. Bohr Li L Crooker, Preshter. hems, arrived at Taun ton Bth Inst. . _ eivhre Joseph Porter, Peter!. C S Edwards. Gandy. DJ Roott. Steelman. .1 D Morarthv, Smith, Beni Weaver, W W vi.aroy. Norton. Sophia Godfrey. B Un- YU. Triumph. Artie,vy, Henderson - and L erturtsvaut Corson, fur Philadelphia. and tinow Flake. Dickerson, for Wilmington. Del, metered at Boston 7th inst Solve Halo. Newman. and J ti French, Newell, sailed frond Newbury port eth hum for Phitadelphia. Sons Bolivar, Dalton. from New iredrord for Phila delphia, returned to Newport 6th inst on aooonnt of heed winds, and remained 2 r M 6th. Boar A w Benediot, hWs, sailed from Providenc, 7th inst. for Philadelphia. Bohr' U & T Cramer. Huntley, and Emily C Denni son. tiourzworth. hence, arrived at Providenoe Tin inst. Bohr Wil'iniva, Goulding, sailed from Providence 7th lost for Philadelphia. eohr Warren, Luther, from Delaware City, at War ren 6.h inst. Sobr IN S Rue, Wright, hence for Boston. at .ri York yesterday. Steamers VUICII2. Morrison. and Novelty. Shaw. hence. arrived at New York yesterday. Steamer Abdo. Roninson, cleared at New York yes terday for Philadelphia. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notice is hereby givea that the Pollock Rip Licht Arena will he withdrawn for repairs on or about the 13th of Juiy. In the interior the Relief Light Vessel will be sta tioned otr the Pollock Rip rhoals as a Imbed ute. The Relief in schnoner-riggeo. with a red hall at the foremast need ; hull painted red. with Relief to white otters on each sole.. She will show every inght; from sunset to sunrise,one fixed light of the natural color- - - By order of the Ljcbthouse Board. WIN SLOW, Com- U. B. N.. Lighthouse Inspector. Second District. Roston. JO, 6.1861. 'change—July. 9. FIEUDELPILIA BOAZD OF ELUL HO. N. TATI_XAM. PitoTHENGHA.m.i COMMITVBX or 'Xi 140XfP M. L. ARON. LETTER HAVE Ag tii Morekante =hanger, Philadelphia. Ship fferanak. Rowland --Liverpool, Joll 2 5 BU3P Tuscarora, Don 'err —.--Livon)001, 11 0 0 O Barr Eglantine, Glearion—.— Alavana, soon Bart Ann Elizabeth. Norval's._ West. soon Barg Thomas Dal ett. gin, I'S. soon Ketch Dominate°. Barnes— —......MaY5iu52 , noon Bohr Famois. Havana. soon Son' 1, B M`on.EoMere ..-........Tharhu10n0t. anon !MARINE INTELLIGmyeIt. rOKT OF raILADZLI'IIi A. July 10, 1!!111. il ey e N a ßl i nt a - d dUtil MIBTa— . .7 18 A RR , v7Fel). Bark Thomas Danett, Dill. from Porto Cabello 24th June, with 56 nags ookleri to order. (labia narsengrre Path Drily+. Mre Matilda beans. and four ohi.dren. Berk White Wing. Ealing. arrived At Laguay ra June 30—the only American vessel in that..port. July 1. let 28 30. long 71. exchanged colors With a U 8 steam frigate. wearing BW, under glow steam. July 3 let 31 30 1001 73. at midnight. passed close 10 a steam frigate Steering 8. July 4 lot 3420. long 73 30.earged sohr Is M Molly. studio- 8. . - Bohr Zebutoo. Alten.l6 days from East Harbor, with salt to F. A Bonder tt. Co. Bohr Caroline C Smith. Omith, 1 day from Wilming ton, Del. to balltst to captain. Mohr Argos eye, Nickerson. from Key West, vla Del.l day, in ballast to captain• to It Bohr S L,ooltwood. Truitt. from New York, in ballast It Sawyer it Co. Bohr Shenandoah. Candy, from Newport, in ballast to E Ft Sawyer & Co. Behr Marta Jane, Asa. from Froridenos, in ballast to R. Hare Powell Bohr John Compton, Elliott, from Frovidende, la bal last to B Milnes Bahr John H. Williams, Small, front Boston, in ballast to N Sturtevant do Co. Behr teletta, Persons, 6 days from Beverly, hi bal last to osomin Steamer Anthresete..Tones,Sl home (rem New York, With mdse to Wm M Baud k Co. Steamer Sarah. /mom. 34 hours from New York. with rodeo to Wm M Baird & Co. Strainer Bristol. Allen. 24 hears from New York, with mdse. ho. to W P Llyde. 'IAAIJD. Steamship Konsinttoo. Baker, Baotou, K Brig Emma. Baker. Baton. N Sturtevant h. Co. Bohr I II wiliame. Small Prat D-unw. do Pair .1 1 "ranger Doi°, Bordeaux, (with inward cargo from New oapt-to. 11 echr C A Hen. ay. Bath. Banoroft. Lewis & Co. Bohr J Northrup. Roes. Port au Prince, T Watvion do Boos. PP=l= Seta Sea 'Witch. Ty ler. Roston. do Bohr Caroline 0 Beath, Smith. Balton. R E Powell. Bohr blsris Jane. MM. Boston. do Bohr 8 Lockwood. Truitt, Fort Hamilton, E R Saw yer k, C.o. Bohr Shenandoah. Gandy, Norwich, do Bohr H Willett', Parsons, Providence. d•. 80hr .f Compton. Elliott. Providence, UNliines & Co.' Bohr W (3 Audonriell, Hewitt. Suakin, &sant, Ogle &. . - . Popr C Nowinrk, Hig bee . Providence", It Wbite. ' Rohr 8 N Kmith. Pis k. Balton. 1. Rothermet & Co. Bohr At Ai Freeman, Atokerzon, toston, i 4 Btatto - & Co. . Sty New York. Hunter, New York. W P Clyde. Bteamer ll L Gaw. Der. Baltimore. A Groves. Jr. (Correspondence of the Philadelphiaßehange.) LEWER. Del.. July 8. The brig Tiberias, for Cieofaeeos. sohr George & Ar thur. for Jameicia; also brie Scotland. for Vcrope. went to sea Bile morning, Wiud BW—weather fine. Yours, A. mew:MALL. (Correspondence of The Press.) HAVRE DE GRACE. July 8. Blocs* boats leR here this morning, laden and con . slimed rie follows: Jos BarraU, Jr. wheat. oats. and bark to Poplar street wharf; Chas elanohard, lumber to John Gray; T B ste pheneon. do to 8 Holton & Co; Rome & Taylor, bitumi nous coal to H N Burrows; Col J L Arnold. do to Chase- Peelle Cur No Hos Ultra. Barn. Brubaker, Rebecca Ann, S & W Graham. and C it liuovalew atchrsaite coal to Delaware City; Corsair. do to New York. • (Cortwoondenoe of the Pram/ READING. Julr 8. The following boats from the Union CILIUM pawed into the Bohurlkill Canal to day, bound to Philadelphia, la den and consigned ea (01 1, 1 WIN Golden Coldl y : ur to Wm B r o t he r, & Co. and grain to Rudd & Wright & boards to Cain. Ranker & Cook; Chenanco. limber to John Spare; Beck & Barnard. do to Wm C Lloyd; D E Wilt, do to Bolton, Christina,, & Co. MEMORANDA. Ship }Non, Morieury. Smith, °Miami at London 24th pit f flombar. Ship Frigate Bird. Thomveon, from Lori on for Kur ruches. go•ilevi from Pouthempton 24•11 ship /1111134 Queen. Botitho. sailed from Swansea 22d ult. for Melts. ' okra Mann Vista. Roby. ' , Walla. Wheaton. and .1 8 Dickerson, &nub, cleared at Boston Bth inst. for t hda detphia. emu vtigtoin Ynoe, Eldridse, at - Hartford Bth inst. from Eit ,'r.ox Bohr Cornelis. Craeo. Hailed from New Bedford &h leer. for Vatiarlelabia. Boer B H Goggeaaall. Baker. hence, arrived at Bos ton Bth inst. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, . ur TO 12 I 'CLOCK r wr NI irT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. Win Jaokun, New York Lient V H U 8 A .1 W C Brown. Irdiana E W Forbush Boston W M Stewart. Indiana Chu H Leonard. N York Cr F Filley. St Louie 8 F Jenkins. Boston If 'l' Vemman.Nanhville lli T Zeisenfuss, Quakertn I! kria`3 l 47,et.'reitebvir,,Lork aaa 'F ` iftl l 4. ° M a ts ET Randall.T.or.P. Y J W Moore." 1.18 8 Freeborn Hilmar Jewell. Brooklyn Win RavolJ t. Brooklyn Jas Pilling. Brooklyn Chris Lntt. Brooklyn J A Pmmerten. Mass John It Dodge, Boston A P Sherman. N Bedford ram' Mau,Boston Chas Jones. New York Mrs Perry , New • Miss Perg , New Jersey Col N N Hahegter. N J col N E eloa. Michigan N B Cole Y io-igan J P Wißßius. Riohmnd, Ind Mrs D P Holloway&gon,Do RW Taylor. Ohto John F. Hanford, N York P Tillinghast. New York R I. Cotten, New York M Lawnsnos. New tlork P C Furnace , New York G N Fanwell. New York F N Freeman. Yonkers Dr Sharp Salem N T Green, Proridenoe.Rl Jag F Pearlman, New York W W Coleman. Prov. RI John H Cady. Pmv. it I Chse D Cady , Piny, R.l E Williams, Norwich. Conn Pt G Lemon. Meat • - Rev B N Gear', Maas it U Hue. Ohio H Buoklagharn. N Baran F R Myers. k Aeveland. 0 E H Rauch, Iri Chink J B McCreary, NI '.hunk Geo Brown, New YorkW B Lawton. Yew York )corner & la, N Jersey' Jos Murray. Penns M G Hubbard New York Bon It G Knight. Mau E Muster, New York Pon T Jonas Yo.ke, N J Mark K mbeLl, CaliforniaD Huuttaglon. N York W Kinw. hew York Moore , iiatiVlllo,3lll Geo Wedeleg New York Flemming. Wash. C W Fatten:Baltimore M shoemaker, Baltimore L F Judd. Conn N L Tyler, Penns J R Rockwell. New York Jos Brown, Laiayette J Terbrd, Lafayette E Ture•n, England BBriggs ktioglanu R P mutton. New Jersey' ?rut A Oliver, New York Miss J Hartman. N York Mn C Morris & da,krt Irloß N M klartwe,l.ldrune Col H P Montgomery Lt Col Jt W Tone Lapt W Bonoinot , D Hoover, Washin gton Melia, Ohio G W Lawrence , Mame i Gale. J W Gamble. St Louis Limit II Veeoh, C 8 A J Brook, Penns Gorham Blake. twat 8 It Reynolds, U R A Dr d & wf 1 hog C Bare,. Dew York SO. 6a. boar, tit Jose, Cal Wm L Plainer. Wash D Wolf , Illinois J 1.; Kunokel, Harrisburg AIRRCHANTE' 00781,—Pearo sweet. below Aron. G W Thurmond. Missouri E ' , Murray. i•sonri John T tleeley. New York B B Wigton. 'Huntingdon Wm Ililaeterton. Johnstown B Day & wt. Prttshurg J G Hartswiat,.C'eartield H G Walton. Chicago Hon Jaoob Fry. Jr, venni% N B Prate. Deep River Janne. H Wolk., Bethlehem H erosh, Laco co James D Travelli, Pit 'burg John J Nevin. Penns B Haywood, Pottsville bliss Haywood, Pottsville Charles Hampshire. Penns R L Mama, Bel to rr W B Emory, 131,nt0. N J Wen snoomb Ter Haute James Jenkins. New Jersey B C Pebodie & It. Ft W J Morris & Vail Forge D Mont. New York 3 M Davis Fall River Capt D B MoKibbin, USA 8 ilitahoook, Llonnectiout AMERICAN HOTEL—Chemins swam above Fall. T C Edwards. Lebanon, Pa .1 1' Brale, Lebanon, Pa H A Hoif. Heading G B Bolt: Readies' F J A llrson. Peons It A Adams. Penns C C Hush. Delawe C J Stephens. Boston W Phelps. New York .1 Bee er. New York John Reid, C/12. Ohio G W MoConnell. Indiana 8 It Halle, New York Morris Fox New York J G Matlock, Wash, I) C W Powell lc vrf. Lama C Bearden. Jr. l'elaware B M Mum. New York C Penrose, Jr, Coatesville P: Wilmer. Delaware C N Pratt, Chios, o J L Hanson. hew York Cart Hagopian. New York Vrent Hamada% N y H 4.1 Cole. Chester W F Black: New York A J Herman, Brooklyn J Worthen. Palle, Tenn 3S. LOUIS HOTKL—tmestaut street. noose Third. A Baum, Baltimore G a McCabe A Tant , sua Geo tandem. Civotunali V . Roard, Riew•York W Prise. et. Clair. Ya B 'ritoomo. Masa 0 R. Adderson. tondon Griffith Morrta & wt . , X Y W W mafi. la tr. wf. Boston CltAonmtat Rums- Rev I. roleman. Perm Et w D R&D. Wash, P Gen W Peek. Auburn. N Y W Walloon, Auburu. N A K Smyth, Maryland 8 B .Fullarton BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third it,. above Csllowhlq W Harmer, Pennsburg H It Rorer. Glues W Mon. Allentown Master• Moll, Allentown Chas Harper, Jenkintown 8 Hogeland. Sembilan .1 Posy. Pcnnsy tirade N Gleam. Haltimnre Worts, Rending W Kline, Amity . Jacob Nutt. Pennsylvania H Rotor, Pennsylvania H. Guiltier, Tremont Pa John Berndt, Tremor/ t.Pa Jacob Boyer. STATER UNlON—Market street, above Blzth. H Libhart.Niotta A_Lng. Lewistown H B Bumble. et Louis W B Thompson & la, Pa W Plaits!. Lana co Pa ft O Orono. *.stiablirg W Latmier, new York Danl Kaufman. venna Jas Wiley. ' P tuiburg P Notwe:l, Pittsburg Jno Rhombi, Carlisle COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth st.. above Chestnut. A D Harlan. Penes. H A Jehnson, New Jersey H T Darlinston, Doylest'n H Laken., Doylestown Jae Riee. Doylestown H Wiggles, Doylestown C Moyer, Doylestown Geo Lukens. Doyleslonn Alf Horner. Doylestown Peplums, Delaware H C Nesbitt, blare land Chas Speakman. ti 8 A W M 0G on•god. flora C fl Hartshorn. Chiseler co W L Junes. klomir.own T W coy le, Reading J W Lake, Readies .) Johnson, Cecil 00, bid W Reds, Cecil co, Md BARLEY FREAFF—Aeoond street, below Vine. Jae Sweeney, W Chester T Anderson, Newtown B B. Meotiem. New Jersey, W netts. Jr. Baas* 01 James Williams. Peons A Dannenbower, Fauna W Davison. Cheltenham A Carter, Emma MOUNT vaarioa RUTEL—Baooad at.. above Arch. F FnrApaugh, Phil& • Mhos W Mithopy. Phil& G W Worrell Caiciazo elaa a West, Penns J J Morrison, Piffled& B Marshall, Bucks co James Downs. 115 N H H Breokearidgm. N tlamt lataFitte, U 8 A BALD EAGLE 110TEL—Thtrd et.. above Callowhill. M Fritz. Bohnylbill co. la Los B Linton. Monte eo E. 0 Wilson. eletenitoa H Geiger & ateunston goihnuironti, NC NATIONAL BOTBL—ltsue street. above Third 71 P Btoksa. Pittsburg J 6 Matter, M4rylani B But) maker, Lancaster so Restos. lamaster ao .1 M Nada). Yearn. Burnt Blake. Perry oo A A B Metter, Likonstown JILEVERk NOUSE—Third ingest. above Arum J Jonas. New York W O !Shultz, Allegheny 0 •Kaufman. Sok lc Raven J coign TLi Walker,tohlk co 11. J Smith, Allentown THE USlON—Atrok street. above TbJrd. .1 P ranißn me 5 X McGrew. - Now Jersey Raymond, Liegtteny alts , J B Moser. Allentown, Pe allay Fix:crime. 13«1raidickseaNd fa tits env. at 34 lhalk 1 1 / 1 1.11LD litts•V / • SPEOIAL xorioEs. r BROWN .35 BROTHRR'S MICA BLACKING is Dirtily spoken of by aim, who jay° used it. It is for sale by ; MATTSON, Jffl It Cor. TIOTH and ARCH Ste, ONE P3lO/ OLOTEINGLOT TEI LATIUM /Irmo', Made in the beat man r, expressly for RE-- VALI ' B A/ 00 - LOWEST walla prim marked la te j Plain Figures. All goons mad to order warranted satutfaatory. our orm-pnlois ream is striotir 44- hersd to. All ere thereby tree alike. ealili-lir /ONES & 00.. aft MARKET Street. I AWHILOII'I3 &ars vy —This celebrated and perfect Ultir Dye is tka Jai is% ils scoria. All others are mere imitations of a great original, whioh has Leine .^^` --- all parts of the globe. 'V. 's. Liquid Hsu Oyu instal lank or natural brown, wit xliiring the hair, and will re, is, invigorating the hair for sold by al Wholesale by FAIINEIV .. Philadelphia. taht.tf iilllo' 02Ligss.ATID ftaIaELESS SEWielgt MACHINES. ' , •oe Heat in Use for Family/Sewing. Ns 77p ogiiiSgrelWlr Strait. nilliiihil oils a.alIT I! OARD PRINTINGI, KIT AND CIBIAPNOT UI the City."as 714 aootP ?WILD &roes. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Beat arida:marmot In the City. at 34 Routh:TBIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other degorlll tton of Printing, of the mot 'superior quality. at the moat reasonable rates, at RING WALT dc BROWN'S, D o Delos. till Seeds TBIRD ntrool. yods-tf !MARRIED. DUNLAP—GOO - 6AX —Mareh 17tb. by the WWI. D. Goeton, Robert W. Outline to Mtge Arlan Margaret Goottex, both of Phitadelph,e. -DIED. .1 TH.OICAP.—ithi the 9th inst., George Thomas In the 90th ear of hie site. N 1 41.1.0 h.--Or sands.. evening. the 7th inst.. Mrs. Fiiitbeth. wifeof our. James Mahlon, in the 30th year of her see. the rrlatlvea and friends of the family are rseptct fully invited to attend the tuners! from the residence of her husband. tip. P 1.0.2 Hamilton et.. late Mantas. this Wsdnesdar) aftprnoon..lo.lr init.. at 3 o'clock, without further notice. W. LKs.-onPundav morning . . the 7th bast , Edward M. Wiike. aged 217141.18 4131/ 11 months. The imam, of the family . are tespnetftilly invited to attend the facerst. from the New Jerusalem Parton age at Ketyvilie. without farther notice, this (Wednes day) morning. xclo o'oinok. • ROYAL—AA Germantown. on the morning of the 7th insl,, Jacob 11: Roy. al. a. ed 27 years. His relatives and friends are reinseothely invited to attend his funeral, firm his mother's residence, Main. below Winter st , eet, this (Wednesday) afternoon. the 10th net ; at 3o'elook. without further notice. • Y yardlevviiie, Buck* county, on the morning of the 7rh mat., of earalysiz. Wm. Yardley, in the 70th zeitref hie age. The friends and. relatives of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from hie !rte resi dence. this (Fourth-day.) morning, the teth wet.. et 30 o'clock Persons from the cry will leave Kensington depot at 7 e • eioelt A. M. and proored to t.reenshurc station on the Belvidere Railrold. where they will firm carriages awaiting them, • returning, will leave the latter•named station at 6 P. M. ROO W.—On the 7th mast., Samuel L. Room, in the 67th .year of his see. Funeral from his late residence, Broadway. ab fie Perry sp set Stockton NewJersey,onTharedayaiter nooc,the tltb lost, st 2 o'clock Juki "SON.—On the 6th inst.• Mrs. Elizabeth John :eon. repot of the late Jonathan Jnbnron. aged 81 years. • Funeral from the residenoe of her son Geo tw. Jones. No 6M 'meth 11,xt it street. this (Wednesday) of ernoon:st 2 o'elook BACON:-Oa the 7th inst., Wright Bacon, in the 24th year of his age. - • - Funeral front the residence of hisparents. sh mead street. Germantown, this (Wednesday, atternolyt. at 2 0740ra . B aNO.h.R.—On the Bth intr. Abby C. Bender. wire or J. weeley Bender, aged 30 years. Funeral from the residence of her husband.l224 Myr tle at' set, this ti We 4 •.tley ) morning . at 8 &ic ohm. • DOOg vit —t:n the 7th inst., W illlam C. Dooms, Sr., in the 74th year of his age. Funeral from his late raeidsnee, Debtor's Apart• lo c man e.k. County Prison , this (Weartesday ) alternoon, at 4 o'o . . tiILBFRT —On the Bth Lent., Charles Henry Gilbert. eon of Tiotraaa 8. atd Jee bails Gilbert. aged 3 years. Funeral from the rraidonceSof hie parents. No. eO6 Priam street. ElLeth, ab.me time, this (Wednesditr ) morninc'at9 o'clock. • • GORR h LL —On the Bth inst., chivies 8.. eon of Ben. nand and Cetharine Gnt refl. aged 23 moot a sad 8 dam Fuzee-al from the reOldel7CB of hie pafelnll. southwest corner of aightst-ntli end Heelord street*. chic VrAd. Ilradari arm , noon. et a n'alook JO ft,DAN.—Ois the Sta inst., William Jordan, aged 40 leer!: ir age 'Ai from his Ista roma/moo. No. 1114 Bteadma n street, this ( Wednesday )afternoon at 2 &emelt- • K)q..LY —On the 8:h met-. Mr/. 'Julia Kelly, Reed 83 years. Funeral from her-late resolanoe, Twenty-fourth it.. above Ilamtiton, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at ono o'n oak. L/6.130• 1 .-0a the 7th inst., Gideon Leeds. in the 71st Year of hie see. Faneral from his late resldrnee, No 816 North hioth attest. this( ednesday ) morning. at 10 o'olook. • fdcr4i/ GAL —Un the Bitl Mac.. .Edward MoUonagal, aced 71 years. Funeral from his late residenoe, No. 1 121 _ Carpenter atraot. this rWednes 4 ay afte•tioun. at 1 wo mph. • isie r SA faISY —On the 8 h mot., Thomas Pon of Thos. and Mary Ma r iann,. aged 18 months and 25 daYs nacrel from the reamenoe of his enrenta. between Twmt.•• fourth and Twenty•tiftli, below Spring liarden, this( Wednesday • moroins at 9 o'clock. • MALVW.—On James inst.. Michael and of Jane and the late Malloy, aged ID years and 11 in onoe • • - pun• rah from the residence of W■ mother. No. 2C2 Federal street, this ( Wednesday) afternoon..at three • • . . NO s ROP.—On the 7th inst., Georce W. Monroe, In the 33d year of his age. Pupate! from Pis late residence, Bitokius st., Tsitetty fifth ward. aramin co. ou Thu.sclay afternoon, tae llth !not . at 3 o'ol or. . fdOkEthLt. --On the 7th Met , 'Harding, eon of FEe -Inel and t mind& Morrell. in the Ith ,ear of hi. ass. Funs .al from the re..der ea of hfs parents. No. 3SM South Feoond street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, • . • td U I•GR V W.-0e the Bth inst., Bernard hinhirow, in ths 55 h year of his age. Funeral from his late residence. 1179 8 Eleventh attest. above Federal. this ( Wednesday) afternoon, at o'clock N' LL.—On the Bth inst.. Sarah B.r wife of Jesse Nell Punera' rrom the residence of her - husttod. 528 Queen street. this (Wednesday) &titration. at 6 n'olook. MLitt elt.—On the Bth mat., Frederick J. Yahoo', aged 33 years. Funeral from his late residence, 209 Smith Ruth on 'fonrsday afternoon. the 11 h met, at 4 o'clock. I'l,llerElt.--On the Bth inst.. Joseph • Porter, Er.. aged 77 Tears. WALKw2t..—On the 7th inst., Mr. Abraham O. Walk er. gged SS years and 4 months. :Pitsera..from Ma late residence , Norris atreet, below' Otis, oats Woo street, Richmond, this ( Wednesday) morning. at 10 o'clock. MOURNING STORE, BRISSON Sa SON, 9113 OBIGITIIUT [grant. are now sepias Blank crape mareta. at vi and 3I) annul, -Black nireges, at 26 and 313,‘ nen .a. Black 74 wide bandies. 60 and 62% (tenni. Aground-mound!). pork , 8.26 oenur. Gray mixed !wallas, 12)6o. Gray mottled modanna.l2s(o. Gray mix e d wide madonnas. liNo. • Black and white printod grenadine barsgee. Ws. • Shepherd plaid real syenadine baregss, We.. • Blank and white Pans organdies. ' 17OFFICE OF NORTH PITILATIIitYI - PHI". PAPBRNGER HAILWAY COM PANY. wAr.NuT , 81RvP.T.—A Spewed Meeting or p-took end Bondholders of this Company will beheld on w. De..EB DAY. the 10th of July. at 4 P. M.. to devise means to put tee road in iinniedrate operation. J c..K. T. BONBALL. beciretary. ErrOFFICE OF THE INSURANCE COM PANY OF ISORTit AMERltift., FIIILADEL PHI a.. July 8. 1861. I be Oimrd of Directors have this day deetiv•d a 'anti annual d.vwead r f a‘x per oeut.(axolusrv• of the state taxi for the put six monihs. parable to the Stoot holders or their legal r.presautativaa on demand. Jl9-3t • Cti ekt.h.9 PLAT f. SeoratBl7. DEPARTMENT OF Tile RECEIVER WOF TAX NIL infILADILPHIA, July 8,1881. ‘atia* ia hereby given to delinquent tax payers itt the Twelf. h !Nerd. th.it,V3l./.llAs C. 31'P bL fe the eel) authorized Co hoofer for Raid Ward, for the year IS His reeei et only (for t at year) will be acknow led ved by this Depariment from tldit date 1,9 Sc WILL IAM - P- HAMM. Ree-iverof Taxes. fryr AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRusr COMPANY, Pimarit,Pnta, July 0, IBS NOTICE.—The Trustee* have this day declared edt vidend or three per oent. out or the profits of the la. t at: months pnyab e to the r tockholdera on and after the 20th inst..clear of State tax. !r9•St . • JOHN 'CARES, FearatarY. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, VENTRAL VW Ft F CROOL.—lhe Beau- canal Meeting of ( I : e 2 :luntlei Assoctutton Jul R. 8., will be bald on W Elite auDaY .Ir:V JUNG. July 10. at 8 o'olook. at the Hi gh t3oliool Building; BIWA D and GS. h.EI.• Ste. ST rPH 6-; Ft BEA TON, PreFid en t. Mu:lmm' Bucxwaunca.FeoretarY. 3yB St* CcrBANK OF PENNSYLVANIA—NOTICE IR hereby .gtven to the holders of the Notes n said Baek registered for payment on or before May 22,1851. that the dividend &warned thereon wilt be paid on possentarton of said notes at the (;!fine of the .1111- smiles', 407 1,1134 ARY Ititreet. (w ound cosy.) be tween the house of ler A. M. and 2 P. M. W. C. PATTPARON, W. 48AVAGR i J. D. TAYLOR. Assixtieea. Jti3 Or." PHIL* ratz.put 4...Je1y , 1. MR - OFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE Ik3 COMTAIIY, No. 406 Ott STM UT .troet PHILADZIPHIA. Jul, 1 I&SL eta meatier of the Board or 1./beet/3ns held thle day. a dividend of THRbE PER CENT. wan declared on ltle capital, Amble on the brat der of August nest. irs 1w W. 1. BLANCRAND. deoratarr.- lir' WE HAVE EMPLOYED HELP FROM Ti E PROTEISTART EXClRANOB,eonthwegt corner 'SECOND and NEW Streets. and take pleasure In rsoommending It to the publio as an institution much needed in our city. for its care in selecting the best men, women. and children as to character and quail fioatione : J. B. ADDICRB, MORao° street. vE. M, SELLERS, civeen find Tuipehooken streets. imarcriA RANDOLPH, DU Chestnut Street DWI!, IC MK PA iItICK. UM Arch street. r. .PALNCOABT, DM Mount Vernon street. , J AB. HIGH EDS. IWO Mount Vernon Miele:. GEO. FREEMAN , fig/Mono Eleventh street. P.G. OLIVE 850 850 North bitzth street. • it. BO W 'I hi rriand Germantown avenue. , T. WILSON, MO terinh Front street. T. M oG VI 422 South Front street. 2 g_ M. WHITE, 381 Marshall street. W. C. sogimoiss Market street. W. H. RICRARMON,4IB Msrktit street, Lnd over one hundred arid _fifty more, to whom re (crowns will he 'lvan at the nifiaa. MIL'ITABN , NOTICES. I. • RYCRITITR WANTED TO - COM stele Col D le BERNENT'D 2214 Regiment / Phila. elphaa City Gu•rd. let. artillery/14W strong. now in service near Harper's Perry. • Unerootpted companies and men wishing to Join will apply atNo. d 0 t North FOURTH Street, above Nape street. Companies will be' sent on to Join the reriment as fast as they are urganized, jytdt" UNITED , STATE'S CAVALRY.— WAPITED—Por the Third Regiment. U 8. Cavalry —able-bodied. uninvited meth of good character awl morale, between the ages of 18 and 38 years. to terve for I years. ray irorti 13 toll oollaye petynonth, w•th olottunp. hoottl. and medical atondance. Men aceustomed to hOinee• and riders p-ederred ; a minor will n.t be en lined without the ancient of parents or guardian. Apply at rnnoipal Rendezvous. No. 18 g &nth &1611114 Street. ' ' 2011r4 fie Vang. j32,0w. Cast. Sd Regt. U. si.C.atly. Recta OLIMer. LOST OR klltiLtlD— Policy of Insu rance iseued by the Frar kiln Fire Inference Corn penY to II LRAM fil'LL.h.R. Mo. 78 338, on brick house, scab side of offEbr4 !street. 36 feet west of eix teenth. Applioation has been .ni• de for renewal of the same Any nee finding the Policy will leave it at 11213 GREEN Street, .138-mwt3t. WAR TIBIEI.--;Economiso ; got Clo. bored Flioto_graohs for •41_; Azobrot•poi at all arlOaa ; Life-rlze l'ho'ogrol4). 3n VII. from .LS lo VDO —st iLtlbillOlL'o Ormototo and ,k.xreorivo ostler/. x- COnDlStritet. above Green. 1r _ _ __ UNI 0 N BPNVELOPZ9 AT UPHAM'S, '3lO ORRISTN UT Btreet. Best assortment in the illtej $1) from drigibal d algae Remember the 'wore UPI, A I'VPS. 41' , CH Revrr. U P citreet. /0-60 NOW IS THE T 1 Mt TO BOY SUN . Umbrellas for ladies or gentlemen. REIT JON. FULI3 I.L. 11 2t Nog. 9 and 4 North FOUlL'rel trest, P __.___ ARAGON-FR AME SILK UMBRELLAS for gentlemen. Bun Umbrella. vert Nog. B 08. FUMISLL. )710-2t NOS. 2 and 4 /Noah FOURTH. &feet. s t , TURNIP REEDS Grown at Blooramdale ; varvanted pre. • .111: LAINDRE,TH'ac SON, Imrlen eat and Peed W arehouse. ITIO • Noe. fl, and 13 H. tllXiJi titteet. POSTAGE STAMPEL-24 ct., 12 ct.. 10 31. et,. 6 ot.. sod S ot. BTAhlpa for sale at Out office. Exempting the Sot. stamp', they will be Bahl at a dis count of Ree per cent. • 174-tf pEAun BRANDY. One.barrel pare so trnisitm=e r sale . br 111. mut r ea.. ass taws MILITARY GOODS. COTTON DUCK. SUITABLE FOR TENTS, Vol S&L* PT FROTH:INGHAM & WELLS. istrit-t If COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. D"' OLI1 TION OF PARTNERSHIP.— The partnership heretofore existing tWeen NA NIUFL e reumfBONard &RI Ulla, M. JENKINFI. under the firm of THONINSON & JENKINS, in this clay ditwtvd br muttod oonsent. The business of. the hits firm wlll be settled and wound up oy Pamuel S. Thompson, st the store, No. uO4 fn AN KE Atreet. BAM Utsa. 8. TnOwlpeioH. SAMUEL H. JNICKIINTS. Phtlada., June 70,1861. b9-d tf DISSOLUTION. The copartnership heretofore subsisting between the undersigned. under the firm of S P. 8 CHIN ER. & CO., is thie day nissoived. by mutual consent. The buwness will be set tled at the old stand. Na. 9 DANK and N 0.19 SERAW- B SHAY Streets, P RA isdelthiFa. . 4 IWISCI TI F WER, OL.GAM.IITH. HENRY VOLIAREB. Made., July 1,1241: fIOPARTNERSIIIP FORMED.—The un deritigned Wive thin day entered into copartnership, under the Milt Of WOLGAMUTH & RALEIGH. Reins summers to the late firm of J. B. STEINER & Co.. we will continue the buineu in the awe branches as heretofore, at the came place, No. 9 BANE htreet and It l STRAW BERRY Street pa •acis F. WOLG •MUTH, • MAURICE RALEIGH. Philada.,lll.l 1. M. .l/1-1m alleatagOffing . : SEA BATHING • 1•••• . ATLANTIC TWO • AEI:P .. ' THREEAEIARTER HOURS .• • -•. ..• . • . • • FROM • PHILADELPHIA. wriaosito CITY is now conceded to be one of the most dslightfelsea-skle resorts in the wor d. Its bath ing is unsurp•rsed ; its beautiful unbroken beach (nine miles in length) is unscathed by any on the con tinent. save that of Galveston ; its air is remarkable fur its dryness ; stria/tiling and fishing faoilities are per feat; its hotels are well furnished. and as well kept sr those of Newport or l'aratosa, while its avenues and walks are Meaner and broader then those of any other sea• bathing place in the country. Trains of the CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAIL ROAD leave VINE-STREET WHARF. Philadelphia, daily. at 734 A. M., and 4P. M. Returning, reach Phi ladelphia at 9 A. IEL, and 7:46 P. M. Fare, SIM Round-trip hoists, good for three days, 8290 Die:. Canoe, CO mites. A te'egreph extends the whole length of the road. iylo tf LATEST AND BEST P4TENT FRUIT JARS, (BAKER'S PATENT.) NO CEMENT ltl USED, AND NO EXPOSED SUR FACE OF GUM TO TAINT THE FRUIT. THEY ARK THE MOST SIMPLE IN OPERA • VON, RELIABLE IN RESULT, AND EASILY PROVED. POTTER & Eole hiannfaeturers and Proprietors, !'. . 106 CIT-TRSTN:UTATREET; Alan, Manufacturers: of Plain and Fancy Wine ant Liquor Bottles, Druggists' and Crookery DetlerSteient Glass Ware. 1, 10 -iltal6bg.l WHOT- VA ALE STOCK SUMMER CLOTHING, SELLING AT RETAIL, OKFIAP FOR CASH, 419. MARKET STREET. POILADELPIILi. 17V - YETH & BROTHER. APOTHECARIES, Will open their New Store. NO. 1412 WALNUT STREET, PIIIMIDELYBIA, MONDAY MORNING, JULY let, 1861 irenV Morilled - eye aPPIIII.IIOII And convenience. and mammies more thew waist advantage and twilit:ter IMPORTING. MANUFACTURING, AND DIS PENSING everything pertaining to a MODERN APOTHECARY STORE, they hope to moire a share of public favor. Their PERSONAL care and attention will be given to every detail. jy3-10t NEW LOAN FOIR SALE A. Untlttst amount or the new 3,000,00 0 LOAD. In sums to suit porch/Ism, for sale by JAY OOOKT & CO., • - 114 soars THIRD DMILEIIM 141114" JOB PRINTII VG. "THE PREg-S," BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 417 CHESTNUT STREET, PHIL.RDELPHIaI. The attention of the Business Oommamity is respectfully invited to the . New Book and Job Printing Office of " Tux Puss," which has been fitted up with New Material, in the moat complete manner, and is now prei_pared to execute, In a satisfactory style, every vari ety of Printing : BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. 7 CARDS. = (31.1:RC)UTAAR9. CHECKS. • NOTES. RECEIPTS. BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADINGS, BILL HEADS, PAPER BOOKS • CERTIFICATES. . D TTF I T )Sig • . . 80N±.9 MORTGAGES, BALL TICKETS .11107 D MERCHANTS, MA'NUFACTURERS, CHANICS, LAWYERS, AUCTION- ERRS, PUBLIC OFFICERS; BANKS, RAILROAD AND INSURANCE COMP4NIES, will be supplied with any description of Printing tiipilred, at short notice and on the most reasonable terms. RETAIL DRY GOODS "fil HOD LANDELL ARE OPENING 8T41. 0 .K. BlLKS,—Black Silks, fate scads. Black Silks for city mica , Bltck Bilks wholagcle. Black siika, 2a to Mulches wide. 'VIRE & LANDtai.L, FOURTH and .111.741 A ROff, are 'selling all their Sumner 13oods to close them. I. a nnum. rititts. India• and Preach. 1?a. k French °nand, Lawns Jnarese and Lawn hobes by the yard. Bauble and rwist Grenadmes. P,YRE 4 1 ,k LANDRLL HAVE FOR •-:• BATHING P.R.vBSP,B MI-wool Blue Flannels, AIL-wool PuLio F4innefs. Good adsortmant of Toweling/J.l Barntoor Quiits. whoa- sale. i31.0-tf 1861• —MICHORABLE YEAR :r. • HARD ON DRY GOODS! VERY LOW PRICES! 8 WIZ MORE REDUCED I T.HORNLEY & CHUM N. .8 oar. I%IG -1 rti and SPRING GARDEN. Want to sell their stock claim aff. And have consequantly REDUCED Tilhaß PARIS& • VERV LOW, INDEED. Fancy Silica a litVe over half pries. Same styles of _prams Gcoos at half prine. Lace Mantles. Mutes. Eugenia! aco.. yen' ahem , . Black bilks, the oheasest in Philadelphia. A great variety of Gray Gwen, Lawn, &0., &o, A very !area stook of sromastte Goods. A very large stack of Linen Goods. Cloths, Cas.imsres. Vesting's. Ae.. &a. N. R.—Phie is a RARE CRAW* m get goods un usually °heap. THoRNLEY krl 1 ' N. R. Car. EIGHTH azdAPRING GAP' PEN. N. B--Frain this date, July Oth, Terms "Cash on Ckliverr." FINN PARIB-PRLCTED OHIN'TZ-Or- LORED ORGANDIES REDUCED TO HALF Iliabest style lineortedi Mid usual Once 750 . Medium 31; Ur. Fine Faris Jaeotiets..23; usaalyrioe,-,41. 33. P . l - 110 assortment do, 13 ate. 11,raree !Satin h.tripa,' &a., &a., all reduced to Dais, worth 8736, pr•nred Barone Anglers 1235 aim. fhe above comprises some of the handsomest roods in the marker. CHARLES ADAMS & SOPS, it 9 751.911. TH and &Reit tPreets. STILL EIRE:AI: I FR REDUCTION IN DRY GOODS.-Bm tiv aity o r eingliame for 20e. rime amortrnent of •Drese Goods from t 255 to 25. Dentnelf CMOS° belaines reduced from 25 to 12K. Ladies'_ Clothe, plain, plaid, and stained. at a /OW fiance. . Men sad Boy? Wear, much reduced. Lawn/ in itr•st variety from 8 to 37.56 e. Furniehmk Goods. at the lowert market prices. Shetland bliamat, front SI to *6 at JuHSY H. STO'KES', i 79 702 ARCH. Street. ARSEILLEB FORBELSQUES!.—Just opened, at reduced price's. 6 good nersortment of figured a, d corded . enseidoe. 8111:PPARD, VAN 11AHLINGKO.A. AR.R.ISON. J7B-3t 008 CH 8eT24 . 1.13: Mica, LINSI , 4 GOODS WHITE 6CODS The subscribers respeathiliy invite the attention of buyers to theirlarge ass rtment of Linen and Haase ru mitring Dry Goods, White Gorda, Linens. to., which they sell ae low as asv other house, who.esale or retail, besides 6 r sent. or for cash. _ KPPARD, VAN HARGINGP.H. & Art RISON, Jis-at 1005 CHESTNUT' Street. BARGAINS BARGAINS I ALA. GREAT SACRIFICER. _ EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS. offered in the balances of our Stock of SUMMER DRESS GOODS, now closing out GREATLY UNDER COST PRICES, Pargains in Laos Mantles, Dournous, Pointe& Bargains in bilk Coats, Sat qua iv'd Mantles. eiARCIAINS IN FANCY SILKS. BARCAINniti BLACK SILKS. 600. Mohair Grenadines for 250. lao. Detains*, new etyles, for SIL eno. Organdie lawns for 'ilk& /We. Lawns, fine quality, tur Sc. IL STEEL, k. EON, jib No. 7" 3 North TENTH. Street, above entaßS pRIOE. FERRIS. & CO., NO. 807 CHESTNUT STREET, Still continue to RETAIL their large WHOLESALE 8T401.11( of White Goode. Linens. I aces. and Embroi deries. at price. whloh meat make it to the interest of every one who may want anything in their line to give them a call. as they will save at least Slyer oent. of the usual coat 1,7 so doing. .110011Eni. CAMBRICS, NAINROOKS, aRLKTAN Ea, 8 WlBB ES, FRENCH Natal • ne, RUA-lAN CELL QUIL ES. F [HIM ogoissuily FOR BAHQUES, EMBROfIPH SKIRTS, FLOUN CINGS. - wainus, BLEI- Vets. B. NDS. INs ER'T ISO% COLL ice. VA LEN^IENNE AND OT NY R LACES, VEIL*. MI f TS, HANDKERCHIEFS ALL KNDS, SHEET.' N -3. ?ft LOW AM II SHIRT ING LINENS, •CABL,E CLO rHA. NA PKfNB. TA BLE DAMA KN. ' , UCH ABACK. AND OTHER TOWELS AND TOW SLINGS. N. fl.—A few choice real thread and Cambria Lame Fointec at about half price. A new lot of trimmed and plain net tindereleesea. beautiful styles Val. lace handkerchiefs. ALL VERY CHEAP. PRICE, FERRIS. & CO-, .171,30, . mat CHESTNUT STREET. NEW MANTILLA STORE. The most splendid BILK id/MULES in the city : HOUGH & CO., JeS-sm 26 SOUTH. TENTH EITHRE7 SILK MANTILLAS, In every new style, the richest dualities tsar seen, at the elegant New Store, gS SOUTH TENTH STREET. je&Sm HOUGH .e.c CO. SIIMMSR STOOK OF DRESS GOODS AT PRICER ACCORDING TO THE TlDlEJ.—?oploas, garages. Silk Challi Ps. half price' Delmar, re duced from 23 to 1244.4 ; Sprint Chintzes reduced from 12% tone. aueoial attention is reoriented to our stock of Orkan dies and Jaoonet Latvia*. which we are bound to alone out at a low fiknre.RLF:B ADA 148 & SON, jun) and ARCH Streets. C&SSIIII E AND, SUMMER GOODS x—/ for Melee and Bore wear. Light C•ssimeres and rummer Stuffs. Dos's Wear and Vasutra. A Fine Stook at Lowest Prices. Clam & CONAID. 1.27 PI E. Clamor NINRIR and •••• CENT OKAY GOODS. 25 cent Enrages. 63i cleat Pitured 135roge 35.20. and 25 cent Forest Berates. Black Bareees,Tamarttnee, and Crepe !Karatz. OOPYERtr. cur•Aß.o._ jest & eor. NINTH and MARKET. A BANKRUPT IMPORTER'S biTOOK. A of Similes of Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs. in hem-stitched. sheer- corded:and embroideted, from 10 ciente to CI mate eaoh; a great bargain. karsbelteo sacrifice for cash, and , to be sold in the same era/ oniy. CHARLAiIt 41418 & EON. Jem EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. IIRELNOH LAOS VEILA. 4 .—A choice lot [or sale just purc ha ricesed from a bankrupt importer, and at half pet CHARMER ADAMS & SON. 3r20 EIGHTH and AR() rt Streets. RLLK MANTLES ! GR&Y DUSTERS ! ! Frencili Laos Mantles and Points. Very low priests for Cash. Fine fresh stock of these roods in onr LABOR NEW ROOM. s ecoND FLOOR, N. B.—Mohair Mitts. 800, lakirte, end If andlterohleGs chew.. COOPER & 4.0 N RD Jr 47 S. E. con NI NIPR and MARKET. NRENOII LAOS PiANTS, BOURNOIIB, I: AND MANTLES —A lair stookto be so'd at less than violent.) prices. We cannot be undersold in these goods. CHARLES ADAMS & JON, Jen) EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. sIIMIVIEN. BUAWLS. Silk Border Gray Barene Shawls. Strived Stik Chant Shawl'. White Harems and G.enadtna. VOA Pei,ley sad Reclaim. Slack Ilitk and Stoehr.. SHAH rt...e.88 BROTHERS, Jets rttl RRTN UT and EIGHTH Streets. itricm . .Q,.rTlTO NETTING, all colors; Tule tan. all colon. for 00,1,1111‘ glasses; Plaid and Swiss m ui li ns ,Nt wholesale prioec cuaaLts ADAM,. tote, kao M:GHTEI end AK ..}3 Streets. SMALL -PLATO. 131 W g 1, Blue and Whit. '•••—• Black and Pt Fran ° h 81 / / 2 Brown to. 4 1 W/As Frelteln ABU. G r e en s vd Frenoh tiro rp), Whits Frenoh Bilks. SO doz. lidkce. at elan pe r o ,l z- Ledo*. White Bilk Gloves, 2ed. per pair:„t Many goods reduoed Yon' low. to aloes o:.Ag, JOHN Tk_ -; s t. Jett 709 ARCH 8... SUMMER GOODS. The Blanireta—Moiiiinito Nettings. Catored l'arletene—e-ass /ruts. Bathing Gmhi—iiiip Furshure Chisitzes—Shade tiollands. Bathing Towels—Russia Craiti. SHA RPLEBB BROTSERtli end EIGHTH Streets PEOlea, NOTIOE I t 1 1 ,7 Oa andafter Oita date WHORELEY ft 0111 BM will offer_ " EVERY PORIBIBLE lEDUG.EMEET TO CASH PURCHABERIi OP DRY (loom Beini t determined to riders their Stock they will sire etas d igutNif7FanaT Silks forTa cents, worth !MIS Heavy Rich Fanny Silks for el, well worth • oranadine and Renege weds, 'shout one half their value. Elroy Mixed Goods, in every variety, from 8 cants per yard to 60 omits. BLACK SILKS, RICH CH AND LUSTROUS, VERY EAP rfeat Blank Braesde Silks, do , uble limed, &e. De painte r Calicoes, Cummeres, Cloths, Vesting*, Ic tinens,Mtudins, Flannels, Quilts, Covent, &ea. too BRAWL AND CLOAK-ROOM. EXHIBITION. French Lace Mantles, Pointe's, Shawls, Rosettes. Cambria Lace Mantles, Chantilly Lace Goods, Re. Bleak Silk Coats Mant les &0 ., in every stria, At THORNLEY & CILTEXIIS terser 3. Elum a ariumst ohiumig It.. LOOKING GLASSES. lAMENSE REDUOTION IN LOOKING GLASSES. PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURE AND PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. JAMES S. EARLE Sr. SON, 616 CHESTNUT Street. Announoe the reduction of 2S per cent. in the pncee in all the manufaotured etook of Looking Glasses; also, n Engravings. Pioture and Photograph Framen, Oil Paintings. The largest and most elegant assortment in •the oountry. A rare opportunity now etrered to make purchases in thin tine for mob, at remarkably low Prima, EARLE'S GALLERIES, j36:tf 816 CHSSTISU 81:11EXT. GROCERIES. - TALMILLEI3 IMMIX° IN 'Till ivRAL DIMIXTOTIL ro prepared, aa heretofore % to rovvlr tstrdlies at tk eir coaatry Xesidenaes with avory desarlyttou of FTIfB fIOgNILIEL TEM, &a., &a. ALBERT C, ROBERTS. COVIER ELEVENTH AND Vir4B STR.ESIB. PURE PORT WINE. FOX SALE BY C. IL IVIATTSON, ARMEf. AND TENTH STREETS. ow% . II HAVANA 01GARS.—A 1,0 1 A 1 00 , 1-Fehoio4 ..easortment. comorlairli some of the omit celebrated brand' in the Itsvass mar ket. *sob as trigato. Cabanas , Verded Espanola- lies.- tuna.' Ms* Illea. Punchinello. aco., &o f Mao, Freer* ciiSavors Cigarettes.- -For Rale jg_ir or olif),,,at old krioes, b! ..the Imps r, OBA_RigAltEihs 14 1- An • - pio iso wAdatrir Street, Jo. 1:441 . NEW PITBLICA.TIONS. NEW LAW BOOKS. JUST PUBLISHED BY LITTLE, BROWN, 4t - CO., No. 110 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON RAY'S REPORTS, Vol. Vpl. Reports of oases argued and determined in the en proms Judicial Court of Maaaachusettl. BY BORACB GRAY, Jr., Eau.+ Vol. VIII, Avo, 8500. STORY'S EQUITY JURISPRUDENCE Commentaries on Busily Jurisprudence, as adminis tered in England and America. By Hon. JOSEPH 8 WRY , Eighth Edition, carefully revised, with ex tensive additions. By Eon. I'ISAC F. nEDFIELD. 2 vols. ave. Sitati. J35-smw2tif BOOKS, LAW AND MIBUELLANEOUS, sew and old, bought mold, and B'2:changed at the PHILADELPHIA-BAN 11 BOOK noRE, g o , 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance Purchased. Whose havnag Books to nen, if at o diatanee, will state their names, mass bindings,_ dates, editions. prices. and conditions. ,liVAPi'PED—Bonks - printed 1 , 7 Heals min Franklin. as well as early Books pnoted in and aeon America. Autograph Lsttara and Portraits ru.r *based. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for sale. Cata logues. in press, sent free. Libraries apicaised by 1413-t? JOAN es P8P3,1.. AIIiUSEMENTS4 AMERICAN ACADEMY nte MUSIC. GRAND OINCERT BY THE YOUNG LADIES OF PHIL 0 bLPEJA, • shihTUD BY A rlinit DR OF .300 c • Oilliift. FOB THE BENEFIT "F THE F42IIILIES OF THE PHILADELPHIA VOLUNTEERS. Conducted-try Profeeaor JOH , BOWER. On TIIIIIIIIIAY h V.e..PIING. July 11 h. 1861, 4 4 . beculifni Sao-ed rtuntath. entt 'lO4 FLORA AND THE SEASONS. By hinAttl. YOUIIR Lathars. RAM DEL IC SIURDOc ea., 'Han kin. P. voinntecred to (1 - liver DRAKE'S PAT'UOTIC ADDHESS TO THE AMERICAN FLAG.. Alpo. a GRAND ORiLL. by the GARDE LAFAY ETTE and LYLE O ADE Under CA eT, b:,.%y mpg ()KEN. COMXITFAX: W. W. Jouerr, Fog., IW. G. Nagle, Feu., Mr. Arthur IlattNXl, JAL P.loolle'rmug, I F. Rollers. Eat.. Mr. W. K. Forenoon. . .. Prof. A. Bte HAM M. Tiokere. 2S o•nre. tool! parte co , the Kongo ; to be ob tained at all the Minna $10 , 1•11. .nd ago at the Academy on the day and evening of the Concert. ' Doors open at 7 o'oluet ; to commence at b o'clock. 778 St A SSEMBLY .1313174DTNG3. EIRVw7ITTI WHFIC! MONDAY,_ July 8. end EVERY NIGEIr This Weak. R.ISBPaiLION and e USEllai Whit Magnificent Viewe of t. o War. Vienna. Fairfax. Romnej. LIFE PORTRAI rig OF:PRE; REAR!, GENERALS. Splendid Repreeentlition of the Rue:llan War. Admientrin genera/I: Children to cants. ' ' 178 6t pENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINN ARM 1025 CRPOTritYP etreet, is open daily. Sundays excepted, from 9A. M till 5 P M. Admission 143 Cen , s Chiloran under twelve years, ball price. "Shares of Stock, SM. 171 SUMMER RESORTS. CITY HOTEL.,();'PE ISLAND, N.J.- This old established summer Hotel has passed into new hands this present season. and has been newly furnished and refitted. and win it , conducted as first o ass house. French. and Spanish sPsker.l. am*. 42 a day. iylo-prfai3.* QUMMER BOARDING AT FLORIPTON P,7 HEIGHTS.—The underilated baa evened the ergo house on the needle. and le now ready to me re bo-rdere He will keel, the house end he tan'e in the beat oonchhon. THUNIAB J. Do Ft•EY. 6t • 1131 I.OuUBT Street. SEA 'NO.—United States Betel, Lonr Branch. N. J.. wilt oven for the rro•otron of visitors. June 10. p 361; with the enlargement of dining room parlor. a dttional rooms, ho., etnce fret season. Address B. A. 81:1014MAKeJlt, Proprietor. ir9-1m• ANBION ROUSE, MT. CARBON, Lta. chuylkill *minty, Pa., is now oven for visitors. For taint!, tIPPIT on the ere:vises. 1t2.4 Im M. READ. B RIP-GS HOUSE, CHICAGO, The undersigned respeotfully announoe to their friends. patrons. and the travelling publio generally, that owing to the stringency of the tiara, they have reduced the price of board to TWO DOLLAR-1 per day. Thankful for the patronage 110 liberally bestowed' on theca, they respeotfully ask for a continuance of the name. seaming their patrons that the 1:1R1tiOS" will be conduoted on the same bberat plan that hea heretofore characterized their establishment. WM. F. TUCKER & Co. jel7-lm KITTATI HOUSS, DELAWARE WATER GAY Thin layouts pieta is now open, presenting inereteee &WHAM:inv. for the Easton. . Leave Kensington Depot at 7 o'clock A. M., and ar rive at the Gap at t o'clock P. M. A /ZBENlCES.—Frpnklin Paolo. Morton MoMiohael, I ouie A. Motley. Samuel C. Mainzer. and CbB4loll Backer. L. W. BRODa'AD, Je77.lrn Proprietor. RICA-B ILTDING.—Tho UNITED ST A.TEB HOTEL, ATLANTIC. N. J., is now open for visitors. The ie the largest and best-furnished Hotel on the Island, and being convenient to the beach and surrounded by extensive and web shaded grounds. is a desirable House for fmnilien. It to lighted wth gas and well supplied with pure water. The Germania Society will furnish the music f..r the season. The oars atop at the door of the Hotel for the o nvenvenoo of (nests. JARSMIAH. &WHIR • Jeightf • Proprietor. HOLDZKOM HOURE, BRTGANTITIE BE Atm, Is now open for Boarders. The &hi. g and a tinning axe good. and ha'hing as goad all there is on the coast. The B-at wi t meet the atlantic, Railroad care at 111 o'clock every day. The snbetoiber will take pains to make his Boarders oomfortable. ft has formerly been kept by Isaac Holdskom, now decreased. for SO y ea rs. P. B.—Board to suit the times 174-6t* EDUCATIONAL. .TO L.F.T.— The DWBILIALtk G and H3SCHOOL-11.00515 attached 1304 PaltitlSH Eitreet, 0. E. PANCO.ST, jlB et* TENTH and MELON t beets. A GENTLEMAN OF LIBERAL RIM -1- cation wiehes 'a situation M a family preceptor in the 'country. le nompetent w.teaoh Latin. French, German and Musin Please &thaws. under letter, F. L. R.," Poet Office. jr7o Et. WAN rs. WANTED—A SMALL FAMILY TO occupy u house in a reapeotabie neighborhood as pay for the board of a single pereon. who wit fur 111.n ten rooms. Reference required. Addrcaa •• B." at this • Moe. j.93t• . . . EmPLOY.ERS WANTI N( Your/1$ men, Oro., ore Milted to &lamp tks " Emply ment Committee,' at the Rooms of the Yong Me Mutation Amor:dation, 1009 and 1011 CRIATN 7 Street. PS-ft FOR SALE AND TO LET. im FOR SALE OR TO ReNT—A Brick HOIPIS in TWENTY-SECOND Street. below Vine, lately used for a Cr/toiler (taker,. and now having alt the Machinery, l)• ens &0., geoeasary for carrying on that bua.neaa d pPly to ' indhlL. tiAkTERB THAMAB, Ashland Holm. $3 4)O 0 82,500 81.,400, $l,lOO, 00. • y ll—Ground Rents of terse amounts. well Bemired by improved City Property. for sale by /lON BROS.. No. 116 North rilvTA Street. fig ORaMANTOWN.—TO LET (far the Z.U. season orJJea•) a pleasant Residence, near Shoe mater Lane Station; ten rooms; 'well shaded. B. MCCALL►, IS South abcorcu street. it 8 im* TO KENT LOW—Furnished or un- SNlLTarnisbed, for gix months ‘ or longer. if desired. a large and oonventevt HOWSE, No 17H Arab street, AIIOY to A. P. and .7. R. MORRIS, RAO ARCH Street. lo 19 It OLISSTNUT-STREET HOUSE and uToRE to rent.—The desirable business location, ORDITN UT Street, wah.dwelling attached. Avg, 4 31 CIBLESTIVUT Street. emu li t, -4- - RRIT-24. very demist& STORZ, - Ninth-street front of " The Continental on 'ore at Ninth and Salaam streets wipe acted.," The b. SLDDLJ and Hantotaa Maar . Wally adapted for. JOHN luck. Apply to ` 4I .TPITII and SALMON! Ntreete. Bonthweet . ploß EILUILANG.E., Mi. of good unimproved farm 'b lamer, convenient to the cit.. co-M-tf preperti. Apply at Ile. Ils F. im INSURANCE COMPANIES,. INSUB.ANCE COMPANY, __ No. 406 -CHESTN FIRE AND INLAND Lag iggfilA trs E.. " DrD.ICTOIte. George W. pay---of Day. & Itint/aok. fartmel " •Wri . ght Eros & tie, -. D. D. Binney--..„-" Davis & Birney. • Henry Lewis, " Lewis Gros & co. G. Riohardson--. H J. Q. Howe & 00. Isamriel Bodine...-Pres't Wyoming Canal tfeseft. no. W. Evermazi.-.-.of J. W. Eyermsn & Cs. co. A. West— " West & Fobs". W. S. " Meseta, Martin, & CIL 0. Wilson Dans.---... Attorney-et-law. E. D. Woodna—...ol Bible? j WOO4/111il. Jgo, renter, Jr- 1713 Green street. GEORGE W. DAY President. FRAN%DS N. Buck, vice freed ejm i, WrLMAM! I. ALA alefA FtmtrAtlinr. tan-hill SAVING- Fin/Ds. FUND--lINITED STATES P... 7 TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD Bail CHEST NOT Streets. OSTEREST FIVE PER CENT. S. R. CRAWFORD, President, JAMES R. HUNTER. Secretary ant Treasurer. m o s hours, from 10 until $ o'olook. This Company' is not Jetrisal is any nanilitatimi Lovell..tar*. fo• ISAkSti TilT.I;rlC'S &An DIPOT 31u VL. tO No. Sill South SEVENTH atrest. near the renklin Inetitate. The ondereigned, thankful for past favors, and being determined to merit futarevatronage, hex aeortred ex alorent and convenient store, and has now on hand a large assortment of Lltlia's Celebrated Wrought and (billed Iron Fire and Burglar roof Cafes, Oho only strmtly fire and burglar_ proof ma ea made.) Lif llts led Bank Vault. Bate. e nd Hank • Hank Vault Doors and b will he .. 7l;h6c to order on abort notice. Thu is the strong_ort, holl ° and oheapext Door and Look yetolfered. Pr Abic te° , t6d ' parrlouler attention is Gelled to Lillie's Nets Cabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry, &o. This Cafe is o°4- .. 6 ,, to surpass in style and elecanoe anything yet of fered for this anr20443, and.ix the only one that is eriat lyfire and burglar proof. araCIAL NOTICII.-1 Mat CM WIWI My Meaty of Farrel, Herring, & Co..' Cafe*, most of them Deans new, end some [arty of other maker., comprising a complete assortment as to Imes, and dl lately Of *hanged for the now celebrated Lilli sae. They Wait be 1101 d at yen' low arlaaa. Please salt and esiusurie. M. C. XX DLR . '. dont. „ i sar ni t FOR NEW YORK. Raritan Canal.NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware all YhilamtMeta arid New York HIM= steamboat Ocin Deny will mere freight °Lend after MONDAY:2ft thstant, and leave den, at I P. M., delivering their oar. ghee in New York the following data Yrs' hts taken at reasonable rates, WM. P.ILIM MM. Areg Pe. 14 S WIL OUTH A:, obakia, watt.iftr Ylera azdjismeurtsi- Yak. • FOR MOW YORK. THE Phlladelphia ittegam Propeller Caraway wilt ootortalitOti their busmen for the moon on Nowt"' U SA i r tltsameni aro now marries froltlit at assent Pier above Walnut street. Teruo se " M MD 4II ' t ang' VV tti eo;. —10.• Doittrwra WOAD -'-800 lbs. for oak by W Writ ESELL WU 47 ant 49 Porch NerwillUP littro* I. & W. HOLDZROM.- OHOION TRACT , 41 'V o ile State of Nr, -"-DritALchantiedtreset.l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers