<RRIYAI or rag ascown niaDINNT OF NMW ear TowerEtTissO.B. _ The Brand Regiment of New Jersey Volunteers ifit Trenton et one O'O/OCk yesterday afternoon, end arrived at Washington street wharf at alma tr=e e rid 600 D en leading, as many $9 ocwible were taken into the reirestonent sahmu r gad there feasted The refreshment hall and its surroundinge ever furnishes many License of exciting interest daring 00 f o odlog times_ Oa the walk you have those ,11,0 o nside r the external applisation of cold water nearly as desirable as the internal. In the eating roo m the hundreds of hungry men are standing up mol dy to their coffee and sandwiches In one corn er the officers receive friends end :Limier morsels than their men get. In:a little adjoining storeroom the ladies are bustling abmt, making their Preparations. Next west of the eating ea, loon 16 a drinking slalom, in the main building, it b e ing, In fact, the And oorner_ In the yard, meat of all, stand the great coffee cauldrons and lee. water tubs. The following is a list of the offioers of the Se „„pli Regiment: Colonel, G. W. McLean; haute laut c olonel, J M. Tanker Mijor. S L Bunk ; and the Third Regbaent—ColOnel, Q W Taylor; ileutensint colonel, W. H. Brown; major, Catlett. ARRIVAL OF vas THIRD lIMW JZICOILY Oa Third Regiment of New Jersey reached i ir a guegton street at nine o'oloalt last evening. The names of the leading officers are given above. The men are a likely party of auldiers, and Ippear anxh iered ous to gunder o forward to Virginia at ODOO. u ga Ilse tress in Washington g ree t, near Front, and, cionspany after company, the y proceeded into the free restaurant and en joyed the facilities extended to them by the people of Southwark. They left the oily at nine o'elooki o b o oled immensely. ran 7111F.TIOTEI WOW 20IIX RBOLIENPIT w ere expected to go through the city laid night at a late hoar. They are armed with United Statellismekete of the old pattern, which, however, Ile to be OXODOUged fur nofiehi singe u t on their arrival in Washington. Their uniform is of the regular pattern, according to the United States gray regulation. The regiment are wholly composed of a stout and hardy olasS of mon, who preens • Sno t col , dierly appearance; and they look in every way capable of doing their part in any contest with armies in rebellion against the Government The ', s cimitar numbers a little over eight hundred men. The following is a list of the officers : Drain —Colonel, Edward Frisby ; lieutenant colonel, Charles E. Bruntnell; major, William 712. gearing burr—Adjutant, C. Bentley; quartarmaa far, Charles 14 Russ; paymaster, John M. Van Buskerk ; surgeon, Dr F. L R. Chapin; surgeon's mate, Dr. Julius A. Skelton; chaplain, Rev. A. J. NON-coMNIEMIONIttI STATY.—Sergeant major, R. W. Cross ; drum major, Whitcomb ; hospital steward, J. D. Chian. Lisa.—Company B, from Troy—W. L. ;Alining, captain ; Ph. Casey, lieutenant; 'l'. S. Soots, ensign. Company C. from Schenectady—B. M.Yan Vest, captain; M. V. V. Smith, lieutenant; B. Van Vest, ensign. Company D I from Saratoga—M T. Bliven, cap min; M. Puuaeni, lieutenant; J. H. aleviten, enema- Company B, from Poughkeepsie—lL Holliday, Captain; E. S. Jennings, lieutenant; N. Palmer, ClUdgn• Bar Alf 11" company fr from ei.ege-- any., cap lain; A.M. Franklin, lieutenant; James Anders, ensign. Company G, from Saratoga—M. IL Chrysler, captain; Wm. Conklin, lieutenant; A. Gurney, ensign, Company H, from Troy—W. T. Tillman, cap tain; B. Ball, lieutenant; 8. W. Barnes, ensign. Company I, from Troy—J. It Landon, captain ; S. D. Potts : lieutenant ; Alonzo Alden, ensign. Company K, from Velastie—ii, Prime, captain ; W. Baker, lieutenant; A. Lampmarin, ensign. The regiment has a band composed of sixteen men, and a drum corps of twenty. The colonel of this regiment has been con nected with the military for eighteen or twenty years. The lieutenant colonel has been in the Maxims war, and has served in two or three earn- Arne. Many of the line officers are said to be men of experience, and the rank and file gene rally sturdy farmers and mechanics. In appear ance they are neat, and evidences of discipline ars manifested in every movement. MEETING OF MR PENNBTLTA3IA. VOLUNTEER NITIOZ CORPS.—A meeting of this body was held yesterday afternoon, at No. 530 Arab street, Mrs IL Bunnell, president, in the chair. The proceed ings were opened with prayer, by the Rev. J. D. Bugles. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The committee on collections reported that they had received a considerable amount of money, provisions, lint, do., for the Jackson Regiment, Col. John K. Murphy, all of which bed been pro petty disposed of. A number of ladles were admitted to member ship. The number of members in this corps at pre sent is one hundred and eighty-nine, all of whom appear competent and willing to go forth in aid of our gallant volunteers, when they shall fall upon the held of battle A letter was road by the secretary, Mee B. L. Haines. from Mies Dix, tbe U. S. Nuree-General, in which she acknowledges the receipt of the pro ceedings of this corps. Mrs. 0_ B. Baldwin, from ths committee op. pointed to wait upon the Governor at the Conti- Dented, reported that they bad performed their due, and had been moat favorably received by his Excellency Governor Curtin, who promised to see that justice was done to the corps. The S i n. goon General, Dr. Smith, was also visited, and treated the committee kindly, The report of the committee to visit the Gover nor previouely, reported th rough the chairman, Her. Mr. Baldwin. The committee was received most cordially, and received assuranoes of the Most positive character that the members of this corps, and no others, would be oomminioned in dne time. Either this corps would be commis sioned, sr else no commies/ors will be issued for any one. The president stated that the corps had far- Dished eighty pairs of drawers, a large number of shirts, handkerobieb, combs, brushes, cigars, Pits", dia• The roll of members was then called, and the corps adjourned, after singing the " Star-spangled limner." QuEST/011a PDX CANDIDATES DESIRING AD MISSZON SO TEM CENTRAL Mon SCHOOL. htsestraaTiost—Profeseor filoOlute.-1. Define an are ; a chord ; a sector, and a sone. 2. Give the definition of a triangle, and the names of the different kinds of triangles. 3. Describe the different kinds of prisms. 4. State the rule for obtaining the area of a triangle when the 'tides are known. 5. What are the sides of a triangle containing 33 6 acres, in the proportion of 13 ; 14, and 13 Chains? 6. If the length of an irregular field be 39 rode, and ite breadth at five equi-distant places 2 4, 2 6, 2.05, 3 65, and 3.6 rods respectively, what is the Rol? 7. The area of the outer eimie is 100 acres, and the diameter of the inner eirole is two-thirds of the diameter of the greater, what is the area of the ring in chains ? • S Find the whole surface of a right cylinder, the diameter of whose base is 16 inches, and its height 20 feet. 9 Obtain the solidity of the frustum of a oonis, the diameter of the greater end of which is 5 feet, that of the leas end 3 feet, and the altitude 4 feet. 10. What is the capacity of a coal wagon, whose inside dimensions are as follows : at the top the length le 7 feet and breadth 6 feet, at the bottom the length is 5 feet and breadth 3 feet, and the perpendicular depth is 4 feet. SA.I72IIMILS 3 INSTITUTR.—The annual closing :areroises of this institution, under charge of PM ftoor Saunders, took place , yesterday afternoon, a n d witnessed by a large and intelligent as setablegi; The school is located at Thirty-ninth and Market etreeta, and at present contains sixty folr pup ils - 'rho oyening exercises yesterday &f -oram' oaus i s c a ..l in a public examination of the scholars is the y elons branches they have been taught, and the readieese and accuracy with which they answered the most .Abstruse questions was an evidence of the skill of Preteeser daunders in in structing the youths Gem:QUO:I to his charge. The prom:dings were enlivened by' vocal music, MM• slating of the Star Spangled Bann,•r and a masher of French and Latin songs, perforreed by the pu pils and assisted by Captain. Miller. One of the most attractive features of the afternoon however, was the dress parade and drill of Saunders' Cadets. This took place in the grove surrounding the inhool building, and was loudly applauded. The cadets have been instructed in military tactics by Major Eikendorf, and go through the various company movements, skirmishing and "French bayonet ex ercise, with remarkable precision. Bass BALL.—The match game of Base Ball, between the Olympic and Athletic Clubs, took plus, as announced, on their ground at Thirteenth and Montgomery avenue yesterday afternoon, re• tutting in a victory for the Olympia; afore--Olym plc and thletic! 20 The Olympia is oldest t? club, has held the positioa of chain on for • number of years. The game was very wo I played, and the number of runs made cannot be attributed to bad play, but to the unusual good batting. Among the players of the Ataletio, who distin guished themselves, were Pratt, as pitcher, who Iliad his position with great credit ; NOON, as short stop, gelded hie balls to Berkenstook at drat base very trucoessfully. The Olympia played with audit to themselves; Richards, as centre held, making Nevoid excellent dy catchers; Johnson played =tabor, and, though haying a sprained ankle, did better than usual. T Botheisler, as short stop, Gannet be improved Paul at second base, and Anspaoh at But base, did well; Zim merman, on third base, is very successful. The - 1 .7 wee oplenala, laud quite a large number of ladles and gentlemen witnessed the game. Mr. flogh MoCalla, of the Adriatic Club, noted as um pire, and it is proper to any that he performed his duty with satisfaction to both clubs. Tait Wonnitionnw.—An adjourned meeting tithe unemeoyed oftisena of the Sixteenth, Se venteenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth wards, Rae held at the corner of Master and American streets yesterday afternoon at half past 3 O'clock. The committee reported the favorable view Cann ella bad taken on the subject. After which a vote of thamko wan given to the press fer the interest it hat manifested in their behalf. The Conneilmen cd the above wards received the thanks of the t*eotivig, and were highly eulogised for their prclupt Attendance to the petition. HARRISON LITERARY ineirrurn.- - -The semi annual election for °Meets of this society took ranee last evening with the following result : Pro. silent, J. C. Ferguson; Vioe-Preildent, E. Cooper tcliaPiey ; Recording !Secretary, J. W. Allen i Corresponding Secretary, James W. Rammill ; Treaourer, T. It Bennett; Editor, George A. Wilt; Librarian, Geo. W. Bumm. Jobn F. Cara waY 'wee elected Vice-President, but he resigned the boom' in an eloquent and appropriate speech ATAL AceronsT.—Coroner Conrad held an itquee.! at the Pennsylvania Hospital, yesterday remind, in the ease of the death of ficorge Denoon o igod twenty-five yearn, Who died from the effects of a abut received aixsidentally, at him own bonds, at 'tenth and Mlles streets, on Thurs day afternoon. DAT or FASTING ANN PnAnn.—Yesterday ITas the time appointed by the General Amembly of the (N. S.) Presbyterian Chetah as the day of meting and prayer for the nation. In the after noon there were three Union One at Matott-street Church, at Buttonwood snot ° hut* and at Logan-spar. Church. A limber et Mariana were delivered. A prayer meeting was ciao held In the evening- Tin Old School Olturob nave appointed the prat of be July as a fad day when amnia meeting will ELECTION or DIRECTORS Or THE OAHDEN AND Ax.r.Arcluc RAILROAD.—An %legion for direr tore, for the ensuing year, took place yeeterdsy morning, when the following gentlemen were una nimously sleeted John Broaheed, Stephen Dol ma], Frsincis tl. Drexel, A J Antelo, AndrewK. gi t y„rosepli Porker, W-1). Bell, Jonathan Pliney, Enoch Tho,3hty, Ellis Lewis, Joseph W. Cooper, Wm esohmoele. Theme McKean VElnana DEDICATION. --The Second Freeby teal= Churob, at the corner of Tulpohooken and Green streets, will be dediosted tomorrow. There will be three services, and preaching by eminent ministsra Sharp-Shooters from Wisconsin. PtiILWATIEILI, Jane 28 —Governor Randall has hinted a call for &company of sharp-shooters, to be attached to 001. Berdan's regiment. Steam Transports Spoken. Nets Yong, June 25 —The steamers Cambredge and Pembroke, from Boston, for Washington, with troops, were spoken on the 28th, eighty miles off 'Sandy nook. The Combruige had the Pembroke in tow. Demonstration in Honor of Cot. Frank Nisw Yong, Jane 28 —Col. P. P. Blair, Jr., of Missoctrl, was serenaded at the Metropolitan to night, by Mends who appreciate his course as a soldier and atateeman. He made a speech in reply. Movements *of Wm. R. Russell, Corres pondent of the Loudon Times. Emmett, C. W., June 28 —Wm. H Russell, the London Times' correspondent, passed east, over the Great 'Western Railway, this morning BoLornsue LITTASO —WO have been requesZod to lama to persons sending letters to the soldiers ntationsel in Washington end vieinity. to be par• tioalar, in the &dames of the letter, to , give the number or letter of the company, and the number of the regiment, mirk the State, to which the soldier is attached. Many lottara have failed to molt the ooldiaro for want of anoh addrear.—Wasiangdon Repub lican. LEGAL. INTELLIiarACE. QUASI . = SESSIONS—Judge Allison.--Occa sionally prosecutors in this court get themselves into trouble by their °mess of zeal in swearing against their victim. A miserable-looking wo man, named Kate Wallace, was charged with ma• nebula mischief in breaking three window glasses, and in another bill she was charged with commit. ting sn asuanit and battery upon the wife of the prosecutor, a Mr. Wilson Mr Wilson detailed the occurrences with great prooicion ; that the woman came into his house intoxicated, and abused him and his wife, and ended by smashing the windows and striking Mrs WI/sou The defendant was not represented by counsel, but, while Mr. Wilson was on the stand, she asked him if he had not knocked her down and kicked her. To this he returned an emphatic no, and his wife, who was next examined, corroborated this statement. Mrs. Wallets now stated that her daughter had been barbered by the Wilsons, and when she went to the house to reclaim her child, she was assaulted, knocked, and !flaked by Mr_ Wilton, and dame fully abused. Mr. Wilson admitted (bat the girl had been at his house, but denied that he bad harbored her. The jury, however, returned a verdict of guilty on both bills of indictment. Judge Allison,who did not seem satisfied with the ease, intrustd the officer. to bring in, yesterday morning, some of the neighbors, who mould prove the truth or falsity of the charge Accordingly, yesterday morning one of the neighbirs, a very respectable lady, came before the court, and stated that she wee en eye witness to the affair. Mrs. Wallace, when she in quired for her daughter, was attacked by Mr. Wilson and beaten. She was knocked down and kicked, and when her son was about to go to her assistance he was restrained by his sisters, one of whom had been the sans. of the trouble Judge Allison immediately ordered a bill of in dietment to be prepared for perjury against Mr. Wilson, and that gentleman's next appearance in court will be as a defendant. John Williams was oonvioted of stealing two oxen Charles Webster was tried upon a charge of ob.. Waning goods under false pretences. Case not concluded. FiIVARCIAIs AND, COMMERCIAL, The Money Market. PHILAIDELPHLi, June 25,1861 The stockmarket was very steady to-day, though the amount of the transactions was small. North Pennsylvania six per• cent bonds advanced to 51, a gain of • upon the price of yesterday, and one per cent. mere than the price touched on the an. nounoement that the company wanted to fund the three coupons, next falling due, to pay ca its floating debt. Camden and Amboy Railroad stock rose to lift. Morns Canal sold at HO. Lehigh Naviga. tien 47i. Reading Railroad shares were steady at Al. _Peterson's Countorfeit Dotector for July let is issued to. day, with descriptions of thirty-eight new counterfeits, stook reports, prioes current, and the usual valuable contents. The following is the amount of coal ahipped over the Eitultingdon and Broad Top Mountain Rail road, for the week ending Wedneaday, June M, 1.881, and since January Ist, 1861 Week, Previously. Total. 1867 _ Tons. Tons. Tons. 6,621 86,013 96,634 1860 .. 4,176 86,628 89,604 Increase Lit:o The Inspections of Flour and Meal in Philadel phia, during the week ending June 27,1861, were as follows Daman of nupor,fato.—.------ 1M0D 44 do, fine do. 2 2 49 do. Rye- ' -- 343 do. Cornlfinal--1.411 do. oondemnod-...-- - ion Total The following is the amount of coal shipped over the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Rail road, for the week ending Wednesday, Inns 26, 1861, and absee January Ist, 1861 : Week. Previously. Total. Tone. Tons. Tone. 1861-- —,—......6.621 88.013 . 91,04 1860—. 86,328 119,504 Inarease.-----.3445 2,685 3,130 The New York Evening Pose _says, concerning stooks and money in that city to-day : The stook market la buoyant today, and a gene ral advance of lag per cent. has taken plaoe. The animation is noticeable in every department of the list, especially among the sound dividend-paying stocks which axe in strong demand at mush higher prices. The traumatising in the railroad shares were very large, at a rise of lall per cent. on the quotations of last evening There is more doing on time, and the bargains in this way exhibit a decided increase of speculative activity. New York Central has been active at 74, Galena at 01, Toledo at 241. These stocks attract the moat attention, and the advance of to-day is stimu lated by the purchases of the " shorts New Jersey Railroad is quoted at 1.15a120 ; Cleveland, Columbus and Cutoinnati, 961407 , Panama was without transactions; 104 ex dividend is bid, 107 asked. Paoific Mail was 671 bid at tbe close of the Board. A marked improvement may be noted in Go- Vernment stooks. The various IMOs of fives are hold lag per cent. higher. There were sales at the Oloise of the registered sixes of 1881 at 85. The business in the Border State stocks is less ao tive, and, with a free sapply, prices of these do not materially improve, on account of the default of the July interest. Kentucky, it appears, is the only ! Southern State which has not wheeled into the lin e of repudiation. In the elassißetation of the prices of State stook. given above investors have , 1 drawn a broad line between the bonds of loyal and rebel States. The comparatively good credit of Kentucky cannot be attributed to its small debt, as the same may be said of Georgia end other seceded ' Stater, whose credit In et a large dies/Amt. Rid Kentucky gone ever to Jefferson Davis, we sheold not be able to quote her bonds at 70 ; nor would northern holders get their July interest upon pre senting tbe coupons at the agency of the State in this city, notice of which may be found below. We hear of gales of the .new State Is at 104, wbioh is an advance of ..24 per cent on the price at which it was awarded The 7s of 1884 have been taken at 102, and that bid for more. Money is extremely abundant at 4a5 per cent. On eall, and fa per sent. on firet•elsea paper. The offerings of notes that are current at these figures are very small. - The deposits at the Assay Office of gold for re coinage were $l,OOO 000 yesterday, and a further large amount is pouring in to-day. The Indies• tins are tbat the receipts at the New York oMce for the month of June, for this purpose, will pro bably foot up a greater amount than - during any month since the Assay Office was established. The usual returns from the Mint. $500,000 in gold, came in to-day. Philadelphia stock Exchange Sales, June EB. 1861 Pint TED ET 8. E. EILLYMAIRII, Merchants' Bachanse. P1R.87 !MAID. SOO Long Island R de., 79 '2OOO City es New.._.. : 9631 940 'do . 79 11G00 do flew— ..... 98% sae NorphPenn 61.. a 88.% 18 Camden Cc AM R -I!9i . 01 000 _ Va do 8 1150 Leh $h N5..50. 09 1. 34 Penns R. 373 i do .171 d 25 d 57.3: 2500 eitylla New_ . 951 k BET_ POO City Os Penns It.— BM ELECIOND do° Nana re—.-- 78341 1106 do 78% 1000 do --.—..... 781 i aOO et ienna447:ll:.: IWO Readm i x 611444._,_ 74 le Green It Coates EA% OLORLIIO r Bid. Asks& U Stamm 6s, 1881 as EWA ati 871.,' 4731 FMK ea Mint air 87 873 R6:lsfii w isotrta Panne k...--- TB# 78i Read Read R. .. ...-_ la N Rasa meeacia 90 1 _ RAM mt 'Bs . 74 75 Pena R........ oa4 rrn Dana It ad wax ash .„ monis Can sac. 4434 493 i Morris Can Pfd lla Rah N lees_.: ... 63 &5 Rah Nay Imp6a— 30 BO Nay Stook— 4 7 New York Stock E IMO U 8 Ig, 'Bl, ooup- 84% 10 14 Y Central R- - 73% 2000 U 5 ig, 14 000 p.... 78 16115 do- ..--- .- 74 1000 luau tit oh p.00._ .6711 180 do. MO 74 16000 do— --- —BB 160 do.. ".........160 73§ 1000 dn.- -----.- 38% 56 do---..... 410 73 208112 N Car Et 65—.510 60 100 do— - -au 70.4 2000 110— ...- 80% 100 do-- - 415 73% 44 1 00 6:110.001180 Oa..- 88% 100 u 0... • --410 phi 3000 do- _....... 38% 100 do--_,• . attliir 74 3000 do.___ -_AGO 38% 80 31i001650 tiedirot. 43 3006 Louisiana 13t 6s. -24 100 d0.........-..14 44 600 041-_____ .59 150 do-,---. z ... 44 6000 do.-- . .415 52 20 12247iPm IL pr 01.... 24 10 01 ) California Si - 74.- 78 lto do--.. 24% 10 am 16-'2c Alt--... 73 56 do— —A.. a 24% ISO 111 Can R 805.560 SO 100 d 0 --. . tut .3 4, do—, ,- .4 6634 rip Gal it Ohio lir',..:- in Sr Pacofio Malin 8-, aem an d 0.....-- --tao et 0 do— --- _O7 25 do—.---_._ VA( \ 00 20.-----.838 67 100 do_—olo ws 50 - do-- —.-46 87 100 do —.......560 :}§ log do e. , ..4 rao d0..--in 60 Chicago &R I lid 3ak 200 do ..........64 61 60 do. -- _- 230 8016 021 Cleat & Tol - 12-..... 24M ito do— -- - 66% 1000 do-- 410 24% .. 100 do.-- .... 305_ do do---...- . tat UN 1 dil do, ~....ip so t 1100 do— —l4 2434 I Brie Railroad— 59 7ro d o _ _.,.._ s i m 800 Rork= tallrood. 0/15 /200 (20 ". "-- 32.3 7 260 Mich 8 Guar stk Zak Tar POLICY OF BURNING KERWIN/IN OM, in preferenee to any other artic a for lighting =room. has been demonettated in . - a thousand instance]; mince the introduction of the beautiful and varied Lams for burning thus oil, manufactured and cold by Menem. Wittera & Co.. No, S 5 North Eighth street. corner of Filbert. They also keep for sale the purest oile. P. BROWN'S 85135111011 op GINGIIR AND CHOLIRA Atravuen.—We cannot do the publo a greater service at this neaten than to call their attention to the above valuable remedies. Which ehould be in the hands of every family;'while no person about to tra vel glioull leave the city without them. leer earn mar complaint in children, now ao 'prevalent. the Es sence of Ginger le eafe. convenient, rind etticaoiona. See advertisement, Tam MILITARY OLOTHILNG Wilson's Brown Stone Clothing Hall appears to be the leading house for the manufacturing of military cloth ing, In the upper etoriee they have some twenty cutters employed, and about seven hundred bands are constant ly engaged in tria'ang up the work. Over three thousand Goals were made up by this firm in ten days, for the State. besides full suits for several companies of Rome Guards, and for officers of the army and navy. The location of this well-known establishment is Noe. 003 and OM Chestnut street. above Sixth. Molts. VoLunrianno.--Yesterday the New Jer sey Brigade missed through tins city. Daring their short stay many of them strolled, about town to see the sights, We noticed a large number of them at the ldemmoth Military and Civio Clothing glnporiure of tirenville Stokes, 609 Chestnut Street, where they purchased for themselves some of those superior mill- tars suits, and were presented with handsome and valuable gifts suitable for their wives and adders. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. MoGowin. Pantos J R McCune, Pittsburg YI Gruber Leavenworth Cal Borman J Mansura, Indianapolis A 0 P Seger, New Jersey W R McKee, Lewistown Oliver Morgan. Rockport John A Kinney, Cincinnati John B Foley, Danville W Bannock. Danville D D Badger, New York M. Cummings, Allegheny j H Rieman, Baltimore Rota A Bobbin jr. Baltim a st 8 Thompson t Pottsville Minn E J Thompson, Foram' B R Russell, Ohio A P Russell, Ohio Dr C P Russell, N York B P Russell, fr. New York 1) P Harbin°, Mai Kanner, 1J 8 A F Homer, Beading Saint MoD Addams, Pa N P Sawyer, Pittsburg Owen Lovejoy, Minot, Col N Welsh, Detroit John Olmsted, Yonkers. NY Jan N Wells & lady, N Y Adam Badeau, New York John M Kennedy, Pritsb's John 8 Marlin, New York John Hanford, NYork CYras Curtiss J Sutherland Th. Sealy, Newark. N 7 John Sealy, Newark, N F Nayarit), New York George Ainmeadt Maas kl Mame, measechusette B uhristy, California G W Baldwin. Nam Geo Wrenn., Boston Wm Liesegary, New York W A Wheeler, New York John M. Moore. New Jersey S F Jenkins, Bonbon Alex Clark New York nos Kidd. New Yorg Andrew Halt, Boston H Winne, Boston ftßees, New York L Bills. New I'M& F M Camp, Wilmington, D W E Brockway, New York ki Porter, Chicago Col J Ball, Wash, DC Mr Lawrence. Parana W& C Breggemen, A C Minn et Benoist, St Loins Mina ft J Ciemene, Mo B M Clemens, bt Louis .F.N Alcontire & la. D C Chas Tidd, Boston J H Richards & skint, nu .1 Davis. Utica, N Y Geo Bertram, Unca,Pl Y J Gregor,.Ohio Kauffman, New York II T Bolcom), Delaware W T Price. Bangor C L Tiffany, New York F M Peok, New York John Ream, New York W B 3 Moor, Maine W 8 Carbon, Maine W R cornett & tai ilbaois Miss A E Caldwell, Wmapt Miss M A Mcitee,Letern F Taljas. Bevan& I A Mora, N Y B Gardner. r alem J J Jove., N Y F A Pike, Maine J C Fessendeo, Maine W Carpenter, Lancaster J T N Y J N Goodwin, Maine Mrs Winder E Yen Rlealr. Y JB. Cooper, N Y N Herrera, N Y W S Belches, Boston James Hui, Boston N Cementer, N Y A 713 Chase.N Y John Schuyler. N Y R Babcock, R I Thos Pearce, Md C C Carpenter, N Y N P Stanton. New Jersey BLEACHANTIF HOTEL--Fourte meet. below Arab H F Pioking, U 8 N J D Harris, Bellefonte J I Duncan. Finis r C Wagon, ,MoVey town H 8 Mattes, Pitteburg Mrs Wm Irvin, Clearfield B Bwoope, Clearfield B Rohison. Ohio 8 Wetherill, Bethlehem H W Rituals, W Chester J H McKee, Hazleton, Pa J fill Ridenour, Indiana Williams, Maas J J Donoeil, Pitachurz, W Schwartz, Ptitabwrg S P Dowar_ ,d New Yon Pandoleh, Jr, Lehighton D Clarke. Weisaport. re It Lockhart, M. Chunk hi Collet. Hazleton C Vincent. Hazleton Dr R Fruit, Hazleton Hohorzte & daugh, Salt R filo D Menasha*. Pa E P Miller, Atlantic City J Devlin, New York H DI Smith, Baltimore AMBRICAki HOTHL—Cliertmit ittAall. above Fifth W Jameson, Belt W R stevrart. Phila Jlt Wiloop. Philadelphia .Tainee It Smith, Reading H Morton, Maryland J B Ham, Lewiston, Me B Colby, New York R Mundy, Indiana John Mundy, Indiana Baronet Dickey. Oxford B Physiok, hpringf'd, 11l J B Champion. Phila Jame. It Taylor. Nor York W Sarin. Delaware E P Wilbur. Bethlehem N Mareli.Neware,l4 J 81.1,0018 HOTBlr—Clieobsul street' above Third.. W D Clark. Chicago 3 W Welch. Pbtla W Wilkens. Baltimore W F Miami & 'a. N Y T R Rickards, New York L Cabers.. New York J Bigler. New York fl Kayser Fenno Parham, New York Jno P ort er, New York THE UNION—Arse street. above 7fMrt. W B bbatTer, Baltimore H F Herman, Money, Fa H Kerner. Beading .1 B Bhafer, Heading D Wallace it la, Pszicaoter P D oGinne.. Pottsville John IC itemiser, Firiesrove D Miller. Pinegrove Edwards. Pennsylvania Geo Davis, YOZMIIYIVBnIa Mies R Wood. Franklord alleg L Bludselle, Ea D B Seidel - Pottsville 8 M Justice, Newark, N W A Bainmer, Cresson. Fa A Hawkins, Trenton, N 1 icrifronii 10 Bear Mead R oah, 89 10 do Gash- 69 600 Palma 89..... 78X 400 do -- 78X IS Lehigh BOARDS. 1000 Penns Is coupoos. 81% BOARD. 21 Penns R---.-- 30 do .... 7X a do 374 1 do n . 374 10GO Hazleto Coal 64.. 1355-FIRNI. Bid. 4.11144 Pah Nay Prefd ... 115( 13 Elmira R Pref.- 8 12 Elmira Ts 79. 62 Lan[ band it- : ilk 9.U . Lh CI ft N N h- t 8 ii =R North Penns g - 4 TX IN Pa A Ge.. ---..ere es N Penns R 10e.-713 £0 Catatrissa RFret 8 6 Frank 8. 80 li - . -65 46 Sa icad-atta aa— 41 42 Itsoe&Vine-et R. 2 t 1 West Phan a ._- 65 1 1bruee et Pine.- nti a I Breau te. Costa 16.4" - xchange—June 28 New York Markets, Friday, June 28. Aesse are quiet and sternly at 9810495.6631 for pots and 88.8231 dB elg!ll for pearls. r 4lt t a e is D i r ea U v ir bum:maiden:is at the dealine. The sales are 9.000 bbl, ...— nd Ta i rrul o3 irogwaterf.or. withß Motenlyanadirtnlesertastern at StrowS.re for superfine Stale; 8586 W 5 .65 for ea" Rime • alloA l() fey superfine Michigan., Indiana. uk° , 0 and s4.ssitts 7510 r extra du. oiciudi ahi rung brands of round-Map Ohio at 88®510. tr e brands of do at $5.16et6 Ba. 800 Souther nloqt e F Bl °B B" re s il l s.Pf ih ero toy and superfine I n b g al t w on i O I L .3,7r8:4 for extra do: Sik6o66 60 for Broadf wine ; for (3190110t0W11 BUMS for rOtersburg ity. 11.1.1 a 88et9.69 for Richmond arty. Canadian Flour is dull, and common grade. are lower, with sales of CO bbls at 84 007.23 for the range of ex tra brande- BY@ Fteur is quiet, at $13i24 for the range of fine and iMperlime. Vora Meal is dull; we quote Jersey at 52.80a200 ; Brandywine, a3®510; puncheons. $1601525. Wheat is heavy and price' have further declined lags per bushel; Wes 180.000 buehels at 900008102 far Milwaukee Club ; Vag% et 1.28 for white Western Sao for Chleeer, Retina! 81.0201.06 for amber Wis consin. Rye is quiet ht 68e for prime Northern. Barley is dull and nominal etlsBa6oo. Oats are plenty SW dull at 28040 e for Jemay, Dela ware, and Pennsylvania ; 30031 for State, and 28.030 for Western and canadian. Corn is without important ehariss, with a moderate demand; vales 48,000 Naha! at 43/0500 for new mixed Western. Beans are lower, and selling at alaoml.3o for me dium Canada peas are dull and nominal. PRovisioxe.—Pork is firm for Mom with a moderate demand, but Prime ia dull and heavy the gales are 481 MIR atela 133014 BO for ounui. and $9 Tfi or Immo. Beef is dull and inactive. With trifling Wee at Se Woe far country mese, Vet 50 for country prime. 180/0• 7 0 for remedied Western. and $llOll6O for extra mess Prime mass beef is dull and nominal. Beef hams are suist, with riles n 1 125 Ws Western at $1170 014 . Cal meats are dull at 5%¢1150 for hams, and ireirtio for shoul ders. Lard ia heavy and drooping, with sales of 180 tee and bhls at 831t5934,0 for almj to prime Western. Butter and Cheese are dull. and anima lawn buyer. the Mer, WliialtY i s dull, with sales of 300 bids at Mo. CITY ITEMS. HOW THE FOURTH OP JULY IS TO BE CELEBRATED IN TIVAS Cris.—We /NNW eXPVINIfIed on all hands that the coming " Fourth "will be obverved with more spirit than has ever before characterized the celebration of our great national holiday. Of course, a largo amount of Fireworks will be consumed, as a patriotic jubilee 'Cutout the burning of powder 'Would bo an anomie' To meet the nuteic demand, therefore. Messrs. E. G. Whitman & Co..Beeond street, below Chestnut, have provided the most splendid assortment of the following denominations of pyrotechnics Abet has ever been Oflefea lu Una city ; Cranium, or ?al-J0u...J.00; Roman Candles, with brilliant colored bells; Rockets. with gold rain and brilliant balls ; beautiful Itosettes; Tri angles. With superb sore ; Mines of Serpents and Stars; Fifa-wheels of every description ; colored Gongola Lights; ornamental floworpots i riromes'. Torches; Polka Dances; Thunder-weals; Lightning Rockets; Fire Balloons ; Globe Lanterns of beautiful colors. also. Flags, aril an end au varie'y of other article* imitable for the brblglT observation of " the day we oelebaste." We invite the early attention of our readers to this splendid stook. Imroarawr, tr Trturt.—The New Yark papers announce that Beauregard and his army are determined to cue fora speedy peaces rather than endure on).- longer the Privations to Which they are now being subjected, In no respect has this disadvantage been mote keenly felt than in the inability of the rebels to procure Water Coolers from the orth, and _Refrigerators to preserve provisions, It ta said that a euuile house in this WS—. that of Mr. John S. Chiak, no. lOCS Market street—will receive a a order for ten thousand collars' worth of these artieles. the instant the subdued rebels can find a way to ob.ain them. Mr. Clark's stook of Poreelam-lined Coolers sod 2userier Idafrissratork is the most exten sive in the city, and is selling off at a great smonfiee Ili prices. MILITARY CLOTRIAG TOR Hon" PURPOSIte AND ACTIVE Wenamaker & Brown, pro- Priem of the elegant new" Oak Hall °lathing Ba zaar," mouthesst corner of Market and Efixth streets, have been making up ;arm) order. or Military n'otbilig, both for the Rome Guard, and regiment' engaged in active service. We may state. in Ibis oenneetion. that this new and popu'ar hence ie turning mit the nt Si Suite of citizen.' clothing.' for the prices charged, to be found in Philadelphia. Their stook i. large and admirably ter up. To our friend. we take:pleasure in saying, Give them a eall. OP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. STATES UNlON—Market "treat, above Sixth. B Pugh, Jr, Lancaster no 0 Thompson, Pena W H Pruners, Decker's Ft A it W Creish. Ilmat'dou liolomon Groan, Harrisburg Jas Pdarahall. Pittsburg Jan khan", Cheater co, Pa. Robt Jaaksone.ghoster no $ B Wettober, Penna Wm H Watt. Latrobe, Pa Jos Elder, Pittsburg C Tenny, Nest York Cunningham, Westmld W B Morrison, Coatesville I T Valentine, Coati:ovate J S Stott, - do B Mendenhall, do A Myers, do Th.. W Aeh, do Than i 3 W olden. Po Josh B Broomall. do John Broomall, do Jos O Reich, do M Eliott, do James Young, do Frank Young, do Ohne Mises, do I. Woodward, - do ti 8 Smith, do John W Divine, do Stalwart. do E hhomaker. do Charles Burntia. do 'shomseFerry, do Israel Burton. do Camelia, dO Joseph Orason, do Jos Alselserter, do Jos D irvrin, do BARLEY SHEAF. HOTEL.—ROOOnd et.. tbel Vine. Jonathan /Smith, Ducks Co Betlj Beams, Books tio Chas istapl.,/suoirs /12011.112 Millet, M 616.4 de Role. Game, New York Joshua Beane. BoylestOlse P Webb. 1%11m:1810in J Heston, N ewtown Jno Tooker, Hometown Chas Palmer , Eegewood Jno Davie, Bucks co C P Robb. Buts Co M Reeder, BolenaryAmos Corson, Penns W Doane. Forestville A H Reeder. Penns D T Blair, Pennsylvania Jas P Croaridalo Jno B Jones, Hartsville 1) McCarter, Hartsville Joe 0 servis, Doylestown Su ti MaNair. Bucks oo J K Taylor, Attleboro JG W Mile,. Bucks no Chu Ramsay. Books co Amos Snyder. Chester Wm Davison, Cheltenham tiaml Grott, Chuitenham John Ji arose, 1: shwa, Pa BLACK BEAR HOTEL.—Third et., above Callowinn. Tae R Elegkmap, Penns B Gibson, New Britton W biot.tor.2.l.or, Parma I.lr. I..,ebteawalter.Panne bawl Trunkbower,renna A. Bookman. Penna. Bea) Tomorson. By berry Clasper Roads, bomerton al.aa L Treiber. Yardleyv Frank Roads. IdOuthamyen Asa x Jones, noutlaampton A 8 Woad& Boatharnmon Aaron Knight, Vouthamp'n Wm Paff, Yardl.2)l/1 2e a... 2 A Neat. Vardlelvilla Wm R. YaniLe3ville 4..• Beans, Ya•disrville Harrison "Eutritinenn, Pn Adam 'Mouth, WIlm• Del John Wartman, Roxboro' Geo Clemens Chas Valley John Garner, Marlsvilia Lean lemple, Hartmlla MOUNT VERNON MOTEL- , 3eoOnd 300 1 70 Arldl T Lowben. Philads Dobson, Delaware It W Reynolds, Cape May Mee W Az/caper, Penns Reynslits, Lyons, Pa C L Platt, Jonesville, in Lewis Dubree, Penns P dlaseye, !Sew James Mrs Proctor. Philadelphia COMMERG/AL iIVTEir — EiZUI Ohearhiuk. M C Nesbit, Maryland i W Eteady, Lanoaatar 00 J riett. Dauphin co. PA A Bunting ,Del co, Ps Pearoe, Bordiatown. N J C rearoe, Bordentown,NJ NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street. above Third. W g schunk, ylennsylvania H Rhode Island Thos Rear, tdrneravdte w w gene Indians Indians 7 Vandyke, New York Robt Grua", New York REVERE ROWSX-71114 street, sbove Ram, IL gab. Allentown J H Derr, Aliso/town H B Joses,New Yo' A A Preen. Penn's Hose. Trenton, N J knee Allentown ,Et Bider. Bristol, Fs N tslooaker, cation:4's 11 Robinson, Wilkesbarre CARD rinirant, BB= AJAR OURAPain the 010, et 94 South THIRD Street. BILL-READ PRINTING, Beet and Phiseset In the tatT, 8,134 Month THIRD Street. GLRGIISatit PRINTING. Date Rae Okeseimet to tke filth Is 34 feet& WEIRD Street. THE PRESS. PHILADELPHIA, iSATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1861. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. lIIER FOURTH PAGE S.S. %D. Ship David. (Fr) Barton, B.TV om f r Bordeaux, cla Bow Orleaue. 17 days from the latter sort, (having been or dered off hi . tee VS steamer BrookIsn) with wire. &o. to ?I & W Welsh Towed ue by tug J I- 8 PUIMY' Mohr Essex. root, 4 date from florirtOrti with mdse to oustliin• Bohr Jae Allderdioo Stites , days from Boston, In bailout in Ts ler . . atone . A. Qo Bohr W W Brainerd,. Bowditob darn from Nantuck et In ballast B ri e to &earner Brawl, Allen. Zi hours from Vow York, with mdse. Oro. to W Y Clyde. CLEAED. Bark Cordslea , Farrell, Ba ß rbadoes, John R Rue, Brig A J W Applatarthi Groves, F6lBlOOlll Jew , Weimar. Brig Normand, ("Nor I Gunderson, Cork for orders. A G Cattail & Co. Bohr Protrotor. Lionekhr. Matanzas. I' Fitzpatrick, &Co Bohr L A Dartenhower, Miller. Boston, N tHurtevttnt Bohr M Baler, Ilerloy. Beaton. do Bahr J C Baxter. Price, Boston, Van Amen, Norton & Co. Bohr B L Berry, Weaver. Boston. Baum, ! 3 4 16 k. Co. Bohr Chrysolite. Smith, Boston. L. Audenned k Co. Bohr Eva. Bell. Lee, Boston. Noble, Hammett & Caldwell, Bohr Catharine Jane, Roestihrceck. Weabinston, do Bohr Zeno. Field,. do do Bohr Rebecca Knight, Endioott, Boston, Binniokson it Glover. Bohr North Paoli's. Marcy, Boston, Tyler. Stone it Co Bohr M R Proomhall, Davey. Fort Monroe. do Bohr! W Mainland, MoDonald. Washington. do Bohr loaephine. Waterbury,Stam ford. do Bohr Jaa Allderdios. Stites. Charlostown. do Bohr Wm Jones, Jones, Marblehead, Brown. Hewit it Co. Behr Essex. Pont. Norwich. captain. Bohr John Bramble. Bradle►..Vienna.Md.J W Bacon Bohr J R Ratite. 'Paylor. Ponomolte River. MIL (10 Bahr Riisa /r• Roma, Price, DrinVereport,castner. Swaney & Wellington. Bohr J Proration, Somers. Roxbury. do Bohr Geo Erdman. Bennett. Fall River, do Boar Belle of Cape Ann, Green, Rockport. E It Saw ) or & Cc, Bohr Beaton, Blower. Providence. B Manes & Co Bohr Pidelia, Wheaton. *Mon, Van Dusan, Norton it Co. Bohr John H Allen, Ireland, Belem, de StrJ B Shriver. Dennis, Baltimore. A Groves. Jr. MEMORANDA. Bhip_Dashing Wave, from San Franoinoo. arrived at NOW Yotk yesterd sy. Bark Margaret. Quig. for New York soiled from Rio de Jatelro 22d ult. Bark Conrad. Salisbury, for New. York /mkt dal, was at Rio de Janeiro Ski ult. Bark Compeller°. Dobai, cleared at New York yes terday for Rio de Janeiro. Brig Sultan, Button, for Her West. via Philadelphia. cleared at New York yesterday. Brig Anglo Saxon, Dodge, for Philadelphia. was at Rrottprdetm 11th nrat, Brig Morning Light. Blair. hence, arrived at Bath 28th inst. Behr Jamestown. Lathweil. for Key West, vie Phila delphia, cleared at new York yesterday'. Bohr Bea Witch... Trier. sailed from l'rovidenee ifih met. for Philndelsht, Rhi Sheppard A Mount. Girard. from Providence for Philadelphia, at Newport Ni h Met Bohr W Benton. Taylor, sailed from Provident* 26th ice. for Philadelphia. Bohm Ringgold. Crowell. John Rogers. Backsiew t raid ' /Josiah. Rani..., hence, arrival at Providence 2fith 11214 Rohr Courier, TresPorgY. hence, arrived at, mean 27th inst. Bohm Abbott Lawronce,Fuller,B B Ramon, Judo Warren. Lozler, A Heaton. Ryan. and A Cordery, Babcock. oleared at Horton 77th Met for Ptuladelyma. Bohr Perim tilheffiald, hence, arrived at Storunf ton 'AM mew. Pohrs Jes Neilson. Burt. end B 'Washburn. Thrasher. sailed from Taunton 28th Most. for Philadelphia. Steamer. Novelty.. Shaw. and Black. Diamond. Alla., hence, arrived at New York yesterday. NOTICE TO BIARINER3 Maine is hi s illitifirviii - tfiTtriiii /Macon Light 41 }rum at Newbury port have been removed in pozotten to oorreepona with the ehifting of the bar. The foilowlne.direetrone are correot guides for prob ing the bar in entering, viz: tiring Newbury port Lights to bear W by N 3 N. NM stand in with the two Lights to range. Petting near We Outer liar BuOy. (Whititi it a nun. With bleat and while nernendionlar etripea 1; continue on the same mine whim, carries you over the bsr in the beet water; when up to the spar buoy . leave it on the port hand, and Meer for Slant Hooke NW X. W. By order of the Lighthouse Board, J. A. WINOLOW, Com. V. 8, N., _ Lighthouse Inspector. Second Dietrict Boston, June 27,1861. SPECIAL NOTICES. BUT rOI7B B4TUING ROBIN for tadie+, ecots, and Chiltlren, at EVANS', SOO MARKET St., Philadelphia. it* HEALTH AND LONG LiFs.—Many elderly poreone of both *axes. who feel that they need some. thine to reinforce their debilitated systems, are afiali to report to ordinary stimulants. because they know the tern pontry excitement they produce is followed by ter rible prostration. Precisely what they require 18 sup plied in EIOSTENTER'I9 STONSAOH BIT ZEES. This greet reiterative combines the tonio olomants they need, and its operation is not momentary, but perma nent. The strength it imparts reMosus, and increases dsy by day if the Bitters is taken ram !ads in confur nuty with the directions on the bottle. That ;health may be recovered. and life prolonged by its use, there is no manner of doubt. We commend it to all who rarer from DYrnigesla, Diarrhea, DysehterY, general debility, or the natural decay consequent upon advanced ate. For sale everywhere. DYOTT & CO., Agents, 932 North SECOND street. Philadelphia. BATOIIIIOII.'S BAu LT'S --Tlus celebrated and perfeet flair 1)71% is tits ben go tits wail& All others are mere imitations of this treat 014/1111.1, which has gained such extensive patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Ratohelor's Liguid Half Dye isisiootisi produces a splendid black or natural brown, without staining the skin or injuring the hair, said will raw:ado ski ill earls re bad doer. invigorating the hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Prlioleonlo by PAIINESTOCK. DAMP d, Ptoludgiohit ONE rt 1137 ClAlT'daze or i L.&7102 STTL2I, made in the best rammer, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling lames marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted sansfsztory. Oar ONE-PRICE system is striotly ad hered to. AU are thereby treated alike. es*S-Ir JONES k 00.. 604 MA EtKET Street Qaovaa & BAmica's CIELEBEATED NOISELESS SEWING MAORINVN . Beat lu Geo for Family Saving. 9 l'3o CIF 14.11111/14F PAMPHLET !HINTING', and every other desorip bon of Printing, of the most superior quality', at the most reasonable rates. at EINGWALT & BROWN'S, cresol's Bvildinc. 34 &mil Tamp street detLtf ALBERGARTI—PICIRETTI—On the 26th Instant, by the Rev. Dr. P. Eltauton, Joseph 411berganti, of New York to Constitution Piobetti,ol this oiti. KANE—PARKER.—On the 22 ti or May. by_the Rev. Joseph H. Kennard. Mr. 'Thomas A. Kane to Mrs. Mary J. Parker. bulb of this city. GUhRT—HI/StON.—On the 26th ins's- t, by the Rev. J. H. Liehtbourn. Mr George W. Guest, of Pkiladel shin, to Mias Ileariettk C.. daughter of Washington Hinson.NßC. of Lambertville, N, .1. DIED. MI,GEH.—On Wedneeday morning. 16th instant. Carrie Magee. daughter of James Magee. Her funeral will tate place from her father's resi dence. No. HUI Arch Street. this (Saturday) at 4 o'c oak P. M, To proceed to Se. Stephen's Church. where the burial tervioes will be performed and the interment made. . . The friends of the family are respeotfully requested to attesd. without further notice. Philadelphia, on Fourth. day avening, on the 26th day of the bixtb month , Samuel Smith, aged 66 ears. The relatives and friends of the busily are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from First-day morn ms. the 30th instant, at 7 o'clock. rum his late resi dence. No. 47 t Eleventh street. adelphia. To pry owtd to Wnslitstown. books county, Pa. WSESTER.—fin Thursday, 27th instant, of bron chitis, Thomas Webster, Sr., in the 76th year of his ace. His frtsnds mid the friends of the family ate invited to attend his funeral from his late residence. 7a99 Flee street ; this day, (Saturday. 20th instant, at 4P. M. * el A RPHAL 1.,.-00 the 26th instant. William B. Marshall, in the IMI year of his ago. Faneral from his late reaidence, No. 3318 Frankford road. above Thompson street, on Suuday afternoon at 3 o'clock. - . DICE fißD&—On the 26th instant, Edward Richards, in the 45th year of his age. Funeral from his late residenoe. No. 1212 Wood bine street, on Sunday . afternoon. at 1 o'clock. • CAASK.—On the 23t1nstatit, Mary Travis , daughter of W . IS- and Sarah W. Cnase, aged 18 months. Funeral from the residenoe of her parents. No. 11 Oak street. above Thirty-fourth, West Philadelphia, this I Saturday ) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. BS ANT.—Og the 26th inatant, Daniel B. Brant, in the 28th year or hie age. Funeral from his late residence. No 931 North Se cond street. on Itunday morning. at 9 o'cleMr. aIcMINN.—On the 27th instant, tieo. W. McMinn. Sr . in the 49th year of his age. Funeral Iron his late residence, No. 323 North Fifth street, on Sunder) morning. at o'clock. * hic ULLIN.—On the 27th instant. Margaret Jane. daughter of David and Eilanbeth McMullin, aged IS years and 4 months. Funeral Props the residenoe of her parents, York street. west of Amber, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. McV a UGH.— On the 24th ins ant, Ann MoVaugh, 3f run a Tit(An the residenoe of her brother— in - laWr Joseph Watson,S lihurch street, Fraultforn. this matey day I afternoon, at cick'. in the o' 27 o th instant, William Wallace. son of John W. and Mary A. Miller, aged I year and 11 months. Funeral from the residence of his_parents, No 1.270 Palmer street, above Girard avenue, Eighteenth Ward. on Sunday afternoon. at 3 o'clock. s RIVIL.—On the 27th instant. Elizabeth. daughter of Henry and Sarah Hivit. aged 7 years and S months. Facet al from the residence of her parents, No. 113 Hazel street, above Front. this (Saturday )afternoon , a t a 3 o'clock. CULtIKKATSON.-1t the 2.1 th instant. Mary AIM !naive/ter, daughter of Jorteeh. Jr.. end EliZatieth Cui bertton, aged a months and 24 daye. Funeral item the residence of her parentS. No. 1123 North Twelfth street, thte (Eaturday) morning, at d o'clock. DULY.—On the 26th instant, William 0. Duey, in the 27th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence. Falls of BehtlYillilir OD Mmdsiyriorning. at 10 o'clock, GORDON —On the Vat Instant. Annan Oorslon, Ingle et-h year of her ase. Funeral from the residence of her husband, N 0.14111 merican street, tins (Saturday) morning. at g}f, o'clock. MIK EN e ! —On the 27th instant, at Bristol, Osrrelt Lukens, in the 124 year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his brother-oselaw. Dr. J. L. Pierce, thie (Seventh-day) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Met; RTILY—On the Nth instant. Ann McCarthy, in the Std year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her brother, No. 1661 North Eighth street, below Colombia avenue. this (asturdeiy) afternoon, at a o'clock. 7-4 WIDE BL B ARECIES, only co cents, 7.4 wide Black Barocco, only 60 °ants. 7 4 wide Black Revokes, only 60 cents. 7.4 wide Black Boma,. only 5731 cents. 54 *ids Mae)! Ramos, only 81% mons. X wide Jilaok Balegek only 15,4 Cent& BEBSON & BONI; Mourmog jell No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. MNOTIC E.—AT A NIEETI/IG HELD at the t Arsenal. June 11,1181, by the rs anO_Membele of Company H. gittiteertgi Rs 'meet P. V.. Captain lesser aommandinr, the follow ine_prea mble and resolutions were adopted : Whereas, It is with feehnse of deep regret that we hay. been nailed uenn to mourn the logs of our late fellow soldier and brother, CHARLES H. IIOJtN : Therefore Resolved. That we, the members of the Company, deeply sympathi;e with the bereaved parents, and mourn the lots ot one who was endeared to them and hleh Is ...awned by his asseeimes. Resolved. That in his death we hate lost a friend and oompenion-in-arms—one who has endeared himself to us all by many acts of kindness SIVI friendship, and whose loss we ell deeply deplore. Resolved. That a copy of this preamble and resolu tion' he forwarded to the parents of the deceased. and that they be published in the rhitadelphia PT.*, .On.e., Vasa, and Idunde.y papers. Corporal PC B. VcCAHRBI, Chairman. " UKIAH BEs_ZElt. nitrate JOSIII•kl CUW291,1), Wm. 8. M cOINLItY, WAI. RUDRAUFF. Committee. Sergeant W. R. COLBOURN, President , Attest—Sergeant JOS E PH 8. ItUDOLI'n, lit MTHE WEST SPRUCE-STREET PRIh6BYTIMIAN CHLIRCA.—Tbe alibi • ot of ee et this Church. sorrier of !IMAM and SEVENTEtt NTH Streets, for TO-MORROW MORN ING, SOtli iostant. will be " Patriotism." Bermes be • gin at 10h o'oloor. cirtITARIAN SERVICES WILL BE hdd N a if AND KL MVP HAYDN RA La,. WU 11110W. at ID% A. 31.. au g 3P. M.. by th e ley. 1 4- I NO!+ToNI TUNA, S MCHURCH OF THE IBITERVESSOR— arRimii pqrwrit ,_ telow BKQAD tweet AL uITILVICE and SERMON. in the Chapel, livery SU NDAY _ Miernoon, as 4 onclot. abi k - No A L, Ld Far. E. The anxious goo,. and the Inquirer after pesqpi Ostmsoialli invityd. The newer wilt also prowl!, D. . to-morroW (8 UNDAY). at ICIM A.M.. and O. it" WCITY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, PRILADELpRIA. JIJNIS eleLMhgetion for Member Ofpongrese, BECOND GODIGKEMIuNAL DISTRICT. ottoe—To lorpeet ore of liteotion. to be held, TUNCIDAY. JULY 2 1801. C/Ooleys, Ineeeotere will call et the OITY COM ( M18- NEWS OFFICE. for the woman moors o said JO9-2t' IJI atirAw. Cle. JAM city CommurnoPrker. MARRED. TUNION PRILICHISIG.—REV. T. J. SREPHSHD, Pastor of the FIRST PRESBY AN CHURCH. N.J.,will Preach in the ANE- W/Lim DINCRANICH' H/11.1.,,, FOURTH and . tEORUH Stilts% SAHRATH AFTER/won, et a 34 lelook. J. NOLEN. Superintendent. NOTICE. THE SECOND PILESBY- W TERIAN CHURCH, corner of TULPOII.OI3K i' eftel &treat!. EiEllbtfiNlOWl'ili will. vnth .minion of Divine Providence, b r dedicated to the riune God, On SABBATH next, the Mtn twit. There ill be three eervioee, commencing veetiectivelY at NM 'lack A. 81,. A o'clock P 141, _and 8 oVook P. M. It expected that the Rev. CHA. W. liikllßLoS vitt each in the Marring, the Rev, CHAS WADS OATH. D. 0., in the Afternoon, ant the Rev. .pLert '' A. BoARDMAN, D. D., in the Evening. PHILADELPHIA Sr, READING D. R. —. . 00.— PHILADELPHIA. June 20. 1861. Co svotd tentlon the holden of ammo of tlite Company, due the let proximo, are requested to leave they.... this the on or before the 29th met., when receipts will be en, and cheeks will be ready for delivery on the let ximo, in exchange for geld remopte. e2l-8t 8. BRADFORD, Treasurer. CUNIVERSITY OF PEN". SYLVAN I A.- DEPARTMENT OF AEI examination n tomdidates for admission will be held at tho UNI VARSITY, on TUESDAY, the 2d day of July, at 10 0 dock A, M. Students can apply for admission, to erne the full course for the degree of Bachelor of Aits. or only that portion of it for which the degree of Uohelcer of eclemoo 01 4 any such coition fa the euttr may sanction. GEOROF, ALLEN. -22-4 t Semetary of the Faculty of Arts. puILADELPHIA AND HEADING Railroad Company. Moe 927 South FOURTH /tat —pullAnst.rtiti. June 18,Htth otioe le hereby e lves to the preferred 13tookholdere o hie Company, that DIVIDEND WeAttAreks ii nye ready far delivery. pueblo December SI. 7862. Ulm it Ouse per shere, which includes; all dividend, in afeeron the Preferred Stook. including that for th TAIT 800, together with interest thereon, at tiltX Phat war, per ennunt 'Tom the dAtea at which they elAc uetivnakiaarjruseodfuirtgen:Pgnulg'heLtltt?arjet Jr-12C " B. BRADFORD. Treasurer. ftTO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OFEIR THE ttECOND COSWEEONAL T GT. Jh the midst of a struggle for the existence of your ectitaitry, you are called upon to elect a member of the Reuse of Representatives for your district. The causes of that straggle may. and will be, variously stated.; but that partisan teachings have educated a vast portion of our puoirr, in the belief that the Union created by the Ponatitntion was only a eompact. and not a nationality, is too true ; and that the present Administration is not the exponent of those teachings, is also true. the actuating truths of the ,party in power are well: indi cated by its course: it is absolutely against the Mein teenttine of the Renuldie, and against a return to the obardie limes which nreeeded the adoption of the me ant Constitution. Those of you—and we would hope it Is all of yen—who are proud.of the Union and of the heroic uprising of national men to mush rrbe lion, at the call of the President, must endorse the Administra tion, as YOU value and love your eourttrY, You leak upon it, we feet persuaded. as the exponent Of a P. 47 which, inpreserving and intensifying our nationality, beigisee, indeed, the party of the country. The ideas ainU the doetrints which preceded its accession to power are. in some degree, of the peat ; but its present ads conic before you now as the Constitution came be fore 01/1" forefathers — a possicrve reoreution of national thought, with which every citizen may start afresh. The friends of the Administration (who were so at its humming as now) have presented to you for your suf frages on Tuesday next Charles O'Neill, t.aaof .the Ninth ward, Bona and reared among yon, in the prime of manhood, with legialapve exparmape, and with an moat:lamed character for integrity in private and public life. we ass for hint, for the Administration, and for our common country, your cordial support. With him there is no danger. That vote would be inconsistent with his entire life which should be recorded for any measure making insecure our institutions, resigning arty portion of our national domain, or abatins_ the on ward march of the Republic in all that makes Christian civilization. it him been suggested by some that he, or some other, should have been nresented to you for your support by a mode free from political organization. Have they who have gm /molten theitei.t welt of ibis I Is an organization of any sort Which is intimately connected with all classes of people to be carelessly set aside The Bog gestion which ignores party organizations ignores prin ciples, nod looks exclusively to men. In all govern ments, and especially in popular ones. must there be great theoretical propositions of polities I action, cut up in simple , forms for common thought. and u,von theta the healthand vigor of the nation depend. It they are right, the party which sustains them becomes the im personation of timetitution, ofniationality, and orooun try, and the opponent of anon a party 15 the enemy of the three. Such organizations become demoralized. and necessarily do. and so tines everything human; but to break up such organizations entirely positive loath as well to the people as to the Dovernmenr. Better, much better, should the good and virtuous endeavor to heighten the tone and mrderate the excesees of politi cal parties than to destroy them. The tearing down of organization- without seeking. its improvement. ac cording to its inherent .movisions, is the distinctive folly ci the present rebelhon. lint those who have deprecated the mode which has bee, adopted have suggested no subetiture. Is it to be by a self constituted committee who, if they ignore promine adherencein our commu organization become so By their to political must pre sent to you men whose past life is without a history, whore virtue is without temptation. and whose &Mein means are - without oxperienoo? Thu, oaanot be. We want the experienced civilian in our legislative halls more than in these of any country of the globe; and until our institutions shall be different from what they are now, and our popular forms changed, we shall not get mai except by strong, effective, and partisan or ganizatiore which grow upon sincere constructions of our ckurutitutiou and oineote views of public palmy. Besides. the experience of our country-will MUM that the destruct , on of nolitioal organizations in times post has been succeeded by a vitiated public tone. and by the introduction of inferior capacity to controllingpo rations. Do the people to-day believe that the extinc tion of the Federal party in '27-8, the Whig party in 'B5-8, or the American party in Mkt. was preductioe of national good ? Is it not wear that each of those orga nizations could have been improved nod made subser vientto the arising issues of the times ? And is it not also clear that, if personal selfishness and ambition had to allowed it, the present rebellion would not have occurred? The People's Union party of the Second district therefore feel that for the Ad minietration of which they are a part, they need not be ashamed. and that they save acted with a decent respect to the trines and to Too, in presenting the man they do present, end in the mode they present him. for your eulfragee. It is to be honed that those who have revived political organics none whose dootrinee have been repudiated by the Judgment of twenty Mates, may feel the same. Let every man who. in pest lite. has repudiated and depreciated the doctrines of widen seoesiion is the ie niumate oirapring7svery man who hoar* for a •UC acultut conearnmatiou of the present coo flint. though, in the language of Mr. O'Neill." it should costa thou ezyd millions of money and a million of men'—all who prefer the guarantee of a political life congenial to the continued existence of the nationality to that of a re cent oonvereion—vote for the man we preprint. that the loyalty of the Fed'nd dietriot may not be dishonored. try order co the People's Union City traeoutive com mittee. JOHN D. WATSON, President. Joon J. tramaxamt. i Socretarie. i e26 6t Sito. W. MOONEY. ErrUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, (DEPARTMENT OP ARTS.) _ P.zaminstion of the Junior,Poshomore, and Freshmen Claws. at the alone of th e Thtrd Term, will be held in the followinuorder Ilfeaday. June 2414. From 9 to 11, Juniors, by the Provost (Moral Philosophyinnd Sophomores. by .Prof. )(pedal'. (Analytical Geometry ' ) written From 11 to Ereshmen.by Prof. Coppee, ((enrol History.) oral. Ken de73" y . .. e n: t 4 l . la F; ro c z9 c u ri w l . l . , ) and Freshmen, by Prof. jaita ( . : V < C ioe rzy•-•• R if "" 1 Sophomores. or rot. Cormee. ( at tam a coutbook o the English Language,) written. Irednectlay, 26th. From 9 to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. Kendall, (Geometry.) written. !from 11 to 1. Juniors, by Prof Allen. tthe Prometheus of ..E.aohYlus i ) oral. Thursday, 27th. Prom 9to 11. Juniors. by Prof. Jack son, (Juliano) oral. From 11 to 1. Sophomores, by Prof. Allen. (the Molds of Aristosihaties,) oral. Frisloto.7Bth. From 9 to 11, Juniors by Prof. Frazer, (Mat and the Steam-Enetued and Sophomores, 1, Prof. Frazer. (Chemistry of the Ittetals,)written. Saturday_ 29th. From 9 to 11. Sophomores, by Prof. Jackson, (Horace—Odes and Epistles.) oral. Menday, July Ist. From 9 to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. Atlez,(Heredetuso oral. GEORGE ALLEN. is 94 7t &orate rr of the Penult!' of Arta, oCrWE DAVE EMPLOYED lIELP PROM THE PROTESTANT EXCllANGE,Southurest Donor SECOND and NEW /hymns, and take pleasure in recommending it to the public. as an institution much needed in our oily, for its care tq selecting the best men, women. and ohildren as to character and quali fications: J. R. A D DICKS, 63) Race stre.t. E M. SELLE U.S. Green and Tulpehocken streets. JULIANNA RANDOLPR, 173.1 Chestnut. street. EDWIN KIRK PATRICK. 1331 Arch street. Dr. PAN COAST, 1133 Mount Vernon street. JAR, RICH ARDS. 1630 Mount Vernon street, GEO. FREEMAN, /47 North Eleventh street. P. G. ouyEß.,mo North Sixth street. R. S. Bovvka. I.ltirdad Germantown avenue. T. WILSON, 216 NofAlt Front street. T. MoGEIIR E., 422 South Front street. M M. WRITE, 323 Marshall street. W. C. BORER,D2 Market street. W. E. RICHARDSON,4IB Market street, And over one hundred and fifty more, to whom re ference will be given at the office. my.2o-3m COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore ex !sting between the Subscribers, and carried on In Philadelphia, New York, Boettra,• and Chlcaigo. un der the name and firm of JONES Jg WHITE. is die soloed, by mutual consent, as of the first of May. last. The, entire business has devolved upon, and will be riontinugd by, DAMIIKI, B. WHITE, one of the firm, at all their former establishments. The debts duo to the firm at Philadelphia, Bost .n. and Chicago, belong_ to, and will be settled with, Mr.. WHITE ; those at New York. btlongto. and will be settled with, Mr. JONES, at the New York office. ABAHNI4 JONNS. SAINEL B. WHITE. Dated—New York, June 96, 1891. je2ll-30 gEORETARY AP:D AMAINIDENSIS.--A 1.. 7 young man of good address. education, and re spectability, age twenty:eight. is desirous of meeting with a gentleman resninag a WHIM to Rot Veoretary arid Amanuensis, and also at companion. Wou;d have np objection to travel, and when neoplasm or in ease of alums, would not hesitate to bestow all the care and attention which necessity may require. Emolument not being the principal object of the advertiser, Ma ex pemations in this regard will be found very moderate. Van Wraith the most undoubted references and testi monials se to character. reepeotability, &o. " otenuensus." officio of this paper, for a few days. 1e231-3t. NOTICE. -1 he Coupons due July Ist, 1861. of the Registered ilfortyage Bonds of the ELM KA AND WILLIAMSPORT RaILROAD Coed ?ANY will he paid on presentation at the Ufbee of the Pennsylvania Company fer Insurance on Lives and Granting Annuities. on sad after that date. Bonds Nos. 653 to 600. inolnaire. the ownership of which is subject to judioial decusion, are excepted from this notice. By order of ills Dortrel of MILTIIII,OIBI WM. C. LOrtUsTRETII. Fee,. PHILIDZIPIIII, 6th MO. 68. 1861. MZ9.llt NORTH PRNNHYLVANIA RAILROAD BOND AtlgD 13H REHOLDERS.—TPIF. UNITED eTATJvBIIAtLROAD AND MINING REGIST6R of to-day contains President .Comly's oiroular to the bondholders. and also much other matter of interest to the bond and shareholders of mod Company The facts published in the Begieler were compiled for the sole purpose of famishing d Ira to parties interested, in or. der that the, may set intelligently in the prearnt rr • in the flOttlt P-onsyivania Railroad Company's Loan oi , t 1 affairs. Orme, 423 WALNUT Street. It* GUT& PIIROUA AXIWJA bII.IIICLI3, or. (Ladies' Drees Protectorg—a sure protection from all iumpoess by psyspiration. trslrte RUBBER OtsuDdot every descnption. Belt ing. Packing, Hose, and every artiole manufactured of India Rubber of th e best material. Goods sold FOR CASH, TO SUIT TH., TIM l 8, at the Great India Rubber Store. 311 CITEAIPI UT Street, above Third, north side. Army and Navy Equipment.. )e29-lm JOHM TUOILISLEY. !LETTER FROM MR- GEO. L. CROLL, - 1 - 4 Agent for Dr. SCHEPiCrB rdelicines in Middle town, Pa. ItIiDDLITOWN. Dauphin ca,, Pa., June 27,1811. Dk. J. H. gall Ph , ladalphis- Pa. DEAR bin : Herewith 1 send you a certifioate of one of our most respectable citizens, who has been using your medicines. and is now retcored to health. I think its Duplication 'would affect the Wee in this neighbor hood. If sou see proper to use it, do so, or threat me to. `Mr. Randier is an old,reliable.well-respeoted. and in fluential calm. Hie word would not bo doubted by any one who knows him, and at present le the Chief Burgess of th e town. hl r. Ramey le himself agood advertisement, he speaks for and reconuseade it more Whir than the carcinoma mamma& Yours trulr, an O. L. CitOLL. MIDDLIToWN. Dauphin Co., Pa., June 10,7661. MR. GEO. L. DROLL, Agent. Dana ; In on realm' illness, which wan from meg tcc , cd cold OD my breast end lungs, and Which was in a fa ir Iva/ of harrying me to my grave. I was CO much &Erected by the severity of the cough that 1 could not lie down or obtain any teat, and this onntinued for two weeks. When 1 heard of Dr. 6ohenok's Pulmonio and Sea-Weed Tonic. I immediately commenced the use of them. 'mai, after wilin g . two or throe bottles of Syrup. 1 notiud a perceptible change. The oonsh wee moon easter, and I could rut much better. After using two bottles at Tonto and ten pt syrup. I have been To stored to health, which enables me to say I have full confidence in its efficacy if taken in time, and moat cur • Malty recommend its Ogg to the afflioted. tireptotfuliy inure, je29 tin E. J. RAMSEY. THE MOST VALUABLE PICTURES are matures of Come we lore. Colored Photo a.e only .1. and Ambrotypea are made at all prides at ItEltdkit'Blat,Coyr p etrget, above Green. lt* TtattiiP SEEDEL—NZW CROP— In Store. Seed of all the approved varieties of TURN IPA. of the present year's crop—too produce of poornecalo i raised with egrupwouA care, and war ranted oarreat. Also. RUTABAGA of crop '6O. That of 'AI for thou who prefer it, will be ready in eeesontfor sown. .1.) &YID LANDRE & eon, implement and deed Ware_nouse, No& VI and 93 Bonth ATII et VOTTON SAIL MOH and CIANVA/4 Ilk-/ of ei4l ougnborc and brands. Rayon's Dunk Awning Twills of all doooriptioas. for gait /ormunigrr9lll, tagoa_o i oyert _ se :41 Ata• • • 1:4,, DZAC43I MUNDY. One barrel in i ri L tITHSHIV EMIR. far *ale by S. 9.. 1141 4 Gu., lei ARUN Mist, RETAIL DRY GOODS. -- CAPE MAY, SARATOGA. - NIAGAA R, ATLANTIC CITY. LADIES intondlog to visit these or other watering places should bear in vivid remembrance that the large WHOLE SALE STOCK of PRICE, FERRIS, &Co. Is still on sale at 807 CHESTNUT ST., In which they will find, specially suited to the "SOMME AT TAR SEA elifORE..." Or any of the Summer Ream% HANDSOME E MBR OID ERE D SKIRTS AND PEIHNOURS, for wearing with morning wrens/re ELASTIC CHINESE LIPIENs, for travelling dresses and dusters LINEN COLLARS and SETS, lao„ to gether with a large assortment of EMBROIDERIES and LACE GOODS. stated to the above.mentioned places. THE STAY-AT-HOME COMMITTEE." Should remember the CHEAP TARLETANES, for wirer= siasses,onandeiiers, Ac., together with our JACOPIETS, CAMBIUM. MULL, SVITISSM RAIN BOORS, and all kinds of t men and White Goods, at " LI ITLE OVER HALF PRICE." JUST OPENED. A fresh lot of Pin i e.auple Handkerchiefs, at 26 cents, donn e oir• for Sleeves at r* coats. Valenciennes Laces and EdgingE. '" Cambric MIA. trimmed with Val. Lace. " Vat. and other Lane Bets. sir AND ALL AT ABOUT HALF PRICE. PRICE,FERRIS Jo Co ., jogs 507 CHESTNUT STREET. WHOLESALE STOCK HOSIERY, HOSIERY, HOSIERY, HOSIERY, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY 'GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, FOR SALE AT RETAIL, FOR CASH. AT RETAIL•FOI£ AT RETAIL FOR CASH, AT RETAIL FOR OAS% AT RETAIL FOR WU. The Subscribers offer for sale. on end after THURSDAY, 6th INST., NO. 409 MARKET STREET, NORTH SIDE, NO. 409 MARKET STREET, NORTH SIDE, NO, 409 MARKET STREET, NORTH SIDE, NO. 409 MARKET STREET. NORTH SIDE, FROM 9 A. M. TO 5 P. M. TREIX STOCX 04 GOODS FOR CASH, RETAIL A.? LESS 'DIAN WROLEBALE PRICES. All kinds of COTTON HOSIERY NF,EDLES, FINS, GLOVES, HOOK 4 AND EYES, LACE MITTS, SKIRT BRAIDS. ZE'PRYRS., TAPES, BRAIDS, SHETLAND WOOL, COMBS, BRUSHES, SPOOL COTTONS, PERFUMERY, BUTTONS, UNDERSHIRTS, (Or all Deserietions ) (Silk. Marine. As-) Also, 4 Full Assortment or Dress Trimmings, BURNETT SEXTON, & SWEARINGEN, Je44m NO. 409 MARKET !STREET A Se E I) FOURTH AND L E ARCH, HAVE A FINE STOCK OF GOODS ADAPTED TO THE PRESENT WANT! OF THE PEOPLE. MOZAMBIQUES, PRESENT FASHION. SHEPHERD PLAIDS, BLACK AND WHITE. PINE FRENCH ORGANDIES, LOW. DARK LAWNS, FAST COLORS. FINE PLAID SILKS FOR BONNETS. SUMMER SHAWLS, NEW LOT. LACES, MANTLES, SILK BOURNOLIS FINE LINE OF TRAVELLING GOODS. BEST MITTS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY. HOOP SKIRTS, ONLY FIRST QUALITY. SUMMER QUILTS, NAPKINS, TOWELS, Ac. je21.43t NEW MANTILLA STORE. The most splendid SILK MANTLES in the city. HOUGH & CO., t&R.2 nx 26 SOUTH TENTH MUM?. -- SILK MANTILLAS, In every new style, the rioheat qualitaos ever seen, at the elegant New seta, SS SOUTH TENTH STREET. Je&tm HOUGH & CO. nIiGANDIKB AND FRENCH LAWNS, 32,.% cents. 60 pieces open to day, I 2 cents These are all feat colors. Dark Francis Lawns. Lawns of neat sty lee. EVER do LANDELL. FOURTH and ARCH. NITRE & LANDELL are prepared to . 11 -:A suit Tourisfe with— Fashionable Travelling Dresses. Fashionable Summer dal,. Fashionable Lawn Organdirc&o., &o. EYRE & LANDELL WILL OPEN THIS MORNING— S!sok Laos Pointer Emelt Lao. Rostrum. li.solc Lace Mantles. RYER LANDELL, FOURTH and Je—e RCN, open to-day the genuine Mozambique of the present taßbion. Mozambique. 4. wide. Mozambique. ford wide. Mozambique. 3 yard. wide. ',LiASSIMEE ES AND SUMMER WY). DEI for Men's and Boys' wear. Lignt Cissimeres and Pumnict Stuffs. • Boy's Weer and Veattncs. A Fine Stook at Lowest Prices CUOY.EK & CONAID. ter R. R. Corner NINTH otud MARLS?. 10 VENT GRAY 4300.1.ii3. . • . 2 oant Bateman. 6.14 cent Pirated Barer. A nalata. la. 20, and 25 cent Finest Berate.. Black Saralee, Tamartines, and Crepe Mara& COOP.bit dt CONARD, _ je27 B. oor. NINTH and MARKET. A SAMOA:Tr IMPORTER'S 16TOOS of Samples of Linen Cambria Handkerobiefi.ia hem-stitohed. sheer-corded, and embroidered. from 10 oents to SI cents each; a great bargain. purchased saorifioe for cash, and to be sold in the same Val only. CIiARLY4 AD ARCS SON. je2o EIGHTH and Streets. SILK MANTLES ! GRAY DUSTERS ! Frenoh Lace Menthe and Points. Very low paces for Cash. Fine NEW R O OM . esesods LitkOE SECOND FLOOR. N. B.—Mohair Mitts. hoop ellcirts, and liandters&l•fi COOPER & I:0N A Rut jog 8. E. cor. and MARKET.' CP1.11'0149 ()LOAM, IN KVERY NAW stor'at 18331-1 m Mo. 23 8. riliuth street. SRING CLOAKS, IN ENDLESS VA riots, at IVENS'. mySt-Im SPRING CLOAKS, THE CHEAPEST ever peen, ea IVENS', guat-im No. 93 P. Ninth street. VLOA.llB.—Wholesale Merchants are in vited to inspeot the stook at IVENS', No. 23 South NINTH Street. corner of Jayne et. zur3l-lm Between Market and Chestnut. FRENCH LACKPOINTS, BOURNOUS, AND MANTLES —A large stook to be sold at less thee wholesale priers. We cannot be undersold in these goods. CRAM-4M ADAMS & 8014. jeato EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. NEW STYLE CLOAKS, EVERY NEW I style, every new material, at prim that aahmsh everzone, at the large store, 11. E. corner of Eighth and wainut streets. my3l-1m CITY OLOAK STORE, No. 142 N. Etehth street. above Cherry, are now setting every new style Of the season, superb queliamin even' now shade of oolor, ohesper then any other store to the WO. H STEEL & SON, Will WiNo, 713 North TENTH Street. above Coces, h. BALANCE OP THEIR STOCK OP NEW AND DESIRABLE DRESS GOODS At man greater reduotions to Prices than they have ever before rude. and at MUDD LOWER PRIDES than RETAIL - WHOLESALE HOUSE in the ottf. anoy and Foulard alike, very cheap. Very cheap and good Bleak Silks. Dnoioe Dress Goods of every 'variety. Fine Jacionet and Organdie fawns at UK. I. CE M_ANTJX.A.. POINTES. HOURIYOUR,_ BILK AMU CLOTH. COATN AND DIANTLIES. Jot GREATLY UNDER COAT PRIDED. SUMMER SHAWLS silk Border Ore, Barest Mmie, striped Bilk Cho,lli Shawls. White &refs end Grenadine. Light Psi'ley and Staling. Black Silk and Braohe. sHAItt•Lk.BI3 BROTHERS, jell CHESTS UT and EIGHTH Streets, MUEQUITO NETTING, all colors ; Tarla tan. all oolors. for covering {WWI; Plaid and 13wisa Minium at wholesalemloes. CHARLES ADAMS & SON, Jen RIOHTH ad ARCH Streets. SMALL -PLAID BILKS. Blue and Whit* French Silks. Black and White French Bilks. Brown and White French Glean and White French Silks. Purple and White Frenoh Silks. SO dos. HIRE& at sl.so per dot. 00 doz. White Bilk Gloves, Sao. per rift. Many goods reduced yen 10$ 0a Ir. Wle t IT .Is 3 702 ARCH Street SUMMER GOODS. toe Illatkett—Moignito Netting'', iolored Terletane--o , ase "Amts. etelog Goods—Blip holland*. Mitn eat TO CLi a l u nti t t* -- eL e ade ß a ß ° o l ll44 l3l.B ll. , Mains Tywol•—tiume Orwka. lea UT and E1 12117N Streets SUMMER STOOK (IF DRESS GOODS AT PRictEF ACCORDING TO THE TIREEL—PopIon, )3.reaos,B3lk Chalhes. half prlos , Chilli* Delaiats re duced from 23 to 1.23{0.; Spring Chintzes reduced from 32% to 80. apeoist attention is requested to our stook of Oman dies sad Jecsmet Lewes. which we are bound to_solose out at a low firuro. 014ARlitgl APittl t_ ten OATS giaci An it Eltrels.6 RETAIL DRY GOODS. M. L. HALLOWELL & IMMENAR WHOLESALE STOCK, BILKS, DRESS (MODS, SHAWLS, MANTLES, &C., &C., &0., FOR (ALE AT RETAIL, At nitioh below the ordinary wholesale Vital. Nola 333 MARKET and 27 North FOURTH Streets lei stritattlet pARis LACE MANTILLAS, SECOND IMPORTATIION. nem , 000M1 having been relinquished by our Import ere—in view of the war oriels—fur little more than the bare amount of dutT, will be offered Co Purahlwarl at a eorreenondinh reduction from umtal retail armee. vii AT 5p CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. TEE BALANCE . OF OUR MANUFACTURED STOCK SILK CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, SPRING CLOTEI , CLOAKS, SUMMER CLOAKS. Also, TRIMMING LACES, DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, , &a., All in largo sasortmont will be eland out at an average reduction of ONE-RALF, in order to complete our ar rangements with our creditors. J. W. PROCTOR & CO.. PARC, MANTILLA and CLOAK EMPORIUAL isii-gf roe enzimarir lama CIDAKS AND NANTILLAq.-OAI7- TlON.—Ladies are cautioned against the nett- Timm atateMents of persons formerly in our employ, and now In inc employ or other peruse, who represent thenuelven" to be oonneoted" with no t and their *stab- Hemmen! to be " branohes of the Pane Mantilla Em porium." Such statemcnt.i are stmsty utesnumts. used to ensnare and cheat the unsuspecting. We hare no other store than the one we have 000U pied therm eta 7aarep at 't OS CH Ti u.s. Street. J. W. PROCTOR. tc. CO., ml4-tf Paris Mantilla Emporium. gPEolli r li VOTIVE 11 . 8.3 OA and after this date THORNLEV & CHUM Will offer_ EVERY POSSIBLE INDUCEMENT CASH TO PURCHABERS OF DRY GOODS Being determined to radars *Asir Block they will rive Geed Dar/tams 11 Beautiful Fancy Dino, for 76 cents, worth *1.12 Sears Rich Fealty Silks for 181, well worth 01.21, Grenadine and Barents Goods, about one half their value. Gray Mixed Goods, in every variety, from 8 routs tor yard to SO coots. BLACK BILIS, RICFLArf D LUETROURs VERY SA. Neat Black Brocade Bilks, double faced, Re.. 'Re. &a. De Lainea, Canape's, Cassimeres, Cloths, Vesting.", /41281111, Maalnui Flannels, Quilts, Coven. &a. Re. SHAWL AND CLOAK - ROOM EXHIBITION. , French Lace Maatles, Palates, Shawl'. Ensenes. Cambria Laos Mantles, Chantllla Laee Goods, &O. Black thlk Coate„ Mantles, &e., in every style, • At THORPILY & _ G.M. earner EIGHTH & SPILLED *. D A SUL tt..2 tr geRENCII LACE VEIIA.—A choice lot just purnhassd from a bankrupt importer, and for sale at half price at CHARLES ADAMS k SON, .1,20 EIGHTH and ARCt, Streets. MIL ITA.It V GOODS. COTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOR TENTS, • sox RAs* sit FROTIIINWIAM WILLIS. m7l*-1 tf NEW PUBLICATIONS. MIOLIELATiB NEW BOOK. FRESH FROM THE PRESS. THE SEA (LA MEM) Translated from the French Edition jug published in Paris. By M. J. ALLORELET, Author of LOVE (L'Amouri—WOMAN (La Femme') eto. One large volume. Price V,26 THE SEA (LA MER.) This is another of M. MICHELET'S exquisite vo lumes.-half science tad half tenor, with a blending in both of tender suggestion. hliohelet is a man of genius, and shaws s poetio nature in the treatment of his themes. His works have produced an impression upon the reading public almost without parallel in late years. Such audacity and dollooor, Buell vigorous analysis sad tender sentiment, were scarcely ever before so effec tively combined. The thousands who have read "Love" and "Wu- MAN" will need no urging to purchase his new book, THE SEA." It is as philosophioal, as instructing, and as fascinating,. Alm, /tow Reedy: THE PARTIZAN LEADER. Complete, two vole, In one. cloth. Price SI. *.* Bold everywhere, and sent by mail, Postage free, by RUDD Ye CARL - 6,10N, Publishers, ellqa to 414.-4 I BALLOON VIEW MAP, THE SEAT OP WAR. as seen from LOWE'S BALLOON, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Agents wanted in the City and State. JOHN WEAR GAN. jeZ3-3t 33 South SIX AN street. lap stairs. V . . 5 MP NEWSPAPER.—.NOW READ Y The first number of the NATIONAL Gila RD. printed in camp. for Colonel Lyle's Regiment. Prioe Three Cents. t.opiee for eels by KING fc DAIRD,_ _No. ffil A.NSUM street. and S. G. U.l.llAlit, 3111 ClikaT. NUTstreet. AM-at TILE DEBATES OF CIONGRESS.--The Debates of the next Session of Cons - react° con vene! in Washington city the 1111 t of July. 2861. will be publuited officially by the undersigned in THE DAILY GLOBE, newspaper form, and in TILE CONGERS MEAL GLOBE AND APPENDIX. in beat ferm. The letter passes free through the made of the United Woe. The price fpr either during the session is ea, in advance. payable in speeds, stoat office stamps. or the notes of specie-paying bents. JOHN G. RIVER. WASAINGTOIV. Une 18, 1861. ROOKS, LAW AND 2:11180BLLANEOU8, new and old, bought, eold. and Gm:Manned, at the PHILADELPHIA -BANK BOOK STOKE, Igo. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Wham having Books to well, if at a distance, will state their names, sixes. bindings dates , editions, mum, and conditions. WANTED—Books printed by .Benja min Franklin, as well as early Books printed in and ee . l l .lVßT i befie tt elr4"dnia fDli t arlie. t sCl:far - - ion.. in prem. Bent free. Libraries appraised br H37-tl.. 101 IN CAMPBELL. EXCURSIONS FOURTH OF JULY lININVAPPINIEXCURS lONS TO CAMP .WAEHINGTON,EASTON, BETHLEHEM. ALLEN OWis, MAUCH CHUNK, and the LEMUR COAL REGION. The NORTE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PANY will issue E./Cf::UW:110N TICKETS to the above pointo. tiOOD ZION ]at JULY TO sth JULY..INGIiVSI VB. From its offices, at WILLOW Street and BERES Street. FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP. To Enron_..._..__._. 82 a 0 To Allentown... ......$2 25 To Bethlehem-- 3 (101 To Mat o% Chunk.— 3 00 These exoursioroTwill afford an opportunity of spend ing the " FOURTH" amid the reality of Military Camp Lice, 97 of enjcs!ing the romantic beauty of the wieners along the Lehigh, and Inhaling the ;o92oorsking breeze's among the mountains Immune Matteti Chunk. No excursion Tickets sold on the cars. TaAirin LEAVE WILLOW STREET, At 6.40 A. M., 2.0 P. M., and 5.15 P. 31, Pass Barks street twenty minute; later. ELLIS CLARK, Acent ER. R. Co. amimpieg PHILADELPHLA. AND REAPING RAILROAD CO., Office, ititT South FOURTHStreet. PnitangLente. Jane AIRS. EXCURSION TICKETS Will be iesned between all point., et REDUCED FARES, good for all leateenrer trams, from Saturday, June 19, to Monday, JulylB, 1861.inedneive. ,ie29-6t WM. R. Mett.s.ErsigY, MILITARY NOTICES.. NOTICE. -- WANTED, a Company to oomplete Colonel CHANTEY'S REGIMEN which is ordered by the Secretary of War to be mustered in immeciately A Lieutenant , with 30 men, will also be taken to fill one of the Companies. CoL A. W. CHANTEY. 11* Girard House. TO YOUNG! MEN ABOUT TO VOLUN TEER-A young man of reap potability. who is think ing of going into the ranks, te desirous of meeting and forming the acquaintance of a few respectable young men of temperate habits and good moral charac ter twho may also contemplate shouldering a musket). with a view of conSUlting as to the hest and most desi rable company to *Smolt themselves, and for their mu tual interest as oompsniors in-erms. Address,. with out delay." Volunteer," office of this paper. je22.st* 'ALV OLIIN T E Z 11. OAVALRY— WANTED—TWENTY 43001) MEN. to fill WO a Comininretteebed to Colonel Young's .".. " WORT CAVALRY. Rome end equip ments! found. Will be mustered into the United Sumas serve. ea Boon as the Company i■ full. Also, wanted two /VOGL MI. Apply at ta i b Docx. Street. je2S4t CAPT. DAVID. il,Ol l O MEN WANTED FOB THE UN [TED STATES MARINE CORPS. able-bodied, between the ages of 21 and 55ream, not l tha n five feet four and a bar M ess obs. blab, and of good oharaoter. Soldiers Bening In ti t., corps perform auty at navy yards and on board silted States ships-of war on fore= stations. All other information who% may be dewed will be given at the Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street. Pint Lieutenant W. STOKES BOY_O. Je4l-Im Reoruiting Olnoer. FXCTURS lONS, P 1044100, &G.—JONES' WOODB,--JONES' WOODS are beyond all doubt the 0.01:401t, most beautiful, shadiost, and most spacious of any excursion ground in the vicinity of Philadelphia. 'I he grounds can be reached without the slightest fa ti.ue or exposers to the gun. by Mina of sitemal dare run be the Restonville. Mantua, and rain:meant Rail road uontpany. The price for the round trip is se mo derate as to ha within theranch of all. The Heaton yule Company connects with Race and Vines the Green and Coates, and the Arab-street roads; hence Excur manias from eoy part of the Oltypan be conveyed Hi the Grove For email pevrtiTe t the +ale.Easa, and spacious arger thee the Musical Pond Hall), as also a fine can he had. . . . F u r Term, fce.. sturdy from 8 to 11 A. M. to .70111* B yitriE, at the office of Lewis 0. Cassidy. 213 south SIXTH, or in the afternoon, front 9 to 46 to the officers f the esompany, in the otitee, at ilestonville. e27-thta 2t r • ft FFICE PIIILADELPILIA GAS wolexB. Java 2{, 2881. PROPOSALS will be reoei ad at this office until Noon of the Ist of July next i v or the gale to the Tom tees of the Yiliiadelphia Gas Worse. of sock iu the Germantown Gas Works : Richmond Gee Worse Southwark and idotenlenehla GM Works; aud in the Ma:mynah Gas Works,. To he used as investments for the Sinitinsirds aid Works. WM. PENN L Jeletirt Cashier, EABI AND OOMFORT. A. ThEOBALD peke. Who min Means or snit f g ro b a, oerfoll IPTODSDIT WPM" WEN Arm Bus twee who know when they me muted m HOOTS or enotz Iwo minted to give him a call, and those who U4lll/11K WO/0 Wilted before may be wilted now. He in at hie MC plaee. 6014 COATEI3 Street. 015 Sm WINE NIANUVIOTORY.—J. W. _a: cos,_ 814 CIIBITRUT &reel • ftworm low the ! ' c.ontizeental.' The otte. of w ealato *NI is invitee to Itis IRLPSI).,: C "/ 111$. of sessresr way. sistertshtqlk l 3 4l Mr!! alp& emir al 'LIMO WALNUT -STREET THEATRE. itkaURII OF TILE FAVORITE& To MORT. end tiVlkfty NIOUI •iihi ff We e k, HOOLEY ANTI CAMPBELL'S MINSTRELS. The !adding Stara of the Bt/o.opiein Profeuton. The great Cemio Trio, MACH, BRIMES and 40 1 / 7 011. The naluened gunman, lA castp.end.., eßiFFite_, REEyES and bilcliMen. To ether with MOMS. HOWARD, OiLigt xn, Rua. MOM% end the LDISTRUNIENTA L .IZUINTZTTE, In their Cheater and Anniminn Entertainment*. A obsogo of PrugrifrOTllo For particulars sea bills. Pei. as usual. MICR MeDONOUGH'S OLYMPIC THILITEN, FOURTH NIG H T Aar' TRE. 5 UMMISR SASON. The followeng additions have been made to the OPITI YAW/ . ELIVA PLACE, min as PERRY, Miss MACY, Mn.s RYNA.E. Mtiut FLORENOEt !dr BARRETT. Tlll9 (aaturday) EVENING , vnll performed the Nannoal Drama Of TEN OCEAN ; or, "Tte Deep. Deep Bea." New sooner,. Now Costumes. CAST 07 CIiARACTXRS. Dennis ..—T E bloDp_nough Harry Beim-- . • atttn Peter semau 511 ,asy Botta--- - Bailors and 1 - V - Is.antri. Conaindiag with the laughsblo farce or TAB TWO ORZOORIEfit. Little etegOry....,••••----- • • • Hug ChiPsiall Vir ----Joe Barnett In rehearsal Tea Nightie to a Bar Room. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. FIFTH WENN, MONDAY. PINK N A Atd Every Hight this Weelr, PAtalttramlp . 1 11 ,0 ". 0 Rxhibitiou or the RUSSIAN WA*. A the great Battles laud sad sea, Tornadoes, ilhtmittationa, en d all the etlAerttom*. wte owoonoganoo emir. Adationoi cent' ; tibildrennif cents. ilmml; quit THIRTY4EIGHTH ANNUAL . NIX. RIBITION OP THE PRNNISYLITANIA A 0,16 DENY OF TRH FINIS ART! LS NOW °PENA? 1025 CHiStlfillUW street. Admission _fee reduced to 10 Cents. Season Tickets, 26 Cents. Children under twelve years, half snow. Oatalarses. S gents_ eV `7OO TO SNV -TO IIiVZST ; A IL wHKETlV, e lT3VA ° F u ßiffiti f eli. Applf-to AY , JUNG MAN, just graduated from the High Behool, desires a SITUATION In a mercantile hone would be satisfied with a inajal maim until hie experienee would entitle him to an inereatea remuneration. 1•11-tat A YOUNG! MAN, whose evenings are t o t . d!azgaged t erishee employment in poshs• Addre l i .13.fft referegiae " Blood's Distostott. 11828-tuthilt, liiijANTED—A purchaser fora patent iv'. right that will yield fifty-thousand dollars to sal Eamon who has roomy. $lOO will pueblo Mann, Tie proprietor ibtoug legit% beiIIthi • OPIIMPOGIO to Addrow " Alfred.' at this coffee. pin-itte WANTED 35,000 tIIV 141 , 18TC{4OE nn Viir b laco r„ lore WANTSD —BY AN EXPERIEbTOED 'alumni: who can eattunand a fair amonAt_ et near trade, an ensagtement in a firat.alsaa jobbing hems. .Addreas.' 141. 8.," cam of Ths.Proth jel9.lot. ---- IFIMPLOYERS WANTING YOUNG ?den, /to.. , are invited to address tke "Em_iplot ment Committee.' et LS Roome of the Sta M il Ohn tr stian Association. 1009 and 1011 (3 Seet. aisS•int FOR SALE AND TO LET. inWANTED TO RENT—A Moderate eized EOUSE, Ins good loosfli. Rent not to ex otod *MN per annum, Beet or rat noes wive. „Mt dress t. Tenant." office of The Pre . jess-dc. ea GERMANTOWN.-10 RENT, fot JES.the Bummer, a FURNISERD ROUSE, near gimp ! . maker's-lane Statton- Apply sixth house on LlelDEll Street, itts-St gig LET —At low rent, a pleasant country Iraq, with tbree sores oftend...we Ati ll ahaileil,stin variety of fruit, COMM' of Gres /het GTO• i i ttr i and York 'toad, BraneStown, min =ilea t street by railroad, and eight minutes walk from ego Lane /Station of North Penagylvania Railroad. Inquire of sir. /11BDARY. *Rio/rite. or of Dr. DE BliNfilli- VILLAIS, 133 Routh bilVbfiTil ernes. Jett-es tf*. ea TO RENT LOW—Furrushed or un. MlLlunnohod, for fox anontbA or loniror. if desired. a large and convenient 14.01J81 . Re. IRI6 nn. slzeot. Apply to A. E and I. H . 9 A ZO ARCH Street. is Mit ma CHESTNITT-STREET ROUEN and MIH. STORE to rent.—Tbe desirable hgelaeo MN CHESTNUT Street, with dwelling attached. loo A at y at 491 CHESTNUT aItri a GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO IVENIN—To Rent, the Large end commodious modem-built Rouse, _comer of ARMAT Blest sad WILLOW Avenue, with gas, bath, hot and oo ltatot, and aft the modern improvements. Apply to sn 11. TARR, 710 eltlSErt Street. Philaderphis, or • th e premises. MB TO RENT.-A rare opportunity is NA Offered to a eetaPeteat Manager of a Boarding House by the undormsned. who *Tent to rent the wie mins formerly' known as the UNITED STATES HO oppositeated on CHESTNUT Street, ahoy... Fourth, the Custom Home. The limn contains forty rooms all of which are pertly furMshad. The din is ninety-five feet in length, besides kitebena, pantries, and every other cenvementie that can be de sired. The premier have been fitted up in a tem plets Meaner, and are ready for numediatwoooneaney. To a proper person, having experience, a profituole business can be done. To an acceptable tenant the terms will be made ranitanuble. For shrtienlaly to JOHN RES, on the prrmises, between the of 9 and 8 o'clock. jou- T°BENT—A Very desirable non, on Ninth-rarest front Ba n " The Continental HotaL" The store at Milli and yan streets earre *tally !Wanted for a ItannLn and Hammes Maker, Appir to JOHN RION, fel-u hiouthwart NINTH and 15.A105014 Blareew. ipoß EXOHANGL-A OHOIOB TRAM -m , " of good iiromproved hum land in the Stets of ROI Jersey, oonsetuent to the oily, will be man= WIG oo arty. Apply at D 11dl o. FED • New Yor k. 171RST-CLASS BO.ARDIN4, AT Ma x.- MANTOWN, within six minutes' walk at March lane station. Apply at *at; Booth BROAD tit. Jell 9 TWO FAMILIES can be accommodated with firet-clau BOARD. Howe urivate where there are no children. o beautifully situ ated; five minutes walk front•• Wayne" station. Re ferences' exchanged. addrees "Excelsior," Derensin town P. O. Jen ft PRIVATB BOARDING HOCTBR.—Plea pant aeoommodattone for families or single per sons, corner of 13119 AD and Nh; W Streets, formerly the *merman Hote DALletsm,June 7d, 1361. idlogt* US4BRILLAB—WIth heavy gnglish very durable. JOSEPH FUSSELL, Jen it Noe. ti and 4 N. FOURTet St A LOT OP VERY CHEAP GINGHAM A Sun-Umbrellas, for We br JOSEPH FUSSELL, Noe. 9 and 4 North FOURTH Street. INSURANCE COMPANIES. WAMN INSURANCE COMPANY, a. - No. 40.DOREI D I UM!" FIRE AND INLAND INSIONANOE. DrucToßs. &serge W. Itsy—.—tlkey & Katlack. net Wright-- Wright Bros A Dis. . B. Haney . .. Davis & Rime . Henryen Lewis. Jr ---. " .t.eins Bros & Riabsrdson " J. C. Howe & ael W. Bodine...-Freet Wyorning isnisPlPS no. W. Everniar-01 J. W. Brennan A GOO. A. West..—.... . West & Fobeig o W. S. itlartin.-.-.. " Bangs, Martin, & Oh 0. Wilson Dwns--- Attorney-at-law. . E. D. Wooltair--....0f Sibley Molten, A Weabilles Jee., Ressler, Jr- ...110.17E1 preen stmt. filtliriGE W. DAY,lnwide tg avii FRANQIS N. BBOX, Vioe WIALIAMI I. BLANCRARD.Seerstsre. RAVING - -7IIND---UNITBD EITATIZ PO' TRUST COMPANY; eernar TRIED med CALMMI NW'S Street.. INIEICEINF FIVE PER. CENT - ,Pra mu ipddilionk JAMES It. HINTEL &oniony sad Tram*. Oilleo hours. from 10 until I a'alooir. laketil Ms Company net ) vines an 11747 applieattes atwire. J.ITJ Tin SAFE DEPOT itESIOVID to No. Ell South SEVENTH Street. Itiar the the ,to thantfal for past Won, and halltg r ic, determined to merit tate patronage, nu o ft elegant and eeneellient etore, and has now cm largo assortment of Lit h e ' . Cellbratqd PrztoL Chilled Iron Pre and Barglar f roof Safes, the qqy strictly lire and tires? proof as ea made.) ' . mi ne,' vneuttliod B&W' Vault, Bale. pad Bonk Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locos will to to order on short nodes, This .11 the strostuits protected, knd cheapest Door an c disah 7 0 V1Wd. Auto, patio suontion is to ors New Cabinet !Safe for pate. Jeweirz. . This • m mak „d eo to moans in style and Matinee anyUlimpst ss ridefrndular' purpose, . nd ig the only ona MI stria. Brscun Nonaz.—l have jaqw on sand soy twenty Sr Farrel, Herring,_ & Co.'. sates moat of MOM nearly naw..pad some May of other bates, m i krising a sompme assortment an to Mom, and li ea "hanged for the new Valebratad L il lie . ap will be sold at very tow prises. Please eon and lapo-bif IC C. 5A.D.Lmat PURE PORT WINE. 0. H. MATTSON, ARCM AND TENTH STREETS. Je6 NEW LO AN FOR SALE A limited amount of the new 3,000,000 LOAD 4 In mums to suit lurohitsiirs, for sale by JAY COOTCF, 8d 00,, 114 sount THIRD BTRZILV. BEOI I / 4 4,R LINE AND DAILY EX.DURADDICB.-01111111Ber 100. RAMSEY leaveidfirsttivr kißCHatraeldallt's D0111%17 dit c ", 981 1 1 4 r 21112 :. L B .9 , ... " 'ker e a4 ta mi l et Wifik and Salem. a aa" , paFare TOT the Excursion.-- (19 • for Sraseton end Odense. meet Male kuse, jess-at* ag iggOß MEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware MI &rattan Canal. • Tallmanlnnis and Stew Turk Dawns Ismok,l, MIT?! litt j _livirAreri ear gags in ~.ew ork the followuss..... :relights taken at reasonable tog B WM._f,C EL NOUTE wn 410•14* JAMEN unr _bang 14 and 24 • {eta Yarn. altalt- matyOß NZVT TOM Philadelphia ilteam hapellar Oa eamesztae th eir hassese ler the imam as 1110 aut. wheir to an not mown= traliat at &mat Pi lwo r rnui aboy moo r mu tain oda tattae uns. salat Maw OlL.—Pure Olive uil in white n-or t tlpie bottles Just A rrAvlmUcr bat* t y lor 1 1:11 0 1 0 8 .Mttille inIARZT casks and owes 7iil t . l lo l =tlita l abn a itin i klag" e. 909 South FAO? MOM • AMUSEMENTS. WANTS. BOARDING. UMBRELLAS. BAYING FUNDS. SAFES. FOR BALE BY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers