310 . 0 0 oF THE Aantentennam SOCIETY.— , pit City meeting of the Agricultural tee reg a ,„ ls 4s he ld yesterday morning at their o °7 ; Walnut street below Fourth The vice Poo„ -n , AI, Charles w Harrison. *coupled the ra'i l° :" - ' the' absence of Craig Biddle, president, ait. to 'the as aid-de.eamp to General Pat ro't'e 19 5.' " ro'F'n y Dr Kennedy, stated that be had rWrcta r • ideantity of different kinds of foreign vie,' r ;, - a u, ale Patent 0E530 at Washington. He tro i C - na nie9 of the seeds and stated that a large o al b t: r e o - t . - tbm were as well knowa in thiti.cann• to the countries where they were brought uS 11- Ile thought it a waste Of PabliO money to f t 3 1,.. f o reign countries and purchase seeder which m ore at home. aezio,'"; Newton. chairman of the Committee ,; --sle ur Cattle made a report on this subj sot. z s SP s r,a, p had' been suoilessfully tried on two Its ° P '?ii b a t very little pain. The animals were i t l _, too dames of ether during the ope e end er ..tt k ' Japing! stated that these cows were ope- P, A r , u umier rather unfavorable airouSultenooo, rt't9"",,,, Gr aeae° was sueoeseful." approved highly of this operation ; I oen it often tried with atoms, re llir s:c oniuge again took the floor, and spoke of / real manners in which the operation could He did not thisk the risk was more Er 1 1 °' fist per cen t isirmen requested that the committee .vcl“ • Insider themselves as discharged, but B F as to the Bowen of the operation tried 4 0:1 a, r' w Eaffs Heberti on, of I - nglaed, explained solely the construction and operation of *,; ea he ul plough used in that country. This ma• iF r - ;,,at plough one acre of around per day. In there are from 50 to 60 of tbese-ploughe use. They are considered a great labor ' T ;,,z maibine He had expected to have one af e ,' p loughs to exhibit to the Society. The en. owned to the plough is adapted to almost „A RT purple!, each as threshing, s aw i ng woo d, ]requires two men and a boy to operate one 118 p . "31. Williams offered a resolution that a commit o; seven be appointed to try the steam plough, thrl the Franklin Institute be requested to 7 ,-,Ett a committee to elitist at the trial. The re. was agreed M. • I pr Emerson read a letter from James Consta stating that agriculture was at present i vs ¢ o eb n eglected, owing to. the excitement of ye dwer From reports from various sections of „ w iry, and from partial observation, it is to -•fesreJ that there is mgt the usual amount of land p?errnlnvation. This is plainly the case on the ;tit lines of railroad in New York, New Jersey, ed in the vieinity of Philadelphia Patriotic en• , va s and military ardor have drawn many re: glad hardy countrymen from the field to the :;,fjp, sad also raised a spirit of restless curiosity • Mitement unfavorable to steady industry in who remain at home Add to this the din olze ment of low prices forthe last six months, 1 • tie unfounded apprehension that the troubles ,= tie dines will cense a further decline. We have • c ause to be sensitive on this subject than at l atter time in our history. A deficienoy in the ,•_+ Ibis year would be moat disastrous, eines all -tummies of wealth are dried up. We intuit .•n look to the soil, not only for subsist but to supply the wants of armies, and to • exollargee with other countries. It may ;e:,) , ) late to plant any of the important grains, but s-asies, beans, cabbage, buckwheat. ,ha., might he lnrgely cultivated, and used more extensively ' 1 , ..me consumption If every agricultural so. - aqia the land would thus appeal at once to the J rxers, a favorable result might he expedited. a, Newton stated that he thought it would tot a i bid Idea to pay more attention to the culti taiin of rum balm turnips. Emerson had not. the least fear of a famine ; country. D: Jennings introduced the subject of i[ inter ,:ire borse ,s " or a striking'of the hoofa together. 3 , pro d u ced an India rubber pad, used for pre mug this evil, and spoke of the manner of ap fiis, it . 1 1 : Kennedy offered a resolution that a commit- r e el tee be appointed to report on the distribn ,:z of seeds, as at present conducted by the Pa . 21; aa.:e. After some little dissuasion the race , E Eirn was adopted. iteiaty then adjourned CELSBZATION OF TUE FOURTA 01° jOLF. titenlice preparatione have been made for a -140 aelebration of the anniversary of our Re- Independence by the joint committee of :rsseils. and en appropriation to defray the ea ppm necessary for that purpose will be asked for lay. The committee hare considered numerous , la:. and the following programme has been greed upon: All the bells of the different churches ;;is My will be rung as sunrise and at intervals xirg the day, and cannon will be fixed at vari polots. There wilt be a grand eivle and mill psrade in the morning in which all the 1 , 01- :WE cd the city, tegethe with the Reserve Grays, Guards, and the male scholars of the public cab' will participate. The procession will reach leptudeace Square about ten o'clock In 'v.! morning. A meeting will he organized c.iprecided over by his honor Mayor Henry. A oration will be delivered. after which the :t:sration of Independence will be read„ Au zzeuse double arch will be tweeted at the rear of :istendenee Hall. handsomely decorated with and flowers, and places arranged upon which ri be stationed thirty-four girls and thirty-four :•„re who will slag the Btar-Spangled Banner, Ba s-A by the 0111Naria_ 1: the afternoon there will he a grand regatta of Et•hitylkill navy. This will take place on the reabeve Fairmount. Two prizes will be award :be winning boats. The first prize will he a t. w: bowl. and the ascend a handsome and ex w American flag. evening, Independence Hall will be brit far:a ifictednated with innumerable jets of gas r.4::17.ed lights. The display of fireworks pro unirmany. fine- It is proposed t 0 Fa ;r:fga different sites, at which the same style of pm will be ezhibited. The committee are r•larg ever; exerlion to render the celebration me of the 12%Et iMpregittg that has been witnessed our city for =our years psa,'d we trif t 4 4o :heir view: ~-41 antigrsBll—uruounGl ear zeeting this afterrem DE., , rs.vcrirE Fir:E.—About half past twelve clock yoatorday zoornine a. firs brake Out it the ;:giber yard of Mezers Keyser A Vi'arner, Beach r.reet, below Norlboreng,ll, Kensington- A large ._.wiry of upreP.B and pine shingles and panel irff were destroyed. The loss is about $3.000 huhniniahle material mad* a great light, each was -risible over the entire oily. Ass Istvonott.—A. man, calling himself “-tezlv..E., reprmenting that he le connected TA an eminent physician at New Haven, Vow Illtieut, and that ha hashed his poeket pinked of dirge SIMI of money at the Baltimore depot, has torn going around Imposing upon a number of our ile claims acquaintanfle with a number prominent men in Washington, and by this %em has been collecting fends. Be is about tnry years of age, five feet nine inches in height ; nick hair and eyes, and very respectably dressed. ALSE BULLETINS.--A great drawd collects afternoons in Third street, below Chestnut, to 1d lengthy announcements trop bulletin-boards the Advance of the See•saionists," Work zzton in peril," "Death. of Jeff Davis," etc,. It heedless to say that said papers contain at most tasetiettured news, and generally no news at all Sorer - bk.—Al an early hour yesterday morn ;. the body of a roan named Frederiek ESterlie m . found in Fairmount Park- Near him was an c--pty bottle labelled laudanum. A large crowd tzt uoileated, and Doctors Rent and Rankin made , ttyelert to reoutettete tbe body withent avail. 'lANtased was a married man. and resided at 710 uhtt street. A verdict of =laid. was Ml wed. Cot:47EBOIT cont.—Certain goodly men se made the Celables of the times advantageous the circulation :4 bad coin. We might have Ikon no no t e o f this i,- . Aatter had it not been that *repartee himself ow -talon in, and after snob treatment it oonld hariiT be expected that be 3 . rild give the said coin a 001:-Plimentary notioe, -!In fact any notice other than :.!‘tit of rePrebee - The city is full cf pieees of math Intrporting to =-half donate. Said half dollars have Ns greasy :Wang. and by no means an exact ring ,They "o of light weight, and will sell at something less : 200 five tents per pound. Let no such men or be trusted. &locum, ACCIDENT .—On Tuesday night, 'men ten and eleven o'clock, two of the officers the Nineteenth ward found an unknown woman 1 1 4 4 upon the track of the Reading - Railroad, =ear Frankford road. A train of cars had evi lewly passed over her, crushing both legs above :'3f. knee. She was in on insensible condition. The tferer was conveyed to the Episcopal ResPllai ompntatiou would be necessary, out it - is seameel7 ;-4.•ible for the poor woman to recover. Rommegg DI THE TWE/MT - 7 11 . 1 .ap ifir tone time peat vouttilaints have bean MILIVIIIQUe sf tobbaties in the vicinity of }lining Sun ii i err tenty-third ward. Dwellings W, have been enter bowies plundered, and chicken coupe st , ilped. The police are on the look oat for the =lra: STEAM Tvos.--The Schuylkill Navigation c'umpany have placed atesm tuga in the Spring dill dam, intended for piloting canal boats from :he lock at the lower end of the boromgh of Con -IWicaken to Stony Point, about one mile 1->elow. A EXTENSIVE AQUEOVS RECEPTACLE.—.- eorinchiam-evrefide retervoir, Dear Fairmount, !la been so far completed ag to allow of 22 feet Itches depth of water. When the entire work is finished the reservoir will contain 25 feet depth of suer. or 37,000,000 gallons. F Altia RESULT*--Yesterany morning, CMS. 5.01it11. colored, aged 19 years, whci was stabbed a :ec days since, at Twelfth and Market streets, died sl She Hospital from the effects of his injuries. The matr will hold an irquest to dap• Itu TE,P Tress.] * Q ui,- of L The G'iayes'' ' " ICAUI) to £OL4SST FRAfiSPATTBBSON, BY 14 DoIIBLY QTriCE." lidtte bow linen ! the eat ls 3 pu g u ° •ng out your a any." fife, and drain ; - ldren we I) " mother calls, ~..., ,j- e u ‘ st oa dy b' t , cans holm sins fate, eksv ands To Inuit bar foes. whcro' , .. plain or mountain, Beg or 44.0, Whereer that rebel flag they N.zza (..tar shouts thail ring, our cannons ~. elere_s_ - .ore the "forward, march," command, Bat whtu we meet a traitor band, " Aim," *= fire," and "charge!" slush Irian obeys, 48 pet word; Of the hardy Grays. A short farewell to those we leave. Who smile and smile, e'en as they Pine , Out parents and oar sisters dear, That givo their tuning with their tear. , ft- aut proudly do they ware c 4 on, I/US sanrifteing brother- 300 7 To country, in its hoar of need : And Beaus to glory in the deed. Chatur—" IYe Jere," /*- " 8110 1214er, arms!" %, Charge, barna , l" Though peace, we love it, has not yet— As traitors soon shall know and feel— Destroyed the edge of Northern steel. _Vow, for oar country end its esst.9B .N . ow, for the Union sod Its laws; :Sow for the Sag they dared defy ; We Charge, to conquer or to ale. Charots—i. We love," ito: NOTES ON THE REBELLION, NEWSPAPER FACTS AND OPINIONS. PROg PINSACOLA. The Pensacola correspondent of the New Orleans Picayune, writing under date May 23, nays: Still another day heti paused away without the occurrence Of anything to change the statu quo, except the occasional movement of the ahips•ot- war outside, where there is evidently considerable anxiety felt Nothing, however trivial, transpires on this side without causing a flattering there. And yet I cannot for my life see abet important part any portion of thin diet can play in the loot great final drama. They oannot enter the harbor; they would be sunk the moment they attempted it Their fire 'oannot reach our batteries, or, at haat, do them any damage whatever. The only thing they can do-is to keep the garrison provided with water and provisions ; and those, no doubt, are now procured with great difficulty and at great expense There is not a particle of water on the island of Santa Rasa fit even for their horses, and everything must necessarily be brought from Key West or Havana. The expense of keeping the fleet here this summer, and providing the garrison of Fort Pickens, will be enormous, to , sty nothing of the sickoeco which invariably attends the coming season there. The aorresmadent of the Mobile .Advertrser, under date of May 29th, says: " A. large steam frigate arrived in the fleet yes. terday. Ohe has two smoke-stacks} and supposed to be the Niagara. She came up under a bully head of steam,which she took great pride in ' blowing off.' this morning two of her companions are missing; they have probably -gone to Mobile and the Belize. Look out for the °omits fisher man "The British' ships Culloden, azote, and Con• sot, and the Norwegian bark Wzeldemsere, sailed to day. They were the last vessels in part. and compelled to go to sea before twelve o cloak to morrow, molting to the blockade notification," B4RTLETT'S NAVEL 138.161 ADE Lieut. Bartlett's naval brigade has not been sent home, bat has beeome the Batter Coast Guard, the aeeeptanee of the services of which is urged upon the Administration with undecided result. Freda Acting-Paymaster Jones Millwood, who, with the other officers and Lient Bartlett, left Fortress Monroe last evening, we derive the fol lowing : - .Batirofhoars and men think they have been grossly deceived by Lieut. Bartlett, concern• log his resources and his arrangement with the War Department. While General Butler ordered them to go home the men begged to stay, agreeing to work in any capacity, for rations only, until their case could be considered at Washington With Colonel Dar yee's intercession they sucooeded in obtaining foom General Butler a promise to supply them with six days' rations, and work at Rip Raps and in the fort Meantime, they elected new officers, malting Veutonant Colonel Whitteinore colonel, sod prcrs iting the makw This action was en dorsed by al. the men save from forty to seventy five, who were to an to New York in the Coat 1:a -conites. Right hundred remain.--Washington corrovendenee of New rod' Trzbwee THE INDIANS OF KANSAS Tbe Leavenworth (Kansas) nines of May 29 NUB : " We are informed by Mr. Ron, 00 agent of the Pottawommies, that they heartily sympathize with their Great Father, in hie efforts to subdue his re bellions and wayward Southern children, and have formed comparies to aid, if necessary , in defend jug - Kansas from any hosiile or invading force. While CALF, is undoubtedly true of the Pottawnto twee, who are comparatively intelligent, there are other tribes in the State who may nut be so tho roughly devoted to the Government The Shaw nees and °sages, especially, should be closely watched We advise the agante of those Indiana to ascertain, beyond question, whether they are disposed to be friendly to the Government it may not be long before Kansas has to cope with the treaoherous, alaveholaing oavagoa of the Otte rokeo Nation, and wo should therefore be certain that we have no enemy in our midst " TR 11. EL THUMBS 139.00KLY2i The officers of this vessel, now engaged in the deli4hifol business of blockading the mouth of the Mississippi, are. we understand, busily engaged in aurv.ying, 7aßkirig soundings, eM., down there.— N. O. Delta, The Louisville Juariust of a late date says There seems to be some truth in the e rnmor that General Jim Lane is marching upon Pocahontas, Ark., if we are to believe even one half the state ments in the tdomphia Mora. Some accounts say his men have been in the vicinity of Pocahon tas, and his camp, containing 8 000 men, is eight miles from the town on '.Elsott river. A party of them attempted to take possession of the steamer Adettraf, but were notsnousstful. While the oitt• seas of Jaeksonpo:t were going to Pocahontas to aid in its defence, fifteen of the prisoners in jail escaped, and immediately turned their attention to poisoning all the wells around the country. Last Monday night, after a portion of the volun teers returned, an aged man named Carlile, and his son, the leaders in the poisoning business, were captured and hung The remainder threatened to burn the town down, but the return of the ei:izena from Pocahontas prevented. it. A-NI3:TIM PrOATINQ tATTEky The erection of thie formidable battery Was com menced at Mobile ou Tuesday last, under the superintendence of Colonels. Fleming and Bonner. The Tr:bans says it has received tee ur.qualified approval of Cot. Hardee. Major Gen. Chase, Col Leac!better, (Colonel of Engineers in the C S. A ), and Col. L. J. leleming. No dwatiption of the battery is given, nor ie it stated positively when it will be built, but we presume from -the language of the Tribune that Mobile will hare that honor.— Wb 3-e4terilay . refArrad to the fael, says the Eventing Ballefen, that the State of Tennessee bad joined the repultating warty in the non-pay ment of Northern debts. We have to-day, been furnished with x e.,py of the ant from a prominent - Zblibfr gitterney at Nashville : " Pu6lie Laws of Tannessag "An act to prevent the collection of debts owing by citizens of Tentitalea, to aithens Of the non.elaveboldieg States during hostilities SBOTION 1. Be it enacted by th,e General ilesernbly of the State of l'ennessee. That no person -in any non-slasthotiling states, their agents or attorneys in thie State, shall have power to sue or collect any moneys owing to, or any property claimed by, the citizens of any such btate, in Tennessee during hostilities between Tennessee and the Federal Government " Sao 2 Be. it fizraer enacted, That it May and shall be lawful for such debtors to pay Such moneys into the Treasury of the State, which slams shall be receipted for by the Treasurer. and shall be refunded, with interest, upon the (lactation of hostilities s 6 Sao. 3 Be et farther enacted, That this act 4411 take offset from and after its passage " W. C. WITITTEORNZ, 14 Speaker of the gotta': of Representatives ra - STOVAL, " Speaker of the Senate " "Passed. May 8, 1881. " A trae copy. J. E. RAY, BOOretaly." Southern Matters- We clip the following items from the Waihington Star of lest evening : TEN NhW 111INISTER Riot GRANADA --Yeater day Sr. Don Matoellino Blurted° presented his credentials to President Lincoln, and was received as CantaliSsioner and Envoy Extraordinary and Miniaer Plenipotentiary Of the Grenadian Con fexleraoy. In presenting his oredentiabs, tho minister in a few words expressed his , earnest de sire to inerease and perpetuate tho friendly rile bone existing between Uto two Governments, and assured the President that the preterit distracted state of our national affairs would awaken tho deepest sympathies in the whole of New Granada. Toe President briefly responded, assuring the rnioister that their Governments should never nose tc be friends through 80y Wilt of his own, and expressed the belief that our system of government would be found after suffloient trials better adapted than any other to the preservation of peace, order, and national prosperity. A DaLEGATH Mal Tartu-ex in Tn Wnert.nec Corivsnnow —Fairfax county, to row represented in the Wheeling Convention by Mr. John Haw:buret, an influential resident of the aoanty., who had been forced to leave his family, and property worth several thousand dollars, in order to save himself from pal-anal violence from the disunionist& Last Saturday, at a meeting of the Union refugees from Fairfax county, held in tlits city—among whom were several native Vir giniane--Mr. ilawahnrat was elected to represent tne Union element in Fairfax in the Western Vir ginia movement, and started immediately upon the performanCe of his duties. I MILITARY anTsmatirs —Three oompanisa of ' Lien& Cot. Towers' battalion, Company A, Copt_ ; Company E, (Zit:laves), Capt. Powell, and Capt MOrriaoll'il company, left this city yes terday afternoon, taking six baggage wagons, con taining tent equipage, aennitiellß aed rations for ten days, and proceeded to about half a mile above the Chain bridge, on the Maryland side, where they swamped The men worked last night, throwing up entrenchments to proteo: their camp Aplor J. 0. leaven battalion WHB ordered tO be under arras for a movement last night, but did not go out. The President's Mounted Guard were scouting all night in Maryland, but returned to the oity this morning. The Washington Light Guard, belonging to the Washington Light Infantry Bette/ion, refused, it is said, to go with the command out of the District / when called on yesterday. SeavICEMILZ MIDIALB.—The Witt hurried sap plies of beef for army use here were necessarily purchased at hig . her rates than when the contracts were given out for wider competition. Ent, as it turns out, Government hat not suede a bad thing of the original puralieSaS. Commissary Dookwien has selected from the beeves perhaps a couple of hundred fine, well-When steers, notch are doing eXCellinit service now in pulling heavy loads to anti from query, sad are ready hereafter for any heavy work in the way of army transportation. BiaIIrATSIBBLNG IN The GULF—NOS HAL? TEA Carrunas Barcr_rED —By a gendeman Braving ,row doknston, Trigg, we learn that a large num ber of captures have been made of American Tea sels, and the prizes taken into New ()tisane. lie live ships taken op the illisSissippi river in tow of the captors, armed tug boats. From what po could lam?, be judged that about twenty Vor- sets in ail had been already captured Tway ace taken into some port or bayou on the Gulf, the Barge taken on and divided among the captors, a nd the yesrels ,'ripped. The masters and crews of the ecese l e ,are 45:Lgv, , ,e kept in De n a WII or MOO the or bribed to secrecy by beii:g glye than in spoils The formality of s oonder;.•nation by a prise court is flispeneed with in most oases, the * . o t e ptert o f the vessels beteg speedier and more B....4,,uaveari,selbeatnaoutilotovia3o( x of issde athaimpirlappoingtratd, •I•- • ed when ou r informant kit, The Mis not . 7. eiesippi.l° h oaths 11 s aa Wins many m a p a r t , k ipaitabs by g single vessel Wel:fictive malting Its ono _ ie . ,„ o „ . .it e te which There are men un)lf"' - sa f e l y st r ipped a vessel could be :."knallli and , Ch ar s . abyjupiagrttakiensutwhoof caoreuaneoalinVotlllellblyersabpotaiitsooooLtalurajni Republican. 'OUND Dnommn.--Yeaterday morning 64 body of a drowned man Wag found at Arch tree - whort The deemed was TaßOgninsd by a broth readies at niotanood, and unmodietety tebeo away, before the coroner could hold an inquest. EXOttustoti.---The Southwark Literary So d/0311ml u guipieted tkelr arrangements for an 6.163111:1013 this summer. to Tulip Grove, dear do:11104,M. J. They latend going, cm Thursday, Juno Nth. What an Officer of the 11. S. Navy thinks of those who Resign their Commis• mons in the flour of their VounirV's Tee aoiompanying letter was written by a die tinguisbed offioer of the navy, Captain E , to his friend Captain 13 , late in command of the ilirash ingt-bn navy yard, who recently rasignod his coin miselon, and now seeks restoration BURLINGTON, May 4, 1861. DEAR -- received yours of the 4th the day before I left Washington. I beard of your re signation April 27, Saturday. Said I " No, no ; it otennot be." I did not believe it, bat felt Tory uneasy. On Sunday I purchased all the papers of that day, but found no evidence of it. On Mon day I was up at daylight and off for the navy yard at Philadelphia, to see Du Pont, who, I am sorry to say, confirmed the report, and handed me a list of alt your Misers having followed you. My heart was too full to say a word. What were you thinking about, and by whom were you surround ed ? Du Pont said, last January, the day after I saw you, in Epe.kiDg of Shubrick! true," said he, " that Shubriok was borit in South Caro lina, but by whom has ho been raised. and fed, and olothel ?" Yea, and might have said further : "And whore did be gain the standing which he now bolda, which you bold, and I hold Land who haa oloileel and fed us and our It seems to me that we owe our allegiance to the United States, to our country, not to the revolting States of Virginia or Maryland flow oonld you, at your age, ]'in a pack who have not shown one single actor the " high tonOd gentleman," a word si often in the mouths of thew Southern ehivalry " Little have they shown of it, unless thieving, steal leg, and accepting into their aerobe °Mara who had diFgrweed themselves by traitorous sots, such as giving up revenue clutters, S u., to. Thoueands of their men opened with their batteries on our honored il tg, and glory in its fall and in the de feat of seventy- slot men. The gallant commander of S'ef.mpter passed through your old Chesnut street, and passed your, our, house in Eighth Street, where our bonest young hearie have made tbe walls rattle With glee Ile was escorted this day by the military; his carriage drawn by four preud, noble gray animate, the people cheering the whole line from street to street uncovered What was to prevent you from such a burst of enthusiastic joy, had yon stood to your guns and defended your navy yard? 'Year command, the gets to the Capitol, the part of our noble Repub lic cu which the eyes of millions were centred at the time, when thlueiinds were rushing to the rescue? Where were you then, sir? Sitting alone in the office. &tat having resigned rather than de fend one of Gacre noblest works, a free nation, and its free Constitutioe and laws, an asylum for the oppressed? say, again, what were you thinking about, and by whom were you surrounded ? Your not being a Seoessionist is not the point of your case; that requires no particular defence. We may differ honestly, but we must take Dare how we act when we have a military commission in our pocket I tell you candidly, that your resigna tion has given to the country great offence. the it MO cc wasdune is the point in your case, and to that y,11:1 must throw the bast airing of your mind to clear before any Administration dare restore you your commission I was on the " Board of Detail " but two days, and now am on other duty. I have left Washing ton, and will not be there again for some time. - , - ehOwed your batter to the lion Secretary, who mentioned to me that you were muob al-tressed reaigning I wish you good bye. I regret ex'remely the step you have taken ; and am sot ry to say that, whether you are in the navy or not, 1 , 9 t, never con azatu meet as friends. • A. LETTER from Pesth, of the 9th, in the Montour ' says : " A kind of fatality seems to hang over the Hungarian Diet. It commenced its labors by the celebration of a funeral mass for Count Ssechenyi's death ; its sittik were soon after interrupted by the death of its president, M. Paloesy, and now, on the very day it was to be_in the disoussioa of the address, the Chamber has to aidinurn is consequenoe of Count Teleki's decease. THE ladies' thimble is a Dutch invention, and was introduced about the year 1690. ViNAfICIAL - Atin 1U03141.0131r,EA1, the Ploney Market. Pint siIIiILPSIA, JIM. 5, 1156/. 'the stook market was steady to day, little ani. mation in prices being noted for the better wee. tier. Pennsylvania fiv ze sold at 771, - . City sixes, free from taxation, sold at 05, and the Old isSues at 871 to tin. Pennsylvania Railroad shares were steady at 37k, the first mortgage bonds at 99, and the second mortgage, bonds at BU l. Minonixt Railroad shares sold al hi, Harrisburg at 53, and Reading at There is nothing doing in the money market, excepting an occasional sale of first.olass papers which goss at 8 to 12 per cent., acoording to vit. numstances The Tennessee law to prevent the oolleotion of debts by , citieene of non-alseraholding States, duriog heatilities, provides that no person ha any non-slaveholding State, their agents or attorneye In that State, shall have power to sue or oolleot any moneys owing to, or any proparty claimed by, the citizens of any each state in Tennessee during Lodililies betweeo. Tennessee and the Federal CIO vorranent ; but that it may and shell be lawful for such debtore to pay such moneys into the treasury of the State, which same shell be received for by the treszurew, and shall be refunded, with intereet, upon the cessation of hostilities- The following is the amount of coal transported on the Shamokin Valley and Pottsville Bailroad for the week ending June o. Mil! Week. 'Veen Far the week endieg Jane 1 ISM-- 4,110 DO 71) 1142 13 Sem. ttme lam year....:. .25,231 /1 60 783 12 .... Inas Che Nog York Evening Post, sped:log of the stack market in that city to-day, says Toe stook market is rather weak to day and leWet; bill We notice no speoial pressure to sell, the TalifoBd stocks generally being well baldeta. small decline The State stooks are offered freely for east and on seller's option, but are as freely taken by speculative havers The weakest of the share list is Illinois Central, which responds to the fall of II par cent. it London. By the Hibernia, tbe stook is quoted 40141 dis• count, is :rower to 65 from this side The de liveries in this stuck are quite easy again,. Closing sling at In money and exchange there is nothing flaw• The street presents an unusually dull appeesanoe, and the moneyed operations from day to day have become res.tly reduced. The exabanes through the olearieg house are only about Eixteen millions per day, which is about ODA half of what they wore four months ago. Pkilattelphia stock Exchange Sales, Tune p, no. 8:82 . 02.1X1) 81' 8. E. SLAT PailElt., rielThaalte Exahange FIRST BOARD. 100 Reading 161.11 9 'Harrisburg R..-... tit I 36 do— 500 Ponna 33 —. wish 77 , 10% i3OO wish i7ll. 22 do --- -35 13-161 000 City gs R. & 81. ltde Read 435, 89 WO do New C &I" 95 6 Prilia •.- 9731 100 do .R. C .9-. 97g 9000 co sat m Own 99 19 zd &3dst R. 1069 do Ipa m AM] 93 20 I) Leh Vat 60. 8 3 g 6 Mil:whin IL 55 11...00 itsh 6 60 -- 55 113 Bank PCAM....--..106 BLTWBEN BOARD 3. 25 i ea 93151 Eli: 380 Fonna ss—. 7134 SECOND BOARD 1000 i ead it Ca, 70, ..z0 80 i 066 Penile R 64,2.1 8331 20 Len scrip. as 1.4 1 Dinohill 25 do . 331;' ‘ 2019) Leh Vat 65.-- - 55% 16 do aa k WOO do_..- - 93% WOO Penns. Os. 83141 Media 11 . ink—.. 2011. rittCEN--STEADY. Rtid. AsitaLi ..144-114kaark 65... ;int oft 873188%1E:hair& 7a '73 __ 53 Plain s Rant off 8751 sg% Long island A_. 3 1Jc 2 Phila 68 Tara inoir 95 95 !Leh & 472 k 48 Parma 55... 17 78 : Lek CI & N Ran.- 33 BOX R 6161 H. .41 —15%15 13-181 North' Penna. 8.4" 754 - Road ode 7 , 44, Pa Read =lea 'e.) , 43 89 IN Fettna VO Road mt Oss 6irg2. Gammas& It prat 4, 3 i• 5 Palma R 5754 57%1Frank &So R4l Penn& it L. int Vss 83 835* iEd & 34-sta R 3 ST ..., 9rriO Can eel,. 39,v4 keee&Vkne-at R. 2 kierros cee I'td.lol 168 i Wed Fiala ri—Js soh ties eAK 8217na0 &. rum o ' 4 4 - 4 304 NIN Prefil„ 11 /2)11 Trees &Coates-1W Philadelphia Markets. Juan fl—Rvening. There is no quotable change in Flour, end the markat is very dull to-day, the demand. both for export and home use, being of a very limited character. 100 bbls common Chinas° extra nold at $ 6.06 U. and 600 bbla good Ohio extra family at $6 21 1P' bbl. The trade are baying , in a small way only. at from $60560 for common mixed Westsrn and good Pennsylvania superfine; $5-2/506 for extra; s6 l2'/06 75 for family ; and 8707.25 for fancy Vrandm nederdllit to quality. Eye near and Corn Meal a-e not inquired for. eta quote the former at 23 66, and Pennsylvania Meal $2.873f bbl, and very drill. Wuhan —There is a fair amount offering. and further eaten or 9.6C0 bustle a were made at 1:33031333e for red— the latter for prime -Pennsylvania Idaoat—lizol he adont Ponucsivant. and Wentsyn white at 116010 o —t lat ter for prime Otun. Rye in dull. and the only &ale we bear of is 400 bushels Pennsylvania at 660. Corn is steady at the late decline. Further sales of MAIO Web cis nre tenoned at 540 afloat. including a lot of intoner a. d fair quality at 494161 e, and some West m mixed at Otago la Ilse earn. ate are inactive bat steady, at 100319 for dontnere and Penns, MAMA afloat. iii.mit.—gneroitron is wanted. With small recraste and sales of is...No let ats 4tY tea. Tanners' Bark misery dull COTTON —There in no change in price or demand, and very iiitn dinar. Gnoemetne.reannin an tut quoted. and quiet, A sate of 600 bras Rio Coffee was maim at toliesuma, on time. Ye °VISIONS. —The market for al smds la dull and neglected 2. small alle of onantry Lard was made at Wife. In Su ter there is very hole doing. Wytiagv,,—lible are an wanted at 18144170. Drildtti 16 BVlrflli 11' 1' S. hiporpotp Mau !--aIcHDOND INVESTED was ourielatil !ripened yeaterday Mornitig that Rich d had teen inves ed. The story did not loae ear thing in its travels, and flow a report of a simple in vesture it was speedily embelbshed with full details of FTC. 3. tattle. 112121sitLit4 the ahOottna of Bouregttai sad the hinging of Jeff. Davis. The canard unmated from a despatch sent North, bearing the three words. Richmond is invested." The writer simply meant that hie friend, 2dr. Richmond. had been invested in a new and eloaaet Data, et the fl wet MORO Clothing flan of llecithill & Wilson, Dios. 603 and la Chestnut atreet, above Sixth. MILITAILY AND CIVIC CLOTIIINC-- - Granville the entarpristn2 and feehlOnable clothier" , Chestnut e4etit, is rPadp to furu all, el the eberteet COMO. military equipments of all stylre, and for all stations. Those in search of durable and neat-fitting uniforms shruld mat and examine this stook before ourohnoing elsewhe•vi. Clutha/. both for military and eivillaue. eau be obtained at tha shorting notion, and antenna more moderate than at ant .other establish ment in the city. Emelt sate mares a vamable and • h&lSlSOilifi itfft. mm MARINE INTELLIGENCE• tilF. FOURTH ?AGE wax:, b;:n. Steamer Mars. Nichols. 24 hours from New YON, vitt' mdse to W M Baird & Co. Stammer *arab. Jones, 41 boon from New York, with iudss to WM P.l Baird & Co. gte6.llloT NOV 'tort. Router. lt hoots from New Y or k, mdsozo W P Clyde,. BELOW. Bark traperador. 'Power. from Peroamettoo, woo o fc Reedy leMbd or 4 P eeterdoY. globlOt RD. ,rte- Daniel Maloney, Otootmoo, !toy Va.!. Cukor, StmoOs & Co. fir brie Ida, McMullen , Loon;yra. John Dallett ,t Go. achy W Gann, Bacon.. Boston, Castuer, Eluokney & WeDinireon. an. 80 100 0. d solo It A Shind{eri We o Etobt NtYraganeese }tent. Has W4lll. shainbari, Mil Bohr I der, 3r , Y , I,KlOneelteltit. & .1 PIM/ Olnt, J., so tkersai k feu. THE PRESS.- PHILADELFILIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, .1.661. Behr Minnesota. Baker, Salem, Sinnicimon h clever. Bohr Restlees. Olgokinan, Begeon.Remmell rot lc Co Pohr I Framing. Somers, Salem. SWUM. Ogle it Co. Bohr Rockingham, Talpcy, Portsmouth, NE, 'Fiver ton Coal Co. Sohr Mary M Wingate, Wingate, Lakeville, Mtl, °attain StrJ S Fibriver. Dennis, Baltimore. A Groves Jr.. ate C C Alger. Fenton, Fort two.norg, end. 'Ortshiaa . ton: 1 Webster. Jr. IT Ti,LIGRATEL (Correspondence of the Priam Mixt YOU. AWE' • The 6 WD...buries H Keeler. from Loudon. and the brie Jikrien. from. Nem Cud°. England. are rittertted out side of Is • silty Hook bound to Philadelphia. captain of t e tette rvessel to mutt. arri•ea. steamship gooniunist. (rote inanely; bar k 6 Gaz°lM from Muluirues; LOOM. from IMlermoi Oe dar. from Hymen. EMORANDA, Steamship Dahlman), Johnson, home, hrnVed at ow York yesterday. Steamsilfip Columbia, Adams, from Havana. arlived at New Yort Citi e s rdav Steamship f Whahington. Jeffrey. front Liver pool. arrived at New York rests day Ship Stephen Baldwin. Flagg. at ahadiao, rill, 23d ult. from Boston Bark N . Ciissavell. Hamlin. hence for Cork, was sig nalized 30th tat 43, long 08 OS. Bark 11 F Martin, sailed trom Havana 30tk alt. for Phi lade Iphia. Barka Paladin, 'Wilson. and Runtinr don. White, eid at Baltimore 4th met. for Montevideo and Buena, Aires. Bark Lorwer. (Sw) Morin, from Rio de Janeiro, ar rayed at New York yesterday. Brig A J W Applesarth. Grove, for Philadelphia, was at Ponoe PR, Qiac ult. Brig Humming Bird. Pultz. sailed from fillitansas hulk nit. for Baltimore. Sabra W G Audenried, Hewitt. W C Welton, Smith, A lintel. Mason. Charlie & Willie, Hooper. George Edward. WY eke, E T Smith, Smith. kl C Einght, W h,r low. scm Thomas. Baker J Gr arson Hardier. and J Hewitt. Rom ele4 rad at Batton 4ttt met for Phttad, &ibis Jos Fish, thekinore, from Boston ;or ehtladet ph,a, and Albion, Holbrook, from St George for do. at Newport Ist Inst. Bohr Guhert Green. Weaver, from Lyon for Ptoladet eMs. at New York yesterday. Bohr Fly. Gleeeeelnsn. from Nantucket for Ph• ladel plua. arrived nt Piew York yesterday. Bohr C It Vickery, Babbitt, at New York yesterday from Proordenao. Bars Gilbert Green, Weaver. and W Caves. Mat thews cleared at New York yesterday tor. fluted. Steamers ironeides. Vendervser and Novelty, :Thaw, tierce, arrived at new York yesterday. Steamer 'Jemmy. tsly.ateared 8E New York yester day for Philatlefphia. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notice is hereby given that the Natituoket }carboy Beacon Light will be eatin.u:shed on the eth instant, Preparatory to its removal output° Brant Point" WM. Dire notice will be given of the time when it id be again tiered. RV order of the Lighthouse Board. J. A. WIN.-LOW, Com Tj. Ff, N., Lighthouse Inspector. Second District. 13orton, June 5, UAL ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. Ur TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. David Maxwell, Baltimore Geo II Hood, Boston A Vir AVM, 00 , 11MblIS C Hal AClath W Shute & la, New York J Taylor,B oston ' Joe Curtis, Boston It A Briggs. nos Mil .1 T P , ater, Boston .1.; Briggs Boston Miss Charm, Washington C L. Woodbridge. N Y J ilar.ison, Now York Mogen aoro. Maarnehmeta S A Walaby. New York Jos 1r otevene, New Vt. H 'rhos T Gamb'e, New York W R Knrkland. New York W Vasquez. New Granada. A B anon, Now Granada Vasq l ,ez New Granada F Plufluti. New York 5 , Gaylord, Beglaud Air rsylor. E Ea land Howard, Burton Jas button,Baltimore .1 A wiestand, Lancaster Mrs Crawford. New WAS ill air annum co Saint M Las ranee, Pa P Park. Frank to W t 7 Evans, I.J army Z Bennett, St Louis B G ISitUIRODS, U 8 Army Thos T Wierman, Harrishg Alias T Wi erma %Ram ebg Mice Meoormiok, Barriabg AU)) Bri 800, Harrisburg Wm Walaht. Hartford F W Hearn & la, N Y N b Z 4 la, blew York It B Beach W firer Ada, Now 'York J I ombtrd, Jr, Boston W 0 Langley, Newportatt 1, Al Brown, Lafayette Lt A G Garton. Br , oklyn Thee J Porter, New York Mice Prevost, Philadelphia Sac M Ruth. Lancaster A Boyd J.l Lawrence. fluratogdon R A Miller, Huntingdon ALi brand. U aware YoU S• i ._. , - - Miss Sarah Loeaer, hiedia no Al V. Williams. Masa Mrs al A Prioe, Cheater, Po. W m ( Pr ice, Cheater. Pa JefJones. Washinatm WH Evans. Washington Wm Friek. Chester. 1., Clanton. U A Van awaringen. Phi W Shackelford. Kentucky Col X X Smith, Eng Mod lino Dwight. VOW York Thos W Walser•New York C B notuaree • E A Priv,. Media. Pa Mom s r Dilworth. Penne Mrs Ur Livezey, Bunks on Mrs Dr Scholl Media Pa 1.. AB. fl,nan, Now Jamey W Itiloirman & la. N J Miss 3 A Brown. X Jersey B: 111 i- sena, Cleveland Mau (none. Yhila de La Grange, Paris W n Thornton, (.4 Bedford Al re J K Thornton, t Bea 14 aj Horner Mrs NiAludeee Fl wit iameon. New Jersey Jun 13 B stria- New Y rk F Fellows. connection.: Jim B Foley. Baltimore .1 Stemmer, II 8 A Al ni A i Stemmer . , - • . • elultlug. U 8 N Gro Mass YIIIIIOII.IIHAVIIe_,It Mare 11 9 Moore. New York J F Waltman, New York WE Flak, Cincinnati, 0 M Fishal, New York W U West tc 1, U N W W Russell. Washington El A Wa eh New Y-ark Gideon Harries, Charleatwn A rt Tappan, W Chester Y W Shannon. Bosco., R W Roo.nson, hoeton let Merrefiel4. Baltimore, F Ray'. Washingtoa. DC W A Foster. Max. Chas C Bannott. Mate 11. It Van de Care t N York R Re•oolde. New York I H &tone & I. It island Miss WI/hail:l,R island Moot I. K etone, R island C U Felton, Cambre,Maea Miss Felton. Citeure. Maas Wm M Kerr Ilarsishar.r Thoe K Cochran, ork, Pa Mr Watts 3/. I, Carlisle Mrs p Watts , Car M iliggineon. tio?ton E Arliglea;:dr e.w,JlNCrirkvork 1. 11 1 . n e r Dol V vn i t Pti b w e l"L ° ll ltem Musa Johnson. New York John Butler. Now York 0 Scott B:eubenvide, U II N hind, Cincinnati. 0 W M Per ton. hew York J P Fote•s,J ouisvilie T Wilton. Bellefonte TS Wilson, Bo!lefoilie J&IREB Hagen. Dew art, NJ J HJones A L thaw, New • ork Geo II Bradbury. Buffalo W Horn & eon, Wash, DC Tnt bimpson. nielinol, Va in KS; CHA NTA' ri MEL—Fourth street. neinv Swat. J M pownann, Ponua Phea Ilimetagre. Penns Stewart MO Farb rt. retina iHrti 9e11ip511130, Penile Mrs W Hampshire. Penns, A lliewnger. Elizatetlit'u J H Yelinstivawn `RT A Eldtin, Perm% J J L.nokmann. New York W N retool. New York I) C.: Roll. Ph/Ina-101m Mien A Poole. lehilad D 1 .11 Bredh-ad. New York I) M Brodhead, Jr. N Y Dr t. Walleee. Readier odhead Menroe.Pa C Eimer. Bridgeton Wm Powell. Centre co E W David.on, kailada L Myere. Look Haven Mat J rooming'. Fenno Mr- Wrddle, Lancaster, rea 4.; Neweiurrh C Win , a. i.t Louis . _ R.& Keep, ilktom D 4 d C W bc , rbuck. Obto Wm Irvin, Poona Mon A IC Wr Eht. Fenn; K Mint,. Fort Madison $ Brady kow o•k T McClonkey Jr. w. Frto 11 Soma: Moo; field 7 hos Whitt. Yo, k, 'sunL' AMIMICA.ZI flOTEL—Chestnut suss'. above PIM' B Stead. New York R (ice Wb iceman. 1) lawarr John B Champion. TIAL Moses Mr tohell. Wash A len Si fcaell. Wabli trl R.O be. own. Foos du L John B rrtrars, Wmsuort Mrs W m Wald' trev,lie Mns I.o fi tud, rottsvilte Mn C shoersv . & on. Pa G N Grayson. Pranvin Go R L bythea.n. U N N A Kinney, New York John Proltps Ira. Palma Mire l'lnT ran. Penn W Fry, New York Thos Walieee, yoieware t Tor New Jersey J Book°. Now 1 k J B Curtin, New York .. mum. Rid —4. - CV B - Hliuston. Elltoll."Arti Pa ~I. '= ' - Me B It Fazio°, Phi .1., R M et W tter li m a. e N h e p w bi j in e detp i ldo It BothArttliAl..Fl3lift . 1. 1 he, 1. aßing Phil . g. Hon A 'Si uti Bostonver,Ssntat Fe 0 11 Prraltord. New ley k W H Bowyer. 'l'll=lmm U?rlo:l—Arek street, above Third. w J Simpson. , haa. 0 P Stailianr. Wrala.anaole. A0,9;0611.7. Va.) e Dunham, West Trop AD masher, Weet.'froy tl Kiwood. Delaware John RBllrlOisti Dauphin James Day. Wirtelow,N J J L htephezmne. Phil& W Williams, Palls, Jae Hetherington & la, Pa STATES UNlON—Dlar2et street, above sixth. P r ernolds. Lanomter D H 'foamy, Pittsburg Jos Masterson, Lanoastr co 'rhos Ha>es, Lewaeurg bi Paekar4, Peterehuri Ste t_lhaw. De'atrare to fitzgera'4l qt ouna Chas A Poor. New Orleans se. c Ash, Pe A H W Graisbt PDHparg J A Chriety. !el Ain, Pa A w °Wine, Penna. Davie -,orni Lancaster co A role. Harriet) .re 11 Bridge. Penn , . ti; D eluee , m. Pittsburg J eobetor, Patebure Jbhiri fiiolfett. Juniata co Joe Beira', 11111r...7Va. COMM t• ROIAL HOTEL—Sixtlt Lt., above Chestnut Chas Pearce, Boreentewn A 0 M Prevost . Trenton Chva P Irocber, t Clair .t.; Potts, Plela . .a. PP H Harnett. Penna mo., Fencer. Penna John ley. Pe Pownns e Brower. Dcyleszown James NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street. above Third, II Grover. Luevrne county G W Smith, Port Carton Col 8 Harris. rims , York .1 Knickernach. New YAWL P Mnrev. New Yorr fi Keulerer, New York - G E HOY t. LtlZerne onnul B Oar tholu mow Pottsville Mr immtwon &1. ifethishm N 1-101lan.1, ritsntery no L J smith. Pottstown T Gibson, Philade Fsnk,l.uzerne co. Pa 11.12 vErt PI ITOLISE—Tfurd Erect. ADM Hoe. Mrs 1' Kemmerer, Allnnen Mrs M Oath, Allentown C C Cumming., Penn C Hirsh, Laminator, Pa C B W0490T Penna. A tirOW. Btl `Yena L tiermany, ' Pencil. Lieut ti Jacobns K MAW, York, PS Mrs R Frick, Monter co MOUNT VERNON 110TEL—P000nd at.. above Arab W B Angel. Bordentown. N J T Barnes. Trenton. N PA•ers.TrentOri. N F Tit.s, New Jecael 8 F Trumbull—eat adatpLia BARLEY SHEAF ROTEL—second Inuc. L Thomas, tambertsville Shoell, Rahway, J C Arnel. Larnbercavffle J Mormon, Resding A C tparber. Lunbertavtile W II Johnson. Backs co J Frets & la, leatown BLACK SWAB—Third itroot. aboYe J Bg7 er. Stoneroville B Rollorte, Books oo H Krirel.lFlerweyA E Bechtel. Becht. %Villa P H. oeohtel, Baontoloville Ms° .Gerling , Amityville Pain Gelling, mutt, villa BALD VAGLF. HOTEL—Third 114 above Callowhtl l . G ft Pat Pr. rearm W ti Bare, Berra oo W H Suitzbaoh, ALerietteNe SPECIAL NOTICES. HAYING. Oaßlf ArrritOßlzErD BY TIM 'MR Authorities to manage the detsile of the THREE; MIL LION LOAN, edeertiged below. we earneatii reque.t the attention of the public to the propriety and impor tance of a prompt and liberal investment in the same. The fact of Ile b nng exempt from all taxation. and a special tai halite levied to provide for the ipterest, and a liberal 'inhale fund for the redemption of the princi pal. makes this Loan a moat desirable investment. all information relating to the Loan can be obtained bT calling on the underlogned. who will take charge , of any sabcoriotitdis made. and will attend to an matters con nected therewith. DREX Far er, JAY COOKE & CO. PROPOSALS FOll A LOAN OF THREE- NIL, Lion Dora.a.a. ro 211 P. CoMMOSIVEALTII UF Tx*N" - lITLVANtd. In pureu.nee of the first section of an act of the Ge neral Assembly, entitled "An not to create a loan and provide for arming the State," approved May lath, A. D. 1 1 6 61, ann the suer section of the net entitled " An act to provide for the payment of the members, offi cers and continua expenses of the Extra Session of the Legislature." amiroved`filay 16th. A. D., ISM, and by the authority of the s von.e rs hereby given that propOsale will be reoctV ed at the °flu of the teeretary of the ComMouweeith, until three o'clock, P. M., of Wedneedey the fifth day or June next. for the loaning to the Commonwealth the aunt of THREE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, for the purposes set forth in the before named acted AS solably. The said loan to hear an interest of lull per eaht. per annum, payable semi-annually in Philadel phia, an I the loan to be redeemable in ton years from date ; and Der the payment of the interest and hoinda tion of the prininyai thereof, a. apectal mg of one-half mill on the dollar au been directed obe levied on all the proprrty in the Commonwealth taxable for crate mimeses. The certificates of loan shall not be subject to tagatinfl for BLit purpose whatever; and all certifi cates of the denOMlnation in Wile huudr.d dollars, cr less. shall have coupons attached ; those of e larger de nomination will be issued either as inscription or coa rsen bonds. at the option of the bidder. The proposals Mint state e.iplioitty the amount pro posed to be taken, ace the xe , e. Ca h. „id, the State reserves the right to accept the whote.or carved of the *mount offered to be iasen, unless the proposer stipulates otherwise. Pio conditional proposals will be eetaidered. Upon the iteaeptance of any proposal, at lowa tea rot Cent. of the amount must be paid down, the balance, if preferred by the bidder, in thirty and sixty days. when ee:tificates shall mane for the same. bearing in terest from the time of payment , The proposals Mold be directed under seal to the Seoreta.ry of the Commonwealth, endorsed" Proposals for Loan." The bids will be opened at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of she day above named. in the DURUM° Of the Geve nor, State 'fr,asitter, and Auditor General, and suck other persons as may see proper to be present, when. after examination of the same. the Governor will Until LADELPILIA T IL IC A.O OTT A mud the an to the highest bidder or bidden Ottitsi and W . L WORKS, ft are ootos,lolo CRESTN U 7 Street, Dr Order of the aosietiler. ELI SLIFER, 1 Ornamental Charmer Test garden Vaasa and Statuary, secretary of the Commonwealth. Klicsaano Flooring Tile. OVITIOL OT TES Sacrturang ov THE. COMMONVIrECAITH Arelettecturai Ornamen4, suaiserno, May 17, - Ventilating and Smoke Flues. Pegs Tile and Sanitary Warn FUirrarat zorten. steam-premed Dram Pipe. elrat~rTips. wateemtad to Auld The time for receiving ProPosehr and opening re cheap and durable. for the above loan is hereby extended to the 7.111 - wile Trade supplied on liberal terms. TRENTD OP AIMS next, by order of the Governor. illustrated Catelegnes sent by ail en applisartion by le • #ll4ll Begreary or Its , Conagßowweetti- 1919 IbiLIdBOLD I S 1 :411424336ALLT APPB , GraD REMRDT.—Compound Extract Bean onto , Diaeuen 01 the Bladder, Kidney, Gravel. Drew. Weakness, &o. Bead the adverVeement in another column, headed Itelmbeld'a Genuine Preparation." my2o-6tinal BATCHBLOIthii HAIR Lira. — . flue celebrated and perfect Hair Dye is as but in the world. All others are more imitations of this great original. which Ilan gamed such extensive patronage in all Pang of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Mould H3lll DT* icrlastfe produces a splendid Mack or natural brown, without staining the skin or injuring the hair. and will remedy the iit *Pas of bad dyes, invigorstint the heir for life. Bold br all Druggist, and Perfumers. Wholesale by raINEeITOCK Er. 00., DYOWAr & CO.. fh,ledelv6i. 4 3807111 & BAKER'S OBLEBBATBD NOISELESS SEWLNO Wile Host in the for Eamily Ravine'. Ns. 730 CH N.RTNUT tat,...it. Philadelphia. &eV -/1 ORR PRIOR OWTHYNG OF TEI UTAST MITI.Mi matte In the beet manner, OzerOsely ter EE VAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prices marked In klara Figures. All goods made to order warranted ratusfautury. Our ortE-PRICE system is striatly ad- cored to. Ali are thereby treated alike. JOPiEB4h CO.. 004 MIA RICE'S &net OAR ORORARD ACID tiPRING WATICR.-- PalnPhiete containing the opinions of celebrated Chem ists and Physicians respecting the use of this WATER in the case of many Macaws of the human alatent, will be wangled Mint on annbeetion to FREDERICK BROWN, FIFTH and CRESTNUTOtreets, or FRED ERICK.. BROWN, Ja., NINTH and CIiBISTNUT Streets. CALL AND DDT A PA.N.PTILDT. INNI3-if 0 it 11 1 . VA $D ...11.1NT/NG, iSissl . AND wensr— litST iN the .Cttr. at 34 Bone THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING-, Best and OheaDeet in the city. at 34 Reath THIRD Street. BILL -BEAD Pitircrytiq, !lest ntul Cheapest in Ulm city. AVI 34 South THIRD Street. PAMPEILET PRINTING, and every other tlesolio• tion of Printing, of the most superior quality, at the moat reasonable rates, at RINGWALT & BROWerig. Dr.. 41'."14 Minn . , 34 Routh TH I Ttri xtrent. MARRIED. PRICE-RILWORTR.--On June ath, in Philadelphia. t Mende ceremony. in the preeenoe of the Mar or. Pdward A. Priem, of Media, Delaware county. to Sarah P.. youngest daughter of the !ate Joseph Dilworth, of 20.!eouty. tonal county, * EIMER-HAAS,--im the 3d iustant. by the Rev. Alfred LI udernaek, Augustus Delmer to Mies Carrie A. D.ans. daughter of the Into John K. Rana, both of kIEISCff- D 1 POlB.-At Franirferd. on the 4th inert : : by the 'Rev. Levi Meech. the Rev. Sir, W.Meeet, of Burlumtun,'N. J., to Miss Jeannette Du Bail, of Frank- - ford . , Pa * C ILAPPV EORD-A lALKM,-.On the leth ultimo, by the Rev. Silbert Gamble. Mr. David Crawford to Miss Merl A. Allen, of Phrladelphl& . T. Yl.Oll-14 CORE.-On the 4th instant, by the Rey. B. R. taxies 111. r. James M. 1 &Oar, of New York, to Mrs. Lizzie J. Moore, daughter of the officiating Mar- DIED. MA lITIM—Gn the ithinotant, anntel Martin, aged 7o oars. Fite relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral. Irani his km resi dence, liestonville. Twontr-fourth ward. this Mars dar after ernoon y , at 4 ecleck. Interment at Monument Cemet. CIO i'N--On Berond , day, the Sd mat., George Culln. in the 59th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, N 0.210 North Twelfth s treet, this ( F. fth.day ) afternoon, at 2 °taloa. * scIBOLAS.--On the 3d inst.. Sarah Beholes, in the Seth 3 ear of her age. Funeral from the residence of her Eon- in-law. Rioh'd May landollle, Dash, road. Twenty-fourth ward. to-lay. Meet at the house at 1 °Week, * HEATH —On the 4th instinr, Bettie Wayne, daugh ter of the late Charles Y. Heath. of this city. Funeral front the residence of her brother-in-law, P. Penn Osaka. No 1613 Uhestrint street, on Friday morn .. inf. at 10 o'clOok YoriK eR.--In Bristol, on the 3d instant, George Yonker, in i he 87th year of his age Funeral from his lare residence. Buckley street, Brie toi , Pa . this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 ceetocir. DA R R.—On the 4th instant, Alm. Mary A. Darr, aged TO value. Funeral from the realdenep of her daughter. Mrs. A. E. Mtehe:lon. lCsighu's Point avenue, below Broad way. Camden. N. J., this (Thursday) afternoon, at 5 o'clock .111)(0.1 , 4 —Ga the 4th ins'ant. J. Wesley, ouls sou of J. W. and J. M. Dixon, aced 3 years and 11 months. Funer aj from the reaMenne of hie parents, Flat Root, o' Doper clock anayunit, this t Tburada7) afternoon, at e 1 LrCKMAN.—On the 4th instant. Emma W. Eckman, hi the 240 year of her 11{6. Funeral from the remdenoe of her husband, Apple street, above Diamond, Nineteenth ward, on PrulaY afternoon. at 2 o'clock. FAIREIOCE.—On the 3d Instant, Henry Fairhock, in the 920 tear of his are. Funeral from his late residenoe. No. 1122 Second street. above Edward, this (lhuraday ) afternoon, at the :111 instant. Isabella O'Neill. aged (Mysore. eunersi from the residence of her son. Charles O'Neill. No. 131 Mary street, Front street, below Car pouter, this (Thursday ) mprivng.. at_9 o'clock. * PALMY 4.—Ou the 33 instant. Mu. Mary Palmer. filliut or the late Samuel Palmer, in the 78th remit)! her pile. Funeral front her late resuleuee, No. 220 Federal st.. below Jefferson avenue, south stole, on Friday after - noon, at 2 o'clock. s• PKTER6ON.-00 the 3d indent, Mn. Mergaretta - Peterson, wife of Wm./ eterton, in the fdth year of her ace. Funeral from the residence of her son. John 1.. Peif far. on the Old York natl. bylow the first Toll-ss to. this (Thursday) morning, at n) o'clock. t'4 I Lb; On the 3d instant, Walter Philees, in the 23tit year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his father. No. Ins Lombard .troot. t4ie ( • liareday) morning, at 10 o'olock. PitOtteoß.—On the ad instant, Mrs. Ann P. Prootor, agod 63 years Funeral from the residenue of her son-in-litar,Dneid %own.. Zit,. 413 Worthstreet, Fast ward. this Mars day I • , tteranon. at 4 o'clock. 111: TOURNING STORE, No 918 011 ES- isLi; r Street.—FIERSOPI & PON have in ator4.4 ti ajar. I; Cfnin ar i fti 3 Ma 8 4 aide; Taminivinee. °rave Tammatine. rhelliee, Gra arognee, rummer Bombazirosi Moussolinssi Tapioca nalzwinesi Foulars. Orr* to mine ?unit 46 Soie I..nw• a. &o. ; firenadine Berego Pointe and Bareee Pointe and Mantles, Orenedine Shawls, Crape Collars and :4 leaves. Veda of at kiad4. finaliaa Crepes, and all other goods requisite for Mourning at bee ro. —We buy Mid *ell for Glen. ;ea .vmetvanzazzazt riEhint Street. THIS /IP Prn'Ofloit 4 a'olook.* ,‘ it 0 Og'iT D. MW...ETIING OF THE INSUeeNCP.I.9.OI the P eiNmyl,_ Jane 3 1861, W M. G CRIAVELL was elenteraPAAY. in, since of Beaton Smith. deceased. 0 itb at JnN. PATT CASON. President. WWI" OTICZ wrociilioLmens,— THE 11,..5. Annual Meetkna or tao ato."./d . ". or the Germantown Passenterltailway company in he held at the Oka ..f the Cankrally, 800 H. and DIAMON Btrefts. bstween the hours of 1 and S o'clock on MON DA . June /o,or the VllTiposa of 010a/ing fo r rank/eat. Treasurer, and nine Managers, to serve the en mama year. By order of the Board. JOB I'H FINGERLY, Beery. and Treasurer pro tem. l'hitadelph , a. May 24,3361. my2s-tjela 101411.1. E.—OFFICE or THE PENN bI LVANIA FARINA COMPANY, w. (Wi ner BROAD and VINE • treete. All tiers Ala having el , tine against the Pennsylvania Farina ca holding Bread Tickets inane.% by it, are requested to preaent the same. tor Payment , to the underaittned. on Ot before the first day of AUGUsT next, on which day the al sire of the Coanoiny be c'oeed according to law. myth th 6 YDW Ali D B. FERRIS. Eenretary. PHILADELPHIA: ADD ERIE MEETING RAIL- Rol ll . OF STOCKHOLDERS. MDETIN C. of the toekeoldereof the Phi , adelphis and Erie Rai'road Company_will be held at tho Office of the Compan , . on THU HADA Y, Juke 2 !WI. at 10 o'clock A. m., fix the pu-oose of consi dering a proposition navint for its object the early oomZetion and leasing of the railway of the said Com pany. Or order of tha PLtuotent andlloard Qf Illanstere. ids t 27 w. EU W. 8r oFFOKlN.earetarr. a' WE HAVE EMPLOYED ORLI. FROM THE PROTESTANT EXCIIANGE,Eonthwest EoMar SECOND and N RO! Illtreets. and take nleatnire in recommending It to the public as en institution much needed in our city. for 110 care in selecting the beat men, women, and children as to oharacter and quali fications: J. F. ADDlCKB,6loRiscestreet. R. M 1 41.11,LICRi. (Peen and Tateehooken !greets. JU N - 4 fILIAN A roma' it, 173, 'instant arrest. b.DWII4I [RUA ERICK. ISM Arch stroet. Dr. PANCOtteT, 1132 111nunt Vernon street. JAR. 11 ICE kRIP4. 1220 Mount Vernon street. GEO. FNEgRMS N. P 47 North, Eleventh street. F. G. 0L1VE3,850 North ateth street. 130 - V.A. .llira Dad Germantown averiug. T. W11:800 1 , 210 Nohh Front street. T. MeG MR.e. 422 South Front street. M lit WHITE.= Marshall Wen. W.C. 130 K 2:11,132 01arket ekreet. W. R. RiCRARIhWi.,IIB Market street. .tod overone hutidtte _MT more. t 0 whom ro t terentie will be Ewen et the OMOa. mrau-Ont MILITARY NOTICES. - ATTE gTION !—i i HOMM GITABD." and ottErre desirous to eater the tierViee al eir, can do so by calling at 318 CUE•lTrtgrr St.. without 4elar. as the Company. having received rching orders to s go to Easton, toe Capt.l-n wishes to fill n o t the Man immediately Only a few more are Wanted. itac-se.l SALINGE.R. Captain. 1,0 0 0 MEN WANTED FOE THE UNiTED sTATES M &RINE CORPS. able-bodted• between the ages of 21 and eb ye.ire, not lege than live feat four Mai a half inahea high, and of Rood character. Solemn, nerving in thbs oePtg etlllollo wit t y at- nay, yarib. and an board United 'States shine-o - war on forage stations. All other information winch mar be desired will be given at the °die° No. 814 MARNE r Street. and at the Rendenvott4 No. foouth FRONT 6000. That Lieutenant W, EiTOKge 130vD, Recruiting Otioer. IHEADQUARTERS (X)ASPANY D, FOURTH COMPANY MONRO( GUARD.—PIII - Mal If, 1851.—Wei the undersigned, &Min of GOMBIIII De Fourth CRWPIAT War" Guard, on behalf et the Company, return oar 'leave thanks to the Trustees of the American Mealtimes' Dail, corner Fourth and George streets, for their kind nem involunteartng to the Company the nee of the Hall for Dnlls, and have extended every fatality in their power to aid the Company in their undertaking. we f... 1 ourselves tinthlf luting 011isstioror for the kindness dine extended. wer. W. SWENIC, Capt. Company D. JOHN S. RUHL,jet Lieut. JOHN 8. DONNELL, 28 Lieut." IaiLITAISX GOODS. COTTON DUCK, gUITABIE FOR TENTe, FROTHINGRAM WELLS my29•i tf J _ ON TLIOANLEVS, 311 OTIESTNu_ Street, north side—the oldest establiabineot in the 'United States. INDIA-RUBBER CIAMP BLANKETS, For knoysed N Fenipmente. kr zi siNT u BRE GA IPtgi f iCAT . Se K GK 11 A VICSAHAVERSAtat5. RCC CANT ...ENS, TENTS. NUN COVERS, GUN COVERS, I.l.lrEd, oparEts, chro, o ro, MAW. And every other article that to ruanufootured or India Rubber—is of the beat flattened. my3-1m if JOHN THORNLEY. GOMPRES 'ED BULL ETS.--Uni ted States Milne alu et chipi tulip 731.11.5 ex. TJ/ aoription of Round and Corneal Ballets matatiaatared opaer. Large stooge nor:want!! on hand. Orders filled attaght by THOMAS °Us LEROY & CO., Patent shot and Lead Wo , ea. 2til and til6a WATER Street NEW YORk. m If-1m rii EN TB, T NT 8 . JIL lam prepared to furnish from 100 to 160 Tents Der day, at reasonable prices. JOHN W r Lent, No. 73 7 ISOlt`h COND Atreet, Ja.ut Or Dna. sss sou Tn. RRTAIL DRY DOOM WiTar:ffiTXLE-8-Tadit"- HOSIERY, HOSI ERY, HOsiERY. HOS IFIRY, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS; TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, T,RtMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, FOR SALE AT RETAIL. FOR ()ASH. AT RETAIL FOR CASH, AT RETAIL FOR CASH, AT RE FAIL FOR CASH . , AT RETAIL FOR CASH. The Sutaferibers offer for sale, on and after THURSDAY, 6th INST., AT THEIR STORE, NO. 409 MARKET STREET, NORTH SIDE. NO. 409 'MARKET STREET. NORTRSLUE. rto. 409 MARKET STREET, IVATE . SIDE, O. 409 MARKET SULI l T. NORIK FROM 9 A. M. TO 5 P. M. THEIR STOCK. or GOODS FOR CASH, RETAIL, AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES As kinds -al COTTON HOSIERY. NEEDLES, PINS, GLOTTAL ROOKS. AND EYES, LACE MITTS, SKIRT BRAIDS, ZEPHYRS, 'TAPER BRAIDS, SHETLAND WOOL. COMBS, BRUSHES. SPOOL COTTONS, PERFUMERY, BUTTONS, WIDERcHIRTe, (Of all Descriptions) Merino, &o.) Also, a Full Assortment of Dress Trimmings, BUEtNET r. SEXTON. Sc SWEARINGEN. je6 tf NO. 409 MARKET STREET. m • L. HALLOWELL isc Co- IMMENSE WHOT.V.SAT ;F1 STOOK, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, MANTLES, ,te., Ac., &C., FOR SALE AT R E-T A I 1.4 At much below the ordinary wholesale rates. 3'lov. 333 MARKET and ST Worth FOURTH.. Streets jel *trt th let CONTINUATION Or IBM. GREAT SALE OF CLOAKS, LACES, TRIMMINGS; &a., In liquidation of the Estate of J. W. PROCTOR dc Co., NO. TOS OREETNUT STREET. The Stock connive of SPRING CLOAKS. ENGLISH TWEED CLOAKS, SILK CLOAKS AND I3ACQUES, SILK MANTILLAS, MANTILLAS, LACE FLOUNCING'S, FRENCH LACE MANTILLAS, FRENCH LACE POINTS, FRENCH LACE BOURNOUX, TRAVELLING SUITS, FLOUNCING LACES. DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, Ac., All in immense wisty, and to be meld at about one half the uenaLprieee, for the benefit of creditors. PAM MANTILLA EMPOIUUM_ m7B-It4 PAM CLIEB ati to - S dtreet. CLOAKS, COATS, LAOS MANTLES! FOR LADIES. /8188E6, AND CHILDREN. In Style. Magmas, and WOrkuninebip, We defy eom betitiOn• Our PrMee are lower than ever. At the " Old established Cloak e tore." No. 40 SOUTH SECOND Street. N. A —All orders promptly attended to. je3 dt• 8. V. R. HUNTER. PARTIOULAR. ATTENTION IS RE- Quested to ou r fine stook of ORGANDIES. FINE LAWNS.. AND SILK HEAL LI Me, Which. in sonessuenee of the times. will be dimmed of 41 sacrificed MOH. ORM n IPMUS do sot', 29 EIGHTH. AND ARCH. IMA ss celestite atercussu co sir cioss ited to inspoot the stook at IVENS'. No. 23 South NINTH street, oorner of Jayne et. my 31-1 m Between Marcet and Chestnut. SPRING QLOARB, IN LIVERY NEW 61110, 6t tvurts , , no al-ha No. a H. Piiivh street. lilaNg _ . SPRING °LOAM, TUE CBE &PEST aver seen, at WU linAla, *3 S. Ninth Arent._ -,; t ;;,„,.„vg i 5,,,121..0A1ifi, EVE, RY NEW ever one, at the large Pi: P.lloos..that astonish and walnut s, reeta. 0r.„4 A DAMS & SON'S STOOK to be closed oat at L 0 NEST WilOL ERA L E 1 3 1110 FS, Cheater :than if a discount 'were taken of after the sale wag made. EIWITA ANL ANON. lam ADAMS & SON'S STOOK TO be closed cnit at LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES. Cheaper tiattu if a. dumount we mikep off after the rale vim made. rltutt.ra D Axon. nm 29 CITY CLOAK STORE, No. 142 w. Eighth street. above Cherry. are now gelling every new eiyle of the mason superb cualitiee, in every pew chute of color. cheaper than any Other more in the eitY. in 01- 1m NSW PUBLICATIONS. ONE . 0! , TEM MOST ASTOUNDING REVELATIONS POLITICAL TREASON AND CONSPIRACY THE WORLD EVER WITNESSED Is dragged to light in that work just raorintad, en titled THE PARTISAN LEADER. 2 vole Price SO Cants each. navel publialaod 'nearly 96 7.0.** oito:lnv amnia tion at the tooth. and for dissimulating 01911D1019 8811 timente. It foreshado ws with appalling aocuracy ornsy event now transtorinc. Privately printed and circulated in 183 n, its treason tiros too itypo.ront p its reappearance at this day ShOWS US that treachery WWI ODIT smouideringi to burin out with redoubled organization at the present day. A -orb which exposes lonia °omelet. ly the machir.a lions and diabolical plane of the polities!, demagogues who burp, for so many been plottiar the over throar el the U 014041 Maus Goverameut• Now that the atroarent fiction weaves into a reale reality. sable interest in the document becomes sin • sularly deep and wide-spread, Copies soot by mail. rostlole PIM, OR rieeip Of price, by RUDD ac CARLETON. Publishers. ie6-01stu.3t 1;30 GRAND Street. New I ork, T OE DOUTRINE AND POLIOY 01 PROTECTION, WITH TILT HISTORY OF OUI TARIFFS, PROM TIM ORGANIZATION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERN- KENT TO THE FJLEEENT TIME. P.! DR. WILLIAM ELDER, Now that a desperate assault le.beinn made upon the new Tariff to soreiudiee the public) in advance against it, and, if possible. to have it repealed. it is important that Its 11.191;0 ehould be prepared to combat the specious arguments of its - antagoniele. Nottued will better MOM this purpose than the ciroulation of the pamphlet whose title is quoted above, which Is one of the ablest and most lute reedits documents that have ever appeared in support of the true Amefioatt policy of fostering the wrest oshassrimt I.i.eisibt of ear °Gunn's, It will he forwarded by mail or ezprese for 10 cents per single copy ; 715 cents per dozen ; e 5 per hundred. Address RINGWALT & BROWN, 104 r NO. 130V/11. TRIED atreet.Philadelehm. 1110010, LA* AND tilsozLLANEous, new and old, bought, gold and exchanged at the PR ILATlFilintili - DAN K SOOK STORE, ?o. 419 ORESTEOT ntreet. r.ib'ear. at a &lianas euesbased. These Laving B pg ooks to midi, at a distance, will state their names, slam bindings, dates, editions.vices, and conditions. WANTED—Boote printed by Sonja min Frank4n, as well as early Books printed in and upon America. Autograph - Lettere and Portraits car 05,:eed. Paicohlet Laws of Penns! iiimus for gals, Geite - lemma. in Weil, lent free. JLlbrorien ISPlpraicod feEl-tf 301111 cAmPBE'LI, BOOTS AND SHOES. VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION! BOOTS FOR CAVALRY AND atoEs FOR INFANTRY, Bendy on hand. and made to order, of the beet mate: rude and workmanship, at LEONARD BENKERT'S Wholesale and Howl not% and eli.o ,tatablmh.s.nt, 716 OHE81:141/1 Street, opposite ransom° Rail F. S.—BOUTS, SHOES, and GAITERS for Youths on band, and made to order, in workmanship and style meal to Gentlemen's wear, myse-tf LEGAL. IN THE (MUM OF COMMON PLEAS FoR TIIE CITY AP Uri ID COTi OP 1 1 .111 L i A. Notice is hereby given that the suheerlber has applied by petition to the Court of mon Beas for the City and County of phibuielphia f o ra final dinotruge tinder the propounon of the ingt)lVent %WI of this Common- Want. WOloh nppltoMmu win he h.nott by the laid Court, at the, Court Room. to the middle building r f the State Rouse, rhita el Oita, at 10 A . hi., on the 14th day of JU MC. U 1961. when and where ell creditors of the undersigned may attend, it th-•• thinkop prer. Jed-thatU.dt JUL' uti AMES N. KING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, R.gligOVED TO No. 139 SOUvR FIFTH STREET, lea n t ,- Above Woloot street. ipe WORT TO WHERE YOU WILL FIND JI- 1 1 , the molt skill and best arrangements. to brotery,SECOetD Street. above Green, wheje ion got Colored Photography for WARTS. WAN URD—A Seeond-hand BILLIARD TABLE. Give fall aattioulara—maket'a name. kind of wood, ho w , lonk in nee. and loweet *mice. Address '• it. ft-, at true ofltee• 1,6 2t." WANTED—Men of intelligenco and plaseine address an Travelling. Ag.nta. A chanue to make money, and no lingib_ne. Address, enth et • moo or oall upon S. B. 88A31a24, 139 South 10H VII Strera lel fit.• VW At:TEM—AGENTS to sell PACKA GES trSTA TrON ER Y_ and JEW d lIRY. at or o a n or lr t r a th m an e fiaj o r; ou OJ. BALET.II:: tr 4 dint T r titrael. Batton. Masa. m a" EMPLOYERS, WANTING YOUNG Men. /to.. vre ainvited to address the" Meier meet Couoruttee.' eV the Rooms of the Yup . l en , • Chnetian Asecoistion, 1009 and 1011 CH ESTNUT Street. aeS-am FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO LET—In PRICE Etreet, GER mattANTO API. a handsome COVTAOL w.th Irmo- Wel yard, well shaded. Andrea Weenie 4ilrioe, Altkird Ptreett near the russet jeti•n• FOR SALE—A FARM of 44 acres. zimand one of 10 acres, ;n MONT 6 OXMAN' 00UN Tv. near Radioed. Land, beet qua ny, With' good bnild lANA, fruit. water, &0, ApplY W Joe tapxo-OF' WM. hOwaITEW., Norristown. at TO ittNT -A HOUSE AND LOT BllLat RIVERTON. N. J., 10 milos from the oity. The dwelling is partially famished. and the grounds well supplied with shade and fruit trees. he property is on the De anco, and there ie frequent oommunioation With the oily by reanpboat and railroad. It will be rented low to a definable tenant. ddresq, personally or by letter." Riverton Cottage." 800 ARCH 81. )es-St' if gg FOR SALE—A HOUSE and LOT, AZA.desirably located on MAIN street. Burlington. N. J. Amity to WM. M. 0_0141.1516, 506 MINOR dtreetryknisaalohts. FRANKLIN WOOLIVIAN, MAIN Street. Ilurlinsten. Or to P.plB-thutu2lt• TO BENT—VERY LOW.—}lard. NEL some nrw RESIDENCE), Poutheast corner of TWKINTY-FIK•T and irtssieors streets. Possessron immediately. Keys '907 Coates St. iet-St* maFOR SILE.—The Store and Dwel hug, iNo. 211 ARCH Street. Terme very 11000111 - =dating. ADM, to ALLAN k Aida" a. E. corner FOURTH and wat,riur etc, ie4 6t* nettond floor. AMTO LET—A Desirable HOUSE, with all the Medarn .fimsrovernents. surrounded with shade and ornamental Trees. No. 08 ihoon street Bur lington, N. J. Apply to • R. P. MIDDLKTOI 4 1, myld-tf G North FRONT t.treet. di TO LET-A DESIRABLE DWEL LI/ONO 123 North THIRTEENTH Strom- Apply tg_ wHTHERILL & BROTH&R, 47 and 49 North SECOND Eitroot. mdt4-tf CHESTNUT-STREET DOUSE and STORE to rent.—The desirable buionou location. 13a CHERTN UT Sireet, wall dwelling attached. Ayply at 431 CHESTNUT &tree?. a GERMANTOWN PROPERTY To RENT.—To Rent, the large_ end coinmodions modern-built Renee, oorner of AIU,IAT street end WILLOW Avenue. with gas, bath, hot and cold wato,r and alt the modem improvements, Allot" to BERRY S. TARR, 710 GREEN Street. Philadelphia, or on the premises. ardl•ti ga TO RENT-TWO 00IIN TR elm 130138E8 one mile from Tenon,. Inquire No. 717 V7A I,l4U'r Street. mtiNt-fm• • TO NT.—Two Houses on Race street, one So Miami the other No. In. Said houses are complete al hall the modern improvements. In quire at No. 136 ttaCE Stre t. jet St* EINT—A very desirable STORE, ee tee riluth-41 1 ,1 2 0t groat or ` r The Continental Hotel." The store at Ninth en Hansom etreets Sept. °Jahr adapted fur IaSePPLP and naarmaa Maker. Apply to JOHN MOE, rei-t: SUL thpszt NINTH. end eAl , ll4Oal etreete, T o RFINI.'-THE LARI4E AND CON. VENIENT Coal Wharf and Lumber 'bard. at Maxim/duals, Twenty-fourth ward. Apply to. E. C. k, P. R. WARREN. on the premisee. ruhlt-tf I'OR EXCHANGE. —A 0110IOR TRAUT of good unimproved farm land in the nate of Neil rs Jeey. convenient to the oity, wilt be exchanged Ler eitym-tr omerbs. Apply at No. 11RFEDERIU, Zitreet, RR. CORSON,RFAL ESTATE BROKER • AND CONVEYANCER. rioaaiSVOWN, —Real Eetete bpaght gad sold on reasonable terms.stares and dwellings for agile or rent in Norristown and country. Good mortgages negotiated. Collections made. The bed retereuoes riven. (121-43rn SALES BY AIOCTION BY tAAMVEL H &TOR, BOSTON, OFFICE CORNER COI' GRES% WATER, AND k3ATIT. OTREEI3. PEREMPTORY BALE OF 300,000 POUNDS FLEECE WOOL, ON THURSDAY JUNE 12, 1261, AT 12 O'CLOCK M MESSRS. TYLER & RYLEY Will sell at tbeir Warehouse, NOE. 11474' 800 ' • To the Highest Bidder. THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND FOUNDS Nk.;W YORK, 0910. AND I'AMBIGAN FLEECE WOOL, a considerable portion or which la suitable for making ATMT Giotto, es , alogooF on rtloilday, loth _ HATCH, Ahettonaer. B a Z AAR, STREETS. PaREwPTORY L.E OF .F.LtAT MATCHED HORS WATSON COACH. CAR RIAG'ES, WAGONS, ItI.FIGH, RORFS, &o. ON SATURDAY MORNING, At 10 o'clock. at the Bag tar. Will be sold. Without re serve, Um following horses. &c.. toe property of a gen ,lernen oreakins Up hie at...61a, Vi! ! betide - Ma. tde.ant VIA cher] gray coach horses, over 1G exeeiled in - I,llklOrlf fl .ty,ng tails. relieved to n e e un commended, in all itratlT ritl le and autv. and r . re horaes. - es perfect family carriage An elegant coach. by Watson. cosi A out-under Germantown carriage, Watt I, and winter front. by Watson. A tight phaeton. by Watson. A Itsht top wagon. by Wa•son. A Germantown was on, by Junsurth. Three sets double harness, by . Gallagher. one of which is new saddles, bridles, covers. &o. A so. an Albany fermi, sleigh, for two horrs. Alto, an en ire new wagon. with door behind and - tide seats. for carrying passengers to it'd from the railroad._ Or Nate positive. No postponement on account of the Weather. *sr May, be seen br ailing at the Bazaar. At !rime time will he sold a large collection of valua ble =Lehr d are singic-harness horses aid tome de sirable saddle horses, ALSO, An aseertnient of DM anti seaond-Ii anti ontriages wagons harness, It dales. Ito,. tnalutimg An elegant into '8 saddle, cost ells, with which the gale will commence. No postponement on accoun t of the weather. je6-2t-if ALFILedi M. 11ti1tKNE88, Auctioneer. OANDIN BOARDING.—STRANCiERS visiting the own and others desiring enverior SAW= dations In the most beautiful part of the nit!, can be Tinted by evidication to NUM BitOOKC. N. E.. corner siX- Th.ENTII and LOCUST Streets. Private Parlors, :with Bed Rooms adjoining, for ningle gentlemen*? families. Terme moderote, iet&-svg ARMY AND NAVY SUPPLIES. gIBPAOPOSALS FOE ARMS. Sealed Propose.bs will be received at Springfield, Illi nois, on or before the twelfth (12th) day of June next, at noon. by the undersigned coturnissioners on the part of the State of Illinois. for furnishing, delivered at epringfield. Illinois, the following arms and equip ment,. , ttwetve (12) 6.11)1 bran guns. rifled, Six (6 112-lbe brass howitzers, rifled- Twelve (12) caissons for 6 lb rues: 8 4 z (6) caissons lor 12 lb howitzers. Three (3) travelling forges. Three (3) battarJ Wagons. Three (3) spare sun carriages. tine hundred and ninety eight (/09) Meteor ertillell harnees, with ad the unplemenre and equipments, tor three companies of light artillery complete, oorres ponding in all respects with the ELIMII and equipments need by the United tatatee, and W be embieeted to the same rem. One thousand (1.01:0) cavalry sabres. One thousand (1.000) pairs cavalry pistols (revolvere.) one tboumnd (1.000) earbuges. One thousand (1,01H1) holsters. Quo tlionaand (1,003) belts. To correspond in all resposta to the like arms and ap pendages used in the service of the United biases and of the newest and most approved style and dniah, and to be subjected to the same tests. The commissioners reserve the right to reject any proposal not sansf.ctory. The terms Of payment ender law, nighty per cent, on delivery, Mont/ per cent. 0.. ''''doge te ` n 01 Miltlan jj" Address eornanissionere for DlllOOOO of CUM, —e., Springfield, Hilenta. JAS, H. STONES, ) JOAN TiLLaoi. Commintoners. my24-20t W M. 811.F.Paitgb. p'URE PORT WINE. POI! SULU. 11 1 1 C. H. MATTSON, ARCH. AND TENTH STREETS. ies Ipituto , s-EYS VIEW of TILE SEAT OF WAR—noe best and moat authentic! MAP OF TElh: BRAN OF WAR. how ready. Copies ONE DOLLAR. EARL) Galleries. ies 2t* G CH ItteTraiT St. va silArai' D.I.ROMNS. TlllB DAY, In Bowl ETS. CAPS , and I3PAD-DREBSEB, at the New York Store, 27 so uth TENTH Street. above Cheemut, p jea 12t ROW. HIRAM VONsoN will give Pi , " rata Lerions in the pity and vta-mt-y. darint the summer months. In Eiooution, Mathematics. end tbe C mashie, at one half hie usual ralee. Ape deuce. 3t 9 • 47 epituce. straw - ,o 4 tattle TEE PARTNNRSUIP X I ERETCFORR eeistin betemee..tbe unaersignea,auctor UM firm of BLACKik BUKK h . in the Wine end Liquor luusi- WOW, is this day eiss. , lved by mutual eonsset. Thu business of the firm will be settled In' J. H. BLACK, the remaining Partner. 11. BLACK, B. A. MULE. rhiladOlDbift, JUL 6 1,1801. i nliAti ANDTURTLE SOUP SERVED la up even iloY by JAMEIS PROSSOIt , urria-vc ge.g. KARIM afoot. a f i AOISERIIA, fiItRUING, MAD, dAL aielsoko.--I,oca bb:s. Meer N05..1,11, and Meek ere, end in extorted PsoSagss of .hoies late-saagh t fst _ 1,411) Pfelr itattl&X. mem& sr' I" ` "" ring, of ohobis qualities. 11.006 boxes extra new staled Nerrins. 1,000 bones extra new No.l Nernnew• 344° b"egmkarrel rtinistine Merines bbie. saltine° While Pik., bbln. new Nonnoingr 16 bblz. new Bastßegiti, 914 iPOD Quintals Grand $OO bones N.ork4esee-oOnnil ?Mese. stsre sa i for UirPHY & HOONB_,_ N.. 1 1 11 IsORTH WHAR.YEB. rt SHOEMAKER & CO, (LAOS, PAINTS, 011" AND TAll43ll3Sizeit rtorthesat Corner.FOURTH and II'ACIB Brae% del4-itin = AMUSEMENTS WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. . . • • solo Lessee.._.__ Mu. at. 11. GARRYrriMktt• Beeinese Arent Pr TIVIA BU r ' JOIR INSFS 1 0. MV ' "" Y ' THIS (TH URSDAY 'II vF ) oiNivri June nth, You"' 1100LEY 4.• CAMPBFLL'S MINSTRELS, Prom Alit:, 7 s 'moo . , Broadway. Atm York. The Programme will ommiat of a the No ngs . Dam . ' e. rte., in which the whole of thae Star Trollop w. - I ammitr. The week, to conclude with the new Ethiopian Faroe, asuou 1 ovE , B I:OG(10E8 Doers °Pan et 7% o'nlook ; com to nos at 8. ASSEMB' Y IticIUDINI4B. TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS! SECOND WICKS. BITERUO3COP (CO N or the SOUTH ERN REDSZAIDON A rd Sand.rann's GUMMI° NIOVIZIE PANORAMA OP THN RU-S AN WAR. TWO EX!. ill .10NR COMB rIvP.D. MONDAY EVENING. Jane 3d, And Eveu V0701;111 during thin eey a Ne,W AND IN crisKATINo-viitWS. Amass nation of Colon.' Pilsworth ; Brownell. the Avenger of Eneworth .; I:Haworth's' item 1011 in State ; Monument to Elleatorth's Fame; March of U. 8. AM, into Virginia : Croasing . the Long _prides over the Po tomac. ( „ Y moonlight 0 tinnier F erry and Reim Btt tome antantid fdao or the Seat or War: Son keen Cities • POI ta Monroe, moultrie. and Sumpter ; Atteet on the'Maseaohueette soldiers and unarmed Pearuulves nians in Baltimore, and other important scenes con nected with the war. All the Battle/ of the Russian War. Igrßand of Mush, in attendance. Admiaaion 28 cents ; children IA /Ante . Doom open at Commence at 8. DAY PERFORMANCE EVERY AFTERNOON. at 3. ie3 St pr ENNA. ACADEMY OF TEM FINE A/T5...1025 GIIVITNUT STREET, The•Thirtv-elghth ANN UAL EXHIBITION of PAINTINGS and BCULPTUItE is now open- Admictame 25 cents; Beason Tickets BO cents; °pi dren half price. Catalosues 10 cents. etookhol ere will receive their thilmte at the Aoadenrr. °POD PC Irons 9 A. M. WI 7 P. AL, and frame F. AL till 10 Pi SUMMER RESORTS. CIFLESSON SPRINGS, CAMBRIA CO. J ; PA —Thar delightful and •tiehulay 0/ rce of summer resort. Located directly on the line of the Penney mania Railroad. on the summit of the Allegheny mountains, twenty-three hundred let above the owel of the ocean. wili be neon fur gusate the Ruth of JUNt . ninee last season the grounds have been greatly Improved and beautified. rendenog Gramm one of teo most ronotntio end attractive p'ac-s in via &Ate. The furniture le tieing thoreuudy renovated. 'rhe seeker of pleasure. and the mutterer frown neat or disease, will hind art !Tui tions here. in a first-wilts tivory Stalik, Billiard Taboo. Tenpin Adam Bathe, he.. together with the mummy and water, aria tue mat magnificent ILIOULI th In scenery to be found to the weary. Tickets good fur the round trip from Philadelphia, 8760; from Pitwburg, Ups For further information, address G. W. M ULLJN, • jet•lnt Creation Ppyinge. Cambria Co., Fe. HOWLAND'S HOTEL.- EIRA j3ATIIING, LONG BRANCH, N. J. The subscriber will °yea hi■ hotel for the OF VLSI/ORS on !stun's,. June 15, IND. m131.2.m. H. HOWLAND. Probrietcr. U - 1 PHRATA MOUNTAIN NPRINGS, • LANCASTER COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA. We celebrated 'Metering Place will OM for ven ters on the 5d day of JUNE. with all the attractioris of former emulous. :Situated on a mountain 1,200 feet above tide-water. overlooking the rieheat agricultural 0001317 in the world. the air perfectly ours and dry at all times, ren ders it proverbially health,. There are ample accommodations for 400 visitors— fine graded walks through the forest to the various sprinss and summer houses on the mountain and to the obee.rvaiory, from the top of which is presented to the 11)8 MSG of' the finest and moat @retentive ellinaL ramie views to be seen. 1 good livery is kept on the place, end beautiful drives around ; hot and cold bathe ; a splendid band of Music (from the liermania, of Phi ladelphia;) bowling alleys and billiard saloons. with the latest iv proved tables. Largo sardhos attached to tha place, from which all the vegetables are taken freak( for the table. which, :00, will be supplied from the Phil.delehin end Baltimore markets. as well tug from the rich atrieulturai country around. Careful and attentive servants. neen connected with the establishment for some years with tee iareproprietor. the undersigned 111111181 the old Patrons of the place and me Pirdie generally . that it will be conducted. in every depart is eta in its former popular Way. Visitors to the Springs will take the O&M to Lanoas ter, thence to miles staging over pleasant roads and through a beautiful country. Through tickets horsed at the_ a vennetivettiti , ttatlread 01 4 E .:er L L!)ToPf 4'n and .terilen.ST Streets, Philacelphm.. For further particulars or circulars the protinetor refers to JILL& B. M.Y.Eltd. corner (BIRD and ViNE Streets, and to JeNl Ks B. BNYBUN. No. 2 North ti/XTH Street.Phr ;,or d reg Lt. gbA Yin AKER, nts24.2ai if Ephrata P. 0.. Lancaster no, Pa. WIRTZ SULPHrJR. SPRINt,B HOTEL, CARLISLE. Cumberland county, Pa. - The Proprietor" take pleasure in "nuomicituttO the public that this magnificent establichmentfra now open tor visitors. Persons wishing pure mooning' air, mali gning waters, bathing, finning, ana good living, at row eonnble prices. cannot do !letter than to try them' Sunup" For_partioulars. "end for caroulath to WM. B T - I R"U 6 / 1 - 3, ? or the city of Pew-York, so d D. C. DUANE S Proprietors. mvrOst BEDFORD SPRINGB.—A. G. ALLEN respeatfollr informe the public that this well eats- Wished and popular watering place re now open for the race:Won and aoeommodetion of visitore, and will be kepi oven untii the fir's; of Qotc.bor, • erberus wietan4 Bedford Ntiaoral Water, will be Imp plied at the llpringe at the following eriees.ois: For I bhl !polo— ----00 " " 3 4 " roa " k)— S 00 2 00 Bottles, 34 pint, per d0e......... . Parties Wushing h+6mol.or a ey rmation in regard to the pleco, will address ice B drool Mineral Brings Company, Bedford- eennwrironnin. remelt. BEETLE'S HOTEL, ilitltftfErßllfte; PA. The mantaement or tine well-known Hotel having been /eased by lid.^asra COY,.E & It. thepresent proprietots beg leave to inform the publie that the Howe in now Wine thoroughq REM/VAT-D. RN FITTr..O, and ISIYRO Y;Li, with a view to the proper and comfortable accommodation of those who inap ihVar the establishment with their custom. Guests wll .pralmtte. due en- tine and courtesy, and so ex. pens- wi na XpaTeld til3L -Isrtracirohy6ss4o4.;4ll4WlTCYnring sojourn in Harris burg during the summer month";win a d pleyeant it° Hoarding and large and welt-ventilated establishment, upon moderato terms °1" at-oarestablishment , mHOTT COYLE. TY I7- :m J. OMB ratT Etna& ' QUMNigit B9ARDING.—A few Retarders k-ean be accommodated inn private family. Loos_ lion desirable. gronnds ex tenet ve and shady, within ten mimes of the city by (elf, Apply CHIARLEM KA•GH L•'23 POINT. by letter to lititinbni Poet Offiee. or via South-street Ferry. myin tuttur6r CIELARLES hi. lits - zialwAlrc J ICIE•COLD BUPA WAZFAI - - WITII 1irtme.......„R I/ P 8 • FRESzi ....niTlrt, a- T AT NORTHEAST Cr+ Diu - L . OTREETS. 4Nu bitigsi:• Rho Soda Wat.r is drawn from naivete - in - 1.. Fountains. pare and spark ling, well charred with car- -- beam acid gca. ltio ,Nrups are prepared with the highest regard to retamog the Erkrtmar. FLAVOR O7 TVA FRUIT. No rains Will De snared .hi Initial:J - 1 e the high character which this Fountain has &ire 7 at tained. Bottled Bode, Water at 37% cents per dozen. Congress Water, fresh from the springs, oonslthair teartly on hand. ray: LAIN uNdarieß 00111PA1' 11. FAME INSURANOE OOMPAINT, .;+1.n..4.410e. C .S'2NUT FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE, Dlitltc7Oßs. Saone W. pay. ---?! Dar r. & INlzaook. larnual Wrinht---- . Brae tic Cs. D. B. Dirty" Dr_vo & BirneY. Henry Lewis. Jr— " Lewis Bros & CO. C. itionardson, " J, C. Morro et. co. Gomel T. Boiline...-Freet Wzoraing Canal Casesft. Jun. W. Everman.--of J. W. &merman & Co. Geo. P West " West & Fano& G. S. " gr. 0400. Martin s & Ga. O. Wilson Davis-,,,,,,AttorTlei - st - law• • E.l). Woodrafr-- „ ,or Woetralt. Jug. Kessler, Jr -._—_- 110.1713 Green 41;reet.. GEORGE W. DAY,Presiderit. FRANCIS N. BUCK. Vine President,. WILLIAM . ; 1. 81, A NCH AR D. enrAtArr S&VING FUNDS. V 6 AVINGI - PUN FT) dTATI Po ma COMPANY, earner THIRD and OHM NUT arrest... iNTERESI FIVE PER CENT. B. R. CRAWFORD, Pratident. JA3IE3 R. HUNTER., Secretor! awl 71re:sourer. Olficithours. from ID until 3 o'clock. ON Wampum' s not joined. nt Enpltantion 10 ale b T egoaintwre- i SAFES. 11111LILLIB'S SAFE DXPOT REMOVED to No. 4 i South SEVENTH Stied. near the ranklin Inetitute. The undersigned, thankful for post favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, has aeoured an elegant and convenient more, and has now on hand a lare assortment of Lillie's Celebrated PlTTought and Ch i lled Iron Fite and Burglar Proif &Agri= In irrictii faro av burglar prOM cafes made.) lie's nequel il Bank Vault, Safe. and Hank Loci& Lallie's Bank Vault Doors and Log's Wtll be furnished to order on short notice. This LS the etronyost, best protected, and a heaPest Door and Leek yet otrerva. Also, particular aliention is called to Lillit'u Now Cabinet Bat for Plate, Jewelry, Ito. ThIS MIA IS 8011 t eede‘l to surpass in style and elegance angthing Tat or. fered for tins purpoae, and is the only one that IS strict,- ly fire and burglar proof. SPIICILL NO,TICZ.—I hal, now on hand ea y twenty et Farrel, iierruig tt. C o .'s dace, most of thera,itearly nett, and aurae forty of etltat makers. eeruorquur a complete eimortment_EJ CO saw and all latalY *IL' oLanged for the now Goebrated LolUe cafe. They will ba cold at very low prices, Pleads call and exanne. roll-trif m. CI "NMI PFt ionlaytt. ARMIN FOR. TriitBE4-9BORE. —CA SID FN AND ATLANTIC RAIL K DAD • all train leaves Vine-street ferry &site , su..days excepted) 7 3 1 1 A. ra. Returning, leavea Atlantio— 3,20 P. Fare-,14.11.11111.1. , 1 Roll nd•trlic. tlOkata, goad for th ree deve S.l. in UnSIOTI OUZO. fl 01? MELO, Bettina's, and O. her hotels. are now Open. je3 tf .INO. G. BRYANT. Agent. INIWARENWEST UHESTER TRAINS ma PBNIIIIY/AVA NIA ltAl R Au, leave depot, earner BblviV r cliall and fd. e MUM, at 8 A. 12.30 Y. m,, and 1 P.M. On &mitt!. leave Philadelphia at 7.30 M.. and Went Cheater et 4 P. al WO- tf aggirgars rVit BALTIMI 'Rf DAILY aaT. a O'CLOCK P M. BeIiTILVIORB AND PH aD " • PALA 11,11AMBOAll COMPANY. . (Ericsson latter) Via Chesapeake eau Insieware s eanal. one of t he new flop steamboats or rots coromi leave the upper eine et Che.teut street Wharrhiv Elvty APTP,RNoo.q (Pc.tdays excepted, at 3 0;00kt NW will arrive in Baltimore early the next morning. Freight or on kinds taken at the lowest rates; able, Cattle. Hemet., stook, Vetnoiee. &O. For Freight, apply at the office. el. V t54Y.541, s. Agent lcoota M►lB IM ii a dr oi t FOR NEW . YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware anit Raman CanaL Phi: welahla. sad New York 'Express liteembeat CP owl will receive freight on end otter ratirtoAV. esta. Instant, end leave &tilt at 7 F. al., deheerhar thole Mr goes in New York the following darn. Freights taken at reasonable rate,. Wlll. P. CLYDE. Agents Ns. 14 80 J A M Wfl A it s vi.s. Endedsiehis, JAMEO Ka , rt. Agent, mthwift .P f iele 14 and BABE vE.N. New York. &eatFDIC NSW YORK. Tam Phllailalehbl. fitaszn Ilarmer admiral" Witt commence their Menem ter the *pewee. ea Moamar 13th mit. Tb.eir Steamers are noir race:via; freight et Second Pier above Wainut street. Terms accommodating. AvVy to . W. ht. BAIRD & CO., turd Itiivith nirliewros Avenge.. DR. J. WlBl, No. 3() . North IIpFIFTH Street, PRIMIDELPHIA—Treata silcoessfullir L if sled loin tune, all disearea of tha LfUriv3, I itONT and HEART. euid fregliently QUM cinreVAl? torl".. li. thirst an at stage. He also rectorea all curable cllsealln 01 the b"1 IV. end .EAR. Be hae _given them Me entire momFiol , I.°l the Dui Xt Years. Wild "lilt DatzentLiaben..odesile:dir.,•t DR. WILLIAM ALEXANDER , NO. 340 FOUfavi Street, boa Pine, oriciv Douro from 0 o'clock 4. Pd. WI 9 P. ilf• m.)31-14 IN I'llE ORPHANm' CAiliff FOR. THE CITY AA o coUNTY oF eHruADEL.p d piA., In jhe matter of than e.t. audit. OUP r- diked. The Auditor appoied to audit.lame, az Kinn the account of AAIN DUFF Y. A &mainstream of the estate of 35.11613 Uvfic. deceased. and report etatubnoon of the balance remsming au her hands. villa moat the per il.. tutereereda for the ee r e' elee e t hie appoint en Cal wsine &IDA . Juee i 2. A. LI 11 3 / 1 1_ at 11 o'alOoli Ati. /11.. ac hae taffies*. Nu. 1119% Bonin FOUlall Otreec, op pOl.llO Library', Philadelphia. wv3p.fmas,ec JOHN HANIPIA. Audator. U NOH ZENG—Pure SNOW WICIOII I a l' Mas, illantwih r t*) Min la szt br W .re,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers