3ri og from reinurc, detention, or lb* consequenees sn y other le act of the tiovernment pia or peer ,ny etOding zevoiting State of this , s -b e phitsdelph i s tamer writa._ s use the following : ~w arrte r.t4 by the aseured free from loss by sei- In ca pture, Or detention by any armed veEtatl, r '. l . 'the a:lEquences of any attempt thereat; and t op riot or civil commotion, or any other hostile on the part of the Government or pool le of the ; Tow ,' slatss of the United States of Amerion." Midas which oontain either of these exempting wes are taken on vessels and cargoes at the 'via rstes of proudam. When mob a provision it; yet ;woad. and the underwriters grant a clean tb bi n g the risk of privateering thew-Malian, tyay Charge double the usual rates of premium. tbipper must detennino for himself whether Ito a the enplure of his properly by a Nivea. :t er i 2 north the additional premium charged for ibdeafinity therefrom. the fiction of the underwriters indicates that the y eiteem the lieu of lose from the oeutban, pi , t .: equal to that incurred from the petits or the , e 3 Ne •molice to the opinion that they have not in this ;:tiezate on the wrong side for them- The 2:3A market may be called dull, stagnant, or by any other epithet which repre 3nlie snt of Sa bbath-day rest amid the nsual Mr .lesot active business. The most decided advance in Lehigh Valley Railroad stock, which went ti p Id 4tl,s gain of 4 per cent since the last pre. line ;tire ort !list May- Readlag Railroad steak la arseedinoy dnil, a couple of small tote sold at 151, a bet was bid for more throughout the entire day, ~bibt it nal offered during the same time at ,; 51. It 15 seldom thaißeadinisßalfroad shares not vary six cents an prima during a day at our targeting markets. Borer Maiden tialtroad shares are very firm aid in dourind at 431. Alinebill, Pennsylvania lisiirsal, and Morris Canal are all steady. - Sank st3elcs are weaker, owing to the fears of -rya igi bi- 0 that the 7 axe carrying a large amount Altpladed paper. State stroke are steelier again, and City loans :ta tLtain I.revions quotations. Mtnis. Felt fc Lure, of Pittsburg, Tublifters of le :Taff_vat Bank Bine tzep7rter, 0110 OT tre vs( reliaOle bont.note lists puidolshei in the „ u ntil, report to us a new and dangerous coon tErfeit five-dollar bII on the Howard Banking c o mpany, Boston, Mass., whioh has just made its ,prearanee. 'Wig. Santa Clans in a sleigh, drawn by eight deer, on the roof of a house ; five females eanpel around an ornamental figure 5, 5 shell, :c right ead ; medallion head, 5 below, on left es/. The words " The Howard Banking Co." ve very blank. Bette: refuse all fives for the .went The New York Evoziwg Post of this evening sys : the stock exchange remains dull and sloggish, s:1 the tendency of prices, with a few exceptions, deamward. The public taks little or no ilaMagt stooks at p. esent, and tha bulk of the business ;made up of the operations of the brokers and meet speculators. The State stocks are evidently i,,, co me demand for outside parties, but the free ~F iq y from the West prevents any improvement in prices The absorption of such large amounts wittiout a serious decline is, however, the subject . remark. The average sales of the bonds of the bar border States, Missouri , Carolina, Ten ter See, and Virginia, loot up 8200,000 per day. 1.10 department of the market feels less of the de. pression noticed in nearly all securities, than the railroad bonds. These are confidently held by the 0 03, and thus far no defaults in interest pay SeUt, in consequence of the war, have oeourred Dm steady payment of the coupons of our railroad bonds is aeloom questioned, and this class of secu. rim were a long time ago angled, out as the safest ,e the list, and in all the violent fluctuations of the Cute bonds and fancy shares, the prices of these ;ere remained steady, and in many canes have ad vanced The market closes without oily sigma of anima n. NOW York Central cams stationary at 721 a (hiene is Irma!, Benin; at 57; t 55 rename is quiet at 101s105 ; l'aotas Mail, file i lot of z shares Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien preferred nu taken at 51. In Government bonds there IS= special move ment_ There is a good inquiry for the fives, while PIXS3 are dull at 641 for the coupons and S 4 :Jr the registered. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales., June 4,1861. iiNIVIND HT a. E. NLAT2I4,II.IIIt Merchant!' Exoleange FIRNT 140. e. RD i.) Rend 82, 5 70. , 80 11 Penni R • , o clo ss BO 1n azaiiing 1334 - ;: 1 •?C'v 6s, N, C&P 24. en ne do 16 3 / 4 , az e:00 C0a1—..5 89 lOW Read 6s. '4l —.14 89 75 &Sv Mead 2274 . II 00 do 65. 'B5 70 d0......... -es KO) Sth & eth 7.s..b&tra SO - ;5/Ileeh Raid, *XI 6 Orirard Tru5t........ 2.1 BETW.E.E DOARDi 51 Morrie Caual 29% 12 Penni. R. 37% SO , . 3.QX i -OtO do -im.eash 2 , 34 . Lek Vat R— ... 46 11L411 Leh Vol 6s —..— SECOND BOARD 5 Norris Canal...- 3slsl rfirriatown 46 7 Jtood K -- 16,a do —. XIX. , 9 d 0....--- 1536 !gay t i 19 Banta N Am_ :lug CLOSING Raucosta--QTEADY. Rid. Ashad _ , ;er t °TIN it Elmlre Ts 6331 R lit off 88 89 ,14011 g 1919.110 X.-. 2; 7 ,c . t - :116a 1101. inofr9s 95 %Leh 4.11 & P.I. 4774 76 1 ,g: 773 x ' Leh Cl & N 34 . 11.3£ 16 81111orile Penns..R. - 6 73 761,4 20 .24 Pe Nee.. 61090'43 Kro 90 1 01Penpa .11_ 99 164.mc6091_ WU' lett:micas& eree44 hos R— 37 i• & R —So 41 ftatts R 241 tut 6a n ttsoeit v me-et IL. 134 Moms Csn con. 331, 33,...":71 West Phila 67 Mom! Coa Pfd.lo:3:j 1V3,7i; gpruce & 7 734 itia 7 B2___ 1.15 [Groan dr a'n'tes 10" 60h llay.Prefe_ 11 3.214 'Chest & WaLn't. 30 Phhadelphia Markets. JUNE 4—Ryazan/. Elle Brea:Wails market is exesedingiy , quiet to-day, aadtbe prieee of 11104 fuYer the buyers. A few mall sales f Flour only a e reported at 45 Ilea 51 for onason Western and gad. renneylvanes suporGne, , i530a6 for extras. 45 250x6 75 for family, and 6'7427 15 tel for fancy brands, as in quality. The receipts are =mate, and the demand both for - shipment and home tempo at the appee Tared, hyo Fl mr and corn Xea: are alma dull, and freely (tiered at e 3 57 for the :met., and ;52 67 - 1.1 bbl fur Penns meal. here is a moderate iriquiry. with further sfes of t rea bm common to prime - Western and Penna. e1:1541135. mostly at the latter ra afloat, jrt .cdsit white ill a. malt way at 8 t 4351 as iii quality. dull, and t..e only sale is 4thi bins at a price to tie elf-r 65c. Corn is dull and to eer ; the :mi t e s very Isere. and bit) era tickling oil but asles of .iit4l bus Mau here yonow are repotted at Zia. afloat. its of inferior was wads at 13. and some ifi r rstern 3,11 d at Inc. Oats are Steady it 31531 c lor Delaware seri Venus!, ivania, arid the receipts and sales l ight. Sett: —Qugccitton him draped, and 35 Linn first No. el4l at 81s 11 7 ton. Tanest'a Dark is very de ti. C0rr...3 C here is tittle or nothing doing, and holders re firm in then' •aews. G . P.t.q•EME • Imo net tee n re, nit about 2i.VIC '1 ' Liege itlo Coll - ,e tumid hu) ere at 11512 o; Sissy is Oil. bbls selling slowly at 16145170, and .:ales at 1654 e. The receipts are very light. • CITY ITEMS. urdination and lnbtallaiion of John B. Reeve (colored) as Pastor of the Loin. bard-street Presbyterian Church. Last evening, atB o'c l ock. Dir. John B. BEOVO was or ,Leed to the ministry, and formally metalled as pastor the .I.,ombard-street N. S. P.esbyihrlert Chetah tslorel,) Lombard street, absve Eighth. There was a : ,, Itiably large a 41gregssion, principally colored. in at 'eulacae, and the services 'sere interesting and -im :motive. Tao fAlowing members of the Fourth Presbyter/ e . ''..nelehm were present and took part in the sera ,raras Bev. Dr. Brainerd, Moderator ; Rev . . T. J. Sheppard' ''-.ted Chnk ; Rev. John McLeod; Rev. Albert Barnes. HA I ,. E. B. Bradt, Rev. Charles Bolter; Rev atert Henry Barnes. and Rev, Andrew Culver der ranging a hymn, and prayer by the Rev. Mr eb:rer. TER ORDINJI"EiON SERMON ' preached I j the Hey. John McLeod, lie took his 7.ext from Ps atthew 39 The harreet lithe end of irartd " In the Mammies. of the're words, -the speaker Bret 114011 the titter impossibility for mere Mimeo `'''' r ledge or wisdom ever to solve the great problem •17 ills history or the ultimate object of this - world in its Feat:on ; and next, upon the fact that the Bible da -vet the world to be a" field," and that tlua.field [fag Produce a " ha. , .est." The Bible was, therefore. =rein a proep•ettve and rettormeetive sense. a history tha mania from tos brginaing to its mom& Ma poin sae were as follows 1. The Nature of the Harvest—the Fnd of En zts Watery. In considering this division of hie ' ,. 111 , e, he took the ground that the Millennium ' l4 net the harvest spoken of in the text, from Let that all through that 41.424."'d y ears the weld be left to grow with the wheat, The 'all point was, the Field for the prod uot.on of 6sletdid har- est. To the human eye it wason -466. a wretched field for such a result. Yet we 4741 6 seme regents, a timbal of oreat it w‘a pro " 4 to Yield, in the fields which are emitivred * ° 6 l. husbandman, when we rememmred, as we -4 'ed drum the golden harvest, that its beauty luxuriance were ministered to mainly by "Ind, and the most uncleanly substances The 3d - ''Llrfintidered was, the Process of the Growth of the e.irirest. Its growth—i.e. the growth of the Church— roomer. it never receded. All it gained it re- No matter how little it advanced, it never tit ed. fr in the fact that once in the fold, the soul fi le 'Shiite of the Good Shepherd that i; should t,e ]uit- This kingdom, therefore, was in reality Oily really progressive and permanent thing xn In the Ph place. was considered, the Means eanyoyed in this field. 'I hese were perfect zre. It was merely bringing the simple Gospel in "';':et with the human mind. and its beam made effi. hY the BOY •-eirit. The history of the Gospel w.s, he said, a hie'ory of power and of vie the beginning, and he held that the Gospel, • hn•lto it the power to convert three thousand en the day of Pentecost, could convert a nati , n it pleased God so to do. The history of had been repeated in history, of which we —.antes in the doss of Luther, and later. in the and Wesley. There was a USSOIt to e 4 'TOM all this—namely, that we need no -m unrmentalit.es, only let those we have be faith "'r e mployed. • Y . he dwelt upon the certainly of the comple -4:le Promised harvest. The promise of Christ's 14 ,:' 'night min to be glow in Its fulfilment; but TO rimereber filet the harvest which shalt then be a !rerd is to be sweat. We could, therefore, afford to Art ll enduring things required time to develop • 144 calt was not the growth of a day. This was o ustrated by allusions to horipture parallels. „ Lt:ll , lttl wit4e the th -IA that the promisa given Mt. ihn ales heed of the woman such yet icl .44 serpe nt ' s head," would assuredly be fulfilled 8 ova appointed time. d+totrum carrninsys. ' close of the sermon, Dr. -Brainerd rose in the 4lt I t o sated thatiobn B. Reeve would now be or "td. Ile o, was thirty years of age, a native of Pew • ha • 4 14 been horn on Long Island. A Fier cote rie h ;', 4 setisthetui y con se of literary studies. li'L n eflteret the Union Theological eeminsry from which he bad graduated with honor. f i tm. en Invited to preaeh for this congregation on t !, el • mei subsequently cahlod him regularly to become rl ' ut4.4 . In the afternoon of -yesterday the Pres -4 y r ermined him thoroughly upon xlmologY. std „;: 1 4 44, 1 history, a n d Church goVernlnent and to an epitome of a sermon Ur him, ail of , 44 ; rerouted to he t r entire satorrection of that t been i/e big said to be a young man of high promise. e; (Dr. El.'s) lot to attend the installation of the„ tn : . W 27 Ineterg Of that church. and else. to attend umerwa; and he felt that he could cowman vvegregation upon the feat that, in none of No predecessors had they moused a more promising addi tion to the pulpit of Philadelphia than in their present selection. Mr. Reeve then rose to his feet and res Ponded af• firmatively to the sues:ions propounded, after which the congregation Haoantoit to queotiona eadresse.d. to them by raising their hal de. The sanditiste them knel. at the altar, surrounded by ten members of the Presbytery, seven whits and three colored, while Dr. Brainerd offered the ordination prayer. at the oloae of which, hr the laying on of hands, he was solemnly dedicated to the work of the Thill.ll4trYs and rose a Rev.." after which each minister Present extended to him the right hand, with the words. " give you the right hand of fellowship to take part w,th Us in this ministry. ." CUABOB 31r7 /IRV. PR. EARNER The charge to the Rey. Mr. Reeve was given by Dr, Barnes, the candidata rising. Dr B earnestly recom mended a careful study of the Mayer fora young minis ter contained in the Epistles to imothy. His remarks respecting the ditties he had assumed were Memo, airtetionate, and impreeeive. He tionsratulated Mr. Reeve upon his attainments and gualißnations for Ike office, and referred espealally to the MOB) of his race in Philadelphia, before and among whom he was in a wid thsn to vrkehl a great and a good i.. finenee, An a Pre, hY tor. ha was now their anted. After sunhat hymn. the charge to the congregation was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Bruen, after which they were d smissed with it benediction, Mr. Reeve is of pure African muck. has a tine, intel ligent countenanee, and, physically, in a fine specimen of a man. A Busy Scstra.—Our readers are already aware Um the house of MOMS. Morns L. Ftallowelt do ro , No. 333 Market street. and No 27 North Fourth street, are now selling out thin* immense wholesale stook at matt, and at prices--as will be seen by their Card in a, other oolttmn of our pacer today—much helm the usiratreetemle rates. Each an op patently to buy ele gant goods at ruinous prices has probably never before been offered in Philadelphia, and we are the efore not surprised at seeing the ladies. notwithstanding the times. thronging their splendid store in order to Bemire the bargains that are going. A glance into their store. yesterday, convinced us that there is something in havr ins cheap goods. and letting people know it in a gen sib,e way, two wean by advertising in Ths Press. of course.) Their ortpau'ous establlslanent.ititioh Id lthalf worth a visit of impaction, presented more the appear ance of a fair than a real. nut•ter-of- fact plane of bust business. All the clerks were busily engaged with fair oustonsers—the clerks being all gentlemen. attl the cue turners en ladles—and the throng of seers, corners. lookers, buyers. and shoppers of all grades, presented an interesting scene. whilst the clerks at the desk were kept n constant :Lotion receiving gash for eiveheses, and parsing out change. o uch a "bee- hive on a large 60830" we have rarely witnesead. IMPORTANT TO COMMISSARIES. HOUSEEISEPERS, AND OTILERS.—It is a well-understood fact among phy sicians that the most whomsome meat in warm weather is good ham. :YIUCh tialcarta might he avoided by our citizens if they wou d act upon thi., 'instead of consuming as large a proportion of fresh meat as they do. kepeeially should this rule be en'oroed here it. Philadelphia, where we have such a oaring establish t Be that Of Messrs. J. ft. Kitchener & co., NON. 142 and 144 North Front street. No one trate the splen rlid quality of being of this well-known house, but unces the eating of this particular meat anew Lux ury. Dealers who once keen them for sale, find it dif ficult afterwards to sell any other. We hive thought that if the commissary department of the army 'were Sr sueply the men who are exposed to a Southern sun with hams of this kind, inslead of the fat pork, which is utterly unfit for either the climate or the !UMW, that it would be a great SINIDE in the end. The expense of doing so would be little greater, and the health and strength of the men would be great y improved by such a change. OILIER/TM OF TIM EtnitlTll OF JULY, , -0004 - oils are making most extensive preparations for the celebration of the Fourth of Fourth of July. Part of the programme includes a grand military and civic parade. Upon this gala occasion, the members of both branchss of C.ruevils will make their apparatus clothed in garments of the latest style and out, from the one-price gift emporium of Uranville Stokes. 609 Chest nut 'greet. All those who sehili to take part in this patriots celebration should visit this establishment, and equip themselves. Each sale is accompanied with a gift. SPITZ WORK —Since the breaking out of boffin- ties between the Government and the rebels, the latter Lowe become pardeularly spiteful. according to their showing there moo good thing North. Osr sol diers are mgamuffin cowards• our merchants knaves and swindlers. and the Ball of Independence and Faneuil Ball are unimportant shanties. They have already derided and insulted the national flag, and we suppose that they will next he casting reteetions upon the elegant garments for gent amen and y• - nths made at the Brown ;Stone Clothing Ball of Rookhill & Wilson, Nos. RR and RIS Chestnut street. above Kith. Much conceit and passion have made the rebels mad. Camp Life at Easton, Pa. iCorreePondenee of . The Press.) CAMP WASHINGTON, EASTON. Pa June 4,1861. The Philadelphia companies which left the city for this plane, last week, have all irrived safely. I heard of but one casualty, but I cannot vouch for its truth—a man broke his arm on the cars, This camp is voted on all hands to be the most beautiful in the State, and everything is in a mush better condition than I expected. Col. Wm B. Mean, our commanding officer, is very kind and obliging to all who behave like men, and it is only when the soldiers are drunk and disorderly that they are punished. The punishment is very mild —a few hours eoultnemeat in the gaard-bause. We ha,. plot; ti: two oat, and fine appOtikell. Oar greatest inconvenience is the want of blankets. They have not yet been given to us but we are promised UMW MS WM.", var 4%411 nears eta lon, and Colonel Mann has arranged them well . The reveille is sounded at quarter before 5; first drill, 53; recall, 61; breakfast, 7; second drill, 101; recall, 111; dinner, 121; third drill, 41 P. M. ; recall, 61 ; tattoo, 9 ; and taps, 9 ; when all the lights are put out, and all must retire. These orders are strictly obeyed, and all caught out after this aro marched to the guard-house, to be repri manded neat morning. We have mush leisure time, and amuse ourselves playing ball, singing, do. We are perfectly satlEffed, and only hope to have a brush with the rebels. I. J. H. From Fortress Monroe [From the Baltimore Evenins Patriot of yesterday.) The steamer Georgxerna arrived here this morn ing, from Old Paint, having left there yesterday afiernoon. We learn from the officer§ that every thing was quiet at Norfolk and Portsmouth, and that there were only three or four thousand troops at those places. The news of the battle at Arquia Creek bad created considerable excitement. General Bailor had made no advance movement from his encampment on James river. He has now under his command some eight or nine thousand men, all in good condition, and anxious for a light. Ibis force was expected to be inoreased during the week by throe or four thowend more troupe from the cities of Neer York and Philadelphia. • There is no truth in the report that the small pox had made its appearance in the camp. No contagious disease of any kind existed. There is a report in town that share was as meals among the men composing Bartlett's Na val Brigade, sod that a fight had taken place, but it is not stated who the parties to the fight ware. it is also said that there is some unfriendly feeling between the regulars and the volunteers, and that Colonel Bartlett and some officer' of the fort had gone to Washington in relation to the difficulty. It is true that Colonel Bartlett has gone to Wash ington, but as our despatch does not say anything regarding the difficulty at the fort, the HIM" is, probably, without foundatton. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS ILP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST IrIOWF. CONTINENTAL TIOTEL—Ninth and Cheetnut cIISA Hodden• New Jolley same.l, New Jersey .1 fd coorel, New Jersey J L Alums E L Anderson, Bedford. Pa A Burg. Bedford. Pa I hos J winch. Cincinnati Rev A Alessler.li J J Binger, Chicago, Mrs Bose son, N Y D BU•es. 111 nom L Rand. Boston A Whe•-ler.Deton .54 A i.ows er. Boston LTal tor, Boston J Marts, Worn, Del 11. Cr. oker, miewaukee Mrs aailler .L eon- Wig Geo Gibbs LI A Men, o ew York inn Irwin, Jr, Pittsburg Theo M rinley,Pittsburg F W Butoboar, New York M Maori:thy, Wank W L Bel embroil. Pottav'e J A Erhart & la, Lancaster M C tang. hew York Mr Loeser & a, Beading Mrs Luther, Reading Chu r emldt, New York F Y Cara t, Reranokr 1. Moller. Boston F ill Notch, New r ork W ft reobison. Boston John i. Timmer. New Yairk A Fllgalt. Nentilokr W A Backer Woreemer W Underhill. New 'fork W a Craw ford & a, Wash Geo A Done% Boston A Gross. Cincinnati J V Cr. swell, Harrisburg Geo DumliMion. Baltimore John H Uhl Dew York Collins. wow YOTii J W - esmito, Oresou E Dyer. Providence J B Mr Crest!. M Chunk A Bartlett & wl, New York It M N a, :or & wi, ottio J R WiLieer,-.New York 11 i• Bader. New Yo. Jas A Catlin. New Yo.k - J•RMolklendrey.,-N Y B P Van • wittier. Nov York PDLu her. Patrol! e rimy Fi.k, Pottsville E N Diokertonuescw York Itu . sell Woodier,N Y Basal Bonnier. New York r. Y Wm Bogs, new ork L B Fren eh, Ohio Pit tvanus Lyon 17.1 a. 4 Y Miss Provost. rhileds W H Itedrickir n N T for Bar lett & is.. Ma-s Hiram HATII7,I4Ien York Miss Chase, Washington sahm JWasionetou B Diorite. Newt errs _ AY ivew Jersey J W Middleton. New York M C Newyork Wil rillor. New York G W Green, Delfwa.e W H Ward & w, n York T r emade. Arkansas Taitt L Batteries. N York J Gettr.B.ltimore I Griner. Co.umhus. obio I/ Lonalrron Columbus, 0 It Led, rad & li, Wash Mies Ledyard W !Mina= Miss 8 t. Led, ard Wash Ledyard W•shroslon Master Leopard. Wash S Fairbanks. Jacksonville Jag A Winder, Prim R Gen .6 Bradley. Pray, I is A Bourne & Pe. B. Island Geo Terrell. Washing Mrs Terrill. Wrushincton Mess Terrill, Washington H F Morel!, Balt Lake City J Guieon. Balt Lake City Chas Chase, loston Orici Hoyt. Hut 1 • M B Lowrey. }Tie Pa W Boooook, New York F A Dana New York T Holcomb, Delaware R 8 Dorsey&wife, Indiana 111 C Hill, Connecticut M L Beech.. enns. Jordan L kat. Jr, Penns. Issue Bell. Jr, & La, N Y Mirk ihby 1 vreg : N Y Bon '1 rumen. Smirk. N Y W Cortes, New York Geo Sangster, New York J W Johnson. ew York .1 Bomberger J H Long . - Urbana. 0 J K Condiot, Newark, N L R sitevenson, London, Ent MERCHANTS' ItOTELr—Fourte street, below Arch. J D 80alding, Ohio J P Crawford & la. Pa Rant Haywood, Pottsville Them Wren. Pottsville P h Wentz. t.ew Jersey J K Vane'cave. • Jersey Gll Maynard . Harrisburg W 8 liaVen, Pittsburg Nan Jacob Fry, Jr, Tra ppe A D Cam posit, Pit ,bury bl.chael Barry, laueast,r Michael Malone t ancastr Saul Mitchell, Meade:it lh B Riddle, New Jersey E Patterson, BlatT Wm Patton, brie. Pa J Fanason, Philadelphia Mre Wm Lee 8t Paul Miss Wallace. Pt Paul Gideon J Ball, a rip. Pa Chas trill item Jersey Elbe Reeves. Ft (enixviPS F Brewster & la, N Jet say 8 Ford. It Leal; Lt D B MoKihlyin & w. uee. P Brown. necticut Jacob Hoffman, Carlisle Jas F McNeal, Pair! co GOMM t , RC/AL B.OTEL—Sixth st., above Uhesteut. J Devoe, W Cheater Wm I evia. W Cheater Jos Pearce, Bordentown Glom Pearce, Bordentown J Taylor. Bordenlown U T Lyon, Mary la u d, M Yardley Pennr.ylranin. Jag Brown, ir ikt,n, Ord Lams W Chester Jew Vanderslice. Ykainixv Bennett. reunsylvar.is Jos Keßreight, J Ii iluddlr none Pena P E Leonard. Chestrr co Jamum li erns t iurn G W Miles. llarri.tourg me t 8 t ly. Books oo Hitrlea Coateavii:e D W Mond. ottatown Cvi Taylor. Becks eo Ai Pennock, Wilmington U V Pennypecker. W eke. E Decks co Thoa Walter, Coatesville AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut mesh above Fifth Thos A Rehm Finns A A Weeks, New York Mm A B Schultz „New York Moss Photon, New York Jilo C kose. New York Geo W Bhelton, Conn W Curti.. Delaware H 8 Fanor, Hogan Douglass Dias, Phil& J M R. der, Massaehuset H m smut, New York finis Wood, Wee. Croy 0 F slum, Boston C F Morse, Bo..tan 11 Coauthors, New York H B Wagoner, New York TJ Imre & la. N Oxford 11 Ridsleyckson,, 'toyer, Des F Daniels. Oxfrd .N Ja 11 .1 D -.awar o e Jno Briggs . Indiana II H Firmetone, hew York B B Coombs, New Ycrk TRH NIHON—At* street. shol/ll ?lads II Frank, lderyleed lß Phila. li H Itatoberson. Phile B Wil!lams, Delaware J Roopeehmer. Ohio A L Matson. Conn 11 Disa.er k wt",, Remiina tele I. A Borg. Reading P N Weed. Trout Run J listherinston l' , erus ere Nathennoon, Penns C Wheeler, Reading R.• ert &riders J John 4 t enders W N Patterson,Janet' 111 X Bthiebrote, Primo ikmelt:ake. Chem la's .7 Desifrser, Columbus, U la re ht J Dearlver. Ohio T Wight. L oc k Haven limoolit. Look Haven W e Woods, Flenaingtra B IOUS& PletainitOn'AT Gaimenhomer R J JJ'' Dora, Stroud -burg, Pe Mershon, Baltimore jr Clout. Weebieston Aaron Davis", New /weer UN beekwooa, mew Jersey T. LOURS MOTEL—Chestnut street. shove Third. E Moore. oalisbury, Md D layman. Salisbury. Md Geo Lwte. Union co GB Lester. Ohio W Nona New - York II Woods. Maryland C LAZIZAtI, Philadelphia Dr F Mullet. Montreal W Kleinhans, New Jersey Victor ndo In T eoBlliis. tip Jaen navy 'pi No uyfor, Man-;:; Ps. John it imakw-nom Mum Jas WzrutiOZ O H. Riper. New.livecy pi M 3e.D.at,pipla BAalierinann. New York J Diftturnoll, i'vera• York t? Chas Bokroder, Reuthrts STATFS ITNlON—Market street, above Sixth. J It Smith. P..uss K McKissick. Chester eft T Jones. Penna. L Lochman. Car isle,Ps 1111181 g, Mechanicsburg Jaz fir Caumbell , Penne WSAlriea.ilolliddrshtirg .1 1! BM% ABMS a Jae Hagerty, team J 9lcarfietd Wm Watt. pit ourg Joe Elder, IN Lkiastair g 8 Smith, Hunting:oin Jae ;Chinon Pittsburg Jnn otterub.ro, Pittamrs W 1) Loneei;eeker,t'sterti 8 throN; Lane.e . er co t! itedseeter, Lane ea J Lawry, Weattuureti on WB Mendenhall, COMOBV ti 'temple, Uolitmerti Pa A igohrer. JLenceeter Win riehel,Laacaetor co 114 Rife. Innoeunce M J stook, Harrisburg Misr Savage, Harrisburg Joe P Zs 1 .1 B Okeson, .Perry 'rale 8 „I& VVetzell. lianieburg PIATIOII.AIt litiTgli ,— lirsois strata* above Third. &mei Blank. Wilkestiarre UTT Briggs. Pittsburg U dean.. Ohio I,W bo,,rie. Pa W F Vou e,Pa.lO n Reynolds. PP teburg A yer. Rending John M. Harley, Iluoks ao Vio.ce. Ihiag du D tiottatint, RAnAling Au g Feb rgourg s .re. iv orristo*li G Watstm. riestithg H Gibson. Uniou ou, Pa REVERE 11.01.1lFE—Tlurti street. above Kaos. 11 Sinith. Pollhsylvabia raignol i.tswia, renn'a i W gall. Pot liVlll6 biirton H Dunlap, Pa ii Neon, Po'ilvbl.,.1 - 4 Fl Orttigert, amaqui. Nelson A peleb.-.olt Pa Jobe Helton, Pittston w H Winton. Penn'a Hulas FT.ke, Ohio A rhyder. ^ eatling VV N R Wisner Del Al PS OA Oireelk. A lontown Jon W h Mktg.. Int Clair W flew 11. lientown .1" H Emith, krars.on .1 Swing, Penney lvania A Oherki Lebanon, Joel I , lnk, Penn.yluania BARLEY BELEAP rart.t.i.—neaund at.. bel. Vine, It Meyer. Pennsylvania Ones Reiser. Panne. Jun W imams r rwlnn i ll G 1.1419 riewJarseT J T I unpin Bunlemon Jos Hill, txermantoWn Jarrrett. Buolso cra lu < It‘w Buo.s ao Geo Bit bee, Bootee. ti Tompkins. is. lc 2 oh„ Pa AL Y JArratt Bucks CO Jim aimpson. D.,slestorrti tauter,- bucks an Wm Bette, Doke! go a Mown ! , nrownisburs (ior. ~ r 1 Duo.. au J Rick, nit.lcs on P .1 Rich. Busks ea R m Gooch. -sew Bose W W Parson, Pt Pleasant W Rick, Bucks eu SLACK. BEAR...Thtyrt street, anon (3/1110Whill, 13 Selig, Lynntown Chan Greenwald, Lynntn Chas Finney. marteville Chas barony. Jenkintown . has Morrison.. euna W nor Yonne lire A Bucker an. Penn% John Hersh, Peuusbarg Itiathan W a onhorat, Penn Ja..ob Re d, .watrip Greek Aln man, Ititadelulds Dan el tlnah, 1"taladolpluo F apangter, Berea co t T vrott, norm on eau AIIIIBt AntityvtUe MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second it.. above Arch, Joel 4 Vancteve. Penne • D D Stevens. New York IA Niers J L Run , Benne! Ivenia Col Win Morneon,Monte co A B 8 iilBoll 13orent'adt J J Markley. Hatboro. fa Mr lYlolineauk, N Jeree7 N. Banes, Wolow Grove Jft ',edema, Lancaster -O Fre•z, Hatboro, Pa BALD EAGLE ROLEL—Third sl., ebtrus Peter Grog& Penna. 0 is Stoughton, W Chester 11 L Sul; znaeh, frinrietta.Pa .1 B liareabuott Dung co MissM righttll. 0 ' , nett no Saint L Bnehrtett, Dane en 01 lienry...auptt nco Pa rater tiyauld.r, Myeratti Henry Darren.. New. York Jail Altiv9n l'enna MARINE IN TEL 11.1 GEN CB. BEE FOURTH PAGE ARMI - Vhci. Bohr Whi.e Squall. sharp. b days from Boston, in bal last to B MiLnes 3 CO. Boar Mary ki Banks. Banks, B days from Boston, in ballast to Sturtevant & tiChr J Abner/hoe...situ es, 4 days from Providence, in billabt to Ty Isr Swne k. Co. &air Mary fallen. thus, 3 dm from Swaim River, Md. with gram to Jas t. rm. my a. Co. Bohr Anima, Careen, a days from Boston, in ballast, CLEARED. Bahr Mary II Banta. Dom mita% aturrtvaat do Ca. tichr James .11t3itudIce. t.tatias CauTicatown, allers Sehr e• Lake. Scull, Boston, E latawyer k Co. . Behr White Equalt. sharp, Boston. B Flthaen Ot Co. Ochr W McKee. Menoet, Down/. D reateou er. Co. nehr Ann Turner. A, ire, Linn. do Fehr E J Soot!. • Immo Boston. L Andenrielt &Co. e+ehr E J Sault. ateetmen. - ear Reddinkton, CADE +tan, - do t ohr bac tt, do) b ot,k do ISenr Etou,•e Tnachar,noaton, Patter ft. Lomat &Co 13onr D ft Sten man. ocult. Haverhill, o,akostoo. Beta C M W.OlOll, Smith. Newport, tmatoittun & Glover. Bahr A J Horton. Elwell. Quincy. L Rothamel & Co, Behr Complete, Hip in, Waren 0 eft. J W Abloom Soar Yeoman Cannon. Concord, Del, do our Vm I ant, tobomon.tMarntoan. atd. do etr S L Gem, Der, Balumore, A Groves, Jr. 21L26RAPH. (Correspondence of the Press. Per steamship Hibernia. Arrived from Mobile ertay 24, ship Tricolor, at Liver pool; May 22d, Mama Lucknow, PaLerald Isle, and SUB buuotn. at Laverp , . 01, Armed Irmo 13a:Umore. May 2.1.1. Map curritack, at LlVorpool. MEMORANDA. Steamship State of tieorda, tiarrin. (U S transport) °Manta at Nesr York yesterday for Fortress Monroe. 8 earnship itienvids. Randal:a. &eared at New ka.k yesterday for Havana. Steamahip Persia. Judkias. for liivarpoed, cleared at New Yerk yesterday for taverpool Ship Lancaster, Deem°, hence, arrived at Liverpool 21st mt. ships John Tucker. Taylor. Eouthernert Soule, and A lhannce, Or) trout Liverpool, arrives at New. York yea °Mai. Bark Florida. Monday, from Messina Aprill2 arrived at New rink yesterday. Rad heat vartah.e winds the whole pates Bark nee) Hal ett, Little, cleared at New York y es terdsx for rot ladeiptda. Bark Star King. nolden. for Montevideo, cleated at New t ork yeste day. Brig Mary I Milliken, Norden, unoertain. was at Salm u t )trait arome, Balmm, cleared at New York yesterday for Gee s. llr g Cnesapeske. Evans, cleared at New York I en tersay for w ilmington. Brie Clarence, Penney, cleared at Baltimore 3d inst. fo um de Jon _ echr. Lydia. A Mar. baker. 13 dale from Cardenotr, ar rived at New York yesterday tat 34 10, long, 76. was tan into by n .41..tasnar,vrntott onrrob away the main mom and gaff, &mit inams di in rilMms. and old outer daniage. Could not mammal hrr name, ehr Telegraph, ...omen. cleared at New York Teeter day, for C.,pe May. seer Narah Cullen. Cullen, cleared atNew York 3 es. Nisleam`aPqui lieWlYtottro ~.,_ yesterday for Philaaelphia. work Steamers Taeony. bly.and Vulcan, Mormon, hence, arrived at New Yo, k yesterday. HOLM ES' BOLE. Mar M, P Al—Ar sohr Juliet, Wi ley, Gamin for Philadeimis. Jane t—hr scare Joan Compton, l'ail.olA. Wm Brown. Stevens, and BT r homes.-n, Conover - Boston for Pniletxptita; Prowess. Jackawar. and Albert Photo. Lippincott. 2alorn for do; eeran J Bright, ;smith, Mil ton tor do; Criris, rtenear, Lynn for do; plouizar, Long, St. George for do Bid sehrs Jesuit, Prowess, and J emitter. June 2—A r trishrs }..11122,betu Ertglintr, Er.gbah. Bastin for Pniladolpiaa; Nona* k. &Bee. mt George for Lela ware Cr 3; tate% Jane. Adente. liectucket for co. Bid Sebra Win Pozen, rt B T Thomson, A Phuro, 8 J Bright. “risie. nlquizar, Granite. State. Mary Belay, Liighbeth Bnglieh.- ' Awe 3, 8 ANl +o arrival, . SPECIAL NOTICES. HAYING BUY lIIHOBAZ ED BY TRH bTAT.I3 Authontiee to manage the tietAihr of the TriistßZ MIL,- LION LOAN. advertised below, we earnestly retitled the attention of the pub:io to the propriety and impor tance of a prompt and liberal ruvestmeat to the same. The fact of b , Ing exempt from all taxation, and a 'special tax Lein; levied to provide for the intermit, and a liberal eir.k.ng rand for the redemption of the princi pal. snakes thie Loan a most desirable inveetment.'A ll information relating to the Loan can be obtained by eallin, on the undersigned who will Lake chaise of any subscriptions' made, and will attend to all matters Con nected therew.th. DEEX &CO , JAY COOKE & CO. Psopoans vox i LOIN ova rfnnut Mu. LION DOLL &Ng TO TUE CoNNON WVALTH OP P.RNN SYLVANIA. In puran• nee of the first neaten of an set of the Us- Herat assemlity, entitled "An act to create a lonn and provlda for arming the grata." approved May 16th; A. IL, 1861, and the sixth section of the act entited "An ant to provide for the pas went_ of the members, offi cers ard contingent-expermts of the Extra 'Session of the Legislature," approved May /6th. A. D., 1661, and by the authority of the ti.me. Notice is hereby given that proposals will be receiv esl at the ofi:e of the tec:etary of the Commonwealth, until th'ee o'clock, P. M.. of Wednesday the fifth day of June next, for the loaning to the Commonwealth the sum of THREE MiLL , ON§ I.F 1181..LARfl. for the purposes set forth in the before named acts of As sembly. The said loan to bear an interest of six per cant per annum, payable semi. annually in Philadel phia, en' the loan to be redeemab'e in ten years frova date ; and for the payment of the interest and bun da7 ten of the pone:pat th treof. a gamma tax of one-half mill on the collar nes been directed o be levied on all the prop..rty in the Commonwealth taxable for t.te purposes. The certificates of loan shall not be subject to taxation for BM mimosa whatever t aid all anti& came of the denomination o; one hundred dollars,. r less, shalt have coupons attached ; those of a large. de nomination will be isc:ed either an Moor/peon or con, pen bonds, at the option of the bidder. The proposals must state explicitly the amount pro posed to be taken. and the ra e to he pmd. ti he State reserves the right to accept the Ni hole.. .r any part of the amount offered to be taken, unless the proposer stipulates others. lee. No mmditional proposals will be considered. rpon ,he accepts-zoo of any proposal, at itatat tAri per cent. of the amonst must be paid down, the balance. if preferred by the bidder, in thirty and slaty days: whence uficates shall lame for the sante, hearing in terest from the time of payment.. • The eronsourie meet be directed under sea! to the secretary of she Commonwealth, endorsed"Propreals for Loan." The bids will be opened at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of the day above named, in the presence of the Cove. nor, awe Tr• seiner, and Auditor Golaral, and such o,her persons as may tdd pr,,per to be present, when. afar examination of the earn e, the Governor will award the 1 an to the highest bidder or bidders, Br order of the Governor. Hearetary of the Commonwealth. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COMXONWBALLTH KiERISBUR(i, to ay t 7, 1861. FURTHER lIOTICH. The time for receiving proposals and opening bids for Um above lose is hereby extended to the t TEENTII OF JUN h. next, by order of the Goversor. kb! BLIPEN. Eeoretary of the Commonwealth. lIKUMBOLD'S UNtVERBaLLY APPROVBD RErsarer—Compound FA , not Elitahti elitel4 Diseases of the Bladder Kidney, Gravel, Dropsy, Vlreahaess, &c. Bead the advertmement in another oolninn. headed " Clennine Preparation." nil2o-6tiniff BATCHIBLOWS nail' .UTF. —This celebrated and perfect Hair Dye is Ma best is she world. All others are mere imitations of this great original, which hes gamed *soli extensive patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Liquid Hair Dye instastry producee a splendid black or natural brown. without staining the akin or injuring the hair, and will moat/ rho ill effecga qt bad dyes, invigorating the hair for life. Hold bY ail Druggists and Perfuniere„ Wholesale by FAIIIIESTOCK & CO., 1/17077 & CU., Philadelphia. Cirtovsn , & Bnxmals OBLESSAMI NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. The Best in Bee for Family Sowing. No. 730 CHESTNUT Por.okt. Phiindsbakts. mar-b OWN PRIO3 OLOTBING OF Tail LATILIT tirruts, made in the beet manner. eXPraglaY for itE TAIL BALES. LOWEWE selling prieee marked In Plain Figures. All roods made to order warranted satisfactory. Oar ONE-PRICE system II etrictir ad" hared to. All are thereby treated alike. at33-ly JON 33 A no.. 0.04 orAftlltT Street. OAK ORCHARD ACID brItLNG WANE:R.-- Pamphlets cofltainina the opinions of celebrated Chem ists and YhYsioiatus rag:peanut the use et this WATER in the ease of many diseases of the human system, will be aupplied gratis on application to FREDERICK BROWN, FIFTH and CRESTRUT Street:4er FRED ERICK DEOWIII Jan tliNlll. and GlitlinNUT Streets. CALL AND GET A. PAMPHLET, Apia-tf PIitILaDIPLPHIA AIND ERIE RaiL TING OF 4TOCKHOLDERs. SPIKCIaL MLETING of the Htoek-owersof the Philadelphia and r rie Kai road Company will ho held at the Office of the eo•opan. TOURNDAY,June a th, o ' clock A. ht. for the pu - pole of eottei. daring a proposition having Tor tie oboe' the early completion and leasing of the railway at the said Com fit °Met of the Fmaident end Board 9 f Managers. NI IX W. WM. eI'OFFuD. etoretary, THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA , WEDNESDAY, '.*NE 5, 1861. MARRIED. CUSUMAN—WELSH,June 4. at git. Luke's ChureA, by the Rev. M. A. De Wolte Howe. D. D., Charles W. Cushman and Elizabeth Ross, daughter of W tr..Wo!th, keg. 1/61.WER—NPIT.if.i —June 1, 18e1, by John C•wo•on , V. D aL, Mr. John paitcr to Airs. A um,* Neill. both of th's oay. Sil et.P—PiTTA.-0e rune ZI, by the Rev. Rstnee! Du • boron , . Mr. Georg a Washington harp to ales Jose phine P tt.a. BE fTENCORT- 12 TRO rrhiß,—Mes 27. by the Rev. Thomas 0. Allan, Mr. Alfred W. J3ettonourt lo Mary Ellen otroder. fIILI,b4C-6 ATP PRTHW l'.—Dn February 23..1. 1861, by Rev..l.R...lenns, Thomas F. Cr. Miller to amtps 81k , rthwe,it, quo glib DUN L. At P—MciLEN Jamoary 16. by the Rev. Andrew Manehip„ Mr. Joseph Dunlap to Mies Mary. J, McKenty. both of this city. FOLWEIA—TRuMae_.—AIay 29. at Pittsburg'. Pa by, the Rev. 8. Dethsook. Mr, David C. Feter..ll and Anse Lizzie P. Thom- , e. daughter of the late Charles Themes, PAP fir Philadelphia. HP:AM T .—M.Ok Rl3.—On May 13. by the Rev, T, 7r .Shepberd, Mr, John Hearty to Mite Annie S, Mome, both of tine intr. MART/14.—0n thc 4th Institut, daunts! Martin, aged 70 care. The relative; and friends of the family are respect fully invited to atteud tee toneral, trout his late resi dence, Hestonvitle. Twenty-Put - tit ward, on Thursdax afternoon, at 4 Wolzok. Interment at Monument Crepte Leff_ w. mlitAlW`t.—On tits- 2d inst.. at hie into residence. at G tomtit• wn. of anonlexy. Richard. Withanis, in the 74th year of pia O. His relatives a , d friends are particularly invited to attend la funeral, from his late residence, goner of Green and Coulter streets. bermantown. on Fourth day the nth ittglant: to meet at the souse at 4 o'oligik. without further notice. NATT.—On Funday. the 24 instant in the Nth year of her age. Mrs. Mary Nett, widow of the late Thomas Natt. of this city. The Wavy a and friends of the family are invited to at end her funeral without further norm-, from oer let- residence, No. 119 North - ineteenth street, this ( Wedneet al I afrernoon_at a o'clock BeCoN.—tin Seeds. morning. tne 2tl instant, Joseph. rkhride Bloom in the 35th year of his ages BM relatives to d friends and those 01 the family, are invited to attend his funeral. front his late resi dence, No 241 Nord' Ninth street, the ( Wednesday ) afte noon, at 2 o'olock. To proceed to South literal Bill . SeSRKS,—On the Zd instant, Samuel A. Sparks , In the Mat year of h .e age. Funeral from his late residence. No. 715 Sa:sorti street, this IW , dnesday itiorning. at 10 o'clock. * 8. (JAN —On the 2 d meant. George W., only sun of Joseph and Sloan, in the 16th Year of his axe Funeral from the residence lt his parents. Beast. (form-rO Oak) street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at a &Le ouk t.ICKING.—At Roiborough. on the 2d inst.. Joseph Aug. son of Ric and N. and Margaret L. Nicking, in the lilt year of his age. Funeral from the residence or his parents, Ridge theArdie, between the 9th and 10th hula stone', this I WedneMay afternoon, at I 'en N —On de and pay, the 3d test" George Culla, in the 59 h year his age. Funeral from his late residence, N 0.210 North Twelfth street, on fth-nay of enema, at 2 o'ccock " WIENE..-On Jun. 2, Chrotine, wife of Chrietisu Wiese. In the 44th i ear or her age. Funeral trona her (are residence o 113 Second ' above Beaver, this ( Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 Won LOCH,AY.—On the 2d met Joha Lechery, aged 35 years. Funeral Pom his late residence No, 514 Franklin strew:. above Oreen, this ( Wednesday) morning. at ti ac HOL F B , —On theed inst., Sarah Backe. in the 83 h year of her are • Funeral from the residence of her ron- In- law. Rieh'd Barnwell, May landy'l Oath. road. '1 wenty-fou rth wara. Phu.. ay neat. Met a+ the house st I &en. JOHN • ON —June 2. 4:iana.Johnson. in the 87th year of her age Funeral from her late residence, N 0.752 South Second street, this (Wednesday 1 morninB, at lb o'clock. J Nl.;si.-0. the 2d mat Dwvid, son of Margaret M aid the late Wm Jones. in the 4111 year of his AEC Funeral from the residence of los mother, Maribor& Street. above Richmond. this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 3 o'co'ick.., LoGaN.—On the 31 inst.. Thomas Logan. infant son of Thomas and Farah. Logan. aged 1 year and 6 months-- Funeral from We Fellltleuee of fitsFtreoter "' 733 Lebanon street. ahove Catharine, this Vresineede , ) afternoon at 1 Octets& BOF F —On the 3d mat , Margaret. the only daughter of Archibald and Deborah Rod', aged 20 months and 27 days. Funeral from the residence of her parents. Penn erne!. between eltil'er and Units. this (Wednesday) afternoon, a' 2 o'clock CR *IN —On the 9d Inst., George Washington only son of Mattnew and Louisa Craig, in the 7th year of h age. Funeral from the vigilance of his lather, N 0.1231 Marlborough street. Fie hteenth ward, this (Wednes day ) afternoon, at 4 o'o , ogic - PURNING STORE, No 918 CHEST wt. WU P St-eet.-1101 2 80M & SCril have in store a full aeaek of hammer Gonda. cone atm in fmt of R flak Rama Hermit , 1. Nitrates and Crane blurts 3 Ito 8 4 wid-; Tamura ines. Crape Tammatina. hallies, Gre nadines, • ummer Bow baz-nes. Mousselines, Tamises Balz irtnes, Foular 3. Grog Grains and PoiGt de Bole Bag, i.avr a &it. ; Grenadine Same Poi• is and 'Pan tips, Berate Points and Mantles, thanadine Rhatals. Crape Collars and Fleeves. Veils of kind , . English Crapes, and all other goods requisite for Mourning at- re B —We buy and Ten fo• a•ah gir t 4 O l . fg4ty n if R051,14.41.1‘...1.1 0 0 . held ItiONDA Jane S 1851. u. *I G CR'IWE:LA, was eleoted Sec retAry in risme of Heaton SM th. deereased. jois St riftl PAT'''. 580 ,1 , Pr;tod.nt. firCARD.-Ravingread the 'lettere ail drersed to the s d,'l:r of the Anuppeon Agruhlt ran yuh!ished in Verdi& Del Co . stating the mate.tal furnished by R. L. blartin. of said COUB , T. for the Vo lunteers' eleth•ns, ee Kei ne of a very inferno. nu -lit at Kentucky J.an, t d;ff-r f , orn thrm in my opinion of it. an the clothing that I had x °bane* of ex mining isna allof aeon(' Quaid? : the van's anti Lilo die of Wile the orAreorit of a BUOsItOT qiia`ciy of erns oeseitn - re, and ail well made. such se a 'ruttier shou'd not complain of. Rome a reli.iver in Pair Play. I deem thin a duty to Mr Martin. as I know the writers of the letters were politically monad to him. FAIR ?LAY. June 4th, it. rtrPOST OFFICE. PIIIL ;MELO , . lA, PrniNSYLVANI A, June 1.1331 ,— A1l porn! seTrioe in t:a States of Vir.sinitt. orth arolina. south fbtro lota, Georgia, Pion a. Alabama. Miaaissurid Louod so-a. Arkansas, and Texas has been suspended trom and after Mar 31 Letters for efts" temporarily Mond hr ibis order mdl 1)+ sert to the Dead Lettor Offio., exo•et those for Western Virginia♦ which will be sent to Wheeling. B. order of the Postmaster General. j°3C, tr. WALBORN, F.M. M. rar. NOT ICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—THE Aims.' Meeting of the Ittockholders of the Germantown Passenger Railway rlompsoy ...ill be held at the office • f the Comparre.lMX It and DIAMOND Streets. between the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock on MON DAY. inn@ 10, fir the rims° of el..ntiur e s t .pfajfat lieOgrqh ens nine A....0M. to ear By order of the Doard. 308.spif SINGERLT. See'ry, and Treasurer pro tom. - Philadelple a, May 24,1361. ms2s-tielo {VIE HAVE EMPLOYED DELP FROM THE_PROTETAIST EXCLIANI3E,Southwest corner oECON anc 14 h.W Streets, and take pc-asure in recommenetne it to the publicus an mstituton: much needed in our city. for ire care in seiseting the beet men, women, and children as to character and gush heat:ens J. S. A. ADICIIM, MO Pace street. E fit SELLERS. G een end Tulnehecken etreets, JULIANNA It NDO 041, 1734 Chestnut street. :DWlri RK PA RICK, 1131 Arch etreet. Dr. Nowa/031%1132 Mount Vernon street. JAR. ft Kai 1500 Mount Vernon street. Gra Fil P.RM AN. k 47 Hort.. Eleventh street. P. G OLIVER. &50 North Sixth etreet. H. s. BOW' R, hird and Germantown avenue. T. W.ll,aori, 219 nrth Front street. T. McGUIR..• 422 Sown Fror,t street. M WRITE, 3E3 Marshall ;area. C.1301C ER. 432 Market s'reet. W. 41.. RICIRARD9O I I.4IB Market Want. end over one hundreC end fifty more, to whum re ference wilt he riven at the , dlne. iniSO,em il,o°o "MEN WANTED FOR TUE UN T,ED STA I'ES M all IKE lORSEI, able-bodied, between the ages of 21 and 35 years, not loss than eve feet four and a half inches high. and of good °hamster. Soldiers serving in this Donis perform duty at navy yards and on board United Kates ships of. VW on foreign Stations. Ali other loft , motion Which may be desired will be given et the oitio No. 914 MARKE I Street. and at the Rendezvous'. 10. :ill South FRON r Street. First Lieutenant W. STOKES 130vD, Recruiting Officer. DEAUQUARTERS COMPANY - I),‘ FOURTH COMPANY MONROE GUARD.—Pm- LADELPLU.S.. May 12. 8361.—We, the undereigned, officem of Comp%ny O. Fourth Company M. sn oe Guard. on behalf or the Company. return our sincere thanks to the Tindal of the American Drell woe' Hall, corner Fourth and George streets, for , their kind nen in volunteering to the Company the wee of the Sall for Drilla, and hay , extended every facility in their Power to aid the Company in 'he r undertaking We also feel oursalvee under !sating obl.gations for the illadnees thus extended. WM. W. SWEN R. Capt. Company D. JOHN S. HURL. let Lieut. " mlrli JOHN 8 DONNELL.. 81 Lieut." COTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOR TENTS, in 29-i tf TWIN THORNLEY'S, 311 ollEsTrtuT area. north eide—the olden eetabliehment in the United Slate.. INDIA.-RUBBER CAMP BLANKETS, For Army and Navy Fquipmests. SAT ~NT RUBBER CAMP BIJANKRTB. KNAPSACKS, Kli APS/kr:KS, .11/iVFAIIIACKS. H a VERSACitB, CANT...Eris, TENTS. BUN COVERS. GUN COVERS. 1.: ...FES. C RPM, CAPS. COSTS, CAPS. COATS, And every 4.ther article that Is manufactured of India Rubber—is ol the beet material. mY3.lm if JOHN THORNLEY. grOMPRES +ED BULL ETS.--United States mime Musket and Rifle Wills; also, every de scription of Round and Conical Oudets inanutititrired to order. Large stocks constantly on hand. Orders filled &Welt bT TIIOI4. OTto 4a ROV & CO.. Patent 61idt and Lead Wo 201 and 204 WATER street mew "mak. m 714 lm /VENTS, TENTS. -• lam prepared to farn:sli from 100 to 100 Tenta per dew, at reaamiable prices. JOHN W Lyn. no. 737 qou h tl CON!) Itreet, Or No. rOUTI3 WHARVntI. . ELI SLIFER, VOLUNTEERE, ATTENTION! BOOTS FOR CAVALRY AND SHOES FOR INFANTRY, Ready on hand, and made to order, of the beet mag nate and Work manshm, at LEONARD 13ENICERT'S Wholess'e and Retail Foot and Fhoe stablshment, 7 *6 ORES MUT Street. opposite Masonic Hall. S.—BOUTS. SHOES, aid G %1T 1..1113 for Youths on hand, and - made to order, in workmanship and style equal to Gentlemen's Wear. my29-tf POSITIVE INDUCTION AZIIIOUIIOO4 te the publio that from thus day lii whole WVOLESALE PRICES, /11A,NULACTURE, DIED aIIbITAILY IVQT•CES. MILITARY GOODS. EI:IEBT3 FROTHINGIEIAM & WELLS. BOOTS AND SHOES. CURTAIN GOODS. W. HENRY PATTEN, 630 CHESTNUT STREET, large and elegantly selected nook of CURTAIN G-OODS, WINDOW SHADES, FURNITURE COVERINGE, TRIMMINGS, ac., POSITIVELY BELOW THE COST IMPORTATION RISTAIL . DRY ISOODIS. J VASSELBERRYwillopentlus • morning. from Monday and Tuesday's cash suc tion Pales: 1 Lot Cants' qrst aualitv Kid Gloves, WO. 4 Lots 1...0,01Cki roverior Kid mov , et oheaP• 1 ot Gents' Or' yin* Gloves 375(0., worm doub:e. 1 Lot Ch. , o-en's mils lons 3Thic. 1 Lot Ladies' Mite. lose s'o• I Lot Of Silk Poskst sea— w^rth 91. Lot F 4 mei, Black C.ravare. 31 13% 1 Lot 56-inch It auk Cravats, 31 OM °elite, extra heavy. 2 Lnts silk Bun Umbreing. 123: . 4110 Yds Black garage. 2 yards wide. 62Sin Lot (Pray thapo do Joanadi 4 wide 47K0. 1 Lot Gray striped Barege 14, 01410, /I 41+4 . Lots Matting*, very cheap. ' 2 Lou, Matting* red and white ; rare bargains. 50 Pieces Gra, Mottled Pooling , 12 3 4 a. Per cent. takes od'a,l cash salon above 00 eta. J. K. CAINELFIKBRIC, 45 Work). PIGH.TM Street. below Arch. ea@es of the t.uralta Attaahment Hoop incirta oven this morning, wholesale and r, tail. ay.Pney at 441 North EIG 11111 Street. It WHOLESALE STOOK OF HOSIERY, T RIM muleo. AND FANCY OVUM .1911. RA LE AT RRTAO FOR OAtIR. . The giddied hers offer cor aisle, on and P rTR ORS DA Y tith iron., at their store No. .109 MARKET 'Street north aide, from 9 a. hl te SP. qu o their Welt Ui tiOddlli AT LESS THAN WLIOLEsALE PRICES FOR caro. All kinds - or Cottqn Hosiery. Glovee, Leon Nitta, Znp..yra or All kip& tltetlautl Wonl. mtuud Cottons, Buttons or all desori4ions,, Nee lea. Pine, Hooks And .ves Skirt ~r uide apes, Braids, Combs, Brushes, Perfumery. Under nine. I ilk, Merino, he. Aiaa, a Cud ae nr*ment of Dr 511TriU1111111M • LI URN.h.T , Sex ruri, & eta MOEN' 3e6 .1 .09 VIARKSZ Street. EYRE eic LANDELL, -FOURTH AND ARCU, AAA ItZTAILIII4 GOODS AT ITHOLZOALS TRICIA. i ALL OUR ORGAN MK ARIA PAST COLORS DOUBLE EXTROBDINABY SALE . . DRESg - 4ao 3,000 YARDS ORGANSIES, REDUCED. SAD YARDS GRENADINES, REDUCED* SRN, YARDS FRENCR DARENE, REDUCED. LO YARDS MOEIEPIQUES, REDUCED. SAO YARDS FINE CHINTZES, REDUCED. QUM ERR SILKS AN/ FOULARDS, REDUCER 1n79-fmwet HARPER'S FERRY, • FORTRESS MONROE, ALEXANDRIA, MANASSAS JUNCTION. And other places now IN TEE Ration Of tiE MSSIONISTS, Aradonbtless points of special interest to OUR BRAVE SOLDIERS, Anti the male Perlien of the eePtiuRICT $Oll4llOll i but TU kW EGIAL Pulle INTEREST TO LADIES le No 807 OFF. , SITNUT Street, where the WHOLE SALE r•TOCK OF PC ICE, F.S.itR,S, ec CO., is seating oil at Retail, and where FOR Sl YOU CiAll BUY THE 'VALUE OF $2. We therefore hope that the well-known pulat•ry spirit of the La<lo4sof Philadelphia wall he sufficiently aroused re TAILIs" 507 WILES rNUT ST., WITH ALL ITS CONTENTS. More ergpsobbilir as it can be done PEACEABLY FOR CASH. ALL RINDS OF LINEN, WHITE GOODS. LACES, RAISE OIDERIE RDEES.. tc. N. 8.-000 LACE Pot NITES AND MANTLES, at a furthrr reduction of 25 per cent. 300 PCS. TA tt LATONS, all colors, at 10 and re cents per yard, for covering mirro.a. ahan dal erg, ate. 800 gee: eoPT FINI4II LINEA'S. entirely without dreestnif, manufactured unready for Ladies Un• er wear. 1 LOT . F HE DY-MADE CHEMISES, em broidered and lace rrimmed.• 1 L9T KM B. C tr Mum YOKES. 07 - A Fresh Invoice of roint Lace Goods. je3-Im CLuAKS, VI lAil 8, LAOE MANTLES! FOR InfrDIRA, fdlbarog.A_ti_p c _ _ HI U HEN. . In Stile, Menus. and Worknianehio. we defy com. petition, Our prices ore , lower than ever. At the "` Uld establushed Cloak etore. ' Iro. 40 SOUTH RECOND Street. N. It —All orders premptly attended to. trie et* . 0. V. R. BUNTER. SMALL -PL 11l SILKS. B;11. and White French Silks. Slick and Whitn French Silks. Brawn and White French Silks. G.sen and Whit* French *dim I wide and White French Silk!. SO 00z. Bilk IS. at SI w uer 00z. Manz. White th , k (Slaves 26a per pair Many goods reduced very low, to close out. at JOHN H. STOKES'. -JO 7011 ARCH ;street. IVF WQUITII OURTAINS AND GLASS LT-1 C yr oVERING. HTT AND. COLORED HORNETS). The stitworthe. a have now on hand a Orli assortment of White and Colored Bob nets. of dot - ere-A widths, suitable or mirror and tare onvermy,e. RIX N t AND MO QUITO LIARS. They are prepared to cover aka defiers, tee fixtures, promises. glasses &0.. end to make mosem*o CmtMns fsr beds a d ribs in the most 'approved manner, and at *he *bon' est not , 08:1 811 PTA stD, VN. nll H. 1 1Tgalilint itAttAlniti e g; ntikOTtere and &a. iet 12t I, (mi . OWERTINTUT Street. T ,I.N.NNS AT COST FOR CASH ONLY ! A-. Damask Table Clothe. for flash. Irish Llnatia at cost for sash. Linen Pamaeks at vat, for cash, Towels at eon for each. Sheeting, Pillow and Butober'e Linens. Napkins, Doylies, 'tram:lolonm, to,, &c. Comprising our entire ate , k Linens, AT COB r FOR CASK. sointneneinz to day.. the 4th met. Our sock in lane, cheap, and fresh and will present many 'mamal bar gainn. aTa.l in these times, of extraordinary' cheap goods. COOPER & COirARD .3;4 8. E. eon NINTH and MARK%f7I. A.NTLES—DUSTERS. mu Mantle room, second floor, abounds in handsome Hot% Mantis/I. Dusters Thin Posters, for t adios and Misses. French lame Hoods, at oust. COOPER & COWARD jea S. E. Corner NINTH and MARKET. CNAP DdY bOOUi—WELL A. FORT F O STOrti to be sold Low. Mode Hike, Fanny riles. and Foulards. Pdenambutnee. and Gray Goods. Anchor Pollan. and %Aetna Anglaug. Baregee. Lawns. and Meantime, • Bien and Poye' Wear. Oloves snd Hosiery. nnetiand Shawls. GRISAT s , "CetivloE. JO .4 N H. STOKES. m. 25 TO4 ARCH Street. ADANS BON'd tiTticli to be closed nut et Learnt Whalen's Pflo9ll. CHEArDE THAN I F A DIACtiIINT WERE TAKEN OFF after theists was made. EIGHTH AND ARCH. M 329 . diPENINO OF 711 E ARCH-STREET MANTILLA STOKE, N. W. corner TENTH and ARCH. ALL NEW GOODS. Rt oh Lyons Silk Circulars. Rich Lyons Silk Saecues, Cambria and Pusher Lao* Points. DO. do. do. Mantilin. Cloth and Tweed Circulars. Summer Cloaka. he. Purchased under the influence of the War panic, and to be s. Id at less than the cost of importation and manufacture.. ta . tii , s nr6 invited to Inspect this stook; withoit rc 3..170 bOlOl . O purchasing elsewhere M 127 iM JACUti ILORSFALL. Prop's. ADAMS & SOWN STOCK to be closed oat at Lowest Wholegate Prioe,e 011.p.A_PKR Tllk IZ AKAO AUDI,FFOUNT WF.IE T after the eale was made. 1. !WITH AND ARCA. uty39 pigmy tiTYLE OLOAKS, EVERY NEW ety le, every nate reelArlal. et_prim rut a that tonieh aver? at the large 'tore, E. corner of Kiebth and Walnut 8 rents. my3l-lm PARTIOULAR ATTENTION. IS RE quested to our Sae stook of ORGaNDIES, FINE LAwNH, AND SILK ORAL LI kte, Which, in .onseatenos of the times, will be dime lied of et xsarificed rates. CHAS....I I AnnS & SON, 2f) NIGHTIE AND ARCH. ClliAKS.—Wholesale Merchants are in. vited to ineeeat the etoox at IVENS', No. 93 south NINTH Street, corner of Jayne et. m)3l lm Between Marie; and Cheetnut, V,,,PRIN4 CLOAKS ,. IN EVERY NEW P"- 7 8 . 71 e, at " ' .IVENB', ms t-am No. 83 8. birch sfreet. QPRP.G CLOAKS, RI ENDLE-8 VA ne+7, at 1V gNIP. mySl-Im QPRING -CLOAK% .THE CHEAPEST )‘r aver} r en ' at Na. 23 S. riira=t. ADAMS & BOA'S , iSTOCK to be closed out at 10 REST WHOLESALE PRICFS, Cheater than if a discount were taken off after the sal in e wmemade. MOUTH AND *HOU. aKS. FRANCII BAREQES I for sale r this morning. 12% oenni t Dress Goods marked dow. Gray bootie, marked dorm. Mozamhiaace, marked down to 18% cents, EY RH & LANDELL, myl6 FOURTH and ARCH. A DAMS & SON'S STOOK TO be closed out at LOWEST WHOLESALE. PRICES. Cheaper than if a discount were taken °Satter the sale was made. EIGHTH AND ARCH. HG99 NEW PLAID INDIA SILKS— I Just recetv.d. per Flying Seed, From Canton. two oases of Baia India Pills, extra quality, Warr-ntad to wuh well. and nendoeable Fur 'ummer Dresses. AM. one case of Brown and ' tab tribe Patine Yellow Ponerre. for -ummer Dusters. Lite Pongees, for under wear. KB. &Et 1!813 BROTHERS. CIIEsTP 4 II r and RlOli TH Streets. GRAY (WOOS OF THE P.I.FiDENT FA SHION.— ones Gray Modena/1,1214 cents. 1 case Gr.vr orellai cents. lease Gray roolineom onts. /came Gray Goat Hair, 26. 1 cage 8 i Gray kiarege anglaise. EYRP & LANDELL, iei k TR and ARCH. EYIELF. & LAND IGL L, FOURTH and 'AMT. gee oramtrtil to suit familial with an ea. 1101tMen t of goods adapted to their wants. Lilacs Silk, superior grade. Colored bilks ord toed Oboioo shades. Full tine etap!e Household Goods. Goods adapted to boys' wear. Goo.. Cloths. Manse and colors. Best makes of hluellat.__ Table moexis and I" oweliogs . (11.0ARS AND MANTILLAS.- °ATI- TiOrtt.—LaMes are cautioned against the nefari our statements of persons formerly in our emuloy , and now in the employ of other parties, who represent themselves " to be openeeted" with um. and their es tablishments to be • branches of tee Paris Mantilla E m poria:, Sao, statements ars wards UNTRUTHS, sped to smears trier heat store sousespeater. We hare ao store them ihe oast we have own led these= ream et 7 CH.ESTN UT Street. J. W. PaotiTOß & inrit-tf Perla hlnetills Emporium. A DAtdB & bl`trilli to be closed cia t .n a li Lira Nlir e rbi l t:l4ti l inT WERE TAILED ton? c it.sr +ha sale ass made. RIGHTH AND ARCH. CITY CLOAK STORE, No. 142 N. Eighth ergot, above Chang, are nourishing every new atyle of the geaton• eagarb'sialitiva, la !MOTT new othetth of color, cheaper then any other store in the city. 4,4 CONTINUATION OF 1N GREAT SATE CLOAKS, LACES, TRIMMINGS, &0., In liquidation of the Estate of J. W. PROCTOR & Co.. NU. 708 CHESTNUT STREET. The !took oorutiete of SPRING CLOAKS, nNaLroll TWEED CLOAKS, SILK CLOAKS AND !MOUES, SILK MANTILLAS, MANTILLA 4, LACE FLOCNOINGS, FRENCH LACE MANTILLAS, FRENCH LACE POINTS FRENCH LACE BOURNOUX, TRAVELLING SUITS, FLOUNCING LACES, DUBS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, Au., All In Immeozo Ymriety, and to De cold at abOUl oae hslF Ml° l u lidfrli e riiiTit t ragritl i ft myB-1m 708 CHEBTeI U Street. SUEPPARD . , 'VAN Alir. RISON, 1008 CHESTNUT ST., Invite the attention of ourehosere to their unwary large and well-selroted 'took of LINEN AND ROUSE-FURNISHING DRY GOODS, CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS, HOSIERY, EMB49/PNArfiki, CAMBRIC EANDEERCHIEBS, ETC., ETC., which, having been imported under the old tuff, can be Bold much below the present market rate. They beg leave also to inform their customer' mid the Van eneral[f that :A w e fror a z i s h a i t it Phlt tl a C 3 yard oar on del very. mvilklut RPEUIAL NOTILIG i " 1 On and atter tine date 'MORELS Cate offey. EVERY POSSIBLE LNDUORMERW CARR FOROBADER OF DRY GOODD I Beintdetennoted toadies Moir Bieck they will tie. CICKME argaina " Bassairot '8 f Heavy ItteM93 otur_ q 4 4 7! " TM " Ir CaribiT — Grenadine and *me t ; about one It their value. Gray Mixed Goods, in every variety, from 8 rents per yard to 80 °anti. BLADE BILKS, KIWI ADD ILtUBTROVII, VERY OH kAP. Neat Sleek Brocade 8i ke, double faced, ko_lte. De Leine*, Caliooes, Cassimeres, Cloths, vestings, /t LinenMulms. Flannel., Cover& SHAWLAn_ P GLOAIL-BOuld French Lace Mantle., Pointe', Shawls, Eugene'. clematis Lace Mantles Chantilla Laos Goods, ise. Meek Silk Coate_ Matta, *e., in every style. At ',MORA Et & CHUM _ P. 5.M nter MONTH EMILIO lIIAADEN HSTEEL & SON, • N 0.113 North TENTH Street. above Coates. Will sellthe BALVTOR OF T/LE/R 13TOCK oF rrsw eiriD DESL,ItaBIL.t. DRUBU titfoft At still greater reductions in slices than they have ever before mod o- and at O dl U GH LO PRICES than any RETAIL-Wk,OLEOALE ROU S E lathe city rancy. and .ontard ,•ilks, ver Very eases and good Wok mike. Clime Dress Do , de of every variety. Fine Janonet and Organdy+Lawns at 12, L MAN LEN, Pol wratt, HOUR ooU__ t it SILK AND CLOTH CO &ND MANTL E rs. jet ORHATLY UN DoR COLT PRICER. SIIMMER GoODA-- Reduced to very low orlon. Grenadine Santana, tim he. Rion Ornandier and Lawna. Fancy Woi Brad and& Baregea. • Ora/ Travelling bands. Dellattes. Ponlardn. flueale. liernania. Mozambiallan. Plaid Bilks. Fancy Silas Silk Robes. Barege. Grenadian. and Organdy Ronne. BIM,. shawl., Broglie, age etenee, Oxtail PI. Efts int4SI 4 BERS, my3l CTFTeIaT3TIIt and 111 iv Writ Strands ADAMS & SON'S STOLK to bi closed out at I (WEB? WIMLESALR PRICES. • Cheaper than, it a discount were taken Wafter the 8610 Trn.de. .F.IGUTIT. AND .aRCH. m. 29 4 -4 POLKA SPOT PRENVII LAWNS, for sale at 1,2 1 t1 cents, Butt Grounds kite Polka Spots. Mode Grounds White tont& elpota. These are first quality French. BY & LAND - BUJ, tarte FOURII• FI land ARUN. DKY.6OOIIPB JOBBE Ita. SPRING. OPENING . or OLOTH% OASSIBIERE% VESTING% LADIES' CLOAKINGS. And .11 good' suited to MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. AT C. SOIVIERS & euVICIINUT Street. under JAYNE% NALL. mh6-Sm SPRING. 1861 • J. T. WAY & (30.; no. viriptuKwar IMPORTlittb Ably JOBBRREI DRY GOODS. crirsz STOOK VS 11111V5 1 1411.12Y Mt. isS-ant GOMPLIZTE. 1861. DADE. 11,055. co. LAM DALE, /toss, do WITHEEN, NO. 521 MARKII7I3TBENT, Naye now open their fon SPRING IMPORTATIONS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS.. Tiow, attention of CASH BUYERS te especially In ya mball-Illa CARPETINGS. FRFAH VAITIQN BIAT/Ple. J. F. & B. ORNE. OPJPOSITE STATE RoVSE, Rwro now open their SPRING IMPORTATIONS OP DOUBLE EXTRA lIIIPERIAL /Tana, and SLED DEEMER CANTON MATTING. IN ALL THE DIFFERENT WIDTHS, Al MODERATE PRICES. 3. F. & E. B. ORNE, OPPOSIIE STATE 11011 SE• MILLINERY; GOODS. STRAW AND MILLINBRY GOODS.- OUR ENTIRE STOCK reasonable and Fashionable roods. _ er PRICIRR TO. SUIT Thir.. - TIMES. -- LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS. S CRAW HATS-SPECIAL Cash buyers 01 : STRAW: isud PALM-LEAF REM ill find GREAT BARGAINS. in desirable goods. It LINCOLNI I WOOD & NICHOLS, . 850 , CUESTNUT Street. _ ak FRAMES. FRENCH FLOWERS. STRAW GOODS. I.ATEXT STYLES CONSTANTLY RE CEIVING, THOS. KENNEDY & BRO. NO. 729 CIIESTI4 UT Street, below LIGHTS. GROCER' EIS. 0 T FAMILIES RESIDING - IN THE RURAL DISTRIOT& we are prepared, as heretofore, to auvaly familial" at lour Country Reindenooo with every dosoription of FINE fIOCIERIES. TEAS. Re., 'Etc.. ALBERT O. ROBERTS - COINER SLEMITS AND VINE STREETS. mylS EXCELSIOR. HAMS _ H. MICHENER & 00.. BERBRAL PROW:110N DRALBRO, AID (ROLM or BNB • CELEBRATED r "EXCELSIOR " HVGAI—GYRED NUL 141 AND 144 NORTH FRONT SMOLT (Between Arch and Rata etreetiA PHILADELPHIA. s, Llt ir ik u l ly dr. lebra (in a enfr ;rd . [ONE . 41. 1141). Or- Wer t" P ri ann si til m e s :i :a r tt?:& 1 :43 1 :on " TIP ' ? RUH an Parlor to any now offered for We. 144„ VOCE titilita /HAN ISEAti/VJSY.—ji, W. E." scOTT. Sla CHESTNU he T Street. We v_M 4 5 the " continentaL" T etteemeilf ova; is invited to his CHESTNU T I 0 . of molar Et. make. and gisteditt. 4401: 4 1 11 a • tll weer de skated We& nal SALES AUCTION• SALE OF ITALIAN /RABBLE MONUMENTS, 'TOMBS, &e. THIS (WEDNESDAY) MORNING, AT 1034 . O'CLOCK. At the Marble Yard, FIFTH Street, above South. Tits collection in a apecial consignment to Messrs. VIII BROTHERS, and will be mold without VAterva. It M. THOMAS & SONS AUOtIO3I43IMS. COMMISSION HOUSES. GRAY FLIANNELS. BLUL•GRAY fIAtiNVIS, GRAY FLANNELS. nIIE-MIX V.l) PLAPINKLA THE CHEAPEST IN THE MARKET. GRAY FLANNELS. MALE • BY THE PIECE on 414 1 4 1,g, FOR CASH, BY JOSHUA L. DAILY, m75-tf NO. 913 MARKET STREET. WELKIN - Or. COFFIN. & CHESTIvnir AMINTS FUR THE SALVO! 111111111 ELL MFG. CO.'S PAINTS AND LAWHIL Witasrcel W 9. CO.'l TwargEr ZED AZID 4ITAXIX PRIN/B. rine Bleached Canon& ipONSDALE , ROPE, BLACKSTONE, SLATERS. 1 711‘LBOAMEISTOWN, RED DANK, *REEVES, ME M. AND BELVIDERE. Brown Cottons. ERMAN ALLEN, MT. KOFF.. FRUDONIAN. MCC OHIO. GROTON. VIRGINIA FAMILY AND MDONANIOW AND FARMERW. SEAFTON, SLATE RSV - 11LE, AND JEWETT CITY DAMN., M.) 77 urns. LONEDALE CM'S NANKEENS AND SILESIA& GLASGOW CORSET JEANS. 130TTOKLEY'S BLACK AND GLENBAM CO.'S FANCY MIXED CLOTHS. MAHN!, AND SAXTON'S RIVER CASSIMERES GREENFIELD CO.'S BLACK DOESKINS. RODMAN'S FINE I mum DOUBLE AND TWISTED OASOCRERES, NEGRO CLOTHS. &c. MINOT. BUS RIVER. CRYSTAL IRIIINGSYCKE. SHIRE, BRIDGEWATER. AND BRISTOL SATINETS. felit-tf SHIPLEY, HAZARD, HIITOIIINBON, NO. 112 OREBT.NV7/ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR TEE PALE OP PHILADELPHIA-MADE G-OODS. altSl-11m FOR SALE AND TO LET. amTO NIZNT HOUSE AND LOT at R Vf RTON. N J.., la miles front the city. The dwelling is partially famished. and the grounds w.4l supplied with shade and fruit trees. "I he property is On the De anon, end there is rregueet communication With the city by a eambost and reamed. It will he rented titter. a despahle tenant. dares*, personally * i f " RlVArtna CattneiV , goo ARL9rat. ing.2o ITO RE•' , T —VERY LOW.-11 d • some now RE9IDENEE. Powthonst corner of TWENTY FIR 4T and M 4 TINT VIsiONON Oro ems. Possession inonothato.y- lfoss 90T Coates at. 104-50 foR 8 %LB.—The Store arid Owel MA !mg, Iro. 211 ARCt street. Terms very mom modsting". Aeroir to MAW. n k w 1 Ylo, t. E. corner FOURTH and VITALNIU r Atm., ie4 6t* wetland floor. WI TO LET—A - Desirable HOU?E, with all the Medern Improvements. surrounded with shade and ornamental Trees. No. 98 ITrion at , eet, Mar- Huston,- N. J. Apply to F. P. nalLiDt.« TON, oirle-tf 5 North FRONT ..treet. el TO LET--A DESIRABLE DWEL MIL LING NO 1523 North THIRTEENTH Streat. ADM to *ETHERILL & BROMXISR. 4 1 and 49 o SECOND street mhl4-tf CHES'PNIIT-&TRIall 110138 E and -EN. BTORE - to rent.—The desirable bluenose loontiir, 130 CHEBTNITY Street, with dwelling fatal:seed. e 1.011-EliTni UT - wden -- (3IIIIRidANT4..IWN PROPERTY TO - ILENT.—To Rent, the large mid norronedieus modern- tw it Rouse, poser of ARMAT Street and Wth W Avenue, errtn gas, bath, hot and cold water, and all the modern improvements. Apply to PENNY B.TARR, 710 GREEN Street. Philadelphia, or on the promises.WOO - tf al TO KENT -- Two OOUIITIt Y NOUSES,one mile from Taoor7. Inquire No. 717 WALNUT street. mull 1111* 910 RNT.—Two Houses on Race street, -K. one No 1507, and the other No. 136. Said houses are oomptete wl hall. the modern tutprovezaehte. In quire at N 0.136 O AOF., Stre t. jel St* rito liEfitT—A very desirable STORE, on the Ninth-street front of "The Continental Hotel." The Store at Ninth and Sansom streets espe cially adapted far a tlattmg and HAMBIBIR Maker. OPIT to JOHN RICE, f If Southwest NINTH and PIANBIM ',tread*. V RENT—THE LAR4E AND 00N VENtENT Coal Wharf and Lumber 'Yard, at Nte k r Lanavlllo. Twenty-fourth ward. Anal! tO Lt. & P. H. WARREN on the venom. mu/44f FOR ILIEMANOR—A OHOIOE TRAOT m• of good unpaproved farm lend the State of New Jersey, convenient to the city. will be exchanged for linty_ property.. Apply at No. 1161 FRD,RIIII. Street. For R. OORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER KAM AND GOSIVEYASIGER, IiGKRU3TOWN, PA. .-Rool Estate bought and sold on renoonnblo toms, MONO aid dwellings roar sale or rant in Nornstown and ecnintry. Good mortgages negotiated. CoGeotions made. Wile best referenoes des-Rm WANTS. WANTED—Men of intelligence and to " makV a M t tle g Y ad , : 1 117170t1 T al v :. "i rdtrI g- 4 s iiittt l Yp ne t e or call upon a. .11. 139AMAPC, 139 pond'. kl(10... rnieet. iii 6t* WANTED—AGENTS to sell PAOSA GRB of STATIONERY and JEWELRY. at prkoss one third leas than can he purchased elsewhere. Gau on or address tstamn enoloseai J . L. BAILEY. No. 14 QUIT Bisset, Boston Macs, mh2S-em n &ENV. 841 A KERS WANTED.-From it Fifty to a Hundred more Hands can Sad employ ment. B.isioptus Krstiessuits for be Unit.datates, up application at the Quartormoster's Office. U. 8. A., corner TWNIFfit and Olit Alto Mete. myxr-mwt fiIimPLAA ERS WANTING YOUNG Men. Eco.. are invited to address the " Etn_elg meat .Couttotttee," at the Rooms of the Young Men Ohnstu t in Aesooiation, YOO9 and 1011 GiLbireNl/1 Stsee. ARMY AND NAVY gUppLiEs. pROPOSALSit ARMS. Sealed Proposele will be received at Springfieldalk note. on or before the twelfth (12th)day of June next at noon. by the uncle signed on mossionets on the port of the state , Illinois for furnishing, dels%ered at Springfield. Illinote, the following arms and Guinn- MUM 3uremt (12) 6- the brass guns. rifled. Twelvel2-lbs brass howitzers. rifled. ( 121 sumps for 6 lb •u. e. 8 x (6) caissons for 12 lb howitzer'. three (S) travelling ibises. hree (3) battery wagons . Mae (31 spare sun earnageh One hundred atop n,nety eight (198) sets of artillery harness. with a 1 the implements and equipments for three OOMPaltele o the , to be subjected to the same telts n o s thowsend (LOWY wsvairreetrflert - On n e tho thou an d u (Inew (1 MI oarta cav alry av vto's (revolver's.) Ua One thousand ittigii holsters. One thousand (1.099) belts. o correspond in an respects to *he like arms and ap pendages din the strut eof the 'United Kan e, and of the newest and most approved style and finish, one to be suktieetud to the same outs. The commissioners reserve the right to rejeot any proforma not selloff .otory. The terms of payment limier law, eighty per cent. on delivery, twenty per oent. o a enpletion of contract. address commissioners for purchase of arms, tea, Springfield, JAB. li. BTOKE • NVEETSPLSO,NCom missioner mylit•let puB,F. PORT WINE. FOR BALF. BY 0. H. MATTSON, ARCH ANDTENTH STREETS. jt6 81RD , 13-EYM VIM OF IDE SEAT OF WAR —"l'he best and most authentic MAP OP THE /Max OF WAR. Pow resd•. times ONE DOLLAR. EAN Wl. 64Renem. aes 2t. 5.16 Oat. kArkAUT St. ,Q,tiBAT lEEDUOT.OI4 PRICKS. coleiree phorogr&phe for IL Don't finret, a REImEII 9, e Gallery, /SECOND isueet, ,ye GYM N Ambroty pal at all son es. ll* p is GARAI' BAROMNS, TILTS DAY, HA& In RONKKTB, C PB. aad HEAD - DRESSES, at the New York Flora, 07 Eouth TENTH Street. alms Chestnut. jes rot /‘ POINT BKEEZIC PARK.—The Trot between WRF KtX and CAPITOL A is FusiToot an. on amount of the weather, until FRI DAY AFTER' , WPC . ItiSTITETTION FuR. THE BLIND -Ex bibitions every WEDNESDAY A eTERNOON• Selected pieces Vocal aim Instrumental. 'Admission, TEN WON& CommeLoing 111 "" " See' look. e roar, 11 South EIGH.TH Wert. 0122-1" f yob ttOF. HIRAM CORi6ON will give Pri vate Lessons in the Alt, and via nay. daring the summer months, in Eipontion, riminernattoF. and th. 0 "ica. at One half his usual Wes. Bee aline eiltUOS 'Street. jut- %tabs Sc . rrHR PARTNERSHIP HEKETI F qui =Wine be weep the underelgned. under the firm of BLACK & uUitg.R• in the Wine and Liquor busi ness. je thu del weir Ived by mews' o •neant. T Oo buit...• of the firm will be gettied b.v J. R. BLACK, u.e remaining wirier. J. H. SLA A. Jet-ir ?Meadelpn is, June 1. 1861 K SHOEMAKER & 00., • OLAF& FAINTE. OILS, AND VA.RNISREB. Northeast Comer FOURTH and RACE Street& WALNUT -STREET THEATRE. 8010 Llooteo---,,,,Kra, NI. A, HARRETTIVIR. by=”.... A.—at T. P) . V W P RY. Tato tOireriwwsig - evcwwwNr. , 6- IMOLZY 4.,CAMP.SPLL'S 1 1 11W.STRELS, Thenilao • eft.oo, Broadway. .cew k. The Programme w , ll consist of a warier of norm. Ognefl. &0.. in which the whole of this Star Tree wi .1 nuclear. ;drench. es The ea is too conclude with the laughable burlea•me til.e THE MASQUE& *DE BMA. Doom open at 7.% o'clock ; commence at g. ACADEMY OF' thUble. A eoNcE RT, comowmic. oF THE I , LOW R QUEEN. CORONATION VP 'rue ESSE'. TOGRI qtlnvit AIISCELLAETNKMOUS PIECES, HANCOGE G IRLS `GR AM MAR SCHOOL. I AU:I,W TH viILN THURSDAY EVKN E ING. JUNE G. mi. At S f9olook. Prof. SORti BOWER =REV; vS CENTS. p o o eels et Beek te. Devi.ot6snaChi.tje e t greets: Les h Walker , .. 722 eheetnut street ;.t the Nohoni..Lloati aultre.t. above Twelf,n. and at she door on the evening of the CoLeert. Jet at* I ,kBBEIIIB Y BnILDINGS. TRIUM M Ie N Wh UPCESS! STEREOIRCO MON. of she ItvßELLiOli rd Saud, num's Gigantio Movin rA N oßom , s TH ot o. v.. 0 - 14 wag, • TWO EX. EI [ONE coM OMR& MONDAY PV6tethl43. June 94 And Every venial during this A m..k. NEW AND IN irmlitis IoG VIEWS. Assam nation of rlo'on.i wligworth ; Droworil. the Avenger of Eneworlh ; iloworthli Mem me in State 11/11.......nt to 1 11..0.4.4 1 . P ins; Mar.oli'of it 9. Arm, - into Virginia! Craning the Long Bridge over the Po tomac. (ny moonlight Hamra Ferry and Kobe Ei terms ; Gi caltm Map of the neat o , War; don h frn Cale- ; Forte &Immo .'oultrie. and Sumpter; Attack on the Mamnwhusetta soldiers ano unarm -d renneylre mane in Baitimora. and ether important meshes Lon- Dented with the war. All the Rattle, of the Russian War. - Rand of fniisto rittendsnoo. Adinionou 23 CISTIra 4,hildron 16 neat*. rsooll 0444 at CORIIIIO.OO at 8. D 4 V PE Rl.O RMANCE EVERY AFTERNOON, at 3. Je3 44 N N A. . AOADIRIT OF TEE 111 4 1,11 it- ARTS-1025 CHESTNUT STREET. The Thirty-eighth .NNUAL EX ill NW! Op of PAINTIPiagt and SCULPTURE u, now open Admi ttmtoB canto • RAlLE,Ml_,..4}.l4.—aLgummi Chil- Wilt raceme meir made at the Academy. 10 Open from 9 A. ht. till 7 P. M., and from 8 P. M. till P. M. . ardea-tf ettrtuacit R.ESUR •f VIESSON SPRINGS, CAMBRIA. 0 v PA.—This delightful end popular p 1 09 of summer Tren't !rated al Mils on the line 011110 r, noer Yam Fla.lroa.d. on tee iminmit of the nap ear mountains, tweet.-i hree honer d feet above the ',wad of the ocean. will be ~pen lc- gums the torh of Piece l•et omon the iron ids have been greatly IMP ved Red bee rendering Gramm one oft a moat romantic no attractive pso a in the as -to. The furniture ii 6einc tho -ng .eno aied. Time oeiker we:o.ra, tin;.o .uffirer from hest or digects, will find tiras he e. in a firat-onua !vary Strod , Billiard Tab es, Toopfn alley! !Saha, &c.. tmother with th e purest Far and wtter, tee m et magaifieent m .re.ery to he mind .n the eon att.,. Tmeats rood for the toned tnp from Phdadelphm. arrow ; from Mr burg, tl3OO For further informal on, eddresa G. W. MUL (Welton Perinea. Cambr a t , Fa. I,IUNVIANTYO x-AL , BRA ATITT""O LONG IlltAltlOll, Pf. 3 The subscriber wal yen hte hotel for the R-Cr.re.o OP VI ItOltS on Patina ay . June 16. Ib6l. goyal 2m* d. HO W L t HD, Proptiolor, EPHRATA AinIINT&IN aPatiilafic LAStrIaSTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. This celebrated W. tering Place will open for visi tors on the 3 i day of JUNE with all the attractions of former seasons. rituated on a mountain 1,200 feet above tide-waters oVrtrioditttle.. the riabest serf atonal emote, in the world the air p#rfeetly pure and dry at all times, ren ders it proverbially healthy. here are ample rienommodations for 400 visitors— fine graded watts through the forest to the vartatts springs and summer houses on tee mountain end to the eMarea cry fr,dit the tap of. Wide , . is Ore acted t 6 the eie one of the finest and miist extensive p inn rimia news to be seen. A good livery is kept on the place. and beautiful drives around ; hot and cold baths.; a splendia hand Ste (from the berretta's. of rtu- IsAlelphia ;) bowline entire and billiard saloons. - with the latest to pro-ed tables. Large surd Ana attsohad to the place. from which all the resembles am ragen fresh for the table, which, ori. will be supplied fr the Phil delphia and Baltimore markets as well Mt from the rich agricultural country around. Careful and attentiveservants. Having teen *Onto oted with the establishment for some r.-. 1111 wah ter, areproprietor. the uadersiwned snivel' the old patrons of the place and the on Ito generally that it will be oondmited in every depart ment, in its former popular way. Visitors to the Nero go will take the oars to LANDOW.- tar, thence 13 miles stating over pleasant roads and through a beautiful o iuntry. Through tickets issued at the rennssNamettailroadafll it, no , aV. NAN. and Pt a WIC Ei"f directs Plularielphia. For further particulars or circulars the nominator refers to JLio U. Mtl its ,corner !TIRO and VIN I, Streets, and to SSIVIEP BsYStiel iso. a north SIXTH Street, Phu adelphia ; or, address ..AVRIAKV.II, mr24-2m Ephrata P. 0., Lancaster co., Pa. WHITE SULPHUR SPRIN4 , I3 HOTEL, C siLLIPLE. Cumberland county, The Proprietors take pleasure in ,nnounains to the ablic that this ulaxmfic-rat estabbiduniiiibt Li now open for visitors. Persons wishing pure mountain air. medi cinal waters. bathing, fisillnir ant rood living , at rnh sonable prices. cannot do miner than to try theeo Syringe ForpArtionlars. mod for oironlArs to Whl. H BURHOUGHS,i York 9# in. 01 ., v. .. , vtir D. C. BURNT'T, tT, Propnetors. mylig-tat UEDPORD EPtcINGS.—A. G. ALLEN . respectfully isformstbe public% that this well esta blished and poonlex watering please is now open for We rens von and aocommodanou of visitors, and SAO b kept open neat the Etre% of October. Persons wishing Bedford Mineral Water, will be sun pima at tne apnoea at the .follcrwing prizes,vis : For I bbl foak)—. (oak,— Rattles. X rant. Der 60 Parties wowing rooms. or 1... r in regard to the piece, will address the B dford Mineral Sprin g s Company, Bedford. Pennsylvania. raLY.Set HELIR'S HOTEL, HA RRIBHURO, Fa. The management or this well-itoriwn Hotel having been leased by Ini-sers COY B & HE •R. the present proprietors beg leave to Inform the pubbo that the J{on.e re now being_ thorotith r R EDIO VAT D. Rhi- FITT 61 11 . and IMP WO *tr.', with a view to the Droner and comfortable accommndistron of those who may lavor the establishment with their etistom Guests will receive due &creation . and onurtesy cia3d AO pens. Wi I he spared that may condone to ;fountain the Botpl in a Bret olive stile. Families and others desiring to sojourn in Harris burg miring the summer moeths will find pie lent Boarding and large ai d well-ventilated Rooms at our establishment, upon moderate terms corr outL. O g. my27-!m J GILD. RT VER.. SOD& WALTER CiIIARLES M. BREAlintid LCE•CCLD tioDA W4TER, WITH FRESH FRUIT BYRUPB. AT .NORTHBABT CORDER BROAD AND CRUST. NU"' !Viten& 'She Soda Water ie drawn from Imrssicis - lined Founts - fur. pure and spark ling welt charged watt air bow° Bead gsg. the ujrupe are prepared with the highest regard to retaining the sartotat. Ft.A.V.R oW THE WWWVW No pain, wilt De spared to maintain the high oharaoter which Ws Fountain has alreadi at - tainea. Bottled Bode Water atBM cleats per dozen. Congress Water, fresh from the awing', constantly on hand. Mill Sm r thstRAl4Cl C!ONFAMINII. VAMIC INSURA.NOE COmPlai 1, 4t.' No. 406 ON,F6ITNUT Street, FMB AND 1NL4610 INEIIINANON, DIM cross. eleorge-W.ofjUx A fitatimak. Samuel Wright— Wright B ros & 04. D. B " DIME & Birnek Nulty Leine, " Lewis Bros & • C. Richardson- J. C. Howe & Samuel T. 801ine...-Freet Wyoming Canal Doak% Jno. W.F.vermatt_—ofl. W. Engrain & Do. Deo. A. West....- " West & 'robes. T. S. Martin—" Savage, Martin, & De. O. Wijgon Davie . ..L.....Attorney-st- law. E. D. Woodniff—......of Bibley A Molten, & WcitinuT. /to. Kessler, ITN Orson street. OWN . / W: DAY:LiIa/IMA 7 antic= Duc k, Tice .uolodent, WILLIAMS i. ai.A r' can Q•Armtl4,lr tl+ir ire*. retrillups. 901 A VLL Y U UDIFI'JED FfrATIII fk- 7 TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD andrCRESIF WITT Strema. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT, 11. IL cRAWFORD, President, JAMES R. .11,ENTER,Seoretary and Treasurer. Ofme hours, from 10 nail I Walsh*. Tiuc Company le not Joined in any application title Legislature. SAFES. ILILLIE'S SAFE REPOT REMOVED to No. South SEVENTH. street. near the in The cndersitned, thankful for put favors, and being determined to went future patronage , bag scoured an elegant and convenient store, and has now on head WV. wortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Ir roof safes, the duly strictly Gre and burglar proof sates made .) Also; Lil lie'. llnes_wil led Beak Vault, Safe. and Hank Looks. Lillie 's Bank Vault Doors and Looks will be tarnished to orde r on short notice. Ties a the imetttwat =7lllll24;riN M NOW beat- Cabin Bate for FUN, ewer!, e oon eede4 to surpass on style and elegance anything yet of fered for this purpose, and is the only one that is striat ly fir, and burglar proo f. Orzinat. No rtes.—i have now on hand 1117 twenty of Farrel, Herring, & Co.'s Baffle , most of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers,opmprumis complete assortment as to sign, and all lately ex , changed for the now Celebrated Lillie Safe. They be sold at very low price.. Please call and *Mamma. lylf • TeiE —CAMIAN PAD ATLANTIC itALLn OA 111 , train leaves Vine- street ferry datji du• day, excepted) at.... -._....._........._:..7 go a, M. Receiving. Mayees Ma • 2J P. M. Fat • e Round.trie tiokete. good for three data B 2 iO. • • i minston H o ppe, Neptune, !MMus's. and o ker hotels, are nom am. je3 if JNO. 0. BRIANT. Agent. NIBMINNE WEST UHESTER TRAMS via PHIIINQYLVA NIA HAI H A.., leave depot, corner ELI6V eI4TH and hi %RICHT, at 8 a. 1'4., I P. M. and 4 P. Oa Ousida9, leave Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M.. attd Weal Cheater at 4 P. N. 3,5(1-ti &gat/ FuR DA.ILY AT 3 O'CLOCK P hi. BaliTlino AND Mit. Pain s r MBOATI COMPANY. (Ericsson Via Chesapeake and us,,* were renal. One of the new [T on etteareaDateof this UounralLy will }save the lister stde of Ohs:tout street Wharf BY BEY AF rEß*.tro a (1411. days excerpted at 3 d'oloolti and will arrive in Saititaare early the neat mamma. Freight of all kinds ogee at the lowest rates; also. Cattle. Monies, Moak. Veniolos ke. For Freight, Peels etth rio l . 0 . : 6 . 4 7 80 . 0vuET8H . z wß i AßAonv i e, aitlB-im it . isd ir s a FON NNW YORK. NEW DAILY LIKE. %IA Dahmereatd Raritan p ugh ei end New York Exptuk SteamboatCoraL g oof recve freight on and miler MOO DA Y. Wltk. not ana, and owe &ilk 114 2 P. IC. delivering their ear wig in new ork the toßowink dayx, Prelate Wee at reminnable rate& WM. I'. CLYDE. Agent. De. 14 SOULS W H aim V EAND FA Ag wthin-if . JAMES .e Nero 14 and II MIST AIYER, New York. tf jagfirsi FOR NEW YORK. Tint InuanumenostaM i l li gsli e r a ili=Vm eg = Thetag. • • ir Stilarter* axe now receiving freight et SteWg# vier shave *shad Weer. • wen= eacorontodeung. V 11 1: minim i con. cog ...oh guise.. I DR. J. WISN , No. 3 0 •tionit FIFTH &rept, rgudtpsiura - — Taste sooosooftia,y. If applunt to tnpo, of the Lvnos. ..Eutiwr and H froemeng, moo CIItitiUMPTIOn thi wad ig Wogs. so auto restores all eurable diseases 0 tkis sea skit. no kutoilven them hie entire attention the esal le rear& Wi ll Inait oationtn. when deemed at tbs.. ..••••Atime.. %la it * • U K , WILLIAM isLIIXaNDBA,rit). 340 B. FOURTI Street, above Ftna. Moe hours (writ 9 &ranch A M. att9 P. M. m)3l int Cl AM AND TUMTLM bOUP SIMVID uprry Asa Am va " H I " 0710 fi at Dos MARL Streit.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers