• eforo; a nd, secondly, that we 01111110 t rOoOffs tc e • s the doctrine that by any proolamation or any Imam the Northern States have power as :fat the Ssuthern Confederation to treat pri. tering iso Brou gham heartily and to visit it with death. n o r d Brougham heartily wished that all NITA. Ing were piracy y the law opinion onnations this point had • o• zalsenderstOod• What he eald was that pri- T er i u g undertaken by the subjec ta of one trY, so , us e the trade of another eountry, with ° w h their own orm at pease, automated to piraoy. rtoaring- however much it might !r , ad tattly, e the eau a rabeea grepre 7ude&wasunoopireay atsoding to f the law ofltiis Datioe, as that law aras at present understood and „l o wered; but, if any persons, subjects of this :;;; w y, I :tad out a vessel agaiatt another °Nary v i t c which we were . at peace, that in itself oon fticeed a piratical act, and he wee clearly of minion that the persona so acting would ti the only itstololses to blame, if after full warning y on pod own that oea-..e_ T A koig into acoactut the great changes and ira wocsments in all the appliances of warfare which tad of late ara taken place, he should hold that yo w l, I be looked upon al mounting to eoutre bsuiof war, if fernieben to one of the belligerents obe used is warfare against the other. Ha might I li that he entirely concurred in the opinion that .tuts pot nooessary that a blockade, in order to be jested u p o n as ainelire, should be of snob a ma ture s s to reeler access to any part of the coast impassibie. bat blockade ould be sufficient to con owe it a real , that it preoluded the ex iscpcs of any reasonable lemon of elnreuoe, The Union Feeling in Maryland. ELKTON, Caen county, Marylon:id, May 31, 113111_ To ran EDITOR or Tan Panes : Our town is i t present the seems of active military prepare. op A thoraiting Moe was opened to-day for the eiliitment of men, in pm-a-canoe of tto call of t h e president for volunteers for three years. me co mpany of about one hundred men, under the ottethod of Captain Riokette, expect to be nine ,e),,d Into one of Colonel Cooper's regiments next oe k some time. Captain Ricketts has had some er perietthe at West Point Asaa noeident manned bore to.day about two te l ee k. As two companies of Colonel Jarratt's .Regiment of Pennsylvania soldiers, stationed here, sere preparing to march to Cherry Hill to assiatin ra mpg a large ling-pele, a private of Captain Me n:iris company - was accidentally shot deed, by the diEcharge of a gun in tbe bands of a fellow ed. dim The nome of the soldier was Maguire. Re is a Olsen of Danvillo ) in Columbia county. Operations in the Nan Yard at Charles town, Mass. loonexpoodeace of The tress.] BOSTON, May 31, 1861. The steam frigate Cefer.scie will he put into commission today or to morrow, and will probe * rail early next week. Her destination will be the Gulf, where she will meet the frigate Ails. st spypt, and take on board Pies (Meer Mervin, of New York, and act as flag ship of the Gulf dl lotion of the blockading rquadron. She earries forty guns, and 570 men, others included. ThePreble, carrying sixteen guns and ISO men, h nearly ready to receive her commission and odosers. The tamers have not reported yet, and it is nof generally known who they are. Übe will probably join the African or Pardee squadron. The sloop 'Vincennes, rating twenty guns, and carrying 200 men, is now undergoing repairs, and ~11 sat be ready before I month, although het doers are expected to report at the yard in a short time. Her destination is not known. There are comparatively few men employed in ae yard at the present time: three weeks ego woe were about 2 500 men at work in the various departments; to-day there are only 1,450, 150 of orbom are occupied on the Vincennes ; many of lige ethers are engaged in getting ant the timber far a new gun-best, the keel of which has already been laid in one of the Alp housea. There wilt probably be many more men employed to work an ter, as she is to be ready about the let of Septem ber. They expect, however, to build two of obese bolts here, as the yard at Goaport is destroyed, and that of Pensacola Is in the hands of the rebels. In the rope• walk they are very, bney, employing about seventy-two men, most of whom work fifteen lows A nay, turning out about twenty tone of tordsge per day. it is said this le the only eao son:moat walk in operation, the one at Portsmouth being need for soldiers' barracks. Lint and. Bandages for the Army. To TEM EDITOR. OP Tna Paves : Str—The praise intentions of many benevolent Indies of gilts airy, in manufacturing lint and bandages for :be army are, I fear, liable to be thwarted in many imauees by Moir of knowledge of the material to be need, and the requieite size of the various enti tles. lem led to preseme to make these remarks from a csaversation I bad with Mr- A. Pates, the !argon of Col Korponey's regiment, on the oub ;Jet. end who kindly forwarded me the enologed Ister. if not taking up too large a apace in your . ..ihribia paper, I should fool much obliged if you turd give publicity to Me directing. I think os, they may prove of nee ' and prevent the Mil. :tutf Canton Jannel being soraped, instead of tiren being ravened as directed. Yews respeotfully, Anti LONSDALa. DIRICTIOBIS —Lint should be made of unravelled linen, new or old, (the latter preferred,) by cut ting it in pieces four or eve 'inches Elnan, which would be highly soooptable, while but Made from canon flannel is irritating to the wound. Bandages should be made of linen or unlttna.ched muslin, the former preferred. with as few Solids as poseible; they should never be shorter than two yards. Purr benders should be about one inch wide, and for cases where all the hand in to be covered, they ought to be eight yards long Bandages broader than three Motion are inconvenient to handle. The length may vary from three to six teen yerde. We have much pletusure in complying with Wee Lonadale's regnant, in publinhing the foregoing di• notions, end if our exobangea wiU copy them it viii be the means of extending this useful inlay nation to all Redone of the country where ladies are engaged in thin benevolent work. From Tennessee. The Washington correspondent of the /law York Dianne writes on Saturday The Hon. Emerson Etheridge, of Tennessee, ar rired here to day. Re came by way of she river sad trolgarille, where he spoke on Monday night to a large and enthusiastic audience. Ile says thee Tennessee is to play the part of Virginia; East Tennessee and part of the Cumber land monistain region, about a third of the that,. where Andy Johnson, Maynard, and Nelson live lid have been speaking, will, like western Vlr pizia, show a strong majority tor the Union i and II the rest of the State goes for disunion, as is cer tain, civil war is inevitable. In Western Tennessee, Mr. Etheridge was the enly speaker in the eanviess, accept a fee/ friends LA his county. In Middle, and much of Western Tennessee, no Union speakers and no Union news papers' are allowed. The Louisville Journal and the Louisville Democrat are "tabooed'' in Nash rine and Momplits. Soldiers are dlstrilteded through the State to overawe the voters. These soldiers may vote anywhere, but the cap tain are to see that they vote fairly. There is en snesmpweat within twenty miles of Mr. ridge's house. All the Limon papers in the State save Brownlow's, have been spiked. Aker the passage of the Seeession ordlnanas. Senator Johnson's life was not safe The Disunion:- Om are well armed. The Unionists are without arms, and cannot compete wish the rebel troops. Bight out of ten men in Louisville are for the talon, but Western Kentucky, west of Tennessee rile; like Western Tennessee, is largely Disunion. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. VETTED STATES DISTRICT DOVRT—Judge Valueleder —On Saturday rho Grand Jury same into court, presenting the name of A. 3. .dutelo. engaged by the Quartermaster General's Depart Inset, for furnisbindwortblese collies to the Govern /mut at exorbitant rates The Grand Jury further stated, in the paper, that they were ready now to furbish the United States District Attorney with the names of the wit- Met end all other Information that be should itemire. Judge Cadwalader took the paper, and said it Would be sated upon by the District Attorney at csme. It was desirable, if further presentments were to be made, that they should be made in a more definite form; in other words, should be ao compenied by epeoilleations, so that the District Attorney could mot upon them without any original larestisetion. The Judge farther alluded to the length of time they had been in session, and the great expense thus entailed noon the Government, and expressed hope that they would speedily oonelnde their labors. Th. fermata stated that there was important Gn isidted husinees before them. Later in the day, the Grand Jury eame hack and 'cemented the following To the honorable John Cadwalader, judge of the District Court of the United States for the Ealt• era dietriot of Pannaylvania The Grand Jury, in the oontelentions discharge of their duties, have been in the diligent pursuit tti a t inquiry touching the interacts of the United Slates Government and of the United States sot. diens; they are tarn in its prosecution- and have zeta large number of witnesses to examine; that t beY have been coiduoting it as e . xpeditiously ea Male, and have Bought the *dyne and instrue det of the District Attorney is the prosecution of their labors• and have as hurriedly as possible, lotaistent with the public) interest, pushed forward their Investigations; but they have been so fin patty admonished by the court of the ttenormotoo Ittanne attending their sittings, and the manifest Illitiety of the court to discharge this body, that ant own self respect compels us to ask the court to relieve us from further attendance. At the mime no would respectfully present that a farther snause than that aristog atone from the eittings at this jury is absolutely necessary to provide de. tett "Accommodations for the officers of the court and felons grand juries; and also that it is only r emonahle to expect from the court a certain Itseuut of respect towards grand juries, which has dots format been extended us 111 reply to this communication, Judge Oadwala d er referred to the power 'vested in the court by the act of Congress, 18515, to diaoharge the Grand J o, WhIDDIWIT a further continuance of their so den will not, in the opinion of the court, subtlety* the public interests and the otjust of this act was t „? prevent the continuance of the sessions of the ,7stid Jury from being extended with an expenee ‘ l nltopordonete to the public foment of their tietigatioos The jidtte hod alwaya hoped that duty would never require him to exercise it arts time at which a Grand Jury might desire to t ° _tlYtie their sessions. But the great exPazn - F o r ° tneon - od in the courts of the United Mates d / the attendanee of jarors had induced him, or mention the subect to Grind Juries : 1 ? nth language as might in vite their attention to i mp:Artemis. Be certainly had been adestuder -4734 la the present instanes. The Winne laid 1 1 the Quad Jury tad been of limited Meat and the time et the juries ha been eGenptel with an investigation as to whioh be had given ell the aid In his power. The particular preasntment which as yet bad been the single reset of their invoittgetion scouted to the court wanting in pro. oleion,if not in epeoitioation. In stating this to tee Grand Jury no diereopeot was felt or intended, and he <mild not believe that any wu exhibited. The judge (mucky's& by refusing to discharge the Jaren. Auttrar or rzottroosErs. —On Saturday night, a man had hie pocket pinked, at ninth and Walnut, of a pert* manna.., ooutallaing prouderoory notaa to the amount of $1..100. Information was at once left at the Ventral !Station, and Detective Lemon, from description given. arrested a wall known knnok, known as John Warren, alga John Martin. Warren wee recognized by the man as being one of the individuals who bad robbed him. Re was committed in default of SLSOO bail, by Alderman Bidder. The same deteotive also ar rested the notorlows Btll OlioOY, • noted pink pooket. Oliver wee charged with committing on assault and battery on a' man who had arrested a friend of the prisoner. The prisoner NM commit ted to answer at court. TRH BUENA. VISTA. RAIGEEI.9.—We under stand that the Buena Vista Guards, Captain Power, are recruiting for mire end immediate service. Their headquarter. aro at Barr's Hotel, on Sixth Street, near Chestnut. This company in attaabed to the brigade of General Sickles Cap tain Power is at present in this city. He kas boon confined to his 1456 M. fa several days in OM 891301108 of injuries received daring the riot at Baltimore, but we are glad to know that be in re covering and hopes soon to be able to amine com mend or his company. TEE . INDEPUDEIIT RANGERS.—The Inde pendent Rangers, under commend of Captain McMullin, left Philadelphia at eleven o'clock yes terday morals% for Chomborsburg, vsa _Pontkrl vania Railroad. The Rangers were accompanied by General Patterson. They have been fully equipped in very fine uniforms, furnished by the linerality of prominent citizens, and will doubtless prove of great service to the Government in the present crisis. Captain Mullin is an expert eneed and capable officer, and is surrounded by a company of men who know no fear, and are anxious to get into active aeralble. QUITE A SLAUGIITEE.—There 18 DOW 4 daily slangater of twenty-five bullocks, for the use of the soldiers now in the oily of Washington; and as their ration@ are one-half fresh beer 11D1 one• half bacon or pork, the aggregate would be, If all fresh beef, fifty bullocks—end yet the rook does not materially decrease; in fact, Uncle Sam has a mows of beef, and 01 fet and in good order. RUTH OP A FAMOUS CHARACTER.—Wei art informed that R. 11. ibiter, better known by the familiar name of " Dick," who has been connected .4th and taker minstrel troupes sines 1840. died at Jackson, Michigan, a few days ago nts forte was jig dacoing, in which he earned the championship, and thousands upon thousands have admirod bit twinkling feet.--Pistsbure Despatch. FINANCIAL, AND VONLINERCIAL. The Money Market. Permaar.rauh, June 1, 1881 The stock market continues very qtliet- with Otta atonal Ilnotuations of 'wit mo neut. State fives de clined 4. penneyirouls Rsitroid first mortgage bonds improved 34. and the stook ago advanoso 34. Reading Railroad Moot sold at 15 51 200. The following xe a st,tcluent of the coinage of the United titams Mint for the month of Mar 60LE CO/WAGE. Double Eagles-- Ralf Eagles.. cluarter 14' TotaL...—...—. SILVER COINAGE Quarter • • •• • • Half Uhnes..-- Three-Cent Pieeen Total.. -1,697,1910 $269,210 00 Cents.— RfiCAPITIMJLTIOW. Pisees. Yalu& 835 857 p 5,185.4500 . .. car 000 569,- , 10 114000 00 Total ..3,131,857 $5,384 825 00 The Pottsville Miners' Journal thus sums up the coal trade for the ',rook: Tlko quantity east by railroad this week is 37 190 08 tons; br canal, IS 93310; for the week, 71,478 18 Willi, against gl,tq4 for the corresponding week last year. Tha ahipmiuts from all the TagiortS aum up this 'Week 1860. - 1861. .-- .-----, TOTAL WEEK! TOTAL WERE I TOTAL. 19C. P. &R. R. K.._. 98 4171 769.910, 37 490; 674,916 ;'B5 599 BCbuYl ' "nal- 1 1. 2 6 j9 i LI 4 42 1 i 1 3 ;17 8 11 .76.; gl; o gt; tetn.h Val. R. R - Lanka C nal- 39,371) =I 746 30.846. 178 663 Oil 062 carat:men B.'th, .- 17. 69 2 1 8 1 111 21 1181 z 8 892, 9 721 ....o. North— A 646 6162'11 6 4001 86.b0i 21 301 1 Pa Coal Co . 976161 1226& 22 6691 91 461 392 1 Mg &H. Co_. 20;66 687971 2,882 91 4611 =I der vi 3 °snug 120_.1- 2634 J - - 26128 1 186 Broad Top 4 - 235 72 5491 5:1513' 65 574 d 3 970 4. ham0kin.......-. 5,14.5 55 19511 6.16969.9321 11) 581 Trovervon —.— SI IDS ~... 17 MI dll 467 oh. *t.. H. T- . .... 23 91 .... 90 93610 2 686 n. Like Valley. -... 18 211 .... 24 9161 a 712 ....-:-- ---. 2 2 30j12 Si 898 ilAgailir 939.909 1 1.A3 2-14 2 288 a 31 9 C. 67 98 096-1 We learn that nine furnaces have blown out on the Lehigh. and several more are preparing to blow out on the line of the 4ohteilkill. This will affeot the coal trade to imlne exterlb, by leasentrm the arrossol for coal-We are also informed that the oper.tors generally, on the Lehigh, have agreed towork only four days in the week after to-day, until tee demand for coal imp-oves. During the month of May the business of the United Matta Amoy te. at bear ork. , arsts rollosro, Posittr—ho 0, ea 285 ODD ; silver, $375 000 ; total, $5,- 350 Oh) Gold bars stamped. $3 550,943 ; Writ to United Mama Wint at Philadelphia for coinage, $7,777,601. The foliouratg le s statement of the receipts and dis bursements of the Assielltot Treasurer of the United gtates for New York, for may, 18:31 : May 1 1331, by balance.. $5,434,506 Receipts curing the month: O fawn .t of oustome—.....--,.. Patent fees 408 "'• Post Office Department. 248 1 5 Transfera.—. —.. 2.510 1 0/ Xilleedl3l2l3ollll.---..- 5 330 " Loans— 5,469 430 8.,01,357 13.597,163 Payments during the month Treasn'T girths. • roat (Ace draftri-7: — .854".421 Balance May . 87.614.058 Philadelphia Stock Exchange bates, Jane 1, 1311. RIPORTID BS el iir eIifATAARSIt Mortg;s43 4 , El.. obbale". _ ... WART BOARD 2000 Lehich 6:— --PM' 1 Dna & AraboT 11.-/I0 atm do-- 91 1 1( SI d 0...,...- ..109 1041 d 0....---901 5, 101 Read 11 -Dawn.l6 . 5 16 1000 do .....,..-- 00". 10 do t 6 on 16 13.1.4 /'9/0 rovam 04—... —704 wo Cl 4, 1.tt,.., Cl. .., 10 0 do--._--._ 761 ta int or . _...... 96 100 no - - .... __Tay 250 Sabi al, 8, - /81.. .. 6 4 10 0 0 Peona R lot m— RS ' llOOO Read 6, 'BO . - ..6 X 2000 do...pst m-..... 98 I 100 Cam ic limb 68 183-7.3 BETWBbIi HOARDS. .78 J6O Reading R.—bsls 13-15 900 Penn& se _ _ SECOND SUA RD 12 rdioohill 2 Pens R. Y. ST% 8 Bar !abort (1600 renal% If 61 I I m,_. .85X 2 do - - -_ • -13 , 7 i MU Co 21 2000 Leh Val 63- .Dawn ahit ao Rem)...... 115 13 6 4 Leh -.. 3 1.1" . ao do —1h5.13 15 18 / do ... —.3011 2 Ziornatowa R-17 23 Mor Canal- .lodwo.ao I t7IOOiNG PRICER—FIRM _ T 616. Asl.d. _Ea Ash.d. Phila 6e. .int of 88 81 Elmira 7e'73—... 64 l' ilits 64 R int or 66 PS Long Island 1L... 636 9 Phila de 3011 1061796 96 Len Cl a. ri.---47m 1751 Pen= De ~..- 763( 1 7T Leh Cl & N 60_14. 53 53 Read IR ..-.-- 137( se 13 .6 North Peam R_ 64 li Read bdo '70.-, 76 90 !PI Pa 11 ga-mt off 66 ~, Read mt 61'80'43 E 6 SO IN Penns R Ms.__ nu Read mt es 'B6-. 69)1 70 ICatewiees R era 434 Penns R ex-div. 3736 3756 lidit6d- at R. .1 ,•46 6731 mit El rat Re EC IRE Raos&lTine-olit. 1 Noma Oen oon. WE 41 west ma s.--se arti Morrie Can PM .134 - 3prnoe & hue.- 7 8 Sett N le 'B3 -.-- 63 66'green 4. /' , sates,-ID ,_. son Nay Prefd_ Li 1!34 1 Cheat & Waln't. - BD Philadelphia Markets. There is very little inquiry for Flour. either for ex port or home use. and he market Is dull at previous quoted rates. superfine gelding, in a small Val Onlle at $5 Meg 60 for eommyn mined western and good Penn sylvania ; $5 50e6 for extras; $6 36116 76 for family ; and ties 25 V bbl for fanny brands. as in quality. The only sales we hear of are etle Ms Lancaster county extre sad 400 bbls Jenny Lind extra family on terms kept "floats. be Flour Metall at $9 60. and Pennsyl vania Corn Meal at e 5.67.% bbl, and little or nothing dome. WEELT — There is van little doing. the reoeirits being very bent. and the denier it fair at yesterdays A few email Intel are report - 6 at ft.newl.3s for new- Mall to prime Pennsylvania reds. and .1.4P01.50 for weite reeneylveletrt Rt. Si 4611 m Il sla a atalltray at 66667 e. Corn le dull and dressing. shippers being oat of tee market to del. Wes of 000 huihen prime tiOnthSrll yellovr are reported, part made last evening. at lISOIaro afloat, at wriklott rata there fa,e, mare 5a11671 than buyers at the eloee. A lot of prints Weetern mixed sold at 630 Sam are steady sr eqeillo for donth ern and Pennsylvania, and but few( flaring. Bang —Tb-re is no change m Que. o , tron. and let No. 1 is IMMO and wanted at MS e 0 per ton. 9 sneers' Berk moves .r slowly at Ellf ter 'Spanish. and for Spitnuta tote. Crgreix- - -The market ie firm but quiet, and no sales Walter of note are made nubile. GROCERIES AND PILOV/SIVLIS.—There la no new fea ture, aid a limited blueness is Going in the way of Bales. andAMEX is d r um ins is email w , is 51 101 0 474 for hSies /MG for dge, end Lite recedes. heft. CITY ITEMS. Interesting Anniversary. ROSNER AT TRU FOURTH BAPTIST CHURCH The Sabbath schools connoted with the Fourth San tilt Church. corner of Fifth and Buttonwood streets. (Bev. has. Jeffrey pastor.) celebrated their forty-third ann. yersary in that edifice yesterday afternoon. Not withstanding the somewhat threatening appearance of the weather. the appointed hour, three o'clock, found the church wimpletely filled with the children of the schools and their friends. The mane presented was at once animated and impressive. The exercises were conducted by Rev. Mr. Jeffrey. and commenced by singing, in admirable style, under the leadership of J. M. Evans, BM., sunerintendoot of the school, a hymn commencing •• Cove. haat our celebration! Your sweetest notes employ." When the hymn was concluded, the ldeth maim was read by the *photon and pastor, responsively. This is a new feature, and We think a eStOttileitatiditble one. The ehildren rose to their feat. the neater reading the first verse, and they the second. end so on to the end. This method not only insanes the entire attention of the soliceam, and makes the lesson more effeetive to their ,d erir t a ndine, hat it greatly enhances the impressive ness of the exeroi. es to the minds of tlaose who are m elt ato listen, and who are extmeted to enjoy the ex ereisas. After the psalm, prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Ransom ANler .L IMPORT The annual report was then read by the imperin tendent, Mr. Evans It opened with an soknowledg ment.thst the past Illar bad been one of unusual pros. Panty to the school, the latter halting experientied a large inei ease in numbers. During the year seven of the scholar. have been admitted to the communion of the church. The school at present numbers 490 mho lars end 41 traohers. the largest attendance at ant one time tutelar been AL and the average Mender-en for the year .178. During the Year a new library, numbenng 1400 volumes, has been provided for the children, at a coat of /IMO. During this interval it was also stated that Mr. Orono Bullock, assisted by several other tell tlemen, had presented to the school an organ, at a emit; Of .110Nerhialt is regarded as every useful and attractive feature. Among the active ontaidselrorts of this school was mentioned their rapport of a missionary in Sweden, at a cost of $llO. Motwithstanding all these drafts neon titeu igersory, all their debts are now paid, leaving efe ea hand at the dote of the report. Tha astail " 66 "ar7 ezpemes of a whoal of that eleeklitli wag estimated to be elf() per mourn, wh of couree, doe! not looluds the library, erhiet, is supposed to need re newing about once every two peeve. But money wee not 611 that was required for the faithful prosecution of his wort. The interest or pereiats la behalf of this movement was ■trongly urged. But one child lute been 1 It to the school by death during the year, 6 member of the Infant elms. deceased within the pan weak. ADD. En 12 hEY. P. s. nSneop. _ _ Mr. Jeffriy --- naiiinircitMed theller. / 1 ""n , pastor of the Baptist °hatch at Broad and Brown streee. Mr. Henson commenced by avowing the trite but Lunen criticised aphorism that d.Aexestp 1111 the beet ovi.cy." Thiel. he maid, had been diustrated in one IC - . 4 = 019 known by hint, by n presumptuous 7oung orator wuo came before an audience alleging Me utter Want of Men..TlLtlerl for the speech expected from him and Who. as he progressed, fluidly mesa in Inc middle of a smellins eenrenee, and Was obliged to expose his dis honesty by pulling from hze pocket the manuscript of hie epeeoh and read the cone:u•ion. He. the speaker. be honest and chow them his sheet% betyre delivenng It; whereupon he exhibited a very email piece of paper containing. we:norm, a skeleton of his address. Ile told the children an amusing Ger. man story, ilinatrating the folly of human wisest. Din genes on being allowed once to make a request vt Mee ander the Li real. tr.lied it away Ili Simply asking the great Congissm to stand out of his sunshine." He then proceeded to present in good euedyy school style certain &smalls things to wish for. ilinetratinx his points with rieninent and In some eases high]) MUM anecdotes. AC the close of Mr. lienson'e remarks, whioh were quite lengthy, the third hymn on the programme was we have come refoient on rite ham day, Fm ling in its lovely, annering ray. fte. After which there were some Interesting porcine' by the Infant Fehortl, The last speaker on the programme was Mr. Edgar M. Gregory, who was tatroduard as a warm friend of the Bahhath-school cause in general, and of this school is partioolar. le rozpoato to thie. Orstantatid there was a good reason why he Amid feel interacted in this Sabbath sohool—it was interesawg. There were mat incentives for all good citizens to love the bah- Oath Ohm!, whether liter Were Christians or not. The sweet way to train us `.,ad, loyal car WCIPT was tn.. - = them in the Sunday school. He referred to Maior Andersen, the hero of Fort Sumpter, as having visited a Sunday school last week, at Cincinnati. The Major. the speaker said. was a Sabbath school than, erd hamt learned that fact some months ngo, he felt no Misgivings upon the subject of the Major's loralty to the Cove/lament, although a paths of the South. The entire address of this 'seeker was devoted to disco:o6e tha groat itoportoooo of Sabbath salmi work, illustrating his remarks , by incidents drawn from his own ovpsrienoe in this field of Christian At this stage of the prooe , dlngs. Mt Jeff ey rose end laid that the brat part of he programme hid been re served (or the people—via the privtlese of eontrlent ing to this noble cause. 4he oolleation was then taken up. and, we believe, proved to be labzral and satisfac tory. The exereitie. Weea concluded ha minutes a Ming. and a b ned erica pronounced by the pastor. We conclude cur notice with the remark that the Mutation which this etch 'el has attained. of being one of tue moat flourishing and beat conducted in the city. wan well mastairmi,, br the evooe -, ...50r c well "t" training evinced in the exercise's, matafeeteit in their forty-third anniversary. yesterday afternoon. A POPULAR ELOTRINO EMPORIUM —We have had MORS= already to sneak agorovingli of the admirably arrimeed new Clothing haute of Messrs. Wanantaker & Brown—the "Oak Hall Cbstiting Bazaar." southeast corner of eix•h and Market streets. Their stook of ready-made clothing, and materiels for Wing up suite to order are unsurpassed. The moat aptendidly-fitamp garment': of the finest materials mar here be had at reasonable prices. Snob an establishment has long been needed. They have also Gents' Furnishing Gouda in every variety. (bum' Wmansumer GOODS FOR TDB MILLION of Pieces. Value. o 065 84401100 OD 22 260 232 600.00 45 744 228 TiO 96,723 141 SOb DO —lt is not often that a first-class e rabblement, in any braneh of trade sell, uniformly as cheaply as caterer. of a civil's? clam IL G, Walborn it, Co., ivca, If and T North Bixth atreet are an exception to Una rule, t heir stock la the most superb, and wade up in the bolt man ner, and we win say, unhesitatingly, that any men or woman who may have money to spend for Rents' Fur niehing Goode. of whatever kind, can °Main more for Asir meatn here then anywhere else. Try it. Taa OLID FLU.? LOCK STAira MUMMA TO BE RaMoDELL *D.-- The Adjutant General is about to oolleot all the arms in the State, End those with flint-locks will 00 iromeilinteir allured and improved so as t, render all the 'mate arms aliment. It would not i.e a had ides to collect some of toe worthless garments made for our volunteers, and replace them with durable ard heat-fitting onee from the Alamo • h Gift Emporium of Granville Stokes, 619 Chestnut !urea. Witary and civilians can be accommodated with fine clothing, aLd each sale accompanied with a gift of use and value. BROAD COTO YR. " 8110DDY."—These articles are as far as the pole. asunder, in respect to quality. The one is made of fine materials, and OM fully woven and finished the other is oompour dee of rags and the sweepings of factories, with just enough Strang ma terial to hold the rubbish tog. ther rottl It gate in the customer's hands. " Shoddy" may be found .upon the becks of some of our soldiers, who have been made the vitamin of keen dealers. whue broad cloth, of the moat cavern quality, will be seen on the persona of all gen tlemen and youths who procure their gtrutertts at, the Brown Stone Clutluug Hell of Rookhill & Wilson, Noes Hie and SA Chestnut street, above tiii.th." There may be rogue, in broad cloth, but no gentleman wool., wear 0 . shoddy " if he could help it, 383,807 *Ol/44,415 00 146500 .. .53.00000 410 902 1 a t4O 00 2 090 - 21.200 00 742 coo foo 00 .97000` - 2 9W f® 1.100,000 811,000 00 SEE POUR= PAWL Steamship Delaware Jonneon, 20 hours from Pi York, with mdse and roommate'''. to James Alidardiae. Leased or the tropes a ship supposed to be the Joshua Maurtin. Y. oat Turas Island. via Newport. doming in off Uses Water Point, named bark Rnwena. from Latuar ra and Porto Cabello, at anonor; off Pennagrove t passed sour J :Fencer, from hew Orleans for Bordeaux. leaking; WAD OOLUIng tOr r- pal Ts. mug Rowena. Wilton, from Porto Cabello igth ult, brilh euff es. hides. kis to flatten ft rion. Cabin hasten gets ii in numhber. May NEIL 30 miles ri by W Irum urunooteague passed a U e shlp or war. boon , " 4....ur hohr Thomas Borden, wr0,.......tt0t.a uaye from Fall Myer. in baste'S to Gamlen it (Correspondent* of the Philadelphia Exchange.) - Lbs., Jane L-1 le. 1. Sato Eliza 0 thford went to e-it reaterday. Ahlp 31- zabeth passed np to-day. Barks Washington Butoher mid Worse Wing went to meat at 5 0 7 intios. thearustim Flag (formerly Lee kuitleais oprague) behind the break lister; also the itteamtage America and J F Starr. our*, A. MAJtonALL. ET I.IILXOXI/11. (Correspondenoe <tithe Press. riaw xoas.. June 2. A221.22th bark Mari Edebtl, f out Leghorn; brig Mira W Holt. from Cienfuegos; brig Wm mason, from Ma tanzas; brig front iteinodios. 'Poe i was in col - !talon .ast night with the Bran en bsrk Theresa, hence for .Hattithote. Toe b, is is leasi as, and the bark is con sideralhy injured. and has returned to repair. • • . gteamshis Ariel. Wilson. cleared at New York let inst. lot Live Pooh awn Cyclone. Anderson. for Ran I. rat:mimeo, cleared at New Ye. k /at inst. note Vit V Kent. Wiloox, from Charleston for Bre men Ilth nit —hnd mason the th an. Letitia , s Stop Fleetwing• Kelly, for Calcutta, entered for load ing at Liverpool rho ult. Darn nceolea, tialmaker, hence for London, at Deal 18tu alt, and proceeded. lek-edatiten. Thataraott. from Banat arrtved at New York lal nut _ nohr ey nice tiodtrey. from Matanzas, arrived at New Yore yesterday. Cchr H notekunse. Corson, from Apalaelnoobs, arrived at hew Yon' le; mat, dour Lance Alm, anowell, at New York Ist inst. from Boston. a . boar H Rowe. Harrison, horn Greenport for Phi- Irti!amide,. at rhw Vora int utat. bonds altrobroa., Brooim. Louisa w Birdsall. Loper. sad notarial. Gorden. ken d e, arrived at Erovideno got MEWL, baari Boston, Brower. riven Sawyer. Triton and Runyon. Mathias, salted trom Franc:entre Ist mat. fur Pramdelph,a. doh.' oaratt A Taylor, Dnkes,David G Floyd, Rack- Mt. N d mem. Cool. slid fidlivari Dation, namei ar rived at Provtosnos Dust VA. MHOS Mary khaanere. Reed, E T dmith,dmirh. Allan Downing.. nine. M A Magee. Mates, and Revenue. Woe. Imam a= a OOMPlNtraa3a, Andre on, from Waxes, iiel, at poston ISt IL St rielini Jae H _MOGUL Ingersoll. Eva Bell. Lee. W 'V/ &Aston. Harrison. Ammons , noorrey. Y Odious Home ft J Mem r, Robinson. Mary ratiereen, God her. Flyaway, Davis. Montoya... Fal.enuarg, and Aorta ?grafi°. Marcy. cleared at Boston Ist inst. for Flinadelphia. Mehra elm& Marna. Montgomery, Joku R, Elkton, Whiell. David Vi elle. Dindialoo. +qtr . " Jetdintoodu tda darl. The b WOOO , bewneol, and Freestone, hence, arrived at Newbaryport 3lst u.t. Boars John L it saner. Corder', L B Myers,. Bbaw, Aaela de, Young. Rnodelet Yeteritan. and Mary Ors.user, dranner. ',Enos. arrived at Madam Met aIL ficiir alma Janta, Jayne, at Balem list nit. from Port Wren. Bohr Win A Dubose Mayo, from Chatham for Pinta dolman. Baml !totem, Goody ' end War eteed,Brodlt, for 00, sailed Irom Rawson dist tot. Anis I—Bveuing. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. Eff Jenkins, Boston Cant 8 A Dyer. Cheater, Pa wU Itt ideweyDarny. Pa Goo A Robeits.Chester co Chas Foloom. New York Geo Gore, ...otumbus 0 AW A, reel Collnilitat, 0 JA r , wetland Lancaster I G Mafia, Lancaster WmJ lopplaro k, Patel:Jig • Dawson. Pittsburg Mrs W totter k dun, Cin Major Cahn G 8 Goodrich Fy May. Bt Louis J H ['rowel!, New York W Davis, Yenango no D Itofins. Mercer P Capt T Heed. New York I.lent AK. oore, N Yo rk C Freeman, thirietfield I. A Dallier. it la 1 4 Hayden. Pew Yi rk V A KM n, UM:ma James Tucker. Boston N H Latrobe, Baltimore A .'writ. Baltimore 31 0 Roark, new York • Ti bets. New York 'l' L Nelson, re assaohturetto T E Tweedy, Connecticut G E Cosrperthwaie, Utan J B Pol ter.Seriena Pahl W Hastuige, DOOM Cl Haynes, tnarreacnosetts JVV Manley. Cato^avros Dr 1. - Pinner, stew York ./ T Griffith. News, k„ mei Jos F Morton. Boston .1. H Baker. Jr. Boston AR_ltammond Wm Bd. ay, Muesli, NJ W cobingon. Boston J R Met:Mins & la. N York Wm Dunn. Glainnuati, U G Macy Cincinnati, U Mr De Per•ster & family Mrs Devoe, hew York cars M. Devoe, New York CJ Heddeu. ASV Jemmy 0 L Boatmen New York Dr Fitch L A W hyoly. Battiutore Jt At Water, New York J B Carleton & wr, eases J M Moorehead. Penns rifMClymer Mt Call A Tay or, Val. York . J Tapp -rL lit, N Y J Colt .n Jr. Baltimore its 8 Persons U Adams El Hidden & la, Otto I. H dreamt. Athena, Ohio BAibi, Middle ton James it Movers .1 8 •tr arren, hew York W Bierman', Ciev•land W I er‘ en. New York 1 1 It Rartme Alpha, Ohio J rear', N Chunk A Graves, Incase J ...brother... New York scooriort. Neve ork 0 0 Bennett New York Mr Davidson, New York II Hammett. Phila W G Chtriork, Now York G M I.Aumon, !Reading A 'n nallada iteading W U Bart ett, New York F Bartlett. n'.eW York Rob; Lincoln. a r a.h piton ii tt W.-it, itionntond Va Col H P mackgonte.g. Wash W P se k la, haw York C E ti wahine an. Pitt burg F. It Cratee. ltiObinOnd,Va Thns Litt e. Pt d ab.. rir A J W aterman. me. e Dr W A. Bradley, Wash taemaster Barrie. U S N U Ames, Dos on C c HurlSOn. New York- Miss 11. Hall. Boston F White, Baltimore Dr J Elates, New York RV Da• mitt, NeW York teams tionniictiout D R B Mmes. Geneva, N Y Demi Meyers, Jr, Neer York 3 c Robbins, Washington T Mitchell & ta, wash. D C P K Watson, Weushthirton W i Poole. Washington H J Mood. , New York v o . l c c um .. N ew y ol k J Ir Weirman. New York J Redden, New York I C UnderhtlL Alex a. Vit M M W,l o*, Alexia, Va .1 it Anima, NSW York Hadley Curls, Kentucky F A MIMI. Washington R L erims, venue It rdontelor. New Yo,g; A 'Vet ads, New York Bon T I Yorke. N Jersey Tilrwin. Jr. New Jersey C Wwe biter, Boston New V. k (3 Dn Bola .1 stehltisi, Connecticut 11 itt Bailor dt /ft, N York Theo rt Devil Then Potherens,.lr. Y lima postal-atm New York Miss Johnson, New York Eit Jaques, Newark, N J 11W Drayer, Newark, N J ft Crows', New York .1 D Eva's. New York AJ Netr. Lancaster I.eoch, Washington COI K Coulter, Greensburg BKs s. Pittsburg 8 J asnew. Lenience, Semi Itubbstd. Lonieville m S Reich, Patina A J wren. New York AA hod: Macon Mrs It M Mauer & chd,AM, Jae Line say, Pittsburg Hall, New York . A Fa. arger. Ch ca.° A 0 Y &brisk' L [P.N. al. Philada J BBy In ton 11 H noknnton. 11 cabin Thos F June% Brooklyn A nit, AM. Lowell P Horn, Lowell J M Carrera sr err, Rio aeJa W Todd New York F. r 15oartZ. Uty A W B Wit/tins. Delaware Geo Bironson, Ditiaware J a Thornpon. Phoada J town et ver,C.s, Vallmer,.lt , a AS arhoeenr,ke-. NOW York W E ht. NOW York J L. ott. N. BRAM .1 02. 1.) Oti.o it on Jutin cher/Hen, Ohio 11 rg Gambrel, Woodbury W Hep 13Lef•reuron J Y Mot n.ne. A aenmston J R aduns. VVeantrgton B nktts. New Jeremy D Et batight New York et W e Snuck, U • A 'l' Ande.son. U . A Ms 17 lon, & 3 eh, NY .1 1. McKeever reitrYork WBB Mc r Maine It Mud. a l t e r,atton Ve it th. New Yekh Geo 13 W ailew York P Pr , nkenhenne_,r York Win Brown. Lou lend* Geo IN mg, new Yort 1, May, Pew York "hoe Murphy, New ork D 8 flame, Newark Chas J White, New Ora Inrs W F Vary Jr. It York It b nesoh, tt 8 A jig Twist, Davenport, lowa R A Wheelwright, BAstog. C modiste. New hark Geo W Batumi, New York J E Conner, Pew York Jobe D W Joy, smiton H L ennert, New York W A Pond. new York John H Mellor. Pittsburg 3 W Inunok. New York Cast ,J J Van Neat. N York W Ward, New York tr, m Curtiss, New York if R Eluesson, Boston lahrrham, Jr. yew York Lint/IA Mum% U A Ato ADDREss ny OREGORY BIARIND INT.ELtaGENVB. .KWAIORANDk. UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut nig PRESS.-PHILARE, MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1961. ET. LOWR RUTN,I4--Chestnnt s v o v el Third. A Johnson. Delaware J 0 T reilleean, Wheeling . Va ',Pt .Vo i nta Ps J w Ohallengen,Ft Wayne Miss ChM :v, en,FtWayne rdasit 0-ationgen.Ft Wayne F Fase , 0 0.0 H Guterman. Phlle 0 Towne , lowa Geo W Janos. Phi.a Wm W ole t,plevir work H Geopp. Beittlebena !a. A Ta,lp ea Yerk R Marley, New Vork Tire H Oran sw Vort Jos Poster, Washington WJ, V ailing. altimme m Phelan, New York N Di York 11 Solomon, New York A Parra rk John L Locke, Pow 'hilt 8 Nl, Loris. N York 0 Knapp, Dow York Seair Ne or k J L Siartman, Ohio Elam! Ritchie, leans A Mo•.:onomey. Lanerieter . . MEICRANTIP BOTlSL—rourtts street. Lel Aron. T 9 Meharcl, Mercer, Po Jit 'dente/miry f. Pa L A Miller, A Itnona. Pa C A Look en boon Lelhert, Bethlehem Mat lank, Beth/e Jae Jon%ins, Re.hlobem T tt Dame 41, ?MIA 1)M Brodhned Neff York J PlroOhenA, Mien City A Wolle , Bethlehem W nod, iintriebU R W POOLL "ow cork M D Etrodbetd, it, fir W Carter& la, Ivanhington Semi Miteheil.,Cleart Jlrwin. C earfield Hon .1K Moorhead.. r ne alotnheny Jr a Foater Bc boola John Br.ggs, Ir.dtann. John W Btddell, PRZ•ebtg Samt Morrow, rittnbuor .1113 Oetsbriel Conn .11 Rowan), Ohio J s Prugtor, Maas ' AbIEARIAII ROTEL—Chasm= acmes, above Fi JseJ Creigh. W Cheater Marone ''pnng. New Wt. kt F Landerrui Pans , lf." 1 - 0 Kee,„;_r2,2/ 134 T .1 . times air, o hippos:we' ^ A 'r Plains New York E Glnokinerer. WWI Wm B%rker. London. C W Wm Ma Bride. Canada Mo Bride London, C W E Thompson. Dsr,burir G G Eiperrow A !doe°. wok Oxford. L' lien E White, Now Tort Jll V+Sterson it. wife, 11l Aft thidiarn, Gspo blur W 11 11.0.0 n. Near Y.irk 'rhos J Dunker, Jr. NY. E Lawrence, Near York GOO A Roberts, Cheater oo Tboa W Wilson. Penn& John MoldallMan. Penn EJ . Brown. New York John 7 Foster. Penn& B F thottee, Ilsz eron A Maielton, Maim Cr Marvin, New Ymk D wiblitma it due. NY D ii Ber ton , rtoohelittet J Sanborn , bandy am L Bnnning, Pittsburg TSB 1111110/I—Areia meet. above Third. levoh-nerin,Phile It V Gordon, Now JolE 3 l Mre S W Kendall, Reading 1. H Iteodoll, Edward ',well. Louisville P Sneerooser, Tyrone. Fa P Ke.ver t ßeading, Pa. R W I, Conneettout 0 G M V. New York C Rao ' -lyer, New Yo k Y Brown & la. N Jerpey r 0 Wagner &la, Readint IS E firmilman. Philadelphia a W Brow, Oenhections La Voclenoulse., conneovicat. STATES UNlON—Market greet. above Sixth. DT Auden°.— P Wtiliargoson.WilliaragM 31 (3 HOW Jag Burhaer, Maeg , F r A.leznader. Thompson Hanigan.Hlair on E Mir! a I ,nWe, North tall Jame' Moor, El &labors (fen Me h Iple, Philada Bowbess.Toodon, Pit a Damns Pranirin co James C Campbell, Penns Chan Wrifftnd & fam 8 C J..hn. Wright. Trenton, N J Jlles.Freeman. Frei:iron Weiss-Norihmin so Chas Cray. North/mien of J N.Oettel. Mount Joy Win Bratty, Mount Joy Christian Riddle, Mt Joy A Braw.ey, Wissonans COMM F RCIAL BOTEL-Bixth at., above Chestnut E et l y wor d. clieeter CIO B A BTISTd. Poaton ou imbno. ••••em• omdte hiravaock. Del-oware J Y McCarter, d7hester oo John home*, Chester oo Kam] Pinolatr. Jr. Chreter oo J W Pratt :heatar 00 Wm p atenee.y Chester oo J L Pratt. Weill Cheater H Ralle7 IN eat Chanter 11 AJ. hams, NOW Jersey; J W Doyle, Reading John Hamer Doyleet rwh J L Pratt. wee; Gheeter w n Deal, w 0..; Cheater HTa ler. Weir (Theater M Taylor. West Cheater 4 . H Graham, New York W Dap en. Doylestown Chow rt Duffy, Homer-Pa L 8 HOOlllll, Wilmingt , n C C Vanhorn, Wilt ngton Jested ((array, ~.heeter 00 REVERE ROURE—Third street. above Rase, ingo Wagronse Germ'n lames Oates, Wlrreort W R Haagen. Ai i Agile, Del .1 t, Weirdo*. Allentown 1 1 4 J graitlx. 1 -oltavilie Henry IDI Rhin+ Pottsville John a Denham. Btatrsville Thos aervill Philipsburg A N Ow, Pheads_phis Cart 0 L Leader Bah Rai' AS P Medlar, hob Haven Chess sailor 130 Raven John Hendry, Penns W C Basithets, Pall= NATIONAL HOTHL—Raoe 'treat. shore Third. Mrs Flood, tilemadria, irs Miss Larhifird, Alex, Ta -rims na Herten, Luzern° Jos Jacob*, Jr, M.o. H W Rank, Loauca.tar C Clarke. Camp Johnsen J H Carter. Pi torritie HO Henry. Cl.veland. 0 IT F , wertz. lierrsenrir Mart n Dormer, St Clair Jacob if Gebel. Pottstown Henry Watson. PittehdriT Shia Mary Warden Pittab MOUNT VEItNOr( HOTEL—SeoOnd et, above Arch. WAI 'Debut, Pottstown .7 Purim.. New Jersey W Wtt lemon. N York W H Drown. Peruedelphle II Du WoicJaen.lra Peter aelebyt Miss Books co a Peter V z.rnith. New ;fork W Ettinger. Pedruielohis Richard Bradford, N .Ter•ey °ahoy. New Jersey D BUM ardner, Jerasy J P.m Moore, Iguana 00, Pa Jar Brown & fa,Newark,NJ EIDACIE BEAK—Tturd aTreek grove 0& 11 0win. W Rupszt, Dyberry 6 Rands, Eruth•mpten M Wilinuser,:sontbnmpton S U Get ing, beading W Eddolve. Me-atm d Mns VC rddows. Mo , eiand D 8 Devils, Pennsylvania H eomlinsen. By berry' A Sussman, Philadelphia G Sender, Berke ao, Ya . BALD ►?AGLE ROLEL—Third et., above Canownin, John T Berger, Pe < P W Harve7e Trenton. r Harvey. new lersry Davin Mein, Allentown T B a.eiee wing, Pittsburg ealttel , SITEAP FI4EUL--.llaaacti at._ bat. Via& W Davidson, Cheltenham 8 Graff. Cheltenham H Bed oe, atlantic City Jas floita. Watmtnater Dant Yates, Ph ladelphia John if Paul. Bucks co, Pa JOB Hilt, Penney-yanta A Haim Maiuo SPECIAL NOTICES. HAVING BUNN A lITHORIZ ltD sr THE STATC Anthontice to Menage the dot silo of the TftaEL MIL LION LOAN. advertised below, we earnestly request the attention of the publics to the propriety and impor tance of a prompt and liberal investment in the same. The feet of vs 1> '1125 exempt from ell tax, tlen. end a special tax being levied to provide for the interest. and a liberal rick ng fund for the redemption of the enact pal. makes this Loin a most desirable investment. .! II information relating to the Losn can be obtained by eaqint on the Undersigned who will Inks oharge or any bbeript ions made, and will attend to all matters con nected therewith. KoltEX & CO , JAY COOKE & CO. PROPOSALS POD, A. LOAN OF TIMM MIL• MOE DOLLAR!! TO THE COM3IONWEALTH or TERN SYLVANIA. In ;emu• nee of the Let enema of an ant of the Ge neral /15sembty, entitled "An act to create a loin and provide for arming the. State." approved May 11th. A. D., MO, aria the sixth petition of the act entitled " da act to provide for the petulant of the members. offi parer and contingent expenses of the Extra &whin of the Legislature," approved May 16th, A. D., 1661, and by the authority of the s tine, Notice a hereby given that proemial, will be receiv ed at the call of the tee( erary of the Commonwealth, until three o'clool, I'. In., of Wednesday Wm Arm day. of June next, for the loaning to the Commonwealth the sum of THREE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, for the purposes eat forth in the before Maly. Th...tau [rear en interest ox •11 per Debt, per anima, payable senar-annimilr in Philedei phis, an i the loan to be redeemab l e in ten years from date; and for the payment of the interest and bqu.da tics of the principal th woof, a special tax of one-half mid on the collar nee been directed o be levied on all the property in the ConiMOliWealtti taxable for cioto purposes. The certificates of loan shall not be subjeot to taxation for an. pnipose whatever ; and all oertifi.- (isles of the denomination et one hundred dollars, or lees, ninth have coupon. attached; those of a larger de nommation will be issued either as inscription or cou pon bonds, at the option of the bidder. The proposals must state explicitly the amount ',re wind to be taken. and the ra eto be paid. he eioto reserve. she Asia to iteoept the w hele. Or any Dart of the amount offered to be taken. unless the proposer stipulates otherwise. No conditional proposals will be considered. 1: pin the scooptaine of any proposal, ea least ten per cent. of the amount must he pain down, Mo Intinnoe, if preferred by the bidder, in thirty and sixty days, when OW tifioates shall issue for the same, bearing in terest from the time of payment. The 146potitlil Mlle be directed under 11061 to the Secretary of the Commonwealth. endorsed" FfODOllOll for Loan," . - . The bids will be opened et 3 o'clook in the afternoon of the day above Dented, in the presence of the Gove 30f, agate Tr- mum, and Mid eenerol, and amoh orner persona no may coo proper to be present, when. aft.-y examination of the came. the Governor wul award the b an to the highest bidder or bidders. By order of the Governor. Secretary of the Commonwealth. Oman os , FHB SNORE:TARN OF THE COMMOs - WEALTHi giIE.RIFBURO, May A 7,1881, FURTRER•NOIIO% The tune for receiving proposa's and opening bids for the above loan is botchy extended to the MIR- Tsmint OF. J'IME next, by eider of the Governor. Beoretat7 of the Commonwealth. ÜBLMBOLD'B U2trvnas aLLY APPROVED Itaistany.--Cometinnd Filed &Lahti cures Dianne of the Bladder. Kidney. Gravel. Dropsy, Weakneu. Bead the adyert , sement in another column. headed " Hehnbold's Sealants Preparation." m7BQ•btmwf lismErr's Imam Itmii makes deh wow Junket's. Cold Custarde. and other elegant Des carte. Get a bottle for ge ciente, at bfo. 7 Boa= SIXTH Street. And try it- Mir( 61. BATOLUILOR 7 S LUIZ inris.-271318 celebrated and perfect Hair Dye is the best the ~arid. AU others are mere imitations of this great original, which has g-ained such extendiva !Attention in all pang of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's bend Hsu Dye iastaitily produces a splendid black or Miami brown, without staining the skin or injuring the hair. and will remedy the iti offsets of bad dna*, invigorating the gair for life. sold by all Draggling and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNESTOOK & DO.. DWI'S & 00.. Philadelphia. ONI PllOl CLOTHING OF THE LiAnur itrYL26, made in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prices marked in Plain Figurer. All goody tuadtt to order warranted satisfactory. Our ONE-PRICE system to etriotly ad kerma to. Au ere thereby treated aIike .TONES eO4 MA RUM amt. OAR ORCIIA.RD ACID ;SPRING WATIER.--- ramehleta containing' tliovpinioue of ofdebrated Chem- Mtn and Physicians respecting , the use of this WaTER in the cue of many diseases of the human aymein, will be !mlled sratut on application to FREDERICK BROWN. FIFTH and CHEbTNUT Stneeta, or FRED ERICK BROWN, nu NINTH row). CREETNITZ Streets, CALL AND GET • PIMPHLIT, 105-if GROVRR & BAUCREOB ChuissaLTlO) NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. ?he Beat in Use for Family Sewing. (e. 730 CRESTMUT Rtmmt. Phoadatoaia. O&RD PRINTING, BEST AND ORILiPEST 121 he City'. at 34 South TAIRD Street, CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beet and Cheapest in the eitY. at 34 south THIRD Street. BILL-READ PRINTING. Best and Cheapest In the Bill: 034 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other desoripq idon of Printing, of the moat superior quality, at the moat reasonable rotes, at RINGWALT & BROWN'S, Dr/keel's Building. 34 South TRIED street. HUGHER-4101JGHTEN.—On the 14th ultimo, by the 'Rev T. 8. Johnston. Mr Egos.] I. Hughes. of 11. - boolf- Mins Pa.. to MUM Martha E. Boughton, of Went B stteY—MeINTVIIFI—On the nth ultimo. by the same. Mr Samuel B. Barry to Mite !Sarah Mointyre, both of West Philadelphia. RYAN—GiLmotit..—on the .30th ultimo, by the same, Mr. '1 booms Ryan to Muni Florenda Gilmore, both of West Philadelphia. G s RPM uEs—HUmpil Fly yo,—Op, the Stet ultimo. br the Rey. John B. Thomn.oo. t 1 Garriruoti. for mer!. of Ohio to Anna Humphrey e, daughter of Wye. Humphreys, or this. ity. • i URN.B R —Mc PA LL —On the 4th of January fast, br Bev. r , ie , rett. Mr. lenander turner to Miss Alive Montt, both of thir otty. MATT.—On Fanday. the 24 instant in the 89th year of her age. Mrs Mars Isatt, widow of the tare Thomas Nam of anti city. The relative end friends of the family are invited to at awl her funeral without further 20110 , ', from nor Mt- residence, No 119 Non ineteenth street. Oil Wednesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock R..con.--rm sends , . marning• the ld instant, Joseph Vuthrids Bacon in the 38th year of his are. nibs relatives tend riend' and those h i se fondly, ~. otvitn to a his funeral, from late reel- deuce, Ito 241 North Muth street, on Site n at 2 o'clock. To proceed to South Laurel • a CIONNICILY. — On 13aturday morning, lit instant. Wavier ti., son of Wm. D. and Arabella Connell, , in the lath year of his sae. The relatives end friends of the faintly are reeved fully invited to attend his funeral, tron, gce residence of bin parents, 11. E. corner Thirteenth and Bung Garden streets. this (Monday j afternoon. at 4 o'olook. FOX.--On Thursday everting, May 89th . Edward Jo.,,hn Fox, in the Met year of his age. Mail MOON and fritntle of i6R Ninny are re- FLI SLIFER. ISIVRRIED: DIED. evectfully Invited to attend the funeral. from Ins late revidemse. &U North 'Elehth street, Ihi. (inintitY) morning at 8 d'oloot. 81sR RILL —On Wednesday night,S9th ult., Thomas Berri U. aged 45 years. His relatives and fnends are invited to attend his funeral, from hag Ile residence. No 9 Oak street. near Parke, West Philadelphia, this ( Mondays morning, st to o'clock, without further notice. erossece Darby. B the 50th ultimo, Mr. Joshua IL Bone, in the 41st year of his are. ' Funeral from his lain rss'denee. N. W. corner of Broadway and Kau hum Pontl avenue, Camden, £4.5., Ws( Monday )afteyhoon at i g . 9100 . k• H a LP ehNie Y.—on the aeth Mra. Catharine Ba.feenny, in her Slat year, consort of the late Hobert Halfpenny. Funeral from her late resulenoe, P 10.12311 Struthers WPM. helots Vino, this (Monday) mondial at o'elook. HEALY.—On the Slat ultimo, Mr. John N. Bealy, formerly of Oldham, Leneasture, Haulms, in the 46th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence. at the (Merry-Tree flotei Deltirnorr Curopilc. Tvrenty-lourtb 'Wad, tip! ihlOnday, minims'. at 11 &Oka. BULL.--00 the Slat ultimo, at Manama, Miss Ann Hell. Funeral from her late residence. fie g street, Mant7- 1 371 k, t hie ( Monday > allmforwn, 213 '°L"r• Meow,' ft A 14) —On the 31st tattato, Attithildat Me- Donnald, In the Met rear or his age. Funeral from the residence of his gon•in-lavr, Bte then WI ISOM Iltnimoir and Je trareon streets, ( 0 . 13- WLY.) afternoon. at o lq EO 3.11.118 E.— On the 90th ultlol9l/3 1 hertMeiargae• in the 3'tli 'oar of lite ann. Funeral f-om Ins leen residence. Pithrille. Twenty second ward. this fonder) afternoon, at I °Waft. On.h.--On the 30th ultimo, Mrs. Ellen Orr. aged 37 Tears. Funeral from the resident° of her parents No No Cif VOTth IrWrairthl.d intent, We 01° " 1157 at o'olook. * RIO"' fiLDS.—On the Met ultimo, William Richards , in the GB hea- of hie age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 23 North Eighth street. this (Monday) afternoon at 93i o'olook. nLAOK GRENADINE BAREGE MAN- Black .— erenatbne Berate Pointe. talk aaregs Mantles. mot Ruffled &Mace Pelee. tack Regime Sheens, Silk Borders. leck Mirage shawls, Crepe Borders. Silk - Net (Shawls. Bleak Grenadine Bhairle. lac [image Shawls, Satin Borders. N. B.—Shepherds' Plaid Poi! de Chevree, only cents. Wide Dark Gray Iktoheire,lBM cents. BESSON & SON. Mourning Store. tarn t a eV WATaTTIT Street. RT . POST OFFICE. PHILADELPHIA, Ps.iriarLvant June 1.1881.—A1l postal lerVie& in t e States of Virginia. otth 4otith Cam. hen, Georgia, Flora a,. Alabama. afaemiestatai 1..22121 WI% Art:lllMM, and Tenet has been suspended from and afwr MA.7 21. Letter* for *Zees tenanoraril. ...limed by Oils order Will be mark to the Dead Lettwr Offteo.eneoet those for Vi l Petern Virginia. which will tie east to Wheeling. order of the Postmaster General. R• 8 3t 0. A. WALBOR.N..P. M. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OF THE &M yOF Alit, May 24.18e1. NOTICE 18 HEREBY iiIVEN, That the ordi winues restive to the taking uo and do:poring of all DOG - rennang at large in the oup_or Philsdelnhoi, will heak-betly ontweed on and after TUESDAY, Jena 411. order of the Nl:aut. SAMUEL 0, BOWLER. te-sl-jeS St . ealot of Police. OFFICE LEHIGH COAL AMID NA VI ION 00.—PHILAOILPISLL. E Mama JA ieidend of TERRE Ptlt (WM f. equal to one dol• lar end fifty cents Der skate, on thg capital stook of the COM , Otty, Imo THIS DAY been deo'eved by the Board of Managers, parable on and after the , eventb of tune next EDWIN WALTER, Treasurer. myil St frrWtdHAVItEIYIPLOVRDHELPFROM THE PROTESTANT EXORANGE,lronthereet sorrier SECO !1O ano NEW Streets. and take piraeure TOTaeommerolinc it to the publio es an institution much nieded in our city. to* care in eateeting the brat nen' women, and Ohtldren as to charaoter and twat "matures: J. F. A DDICER, ASO Race street. R NI. 9 ELLE. Rd. G een rind Tnl_pehnoken atreeta. JULIANNA ‘NpOt,str. 17$t Chestnut "[treat. .11..DWIN KIRK PA RiCK.Olm Arch west. Dr. PANCO A8T,1131 Mount Vernon street. • J AR. R LOH. tRDe. 15r0 mount Vernon etreet. U FO. PS EEM A N. st 7 Norto Eleventh +street. P. U OLIVER, ENO North Sixth etreet. C. Al. HOW vR. bird aid Ciermanrown avenue. T. WILSON, fin North Front street. .1% MOWER. his 72 South Front etreet. M IVI. nvniTE, ass merehelt street. lqr.C BOK KR, 011 Market spreet. W. R . RICHARDSOI.4I !varlet street, And over one hnndre? end fifty more, to whom re ference w ill be Riven et the effine, ml4O-am 1"5" !NOTICE ,- THE ANNUAL MEETING °ldle .tookholdera of the Philadelphia steam ,' IP Doak Companyfor the eleotion of Five Directors. sea th- traneso-ion of other bu,iness, will be nekt at No:300 worth D KB Avenue. on MONDAY, /rue s, 10/1, at Is ohslook, goon. DENNIS. nr72B et Beoretary end T•easurer. rCr. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—THE Anon,/ Meeting , of the Stockholders of the Derwariteare PasesnserßailwaY fIOMDanY alit be held It the whoa, f the DersnanT., KIX R and DIAMOND streets between the hours o f I end 3 *look onMON DAY. Jane 10, for the purpose of electing a Pre•ident, Trimmer. and nine Istaussors, to nerve for the en suing year, By other of the Board- - Feo'r2 j°BBMi aldl i g ß aaiiil; „o tern. Philadebh , s. May 24,1861. m 344114010 MILITARY NOT s CRS. iTWELFTH WARD HOME GUARP. —The tender stated sleeting will be held at the Armory, nottlisast corner THIS 0 and WILLOW, on Milo DAY Evening, Juno 3, at 5 o'clonir. it* D.. 8 rit.lF.-11.. Rao Pee. IHEADQUARTERS uotoPitriy D, FOURTH COMPANY 'MONROE GUARD.—Par 1.,2181..P147.. Me, 1281.--We. the undersigned. camera of Company D. Fourth company Mon no Guard, on behalf of the Company. return our Macau, Winks to the Trusters of the American Moab-cues' Hall. earner Fourth and George streets. for their kind nage in volunteering to the Company the nee of the Hell for Drill., end hey. extended every fatality In their power to aid the Company in the undertaking. we also feel ourselves under hinting Obligations for the kindnese thus extended. wm. W, swENK. Capt. Company D. JOHN H. ITHLOst bleat, mil{ JOHN PON NE LA.. Li..k. '" ITNITEO STATES MARINE CORPS. WANTED, SO able-bodied men, between the ages of 21 and SP years. not less than five feet four and a half trashes high, and of good oharaoter. Soldiers serving nil this corps perform duty at navy yards and on board United States .hips-of-war on foreign stations. 411 other infointabon whioh may be desired will be riven at the Rendezvous. No. Sll South FRONT Street. • Fiat Lieutenant W. 01Toit ES BOvD, 2P20 - 1m Roorultnus Officer. Nix COTTON DUCK, SUIT.dBLE FOR TENTS, TOR. 1341.1 as 11'110MM:4E1AI! .1 WELLS. tairOf ti 1013 N TUOENLEY'S, 311 011ESTNIIT Street, north sule—theoldent establiihment in the tTaittd Staab. INDIA-RUBBER CAKE' BLANKETS, For Army and hapment,. PATANT R UBBERU v _ T CAMP BLANKETS, RNA RUCKS RN APSA,CRB,_ RAYE.BOACKe, yr • V OROA.C.SCA, carer KaNs TENTS. GUN COVERS, GUN COVERS. IC ;PRE. C %FEB, CAPS. COATS, CAPS. COATS, And every vary niter.) Oa; ix manufactured of India Rubber—le et the beet materiai, - in3l-1m if JOHN TRORNLEY. COMPRES,IED BULL STS.--United States Mime Musket and Rifie BOB; also, every de moription of Ronal sad Conical Bullets manufactured to order. Large stocks commatit hand. Orders fi lled ateight br Tams SS OTIS hlittPlF ACC., Patent Shot and Lead Wo go/ and MBA WATER Street uiTl4-1m NEW YORk. TENTS TENTS. I am prepared to forn'sh from 100 to ISO Tents per day, at reasonable prices. JOHN W Len. No. /31' ROll h - GOND Roast, jailt Or ho. a:l5 YOUTH Wildfahn. BOOTS AND SHOES. VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION ! BOOTS FOR CAVALRY AND SHOW FOR OfFANTRY, Ready on hand, and made to order, or the not inatv rsale and workinanehsp, at LEONARD BENKERT'S Wholetate and Retail BM and Moo r atobbatunent, 7t6 CIFIEB rICUT Stmt, opposite ni mom* eau. P. R.—BOWEL SHOES, and 4 'LITERS for Youths on hand, and made to order, in workmatoship and auras mud to Gentlemen% wear. my 28.41 NEW PUBLICATIONIN. A'ITENTION I MILITARY MANUAL. A MANUAL OF INSTRUC*IOMILIN FOR VOLUN TEERS AND TIA, eV MAJOR WILLIAM UUiHAM, tr. d. A. 1 vol. Demi Svo. 743 pages and upwards of MO Illustra tion.. PRICE SS. TWO ONLY COMPLETE MANUAL COMBINING THN IN OF AUTHORIZ ED IN THE U. 3 S E R VICE. Extract from letter from Alf 01 dally, Captain Second Infantry. U. B. A Plitraeovirmrs, March 13, 1861. I have carefully ovosioossd allimmes Manual_ Mid consider it one of the beet works of the kind pollinated in this country. PORT COLBSIBIi. N. Y. Harbor, Jan. 6,1951. I think it admirably suited to meet the munts.of the Military of our country. 1. am, sir, vAr3 , respectfully' Your opedient servant. .b.D WAR I) Major U. S. Army. aItaXVIABTERe DE7AILTIITNT 07. THE .1310, COnoionati, Mar 73.1881. have examined Major 0 Manuga. and think i 1 an excellent work to Es planed in he hands of ins Volunteer.. G 0. B MoCLELLAN. Major General U. 8. Army. 1 know Major Gilliam (the author or ellhent's Ma nual/personally. as a Musician he is unsurpassed. WILLIAM A. PuND, Colonel Seventh Retiment, New York. We have examined Gilliam's Manual. and find i to be the cr ly complete wsrk • f the kind now powished A oopy ehould be in the possession of every Officer in the service. LE 9 r. WILi•ON. COL Commanding NeeOnd Regiment 01110 V. A. C. FARR Y. Major Second Regiment Ohio V. Pubhahed and for ea% by CHARLX DRSILVER. Philadelphia. No. 12.49 CH ESTN UT Street. Er The book will be sent by mail, postage paid, on receipt of advertised price. mydO-4t THE DOCTRINE AND POLICY 07 PROTECTION, WITH YEN HISTORY OF OUR TARIFFS, **oat. *TIM ORGANIZATION OP THE FEDERAL GOVERN MENT TO THE PRESENT TIME. BY DR. WILLIAM ELDER. Now that a desperate ammilt is being Made upon the new Tariff to preiudice the publio in advance against it, and. if Nimble, to have tt repealed, it is important that its friends should be prepared to combat the specious arguments of He antagonists. Nothing will better carve this Mumma than the simulation of the pamphlet whose .itle is quoted above. which is one of the ablest and most interesting documents that have ever appeared is support of the true American policy of tottering the great industrial interests of our country'. It will he forwarded by mail or CIPTIMIN fur to cents per single cop 7 ;78 cents per dozen; flu per hundred. Address RINGWALT & BROWN, apt-tf No. 34 BOOTH THIRD Street. Philadelphia. VIEOOIi3, LAW AND XISWILLANEGUEI, A-Ar new and old. bought, sold. and exobansenl, As P_LIAD...PHLA-Eln Nit BOOK STORE. no. 4in ¢..annxid U T threat. Librarian at salaams introlutiod whose Minns Books to Mil, if at a distance, Inn state; thou names, size_si biaslausptss, editions , Imes. and «maiden*. wdbersu— stinted t 7 DWI"- min Franklin. as u sar y Books ptinted to and EWA America. AntoltraPh Littslisllaiortrail"ar- Sad. Pamphlet Lima. Pannsylnwa r salt Cata nia mos, mitt me. tatorriartiMlav RBTAIG DRY GOODS. HARPER'S FERRY, FORTRESS MONROE, ALEXANDRIA. MANASSAS JUNCTION. And other Planes now IN THE HANurs OR ISEJESSIONISTS. Are doubtless rotate ass/mill interest to OUR BRAVE SOLDIERS, And the male portion of the community generally; but THE SPECIAL PviNr OF INTEREST TO LADIES Is No SOT CLU , STN UT Street, where the WHOLE SALE uF PH ZOE, PERNA Sr. CO., in milling off at Retail, and where FOR et Ituu CAN inv.* Ttle vaarg. oP St- We - theirefore hove that the well-known mitt. ry spirit of the Leutian of Philadelphia wall by nulSoiently aroused to t• TAEht" 807 CHESTNUT ST., WITH ALL, ITS CONTENTS. *lves eepeoially rui it can ha &ate PEACEABLY FOR CASH. -ALL RINDS OF LINEN. WIDTP, nOoDS. LACES. EMBIiOIDEBIB3. IiDICES,, t, N. E.—PUO LACE PoPITES AND MANTLES, at a forth, r redustion of MS per cent. 300 FOS. TAAL, ETOVIO, all color., at 10 and 13 cants per yard. lor covering mlrro.s. ahem del.era, &o. 800 Peg. itorT FINISH LINENS. entirely without dressing, mumfaatureil expressly for Ledirs timer Wear. LOT . P HE AnMADE CHEMISES, cm broidsren and lane trimmed. 1 Lilt or ENE. C ALNW YOKES. *Os A Froalt Tay... ~f Valet Libya Omdc VLUAIIs, (30ATS, LAUE MANTLES 1. %if FOR LADE ER f ••4 1° .108R1 Aumaxi AND * CRILDRRN. In Eltyle. Rleganee, and Work,oanahi9, we de& com petition. Our Immense lower than ever. At tile " Old ottabhehed Gloat core." No. 40 EUTUTFI gIECOND anent. N, B —AU orders promptly attended to. Jea ec* • it V_ R. HUNTER. SMALL -PL AID 'SILKS. Blue and White Freneh Mike. . Black and White French Mike, gics , Ohi add W Mita French YOOOl. teen and White newt attirmt pie and Whoa French Oaks. 60 doz. Miktit. at $1 SO per dos. 6a dot. White &' •k Worse Mis per pair. Many goods reduced very low, to C119161n nut, at JOlifil H. STOKES'. Jad 704 nKUH etrect. O , A R D. Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND St., PU'LADELPHIA. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER Are compelled, by the exigencies of the Mei, as well as the muse adopted by others. to offer their en tire &coot of desirable stiles of SPRING AND SUMMER WEARI At such prices as will defy competition, and eftest RAPID SALES. The immense stock exhibited is all of reaent Pur chase, cost considerably less than that or Wholesale Houses, whose etoak was bought early in the season. Bargains are &feud in Colored and Black Silks, Paris Printed Dress Goods, Mocambique Plain and Figured. Traveling Dress Materials, Poplins and Vitienaiac, Paris Grenadines, Paris Jacomrs and Lawns, Paris Organdies, Printed Chat les, Printed Foulards, And a large and well selected stock of MEDIUM-PRICED DRESS GOODS. STELLA BRAWLS. in every grade and style. BLACK LACE POINT BRAWLS, !ADENOID]. &e.. &o. LADIES' CLOTH AND SILK CLOAn, COATS. MANTILLAS, &c.. &a, and English Water-proof Tweeds, for . Ladies' Cloaks. The Stook of Alen and Dose' spring and Summer Wear Is full, anu &mermen ad desirable styles, from the late Cash Auction Sales. In the Domestic Department are found all the leading makes, 'sleeted expressly for faintly 11116, at the low est prices. Furnishing Goods. comprising Table Cloths and Da masks, Counterpanes. Sheeting'', dco , &e. To effeetlarge awes, and induce trade, they are pre pared to eirer 4advaat.ges in vamaty of styles awl prior,. New purchases, made Under the existing depressed condition of trade, give us the advantage of competing seeessefnlly with any of the novel expedients resorted to by other WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HOUSES CIIRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 469, and 454 NORTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE WILLOW M . L. HALLOWELL & CO. MEM wHorMSAT;FI STOCK. arms% DRE3I3 emtemo i SHAWLS, MANTLES, Ac., d-c., FOR SALE AT RETAIL, At much below the ordinary wholesale rates. Nos. 333 MARKET and 37 North FOURTH Streets 131 attathat EYRE & LANDELL, rouuTa AND At ItIVIALLINO 4100D9 A'4 W . FOLIIISALN CS '? ALL OUR ORGANDIES ARE FAST COLORS. DOUBLE EXTRAORDINARY SALE OP DRESS GOODS SAO YARDS ORGANDIES. REDUCED. 3,000 YARDS GRENADINES, REDUCED. 3,000 YARDS FRENCH BAREGE, REDUCED. 3,000 YARDS MOZAMBIQUE% REDUCED. 3.000 YARDS FINE CHINTZES, REDUCED. BUMMER SILKS AND FOULARDS, REDUCED. 00,23-OnwSt ADAMS & SON'S STOCK to be dosed ant. et Lower' Wholemie Prioes. CEISAYMI, THAN IF it WERE TAKEN OFF alter , Ire rob, in/ zeeUe. Arfe ARCM =IN nrEanvi or THE ARCH-STREET MANTILLA ISTURE, vornor TAN= and ARCH. AI.,L NEW GOODS. Rich Lyons Sitk Circulars. Rioh Lyons Silk Sumas'. Cambria and l'usher Leos Pointe. Do, do. do. Mantillas, Cloth and Tweed Circular.. hummer Cloaks. se. Parohmed ender the inflames of the War sanio and to be twld at leas then the Cost of importation an. ntanufewtwe. Ladi.s are invited to tonnes:A this stook, without re serve before strehasing elsewhere mrS7 lm JACOB DORSFALIe. Prop'r. ADAMS & SON'S STOOK to be closed out at Lowest Wholesale Prices, ogbArt.A. Tavi IF A DI.CUUNT WERE TAXAN OPP after the sale was made. I.IGHTR AND ARCH, mySe NEW STYLE CLOAKS, EVERY NEW 1 1 style, every new material. at mules that astonish eve one . at the large afore. N. K. corner of kiehtk and Walnut a teats. • my3.l.Nn RARTIOULAR ATTENTION IS R. quested to our fine stook of ORGAPIDIEN, FIND 1041 WM, AND BILK ORAL- L. 'WS, ityonseatienee of the times, will be disposed of et ssonfised rates. Mit S. n nikesl3 & SON, mil 9 MOUT a AND ARGIL fliMAKS.—Wholesale Nadu:into aro in vited to 'weal the 'took at No. 93 South NINTH Street, oornor of Jayne at. ml3l lm Between lliartet and t)heetnat. ULOABS, IN EVERY NEW style, et m331-am No. 93 8. Pin h street. SPRING CLOAKS, IN ENDLEI , Ei VA rusty, at IV min%.m76l-7m ,IgPEING OLOAS'3, THE CHEAPEST Ps.7 ever 1115431 L, IVENS% my3l.lm No, 23 B. Moth stmt. ADAMS & SON'S STOOK to be eloged ant at LOWEST WHOLESALE FRICFS. Cheater When if a disoount sere taken off after the Wet Wu made. Eleinli env Axon, mo 9 gri POB. FRENCH BARE S, foi sale JUMP this morning. WI touts. Dress Goods. marked down. Only Goods, marked down. kavaambiestos. marked down to oento. EYRE ANDELL. myl4l FOURTH and ARCH. ADAMS E SON'S STOOK TO be closed Met LowEsp - venOVRSAIS. PRICES. cneeeer than if a &mount were taken off after the tele was seeds. EIGHTH AND ARCH. myle NEW PLAID INDIA S , LK9— Just reclaim...C. per Flying Scud, From Comm. two oases of Plaid India Pitts. extra, quality. WarrAnted to wut. well. end otereioeable Fur summer Dr*agell. Also, one oast of itrowu end • rob 'ridie. sates Yellow P(113/8' a, for Nummer Dusters. W /lite Pongees, for under wear. git - L. 84 BROTHERS. urtSl Off RsT and I MR 211 Streets. CLAM AND TiJIMA SOUP SERVED ileeeery day by r 4 mug roormww mpl3 d No SOS MARKET Street. TEU3SE WEID TASIFLE T) MCI/NO*4! Zra F bonid Fet COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS for $l. and •Thbrolypes OA .JI *AMR, at R LIMIER'S Phi.l4. graphio 4sltery• 81. CON U Street, above Green. It' p SRS.-200 barrels Mesa Pork, for sale ce. sAss.r.A fr.. co . I . l . !'i t 163 ARCH Street. Id door above Front. U (vlB l .. & 0 1 1 br" 4 SALES BY AUCTION AUCTION NOTICE. LOCKWOOD BROS. & UNDERHILL, No. 45 MURRAY ETRREY, NEW YORK. win °for ft: dilation, few emi t , on TUESDAY, aintz 4, 1861, LARGE BALA or SAXONY DRESS GOODS AND SILKS, Together with a large anortment of otton now and clasirabda Roca. WEDNESDAY, JUNE b, 1801, LARGE SPECIAL BALE OF 11113130N5, MILLINERY GOODS, AND STRAW GOODS, Comprising tho anent amorttnant i f goads otiorod at ¬ion thin araaon. j.B at FOR SALE AND TO LET. fp° RENT.—Two Houses on Race street, lone No 1407, and the °Mar No. )38. t 4 aid houses are oamp'ete eti hail the modern improvements. to ilette at No. 136 amje; et r e t. j9i TO RENT—A Furnished HOUSE and MG Grounds, near the pity; antes hourly. Also, one oneterm, iltErlatt two ilOlll5 by rail : beau tilu'ly located. jill-attreb Ass y all &week at No. 212 CHURCH Ailey. la TO WT.—Five-story NUM'S, No. 113.1 335 MARKET etraet. Five-story . STORK. No 23 N. km FOURT , 4 Theist. A large asecind floor. N 0.211 NORTE) r OURTH avant, ...th fine rorohnro light. The above 04.61,651iA1l t.e orared for Rabt metalled %sten. Apoiy to WM. BACON. 233 MatIKST meat. tom.se 4.4ARN ANTtiTTN COTTON AND NM. FURNITURE RElsT,—.Porlor, Libnsm TOOthi finOlirn, tine room, Wain-house on first ftoor; four chambers, bath, and water Meant re cond floor; two onamoera third floor ; range, gas. hot and cold water. frituaiell on high around near s rail road sta:ion. Addrena Cottage," Biontre Dinpaten mT2a at* 11114 FOR BALE— , A HOUSE and LOT, Maildenirnbly loaned on MAIN Street. Burlington. PI, J. Apply to WM. M. C01...1N5,. 506 MINOR Street. Pluladelphus. Or ta FRANK Lis WOOLMAN. sont-numnl it. M t 1N anatt. Burlington. d i TO LET—A Desirable HOUSE, with att the 11‘..derri Improvement . ., eurroanded with armee and oriesmental 'rivet!, P 10.98 Mime street, Bur- UDIFT.OI2. N. J. Apply to 1.1. Y. M1D.152,V1 . 0N, mylB-tf d North FIV/PIT ',tree!. TO LET—A DESIRABLE DWEL m. LING NO 123 - North THIRTEENTH Strout. Apply to 91 , ETRERILL & BROIELER. 47 mid 49 North SECOND Street. rah WU OHESTNUT-STREET HOUSE and o STORE to ront,—The desirable busiussii location, 133/1 C RESIN UT taunt, with dwelling attached, Avail at 431 ORESTIIIIT Street. aplr fig GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO RENT.--To Rent, the lento end oommodione modern- tuit House, earner of ARSIAT Street and WILLow /venni'. with ena. bath. hot and ontd water, and eh the modern tymrovementa. Apply to ti S. TARN.. 710 GARZA Street, ittleAletenie, or on the promises.weit-tf gm TO RENT—TWO (JOUNTRI movers,ooo mile from TaiSollll. In airs Ti? WALNUT Street. mhS6-11m* 9PO LET-SECOND-STORY ROOM, 802 CLIESTNUT ntreel. over LEWIS I.ADOP/11/8 trOWO/17 A &OMThe boat location In Phi'oda pa to for any Irina of light biIIPiACR4. Apply to the Jewelry Store. Rent *4OO. felfl PO RENT—A very desirable STORE, on the Ninth-street front of " The Continental HoteLP The Store et Ninth end flatmom ortrisebr espe cial-1v adapted for & NADDLZ and Flamm Maker. ter gJURA RICE, Southwest NINTH and RANSOM nree tz. 91 1 0 RENT—THE LAROE AND VON vErusrur coal Wharf and Lumber Yard at Ntaylandvilla. Twonry•fourth ward. Apply to E. C. & . B. WARREN. on the oraixdaes. rabid. tr FOR EXCHANGE.—A 0110ICIE TRACT orsoga ti!mproved ream lend tri the !PAM 611 . 1111011 Jersey. (movement to the city. will be exchanged fat pay oroperty, Apply at rte. 113 FEDERAL street, 14 R. UORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER ANDLL • CON VEYANGE.,t, NORRIBTOWNI PA. —gem Emte bought and sold on roayponable terms. Stores end dwellings for sale or rent in Morristown ape eonntry . Good mortgacea negotiated, Conootions made. The beet referenoes [wen. digAn WANTS. WANTED --Men of intelligence and Ploaninc addreea e.e Tyr/vent/or Aiy•mts. A eh..nw to make money. end no hurebuz. .rddrees.with st,m p . or cell upon 6. B. ShAMAP4, 139 South 1.1614 Street. jet 6t• ANTED.—A young woman from No vs Poona would like a tiituation in come Teepee tam tam ly to WO care of chi Id,en, and mate herself SetereitS esmfaL 431.0 W, sh and Ir .rjA,Za " cep T po 6 sough an_objest.as a home. m ore. r• nil St" PS.OuO.WANTED —,s first Mort , rare on unencumbered valuable City op rty. Address W. ill G., et Ibis m. total 3t" 4 CON D-II AND FURNtTUR& B9I3GHT. md—Feather beds, rarpete. Minoru, and su Douse keeping articles f-r erMeh the very higher cash pine wilt be paid. Constantly on hand a select assortment of New ann deoond- Ha d Furniture, suited to the Cit. trade Apply or address T. N. W_ALs}l, leo. 934 MA if if k Street. souto fide, below Tenth street, m 726 et" VVANT.EI/--ittitN'fil to sell PAtiIiA GEIS of BTATTONERY and JEWBLRY. et wises ono th ird Ism than can be numb:seed e l mwhere. Gall on or addrosa team, enolotted) J.L. BAILEII„Mo. Ili* COURT fkroot. Rooton. Mast. mb26-5m F • ISIPLOY WANTING. YOUNG Men. &0.. are inytte4 to address the " Employ moat ceinguittee." at the Roome of the Young Men's (Amnion dimsvolotion, 1009 sad 101.1 CREEIT9I UT Street. ati3-11m BOARDING. , B9ARDING.—Front and communicating rooms for gentlemen to a very plearlnt location. Good Board. and at mod-rate . prIOSS. fleas, call at ad 2 PENN ?treat. Camden. N. J. m)3 6t Bo ARIVING.—F our gentlemen can be tom fortably accommodated, and et moderate prmea, at 63 N St,eet. Camden. ri• J m) ST 6t SODA WATER CHARLES M. BREAKM)S ICE•COLD SODA WATER. t FRESH FRUIT SYRUPS, AT NORTHEAST 11 ,1 10 R BROAD AND CHEST NUT eTRP ETS, The Rode, Wat-r is drawn from porcelain-lined Fountains, pore and spark ling well chorred with oar beam eseld 5... s6e byrns4 are 11141611.6(1 With the highest regard to retaininc t h e NATURAL /LAVoli ni THE 70010 No Wet will l 00 soared to maintain the high character which t s Fountain has already at tained: Bottled Bala Water at W) cents per dozen. aongreaa Water, tteeh from the Sprir.ge, eamuiteritif on bend. Mil 3m r IDIEVISALAMM cossrAostais. FAME INSIMAIWE QUMFArrr, xo 40`EEST_ETIT aIrW FIRE AND INLAND I2OIU.KANOE. fitOrre W. ft • ael Wright—... Wright TO. tt, G. D. LI Oirney— ...• Davis & Birnsy. Henry Loins, " Lewis Bros & Co. • Etacherctsoo.._—..—" .1. C. Howe & Co. Earnnel T. Bodine..._Pres't wiontung Canal csoutreir. J. W. Etermen & ueo. A. west— " West & Fobs.. T. 8. Marna-- " Elay.gs, Martin. & Cs. 0. Wilson Derus—...Atterney-at-law. E. D. Woodrnff—...of Sibley Molten, & Woodruff. !no. Kanter, .No 1133Oreen street. • OBOE W. RAY,Prosidont. T' NOll3 N. BUCK. Vine PresiderL WILLIAM! ;41.A Arrmialn. Plaerstare SA V Iffilti FIUPEILPIS. YtTND-lINITIO STAINS N. 7 TRUST COMPANY, owner THIRD aad CHEST NET Streets. iIITEREST FIVE FR CENT. R. CRAWFORD, President. ,TAI4ES IL ROMPER. Secretary and Treasurer. office hOLITX. from 10 WWI 3 oteloet. This Coutgany IS not Joined in any Application to atir LAstalature. iMiilliEl LETTERS TESTAMENTARY TO THE ESTATE of JOHN E. 'WHEELER. Jemmied, Vito grocer Third and Lombard Meths. Witte been EOMto the undersigned- all persons Indented to said EOM/Lee requested to Mate mamma. simi all maim hamar 0011111111EWO requested to Dr. sent Mimi TO CEA PUPA B. APR PH. 407 WAL.NerT Street JOBS CARSIN. • 313 UNION street. No outer( o WIIISELER. ►ho offittldttell the gro eery end Tee. Businese, southwest corner of Tfillt D and 1,0 eBAR.D treats le duly suthortzed to reoeive umment of ~e hte due scud gloater and accounts almost It m., be let ir.tltt him. June 2. 1834 TBE FIRM OF E. A. KELLEY & CO. IS this day DISSOLVED by and mucus! copse: t. and L. A. N.A.LE'y is author.zrd to setts Ail the butihen thereof. E. A. K - La.sY. ISAAC VAN Phi'adelehie, Jane 1,1861. Jet-3t- R SHOEMAKER & CO., • GLAIIIL PAINTS. OILS, AND VARNISHES, . Nartheaat Comer FOURTH and RACE del#4ra TOTO CONTRACTORS FOR SUPPLIES.- We hereby give notice to ell those who may be contracting to furnien supplies to the State annoy the recent eppropriation of three millions. that hating re ceived the power under that ant of appointing inepec tars of alt aupphes, and other power els, ri reference to the mettlethentot clitiMer Whit/if Wei nOt dlYelgilted tp MI ander the previous act or April la. we eked tote every contractor to the most rigid aecountatAlity to the eettleineot of his auntie; and the inspection of Ms sup Plies po must übe of that unarm or which shad prevent any imintion pon the , and protect the Volunteers who have so t obLy rtorponded to its yell; and no sue. T omo plid lot Matt they Lae% been intyeeted by offic&rs who en tf have been duly &pro ired for that p. recs.. H" ft ft YD. MOO-r •-• trite Treasurer. TOO& D. COCHRAN, audir.r General. min , 121 fru MILL AR' , Atgli UUNTRAt zAtes.— wOO.l Mina Lame Cement, CAlcJited Plaster, Plasterihr, Hair and Whits sand, for male at bairn and 111 PA ghti dtreets. noy23, Itt ff. MnInINEB. LIKST QUALITY ROOFING NLATE a)- " ways on hod And for Nilo at Thilon Waarft 1441 BEACH Arrest, Koneingtot T. 111110 , 1/.8, elT.lw 917 VC 4 I. Itroot. DRDWILLLOI BLIMANDER, NO. 340 . B. Fovwrir Street. above Pine. Mee Imam Shirai o'ainak A. M. Will P. NI. Wlil lm DE. J. WINE, No. 30 North IpFIFTH_ 1,000, P HILADELPHIA —Treato 2°LritilithiNCTOVek n aft °,l - i'PrZra' freauentivienn COBISIMIPTIOB in its third ..4_ r stalt ...a slierestoros all onsiinie dimmers ovine /a 16 all ' i L ' A " ." R e heellven diem hi" entire stionlion or thee)est le Year& Wilt nett eetleneh when dootrotot to rottotoook *Wu - GRAND PATRIOTIC FESTIVAL IN AID OF TH. v..Lu,:rEER FUND, AT THIC ACADEMY OP MUSIC. ON Tirth.erpe 4, ißel. The entertainment will he under the patioe&S. 0 08 foli o Win, at icipronatito Rome-men Hon. Alexander germ., Co.. Jew% Pere. 800. Rtobard Vett'. k. P. Ktoe. 14 41_ Horatmenn, Pee., Geo. A, tienstel..mq, David W. COLIN'S. 'EI% • GI Mite U. NlUBL'A.eget Mann. .1. .K.blallvaut & term Stewart &!a eon" .. The ihilewincertieti and smateare hey. kindly ten dered their servieee: MAD k.O.E, Ael t+A BISHOP. MADAMS: Et-:ii t• RA JOEANNOEN. .11.14.14 DREW . bllBB HEN R I TTA PR WI MISS I IZZLH POOLE, 1 , 4 R. w. As., WOOD, eitt. A. 8eFL0F1....14), DR. CHNNINGTON, PROP. E. CARR. OltoBB. PROP. M. R. DROOL A GRAND With the entire Chorus of the R k MAYAN OCIETY-200 V•oces IdErB. SOHN DREW , rttireo+•ea ratrioths Addresst iirritten. by D.,..d Haul gteln2l.. PAS., by pormbtnintl 6 e r Miss Ann** Loneda e Muting the musical Entertainmeut which will con sistof overtmes Sad chorine., the Or ohestra will perform a P UNEttAb M RtPt. toeca p oesoshy Beethovend memoria of the lamented CobXitrutiw,.lt.t-tt TH E NATIONAL ANTHEM and THE. R'PA R PPANaLi D RANNER wilt be sung in unison. Ps toted sling will be distributed am.mg•t the audience, who ate invited to &mint to the p-rierroatwes. the whole Undef tv r l t tt he . d . r . r n ee m t g i t o i n 2f . m. TICKETS .rWEPei.V-PIVR Ci NTII to all tisrbtof the house, except the Proscenium Boxes, whrch are $8 snob. - Box Nom will be open from ato 4 o'clock on Marian and 'I uotdsti, Inns &l and 4th , Tickets will also be for sale et Doe Ohmkerins du don' -,7 if Chest. utstr et; Andre &NI 'a, and at W. If, Coulston's Muse elate, Eighth etrvet, above Arch. i et•at ACADEMY CF MUSIC. A CONCERT cum-I.:am* or THE 140* ft toEsti, OR °Glom ATIor, (IF T—, ito3s, TOG !MELBA WIT/2 M ISCEL LAN .40Us PIECES. HANCOCK Z ll l4l,l* g alfl4ll2R SCHOOL. r. AIO OF THE imburi rokodo. Itlatimmy Ey KM flitift JUPLIS U VXOrs At 5 Walouk. TICKETi v 6 GENT& For mac otti , r & Lawton'e reventh and Cloodooot et*eete ; Lee .& Walker's. 722 rheetnut &treat; 44 the t 4 ehoet. Coat , a etre. t. above Tweif.n, and at the door on the evening of the cotmert. jet eta TRIUMP 41 , NT BUrTFAS: AECOND Wit..h STEREOSCO PICO of the a 0 tiT RN RvBELLLON Ard Eand , •rsnn s Gigantic inovteg_ FA"OltiMa OF THIN KU ti s re w Tinto Ex I , to lonIR Cosi WEED. MONDAY FVO.N(NO. Ave 3d, And Every venter during this Rent. NEW 616 IV r r.I2ESTI A min nation of 111090 n-I willenrorth ; Brnano.lll- the Avenger of Ellsworth ; f llsworth'e item mein State; At.nomant JEllswertnin P dna (Barak of U. IA Arial into Virgi Crossing the Lo a f Bridge over the Fa roam 0 . 7 moonlight Harper 's Ferry and deb° Bt teres; Gate,:ltio Map of tne t.at o• War; mon h•ra altie, • ; FOY ta Monroe, w onitrie. and Sumpter ; Amok on the Mansaohumetta moldier, ant unarm , d Pennsylva nians in Siotimag6. and ether mammal wean ton , neoted With the ear. A Il me Battles of the Russian War. Wir Bawl of Music in attendanne- Adtmes , oc 26 cents ; Gents. Doors Clan it 714. Commenee atB. DAV PElfhOR &JAIME EVERY ARTARNOONiat as tee 6t WALL'iIMSTREIST TIUDATIM. • w Bole Lessee— A. SA ItitETTF4PI. Bitrinan Aunt. fVfr P 111 I D. VRPRY, Tuin frioNPAYT. T R - vEr , v , e Jon, 3d, And bverp ermg during. th week First appearance in Philadelphia of the universal faver , tra HOOLEY iF CAMPS FLL'S MINSTRELS, FlQfll ttjtol.4 no”. 13 0:03 11 :1way. P "e l ' Yo r k. The rrognannne nr , ll conanet.f a varlet. or @obit!. Dano-s• he., in which the whole of this liter Tron.e will appear. 1 he whole to conclude with the 'laughable burlesque sketah. TOT: m4sQUF:ltaps RALE,. Doom open at thi n'tdont, ; *OM .I`lll.l at IL THE REHEARSAL OP THE HANDEL AND AY ^N 80C18TY. for the P `lo' LC MUMIOAL Fe'rt7t7AL. will oe no MONDAY EvK NINO, at 8 o'clOett tioS till'olserpee homes, 807 17 111- OTI'l UT holm. Yor o.4er gye iLe jet-tt Iti R KCTORI. pENNA. AtiekiMal Y ur TEM FINI ARTS.--11:125 CHESTNUT STREET. Ths Thirtv.eithtb N UAL EXHIBIT! ON of PAINTINGS and SCULPTURE te now open. Admittance a, cents; Ottawa 'Laker. 00 ciente; Chil dren half price. Catalogues 10 cents. 15tookhoiders will receive their tickets et the Academ 10 y. P. Open from A. M. till 7 P.M., and fume M. till P. M. autt-tf SUMMER RESORTS. HOWLAND'S HOTEL.- 85r.A B 11,THO.G LONG 13KILPItatt V, J. The imbsotiber will open bus hotel ror the iti , Cts PTA° . OF VIDDLORS on Mitturility, June 114 3061. in7Sl 2m* H. HOWL ND. Proprietor. BOARDERi WILL BE REOICIITOD AT a retired and pleasant y-aitustrd farm-house in Cheater eon• ty• but a short thattputek f•out the ra l laed. Ihe dwelhng house le ti iely eh ded ...Ilion, with te ye. enable and f nit gardens will furbish boarders With all the , tt.tutr • the ootutt•ry Dan adore. n cyly at tlll SALSBOK direct. QI'I4IIER BOARDING.—A few Fosrders oan be aecemmodated in a private family. Loos- Hoe de.inthlw- wends ey4 ensiya and abed, within rim minutes of the otty sy 10 rr. Apply to CHAR .b 0 Kai , ,HN,Ket GUN'S POINT. by latter to tytind-n Poet °Moe. or via dourh-street Perry. my2a rattle 61* rj P RATA MOUNTAIN NPRIMA, LAW ASTER COU7 4 TY. rvatNtrybv.ronn. Th . ' celebrated our tering Place will open for mo tors on the Sr day of JUNE. with all the attractions of former season.. 'situated on a mountain I¢oo fret above tide-water. overlooking the richest esti nitural country World thlt air pirrfootly pure and dry at strummes. ren ders it proverbislir health.. .were-se- o re smi galimtrie for Sal 'wird:our tine graded watke•thronell the loreat to the vari. na Pumas and mummer houses oo t..e mountain and to the obrierva ory from the top of wine• in pre ended to #,A nee of the Snag and most ostensive Dtee. ramie views to be seen. A ;nod livery le tent on the place.ena beautiful drive. Avenel ; not and cold oaths ; a eetemhe band magi (from the tterciania. oft ht ladelphia ;) M,wli g elie•a and billiard saloons. eith tee latest in proved table.. Large r ard-ns attached to the Dome. from Which all the receivables re Igen fresh for the tabu, which, wai will tie fr •Irt the Phil detrains. and Baitimore mark.te a. welt the (rum the rich agricuitural country around. Careful and attentive servants. IitIVIDE ~ace Minn , Cited with the estahlahment soma )rare with t.is no•prietur. the utioersi nod assures the old patrons of the place mud ins re lie generally that it will be coodu-ted in every depart ment, an its former popular was• Visators to the s prt, go will take the oars to Lactose ter. thence L 3 micas staving over pleswint roads and thrnurh R. beautiful t hrouih tinkete testa at the rennet Dania tlatlrond lii ein t , i.fl lit ell hi( tt treats. tlaoel ph la. For further particulars or circulars the proonetel refers to Joe H. al PALS. corner I'HIRO and VIM It Streets, and to 7e1.4Efl B. De VSON No. 4 flotth tiara T3C'etti rho adelphie;; or, I/address nit .0-fm if Ephrata P. 0.. 8 Lancaster co., Pa. WHITESULPHrIR SPRINkB HOTEL, CA MAPLE. etunberland county, Pa. The Proprietors take pleasure in .nnonoolna to the pnblio that this mum nom moviblisnmems is now open for vitiators Penang *Nahum pure moon airs air. modi oinat waters. bathing, fishing, an., good Ilvtns• not sonablo enema. cannot do better than to try these Springs Forpartioulan. send for circulars to WM. IU d RILIMGIII3,? o fu s o i ff o f N ew York , D. C. DUENR'T, SPropnetona myra tat "REDFORD SP G. ALLEN rreetotlunT irromp the pubilo that thin weIJ seta- bilebod end rrpul , r vriVert-fle pl•eoe to op-na for &De reoe lion and li.mlorultiodAtiOn of visitors. and wiU be kept oven until the fir- , October. Persons wimhing Bedford miner"! Water. Will be Min plies at ter brings at the following prices, via For 1 bbl .0•41 • ob.....•••••• •43 a) )11 •• I 11111•00 ITT ).• • ...•••• • •••••••••••... oe ••3i" 3 00 Bottles. 34 Pint, per d05......"......1 00 Parties wishing r.otrie. or any infOrrnabiOn !stud to the emeto!ill adding the 13 dfora Mineral Serino Corneae,. Bedford eannerlvattim. HSUAII BUT NI., RittRBIIRG. The management of thin well-konwn Hotel having beau leierci by itt•eete COY K & R. the iesent 0r0122102015 be t-sso so lIIITOTILI the put.ho the Howe le now beiocthorou. R . IS- F ITT G cod iMPRO with a view to the .trever And comfortable accommodation of those *he may favor the eetaolishment with their ountom Onsets Will 7000100 due attention and wiliness, and 120 ex prom- lei I ee veered that me) .01144.0. 1.6 maintain the isot.l to a first ole-a stile. Families and others desiring to soJoinrn In HOOT2O - (lam g the summer mmithe will find pie sant fioardins and large aid well- atintilaied Rooms at our estahliehment, upon Moderato term OTr covE.t. J 0it.13-RP uttßit. m. 17 Im 1 1° LILLIVS SAFE DEPOT RI MY= to No. 21 !Smith SEVENTH Street. near the ranklin Institute. The Rodents - nett. thankful for peat favors. and beans deterinined to merit future patronage, has seonred es elegant end' convenient tin ore, and has ,on hand a large arsortment of Lillie '- Celebrated w rought 6 Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Cafes, i ttie sii) strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) also, lie's Unequalled Hank Vault, Safe. and Bank Look,. Ldrie's Bank Vault Doors and Looks will he furnished to ardey on short notice. This II the strentelts pelt- Proteeted, and oheapeet Door and Look yet o area. A 1..,, particular attention me mailed to Lillie New Cabinet Rafe for Plate, Jewelry, &a. This Safe 111 aim fedesi to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of red for this purpose, and is the only one that ts item -17 nye and burglar proof. arsict.z. Nctriti-1 have my en hand Nay twenty et paned, Herring, & Co .' s Bales, moat of tem nearly new, and some forty of other makers!, oomprmuss a complete assortment as to man, and all lately B.l[- °banged for the now Celebrated L i llie kale. They will be sold at very low prioes. Please call and examine. tedd-tvif M. 0 RAIN PR 4.... per, 0w...F0R THE BEA.-ql3O KR. —CAMP RN AND ATLANTIC RAIL h 4)473 -- au train legorng Vine-street Plry dads 41%4.days excepted 5 at.. 73i A. OL Elautning. teases • 3 2) P. 31. e -- • LP iolllo4ili 7ar tickets. good far thrAe $2 eO. Mansion Rouse, Stoptune, Bedloa's. and a Ler hotels, are TOW UPOLI. L 3 et JNO. 4. SfirANT, ASCAIr - - WENT OHENTER APIE TRAINS vta, PENIIQVLy.k. NIAAI IL Ali. leave depot, earner RIAVAN . an and 111...RICKT.at a n. 12.30 P. M jL and 4 P. 31. appd a y, leave Foiladetadaia at 7.30 A. DM., sod west °hamar St 4 P.M. haw tf je3 mtbl2t ag& FUR BALI 111 0 .1‘ , RE DAILY AT 3 O'CLOCK F M. lix.L.TirdOßM AND ?NIL AID ST.RANLBOAII qiNV/ Noir. (Brunson Line.) Via ChPaspeeke and Demiw are {' anal. One of the new iron Steamboats o f this VOlREarlY will leave the upper aide of Chestnut etreet Wharf 13Y1311Y AF PERNOOPI Mu days excepted at 3 o'oloo3. end ytitt sTliv, 13 Baltimore early the pest wartime. Freight of all kiwis' taken at tt a lowest rates t Cattle. Homes. Stook. Vattation. itch For Freight, apply at the aloe. tisovEs.,ll.. L Arenk_ aryLi-lm if No. 34 SOVTB WanAßVltit, _ . ma l t FOR lOW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, Tia Delaware ant Raritan .. Phitacteiebta and Now York Express otoembott COM- Ve.n7 Will reorooo (might on and after MONDAY. Dttli instant, and leave daily at 2 P. el ..delivenng their ettr m. in Pin W .. _York the folleWing Ogle ear ; win mama at renisonabin men, WM. F. CLY DE Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHAAVES.PhiIadeIeM2, JAMES RAND, Agent, IC Piers 14 see 14 EAST &WEN, New York. sitaa-r - „walkFOX NLW 'YORK. - 1111 Phtladel , hia Steam Propeller Colmar will tootnientle their bunineee for the season on Moamar nth trist. Their Steamer” are now receiving frenht at atom, Piet above A" niunt street. Terms ItOoontmorlating. ii_pp w whit V.Dailt ° rlk CO., Sitti Booth Delaware /menu. ENVELCPFS °T RV'S.— rA 01451,8 perirrikan ;14tr'airnlf: c IVA Ul : STIMET, [MILO'. ft -Lloyd AT MAU , FOS. isftil, at hisuutiotoued ,ms!..i.v!..ttp,,rihookerais.iicand pa A Gcs 0.0 Y EICURM, 216 CONEITAUT ft tract, rams WM. Cornor vr Houma Elttert• Come , ol Hudson etrest._ o . rt REOSOUPIO 'VIEW Of 'I HE GEr4E• RAL ASSEMBLY. Atteri oa d.woi . littY 29. gen. erill be ready le a few dale. row , / or put Main bdrii awns tenving the airy caw have toe wietara tor- Warded,b. mail, by leeiviogy vest offio" address With tee pubiibere; MsALLISY &R. & 880 into& Iss 1ML141211 UT litsittt Prof. JOHN BOWER. ISAFEb.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers