Letter from Missouri. nasdesee or The Pres. L ) etassast., Sr , OUIS, May 25, 1861. 40 . he d we stirring times in Missouri Qe To traitors in our town (Potosi) organised i'7! , p ,ioe, one (4 horse, and the other of foot, tir''‘the determination to force the Union men to o ce p to itipprt the State of Missouri, and 0 11 . t h e pliant Government, or else to compel 01 1 e the Semi; but we were too wide awake, Ytcson es th e rebel leader started for Je ff erson ig• s from tbe State, we notified Gen. t , arm the Lie, and be sent two companies of le, of volunteers to protect Us, and to °ap t .1 1 ; To bstt, 'Web they did one Sae morning deilight They took nine traitors. s t e, Sarney and Pries have made a bargain ,'L „„ e see, but it will not last long unless you " 34e v r i tbe ro bots in Virginia. Potosi hue become Orlfdelesereets place for Union men to reside in ellt. I e xpect they will burn my property. I will plant the stars and stripes ‘ 7 ! let it go; ivVitizens hero are much frightened O' wor ot of the rebellion. Tim Union people •the State by thousands. Seven faint llc FatOSl this week. The Mississippi re boats cannot pats Up or down; busi '''„, e t every kind iS Stetted; 'Jur town looks like vtllsse. Both the e men and the ir e in . artas .. every night, watching each ! l e t, The Missouri volunteers request me to tell low e t Philadelphia that they will be grate rmetabered by them for their exertions in be y e lf; and a braver set of men is not to be sit slissonri I wish the ladies of your city t hew That was a great letter of Mr. cilpb ivi, which I read in The Press of your city. glad that Philadelphia, my can dear native SIIBOC be touched by civil war. There are Arsenal. at this time, ten 'thousand Milted mo ps, and a large quantity of cannon. J- Letter from a Lady. Mirmaxaoao, May 28, 1861 EtArost : At a time when all is excitement, eel the fires that burned in the patriotic hearts of .; w et of '76 are glowing with renewed vigor bressts of their descendants, when nstiltary .b 3 the great demand of the day, a word from oy not tns uninteresting. vme time since our patriotic ladles, wishing to ...je tat they could, and would, if IndeSllBl7, ::„ gs fulty handle arms of defence, banded them is , together into a company, called the Mrs :1,!,4'n Guards." We praotise weekly at a ; i s; here learned to load and discharge our e t E with considerable skill, and could, we doubt ...If mad to the task, oriel- our „wt.,' i t • that moat dark and fearful season Of oar : 4gtionary contest, when the cruel storm of t.iit wrath bad stained our soil with the blood d our noblest and truest sons, when oar ran had fallen, and when "along our shore, ri ; among, our bills" the evening breams 0: 4 to tong the last requiem of departing „ r 7, Washington armed the desponding hearts • :iteountrymen by his pathetic and touching Strip me of the dejected and aticerieg • ol my army, tithe from me all that I have sod leave me but a banner, and give me ce ng:a to plant it upon the mountains of West D utts. and L will draw around me men who a lift their bleeding country from the earth and r Gar free." Give me that sacred emblem of my ~t o y's liberty, place me riot lepton the moan -41:e of west Augusta, but among the green I and valleys of Pennsylvania, and it will to draw armed me men, aye, women too, flue blood will be freely given to stain • sates field. before a single stripe shall 1 , t rued or a single star dimmed in that t russ conetellatiou, wham meteblesso ap p en tar outshines the silent beauty of the soft ?islet or the wild grandeur of stormy Orion. !a thank Heaven! there are sons and daughters w et the blue mountains of Pennsylvania whose ;ire prayers ascend for their noble brothers upon 7.! firld of battle, and for the starry flag that ,ty o'er them. Women of the North. prey for our country's : toe defenders. that they may soon drive back V 3633 and rebellion into that darkness from • they never should have issued. Let us ow that the spirit which animated the noble, N•fisstifoiog women of '76 baa been inherited their daughters, arid will cease to warm our ta - mt etly when they reuse to beat, and thus r^l - 0 to the gallant song of America that her ,:;liters too are patriots. "tom OF 'Ex." Newstheme from Washington. :xis the Washington Stara .- - - - ,111 LEGION or 'rue talon —ln Leutze's design the " Legion of Union," noticed in yesterday's vet. the Helen of the States is represented by ;17 four locked shields, each beating the appro :tra arms of the State. In their midst tbe Vila Union and Liberty—the former holding 2fmote and wearlag the bead dress of Hercules, iecing strength; the latter attired in the N_ltian cap, and supporting the star.spangled saner—are represented sitting on either aide cortrait of Washington, the emblem of pa zcde over which they clasp bands. imnth their feet are seen the writhing folds of ttehldra of discord. Ilotwbsed among the shields V a well bearing the inscription E jaluribus t...M . 4 The heraldic eagle of our country, repro -15121t faint lines, forms a baokground for the taw se have described. We venrctre to say th! design will be regarded as one of the effotts of the illustrious artist, whose pen al tat already been so sueoessfully employed in Eh:mating the bowie deeds of the Father of bit Canso!_ PRIZZS BE.OrGHT TO VlAllntgatoir Cru' —The rumor Mont:redo, Cept Seigle, U. S. N ., _(re. !folly called the Sic?,) has arrived here, bring im with ber the sobooners Catharine, of Newborn, 5 C., and Iris, of INtimore, loaded with naval raes, prises to the Lrarriet Lane, token BOTOTIty miles *oath of the Virginia coast. The Monts. wild baring been for forty three days constantly Indsr steam, reqxiires tome trifling repairs to her zsoblnery, and came to Washington to hare them mended to at our nary yard. 1 Lon ATTACK ON Tlll 81IWILL'S POINT have Information, on which we are every reason to rely, satisfying na that the report of the Disonionlati that no one was killed wounded on their side in the Monticeilo's at xt qv/ their Sewell's Point battery, is as des sro of truth as their similar report that little or n damage was done to the battery itself on that Dxstion. It is not now denied that that wan roll sigh totally destroyed, having been silenced ed abandoned for the time being. Webave information through a reliable indi nine!, who visited the battery from Norfolk on moraiog after the engagement, representing Cl:fragments of human remains were scattered trout it, and that it was admitted there then that re of its defenders had been killed, and a larger umber wounded. 310. cm—it is highly probable that the 2 500 rten.lon troop. said to bate arrived at Grafton a T days since did not really number more than '4olt most, though Virginia newepapere set them ima et a thousand. Tee military power and ream:twee of the Govern Zest are ap tly . illustrated in the °errant move tent of M ajor General McClelland. Oa Friday to last, a messenger left this airy bearing to tin an order to move on Grafton, and by the Tues !ll following be was in that town with two real pmts from the banks of the Ohio; another regi seat of his oowmand was in Parkersburg, dis- Plisig the Disunion troops there, (labelled without bmg a shot;) and a fourth of hie regiments was known Wheeling and Grafton, on the way to join La. Of mums, the detaohment of Dieuniosists Wiell had ventured the experiment of occupying %icon, a day or two before, fled precipitately on Pelt% wind of hie approach. They were sent to Grafton, as their fbllows to itrkerebnrg, to bold Western Virginia in *objets tae to the oligarchy. Their so speedy flight has, nurse, pricked the bobble of the pretence of the ability of the oligarchs to keep any foothold Ithstaaer in that section of Virginia. General YtClelland's available oommand—the portion of !, Is far mobilized—is at lomat 15 000 strong, and s week 5 000 more troops, being prepared for s'sloa in Ohio and Western Virginia and Penn i/Imill, will be ready to join him. Oar impreulon is that hie destination is Harper's !sty, and that he will arrive before that point ;a: when General Patterson's command arrives :abre it on the Maryland side, and General Me -1619511's command has closed down anti cut off the easel of the Dininionists at Harper's Ferry to huh:mud, by rail Itvasav & .1.111'20 Movemenva.--Oor latest in *nation from ManaraasJunotion ie, that General 2 abert 11 Lee has arrived there, and is in corn tent of the Disunion fornse at that point The letter on the evening before last, there and in Centreville, (within seven miles of the Janotlon:) a ttsbered between eight and ten 'thousand. We l writ a rumor to day, that General Lee has thrown tsa reomeurs forward to Fairfax Court flours, irtentean miles from Washington; which we do tot believe, for many good reasone, The Virginia Vote. The following is the vote of sundry counties in litturn Virginia on the ordinance of Secession: Hancock, Brooke, Ohio, and Shetbel (the panhandle counts) 461 6,328 411 uebs (residence of G '6 . . ummers) .. 1,200 ma) Hatell 650 1 4- I ne 800 c, h t ,„, • • SOO ” ittsos r. 724 " iA"..tu (tea of Gen. Jaeks , n) 257 1 955 2non (tee. W 6 B rown ) 65 2,256 dr . • • • 125 BA O d arrisoti tree. J. 8 Clunk) 694 1,691 r . mitt. 180 790 f:senf 155 maj ... .. ts - ng,tia. 105 2,290 hethog 87 02 Z IlArriv..b l,OOO maj. t u itersharg .. .. . 675 ", Luke ecutty 1 700 " • . ftincolmt l Beagle ei 2 15 kir 7 428 1,226 Pt ., ' 3 Ferry (army).... 1,200 100 etrthtli Tailor .. I 000 maj. 700 " new, . ... 500 " Wnitel 613 " canon 126 53 3 553 3 Lush . tHrg, (Boatmen county) 145 i ke 109 723 .. 157' 3 368 ................... At hi e* °rgaotown, the county seat of Montolla „ --4 . r, the vote stood for the *tameness two, ;,'„,.' 211 1h sight hundred They also took a rote lAr illi Preolnot, although -without authority of the purpose of testing the sense of the r r i t 'lle on the question of making a separate State ~:tetern Virginia, which resulted, for separate 4, te RA ~., •-sa, against it none. ~A - • forIINO IN VIEULNI& —were 55 Vag cu In Otcotovk p•coinnt, V Th a. ac near ilionnh on, of which 19 were for scaoo4ll' P-- ---___ L. /nu:fear Cs.sru.i.. of Peitz, is said to hive loot in 01:18 night a bundled thousand dollar' ti hie favorite game of cards in Ohm'Liss. When t : "lied upon h ie Beeretary of the Tremor/ for t o ° Li ouot, that officer added fifty thowund extra own USG; ao the public treasury had to "to the email sum of one hundred and All "Wolf Ulan 'pant 1n garObitog i, FINANCIAL AND COIUIERCTAL. Tbe Money Market. PIIIIADILPHIA. May 111,1561 The stock market was stronger today, end all reliable tremities showed improving tendencies. i •uta lives were in demand at 77; City sixes sold at 98 for the new, and 91} for the old isene—the same as yesterday. Pennsylvania Railroad firstmortgage bonds advanced t, and the second mortgage bonds The money market is very quiet. Pint-class paper is scarce, the amount of business doing being so limited that little paper is made by ft-ret ches houses, 'while purchasers in week credit can only buy for clash. In The Press of this morning, we alluded to:the advertisements for proposal." from the several Statea that are seeking for loans for war purposes In another column of our paper will be found an advertisement, under !shied' it will be seen that the time for reoeiving and opening the bids for the three million loan, asked for by the State of Penn sylvania, has been extended-to the lath of June. The details of this loan base been committed by the State authoritielto the management of Messrs. Drexel & Co., and Jay Cooke rt Co , who urge the public to promptly and liberally Invest in this loan. The exemption from all taxation, the special tax to be levied to provide for the interest, and the provision if a sinking fond to insure its redemption, are called to the attention of the pub- RO by the bankers above named, who offer their aervioes to the übsoribers to the loan, and who will attend to all matters connected therewith. The number of hol lees who came forward to re gister the notes of the exploded Bank of Pennsyl vania, in order to participate in the division of the fends accounted for by the assignees, in their first and second accounts, was quite large. We learn on inquiry of the assignees that the amount of circulation outstanding, at the date of the ;widen meat was 5314,910 The amount received In payment of debts woo $ 67,600 The amount registered for dirt . dend up to May 25, MI." 4311,450 ma 050 Amount of emulation still outstanding.... $35.800 The holden of these notes ought to present them without delay to the assignees, at 407 Library Street. A few weeks ago the Legislature of Ohio appro• priated $1,000,000 for "military purposes." This loan has all boon taken in Ohio at par. This is an iodisation of real prosperity in that young and vigorous State, well worthy the attention of emu talista. At the last meeting of the Beard of Con. trot of the State Bank and Bronehes, $300,000-4 I that remained—was subscribed for. The Atlantic and Great Western Railroad is new opened to the Ptddsdelptdas and Erie Railroad. The line is now in running order from Salamanca, its eastern junetion with the New York and Erie read, to its intersection with the Philadelphia and Brie road, a tilstance of sixty miles, which will add largely to the b=siness of that part of the road. Tbe work will be pushed on west' with the same energy that has marked its prosecution to this point. The New York Esornang Ton of this evening says : Stocks are extremely dull again to day. Opera ton are awaiting the course of affairs in Virginia, mid movements of importanee, either for the rise or fall, would seem to depend entirely upon the devlopementa of the next week. The leading steels tiresome, end prices of these were firmer after the Beam—. New York Central 72f a 721 Brie 23'23f. Illinois central 1517/ hirceigen Central alosas at 42e42.4., Pneifie Mail 641 , 64} Panama 103h104 In Government securities there is little defog The registered bonds of 1881 are dull at 86} 87, while the coupons are comparatively steady at 85 The five' are in demand, and sparingly offered. The market absorbed a large amount of State bonds so-day, and nr!cies are rematkably.well ens tallied under the great avalanche of then esoori ties from the West. There is also au native 'peen' lative inquiry, partly on time. The quotations of those of the Border States are without much change, as follows; ~,'..- Bid. Asked ' Rd. Asked. lilissouri ii ; , ... 403( 4136 Georgia 0....... 61 86 venweere es—. 41 40( Kentuok% 6.i.... 76 79 Virginia Ss— 48 4636 • lbw 61 .6. ', 86 91 vain /* a iv • 76 77 0 106a '76 tio -- 241. gamy& ea— U di obto es Pas _ 9a 97 Indiana a 5.,... 78 84 IPitot3 stooks— 160 Indiana 10i DO . all N. V. at 5 , ,'74 02% Ntioh,sau 65.... 96 NY. Et 75,' 64. . 102 .... Louisiana 69. al 0.1 N. Y. Bt. es. 111. -- 102 The price of Money is without any alteration whatever. Exchange on London is dull and hussy ; 1051 is the top selling rate. Prams are quoted at 5 37i1 5.32 - The following la the amount of ooal shipped over the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Rail road, for the week ending Wadmaday, May 20, 1861, sod sines January let, 1881: Week, Previously. Total. Tons. Tons. Tons o SS WI 68 ID 166 e T 37 63.161 n 569 inomixe Deorstase.---._ Philadelphia Stec 3.970 Exchance Bales, 1. lon. uns. Merchants' Brushes's. 0A.R1:1- 150 (ah; ) Peons 77 so MineMl . so 25 21 and 3d wrest R. 57% In Lehigh VaIR 44 13 dO 33 Beam M.oodow.._.os 1 6a% lo __..5 25 OoN, 3 do.. ..- --ND ,354. 6 Mechanise Bk Y.;. BOARD& 1 100 City 6s 11,— . 9135 111100 Yantis, .11. let in.... 51.4 SUITOR'S= E 7 Q. E. Itzatyui PISS" 1000 Monis Cade b.- 17 90* o-- —.. 147 800 City 11 d 2 -Now, cub 98 11100 do.. New. 98 2190 do-P R. cub 9I 1100 do, wish 9 h =0 Penna. R 2d m. <sash RI 1000 do.-.._.. .2 mBO 1001 - d 0... m 9th NCO Reading 6,1 '86.-136 693 BETWEI6L 3960 City —.taw 98 IZI co_...—New 96 I 103 do— --Jim 98 I 8.1300. ND 10 Gam Pine et R cash 74' t & Amboylt.—. 110 4 Penns AFTAR BOARD 030 Lehigh fig.- .......... - -..........- ....--. 0074 CLOSING PRICES-STEADY. Bid. etsioCt .3i4. daka f hiladeligis Oa- 31 4136• Long }lsland ft.... 854 9% Phkis es K.—. 91 913 bleu ra To IG __.. Gi Philp Gs -new- 9734 98 I Leh CI &h. 16 Penns 60..,--.. 74% 77 I tan CI &Ai Nee- 33 54 ___. R in d k 18,4 j DiN. North Panna A - 7U Read We '70.-- 78 80,N Pa 2 Gs- o:doff 33 Read mt fe'Bo '0 80 90 It 4 Penns R 10e.- _ _ . 9 0 Rem gm 64144_ go &6341CataInse R pro f 414 1 Perms R ex-div. 41 87% 31&.3d- et R. 3 -_-.36 36 Femurs It 3il int de1314 54% rteee&Vinelt rt. 1 MIMI GEM 00n. 39 41 West Philp n.--150 tf horns Can Ild.loS - Spruce as Pius.- 7 I Bah 1164 'GI- -- 63 ll4itirnen ar.nna.se• 1036 , Soh Nam Profd.. LX 11)4 [Chest & Wallet. --. 30 1.:; . .1T1': IT KM. r.7.i .. CAMP STOYSS Fos TWO BoLDroso.— As the Government is now leaning its moors for Camp Stove. and will probably continue to do ao at intervals for some time to come, we bare taken acme yarns to examine tae merits of the stoves in use, and to ascertain a/heater our erbium had been making any noticeable improve ments in the article. Pasting the oelebr.ted Ratiroad- Car Resting and Ventilating establishment of Kr. James 811e6T1 No. 1116 Market street, a few dorm aro, we called in, partly for the purpose above speoifted, and portly to learn the present awe of the reerorm in 'ba t branch of trade, While there, we had shown to us is Camp Stove, invented by air Spear, wh oh his merits that we believe the proper authorities will not overlook if bronsht to their totiee. —The stove referred to differs front what is known as the " Sibley Camp stove"— Villa bre now be.bb ordercd—is several essenti par ticulars. The " " stove is a snmll, turista main- der, conyernitnt for warming s tent, but it has no Cook pig qualities. Mr. spear, with aharacteristio sagacity, has swanned a substitute which effectually overcomes this d- feet. and is at the game tune Squall, eorisenient and efficient for warming The stove is erne ',but hod sontai instead of up, light, the pipe emanating from the centre of the top boniest( two apertures extctly scar ed for the Camp Kettles and Ideas Pane used by tie soldiers, making it as complete for cooking vu p-ses am it is for warming, and the wee ortooPied by it is but a few inoiter more than is required by the " Sibley" rove. Of course, the Spear stove can be need as well in the op= air. when flee is unneoemary in the tent t and what a decide - I im provement it would be over the wretched open-air cooking facilities now employed in our military camps, consisting of a trench and oross-pieces. with the fire exposed in sucks manner as to render anything like proper ecolong impracticable! The opening in the top of the "Slide)" Stove is for fuelizig,tind can, there fore, not conveniently be used area - for warming f oo d, whilst the Epees article affords Imitates for *Doting two messes at the same time, end that with leer than half the fuel zermasary for cooking a single mese by the open-air plan now emploved at Suffolk Park, and other encarepraento. We sincerely hope that Ara improve ment so valuable and deluded as this unquestionably is will be speedily recognized; and we reeommend. there fore. that persons interested in the itemth and comfor of our brave volunteers will use their influent, to as curs its immediate adoption. We may state in this commotion that Mr. Spear is now filling a very large order for Camp Kettles said Kees Pans. of a superior quality, for Colonel eharlas Thomas. Assistant Quartermacter General of the Uni ted States Army. " Otla COUNTRY AND Quit DI/VT."-.-By an am nouneement elsewhere. it will be seen that the Rev. R. A. Carden- rector of the Churoh of the Intercessor, Sprint Garden street. below Broad. wilt preach a dia. *puma espingelly to young men, to morrow (Sunday ) evening, at that place, on "Oar Country and Our Duty," Mr. Carden is an enthumsatie and highly popu lar pulpit orator. and from his previous &scours,s upon the absorbing thirrill of the hoar, a rich treat may be expeettil, at bin Ghana to morrow evening. Waohneonn Lux tray. :--Ny them times of general stringency in natinoial matters and fumed mammy. every body feels that the extra deli emotes for himself or family must be of the less expen sive sort. and it is this, doubtless, that amounts for the fact that Messrs E. G. Whitman & Co.. Second street below Cnestnir--the widely-known confeetieners-are as Musty employed with customers as they have ever been. Their delicious new preparations for the season are Interned, popular. and their ssestedinelY low prices make them gOOSlnible to ewer, belly, WHAT 15 TIMES Nflni SLIMICESH/KG IN WASH witaTilltn TILLS A OLLIIS ON ILEAL 400 D SODA VITATEV Nothing ; and what is more, it is as heairefe (wh en , the water is properly irepregnmed with sae) as it is delightful to the vitiate. Toe new fountain of Dr. C. 1.1 Meaner, northeast corner of Broad and Cheetnni. Streets, is Justly regarded es the most ealebrated in this city for the quality of the water and the purity and delicious flavor of the syrups, Our Mumma gladly walk squares to enjoy artnAnnelt, BAYSIST, HOST BRIIMULav, Alto CONVIHIVISIT I"OIITASLX LIMIT %X MIX. the We. , mated Lampe for burning Kerosene Oil, manufactured and sold in endless variety by Mews. Wittere & Co.. 210. Mr 'worth 'Eighth street. earner of Filbert. No one shoo d re move to the oortatry without this beautiful and effeetive lamp. It is the best substitute for gas yet in vented, or that probably ever will be invent-d. GRAND PArtIOTIO MITNIOAD FHATIVAL.—The attention of the lovers of good music is called to this entertainment , which will take place at the Academy of Music on Tnesday evening,th heat The programme is itch and varied. and the artistes engaged fer the 'comma are those of mooszused ability as Tallish& Tat QUA? itetlemprox.-..fdinigareg a re t aw afloat whisk, It if tioafidently believed, will speedily bring the great elvil war to a glom, and restore peace to the bleeding land- When" ism-trisased wee , shall have smoothed his wrinkled front." end all discord shall be rileneed. how pleasant, instead of " mounting b ut t e d madam fright the souls of fearful adversaries." to ride ha a civil saddle or in a quiet railway car, and, peatead of a Wartiees garb, to be arrayed m the Me- rant atuti for gentlemen and youth. made at the Brown atone Clothing Rail of Reokhill & Wilson, Nor. 8011 and ellgi Chestnut street, above Sixth. • But until this blisefal antmpaticn shell be realized, this cele brated Sera wilt add the nuking of military clothing to their business. New PoLzoit Usironst --We understand that the police force are about to equip themselves la a new simmer uniform. she style and a wait, of the garments are to be determined by the Lieutenants of the d rerun dirtriou, who will also award the con trast for supplying the same to some first.olsss f -dimmer. Last evening we W ere iniCliaaa that the majority Were in favor of having the uniforms made at the ona-prite Gift Establishment of Granville Stokes, 6 Chestnut rreet. All who purchase their oiothing at this depot Will be presented with useful and valua ble Gifts. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestamt. D Sturtevant. Boston .1 H Holman, Hartfol d B P WINE, *aeon .1 H Ball t Cinoinnati J 8 Conner. einoinatti I 111 Leslie fa wife, Phalli, B 8 Sowed, Virg nis k H Sampson, Boron T .11 Sweatier. Lowell John A. Wadden. new York J M Barris Jr. lads. N Y P W Vail. Newark, N Col It Pierson.Newarg.NJ M Bloom. New York Thorns's Gaff. Moors - W 0 Casa, i'ohunhia B L redden. NOW York Geo B Kimball, Worcester A C Kier. towsll Joireph Chose. Lowell E Ha arsen_.. Lowell Asa Fisk. Boaton A at.in, W Wheeler W H Hreerf. Memo If Pehon, Mau. Levi Conner. Pottsville T Weed, A lbany A Comrn.ngs, album JO Putter, Chntago 1) Wallooe, Pittsburg Geo W alsCoolt. uhte Hry homes. Ohio B P Carpentrr *arse Theinsson. New York Win Baser and wife. N Y Major umph re ya jr, Del allies, Atchison Aims e Con.erse Montreal Mr Weed, A bang C 0 Simpson, New York G S Memel - smith, retina New York 'beheld isladWin Y F Page. LaWrerioO, Views P Arnington. Mass T ge Barr. Lawrence, Mass Philip Yea on. Mass .1 J L -wan & wife Paterurg F W Jones. New ork James T Ames. Mass B Fess nden, 11 sum °hal les Taylor, New York B E Hassell. Michigan Cairn A la. t owell 8 M. Ku. longhorn. Conn W 11 Boole. New York F „TA Heels. Pew York .1 eerie. Bolton G ft Moron. New York J A Stewart. New York Mr Orguhart, New York 1 Jeffers, Button .1 H Burleigb, Maine G C Lyman & la. Mass H 11 nese .1 Engle. New York Lient Herskel. U 8 TT 1-ient Itutlsad, U v N T F Hagar. New York Mr illoictiford & la, N York min Hamilton. New York H 8 Kim all. New York our a Yates, Illinms '. H Castle. Cant n , Mo M B Bramhall, flarlWaY L ILthwoy J T Thornton, Independ'ce W e uffner. Inuapendenoe 8 Auable, Albany H Roam New. Yo,k .1 al Yelp:mks, New ?Orr E hart Writ ht. New York J Megrim. rhilada Col C W Jackson. U 8 A Geo 1, Trask, New York W E Langley. New York Hen Williamson. Bait C Sam,itsn New York T Wieder gr. I sows, N Y W Hall, New Yvrk W C Virhitcher. New York H hutch, New York A Smith, New York O P ELmaton, risme - Jan Hartford Wm H WardiklaiStiohestr Ham! Banna Fort Wayne Isaac F DotwainaoM.Bmaca C Da Bois, New York Wm Illnderbill. New York C M Orefield, Pew York Jos Li Savage, New York A Manley. Cosa Teed, Fasland I) Pittaburg M More, Penns Win H Brower, New York Wm Btrnie. Maas. 01, Coved, Muss Geo ii Walter, Pew York MEXCHANW ROTEt,—Yourtb street. baker .Are J W Anderson New York J H Thompson finis a Merrick, Pittsbnr 1, M ectuoo% hornerser J Fitgestriok, Jr, lbwleton A Pardee. Jr .Besteton Mrs C L PAlSOnir,liarrtabg J Lr PSIISORP. alintllDUrg C 1 , , Manlei MS. Pens* Q A Oren, U 8 N Ron Myers, Clanou, .Wm A Potise, Mass C Bennett. Ma Perks. rhillpsburg C Brenner. Clamart.. Id M Krause. ,1101310WIt A W Por tr. IV ovum, Mau Wm Lilly & la re Haven R A Matthews. Conn Alre Zug, bungle, Pa lIC Rowe, Washington. DC ontERIBAZI ROTEL—Chewnnt stoat. above Fifth. Wm It Osman, Delaware Caen Lean, Washinston John HKnox. Jersey Shore J W Welch, Phtlsthmian& Tones Mack. Delaware T. yers. Bethlehem 8 cloth's, Cincinnati, U A D Rua•armei. ter Blare ti Smokes & wi. liarrisb'd Jas' Condell. Harrisburg 800 D Cincinnati, 0 Henry bruin, Clooloooti L Crawl. e ennsylvama Beni P ManuOtaten kl'd Jai .1 4 * h with - Reuling_Cain W Ellis. U a t 4 olsom, over, C Woolworth, SanduakY W Brahman% Bs w York 11l Bluahman, biewYorls 8 Bantins, Naar lama T. LOUTS BOTKL—Gbarzut street, above Ward. A R Hayeejlew York U W Morris & Pkd J 8 eiLitb, ooeu.n • Rothertnel,Ploladelphin Mr Pe e r a, Bsltimore J W _Void re. la, , ew yor k T W Patera, Penalkylimula P Mallany, U a A J Summon & la, Md Jolla R Dassen, N Jersey Win sow. new Jersey' J Korean. hew Jena" J Ulriok Ohm YV it rtvepr new Jame, T !loath, New YoTk JT Mandela, U B N Mr Oaznaon, New Jersey tf Baker, ralladalykia THE 1/1110N—arob street. above Third. Same" R Smith. Jr. N York C Tolmie. New York Joe MI Bowe, Newark. N J Mice Mary home N I D Beirainger, Pottsville Jae Dimon. Chi meo. Yitteburg J Ntiec, tyrotte. Pa B Brower, Danville W 0 Brower, Denville T E Bartow, N.l Chas Lica.k. Connretmot STATES UDlON—Market street, above Sixth. Jos Ken., Perr7ville J C Kelly, Perryville ll larrixht. Marsland H s", White Lanesster Those; watt. Fittabrirg Jos Ektrr, Wvltiusburg tl te Koller. Yerlr co A a w Creith, rittsbUrg Win If own, Delaware B D nu. Yentas Sarni Stein. Pittsburg P ht. Ball, kli,lersburx L F Pinsree, New Seven Alex Fart A la. huntinsdn A C Buchanan, renna BARLEY 13BEAF BOT.EL—Bediond bed. Vine. Chins fit John. P lervie.NY B II Shafer, Pa W Boot, Lansdale D V Pearder..Neartown J Bill, Germantown D T Blair. Gooks oo Joon Davis. Sachs county John B Jones. Batter* .n Reeder. Belebury D Motlai* Books county A a Reeder. Buosinghem L Buckm an, eleartoon A Camli.Veldon W L Largo, Tar iortmlle R. M Coooh Baltimore C BEIy & In, Bucks no J R Tag ler. Bucks B lialaombe, Bnogs no } NMy as note no J G Co•noit. Baum, oo .1 Bouteher, Leuaske Gillingham, Labarge B Wamon,l3uokingesm I Bainsiey & Is, Baas Co Y Addis- Barravule Silas rieugh, Pence Master Hough Penne D °Garter, liartiva.s B Beihday, New Plop's BOARD L lewd IWO Penns 56 .I:swil 77 ZS Lehigh 4t UP TO 12 O'CLOCK. LAST NIGHT Mtn T VEIL! ON ROYBL—Fswond it.. above Aroh. Dubrse, Bucks co. Ps Bobs Holt, Bristol J 7ho perm. lien, vs. F Y A Calder. Penner ti lsrerauss, ?row York C Best, New York C P Frets, Monts co. Ps 8 Bost's. Moms 00, fa, .1 Lathrop I; Ilorruion; rolsaville BLACK BEAR--Third street, snore Callowhitt. B H WlRomer. aurnteyt'a 8 It Venable, Penns Deo 8 Trusuiovrer,leillio'n It 8 Borer, Olney a. Buckman, Penne H Wooderoni. Moreland John Large, Knits On 1 L 'l'rexter, Yardley - rine W Borer, reestervella W Pair no j:tbse, do J V-anartsdalen, Fesstre's Mrs VanartsdaDn, do Miss Vsnartsd.len. do Mrs A.l Jones, Fessterville Brant r hint, Doyleston Linf.rd omlinson.By berry Cruiser IDlids,-onierton Chill Sonde. Somerton Mrs C Kobus. dOmeson W 1t Plead. Yonne?vine Sault VllPPert* Dendisf Miss Reeds. Readies. I' Beans. Yardlovitie James It Buckman. rams lino Oilmen', tam vanes RATIONAL HOTEL.—Rate street. above Third. Samuel Bunuriaker. Venn& Charles Huron Geo W nary,. Harrisburg W J DONUT. Harrisburg Martin Bonner. Et Clair. t'a J arvey Yuitts Mr Boyd Junes Aariing. Lancaster 11.HVERE HOUSE-- . .rlurd street. above Race. Jobn Cottrell. Beading Alin W Small,. Allentown amnion Sayler, Boxborongh el Miner. animal:mos Peter hi slime. Atlantic city Joe Whitaker. ;Clair L Rermanv. Lehigh. Penni COMMA RCIAL HOTEL—Sixth st., above Cheataut, J Devoe, Weat Cheater L X Baldwin. Delaware Lloyd. Reyport R W Levi., West Chester W Pratt. Penns II tl Greenfield. Peons Chas Pearce, liordentown Robt.Campbett.-U.ntre CO J Bakes Solhorto tycz Enda, Coatesville J Wi‘kinion. Cheater co hd reireon. Vheeter co E Leonard, Cheater co H.hents. Port Schuyler it.A RINE 131'rELLIGENCE. BEE FOURTH PAGE Fehr D W Eldridge. 0106114 days from Wilmington. BO with naval stores ts Tonna. Webster. Jr. tiehr Jae Sattertowatte. Malay, 8 days from Boston, in ballast tO Wr attestant & t.o. boar 1/016woro. /Joubr. I day from Smyrna. Del, with corn to Jag narratt & don. fthr IN 1.1 Rowe, 'itonston. I days from Gloucester. with 1000 bids herring to r. A r °oder Or. C.o. Bohr Hendrickson. 1 day from Odessa, vita grain to Winston & Curran. boitoway.: oars trom Sassafras River, Md vita wheat and oats to Jas 1, Bewley ft Co. ttoomor C C ettger, FOII , CISIir 48 hours from Alexan dria, with mdse to nos 'Mangum, Jr. Cl•w6 RED. Bark Arthur White, Molexlien, E It Bonder & Co. 8 Moore, Black, Charlestown. 1, Audearsid CO. Mohr A Hammond. Perm. Boston. D Cooper, Bohr A M. ithoriO;e, gateman, Boston. esptaia. boar B N Fox, rine, Bosom., Dtobie, Hammett & Bohr Jas Baiterthwaste, Maley. Boston, N Sturtevant & co. Boor Mary Anna. Bowen, Roxbury, L Auden:ma & iehr A. 11 Grown. Edwards, Providenoe, Nobie, He m- matt & Caldwetl. hoar Moderator. Letts. Newport. Treverton Coal Co. hoar B Wainwright. Ceram'. dalem do beer tar It Bennis. Lake. nonentity, Van Dagen, Nor. ton & Co. eohr B ilinkey Tie*. Kantookiit,N Sturtevant & CO. P Bohr Canary,. .toher. Chinese, Tyler, atoms if CO. SaarP Cawley. bootie,. Danveisport, Leather. Stiogney & Wellington. kat J d natives . , Donnie, Baltimore. A Groves. Jr. BY TMLIZEIYULPR, (Correepondenoe °fp: jrf:ltit, May 31 Arrived, brit Alli. from Merlotti England. SPECIAL NOTICES. HAVING 11511 N Au'r _HOBIZED Blf THE STAIN Authorities to manage the dettile of the THREE NM' LION LOAN, advertised below. we earnestly request the attention of the public to the propriety and impor tance of a prompt and liberal investment in the Sane. 'the fact of ne bans exempt from all taxation. and a special tax being lei isd to provide for the interest. and a isberal tii,k us fund for the redemption of the princi pal. makes this Loan a most desirable investment. Ali information relating to the Loan can be obtained by calins. on the undersigned- who wilt take charge of any subsoriptionsmads, and will attend to all matters con nected therewah. & CO JAY COOK' & CO. PROPOSALS /OR A LOAN OP TURKU MILL LION DoLLATto TO TOR COMOIOTWISALTIL OW AVM SYLVANIA.. In purewnee of the first section - of an sat of the Ge neral AMMO, entitled " An act to create a loan and provide for arming the Shale." approved May lath. A. D., Mel, end the gm h section of the ant entitsd " An act to provide for the pa* meat of the members off:L eers and contintent expenses of the Sutra Session of the Letielittnre," approved May 16th, A. D.. 1581, and by the authority of the s tme, Pieties is hereby given that proposals will be receiv ed at the offi..e of the becietary of the. Commonwealth, until Wee o'clock, F. ht., of Wednesday tne fifth day of June next, for the loaning to the Commonwealth the sum of THREE MlLibtoN3 OF D 9 loi/A RS, for the purposes set forth in the before named acts of As sembly. The said loan to bear en interest of six per cant per annum, payable semi. annually in Philrelet arti the loan to be redesmatre in ten years from date ; and for the payment of the interest-and ben.dri ton of the principal thereof, a special tax Of one-half mill on the dollar nes been directed Ao be levied on all the PlOPsrlf in the Commonwerdth taxable for mate porposes. The certificates of loan shell not be subjeot to taxation for cur purpose whatever and all octane Wes of the denomination of use hundred dollars, lees. shall have coupons attached ; those of s larger de nomination will be issued either as inscription or copy Pan bonds, at the option of the bidder. The proposals must state explicitly the amount pro posed to be taken. and the ra e to be mod. late State reserves the right to accept the 'whole. er any part of the amount offerci to be taken, unless the proposer stipulates otherwise. do oonditional mopoectle will be considered. Clem the &mutilate of any proposals at least ten per cant. of the amount mast be paid down, the balance. if preferred by the bidder, in thirty and Intl . del i, , when certificates shall isms for the same. bearing Im terest from the time of payment. The proposals must be directed under seal to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, endorsed " Proposal' for Loan." Igo bids will be onened at 3 o'olook In the afternoon ei.the day. above named, in the eremite of the Grove. notiltiltit.Trosanrer, and Anditor General. and mioh okher Demon: se may tee pruner to be present, when, aft..r examination of the lama, the Governer end awar d the lean to the highest Milder or bidders. BY order of the Governor, . . Soorotary of the Commonwealth. Owricz 01171 SECRETOR' 07 TEE Co7II#O*II7ALLTIt lioßsuißcao. ➢6 &I 17.1331. FURTHER NOTIcn. The time for rocorring proposolll and opening bids for the above loan le hereby extended to the tHIA TEEN= OF .11./NE. next, by eider of the Governor. „tot,' SLIFILR: Secretary of the Commsmweslth. PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1861. Sit ZS Awn Balm ! Sumo ♦N➢ /WAN ! Snags Arm BURN !—Thls is the life of agora endured br tb• suffering from Fever and Ague. He wanders like an uncertain shadow, never knowing what moment he mar be prostrated, and therefore disinclined to stye any serious attention to business. He a a burden to himself arid a burden to his friends, who era Worn Kit In administering to his wants. This is tk. isondil!" of thousands in town at.d country. It is no exasenatton to say that Fever and Ague galls more Peel) a th.•n an! twenty other diseases in America. For a sure and speedy anis of thug terrible sal o:ion. e • tak e g rb" pleasure in recominiending Dr. HOS r.F.T WT.'S STO MACH. BlT'rlitq, which have already moldered a wide reputation for rapid and powful effects; in ratio• voting the system prostrated by this disease. For sale by Prussia., and Dealers gererallr every wh•re. DYOTT & CO" Agents. 7.12.2 North g :CON D Street. Philadelphia. HELXBOLD 7 s LNIYRIIBALLI A PrROVIID RsmlDT.—Compound Extinct Ruohn ours: Dlffedial of the Mulder. Kidney, Gravel. Draggy. Weakness, tee. Read the advertiercient in another Column, beaded " Helmbold'e Genuine Preparation." m3lO-6turid KNIGHT'S LIQUID NIONNST makes deli cious Junkets. Cold Cnitarde, and other elegant Des sert.. Got a bottle for 4S oento, et No 7 SOath SIXTH Street, and try It. snylf at* flarcineLoa'a RAM vu. --1111 a celebrated and perfect Hair Dye is ills best is Lie world, All others are mere imitations of this great original, which has rained snoh extensive patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batohelor's Liquid Hair 'Dye inmost's; prodnoes a splendid black or natural brown, without staining the skin or inuring therhair. and will remedy she 111 sleets of bed dims, invigore tint the hair for lifts sold by all Druggists led Perfumer& Waolelear by FaaNEsTcux k Ott.. DirOTT k DO.. Philadelphia. miser VI , : 3 l'ax6s CLOTHING OF TIIII 1.46.u5T Rsst.es, made in the hest manlier, expreeely tor RE 'FAIL SALES. LOwEn setting prices marked In Pima Figures. All good. made to order vairanted istasfseterr. Our ONE-PRICE !yearn is 'teeth , ' ad hered to. /Mare thereby treated alike. JOMTSBIk Hol.. gal MA RYE'S lkrent oex ormizeaD .aom UPIIINe WATEIR.— Pamphlets containing the opinions of celebrated Chem ists and Physicians respecting the use et this WATER in the ease of ninny r images of the human engem, will be supplied 'grebe on application to FREDERICK BROWN, FIFTH and fIRERTTI UT Streets, or FRED ERICK BROWN, JR., NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets. CALL •ND GET A PAMPHLET. .Guorint & BAYER'S GELBSRATBD NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. Tile Beet is Use for FLOM) Sewiag• no. 730 CHESTNUT ll[treat. Philp"deltibm. %IV ty (YARD PRINTING, 1% 8T AND ORRArIN'T the City. at t 4 Routh TWIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Best and Cheapest In the City. at 14 Routh TVFN fl Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Best sad Outspent in the 6 , t7. at 34 Routh THIRD street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, end every other deeerii; bon of Printing, of the moat 'ulterior quality, et the meet reasonable ratan, at RINGWALT & BROWN'S, %wai n .. %A annti, TA I R7l Illtrast dal!-tf COCH 7 1 —LOW' R.—ort the szet or April last, by the Rey. 8. W. Thomas. Mr Thome' Cochran to Miss Carrie Lower. both of Philadelphia. PEA R SON—TAYLOR —on the lath alt.. by the Rey. Joseph H. Renews, Mr Georse C. Pearson rr , NI lee Rae M., daughter of William B. Taylor, all of ?Mil,- d Rh '. RE E ,a VEs—GAIINTT.--On the Sath u't.. by Friends' ceremony Charles W. Beers.. of Pluladelptua, to Mum Rona M. Maur.tt. daughter of Benjamin (Mama. Et ti of Burlington ecuuty. B. J. DIED. FOX,—On Thursday evening, May Etith, Edward John Not, in the Met year of hie are. The male relatmee and friends or the family are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral, from hie late residence. am 'rpm Eighth street, on Monday morn ing next. at 8 &elm*. 81.1 It ILL —On Wednesday night, 29th Mt, Thomas A. Serrill aged 42 years. Hie relative* and friends are invited to attend his funeral, from his He residence. No 9 Oak street. g ear eart.e. West Philadelphia, on Monday morning. at 10 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed * to Derby. OR ERI,R.—On the 28th ultimo. Mrs. feral] Grehlr, relictof the late William ft iSreble. in the thit year or her a e. Ca • SlDY.—nn the 30th ultimo, Henry Cassidy, in the 88th year of his age. Funeral from his lam resi'denee. No. 141 a Bangor street. this ( raturdsv I morning. at 10 e'clook * E V ANS.-01 the 29M ultimo. [astride biome. daugh ter of Benjamin and Sarah at. 'Evans, aged 88 years. Funeral from the residence of her parents, No 404 Carpenter street this (Saturday) afternoon. at del's. FiNLEY.—luddenly, on the SO h u time, David oldest son of Charles and 'Elizabeth Finley. aged 18 yeas and 1 amntb. Funeral from the residence )f hut _parents. Malcom place. (.o.7mtinftront avenue- above Fifth Mitlitet. en nunday afternoon, at a °Week. L.... It E.— • uddeniy, on the 80th ultimo. Jacob Gonna ter. only child at Jacob ft. and Margaret Lare, aged 4 years, 8 month., and 2 days. Funeral from the residenee of his parents. No. 1024 Stocker etreet, between xeventetnth and Eighteenth, on Suit_teq afternoon , at 1 o'clock. • XIi,EY —4M the 80th' ultimo. Chart, son of Jacob and Susan Miley. axed 6 years and 7 months. Funeral from the residence of his parents. No. 13112 Prospect street. Twentieth ward, this (daturday)after noon at 1 o'clock MY r 11.8.-0 n the 13th ultimo. Thomas E. Grover, son of Carta and Carane 1140111, aged 3 yearn, 10 Itionthirf and :days humeral from the residence of his parents. No. lain South Fourth street, this (Zaturday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. riaGLNL—On the SOth ult., Margaret, wife of Jere miah ft Azle. aged SO enTa. Funeral from MI reeidenoe of ber buebend, No. US Bred lord street, on Bunday afternoon« at 1 o'oloet. 43 4 peue.—Os the 30111 ultimo, BIM tattle Ogden, is the Irld veer of her a.. 6. Funeral from her late residence, Twentieth street. one door below Lombard, on /Sunday afteornOnrio et tt seelset- 611 . 41 . [l.—On the 313th tilt., in the 17th year of his age, Robert R immer Swann, youngest eon of Elms and Dimmer Menne. . . _ Funeral from the residence of his parents. Barer ord street. below Thirty-fifth, Mantua. thie (denude , ' ) alt•rnoon &LI o'oloolr. WAS hi'd 0.-011 th. 30. h ultimo, kliag Sarah Wash ing, tho 53d year of tor awe. rim enia from ber late residence. i over Merlon, near rd....•synoh, on u. 2.4 .7 , porumg, et M o'clock. * Wgl PY.F.Y.—On the 29th ultimo. Henry Coleman. son of Cbar.es and Jane W hipheY, aged 3 years and month.. Funeral from the residence of his parents, No. 1184 ehemir street, this (s2,tUrdair ) 04101110012, WC e o . elook. WILSON.—On the Seth ultimo, Iticlusid Wilson, in the etth year of hawse. Funeral f om his late residence Mahall street, Nim rietown, on ounday alteruoon, at S o ' c lock. 110tLAOK GSBNADINE BAHERE MAN- A-AP T LES.— 81e41,. Grenadine garage Points!. Bleat Bareae Mantle& Black Rullied Harems Pointe. Black garage Illaawla. Bilk Borden. Black &tram, Shawls, Crape Borders. Black bilk Nee Blrogla. Black Grenadine Shawls. Black 13arece Briawlat Bark' Borders. N. D.—Bhepaerde Plaid Poil de enevree, may WC cents. Wide Dark Gray filobalra,lBs( cleats. BEBBON 1l BON, Mournias Stara, MOKIPTAUT InTRAt. gFIRST RICFORMIED DUTCH V- lIRCH, car. of g VE PR and ISP aIN GANDHI el—Rev. C. 11. EWING will (1). V.) preach TO -51,.kt SO W M FINING at 103.4 o'clock, and in the EVENING at 8 o'clock. C3BPI RITUALLSNI.—LEO MILLER WILL 1 2. 1comre et ...e.rielor4 Err 14.N.,ET HALL on MM.. 10 Y. at lON A, Id , and 8 P. M, Butie-ts. morning— ; ' °canine— " Ancient end Modern & hone menet Setriini,liem." Admittance 6 oenv. /c• nr , rlll.OCfST MOEIAH CEMETERY.—THE largest °fallow swat Harm Places. presenting the greatest variety of attractions and scenery, re geo graph eel e4e3tioe d dis•apoe from the btolr-up Voce of the city aff erd the atrotweat anarao , ty that MIZE THE DeaD 511*14. Zeroes 701>MVElit ae- C tire from t e encroachment of Improvements anti the cheeses of time. Churches /it nearly every Protestant denomination have purchased huge re:•tiOte Of 11rotteu in it 'wide area. for the use of *heir congregations. aid thou ands of our most r espeatable citizens have aeleo edit ea the last resting-slace for theniaolves and fandli , o. Lots of all sizes mat be obtained uton the most an toumnogiating 'arm. Wit as ate °tient d by no other Ce meter, Company. Apply at the Lodge, at the entrance of the Cemetery. or at the OFr ICE. Po. 910 ittitOtt Ptreet. Da Dr Passenger Medway o rs oanneating with the Market-Went tine, pass every kt: If lank,' ne r the oe ntetry, C k.O. CONN ELL. FATHER BEESON WILL PREACH Tu-MOR , in W Aga F. ,lendl WALL, ..„ritie Garde', etr.e_ki.t 3% o'clock P. in the FetiollT-814110a BLS ettoolook. Le itt,CQUA will am an novronnnts ninon. on cid an (ludo., end a oolleetion WILL tie Mien, to ilia hie vie von It• CHURCH OF THE INTERCESSOR, SPRIN* OettoeVit, below iißoh D Street T:Country and Our Duty."—Sermon to Young men. he key- RA. %ELDEN. on 811rDaY EY NINO. at So'elnek Voting Man are rtaverstfully Invited. Stole ba renewed/or men. TrOFFICE LEHIGH COAL AND HAW.- GA .10N CO.—Fmn.a.eitrAta. May E. Ha— dend of TOR rt.E. CNNt.. equal to one dot Ear and fifty neat*per eha , e. on the eap.tat *took of the ggyarmy, ins THIN DAY been deolaTed by the Dowd of :teenagers, pepebte en and after the teventh of June nex y3l St t EDWIA WALTER, 'treasurer. m 07. WE RAFE EMPLOV ED HELP FROM E PROTESTANT EXCHANDE,Southweat corner SECOND and N KW Remelts. and take eleunte is reoommendina It to the nubile as an institution much needed in our city. Lr iw care in selroting the best men, woman, and children as to charaeter and cubit florittous DIYIGICF3,SB4 'Peat street. E. M. 9614111ftd , 43 ran and Te shoake a streets, J, DW A ! r " A RKPA r R tPw . v W s e he heumett.ee Dr. ?Alt COAST, IIS3 M , uat Vernon street. JMI. RllllißDe.33ra Moan; Vernon street. at: o. FR N. f 47 N ono Eleventh street. P. 0 041 Sao North Sixth street. 21. wr N. hinlakl Germantown avenue. T. WI I.vON, Ste No ntt Fn street. -- T. el c 0 VI R tt. 4211 South Front street. NI M. WHITE, 333 Marshall street. W. O. BOKISR,A2 Market e rest. W. H. RICHAR DSO f 1. 4 ,11 market street. And over, one Minaret" and fifty more. to whom re ference will be riven at the <Am. roan Sm iTre NOTICE.—THE AlifiiUAl. 111SZTING of tbe " , toottbolders of she Phaedelphis Steam ship Dock Company for the election of Five Directors, end Mi. traneacmon of other bninnees, will be meld at No- 300 North DeA , LAWAKE Avenue, on MONDAY. June 3,15b1, at 12 o'clock, Loon. WM. DENNIS, Searetary mud Tt assurer. IXPRESENT/6 TlON.—Companirm A and R, Blue Rezerorm, have ureointed to oionel W. maim, a fall nnne ury snit. This beautiful Dili:OM WM Made ey Reeklnil & Wileon Bed wi kbe exhibited for the remainder of the week in their win dow. together with Sword, FM h. forming allthat ss rhenfred for a field ofh er'e equipmeum. in 8I gc NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—THM IC.V.ltrinnai Meeting of the knookholdern of the Germantown Paasenaer Railway Coeer' • be held at the office- f the Comeau, 61X land DIAMOND Streets. between the hours of land o'clock on M ON DA Y. June 10, for the purpose of (drain" . a President, Treasurer, and nine Martagers, to serve for the en suing year. By older of the Board. JOSEPH SINOEDLY, Beo'ry, and Tyeaderer ow. tent. Philadelphia, May 3d. nal. m 7351.1 0 10 • THE FIRM OF E. A. KELLEY & 00.1 a this day DISSOLVED by iimiteion and mutual aenaet:t. and E. A. Kv..LLEY ie author.sed to settle all the business thereof. E. A. t•Lk . V. _ 141. Phi , adelphta, Jane 1, ISAAC VAN DU RR M el . -St* UEN P SS AT M. EE' S. - Iv UNION ENVELOPES at 316 CHESTNUT St. UNION I' , NVELOPEI AT MAGEE'S. U , ION PAPER AT 316 CHESTNUT STREET. UNION BADGER AT MAUER'S. Manufactured and for sale• wholesale and retail. at MAGEE'S STATIONERY STORE, 316 CHESTNUT 'treat. above Third. Corner of Hudson Street. Corner of }Judean Street. OR STOLEN—On April 15th, a. BMaII Box. orgoods marked Andrew Ross, Marietta, Ohl% Any information le.ming to its recovery viu be suitably rewarded at No $l9 Market at. It ?fluE LIFA-4,5 firOTOGRAPUS 1 at-are made ameot from liv 7 ng gereema or froM small Dasnorreo‘vbee or italbroty pas, and are !superior Picture'. if made by RhatrlP.R. SECOND Street. above (amen. ELI SLIFER NEW OIiERSE.-150 boxes fine Herkf mer County Cbeere. On oottrirement for sale by 103 ARCH S C tr . o C t o 3 k do L o b a l ov CFront LABD.-90 Tierces prime Leaf Lard, for vita br a a RADIAN. & CO.. tel at 103 Aiwa armor. ad deor obeys trout. MARRIED. •=iltta STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS GENERAL ASSEMBLY' AFTERNOON SESSION, MAY SO, 1!81, W ILL DE Uk Dr IN • VIM DAVI • PRICE 37 OTS. Members of the Assembly about Leavine the eats 41111 have the 9 7 cture forwr.rded by mail. by furraiebi,.g their P. O. address to 'he publishers. McALLISTER & SRO„ 728 CHESTNUT STREET. .REOSCOPIO VIEW OF THE GENE ► RAL ABRFABLY, Afternoon Sermon. lt *y 101. yin b* roads tea few days. Prins!? assts. Mini be s about lest! mit the oaf Gan have tag picture for warded by Mail, by 1811MITM Post Odle. address with the pabhshers. AIoALLIBTKR & BRO re git, myBl-3f TVS CHESTN Ur Street, MILITARY NOTICES. VOLUNTEERS WANTED, to join the "Ca ifornia °nerds." to novel immediately. Ra don' and quarters involved to the men t .ey Wet. Apply at 0# CHESTNUT etreer. fifth Mori. It* HEADQUARTERS COMPANY D, FOURTH COMPANY MONROE Cl/ARIL—Pm- Lsontenix. May 12. 11361.—We. the undersitned. Abell or Company D. Fourth COMDITLY Mon-oe Guard, on behalf or the Company. return our giooere A thanks to the Tr u st e es of the merman Meebtmos' Batt. corner Peary!' and George etreeta. for their kind nem , In volunteering to the Company the use of the Hall for Drills, and harm extended every fatalityin their power to aid the Company in the r undertaking. we also feel ourselLms under lasting oolrgations for the kindness thus evanded. -- WM. W. BWENK. Cant. Company P. JOHN 8. fr UHL, het Lieut. meld JOHN 8 DON NEL.L. Id bleat." iIIUNITBD STATES MARINE CUSPS. WANTED. KO able - bodied men, between the ages of 11 and 33 year.. not leas than Eve feet four and a hell' Meshes high. and of good ohmmeter. BolMere Nerving 1U thie corp. perform duty at nevy fards and on board United State. ehipe-of star on oreign stations. All other infiomatton which may be desired will be given at the Readenvoug, No. 311 South FRONT Street. Pint Lteutenant W. STOKES BOVD. .Reoruiting °Moen SODA WATER CHARLES M. BREAKER'S IEE-COLD EIODA. WATER, WITS[ Infin PRUIT RYRUPR, AT PIORTILEAOT.Zmign."II9AD AND WEST- NUC ISTSUP.BII. The Reda Water is drawn from poroebiln-lined Ponotalns, pure and spark line. well charred with ear home Mad gas. 'I he Syrups are prepared with the njehott regard to retaining the ItArtinat. WLAV.Pi. TIM IPV/T No nine will be wired to maintain the high character which this Foantain has already at• lamed. Bottled Rode Water at CM cents per dozen. Congress Water, fresh from the !Springs, constantly OD head. mill Sm r MILITARY GOODS. COTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOR TENTR, TIM B►L3 7T ...• FROTHINGIIAM & WILLS. mot i st TOIIN TIiORNLEWS, 311 ORESTNUT • Street. north side—the oldest establishment in the United State,. INDIA-RUBBER CAMP BLANKETS, For Arni Land ban 'Equipments. eATENT RUBBER CAMP BLANKETS. KNAPSACKS KNAPSACKS, m HAVER6A,IIIS. H vßBA.clos. CAN T rEms, _ TENTS, GUN COVERS , GUS COVERS, t;ePt S. CAPES, CAPS. COATS, CAPS. COATS, And every other article that u manufactured of India . Rubber—ie of the beet material. inyll-hn if JOHN THORNLEY. COMPRES ED BULLETS.--United State s Mime Musket and Rifle Bells; also, even de scription of Round and Cnnmai Bullets manuftatered to order. Large utoolta coostantly on hand. Orders filled atsight br THOMAS OTIS LbHOY & CO.. Patent Shot and Lead Wo 261 and 263 WATER Street NEW VOA. mill lax BOOTS.AND SHOES. VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION I BOOTS FOR CAVALRY AND IBROES FOR INFANTRY, Ready an hand, and made to order, of the hest mate rial' and workmanship, at LEONARD BENKERT'S Wholesale and Retail toot and Shoe establwhment, 716 CRESTAUT Street. °plaint* Simonet Hall. P. B.—HOOTS, RROES, and (1-alTaßt3 f , r Youths on hand, and made to order, in 'workmanship and style etnal to tientiouten't wear, 311294 f clomPALNits... L:AM INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406-CHESTNUT Street, FIRE AXP INLAND 1.8811X11210E. MILECTORO. Moores W. Day--.—..ofDay & Matlack, Ihmual Wright-- •• Wiled Bros & Cs, D. B. Btrsey " Dame & Henry Leine, " Lewis Bros & Co. • C. Mph:adios,. -...1.0. Bowe as Co. Samuel 'l39dine Wyoming Citft ra iCorl. Jzto. .erica - - - .of J. W. Rverntlikk & Co. Geo. A. est _•• West & Fobes. T. 8. Markin-- --." Savage, Martin, & O. Wilson Baris-.......Atto,rneyret-low. BB D. Woadruff--... t 581b1ey.., Molten, & Wood. ael hub Koss/or. • MS Breen street. • • GEOR -19.'DAY,Pramdent. - - PBANQIB N. BUCK. Vice Prised* t WllklaiM3 HI PA AP seorptik,T, 1a51.114 meaty :AA 1' TAIL‘Pit E 0. THOIVLF•SON, MERCHANT TAILOR, N. E. CORNER WALNUT AND SEVENTH ST., Announces a New Stock of FINE SPRING AND SUMMER MATERIALS, FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, - Coaststing in part of very desirable styles or super French and English Melton CLOTHS, COATINGS, GAINSIMERES, Ac., selected with sects:dal cave and reference to the wants of a DISCRIMINATING AND FASTIDIOUS CUSTOM. He ono: the following inducements for your pa tronage: Good Material, a Perfect Garment, and Punctuality and Precision in the execution of el orders. INSPECTION IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED. spit-tuths-win MICHENER & Co.„ BANKERS, No. SO SOUTH THIRD STREET. TIME. P &PER NEGOTIATED. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL Accesonms MAD THE TUE ()D lON. STOCKS AND DONDS 7110110IIT 'AND SOLD ON COMMISSION ligiP Lineament Bout Notes bought at the lowest rates of Discount. Wake for gale on England and Ireland. burg *Mufti= PATENT e STUDS I it PATENT STUDS The Improved Patent Lever Spiral Raring SAFETY STUDS, and the Patent ?RAJ, L CENTRE, havina been thoreugbli tested, and possessing advantages over MIT other mvolition, are barna . vez7 generally adopted by fdentlemen of mate. Sold Wholesale and Retail ONLY by ELI HOLDEN, rois MARKET t3TRRET, importer of Clocks, Wetohos, and *lnky. splt-stntblin R SHOEMAKER & CO., CLADS. ?ACM OILS, AND VARNISREII, Northesat Corner FOURTH and RACE Streets. dtl4-era TO CONTRAIL:AUKS FOR SUPPLIES.— We herehr give Pogo, to all Mom who may be oontrarping to furnish supports to the State under tfie foment ..ppropnation of three millions. that Wins re ceived the power under that Lot of appointive Munro ors of sit supplies. and o relerene" to the settlement to ebreme which was not deresated to grander; the prevfous not of April 111. we shad hold every contractor to the most rigid awmantanility in the settlement of his canna ; and the inspection at his sun plies meet be of that charm it whips shall prevent any imposition upon the State, and protect the Volunteers who have so noel" responded to its esti; and no soa pbox awl be paid for unto trey have been inspected by OSOYTI Who Mien bare been duly Oppo , nred , fur that pop. RY D. MOO .1 etate Treasurer. THOS. E. COCGRAN. auditor General. no RS Pto BUIL AND OUNTUAttruItS. Wood burnt Lime, Cement, Caleined Plaster, Plastering, Hair and White !laud, for sale at full and rtoAlab Streets. mos itt. HEST QUALITY ROOFING biLATE al- BYA(Viggl i n d , tr il_ D ef i f or a ff anlzoeTTiN f kil l ," INT I -17 41 ALL. 1 Mims& rbilad.Ww& DR. WILLIAM ALEXANDER, NO. 340 8. FOURTH Street, above rim Moe hours from! o'clock A. Id. till 11 P. M. nm SI 1m 0 DR. J. WISE, No. 30 North FIFTH. §treet, PHILADELPHIA—Trests sucaessfuily, if shelled to m time, all diseases of the LUNGS. THROAT end HEART, and frequently ears& CONSUMPTION in its third end IW stage.- He also restores all curable diseases of the RAE, and EAR. He ham Alvan them his entire attention for the east re rears. Will visit variants; When desired. at ti'e'r rneutAnnws nolktrit if" ------ JOB PRINTING. TSB Nll9 JOB naNTINci ornuE " THE PR SEI" innnarvilamatencatlyiehtes IMIRY nisluitzen V PAmrattanrs. rAy.ux BOOK& 'natal' OF EVEAllVEllettdiraii/OP AIICIPIONEERS, LAWYERS PIENDEJLIM, bIA.NI7FAINVI *AVARUA)) MID 105URAMON 00111ZATALES, PrALIg AND ORNAMENTAL PRIMING f ANDI. vmnegits, tWb orders loft titthe Publication Mee of This prdss a.f r. 417 CHP,B3II enroeu will be P - 301.-200 barrels Mess Pork, for sale by C C. SARL‘ Ft lc CO * Jot-it 108 ARCS Stroot.l4 door above Front. CARD. Noe. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND St" Fa: LAD EL PHI A • CURWF_,N STO E/DART & BROTHER Are compelled, by the exigencies of the times, as well IS the course adopted by °them to ofroy Vow en tire dtoos of desirable styles of At inch prices as will defy competition, and effect RAPID SALES. The ImMain stock exhibited is all of recent pur chase. Mist considerably Isis than that of Wholeside Rouses, whose stook was bought early in the se a son, Bargains are offered in Colored, and Bleak Eilks, Paris Printed Dress Goode, Atogatabiente Plain and Figured. Traveling Dress Materials, Poplins and Valencia', Paris Grenadiers. Paris Jaemirts and Lewin. Paris Organdies, Printed Chat les. Printed Foularda, And a large and well selected stock of MED irId,PRICED DRESS GOODS. STELLA SHAWLS. in every grade and sty le. BLACK LACE POINT SHAWLS, bITEDIOI.IB. &a, gro. LADIES' CLOTH AND SILK CLOAK% COATE, MAIII ILL,AS. Ac.. tge,, and. English Water-proof Tweeds. for Ladies' Cloaks. The Stock of Men and Boys' Spring and Summar Wear is full, sue cos , proies ail desirable *tyke, from the late Cash Attotion Sales. In the Domestic Department are found all the leading makes, selected expressly for family use, at the low est priest,. Purnistung Goo-is, comprising Table Cloths and Ds masks. Counterpanes Sheetings„ Ac , Jac. To effect large saes, and induce trade, that are pre pared to offer aduantnee in variety of Styles and prices. New =Mmes. made under tuts existing depressed condition. of trade, give us the advantage of competing successfully with any of the novel expedients resorted to by other OURWEN S?ODDART & BROTHER, M, L. HALLOWELL & 00. IMMENSE WHOLESALE STOOK, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, BRAWLS, MANTLES, &C., &0., AC., FOR BALK AT RETAIL, At muoh below the oidinary wholesale istee. 4 7 1 ; Noe. 333 MARKET and 27 Noah FOURTH Street. fat stukthSt HSTNEL & SON, e Nn. 713 North . TENTR Street. above Coates. Will menthe EtaLA•reg OF THEIR STOCK OF NEW 'eND DEt.411,01,v. DIUsSs 0 008 At still treater reductions in p: ices than they have ever neer. mnd • and nt . . • • • lgUufl LOW RR PRIOPA than any RETAIL-Wk OLESALE HOU tE in the oity vane,' and ovlard r-t Ors, very oneay. Very °Leap and good Bbek Croton Drew, Go. do of every 'variety. Tina lanonyt and Organdie. was at 1 254. SILKN MAN LEv, popiTt.. WIVE OOS. AND CLOTH. CO T. eiNID MAN ri.LEG, jel },GREATLY UNDnft. COOT PRICES. r.{.Y.ELE.• & LANDMI L, FOURTH .and AtiCq, are presort d to suit families with an as sostment.of goddeadapted to their RAWL Muss rapc , nor!mem Colored mike ordered 414 , ine *Wee. Full lin , stave Household Goode. Goode ad'nred to bo.s' wear Goo piptbs:. blacks end colors. Best makes df Malthus. Table Lir en' and L 0 arelinga. jet f,FAY GOODS,QP THE PL&kSENT FA mug , I ease rimy Modal/NOV*" carts. 1 rase Grim' "'or a,k- it% carte. I ease Lira] P0pt481,18% 04fita• I rase dray Goat litqr .45 • • 1 ems 8 4 Um J3arege..vglaige. EVR . M. k.. LNPL, - jai ,FOb l iTH and A RAIL SOhiiitgit fitlo Grenadineilarezes• ,0 - Bed 4 imd felitiry loft prices. II ion ersandose and t .. a. Funellwo , stedlVlTlPZittegot, wz •lirns;graTlPl-4 %' 6 lZiiitiiii'" _matrirmlgo.dl,- iluertru.llemita m matormag, Mid eilk4 'ref 'At= 11 , .nesi. Blrege. 4410409, and Qmspdr i actbes... Ukaliy Elti47lfOrectit , fteLE'le --s - ettevorazz6t4 tIgOTaBRA, 0111:0 1 1141Mr,s0 lit6.ttie Streets. ADAMS - !ISONAAT9LIC. to be . closed •I•u- Aix,„ntioES. -Cheaper thanrit tatoutirWe taken einfter think' was D Mil,. -klieuTtl. AxoD f'bPEIONa O? 3 lit ARCH-61ft 6,ET MANTILLA STORE. ii. W. +some! . TENTH and ARCH. ALL RIM GOODS. Rich Lyons Bilk (Iron's's. Rich Lyons Silk Semmes. Cambria and Midler Lace Points. Do. do.do. Mantillas. Cloth and Tweed Circulare. Summer Cleats. Ale. Purchased under the influence of the Wei..panic, and to be st.id at leas than she cost of importat ion xnanufaonice. Ladi-a are invited to inspect title stock, without re morse benire purohmung elsewhere mj 27 1m JACtin HORSPAL.L.Prou'r. ADAMS & BOWS STOOK to be 'closed out et Lowest Wholuale CR.t.APXR Ts&hi .F A Dl-COUNT WERE TAKEN OFF after the agile was made. I.IGHTH AND ARCH. /117 79 CLOAK3.—Wholesale Merchants are in vited to imeat the stoat at IVENS', No. 93 fionth NINTH Street, earner of !sine Ft. ns , St "trn Between IWarKet and Chestnut. CITY CLOAK STORK, Ivo. 142 N. Fiehth street, above Cherry are now setting every new style of the Brown superb quehurs,tn every new shuts of color, cheaper than any other store in the city. nty3l lot 75 MT 0/03SIMEMz, flt good Anality, and an wool. Vassnne, as, good awl cheap. Nast Mixtures. fano, and blank'. Boys' Coatings, Yftut thuds and Vestings. CuUer..B.'& t;O S. B. Corn-r NINTO and MARKET. CLLEAP DRMS OKAYS. Organdy Lawns. 123 i o.nte—worth 20. Gay ;figured Owens*, 26 a.n , a—worth 66. Popdaetta. an. °Emilie...lßM .021 otnd.3. Oarsman, In Blanc nre a Good*. COuPkat & OONARD, IL E. Corner and VA MIMI', ADABIti do SUMPS STUCK to be closed net at Loweet Wheleme hide!, CHEAPER THAN IF A DlfttaruNT WERE TAKEN OFF after the tele Wee made. EIGHTH AND ARCH.. FIJI VPRINfi CLOAKS, IN EVERY NEW S style,at , in% 31-1 m No. 43 R. Nin it street. NEW STYLE CLOAKS, EVERY NEW 1 . I style, every nay material. at prises that satonisli ever , one. so the large store, N. E. sooner of *eighth and Walnut s rests. ony3l-Im PARTIODLAR ATTENTION IS RE quested to oar fine stook of ORGANDIES, FINE LAWNS. AND BILK CHAL- Lf Rd, Whiati, in consequence of the time. will be disposed of at saorxfiosd rates. Clast3 A lAMB & $Ol5, in , ID - EIGHTH. AND ARCH. FKINO CLOAKS, IN ENDLESS VA 1J nets ►6IYk:KB', my3l-Im . _ A DAMS ec, SON'S STOCK to be closed outI aSt I TIATI97 7:Prftwr WERE TaREN OFF ° after the sale Tam made, MONTH AND ARCH. re.,9a RPHISTG OLOAKI, THE CHEAPEST 1,7 ever meen, at WENS'. m 731 lm No. 93 B. Ninth street. ADAM it SOWS STOOK to be, closed oat at 0 *Eta WHOLESALE 'more, Cheater itinin if a diimount 'were taken off' after the male erne made. BIGHTIL AM) AttGlii le ad H. MCINNES. IttlEM'rl.Mllloll, BLIU(J SILL JILEASII MIANDI3LF+IIII. r*T7 - 71 SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HOUSES 400, 462,':004 404 NORTH SECOND STREEr, ABOVI WILLOW 4_A POLKA SPOT FRENtaI LAWNS, - 5 tor sale et 12 cents. Ruff Grounds W . bite Polka Spote. Mote Grounds White r pots. These are brat quality F rench. kiY It E. tc. LAN WELL. FOURIG and ARM 50POS, FRENCH BAR N S, for sale thin rooming. 1334 cants. Puma Goods marked down. Gray itorala. marks,' down. Idonamniquen. marked down to 183( cants. islY FOURTH.NDZIA, arid ARON.. DAMS & SON'S STOOK. TO be closed A ent at .I.OWEST WHOLESALE PR FUEL Chaanar than if a thocount wore taker! canner the sale was made, LIG tali Ni) Altoll. not) IVEW PLAID INDIA SiLKI•z— iN Jot reosiwod per Flying Scud, Franc 08121011. two eases of plaid India estta qualm, Warrsisted to No.& ...ell, and serVielatallt Iror *Jammer Dresses. Also. one ease of Brown and rab .ndis watins. Yellow Ponce... for ~ .ernmer Dusters. White Pongees, for under wear. r R Lt. $$ BROTHERS, Fr.STrt U ( and 1 IGHIU &reel. isAir ..S. LILLIiPS SAFE DEPOT ithatovsv to No. 91 iSeath 19F,VENTS Street, Clear the nhuklin Institute. The ondersigned. thankful for past favors. and beaus determined to went future patronage, has moored an elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand a lane assortment of LiltiesCelehmted Wrought and Milled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Balks, (the only strictly lire and burglar proof safes mule.) Ala°, lie's Notional kid Sant Yank. Safe. and flank Looks. Lillie 's Bank Vault Doors and books will be fornuthed to order on short notice. This a the strongest, host promoted, sad cheapest Door and Look yet offered. Also, particular attention is maned to Lillie's New Tabinet Safe for Plate . Jewelry, leo. This Safe is oon __Aoi manias style and elegance anything yet of w.f., for this purpose. and is the only one that is striae 11 fire and Prow. Orel rio rlol. — / have now on hand say twenty of Fme, eITiIIZL & Co.'s earee mom of 110131.UODZI) nem, SOMO TOM Of other ;Pikers, oamsrtung • complete easortmont as to sizes, and all lately sr changed for the now Celebrated Lillie Rafe. They will be must eery low prioss. Please call and exorcize. feat - trif n stAnuvß. 'went. CLAM star bE4vsu UP SVERY M , • / AMES raossEm imwu Q. see ItARILEV drat. FATHER TOM AND THE POPE; ort A NIGTIT AT T., • E VATMATI; WITA ILL9eTY ATtVE ZWGIC•VIA , 3II. ju. entire .evr edition lo yublpthed itt ray cents. or firs cooks f.r one Dollar, atd is for sale, at waolessie or •rerem T fl PETP RION & BROTH! re. men: f ro. CH ITT minter. Phi'ade Copies men, fro. of poet , 4 e on reoeipt or price, It , s the richest book in the JhuStsti lenteue, end shoo 41 be van by erivlbodY. It THE POPg AND FATHER TOIL— " ORT fT ADM RRS_P IT. Price, :15 (lentil It OODY. For . ti le et T U. PSTEKSO I is [MOTS RR'S, It NO. ^4 08 -1H STNU r 80191 t. Mind 1,014. A VTENTLuN MILITARY MANUAL: A MANUAL OF INHTRUVION FOR VOLUN 'MRS AND MILITIA, MAJOR WILLIAM GILT/Ali, U. S A. 1 vol. D.nn ava, 742 itragee and 11Mira of 200 Matra bons. . PRIOR SO. TEE ONLT COMPLETE MANUAL rmeuswen. COMBINING THS INT E RE:s OP TACTICS NOW AUTHORIZ SD U. SKRITICE. Extract from letter from Alf *A Sully, Cantata Second Infantry, U S. A PHILADIILVEM,II/16 , Ch IS. TM. I have carefully overlooked Gilham's Manual- and consider it one of the beet works of the kind published in thin country. FORT COMlglqi. N. Y. Harbor. Jan. 6.1861. I think it admirably suited to meet the wauts,of the Military of our country. / afliont., v-ry respectfully, . Your obedient servant. hift WAR it JOHNSON, Major U.S. Mini. HEAMQVAILTEMII DEPARTM.ET OF THE MO. CIIIMOORtI. :VIM RI 1861, I have examined Major Odium's Manual, and think tt - an excellent work to ohm, if in he hands of toe Volunteers. G 0. B MeOLEILAN. Major General U. it. Army. I know Motor Gilliam (the author or Griham's Ma nual) personally. As &tactician he is nneurpas•ed. WIL,IANI. A. Pr.ND. Colonel Seventh Resiment. New York. We have examined eilham's Manual and find i to be the o- complete w dik f the him now punished A copy ehouid be in the gesitesswn of every otboar in the NOTVIOO. - LEW. WiL.O.N. Cal. Commanding Second Regiment Oh o V. A. G. PAR FLY, Major Second Regiment Ohio V. Published end for male hp caitiudt DRAILVER, Philadelphia, No. / coo CO ENT , UT etreet. The book wilt be eelit by Mil, Postage FAO, on receipt of advertised wine. relga-1t pIIBLISBED BY AUTLIORITY TIE . E WAR DEPARTMENT, MAY 1, 1861 UNITED STATES INFANTRY TACTICS, For the Instruction. Exorcise/. end Atreenvres of the United times Infantry. ioehoding 'idolatry of the Line. Licht Infentrl. and Riflemen. Prepared under the direction of the War Depart ment, and sutiforoted end adopted by TR 8 h;CR Writ ftY OF WAR. WAR DEPARTMENT, WANIMA. MEP I,IMI. This system of United States Infantry-Tactics for Light Infantry and Rifieraen. prepared ander the di rent= of the War Department.having been approved by the President, is adapted for the instruction of the Troops when acting as Light infantry or Riflemen. and. under the set of May 12'k 1810. for the observance of the Militia when so employed. SIMON CAMERON, Beoretay of War. CONTENTS. SCHOOL OP THE SOLDIER. sosOOL OF THE COMPANY. INSTRUCTIONS FOR. SKIRMISHERS. GENERAL CALLS AND CALLS FOR SKIRMDMIERz. SCHOOL OF THE BAT PALION. THE ARTICLES OF WAR. Dlcr/oNARY Of bILL/TARY TERMS. One Vol.. 18cno. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., PUBLISHERS, PHILADELPHIA. m•sT at FOR SALE AND TO LET. TRENT.—Two Houses on Race street, one No 107, and the other No. '55 Paid house* ern complete wi h all the modera Improvements. In quire at no. 136 *Atm e tro t; jei et* maTO RENT—A Furnished HOUSE and Grounds, near the City; account hourly. Also. one on a farm, distant two hours by rail : beau tifutly located. ial-auf* r App y at 1 o'clock. at No. 912 CHURCH Ailey. NTO LET.--Five-story kiTORE, No. 335 M RKR,T Street. Ftve-story STORK. eo 23 Ii ACH F4JURTP rtieet. A large ssmod Boor, ti 0.1.5 NORTH r OURTEleveet. •g.th fine tor , hern light. The above properties ate offered for Kept at 39:Weed ,ates. App:) to WM. B. BACON. 331 MAEKET MrPet. m 338 Et (.ERMANTOWN COTTAGE AND FURNITURE TO RENT.—Partor. Libras", Mainz "MOM, Store room. Walth-honks on first dour; fi , ur chimbsrs, bath, arid wider elwant ee oond goer; ortmaipers thirM flow; range. gm. hot, and cold water. Minted on high r,rot nd near a rail road stalou. Address • t.otrase,' Jilastre Dispatch rn3lB am If Lilt 6.11.1 A—A i.eot)etE and LUT, Nffildenirably knitted on MAIN Street. Burlington. N. J. Aptit] to Ix' M. M. GI 606 MINOR Streog,Philtdolp_tra. Or to FRANKLII wouLttaAri. 11018-thetn2llt • M •cre•l. liorlinrtort. al TO LET—A bestrable ROUSE, with AEL sli the Mr darn Improvements. surrounded wits shone and ornamental Trees. No. VI 'Ur tott st.eet,llnr tingtun,Apply to E. P. SI I DM-111M, rr,,,,tf. North pRoNT street. TO LET—. 4. 3.)BIIt,ABLE DW BL MK LING, NO 123 North THIRTEENTH Strom. Apply to W ETRE lIILb & BROTHER. 47 and 49 North ITECON D Street. rabli-tf OLLEOTNIIT-ergbET 11QTR$E and STORE to rent,—The desirable Dualisms lodation, 13 CRESIN UT Street,with dwelling Sttnetued. Apply ac 431 taLESTN LIT arse,. GERMANToWN PROPERTY TO RENT.—To Rent, the large end commodious modem-built House, corner of ARMAT eereet ant WILIAM Avenue, with sea, bath, hot and coin water, and n 4 It h , e 7 I n Ol e rair egale.nrt'h'ilAggir, It h i e premises. ace-tf gig TO RENT TWO 00 NT Y. 1101:18F11, ono mile from Timmy. 'm No. 717 'WALNUT Street. 3m* TO LET-BFDOND-STORY ROOM, 802 OURESTNUT %treet- over LEWIS LADOSIUS &CVO Jowoln Bore, The hew. location In Philade , hm for on, tool of light bereaves. Apply io the Jewelry More, Rent U. relit 'l l O KANT—A very desirable noes, AL on the Ninth - street front of " The Continental Hotel." The Store at Ninth and Ramona meets Dope eiady adapted for a Sanwa and FAR ass Maker. Apply to JOHN HIOE, fee-tf Honthweat NINTH and *it NS( 1 114 Ptreele. RNNT--TED3 LARUE AND DON- A_ VENIENT Coal Wharf and Limber Yard al Msylandville, Twenty • fourth want. Apply to E. C. & r, ft, WAKR EN oa the promises. mtitt If pOR EXURANIIE.—A UHOIO.IB TRAM a. of good unimproved term land in the State of New ieney, convenient to the OitY.will be exchanged foi e.tzcirertr. Anuly at No. 1/8 FEDERAL Street, RR. CORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER . AND CONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN, PA , —Emil Estate bought and sold on reasonable terms. Beare" and dwellings for sale or rent in Norristown and 9 cdg l eel°tulteLG°ll63° 2l °. referencesg:t WANTS. WANTED -Men of intelligence and I.IOISaiIIC address as Travelling Ag.nts. A elitnee to make Money, and no humbug. r ddrema,inth at , uIP ottll upon 0. 17. s.b.ahlati, 139 Suuth IGH Iki Eltre.t. ISt* WAN T ED.—A young woman from No. v V TS Roods would kite a !Situation in Rome venoms • table tam ly to take tare or *hi !then. and make herself tenmralo °Ont. Csn W - ull and 1r 11. Wages not mo moth an oWeat am a home. Ilona° midterm ti P•nals • my3l. St" jJ~JAATfGU-200 SADDLERS, or men • • accustomed to Nevins light leather work. I lofty St No. 0:17 libW MARKET ISirotA trult-st 40.; WO g W ... .&NTED —A a first Mart "r7 on uneneembe s red valuable City Prop rtp. Address W. H• li.,at this afins. mit 3t* S'CON D-H 3ND FURNIT URE BOUGHT. —Fatbar Bea, Carpet& Munn, sod aii Hasa keeping gamins f Tinto:lh the Vita blithest earth rime Kewe paid. Constantly on hand attemot assortment of ano &coati-Re ot Furtutoreoulton to tho City trade. Apply or address T. N. w AJAR, Na. 984 MARKET Btrest, Routs side, below Tenth street. mySIS et' - ANT.III)—a(ANTS to sell PAWLS.- * w OES of STATIONERY and JEWELRY. at Floes one third leas than can be purehaeed elsewhere. all on or address loamy immolated) .1. L. BAILEY. No. COVE I' street. seam. Mass. mlOl6-3m 114124PL0Y ERS WANTING YOUNG Man, fr.o., are invited to eddreie the " Em to; meet Committee," at the Rooms of Ole Yo_mig Men e Christian Assoontlion, 1009 and 1011 On.bOTHUT street. , "1,44, BOARDING. qummsß BOARDING.—A few Eoardera can be accommodated innnrivate family. LOIS- Out desirable. grounds extensive and shady, within ten minutes of the *ay Ny . Ie:17. APP I 7 ORXR—ES KAL,IIN. He. Gil Vel POINT by letter to t,amd-n Post °thee. or via flouttratreet Farm 10328 WWI se BOARDING.—Front and communicating Mane tar patlesnan Ina ♦e*y pleallnot location. Good Board. and at modkrata Irma. OWING earl at a 42 PENN Minot, Camden, ei J• laY 2B at nOARTYINg.-Four gentlemen can be ttnat fartably ataianntodatad. and at madarate prices. at 63 E??4N threat. Camden. N. J. no 21 Ct LEGAL UST .1.`1113 DIST, 16T 00Titra IN tachment tutted out of the Di ors;lcurt: of the United Awes. m ano for the r:asteinit strett of Pentsauteanta. at the Demos of Henry - ,arpenter et al:. and to re e dt,ected. I tare arvered and taken into nortosiestion the 8H IP Garth:Kai , Pe ft4fitlLL, now lying in the stream oppouite the navy yard. ' , aloe II reei given- era the time neeetred for the Want of the said writ end for the hear nu _of the Obteie to the fetal day or JUN e...t).3M as /ice United girlie's Court room. in the e.ty of ph teeelehts. WK. MILLWARD, tr R. /Vierehal KO. of Pranspap,.ma, U. U Marshal's • toes, Phila.. May at. l&R. n:jetat I"N TUE ORPHANS ' UOURZ4O3. - 170 CITY AND COUNTY OF Yliii,lt ItP IA. hatats of tinbitY 01)0141T tst4.:jaeeertsed. Notice to hereby men, that the widoVof the tratd de cedent has Wed- In sold Court, her petition and an prattentent claiming to retain tnepors,oolll Pnlo'rty therein mermoseo. of the value of 81M6 W. under the sew of 14th April, 1851 . and Bth n 1868. +lid th e same wit be apmoaedos FRIDAY. 7th June. 1851. uniess ex ceptions are 6.led thereto. m. witYk:ll, say 18 aw 4t For the 1 etitioner. INTHE COURT OF OOMM . $N PLEAS IN FOR TUE CITY AND COUNTY OF rn4LA. DS' FRIA. MABEE W ITGIC by bey next frierd Gustavus A, Andre, ye. cEtattLte %TOIL September Term, meo No 10. .n Divorce. Dear fir : Please take notice. that the Conn tins this created a Bute th ou y tomboy..use t. 11.1 , Divorce ailnoulo mamtno.al ft not to deeretto t h e Case. tteturnable the let day of .10110•1100/. 0110 &stook A- M. M To r. otionos 17: 0 00,Reeisaridont abeam tamed. sikagAlt.O. Aet'y for Lib.ltent. Xay isth,lB6l. laylB-mr. At* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the gubsenber has lost Certifeata No. add of the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Company , en titling him to nineteen shares of its capital stool', and se thst ei t h os e le .!. apply to the odd commas to Wan a slow ap/IllAtill et* 71110XLASS. MIISIOAL FUVD HA. TRIM (SATIIROAV), JUNR fleasiD OOMPLIMENTAKV TESTIMONIAL TO MIRK ABM'S' LONISO•LE. The ioeueu rater or Th• _Lon. 'outho.n nor weows of Vo , ll,lyeefle Helier Fecd" prior pi her eepatigre e WWII Ilk (Aber 0-tief G 11 , 41 4 1 1 I'll: 4 1CM, Mal I'4. AT 3 0. C 3 -0011.. OR ND F.V c:i/NIGE.RT AT 8 CON. ?MT EF OP A r Ne.NOEMEN ALFX Hir.:NiaY, TEP . On HIE CUTVAL jb Vii W POR3 ILIC OR . !NOW tH Sta., ....US. BROWN. Blir4 H:. weTBEL. GE'' POFF.7•Yr () Odl3 t , APDIO, IL B FRY. T11 9 10116k5Y, K. N.PnIFORD. JAS. F 13' NOY q.t. s s woon, }/. P . nd W. B. BUN XING R&M, JAMES &G. , 140. The foiloWing setVeiseo have Is the kiadeat mon- Sr onion. gored .h.ir n,d on Mon uogamon Mra A. W St' Mdmo. 1 444 't HA JORAOD4IIEII. bliss I, ZZIE POOLE. Laso (The Indian Voesliet Mr. JOH .1.- r.R. Mr. A. uLF glafilF4LD. Mr. W. 8. Till h. 13 ,11.011. (Pieta Nolo,) BRAND 0 rt,MIVITELA. .Prinorpal Polo Performers, M.M. icaiLLE caoix E.— ..... BOTOEPR. Z6lO . ..... . Boy Tr -- • - -KOCB. D M I% „ „ sciic .s abIikii&TVICALTRIANO. PROP ... . . TB UN D EN air ,7 or full Faille - II ars or t he * Musical Maas-o and Evening Conan. see Pro ramm a °burnable at ail the Bluaie Scums end onnamsr Hotels. and rho Bal. , where t ekl , e can ue had, TH.6 MATILi3g WI: CO' MINCE AT 3 PRY, TIM EVENING CO IGEN, r AT S 0* LOOK. (RAND PATR (Yr IC m um() FESTIVAL, IN AID OF TH v Lt) .'PEER FUND. AT Tee ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ON Tlihe on I KISIN 0.". r. 4, ism The entertsinmer t will he under the Patronage ache followrmi gentlemen Aloaatder Henry, Co . 34mes ,Pa re, it Hon. 'chard Was. P King- 1 .4 4.. 8 d Haratariann. Deo. A. Hensel Elm.. David W. r.ed ors- E.e.. O.6tAS 8. Moat n. ila Mame. J. K. & Messrs- Stewart & Pe ons tenon. The foltlwing artists and amateurs have kindly ten dered Dieu-services: Mal) el e Nee A BISHOP. MADAM P. i3NItIHA. JOAI.INNBENe ma13..1 , 11N DR tcw MISs H RN TTA RH , 'W, was IZZIE POOLE. MR ti . H W OO D. DR. CUNNIND'ON % KR' A. kInROFI-lith PROF. k. CARR CRCS& PROF M. H. CROBB, A GRAND ORCH.St With the entire Chorus of the Ries OHL, & HAYDN Ihal —2OO V-ces MIPS. SOHN D IE R P.W fee e rateotie A.ddritlia t written by Mond Pant Brown, Eon., 133 meewileeree or &Honk ?male Leman e Dunne the le wool Entertainmer t whieh will emit lintel Overtures •Croll. i nlts • and Choruses. the Or cheetra *ill perform a FUSRHAt. ilia:la. Nom weed ha beethuvoni) memoria of the lamented Col. peed THE NATIO VAL ANTIIPM end THE srA *PAN - ft. , D Lta •NE will beating In morons P-f , ted slips will be distil bired moons t the audience, who'sie sainted to omit In thY p , rformerrell. he whole under the direction of Kw LN ..pot, TICKETS %Wt.:NI Y . -FIVE. C' NTH to all parte of , he houis, menet the Proscenium &memos h.oh are $8 snob. flox floe will be (2p!ri front ato 4 o'oiook on Monde; and . 1 flews), June au and 4 , ti 'fiekets will also he far sale at Beek Lewitmee Chmkering & don', COMA nt mar et; '.O & Ns, and at W. N. Coulstoes Bus o Eighth street, above Arch. - I sl-St ()ADM Y OF 14111610. "-A"- A CONCERT, THE 1. " 26V " E!.41LEN, OR CORONATION OF ToR ROBE. TOORTUIR %RITZ MIROBLLAN wous PIECES, he 'MeV t 'y the JrANcocx GIRLS' GRAMMAR, SCHOOL, TH'USW2I 44 EVIII I TTa r '_ II .II 4 S4.I . S4, 4. 'IB6I, At 8 o'citoot. Cordustor TICKET'S 5 CENTR. For vale at Beek & Lawton's Reeenth and Chastain streets; Lee & Walker',. 712 rhereinnt street; •t the Newel. Coats s stre. t. above Twelf.n, and at the door on the evening of the CoLeett. . Jet de THE REHCARSAL OF THE HANDEL AND HAY'N PPM [STY. far the PIT TO' LC M GaICAL, F , P+Ti vAb, wll he oa MOD DAY E"K- N NG, at 8 avrloca, at Cu] oaenas'• Booms, 807 CH aTNUT tree'. l'era.dar or the OiONOTORq. 110VONVII 6 a 1.1 t)t-IMPLi.) TiItAIRE, kNA RACE Street, below 'Finn; Tins IBA i RDA Y) WV a mile. Jane Ist. Will be pert. ruled TR r• MARTYtt BOYS OP '6l; Riot Blitimore—Picht between gigagentingetts Re giment ard Hal unorr , Roughs. lamming by Mum Abram. Uotto:uding with MR. AND r Tr;rt WRIT'S; on, wire ona TEE BABY Lawns / Mr. Peter P, y Chapman. litre. eter White . y ea rt Chi% Pr RiAL::;* . ii;auty and the Beas.Y" cifitS.E'l TU. ZAJI. Mole —Aire. M. A. GARR ETTECO. &Act Afreurer.—.— Mr. WM. A. CRAW. Darren Arent j" D. M U I AST WRFC 0 - 1? TWE BEASON' TWURE4DIY. FR DA AND •A tURDAT. eriXternffi. seventeenth, end Eigh.eente Nights of the Dationnt Drama 9 t . . THI PATRIOT'* DREAM. With its great cast, matisifitseut scenery, and gram% tableNaz Prices as nstml. • cn , s,Ov DAY the world-renowned Hooter lc Canto bele' 5 , 1 ins t rats wtil appear. tel3a-ar. ASBITMBLY BUILDDIGIS. A STEREOSCOPIC AND PANORAMIC RERUN PION COMBI.NzD. MONDAY EVENING NAY Xr. and every ?;veiling during the week, will be exhibited VIEWS OF, THE PRESENT WAR. with•msohanioai effects. Also. Sanderson's moving PANORAMA OF TRH; Rtl.S AN WAR. Appropriate'musia bra Brams gand. Admission 25 cents; Children 15 cents. Doors open at 73(.. Commence at & me 24 tf P N 14 . A , AO&DEMY Or TUFO FINi AL ARTA-1024 CEIF4TNIIT EITHEET. whlrt 7 -eighth NNNUab EXCIURITION of TAINTINEN and SCULPTURE is now oven. Admittance 25 neat"; Season ['wheys 88 cents; CIA. dren half price. Catalogues 10 clews. ntooktleadem will receive their tickets at the ownderny Oren from 9 A.M. till T P. Al., and from 8 P. M. yu 10 P. M. . SUMMER, ItESOlt rl3. EIOWLAND'sI ROTEL— BRA 114-riv. G LONG BR A.NOEI. N. J. Tho sabooriber w 11 opoo hao hot.l 'or PIO it. PTA/ ue VI:1.0114 ora Polortiny June IS, 101. L two, propii.tor. n'7 sl 2m* N. 110 W WARI 1-4 WILL BS REWCIVtD AT a retired and ple.want T. moaned farm-hound in iibutpr onu : ty bat &thin diem , on rom thef6 Toad. ihe dwellog hone la ft !Cr eh dart - with large ye etanin and f mt :ardor. nib furnish boarders with mil the .0 or. alba ooautry aan afford. A nply St& ISANSOM Ofreet. mr3l-0." • P, P Et AT A. MOUNTAIN PRINGS. LAY(iABTER COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA.. h a celebrated , L" s• tering - Finer will open for vow was on the 3 r day of JUNE with all the attractions ot former seasons. Situ.ted on a mountain 1,100 feet above Me-water overlooksne the richest sari °Aural country In the world the air qv !featly ours and dry at all Linea, rea ders it proverbially health,. there ere amide aosommodations for .00 vigitoyw. fine unladen walke through the forest to the van us syringe and summer honest on t-e mountain and to the observes ory from the too of why, is pre euted to too ere one of the finest amt in en extensive p.no iemio etewv to be seen. A rood blowy is kept on the place. end beautiful driven ar..una ; not and cold battle; e eplendlo band f (from the nr mania. of I' ht ladelphia LI howling alters end billiard swoons : with one latest ed tables. Large .ard -tt attached to the Vitae from whien all the vatembles s e taken fresh for the table, which, 00. will be supptiesi fr re the ebil &labia and Bastimore markets as web pe from the rich agriervtursi (somata around. tteretel and attentive oorvaott, nerving 'men Dona vied with the eitabl , shmeat for some years wits t..e -a e pr. pristor. the enamel raid Alel , ee the old patrons of the place and 'he -pa lin generally that it will be a otatn-tild in every Caveat sent, in Its former popular way. Yintrits to the '"Pri, es will take the oars to Landes ter. thence IS owes stating over pleasant Made mg throuth a beautiful .entry trough imeme Mee at the venni, [gaols Railroad off; e, gay r.V 1 H and M AkE Its f Streets. Ph thwelphis For further particulars or airaulars the prearsetor refers to JOa B.Y Sits, corner CB IROand VLAI Streete, and to JAM RR H. 13.11 , 8(iN ho. 2 North SlXt.ll. Streets Phi adelphin ; or. add - tres b- tl-sAYMAKFIts Ephrata P.O. Lancaster en. Pa . RITE SULPHUR SPE:INC...I3 HOTEL, C s MAPLE, Cumberland county, Pa. The Proprietors take pleasure in -nnonnoing tO the pubhe that this magmfimnt eatablielleteot W now open for vision, Persons wahine pure moon - Ste air. Meat- Mast waters. baldric, Ash int, en good Herne. at rea sonable prices, cannot do better than to try these Sewage For particular.. send for circulars to WM. it BURM°UtiMa ? of the city of New York. end D. C. BURNE4T s Proprietors. my:l-let m 24 Im if BEDFORD SPRINGS-44. Q. ALLOT . respeetfults informs the public that this welt eats bashed and posolsr waterieg Naos is now open to tue reae two and accommodation of visitors, sad will be kept open until the firkt of October. eensosur wishing Bedford Winersi Witter. Will be sue pllsd at the springs at the following moos, VIZ For 1 Wu calm 00 " it" (nat , berry ).-- 300 Bottles. 36 pent, per doz..-- S 00 Parties wishing roorm or ai r information in egard to the piece, address the B Ilford Mineral' Springs Compaary, Bedßird, Pennsylvania. m1.24111t REUEL'S ROTx;t4, HARRISBURG, Pa. The management of this well-known Hotel having been leatoll by ft- ism Cuff E & tit R. aha p agent proprietor/ be lave to inform the public that *Mr noose is now eeing_ y Eficr VAT D. 1 415- F ITT t). and INIP tit) with a ',ow to the orovor and comfortable aeoornmodation of those *hew me! tavor the estsobahmens With the.r custom Guests Witt reoptve actention and nonrtesi,and no ez pens.. wit spared that may comma* to munstam the Lintel to a first +Mai mil.. Pa "alias and others degiring to SPI - 12rn in Ranh burg mutt g the summer mo„ths will find ple sant boarding and largo a- d Rousing at ottr establishment, upon moderate genes AcoTr COYLE. J 811,13.. RT Stentt. m -1 m SAYING ruriva. Q n &V.llNtot UDlD—Ukirirst) dTAT/ b.. 7 TRUST COMPANY, owner TRIED and NUT Streets, LIME itEBll FIVE PER ERE?. _E. R. CRAWFORD , Prenieento /Anna R . HUN TER, fleereturr and Treasurer. Mae hours, from to until 5 cealonk. This Company is not Joined in WU application Legislature. _ _ _ WEST CHESTER ARAM TRAINS via PKNI4 9 YLVa z MA K A I K leave depot. corner ELPVeIeTJA and M Pri", a? 8 V. Sunday, levne ktdladelphi . A 1230 0. M And 4 Y. M. aat 720 A. 24,03 W Cheater to 4 a. m. you tr FOR BA I.IIMuRE DAILY AT 3 O'CLOCK P E. osa.A..iinuA.e. AND POIL, AD Pi STEAMBOAT COMPANY . (Ericsson Ltno.) Via Chhicipeake and Deuipiereranel. One of the new iron Oteitmhonts of thin ocuneffif wii issue the tipper side of Chestnut street. Whey' e , v 1411 3: AF IPrOOrr days excepted at 3 tielook. azd will arrive in Baltimore garb the Pelt m' rnisg * Freight of an loads takes at the lowest APO i 1=34 Cattle. Horses. !Stook. Vehicles &e. For Freight. ands lathe office. A. c OYES. Ja. Atok a. mite-ins No. It 4 SOUTH WtiAitif sidireis FUR NSW Yul l-. NEW DAILY LINE, ria Delaware alle Raman canal. Phi auelphia and Neer York 'Ewen Steamboat Ooze. Pal will reoeore freight on and after MONDAY MA instant, and leave daily 4g P. d+.olnbranatan their eat, goes in New k Yor the followleingrates daft. ab. Freigh t 2 tak6n WM. P CLX9R Agent, Ito. 14 SOUTH lllt AvED. Pallseelidda. J AKER HAMAgent, Pier' 14 ano 14 EAST EWER, New York. 1014-Iftr &gatFOX NEW IUIUL —TUB Phaiedelshis Stem Propeller ConwSitY will oommenee their haziness for the season on Stomas rich mut. Their Steamers are now receiving freight at Seam! Apr sbove Walnut meet. Terms saeonunodatutg. Areilo . tam p & co WWI ptil tioatti Delaware AMMO. --Prof. JOHN BOWER,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers