fou , bDuro, The committee heve already Imo amount of money, and st il l need OP..cnfast n— s it willbe some thus before the fattierii of °'"i;w,ilies will rrocivo any pay from the Govern -0,1 i r„ tope our (litmus will come forward v•erl.ata libe:ally in money, grecoriee, and s 3. ,e,r149.4,74'2artes et 7EI; lIIII.ADISLrstiAItRanIENTS. npsdelphia regiments cow in service have d,:r•tntsd CP the roster of the State, in the below, end they will be known hero 'T.; :5 ottletal re: Oils, by then - numeriald rank : Regiment—Francis E. Patterson, 'Division, First Regiment Artillery. Ismatc.nth Regiment—William D. Lewis, First First Regiment Infantry, R e gimentrister 'Lyle, First. reond Regl_ment Itifen'ay. ' reentieth Regßegi iment—Willi Infant am- ry. H. Gray, First 5 r.)nrth ment IDsw • irst Regiment—John F. Ballier, First pla ty Thirdßrigade, Rie Regiment meiriment— fl Turner G. Morehead, Finititegiment Infantry. iirit-thied Regiment- - Charlee r. DUO ) First T or iivision, Third Brigade Artillery. T.ontyforirth Regiment—Joshua T. Owen, First Second Brigade, second Regiment In. 6srve LA rAyartm—BNCOND COMPANY. k r onber of the friends cf the Garde Lafayette ~.;„ commen t g ced he oranisation of &second cora ander tho tam* name, at the armory of the I .: s Arps, Chestnut street, above Fifth. The con -I.s;i7utfo and uniform of the old company have ress depted. and there is every ressm to believe movement will be successful, as the parties in ;5.,-ted are among our most active and intelligent invs- A IMION MEETING. A Union meeting will be held at blinth and webintor, avorme to-night, at eight o'clock. will be a flag-reising and a ealato of thirty barXls The programme, will be ended by $ bvtEing of Jeff. Davie in effigy. csmr Ni 7 CLIiLLATI. 70 , Ohio regiments continue. encamped - at Suf i:os Pott:- They have been made pretty corn. vable there, and the encampment is the centre cistiraction to thousands of visitors. THE CAMP AT RDSTONVILLE. Col. Oven's " Irish Brigade" ( the Twenty-fourth N ieEt) c ontinues n encamped at liectenvine. re , ularly and they make marked a a A , res in their military education. FLAG smarm. Mr. William Aiken ?aired an elegant flag from hip • .idenie. 1029 Shippen street , an Saturday afternoon. TEN INDEPENDENT BANGERS, 31nnn. paraded on Saturday afternoon, with a ftll band. and attracted mnott attention They 'eked exceedingly well, notwithstanding the fact dm most et them were without unforms, erul all vie valuated. They searched w i th much pre- cUL. ZnISTEIN'S body of troops paraded on Saturday altar- VOW and attracted general attention. They were 6 ,mapanied by tba regimental band. DEPARTURE Of TROOPS. This afternoon at 5 o'clock, tit* Pennsylvania 99srds, fennerty Company H, Bcoond Regiment knit letzion t Hill 101 TO for Fort Schuyler, to join Galiforma regiment commanded by Colonel 31ter The Pennsylvania Onards are composed .fEtrong and well-built young man. FLAG RALAINCt. - Through the exertions of Sallia A. Quigley, M. A. L A. Lamella, ki" Conway, and U. Ball. carters of the Robison Primary Schools, Nos. 6 a -g;, situated in Slayer' th street, below Washing e avenue, a magnificent flag, measuring twenty feetiung attached to a pole forty-one feet, wag :log to the breeze on Saturday afternoon. The ps. Dr. J. W. Jackson aid Dr. Xemerly de facred poiriotio addresses on the occasion. As the ? r iotous banner proudly unfurled itself, the pupils nag. is excellent atyle, the appreprinhe songs of Song for our Banner," g 'Tis the Starry Plag," -De Star-Spangled Banner, and ,‘ Pennsylvania's Battle Cry." The ensign was raised by three lit ile gaits, Ellen Gibson, Mary Addis, and M. snenivg. A band of music was in attendance, VhiGh helped to enliven the occasion. TUE GOVERNOR'S GUARD, Cal Brady, held an election on Saturday evening wt. to fill vac:oldies in company B, with the fol lowing reault : Captain, J. G. Simpson ' • first lieu ienamt, M. J. Byrne; second lieutenant, Robert B. Kennedy. Tho Guards are now enrolling men rapidly, and are expecting soon to share in the coming straggle that now awaits our Ans. The oficew of this regiment were among the first to eall the Philadelphians to arms, whilst shot and Atli were flying over tho walls of Fort Sumpter end its brave defenders. They are about to form as encampment for drill. Alreedy part of the camp equipage has been prooured, and will be in readiness for use in a shoot time. DEB BLOCKADING FLZET. lbo Froidout having called for eighteen thou- Mid reamer., the naval rendezvous Is now engaged in the enllotmont of men. The Penn *lreola Seamen's Friend Society bee deter- Mi 1251 to ripply those who may leave our navy Jill with boots, trots, and religious papers to mi an extant u their mean will allow. That - .l.ty may be able to do this work effectively, they of donations from the charitable. Mo - ey and tints may be left with Rev. J. W. Kramer, Cot :iir.,ading &oratory at the Bible Hones, corner of Sireth and Walnut 'drub_ Ina CONDITION OP OUR VOLUNTEERS - the Cutzons of Phtladelplaa: Re deem it our duty, in Justice to the soldiers sitters so nobly volunteered in defence of their nnuy, to give to the public a reliable statement e futi in regard to their present condition, that tali loudly for prompt and energetic action on Oats& of those disimeed anti anion/3 to alleviate their wants. We refer particularly, at this time, totte present condition of the First Regiment of avant , Philadelphia City G nerds, Third Brigade, Pot ittsior., Colonel Dare, Lieutenant Colonel 1.3 commanding, at Havre de-Graee— raaircent named in honor of oar city, and com pel Rthseipalty of its own sons, our fellow chi ors. Seven companies—some 500 men—of this regiment, now on active duty at Havre-de-Grace and points beyond, have been compelled to be satisfied with wearing one pair of drawers and one shirt for over twenty-tire days, for want of a change. The ladies of Philadelphia new sewing at the obureb of the Rev. Dr Henry A. Boardman, Twelfth and Walnut, under the presidency of Met. Joel Joins, are endeavoring, so far as lies in their power, to remedy this evil. They are pt e ared to do their part if oar Citizen, will respond by tending the materiel wherewith to make the required articles. We would, therefore, urge on any one disposed, by contribution of money or materiel. to relieve the position of therm soldiers, to tend immediately whatever they are disposed le donate to said church, marked "Havre de notes," which shall be appropriated to the pur poses set forth—viz : Goode used in the manrifac tore of shirts and drawers are styled gray twilled Eneeh, mid brown drilling. TESRLFIC EXPLOSION:SAD ACCIDENT.—Da nag. Saturday the members of the Scott Legion FA T ment ware annoyed by a strong emelt of gas, haaug apparently from the vault in the retie of the kilding, and on Library street. Tine odor became bed that a messenger was sent to the gee office, n!i a man was despatohed in the evening about sine O . C101:1$ to remedy the trouble. He had with She a closed lantern Stopping at the Central cation, the man met Fire Marshal Blackburn, who reminded to accompany him. Mr. Blackburn men tioned the man not to enter the vault with the lettere, as there was danger of an explosion. It In agreed between the two that the grating in the attwalk should be removed, and the lantern held , o nob a position that, while it would not be di totly over the opening, the light should be reiterat ed into the vault, and thus enable the man 1 6.0 wet to anter through the building to Weir• tin the diffieulty The man got into the and Mr. Blackburn held the lan tern as desired; but he had been stationed them only a minute when the gas penetrated tintn g h the small openings in the lantern, and the mine:penes was a terrific explosion. The flames shot rip six or seven feet, and the noise of the ex plosion was heard for several squares The force tithe explosion was such that Mr. Blackburn was thrown ant into the street, and his Leos and hands stere badly burned He recovered himself quickly, tel ran towards the building for the purpose of uniting the man in the vault, who was supposed To be killed, but, on the contrary, he was noain. lured, and he made hie escape before the flames Mended to the vault An alarm of fire W2O started, and the campmates were soon on the nand. The flames were confined to the vault, and atter it was extinguished, it was dieoovered that some evil-disposed person had removed the I :"'ileenzk of the service pipe. This was replaced. Mt. Blackburn had his wounds dressed in the seighborhood, after which he was taken home. FATTIES BEESON AND TUE UAOSE OT THE 1N .314N —An excellent discourse on the wrongs of the Indian wee delivered by Tether Beeson at the Ausmbly Building on Sunday afternoon. In vivid %i forcible language he portrayed the suffering% the children of the forest, whom a false eati rite of the uses of civilisation had doomed to ea lamination. Be besought his bearers to follow be example of the Saviour of men, and in *lir tarn become also the saviours of the oppressed l AA down trodden. lle stated many facts relative to the cruel treatment, the unheard-of outrages Madded against the red man in the name of isv. He called upon the churches, upon the en tbe !idiom, to give evidence of their patriotism 40 trot Christian feeling by at ono* attending to e prowling manta of this long-suffering people. 2, 0 one listened to the thrilling appeals of the lee- Inlet without feeling his heart moved, and his or "" !Sas dimmed by the tear of sympathy. La. T M" , the sweet Indio singer, sang the plaintive izis of "The Indian'S Lament." The exercises tmimensed and °WWI with prayer. TOE Fruz IH THE SIX= WABD--FunTWER mae PAP.TI CGURIL—In The Pres; of Battirday we mentioll of a fire 'which broke out between " stul 12 o'clock on Friday night, in the large ire storied stare on Front street, above Market, °^ , 4 oPle3 by Wm a. Baker 4 Son, dealers in oat ;l' "MIME, Cotton laps, notion wiokl3, twine, (to. b uiliing was packed with goods from top to tttoci. The stock wee valued at $ll,OOO, all of which, with the exception of $l,OOO, was owned by the Messrs Baker. The fire burned stubbornly rot Eeretal hours, but the flames were principally "'Mood to the first floor and basement. The loss au the stock is about $ 6,000, which is 417 Covered by insurance. The building belongs 'the Biekley estate, and it was damaged to tbe ' ll/ ?"'t of C5OO. Insured. Larlte ratublic weigher, occupied the floor on Watereet. Hie lose is about $2OO. William Jones 44 Co., druggists, No. 17 Front I to; and 3. Ilollowbush, bookseller and eta ,toner, sustained some damage from water. tro Marshal Blackburn attributes the origin of fire to spontaneous combustion. IL 4 / 1 111 MAssas ON WHIT-SllNDAT.—Yester '" hing Whit-Sunday, Grand High Mass was t e rfcrmed in all our Catholic ohurohes. At St. tbwe, (lemo n Catholic Church, corner of Fifth ~ tad ,Giflui avenue, Bobeidermeyer's celebrated iM t ,7 B ' n - was given in a style worthy of c omposer, by an orchestra of thirty of cur lead 1/ 1 ~d musicians and a corresponding number in the r Olr- Herr A. Hertel, the eminent organiat, led j th h it accustomed ability, the solo parts being 1 7 Mrs. Little, the well-known soprano, and r• Spiel, a basso, whose powers are eo familiar °E , EIto car canton brethren, that any eulogy on 4r Part is nnneeeesary. The offertory was es.- rntli rendered by that eminent lender, Mr F. the CCIJI2I.I , CT of the Germania Or tzrara e ' IL O VER I 33AXD.--Between the bonrs of three cn o'clock, on Sa PL il turday morning, lear, of the Harbor Police, rescued a Di . :p Mined Jones, the ccoond mate of the soboonnr. 2 aunsfers, from drowning. The accident Meted at the first wharf &bare Arch stmt. Fig. Last evening, about nine o'clock, the buildings at Point Airy, on the lower end of Smith's Island, consisting of a two-story frame ho tel, toe-horse, billiard-saloon and bawling alley, were• entirely destroyed by fire. They were owned and occupied by David Warren. The littleeteamer that is used to convey pasiangers to the point was saved, though she was aground near the fire. As there has been no one living at the point since last fall, the fire is supposed to have been (mused by an ineesdiary. The whervei en the city front were crowded with speotators, but we heard of no accidents cm- - earring Owing to the want of a landing on the island, none of the steam fire engines were taken over_ We were unable to learn whether the buildings were insured. &mem= ACCIDENT.—On Saturday after.' risen a little boy named Edward Mallvain, aged Raise years, residing in lidgeinout street, above n'ohmond, Nbanteandb Ward, was shockingly burned by his clothes taking fire from a stove He suffered the most excruciating pain until yester day morning, when he died. A VERY beautiful exhibition, we under stand, will open a week from_to•day at the Assem bly Buildings, giving scenes, of the most absorbing interest, connected with the difficulties between the North and Louth. REPPOINTED.—John F. Sharkey, one of the deputy United States marshals under Marshal Yost, hes been reappointed by Mr. MUiward, the new marshal. Mr. Sharkey is a good offider. FlSE.—Yesterday afternoon a carpenter ing) and stable, belonging to Mr. John Maim, in Utp . er Manayank, wore deatroyod by a fire, which ortguasted accidentally- Presbyterian General Assembly, 0. S. THIRD DAY The Assembly me; at nine o'clock on sailor day morning. The proceedinga were opened with prayer by the Rev. Dr. Imbrie, of New Jersey. The minutes of the precedin g were read and approved. Dr. fiord made a brief report from tho Commit tee on Foreign Correspondence in reference to the reception of Nev. John D. Gibson, commissioner for the Associate Reformed Synod of New York. The report woe aceepted, and the bone, of half. part eloven was set apart for the reception of the reverend gentleman. Dr. Montfort rose to a point of order. asking a reconsideration of a vote as to the printing of the roll of the Assembly. Instead of having it printed alphabetically, be moved that it be printed by a ynods and presbyteries . A proposition was made that it be referred to a committee on printing, with power to act. Pending the &maid/modem, the order of the day, which was the reception of narratives on the state of religion, was called, and a large number were handed in. Tho next thing in ordor was the reception of re pute frtim the committees on optimistic boner)• The matter of the printing of tbo roll being again called up, it was finally reaolved that it be printed in the uanza way, by synods and palsy. teries The records of the various synods wore then called and b.rided in. Dr. It L Hodge, who was cleated a member of the board of trustees on Friday, sent in his resig nation. which was accepted, and upon motion, the Hon. George nharswood was elected in his place. The following resolution was aimed, by Dr. Bprivg Resolved, That a special committee be ap pointed to itquire into the expediency of this As sembly making some expression of their devotion to the Union of these States, and their loyalty to the Government; and if, in their judgment, it is expedient so to do, they report what that expres sion shall ho. Mr. Hoyt moved to lay it on the table. A member. I hope not. The votes was taken, and division being called the vote was taken by ayes and noes, *bon the vote stood 123 for, 102 against. So it was laid on the table. . - . Several members desired to have the yeas and nays, that their sates should bo recorded. The Moderator decided that it Was not in order to take the yews and nays. Dr. Clark. I move to take from the table the resolutions just laid there, and on that I call the yeas end nags_ Mr. Henry, of Philadelphia, moved to lay the motion of Dr. Clark on the table. Math debate ensued upon whether it was in order to take from the table any matter laid there. The report of the Committee on Church Exton• don waa received and read. It asks that the report be approved and accepted, and that the Assembly approve of the fidelity with which the Church Extension Committee has performed its high trust, and that while the Assembly approve of the action of the committee, in braiding a sub stantial stone edifice at St. Ann's, they doubt the policy of making special appeals to the children of the church for such limited purposes The report was, upon motion, considered seria tim, and was finally adopted and accepted as a whole. Ithir. Coe, corresponding secretary of the Board of Church Extension, spoke at length. Be refuted the zapposition that the present state of affairs would put a stop to the building of okurehes. It was not so. They had applications for the build ing of over one hundred churches, involving a cost of nearly $4O .000. These were the application of last year, and thus far this year the applications come very nearly up to the regular standard. Be hoped they would look a little more into the matter. More money was heeded. Cantributiolie did not come In as they Should One cent a month from every communi cant would furnish the Board with undiminished re soarots. Sureley, ovary one could afford one cent a month. Four cents a week from each communicant would furnish all the boards with ample funds for all their purposes, and what poor widow would not give four canto a wook for Christi - - The remarks of the gentleman, whieh we have not spate to report verbatim, were listened to with marked attention_ - - - _ Dr. Musgrave spoke at length upon the great importance of supplying missionaries with suita ble church edifices The faithful were often obliged to worship iu school houses and barns, and as such could not gather that strength and self sustaining capability that a church with pews to rant would give. The cause of Presbyterianism, and of religion generally, would be advanced in a much shorter time, and a congregation could be sooner gathered by having a church edifice. At present, such congregations have to be almost en tirely supported by the Board of Missions. Hon. Judge Allen, and others, spoke with re gard to the expediency of appointing n committee, and taking the feeling of the members with re gard to their renewing their allegiance to the General Government _ . Dr. Hull oppoood it, became It was ooatr:♦ry to the rule of arsemblies. lie Dad never Wont heard of snob a thing aa taking from the table a paper aid there . - Further debate was out short by the order of the day being the reception of the delegate from Jef• say City, Mr. Gibson being called. Mr. Gibson made a short address, stating his mission, and bringing the fraternal salutations of the body of whioh he was a member. They regard the progress of this Assembly with satisfaction. Ile was not charged with a special commtanksation, but vreuld give a short history of his ohuroh. It has been, since ita organization, a witness of the truth of God. The synod with whioh be was connected was some time ego connected with the synods of the West. In 'May, 1858, a new body, under the name of the United Presbyterian Church, was formed, but into this the Assooiate Reformed Synod of New York could net enter ' because they could not agree to certain principles held by that body. She, how ever, does not wish to cast any unchristian asper sion upon those dear brethren, but to subscribe to their opinions would remove them further from the orthodox evartgeliell ohnrehes. 'Moir future, how. ever, was in the Providence of God. Re was happy in the response whioh had been made to his desire. He could not remain long to witness their operations, but as the Assembly had determined to open 6orrespotidenee with his body, he would be happy to convey the news of this determination to his body Their next session would be held at Mohawk Valley, Sullivan county, New York, on the third Thursday of September neat. In eonelnsion, he again offered the frater• nal regards of hie body . The Moderator replied in a few appropriate words. Mr. Meader, a delegate from the Dutch Re formed Church of Delaware, then appeared on the platform, and gave a sheet history of the rise and progress of the Church. The Church arose from the teaching of John Calvin of Genoa, the great en of reformers. The Assembly than adjourned, with prayer and singing, until this morning at nine o'clock. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. Poir.ADELPHIA, May 18,1861. The Stook market was steady to-day, and State and oily securities wore better. The Money market is not changed. No paper sells freely, and only the most undoubted can be disposed of outside of the banks. Pcfcrsen's Counterfeit Detector reports a new counterfeit as follows: " A new altered ten-dollar note on the Farmers' Bank of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The mites are altered from the imitation plate on the Wyoming Back of this Sate. The title of the bank is in a circle across the top of the note. There is an oval. made portrait with the figure 10 ' above on the right end. Two Indians with bows, one kneeling on the left end, 10 ' above. Females bathing be tween signature!" The Chicago Tribune of Wednesday says : There was a tremendous excitement to-day at the Board of Trade rooms, over the currency . ques tion. Exchange was sold at 24a26, and in the afternoon eares were reported on the street as high as 30. Some of the heaviest dealers refused to sell produce for the long list on any terms. In fact the money market was decidedly " panicky." The bankers begin to feel that they made a capi- tal blunder in not following the market, and sell ing exchange for what it was worth, currency being the standard. Their refusal, or what amounts to the same thing, their inability to do it, has driven their customers to the street or to the 8611.71 of Trade rooms, where each has worked on the fears and bid against the other, till prices have reached figures before unheard of in the history of the city. or course the banks have done nothing during the day. Several of them are in favor of selling what exchange they have or can control at 20 or 25 per cent., but no concert of action was ar ranged. The Pottsville Miner's Journal thus s u ms u p the coal trade for the week The quantity sent by railroad this week is 33,- 15S 11 tons; by canal 20,226 10; for the week 65,385.01 tone, against 62:063 for the ,correspond in week last year. The shipments from all the regions sum up this week as follows - 1860. WEEK 679} 681,631 i 32.084, 274 3511 13,6321 325 3031 30 641 163 842 1 117,381 17,381 256 6,7 } 6 64,1131 37,6391 St 365 18,169 21.261 26 342 3.790 64.621 4,641 45 9201 1 26 7/7. P. & R. R. It.— Bohol]. Can al_. Lehigh VaLELR Lehigh Cerial— horanton S'th Do. North._. Pa Coal C 0..... Co— . Wyoming So_.. Broad Top Trererton ohs iii..711.T77.1 Lstene Valley. 17,710 183.52 i 9.009 101 180,2115 1,833,326 The following is , the statement of the Wines. of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, for the month-of April, 1861, compared with the came month of-1860: ._ . . last. moo Rectetved from (fool -.— —, ~.4167,41 / 5 41 $160. 773 22 • arlerehanwee_. 41,361 68 38,114 84 If Travel, he.... 43371 21 31,2'n 42 .------ 0262,163 23 0149,110 2h Transportation, Roadway, Ilumeage, Renewal Fund, and all charges.- . 193,326 63 20,76 7 Net profit ~.. for 344 Torpinyous i months 33s.sDa N NL.L Total net profit for 5 months. $469.151 12 8452,403 29 The New York Evening Post says: Money is very abundant oi gall at 5 per cant. The 'ldea for paper show no relaxation. and enly choice bills are negotiable outside of bank at 7alo per cent The basks of Now Yorknhheeeldmailnloieie Ivan.thermeetts: 10-day, in reference to the mor has it that the leading banks favor a proposal of about S5.000 : 000 at 87, which is equal to near 71 per cent. interest. We hear that several are in favor of figures OP low at 85 or 851`. The litairotary of the Treasury, it wilt be seen, has extended the time for opening the bids for this loan till Saturday next, and also gives the privy. lege . of bidding tor' reasury notes as well. This arrangement is said to be made after consulting with leading financial nuthoritiee, and will give a wider ran ge for competition. There is a great discrepancy in the prices at which the various United States loans are now selling in the market. For instance, the new ail per.oeni. loan, duo 1881, which is now soiling at 89, realizes, to the purchaser, 7l per cont. per an 'BUM. The price at which the 5s of 1871 would 'realize the same rate to the buyer,tis 86, whereas they are now selling at only 77. The price for the 53. of 1874 ought to be 839, and yet they do not command more than 77. The reason why the publio is led into this error is owing to the tact that they forget that the discount on the 51 of 1871 is to be regained in ten years, and on the 1874 s in thirteen years ; whilst on the 6s of 1881 it is distribtited over twenty years. In the two first instances the holder recovers about 29 anti 2 per cent annually ; whilst on the 61 his annual pro rata is only about per cent. Tans the 53, in consequence of having less time to run to maturity, get paid annually in one cane, 1 per cant., and the . other 1 per cent. more than the 64 do. Thus what it lost in the rate ef icterect ic partially regained in the proportion of discount This explains why the 53 ought to command within two or three per cent of the market price of the Ws. Philadelphia Steck Exchange Sales, May 19, 1861. RErOUSIID ST 3. M. SLATateinn, Merchant& =change. FIRST BOARD. 3' - 0 City 6s --. 86341" 6 Fenno Et..--'• .- • • 100 G 0.... _.... .. - to% l 12 d 0... - i „...-- 61 5 3e5 do_ ..... :R9O AN INMSS Am R....... 30 75 400 410-...- IC S 0 f 1 1 d 0......-• . 107 1 200 do. : _.`. Kls o so: 1 do.--...-...,....167' 380 do.-- K 3 41 , 861 , 2 do. - .. .._....._ —J0N 800 City 6s.Posins. R.._ 86 ..' 1(51 Lehig h Scrip. 8 4 2003 N renve, R 69..... MN 5 d 0...„ „.. -34 l $l9 Penns a.- ' . ... 27 .\ $0 Holly' Na" Prfd- - 12% Iw ft o Penn. 2d nits.- 89.1-..; 5 Girard 8k... ..—. 36 20 bong Island R..- 9 11 Lehigh Nay- • 4834 10 Norristown It-- 47 A Race & Vine-ets R 534, BETWEEN BOARDS. 20 Iginehill It-- 83 MOM PemagsL....—. 78 SECOND . BOARD. 10 Lehigh Scrip—b." 314 50 Rare & Vine-its Re WI 60 d 0.,:. —.- 3454 50 d0. , .._ ._ 5 10 Penn& R_— --- 553‘, 10 Cam & Am 11.. sdrei /077 i, 1000 City 63• R••••• ' 86,4 36 (10-. •• • • •••-sdle 107% NO C0.. ..-.-... K 5 0 8614 2 Morraa C 1 Prid......1a 100 d0.........k. B 0 $63.. 50 Beading R__-.- 153 i CLOSING PRICES-FIRM , - Bid. Asked. Fiviiedelphia iSs_. sg Fhila fia R. id Philo 66 ,:new— 96 96 Penns 7734 79 Read A_ 7554 16r Read bd5'71..... 77 80 ktead in!, 66 'B6,- 66% 79 _ . Telma UM Peamp. R. Si =A Es 8104' Morrie Can eon. 43 Hornig 6E1*kb:1,11 7 2 lei Doh Dr 6e'82_:...157 6ii &Ix Nar Prefa_ 12 13 The export demand for Flour is limited, and hold ers are firm . at $5 5905 61% V" bbl for superfine, the latter for better brands, without much doing except to supply the trade at these figures, inoluding extras at 86.76016; family at P. 6.2606 60; and fanny brands at $8 7.5m7.25 bbl, at in quality. The only sale we hear of for shipment in 800 bhlti &Wee Diamond Mills extra family on terms kept private. The market closed quiet. Rye Flour is dull. sod freely offered at 8310 le' bbL Corn Meal is firm at 82 81% for Pennsylvania. A sale ofB6o bbls Brandywine was made on terms kept private. WITRAT.—The Termini' and sales are light. and the market dull to - day at previnuely quoted rat's, most or the chippers hems supplied for the present. Flair. to prime Western and Pennsylvania reds were quoted at .3601.170,:ine white at 14110,1500. but our highest figures wero hardly obtainable, and sales of &Ws/bushels were Made, Meetly On Orme kept private. Rye is steady, and 200 bushels prime Pennsylvania sold at 670 in store. Corn was rather dull at the close. but sales Of 8,(210 boshele are reported. part made last evening. at 630 afloat. including inferior at 622NOts. and prime in stole nt 60360610. Oats are , dull, and only about 3 800 bushels found buyers, at 330 for Delaware, and 333:0 for Penn sylvania e/toat. BAHL—There it DO chante• and lel, No. I queroitron is steady but quiet at 826 PO ap ton. Corrott —The market continues at a stand-still. With out any al , erations to note in quotations. 6110CERIRS AND PROVISIONS—There are no changes to note. sad a Ismail biudneise doing in the way of sales. Wnisay continues dull and unaettied 100 bble Penn sylvania, sold at leo. We quote at (rain this figure up to 170 for bbls ; 16%0 for drudge ; and No for hbils, New. York Stock SICIOND 6 1 :00 1J 8 64 'Bl.--00n 57.34 7000 IT 51; '74.... con 7d N Carolinads..... 68 7A)00 inn 65 '90.-- stly do---- 42 11000 Virginia 83.-40 46 1000 do,— —. 463 E IWO do—. 46 4000 M. 45X 4000 Missouri SOW 2000 34 2000 Eri K 4th .m.._. 813 i 10 Metropolititn 137 enna coa G . 7S O lintigen Kw E... 350 Mich Central R.. 250 CITY ITEMS.. A Nine Vtaw or Four PlCKittig.—The rein forcement of Fort Piokens displeases the Confederate'', Tney don't -like the act, nor the way in which it was done. It was unpleasant for General Bragg to COMO bragging, said turn his back upon Lieutenant glemmer. but it bad to be done. The only oorsolaticn left to the rebels is this; That the cheapest and best clothing can be obtained at the ona=priae Gift Emporium of Gran• vale litotes, 609 Chestnut street. Gifts of value and use are presented to purchasers. GIVING TEE SOLDIERS FITS.—SOME of the clothing turniehed to the volunteers were very peonliar in respect 10 tit the pantaloons was a mile too big for tbcste who reoeived them, and search warrants were in conttant demand for several days to hunt np absent members, who were eventually dusoovereu and rescued from graves of oateinot ; Whiles on the other hand, some of them did not reach half way below the knees, This prooruetean arrangement of making large men fit smell garments. and compelling small ones to mount large clothes, is in strong contrast with the Dian pursued at the grown Stone Clothing EMI of ROokhill & Wilson, Noe. 603 and 605 Chestnut street. above Sixth, whore every article is made precisely to fit the person for whom it is intended. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. eEE FOURTH FAG ABET 9 ED. Bteawiship Delaware. Johnson. 17 hours' from New York. with mdse and paeaengere to James *Warthog. Passed below the Ledge an unknown bark at anchor; off Liston's an unknown brig; off Heady Island an un known bark, and iinhr Courier, lumber loaded; below Marcus Hook bris Tiberias, from Cisnfuesos, and Ella Reed, from New s York. Steamship ItensirtgLon. Baker 40 hours from Roston, With mdee and passengers to 4enry Wiusor , Paned bark Floresta. from No de Janeiro. above Bombay Hook ship Calliope , hence for Liverpool, in tow of tug J F tt t.rr. off Dan Baker 'a Shoal; ship l4anbsldi, for Af rica. off New Castle, in tow of tng /merles. Salqr Clara. Mouth. dare from Williamsburg, Va, with lumber to J W Bunn. Bohr Bee, Moore, a days from 1 aural, Del, with corn to .1 W Bacon. Bahr James Barran, Jr. Pennell, 2days from Laurel, with spokes and staves to JW Bacon. 11,4P.NIOILAND . Ship Flora, Page, hence. at boned°, Africa. March 27 for Callao about April2o. Bark Washington butcher, Collins, cleared at New York 18th inst. for Philadelphia. Bark lonic, Hutahinson, at Portlanrinth Met. from Matsnzae. -. Bark Paladin, Wilson, at Baltimore 18th inst. item Rio de Janeiro. Brig Mary. E Thompson. Havener, hence, arrived at Boston 18th inst. Bark rowhatan, Winchester. cleared at Havana Bth inst. for Sages and New York. Bark Brothers. Mariaer, sailed 'from Cienfuegos 3d inat. for Philadelphia. Brig Mary E Milliken, Norden, at Cardenas 4th inst. from New York. Brig Humming Bird, Fultz, cleared at Havana Bth last, far Matanzas. Brig Urania, Coombs, hence, arrived at Matanzas lth instant/ Brig W It Sawyer. Rich, sailed from Banta 7th inst. for Philadelphia. Brig H H MoOilvery, sailed from,Matangan Bth inst. for Portland "Behr N Borden, Gardner, at Havana 4th inst. from* Boston. Brig Edward Hill. Sylvester, sailed from Matanzas oth inst. for Philadelphia. Sehr John Piortheens..Rnats. hence for -Bnenes Ayres, was spoken 9th mat, let 29 34.100 g eet Bohr throrge and Emily, Harris, cleared at. Portland 17th inst. for Philadelphia. • Bohr Hero, Nutter. hanee, arrived at Ealtimbrs 18th instant. Sohrs Clara, Crowell. Minnesota. Foster. Martha .1 Hoes, Goal, E. S Warren. Warren, and Treasurer, Fish er. hence. arrived at Boston 18th inst. Sara Beulah, Hanson, BLEW, Ferris, and J L Red ner. Cordery. cleared at Beaton nth Hun, for Philad. &Ara Connecticut, Cook, aim Witch, Trier, Barah A Hewitt: Dukes, Revenue Prov i denced Nathl Holmes, hence, arrived at l7th inst. Bohr Amelia, iteckhill, sailed - from Providence 17th inst. for Philadelphia. Bohm Ontario, Vangilder, and. Antares. Cordery, he were below Providence 13th inet. Bohr C H Rogers, Langley. sailed from Blialleith nun son New York. Bohr Julia A Rush, Sears. (late Newell, deceased) at New York 18th inst. from St Thomas. Boer ft P King, Leeds and sloop Elks, Pitt, cleared at New yprk 18th inst. for Philadelphia. Stammers Beverly. Piero°. and &rah, Jones, cleared at New York 18ti. Inst. for Philadelphia. THE W JOB PRINTING OFFICE is yr eeeroa le oz. eeete neatly, eh eep, ant ea Deditionely POZTEILII. WEEK 1 ----- ' M so 27 ISS 13,7261 25.589 20 356 5.656 22.x98 20,456 598,920 8 1 211,,9. del) 335,282 8 ' 17.279 d3B, 267 582 78.35221 48.753 17. 518 18 26,528 AIiCTIONEERIS, LAWYERS ias it.:11.X01.10 MID 11.172-1/40$ comPANITS. .415 i 443 i tail) ORNALATNTLL PICIIIT/VG 181 831 920 • vie /83.: .4.8.112 tag . R.l 41'4 of rA4 Mu, Se, 41V Rik e 72 Meat, wul b• IMMO ty Stissloe 1•1/441, 68.20. d 6. 5 , 0631 9 16 6361610 16 8181 d 6 Ili Z 180,293 ,Be3X6 CIRROME GREEN—Manufactured and for NJ a g e by WETESSILL & BROIRER, 102 47 AM 49 North SECOND Strad. Sid. Asirscl Elmira 7e '73 Long Island Leh CI & n. ._._-.4e% Leh Cl & N Pcp..Bog 34 North Penns R.. 6? , ..." 8 N Pa it 6s .. mtoff 6638 N Penes It 10e. —8316 646 CWWWIIIBII it prof 431" Frank & Southit st 9d.k3d-st R divoff.B6 40 Race&Vine-et R. 4 6 West Philo 6. —6O 67% !Green & Coates.3ol4 Philadelphia Markets. MAY IS—Evening ichange—May 18. IMARD. 7N Y Central R— 72 50 do ng 60 do It 60 do— —.AM 71.% 350 do 71% 200 Mich 5.1 N 1254 60 Panama 8......150.100 17 d0..._. 10334 200 111 Central 0. 0rip..65 641 100 do— 64% 200 ,-. si Seg 60 elev d ./. o i t -1:i, Cm -Ibo Gal & oar° FL- 6654 60 .slO .6a I - MI (Nava 01ed0.... IRO Ohio & IR. 66 Also am JOB ruixTrtiG. "THE PR SS" itTICP.T 3.2.201171'10X r PAMPRLETS fAPER BOOLI. sisavb.~~a. ANDBUA4, in.ArtiEs OF IWERY BEICRIFIROP TRIMMING 701 REHAOHArCifiI, MANUFAOIIII rancamoce, BANKS' THE PRESB.7IIIIILADEVIIIA, y MONDAY, MAY 20, 1861. ARRIVALE AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, LIP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST MIGHT CONTINENTAL. HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. 01:0 S Seklen, Pittsburg J E Uhthorn. Pittsburg J Southmayd, New Jeremy R G Robt Hartshorn. Jr. N York H Goodwitit.„,.w,,i ni n t I Goddar d Worcester . Maas Jae onrhus`". W W L Burket , New York L Budd, MO, New Yerk Chas 8 Abenrornbi , N Y Mr Lento & la, Manoheater Mies Leigh, irisnohester Salomon, VOW York A allerton. New York AB. Sebley, New York Alex Stetson. NOW York Curtiss. ew York Jag A hlulligan, Chiang.° „. Win Whitcomb, Prov, RI F W 118211 010 * fr°T ' ."` 4 S Rankin, Chicago, 11l P H Cowen & wf, Vs J King, Liverpool, Eng Lewis May & wf. N Y J 0 Riohardson,New York Win Coil. Brooklyn WmJ Selman. wa r eane 3 IltillMaileCiton nti A ti A J Barrett, Delaware tterg't Maotarmod, N Y Mrs Alex Shalon, N York Thos 881 ;lion, Silver Bo W Bood,._Pawtucketalt I John A Hiestaod, Lana ri Bishop. Bridgeport. Conn J C Baldudn, New York G Nader, Massachusetts Robt Denniston, Jr. lowa Thome% Kentucky Mise LB Thomas. KY N Herrera, New lurk F Hogan, New York L S Stillman, Ohio J U Reamey & la, Ohio O Gilmore, .Boston J Q !Hammon 0 M McDonald, New York C Newbold & 2 sons, N - k - J A Warren New York H L Miller. Hartford I. Weld, Colorado, Tenn Mier. Irwing Mhos Gray Master Gray M B Chamberlin, Cin. 0 JI) Lathrop. New 'York B W Butler, New York Itt Morton McCurdy, Harrisburg Flt Falconer, New York J J Brown B Da Part dt lady R F May &AR. Elkton, Md Wm Frick, Chester M P %Jar. Reading lißtille7 Ohio lieo orown, Warren Bon B Cowen. Warren,. H R rwin, Charler,ton,S C J Cooper, Wheeling MoG Mbon, St Louie K.Brower, Cipoinnati. 0 J M Fredialc. Portsmouth Wm DaVidBOB. BeW °Tic R McComb, hlantfiezd F Thornily, Newark, N J • 110Maa, Newark, N J 8 Thomas, Jr. Piewark N Holton, Boston p Banned, Whitney,• R,Carer. Cameron N Wharton , D Comer= J Wney Jr, Cie. 0 /4 8 Penna W MoOlam, Ohio J C Withington. N J T R Briggs. Cin, 0 J F D Lamer A wf, N Y Rl M Long, Washington A Thompson, Boston air Sandler & la. California W H Brown, New York G W Bremer & wf, Penna. W Givin, New York W B Show, Washington Mai M G flatliburn, N Y Capt W Maker. Jersey Cit. Dr C.! A Marvin. Brooklyn Bev k T Williams, Savan'h N W Cowlick, Jersey lrtr .N VV Biddle. Carlisle J E Smith. Ph , la. I V Millman, Ohio F. Wilder, Louisville El 11 Buckner, WHOOnein C W Jnokeon,_Batroit R W Grose, I) DI oinan,lowa James Scott, Pittsburg W P Withington,Shamokin C Storrs. Jr, Chieage W Wilmot. Cirminnati 3 O John C Burnet, Cincinnati I, V Borten, anoinnati, U Chas Taulmsn. Cincinnati Ira Athealitalllincinnatigo Geo II PQM, POW York C r Wilson, viocinnati, U J. A Parrott, Ohio Geo MoCammon,Cinoinxiati Geo H Hall, Cincinnati, 0 Bergt C Mendenhall. Cin,U Mr Faeker. Ohio Mr Van Horn. Ohro Mr Chapman, Ohio .R A biome% U B It S L B Haskell. Now Jersey W R °ekes, Qineinnett, 0 H Bedlow. Newport, It I Lome W Fa A t - Smith. Jr, New York R A Donaldson. New York J C Forguson.Carlisle.hug J B Benton. New York H A Taylor. New York k‘. W Benton, New York Mies Benton, New York B Lawrence, Annapolis Al Stiles. Annapobs C F Willard, Annapolis C W !Holahan, ArMapOlifl J Hardy. Annapolis W f' Pierce, Boston H Willie. Boston J Flack. Albany T Puringron, Albany L M Todd. california N Wrishbura,„Boetan B Bell. New York J R Maloney/ New Yorki F Dane, Boston it A Hardy, Barton PEI Tompkins, Weak. . York Hon G Ashmun, Maas C March, Plow' HAmpehlre Dry iSiantOe. Iloston J Stanton, Boston }C. wf, PS, • Bookina,Philadelphia G Tripe , Providence J Bridgham,_ eW York Mrs A F Baxter, Prov F. . .Mr MoLerm, New York W Lanrie,-Boston F G Whiting, Now York J W Otan, Boston Jll F lood dr. la, New York At B Chamber u G P Houston 130,103 GS RIBRCRANTS , BOTBL—Fortroi street. below Aron. Joe W Parker. Lewistown R W Pier. New York Pete.- Hand. Penn s lvanis Gid k wf, Prieati; H Sanders & wf. Waslen A P MorEgon,Camb'e UltY Franoie Lee. Clinton John Alexanaer, Ea A J Sofield.Wellehriro. Pa B B hisany, Barris burg Jar Boiler & la, Blair co mrs E M Roller. Blair co Mrs B Cosn, Blair no, Pa R W Baird, Ohio .11 8 'Whitehead, Ohio John Snyder. unto Joe H Thompson, Phil& D Welch, Bellefonte John Wood. Ohio W F Deveny. Pa John It Jordan, Bedford,Ps G R Barodollar, Pa A P Jones & Jr.. Pa K Brown. Allegheny Jos Brown,allegheny Jae 8 Atkinson, l'itiabute B Adams, New Yolk C J Cole, Cleveland, 0 H Prootor, cloymand, 0 learnt CI W Tibbitte, Onto R K Marlin, Cincinnati, 0 Dr M Rogers, Comm Pa C R Phelps, Cincinnati. 0 M. H. 11..ohardson. 0 D Fearing. Cincinnati, O L Waldo, Cincinnati, 0 W B Banieter.Cleveland. 0 W H Child, Cincinnati, 0 Oen W Ward, Cincinnati, 0 A B Thompson, Phil& Magee, Ruahvale, lad AMERICAN HOTEL—Cheetnnt street. above W W Wilkins, W Chester Geo B Smith & wt, Pa Miss M B Smith. New York Cat 8 it Jenkini. El el A ham AddleOn, Reading F Ford, Cleve'and Dr Thomas. W Vhostor M..e Carson. WaAhlngl.On. C W Wellelager. WashingtnD G Chisholm .1 A Thompson. New York. .7 M Kepheart. Bellefonte L W Benham, New York C P Remade!. B arrieburg J Ramsdell. barritiburg .E Maslen, Illinois M G Landie, New Jersey A H Van O'Ling. ni York it ilk BuPook. Cantors, 0 MO. Wm RIM- Wash F R Falconer, New York JJ . Wilkins, Ashland J L Jones, Pennsylvania H Gowen, FOLlDElylVaßiflo G B Iplee, Phihid&phia Thomas Gray See C Wright, Nevr Yore J B Dow. Lowell. Mays B L HOWL, Pennsylvania R P Lord, Penneylvlnia John B. gmed, Delamara ET. LOUD! HOTEL—Gheataut meet. shove Third. fleet G Thomas. Penne Geo Beecher, Beyiestown W H Themaa.Penasylvania Brunt P Bealett. Butler" C C Bewley, Buffalo C B Btnt;h. Delaware B Conner, R eadier Lewis Aothermal, Flo la F Itermhaw, Caraeaa Geo W Jones's. Phila. John Mulhern, F emus E J Simpson k. Md John P Borland, Cheater en E Berhardt, New'York L Watts, Ohio ISTATEB UNlON—Markot Mot, OWTO Binth. F Kennard, Delaware W Polack, Mifflin Pam! Watson, Minim A B Loog, Lewistown E P Brewater, Newark, N J B A Johnson, Penna A J Anderson. E Freedom A Mahler. Reading , 8 B Lewis & wf. Belfast, Me John Jdnen. Pottsville John Brunton & wt. Ohmic° 3.1 g!: Beindman, Butter Beg. B Ramsey, Penns Wm R Cooper, Penna J W %brayer. Penne. D P Gibson, Pima R A Younr, Indiana, Pa L B Brown Chicago W Rill, Chioago 3/11111,11 ROBO,Fittsburg Jes elder, Wllkinaburg. re. H Watt. Pittsburg B F Koller. York 00. Pa Eli MoDowell, York co. Pa L Rodgers, Milton. Pa TAB ulVlor4—Arob street. above Third. T Rorer. Dula F Weld y. T4MBql.lll. C Fracht & fam, Baltimore .11.5igfried,_blaryland W Roily. Getti r sburS 8 Taller, Tamsqua J Potter, MD, evrJersay Ohio I Columbue, B MoCamant, Tamaqua R Easton, Cincinnati, Ohio A Gee. Gordon, Pa J L Taylor. Zanesville . E Bain, Zanesville C Dobson, Pottsville COMMERCIAL ELCITEL--Biztli NU, above M l'ennook,.Wilm, Del J Muydeek ec la, Parma. .1 A Btrawbridge. Chester oo Thee Wood, New Jersey C PReaknyan. Delaware co J lvoller. rhccnixville J 8 Kirk. Chester en. Pa N 8 Bennett. Week, D C Jon R, Firili,NeW York Wm Hill. Maryland M Hamel], New Jereer R lIIIMett, Mc Holly JWi Ile, Jr, Hano3oae, it J Jame* Flovell, Phan .A Mathes. Pottsville A P. Dailey. Cm, Ohio N Guilford, Cin, Ohio H Finch. Cm, Ohio 3_H Cin. Ohio. R &oder, Cin ft %at . - J Hyde Neer York - • NATIONAL HOTEL—face street,isboro wfurst. 1. Kelley, Penns F A Henton t Tamaqua Pam! J 01209, Camp. Curtin R HDavia Norriatoarn M ns Coppuak. Fall& 0 Tanni:Ay, ano no, Pa 0 C L Degenhailt. Penns H @ Shafer. Chiles J Y Anoona, Norristown W H illoonaker, New York Mrs M 14pndler, Pottsville Chas Lukonitz , Pottsville F J Parvin, Jr, Pottsville REVERE HOUPE—Tturd street, above nave. B P Lavas. I ohirh no B Broder & eon, JareeTt'n Jr B Derr,"hile G J K Ferrell, Cole Weyne Jon H smith. Allentown Jnn J Kelohner, PAtstbn J Penetermaoner. alverst'n C Fr Henderson, Phila W Mulholland, Phila - C Kamen, Penns F Zimmerman, ferule, HURLEY IFITE.LF leloTEL—temone at., bal. Vine. Bookman, Newtown, Pa Jae C Contell, Penns 'n Blair, Penns t) it Patterson, N Jersey T W Cowell. Penns C Flung*, Luniberville E Bowers. New Jersey W Davison, rennet J fill, Penns Jno Z3alleF, Pelnla IS G Orpodehaw, menus as Lewiatown MOUNT VERNON ROTEL-4eoono et.. above Arab D Wa7nco, Fa F A Kartland. New York Geo W Ellie. Backe c o, Pa it A Graves, Phila A Miller, Naha BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third at., below CallowMlL IL McDowell, Matington B Thome, Mont so, Pa rregman, Penna. BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callowhill, Alex S Showers, Peens tient 'rename, Penns SPECIAL NOTICES. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, May MINI. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at thus De partment until twelve ehlook noon of Tuesday, the twenty-first day of May now current, for the remain der of stook of the United States, to be issued under the act of Congress approved Bth of February last, amounting to eight millions nine hundred and ninety four thousand dollars. Tale stock will bear interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, payable semi-an nually on the first days of January and July, in each year, and will be reimbursable in twenty years from the first day of January last. The proposals must state the mm offered for each hundred dollars of stook, and mod be for one or more thousands of dollars. without fractions. One per oent. of the amount offered must be deposited with the Trea surer of the United States at Washington. or with an aseintant treasurer at Boston. Philadelphia, or New York, subject to the order of the Secretary of the Trea sury ; and the certificate showing enoh deposit must aorminvany the offer. The act reserves to the Secre tary the right to decline bids not regarded ea advan tageons to the United States. The amounts payable under the accepted offers. for this loan must be deposited with the Treasurer of the United States or an assistant treasurer at Boston. New York, or . Philadelphia, on or before the twenty fifth day of May. now current; but If any accepted bidder shall desire to deposit at any other 'point", his request will be considered. On the receipt here of the prover certificates show ing such deposit, certificates of inscribed stock:will be irimed to the successful bidders, or their semnees, for the amounts to which they may be entitled, in sums of one thwarted, five thousand. and ten thousand dol are each, as may be required. Insoribee stook, so is sual, will carry interest from the date of such dePosit, 1511 d will be transferable on the books of the Treasury, agreeably to the regulations of the Department. .igheuidacny accepted biddif dmere'isertiß4'ainiiWatixiik with coupons of semi-annual interest attached thereto, tiler wilt be issued accordingly, in sums .one thou sand duliats each, with coupons attaobed fee interest from the first day of July next. Snob commit Meek, instead of being transferable on the boots of the Trea sury. may he assigned and transferred by delivery. The interest on Such coupon stock from the date of the deposite therefor to the first of July next, will be paid on that day to the accepted bidder, or his assignee or attorney, by the depository with whom the prinotpa was deposited. The pro pose?* under this notice should be endorsed on the enve lopes " _Proposals for Loan of Bth February, Mr," and addrersed to the Seeretary of the Treasury; . or the money be put under cover to the assistant trea surer at New York, who will forward them to this De partment. They should be sent ifn season to be opened and decided at the time above stated. The preliminary deposit of one per cent. required from all bidders will be included /in the Anal deposit of snooessful bidders, and will be directed to be imme diately returned to unsuccessful bidders, The time for receiving proposale under the foregoing advertisement le extended until Saturday, the twentr fifth instant. Any bidder may Moose in the alterne• tive for bonds of the desoription above set forth at any specified rate, or for an equal amount of 'Tree/surf note., at any rate not below par, web Treasury notes being receivable for public dues or convertible into twenty years' six eer cent. bor% or redeemable in two y ears, at the option of the holder- flatly bidder prefiirs to make a separate offer for bond. or Treasury notes it will be corundereif. The offers considered most advan tageous to the United Staten will be accepted: Al! amounts payable under amiepted offers mist he depo sited with the Treasurer or an insistent treasurer on or before the first day of June neat; or, if preferred, one•third may be deposited on or before the first, one third on or before the tenth, and the remaining third on or before the twentieth of Jane nett. BIWA AEADII hAttrla In noneequenee of the 'melee of the regular army, an " Array Medical Board " has been convened, and is now in seam in New York city, for the examination of candidates for admieeion into the Medical Staff of the Army. Applicants must not be less than twenty-one or over thirty years of age. Applications must be made to the t!eeretary of Way, or through the Zurgeon General of the Army, stating the reeidence, glace. and date of birth, accompanied by respectable testimonials of moral character. m 320 It GROVER & BB=B CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MAOHINES, The Beet In Use for Fornil7 Mowing- No. Tao OUES'aNUT alma. firlladelehia. OFFICIAL. 0. Y. CHASE, eoretary or the treasury FURTHER NOTICE 8. F. CHABE. Secretary Treuury OFFICIAL. SURG lON GENIC a.a125 OrPIC.a, May 16, 113G1 11 1 1 41BOLD's "I:TNIVBILSA.LLT APPHOVHD . RnminY.—Cetnneund Fn.inset Bnehn aurae Missies of the Bladder, Kidney, Gravel. Drew, Weakness. &o. Heady the advertisement in another oolnmn. headed "Hebnbold'e Genuine Preparation." mr2o.lstiroof OAK 011,011ARD .40ro P.IPTANG WATRA•- 2 :amphlets containing the (miao' of celebrated Chem !ire and Physicians respeoting the use of this WATER m the case of many diastases of-the human ',MOM' will be 'supplied grata on application to FREDERICK DROWN, FIFTH end CHESTNUT Etreeth,or FRED ERICK BROWN, Ja., NINTH and CHESTNUT Streeti.. CAW. AND GMT A PAM?ELBT. ONE Patna CiLoTriorof TUn LAMEST STYLES, made in the beet manner, exprassli for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling prices marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted latudketory. Our ONE-PRICE system v Aridly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. Se2ll4y JONES & CO.. 604 MARKET street. BATOEIBLOR'S RAM celebrated and reyfeet Hair Bye is eke best "tka amid, All others are mere imitations of this great original, whit% hes gained such extensive patronage in all parts of the globe, The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Liquid Hair Dye tnataaity produoes a splendid bleak or natural brown, without staining the skin or injuring the hair, and will remedy eke till dem of bad dyes. inTigOrating the hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. 'Wholesale by FAIINESTOCIC & CO., ➢YC'YT & CO., Philadelphia. IPARD REINTING, BBST AND OBEAPHST IN tie City, et 34 Routh THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beet said Cheapest in the City, et 34 !teeth TRIItD Btree! lIII,L-HEAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the itT, M 34 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING4and every other desorib - hex of Printing, of this most superior quality, at the mat removable rates, at RINGWALT DROWN'S, Drexel's Bdildinu 34 South THIRD eltreet. deIS-tf BIA_RitIED. KfJOIJL.WINDLE On the 12th of August lut, by hey. D., tte. both o this city. W 1 Bartine, Air. Joseph Knolls to MN Mary Marna Win * PETTIT—BRAD W Y.—On the 16th inst., at Penns villa, IC .1 . the. 'Rev. Wm. Margerem, Mr. C. A. Pettit, of this city, rattiest Belle, L. Bradwey, of Penns 81s E.VErfsofr—DElTlfF.Y.—On the I4th inetent. by the Rev. J. H. Konnoril, Mr. lesaa C. etevenson. of Bal tiroorerto Mies Erman/ D. Denney. of Wilmington, Def. ..CLARK-11.6Y.-o.the 14th instant, by the came. L4lll' WhOnMe Itcw Jersey, to Miss Pt tioofi ay,of this airy. - ; ~ , 13F,ROF ft.—Oa fkp: rug of the 17th inst., Maly, Te tto ° r=4l.. 7% - o-rn:Hu t eir e e a ria7 t invited re I:neral. from nor ixto il lrxi: dance, 601 Marsh.4l ,r;:s.h . N. E. comer of Green, on Tneeday afternoon* To proceed to Laval eeweiers.' BROOKE.—On Fatrarday. the 18th indent, Clement 'Brooke, to the 78th xear of his age. Blereletlses end Mends. and those of tha family,are respeetfully invite attend his funeral, from hie late 'residence: No. 826 wile street. on Tuesday afternoon, Oct instant. at a olhloolc, without further notice. To proceed to loured Ilia. ReaspEß._orr.thoi9th instant. William HenrY, sou of Wie. oed Merißeedet. in th a Plat 'woof his ape. Hie friends. and tnnae of the family, are reepeotfullT invited to attend thiffuneral, from the residence of hie father. No. 716 MINI highth street. on Third day afternoon, (Tuesdar,) glut instant, at 3 o'clock, without further notice. • HALL.—( I u the 1611 instant. at hie rendering. !mins Side; near Briatolv'Benismin.Ball, in the OK Year of , hie age. Funeral , 'will tale place - Milt Monday) morning ? . at 8 o °look. 'lO steeled to Laurel Hill. COOKMAN —Oa the 17th mutant, Thomas Cookatan, in the alet rear of his axe, _ Funeral from his tate residence, No, 1919 Ann stort, this( Monday) afternoon. at 1 o'clock - . fdoIvIAST.N.ItS.- , -On the 17th instant, John MoMee- Funeral from the residence of hie brother-in- Neal Campbell, No. lilt South Twelfth 'treat, this (Mouditv afienioonix.t.s • Ec 0 CT.—On this...l6th instant. after a linger, ng illness, Agnes, wife of JaMes C. doott. Funeral from the „residence of her husband, No 608 North Twenty. diet street, above Mount Vernon, thin (Mondavi morning, at 9 o'clock. .- WRAY.—On the 16th instant, Mr; Henry WNW, in the 43d r ear of hie axe. Funeral from his late residence, Rovlandville.Twen tl- third ward. to-day, (Monday.) at 19 o'clock. • 'num GarEADINE BABEaE MAN m-d. TUES.— Slack Grenadine Barege Pointe. Black Samos Mantles. Black Reed Barege Point's. Black ltsrege Shawls, Silk Borders. Black Barrio Shaw% Crane Borders. Black Silk Yet Shawls. Black Grenadine Shawls. Black Barege Shawls. Satin Borders. N. B.—Shepherds' Plaid Poil de Chevron, only 18 3 6 oenta. Wide Dark Gray alohaire,_WX sputa. SWOON & , Mourning Store, 915 CILBS,NUT Street. MrimpiiyLvArclA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY.—The STATED MEB.TINI3 and AY for May "rill be hold at CONCERT BALL. en TUESDAY I.:VEriitig next, the 21st inst., at 8 o'olook. A. W. 11A1111180N, 111920.2 t limiting tleorstarY. TrSCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD COMPANY. An Adjourned Meeting and Eleotion of the Stook holders of the 4ololhill and Suequehanne Railroad Company wLII Phi la delphian the CNTI N husTAL IfoTh;L, in the ear ofon TUESDAY, June 4. 1861. atl2 o cdsiek M., for the purpose of ohooning a Pre sident and nix Managers to nerve for the ensuing rear, and elno for the consideration of such other business as may properly be brought before said meeting. mvl7-6t FRANK S. BOND. Baoraten. 1 ri.r. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 17, 1/61.—The liotird of Dirootore have We day deolared a lismi-an ot nueldividen of TRREE PER °Wen. on the capital stoat of the ompany. clear of State tax. payable on and after ' y. um, Jan. Power' o - attorney for collection of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Come No. NIS 11.• Third street. THOMAS T. FIRTH. aplg lm . ; Trimmest. GE - WINE ENGLISH WORSTED BUNTING, /To arrive per etemnship Perlin.) Utrl i ritED, WHITE. AND BLUE. foiisaie _ CONNAII &" - NORRIS, - 74 DUI RE St., KEW YORK. BBAji B DIE. Now landing, from on board brig Abby Ellen, Gil more MtWet. from Bordeaux. 626 casks of . : A rbosun..karett, & Co. Cognac. ' Pinot. Coatillon, it Co. Cognac, and othirN i Cognacs. no Co frivett, I Ovolron, Rochelle Brandy., pale and dark, in X pines • ,and 3 , 4 casks . Various vintages. importe and for sale by. /LEGGY BOHLEN & CO.. 221 and 223 South FOURTH St. MIN 61; MILITARY NOTICES. ti HOME GUARDS OF THE SIXTH W RD,o - P HILA DB LP DTA —Sealed proponent will he eaperyed stall THIS (Monday)EVSNING, May 20th, 3861, for fumigating ON e: HUNDRED UNI FORMS for the Guards, they to consist of Coat and Pantaloons. Material to be used, Gray Cadet Satinet. Said uniforms not to coat over five dollars and seventy five cents each. A sample of the aooda to be need must mnompany each proposal ; also, the quality of the but tons. The work to be done in a flood and substantial Jumper. end semi-fitting uniforms to be guarantied. Address N 0.106 North SIXTH. Street, • 0. H. P. PARIEHRA HOr.,MBB S. aftertP, FRBERT FLAN +GAN yyCommittee. M. m. DAVERSDORPER. It* HARMAN BAUGH. i . MOUNT VERNON' HOME GUARD.— This company Willitacemble for Drill at the Lecture 1 4 00 M Of the High Ochutil, corner of BROAD and GREEN Brom, TEM MON DAV EVENING, at 8 o'clock. The members wlll please be _punctual in their attendance. .100.6111 siBB. a t* BeOretary. • HEADQUARTERS COMPANY D, FOURTH COMPANY MONROE OUARR—PIII - Mai 11, 1861.—We, the undersigned, dhows of Company D. Fourth company Monroe Guard, on behalf of the Company, return our sincere thanks to the Trustees of -.the American Mechanics' Hall, corner Fourth end George streets, for their kind pin volunteering to the Company the use of the Hall for Drilla. and have erdandad every facility their a power to aid the Corne! in the i r underta king. We also feel ourselves under lasting obligations for the kindness thus extended.. JOHN E . R w H EN I K at Laput C . ompa ny D. -JOHNELDahrEbLadldent," lUNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —WANTED, . aati able-bodied men, between the ages of gland SS years„ not less than 'five feet four and a halt 'hushes high, and of goad ohmmeter. Soldiers dervinx in thin oor oarforM duty at navy* Yards and on board Unite states sizips-of-war on foreign stations. All other information which may be desired wilt be given at the Rendezvous, No. 311 Routh FRONT Street. First Lieutenant W. STOKES Bev% Recruiting Officer. MILITAIL GOODS. MILITARY GOODS. U. 8. A. SKY-BLUE KERSEY& U. S. A. DrAADXSTS, CADET BA.TIEETTs ) M FLANNELS, (AU Kinde l For Sale ALFRED SLADE & Co., myl.3-8% 40 South FRONT Ntreet. MILITARY CLOTH, BENJAMIN BULLOCK & SONS, N 0.16 soma FRONT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Are now mannfacturing at their own Mille, near Conshohocken. Montgomery county, Pa, 6-4 CADET CLOTH, • PURE INDIGO BLUE, Adapted expreesty for ARMY CLOTHING. The goods can be seen at their store as above. jOBN THORNLEVS, 311 CHESTNUT ley Street, north Bide—the oldest establishment in the United States. INDIA-RUBBER CAMP BLANKETS, For Ar e ekT r a i ng r illu ß Egui in c eAte p . LAPIKETS, KNAPSACKS._ KNAPSACKS, HAVERSACIGE, HAVERSACKS, cANTEENS, TENTS GUN COVERS, GUN COVERS, CAAPPS.E CA APES, COATS, CM COATS. And every other article that is manufactured of India Rubber—is of the best material. ras3-Im 'f JOHN THORNLEY. COMPRESSEDBULLETS.--United States Mime Market and. Rim Balls• Mao. every de aorintion of Round and Conical Bullets manufactured to order. Large stooks oonatantly on hand. Ordera &Red ataight by . THOMAS OTIS LEROY & CO., Patent Shot and Lead Works, 201 and 263 WATER Street,_ HEW YORK, myl4 lin fro BUILDERS.—The Presi dent, Managers, and Company of the Sohttylkill Bridge at Norristown will receive Sealed Proposals for the rebuilding of their Bridge across the river Sohuyl kill at Be Kalb street. Norristown, until THURSDAY, the SOth instant. Toe new Strooture will have Four Spans, varying from 199 9 /95 feet, with double roadway, and a central veayf l or 2 t foot-passengers, reuniting four distinct trues frames, of the Burr arched plan. The Contractor to fermi& the necessary material, and to exe6ute the work in accordance with plane and spe cifications which may be seen at the *See of ii. Ran- Gook, btu,. in Norristown, at any time after this date. Proposals must state the price per foot lineal, for the entire completion of the Bndge, the mesintrement from end to end of the lower chords to be considered the length of the same. "rine work to be commenced immediately after the execution of the contrast, and Oom i lleted SOP mble despatch, A Ririx. B.F. Sti nimittes. MozintroWit. Mar 11.1!61 . mrII.II6MAMIMeII LADIES! DO NOT FORGET LADIES! DO NOT FORGET LADIES! DO NOT FORGET LADIES! - DO NOT FORGET That the immENBE WH - OLE3ALE ISTOuK OF PRICE, FERRIS. & CO. g still offered for ealo AT RETAIL, No. 807 CHESTNUT ST., FROM 25 to SO PER CENT. BELOW TEE USUAL RP.TAIL PRLOEB. DO NOT FORGET Thatyou can buy JACONETR, CAMBRICEI, DIULLs, SWIBShEI,. DiApi e.OOKS. B.KILLIABTES, and all oth or deemptione ot Ai HITE, GOODS., at the above LOW RATER. DO NOT FORGET That Pan aan bnv RRTING. PILLOW. and PLAIN and PRINTED SHIRTIN LINENS, RUOKABADKI, TuWELS .of all KINDS, TABLE DAM AGM, mac- KIM', every kind of HANDKERCHIEFS, and all other descriptions of id NEN GOODS, at the above LOW. RAlaki. LADIES! REMEMBER That_ you can buy all Made of EMBROIDERIES and LACE GOODS, 001,LA RS, SLEEVER. Strre. VEILS. m MAGNIFIGCNT EMBROIDERED fiffIRTS, QUILiT, Ito, ' at 50 CENTS ON THE -DOLLAR. MORE ESPECIALLY REMEMBER That the above atatemente are FACTS, NOT FICTIONS. . 43 ) 4.we ! remeettally eolloitell 'who , wish to receive OUULAIt.DB4 I 44#4B7 ATION of trial, of this setatortiai, - "to i'altn;iva olleatook. PRICE, FERRIS, & Pich 507 CHE5Tr4lir STREW. N.13.---NEW ARTICLES. Soo piece. Elmer Printed Linen Cambries, neat Myles, for ladies' and children's Bummer wear. 20 menet of the Nem fltsole MM.' , embroidered in colors. for Underelseves, and covering bonnets. mr2o-tjanel LACE MANTILLAS_ J, M. HAFEEIGH. !O9 AND 81.1. CHESTNUT STREET, WILL ON MONDAY,-2.OTH INST., A large importation of BLACK LACE MANTILLAS. BLACK LACE POINTS. BLACK LACE SHAWLS. IN'CHANTILLY, CAMBRIA, AND LAMA MAKES. All to be sold at a great loss for account of the im porter, FOR CASH. .I. M. HAFLEIOH begs to announce to the public that his stock of DRESS GOODS must positively be sold 'without regard to cost, to close consignments. It 1111MENEfE WHOLEBALR STOOK OF SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, FOR SALE AT RETAIL. M. L. HA.LLOWELL & CO.. 333 MARKET and 26 North FOURTH Streets, Will, on and after Wednesday, May 22, offer at RETAIL. FOR CASE. Their entire Plonk' of Snits. and other Fancy Dress Fabrics, Imitable for spring and summer Wear, As it is their intention to close rut these goods as speedi4 asselble, they will be offered at price. MUCH BEL po O W 1 1 8 E ORDINARY WHOLESALE RATES. They will, at the same time, offer at retail their ex teasivs_dook of &law's, Silk and Laos Mantillas, Em broideries, so., and will sell by the single .pleoc " White Goods" of all deconptions, including Linens. Terms, invariably emit upon delivery. DO2t-31 SPRING CLOAKS, IN EVERY NEW .41e. nt IVENS% soft-lm No. 23 S. Ninth street. QPRING CLOAKS, IN ENDLESS VA riots-, at WEIW. ap27-1m QPRING CLOAKS, THE OffEARIEST F... 7 ever soon, at IVENW, on2l-kg., , ~. N o. 23 B. Ninth street. • " " ityle, even new malarial, at erica' that aatonieh every one, at the large store, N. E. comer of Eighth and Walnut streets. az,27-1m CIITY. OWES STORE, No. 142 N. Eighth street, above Cherry, are now selling every new style of the season, superb qualities, in every new shade of color, cheaper than any other store in the .sprt-I.nt CLOAKS.—WholesaleMerchants are in vited to inspect the "took at IVENS', No. SS South NINTH Street, earner of June ut.. aefficlm Between Market and Chestnut. COMMISSION HOUSES. BLUE KERSEYS AND CLOTHS, Suitabte for Military or Naval purvoem For sale by FROTIIIRMAA & WELLS, ara-if if 36 LETITIA STREET. CLOTHING. lASIIIONABLR TAILORING ESTA BLISHIS ENT, 22S CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth, south, Side H. STEVNNBON Respeotnilli informs his numerous onetomers and the public in general that he has Just received hie Spring Styles, which he will be pleased to sell on the most seasonable terms for cash. mh22-fmw 2m BANKING. AIIOUBT BELMONT & BANKERS. 10 WALL 3TBEET, NEW 7rWilAr bums edam of credit to traveller*, available in al oarte of Serene, threneh the tYlietete. Itotheehtid of Pe de, London. Frankfort, Naples. Vienna, and their cor respondents. fellll-111a* POLICY HOLDERS And others wishing to obtain the last Anneal Re port of TER MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY .'TiEW YORK, Can do so on application at this Agency. The Assets of the Company now eameed SEVEN AND A. QUARTER MILLIONS or DOLLARS. All of which belongs to the Insured. F. RATCHFORD STARR. Agent, 400 WALNUT' Street. ati.ut:,mA.KEß & () 0., •LASS, PAINTS. !GILL. AND VARA MERR Salaam Samar YOCUM atil lAtt; r IVIAKING SO MANY PHOTOGRAPIIS 7 AOMIL • , wo are enabled to make and color you a Photo graph for 81 that _you would have to say et 2 for else where. at REIMER'S Gallery, SEWON,I3 Street, above Green. lt NOTIOE--BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA. The Auditor appointed to adjust the mond ao count of the Mot of Penneylvenia hereby etVel no tice to all holders of the Note of said Bans to present the, same for proof and registry, at the °thee of the tongue's. No. 407 LIBRARY Street. (second story,) in the city of Philadelphia, on or before the 25th day of MAY, 1861, otherwise they will not be entitled to share in the present distribution. Note' can he registered at the Aeelenee'e office every days between the hours of 9A. M. and 3 P. M. Boned) (lAORGE W. DIDDLE, rnY17.29.22 2146* Auditor. MINT OF THE UNITED STATES. Pun Austral", May 36.3861. SEALED PROPOSALS for supplying the Mint of the 'United States, and the Brecon Mints, if required, with ACIDB for one year, from the 228 instant. will be received by_ the undersigned until 12 o'clock, noon. of that day. The Multi, or parting acid, to be of the strength 39 degree" Assume. and the tielphurie acid 66 degrees Dosiime. g aid mid" tilt, be delivered in glass carboys, at much times and in such quantified, a?. may be require. The Proposed' should be endorsed Propo sals for Acid." JAMES POLLOCK, myl6.6t Director of the Mint. IN THE ORPHANS ) COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of TROMA3 Billio)Fo ND. ss4.. Counsellor Bt Law, Of the oitr of Philadelphia, emcee,. ed. The auditor appointee by the Court to audit, settle. and edited the second element of Bt:NJAMIN RUSH BRADFORD, one of the exeoutors of the bust *id and tesent of *he said THOm ADFOR tea., and tome port dibtribution of the bedanoe in the hands of the said aceounmot, will meet the partite in Interest. for the purpose of his appointment, on Wh.D- N ElseY- the Filth olgune,l36 l , ett 4 o'uloeh at his o ffi ce , No. 404 PRUNE Street, in the city of Phila delphia P. P. MORRIS, ms2o-6tmul • Auditor. ifILLAMPAGNE. — Ire. Oliquot, Lallemand, Ducal Drape, and All of De Vepoge &CO. Obam sautes, for sate by _IAURETCHL & OANSTAIRS, Doliond.2o4 Booth .rfklipriT Street. awl & t ona —Ortnintt notsaw dirtot unpe tto rtati n a se d . &ay tee PRE DIUTIONARY OF THE ENGLTSH LANGUAGE! THE DICTIONARY' OF THE ENGLISH GUAGE! THE DOCTRINE AND POLICY OY PROTECTION, WITH. nit HISTORY OF OUR TARIFFS, PROM Tire ORGANIZATION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERN MENT TO THE PRESENT TIME. BY DR. WILLIAM ELDER. Now that a desperate assault is being made upon the new Tariff to prejudice the public in advance against it, and. if possible, to have it repealed, it is important that its friends &mild be prepared to combat the specione arguments of its antagonists. Nothing will better serve this - PUTFOX* than the oiroulation of the pamphlet whose >Ade is quoted above, witted' is one of the %bleat and most interesting documents that have ever appeared la support of the true American polka - of fostering the great industrial interests qt eer. eeentrr 1t will be forwarded by mail or express for 10 cents per sinzle copy; 75 mints per dozen; a per hundred. Address RINGWALT & BROWN, set-tf No. 34 SOLITE THIRD Strest,Phitadeletna. LEGAL NNW P FORTHIRTY DA'D TRIRTY DAxo 1 OR 1000-1 OR 1.030 COPIES I OR 1,000-1 OR 1.000 COPIER WORCESTER'S WORCESTER'S vaig:BYitt 8.01118 DICTIONARY DICTIONARY AT 65.25 PER COPY-AT. 155.V5 PER COPY AT 95:145 PER COPY-AT 8 6 . 25 PER COPY. MARTIN RANDALL & CO., Sotith SIXTH Street. atx doors &have Chestnut. insl4.Bt BOOKS, LAW AND MISCELLANEOUS, newiind old, botight, sold, and exchanged, at the PHILADELPHIA-BANK BOOK STORE, Pio. 419 PILESTPI UT etreen. Librarian at a diatanae purohaned. Th9ee having Books to sell, if at a dietance, Will state their tames, Bizet!, hindinge,datee, editions, prices, and conditions. WAINTED—Books printed Iss Benja min Franklin, as well its early Books printed in and upon America Autograph Lettere and Portraite cur canoed. Pamphlet Lave of Penney Prawn. for sate. Cata logues. in sressonytt free. Lib/p Jo m nepraised. by • Hri UAW' iShitiL. WANTS. ANTED—By a young man who is a W splendid penman., a situation as copyist in the (Wins nt a legal gentleman. address "Penman." at this offioe. niylS St* WANTED-By a middle-aged man, a v situation as watcshmen or porter in A tatiolesale store or Diatom Address " Billings," office of this milB 3t. • WAN TM —l3y an active young man who is a good penman,a situation as book keeper or assistant. Address " Thomas," Press Office. 18-4t* W -- ANTEDAUENTS to Bell PAOKA • • OES of STATIONERY and JEWELRY, at price' one third lees than can be purchased elsewhere, Call on or address (stamp encloaed) J. L. BAILRY, 164 COURT Street, Bogen, Mans. mh2e-San MO BANKERS AND CAPITALISTS.— Any person having about 810,000 can obtain the active control of a. Vigularir chartered country bang, now suspended, lint with assets to redeem all Ito circu lation. la about reorganizing under our new liberal law. and is preparing to issue email Mlle. No other bank near to compete, Above amount required merely no a starting oaleal. An excellent chance to maim money and obtain cirmoation legitimately. Addreee "Financial." Continental Hotel. Phila. ml7-3tdcleiN FMPLOYE RS WANTING YOUNG A Men, &c.„ ,ere invited to salmis «k=l4 - went Committee," at the Rooms of the. Young Min Christian Association, 1009 and 1011 CIILESTN T otreet. ap3-am Ai WANTED—A VEBEIEb; of the capa city of from 1.000 to 1.200 barrels, to load for the Wert ladles. Apply to J AURETCHE & CARSTAIRS, 2051 end 304 South FRONT Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. D ELAWARE 00UN TY PROPERTY FOR BALE.-90 acres of LAND, BTONV: DWF.L LING. and BARN, spring -house, large and comforta ble DWI:LT.Ia 0, abun4auco of Fyn it sad 13 miles of tita Court House at Media. Plenty of good eater and shade. This is a produotive farm and a very desirable propertj for &person desiring a plain, rural, oountry home. Price SW per acre. apply to Jeri. R. gummuis. my2o-3t - mtbs. leurveyor at Media. gi TO RENT-110IISB AND FURNI TURE.-A desirable four-story brick dwelling. with double three-story back buildings, furnished with handsome modern furniture. will be rented to &good tenant, if applied for aeon, at No, /t)l7 /SPRUCE ISt, ' between the hours of 9 and 11 A. AL, and 3 and Gr. m • 18 at• TO LET—A Desirable HOUSE, with RR all the Modern Improvements. surrounded with F.hade and otnamental Trees. No. 96 Ileum street Bur. Holton, N. J. APIA) to 1:.1'. hi IDD ETOn. M915-tf 6 North FRONT /Street. el FUR ISALE---Feveral very desirable Three-etrory BRICK DWELLING ROUSER, with tbree-story boob-buildings, enclosed verandahs, end summer kitchens ; built with the veyy best material and in workmanlike manner. with circular marble door ways, moat approved heaters and ranges, marble man tels, hot and cold water, water in chambers; hand somely papered throughout, finirhed in the latest style. is,ituatod ea the beet aids et PATH Street.shove Thompson street. Twentieth ward. Apply on the Pre mises. myll-12t =FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Three commodious brisk DWELLlNGS*ln .. Haddonfield, Plow Jersey, centrally 'created. well shaded, dr.e., within two squares of railroad depot. H. 13INN, ap2B-tf 222 wit, rt Stre et. deTO RENT WITH FURNITIHIE.-A handeome ROUSE, with every modem conveni ence, in Aron street, welt of Seventeenth. Atply to A. P. A J. H. MORRIS, apie-im 916 ARCH Street. aTO LET-A DESIRABLE -- DWEL. 15.3 North TBIRTE).INTH Street. Apply to WETHERILL & BROTIMR, 47 and 49 North SECOND street. rohlt-tf CHESTNUT-STREET HOUSE and BEL irtO_RE rent.—The desirable IlusitienS banatimi. mci (111mni;E8TNUT UT Street /gre , wiet th dwelling attached. apply at 431 , spit fa GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO RENT.—To Rent, the large and enmmodiorui modern-butt House. corner of AII.MAT Streak and WILLOW Avenue, with au, bath, hot and cold water, and all the modern improvements, Apply to HENRY IS. TA RR, 710 GREEN Street, Philadelphia, or on the PrOMielOn. apb-If TO ItENT -r TWO O.OIINTRY HOUBES,one mile from Tawny.. Inquire No. 717 WALNUT Bireet. mbl6-Bm* fro UN--SECOND-STORY ROOM, 802 Can i tUT !Street. over LEWIS LADOMIII4 Sr COB Jaye liter.. The beet location Philadel etas for any 'nd of light bueineos. Apply in the Jewelry Store. Rent SOO. fell T 0 RENT—A very desirable STORE, on the Ninth-street front of "The Continental Rotel." The More at Ninth end Baneom streets esDe- Willy adapted for a MIDDLE and Itanrrass Maker. • Apply to JOHN RICE. MAI Southwest NINTH and RANSOM Streets. WO RENT-THE LAREIE AND MN , VENIENT Coal Wharf and Lumber Yard t at Iffinylandville. ?weary-fourth ward. Apply to It. & - r.±6 WARREN. on the premises. mhl4-tf I'OR EVIEtAIiGE.—A °HOME 'num of good unnuproved farm land in the State of New hum, oonvenient to the oityorill be anhaated for aitrairrty. Apply at No. 1111 FEDNRAL, Street. R OO/I.I3ON,REAL EZTATE BROKER • Arm .CONVEYANCER, NORRINTOWN. —Real Estate bought and add on re/Atonable term. Mores and dwelling, for sale or rent in Norristown and country. Good mortgagee negotiated. Colleotionkmade. Rite beat references given. dl4-am BOARDING. BOARDING WANTED—By an elderly lady, In a genteel private (amity'. Will farnnett bar ova room, aouthern part or the. 4tit,. preferred. Address" A. B. 0.." at this often, stating terms, - widen must be moderate. urylB-6t* ARDING IN A PRIVATE FAMILY, A-JF WITH ELEGANT ROOMS, at 1528 ARCH Street. mTl6,3t* APLEASANT SUITE OF ROOMS, with BOARDING FOR A FAMILY. may be obtained at rat CHESTNUT ST. Also, single rooms for gentle men. 110/4-6t* HOARDERS will be received at a retired bet _pleasantly-eiituated Farm House, in CHES TER COUNTY. but, a short distance from the Rail road. The dwelling ni beautifully shaded , which , with large Vegetable and Fruit Gardena, will furnish board /Iry with every hucv Cy the country can afford. Address *S. 5.," ornoe Of The Pr., sto96-Im* FINANCIAL. LOAN WAtllll l .-1. will pay a liberal premium for the use of from 811,000 to 83.030: giv ing as collateral the circulating notes of a country hank, g to 1. Any reliable person haying means, and who will agree to hold the bins securely for two or three months, can make a desirable operation. Address Ourrermy," Contitental Hotel, Phila. nalg gt* WRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS.— We have now on hand, and are manufaoturing to order, at the Mount Hotly Paper Mills, every._ de neription of WRITING IND LEDGER PAPER& whieh,_for color and quality, are not excelled by any other Mille in the United States. We would call attention to a new article of raper manufactured tly us, end now for sale, called Business Letter. which has been rotten up to meet the wants of busineell men and others, Who (Meg .40 Celllinalvial_ Note as being too narrow, and do not wish to nee sort of usual letter attest. This overcomes both the above objections ; a per sheet, pure wove ; plate finieh ; ruled on one aide ; stamd in centre near th%top ; made from beet ma terial,pe free from adulteratmn, and pat up In neat boxes, convenient for use. We ateo have a paper called Bank Letter, similar to the above, except it has but half the number of line. en. to as to allow a panted blank or heading above. KEMPTON & MULLIN, Mount Holy Springs, Cumberland Co., The above Papers can be had of Mews. J._l3. LIP PINCOTT &iO., and MEGARGEE B ROT H ERS. Nes. 3 and 6 DECall It Street. rob6-Bro PRIVATE LESSONS IN SMALL AND BROAD SWORD, salt well as BAYONET. riven by T. BONNAFOUS, assisted by Mr. L AUTZI. stAddressreets. Fencing Club, corner BROAD and WALNUT n -6t* reE SHIRT MANDFAUTORY.—J. W. COTT, 614 CHEBTNUT !Strew, a few doors below the Clonnnental." The attention of Wholesale Dealers is invited makenPßOV CUT. OF anIRTS. of superior fit, end meteriat, ea kepi and made to anier at iiiinrtext unties. 1.41-tf ATTENTION !—BOBTON BR 0 W N BREAD. fresh daily. at OEO. T. RILEY'S. No. 11.1 RACE Street. Families, Hotels, arid nestaii renus supplied. Also. extra Milk aid Bain Biaottik mlB-20 CLAM SOUP SERVED UP EVERY deg by JAMES PROSSER. No. *es M A R Fr ET wtroftt. BEST QUALITY tiouloiNG NLATE al. ways on band and for sale at Union Wharf, 1451 BEACH. Street, K onsinstnn• T. THOMAS, rny7-11 al 7 P7ALMOTT Permit. Philmielphut, JREtinvy,D, per • • Annie Kimball,» f rom - L i verpool, tiondar, Weaver, & Manderie orepaymona: '35 tin Extinct Aooniti, in 1 lb i nns, itit Vitrilot Itinsovarni , injam PO lips Extract fiellinionnte, in 1 bier+, Ipp Tha Extract Tareixam, jars, lo me Yin ILM 00101140 i, yn a ft, bottles, 100 The 01. 011ealin 11001.: 1/11 lb Dawn =0 The calomel, in 1M Demi. goo fu 111 Iliaraifi S raM Valmt tIF AitiniThe. lONS. AUCTION NOTICE, LOCKWOOD, BROS. AND UNDERHILL, 45 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK, LAIUI AND ATTRACTIVE SALE RIBBONS. MILLINERY THE BALANCE OF AN IMPORTATION 3,WU CAF4TONS of NEW and DESIRABLE SPRING BONNET RIBBONS. 230 CARTONS PLAIN SATIN and GRO DE NAPLES RIBBONS, White. Black, and Assorted Colors, Nog, I to /2, Alit°, fall Imo of BLACK VELVET RIBBONS. Also, 250 Canso, compriairm a GENERAL ASSORT MENT OF S ritAw GOODS. AlBO, Millinery clooda, consisting of Tarlatans. Aero rhane, and French Cram, BORILOtd, silks. Aa., co., &o. m7lB-3t VVAINEIT-STREET THEATRE. T Mole Lessee ... —Mrs. M. A. GARNEIITSON. Stage Mr. W.M. A. OKA rm AN. licuiumes (knout., JOB. D. MURPHY. TRIB (MONDAY) EVENING. Mai 18. Will be presented a new and original -National Drama. entitled THE PATRIOT , B DREAM Or,The Past, the Preeent, and the Future. Adam (ray, Mr. Edwin Adams ; Expert I-indium, Mr- S. S. Wright', Kate Gilmer, Mro. A. Gowen. SCALE OF ralCZ6.—Drese circle, (Deans secured with out extra charge.) SO cents: parquet. (crate seoullYl a4 6D Gents.) 37)' cents ; family circle, 26 °elite ; private boxes. $e and $3; orchestra. 75 mints. Doom open at quarter poet 7 o'oloolc mutainwill rise M 6 quartor to 0 o'olook. TSE GERMANIA. ORCHESTRA. AN NOUNIE their three last Publio Rehearsal/at the Mumma Feed Hall, the last one of the season to take place on SATURDAY. May the 261. h. Tickets to be obtalned at the usual place. my/•tM96 PEN NA. ACADEMY O' TOM FINE ARTS-1024 CHESTNUT STREET. The Thirty-eighth ANNUAL EXHIBITION of PAINTINGS and SCULPTURE 18 now DVSs. Admittroe Meenta ; Season Tickets oenta; r eran uai Cittalogurm coma. 0%4791am% 45 will retteive theigtiegets,At the 4eadarny. Atte-tf CIETARLES M. BREAKER. 7 8 11 - 1 ICE-COLD SODA WATER, - _ WITII FRESH FRUIT RYRUPii, AT NORTHEUT coar4E3 1 4 894,1) AND PICT eTtr,EsTs. S - he ttnda Water is drawn from Vorceitini - lined Fountains. pure and sparkling. well charred with oar boa's and gas. 'she ayrnps are prepared With the highest regard to retaining the NATURAL FLAVOR OP Yrs limy, Pio Rains will be spo , r4d to maintain the high character which this Fountain has alreaa, at tained. Bottled Soda Water at 3751: cents per dozen. Congress Water, fresh from the Springs, constantly OIL hand. Inril-Fulr BEDFORD SPRINGS.—.A. O. ALLEN respectfully inform; the public that this well esta blished end popular watering place is now open for the reoepttoii end acoorrinatidation of iltAiters, and will , be kept open until the first of October. • Persons wishing Bedford Mineral Water, will be sue plied at the Springs at the following prices, viz : .1:!ir 1 bbt loakt— 00 " (mulberry 3 00 iI.Y.FF ..... soar.. 300 - Bottles, "di pint, per own— ••• • --- • • • • 60 Parties wishing rooms, or it,formation in regard to the place. wlt address the Bey in Mineral Springs Company, Bedford. Pennsylvania. ml3-36c [VOTIOE TO SHIPPERS OF FREIGHT. A. 11 —ln pursuance of notice from the regular authori ties, _all geode forwarded by way of the in (ADEL PALA AND HEADING RAILROAD. to the Steles of mmoUli I, T DORY. TENNESSEE, AND VIRGINIA, Must be distinctly marked " Not Contraband," and. underneath these words, the name of the Shipper. The Shippers' Receipt must alto be marked as above. And no goods of Any den/ippon will be forwarded to States South of the above named. my4-lm ASA WRITNKY. President. SPECIAL NOTELM.-6HIPPIIIII3 WILL Plea 69 take pinkie that the south Carolina R. B. Cot HMI diecontinued forwarding all through freight and that an goods formerly' 0013Elignea to theta must now be eonsigued to a aity tweet:M. Meyers. T. 8. & T. G. BUD HERONarall geode to their address. A. & hg tee 106 North WitaitWEß., rVOTICE.—PrInAnzLpniA, 'May 7. 1861. Take notice, that we have applied by Petition to the Court of Common Pleas of the city and county of Philadel Penn sy lvania , benefit of tno oeveral insoPrent lawe of and they have appointed en- TURDAY, the 21ith day of May ..A. 11. 1861. at 13 o'oloek A.M., at their Court Room, in said city. to hear ue and our creditors, when and where said creditors may at tend, it they think proper. DANIEL • A FXArrDE rt M. sin Met. Late trading as. MURPHY & SNIVEL Grocers, at N. W. corner Second and Coates streets. and No. 582 North heoond street. rny9,10,11,14.N1,18,21,g3,2a• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TJAT 1 the subecnber has lost Certificate No. 366 of the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Company, en titling him to nineteen shares of its capital isms anew he will apply to the said oompany to isms certcate. anlB.the THOMAS A. SglAi• COMPANINII. FIATESIPERIRANCIE CXYMPANIT, e No. /06 CH,ERTNIF7 6teets •- FIRE AND irimutu IN3II2.ANON DTRECTORS, acorn W. Day--.?" Day & Matlack. Samuel Wright-- Wright Bros ft Cs. D,Davis & Blrney. Menu Leyne, Jr.-... " Lewis Bros & CO. C. Riohardeon-__.. " J. C. Howe dr. Go. acirrinel T. Bodine.-- Preset Wyoming Canal Come/. o. W. Everman.—.of J. W. Even:eau & Co. ite. A. West West & Fobes. • B. Martin....__." Savage, Martin, & Cs. 0. I •47ilson thme—..Attorney-at• Lew. E. D. Woodrue ....of Sibley, Molten, es Woniaa. Jno. Render, Ins Green street. GEORGE W. DAY President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice President, WILLIAI.I3 I. BLANCIIARD, Secretary. 1a22-iftr W.AVING lIIND—ONITED STATES P- 7 TRUST COMPANY, corner lan 1) awl CHOU NUT BtEnets. I:l"Sfat, pER. cErs - r. El, R. CRAWFORD. President. JAMBS R. HUNTER, Secretary and Treaaarer. Office hone, from 10 until d o'clock. ' Vila Company is not joined in any application to the Logielature. fee AMERICAN SAITNCi FUND, S. E. cor ner WALNUT ond FOURTH Streets. continuos to receive deposits andloy all ems on demand op it hos always done. A.LBX_ANEER WHILLW.N. Frmhdeit jowl B. wyromPi.. "frrenanrer. tf ri RITMO W4TBON'I3 1 .7 -1 SALAMANDER 'SAFES. 11T01.11 304 CHESTNUT STREET, EMI A 4EINknijA,. • large variety of riltr.-ntuur atrEs always gon lund. sitto-11 LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No. `2l South SEVENTH Street, near the WM/t r ill= thankful for peat agora ' and being determined to ment future patronage, loolleelared an elegant and convenient sun.. and km+ now on h e ad large assortment of Lilliee Colrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar proof Safes, the only strieti i r fire and burglar proof safes made.) neon& issi Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Looks will be urnistied to order on abort notioe. nue it the strongest, beet protested. and cheapest Door and book yet offered. particular Attention is culled to . Lillie 'e New Oabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry, &o. This Safe is oon eede,i to eurpass in - etyle and eieganoe anything yet of fered for this purpose. and ix the only one that is strict hi fire and burglar proof, areemi No, have now on /mutt say twenty et Farrel, Herring, Co.'e Safes . most of them nearly new. and come forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to Nixes, and all Lately ex changed for the now Celebrated Lillie Safe. The, will be gold at very low prices. Flame call and eyomine. jag-tylf M. C. NADLER, Agent, T - - ." FOR. LIVERPOOL.--The steam :llllp GREAT EASTERN, Ron. Enntnin °arose& IL N., Commander, will sail from row York FOR LIVERPOOL SATURDAY, MAY 24. First Cabin---.. Seoond Cabin. with very superior accommodations. 75 mile-us h FUR BALTIMORU DAILY. AT 3 O'CLOCK P. M. ii.irimuitk.: AND PHI L It .PRIA STEA IRBOAT COMPANY. (Ericsson Lined Via CliPsapeake and Delaware Canal. One of the new iron Steamboats of this Company will leave the cones side of Chestnut. street Wharf EVERY AF TERNootg aingdspg excepted; at 3 o'oloek, and Will arrive in Baltimore early the next moraine. Freight of all kinds taken at the lowest rates; Mee. Cattle. Horses, Stook. Vehicles. &c. For Freight, WAS at the office. A. ONOVES..IIt.,Asert No. 34 SOUTH WHARVES. nat .iszw efildrilit NEW DAILY LINE. via Delaware ant Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Com pany will receive freight on and after MONDAY. 25th ilimant, and leave daily at 3 P. M., delilrerini their car goes in New yoga the followmg dept. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. OLYDR, Agent, No. 14 BOUTH wg_ARNEfI. Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, Pity; 14 and If EAST RIVEN. New York. nihse-iftf " • sagaFOß NEW YORK. - THE Philadelphia. Steam Propeller Company will eammenee their business for the awn on Monnity lath apt. Them Steamera are now receiving freight at gleund Pier above Walnut atrect. Terme aceouunodatiug•. t . o in BAIRD & tnhie age South Delaware Avenue. DR, J. WISE, No. 39 North 0 FIFTH btreoti PHILADELPIIIift—Troate gruceina full!, if applied to in nine, ail divas/go of the LUNGS. THROAT and 'LEAST. and frequent], 9. , Beel: 1 geo r ge U t i ll P . ' o,?lll ota ti l t s 7)1 tre d ely :V rdlu.. e rie hen _Koren them tun entire attention /or the proi t 2) yenta. Will visit patients, when desired. at their rosidoneed. . . apill-!m ill 10ifilLADELPHIA TER R A-0 OTTA I. wastes, Office and ware Hcornis t l.ol.o CHESTNUT Street. Ornamental Chimney Tone. Harden Vaeee and Statuary. Pioorin Tile. Architectural Ornaments. Ventalatun and Smoke Fine. Ridge Tile and Sanitary Ware. Steam-proseed Dram Pipe.. Water Pipe. Warranted tp. Tang rive, OOP and ddifg e • The rade auppned VS. tatme. /11111Strepted 01143.1001015 wont by ‘, •. , Mall o n appliesnon by letter B aNS.ISON . • ••, ••• , •1 irm 'qtr.** Rq J 911.0 13.ETT'6' UELEBILA TED LTA- SUPPORTERS FOR LA inEa, and the only EIDP por tars under eminent medical patronage. Ladies and physmiane are respeutfully requested to call only on Mrs. Setts's' , her reindenoe, 1039 WALNUT street. hiladelslua.lto avoid counterfeits.) Thirty. thousand Faids have been advised by their physimene nre epplianaelb Thole only ate copulae tearing the united State; copyright, labels on the box and moa Sereload Ur the Rapporteis, with wwwweinsis WILL OFFER At AUCTION, BOA CAM ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, At 11 o'clock, GOODS, STRAW GOODS, A.nUSEMENTS SODA WATER SUMMER RESORT S. FREIGHT NOTICES. LEGIA.I.. SATING FIINDII. iAiEb. PASSAGE XION.SY, GRINNELII4 MINTURNs do am, Agents, New York. 18 mit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers