WAR ITEMS. Newspaper facts and Opinions. KiNTIICILY The people of Kentucky seem resolved that their lntamott e sat:Mentor shall not take them out Of the Unitfil as he seems resolutely- neat on doing. At a large meeting, in Kenton county, Teat week, resolutions were passed declaring that loyalty to the Union was the first duty of every citizen, and that, in spite of Smiessionistn, they would maintain their allegiance to the United states Ilevernment, "peaceably if we can, forcibly if we must." The Frankfort COMOLOMOsaIik. cape : " Kentucky will never permit a rabid and fans- tidal m inority to saddle her with Secession, and bully her out of the Union as Virginia was sad dled and bullied. Never ; no, never. The Union men of Kentucky will not consent to being trans ferred to Jeff. Davis like so many chattels. Mind that. If any seek attempt is made in this State it will be the signal for !lien war, and the Union men will rise in their might and crush out and wipe out the last vestige of !secessionism in Kentucky." Again col. Wallace, an associate editor and rraiilriort eorrespondent of the Louisville .Tonrnal, in his letter of the 7th, writes : "No man can be so insane now as to assert that our State can be precipitated into Secession without bringing on a °online& hire on cur 'own soil, of Kentuckians against Kentuckians. Tomorrow, 100,000 Ken• tnokiane would proclaim for the Union as it is, without an if or a proviso." ABOUT' AMIS. The Cunard Steamship Afrim, lying at the d n a i n j e n n y Qty, is now being unloaded of linfteld rifles, of wind' she has about 10,000, eon. Biped to the United State, Government. Uosr OF A n ng.--Sabres, with sheath and belt, Can from $7 to $lO each, acoording to quality. catlamee, such as are often a.sed by artillerymen, coats 2. A breech-loading carbine costs $l7. Sharpe's rifles, a most effactive weapon, about the same. Revolvers (navy revolvers are preferable to the army pattern) float from $25 to $OO a pair, A six.ponnd brass cannon, used in flying artillery, costs $l,OOO, and the gun-wagon $3OO. Arm strong's twelve-pound rifled cannon (an c o s gun, of which many are now being imported) coats 1112 fis Sd., or about $560. A six•horSe otisson, for artillery ammunition, coats $4OO. The Ohio Statesman says there are now in the State Arsenal in that oily 22,000 cap-loot 'United States muskets, 1.000 blimp, carbines, 1,000 En field rides, and 1,000,000 rounds died ammunition. MAJOR GENERAL WOOL. Orders have just been lamed directing Major General Wool to proceed forthwith to Fortress Monroe, end take command In place of Col. Dim. riztak.—New York 2%-iblate. IMPORTANT LETTER FROM GOVERNOR DICES. To THE PEOPLE OP MARYLAND: A communica tion from the Mayor of Baltimore to the House of Delegates, published by that body yesterday, is designed to implicate me in the destruction of the railroad bridges near Baltimore on the 19th ult.; too, in face of the fact that I had, in a recent °Sold eommunication to the Bonito, positively denied any complicity' in the matter, Tithe Mayor's communication and accompanying certificates have induced any person to doubt my true position in the premises, I respectfully ask a suspendoi of judgment until a saMoient time be afforded•me to collect the necessary proof, and show, as I shall be able to do moat oonolueively, that -the destruction of the bridges was a part of the conspiracy of those acting against the Govern ment, sad was known and proclaimed in other parts of the State, before the destruction was con summated. Whether Mayor Brown did or did not know of this part of the programme, I am unable tosay. I am charitable enough to believe that he did not bow it. His peculiar surroundings, end agitated condition of mind, at the time referred to, may reasonably enough account for his assent to the transaction. But any person who knows my opi nion of George P. Kane and Enoch L. Lowe, will at ones admit that I would be Blow to anent to any preposition emanating from or endorsed by them. Their Introduction into my chamber, at the late hour of the night, to urge my consent to the per petration of an unlawful aot, was not aaloulated to oorrrlze. me of the propriety or necessity of that wt. Men de not readily take counsel of their enemies. So soon as the heavy preesure upon my time shall have somewhat subsided, I shall lay before tik• riblie a 401 refutation of this nefarious attempt to involve an innocent person in an unwarranta ble proceeding. Until that time, I request a sus pension of public opinion. Tawas S. HICKS. Frederiek, Md., May 11,1861, Bunsen RROWNLOW ARD TENNEREIRIL The Knoxville Whig, in commenting on the act of MOSllitM of Tennessee, says : The deed Is done !--and a black dead it ie. The Legislature of Tennessee, In secret session, passed an Ordinance of Secession, voting the State out of the Federal Union and changing the Federal rela tion. of a State, thereby affecting, to the great in ry of the people, their meat important earthly Interests. The men who did this deed in secret conolave were elected two year. ago, and they were elected and sworn to support the Constitution of the United States, and the obligations of that oath moat rest upon thom until their Stl466fAere Are elected. They have dared pass an ordinance that is really unoonstitutional, unjustifiable, and is, open the whole, a vile act of usurpation. To say that the extraordinary emergencies of the times demanded this outrage will not do with those of us who know the State of Tennessee has not been oppressed, and is not invaded by a hostile foe, and is not likely to be unless we invite or provoke an attack. It has been the policy of all usurpers, in ail ages, to excuse themselves for the exercise of arbitrary llower, intended at once to oppress the people and to deprive them of their liberties " The neology for doing this deed in secret session is, that it would not do to act with open doors, and thereby' lot the United States Government know what wen transpiring. This is only a pretext for this act—it was to prevent the people of Tennessee from knowing what vile work they were engaged in, and applying the remedy. They did not want the real people to read the speeches of Union men, deltiersd in that body, who gave reasons, nume rous and strong, why Tennessee should not go into Jeff. Davis' repudiating Confederacy. But un principled politicians have resolved upon govern ing the people, and to induce them to submit, they Win keep them in the dark aa to their vile schermee. In June we are ealled upon to vote for or against this ordinance of eeoession, and all trains of evils, snob as eaormons taxes and the raising of fifty thousand troopa! Will the people ratify It, or will they reject it? Let every man, old and young, halt and blind, contrive to be at the pone on that day. If we lose then, our liberties are gone, and we are swallowed up by a military despotism more odious than any now existing in any monarchy of Europe. AN seircaer EXTRACT PROM A VIROfWIA PAPER. The. Richmond Extrottner nays : " The South is full of secret emissaries. Detailed reports of all our preparations are regularly transmitted to the enemy. The spy and the incendiary are about our homes and hearthstones. The fire bell in the night' is become a familiar sound. Arson ia al ready a favorite weapon of the enemy. Six flees a night is a moderate average for these casnalties in BiChmond. John Brown's men are abroad—the Otiriatian North—the philanthropic, enlightened, patriotic North—is winning more infamy in a month than all history can produce in a thousand of years. What was the night of St. Bartholomew to the programme they have published for their Southern campaigns? What were the tortures of the Inquisition, or the thumeacrews of the Kirin, Inflicting mere animal pain, to the dark and li centious promises with which they lore into en listment their regiments of roughs ?' What was Gothic and Vandal warfare to that waged by ar mies whose advance is preceded by the torch of the incendiary and the stealthy wiles of the insur rectionist? What were the bloody cruelties of the aboriginal savages compared with the brutalities of these beasts in human form, who come to vio let* where the Indian would brain, and to rob end Steel where the Indian would destroy ?" MAILS YOH MN UNITED STATES FLEE? AND ARMY AT FORT PICKERS. We are requested to state that arrangements have bean made by the Postmaster General for the regular transmission of mails to Fort Flamm, by means of the United States mail steamers plying between New York and Havana, (Cuba,) and by Government vessels between Havana and " Fort Pickens." All bitten and other mail matter for the fleet and army at Fort Pioktns, Florida, should be forwarded to the New York post office, for de spatch thence in the mails hereafter to be made up by that offroefor transmission by each of the United Mateo mail steamers departing for Havana. Post. masters and correspondents era requoated to take notice of this arrangement, and forward letters se cordingly.—Washington Republican. JOHN C. SEECEINRIDGE. " And who is guilty of bringiog about this ter rible oondition of affairs ?" John C. Breokinridge asked, is a speech ha toads at Bowling Green, Ky., last week ; the more than half traitor " simmered dawn" on being told by • worthy citizen, " War ren county charges you with it !" STAAV FIRM WICINZB za FORTS. A itorreopoudent of the Chicago Journal rays; "I would suggest tho propriety of furnishing each fort DOW in the possession of the Federal forties with one first- ass steam Are engine, capable of throwing three streams of water through seventy to one hundred feet of hose. In ease of fire in the fort, or the cooling of guns, it would prove of great service. Agate, attotild the enemy attempt to storm the tort, three streams of salt-water sent with araffloient force into their faces might affect their eyesight some, and anti their ammunition. Should the enemy summed in taking the fort, then the water might be thrown into the powder magasine, and spoil the powder for their um." SAX ROUBTON. • A gentleman who bawd the speech of Sam Hams tea, delivered in Galveston, Texas, two or three weeks ago, assures the editor of the Washington Star. that the stories alleging that Gen. Houston has sosepted the secession of his State as a fact 1043040 Witted do him great injustice He still p ma hie allegiance to the United States, and maintains that it is the duty of the Unionist/ref Tes.sl simply to bide their time, determined to re.. asser t their liberties and rights of American oiti senship on the first fitting mission. mammas ARD CAIRO. We have tellable information by a gentleman direct from Memphis and Cairo, to the effect that there is a- lane body of • rebels at and about Memphis, who are mustered for the purpose of an attack on some point North. The exact number is not known, but It is generally estimated at 30,000. This number 111 probably Molar s ,. They are said to be of the same lawless rabble to be found elsewhere at the South, swearing Tongan:me on the North. The respectable olive's§ of Memphis generally do not sympathize with them_ Oples and runners are kept constantly watching the military operations at the North. On four separate occasions they have manned and armed Stesso•fs for an attack on Cairo; but, before they started, intelligence was received that made those in command deem it safe to defer the enterprise Oar informant says that the rebels are so impa tient for a fight, that they throat" to dart off on th e i r own moon* If not led soon to the field of There is no longer any fear felt at Cairo In rola. tion to the flooding of that city, as, on the 6th of May; the ;trip had fallen no . much that no da mage could remain, or= if dm levy.. were out. About 'ten days prirsiOntlY, the water was only eight feet from the top of the bank, and riming Chicago -Tour= 1. From Eforpero ferry. A correspondent of the Baltimon AMertran, who 'flaked Harper's Ferry as a -States-Bights Beath Carolinian, writes that journal an siewount of big oxperieneet. We make a few tatfillets lIIIIINT Innuontos. • • tit the Gosport Navy Yard, the amount of property destroyedby the Federal Govenuant ham been but alight in comparison with the extant of the works or with those left untouched. In. deed, No slight has been the destruction at Elar- 1 per's Ferry &at the visitor is at first unable to de tent the evidence of With the exception or the arsenal, two old'build lugs situated outside the armory enolonre, and the upper section of one of the workshopo, and that, apparently, its most unimportantrtion, the completeness and efficiency of Simper's po Ferry as an ereenel and manufactory or arms 'have been untonCheld. All, or nearly all, the valuable maohinery has been removed from the several Almeria' to Rich mond and the Interior of the State, whore it 11111 probably be placed in a condition to be need Im mediately. The rifle works were left entire, and are being put to effective service in the manufaatnre of arms, cartridge!, .to. A double fame Is being employed in these Important labors, and their skill and energy is rapidly IMpying any defleieney of shooting irons" whic hmay exist in Virginia The work is muoh facilitated by the large quanti ties or brarrelg, leeks, sights. and other appurte nances of a musket or rifts, which have been Raved unimpaired from among the ruins of the armory. Of the 30,000 muskets supposed , to have been de stroyed in the building, it le estimated Mat at least ono half of that number will be fetuni servioeable. These, together with ramrods, bayonets, tto., have all been removed from the ruins, and thrown in plies onside the burst walls of the arsenal. TON BARRACKS, NM. The great body of the soldiers are quartered and very comfortably quartered—within the vast workshops of the armory, from which the ina obieery has been removed. These have been con verted into huge barracks, and all their available spew& &Toted to the accommodation of the troops. It is seldom that the chances of war afford quartets more comfortable or healthful than are here to be found. In addition to the armory, nearly all the larger bowie/ in its vicinity are being wad u barracks: indeed, it appeared to me as if the entire town bad been given up to the accommodation of the col diem, every opened window into which I looked revealing the premium of a uniform within. o• veral companies are encamped at Bolivar, from the heights of which their white tents gleam with pic turesque effect. FOOD A.MINDANT---Irrintrait OF CerrriZ. The Virginians are excessively indignant at the statements whieh have appeared in different pa pers relative town alleged scarcity of provisions at Harper's Ferry. Several of them declared to me that provisions, and the beet of it, are abundant there, and that the stook on hand is sufficient to feed twice their number for six months. They exult much over the capture on Friday night of the one hundredlbeevea and ten flue home, from Illinois, destined, they suppose, for the army at the Relay Hone, bat saw that the admire was made in reprisal for the Nehru* at Washing ton and elsewhere by the Federal troops of pro perty belonging to Virginia. On Sunday morning sixty-three additional beeves and about twenty barrels of butter, eggs, 64,, wore seised at Harper's Ferry. They elf belonged to parties in Ohio, and were on the way to Waehing ton, it is supposed . There is, however, some mis apprehension in the matter, and I learn that the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany _ have de , patched their counsellor , C. J. M. Gwin, Esq , to consult with Colonel Jackson, commander of the farces at lierper'a Ferry, in reference to the mat ter of the seizure. nrincrrow OP IPMETPICATIOIIII, .40. The correspondence laid before the Senate by Governor Maks has already informed you of the feet that the Virginians are bristly fortifying the heights overlooking Harper's Ferry, and I can confirm the statement. The position and esbmt of those fortifications I cannot, from obvious reasons of propriety, now mention, but I can very safely say that they render the position of Harper's Ferry a perfectly secure one to any other than a powerful army. The men appear to be generally eager for a brush, and speak with contempt of "Yankee valor." Their confidence in the result is really overwhelming. Eaoh man seems to feel as though "Himself were be On whose sole arm hung Maori." Depend upon it, Virginia has no thought of evacuating Harper's Perry, and that any attempt t 9 recapture it wilt lea 4 to a bloody conflict. FEELING IN WASHINGTON cotacer. The feeling in Washington county, Md., is very hostile to the Virginians, and has been greatly em bittered within the part three weeks by depreda tions which it is alleged the latter have committed upon citizens of Maryland residing in that vicinity. A collision between the two is by no means Impro bable. The Union sentiment is strongly predomi nant there, and at Knoxville and Weverton, two stations within two or three miles of Harper'■ Ferry, the " flag of the free heart's only home " was gaily floating, and many of the men 1 en countered wore Union badges upon their hate and coats. In fact, throughout Washington and Frederick counties love of the "Union ee it la," approsohes to unanimity. The feeling evidently is : . . "Down with each new ; Down but the true flat, The lied. White, and Blue flag." THE THOOPE AT ItaltPEA'a rzna,r — THElß, EOM BEE, ETC. The number of soldiers in Harper's Ferry is but small compared with the expectations of these visiting the pima The effect is due to the oars with which the forces there have been distributed through the town, the camp upon the hill at 8011. var, and upon the snzrounding heights. From a well•informed source I learn that the number of soldiers In and about the tewnfa estimated in amp at 7,000, a considerable portion of whom were not armed until last week. This number is daily in creasing by additions from Virginia and from dis tant parts of the Confederacy. A company of Ten nesseeans arrived last week, a company from Ar• harems are on the road, and a Lonitterta regiment was daily expected to arrive. ARRIVAL OF ARYN AND CANNON On Sunday afternoon there reached Harper's Ferry, from Richmond, 7,000 stand of fdinie mom. kets and 12 cannot Twenty additional plow et ordnance were expeoted to arrive the same night. Important illasonic Movement. 505 VTIVAINIA. 91131PLAP.11 RSOSDI B. B. French, of Washington, Grand Master of Knights Templar of the United States, has issued the following circular, under date of the 18th nit., to the fraternity ; "To ALL TRUE Alll , PATRIOTIC. TAMPLARS BROTHERLY Lova, Prsce, lionon.—An awful fra tricidal conflict attune to be impending. Re alone who rules the destinies of nations can prevent it. Re works through human instruments. I implore every Templar Knight on the Continent of Ameri ca, after humbly seeking strength and aid from on MO, to exert all means at bie command to avert the dread calamity which, to human vision, seems inevitable. ' , Let each Templer to whom this may come re member how often we have stood at eaoh other's Ode and raised our voices in prayer for the pros perity of a common country and a common cause Let all call to mind how the Knights of Virginia, mingling in fraternal brotherhood with those of alastachnsetta, pledged themselves to each other on Bunker Hill only a few brief years ago; and when another year had passed away, the same noble bands stood together in the city of Rich mond, in the State of Virginia, the birthplace of Washington, and with mutual vows boned their emits in an everlasting covenant ! Let them re member these things, and with hearts on fire with love for each other, and for their countrymen, go forth =lug those countrymen and implore the ar bitrament of peace, inetoad of that of the sword, " I ask no one to surrender a principle that has become dear to his heart ; but I. ask every one to labor and to pray that inioh counsels may take place between the contending parties, who have for so many years acted with a common impulse, as to restore harmony and kind feeling, and to avoid the curse of having fraternal blood crying to JEleaven from the ground, and bringing down its malediotionson our children's children through all future time! Labor and pray that hostilities may be suspended until the mild conneils of peace can be appealed to, and that the appeal may not be in Vain. "Casting aside every political feeling, every political aspiration, and asking every Templar to do the Mime, lot us, as one mail, unite in one grand effort to prevent the shedding of fraternal blood, and to inaugurate here that blessed result whioh our Lord and Muter initiated, Peace on earth and good will to men.' Template! you count in this land by tans , of thousands. Each one has his influence in the circle about him. Never, no never was there an oppor tunity to exert that influence in a more holy muse, or to a more sublime purpose. Forward, then, to the rescue of your country from fratricidal war! But if war mast come—which dread calamity may God, in His infinite mercy, avert—then I evil on every Knight Templar to perform that sacred duty whioh so well becomes our Order, of binding up the wounds of the afflicted, and comforting those who mourn." To the foregoing, B. H. GUI, the Grand hisater• of Virgiote, reeponds as follows " /W. Str Knight : Your circular of the 18th lent relative to the awful fratricidal conflict whioh seems to be impending' between the citi zens of the North and the South, btu' been received; and m the people of the South are Merely-1 1 0r% on the defensive in this oonaiot, those of Chaffy/Us, regardless of that Brotherly Love, Peace and Honor' alluded to in your circular, have tra mpled upon their eonstAtationel rights, and. being now about to invade their soil ? their homes, and their tresidee, and demo/ate their altars, I am at a loss to understand why you should send such a circular to the Knights Templer of Virginia. " Residing as you do at Washington, you cannot be ignorant of the tact that Virginia has exhaust ed every honorable means to avert this coefllet. ' Casting aside every political feeling, every poli tical aspiration,' she has plead to prevent the 'shedding of fraternal blued ;' she has plead for peace on earth and good will to men,' and she has plead that her constitutional rights and those of her sister States of the South should not be trampled upon. But her pleadings have been die. regarded ; and, oonseiotts of the justice of her cause, she now appeals to the God of Battles,' confident that Heave' will smile approvingly upon her ef forts in resisting unto the death this Cain-like and marauding attach of the Vandals of the North; and I thank God that the valiant Knights Tem plar of Virginia unanimously participate in this feeling of resistance, and are prepared to welcome their invaders with blood stained hands to hospi table tavos,' designated by no Sprig of ever green.' " For the reasons stated, I now, as_ the Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of Knights Tem plar of the State of Virginia, give you notice that that body is no longer under the jurisdiction of th e Grand Encampment of the United States, and will no longer regard or obey any order or edicts ema nating from it or its ofiloera" PHILADR‘pRIA BOARD OF TRADE. WIL C. REERMLE, JNO. D. A LIDIGIEIS. COXMITTXX OF THI MOIITH TIM. IL MAHON. 111 LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship TIIIIOSTOra, ItnulevY„... ----Liverpool, soon Ship tatsteOstford Murillo— --Liverpool, *OOll Slop vioterts Ro s eauble London, soon Ship calliope,a--.......;_Liver5001, soon Ship liorterans, Atlnns pooh Brig Queen Ea ger. —.Between, sate Bohr tied .1 Jones. Crowell_Demera ra. soon • - • Jimiu:PM ANTELLioENcr.. PORT OF 1 1 111.14AD‘LPHIA. May 1.0, 60:4= 111117111- - .7 10 HIGH IB WA StealuthiP l'hiladalstMl.fromWasthistori via Foram Monroe. 80 hours, with ammUnition to Captain napalm. of Navy yard. . atop amnia, floviand.tresu Livarsooniith-attetrith radio and OtO peaseogolli to Co m SroO. • • Brig Delhi WOOS. from f ort of Brian). Trinidad., attlijut, vat Ildropuus. silt amp 10 T vir attamt.&" Boni. - at gmattrlatitg: .41 8 loadiTer ou r I n ypr.frial3 • Agum 4dala; tofu Wm saws. ror as a l ma 2% Buoy Equal 40 at. Thomas, to sail at I days; Napoleon for do doj Kittutfor. do do. arid Manua lOC time , from rhi elphia for north side of Cuba, ready to_esul. Sth instjat 3:30, lon 73 50, sassed ship Golden uroes. steering E. Bohr y ssyles. ThOMPIIOe. 3 days from New York. With ice to Captain. solar Wre !dialler,. Colby. 8 days from Portland, with mdse to Twang do uo. last Noble,erde, Stite a C al dwellrom Boston, in bal last to Hammett & Bohr Rosanna Roes. Burgess. from NeWPort. Bohr eSTSteee. Adams, from Beverly. Bohr Bea Witch. Tyler. from New York. eon.- R FL alieeeev. Marts. from Bridgeton. Bohr E Moray, Tice. from Lynn. Bohr LoliZie Weav er, r, from Lynn. Bohr B L Berry, from Boston. Fohr J B Dedierson. frym Boston. Bohr Jos Fish. Biokmore, from Boston. Bohr 2 ist....tton, steelman. from Boston , CLEARED. Bark Martha Anna, Chase. Key West, D S Stetson & Brig Medora. Ryder, Boston, E R Sawyer H Co. Rohr Morey Taylor, Nickerson, Boston, do Bohr B C eerioner, Irons, Salem, do Bohr M A rlbindler; Doughty, Boston. Jones . Behr W B Mailer, Colley. Boston, N Sturtevant & Co. Sneer R Rose. Borneo% Boston, do Rohr /1 14 )1810innon, Marts t „doston, do Behr Berry, WelWer, Milton, do Bohr Jon Fish, Dick - cuvre, Botioin, Bancroft, Lewis H Rohr J B Dickerson, Smith, Boston, Noble, Hammett & Behr Jae Alderdice, Stites, Providence. do Behr Saratoga, Adams, East Cambridge, Sinnickeon & Glover. Bohr .1 WilliMlMsoll, lr, Wintonore, Ghanian. do Fehr Id Matron, ateetman, Nantucket, .1 It White &Co &Mr E Tice. NorWich, It It Gorgon & Co. Bohr Sea Witch, Tyler, Providence, 1111111A06 H Co. Bohr Lassie Taylor, Taylor, Lynn, do Bohr 1i iteadiy, Heron, Dennis Creek, N .1, Captain. (Correspondence (Artie Philadelphia Ex c hange.) LEES, Mi., Mayl4. The bark El Tarbox, waiting orders, and Italian brig Eroolo, for New York, continue at harbor, Wind SH. Weather rainy. YoUrit. He. N. W, NivxmAN. (oorrnsvondenee of the Prem.) READIMG. May HA The famine boats from the Union Canal A vaned into the Schuylkill. Csattal to-day, bound to rhoodot- Phiti, viz : M rue. staves to John ilutranidlt EATatagit, Valli to Is Gllytinger: Union. do to it Kitkoatrior; T Gloottk worth, do to J 1' Perott & Bro; H W Hunter, blooms to do: D Ntobois. lumber to Joshua Elimutons; Fisher. boards to do; J Mahaffey. do to Henry Croshor; Francis F, do to Joo Rodgers; JW Shover, do to J . id Depther; Saari, lumbar to do., F. twamomarinar Ship Starr King, Canfield, cleared at New York ,14th unit for San Franotsoo. brig Charisma. Means, at Beaton 11th Ind from Ma teinkma. Mint, Frazier, Steelman ; • Sophia Anne, Smith; D Merely, Robinson; and C II Edward's, Dandy. cleared at Doetonotth hat for this port. Bohr Denmark, Brightman, cleared at New York 14th met for thieort. Bahr R Dean, goat Once, at Dighton 13th inst. Bohr fanthesn, Clark. hence, at N oat& ink last. MEDICINAL DYSPEPSIA REMEDY. Dr. DARIIJS SAM'S' AROMATIC INVIGORATING BPIAML This Medisino.A6S 1118.11 IT the public for stainers with incressang_lemor. lit is recommended - to Curs Appqata Nervoursvas, ilears-Bura, CM. • mhos, *wain As 0i544611., d# Palk" us Ow Bewas, Riadoen. Draw:Agog, /Liao fikaysplaists. Low Bpsvits, Dalsrista Trews ma, Datamparases. PC MI,IIIII , LATES, EIHTLALLTAS. lIIVISFORaYiIiIs SIT • nud. Nog Insexicars OH STVPITY. L. Mode:sine it is cubit and effectual, outing. the moat aggravated 05605 OfDraPetalia.,KidneißomMainte. and all other derangements of the Illtomeo and newels in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most melancholy and drooping amirits, and restore the weak, nervous, and mokly to health, strength, and vigor. Persons who, from. the inindimons use of Liguori, have become deeoted, and their nervous ; syetems chattered, constitutions broken down, and submt to that horrible curse to humanity, the DELLTItreIdTRZEDENS al most intmediatelyjeel the happy and healt hy innso ?stint slow o f Dr. Ram's Inrisoratinsgsdril. WHAT IT WILL BM Doss.—One wine glens full an often as necessary- One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. One dose will Heart-burn. Three docent will cure Indigestion. One dose will give YOU a Good:Appetite. One dose will stop the (Witgeoging pains of DYNAMOS, One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatulence. and as soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distress ing load and all painful feeling's will be removed. One dose will remove the most distressing gains of Celia either in the stomach or bowels. A fa doses will remove all obstructions in the KidneY. Bladder. or Urinary Organ'. Pensions who are seriously afilieted with any Sidney Complaintsare assured of speedy relief by a dose or two. and a radio/goitre by the use of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, dissipating too much over night, and feel the evil effects oi poixonous liquors, in violent headaches. sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, Ho., will find one dose will r move all bad feelings. Ladies of weak and sickly oeniattutions should take the hoillOtating Spirit three times a day ; it will make therms no, healtiry, and ham y, remove all ohettree- VOUS and irregularities from the menstrual imams, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn ima m= pregnancy it will be found an invaluable meth nue to remove, disagreeable sensations at the stomach. All the ruminator asks is a trial, and to induce Mat he has put up the InViIkOILLTING. arrow AA pint battles at fOloents.qUarts Si. laaaral Depot, 4° WATER Street New York, DYO'S'S & 232 North SECOND Street, Wholesale Agents in Fhiladelnu dud for tole by JOHN H. BATON. Sh N. EIGHTH street. and all Diassiata. OFFICIAL. iiiaMALL STORES," 44 OANDLKS," 1E61.'62. NAVY DEPARTMENT, Beauty og Rnovisioris AND CLorniNc. APRIL 37, 1861. Proposals, sealed rid endersd My for small Stores," or " Offer or Candles, " or " Utter for salt water Soap ," or **Offer for bluebird Seed, Black . Pee per." &a., as the eerie may be, will be recetved at this Bureau until 9 o'clock A. NI.. on the 21st day of May next, for furnishing and delivering f on reoeivlng twenty days' notioel at the United States navy yaids at Charles town, Massachusetts; Brooklyn, New Yark ; and Gos port, Virginia; such quantities may of the following articles (excepting the salt-water soap and the candles, for each of which separate proposals and contracts will be made) as may be required or ordered from the con tractor by the Chief of this ,Burean._ or by the re spective commanding ollio.ere of the said navy yards. during the Ewa] pal ending 80th June 1863, viz: -Boxes, shaving, India rub- Blacking', boxes of. bee. Combs, coarse, India rub- Brushes, shaving. her, or rntta perch& Brushes, sornblang. Combs. fine, India rubber Brushes, shoe. or gotta corona. ruanes, clothes. (brass for hats. Battorul. VBs*, .fack.knisee, _ fl t itto to i: 11 .. a . 4 me t i . urri. litz z o or s i,ra n p s s ingie oases. Buttons, dead eye. Scissors. Beeswax, in cakes, Spoons. 0 n spools of Nos. 12 and 18,900 yards *Roll, S OOrde, WNW parte. Handkerchiefs cotton, fast Wont. 32 by 30 inches, weight not sewi n g, 2 oz. each,exture 8 byB to% inch. Needles, Non. 1,3, 8, and 4, drill eyed be tween!. Ribbon, hat, best French black, 12 yards to the piece width 8 inch. bmgy, shaving, insulter , i csok cake not less than I one. Silk, sewing, blue-black ; wrapper not to exceed 3 oz. to the pound. Thread, blaok and white. Marshall's or Barbour's best quality, and in ouch proportions as may be required. Tape. white linen. 4 yards in lengthy % inch-wide. Tape, black, twilled cotton, 8 Yard& In length, 34 inch wide. Thimbles, 8-10 and 0 10 in diameter. All the above articles must be included in the offer. WHITR SALT-WATER SOAP— Separate bid for 80,000 pounds, and sucls additional quantity as may be re quired. The Neap must be mannfestnrsd from snorts-nit oil, and be of the beet quality, denominated " svnite salt water soap," and be delivered on sixty days' notice, in good strong boxes of about 75 pounds each, and, after inspection, the boxes must be hooped ate soh end at the T the contrac'or yrion to be uniform at I tifl i a n el:r de • ISTZABIWIS GANDLEB.—Separate bid for 60,000 rounds, and such further quantity as may be required. The candles must be "Ruse," of prime leaf lard stearin°. 8 10 inches in length, exclusive of tip, all can dles to weign not less than 14 ounces 60-100, nor more than 16 ounces, and be paid for according to the actual weight, Without referenes to commercial 12121421: the melting point not to be less than 140 degrees Fahren heit. The wick must be braided, and composed of 78 cotton threads of the best quality of No. 27 yarn. The candles to be delivered on sixty days' notioe. in good boxes. containing about 10 pound. each. and the box to be marked with the contractor's name and the weight of the candies- PARATTINE CANDLYII.—This offer is separate and dis tinct for ten thousand pounds. according to sample, find such further quantity as may be required, for ...Mob sixty days' notice will be given. WIISTARD BRED, BLACK PEPPER. &O. Separate bide for all that may be required for the nee of the navy, to be delivered at New l'brk only. Mustard seed, American brown. Pepper, black, Malabar. Bottles, octagon, for mustard and pepper. Corks for bottles, All the foregoing articles most be of the beet quality, I and conformable in all respects to the samples deposit ed at said navy yards, and subject to such inspection at the navy yard where delivered as the Chief of the Bu reau may direct; the inspecting offieers to be appointed by the Navy Department. All the article, to be delivered ftee of any incidental expense to the Government, in proper vessels or pack ages, and the price of each artiole must ne the same at the respective places of delivery. Packages in which the above articles are delivered must be marked with their contents. and the name of the contractor, and be sufficient to Madre their temperary safe. 'NOWISE. The oottmotor mum establish agencies at such sta tions other than his residence. teat no delay may arise in furnishing what may be required; and when the contractor or agent fails promptly to comply with a re quisition, the Chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing shall be authonzed•to direct purchases to be made to ',cooly the defieieney. under the penaltY to h e . expressed in the contract; the record oa requisition, or a duplicate copy thereof, at the Bureau of Provistms and Clothing, or at either of the navy yards aforesaid, shall be evidence that such requisition has beentnede an 'l l w r O 6iV or more approved sureties, in a sum equal to the estimated amount of the contract, will be required, and twenty per tient= in addition will be Withheld from the amount of all payments on socount thereof as collateral security, to secure its performance, and tot in any event to be paid until it is in all respects com plied with ; eighty per imam of the amount of alt de liveries made will be paid 'by the navy agent within thirty days after bill., duly authenticated, shall nave been presented to him. e Blank forms of proposalsir y be obtained on appli (latish to the navy agents at ortemonth, New Bunn shire, Boston, New York, hiladelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk. and at this Bureau. a A t irord acce o p r duip . ligi t ttuf p U n i , e lette posal z r i i tf t ozir , i e ir m a e p a d no tificationder thereof, Within the meaning of the act of 180, and Ms bid will be made and aocepted m conformity with this understanding. Every offer made must be accompanied (as directed in the act of Congress. making appropriations In the naval service for 1846-'47. approved 10th of August, 1546.1 by Written guarantee. signed by one or more re euoallble persons, torbe effect that he or they under take that the Moder bidders will. it his or their bid be accepted, enter into en obligation within ten days, with good and sufficient sureties, to furnish the supplies proposed. The Bureau will not be obligated to consider any proposal unless accompanied by the guarantee re qul red by law,. the competency of the guarantee to be certified by the navy agent, district attorney, or the collector of the port. The attention of bidders is called to the samples and dereriprioas of articles requirel i as, in the inspection before reception, a ism but rigid comparison Min Ds made between the articles offered and , he samples and contract, recsiving none that fall below them ; and their attention is also ',artless/arty directed to the joint re ioNtion • of Sria of Dtgrol, /ddii and to the act . qnOth August, 11316. spl9 fit CIAUTION—AII persons are hereby can nd againet neotiating a certain note, drawn Do W. d ated BOL ab outCO- for Twenty , five onndred Dollar on or the Zid of October.lBO), say able, IS months -after debt. to the order of W. F. Rey nolds, at 'hazel & Co.'s, Philadelphia. and endorsed by him. bald note was given to the Bank of Commerce, Brio. Penna., and its payment will be resisted, the drawers thereof having a legal defence to the sums. W. F. REYNOLDS & CO. BILLEYONTS • Kay 10, 11.61. NOTIU.S.—The tlitizens of the different Cities and Towne throughout the State are invited to competition for the placm at which the next AN NUAL STATR FAIR shall be held. Propouala c omainiag-- indanemente and advantages, directed to the undertipned Committee, appointed by the Ex ecutive Committee, will -be receive*: no toand in cluding Max Stet next. Commumoatious should be ad &wpm to either of the following venom: • WM. COLDERIg, JOHN P. ItUITEEJZFOD. JACOB KISH JOHN H. ZikeLER, Harrisburg, AMON E. KAPP, Northumberland, Pan Committee. ,assll.4tarll PELF',MANUFACITORY, ' Sri NEW STREET. - Pike end SUP of every description, OW good uotaA to order, At the elves establishment, WROLWIALLE and RETAIL, at Okanafsontrer's pnoes. Remits Log done in e susener asonar, sex-itim X. is. SWIRL HAVANA CIGARS-4 large and oplen dld Saaortment of all Bites and dualitiss. to core aad for sale vart low for *ash by CHARM_TETT, 01.710-13 t 130 W..riviT Street tierces extra Leaf Lard, for sale* CI. e. IIifILIUL tr. CO., 101 ARMlmmita Mond deer *bows Prop* . swum/ - - FRINOH ZINC--Puie ICS WHll i i MostiAt ground a4ll. and Vr i I ' 7 wi ll =MR THE PRESS.-PHELADP6 3 IIiA, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1841, CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE. NERVOUS HEAPAC H Ity the use of these fills the periodical attacks of .11ler goes or sick ifeteeteseas may be prevented ; and if taken at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from yam and .lolcruiins wtil 14 obtained. They meld= fellfizi removing the MMUS and lhael ache to which females are so etildeet. They not gently on the bowel', removing Marie/seas, For Literary Mete r Stedrate, Delicate Females, and all pereoni of aaleatant JleMaa, they Cr. valuable as a Laxative, improying the appetite. Wing toss and vise, to the di gestive organs, and restoring the natural elm. ttoity and strength of the ',Mole tratedm, the CEPHALIC PILLS are the Mat of long !Mien cation and earefully conducted experiments, having men in nee many years, daring wluoh time they him prevented and relieved a mat amount of pain and suffering from Heicipohe. whether originating in the .y.t.m or from a deranged state of the ire mach. They are entirely' vegetable In their oomposithra, and MST be taken at all tunes with perfect Wet, without making any ohange of diet, mad tad absents of axe dirti er/4041s tart• retrasri arty te adiattittee to shady" 'BEWARE OP 00UN'rERIMITE12 The gennano have Eve aignattroo of MIM' C. ibelding on on& Box. Mold trr Dnotgistio end elk other Dealers in Medisines. ♦ JEkm will be .eat To man emelt ee receipt or the PRIOE, 25 CENTS. All criers should be aoldnoseet HENRY 0. SPALDING.. 45 ONDAIt 574E27. hEW YOSX TEE FOLLO'WINI3 ENDORBEMENTS OF CEPHALIC PI LLS WILL OONVIXOE ALL WHO BUFFER FROM SPEEDY AND SURE CURE 18 WITHIN THEIR REACH. As those Tisfilinolaitis are sissotietted Ms bk. iSPAID fito, skilt afford unquistionabh proof of ths aaey ands trial/ seinstifie discovery. KR. !SPALDING.. SIR. 1 bite tried year Cephalic Pills, and I like them so wit that I want you to Baud me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the neichborn, to whom I gave a few of the first box I got from you. Bend the Pills by maul, afd oblige Your oh t Servant. - JAMES imraftny. Stn. BPAIMINe. I wish you to send me one mom boxof your Caphalia FOIL IWO e roceirmel a groat deal Of beopigt from then. Yours pi aors y otfilA grzoffiromm Ir. O. OPoi.ortio. o . Yin will tp lease li tioid me two Dozen or your de a lso , . Pins. Elena them immeattolv. , RomPOOMI lY YOWL": -__--ii . . Jr4o B. Broluri . P. S.—/ have Ilanoed ox* box or your Pitts, ford .had *km meanest. BELLE VERNON. Ohio, .1 an. 13. R. O. SPALDING, Sea. Please find enclosed twenty-five cents, for which wend me another box of your Cephabe rills, They are owls the bat Pint I Aass nu M 44 Pliant A. STOVER, P. M., - Belle Vernon, Wynadot co., 0. HaysuLy. Kim. Bea n. H. C. aoratoria. Igett. 1 wish for some (menials or large show bills, to bring your Cephabo Pills more particularly before my on.- tomer.. if you have anything of the kind please vend ne of my easterners. who Is subject to severe Rick Headache. (usually lasting two dayed was carat of MR 1111101114 ca owe hour by your Pills. which I sent her. HeIPC9/414 PAM_ X 7.1) . WILItEts. SPA.I.II7Nth no. 48 Cedar st. DI. Y. linkit NIA! Inoloved find twenty-VD anti, M.) for which send box of •' Cephaho Tend toaddrees of Rev. Wm. C. Filler Reynoldebure, Franklin Co.,_Ohio. Your rills work like a share —cure Headrick; almost issiackter. Truly yours, WIIL C. FILLET, Mx. BrALMNIN Not long macs I sent to vat for a box of Oe_chabe Pills for the aura of the Nervou* Headasha and MirEveca.va and received the same, and thsy krird so 'Qua units Wu Ives &ducat to road for *WE. Plums sand by return mall Direct to A. IL WEELED. PrallantL Mich. 'Vows the .73zeweiww, Mactoik, Tdl. Cephalic Pills acoompllsh the otdect for which they were made, vie.: Care of headache 1111 all Os forms. .Froos tits EZdfriiill*P, • Net/ob. P. Whey h&ve been tested in more then a theasend omen with entire snows& If you are, or have been troubled with the headache, send ihr a box, (Coatuthollia so that you may hare them in twee of an attack. !ha Cootielie Pills are said to be a remarkably efem live remedy for the headache, and one of the very cam for that very frequent complaint which has ever been From tks Waning li. R. Gaxstsip, CAlletwo, .27t. We keextill endorse XL Sealdint. end his unrivalled Oevaane Pine. /.on Mt Kasaufha Totem War, Zaaanks. Ye. We W ate Mil) that perms eniterixerwith the lutantehe who try them. will nick to them... . . . _ From the Seethes Patiti Metter. New Ortissa44.ol. Try them you that are afflicted. and weedy sure that your testimony can be added to the already numerous on that has received Mean, that no other medicine can nrodoce. • Prat^ Ms Si. Lomas Doescoret. The imperil* demand for the article (Mebane Pilla is rapidly Luonpaac*. ' Press I Gettenct, Davenport, totes. Mr. Spalding would not oonnott hie none with an at hole he did not know to pone* real merit. Awn the Advsrtissr. Pr 'oeichniies.B.f. The tisstneviv in their IsTor is strong. from the meet reneotable cartels. • , liVotrs Ms Daily News. Neeepert. A. L Mph..lio Ms are taking the place of all Out/. Pieta sha Coonessretei Soitstme. Boston• Kan t Said to be very efficeotooe for the headset*. Aran th. Cennmar 64 I, Cincinnati. Okla. liaffatina hlunaaity can new be ?obeyed. sir L binds bottle of 11:PANDINCIII riliPeltED •taIIS will wive ten times their cost annsally:1111 DISPATCH' MGP•" A EITITCH 11l Tern &acme hture.watill As sooltlents will hurt, cm well-rwrolt 6 ted, families, it is Telt desire le to have some °heap en. convenient wet for revising Furniture, Torni.Crooke ry, ite. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ECONOMY! moots ad such emergencies. end no household oan afford to do without it. It is always ready. and olt to the stiekies Pettit. "USEFUL IN EVERY, ROUSE." R. )3.—A Brush accompanies...soh bottle. rem. 15 onto. Address. HENRY O. B.PAILIDINGo NO. 48 MLR SiILEET, NEW YOBS. Aa certain unprincipled- trarisorie era &t itpt i 14) paim or On the azewipeettng public, imitations awl PREPAR3I.II_I3JNN, I groellatuitiaii all seressit te; amine before at/roaming. *dire flat. theiraisaias. rarer AI;DINEPS PEEPASED 91.14: 111111 Lt aa the Waldo imam: all Sam me Manna asusladdlla um' IMAM AL3. SANOti Ow EILEADA(JIIE I SPALDING'S HEAI)ACHE. TEAT A Mteonvuax, Conn., Feb.b...18114 ELVIRTORD, Pa., Feb. 6,1861. 137811C11 02.1112 C, HIINTINGDON 00171177. PS. January 15,1861. RZTNOLDSBIIRG, FRANKLIN CO., Ohio January 9.1861. YJMILMITI, MICE., Jim. 14,18A1. Frew* Doneerat. St, Cloud, Mins, Flviim the Adrorriiss , Providinscir, BES-LDING'S PREPARED GLIM BPAIDINtrB ZMIR'MMD GLUE SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE SAVE THE PIECED! mitrzion: 111 8 ITIK A Nen C THE BELJA.NOE !i liyili)_~Ilif:ill';:11[U Isis)'lJ.i~l~ OT PHILLDILPHIA. °Frier., No. 308 WALNUT 151111.EN7. Insarea rusninat LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRS, OR Bonsai, Moroi, Mid other Molding', limited Air nerpetual, and on Furniture. - D o cde. Warm and Me tare, in town or °Gantry. CARS CAPITAL, "111,110 00-•AB6ETI! Mad Ni Which is mlretitibl as follows, Tie In first mortgagee On City Property, worth doable the amount t.— VMS)) 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per oent first mortgage loan, at par —.— o.o[lo MI Peuraylvania Railroad 00.'11 6 per Cent, !e -nond mortgage load, (ffau,Golo— 27.640 cc Buntingdon and Broad Top Railroad and Canal co.'s mortgage loan— 4,000 00 Ground rent. first-Class ..---- - —^ 2,461 60 Collategal Inane, well secured --.— 110500 to City of rlillailelphle. 6 per oent. loan.---- moo 00 Au es hen3r . G 0 ...1 6 per cent. PA. RR. loan - R4OOO 00 Commercial Ilan stook-- —..-............ 6436 0 01 Mechanics' Bank stook... -.--- ..-.- 2,012 0 Penny Irani & Railroad Co.'e stook— .-- 4,000 00 The Reliance Mutual 'insurance Co.'e stook MAO 00 The County Fire lawmen°. Co.'s stook— 1,060 00 The Delaware M. it. Imruanoe Gee Moak" 7CO 00 Union Mutual Insurance VA:a wino-- Mill 00 Bills receivable —. MAN 74 Book accounts, wonted lnierest. ico—.—.. 7,104 65 Cash on hand— —.—..—. -... 11,544 64 --- 4317,143 06 The Mutual prinoiple, combined with the ileanrity or aPtook Capital, entitles the insured, to. participate in the preats of the Company. without liability for losses. Lome promptly adjusted and Wall. ouracrone: Clem. Tingley, Samuel Biapharn, William R Thompson, Robert &emit Predenak Drown, William Mawr, William Stevenson, Beni..W. Tingley. John R. Worrell, Marshall Hill, H. L. Cannon: .1. Johnson Brown. Robert Toland. Charles Leland. 13.1). Bosengarten, Jacob T. Bunting. Chalice a. Wood. Sarah RavetrAd James S. Woodcrerd, John Memel!,rtteburd. CliBM TINGLEY, resident. M. HINCHMAN, eleoretary. F ebruary M. 1861. MS RNILIERPRIBB INEMICANCJE COMPANif OF P.HILADELPBA, (FIRE ICE EXCLUSIVELY.) tromp A.Nr sifILAIN6. S. W. CORNEA -.TO mow AND wAzavor 'STREETS. DJAF.OTORIS: f. KA.TONYORD STARR. MoiLDICOLI L. DA.WIIIOII. WILL lAN McKzis. elm U. STrAAT, DIALER° FIIAZIND. JoilPill. BROWN. tons M. ATWOOD. B. A. Famussioai, Mau. T. Taantax, ANDRNW D. amt. HINNY WITAILTorf„ J. L. ERRIN6ER, F. RATON ORII STARR, fresdent, ONARLES W. GOAD. seeretary. ie PENN.. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY No. 921H.LUTI4UT atreet,_Fhiladelphis. UWARTER PERPETUAL. AL!. THE PROFIT/3 DIVIDED AMONG THE in . SUER. Insure Lives for abort terms or for the whole term of life grant drusuites and Endowment.; purchase Life Interests in Real Estate, and make aLI eontraotil de veleta, on the Wrltingenoies of life, whey Act as saxeoutore, -Administratom, Assignees, Tromso: 2 and Guardians. ABElnlil OF THE COMPANY, January 1.1861. inort(Kee, troolld rents, real estate— ,ent,gai or Um= elates stooks, Treasury notes, loans Of Mate of ,Pennolvania, city of Phila delphia,so6,7oBB4 Primmer notes, mem 58 Pennsylvania, North Pennsylvania Rail roads, end County six per Gent. bonds.._-. 105,802 60 Bank. insurance. railroad. canal stooks, ,to. 58.7 49 Cash on hand, agents' balances, dte., 0 14 *Lomas izt DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES. Vice President. JOHN. W. HON NOR.. Societal's'. snl2n-t1 TIELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN -4141414CE COMPANY. PRILADELEK(A. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennaglvaina,lllM. Mee O. N. garner of TOIRD and WALNI73 streets, PHILADELPHIA, MARINE INAVRANCE. r i On Veogebh - - Otago To all parts of the World. - T. i D gs Name On dkritillog by - Rive . - Ceinali . , Liaiiii, - mid Lana Oar nue v .; !Maw of ths i l a lnlons On ateroltandte generally. On Otoree. Ihrellitus Rouses, ke. AM3HTE OP THE COMPANY. November 1,1860. VOW= United States five qv cent. loan—, ipino,glo 00 111,000 United States six Ur vent. Treasury Notes, (with scorned interest)— 11(1,16'1 E 4 300,000 Pennsylvania State five Qv oen sogrow 11,000 do. do. six do. do. KAN 00 IPhiladelphia City if , :f l ' cont. Loan. 125,203 37 95,000 411 Tennessee State five cent. loan.. 24,101 00 10,000 Pennsvania Rally 9d mortgage six V cent. bonds 45,000 00 18,000 300 shares, eOOl4 Germantown Gas Gom o ony interest and criminal guaranteid by the City of ael pten — 15,300 00 6,0(10 100 alarm a Penasylvam Railroad Company_ 540:1 00 5400 100 shares North Pennsylvania Rail road Golnyanr— WI 00 1,100 EV shares Pailseelphis Ice Boat one Steam Tu g Compeer t 1,20000 MO shares Philadelphia and Havre de- Grace Steam Towboat Comormy. 500 00 - 800 2 shares Philadelphia Exchange 116,00 1" 2 shares Continental Co. 500, 00 .560,100 par. Cost 005t7.325.041- Market •el. 1E10E471 Bills' receivable, for insurances made— 171,50 43 Bonds and mortgages.— 34,500 00 Real estate —..— 51.360 U SO4/0017 dap at ,Agermiee—Premilitru o n kb, rine Policies. interest. and other debts due peer 11.156 the Com Ol Sorip end 404 of sundry Insurance and other Companies - 1.68160 Oak en hand—in .193,81316 - in drawer—. doe re ------ 20, 106 51 . • DIXECTORB. and A. elder, t /Samuel E. Stokes. J. F. Peniston, caritas Paulding, Henry Silaz e . . tv r.", Edw..' srllngton, H. Jones mokai. 11111-1714116ib , tlenner MoDem% illinm Erre, Jr., 'Thomas C. Bust, amen C. Hand, i Robert Buxton, ilhain C. Ludwig. Isoob P.7onea, qph K. Beal, James B. M'Pariend. Jr. ff.. M. Huston, l . Joshua F. Eyre George C. helper, Jaen H: Semple, Pittstr's ungh Craig,. D. 7. Morgan, " gitarDmi Kelly, A. B. Berger. .. WILLIAM. MARTIN, President. ?ROB. C. HAND. Viee President. ABNIY I. I iILBURN. Rearetarr. nol7-tt inE INSURANCE EXCLUSiv.SLY.- 'HE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE ClOtlPANY—lnoomorated 1826—CHARTER PERPh- TII&L—Not 5.1.0 WALNUT Street, opposite Independ enosEquare. - This COMPMIY, favorably known to the community for Mirty-si.s years. continues to insure osmium loss or Menage by Fire, on public or enema Buntlines. either permanently or for a limited time. Also. on Furniture, 'toile. of Goods or Merchandise generally. on liberal Mir Capital. together with a large Burping Fund, is inverted in the molt careful manner , which enables them to Cent the insured an undoubted usattriti is the case of lnes. . . . . DIARCTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Immo liailetairst, Quintin Campbell. Thomas Bobinx, Alexander Benson, Daniel Bmith, Jr., William Allontelinx, - John Bovereux, Thomas Iimit.h JONATHANPAI'ISOrt, President. Bra:roar Smug, Seoretary. ap4-ly bURANOE COMPANY OF TIM - 0 - OTATWNNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RLS hit AND 5 ETCHANTII Chartered SEGX. I --Feb. 7, WIN soak vale er..M,701 77. Au I nven t e d in amind_ "ma available seaurittes--son _ to and Cargoes. &adios!". sue -dmemedi&42,. on liberal taram DIXIGCCORS. piffi.D. norm& fearer. itilitiait abnalmi 7oby, Damned Grant. Jr% ler maosiertar, Tobias Wavier.. s.smith, Therms' D. WartsoL .11: _Wm a. Ch arle sG. Fromm William 8.. Wins.. lLL:via. George 0. Canon. - HENRY D. RE if END, Prawitienli MUMS HARPER. Elearetarr. . Jef-sr re. INERJRAIIO.II. ME(IHANICIS' 3IIReNCIII COMPANY 'of Philadelphia. No. 136 Borth LXT/4 street, tclow Race. insure Binh:l -mo, Gooditand erohandise Pellerall7 front lon or damn* our ire , lt4 company guarantee to Knot all Won prosnotty. and thereby hope to merit the pptrep. alie of the paha,. .' - , - DIRICTORP. . . William Marian. Robert. Flit:Wren, Irranem. Cooper. Monet Meanly, *gorge .1; Dougherty. Edward Weever% Sawn alartin,.- Thomas id. MoCorsniek, Junes .ouroari, . John Bromley. Idattherw McAleer, Frannie Feld, Bernard Rafferty. _. John Ceesady • Thomas J „Hemphill, • Bernard R. ffialminian. Whomne er, Charles Clare,_ • : Fallow Milani k . ..! Michael Orgill 1 •• • F.KarCIS COOPER, ?resident. lIISANA.RD .4FFERTY. georetarr. ..- - oell-1, A BBONDAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., i Ini vi f to :, CWORATED IMO CRARIE.II..: Pg.'', . . - I M e . . L.Nl*gttneit“tboye Third, FtibiodohAllo. Ha & a.• 0 paid-up . Capital Aux* tuid -ISuipluo. Jimmied in d and availab le Beenniaes,_oontarmes to imam or. abuts, Atoms. FlllllittUtee Plerobandise. Vous% IA ..1(o. rt sad Moir °moor, lad other irroperti• au Wale liberally, and promptly adjusted. • i . Dinzeterce. • • Thos. R. Ilcia. John T. Lewis, ' Jolla Wel • . lamer-R. Comot.:011. lemliet C. rton. ~ • Edmond 0. Dutch, ' P etire* Br44Y. ' t do hits. W. Middle', , - Lomarris. ._ THOMAS R. MARDI, Fro/Mort. ALBERT O. R. CRAWFORD. 'Moreton. fort-tf Axtillti(jlTE numitemoß OOMPA WG.forized 'crew 14.110,011.1111 Ww .4.1.mr4 'threat, betiiiiin liktid inil F Filiadelphia. • . Arta ;1 46 ;14 11 Zrtrk746.= 111816. ' LINIIIMI . Oil •nTem& Nrippil Z r In Friasktfi s irggio_ali parta i m ir , u•Vamp& er, ma ER rana EUß.3 _ Jasoto it7 Joseph mamas% fta nam..., I:hr h wa..„.„ 6 „. i v Wm.LlZ at h Ag a r l ' ' Ill'l'ak r.. " 1 "' * _AJ cop ErilE2,_ ' . ' IIIA• F DEAN Viso gat w. )l. siirnr.simmitary." ' avilal-ah IfiI2EOI3OGE LNSURANOE COMPANY JIL:A -:- No. LOU WALNUT Street. 11 PIRDI WitANOB on Rotuma and Merchandise general y. favorable terms. either limited or per riettiaL DIRECTORS : Jeremiah man. Thomas Marsh. Rim Q . 0 - odo. Charles Thompson • ti taw* James T. Dale. Sam * si m e d i :1 . media. - Joshua T. Owen. Reuben . all, John J. Griffiths. INIIRMIAR BONSALL.President. Sit. JO Seorma r HN Q. GINNODO. Vice President. 'y. Jai iltatikiD LEGAL. VSTAT OF JOSEPH HONIGMAOHER, i .m_A late of phrata township, Lancaster County. de ceased. Let rs testamentary on the estate of said de ceased ha bean granted to the undersigned Emma tors of them' of said deceased, they hereby stye notme to all verso having slakes or demands trend the estate of irsi tweezed, to 'present them to eitner of the undereigned - zeoutorg,, deli authenticated. , and all Femme Imo tig themselves indebted to mad estate are requested to • payment settbent delay. 1 ADAM KOPIIGMACILER, Residing , Residing'' twp.. I an. oo_,. liphrata P. 0. W. OARRICATRIL, ap2S-th S l Residing in the otty of Lancaster. N °7l° N: M FLADDLPRIA, May 7,1861. Taktri jos, that we bank applied irr Petition to the Court f moon Pleas or the oily and county of Phitadeiph . r the benefit of tne several:lnsolvent laws of Penewlvania. and they have appointed BA- T URDAY,t heMth d Illy of May. A. D. 1101. at 10 delook A. M.. at teelyConrt mow, in said city. to hear us and our °red' a, then and where said 'creditors. may at tend, it th think proper. I 1 DANIEL MURPHY " LPXAN m SMITH. 2 . A . DER M. Lote nt as MURPHY iv. 13M17.'ff. Wooers, at N. W. aerate .• ad and Coates streets-and' N 0.6511 North Second t. rnYd40.11,14.M,18,11,23.1,* I , NOTIO - " SERESir GIVICIU TRIM J- N the en iher hes loet . CertilSoate No. eaf of the: . West. Chen aid Philadelphia Itantoed Coniewiy; en- • titling huh tallteen shares of Ha oipitak Mk*, and that he Will on, TO the said company to lonia e arr. osrtitlonte. ; L Shiplit-tna En* , THOMAS il: BELL. . . CIOTTO : AIL . DUCK . and - CANVAS, `L-f it .5. 4 .17 ) ..: ni 11 . 141.br on it Of orilitiou, for Teem Arne . make. entitig • _ i p Also, Pape ~ nufsoturers Drier etti, Tom Ito 8 feet aide. Teitisulijs k riip . e ir agereeett xx. 03,44 103 w asa alien MIPARIES SUMMER ARRANGE 611111istENT. Plll_L DFLPHIA, owl vami TOWN, AND NORRISTOWN RAIL.ROAD. On and after Monday, MAY 13,1861. FOR GIZRMAPI TOWN. Leave Philacielphis, 6,7, 8, 9,10,11,11 A. M., 1, LB. 3.36.4, 5,6, 6%, 1, 8, 9,10#. and 11% P. M. Leave Germantown, 6 'l', 7%. 8, 8 10,9, 10, 11, 11 A. 1, 2,5, 4. 6,6,6 x, 7)6, 8. 9.1026 P. M. The 8.20 A. M. and 3.36 P. M. Trains stop at German town only. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.00 A. M. 9261,3%, 5, 761, and 10% I'. M. Leave Germantown 0.10 A 74.,1 4, 634. and 934 I'. M. CIitSTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6,8, 10, 12 A. M.. 2. ism. cc 8,9, and 103( P.M. Leave Cheatant Hill,, 9 . 40,11 . 40 A. 610.40 , 336, 6.40. 7.10, 8.40. and 30.10 P. NI. The BA. NI and 3.86 P. M. will make no 'tops on the Germantown road. ON 11UNDP.A S. Leave Philadelphia 9.06 A. M.. 93n, 0, and 7% P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.54 A. M., 12113, 6.10, and 9.10 P, FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia. 5.50 31i, 9.00. 31.00 A. Ila n 1.03, 435,0%. 8. end um r. Leave foITIMLOWII, 0,7, 9.0, 9,11 A. M., 3U. •13{, and 934 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 9 A. M.. 3 and 5 P. M. Leave Nomedown, 7 ,'_" A. M.,1 and 6 P. M• FOR MAPIA WM. Leave Philadelphia. 5.58, 7%. 905, 11.05 A. M„ 1.05, 2.05,3.03,4%, 611.8. and 11% P. M. Leare Manakunk, 6%, 7 ~3 36, 934,11% A. M., 2,3%, 5,7, and 10 P. . _ _ ON SUNDAYS. Leave 'Philadelphia. 9A. 1 11..3. 5, and 7X P. M. Limo riac o W_ u .SM TX TH. M e . ne N al Su a e w nte P d M nt , m7ll-tf Depot, NINTH end GREEN Street.. PUINBILVANIe Un;NTKeL RAILROAD, 800 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. ISI. lalanlME 1 -8 6 - 1 • THE CAPACITY OF TILOS ROAD IS ROW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH FAllSEiserat TRAINS BETVVNATI PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG. Gounectircs Mrs., st Philadelphia with Throush Trains from Boston. New York. and all pmate Ent. and in the Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains to and from all points in the West, Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of passengers unsurpateed for speed and comfort b 7 any other route. Bnpreire end Feet Linea run through to Pittsburg, without change of Corp or Conduotore. All _Through Passenger T ram. provided with Loughridge's Patent Brake—speed under perfect control of the exorciser, ERN adding much to the safety oftravellere. tireOldeg Can ere attached to dealt. Train : Weed. ruff's Steeping Cars to Fxpremi and Fast Trains. The EXPRESS RUBS DAILY : Mail and Fast Lines, Sun days exceted. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7. 66 A. M. Feat Line " Me A. M. P=ine's Train levee " 10,10 P. M. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE es FOLLOWs:. Harrisburg Accommodation. via Columbia. 210 P. M. Columbia " ' 1.00 P. M. Parkeeburg " at 6.40 P. M. West Chester ° No. I. at 1116 A. M. " • " No. 3. at 12 SO F. M. West Chester Passengers will take the West Chester Noe.l and 3 and Columbia Trains. Passengers for Sunbury' Williarnsoort, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Palle, and intermediate volute, leaving Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M. and 2.36 P. M., go direoUl through. Tickets Westward may . be obtained at the offices of the cOMPIMIY in Philadelphia, Now York. Boston, or Baltimore • and Tickets boatward at any of the impor tant Railroad Offices in the West; also on board alit of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio rivrs. IP Fare always as low, and time as quick, m by any ether Rents. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, make this the DIRECT LINE BET W FEN THE EART AND THE GREAT WEST. The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the Baying of time. are advantages readi ly appreciated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travel ling Public. MerchauM arid Shippers entrusting the transporta tion of their Freight to this CompanY, can rely with confidence on ite sigiedy transit. _ THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all times as _favorable as ass teamed by men Raiirsod V a llorpertioular to mark packages "via l'enneyi vows Raltroad.. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following Manta of the Company .t D. A, Stewart, Pittaburg H. S. Pierce & Co., Zanesville. O. J. J.lnhuman, Rip ley, 0.: R. MoNeely, Maysvi ll e, Ky.: many & Cron per, Portsmouth O. • Paddock it co.. Jeffersonville. Indiana ;H. W. bro w n & Co. Cincinnati. 0. • ,_ Athena & Hibbert, Cincinnati, 0.; R. C. Meldrum, MedltOes Ind.. Jos. E. Moore, Louterville, R'y. ; P. O. (Miley & Co., Evansville. Ind. ; N. W. Graham & Co., Cairo. ill.' F. Bess , Staler Glass Bt. Louis. Mo, • John. H. MOM, flaslMllo, Tenn.; Slams eg Hunt, 'Mem phis, 'Senn. • Clarke -& Co., Chicago, 111. ; H. R. Koonts. Alton, 111.1 or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the West. S. B. inn oitTON, Jr., Philadelphia. MAORAW Jt. KOONS, 80 North street_ t _Baltimore. lABECIL Co..lAator Rouse or IS. Witham et.. N. Y LEECH R. CO- No 77 State House, Boston. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen'l Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. HOUPT, Gael Ticket Agent, Phila. E. LEWIS. Gen'l Stun Altoona:Po. jaelyy. 1861. i 186] • SPRING ARRANGNKEITT.-1 4 -Ew YORE LINES THE CAMDEN AN4._MBOY AND PELLA DELPNIA ADM :WMON RAILROAD 00 .11 1111NDS FROMNRADELPNIA WO NE* YOWL WAY PLACYJI. PUN WALNUT-IT. WHARF FOL L OWS,OIOII Moir WILL LiiAVE AN VIZ : At 5 A. M.. via Camden and Amber. C. and A. AG oomorodation - _ .1112 23 At 6A. 1.1. , Via Camden aid Jersey City, di."l,) Aogommodation a at At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Atoning Mail— _ - g At IIM A. M„ via City. Western Express. - tai At UM Ft #l,, Tlit Golden 4,74 AmboT.l.Caoniiinic . *I At IP. M., via Camden and Am b o y , C. midi. Ex press. ..300 At gig P. M., via rienangionand Jersey City, Lye- Inns EX2so33. 3 MI At 5% P_,sl, via Kensington and Jersey City, 2d Clear At 66 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening ail— . -.300 At 11. M., via Camden and Amoy City, South ern Mail , 2 35 At 5 P. M., !la Camden andAmboy, Acoornmoda tou,(Fretext and Pannell:46o-Ist Claes Ticket- 116 Vet do. 2d Clams Ticket- 1 50 Hue aPM 81 nil Lism rani daily. The 2130 M fB33.th ern Mail, Batardaya excepted. For Belvidere Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, Eta" at 7.10 A.M. flout Kensington, and Hi P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. For Water grap.„Btroudebure, Swanton, Wincesbans. MOntroae, One Bend, dun, 7.10 A./ECM Kensington, ti b Delawaro,aoluswanna and W For Mauch chunk. Allentown, and thlehem at 7.10 A. M. from Kensington Depot, and 234 P. M. from Wal nut-street wharf ; (the 710 A. M, hue connects with train leaving Easton at 3.35 P. M.) Kirin Mount Holly, at 6 and 8 A. M., 2 and ei P. M. For Freehold, atAL, and AY LINES. Per Briatol,Trenton, go.. at 7.10 A. M., 434 snd 8% P. M. from Kensington, and 731 P. M. from Ngablut street wharf. For Palmyra. rerton, D0F311.30. Beverly. Blirling ton Florence, Bordentown, Ike., at 1231, 1. eg and g P. it Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate pleasat 236 P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. Ilfir For flew York, and Way Lines leave Ken si ngton Depot, take the care on Ptah street, above walnut , hailer). hour before departure. The ears run into the depot, and on arrival orearth train, run from the depot. Pounds of Harem, only, allowed mob Pennew. ger. xruntengera are gromblted uom taking anytime an baggage bat their wearing ampere. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their iseponsibility for baggage to One Dollarper amnia, and will not be liable for any amount beyond Wm ex cept by spoofs,' sentraot. re= , WM. I. OATEMEL Agent.' ITAMMIPIit ? irA R T .PENNsm. FOR BETHLEREfd_, DOVINAPJWIL. R MAJICH CHUNK, HAZLETON. EASTON, ECRLEY, WILKESBARRE, +to. TIMER THROUOR %%WM On and after MONDAY, MAY 13180 a, Paersonger Trainswillleave FRONT and WILLOW Otreebr, dolphin, daily, {Sundays excepted), as follow At 6.49 A. M.,(Bxerem),__for Bethlehem Allentown, Manch Chunk, Hazleton. Wilkesbarre, At 7.45 F. Expren 1, for Bethlehem. Barton, As. This train reaches Eaton at 6 P.M., and makes olose **harshen with New Jersey Central far New York. Al 1.14 P. m., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch !Munk. rte AI 9A. m. and 4 P. M. for Doylestown. At MAO A. M. and 1.40 P. M., for Fort Washington. The 6.49 A. AL AC:press tram makes cams ommeggion with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at. Bethlehem, being DM . ..hurter. and mos. &rumble route to wilkrabittre, and to all koints in the Lehigh coal_region, _ • TA.80115 .FOR PRILADISL eRLA. Leave Bethiehem at 5.20 A. M., 11.18 M., Mid 553 P Leave Doylestown at 1.24 A. M. and 415 P. M. Leave Fort Washington at CM A. M. and 230 P. M. ON ISHNHAYS.—Fhi elphia for Bethlehem at 8 At foo kfi v i tt l i s f l o o t:P D hwrrat ree,_TO Bethlehem for rhiledelsees at I r pare to hettershem-.411 go Fare to Mooch Chnek.SS es Fere to Beaton I 110 Fare to Wilkesbarre_ 460 Through Tialrote joust be procured at the Ticket Moro, at WILLOW Btreet,pr BEAU !greet, in order to secure the above rates on rare. All Passeager Train' foLtrieriot Sunday . Trainor) connect at Berke Street with Fifth and amth-streets, and Second and Third-Wears Faeroese, Railroad,. twenty minute* after - leavnig Willow Street: .•• Or 67,1/ , - ELLIS CLARK. Agent. SPRING ARRAM MENT.-MILADEIREIA, NVIASTE - lAft BALTIMORE RAILROAD. Oa mid after MONDAIfAPRIL 15, net. PABSE_IIGNR. TRAINS LEAVE PHIL AD BLPRIA For Baltimore at 8.111 A. M., 11.811 A. M., (Rtereee), and MAO P.M. For Chester at 5.15 A. M., BAP A. M., 4.15 and 10.50 P. M. For Wilmington at 11.15 A. M., 1186 A. M.. 4.15 and • M illi/4W Coale at Ili A. M. and 41.15 P. M. For Bavaria LIS A. M and 1.15 P. M. For Milford at 8.15 A. M. For Salisbury Rib A. M. * ENS FOR PRILADBIRMA Amami Baltimore at &PS A. M. (Express), 9.4$ A. M., and 4.45 P. M. Lome Wiliniriston at 6.50 and 9.10 A. M.. 1.50 sad 8 P.M. Leave Spjlphurg at IAO P. M. Leave mutord at 4 P. M. Leave Dover at 6.66 A. M. and 5.20 P. M. Leave Nair 'aside at &X A. M., 7.30 P. M. roel4o A. 1 , 4.4 940, mid 8,40 P.M. Use* Dartm tor eaMmary and Delaware Rail road at 15.11A,ra. :MAIM FOR BALTIMORE Leave Cheater at &A A.M.,12.01and11.79 P.M. Leave Wilmington at IA A. IL, 11.115 P. M.. and te A. M. Rizittin TRAM, with Passenger Oar attistbed. will nut as follows : Leave Philadelphia for Penyville and intermediate Dime at Ale P.M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and mtennednits places at 7.16 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and interme diateplaoesat6Y.M. Ave. Havre-de-Grace for Baltimore and intermedi ate stations at 6 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Marre-de-Graoe and intermedi ate Natio= at 5 P. DI. 811 - 11DAY8 Only it from i ecelphia to Baltitssre. Only at Prop ore to Philadelphia. s ag ITO WO 1- 8. . FELTOIY. President. g PHILADICLPHIA AND REA D I N RAIL : and TRAING for POITGVILLE, INAIONG, RIBMING, on and atter May 13, MD. MORNINO LINES, DAILY, (Aandatt eteeptedl) _Leave New Deyet. corner or BROAD and CA L L w - RILL Streets, PH I LABEL E stPHIA assc i l er antrum on Thirteenth and an Callowhill raw at BA. M.. sonnsating at Raffishly' with the YEN SYLVANIA RAILRLAD. 1 P. M. train rosninsio Pittsbars ; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.08 P.M. train Chambandsui, Carlisle, &t.l and the NO r rAlitti CENTRAL R A ILROAD I P. Itt. train. running to Sun bury, aus. AFTERNOON LINES. • Leave New DeiroL **mar of BROAD and CALLOW RILL Streets, PRILADBLPHIA,(Passen er entremai i 'l'll. I . 11 S r . a%lr tt 2 .YIR I I ItiNta i LISP re / Jr* fL Y, fo READING only, at 8 F. At.. DAILY. Mandato eh sep_ted.) Pia-WE:SEE VIA PlartILLA. AND RZAPINO VAN' Piton FAILADALPIDA. RLtDia, 1 1143 hCelf‹---. --- IS Ir— ill Phittddeiphia ant ItiMing kui—. -. al and Lebanon Valley LE. --US 11e..........- tmit_-....,-...11E Eajr , Mon!Jueation-UE --an, TiVericainTeria a d .—1 rars. ........ ton -- li atiAlr —'--DIS Walter. —,-8111. uaren ......- ...-atii n0......1.+.4 r-.....• 1 -...--- - MI Wilsionevort and Sandra . -AST irsurosd. las 8 A. M., and - 8 10.1". NIL train corset daill. at Fort Clinton, (Sunda. usnnoted.% in itia ,..A .4 _ WISBA, wiLLlA.m:Vol2. 7 .and ham - ico. =tint Amy oommotiont 'with Be to tutus Fiffsi C VlUXlari ll ign: C o rner of ROAD . _.• 1 / 1 1 10,- w . - "." - .. - -:.....;Cit. l tte - IIiERNNEY. thiorstart' c llA4ii 12.11661 W *wog :111rint offir OLK AND 0 meld to the prom tv;4.lCities sad Towne us. Seph„ 11 s 1 „,d 8 0„ „t 1 :72 s sent to the Depot, eottert a n d ANALLNOTON Avenue, wet he °Mud • 'at se low rates SS by say other verrul 11(1111 Of 111 4 M Once. CHICO= GREEN—Manufactured and far Yus gale bY 47.12110110 RM. FURNESS ; BRINLrf, S E A T., No. 429 MA MEET /Wanton 21110 for cosh of a LARGE lavoCK of FANCY GOODS, store formerly ooeusied by MEBEiRs. SCHAFFER & ROBERTS, NO. 419 MARKET STREET, On Tuesday and Wednesday Mornings. May 21 and 23, commencing at 10 o'clock each day, conmatinil Of Wool shirta and drawer., cotton and 'wool harierp gloves, gauntleta, patent thread, spool cotton. stay bind ings,sdk handkerchiefs, saapenders, steel-spnng hoop. skirs, merino wool coats, gold jewelry, r back and leather parses, portinonumeepocket book!. pcpoe„ envelopes, button&gaiters, fang, Dian, pine Mama. aorda. pint, hooks and eyes, patois, paramecia cape, baskets. soap, Cologne water, perfumery, and a groat variety of fancyoo ds ' Also, large size Jewelry thief-proof safe. 4 large size show oases. g largos/Es German silvar-monnted show . N. 11,—Etoods will be open for examination on Mon day morning. Mayo, with catalogues. CJ WOLBERT & e 519 ARCH STREET, DRY 600D5 AND C ASH. ITY.IdADN UlAickurio. C On Friday Morning, lath inst.. at 10 o'clock, at 519 Aroh street, for each—'l A general foosortnient of sprint and eeinmeridapie and (puff dry goods, in lots, adapted to retail sales. After which. 210 lota vita-inada clothing, all made within three weeks. Rises marked on amok, and will be sold in single garments. Now open for examination. N F. PANCOAST. AUCTIONEER, Buo- L II • censor to IL ileott. Jr.. +l3l OREETNUT Btl 200 CABBB lITRAW GOODE. On Friday Morning. ed ay ff. by- oatalorne. at 20 o'clock, 200 easels straw goods, consisting. in part, or medium to very fine ilea lity sold straw. Florence, braid, Vatturge, colored and fanny !UAW b(11111,0US, dr,O. Also, lames etyma; mine.. fancy Boulevards, fancy hats and cans, palm and wirour white and colored Eihrhers. &0.. bein o ffe r e dnest and most ohoieensmortment of straw goods this sea son. MEN'S HATE. eases men and bore' palm, menet. Canton, and Leguorn hats. FARIS FLOWERS. A line of choice styles Paris artificial flowers, buds, daisies, &o. BRANDY. IN BOND. - On Friday Morning. Mar 17. at 10 o'olook, nine eignth-plpeo Dabroou cognac, in bond. Simplon now in more. LARGE BALE OF RIMILY-FRAMbi) OIL PAINT INGo, FRI,NOII-PLATE MIRROR& An. nn Toeinisy Morning, Ma. 21, o'" mewing .tin o'olook. pump irwW & AUOTIONEERS, •••• kith 68-0 MARKET Street and 121 MINOR. ISt. POSITIVE SALE UN 1.9ut0 uckitES SOOTS, SHOES, BROGLNO. • This Morning. May 16. at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold, by cata logue— /0V Oagell men'i, bele' and Tenths' calf. kip, and grain toots, calf, bap, end ratan brogaatut, Cougrepat gidteti, calf and gat Lea Oxford ties, walking shoes. Ito.; wo• men's, misses' and children's calf lop, goat, morocco and kid heele d and shook. gaiters. slippers, bus ting, ha.; ales. a large and desirable aassortment nf find-atoms city-made goods. Sir Goods mien for eismimitgoni wi th oiltillOggell early on the morning of obi. AT COMMRNOEMSNT OF SALE, This Morning. May 16, wilt be sold 1601ots 01 men's and boys' ready moo clothing, Elated jewelry, watehes, ho ,by order of the executor of en estutet. jFITZPATRICK & BROS., AUt•• • TIONEEYIS, 604 -OREFENNI rsrnt. &MN, esA.L'int XVEIt V EVENING, At T s'atook, of Books, etationcry and fang' goIGUI, watches, Jewelry, °loots, 'liver plated were, Glittery, instrnements, O. Al o. gosigists. dry goods. boots and slums, and met shandise of every assorition. • DAY DARER every Monday. Wednentlay, altd 111- 1111 at 19 o'olook A. M. BALES. Atprivate age several large oonsignmen is of watekes, jewelry, books, stgionery, silver-plated ware, entieri Wm l , goons, tso. wheoh sotioited the attention el city and country marcheaste and others. Cossignments soltotted of ell kinds of inershandise for either public or titivate ss.we. sir Liberal oash advances made on oanalinnonts, Out-door *ales promptly attended to. WEEKLY COMBOICIOATION BV STEAM BETW EEN NEW YORK AN LIVERPOOL, calling at rEENSTOWN (Ire lanil.) to land and embark pan g_sis and despatches. The_ Liverpool, New Y ork, an ranadelphia Steam ship Company's splendid Clyde-built iron screw steam ships,s are intended to sail ollows i FROM NEW YORKes f FOR LIVERPOOL,. CITY OF BALTIMORE, Saturday. May le KANOARM Saturday. May 36 ETN a. Saturday. lone 1 And every &shirtier throughont the rear, from P. ER N 0.44 DT. I. RATES OF FAIDlip THROUGH FROM NHL ELPHUL Cabin, to queenstown, or Liverpoo .-- ---. 711 110. to London, via Liverpool ...... ....».. ~tram v.& MI Mire 60 14.11COAKORA, or Liverpool ....-- so I 0. to London. ... ~.. - .... 33 o. Return tickets, available for six months. from Liverpool.. - „ .. SE Passengers forwarded to Havre, Pans, Hamburg, Bremen. end tintWorPl at through rates, I 14 tilt' rates o rases() issue ota Laverpoo to iir o Certificates of passage issued from Queenstown Co New York-..-....:.... 510 These steamers have superior accommodat ions for passengers, are constructed with watertight compart mental, and carry experienced 13nraeone. For freight, or passagely at the oleos of the Com pany. JO rt 0. DALE, Agent, 111 W nut street, Philadelphia. In Liverpool, to WS. INMAN, Tower Buildings. I . In Glasgow. to WM. INMAN; 1 saki-Dixon street. , 44 11111 E. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STF:AM- Erkar TROY lIRW TORE TO grrsarool.. Chief cabin Passase---.—.--. 451.11 Second Cabin Passage— . - 75 FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Pa55age.........__....._. am ftoond Cabin Fuses.-- -,... . RI The ships from New York oall at Cork Harbor. The ships from Boston cell et Bahfaz end Cork liar bor. PBRAIA, Capt. Judidrui. AFRICA, Cant. Shannon. ARABIA, Cant. I. Stone. CANADA,, apt. MoAnter Cat.sit. Anderson. I A, Capt. 0. Lott. AMERICA V E ISTRALASIAN, NIAGARA, apt. Moodie. Capt. B. M. Rockier. EUROPA, Capt. J. Cook. BCOTIA, (now building.) These vessels carry a olear white liht at mast-head green on starboard bow ; red on port bow. NIAGARA. Moodie, leaves Boston, Wednesday, May 1 ASIA,_ Lott, • N. York. Wednesday. May 8. ARABIA, Stone. " Boston. lAredneadar , MaY li4 A FRIQA, Shannon, " N. York, *edneaday. Mar M. KIJI t rA. Anderson, " Bogton, Wedgesdey, May SP, F.E IA Juditnie, " Pi Y. ork, Wednesday, June 6. AMERIdA, Moodie, " Boston, Wedneedard'uno 12. ASIA, Lott, " N.York,Wednesday, June 19. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these aides will not be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precione Stones or Metals. unless bills of lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein exprese or freight or % Li lt e d apPly to B. CUNARD. 4 Bowling Green, New York. PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BAL. TlMOlTPME—Pau , knki.paik , May 4,1861. TRAINS FOR WA S HINGT ON. On and after Monday, Ma; 6, Mtn, Traine for WWI , ington, via au ~will leave Philadelphia at 11.36 A. M. and 10.80 P. Id R ETURNING Will arrive at Philadelphia Irom Washington at 10.18 A. M., and also at 9.31 P. M. Tbrotagb ttokets sold at the depot, corner of Broad and Prime Army, rdiladelybia. mO6 M. FELTON. PHILADELPHIA AND INITIIN READING RAILROAD 00., !Office 227 South math street.) PHILADILFIIIA, April 27, 18tll. SEASON TICKETS. On and after May r. raeLseason Motets gill be burned by this company for the penode of three, ma, nine, and twelve months. not transferable. Beason sohool-tiokets may also be had at 33 per cent. diecoant. Theee tickets will be sold by the Treesarey at No. 227 Routh FOURTH Wet% where anxiertheitiorrohlon can be obtained . a. r On.u, anfriPti reasnrer. WEST OHESTER TRAINS via PENNRYLVa- NIA. tel It is leave depot, corner ELEVENTH and MA RREP, at 8 it Nl_ 12 30 P. K. and 4 Y. 111. On Sunday, leave Philadelphia at 7.90 A. M., end West Cheater- itt4 r. !ET •• : A ROUTE.— AA PAILADELPNIA AND El.- It t L d OWS 0 'II; to itomogno coto T tooo, Is tert:lkosbarro, Seraatoia la Danvilt, Miltonei. r= rt,_ Troy, Ralston, nton, biota, ale, ILookestor, C eveland,,Detroit,. ()lade, Ohmage, Et. LOMA, Sithrautee. and all mitts Aorta aad Walt Pawner trains will leave the new Minot of the Da- Irdelptue,ena Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and CIALLOWRILL Streets, Craesenger entrant'', on Gal lowluil 'treat,/ daily (Sungari excepted/. ter above Mats, asjollo t DA Y ws PARSEE.-- A. M. NIGH 7 3.18 P. M. The 11.00 A. M. train eoemeola afltu - pers a for Waked 481Agla A e fflrbl i tOtrhi h aß i b tta RAIL ,I A°. The above tot/ js mete d i t r tor a c:jitr i tioe, at 71mIrs s w at i N t l i :ganiVallo th .stYL w rffsl " , New yort'snd Erbt, l iffa NN Yor/A Ventral Re i i ii iroads, ° from all points North and iMiUeet e reke..l to Elmlnt. fhtffale. and Sewerage' HANN and all I,termediats painta ihned elDh~s and El mivriiitegli= gra__ re Ae l i t x, northwest corner of SIXTH and CH L./111 littebtil,'lllst the Felesonger Depot corner co I'HIRM I NTII an GALLO *IIRODS FREI HT TRAIN ,ve FOG thWa and Reading Depot, Drolid awl dallowhill sire sdal (6nalay, ezeented). for ill potato Wert a North ate P. Freigate me_ be delivered before IF. M. to MAMA (IV" tEla , lune day. F or or information anlir Freltkt Depst, TI I TH and CALLOW HILL. or to G. T. LEONARD, Asset illeraspwr; wiper SIRIUS and tOMEdrItOI WS Stowe', seU-or et.; is.l.l,,sts J~iiipme WEST CHESTER CD, AND PHILADELPHIA VIA MEDIA. SPRING ARILA.NOWAEIn, On and after Monday. march IL IMO, the trains will leave Philadelehta, from the Depot, northeast corner ofitighteenth ft Market streets, at 8.00 A. M., and apt IMO P. he trreight rain, with pzussenger oar attached, will leave WPIt rhil4delphia at d A. M., running as far as the Salitimnrs Centril Jaw:amt. On Sundays, Dave rhiladelphia at 8 A,M, and 2 P. m. ; leave West Chester at TM A. M. and 4.10 M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 4 P.M. amulet Pennelton with traitor on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad. for Kennett =ord. nra i n, I.K.lditY WOOD. General Einvenntendent. NOTICIE.--01118TIER VALLEY RAILROAD— II a R TRAINS FOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN- T !MEDIATE BTATIOrtB.—On and after 'Nov. 6th. MD, the Powenser Trains for DO WNINGTOWN will &Hi from the new Passenger Depot of the Philo detiiis and Rotsding_ltaiirood Company, corner of BROAD and CALLOWHILL , Street+, (passenger en trance on Callowhiil.) A. II A VILNII4O TRATII for Downingtown leave. at 8.00 ,_ • TlfillifOON TRAM for Downingtown leaves at 4.30 r,_ M. DAILY (Sandal/ OZOOpte(D. By order of the Board of Mangan of the Philadel phia and Reading Railroad Comjiy._ mug W. H. hfcligßENNY.Seerstars. groomTILE •it.D.OLIIIS =MEM Ca. Moo 390 0.112 , 7N91 Street. re rwris.Psisolat Packages, Morahan Beudc Notes. and pope, either by its own Lines or. , founeedes wiia mow Bzprowe C032.1“14i0e, SO 1111 Cie nrinstsw WIMP &Mild:nal or no Vann ftifillo iiambrovo, +lll..vers, Ownharnidell *IL 114ri k•n read.t Untilld; Un IVIAOHEREG, HERRING, SHAD, SAL 'La:moo, &e.-8,000 bbla. MeasPlee. 1, 1. end $ Mack erel, large. medium. and stall, an assorted peakages of &nice late.eaniht fat ibl . lIANI bilis. Haw Halifax. Eastport, and tabrailer Ker• rum, ef choice enelitiee. • 'Me boxes extra new waled Owings LNG boxes extra new Nod;Remus. BOX boxes bialgOrne gemnda , MP bbla. neirWleu Fob, I nseam OR Mai nOir 0 M0IN• Si umi r IS bbli. new 1,1010 Quintals rend 1100 boxes Herkuner-ocountY 1:11W. la Were and landing. far wle v bi ary .... We. 1141 N &WigIIACW3IIILIVEII MlABari 03111 Yailo R.lll. JUST RWIEMCD, per " Annie Kimball,P 7 nem trverpool, Meader, Wearer, & Meade Pe peparations: • L.., . ........ ..,,..119,494 ILI li z atrag rzeml,:t n i i l b j j am, Me Wm ..e:x9eetr- .i, 111 tio Pay it i alfra l riP 1 1 141 ' . : SOO ibis Nos u el, m bialeterr''' — ' - "' ''''''' i ri MO IM mds . l4lWl l ad , mama. set 9 PIHIPPINB. RAILROAD LINES. ,114XP,,IkESS COMPANIES.. NATutuWets it. WM/i v • roo.. 139 and 141 lout. , ir.3.31a t... (Formerly lima. V eml. ES? ITUCJIIS AND REAL EVTATY.. iSAbI,III. Al THE EXISHA , •GE lc V ERY " ) hp,, _ au bills of each property Issued separate) • '' addition to which we publish, on the Retards,t p re ,A. form, g 1 r a n 46110fipti01111 Of to each sale, one thousand catalogues. in p an , on fold the Tollewiaz Tarr:lay. all the property RAL EISTATF, AT rRIVATto eaLa. or We have a large amonAt of real estate at m i .,. sale, inoluding every desoripion my Imo op u i r 'r property. Printed Ikea may had A e4.s anati o . PRIVATE NAL RED/wiER. ine Er Real °elate 01491 • 94, Pn Print' reckt, and tulvertiled oocarnonady in our abr. _ 0 , (of which one thousand cop ies are Pontos -00",tt i t tree of charge. STOOK% tee. On Tuesday. m ay ;11. at I§ o , ctioett 116611. at the Phtht.delphigt, Fr ohanee. will bo gold— la shares Sunbury and Erie Railroad Gromeany. REAL ESTATE RALE—MAY 21. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Elizabeth <lease/Ad.—LOT OP ORoUN D. north aide of street, 220 feet seat of Seventeenth tweet, I 8 by 103 1 4 ;;,* Same Estate.—LOT OF GROUND, adjoining t h e : above on the east, 18 by. No feet. Same u stare.—AN II T 1 Fl E 13Q.UA RE OF °Robin ) divided into 44 building lout, beginning at the northweil coiner of Down and tfixte,lolVb Mee% the Whole l o t oOntanunc in front, on bixtrenth and neVer,tfienth streets, 161 feet. and on Brown street 898 feet 8 Lnetle l6 The lot. as divided, Will have fronts on Brows ct re - ., Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets, and a new attest 40 feet wide. egr' Lithographic plans may be had at the Auggi Store. • OLI Half DROME 'MODERN THREE /STORY BRIT R ER' r NOE, No. Isl 2 Chestnut etreet. Rae all the modern improyements and conveniences. Lot 3 ) b 160 feel. Tema-49100 may rerario3on mortgage. . VALUABLE LO'F, FRAME DwKI.LINB, 13L!, So„ nor; hrtult corner Broad OS Yeneneo Went. 40 feet by MX tent—cnroe fronts. Exeoutor'e Pere roptoyy paIe.—TEIRRIS.-STOR} BRICK DWELLIcw. no Wood street, with o w. ble in the tear. Bale absolute. REAL ,EBTATE BALE-464y ati., ay the pity yroyelt,. or tours Safe—l?. tats of 0.<415E p, hi me. deed —VRRY V.ALUARL 14 .DELAwAteb. WHARY and LARGE LOT AND OWL DINGS, froutiat u Summon street. Pasts Street or landing , and river er laware. Bounded on the north By order of Mignon, HANDSOME MODUltri ItnIYILYENOE, Ninth Tb ir teenth street, between Arch and Pobert street!, ne t t aide. Peremptory Sale. -- NEAT MODERN BROWN STONE RE.IDE.NCE. No. 2009 Walnut West. week of Toreptleth. The hones hen the ple9oln corm. zdeneee, gee, furnace, hot and cold !rater, raug u , to. Sale abaolote. ~ VERY VALUABLE IRON-FRONT STORE No. 325 Arch street. east of Fourth. Lot Tr by He f em. Clear ol iaeumbraaoe. Only $5,000 Otlett. sALE oF gtinittalt FURIvITURE. WOO. FORTES. MIRRORS, HANoStiME GANDE. Lle.Ris OFFICE FURNITURE, REDS RAD BED. IvELVE, v, BRUSSELS ,AND ollma C AR YETe, CHINA AND G ,ASSwARE, &a. - -+ CARD .---OUT gale this morning, at the A mties Store will monomer beanies TOO lots of excenteethirm, tore, plamo-fortes mirror. silt 6.lkisildeliere, gam, office furniture, beds and bedding , china. and s it o .. i ware, Brussels. ngrain, and other caret% dm, f orm . in a, an attractive anortmeet, worthy the Mientent ladies and others desirous of pnrchegiu INT Catalogues now ready and the articles armored for examtiotion. - Bale at Nos. 1B1) and 141 Ban Fourth Besot, SUPERIOIt FURNITURE. FRE % NCAM—PLATY. M Is IMRB. - PIAIIO-FOR TERrems BRUBBELES CARPET& This M. At 9 V e took, at the Auction store, an easement a l alkeict ittevio-f fine mirrors,earosts. ate., from romthea deetia4 housekeepme, removed to the store for convenien ce of sate. Bale No. 918 Lombard Street. On Fndey 17th inst., at 10 o'clock. at Pro. 916 Lombard street, th e handsome furniture, including a suit of e.egam rose. wood and bracelets parlor furniture. superior Nears wenn-forte. by Meyer, kiroben furniture, &o, May be examined at 8 esdcelt on the morsels of [VI OSES DIATHANS, A 110 T fiNzi., /LK AND COMMISSION SISSON. , n. %anew Garner of SIXTH Ind LACE ptreets. AT Pitt VAiS Crfee off the limed _ 13(11,1 _PATENT LEVER HONOMETER. WATU EH masFufaetored. st the usual selling enacts, gold leterfflosi legisayalohai, silver lever en d lepine watches, Esigho, gins, mg, French watches, at estonishingly low View ieveln every description, very lovrns,lnstoL!‘. xplodt,ll Art:manta, fitat alleh an tY of Hama oisart;( half tlei Importation prioe b ivuaittese to suit puroosem Ina efiCARVINsie OnLANIONDB AT PRIVAV... EALE. Consisting of diamond and opal breastpin and ler. rnoo 1014. CM in Pirig splendid stnglo- stone diamond reaut-pio. S A cost EU. 0117 DOOR BALER AttenAttended to p e rsonally by the Auotioneer. ded of any and every_kled of £OOU M elted. filMB NATRArIe, MONEY TO LOAN 429.000 to loan, at tho lOWeit rani, On diamonre. watohes, Jewelry . silver plate, dry ;mu, olettang, aeries, cigars, hardware, outlery, gloom minorain. Dilute, bedding, and on goods of ever? desonstios, in large or small amounts, from one dollar t•.tatseade lorf,lll length of time agreed on. NW The ?Oldest N.tabliehed Noun in ildir ww. iT pnvate entrames on f(ACJS Street. OW Business hosts from 9 A. M. to 9 P.M. Hoare Insurance for the benefit of depreitors CHARGES ONLY TWO PER CENT. ar Advances of $lOO and upwards at two per MA Advance. of sum and u5 . ...k45, one short loans. MACHINERY AND ISO% .„11111/S STING .107451ti1g Afl) - .01bn W9A3L=NEIFIL Lis .'•', •KA 6 (1 1 IfHwlrtzwlCALgth MA •.1 I. MLR. MARL:.9I,IIL.LCUMIIIIIII, and FOUND hawmg. fir many ream bees II sagaissatal sparation, l a ttien Iratd.lll seated 111 bailding and repairin g nuo_grl River 1i[D.641 and low prewar*. Iron ate, Water - Pangs, nosonels, as., Yte.onespa , atfally offer their lIIIWIgO6O to the re as being fatly prepared to contrast ter &ulnas el slam marine, River , and Stade:mu car= oil velem! of different slieii, ere preparet le emote er ten with enter detvatoa. Every amorictimi l et retteril matins wade at the shortest notice. Rs tee ,LOW Prewar°, Floe, Tabilar, and 'tinder 80l era, of at best Pennsylvania sharatial Woe . Fortino. of l it cue and kinds ; Iron and Urea, Destiny', or all dem:phew: 101 l Turning, &ire*. Caning , and sli liter nor. ewe aacted with the above Nuttiest. Draennn and sessiAsations is; tb wart emit ther establishment, frees r *hares, r.l) wen ;ISlsigri• Ike ambecribers have ample ntari does rem .C: pain of boats, viers they aim as in wriest nut, and sips provided with ocean, bleat, Ma be.. ae far MAU heavy sr Use se r i. 11.M11. /MAIM sad /. VAIONLII 31:11.11,1, MEN 1. COI, AllaW Bil i tcv, oxiiii army FIFTH AND WASILIN4 Tollll7.ltVom PILILLDILTZT&. nERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINidTS, Manufacture High and Low Preaeure Steam Mimes fey land, river, and manse aervioe. Hgrs. Gasometers', an', Iron Boats, ke; Ceil ings o f a ll kirks either tr e e or brain. Iron Frame Koofi for Gee Works, Workshops, hail road Motion". &o. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and moat im. Proved construction. livery desorienon of Plantation Mrs:hi:mm.2 . ga se - tigar, saw, and Griot Vaouum Pane, Open Stearn Traits. Defissatori, Filters. Pumping hrifitirei Re. Role Monte for N. !Linen!' Patent Sugar &Pin Apparatus Neararte's Patent Steam Rammer, and ie Mews'' lane aut-t 4. WolieTra Patent CoutrifCentrifugalSugar Menai IpOINT PLRABANT FOUNDRY, No. 911 - 1 1. BEAOR_Streell,Zensington, Pitiladeintna- - Wil - LIAM H. T." 112 informs his friends that, hasmisu• leased the entire saC'stterrui at the atxrTe Yew r, he is now pre to receive orders fer . Wes; rust, Wor k aw tinc. •Iloay, Clleniosl, ssa see t ? frObbriilS. 01.1t4111 ai4s fr= LIM Mori sr opals Farraoss. fa iry or trio .01, is Gan. syt-O lIIISINZSS CARDS. RUMNESS MEN ARE ADVERTIBINO ' in the Beet Newspapers of City and CewstrY al the Otiose of JOY, COE, & CO, ADVIRTLUNG AGENTS. FIFTH and CHESTNUT STREETS, PkiIMMO"! TRIBUNE BUILDING, New York. krr " ALFRED D. BRICK'S wimp niams PA T VlStri l fip it . Igo. 144 80 1 6tH POUR'&I I I3 9 PktY.T. PHILADILPHI6. Patent Laws of U. B.(new) and Enrov• can be °D. 1411}0d retie. apll-071 HO. II LL M A N, ATTORNEY - AT• * LAW. JERSEY SHORE, Penniffivinia. Colleotione promptly made in Clinton mid Vows , 'murales. RETNIIS TO Meows. Walter & Kant, Philadeleluif J. ff. Novi gm., Jersey Shore • Maims. Utiroroft 4 (Jo.. fhtirds. Shaffner, Ziegler, & Co. Philads.; Frodunoth Go Phtleds.; L. A. Mackey, Look Haven : Yard. Gillsoie. e. & Co..,Pttilada.; "Iliatoder & Woddrop, sold'. Howell & Reiff. Philsda. low"' MRS. JAMES BEM' MOWE D AAA. !SUPPORTERS FOR LAN E& and the onl Sur d Lorton! under eminent Andioal patronage. Lelia et Mn,enaisale are reeree la roomed to WI Quit ed Bette, at ben regadenoe, 3039 WIANUT 81304 f u hill94ollolll‘. (to aeon' aoruaterfeita.) Thirty thwart vends have been &hued by their R hy inv ifyg io r.ee Se Annilannee. Timm enlv genuine befr." - * Unman !Mtge toWyritht, labels en the bon. end wear tunes and also on the Sevnestent , with wetweenoat aetir bithketf • - purr WELSH, PRACTICAL SLATE Kr ROOFER, TRIAD Street and GERMAN - Miff' !toad, iouritoitrod to put on any amount of Roofiut. on As most IIia:ISIS'S Affisi. Will op every building nerfeotly water. deli Orders VIOTTI attended to. ry,7- Noe. 31? and 319 WALNUT ntreet.S LIQIJOAS teasisto l stores, between Thirdd Fourth, north a./ NM doloina. N. S.—Floe O ld s Whlolties always or Mu (Established in 1511.1 Joat PAwsoz k NICHOL E SON, BKBINDRS, Not. Ole e nd 621 MINOR Sure% Betwetm Market and Chestnut 'tree), PRILADELYNIA. JAMBS PAWSON. JAS. B. A Jrit-I,* TOGUST & BONS, Q. Ditrintuips o,lli ruini7 simeet. Reserve regularly ofall assortment of derorovto Staite,walok elegy outer at law mos, for sash or prove ! credit. ion", (VI URPHY-WELPPLE IRON BREDGI. z-v-• 11T0114, QSJOL.Ba s . Svtort. 8&3 wAferi lITREi. P m R A lisp leave to inform Railroad Componies, interested M bridge oonstruotren, that the save ,o l • ' a conatiotion =dams with .TORN w. NlNOveo w OM/ Enpneer , (anther and inventor of the sta lorown man of rum bridge ) ) and are prep ar ed to .vmate orders. from MIT part of the country, from We dentw and personal superintendenom • l a re All letters relatAnir to plans Mid espmarew s h o al! addressed to JOWil mORPHI LAlE.n e gill atia-lag 1170NR. WIteLNY. & us, JOB PRIBTING. THE NEW JOB PRINTING OFFIOK THE PR boriparik Seszeouteneatlyolitesp andes.reAttinuoil 11111001UPT111111 ■ BOMB, PAIII'MMSIL ?APEX HOOKS. IJUUMI. BLANES OF EMBRY Dlssedusif* log VBIIMMO VOX AllelllollEFal, JI4III,IMUM llBiCBiAl~, Atll'C'~~~lC!'G~ SALIBIO.4II AID 10014.41 103 CODEPANLEM. PLAZA Asa 0/11fAMIXTAI op raiNTI,I" JP et? alaWtA lt W itei la li Or al ri a ill ow l 4di l . Larl AU, WO HEAP! ILLPOBLLIi. MECIUNICB.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers