roiLunffo. rine E mmaWASHINGTON. Ti l e United :' o - es gugine Company, nf this oity, are stout dieting the Government at Washington their valuable eteatu Are engine It will be seat wantat aod that engineer will ~coo„ pauy it. The steamer is only about a year .0, end is one of the most efftsleat inaohine3 in the .i t y AS there is no steam-fire eogite in Wadi. oigton, tale Will be a valuable present, particularly if IVECbingtoa city bbould be left 'without a large forc e of Waters to assist in extinguishing fires. g o y of the engines in town could be spared at thin dine, aE many companies have not men , v ougli left t 9 equip them, all having gone to war. CAMDEN GRAYS. Ca Tuesday, the &even companies quartered at Trenton (of which the Second Company of drays one) were assembled for the purpose of mustering ieunder the three years' requisition. The Strays, of caftan, made a nnammons response. Not a dissenting voice was heard in the ranks This must be a great wouroe of pride to Capt. Palouse cad LisuL Shields, both of whom have persevered in forming their company under many adverse circumstances. The Strays, Capt l'elouse, and the Amboy Volunteers, Capt. Binney, are the may two oomsanies whiob have been mastered, thole io Tregtou, into the Fifth Regiment. aearT Mien cwt. A D Feynolds, of Company G, Scott Le gion Regiment. was presented on Thursday eve ning with a handsome uniform, by his friends of th e Eighth ward. He was also the recipient of a Fellows at the Captain bands Reynoldsserved wi th of Pennsylvania Lodof Odd th distino lion in the MOlllO9ll war, and will have with him i o the °outing contest the sward presented to him by his Lodge on his return from Maxim. Captain Thomas Hawheirworth last evening re ceived, in Dr. Boardman's church, on behalf of the 114100 of the congregation, 101 l shirts for the regi ment. Bo made a neat speech and was enthuelasti sally domed. A sward, sash. and belt have been presented to cot. John P Carrie, of Complhy F, Soon Legion Regiment. by the members of the corps. Lieut. Milton S Davie, of the same company, halt been the recipient of similar favors from hie friends. 310 ND SCOTT IsIGION ItSOIXT,ST. This regiment. which' is to be under the corn mind of Col. William Bryan and Lient Colonel squills Haines, was inspected last evening. The regiment is rapidly filling up. A few more men are still wanted. A new rondosToo o Will be opened This anorzlog at Jones' Betel, on Chestnut street, above Sixth. FIRVT CITY TROOP. The First City Troop were sworn in yesterday, preparatory to entering the service. They were uniformed in the United States cavalry dress. Tee) , number one hundred fine-looking men, and w illow doubt. resider effieient servioe to the Go vernment. We hope our cavalry will drill their horns before drums, musketry, and Gannon, ei pander them perfect in the " &tool of the Isradren," as they may not always be employed as scouts or outpost guards. - ATTWATIOA A oompanw of young men whose services have been tendered to the Governor, desire a few more able-bodied young men to fill up the roll. Ran. 4sivons northeast corner Sixth and market Drill every evening. A GRAND DINARS FOR FRS VOLT/NUMB. Yesterday afternoon a grand feast wee prepare.) for the soldiers by the butehers of Girard-avenue market. The market shed below Eleventh street, in Girard avenue, was temporarily turned into a large eating anima. Tables were set the whole length of the market, and were well filled with good and substantial food—much better than that served out to eoldiera. The whole plane was hand somely decorated with flags and streamers, and the Amphion Band was in attendance, and dis counted some excellent muie Companies H and F, of Colonel Dforeheaa's regiment, were present and partook of the repast, which they seemed to enjoy most heartily. The feast was superintended by Mr. George_Stookberger. a well-known butcher, smisted by Mrs. Maria Nightenger, Mary Ann Reynolds, Eliza Bodie, Margaret Meyers Hans bury, Barntield, °rail; and Metzger. 'The ' ladies, most of them the wives of butchers occupying stalls in the market, arranged the tables with neatness, and waited upon the velanteers during the feasting. A large crowd assembled around the market-. bonne, but, owing to the presence of Liept Jacoby with a force of police, they were prevented from forcing their way in and interfering with the sol diers. While the guests wore enjoyed in eating, the baud played several national airs, and the whole thing passed off very pleasantly. BODY IDENTIFIED.—The body of the man found in the Delaware on Saturday last, with two large atones- tied to it. is believed to be that of Colonel John Morgan, of Hartford, Wiaoooaio. He disappeared from his home in Washlogton avenue, near Church street, several weeks age. and has not been heard of sines. The dress of the deceased and that of Colonel Morgan correspond. Though Colonel Morgan belonged to Hartford, Wisconsin, be bad been living in this city for several months prior to his dleappearame. THE SHIP Jos, Tnocra.—Owing to the peat excitement among the military, the ship John T,rwlrs, lying at Arch-street wharf, seems heve been almost forgotten The divers are still engaged in raising iron from tbe lower bold of the ship, tot the operations attract very little notice. No preparations have been made for raising the wreck, and it is said there will not be before , the close of the present Month or the beginning of Jane. MATINEE FOR ME lantans.—A. matinee performance will be given at Mechanics' flail, to. day, which will, doubtless, prove gotta interesting and instructive inskructions Dew the Treasury Depart- , meat. to COLLECTORS, SIIILVETOES, AND OTSIER OFFICERS OF THE COSTORS OA THE AOATHERICAND 1101ITE- wßsTaair WATERS OF THE MUTED STATES. TEI.IO3I7IRT DIPARTIMIT, MI 2, 1 8 51. On the 19th day, of April, 1881., the resident of the United States, by proclonfatiou, declared the ports of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ala bama, Louisiana, Missigaippi, and Texas under blockade, and on the 27th of the same month, by another proclamation, declared the ports or Viz gioia and Borth Carolina also under blookade since which proclamation this Department has re! mired reliable information that attempts are fre quently made to tarnish arms. munitions of war, provisions, and other supplies to pertains and parties in those Mates in open insurrec don against the constitutional authorities of the Union. It beauties my duty, therefore, to instruct you to cause a careful exami tuition to be made of the manifests of all steam or other vessels departing from your port with cargoes whose ultimate destination you have eatia factory reason to believe is for any port or place under the control of such insurrectionary parties, and to compare the same with the cargo on board, and if any Inch manifests be found to embrace any articles of the description before mentioned, or any snob articles be found to constitute part of the cargo, you will take all necessary and proper hems to prevent the departure of the vessel, and to detain the mime in your custody until all such articles shall be removed therefrom, and for fur ther prooDediags according to haw. Von will sdso Make a careful examination of all flit-boats and other water craft without manifests, and of railroad sari sad other vehicles arriving at or leaving your port, laden with merchandise, the ultimate desti nation of which you have good reason to believe is for any port or place under insurrectionary con trol ; and if arms,' munitions of war, provisions, or other supplies are found having such destination, you will seise and detain the same to await the proper legal proceedings for confiscation or for feiture In miming out these instruotions, you will boar in mind that all persons or parties in armed incur notion against the Union, however such persons or parties may be organized or named, are en gaged in levying war against the United btates ; and that all persona furnishin g ' . to such insurgents arms, munitions of war, provisions or other emp• plies, are giving them aid and co mfort, and so guilty of treason within the terms of the second section of the third article of the Constitution And Yoe will therefore use your utmost vigilance, and endeavor to prevent the prohibited shipments!, and to detest and bring to punishment all who are in any way concerned in furnishing to slush inenr- Pato any of the articles above described. Yon will, however, on the other hand, be careful not to interrupt vexatiously, or beyond necessity, by un warranted or protracted detentions and examine- Mu, the regular and lawful commerce of your Dort. Yon will report forthwith whether any, and any, what, additional measures may be neoes -11177 in your judgment to carry into full effect the foregoing resolutions, and you will report to this Department from time to time your action under these instructions. I am, very respeolfally, B. P. CHAIM, Secretary of the Treasury. loara in the Field. A EIGINNET IN KEOKUK, tProm the Nev York World's Correspondent] By Wednesday, the lows regiment will be et Keokuk, its appointed rendezvous, ready to he mastered late the service of the General Govern ment Three more regiments cut be sent forward at a week's notice Five thousand people col lected upon our wharf this morning to witness the departure of companies A and C, commanded by Cepteirm Crimmins and Mason, each of whom ren dered efficient service in the Mexican war. Hand kerchiefs waved from the housetops and windows, and elicatts rent the air, as these loyal defenders of our deg marched down our streets. Many an eye Was brimmed with tears, and many a voice faltered good-by, and yet not one heart would have recalled the object of its love. All felt that the cause of order and legitimate authority must be vindicated seeing usurpation, anarohy, and treason. It speaks well for the patriotism of our Muroaque la dim that, daring the past two weeks, they have made up the clothing—over two hundred Goats and years—for these tare oompaniiii In this work they Te been assisted by some men skilful in the UBO of the needle A distinguished and prominent leader in the Thepubllcan party, whose fame as an orator b co-extensive with the boundaries of our 5 2 1 „ts, and who mastered the art end mystery of the is Loring business before he found his right place the bar, has been found, day after day, a la 7. .7/ue, upon a tailor's board plying the needle with busy fingers, and this morn ing be goes as a Private in company allude to Henry O'Con sae From Northern Mexico. Neve °mamas, May 10 —The aohooner Antotnette, from Tampico on the 3d instant, brings h. - 10000 in 2pecit. The British war steamer Valorom had sailed theme for Vera Cruz with $4OO 000. The political news is unimportant. Tag STREET PANOICAILI.—The street gcaneS in ? " , hdelnhia were never so interesting and picturesque "at Preheat. The " life," In the war of gar flags sad odd devisee, alone would make up a striking Mo rten bet the great moving mass of humanity gives the Panorama of life its special charm. Etgdiers of "en grade. from Maim-Generals to full privates. w eenag uniforms of every conoeivable style and fashion, mingle among the crowd of civilians, and t P e n the nudes of the crinolined portion of dm throng. scarcely necessary to add. that of all this vast. "moving, never ending .rowd. the best drained men ,re three who are attired in the elegant and oeinforta• Die garments made at the Brown Stone CLithMg Bali of kosklud do Wilson, Noe. 603 and 0:16 Chestnut attest. abo ve 811th. 20 " 1 THOLTBAID UNITJD STATIB MUBSirs can ' 4 ' furnished, if immediate application is toed° to E. • —MI & Co.. 714 Chestnut !street. PAILFILLET PitINTING,:ana ovary other dimwit. • U°4 of Printing, of the meat tuaorier quality. igoet ioneonable attar, at ILIN &t the GWALT to B.ROWN'S, Droners Building. 34 South THUM Mast deli 4 FUNANCitIa AND COMMERCIAI The Money Market. POILADELIIILit, May 10, 1861 The stook Wes of to-day show few dame& City Sixes sold at the same price ee on yesterday. Pennsylvania Railroad shares are steady at 36. wearimg was stronger, selling at 16 Race and Vino-street Passenger Railway fell to five dollars a share. The April earnings of the Baltimore and Ohio Railway are as follows; . 360 - 0104/1 410114 "111. • e 1523 . 9 0" 41 $296 448 89 W4.Bl3 , l4tercUrgruOtl...--.... 30708 •6 31 949 14 N. W. Va, Railroad... 20 085 79 26138 76 $382,619 68 -Showing a net decrease of $23,391.93 on the Whole road. This embraces the revenue on the Washington Branoh to . April 23, at which date the United States took, and has sine* retained, posses sion of the road, and has collected the revenue from passengers between Annapolis Junotion and Wa thington. The reoeipts of the Morrie Canal Company kr tie last week and season were : Total to 'Aril 23,1530,, .8 21.81.9 17 Week enth Mai/ 5, _ 9 961 71 411,838 21 7,e69 10 39 513 38 Total to April 27, 1861.... Week ending May 4,1861 Decrease in 7861.---. The New York Post, of this evening; says The stook market opened with some signs .of weakness, but towards the close a better feeling prevailed. The activity is atilloonfined to Illinois Central, Erie ! and New York Central There is an advance in Mtn& Central and Erie of 11a2 per oent., with a good demand at the improve ment. At the close Illinois Central commanded 60 cash. A difference of 1.3 per cent in made on cou• tracts of five" and ten nays. It is supposed the de mand is ohielly for foreign account. Delaware and Hudson is quoted at 82/83; Penn sylvania Coal 75478 Milwaukee and Mississippi is quiet at 849 i, Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati 91a94. There waaa a weak ma , ket for Government bonds. The coupon sixes of 2961 sold down to 863,, a de cline of If per cent. In the fives there was no special change. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, May la, 1861. RIIPOILTID Ng S. E. eisystaxan, Merohants' Exchange. FIRST BOARD. 4 Reading R....:.... 16 22 City Rank-- ... 30 2 Minehul.. 82 10 Fenn., It.-- 26 10 Bane Vine-et6X 3 00. - 36 60 dO.---- A, City 69 Nen , — 9434 10 do— 534 gee 244 do ..New... 9434 36 2 lia d rr o iabarg — R -- -. 4° loo do . ...New— 0435 8 do__ 50**1000 City 63 R....—. 87 BETWEEN 1000 Lehigh Irollo7 It Go SECOND BOARD. 2000 City 65 New... 9474. 5001 Fauna 75 1000 de— -New- 946 2000 b 5.. 76 53 Reading 1614" 760 d 6.. 76 49 do, 117 9-15 14 Race & Vine-et R. 4 2000 Cam &am 5x'75.. 30 IS Atineiiiii 4 Harrisburg It--'MK 3 ... 52 Is 8 & T- et IL--.55..38 4 do. .....r_ 02 60 N Penne R- -- 6 40 BlAvadow, .eswn- 53 201 N Penne 65....3dye._ 73 I 5 do.-- then.. $3 ato ....6dys- 75 do.----85wn... 53 CLOSING PRICES-BTE A fly, Bid. Asked Ehliadeiphia .. 87 PhDs tie It.— .. 87 Phil& 6a -new-. 94 94.# Parma 55...---. 7436 76 Read R_ -1 ~.., 15 9-16 16t bds7o.__ 75 Si Read int 115... 6616 70 Penna. R ex-div. 353( 36ti Penns R2d nit de 811 , i 83 Morrie Can con. 40 44 Kerrey Can Pfd .102 106 130h6s 'Bll_ _..- 65 64 Etch Nay Prefd - 1214 Elmira R Prefd. - 10 3irt. dakad. Elmira 76'73 61 Long linand R 9 Leh CI & 47X 49 Leh GI& N Be9-623L 33 Borth Penna It - 6 7 ,14 Fa It 6a oii 66 N Penna R 105-_B2 IFrank & Solna R.. a `ld&3d-et R div 06.68 I Raoe&Vine-st IL 3 6 IWest Phil& ic_..lo 673 i Spruce& fine- 6 Green S Coates- ..- .... CITY ITEMS. BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER—AN DISPENSABLE MEDICINE FOR THE BOLDIERS.—AS it is impracticable for soldiers individually to carry a medi cine chest, it has been deemed advisable by eminent physicians for every volunteer to be provided with a bot.lo of BrOwn'e Faunae of Jamaica Ginger, imam Dictated by F. Brown, Fifty and Chesnut, and cold by & eaglets generally.) In ordinary diarrlmt, inosment cholera, and in all cases of prostration of the dare are organs, this medicine has been foui,d a sovereign remedy, and we therefore feel it to be a humane euggee tion to the multitudes who are now about exchanging the comforts of home for the exposure of the camp, to recommend them to supply themsalvea with this in valuable medicine. Let all our readers interest theni e selves in earning out this anggestion, -by seeing the every soldier who leaves am city is provided with this simple, but effectual safeguard againet alarms! and suffering. " OAK BALL CLOTTING BAZAtait."—Tbb splendid new Clothing Eminnium, boutheast corner Eixth and Market streets, under the propnetorahip of Messrs. Wonaniaker SS Brown, 15 hemming universally pope ler among those who appieolate good taste, good fits, good materials, and good work, in buying clothing, Their stock is large aid complete, and their prices moderate ; their °barks competent and attendee. Their stock of Genie' Famishing Goods is also very sapenor. Give them a. call on our recommendation, and you 144 thank ns for the advice. BRZAKISR'S SOD IVATER.—We invite attention to the advertisement of Mr. Charles M. Breaker's Bode -Water Fountain, at Broad and Chestnut stream. in another colasuii, Our friends wishing to enjoy a really delicious glass of Ude - safroehing beverage can have their palates best gratified: in our judgment, by pa: tronizirm thin elegant new fountain. - - NEW STYLES BYROM CONYECTIOnnai. —Meagre. B. O. Whitman & Co., the enterpriling firet-clasa COD faetioners. Second West, below Chestnut. are !awe', a up to time." always ahead of ,rivals in their own branch of trade Their latest novelties in the way of 'nectarine preparatio-a exprosly for the season are new, choice_ deliaious. and will be ours to attract gene ral favor, Their store in Mtwara naive with happy-faced customers. TOE BEST LAMP YET INVERTED is the cele brated Kerosene Oil Lamp. manufactured and gold by Messrs. Witters & Co.. N 0.35 North Eighth street, corner of Filbert.' They are growing in favor daily and we honestly think that no other sortatda light should be used. CADET CLOTH }OH MILITARY Praposse.—We invite attention to the advrrisement of " Military Clotit.'iby MUSTS. Benjamin Bullock & Bons, No. 168. Front etro•t, in another column of our paper this morning. We hare egruniaed. DADKIREDII4. the goods offered, and fiLd 'hem very superior both in color and texture, being of a pure indigo blue. and manufactured expressly for armr clothing. This desirable stook will be rapidly bought up at due time, and n.erehants will, doubtless, fwd it advantageous to give it early atten tion. WRZSr NYLLE THE TROOPS LEAVE ?—We are fre quently asked how Peg the volunteers will have t,t re main here It is a question which we cannot answer positively. They should not be taken to the line of el:karat:an South however. until they are enabled by drill to go into the field, and have been clothed in one of the elegant mitts from the new and fashionable Gift lgamorinm of Granv‘lie Btoles, 609 Ch-stuat street. Clothing for military and civilians will be furnished 'at the shortest notice. and at reduced , prices. .r.tiott nal Is accompanied with a valuable and useful rift. [From Dr. G F. Bigelow. Boston. THROAT AFFECTIONS.—BromeR Bromide' Troobes are a simple and elegant form of adminimer mg, in combination, amoral medicinal semstanoes held in genrral esteem, among physioinner in the Treat ment of Bronchial Affections. myil-stutl3t ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL ROTELP, u . r so 12 O'CLOCK LAST many CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chantal:G. M Upham. New York W Al eCla n & la. Ohio L has bottle, Jr Miss Wright, Mass R J tividle, T Bunt. ecration J A Isenkel, Pb,is Coulter. Greensburg R. a Lumberton, Harruilig Wm T vavis, Mass Geo Ro,psine. aloes W R Ronalde. New York Mies J Hopkins, Maas T P Shallorvse, Wash, D Miss Clark. Masa Jos C 4tevens, Boston L °hefts, New York Harvey Mann, Jr, Bailer* IL us ham, Boston G Wetmore, Kittens, rt , Weaver, Mt Vernon, 0 M Beebe Boston B , flurdea. Troy J e Alden, New York T L Prddock, illeveland .1 H Baru* ' New York S M Richard. Cleveland L A Roee,Fne. Penne. Rev A male son N Yor k F 8 Hunter & la. heading Mrs II H Mnhlenburg B A xarrott, Ohio child. F M Barman, Ohio Jas W Wall & la. N J Mies Wall. New Jersey W L McMillen. Ohio r. er 4leught. Michigan C Bostiriek, New York J Peek, Fall hirer S ti auk,u, Cmeo uol L Wen, Ohio A Yandegrift, ar Ohio Capt Pope. U A Jas A mulligan. Otiteak_o A J Barrett, Delaware Capt Geo Parma. M Y J E Robinson L ecbmidt,Plew York F Spies New York Ham ttl Walker. N Y F W Jones. New York Jas B Smallwood. Wash Wm 0 Push. Washington A P Gorman. Moreland C Hager. Lancaster A A Burton, Lancaster P I.lerriek. Pennsylvania Chas G Lunen. N Y G C Guinn, Brooklyn J Baker. Baltimore C Longneeker. Allentown W Cook, Swanton Robt Miller, Beranton H D took, Ohio St rook, Ohio R Berger, London nobt Nicol, New York IS W Jewett New York m Thos Flasher Jr- New York A D Ine e. Delaware W T Hutchison. Ohio G fr Raymond, wash N IL.Mgsbnry. Hartfor3 F W LanderDaliE,rrita Chas e raze Jr,kmare..n. lllinois T G New Orleans E W.lnams. Connecticut F B Cutting, New York C H Maxwell, hew York 8 Draper. New YorkW Blaol4ord. Chlogo Mrs A Lianas, Wash Mrs E J Griweley . Wash 1„, godd, Washington W J V, 004, Washington roi Rote Anderson * ash Jae Ft 134 g -we, 'Week B H Cheerer En son, Wash C Newman, New York A A Cohb. roam' C H Whittaker,. N York . T A Titr.ney, New York J B Brown Portland, Me W Lawrence. Maine E R Rauch, Harrisburg E W Dam. Harrisburg D F Johns..n,Harnsburg Jim Morrow, Harrisburg 01' Morrow, Harrisburg Geo masse T Hood, Madison, Wis o S Maimed, Jr, Newark F Merrick, Puma _ _ 111BRCHANTS' —imam *treed, below .amh J N Camden.-Virginia Geo W Gates. Clearfield H Rope, Vir,inui R 3 Smith, alleshanY rz F Whin. Ohio M Irvin, Cleo field, Pa Geo a Waite., Portranth, 0 C Templeton, Ya uhas Tete, Philadelphia F W itaziewood, Boston Thou White. YornG EL Spying, Vora o-- - It Oen, Hon K Wright, Pa Moll , Baxter, Ohio W P Sanders, Ohio Thos Ronaldeon. ein, 0 K Cooke, Centre no J Frits, BethlehemJos Mahon, i s hippeasburg Lawrence W aids). Cin, 0 Thos Owen, New Jersey F Lauer, Reading D Thomas, Catasanans. John Williams,vatasauqua T W Stanley. Conn C F Horn, Harrisburg J Snyder, Ohio A'B.MM/di N.OTtir-Oheetont etrOeti Oboro Filth, N Burnell, Maseit on Ijavtil Cooper. W J • Wro, aa °Trait. It bode Island J )4' Lurran, New York John wr e.dman. II 8 N John McFarland, U 8 N 6 A Crad, Uts N T ortan Downingtown Miss r H t orlan,Downingt 13 B Tyson, U 8 N Jae F Smith, igeadilrg F Atwood W P Tames. Reading. 11. Wit ion. Pa Alan Somalian. Miami' John t+ as dine, Jr. Banton W tia tonsil, Now York C Jacobi!. Cheater 00. Pa W Cathcart. itinktmore M. ettitoyd John J vaahien, Maryland Miss EF. is Bosnian, NM I T Walsh, New York P Roberto, Chester 00, Pa W F Stewart, U b N 837. LOUIS HOTEL--Cherhost stroet. shove 'Third. Jneohlt Foams. YI HJ eddiron, Kew Jersey W Funk. Boston Cast 1, K Francine. L IS eamblos. Yhiladelphitt 3 hos Moore, Beau= H 8 Hammond Mew York Lewis km ermel, PM'S WI". U 8 A John Bancroft. U A T H Peterson. Phil& J C Green, Haverhill. Mass GE Green,Haverha, Mars ' Stephens. Lancaster F H Fanner, Boston TOZ C Mackintosh. Boston Thee A Davin, Boston W li Hall. Boat .rt A A Lave. t, New York M leidor. New York S A Penh. Womb. D O Thai M Mace & la. Balt Gen A Mace & la. Ba't MIAs Kate el Mtakey, Pa P Lukens, Pennsylvania Mrs Warn, Boston THE -ttellON—Aroh street. above Third. B Futter. Bridgeton. NJ J C -Kayser, New York 11, I. Barnet, Warren, 0 Chaa 411 " helli 11 E Lakin. Penes. C Kalmbach, AlleVholll WTi bit's. Ohio C A Iteineke• N Theo Frehnehrresen. N MI Barnett, 0' io clbaar F S .eoell.l4ew Jersey W Borrirou. Wrishisb'e billets Obio J tt Po d. Ghia Robt wileon, Minersville 1' B =natl. Hagerstown 6 Efellsogo. Patabarg D blobbieir I. Obi° Hum, Chenthersburg i; ci Height Cnamborsburg COIIII4ERCIAL Rol Isae-sixtti It.. above Okorraut. Joo P Ilry and De aware C s Sheaf, W Coorter J Borierey, Noxkoro E R 111.1- Cheater, Pr 'Theo German, Philzula 0 ...molder. Ch. noir Pa hoe fororlier. Elkton, Md ano 1 Erick. Davkork• W emltb, Imeseisaiskta Teas E pewees, Chesser Coi 21 Leen+, Mom J E Leonard,Obeater oo lin tt hes, op:ford, Po L. 8 Leone, York. Pa Thom Walter, Coatesville W 8 &Arr. Delswa***o .t• Baines, Lancaster co k &Await. Chorter ao "I BARLEY SlHRAF.—Seoonit street, below Vino. tht B SIT, tiartimille Jas Clido, Chester co Wiltimen, Books oo Jno Davis, Milltown Roberts, Abintton A R Bolnisstsirs W M Kirk, Forestville C J Klrk, Fot-stville 1. McNair. Brinks ao C Dubree. Abington A It Reeder. Bucic , nerham W McNair, Books oo T T Eastbunr Botebury J T ung6n..ousueton Jug smith, w arminster *matt. Buck. oo Win 1 wrier. Ducks oo J 0 Cornell. Doke co T Smith. Bonk, cio Dst Leedoni. IteWtown T E Piokering,, Books oo • .1 W Cornsli,Drclestown 8 Gillingham Buckingham .1 K Taylor, _ Watson. Penne B Simmons. Ylf lIMItICZAtt W Doylestown J Hatton, riewrown F 1 a. Newtown Belo B Flanagan. 11 M T Potter, retina H01000:08. Bllokß co Beml Großolheltenham Wm Davison, Cheltenham W Bra bet, Berke 00, Pa BATIOVAL;BOTBL—Ibree meet. above Third. W " ele n e a v i rr r . 4frobiri VIPb VV " in K litoa l t e a w k e r r, °r P k b de, Miss E ebeaver.Norrien Beery aoker. Pottsville Mine J A Boyd, Phil& Leen L. Lieb, Penns 7f3J4 427 7b STATES UNlON—Market street. above Sixth. D Enni, New York J W Smith, Pray. It JL A n. l oTloll,Nhila J DAFT gOOO, °Mg oott S H purple, Columbia rein Yemen, wum, Det L M uranson, l• ore, Pa S Pa.tereea, Lancaster W B emitter. Came Wayne C 0 . Dilworth. Pa t• Kinzer. Dauphin, Pa AII Zeigler arlisle C C T a t man. Pella W Maoon .. Carbste tiopkius. Delaware .1 Brooke. Delaware BALD EAGLE—Third greet. above Callowtuli. .1 Luokenbaah, Beth'ehem SSmith. Bucks co ti Beane, Bucks co W Beans. Roan 00 Jsiopp, Jr. Allentown Vir F Danowiskey, Allman LILA= BHAH—Third eirees, above Cidlowhill. II 0 Clause, Allentown H S Rorer. Olney Johnrt. Rorer. Olney H Olney Israel L Trey.ler. Yardleyvl W Edemas, Moreland John Welhard , Casper Roads 3011181104 A d Roads. Somerton Jno ateVelle. Northampton W Fedows. Moreland Saha Trumbower. Ya Geo Hernia, Leesport Thne Bye. Lahaska Mrs T Bye. I ahassa 0 P Wilder. Clem fivld Leonard }Eyler. Clearfield Joe Potter, Clearfield W Pad' Yardleyvtlie T Seaton, Yard eyville Geo Clemens , Chen Valley Jos Wintal, riorthamPrent $ Al 4 94 MOUNT VHENON Litmed.—uclowau rt., above Arch .t A Williamson- Hawley NIT Christman, Perna Jacob Lentz, New Jersey John arkli a. New Jersey Peter Lukas Em.thfie d Owen Eln, der, Bucks oo,Pa W P H.nry. Aooawe I 1. hos Cottright,renna John Brannon, Paw York REVERE ROUSE—Third street. above Race. Col B C Christ, asbington W Treater. # 'letdown B Anewait.#llentown W N Peters. Penns John u W Rankin. W Chester C M Reader, Allentown Misr Flora &s.en.CatsaaUqua Joshua Horner & la, Belt H }lesser, dahlk Batten ARKIN/MN Steamship Delaware. Johnson. 20 hours from New York. with mdse and passengers to James Allderdiee. ate A.M. off Ship John Shoal. imaged ship Zered, from ond-ndern, eoMiTIZ up; Prig C H. Frost, from .agna. was off Bombay Hook; brig Sarah Bernice, from Pastan ass was off' R‘edv Itnann; an unknown bna. deopt, mden. off Seedy rein ; brig Jolla Womit, from Trinidad, off - Maar elvt e. Schr Mary, Rickards, I day from Camden, Del, with oora to Jai I" Bewley & Co. - Steamer Sarah Jones, 22 hours from New York. with mdse 2. W M Baird & Co. Steamer Aida. Rubinson. 24 hours from New York, with sides to Wm r 01109, BOARDS MF.MORANBA. Steamship Cite of Manchester. McGuigan, cleared at New York estarday for Liverpool. ship Sea Serpent. Pike. for can Francisco, cleared at New York yesterday. Ship George Baynes Batchelder. from the coast of Bo ivia. arrived at New York leotards:Y. Ship .1 W Lindsay, Gray, from Liverpool. arrived at New York yeeierday. Bark ildondamm, Farrell, for Rio de Janeiro. cleared at Baltimore 9th Mat. Bark Flesh, Wile9Al from TOM Grua, arrived at NOW York yesterday. Brig Sea Lark, Allen, from Palermo. arrived at New York yesterday. Brig J M Sawyer. Bradley, cleared at New York yes terday for Philadelphia. Brig Ina, Lancey, for Delaware, cleared at New York yesterday. Bahr A Field, Phillips, cleared at New York rioter day tor Philadelphia. Bohr Elate. Faoemire, for Wilmington, Del, cleared at Pram York yesterday. Bahr 8 Al edaddlok, Whilden. at New York yesterday from Portland. &earners Anthracite. Jones. and Concord, Norman, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. . Steamer Tammy, sly. eleared at New York yesterday kor Phildealphia. Rohm Nary Adeline, Geoghegan. Geo P Upehur. Mitchell, Rosa Winans, Rendereon, Cbavedony . Howe. sashimi, Graver. and Stafford. McCready. cleared at Bellmore ecti inst. for Philadelphia. Bents C Moore, Ingersoll, 5 R. Ogden, Fisher, J W Revile. Thompson, °leered at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. Steamer Franklin, Dougherty, hence, arrived at Bal timore yesterday. Barge Minnesota. Jarrett, cleared at Baltimore 9th inst. Mr Philadelphia. Liverpool. April If—The ship dramingo arrived on Thursday last. in a leaky oondinon. having thrown overboard part of her cargo. and with mainmast apneas. Repasts making up the captain and crew of brig Mary Hamilton. of New Yorli.whieh vessel foundered at sea March 17th. The following Order, jutted by the Navy Department on the 2iith ultimo, ig now made militia for the benefit of all whom it numvornera BANY DEPARTINIEPIT, APTiI X, 1861. To THE - FOURTH AUDI') Oil. 01 TILE TRILSOIty : Sir: The amdlints found to he due to resimmd Navy Officers from the States which claim to have seceded will hereafter be paid them from the United States funds heretofore eent to or depoeited in those States, astute! in oasea_where the Department sball otherwise direct. I OM, respectfully, your obedient servant. GIDEON :WS IJLES, Secretary of the Nan. ILARINE •INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOURTH PAGE OLF ; AREA). Bask Kanawha, Lynn -, , New York.J E &inky. Brig Saunders. Etaletn, do Brig Vistor. Haskell. Plauguig do Bahr Mean. A 'iron Baltimore. captain. Rehr Ney. iWoKeag, Washington, W batigerf Bohr Kunnas, Outten, Concord. Del, otintain. SPECIAL NOTICES_ NO k lionerrma's Eroxacis Brrrzns. ilho . , operation of this palatable remedy upon the stoiluteh, liver, and exoretory organs is singularly soothing and conservative. It regulates, reoruits. and purifies them. Drepermia, infinite forms,yields to its control and in vitorattng properties. and it ie TIOQIUMOndtd to 109- them. enfeetied br the mires and daties of maternity, as the b?st tonic they can probably use. In all the crises of female life it will be found eminently useful, and elderly persons will derive much - more benefit from it than from ordinary stimulants. Donsmer's celebrated Stomach Bitters are sold by all druggists. DYOTT & CO., Agents, No. 232 N. SECOND'Wt., Philadelphia. myll-ltd&W OAK ORORARD ACID EERIER WATER.- Pamphlets oodtaining the opinions of celebrated Chem ists and Fintriolans respecting the nee ol this WATER in the ease of many diseases of the human system, will be supplied gratis on apphoation to FREDERICK BROWN, FIFTR and CREISTNUT Streets, or FRED ERICK BROWN. JR., NINTH cad ORBOTNUT Streets. CALL AND 68T A PAMPIILST. BATCHBLOWS BAIR Celebrated and perfect Mir Dye is As East in SAs ietWitt. All others are mere imitations of tins great original, which has gained such extensive patronage In all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Liquid Hair Dye ixstetnay produces a splendid black or natural brown, without staining the akin or injuring the hair. and will rerriag tas iii altos of Sad dos, invigorating the hair for life. Bold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale. by FARNESTOOK & CO, DOT & Philadelphia' ealti-tf Oms Paten Mamma OP EMI LATEST Srmne, made in the beet manner, expressly for ItE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling Seim marked is Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satisfactory. Our ONE-PRICE system is 'triads ad hered to. All are thereby Melted alike. se23-ly . JONES & CO.. 004 MARKET Street GROVER & BAILBR I B OBLBBRATBD NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. The Best in Use for Family Sewing. Ito. 730 CHUSTRUT Street. rhiladelvkier mar -17 CARD PRINTING, BUT AND ORNATINYT IN the City. at 34 south THIRD street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beat and Cheapest in tLe Cite, at 34 Routh THIRD Street. BILL-READ PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City. at 34 Booth THIRD Street. MARRIED. LANG--DARCE—Oh the 9th instant, by t the Iron. Alexander trenry. Long to Miss Carri Mayor of Philadelphia, r. John H. e R. *IWO, daughter of David a. 11..noe.Req . all of this city. * PULLEa--PdflOßß.— , m the Bth instant.. by the Rev. A. T. Spalding. Mr. Joseph W. Pullen to Miss Margaret Moore. both of Delaware county. ROBB-13 KOW.N.—On the Bth instant, by the Rev. Dr. Boicksrood. Mr. Francis Ross to miss Eliza. J. Brown. h of this MI, .1 na To Pi e—r. vaNB.—un the 9:h instant, by the Rev. J. P. Jerkins. Mr. John 8. Jenkins. Jr., to Mils bailie J. Duns, both of Montgomery county. DIED. DROWN.—On Friday evening. May 10;of pneumonia. on board the United States receivine- ship Princeton. of which ship he was the eaeontive tAcer. Lieutenant J. Bintan mown, United Stares navy , in the 40th year of his age. Sighly regarded and esmetnett by all his brother office rs W e. ST.—On the7th instant, Aerate T., infant son of John and At; V. West. aged. 3 mlanthe O'NRILL na.rning of the 4th instant, Mrs Rebecca ; tit sill. relict of.lohn O'Neill. aged 78 years. Rer fotends a . d those of the family are invited to at tend herfuneral, from her late resident*. No. 1408 South .Penn square, this (Saturday) afternoon, at .1.0 , 0100 g. Witbout further notice. Interment at St. Peter's C C hurch. Church, tmttsoll.—On the 9th Instant. Joseph Cannon. The relative.' and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral. from his late residence. IMO Minoan street, this (Saturday) afternoon, the 11th inst., at Lig temook. Go RDENER.—On the 7th instant, Josephine V., eldest daughter of Dr. William and Amanda hardener, age F d 18 years and 6 months. uneral from the residence of her smrente,Plo. 901 Franklin street, on Sunday morning, at 931 o'olooir BIT i ING.—Un the 7th instant, Mary W.. eldest daughter of henna W. and Ann Eliza Bitting, aged id r ears and 4 months. . . . Funeral from the residence of her parents. Ne: 1326 Butohineon street, above Thompson, on Munger after noorkat 2 o'clock A8N11...--Ort the Bth inatant, Janes G. Abel, in the 38th year of his age. . Falters!. from the residence of hie mother, Mrs. Sagan Abel. No, Off Fifth Watt, above Poplar, on Sun day afternoon. at 3 o'olook. IIIeIKEPI.—On the Silt instant, Ann. wife of Robert Aiken, aged 36 years. Funeral trum the residence of her husband, No. 1625 Hansom atreet, tuts (Saturday) morning, at 10 o'clock. * RTR n the 9th instant, atettte. wife of John Arthur,aged 32 years. Funeral front the residence of her hust'and, earner of 'recopy street and Trenton Railroad. Pranleford, on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'olook. GREGtAItY.—Un the Bth instant, Patrick Gregory, aged 40 years. Funeral from his late residence, NO. 8 North.sulntOn pane, 141 aryls str mote eet, below Willow, on -Sunday after- at oe. NAL t..—On the Bth instant, Ida. daughter of William ass :nary Ann boll, aged It years, In months, and 11 cars. Funeral from the residence of her parents. No 1031 Vienna street. above Itiohniond. Itighteentti Ward, on Sunday afternoon at 7 o'clock. BART.—On the 9th instant, Letitia C., wife of Win. Bart, Jr. ialistaTO.N.—On the 9tb. instant, James Edward, in fant son of blizabeth and the late James Rushton, aged 11 months. Funeral from the reaidenoe of hie mother, southwest corner ot thirteenth and Parrish Streets, on Sunday 'norms., at o'clock. itlIN 451,Y.--On the Bth instal: t, Isabella Kennedy. r noeml from the residence of her brother, Cornelius Kennedy. Po. 2416 Spring (fat dart street. this (Itaturda, ) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. N tale 31AN.—On the 7th Instant, Jame' NOWlnan. In the tAili 3 ear of his age. Funeral num b the late residence, No, 504 Current alley, below Walnut. on Sunday afternoon. at 3 o'clock. BLAOK GRENADINE BAREIE MAN -lAB— . Grahadtne Barocco Points. /44aoic Bar-go dlaatles. 13 oak It teed Barer. Pmts. lilaak xtbrege Snawle. Silk Brrders. Borders. blackßarego &bawls Crepe Illack fret , Bleak Grenadine shawls. insult irate.. bilawle. 84th Borden'. B.—Shopherde raid roil 61) Moyne, only Ib cents. Wulf) Dark Gray hlohsinr, coma. im.l3zo/ . .1 t-oN, mounuas tu ra . 916 CILEISANUT wrest. REY. S. W. THOMAS., PASTOR OF Twall th-Intret M. M. Church. will proven in AIIISTIOAII MetlhAelrie Ball, FOUX. •Ai ace tle QOM hi fits- on SUN DAY AFTilliNagns ,at o'clock. hubJect—" The Second Coming of t;nr /c* J. Allolitt. ourerintondont. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPH I A , SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1861. RECEPTION COLONEL, ANDERSON, The Joint Szteoinl.Gonnoltkee of COunoils Wing in oharge the Reoeption of. COLONEL ROBERT ANDERSON, ittl76 adopted the following Order of Arrangemente The flistinguiehed guest wilt be ieoeived et INDEPENDENCE HALL, By Hon. ALEX. HENRY. MilYot of Philadelphia. The procession will leave the Continental Hotel et eleven o'clock, and go over the following roots Down Cheetnut to Sixth. deem Sixth to Walnut. ny Walnut to tlghteenth. up Eighteenth to Aroh. down Arch to Fourth, down Fourth to Chestnut, ne Chestnut to Independence Ball. The °Moore of the Army Ikea Navy. With t" forces under their command. are invited to be present on the occasion. It THE MEMBERS OF SELECT AND COMMON Od,IJNCILS Are requested to eneemble in their reepettive Cham bers TO-DAY. at half-peat twelve Orlon*. to proceed to Independence Dail, to participate in the Recep tion of MAJOR ANDERSON. J. B. RAF/DINO. m7ll Clerk of Seleat Cmnuiit. crfet, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSION FOR s,t. TMs. etl7. F • tLitra OP TUE OIiIr*TEESS OF THE CITY OF IMILADRI..- ?life, in the Bernice of the 'United Ftetes. wAatrtnoTON Sta. ZINGS. N 0.972 fond Street. near nether NOtiCa is herebygiven that the Commission has been dub organized. sad has °Worried upon its duties. It'ls necessary that the applicant shall be a Phil desphise, and shall have been what, or partially debendent for scope t upon n bitilttritear actually mumerad into the service of the United natal'. which t nostment most be evidenced by a company muster-roll, duly certified and in possession of the Commission. he applicant will be visited byCommissioner. or by some competent rson autnorized by: abindpill stoner, whose favorabl e pe report be requibitin relief can be szteeded. =lt is not 'Menthl. be Out or dinance of Gonnotts to encourage idlantes Or pauper ism) through the aitenoX of this commosoon; tontamity to aid in the support ot its beeefiolartft. aid to sup element, so tar as "pray thable. the eesseort which has been reduced or lost by the enliement of the vo . Imge G a reat r. cone von, therefore, he used to matfett Mine- SitiOnt and it will Teen-11d wherever pregrumpe. that the s ,ldirr shall tiansterto his family as TIMM as can possibly be sparad from his own neeember out of the pay allowed him by the Government. CitizOs and assn.:stations of &Unsex, are earni say. rvivis mei to aid the 001111111111110 ,1 by th eir oth.tributions.lllhOtt they be sent to the they. and also be giving nottericsf any cases of imposition which may come to their know ledge. scam and entitled to 'relief are re quested to apply at the otfioe, of Thud stree‘whese blank, for animations are oravided. This Commte_lon is comp-veil as follows 800. AL& X NDER HENRY. Mayor of the Citir, Pre sident. Von. dog ACE EIMNEY,Viee President. P tiTER al BUN, Ego., Treasurer. GRARL' B E 1.1. X, _Vag., City Boliostor. THEO. CU_Y LER, Eat , President of Poises Opronoil. CflAe. B. THEO% Esq., Preeideht of Common Coun cil. DANTFL 13. HEIDEMAN, Eau., N 0.200 Vine streets A. blo .lilT YEE. Esq.. Germantown. T }Pa. FO 79'ER, hue IS 0 Green !street • WM. LOUGHLIN. hdth., 634 Ghrir lan street CALEB COPE. Esn,:Contineutal Hotel. JAN. WaTittie , Fn., N 0.717 N. Fifth arrest. lion JOHN ROBRENts. tk0.1025 Bach street. M. W. Et&LbWll , 4l Esq.. No. Ifidltiptatee O. RYTTHE THIRTY-SIXTH ANNIVERSA of the Pastoral Relstlon of the Rev-Joan Bananas. and the Church. BROAD end SANSONE Stream TO-MORROW. Otabaitth.) at 4 P. M. It" D SPIRITUALISX.—LEO MILLER will let:Aare in Sansom-st. eat Rall ant tr•D •Y, at s 3, .. M. and 8 P. B. &ideas : Mpruing—" War; or. a ll's Well that Ends Well." h.vonine— • The Uses Med Abuses of Spiritualism." Admission 8 ciente. It*. DrLOVE OF COUNTRY.—REV. V. A. eKINNE*. of Illassechometts, will epeaktii thts subject on SU s_DAY EVENING. at o'oloolh in the fOliereh of the ineaush. LOCuat Street. alma . 1 hir teenth the uriniftig at 1034 o'clock. on • The Use and Abuse of elect." it* MASONIC NOTICE —ALL THE OF- F ICE Iflf and Members of the virand t one for thO Mate of Ft nusilvamos. end the gingen cog NOM bets of tile Subordinate Lodoei, are re epeovpily: in vited to meet at Ow Union Hall. Sdpth BENENTEI btreet. on BUN DAY. et 11 o'olock M.. in full order, to attend the funeral of Brother James Newman. lam or Union Lodge, Pio. 4. It. rrr FIRST REFORM V D DUTCH CHURCH, corner of BO.VbIll rEtsoptiFßlnt}OAMDGPl etr.ete. wib (D. V.) b § open for Divine &MICA to mor row. Fev..Dr.TAYLOK wt I preach in Ike morning et 1@3:o clock, and Rev. Dr. BE Itti in the evening. at 8 o'otook. 2:CHURCH OF TILE JAITERCESSOR• DPION OAR]) 3. N., balm. Broad .trees .—e ol.- 9—Dev. R. A. CAR wth 03. reiret lae Berman to the volunteer,. OD SUN DAY AFTER NOOn. Mal 32, at 4 o'clock. Beat. have been reelped for the Soldiers. Firet of series of Sermons on 9 be Foun- I ation. and,the Spiritual Temple:" SUNDAY MORN - o olock. lt. STATJIMPPIT OF THE UNION! BANK. ae required by the second emotion of the aot of e General Assembly of thie Cornmonwealtli, approved the 13th day of Cachet, A. D. 7387. Amount of loans and dteoounta... lte7 SS 01 51/13018 8661.11.7 " duo from other banks.— - 80.8.8 of cotes in oiroulation., .. 37,10 00 dePodte, including Leloswee - due to other banks. 2 61 870 St Pumairsirm.a. Nay 10:1861. CITY OF : 1. James Lesley, Cashier of the Union Bank. being morn depose and say that the above statement is cor rect, to the best of my knowipArs and belief. JAMES LESLEY. Cashier. Worn before me, this tenth day of May, A. 1). DM. It JOEL& 11.. FJtICK, Notary crFARMERS+ AND MECHANICS+ BANK, PHILADELPHIA, Slav 7.1861. e Directors have this dev deolsred a Dividend of TERSE sER an,PlT.,payable on demand. in+ N-01 W. A Gra Tvri. hior, rrr TILE GI; IRARD Lgrit ANSI; CS. ANt JITY, Anil) Tat ST co arativ OF Pb LP/PA.—At an Election. held on the tlrb net., the following gentlemen were eleoted Renegers for Ca e arming . year , Them a • John Breeenr "t" -- R o bert-pe e n° 1, -Jahn R. Omar, Thema, P. James; n ft. Mitohell. Predenelc Brown, Lew) Linton, _ George 3 aber, Beth J. Coral', John R. Slack, Mario Henry G. Freeman, Stacy B Baroreft. eta meeticie_ol the Menagem. held Gus any, THOS. RIDOWAIf Esq., wag unanimously r• elbow). Presi dent of the Company. SHO. F. JAKEe, A6t4 1 171. May 80861. m79-3t* cr. AT A MEETING OF T F ARE O HOLDERS att the Antaxiour Nog- OE COMPANY,' held agreeably to Charter, do Monday. the eth day of May, the following gentlemen Were eleoted IhreotOrs for the winning' e ar • • 1 Thentae it. Marie, Patrick .rad.r. John We eh " John T Timm. 1 Samuel C. Morton, James R. Campbell, Lemma G. I/unlit, Charles W. Pouithey, Israel Morrie. _ . And aka meeting of the Direetors. held on the Bth hat., THOMAS B. IttAlllB was upstate-mud; elected President A. C. L. CRAW FORD, Neeretery. May 8 1881. tro9 3t* SOTITHWARK BANK PH LL LD ItLPHIL 7. 1861. *, he Directors have Boa day declared a Dividend of FIYR Polt CENT., payable ea &amid. mg 6C F P, OTP;RL,Osattior, 5—.• COMMERCIAL BANK OF PEN NSYL VAMP. kIiILADZIREEIA.Ea) 7, Mal. The Board of Directors have thie day i annual triv dead of TRH hE Pe CEdeo r ed s semN r., ppiable on said a ft er rEIIIAY zest , the 10th instant , • clear of cc, tato tax. , 8.6 t B. C. PALMER, cashier. licr MECHANICS , BANK, PHILLDIMPEIA, May 7, 1E61• Board of -Directors have this PlNK eolared a Divi dend of THREE AND A HALF CENT.. D'Vel ble 00 the 17th inst., agreeably to the provisions of the *barter. m!8-6t J. W/EGAND. Jr, Cashier. 17WESTIMN BANK OF PHILADEL- PuLA, tHILADELPHIA, Idea 7.1861. 111: .1 imams of this Beek be. e this day d-olased a Dlooierokof FOUR PLR CEIM, payable on owl her the ITth mania. my 3-61 Q. M. TII.OI.I7MAIT, Veal/ion 411nARD swot, he i'll(L&D ',Pula., Mae 741311, Dtrenters have deolaree e; s 6l.vidend of THINE PEH CANT to the last 21X MONTHS, payable on and after the 17th insti nun-thine tt7 W. L. SCHAFFER. Cashier. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Miniumlima. April 17, 796 E-The oardof Directors have this day declared a aentl an neel dividend of THREE PER CENT. = the, capital stook of the Company. clear of State tan. payable on and alter May 16th. 1881. Powers of attorney for collection of dividends can be had on application at the °lnce of the Comspanyy,No. ZS 8. Third street. THOMAB T. lISTE. • SPR "rrinnier. 1 11 . ROME GUARD, TWELETR , WARD. OVFICRRA.—PreiMent. Peter Keyser Vice President, John 0. James ; Recording Beare tory, Daniel D. Correeponclug Beoretart, 8. binder Leidr. MILITARY OFFICIZII a. sinyder Lemy Finn Lieutenant. T. M. Bides isiatle; Record do. James B. BelgerA Third do., K. Parsons: Fourth do.. Peter D. Rapier. Drill every itisht, northeast comer of THIRD and WILLOW. DANL. B. BLIFIIII., Rea. Secretary. 11 ATTENTION, COMPANY-I. 0. O. F., FRANKLIN LODGE. No. IS. It is enjoined upon each and every member of the Lodge that has, or may. enlist in the service of the United Stater to report forthwith tonsil undersigned toe name, company. gad regiment to Which he 1111 int. cried. W. W. CAMS DAY, N. (1,18 8, SECOND St. W. P. edlittihlNO,Seoretary. ' it* 1 ATTENTION, MOUNT VERNON BOHR KURD —lit company will apsemele for drillig at the Wag illy. ton Watf. ocr. EIGHTH and - SPRING GARD iSI , I btritatill. THIS h;VE TON El., at S o'clook, Citizen. , r the Thirteenth and adiOttilnli wards are reavectru/Ir mviuld to come forward and not their names upon the roll. By oreer of the Compeer. it* SUP EPR 8113138, Itemetaty. IHOME GUARDS, FOURTEENTH AND FIFTFENTN WARDS.-OLD 9IIARDS, Commas. A. will hold an adjourned mooting at the unrierr tiardert institute. corner or }IMMO and SPRING GARtlnft Streets. 'IIEB .flaturday ) EVE NING. at 8 o'oloak. to adopt Conatitatioa, take mea sures for oomplete,or_ganization. &o. A few wore per aorm over 46 tears or age are invited to enrol them selves immethatelp. JAM I E' ROSS SNOWDEN', Captider -CLEMENT A. ts t; ON. Ills°. pro term lt iUNITED STATES /MARINE 00/3PS. —WANTED. BOO' able-bodted men, between the ages of 21 and 36 r ears. not lees then five lost four and a flair inches high, eine of good character. Soldiers serving in • this corps perform duty at env, yards and on board United States ships-of-war on foreign stations. All other info , manon which may be desired_wili be given at the Rendezvous, Igo. 311 Smith Fawn . Street. Finn Licatannsit W. 'STORES BO"D, Beorulting Officer. 2 MIXED LAWN GRASS SEND Of the finest quality, for asks by P. LANDREA'II & SON, Implement and Seed liirarehoubs. at* No.. :1 t and Sit S. SIXTH Street. sis PREMIUM DAHLIAS.—I2O CHOICE ...Tim varieties or PITIMILM Dahlias, oomonshm" Com n..eror,of tee Whites. " "Joshua Longstretti,' • Uan baldt: Hamra' Scott." and when superior Lio have taken the first 'premium at the Pennell vanta Horticultural Society a ieltatiom For sale wholesale and retaii. PASCHALL bleßit le. A griouttural Warehouse. -it* 1120 Market at. Ai EARLY CABBitt , E PLANTS, .0- rA RAOIII3 Roots. Rhubarb Roo - e. Ira. for sale by D ILIODKETH k BON. It* Nos 21 aid 23 8. 81 - XTR street. lig MORRIS' IMPROVED LONG OR ANGS Carrot Be*d Pugar Beet, Ruta Bags, Hollow Crown ?amain, for field and garden Goiters. wan other fresh and genuine Careen heeds in great variety; alio, „Prune 'Cheater County 'Rego I err,. rAtiCliaLL NOB RIB. • Bead/Mao. 1120 Market it POTATOES. -1.000 Bblfi. or good Teri etiee In store, and io , s oourne forward daily. WOODRI FF & TAYLOR. Comm 4A CH h a & n s t, iroy/0 it 500 Dc,Z. LONG M. FORK HAND 1.030 dozen Long (hovel Bandies, bent. 200 do Hoe Handle*. Shovels. bpsdeap.*,pd ttoes, cedar 'Spinet" ut Doze", k or we Pr w§ w. eV' 81C12.6.R_ na94l" 993 SLAGS/glees, zee*. AT ONE O'CLOCK MILITARY NOT 4OM AGRICULTURAL RETAIL DRY GOODS BLACK SILK COATS. ~O RFP MANTLES. POPLIN DUSTERS. FRENCH RACQUER. SILK RASO:DINES. NEWEST DESIGNS. READY MADE, OR MADE TO ORDER. COOPER & CONARD, 1n711426 S. E. oorner NINTH and MARKET. 30 PE R CN T. UNDER COST PRIORI. SAVE TIME AND gONEY: Pagans eaudeboth, by going dt none and buying their Dry Goods of "'TEEL & 80N, Ire 713 North TENTH. above 4 3ostah Who have a ler e and well-assorted atm.& of NEW AND DESIhAEL.E GOODS, Wlue4 toe, are new el-aing out at THIRTY PEE CENT. UNRRA COST. Nioh arid Gloss. Bleak Silks. at No. Great Bargains in Good Blank bilks. Bich Rty les of Foulard Bilks, from 37X to 62)0, worth 81. vray Goods for Travelling Dresser. -- I gage Poplin, at reo, worth 15 ch _ B IR 43 8 Firured Bart RIM. 19.25. and 31 cents. H Toga Robe& $450. 84. and 5115. f o zAmbiqua Hoops. at 5114 rav9Rint Drew Hands, Pitopharde Plidde, Mohair Plahlr. Ginghams, Lawns. Prints, Chalhes. Gray Figured HOodt 0009E$ & CONARD. R. E. Cornor omits sad MARKET. N. IL—Best Hoop 'eldirta. 94t0 *3 25 m5ll DRESS GOODS GREATLY REDUCED -n- ,, ""Te Boit the tunes AU of our Pei.oy DMZ, GOO& 1:+m118 Feen marks to very low prices. ei Busses. Challis, Alogambiques, rage dnehas. Poplins, Organdie, past!. Peese,ailka. Fouler , R. Robes. e'-:Led P sun Grey 'I ravelling Goode. Ohintie., Calicos. Plaid G ode. New etyles oaks in Bla-k 811 k, •we , d J•nd ay loth Mantles. , _Lace Mantles. Polotes stud Shawls; wWf fin d Boy,' wear. tmummereir, Linn Bribe. iv angina ttee. Bummer tltutTs, BRAN PI,ESS O,IITaLUKEIt SiGUSTNUT and Kleine Streets. B L. OK DRESS NOODS—BARGAINS. ma , 'Plank Wool lielaines, sis and 38 cents. Bleak Wool Dm, 48 sod 10 cents. IBM* AftraZall, 20. 25- and St cants. Btaok Crape &tarots, 23 oeutsi Ala k Tamartines.3l cents. B sok Finks, Alpsoas. Bombazines, Mori/loos. Black Figs; ed Dolsulas, sans, and Ckintses. COOPER & COPIA)? o,_ B. E. Corner NINTH and MARKET. Navy PUBLICATIONS TRE DOCTRINE .AND POLICY ov PROTECTION, WITH TUT HISTORY OF OUR TARIFFS, room Tun ORGANIZATION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERN MENT TO THE PRESENT TIME. Bir DR. WILLIAM ELDER. New that a dereerate assault is being made UPOli the new Tariff to preludioe the publio in advance against it, and, if possible, to have it repealed, it is important that Its friends shnuld be prepared to combat the specious arguments of its antagonists. Nothing will better serve this purpose than the circulation of the pamphlet whose title is quoted above. which ty one of the ablest and most interesting documents that have ever appeared in support of the true American volley of fostering the great industrial interests of oar country. It will be forwarded by mail or express for 20 cents per single copy cents per doaen ; Si Pei hundred. Address RINGWALT & BROWN, api-tf No. 34 SOUTH THIRD Street, Philadelphia. EDUCATIONAL DIAORAMS.—The • Unction of kliotwohs, Anatomical Cleames..ko., le °ailed to the follows , .. series of DEIRTISUIL prepard under the direction of the English Government for the Department of 8010/100 and Art in the Government of. Great Britain t • PHYSIOLOGICAL DI eGnAMB.—Prepered by John Marshal, F. R. C. B. Nine flagrant., life ease, co lored. minded on awn% with roller. ZOOLOGICAL DlAGRAMS.—Prepared by R. Patter son. it.. M. R.I. A. of Belfast. Ten Diagram.. fully colorer', on roller.. .—HOTaNIOnL DIAGRAM M Pepar e ed by Professor or Hen TßON N M eD AL g Dl m Gß l Md—Pr d ep O re rl byJohn Drew. Es. Twelve Diagrams, fully o.lored. .on rotlria. AN fif A LEI OF THE ANOWNT WORLD.—Prepared by B. Waterhouse Hemline, F.O. H.; F. L. E. Eix. Diagram., in double-tinted litho graphy• on tellers. Tesehers and. Lecturers will find the above euperior to earthing of the kind heretofore vtiblished. and In every respect accurately drawn and col , red. Mc~LRO cit.. Pritiorters of English Hooke. &0.. 3t No. 27 B. MIX LH . t., above Chestnut. A PROCLAMATION (NOT) BY TDB PRRRI DENT !! ! Winnusis An irundioue Re bellion (Jeff _Davis) exist', having 'for its object the overthrow of a legitimate Government, and the in duotion of a bastard Cotton• federaoy. and whereas we would avoid the necessity which would coolie us to save the pieties of a fractured Republic : now we do. therefore. recommend that all loyal citizens forthwith take measures to_provide themselves with standard fubliaatiomi treating upon Military Discipline, and urtlimmore„ that the same be procured from the ex tensive stook of OBOR g, 0. .EVA1V8,.439 GSM C- S( UT Street. Philadelphia , . The following we would as reliable works : 'il a tirDKE'S TACT .......... $ll 60 431LEUM'8 eCU''T'STACTICR_.3 ;se COOPER'SMACOMWS . V.AeTICS._. 113 CAVAL 0 Y TACTICS.-.. 375 eßely REG IIL ATTOra_.. . . . PO Mc 4 II4ELLAIIIPB BAYONETF:YgRCLErne., , 1 25 Also, all the EPosraphio Writings of SM UCKKR, BARTLEY. rams, and other popular authors. to gether with an_ immense collection of. MIBGEL- LevEoUti PR BuICATIoNS. end a handsome plts SENT. worth rlO - eente to MIG it, with Muth. By order of the Secretary of the Book Department of GFORG IS G. litVAl43' Popular Headquarters, 439 01110iTN U utreet. UMW, LAW AND MISOELLANEQIIB, new and ofd, boluilici eigd et: B # the resliLligi L ilie. BANK buoa: a' ALUM. lu. 11S STIV UT MAW. Libraries at a distanoe purchased. Ole hating Hoots to sell, if at a dieting°, will state their names, ogee. biedinst,.detes, °dittoes. ewes, and oonaitions. WithiTED—Bonkit printed 1 , 7 Bewa re ,Fra e .,A.... IM. early BookzarZe k d in and Gr.:4;d. Pamphlet laws of for ehla.. Cala lsreakin pros, seat free. .r...thilzwavAilirtu. SODA. WATER CHARLES M. BREAKFRII ICE-COLD SODA, WATER. WITH FRESH FRUIT - 41YRuPit, AT NORTHEAST O.n SPIER BROAD AND CHEST NUT STRPEr S. • The Reda Water ie drawn from porcelain-lined Fountain& pure anti spark ling. well charred with ear bome sold gem. pr.pered with the highest regard to retaining the NATURAL ILAT , H I If TOE FRUIT ivo rains lilt be spared /.1 maintain the high character which this Fountain has already at tamed. .Bottled Soda Water at 373 g Oftell per dozen. congresi Water, fresh from the twinge, consbintly on hand. mrll Sat r POSTPONEMENT EDUCATIONAL CONVENTION. ERE EDUCATIONAL coNvErrruni, Propelled to be held at RARRISBORO ON THE Skit, 22d, 231. and 2ith OP KAY, Mt, is hereby POSTPONED, At the request of a large number of the perilous who were extooted to be present. It will, however, tete OW Sit some more amiable tuna during the Bummer or Autumn, of whioli due PUBLIC NOTICE WILL BE GIVEN ite the objects and order of business will then be the Mx* as thane tel forth in the original circular, alt who received that document will Diem ATTEND TEE MEETING, Wien tha tuna 'hall ha announced. Without further invitation. _ -TRO. R. BURROWS. Bavarian:lndent Common Sohooll SCHOOL TWARTMENT. EARB.I6BITR6, blllll 9, 1841. OPECIAL , ADAMS'NOTICE-- PXPRESS COM- Yen f .—Negnier emneinnieation baying been estab lished with Baltimore, by rail to Perryville. and thence by boat, .uag Mi L lli . k Xl - 3 ba3 s wil l be P de s patched to thatnig olns JONll o Re M s e = per d. tendent, mvlo-3t 320 CVOTNITr Street. an FOE LIVERPO st ship GREAT EAST Cameo. R. Commander, will Bail from New York FOR L/VBlgooli SATURDAY, MAY 25 PiONAGE MONEY -.-- --OLIO First Beeond Cabin. with rry superior aeoommodationi. GRINNELL, MIDITURIV, & CO.. Agents, New York. m 0 tsith ATTENTION, MILITARY THE NEW HAT, for serviee intrannolimates, produced under the Sneer insioroof Gen.R. F. Eddi Ir, and adopted by the State of Mikasobasetts, and the re,' pattern ARMY BROS, can be seen at the CONTI NENTAL HOTEL . Alio 2otavv6 Uttiforads. PlitigaleiNPll,Risanal Shirts. Rub ber Canteens, liauersacks, Knapsacks, Blankets, and the celebrated Combinstion Inapt/wk. 143101 C COPTAA.CIe SOLICITY.D. Militers Men are invited to examine eamplee before ordarins al/authors. HAUGHIO.I7, SA:WYER, & CO., ROOM No. 184. PL SOLUTION OF 00PARTNERBRIP. JL , Tin Copartnership heretofore waiting between the trliirmsweni soder the naimemf /141111yY, Mori- DIES. & so" to this day dissolved by n must consent. Ail poisons indebted to the 6.te firm are requested to makerumen; of their mosounte to libri Nl' HANDY. who alum is authorized to receipt for the same. end to use the nuns of the tirm in wtolius six. the business. Rxrcity,l4N,DY, . . _ ritiladephia, May 7r ISOL . rtoTIOS----tao Undersigned rewqtfalty informs the customers of the tate firm of SANDY, faOttittS. & CO. thane wig continue the same hranoh of buinneee in his crwrumme. a; the old stand. 113 South FOVIVIII Street. era solietts the continuanoe of their patronage. JIMMY HAN DY. rillinneithitt, May 8,1881. rush &VAL SUPPE MS.—Sealed Proposals will ip received at this Office until the 11th inst. for supping all the Mt OW or ISAVY Rah AD wh supping ch ma; be required to be delivered at this Yard on or before he Eat of July neyt—to be d - livr red in good floor bums securely berwed, as required, upon five PrOYOUS no ios—the inapt? to De equill to SO br ume tam chnverabla by contract. isinaltb of which can he wan at the Navy Yard. kaymenUr for the same to b mane by the oliel A eat hi this q, air hills duly ertified to, and approved at Lois o propose be made atatieg th, rate per room ,an to be 'removed by two good end responsible pyouriticut for the falhfu., compliance with the terms of the con tint. a rarl en Par r ceg t ta y m aAn e t w d tt a l lic ea 4d ya f r oa s t ) ! topaymi4olOx i sit ' e contra n ot 8 P. DU PONT, Commaidant. CONYIANANT'S °PHU& U.B. NAVi YARD, t natattelpina. May loan. CSI GiUDIRT tdansfsatarad sad %..0 far op WlNPARlLint t ailarh , 41 , ssa BLUE - K-ErtsEvps NI) OLATHS. Buttabte AtT PIANaI Pewee,* For male br FROTHINGHAII WELLS, EA LETITIA STREET. MILITARY CLOTH, BENJAMIN BULLOCK & SONS, N 0.16 SOUTH FRONT STREET, PRILADELPIII A, ' Are now manntheturirg at their own Mills, near Conshohooken, Montgomery county, Pa., 6-4 CADET CLO'I I I-1, PORE INDIGO BLUE, Adapted expressly for ARMY CLOTHING. The goods can be seen at their store as above. mrlo-12t MILITARY CLOTH. CADET CLOTH OF SUPERIOR FABRIC. suitable for ARMY AND HOME GUARD UNIFORMS, • .MANUFACTURED BY GEORGE P. EVANS. Amply at Nos. I 0 and 12 North FRONT Street. mylo JOHN THORNLEY'S, 311 CHESTNUT *Street, north rode—the oldest establishment in the United States. INDIA-RUBBER OAHE BLANKETS, For Annyand ban' yip:dements. PAT dPiT AUBJELKS, CAZd P AL KNAPSACKS, KNA PBAeKS, HAVERSACKS. H►VERBACKS, CAN COVERS , E TENTS, GUN GUN COVERS, CAPES' CAPB. CO 4113, CAPS. bOATS, And "very .ther ardalA that IN manufactured of India Rubber—is of the best material. • s - mysltm if - - JOHN THORNLEY. TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES. DO YOU WANT WHISKERS! DO YOU . WANT A MOUSTACTUf CELEBRATED STIMULATING UNGUENT,_ NOR ?RR WRISKERN AND NAIR The subscribers take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of the 'United Stab's that they hare obtained the liaenor for and are now enabled to afar to the American public` the above justly-celebrated and world-renowned article. . • THE STIMTIL &TING ONGIIENT Is prepared by Dr. C. F. DF.LLlbiellald. an eminent phyamisa of London. and is warranted to bring outs thick set of WHISKERS, OR A MOUSTACHE In from three to MIX Weekil. Thin article is the only one of the kind need by the French, and in London and Lone it in in a/uxorial we, It la a beantiftd, imonomisel, soothing, Pat stimula ting compound, acting as if by magic upon the roots. oansinc,a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If ap plied to the smite it will cure baldress,and canoe to spring up in the place of the bald spots a fine growth of new hair. Applied according to directions. it Intl turn IMO or rows hair Dens. and restore gray hair to its 2F I IIIUaI color, leaving it sigh untruth, and iloxibio, aha " ONG GENT" is an indispeolosble article to every gentleman , . toilet, and after one week's ice they would not for any consideration, be without it. T subscribers are the only Aponte for the article in t he United .Btates, to whom all order. Inuit be ad dressed. Price one dollar a box; for sale hy all Dragsters, and Dealers ; or a box of the " ONGUEPIT," warranted to have the Amstrad abet. will be sent to any who desire it,by mad, direot. securely paoked, on receipt o erlee ttrt4 pottage, E.lB. Apply to, or address tti WILLIAM Street, New York, DYOTT I CO" No. 239 North SECOND Street, Phi ledelphis Agouti. uth22l-Szu OPAL DENTALLINA.—We speak from practical experienos when saving that the OPAL DENT4LINA simple by . BUlribl. of BROAD and SPRUCE. Streets . is decidedly the nicest preparation for the month and teeth that we base ever used. We believe it fulfils all that is claimed for it, and being re commended by the most eminent dentists we advise all to give at a trial.—Beasfis. IV ANTED—A Lad to do Errands. Ad dress " T." Press office. .8.9941 WANTXD—AGENTS to sell: PACRA.- ' , /-T OES 9f STATIONERY and JEWELRY. at rise■ one third lou than wan be parohand elsewhere. all on or address (stamp maimed) J. L. BAILEY. No. 54 COURT Stret. Roston. Mau. inhat-ain EIMPLOYE RS WANTING YOUNG -L:A Men, he., are invited to eddrees the" Empl oy meet Committee," et the Rooms of the Yonn Mateo Unlit:ion Animation. 10013 and 1011 CIIE r TNUT Street. ape-em WANTED—A VESSEL. of the capa city of from 15300 to 1,200 barrel', to load for the 77.19.2ye5. ADsll7 N iemcaric _ , ate •- 902 and 904 SoutSitibNg=t. B 0 A R DI N G.—Desirable Rooms, with BOARD, at MRS. TOWARD'S, 80. 16:30 RPRU- E fitteek m1 16.7tx BOARDING.—IIe g ant large and airy Roome• with first-elsas board, at 1315 Walnut street. Rethrettees exchanged. lort.tbsin St' BOARDERS will be received at a retired but yledeantly-situated Farm Home*, th. MRS TER COUNTY.. but a abort distance from toe Rail road. The dwelliny is beautifully shaded. whieli. with large Vegetable and Pruit.Owdene, will furnieh board ers ilth every luxury the country can afford. Address Sri B. H. 5.." office of The Press. maim* NOTICE.—PHILADELPHIA, May 7, 1861. Take iodise. that we have spieled by Petition to the Court of Gomm on Pleas of the city and county of Philadelphia. ior the benefit of fro mayoral Inalrent laws of Peggegitrania, and they have appointed BA TU R DAY. the Seth day of Mar. A. 0, 18a1. at to o'clock A. ht.. M their Conn Room, in said city. to hear us and oar creditors, when end where said creditors may at tend, it they think proper. _ DANIEL MURPHY, ALI XANDER M. SMITE'. Late trading ea M URPHY ar. SMITH. Grocer', at N. W. corner Second and Coates streets end e 0.102 North Second street. my 0,10,11 14.16,18.21,23.2a* NOTICE IS BERKEY GIVEN THAT the:lab:cram has lad Certificate NO. 3118 of the West Chester and Philadelphia finuroad ComnsnY, tor htling him to nineteen charms of its asnittd stack, and that he wa k apply to the said company to issue a new certificate. a . 18-toe fir* illOtt IR R. BELL. NEW CLOTHING STORE, No. 714 MARKEL' STREET. Constantly on hand a fad assortment of CLuTHING, made in the pest manner, and at prices to cult the times. Also, a large stook of Gray Flannel Shirts and Drill Janketa. bspeoial attention given to Customer Work. and to making suite for Home Guards. my 9 then* M. T. WILLIS Agent. GREAT MILITARY SUPPLEMENT TO THE • FHILADELPHLt. INQUIRER. • 11.A.RDEE'S TACTIOS FOR THE MILLION, COPITAIIEED . In an eight-page Supplement to Tun PHILADELPHIA ittutrama—embrsoing the School for the Soldier, School for the Company, and Instructions for Skirmishes for. Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics. oomplete—illustrated With 21 egravings, and three correct M ean A e J. Seat of War. n l'abliebe4 by perauseion of R. LIPPINCOTT & Co. (Copyright secured) This valuable work for the rank and file of the Army is now ready for delivery to News Dealers and Periodi cal Agents. • Frio? for 100 copies--- ...43.00 • 2.00 • 22 " t.ze Single copies 6 costa. • Cash to aocompany the order. Three or one cent stamps will be received in payment for amounts under one dollar. WM. W. HARDING, Philadelphia Inquirer. No. 121 3. THIRD Street, mylo-3t-if PHILADELPHIA. PROPOSALS for STATIONERY, ETO. ri. HEADQUARTERB PENNA. MILITIA, QUAATIOLSI Aft VERN DEPARTM , NT, HARRIORTIRG, May 8. 1861. 11 SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiy_eu at this o ce up to twelve oimocir on TUESPAY, the FOUR TEENTH RAY OF MAY. 180. to furnish the follow ing article', in slush quantities. at Ruch +mos, and at ~,,,q, pdge..e, nat mar be directed by thin office : Foolscap plain, per peat, good quality. Letter paper, " .. .. Note _ Letter paper, printed heading, per Ream, good qua lit.. Note paper, printed heading, per Ream, good qua- N` Envelopes, large pjain, per hundred. printed, .• email terrine, plain, per InAndred. . .6 111 printed, a. W. moititui CLIFITIN NLAGARA FALLS, CANADA.—Thu Hotel will open for the season on the lbta inst. families wishing hoard by the week can be soooramodeted with Cottages or Rooms in the Heine, at liberal rates. Just IN & DUNKLIte, Proprietors. ignarn Felts iihinada.) kloy 6. 1861 nlykbt Tai bitElETthei of the large WIIALK, captured in the DO4I•WarTO river latch, is ror "m e . Apply or address ouseethatvly JaILLIstAI4 & BTRE4,II.E.R. Penn Treaty pnilway, BRA! 'Li shove Columbia avenue, LrA.RI).-125 tierces extra Leaf Lard. for br V4lV n ‘lt Wolf)/ 4ROat Street. 4 tour &WA mitavAKT GOODS. DO YOU WANT WRIVERN DO YOU WANT A MOUSTAUIII4 BELLINGITAM'S HORACE L. REHEMAN & C Druggist'', &e WANT/L BOARDING LEGAL. CLOTHING. ink. per quit rt, Pens. per STOOL Pen-holders. per growl. • Tubio*. long and short, per dozen. lotting paper, per quire. apes. per spool. Mucilage. per dozen bottles. Kends Belerenne Fatal par gross. I Sunda. Pet dozen. Ink Bend. Per at Zen. r• and Boiee, per dozen. Files. per dozen. Pau Books. per dozen. Blank Bopirs. ruled end unruled , per quire, • • bound. per noire Wrapping Paper, per ream Peoons b per prom Vitsrecac.: ti r e r i p per! dosen. Sealing Wax. R. C. HALE. Q.aarterintsiter General P. M. OFFICIAL TREASURY DEPARTMENT, April 29, 1861. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this De partment until 12 feolook :loon of ThitratiSy t the Seth dsy of May next, unless the whole amennt pireyed be sooner taken at per, for thirteen millions nine hundied and seventy-eight thousand dollars of St ok of the Uni ted h totes, under the aut of Congress approved =1 June, 1860, autheriztnB a Loan and providing for the redemp tion of Treasury Notes. '/ his Stook will bear inter. fit at the rate of siz per cont. per eineum, pay.sble een•i annually on the first days of January and July in each year, and will be reimbursable in ten years from the first day of January lest. No offer, by the terms of the set. can be accepted at learn than par, or for any fraction of one thousand do - lars ; nor am any offer be considered unless one per cant. of the amount thereof be first deposited with the Treasurer of the United States, or either of the Assist ant Treasurer. at Roston, New York, or Philadelphia subject to the order of the Secretary of the Treagury. The oertifieate showing spelt deposit must 8041001118,111 the offer. Offers, under the:above conditions, for the amount above stated, or any portion thereof, wi.l be accepted, atd the sums so accepted must De drposited either with the Ti ensure r of the United &ales, or come One of the Assistant Treasurers above named, before the fifth day of June next. Or, if preferred. one-fifth on or before the Mtn day of June ; two fifths on or before the fif teenth day of June ; and the remaining two-fifths on or before the thirtieth day of June next. On the receipt here of the certificates of the proper officers, showing such detente, certificates of In scribed stock will be Issued to eucoessfnl•bidders. or their assigns, in sums of one thousand or five hundred dollars °soh, as may ho required, Inscribed stook so issued will carry interest from the date of such de posit, and will be transferable on the books of the Treasury, agreeably to the regulations of the Depart ment. Should any accepted bidder desire certificates of steak with coupons of semi-arinnal interest attached to each certificate, they will be issued accordingly in SUMS of one thousand dollars each. with coupons attached for interest from the first day of Jell next. 'nob coupon stock, insteld of being transferable on the books of the Treasury. may be assigned and transferred by the de livery of the certificate/. 'The interest on snob coupon mock, from the date of the deposit therefor until the first day of July a. xt, will be paid on that day to the accepted bidder. or his attorney, by-the depositary with whom the principal was deposited. The orooriaals under this mattes must be endorsed on the envelopes, " Propouishe for Loan of 22d June, 1860," and addressed to the Sanatory of the Treasury. Wash ington. D C., or such proposals, so addressed, may be put undercover to the .assistant Tretisurer. New York, Who will rennin, them to this Department to be opened and decided. It is desired that each ssa'ed proposal may he accompanied wi , h a note, addressed to the De partment. st- Una the name of the bidder, and the sum bid for, in order that the bids may be opened whenever the whole sum offered is subscribed for. The prebmi earl deposit of one per centum !squired from all bilkers will be included in the final deposit deposit of the 'principal. S. CH *315% roy6-wilt Secretary of the Treasury, PROPOSALS. Nave t Bureau of Yards and Docks, April 19, 1861. SEALED k'ROPoB+l.ei for each vase separately. endorsed •••,r 'opium's for Clem No. (name the Masa) for the Nav Yard at (Patne the yard.") will be receives a this o moe until noon on the 57th day of May next, for furnt•bing and deuvenna at the several Navy Yard. name d. cite in / starlets and articles ernbrsced iztprinted schedules. which will be fui 'sighs° on epplication, and emit by mall, if go requested to persona desiring tot ffer to cataract for any or all of the Magee named therein, b rl y the cionimandants of the several Navy Yard.. for the 0 6111410111 for the yards unaer their command, or by the &VI Agent nearest thereto, or by the .bureau, for any or al the yatds. To prevent confusion and mistakes in scaling the ciders. no bid will be received which contains °asses for more than one yard in one • ;vicious', and each mut vidnat of a firm most sign the bid and contract. Bidders are h•re by cautioned and particularly noti fied that their offers must be in the form hereinafter p eporibrd end be mailed in time to reitah their deati nation bitiore the time (mail es for reoeiving them ; no bid will be °outdated rhich shall be received after the period et ted. and so aliowance will be made for fail ures of the malt. To suard ewainst °rem being opened be t rare the time a r o j intod, bidders are r. quested to endorse on the en velope above the address, and draw a line under tne en dorsement thus: Proposals for Mesa. No. (name the °lase) for the Navy Yard at (name the yard.)" To the Chief of this Bureau of Yards and Docks, Washington, D.C. Form of Offer. I Here date the offer.) 1( here Inter t she name or names composing the hrin), o f (name the town), in the atate of (name the state). hereby offal to furnish under your advertisement. dated (date of advertisement ). and imbjeot to all the rea el. e meet, of the same. and of the p. toted schedule t 'which it !afore, ail the at ticlee e abroad(' in Clean No (Lame the class). for the pain Yard, flit (name the yard); ac cording to said 'oboe ulo, ( here paste on the printed class from the schedule, and opposite each artio r the price , and carry out the amoun , in the eo'um or dollars and cents, and foot up the aggrega ' e amoa of the bid for the drum), amounting to there write the amount an words). I propose as my agent (here name the m eat, If one to required by the schedule) for toe supply under the clause miscellaneous, by a eon-iesident of the ark of delivery ; and should my offer be accepted, I re the contract may be prepared and sent to the navy agent at (name tee agency) for signatures and certifi cate. t were the bidder and each member of the firm to sign.) Form of Guarantee. The underlay:lea (mune of guarantor) of (name the town.) and State ot (name the Stem,/ atd (name of se condguarantor. h 0..) hereby undertake that tha above named i name . the bidder or mama) vie, if his [or tho'rj offer ss'above be accepted, enter two contract with the United stateswithin ti teen day a alter the date of notice through tee Peet office, of the acceptance of hi or their] offer before mentioned. witness: (Sighatere of guarantors.) I certify that the shove named (here name the guar antors)are tooter' to me to be goad and rsavonstble guarantors in this case. ( +menu e.) To be sig i, n i so by the Distriet Judge. Dietriet Attorney. Collector. eel Agent, or some person known to the, Bureau to be responsible. PORTE/3101;UL N. H. Masa No 2, Vona class No. 6 white pine, spruce, juniper. and o 1 press ; claim No. 1, lime. hair, and pias ter; alai* No.B, cement ; class No. 9.gravel and sand ; plugs No 11, iron. Vol] nailant. spikes; oleos No 12, steel; ClBBB No 14 files; olaas N 0.13, vamp, oil., an 1 glass ; elan No. 16. 800. chandlery ; o ace No. 17. hard • ware ; 018g8 NO.lB, arationery ; owes No. 19, firewood ; clam No. 20, bay and straw; costa No 21. provender; plum No. 22 . oharoovl; ola•• No. 23, t•eluna. packing. and boas ; clam N 0.24 sperm and lubricating of le ; clam No 28, iron castings; &Via No. 26. a perm; clogs No. 27, enthral:U[lloW ; 01f1811 230, 29, bituminous Cumber land coal. BOSTON. No. 1. bricks; clams N 0.2, stone; class No. B. oak and bard wood ; class No. 6. white pine, spruce, juniper. and copra=; oleos No. /. hme. hair. end pima stear; ohms No a. Gement ; 9161111 9. gravel and sand; eel No 11. Iron. Iron nails, sod kes; olass No /3, steel cslag• No .13, 111.11 , Iron 818/0 Ito 14 b'ea ; °lava No. 16. paint". oil., and glass ; wises No. 26. snip oh•nd lory ; class No. 17, hardwa-e ; olassNo 18. stationery .; clays No. 22 hay and straw; class No. 21. provender; olaria N 0.22. charcoal ; clams N 0.21, belting. packing. and hose; Glass No. 24, sperm and bibricata•ur oils; Maas No. 30 iron casting. ; oleos o. 26. aucens; class no, anthracite coal clue No. 29 Intumorui Cum berland coal; class No. 30, eeml-bituminous Broad lop, ego., NEW YORK. clan No. 1. bnoks ; caste No. b, oak and Lard wood class N 0.6 wh to pine, sprats, cranium. and juniper; • Maas No. 7, lime. hair. and plaster ; elan No. 8 °emend; class No . 9. gravel and sand ; cla w No. 10 slate ; Masa No. 11. iron. iron nails. and snares atria No. 12 s' eel class No. 14. filesj *um No 16. Punts. oil". and 61846; class 6.0. 16, ship oh •ndlory ; No IT. hardware; olias No. 19, .tationerr ; lame No 10. bay and straw; class No 21, provender; clan N 0.21, oharooal ; cl 'de No. 22 bolting pankine, and hose; oda a 00 24 apeom sod lubrioat,ng oils; class N 0.26 motors; class No. 27. knl broods coal; atria No. 90_semi bituminous Broad Top, &0., coal P RI LAD VLPHI & Class No. 1, bricks; plan No. 2, stone; class N 0.5, oak aad bard wood; mars No. 6. white vine, spruce, es pram, ane juniper; class N 0 . 7. lime. hai r t and .plas ter ; el as It) slate ; class No. IL iron, iron rails, Apd snakes l class No 12. NUM ohm No. 14. filas Glass No. 16, paints, oils, and class; class No. 16. on p swind lers ; class NO It. hardware ; Wyss No. 18, stationer, ; class No. 19. firewoi d ; class No. 20. ba and straw; erase No 21. provender ; class No. 23. c harcoal; class No.= belting. packing. and rose ; class No. 24, avert° and lubricating; class No 16. angers ; class No. ST. anthracite octal; oleos No. SO, semi-bituminous, Broad Top. leo.. coat. NAVAL:ASYLUM. Class No 2. (Amami ; cars N.•. 2 , hate, boo's, and shims, ; mon 740. 3, provisions ; class hc.4. groceries ; ts ass No s,dry• goods; class rio 6. brand. he ; ols•S No. 7, tobacco; o ass No 8, navel &Demr ; class No. 9. tiaremore ; claire No. 10. psi..ts, of a, and glass; (mass 11,1tirobe ; No. N 13. OPOT7 ; 01 ,4 7 firewood class No. H. co al; 01 , . . No. 30, p ro v end e r; class N 0.16 bricks, &rt. WASHINGTON. Class No.l, bricks ; ohms No 2. stone ; class No. S. yellow pine timber; class No 4, yellow eine lumb -r ; class eO.. 6, oak , and herd wi.od ; class No. 6 white pine, Irptnee jiltlyies. and cypress ; elan No 7. WIN. hair. and plea er ; class No. 8. cement ; class Ago. 9. gravel and sand ,- oleo 11,_fron. iron nails, and saliva ; ease No. list/eel; class lie. 13, pig iron ; class No. 14. files; chand l e r y; 6. pain's. 'its, ana glass ; class No. ship alms Ne. IL hardware ; class No. 18,etationery . ; class N 0.19 firetroo.a; class N 0.20 bay and strew; class leo 21, provender; class N 0.12. (mammal ; class No, 2s, bit mg peaking, and bone; clam No. 24 em and lubricating oils; class Igo. 26, ange s ; clue No V, nath quilts o. al ; ohms go. tuminons Nichmnna or Virginia owal ; o. as No. 29 , bituminous Cumberland coal. Tae schedule will state the times within which arti cles will be required to Le deny., ed. and •rberg. the Printed schedule is net vied, th- periods stated in it for deliveries must be copied in the bids II the at tialee whioh may be connected f.,r mast be delivered at such place or rdeeee inoitoing drayage and cartes. to the Fplace where need . within the navy yards. respectively. which the oiler is made, as may be directed by the commanding officer thereof; sad all other things being equal, preference will be given to Amerman manilla.° Lure. Ito article will be received after the rxeiration of the periodrified in the schedule for the comple tion of delive rs. unless specially an horizeti by the Department. n computing ti,e °bums, the price etsted in the column of prioea will be the standard and the aggregate of the mass will be carried out according to tiie price* stated. at is to be provided in the contract and to be dig unotly understood by the bidders, that the amount and member of article§ enumerated in climes headed " tdisciellassous." are specified as the probetre gnarl tat, winch may be require°, as well as to fined data for deterrain ng the lowest bid ; but the contractor is to furnish more or 160 of the said enumerated articles. and in suoti que.nt.this. and at such time/. as the bureau or oomm•ndent may reunite; such inoreasie. however, not to exceed one-half of the quantities staled ; aod re quieitiene MIL through the post Orme shall be deemed suffietent nottOe.l. during the fiscal favourites the Man Jane. ; and whether the quantities required be more or less than those speOlfied, the prices shall 10- •.. main the same. All ire articles under the contract moat be of the best quality, delivered In good order. free of all and every charge or espouse to the tiovernmeut, and eubjegt to the inspection, count'. weight. Or measurement of the said navy yard, and be in all resort° s satisfactory to the commandant thereof. Bidders are referred to ih,yerd for plans. specifications- or lamp's', and any further description of the article. . When bidders shad be in doubt as to the preoute article. named in the schedule. they will apply to the oommendlng officer or the navy yard. aod not to employees, for description of the article or articling in doubt which information the said officer will give in writin g . Contractors for olas es headed 0 Miscellaneous. who do not reside Pear the place where the article' are to be delivered. Will bi required to name in i heir proposals an scent atthe o.ti or princi pal plane near the yard of delivery. who may be called upon to deliver aittoles without aeitiY when they shall be required. Approved sureties in the full amount of the oontrarit wilt Ile required. and meat. per oentunt as additional security drdnoted from each payment Mail the contract shall have been completed or cancelled, unless otner wise authorized by. the Department. Vii oistees of articles headed AliseellaLeoas." to be delivered as r guard during the fiscal 'oar. the tw comman d antm retained may, at the discretion of toebe paid quarterly on the first day of January. Pi ll.J.ely. and October. when the deliveries have Oslo satisfaCi tory, and the balance (eighty , per cent.) will be paid sy the rens...Alva tw, agents within thirty days after the preeeutation of bills, in triplicate. duly Vouched and approved No part of the per oentum reserved is to be paid until all the rejected articles °flared under the contract 'hal have been removed from the yard, unless specially authorized b. the Department. ft will be stipulated in, the contract, that it default shall be made by the palace of tee first hart in deliver ing all or any c f the artio.eif mentioned to any cases bid for,of the coalitv end at the times and places move provided, then and to that Cabe the Blvd parties will for feit and pay to the United nudes a tom of Menial not to exceed twice the amount of such elate whioh may be recovered, from th a t in case time. according' to the as of Congress In that case provided, approved March S. 80. h '1 . aural is• must sign the nontract. and their respon sibility be oertifizd to by a: navy agent, oolleot-r, dis trict attorney. or sane other person satisfactorily known to the Mimic. It is to be provided in the contract that the bureau shall have the power of annul ing the contract. w th• tit loss or damage to the Government. incase Congrrse shall not have made sufficient appropriations for the articles named. or for the completion of works esti mated for. and on which this advertisement OS based. and shall also have the power to increase or dimirash the quantities named in the class°. Lot beaded hits oellaneoUe" in the rchedole twenty-five pa i r cesium. Persons whose ciders shall be aooepted wilt be notified by le' ter throu ft the post office, whi,h notice shall be ounitdeieu sufficient - and it they an tiot enter into o 'n tract lit the supplieir pacified within fifteen dais horn toe date of note e from the Pore.. .f the acceptance of their bid, a contract will be made with some other per 1100 or persons, and the g uarantors of such defaulting tinkle .s wilt be held rsnsicniiibie Cot all until:Minim:nett. Alt offer, not wide In strict 1)00 ormity with this ad vertisement • ill. at the option of the bureau, be re vs the only whose offers may be accepted will be DOLL tied. sod ..street ( will be ready for execution se soon thereafter as MY he Practicable. my 7,74,31,35 A FRW FAMLLIIS can obtain comfortable A - A- BOARD. nod be pleasantly situated during the Elmer , in Be..VbeiLY, N. Terms. S per Week. or oftrUoutere. apPIY, i's letter, to c.6+. • Sooth rhinil fr-WhilW MATINEE FOR TUE INDIA S AT mecRANTos , HA 1,1, THIS AFTERNOON, at o'elook. Add a rea will be given, varied by Vocal and Implemental Music, by it • D FEA H E.R and LA ROOR.UA.wiIe, wi , b their Ghildren, will be introduced as representatives of the Indian ra.^e • (1131Refon and 19 aestiees ati4 he held hr the Semeder ties. In the tame p nee, on SABBATH EVE , at 7if • WLICATLEY & tILARIUM AltlYll-IT. TREATRit Dot PlI i O g ALURDAY o IIa VE Wi NG t PMayn nC. . Will be presented the grand gaiiitit7 and idistorioal Spectacle. in b Eponhc etr,tled Tar. WARS OF NePQLICON Tiff. GREAT 1 Composed. a •epted and arranged by Mr. G I 0 4E. R.Y.E.R. Witt) whom a spooled engagement has been entered into, and Who will eutrt.un 6or egutskeble pet actuation Reel A eOi:F.U.I. The whole eTe mPAN y in the "sat. WALNIIINSTREET TUICATKIS. • • Role Lama.-- —Kra M. A. GAR K ETE99.N. %Mr Manager ---..-_.. 1 —.. Mr. Win. A. Glittwil. Agent- _. Mr. os. M U THIS (•iSTFRAY) HVENINH. Her CAR BM' tat OP ROUEN. Marmau ...................... Mr. Edwin Adam& Madeleine_...- r Oladatene. To conclude HO 11 with BEBllOg ; 01111180 N. . !SCALE 07 PalCia.-I , reas 0 role , treats 'soured Inca out extra charge.? AO gents; parquet.. teems secured at 6cl 0ent5,)3734 cents ; family a.role, 25 cents; private boxes, $6 sad $3; orchestra. la cents. Doer, open at quarter pasc 7 o'clock curtain will rise at a quarter to 8 u'omos. MoDONOUGH'S OLYMPIC) THEATRE RACE Street below Third. • THIS (SATURDAY) FNING. May SKVRei 818 r Re! tiEvEN 818 1 FINING. I NING. Natiec—The Mapuemeot berm leave to ennotlnoe the Re• Opening of the Olrmvio Theatre, when the 8 tsISTERS will be performed with many addi tions. GRAND REVOLUTIONARY ACT, Entitled MUTHEQ BALF.V. or the DAYS OF '7l! Will be intraluond: on which otioarinn MR3. la /Icaermntr wilt appear. The LAST , e.• RI H OF THE BUTTERFLY Will be brought forward. TIOo. McK;'o:l, flue Manager. SANFORDI OPIUM ROUSE, ELEVEN CH STREET OPEN FOR THE SEASON. NEWLY DECORATED AND FAINTED, htR. SANFORD Eta gemmed one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented !meta°. who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doom open at 7; Commence at rm. Adnowoon TO Gents. Children le come ripEfg GERMANI& ORCHCSTRA ft kr- NOUPWE their three last Publip Rehearsals at the !dowel re. 4 Han, the loot one of the scalp to rake plane on Sal U R I)•Y, May the 26th. 1 lesrpte to be obtained at the usual trleee• m)8 thl2s pEN NA. atiADEfill' OF TILE FIND ARTe-1025 011E'iTNUT eTBEET. The Thirty-eighth ANNUAL EXHIBITION of .PAINTIPIOS and SCULrFVME is now open. Admittance 28 cents; Season ?whets 85 cants; Chil dren half price. Catsloenee ems, Matto den will receive their tiotets at the Academy. • a 0224( FOR BALE AND TO .LET. itTO LET—A very desirable and oonvenient store, No. 24 South FOURTH et ; Etat reasonable A oply to A.R. ,:RamßE4d. No-3 North THIRD street. • mylla satin* al FUR .SALE—Several very desirable Three•atrury 1:12113K D.a.ELLING EIOU'ES, with three-story book bui.dinse. onoloned verandah+. and eummer kitchens ; built wito the very best material and 10 •Poriccoani , ke manner. oiroulnr m ,rble door ways. most approved heater, and rani' en. mar b e rr lin tel*, hot a, d r-o , d water, water onembera ; Matt lomely papered throughout, tint bed in the latest style. Pituatod on the abet aid. or - r:V °NTH st-eet, a ore Thompson street, Twent.eth ward. Apply on the P.e muses. my.l /ft am TO LET—The flegant RESIDEPOE lent Green street ; •se. bath. Farms. t loca tion ex , ettent. Apply at No. 20 eunth FiAURTH Bt. mylO.2C • mi GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO ma T—A rommodiona MANSION, well thadsd bY largo trees, a Mari a short &stemma Item Shoemakar Lane Rtstion. Inquire of N. , weCALL.t. m 79 6t." 18 South SECOND Street. Arm FOR SALE OR TO REST—Three Mtaaummoclions brick DWELLINGS in 112vidonficid, New Jersey, centrally located. well seeded, ko., within two squares of railroad &Riot C. IC BELINIkt, 222 WM.'. yr illtr• et. •TO RENT WITH FURNITIJRE.—A handsome V. OUSE, with every niodotn oonvent • ones, in Arch street, west of elevanteentlu ADDiI to A. F. It J. tbiltakttll3. 6ylo -1m 816 AttvW UMW. di FOR RALIC--A BOU&E and LOT, BOLderdrably limited on MAIN Street. Burlington. N. J. Jiggly to vilM. M. OnLii 808 MlNOrtirgeti YhdidelginiA. leinAN Wu, WUOLNIAN , M AI Street. Stalington.M Or to sotB-thetalit• r I It) Idia--00.OULID-BTUO.Y ICUUDI, 802 A Obt - gBTNUT Ptreet. over LEWIS ,LADOMUS & Jewelry attire. The beat location in Philadel phia for Any kind of light hotness, Apply to As Jews More, Rent SOU. ten RENT —A very desirable STORE, =. on the Ninth-street front of " The Continental Hotel." The &tore at Ninth and Ransom streets MID.- °Slimly adapted for a ADDLIt and R RN WAS maker. Aordf to JOHN RIOS, fa-4f Roatftwaet NINTH and RANSIAI ktraate. gm TO LET-A DESIRABLE DWEL -I.lllilvo 123 North lIIIRTEENTN Streot. Aoolg to ETNE9ILL & 99.0111r..E., 41 and 49 or: SECOND Street. mhlit-tf CIiferNUT•DTRIAT HOUSE and M 1.41. STORE to rent.—The desirable bnsinsulooatton. iroll CELESTE UT Street.with dwelling attached. Apply at 431 CHESTNUT atm , . apt! GERM AN ToWN PROPERTY TO INE.w RENT.—To Rent. the terse and commodious modern-built Rouse, corner of ARMAT :treet end WLiotr7f Avenue, 'rat sea, bath, hot had oak wate,r mist, the modern Improvements. Apply to I. Malic Y B. A RR, 710 eritliblt Street, Philadelp hia, or ou t e . premises. gm TO RENT TWO 00IIN TR Y fFOUSFS one mile from Teoony. Insnlye No. TIT TUALNU I P stroat- tonn.lni* riNO KENT-THE LAB 410 AND 00N VENIENT Coal Wharf and Lumber Yard, at Vg li Oni l itts T lr e .n f irr i e h m ward. " ' IT tajii3if't FOR. EXCHANGS.-A CEIGIVE TRACT of good =lmproved farm land in the agate of New Jersey, oonvement to tho oity, will be aZehilaged for gduriperty. Apply at No. 118 FREIKRA.L. Meet. .EL&MESON B HAMM AND CONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN. P.A. —Real Estate bought and gold on ream:amble terms, Stores and dwellings ler wile or rent in Morristown and smutty. Good mortgages negotiated. Collection. made. The best references given. *SI Cm 13AFES. ptiILILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT B.EditOVE O D to No. ill South SEVENTH Street. neat the institute. The coderWeced. thankful for put fume, and being determined to ment future vatrousse, has /soared as elegant and convenient store. anti ties no on hand a large assortment of LIMA'S Gelebra4d L !Trot and Chilled Iron Ft , e and Burglar ?roof Naas, tike Qatf strict) y Ere and burglar proof safes made.) LtY Uneq_util led Bank Vault, Safe. and Book Loots. Lillie's Bank Vault Doora_and Looks will be furnished to order on short wile*. Th.. ts the sti o fr ia. Un protected. and cheapest Door arid Leek pat Also, particular attention ta called to Lillie'. New Cabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry, &o. This Safe is oon cedmi to moms. in style and elegance anything yet of fered for this purpose. and is the only one that u strict ly fire and burglar proof. Spacial. No.ica.-1 have now on hand say twenty of Panel, Herring, & Co.'s Safes. most of them nearly new, and .ome forty of ether makers. aarnarmni complete assortment as to sites, and all latalr ea: changed for the now Celebrated Lillie Safe. They Win be sold at very low prim's. Pl ease call and examine. iali.lyirsen .1•Or L. 17 INNUMAROII COMPANUIII. 'AME INSURANCE 00ISIPA.NY, No. 406 CRESINUT_Strest. . FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DISACTORK. 4eorle W. Day—of Day & Matlaok. Wright Brag &Qw Davie It e Dime& c. e ki ry otln e orit jr — "LI:r i ll 17: Co. samttel T. Trodine.„—FresiWyoming Canal Celle) Jno. W. Everman—o.f J. W. Everzaan & Co Geo. A. West.. — • West & PODeat. T. S. Martin.... ..." Savage. Martin, & Co. 0. Wilson Davis=„Attorney-at- law. E. D. Woodrutf—...of Sibley, Molten, & Woodna, In°. Rattler, 1713 Green street. GrAGJ W. DAY,Presid•nt. /I_6.DUCK. via, President. WILLIAMS T.Ml.l4CHARD.Bsorstary. Jagit-litt A NTHRACITE INSURA_NOR COMPA. z - x. P y.—Autherisw Capitai 01011.000-01WITEI ERPAL,_ Oleos E TV No. SU WALICIPS Street, between Irklrl Ise Fourth atreet, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against los■ Sr damage ao , Fin!, on Bailangs,Fanutara, and Marsha:Wass mono= :alt Alin, Kapp* /Immo, on yemela,Arltpo, 4114 IREOTO Freigkis. truant Insankuno to viand sa two mama. II Jeeab Baker. Joseph Pdailaid. Lather. John Kelp hem. Andenrhad. John R. Biala/tea. svia Pearsoa. Wm. F. Doan. Teter Sieger. J . . JACOB KflrktTreeidast. WhL F. DMA, Vies Presidia; W. K. Sldl TM. Stare tary. as&U SAVING FUNDS. TIIND—UNITED sum Ng TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and MUM NUT Streets. INTEREB3 FIVE PER CENT. 8. B ear FORD, Poundenc. JAMES R. BUNTERetary and Treasurer. Office hours, from 10 autil S o'alook. Thie Company is not joined 11l sus application to tka Lovalature. fed AMIERIOAN SAVING PUN!), M. IL. nor nor WALNUT end FOURTH Streets, continues to receive deposits and oat all soms onderossid as has always done. iiiHRANEER WHIL LOIN n , Proaide Rom S. WILSON. Tres/Isom _ ILADELPIIIA ajtille gl igiVl 3 llllNlTON AND BkL TIMOBr. 'LAll,nOA—Fun, OBLPHIA, WS] 4.3861. Ithlh2l FOR W tote . On and after Monday, Flay 6.ll36l.Traute for Wish ington. via i• nnatiolm, will leave Philattelphut at U. A. M. and Mao P. hl. B BTURNING, Will arrive at PailadeLebia Irom Wutantton at 10./d A M.. and also et 9.21 r M. Thrown tickets eo d at the depot. earner of Brow and Prime atree.e,Pniiadelpais. mre 8. M. FFLTON. PHILADELPHIA AND 'READINO RAILROAD 00., MOS 227 Bauch FOartn street.] rlliLikpist.ram , April VI, ISei. SEASON 7/C2L A TS. On and after May 1 le6t.seaeon Dokets will be 11611041 by this company forth period. or three, ai.X. nine, and tweore months, not transferable. Beason sehoul-tiokets may also be had at SS per tent. dtseonnt. Thew, tiaketi will be sold by the Treneurer et No. 227 Bo nth FOURTR Street, where any further Infornattoll an be obtained. 8. rOIaDFOnD. .sp29- Treasnrer. • FOR NSW YORK. N.EW DAILY LINE, via Delaware ane Ronk. camel. Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Cm. , reneive freight on m`an ter MONDAY. Igth ins r. i. - eni. and leave dad, at P. livertng their ear , goes in New York the following days. Freights taken at reasonable razes. P CLYDE, Agent, . NO. 14 SOUTH WH &EVES. Philadebral. JAMES HAND, Agent. mat-tfti Piers 14 and 16 NABS S.DrISE.Now "4." &dragFOE NEW YORE. -TILII PhOndel• hie Steam ProveUeir COotoeoe will °eminence their busineu for the Demon on t7 I lain unit-. - • Thetr Bteamere ore now mewing freight at &lOW . 1 "to tor above *stout street. • 'KOMI socammodiumg. ir BAIRD & 00 , mhl.B 944 tionth Delaware Aveeee, . . DR . J. WlBl5, No. 3t) North PITTS Street, PHILADELPHIA—Treats tom tmor, all diseases Ll et the A-eigi,l. • KILIAT and tt EMIT. and rrevion u, our es utrit a u SIP ton in it. third and leel matd-e ki ..i.,..t[01 , 1. all eer.hle Siete.. et ths EV a s A l c NO haa will them Ls enure attention for goo put tO y bail. will visit eat:Mats, when thenred,_st ./e tr rtendenose. apt am tv .._ UUV.II OlL.—Pure Olive Oil, " Letotti ii d Joszar r ik Carotaara. to, ace 4.1 g" 4ll Alii, sess.llo/41
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers