fke3 ukraino of the Junior Company of AbsWas°e Ball. the GOBI& of the Thirteenth ward, held omhe following officers were elected E dger M. Gregory, captain ; F. B. Gilbert, first lieutenant; A Bamberg. second do. ; Leonard me y e rs, thirdDeWitt C. Moore, fourth do ; J o be J. Heisler, drat sergeant ; Ruscell Ward, we ed de_ Peter A. Seas, third do. ; D. a Bus. by, fourth do.l L W. Woodward, quarterroaeter ; Randolph M. smith, first aorporsl; John F. Iterd, ;legend do ; Geo W. Warner, Jr., third do. ; F,ichard Cline, fourth dn. The Junior Guards of l os ward, it is bEliriedi Will make one cf the mOSt. active, etfoileat, and spirited companies in the sitY- TastimeNtat TO COLONEL J. B. BAKER.— The offoarg of the Philadelphia custom house, Wi der ex-Colleator Joseph B. Baker, have presented that gentleman with a magnificent silver service. oonsisting of pitohor, salver, strawberry bawl, and mo o goblets. The service was manufactured by n,re, Son sonthwett corner of Fifth and cherry streets. and ' is most eigaisitely disiehed. It O.:allied atssoo. Pre The pitcher bears the following inscription: " sented to Joseph B. Baker late Collector of the Port, as a token of esteem, by his m o de nod associates in the Philadelphia ottidom hove, Afay, 1881.." - _ AT A. RECENT ALEETING of the Board Of Managers of the "Pennsylvania Institute for the ji ro -, the p . upils of the institution presented a Foitio, Frame for permission to avail OM fclros of Dr. Osmon's professional skill. They represent that the Doctors success in operating . on some of their number has inspired them with tue ',licit confidence in his ability to restore eight, or i m prove the vision, in all Mel tibial are act clearly beyond the reach of medical aid. limon Ilatogasox.—This gallant officer ar riTed here at eleven o'clock yesterday morning, foul New York. He was acoempanied by William 0. Aspinwall. The train was loudly oheered as it passed the various towns along the route. Major Anderson called on General Patterson, and then gicoeded to Broad and Prime streets, whore he tont the noon train for Washington, As tvis com ic); was entirely unexpeoted, and the Major being verse to all public, demonstrations, our citizens were prevented from extending to him a cordial greeting. He looked well, and was in fine spirits. fir general appearonoe is that of a mush elder men than is represented in the photographs. POLICE OASES.—Yesterday morning a co !Geed man, named David Meyers, was before Al derman Bailer upon the charge of stealing a bag of eoffee at Delaware avenue and Pine rreets. Be was committed to answer. Edward Raikes and Richard Frisbee were ar rested at Eleventh and Walnut streets, and com mitted by Aldermen Pato - eel to answer the lemony g 50M0 Goats. l'aasalcrAnox.—Charles Bates, formerly a member of the Reserve Corps of Police, was pre- Hated by that body with a handsome sword and having boon Mooted a lieutenant in the Scott Legion Regiment. FELL OVERBOARD.—i esterday morning, about two o'clock, a man, named Joseph Allen, fell o verboard at Obestant-akreet wharf, and ace only serail from drowning by a egad of the Harbor Po lice, who were parsing down the river in their twat. Aunts' EIRRESS COMPAMY have commenced rsoniug, and now make regular trips to Washing• ton, via Annapolis. The express closes at ten 3'clook in the morning. IEE firing of cannon last evening was caused by the discharge of a salute to we:ccuie the New Jersey troops that passed down the river at mid night. rATRIOTISM OF BRITISH SRaiDENTs.—An sijourned meeting of British residents was hold It the Philadelphia Exchange, on Thursday even hag, when a number of persons enrolled their names for the formation of a military company. The following preamble and resolutions were una nimously adopted : Whereas, Tne people of a part of this country have rebelled against the Government of the Uni ted States, and threatened its overthrow ; and lirfareas, It is the duty of every one who has enjoyed its protection to do what he can to uphold the integrity of the Federal Government in this, the hoar of its calamity : Therefore, Resolved, net we, natives of the British pro vinces, and others of British birth, desire to ex press our sympetby with, and entire devotion to, the Federal Government, under which we have been protected in time of peace, and our determination to aid in upholding its free insti tutions. Relsolvtd, That we. and such other British Tag. dente gamey unite with us, form a company to aid in the defence of the city. Kentucky and the Border States. fl.Vf&)%#'fr*A4d WOafl.fl.fl&e,-fl')flt.l To TEI EDITOR OF TER LOVISVII.LB JOURNAL: For some ten days pas: I have been in this oily, engaged In an genies: and faithful effort to accom plish two things—first, to arm the State, so Coat the may be able to distend her people if assailed, and to maintain whatever position she may finally IMMO in the contest now threatening to involve and destroy the whole country ; and, secondly, to cultivate friendly relatioull with the Border Free Stites, and preserve tho peaty between Kentuoky std those States Ties, objects I deemed commendable and patri stic. and believed the people of the whole State tronid, regardless of all party considerations, second my efforts to accomplish them. In this confident expectation I have been, to some extent, disappointed While the great was of the oiti tens of Louisville have nobly stood by me, many have distrusted, while come have assailed me. My dense at the outset was to assemble the Legislature for the second time in extraordinary session, place the exigency of the State defences again hefcre it, and let that body assume all re rpentobility. When, however, I reflected that this imperativii duty had twice been ignored by tie Mlle body I was about to convene; that the netting would cost the treasury from 520,000 to ?50.000—an expenditure the finances of the State were little able to bear—that time, was of the ut most consequence, and that COMO weeks must elapse before any definite action could be hoped for from the Legislature, I determined to en. datvor to raise the necereary funds from the banks of the State, by a temporary loan, relying upon the Legislature to sanction it at their next meet ltd, either in extra Session, if one should be called, or at the regular session. Notwithstanding the obstacles I have met with, I trust my sole objeet in the matter—placing the itato in a position to maintain whatever attitude abs may finally assume—will yet be attained In furtherance of my desire to cultivate friendly rela tion with the Border Free States, I opened a pacific and friendly correspondence with the Go vernors of Indiana and Ohio. my overtures were received In the most frank and friendly spirit. The Ezeontives of those States profeseed, and I believe with entire sincerity, the strongest wild' to con tinue friendly stations with Kentucky, and to maintain pestle on the border, and measures were agreed upon looking to these reanits. But, pending thew* negotiations, what was my astonishment to find copied at length, and verba-, tin, in the Journal, a telegraphic deapatoh from the Secretary of War of the Confederate States, • lrected to me, asking for troops, with comments making strong intimations that I, in collusion with others, wax engaged in secret efforts to send troops and arms to those States. The intimation was utterly gratuitous and false, and the tenth might easily have been ascertained by applying to me at the Galt House. If The Journal had asked me for this facts, lantana of publishing a private despatch, surreptitiously ob tained, with oommenta wholly nojustifiable. would have informed them that the request of Se-, crotary Walker was at once declined The effect of this publication in The Journal must have caused the Governors of Ohio and Indiana to die crust the honesty of my overtures to them, and might have reached in breaking off negotiations. Fortunately, such was not the result. The negotiations were not broken off; but were continued and carried to a further poict I asked of the Exeoutives of those States whether they , would join me in an effort at mediation, suggesting. that the Border Free and Slave States ahould en deavor, by one last effort, to save the country. To those overtures I received responses friendly and favorable, and whioh enoouragod me to persist in 2 3' effort; but they were scarcely received before I found myself again assailed in the Journal, by Intimations whioh, if true, would at once put an toad to the friendly correspondence In the teens yesterday it is obarged that a body of men, in tended for service in the Confederate States took with them "twenty oases of muskets and several sit pounders," which it is broadly intimated were furnished either by myself or other State officers. This statement, utterly folk, as it is. both in the direct charge and in its intimations, did its work. For the second time my efforts to preserve peace were thus insidiously attacked. It was most natu ral that the people of Indiana and Ohio, and their executive officers should lose all cmagolence in me, atli that they should at once break off all further Peaceful correspondence. I trust, however, the statement I now make, that the men alluded to did got take either a case of muskets. nor a six founder cannon, or any other State arms, but that these were furnished to Major Tilsham, of South veatern Kentucky, as a part of theproportion of the arms to which that section is entitled, will satisfy the people of the Border Free States of the Sincerity of my citirts, and the utter falsity of all intimations to the contrary. In conclusion, I beg the people of those States, and of my own glorious State, regardless of all partisan ellilnitS on me, to rely that my moat earnest, faithful, and nasiduona efforts have been and shall be diron'oi these two objects: " Arming Kentucky so that she may maintain any position she may finally asinine, and cultivating friendly relations with the Border Free States, and main taining the - peace between them and ourselves," is the hope that, by the favor of God, we may yet ! ara the muittY trim utter, irratrtavablo, and animism ruin. B. MILOOFFIN. From The South. Tar DANIEL 'WEBSTER OFF NEW ORLEANS - • • • The New Orleans Picayune, April 27, says the tug boat Tusearefett, shish came up this morn ing from Pass- a-'outre, we learn that the steam- Ship Dartiel Webster, Captain Minor, from Now York the 16th lust , arrived at the bar about five `duuk Yesterday morning and came to anchor. Its Irebster was bound to this oity, but soon after having alma to anchor 'She received orders to pre med immediately to sea again. Captain Minor, however, having on board about ninety packages merchandise coneluned to various parties hers, 41 14 not wishing to carry them back, hailed the ra to come alongside and take them up. The Tuscarora, acceded to the request, but as the merchandise was in the act of being taken on board of her, Captain Minor became much alarm " 1 1 movements on shore, and weighing anchor, Put to sea again immediately. The Danzel Web bad nine cabin passengers on board, four of 'thornSams up on the Tuscarora. Thereat had net time to debark before the Webster left, and are, Of course, still on board. THE BLOCKADING SPLINT. The main portion of the fleet to blockade the Studien ports will be at sea within a week. It trill contest of fifty war vessels, with steam trent+• trs sufficient to accommodate a land army of 000 teen. They will blockade every port whose entrance has six feet of water. The army on board will require the rebels to keep in arms, at the yw riotai assailable point' of their coast, an aggre gate of at least 120,000 men How they will pay and feed this force romaine to be seen. 7118 NNW OELNAKS in regard to the reported debasement of coin eit tile New Orleans mint the New Orleans Crescent declares that "not eoc single new coin, of any Rit , d or drnomination whatever, baa been - Wald frm the mitt at New Orleans since its seizure by the order of the Louisiana Convention, and w e re- "ma none will be issued until after the devices lac a new set of coins, to compose the currency of the Confederate States, are ordered by the Mont -0413417 %Item." FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. PiaLeDELpina, May 3,1861 Reading Railroad steak was steady to-day at 16 ; Pennsylvania Railroad snares 'sold at 365: ; Pennsylva nia fire!' at 80, for the eounon loans. and 76 far the transferable. City sign gold at MX for the older imam. and 96%.' for the new. Prices were well main tained. taking into view the general troubles In busi nese circles. The following is a statement of the deposits and 001IISKE , Of:the traited States Mint, in this city, for the mouth of April, ISM Gold from all Savor—Deposits and mahatma-- Copper cents (0.8.) received in exchange for cents of new i55ue........ • ---- Total deposits.-._ ..._ - GOLD COINAGE. No. of Pieces. Value, _.*...2.9.174 $4.383 480 09 ._.._.10,189 101,390 09 86 3 - 0 00 113 33900 90 325 00 .949 349 00 3,638 90 Double Eagles-- -- .Eagles.-- -- Half Eagles-- • - Three tAnarter Eagles -- ..... Fine Bars .229,937 $4,4 9J91 90 ==! 1,000 91.000 00 014.00 40.800 00 425,0011 106460 00 210,000 23.000 00 21.000 1.960 00 64,000 1.920 00 Half -Dollars.-.- Quarter Collect. _ Half Dimes _ Three-Cent _Pieces—. - • . 0 638,000 e1T9,020 00 /.300,000 6 , 13,000 00 BECATITIMATION. Pieces. Value. ........,..... 324.931 e 4.410.701 40 — :::1, 1 30 8 01011 1 0 I RANI gg Silver._:_ Cone • --._ $ 4 . 091 - 71 / 90 TIM following 18 Hiti BMOunt of 094 gltined over the. Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain ltiulroad du ring the week ending Wednesday, May 1, and singe January 1,1861 Virs.m. Pgavrorstv. TOTAL, Tone. Tong. Tong. 1661 —_ —. ,_ _ _.3.415 46 278 OAS 1860— —....— ....4.145 .42,358 66,643 EZE=CM Philadelphia Steck Exchange. Sales. May 3.1361, REP 07771111 BY 51 Et SLAIN/0138. Marchants" Esc:haat 6 FIRST BOARD. 100 Sao k Th-st. 7a.... 90 500 City 61._.. . 2114. 87% 500 d 0..". .. . .. 93 1000 retina lt....7stm_ 99 1000 retina Con; 80 1000 Reading 6, 1886.... 67 6000 d 0.,......„ •ga 1000 Oh &Pa Bridge 7a. 90 100 Mu 6s--.ltow- 971 49 Lehith &min 50 . 100 d 0.... - -. 86.54 I Own & . Amboy R.lOB 200 do.--- . Ps . R.. 89% SO Reading et.....-.... 76 800 d 0..... It. 0. 0. 89X.2000 Penna. Ss. 76 200 do— K. &O. 89; 4 {{ loo6 d0.........0a5h. 76 SOO do —....E. li. 0. saki 601.olugh Nay—. 48% BETWEEN BOARDS. 1000 Rending 66 187_0 ..... 79 4500 Penns 55....—..... 76 R._.. 100 Long Island -8% 600 do— —...... 76 60 Penna. R ..... 3634 600 do ..-.... 76 SO Reading R.......... 16 6000 Patina Coup a 5.... SO SECOND BOARD. 4000 City Ba--Now. 96 3000 96 MOO 96 600 d 0.... --New. 96 300 do New. 96 CLOSING P Bid. Asked Philadelphia 68 —8/ 90 Phila fe. R. 89 90 Phila 6e 96 Penns 56... /675 Read R r 76 hi Road bda'7o..„, 80 Read mt de 'BO '43 W. .. Read mt 65'86... 66 63 Penns R ex-div. 36% 57 Pennaß 26 mt6s -86 Morns Can con. 4214 474: Moms Can Pfd.102% 105 Soh 66 tloh Nav Prefd._ 11 773 i CER-DULL . 3id. Asked Long island R BA 0 Leh C I & B — am LAeh C & N cp-50 st North Pennell .- 6 8 Pr Pa .0 03..int01f36 364 N Penes ft Ms.-- 911 Catawissa pref.—_4 7 Frank & Bouthw 41 2d&3d-st R thvo6:37 41 Kaoe&Vine-et 85i West Phila. u--615 E 8 BDraseit Pine, 5 6X Green & Coates-- 13 Markets by Telegraph. NEW ORIRVaII. May 3 - -Cotton.-Bales to •day of 60 9 bales at 10Xestle for Middling. Sales of the week 4.100 bales. Receipts do. ...... 4.900 do. Do. of the came week hit - year- 12 400 do. Deoreaeed do. at this - 333.300 do. Do. do. at all eouthern ports 801 3110 do. Exporte of the week.........._,_. 0 200 do. Total do. of the 188 COO do. Stook in p0rt—...._..._ 90c000 do. . • Coffee --Bales of tke week 1800 back at 123:et140. loons of the week, 3,10. Stook in Dort, 7,000 bags armpit 18.100 beta laat seer Fielr,llo on Colton to Liverpool (Ettrokean ehipe> ISorAid. Otetling Exchange, 91e97. CITY [TOMS. A NitesS9.lltY REPORM IN COMPOUNDING ciss.—We have already had occasion to refer to the want of a proper system among druggists in this coun try in order effectually to guard against the possibility of fatal auietakes in compounding prescriptions. Ore need not remind our readers that several painful oases of this kind have occurred in our own city. and we do not misstate public sentiment in saying that any effec tive precaution inaugurated by our druggists will be warmly sustained. In Germany, and some o!her Eu ropean ttates. this is deemed ao important a matter that the apothecary is in some degree a Government officer, and incompetency on the part of those who compound poisonous medicines is by the strictest su pervision disallowed. Instead of having drugs of this oboe mingled promiscuously on ibe shelves with those of a more harmless character, all the poisonous sttioles are ene 'wed safely by themselves. undir lock and key, and are never touched by any ether person thin the cornpalent superintendent of the estab lishment, the key to them being constantly re tained in his possession. Having teen informed by one of our most respectable practising physicians that a drug store, after the above excellent European plan, had been opened at the northeast corner of Chestnut and Broad streets. in this city, by a gentleman well known in the professional world, Dr. C. M. Breaker, we visited his establishment yesterday, with the view of ascertaining the particulars. As our readers are %Warne this ii all old stand, although it has been so thoroughly remodeled by its present occupant that we are not mistaken in styling It the netflese drug store in the city. The precautionary plan above referred to is here carried out with the utmost strictness. All drugs of a hurtful character are kept-under lock and key, in it central apartment o' the shelving, and under o pre text whatever are they given out by any other person than the gentleman to whom is committed tnis de Moats c harge, who, DT the way: is one of the roost expert_ mused sad skilful druggist' in this country. Indeed, so absolute is this precaution against alt eniebelree,tleatf the proprietor frankly remarked in onr hearing that, at any time a " mistake " should occur, it might be ded as designed rather than accidental. Another admirable feature in Mr. Breaker's establishment, and one which the public will be sure to appreciate. is the fact that an the drugs kept by him are of the finest and purest quality. In this respect his tasteful window dis plays an index of the stook. We are also glad to find that, in addition to these excellences. Mr. B. has placed on his count* a mineral-water fountain. the water and SITUPS of which are of his own manufacture, and cor respond in purity and freshness to the general stock. At that pa/Hauler locality, on the thoroughfare be tween our two principal public halls, the latter will be a great accommodation to our citizens, end from the lusciousness of thls beverage as hero served—we speak from experience—we shell be much mistaken if this fountain'does not, in &very few weeks, become prover bial as being TIER Mineral Water Fountain of the city. WANAMAINCR k BROWN'S New OAK BALL CLOTS MG BAZAAR —The numerous friends of Mr. John Wa namaker will be pleased to learn that he haw, under the firm of WANAMAKaa & Baows. secured the old and popular clothing stand on the southeast corner of Sixth and Market streets, for the purpose of carrying on the I clothing trade. The establishment has been entirely refitted. and is now one of the moat beautiful and neatly- arranged places of business in Philadelphia. During the few weeks which have elapsed since they opened this new empotium they have spared neither pains nor means to meet the wants of the purchasing Public in the most approved style. Happening to drop in upon them, a day or two since, we found them sur rounded with an admirably-seleoted stook of seasona ble having a number of skilful artisans em pioyed, and bluely engaged with customers. Prominent among those employed by them are Mr. John R. Hough ton. long °Deceased with " Tower Hall," and Mr. Win. Severn, of the old firm of Webb & fievern. first-class merchant tailors. The reputation of these gentlemen as fashionable tailors is too well established to require oommeat. Three who base been accustomed to the general courtesy of Mr. Wamimaker will, doubtless. be glad to meet their old frietd under these new auspices. and honor him with their patronage, more especially as the facilities of the house for meeting the wants of 'the publie are not surpassed by any other establishment. and equalled by few. '1 heir stock of Gentlemen's Fur nishing goods la also very superior. and in addition to their constant transient sales they are doing a large amount of customer work. We wish thig enterprising yonne firm every success in their new enter - prise. Hav ing modeled their beautiful store after the celebrated "Oak Hall Clothing Hsznar" of Boston, they have also adopted its name, and we have no doubt that the wow `• Oak Hall." corner of Sixth and Market streets, will soon become an attractive centre to all who appreciate well-made fashionable clothing at fair prices. THE BEET SUBSTITUTE FOE 4aa.-111 localities remote from the city , where the introduction of gas light is impracticable. the celebrated Kerosene Oil Lamps, made and gold by Messrs. Witter. & Co., No.SP North Nighth street, corner of Filbert, are in all re- Opeehl the WO substitute. / hey are being rapidly in troduced throughout the country, in private as well as public edifices. whilst here. they are regarded by dis criminating people as the only portable light that ought to be need. CONFECTIoNERY.—We are pleased to leant that amid these unsettled times there is one luxury to which the people of all ages and circumstances cling with their usual good taste, and that is, E. C. Whitman & Co.'s fine, delicious confectionery. Cheap. wholesome, and always to be enjoyed. they are daily becoming more popular, and, in consequence, their store. Second street. below Chestnut, is thronged with customers from Monday morning till Saturday n ight. TENTS WANTED —The attention of contracture in n ailed to the advertisement for a Supply of Tents for the State of Indiana, which will be found in our edver tisenientsolamni to-day. ANNIVERSARY —The Eighth Annivereary of the Northern Rome for Friendless Children will be held on to-morrow (Sunday) evening, in the church of Rev. John Chambers, who will preach the discourae—to be followed by other speakers. A collection will be lifted. F. BROWN'S Planner. OF JAXAICA GINGER.— This is truly a family medicine; at this season, when affections of the stomach and bowels are SO common. no family, individual, or traveller should be without it. It is peculiarly efficacious in summer complaint* of children, and is known and prescribed by the mediael faculty. tee advertisement. Bnowsi's BRONCHIAL Timenna --We know of no article which so richly deserves the entire confi dence of the community na this, We have noticed the mos t osttering commendations from the most cele brated Clergymen. Lawyers, and Public Speakers; and we can a l so speak from personal experienee.—Trep Whig. mye-srftwat PHILADELPHIA TROOPS . ON. THS mAxen.—A number of gallant fellows from Philadelphia Oro now Tooling southward. bearing aloft the banner of their country, and determired to die rather than allow one star to be sullied or a sites fold to be tarnished. No more noble soldiers girded on their armor at the call of Peter the Hermit than those who have marched from Philadelphia on their crusade against Secession. every man will render a good account of himself in the hour of conflict, and all will stand faithfully up far the cell evident truth that tbe most elegant and most comfortable garments to be found in the country are those made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rook hi.l Yr Wileoa, Non. atet and ANS Chestnut street. above Sixth. To AFoin A Corn—Changs the stockings as often as they become wet from perspiration; avoid draughts of air upon any part of the body, or unequal teruperainre from may °awe, such as evaporation of moisture from we t clothes on a Portion of the WV. The clothing wet all over is lees productive of colds than when partly wet. The best ireoantion, however, is to clothe the body in one of the elegant suite from the Gift Establishment of Gummi e Stokes, 609 Chest nut street•' Clothing is sold at reduced prices, and each ale ecoompontedWltit a hi/Miran Pitt 888 POIIRTR PAGE. ARRI. Steamer Alida. Robing: au UE h D OUra from New York, With mdae to Wm P Clyde. Steamer Mara,_Nrohola, 94 hours from New York, with mdas to W Baird & Co. Di vsLawn. (Correspondence of the l'recc liocTON. Nay 3. Arrived, ship Arizona. from LiverDovir barks fteoha bite. from Ardrmeap• Omar Paoha, from London; brig America, from Oieniuncs. lldlaiOßAN A.. Stearahip Northern Light, Tinklepauglt, arrived at Pew York yesterday from AsUirlWan. Steamship Bavaria, Mier, cleared at New York yes terday for Hamburg% Steamship City of Matehsster. Jeffrey, cleared at N York yesterday for ItiverPool , Ship Uncle Joe. from Liverpool for Philadelphia, was seen 23th nit off Georges Shoal. Ship Florence. Woodswoith, from Foo Chow Jan 21st, arrived at New York yesterday. Ship Amason, Hovey, from London, arrived at New York yesterday, Bark H. Trowbridge, Danthe, cleared at New York yesterday for Barbadoes. Sabre S B W heeler, biebromblin, lii Taylor Nicker son. and C Ma.thews, Kelly, cleared at New York yes terday for Philadelphia. Sohr W Payson. Stephenson, cleared at New- York yesterday for Wilmington. Del. Sehr Geo W Krebs. Ethinetitfill, cleared at Baltimore Rii inst. for Baltimore, Bohr C C Steele, Garfield, for Bathurst, cleared at N York yesterday. schr A Haley, Haley,. hence, arrived at Boston 24 re". for E tophia. usles, Coleman, cleared at Boston 24 inst glehr A e Philadl D echr Margaret Reinhart. Peterson. from New °Means far Boston. sailed Cram Holmes' Hole Ist inst. schr Percy Hedner, Marts, from Georgetown, BC, for Boston. sailed from Holmes' Hole Seth it t. Bohr Genoa. Bobbins. from Delaware City for Salem, sailed fmm Holmes' hole 30th ult. _ Sour Wm H Dennis, Lake, salted from seism let inst. for Philad-lphia. Steamers Black Diamond, Allen, and Concord, Nor man, hence, arrived at new York yesterday. steamer. Madam, Belt, cleared at New York yeater day for Philadelphia, tokr 4 Hammond. of Philadelphia. from Jaoksonville for New York. with lumber, is reported lost on 9th alt. Crew saved. No particulars, The Providence Journal ears that the above vessel may prove to be the Nola Charleston mond, of Philadelphia, which sailed from March 30 for Providence, and has not been heard from ranee. $3,261,2111 27 217,801 76 $3.602,433 73 ---.83,4509.373 73 ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, CONTINENTAL ROTEL—Ninth and Cheetnut. G 0 Carson, Torreedale A Cummings A W Bertolet. Pa C Fitzwater, Pa 0 PI Smith., Va.A W Blakeman. Phil' H K Ne ff , Huntigdon, Pa S H Shoemaker, Huntingd 1, P Noble. PI Y G J Vail, N Y J C Clarkson h la,Lettriiwth N M Standa: t, Cleveland J Church, Jr, Vin, 0 R C Web.rer, Cln, 0 S M Clay W J Koontz. Pittsburg L, Hartman A 8 Hewitt, IS Y J W Emery. N Y J W Bolcom N Y H C liege. y C T Bruce N Y W P Sinai, Harrisburg Dr B riunernsieher,Harish W Davidson, 7th Reg. N Y d L WestOott. Y Dr T S Verdi, Wash, D C Si) Chandler, Perryville Smith, U S A W C Wellman,7ah Reg,NY T Armstrong, Plattsburg J C G Terrill, Wash, D C Mrs Terrill, Wash, D C Miss Terrill, Wash, D C W N Flynt. Mass J P !Norm, Conn : C H Breneman. Lane. Pa Mrs Clark. blase H B Kirkland, N Y W C Egleston. N Y W W Wright. Pa Wm B Cleo It. N Y 8 L Plummer, Pa T M Cook, Detroit H Behrouer J I Northrop & la, N I Mies :Northrop. N V I J Vail J Carson. Lake Superior Rev tt B Shoemaker. NJ James Johnson, PI `I J 0 Frost F KanlY. Johnstown, re. David Dodd. N Y A reugnet, Mingo Mai Magner & la, Ul3 A H R Whitney, Wash Cot McCook, Ohio rapt W B Pease, Ohio Alex Mc Ilvam, Ohio 8 H Perry, Chicago R Burrell R Brookhouee. Jr. Salem R Brookhouse, Salem Ithen Sutton, Salem 13 13+nger, Baltimore P Budge. Rio de Janeiro • H Budge. N Y W iiardner.Lowell,Maes J A tiocd win, Lowell, Maas Capt James Lawler W Killinger, Lebanon J B Montgomery, Pa Jag Wiley & wf, Pa W J smith, Waeh, D C IS C. Hoiden, New York J B McCreary M Chunk F S Boyer, New York S Warner. Waterloo, N Y band Wick, Cleveland, 0 WS C Otis. Cleveland, 0 Thos Dyer, Chicago John M Miller, Baltimore A W Stuyresautp, N York Me' Dodge, Wash, D LJ Gage. Chicago D W Perkins, I liicago Thos C Pollock". New York A Q Keaebey.Newark,N J W C Donee, Wilm. Del R H Daell, New York Wm Frazier. New York F Azog, new York Seel. smart New York .11 U Remit. Baltimore S F Prescott , Boston 3 T Thayer. New York A Thayer. New York J M Hatthewe, New York F Jenkins. Boston T BilliDeoll, Charleston E W Venango 00, Pa G D Hama, Mercer co, Pa J H Bobinson,Moroer ao,Pa J D Potts, Pittsburg D B Small, York, Pa C L Goshen:ie. Harriaburg VoeghtlY, Allegheny L Mutzig , Allegheny Israel Painter. Pa J Criswell, fa T T Wierman, Pa N T Greene, Prov. It I J W Blanchard. Harrisburg Win McKee, Newcastle Lieut H A Smalley. 2d Reg Artillery bi'l3 City jt. 64.....- 89 3 Norristown R..... 47 9 Camdc Amb 11-.. it 8 10 Morris Cut —10234" AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Fifth. J e Byrnes Philadelphia Wlt Sherwood. Balt ir L J ym H e, e leirere • Thos Lee, Chameersburg E Ries, New York W J Gisinger, Penna J C Morton, Philadelphia W Howard. Philadelphia Jft Tiggart. Philadelphia l Jamesun, Philadelphia A,l Ridelmancl. Pena Clement R Wainright. Pt J L Mingle, Easton S H. Bendemon, Brooklyn J K mingle, Philadelphia J K andborn• randy Hall JT Johnston, Wash. N J Jif Strader, Wash, N J Cot W W Sunder. N Jersey Mej J C erndt Wash. NJ J E Barnett. Cinomnati it J Keeling, Newark, bet Jesse Hides. Jr, Maryland J J Sanderson, .1 Shore Jona Levering. Indians 11 coh.n. ill•e , York 3 D Bmighart, New Jersey Cept Geo W Tailor. N J Hon It nailing, New Jersey W Short. Delaware Geo W Jamison. Plias Geo H Windex. Finis Thos A Reilly. Pottsville Allen Craig, Maunh Chunk J L Honesty. Mauch Chunk 1431 Curtis, Newark, Del .1.4. Belford. idatiah Churl ' V Tueker. thltalrrna S T Borns. C lifornia, hoe M Moore Wilm,Del M .1 linner. IT 5 A a P . King, Jr, U ti A 13 Hrown, New York Wm r Sherwood, Balt J D Beruilette 3dA, Read. frt Chunk 'l' 14 Itaroliff. M Chunk w Pamentnr, New York C P Howard, Plnna 9 Ti.ovrard, Penns W B Rowara, reams Wins n Hobart, rasa J C Bell, Maryland ;leery Bell, Jr. Lex, ify Thos H Boult, Jr, Wil, Del Thoe O'Denney , Wil. Del MERCHANTS' 80T.F.J.,--Fourth street. below Arob. I) Browns & 21a, Wait, DC p Hamilton , Wmorburt Ciao W klrtulley, York x ork 21. kalacox, Noir York a Seymour, New Cast Cooper, Phila. Geo A Woodward, Phila J 8 Williamstm,Law'e no 6 W Hunt, Pittsburg R Ilmith, Ohio Capt E T canner W D sombler. M Chtink F o Boas, R.aCint b Comfort Jr, Minereville John N Moffst. New York Canty B 11101..6 8 N Hon H B Mott, Milford. Pa Miss Mott, Milford. Pa Hon T Craig Lehigh. Pa Robt Klotz, Al Chunk Wm Moll hener,.E Cowan, Harrisburg Henry W Bteeler.N York J Forney, Penns Time White, 'York. Poona Thos Esp Pittsburg M R. Barr, Erie P Byrne, Luzern co, Pa ST. LOUIE HOTEL—Chestnut street, stare Third. t. F Holman. New Jersey H J Addison, N J H A Lyon. Rochester, N Y ott Dodd. New York A H Bustler. Wit. Bet H J Beaulieu, New York Thos Kidam. New Je•eey S Mute, New York Awl") F Uhur, New - - E W Efrunes. Newark, Del Chas R Bother). Newark Jag Miller, flew York Dr Taylor. Risb Bridge D Ruben. beaten J W Skive°, 9 N F Rassanret. Cincinnati Mrs J 1 Holmes ac cb. Free Joke a Duo.ley, .anton Rikingleton. al'egh'y <Air H C Graves, Aliegh'y City John Leaman. Easton B Leaman. Easton p Krebs, Pottsville C Wllltrltan, Lento co J A mocool, U S A B MoCool, Pottsville A P Halsted, New York Thos E Barton, J Col B L Thonireeen. Weak COMMERCIAL it.. above Chestnut. Wm Johnson. Poona D Hers. Lanoaster F Holston, Lancaster co J 8 Monve/ai Penna JJ p Cliver. Burlington. N J J 8 Mills, Pottsville Walton 2 dam, Chen co 8 Helium, riewtown Jai Austin, Thila k Ponape. Canner 00 Dr L It Kirk. retina Townsenct Water. fa U V fennypaoker, W Ches J C Worth. Oxford. Pa F trobsoni Lancaster co P Lindenchriat. rennet M Yardley. Doylestown STATES UNloli—Market street, above Sixth. J North. Paterson i C Dot y, Mifflin. Pa sy B a Duncan, Pennlvania Glt Boone, Parksburg T Coudnet. Pennsylvania .1 Prime, Handing, City 8 Hamprma, Panduskyl'ity J Campbell, Altoona, Pa Jona ',on/ad. Altoona, Pa air klmeth. Pennsylvania .1 Bayard indiana no 0 W atroup, Mild n. s a John Wtruth, Manama - Ali ltiotld Leingdoa, lloperwell Jesse W Ygdon, ti J Plitt Carninont,Plewark , NJ Jam bkiles. Paricsburg J F Rohrer. gdoVeytowil FAMI Hhoemaser, Pa L. Steveasou. Illifflintown John H Co lory, lowa A kJ Kaufman, Lauoaster Ali W Creigh, Pittsburg Jac laorneson,Centrev,Pa BARLEY BIJRAF HOTEL—Becond at.. beL Vine. Jai Re" nolds „Dam/moue, Pa it D Thomas , IteetistoWn ti W moor°, Morristown Jno E Parry, Attleboro Henry Kufe. Pa A a Reeder, Buckingham B 11 McLaughlin, Wash Lukens Thomas, A J A Marks. Lewistown. Pa Al. W Allen, Attleboro Reuben Myers, Pa J C Cornell, Book, oo m Hamill, Lewistown Jas Palmer, Rilsewood Juli McNair, Mae co 13 liolcoatOo. Paolo o0 ' ll Mills, Bucks co David Fell, Bucks oo Rinse, brawl. Bucks no D'l Blair, Pa M Kline, New JerseyJ X Ram Bsokingham i Gilluasham. Greenville Isaito Buckman, Newtown W meet/3dr, Newtown Wm bavisen,la 8 Grof, Cheltenham 1) McCarter. Hartsville /no stregvet, Pa Jno Pole, Bunks co Ohm Kirkbride, Bucks co B N Fatten, Maas MOUNT VERNON HOTEL-88w= et.. above Arob Jos Yetkee, Pennerrove Mr Dingman, Pit Burton Angler Now York L Drake, New York vcsi;i,Tatai VISQ:OO7 OP TO 12 O'OLOOK LABT PIGMY TkLE urtioN—Aron street, above Third NATIONAL Mam-Ram street. nnoyn Third. B. 8 Graham. Phil& D McHenry. Penns More. McHenry. Penne Oscar Rahn. Ashland F J Parvio, Yottsvitle Win Silver. Pa Jos Martin, Mairlend J Manning & M. Va HEITERE HOUSE—Third street, &Dove Race. H D Acker& Poltaval. A B Levan, Roil istowa B J Adams, York, Fa Jos Whitaksr, hit Clair B R Alcllonald, Penn& SLACK BEAR--Third street, above Cri Rich ?abb. 'Horsham C Morrison, Feseterville A Buckman, Penns Jno Seoil. feee ervihe Sam! Garner, Doy estovrn 1 L Drexler. Yardlerville Linford Beads. Somerton Joe S Royer, Keening C Henninger. Readmg S lioseiand Somerton S Roads, Somerton it et Woodward, Moreland Jig Buckman. Y erdleyvilie Wm raff, Yardleyville F T Beans,yarrileyvnle Wm It Mal, Yerulerillle Mr Jenny, Yardleyville Geo Berge. ...oreland IL Gibson Penns ESBeeld, Yardley mile G Cwinen's Chester Valley Ludwig, Yottstown B Bermes, Dolington A Peboone & la, Ohio SPECIAL NOTICES. TEE GRP. AT STANDARD NISDIOINS OP THE DAY.--Broad and vast as our territory is; it would be difficult to find k corner in it where HOSTETTER'S STOMACH SITTERS are unknown. Wherever there dyerpeneia—and where is is not l—they ore in demon& Nor is it for indigestion alone that they are a specific. Every disorder of the stomach, the liver s the bbvrebb and the nervous system seems to yield to their in fluence. They are an antidote to pain ; they refresh and reinforce the exhausted animal powers; they counter act the morbid principles of disease ; they regulate the whole vital machinery. and may be justly termed the strongest ell that science has ever brought to the aid of natore in her struggle with sickness. lostetter's Celebrated Stornavh Bitters are sold by druggists everywhere. DYOTT & Co.. Agents, 2.32 North SECOND Street. Philadelphia. ltdk W OAK. OD,CRADM AGM F.PRING Whams.-- Pemphtete containing the Opitiiol2ll Of aelebtated Chen"- ids and physicians respecting the use of this WATER in the ease of many diseases of the human system, will be supplied gratis on appboation to FREDERICK BROWN, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, or FRED ERICK BROWN. la., NINTH and CHESTNUT Streete. CALL AND 0E1" A PAXPIMIST. apla-tf BATCH:SLOE'S HAIM Dlll.--This celebrated and perfeot Hair Dye is the best in the world. All others are were imitations of this great original, winch h., sallied seep exteneive patronage in all Dana of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Liquid Hair Dye isstaatte produces a splendid black or natural brown, without staining the skin or injuring the hair, an d will remedy the ill effats of bad does, invigorating the hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Yerfutriers. WhOlainle by EADPIESTOOK & CO., DYOTT & CO., Philadelphia, ONN PRIOR CLOTHING OF THII LATEST STYLEs, Made in the beet manner, expressly for RE TAIL NALPH. LOWEST Inning 'prices marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satisfactory. Our OriF-FRICH system is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. sell-ly JON ES tr €O4 MARKET Street. (31103713NdG BAKBieff ONLEDNAT.En 14015 - NLISOI3 NEWINO NULUNINLS. The Best in Use for Family Sewing• No. 730 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. wolf-IT RETAIL Licit tiOODS. rLORING STOOK---GREAT BAR- N" GAII43.—We are now closing out our entire stook, to 00nae9nenee of the unsettled state or affairs. GRAAT Rt , DUCTION IN ?RIVES. No regard paid to Coat Great Bargains offered to Cash Buyout, In VAPiCk AND SLACK SILKS, and every variety. style, and onality or SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GoOlifi. BILE AND CLOTH COATS AND MANTLES, Twenty five per cent. under coat prier., Great bargains in Domestio Bloods. A bankrupt stook of Men and Boys' Wear. At less than manufacturers * anon. A. ATEEL it SONtnT, 4 No .713 North TENTH, above Goatee. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA , SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1861. IiARMAN—DELL.—On the Ist instant. by Rec. D. W. Writing'. at his reinderme. 681, North Eleventh street, Mr. John W. Barman to Miss Martha Bell. 11h of noTrighnte. [l4l , riehurg man please MACFARb AN tt—G WY ,—on the Pd instant. by the Rev. T. W.l.Wylie. D. D.. William F. Macfarlane, E.etb. of Dal ke ith, Scotland, to Alms Sarah V. Gwyn l .ot taut city. MAGARY—PIITUIPS.—On the 28th ult.. by Rev. John Wort, la, Wm. Maory to Miss ithOda O'N olll YhAlAti oni_ BECK.—On the let instant. by the Rev. Samnel Durhorow. Mr. Howard Brown to Mrs. Catta rine Beek. all of thiseit7. cOvic —l, I t4N.—On the let instant. by Rev. JI . t wood. Mr. John Cook. of Pennegrove. N. .1., to DT's Elisabeth B. Lien. of thin &A y. BROWeI—HOBENSACK.—On the 14th hPveh: Rev. Dr. Townsend. Mr. Richard Brown to Miss Clara M., daughter of Joseph Hobeneack. E re.. of Br.stol, Pa. BALDWIN—ZIMMERsdAN.—On the. 30th ult.. by the Rev. T. J. Sheppard. Mr. John Y. IJaldtrtn. pf Newark, N. J., to Man Elizabeth Zimmerman, of nn ladelphin. WATSON—STRWART.—On the 30th ult.. hr the Rev. Benry Darting. Gaylord Watson. of New York. to Annie 8., daughter of the late Wm. Stewart, of tire city. SMITII.—Our father is gone —On the 2J inst., ksbaa IL Smith, aged 67 years. Intteburg payers Please sonY.I 't he relatives and friends, and Independence Ledge, Ne. 56,1.0_ of 0 F.. and Lafayette EncallinMest , r 4 °' 5, are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from hie late residence, No, 124 Mary-street, on FundaY af ternoon,.the ath inst., at 2 o'olook. To proceed to ni lanthropto Cemetery. PUR NELL —On the hit instant, Win. M. Pnrnell, in the 69th y ear of hie ege. Funeral from his late residence, N 0.1035 Fouth gIXIII street. on Fiinday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. 7 ": ALLOWAY.—Suddenli. on the 29th ult., Jim. B. Galloway, in the 37th year of hie age Funeral from hie late residence, No. 731 Hubbell street. on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. * BaHfil GTT,-0(1 the 24 instant, Joaeph, MI of Jo seph and Mary.C. Barnett.an_ d grandson of Thos. and 1n rah H. Merritt, aged 2 years and 10 months. Funeral from the residenoo of his parents. For 468 Allen street, below Palmer, on Sunday afternoon. at 4 o Monk. CDRHY.—On the 2d instant, Ann Curry, in the 1324 year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her son-in-law, Chas. McMahon, Fisher street, below Huntington, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. PUGH.—On the 39th ult., Major Iseachar Path. in the bOth year of his age. Fuherel Irma hie late mildews!. Frankford. this (Saturday) afternoon , at 2 o'olook. NI A R.F.—On the let instant. John B. Share. Funeral from his late residence, No. 4 Horner ave nue, Thirteenth street, below Vine, this (Saturday) af ternoon, at 1 o'clock. SHURLOCK.—On the. let instant Mrs. Sarah V. Shurlock, wile of William Shurlock, in the 51st year of her are. Funeral from the residence of her husband. No. 1332 Oxford street. his (Saturday) afternoon A at 2 o'clock. --SMITH,—On the let instant. John Henry Mathias, son of William and Emma Smith. aged 10 months. Funeral from the residence of his parents. No. 719 Oxford &reek below Eighth, this (Saturday) After noon. at 3 o'clock. SONGWAY.—On the 2d instant. Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Soneway, aged 68 years. Funeral from the residence of her husband. No. 1524 Wood street, on Sunday afternoon. at I o'clock. " K R.—On the 2d instant, Tieon. 8011 0( Daniel and Elizabeth Keyser. in the nth year of her ago. Funeral from the residence , of his parents. No. 1120 Tenth st , met. on Sunday , morning. at 9 o'clock. * McILHEN Y.—On the 2ri Instant. Alexander Mell beney. aged 76 years. • Funeral from his late residence. Looust rarest, west of Twenty-third. on Sunday afternoon , at half Pant 12 o'clock. MURR A Y.—On the 2(1 instant, Mary Henry, wife of William Murray. toted 23 year.. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 2108 Harmsted street. batsmen Lombard and South, on Sun day afternoon, at I o'clock: • MOURNING STOUR, NO. 918 CHEST NUT Street—BESSON & BON have just re oeived: gray mixed Chene Oelaines, 1234 e ; black and white Paris printed Grenadine Barites 12360; blankend purple do. ; black and purple Chatty Delaines, raXo ; bidet' Dareges .. , - black plaid B3reFee.lB7.4e; second mourning Eng tide Chintzes, 100 ;'Shepherd Plaid Poll de Chevres,l/Bio, &o. Alan. black Bareges, Crape Ataretz, Crape Tamma tans, Summer Bombazines. Challis. Barege Herneni, or Grenadine Bareges, Camels' Hair Hareem. Tami- Nes. Moueehnee, Lawns, end all other geode requieite of deep and second mourning attire. nyl9 I' CHURCH OF THE INTERCESSOR {SPRINO UASIIFN Street, below B HOAR. Rev. R. A. OA R URN. D. 0.. Will preach A SERMON TO YOUNG MEN. on SUNDAY F VENINO. at ni o'oiook. Young men who have enlisted in the Ameri can Army ere respectfully tu•ited. THE FIRST REF'•EMED DUTCH CitURCH. corner of Itt.VENTO end STRING nttDblY utreete,Ntili L .D. V.. be re-gpened by the Coneintery on the SECOND SABBATH 1N hlAY.(ihe 12th mit.) SPIRITUALISM.—LEO MILLER. OF MessaohuNetts will lectors at SAMSON. tilr. BALL, on SII.NDAY'at lOY: o'clock A. M., and 8 P, M. Mr. M. will present a Ile-size portrait of a Spirit. Pd.. mincion I canto- It* gREV. C. A. SKINNER. OF CAII - Muse.. sill preach SUNDAY IITNINU. at lUX. and EV eNING. at 7.11 . o'clock, in the CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH, (Universalist') Locust street. above Thirteenth. 7- REV. J. HYATT SMITH WILL RE PI AT, by request, the sermon entitled, " he lury of the Christian citizen in the Day of the Coun try's Peril." BUNDAT AFTERNOnni, at 814 o'clock. at American Mechanics' Hall. FOURTH and GEORIiE Streets. AIUDIiNITI.RIARISM.-11RE REV. F. C. Q . WARE. of Cam bridee, 1 1 11.4. m, will preach in the EL and HAYDN HILL, Eighth and - , prins Garden streets. on SUNDAY, Mar 6th. Services will commence at 1.036 A. M., and 7.3 . 4 o'cicck F. N. Seats free, 11* _ FORT DELAWARE.—ALL FAUR- E:TM:I . ES Intended for the Soldiers now stationed at ort Delaware can be forwarded by sending them, properly directed. to tne Steamboat. Fax) r BOY. which leaves Arch-street wharf on Tuesdays, Thars days. and satardars. at 8 o'clock A. M., or to the Steamboat MAJOR RBYBOLD, which leaves from the same wharf daily, at Z o'clock P. M. The mail leaves daily. at4_ A. M., and all letters should be sent thronsh the Post - Office. my4-smw3t lirT. 0. OF 0. F.—PURSUANT TO THE d.rechem, of the ft OM t t. 4 AponAta for the purpose. the 0 aTIONAL FLAG will he raised with appropriate ceremony's over the O. F. HALL. SIXTH azul HAIr FA street, THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOuN, at 4 o Mock. JNO. C. UH LE, my 3 eeery. MECHANICS , INSURANCE CO. PHIL ADHLPII lA. May 2, 18 6 1. he Annual Mershon for Twenty Directors will be held at the Offloo of the Company, No. 1315 North SIXTH stree_t, on MONDAY next, May 6th, between 10 o'clock A. IC end 2 P. M. Mil 4t lib/WARD RAFFERTy, Eleore;arr, THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE rtockholdeTe of the CONNECTICUT MINING COO I PAM" will be held at LITCDFIELD, Conn., :to cording to the By-Laws, on MONDAY. the 6th inst. K.O. 0. LOWRY, Amin Pee 7, Inn-3t 226 WA/Ml.7r Btreeti PhiladelPhla, TrWELCH SOCIETY—A MEETING OF the Wri3Olf eOGIETY was held at the Wetherill House on Tuesday Evening. A pril So, 1861, in response to a notice in the daily papers of the 29111 and 30th ult. The President having smiled the Meeting to order, the ?ectetary read the call, when, on motion. awns resolved that a committee of three ha appointed to draft resolutions ezpress , ve of the sense of the mem bers of the eociety. The Chair, appointed Nathan R. Potts, Erg - Horatio Gates Jones, Esq., and MrMen the Bywater. The committee reported the following preamble and remilutions. which were unanimously adopted: Whereas. It appears that most, tf not all, of the mem bers of this Society capable of bearing arms are alretify in the various military organizations recently formed : Therefore. Itesolve4, That Ire deem it unnecessary to form a distinct military organ' zetton of this Soccety. - Resolved. That the remaining members of the Soci ety. being desirous of expressing their ardent attach ment to the Union and the flag under which they have Prospered. hereby pedge themselves to aid in contribu ting to the comfort of the Amite; ot those who have volunteered in the defence of their country, to the ex tent of their ability. JGC AL THOMAS. President Attest—WM. F. PARRY. Secretary. It firGIRARD COLLEGE.—THE DIRER TORS of the Girard College give notice that they are prepared to bind out, in the State of Pennsyl vania, twmity orphans, in accordance with the will of tlteplicrt Girard, ti' imitable occupations, such as Agri culture, ~n ,Vigaluln, Arta, Mechanical ',vadat', and klaguractares. 'the master will be required to teach his apprentice his respective art and to furnish him with suitable board and forging in his own place of re sidence lemma where for special reasons. the appren tice may be allowed to board elsewhere.[ The master will be allowed to take each orphan on trial for a term not egoseding one month; and the apprentice, when bound. will be furnished by the Institution with a suita ble outfit. Persons desirous of obtaining as apprentice ran apply at the College between the hours of 3 and 5 P. M., or if not citizens of Philadelphia. can address the undersigned in writing. giving name. residence. oc cupation. and Torero ,tice • the latter, whenever possible. to lie residents of Philulolphia. HENRY W. ARBY, /Secretary of Girard College. frrSTATEMENT OF THE UNION BANK, as reerdred by the second motion of the act of the General Assembly of thin Commonwealth, approved the ISM dew of October. A. D. 1957. Amount of loans and dizoounts. spews. 75 744 36 due from other . b - a — nia. 46.578 86 of notes in circu1ati0n_....,...... 37,620 OD deposits. including' balances due to other banks.. 245 937 25 Prinaiiiipmi—liny 2,188 L CITY OF PHI . _ _ 1. James Lesley, Cashier of the Union Bank, being sworn. depose and say that the above statement is cor rect, to the beet of my knowledge and belief. JAMES LESLEY, Cashier. twom before me, this third day of May, A. D. 1661. It JOHN .11 FItIGK. 'Votary futrlia, rY OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAL 11 3 AND NAVIGATION COMPANY. PHILADHLHHIA• April 2 . 7,1861, The stated annual meeting' of the atookhoiders of this Company will be held at their °Motto:on TUNI3D inorninc, the Tth day of el 1 Y next. at 11 o'clock. after which an election for officers of the Company will be there held. to close at 2 o'clock P. M. on the same day. ap3o-tun7 JAMI' COX, President. WNOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Btookholdere of the GERMANTOWN EBT V.M.PANY Will he held at their office, MAIN Ntrept. rierman rowo, on TUS7DAY next (Pamir 7) nt 73f, o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electi ng sEveri DtßEcloas, and the moaner= of other business. JOSEP.I I RING, April 29.1111--ap3o-7t . Secretary.. OFFICE OF THE ANIERICAN FIRE idl tBURANCE COMPANY. No. MO WALNUT et.—A General Meeting of the Stockholders in the American Fire Insurance Company will be held. agree abir to charter, on MONDAY, the 6th day of MAY next, at 12 o'clock, M. The Annual America for Directors will take plane immediately thereafter. A. C. L. CRAWFORD. ap27,30.m72,4&6- t* Score tan". M.COFFICE OF THE SHAMOKIN VAL LEY AND POTTSVILLE RAILROAD M .1:1 , aO9 WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, April 11, 1881. The Annual Meeting of the titoalcholders of the Phemolon Valley and Pottsville Railroad Company will be held at the Office of the Pointmey. on MONDAY. 6th of May, at 12 o'clock, for the election of Managers and a President to serve for the ensuing year. soMfl29ocdtm74l ne , r. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 17, 1861.--The Board of Directors have this day deelared a serni-ati noel dividend of TEIREN: PEN GENT. on the capital stock of the Company. clear of State tea. payable on and after May leth, 1851. Powers of attorney for collection of dividends can he had on application at the office of the Compari No. 218 8. Third street. THOMAS T. FIRTH, apla lin T064/111VAP. MSCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA. RAILROAD LO.—The Annual Meeting and on of the Stockholders of the Schuylkill and Sus quehanna Railroad Company. as required by their charter, will be held at the CONIINE TAL DOTE In the pity of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on 111.014- DAY. May SUOMI, at 12 o'clock, M., for the purpose of choosing a President and six Managers to serve for the ensuing year, and also for the consideration of such other business as may properly be brought before said meetinr. g. FRANK 8. BOND t , A pril l MAL laps-tmral Secreary. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT. the subscriber has lost Certificate N 0.366 of the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Company, en titling him to nineteen eharea of its capital stock, and that he Will filiPlY to the geld oompany capital_ a new certificate. WS-the St* rnomAs B. BELL. MIBEDDING OUT PLANTS, It. BUI7T St SON have a large stook of the finest UMW. Of eUMMBft BLOW') /PiO r# , AN /Thigh they offer et very low prime by the dozen, honored, or thousand—consisting of NEW VERBENAS NRW HELI O TROPES, NEW LANTANAS: NEW PHLOX. NEW SALVIAS. NN.W DAHLIAS. nik.w O.:RAN' UM. NEW EVERLASTING NEW FUCHSIAS. NEW PhTUNIAS, Nos. 944 and uiy4 3t Nurseries and ti COTTON SAIL, IrUCK and CANVAS, of pll 'lambent and brands. Raven's Peek Awning wine or all desoriptione, for Team. Awrunge, Trunks Ana Wagon Covent. ALIO. Paper eaanuracturers' Drier Felts, from 1 to 8 feet wide. Tarpaulins. netting, Pm' Twine, ace. JOIN W. EV ERMAN ec CO 103 JONES Alley. QUGARS, SYRUPS, AND COFPEES..4 I . - DONAHUE, 23 South WATER Street, offers for Imle 5,000 Ws of Steam Refined Sugar& including ell the various grades, at reduced oash prices. mania in per funds. Also, RS bble of Philadelphia Steam Refined, C•arifieo, and eugsr-honsellugars, eg) lihde and bins of Steam Syrups and Sugar-house In Masses, and ble) bags Prime roasting grades of Hilo Coffee, at reduced cash Prices. payable on demand in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey 0111tElai, at per, pay4-3r MARRIED DIED. --OM 610 88 LEGAL_ RPM WAREIIOI.1 4 314, • 924 MARKET Street. • reenhoures,Darby Road MILITARY NOTICES LINCOLN DRAGOONS.—VolUtt eere wishful of joining in lb Csvalry CoraPour are requested to gall and enroll themseives at .iaa CIiEbTNUT .Street, fourth story, without delay. By order of W. IL WOODS,. mr4-21,* Captain Commanding. lININETEENTH WARD. Resident / of the Nineteenth Ward Who have en listed in the United States Berme are resonated to furnish their names to the following-named gentlemen, in the preoinot in which they reside: Precinct 1. J.P. Curran. Germantown road and Sixth street. 2, Joseph Hervey, 1626 North Elwood street, above Oxford. 3. ra‘c R. moisten, Frankford road, above Harrison street. " 4. Michael Price. Frankford road, above Otis stree " Chsrloa t. M. Fay, Frankford road, above Otis meet. G. M. B. Buckley, Riohmond street, above " 7. Jose Huntin do . Laun. ph Ber, 43 Somerset street, below Thompson. " 8. Edward Deschame, 322 Richmond street. above Witham. 9. Joseph Beecher, Germantown road, above Diamond went. 10. John Gahe1.1646 Germantown road, above Oxford street. " 11. Dr. Richard Burr. 1758 Frankford row,, above Deal ro rs et A 2,1 EET 1 N O OF TUE STATE FENCIBLES i Old Guard) will be held at the °Moe of Win. Struthers, 11122 MARKET Street, THIS (Saturday) EVE!! !NO. dth inst., at 8 o'clock The friends of the Old Guard. and Citizens desirous of joinillb the Company, for our home protemion, are in vited to attend. Wlllll .6.A TTEN't lON -TWELFTH-WARD HOME GUILD will meet far dr ill TRIM (Bator drty 1 EVENING, May 4th. at 13 o °look-. at Odd Fel lows' Hall, N. E. corner TRIED and BROWN. A ft 11 attendanne it mounded- IV' D. E. SLIFER, Secretary. A FEW ABLE-BODIED YOUNG MEN Tooted to fill up the ranks of a oomouy for immedi ate 40T9i00- 0011 isnme luitely at TEALPERANCH HALL, TWELFTn. and FILBERT Elt. ny2 4t. iAT A MEETING OF THE KA MOI RIFLES. held on TUESDAY evening, the following resolution was passed: , Brachial, That a committee Or eleven, be _e•P voluted to collect funds to purchase arms rum 'nom men% Under the above resolution the following gentlemen were Appointed and are empowered to receive sub sortpt,ons D. W. STUART. 236 West Loran Square. li. W. GOUI.D. no. 0 South Third street. C. E. STEWART 632 Arob street. W. E. DICK, M. h.. 934 Pine street. .13. H. HAIN FS. 427 Walnut street. R. Pher et Sal I V., 1423 Vine street. GEO. W. B P.IDELMAN 1126 Girard street. CHAS. NEIL. 113 South N Ninth street. E. D. VAN H Oilfi. Mit Wallace street, AS. WRIGLEY, 134 South Fourth street. L. T. THOMPSON.. NO Filbert street, VOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR THE PAN DouGHERTY LIGHT INFANTRY. AU Wee desirous of serving their country will please et their lleadquartara, or at J. aaph P. Crouosda,. tOttheast corner of Eteventhandeineeen. By order of least corner rICOTT. ITO ARMS! TO ARMS!! , ATTENTION. VOL TE UNERS! The MARION . GUARDS, under command of Cant. A PP, are filling up their ranks at 603 01-1.836 TN UT Street. - A PEW MORE ONLY ARE WANTED. Young Men between 18 and 45, wishing to Enlist in their Country's aid, are desired to come forward at once and enroll th e eiames. SAILL.K . STEVIE It. JR., &OD alakat*r n Sentitarl. lUNITED STATEi MARINE CORPS. —WANTED. NO able-bodied men, between the ages of 21 and BS years. not loss than five feet four and a half inches high. and of good character. Soldiers nerving in thin nom perform duty at nu, Yards and on board United States nuipn-of-mar on foreign stations. All other information which soar be desired will be given at the Rendezvous, No. 311 Routh FRONT Street. First Lieutenant W. lITMES BOVD. Recruiting Officer. FREIGHT NOTICES. NOTICE TO STITEPERS OF FREIGHT. Owing to the distracted state of the country. and in consequenoe of notices from the regular authorities, the Railroad Companies represented by the undersign ell will not carry goods contraband of war over their lines. and will require the observance of the following rule in relation to goods destined for the States of MISSOURI, ARKANSAS, TENNESSEE, KENTUCKY, and WESTERN vinerigra, Each. Package must be distinctly marked, NOT CONTRABAND," and underneath these word TRX NAME OF THE SHIPPERS OR THE PACILLCES. The Ship per's Receipt accompanying said shipments must be marked as above. ERASTUS CORNING,- PRES. N. Y. CM. R. R. • w. NATHANIEL MARSH, REC'R N. Y. AND ERIE R. IL J. EDGAR THOMSON . ; mr2 8t FREE. PENNA. R. E. rvOTICIE EHIPPERS Or FREIGHT. —ln pursnailne of notice from the regular authori ties all goods forwarded by way of the PHILADEL PHIA ANDA G R.ILROAD, to the States of Nuas,ou 11 K EN VICKY, TENNESSEE, AND VIRGINIA, Must be distinctly marked " Not Contraband," and, underneath these wards, the name of the shipper. The Shippers' It eoeipt meet also be marked as above. A nd no g,ods of any description well be forwarded to States south or the above named. mirr-tm ASA. WIUTNEV, PresiAeat. SPECIAL NOTIOII.—SHIPPERB WILL please take notice that the Smith Carolina R. R Co. have discontinued forwarding all through freight and that all goods formerly consigned to them must now be conaigrivi to a, oily :metier. Messrs. T. if. T. Bti DD' will forward a ll toOdi t 0 their address. A. HERON, Ja. ft Co. WO No tar: North WH , A RYES. ARMY SUPPLIES. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES HEADQUARTERS PENIVA. MILITIA QUARTEDMASTER'S DEPARTMENT, llaaaisaraa, May 1, 1881. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at my office is Harriaburg, up to 12 o'clock, noon, ON TUESDAY, THE 7TH DAY OF MAY, 1861, for the whole or part of the following requirement, to be delivered at this place, in such quantities, and at such times as may bee directed by this office. The re servatuin also being made to increase or reduce the quantities in requirement at price!' aooepted. The alletmentwill be made within three days from he above date. REQUIREMENT. 10,000 GREAT GOATS. 16,000 ARMY BLOUSES, INDIGO BLUE OR CADET ' GRAY. 15500 PAIRS TROWSERS, do do do 1500) UNDRESS CAPS. do do do 3000 D FLANNEL OR KNIT WOOLLEN SKIRTS. 30000 FAIRS CANTON FLANNEL DRAWERS. WOOD PAIRS WOOLLEN STOCKINGS. 16000 PAIRS BOOTEES. All the above to be of the Army Pattern and conform strictly to the regnlations of the United btates Army in quality of material and finish. No bid will be reeerred for a. less number than a. sup• ply of a Regiment of 744 men. The successful bidder will be required to give bond, with good and suffioient security, for the faithful per formance of hie contract. R. C. RALE, wy3-2t QUARTERMASTER GENERAL, P. M TENTS WAN TED.—JORN LEVERING, Speghal agent for the state of Indiana. in demons of reogivingpropogitiona for famishing ORR TROD 13AND :r.hrurs for use of Field Offieete and Tromee 0 ,, M,1031111C the INDIANA REGIMEPITB., bi woe. or in nerson, at "Room 53." 6 Uteri 01111 Row, 2to o'ologt P. M. to-day (Saturday) Mar 4, 1851. m 4 et* M I LAil V CLOTHING. TOBN THORNLEVS 311 CHESTNUT ar street, north eide—the oldest establishment in the United States. INDIA-RUBBER CAMP BLANKETS, For Army_and !rim 'Equipments. rAT EAT RUBBER CANIP BLANKETS, KNAPSACKS. KNAPSACK% HAVERSACK!. HAVERSACKS, Afs T.ENS. TENTS, GUN COVER& GUN 40Y,ERR, U OES. - CarEn, CAPS. COATS , CAPS . COATS, Aud every bther artiole that is manufactured or India Rubber—is of the beet materiel. tw73 1m if JOHN THORNLEY. UNIFORMS FOR THE HOME HUARD OF PHILADELPHIA, • AND OTAffitt coßra. CHARLES HARKNESS, tiOS CHESTNUT 'STREET, Now getting up the UNIFORMS for the officers and privetesprtho " GRAY RESERVES", is prepared to undertake the equipment of Regiments or. Companies at the lowest rat's, and at the shortest notice. N. R.—Particular attention to style, kc., in furnish ing Officers' Uniforms. myl-St MILITARY CLOTHING, 01-IAN VIL,T E STOKES', 609 CHESTNUT STREET. who different styles of outfits adopted by military or - ganizations can be procured, or made to order at the shortest notice, at the NEW" CLO MING DEP° r of GRANVILLE. STOkEs, 609 CHESTNUT Street. For alesanoe and durabilitg, these garments cannot be eurpassed,abd every purobaser to sure to receive a handsome and valuable gift, A Rfi -- tY CLOTHING.Indigo. Blue and JAL Cadet Sattireta ; Regulation Shades on hand and for sale az JOB gPR LICA. ass3o - 6t 125 and 130 CREBTRITS fluent, NEW YORK AUCTIO AUCTION NOTICE. LOCKWOOD BROS., 45 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORE, WILL OFFER AT AUCTION, FOR CASH, ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, AT THEIR SALES ROOMS, LARGE SPECIAL SALE OP • RIBBONS, MIT.T.TNERY GOODS, AND STRAW GOODS. 1,600 cartons of new and desirable SPRING BON NET RIBBONS. 300 cartons of FRENCH FLOWERS. 300 oases. martyrising a general assortment of STRAW GOODS. Together with a general acsoriment of Millinery Goode, consisting or Aerophane and French Crapes Bonnet Silks. &e. Triv4-3t NBI, rUBLIUATION GREAT MILITAIIY SUPPLEMENT TO THE FIMADELPH/a. INQUIRER HARDEE'S TACTICS FOR THE MILLION, CONTAINEI6 In an eight-page Supplement to TEE PHIL nacrius. Inquiazz—embracing the Sohool for the Soldier, Soho° for the Company, and Instructions for Skirmishes for Rifle and Light Infantry Taotios—illustrated with 21 engraving& Published by permission of Messrs. B. LIPPINCOTT lc Co. (Copyright secured.) This valuable work for the rank and file of the. Army will be ready for delivery to News Dealers and Feriodi-, oat Agents, May 3. Prue for lee copps - -• • • trY Single copies .6 cent/7 Cash to accompany the order. Three or one cent stamps will be received in payment for amounts under one dollar. WM. W. HARDINCi-, Philadelphia Inquirer, No. 1218. THIRD Street, mr4-2t PHILADELPHIA. HOME GUARD. COOPER'S MACOMB'S TACTICS. A NEW EDITION, 1 Vol.. 12m0., Cloth, Gilt. &50,mitml. ?hoe. 11245. REVISED AND CORRECTED TO DATE. By request of Officers of the ROUE GUARD. Also, a NEW EDITION of GILRAM. , S MILITARY MANUAL Will, be ready on the 6th met. Published and for sale br CHARLES DESILYER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER, Ho. 1229 CHESTNUT STREET, A full supply of Military Books, of all deseriptious, on hind. For sale low. my4-6t T TEN TiON THE VOLUNTEER'S MANUAL, JUST PUBLISHED. CMITAI244 PULL TIIIITIII72TIONA 202 Tll2 RECRUIT, In the Scheeleof the Soldier and Squad, with over one Hundred Illustration' of the different positions in the Faoinza and Manual of Anna, and the Loadings and Firings. SCOTT'S B . l• l WA Rr a c f.Pi n gfriT T lN TACTICS, LT. COL. D. 4 %Y . C. BAXTER, ot. TIM NATIONAL GUARD. Imo. Size. Convenient for the Pocket. This is the Latest, ,paz gil y s d . Cheapest Work on IT I. APll a tly i tg. vr oF A 2VirLLY. • IN RI7RIII' TOWN, VILLiGIe, AN.) HAMLET. Retail price. 25 cents ; flexible cloth, 38 sent!. Milled anywhere, free of postage. Foreale everywhere. KirKi IL DrlfiD, ?enteral end rablitherit t 607 ISANSUM Street, Phileclelphvi AA PROCLAMATION (NOT) BY THE PRESIDENT ! 3- Wasaitas An insidious .Re bet-lion (Jeff Davis? exists, having for tth object the overthrow of a legitimate Government, and. the in-- die:Sea of a bastard Cotten-federafty- and whereas we would avoid the necessity which would compel tie to save the pieces of a fractured Republic.: Now we do. therefore. recommend that all loyal citizens forthwith take measures to provide themselves with standard fublications treating upon Military Discipline, and urthermore. that the Berne be procured from the ex tensive este& of GROJIGA G. itvANs. 424 CH.EI3 NUT Street. Philadelphia. The following we would name as reliable works : nRDEB'S TACTICS— ....... . $1 20 GILRAM'S MANUAL- ... —.--....-...- 220 ISCO 'T'S TACTICS-_ . . 2 BO COOPEIVE MACOMB'STACTICS-.............. 126 OAVAL Y TACTICS- ....... 376 ARMY REDOLATIONN - . 1 Ai McCi..ELLAND'S BAYONETFXERCISES... ._ 125 Also, all the Biographic Writings of SMUCKER, BARTLEY. eIMMS, and other popular authors. to gether with an immense collection of MISCEL LANEOUS runicATloNs. and a handsome ER2-. SENT. worth 80 mints to elOti, with each. By order of the Secretary of the Book Department of GffORGE G. EVANS' Polluter Headquarters, ropt-tf 439 CHReTNU A Street. APPLETONB' HAP OF TAB SEAT OF WAR • No. l. PRICE 26 CENTS. Sent free by mail on receipt of price . linutea dis count to dealers D. APPLETON sr. CO. Publishers. my2-3t 443 and 445 BROAD WAY. NEW ENGLISH BOOKS—IMPORTED and for sale by McELROY & Co., No. 27 South SIXTR t3treet,above Chestnut. PdACAU LAY'S ENGLAND. Yol. 6, Bvo. cloth, 82.50. ANDEIISON'S FAIRY TALES AND STu I n d. Collected Edition. Illustrated. 13mo, cloth, 51 2.3. FAMILY ROMANCE ; Or. Zpisodes in the Domestic Annals of the Aristocracy. by bir Bernard Burke. Third Editlon.l2mpr cloth. 8180. BRITISH A RTISTe. from Hogarth to Turner. Yr' Welter Thpnbcrg. 2 vole, 12mo. cloth. 516. Worm. Br ; Or, Rod Fishing with Fly ,Minnow. and Br Henry Wade. 8 Colored Elates. 12nio, Moth. 52 ARM FASULI ILLUSTRATION OF ECOTTI3II. CHARACTER. by the Rev. Charles Roger., LL.D. limo, cloth, 8 L75. THE Waal. MANUAL. Sy Robtrt Rocs. LL.D. 12mo cloth, 5/. Th ' E SEA AND ITS LIVING WONDER 3. By Dr. G. Hartwig, with numerous ' , I ood-onte and 12 Plates in Colors . Second Edition. 2 vols. Bvo, cloth, 85. THE PICKWICK PAP KRA. ' Bp Charles Diokens. New Edition, with all the Original Illiudrations. 2 vol., Svn, cloth. 84. Foreign Books Imported to order by ever y Steamer. Monthly_ Cate.rosue of New and tile English and French Books furnished gratis on application. rny3-St OFFICIAL. i_sROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING THE -a. PAPER FOR THE PUBLIC PRINTING. OfFICZ SURIBINTEBIOCNT PUBLIC PRINT/NO. WASHINGTON. MAY /. IBM In enzeniince of the provieions of the seventh election of the "Joint Resoiution to relation to the Public Prinung.” approved June 23, 1860 A irm led prove/de will he received at this office until monde), the let day of July. It 61, at 12 o 'clock M. for furnishing the paper that mar. be required for the pubic printing for the year ending on, the lit day of Pecember 1869. The subjoined list specifies, as nearly as cac be ewer tamed, the (IMMO of each kind of paper that will be required Ciass 10,000 resins fine printing paper, unoslondered , to immense 24 by 28 inches, sna to weigh fifty pounds to toe ream of 600 sheets. CLASS 2. _ _ . . . 6.t® reams fine printing paper calendered, to Mea sure 24 by as Witt% bed to weigh tali Inh MAI to the ream of MO abeam. [agreeably to the provisions of the joint resolution aforesaid. samples of the character and quality of the Paper required for the above classes will be furnished to applicants therefor. The paper is to be put up in quires of twty five sheets each.. and tn bundles of two reams each; each ream to contain fee perfect shaman. tiniformitY in color. thickness. and weightwi II be. required;; and no bundle (exclusive of wrappers) varying over or under five per cent. from the standard weight will be renewed, and the gross weight will in all oases be required. Mixing of various thicknesses in the same bundle to make up the weight will be considered a violation of the contract ] Mari 3. 400 reams superfine printing paper, hard-sized and super °Wondered, to measure 24 by 32 inches, and to weigh fifty pounds to the ream of 800 sheets. Class 4 2,000 reams superfine map paver, sized and eaten dared, of such sizes as may be required, corresponding in weiht. with paper me..euring 19 by 24 Indies. And weighing twenty pounds per ream of 480 sheets. trusse 6. ZOO reams superfine plate paper, (calendered or un =hindered, as may be required, 19 by 24 inches, and of suet, weight per ream as may be required. CLASS 6. i. 2800 Tattliiii quarto post writing Pager.lo by 16 inches 2. 2,0.30 do cap do 13 by a( do. 3. 100 do demy do 16 by 211)6 4. 1,000 do folio post do 17 by 22 do. if. 100 do medium do IS by 21 do. 6. 60 do royal 19 by 24 do. 7, is) do super royal do 20 by 28 do. 8, 68 do imperial do 2214by3t do. 9, 100 do double sap do 13 by 20 do. Cr-ses 7. 1. goo reams writing paper, 16 by 26 Inches, to weigh twenty-three pounds per ream. 2. 1.600 reams writing paper, 19 by 28 inches, to weigh twenty-eight pounds per ream. 3. 3,100 reams writing paper, 18 by 26 inches. to weigh twenty-six pounds per ream. 4. 10 reams writing napar, l 3 by 22 inches, to Weigh twenty-four pounds per Warn. 3 , go r e a ms writing paper, 18 by 18 inches, to weigh twenty-tyro pounds per ream 6. 410 reams writing paper, 12 by 18 inches, to weigh twelve pounds per ream. till the tapers designated in classes 4,5, 6, and 7, must contain, Ole perfectsheats to the TOM, and no out side" quires, They aro E. be made of the best mate rials. fi ea from adulteration, finished in the test man ner, out to a true edge, and securely and enlistantially enveloped. The papers in class 6 are to be white or blue. laid flat, and of such weights as may be required by this office. Those in classes 3, 4. 5. and 7, are, to be white. and of the razes and weights specified in the schedule. The right is reserved of ordering a greater or lees quantity of each and every nd contracted for in all the classes, to be furnished at such times and in snob quart ' titles as the public service may require. Each class will be considerrd separately, and be sub jet to a separate contract; but bidders may sal. offer for one or more of the classes in tne same propo No proposals will be awisidsred unless accompanied by the guarantee that the bidder or bidder's. 11 hia or their proposals shall be accepted, will enter into an ob ligation, with goal and stinmient sureties, to furnish articles proposed. Blank forms for, proposals will be furnished at this ethos. and none will be taken into consideration unless substantially agreeing there with. atArintleh p the ener in the several °lasses must be delivered law as may be desig h nated in Weirbingionintyr except that in class 7, whic must be delivered at Buf falo. in the State of New York,/ in good order, free of all and every extra charge or expense, and subject to the tune oton omen e, weight, and measurement of the Superintendent. are be in all respects satisfactory. Bidders are required to furnish, with their proposals, wimples of no four. than one quire of earth of the kis o f - wir er hid and upon winch their proposals ,a& be u je d + except in classes 1 and 2. lite successful bidders will be required rigidly to conform to their samPlew Proposabs will be addressed to" JOHN D. BEFREES, superintendent of the Public Printing. 'Washington." and endorsed "Proposals for Supplying Paper." orre-aWf COMMISSION ROUSES ARMY ,BLANKETS. - BLUE, GRAY§ AND WHITE. A FULL ASSORTMENT OP EACH. For Salo by STUART & BROTHER. m7 3 •dt• 13 HANK STREET, WOOLLENS. A FULL ASSORTMENT. For Sale by STUART & BROTHER ray3-3t* 13 BANK BTREEr. BLUE TCPRSEYS AND CLOTHS, auttable ror Military or Naval purposes, For sale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, tf 35 LETITIA BTFIEET SPRING MILLINERY. rug MRS. B. JAOOBS, No. 212 NORTH Wilk EIGHTH Street. will open a FASHIONABLE ABIORTMEINT OF B.PRiIiG bIILLINhtLY, on THURSDAY, A prilOth. VJAN'rs. WANTED—A Young Man to Learn the Agricultural and teed business. Addreni "A. C. A. Press WYNN% ae27•6t VI/ANTED—A , Lad to do Errands. • .9d dreg' " T." Press officte. afg-t1 WANTED--AGENTS - to sell .PAOICA • vif DIES or STATIONERY and JEWELRY, at vices one third lees than Gan be purchased eleewhere. Call on or address ((damn enclosed) .1 L. BAILEY, No, 154 COURT Street. Boston, Mass, mh26-3m VMPLOYE RS WANTING YOUNG •m-e - Men, &e., 'we invited to addrees the" Employ ment 9ommittee." at the Roome of the Young More Chroomn Asmooistion, 1000 and /01/ CliEtfrlita Street. ap3-15m gaIWANTED—A VESSEL, of the capa city of from 1.001t01,200 barrels, to load for the Welt Indies ' Appil to RETCHE & CARSTAIRN, ap22 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. fTO LET-A THREE-STORY HOUSE, 1.736 MOUNT VERNON Street, with all the modern improvente. mye-St* aft FOR BALE, OR TO LET FOR TBE AVAIat),N—A COTTAGE RESIDENCE AT In v oft - Kurt J., on the river front., nearly opposite Tacony, about eight mt les from the city. and accessible many times a day by tail or steamboat. in from thirty to forty-five minutes. The stemma are in a high state of cultivation, abounding in ail the reelrahle small fruits, as strawberries, raspberries,. bleat:terries, cher ries, entrants. grapes. plume. dWhtl pearl.. in great variety. and embellished with the most select assortment of ornamental trees, and rare and hardy shrubbery and flowers. raves. dm 't he boom contains a large parlor. dining-room, double kitchen, bath room, with hot and cold water ; seven chambers ; a large. light, and ventilated vault; very dr eviler ; a largo rain-water oustern. with a perfect filter at bottom. constructed on scientific principles, affording the purest water lot &inking, cookies, or bathing; also. a pump with wed we in kitchen and vault. Toe premises are partially furnisped, and will be let on reasonable terms to a responsible party for the season, or other• wise. The location ia warranted_perfootly healthy. and combines all the advantages ot a summer watering plane for sailing and fishing. as also the finest gravel turnpikes for driving. Ihe place can be visited by the John A. !Varner steamer. which leaves Chestnut-street wharf at two o'clock P. M.. returning same afternoon ; or by rail at 1210 M.. Walnut street wharf. For further Dartioulanund terms. &e V° wuiLictuto a • lUSA. Corner of Twenty-first mad Pee. sts. or THOMAS P. CO ,eg my3-3t. No 1 WALNUT street. GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO LliT.—A commodious MANSION,weII shaded by large trees, within a short distance from shosmsker Lane tation: Inquire of Y. McC A LLA. myl-6t* IS .Flonth SECOrt D Street. el WEST PHILADELPHIA-TO RENT. modern COTTAGE, containing parlor, dining room, ano seven chambers. Apply to 51)29-61 8. A. HARRIRON. MAPUBLIC SALE.—WiII be sold at nubile gala on MONDAY. the 6th day of MAY pent, on tne eremites in the Borough or Cheater, De laware county, Pa., at 2 o'clock P. M. all that vary de sirable and valuable Property and Factory Bnildings thereon erected. with such machinery as belongs to it. he property is situated at the steamboat lannins, in Cheater, containing 3 ACRES OF, I,AND, has about SOO feet river front. This property is worthy the atten tion of manatee cram ; is 16 miles from Philadelphia, and in almost hourly communication with the city by water and railroad. tonditions at sale. JOHN COCHRAN, ap29-7t* Real Estate Agent end suotioneer. FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Three Loommodions brick DWELLINGS in Hividonfield, New Jersey, centrally located, well seeded. &0.. within two squares of railroad depot C. H. SHINN. a9211-tf 222 WALNUT Street maTO RENT WITH FITRNITITRE.—A handsome DOUSE, with every modern conveni ence, in Arch street, Teat of Seventeenth. Apply to A. P. k. J. B. MORRIS. ap2O-lm PIG ARCH Street. OM FOR BALE —A 1.10116 E and LOT, XgLdesirably . located on MAIN Street. Burlington. N. J. APPIY to WM. M. COLLINS, . 501: MINOR Street. Phikdelphia. Or to FRANKLIN wooLmAx. IDlFl•thetrait* MAIN Street, Burlington, TO REN T. —A rare opportunity is /Bar; offered to a competent manager of a Boarding House by the undersigned. who offewbo t an i t T tl E t t il figgr. formerly k ronlna r kliT l Street. shove Fourth, opposite the Custom House. The house con tains iony room" all of whiort are fprnished. The ht ninety-five feet in length, besides kitchens. pantries. and every other convenience that can be desired. The eremites have beep fitted nom a complete manner, and are ready for immediate occupancy. To a proper person. having experience, a profital.le business can be done. To an eggeptable tenant the terms will be made reasonable. For particulars apply to /OEOI REA. on the premises, between the hours of 9.and 3 o'clock. apl6-iuthallt To LET--SECOND-STORY ROOM, 802 GIIEBTNUT ' , tract. over LEWIS LADORLUS & Co.'s Jewelry Store. The best location in Philadel phia for any kind of light business. Apply in the Jewelry Store. Rent SW). fell? VRENT—A very desirable STORE, on the ninth-street front of "The Continents Hotel." The More at Ninth and Hansom streets ease °jelly adapted for a tumnrat and HauntsHN RI Maker.CH Atrdy to JO, fee-tt Southwest NINTH and OA NSOM Ntreets. as TO LET—A DESIRABLE DWEL NM LING. NO 123 North THIRTEENTH Street. Apply to WETHENILL & BRUTHSR, 47 and 49 orth BECOND &tree,. urhl4-tf gaTO RENT—For the summer season, a commodious Country House. with furniture. g round', sad Stabling, within two hours' yule. by rail of rjolodelphis. Apply to E. P. WILSON ,_at 33d SIARKb.:T Street; or address **JOSIAH WIOSON, Parkersville. Chester Co., Pa." apt lm NI CHESTNUT-STREET HOUSE and STORE - to rent.—The desirable business loostion. /1173 CII.E4TNUT Ihroth dwelling attached. Apply at 431 CHESTNUT trees. evii GER m A NTOWN PROPERTY TO BEL RENT.—Te Rent. the large and commodious modeFi-built ROWIO, A oorner of RMAT Street and QW Alvan*, with gm, bath, hot and cold water, an a the modern improvements Apply to It itNS V S. A RR, 710 GREthi Street. Philadelphia, or on the Premises. aptt-tf Es TO RENT TWO COUNTRY NOUSEILone mile from Taoony. Inquire No. 717 WAI,NUT Ntrett. mrao-Om* TO RENT-THE LAB:4E AND VON. VEICENT Coal Wharf and Lumber Yard, at fdaylandville. Twenty-fourth ward. Aver to E. C. & r. H. WARREN , on the ormninee. mhl.4-tf FOR EXORANGE.-A OROICIE TRAOT of good li/improved farm land in the state of New lerneY. convenient to the city. will be exchanged for atty . _ property. Apply at No. FEDERAL. Street. • R CORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKE R P AND CONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN. PA. —Real Rotate bought and wild on reasonable terms. Stores and dwellings for sale or rent in Norristown and seuntry. Good mortgages negotiated. Collections made. The best references oven. 04- Om puma) SALE OP VALUABLE PRO PERTY. THE " SAIPORIUM S'EAL ESTATE, AND MANU FACTURING- COMPAN Y Of Mound. citr,ruladiri County. Illinoitr, Will offer et PUSLOO BALL', on the premien, On WEDNESDAY. the 16th der of MAT nett, A Largo Number or DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS, Lopated-for Stores, Faotonez. end Residence& A SPACIOUS BRICK IRON FOUNDRY, WITH MACHINE SHOP. And all the appurtenances neoessery for the busineu of manufactunng Fuggier! and Boilers for Steamboats Sugar, and all other Mills, used in the Southern anti Western oountyy., The Patterns comprise the modern improvements in maolunery. with a lull and complete set of Eatterne for Stoves. adapted to both wood snd coal. This property, from the advantageous location of Mound oity, ix one of the moat valuable in the Innthwest. Also, at the name time. _ A FIRt3T-CLASS THREE-STORY FRAME MO DERN-BUILT HOTEL, Containing some fifty rooms, with a So set of FUTEIi- VIM. The Hotel in now wing a large and profitable business. Aliso. a number of BRICK. STORMS AND COTTAGE RESIDENCES. TERMELOY BAWL—Ono-fourth (10 cash; the remain ing Rangoon! in 12. 21. and 56 months from date at sale, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum. The cash payment may be made in the Bonds of the Company, and the time payments will be. taken in tbe Stook of the Company at par, except for improved pro perty, for which three-fourths of the puritaase-money may remain upon mortgage. Al the Company propose to dispose of all their im provements, capitalists have a rare opportunity for pro fitable investments in one of the best located and most flourishing cities in the great Southwest. For particu lars, inquire of or address JESSE N. PEYTON, President E. g. E. & M. C. 2 0. totuttmle 01fiee S2S WALNUT Street. Philada. BOARDUI G. fOARDING.—BIegant large and airy /00111111 W!th find-alms* board, at 1314 Walnut street. References exchanged. In7l-thnu 6t,- nO/I.IIIIERB will be received at a retired but pleasantly-situated Farm House. in MIES TER COUNTY. but beauti f ull y tance from tee Bail road. The dwelling is shaded, which. with large Vegetable and Fruit Gardens, Will furnish board ". with every IILTWI'L the country can afford. Address B. B. 8.." office of The Press. tyyzei-los` EDU4ATION. 4 . I . ST. MARY'S - EALL.—The Forty-ninth Tarot bacon on tho WM - May, (Feud of 8t..F1d141 and Sc. Jameed MI. Addling' Rev. ELVIN K. SMITH, PrineiPlll, Barlingtonai, J. A MERIOAN 8013100 L INSTITUTE-- 4 - A- EST ABLISHED IE66—To supply ga n gl ia . , nd Bohools with the best Teachers. Teaidleaohers +/unable appointment!, To any and sell !Ghoul nommen on commission. To ries parent" labrmanon of good wohoole. 0. B. WOODMAN & COMPANY, (Late Bxnith. Wodmaa, & • 1196 BROADWAY, New tor mhY mwelm 94 South S 1 T 8 Street, Philadelekts, WALNUT-STREET TILEATRE. Sole Leases_ —Mrs. M. A. GARRETTSON Stave Manager Mr. WM. A. CHIAN. Business Agent_ __Ar..log. D. MU THIS ( 8 AT1710.676 .6YENING, May Will be presented the Comedy of OLIN AMEKIkIaN COUSIN 'AT HOME. Mr. Sothern will appear as Lord Dundteary and Ham. To conclude with the Drama, in two ante. entitled RaFA# LS, Tab ItheitOßAT,S. Elcwris os Parcss.—iirosos circle. lemma secured with. out extra, charge.) BO aents; parquet. (sesta secured at aent6.)2736 cents; lamb . (Prole, 26 Gents; private boxes, SI/ and go; orchestra. 76 cents, Doors open at quarter past 7 o'olook: eurtainwillinse eta quarter to 8 o'olocit. EATLEY dr OLAIVINS TI EATRR. (SATURDAY) EVENING, Mal Will be preeented the grand Military and .11.ixterieed Speetaede. in 5 Eneene, entitled Ttla WARS OF NAPOLEON TEE GREAT! COMpOIO34, adapted, and arranged by Mr. 6 e.O nOE RYER, With whom a neemal engagement has been entered into, and who will amain hie remarkable per eonation C OMPANYN. The whole STAR n the Cut J XA. AtIAJJAMI FMB II- ARTA-1026 CHESTNUT STREET. The Thirty-eighth ANNUAL EXALEITION of PAINTINGS and SCULP rutty, te now open. Admittance ae cents; Seaeon Tickets be cents; Mill &en half price. Cat aloFuea 10 Genic mm 40101012 wt l receive their tioitets at the Aoatterny. SANFORD/15 OPERA. HOUSE, ELEVENTH aTB F.t+T. OPEN FOR THE SEASON. NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED. MR. SANFORD EM 'soured one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented heretofore who inn appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doors open at 7 ; Commence at 7)1. Adlnliimon 96 cents. Children 1 5 Cents. rrillE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA GIVE _IL their PUBLIC REHEA RSALS every !SAW DAY. commenoinx 9.% 0 °look, at the MUSI CAL FUND HALL. tiokete el; lutists tickets. 25 cents, for este at Chlekerms k Bon's. 1307 Chestnut, street Andre's, 110 i Chestnut street; and Beek dG LaWtOBI. Chestnut street. Engagements for Concerts. Commencements, Par ties,. ho., made only at their Offioe. Chiekering & Bon's Plane Store, 807 Chestnut street; William Stoll , a!' North Jumper street; or C. Dronehlnna, Ridg e ' venue. Jail - MEDICINAL IpCti HAWN'S DiSENUE or JAMAICA GINGER.—FREDERICK BROWN, Chemist and Druzsist, northeast corner of Chestnut and Fifth eta.. Philadelphia, sole manufacturer of brown's Famine of Jamaica Ginger, whbdi is recormized and prescribed by the medical fatal• y, and has become the standard family medicine of the United stares. . 'Flue Hammes is toren trigion of unusual exeolligtoo. In ordinary diarrboa, iuo inent cholera, 3n short.l3l all TISCH of prosuation of the digestive functions. it is of inestimable value. During the prevalence cfepidemie cholera end rummer comptainte of ohi !dean. it is NAM tiarirxfficeoious; no family. indivalual, or traveller should be without It. . „ . NOTICE.—To weveet this valuable Eustis", front being counterfeited. a new steel engraving. exeented at a great cost, will be friend on the outside of the wrap per; in order to guard the purchaser summit hemp in posed open M wm ohms imitations —lB5B -Prepare only F R. ISDISM-10‘..8fti_riall.eald fir. pale at bin ling and Chemical nom. B. coiner of Fifth mud Chcatrut atreete, Philadelphia. and at FM 8- JthlitlCK KNOB ittrog aid Chemical Store. 19.'0i corner of Plinth and Chestnut streets nental" Hotel. Poiladelohia. Also for sale' by all re spectable Druggists in the United States. my 4 am CHENCK'S MANDRAKE PiLLEI.— ..,„ Every Eoldier,before leaving. Should provide hint sell' with siCHENCK'A De.ANDRAK rlizs. The Doctor sells them to the Military Nix Boxes for Oge Dollar. Office. NO, 39 north I.IIXTH my2-srit DR. J. WISE No. 30. North FIFTH qtreet. PHItiDELPELIA—Tresta Stlo4lls6Bfil if allied to in tune, all disemee or the LUN GS. ItOAT and HEART, and frequently cures CONSUMPTION in its third and la# stage. Re also restores all curable diseases of the EYE and RAE. Re has given them his entire attention for he oast 20 yearn, Will visit haunt& who doffed. at heir residences. sea tm if` SAFES. MILILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No. lal Routh SEVENTH finest, near the klin Institute. he undersigned. thankfallilfor past favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, hen secured au elegant and oonvenient. store, and has now on hand 4 WO moortment of 14111 e Celeurcaeli 4 Wrought and . Chilled iron Fire and Bu rglar Pivot . miss, i tue 'oily strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also. Lil lie's Unequalled Bank Vault, Bala. end Bank Looks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Looks will be furnished to order on short notice. Thai in the strongest, Cost proteoted, and cheapest Poor and Look yet offered. Alm. partioular attention is nailed to Lillie', New Cabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry, &e. This Bale is con eedeu to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of fered for this purpose, and is the only one that is strict ly fire and burglar proof. tilracrag, Notice.-1 have now on hand say twenty of Fanel, Herring. & Co.'s Safes. most of them nearly new, Sad /OM forty of other makers. COMprilllng a complete assortment as to sizes, and all lately ex changed for the now Celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at very low prices. Please call and %gamine. litlii-trif M. C. SAUL K R.. Arent. Eli EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFES. lITOAS 304 CHESTNUT STREET, YIifILAPELPH I A ‘ PA. A d large variety of FIEE-PROO.I. SAFES always pa hie. BAIA' 14 -I ADIE INSI7IpNO4 (lOWAN", FIRE AND ?NI, AND INSURANCE. IIIHRCT021;. Gloms. W. pay ofDar & Nratraok. Damuel Wright— " Wright Bros & Co. D. D. Bitter Davis & Inman Henry Lew.. " Bros & Co. C. Riohardson— "J. C. owe Zs Co. Damns! T. Bodine-- Pm% WToming Gant Golltrn. Jno. W. Everman--.of J. W. hverman & Co. Geo. A. Weet___ West & Pones. T. S. Martin......_.." Savage, Martin, & Co. 0, Wilson Dave. Attorney-tit-16w, E. D. Woodtult of tai ley Molten, & Jno. Kessler, Jr........N04713 Green street. GEORGE W. DAY President. FRANCJS N. BUCK. Vioe Presides& WILLIAM I. BLANCHARD, SPOTPLITY. Ja23-11111 A NTBRACITE INSUBitki(7lo OOMPA, 4 NY,—Antborisied Genital i100,003--CHAITEX PERPETUAL. Moe No. 311 WALN WV Direst, between Third and Fourth &mat, Philadelphia. Tule Company will ineara wirer Into or drurrair• by Fire, on Buildings, Plunders, and Menthendue gene rally. Also, Marine Inuartunies on Vessel", la %nolo. A 34 Freights. Island is-mran.."l to ell parts off the glue.. PLRECIOII3I Joseph MaxiSeld. J .lgn weettr, • F. Deem, .1. Baum. WA Eit,President. W. M. SWIM F.D.EAI3.IIIes President- tl. Illeeretscr. e& Jacob Eahar, p. Luther. L. Andennet, Dart Pearson Peter Sagan 15A1111110 FUND N. SAVING FUND—UNITIED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT_Iltreirs. INTERI.I47 FIVE IE I E. Gera, CRAWFORD, President, JAMES R. HUNTER. Seoratarr arid Treasurer. Tffice hours, from 10 until E o'clook. his Company is not joined in any application to the Legislature. fe6 AitIEHIOAN SAVIDIU FUND, S. E. cor nor WALNUT ssnd FOURTH Street°, °mahatma to rename depogite and par all mans on_demaad se it hoe always done. ALEXANEER witua,prN, Premdmat. 10110 n. Wst.saft. Troiourarom fate-ifd COYARTNEUSHIP NOTICES. riMIE FIRM O BENJAMIN MIXES & CO. was dissolved on the 77th ult., by the deoesse 0r Benjamin Mines. The business cfd Brut Intl be enntinu.d oy the reuiainint Pllttners, JU ma R N MR.Nnel. WM. MILK KS. Jr.. and JAS. N EILL, under the name and atria ofJOIIN NI HAP R & CU. I'HILALDELPSIA, May 2. NEIL NOTICE. Tho partnership heretofore existing_ between PKTER HALL end Ffeloois ni,ACKBIJKIIIS, Jr.. under the firm of HALL & BLACKIWKNE, woe dissolved on the 18th ult. by the demises of Peter'Uoll. ..vhe bueinees of Ll.e Arm Will be settled by FRANCIS SLACKBURIV E. JR. ap39-6t SALE OF RARE AND CURIOUS BOOKS. t•- 7 —The mile of the choice Boo,lfe of ZELOTEB HO& MER. Esq.. of Boston, sometime a splendid cones- Bon of early printed Books, by Pyneon. O. Worde. &0.. end also the valuable Bibliographical Works of WWII, on large paper. will be tied on TutSDAY. the 7th inst.. and following dais. Catalogues ms' be had of flecELltuY & Booksellers. r'o. BY Booth SIXTH Street. above Chestnut, who will attend to any oommissioas or the sale. myt-er. UNION ENVELOPES AT MAGEK'S.- UNION ENVELOPES, at 316 CHESTNUT ' tree UNION PAPER at. MILO:E.g. UNIONLeic a at ald WIESTNUT Etre& UNION B PG 55 at MAU...WA. Mannfaotured and for gale wholesale and retail at MAGEE% Stationery awe. 316 CUES rig LI Street, above Third. PEILLADELPIRA TI 1 RA -0 OTTA WORKS. Office and O Waree ntal Rooms, 1010 T 011.ESTVUT Street. rnam Cli.inney ops. Garden Vases and Statuary. Encaustic Flooring Tile. Architecoura.l Ornaments. Ventilating and timpke Flues. Ridge The and Sanitary Wars.. steam-pressed Drain Pipe. Water Pipe, warranted to stand The cheap and durable. The Trade supplied on liberal terms. Illustrated Ustalogues sent by lileil on application by letter, 6. BARRISSOris 10 ft cai KATNirs Street. N OTICE.—The Citizens of the different 1 - Cities and Towne throughout the tlltate are invited to competition for the plaice at which the next AN NUAL BTAT R FAIR shall be held. Proposals ootitaleteg imlneemsets and iadvantasaa, direoted to tan undersigned Committee, appointed bY the Ex ecutive Committee, will be received up to and in cluding May. alst next. Communications ehould be ad - dreased to either of the following persons: 'cc's coLims s on s : JOHN P. AU t iLEK . FOR.D. JACOB AllBll, JOHN LI, ZigALLER, Harneburg, Pa., AMOK E. KAPP, Northumberland. Pa. &Th6S-dtmf sigat_, FOR NEW YORK. NEW. DAILY LINE, via Delaware and Raritan ("Anal. • Philadelphia and New York MXPT622I2IIteII.MDDai COM pany wiil receive freight on and after MONDAY. 2gth Inward. and leave daily at 2 P. in" deliverin g t h eir ow . goal in New York the following days Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES. Philadelphia. JAMES HARR Agent, Piers 14 and 15 EAS r RIVER, Hew York. mhts-ittt agiireasFOß NEW , YORK. THE Philadelrhia Steam Propeller Cotentin, willeommence their business for the nylon on Mannar. filth inst. Their Steamers are now receiving freight at eecon4 Pier above Walnut street. Terms accommodnuns. AIX. to vel. BAIRD & rshlß 0.0.1 Routh Delaware Avenue. a rt' PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD 00.. (Mee 227 South Fourts West.) puiza DELPHI/1r April 27. Ma. SEASON TICKETS. On and after May I. IML,deacon tickets will be hunted by this c ompany tor the periods of three, ma, nine, and t w el v e months, not transferable. Season school-tickets may also be bad at 33 per cent. discount. These tickets will be sold by the Treasurer at No. 227 south FOURTH, Street, where any further information can he obtained. 011413F0 RD. isp:re-tt Tretcrorer. QTATIONERY AND JEWELFLY Ps-7 Packages Airmailed to Agents and Dealers , at rerir redneed rates. Call. (or send stamp.) a l O2 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. rt. imSl-Im* OAF/N.llm * Prr GRAVE-STONEB, U.RAVB-STORIESI — My stock of GTl5,9p• donee and Monomania to be sold at very reduced prices. Beers cab and examine, before euretutetne elsewhere, et Marble Works of A. ATEIN METZ, 'f* -I IrtielFt Avert... two. pcmorxr+l , Id at. PREHOU ZlNO—Pure SNOW WHITE 41 - tVielia, Montarhicaiedrll4 o l.4 Oli, sat fin We by AT y. 94 *BM ECePa t ifi SO* FL SHOEMAKER & SLAW mum, OILB, AND VARNISH ES , 40 11F6 9 tortisset Osysys AMAMI( mai /AGE etnworr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers