" Bernal , thought they would get into a ! Par nudist with the eon etitational oommander.in-ebief fame of the State of Pennsylvania, if they r u . a " e d b • resolution. whose bu- int* it is to see t be has proper subordinates, and that they do 2 0 . dut C..unoila were to take upon thorn obalr'es tbe m il i tary attitude of providing for every through the city of Phtlediel, b an of troops going h i l t there would be no end to thole trouble and ft;'opener the city wo . al d . be aubjeoted to The ha , o ff t eers whom tinamesa it ie to antielpale St ile f the eoldiers aa they come here That the eves o r does not devolve upon a local authority suck s ul,,,,, ac its The quartermaster and commissary :eueral would perf4rso this duty ° il'oLosirr said the United States authorities did pet take °b o arge f these men until they were 211 y taken Into service. Many of the value -73 who had left their places of employment, I,ig ee 'r o R euel want. He thought the oity of Phi edephis should go to work and provide for every roo n who was willing to go into the service of his Intlicest again urged the passage of - the reso judo, an d reflected on the oharaeter of a number ,r the committee in gross term. alegig regretted that a member should be nocnitted to make such remarks. They were un reneeone and unkind, The gentleman to whom toalluded was as honorable and charitable a man Philadelphia could prodnee. The committee entertained the warmest sympathy for those who had left their e mployment, and were engaged in dr illing, and they are prepared to render any so- Oases it. their power. The resolution was referred to the Committee on the Defence and Protection of the oity. The bill from Select Connell relative to the erec tion al a school-how In the Fifteenth ward was noma d, and finally not concurred in. The bill, therefore, falls for the umlaut. fhe resolution authorising the opening of Colum bia avenue was agreed to. Nr Caersz.. from the Committee on Surveys, re potted a resolution providing for the construction of a culvert from the head of the Reed•street oul. sett west to Eleventh steet, thce north to Whar ton, thence west - to Twe lf th th ence north to Fede- n o, deuce west to Thirteenth. Postponed. The bill making an appropriation to the Water Department, to pay bills for 1859 and 1860, was adopted Adjourned. FATAL Acemmrr.—Yesterday"morning an a u man, named Alexander MeNally, *gad 75 years. eta ran over by the freight oars at Twenty. second sad Market streets, and almost instantly killed. De deceased resided Locust street, near pronty-second. AIIEOND SuoP;LirrEns.—Yesturday MOOD George Hankie and Mary Smitb were before Aldetme.n Balder at the Central Station, upon the awe of shop-lifting They went into a store at No 23 orth Third street and purloined about $4O wadi of ribbons and silks. They also called at a a mber of other stores and ordered large quanti tree d goods, saying they would call for them. shielt they never did. They wereboth committed to 'Drier at (mart. BECTAL ASSAULT.—A 1111111 named Edward Kelly was arrested at Thirtrsixth and Chestnut streets, Twenty-fourth ward, on Wednesday, upon t he ebarge of committing a brutal assault on a 'aide girl, about seven years of age. Kelly was takes before Alderman Kooken, and committed, 1 11 default of bail, to await a trial at &tart. SUarrwra AFFAltt.—About twelve o'alock D e Wednesday night, two men, named Steward graham and John J. Fulton, got into a difficulty et Thirteenth and Shippen etreets. Graham drew I pistol and fited twice at Fulton, the last shot Wag effect in his atm, inflicting a dangerous Frosed- Graham was crusted and committed to prism by Alderman Dallas The wounded man sal serried to hie residenee, in the neighborhood. Swop lizanllNT . SCOTT Laorew.—& ren- Jamas wiz be opened this morning in the old Pennsylvania lank building. on Second street air lek, for the purpose of forming a 'mooed regimeakM the Scott Legion, which will be nom. Eroded by Dr. Wm. Bryan, who wee a member of the Putt regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers intim the war with Melia*. PRESENTATION.A.IIdreW J. Drummond, . GOO of the offioers connected with one voinnteers, timing enlisted in company C, Scott Legion, wu painted We evening with a handsome Colt's re volver, en India•rubber blanket, and a Bowie tate. AffleraPTED Sureinz.—A man named Nepo tism Bonaparte Sheridan, residing at No. 1018 Fitzwater , street, attempt e d to commit suicide, on Wednesday, by cutting himself in the side with a large humber-Imife. He was conveyed to the hoapital. and Is not invented to recover. . BODY lincovEn.no.—The body of Mr. Flar es, the Sergeant of Matinee who was missed teem the navy yard about t wo weeks ago, wan found in the dock there. An Inquest tots held by the coroner, and a Tordiet of " aocideutally drowned" was rendered. Tax CI:TYLER. GuAnns.—A. military com !toy ender figs title was formed a short time nor, in +be First ward, and new comprises silty firs members, who are drifted every evening, in Jefferson Square, by an experienced officer from the marine barracks at the navy yard. An or ruination was effeoted on Wednesday evening, atm Joseph *wary, Esq., wa,e, elected captain. ?so Ytteetit..—The corgi _ jeryi-in the 0119 of Sarah Kennedy, oonefiihed their hatieti yesterday morning, and renderi.d. a verdict that she eame to her death foam a fraistare of the Can% causal by a ark knife in the bends alltialmsel Meglone. POLICE' Pitomonox.—Mr..J. G. Love:are, tato drill sergeant of the reserve .00rps, has been promoted to the sergeantay of the reserve corns of the pollee. The retiring sergeant, Mr. Wood ikeunley, ic promoted to a lieutenancy of one of its wads. Comersp.—The trial of John Lovering, !dieted for the murder of Henry Anker. on the tight of March 9, 1861, in Juniata county, Pa , tiss resulted in Lovering'e conviction far murder is the first degree. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE UNITED STATES OtuoviT 0013112—Judges kin and Cadwaleder. ilrew Yea Wire Railing Co. vs. Mathew Walker at id. This was a motion for an attachment for dis. adieus to injunction in selling wire railing. The court refund the injuuttion. Leonard Myers for eomplabiant ; Harding for defendant. Ostia AWE Tzursuant--Judges Thompson and Allison. on trial charged with Themes Doreen watt pnt the murder of Tan Denny, on the morning of the 25th December last, at the tavern, corner of Eighth and Shippen. Samuel Martin, who was indicted with Donna, has been triad and convicted of mur der in the second degree, and aentenoed to six years' imprisonment. The evidence in the case mina Dornan merely proved that be wee with Martin when the latter atruok the blow which caused Demny's death, but he took no part in the difficulty. The Commonwealth abandoned the ma, and the cry rendereita verdict of not guilty. Charles W. Brooke, Esq., appeared for the de fendant. yINANCL4I.I. AND COMMERCIAJL. The Money Market. ..• . • fz_marizr,rmA, May 2, 1861 The fitoot instliet qmpathines with the fading of relief in the pablis mind reealting from the knowledge that the capital of the nation bss been made safe from the attack of 1061 0, Bound neuritis, are more firm, and the disposition to press the generalist of stooks uson the market 'tardily abate". herding Railroad shares ad- Tilted to 16, with light Pilen• The Money market is not abanged, otherwise than by the imolai caution of tiellitallltS , flab' saquent upon the breaking out of the war. V 6l 7' little Is doing. .. The Rotes of the Bank of POttetewn, we learn, will be redeemed. at the rate of one per cent dis• count, at the banking•honse of Messrs. John E. Fox & Co., No. u. Smith Third West. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales. • May a, 15111. . _ 2.11011.710 are. E R .SLATAina,hiernhanteim Ezaneo FLRBT BOARD. \ 3180 peens se-- ITN, 6 Morris C01..-...b5.10 6 Me 4/s—.- -..- •• . rrm a do.-- ...... 106 XO9 uo— ...•-... 14 50 cll.- --- ----.100 HOD d0...------• , 10 ito_—_. —..100 ReCAI ES —........ 5 1 Go 1W do. . • . 835 /0 do ---- - 2 .1 a .100 1 5 / 5 1"ennei 1-7156-5.7... 09 XI S nn. —to:No tmo 5 roans R 64 _es..seg, 6 Penns It-........... As% 60 ItseAnne R-.erturn.lls74l 15 do-- ...... Mkt ao 50....• -..--, 16 1 Sets & Third-at R... 86 Q d0...-seem int. 16 3 ,:am it Amb IL---1051 I MOT& CAI Prf- b6323 BETWE I 280, dead-mg Ss Ma— - MO:- 10 CUR if. Ilmb R...... 108 a do— --,..10 8 lan Cat RV— . 69341 051 '40....- .. gra . ing 5600 do. ... -- -t5. 85% 100 do.. ........ -- 8534 16h.0 do . 8 2 55 4 Hex risbnri FL - .. MK RV Reading es IBM ... 67 CLOSING PRIC Bid. /skid giietve:".-I`4l r/34 Eis-new.- 07 9734 e 54- --- 77 76 R—. L 574 734 Read MGM._ FO ~.. 'tad mt 61'8055 0634 .. ui ms WEE-. 66.1 i ST % 5. R ex-div. e 74 lad MK 97 tall 82 86 nil Oa eon. 40 47 Philadelphia Markets. biATz—zvenuig There is very Mils demand for Flour. either for ex port or home use. am; the market is firm but dull, at Sim for standard aropi4ule. Bales to the trade range at from this rate up to 35.76eie for extras ; 6.1506.74 td for aura family and ,Ten) for fancy brava et aollo leg to quality. The receipts Sontinue light. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are quiet. Glam.—Wheat teethes In Movie. but the demand is less active. and prises favor the tinloll. 8111011 Inplude atom 5.000 baelelo at 1100 for prime Penney !vain& red 'Boat. some ?mall lots of White sold at 116 ° 354 °. an in quality. Rye sa enchanted. and ramUff Innis is quoted ISB3. Corn le In good demand and. Winn at the a.a "atm The last sale of prime SoutqLe'm yellow wee at Mo stoat. There is none here to ila•. Oats are firm, with sales of 1610 bushels prune Delaware at 340. Wet bereelb• Peraulelvard6 at the same rage afloat. Barley and Malt rernani unchanged. Baas le eh:adv./4mi a timber small isle of QUOTrotrou Wia made *llO3 nkfog fast No. 1. Corrori.—Tnere is nothing doing to alter ouOtatiesk 6nocumm—A cargo of wear sold on term kept ;in vite. nada= base dle Coffee. the latter by auction. at 10 Leib. average $11.0.60r88 days and 4 months credit. PIoVISIONN of all kinds TaMilin very inactive. and Pi Mlle are nominally unchangeo. wßra=vladull.bbleselling ea wanted at 17MoilBo for flesamy tvania and Ohio; 163401170 for drudge ; and 175 fog • New York Stock Nxchange—liay 2. 1.110071 D SOUP 1 I 11011:113 825,74...ac0p0n.75. 25 NY ten a .-- es 72 /axtU 833 'Bl_ reir 1434 id do— —.du 7134 WT5.53122 a notes:Wl% 53 do —---- - - 7i lox Tenattes'9o—.2lll 45 as do---- ... 73 Xt. 4, .42 'no go— .. bao 72 noceVironiiisis:s7:3 or - so' "" ao— a a" WI 4 0 kW 44._ _ _ay 4i 55U4d Rti......—... 35% simokolsorailies...... MN 5 • do - - loop fdloh CB3, 0 utlot :--- soMR&NI-011.--.7 a f oeu be - - -111 Cont 33 sem --- -.. I Eris Ist zabir . 434l - 299 - d0,...„ 1 ,- • --- Joky o 33.003 d intv.'lliki a so Oat & 1iin011.......:-.. #7...5 IMMO On /2-11• W-211 b...-73 111 -- do -. ..,...r.: -..--....., MOW & Child m.... W - lOU Wlev to-Tot W ii....‘....3715-r fi 11 =1.2.13. 1P . P 0. 41 ..... ..172,........,--: ;. 7 . . Co.. w° 5 w..?.. 1 ?..rm s *- , Letter from Camp Scott. [correspondence of The Prete.] RK,April SO, 1861. It may, Me. Editor, be Interesting to at least a few of the many readers of The Press to know Something of the affairs and condition of Camp Scott, at York, Pennsylvania. The Agricaltural booiety has very generously given• their spaoious and convenient enolostire for this laudable and patriotic purpose. The large and commodious buildings which the society quoted a few years ago, together with the complete water arrange ments, render this a capital place for a military encampment; and from frequently intermingling and conversing 'With. the brave, noble-bearted volunteer, I discover that they are free to ex press their contentment and delight wi'h the ao- Oommodatione. But, notwithstanding CMS, there is evidently a. reatlessness—an impatient desire— manifested on the part, I may say, of all, to meet the rebel enemy in battle. It does the heart good to hear the emphatic expressions of their determi nation and their irrevocable resolves to tight bravely and unflinchingly for the success of the glurious cause—for the maintenance of this best of all Governments, and the unsullied purity of the Stars and Stripes. They ardently hope that the next marching orders they receive will direct them to march through Baltimore, peaceably, if possi ble, but if otherwise, then "over the spot where that city once stood." Such orders, 1 apprehend, will only satisfy the jastly indignant people of the great North, at least in this locality. Both the citizens and soldiers quartered here express them selves to that greet. At present, there are between seven and eight thousand enoimped here, and this number is in creasing dstily. Last evening _the Pittsburg City Guards arrived, with an elegant bud of music It is a very fine company, and is accordingly re ceiving the admiration of all There is also ex pected here to-day five hundred cavalry from Carlisle. I undeptand that the First, Second, and Third regiments have received orders to be in readiness to march ate few minutes' notice. They expect to leave to-day for Philadelphia ; thence to Washington A. • few of the volunteers at the camp are doan with diarrhcea; but they are re covering under the treatment of Dr. Fisher. ' A number of uniforms were received last Saturday, which greatly improve the appearance of the vo lunteers, who, from frequent drill, are becoming gut la proficient in military tactics. Some of our taiga dealing merchants have received orders from Baltimore for dour, at an offer of $l4 per barrel ; but, rest assured, no such order will be fill ed The bridges and rails on the Northern Cen tral Railroad, between this point and Baltimore, are being rapidly rebuilt and replaced; but our ' citizens are determined to prevent trade and pro duce going to that city, maim she effectually changes, Rud becomes thoroughly and ttneondi density Union • and even if she so changes, I pre dict, she will stiffer. York is alive with excitement. Music is heard at every hour of the day, and in every direction. Soldiers are met at every tarn. Crowds congre gate at every corner, discussing the issues of the day and the probable events of the future. Mili tary companies are being organized in all the wards, and flags flung to the breeze; the whole atmosphere is bristling with bayonets, and the united voice of this community is fur war. York county has, thus far, five volunteer companies to the field, which are composed of men who are as loyal, brave, cut determined as any set of men that ever faced an enemy We have raised an ample fund out of which ne cessaries are to be Dumbed for the soldiers, and , their families provided for. May God prosper us and give success to our arms ! P. Thirty-fourth Anniversary of the Phila delphia Tract and Mission Society. The thirty-fourth anniversary of the Philadelphia Tract and Mission Booiety was held at Musical Fund Hall lee: evening. Owing to the ell-absorbing war question. Which for the time being see= to croupy public attention to the exclusion of almost everything Mu, the attendance was not as lane as usual. A num ber of clergy and prominent members of the social were present. and occupied Beata on the platform. The exercises were directed by the president of the society, earnuel H. Perkins, Hsq., and were opened by singing the hymn oommencung, " All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fall." The singing was conducted by Professor Bird. The Seriptures were next read by the Rev. Mr. et 'Wood. of the Episcopal Church, the 19th Psalm having been selected for toe Porous. commencing, " The hea vens tindery the glory of God, and the firmament showetb His handiwork." Prayer was then offered by the Rev. Albert Barnes, of the (15.2.) Presbyterian Church. ANNUAL REPORT. After uniting in singing another hymn, an abstract of the annual report wu read by the corresponding secretary. Rev. T. S. Durham. of which the following is the substance : During the pant YOST the Board of Directors have em ployed in the work three missionaries, fifteen super intendents. and an average of 681 tract visitors ; 3 1,400. - 050 pages of traota have been distributed, and 212 Bibles, and 11,319 visits by missionaries have been made, almost exclusively to the destitute ; 884 prayer meetings have been held in the houses of the poor; 6,72 e families have been prayed or conversed with ; 4 , 10 persons have been emend. it to attend ohurch: 811 c hild r en have been gathered into the Sabbath school; an average of 409 sick persons have been under the missionaries' care, who have also attended 97 funerals; and 63 'ennui; have been preached. Homes have also been secured for destitute adults and children in Christian Before the report was read, Mr. Parkhill made a few appropriate remarks respecting the history, object, and Present condition of - thireilelerr.: - There - was, he ' no society that, with the same amount of funds. brought the truth of God in contact with es large a number of tieratuta. as this did, ' , There:were but - rifflie - litilarted officers connected with it-the three supennteadiug mimionaries. The p-seboal operations of these agents were also luckily set forth. ADDRESS OP THE REY. DR. KENNARD. The first address of the evening was by the Rev. Jo meth Kennard, D. D., of the Baptist Chureh. This so ciety, he said, was in - a peculiar manner habitually engaged in " going about doing goOd." and thus emu lating the example of the great Muter. The import nice of accompanying tracts with verbal appeals was specially dwelt-upon. He JIM seen the fruit of this, arid had long regretted that this counts was not more amorally adopted. The judgment day alone would ' reveal the good results of their labors. In like young Mein'. Christian Association.f his a o own played a 700 an tirtlaele-M 4 Manilla. and a- very interesting conversion, as re uniting from. this labor, wim narrated by the speaker. Through this conversion (of a colored woman) no less than 48 others Were subsceueatly converted within year--S2 white and 14 Colored. In thinking of that one conversion the thought hsd often recurred to his mind, Whose puny had bought the tract which bad been made the blessed instrument in bringing it about? No one could tell the incaladlable good which might result from these faithful Missionary labors. ADDRESS BY THE BEY. B WATSON. The next speaker was the Rev. Mr. Watson, of the Episcopal Church. He said that the church of God was ever militant &gains'. the power of sin and darkness in this world. The Christian's life was represented as a Warfare thrOnglana the New Testament. The church , as a whole,was called noon to battle in the same cause. He recognized in the church three prominent means or agencies to accomplish this work. The first of these was. the living Ministry, whose mission it was to go forth conquering new dominions for Christ. Then, also, ha reeOgniZed the lufefulneas of societies having for their object the amelioration of the physical condi tion of men. These did the work which Jena did when upon the earth, Then we had our Bible societies, and Various institutions for disseminating the truth. The first of these three might he likened unto the heavy artillery of themarfare, sending forth its cannon balls of Gospel truth, whilst that in which this society was engaged resembled the work of the smaller anus rn the conflict. The time he thought had arrived when even member of the church should feel it his duty to do some.. thing to advance the cause of Christ in the world, and be held that in our own land the time had come when the Christianizing of the magsell was Our cely safe guard and rook of defence. It was not enough that our churches from Sunday to Sunday were filled with well-dressed and apparently pious congregations. That could not save us, unless we went out into the highways and lanes of our city and disseminated Gospel truth. Gospel morality, and Gomel religion. This. and this alone, could maintain those liberties for which, as a people, we were now going to fight. ADDRESS BY REV. P. COOMBE. The audience were next addressed by the RCM. 1' Coombe. of the fdelthOdila Apigeoloil Church. He suP posed that nearly all present had in some degree been engaged in the work contemplated by this society. He wished to eall special attent.on to two points. The Sa- Vann had well foreseen that the work which He sent .his . d mi c i e s f or th to acc omplish waa Play' Thu; he ilhistratedly 6 brief allusion to the " parable of the mower," and the four Manes in a represented. The lesson- intended to be taught by the Saviour in this parable was for His followers not to expect too great results from their labors even under the Divine bless ing. A great mass of the tracts distributed were treated with indifference. and BOOM and contempt. At least three out of every four of them received little or no attention. But if one out of every four ihould be read attentively , no intelligent mind that had any just idea of the power of religious train could doubt the , mighty influence which could be thus brought to bear upon gosietp. At this point, apologising to Dr. Hea r nerd for taking the liberty. he proposed to raker* the history of the latter's " calmed convert," where the I Doctor had leftotr. lie would ask, if one tract had re -1 gutted in forty-six conversions, what would be the re sult of the future Wore of these forty.six converts Be saw in Our a mighty argument in raver of prosecu tine the work of this society with greater dil,secce. Another point he wished to present was, the effect upon the heart of thou who outage ut the work of tract distributioe. Paul's experience amid the trials to which he WU subjected in his labors afforded a proof of this fact. Above all things, ha gdmonishedstriking tors to go forth carrying with them a Christian expo-L.- 67w, whereupon he proposed to nt give the audience an Incident in his own expenenno. The iooide proved to be an interesting page from the speaker's biegraeh7 as a Christian inimeter, and the circumstances attend ing his own conversion, in the autumn of 1829, which he said had been vouchsafed to him through the inetra mentality of a tract entitled "Thou. God . Beast Me," which had been placed. by a distributor. in the hands of a mule-driver on the canal, and in whose hands the speaker bad read this title, at Reading. Pa., While there vu a pleasure excursion, In 10. The exercises throughout were of &highly - interesting character. A GREAT DRY GOODS EMPORIUM —ln another column ur paper to- day will be found the " SIIMMer Goods" of o announcement of M essrs. Eyre & Landoll , eor rer or Fourth and /Lush streets. The somewhat gene ral derangement of mercantile affairs his evidently made bat little, if any, impression upon this old and well-established house. Their stock of goods, bought mainly for cash, inane of the largest and most complete that they have ever offered. A 'peculiarity of this firm is, that they deal in prime A. No,l goods, that ifiVaria bly give satisfaction to buyers, and their superior faci lities enable them to sell at unusually low prices. In the matter of Silks, their present stook is worthy of special attention, from the fent that their elegant as sortment now On head was puiehased under the old tariff Irate, which is Steens par ea.!. lower than the saint goods can now be bought. While this supply lute, their prices will not be advanced. We on to may add their sple, in con- n clusion. that Mums. & L., in additi did general stoat. also cater largely and sueoessfully to the Friendly trade. PagißATreir TO Tan 1311121 P 13TsTiss.—The edi tor or the Wheeling inteirigencer says he " met a gen tlemen who was prepared for a journey. We asked him where he van going, agul recopied for a reply. oolipled with a few emphatic Wards not found in the the catechism, that he was going to the United Staen. anti had taken an oath not .to live der Jeff. DaTii, this Slate having ratified that"' gentleman's Congtiln- Con. he was' the visenoell • iumgrAint has its rived Borth, and when last seen he was maims a bee hne for the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of liookliul Wilson. lioi. NOS and 101 Cheitirat street, above Sixth, 1/LeCIIIN7. THREAD ! blacares Tasman !--Three cord linen thread made enormity for sewing machines. arid stitoid goy moving all kinds of clothing, for sal! , whotesithe and Witt, pt N 0.30 North Third strut.' & OLD& BOARD. IMO Lehigh Val 6alde. 200 Long Island eft Isterrentisaii....—. 7734 2011) do.. •. . 17% ..—. 7734 70 Germantown Gee. 4106 600 &Amyl ri Prel-- 10 Lehigh Sane --- 00 101—STRADY. aid. Asked. Kerbs Can Pfd.lol - 103 Soh N 6• 66 gen Nay 1406 10 13 Long Island R_. 111 f 2134 Leh CI & egg 40 Leh GI R N eOP- SO SO 91 Pa la. diner 1101 17g 12,1&311-sc R ilivoff.3ol "'spruce.% Pme...- 6 7K 1 6TOOTI. & Coates ITY ITEMS. Gummiltrun's stlabtrSHrrtfl. QOODS. — We f eel that we are doing our readers a real service in calling their attention to the superb stook of Ciente Furnishing Goods. now offered (expressly adapted to the season,) by Messrs. R. 0. Walborn /b. Co., Nos. a and 7 North Math street, it is the plata, of all other, whir* to have shirts made up satisfactorily and with promptness. Give them a call. - &nylon TO Tan Home GUARDS.—The present state of alarm. throughout the countribas not dub" brought into the field; far general defines an inflame body of volunteers from the States. but it has also caused the formation of oompanies io almost every town and ,village -throughout the border counties of this State to serve as "Nome Guards." for the pro tection of the people from marauding parties in those localities where no regular troops are stationed. We are requested to state that the communes forming in this city and elsewhere for home defenoe would do well to purchase their outfits at the one-prioe clothing depot of Granvil'e Stoker. 609 Chestnut street. Gifts of value and beauty accomparifeach sale. ARRIVALS AT THE PRIVCIPAL HOTELS, OP TO 12 o'lll4ool 4dil? AMR! cON T I NENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. L Lamb, Philadelphia B White. New Jersey BNI Hamilton, BaitlMOre W G Nixon. New Jenny . Hon W Witte, rhilai E A Abbot , N Hampshire N B Judd, Chicago W 8 C Otia. Cleveland ]no Bennett. New York J 8 Davidson Oa la. Penns IYI Moore, New Jena, Chas Cornell. New York ttilw Kearney, New Stork H R Whiting, Washington em m teriburgh, N York A Tenney. New York C H Breneman, Lane, Pa E L manner, Lane. Pa Henry Thomas.Wisoonsin Miss Moore. New York J B Moore. New York Mies A M Waistline', Pa Wm W mouse, California .1 D Berns. New York Jae Ilia. Pottsville .1 P Sanford, Albany RIB W ran', Tro John Doane, Jr, Barton ,ry Gilahrist. Ir, N T [I I Pomeroy,Auburn, NY W Allen. Auburn. Y A B Wildman, Lyons!. N Y L K Bills, New Yr F W Bloch Wash, C Mrs Wtramson Wm vddy, Male A A Ziegenftim, MD, Pa C A Williams, M Chunk M Curtiss, New York 8 A Allen, New Jersey Chas Ellet. Jr, Wesjangton Maj W B Slack. Wash Mar R Petriken. Wash'n .7 C Manning. Baltimore Miss Pletcher, Mait - 8 P Sanford. Providence P P Merriam, ats sn John F. Bickford, N Geo P Folsom - 21 Hampshire F Bauder, N York • N S WVanderhoef, N York giver Carpenter. Mass C 13 Babioht, ork John Gilroy, New York O D Wells, Westerly, R I Pit Perry, New York W W Kelley. Baltimore .3 13 Henry, Delaware P Orobst. Weeh'n, Pie R B Moore. N Jame, J Bekaa, Reading w 0 Olegg.7th reg, N Y J T Leavenworth.7th r. NY WT Edmun,7th reg,N A C Merrett, Re ed ing Y T Williams u N York A M Ballads. Dr Luther. Heading 0 Marsh. Boston Robt HalSey,New York Geo W McCook. Ohio W W Stevenson, Pinang H. Blackstone. Pittsburg Mrs J D Potiskoh. PROW John F Aiken. Chicago M L B Noyes, Prim, R 'Col Allen, Providence. R I Dr N H Harris. Harrisburg Cast Chalet: Blunt, TJ 8 A D arts Rawlings, new York B W Tompkins. Calm Smith, Conn F Newcomb. New Jersey Mar Kearny Cot Kerfet C Wendell. Wash, D C Tyler. New York A Sibley & 2 oh, N York Bilis Wolff. Bow York E M McCook Porter. Boston /dent Col a eyes,ll 8 A Hiram Plummer, Masa Arnold Hama. Wash, D H Magraw, Lane. Pa R Rivers, Weak. 11 C H M Gift, New York D L Gilt, New York P A Small, York, Pa Alex email, York. Pa It Macfeely. U 8 k J Brown & wife. Brooklyn Z Barnum, Baltimore H Miller, New York it 'V Mittman, 8t Louie 7 Borne. Pittsburg E Dodd, PittelMrg H Cammann. New Yr rk C Bemoan., Now York Time W Leonard N V Mr Cook, New York Mr Elliott. New York C w BushvelkNew Haven Com Gregory. U 8 N It B Sexton. Cleveland Charles Davis, N Y W R Terrill ,_U 8 A T A de Brame. New York W B Beek. Cant_p Curtin 1. Bank. Wnwport Win 8 Opilyke, New York Mr Hubbell,WlBooeSin MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth - street. botow Arch. J Camp, Erie GlTWeltr,,Ohm Esuj L. Cook, Ohio J M -Barrett. Ohio G A Waller. Ohio E .1? .1 8 Augur, Durban:4 Pit T H savoy, Olenrhilld J E Griffin, Coatesville 3 Town, Masa ES Lyon, B oston F N J Treed. Boston eunedy, N Y A WBrown,Jormy Shorea's M _burden. Harrisburg J Jireeene. Johnstown J Morley & lam Johuat'n Mrs TW Ten Eyck:Hamby Jacob Hay, Easton. Joint Ott, Milton, J Steiner, Y J u Calhoun, N Y AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Geo Valentine. Bellefonte Geo Blyznyer, Lewistown Thos Burnett Jersey Chore H Friok & la, Lewisburg N McNair. M Chunk . C H Uungan Bristol. Pa Willis. New York .Ino Sebring, J.reey Shore .1 A Gamb!e.Jr. Jer Shore N C Pfoule. SOW] Shore Jag N Young, Phila Baud Dickey.Oxford.ra Caleb Yohe, Bethlehem J M Friok, rainersvine H B S wino, Peons H T Bailey & la. nulls C A Dungan. Pin a • L Beaton & Is, Plum Mrs J ri Llerd_ , Merriam* hire McDonald, Maryland A C Linville. orArYland ME McDonald, Maryland C B wno kHeading L Crow!, Borth Carolina Mr Milen,W CheLer Mr blorkhy W Chewer Limit P.l Rusks. Eekley Lieut J irndt, M Ch'nk Limit W Belford. an Chunk F W.Glass,M Chunk 'rhos P Kinsey. Reading I Wilkins,Pittabwrn J Tnompeon. Ohio J Igifiderue, Penns Joe Sumner P hi 's It E Beryons. New York J A Pease , New York hi Marro, Brooklyn A B Alston. Newark, N J BT. LOWS HOTJALhestant Weer. above Third. 0 Moran. New York Thos I) Holmes. Philo , A Bairn. Louisiana Q JI NAM David Potter. New York it IL Wit isms, N Jersey L M MID, Mass John It Itrwin. Va A Wannemaaer. Va J Arvin, Virginia A B Johnson, U D A J R William, U 8 A COMMERC.AL HOTEL-Sixth st.. above Chestnut. Orbit, Pottsville II Harding, ?blade, —Meson. Delaware 2C R H ill. Kennett Square E Crooks. Penns W D Drainer. Harrisburg C Pearce, Bordentown, NJ Rev Dr Otos', Penns E Crooks, Jennersvibe, Pa Cit Clark, Pottstown W !Hartle, Boston A Cutrouirw, Delaware R 0 Crispin, Ohio 8 Bunting, Ohio STATES UNlON—Market street. above Sixth. W A Johnson. Oxford. Pa A Wiley, Oxford. Pa Maxwell. Plow York D W Pomona, Boston C Dewald & fa, Philada R Campbell, Limo oo J Deving. UB A W M Allison, Mifflin. Pa J Homes. Belmont R H Moore, Clearfield R. !doe', ISatleport, 0 Lt Johnston, Camp Scott M L Townseeil. Palma' G Renoldo_ Mifflin, Pa E lionung .n, T Watt, Last obe G Adams, dew York • W J °simmer. Palma J P Boyd, Lancaster oo J G Williamson, York co THE ONION—Arch street. above Third. WShorn. NOW Jersey Wlll B Bhafer, Cincinnati Jas H Tahoe, Trenton. N J intPesnenlounia, Jamas Mateo.. .Bast= A Neilsen. J B Shaeffer. Headier Geo it-Brady & wf. Lane I J CI- da.ac la. Harrisburg' litre Parker, Pottsville R emith,-Psqua. Penne C Whitt:num, Lehigh co Gto Wiggsnotamaqua - - - NATIONAL. HOTEL—Race street. above Third. W H Shoemaker. Phila D C A Clarke. Philo Tobias Fishier. Snots co George Snyder, York G W smith, Kaneas R. 14 Barrett, Kansas Wm B onset. Reading J M Jones, Norristown A Saff, Lock nevelt REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Rene., A B Cummings, Pennsylv'a N Ale Cap. Jersertoirn, Pa Isaac Ward, laud - Samuel Barr. Sal:0110o J.Gordon, eweli tarkVfli A Kaub, Soh II Haven lor in Whitmsn, SWIM Haven 11 Elarawar. garruslpurg H Ritter, Haliaegrove W Kirk - , Philada Charles Clearwater, Pa Mrs A Pratt, N York BALD EAGLE—Third street. above Collowodt. Geo G Clark. Reading j D Berger, Qiukeitowhl Mu Hood, Piorthompten oo H J Dreher. v-tneinnati B R llies, fiarristrurs fi &Letts, Allentown usky Perry Boni chafer. Bucks C oo 8 c ove , perry co Jos Suntb.._Bucto on li r . 6 1 , evr i n ewo,Lebolion haw Howlend;Penns Gao W 'Wolf, Danboro A t Horne, Quakertown BLILLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second et.. be). Vine. Co W Kegler, Maryland °apt IL I C Taylor, Parma B N Parma. Idassaobuiette II A Leedom, Newu:wn J Cadwallader; Fox Chase John idoodrenow, N JEMMY J T Dungan Bustieton hl Paul .t la, Backe no S itimmone:Wibnine ton T H Hart, Books no C V Pennock, New York B Sayler, Pennsylvania J 0 Stewart, to wJ ersey MOUNT VERNON 11UWEL—gl000na at.. above Are Dneewbary, New York Mr Moßneaux, N JerhaY James Gallagher. Cuba E a Gaylord. New York Gee Purgation. York, Fa Mr Rutter, rhiladelphia Win Jolla. El allay= 00, N Y W Dale. Delaware C klornbeok.rneedale PASSENGERS SAILED. In sip Tonawanda. for Liverpool—Sr Chas Evans and wife. of. Rade - lotus; James M Banners, of do; Julia A Rnmel, of do; h obs Bright, of Slans7nug: Leon Chandler, huiy, and child, of Franca; and 120 in the for ward cabin arm steerage. 4 l AA i_Otilßi".l447l BEE FOUR= PAGE. ARRIVED. Bohr Vermilion, Avery, 3 days from Nem York. with mdaa to oaetain elobr Gen Marion, Griffin, 9 days from Richmond, in bonnet° E A Bonder & Co. Bohr Essex, Poet, 5 days from Jeoksonville, with lum ber to captain. Bohr Golden Gate, Fleming, 1 day from Frederica., Del. with corn to Jag L Bewley &. Co. Bohr derah Sophia. Moore. 3 day' from Still .I%nd, pold, with oorriand oats to Jul. iieoalaYar. C 0.... .. Bte,6llltug__Axoolio6, Virden. 26 bonze f rom reel, Ma' roe, Left u B frigate Cumberland and ?item:akin Qua ker City. The Cumberland had captured the soh/ C. Al Smith. from New York, bound to Montt Carolina with board. l carriage'. ar2o w ere he in tl tV 1 0.1 ituaddirthterer Bohr G W Etymon, from Cienfuegos. mid brie B Thurston, from Cuba. above Reedy labinds • MR • ELI„ Ship Daphne, Havener, London, P. Wright & Sou. Bohr 8 Aehtneo4 , Young, Norwich, Canner, UM& ney & Wellington. Behr Wont Dennis, &role,. D Cooper. Bahr 0 S Zdtrarde. Candy. Bridgeton. 14.1. oaptain. etr Bnotot, Alllnt, New York. W m P SAILED. Ship Westmoreland , Dalian, for Liverpool, with agog bushels wheat, 4,183 do corn. 6066 bb:s. flour. 189 bebes cotton. and 38paseengers in the • steerage, Wes towed down bytuge Dolphin and J P Levy. Ship Tonowanda, Jahns, for Liverpool. left Walnut street wharf yesteroar sit 4.90 P M. in tout of tugs j 1r sari r awl .1 Li rusey. Her cargo consists of 12,7641 bush. wheat., 34.476 do corn, 411 balsa cotton, 75 bales rags, 40 railroad oar wheels, SO oasis tallow, 18 boxes passenger oar 'sorsa, oases patntings. 7 oases furniture, g boxes mdse, 6 oases and 12 pieces Maehinel7. (C,orrespondenee et the Philadelphia GAPS LILABD. 14. J., filmy /-6 The bark Catharine. from at John. ft /3, brig n Thurs ton, from Matanzas, and three masted seta G W urn son. from Cienfuegos, went in to day. tkihrs Exchange. Jobe. NorthroP. and Lewis Mallon'. vent tows this at ternoon. The enamels Johna:Warner gad Anal cam, 80wo4ellsr. thTIS noW at anchor off the greakwa ter, wai ting Or the WOW to moderate to proceed mouth which is now blowing is sere from 1.1 g. The telegraph line from this place to Philadelphi win be in complete working order about the beginning of next week, if not before. THOB. B. tiIJGBES. MEMORANDA. Btenanship, City of Mapohester, MoDuiann, from fd verpoot, arrived at SOW ork yesterday. Bain Yereia. Doane, from Liverpeol tor'Philadelphia, was passed 27th ult. tat 45 16, tons 122 06. blue lifudeatan. Tibbetts. horn Calcutta, at Boston Ist inst !Ship Pildgefeater, Barstow, at Boston Ist inst. from Ship Radixes. Burdett, cleared. at Boston lit lust. for Bonotoln. Brig Louisa,Teel, hence, was below Boston Ist inst. Brig Delaware. Cobb. from Boston for rhiladeiphia, at Provinoetown Ist inst, with three feat water in her hold. Sala Adolph from Wilmington. NC, at New York Berea, .yesterday C ap ta W report's having been lying at Binithydie, holow Pinston. pr 7 days, and vrae not allowed to leave port until the 28M, when, with 20 other sail, be was permitted to depart. Bohr (Loden of the sown. tat eks, cleared at. 11 York - Yesterday tor pontos Ayres. Sopr It Amelia. Raiding, cleared rit New York yester daboosPh i W lender. Dormant for Milton, Del and S Lockwood, Tint, for Camden . D el, Meared at f York yesterday. Bohr WiZabeth. Brown, hence, arrived' at Provident* eat unit. Solos R S Shannon, Marts for Philadelphia. in 6 days. and it Yana. Prink. for Boston, ready, were at jaak. gOnrille 41st ult. Soho Gov Burton, Winsmofe, Elton, Corson, In, Henderson, Paugasset, Wavle*, Edwin Reed. bio speed, John Ca,dvra•ader, Clayton, and Triumph, Artie: hence, arrived at Boston Ist inst. Bohr Ontario, Vanadder, hence, arrived at New Bed ford Ist mat. Steamers Anthracite. Jones. and Taliony, Ely, hence, at NSW York yesterday. Steamer mush. Jones, cleared at New York yestordaY for Pnitadelphis. • PECIAL NOTICES. OAK ORCHARD AOID Eranra WATBR. Pamphlets containing the opinions of celebrated Chera w,' and Phy eioians feepecting the me oi this in the oaae of many disclose of the human sys WATER tem, will be anoplied gratis on application to FRBDERICK DROWN, FIFTR and CIIRRTNUT Stseets, or FRED ERICK BROWN, Jei., NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets. CALL AND OWL A PA?LPULZT. BATCH - BLOWS UA.l)lDTar—Tbia celebrated 1 snd pergeot Hair Die 1111 ski trove IN" !km itsoriL Ail other/. are mere iinitSione of this great oriainal.lfidell mu mantel mph gatormire natroneee sn sit vire! of thp glop. The genuine W. A. .Batobolorlo Liquid Haar p r e injpnitiy arcane's. a sebendia bleak or natural brawl, wighoilt steining tio Orin or insuring the hair. an d v iu fornedg oq OS erect. qf b,ed dyfs ! inrigareting the hair far life. .Seidl/red' Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale br 7.eINZISTOGIC. ().. pYOTT CO., thiledebhia. •• THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA4 FRIDAY, • ONE PRICE ilITL0110)10 07 TEE LATEST ETYLIII, made in the best. manner, expressly for RE TAIL BALES. LOWEST selling prices marked in Plain Tisnrer. All goods made to order warranted satistastory. Our ONE-PRICE system Is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. Teat-tr JONES & CO.. and MARKET Street. GROVES & BAEHR'S OILEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. The Beat in Bee for Family Bowing. No. 730 CHKSTNUT Street. PhiMelee's. mar 47 GIANZRORN—L UTZ.—On the Seth nit , by the Rey. Nioholtut Giehr, Mr. Christian thinshorn, of Philadtsl phia. to Kiss Clara Luta, of Allentown. CRT PRS—IITKWART,—Dn the Slit ult , by Yew E. Gilroy, Mr. Diehard M. L. Grippe to Mimi Anne E. Stewart. all of this city. HALFMANN—HALi..—On the SOth ult., by Rev. G. D. Carrow,_Herbert W. Halfumn.to Anna Eliza Nall. CROSS—LEVIN E.—On the let instant, by the Illy n. W. Beirtine t Robert, crou. of New York. to Annie, daughter of 8. Levine, Fro.. of Philadelphia. STRONINNIERS-4 1 1LLER.—On the Itth ult.. by the Rev. Mr. Munn. Jobe F. Btrohitieleree. of Wirtele burg, to Mire Caroline Miller, of th is oity. SMITH.—Our father is gone.—On the Id inst., ism R. Smith, aged 67 years. [Pittsburg pavers Please "ge l relatives and friends, and Independence Lodge, No. 55. 1. 0. of 0 F., and Lafayette Encampment. No. 5, are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 124 Mary street. on Sundaytf ternoon,the nth inst., at 2 &cloak. To proosed to p Ce r p lainFhßlEN—Onthylnt inst. John K. O'Brien, in the 26th year of hie age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend hie funeral. from his 1,40 residence. No. ate Fenn street, below Lombard street, this (Friday) morning, at fig &Monk. Funeral service at ht. Joseph's Church, Interment Cathedral Cemetery. " thehl OR.ONEY.—On athe. Bath Wt.. - Patrick Mummy, in 75th year of his she. Funeral from the residence of his son. Win. Mo inner. in Unity street, Frankford, this (Friday ) morta -1 Ds, at 9 reolook. PIT tr NELL —tin theist .instant, Wm. M. Purnell. in the 69th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 759$ South Sixth street. on Sunday afte rn oon, at 2 o'clock. • se AL L.A.N.—On the 30th nit.. Elizabeth, wife of Wm. F. Allan, and daughter of Wm. and Elizabeth - Good, in the 28th year of liar age. Funeral from her parents' residence. No. 2016 Arch street, this (Friday) afternoon. at 3 o'clock. " EVANS.—On the 30th ult.. Richard Evans. Veteri nary Surgeon. Funeral from N 0.136 Catharine street, this (Friday) afternoon. at 3 o'clock. * - F 1 NI, EV.—t , n the Ist instant. Moses Finley, in tha 43d year of hie age . Funeral from the residence of his brother, Thomas Finley, No. 1029 North Fourth street, this (Friday) of ternoon, at 2 o'clock. GALLOWAY.—Suddenly. on the 29th tilt., Jas. D. Galloway. in the 37th year of his age Funeral from his late residence. No 132 Hubbell. street, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. ** GLADING.—On the 30th ult., Mary Ann, wife of: David Glading, aged* TWITS. Funeral from the residence, of her husband. N W. corner of Nineteenth and Coates streets, this (Friday ) - afternoon. at 2 o'clock. GO'KEK. — On the Ist instant. Christians. Direly, in fant daughter of Jacob and Mary Gamer, aged 3 years mid 9 months. Funeral from the reaidenes of her parents- No- 1213 Otis street. above Girard avenue. this (Friday) after-' noon at 3 o'olock. AIcOARTS.V.-0a the Ist instant, John Hayden. drily child of Mary T. and the late Michael McCarthy, agilkf 2 years. 10 months. and 7 dam Funeral from the residencie - of his mother. Noanil/ Sansom street. this ( Friday) morning, at 9 p'a lock. * MuFAIMEN.—On the Ist instant, Lizzie till, only daughter of Eliza and the late James _Mc adder:ion the 16th year of her age. • Funeral from the residence of her mother. Maig6 street. Manayunk. this ( Fday/ afternoon at 1 o'olook., NIcKENNA —On the Bot h ult., ....lames. McKenna, son of fames and late Mary Mc K enna , in the 39th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his father, No. Catharine street, above-Fifth, this (Friday) afternomp at 4. °Week. • MOURNING HTORV, NO. 918 CHEST NUT .Street;.-BEBBON & SON have just se /mined gray mixed Mane Delaney, Mu ; black and white Parts printed Orenadine Nereus. 123iin blitoXend purple do., IfiXo ; blank and purple Chatty Dolmen, black Nitrogen, black plaid Bareges, second mourning Nnglieh Chintzes, Rio ; Shepherd Plaid Poil do Chovree, &o. Also. black Itaregoii,,ttrape Mayete, Crape TIMIECIA tape. Bummer Bombazines. Otiallye. Omega Sandpi t or Grenadine Buregor, Camels' Rair BOTOielh Tami sen t Moueolinen. Lawns, and all other goods requisite. of deep atio almond mourning attire. mos I, 0. OF 0. F.—PURSUANT TO THR direotions of the Commutes appointed for the purpose, the NATIONAL FLAG trill he raise with appronnate ceremonies over the 0. F. HALL. * SIXTH eon einiose threat. on TOMORROW (.isterday) AFTERNOON, at 4 &Gloat. INO. C. Uln,E, myS St* SWF. NOTICE.—THE MEE TING FO R Preyer for God'. hemline on ear country in ita present struggle be bold THIS (Friday) AFTER NOON. fiye o'obwitr. in the CHURCH OP 'PRE EPIPHANY, corner FIFTEEN/11 and CREOTTTUP Streets. It' MECHANICS , INSURANCE CO. PHILAVELPHI/L. May 2.1881. 1:1 4: Annual Election for Twenty Directors will be held at the OfAce of the Conissny, No. 138 North SIXTH Street, on MONDAY next, May 6th, between :0 o'olook A. M. and 2 P. M. sera 4t BERNARD RAFFERTY, Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THR Stookholdere of the CONN ROTICUT COCO AN Y will be held et LITCPPIELD, Conn., ac cording to the By-Laws, on MONDAY, the 6th mat R. 0. LOWRY, Aee't feee'y 226 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. 11:r GIRARD COLLEGE —THE DIREC TORS of the Girard College give notice that they are prepared to bmil out, in the State of Pennsyl vania. twenty orphans, in accordance with the will of /steami l y Girard, to suitable occupations, each as Agri culture. *awes. ion, Arts, Mechanical Trades. and Manufaetnres.he master will ba 11.m:tired to teach his afprentioe his respective art, and to furnish hint with suitable board and 10.. gine. in his own place of re sidence (except where for special reasons. the appren tice may be mowed to board elsewhere.) The master will be allowed to take each orphan on trial for a term not exceeding one month. and the apprentice, when bound. will be furnished by the Institution with a suita ble outfit. Persons desirous of obtaining an apprentice can apply at the College between the hours of 3 and a P. M., or if not _mtigenit of Philadelphia, can address the undersigned in writing, giving name. resident's oc cupation and reference ; the latter, whenever possible, to tie residents of Philadelphia. - - - --__RENRY W. ARTY-,_ Piterratmnt. o - rricie OF THE LEHIGH COAL MAD NAVIGATION COMPANY. Pari.ammnrita. April E. DEL !, • The stated annual meeting of the Btookhoidere orals Company will be held et their oMee,.on TURBO eV morning, the 7th day of M RY next, at 11 o'olocik. aftir which an election for officers of the Company will be there held. to close at 2 o'olook P. M. on the same der. ap32-tmg7 JAMES COX, President, MNOTICE.—TEE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the GEItMANTowN ET COMPANY trill he held at their °Moe, MAIN Street, Germantown, on TUESDAY next (Mel 7) at 7M o'olook P- M., for the.purvole cf elootioA SEVER DIRECTORS, end the trinttotioNd67t bueinees. 49SE P 9eeretar‘ April le6l—neSo-70 —filE SHAMOKIN VAL OFF/RFPOTTEMIL.LE RAILROAD - COM - i.ov-eL OM WALNUT Street, hiii'molnit Vella ----1:151C.t.f1-aMALf3all' Vgl'. be held at the O coee - 6th of May, at 13 o'aloolr,lor the election or 4 - y and a Proindent to serve for the ensuing itrilli-ft29&dtmt 6 • ITTOFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAJD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 17, NEL-TThe' " .11, Board of Director! have tbbt day declared reiro-an neat dividend of TH HEE pH It OE NT, ou the capital stock of the Company. clear of State tax. payable on '; and after May lath. 1851. Powers of attorney for collection of dividends can be had on application at the officeof the Contpanu No. EN O. Third street. THOPLAI3 T. FIRTH, arlS Treasurer. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA Laotian of Anneal Meeting - and Laotian of the stock holders of the Schuylkill and Sus quehanna. Railroad Company, as required by their charter, will be held at the CONTINEnITAL HOTEL, in the city of Philadajphia Pennsylvania , on MON DAY, May President 12 ock, /21, for the purpose of °beanbag a and i ii lennanent to servo for the ensuing year, mid also for the consideration er sloth other buslnesa 'limey properly be brought aaad tneetipg. -RAI4K BOND. A oil 11. wt. • fools-bwrill Seeretarr. pROPMALtit FOR SUPPLIED& HEADQUARTERS FENN'A. MILITIA QUARTERMASTER:B DEPARTMENT, HARRISBURG, May 1, 1861. SEALED PROPOSALS wilt be reoeived at my office in Earrisbure, up to 12 o'olook, noon, OP TUBSDA.Y, THE 7TH DAY OF MAY, 1661 for the Whole or part or the following requirement , to be delivered at this place, m sash quantities, and at Knott times WI mat• be directed by this offlom The re servation also being made to lacrosse or redone the quautities in requirement at prices [tweeted. The allotment will be made within three days froln the above date. gEQTJJEMENT. 33,0001:MEAT COATS. 15.000 ARMY BLOVIIEB,•IND100 BLUE OR OADET GRAY. 15.000 PAIRS TROWBERS, do do do do do 30,001 UNDRESS CAPS, do 30 000 FLANNEL OR KNIT 'WOOLLEN SKIRTS, 30 000 FAIRS CARTON FLANNEL DRAWERS. 90,000 PAIRS WOOLLEN STOCKINGS. • 14,000 LAIRS BOOTEES. All the above to be of the Army Pattern end °onto= strictly to the regulation' of the United State" ATMY in quality of material and finish. No bid will beisoeiVed for 4 lee' dumber than a mug ply or a Regiment of 744 men. The euccessful bidder will be remitted to give with' good and sutßoieut security, for the faithful per formance or his ooutreot, it. C. HATA ins-n QUARTERMAs TSR NOTICE TO BUIPPEKS Or . . Owing to the distracted state of the country, and in oonseguenoe of notices from the regular the Railroad Comvamee represented by the undersign ed Ism not carry goods contraband of war over their and will require the observance of the following mile in relation to goods destined for the States of MIBbOURI, ARKANSAS,.._ TENNESSEE, KENTUCKY, and WESTERN VIRGINIA . ~ Baoli Package must be distinctly masked, " NOT CONTRABAND," and underneath these Verde, unit rants OF TR' ORIPPICRS 09 tns•?ACx*osei The Ship per's Reoinpt aocompan7ing said ebinmenti . moat be marked as above. .. . . F I RASTUS CC*NING ., pRES.-X, ON. R. R. NA.T.O.ANTEra 201.4115 H, RW& Eg V. RIND ERIE IL R. ;.EDGAR T4o*scw, so? tit A N., r 1 P4 11 . 4 04 *" MARRIED. DIED. MILITARY NOTICES. A.TT ENIION PUBLIO-0 RDE R S No. I.—The PROCEEDS of my BAR. TO-DAY, (FRIDAY.) May 3. 1 fresh afar to Mayor Henn, to he elided to the FUND for the benefit of the FAMILIES of VOLUNTEERS from our oIly. N WILLIAM H. HAN trIGS. It" No. St 32 CARTER Street. lAN ELECTION FOR OFFICERS OF the BUENA VISTA RANGEI 4 II was held on "miles Afternoon, when the following officers were etacte: 'E.W. PONESR, Cantata. JOSEPH NEPHEW& First f , ientenant. GEORGE SHINGLE. Second lAeutenent. THOS. GRAHAM. Ensign or Sd gd Lieutenant. It tA. TT EN T ill N! SWORD EXER clBß—CaPtatn BRYCE'S Clem! for inetruation in the. Sword exercise is now forming. Gentlemen &mono of &Di/ninon' this inditipewisb*s nooomrltith ment for a military men, will find thin a good oppor tunity. Captain B. may be found at 997 OBBSTBUT Street, third floor. lit* 1. A FEW ABLE-BODIED YOUNG MEN . wanted to fill no the ranks of a oom andJ for immedi ate service. Cell mute /lately ahTII3OIPERANCI3 HALL. T WELFTrt and FILBERT Ste. my 2 AT A MEETING OF THE KA MOI RIFLER, held on TUESDAY evening, the following resolution waspassed: /Waived, That a committee of eleven be ap pointed to collect funds to purohaee arms and equip ments. Under the above resolution the following gentlemen were appointed and are empowered to receive sub- Noriptions D. W. BT CART'. 236 West Loean Square. E. W.'GOIJI.D wo.99BouihThirdstreet. C. B. STEWAT, 834 rch street. W. B. DICK, Rt.... 1) . Pine street. B. H. RAIN EFI,V7 Walnut street. R. PENN Beare , 1413 Vine street. GEO. W. BbIDBLIBAN, 1126 Girard street. CRAB. rt El L., 113 0' oath Ninth street. E. D. VAN PORN. 1400 Wallace street. B WRIGLEY. 194 South Fourth street. L. T. THOICPBON. 1016 Filbert street. mpg -4V 11. REDRUITING RENDEZVOUS OF the A.MERION RI RANGERB' REG!. MENT.—At ISEFINT4 7 B HOTEL, for Forrest Rifle Company CaPt,F. Ce Ptolpot; Company K. Capt. Bsteip at kel.ev'e Ifotel. WAITS Street, below tigian : and at J. , Rue's Building , PABBIKR !Met. below Ninth. By (*der of myt-St , i R- 'G. MARCH. CoL Com'e. iVOLUNTEERS WANTED FOE THE PAN DOIRIGHItaTir LIGHT INFANTRY. All those destrona 4 se.vieg their country will Please nail At oorner ELEVEN TH. and 8H rt.pEr:l Streets, at thaii Headquarters, or at Joseph P. Crouse s. south east ewer el Eleventh and etuppen. Storder of ittn-4r , i CAPT. SCOTT. ~.., UNITED' itATE. 4 MARINE CORPS. —WANTED. 600 able-bodied` en, between the ages of 21 and M years. not less.than five feet four and a half inches high. and of good character. Soldiers serving in this mope perform duty at navy yards and on board United States ships-of-war on foreign stations. All other mro,metiouvrlneh may he desired will be given at the" Rendezvous, No. 311 South F.ROBT Etreet, Firm Lieutenant W. aTOKES BOv.D. - .. ap30.1.m Beoruiting Officer. ttETAIL. way (.(&W'. EYRE do LANDELL, EYRE & LANDELL, EYRE & LANDELL, EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARON, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, , REDUCED SUMMER GOODS. SUP/KR SILKS. • ORGANDY" LAWNS. _FIGURED GRENADINES PLAID POPLINS, • REPELLANT DUSTERS. BLACK SILK CLOAKS. SUMMER GOODS, LOW. may3.l - mw-3t - CONTINUATION OF TUE GREAT SALE OF CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, LACES, TRIMMINGS, &c., In liquidation of the Estate of J. W. PROCTOR. & Co., 708 CHESTNUT STREET The Stook consist* of— SPRING CLOAKS, ENGLISH TWEED CLOA Kft, SILK CLOAKS AND kkCiallEn, BILK mArfTlVidite, MANTILLAS, LACE FLOUNCINGS, FRENCH LACE MANTILLAS, FRENCH LACE POINTS. FRENCH LACE BOURNOLI X, TRAVELING SUITS. '.FLOUNCING LACES, DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS. &e., kn., All in immerse variety, and to be mold at about 1,.11”.1,11111,MILIM:1, ..1711...:.,• FOR THE* BENEFIT, .0E Ole CREDITORS To facilitate Bales, and enable purehasers to make prompt selection", ALL GOODS will be marked in PLAIN FIGURES. Special attention le called to this Sale Great indium ments, as to prices, are offered, in order to close out the PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, NAM 70S CHESTNUT STREET. MANTILLAS. MANTILLAS OPENING DAILY, ga WirpiiETAL) rio. 1124 CM" In his Large and ELEGANT suibit the fit:heat dieptey of. MANTILLAS , BILK AND FANCY CLOTHS, &j3-im Erma MADE IN 71113 CITY. BLACK SILK BASRULW. DRENCH SACQURS. GORED MANTLES , CIRCULARS. - . Mantilla Shane. Plain atria', for Amt -slays males, READY MADE, OR MADE TO ORDER. COOPER & CONARD, spat-1m 3. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. NEW MANTILLA STORE. The most splendid BILK 'MANTLES in the city'. HOUGH eic CO., SOVTU TENTU STREET. SILK MANTILLAS, In every new style, the richest enalities ever seen at the elegant New Store, SO SOUTH TENTH STREET. HOUGH da CO. salo-1m O V.PECIIAL NTIOE ! 1,3 On and after this date TFORNI,E Y & 1311 MI& will offer EVERY PONSIBLE INDUCEMENT To CASH FIIRCRABERS 01 1 '.. DRY , GOODS_! Heins determined to taxes gheir.-Slouk they wl Save Good Bergsma/I Meautdal Money Bilks for t VS cents', worth Intl Ileavyltiob Fancy Gilke or sill. about o ha lf Grenadine and Mame Goods, one half their Value. Gray Mixed Goods, in every variety. from S cants per yard to SO @ants. MLapIC BILKS, RICK AND LUSTROUS. VERY CHEAP. Neat Week Brocade Silks, double faced. An.. Au. De - Lamm Censor.", Cassuneres, Clothe, Vestiiiiis. * Linens. Mushic Flanr.els.' amps. Covers &an aco. 811 AWL. Amp CLUBIC-ROOM EXNUitIoN. French Laois Mantles, Pongee, Sheltie, Mngenea. CamOrta Lace Mantles. Chantilly Lace Goods. /co. Black Silk Coats Mantles. a 0.. in every style, At T.GORNLEY it CH.1881•8, N. E. Corner EDNA= It 3PltlllO staiLDEN eta my'l•tr QPRINO CLOAKS, IN EVICRY NEW style. at LWOW, an27-ion No. 23 8. Ninth Wort SPRING °LOAM, IN ENDLESS VA riety. at IVENS'. ap27-1m SPRING CLOAAS, THE CHEAPEST EMIT Mil. OA ase-lat Ito. 43 3. Ninth street &W STYLE CLOAKS, vivsay NEW Mile, every nevi material, et prices that astonish evert one, at the large store. N. E. corner or Eighth and Walnut streets. as27-bus CITY CLOAK' STORE, No. 142 N. IL/ Eighth street, above Cheery. are now selling OVerT new style of the season, superb quslitiem, in every new shade of calor, cheaper than any other store p 37-1 in the am CiLOASS.--Virholessle Merchants are nt. _ vitoa to insgeot the 'stook et IVENS', No. 38 South WAVE Street, corner of JOAO it., au47-1m Between Market and Chestnut MERCHANT TAILOR F• O. THONIPSON , MERCHANT TAILOR,- N. E. CORNET{ WALNUT AND BRITENTEI ST., Announce , a New Stock of. FINE BPRINO AND RUMMER MATERIALS. FOR 02t4TLIZIARN F9 WEAR, Consisting to part or very desirable styles of miner French and English liteltoriDLOTHS, COATINGS. CASSIMERES, ko., seleoted with especial oars and reference to the wants of a DISCRIMINATING AND FASTIDIOUS CUSTOM. Re offers the follotrins iudllOelneurir for your "a tronage : Good Materiel, a Perfect garment. &IPA Fonotualitr and Precielos In the eaeontion of al orders. • INSPECTION IS RESPECTFULLY..INVITED . apIS-tuthe-lka U4RD PR TING, SIM AND ChEllikrßEW 0. 10 P 4, 341 °1th 17P4P .Btry* MAY 3, . 1861. ARMY BLANKETS. BLUE ; GRAY, AND WHITE. A FULL ASJORTMENT OF EACH, For Sale bi STUART. & BROTHER. ml 3-6 1. 13 BANK STREET. WOOLLENS. A' FULL ASS'!RTMENT. Fur 86le by STUART & BROTHER • my3.6l* 13 BANS STREEr. BLUE K_ERSEYS AND • CLOTHS, Suitable for Military or Naval purposes, For ;ale by FEOTRINGRAX & WELLS, etplB-if tf 3a LETITIA STREET GREAT MILITARY SUPPLEMENT . OP THS PHILADELPHIA INQULEEE. • HARDEE'S TACTICS • EQR T.TIE MILLION, CONTAINING In an eight-page Sapp einent to 'lnn PHILADELPHIA. Indiawadt—embraeing the School for the ? oldies, School for the Company.. and Instructions for Skirmishes for Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics—illustrated with 2t engravings. This valuable work for the rank and ills of the Army will be ready for delivery to Nees healers and Pe riodiost - Agents, May S. Price for Ita copies— l 800 ' 23.... - Ltd I stogie copies 6 cants. . Cash-to accompany the order. Three or one cent stampiswill be received in payment for amounts under one dollar. . , WM. W. - HARDING. , Philadelphia Impairer, ;fo.-/ei p. THIRD Street, It _ r PHILADELPHIA: A P`PLETONSr MAP , Or TRl3_,_ - '0 F: W R "Na. I,' ap .c.B *Ts. - • Sent free by =don receipt of ree. A limited-die. <sopa to dealer! ATTLBTON dc CO., Publigherx. u,2-3t _443 and 443 83,0411 WAY. • EW -ENGLISH BOORS -,IMPORTED and for side by McELROY & Co., No. 27 South SIXTH Street,above Chestnut. fdACA LAY'S ENGLAND. Vol. 6, Bvo, cloth. S AM. AND BuSON'S FAIRY TALES AND STtiftlr.ll, Collected Vdthon. Illustrated. Tam, cloth, $123. FAM.I4I,Y ROMANCE, ; Or. Episode' in the Domestics A made of the 'Aristocracy. by kir Bernard Burke. Third edition. 12mo,_oloth. $1 BRITIAH A RTISTri, from Hogarth to Turner. .BY Walter Thornburg. 2 ymit, 12mo, cloth. 36. HALCYON ; Or, Rod Fishing with Fly, Minnow. and Worm. By Henry Wade. 8 Colored Platen. 12mo, cloth, $2 22.. FAMILI AR ILLUSTRATION OF SCOTTISH CHARACII.R. by the Rev. Change Rogers, LL.D. l2mo, cloth, VA. THE FI KoT MANUAL By Robert Hogg. LL.D. 12mo, cloth, $l. KEA AND ITS LIVING WONDERS. By Dr. e. HertWig. With numerous ood-onts and 12 Vete' in COWL Second Edition. 2 vole, five, cloth, elk TEE PICKWICK PAPER.. By Charles Dickens. New Fdition, with all the Onginal Illustration'. 2 vole, cloth, _ a 24. Foreign Brin , I reported to order by every Steamer. Monthly Catalogue of New anti Old English and French Books furnished gratis on apellostion. my3-St yS fl l an f t YOLUNTEERS WANTED. aM,TaT.Br: Em ;0?IT, IfI3CMA Street, and make their selections from, an immense assortment of new and timely- Publications on Military Tactics. A valuable Present acoomtanies every Book bought. The Books for study—the Gifts as mementos for rela tives and friends. In Union there is strength! Fall in line! Forward, march ! AND Ben-VgagniCirCilikWNo l l_ tied of Gilham's Manual. Besides oontainingPny.ry thing that may be necessar valuablee tactical instruc tion, it also embraces much instruction on va rious other subjects of send imrortance with Motion-- imbjects that few who have not been regularly trained in the military service are familiar with. The thou sands of our young men who are eager for the coming fray should not fail to acquire all available military knowledge. COOPER'S MACOMB'S T aCTIGS. 1 Vol. $1.20. Here we have "much in little"—a grattt deal embodied in a small amount of space, comprehending the ager- OMB and movements of the Infanta, Light Infantry, and Riflemen, Cavalry and Artillery. together with the manner of doing duty is Garrison and in. Camp, etc. A glance at the volume will /ruffles to awaken an appre ciation of ita worth. HARDEE'S RIFLE AND LIGHT INFANTRY TACTICS. Designed for the Pommes and Mantnavree of Troops when acting as Light Infantry or Riflemen. 2 vols. SIM. This work has been prepared under the direction of the United States War Department. amide - issued a neat, convenient form, well bound and ,-pro fusel!) ustrated. IV. CAVAL,RT TACTICS. Also published b the War Department. 8 vole. 98.79.- The m y o y rder of adupseliestowed on this volume have not be en " e"°- met it oonveys its instructions in such a clear , tM reit . _ &Walt to make it a favorite with ' eventhose p who airpr-„mi... 1- 4 7 1 t. antoneally. mentione . -mull/MO ITT — manor m 1 who certa inty w0n1dx........ Li.. the — 6l m - rm. _., _ , of questionable exeslienos. . 6 _7lllre-sroviorar I. . IT lffam blithe, standa!d MILITARY DOMED. taco or -.: all the Sograehloal Wntines of SMUCKER., aflame,' HARTI, b X. and other authors. and an immense collec tion of Miscellaneous Publications , at the Publishers' usual prices. A Gift worth from 60 cents to 9100 presented with every Book. t3OLDIERS—CMLIAriS—EVERYBODY, _turn in at . azonou a. Evi.ral Popular Gift Book Bruen= . 439 CRUMB - UT Street. BOOKS,LAW AND MISCELLANEOUS, new and Old. bought, ROOK'ol eAohagged, at the ro_i__LAIMERKIL-BAPIK. EITGRUT rid. 419 OaanTN UT Street. LibIIIIVIII &distance enrol:La:ed. These ha Books to sell, if a t_ a distance, snit state their names, singe, bindings. dates, editions, moss, and eonnitions. WAIVPRD--Books printed by Benja min Franahn, as well as early Books minted in and non America. Autograph Letters and Portraits ear- Laned,..rmughlet LaWs of Pennsylvania for sale. Cata logues, lin areas, sent free. latirMeit appraised by fele-tf MI i G.dbilliblii.. --- - - RPBN TBORI•ILEVS, 311 CHESTNUT Street. north side—the oldest nittaiiiishinent in the United states. INDIA RUBBER CAMP BLANKETS, For Anal_and Navy Equipments. pAT ANT RUBBSK CAM P ANKFLTS, XNAPSACKS. RNA eit fieff, isoissaaexs, aYBRSAOsI3, CANT ENB. TENTS. GUN COFERN, GUN COVENS, APS. CAPES, CAPS. COATS. CAPS. COATS, And every other article that as manufactured of India Bobber—is of the best materiel. Mfg 1m if Jolll* THORNLEY. COMMISSION HOUSE NEW PUBLICATIONS. MILITARY CLOTHING. UNIFORMS FOR THE ROME GUARD OF MILADMLFRIA, AND OTHER CORM. CHARLES HARKNESS, 408 CHESTNUT STREET, Now getting un the UNIFORMS for the °Mears and privates of the " GRAY RESERVES", is prepared to undertake the equipment of Regiments or Companies at the lowest rates, and at the shortest notice. 8.--Fartioular attention to style, Ice., in furnish ing Whalers' Uniform'. aorl-et MILITARY CLOTHING, AT GRANYILJT.F. STOKES', 609 CHESTNUT STREET. The different etylee of outfi. ta adopted by military or ganiZatiOn2. OEM beoeurea. or made to order at the shortest notice, SWIMS, EW CLO MN* DE St r eet . GRANVILLE 609 CRESTPIUT. For smarms and durability. these garments cannot be surpassed, and ever purchaser is sure to receive t a handsome and valuable gift. myl-e CLOTIIIIIG.—IadIgo Blue and AR Cadet Sattirsti ; Regulation /Madre on hand add for sale be JOS eRH LEA, av3o-Stw 125 and 130 CHESTNUT Street. ATTENTION, HOME GUARDS. THE CAP LDOPYNIr BY COL. PLIIASANTON, For solo by CHAS. LAING . & CO., AND cIIEDTNUT DTREETEL Any elle of HAT or CAP got AP At the 24T nonce SI AGRICULTURAL ThirLZBLENTS, voliouttursi Tools, Landreth's warranted Gar den Seeds, Grose. Pieta, sod Flower ILHeade ll , t lowest ODID Drums. D. LAINIDILST& 01e, Trualersant and deed warehouse, Nom. 42 & 113 South SIXTH Street. A N EVIDENCE THAT THE PUBLIC , apgracitate t b ob golzg);:ex t rgli f fgfil Ph , To 7 `l;3rl'in".° (WU OIL.—•PRTO 01 4” OP , " LIOO Rs+o TU d Jsuretoba & Caisterbli IV le' 1 .11.111 RoubAlt PRINTING. Bent and Coos - lost in th Mts. at gook T 111 4[! Bua,-ur.AD rwurrilva. sad and o,h 4 spii i t to tits our; #t 34 IkatYriulul WANTS. A LADY 18 DESIRLIIS OF OBTAIN ing for her Nurse Maid a situation in a family proceeding to lEngland. and will &mo lder the passage as an equivalent for her services. She is used to the sea. an excellent attendant en baud of ship, anti he. but recently , eturned from a long voyage in care of i ehildten, and s in every resew a trustworthy person. Apply to Mat*rs. HART, 421 isYRINE Street. my3-fmtr WANTnO — A Young Man to Learn the Amonßural and :seed busmen. Address " A. C. 111," Press Office. ap27 et VW ANTED—A Lad to do Errands. Ad dress.. T." Fuss ethos. ap9•tf WANTED—AGENTS to sell PACKA . GIES 91 STATIONERY and JEWELRY. at ernes one third him than eanbejpnrehasad elsewhere. Call on or addreas (damp enoloaed) J. L. BANAT trio , 164 COURT Street, Beaton. Maas. rata-am E MPLOY ERB WANTING YOUNG A-=. 41 Men, &0., wre invited to addreee the 4 " Euintoz ment Contatitteo," et the and Young Men's chnstien Ailootstion, 1009 and 10(1 CHESTNUT Street. sn3-Om *WANTED—A VESSEL. of the capa city of from IAIOO to 1,200 barrels, to load for the at Indies. Apply to J URETCHE & FRO N TIR-Q, ap22 20 t2and 204 South Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR BALE, OR TO LET FOR THE JtEAEIGN—A COTTAGE REBIDENCE AT RI- VbRTON. N. .1%. on the river front. nearly opposite Tacony, about eight miles from the oar. and &assemble many times a day by rail or steamboat, in from thirty of f ga rt lEla v t7or=r.Zn h i e r ' %l e m all e th a el re t a r a ll eg h email fruits,fruits, as strawberries, raspberries. hlacirtierries.oher ries, ouirants, graves, plums, dwarf peers, ego., &n-. in great variety. and embellished with the most select assortment of ornamental trees, and rare and hardy shrubbery and flowers, roses, he house contains large parlor, dining-room, double kitchen, bath room, with hot and bold water ; seven chambers ; a large, lisbt, and ventilated vault; very dr. cellar; a large rain-water cistern, with a nerreot filter at bottom , constructed on scientific principles, affording the purest water for drinking, cooking, or bathing; also, a pump with wed wa.:er in kitchen and vault. The premises are partially furniened, and will be let on reasonable terms to a responsible party for the seaaoll, or other- Wise The location is warranted perfectly healthy. and combines all the advantages of a summer watering Owe for sallies and Ashing. as also the finest gravel mropikes for driving. lheplace can be visited by the Jolts A. Warner steamer. which leaves Cheetnut.street wharf at two o'dociet,P. af., returning sante af,erncon ; or by rail at 12.801v1.. Walnut-street wharf. . • • . • . • For further particulars and terms. apply to WILLIAM es & 8 , OKES. Corner of Twenty-first and Race ate., or THOMAS P. cov, my3-3t* No 1 WALNUT Street. gig 'lO RENT—A FORNPHED DWEL menlipic Bouw, t ooth side of PINE Street, vest from Til IRT *ENTn Street. Per partmula.m. *Aireass " E. 5.," Press drupe. my 2 St* d i SR MAN rowN PROPERTY TO I=l. LIT.—A oommodione MANSION, well shaded by large trees, 'within a abort distance from eboemaker Lane nation. Icquireof M. fiIeCALLA. mll-6t• 15 South SECOND Street. ga WEST PHILADELPHIA—TO RENT. IMA—A modern COTTAGE, containing parlor. dining room, and seven oluunbors. Apply to apPY-Ot 8. A. HARRIBON. MLPUBLIO 8 &LB.—Will be sold at Public sale on MONDAY. the 6th day of MAY next. on tile premises in the Borough of Chester, De. ',aware °minty, Pa.. at 2 o'olook P. M. all that very de• sirable and valuable Property and Paotory Buildings thereon erected. with soon maohinery as belong. tort. '1 he property is situated at the steamboat laming. in Chester, containing 24 6,CRhB OF LAND, bite about 800 feet river front. This property is waithy the atten tion of runnels° arers ; is 15 miles from Philadelphia, and •in almost hourly communication with the city by water and railroad, conditions 151 sale. JOHN COCHRAN, a029.7t. Real Fstate Agent and Auctioneer. et FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Three mad-commodious briok DWELLINGS in Haddonfield. New Jeney, centrally looated. well shaded. iho.. within two squares of railroad depot D. H. BRINK, an2S-tf 222 WALN CT Strt et. di TO RENT WITII FURNITURE.—A IWI- handsome ROUSE, with every modern conveni 'nee, in Arch greet, west of seventeenth. . Apply to A. P. & J. It. MORRIS, tip2o.lm 916 ARCS Street. ► -a. LET—SEOOND-STORY ROOM, 802 CHESTNUT Plreet- over LEWIS LADOMUS & Co.'l Jewelry titor The beet looation in Philadel phia for any !nod clight butineme. Apply irt the Jewelry Store. Root * 4OO. fele O RENT—A very desirable STORE, T on the Ninth-street front of " The Continental Hotel." The Store at ninth and Hansom streets esse °tally adasted for a Banta,' and HARNESS Maker. JOHN RIOE, fe6-tt Southweet NINTH arid SANBOM Ptreete. gm TO LET-A DESIRABLE DWEL -LINO,_NO 123 North THIRTEENTH Street. VPly to WETHERILL & BROTHER, 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. mht4-tf aTO RENT—For the Summer season a commodious Country House, with furniture, grounds. and titabling, within two ours' ride, by rail, of Philadelphia. Aly to E. P. W 11.801 1 4, at 338 NIAJR.K.E.T litreet; or address "'JOSIAH WILAON, Parkersville. Cheater Co.. Pa.'? apt 1m gm CHESTNUT-STREET HOUSE and aTORE to re:H i — The desirable business location, lant CHESTNUT Veer, pi with awaiting attached. Apply at 431 CHESTNUT en voi. GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO RENT.—To Rent, the urge and commodious modern-hualt Rouse, corner of ARMAT street and WILLoW Avenue, with gee, bath, hot and cold wale_ i r and ate the modern improvements. Appir to SRN KV 8. TAR It, 710 GREEN Street. Philadelphia. or on the premises. apti-tf d m TO RENT L- TWO COUNTR na. W0U8F13,01311 mile from Tway. In i=if t o• 717 WALK UT !Stmt. rroRENT-1-THe Lag)! AND 00N. VENIENT Coal Wherf and Lumber Yard,. at Twenty- fourth ward. AUDIT tO E. U. & P. N. WARREN, on the eremiaes. • enhill-tf F.XOR - PagGIE.—A 011010 E TRACT of good noirneroved farm land in the !State or tveie Jersey, convenient to the oity. ',n FEDERAL t tor eity property. Apply at No. 1 V.Met. M-tr PP R. CORSON, REAL ESTATE BROKER • AND CONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN, PA. —Real Estate bought and sold on reasonable terms. Stores and dwellings for male or rent in Norriptown and °country. Good mortgagesnegotmted. Collections made. The beet mien:owes gayer. tigg-Sni PUBLIO BALE OF VALUABLE PRO PERTY. THE " EMPORIUM SEAL ESTATE ,AND MANU FACTURING' COMPANY Of Mound eititrulasld County, Illinois, Will offer at PC 1,1 C SALE, on the Premises. On WEDNESDA the 76th day of May nest, A Liege l Man ner of DESIRABLIs B UIL DING LOTS, Eligibly Located for Stores., ee actones, and Residences. A SPACIOUS BRICK IRON FOUNDRY, WITH MACH' E ESROP, And all the appurttnanoes necessary for the business tnantilastnnor curines and Boilers for Steamboats, Enter, and all other Mills. used in the Southern and extern country. The Patterns comprise the modern improvements ,in mac pinery. with a inn and complete set of Patterns for Stoves , adapted to both wood and omit. This property. from the advantageous location of Mound City, is one of the moat valuable in the ""• - •eee. A papyrTailW• it the "e tt BEL,— . Rp hitrita t aTQH FRAME MO ' Tleuele Or — l2 . H O T EL. int „ tonneau i n 3 ,moms, with a full set of Furni bearing interest st the-T-Sti a and rofitable The wish payment may be made Company, and the time payments will be. Stook of the Company at par, except for improved pr. pert?, for which three-fourths of the pureness-m= l Y mar remain upon Murtg"°. As the Co dispose o f all their lin mpany propose to rovementa. capitalists have a rare opportunity for pro stable investments in ono of the best located and poet flourishing cities in the great:Southwest. For particu lars, inquire of or address JESSE E. PEYTON Prsitientl6. R. E. lc hi. C o.o I tnixed-tmll Office 11211 WALNUT Street. Philsils. BOARDING. QIIMMER BOARDING AT THE GOLDEN P. 7 SWAN, MOUNT MEX.—families mnd single Boarders ban be seaornmodated. Lunar@ on the frenu se_etf. 10110ARDING.—Ele.gant large and airy Rooms, with Bret- an board, atl3lo Walnut otreistn Ift* BOARD ERS will be received at a retired A-J" but pleasantly-situated Farm Hedge. In EllE TR TheNwYlli n bu t isaeaurtf disy aebae fom the with t th large vegetable and Fruit Gardena, will furoiah board ers with every luxury_ the country can afford. Address • b. B. 8., ' arms of The Press. ap26.lm• SPRING MILLINERY. wa ft MRS. E. JAOOI3S, No. 212 NORTH EIGHTILSWeet. will open a FASHIONABLE ASoORTAIENT OF SPEINS MILLINaBY, m on •TuvitsnAy, Antil 11th.aa6-1 LEGAL. IN THE UOTTILT OR COMMON PLEAS M. FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF DULA.- •DELPHAA. In divorce. fdARIF , WUGA, bar next No no i friend, J. THEOPH. Sept;Term, vs. 1860. CILARLEM Di 41.11. OUR : Please take nonce that the court have this day granted a rule upon you to show cause why a divorce "insets merriment' should not be decreed in the above ease. returnable the /Mb day of Nor. 18 61 , at 10 o'clock A. rd. B. GERHARD, Attorney for Libellant. To Mr. CICALRLES WtfOlit Respondent above named IN IHFI, ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE IN CITY .r) COUNT!" OF PEIMADELFBIA. .E;v , :e , ^r Malt JACOBS. &cameo. Notice he ma ttayen that the wido7ar of the said de aedent ti _._, 4 Court her petition and appraise -ment elnetoup pt the the kereonal property therein mention 1,,,,,,, , 'it., - ~,,,,,a.of Sew, under the; not of 14th 4 , 4 .. 1.18.4 - net , ort . ;,--.. , ,,:ee cia no spprovedon FRI DAY. thlAittii ,110 ty, Het, 5ti.1513 exeep_tione be tiled the ' u of 1' THORfili •or..fir • for Petitioner. ...---N Try—• TOPHANS' COURT FOR THE ...- M T V AND COUNTY OF PRILADELPDIA. Estate orzytuntale H. WORTHUIGTore, deceased. An aPpretseinent tinder the 6th emotion of the tiet of ' llth Apr to and euppement, having been duly filed in the sato Court, notice is hereby given that retain 'Worthington, widow or said decedent, claims to retain the personal estate therein referred, to, to the value of saidsBoo,end will e ap ply to the Cretans Court for approval Of apprauterneut. on Fttluity, the 17th o af o f May. A.D. MI, st 10 o'otoo l.. rd. Pi. R. & T. P. POTTSI ni2-fm-4t* Jittornes a for the Widow. IC THE ORPHANS' OaURT VOR THE A- CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Entate of JOHN RHYMER, deceased. An apprais,rnent under the sth smitten of the act of lilth Aprik MI, Ann supplement. having been duly . filed in the said Court try the widow of said deocdent, no tide personaly given that said widow oltums to retain the p property referred to therein, to the value of NM. and will nyely to tne Orphans Court for ap proval of said avpremsement on FRIDAY. the IttlidnY ottani, A. rosin, at io o , oloa .a. m • le R. & T. P. POTTS. tn , l NAV* Attorneys for the Widow. IN THE ORPHANS ' COURT FOR THE ..11. CITY AND COUNTY OF i'D.II.,ADEIRDIA. In the matter of the Estate or JOSEPIi CARTER, deceased. The Auditor the by the Court to audit. settle, andadjust the aocount of JOUN FRALLEf, d unnietretor of 408EFE CARTER, ileeensed, and report distribution of the balance in the hands of the secountant, e, the parties Interested, for the purposes of him appouitment, on TUESDAY,the 7th d a y of re x 1 ,18 6 1, at 4 o'clock F. Id, At hist:Moe, Vo. sao WAL NUT Street. m the ally el apl4-wfmlit* JOHN fa. fRODIAS. Auditor, 1N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -A- CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL , Betels of FERDINAND JOSEPri SEIDLNE , dud A. The auditor appointed to audit, Wale, ateljpirLue eooount of 414WraeRlDIS It a &ai r S' ="47: WibAkiKaiFaid, Exeoutore of the test lament 0 1 - FE:ADMAN') Kalif% Isbykt! , _E!....,,_!_ ;mewed, and report dixtributiOe or um koierms =re hands, wilt meet the platen anterseyteilidlOr trl6, at .of his appointment, on y K _LP P. al. at him office, Pio. 61 2'1 wI LI vlin Ur . £ B ltri tie ri t f ut the 01a024-wfm-at Auditor. R. SIiOENEAIEII & Co. GLASS/ PAINTS. QUA: AND IFARNIBILFA 11141114/10m$ Caw POIFITtI tag jags *wpm WALNUT -STREET THEATRE. sole Lessee— - ..Mre. WA,..GARRE.Tis Stare manager Mr wm .a.CHAP AN. Unsintwe .. .4 r, jo i , mint y. vNRPIT OF MR. cOTHEXN. THIS I FHIU.s 17) IMI.NINis, May 3, Will be presented the Comedy of OUR AM catltloil COUSIN AT HOME. Mr. Bothern will appear as Lord Dund , earr and Sara. To conclude with the first act of" USED UP." • Scats OV rHICXO.—LITOSII curate. (1181 M 11 , 5011011.11 with out extra oharge.) 50cents; parquet. (seats matured at 50 cents.) M.X cents; family circle, H cents : private boxes, and E 3: orchestra 75 cents. at .Doo s o r r e e r n t a o t B qu o a .o rte ion r o rld 7 o'clock : curtain will TIN WHEATLEY & °LAME'S ARCH-ST. THEATRE. BEN iFIT riF MR. GEORGE RYER. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, ES 3, Will be presented the grand Military an Historical Speetacte. in 6 Epohs. entitled THE WARS OF NAPOLEON TEE GREAT! Composed, adapted. and arranged by Mr. Gho RUE RYER. With whom a egiernal engagement has been entered into, and who will sustain life remarkable per sonation of NAPOLEON. The whole STAR COMPANY In the ^:roit. VIIIENNA. ACADEMY OF TUT PIMP ARTS-102S CHESTNUT STREET. The Thirty-eighth ANNU AL EXHIBITION of PAINTINGS and SCULP rultE know open. Admittance 25 cents; season Tickets 50 cents; MU dren half price. Catalogues 10 cents. ktookhadeys will receive their tickets at the Academy. spy-tr SANFORD'S OPERA ROUSE, ELEVENTH aTILREi. OPEN FOR THE SEASON. NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED. MR. SANFORD ill scoured one of the A RGEBT COMPANIES ever presented beretsfots w o will Bytom' nightly. Buford will perform overt' evening. Wore open at 1; Commence at N. don 211 cents. Otiodren 16 rents. paFl GERMANIA ORCEIESTRA GIVE their PURPIC REHEARSALS every tATUR nky. commencing it 8% o'clock. at the MUSICAL. FUND HALL. 8 tickets 81; sin le tionets.2s cents. for sale at Chiokering do bon's. 807 Chestnut street; A cilre'e,llo4 Cheutant street; nod Book k knytmtle. Chestnut street. Engagements for Commas. Commencements, Par ties. &0., made only at their Office. Chiokerint & Son's Piano Store, 88' Chestnut street; William Stoll, ]S/ North Juniper street, or C. Droughman, WOO Ridge venue. jasl-11• MEDICINAL QUIIENCIVB MANDRAKE PILLS.- Every Soldier. hefoye leaving. should provide him self with acilEricK , A It/ANORAK r; PILLS. The Doctor sells them to the Military nix Boxes for 00* Dollar. Offioti.No. 39 North hIXTH ht. mr2-3t*st DR. J WDE4F, No. 30 North ---. FIFTH threat. PHILApELPHIA—Trests suneessfuity. dangled top tim all diseases or the bUrtOsi. -, nt KVA J. and HEART, and frequently cures CONSUMPTION in its third and last stage. Re also restores all curable disesers of the EYE and EAU. Re has riven them his entire attention (or he past 20 years. Will visit patients. when &sired, at heir residences. aye 1m is SAFEh. LILLIE I B 13111 E DEPOT REMOVED to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, near the Franklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, has secured an elegant and oonveniept . store. and has now on hand a large &Tamara of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and Chilled ron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. (the onln striotif re and burglar proof safes, made.) also, Ltt. he's neq_ual led Bank Vault, Safe. and Sank Locks. Lilla's Bank Vault Doors and Looks will be furnished to order on short noting, This is the strongest, best proteoted. and cheapest Door and Look yet offered. Also, particular attention is Galled to Lillie's New Cabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry, /to. This Safe is oon eedeni to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of feted for this purpose, and is the only one that is strict ly fire and burglar proof. BPICIAIaIoTICI....-1 have now On band ray twenty of Panel, Herring, & Co.'s Safes, most of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to sizes, and , all lately ex changed for the now Celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at very low prices. Please callitnid examine. laid-ly if Al. C. SADLFft. Agent. Ili EVANS i WATBON , , , SALAMANDER SAFES. (TORE $O4 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA, PA. 411 lam variety of FIRE-PROOF HAFE3 alwaysm b/1-tf 00 hand. INBITRAN - ----------- FLINN INMANCE COMPANY, No. 408... CHESTNUT Ptreei. FIRS AND INL&ND INSUKAPTOE. DDLIICTORS. Sorge W. Day. Day & Matlack. - Samuel Wrlght Bros & I). B " Davis ßlrney. Henry Lewis, " Leyte Bros & Co. C. Rithard50n........."J.0 W crwe & Co. Samuel ,t oming Canal Comp's. Jno. W. 'verman—..or J. W. J. verman & Co. Geo. A. est " West & Fobes. T. S. Martin —.." Savage, Martin, & Co. 0. Filson Darla. .....A ttorney-at. law. N. D. W00dnatr........0f Sibley, molten, lc Woodrati. Rio. Hauler. Jid....NtElll3 - Greeta skeet. Is NOE vv. DAY,riondeiLL F ANQPII4.. BUCK. Vioe President. WILLIAMS I. BialiCHAßD.Elsoretary. is2l-ift t A NTHRAOITS INSURANCE COMPA NY.—Authorised Capital 1140004—onA7r''za PERPETVAL, Moe No, 321 WelaltElt /Waft. between irkint aIIa Fourth &real, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against lons et damage Fire, on Buildings, Farnitare, and Merchandise rene raL, Aims Inzimanotak on Vessels, Carioca, trig Freights. Wing In &l party of the Inman, CILLECTUILS Jacob Eahar. - - Jo.eeyb Marne,d.. f). a Lather. John Ketcham. . Audanned,:ohn E. tilesurten, viz Pearson Wm. F. Dean. star Biota?. J. E. Baum. JACON EMER, „President. WM. F. DEAN. vie. Preeidee 'll.'ll. t sM. MIT*, 15eoretary. . ap3-te SAVING FUNDS. SAVING ITED STATES 211.118 T COMPANY. corner THIRD and CEEB/. Now titmice. INTEREST FIVE PER CEN V.... - B. R. oliAWFOftp. Yresident. JAIIIII3 R. HUNTER, clearstory an u • roseurer. Office hours, from 10 until 3 o'clock. L Ttus th fel Company is not Joined in any applioation e egislature. A fiIEIDUAN SAVING FOND, S. E. cor- EA- tzar WALNUT and FOURTH Streets, ocegtinties TOsedvs andylly all MAURO Pa de1115134 ai It has always done. aidYNX&YEkili wHILLDir4, President, len ire Join , . M. Wrc.annl. Traturargur COPARTNERSHIP "NOTICES. rrHE FIRM OF BENJAMIN MILNER A -IL CO. we, diesolved on the lath ult., by the decease If* 13 njamin manes. The business of said firm will be no • by the remaining vartnere, JOHN 1011LNI:e, W to Ea, Jr., _ekgiclJ Ad. N HILL,. under the name se sty •of JOHN 21111,N.N8 &W. FRILADKLPIIIA• May 20861- _ ITOTIOB. —The partnership heretofore existing between P eITE R. HALL and FRANCIS BLACKBURNE. Jr.. under the firm of HALL & BLACKWURIVE. was dissolved on the 18th ult., by the decease of Peter Hall. The business of 04 firm wall be settled by PRAriOlid BLACKBURNE., ht. ap3o-8t ALE OF R &RE AND CURIOUS BOORS. —Tg i sale of the ohotoe Boob' of Z ELOTEB.IIOB- E It. ~ of Boston, comprising a eplendtd pollen ioa of ear y- printed B ooke, by Yyneon. De Worde..lito.. nd also the valuable Bibliographical Works of Dtbdin, bon large will be he.d on TiritBDAY, the - K amer, -.&°noising days. Cabssogues may be had keener., .no. 27 South Street. A G ..a-scaLattend town' 316 CRESTN UT - 13treekal-St__ UNIONSnO pPAApPRERR at t t U m N at r uf N aata ß e te D d Gr ad a fa t y ttiki e w C.E m 'S ie . MAGEE'S Stationet7 awn.. sale and retail at 316 CHIOS gr. U C Street. above Third. pIIILADELPIIIA TERRA •l3 0T T m- WORKS, °Moe and Ware Rooms, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. Ornamental Chimps,' Tons. Garden F lo ori ng Statuary. Encausti Tile. MotateoLurist Ornaments. Ventilating and Smoke Fines. Ridge Tile and §lerillarr Ware. eteiun-pressed Pram Pipe. Water ripe, warranted to stand pressure. cheap and dure.bie. The Trade o liberal illustrated Catsupplie d alogues n sent by terns on application by letter. it, a. HARMON. - 1010 CHESTNIeg PENNSYLVANIA CURREN Y.--4). DONOGHUE. 43 Pouth WATER Street, offers for .ale 200 barrel° of New York Steam Refined White and Yellow SUGAR ard 8 ,7 .8.U8:1,1,00D bb's of Philadelphia Steam Refined Clarified and; 8. Brown SUGAR, and we nape of RiO CueeF al, rodooad °ash miens. Pennaylvants deem Of SOlvent Hanks taken at par, in payment on demand. mylet* IVOTIOE.—The Citizens of the different Cities and Towne throughout the State are invited to oompetition for the place et which the nextAN NUALSTATE FAtit 'hall be held. Provides containing inducements and advantages, direeted to tne undersigned Committee. appointed by the Ex ecutive Committee, wilt be received up to end in eluding May eist next. Comqunications should be ad dressed to either of the C OLD o persons : wMgarin., Joan - P. ItingEEPpED. JACOB MISTI, JOHN IL ZIEGLER, Harrisburg, Pa., AMOS E. KAPP, Northumberland. Committee. aga-titvitis! sat r a p. FOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY. LINE, via Delaware and Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Express steamboat Com pany will receive freight on and after MONDAY. 25th instant, and leave daily at S P. al., delivering their ear wig in New York the following days. FllllOOl taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agents No. 14 SOUTH WE Philadelphia. JAMES 11.4ND,Aent. Piers 14 and 1,5 EAST New York. mhSl-iftf my3-Ita2w * isadrise FOR NEW YORK. ---THB phitadellshia Steam Propeller OOMPliff willow:emends their bagmen for the season on Noma, 18th not. Their etearnere are now receiving freight at &land Pier above Pi'alont street. Terme accommodating. AA„ti . li el to n, BAIR it D CO., egi Penth Delaware Avenue. PHILADELPHIA AND witemws_ READING RAILROAD CO., (othoe R 47 South Fount' street./ PHILADELPHIA.. AIM! ZI, DM/. SEASON TJOKETS. On and after May L 1881. season tickets will be issued by this company for the periods of three, six, Enter and twelve months not transferable. • Season sohoul-tiokete may also be had at Wrier cent. discount. These tickets will be sold by the Treasurerat No. 2127 South FOURTH Street, where any further Information oan be obtained. S. OR ADFOHD. ar29.11 Treasurer. SEOIAL NOTION.—SIIIPPERS WILL Please take notice that the South Carolina 11... R Co. have discontinued forwarding all through might and that all geode for consigned tothem must noel beld.4llBrißgn. T ed . S. && 9:1- 4 t.Y6..a.ageUnfilli trill forward. all goods to their address. artoN, 4st., & Co.. No ee crib Wilmtvega. GRAVE -STONES, tiRAVE-STONES.— ILA my stook of Grave storms and ftloaumouts to be b n i m, very reduced price& Please calk sad eielaltee before pureheeme else:where, at Marble Waring or A. wrzrermsazt rof-r. • t Dalt Arena. bates gliiittralattn at. 19000nn 'HAVANA CELARS just ,0 ,,,, received per ateamers Quaker and %arena. colnprieing Cabanas,Figaro , Pease/UN Bernard/101h Black baa, Punchinello. ,EVAlnns. Diablo marina. Verdad. Preemie. &0., &ci s oral! aizei wad qualities, and for sato at the kePei par- CIA LILES Ilux ket rates • • sse VirALls ewe' aui.lBt GW0051,1NY,.8.4.03.-40 Niles Heavy Bap. _Sand IT 0 4 south IRONT Otrwitt. T,A. TION AND JEWELRY 4 1 iscal filru li t he trzufranTigia l aARTI reo . scroeti law" antrum & WiNNOII ZlNO—*Pure SNOW WHITE rinentibic Co.'s ) Oround ni Oil. awl folawe br
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers