l'euerday aftercooe the Anderson Guards were pfosented with a havdsome silk flag by the ladies Neasington. A aword was also presented to Captain Adman- We andentand that two regiments of Pennsyl- Tanis roloutrers will be encamped at West Ches ter waif next weak. several companies of volunteers now occupy the Pinta toot erected at Brawl and Prime streets, tinder the auspices of the Young Men% Christian Agoaistion. A DISTRESSING We. While the volunteers were drilling, yesterday stiervt ,,,n, at Ninth and Walnut streets, a German far mer, Who had been driven from his plantation io maryland. eta miles north of Baltimore, creme u p and related his experience. His house was horned to the ground. Be was compelled to fly nr safely, leaving his wife and family behind him. Proceedings of City Councils. 'he ri,alai stated meeting of both branches of 1 a Cannella was held yesterday - afternoon. SELECT COUNCIL. Inertial, Copier, president, in the chair. petitions and communications, as follows, were presented ' From the First Regiment of Rifles, First Bri s, s tating ngthat se they igbad a regiment of seven hdred and venty-eht men, the families of of whom were in want, and asking Council. ;i ike an appropriation for their relief. From doers ' miles, recommending a camp of instrun tin to be formed in-the city. From the Philadel. p hi. Medical Society, asking for a permanent hospital for the reception of small-pox oases. ; q r . ITETFIERILL, from the committee on the protection and defence of the city, reported that they faced it necessary that the appropriation i bueld be increased in order that the city should be properly guarded. The report was accompanied o ) , an ordinance milling for an additional appro. pruidon of .$2OO 000 The ordinance passed finally. petition was read from the United States Fire Company, stating that forty-seven of their mem hers had volunteered, and that they were now usable to contribute to its support, unless located ss a steam fire engine Referred. The Committee on Law reported an ordinance spiropriating MO for the payment of witnese tees, . in the contested-election case of Joseph Cald well. Adopted. There being no business before the Chamber, a T ecese of ball an hour was taken. On reassembling, the ordinance from Common Coaneil, respecting the City Ice Boat, was COD arzed in. Also, the resolution to meet Common Council in convention, for the purpose of electing on e member of the Guardians of the Poor. The bill authorizing the payment of an old cul vert claim wag postponed for one week. A resolution requesting the Receiver of Taxes to notify Councils of the amount expended for pub aihing the names of delinquent tax-payers was concurred in. .4 resAution of thanks to Jacob J. Gumpper, for ceer i r g to loan to the city the sum of 55 COO for pro years, without interest, was referred' to the Committee on Finance. The Chamber now proaeeded to meet the Cdm men branch in convention, and on reassembling .eepurned. COMMON COUN2IL Baran submitted an ordinanoe authorising the trustees of the City fee Boat to place her in the service of the United States Government_ Apreed is. Tao President stated that, in aooordance with the ordinance passed at the last meetirm, directing :he Presidents of Councils to appoint two mem. lnra of each branch, as well its three eitiltethe to tot with them in company with the City Soliei Or, in the distribution of the appropriation of i , 125,00 0 for the use of the families of volunteer& who may need assistance. he had appointed Wil liam Potter and Wm. McLoughlin, (Councilmen ; ) and Norris Baldwin, John Robbins, Jr , and Peter Williamson, (citizone ) A communication was resolved from Gen. John D. ffiilee, recommending the opening of a camp near this city, to be used for the purpose of drill ing volunteers and rendering them familiar with camp life. Gen, Miles offers to bike charge of the &imp, and asks an appro - nation of 0,000 to open ;nnediatoly. Referred to Committee on National A petition wad received signed by John Baßyer, George Wynkoop, and Charlea Enen, officers of the First Brigade of Pennsylvania volunteers, imting that they have island a regiment of volun teers. and that many of their families are In need of support. Referred to Committee on National Affiinr. A memorial was received from the Philadelphia county Medical Society, asking for the establish ment of a permanent building for a email•pox hoe• rite. Referred to the Committee on Health. A communication was received from George Shaeffer, asking to be released from the contract of cleansing the streets in the Third district. Mr. Snuffer states that he himself, as well as a large number of his workmen, have enlisted, and are ready to march in defence of their country. Re ferred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Kean offered the following To the President and Members of COMMOIt Gonad! : GENTLRIIRN.: Believing it to be the duty of eery citizen to aid the constituted authorities to tie extent of his ability during the presentuortatu ral rebellion, I hereby tender to the city of Phila delphia a loan of five thousand dollars without interest for two years if the war should last eo long If the same is accepted, draw on me for the money forthwith. Yours respectfully. J. J. GIIMPPER, NO- TM 'North Second street, Sieventh ward. The Telling of the above elicited much applause. It was referred to the Committee on Finenoe. A resotution Wag adopted directing the Com missioner to Funding, a flag for the West Philo, delphia Hall. Mr BACKER, from the 0-cmretcose un 1. - manes. submitted an ordinance creating a loan of P 1.000.000 to meet the expenses ineident to the defence of the city, and for other purposes. Agreed to . Also, an ordinanoe to pay nine hundred dollars to Daniel McNichols and James McCullough for the conetruotion of culverts. Agreed to: The Committee on Wharves and Landings re pined an ordinance directing the Commissioner of market houses to ex tend the term of the lease of .lohnE. Grant, for Spruce street wharf, for five jean, at a rent of one hundred dollars per annum, provided Grant shall repair the wharf, under the mperrision of the proper authorities, at hie own :legate. Agreed to. Mr. Kama presented a resolution of thanks to Jacob Gumpper, . for his patriotic offer in ten dering a loan of $5,000, without interest, to the oily for a period of two years, for the use of the Mihail! Agreed to. The yeas and nays were called, on motion of Mr. Fasreali, to take up the ordinance providing for the extension of the water works. Agreed to. The bill was then voted upon on its final passage, and agreed to by a two-thirds vote. an ordinance wee received from Select Conrail from the Committee on Public Safety, direeting the Mayor to authorize such measures to be taken for the protection and defence of the city of Pniladel phia, and enlarging the pewees of the committee' aloe, appropriating $210,01103, to be applied to Rich current expenses as may be incurred in the die charge of their duties. Mr. Brmarei wanted to know for what this ap propriation would be required before he voted for the ordinance, Mr. Ileaman did not know that any member of the committee could tell whet they were going to do with the $250 000. A resolution was adopted at the last meeting directing the Committee on finance to advertise for a loan of one million of dollars, A reeolution was also adopted appro priating £5O 000 for the purchase of arms and am munition for the Rome Guards. if it was required to purchase arms for ten thousand men, a large sum would be required, but he hoped the Home Guards could be supplied without paying for them. The qoattermeatet general and OOMMiS3BIIOt would attend to the wants of the soldiers passing through Philadelphia, but there were hundreds and thousands of men here who have gone out of employment and joined the regular army. They are not yet ealled into Retina service. and many of their families need food. He believed the com mittee had the confidence of Councils, and that the money entrusted to their charge would be ex pended judiciously- Be thought it would be ad visable to appropriate the (300,000 to enable the committee to be prepared for any emergency. Mr. BLUM was perfectly satisfied with the ex planation. He was as patriotic as any member in the chamber. Be merely wished to know what the committee purposed doing, and felt convinoed they would distribute the money to the bested. vantage. Mr. BET EL urged the importance of having the wants of our volunteers promptly attended to. Mr. Qcriste thought we had plenty of money, and let us spend it liberally for the comfort of our soldiers. Many of them are mechanics and labor ing men, who, with their self-eacrificing spirit, have abandoned their homes in order to carry on our stars and stripes to glory and to victory. Let their families. then, be immediately furnished with the erasesearies of life. The ordinance was unanimously agreed to. Mr. QUINN inked leave to present to Couciells the first trophy of the war jest inaugurated. The trophy to which he alluded was a nag . borne by the SeresslottiSlE during the rooent riot in Baltimore, and captured by , member of the Buena 'Pieta orowde, under command of Captain Powers. Mr. Q made an eloquent end patriotio speech auto gistio of the Guards. Mr. Lynn offered a rezolution of acceptance of the flag, and tendering the thanks of Councils to the donor. The ordinance from Seleot Council, making an appropriation of 53 von, in addition to a previous appropriation of S IS 000, for the creation Or a 'wheel house in the Fifteenth ward. was taken up Pending he discuesion, Select Council entered the chamber for the purpose of going into joint convention ,to elect a member of the Gaardiana of the Poor, to fill the unexpired term of Mahlon Dl:kinson. Nathan Howland was elected. The ordinance from Select Council, relative 10 the school-house in the Fifteenth ward, was not Concurred in; or, rather, no quorum voted, and Council adjourned. LARCENY AND RECEIVING STOLEN GOODS.— Yeeterday afternoon Michael and Henry Erfick son, two brothers, were befOre Alderman Battler, at the Central IMMO htationi upon the charge of being implicated in the larceny of about floe ham '3red dollars' worth of gold metal from Waitt Crocker, watch case makers. One of the brothers was employed with Messrs. Want A Crocker, and stole the gold and traded it to the other brother, who sold it to tierorge Leo, a poreho4er of old gold and silver, at Second and Chestnut streets. Lee was also arrested and held in $1 000 bail to answer at eeurt. The brothers were committed in default of bail to answer. 4 THE WHALE EXCILEMENT.--21Ueu excite went is created in Kensington by a monster whale now on exhibition at the Penn Treaty grounds. above Hanover street, Eighteenth ward. He was killed after a hard struggle of two days. A few enterprising Kensingtontans conceived the idea of purchasing and exhibiting it to the public. We visited the ground yesterday, and found it crowd ed by the curious of both sexes. Those of our Sillseue who wish to see the huge monster had bat ter avail themselves of the present opportunity, as he will be withdrawn in a day or so on account of the wa rm th of the weather. DROWIXED litztt rovem---Yealaztily Morning Ills coroner held an ioqueat on the body of a man lOW was found drowned at Washington-street wharf- The body has been in the water so long that tt will be atincet impossible to recognize it Mons other articles found on the person of the deceased was a letter diteoted to George M BM: tending in a court at Front and South streets. SennEw Deavn.—Last evening &man named /hater fell, at Eleventh anti fiprnoo street", white in the ant of lighting a gas•lamp. Se was cam vv7o4 to a hones in that vicinity, and died' a few momenta attar. !IIA HAIM CASE. —A man named john horpo, residing in Whitney street, formerly Ringgold, running from Passyank road, above Washington street, belongs to a company attached b Colonel Barb's Regiment, and is now at Per rysville When he left the oily the last month's rent of his house was unpaid, and his wife who is ill, has been notified that, unless the amount is paid at once, her family will be turned into the street. The case is a distressing one. FELL DEAD..—An old man, wbose name we could not avcertain, fell dead, at Eleventh and Lrmbard streets, about nine o'oloott last evening. He resided at No. 419 Dean street. Neer Dann.—A Mr. Brown arrives from Norfolk lest evening, and reports that Captain Rogers was not killed at the burning of the ships at that place, but was captured and held as a host age by the Secessionists Public Amusements, 11 ALISIIIT STRUT ThEATRZ.-111r. Sothern had a crowded house last evening—n large number of volunteers being present, who cheered the many Union allusions to the echo, insisted on a double encore of Mrs. Cowelre Northern version of "Dixey," and laughed at Mr. Bothern's irresisti ble witticisms until they eould laugh no longer for want of breath. This evening Mr. Bothern takes his benefit, when " Our Ameridan Cousin at Hems" will, of course, be repeated, and in ad dition, an entirely new comedietta, entitled " Bothern in a Fix,"llo which the hero, played by the tisnefiaiaire, is guiltier a series of the most iidiculeus escapades ; but we will not mar the en joyment of our readers by detailing hit secrets ARCH•STREET THEATRE.—MISS Emma Taylor takes her benefit this evening, when she presents an exceedingly strong bill for the patronage of her Mende, commencing with lino &hoot for Co• gnaws," followed by "The Toodles," and con cluding with " The Six Degrees of Crime," in the delineation of which the entire company will appear. PROFESSOR ANDERSON, continues to do a fine business in tbe delineation of magic arts at Concert Halt His feats are entirely new, so cleanly and elegantly performed, and the whole entertainment is so thoroughly gratifying and commendable in its character, that we advise our readers to witness it. Miss Ellen Anderson is a very charming young lady, and an excellent pianist. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. During the prevalenoe of the military excite ment, the courte have orient/wed considerable lifficulty in compelling the attendance of jurors, many of whom have joined volunteer companies, and are actively engaged in drilling In the Dis trict Courts the juror! have been discharg ed for the remainder of the present term. In the United States Circuit Court, Judgee Oder and Cadwala der, the 0880 of Heilman va. Roberts is still on trial. The counsel are engaged with the argu ment. It will be concluded to-day. Judge Thomp son is holding Quarter Seasiona, and disposing of assault and battery, and like unimportant twee. The News. (From the Baltimore American, April 25.1 Affairs in the city have returned eo nearly to their ordinary condition as to furnish few points for comment. Thera is still some excitement, an air of curiosity and anticipation pervades the peo ple, military preparations go forward, business is suspanded;the mails nearly a thing of the past, and the telegraph only a remembrance, bat the out ward manifeatatdona of the revolution have Dub sided for the time. The special election yester day for delegates to the State Aesembly passed so quietly that It was diffieult to discover the locality of the preoindt polls. There was but one ticket in nomination, and therefore no contest The Federal Government is rapidly reinforcing Washington via. Annapolis The officers of the Norfolk boat which arrived up yesterday morning report passing five ships, supposed to contain Uni ted States troops. We have also reports of several steamboats passing down the Bay from Perryville, with troops on board. The first detachment com menced passing the Annapolis .Tunetion at yes terday noon. It was about 2 500 strong, and coin po-ed in part of the New York Seventh. A aeoond detachment, of 3,000 men, were about to move from Annapolis. The troops mania from Annapolis to Washington, the railroad Matilde% in pOlll3OBSiOll of the Government being used for the transportation of stores and provisions, of which large amounts are reported to be going forward So tar no arm ed opposition to the passage of the troops is re ported. The letter of our Annapolis' correspondent gives additional and interesting particulars of affairs. A fleet of transports, acoompanied by the revenue antler _Harriet Lane, arrived off the harbor yes terday, with eight thousand New York and Penn ssilvania troops. The Seventh Regiment sent by a Baltimorean, who came up from Annapolis yester day, a message to the City Guard battalion, show ing that even the anticipation of war has not made the Seventh forgetful of their former friends. The United States frigate Conststueron was off Anna polis, and it is reported was to sail for the mouth of the Patapsco. Intelligence from Norfolk reports the rapid con centration of Virginia trooos at that What. Se veral composites from Georgia had also arrt...a there. The whole number assembled is reported at 7 000. A section of an ordinance passed by the Virginia Convention is published in the Richmond papers. It authorizea the Governor to " owl into the service of the State as many volunteers as may be necessary to repel invasion, and protect the of h in i ni t hA t tedai tti e L innn!. 4 .l / . 2 l 4l :firigon " nut farther blocked up by the sinking of the old ship United States, in which Decatur captured the Macedonian. The Federal troops at Fortress Monroe are supposed to be fortifying the Rip Raps, an tmfinished fortification nearly opposite, sod' the the month of the entranoe to riatopwa Roads •• . The lights on the Virginia shore of the Chem. yoke Bay are being removed or extinguished, it as supposed by order of the authorities o f th a t State. • Affairs in Virginia. TERMATKNIXD ATTACK ON FORT KONROW BOSTON, April 24, 1861 —The steamer S. . R Spaulding arrived this morning. Captain Howes reports that he arrived at For tress Monroe at 11 o'clock Saturday forenoon. There were eight hundred regulars at the fort. The State of Maine, with the Fourth regiment, arrived soon after. The troops were transferred to the United States sloop-of-war Pawnee, and deepatohed to Norfolk, to aid in the demolition of the Navy Yard. Commodore Paulding had just returned from Washington, and expressed himself to Captain Howes in a determined manner. relative to allaying his instructions. The Pawnee left Port Monroe Saturday night. The troop& were in good spirits, all well, and eager to be at their post of duty. It was reported that about 5,000 Virginia troops were in and about Norfolk, and more were ar riving. Captain Howes reports that the Vir. gioians talk of storming Fortress Monroe, as that is the only possible way of taking it. That, how , ever, will bo no easy matter, as the fort, though large, is surrounded by a until thirty itia foot wide, with eight feet of water at low tide. The land approach is a narrow neck about one hundred feet wide. The Government had given notifica tion to the residents in the vicinity of impending dangsrs, and they were hastening away. The Virginian' think the fort can be taken, but calcu late upon a great loss of life. The J. B. Spaulding, after leaving her troops, proceeded to Baltimore to take n return cargo, but did not come to her when. The captain was in formed that two hundred men had been under arms all night to setae the steamer. There had been no reinforcement of Fort fdellettry up to the time of his leaving on Sunday. There were about one hundred regulars in Fort McHenry. The Virginians were erecting batteries at Sta. wen's Point, opposite Port Monroe, and overlook ing Hampton Roads Captain Howes reports the lighthouse at Cape Henry not lighted at four A. M. en the morning of the 224. The Government has pureltased the steamers South Carolina and Maseackle.sette ' Dow lying at this port, of the late Boston and Charleston line. A Secession Train Attacked at Frank fort, Kentucky. EFrem the Louisville Demoorat.) The citizens of Frankfort are taking strong grounds against seciesaion in their vicinity. Yes. tarday, al the train on the Central Kentucky road was parsing . through that city, conveying a body of troops to pin the Southern Confederacy, it was attacked by the citizens, and a lively battle en sued. The particulars, as we learn them from an eye.witness, are as fellows At the time of the arrival of the train, angst. tog of four oars, a dattructive fire wal raging at Frankfort. Upon the train was a company of volunteers, numbering 115 members, under command of Capt. Naha, and coming from the vicinity of Cynthiana. As the train approached, the volunteers began to shout for ".leff. Davis and the Southern Cozfede- , racy." They were met with replies of "The I Union and the Coastitution." When the train stopped at the station the volun teers were ordered to show their flags, which they did, displaying a Secession flag fmm the window of the car. Several missiles were thrown at it, when the lieutenant of the company drew a re volver and fired into the crowd. Immediately the oars were attached by the citizens, and boulders, pavinpatones, etc., rained upon it promiscuously. Two efforts were made to start the train, and twine it was stopped, but the volunteers keeping nude? cover, were so far protected that but little personal damage wee effected. At a third attempt the train got under way, and went on with its Secession load, highly gratified that they bad escaped with their lives. The greatest excitement prevailed during the remainder of the day, and threats ware made to tear up the track. Prominent citizens declare that no more trains bearing Secession troops shall psis through that , place, and we presume if the attempt is made that scenes of violence will be the remit. While we deprecate scenes of violence, unless under the order of the Government, at the same time we moat sa 9 that by this act we have hope that Kentucky is in earnest in the preservation a of the neutral position she his asenm ea Important from the Texas Coast. [From the New Wears Picavane.l We are informed by the special messenger of t h e od za to. dlreet Isom o..liiiseas., ,bet .kbe steamship Matagorda, of the New Orleans and Texas line, has been taken possession of by the military an i thorities at Galveston, and fully armed gm quipped as a man. of-war, to meet the pre sent einerganoy. The first aerobia of the Matagorda will be to intercept the Star of the West, from Indianola, with United States troops, to take possession of her, and bring her into Galveston. We also learn, by the geese Ineatenger, that Dr. Mann, the Mayor of Breshear, and Captain Kerr, the commandant at that pleas, have taken pos session of the schooners Mary and Typhoon, about to sail thence North with cargoes of lice ...k, sad that they are bald snidest to the authori ties of the Confederate &idea. The value of these vessels, with their cargoes seised, Is estimated at some $30,000. The timber was all dressed, and was destined for the Charles town and other navy yards North. The vessels, lat last sieseanta, were under surveillance by the revenue-cutter Ksng, and will thus remain until further orders. PLAwron Deackw, Esq., a member if the Ken• tacky Legislature, is enrolling a regiment ofl,Boo men for service in the cause of the Confederate States. Important Irons Pensacola. I.From the Gosoinnati Gazette. ADrtl ZIA For several days past reports have been circu lated in this city that a Wit took place at Fort Pickens on Wednesday or Thursday of lank week, and that the rebels wore defeated with a heavy loss. We have now a confirmation of the main fee tore of the above statement. Mr J J. Clark, drum.major at Newport, has received a letter from his eon, who is drum inapt - at Fart Nakano, which esys that on the 17a, inst. Fort Pickens was no. successfully attacked by the Secession forms, who were driven back with a loss of thirty-three men. Not a person in the garrison was injured. IT ik3 expected that the Pensacola and Monte mery Railroad Will be completed in five days There are from aia to seven miles yet to iron FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The !Roney Market. PHILADELPHIA, April 25, 1851. There was little done at the Stock _Board to day. Prices were rather more firm than on yesterday. Reading Railroad stook improved a, City BUM were grow; at 91 end 96 for the old and new loans respectively, and Pennsylvania Railroad securities were steady at about yesterday's quotations. There is nothing doing in the Money market. Exohonge is high for domestic, and so low for foreign that holdera 'mho are able prefer keeping it to selling at the ruling rates. The quotations for domestic exchange are nureaanably high. Pittsburg currency is quoted at 4 to 6 per cent., and the notes of banks quite near at hand, from which there cannot be any great expense in col teeing, can only be immediately converted into bankable money at a shave of from to 2 per cent. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, April 25,1861. REPORTED BY H. E. BLANNLAKIIII, MeTollSlit6' 'Mahan. FIRST BOARD. MOO Farina R let in....-11* 3 Harrisburg R...... 60 Ir 00 do— .100 Boa City 64..--- 91 3000 do OE( 500 do , 91 50 Reading ..... 1500 1000 do —.. 01 50 do . . 15% 100 Lehigh 6r, • - 7 141 3: 5 West Phila R..... 57 1000 Lehtsti Val Bda d0..._ —. 57 1000 d 0—...-- BETWEEN 13OARD5. COO Pennsylvania 5s --. —..... --........... 85.Pi BECO.ND BOARD. . 1000 renna it 2d at, „ ...... 84 2 Penno R.- —O2cP SG mo do --...10wn 83 5 II mehill R ..,....- 52 4000 do --- . Fawn 83 1000 21 &.3d-ste Ea..- 93 4 Penal R e& P 36 IRO ath&dth. sts R7s- 91 6 do„C&P 36 2616 abt Peoria 55..-- 80 1 do- -...C&P 36 500 do_...— .-- .80 camairi a rittose--STEADY. Bid. Asked 3id. Asked. Philadelphia 69- $ 0 91 Morrie Can oon. » 50 Phil& fie R.—. 90 91 Nib 19 es 'B2 -.-- 65 Phila 58 . new- ill - Elmira 7e '7.5., ... 59 64 renua Cor...— 80 MIK Long Inland E. -. . 834 10 Rend ft ... IL ... n 10V Leh 01 & Di.- .s.** 51 I li end bds .- iu 4 ...- ~ 85 ri Pa R6n ..int - o. .. dO Read mt 83'80 '43 .. 0,3 i 61 . Penna R 10n.-.80 .. Read mt 68 'M.- - 79 Frank & Bonthar . z. 41 Penna a ex. div. 86 3635 6 aoe&Vine-et it• 6 8 Penna R 29 mile 82 84 Meat Phila it-- -. 67 Philadelphia Markets. The Flour market is inactive but firm, with a fair trade demand, at $6 87'%05.50 for superfine; $66235® 6.17.1‘ for extras $8c6.26 for family ; arid $6.6007.60 for fancy brands, ao:ording to quality. There is little or no export inquiry. Rye Flour is selling in a small way at $3.60 tsr bid. Corn Meal is scarce, and Pennsylvania is very firm at $2 TS 4P' bbl. Gnaix.--There is less Wheat offering, and holders are firm in their views. About 6000 bushels Reid at 128 161313 for fair to prime Western f ennarlvarna red in store and afloat ; 1350135 e for Delaware do ; and Melia for oomnirn and good Western white, in sure. ate is steady, and about Lan bushels Pennsylvania sold at 68a afloat. Corn is firm and rather more =Vire. Some COO bushels sold at 62e foramens dry lots afloat, and 67 rolific for damp. Oats are unchanged. Pennsylvania are 5011101 r in lot, front store at Me, Tho'o9 o 4o are kflitti tikag.—Quareitron continues in demand and scarce, at $2660 for first fro 1. Corrox.-1 here is no demand, and too little doing to establish a quotation. GROCERIES are steady, with some further sales of Coffee and Sugar to rare at previous rates. FaOVISIONS —There is a firm demand for Boer and Yore, and 1 000 bbls have been sold at $l6 for the for mer and $2O for the latter. GILT Men. 830011 and Lard are quiet. and Cut Meats firm at previous quotations. liZEDS.—There is very little (Novenae(' offering or selling, and prices range at $4.60na.75 4P bushel. Timothy and Flaxseed are dull. Walt-Er is pelagic en a small way at 18a for Peurisal vaiiia bins; 18Ko for Onto do ; 170 for drudge ; and Min for nos, CITY ITEMS. FLAG RAISING IN THE TWENTIETH WARD Lastavemng at I o s oloai, aha mlet:five flag vtaa thrown to the breeze from the Builder's Mill of Abel Reed. Esq., on Marshall street above Girard avenue, Twentieth ward. This tribute to the absorbing send- meet of the hour waa made by the emptoyeea of the eatabliehment. A platform had been erected on the pavement, and at the appointed time a German mi itary company, accompanied with martial mimic, marched up and took their position in the street to front. At given Mote the Bag tell gracefully from the head of the eta; whioh was followed by nine voorferous ohms in honor of the stare and strinte. Mr. Reed was next called to,,,the chair by acclamation. and the soldiers and oitizeue assembled, whioh had by this time grown to a numerous throng, united in tinging with much spirit the •"Star-Spangled Banner." The Bang concluded, Mr. Geo. W. B offman. fireman of the estabhshment. came forward and read a series of resolutions abound ing in loyal sem iments and musing appeals to the, la-. boring M... Th • atellffrifidiftrterterse ifearty cheers fita f M t'''tiger." Air. Hoffman then prooeeded at con siderable length to deliver a variant speeth, in the course of which he alluded to the seer:flee§ made be our forefathers, in order to prooute the national bless ings symbolized by the noble tricolor which they had just un.urled, and urged upon his fellow. mechanics the duty of responding promptly to them country% cab, ever that those liberties Isere el dansered at the hands et traitor'. Ms speech was received with frequent demotatratons of app'anse. We understand that every employee in Atir.Rerti's establishment ts ready t-3 march at an how% notice should an emergency re- (Rip it. At the close of the ceremonies the ibrocras 11111.111411.1.10.0111118. ' ANOTHER WNORHOIIS MAO. At ten o'clock yesterday morning anotberaplendid addition to the gay, patriotic , display presented by the mercantile houses on Third street. wananade by the eeseseelen of mammoth fifty from the large drt-goolls house of Messrs. James, Kent. Emma, & Co, 439 and 211 North Third street. The thirty four white stars alone contain over thirty yards of muslin. end the blue field over slaty yards of tnnting. The entire flay bas a length or fort!-tour feet by thirty feet in width, the red and white stripes, which are *seamless. being made of French merino. 3 he whole contains; over four hundred yards of material. and viewed from the fifth story of their building—as we had an opportunity of doing soon after it was unfolded to the brei ze—it presents a stir ring and imposing appearance, while from the street below it waves its proud folds across the thoroughfare like an immense aerial gateway. THE OELISBRATED MICHENES. RMS.—Mean. J. li. N idle Per & Co.. general provision dealers, Fos. 142 and lel North Front street—whose adverossmeot wilt be bound under its proper bead in another part of our paper—are the "mums" of the celebrated "Excel sior" Sugar-cured Barns. vrtich, among discriminating citizens in such mat•ers, have become so popular ih t several of our pritteigni city geoe,ere &Wing in them have said to us. that the name of Micbener & Co. bed become so identified with the best hams in the market that tote persons were willing to buy any others than the " Excelsior" article, sugar-cared by this firm. ;hying personally iinhisott d the ham in intentlirn tante " pudding" test, of eating it. we are fully prepared to endorse the correctness of this popular preference. Daring the season now approaching it is well known that good ham is the most wholesome meat that can be eaten, and it therefore becomes en item of importance to know inhere this Gan be Obtained at all times with moat certainty. Our reply is, tit any of the grocers who been the Idichener, or "Excelsior" ham, cured as stated above at 142 and 144 North Front street. GENTS' Fontirsrtutn GOODS VON THE ARMY.— Mears, R, Q, Walborn & co., Noe. 5 and 7 North Sixth street. are rendering effective service to the patriot's canoe at this time, by aching everything necessary and suitable for the soldiers at the most moderate prices, and, as our citizens are doubtless generally aware. Unit' Moon of goods under this head is one of the most extensive and complete in the country. We recently heard a gentleman remark that, no man knew the lux ury of wearing a shirt unless he had tried Walborn's make. We second that motion. ARMY GOODIL — WO invite attention to the ad vertisement of army goods, by Messrs. A. T. Lane & Co., 419 Market street, in another column. LIPS INSURANCE AND THE WAR.—By reference to our /advertising oolomns it arid be seen that the American Life Insurance and Trait Company, at a meeting of the 80a,•4 of Managers, adopted rules re gulating the conditions upon whion those holding policies may enter the military service of the country. The rules are very liberal, and but a slight advance of premium rates are made. Wu. WARNOCK, 45 North Eighth 'Artist, has re ceived an invoice of Safety 1' (pokes, (patent applied for,) which recommend themselves to ladies who do not wish to lose their money by pickpockets. • Tux RESIGNATION OF GENERAL SCOTT —The re ports of the resignation of . the Ilero of Lundy'* Lane" are simply absurd. The gallant and patriotic old General is at Washington, determined to errenarvent traitors, and to shoot off a few of the Botapurs who de- sire to serge the National Capital, General Scott re sign? The bare thought is monstrous, and there is no more probability of his declining to serve his country in the present crisis, than there is of hot ceasing to wear the elegant garments made at the Brown Stone Clothing Ball of Rockhiil le Wilson, Nos. 603 and 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth. THE. STEAUSEIP PERSIA DETAINED AT NEW Yozg.—We learned yesterday that Lord Lyons, the British minister at Washington. has ordered the steam ship Persia to be detained at New York for the purpose of reoeurtng 'important &in:etches for her Majesty's Government. These despatches will deolare to the British Government that tit - slush the enthusiastic up rising of the freemen of the North, the fact is demon strated th :t ours is the strongest Govert ment in the world. and must be so respected, The Malting of army clothing is properly alluded to, and much stress is laid upon the fact that the best and cheapest clothing in the world, accompanied with beautiful gifts, may be ob tained at the mammoth store of Granville stokes, 609 Chestnut Erect, Suits of all deeoriptions are kept constantly on hand, and sold at the lowest prices. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ZEE POURTE PAGE- ARRIVED. 0. Rohr Clayton & Lowber. Jackson,l day from Smyrna ,pea, with corn to Jas L Bowie, & vo. OLF:ARZI). So hr Neptune, noir.... Ileekeugeelc,J illeklaten. Soh , ' Judge Hogg iugogt. Slams Neer Haven. do Bar S M Eloaadick. Arno d, Norwich. Comer. Stick nay WelLunton. IdBIIIO.IIANDa gtelintshia FMnire CUT, Brown, trOm Indianola nth inst. via Havana 19th. arrivist at Plow Perk yeatarO.Y. brim Bella Donna, Tennessee. for Philadelphia, en tered for loading at Liverpool 9th inst. - Ship Uncle Joe. Pintham, sailed tram Liverpool 12th met. /..r Philadelphia. ' mope rlorida. Mortimer, and Premident. Kruse, for Philadelphia, entered anterard at Ulla/Dual 12Lk I.llBt. Ships Guy 'Mannerine and Panama, nom Liverpool, armed al hew York yesterdal. Ship Lariat Rookh, Reid, from Liverpool, arrived at Batt , more yesterday_ Evils. 0 New.. Higbee, from Segue, arrived at Bal timore •no goat. 8.1. llowlett. Doane' f rem Wilmingl6ll. NC arrived orilumore 2.2 , 1 Met, - Bohr 8 Weahboni, Tarataer, sailed from Taunton loth mat. for Pl:math:Obi& &Mr Jae Neilson, hurt, hence, arrived at Taunton 22d lass.. Bohr J W Dodge, French, hence arrived at Salem spa inert_ Bohr Western Star, Croaell, allayed at Boston 2ith inst. for Philadelphia. sett s xehante Orr, and Sas Oareelon. Knight. from Portland 102 Ybilatlelphia. sailed from /tonnes' tio.o Mb met- Sehrs H Dennis. hence for Mario; Wm Peacock. do for Braintree; and Teliataaeo, do to: from Itolmes' Bele Pith mat. Sabra canova. from Calais. and t; A Snow, from Mt Desert for rhiladeiphia, gelled from Hairnet' Bove 26th inetent. B o n l i 5 Waterman, Bowman, and Boston, Brower, hence. arrived et new Bodiont 24th Ind Steamer , Ironeiden. Vanderveer. Anthracite. Joaee, and TaeOtlY. Ely, hence, arrived at Ilew York ye THE PRESS.-PHILADELPH I A , NUDAY, APRIL 26, 1861. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTEL?, CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. W B Peaae Parton, Ohio Maj_fiermont. Dayton. 0 J Leeoh,.P,Urbera Ft welkin!, Neer York Wm F Johnson J.. W Grimes. lowa N P .ancer W L Pearce. Marra e.O Robt tl!ckley & wf. N Y Min Barkley.., ew York Mrs 14 C Pomeroy, Kansass Bo per, ISt Louis Levi Hubbco, Miiwockoo Ana Tciton. New York Jun &FOB,. Ohio Wm C pamd. Beaton JisoJ ticiehrsa. La-onager J 1I dtewort, Washington T T Martin, Mary laud NlOOlOll/11). HOlO.Oll Jos Ni Partridge. New York Hon J Sherman, Ohio W T Gallon. Portland A 1 4 Mitchell Missouri Hon 1 . Jones Yorke, N J So.ml It II e blond. N y ork J•s Laneaster W W Wright, Dowoinge'n Mr P-nfield & kg. Walsh C/3 Penfield.. Washington Mn Babcock, Washington T Lutkins, New York Dr bit Jorsay .7 Belden. readinC. Parma Geo M Dains, New York famish .Atkins, Baltimore Mill. 8 8 Atkins, Baltimore 'Mrs istrgeneon. Baltimore W Simonton, Washington Ic C clareent, Boston J W Cohron, Boston B B Schneider, N Yo-k. J Mu let. New York Soon Taliaferro, W Point L W Groff, Lisnoaster M! Slake. New York F A Me 7. New York C R Maltby & wf, Batt Miss A Maltby, Baltimore Miss k Maltby. Bolo More Mre Maltby & de, Balt T U Walter &. la, Vitae& R 8 Walter, Waehingron Chas M. Stout. U 8 A W Flrmstone, Penn& B Titus, Easton H Alert era. Boron 0 H Breneman. Lancaster A Finney . Peoria H Adams. Washington Mrs imam Virginia J H bleredbh & la. Batt Mre A L Holley. N York Mrs A Remick & Balt Mrs A Ni Beat, Boston J F 1 Bonnier. hew York RC a no_e_er. Boston 11 •rdner & la, Boston MARIN W Cobb. Banton W Richardson. Mass James Hoy, New York Dr Hammond, U A R E Wynn, MasegionUsette J W Fuller, Catesauqua B W Neon.. Measachusetta John 'Hughes Evan Thomas. Jr J IVlPerk & la, Maryland IR. Randall. New York 1' H Eastman. Dew York Geo Brown. New York Geo 8 Barthel!, Mass Gen Jones New York w R W hittier. Man C B Whitney. Moos John F k ray. New York G H Ry•roon & la J 8 Ely . . Providence J H Puchanan. Baltimore C J ''olliemus. New York J B Odo-o. > eunessce M W worm re Tenn Mr Montgomery & le, Pa J Thatcher,ry. al Chun l k ti T cordon New York W Wilm. C M Breit. Sown A Gillard la. New York B Mullen. Carlisle, Pa G M llueaell, Maryland 8 8 Keyser, Baltimore Semi Keyser, Ba lti more o. N Voles. New York M unn 'Keyser. P Chandler A la. Wash G W Robarts, Chicago F T Moulton. Pew York F M Binutiam, N JeITCY W J mere & In. Albany T W Higgins in. Matta R A :careen, New aet ic Geo Shaw, Ohio WEI Murray la, H York N N Horned & la, N York E T Insane, Massachusetts J J Goodwin. New York 14 Flees. l' mono J R Buehler. Eng and H convene, Cenneeticut H F Massachusetts e:Naoderson, New York lea r n Fneksh Zan eavi le A Norornme. Uhl° Cruse, New York R T Maroon J F Zeb ey. New York Mr Jones. New York Copt E T Conner, Penne F Berk, Baltimore mERcHANTOP HOTEL—Pourth 'treat. below Arch. J Mon, Bunks manly Amos Riegel. M Chunk J J Ilunean. Pennsylvania, fe Walker. Vlrtima P.l Conner. Cincinnati.° W W Updagraff Kama B C Bowmen. Clearfield Wm Kennedy, Penn'a .1 H Keer. Pennsylvania J . g ltiehaydson.lndianop's G P Parrish, Wilsesberre John Hough, Newtown Chas Hod gm!. Ohio Wm Wade. Pittsburg 1' Grata. Milton Penn's W Housel, Easton Paine{ Able, Keeton Emory John.ol3, Conn P a Him:Me. Philadelphia F S Beta, nolumbia B Berger, Pennervsnia Hon Wm Bigler. Penn's Dr 1' W Ma.mne. tatb'n ao H T Garrison, Virginia Sam P Hoover & la. Westen E T Poster. Mauch Chunk Rioted Meily.Alealhamemb'g EC Hughes New York R C Bowman, Clearfield Jim le Croll. York, Pa J C Welton. Conneoliout J M Perkins. Pittsburg Merrick. Pittsburg John C Sinnard. ohio R Polmes. Palma M Gutman, Baltimore 1W Gutman. Huntingdon J W Hanna. Look Raven Vanlaon, Lucerne no, Pa R Hutchins. Luanne ao Vanloon.'Lugerne no. Pa fi Riehmond, Luaerne co P B Richmond, Virginia AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Fifth Thos Realer. Penna. H Crittenden, Phila 811 Fmerenn. W Chester Geo A Sumner. Sew York D CO Krause,_Alleclown 1) Reit, New York S Futhey, west Chester W urose. Bsltimore B Dickey. rixford, Pa Dr Thome, W Cheater T K Memo, Folm , loo G Bast, Schuylkill co Joe 11 Btiley, W Ciirei.r Jesse /amen, Jr., Palla James B White. New Yoik Geo BOMA. blew York Wm B Smith- New York G c Ballard, Maine W Chate, Maine C W Wields, West Cheer HM Ms Intire. W Chester John Wo I W Chewer Jeffries, W Chester J B trirk. St Clair MissJ F Lee, Media, C W J ace, Delaware O G Benson, SI Chunk J R. Bverhart. W Chester C B Lamborn W Chester W Baker, Beaton Thus Smith. Boston B i homes, Boston S H Dougnty & lady Jesse Lines. I , aston T L Powell, Maryland W Dennis Maryland Wlt Sherwood, Baltimore F Van Reuth, Baltimore Aran. MS—Evening. ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Moneta street. above Third. Raml 9 Corey, Plew I ork Wm Blythe, New York .1 Brown, Ohio J Wells. Minereville W 0 Rosenbaum. Md R A Rosenbaum.maryland Mot, New Jersey New Jersey IT Brown. Fall River T H Peters, Philauelphia T. Rupert, Philadelphia J L Shields, Penna W T Jeffsr:es W Onager F A Melville. Ponna Jasper Morgan, Jr, Conn Miss L A Smith, Penns. Miss L L Lovett. Penne Miss 9 Lovett, Penns Leonard Wentworth,N Y B B Dennis, New Jersey J S Down New Jersey W W Undegraff Kansas J W E Ker, I eons G Geddes. Penns R Partway Raithrore W fission Thos B klunihreys, Belt L Wilkinson & wife. Bait J P Fringe. h Esher. /says 'York G P Mtihar, Yenna J H Torrence. Phile E R Beeves. Warren,. Ohio Errßeeves & daughter, 0 R. Bruce. Lebanon Pa P: Butler, !Meets R H LOTK. Lancaster W 8 Sharp & ls. N Jersey Dr Jlr Sheppard. N Jersey Wm H Patterson. N Jersey Jos Drown, New Jersey R H Cleaver, Deiawate Joshua Coolly. Penn's V L Conrad. Dayton, 0 simall. Maryland Aiber Chapman & f.m, Pa L loderato.h, Pennsylvania It R. Thompson, N York J Ft Thorne am."Alhany. I'4 Y Jesse It Henry, N York John "cost . Philadelphia Jamss C arown. Rending Ciao W Geiger. iienbus. .7 G Reading. New Jersey H Woody's. d,Clearfie , d, Pa Dr Cutter, Massachusetts Jas B Ferguson, New Jersey STATES VlSlON—Market street. above Sixth. A Lewis, Laneaster so A Bmith, Frar.laord 8 Jaw am Porristown A h W Gteign. Pittsburg Wm Williams. Manor Sta MWestbrook,Huntine'n Co T Peale, Lockport Joe Bider, Williamsburg M Maxson, Palma C H Bush. Penna Geo Jacobs. Penna k D H oath, Marietta, Pa 1 comers, Marieha. Pa. W Gresh. Lancaster no W hompatork,..kuniataeo W A Mawr, Northman; co A U Kimmel, Imam coo Jnn i CUIPeB,At etie City COMMERCIf A.1_11.0 . -2-sa• - Want" flt,Wer,-renna a uddi exon.nart inburn 1, 8 "Hooper, W Om. N C J Hurtower, Cheater oo W F test. Avondale. Pa J L. i.othy Chester so L R Hooper, Winn. Del Detaware no V Penny I:maker, Penns BF Brown, Oltk.rd, Pa W J Kirk, Juniata oo mre Scott, Altoona, Pa. Rll Jones. Unionvi lei Ps BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL-Second at., bel. Vine. W Swallow, gtookpeit, Pa .1 Davis. Philadelphia E - hosmakar, Penns. w Hobensaok, Penne A W Buekimn. Newtown J Cadwanadsr Fox Chase P E Rmith, Bucks no KII (;lark, Platrob Wm M Howard. mass D 11- Leedom. Newtown D 1) Feaster, Newtown Anderson & la, A,ington Morton & la, Abington A H Large. Marietta 8 Kimble, Honesdale S Jones, Way. e 00, Pa II Evans, Deposit, m Y J J Drtr, Alonroe NATHHIA.d #grmr.,—ltinse - ors allover M P Elmer, Beading F .1" rarsou, Sr, P.:A.40111e I. mull, Heading Thos Legman. New Yolk Jos flhantz, Lebanon F ekean. N wristown R r Brown. Phil& Hunsioker, Penne Wm Sloan, Dmomsburg REVERE HOUSE-Third street. above Race, 1 Stum Strouchbarg 4 Kemmerer, Allentown ("apt J p. Bohan. York. Pa Isaac -tastier, Penna. Geo F Furtz. Lancaster, Pa C 's ante. oohs I haven F etauffer. Lancaster co F A Hoffman. Lewistown A Frans, Live - pool. Pa RThompsoe. Doylestown] I. Beaton. Poiles own T H Doylestown IPA minger, W Roney. Allentown Homman, LetAnOn co W Lindermutbt Ashland W r Smith. Tamaqua it W Penny passer, FeBES Jas W Rhoads, Penna. BALD EAGLE—Third street. above Caltowbar. John Forr ow, Carbone° Gfl Young, Moornetown "" A Bertoirt, goading 1' Reese. New Jersey' John Morgan, blontgs co k Mull, Reading FOUNTAIN HOZEIL---Seeend st., above Market. Wm Eans. West Cheater Jae W AdlrMs, Delaware leave McCabe ar. Ist Dela T Selby, Dalieware Jun Tucker. New York M. Adams, De,awao e 8 Townsend. Detawate Jl. Pratt, Dover. Dela Chas P Wether br, De , a I Behharach, Delaware J /Helmets. Easton. N MOUNT VERNON lilOTßO—Beeoud St., about Ara. G Kaufman, Petersbg, Va John Low, Norfolk. Va. C It Griswold. N Jersey B Stinson. Elanoook. NI Jos P Hinkle & la, Penna Wm 'r Morrison, Penna Jos L entz. M. Chunk P G Rronsou,Paiterson W m N Peters. Marsh creek J T Barnes, New York L Atkinson, Pons. BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callowhill. Thos D Wolf, Danboro Wm N Treiehler, Penns Thos B CoODer, Cooperab'g M Cooper. Coopersburt Geo Moyer, Penne Win Bland, Bsrks oo J Johnston, Lebanon .1 S Weal ion Eteraville Goo Wolf. Dauber() - Iffrs Wentz , Ka , ZtOWn boob K Bill Bariville A Kiefer, W T - Shafer, retina OAS. OttCRARD AMR SPRING WATNR. --- Pamphlets containing the opinions of celebrated Chem ists and Phi gains reenacting the use of this WATER in the case of fenny diseases of the human system, will be ;Supplied gratis on application to PiIh.DERICR BROWN, FIFTR and CREeTtIITT Streets, or FRED ERICK EiLoWN, Ja., NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets. CALL .A.7;fl;; GUT APL'S/I.IIMM. aplS- BATOKII4OIO3 HAIR ling.—Tion celebrated and perfect Hair Pre is Elie best in the world. All others are mere imitations of this great original, which hes gained such extensive patronage in all Parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batcheloes Liquid Hair Dye ins - many produces a splendid blank or natural brown, without staining the akin or injuring the hair, and will remedy the iii ejects of bad dyes, invigorating the hair for life. Bold by all Druggists and Peril:twat& Wholesale by FAHrthfiTOOR tt, CO., D Yowl' do CO., Philadelphia. inta-tf ONB PBIO3II OLOTHINO OF TIM LATER Syyr.r.s, made in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling igloos marked in plain FiFore.. AU goods made to order warranted latudeatory. Our ONE-PRICE mutual ie atriotly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. seXe-ty JONES & CO.. 604 MARKET Street. RICHARDS—MMES. — On the 25th mt.. by the Rev. B. T. Noakes, assisted by Rev...l M Richards. Jos L. R leharda to NI art 8., eldest daughter of Samuel Stress, Eau ell of th.s atty. AWLI SON—VAN BRUNT —On the 18lh ult.. br the Rev. Wm. Cathcart, Mr. Stephen Jim/Elation and Mies Barak L. Van Brunt, of this city KEELY—HAR the 23d inst.. by Rev. Francis Church. M r. Thomas Rush , to Miss Elizabeth. eldest daughter of Mr. James I.arrOtin. of this aim PER6I3 —NieN.EaL.—On the Ith ine4,br Rev. Francis Church. Mr. George 14111111301) SO Martha, *el dest daughter of Mr. James McNeal of this city. 0 eLh—ti EnV,rB —tin the sal inst., by the Rev. I. D. King. Baum. Hurtle Gale, of tbe National Guivde. to Miss Mar•he. M. eeves. of Mount kloi+v- N. J. t. LY—WO I.STLE R.—Or, March 5. by Rev. Joint A. McKean, Merl,. Kelly, 2sa.. and 11411:111L125.i8 * 0. Whistler. al l of this eds. Bow ELL—KIWI INGER On the 23d inst . by the Rev. J. Alday, Mr. oftlli4m (melt and Miss C.a roline Rintinger. both Philadelphia. TIP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST MISFIT THE Ul4loE—Ardh street. above Third SPECIAL NOTICES. fasovzu & Rasßale pas tnItA.TID NOISELESS SEWIIW MACHINES. The I3est in Use for Family Sewing. No. 730 Ott bEITNITT Street. Philadelphia. ael7-21 MARRIED. DIED. 11111,19T621. On the 24th inst., Horace .13. Rulings, in the 30th 3 ear of his ave. Funeral tram the offi.ee of George W. Lott. under taker. No. tee south 'thirteenth street. this (rriltaY) mnrrarkg at 9 o'elock. KM.Y —On the 24th Met., John I. IMP, in the loth year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his father. Baines street and Township Line. Twenty-second ward on caturday afternoon , at I o'clock. MefttiAN —On the 23d inst., Mrs. Elizsbeth, wife of the lave 4,11,,irt Ms. an and dauahtar of Elm and the late John Clowea. o Germantown. Fune Wood, her tate resi evering street, above Manayunk. this Friday} at 2 o'clock. * 9110.11uL12.—0n the 24th inst., Susan Nichols, aged 33 years. tuneral from her late residence, No. 32 Eliot avenue. Mulberry alley, below thath. hateroca i, she and Vine. the (Friday) morning, a, 9 o'clock. B.IIERIN. — On the 24th inst., retries ahem, aged 40 years. Funeral from his late residence. No. 818 Auburn street. Eighth, below Carpenter, this (Frioay) mora ine. at Mil o'clock, lip earn ILL —tin the 2'd inst., Mary Maxwell. daughter of Joseph and Margaret C. Hemphill, n the 4th year of her age. Fu' arm from her parents' residence. Thompson eittmt. below Second. .this (Friday) morning, at * clock. o' V 01.1810.—0 n the 23d inst.. Mr. Benjamin Young, - MOURNING STORfr, NO. 918 CHEST NUT Street WESSON BON have Just re- OelVed gray mixed Chene he amen. 12Mo bindk and whtte Par. printed OrenadinsßaroseS 120; black rad au le do.. Ma ; Mark Mid SUMO Oa , Delaines , IMO ; black hare gas,lBXo ; black plaid aliases. 18afo; sewed mourning Ens h Chintzes. 100 Shepnerd rlaid Poil de Chevnis,lBXo, Also, black BlSTegell. taupe foarets,Craps tarig.gaMMOr Bombasint%Mamas Bernath or Grenadine Burgos, Camels' Bair Boom es. Tuiti ons, Monsehnes. Lawns. and all ocher goods roowsito of Man aaa second mounting agars. apl9 THE THREE WIDOWS —A T RUE Tr CIDENT.— g oon after the ( ' resident's nail or troops, a lady, nearly eighty years of age. thewidow of a late Un ted states officer, entered a prominent store on Chestnut street, and m an animated tons said : at.. qult you tell me where 1 oan end a flat ? Want one rrt very large, nor very smith, but suitab'e to Wave trolli mr WILdOW I wane to Wit it out with, my Itweiand's >wont andbetween the flag and sword the motto, Tab or n ot Weetliee ?" ask two ladies, sisters. who beard the inquiry. " The flag of the Union." was the quick ree swam ofthe nobre woman. - •re,,Y.OUOOt ashamed to put out mss flag in liege times , is the reply 4o this nun uvement Yet thess lames were also widows of former ofloent—ladies who. for tw. my years. had each Government. n receiving .600 per annum from the Un ted Stares oovernment. Nu , e.y, light and shad int go lose' her It. OCrAMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE 4.ND TRUST °Mrs NY. Pluz.A.Dimpirrs.. Apr 412.40861. A t a meeting of he BOA -15 OF TRUST ..SS held this Mit, the fo .wing 0 412.4 S and 1tU1...04. in reference to insuredparties entering into the Military or Naval Service of the United States, were unani mously adopted : Mass No. I .rPermits for twelve months, covering the risk arising from en•ering into the Military or naval service of the ticked States. will be granted upon par mrnt of an extra pre 11:1111 of Five per cent.. the said risk to be eonfined to elocadtv north of 34 des. of north latitude, and an additional extra premium of Five per cent. upon all risks incurred far location soith of that point, CLASS No 2.—Parties entering such service without a minis forfeit their polimea bat should they be killed in battle during suoh service, the company will return to tneir families all premiums received upon their re spective policies. At the end of the war, or upon, honorable discharge front die service, each party hol medicalfeited, policy, as above, may Present himself foexamination, and his said policy mar be renewed or not. at the option of the Company, and at the old rate of premium. If the Compsiqr refuse to renew. one-nalf of the premiums received upon the policy so refused Will be remitted. Mass No. 3.—Home Guard no extra charge, but with the understanding that. if killed in Home Service. the Company will not pay the amount insured, but will re turn all premiums received, shmlo they leave their place of home either ordered or volunt nly. for offennive or defensive operations, then to come in ea Clones Noe. I and 2 ap2S 91 7N.r. C. SIMS, Reeretarr. fry"" TRIBUTE BF RESPECT TO THE memory of n. JAW'S FOUei T AIN. of Haven. port. lowa,. from the American Whig Society of the Col 0.0 of hew Jersey. Where , s, jt hug 'paged tpo Sovereign Disposer of events to remove from our numbers and fellow ship. E. James Fountain. A. M.. M. D.. of Daven port. lowa. whose reub:e disposition and virtuous character bad won for him the respect and admi ration of a large °irate of fr,ends and acquainten c.a. wit. se love and doroion to his family were of the most ardent natureg and whose abort but suocesslut career wee brovn ht ruddenl to a Close by &dente which evinced his seat for his profession: be it therefore ReSOIVOIL net whileWe lament then timely decease of our • ellaw-Whig; the loss of are ned ecltol.r, oak , Cut phystmao, and one adorned in life by so many publics and private virtues we bow in submission to the will of 14 m whodoeth all things well - Resolved. That we ettneathiae with the bereaved fimilY, and command them to the care of our Father in Heaven, who will never leave nor forsake» Resolved, That. as a token of yes net to the memory of the decanted, we wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Resolved. That these resolutions be publishei in the Davenport Deify Gizmo, The Press. of l'lnladelphise :di the Princeton btandard, and a copy to be sent to the bereaved familc FeED. E. ME A RER, of Pa. M Nit 3 GOMFOR of Va. EDWARD ATWATERpf Princeton i N J April :00864 PHILADELPHIA. APRIL 23. Mi.-- At a mooed mestinc of Fable: counciL. No. 76, of U. A. M., he:d tee above date, the foliate= Insolation' were unanimously at hated Ructived, That this Commit take soon action as is . - necessary to provide for the Termites of such members as may leave them homes for the defence of our Gone- . . _ . . . . rg- Resolved, That we deeply deplore the Mee that has mile it nonsexist for Americans to take up arms against Their brothers, and that we pledge ourselves to assist, as far as in our power, the families of ail such as ma , enlist. it Rexotved, That all members of this Council who may Ohba, under the Stara and h•triees are he.uhy declared in go lt standing, and entitled to sick and funeral bene fits, and an order drawn for the amount mending against them on the banks. and credited to their ac count; aim The F. be instructed to remit their dues from the time ef their enlistment until their discharge. Resolved, That a committee 01 ten he upponoed to tooltect contributions for the asmatanoe of the families of laid members who may enlist. COMMITTEE O. RELIES• BETHUEL GIFFORD, Canal, below Germantown rout. ORGE C. FITE, Ninth street, above C Wes. EDWARD YOUNG 217 North elate street. WM. AD 4.MR. 41.4 tilehmerel street. t;NRY L0MP.b.1514 Arnim* street, ab. Thirteenth. W M. DIEBLE, 1222 Randolph street. GEORGE K Krasib. Howard, above Master. GEORGE DUNNAROUER, Twelfth. street, corner Myrtle. oiaaßl.E.4 IC. NEISSER,Ier2 Charlotte street. BENI. 3. ORAIGMELE. sae N. teeond street, 1410 Lemon. SAMUEL 3. WALE.DR, , It* R. B. WALTER, o. Deo. aT , THE LADIES ,. UNION RELIEF AS- Ss M tO ATN has removed from W. corner f • math and Poring Garden to Branch No.l Rooms, b• corner of .NINTII and SPRING GARfI where all buiiincas will be transacted and contra:in tkos received by the follriving_fier of oflicoret President—Mrs. M. P. K ETTe'RLIN Vice Presidents—Mrs. 11. liaFF, Mrs. PARKER, and Mrs MASSEY. Treasurer—Mrs. H. DORSEY. Peoretartes—Mies HAI D and Miss ROBPHTS. Rromvers of orders and distributors of outfits—Mrs. L. WHITEN( k ri and Mrs. PATT.c.RSON. Managers of Hospital Wont—Miss FISHER and Mrs. ANN E. ICE.bP ERB. Hospital donations received N. W. corner of TENTH and isPRING GARDEN. Entrance on ePring Garden Street. ap26 It* OrOFFICE OF THE MAYOR, OF THE cITy O r.l3.ll,AUbbrilLA, AtE.ll. 24, 1:61. CITIZENS OF PHILADELPHIA: ' Ibe record of the pas iortnight hes abundantly shnwn the loyalty of Ult.., community and its reaoy one dierme to the law. t.uring inch period or 11.11011te8 dented excitement it ip giatilying to announce that the pereons and property of teeidente have been ex erne; from violence- or toes, beyond all former expe rience. The continuance of this-common welf..re demands that !here shall be no offioious intermeddling byrucuc thcrized fnoividuals with the etmditet.-true'fitriotions self oonyututed In - the most summary man ia this tiLkalifflakift H ra'aCif spolt Mayor of Philadelphia. Kr. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, PMMartha:ha, April 17, 1861.—lhe Board of Directors have this day .declared a semi-an nail dividend of TfircES PEI( CißriT. on the capital stook of the Company. olear of Mate tax. POTable on and toner May 15th, WM- Powers of attorney for Mamma or aivldends can be had on application at the office of the Cony, .No. 238 S. Third street,. THOMAS mpa T. F/ Wilit• apiB lm Treasurer. MNOTICE —ALL ANSWERS TO THE Diroular of the Whits ITTEN OF rurpi.ac entrETY win be reoeived by JOB STR FATTURrinPU. President of the Western Bank, who hse been appointed Treasurer. at. 23 et* 3G H . OF THE SHAMOKIN YAL - A Ir, :400 WACNErriIiVILLE RAIAWAD i9PII - Aprn - 14 - reor. - The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the Shsninkin Valle. and Pottsville Railroad Lora oany will be held at the Office of the romPsnY. on MOMS AS. eth of May. at 12 ..'clock, tor the election of Managers and a President to serve for the ensuing year. sig2.lt29&dtmy 6 gso.SCHUYLKILL AND SIIeQUEHANNA RAIL.ROAD o.—tne Annual Meeting and den of the Stockholders of the Schuylkill and Sus quehanna Railroad Company. as required by their charter, will be held at the CORI INEriTAL DOTAL, in the city of Philogelehis. „Pennsylvania, on MON DAY. May Gm, RM. at 12 o'clock. Sa o for the purpose of choosing a Fremont and six Manages to serve for the ensuing year, and also for the consideration nf such other business as may properly be brought before said meeting. FRANK S. SOND, april IS, 1881. [mil/ lmyta Secretary. MILITARY NOTICES. QUARTERMASTER'zi DEPARTMENT moo Gt; ARD, CITY OF Fnuainimpnts., April M, OTIOR.--A a frequent explications are made at this department in re scion to uniforms for the Rome livards• the dealers and mann'actnrere of clothing are requested to deposit at this office samples of the coat and pantaloons of the same, and of the. hats and caps mach MIL tie turaushau a; Inge* mama irorn five to fifteen Collars per suit, in au, WM. BRADFORD, ltagu rtermaster Home guard. iUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA M ORT INFANTRY CORPS. AR Almelo of tho' Univer.ity or or tinder Five Years nt.seding, are invited to enroll themselves on the muster- rot lof the ooins. Am) bastion to be made at the University. Masers. II eRTRANFT, WAGE EL REPPs R. Committee. OLD GUARD Or THE STATE FEN °VOLES. The enrolled members of this. Company and their fri , nde who wish to join. will meet at No 1012 MARKET Street. on SATURDAY EVENING. 27th Inst.. at 8 °Weak. punatualli. ap26,2r 1W13E..k TM LIGHT GUARD.-- Resolved- That the thanks of the Wheatley Light Guard be nuanimoutly tendered to JOHN W ELL- B • NK. Egg., for the patrio in manner in which he Mitered to the company the splendid and sumptuous Polls lon nerved ag rue r otot corner of Ruefuu and eal lambi', streets. on April 24. MIL At the /lame time we mmk d I eg to off,r. mdividually, our heartfelt thanks to him as our friend and brother. and hoes when we are mined upon to proceed to the field and battle for the rights 01 our glorious Union. that the oar or hour will never PIMA by without one thought of hanal and Auld Lang byna. ItOtir ItT MoKISSIrt, 2d Lieutenant wheelies Light Guard, Private JOAN WK. toiNEY. W. L. STILSST, Sergeant. HEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD, CITY OF PHILADSLFICA, April 23. 1851.—ORDER No. 4—elt , DiCal.. DEPARTMENT. 6 , bit. This Department shall at present consist of five . emetics. one of whom shall toe " Medical Direc tor." by whom all details concerning the Hospital ar rangements for the sick and wounded soldiers shall be made. 2d. This Bweau shall appoint. at the nomination of the Commander of the Demo Guard, four or more As sistant surgeons, to be assigned to such duty as may be necessary. ad. The Medical Dim tor 'hall select accoermoda tions for the reeeption of the sick and wounded, and make such reenenueve upon the quartermaster for hospital immune and stores as may ire required. 4rh. 1 his Morella% snail be need not otilr for the el& and wounded or the "Rome Guard." but also for any others io the service of the Vatted estates. Prh. This Department shall be governed by United States regulations. 6th. MOT amenaing Hall has been mad geed to the Rome Guard lot hospital purposes. and will he trued up an cordingly, under the orders of the Med:cal Director. 7th. Dr. John Neil Is hereby appointed Med; cal Di recto, A. J. PLEASONI ON. ap26 61. Commander of Home Guard. IIJE 4INITAItTERS HOME GUARD, eITY OF 1111LAILELFFIA, ARM 21 1881.—OR -1 Kit PO. s.—Many inquiries having been shade re lative.to the deraiis of uniform, it or stated, fin the information of those interested lat. That MOW military organizations Will no no meted on part of the Home Guard, without being in quired to conform to the patterns of uniform adopted by the Rome Guard lamed in the wards—butmust be uniformed by Regiments 28. Thar as it mar be difficult to obtain on ebort no tice a sufficient quantity of Cat PET GREY cloth for the entire torn°, any other shade of gray will be ao ee au 0, if ifs flicient for an entire Regiment. 31. The coat of Blotch a uniforma may be varied, it is affirmed from 81.50 per oust to 820. aorording to mete. 4th in cases where it may be diffieult for the men to Yerniith their own uni.orms it in suggeatea thkt the Wards in which therm companies may be raised shall famish funds lo timely eau! uniform, in 00, moeretion of the protection afforded by tan Guard, 6th The. Regiments of the " Young Guard" will be allowed to suhstitute for the Army Rat. specified in Wrier Po B.a gray Caret Cap. 641. It is positively determined that no company of Wig lidilliber LIM OUP hundred men will be received nor will ...lister Rolls r-t the Home Guard Or gettalla Or ganizations hereafter be furnish. d, meat UPOD pre eestarion of a COPY of signatures to original Ward .tn rollmente. Pt. eaoonuront. ap2l3.et Commander of Rome Guard. H EAD i Q UARTFRB HOME 13113ARD, CITY 0 P PHILADELPHIA—RUILADILTIA , I orcltrdLAiPln additionto the Young and - Old ieme & there Fill be. aREdt- DENT 10VA 11Attn. without reference to ago or 101111ltS, Who will be a filed local Cllard• eilb,jact to the °Were Crum Gerudeuertara or some ouard.. The 0 i.... i onization into 4.oMP:init.% and ttegimeata will con form in number to those of the Home Guard, viz i one hundred privates in each COMPnIiY. A. J. PLEABONTON. ar,2B-et Commander& game Guard. .6.HEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD, riF PUILADEt ptlia., Anus 24. 1831.—ORDB11. 1 fio B—Dr beanie D. Bothugsatorth. Dr. Joseph liookinson, I,r. F snails 4. tmith. end or. John R. B. McClellan . are hmeby appointed burgeons, and inettibete of the Wheal bureau, established by order No. 4, Gated April 23. irritant , thus completing the Bureau. They will Le obeyed and reppeoted accord met,- A..t.PL.BaeONT , N. ap2d Pt Commander of Home Guard of Ittihad's. VtILIJNTEBBS WANTED-At the following Rendezvoue of the TUI RD Llegt - s tltl FL BATTALIJN. Camel OADALEL DE I KORFONAY Coltman,' 1 , • Captain NEWELL FAY. Henderson House. MAP It&T Street, above Severateenth, itompanv S t captain A. fa.Al atria",t.o. 457 North TWULPI . E. atteet. Corneae y C. Dentate E. M. WOODWARD. ARCH Street, abov4 aIX rii. north side. Otjneeng D. Captain J. B. COADEB, FIFTH Street, above a RON. Company E Captain AMOS MOONEY, northwest owner of MU lan and &HO Mote, 00ontanY F, Captain F,manlE W. HUSH, v. 0 .401 THAW Street. azit3t* A MEETIN' OF YOUNG MEN, FROM 25 to 45 seam will be held at No. 922 CH ESTNUT ntree,.. 91 a ory. for th • plrd ume° of forming Home Guard," on FRIDAY EVENING next, at 8 n'alooa. an2s 2t* HOME GUARDS HEADQUARTERS, PIIILADELPIttA, April 22, ISM OR Dsat £Yo. 3.—The Uniform for the DOME GUARD will horsist of a single.breaated light or cadet eras frock coat, with sta• ding collar, and buttons of the arm to who= the regiment ma' belong; pantalooce of the mime material; cap of arms , pattern. of drab sailor, with rosette of the National Colors. fled. White, and BIOS. The Uniforms can be Preellfotd at a Solt not exoeeding Twenty Dollars for each man and wilt he furnished by the mo t hers of the HOt*l GUARD themselves. The Um orma wilt be hablrually worn. so that on the oones,on of an alarm the officers and men can tesair at once to their armories, irithOnt stooping to disuse their oipthns. tipeinal Mtli art Organization, formed or to be formed. will select their own Uniforms. feigned,/ A. J. PLK A BANTON. an24-tit Commander of Rome Geard. RETAIL DRY GOODS. KERSEY CASSIMERE, VOLUNTEER COMPANIES, Foi male by TINGLEY, ENGLISH; .& Co., ap2B-fmw-At 26 SOUTH PRONT-STREET. BLUE -GRAY BLANKETS, FOE, ARMY PURPOSES. ALSO, GRAY SATINETS, FOR SALE BY A. T. LANE & Co., 0p26-3t 419 MARKET STREET BLACK BILK BASQUINES. FRENCH SACQIIES. GORED MANTLES. CIRCULARS. Mantilla Shape Plain atylea. for first:olasa Bales, READY MADE, OR MADE TO ORDER. COOPER. CONARD, ap26 12t 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET TO MILITARY COMPANOES. Committee VERY DESIRABLE GOODS, UNIFORMS, AND ARMY PURPOSES GENERALLY. answer 112 CHESTNUT ST. NEW MANTILLA STORE. The meat splendid SILK MANTLES in the city SILK MANTILLAS, In every new style, the ?lobed qualities ever 360, at the elegant New Store. 25 SOWTH TENTH STREET. HOUGH ec CO. raxao.im R„PLENDID RED, WHITE, AND BLUE P . 7 Goods for F age. it all wool. Gray flannel for Army_ Sbirm, fine and soft, at SJUTRWICK BROTHERS', 26 Louth MORT*/ Street. COMMISSION ROUSES BLUE KERSEYS AND CLOTHS, Suitable for Military or Naval purposes, For sate by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, aplB-iftf 3.5 LETITIA STREET. NICW PUli i , ll,i►illrrid. NEW LAW LITTT•R, BROWN, & CO., 110 WARRINGTON itTRIRT, ROSTON. THE UNITED STATES LAWS AND TREATIES, PASSED AT THE LAST SESSION OF COM:MESS, 1.860-61-PRICE SI. COLLYER ON P4RTNERRFTIP. TP- , PM2 . - &never 15 17 TEE LAW OP A PRAOrci iox.. ..." PARTNER WITH AN APPENDIX OF POEDE, BY JORN COLLYER. FIFTH AMERICAN FROM THE SECOND ENG LISH EDITION, With large additions to the Text and Notes. and De viead to the present Time. BY HON. J. C. PERKINS: KENT'S COMMENTARIES, COMMENTARIES ON AMERICAN LAW. BY HON. JAMES KENT. Tenth Revised Edition. By Ron. WILLIAM KENT. M AP OP THE SEAT or WAIL-PLAN /-r-la. of Washington City • slag showing parts of the retaten of New York, Pantleilywa, New Jersey, Mary land. Delftware. and Virginia; Ita,lroads, Water .Routea, Porta. &c. &o. I very mean the march there rhould have one. Pries 25 cents.. Agents wanted in eeari Dart of the State. Monet ran he tnade by it. For sale. wholesale and retail. or 3NO. McFARLdt24, 33 South 131 X Eli street, above Chestnut, Office of Appleton's Ololopedia. apse St riIIRING TBE PRESENT TTME 20 per eon , . will be allowed on all MILATARX 11300115, At the offioe of A ',teflon , e Upolopedta, 33 Noute titreet, up stains. r er22-mwf3t JOEtft NIcFARL.A.N. Agent. rl a MRS. E. JACOBS, No. 212 NORTH %eh ENIFITH Street. will open a FASHIONABLE AS‘oRTMENT OF SPRING'. MILLINARY, on THURSDAY. April 11th. at. 6 Im Mit.f3. M. S. BL9IIOP, 1018 OHEST- ViihNIIT Street, has received eat:nee assortment of PARIS MILLINERY for the Spring. mh29-Im i n t MISSES 0 2 BRYA.N. 914 CHESTNUT Street will oven PARIS MILLINERY for the Bering, on THURSDAY. April 4. ME96-1M" VASHIONARLE TAILORING ESTA. 21,1811MENT, 328 CRUSTRUT Street. below Fourth, eolith Bide H. eTEVIbIYBOPI Respectfully informs his numerous customers and the public in general that he has Just received his Bering duly's, 'which he will be pleased to sell on the mt seasonable terms for cosh. enhlee-fiekw os len GUNS AND 111FLES—For ssle cheap, by molts, EtalerzEY. co.. ap24-6t , bro. 427 MARKET 81reet. NAVAL ORDER UONINIANDATfee Orrice, U. 8. Navy Yard. Phillideiphla u Argil Iggl• commanders, Lieutenants, Maatera. emitted fitioahip men. Passed and Assistant Surgeons in the Bevy. whose names are borne upon the book' of this statio n for vay, will report their addresses., without delay , to tins office. . F. DU YONT, au2t..Bt Commandant. CDONORRUE, No. 23 South WATER e street, offers for 'Mee 000 barrels of steam re fined Sugars and n reducedn COO bags of Rio 028 -St* of various grades. at prices fo cash, ac2B-31* EXCHANGE ON LONDON.—£67O Colo nial Bank Bill_ for sale by JAURETCHR & CARSTAIRS. 202 Sonia FRONT Street. ants-!t _ _ _ Ecti AN GE ON FRAN OE.---51,000 fr. Bank of Martinique Bills on 'olonial Bank Atonal ol Booth F R ONTy J *Mtn:TORE , & CARBTAi 103, 202 Street. ap24141. VOUNG MEN LEAWNG THE CITY win get the highest essh price for Cast-off CLOTH ING. Call or eddr*sst M. WANCONA, 622 t , OUTH Street. - avg 3. Gt* mob (VAL DENTALLINA.—we speak from 'LP waociaal experience when saving that the OPAL TO3NTALLINA made by Mr . BEI INV of B RO A D and SPRUCE Etre , ta II decidedly the Moen preparation f„ the mouth and teeth Mat iwe ha-a a y.r. need. We believe a fulfils all th.t is claimed for it, and being re commended by the 111.8 t eminent dentists Nye advise all to give it a trial.--Ratierin. apil-Sre• STATIONERY AND JEWELRY paokassa furnished to Agenro and Peelers. atvery_ mduoed rates. Cell, (or send strimudao2 CIIESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ao9-1m• PARHAM & CO, "so,PEVI L NOTIOE.--811IPPERS WILL please take notice that the mouth Carolina it. 1t CO. have disoontinued forwarding all through freight and that ail goode formerly consigned to them must now be consigned to a oity assn!. &lemma. T. S. & T. G. BUDD will forward all goods to their address. A. HERON, Ja.. & Co.. No 14R nrth WHARVEK, VILE MANUFACTORY 211 ?LBW STREET. Fdoe and Agape of every desoriPtion, and good quality, made to order at the above eetabliphatent , Wl3 01,E8ALE and ItkiNAIL, at manufacturer's prices. lteontting done in a eugorlat laalluar ald-dern B. SMITH. AOKEREL, lIERRING, SHAD, SAL.. 0 --a MON. &0.-4.000 MM. Mm.Nos.i, a, mild 6 MIV9il ereL lame. medium, and email, oi assorted vaokage. of *bottle late-oau_ght fat ash. 800 bble. New Itabfax, Eastport, and Labrador Net trek, of (Moine qualifier. Cow boxer extra now scaled NelTinte. AM Mars *stilt new sc aled lierrints. Mae titaettitna Herlllllll. 210 Ws. linao While Fists 50 bble. BoollOnly Meagl bbls. new lialifaajbahnon. lord 1,000 Quintals Grand Gant Godfsh. Imo boxes Herkimer-oounty Cheese. In store st d landtnr, for We bi pnv roams wit • 1 ". 1411 01711 gRENOII ZlNU—Pure SNOW er ttiT.Z 5 a Melte. Montrim ir t 6471 sna far rue 1:11 WE E isas 4 7 au etieerteal6l4.B SUIT I' OR xouGai & bo., 25 FOTJTII TENTH ISTREE r HAY& JUST runrasirgn Think Bvo Price 35 EA NZW BDITION 4 vols. Bvo.--. 816 ap22•mwf-3t if SPRING MILLINERY. CLOTHING. FIREARMS WANTS WANTED—A Lad to do Errands. Ad dram" T." Press office. ap9-tf WAN INCO—AGENTS, to sell PAUKA OEO of STATIONERY end JEWELRY. at prime one third leer, than can be purabeeed eliewhere. Canon or address (stamp enaloseu) J. L. BAILEY. No. IS4 COUR 1' Street, 13oaton. Maar. mh26-3m EmPLoYEKB WANTING YOUNG mon, &0., gtre invited to address the" Emplov mom Committee," ac the Room! of the Young melee Christian lasooiation, 1009 and 1011 eIIEOTN street. itip3-6m WANTEO—A VF,SSEL of the capa city of from LOCO to 1 - .200 barrela, to load for the Weet ladles. AppJAUly to RETCHE CARSTAMS, ROst aad :004 South FRONT &rect. FOR SALE AM) TO LET. lIFOR SALE OR TO REST—Three oommodious Wale DWELLINGS in Haddonfield. New Jersey. centrally • located. well snarled, &0., within two square. of railroad depot 222 WALNUT Street. al TO LET—A THREE-STORY HOUSE. Ammo. 1736 MOUNT V KNNON Street, with ell the modern improvements. '426 St. in TO RENT WITH FURNITURE.—A Mat handsome HOUSE, with every modern conveni ence, in Aroh street. vest of seventeenth. Apply CO A. P. &4. H. MORRIS, sow. im 9i6 ARCS. Street. NI TO LET—AT 013EiTNUT BILL, a ailato•xi Mansion Howie. with a large stable and grounds, on SUMMIT , Qtrriet, first house from the a•e nue. Ariel, to E. BONVLBY, broker, 230 WALNUT Street, b.elr. ap2i-6t in TO RENT. —The large Dwelling awit Rouse, No. 413 South FIFTEENTH &re at. fp ply to J. SERGEANT PRICE, No. Sl3 ARCH. Street. aplB-lit TO LET—SECOND-STORY ROOM, 802 CI WITNUT Rtro oVer LRWIg LADOMU.g & Co.'s Jewelry Store. The bast location in Philadel. phis for any kind of light brusineas. Apply in the Jewelry Store. Rent 8400. fe/9 TO RENT—A very desirable STORE, on the Hinth- street front of " The Continental Hotel.' The Store at Ninth and Hansom etreeta cope niMlT adapted for a awromi and flivornies Maker. Apply to JOHN MCI:, fo6-tt Southweet NINTH and eANSohI i..trecto. IdTO LET-A DESIRABL E DWEL LING, NO 123 North THIRTEENTH Street, Apply to wETHEKILL & Ilitlintbß, 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. uThl4-tf dig TO RENT—For the Futomer season. BIM a commodious Country House. with furniture. grounds, and tltabling, within two hours' ride, by rail, of Philadelphia: Asply to E. P. WILSON. at 333 MARKET /Street ; or address " JOSIAH WILSON, Parkersvire, Chester Co., Pa." ael CH&STNUT-taREET HOUSE and MAL f4TORE to rent.—The desirable bnainPas location, 13rg 011V3TDIUT Vtreet.wah dwelling attached, Apply at 4 31 I;llE3Ttrirr circa.. GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO RENT.—To Rent, the large end commodious modern-built Rouse, corner of ARMAT ntreet end WILLOW Avenue, with nag, bath, hot nod cold water, and all the modern improvements. AlMl a r to PENT B. B. T Pll,llO GREEN Street. Philadelenle, or on the premiere. • or& tf fiff TO RENT-TWO COUNTRY HOUSFE3, one mile from Tammy. Inquire No. TIT UT etreet. m.h2B-3m* 011 FOR PALR--A 110 ME and LOT, Jantldesirably located on MAIN Street. Burlington. N. J. Apply to WM. M. ColLo.i 506 MINOR Street. Phil-delphla. FRANKLIN WOOLMAN. MAIN Street, Burlington. Or to aplB-thstu2it* 0 RENT—The Three-story Brick .11 , 1:51 DWELLING. No. 1634 WALNUT St Immo diatftwvsession 'riven. RentsE36. Apply to SAM DitL U. PERKINS. 627 WALNUT rt. apll-thatntf ga TO RENT.--A rare opportunity is offered to a competent manager of a Boarding Hence by the undersigned, who offers to rent the remises formerly known a• the UNITED STATES HO riGli, situated on CH ES 114 UT Street, above Fourth. opposite the Custom Roma. The house eon taii.e forty rooms ail of which are furnished. The ie : ninety-five feet in length, beaiden kitobene, painyite, and every other convenience that can be desired. The premises have been fitted up in a complete manner, and are ready for immediate occupancy. To a proper person. having experience, a profitable bunions can be done. To an acoaptable tenant the tenon will be made reaeonable. For partioulare WAY to JOHN BE Pi, on the premises, bowl= the Imre of 9 and 3 o'clock. apta-tutbaitt FllO RENT-TErE LAINE AND CON VENIENT Coal Wharf and !amber Yard. at Maylandvil le. Twenty- fourth ward. Apply to C. & P. H. WARREN. on the eternise!. mhl4-ti F OR EXOHANGE.—A CHOICE TRAOT of good unimproved farm land in the State of Neer Jersey, convenient to the eity, will be exchanged for City nrOnertY. Apply at 2(o. 11$ FEDERAL Street. A( 111? E. OORSON,R4T-rt sftaTowri ..we 4g: D SA . Nor*,,Sl Ve or ran. in Norristown and —Reel Feg,".l.l.Mtgages negotiated. Collection! made. Store! t9 , stainances oven. d24-em PT ÜBLIO BALE OF VALUABLE PRO PERTY. THE " EMPORIuM NEAL ESTATE AND MANU FACTURING COMPANY," Of Mound •it Pulaski Pulaski County. Illinoi s , " Will offer at PU RL! CPA LE, on the premien. on 'WEDNESDAY. the 15th day of May next, A Lary; Number of .DESIRABLE BUIL DINO LOTS, Eligibly Located for Stores, Factories, and Renidenoes. BRICK Also. A SPACIOUS B IRON FOUNDRY, WITH NIACHI •E SIRUP. And all the appurtenances necessary for the Waimea' of manufacturing wngines and Dollere for Sieatubitate, Sugar, and all other Mills. used in the Southe rn and Western country. The Patten;s comprise the modern improvements in machinery- with a lull and complete set of Pattern+ for Stoves, adapted to both wood end coat. This property, from the advantageous loeation of Mound City, is one of the most valuable in the Southwest. A FUUIT-ULLBIII.'S ECK& STO Y FRAME Mu- D KRlti• BUILT BoTBL. with a full set of Furni - C°Mailling some fifty warn*. l and p rofitable tura. The Hotel is now aomg arse ItreWas. Also a number of Timms oreleaLlii._cap_ COTT AGE RESIDENCES. 041 oat • the remain , lug payments in 12. 24 and Sim, h to *teals, bearing interest at the rats of six per fferit "dim ...lee, I The cash payment may be made in the Ronde of the Compan_y, and the time payments will be taken in tus Stock of the Company at par, except for improved pro perty. for which three-fnurths of the puronase. money ma. remain upon mortgage. As the Company propose to dispose of all their im provements. ex pitanata have a rare opportunity for pro fitable investments in one of the best located and most flourishing cities in the great Southwest- For particu lars, inquire of or address JESSE E. PEYTON. President E. R E. & M. Co. mh26-tmU Office 2,2 S WALNUT Street. Phila da. BOIll&DIN G. - - no D ERS will be received at a retired .E- 4, but p'easantly-situared Farm House, CHES TER courerY. but a chart distano- from tee roach The dwelline is beautifully shaded. which- ',nth large Vegetable and Pruit Ca .d.ne, will furnish board era with every luxury th 4 country can afford. Address 'B. B 8.," offiee of The Press. ap2d-lea* BBOARDING.-Handsome rooms in suites and single, vacant. N. L. corner 81X Ir.r.rwrn and LOCUS r Stream ap23 61* EDUCATIONAL. - - - juuua .a. FAY'S BOARDING Elt HOOL for Sam at EG'ZABETH• N. J. The Summer &IMOD Will open on the first of May. Mr. @AT will re main in the city a few ears and ran be ;seen at the bookstore of Marin. MAWIIEN, 600 OttEST Street. aro u* LOST AND FOUND. ESTRAY.—Brought to the pre or the stemoriber. April 21. ek Whets and Rae gcl re, about Bor 9 years old. 9110 owner nr re quested to prove prueertY, roaf ehrltrigi. d take her away, otherwise she will be diseesed of eooordier to law. F. R. WatiNER, WASHINGTON DHOTIS YAWS, t R idge Road. Apnl24, 113.11. IPBT--Five Qoupone, 140. 206, 207, 250, 209. and to, dite Jian. isee, iseno of the oonvty of Allegheny to the PlM:abort and Connolavibe Railroad. A liberal reward will be given for there turn of the came to DLETtiN. older * lw.vrth FRONT Rtreat. LEGAL. VSTATE OF SAMUEL LEWIS, late of Plamstead township deceased.—All persons into rated are hereby notifiql that the undersigned has been appointed by the (Moans' Court of Each, oannty, Anoitor, t., maize mstribution of the balance in the Estate.f CHARLES LEWIa. Administrator to said among the persons les ally entitled to the same; and that he will attend to the dunes of said appoint ment.st his Of ce. in the borough of Doslssi ann. o n SATUKDaYs the Mb day of APRIL aext. at ten O'clock A. M. 3011 N B. FUME. ath29 fit Auditor, IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -• CITY AND COUNTY ON PSI; LiADELPIIIA- In the matter of the Eseetmed.f ate o JOSEPH trART.SR, d The Audttor appointee by the Court to audit. settle, and adjust the account of JOHN L. FRAI t.FS. sd micastrator of JOSE VA CARTEN, deoeaaed, and to report distribution of the belanoe in the halide of the aoctount.int. will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment. on TUESDAY. the 7th day of M al, len, at 4 o'clock P. M. at his office. No. 030 street-•n the el ty of Philadelphia. iip24-wfuk-st• JOHN M. THOMAS. Auoltor. 1N THE ORPHANS' 00EIRT FOR THE A- CITY AND COUNTY OF PI; LbAPFLPH lA. Mate of FkAlltniAND JOSEPH SEIDLFR, doted. 3 be auditor ay pointed to ...41t, mottle. anttn account of (tATRAttiN RUE. and WI LL IAM WIN.DEIttSHETM. Fneautorsof the last will and Tea tament of FERDINAND JOsErli ei.:lM,Vi, de ceased, and report dietriontion of the balance in their bands, will meet the parties interested. it the mimosas of at h t en TIJEBI.ftY, May 7. 188 i, at 4 P. ca., at hts chine No. 41,12 WAt.rarr St n the oily ot Yhiladatithia. Wht. EB T .N;+, sp24-mfut-et A wiitor. To BIIBINIIBB MEN.—An excellent ehanoe for reliable Wetness men to stove a pro fifth's manefacturing bus•neu, requiring but o email oasital in its establishment and prosecution. • The manntaaftve cons ros in he apel cecina of a pe culiar composition or enamel to common orn a men t al it and a varlet. of other buildinc relater al. arehitsotural finishinf a, ceilings, Mellor flouts and for rooting. 's his enamel may be tinted of any ealor. from the Purest smite to the deepest blaok. with all the onlors and shades bet.een. It means to the articles to whion it as ruched a hardness and durariliry almost incredi ble, and a been,• surceasing that. of the rarest and most oostly of the variegated ['WNW and. unlar e them, is impervious to nioistitre.snd never lade. seam, or detect , rate, orating but a fractional part of the price of ordinary marble. It is also valuable for table and stand roes. mantel- Pieces, monuments, and an el:idlers variety of other artio ea of Stag ow. "flie process of IMO ter the enamel is simple, white the art ol.• eflitM6lllo will coin. Eland a ready eats, affording large profits. it esponsible parties may proonre licenses for manufacturing under the patent for any oily or prominent town in the United States, by sentries to the subscriber. A email tar Won the article. meenutatitured will be`equired it the nee of the invention. Giroulars gaus particulars wth be [engirded to all apptioants. The superior merit and beauty of this e n ameled building material to anything in use has the unqualified endorsement of many of tee most eminent arohitecta Forefio men of this and other cities. particulars , address JOHNSON it PRALIn general Agents lor ru NASSAUuildig Material , gp9-d3m kin Street. New York. CI . RARLES M. BREAKER, APOTIIECA AL, ItY, resprothdlv announces to_ the public thst sabde ha. sureseeded Mr. P. UL (LutIVE Up old R at well-known stand, at the Nottheart 001110 C BAttil 'and C n ErVIN UT Btreete. IlaVillg thOr^ ool7 re r" the establishmentoind furnished it with s oareciiyd selected Meek of Drugs sod Cberniebls,e l3 9 03 ilue toe prescription, dispensing. sod tonnuiacrUfttlg le- Pitmen 1 to getitteurt of well-known and unqu a hs mould sollett the pp tioned pharmsoest.c. a ItAr •-- ii ci , tiod pur i ty izi trowsgo of those who esteem some en medicines as of ,rims rnbrortaul, also Invite att - CHARLES M. Brit.:AK ' clic° Tooth. Heir, " tion to big well-assorted sto o k of eh . and other Brushes, Perfumery and Joliet end Fancy (Vadti n '" I rovier gli i' ...11§a. teat . VII , ILDIO•Wfm at It HAVANA CIGARS just received per steamers Quaker Cite and Harem*, oomprieing Cabanas, Fif * r°. Y. taw.. Cornareiante. Black Ilea, ronehinello, Zteimna. Diablo merino. Verded, Pruebeee. &0.. &0.. of l r renda qualities, and for sale et the lowest mar kea CHARLES itWTE. avg 4 169 WA..DI VT. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. V Sole Lemea —Kra. M. A. GARR ETTROR Rage Manager—.--.-._.._._.. Mr. W M. A. CR A pM AN. Beeman A eamt .—..Kr B. MU FRY. RFITFFIT OF .MR_ a, w OTR ER N. THR3 (FRIDAY) EVSNING, An , '" 88. 'DIN m N CoUalei ROM ; Mr. Sothern will appear as Lod Dand•eary and Ram. ?GU:If:RN lei A FOX Mr. tOTR R —— •••.•• ••RY . HINTS gIF. ticALs of , PRlClL—llrelle circle ieeata leOureil Iran- OM extra eharg e.) BO cents: oorioet• Man neanrad at 1 1 0 „, Tetal. Mieenta ; family n role. 25 oonUI private ''' ann, Gonad VT; °rehear'', 75 cents. llama open at quarter that 7 o'olook ; curtain Will nen at a ginner to 8 WHEAT.LEY & CLA RKE'S AROB-ST. THEATRE THIS !FRIDAY) V.VHHTNO, Avnl BF NEFIT OF . FNMA TAYLOR, When will be given a New Com.d..ntirted PH F; SCHOOL FOR QC ..TT Legit time tburseasot, of CLARK .211 great Iraperson • ation of TOO oLIP.:8 - • • And byjparttouler ream. t the Remarkable Drama Of THE ti X MIR KEN OK GH (NI Wine. woman. Gambling, Theft, murder—the Poaffold. CUNCERT BALL, CHESTNUT STREET, above TVIT , •LFTIT. MS (MOND AV) EVENING. April 22, nu, prodpizejdroEßv J- H. r p ri D np a rlr o vo m es ,tt r, ,, " W ZiRD OF THE Wulti.D.' In his NEW and POPULAR ENTERTAFNMPNT in M PURA , ICAL, Pll3(isiCAL, and NATURAL MAGIC. entitled TWO BOWIES OROPED ' 8 ONB. The Great RIOT 0 :AL. EA.T. which has met with eo much R IrP , •RMETRICAt. RUCUERdi will to .ntrodnced alga, many new Rparinients PIANISTo. . MISS R. AND NtINOV. Grand MAGlO . A . , — iviAl•frchi,. or APR 1....; 1 2 - 14 1 /D/ IRAGIQUE, nu SATURDAY, April 2 7 at r• 01 . Ad ITIIBIIIOII 25. onts. Reserved beam Moult, ABBL LEYLAND'S STEREOPTICON ! ARBEMBLY TENTH AND CH U E WE STNT BTREETI3 LAST' EK VIEWA PROM TR E NE • T OP WAR, And change of pro.o•amme each night, AdMl2lll4ll R 6 66titis. Chilected6. 1/1 eeatL Door, open at ; commence at 8 o'olook. MATINEE W mENDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. Commencing at three °Wong. ap22.11t IENNA. ApArinly nF TARE FINK A it T5 l -1025 CifEKTVITT silt AFT, .The Thirty-eighth a 1 41 Y aL EXif 1,131T10T1 of PAINTING 4 and SCULP CURE la now clan Admittaace 25 tracts Neamm Pickets 50 cents; Chit-. dren half price. Garcia: nes 10 cents. ctockhn dra wilt receive their Meets at the Academy. at22-tf SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH sTREET. OPEN FOR THE SEASON. NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED. MR. SANFORD Has secured one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever creosoted heretofore who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doom open at 7 ; Commence at 7M. Admission 2f cents. Children IS cents. de1741 Ta° GP:I/MANIA. ORCHESTRA GIVE their PUBLIC 11.811h:AitqaLS every PIAVUR DAY emnmeneiny et ag n'olook, at the mu9ICAL FUND CALL. S tickets ; single hekets, Sento, for Bed at Chiekennt & Son's. 807 Chestnut street; Andre's.llo4 Chestnut 'street.; and Beek & Lawton's, Chestnut street. _ . Enzagemonta fnr Concerts. nommenoememe. par ties, &c . made ()My at their Office Olockenng & Bon's Piano St-re, 807 ...hestnut street;. William 14 , 141 i, 224 Norte Juniper Street, or C .oroughman 1009 Radio ➢IEDICINAI, DR. J. WISP'. No. 30 North oz lrrtl Street, rtritiattl,PtitA—tresta Ey enomteafifily. if applied to in time, all dieeasei of the LUNGS . • H OAT and NEAR C. and frequently ouree CONSUMPTIONI m ite thud and !eat stage. Be slue reetoren all curable dieetoue of the EY E and EAR. Ae has given them - Ma entire attention for he reet 00 yearn, Will visit yattenta, when drifted at heir remoter/mob nog lip 11* SAFE S. n LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED ta No. 111 South BEVJ.NTH BEiSet, %Sky the 'rlanklin Institute. ,The undersigned, thankful for paid favors, and being determined to merit future patronage. has secured an elegant and convenient store, and hss tior on hand large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and Mulled Iron Fi.e and Burglar Proof Pares. the oely strietty fireand burglar proof gales made.) Also, 1.41- 110 , s unequalled Draw Vault. Safe. end Dank Looks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locke will be furnished to order on abort notice. This is the strongest, best protected. and cheapest Door and Look yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie'? New Cabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry, ,te. This Safe is eon. oede.i to eurpase in style and elegance sat•thinp yet of fered for this purpose, and is the only one that is shied ly fire and burglar proof. SPECIAL No ricit.-1 have new on hand say twenty of Farrel, Herring. & Co.'s Bares, most of them nearly new. and some forty of other makers. comprising a complete assortment as to sixes, . and all lately ex changed for the now Celebrated ffafe. They will be mid at very low prices. Please call and examine. M. Q. PA DI. event mprt.sail .-- uHESTPIUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PA. hanA large variety or FIRE-PROOF SAFES always eg d. Inna-ti INSURAPiCE 4021PAIIIES. VIAAIEN INSURANCE COMPANY No. 406 CH tISTNUT Ptreelle FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. George W. Day & Matlack. Samuel "" Wright Bros & Cc, D. B Birrey " Dams & Birney. Henry Lewis, bowls Bros & C. J, o._flowe Co, Samuel T. Bodine Pres't wyoming Canal 00111307. Inn. W. Rverman—..of J. W. Everman & 00. Geo. A. West •-• • • Wevt woke& T. 0. M 8•11111.. •• • .• 8517449, Martin.; 4k. Wilson Davis. Attorney-at- law. E. D. Woodrta-......0f Sibley, Molten. & Woodman. Jno. Kenner, 1713 Given street. GEORGE W. DA Yi_pcp,Oßeo.t. FRANCIS N. BUCIL, ice rreeitient. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. Jag!-iftr A NTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPA r-a- ^i7'.—Authorised Capital 4Soo4oa — Can.iTra union - no: ser. •I ./.1.1111. , owso PligViremcahpgripilie, 'la rd & = 4 Flre, Bailainrs, Farratare, and . M.Wiebaninas - glass- Also, Marine Insaranees oa VIODoLIo Cargoes, s Freight , . Woad Inas:ranee to ell parts of the limas. D Yr-BOWED 11,10 Cohere . l4:4, P h Y. unlaor, John Satoh:on. L. Auden:o4l, John H. Malaita's. Davis Pearson. Wm. F. Dean, Titer Winer. J. E. Baum. JAGOB EZE.Eft,_Presinent. WM. F. DEAN, Viso Predawn, Rr Mr OMIT/4 Doaretarr. apll-12 KA IFTrPTICIM. SAVING FUND—UNLTED STAUB TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. INTERESS FIVE PER CENT. 8. R. CRAWFORD, Preaident, JAMES K. HUNTER, Secretary and Treasurer. Offioe hours. from 10 nAtil 3 o'olock. This Company is not pained in any application to the Lew'stare, AMESJOAN SAVING. FUND, S. E. cor nor WALNUT and FOURTH Streets, maims to renews deposits and pay_ all soma on demand as has always done. ALLEXANEER WHILLDIN, President, Jews X Wttinx. Trolutsrer, wee mi. adroit FOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware and Raritan Canal. Fliitagelphis and Tiff T9T.4 . ExPrFasStesm bn a t Com pany will reoeivo fret-ht on and suer kohl DAVASth instant, and leave datli at SP. si delivering their car goes in New York the following days. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOLT FM ES rya RA .4 PIAtVES. Ph t tienelphia. „l NI ill Agen, Flare 14 ens kW): itNER, Now York, inb23-iftf ... ,a dr im e FOR NILW 10/11i. -- TILE Phtletlel• his Steam Propeller Comma will oemmenee their bushman for the mown on Mont SY, IS. h IDAt. Thou Steamer' are now roomyins fraiihl M 049944 Pier above rt Blunt street. erne acoomruodaung. Apply to W. M. BAIRD & CO.. mhlB 224 Smith Delaware avenue. gait.a W ndP T a D O EL, ll efT S t a n TILE ROAD via XL NOTICE TO PER SONS SEEKING :MAIER BOARDTNG.—In order to far.- ish inersasea i °Hides diving the comineelummer. tee West Cheater and Philadelphi. Railroad Company intend rent lag not Meg than biz daily traine molt way between Philiulevina and WeeL Coineter, one of h win be at mato:. connecting with two daily train, each war on the Philadelphia end Bellmore nentral Rail road (except eundays. when there will be two trains each we. between Philadelphia and Weet Chester.) Persons desirous of bents in the cry early and tote, . will be goeammodatad by this arrangement , rosratea for the summer can n w be °Mei , ed at the meny de sirable localities having MO end headily sMti.tions on the West Chewer and Philadelphia and Philadelphia and Baltimore Central nailroads. For Bat.s for sea son Coupon Tiokete . &e • apply at he ticket - fee, in the Depot, lt. E. corner P3Bklex.X.SITl l and NI AliKk.T &rem HENRY WOOD, apla-mwalm General tuperintendent. EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPKINOS, c.r NC• !LITER COUNTY. PENNA, Hon. Jotteph Konigaiaoher, the late Protwitoor of this favorite rummer reeort, hating 'army died. the attnaerihers. Eiegillore Of hie wll, haw , leased the es tablishment for the coming season to Col. et. gl. MAK hit, who has been an assistant at thug ulnae for the last eix years. and. we believe, favorahly kiv , wo to ell the visitors 'Thanking the patron/ of the plate and the public senerally for the liberal pattotage hereto fore extended to the late Proprietor. the) reeve°. fn ly Sollott a 0011tInLaGee Of the came Orth huh otsevr. /‘ DAM uoviamailitvg. y WM. CARPENTER. .bseoutore. Having leased the above named Tibiae, and engaged Mr. li. H. Re He UARD. who has been an anetatant at the Syringe for some MO. the undersigned will once 10! VillitOTll the let nag isl June, net. and hope. that Ms Own. Wen tus Mr. Reinhar. ~iong eon. ertion With the Springs. together with his determination to con duct Mem, in eves! department in their tiattai popu ar et.q• and, aa near ae poeei lei wt. ii toe 83All• B.oo.4n woman! g servants, will be a guarantee to , be pi irons of the glace. as well as the public generally, that the Stinnes mentttietr continued petron,ge. For further , particulars ana coculue please call on JO-. MYR w. enter of Tirl D and VINI Street, tiIIREIN iIARD. at the Union H-tel. ARCH Street. till Juno let: or, &dares. 13. C. tiLaYMAKe:R, Ephrata P 0,, ban omit, r 41 , 11 n• • • Penne. wE. T 1 ti AND LEDtPliit We have now on hand, and are me.nntsoranng to order. at the Mount holly Paper ever ge_ ecriptlon of WRITING AND LEDGER PA E St vehoeh for ardor end eitirditT, are not eltnened DT Mil other Mills in the United drates• We would Gall attention to a new article of Patsw manufactured by us. and now for Bale, called Ltuilitiemj. Letter, which has been gotten ay to meet the wants of business men and others, wbo oldeot to Cowmen:nal Note as bolus too narrow, and do not wish to use part of usual tette. chest. This overcomes both the shove objeotors ; is a Per feet sheet. yore wo•s ; plate finish ; ruled on one ado ; stamped in centre near the toy; made from beat ma terial, free Irora adulteration , and on. uP In seat boxes, convenient for use. We also have & !MOT called flank Letter, similar to an above, except it has out ball thh orr e ouszsber bo of line* ank or eachave, on• so as Wallow e n-nted K bl EMrTuff & MULLIN, Mount Roll! Rumors. Cumberland Co., Pa. The above .Pspers oan be had of Messrs. 3. R. LI P. riploo p x & no. and AIsOARGEE BROTHERS, Nos- ...A IS BIWA tV ft Rtruhr. MM-31111 NOTICE.—The Citizens of the differen d .1-N Cities and Towns throughout the State are invite mention for the plane at which the next A ',- ttooNUM 0. ~ rA't k FA/St metal be held. Propoenie &PO O v antalC ee l direc t,' " to the uneereigoee ooremiteee. ea .7 :le eeutivs Committee. will be received up to and In. eluding Mar 31.1i:text co= 111110114.0011 ShOUld he ad dreelted tO etther 01 the to to 'Hg persons: WM COL JOON P. tlArtfaliai JACOB MISH... dttlir4 11. Zir.oLya. Harrisburg. AMOS P. KA Pe. North.) mberlan. Pa.. committee. Htv.1.4.4. UWAIO.-41 fresh IMpOrrile Linn of tne two new brands or " BLACK ISE.A" and • PUNORINELLO.,, /ant vomited yer etraMer Quaker City sue soboonor NostiAr, under UM md tartar prices. ano lot sate by Caen i.Ed Ti-TE :.SLIM-- ---.__ _ _ 30 w elm* 1 . .—Ve. Cliquot, Lallemand. C A D , gra p e.nd i p of N. venoge ti. cos Chian pitnee. for eels by J eURETCHE & Caltate IRS. ,„0.4 mid sO4 Sour& FKIJN I' Street. N. B --(inlets for the direct importation awl, dlai. a,- ----- -4,. 6- .nr.eho.ll. .•*-.A•A tn GUNNY BAGS.-40 bales beal.vy TRabags, fnr sa!e by J A URETCH & cAaOO , apB4.3t 204 sad 204 South FRUNT Strait.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers